#deviantart was a wild place
On tumblr when you post you’re just playing Russian roulette with your post getting attention, but it’ll probably get ignored.
On Reddit any comment you make outside of some very niche community will immediately have someone downvoting you and calling you like, three different insults. Then they will wonder why you only log in every couple months. Like, it’s a very helpful website when you have a question for another community you’re in, but you’ll also get someone being immediately hostile when you make an innocuous post on a garden subreddit 😑
At least on tumblr people have to actually seek out your random ass text posts and go out of their way to start shit, and you don’t have the up and down vote system that feels like playing with my self confidence and worth issues.
Both websites are toxic part of the time (what social media isn’t?) and both are actually more useful for weird people, but holy shit does Reddit feel more aggressive about shit. Maybe it’s just the devil you know, but at least on this mess of a website half your hate will be for the most random shit and misunderstandings that people have to seek out finding if your blog is a normal size. Reddit is either posting on a dead sub or getting immediately thrown to the, well, sharks and wolves aren’t actually super aggressive towards humans under normal circumstances, so something else that could tear you apart instantly for just existing in the same space as them.
#emma posts#there’s a reason i stopped spending as much time on that site#multiple actually. but one of them is that website is like ‘rsd trigger simulator’#and tumblr is like ‘how dare you say we piss on the poor’#everyone is an idiot in both places. but one is instantly more volatile#it’s preactically on sight#other social media is mostly being used by me to post my art or talk to irl friends and family#some of those sites are wild. but not in such an instant way#provided you aren’t huge or have some internet hate stalker#my first deviantart account was wild like that. you phrase something awkwardly at the age of 13 and you suddenly have one or two 16ish year#olds stalking you and telling you to Kys and threatening your family#but that was in the old days. haven’t run into that in years#but seriously. whoever those people were. I hope you feel like shit about those past actions#especially because that 13 year old had made art and posts about her depression 😑#and irl bullying#I hope you got better. sincerely. but if not? die#jk. but still#actually. no. if you’re still telling people that sort of thing try it on yourself#i don’t have a twitter. I don’t plan on getting one. but I’ve heard that’s toxic too. but for the brief time I did try it years ago I was#just ignored by most people#I also like websites where you can share other posts with followers but that might be because one of my first socials was facebook#Facebook is still useful for local stuff. but it’s not as anonymous I guess#even on Facebook though it feels somewhat less ‘on sight’ attacking#but gods. the ‘piss poor reading comprehension’ website is so much more comfortable than the ‘dog piled for asking about a plant’ website#and the ‘just block them’ culture is so useful#i make a post on Reddit like ‘anyone know of houseplants that are like this?’ and have some dude downvote me and respond like#‘are we supposed to be your servants’ like dude. just ignore the post if you don’t want to answer the question#and I’m not touching anime subs with a 10ft pole#looked at one once and went ‘never touching that again’
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redybearsent · 1 month
Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom
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Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom It´s a little concept some friends and I came up with some time ago, it was made (like any other fan Paper Mario project) with the propose of writing a story like the ones from the first 3 games with some elements from the newer instalments of the saga.
-Plot Summary:" A thousand years ago, a powerful mage collected 6 cursed artifacts that had the powerful sprites within them, the mage sealed them on a chamber protected by a spell so no one would use the heirlooms for evil... Until one day, Bowser, Kammy, and a strange cloaked figure arrived at the chamber where the heirlooms laid... The mysterious figure broke the seal so Bowser would take the heirlooms. With those relics on Bowser´s claws, a series of unfortune events would start to happen all around the kingdom, and thus, starting a new adventure for our hero."
Mario: "It´s a him! You already now him."
Orbert: "The assistant of the mage of the legend, he was tasked to protect the chamber and now, with the help of Mario and Co. is on the search for the 6 heirlooms."
Niff T.: "An errand toad that knows a little bit of everything. He´s your first partner and the one with the ability of Tattling The Enemies"
Koorrow: "A deceased Koopatrol who fell during a fearsome battle against a legendary beast. He´s your second partner and the one with the Shell Toss ability"
Sherifit: "The bold bringer of peace and order of the Wild East Desert town. He´s your third partner and the one with the ability of Blowing Thing Up with his bullets."
Baketty: "A young baker rookie from the Luncheon Kingdom. She´s searching for the perfect recipe to earn her "Master Baker" tittle. She´s your forth partner and the one with the ability of Flying Mario Across Gaps"
Kenny Boom: "A heartthrob actor with great strength and aim. Don´t let his appearance fool you, he has a heart of gold. He´s your fifth partner and the one with the ability of Throwing Mario To High Places."
Yuki: "A yo kai from a snowy land where cherry trees blossom. She harnesses the power of cold hails. She´s your sixths partner and the one with the ability of Blowing Wind."
Miney: "The foreman of the Monty Mole Wrecking Crew. He was tasked with constructing a tunnel to the Mushroom Kingdom and somehow... He got dragged into the adventure! He´s your seventh and last partner, he has the ability of Hiding Mario Underground."
Check out the DeviantArt post: https://www.deviantart.com/redybearsart/art/1086784084
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redmelawashere · 6 months
Alright I got woken up at like 3 AM with FORBIDDEN MEMORIES™️ and remember that MelloNear literally had a fandom video game. What other fucking fandom has SHIPPING VIDEO GAMES.
I think it just hit me since recently I've been thinking a lot about how fandom spaces shift over time (especially as we have re-boots, live-actions, or other media that helps reinvigorate fandoms like currently with A:TLA) and honestly, MelloNear has had so many ups and downs and like…as someone who was in this fandom WAY too young and grew up with it I want to see how many people on tumblr, who were there in ye olden wild west days, remember the stuff I do and also for those of you who weren’t around back then but are big now, here’s the insane history that I remember:
1 - LiveJournal (LJ) and the LOST FICS LJ was initially one of the better places to find fics – but a lot of authors jumped ship when FF.NET started to take over and for other reasons that were before my time. Finding fics on LJ that haven’t been deleted was/is hard and their UI is trash I never could get a grasp on it. (The irony of FF.NET now being dead and people jumping ship to AO3 and Tumblr lol.) Astyzia_ii used to write really fucking good MelloNear stuff there. She was one of the first people I ever read that had insanely good Near characterization. Unfortunately, her account no longer exists. But some of the things she wrote were things like:
Near being a total brat (at the time, no one else was really writing Near like that. Including Near lying to Mello about being assaulted by other children at Whammy's, just generally putting him in his place, etc.)
Mello painting Near’s nails black (then this trope just went off on FF.NET and everyone was writing fics like that - I really like when stuff like this comes out of fandom)
Mello finding out that Near, despite being in love with him, thought Mello was so unapproachable he had sex with someone else (implied Giovanni) and Mello is basically confronting Near about it at a time when Near was treated as a prudish virgin in fandom
Finding each other in the apocalypse AU
Mello and Near being like high school sweethearts (salthearts?) and Mello wanting to go to a University in the BIG CITY but would ignore the offer if it meant staying with Near (and super tragic fic too. They pull over on a freeway after an argument about it and then Near just straight up gets hit by a car after pushing Mello out of the way 💀 and you don't know if Near survived)
And obviously, many more really creative AUs
2 - KurosakiAkane and VIDEO GAMES Akane, as Spanish artist and the original “cursed moons” drew some of the most viral and prolific MelloXNear doujinshis and EVEN MADE FANDOM VIDEO GAMES. Like I can’t believe I forgot about this. Akane literally made fandom yaoi video games and they were SO GOOD. What other fandom has shipping video games you’d think it’d be the norm I can barley wrap my head around it
Pretty sure her website (www.cursedmoons.com) is down so you can’t download them directly from there or see her full doujinshis anymore
Her DeviantArt account is still live so you can see some stills and teasers from her doujinshis.
Her LJ account is also still live but more so as an archive.
Her first game “D.nD Poisoned” can be downloaded here if you scroll to the bottom (but I haven’t checked the link so be wary…) but it was basically taking place during Whammy’s days, and yes, Mello has a knife cause he’s unhinged since those were just the times ig.
“D.nD Infection” was her second, unfinished game, which would have been when they were mid-Kira investigation post Mello blowing up the base. I found a website that hosts the short demo she released.
Her games literally inspired a new wave of AUs for the fandom in the fic department and she was just a titan who kept everyone together on all corners of the internet. When she decided to leave the fandom in like 2011 after 2010’s great FF.NET purge of M rated fics it kind of felt like the beginning of the end.  
3 - Doujinshis (fandom comics) Most doujinshi artists had their own websites and MANY were Japanese / Chinese translated into English (pretty sure Akane was the first one to create them exclusively in English...). There are so many archived on YouTube that I used to watch all the time. You can even still find some of Akane’s doujinshi’s on Youtube like:
Lost Innocence
The Last Birthday
Game Over
Chocolate Kiss
One of the ones that was most impactful on me was this one that I cannot remember the name of, and it wasn't by Akane, but basically Mello, freshly 16 trying to stay alive, resorts to prostitution, and the big revealer at the end is he’s just kind of left there, alone, opens up his hand and there’s a little white puzzle piece he stole from Near and pretty sure the last line was something along the lines of “no one else” and I just 😭
4 - Lost Art and the Famous Water Colours
A lot of that water-colour MN art you see floating around was from, if I'm not mistaken, a Chinese MelloNear artist and their website I think was just "w" or something and she had created 100s of MN art.
5 - ForbiddenSoul562 and FF.NET Beef and Fan Fic Rap Battles
Soul was one of the BIGGEST creators on FF.NET (and luckily, she’s still active both on FF.Net and here on tumblr!) I remember when she had like a fic battle with another creator FragilePuzzle (who is also on tumblr and active – but they post M-ll-M-tt stuff now and pretty sure they deleted all their MelloNear fics... Their active handle on tumblr is mizzmellos I think? Anyways, they’ve also switched from writing to art and its really good!) And there was like a whole “vote who you think wrote the better fic” and it was like Clash of the Titans. Shame that Fragile, as they used to go by, doesn’t like MN anymore since they also wrote a lot of really good stuff. When Fragile stopped posting and Soul went on an extended hiatus that also felt like another beginning of the end loooooool (pretty sure Soul and Mzz had an interaction here on tumblr reminding each other of each other and I had so much social anxiety I was like headbanging watching this interaction go down and if I'm remembering correctly it started cordial but didn't really end well but I could be 100% misremembering the tone of the interaction but if you dig through Soul's tumblr you can probably find it or mzzs for that matter.) 6 - Kids Writing Dark Tropes
I feel like I should make another post and just…describe how Mello and Near were portrayed individually and in a relationship during that time since it was honestly insane. Very toxic, very star-crossed lovers who revolve around each other but are devastating together and are healthier a part, and so much more. I’m much happier with where their characterization and how the fandom has evolved currently from those times lol. But I think over the years I’ve also realized how fucking young all of us were (I was literally like…13 consuming all this media which retroactively, I’m like YIKES 18+ is 18+ for a reason and I even realized some of my favourite authors / creators who I thought were way older than me or like “cool teenagers” were also close to my age and not that much older so no wonder we were all writing crazy unstable relationship shit like that - which can be fun! - but this was literally all. the. time.).
Honestly that’s all I can remember for now but what a wild ride. I know FF.NET is like, a super hard platform to use now (and just gets worse every day 🙃) but if anyone wants some MN fic recs from the vault lmk and I’ll make a post about it.
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qingxin-dream · 2 years
As the World Falls Down
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a/n | this is partially inspired by one of my fav scenes in the 1986 movie labyrinth, i just really love the imagery and bowie’s song (literally the title haha). always got me daydreaming🥰 hope you enjoy!! (art credits: @/myu-chan on deviantart)
warnings | poisoning, suffocation, profanity, hallucinations, reader wears a dress, implied death, crying, vague references to scara lore, not really proofread it’s 1am
genre | angst, romance
word count | 2.6k
pairing | scaramouche x reader
“I found some mushrooms and berries,” you announced upon returning to camp, a hand-woven basket tucked into the nook of your elbow.
“Good. We can have fowl with it too,” stated your nonchalant traveling partner, the rogue Balladeer, who nods. His eyes were lost in the growing flames of the fire he was tending to, not caring to spare you a glance as you take seat next to him to sort through your basket.
An amusing thought crossed the puppet’s mind and past his lips with haste, “It’s not poisonous, is it?”
The crackling of the fire grew louder amid the absence of your answer, reaching up to the darkening sky in a flurry of hot ash. After flipping a log over in the campfire, Scaramouche begrudgingly looked over at you, annoyed and prepared to chew you out for ignoring him. “Hey, what are you—”
“Sc-Scara… c-can’t—” you struggled to put words together as suddenly a dense fog settled over your mind. Eyelids unbearably heavy and jaw becoming slack, your consciousness was fading rapidly.
“(Y/N)?” his voice nearly cracks out of surprise, lunging toward you to catch you as your limp body collided with the ground. A single purple mushroom tumbled away from your grasp when you collapsed, the mark of your teeth engraved on the cap of the little fungus.
Scaramouche tried to shake you out of your delirium to no avail. He cradles you closer in his arms, curses pouring over his lips in a panicked state, trying to find your pulse. “Fuck, fuck… idiot, how could you be so careless!”
His fingers against your dainty wrist did not feel a thing. You weakly rolled your head toward the frantic puppet, it seemed you were blissfully unaware of how the puppet was scrambling to save you. A glittery haze swirled ominously behind your eyes—you certainly weren’t lucid—almost as if you were admiring the man holding you tightly on your deathbed.
Grazing the back of his index finger along your neck, you were still warm to the touch. It wasn’t until Scaramouche placed an ear against your chest did he hear the faint thump of your heartbeat and feel the rise of your rib cage as you breathed slowly.
You were still alive, but who knows for how long? He cursed once more, scanning over your features frantically. You no longer fought against the wave of drowsiness crashing over you, eyelids beginning to close and the small smile disappearing from your lips.
“H-Hey! Are you listening? What the hell did you eat?” the puppet growled, lightly slapping your face awake. Your eyelashes fluttered momentarily, but it was evident you weren’t comprehending anything that was happening. “Where is it? Don’t you dare close your eyes, (Y/N), I swear.”
Scaramouche recklessly searched through your basket of foraged items, tossing aside every last godforsaken wild flower, mushroom, and berry you worked so hard to collect. Looking you over, a small sparkle caught his eye.
A violet little shroom, glimmering under the setting sun, sat half-eaten on a patch of dirt next to you. It sported a mesmerizing pattern, twisting and contorting into the strangest unrecognizable shapes. His eyes trailed them through and through, a deceptively beautiful tango that drew him closer and closer with promises of pleasure, but what lurks beneath the surface of such an alluring potion?
A comforting warmth spreads across the puppet’s cheek, snapping him from his thoughts. You were cupping his cheek, half-lidded irises glistening with the reflection of a faraway realm. Scaramouche blinked.
“Where did you go?”
The echo of a grand piano was just within earshot, weaving a gentle melody so lovely your ears would happily weep if they could. A few string instruments join in, a sweet violin contrasted with a deeper cello sound, if only you could find them. Light laughter swirled about, amid the clink of wine glasses and romantic whispers.
Pulling the lavishly purple curtain back, you are faced with the extravagant ballroom packed with guests. Each of them exuded pristine elegance in their magnificent, jet-black suits adorned with freshly bloomed flowers. It was a sight to behold, truly, with their faces masked behind brilliantly intricate Fatui-esque designs, boasting tall feathers or shiny rhinestones.
As they led their beautiful partners draped in pastel ballroom dresses and the finest jewelry, something was familiar about them yet no one appeared to recognize you. Was it the soft white Cecilia clipped to the raven-haired musician plucking away at the harp? Or the exquisite Glaze Lily on the tall gentleman nearby whose ponytail faded to a golden caramel hue?
The ebb and flow of the dance pushed you to and fro, distracting you from your thoughts. It was difficult to weave through the crowd, you find it quite suffocating with no exit is in sight. Then, without warning, a small clearing was made as the guests silently danced around you and the lone man who stepped into your path.
His mask was unlike the others: an angelic shade of white that shimmered like gold under the chandelier, dotted with tiny diamonds beneath the eyes in the shape of a tear. Deep indigo locks of hair perfectly framed his face, and as your doe-like eyes took in his ethereal form you noticed his boutonnière was unique—a vibrant, wine-red dendrobium rested upon his breast pocket.
He lowered the mask, yet no one seemed to pay any mind as they swayed to the surrounding symphony. Your jaw dropped in shock, the act of revealing his identity like breaking a sacred oath. Twinkling lavender irises rested on you, drinking in your immaculate visage dolled up in an exquisite, lacy ball gown that rivaled the purest snow on Dragonspine.
You were utterly and completely awestruck, lips parted but words would never take form.
It was him—Scaramouche in the flesh.
He approached you, leaning in until he lingered but a few inches away. You swear by the Archons if someone had said he was ambrosia incarnate you would have believed them without question. It was intoxicating, the way he made your cheeks burn with warmth and searched your eyes endlessly as if it were truly the window to your soul.
His hands delicately brushed against your waist, moving to guide you into the rhythm of the crowd. Your arms wrap around his neck, just as lost in him as he was within you. The mesmerizing serenade of the orchestra drowned out any banter around you, and you felt safe in his hold.
Your voice softly broke through to him, “Who are you?”
An amused hum escapes his lips. Scaramouche gazed at you with adoration, pulling you closer against his torso like he never wanted to let you go. His husky voice answered into your ear, “Who do you think I am?”
You bit your lip. Part of you had secretly dreamed of Scaramouche returning your feelings one day. All of this felt too good to be true. Was this reality? Would he embrace you like this? Would he—
“(Y/N),” he quietly chastised, seeing you lost in thought. Strands of violet hair tickled your face when his nose brushed yours, you couldn’t help but steal a glance at his lips that were so close to meeting your own. You could hear his breath hitch, a tint of pink dusting his cheeks. “Tell me what you think of me.”
“I-I don’t know what you mean,” you nervously replied, averting your eyes as the butterflies in your stomach began to become unbearable under the weight of his affectionate and alluring gaze. “And why does it matter? You never cared about what other’s think anyway.”
“You are correct, but… you aren’t like the others, now are you?” Scaramouche smirked, a glint of mischief flickering across his features before pulling away to twirl you around.
As you returned to him, dress flourishing in tandem, you flash him a sly smile. “Well, if you must know, I do think of you fondly when you are away.”
“And what of when you are here with me?” he teased, joining the two of you at the hip again. He could practically hear his heart pounding, desperate to leap out of his chest. Scaramouche tucks a loose tuft of hair behind your ear, whispering into it once more, “You are in the presence of a god, after all. It only takes three words and I am yours.”
An insatiable rush of heat flusters your face at such a proposition. Your hand cupped his cheek and you caressed it with your thumb, committing his every perfect curve and edge to memory, as if confirming he was real and not made of paper mâché. He leans into your touch lovingly, a prince hopelessly enamored by this chance encounter.
This was really Scaramouche, and he wanted you. He chose you. In what world would you possibly deny him?
The sweet sound of the string quartet marked the end of the musical piece, drawing your attention as the crowd fell to a low hush awaiting the beginning of the next song.
When you turned to answer him, he disappeared. You flicked your head around, searching the ballroom for his face, his mask, his unusual violet hair, anything that resembled his unmistakable aura—but ultimately found naught. The guests spared disapproving looks at you through their masks, though you couldn’t discern if it was pitiful or mocking.
Your adrenaline began to kick in, not caring to push through the crowd just for the opportunity to catch a fleeting glimpse of Scaramouche’s beautiful mask. The orchestra began to play faster, heightening your sense of anxiety as guests moved in tune and nearly fought against you.
Was it something you said? Was he no longer satisfied with you? Were you just a plaything to him and nothing more?
Finally, you broke through the edge of the crowd and found yourself face-to-face with a distorted mirror of the room. Your reflection curved and blurred as if the ballroom itself was contained in an iridescent bubble. You were wrong. So horribly wrong.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the electrifying stare of Scaramouche watching you from the outskirts of the crowd. Your skin crawled with goosebumps once you noticed he was sauntering toward you, mask covering his expression.
You had to find a way out of this nightmare. Grabbing a chair from a nearby table, you held it above you, prepared to burst out of this false dream.
Suddenly a firm hand gripped your wrist painfully tight and yanked you away from the mirror, causing you to fall backwards into the perpetrator. Scaramouche growled in anger through his teeth, “I won’t let you do this. You can’t abandon me!”
“You lied to me!” Wriggling under him, you attempted to pull away with the chair but he was too strong. He ripped the chair out of your hands, toppling you over on the floor helplessly. You scrambled to stand up, carelessly tearing through the frills of your dress with your heels.
Scaramouche threw the chair aside and reached for your arm again, this time pleading with you, tears pricking his pretty red-lined eyes. “(Y/N), please. I’ve turned this world upside down and I’ve done it all for you. Stay here with me. Devote yourself to me. It’s all I ask.”
You hesitate at the sound of desperation evident in his voice, looking back at him one more time. He had lost his ephemeral sheen, hair tousled and scattered messily across his pale face. He was hanging on to your every word, hoping you would reconsider an eternity in paradise with him. It hurt to see how sad of a state he was reduced to, begging you to be with him.
He was right. This was everything you wanted—an endless night in his arms as lovers, but this was not how it was meant to be.
“I’m sorry,” you hoarsely choked back tears, smashing the mirror into a million pieces.
Infinitely small shards reflected the horrified look of betrayal on Scaramouche’s face as the dream was lost to space.
You woke to the sound of crickets and a crackling fire. A cool, wet rag sat on your forehead, contrasting the warmth of the campfire and causing you to scrunch your nose as you stirred. Your heart raced when you were squeezed by the shoulders into someone’s chest, wet drops falling on you.
“Hm?” you mumbled against the fabric of their clothes, resting your hand against the left side of their chest. After a moment, you realized this person lacked a heartbeat. Your eyes shot open. “Scara… mouche?”
Your eyes took a moment to adjust, eventually focusing on the man who was cradling you close and gently rocking you back and forth. His divine features were contorted into despair, eyelashes speckled with the glistening residue of his tears. You spoke up again, “Scaramouche, what happened?”
“I thought you fucking died, that’s what happened.”
Oh. Your memory proved to be fuzzy—you remembered foraging for dinner, picking all kinds of edible berries and mushrooms. You remember returning to camp, but trying to think of anything beyond that worsened your headache. Were you attacked?
“How long have I been out?” you asked apprehensively.
Scaramouche swallowed thickly, hollow eyes wandering up your form to meet yours. It was gut-wrenching, he was never this vulnerable—this exposed—with you. “Six hours.”
He told himself he would never allow foolish mortal feelings to defile his heart again long ago, but you had gotten under his skin more than he realized. You sunk your claws into his heart so easily, so readily, and he was complacent in it. Maybe part of him wanted to believe it would be different despite his deep-rooted cynicism.
When you passed out cold and lifeless, you might as well have gored his heart right out of his fragile puppet body.
Scaramouche wanted you to, for all of the self-hatred, regret, love, and mourning he felt over you eating a stupid purple mushroom.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered shamefully, gripping his robe in your fist. You really fucked up this time. Had he held you the whole time, wishing you would come to or saying his goodbyes? The thought welled hot tears in your eyes.
He gave you a bewildered look, appalled by your pathetic apology. “I should kill you.”
“I would understand.”
The puppet had enough. After suffering in the depths of darkness and despondency for hours thinking you had succumbed to your mortality, Scaramouche could bear it no longer. You were alive, your heart was beating, and you were breathing—you were in his grasp once more and he wouldn’t dare waste this newfound chance with you.
“To hell with it,” he swore with a hasty whisper ghosting your pink lips, cupping your cheek softly, taking in how beautiful you looked in the moonlight even as you laid ill. “I love you, (Y/N), and don’t you dare do this to me again.”
Scaramouche brushed his chapped lips, salty with the remnants of his tears, against yours, relishing in the sensation of how plush and warm you felt. He rubbed his thumb over your cheekbone and down your jaw delicately like you could break underneath him at any moment. His hand trembled slightly on your skin, prompting you to hold his palm to your face to quell his fears.
When you moved your lips and pressed further into him, reaching up to lace your fingers in his hair, he swiped his tongue to ask permission before deepening the kiss. You tenderly smiled, greeting his tongue with your own. Scaramouche treated you with the utmost reverence, dedicating himself to tasting every saccharine drop you would offer.
He poured his heart into you until you were desperate for air and had to break away, much to his dismay. You were more than addicting. Indulging in you was beyond euphoric, to feel complete and whole at last was indescribable.
Recovering your breath, you huffed out a contented laugh and sealed your fate with one more peck on his lips. “I love you too.”
For the first time in hundreds of years, the puppet genuinely smiled, interlacing his fingers with yours.
“So… what did you dream of after you ate that mushroom?”
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thanks for reading! reblogs are appreciated! my masterlist
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Litwick Facts
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-The scientific name for Litwick is "Ignus Fatum" which translates to "foolish flame"
-I'm sure a lot of people are worried about Litwick stealing your life force. However, there is a way to tell when they're doing this. When the flame is an ethereal blue, that means they are stealing your life force. When their flames are dull and purple, that's when they're not feeding
-Even then, mostly only wild Litwick do this. Litwick in captivity who are well-fed don't usually steal the life force of others
-Despite their similar appearance, Litwick and Greavard are NOT related. Litwick and the rest of it's line aren't actually closley related to many Pokemon and are in their own group
-Depending on the place they were hatched and raised, the wax litwick may take on various scents. Smelling the scent of a Litwick from your yome town can cause feelings of nostalgia (headcanon from @pokebiologist )
-Despite being fire types, Litwick don't do well in hot temperatures and mostly survive in old airy buildings and thrive the most on cool nights
-They can also dull down the heat of their flames enough to the point where it is safe to touch
-Before they started living with humans, Litwick were just pokemon that resembled ghostly flames in the night. They started looking like candles
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(Art by Vulpek on Deviantart)
-The proverb "don't go towards the light" originated in Unova, referring to Litwick. It's now used as "The light at the end of the tunnel" referring to the light you see when you die. (Headcanon from @indepthpokemonheadcanons )
-In old Unova and Galar, people would often make candles resembling Litwicks to scare off evil spirits. Some people still do this practice today
-Litwick eggs are really squishy and one should be extra careful when handling them
-Shiny Litwick are said to be more dangerous since their blue flames are hotter and deadlier
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Lampent Facts
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years
Hello, welcome to my blog! Where I draw often and ramble about my characters. Please know and respect that I have hyper-fixations, and may change what I'm interested in.
If the links don't work for you, click and drag them to your URL bar. You should be able to use them that way.
CLICK HERE for a guide to my speech bubbles.
If it was done correctly, THIS should be the main body of the story in one Chrono link.
My Artworks
Comics (Mostly Non-ask)
Relating to the Original Mewtwo (Nicodemus)
Specific Story Focuses (Sorted Chronologically):
Pregnancy with the Twins
Midas and Monique
Lav and Mewtwo Meeting
Relating to Rosemary
By Lavender's Hand (Randy's "Ghostification"--DEATH WARNING toward the end!)
Side blog dedicated to Nico and Jovie's story
Pokemon IRL Side Blog meant as a Slice of Life blog run by my Trainer, Jamie Wild Rennard.
Please read THIS If you're lost on their relations,and THIS for a rundown of Randall's situation.
My ToyHouse Characters page, where you can look at my characters' profiles! (A lot of stuff is a work in progress.) Names below also link to their specific pages.
My blog is home to the story Linden Roots. Randall Linden was once human, but through a horrific mishap, his memories were taken in by his friend, a Mew named Mo. Mo, having his own memories overwritten by Randy's, now lives Randy's life in his place.
Randy lives in Paldea with his shiny Mew Mate/Wife Akoya, her Mewtwo daughter Lavender, their twin Mew children Momo and Midas, and Akoya's half-brother Persim. Others in the household include Sulfur the shiny Lucario, Linda the shiny Roserade, Tol the shiny Chimecho, and Jerry the Pichu.
While he and his family are generally friendly and open to questions, Randy is sensitive about the events surrounding him becoming a Mew.
I do want to warn that this story touches on heavy and potentially uncomfortable subjects. I appreciate interaction, but please respect my artistic decisions. Thank you!
If you'd like to read the story of getting Akoya IRL, click here.
Voice Claims with samples here if anyone's interested. :3
This project is meant to be for fun, primarily my own. I will not be able to answer every question, and will prioritize the ones I find most fun, interesting, or an immediate concern. (Or, on some occasions, use answers as foreshadowing :3)
If anyone's interested, I also have a Twitter and a DeviantART, though I haven't been very active on them recently.
Because people have asked me before, I currently have no interest in doing commissions.
For my character references, click "Keep Reading"
The mod's 'sona/s:
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NOTE: Randy has now transformed into his new look, so the old refs are largely obsolete. (Human form is physically the same except for his head.)
I plan to make some new, up-to-date refs for EVERYONE come 2024, but for now I'll throw in some makeshift refs for his new look.
(Old obsolete Randy here)
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(New form)
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Timeline and Family tree:
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How Lavender is different from other Mewtwos:
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Roleplaying Races 16: Vine Leshy
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(art by kaerru on DeviantArt)
Today we’ve got another late addition to First Edition, but unlike others, this one got quite the expansive lore to go with it, and even was carried further into one of the early inclusions of Second Edition! I give you, the vine leshy!
In the real world, “Leshy” is a Slavic deity or spirit associated with the wild places of the world and being a temperamental guardian of nature. This figure is often conflated with the Green Man or woodwose, and is at least sometimes a humanoid plant creature.
It’s no surprise then that the closest thing to this guardian deity in Pathfinder are Green Men: quasi-divine plant entities associated with druidism and nature, and are sometimes called Leshy Kings since they are in fact powerful nature spirits given planty bodies to interact with the world.
Which brings us to actual leshies. In Pathfinder, the leshies are much like the Green Men in that they are nature spirits bound into specially grown plant bodies, often made by other sapient plant creatures such arboreals or of course the Green Men themselves, or even by druids who have been taught the art. Regardless of who creates them, however, they all gain abilities based on the nature of the plant matter used to embody them.
Most leshies, while fully sapient, are not quite strong or willful enough to be truly independent and go off on their own, many acting as servants or even familiars. However, vine leshies in particular grow into fully-realized beings that often strike off on their own, finding a natural place to serve as guardian of (and watching over their lesser kin), or else travelling to learn more of the world.
…or at least that was the paradigm when this ancestry was first introduced. In 2E, it was revealed that any type of leshy might have full sapience, having more to do with the strength of the nature spirit than the nature of the vessel. As a matter of fact, I did a conversion of these different types of playable leshy on this very blog if you do some searching. But for now, we’ll be focusing on the base ancestry, though you can assume that this applies to all playable leshies with their monster entries supplementing their behavior.
In any case, most leshy-kind are fiercely devoted to nature, while also delighting and finding fascination on the perspective that a mortal body offers. However, they view death differently than mortals, since their spirits literally directly return to the world upon death, leaving no questions or quandaries past that threshold.
Leshies are… in a word: Adorable. Like seriously, if you’ve never google image searched “pathfinder leshy”, do so. You will not be disappointed. They all essentially resemble small, cute humanoids made out of plant matter, though 2E art also includes many of them having animal features, all of which falls in line with the fact that, since their bodies are magically cultivated and then animated by a nature spirit, there is no set taxonomy or even true genetic connection between leshies unless two were grown from cuttings from the same plant or species. Everything from cutie pies with carved pumpkin heads to surly talking cacti and so on.
Now, if you’re specifically playing a vine leshy (either because you’re not using my homebrew or simply chose to play a vine leshy), they all have some vine elements to them, such as having limbs made from intertwined woody or green vines, leaves based on various vining plants, and so on. Additionally, while many make use of the goods made by societies, those with a more crafty mindset often craft their own clothing and tools from natural materials. (There are multiple pieces of art with leshies wearing “helmets” that are in fact citrus peels.)
Given that they are creations of other beings, most leshies do not have a society of their own, typically living with their creators until striking out on their own, oftentimes living as hermits, though others retain friendly relationships with travelling companions or with like-minded dwellers in the wild that also have a vested interest in protecting nature. Indeed, in regions where there are many leshies, the fully independent leshies may share an almost parental or mentor role for their lesser kin, possibly under a powerful druid, arboreal, or Green Man. In any case, their relationships with other ancestries varies based on the experiences of the nature spirit that forms the core of their being.
Vine leshies tend to be hardy and full of life, with the wisdom of being an immortal nature spirit bound to a mortal body. However, a combination of their naivety of youth or their alien perspective makes intellectual pursuits a lower priority for them.
They are also small in size, and their short limbs limits their speed somewhat, though their supernatural and light-reliant nature gives them superb senses in the dark.
They also constantly are warded against being tracked, leaving no discernable trail for others to follow.
All leshies can disguise themselves by transforming into a mundane specimen of the plant they were grown from, helping them to blend in, at least in areas where a wild plant (a vine in a vine leshy’s case) wouldn’t stand out.
They can also speak with their origin plant variety as well, communicating with them with ease.
Even when not disguised, it can be hard to discern the planty bodies of leshies from surrounding foliage, and vine leshies in particular are excellent climbers, their limbs latching on to handholds just as easily as the anchor roots of natural vines do.
Finally, when a leshy is slain, their nature spirt soul is released into the world in an explosion of positive energy, causing nearby plants to be healed and even spring up in a verdant growth around them in a wide area, making travel difficult and the fact that they’ve been slain nearly impossible to conceal. While the thickness of the foliage reduces with time, the plants are otherwise natural, and may thrive or wither based on the conditions of the area.
Of course, not every vine leshy (or other leshy) is built the same, especially when the exact species they were grown from can vary. Some of these might be applicable for my homebrew, while others might not. In any case, there’s plenty of options. For example, vine leshies grown from grapevines and other fruiting vines can produce fruit infused with healing and sustaining magic of a goodberry spell. Other prove more dexterous than tough. Others can reconstitute a limb into a whip-like weapon as well as wield whips with great skill. More wizened ones can perform a ritual to speak with all plants, rather than just their own kind. Those living in swamps tend to be especially stealthy in them as well as good swimmers. Meanwhile, some can produce a vine with sensory organs to sneakily peer and listen through small openings. Those interested in other cultures often develop a knack for learning about them. Finally, some leshies are outright toxic, perhaps grown from poison ivy or the like.
With their toughness and wisdom leshies have “druid” written all over them, with perhaps a decent subset dedicated to ranger, hunter, and even tanky shifter, especially since both hunter and shifter have options for leshies and other plantfolk in particular, and druids have the likes of leshy callers for those seeking to be stewards of the lesser of their kind. That constitution bonus also suits them well as kineticists, particularly wood kineticists and even more particularly the leshykineticist archetype. Beyond these tailored options though, they do quite well as tough tanky types, especially with that wisdom bonus helping to protect the minds of those using a martial class. Meanwhile, those that take the dex bonus over con could serve well with agile classes, though their intelligence penalty does somewhat limit them in terms of skills and certain arcane casting classes, but nothing insurmountable. Meanwhile, they also find things like sorcerer and bloodrager, especially with nature-themed bloodlines like fey or verdant to be fun and thematic options.
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crissiebaby · 2 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 17
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever been in here before,” said Stacy, eying up Latasha’s private office and tea room. It was oddly foreign considering the amount of time she spent in the Padded Palace on a weekly basis. Much like Latasha’s bedroom, the mature environment was almost completely devoid of ABDL furnishings, “Feels too…normal…to be the Padded Palace.”
Plopping down at her desk heavily, Latasha wasn’t exactly in the mood to discuss the layout of her house. “You try being audited while claiming that daycare is an office space. See how far it gets you,” she said, shutting down Stacy’s idle speculation before it could overrun the conversation, “Why don’t we cut the chatter and get to the chase? The Padded Palace is meant to be a safe kink space, for patrons and employees. Blackmail is not kosher here. Period.”
“Oh, yeah, and I’m sure kinkless Connor over there who needed Riri to make him a DeviantArt account really chose to wear that pull-up to Ellie’s party on his own, right?” quipped Stacy, reminding Latasha of how she acquired her blackmailing materials in the first place. She smirked at the elongated silence her one question created, “Lemme make a wild guess. Buddy Boy got curious and tried out some freaky stuff during his first week. You found out and decided to keep his little secret so long as he let you continue to treat him like your own, personal dress-up doll from that point onward. But yeah…blackmail isn’t kosher here.”
Scrunching her lips together, Latasha couldn’t deny there was some truth to what Stacy was saying even if the comparison was extensively stretched. Had she not commanded Connor to stay padded for Ellie’s birthday, Stacy likely would’ve never found out. “You’re conflating a willing agreement between two parties with forcing someone to bend to your will. I never made Connor do anything he didn’t want to,” she said, knowing her defense was only a half-truth. Memories of Connor bursting into tears after waking up in full ABDL attire for the first time surfaced in the forefront of her mind.
Unfortunately for Stacy, she had no means of debunking Latasha’s fib, pushing her to pivot. “Be that as it may, it was still a means of keeping him under your thumb for the last two months. I’m sure it felt no different from Connor’s point of view,” she said, aiming to amplify any doubt potentially lingering in Latasha’s head. It wasn’t a fool-proof strategy but it didn’t need to be; its only purpose was to put Latasha on her back foot before attacking her weakest point, “It’s funny, though. If Connor could see the REAL you, I doubt he would’ve been intimidated for a second.”
Turning her head sideways, Latasha was at a loss. “Th-the REAL me? Care to elaborate?” she asked snidely. She had no clue what Stacy was on about but her curiosity was morbidly peaked.
“I mean the REAL Latasha; the one with a crinkly butt and doe eyes begging for someone to dote on her,” said Stacy, her words delivered slowly and methodically to ensure maximum humiliation, “You may have the others fooled but my eyes are open after this weekend. I know everything.”
Sweat droplets pooled beneath Latasha’s hairline. Stacy couldn’t possibly know about the incident at CrissCon. The only other person in the Palace who knew was Skye, and Skye ran upstairs the moment they got home. Moreover, the idea of Skye blabbing about something she was in tears over no less than half a day earlier felt immensely far-fetched. Letting out a strained chuckle, she deflected, “Oh-ho-kay, I think the outfit’s officially gone to your head. I don’t know what you think you know about me but it takes a lot more than some flustering words to make me blush-”
“You can stop acting. I saw it with my own eyes,” said Stacy bluntly, once again freezing Latasha with a verbal quick draw. It was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment but right before the alleged Big laughed, her eyes twitched with fear. She had Latasha right where she wanted her. All she needed to do was stay on the offensive until she got her to crack.
Little did Stacy know how paralyzing her vague statement was for Latasha. What Mother Elma did at CrissCon was taboo enough without the idea of some jackal filming the whole thing on the down low. Despairingly, if Stacy’s words were to be believed, then that was the only possibility. The icy hand of anxiety clutched her aching chest. “After everything we’ve been through…have you no sympathy?” she said, choking up at the thought of the most embarrassing moment of her life winding up online. Was this her karma for letting the same happen to Stacy, Skye, and everyone else she was supposed to protect? “When those photos ended up online, I alone was there for you, and this is how you treat me when the shoe’s on the other foot? Do you think I enjoyed being humiliated like that?! It was mortifying!”
“Woah, woah! Hold up, I’m…so lost,” said Stacy, holding up her hands innocently. A series of bewildered expressions descended upon her as she began connecting the dots from Latasha’s ramblings, “I was talking about your private stash of diapers…from your bedside table…and you never did say why you and Skye came home early…” Her vacant countenance shifted into a beguiled smirk as she let her imagination run rampant.
Contrary to her previous retort, Latasha’s face became profusely flushed over Stacy’s ‘flustering words.’ At least, she could take solace in knowing that Stacy hadn’t witnessed a recording of her fall from grace, though that was a paltry consolation prize in comparison to what she’d unwittingly given up. “Ah…I see. It wasn’t just my wardrobe that was raided. You’ve got quite some nerve,” she said, attempting to maintain her authoritative tone.
“Weak sauce, Latasha. Now, look who’s changing the subject?” said Stacy, exposing more and more of her pearly white teeth to Latasha. Not even sharks could smile so menacingly, “Did someone have too much fun at CrissCon? I bet you were super bummed that you left these at home…” Raising the skirt of the dress, she revealed the sodden Megamax diaper that was hugging her butt; Latasha’s Megamax diaper, to be precise. “...though, I’m sure Skye was more than happy to share.”
Recognizing the plain nappy Stacy was dawning as her own, Latasha was fuming with both fury and embarrassment. “Thin ice, Stacy. Thin ice,” she said acrimoniously, completely dropping the affect she utilized as a caregiver in favor of her natural, deeper voice. The fun and games ended now.
A chill ran down Stacy’s spine as if she could actively feel a shift in the room’s air pressure. Her smile flinched, prompting her to scoff to cover it up. "Oooh, so scary. You might as well be throwing a tantrum,” she said, her anxiety mounting as Latasha rose from her chair, “What? You can dish it but you can’t take it?” As caddy and unperturbed as she was attempting to sound, her voice couldn’t help but waver as Latasha rounded her desk to meet her at a malignant pace. “Y-You’re not going to intimidate me by just staring me down and-HEY!”
Wrapping tightly around Stacy’s skinny wrist, Latasha made speedy work of pinning Stacy’s right arm behind her back. “I warned you,” she said soberly, taking a page out of Elma’s book as she thrust Stacy forward onto the desk and yanked the back of her diaper open in one continuous movement.
“EEEEK! Latasha! What are you…” screamed Stacy, her eyes widening as she spotted Latasha’s spanking arm reeling backward. Pencils, pens, and other office supplies were sent flying as she thrashed in place atop the immovable surface. Try as she might, she was no match for Latasha’s strength. She’d flown too close to the sun, “W-Wait! I was j-just kidding aroun-”
The foundation of the Padded Palace shook as the flat of Latasha’s hand impacted Stacy’s unblemished ass. The subsequent shriek that leaped out of the troublemaking Little’s mouth was music to her ears. “Just kidding around, huh?” *SMACK!* “That’s not what it looked like to me!” *SMACK!* “All I see is someone who’s gotten away with being a brat for far too long!” *SMACK!*
Stacy’s wiggling quickly turned into writhing as she fruitlessly clawed at the desk for freedom. Each hit felt like a sheet of sandpaper scraping against her toned buttocks, causing her reddened rear to sizzle with increasing vigor between blows. It wasn’t that she’d never been spanked before, or spanked hard for that matter; Mal could be quite punishing. It was the fact that not even her parents dared to bare-bottom spank her, making this experience with Latasha a brutal first. Within seconds, her brazen demeanor was reduced to a blubbering mess. “STAAWP! I’M SOWWY! PWEASE SHTAWP!” she shouted, earning zero sympathies from the embittered Big. She felt her legs give out, slowing her frantic movements significantly and abandoning her with no choice but to endure.
Worst of all, Stacy could tell she was moistening over Latasha’s harsh treatment. Deep down, she knew she deserved every thwack despite resisting every step of the way. Such was the chaotic duality of a brat. Had she succeeded in topping Latasha and taking over the Padded Palace, she would’ve relished in her triumph without remorse. That said, if there was any absolute truth in this universe, it was that all brats craved defeat. To work so hard and stand so defiantly only to be put in her place like a naughty little girl was more satisfying and more stimulating than any outright victory ever could be.
Capping off Stacy’s paddling with one last stinging spank, Latasha released her grip on Stacy and watched as the pretend caregiver sank to the floor. “You had enough?” she said as she squatted down beside Stacy. No longer was there fury behind her eyes. She had extracted her pound of flesh.
Stacy bobbled her head up and down, the wind completely taken out of her sails. “Am done. N-no mo,” she mumbled, bending to Latasha’s will and ceding her caregiver role in one fell swoop. She’d made huge strides this weekend and was capable of holding her own as a Big but she still had nothing on a bonafide Mommy Domme with years of discipline experience under her belt, “You t-turned the tables so fast. I thought I h-had you.” She exhaled a despair-induced chuckle over the stark distance between Latasha and herself.
“Oh, honey, you never had me,” said Latasha, claiming all of Stacy’s cockiness for herself. A wave of calmness replaced the nervous energy that had permeated Latasha’s office since the moment their conversation began, offering her a chance to reflect, “Why did you want to have me in the first place? You literally pay me $2500 a month to treat you like a baby five days a week.”
Pausing to think about Latasha’s question, it suddenly occurred to Stacy how far she’d strayed from her original goals. The whole point of this was to prevent Connor from taking advantage of her the way Latasha’s former assistant had. But after the leverage that she was holding over him went up in flames, she’d been in a mad scramble to reclaim any semblance of control. Although, that didn’t explain why she enjoyed getting the chance to be the dominant one for a change. This was way too much to unpack in one sitting, leaving her to formulate the only reason she could come up with in the heat of the moment, “It…felt good…to be in control. Like I’d regained the confidence I used to have before…b-before…” Her voice became inaudible as Latasha pulled her in for a much-needed hug.
Equally in need of a caring embrace, Latasha’s shoulders eased back as Stacy returned her affection in kind. As much as it pained her to admit, Elma had been right on the money. She’d been a failure as a caregiver and a Diaper Dom, in more ways than one. “When I promised you that I would do everything I could to revive the Padded Palace as a safe space for you, I meant it. But I’ve been so far off the mark, haven’t I?” she said, separating from Stacy enough to look at her face to face, “So, I want to make a new promise to you…a promise that will give you the opportunity to express that need for control…”
The doorbell echoed throughout the Padded Palace, alerting Latasha, Stacy, and all inside. The Bigs were back. 
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
💕 Story By CrissieBaby 💕 💙 Edited By AllySmolShork 💙 💚 Edited By AliceKChan 💚
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi Rosie Princess SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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madumagia · 15 days
Rambling about Art
Out of all artforms I have historically been the most "precious" about music. Drawings and photography are so whatever to me. I used to have a huge hang up about drawing since it was my first art medium. I got into it while I was being socialized on the internet and it quickly became a way to receive external validation rather than a thing I just enjoyed, which was really unfortunate because I was very young and non-technical about drawing so none of it received a lot of attention in the first place. I carried this permanent feeling of failure with me whenever I tried anything new. I didn't really get over this until I started drawing more abstractly, which I also didn't do until I was exposed to contemporary and modern art. It's very freeing to not feel like you are stuck in anime girl prison, and it's wild that I ever even had that conception, but I guess it makes sense considering I grew up on DeviantArt and YouTube.
Photography for me is just going out and gambling. I barely understand lighting beyond flipping buttons and seeing what they do on the screen, so when I decide to take my camera out anywhere I'm just praying to the gods for good photos. I enjoy the editing part of photography more anyways, so I haven't gotten around to figuring out the more technical elements yet. Though I would love to start playing around with capturing motion! The idea of capturing things we can't see with the naked eye is really fun.
Music, though, is totally fucked up. It was so emotionally impactful for me as a child that I feel obligated for mine to be as well. That's not a bad goal in of itself but it's difficult to practice songwriting for practice's sake. I think the pressure is slowly going away as I'm realizing that modern success in music is about you as a product rather than the quality of your music, which is both bleak and freeing at the same time.
If you read this, and you have some sort of relationship with art, I'm curious what it is like and if it's ever felt stable? Feel free to share what you make too!
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boundlesschaos · 23 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. [Original by Neffi can be found here!]
Name: Ruru
Pronouns: any/all
Birthday (no year): 6/14
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Grew up in the East Coast, currently back living there. EST timezone.
How long is your roleplay experience? Easily 15+ years. I did RP on DeviantArt of all things (and even became a mod of said rp); moved to tumblr RP when it got popular, but then took a break for a few years when tabletop games took interest proper; returned to RP when Cecil and I found TOA.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Outside of DeviantArt, I grew up playing a lot of make believe games with friends, which eventually moved to text. But really, dA was the big one that hooked me to RP proper....wild...
How were you introduced to TOA? Cecil was the one who found it? But I was wishing for more tumblr RPs around the time, since discord ones felt too intimidating.
Do you have any pets? Viola! Cute lil cat daughter
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) I like the part of fall where the leaves change colours. Seeing flora change in general is fun for me.
What is your IRL occupation? IT Support; I also do game dev (mainly TTRPG) on the side when I can
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like running TTRPG games, drawing, designing and coding spreadsheets. Making improv games on the fly, rules and all. I also like exploring new places, especially when they're local. Picnics on the beach or park are great.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? A lot, but the game I just beat is Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm the sole remaining World Flipper fan- I mean, I like JRPGs a lot, so games like LiveALive and Chrono Cross come to mind as well.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Bug type. Snom, Grubbin, Pinurchin, Trapinch, pokemon that have the shape (tm) are my favorites. I've always had a soft spot for the Lati duo as well.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I've lived in Japan for a fair bit, and became N5 proficient through that. I'm trying to study for N4. I will also never stop talking about TTRPG - namely that I make games and one of them is Fire Emblem based.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? NO JOKE BUT I first learned of Fire Emblem through some promotional pamphlet that came with Pokemon Sapphire I think??? And then saw them in Smash. Cecil definitely helped me get into it proper.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Easier to say what I haven't, which is FE1 and FE3 (or their remakes). Only played Echoes, not FE2. The only games I started and never beat are Warriors, Three Hopes, and FE5.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First exposure was one of the GBA, but Awakening was the first I beat proper, I think. My favorite FE games are 4 and 6.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Niamh, Joshua, Hugh, Idunn, Lethe? Those are the first to come to mind that I consistently like.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! This would have been so long ago...I liked characters like Chad, Lugh, Ricken, etc because they were the 'small boy who might not be taken seriously' type. Which, given I was a lot younger back then, also treated younger than i was by my family, and starting to realize I don't define my gender neatly, they were important characters to sympathize with.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 All my crushes are in Tellius LMAO but like. Titania. Nailah. Powerful Women....
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Sully; might pick someone like Miriel? - Fates: Tsubaki; idk tbh....maybe him again - Three Houses: Shamir; probably Yuri? - Engage: Yunaka; maybe Kagetsu? [THIS WHOLE THING IS REMINDING ME that im not very attached to S supporting with the protag I GUESS]
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I like the ones where you can fly. Kinshi Knight is one of my favorites for the design and unique combination of flyer and bow.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Probably a flier or a strategist type. My luck stat is either way too good or awful, no inbetween. Probably also a furry of some variety.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? I'm your generic NPC civilian.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? - Boons - Faith, Riding (me remembering I rode horses as a kid) - Banes - Axes - Budding - Flying, Bows
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Probably Firene for being very flowery?
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) I pronounce it toe (the body part) + a (the letter). toe-a.
Current TOA muses: Niamh, Hugh
Past TOA muses? N/A
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Niamh
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I like writing characters who appear composed, put together, etc, but are actually definitely not. Their ability to empathize is either super good or they struggle dearly (but are aware of that shortcoming). the more unconventional their gender, identity, etc is, the better.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Honestly any character with a sizeable amount of lore. I'd just spend way too much time worrying I interpreted one of their support conversations wrong or don't do the character 'the right way'.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I like writing situations where the characters learn a new facet about themselves, or discover a place beyond their wildest dreams.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Maybe something that lets me explore Hugh's past or defines Niamh pre-meeting Cipher crew?
Favorite TOA-related memories? Candy game was fun. I also liked the teamwork and memery I had in BOEL this year.
Present or past tense? I think I write in present so that?
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal Text with no trimming because most of my replies are through my phone lmao...
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Sommie :) Both joking and genuinely serious. I love a small Frienb and i think it would be interesting to dive into the fact that Sommie has been around for a very long time, but realistically I'd probably only play him for a few months. Aside from Sommie, there are a couple of FE6 characters (Lugh, Raigh, Idunn) who could be fun but I like sticking to one muse per game. Constance I think about off and on but she hits my 'has too many supports' and therefore I'd worry about playing right. I still rotate the Three Hopes supports I read though. Maybe someday
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artfromsaturn · 1 year
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Saturn’s Free CSP Brush Recommendations, Across the Web Edition
I may sell (sorry, obliged to shill) brushes now, but I still love me some free brushes & love to share them with people.  These are a bunch of cool brushes made by other people that you can use to build up a nice library of tools without having to spend any cash on, perfect if you’re new to CSP or are on a budget.  If you do download these, be sure to like them & give some love to the artist if you enjoy them. :D
All of these are on different sites, like Gumroad, Deviantart, Artstation, etc..  They’ll be organized by source on this post since most brushes posted are general packs with multiple different types of brushes (very nice). Feel free to reblog this with your own suggestions, there’s many brushes out there I missed. :D  Check defsiarte’s suggestions too, and if you want to see my recommendations for stuff on the Clip Studio Asset Store or other places, check this tag.
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Tamberella’s Brushes - Fur, Foliage, Bookshelves, & northern lights, all nicely formated and easy to use for CSP.  Good variety.
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Ronchan’s Brushes - he makes a lot of neat little brushes, great for illustrations, sketching, & art in general.  High recommend!
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Scott’s Clip Studio Brushes - I mostly use the grease pencil from the big pack, but all of them are pretty good if you’re looking for a more traditional inking experience.
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Cae’s Brushes - they’ve released a variety of cute painterly brushes that are fun to use.  You can either download the ones you want or all of them at once. :)
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@pharanbrush‘s BorupenP - a really nice set for doodling.  If you enjoy the free set, check out their pencils & other sets if you have the spare cash. :D
Cheapcookiez Brushes Sets - I really like the blender in this set.  Comes with Sai brushes as well.
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Trisketched Ink Brushes - 3 fun rough inkers for inky pieces.
CSP Painting Set - I like the gentle use of texture on the painting & sketching tools.  A real nice rounded out basic set.
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Jason Piperberg’s Free Samples - It’s a nice sample pack of his bigger pack.  He likes using a lot of halftones in his art and it gives a fun bold look to his illustrations.  If you like drawing comics, I do suggest checking out his paid sets too.
Vierdz’s Brushes - I like the Halftone, clouds, & fish brushes the best, but all their brushes are nice.
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Sebijy’s Clip Studio Paint Brush pack 2019 - It’s been a bit since I downloaded this pack but I remember I really enjoyed using the airbrushes.  Has some good painters & textures.  Also has a nice paid set if you enjoy the sample.
DAUB Pencils - A decent set of pencils.
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Scrapefiend’s Free Brushes - There’s some real cool inkers Scrape released for free, I used them a bunch even before I purchased his bigger pack (also recommend).  Great ink looks that are fun to use & whip around!
“...Of the Wild” - A brushset based of the Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Legend of Zelda games.  Great for copying the style or just painting in general (then again I might be biased because they used my public domain textures, bless).
Art Station
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PaPauloV’s Brushes - he was nice enough to optimize his brushes for both Photoshop & Clip Studio, as CSP sometimes has a weird time importing PS settings.  Another nice basic set!
LPZ Hell’s Stylistic Brushes - Fun for messy looks!  IIRC you can also find it in the Asset store.
Maria Pechenkina/ Mothka's Brushes: Artstation | DA - I love the pastels in this set. Lovely little dry set.
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Mar’s Halftones ( & other brushes!) - Halftones with fun textures, now avaliable away from the CSP Asset store too!
Expressure Free Sample Sets: ArtStation | Gumroad | Ko-Fi - ZH has put a ton of effort into his sets, both the first & second.  Worth a try & even the free brushes are full of effort!
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Awanndus Brushes: Oil Metal Painting, Indian Ink, Fantasy Background, & Pencils - all neat brushes that are worth a look if you need any of these.
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Roastedstix's Painting Sets - Really enjoy the green Goauche Brush Set.  Great addition to the already lovely CSP default Gouache.
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Yettyen’s Sets - All her free Enviormental & decoration sets are great.  I also like her painters & scale Sets.  She has a Gumroad she releases brush sets for a dollar for, they’re also worth checking out along with her Ko-Fi!
Clip Studio Copic Brushes: Deviantart | Google Drive - These are some of my favorite marker painters out there.  Nice and easy to use with wonderful results, good blending.
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Freckle Brushes - A nice varied set for freckle lovers.
The Inky Way’s Sets - TIW has been making brushes for clip for years & they’re all nice, honed sets that are fun to use.  Very high recommendation!
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SerketXXI’s big set & their Danganronpa/Hetalia Brushes - A nice basic set with some nice decorators, as well as two good sets for making Danganronpa & Hetalia styled illustrations (obviously).  The brushes are also good for general useage.
FnF Brushes - For those who need a Friday Night Funkin’ Style Brush!
Hearts Emoji Brush - something I forgot to get a preview for, just a fun brush taking basic emojis and scattering them around.  Always need a few fun brushes here and there. :)
General Around the Web (twitter, tumblr, ko-fi, etc)
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Pufuu’s Splatoon Brushes (Imported to CSP) - Splatoon artstyle lovers rejoice!
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Rai’s CSP brushes - Currently releasing a bunch of pattern brushes, but she has a lot planned in the future brushes.  Try ‘em out!
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@nubtail​ ‘s CSP brushes -  The fur blender brush is fantastic!  And the crusty brushes are a nice crunchy organic look. :)
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@kriztelpixel’s Brushes - She explains the instructions in English in the linked tumblr post, some lovely oil brushes.
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Bunabi’s Brushes - She’s got some really great decorating brushes, I’m very fond of the fun arcade rug decorators!  And of course, since it’s patreon, you can always donate to support her or unlock more from her if you enjoy her stuff.
A few others I forgot the preview for:
Palette Knife - swoosh around some fake palette knives with this set!
Timcanpy-shaped brush - A cute D. Gray Man themed brush c:
Xerox Pencil - a pencil with a bold texture that’s fun for recreating old lineart.
Again, feel free to respond with some of your recommendations & favs as well, free or paid for. :)
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sneakygoldie · 9 months
Current Fandoms and Stuff I like! (will update often)
(Most favorite ones are Sailor Moon and Ojamajo Doremi, but the rest are a fight for second place! >:3)
Ed Edd N Eddy
South Park
Digital Circus
Murder Drones
BFDI/BFDIA/BFB/TPOT (most recent fandom)
Leo (2023 movie yeah 💀)
Regular show
Sailor Moon
Ojamajo Doremi
The Amazing World of Gumball
Cute High Earth Defense Club
Marvel stuff (hehe)
Dragon Ball
Demon Slayer
Spooky Month
One Piece
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Princess Tutu
All of Aphmau’s series! :>
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Percy Jackson
Warrior Cats
Oliver and Company
Proud Family
Adventure Time
Lucky Star
Talking Tom and Friends
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Whatever Happened to Robot Jones
Steven Universe
101 Dalmatians the Series
1O1 Dalmatian Street
Animal Jam (Play Wild and OG)
Genshin Impact
The Amazing Digital Circus
Sims 4
Dungeons & Dragons
The Simpsons
12. oz Mouse
(still fairly new to some of these, so yeahhhh)
Now time to explain the rules in this blog and some stuff about me!
-fav animal is seals bc they so silly, also one my most fav youtubers, leamon puppy has her main as a seal, think that’s where I first started loving seals so much but idk XDDD
-I absolutely love vintage vids, just something so interesting about them to me! I love animes from the 90s-2010s most, but my most FAVORITE anime genre is magical girls!
-My first magical series was probably Glitter Force (SMILE PRECURE DUB YALL), but then Sailor Moon caught my eye and it is one my favs to this day! I finished Tokyo Mew Mew first though!
-Fav character is Pop Harukaze! She doesn’t get much of a role in Ojamajo Doremi as a Ojamajo, but something about her personality or something.. I am just living for it!
-Some other favs.. and yes I have a long list bc my autistic brain can’t choose favorites when they are so unique.. are Tsubomi/Cure Blossom, Komugi/Cure Wonderful, Ice Cube (BFDI+), Bubble (BFDI+), Ruby (BFDIA+), Gelatin (BFDIA+), Flower (BFDI+), Two (BFB), Firey (BFDI+), X (BFB), Teardrop (BFDI+), Four (BFB), Bloo (FHFIF), Mac (FHFIF), Aiko (Ojamajo Doremi), Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi), Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi, Saki/Cure Bloom, Minako/Sailor Venus, Erika/Cure Marine, Nagisa/Cure Black, Bu-Ling/Mew Pudding, Yayoi/Cure Peace, Love/Cure Peach, Hana-chan (Ojamajo Doremi), Pollun/Porun (Precure), Jewlulu (Pripara), Tweek (you know what), Oz (Canimals), Muffin (Bluey), Zane (Mystreet/Aphmau), Garroth (Mystreet/Aphmau), Kim (Mystreet/Aphmau), Ian (Mystreet/Aphmau) and Noi (MID/Aphmau)!
-Fav color is lavender and pastel yellow
-Im scatterbrained at times, but can try remembering anything you say! Im clumsy and shy! <3
-“Do you have games on your phone” YES BUT LEAVE THEM IF ITS MY PHONE OR IPAD XDDD, especially my dear Animal Jam >:3
-I don’t really prefer to talk on email or text.. just tell me something on here or a social media platform like Youtube or Deviantart! I still use Gold the Ostrich as the user!
-Fav thing to say is “HOR HOR HOR HOR HOR” all i freaking know about fnaf is the movie with unnecessary add on lore 💀
-I don’t mind cussing, it’s just not a full on “lifestyle” for me
Now some rules! <3
-Everyone is allowed on my blog, it is mostly a tickle/random blog, but it’s quite decent so far!
-If you dislike this blog, please don’t say unnecessary stuff in your blogs, posts in any other media, etc if so. Just try ignoring this blog if possible.
-I can do commissions, especially of the following fandoms, but pls don’t get too upset if I don’t know a certain fandom, sometimes I forget to add a fandom to here.
- I am a minor, 13 in fact! So no sussy requests pleaseeee!! any other tickle requests are okay, even from fandoms I dont know, or your ocs! pls dont be mad if I don’t want to do your request! I will do anything that is sfw and accept lgbtq+ characters aswell!
-Might update this later, but this is good for now! Also this might stay as my only blog due to having no other ideas for blogs at the moment
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 1
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Fatal Mention; Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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The giant watched the woman back up as he stood to his full height, looking down at her. He could see the fear in her eyes, smell her fear scent as she watched his movements. He was very familiar with the smell of fear; humans and terrans alike feared his kind. They had good reason to fear Syors. The woman no doubt realized that she could not possibly outrun him, that she was already close enough that he wouldn’t have to even try to chase. She couldn’t possibly get out of his reach before he could grab her.
He leaned over, watching the woman look quickly for some form of hiding place, although there was none. She barely had time to turn away and start to move before his hand closed around her and he lifted her up. She didn’t squirm much or try to get loose, simply closing her eyes.
“Please… I don’t want to die…”
-----3 weeks ago-----
He didn’t know how long he’d lain here now, but he’d given up hope. The rockslide had trapped him, and he had reached the point he lacked hope. Even with such great strength, he lacked a way to move the stones. He had no doubt that if he were able to get at least a little loose, he could move individual rocks with ease… but with the large pile on top of him, he couldn’t even move enough to reach stones to free one arm.
He was going to die here. He didn’t want to, but it seemed inevitable. By now he hardly even bothered to look around anymore. He was sore and injured, and lacked a food source. The injuries didn’t kill him, so he was going to starve. He had gotten lucky for water, there had been light rain a couple of times, barely enough to keep him hydrated, but it had helped. He just couldn’t get free and he couldn’t get food.
As he thought on the matter, ears perked slightly at the sound of movement. Another of the wild sheep? Perhaps if he was still and quiet, it would come within reach. Then he heard cursing. He hesitantly peeked, trying not to open his eyes enough to be noticed. The first thing he noticed was the red color of the young woman’s dress, how its bright shade stood out against the dull colors of the rock and dirt. A terran. Or perhaps a human, but either way, it was one of the little folk that giants like himself greatly enjoyed as prey. He watched the girl make her way lower, nearer to him, and fought back a smile. She was close… perhaps he might yet get a meal.
He watched her come nearer, then kneel to gather some sort of plants. She had managed to come down the steep rocks… but she would almost certainly have to walk the lower path to get out. The lower path that lay right before his hand.
He stretched his hand out as best he could, tilting it so it was angled like a wall blocking her path. He grinned slowly as the movement got her attention and her eyes went wide. The dirt from the rockslide had caused him to blend in, and she hadn’t even noticed him. His grin revealed the double set of fangs that served as the most obvious difference between his kind and the more gentle Syorians.
He moved to grab her, but was immediately reminded of just how bad the rockslide had pinned him. He couldn’t move his hand enough to grasp her, to pull her into his mouth. Both the brief feeling of hope and his cheerful expression faded immediately. He really was going to starve here. Prey came within reach and he couldn’t even move enough to get it into his mouth. Slowly he lowered his hand, letting it lay limp as he sighed and closed his eyes.
After a moment, he felt a small hand rest on one of his pinned hands. He opened his eyes, surprised to see the girl had come near enough to touch him. Perhaps taunting him because he couldn’t do anything to her? He felt miserable, and just wanted it to be over with.
“You are in pretty bad shape, aren’t you? Can’t even move… I suppose you would be displeased to rely on help from one like myself… but…” The woman sighed slightly, looking away briefly, “I will help you.” The Syor was immediately surprised, hesitating briefly before asking, “You… are going to… Do you not realize what I am?” She returned her gaze to him, then nodded slightly, “Yes… a Syor… and I do know the difference between Syor and Syorians… but it would be wrong to abandon a person, no matter their species, that is in need.” After a moment she patted lightly with her hand that rest on his finger, “I am going to go get you a bit of food and some rope. I’ll be back soon.” He watched her leave, feeling certain he would never lay eyes on her again.
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iffondrels-library · 1 year
New Linked Universe fic is up! This makes part 2 of my new "The More Things Change" series (prior reading not required).
This time around, we get to compare Wild's shield surfing skills and Twilight's snowboarding skills! Of all things to follow over to botw, the shield surfing was a surprise. I also wasn't expecting to find Snowpeak Ruins hiding in botw!
I don't think it's coincidence. Mini-theory incoming. Breath has always been really subtle about what locations from past games exist. Players recognized that Selmie's Spot, the shield surfing spot on top of Hebra Mountains, was a callback to Twilight Princess's old snowboarding mini game, where you can race a pair of yetis to their manor. Here's the layout of the routes:
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(Credit to zantaff on Deviantart for the TP map)
The star marks on the botw map is what I imagine would be most like this path. The finish line for Selmie's race is in Sturnida Basin. And above this basin, there's a series of cliffs leading up to a large, flat area.
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The angle is a bit different, but it seriously feels like there's supposed to be a bridge crossing the cliffs between the monster camp. And behind that is another big, flat area with a giant korok rock puzzle, as if the game is telling you that something used to be here. Am I reaching? Possibly! But Snowpeak was one of my favorite places in my favorite Zelda game, and I think I found it.
So I made a fic about it. And a theory. Because I didn't think there was anything left to discover in botw after six years.
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shyfoxsky · 4 months
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Photos by bluesgrass on DeviantArt and Voyageurs Wolf Project
As stated in my previous update post, I've been struggling to really find myself in a coat coloration, as it's difficult to find what I see in my mind's eye in photographs. I flip-flop between describing myself as a gray wolf with a red wolf's coat while understanding I will never find that and editing existing tawny-colored wolves to look red. At the end of the day, I think I find the most luck by grasping onto a select few individuals, and I thought of this as a good place to show off some of those individuals.
The first photos are of a wolf in a facility. There are other images from this photographer of this very wolf that are extremely common and seen pretty regularly in our own community with deep red fur all over and an almost black mask and back. I've always seen this wolf as one alike myself in appearance, but the more common photos of it always felt so edited, like if you saw it in real life, you wouldn't recognize it. The ones I've chosen to show here feel far more like me. I see myself more with a dark back and mask, but with a lot of prominent red around the ears and muzzle. Unlike the shown photos though, I see my mane, sides, and tail also carrying this red, rather than the tawny that this individual has.
The next set of photos show a wolf in the wild. I don't remember if these are all the same individual or not, but it's safe to say I love this group for the photos they get. They seem to always have this warmth to the fur of their subjects that make me feel like I'm looking at myself. Again, there's often a dark back and mask, but these also have the red going from muzzle to tail, which is why I feel so connected to it.
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Images from Alibaba and eBay
I can't deny that my self-image is likely so rare because it is a product of photo editing or lighting and camera differences, but I like to think it's entirely possible. Boltz from the Wolf Conservation Center, for example, I felt was pretty similar to my own coat. Though, the main place that I've found a good general vision of myself is in plushes of red wolves. The images I've included are of plushes that I have my own of at home, and they are both easily some of my favorites of all time. Their very saturated and warm colors throughout their bodies, unbroken by gray or tan, feels very much like me, and while I don't think I actually carry reds and gingers like the plushes, likely more of an auburn mixed in with brown and black accents across the complex coat a wolf would have, they are a great starting point for me, and I find myself thinking of them when I try to imagine my pelt when creating art of myself or describing myself to others.
Long post short, I say all of this to get my thoughts out about how my coat has consumed my mind for days, weeks, months, even years. It's a weird, complex thing that mixes in with my own human body, the mixing of my identity as multiple kinds of wolves, gray and red, my past experiences with red foxes, and my youth full of wolf OCs and a community with a lot more members using "unrealistic" images to show others how they feel inside. I don't know if I'll ever have a concrete self-image, but I think that's okay. I don't think I ever need to know, as long as I'm content in myself. Simply saying I'm a "red-furred wolf" is enough the vast majority of the time, and that's good enough for me.
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quillpokebiology · 7 months
hello, i was just wondering if you've dont petilil yet? feel free to ignore if you already have
Petilil Facts
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(Art by AutobotTesla on Deviantart)
-The scientific name for Petilil is "Lillium Parvus" which roughly translates to "Small lilly"
-Petilil are Monocot Pokemon and their closest relatives are Budew and Sunkern. Many people think they're closely related to Tsareena, but the difference is that Budew are seeds while Bounsweet are fruits
-Like many other Monocot Pokemon, Petilil don't need to eat and can rely entirely on water and the sun. However, during cloudy or rainy days, Petilil will eat berries and soil
-Their habitats include moist, fertile forests and meadows with rich soil
-Petilil's bitter tasting leaves are to keep predators from seeing them as food. The only pokemon that actively hunt them are Floragato & Meowscarada
-Petilil are farmed for their bitter leaves which can be used as medicine. Their leaves grow back, so when farmed ethically, no harms is done for them. The ones with the bigger leaves have stronger effects
-Petilil are very sensitive to water changes and can only be found in clear, clean water. It's getting harder to spot them in the wild these days...
-Petilil are social pokemon and usually live in groups up to 5
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-Petilil sleep by burying themselves in soil and having their leaves sticking out of the dirt. This camaflogue helps them avoid potential predators
-Despite their bitter tasting leaves being used for medicine, their bodies are less bitter and they're seen as a delicacy in some regions
-While a Sun Stone is used to evolve Liligant into Petilil, some wild Petilil have been known to evolve without one
-Petilil eggs are very small, about the size of 3 sunflower seeds, and need to be in direct sunlight to hatch. If you're taking caring Petilil eggs inside, you can put them at the top of soil in a tub and put a heat lamp over it
-Because Petilil only live in places with clean water and rich soil, they've been used to scope out new and safe areas to live in for thousands of years
-Both Petilil and Liligant hibernate through the winter. Petilil sightings at winters end has been celebrated as the coming of Spring in many cultures
-Petilil that live on Snowy mountains (the ones that evolve into Hisuian Liligant) are larger and fatter. This is because they need to store more energy due to the lack of sunlight
-Petilil get along very well with Florges, and many Florges will make accommodations to their gardens to attract Petilil. Researchers believe that it is because Petilil means that Florges's garden is doing well
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