#detail that i don't think comes through super clearly but i want to point out: the blood on the token pouch is dried and on the other side
eveningrainstorm · 7 months
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against the inevitable
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Help! I loved Nerdy Prudes Must Die and am curious about Nightmare Time but don't really have time to commit to watching it all... (a handy guide)
For those of you who don't know Nightmare Time was a series of Hatchetfield one shots that starkid wrote and recorded during lockdown, all of which are of course available for free on YouTube. They go a lot deeper into the lore than the 3 Hatchetfield musicals, including explaining and explore the characters we know and love in more detail, sometimes including shocking revelations.
They also introduce new characters to the Hatchetfield universe, including Stephanie Lauter, Grace Chasity and Pete Spankoffski, who we first met in a Nightmare Time episode.
As they were filmed in lockdown the recording quality is somewhat variable, but Season 2 has a much higher production value than Season 1, and in Season 1 Episode 1 in particular they were very clearly trying to find their feet with it. That being said the actual scripts and content of the episodes is solid throughout.
I've decided to put together this handy guide of which Nightmare Time episodes people might want to check out if they want to learn more about certain things we saw in NPMD.
1) Nibbly - Honey Queen (season 2 episode 1)
If you're curious to learn more about the Lords in Black each of them (bar Wiggly) have an episode of Nightmare Time devoted to them.
For Nibbly, Wiggly's hungriest and pinkest brother that episode is 'Honey Queen' in Season 2 Episode 1.
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It explores a very entertaining rivalry between Linda Monroe (from Black Friday) and Zoey (the annoying barista from Beanie's in TGWDLM) that naturally turns very very dark. We also get to meet Linda's husband Gerald who she spends most of Black Friday on the phone to.
As a heads up Nibbly doesn't appear until, shall we say, the end of the episode (with Hatchetfield there's always a twist) and he's not in the super sexy form from NPMD but it's a very strong episode and does give a bit of background to Nibbly's deal.
2) Tinky - Time Bastard (season 1 episode 2 part 2)
If you're curious to learn more about this yellow motherfucker played by Curt then you're in luck because he's in my personal favourite episode and one with a lot of interesting lore surrounding it.
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If you're curious about what he means when in NPMD he says 'I could add another Spankoffski to my set', Time Bastard is focused around Pete's brother Ted (from TGWDLM) and the dodgy dealings of CCRP.
It's an extremely clever episode, with lots of really fun twists. It's unfortunately season 1 so has slightly lower production quality, but in terms of raw scripting is just outstanding and has some really interesting reveals about people in the Hatchetfield universe who may not be who we think they are...
Also worth noting that this is in the same episode (Youtube video) as a different Nightmare Time episode 'Forever and Always'. Most episodes work like this where you have two different stories per episode, they absolutely can be watched independently but usually have some sort of thematic link (in this case it's the things we do for love and how they will inevitably be thwarted by CCRP being sketch).
3) Blinky - Watcher World (season 1 episode 1 part 2)
And if you're curious about the one who's always watching you, he's actually the first Lord in Black we meet through Nightmare Time, in the very first episode when Bill and Alice Woodward (TGWDLM) go on an ill fated trip to a spooky theme park.
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Again this is from the first episode so production quality is low but it's a really solid episode and a very interesting look into these characters.
While this is our first meeting of a lord in black in Nightmare Time, I don't believe he's actually referred to as such, and the concept of the Lords in Blacks being introduced as Wiggly's brothers comes in at point 5 on this list.
4) Pokey - Yellow Jacket (season 2 episode 4)
You've already met Pokey through TGWDLM (yep that was his blue shit that destroyed the world!), but you won't truly realise how fucking scary he is until you meet his incarnation 'Otho' in Yellow Jacket.
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A solid episode exploring Lex, Hannah and Ethan in a lot more detail, and in a world and lives where (at least at the start of the episode) things seem to be a lot more stable for them than in Black Friday.
And yeh as I've already mentioned Pokey is fucking s c a r y in it. Also you remember James Tolbert's character, Charles that gets a little cameo in Hatchetown? Well he's the main human antagonist of this episode!
We also learn a lot of lore about 'the gift', the thing that makes Hannah able to do magic.
5) The concept of the Lords in Black generally - The Witch in the Web (season 2 episode 3 part 2)
If you're curious about why everyone's been posting pictures of those evil teddy bears and now even more confused that you've met them all as fucked up high school students, the Witch in the Web is the episode where we're first introduced to the 'they don't care bears' as a set.
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This is a really cool episode, again about Lex and Hannah, but it also exploring Uncle Wiley (from Black Friday) in a lot more detail.
We also first meet two characters called Duke and Miss Holloway who together form the ship Holloduke that if you were following any of Starkid tumblr during lockdown you will definitely have heard of. They're really cool!
Here we also meet Webby, Hannah's imaginary friend in Black Friday, who turns out to be the lord in black's sister: a queen in white. And she's dope.
6) Pete Spankoffski, Stephanie Lauter and Grace Chasity - Abstinence Camp (season 2 episode 2 part 2)
We first meet the now beloved characters of Pete and Steph and the slightly less beloved character of Grace in an evangelical abstinence only camp. The episode centers entirely around these characters and plays excellently with tropes of the horror genre.
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It also has the best song in all of Nightmare Time and it's up to you to decide if I'm talking about 'oh my god it's the axe-man' or 'virginity rocks' (it's both, the answer is both).
That's pretty much it in terms of Nightmare Time episodes that cover things from NPMD, but in case you're curious here's a quick run down of what the rest are about:
The Hatchetfield Ape Man - season 1 episode 1 part 1. Hidgens makes Ted pretend to be a Tarzan style half monkey, half man thing to con Angela Giarratanna out of her inheretence.
Watcher World - season 1 episode 1 part 2. See bullet 3 above. Alice and Bill Woodward go to a theme park and shit hits the fan.
Forever and Always - season 2 episode 2 part 1. Paul and Emma get married. Things are not as they seem (there are robots). One of my personal favourites.
Time Bastard - season 2 episode 2 part 2. See bullet 2 above. Ted fucks with time travel and things end very badly for him. Best episode imo.
Jane's a Car - season 2 episode 3 part 1. Turns out the soul of Tom Houston's ex-wife Jane, who died in a car crash, transferred into the car. This somewhat complicates his budding relationship with Becky Barnes.
The Witch in the Web - season 2 episode 3 part 2. See bullet 5 above. Hannah Foster's having nightmares and somehow a witch and Uncle Wiley are involved. Luckily a good witch (Miss Holloway) is there to try and help.
Honey Queen - season 2 episode 1. See bullet 1 above. Linda Monroe and Zoey Chambers compete to win the Hatchetfield honey queen beauty pageant and things spiral wildly out of control. My personal favourite episode from season 2.
Perky's Buds - season 2 episode 2 part 1. Emma's finally achieved her dream of owning her own pot farm. Just her, her non-binary farm hand Ziggs and some very evil birds.
Abstinence Camp - season 2 episode 2 part 2. See bullet 6 above. Pete, Steph and Grace go to a retreat in the very creepy woods to learn one way or another about the perils of pre-marital sex.
Daddy - season 2 episode 3 part 1. Remember Sherman Young (Jamie's weird creepy guy from Black Friday)? Turns out there's something very weird going on with his mum. We also learn a lot about Frank Pricely (owner of toyzone from Black Friday) in this episode, who turns out to be a very interesting character.
Killer Track - season 2 episode 3 part 2. Miss Holloway must take extreme action to save a young girl and then the whole world against an evil song that kills anyone who listens to it. We learn a lot more about Holloway as a character and she is soooo cool. Another favourite episode of mine.
Yellow Jacket - season 2 episode 4. See bullet point 4. Hannah seeing her sister struggling to provide for them financially decides to find a way of using her power to earn some spare cash.
Hey Melissa - episode aired only on a livestream, type it into youtube and it'll come up. If you've ever found yourself asking 'what if Mariah's secretary character from the start of TGWDLM was really into dom pup play and Paul Matthews was her little pup bitch and she was also a horrific out of control serial killer?' then a) are you Matt Lang because if not I'm concerned? and b) by god this is the episode for you!. I personally really enjoy it I think it's super funny, but obviously heavy trigger warnings for abuse and sexual content warnings (there's a reason they didn't put this in the real series). Fucking excellent tho.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 4 months
24 hours
Hey so this was a request from @cici0love on wattpad for an Alex x intern!reader so hope you like it!
Pairing Alex Karev x fem!intern!reader                                                                                                                  Word count: 1.3k
!!NOT PROOFREAD!!                                                                                                                                                        Warnings: none
(Alex is an attending in this) -  Also I apologise for any goofy spacing.  I wrote this on my laptop and it does the spaces between the speech all funky :(
Alex POV:
I hate today. Too many stupid kids coming into the ER and extending my shift since Robbins is in a super long surgery. I should just hand the work over to my interns but if I'm gunna be honest the only intern I'd trust to cover the pit is already elbow deep in some guys abdomen. Literally. She was called into trauma 1 like 20 minutes ago and she had to stop this guy's internal bleeding using her hand so now she has to go up to the OR with him briefly so he doesn't bleed out. But, if I'm being completely honest with you if she comes back, I kinda don't wanna leave. I mean yes, I have been here for about 19 hours at this point but who cares? If I get to see the woman I'm falling head over heels for it's worth it.  Wow, I've never felt like this about someone, like I want to get serious with them. What is she doing to me?!
Time skip to when reader is out of the OR
"Dr Karev?" I hear the sweetest voice say from behind me
"Yeah?" I say as I turn round and give her a tired smile
"Oh wow, uhm, I was going to ask to scrub in on your next surgery but oh my. You look like a zombie you need to go home."
"Speak for yourself." I say chuckling at her comment and the irony of it.
"Can't, I'm on a 24 hour." 
"On a Friday? Man that must suck."
"Yeah it kinda does but, at least you're here with me. That makes it a bit better."
I look at her a little stunned at the flirting but bask in it nonetheless. 
"I could say the same for you, I mean I feel like you're the only reason I even tolerate interns anymore."
She blushed at this comment which makes my stupid little heart swell with pride and my stomach to fill with dumb butterflies. Shit, I really like her. I tell her she can scrub in and we head up to OR 2 and start a bowel resection on a 2 week old baby boy. He has had many complications however, this bowel resection may just be the tipping point.  I don't think he can handle much more but, the parents want to try everything so I do. However, I may have failed to mention this to Y/N which I have a feeling may be a mistake but oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Time skip to half way through the surgery
"You wanna resect the rest of the bowel?" 
"Really?" She looked at me with wide eyes. Oh my god her eyes, they're so beautiful. Anyways...
"Yeah 100% go for it." Se looked at mme and mutters a shy 'Thank you' and begins. 
So far she's done everything perfect, down to the last minute detail but, like I said. I don' think the kid can take it.
Reader POV:
"Doctor, BP dropping." I look up startled, how could his BP drop? Iv'e done everything right. I think I have at least... Shit did I mess his up?
"It's okay don't worry." Alex says to me as I look up at him clearly worried about what I'm doing wrong. 
All of a sudden the baby's heart stops.
"Get me the paddles and charge to 15!" I yell out to the nurses still trying o figure out what went wrong. "Clear!" I say as I shock the baby for the first time.
7 times. I shocked the kid seven times and noting. I call time of death and rush out of the OR. I hear footsteps behind me and know who it is instantly. I try to walk faster so he doesn't have to yell at me and thankfully I'm saved by the parents stopping Alex to ask how it went. Oh no, the parents. I decide Alex has done this long enough to know how to deliver bad news on the behalf of someone else's mistakes so I let him get on with it. It hurts even more that he's the one mad at me because I have a massive crush on him and we work really well together; I'm hoping to do paediatrics as a specialty as well. So great, my entire comfy life and rituals of greeting and teasing him are gone out the window.  I go up to the paeds floor and find ann on-call room, lay down and start crying. I killed a baby.
Alex POV:
"Goddamnit." I mutter under my breath as I realised I lost Y/N.  The parents were obviously upset but very understanding as the knew the risk and it just didn't go their way. So, now I had my favourite intern (and just person in general at this point) somewhere in the hospital, probably crying, probably beating herself up for no reason and probably crushed her confidence. Great job Alex.
I make my way to the nurses station and ask if any of them have seen y/n/n. 
"I saw Dr Y/l/n go into the on-call room, she looked a bit upset is she okay?" The nurse asked worry lacin her voice. Damn, she's so sweet she's even befriended the nurses (who usually hate surgeons).
"Yeah, she'll be okay just gunna go talk to her." I respond and make a beeline for the on-call room. 
As I walk in my heart breaks as I hear quiet sobs coming from one of the bottoms bunks. 
"Look before you say anything I'm really sorry, I don't know what I did wrong and I'll go tell the parents it's my fault that their kid's dead-" She starts rambling and sitting up assuming I'm mad at her which tears my heart apart even more. I cut her off by sitting next to her and wrapping my arms around her and guiding her head into my shoulder. 
"It's not your fault, okay? I really need you to believe that. The parents knew they were taking a risk sending him into that OR. He was a dead man- or baby should I say, before he was even wheeled into the OR. You resected his bowel perfectly but his body just couldn't take  the strain. You did everything right." She wraps her arms around me even tighter after I said that. I lift her head out of the nape of my neck and hook my fingers around her chin. 
"I think you're too tired to be here, and plus you've been on call now for what.." I quickly check my watch. "Boom, 24 hours. You're done and I'm taking you back to mine so I know you're okay." I say to her.
"Aww you going soft  Dr Karev?" she says teasingly.
"Only for you." I reply while looking her straight in the eye, it's now or never.
Reader POV:
He's  leaning in one minute and the next thing I know he's pulled me up onto his lap and put his arms around my waist to bring me closer to him. The kisses are getting sloppy and rushed now and I need him desperately but I'm just so tired. I assume he feels  the same because he pulls away and says, "As much as I want to, if we did I think I'd pass out while we we doing it." I gugge  at his response and agree with him.
"Look, how about I take you back too mine, we sleep, we go to work tomorrow and get off early because we both just did 24 hours , I'll take you out for dinner and then we'll continue where we left off here when we get back.?  How's that sound?" A crimson red layer paints my face as he finishes his sentence. 
"That sounds amazing, you know, maybe we should do 24 hour shifts more if it ends like this everytime." I gesture to me in his lap and he laughs and says we should. I smile contently at him and then wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. He is literally perfect.
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dr-docktor · 2 months
Ok I have an outline for a swap au/curt falls au
I've had this SaF au rotating in my head for a hot minute and I got some details down and I want to write it all down somewhere so here! Fair warning: it’s pretty underdeveloped but as I get suggestions and stuff I hope to develop it more:-)
Quick thanks to @randeeznuts for letting me yell at him about this in Discord <3
Its a Curt Falls au where, of course, Curt is the one to fall instead of Owen. It's still Curt's banana peel, however.
After the incident, Owen retires. Mourning the fact that he and Curt never got to run off together. Instead he picks up what little he has left of that fantasy and tries to pull it together.
A tiny cottage on a lake, a hairless cat named Penelope, a vegetable garden... You get the idea.
And all things considered, he could be doing so much worse. Penelope is spoiled rotten and the vegetable garden looks gorgeous no matter the time of year. Ignore the thousands of abandoned hobbies scattered across the coffee table and carpet. Ignore how he hasn't cut his hair since he chopped most of it off in some grief-driven rage 3 years ago. Ignore how his back porch reeks of cigarettes as his smoking habit has gotten so much worse. Ignore the fact that all he can think about some days is how efficient the little pronged rake in his hand is just as efficient at tearing up weeds as it is tearing through flesh.
Admittedly, I'm not 1000% sure how or why he decides to go back into the field for this one mission. My best guess is Cynthia finds his ass and is like "Hey bestie, I need a huge favor." I will expand on that later, I swear.
I imagine the main plot points of the show continue. You got Tatiana, the casino, etc. etc. etc. (once again I will expand on specific changes later) I also imagine most of the comedy with Owen comes from him being the sort of straight-man (haha) in most situations.
Being able to bounce off of whatever insane event is happening around him with utter seriousness and sarcasm. Because he just wants to get through this and get back to his cat. (the cat-sitter doesn't even know her favorite food! Much less her routine oh how will she live happily???).
He also never clarifies to anyone if Penelope is an animal or human so people are just consistently arguing about if he's talking about a child or a cat. Tatiana and DMA keep interrupting BVN's speech to debate this. Tatiana claims that its clearly a child, that Owen's eyebags and stubble indicate a stressed-out single father while DMA firmly thinks she is a cat for reasons he will not explain.
SPEAKING OF DMA :-) I think the guy needs no further introduction. There's still a lot of gaps in development, specifically centered on why Curt would ever join Chimera. I very firmly believe that they didn't torture Owen. But given how loyal and stubborn Curt is, I don't think they'd be exactly gentle while trying to persuade him. This might change later on, who knows.
Curt's version of the DMA is so interesting to me because I think he'd be a lot more reactive than the Owen DMA if that makes sense? Like very quick to explode with anger. Like he acts all smug while insisting Penelope is, in fact, a cat and not a human child. But as soon as he's asked why he thinks this, he fires back with a "Because I can just tell, okay?!?!??!" and then awkwardly trying to redirect the conversation.
I also think Curt's DMA accent would be along the lines of New Jersey or Boston. Mainly because it's an accent he can mimic SUPER well (thanks Ms Mega!). I've always had the headcanon that Curt is really good with languages and accents which sort of contributes to this.
In terms of physical appearance I don't imagine this DMA to look like Joe Walker. But I don't really have a solid grasp on what he does look like. However, I really like the idea of him wearing these black goggles on his head that he finally puts over his eyes during the torture tango.
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Just imagine the light of electricity getting reflected in these bad boys during the torture tango. While Curt's got this massive grin that, in any other context, would come off as friendly and dorky (if not a little bit smug). Scary!
Also, because it's Curt, I imagine he fidgets a lot. Maybe in the background of scenes where he's not doing things he'd be practicing tricks with a butterfly knife or cracking his joints.
Ok back to plot stuff.
I like to think Owen figures out the identity of the DMA at some point shortly before the reveal. There's a clear moment where the clues click together (Like those jigsaw puzzles sitting abandoned on his coffee table). But Owen sort of shrugs it off just out of sheer denial. He knows its true, but it's not until the reveal where he's forced to confront it.
I know realistically this would end in only one of them walking out of the staircase scene alive (I couldn't even tell you which one). But my heart really wants for there to be a happy ending. Like most of this, I'll figure it out eventually.
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ot3 · 1 year
Ok, now after all that Phoenix dad asks, i can't help but share my own unnecessary opinion. I feel like the rapport between Beanix and Trucy is too good for him to be a shitty parent, but the game strongly implies he has alcohol problem. Like no matter how I squint at the source material Beanix is alcoholic. And it's really hard to imagine him being a great dad if he' s spending their meager funds on "grape juice". ( Although with his life at this period I would really wish that at least he did the parenting gig right)
oh man i have been getting a lot of asks on this subject over the past coupe days and mostly avoided answering them because i just sort of more or less said my piece on the matter and didn't want to keep dragging out the same points but this take. is a really insidious one imo. and i feel like you've unwittingly touched on The Elephant In The Room regarding this entire discussion.
I don't think you really meant any harm by this and i hesitate to ascribe any real-world politics to people based on how they interact with fiction, but it's really difficult to see people talk about addiction in fiction this way and imagine they would have more sympathy for real addicts.
Someone being an addict does not de facto make them a bad parent. Someone being poor does not de facto make them a bad parent. I would also argue that someone being too poor to fully provide for their children doesn't de facto make them a bad parent either, because poverty - especially child poverty - is a structural problem and not an individual one.
But I digress, that's not really relevant, because there's absolutely nothing in ace attorney 4 that suggests that the wright's financial problems are caused by phoenix's drinking! Nor is there anything that suggests his drinking has caused him to in any way mistreat Trucy. Anything we see that could be loosely interpreted as neglectful parenting, such as bringing Trucy to poker games or leaving for long stretches to work on the jurist system, can be linked to their financial situation. And you're immediately correlating between the financial stuff and the addiction. Not illogically, but what you have to remember is that alcoholism is often a symptom of poverty, rather than the other way around.
Addiction is obviously very bad even if its not at the point where it's causing your entire life to fall apart! But phoenix is clearly functional and competent during the events of aa4, so i think to act like struggling with addiction is in and of itself enough to negate all of the good parenting he does is just suuuper shitty.
There's really a lot of bizarre distaste for anything resembling Addiction and Poverty amongst ace attorney fans, I've seen really nasty sentiment from people wrt aa4 that, once you cut through what they're actually saying, boils down to 'implying phoenix could ever be an alcoholic made him a fundamentally less good/less likeable character' and man. i just think that really sucks.
especially considering the fact that shu takumi has been pretty open about the fact that 1. he writes phoenix with a lot of Himself in there and 2. he's had, to say the least, a somewhat involved relationship with alcohol. He talks about drinking through work extensively in a pretty cavalier way. I don't expect everyone to know these details but i think anyone who has ever laughed about how shu takumi wrote most of JFA drunk needs to stop and wonder why they think making phoenix an alcoholic crosses some sort of moral line. Along those lines, I also feel similarly uncomfortable when people try to insist non stop that 'its just grape juice, there's no way it was supposed to be implying anything, it's just a joke.' it just feels super disrespectful to try and ignore the narrative implications here coming from a creator who has struggled with alcohol because you think it somehow taints the wholesomeness of a character he based off of himself.
i would urge you and everyone else who has had similar thoughts to please just sort of take a moment and re-asses the opinions you have on this subject and see if you're not just voicing some pretty harmful kneejerk responses to seeing alcoholism depicted or alluded to in ways you're not really used to. Because this just is not the take in any way, shape, or form.
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Hi everyone!!
Lots of people asked for the pattern I used for my Joel and Lizzie dolls, but due to my mental unwellness, my "pattern" was actually a chaotic blend of multiple patterns, as well as my own spontaneity.
Nonetheless, I am going to attempt to explain the method to my madness in this post! (Fair warning, it will get long.)
(If you actually want to try to recreate this please PLEASE reach out to me!!! I can go into way more detail and do diagrams and whatnot if you really wanna see the full idea!!!)
I'm gonna do my best to divide this up into sections based on how I made them, but because I modified a lot of things and Joel and Lizzie are clearly not the same, it may get a little muddled along the way, but here goes!
The Bodies
First thing's first, this is the link to the tutorial I used for the basic body shape. Super great video, easy to understand, fantastic starting point for any doll!! :D
For Joel, I followed the tutorial pretty exactly, minus that middle seam for a belt. I changed colors for the boots, pants, and coat and kept all the measurements the same.
For Lizzie, I modified her pattern to be a little bit bigger bc haha funny tall wife. On parts of the pattern where the stitch count stayed the same, I added a few more rows to make them longer. I added 4 rows to the legs, 3 rows to the chest, and two rows to the arms.
Like this!
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listen I had to visualize it somehow-
I also did a gradient for Lizzie's arms/legs/tail! Here is the video I used to figure out how to do it (I don't have the measurements for where I changed colors I'm sorry I'm goofy </3)
Also, here is a link to a post where I half-heartedly liveblogged the early stages of making them. You can kinda get a rough idea of where I changed colors for different parts of their outfits, etc. but I only got two steps, really- oops.
The Clothes
Now, this is the part where I documented virtually nothing, but honestly, it still turned out just fine!
For Joel, I made boot and sleeve cuffs by just single crocheting a chain to fit around his arm/leg and adding a couple of sc (single crochet) rows. Then I sewed the ends together with a long yarn tail, used thinner gold yarn to add some detailing (look up backstitching! it works really well!!), and sewed the edges on.
His coat ends were made in the same way, but bigger, and instead of sewing the edges fully together, I only connected the top stitches when I was attaching it. And because I'm a messy sewer, I easily hid the seam with a black sc-chain belt :)
The gold details of his coat is also a sc-chain just sewed on. The edges at the bottom... were sorta a sc-hemming type deal-? I don't know, I winged it and I don't like how it turned out </3
The shoulder pads I actually can tell you! It's 5 sc in a magic circle, sc around, and then I picot stitched around in each stitch. Then I tied off a long tail and sewed it onto the top of the arms before I attached them. The badge/flower is the same pattern, but without the sc round in between the mc and the picots.
The sash was a little wonky doing it as a full loop the whole time, so it was basically a long rectangle and when I was attaching the ends together I did it under the shoulder things so it wouldn't be bulky and ugly on top. I think it's decently easy to understand from the pictures in the original post, but if not lmk! (if any of this is coming across at all then bless you tbh.)
The collar is just two rectangles I sewed side by side, they don't continue to the back at all bc they were ugly /lh
And this is the tutorial I used for the crown! I threaded a little piece of green yarn through to make the jewel and tied a knot in the back :)
For Lizzie, I literally made the skirt up as I went along, but it was roughly based on this video. I started with a sc chain to get the right size, then made it a rectangle for a couple of rows (maybe like four?) before joining it together. (That way, I could make the skirt separately and still be able to get it back on her when I was done without being too tight!)
At some point, I picked a stitch as my "center point" and started going back and forth from about that point instead of completing the full circle, doing half double crochets close to it, then double crochets, then triple crochets, then back to dc and hdc as I got close to it again. I think I did about 6-8 for each stitch type section? The GOAL was to make the skirt's hem asymmetrical, which worked, but it's hard to explain bc I literally made it up.
Then I made another sc chain for the belt thing after I attached it :)
The top detailing is also a sc chain, but with some joined yarn above the arms for extra color. There's also bits of yarn that are supposed to be straps, but you can't really see them in any of the pictures, so that's optional rip.
For the frilly hem, I joined the yarn at the "center point" and basically just worked around the whole hem repeating (1 dc, 2dc inc) to make it all wavy and fun!
The Hair
The pattern I based the hair off of was from this kpop star doll that I was originally going to base my entire Joel doll off of.
The difference is I changed the lengths of the strands (I did it based off looks, so all of them are slightly different in length to look more natural) and also color changed the very front few strands of Joel's hair to be green. I also put two strands in a few of the back stitches instead of just one so they completely covered the back of the head (so there are 15-16 strands instead of 14.)
To attach the hair, I used pins to mark out where I wanted to place each strand. Here's a quick progress shot I sent to my friends:
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Now, I wasn't smart, and used long pieces of thread from tying off the "hair mop" to sew all the strands onto the head individually. It took forever and make it kinda messy in the back because of weird overlapping. If I could redo it now, I'd use fabric glue or something to glue each strand so it lays flat, although if you don't have it or want to avoid the potential mess, sewing it does in fact work just fine.
Extra Bits (mostly for Lizzie)
Lizzie's tail is more or less the same as her arm, but it starts thinner and goes for longer at the end. For the frilly edge, I remember using a crochet beta fish fin design, but I can't for the life of me find it in my history now?? But it was essentially joining the yarn a few stitches from the point and crocheting (hdc, dc 2x, tr, dc 2x, hdc, dc 2x, tr) and mirroring it on the other side so it looked like this:
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Here's a closer view of both the tail and the skirt's hem.
Lizzie's fins were made by making a magic circle, chaining 4 and sc-ing back, and slip stitching back into the circle three times to make the three points. Then I joined onto one point with the lighter color and sc-ed along to the other point to make it more detailed.
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Here's a cursed image I sent to my friends of bald Lizzie and her fins.
Lizzie's space buns were a fever dream to me because I made them at 1 am, but I did something that looks similar to this puff stitch flower with only three "petals." I attached it to the head and then used a short chain of another color to add some color and detail.
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Here's a view of a bun from the top.
I think that's just about it! If I missed anything or want to know how I did something better, please please PLEASE reach out to me!!
I'd love to go into more depth on things, but I predict this post will top off at 5 notes so I don't really want to spend hours explaining something that'll go completely unseen /lh
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the inner workings of my brain! Feel free to share and tag me in anything if you decide to try to do this yourself.
Cheers!! <3
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battle of the bands; eddie munson
pair. gn!reader x eddie munson
summ. (request) reader is an electric guitar player in a heavy metal band and is vvv good, he goes up against eddie n corroded coffin at a battle of the bands, their relationship starts out as rivalry and they hit it off rather well after the competition, and as they become super duper close they start dating :)
gen. fluff
tw. swearing, masc implied reader (no pronouns), bi implied reader, mention of a one night stand
wc. 2.5k+
note. big ass apology for the person who requested this bc of how late this is and how much i did not go into detail about being friends with our favorite greasy man eddie
Loud music pumps through your ears as you stand at the back of the crowd gathered at the venue as one of the opposing bands rocks out onstage. You've got to admit you're pretty impressed but this band is in no way near you and your bandmates. None of these bands are but it's fun to watch them try. You survey the crowd, back to your original mission of finding your lead vocalist. Not only does she have the voice of an angel and the looks to match but she's energetic to a fault, even wanting to rock out like she is now before your performance. You spot your white-haired companion, weaving through the crowd to retrieve her. "Hey, Aster! Over here!" You wave at her and luckily enough you tower over at least half of the crowd and stick out rather easily. 
She turns at the call of her name, smiling as soon as she spots you. She weaves her own way through to you, taking your hand as she meets you, and greeting you with a bright, "Hey! Is it showtime already?" 
You nod, "Yup. We're right behind this other band uh, Corroded Coffin," You say in a questioning tone, "I don't know if that's right but they're up right after these guys," You point to the stage. "We need to go over the set one more time and final tune-ups and whatnot. You sure you're gonna have the energy for this? I saw you and you were going pretty hard," You look down at her with a quirked brow.
"Of course!" She jumps excitedly, looking up at you. She looks forward again before adding, "Plus I had one of those energy things!"
"An energy drink?" You crane your neck down, looking at her with wide eyes. She nods enthusiastically and terror spills across your features. "Oh god, okay." You swallow and un-crane your neck, promptly cracking your neck, and rolling your shoulders. Boy, is this gonna be a show. And a long night. You sigh and try not to think about it too much. You're about to have the night of your life, having to take care of your ball of energy friend later isn't that big of a deal. 
Once you're backstage, you throw your guitar strap over your shoulder and begin tuning your guitar. You can hear your bandmates clambering amongst their instruments and making silent remarks to each other. You try your damnedest to focus solely on your guitar but you can so clearly feel a pair of eyes on you. A shaggy-haired boy is staring right at you when you lift your head. You send him a sheepish wave and he sends one back, hiding behind his hair and hands. He's quickly pulled away by the announcement of Corroded Coffin coming onstage and turns tail and rushes onstage. 
Huh. You feel a squeeze on your shoulder from Aster and shake your head before turning to her. "Yeah?" You ask. 
"We're going back to the booth, c'mon!" She waves you over, practically jumping in place as your bandmates gather. 
You follow with your mind still a little far off thinking about the shaggy-haired guy. He was cute. But he was a rival in a rival band. Not too much of a conflict of interest, you think before shaking your head. You've barely known the guy, wait a little longer to contemplate a possible one-night stand. So, you shake him clear for the time you're in the booth. Things go smoothly. Everyone sounds right, how they're supposed to, and just that much better than the other bands. With twenty minutes left in Corroded Coffin's set, your band leaves the booth to relax and get pumped for the show. 
You catch sight of the shaggy-haired guy as you peek your head through the curtains at the side of the stage. He and his band actually don't sound so bad and you can't help watching him play his guitar. He looks so good on stage, his knees bent and his hips forward where his guitar rests as he strums with his stubby but expert fingers. You pull yourself out of the curtains while Aster rests a hand on your shoulder, making you jump about fifteen feet into the air.
"Are they that good, N/n?" She chuckles. She pokes your bicep teasingly. "They can't be the way you talk us up," She prods, tilting her head at you, curious for an answer.
"They can be good," You look down at her, "but they can't and they won't be as good as us." You start walking past her and she trails behind you. "C'mon," You swing your arm onto her shoulders, "let's get ready." 
"Okay," She smiles softly up at you before resting her head against you.
"Nice show out there. Too bad we're gonna kick your ass," You shoot a cocky smile at Corroded Coffin's lead guitarist, the same one that had ogled you earlier, and the same one that you may or may not have ogled onstage. 
"Oh yeah?" He says, all breathy-like and face gleaming with sweat from his performance. 
"Ohh, yeah," You nod. "Hey, what's your name, by the way?"
"Eddie, why?"
"Just wanted to know the name of the guy whose ass I'm totally gonna kick tonight!" 
Eddie rolls his eyes, "Alright, pipsqueak," He pats your shoulder, "let's see what you got then." He steps up, pressing his sweaty chest right up against yours. He'd seen you earlier and you were cute, real cute but god, now? Cockiest little shit he's run into. Besides Dustin, of course. 
"Oh, you will and you better get ready to lose." With the announcement of your band's name, you press your palm to his chest, giving him a light push. "Outta the way," You say before sending him a smirk. As you approach the stage, Aster comes up to your side and nudges you, sending you a smile. 
Just as you had, Eddie peeks in from behind the curtains, watching you and your band. You're phenomenal, he can't lie. Your fingers dancing across your bass and the occasional leaning into the microphone to sing a snippet with your lead singer, Aster. He can't help watching you two, you're hypnotic, and even if you're into the girl as you're doing your performance with her, he can't keep his eyes off of you. That is until Gareth -much like Aster had- comes from behind and rests a hand on his shoulder to check on him. Caught, Eddie flees from the scene, opting to watch your performance where everyone else had the not-so-nice, not-so-opportune spot to. 
You catch sight of your shaggy-haired rival while onstage but you pay him no more mind than a quick smirk his way before rocking the absolute shit out on the stage. Honestly, it didn't matter to you whether you won or not. What really got you every time was this, performing, just having fun with your band, and doing what you love. And maybe just maybe, it was nice to be able to brag in the face of whoever you chose that night to antagonize. (Like him, Eddie, the dude who probably needed a haircut but you liked it, it suited him and his scene, this scene). Though deep down you can't care less, you know some cash flow to your band can't exactly hurt and you play on like it's your last performance ever. (And most of the time, your band wins).
You and Aster are finishing up your last song with your duet. Though your voice isn't exactly the greatest (but not the worst either), it's better than any of your other bandmates and the chemistry you and Aster could display really sold the whole thing. So, there you stand next to her, both of you leaning into the same standing microphone, singing your little hearts out. Eddie is of course watching this, how close you two get, how your adam's apple bobs as you sing, and how when you're not singing you watch Aster and vice versa. He can't help the fire it burns in him. And he won't acknowledge the feelings it begins to stir in him.
Finally, you two are done. Your bandmates step forward and you all wrap your arms behind each other before taking a bow then blowing some kisses to the crowd and laughing and smiling at each other. You promptly file off the stage, instruments in hand, and hearts pumping wildly. This, this is what you love. You're taken out of your little trance by Eddie's presence, his eyes boring into your body. "Got somethin' to say, pretty boy?" You walk up to him, guitar slung over your shoulder.
"Yeah," His response oozes confidence. "Good luck," is all he says and you can't stand the smirk he gives you.
"You too, there Eddie." You pat him on the shoulder as you walk off. He can't stand it.
The announcement is made and your band is crowned victorious. Your band takes the stage once more to accept your little trophy and the cash prize along with the beautiful lime-green electric guitar that you had secretly been yearning for. God, it's beautiful and it just feels so right in your hands. If you weren't so tired out, you might have started to cry. Honestly, you didn't care about winning or losing but man, did it feel good to win. What's almost even better than all of this is Eddie who can clearly see you and you can see him, clapping for you and smiling right at you. What an idiot. I love it. 
Naturally, you have to talk to him. How can you not? Whether it's a quick fuck or something more, you're more than interested. Almost as if expecting you, he stands at the edge of the crowd, facing you with a slight smirk. He can't help himself it seems and he gives you a sarcastic little clap as you approach one another. "Well, well, well," He says, finally putting his hands down. "You won."
You nod, "I did." You hold up your newly prized electric green guitar, "Look at this baby," You slide your hand over the strings, "honestly all worth it just for this. Even becoming your enemy," You can't help your stupid smile, he looks so cute and he's not even mad. 
"Enemies?!" Eddie gasps, placing a hand over his heart. "I was thinking... maybe..." His eyes trail up to yours, "maybe friends?" 
Again, you can't help smiling. "Is this your way of asking to be friends because it's kinda lame..." You trail off. "Totally not like the hot guy rocking out onstage earlier," Eddie opens his mouth to speak but you're quicker, "If you really need help that bad with guitar lessons, you could just ask." You look at him for a moment before adding one final thing, "But fine, I guess," You sigh dramatically, "I think we can be friends."
"Oh, I hate you," Eddie says quickly.
"You know... I hate you, too." You wrap an arm over his shoulders as you walk out of the venue.
And that's how you met Eddie Munson. The loser boy who's your loser friend who you want to be your loser boyfriend. But you have to ask him. And you're not great at that but Aster kind of is. So, of course, you enlist her help. She's nearly as great friends with him as you are. Actually, both of your bands get on rather well. It made you all contemplate becoming one huge band before coming to the decision it would be better and more fun to stay separate and compete against each other. But back to business. 
The plan is simple and cheesy and you kinda love and hate Aster for it. The simplicity is her idea but the guitar pick is yours. What can you say? You're great collaborators. The first step is to lure Eddie back to his trailer which would be rather easy seeing as he's on his way right now. The second step to ask him to talk about something serious is not so easy and frankly, it's making you queasy. This is nothing like performing onstage and this, you actually care about winning or rather being accepted. The third step, pulling out the little ring box and presenting it to Eddie is even more mortifying. What if he actually thinks you're proposing to him? But why would he think that? Also, who would think that unless you were already together? Goddamn it, brain!
With the opening of Eddie's trailer door, all your time to worry is taken away; both a blessing and a curse. You do your best to act casually, waving at Eddie as he steps inside and plopping on the couch as he takes his boots off. Against your better judgment, because your heart is beating out of your chest, you decide to wait a little while or at least a movie's worth. And the whole time with Eddie's arm behind your head, on the top of the couch, and his leg touching yours, and his fleeting glances along with your own, he is unaware of it all. Until, the movie finishes, and you turn fully toward him, asking him to turn the T.V. off so you can ask him something. Now his heart is hammering in his chest too.
He sits up, pulling one leg onto the couch and keeping his arm resting along the top of the couch. "Yeah, what is it?" He asks. He doesn't want to be nervous but he can't help it.
You swallow thickly and try not to shake. Here goes nothing. "Okay, first of all, if you say no, it's totally fine. We can act like this never happened. And by the way, I won't hate you, I promise."
Eddie's starting to get antsy. What the hell are you going to ask him?
"Erm, anyway," You dig in your pocket for the ring box, holding onto it so tightly you wouldn't be surprised if it broke. "Would you- I mean don't you- no," You shake your head. "Would you... want to be my boyfriend?" You bring out the box as you say the words and you see Eddie's eyes widen about ten times their size. 
His mouth is agape. He's wanted this for so long. And now you're asking him and it doesn't feel entirely real. He wants to say yes but there's something on his mind, something he feels like he probably should have asked earlier. "I mean I would but aren't you... aren't you and Aster together?" His eyes meet yours in genuine concern but then you start laughing.
You throw your head back it's so funny. After you get out your first big cackle you can look at Eddie again. Holding back your laughs the best (the worst) you can, you say, "Me and Aster? Never, man. Never."
"But I thought..."
"Trust me, I asked her out before." You say it and it piques his curiosity but that's not his biggest fish to fry at the moment. "Um," Your laughter is finally over and you're a little too serious again, "is that a yes then?"
Eddie nods frantically, "Yeah, yeah, yes! Of course, it's a yes!" He takes the pick from the ring box and turns it as he admires the little thing.
"It's from the battle of the bands... when we met, and I totally kicked your ass," You look at him and he can't even come up with something. He's just smiling at you.
"I love it," He says before leaning over and pulling you into probably the best hug of your life.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Finishing up Trigun volume twoooooo
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapters 7-8 below.
Chapter 7: Demon's Eye
Look at this sassy pose. This man is not straight.
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I just wanna note that, even without Monev or E.G. AND counting Legato as one of the Gung-Ho Guns, this spread does NOT bring their number up to 12. Or even 11.
Midvalley sure is smiley....
Dude. Legato's messing with people's brains in a whole different way now, apparently. I mean, he sticks out in a crowd, so it's particularly weird that they don't remember him. Come to think of it, how did that little street girl notice him if others didn't? Did he just... let her to make his point?
LOL, WW offering to give Legato a message for Vash....
They've only known each other for a bit, and already they're standing back to back.
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Bye, Mr. Bondage Cross! I'm sure you, someone who featured on the cover of the volume, will not show up in any sort of meaningful way again in this entire series.
Vash seems suspicious.
Does... he smell Legato? I want to think he can smell Legato. I'm sure he's smelling, like, the big pile of rotting corpses... but it's funnier if he can smell Legato.
No one wants to talk about the terrifying man in a white coat.
It's... noteworthy that Vash has only described Legato by his clothes and not by his clearly strange-colored hair. He did the same when describing Legato to WW on the bus.
Yup, there's the blood he was smelling. These long shots with Vash in the foreground and devastation in the background....
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Sudden lady!
Hello, Dominique! Glad you could join us! Now, if you'd please take a seat over there....
Nice of her to provide some context for the blood. I doubt Vash will be super-pleased, but it's still better than the alternative.
Yyyyyup. Vash is still Vash.
Dude. Vash. Rude.
Oh, she does have the same kind of coin as Monev.
Vash is gonna have a hard time of it here.... Story of Trigun....
Oof, no one wants to go on a full-out pilgrimage every time they go to church. Too many stairs.
Heh! That window looks like....
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WW is correct. They are being quite rude with this welcome here.
LOL, Vash pussy shot.
"That wasn't humanly possible." Well, then, we need to consider other options, don't we?
Ok, I flipped back through the panels just to be sure, but... like, how in the HECK were we supposed to tell she's teleporting when she opens her mechanical eye??
Even if they miss, having a gun go off that close to your face seems unsafe....
I appreciate the level of detail that leaves the snaps he's missing off.
When your opponent is acting so weird you're momentarily caught off-guard and forget you're supposed to be killing him.
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I forgot until just now that Vash is still running around sans one (1) arm.
Chapter 8: Fifth Moon
CW: Sexual abuse/assault reference/imagery
Shit, I recognize that title and I don't like it.
I figured they were leftover slavers because of their freaking leg poofs.
Oh, good. They cleared it up pretty quick.
They keep calling the thing on Legato's right shoulder a torture device, but the only use I can think of for it is stabbing himself in the face when he moves wrong.
Stampede seems to have forgone the name "Chapel" for perhaps a more apt name. I wonder if "it "Chapel" will show up in Season 2?
Dude. Dominique. Overreaction.
Wait, did Vash just pass out?
No. No. Doctor bad. No doctor. Please send back. Surround the place with apples as a warding circle.
Who's this tall lady??
WW already having a crisis of conscience? Good good.
That's the real struggle, isn't it, Wolfy. VERY interested to see how Stampede handles this.
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And I thought normal pregnancy was gross. Plants are on a whole other level.
Scary Vash is scary.
I'm sorry, I'm laughing so hard at Legato crying over Knives' rebirth. I know I shouldn't. This man's obsession just amuses the hell out of me sometimes.
Long-haired Knives! Long-haired Knives!
NM, Legato. I apologize for laughing. Long-haired Knives really is that beautiful.
If only the stomach stretch retreated that fast. Or... dissolved into a bunch of feathers shojo style. I'd take that, too. And I haven't even been pregnant.
We have no real idea where Vash is relative to Knives (aside from "in the same city"), and Vash is still screaming at him.
First glimpse of Vash's slutty windowed top.
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Vash isn't wrong. AND he deserves to be slapped. Meryl is also right. Neither of them are listening. This happens a lot when everyone is shouting.
LOL, she hurt her hand on Vash's hard head.
Heheheheheh, Meryl has a cruuuuuuush....
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It's interesting how, for once, as Vash goes forward with full intention of embracing his status as the Humanoid Typhoon, he's not wearing his iconic coat.
Iconic Vash back shot. I don't know why, in all the times I've seen it posted, I never thought to look at the color of his hair. I always assumed this shot was from Maximum. Even though I'm sure I read this volume back in the day. I just remember NOTHING from it.
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Legato sure looks happy to see him. And heyyyyyy, someone in the background there has a big-ass cross....
Legato's getting a hell of a head-pat here....
ROFL, no one appreciates how much work it is to be a yandere. Knives shows up and he's like, "Screw you, Entire Con-Based Questline. And you, the quest-giver, in particular."
Ugh, I love love love this.
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Knives really gets incredulous about Vash trying to shoot him. Also, My man needs to find himself some pants.
Legato looks kind of like a crushed spider here. He looks like he's still conscious, too, so I'm sure that's fun for him.
Of all the versions of Trigun, this version definitely has WW being the MOST clueless about the nature of Vash and Knives. Not in a "that's beyond me and I don't wanna know" way. In a "WTF did I get myself into, I don't think this is what I signed up for" sort of way.
Ugh, this interchange. It says SO MUCH about their relationship....
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In the story up to this point, Knives has been built up to be this terrible, terrifying bad guy. But now that he's here, his primary concern seems to be Vash's well-being. Aside from his incredulous face when shouting at Vash for pointing a gun at him (again), his expression throughout this whole scene while he's focusing on Vash has been so soft.
Oop, all softness gone.
Something something body horror. Could you imagine having your whole being shift against your will at the touch of another person? If so, I'm sorry, 'cause the only things I can think of that do that are... trauma.
I do want to note that, should this come up in Stampede, they've set it up much better there. The very first time Knives and Vash have an encounter there, Knives touches him, and... it's not this bad, but it absolutely has an effect that Vash seems helpless to resist.
Something something rape imagery.
Heh, they're trying to save Legato.
All these folks were gathered here to supposedly help and protect Knives, and Knives is about to repeat the July incident even though everyone else around them would likely die.
Dude. Knives. You clearly don't give a shit how it feels to Vash. Ash Lynx had a whole speech about this kind of behavior in Banana Fish, and let me tell you, it did NOT conclude with people who behave like this harboring anything resembling love for their victims.
Dude. Vash, no!
Yes, he would.
Oh, babygirl Vash.... That's not the case.... Rem would tell you the same if you told her that.
WW looks... concerned.
Yeah, now they all have a constant reminder of what Vash the Stampede is. All they have to do is look up.
I really wonder how this will go down in Stampede given that they wrapped the aftermath, in particular, into the initial arc. Having Vash disappear for an additional two years seems unlikely.
Heh. The coat. Good luck, Coat.
Author Bonus Chapter: Welcome to the Future
It's funny to think of someone saying Nightow has no inner fire when one has a feel for the themes of Trigun. Just because someone isn't in your face about it doesn't mean they don't burn.
Tea heals so many woes....
Isn't this the story of any creative....
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Dude, that's not a fortune. That's just life. In the internet age, you don't even have to leave your house to meet interesting people. May it indeed be fun.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Amusingly, our entry point to the Lower City sewers is a ladder that leads down to a single room with four stone walls (one of which can be knocked down to progress).
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One has to wonder a) what the point of this room/its manhole is within the wider sewer system, b) where the water came from, and c) how long that water has been stagnating here. The smell must be tremendous.
The wall to be broken down turned out to be a bit of pain; it is one of the "Sturdy" ones, meaning it only responds to damage of higher than 10 points in a single hit, and it seemed to be finicky about that, too - its description claims it's vulnerable to force damage, but a smokepowder bomb did nothing to it. I was struggling to figure out why Hector couldn't just punch through it until I remembered he hadn't taken his daily dose of hill giant strength potion. (I'm actually running low on them; really wishing I'd paid more attention to buying rarer crafting materials in the early part of the game. Live and learn, I suppose.)
Anyway, drank that down and the wall immediately folded like tissue paper.
The sewers have definitely seen better days.
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None of this is changing Hector's mind about coming down here being a terrible experience and the worst part of adventuring so far.
I am still trying to stay fairly focused on getting to Minsc ASAP but of course the game isn't going to make that easy. I checked out a few side rooms on the way through the sewers because I didn't want to forget to come back for them, and one of them - a locked room behind an area blocked by noxious gasses - woke up the Emperor for a comment.
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Hm. Okay, sure, let's take a look. Given we're planning to betray the Emperor at some point in the nearish future, knowing as much about it as possible would be important.
There's a log down here detailing Duke Stelmane's illness and eventual deterioration. (I don't think this is related to her murder per se, which I think was something different orchestrated recently by Orin, but Wyll did mention that in the length of time he knew Stelmane she seemed to get markedly more ill - that Ravengard said she'd had a stroke, but that Wyll seemed to doubt that for whatever reason.)
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Aw. :(
This does line up with what the Emperor told us about its dealings with Stelmane and how they were far closer than simple business partners.
I've said this before, but I honestly am completely fascinated by the Emperor as a character. I am a sucker for characters that have very deep feelings that they are either super suble/non-demonstrative/suppressive about (hence some of why Hector is The Way That He Is, I suppose, not to mention Jenna, Matty, Adi, Elliot, and Randa) or wouldn't be expected to have them. And the Emperor, despite being a mind flayer, clearly had a VERY strong bond with Stelmane - and, potentially, with the PC if you allow it to play out that way.
I'm really pretty intrigued by the arc that is apparently available where you actually romance it; I am not a tentacle aficionado so there's no particular physical appeal for me, obviously, but from an emotional standpoint it seems like there is some interesting depth there.
Anyway, this is all moot to Hector's run, of course, because Hector wants to run as far away from the Emperor as possible, as soon as possible. XD (And he's kind of frustrated to learn about all these humanizing aspects of it, because it will just make the eventual betrayal harder.)
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OK, let's take a look around.
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acequinz · 2 years
Just saw a beautiful post about how sky isolates himself and his pain to the point people around him end up not seeing it.
And I just wanna say, it's such a common thing.
Especially for people who are suffering to constantly downplay their own pain and not share it with people even if they know that those people will care and try to help. Simply because it's too much work and they would feel bad about having others worried for him.
Add on the fact that Sky clearly is a people pleaser and while we clearly see him putting up boundaries around himself we also see the way he wavers in them.
He almost always says yes to anyone who asks for help. Ignores his own health to reach beyond and help others out.
While I do think that Sky has been actively trying to be strict with his boundaries, the whole ignoring how bad he feels and pushing through by over working himself is a direct response to his trauma being triggered.
At the same time I don't think Sky has bad friends or family.
It's very clear from the show that they do care about him and even worry about him. With Rain it seems like he doesn't care for Sky at times with how often he ends up crossing certain boundaries.
But we have established that Rain is fucking dumb when it comes to shit like this. I love the boy but emotionally he's not the pick up on the subtext person.
And considering the possibility that they have only known each other since the start of college, that would an year at most. It's not enough to learn all the tell tales of a person's emotional being especially when the other person is as good as covering it up as sky.
Sky actively goes out of his way to make sure people don't see him vulnerable, he never once talks about his problems. Probably think they are too much work for others and doesn't wanna burden them.
Cause he most likely blames himself for what happened. He blames himself for being manipulated and not the manipulator as it is a common statement that comes around, "how did you not see how wrong things were until it got here? The red flags were so clear were you that blinded?" When a victim talks about finally wanting to escape the abuse.
Now this may seem repetitive but sky could have real good support system even without Prapai.
His friends clearly care. Rain with his super duper affection floods and the pure way trusts Sky to be around.
Sig with the way he stands up for Sky when he sees Som going off on Sky for no fucking reason and is actually very respectful towards sky altogether. As we see in the meeting room he instantly tries to calm himself once Sky steps in.
And the third guy (whose name I have forgotten , sorry) Also is willing to help out Sky he can, his help is more around college work and responsibilities, being the only other person who seems to be keeping up to support sky with the official work.
Never gonna forget his father, who's trying to keep things cheery for both himself and his son and quietly watches out for any signs of sadness in his boy and relaxes when he sees that Sky is smiling again. He was most likely the one to support him the hardest after the spiral with Sky's ex. I am not sure if he even knows the details of what happened or did he just have to pick the pieces up after it was shattered. But for some reason I am guessing no, he doesn't know the exact details just that his son was suffering.
Now it may not be a stretch to say, that the reason the support system is not working as well is because Sky is still not ready to lean into it. Because the others do work by with Sky and what he shows them. The only moment we see them worrying is because we see the mask of Sky failing as he fails to pretend to be fine and they do spring into action only stopping when Sky himself says he's fine.
Which is when Prapai comes in, cause he's a lot more I don't know the word - perspective???? Nope not that one.... Perceptive, yes!
He is able to pick up on Sky's micro expressions with ease, sees the pain and the emotions on Sky's face and it clicks with him. He wants to do something to help out.
And he sees Sky pushing him away but also the way he desperately needs help so he stays and pushes back, cause he sees what sky needs even if he's not sure what it exactly is he knows it's not to be left alone.
Sky needs someone to push through and break down the falls so the wounds can heal.
There's this thing when you get hurt, even if you bandage it up tightly for it to heal better after some time you need to remove the bandage and free the skin to some fresh air so the healing is not stifled and smoothes over.
Prapai is that wind.
Anyways I clearly don't know where I went with this. I just had a lot of emotions regarding this and so here's the whole word vomit lol.
But overall sky and prapai dynamic screams
Prapai: I wanna care for you.
Sky: it's rotten work.
Prapai: not for me.
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jq37 · 2 years
It was a good first episode. There's always some growing pains before they lock down the dynamic, but this was a solid introduction to what's coming down the pipeline. Murph and Emily successfully broke my heart the most. One's marriage is crumbling and the other's just a really traumatized child. Lou and Ally character's are pretty great and seem to have the most plot going on ATM. That voice Lou's doing is such a choice. Zac and Siobhan need more time before we can fully sink our teeth in. PIB is entertaining, but that's all we got so far. And while I'm desperately trying to block out Siobhan's intro, beyond the stressful horror, Rosamund didn't give us a lot character wise. Looking forward to getting stressed out by the rest of the season.
I was a big fan of this first episode! There was a lot of interesting stuff intro'd with all the new PCs (and I really got a sense of like...Once Upon a Time but competent lol). I already went through my thoughts a bit in the recap for the week but here are some more casual thoughts on everyone.
(1) Rosamund: Roz seems to have retained a lot of her princess niceties and demeanor which is honestly impressive considering her entire Situation. I'm wondering if this is going to be a Ruby style arc where she turns jaded eventually or if she's just going be Like This the whole time. A sunshine-y character in a crapsack world is always an interesting contrast. Also, we kind of started and ended with her since Pinocchio was warned that someone was coming for her. I'm curious if the fairy who cursed her is the same fairy that Pinocchio met.
(2) Ger: Brennan does this really cool thing where the end of the world is happening but you're like, "Oh no! This character cheated on this other character!" The human drama stuff feels just as weighty and often more weighty than the life or death stuff. That's how I feel about Ger's whole situation. He's really a dude in need of some serious self-reflection and I'm charmed by how pathetic he is. The issues he's having with his wife are so grounded in reality, even though they involve conversations that start, "Remember who we started dating when I was a frog?" Can't wait to see more of him--and hopefully Elodie at some point too. Where is she Brennan???
(3) Tim: Once again, everything with the Gander is totally messed up. I really hate the idea of accidentally stumbling into a kind of eldritch pact. You're right that there's a very clear plot hook with him and his mission with the book. From the way it was framed, it almost seems like the book has the "correct" or at least more wholesome versions of the tales in it somehow. Or is a gateway to where those versions exist? Because Brennan said it was their town but without the flooding and Jack looked like how he "was meant to be" or something like that. A lot to think about.
(Sidenote: Me and my friend were joking about whether the bad guy this season was going to be capitalism, or the church and my halfway joking answer is capitalism in the form of some version of the Disney Corporation lol.)
(4) Puss: I don't have a lot to say about Puss that I haven't already said in my recap but I love Zac putting his all into his cat mannerisms and I really love this grounded look at what would actually happen after the Puss in Boots story. Looking forward to getting more info.
(5) Red: Yikesssssssssssssssssssss. Emily just went for the jugular right away, huh? As usual, no notes Ms. Axford. I think it's super cool they mixed the Red story and the Big Bad Wolf story. I wonder if/when we're going to get details on how it went down with her grandma because we never got that. I feel like Emily might steal the emotional killshot crown from Siobhan for me this season.
(6) Pinocchio: OK first of all, no one can say Lou doesn't commit to the bit. Second of all, as I said in my recap and at the top in Roz's section, there's clearly something afoot here. Why does Pinocchio’s stepmom want Roz kept safe? And who even is she? My pet theory (based on very little info to be fair) is that she's Cinderella herself somehow but she could very easily be lots of other people (one of the stepsisters is a guess I didn't mention in my recap). Clearly, we're missing a ton of puzzle pieces here so I'm eager to get more. Also, I’m gonna be so mad when Lou is having a super emotional scene and he’s talking Like That. You monster.
One last thing: I'm curious about the timeline here. Since Roz has been asleep for 100 years it seems, how does that slot in with everything else? How long has this plan involving her been in motion. If Sleeping Beauty happened 100 years ago, when did—for instance--the Cinderella story happen (if it happened)?
OK, that’s what I got. Looking forward to the next ep on Wed!
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becauseplot · 1 year
Sorry if this is weird but I saw on the tags of one of ur reblog’s that you’ve been thinking about c!phil in the qsmp and can you expand on that??
I’ve genuinely been thinking about this for WEEKS as well and I’d love to hear ur headcanons!! Only if you want to ofc!!
Oh sure, I'd love to!! (SUPER long post incoming, hope you're ready lmao.)
Honestly they're not so much headcanons as they are ideas for plot?? I like writing, so a lot of my ideas are in the form of stories. The main reason I haven't attempted a fic yet is bc I don't have Enough plot to make anything atm, I've only got random scenes.
ANYWAY. c!Phil in qsmp. I'd probably take c!Phil as he is shortly after c!Techno's passing and chuck him into the qsmp story in the little bit of lore-downtime between the spiderbit wedding and when the election stuff started kicking up (but it's been announced by this point). It’s just so that I don't have to worry about working him into any major story arcs. Missa and q!Wilbur are also there because I said so.
The main thing I have in mind is just c!Phil seeing how different the community is on the island relative to his world---how united the island is, how alive the island is. People have waystones directly connecting each other to their bases and central areas; they drop in on each other all the time. People's comms buzz constantly as full conversations take place over global chat instead of through whisper-messages. There are security doors and reinforced walls but they're not necessarily to keep other islanders out; people share passcodes and access keys for emergencies. Everyone seems to know and trust each other despite the mysterious (and sometimes dangerous) circumstances they find themselves in.
In c!Phil's quiet, post-post-post-Doomsday world, where most were scattered to the wind or went into hiding, this would be a serious shock for him. I think it would take him a bit of time (and quite a bit of reassurance from q!Missa and q!Phil) for him to adjust to the fact he doesn't need to put a hand on his weapon every time someone gets a little too close. He'd probably be a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and how inviting they are (introvert/isolationist moment). q!Phil (also introverted and isolative by nature) would clock this Immediately and come up with excuses for c!Phil whenever he clearly needs a break. Suddenly being around so many people, especially after c!Techno's passing...it would be draining.
What else... Oh, the "tttt" system! I have a whole Idea(TM) about this scene so I won't say too much here but c!Phil marveling at how everyone shows up to help. Again, the whiplash.
Also, hearing about the upcoming elections would give him an immediate shot of anxiety. Like, someone mentions the elections and c!Phil's face goes white. Yeah. Elections and community division are what led to him making the worst decision of his life (killing his son---though c!Wilbur's downward spiral started long before the elections). He hates to think that this loving community could be corrupted like L'Manburg's was. Before he's sent back to his homeword, he definitely takes the time to warn them about the potential danger they're running into.
OH! And the Technoblade shrine Tallulah made! Again, I've got a whole Scene about the Technoblade shrine in my head, so I'll keep this brief as to not just write out the whole scene (lmao), but I think he would really appreciate it. In his world, c!Techno had a lot more enemies than friends, so seeing how cherished c!Techno’s memory is in this world (cherished by q!Phil, by Chayanne, by Tallulah, by everyone who has heard the stories about Phil's old friend) would probably be so...relieving for c!Phil, who has felt so alone in his grief. (Of course, he has c!Niki and c!Ranboo to grieve with him back in his world, but again---hardcore isolationist. It would be a long time before he felt the motivation to reach out.)
I have a few other small details floating around (talking to q!Wilbur, the fancy "technology"/mods on the island, using paragliders to pseudo-fly, complaining about the tropical weather, the dubious existence of q!Kristin, anarchist solidarity, interactions with Chayanne and Tallulah, and so on) but I've laid out the meat of it.
God this post got long lmao. Clearly I need to get to writing that fic. Thanks for letting me ramble at ya! If you’ve got any ideas u wanna share, send em my way! No pressure to respond to this at all ofc I know this is a Lot. Thanks for the ask :D
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hournites · 2 years
BV layout confuses me so much. I know Rick lives out by a farm but I always assumed the girls lived close to the school so why was Rick and Beth driving through so many trees. By the time he picks her up they should be in a townie area. Also, hournite did not offer Courtney that carpool and I know Beth and Courtney live close to each other from a Stargirl flying shot from S2 lol. Maybe she got a ride from the Crocks. And Rick crushing on a rich girl while throwing that shit in Camerons face lol.
I need so much more detail about This hournite carpool. How often does it happen. Do the Chapels know he picks their daughter up? Who initiated it? Did Rick offer? Did Beth ask? Is it out of his way to pick her up first before going to school (it’s even better if it is lol). Can Beth drive? She’s one of those rich brats that Rick despises (except he doesn’t for her because he’s a hypocrite in love) but she doesn’t have a car so is Rick driving so she avoids the bus? So many question!
It’s been a few days and I still need the writers to drop all the tea on why Rick and Beth carpool to school in the mornings. It’s such a little little big thing!! Also, he seems super comfortable and probably use to her parents checking in over the past few weeks since they found out. I cannot wait for the first Rick and Chapel parents scene and it better not disappoint!
Rick is definitely trying to date and marry his way into the Chapel family lol. Just kidding, but also not really. Between James, Bridget and Beth they’ve got a lot of love to spare and Rick is desperately in need of it. The only stable thing he has going for him at the moment is the JSA and the team can’t seem to go a season without fracturing so he needs pre stability than that.
Rick and Beth were supposed to go "parking" after school, but it didn't happen because Cameron damaged the Hournite-mobile.
Combined with that potential hournite scene in the Chapels living room from the BTS of the finale (I say potential because we don't know for sure that Rick is in the scene) I think it's highly likely that because Rick literally has no one and is in need of affection and care - Beth kills two birds with one stone and gets her parents super excited about Rick and basically shares their love and  enthusiasm with him which I think he'd be receptive to and it means she gets a little break from them.
Alright. It’s time to talk about that car scene. 
What this scene makes abundantly clear is that Rick drives Beth to school and this is by far not the first time. Once again, I think what we need to remember is that Rick and Beth spent the entire summer together.  Not only is this confirmed in the tie-in comic, but other indicators demonstrate that they’ve grown close just in the way that Yolanda was working and Courtney was on vacation. 
Beth also does have a bike which is how she got around town in season 1. So it’s not that she doesn’t have any way to get to school. Pat usually drives Courtney to school. In 3x03, Yolanda had an early shift at the diner, so, no, Rick wasn’t going to pick her up. I think even if she hadn’t had one, her parents would not be allowing her to get into a car with a boy. The obvious answer here is that if Rick really wanted to, Yolanda could walk around the block and Rick would pick her up there. Rick clearly is only offering to Beth. An organic way that this could have happened is on a rainy day where Rick sees Beth on her bike and stops to let her in and drive her to school. And then it just becomes a habit.The truth is simple though. Rick will go out of his way to drive Beth anywhere and he’s already been doing that late at night since season 1. 
And it’s interesting, because anon 1 here mentions that they seem like they’ve come from someplace out of the neighbourhood. I see your point, though Pat has drove past many trees and random roads to bring Courtney to school in season 1 (1x05), so this isn’t so out of the normal. Still...what if they had breakfast together out of town? If they wanted to talk about the hourglass, Yolanda works at the diner, so maybe they went somewhere else to flirt have privacy. Bridget and James are both at work already so they left Beth at home early. We also knew that Beth was a bit overwhelmed at all of the breakfast in bed treatment that she was getting. So, maybe Rick offered to drive Beth to school and in exchange, the Chapels gave them spending money for breakfast? This would be a good deal for Rick, who needed food, and this arrangement would be easy enough to execute without Rick having to delve into the fact he didn’t have anyone at home anymore. So, until it’s proven otherwise, this is canon to me. 
I think what’s really interesting about what Rick reveals here, and I’ve detected this from season 1, is that he gets jealous. Rightfully so and understandably, he’s channeling this anger about kids who have family who love them because he’s been so lonely the last 10 years of his life. Rick would’ve overheard ALL the skype calls for at least almost two full years between Beth and her parents. He wants that. He longs for that connection. And so when Beth thought her parents were divorcing, Rick, who has already forged an emotional bond with her by this point, was truly able to open up and support her in this feeling that he’d been well acquainted with for so long. In a lot of ways, just as Rick can trust Beth, he can trust her parents. Because he knows her parents by proxy of knowing Beth and listening in to all those calls. This is what differentiates Beth in his mind from someone like Cameron, who all he can see is 1. the product of a man who lived in wealth and luxury and yet still had the audacity to act as if his life was miserable and people should die because of bad things that happened to him. 2. Someone who had his parents ripped away from him and yet still do whatever he wants because he’s rolling in money -- This is all from a distance. Rick doesn’t know Cameron and hasn’t had the chance (and won’t give the chance) for him to plead his case and make him listen the way that Beth was able to in 5 seconds in 1x08, which profoundly changed his worldview of her. 
What I’m realizing now is that this long-familiarity and habit of it is probably one of the biggest reasons why Rick said that she should talk to her parents in 2x03 (while I still maintain that this is terrible advice). Rick does know how their dynamic has shifted the most, and he’s rather perceptive. It’s possible Rick was watching from the sidelines the slow descent into dysfunction that the Chapels were having, but didn’t feel it was his place to tell this to Beth’s face. And in the end, Rick was right. Beth’s parents were able to salvage their issues, and now all Rick can see is this positivity and light that’s directed to Beth affirming her identity and worth and...When has anyone ever truly done that for Rick in his life? 
In the car scene, it’s implied that Rick was talking to Beth before her parents called in, and she felt like she was intruding or disturbing him with their Chapel chatter. I think Rick just really loves being a part of it. The common thread about The Chapels is that they’re all workaholics about what they’re passionate about! Whether it be their family or their jobs or the jobs OF their families, Beth, Bridget and James all share this almost over-the-top overachiever quality. So, yes, her parents are loving her so hard she’s feeling smothered. And I think especially she’s outgrown the amount of attention she’s been nostalgic for when she was young and in middle school. But due to Rick’s trauma, he still needs this kind of attention that he has never had past the age of 6/7. He’s been neglected. 
While helicopter and smothering parenting is unhealthy, yes, it is going to be appealing to someone who had to steal food and live with an alcoholic that blew up at him whenever he didn’t get his way. Basically, Rick and Beth really are at two extremes and this entire episode’s theme was about balance. I think their relationship creates a good opportunity for them to come together and both get something good out of it. Since Pat has his hands full with Sylvester and Barbara has her hands full with Paula, it would be nice to see The Chapels have a nice parenting moment with Rick. 
I also think there’s a slight possibility that the Chapels might be hosting a JSA meeting during the Infinity Inc era so that’ll be fun. Or, there might be a situation where Beth’s parents overstep the boundaries of safety regarding the murder mystery and get themselves targeted by a villain after finding too much information. Then maybe Rick and Beth would have to go on a mission to save her parents. That would be fun!
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oc-cinematic-universe · 11 months
explanations for the answers to this post! answers are under the cut both for how lengthy this is going to get and just in case you don't want to know for whatever reason!
there will be a fully animated scene with music and everything - FALSE
while doing a fully animated scene would be really cool, it is not feasible as a single person working on this comic. i've also thought it through and realized, while the story itself is better suited for a movie, having individual scenes be animated when i've worked so hard to fit the story to a webcomic medium would be a huge disservice to the story! it would be cool, but would not have the effect i want! but it is mainly just the fact that it would be too much for me to handle. animated pages will happen, but the animations are small and simple so i can reasonably get them done
the demon has a backstory. this will not come up in comic
the demon was a previous reaper of souls working under the previous god who handled the underworld before death took over. demons are created when reapers are basically fired from their jobs, corrupted into a form that needs to seek out souls for sustenance. while This Demon was one of many to be cast out after death took over and started getting rid of all the dumbasses, it was one of few who managed to actually find a food source of any kind, and one of even fewer to still be around and a threat.
none of this really matters for the plot because nobody cares about this bitch and its main personality trait is being annoying so no one would ever listen to it if it did bother to provide an explanation. death may vaguely bring it up, but i have no plans for him to explain either. it's just not as important as the fact that the demon is here
superhell is real
while the current gods do not know where it came from, an inter-dimensional pocket connected itself to the underworld. with it came an understanding that it is a place to send the worst a universe has to offer. the universe killers, those who even in death cannot be contained and pose a danger to the safety of the universe. so yeah superhell's real and the gods don't know how it got there
The Wizard Maze. Oh God The Wizard Maze.
this is basically the entire premise of chapter 9. the demon uses newfound power to rearrange the school and trap certain people in their game of cat and mouse.
characters have arguments with me personally
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
dara has literally already done this!
kid becomes a necromancer out of spite
elowen, the goddess of life, thinks necromancy is bad because she thinks everything should always happen in its natural path and straying from that path will only harm the world. cody thinks this is bullshit and does it anyways!
joe gets a gun
joe tries to shoot his doppleganger in the face!
gods as a species have been thought out in detail. none of it is plot relevant
i think the way the gods function with the world is super fucking cool and interesting and a fascinating bit of worldbuilding but the gods are not the most important characters in the comic, and How they work, like the demon, is not as important as the fact that they're here
a set of pages must be viewed by layering them on top of each other
"must" is a bit of an exaggeration. i only realized after posting i should have changed it to "can". emotions and feelings and the state the characters are in is an incredibly important part of this comic to me, and finding interesting ways to go about showing it is a passion of mine. there will be a point of time where dara can't think clearly at all and is experiencing massive deja vu on top of dissociating in general. while the pages will be readable on their own, the plan is to make it so you are able to overlay parts of pages to get a clearer picture of what's going on in the present and in reality, and not purely what dara's experiencing. because pushing your way through an episode like she's having is *hard* and requires effort to get any kind of grip
NOTE: THERE IS POTENTIAL THAT THE OVERLAID PAGES THING WILL NOT HAPPEN. if i can't manage to pull it off the way i want to, i will have to scrap it and attempt something else. i have back up plans in place already. but i do WANT it to happen and will try my best with it
demon asks god for power. god says "ok", does so, and then leaves
i don't know what else to say about this one man. lonan's just an asshole and doesn't care if this demon kills everyone. yeah sure why the fuck not, take the power, who gives a shit. the demon didn't exactly realize it would have to talk to its former boss to get the power but it worked out in the end didn't it
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eriexplosion · 1 year
This ep once again showing hunter and echo have all of tbb's impulse control lmao. Tech always goes on missions kinda exasperated and ends up getting super into it the moment anything new comes up. Tbh tho I like phee but I feel like there was room for more character development in here - feels like it's supposed to be a hunter focused ep but it doesn't seem to deliver any new character trait or growth sadly (but at least we got tired dad, knife twirling, and spidey sense vers of hunter? lol)
(ran out of wordcount sry (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)) Naturally, I still liked the ep and will be trawling over it for details still 3 days later probably but even though I tend to like eps that ppl call 'filler' this one essentially seems to bring like a material obstacle to the table but not accompany it with the usual character obstacles? The dynamic between hunter and phee could have been a lot more complex imo, but it seems like in the ep they interact with puzzles more than they do with each other
Yeah I think I did enjoy Faster more when it comes to new character dynamics - I think this mostly just kind of carried through a couple threads that were already established. We got a little more time with Phee instead of her just being in one scene, a little bit more of Omega being INCREDIBLY into anything that lets her be an Adventurer, Hunter being the most Tired man alive, etc.
I do think it's interesting that we know Echo is kind of clashing with Hunter about the direction to go in and we see here that Hunter doesn't even like where they're at. He wants to argue against doing More but he doesn't even like doing what they're doing, its like he just is digging his heels in because the unknown is worse than what they're doing. Which is saying something because this bitch clearly HATES treasure hunting and waking up Kaiju and shit.
Overall it did feel like kind of an animation flex because the LOOKS were on point, and I'm sure that it'll be a hit with the younger audience that TBB is also supposed to be appealing to. This episode felt very TCW to me in that aspect, because sometimes an episode is just about going to a place and dealing with a problem you don't want to have. Like Godzilla.
Anyway I think that like Infested this episode will play better on a rewatch once the whole season is out but I did really enjoy it. Next week is likely to be Gungi and then we'll get until the Coruscant episodes I think, so I'm okay with a couple adventures of the week.
(All that said, the moment that the Beast fucking awakens I lost it because I just think about how the batch is supposed to be laying low. Instead. This happens.)
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Director's Commentary Request!
*ahem*....as per the thread I just reblogged from you, I formally request you do a Director's Commentary of your fic, Patience.
No clue either how to even approach doing anything like this BUT if anyone can do it, it's you :)
If you don't feel like doing Patience, then whatever you choose I am here for! It's just that damned line keeps haunting me over and over and over again and making me less normal by the hour. Either way -your pic! Hugs!
Ooooh, I'll totally do this for "Patience" even though I have literally no idea what I'm doing. 😂 (An attempt at) Director's Commentary under the readmore! Enjoy, friend!
So, this fic initially started out as an entirely different beast. I was going to have Vreenak and his secretary be in an established relationship. The plan was for them to take advantage of a stuck turbolift and use that as an opportunity to mess around, or more accurately, as an opportunity for Vreenak to tease his girl.
But then I had a thought: what if Vreenak was having a bad day and he finally just lost his patience? And that's how this fic mutated. Originally, it was just like 600 words - a glance into the tension snap and the interruption. However, I have a tendency to think things through a little too far, so eventually I reached a point where I had this whole backstory for how their tension built and why their day was so awful.
Vreenak is a character who is so ripe for the enemies-to-lovers trope that I literally can't resist. So they disliked each other at the start, but reluctantly they acknowledged that neither of them was so bad, after all. And they were both pissed off about being attracted to each other, so they denied it and denied it...until this insane day finally made them snap.
I wanted to give a small, situational example of their mutual irritation, so foot-tapping seemed like a good way to illustrate that. We all have small little habits that could potentially seem annoying to others, so (even though I firmly believe that Vreenak didn't really mind it) I wanted him to give him something just irritating enough to poke through the last of his restraint and make him irritable enough to pick a fight.
The description of their actual day was honestly just the first thing I could come up with, but I figured Klingons and Romulans get along so terribly that a drunken Klingon would be a good place to start. The Andorian was pure self-indulgence, but now that I have the thought in my head, I'm tempted to write a prequel detailing how their day actually went.
When the reader finally snaps at her Senator boss, I wanted to make it abundantly clear that she had a reason to be angry. She's clearly a competent worker who does her job well, but she's also in denial about being in love with this absolute grump of a Romulan. That's why she protests, even when they're messing around, that she hates him. (He knows she doesn't. He's been in the Tal Shiar for so long that he could spot her lies even if he was blindfolded and half a system away.) Hence the laughter when he calls her out on her bullshit.
Super calm about the way the tension finally snapped. He had wanted to get a reaction from her all damn day, and finally she was fighting back. In my mind, Vreenak enjoys it when he has to show off to his mate that he can definitely be dominant and in charge when he needs to be, so ordering her to "shut up" and taking control of the situation like that was the absolute best case scenario of how that could have gone for him. He enjoys the moments when she's a tease, but he likes teasing her back and winning even moreso.
As for The Line™ that was honestly a last-minute addition. Leaving it at the two of them exiting the turbolift didn't quite feel like it gave the closure that I wanted it to. Writing a more complete ending seemed like the way to go, and The Line was just something that I felt like Vreenak would say to a person he'd been in love with for a long time. He definitely has the power and the influence to protect anyone he wished, so why not make that abundantly clear? And I didn't realize just how fucking romantic that line sounded until I was editing lol.
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