#diamond x ruby
loneycorner · 10 months
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I love gay people 😮‍💨
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sonicblooms · 1 month
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the beginnings of a tomarang holiday! also ruby's bday!
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rosenotactuallyquartz · 2 months
as someone who loves pearlrose, i have a special place in my heart for ruby.
she’s sweet, hilarious, and she’s not only tough physically but mentally as well, having pain from homeworld that is often overlooked.
she’s also so incredibly brave, and it’s (well, unintentionally) because of her courage that pearl + rose were able to live with each other and love each other for thousands of years after the war.
in the answer, sapphire had told blue diamond that the rebels would be captured after she and the ruby guards are destroyed.
so, if ruby didn’t run over at the last moment to protect sapphire, despite knowing about sapphire’s clairvoyance, despite the fact that she was viewed as an aristocratic gem, ultimately fusing with her… rose wouldn’t have decided to run away with pearl so quickly.
i don’t want to think about what could have happened if pearl + rose were captured and the rebellion ended, but because of ruby’s impulsive yet powerful decision, we don’t have to.
then of course, sapphire acknowledged that ruby saved her. being garnet was right for them, and then garnet became pearl and rose’s very first bond on earth, with no shared memories from homeworld. they became incredibly close and rose was fascinated by how powerful and unique garnet was. they inspired each other. i’ve written a lot about that in the past, and i have a special place in my heart for garnet, too. for many reasons, and also as someone who loves pearlrose.
ruby saved their lives without realizing it. then, garnet helped pearl + rose learn about love and how to express it.
i headcanon that she’s one of pearl’s best friends. protecting the one they love at the last minute, falling in love with someone who homeworld considered a “more superior gem,” rebelling against homeworld to be who she is and love who she loves, becoming stronger than anything homeworld would ever imagine.
i don’t think ruby herself realizes how much of a hero she is. in general, but also for my favourite ship. she’s one of my favourite characters.
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Yknow, it took a very long time for me to realise what the title of pokemon x y (and z) meant bc up until then they were all pretty solid counterparts. Red, blue and yellow, the primary colours. Gold, silver and crystal, the luxurious. Ruby, sapphire and emerald, not only precious gems but the rgb colours (and just colour matching the legendaries too). Diamond (the classic ‘most valuable’ stone), pearl (the classic ‘most valuable’ biological ‘stone’), and platinum (the classic ‘most valuable’ metal). Black and white.
After x and y we of course had sun and moon, sword and shield and finally scarlet and violet (infrared and ultraviolet, the two ends of the colour spectrum. The only reason they wouldn’t have called it pokemon infrared and ultraviolet is bc pokemon red already exists and ppl would think it was a gen 1 remake, and ultra sun/moon also already exists).
But back when x and y came around, and I thought ‘it’s just letters, I know that the legendaries sort of look like them but if it’s opposites then shouldn’t it be a and z?’ (Cool how they brought that back with legends z-a)
And it took me way too fucking long to realise that x y and z are the three digital planes to symbolise Pokémon’s first mainline 3D game. Idk I just thought that was neat.
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I swear Ruby is shorter than Y/n-
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textpostmemespksp · 1 year
Happy 200 memes!! 🎉
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!)
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kingmaxstatic · 11 months
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Get you a man whose love language is acts of service (Committing crimes) (Inspired by a post from @draw-the-squad-like-this )
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stevenuniversexreader · 9 months
Hi can you do q ,k and t with garnet
Character: Garnet
Letters: Q, K, T
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-I feel like having arguments with garnet is rare. Like she’s not so easy to anger unless it’s something about fusion or love or the diamonds.
-When she does she’s scary. She’s already very intimidating by itself, and when you two argue let’s just say she usually wins the argument.
-she does apologize right after though and usually unfuses so Ruby and Sapphire can talk it out.
-She loves kissing you. She’ll kiss you little air kisses throughout the day and winks sometimes as well.
-she’s good at kissing, she likes to kiss you under your eye or cheek the most though.
-also due to her height, she’ll usually pick you up and kiss you if your not as tall (which your probably not if your human since she’s like 7 feet tall)
T-Taking care of you when your sick
-She’s not that great at it. This is more of pearls thing. She’ll be there for you and check in on you, but she’ll make Pearl help you out since garnet isn’t that great at it.
-Garnet will most likely ask Steven to hang out around you and keep you company if she can’t.
-but garnets sweet to hang around, she does make an effort. She sometimes unfuses so Ruby and sapphire can help out as well, which usually makes Ruby get all stressed since she doesn’t know what medicine to use.
(OMG I AM SO SORRY!!! School and my personal has been killing me and I’m trying to get back on board mentally)
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authorofthemoon · 1 year
I feel like that the entire Pokemon fandom silently agrees that there is something inherently tragic about being a Pokemon protagonist.
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mieowkoid09 · 11 months
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I housekified her ass
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edgy-ella · 2 months
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Credit to ishmam on deviantART for the image!
Links to each song below the cut:
(I couldn’t post every version of each song due to Tumblr’s ten link limit, so I decided to only post the original of each version rather than the arrangements from the remakes. The chiptune stuff tends to be creepier anyways)
Lavender Town:
Unown Radio Transmission:
Hall of Origin:
N’s Room (B2W2 version):
(The original from BW was not considered due to being too different in tone)
Scary House:
(If there are creepy tracks in SwSh/SV feel free to share them; I have not beaten either and couldn’t find any standout examples from some basic searches on YouTube)
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When people make gem and fusion ocs, is their a method to know what the fusion is called?
Like with canon characters, Ruby and Sapphire make Garnet.
When you make a fusion oc, do you just choose a random gem to be the fusion?
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rosenotactuallyquartz · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Rosenet? They’re honestly so cute but unfortunately they’re super underrated, and show doesn’t really delve much into their relationship either, which means most people often leave out Garnet from their Rose analysises and vice versa 😓
a post about rose & garnet’s dynamic
(because yes, it should be talked about !)
“Rose wanted to give everybody the kind of environment she didn’t have, but everything about her is about who she didn’t want to be.” —Rebecca Sugar, Rebecca Sugar Says Goodbye to Steven Universe
“Your mother had healing tears that flowed from her gem. She felt real love for those around her. She felt real sorrow when they were hurt.” —Garnet, Indirect Kiss
throughout her time with rose, garnet always perceived rose as caring and accepting. what she didn’t realize was just how much rose understood her.
rose’s care did not only come from a place of kindness; she related to her.
she never looked at homeworld the way she was expected to. no gem was inferior to her; every life was worth protecting in her eyes, as seen in now we’re only falling apart when she wanted to stop the colony she fought for because she learned that it would harm humans.
whenever she was herself, her genuine self, she endured significant pain through a variety of different punishments. she lived in fear and she hated homeworld. as rose, living on earth, she could finally be herself and work toward everything she believed in.
at the same time, she lived in fear that the diamonds would eventually find her. she lived in guilt because no one other than (a very concerned) pearl knew about this secret. she was thinking about it. a lot. homeworld had such a harmful and unfair structure, and to live as a crystal gem meant not only a physical escape, but also an entire mental escape from the memories and the society.
“No more questions. Don’t ever question this. You already are the answer.” —Rose, The Answer
in the scene prior to this, rose was worried about garnet’s physical safety. she didn’t want her to be punished for existing. she knew, in a different sense, what that felt like.
once she knew that she was physically safe, rose focused on garnet’s mind.
garnet was unaware that rose’s mind was not a great place to be. the truth was, rose never wanted garnet to feel the way that she felt.
(rose was made to feel guilty, made to feel bad and wrong, long before she had anything to truly feel guilty about)
she saw the way that the crowd looked at her from the moment she first opened her eyes. after years of being out of place in homeworld and then being told things like, “you only make things worse” from white diamond, she never wanted that crowd to have a lasting impact on garnet. she wanted garnet to love and accept herself.
this also demonstrated that rose wanted garnet to be part of the new life she was building on earth. this was her way of saying, “let’s live how we want to live, together, and never look back.”
in rose’s eyes, only cruel gems from homeworld could make garnet question something that makes her feel happy and secure. & rose wanted to be different. she was different.
this scene showed just how much she cared about her and related to her, on an incredibly deep level.
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[Image Description: This image depicts Rose Quartz, Pearl, and Garnet as they meet in “The Answer.” In the center, Rose Quartz is holding the hands of Garnet. To the left of Rose Quartz, Pearl stands, watching the interaction. The background is a vibrant forest with purple, pink, and blue hues, along with flower petals and bushes on the ground. End of Image Description.]
“This whole time, we thought we were following her, but she was following us. How could she not after you swept her off her feet?” —Sapphire, Now We’re Only Falling Apart
“One thing I find really interesting is that the way she idolized everyone around her was very sincere. She thought everyone around her was so much better than she was. So people would be drawn to her, Gems would be drawn to her, and I don’t know if they would necessarily realize that she was worshiping them, which was compounding her own sadness at the feeling that she couldn’t connect with them.” — Rebecca Sugar, Rebecca Sugar Says Goodbye to Steven Universe
all of the crystal gems perceived rose differently, and all of them never really knew just how much they meant to rose.
amethyst saw rose as a hero and looked up to her when she was actually a hero to rose. a true quartz, from earth, who became a crystal gem. she was everything rose wished she could have been; genuine, living without this sense of guilt that rose always had. pearl saw rose as someone she needed to constantly protect, and she could never quite understand why that caused so many arguments during the war. seeing steven & connie in sworn to the sword, she learned that the only reason for the argument was because she wanted to protect pearl, too (hence the little, “she made me feel like i was everything” epiphany).
of course, garnet never questioned rose’s choices. the first choice she saw rose make …saved her life. it involved literally leaving the battlefield when she could have hurt a very confused garnet, and then later on, protecting garnet and wanting to live with her despite the fact that they were initially on different sides (she taught her that they actually were on the same side).
she loved being garnet, and rose was always there to love that garnet was being garnet.
garnet felt a sense of security with rose as a leader, while rose felt a sense of security with her. yes, her title was the leader, but she barely saw herself as one. the truth is, she didn’t know what she would do without them. she admired amethyst’s warmth & sincerity, pearl’s intelligence & courage, and garnet’s wisdom & power, really. not just her physical strength, but how comfortable and sure of herself she became once she began living as herself. she was also fascinated with garnet’s ability to see the future; garnet’s abilities in general, as a fusion of two different gems.
i always thought that rose felt like garnet held them all together. the same way that a fusion is held together, she kept everyone close, she kept this sense of stability even as they all went through difficult situations.
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[Image Description: This image depicts Rose holding Pearl and Garnet. One of her arms is around Pearl while the other is around Garnet, and they lean against her as she protects them, her eyes shut tight. Behind them is Rose’s pink shield, and behind the shield is the starry night sky. In the sky are three bright lights, as the diamonds are about to attack Earth. End of Image Description.]
“But I am even more than the two of them. Everything they care about is what I am. I am their fury, I am their patience/ I am a conversation… I am made of love!” — Garnet, lyrics to Stronger Than You
something that is very special about the song love like you is that it is not about any character in particular. sugar gives us room to associate the song with different relationships and characters because it’s simultaneously about no one and everyone. it can be about all kinds of love: platonic, romantic, family.
i’ve already written an analysis on how it fits for pearl from rose’s perspective. my other favourite ways to listen to the song ? connie from steven’s perspective, ruby from sapphire’s perspective, and after now we’re only falling apart, garnet from rose’s perspective, too.
in her old environment, while she lived as a diamond, rose was never able to properly love and be loved. those choices were made for her.
the diamonds had rules about everything. these gems are supposed to serve these gems. pink, interact with this gem THIS way. these gems are inferior, these gems are superior. no one could connect on an emotional level and nothing was ever about choosing to be around someone. it was incredibly isolating.
but then, pearl taught rose what love felt like, while garnet taught rose what love looked like.
she gave pearl a choice to stay with her & fight or leave & be safe, and pearl argued with this (“but i want to!”). pearl was the first to teach rose about what love felt like. but it was all very new and perplexing and difficult to understand.
garnet literally demonstrated love for rose. she helped rose identify what love looked like, reinforced the fact that it’s something worth fighting for. and you don’t have to understand it, you don’t have to question it, love is simply both powerful and pure.
& then they built their own dynamic, all because they chose to do so.
garnet was everything she believed in. not only did fusion between two different gems go against homeworld’s beliefs and system, fusions before were only between such gems as, for example, the rubies before a fight. this fusion was different; it was the result of care and protection.
garnet was made of love.
this is something that garnet remembers whenever she needs encouragement, and i have a feeling that rose said this to her quite often.
rose said this (adorable) line to pearl after witnessing garnet’s fusion:
“A fusion between two completely different gems! Can all gems do that? How have I never heard of this? I’ve only ever heard that it’s… unheard of.” — Rose, Now We’re Only Falling Apart.
this was followed by pearl attempting to fuse with her. along with nearly fusing for the first time, they had a conversation about how they felt. the fusion was a big deal, for obvious reasons, but so was the conversation. because of rose’s trauma and history of isolation, she struggled with communication. because of pearl’s trauma, she was, at the time, nervous about communication.
garnet didn’t merely show rose fusion as the ultimate connection between gems… she demonstrated that it requires trust and communication. as she said, “i am a conversation.”
we all know that rose continued to struggle with communication and accepting love. she struggled with relationships but she did learn, however, about what love was and how to recognize love.
(sugar said she “couldn’t stand herself,” so unfortunately, despite constantly encouraging garnet & other gems & humans to love themselves, she couldn’t love herself and she didn’t think she was worthy of love a lot of the time because of complex guilt and trauma.)
rose’s personal pain aside, garnet was clearly a significant part of rose’s understanding of something so vital, special, and complicated. as much as it could be, it was healing, too, considering her past.
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[Image Description: This image is completely blue, as it is Pearl’s hologram of a memory of Rose, Pearl, and Garnet. Rose has lifted Garnet up and her other hand is in a fist, and it appears that she is cheering. She looks up at Garnet, one of her eyes closed like a wink. Pearl stands beside them, and they are all laughing.]
garnet is an incredible part of steven’s support system.
we didn’t see her grief very often, following rose’s death. she knew that she held the group together, and she knew that rose would have wanted her to continue to do this at a time when it was needed most: after she died.
she knew that amethyst had trouble making sense of everything that happened along with what she was feeling as she grieved. she knew that pearl was… well, being incredibly strong. it was kind of amazing that she was still living with them and going on missions despite the fact that 10-20 years is a very early stage of grief for gems who live for thousands of years. she knew that steven was a new crystal gem, and she worked on building this very new bond between the gems all while she went through her own grief.
she absolutely did this for rose. i wouldn’t be surprised if rose told her to take care of them, to keep the love between the crystal gems alive and to help steven be part of it. and he absolutely was. they all formed beautiful individual bonds with steven, and they all stayed close as a group.
of course, garnet was upset when she learned that rose lied to her and was actually pink diamond. for the first time, after years of stability, she began to question everything again.
but she learned that rose was honest about her feelings toward her. rose meant it when she said that garnet was made of love. the lie was all about issues that were related to rose.
instead of following a dishonest leader, garnet felt comfortable after she learned that instead, rose had her own personal flaws but she felt inspired by her and followed her. the pain came from the war and the fact that she felt so sure of how everything was. at the end of the day, she understood that she couldn’t have known. rose was dishonest about herself, but she was always honest about garnet. again, she had good intentions and she loved others but she couldn’t love herself.
& lastly…
i love asks, so thank you so much for this question 🩷🩷🩷
you are so welcome to send me asks anytime !!
if you ship rose with garnet romantically, and you were wondering what i thought of the ship…
i always saw garnet & rose as being one of my favourite platonic ships. the current fic i’m writing has a moment where they’re one-on-one, but they bond platonically.
but i need you folks to all know that i am the type of pearlrose lover who does not hate the other ships and characters.
in fact, i find that i understand so many of rose and pearl’s other ships ! i love so much of the fanart and i can see the unique ways as to why a certain ship would be cute. hey, i know what it’s like to have your favourite ship be misunderstood and unnecessarily hated on !!
i am curious to hear what you like about rosenet, in any way you love them !
something i love about steven universe is that the creators give us room for interpretation. it’s fiction, so we can all make the stories our own and bond with others about what we love and headcanons we have and it’s all incredibly comforting. 🩷🩷🩷
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whichuniverseisthis · 7 months
I'm probably going to get murdered for this but, here's a few Pokéspe tier lists I felt like making.
What I think is an objective Dexholders tier list:
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PERSONAL Dexholders tier list:
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What I think is the Dexholders strenght tier list:
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What I think is an objective Pokéspe arcs tier list:
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PERSONAL Pokéspe arcs tier list:
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If anyone wants to ask anything I'll answer. The personal tiers are personal for a reason.
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eev583 · 6 months
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Hello!!! I’m just posting the Chapter Index and stuff like that so you can go visit the story if you would like!
This Story was originally posted on Quotev but I also posted it on Wattpad! I sadly don’t know how to get links from Wattpad so I’m only doing Links from Quotev! I decided that I’ll put in links for the chapters I post on Tumblr instead.
If you’d like to read the story on Wattpad my name is HyenaLover2630
1- New Life New Start
2- The Arrival
3- Lets Explore!
4- Not Such A Great Start
5- Lets Try To Get Along?
6- Nice To Meet You
7- Keep Beach City Weird
8- Hanging With The Horror Lover
9- Watermelon Steven
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