#diavolo is their babysitter
mentallyillbutokay · 2 years
Mammon, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Thirteen, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
MC: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Thirteen: Playing systemic oppression
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neiveel3llson · 6 months
Obey Me! Incorrect quotes
Diavolo trying to convince MC to continue being the babysitter:
NB Diavolo: "What are you talking about MC? You love it here!"
NB MC: "I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome."
Solomon being an old ass man:
NB Solomon: "The dinosaurs didn’t rule the earth they were just alive. Stop giving them credit for administration skills they didn’t have."
Satan for no reason at all:
NB Mammon: "Do I sound smart, or am I smart? "
NB Satan: "You sound unbearable, to be perfectly honest."
Leviathan being depressed:
NB Lucifer: "How are you today?"
NB Leviathan: "Please don’t make me think about my life."
Beelzebub being.. Beelzebub:
NB Beelzebub: "My stomach growled super loud in French."
NB Beelzebub: "I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class."
NB Leviathan: "Bonjour."
NB MC: "Le growl."
NB Mammon: "Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette."
NB MC now that they're a demon:
NB MC: "I am literally evil incarnate."
NB MC: "I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil."
NB MC: "Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort."
Solomon can't cook:
NB Solomon: "I truly go into househusband mode when I'm someone's soulhousemate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning."
NB MC: "This is a lie."
NB MC: "I'm literally living with him. This is a lie."
MC just wants to go home:
NB Solomon: "I think I'm falling for you."
NB MC: "Then get up."
Levi is sick of Satan:
NB Leviathan: "Satan is okay."
NB Beelzebub: "He's okay? He said he was going to break my legs! And don't tell me he didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause he gave me the mackerel eyes, he meant it!"
NB Leviathan: "Beel, Satan threatened me. He threatens Lucifer every day. He probably threatened Diavolo before breakfast this morning. It's what he does. Grow a pair."
Levi self-deprocating:
NB MC: "I'm going the fight the next person who insults Levi."
NB Leviathan: "I hate myself."
NB MC: "Alright, square up."
When MC first came:
NB MC, referring to NB Mammon and NB Diavolo: "Those guys are dorks."
NB Lucifer: "Yes, but they’re my dorks."
Belphegor annoying Lucifer on purpose:
NB Belphegor: "Lucifer, we have a visitor."
NB Lucifer: "Don't tell me it's our babysitter.."
NB Belphegor: "It's MC."
Lucifer being sick of Mammon's shit:
Lucifer: "The greatest trick the diavolo's father ever pulled was changing his name to Mammon."
Mammon bc he's my fav pookie:
Mammon: "So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?"
MC: "Depends. Is your bed comfortable?"
Mammon: "Yes."
MC: "I'd sleep."
Thirteen is going insane:
Thirteen: "Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time."
Diavolo is far too concerned:
*after discussing a plan*
Barbatos: "Does anyone have any questions?"
Diavolo: "Is this legal?"
Barbatos: "Does anyone have any relevant questions?"
Satan loves to boast:
Satan: "I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight."
MC: "What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?"
Satan, already taking off his clothes: "God, MC, you’re so fucking stupid."
It probably wouldn't work anyways:
MC: "Here’s the cold medicine you asked for." *dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table*
Thirteen: "...Thanks."
Levi and Garfield:
Leviathan: "I once tried to play a pirated copy of Garfield Kart, when Garfield jumped out of my PC! We are currently married with three beautiful children and a summer room in the basement of HOL with Cerberus."
Math doesn't work:
MC: "Which is correct, seven and five is thirteen, or seven and five are thirteen?"
Thirteen: "Niether."
Thirteen: "Because it's twelve."
Venomous or poisonous?:
Lucifer: "If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous."
Mammon: "What if it bites me and it dies?!"
Lucifer: "Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Mammon, learn to listen."
Diavolo: "What if it bites itself and I die?"
Lucifer: "That's voodoo."
MC: "What if it bites me and someone else dies?"
Lucifer: "That's correlation, not causation."
Asmodeus: "What if we bite each other and neither of us die?"
Solomon: "That's kinky."
Barbatos: "Oh my goodness."
:P done
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daytaker · 7 months
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me Fun Facts 411-420
• Belphegor is hinted to have the ability of osmosis as despite sleeping through most classes, scores top of the class, and by sleeping with his text books, suddenly knows everything within them
• Beelzebub has wind powers as seen in season 3
• Everyone once left Diavolo in prison in a virtual world overnight and he won’t let them forget it as he was rather pissed off waiting for them to rescue him.
• Satan has been featured in cards with cats 7+ times
• Solomon, Thirteen, and MC once went hiking up a mountain called Mt Imminent Death, the brothers were obsessively worried and stopped from following
• At the end of season two, the brothers kidnapped MC and brought them to the edge of the Devildom, aided by Lucifer
• In season 3, MC is paid to the be the babysitter of the brothers
• Barbatos and Lucifer sometimes have tea taste testing parties
• Leviathan once drank hell milk that made him grow so large in size he put a hole in the ceiling and Lucifer had to pay for it
• Diavolo once put funny fungi in his food just to see to what extent they’d work on him, he was unable to stop laughing
401-410 • 421-430
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l3viat8an · 11 months
Diavolo: MC, do you want the job as the brothers babysitter attendant or not?
MC: How’s the pay?
Diavolo: Not great, but the hours are worse :)
MC:….*sigh* I’ll take the job.
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I have an request for you- is it alright if you do an fanfic where the brothers, dateables, and even the new characters get turned into toddlers? And now (mc) had to care of them? But Luke turns into a baby. A really fluffy, motherly thing? Idrk it's my first time requesting from you- it's alright if you don't want to do it though! :D -chickechee 🐥
when they turn into toddlers
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includes: barbatos & gn!reader, & everyone else (no pronouns mentioned)
rated g | wc: .5k | m.list
a/n: oml this was so cute i hope you enjoy!! i have more baby!luke here as well. my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi <33
reblogs are greatly appreciated
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“oh my god!” you look around the room in horror. “what the hell happened?”
barbatos looks like he hasn't slept in a week. it’s only been a few hours since the initial incident. “what always does,” he answers tiredly, shifting toddler–yes, toddler!–diavolo to his other hip. “someone touched some cursed relic they weren’t supposed to and the effect was disastrous.”
“that’s one word for it,” you murmur. everyone, except for you and barbatos, had regressed into children. infants, even. barbatos had made quick use of the castle’s nursery, left over from one of the previous rulers, and turned it into something daycare-esque, thankfully providing a safe space for them all to be that would keep them out of harm's way, as well as trouble.
as you watch, mammon rises onto shaky legs, making his way over to levi, who’s playing with blocks. “oh please tell me he’s not going to do what i think he’s going to do,” you moan.
“he’s going to do exactly what you think he’s going to do,” barbatos replies, and sure enough, in one deliberate movement, mammon knocks over all of levi’s hard work. immediately, levi begins to scream, startling mammon, who falls back onto the padded ground and begins to cry himself.
“oh, shush.” moving more on instinct, you scoop levi up, patting his back gently. “you’ll be alright, honey.”
he quiets, staring at your face. you wonder if he recognizes you. mammon is still crying, so you set levi back down and move on to comforting him.
“that wasn’t very nice, now, was it?” you ask gently. “let’s not knock over other’s towers, okay?”
he sniffles, rubbing at his eyes with tiny fat baby hands, and it’s just the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. when you go to set him down, he holds tight, and you realize that apparently, he was just as clingy as a toddler as he is now. wonderful.
shifting him to one side, you take stock of everyone else, making sure there are no immediate concerns. simeon, rapheal, and lucifer are sitting together, coloring (and jesus christ you’re going to need to pull out your camera right now), diavolo is still in barbatos’ capable grasp, beel and belphie are napping quietly in a pile of blankets, solomon is telling something to asmo and satan in incomprehensible toddler speech, and mephisto and thirteen are busy playing on their own. you spy a crib in the corner, which must hold luke, who barbatos had said had regressed into an infant rather than a toddler.
“you’re good with children,” barbatos observes, and you sigh.
“i always did like them. i spent my teenage years as a babysitter and camp counselor so i have some experience under my belt,” you explain. “so are you, by the way.” you’ve long stopped being surprised by the fact that barbatos is skilled at literally everything.
“yes, well, it helps that they’re a bit better behaved like this than when they are normally,” he says, and you can’t help but laugh. against your shoulder, mammon echoes your laugh, then sticks his fingers in his mouth. eh, he’s got a demon’s immune system, he’ll be fine.
“how much longer are they going to stay like this?” you ask, and barbatos shrugs.
“probably two or three more hours,” he says.
“just enough time to have to give them lunch while they’re like this,” you say with a slow-dawning horror. “which should be super easy and not difficult or tiring at all.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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sitrihasthoughts · 2 months
Obey Me! Characters' Yearly Camping Trip in the Human World
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Part One (Demon Brothers)
Part Two (Side Characters) (Coming Soon)
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♡ The babysitter of the group.
♡ Supposed to be on a vacation, but it only puts more stress on him.
♡ Spent hours trying to find people who kept getting lost on hikes.
♡ Almost roasted Solomon over the campfire when the sorcerer almost burnt the campsite by trying to cook hot dogs.
♡ His favorite moment was listening to the nighttime ambience with MC in silence while everyone else was asleep.
♡ Will say he's never doing this again but will 100% go camping again next year (it turns into a yearly tradition).
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♡ Always gets lost with MC.
♡ One time lost his wallet with a picture of MC during a hike and almost tore the whole forest down to find it (he would rather die than admit to anyone that he brought a picture of MC everywhere he went).
♡ Heard a story about hidden treasure at the bottom of the lake and tried to find it.
♡ Held onto MC during scary campfire stories but never admits it.
♡ Fought with his brothers during the drive there so he could stay in MC's tent.
♡ Wanted to drive off to find somewhere to spend money or gamble but Lucifer tied him to a folding chair.
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♡ Suffering the most.
♡ Almost went ballistic knowing he was missing a lot of new anime episodes, so he coped by bringing tons of manga with him.
♡ Summoned Lotan to extinguish Solomon's fire, almost destroying the campsite too.
♡ Ended up getting lost during the hike with Mammon and MC.
♡ His favorite part was reading manga with MC under a flashlight in the night and when they went swimming together in the lake.
♡ Made up the hidden treasure story.
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♡ Loved telling scary campfire stories.
♡ Chased Levi and Mammon around for accidentally getting one of his books wet.
♡ Also somehow got lost during the hike when he stopped to watch some stray cats.
♡ Tried to take the cats home but ultimately failed.
♡ Avoided dinner because he knew Solomon would try something.
♡ Brought tons of books.
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♡ Also suffered without internet.
♡ Loved taking aesthetic photos with MC.
♡ Somehow didn't get lost.
♡ Brought everything but bug spray (he complained about it during the entire hike).
♡ Was one of the brothers fighting with Mammon to have a tent with MC.
♡ Mammon accidentally splashed water on him while he was tanning, so Asmo ended up borrowing one of Satan's water bazookas.
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♡ His favorite part was stargazing and wishing on shooting stars with Belphie and MC.
♡ Loved the hike but ended up getting lost because he stayed with Belphie, who took a nap in a tree.
♡ Was about to chuck Solomon for ruining dinner and wasting food.
♡ Tried stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking with Diavolo (it ended up being a good arm workout even though they fell a few times).
♡ Snuck into MC's tent with Belphie to sleep with them (Mammon was furious).
♡ MC showed him how to make s'mores and he loved them, making dozens.
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♡ Got lost during the hike because he slept in one of the trees.
♡ His favorite part was stargazing with Beel and MC.
♡ Was sleeping during the entire dinner fiasco and woke up to a soggy yet charred campsite.
♡ Probably enjoyed the camping trip the most.
♡ Probably also one of the only people to admit that they enjoyed it.
♡ Started the trend of everyone going to sleep in MC's tent.
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atticsandwich · 1 year
burnt toast, sunday
pairing: mephistopheles / gn!mc
slice of life, bonding with mephisto's younger brother, mephisto being a boyfail (endearingly) but he's also a really good older brother
"Don't you have royal babysitters for this kind of thing?"
"Yes and no, but I'd rather have someone I trust to look after my precious little brother."
"So you trust me?"
"Wh...?! Only because Lord Diavolo does!"
or: a babysitting favor-turned-impromptu sleepover party, accidental wingman-er, wingdemon little brother, and poor Mephisto having an internal crisis
[set in the OG timeline, pre-NB]
quick a/n: i cannot for the life of me think of a name for mephisto's brother, so watch how many variations of "little brother" i can use before u get sick of it <3 i like to picture him kinda like a Luke-sized version of Mephisto lol
a/n part 2: erm. i might've accidentally made this a full-fledged fic instead of a quick little drabble help
"So let me get this straight," you start, trying to process what the noble demon before you just proposed.
"You want me to babysit your little brother this weekend, because..."
"--Because I need to attend an event, and I have no one else to turn to but you, yes, that's the gist of it," he finishes, both arms on his hip as if he's recounted this to you 5 times over.
(He has.)
"What about your parents?" you inquire.
Sighing, he returns to his seat across from you, like the thought of them gave him a headache.
"Off to who-knows-where in an exclusive excursion. Last time I called they were somehow in Santorini."
"In the Human Realm?!"
"If you're wondering if there are any more demons masquerading as humans up there, no, there aren't. They'd need permission from Lord Diavolo first lest they get hunted down by Barbatos."
"Oh. That's assuring."
"It's a bad look for the Devildom if we leave our denizens unattended. Anyways, back to the topic at hand--"
"Don't you have, like, royal babysitters for that kind of thing?" you interject. "Like, you know, a personal butler?"
"Yes, and no," another sigh escapes him.
"While we do have butlers, they're more for tending to the estate. Plus, I doubt they could tend to my little brother's pasttime interests. I could very well simply hire a royal babysitter, as you would call it, but I'd rather have someone I trust look after my precious brother."
"So... you trust me?" you try to stop yourself from giving him a smug grin, but the chance was too perfect to miss.
"Wh...?! D-Don't twist my words, human! I only say that because Lord Diavolo does!" his face is flushed in embarrassment, clearly taken aback by the quip. He diverts his face away from looking at you, instead suddenly finding the Newspaper Clubroom's accent wall of interest.
"Plus, considering your background experience with those brothers, I'd say you're more than qualified for the job."
You hold back from giggling - which he picks up on - much to his annoyance. But you find yourself curious about his home and his brother, who he's mentioned in many separate occasions. You have to admit, you'd also like to meet what kind of brother Mephisto has.
"Alright, I'll do it," you finally say, standing from your seat, fully decided.
"Wh-Really? Oh. Good. Perfect," he tries hiding the way his shoulders relax from stiffness, clearly relieved you finally agreed.
"...On one condition, though."
"Hm? Name your price."
"Ask me again, but this time, say 'pretty please?'"
(And if the students outside that room jumped from the doors suddenly bursting open, with a red-faced demon chasing a laughing human around, cane in hand, well, they'll just chalk it up as another normal day at R.A.D.)
"Whad'ya mean you won't be home the whole weekend?!" Mammon's whines fall on deaf ears as he watches you pack your overnight bag. You've already told him about the arrangement a few days prior, but it seems the information just processed now.
"It's not like I'm moving away, Mams."
"But what if you fall in love with his house and decide to stay there forever?!" he whines more, as you let out an amused giggle.
"I'll get you a little souvenir when I get back, okay? We can hang out then."
"Promise. You won't even notice I'm gone!" you zip up your bag, finishing up your pack. As you do, a knock on your door grabs the attention of both of you.
"Um..." the door creaks open, revealing a groggy, half-awake Belphegor. "There's a guy waiting for you outside, I think he's one of Mephistopheles' drivers."
Giving the youngest demon a thumbs up, you stand, slinging your overnight bag on your shoulder. It's not too heavy, and after double checking if everything's in order, you make your way out of your room.
"Ride's here! See ya later Mams! Thanks Belphie!"
You walk past some of the brothers on your way out, bidding your goodbyes as you do, although not before taking a little extra bag full of snacks that Beel insisted you bring with you. Upon reaching the house's front gate, you're greeted by a tall demon, clad in formal wear. He introduces himself as your designated driver sent by Mephisto, and ushers you in the vehicle after you return the introduction.
The ride to Mephisto's estate is quiet, and you occupy your time by scrolling through your D.D.D, updating Lucifer that you just left the house, as he had to leave earlier to finish R.A.D-related paperwork. You also send updates in your group chat with the brothers, as well as the guys from Purgatory Hall - who insisted on getting updates, too.
Before long, the car pulls up to a giant, gilded gate - extravagant feels like an understatement, you think, the intricacy of its details almost reminding you of classic gothic architecture from the Human Realm. The mansion itself isn't something to scoff at either; you already knew Mephisto's family was filthy, stinkin' rich - Mammon's words, not yours - but seeing it yourself is an entirely different story.
The car slows down to a halt, stopping at the manor's front entrance. The driver quickly exits the vehicle to usher you out, before driving off to a separate part of the estate. Mephistopheles is standing by the front door, already dressed up for the event he mentioned.
"Lookin' good, Mephisto! That coat looks great on you," you tease and wave a greeting.
"You've arrived. I trust the drive was pleasant?" rolling his eyes, he pretends not to hear anything you just said.
"Definitely beats walking to here, that's for sure," you say as he opens the door for you, beckoning you inside
"Someone's being a gentleman today!"
"Tch," he furrows his brows in annoyance. "Only because you're a guest, so don't get used to it," You can't help but giggle at the treatment, saying a quick thanks as you walk in.
His manor is huge - the large, open foyer that greets you the second you step in is embellished in gold and marble pillars, with a chandelier befitting its grandeur. A portrait of two demons is its centerpiece, who you can assume are his parents. He leads you through an arched entryway leading to the living room, decorated with a large ornate rug and furniture that looks like it got taken directly from a rococo painting - not to mention the actual rococo-style paintings hanging on its walls.
"As you can tell, this is the living room," he pauses for a bit before continuing. "Although we only really use it if my parents have guests over. Even then, they prefer having tea at the backyard."
"Dude, your house is like, a museum," words fail your thoughts.
"Don't be ridiculous, you've been to the Demon Lord's castle plenty of times for you to still be ogling at some gilded furniture."
"Yeah, but he's like - the prince - and I already expected that anyway since the word castle is in the name, y'know?"
He rolls his eyes, continuing the mini-tour.
"Past that hall is the kitchen, and the dining hall is opposite of it," he points out. "Don't worry about food, though. I've already informed the butlers of your staying. They'll call when food is ready. You can ask tea from them at any time, as well."
"Aw, really? I kinda wanted to try cooking at a fancy mansion..."
"Don't you already do enough cooking at the House of Lamentation?"
"Yeah, but I rather enjoy it - plus, my baking skills are a bonafide way to make any kid like me! Or at least, that's what Luke says..."
He rolls his eyes again, before sighing in resignation. "Knock yourself out then, I'll let the butlers know. They'll inform you where everything is if you ask."
"Heh, thanks Meph." he grimaces at the even-shortened nickname, but lets it slide anyways.
"For the main point of you staying here, my brother's room is upstairs," he leads you to a set of staircases at the end of the living room leading to a large hallway at the second floor. "Follow me to his room - I've made arrangements so the room next to his can be your quarters. There's an en suite bathroom, so you don't need to worry about that."
"Thanks, you've really thought of everything, huh?" he rolls his eyes again, but doesn't retort.
"My brother's quite shy, so it might take some time and a bit of coercion for him to warm up to you. He's never really had a proper babysitter before," he pauses, stopping at one of the doors, before giving a firm knock.
A soft "come in" can be heard from the inside, as Mephisto and you enter the room. The room itself is quite different from the overall feel of the mansion - it's a lot more casual and comfortable. It's still quite large, with a seating area and a multiple bookshelves, leading to a large bed. You see a young demon seated in a sofa, book in hand, as he stands to greet his brother. He's about the same size as Luke, although unmistakably of the same blood as Mephisto - similarly colored well-kept hair, green eyes... yeah this demon is definitely his brother.
"Big brother!" he greets enthusiastically. Just from that, you can tell how close they are. "-- and... um..."
"Hello there," you give the smaller demon a wave and your warmest smile. Embarrassed, he hides his face behind the book he's holding.
"No need to be shy, this is, er, my friend from RAD who I mentioned will be looking after you while I'm away," he explains. The younger demon peers at you from his book, before nodding to his brother.
"Hello..." he's too cute, you think, almost wanting to squeeze the life out of the boy. He continues looking at you, until it looks like something clicks in his head.
"Big brother, are they the human you keep telling me about?"
Oh? You had to stop yourself from spitting out a noise in surprise, although turning to Mephisto, who's suddenly beet-red from what his brother said, didn't help your cause, and unfortunately, just made you want to let out a louder laugh. His younger brother's eyes just sparkle even more.
"It is you! Big brother's told me about you before! You're even prettier in real life!" his enthusiasm is cut short when Mephisto covers his mouth to keep him from saying anything else, although he's conveniently looking everywhere but at you. For now, you spare him mercy and lean down to his younger brother's height.
"That's nice of you to say," you smile, Mephisto's hand finally releasing his brother's mouth. "Your big brother has also told me about how much of a wonderful little brother you are."
He's embarrassed again, returning to hiding his face behind his book. The moment is interrupted, however, when Mephisto's D.D.D starts beeping an alarm, and, upon seeing the time on the screen, turns it off and nods to the two of you.
"Ah, that means I must take my leave. I'll leave you to it then - and uh," he turns, looking at his younger brother. "Please don't embarrass your big brother..." he half-whispers to him, although you hear it quite clearly. "Give me a call if anything happens. I should be back by lunchtime tomorrow."
"See ya, Mephisto!"
"Take care, big brother!"
Looking after Mephisto's younger brother is a delight, you think. Although the demon was indeed, pretty shy at first, the moment he saw your Ruri-Hana keychain dangling from your D.D.D - gifted to you by Levi - his eyes started sparkling and all the icebreaker meekness got thrown out the window.
"I-I love Ruri-Hana! I watch all her shows!"
"Why don't we have a little watch party tonight? I'll bake some themed cookies, too!"
"R-Really? You'd do that?" his voice is clearly quivering from excitement at the prospect. You giggle and pat his head in response.
"Absolutely! If you want, you can help, too!"
The elated smile he gives in response is bright, and he pulls you across his room to show you the little corner where he keeps all his memorabilia. His enthusiasm is endearing, and you can't help but feel a sense of older-sibling duty, not too dissimilar as what you feel with Luke.
"Wow! That's a figure of that one time she dressed up as Santa-Devil for a Devilmas special!" all the bingewatching with Levi finally paid off, as you silently thank the third-born in your head for getting you into the franchise as well.
For a while he shows you his collection, until you have an idea and pull out your D.D.D. You show him pictures of a recent convention you went to with Levi, and all the pictures you took with Ruri-Hana franchise cosplayers. His eyes light up at each one, excitedly naming each character. Not long after, a butler knocks on the room, informing the both of you that lunch was to be served.
The dining hall, despite only having you and Mephisto's younger brother, is filled with chatter as you both eat. You learn that he also reads a ton of books, a sentiment that you share. He tells you his favorites, and expresses interest on reading Human Realm literature. You promise to bring over some the next time you're over, which excites the little demon.
After lunch, you start prepping for baking, and after being given a quick kitchen tour by a butler, you work on laying out everything you need. Mephisto's brother is on the other side of the counter on a step stool, so he can see the countertop, pencil and paper in hand, drawing cookie shape ideas to fit the theme.
By the time you both finish cutting and carving off shapes for the dough, it's already late afternoon and the butler comes by to offer you both tea and some light snacks. The younger demon suggests a tea break in the garden, and you go along with his suggestion. He leads you outside through a hallway past the kitchen, and you're greeted by a large expanse of lush flora, and even further, you spot a large clearing where multiple Devildom horses are grazing.
"That midnight one over there is the fastest, he's my big brother's favorite!" he points out, and you spot the horse in question. It's a gorgeous stallion, its fur seemingly glittering under the Devildom moon.
"I have a horse of my own too, but big brother says I'm still too young to race..."
"I'm sure you'll be at it soon!" you assure him. "I don't know much about horseback riding though, so you'll have to show me the ropes when the time comes."
"Oh! Maybe big brother can teach you! Then you'll be able to ride horses, too!"
You lightly laugh at his enthusiasm at the topic, although the image of Mephisto helping you on a saddle flashes in your mind. You hurriedly swallow down the thought - and the slight fluster - with some tea, before you can dwell too much on it.
"I doubt your brother likes me enough to teach me," you lightheartedly joke. The furrow in the young demon's brow slightly surprises you though, as he turns to face you.
"That's not true! Big brother likes you a lot!"
"He... does?" He does?
"Yeah! He's a bit weird about it sometimes, though. He says he's impressed by you and how you reign around the demon brothers, but then he'll also say how much he wants to squeeze the 'life out of your pretty face!'"
"Ah..." your cheeks are quickly turning red, but you try to shake off the imagery. You take another sip of tea to try calm your beating heart down.
"I don't know what he meant by that, though. I don't want him to crush your face!"
His childlike naivete reminds you of Luke, causing you to laugh. "Don't worry, I'm sure he didn't mean it literally," you assure him. You pause, in thought for a second. "So... what else has he said about me?"
"O-Oh! He says that you're such a hard worker. He's told me that not only are you a student council member, you're also a sorcerer's apprentice! That must be hard..."
"Well, it is, but I manage. I do enjoy being in the Devildom, after all."
"He...uh, he says he hopes you're getting enough rest though," the younger demon's voice pauses, a bit hesitant to continue, which you pick up on.
"Hm?" Interesting. "What do you mean?"
"Uh, um... sometimes he'll complain about finding you asleep around school and that now he has to make sure no one disturbs you... so he-ah--! I think I've said too much! Please don't let big brother know I told you!"
You're thankful he's hiding his face in shame because you're pretty sure your own face is also red from being flustered. In your head you're already teasing Mephisto with this information, but you can't deny that your heart fluttered upon learning he's been watching over you all this time - how typical of him, you think.
"How about I tell you a little secret too? Just between us," you offer, calming him down.
"Um... okay, I'm listening," his eyes are focused on you now, clearly all-ears in anticipation.
"I really like your big brother, too."
"R-Really?! You do?"
You nod your head in assurance. "Promise not to tell him though?"
"Yeah! I promise!"
"Alright then. How about you help me make the icing for the cookies now so we can decorate immediately after dinner?"
Before he can respond, however, your D.D.D. starts ringing from where you put it on the table. Looking at the caller I.D., you can't help but breathe out a little giggle. Speak of the devil.
"Meph? What's up?"
"I'm just checking in to see how everything's going. There hasn't been any problems, has there?"
"I-Is that big brother? I wanna talk to him!" again, this kid's enthusiasm is endearing.
"Here, why don't you talk to your brother?"
To say he's been restless the entire event is an understatement - Mephisto has been fidgeting and pacing back and forth the entire time. It's not that he doesn't trust the human to look after his beloved sibling, no, it's the dawning realization that his brother might start saying things. Suddenly, the countless R.A.D. stories he's told him that involved you became embarrassment fuel. He's tried distracting himself by socializing with the other nobles in the grounds, however all the attempts have been proven futile. Glugging down demonus didn't seem to be working either, having to be cautious that he wasn't drinking too much.
Checking the time, he infers that it should be fine to give a call - just to make sure, he assures himself, scrolling his contacts list until he spots your name.
Just one call, Mephistopheles, don't overthink it!
A few rings later, you pick up, and he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.
"Meph? What's up?"
"I'm just checking in to see how everything's going. There hasn't been any problems, has there?" he's fidgeting the cuff of his sleeves, still restless.
"Is....brother? I wanna....talk....!" he recognizes the voice in the background as his little brother, although talk about poor reception - he'll need to speak with the venue coordinator later.
"Here... don't.... talk.... brother?" the reception sounds like it's getting worse, which is not helping his nerves at all - he can't decipher what either of you are trying to say.
"Brother.... help.... icing.... decorate.... watch.... bad guys....."
"H-Hello? Are you still there? Hey! What do you mean help?!" he's frantic now, trying not to jump to any conclusions - in any case though, he definitely heard his little brother say help and bad guys before the line got cut off from the poor reception... Right?
So like any responsible big brother would, he apologizes to the event host, citing an emergency, and hurriedly calls for his chauffeur to get him home as soon as possible.
"Hm? That's weird, the line got cut off..." you both stare at your phone screen, wondering what happened.
"Don't worry," you try conforting the younger demon. "I'm sure he just had some business to attend to. Let's try calling him again later, yeah?"
"Okay! I wanna tell him about the Ruri-Hana cookies....!"
"Let's go prepare the icing then!"
Nodding, he excitedly gets up from his seat, taking your hand as he hurriedly leads you back to the kitchen. Upon arriving, you both immediately get to work, and he picks out food coloring combinations while you mix up the icing base, dividing it into multiple bowls. He's at first worried that there wouldn't be enough colors, until you remind him that he can mix for new ones, and he's back to excitedly listing down which colors correspond to which bowl.
You both finish prepping everything just in time for dinner; the little demon scarfing down his meal as fast as he could - almost reminding you of a certain ginger demon - and you laugh as you try to match his pace. Before long you're both back in the kitchen, watching the first batch of cookies turn a nice golden color before pulling them out of the oven to cool. You explain to him that the cookies need to rest first before decorating, and he resists the urge to take one cookie as a trial piece. Endeared, you give in and tell him he can get one cookie - as a treat for being such a good helper, you say.
"It's already so good!" he exclaims.
"Heh, I bake a lot with the brothers back at home, so I'm glad you like it!"
"I'm serious! These might be the best cookies ever! I can't wait to decorate!" you swear that if he wasn't restraining himself, he would've been bouncing up and down in excitement. To satiate his energy, you ask him to start preparing the Ruri-Hana CDs in his room, so the watch party can immediately proceed once the cookies are ready. He happily obliges, rushing off upstairs.
Giggling, you take out your D.D.D to pass the time while waiting. Recalling Mephisto's call earlier, you decide to contact him to give an update, as his call from a while ago got cut off. Surpisingly, he answers the moment the call beeps.
"Hello?! Is everything alright there?! Don't worry, I'm by the gates now so-"
"Uh... Mephisto? Are you okay?" he sounds panicked and in a rush, much to your confusion.
"Wh-?! The call earlier, I heard something about a bad guy and needing help?!"
Ah, it immediately clicks for you.
"By any chance, did we get cut off because of bad reception?"
"Well... uh... yeah?"
"Mephisto," you stifle a laugh, but can't help but let it out. The demon on the other side of the line sounds bewildered, urging for clarification. "I think you misheard what your little brother said, and jumped to conclusions."
The line is silent, almost eerily so. You try to stifle another laugh, to no avail.
"Meph, you do realize I'm a capable sorcerer and have seven demons on my beck and call if anything bad were to happen, right?"
"Please don't tell me you panicked and left your event early."
"Don't rub it in!"
"Well... at least you're in time to help us decorate cookies?"
"Shut up."
You laugh again at the absurdity of the situation as he hangs up, just in time for his younger brother to come trotting down the stairs.
"The CDs are all ready! Can we decorate now?" his pleads, eyes sparkling.
"We can, but I think we have a surprise guest. Why don't we meet him out front?"
"Huh? Who else is coming?"
"You'll see. Come on!"
By the time the two of you reach the foyer, the front door is already opening, revealing a disheveled, clearly drained Mephistopheles. You stop yourself from laughing, again, while the younger demon next to you jumps in surprise.
"Big brother! You're back early!" he runs up to him to greet him into a hug, which Mephisto reciprocates, giving him a pat on the head, as well.
"Yes, yes. I was, uh... able to leave early due to some--" he turns his gaze at you, furrowing his brows, flustered. You let out a small huff of air, looking away. "--circumstance. I trust your day was well, my dear brother?"
The younger demon gives a vigorous nod of excitement. "The best! I love my babysitter, big brother! They're the coolest!"
"Really, now?" he raises a brow in interest, urging his brother to continue.
"Yeah, we were just about to decorate cookies for our Ruri-Hana watch party... Oh! You should come help us decorate, big brother!" he doesn't even let the elder respond, already dragging him towards the kitchen. You follow suit, entertained by the two brothers. Mephisto looks behind towards you, casting a questioning glance, and all you do is mouth you'll see.
At the kitchen, Mephisto is given a quick crash course by his little brother about which colors to use, and what to decorate, pulling out the drawings he did from a while ago. Being the doting older brother that he is, he can't say no, and instead tries to follow the instructions he's being given. You transfer the separated icing mixtures into piping bags and show the two brothers the trick to get icing out evenly with even pressure and a steady hand, and despite some mishaps - mostly on Mephisto's part - you finish decorating every cookie, now having a gorgeous Ruri-Hana themed spread. You make sure to take a quick photo to send to Levi later.
"My work here is done then," you proclaim, dusting off bits of flour from your arms. "I'm guessing you'll want me gone now since you came back early...?" you turn to Mephisto, waiting for a quip from him.
"Wha- No...!" his younger sibling is immediately at your side, grabbing ahold of your shirt. "You can't leave yet! We were gonna watch Ruri-Hana!" his voice cracks.
"Big brother, you won't let them leave yet, right...?" he gives Mephisto a pleading look. You glance at him as well, and he catches your gaze. Flustered, he looks away, huffing.
"W-Well... I suppose you already did make plans, so..."
"Did you hear that? You can stay...!" he jumps in excitement, still grabbing onto you. "You can watch with us, big brother! We'll tell you all about the show!"
"And he did help with cookies," you add.
You can tell he initially wanted to decline the offer, but one look at his brother's expectant eyes crumbles him down immediately, sighing in resignation.
"F-Fine. You can leave the cookies here, I'll bring them up after I change."
Giggling, the younger demon proceeds to urge you quickly up to his room, where the watch party is set up. You suggest building a pillow fort while waiting for Mephisto, and if you thought the little demon couldn't get even more excited, you were mistaken. He's immediately onboard the idea, taking all the blankets and sheets off his massive bed. You quickly stop by to what was supposed to be your room to grab additional pillows and blankets, bringing it back to the other room.
The fort is a little rough around the edges and haphazard, but the younger demon doesn't seem to care, smile never seeming to go down. Mephisto enters the room a little while later, tray of cookies in hand, looking more casual than usual.
"I've brought the cooki-- Er, what are you two doing?"
"Big brother, look! We made a pillow fort! We can watch Ruri-Hana even better now!"
"A... fort? I fail to see any sort of resemblance..."
"Just get in here," you urge him, taking the tray off of his hands, setting it at the center. Mephisto's brother has already found his spot near the side, hugging a large Azuki-tan plush close to himself.
"Oh! You can sit next to me! That way, I can tell you all my favorite parts! And big brother can sit next you!" he suggests. You comply, trying not to think much about the seating placement, or if the little devil had ulterior motives. After taking your place, Mephisto is still standing outside the fort, seemingly in conflict with himself, staring at the empty space next to you. You pat the spot with your hand, inviting him in. You hear him groan in contempt, mumbling an "I guess that works" to himself as he sits next to you. You giggle at his resignation, and he casts you a glare, although you could tell it had no bite.
The watch party starts off without a hitch - you and Mephisto's little brother gleefully react at all the exciting scenes, as if you've never seen the show before. Mephisto seemed confused half the time, although it's clear he was entertained enough to stay. You humour him every now and then by explaining some of the finer details, and he's surprisingly very attentive. It's not long before he brings his own commentary on the table on certain scenes, prompting discussions and lighthearted debates between the three of you.
Hours and a whole tray of cookies later, the younger demon next to you has drifted off to sleep, curling himself in, Azuki-tan plush by his side. Mephisto, although initially wanting to transfer him to his bed, eventually gives in to let him continue sleeping as is - it's a pillow fort, nothing's more cofortable! - you assure the usually snarky demon, who sighs in defeat.
"He's a really sweet kid," you tell him, placing a blanket over the young demon, who snuggles in comfortably. "--very much unlike his big brother," you add, teasing him.
"He's nice enough for the both of us," his reply is sarcastic, rolling his eyes in addition as a response. "But yes, he's the best brother I could ask for."
"Hah, just now, you kinda sounded like Lucifer when he gets drunk--"
"Do not compare me to that arrogant, self-absorbed, goat-horned jerk."
"Oh, that's a new one. I'll have to use that sometime," you laugh quietly, careful not to disturb your snoozing fortmate. You notice him trying to stifle his own laugh, more amused than he lets on.
A welcomed silence envelops the room, the lowered volume of a Ruri-Hana episode still playing in the background. You can't help but stare at his screen-illuminated face, engrossed in a fight scene between Ruri-chan and the epsiode's focused monster. It's not long before he catches you staring, however, but instead of a sneering quip, he instead gets flustered and turns his head back at the screen.
"So... uh," he starts, still trying to find what he wants to say, although his eyes are still glued to the screen, albeit unfocused.
"For... today. Thanks."
"If it's for looking after your brother, there's no need to thank me. It was fun."
"No, not only that. In truth, I was worried he wouldn't open up to you, and, well..." he breathes in, finally turning to face you. "I didn't like the idea of you two not getting along, I guess."
"Hey, I already told you, kids love me! ...I think," you say. It's light, but you hear a semblance of a laugh escaping him. "Plus, I got to learn a little bit more about you, too!"
"Hm? Like what?"
"Well... I got to meet your favorite horse - he's really pretty, by the way."
"Ah, so you've met Faust. Yes, he is a stunner, befitting only of someone such as myself," he huffs in pride.
"Speaking of, you should totally teach me how to horseback. Your little brother kinda got me intrigued."
He pauses for a moment, as if in thought. "I suppose that's not an... unfavorable idea. I'll consider it."
You're a little surprised, not expecting him to agree, but at the same time, you realize it was his own way of attempting to get closer to you. Recalling what his little brother said that afternoon, you decide to push your luck a little bit further.
"I uh... also learned that despite how you act, you're always looking out for me," it's your turn to avert your gaze, thankful that the room's dimness was enough to hide the pink tinge on your cheeks.
"Wha-ugh... He told you, didn't he..." the giggle you let out in response is light, almost inaudible with the show's ending song playing in the background.
"I think it's quite endearing," you assure him. "I mean, the brothers already try their best to make sure I'm always safe, so knowing you go out of your way to do so too, regardless... It's a nice feeling. Thanks, Mephisto."
Silence envelops the two of you again, this time completely, as the screen in front of you fades to black, signifying the episode's end. Carefully, you shuffle yourself a little closer to him, and you take it as an invitation to go further when all he does is look at you quietly.
Wordlessly, you lean your head against his shoulder, softly breathing in the remnants of his perfume from earlier in the day; a comforting scent compounded with Mephisto's natural one. He stiffens at your action, but almost immediately relaxes himself, his hand finding yours under the sheets. His hand is chilly, you think, the demon obviously nervous, but you urge him to continue by letting out a gentle hum of assurance and giving his hand a quick squeeze.
"Hey, Meph?" you whisper, leaning yourself closer to him.
"Hm?" you can feel his head turn to look down on yours.
"I like you."
"Ah... I--" he's breathless, despite already seeing the confession coming. He's thankful the darkness is hiding his extremely flushed face, but he's unsure if you can hear how loud his heart is beating.
"I like you too."
You giggle lightly, squeezing his hand again, this time, a bit warmer. You feel him squeeze back, as you feel yourself starting to drift off to sleep.
"I know."
You're unaware of it, but as he hears your breathing relax and as your body naturally leans a bit more towards him, he's smiling at your form softly, planting a kiss on the crown of your head.
"Sleep tight."
Devilgram, the next morning
@ minimephisto : [img attached of you and mephisto sleeping, your head leaning against his chest, his head rested atop yours] my big brother and my favorite babysitter are so cute together! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)♡
see all replies (20)
mammoney : hey! what the hell! get that bastard away from my human!
lucifer : language, mammon. mephistopheles, i will deal with you myself.
asmobaby : awwww! look at those lovebirds ♡
stn : you're not helping, asmo
thank you for reading! my asks are also open if anyone would like to request something. ofc, there's no guarantee that i'll do it (haha) but i'd love to hear suggestions :>
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
single dad! lucifer
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nsfw 18+ mdni // obey me! lucifer x f reader, public sex, unprotected sex (creampie) // reblogs are loved ♡
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single dad! lucifer that can't remember the last time he went out to enjoy himself, so he hires a babysitter & ends up at a hole in the wall bar for the night
single dad! lucifer that can't help but notice you, gorgeous & sitting all alone. He offers to buy you a drink & strikes up a conversation with you
single dad! lucifer that can't help but make subtle touches as the two of you laugh & unwind, enjoying each other's company
single dad! lucifer that unfortunately has to get home soon so you politely walk him outside & thank him for the fun night
single dad! lucifer that has you pressed up against the dark alley wall, balls deep in you, cursing & groaning to hell as he delightfully uses your body to pound away the last bit of his pent up frustration
single dad! lucifer that isn't ready for another kid but can't help himself as he sees stars while thrusting & cumming into your sloppy wet pussy, making sure to fill you all the way up ♡
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⬦ you might also like: yandere lucifer︱make-up sex: lucifer︱holding on (diavolo)
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zziridian · 1 month
Barbatos headcanons for his birthday!!
His love for hard rock shocked Lucfier so much at first he though barb was lying to him.
Barbatos had thirteen as a go to babysitter for Solomon when he was younger but soon stopped asking her due to them causing more chaos together.
Barbatos has been around for a very long time and keep tools and weapons from countless eras.
Most people don't pick up on when he's being sarcastic but Diavolo can always tell.
Diavolo had him read bedtime stories to him.
Barbatos has a soft spot for kids. And often takes on a caretaker/mentor role.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
MC: Diavolo better pay me after this is all over.
Solomon: Funny you say that. Since the last time you force to work is back in the human world as the brothers' babysitter.
Solomon: And that you didn't get payed.
MC: ...
MC: Fuck!
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the-secret-keeper · 1 year
Part 3 of Obey Me X Twisted Wonderland/Barbatos X Reader
This was requested by @sonicfangirl123 and @babyxwolfiex
TW: Very sassy demons terrifying a crow, mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption, and canon levels of violence for Obey Me.
Reader is referred to as MC.
There has been a bit of time that has passed since the end of the last one and the start of this one. It will begin the day that the festival celebrating the finding of MC is starting.
Also, fair warning, in this, MC used to live in the House of Lamentation, but currently lives in Diavolo's castle with Diavolo and Barbatos.
I shifted my bodyweight from the front of my feet to the back, as I stood beside my best friends and boyfriend in front of the mirror portal.
"Calm down, MC. They'll be here soon." Lucifer sighed.
"Sorry, I'm just excited." I laughed.
"I am too!" Luke agreed, matching my impatient movement. "I haven't met their friends before! It isn't fair that you guys got to!"
"I am excited as well, but you doing that won't make them appear any faster." Simeon agreed with Lucifer, but in a much gentler tone.
"Here they are." Barbatos interrupted our discussion. I turned and practically started vibrating in excitement as their silhouettes appeared in the mirror.
They all stepped through, getting their bearings, but I was only interested in one.
"Grim!" I exclaimed, speed-walking up to the flying cat and hugging him.
"Get off me, Henchman!" He complained.
"You got your backpack?" He nodded. "I'm so excited!" I beamed. Riddle cleared his throat. "Right, sorry." I apologized, taking a few steps back. "Welcome to the Demon Lord's Castle in the Devildom. You have all been formally invited to stay here for a few days, and attend the Welcome Home Festival that starts today."
"You get a whole festival just for coming back?" Azul questioned.
"Yeah. I'm pretty well-liked in the Devildom."
"Yeah, we all like MC here." Satan agreed.
"Yes, in fact we like them so much that once we named a comet after them." Diavolo said proudly. I nodded enthusiastically when they looked to me for confirmation.
"Wow!" Kalim exclaimed, eyes shining with glee. I smiled warmly, nodding at them.
"You'll actually be split up in where you're staying. Malleus," I paused. "Where is Tsunotarou?" My friends from Twisted Wonderland looked around. "Oh my Diavolo." I sighed. "Diavolo, come on, let's go get him. We'll only be a few minutes."
"You can't just order a crown prince around!" Jamil hissed, glancing between us.
"I don't mind!" Diavolo smiled jovially.
"Yeah, Dia is really chill." I agreed, before leaning into my lovers side, who leaned into me in kind. "Please make sure Jamil relaxes. He's a 24/7 babysitter, he needs a vacation almost as bad as Lucifer does." I whispered, and Barbatos nodded, before we both stood up straight, and Diavolo and I headed into the mirror portal.
We walked through the school, past stunned students, and straight towards the Diasomnia mirror in the mirror chamber. It didn't take us very long to reach the Dracula-esque castle. I fearlessly pushed open the front doors to see Sebek approaching the doors with a bag.
"Sebek! Good, you're already on your way, we were going to pick up the others as well. If you'd wait by the portal back to the mirror chamber, we're going to retrieve Malleus." I smiled at him.
"The Young Master hasn't arrived yet?"
"No. For someone so tall with such a presence, he is very easy to lose."
"Lillia-Sama! Is Waka-Sama here still?!" Sebek yelled into the castle.
"Child of Man." I turned around, and beamed at my tall friend.
"Tsunotarou, I was worried when you didn't show up with the others. Are you ready to go?"
"Are you certain it's ok for me to go?"
"Trust me. You are no more intimidating than him." I gestured at Diavolo who stood at my side. "Plus, it's really important to me that you're there! I want you to see where I'm from, you're one of my best friends, and I want you to enjoy the festival."
"Yes. Your presence will likely be about as noticeable as the brothers. While it may turn a few heads, most people in the Devildom will not spare a glance." Diavolo reassured.
"Now that I think about it, you'll probably stand out the least." I hummed, though didn't explain my train of thought further.
"Malleus, you almost forgot your bag." Lilia appeared upside down next to me, causing me to flinch.
I don't usually flinch at intimidating presences. But when Lilia just pops out of nowhere, it scares me for some reason. Maybe it's because he hides his presence, and I can usually sense when those with presences like Malleus or Diavolo as they approach.
"You ready to go?" I smiled at Malleus, who nodded.
"I am ready as well!" I laughed a little at Sebek's enthusiasm.
"Sorry you have to miss it, Lilia. But he's in good hands." Someone has to look after the dorms, which is why all the Vice-dorm leaders are staying back, aside from Jamil. Ortho is also staying behind, simply to watch over the dorm. But he made Idia come, somehow, so, there's that.
"Take lots of pictures."
"Definitely will!" I promised, giving him a thumbs up before whipping out my phone. I sent a quick text to the group chat containing my first-year friends, making sure they were going to meet us at the mirror chamber.
Once I got a confirmation from all of them, we all headed towards the mirror portal, which was actually in the auditorium. And we emerged in the Devildom. Everyone was still there.
"Now!" I exclaimed, causing most to flinch. "As I was saying." I smiled. "You'll actually be split up in where you'll be staying. The First-years will be staying here, in the Demon Lords castle." I said. "However!" I turned to my friends. "This isn't Ramshackle, and what Barbatos says goes, got it? Behave yourselves." They nodded. "Now, Sebek." I looked at him, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Don't panic."
"Malleus," I turned to Malleus, letting Sebek go. "you will be staying at the House of Lamentation with the Demon Brothers."
"I will?"
"Yeah. They're pretty chaotic, and they only have the one guest room. You're the only person I felt could deal with them without completely losing your mind." I laughed a little awkwardly. "Boys, I expect you to treat my friend with respect."
"Yes! Waka-sama is the Crown Prince of Briar Valley." Sebek agreed.
"True." I nodded. "Anyways. The rest of you will be split between two halls. Solomon is in charge of one, and Simeon and Luke are in charge of the other. They will actually determine who goes to which hall."
"I want him!" Luke exclaimed, standing next to Riddle. I pursed my lips.
"Luke." I was trying not to laugh, about to ask a question to him.
"Yes," I paused.
"Nevermind. It's fine with me, Riddle likes sweets anyways." I shook my head a little. "You all can duke out who goes where. But, Jamil needs to stay with Kalim. So those two are a package deal." I explained. "The Festival starts in a few hours, so until then, I guess we can take you guys to your separate living arrangements?" I looked to Barbatos for confirmation.
"I don't see why not."
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Alright, I'll show the first-years their rooms so that they can put their stuff down and then we can head to the House of Lamentation."
"Why don't we tour the castle first?" Vil asked.
"Because you won't be here that often." I explained. "We can always do the tour of the castle later, but the other living arrangements are a good distance from here, it's just more convenient to do them as soon as we can. Plus, by the time the tours are done, the festival will be getting ready to kick off, and there'll be just enough time for Vil to prepare. Right?"
"That should be correct if the estimations of the time his routine takes is correct." Barbatos nodded.
"Rude." Vil grumbled.
"But accurate." Belphie sighed. "If you're anything like him, then you take forever to get ready."
"Basically the alternate universe version of each other." I nodded.
"What's even going to happen at the festival?" Leona asked.
"Hmm." I hummed, squinting my eyes in thought. "I know there's going to be a lot of food booths, various welcome home themed activities, and a big ball at the end of it, but I didn't do very much of the planning because they insisted it be a surprise."
"That's right!" Asmo latched onto one of my arms, and Mammon threw an arm around my shoulders.
"We planned it all!" Barbatos cleared his throat. "Except for the ball. Barbatos insisted he do that." Mammon corrected.
"Today, tomorrow, and the day after's events will be like a steretypical festival. With lots of games, food, fun, and a few amusement park rides that Diavolo rented." Asmo explained excitedly.
"And booze too!"
"Just to be clear," I added quickly, "the alcohol from the Devildom doesn't affect humans, unsure about beastmen and fae." I made sure they were aware. "If, there is alcohol from the human world, it will be marked. And there will also be nonalcoholic substitutes for those like Luke who are too young, yet will be affected by alcohol from the Devildom."
"Will you be partaking?" Azul asked.
"Not without several powerful demons around me." I smiled knowingly at him. "Don't try it."
"Noted." He nodded.
"Partaking in any alcohol, from the Devildom or otherwise, will be optional, so don't even worry about it." I shrugged.
"That's good to know." Riddle nodded.
"Yes, dealing with over a dozen drunk humans would probably be more chaotic than the actual festival."
"Probably." I agreed with Lucifer cheerfully. "I will be right back, do not leave without me." I waved for the first years to follow me, showing them to the guest quarters.
Though each of them technically had their own room, I knew my friends well enough to know that they were going to spend the majority of their time in each other's rooms or in my room. I left all of them with maps, as this castle can get kind of confusing.
But I marked several places as "Do not go. This place can and will kill you." While that may have been a bit of an exaggeration for some of these places, I also wanted to make sure they didn't cause too much trouble, for Diavolo and Barbatos, but also in case they ever wanted to visit.
I also marked the room I was staying in while they were here. Normally I'd share a room with my lover, but I knew he needed sleep and that my friends would be coming to my room in the middle of the night. Like the little gremlins they are.
After making sure they were aware of the different areas they were not allowed to go under any circumstance. I made sure to really pound that into their heads. I know that they're chaotic, but it's for their safety.
Of course, I'm not an idiot. I know my friends. They're going to try to go there anyways, despite my warnings that it could put their lives in danger. But none of them are nearly as powerful as Barbatos who put up a barrier around the areas that they aren't allowed to go into. Even combined, they won't be able to break a barrier put up by him. If my warning isn't enough to deter them, the fact that they will be physically unable to enter it should.
I made sure that they were all set up in their separate rooms. That everything was where it was supposed to be, and that they were comfortable. And then I made them change out of their dorm uniforms into more casual clothes.
No point in wearing them when not at NRC or their dorms.
All of this took about 20 minutes because they're slow. But once the entire process was done, I led them back to the entrance hall, where everyone else was as well.
"Now that that's done." I sighed approaching the group. "Let's go! I can't wait to show you all around my home town!" I beamed, as I began to lead them all out of the castle.
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cinnamon-bunni · 4 months
💙💛🧡123 Headcanons🧡💛💙
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bc I love them so much........they are everything to me your honor dhushadhhsjajdhsjai am so normal about these three
These three have the best dynamic to ever your honor
we have the Tired Mom, the (not) Cool Older Brother, and the Loser Older Brother (that you forget is technically an older brother). what else would you ever want?
like??? Lucifer needs to put the two on a leash whenever they go out shopping. i mean he has to do that for all of his brothers but its upsetting that he needs to do it for these two as they should be the most well-behaved
but Levi is on the verge of summoning lotan because he didnt get a limited time figurine of a sanrio x ruri-chan crossover and mammon is currently trying to start up what appeared to be a pyramid scheme, so no these two were not to be trusted alone
But most days are good days though! Mammon behaves sometimes because Lucifer says if he's good then he can get a special treat; and Levi behaves majority of the time outside, but that's often because Lucifer handed him a tablet before leaving the car and he's been on it and not paying attention for the whole trip, just trailing behind Lucifer
In a similar vein, I think while Lucifer is trying to catch Levi up on the details of an important student council meeting he missed, the second he sees Levi's eyes start to wander he's quick to pull out with a subway surfers video or smth to keep his attention to the matter at hand (he also keeps a small bag with grimm in it to jingle in front of Mammon; it has the same affect)
Lucifer often looks at his brothers and is like "i expect more out of you two," and Mammon is like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" and Levi responds by insulting Lucifer with so many internet slang words that Lucifer only knows half of at most but he knows he should be offended
You know how most people know a trend/meme is dead when the older generations get their hands on it? yeah that's Lucifer. Mammon cringes so hard whenever any internet term leaves his older brother's mouth. Levi cried once when Lucifer used the word "poggers"
(Lucifer, of course, is very much aware of this, and uses this to his advantage. He does his best to pay attention to the types of terms Levi uses, but they change like everyday and Lucifer is still always somehow a few years behind
Speaking of embarrassing older brothers: Mammon is such a col older brother and brags and boasts about this fact all the time and Levi is soooooo embarrassed by him its unreal. Like how the hell is this scumbag, who isn't even a tenth as cool as Lucifer is, his older brother. how did this happen
Obviously the label of "older brother" is used less the younger they get--Lucifer is The big brother; Mammon is an older brother but often isn't viewed as one (despite desperately wanting to be seen as one bc he loves his brothers soooo much he wants to protect them so badly I could go on for forever about it tbh); and Levi is more of "oh right i'm older" sort of older brother. he's like a babysitter than anything else
These three definitely get together in Lucifer's study to get drunk and talk tho you know they do. They all have to deal with so much shit from the younger four (most don't respect them as older brothers, don't listen to them, don't heed warnings about cursed objects (that necklace is cursed Asmo don't put it on stop putting it on-)), and so the three just get together and complain <33
They also coo a lot abt their younger brothers! Either when they get together and drink, or in their group chat. i mean, this is a bit canon already as the three talk about their brothers in their groupchat, but thinking about how they talk abt their brothers behind their backs (in a positive way) is sooo cute <3
also thinking abt how the three work very well together when needed! need to work on a larger chore together (grocery run, errands that need to get done either for their own reasons, for Diavolo, or for RAD)? usually lucifer and levi get the most work done when paired together! lucifer is often good at making sure levi stays on task, and is able to deal with his possible whining without making it worse
if mammon and levi usually leave with an 80% of either getting off track, or not getting anything done to begin with. on a good day they'll take an hour longer than needed
lucifer and mammon can get a lot of work done as well together! lucifer just has to keep a tight leash on mammon <3 but mammon, despite how much he gets on lucifer's nerves, steps up a lot when it's just him and lucifer
like, lucifer can trust mammon with just about anything...like yeah, hes annoying to all hell and back, but he's loyal and trustworthy. he's his brother, who lucifer can trust to keep him in check and go along with his plans when things go awry. they trust each other so much even when everything has gone to shit <33
and you know that even tho levi is big brother himself, lucifer and mammon still tease him bc he's still a little brother in their eyes <3 and the both are always just so incredibly proud of him when he learns and grows and gets out of his shell after they all fell
lucifer cares so much for all of them, and hes so proud of mammon and levi of what they've become. theyre responsible and caring and so full of love for the rest of their brothers and the people in their lives?? like. even after everything he's put them through, the pain he cause, the two still held up their heads and helped their younger brothers when they needed it. lucifer couldnt ask for better brothers
and levi and mammon?? following lucifer to the ends of the earth. hes done so much for this family and yeah, hes such a pain in the ass sometimes that it gets on their nerves, but they know how much he cares. how his heart bleeds for his family. he would do just about everything for this family, and mammon and levi would be right behind him with it
the three clash and get on each others' nerves often but like. those three? their bond is stronger than anything in the Three Realms. they all have each other's backs and would all just do everything in their power to protect their family and have them all safe <3 and really thats all the three of them could ask for
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The Joe-Foes) Doppio/Diavolo
**Note: This is another story that I’m just not satisfied with. I thought about scrapping what I had and rewriting the whole thing but changed my mind and just went in and added some changes instead. I figured if I spent time rewriting it, I’d never get around to all the other projects I want to work on. I’m sorry if it’s trash. I’ll try to do something better for Doppio and Diavolo later.**
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You were in way over your head. 
You were in way, WAY over your head.
You joined Passione as the lowest of the low, just a messenger and nothing more. Slowly over time, you found yourself climbing higher and higher in the ranks receiving more responsibilities and more rewards in turn. Before you knew it, you were as high as you could go. You had somehow become your own unit within the organization.You had no subordinates but you answered only to someone named Doppio. When you first met the man you were certain someone was playing a prank on you. This guy, who looked and acted like a kid, was actually the underboss? This was the guy who took orders directly from the Boss himself? It had to be a joke… but it wasn’t. Doppio absolutely was the undisputed second in command… somehow… and you were taking your orders from him. The strange part was that only you knew who Doppio was and who he had ties to, and you were sworn to secrecy on penalty of death. But when you found out who Doppio really was, that’s when you knew that maybe a life of crime wasn’t the career choice for you. Though, it was far too late to drop out of the game now.
Doppio and you were often paired on missions together. Usually you would receive your orders through cypher messages stating that you were to “Make sure the plan goes smoothly, eliminate any interference, and keep dear Doppio out of trouble.” You had suspicions that Doppio must be related to the Boss somehow. Nepotism wasn’t unusual in the business, but it always irked you whenever you came across it. Doppio’s naivety, clumsiness, and habit of finding trouble no matter how hard you tried to avoid it made you wonder why he was allowed to have such a high ranking with all the responsibilities that came with it. You began to resent the pink-haired twerp, feeling that if anyone should be the Boss’s number Two, it should be you. You actually worked to get where you were. You didn’t just have it handed to you! You didn’t fight your way to the top just to end up as a glorified babysitter! 
What made it worse was that Doppio seemed to have developed an annoying little crush on you. It didn’t help that whenever you and Doppio were on a mission together, the Boss expected you to be in disguise and pretend to be Doppio’s lover. This gave Doppio the perfect excuse to always be holding your hand or clinging to your side in some way. He was always begging for kisses, hugs, or just your attention in general. You were not happy, but what could you do? Orders were orders. What’s worse is that you were beginning to suspect that these “missions” were actually dates. Now every time Doppio snuggled into your side you seethed on the inside and sent mental curses to the Boss. You were one of the best that Passione had to offer and now you’ve been reduced to being a forced date for the Boss’s nephew or something! You were deeply insulted, but due to the situation, you wouldn’t be allowed to voice any complaints. 
Of course at the time, you had not yet put two and two together about Doppio’s real identity. That day would be one you never forgot. It started when Doppio decided to take you on a shopping trip around the city. You sighed and reluctantly allowed yourself to be dragged along. Realizing that this “mission” wasn't going to be anything important, you decided to just let Doppio treat you. You weren’t about to say “no” to free stuff. The problem arose when you made the mistake of not only letting the guy at the jewelry store flirt with you, but flirting back at him. It wasn’t that the guy was especially attractive or anything, you were just relishing the fact that you were finally getting attention from someone other than Doppio. The man-child was so busy looking at all the shiny things in the store that you hadn’t thought he’d notice if you fluttered an eyelash or two. Besides, what would he even do about it? 
Well, you fucked around and found out. 
At some point during your conversation, you turned to see Doppio staring at you with a stunned, horrified expression on his face. For a moment, he looked like he would burst into tears. Then he did something weird. He started imitating the sound of a ringing cell phone. You and the jeweler exchanged confused glances and you began to feel embarrassed by Doppio’s antics. You watched as he started looking around as if he was searching for a phone. He looked behind jewelry cases, rifled through a stand holding some designer purses, and then made his way back over to you. All the while he was making that stupid sound. Finally you’d had enough. 
“Doppio, what the hell--?” You didn’t get to finish the question as you found yourself suddenly off balance. 
Doppio had, for some reason, snatched one of your shoes right off of your foot and was holding it to the side of his head and talking into it as if it were a phone. The action nearly caused you to fall over and nearly lose the wig that you wore as part of your disguise. You turned to glare at Doppio and chew him out for acting like a loon, but when you caught the look in his eyes, anything you were going to say got stuck in your throat. 
Those were not Doppio’s eyes looking back at you. His normally hazel colored eyes were now green and glared back at you with an intense madness. The very shape of his irises had changed. What was wrong with him? Was he possessed? Was an enemy Stand attacking him? Why did it look like he’d grown taller? Shocked, you took a few steps back from him. 
“Boss?” he spoke into your shoe. “Yes, we’re at a jewelry store…. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding… “ 
Doppio continued talking into your shoe as if he was having an actual conversation with the Boss. You could only stare at him in shock. What on earth was happening? The jeweler chose that moment to make a snide comment at his expense and Doppio… effectively lost his shit. The meek, timid, wimp of a man you knew as Vinegar Doppio turned his green-eyed glare on the jeweler. He pressed your shoe closer to his ear to secure it while he used his other hand to grab the poor man by the hair. He then slammed the man’s face into the jewelry case repeatedly until the glass was cracked and splattered with blood. 
“CAN’T YOU SEE I’M ON THE PHONE?!! SHUT YOUR FILTHY, COCKSUCKING MOUTH AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!” he bellowed, using a voice and language you’d never thought you’d hear from someone like Doppio. 
Now he not only looked taller, but his arms and legs seemed more fleshed out and muscular. The sleeves of his sweater were pushed up slightly and you could make out what you thought to be elaborate tattoos on his arms. Since when was Doppio the type to get tattoos? You thought about calling your Stand, but you didn’t even know what you would have it do. If you used it to attack Doppio, the Boss would be furious, but you couldn’t exactly just let him give you the same treatment as the jeweler. You had to get out of there. 
The jeweler’s unconscious body slumped to the floor and you moved even further away from Doppio before turning and breaking into a full run. You didn’t care about your other shoe, you just needed to get away from Doppio while he was acting like a psychopath. You didn’t get far. You only took about three steps when you suddenly ran right into Doppio’s arms. You had no idea how he got ahead of you like that. You didn’t even see him move. He practically crushed you in his grip, but his embrace didn’t have its usual clingy, loving feel to it. He was holding you with a strength you’d never felt him display before. It was as if his arms were pythons and they were trying to squeeze the life out of you. 
He was looking up at you with the saddest expression you’d ever seen him use. His watery eyes were now back to their normal color and looking at you like you just knocked his teddy bear out of his hand. 
“Why are you trying to run from me?” he asked with a whimper. 
Was he serious? After that display of his, did he even have to ask? 
“D-Doppio… you… w-what happened to you? Your eyes changed and you-you…” 
Doppio wiped his eyes and let you go. He placed your shoe into your hand. You took it from him and put it back on, not taking your eyes off of him. 
“Boss called us back. We need to go.” he said with a sad sigh.
He never addressed your concerns and seemed to actively ignore it when you mentioned what just happened. He grabbed you by the hand and all but dragged you out of the store. Where was this strength coming from? You just couldn’t understand what was happening. It was like Doppio was becoming a different person! The next thing you knew, you and Doppio were getting into a taxi and being taken to God knows where. 
“He wants to talk to you.” Doppio said, still giving you that sad look. 
“Who?” you asked. 
“Boss. He sounds really mad.” 
A thrill of terror shot through your system. The Boss wanted to talk to you? And he was angry? That’s extremely concerning. On top of everything that was going on with Doppio, you really didn’t need this right now. Also, the Boss never had heart to hearts with anyone directly. Just what was going on? What rule did you break that was bad enough for the Boss to speak to you in person about it? 
“What is he mad about?” you asked Doppio, gulping down your fear.
“Why were you flirting with that guy at the jewelry store?” Doppio said, completely ignoring your question. 
“Uh… I… It didn’t mean anything, Doppio!” you stammered, not wanting to set him off again. “I was just messing around! That’s all!” 
You added the last part with a nervous smile. You never felt so on the spot in your life. It was apparent that your flirting had been what set Doppio off, but you never expected such violence from someone like him. Now you were beginning to understand why the Boss kept him around. He was a force to be reckoned with when he was angry and no one would ever suspect someone like him to have psychotic meltdowns that ended with brutal violence. But what was with the eye color change and the increase in height and muscle mass? Surely you hadn’t imagined that. 
Doppio huffed and folded his arms, going into a full pout. 
“You never look at me like that…” he muttered. 
His kicked puppy expression was slowly turning into one of annoyance and disgust. For a moment you feared he was about to have another outburst. For the rest of the ride, you sat in fearful silence while Doppio fumed and pouted next to you. After about 20 minutes, you realized that the taxi was taking you to an area of the city that you’d never been to before. Judging by all the sprawling villas and expensive looking stores, you were going into a very well-to-do neighborhood. The taxi pulled alongside an alley next to a huge hotel. 
“This is our stop.” Doppio said. 
He climbed out of the taxi and you followed after him. The taxi driver made no attempt to get any money out of either of you and he drove away as if he couldn’t get away from the area fast enough. Doppio grabbed your hand and dragged you down the alley. The alley was nothing like the ones in other parts of the city. The street was free of any garbage and there weren’t any shady guys in trench coats or scantily clad women leaning against the walls, waiting for their next customers. Other than a few trash cans lining up against the building wall, the alley was completely empty. 
Doppio took you all the way to the end of the alley and you realized that he’d taken you to a dead end. Out of instinct you jerked your head to look behind you, expecting to see rival gang members closing in to corner you, but there was no one there. Doppio stopped at the door and finally let go of your hand. The door looked weirdly high tech. It lacked a knob or handle of any kind and on the wall to the right of it was a keypad. Over the top of the door frame was an ominous looking security camera that seemed to focus in on you as you stared up at it. Doppio punched a code and the door slide open, making an unsettling “ssshhhh” sound. The room beyond the door was pitch black and you couldn’t make out a single thing inside it. Doppio grabbed your hand again, but instead of dragging you along behind him, he suddenly pulled you forward, flinging you into the yawning darkness. You yelped as you felt your body collide with the hard floor. You heard the door clang shut behind you, sounding far too similar to a prison door for your liking. You weren’t sure if Doppio came into the room behind you or threw you into the room alone. 
“Doppio?” you called nervously into the darkness. 
No one answered. You stood up, rubbing your sore shoulder from where you were tossed onto the floor. That would definitely be a bruise later. You never thought Doppio could be so vicious. You had always seen him as a klutzy, slow-witted pest with a childish streak, but you were really starting to think that it was time to reevaluate the way you thought about him. You were startled by the sound of footsteps walking around you. 
“D-Doppio? Is that you?” you called, your voice shaking slightly. 
No response. 
You listened as the footsteps moved away from you. You weren’t sure but it seemed that the further they got away from you, the heavier they sounded. It got to the point that they started to sound like a different set of footsteps. Just how many people were in the room with you? 
“Doppio, if that’s you please answer me!” you said, hating how your growing fear could be heard in your voice. 
The footsteps stopped a few feet ahead of you. There was a clicking sound, and you were suddenly blinded by a bright light shining directly in your face. 
“Doppio isn’t here right now. It’s just you… and me.” 
That was certainly not Doppio’s voice. It was much deeper, richer, and older sounding. You squinted your eyes, trying to see past the blinding light and oppressive darkness. You couldn’t see much, just the outline of a tall man with long hair. He was standing in front of the light, blocking it from blinding you, but also making it impossible to see his appearance in detail. There was one detail that you could make out though, and that was his glaring green eyes. The same green eyes that Doppio had when he flipped out on the jeweler. 
“Do you know who I am?” he asked you. His voice gave you chills, and not in a good way. 
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t answer. You were too afraid to. 
The man walked up to you, staring down at you with menacing green eyes. He reached out and grabbed you by the face, squeezing your jaw just enough for it to be uncomfortable but not quite painful. 
“I’m the man that you signed your life over to when you joined Passione.” he said, tightening his hold on your face just slightly for a moment. 
“I am the only reason you have the power and position that you have today! I am the one that gave you everything! With a snap of my fingers I could have you back to being a lowly messenger, or tossed into the streets! If I so chose, I could end your life in the blink of an eye. Your very existence continues because I allow it!” 
As he ranted, you could feel your blood began to freeze. The mysterious man that stood before you was the Boss himself! You were alone with the leader of Passione and he was royally pissed at you! The trouble was that you still didn’t know what you had done to earn his ire. 
“When you joined up with Passione, you became my subject, my property! I partnered you with Doppio for a reason. You answer to Doppio. You belong to Doppio. Anything that belongs to Doppio belongs to me! Do you understand that?!” 
He shoved you away from him, causing you to fall backwards onto your rear. You stared up at him in fear, afraid that he was going to inflict more abuse on you. He sounded unhinged and still, he hadn’t explained what your crime was. 
“Do you understand the concept of loyalty?” he asked you all of a sudden. 
You nodded your head. 
“Tell me, what do you think loyalty is.” he commanded. 
You took a moment to get your thoughts together while he stared at you in expectation. 
“Loyalty is showing support, devotion, or allegiance.” You answered, hoping that was what he wanted to hear. 
“Do you think you’ve been loyal?” he asked you, his voice taking on a slightly irritated tone. 
“I have been nothing but loyal to you and the organization!” you answered without hesitation. What was this talk of loyalty? When had you ever made the Boss doubt your loyalty? 
He reached down and grabbed your arm, then he yanked you up to your feet. You found yourself pressed up against his chest and staring directly into his green eyes. He studied you for a moment before saying, 
“You were on a date with Doppio, yet you dared to throw yourself at that lowlife at the jewelry store!” 
You didn’t know how to respond. 
He clenched your arm tightly, causing you to gasp in pain, but you didn’t dare try to break free. 
“Let me make it clear to you once more. You belong to Doppio, to ME!! If you are not loyal to me then you are a liability! You do know what happens to those that I deem to be a liability, don’t you?” he practically spat in your face. 
“Y-yes! I’m sorry! I’ll never-- I’ll never do it again!” you said, squirming in discomfort due to the grip on your arm. 
The Boss released you and you sagged to the floor, doing everything in your power not to burst into tears in front of him. After this, the last thing you needed was for the Boss to view you as an emotional fool. 
“I will hold you to that.” he said and you could hear the contempt in his voice. “Now get out.” 
You had no idea where the door was but that didn’t stop you from picking yourself up and charging into the darkness to find where you hoped the exit would be. Luckily, the door slid open as you approached and you wasted no time practically jumping out of the room. The door slammed closed behind you with a foreboding clang. To your surprise, Doppio was waiting there for you, looking both worried and downcast. When he saw you he threw his arms around you in an embrace. You returned it, though shakily. 
You knew the truth about the Boss now. It was something else that no one else knew. Vinegar Doppio and the Boss of Passione were the same person. They occupied the same body somehow. But this wasn’t some rare disorder or anything so… human. No,  this was something straight out of Robert Louis Stevenson! Pure Jekyll and Hyde shit! You weren’t sure how something like that was actually possible, unless it had something to do with his Stand (which you were certain he must have, even though you hadn’t seen it yet).
You looked down at Doppio, who was brazenly snuggling his face into your chest, and took a few slow breaths to calm your jangled nerves. 
“I’m sorry, Doppio.” you said, hoping to smooth things out between yourself and this “current incarnation” of the Boss. 
The man in question looked up at you and cheered, smiling sweetly as if the events of the day had only been a waking nightmare. 
“I forgive you…” he cooed, but suddenly his whole body seemed to tremble and twitch. His head jerked back and it seemed as if a whole separate set of eyeballs rolled around to replace his own. Now you were, once again, staring into the Boss’s wild green eyes. 
“...but…” he said, in a deep threatening voice that was most certainly NOT Doppio’s, “If your lovely eyes ever begin to rove again, I will cut them from their sockets!”
Doppio’s body convulsed once and he was back to normal. 
“I still want to buy you something nice, if that’s okay?” he said, grinning and giving your waist a little squeeze. 
You grinned at him nervously. 
“Okay, sweetheart.” you said with a gulp. “We can do whatever you want to do.” 
You just barely caught the triumphant grin on his face, before Doppio started dragging you out of the alley to finish your date. 
You should have stayed as a messenger.
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devildomwriter · 5 months
Obey Me Video Masterlist
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The Brothers When MC is Angry
Mammon vs Baby Beel
How to Handle Solomon’s Cooking
Simeon vs Technology
Solomon’s Kid vs the Babysitter
When the Brothers See Lucifer
Asking Mammon a Question
Mammon’s Gambling Luck
Mammon and MC Reunion
The Brothers at the Beach
Why Mammon and Leviathan Can’t Work Together
Thirteen and Solomon
Asking Asmo to Scare Someone
Simeon’s First Devildom Party
What MC Sends Barbatos When They’re Mad
Diavolo’s Oblivious Boyfriend
MC vs the Brothers in Season One
Literally Lucifer and Satan
Self Defense Made Easy
How to Anger Asmo
Beelzebub’s Priorities
Raphael’s Vibes
When Mammon Wants to Go Somewhere
Everyone vs Nightbringer! Satan
Solomon Fucking With Lucifer
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I’m on a roll with these so why not keep going? Another Twisted Wonderland X Obey Me Prompt
This sort of piggy backs off the one where they summon the demon boys.
What if, when they’re tired of the Dorm leaders/teachers/Crowley’s shit, they just summon one of the demons to deal with it? Like, just imagine.
Summoning Asmo to both annoy and distract Vil.
Leviathan to give Idia (or Lilia) a challenge in their gaming.
Lucifer. Because Lucifer. Especially for Crowley or Riddle. 
You’d think Mammon would be for Azul and the Tweels, but I’d rather not give him to them, perhaps Vil as well? Though their personalities are vastly different, Mammon is canonically a professional model. Don’t let him near Kalim. While I’m sure they’d be good friends, Mammon is the Avatar of Greed and Kalim would give him anything he wanted. 
Satan to give Leona a challenge in chess, and to complain about being in their brother’s shadow. (Leona with Farena and Satan with Lucifer)
Beel would be the best distraction for the Tweels and Azul. Sweet baby Beel would eat them out of house and home. Would probably also do the same for Jamil.
Belphie probably wouldn’t be a good distraction other than asking them to drag him somewhere for something. But he would probably be good nap-buddies with Silver and/or Leona.
Please, I beg of you, summon Diavolo, or contact Solomon or Simeon for Malleus. Not even as a distraction, I genuinely think they’d be good friends. Especially Diavolo and Malleus, because they really understand each others position!
If somehow able to get Luke to Twisted Wonderland, I’m sure Lilia would be a great babysitter.
But for the love of everything, do not let Solomon and Lilia into the kitchen together. 
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