#detrans butch
genderqueerdykes · 1 year
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made a helpful graphic about trans infighting. thanks for reading
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sapphos-darlings · 2 years
Your daily gnc reminders that...
🌸 Clothes don't have gender
🌸 Haircuts have no gender
🌸 Your sexual orientation doesn't make you more or less of a woman. It's just your sexual orientation.
🌸 There are no woman-hobbies, -interests, -personality or -way-of-thinking
🌸 You are perfect just the way you are! Don't let ridiculous myths, gender roles or gender stereotypes teach you shame or make you believe that there's something wrong with you!
🌸 Every woman is her own unique person. Be your own woman! Be you!
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melesmelesmeles · 8 months
I am not a wretch, though. Women who look different aren't ruined women. To see ourselves as ruined on the basis of how testosterone and surgery changed our bodies is to reveal the extent to which we hold ourselves to woman-hating definitions of what femaleness is. Being a woman does not mean I exist to be looked at and have my appearance evaluated, and it does not mean I have to exist to have children. These are the metrics by which transition is considered to have ruined us.
- Max Robinson, Detransition: Beyond Before and After, p. 41
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butcharium · 1 year
I really hope detransitioned lesbians and bi women have a wonderful pride this year 💜
My life has improved a lot in the last few years as I've gotten to know a lot more butch and gnc women, and some of those I've treasured the most are detransitioned women. Not only are these women wonderful individuals but it has also been so great (and in some ways healing) for me to talk about our similar and related and overlapping experiences (as well as where we all differ)!
I hope the rest of you whom I don't know are also able to find listening ears and compassionate hearts this pride, as well as during the rest of the year 💜
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terra-feminarum · 1 year
We will have a generation of butch lesbians and masculine bi women who have first transitioned, then detransitioned. This experience is so common it's going to be a prominent part of our community. If you have gone through this, you aren't alone.
We don't have to be ashamed. This is not an individual failing. Our community has faced adversities many times in history. This is the adversity our generation faced, nothing less, but nothing more, either.
It doesn't have to crush us, it can be the glue that reconnects us to the community.
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thedarestudy · 6 months
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Have you stopped transitioning or detransitioned? Do you live in Canada or the United States, and are you aged 16 and over? You may be eligible to share your experiences in a survey and/or research interview. www.thedarestudy.com
¿Has experimentado cambios en tu identidad después de iniciar su transición de género? Puedes ser elegible para compartir tus experiencias en un estudio de investigación. www.thedarestudy.com
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candiid-caniine · 9 months
detrans/misgendering blogs dni
im fully out here for queering kinks that are usually bioessentialist at best.
give me butch patriarchy, make me the stupid little femme that naturally superior butches come home to and order to my knees, order me to suck their strap, dinner on the stovetop. cute little aprons, negligees, total financial control.
give me transfem supremacy, every wet little hole belonging to holy girlcock, assholes, cunts, mouths, you name it. give me filthy minded, musky transfems that cuck my cis girlfriend by using me as a fleshlight, making her hold me for their use.
hell, I don't see it as often, but give me transmasc supremacy, too. give me real men with boycunts and tdicks who pity me for being agender, who mockingly lament that if only I could commit to being masc, I could be as godly as they are...but it's too bad, I'll just have to resign myself to being their willing wet mouth. give me transmascs who sneer at the poor men in this world sullied by a biodick.
just make me a free use service housepet for all the trans daddies and mommies, all the butch patriarchs and breadwinners. let the butches forcefemme me, or keep me androgynous and mock me for not being a real butch. let the transfemmes praise me for shedding the false womanhood I was born with while I worship the true femininity of musky ladyballs and girltaints. let the transmascs undermine me for not being a real boy like them, for not having the guts to go on T, and put me at a level below even cis "men."
queer bioessentialism. send post.
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butchpeace · 5 days
Pelvic Floor Health for Detrans Women and All AFAB People
A disclaimer before we start: I am not a doctor, a PT, or an expert of any kind, I just noticed there was a lack of information about pelvic floor health in the detrans (and trans) communities and I wanted to compile the information that I’ve gained. If there are any issues or you have any wisdom to share, please DM me! I plan to add to this post and edit it over time as I learn more.
95% of females who have been on testosterone report pelvic health issues, which can include urinary leakage or retention, bladder pain, difficulty emptying the bladder, general pelvic pain, pain with sex, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, vaginismus, anal issues, and more. (Source)
If you’ve experienced any of these problems, you’re not alone, and there are things you can do!
Vaginal Atrophy
The vast majority of detransitioning women (and females who are transitioning) have vaginal atrophy, which is a thinning and weakening of the tissues that line the vaginal wall. Atrophy can lead to pain during sex, or with regular movement, bleeding due to small tears in the vaginal lining, narrowing of the vaginal canal, urinary issues, and more.
Because testosterone affects our ovaries, we can think of this issue as something similar to GSM (Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause). Many of our symptoms mirror what happens to women as they age and their estrogen production decreases.
Treatments for Atrophy
1. Vaginal estrogen comes in the form of creams, suppositories, and insertable rings.
2. Vitamin E suppositories have been found to be as effective as vaginal estrogen in some studies. (Source)
3. Regular sexual activity can help by filling the vaginal wall tissues with blood, which can help to revitalize those tissues.
There are also many options for dryness, including vaginal moisturizers, aloe, coconut oil, and more. Sometimes the simplest natural options can be the most effective! Always talk to your gynecologist and do your own research on products you’re considering buying and make sure the ingredients are safe. Some people may experience yeast infections and other issues when using certain products.
Vaginal atrophy itself is to blame in many cases for the urinary symptoms that many of us report, and treating the atrophy may be all that’s needed in order to improve the urinary symptoms.
In other cases, we also need to look at overall pelvic floor health. I would argue that taking care of your pelvic floor is essential for any woman at any stage of life, since it can help with so many things!
Pelvic Floor Muscle Issues
Pelvic floor health issues can be divided into 2 types - Hypotonicity and Hypertonicity. Both types can lead to bladder issues, among other things.
Hypotonicity is the classic type many women experience after having children or during menopause. It’s also described as having a weak pelvic floor, and kegels are often the best treatment. The YouTube playlist at the end of this post includes videos for beginner and advanced kegel exercise methods and yoga.
Hypertonicity is the opposite type, where the pelvic muscles are chronically tight. For this, the treatment is to use muscle release methods to relax the pelvic floor. Remember - Relaxed muscles are the best at doing their job.
You wouldn’t think at first that Hypertonicity could lead to urinary symptoms like leakage, but when your muscles are overly tight, they just don’t work the way they should.
And when you have a urinary issue, or you’re dealing with the aftermath of childbirth, surgery, or any other medical trauma to the pelvic floor, there can be a tendency to reflexively tighten your muscles all the time, for fear of what might happen if you don’t. Some people with hypertonicity also experience their symptoms getting worse if they do a lot of kegel exercise. In these situations, kegels can become counterintuitive.
That said, using methods to address both types can be the best option for some people. As long as you listen to your body, keep track of how each method makes you feel, and talk with a doctor or pelvic floor PT if you have serious concerns or don’t understand how to do something, you should be able to figure out something that will help!
Vaginismus is also a very common condition that’s connected to hypertonicity and potential mental causes. You’ll know you have Vaginismus if you’ve always had trouble inserting things into your vagina, or if your partner has had trouble with it. Many women describe it as a sensation of the vagina closing up when faced with something trying to get in. You may find that at certain times or with certain objects, you have no problem, and at other times or with other objects, you do. Stretches and massages for hypertonicity can often help with Vaginismus.
Prolapse is a relatively common issue in women who have had kids and older women in menopause. This can also cause urinary symptoms. The incidence of pelvic floor prolapse in females on testosterone is not known, but due to atrophy weakening the walls of the vagina, it’s possible that testosterone will increase your risk. It’s also more common in people who have had a hysterectomy.
1. Vaginal dilators can be helpful for people who have trouble with Vaginismus or feel like their vagina is small. These are also helpful for people who have difficulty inserting fingers
2. A pelvic wand can help you to massage the internal muscles, if needed
3. Vibrators can be helpful for releasing tight muscles
4. Kegel trainers come in various types and can help you perform kegels more effectively if you know that your issue is hypotoniticy
5. Pessaries can help in cases where atrophy has led to pelvic floor prolapse. Make sure you get diagnosed before using one!
6. Your hands! Don’t underestimate the power of using your hands for external or internal massage
The biggest thing to take away from this post is this - Don’t be afraid of your vagina! Don’t be afraid to try things that may help you improve whatever issues you’re having.
Your vagina is a normal part of your body, and especially when you’re experiencing issues, that’s when it’s time to get to know it inside and out. If you’re anything like me, you’ve gone your whole life being too afraid to do certain things or explore your vagina in certain ways. We need to reduce the fear, stigma, and awkwardness of vaginal and pelvic floor issues, and the first step is to get to know your body. 💪
I’ve put together a playlist of YouTube videos that have helped me in this process, which I will continue to add to. I hope they help you too!
And again, please DM me with any information you think is helpful or stories about what worked for you.
And if you’re a medical professional, I would love for you to review this post and suggest edits or additions.
Please share this with all your friends! My intention is for this to be a community resource we can use to spread awareness✌🏼
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detransition · 2 months
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from r/LesbianActually
thinking of detransition? you are not alone
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anonymouswasfemale · 1 month
Butch women <3 gnc women <3 tomboys <3 detrans women <3 women who've been on t <3 women with short head hair and long leg hair <3 women who take up space and are loud <3 women who are natural and get called masculine for it <3 women who are brave, who are themselves, who don't give into societal pressure <333
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channelworldbluez · 3 months
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Idk I was feeling myself 🤷🏾💕
Also i liked how my titties looked in this and feeling comfy without a binder for once.
K bye ignore this keep scrolling
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sapphos-darlings · 2 years
Gender non-conformity is not a problem to be solved!
There's nothing wrong with girls and women who are not feminine and who don't relate to traditionally girly things! It's okay, that's just who you are.
Femininity is not innate to any of us. It's not something we're born with, nor is it a requirement for being a whole, happy, healthy and balanced woman.
If femininity was natural and innate, we wouldn't have to be pressured, conditioned and raised to perform it. But girls all have their unique personalities, their own desires and goals and their own lives, and no shallow roles or aesthetics can contain us all.
Women who don't fit feminine gender roles and who reject traditional standards for women are amazing, strong and just as much women as any other female human being!
Gender non-conforming women deserve to have their voices heard, and their true selves seen and accepted.
All women become stronger and freer when we recognize each other and value our sisters for our differences!
There is no wrong way to be a woman!
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thedarestudy · 5 months
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Have you experienced shifts in your identity after transitioning?  You may be eligible to take our survey. The purpose of this study is to develop understanding and support
Participants must meet the following eligibility criteria: 
-aged 16 and older
-living in the United States or Canada
-have ever discontinued a gender transition* or detransitioned
-desiring to detransition but feel unable to take steps
*We define gender transition as social, legal, and/or medical interventions used to affirm a trans/nonbinary identity. People who have desisted are eligible to take the survey.
The survey is available at:  thedarestudy.com
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sillyflipping · 12 days
I hate gender i don't actually really identify as any gender at all, but sometimes I wish I could be again a trans boy with boobs and no T. Now I pass as a cis guy even tho I am not a guy I've never identified as any binary thing and I'm also a lesbian. I'm literally a butch dyke. Like i'm not a binary cis woman either. And I like having no tits I like what about 3yrs of T did for me to my body I like having facial and body hair, I like having muscles and I like having a micro dick. but I hate being seen as a binary anything I'm not a man I'm not a woman. I'm an agender butch dyke!
But I went off T cuz there's no point. It's first of all expensive and hard to continue doing and keeping up with when im homeless BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY i get harassed irl I get kicked out of the women's bathroom but i dont want to use the mens cuz i'm on my period and the mens doesnt have the little trash can thingies in the stalls. I also cant use a urinal. People think im a cis guy i fucking hate it. Also even tho i have a perfect driving record, since I legally changed my gender at age 18, I pay more for car insurance since I'm a "male" under 25. 🙄 But if I go around my family, they still call me girl even tho i'm NOT a girl, and outwardly look like cis guy, cuz they just are transphobic straight up.
I Fucking Hate Gender And I Hate Cis People for enforcing and upholding gender as a social category
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butchpeace · 8 days
love ur blog! i'm curious to read what you have to say about circumstances where transsexualism exists without transgenderism or vice versa--for example, a butch woman who takes testosterone (making her cisgender and transsexual), or a butch who identifies as a trans man but has no intention of medical transition (making him transgender and cissexual). do you believe that there's any merit in distinguishing these people from transgender transsexuals?
Thanks for reading, and for being open to hearing my viewpoint!
Long answer: While I have many trans friends, and I respect their identities and pronouns, I found myself in a position where I can no longer support medical transition. Because I believe medical transition to be inherently harmful to the body, due to my own experience and the experiences of many others, I don’t believe that transsexualism really exists. How can something harmful to the body, which only became widely available 10 years ago, be the only possible way of dealing with our issues?
I do believe that gender dysphoria exists - I had it my whole life until relatively recently. But I don’t believe that dysphoria is a life sentence, and I don’t believe that the proper treatment for those feelings is to medicalize us.
I believe the proper treatment is to understand the root cause of the diverse group of feelings that we lump under the category of “dysphoria”, and to manage them with options like therapy, feminist education and self-acceptance work, and alternative methods such as meditation and yoga.
So yeah, after 10 years of medicalization and being an active member of the trans community, I don’t believe there is any real difference between butches who take T to become more masculine and “true transsexuals”, other than the mindset you come at it from. I’m against all of it from a medical perspective, and from what I’ve learned so far, I anticipate the medical community will be catching up to the harms of this treatment and making big changes within the decade.
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detransition · 6 days
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from Elana Dykewomon, taken from MIT's Women's Magazine, Sojourner, April 2000.
thinking of detransition? you are not alone
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