#derek kills people...so...just like in canon lmao
bigskydreaming · 3 months
My TW fandom experience:
*Everyone watches the exact same episode where Scott McCall says what if we dont kill people tho and after much deliberation, its agreed lets not kill people this episode and this is the only reason most former villains and fan favorites stick around and become the pack's new besties instead of being written out of the show due to the pack's initially proposed solution of Ready Set Murder*
Most of fandom: Well that was terrible. He's literally the worst. They should've just killed the villains, problem solved, why is he so dumb. Inquiring minds want to know.
Also most of fandom:
*writes fics where nobody cares what Scott says or thinks because they all agree, he's literally the worst, so dumb, why is he even here*
*fics remain mysteriously populated by all the characters everyone says the mains should absolutely have murdered to fix all their problems and the only reason they didnt in canon is Scott insidiously mind-controlled his friends into non-homicidal compliance*
Scott fans: .....hang on. I'm confused.
Most of fandom: What's confusing dumbass, literally why would they kill the villains that are hot and white and shippable instead of just making friends with them so that sometimes they can get married and have kids? Its called letting people change and grow, even mass murderers deserve redemption arcs. Also I dont know if you know this but murder is bad, plz read more books. LOL why are Scott fans like this.
Scott fans: Wait. But didn't all the characters want to murder that villain you made the central character and one half of the hero pair of 70% of the fics written last season? So who said what if we dont kill people tho and got everyone to change their votes from Ready Set Murder to Redemption Arc Marriage and then maybe babies?
Most of fandom: Umm, Stiles? Obviously. LMAO. Do you even watch the show?
Scott fans: Okay, but Stiles was the one who pitched Ready Set Murder. It was his plan. So who was like what if we dont kill people to Stiles, so that then he said wait guys lets not kill people?
Most of fandom: Oh that was Peter. They have a special bond. He gets him.
Scott fans: Right. So did Peter sell Stiles on the whole lets not kill people thing before he killed his niece and then like ten other people? Or was it after that.
Most of fandom: Before. No! Wait. After! Yeah, it was after that.
Scott fans: Got it. So who said what if we dont kill people to Peter to get him to agree lets not kill people which he definitely did since he definitely did not continue to kill people all the way to the end of the show?
Most of fandom: .....Deucali....
Scott fans: *squint one eye*
Most of fandom: .....heo....?
Scott fans: *squint both eyes*
Most of fandom: Derek! Right, yeah. Derek, it was definitely Derek.
Scott fans: Oh okay. Derek said lets not kill people to Peter. I'm assuming after he killed Peter, since I mean, it wouldn't make much sense for him to be all hey what if we dont kill people to Peter and then literally kill Peter haha. We can at least agree on that much, right?
Most of fandom: I don't know that we can, actually.
Scott fans: Well, let's just say that it was after he killed Peter and thus after Peter came back. Which does make sense, I guess, I mean, at least that was also after he gave his pack the Go Kill Lydia assignment for their werewolf homework....
Most of fandom: Whoa, whoa, hold up. That has nothing to do with any of this. It was a totally different situation because Derek didnt WANT to kill Lydia, he HAD to kill Lydia. She was turning into an evil murder lizard, what was he supposed to do?
Scott fans: She quite literally was not.
Most of fandom: Okay but see he THOUGHT she was, which is basically the same thing.
Scott fans: Is it tho?
Most of fandom: Yes. Look, he was like, 60% sure it was her and that's over half sure so that's a reasonable conclusion to make at that point. Anyone would have made that mistake.
Scott fans: Except for Scott. Because he's so much dumber than everyone else.
Most of fandom: Yes! Exactly.
Scott fans: So when Scott said what if we dont kill people to Derek, and stopped him and his pack from killing Lydia, because murder is bad and Derek even agrees, its not like he WANTED to kill Lydia, he just HAD to kill Lydia because she was probably an evil murder lizard and what else was he gonna do.....Scott only said and did that because he was too dumb to come to the conclusion everyone smarter than him would reasonably come to....which was that Lydia had to die, even though murder is bad and she was maybe potentially not even technically an evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: Right. So it doesnt count.
Scott fans: But it was good that he stopped them from killing Lydia though, right? Cuz everyone likes Lydia, and also, she wasnt actually the evil murder lizard, that was Jackson, and also, they turned out to not actually need to kill Jackson to stop him from being the evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: ....yes but no. Like yes to all of that, but he was still wrong, is the point. So no.
Scott fans: So -
Most of fandom: Look I dont think you're getting it?! OMG, okay. I don't know if I can dumb it down any further, but lemme give it one last shot. 1) Murder is bad. 2) Even hot white villains deserve redemption arcs. 3) And Scott is terrible. There. Its really that simple lol.
Scott fans: Okay. So everyone deserves redemption. Any character can be better if the other characters give them a chance. Even mass murderers.
Most of fandom: Right.
Scott fans: But Scott is irredeemable. There's nothing that can make him any better so other characters shouldn't even bother giving him a chance. Because he's terrible.
Most of fandom: Also correct.
Scott fans: Because he's always saying murder is bad and what if we dont kill people tho.
Most of fandom: YES. Finally. Now you're getting it. Honestly, what was so hard about that.
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Some thoughts on the teen wolf movie:
Overall I quite liked the movie, I feel a bit embarrassed saying that after seeing what everyone else thinks about it but I can’t help it lol. I’m not gonna lie I do think there’s both a lot pros and cons to it, so here’s my thoughts on it:
To start off I really loved the time jump it just made sense to me and I love seeing how the character’s ages were now closer to the actors ages instead of them still being in their teen years or early twenties. I didn’t know that was going to happen so I was pleasantly surprised by that. Knowing that Scott still worked with animals and deaton was so sweet to me, Lydia being a fucking was boss was just *chefs kiss* The Hale’s having a family business, awesome. Honestly just having a good portion of the characters back on screen was awesome to me lmao, didn’t realise how much I missed teen wolf til I watched it.
The beginning of the movie was pretty awesome, I never thought that they would open it up to Liam in japan, he’s speaking Japanese and serving customers at a restaurant, this indicates that’s he’s been there a while. Hikari had a cool intro alongside Liam, it’s obvious she’s a badass and you get to see small bits of that throughout the movie. this could’ve been a really good opportunity to create a new strong Asian woman/character that people like me (I’m part Asian) could relate to but instead of making her completely different and new, the writer/s took all of Kira’s traits (Kitsune, sword etc.) and dumped it onto hikari, which to me felt really lazy and probably racist which doesn’t surprise me considering how they treated Arden Cho (go watch partner track on Netflix!!). It’s also obvious that there’s a relationship between hikari and Liam which was also left unexplored because after the intro they were both sidelined throughout the rest of the movie which is really annoying. I’m also a shipper of Liam and Theo as I know others are 👀but honestly for whatever reason, even after only having Liam and hikari for like five minutes I do actually think they’re cute together and if we got to see more of that, I would totally watch it.
I love how malia is still the same when it comes to her thoughts and honesty 😂 glad they didn’t change that too much about her. MALIA AND PARRISH!!!?? I never would’ve guessed they be a thing and I’m not mad about them either, I mean they were pretty hot together but I did find it a bit random and unnecessary.
Derek hale has a son and his name is Eli, I think all The Hale family members seem to have really cool names, don’t ask me why I’m focused on that, I just am lol. Seeing derek have a new family considering he lost all of his other loved ones and his pack got killed made me really happy, I think it’s a logical way to grow his character since we’ve already kind of seen him as a brother and mentor type figure to Scott. genuinely thought we’d only ever see him have kids in fanfics but now it’s canon and I can’t believe it. I am surprised at his death, I was scared earlier on when his neck was bleeding so it was even more devastating when he actually did end up dying later. Tyler did a great job playing Derek and I’m really glad the could get him back for the movie. Derek keeping stiles jeep and fixing it up just gave me all the sterek feels. And the fact that Eli grew up on stories of all the characters 😫
Eli Hale is easily one of the top three best things in this movie for me, he’s a perfect addition and the fact he has so much stiles in him just makes me appreciate his character even more. Maybe they wrote him that way on purpose to fill in for stiles/Dylan but that doesn’t bother me either cos I thought he was introduced really well. I love how they kept stiles part of the movie through Eli with his personality and his obsession with stiles jeep whichleads me to the relationship between Noah and Eli which I freaking adored. I honestly wish after dereks death that Noah would be the one to take in Eli instead of Allison and Scott. I think it would have been better for Scott to just be his mentor and alpha and keep that separate from being a father figure which Noah already kind of is (that’s how I see it anyway). Also Allison tried to kill Eli, so unless Eli’s forgiven her it doesn’t really make sense for them to be a family.
Scott to me felt like the character who changed the least out of all of them which is not a bad thing. I said earlier that I love how he stuck with deaton and dogs, you could see throughout the show his passion for it and I love that that hasn’t changed as he’s gotten older. although after seeing him in the whole firefighting situation at the start, I honestly could see him as a firefighter. He’s got super strength and hearing, like he’d be great at it. I’m glad they wrote it so him and malia were already broken up before Allison came back because I don’t think I could watch malias heart get broken by Scott still being in love with Allison. I thought the reunion between Scott and malia was really funny.
Allison is back!!! The shot where she’s walking and the two cars explode in the background was 🔥🔥 She was a pretty good bad guy, especially going after Eli and Derek because she was ruthless about it which reminded me of how Chris argent was at the start of the series when it came to Scott and Derek since he was pretty ruthless with them too. it was so creepy the way the nogitsune used her especially by pretending to be her mom which made me GASP 😮. And it was super heartbreaking that she didn’t have her memories too. When Scott told her he was still in love with her 😍 the looks they gave each other right after he said that, threw me back to the earlier seasons, it was really cute.
JR bourne did such a good job with chris’ reaction regarding Allison being back. He’s had such great character growth throughout the series and he’s just even more badass in the movie. Also when he was swearing 😏🔥 wish we got to see more of him and Melissa, I’m assuming they’re still together since there was a small hug between them after everything was over but it’s not enough for me lol I need more, I loved them in the show. Another person on tumblr (can’t remember their username sorry!!) said they finally got Melissa a weapon!! and I had the exact same thought, she’s awesome.
Peter had the most Peter hale entrance to the movie and I loved it, I still think he’s an asshole tho lol. Also that scene when they were at the cliff and he’s on his hands and knees sniffing at the ground was really funny to me.
They could not have had mason and Liam further away from eachother throughout the entire movie like wtf, not even a little acknowledgement like a hug between them or anything. With mason being a deputy, I thought made sense because he had the brains and the whole problem solving thing similar to stiles so him being a cop and using his researching abilities etc to solve crimes and seeing him work with Parrish and the sheriff was cool to me since they weren’t really characters that interacted in the show… but if we’re being political I’m not sure if it makes sense since he’s young and black and I’m not sure if he’d buy into the whole “if you want to change the system, you have to be part of it” kind of thing, I don’t know if I’m reaching or reading too much into that but let me know what you guys think about it cos I’m not sure 😅
Lydia, oh Lydia. I love you. She’s a powerful woman, she’s got her own office, she’s all fancy, I love it I love it. Having to imagine her having nightmares of stiles being dead is horrible!! Like why couldn’t he just be on a special assignment some where as an fbi agent so he couldn’t be back to help them. Them not being together after everything is really sad and I’m just grateful they didn’t kill him offscreen. Anyway back to Lydia, when she screamed Allison it gave me chills and took me back to the earlier seasons too, glad to see they got a reunion hug between them. I love how she towed Jackson around with her and he still kept his attitude 😂 I laughed when he was talking about Ethan
Adrian harris, when he revealed himself I was genuinely shocked because I totally thought he died in the show so that was a pretty good plot twist to me, and the fact that he got dragged to eichen house!!! Lol you deserve it asshole.
I think the nogitsune was a good choice of villain to bring back, he’s creepy and manipulative and the fact that Scott’s bite managed to give him werewolf powers!!?? I didn’t see that coming at all!! I thought it was really cool like him turning into a werewolf was like the next level of him being a villian. Everytime the oni we’re on screen, the synchronicity between them had me on edge, watching the gang take them down was really cool, when Derek, Scott and Eli lined up to go after the nogitsune I cheered 😁 just seeing them together with all there different eye colours, I just thought it was really freaking cool.
Throughout the movie I was thinking that if they wanted to kill the nogitsune they’d have to kill Allison too since they’re like connected or Allison would sacrifice herself and die again and I’m glad that wasn’t the case. When Allison had to shoot Scott with the arrows I really thought they’d kill him off and Eli would end up being the next generation kind of thing which is sort of what happened only Derek ended up sacrificing himself instead of Scott dying 😫 if I am being honest with you I think I could make peace with Scott dying if it meant Derek being able to raise his son. The shot with Eli at the end really gives me hope for spin-offs in the future which I would definitely watch but I’m not sure others would be inclined to agree with me. I think the movie was kind of choppy and think that if it was made into limited/mini series like somewhere between 4-8 episodes then it would flow a lot better and would be a lot more appealing to most folks, characters would get better screen time between them, we could get flashbacks (I mean there’s a 15year time jump, stuff has happened!), proper funeral for Derek, I don’t know…I think they could’ve made it work for a tv show. Let me know what you guys think about it in the comments 😊
Edit, some extra notes after reading other users posts:
Liam has a beard and he looked real freaking good
I never realised Derek turned back into in alpha 😫 ugh that’s so awesome, I just noticed it in a gifset someone posted!!!!
Has Allison aged the way everyone else has?
Loved when Jackson took over and put together Lydia’s drawing, it makes sense to me that he’s the one to figure it out since they’re still close friends, I bet stiles would be the one to put it together if he’d been there
Feel like it’s inappropriate to think about this since it was a eulogy/funeral scene, but omg everyone looked super hot in their outfits - Chris in a turtleneck, Allison in a suit and skirt, Noah in the black suit, Melissa and Lydia’s dresses, Peters suit was next level of course… just they looked really good ok 😫😍
Eli is a lacrosse player and it reminded me of Scott and stiles when they were first on the team 😊 it was hilarious when coach made Scott get back into the game even tho he’s and adult
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 43 (SPOILERS)
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This episode is so good because of the mushroom people curse, I've included some lines my S/I would say and the songs they're riffing off
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Frost singing rainbow connections YESS, I LOVE THAT SONG
I love it when Andy does his lil dancy dances, he is so gender
Shroombek is a moldy mushroom lmao /j
Imagine my S/I's mush-sona, mushroom with horns lookin ass
Michael Jackson Gideon!!
I love all of Derek's references, bro is so good at comedy
Death metal Gricko is so FUNNY!!
I swear to god if Twig is dead again bc of mushroom shit I will scream
I love this episode already because of singsong Torbek and Death metal Gricko
Torbek and my S/I would definitely be duo dancing, besties who binge musical theatres are besties forever (more like I force him to watch them w me >:3c )
Gideon is so sad because of his rhythm being stolen, F’s in chat for my fire dad
"Just dance! It'll be okay, gid a do do. Let's dance! And kill that hag fam do do do do!" - My S/I (Just dance)
Bard era in this episode fr fr
"So tell me do ya wanna go, kill a fuckin hag tonight? Run away after we fight? Impossible maybe to you, it's what we gotta do whoa! This is the greatest curse!!" - My S/I (Greatest Showman)
Torbek talking naughty as usual with his "hairy mushroom"
Are we lost in the forest lmao
CANON TORBEK HEIGHT? HE'S 7FT?? (If Andy has mentioned this before, I'm fuckin stupid /j)
Gricko trying to day-o (The banana/beetlejuice song) the bird and therefore getting disadvantage on his roll is so FUNNY TO ME, LIKE HE WOULD USUALLY BE SO GOOD AT ANIMAL STUFF BUT WITH THIS MUSICAL CURSE HE SUCKS ASS!!!
PLUS 8??? GRICKO IS OP AS HELL WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL SHIT (makes sense tho cause of the whole “druid w an owlbear daughter thing”)
“Torbek! Is a big hairy mushroom!” is gonna be my new stim phrase I swear to the gods
In my mind, their mushroom colors are: Torbek = Pink, Gricko = Blue, Frost = Green, Kremy = Purple and Gideon = Red (I'd be yellow because my two fav colors are already taken)
“Help! We are stuck as shrooms, I don't wan’t to sing to death!” - My S/I (Stop! in the name of love)
Oh no, pixies! Please Gideon, don’t fuck them!
“Bumpin noses” sounds very suggestive coming from the bird
“I've got candles and rations galore, you want makeup? I've got plenty!” - My S/I (Part of your world)
Is she a phoenix now? Because that's cool af Nikkie
“Roll Athletics or Acrobatics” HAHA JOKES ON YOU I'M PROFICIENT IN BOTH!!
“They'll bust in your mouth, watch out” HAHAHA YEAH AND SO DOES FROSTY!!!
BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM “ARE YA READY??” ARE YA.. REAAAADY??” I love my alligator dad so much
Torbek and Gideon are pixie attracting CHADS
Mikey's commitment to still trying to say deez nuts jokes is so good, like Gricko would definitely forget about the fey pact and try to do it
“PULLON DEEZ NUTS!!” *Gricko and My S/I high five*
Kremy being really good at makeup is CANON IN MY HEART. WE GIVE EACH OTHER TIPS ON FOUNDATION AND EYELINER AND SHIT (We both have disguise kits)
Torbek reminiscing about Reada Flaugh and Gricko reminiscing about Busty
Torbek is a teenage boy with his horniness and libido /j (I still love my bestie tho)
Frost and Kremy talking about meta stuff in their voices just makes me think of an “Actors Au” where this is all a movie that they’re acting for and ITS SO FUNNY TO ME
Torbek, dear. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU “Squeeze out some Torbek juice.”
Torbek’s one hard no is house piss kinks?? Bro is wild fr fr
Torbek and Andy are so deranged, I love the gremlin activities
Torbek eats a cigar and my S/I has to find the fey equivalent to bleach for their eyes after watching him “Milk” himself
Alligator husband offers to make fire husband uwu death whey protein powder, very cute
CARLFISH RETURN YESSS (also carlatafish omg!)
Pixies love my fire dad (-_-)
Kremy and Gideon are a poly couple where Gideon gets all the babes and then Kremy swindles them out of their money /j
Disgruntled wife Kremy is so damn funny
Divorce arc for my dads /j
Gideons home depot asshole XD
Family dinner of Carlfish :)
Uh ho, Frosty teleported us in his sleep /j
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litres-of-cocaine · 1 year
okay, so. i don’t think moreid is a viable ship in canon for the majority of the seasons where both derek and spencer are there. like it’s a fun ship to have and all especially because of how close and lovable the boys are, but mostly it’s a ship because you can kind of thing for me - any attempts to canonise it just seems to be reaching and using what seems like regular banter.
until season eleven that is.
goddamn season eleven more than crosses into homoerotic territories, and not just on reid’s end either which tends to be the way people look at it as an unrequited thing.
the way spencer describes morgan telling him about savannah and how he almost starts crying??
fully it’s an emotional time, watching a friends s/o in a dire situation, but the show of emotion has more to with the way derek is feeling rather than savannah’s condition. prior to the waiting room scene spencer is concerned, but calm and professional yet his behaviour changes *so dramatically* when he sees how morgan is suffering.
just thinking about what sets him off too - narrating his own realisation that derek was in love with someone else. he even asks whether morgan thinks he has found the one.
and obviously, he’s trying to make derek feel better, but there seems to be an ulterior motive there. especially with the melancholy way his conversation with morgan in 11x17 sets out. spencer’s happy for morgan, so so happy, but he seems to be pining too!
and the way reid is the one to kill his kidnapper in 11x16, and the way in derek’s hallucination he is the one who finds him dead - reid motivates him to stay alive. nothing is that accidental, come on.
and like, as much as morgan describes spencer as a ‘little brother’ and then shipping them anyway might feel a little weird, i think it indicates a familial peer relationship more that ‘brotherhood’ in like a biological sense. morgan reid prentiss are described as like the ‘siblings’ of the bau by the writers and the fandom quite often because of their banter as well as being the younger generation of bau members (and JJ and garcia might be excluded from this category as they didn’t start out as profilers), so i wouldn’t say it’s as incesty as it might seem lmao! like it’s just another way of saying ‘’we’re family, nothing can separate us as we are connected down to the soul’’.
i’m rambling, and it’s late lol, but i do think moreid is at least deliberately implied on s11 in the way the other seasons didn’t make it such an large part of their relationship.
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alphadaddyderek · 3 years
random sterek fic. kinda dark so...(hybristophilia, specifically, murder)
Stiles knew it was wrong. Like, come on now, it’s murder. But! Was it really so bad? ‘Cause think about it: yes, murder is wrong, no, it doesn’t make it better that the person/thing that got murdered was a bad person/thing, but, the way Derek does it?
It’s just hot as fuck.
Derek could snap someone's neck one minute, then in the next minute be like “wanna go out for dinner?”
It’s insane and it should be very disconcerting. Which it totally is! Well, it was. When Stiles was 16. Back then he was just about unnerved by everything Derek did. He’s very intimidating, okay!
Now, though? As an adult? He’s so desensitized to this shit, and it’s morphed its way from being alarming to being tolerable to being full on aphrodisiacal. 
It really is insane. Like tonight for example.
Stiles is at the loft, reading a book and snuggling with their cat, Kitkat. Stiles picked the name and he’s not ashamed one bit. It’s January, and it’s uncharacteristically cold in the loft, although it's always cold at the loft, it’s usually never this cold. The central heating in there is bonkers. Anyway, Derek left to help Scott and Isaac chase down a wendigo, again. Derek told Stiles not to worry about it, which, Stiles definitely tried to do and nearly had an aneurysm for his troubles. Stiles is anxiously waiting for Derek to return, it’s one thing for Derek to run head first into danger while Stiles is there because at least then Stiles could keep an eye on him. It’s another thing entirely when Derek goes on these little trips without Stiles. Derek could be bleeding out from a gash to the chest on the forest floor for all Stiles knows. 
Stiles is starting to work himself up into a panic attack, which is never good but especially when he’s alone, when the door to the loft opens up. Stiles’ head whips towards the loft door to look, to make sure that it’s Derek and not Scott coming to deliver the worst news Stiles would get since the news of his mother. 
Stiles lets out a sigh of relief when Derek is the one walking through the door, clothes clean and free of blood or rips. Stiles instantly stands up and crosses the room so fast that Derek hadn’t even closed the door yet before Stiles was all in his space. 
“Well hello to you too,” Derek jokes with a smirk before finally closing the loft door. “I’m guessing you missed me?”
“No, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have to find a new place to live. That would be a huge hassle,” Stiles replied even though Stiles knew that Derek knew that he was lying. 
“I thought I told you not to worry,” Derek says, crossing his arms and giving Stiles The Eyebrow. 
Stiles rolls his eyes. “It’s like you don’t even know me. All I do is worry.”
Derek very not subtly sniffs the air, before looking at Stiles again. “I can smell that. Are you okay?”
Stiles huffs before finally wrapping his arms around Derek like he’s been wanting to for the past minute. “I’m fine. Are you okay? You’re the one flying into danger with nothing but nails and teeth.”
Derek wraps his arms around Stiles with a chuckle. “You are grossly underestimating just how good I am at defending myself with said nails and teeth.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Can we go sit down now?”
Derek pinches Stiles in the side and ducks out of the hug before Stiles has a chance to retaliate. Stiles narrows his eyes at Derek.
“See. This is why I’m going to break up with you and start dating Cora. How about that?”
Derek snorts, something that Derek would’ve never done 6 years ago. Stiles can’t help but smile.
“Yeah right. Anyway, since you were so worried about me, I have something that’ll cheer you up,” Derek states.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Stiles asks, although he’s pretty sure he already knows the answer. As stated earlier, Stiles thinks that Derek killing is super hot. It’s a huge kink for him and Derek knows it. Derek has no problem exploiting that kink. None. Nada. Zip. 
So, whenever Derek ends someone’s life, Stiles wants to fuck him. He wants to hear all the gory details because that’s part of the kink.
It’s fucked up. Like, so fucked up. If Stiles’ father ever found out about this he’d probably have a coronary. 
“Wanna sit down first?” Derek asks. He’s teasing. He knows that Stiles wants to hear all the murder details and he’s being a grade A dick about it.
Stiles huffs, for the second time in the span of 2 minutes, and grabs Derek’s arm before dragging him towards the couch that their cat has long abandoned and depositing him onto one of the cushions. Stiles falls down beside him and waits not so patiently for Derek to speak.
Fortunately for Stiles, Derek takes mercy on him and fills him in. And oooh boy, it’s graphic. Derek actually did end up getting blood and innards on his clothes but he had a change of clothes in the car, which explains the lack of blood and innards on his clothes right now.
Of course, because Stiles is a fucking freak who loves this shit, he’s immensely turned on and he needs to fuck Derek as soon as humanly possible. 
And by the look that Derek is giving him, Stiles thinks that will happen very, very soon.
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mooncactus · 2 years
I listened to the podcast so you don’t have to:
* one more person was resurrected besides ghastly
* Derek wasn’t sure about resurrecting ghastly until he decided what he would do with him in phase 3
*which is definitely happening “in some form”
* skulduggery loved China, he just loved his wife more
* they were “star crossed lovers” as they were on opposite sides of the faceless ones “debate”
* Derek wanted to make sure people knew skul was canon bi re: serpine bit
*crepescular was not planned, he was written in to replace Cadaverous when he got killed off sooner than Derek expected
*darkly prophecy was “intended to be disappointing”
*gretchen was a wish fulfillment fantasy based on an older girl Derek had a massive crush on when he was 15, Thanks I Hate It
*derek likes “writing things off page” “especially romance” and doesn’t care that people were disappointed in off page valitsa lol
*laura asked why skulduggery didn’t call Valkyrie attractive. Derek made a joke about platonic attractiveness. hmm. lmao
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asterekmess · 3 years
i just finished your canon rewrite series and HOLY SHIT it was SO good. like, literally. better than canon. which is the point of a rewrite, kinda, but whatever.
jackson leaving? that shit fucking broke my heart. i swear if you dont bring him back ill write a scott mccall worship anti derek anti stiles anti rationality fic and FORCE you to read it by sending one thousand messages and asks and posts grrr. (just kidding, i wint force that torture on anyone)
that overly graphic torturous threat aside. im really really looking forward to the next installment!! seriously, chapter one will be the BEST new year day gift ever lol. if you're going to kill off erica and boyd then i will also die crying, and if you dont, then ill still probably die crying of happiness (: i also cannot WAIT for derek to tell stiles about what scott did and for stiles to ditch scoot mcbark (which is what im calling him, after seeing that name on one of the comments on your fics)
im not good at commenting and ik this is kinda too long... but i really really loved the three fics, so much that i binged the series in, like, 1.2 days lmao. ill probably be rereading it very soon (and leaving comments chapter by chapter. sorry) and then rereading it AGAIN lol, it was just so good. thanks so much for writing!!! looking forward to the update <3
XD I'm so happy you're enjoying it!
It's awesome to see that you connected with Jackson! That was a huge thing for me, so it's great seeing that I've succeeded in making people care a bit more for him in the rewrite.
I'm so excited to share the next installment with you on the new year (I fucking hope so anyway) and see your reactions! I will probably frustrate the Fuck out of you, and it'll be great for me. XD
This is absolutely not too long, and I'm super appreciative of the ask. <3 It means a ton to see that you liked it, and it's incredible how fast you've read it. It takes me about that long, and I'm the author XD
Chapter by chapter comments are incredibly welcome!
Thank you so much for reading, and for your future comments, and the current ask. You're a doll. <3
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
what is your favorite and least favorite canon ship for each of the girls
hmm okay disclaimer if you're new here i have Highly questionable taste so like.
prue i love andy. i do. they make a great couple they're both compelling characters they have such like a rich interesting history. but um. i cannot stress how much i literally am jack sheridan. like wow he is literally me. and it is that projection that gives prue/jack, already a complex relationship in it's own right, the leg up here. because haha that's me i'm dating prue lol. least favorite would probably be prue/justin?? lol just because it's obviously the weakest i personally hold the belief they knew damn well they were killing off prue so they tried to get rid of him by making him lame as possible there could have been interesting potential there but compared to the like of andy, jack, or bane, there was no spark and really nothing unique to make them memorable
piper honestly probably piper/mark? that was the one relationship designed to be so so perfect that time literally could not touch because he was dead and gone before we could introduce any conflict. like. pleo went on all 8 seasons, which really weakened in imo bc they added unnecessary at best and ooc at worst drama that just kind of bogged it down. beyond that, i always found derek the manticore baby daddy really compelling like they were definitely beauty and the beast ing that situation i would have loved to see some fruit from those flowers but alas they never went anywhere with it. least favorite i mean god like piper/josh from is there a woogy in the house where they fought over a bottle of wine?? honestly could have been something maybe but it's clear he was never built to last. and then piper really had very few other love interests because then it was leo and then it was dan and then it was leo again
phoebe honk honk basic bitch behavior phoebe/coop lmao i love them. it's probably mainly because he's a husk with so little screentime that i can fill him with anything i want and partly because he was literally designed to be like perfect for her so like the compatibility's definitely there but like man. they r just two embodiments of love. like. and they found love w each other?? like. 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕hahaaha man like am i right? ik a lot of people think i'm wrong. that's fine bc he was only in like 5 episodes insanely late stage addition & kinda dumb but like. i love them. least favorite i mean again too easy / obvious but phoebe/dex. like. i am dumber than a box of rocks and love a good lame relationship i love phoebe and jason hell i can even get behind phoebe and leslie but like phoebe and dex man. there was nothing there. god. who cared. ugh. i could rant for ages about how much i hate him / them. but whatever.
paige sticking with my basic bitch theme i'm going endgame because while paige/richard have that same prue/jack advantage where i'm like haha he's literally me paige/richard really have none of the charm / tragic romance & comedy of knowing it's a fling swearing you're not gonna fall in love and then accidentally falling head over heels. they do have the compelling bit of nihilist / believer, but their relationship gets tossed in the blender in favor of the dumbest addiction plotline so. paige/henry wins congrats to these two bisexuals in a relationship it's kinda the same phoebe/coop thing where they have set the fingerpaints in front of me and i'm about to make klimt's the kiss like. they are so rich & complex in my brain lol i'm like wow what a compelling narrative. least favorite paige/kyle it was just. i've complained before. but here's the thing tho is it literally could have been everything phoebe/cole never could be had they played their cards right but instead paige kind of ended up acting as kyle's get into the narrative free card / good guy pass instead of letting him be a compelling antihero and paige as the strongly opinionated spitfire we know
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
What they're doing to buddie is literally what they did with sterek like 6-7 years ago and guess what? It doesn't work lmao. Sterek has like over 50k fanfics on Twitter, there's still new people joining the ship, and there are events all around and new marvelous creations. I had hope 911 would do better than a show a decade ago but ngl I'm feeling disappointed with canon- but honestly
Sterek was Canon in a way, I stand by that. They did love each other - they just weren't allowed to in that perspective of the narrative on the screen. One of the actors himself said that.
And buddie is the same. The love is there, and they cannot kill the truth we see. As much as they try, they will not be able to erase our perspective from existence. At least not in fandom
I personally might end up doing the same as I did with Teen Wolf, dump the show but carry the characters and ship with me to all eternity 💖
The kids in 911 fandom calling Buddie queerbaiting have so much to learn, don’t they?
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Your comment about “erasing our perspective from existence” reminds me of Adelaide Kane saying she was originally brought on the show to be Stiles’ love interest.
Adelaide Kane, for those who don’t know, played Derek Hale’s younger sister.
I don’t know if Hoech and Ryan are friends anymore, but I never could have imagined those former co-stars/roomies would share this in common. What are the odds? 🤔
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[This is the same anon (🕖) who asked you about the Minor Character Death fyi]
(Also spoiler alert for those who have not yet finished reading the latest Big Bad via Blood xD)
OKAY OKAY yes Derek is dramatic but to be ABSOLUTELY FAIR. Noshiko stabbed Stiles 😭😭😭 I mean not stabbed—sliced him lmao. (Does "slice" work? I mean he didn't become two pieces but like... better than "stab" right???? Idk, I'm just as confused as Stiles xD) Derek was there! I was there! We saw/read Noshiko just... doing that... and the Katana went in and out of Stiles' body like a pencil when you use it to stab open a chips packet ahsbhshhshshs AND THEN. he was just *poof* GONE. literally taken in to the light. DO YOU SEE BLOOD 😭😭😭😭 i ABSOLUTELY did have a heart attack, and I am sure Derek did as well.
ALSO yes I stumbled upon the thought that the Minor CD tag might have been for the Millers... they indirectly influenced the story sooo. Yeah. Not against that. I was just,,,, too emotional lmao. But yes now that I think about it makes 100% sense. They might have not been in the story, but they were still an important piece of it.
Anyways. Thanks for yet again reading through my rambles 😂😂 have a good day/night!!!
LOL OH HELLO! If you’d signed with the clock I’d have known it was you XD lol
I do try and tag the asks about the new fic with ‘spoiler’ so hopefully most people have that blacklisted for other purposes and this just goes under the radar :) 
Haha, Derek is not used to having a mate and being a drama king XD Think of all the near heart attacks he has in the ten year time-jump ;) Though to be fair, nothing tops Noshiko thrusting her sword pointy-end first into Stiles’ gut XD (And I, like Stiles, agree. Is it being stabbed? Is it being run through? Is there a better term? Who knows? Not me, as I have never had a pointy thing go into my gut and come out my back, and hope I never do |D) 
LOL OKAY WELL WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY, I can understand your fear :P But my MCD is never actually real MCD XD I don’t kill my boys, they’ve suffered enough in canon, they are not allowed to be killed in fanfic, I refuse! |< lol
I didn’t want to not tag the minor character death in case it triggered someone to have people dying in the fic, especially in the manner they did. Safety first with triggers, since I myself have my own and would probably have a panic attack if something came up without my knowledge |D Which it has, and it’s not fun |D 
LOL I am just glad you enjoyed it and hopefully you are in a good, happy place knowing our boyos are doing well and likely going to adopt a kid soon ;) <3<3<3<3<3 
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Has anyone asked for Director's Cut to Focused? Because I would love to hear about my new favorite installment, if you're still taking requests for these!
its under the cut, with my commentary in bold italics! thanks for asking for this babe!! i loved writing this one.
“Don’t get comfortable. There will be time to debrief on the plane.” Hotch’s eyes are trained on the monitor, where grainy security footage plays and replays an exceedingly casual murder in an underground subway station.
“Exceedingly casual murder” is probably one of my favorite phrases so far. 
Reid, entering behind you, squints at the monitor. “Where are we headed?”
“New York.”
Rossi advances on the monitor. “Five shootings in two weeks. It’s about time we got the call.”
You watch as Hotch replays the tape again. “Why the delay?”
Aaron doesn’t answer you, but rather addresses Derek. “I want to take Garcia with us. Hopefully they’ll give us access to their surveillance systems.”
He’s distracted, almost absent-minded. It’s odd.
“What do we know?” You try again with another question, and Emily dips her chin - she had the same one.
Redistributing canon lines is always a little difficult for me - I try to be as equitable as possible and give a nod to the person who originally delivered it. 
Also - it’s rough to find little dialogue tags for every moment where the entire team is talking!! I always just get the dialogue down and then go back and find little opportunities to indicate movement, attention, or anything else that tells us who’s talking. 
it’s so easy to get lost when you can’t “see” it!!
Hotch pauses the video, turning toward the rest of you - loosely circled around the table. “All the killings are mid-day. Single gunshot to the head with a .22.”
“Any witnesses?” As always, JJ looks for somewhere to go as soon as wheels are down.
She really doesn’t get paid enough.
There’s something odd in her voice and temperament this morning, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Now that you’re really awake and looking around, everyone's a little jumpy this morning. It doesn't help that the two most grounded people on the team are the most absent-minded of you all.
Yes, I'm including a bit of the really cool connection between Hotch and JJ - they’re such outliers 
Spencer pipes up. “.22-caliber pistol’s only 152 decibels. New York streets and subways are routinely well over a hundred.”
“So,” you ask, “could it be such that possible witnesses don’t even clock it before the unsub’s already on their way?”
Spencer nods.
Derek shifts beside you. “They sound like mob hits.”
Aaron dips his chin, but says, “Except none of them have ties to organized crime.”
The rest of the facts and questions fly past you - no connection between victims, no communication or contact, surveillance footage that shows next to nothing, an establishment that the unsub is bold and well-trained.
Seems completely random.
Spencer voices your next thought. “Son of Sam all over again.”
So reading this back really makes me want to brush up my knowledge on the Son of Sam case - I read about it years ago and have almost entirely forgotten about it. Hmm. 
If I read through it I’ll probably liveblog it or something if anyone’s interested!
The grim look on Aaron’s face tells you all you need to know.
Derek, Penelope, and Emily shoot the shit as they get on the plane, but you notice JJ staring forlornly out the window. You resolve to discover what that’s about as soon as possible. Having her down was odd…
...But she has been acting strange lately, not just today.
You sit beside Hotch, across from Reid as Rossi flips through photos of the victims.
Spencer makes astute observations about the continued pattern of, well, no pattern at all, while Hotch provides some remarks here and there.
One of them catches your attention. “It’s a joint FBI-NYPD taskforce?”
Yeah, because those always go over so well.
If I had a dime for anytime law enforcement agencies in a TV show refused to cooperate, I’d be the richest person alive (suck it, Bezos!)
And if I had a dime for anytime law enforcement agencies in real life refused to cooperate, I’d have an even BIGGER pile of money lmao
“Kate Joyner heads up the New York field office. She’s running point on the case and called me directly.” He calls out to JJ, who then informs the pilot you’re all ready to get wheels up. “Kate’s starting to butt heads with the local detectives and wanted a fresh set of eyes.”
There’s something in his voice you can’t place. History, maybe?
Another one of those “Reader sees right through Hotch” moments. I’ve always thought the connection between them presents itself in such a way that they can look at each other and find something deeper. 
It’s like they’re looking in the mirror, but instead of seeing their own reflection, they see something that is as familiar as their own reflection, rather than something identical. 
“Joyner, I know her,” Derek says. “She’s a Brit, right?”
Hotch shrugs. “Well, dual citizenship. Her father’s British, her mother’s American. She was a big deal at Scotland Yard before coming to the Bureau.”
You look over at him.
That’s a ridiculous amount of knowledge for someone who doesn’t work in the same state, Aaron.
Bitter, much, Reader? Jealous, perhaps? Hmm. 
“I heard she can be a little bit of a pain in the ass.” It’s a test. The defiant tip of Derek’s chin tells you as much.
Hotch takes the bait. “I didn’t think so.”
You can’t help it. “You know her?”
“We liaised when she was still at Scotland Yard.”
You look at Emily, who shrugs.
“And she’s good?” You wouldn’t call Dave’s tone skeptical, but if you didn’t know any better, you’d say it was another test. He’s a lot subtler than Morgan.
Hotch looks back at Dave. “I think we’re lucky to have her.”
Yeah, I’m sure you do, Aaron. Sure. 
I LOVED exploring this dynamic between the team and Aaron and his defense of Kate. I really wish we had more information about their past. I made one up, anyway, but having something (anything) in canon would have been very illuminating. 
You all step out of the elevator, and you stay closest to JJ. Her absent-mindedness had yet to leave her, and as the person closest to her age, you were doing your best to support her with your presence alone.
JJ leans toward you as you approach the center of the office. “Is it just me or does she look -”
“- exactly like Haley?” You finish JJ’s thought. “Yeah.”
I REALLY wanted to have Reader be right there with JJ when this happened. I love a finished-sentence moment, and this seemed like a great opportunity to put one in. 
There’s a little smile you can see on Aaron’s face, just touching his profile. Agent Joyner has one too, and it makes you feel...something.
Whatever it is, it isn’t comfortable.
Damn, Reader. You really aren’t acknowledging your feelings, are you? 
Ah, well. It’ll be another few years before you figure that one out. 
“Aaron. How’ve you been?”
You take another glance at JJ. She seems to have the same thought as you.
First name basis? How close are they?
“Well, thank you. This is my team.” He introduces you all one by one, and you attempt to plaster a polite smile on your face, just like everyone else. Derek’s the only one who doesn’t make an effort, and you tap the side of his shoe with your foot.
The friendship between Reader and Derek strikes again! That was another fun element to explore in this installment, especially when tensions get high. 
Penelope gets settled right away, and the NYPD detectives approach shortly after that. Of course, they start with a snide remark at Spencer. Your hackles rise, and you take a little huff of a breath.
Calm down.
Even though Spencer is a year (or at least a couple of months) older than Reader for the sake of the timeline, I’d like to think there’s a protective element that flows both ways in their relationship.
Kate introduces Detectives Brustin and Cooper. Dave gets right to the point, doing his best to establish baseline rapport.
It doesn’t work.
You don’t notice that you’ve crept closer to Aaron throughout the proceedings, now standing just off his shoulder, next to Emily, until Kate leans into him. “Can I have a word with you in private?”
The crumpling of your brow is quick, and you hope nobody noticed. Emily’s head, whirling around to look at Derek, is far less subtle.
I love that Emily is simultaneously the best liar (sometimes) and also about as subtle as a gun. 
Emily tracks back to JJ, who looks confused. In a hushed and suggestive tone, she tells her, “They...liaised when she was at Scotland Yard.”
You hide your laugh in your shoulder, covering your movement with an attempt to adjust your backpack.
Derek steps up behind you. “Let me get that for you, kiddo.”
Somewhere along the line I got soft and Derek just started calling Reader “kiddo” and never stopped. 
You look up at him, hard-pressed to keep your mirth to yourself. A little smile plays at the edge of his lips as well. He turns you around when he’s done pretending to be helpful, holding you in the little huddle that develops between the rest of you and the NYPD detectives.
Derek’s eyes keep flickering to Kate’s office, where she and Hotch chat informally and perhaps even fondly, to an extent. Heat rises in your cheeks.
Get over yourself.
Will Reader admit love for Hotch? NO! Does it affect them every moment of every day? YES!
You attempt to ignore the sheer amount of time Aaron spends looking over Kate’s shoulder behind her desk. Tearing your eyes from her office window, you return to your task.
The whiteboard marker in your hand is seeing lots of use as you follow Spencer’s instructions, tracing lines between key points, making notes, etc. Cooper’s banter with Emily puts a little smile on your face.
I adore Cooper. I think he’s such a great character and I was really sad that he never came back. I feel like he’s Emily’s Blackwolf - there’s a fun and actually challenging banter between them that’s really special. I wish we had more of it. 
“Anti-geographical profiling? Now you wonder why we’re so skeptical?” Cooper’s voice is full of play, but there’s a very real concern behind it.
Emily laughs, but then explains, “This unsub’s organized. He strikes at the same time of day, he knows where the cameras are placed. That means he’s doing his own surveillance.”
You offer your two cents in support of Spencer, who outlines the difference between need-motivated killers and organized killers. Cooper looks a little impressed by the time you add, “So, essentially, we need to look everywhere this unsub isn’t to find where he lives. He has a comfort zone, and we just have to find it.”
“What are we finding?” Hotch and Kate roll out of her office, and he settles beside you, peering at the map.
He’s drawn to Reader like a magnet and Kate 100% notices. 
You look over your shoulder at him. “He’s organized, so we’ve redirected to an anti-geographical profile.”
“Keep looking.” He turns on his heel and walks out the door, Kate trailing behind him with a confidence that tightens your jaw.
Maybe Derek was right. Maybe she is a pain in the ass.
You keep your eyes up as Rossi and Hotch inspect the body on the busy New York street. Your mind wanders to a lecture at the academy, the voice of the late Jennifer Shepard echoing through your head.
“Always watch the watchers.”
For those of you that caught this reference - well done!! It’s an NCIS reference to Gibbs’s rules, and Jenny Shepard is THE Jenny Shepard. 
I wanted to open a back door to link the NCIS world with the CM world and give us the crossover episode of which we were deprived. 
But then again, she’d always backed it up with another story about “the man with all the rules” to undermine the rules in question. The stories did more than make you laugh - they helped you remember.
I love the thought of Jenny making fun of Gibbs behind his back. Their relationship is so special to me and I am very excited to include a lil bit of our favorite MCRT in this universe. 
(If you’re not into NCIS, no worries! Their inclusion will be few and far between, with very little context necessary.) 
“See anything?” Hotch looks up, not at you, but you know you have his attention.
You shake your head, your eyes still on the crowd. “Nothing obvious.”
He hums, and tunes back in as Derek says, “From the placement of that camera, odds are the only view they’re gonna get is the back of his head.”
“Let’s not be too quick to decide what we do or don’t have.” Kate meets Derek’s eyes and stares him down. You bristle, but Hotch turns just the smallest bit toward you, reminding you to behave.
Another silent conversation? Absolutely. 
The detective makes another snide remark as Kate brushes past the rest of you.
Derek turns toward Hotch, and you step back, giving them the illusion of privacy. “You mind telling me why I’m catching attitude from her?”
Because you’re better at your job? Because you don’t have a chip on your shoulder the size of the Atlantic? Because you probably haven’t maybe slept with our unit chief, maybe?
“FBI brass has made it clear to her that if she doesn’t bring this case home, she’s gonna be reassigned. And you are at the top of the list to replace her.”
“You’re kidding me.”
Aaron squints a little, but his words are deeply genuine. “Why should you be surprised? You’re good at your job. People notice that.”
Okay the way that Aaron actually takes a second to acknowledge Morgan in this scene is amazing. I love it. It just brings so much joy to my heart. 
Even though Hotch is totally being an asshole this episode and clearly playing favorites, he really delivers this line in a way that makes it sound like most obvious think in the world. Like “of course, morgan. you’re so good at this why wouldn’t people notice” and the implication is that he notices and in conclusion, i’m soft. 
He’s right.
“What happened to the Bureau patting itself on the back from stealing her away from Scotland Yard?”
Hotch shakes his head and sighs. “I don’t know. Politics here are different. And you can see she doesn’t pull punches.” He walks away, and Derek looks over his shoulder at you.
With a little smile, you say, “He’s right, you know.”
“You’re a terrible ass-kisser, kid.”
Nevertheless, he taps your shoulder with his knuckle and you both make your way to Rossi, examining a tarot card.
“We’ve got more than one unsub.” Hotch’s tone is more than defeated, and you peer further over his shoulder, your fingers pressing lightly into the back of his arm for balance.
I just had to include some kind of casual touching here because it’s just my favorite thing in the whole world. 
Rossi circles the desk. “So, we have more than one unsub. What does that tell us?”
“Most teams stick together,” Spencer says. “Ng and Lake. The Krays. Bittaker and Norris. They don’t usually kill separately.”
Derek is next, offering, “Could be some kind of gang initiation.”
Emily and JJ volley about gang operations and local task forces for a moment before Kate asks. “Do you think we have enough for a working profile?”
You startle a little. She’s closer than you thought, on the other side of Hotch. You lean around him, the soft wool of his suit sleeve still under your fingers. “Broad strokes, maybe. Nothing specific, yet.”
Hotch makes a few assignments, but you’re focused on Derek. As you suspected, he has an idea. “I think we should get out on the streets.”
This is one of my favorite moments in all of CM. I think it’s such an incredible microcosm of Derek and Aaron’s relationship, both personally and professionally. 
Also unsurprising, Kate has an immediate rebuttal. “I brought you here to create a profile.”
“Which we can give in the morning, and they can share it with the afternoon shift.”
She huffs. “We’ve allocated every extra man we have.” You don’t miss the warning glance Hotch shoots Derek or the way Derek ignores it. That was a fun catch on my third rewatch trying to write this episode. “This is New York City. It’s not like adding a few more people is gonna blanket the city.”
“I understand it’s a long shot. But these guys, they hit at mid-day. We could target ingress and egress to particular neighborhoods. Position us near express stops - 14th, 42nd, 59th -”
“Morgan. It’s not your call.” Hotch’s rebuke is sharp, surprising.
You inhale sharply and tuck your lip between your teeth, retracting your hand.
Touch is a really important element to me in this story. Every touch is a conscious choice, and it always means something. When touch is added or removed between Hotch and Reader, something has changed. 
This is gonna be a long case.
Thankfully, you’re all headed back to the hotel in fairly short order. Hotch has all but ordered Kate to bed, and you try not to let your thoughts stray too far in response.
Spencer’s eyes wander up, and you follow them. “JJ -”
You’d only met him once but like him well enough. He was polite, pleasant, and even funny. Seeing as you hadn’t heard much about him in the last few months, you assumed JJ had broken it off.
Guess not.
I love Will. Like as much as I love Jemily and Jotch, Will is just so normal? It’s kind of refreshing. 
I also love how he does what Derek can’t do until season 11 and Hotch can’t do at all - he puts her before his career and I just adore him for it. 
She turns. “Will.”
“Hey,” he says, “took a shot and flew to D.C. but it didn’t work. I figured I’d train up to New York - only a few more hours.”
Will LionsMagne with the crazy accent saying things really tickles me, y’all. He really do be talking absolute nonsense. 
Hotch looks a little surprised, which probably means you do too. He extends his hand. “Detective.”
Will takes it. “I’m sorry for showing up like this. I know you’re working. But, um…” He drops his voice. “I can’t stand you being on this case and me not being here - not with what’s going on.”
You look at JJ, who looks a little uncomfortable, and then Hotch, who looks a little confused. Aaron’s the first one to speak, and you’re more than a little touched by the concern in his voice as he addresses JJ and JJ alone. “Is there a problem?”
Oop! Posessive!Protective!Hotch makes an appearance!
Will dips his head, and you know he’s disappointed.
What the hell is going on?
She turns toward the team. With a little laugh, she says, “I’m pregnant.”
Hotch freezes, and you step close to him as Emily congratulates her. Will extends his hand and Hotch shakes it again. “I’ve asked JJ to marry me.”
JJ whirls around, and there’s a warning in her voice. “Will.”
“We’re, ah, working out some kinks.”
Yeah, I’m sure you are. 
“We’ll, um” Aaron says, coming back to himself, “give you both some privacy.” He nods and steps away. You follow close behind him, but you fall back as JJ hops after him.
“Hotch -”
There’s something in his voice you’ve never heard before when he replies. “JJ, you could have told me.” He almost sounds...hurt? Your brow crumples, and you try to stay out of his eye line as they chat.
If I didn’t shove my foot in the Jotch door here, I wouldn’t be me, now would I? 
There is absolutely NO platonic explanation for Hotch’s reaction in this scene. It’s so much more than a boss/colleague relationship in this moment. He’s so human and so affected by the news that it’s almost impossible for me to believe he doesn’t feel anything more for JJ. 
So even in this universe, as much as he loves Reader, young!JJ is a hot commodity. 
Pin that for later...
“I know.”
“I understand if you need to take some time.”
“No, I want to be here.” She’s firm in her conviction, and you can’t say you’d be any different if you were in any similar situation - injury, illness, otherwise.
“Okay. Seven AM.”
She nods and turns back to Will while Hotch continues toward the elevators. The rest of the team passes ahead of you, leaping into the open lift. Aaron hangs back and you follow his lead, letting the doors close.
Reader always knows when to stay. 
“Are you okay?”
He sighs. “Yeah. Just unexpected.”
Taking a little leap, you step close to him in a show of camaraderie. He’d never let on, but he needs contact sometimes. You might even go so far as to say the poor man is touch-starved.
That’s the understatement of the century. 
He wraps his arm around you, and you bite back a pleased smile, feeling more than a little chuffed. You examine his profile. “What’s on your mind?”
Remember when I was talking about the significance of touch? Yep. 
His shrug says many things. His sigh says more.
“Yeah,” you say. “I know.”
I didn’t add silent dialogue here, because I think even if Hotch tried, he wouldn’t know what to communicate, even non-verbally. It’s the emotional center of his tells that really 
“We’re not having that discussion, right now.” Hotch’s cutoff is flat, and it shoots irritation through you.
Your brow furrows, and you sputter for a second before turning on him. “What’s with you? That’s like the sixth time you’ve shut me down today.”
Hotch opens his mouth to reply, but before he can, Kate’s voice chirps from behind you.
“Are all your younger agents this insubordinate, Aaron, or is it limited to this one?”
This is the soundbyte that popped into my head when I first thought to write this episode!! Kate making a stink about Reader’s age in addition to clearly and deliberatly misunderstanding the relationship with Hotch was a critical breaking point for me.
You grit your teeth, and blatantly ignore the apology blossoming in Hotch’s eyes as you say, “Excuse me, sir.” You turn your head, not quite looking at Kate. “Agent Joyner.” You brush past Hotch, almost shoulder-checking him, and leave the room. The door shuts loudly behind you.
I NEEDED Hotch to apologize, or at least try to, before Reader left the room. He realized in that moment that he’s opened a door for Kate to cross the line he’s already stepped on and given precedent for her to treat his team with the same harshness he has. 
Mans is learning!!
Derek looks up, and you wave him off as he rises to follow.
Throwing the stairway door open, you fly down two flights of stairs before sitting heavily upon the landing. You throw your blazer off, the heat under the fabric only fueling your anger.
Your hands cover your face and you manage three deep breaths before tears press in at your eyes. Molten humiliation courses through you, your face hot and hands shaking.
It’s not fair to expect Kate to understand the rapport you have with Hotch, why you can push him inexplicably further than the rest of your team. This was stuck a struggle to articulate and I was SO happy when I finally got it! It’s not fair, but you still feel betrayed by Hotch’s accommodation of her insecurity and Kate’s own ridiculousness.
The lack of sleep doesn’t help.
A few relevant thoughts regarding the profile float through your head and you pin them for later.
The door opens two floors above, and you hear Aaron’s familiar footsteps hesitate before they slowly descend to your level. You keep your face pressed into your hands as he sits beside you, resting his arms on his knees.
The addition of an audio input here, instead of a visual one, was important to me. I needed everyone to feel that they implicitly know when it’s the other approaching them on sound alone. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so hard on you today.”
You sniff, but don’t answer. He waits for you, a few minutes passing in silence, but you don’t have anything to say.
“I’ve done my best to make Kate feel supported, but I -” he huffs, and you know he’s working hard to properly articulate his feelings. You appreciate it. “I’ve failed both you and Morgan in the process. I’ve explained the situation to him, but I didn’t speak to you before I…” He trails off. “For that, I’m sorry.”
He works so hard :’) 
I love that Hotch got better about articulating his emotions and asking for help as the seasons go on. He’s still absolute shit at it, but looking back, he was so much worse. 
You drop your hands from your face, wiping at the evidence of your anger. “Just...remember who’s on your team, would you?”
“I do.”
“Then -” You throw your arms up and huff at him, his response inspiring a new wave of irritation in your chest. “Then why the fuck are you riding my ass about this shit today? You haven’t taken a single one of my ideas, and all but one has been really good.”
He sighs. “I know. I also know that you can take it. I trust you to be resilient in difficult political situations such as this one. I don’t have that same trust in Kate right now.” He pauses and you watch his left thumb worry a track back and forth over the knuckle of his middle finger. I love this particular habit of Tom’s that snuck its way into Hotch’s characterization. I always try to note it when I can. Your eyes wander to the barely-noticeable tan line where his wedding ring used to sit. With a start, you realize you didn’t notice its absence and you don’t know when he took it off. When he speaks again, your eyes snap back to your feet. “Your ability to step away instead of rightfully lashing out at Kate speaks to your excellence and professionalism in your role, and shows me my faith is not misplaced.”
“My faith is not misplaced” was another line I’ve been waiting to use!
You look at him, finding his brown eyes soft and apologetic. “Thanks.”
He grabs your blazer off the ground and stands. He straightens his suit jacket, offering you a hand. You take it and rise, using the back of your other hand to rid yourself entirely of tears.
With gentle hands, he slips your blazer over your shoulders, fixing the collar and brushing debris off the back. You let him fuss, knowing all the while his concern is another apology.
I love all the little ways Hotch apologizes, in canon and in my world here. He’s so shit at expressing himself that, just like his smiles, you have to look for his “sorrys” in other ways. 
“It’s far too organized to be just organized crime, by the way,” you inform him casually, as if remarking on the weather.
The trope of “I’m not mad at you anymore so I’m gonna casually solve this case real quick” is one of my favorites. 
He looks almost startled. “What?”
You tug on his arm and take the stairs two at a time back up to Kate’s floor. “Look.” He follows you as you burst back through both sets of doors into the conference room, stepping in front of Kate for access to the map. “We have more than one unsub. They’ve attacked different neighborhoods across Manhattan - all different demographic and socio-economic backgrounds. They’re trying to send a message, and each attack is a play to build their audience. If anything, our presence tells them that it’s working.”
I rehearsed this mini-logue in my head for AGES before writing it down. These are always fairly difficult for me - I want to put it in Reader’s “voice” (meaning, not anyone else’s) while staying true to the pattern and linguistic profile (if you’ll forgive me) of the show. 
A look of realization crosses Hotch’s face, and he presses a hand to your shoulder, his fingertips squeezing just a little before he lets go. “Well done.” He turns to Kate. “We’re ready to update the working profile.”
Reader redeemed herself and I simply couldn’t have Kate be a graceful “loser” here. We’ve already seen her have far too much pride and ego for her own good. 
You keep your eyes trained on Aaron, but Kate’s clenched jaw doesn’t escape your notice.
“Focused? From where I’m standing, your focus is on her.”
It’s finally come to a head. Derek has absolutely lost it, rightfully so, in the middle of the federal building, while Hotch tries to keep the peace, and Kate looks appropriately chastised.
This is my favorite verbal fight in almost all of Criminal Minds. Derek goes OFF and I am so proud of him for it because he’s sO RIGHT
You reach for Derek’s elbow with gentle fingers, but he shakes you off.
“Take a walk. Now.” Aaron’s tone is nothing to trifle with, and it sends a shiver down your spine.
U know when Hotch get’s into that “do the math” “sit down and shut up” or “try hARDER” tone that things hit the fan, but its’ the quiet anger that really gets me in this scene. 
“Derek. C’mon.” You yank once on his sleeve and lead him out the doors. He’s pissed, almost vibrating with energy.
You look over your shoulder exactly once to check on Aaron, who leans heavily over a desk. When he looks up, you turn your head before he can meet your gaze.
Yes, it’s a punishment. Yes, he knows it. He'll get your attention once he’s earned it again.
Derek cools off a little once you get outside, and he leads the way to the hotel bar. You’re sure you'd be better off returning to your post upstairs, but he needs you more than anyone else right now.
You also don’t trust yourself to be in the same room as Aaron - the likelihood of losing your usually-endless patience with him is dangerously high. At this rate, you’d get yourself a first-class ticket to Suspension City - at worst ending with your removal from the unit.
There was no way on this green earth that you’d end up off the unit of Hotch had any say, but your exhausted brain was only giving you the worst-case scenario at the moment.
Even tired!Reader know’s he’ll never let them leave :’)
Fun Fact: There were so many times where I considered taking Reader off the team, but it never felt quite right. 
He sits heavily on a barstool and orders a Stella. You don’t comment on his choice to drink while on the clock. You take a water, and wait for him to speak. He doesn’t touch his beer.
“Thanks for coming with me.”
“Of course.”
“You should go back.”
Looking up, you see Rossi looking through the doors. “Alright, but you’re not getting out of anything.” By the time you’ve finished, Dave is at Derek’s other side, getting comfortable. You press a hand to Derek’s shoulder, leaving them alone.
You take a few deep breaths before returning to the proper floor. Kate is in her office with Hotch over her shoulder.
He looks up when you walk in. How’s Morgan?
“He’ll be back.”
:) Aimz is right. Silent conversations make the AJF world go ‘round.
You reach Emily with Derek and JJ, and she looks flustered.
“Are you okay?” Derek takes stock of Emily, but you figure out there’s nothing to know about Cooper.
Emily walks through the moments before and during the shooting, growing increasingly intense. You watch her as Derek digs and digs - finding the right questions for the answers she wants to share.
Derek is SO good at framing questions to get the answers he needs to keep going. I love him. 
“Wait,” you ask. “You think he deliberately shot someone where he could be caught?”
“What if he did?” Her eyes are wild, angry. “What if they chose this spot because we were here?”
“What are you thinking?” Derek leans forward, searching her face for answers.
She enumerates her points. “He had no ID on him. He waited until We caught up to him. He was strangely calm- It’s almost like suicide by cop.”
“Why?” You hear yourself ask. “Why would he do that?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe to make us think everything was finished.”
You look at Derek. He looks back at you.
“We need to walk back through this profile.”
Just then, Aaron and Kate dip under the police tape and make a beeline for Rossi and Reid. Dave looks grim and you can’t hear what they’re saying, but you’re sure they’ve come to the same conclusion as you.
“So much for theory.” Dave uncrosses his arms and the room leaps into action.
Kate grabs her blazer and looks at Aaron. “We need to hit the ground running.”
“I'm gonna head to the hospital,” Emily says, already headed for the door. “I'll check on Cooper and brief detective Brustin.”
“Good.” Aaron makes the rest of the assignments. “Dave, will you go talk to the commissioner?” He assigns you and Derek to Homeland Security for a briefing, and you grab your things. You will be Derek’s shadow for the duration, and you’re more than happy you’re with him.
So why does something feel...wrong?
You look at Aaron, and his brow is furrowed. He meets your eyes. What’s wrong?
I don’t know.
His mouth presses into a thin line. This first, then that.
Did I mean to heavily imply that Reader knows something is going to happen to Hotch without really knowing it? Absolutely. 
I almost had Reader go with Kate and Aaron here, but I thought the dramatic tension would be better if she went with Derek, and it also gives Hotch an excuse to give Derek a peace offering of some kind that would smooth things over between them. 
You nod, and he starts talking again. “Kate and I will go talk to the mayor And we'll meet back here As soon as possible.”
“One advantage That we have right now is that they don't know we know they're watching.”
For once, you agree with Kate. It’s about damn time.
You get into the car with Derek and head toward the HLS field office.
“I’m proud of you, kid. You’ve done well.”
Smiling a little, you thank him. “Though I do think we’ve pushed Hotch to the absolute limit this week, between the two of us.”
He rolls his eyes, speeding down the shockingly barren New York streets. “If one of us isn’t, who is?”
You both freeze as an explosion goes off. You don’t know where it is, but Derek turns around with a spectacular screech of tires.
“Derek...What -”
“We’re going back. That’s not good. Let’s go.” He guns the engine, and you’re on your way back to the federal building with sirens blaring.
This was hell to write and I was SO afraid it would be confusing, but I’m fairly pleased by how it turned out. 
His phone rings and he checks the caller ID as he answers. “Yeah. I'm still here.” He looks at you. “We’re still here.”
“Yes, you are. Thank God.”
“I'm almost back at the federal building. What the hell's going on?”
“Alright, we're going over the closed-circuit footage right now.” You can hear her faintly through the phone, and he puts her on speaker.
“Who else have you checked on?”
“You're the first. Rossi and Reid called me.”
“All right. Keep me on the line while you check on everyone else.”
Emily picks up next. “Is everyone ok?”
Garcia tells her she’s got the both of you on the line, and she’s already spoken to Rossi and Reid.
Your body is almost completely bowed toward Derek, twisted in the passenger seat. “Emily, where are you?”
“I'm following detective Brustin to one of the NYPD’s Critical Incident Command Posts.”
“One of them?” Garcia’s confusion is only a little frantic, and you more than sympathize with her tangent. Anything is a better thought than the one you’re all sharing at this very moment.
Derek explains the decentralization of the CICP’s following 9/11 - too many eggs in one basket.
Garcia cuts him off, getting back on track. “Has anyone talked to JJ?”
Emily answers her. “She was headed back to the hotel.”
“In an SUV?
“I think so. Stay with me a minute. I'll dial her mobile.”
JJ’s voicemail rings through Derek’s phone, and your heart sinks. “This is Agent Jareau, Communications Director for the FBI’s Behavioral--” It cuts off.
You lean over the center console. “What was that? What happened?”
Garcia’s voice is flustered when she answers, “It went dead mid-message.”
“Try her again. She's probably back at--” You lose Emily.
You lost all of them in the middle of a sentence, and all the blood drains out of your face. Derek drops his phone into one of the cupholders and reaches out. You grab his hand, holding it in both of yours.
Physical Touch! 
This is a nightmare.
Derek keeps driving, and you find a police barricade on your way back to the federal building. Derek throws the car into park and you both leap out of the car, flashing your badges at anyone who will look. You find the man in charge, but he tells you to get back to the federal building.
Hot anger flies through you.
Who does he think he is?
You stick close to Derek, but startle when you hear Hotch cry out. Pressing along the barricade, you call across the block. “Aaron! Aaron! We’re here!”
You get leave to go, and you and Derek sprint toward Aaron and Kate. He’s covered in blood, both his and Kate’s and you get on one side of him while Derek crouches on the other side of Kate. Your hands flutter over him for a moment, one of them landing on the nape of his neck. The softness of his hair is the same as it’s always been, and it grounds you.
“Aaron -”
He’s not looking at you. “Morgan, we've got to get her out of here.”
Derek throws his arm out of the side, outlining the situation. “They're not letting any ambulances down here till they clear the scene.” He turns to the “Kid, you gotta get behind the barricades. Let's go. Go!”
“Go, Sam.”
“Good luck.” The kid sprints off, and Derek draws Hotch’s focus again.
“Talk to me. Can we carry her?” He leans further over Kate, into Aaron’s eye line. “Hotch, can we carry her?”
“No, I tried. Morgan, she's gonna bleed to death if we don't get her out of here. We gotta do something.” The ache in his voice is horrible. You reach out, brushing some hair off Kate’s forehead. She’s cold to the touch, and you press your hand to the side of her face, willing your warmth into her.
“C’mon Kate.” You whisper to yourself. She’s still not your favorite person, but Aaron’s agony as he literally holds her body together tears your heart in two.
Not gonna say shit about shit, but this motif is coming back :)
Derek’s phone rings, and it’s Penelope. “Garcia, I got Hotch. But listen to me. You gotta get somebody down here right away, you hear me? Right now. What? You're absolutely sure?” Derek looks up, finding the kid standing by the shelled remains of the car. “Hotch. The kid. He's the bomber.”
“Go.” Aaron’s voice is defeated, and you hesitate as your body coils to chase after Derek. Aaron looks at you. “Please. Stay.”
I needed Reader to stay with Hotch because....I mean....there’s nobody else he’d ask
You nod, and tuck in close to him, keeping one hand on his arm and another on Kate’s cheek. An ambulance pulls up, and you’re more than relieved.
Hotch briefs the paramedic. “She's got an arterial bleed in her back and I'm doing my best to hold it closed.
“You ok?”
Isn’t that the question of the hour.
“I just want to get her out of here.”
That’s not a fucking answer, Aaron.
You let it go, for now. He’s a mess, but he’s alive and he’s conscious. That’s what’s important right now. You tune back in.
“You were calling for help and I couldn't listen anymore. My partner was too afraid to come in here with me.”
Aaron leans into Kate, and your heart pulls again. “Kate, we're gonna get you out of here. We're on our way out of here.”
You help as much as you can, following instructions and making sure Kate’s stable.
When you’re all finished, you get into the passenger seat of the ambulance. Hotch is on autopilot and he shouldn’t be driving, but you’re ready to take over at a moment’s notice.
When you’re stopped at the emergency room entrance, you flash your credentials as Hotch explains the situation as clearly as he can. The Secret Service agent reluctantly waves you through. Kate’s crashing in the back, and Aaron’s agitation flies through the roof.
It’s a blur, but you finally end up in the hospital, shadowing Aaron. He collapses, and you cry out for help, holding his hands as he hits the ground.
Everything's happening so fast.
When will it end?
This is one of those “Stop the ride I want to get off” days where everything seems to just be flying at you all at once and it feels neverending. 
You know, like the state of the world right now (at least in the USA lmao)
“Kiddo, where’s Hotch?” Derek comes flying through the doors of the ER, and you throw yourself into him.
“He’s fine. Massive trauma to his right ear and a shrapnel wound. Kate’s in surgery.”
There’s a commotion from behind the open door, and you both rush in when you hear Hotch’s voice.
You get in between Hotch and the attending, doing your best to calm him down. “Aaron, Hotch. Calm down. Slow down. You’re really hurt.”
The concern makes me soft. 
“Where’s Kate?”
You press your hands into his wrists, and he twists his arms, surprising you by gripping your forearms. PHYSICAL TOUCH! “She’s in surgery. Your go-bag is on its way. Nothing’s happened since the first blast.”
He looks somewhat placated but looks over at Derek. “Sam?”
“He’s dead.”
Hotch releases you. “Morgan, the profile's wrong. Call JJ.”
“Are you ok?”
Yeah. I just want to understand why I'm still alive.” You help him with his vest, minding his shoulder. I needed someone to help Hotch with his vest in this scene and I’m so glad Reader was right there to help him ;) You’re not sure what’s wrong with it, but he’s favoring one over the other. He looks at you, and there are thanks in his brown eyes. You offer him a quick, soft smile but continue with your task, gently tightening the vest around his tender ribs, smoothing over the velcro with even pressure.
You’re listening as they go along, talking signatures and bomb-making and all manner of horrific precedent. You pass two pieces of fresh cotton to Hotch, who immediately replaces the bloodied cotton in his right ear. He shakes his head with two deep blinks.
His ears are ringing something stupid right now, I bet.
I wish I could do more.
Just be here. Do your job. That’s what you can do.
The way Reader has picked up on the things they KNOW Hotch will tell them? Immaculate. 
All at once, you figure out that the ambulance is the bomb. You spot Hotch as he moves (way too fast) down the hallway.
Goddamn it, Aaron.
I’ll take “Constant Frustration Regarding Your Injured Boss” for 800, Alex.
The bastard slit his throat.
The look on Aaron’s face is nothing short of disgust, and you’re sure yours matches.
I was going to do more for this scene, but realized I didn’t need it. Who knew!
You’re waiting for him when he walks out of the operating room. His eyes are hollow and they seem to look through you rather than at you.
“Hotch - Aaron - I’m so sorry.”
Take note of the use of first names in discussion with these two. It’s less significant in narration, but there’s always an intention when they’re speaking aloud to each other. 
You didn’t particularly like Kate (who does?), but you know how much he cared for her. His pain often feels like yours - even more frequently, you can't parse his from yours. While you didn’t expect to mourn her, you find that weight in your belly anyway. Your eyes mist up against your will, your breath hitching in your throat.
I love that his emotions affect Reader’s in such a real way. I wanted to lay the groundwork for 100 here and I don’t think I have to tell you why lmao 
He doesn’t say anything, and your voice is almost desperate when you ask, “What can I do?”
Brown eyes flicker around the room. He looks more like a caged animal in this moment than in any other you’ve ever seen. You approach him slowly, and you’re not sure if he heard you. There’s still blood on his neck from his ear, and you’re terrified he’s lost his hearing for good.
He finally acknowledges you when you’re close enough to him to take his hand. You catch him as he wilts, pressing a hand to the back of his head as he tucks his head into your neck.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Aaron.”
He mumbles something into your shoulder, and you lean back, holding him up with your hands on his biceps.
“Call Haley. Tell her, please. They got along really well. She’d want to know.”
!!!!!!!!!! THIS MOMENT SURPRISED ME!!!!!!!
You nod and guide him to a chair. He sits heavily, tilting his head against the wall. Pulling your phone from your belt, you ask, “Do you want me to stay here?”
He nods, his eyes closed.
I’m soft. 
You dial the familiar number and hold the phone to your ear, settling down on his left so he can hear.
I love that the Hotchner house/Jess’s house is a familiar number :’) That detail kind of flowed out and I was really only aware of it when I was proofreading. 
Haley answers the phone, a question at the end of your name.
“Yeah, Haley, it’s me. Hi.”
“Hi. Is everything okay?”
You look at Aaron, who’s still and quiet beside you. “Not really.”
“I heard about the bombing in New York, the murders...Is everyone alright?”
“We’re alright. Aaron’s fine - some mild injuries but nothing serious.”
“Okay?” You hear the unspoken question. Then why are you calling?
“I was told you’d - um.” You take a deep breath, and it catches. Aaron flips his hand palm-up on his knee, and you take it. PHYSICAL TOUCH!! “I was told you were close with Kate Joyner, from the New York field office. She used to be at Scotland Yard?”
“Oh, yes, of course!” Her voice falters. “Wait. Oh, God…”
“Haley I’m so sorry.” You swallow some tears. “I’m so sorry, but she was killed in the bombing.”
You hear a shaky breath on the other side of the line. “Oh.” There’s a pause, and you suspect she has more to say. You’re right. “Aaron told you to call, didn’t he?”
She sighs. “Can I talk to him?”
You look over and he nods, releasing your hand and holding it out. “Yeah, he’s right here.” She says something else, and you put the phone back to your ear. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for telling me.”
I love Haley. I do. I love her. 
I’m SO mad at her but I love her. 
You nod to yourself. “Of course. Here’s Aaron.”
He takes the phone from you. An exhausted, “Hi,” leaves him.
“Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
A little smile pulls at his lips. I love how much he loves her. Even thought their marriage didn’t work because they wanted/needed different things from each other, they love each other so much and I am so soft about it. “I’m alright. How’re you?”
Her bright laugh echoes faintly through the phone, but there’s a solemn edge to it. “You’re asking me how I am?”
His eyebrows raise, his eyes still closed. “Isn’t that polite?”
You can almost see her suppressed smile. “It is. I’m fine. Jessica and I just finished dinner and put Jack down for the night.”
“How’s Jack?”
You tune out, the exhaustion taking over. Aaron pats the seat on his other side and you shuffle around, tucking yourself under his open arm. I am so soft for this lil moment, y’all. I am a SAP. Leaning against his shoulder, you close your eyes, letting the voices of two divorced people who love each other very much lull you into something that feels a little like sleep.
The End!!! I hope y’all liked this installment of commentary!!
tagging: @ssaic-jareau @qvid-pro-qvo @joanofarkansass @forgottenword @hurricanejjareau
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reachgirl · 4 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf Episode 2-3
Watching Teen Wolf for the first time! My thoughts on Episode 1 are over here.
I love when in these teen shows all the parents have the important/relevant-to-the-plot-jobs in the town AND they all went to high school together as well, like are there only adults of one age in this town and they all had kids in the same year? Who are the kids in the other grades? Where do THEIR parents work?
Both Stiles and Derek have amazing eyelashes and it legit made me google eyelash serums and one will be arriving in 3-5 business days, I will report back
This whole town is very white, again I am forced to ask if they’re sure this is not New England
I am sad to report I don’t like the Lacrosse girlfriend anymore, she seems exhausting and unnecessarily bitchy :( Calm down Heather
Allison sees her boyfriend on the ground in front of their house and her first instinct is “Dad, did you try to kill him?” That is soooo shady
So it looks like Stiles mainly exists to teach main guy how to handle being a werewolf using only his researching skills and an understanding that he’s the emotional support best friend, but does he also get his own storyline or nah
Speaking of Stiles, does Daddy Stiles know how much adderall his son takes?
Okay, can we all back up here for a second and appreciate how quickly this show went from “WEREWOLVES??!” to “this is our lives now lmao I’m gonna try and not kill people tho, let’s go bowling” Normalcy bias at it’s peak y’all
The way Stiles reacted to Scott (look at that I found out his name finally) kissing Allison makes me wonder?
“Am I attractive to gay guys?” Iconic. So yeah, is he gay? bi? I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say since this is 2011 TV he’s canonically “straight”, but either way he IS a disaster and I’m so here for this character
I will give the Lacrosse guy credit for apparently being the only one in this town (other than Stiles) to figure out that something’s up with Scott, even if it’s for the wrong reasons, but him and his girlfriend kind of deserve each other, they are a piece of WORK!!! Like, give it a rest already, this is not a good look for either of you
Are there female werewolves in this universe? Because right now it all still seems like a metaphor for male rage / sexuality
YES STILES, CALL HIM OUT. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Nobody wants to be Robin all the time and WE ALL AGREE WITH YOU
Scott confronting Derek, this scene is gold honestly: “Could I hurt someone”? Yes. “Could I kill someone?” Yes. “WILL I kill someone”? Probably. - I can see an alternate reality where this is a TV show about a local psychic with great cheekbones and terrible yelp reviews
Real talk, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Scott and Allison really connect or talk. I’m just not super interested in either of them.. they’re pretty bland up until now, I wonder if that changes anytime soon, maybe when she figures out her dad is there to hunt her boyfriend? SUSPENSE
Shout out to all the parents on this show once again failing at even basic supervision of their teenagers, loved Scott’s mom’s exasperation that she’s “done enough parenting for one night” when Scott and Stiles say they don’t care about the curfew. Huge wine mom energy
Is it weird that I could, at this point, do without the Scott is a werewolf part of this show? I’d be fine if it was just half silly teenage, half dark human drama, I’m not super into the face changing and werewolf fights. Maybe that will change still. I do like Derek being a werewolf, it just doesn’t really suit Scott yet although I guess that’s kinda the point (just working through my thoughts here but I got there in the end guys, it’s all good)
Derek gets thrown back, gets up, takes off his jacket, goes “that was cute.” Maybe he is my type after all...
Okay see Derek didn’t bite Scott, that’s what I thought! Who did, then? Who’s this alpha? This dialogue is certainly something though.. all the talk about being betas and the alpha “wanting” Scott, it honestly sounds like fanfiction and now I get why Teen Wolf is one of the largest fandoms on AO3
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clotpolesonly · 4 years
Now The Wheel Has Turned Around
i decided to torture myself with trying to get a 2nd fic written for @laurahale-appreciation week day 1, which i am not thanking myself for now that it’s 1:30am and i have to be at work in 7 hours, lmao. but i got it done!!
| Teen | 1.4k | Alpha Laura | Alpha Peter | Canon Rewrite | Angst |
(also on AO3)
“Yeah, well, he’s not here either.”
At Stiles’ words, Derek goes completely still. Laura does too, a visceral sense of dread crawling down her spine before her thoughts can even catch up.
“What?” Derek asks. Maybe he shouldn’t have bothered, but Laura understands the need to clarify. To make absolutely sure before jumping to the conclusion they had both already landed on.
“He’s not here,” Stiles repeats. “He’s gone, Derek!”
Laura is out of the car in an instant. She hears Derek’s panicked shout behind her, his warning for Stiles to run. She hopes it’s enough; he may be an abrasive little shit, but she likes Stiles. It would be a shame for him to die now just because they made the mistake of sending him in alone, thinking he would be safe.
Laura really should know by now that they’re never safe.
She careens into the facility’s long hallway in time to see Stiles looking back and forth between a familiar red-haired nurse and Peter, on his feet like Laura hasn’t seen in years. The burns along the side of his face are the same as always, but his eyes are sharp and present. They leave Stiles to land on Laura instead and a smile twists his lips.
“Laura,” he says. “So nice to see you. It’s been too long.”
The memory of claws digging into her stomach comes back to her in a rush and her vision goes red.
“Apparently, not as long as I thought.”
It had all been so fast that night, so dark and chaotic, that Laura hadn’t seen the face of the wolf that attacked her. It never even occurred to her that it might’ve been her uncle. All this time, they were running around town searching frantically for a fully functional alpha werewolf. Why would she suspect him?
Before Laura can ask, Derek’s snarl rips through the air. With one blow, the nurse hits the ground. Peter tuts at them.
“That’s not nice,” he tells Derek. “She’s my nurse.”
“She’s a psychotic bitch helping you kill people,” Derek throws back. Then, to Stiles, “Get out of the way.”
Stiles lets out a faint, “Oh, damn,” and scrambles to take up residence behind Derek’s broad back. Peter takes it all in with the detached interest of one watching a bug crawl across the pavement. It’s very different from the woods, feral and unhinged under the full moon’s light, and even more different from the uncle she remembers, shrewd and arrogant, yes, but not without warmth.
“You tried to kill me,” Laura says. “Your own niece. Your family.”
Peter’s cold eyes narrow. “Family,” he drawls, acid in his tone. “What sort of family leaves one of their own behind?”
“What else were we supposed to do?” The words get stuck on the lump in Laura’s throat, forcing their way past with a painful rasp. “The town was crawling with hunters waiting to finish what they started. If we’d stayed, we would’ve been—”
“And what about me?” Peter asked, head cocked. “Alone. Trapped. Defenseless.”
“Not a threat. You couldn’t hurt anyone the way you were,” Laura said, “and that meant that you were protected under the Code.”
Silkily, Peter said, “Yes, we all know how ironclad the precious Code is.”
Laura flushed, shame and grief welling up to choke her. “I didn’t know what else to do! I was eighteen and devastated and scared, and it wasn’t like I could take care of you myself. You needed more help than I could give you. This is where you were safest, Peter, and I wanted to keep you safe. But it wasn’t the safest place for us. We had to go.”
“So you went gallivanting off across the country. Meanwhile, here I was, locked inside the burned out husk of my failing body, slipping further and further from my sanity with every passing minute.” Peter’s smile is unnerving. “I was healing,” he says. “Cell by cell, I healed, until I hit a plateau. In the end, all I needed was a boost of power to finish the job.”
As they watch, the burns along his jaw begins to fade, waxy scar tissue receding to leave pale, unblemished new skin in its wake. A mere moment later, he is restored. If it wasn’t  for his long hair, he could have stepped right out of Laura’s memories from before the fire. As if none of it ever happened.
“The alpha power,” Derek says, his voice tight with emotion. “You tried to kill Laura so that you could heal yourself.”
Laura raises her head high, heart pounding. “But you couldn’t kill me. It wasn’t my power you stole.”
“No,” Peter allows, even as his eyes light up a bloody red. “You proved frustratingly difficult to dispatch. I had to find another to serve my purpose. Luckily, high school teachers don’t get a lot of martial training.”
It takes a few seconds for Laura to make the connection, but when she does, her heart drops. “Mrs. Finch?” The biology teacher’s body was found a ways into the trees behind the lacrosse fields several days ago. An animal attack, according to authorities, of course. “I knew she was a werewolf, but not an alpha.”
Peter looks disappointed. “Alphas can hide their presence, Laura,” he says. “You should know this. I’m sure Talia taught you how.”
Laura swallows down the wave of revulsion that comes with hearing her mother’s name in that disdainful tone. “You killed an innocent woman,” she says. “You murdered her to save yourself.”
“I was out of my mind,” Peter bites out. “You have no idea what it was like.”
“Were you out of your mind when you bit Scott?” Stiles pipes up from over Derek’s shoulder. Immediately, he seems to think better of drawing attention to himself. It’s too late, though. Peter eyes him with a bit of curiosity.
“You must be Stiles,” he says. “Would you rather it have been you, Stiles? It could’ve been, you know. One beta is as good as another to a new alpha in need of a pack.”
Derek growls, reaching behind to shove Stiles further down the hallway, like that will be enough to keep him safe if Peter decides to attack. “You won’t be getting any more.”
“Now, now, Derek. There’s no need to be hostile.”
“Says the man who nearly eviscerated me,” Laura grits out.
Her own eyes are glowing now, claws at the ready. Part of her still screams that this is her uncle, his scent still carrying the comforting notes of family and home, but every animal instinct she has rebels against him. She knows, on every level of her being, that the person before her is a threat. No amount of sentiment and wishful thinking can erase that.
The first flicker of uncertainty crosses Peter’s face. Not fear—Peter was never prone to fear, even before the fire—but a wariness that has him eyeing them both very carefully. He may be an alpha, and he may be healed now, but there’s no way that he isn’t still weak. A fight with a stronger, healthier alpha and her beta doesn’t have great odds, and he’s smart enough to know it.
“Let’s not be hasty,” he says, pasting on another smile. “It’s not as if we don’t have the same goal here.”
“Biting random teenagers and slaughtering innocent people?” Derek asks through a mouthful of fangs.
Peter’s smile disappears. “They weren’t innocent,” he says sharply. “Laura knows what they were guilty of. Don’t you?”
She thinks of the list she made when she started her investigation. All the people involved in the fire or its cover-up. A list she thought she lost, until the bodies started piling up, one after the other. Mountain lions with a very specific and coincidental taste for arsonists.
“What about the janitor, huh?” Stiles asks, apparently incapable of running away from danger like a reasonable person. “At the school. The one you tore into pieces and left under the bleachers in the gym. What was he guilty of, except for being in your way?”
“Stiles, get out of here,” Derek snaps at him.
“Yes, Stiles,” Peter echoes. “Run along home before you get yourself hurt.”
“He’s not going to be the one getting hurt here,” Laura says, a growl roughening her voice.
Between one heartbeat and the next, she gathers her strength and leaps. It’s too abrupt for Peter to dodge, but he twists just enough to deflect the force of her attack. He stumbles but doesn’t fall, and Laura skids past him, claws digging into the linoleum to drag herself to a halt.
Derek’s quick to follow suit. Peter is prepared this time, though, and Derek is flung back with a force that reduces the nurse’s station to a pile of splinters. Stiles stumbles back, out of the way of the cloud of debris, and then surges forward again to help drag Derek free of the wreckage. Peter bears down on them, a snarl on his lips.
Laura doesn’t let him reach them. With a snarl of her own, she goes for Peter’s legs, raking her claws across the backs of his ankles. She gets a howl of pain for her efforts and Peter staggers. He lashes out and catches Laura across the chest before her next attack can land. It knocks the wind from her, but it doesn’t stop her from coming. Her next hit draws blood along Peter’s side before a hard blow connects with the side of her head.
For a moment, she can’t see. The red in her vision is blood now, rather than rage, and the world spins. By the time things stabilize, the hallway before her is empty. Smears of red show Peter’s path to the door, which hangs on its hinges. The unconscious nurse is starting to stir.
Derek limps to Laura’s side. “Should we go after him?”
He’s clutching at his side like maybe a rib or two is broken. Stiles hovers at his shoulder, wide-eyed, hands outstretched like he’s waiting for Derek to collapse. Laura’s ripped shirt is soaked through with blood, though the scratches are starting to heal already. Derek’s injuries will take longer.
With a grimace, Laura lets herself collapse against the wall. “No,” she says. “We need to regroup. Rest. Figure out where to go from here.”
Derek nods with obvious relief. This time, when Stiles offers his shoulder for support, Derek lets himself take it.
“So…” Stiles points at the nurse. “What are we gonna do about her?”
Laura sighs. “Fuck if I know.”
Everything hurts, and not just physically. She feels scraped raw all the way down to her bones. Her mind is fuzzy now with the adrenaline rush of battle fading and she can’t hold a thought in her head long enough to process it.
Derek’s hand finds her shoulder and squeezes. “Hey,” he says softly. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
It’s the vaguest kind of platitude, but it still makes warmth settle in Laura’s chest. She lays her hand over Derek’s, squeezing back, and musters up a smile for her little brother.
“Yeah. We’ll figure it out.” 
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1, 10, 16 and 20? (Yeah, I know I'm asking for many ...)
Ok so all of these questions differ depending on which fandom I'm talking about. I'll just pick three.
1: What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? 
Harry Potter: Romione…..just…..no. I don't get it. I find it to be a rather boring relationship and I dislike Ron's hotheadedness.
Stranger Things: I get pretty much all of them. I don't like them all, but I understand why people ship them. (Well ...I don't get the Karen/Billy thing they tried to pull, but that's not an OTP and I honestly don't know one person who ships them so….🤷🏻‍♀️)
Teen Wolf: It's the same. I don't like all of them, but I understand why they are OTP's. 
10: Most disliked arc? Why?
Harry Potter: I hated Order of the Phoenix but that's just because I cannot stand Umbridge and the constant gaslighting.
Stranger Things: I pretty much disliked all of season 3's arc. (Except El breaking up with Mike 😂) There are many reasons why I disliked it. The watered down and totally butchered characters, the over the top 80's references, the goop monster, and the fact that they killed off a character with so much potential. 
Teen Wolf: I disliked the season 4 arc (and really all arcs following) I disliked the storyline (especially de-aged Derek...like they stole that from fanfic I stg) and again they just water down characters and rush right passed the effects of the last season. PTSD??? What is that??? Jeff Davis certainly doesn't know. 😑
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Harry Potter: LMAO I would change so much!!! But mostly just who characters end up with and having outside POV's. And also having characters deal with their shit. 
Stranger Things: I would change the possession storyline. And there would be no goop monster. 🤢
Teen Wolf: I'd deal with Stiles' PTSD and the other characters grief over Allison and also let Derek be happy. 
20: What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Harry Potter: Canon? I think Cho and Cedric. Fanon? Luna and Harry. 💖
Stranger Things: I don't really think any of them??? I suppose Mileven??? But I can't stand Mike so like...just El by herself? Lol
Teen Wolf: Scott and Kira!!! They were just cute and dorky and I loved them. 
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Usual disclaimer of all our faves are assholes and all that jazz
To be fair, the True Alpha thing was supposed to reinforce the whole Good Person thing, except Scott kept being a shitty person but, and this obviously excused everything else (/sarcasm) he thought that Killing Is Bad (but torture/mind manipulation/gaslighting/take your pick is totally fine) and gave everyone a Second Chance and expected the people they have hurt to work with them.
Because I could more or less copy paste my issues with cap on Scott, but you know the whole enhanced what was already there bullshit?
He's a stalker, obsessive to the point of abusing potential other love interests¹, a liar whose lies got people nearly killed multiple times. And sure, some of this could be "excused" by being turned and the darkness and Yada Yada Yada. And being The Alpha just gives him an excuse to do those things because they're his friends pack property and he just wants to protect them.
And I've read [that particular trope is so far out of my comfort zone so "horrible" is very subjective here] fics where derek/stiles/peter do the whole alpha commands you to what is basically torture For Your Own Good thing. But that's fandom. Peter is supposed to be the villain in canon, Derek does actually have a lot of Growth, Stiles lying to his dad/Malia does have actual consequences.
But because he's the True Alpha, the personification of Good, he doesn't need to grow out of his flaws anymore. Both in canon and fanon. Sure, he got like 2 episodes that basically boiled down to torture is fine as long as no one dies but—he's just trying his best and having the best intentions or I don't even fucking care anymore.
I could not care less about him as a character, I hate that this fandom actually has discussions screaming matches about whether or not Scott, with all his flaws, is Better than every other character, and therefore deserves to be the main character in every single fanwork to the point where harassing people who just. Don't. Care. About him is acceptable behavior.
Maybe I should start doing the 1 fandom drama submission for 1 fun submission too. It'd certainly be better for my blood pressure lmao.
¹Yes im aware we had the whole boys will be werewolves and therefore it's not abuse discussion before, but I want to iderate that that was never a thing, the violence because werewolves™ thing was Derek's/Deucalion's mo, and were never shown that the teens actually adapted to the different violence levels. And that's not even touching the whole power imbalance and abuse victim thing.
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moonhurts · 4 years
𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽  .   please  repost – don’t  reblog, thank you ! answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog. 
001 . what is your otp for your character ?
on this blog? i find isaac gets along really well with a large array of muses, but i’m an enormous fan of the ship compatibility with dani  @dangeress​.  isaac and daphne get each other. it seems to cross over into multiple universes with the kind of ease i am very pleasantly surprised by.
002 . what are you willing to write when it comes to shipping ?
pretty much everything.  enemies to lovers, childhood friends, starcrossed, domestic, bad/good, soulmates, tragedy...  99% of the time, i’m up for it.  i will never be up for writing isaac cheating on his partner, however.  he just... wouldn’t do that.
003 . how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable ?
i write isaac predominantly in his early to mid 20s, and i cannot see him dating anyone who isn’t also in their 20s.  as for canon interactions where isaac is still in high school, only characters in his year cohort would be considered for crush relationships.
004 . are you selective when shipping ?
sort of.  i don’t need chemistry testing in-character before plotting out a ship, i just need an ooc conversation to see how we bounce off of each other plotwise!  isaac definitely has a type when it comes to partners, but i’ve made those details pretty obvious over the years on this blog.  if you’re new here, his type is either 1) soft-hearted and deserves the entire world, or b) can kill him and he will say thanks.  there is no in-between.
005 . how far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered nsfw ?
the removal of clothes, basically.  and to be honest, that’s generally when i will fade-to-black on this blog -- if it ever gets that far lmao.
006 . who are other characters you ship your character with ?
i’m assuming this is canon oriented, in which case, literally everyone in canon except for erica and derek.  i am extremely dubious about shipping with stiles, but have done so in the past, so it can be done here, if i have a mutual understanding with my rp partner.
007 . does one have to ask to ship with you ?
not... necessarily.  if by ask, you mean replying in tags to me during a thread like ‘these two are flirting hardcore’, sure, that’s all i need.  usually, we can tell when there’s chemistry, and i just let my character do whatever the heck he wants.  to be frank, isaac is the vodka of teen wo/lf and mixes well with everyone.  he finds everyone hot (within his age bracket), so... take that on board.  feel free to ask me if you’d like to 100% clarify where his attraction stands though!  i’m always happy to goof ooc about my idiot son.
008 . ship obsessed, or ship more-or-less ?
i’m predominantly here for the plots, not the ships.  ships are just happy accidents that coincide my main goal: to write an interesting interaction between multiple characters, in a world that is so far removed from my own.  i love character exploration.
009 . are you multi-ship ? 
i am, though i hesitate to ship with duplicates, as i do not want to mistake interactions between different blogs, or seem like i’m not writing something unique.
010 . what is your favourite ship in your fandom ?
for isaac?  i don’t know.  i used to have otps, but now, with the ageing of this blog, i’m a lot less certain.  i like the idea of cora or malia for him from a canon pov, and do believe one of those ships might’ve been endgame in other circumstances.  i used to love the idea of scott and isaac, but s4+ murdered that when they chose to forget isaac exists.
011 . finally, how does one ship with you ?
send me a gifset and ‘wow this is isaac and ________ ’ and i’ll be there with bells on.  i love chatting about dynamics ooc.
TAGGED BY :  no one, i’m a rebel.
TAGGING :  anyone, i’m a pal who will vouch for ya x
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