#did . did they learn from their past mistakes and actually recapped what the characters were doing
rosalette-roxburgh · 1 year
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Can i just say these are the cutest things ever…
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What killed Macaque?
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Well I was going to link my first post about this but I... can't find it. Like I checked over and over and tumblr keeps telling me I made no post about lmk which... is weird. I don't know if it was deleted or it's buried in the internet but that's... fine. Just kind of annoying that I can't find my own post.
Anyways I guess I should recap.
I have never liked the theories of 'Wukong didn't actually kill Macaque' or 'LBD changed Macaque's memories' or anything like that.
But also don't like when everything is blamed on Wukong and those Wukong haters and/or Macaque 'did nothing wrong' fans paint the whole situation as solely Wukong's fault.
Did Wukong make bad choices and mistakes. Yes.
But so did Macaque.
Their fallout is both their faults.
Macaque from season 4 is able to understand that the Brotherhood were on a path of destruction and were doomed but the Monk was able to lead Wukong down a different path.
But remember we saw in the scroll that the Brotherhood during the jttw believed that Wuking was a traitor and it was only Macaque not fully 100% believing it.
We know in the og jttw Macaque was less of his own character and more of a dark reflection of Wukong. But even then we shouldn't dismiss entirely what jttw Macaque did (except for cooking a Flower Fruit Mountain monkey because I think lmk would not make Macaque be so friendly with the FFM monkeys if that was canon in lmk).
Jttw Macaque impersonated Wukong, beat up the Monk, stole the group's supplies, took over Flower Fruit Mountain, declared that he was going to do the journey with the scriptures himself, and then got into a really long fight with the real Wukong and literally like only 2 people were able to tell who's the real one (Budda and like this lie detecting bull from the underworld?), and when Budda reveals Macaque's true form Wukong kills him.
So clearly some things will be different.
But I do believe that lmk Macaque would pretend to be Wukong and would try to befriend the Monk like in the jttw. Because Macaque at this point would try and figure out what's going on.
The last time he talked to the Monkey King they had a fight. So that's probably why he just doesn't ask Wukong directly.
Also we should probably account for how emotional and potentially unstable Macaque probably is at this point if his best friend is back and working for the enemy for some reason.
So he tries to figure out that reason. But the thing is that when Macaque pretends to Wukong, it's after a major fight between Wukong and the Monk so the kind Tang Sanzang is just not wanting to deal with Wukong even after he's being nice.
So all Macaque sees is this rude and mean Monk that bosses Wukong around. So yeah he beats the $hit out of this ungrateful Monk.
Plus he would extra angry if he knows about how the Monk uses the Circlet on Sukong and hurts his best friend to discipline him.
Then cut to Wukong finally fighting Macaque.
Wukong has learned to be better and is probably seeing how the Brotherhood and his past deeds were not great, and Macaque was a part of that past.
Macaque is probably extremely upset that Wukong is taking the Monk's side and is just abandoning and leaving him again. No it's worst, he's turning on Macaque to stop him.
So this fight is probably extremely emotionally harrowing, with both of them not communicating and just having breakdowns and/or shoving down their true wants.
I mean in season 5 from the glimpse we see of the fight, Wukong is begging Macaque to not do this while Macaque is just laughing. So yeah he's probably have a complete breakdown and is hiding it under his dramatic b%tch persona he perfects after his revival to not be vulnerable.
One way this could end is Wukong accidently killing Macaque in a fit of rage or to protect his new family. Instead of killing his dark reflection he's killing his past.
But I also saw this interesting theory by @Cherllyio where Macaque's weird probably chaos related powers + him losing control of himself and his emotions while having a breakdown = Macaque self destructing literally.
I definitely hope that whatever the answer ends up being, that it's a situation where there's blame on both sides. That it was a messy situation and there's regret and pain (sudden LBD flash) but now if they wanted to, the two can finally... talk.
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thelediz · 5 months
Sonic Underground 04: To Catch a Queen
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
This is episode 4: To Catch a Queen, which is the first of the ‘real’ episodes, and promptly pretends the first three episodes never happened, what are you talking about, this whole thing’s been going on for ages right? It’s all about finding Aleena. Always was. Honest.
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The plot (for want of a better word): Robotnik captures and robotocises the former Captain to Queen Aleena’s guard. On the search for their mother, the royal triplets liberate the captain, temporarily restore his sentience, and learn secrets to their past!
Man, a single paragraph synopsis actually makes these terrible episodes sound interesting…
“Queen Aleena here” giving us a situ report. She usually introduces the episodes, but this start is… weird.
Also, last episode Sleet and Dingo were independent contractors forced into service to track down the Oracle of Delphius and royal triplets, not the queen. Don’t talk like their goal being capturing you is a given, Aleena.
Oh, the van. This poor van is going to be gained and destroyed so many times in this series.
Aaaaand Sonia’s in love with Bartleby this episode. I’m starting another counter (1/37 episodes to Bartleby) (the first three episodes don’t count). Why will become evident as we progress.
As with the van, same with Sonia’s bike. That poor, poor bike.
I do love 90s kids cartoons Hero Morality. Someone calls out to ‘save my baby’ and the Heroic Character must drop everything to save anything thrown at them. Even though it looks like a football. “Loser” is a correct assessment, Dingo.
Yowch. You know, robotocisation is scary when you think about it, but even just on the surface there’s something distressing about it when you see a character go from flesh, fur, and blood to full robot. No wonder we were all scared of the egg boy in the 90s.
Ah yes, Sonia’s super strength/martial arts. Another counter, folks, because this isn’t going to come up much. +1!
Manic using Sonic’s voice! Want to re-do this scene Jaleel? No, of course not, you’re right, we have no time. Carry on.
Okay, so another cool world building detail is this ceremony, which at first I questioned (always a mistake) until I realised that yeah, a dictator would 100% do this. It’s a fear rally. Propaganda. Intended to show the general populace his power and control and that This Could Happen to You. Man, old school Robotnik was a scary bastard.
Wh- where did – they have always had the power to restore robotocised people’s sentience, of course, I knew this, and so did you, stop asking questions.
And the robotocised victim recognises the kids! That he wouldn’t have seen since they were younger than one! Of course he does!
And he tells them nothing before losing sentience. And then Robotnik reads his memories, so both Robotnik and the kids are looking for the queen based on half a sentence.
Look, there have been worse plots.
The SONG: The 411. I have no comparisons, though I feel like Simple Plan would be ashamed to realise how close some of their songs sound to it…
At least for once Sonia’s on Manic’s case instead of Sonic’s… and then Manic whores out his sister for information. Cool. So cool. I loved his character as a kid, what was wrong with me?
Heeey, Sonic’s fear of water, actually seeded long before it becomes an issue! Story telling props where due! Well done, Trashfire.
Sonic… is being a good leader? The siblings following his lead? What? Where did this – I mean – not complaining, but… what?
This time, Aleena, I will allow you running away, but honestly, woman.
There is a reason The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog worked, which was that Sonic as played by Jaleel White makes an excellent roadrunner. This episode reminds us of why. I love his wouldn’t melt butter smile.
Before you get excited, no, this storyline isn’t going anywhere. The ability to restore minds isn’t going anywhere. Literally the only thing that is is Sonic’s fear of water. But we take it.
I, of course, made way too much of the ability to restore minds which will never come up again, because I spent an awful lot of my childhood overthinking robotocisation. The Archie comics or SatAM never got that scary about it, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog didn't have it at all, so my only explanation for why it consumed my brain so much is the Trashfire. Because it's a real, tangible threat here which will recur, and this episode is the closest they come to ever implying a cure.
But I demand happy endings. So even as a kid, I was overthinking how do you get a happy ending out of this... that's probably where the Lost Prince started, if I'm honest...
The counters:
Sonic implying less than 100% American heterosexuality: 2
Sonia's super-strength: 1
Sonia's in love with Bartleby: 1/37
Come back tomorrow if you want to know more!
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frary-us · 7 months
"A secret plaguing the Trenchard family since Belgravia was finally revealed in Belgravia: The Next Chapter episode 6, emotionally shattering both characters involved in the reveal. The secret of Frederick’s true parentage had been known to audiences since Belgravia’s final episode, and it deeply impacted Frederick and James’s childhoods, especially in the way it made Frederick’s early years rife with abuse from Oliver. However, Belgravia: The Next Chapter episode 6 having a badly hurt James share that information with Frederick made all the living Trenchards aware of the reason behind Oliver’s abuse in the hope Frederick forgave himself and James.
3 Frederick's Reaction To James's Wounds Shows He Might Forgive Him
He was clearly affected by James's wounds and briefly wanted to avenge him
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Building upon The Golden Age or Downton Abbey’s popularity, episode 6’s ending stoked more family drama, even as it almost prompted a rekindling of Frederick and James’s bond. Despite James’s revelation about what their mother told him on her deathbed eventually turned Frederick against him once again, Frederick’s first reaction upon seeing James’s wounds was to worry about him and ask him what happened, who did that to him, and why had he stopped eating. Frederick’s immediate reaction being one of empathy instead of anger thus points to Frederick potentially forgiving James once he accepts the information James shared.
2 Emily Learning The Truth About Frederick's Parents Can Help Clara
Emily can give Clara the full picture about Frederick & James's problems
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Belgravia: The Next Chapter episode 6’s ending shot lingered over Emily’s shock from what she discovered eavesdropping on James and Frederick’s exchange, and her meddlesome qualities could potentially solve problems among many of Belgravia: The Next Chapter’s relationships. Despite Emily not understanding the loneliness Clara felt after Frederick repeatedly ignored her wishes to discuss their problems, knowing the Trenchard secret could actually help Clara understand Frederick’s weaknesses if Emily were to let her know. This could help Clara finally understand Frederick and his bond with James, but also, ultimately, reunite the two brothers still suffering because of their parents’ mistakes.
1 James's Revelation Put Once Again Distance Between Frederick & Him
Frederick can't accept the truth & he still believes James to be lying
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James’s revelation at the end of Belgravia: The Next Chapter episode 6 finally explained why he asked Clara to continue supporting Frederick, as his knowledge of the Trenchard secret explained why Oliver treated Frederick badly while cherishing James. Although Frederick’s reaction to the revelation was rightfully defensive, not yet ready to trust James, he must have known the explanation made sense. Were Belgravia: The Next Chapter’s last two episodes to show more characters knowing the truth to Frederick, he could welcome back James again in his life, finally reuniting two brothers who suffered far too long for their parents’ secrets.
7 Emily's Evident Support For Nell Shows She Really Wants To Help Her
She might have started to help her because of James, but now she wants her to be happy
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Emily’s eagerness to report back to James about her progress with Nell repeatedly showed how her reasons behind caring for Belgravia: The Next Chapter’s most mysterious characterhad much to do with making James proud, but circumstances changed in episode 6. Indeed, Emily trying to end her mother’s speech about motherhood in Nell’s presence and then apologizing to Nell in private showed she really cared about her. Emily’s wishes to help Nell find her parents or her past lover showed that she truly wanted to help her, even if her help remained secret, not letting her earn points with James."
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-Yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 1
It’s been a while since I visited the many times Yugi should have gone to jail, AKA season Zero, and I’m excited to visit it again.
If you just got here, this is Season Zero, which is very different vibe and a different direction plotwise than the other seasons and you can read the season zero recaps from the start in chrono order here: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yuugi%20muto/chrono
So be warned, this is a 90′s anime, and it will do 90′s anime things, and I expect y’all reading this aren’t like 12.
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Like I said in an earlier post, I wrote this out fully when I was going through the symptoms from my second dose--which PS, is worth it--but those symptoms knocked me out for 10 days. I was kind of a space cadet, and yo, I made some mistakes. Including writing this post out in full and then not clicking “save” on this post and then not realizing I had done that until several days later.
So long story short, I don’t remember what I originally wrote here, but lets all assume it was weird, and didn’t make sense and wasn’t funny. We’ll just assume this was for the best that it was deleted forever.
So this episode is about 2 things: Yo-yos and Jounouchi. Both get used as a tool for violence, and both need to get just a little bit cursed by Yugi to scale it the hell back. So, understandably, we start off this episode with Jounouchi, who has eagerly identified with this off brand yo-yo he apparently got out of a dumpster for being just a huge ass defect.
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(more Yo-Yo crimes under the cut)
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I see you dodging copyright infringement, Yugioh. Eireboy.
Also whenever I read “Eireboy” I do it in my mind in the same pacing and vocal tones that Pegasus uses to say “Kaiba boy.” Something about it’s conjunction to Yugioh, I see anything with “boy” at the end of it, and it’s voiced by a weird guy with one eye.
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So I wrote these caps under the influence of my second dose, just assuming y’all understand the life I lived, but I realized writing this episode...traveling bands of yo-yo performers that go to your school and shill yo-yos with yo-yo shows in the hopes that it will get you so obsessed with yo-yos that you will not join a gang and do drugs and have sex may be just an American thing.
So when I saw a yo-yo episode I was like “Tight! Clearly, the yo-yo clowns have come to town!” and I assumed everyone in this class would be draped in yo-yos, because I just assumed that at some point at School you will get MAD OBSESSED with yo-yos for about 2 weeks.
But in this episode, everyone was like “Jounouchi, why are you playing with a random yo-yo?” and it didn’t occur to me until typing this out just now: only Jounouchi is doing this. He did this unprompted, without the encouragement of a bunch of middle aged performers doing tricks to techno music.
So instead, I have to think of Jounouchi as Ralphie in this scenario, and he just got a official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time for Christmas, but he’s gonna shoot his eye out.
Because yo-yos in this episode are basically guns.
...Kind of like a duel deck was also just a gun...
...or the wands in Harry Potter...
...which honestly...I’ve probably said this before but where I’m from, we just use straight up guns in these elaborate analogies because we freakin have to make the point crystal clear. The moment Ralphie finally got his hands on a bb-gun, he very nearly shot his eye out and broke his glasses. And that scene will haunt me until my dying day...
...but fine, we can use yo-yos, I guess it works, although to me, yo-yo’s are just teachers hoping you’ll become such a dork that no gang will accept you (and then in this universe, it does the opposite? So freakin weird).
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The beginning of this episode is Jounouchi trying do his best to impress with his skills, but in actuality, getting very close to clubbing Anzu with a yo-yo. And, while Anzu is the strongest person in Yugioh in the later seasons, I feel like Season Zero Anzu is another level. It’s a serious tempt of fate that Jounouchi is doing, so Honda wisely cuts him off from doing any more of that so she won’t end up strangling yet another person in broad daylight in the middle of school.
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Remember your yo-yo safety, children.
Straight up, Honda’s version of yo-yo safety is to just Never Use a Yo-Yo and that’s the most gun safety thing ever that they’ve slipped into this Yugioh Episode. I almost expected Yuugi to pull a “well, actually, I use a hunting yo-yo to get enough venison to feed my family.” But youknow, he lives in a city, so while Yugioh is pretty weird and Yuugi has to worry about a lot of things--he doesn’t have to worry about that.
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This is actually foreshadowing, which I only realized in hind sight, mostly because I just can’t associate a Yo-yo with crime. Joey knowing how to use a yo-yo was foreshadowing that he was absolutely part of this gang in a past life.
Yeah that one went completely over my head the first time and the second time and it really wasn’t until just now that I finally caught it. Hoo boy, sometimes I wonder why y’all let me analyze this show.
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Jounouchi decides to confront the yo-yo bandits and everyone else is like “Silly Jounouchi, he’s not gonna do that. That would be stupid.” And...in S0, they don’t know him well enough yet to know that he really is that much of a well meaning dumbass.
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I think a S1-5 Yugi would have been sprinting out the door to keep Joey from killing himself (again), but Season Zero Yuugi had hope that Jounouchi would just naturally tucker out and fall asleep or something.
And he was so wrong.
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Anzu’s “New Tricks” line was from the dub itself and man that’s a good line. I love Anzu’s sass in Zero.
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So, Honda decides to help them find Jounouchi so all of them together could give Jounouchi an intervention for skipping school. This is the same Honda that once skipped school to babysit a tomagachi and said it was because of “Maternity leave,” but don’t worry about the hypocrisy, because from this episode we learned that Jounouchi needs a very short leash.
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So this episode is a great Jounouchi episode to explain stuff that still hasn’t been explained in 5 seasons of Yugioh. In S1-5, we don’t get much about his home life other than his Mom left and his Sister lives far away and is like sickly as hell. We know nothing else. But this is the episode where we finally get to find out why Yuugi and his Grandfather decided to basically adopt him from S1 onward.
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Yugioh is tackling some pretty heavy territory, but I respect the show for not trying to magically change Jounouchi’s parents like they did to Dartz. Instead, the crew decide to reach out and try to find their friend who clearly didn’t go home last night (and won’t be going back for a while), by checking every alleyway in Domino.
Fun fact Yuugi drops this episode, Domino is one of the biggest cities on Earth. This makes the Battle City Tournament even more crazy when you realize Kaiba shut down several blocks but, it also makes a tiny bit more sense how we have so many Millennium items in one place. (Yet...it still doesn’t explain Bakura and Joey’s accent.) And, I guess if your city is just extra large, you get an extra large warehouse district, too.
Speaking of, they eventually find Jounouchi at his new (but also old) crime antics mugging some random stranger next to this Game store that I just realized was cropped so it looks like it says “GANG.”
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Say hello to our crime clown. He’s sort of like a discount joker, and that beanie is...man it is green.
I forget this green exists sometimes, but Season Zero has it as one of their prime colors. Good ol’ Retro Kaiba green.
I’m a little tempted to swatch Season Zero a bit and figure out their full color scheme--it’s really saturated, which is interesting when you compare it to the later seasons which are a lot more muted since...the 00′s were like that, they greyed a lot of colors out. But I’ll do it later if I do, maybe another post for another day.
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Jounouchi and Honda, before they moved to the school with Yuugi in it, used to go to the same school and up until now I just assumed they were close friends. But apparently they were a lot more distant than that. I’m sure they met up several times as Jounouchi destroyed stuff and Honda came along in his volunteer janitor outfit to put the stuff the hell back, and maybe that’s how they got to know eachother better?
But basically, Jounouchi was the freakin worst, and Jounouchi’s best friend was Hirotani--this 45 year old 15 year old with the blue pony and turquoise fade--and Honda has SO MUCH hot goss to say about it.
I really get the gist that Honda may not have liked anyone else at his old school, like at all. Like maybe Honda likes cleaning up trash so much because his school was just trash top to bottom.
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As is tradition, Yuugi got his tar beat in by Hirotani. Another concussion to add to his list of issues to tell his future therapist that lives in that puzzle he wears around his neck.
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I still expect him to do a double cross, but it seems they wanted to keep it a relatable and more realistic fall-out, where Jounouchi has just bounced on them without even a goodbye. He and his Dad had a bad fight, and Jounouchi was like “well so long to all of this and everyone that has anything to do with it.”
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In later seasons, Joey is the one trying to save other people. He’s saving his Sister, he’s saving Mai, he’s saving Yugi, but in this season Jounouchi’s friends had to save Jounouchi from himself a few times now.
I like this depth to his character, I’ll be honest. I can understand why S1-5 don’t touch on it, and I don’t think it’s because they didn’t want to have an abusive Dad storyline, because they did that several times over with Seto Kaiba (man the Dad situation in Yugioh is DIRE.) Instead they probably just felt like Season Zero already did it, so why do it again?
It’s just a shame that it wasn’t talked about in the other seasons. Joey makes a lot more sense to me now because we get to see why Jounouchi is so hard set on saving people. S4 Mai Valentine, who ditched everyone and joined a gang? That’s basically a Joey move, and that was why Joey Wheeler was all over that.
Really would have added a lot to that particular arc if the show...actually talked about Joey’s history at all rather than assume I would have watched something that was never released in the States. Instead...it just looked a lot like he had only romantic motivations, which may not have been what they were going for.
Speaking of romantic, check out this sunset. Like the sun is exploding for some reason--just a wild sunset you only see for a still frame before a commercial break.
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As Joey, youknow, takes on an entire rival gang single-handedly.
Hey guys, I lived near a pretty big city most of my life and I have been on a roof...once. Just the one time when I was doing an internship in SF with a painter and we needed to take a reference photo of his painting for a gallery (and it was hella sketch, and we weren’t exactly allowed up there). Who are all these people giving teens Roof Access? It’s so hard to get! Even if you live in an apartment of a tall building, I can count on zero of my fingers the amount of times I was allowed on that roof. But TV shows and movies--they freakin love roof gardens and roof hangouts and roof fights.
Am I missing out?? How did y’all get on the ROOF? I know I’m on S5 of Yugioh now and I have seen a lot of roof stuff, but like...is this normal for everyone else? I know there’s schools that have roof sport--that’s common in the city everywhere--but that’s like...specialized roofs with 30 ft chainlink fencing and really good supports to your body doesn’t fall straight through it when you jump too much. The hell is using their normal ass roof?
This gang should have their legs swinging halfway into the floor below them, is all I’m saying, if my roof couldn’t handle our solar heating, then a normal ass roof cannot support a gang fight.
But it does look really, really cool.
Anyway, Anzu does some offscreen snooping and finds out where the crime hangs out, and suggests that we step right into crime zone and just yank Jounouchi out of there. Which is something you would only do and say if you were Anzu and cannot fear death.
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If it were Jay’s it would be with an ‘s. That’s how you do a plural Jay. But it’s the 90′s, so we put a “z” on the end of everything that should have been an “s” and that’s how you get the...
I mean, thank you, dubbers, for not saying “Jizz” but for reals...that be Jizz.
Please don’t flag me, Tumblr. (which, PS, I think they turned off the flagbot, Tumblr hasn’t flagged me in forever and I’m so thankful. Mods are asleep, we can talk about anime again)
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So even though Honda decided that he was fed up with Jounouchi and didn’t want to save his ass, he decided to give it another go but complete with some new sash. He also did this without telling any of the others, who just kinda spectated him for a little while.
Honestly, if they weren’t laughing at him, I wouldn’t have known that this sash was any weirder than any of his other sashes. I don’t know really know what a school uniform should look like. It’s a shame, I feel like this series has a lot of jokes and puns probably soaring right over my head.
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A little bit embarrased he was caught being vulnerable, Honda decides to give us a little more context to why he ever decided to give Jounouchi the time of day in the first place.
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They had PE class once, and Honda apparently loves the hell out of PE. Jounouchi ran really fast in a straight line that one time, and that is why he’s trustworthy friend material. He just needs to stop joining gangs, and he’ll be solid.
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I have no idea if the fandub put that in there or if that was native to the show, but Miho legit stans Honda/Jounouchi and acts as if she’s off to write some fanfiction about it. Honestly if she did, it would make her so much more interesting of a character.
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And so, until next time, we shall have to wait and see exactly what Yami Yuugi is going to do with a freakin Yo-yo and I’m sure it’s all sorts of real effed up. Excited to get there, honestly. A shame it had to happen on the part that isn’t dubbed yet, but I’ve done these subbed before, it’ll be fine!
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makeste · 4 years
I read the meta you reposted about anyone being able to become a hero, and I would just like to give some thoughts. I agree it is wrong to think in terms of good vs bad victims and measure everyone as the same. Just because Shoto never killed anyone in response to his abuse and Toya did doesn't mean that Toya was always an evil person looking for an excuse to break bad. Different people break from different things.
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these are all good, well-reasoned points, anon, but I disagree with a few of them. let me try to explain.
so the thing about this whole atonement process is that it’s hugely complex, and there isn’t really any kind of roadmap for Endeavor to follow when it comes to trying to make things right. I actually appreciate that his arc is written in such a way that his epiphany doesn’t just happen all at once, and you can see how his approach gradually turns from one that’s still mostly selfish and centered on him, to one that’s actually focused on his kids and what they need. you can see the stages he progresses through as the series goes on.
1. I’d argue that it all starts when he first gets yelled at by Deku (“Todoroki isn’t you!”). he realizes that maybe this kid has got a point, and that treating his son as an extension of him rather than as his own person might just be sorta shitty. so he files that away, but we don’t really see much of a change in him yet.
2. then a few months later he gets thrust into the #1 hero role, which has the interesting psychological effect of forcing him to see past himself and his ego for perhaps the first time in his life. he suddenly finds himself in this position as the new Symbol, and starts to feel the responsibility of that, and it basically triggers the entire rest of his redemption arc. because once he starts looking outside himself, he starts to realize the impact his actions have on other people, including his family. for the first time, he starts looking at the situation with fresh eyes, and realizes how much he’s hurt them.
3. quick little detour here, I feel like it’s important to note that Endeavor -- like many abusers -- actually does love his family and never intentionally set out to hurt them. but the problem is that he is so self-centered for most of his life that he never stops to consider that his family and his kids don’t simply exist to serve his own purposes. he abuses Shouto during his training but I’ll bet you he himself never thought of it as actual abuse, just him being hard on him in order to toughen him up. he thinks he’s doing what’s best for Shouto by making him strong in the hopes that he’ll one day surpass All Might, because that’s always been his goal, and so he just unilaterally decides that should be Shouto’s goal too. he wants the best for him, but it never enters his mind to consider that his son is his own person who, gasp, might not actually want the same things that Endeavor wants. btw I should clarify that absolutely none of this excuses anything he does, holy shit. but I feel like it’s important to mention, because many people complain that the change in Endeavor happens too abruptly and is too unrealistic, but I don’t think that’s true at all. it’s just that people don’t like to acknowledge that abusers are still human (meaning that anyone can become one if they’re not careful to consider how they treat others). Endeavor’s actions are monstrous, but they stem from realistic places, and I think that it’s a very well-thought-out character arc.
4. and so basically, once that change finally starts happening, it’s not that he suddenly starts loving his kids all of a sudden out of nowhere. it’s that he finally starts loving them for their own sake, rather than his. for the first time, he starts loving them selflessly rather than selfishly. and it’s not a change that just happens overnight, because he is so used to everything revolving around him that even after he starts realizing what he’s doing wrong, it still takes him a while to break free from those patterns.
5. and so for example, he suddenly becomes wildly supportive of Shouto and his training and attempts to go full-blown helicopter parent. because clearly that’s what Shouto needs, right?? all those years he was trying to make him into his own personal mini-me rather than loving his son for who he was and supporting him as his own person. and so we see him hounding Shouto in texts to let him teach him his Ultimate Technique (but not because he wants him to surpass All Might, but because he just wants him to be the best hero he can be! it’s different now!), and attending his training sessions to cheer him on from the stands like an obnoxious soccer mom. and afterwards he tells him he’s proud of him, and that he wants to become someone Shouto can be proud of.
6. so you can see there’s some progress at this point, but at the same time he’s still making a lot of the same mistakes. his intentions by this point have genuinely changed! but he’s still looking at the situation from his own point of view, and not taking into consideration how his son feels about the forced attempts at reconciliation. he’s thinking ‘I was a shit father, I need to make it up to him by being supportive.’ but he doesn’t stop to consider that Shouto might not WANT his support by this stage in the game; that he might, in fact, not want anything to do with him at all.
7. and this doesn’t change until after his battle at Fukuoka, when he has dinner with his family and Natsuo blows up at him. he basically lays it all out on the table, but this is the most important part:
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I am willing to bet that he did not, in fact, get it until pretty much that moment, actually. because up until this point, he’s been doing exactly as Natsuo said -- trying to make nice, trying to show that he’s changed, and to be a good father now. but he doesn’t stop to consider (a) just how much hurt he really has caused them, and (b) just how impossible it is to simply erase all of that. the pain Natsuo’s expressing here isn’t something people can simply get over. and I don’t think Enji realizes until this moment that he was still going about this in the wrong way.
8. and that, lastly, is what finally leads to this:
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he finally realizes that it’s not about him. and apologizes, but makes it clear that Natsuo does not have to forgive him, and that he doesn’t want to burden him by making him feel otherwise. he acknowledges Natsuo’s feelings, acknowledges the pain he’s caused, and realizes that what he and the others need is space. and this is when he makes the decision to build the new home for them and Rei, so that they can finally start to move on -- without him, if that’s what it takes.
so this is basically the progression of Endeavor’s redemption arc up to this point. and I’m sorry it took so long to recap, I didn’t mean for it to lol, but there were a lot of parts I didn’t want to just gloss over. so now, here are a few last points I want to make about his arc.
1. first off, it’s important to consider the timeline here. when making your point earlier, you talked about Endeavor building the new home for his kids, but how “on the other hand” he kept trying to force his relationship with Shouto. however the order of these things is switched around. because Endeavor building the house is something that happens at the end of his arc. and in fact we have not seen him try to force anything with Shouto since then. this is important to acknowledge because it shows that he is learning and that it’s not just an insincere case of one step forward, two steps back. the progress he’s making here is genuine; he really is trying not to be selfish anymore.
2. I know I said “the end” of his arc just now, but in fact we have no reason to believe that this is the end of it. every time I see an argument about “well why hasn’t he done this yet, or why hasn’t he said this”, I wonder why people assume that just because he hasn’t done it yet, it means we’re never going to see it. for instance, he still hasn’t apologized to Shouto specifically for the way he abused him all those years. but just because we haven’t seen it yet doesn’t mean that it won’t happen.
3. fandom has this tendency, when it comes to characters they don’t like and don’t want to see redeemed, to continuously move the goalposts so that no matter what that character does and how much they change, they can continue to justify why it’s not enough. I’m going to take a quick break from Endeavor and use Bakugou as the example here instead, since I think it’s easier to summarize.
“Bakugou is such an asshole, all he cares about is himself, he’s definitely going to become a villain.”
[Bakugou refuses to join the villains] “well whatever, he’s still a jerk, just look at how he can’t even work together with others and refuses to help anyone.”
[Bakugou learns to Win and Save, and unlocks the Power of Teamwork] “well whatever, he still doesn’t care about anyone else. look at how he’s still an asshole to Deku even now.”
[Bakugou starts helping Deku train and learn how to control OFA] “whatever, that’s literally the bare minimum, there’s still no proof that he even cares about him.”
[Bakugou literally takes a life-threatening blow to save Deku] “whatever, it’s like he said, his body moved on its own so there’s still no proof he really cares.”
[Bakugou wakes up from a two-day coma, immediately asks about Deku’s health, and rushes to his bedside] “whatever, I don’t know why everyone is making such a fuss over it, he hasn’t even apologized to him yet.”
and so on and so forth. and I guarantee that once he finally does apologize, it will then shift to “well why couldn’t he just have done that in the first place.” but you get my point.
basically, there are certain characters whose redemption arcs fandom will actively continue to deny no matter what. Bakugou is one of those characters, and so is Endeavor. and I’m not saying that in order to call those people out, because everyone has their own boundaries of forgiveness, and I don’t have the right to dictate anyone else’s, just like they don’t have the right to dictate mine. everyone has their own line, and where it’s drawn is different for each person. like for me, the one particular character who can fuck off for all eternity as far as I’m concerned is Overhaul (although I admit I am still curious to see what Horikoshi has planned for him post-prison break in spite of all that). and there are a lot of other people for whom Endeavor crosses their own personal line. and you know what, that’s fine.
but here’s the thing -- if you actually want to debate his redemption arc with people, you should be willing to do so in good faith. meaning that if you really do think Endeavor is unforgiveable (and I’m speaking now in general terms, not addressing you specifically anon), just go ahead and say so! but don’t come up with an arbitrary list of criteria that he needs to meet in order to qualify for redemption, only to keep on adding more and more items to the list. and most importantly, don’t assume that your criteria are the only valid criteria and that you can speak for everyone else. and especially don’t act like you have a right to go around slapping people with labels like “abuse apologist” just because they don’t share the same opinions as you about a fictional character.
anyway! so as usual, a post that I originally meant to be only a few paragraphs long turned out to be a whole damn essay, I apologize. but anyways anon, basically I share the same opinion as you as far as the mindset that Endeavor needs to have for his atonement (i.e. that it’s not about him). however, I think he’s made more progress than this ask gives him credit for, and I don’t think any of it has been fake. that being said, it’s still a process, and his biggest tests are yet to come. whatever ends up happening, I hope the outcome ends up being one that the rest of his family can find peace with.
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fundy-simp · 4 years
Eret/GN!Reader - Tired Recaps [1069 words]
Fluff! Just you comforting her and helping her recharge after a longish lore stream
Since Eret uses any pronouns I decided I was going to use she/her for this fic! If that bothers you feel free to scroll past :) Also I wrote this really late last night so please excuse any small mistakes
You laid sprawled out in you and Eret's shared bed, you had been cooped up in the bedroom almost all day. Mostly because you guys were in a new house and Eret was streaming, you really didn't want to somehow manage to get turned around and walk in mid stream, so you laid there.
After a bit of really just laying there you sat up and moved so your back rested on the head board. Lazily you dug your switch out from under the covers and flipped on your favorite game for probably the third time that hour. Unlike the last two times you did manage to get into the game a bit, but it didn't last long because before you knew it Eret was flopping down into your lap like some oversized dog.
"Oh, hey sweetheart!" you said happily, pausing your game and setting it to the side. She let out a half hum in response, "Are you okay?" you asked quietly, you really hoped she didn't have a bad stream today, it always broke your heart to see it happen.
Eret just nodded before sitting up and readjusting so that instead of laying across your legs she was laying on top of you, head resting comfortably on your stomach. "I'm fine, love. Just a long day, you know how it is." she said as she nuzzled into you, you always forget how much you love her voice till you hear it again.
You let out a quiet hum and idly start playing with her hair, carefully running your hands through the messy curls. "Did you have a good stream then? Heard there was a lot of plot happening on the dream smp today..." you asked, you always loved hearing about her streams, especially the lore ones thanks to how invested in her own character she was.
Laughing lightly, Eret nodded, "A lot is somehow an understatement for how much plot happened today."
You couldn't help but chuckle with her, "Oh really? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious." you replied, hoping she's up to ramble.
"Are you sure? It's seriously a lot." she asked one more time.
A soft smile fell on your lips as you replied, "Of course, I know how much you love talking about it. Not to mention I love to listen!"
"You asked for it," she said as she shimmied out of your grasp, moving so that now the back of her head rested on your chest. "Well, as you know, today was the big day. The day L'manburg was doomed to fall, once and for all." she started, her hands moved as she talked, definitely not as much as you but it was still a nice detail you had noticed.
"Everything was riding on today and my character was exhausted. She felt as if she'd done everything wrong, every move just got her stuck under Dream's thumb again and seemed to pull her away from redemption." she continued, you felt a faint pang in your heart at the mention of her character's redemption. You were, both admittedly and obviously, an Eret apologist. You felt like she had done everything right, even understanding that it's okay for it to not be enough to fix what had been done, but she was still pushed aside. You'd be lying if that didn't make you feel sad.
"Eret had run into Niki and Fundy before the big stream, the three of them making a pact to "make everyone learn a lesson" since they had been tossed aside so much. Honestly, it's what the characters needed, an extra bit to properly solidify their pain and need for closure. Really need to tell Niki thanks for the great idea." she nodded to herself, it was so... Cozy to listen to her ramble while you held her. Even in a new house that lacked signs of being lived in, it felt like home, a home that you plan to never lose.
By now you had accidently tuned out, silently you grabbed one of her hands and placed a soft kiss on it. You weren't expecting her to stop talking, but the surprised face with just enough blush to be noticeable was definitely a welcome surprise. "Wh- Hey! I was mid sentence!" she jokingly pouted as she pulled her hand out from yours and cupped your face.
"And?" you asked, snickering, "You gonna come up here and do something about it?" you teased her, which you didn't do often but was always a lot of fun.
"This is one of the very few times you can actually use that on me, are you kidding me!" she exclaimed, you just shrug in response, "You really gonna play like that?" she asked, pulling her hands down from your face, you nodded. She looked at you for a good few seconds, squinting at you with a scrunched face as she got up and turned back towards you.
A very fast "Okay then." was all the warning you got before she moved to straddle you and grabbed your face, planting kisses everywhere she could get her lips.
Giggles burst through your chest with a flood of warmth, halfheartedly you tried to push her off. "Stop it!! I- oh my God-" you said through laughter, you two may be alone but being showered in so much affection made you embarrassed.
Eret stopped for a second, looking down at your face, your’s full of breathless laughter and hers full of the most heartfelt love you'd ever seen. She sat and stared for a second before talking again, "... Fine, but for a price." she said finally. You instinctively held you breath and nodded. "I want a kiss."
You couldn't stop the chuckle that left your lips before the quiet, "Of course!" as you pulled her down. One hand rested comfortably on her cheek while the other arm was wrapped around her neck. Both of her hands cupped your face still as you two kissed, it was a soft kiss, a heartfelt one that felt like a soft reminder of your love. And when you two pulled away, both almost out of breath, you didn't even have to think of the words "I love you." before they left your mouth.
Then there wasn't a moment of hesitation before Eret replied, the biggest, most love filled grin on her face as she said, "I love you, too."
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on Gallavich Hall of Shame
Wow okay this is the latest I’ve ever posted a weekly recap and I feel awful about it but mom life amirite? I’ve seen a lot of negative posts about this episode( maybe I just follow the wrong people) so ngl I’m kinda worried about watching it. Ugh. This is why I try to not look up things until I’ve had a chance to recap because I hate being influenced by other people’s opinions BUT I’m gonna try my best to find the positive things in the episode and keep this light hearted and fun like I’ve been trying to do all season! Okay I’ll shut up now and get right into why you’re really reading this post:
Oh baby Gallavich :(((((
Bitch don’t even say the word divorce
They’re sitting side by side playing a game together 😭😭😭😭
Mickey loves blowing ian pass it on
Oh fuck I forgot that belt move ian did 🤤🤤🤤
Nob job lmao
ugh Ned was the most disgusting piece of shit
Who are those two exes wtf
I don’t know their names but I forgot I never watched any episode Mickey wasn’t in lmao
Wow Mickey Milkovich really deserves so much better
Compilation of Mickey saying fuck THANK YOU
Omfg s4 Mickey was actually perfect
“Course you will. That’s your whole fucking MO” oh shit..
Wow remembering the past is really making me hate ian again lmao
Just when I started loving him for once
But then I remember how much he’s grown and I love him again
Fuck the writers tho
Let me write Gallavich please I’d do a much better job
Okay y’all really made it seem like Mickey was super offensive with his bipolar comment
I’m bipolar and hate when people use the term lightly but cmon guys that was nothing
He even called it a bipolar episode. He didn’t say anything offensive at all omfg. I was over here thinking he called him a psycho or something.
Some of y’all just gotta stop watching and stick to fanfics or something.
“I wish I never met you.” “Me either” THEN THEIR FUCKING WEDDING FUCK YALL NOW IM IN MY FEELS 😭😭
They’ve been through so much wow
Okay I need to see Mickey wearing a fanny pack
Fuck I need to rewatch the wedding
“Stupid gallagher” same
Mickey giving the Fanny pack back my boy is such a Good Samaritan wow I raised you so well I’m so proud my perfect son
Oh gosh I thought we were done seeing ian Gallagher’s dance moves
Why would they put us through that again
“Stupid Milkovich” you watch your mouth
But we love when a man learns from his mistakes
Now kiss
Mickey is beautiful damn ian is so lucky
Now this is the type of flashback I like to see
Ugh I love him so much
I’m so proud to be his mom
Okay unpopular opinion but I actually love that little how’d your bipolar tirade go how’d your stealing shit go
If you’ve been with someone through their rock bottoms you’ll understand how not offensive at all that interaction was
They both said things they felt bad about saying and now they’re having a bit of banter about it
“We work well together”
They needed space after feelings got hurt but now they’re coming together to make up and actually talk things over
They’re learning and growing apart AND together
They both had the horrible childhoods and they’re doing their best
It takes years and years of therapy to work through deep rooted issues like that. I’m STILL seeing a therapist twice a week and I still have issues.
Just imagine. They’re how old? Mid to late twenties and neither of them have properly dealt with their issues and mental health problems. You can’t expect them to be the perfect couple you read about in fanfics. Yeah shameless is over the top but it’s a tv show that has stayed on the air for 11 seasons BECAUSE of how over the top it is. Stop expecting these characters to be healed healthy woke changed characters from one season to the next when they haven’t even properly dealt with their issues and it would honestly be very ooc if they did deal with their issues in a healthy way
I wish they would but that’s not the shameless way.
Well that was a long rant but honestly it was needed
Ugh I hate reliving terry this is the worst my heart is breaking
I skipped fast
Terry is definitely worse but yeah they’re both pieces of shit
Shit I forgot how abusive frank was
They both deserve so much better
They’re so cute oh gosh
We love communication
Okay but fr taking a bath with your SO isn’t as romantic as people think or maybe I’m just not a romantic lmao
Unless it’s a big bathtub with leg room
Mickey has the best lines
He’s so funny 😭😭😭
Mickey loves being manhandled✨✨✨✨
Honestly? I really think they would be really into some safe consensual bdsm play and they deserve to have that
fucking love you
I love you too
they’re so perfect for each other :(((
A kissing compilation 😭😭
I still want a scene of Mickey making fun of Ian’s black hair
I’m in tears again
I deserved to be at that wedding 😭😭😭
“But not these newlyweds” damn right
I love them so much
What a treat
I love Mickey more than anything 😭😭
Okay that was so much better than I was expecting! I know I ranted a lot and I’m probably gonna get some angry comments and messages but I honestly don’t care. Have your opinion and I’ll have my own and if you wanna discuss things like adults I’ll reply but if not then I don’t have time for the negativity. My boys actually communicated and didn’t self sabotage for once and I’m so proud. I love not being as invested as I used to be because now I can actually enjoy their scenes! Anyway it’s late where I’m at and I haven’t been getting much sleep so I’m gonna stop rambling. Let me know what you thought of this episode! Oh and real quick! I noticed I got a flood of new followers in the past two weeks so i just wanted to say feel free to send me messages on and off anon! I like talking to y’all! I promise I’m nice lol! Okay bye I love Mickey so much!
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 1x13 A Clue: No
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“Previously on” recaps can be annoying, but there is an art to it and I love a good one. This is a very, very good one, summarising the last episode with ramping tension as the music builds, then cuts to a different take of the last scene as the theme song starts, and we’re into the opening credits.
This is a long one, so it’s going under the cut:
Guy estimates that the “inner circle” of Robin’s gang is “a dozen at the most” and I find it very funny that neither he nor Vaisey have twigged that it’s always the same five people around him. What’s more annoying than funny is that they don’t know how many are in the “outer circle” because that really should have been A Thing in the show (Forrest and Hanton should have come back to guest star! I will never let this go!) After all, we see Little John with more men in the first episode, there are other outlaws in the forest/across the shire that are either working with Robin, or pose a risk to them, and I wish this had been explored.
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Djaq manhandling and holding her sword to Pitts’s throat - I love Djaq.
The first arrow Robin shoots is intended for Vaisey, but one of the guards inconveniently walks in front and gets it in the chest. The second arrow is intended for Vaisey as well but he ducks (”my tooth!”) so we can’t fault the writing for a credible attempt at Why Doesn’t Robin Just Kill The Sheriff, because in this scene at least, he tries.
Bye Pitts. You certainly were.
I actually really love this scene (which probably seemed odd given the high body count), but Robin drawing his sword and charging, with Much, Djaq, and John backing him up to avenge Marian’s apparent death/make a final stand, as the music shifts from the jaunty Rescue Theme to Marian’s Theme, just gets me every time.
Although thanks to the cast commentary, I can’t unsee Djaq flipping that guy over her head twice, but hey, it’s a badass move. Clearly they didn’t shoot enough coverage of this fight, because we get the same action from several different angles.
Other than the flashback in episode 8, I think this is the only time we see Robin in Crusader mode, and just how lethal he (and the gang) can be when unleashed and with nothing to lose. Even when the enemy retreats Robin remains kind of wild-eyed with rage unsated, and it takes a beat for him to snap out of it. It’s symbolism time - he sticks his sword in the ground and leaves it there, and we don’t see it again this episode (or much in season 2).
There’s some nice acting going on from everyone in this scene - just utter exhaustion, Allan and Will oblivious to why the rest are so distraught, Much taking it upon himself to tell them but can’t say the words, and Robin with the finality of “she’s dead.” Their faces!
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Djaq is still holding two swords as she enters the cave, which is a nice character beat - no doubt the fight also brought back unpleasant memories/triggers for her, and she remains on edge, for the moment unwilling to give up her defences even when the threat is gone.
I really love this scene too (the gang mourning Marian) and I think it’s quite deftly written - Djaq’s immediate reaction being the importance of a quick burial (as per Islamic tradition), Robin trying to keep it together, attempting to ask John/Will to build a coffin but unable to, so deflecting to ask Djaq to prepare Marian’s body, before trying twice again; John soothing him and taking charge. Will’s single tear and speaking of Marian’s goodness. Much responding with “Good? Oh, she was... She was...” looking to Robin because of course his thoughts are for Robin’s grief before his own, and also that his own relationship with Marian was complex. Allan: “She was alright...yeah” that says so much, and of course John’s “Her, we liked.” Again, some fine acting, kudos everyone.
“I loved her and I never told her” is ironic because Robin still won’t tell her until halfway through the next season, and if he had in the aftermath of her apparent death he could have spared himself a lot of the angst of the rest of the episode. But of course he doesn’t tell her, doesn’t learn from this moment, because emotions are hard, and sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again.
I really love that it’s Allan that notices that Marian is alive, and his little “told ya” flourish.
Score note: while Marian is “dead” her Theme is strings, when she opens her eyes, it’s back to the guitar.
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Guy’s guilt in finding out his impending marriage to Marian is based on false pretenses - would he still have forced the marriage if he’d known that from the start?
Djaq still has her two swords as they take Marian back to Knighton.
Guy, if your first instinct when told Marian is not at home is that she’s run away rather than marry you...maybe take a hint? “She cannot run from me” is a big yikes, and this confuses me as to Guy’s motivation in this scene. Did he intend to tell Marian the truth, but then convince himself otherwise (because “the excitement of the wedding” =/= “the wedding excites her”), but then why so angry when he thinks shes run? The difference between getting someone go/being left, I suppose.
Illness is a perfectly plausible explanation for delaying the wedding that no one seems to think of.
Edward is actually pretty bang on in this scene with Robin from a father’s perspective, telling him to let Marian go if he cannot stop it, and do the right thing. On the other hand...
“I am sick of doing the right thing” is why Robin is such a compelling character for me - because it is hard to always be good, to be held to that higher standard, and make the unselfish choice. I enjoy narratives that explore that, and this show is surprisingly unflinching about it, exemplified by:
The next scene, which is one of the most emotionally brutal/hard to watch of the entire show, in which Robin lashes out and does everything to drive Much away, including calling him “a pox”  and a “small man” until Much’s heart visibly breaks.
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Now I don’t want to excuse Robin here, because he is objectively awful to someone who doesn’t deserve it, who is trying to give him support but also telling him some much needed hard truths (even if it is slightly self-serving, which is what what seems to set Robin off). But at the end of the day, if he loves Marian he needs to accept that it is her choice to marry Guy, to “do the right thing” to (she thinks) protect her father - and later of he does just that. For now Edward and Much are both right, it is more important for him to try and protect the king from Vaisey, because if he is ousted and Richard back on the throne so many lives would be improved, including the people of Locksley. But Robin has been pushed to breaking point all season, and has now snapped and can’t see reason, but is stuck in his own grief/rage.
But unlike previously, when Robin said regrettable things in the heat of the moment and then immediately took them back, this is a calculated attack designed to hurt Much the most, because he loves Robin so much that it takes A Lot to push him away. It’s a bold move to make your hero so unlikable in such a moment, because Robin really is unforgivably cruel here, and trust the audience to understand why. I mean, I don’t want to bang on about the PTSD, but it’s (partly) the PTSD, based on a triggering, precipitating event causing a self-destructive spiral. Robin needs some Ye Olde Therapy.  
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For all the talk about Robin getting his title and lands back, nothing is said about what happens to Gisborne once he does, other than that they can’t prove he was the one who tried to assassinate Richard. Because really, Richard probably would believe Robin even though the tattoo was burned away, and Guy’s certainly committed other crimes that could be testified to just like they’re intending for Vaisey - and let’s be real, it’s not like a king needs evidence to order someone’s death (hello, season 2 finale). Boom - Guy executed, marriage to Marian annulled, problem solved!
So, the scene between Marian and Guy, in which Marian is more concerned with whether or not Guy tried to kill the king than the fact that he stabbed her. But its understandable, because Marian thinks there’s no way out that doesn’t risk her father’s life, and it’s easier to convince herself that maybe Guy didn’t do it to make the best of things. I think she does have some kind of feelings for him, or is at least moved by his feelings for her, and believes if nothing else she can influence him/continue working from the inside; giving up the mantle of the Nightwatchman but doing the same work (in a different way) as Lady Gisborne.
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And then it’s Robin/Marian angst, round 3, and it’s a far cry from their interaction in the cave milliseconds away from “I love yous” - in both tone and body language they’re back in defensive positions talking past one another. The tension, it be thick.
Marian is making her best rationalisation with “deprived of love” and Robin not at all buying the Woobification 101. Once she tells him her decision to marry Guy, he accepts it, but it’s Marian’s reaction that’s telling, she’s surprised that he doesn’t argue, deep down she wants him to fight for her, to say that the real reason she shouldn’t marry Guy is because he loves her. It’s quite a contrast from the previous scene where Guy was very open about how he feels about her, while Robin deflects, but while she was conflicted about Guy trying to kiss her, she’s frustrated, disappointed, and angry when Robin leaves.
But really, this is rather unfair of Marian, because Robin did already declare himself in the cave (”we should be together”) without her reciprocation, so expecting him to take the first step again without any encouragement is a bit much.
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Would a depressed person sit slumped against a tree all night?
“But by taking Marian in holy wedlock, I will wash away those crimes. Her pure heart will cleanse mine.” Yeah...not going to touch that one. I appreciate that there’s a lot going on with Guy and many, many people find it compelling, but I’m afraid it’s not really a narrative that interests me.
Speaking of pure hearts: Much. Faced with the same choice he was counseling Robin on, but with the additional wrinkle of knowing the king’s an imposter, he still decides to stop the wedding. “Her heart belongs to another” is A Moment and I don’t know exactly why but I find his very soft pleas following this and calling her “my lady” very affecting. 
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She’s beauty and she’s grace, she punched Guy in the face.
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“We can’t be seen together” Right in front of my salad two guards on front gate duty, who get front row tickets to the kiss. Look at them! They’re right there! This show drives me absolutely bonkers sometimes.
I do love this dress though.
“An audience with the king has been suspended!” Going out on one last pun.
Regardless, I really love this episode. Despite the lack of fallout from the emotional wringer they all went through, I can’t help but smile when the gang does their silly little jump for joy at the end.
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Rewatch pt. 4
I really need a pick-me-up after 2x11, and I feel like 1x7 might be what I'm looking for, so here I am again with another HSMTMTS rewatch. I'm genuinely so excited for both of these episodes, so without further ado, let's jump right into
1x6: She stands for... lies, pressure and very inappropriate suggestions (coming here after 2x11 might have been a mistake, actually)
I honestly don't get why Nini's reaction to seeing Ricky in full Troy costume was so big — he actually looked pretty ok to me. Sure, the wig is a bit too much, but so what, it's cute.
Ahhh my boy Reddy is so adorable in that talking head... 'click!' Gosh, I love seeing him so cheerful! Guess he's embracing his role as part of the crew. As he should.
'I'm home'. Yes, Sebby, and you look so good, too! Gosh, I love this scene so much. I can't believe I'd forgotten about it.
Gina looks beautiful, though — I mean, she looks beautiful in anything, but I really like the Taylor look on her.
Ok, I fully understand everyone's frustration about this picture — it's genuinely so hard to get a good picture of someone jumping up in the air, and I can only imagine what it would be like with six people. A bunch of my classmates tried to do something like that ages ago and, needless to say, it didn't go very well. No good pictures were taken that day.
Ah, Portwell: the early days. Ok, but wanting something and feeling like you have to get it is far from the same thing, EJ. Honestly, these two in their early days as accomplices... this is not the first time they've been like 'X is the same thing as Y' when it's obviously not. I mean, of course, that time they became accomplices because 'we want the same thing' — which, at that point, they didn't.
Ok, but they were in such unison with that 'Not now!'... couple goals! You know, even before either of them had considered the possibility of them being a couple for real.
That's a lot of pressure that Miss Jenn is putting on dear Carlito over there. I mean, he's one of the youngest at the drama club and he has to essentially do her job for her, all while she's not even sure if she'll be able to return to her job. I just... keep reminding myself that these kids are closer in age to my little brother than they are to me (except for EJ, who is precisely in the middle), and then the pressure they're under takes on completely new proportions in my mind. None of them should have to deal with all of this. And no amount of 'trust the process' is making it better.
'Should I just live vicariously through someone else?' Oh Reddy, you should just live for yourself. I mean, the truth is I don't practice what I preach most of the time, but I really do mean this. Just go out there and live your best life. You're not Ricky's therapy dog or anything (that being said, Ricky's getting a therapy dog when?).
What part of 'a forest of boys' does Nini not get? It's simple enough. Just help Carlos do his job, how about that? I mean, he shouldn't have to do everything himself anyway.
See? He cracked. That's what happens when you put all this responsibility on a teen's shoulders and be like 'deal with it'. He was just trying his best, you guys. He did not deserve all the clapback.
Ricky's forced optimism about Miss Jenn and the show is too much even for me. Sure, I know everything turns out mostly alright at the end, but this just sounds like Ricky's on the verge of a breakdown. You know, every time someone's been too unrealistically positive on this show, it has ended in a breakdown. And that's the last thing I want.
I do agree about the simple acoustic version of the song, though. Sometimes simple is the best option.
Major props to Carlos for going up to Mr. Mazzara like that. If someone had bullied me, and especially if that someone was a teacher, I'd never have dared to call them 'Benjamin Mazarra!' to their face. Even when he's on the verge of despair, this boy is still the boldest. And we love him for that.
Is this where the 'Carlos Surname' joke started, though? I had forgotten. It was funny while it lasted.
Ricky doesn't know it yet, but he's seriously playing with Gina's feelings there. And I don't blame him because, again, he doesn't know yet, but I still feel bad for her.
'Despite the 4.3 GPA, I'm actually an idiot.' — EJ is high intelligence, low wisdom, confirmed. Not that this is news, but I really don't remember much about this season, so I'm pointing this out now.
Now forgive me if I'm not feeling for Miss Jenn after 2x11... she did some really unforgivable things there. Still, as much as I want to say a real qualified teacher would not do any of that, my personal experience suggests otherwise, quite unfortunately. Miss Jenn might not be very emotionally mature, but not having legal teaching credentials is not her biggest issue, really. It is precisely her lack of emotional maturity.
OMG, Big Red accidentally invited the entire drama club over! And that, I guess, is half of how Redlyn established themselves as the hosts of every out-of-school drama club gathering. Thanksgiving is, of course, the other half. Gosh, those two were the parents of the drama club even before they were a couple. Guess they're soulmates in that way, too.
Ok, so I didn't comment on this after 2x8 when Big Red did it to Ricky, but now that I finally notice that Seb did it to Carlos, too (I took my time, thanks), I need to talk about the knee touch thing. See, this is exactly the amount of touch I used to be comfortable with (since I'm very touch-averse) — both on the giving and on the receiving end — and it can mean so much when you feel bad. It's a subtle 'hey, I'm here, it's going to be fine', a sort of hug-without-the-hugging... I feel like this is a gesture we don't see enough of in media and it can feel just as intimate as, say, holding hands or cuddling. I don't want to talk about kissing because I don't know anything about it. But I just love how we've got the knee touch depicted by both a romantic pairing and a platonic pairing in the show. Ok, rant over. But I just really wanted to talk about this because, well, I saw myself in it.
'Her past is a little bit sketchy'... I see, Ash has already started writing Truth, Justice and Songs in Our Key, even if she doesn't know it quite yet.
Miss Jenn finding out Mike is Ricky's dad is just as awkward as it should be. Whatever they had going on should have ended right then and there.
'... people in the dramatic arts are insane' — 'Thank you.' — Umm, Miss Jenn, you are not really helping your case there. Quite frankly, you're lucky you've got the allegiance of the entire drama club. I don't think they'd have your back as much after 2x11, though.
Ok, but... Big Red wearing a longcoat just to take it off for the dramatic flair of it all? An icon if I've ever seen one. Also, mad props to Larry for apparently learning this number in record time after Dara got injured.
Oh, and... mad props to all the kids in-universe for writing, rehearsing, and learning this entire number in one night.
So both Seb and Natalie have solo lines in the song... and Seb was promoted to main in s2. So does this mean Natalie will get the same treatment in s3? I mean, that will probably mean they'll try to stick her in some sort of romantic plot, and I really don't need that, but I really, really want her to be a main character.
Also, let's not forget we had our first Redlyn moment in this number... seeing them dance together makes my heart jump with joy!
I won't lie, though, the entire dance number and everything was just a little bit uncomfortable to watch after 2x11... these kids do so much for Miss Jenn, and what does she do? Put insane amounts of pressure on some of them, shuts others down at every attempt to put in a word, favours yet others despite their abysmal performance at the audition, and then has the audacity to tell that same person to jump off of something high, with all the implications attached? Not that I'm naming any names, of course. Ok, this has taken a sudden and uncalled for turn for the dark, so I guess I'll just move right along to the next episode now.
1x7: A world where 'That was terrible!' and 'I'm so happy!' can both be true at the same time
My girl Ash is doing the recap! And she's a pun queen, too. 'Miss Jenn was in hot water, Carlos was a hot mess...' — not pleasant, but so true. But wbk. Ashlyn is the best.
And... Ricky and Nini's on and off chemistry is back on. Good for them, because after season 2, I really needed to see a good rehearsal. But I'm thinking EJ's joy at the end-of-school bell had little to do with Thanksgiving...
That look Reddy gave Ashlyn as she was walking out... might be me digging for breadcrumbs, but I think I just saw the exact moment my boy fell, and he fell hard. Ok, I realise now after I've said this that 'fall' probably isn't the best choice of words, but you know what I mean. Fell for Ashlyn. Not like... oh, never mind.
'So meek, so mild, sword!' I can't really explain it, but I love this line. And I feel like it describes Ash so perfectly: like, she might be meek and mild, but if you cross her, she's armed. Gosh, I love her!
Not the Caswell parents leaving their children alone over two holiday breaks! No wonder these two are the way they are. But they're about to get a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration. [Fun personal fact: the year I was born, my birthday fell on Thanksgiving day. That doesn't mean much in Bulgaria, but my dad works with a lot of Americans so my parents knew about it and I've known this and that about this holiday I've never celebrated since I was very young. I have no idea why I'm telling you this, but Thanksgiving has always reminded me of my birthday for this reason, so... ok, moving on.]
So I know she kind of suggested it, but... why does Carlos think it's his place to invite people over to Ashlyn's? I mean, this was part 2 of Redlyn establishing themselves as the hosts for any out-of-school gathering, but... oh well, it led to a beautiful party with everyone, so... I'll allow it.
I really liked Nini's talk with her grandma. It was really nice, and a very fitting way to remind everyone what Thanksgiving is originally about. I feel like people often forget that when it comes to... literally every major commercialised holiday.
Wow, EJ really is that person where once the tap is open, it can't stop spilling. And I kind of like that look on him. It's a transitional stage between EJ 1.0 and EJ 2.0, and I appreciate it for what it is.
Ahhhh it's Redlyn's first proper 1-on-1 conversation! I mean, it got kind of really awkward really quickly because of — surprise, surprise — Nini and Ricky (and EJ), but those two are so adorable! No more breadcrumbs — we're about to get an entire five-course meal here! Which goes really well with the Thanksgiving setting, now that I think of it.
Gosh, they've never really talked and my boy whips out the 'the only thing I'd ever throw at your face is a brighter spotlight' line right off the bat? Boy is whipped! But like, he is the master of grand gestures where Ashlyn is concerned. Still, in this first moment they shared, he really was like, go big or go home, and home isn't really an option here. But I should have known, it's in his name after all. Gosh, I love both of those two so much! Especially when they're together.
Ok, so... this is a really bad way to meet your mother's new boyfriend. Poor Ricky. As if ringing his mum wasn't hard enough already.
See, when I rewatch season 1, I get where the Rina stans are coming from, but then again, remember when I used to say I wanted Gina and EJ to just be friends? Yeah, that's changed too. Not that I ever shipped Rina romantically — I rarely ever ship a pairing unless they're explicitly stated to have something going on, just because I can't see that sort of stuff very clearly — but I really, really want them (Ricky and Gina, I mean) to be really good friends. Once they get past the awkwardness of their sort of history, I mean.
I miss the good old days when Nini was a nice person... I mean, we kind of (really) had a glimpse of that in 2x11 (I'm guessing she was making up for Miss Jenn's very inappropriate slip-up), but I miss the days before she was this big internet-famous songwriter and actually had to be convinced by Ashlyn that she should write songs for herself... wait, now that I think of it... Ashlyn might have helped create a monster there. Oh well. Still love her so much!
You know, I love the Choosical, but it's all a bit sad, if you stop to think about it for a sec. Just picture little single-digit-aged Carlito making this whole thing up in an attempt to participate in his favourite thing... only to not have anyone to play with for the next ten years. Great, I just made myself cry. The thing is, I relate to that story a bit too much. I remember in preschool, when the rest of the children would play together, I'd sit in a corner by myself and read the only book that was there... over and over, day after day. I don't even remember a single thing about that little book right now, but back then I clung to it like it was everything. And I couldn't very much share the experience with any of my peers, seeing as I was the only kid there who could actually read (my grandma used to be a preschool teacher and she taught me to read when I was 4). So yeah. I went off on a rather personal tangent there. Thing is, I know how little Carlos felt and I'm so happy that he finally gets to share this thing he made with a loving and supportive group of friends. Everything has its time and place, I guess.
'Look, I'm not following Big Red just because he paid me a compliment' — of course not, dear, you know your own worth and we love that for you — but see, when he said that thing that you're referring to as a compliment, he did not lie! You really are the brightest star and deserve the brightest spotlight. See, the thing I love most about Redlyn's compliments to each other is that they're so sincere and state nothing but the absolute truth. Those two just see each other for what they are, and love each other as they are. And I think that is beautiful.
It's so funny to me every time someone gets something wrong and Carlos just walks past them out of nowhere and corrects them without missing a beat. I kind of relate to that side of him, too. Except it's usually about grammar and language in my case, not HSM trivia.
If I were Nini in this scene, and was suddenly put face to face with Emily on the spot like that, I would not have been able to handle it. So props to Nini for handling it.
Yeah, sorry to break it to you, Emily dear, but whatever you're doing is not a Cockney accent. I don't claim to be an accent expert, but I know first-hand what Cockney sounds like and... that's just not it. Even Dick Van Dyke was closer to a Cockney accent in Mary Poppins, and that's saying something. (See, I feel bad criticising any aspect of Emily because her actress is no longer with us, but... I have no idea who let them get away with passing this off as Cockney).
Is this the beginning of Jennzara there? I am loving this.
Of course Carlos was obsessed with Glee as a kid... but wasn't he a bit too young for it when it aired? I know I was, and I'm older than those kids. I mean, I waited until I was emotionally mature enough to watch Glee, and that wasn't until 3 years ago, when I was 18 going on 19. Ok, I'm thinking too much into this. Moving on.
Ahhhhh, Redlyn! Just... all of their moments. But screaming the lyrics of What I've Been Looking For on top of their lungs while looking right at each other... was so beautiful to watch. Give me more of that!
EJ: 'That was terrible.' Seb: 'I'm so happy!' — Moods, both of them. Those two are real-life emojis, aren't they? And we love them for that.
'... without laughing... or killing each other.' — I feel like that last specification was needed given that it's Ricky and EJ we're talking about, and especially what happened last time they had to do a one-on-one exercise during rehearsal. The ensuing scene, however, is the most hilarious thing!
Root beer, huh? Is that the HSMTMTS code for 'awkward' now? I mean, Nini and Gina had a nice talk there, all things considered. I really want the two of them to put the Ricky thing past them and be friends... but we'll see.
Gina is trying to make the sleepover thing look like 'it's not a big deal' despite how big of a deal it obviously is to her... to which I say, good for you, girl, but I wouldn't know. The only sleepovers I've ever had have been with my little cousin who is 9 years younger than me and also insists on sleeping with a very bright nightlight on, which means I can't sleep at all. So yeah, I wouldn't know. But I'm happy that Gina is feeling included.
So this is the exact moment when it becomes clear that Big Red is not telling us the complete truth when it comes to his HSM knowledge... '14 and 10'? Even I didn't know that. I knew 14, but... for someone who allegedly 'hates musicals', my boy has very detailed knowledge of one certain musical movie... I love how it got him a certain girl's attention, though. Not that she wasn't already paying attention to him, if you catch my drift.
Ok, but this hits even harder now than it did the first time — just when Gina has finally managed to make friends, to feel included in their group, her mum has to move her away again. This is straight-up tragic. I'll say it now, and I'll probably say it again when it comes up in the rewatch — Ashlyn is an absolute queen for taking Gina in for the next semester.
'That's sort of what you always do, huh? Take care of everyone else' — yeah, Ash, and you do the same. You two just need someone to do for you what you do for other people. See, guys, this is what I mean. This is why they're soulmates. Because in a world that has more or less forced both of them to put others first, they put each other first. They each get to be the most important person to each other after they've been stepping back for others all the time. And if that isn't beautiful, I don't know what is. I know I'm repeating myself over and over saying this, but... they own my heart and soul and I'm not for sale.
Ok, but Ashlyn's little run after Big Red left was so cute! Girl is... I don't know why I keep using that word, but... falling.
Unpopular opinion: Out of the Old is the best Nini solo to come out of this series to date. Maybe I feel that way just because I relate to it most, but hey, that is a valid reason to like something.
Oof, EJ's losing followers. Oh well, if they're unfollowing him for being too honest, they didn't like the real him to begin with. So good riddance to them.
Yikes... Jennzara fell asleep with flammable stuff left unattended... we all know how that ended, but just the fact that they felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in each other's presence... speaks volumes. So I guess... well, I don't know what exactly I'm saying regarding the fire they caused, but I loved this big little moment they had.
So this is it. That was 1x6 and 7 and, well, they were beautiful, but there are some parts I can't look at in the same way anymore after 2x11. Guess that's the risk of a rewatch. The Redlyn scenes, though — still the best part of both of these episodes. That and a couple of other things for which I don't need to pretend like I haven't seen season 2.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hey! I hate to ask this, you already do so much for us! But would you mind just a tiny recap of Vlamis’ live from last night? You don’t have to go into a ton of detail or anything, I just saw that it was a half hour long. I have a weird anxiety thing that keeps me from watching lives and stories for the most. Still haven’t even been able to work myself up to watching the vlamburn one as much as I’d love to! 🙁
Either way, thank you for everything!
Okay, nonnie. I went and watched the whole thing again and wrote you a detailed account of what’s been said. I’ll link the live again, then you can watch here if you want to. Or not. Up to you. 🤗 Hope this helps. 💕
Brushing his teeth and flossing for 3 minutes while talking.
800 new follower lately “where have you been before?”
“Do you do anything to your hair at night?” He adds Moroccan hair oil in the morning, nothing at night.
“What’s your favorite of the drop?” He hasn’t seen everything from the drop (like the COSMIC tie-dye) bc he’s in Santa Fe. He loves the COSMIC and MALEX embroidered things (“so subtle”) bc they are in Vlamburn’s handwriting, he loves the Manesqueeze shirt bc you can make Alex and Michael kiss by putting your wrists together. He *loves* the candle (there’s one burning on his bedside table), the silky PJs are great, but he can’t decide on just one favorite thing.
“How’s Jesa’s sanity?” She needs like 3 weeks of sleep. He explains, that while we *are* the Vlambase, the Vlambase merch company’s just Jesa and Vlamis. Jesa has a team, but all the day-to-day things, ideas, emails/customer service (Jesa), the newsletter (Vlamis). They hadn’t collaborated with anyone before Tyler, so working with him was a new experience. 
One fan mentions how they wanted to buy stuff but couldn’t. Vlamis says that he’s been there, and when he wanted something in the past he couldn’t afford, he started putting away a Dollar a day. 
“Thought on One Direction?” Vlamis is a Harry Styles guy. “Harry Styles’ swagger is next level!”
“What do you think about Russia? Will Vlambase merch be available here?” Talks a bit about how annoying things are with shipping companies, says they wanted to protect themselves for the holidays, and now that the Christmas rush is over, some shipping options have become available again. 
“Who came up with  MANESQUEEZE” He ponders about it, and settles on Jesa. It was Vlamis’s ides to put tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves so that they can kiss tho. And Tyler came up with the idea to put a “toupee” on his head (in a previous drop, the NEVER LOOK AWAY design had tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves, but poor Alex was bald) for the design.
Someone got a MALEX pin and the candle. He knows the pin sold out fast, and he feels bad about that. They want everyone to get everything they want, but it’s difficult to make proper calculations how well an item will sell. The pandemic made things even harder. Like the PJ sets. Normally, they would wait until the sale ends and see how many sets were actually ordered, but during the pandemic, stock listings have been changing dramatically from day to day, so they had to pre-order the PJs and robes to make sure they had a certain number at their disposal. He said that they “overshot” on a couple of things, but ultimately sales have been great, and he appreciates that.
“I’m excited to make the MANESQUEEZE doodles kiss bc I do that with the NEVER LOOK AWAY shirt” Vlamis jumps up and shows his closet that’s full of Vlambase merch items.
“Why am I here, it’s almost 3am” He mentions that he’s been staying up until 4 in the past couple of days, but he has to be on set in 7 or 8 hours. 
“Hello, just wanted to let you know that I got a tattoo for you” Vlamis asks for a photo and to be tagged.
“Kyle the packer [Vlamis’s roomie KA, who works in the warehouse when a new drop is ready for shipping]” Vlamis says they’re working him to death.
“Please save this live” He doesn’t know whether he’ll save it. Thinks the one with Tyler was important, but since it’s just him, he doesn’t think it’s important.
“I followed Jesa, Jesa is the real MVP” Vlamis says that Jesa is “a beast, and best in the game”. Quickly explains who Jesa is, and that she’s his partner in the Vlambase merch company. He mentions that she recently called him with an idea for Valentine’s Day, and he was like “Jesa, we need to relax!” But she loved the idea. She’s a big fan of RNM and the characters (and Tyler). “Jesa’s amazing.”
“What about new Soli art [Soli’s the artist who created the Boys Will Be Boys art for a previous drop]?” Vlamis smiles. “What about new Soli art. I like that idea. 😏“
“Your house [in New Mexico] is so cute.” Vlamis says thank you and shows the ceiling of the house (which he likes best). “Santa Fe is dope!”
“I adore your teeth” *shows his teeth* Says he had to wear braces (some even adjustable)
“I could’ve used my birthday money to buy something but I forgot” 🤨 << Vlamis’s face. “How you you forget, man?”
“Back to Twitter after this live” He mentions that he’d just been on Twitter before the live.
He got retweeted by Mountain Dew and loves it.
“I’m from Australia and hope my merch arrives before winter” Vlamis says he hopes shipping will be fast. 
“Love the Valentines” They’re not actually Valentines, hence they’re “Love Notes”.  Vlamis considers doing them not just around Valentine’s Day. 
“You catch any of the CW shows returning this month?” “Might have to” But he knows what he’ll be catching on the 12th. “Prodigal Son, baby!”
“Where did you get the Game Boys?” Those are his Game Boys. He has a Game Boy Advanced and a Game Boy Color. 
“How do you feel about Forlex?” *scoffs* 😒 “Yeah” 
“So excited for the robe!” Vlamis gets excited. “The robes and the PJs are so comfy!” Talks about how it’s a bit weird, bc they don’t make them themselves.
Several people mention that their closet looks like his closet bc of all the merch and he loves that. 
“How do you feel about Forlex” *gets agitated* “Why are you asking me this? Don’t do that to me, alright?” *softer* “Don’t do that.”
“How are you doing?” He’s doing very well. Very relieved that eh sale went well. This drop was like 3-4 months of work, the night before the sale felt like an entire month, too. Jesa and Vlamis Facetimed for more than 5hrs. They set up the website, and that’s how the glitch with the GIVE ME MALEX OR GIVE ME DEATH shirts and poster happened. They made a mistake and only noticed after the website went live. 
“Do you know when S3 will air?” No, he thought it might’ve been sooner, but apparently not.
“I love your poetry from the last drop so why no poems this time?” He writes poems when he’s inspired, he hasn’t written a poem in a while. He’s currently preparing to direct his first movie in June 2021, and he’s been very focused on that. 
“The Meet & Greet day changed.”  Filming schedule changed bc they had snow, the schedule’s changing constantly. He’ll be set all day tomorrow (well, today, Jan 11) from 8am until 8 or 9pm. Sometimes they might even wake up in the morning and learn that the schedule’s been changed. 
 “You could talk about nothing and we’d still watch.” He doesn’t want to talk about nothing, wonders if anyone has any questions about the sale.
“I’m so excited about the robe. I was going to buy more but I’m broke.” He says we should be responsible.
Someone’s still waiting about their Black Friday stuff, but he says it’s the shipping company, not them. 
“Vlamentines" He *loves* that, thinks it’s a good pun. 
“Gotta support Aurora.” Always. 🥰
“Jealous Guerin in S3?” You’ll see, you’ll see.
“I placed 3 orders, last one last night. Give me Malex or give me death.” He loves it. He also mentions, that they’re working hard on figuring out how to combine orders in the future so people don’t have to pay for shipping several times. They just can’t do that logistically at the moment. 
“Real talk, how often do you check your DMs?” He says, that some people might’ve noticed that he occasionally likes random photos on people’s IG pages. When that happens, it’s a sign that he read someone’s DM. He feels bad when he checks his mentions with a delay, and people’s stories have already vanished after 24hours. He sometimes doesn’t get to checking DMs for a week.
“Will we ever get the original pic of the kiss recreation?” *smiles* *waggles his eyebrows* “Maybe in the morning”
“So happy the Trevor Project was chosen for this merch drop!” He’s very happy, too. According to him, it was a no-brainer. Tyler’s worked with them in the past, so it made even more sense. They wanted to make sure that Tyler felt very strongly about wherever they’d be donating. 
People urge him to go to sleep. “You want me to go to bed?” 
“Why is your merch not available in India?” *deep breath* “It should be, it’s ridiculous. Unbelievable.”
“Your poetry was awesome.” He appreciates the praise and promises to write some more poetry. 
Someone asks whether the movie he’ll be directing in June will be a comedy, but he says it’s the opposite. He’s mentioned in the past that Aurora and him will both act in the movie, but apparently he forgot about that. He doesn’t want to jinx the movie and doesn’t know how much he should reveal just yet. Talks a bit about 5 Years Apart. 
Someone mentions that it’s Jeanine’s birthday on January 14th. 
“Do (or don?) a face mask, Vlamis.” He refuses. Mentions his friend and roommate Spencer Waldner, who makes face masks.
“If there’s leftover merch, will you do another sale?” He says that most things are actually sold out bc they use Blank Clo’s blanks and will only make what’s been ordered.  They might try to restock some pins tho, bc they went so quickly. 
“USPS are a joke” He defends them. “They’re a public service, they’re trying hard, guys.”
“You should do a Vlambase drop with the Real Vlamis [a.k.a. Jeanie]” He’s excited and thinks it’s a good idea and asks if anyone’d be interested. 
Someone congratulates him on directing his first movie. He points out that he’s directed before (Making It, a 3-part web series, it’s on YouTube).
 “Would you ever come to Australia Comic Con?” He’d love to. Mentions that he’s supposed to be in Paris in May for a convention, but he’s not sure whether that’s gonna happen considering how things are currently going with the pandemic. 
Some more talk about 5 Years Apart.
Circles back to doing a merch drop with Jeanine. People like the idea. 
“Please save this live.” After an IG update, things have changed and he doesn’t know how to do it. In the past he had the option to save it [for 24hrs], now he can only upload it to IGTV. 
“$30 shipping to Australia hurts my soul but I did it anyway.” He appreciates that and mentions, that he lived in Australia for 6 months in the past.
“Sing some Bright Eyes” He thinks his singing would hurt people’s ears. 
Jesa Joy pops up in the chat and urges him to go to bed. 
“Jesa is yelling at you.” Vlamis says that Jesa’s a “yeller”, and that she has a tattoo that says “Don’t yell tho”. He admits that Jesa often yells for a good reason. “I need to be yelled at sometimes.”
Someone asks him to accept a request to join his live. He says he’s pretty tired. 
He says hello to someone from Germany (not me btw :P) “What’s up, Germany ✌️” 
More people ask him to sing, but he says he cannot sing. He says it’s not like a joke  or him being modest, he straight up can’t sing and is a horrible singer. 
“Will there be a sequel to 5 Years Apart?” Maybe a sequel called “10 Years Apart” (he’s joking and visibly tired)
“Should I buy anything before the sale ends?” Yes.
Jesa Joy’s from Michigan, and Vlamis’s grandma’s from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
“Is Tyler singing again?” He doesn’t know. “I hope so. Love that kid’s voice” (Tyler’s 3.5 years older than Vlamis :P)
He’s getting sleepy and will read a little bit before bed. Considers drinking some Mountain Dew. 
“Do you take design ideas.” Sure. Sometimes he sees design ideas from people they’ve been working on for months, but he’s gonna “steal” an idea from someone, he’ll tell them. He’ll steal it, though. 
“Are you still reading SAGA?” He read the first one and is half-way through the second. He’s currently reading a book called “My First Movie” by Stephen Lowenstein. “How cliché.” Aurora got it for him.
Purple Skittles are his favorite. Purple everything.
“Your girlfriend’s the best girlfriend.” She is, she really is.
Asks Jesa Joy whether he should go to bed now.Even though it’s late, he’s hungry. Considers eating something. People tell him to go to bed.
He asks “Should I get naked and put on the PJs?” *waggles eyebrows* “I’M KIDDING, YOU’RE SICK. YOU’RE ALL DISGUSTING.” xD
“Don’t eat!” He laughs.
Says goodbye and says that Jesa’s posted a surprise picture. 
“Any advice for aspiring actors?” Tells them to make their own stuff bc no one’s gonna hire them. (He’s being sarcastic). “It’s dark, but it’s what you need to hear.”
“Okay, love you guys. Thank you again! It was our best sale yet. Means a lot to me. Means a lot to Tyler. Us doing so well might mean that Tyler will work with us again. So I really appreciate it. Okay, I love you all.”
Jesa promises to post the pic in 4 minutes. He’s excited. “See, I got her to do it! The picture is kind of ridiculous.”
*pretends to take off his shirt, stops halfway through* “Noooooo, noooooo, noooooo!”
*throws kiss* “Love you guys, good night.”
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fanfictrashdump · 3 years
Universe in a Jar, 5 - Phase 4 fic
Recap: Some days ago, I reblogged this post about the magical trio. And then my brain went off on a monumental tangent and, I wrote Universe in a Jar.
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Wong, OC
Rating: T?
Warnings: Language! Mentions of sexual encounters, sarcasm, terrible storytelling, and typos prob.
Summary: Baby-sitting beings arguably more powerful than him goes awry for Doctor Strange. He knows one person who can possibly keep them isolated and out of trouble. Well, he knew someone who could… he hasn’t seen them in decades and for stupid reasons.
Previous Chapter
"You have to stop getting frustrated, pet. You know that is what's keeping you from achieving anything," Loki suggested gently, holding onto Persephone's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. The way the words rolled off his tongue gave indication of just how many times he had repeated them. His voice was still gentle, the way it always was when speaking to Persephone, a gentle urging rather than the acid tone he was known for, but the thinning of his patience was beginning to bleed through.
Persephone groaned, falling back onto the living room rug with a dramatic flail. "I know! I just–I can't visualize it!"
"We're just molding the glass. Taking your magic and giving it different shape," Wanda added, helpfully. Luckily, Seph couldn't see the grimace set on the witch's face. "Take the house, for example. How did you shape your portal to fit into your apartment so that you could stuff the farmhouse in it?"
"I didn't. I summon, it happens. Like a fluid, it just fills the shape of whatever it's in. I can't actually control it."
"You can," Loki interrupted her rant, "because I can. I already showed you that I can warp the walls. So, you can, too."
With a huff, she threw her forearm over her eyes, as if this shielded her from the rest of reality. "I don't understand how it works. I haven't needed to understand how it works. The books aren't helping and this is stupid!"
Seph involuntarily flinched at Stephen's voice coming from beside her. When she peeked over her arm, she found him crouched down to her right, a calm look set on his face–very different from the borderline pitying and frustrated looks she was getting from the rest of the room.
"Here." He held out a bar of her favorite chocolate for her to take, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"Where'd you get this?"
Stephen then smirked. "Portal'ed into Old Man James' shop. Can't believe he's still alive, by the way. He has to be a hundred and ten, by now." He shook the bar. "Go on. You know you need it. Studying isn't your thing."
Seph sat up quickly, fidgeting in her place as she fought with the wrapper. "I didn't tell you–I thought you were busy–I didn't intentionally not tell–"
"Hey, you're fine." He waved away her concern. "We both know I don't have the patience to teach."
"That's not true. What you lack is the desire."
He laughed. "That too." He paused just long enough to reach over and tear the wrapper in the corner. "I have some things to take care of at the Sanctum. Do you think you can manage with these two?" He offered a nod in response to hers and he rose to his feet. "Chocolate and a five minute break when she gets overwhelmed. Works miracles," he muttered to Loki as he brushed past and patted him on the back.
"Thanks, Stephen," Seph called after him as he walked through the portal he had just made by the door.
He waved it off for the second time that day, seeming so much more level-headed than she ever remembered him being, and disappeared into the Sanctum halls.
Loki and Wanda stared at each other before the witch plopped onto the sofa nearest Persephone. "Why aren't you asking Stephen to help? He seems to know how you function pretty well."
"Learning from him is a nightmare. He actually has all the patience in the world, but I get easily frustrated, and then he gets frustrated… It goes south very fast from there." She shrugged.
Wanda groaned. "You know, you two not having sex is putting a real damper on our progress."
Loki snorted somewhere beside her and Seph stuffed a chunk of chocolate into her mouth.
"She's not wrong, pet."
"Well, you're both going to have to deal with it, OK? This is not up for debate."
Persephone's brow furrowed as she concentrated once again on the veil between the worlds. So far, not even a glimmer was present in her efforts and it was getting more frustrating by the moment. Tutting quietly under his breath, Loki slipped onto the floor beside her. His hand trailed gracefully down her shoulder until he grasped her hand in his. Locking their fingers together, he gently pried her digits open with his own.
"Focus. Can you see where your magic touches reality?" With a shudder brought on by his velvety voice in her ear, she shook her head in the negative. "Can you feel it, then?" She gave a nod. "Stretch your hand to where you feel it begin." He followed her movements until their entwined fingers were nearly touching the wall. No one could deny the smile on Loki's face at the imperceptible twitch of her fingers as the static of magic prickled at the tips. "Your magic is something flowy. Like silk or satin." He hummed under his breath for a beat as he paused to think. "Maybe lighter. Like gauze or gossamer. It's curtain between realities, keeping Nebraska inside of New York. A house within an apartment. An infinite within another infinite. How much or how little one world seeps into the other depends on how much you open the curtain. You control the curtain and you need only to grasp the fabric," he closed his hand around hers, "and pull it open."
His hand moved both of theirs back and a sliver of boring beige wall peeked through the intricate wallpaper that filled the house. Persephone gasped, doubly so when Loki let his own hand drop and the gap between worlds still existed. Committing the sensation to memory, she opened her hand and reality sealed itself back again.
"Once more, love. Peel away the garments and let reality figure itself out," he murmured and another shiver ran down her spine. This time she didn't hesitate, and though her attempt was a little shaky, soon a swathe of beige was barely visible. "There's a clever girl." His fingers danced over the curve of her waist, prompting Seph to stare questioningly over her shoulder. Their eyes locked, eternities passing in quiet contemplation of each other.
"Monster, monster, monster!" Wanda called in a panic, magic swirling in her hands ready for attack.
Seph dropped the divider with a shriek at the sight of the twisted maw of what she assumed was a hell beast. The creature hissed and growled as it slipped through just shy of this reality stitching itself together. Without missing a beat, Loki flicked his hands forward and the monster dissolved into green sparks and stardust that flickered and sparkled on the hardwood floor.
"It's just a void hound. No need to panic," Loki announced matter-of-factly.
"A what, now?" Wanda asked, twisting her hands with sneer to rid the floor of whatever remained of the creature.
"Void hound. Your people call it the monster under the bed or the grim. It's just a shadow that slipped through the cracks in reality."
"You knew this could happen?" Seph had shuffled all the way back against an armchair and away from the walls.
"It's a possibility, but I was here. Besides, I just wanted to show you what was possible. You can open the walls between realities, but what you want to do is mold from the inside. Hounds can't slip in if you don't give them a place to slip into, after all."
"So," Wanda began, "if I hadn't been here and stopped you from eating each other's faces off, what would have happened?"
"Consumed by ever-looming darkness and despair in the void, most likely."
The short silence that followed nearly drained the color from their surroundings.
"Nope. No more magic. Don't need it. Bye." Seph rescued her chocolate bar from the corner it had been flung and was moving quite swiftly out of the living room.
Loki rolled his eyes, a little glad he was well out of her sight. "I was kidding, love! Nothing's going to harm you."
"Nope. I don't–" A loud screech interrupted her. In her distraction, she had not seen Stephen arrive and was not expecting the warm hand on her shoulder.
"Jesus, Peep! It's just me!" He glanced at Loki and Wanda with a disappointed look. "You get rid of it?"
"Yeah, Loki turned it into dust," Wanda retorted simply.
"Good." Stephen turned to look at Seph's tight-knit brow and wide eyes. "Why are you running away?"
Seph answered the question for one of her own that she deemed far more pressing. "There's monsters!?"
Stephen frowned. "Sorcerer, witch, alien sorcerer," he started, pointing at himself, Wanda, and Loki, in turn. "At what point did monsters become too implausible?"
"I don't want monsters!"
"Which is why I told them not to have you opening the veil, but clearly that bit of information didn't stick."
"You told–you knew I was doing this?"
Stephen couldn't help but smile at the little notch forming between her brows, even as his right thumb smoothed it away. He nodded as if there was nothing to it. "I asked them to. I knew you wouldn't ask for help to try out what you've read and I didn't want you to try on your own."
Persephone sighed, her head hanging forward between her shoulders as she tried to work out the situation in her head. She gave up shortly after starting. "Why?"
Stephen shrugged. "I want to fix my mistakes. This is what I can give you, right now. Skills, support, making sure you don't go out without proper tools in a very confusing world. It's not much, but–"
"Shut up, Steve!" There was an edge of exasperation in her tone, though her volume remained soft. "You really gotta learn when to skip self-deprecation station." She wrapped her arms loosely around his waist with a little groan that he replied with a quiet sigh and a gentle, almost hesitant kiss on her forehead.
"My Jiminy Cricket has been busy. I'm out of practice."
"I am not a cartoon cricket, Strange. Or your conscience, for that matter. You wouldn't be in this shitshow if I were," she mumbled from somewhere within the t-shirt he wore.
That pulled a heartfelt chuckle out of the Sorcerer. "You say that, but I call Loki a conceited twat–"
"Be nice!"
"–and that happens."
"To be fair," the Asgardian Prince cut in, "he's not entirely wrong. Though he mistakes conceit with confidence."
"Oh, no, I am confident you're a–" Persephone's hand slammed onto Stephen's mouth, though he continued mumbling behind the makeshift muzzle. He would later swear up and down that it was the principle of the thing that made him finish. Stephen peeled her hand off, shit-eating grin beaming at her. "Do you want some help with portals?"
"Help from the Sorcerer Supreme? Lucky girl." Wanda's tone earned her a half-hearted glare from the woman still clinging to said Sorcerer. "What? It's cute! Stephen pretending he's not still in love with you, you and Loki pretending you definitely don't want into each other's pants, all us pretending we're not delaying an inevitable, tragic end by hiding out–"
"You are way out of line, Wanda."
The witch stomped a warpath, eyes glowing red and tendrils of scarlet weeping from her person. Seph jumped back, sharing a short look with Loki, a mutual understanding to de-escalate the situation if it got too out of hand.
"And you have no idea what you're doing, Strange! We're wasting time. My family–"
"Is a manufactured fallacy! Do you know how many holes you created in the multiverse just because you wanted to play house with Vision? Wong's up to his neck in timelines to be corrected, which I can't help with because I don't want you rooting around my brain to figure out where they are!"
"Stephen…" The hand wrapped around his bicep both made him start and settled down his anger long enough to notice he had been poised to deliver a blow of equal magnitude as Wanda was planning. He snapped his fists closed, orange runes disappearing. "Peep, step back."
Ignoring the command, Seph stared at Wanda with a quirked brow. "Drop it."
"Persephone–" The witch's lip quivered.
"I know. I understand, Wanda. But you two have the potential to destroy each other. Let's not do this. Please." Everyone let out a collective breath when Wanda chose to cross her arms and avert her gaze. "Thank you." She squeezed the bicep in her hand again. "You know, the tractor has been stalling a lot. I'm pretty sure it's the injector." Stephen opened his mouth to protest. "Please. For me?"
The group watched Stephen nod curtly and turn on his heel, marching out the kitchen door towards the barn.
Loki cleared his throat, awkwardly. "I'll put the kettle on, shall I?"
"Thanks, Lo." Letting her shoulders sink, she stepped quietly towards the witch and opened her arms. "Come here." There was no hesitancy at how Wanda launched herself into Seph's embrace, promptly breaking into a sob. "I know, honey. I know."
Wanda's response was a half-choked and raspy, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. We'll all be fine." Seph led them to the sofa, gently carding her fingers through auburn tresses in an effort to soothe her friend.
"He just doesn't understand."
Persephone chuckled. "Oh, honey. That is not true. He probably understands better than anyone." She titled her head to catch Wanda's gaze. "He's been losing people his whole life. He's still convinced he's responsible for some of them."
Wanda pulled away, sinking into the back cushion with a scowl. "Then why won't he let me search for my family?"
"Every Universe is slightly different. It's an amalgamation of every alternate path to every decision. There are hundreds of millions of Universes and the one where your family is still alive, may also be the Universe where Thanos won, or Vision joined Ultron or you died. It wouldn't be your family." She shrugged. "In his own, twisted way, he's trying to protect you."
"I don't want his–"
"Protection. I know. But… can you trust that he's doing it for good reason? If you work with him instead of in spite of him, I think you'd get a lot farther."
She got a scoff in return. "I hate him."
Seph giggled. "Join the club. He has one of those faces… and attitudes… and egos."
She smiled up at Loki who had brought out a pot of tea and was precariously balancing two mugs atop it. Craning her neck, she glanced out of one of the back windows to see Stephen scuffing his way up the hill to the barn. Smirking, she slapped her thighs with a resolute nod and got herself out of the sofa.
"I need to go check on him. He'll probably come back and apologize, later. Thanks for your help, today. It was actually good to understand how the portals work." Just as she rounded the corner to exit the house, she paused, stepping backwards until she was back in the living room. "Just for the record, if you ever feel the need to comment on my or anyone's love life to get a barb in because you're frustrated, again, I will lock you in a box and you better hope to God that Stephen and Loki can get you out. Understood?" She held Wanda's gaze until the witch nodded, cheeks reddening. "Perfect. Thanks for the backup, Loki."
"Yes, ma'am," he replied, smirking behind his mug and giving her a two-fingered salute before she disappeared out the kitchen.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Painter’s Block
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Once again, we have a decent episode that winds up falling apart in context of the wider story arc. 
Summary:  Traumatized after the previous events, Rapunzel is feeling out of sorts, even having trouble painting again, and starts taking a class with a mysterious new art instructor. The other members of the class disappear one by one to a mysterious location by the sea, apparently painting an old, withered tree. The instructor is revealed to actually be an old witch serving Zhan Tiri (the monster who released the blizzard), released after the use of the weather machine and wishing to release her master as well. It’s up to Eugene and Cassandra to rescue Rapunzel. 
Tonal Dissonance Is a Problem
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We start this episode with a recap of Queen for a Day and then we jump straight into yet another festival. 
Ok, ignoring that clearly a lot of time has past and no one hasn’t done anything to help Varian nor even mentions helping him; it’s just aggravating to switch from a serious storyline back to a supposedly low stakes situation without resolving the first arc properly. Yes, levity is needed to break up tension, but not in a way that distracts entirely from the narrative. 
Rapunzel Doesn’t Even Bother To Think About Varian When She’s Having Her PTSD Flashback  
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Its a minor thing, but throughout the episode Rapunzel keeps having dissociative moments as she constantly hears voices in her head as she remembers the storm. Now I actually do appreciate what the writers are trying to do here. As some who also struggles with Complex-PTSD and dissociation, it's nice to see it represented here in some way. However, the fact that they leave out the key part of her trauma, letting down Varian, undermines these moments. Especially when they had no problem using Varian’s voice clip of “You promised!” earlier in the recap. It’s one of those things you may not notice it at first, but once you do it winds up distracting from the scene. 
What an Odd Place to Make This Reference 
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Sugarby is quoting Ursula here, but I honestly don't know why. Ursula’s actual VA, Pat Carroll, does appear in this episode but she plays Old Lady Crowley instead. Sugarby’s VA is Ellen Greene, of Little Shop of Horrors fame. (and Rock-A-Doodle) You’d think a quote from that movie would be more apt. Also Rapunzel was admiring everyone elses work right before this, not talking about tough choices. 
Yet Again Cassandra Gains What She Wants, But the Narrative Refuses To Remember It
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Cassandra’s beef in seasons two and three is apparently no one notices her or gives her credit for what she does, yet in season one she gets tons of recognition. Like here for instance, when her dad gives her a detective assignment on a missing persons case. To her specifically. He doesn’t ask anybody else first and isn’t running low on troops. 
You can’t have one of the main characters achieve their goal on screen several times and then act like they had never achieved it in later seasons. The audience isn’t dumb. We’re going to remember what happened and it’s insulting to the viewers for the narrative to pretend like what we’ve seen just didn’t happen. 
Friedborg is Wasted Here
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I’ve talked about it before, but Friedborg is an unnecessary addition to the cast. However I bring it up again because this episode could have been the perfect set up for making her plot relevant. There’s tons of unintentional moments within the episode that could have easily served as foreshadowing that could have connected her to Zan Tiri, more so than any of the other characters. 
Trauma is an Explanation, Not an Excuse
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This episode presents the idea that Rapunzel is procrastinating helping Varian because she’s reluctant to face her trauma. Which isn’t excusable. It gives reasons for her actions but those reasons are still ultimately selfish. 
Now, had the show owned up to this mistake, I would have no problem with using it as a point of conflict, yet the show constantly excuses Rapunzel’s behavior here. In fact the show excuses the behavior of several characters with the idea that so long that they had a traumatic backstory, they’re justified in their horrible actions. All but Varian, which a big double standard. 
However, and I can’t stress this enough, trauma is never an excuse for harming others. Especially people who've never done you wrong. 
Rapunzel spends several episodes ignoring Varian’s problem, long past the point of acceptability. And if viewed in the intended production order, the amount of episodes doubles. Varian is left alone for months, given the timeline of the show, and yet Rapunzel, the supposed adult in this situation, is never held accountable for neglecting a child.  
Xavier isn’t Tied Into the Plot Properly 
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Xavier just so happens to have a convenient spell book that also just so happens to have all the exposition on the big bad that’s needed. It’s never explained how he got this book, why he has it, nor is it ever used outside of the first season. 
Xavier is plot important as the exposition fairy but the show never explorers him further than that and doesn’t tie him into the narrative properly, even though there’s plenty of reasons to do so. In fact Xavier will become just as useless as Monty by the time season three rolls around, even though he previously had the most connection to the ultimate villain. 
The Disciples Plot Goes Nowhere 
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Ok, first off we get no real explanation as who these guys are, nor why they follow Zan Tiri to begin with. Why do they want Zan Tiri freed? What’s in it for them precisely? 
Second, what meminal backstory we get on these guys, contradicts what we’re told about them here. Xavier calls them evil spirits, but later we find out that they were actual real people who onced lived. You could call them ghosts if you want to, but that begs the original question of why they followed Zhan Tiri in the first place and why they continue to do so even in the afterlife. Simply being ‘evil’ no longer cuts it because real people aren’t just purely ‘evil’. They have goals and motivations. 
Finally, they accomplish nothing. They never wind up freeing their master. That happens through other means. They never connect back to Zhan Tiri’s own goals and motivations. They don’t add backstory to any of the other characters nor expand the mythos of the series. They’re just there to be a baddie of the week, and it’s is such a let down given what other hints we got for them. 
Sugarby Misgenders Her Master
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So it’s clear that the writers did not fully figure out Zhan Tiri’s plot before they started making episodes. Given how animation works and how much pre-production time you’re given before you ever even start animating (which is several years btw), that’s a sign of mismanagement right there. 
Zhan Tiri is revealed to be a girl, but is referred to using male pronouns until that reveal, even by people who very well should know better, like her disciples. 
Also all these tree metaphors and hints come to nothing either, as Zhan Tiri is ultimately both freed and imprisoned without them. So what was the point here? 
Rapunzel Doesn’t Learn Her Lesson
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This episode is suppose to be about Rapunzel learning to accept responsibility and owning up to her decisions even if it's hard. This should, sensibly, end with her taking upon her responsibility for Varian and following up with him. But no, we get a painting party instead. 
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This isn’t Proper Foreshadowing 
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So everyone acts like this painting of Cassandra in front of the moon is foreshadowing for her taking the moonstone, but it’s not. Not good foreshadowing, anyways. 
For starters, it’s not focused upon. Everyone is also painting stuff and crowding out what she’s doing so your eye isn’t lead to her
Nothing anybody else paints is a hint to anything later on, so why should the viewer pick up on this? It’s just a thing anybody could paint. If anything, Freidborg painting the void over there could have been some real foreshadowing cause that’s different and stands out, but it isn’t. 
It’s not on screen long enough to register for the audience. If you’re only going to notice something after the fact then it’s not a meaningful clue. Real foreshadowing has to be detectable and the audience needs to be able to plausibly figure out a twist before it happens or you’ve got a bad twist that’s not integrated into the story.   
There’s no other evidence to backup the twist. All we get is one framing shot of a mirror and that brief talk with Eugene in in the cell in Cassandra vs. Eugene. That’s not enough. And no, Chris claiming her ‘dress is blue’ as a hint is utter bullshit, cause there’s Freidborg right there wearing the exact same dress. 
If MoonCass was always a thing that the writers intended to happen, which we do have evidence for given released production artwork and Chris’s own discussions about the show’s development, then they needed to put more effort into establishing the character and setting up her arc. 
The very fact that viewers can easily pick out supposedly non-existent ‘hints’ with other characters like Freidborg and Varian, but not pick up on the actual twist, means that the writers failed to communicate clearly with their audience. That is on them and not the viewers, no matter what Chris says. 
This episode is frustrating. Much like the pilot, it offers up good ideas but then never properly follows up on them. To make matters worse, it winds up distracting from the plot that viewers actually care about rather than furthering. 
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fujosh1dreamer · 4 years
Alright it's time for more of my controversial opinions on the she Ra finally, as some might know I didn't like it too much. To clarify I thought it started out really well at first and I was really excited to see where it would go, but by like episode 5 or whatever I just knew. It was sort of anticlimatic if I'm honest, and I have a few honest criticisms. Now I'm not gonna go through all these now, I'm actually just gonna focus on what I considered to be the biggest problem of season 5 and honestly the whole show.
Before I get into it this is just my honest opinions and if I hated the show I wouldn't have kept up with all the season and been a fan. I love she Ra and I really wanted to love season 5 I just couldn't. That's not to say it was bad, there was a lot of good stuff.
Also, also I am going to be talking about Catra and adora and their relationship. I'm not an anti or anything it's just a few comments about the execution. This is about Catra as a whole not just this one ship.
Let's begin: Catra has always been a well liked but controversial character back in seasons 1 and 2 her actions were fine, while harsh she was at least understandable to an extent. Most people who liked her wanted to she her growth and redemption. Me on the other hand I've never been a fan personally but I didn't mind her too much early on. Later, however is where the problems come into play.
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In order for season 5 to have worked Catra needed to be properly redeemed because she's done some awful crap. And to make my case I'll list off a few things she's done: actively attacked adora and her friends on multiple occasions, took enjoyment out of hurting others and seeing the horde take over, stabbed entrapta in the back literally, threatened scorpia, and opened the portal.
Now I know what you're thinking, yes we know this, so what she's better now in season 5 she's redeemed herself. Yes at the end of season 5 Catra is redeemed but the question is how? And why?
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Catra and her redemption story has been compared to zuko and his story. Which I think is a little unfair because it's just not on the same level. Don't get me wrong compared to other redemption attempts it's definitely a win. I don't wanna compare these two it's not necessary people learn and grow in different ways.
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I didn't like Catra's redemption because it felt too easy. It didn't hurt and because it wasn't painful it didn't feel earned. However people who talked about Catra and season 5 talked about it making them cry and honesty it only made me tear up one and it wasn't ever in a scene about Catra or adora, or even glimmer. It was when entrapta was talking to mermista and she realized that everyone was mad at her. So maybe my emotions are just shot, or something.
Despite not like season 5 all that much I did however like Catra this season. I've never liked Catra, I liked her momentarily in season 3 before she started making horrible decision, but other than that I didn't like her. So in season 5 Catra was well written. And it's because of character interaction.
Something spop has always done well is showing us how characters interact and what their dynamic is which makes scenes more interesting and how Catra talked with everyone was great it felt natural, almost too natural. I get that our heroes are supposed to be forgiving they're heroes but it's one thing to forgive and another thing to forget completely. There are only two times Catra really gets called out for her previous actions. The first is when frosta bless her heart, punches Catra right on the face and this scene is played off for laughs because Catra brushes off the punch and also frosta apologizes because she didn't realize Catra is on their side now. They all just too adora's word about Catra being good now. Then she's confronted again by perfuma who's just upset about how she treated scorpia. Which was bad we'll talk about that later but she's done so many other things to get mad over. Like anyone remember when mermista's home got taken over Catra pratically led that siege, mermista was heartbroken she lost her home.
So that's issue one how she integrates easily into being friends with everyone else.
Next is...
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Oof, let's talk about Glimmer and Catra. Them being stuck together was interesting because their situation helped them both grow and tested their resolve which is great. Their relationship is really well written. We just have one small, tiny problem... Catra killed glimmers mom!!!
Are we just never gonna talk about that I mean the opening of the portal in season 3 and the death of Angella are two really big issue because they're the point of no return for Catra and Glimmer.
Catra actively opening the portal to spite adora and potentially destroy the planet turned Catra from a simple kid making mistakes because of her circumstances to someone who genuinely doesn't care about the suffering and potential death of others as long as she can prove a point. It made her a real threat and a potential villain.
Angellas death made glimmer queen and it also made her cold and willing to seek vengeance despite them being the good guys. She was willing to take matters into her own hands even if it meant going a little too far. Both of these characters changed in season 3 and those continued into season 4.
So if these events had such a great impact why aren't they brought up??? Simple because we need a happy ending and that can't happen if we're talking about dead parents.
Out of all the people that Catra apologised to shouldn't glimmer be first on that list. Doesn't she deserve at least that much.
My next point and the one I'm probably most bitter about is Catra and scorpia.
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It's safe to say their relationship has always been a little weird. In the very beginning of seems very one sided with Scorpia hanging onto catra's every word. Then with time we see that Catra does actually care about scorpia she just doesn't like to show it. Which is fine until you guessed it season 3 where Catra's character really falls down to the point of no return.
So let's recap throughout season 3 while Catra and scorpia were together you could see the beginning of something and honesty it was pretty cute. Then the ending happened and Catra attacks entrapta and threatened to do the same to scorpia and suddenly everything was broken. All throughout season 4 we see nothing but hurtful words from Catra towards everyone but especially scorpia who's just being loyal. Finally scorpia gets tired and she basically puts Catra through one more test involving Emily before deciding to leave.
This relationship was the one I was really looking forward to seeing in season 5, but all we get is one small apology in the last episode and that's it.
Throughout this season they pratically had scorpia and Catra forget about each other completely.
When scorpia left the horde she did it because she felt she had to in order to both save entrapta and Emily. She wasn't fully okay with her decision until she met the other princesses and realized they're nothing like the horde. Still she never forgot about Catra because scorpia's whole thing is loyalty so how did she just get over her feelings for Catra especially when doesn't know where she is and hasn't heard anything about her. I know the situation was dangerous but still.
It was all pretty upsetting. Moving on...
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In my final moments I wanna talk about catradora and also a little about shadoweaver.
Shadoweaver died and well... I expected that you really can't redeem her. It's not impossible but no one would ever accept it because people can't really change and nothing can ever make up for the mistakes she made in the past and the way she manipulated people. It's weird how I can't tell of I'm talking about shadoweaver or Catra anymore. They did a lot of the same things and yet... Catra is never really blamed for anything. Same with Hordak the fandom blames him for crap all the time but when Catra hurts people it's okay. Shadoweaver and Hordak are different cases they're older than her, well let's compare glimmer in season 4 grieving over her mother and making mistakes and everyone getting mad and expecting her to be held accountable, why is there such a double standard for Catra???
Anywho Catra and Adora's relationship is apparently the only thing everyone cared about will they be together??? After season 3 the chances were very small, but guess what they ended up together. Honestly when I say I get a little annoyed around episode 5 it's because they made it really obvious they're gonna end up together happily ever after style. Honestly I don't have the energy after this long post to criticize it. I just wish it was a little more tactful in the beginning and less blatantly obvious. But whatever!!!
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x13 - The thin line between Chuck and Nate
That’s a really long tittle for an episode. I wasn’t planning on doing this recap today, but I’m anxious and I needed some distraction, and so here we are.
This is quite the episode. I apologize in advance about the length of this recap. So here we go.
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Thougths i had while watching the episode:
Not that it can be forgotten but the opening scene of this episode is such a reminder of how stalkerish the gossip girl site is
I had totally forgot about Jenny, like now that I think about it I didn’t even notice she wasn’t on the last couple of episodes, wow.
I actually laughed at Dan’s and Rufus stunned silence.
Somehow Dan I don’t believe you love Serena, I believe you think so, but that’s not the same as actually loving someone.
I’m not expert in the Queen bee and her clique hierarchy, but it’s says a lot about her that Jenny actually tries to stand up herself, like if you think about it she’s a freshman, and not even from the UES and she’s already really set on stating her place. 
Plot twist: the test was for Blair, dun dun dun
We have seen it before, but this is the first time we actually start to see the extent of Blair’s ability for going into denial mode, and Serena explains it masterfully, so much that “the movie playing in Blair’s head about her life” it’s something I’ve seen a lot since I first watched this show to describe some of Blair’s anticts through the show.
Maybe I’am a total bitch, have you thougth about that? It’s one my fave Blair’s lines.
Blair and Nate having a nice cute moment, while Chuck watches in the shadows, and Blair is just like sorry not sorry, auch.
I honestly don’t understand why Jenny is so surprised Blair is never going to really like her, like she said she has spend the last six months on it, being a minion, what did she expect, Blair is not nice, and that comes across, like two minutes after meeting her.
I love Serena’s gold coat, not that I blame her, but she gave up really fast.
Like even ignoring the fact that Jenny was eavesdropping, I’m not a fan of Serena telling Dan that, at least not the Blair part.
Jenny’s face is like “wow this is the gossip of the decade” hilarious.
Serena saying “he does have a this weird influence over her” is a very telling line about them. 
I’ve realized that while I like his characters, Rufus storylines are really boring when they are not related to Lily.
Chuck’s outfts in S1 were something else, not in a good way. 
Serena being all like damn, had I known that I wouldn’t have told you this. I feel bad or fher, because It’s one of those cases were having good intentios and helping your friends actually makes everything worse. 
“I command myself not to be pregnant” have I’ve mentioned I love Blair?
“I would have no idea what to wear to a paternity hearing” this line would never be hilarious, and Serena if it wasn’t for pre natal DNA tests, you probably would have picked that outif.
“So goodbye mistake, so far in my past I can hardly remember” that was harsh Blair, and I’m not justifying what Chuck does next, but I’ve always felt that for knowing him like she did, it was naive of her to believe he wouldn’t retaliate.
That scene of Blair waliking down the stairs while everyone gossips about her is so well done, the visuals, the voices around her, you really feel it, and feel for her.
Jenny spilling the beans to Nate, really steppingi in the game now.
That was a fight that was a long time coming since 1x07, and I love this scene, it’s interesting that Nate is mad, and probably hurt, and yet is Chuck the one that looks really hurt by it in the end of the scene.
Again, I understand why Nate is mad, but considering he actually cheated on Blair with Serena, he cames across as being a really hypocrite in his fight with Blair.
I love Serena, but she’s like immediately jumping on Dan and Jenny’s defence, without even really listening to Blair, not trying to understand why she’s upset. Of course Blair being Blair retaliates, but on this case she’s actually not wrong in what she says to Serena, it’s just brutally honest.
I loved the stand off’s between Blair and Jenny, they’re epic. As of now, Jenny 1, Blair 0.
I really love Serena’s outfit this episode.
No Dan! You don’t get to dictate when and if someone tells you they love you back, Like sorry, but putting that pressure on someone is not okay at all. Storming out in anger, is just... wrong.
That scene of Blair just wandering the streets, reminiscing about Nate and Chuck is so sad, and it’s probs also the first time since Cotillion, that she allows herselft to think on the fact that she has feelings for Chuck too. 
I like to mention that the Nate memory is a heartbreaking moment in their history, she’s crying. Her Chuck memory in the other hand is the moment that started it all, and exciting moment. The difference.  Great choice of music by the way.
One of my favorite aspects of S1 were the heart to heart convos between Serena and Eric. He’s such a wise kid.
What’s with Chuck’s outfits this episode. I hate that sweater. 
This scene is so hard to watch, Chuck’s words to Blair are horrible, so much that it’s hard to remember why he’s so mad and hurt, so one is like f*ck you Chuck,  and the way Blair reacts, and how hurt she is by his words, makes it easy to forget that she had dismissed his feelings, treated him like her dirty little secret and called him a mistake. 
Blari and her mom having a moment, always gets to me.
I love that scene between the girls of the steps and Jenny, you can really see her becoming a mean girl, and it gets even better when Penelope says “Blair trained you well”, cause this Jenny in many ways is indeed a Blair creation. 
“I love you because you make no apologies for being exactly who you are” Sorry Dan but I don’t believe you when you say that.
This is one of my favorite Serena and Blair moments ever,  No matter what they have each other, and have a lot of love between them, even if they forget about it from time to time.
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So.. what an episode. People mostly remember it as the episode where the love triangle between Nate-Blair-Chuck explodes, but it’s also the episode that really puts Jenny in the road to Queen B, there’s also a lot about Blair and Serena’s friendship and it’s the episode where Dan and Serena say I love you to each other, quite the ride in plots. I’ll save my thougths on Jenny for the next episodes because if I remember correctly those focus a lot on her Blair and the road to queendom.
This is suposed to be a sweet episode for Dan and Serena, and for the most part it is, they’re there for each other, have cute dates, and Dan’s struggle to say I love you to Serana it’s almost endearing and then it comes to the moment Dan manages to sayI love you, and Serena doesn’t say it back. It’s obviously a distressing moment to say the words and not get them back, and I get it can be particularly difficult for Dan because he sees Serena as a girl that it’s so out of his league that really, why would she love him. And yet I hate his reaction. He storms out in anger, and tells her how is not okay for her to react that way. I guess I wouldn’t have much of an issue (i’m actually pretty sure I didn’t think much of it the first time I watched this) if I didn’t knew that he always reacts badly when Serena doesn’t act like he wants her to. 
I loved the fact that the show, makes a point to establish why Serena has a difficult time with the words I love you, her little talk with Eric was so nice because like the last episode references the way Lily’s chaotic love life damaged her children. I do wish we spend a bit more time on this issues, because I feel having Serena said I love you to Dan right back after his “this is why i love you speech” (which by the way sound hollow given what I’ve already know) it was a tad to soon and it cheapens a bit her difficulties, like if they were easy to get over, and not something that she has to work through, I would have prefered if her I love you came some episodes later, not necesarilly after dramatic struggling that’s not Serena, but rather after her realizing she can trust Dan and seeing for herself he loves her (I know, i know).
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Now, the pregnancy scare, the way this episode flows is really good, it keeps you on your seat and starting out with the little plot twist about the pregnancy not being for Serena and instead is for Blair really sets the tone. I love how from the very beginning it shows how Serena is there for Blair, how she takes the bullet for her by gettingh photographed buying the test, it also shows how really well she know Blair, the line a about Blair living in the movie in her head is so good, we learn more about Blair and how it falls on Serena to help her deal with reality. When the shit hits the fan, Blair lashes against Serena, and this is the kind of situation where I can see where Blair’s coming from particularly when Serena defends Dan and Jenny, because to Blair she’s putting them above her, and the fact that Serena trusted in them and defends that trust hurts, Serena doesn’t seem to understand at first why Blair sees this scandal as the end of the world, and when Blair’s points out that she doesn’t get it because things are different for Serena and she already ruined her reputation, Serena gets offended, and I get it, Blair was recalling a part of Serena’s life she had left behind, and she doesn’t need the reminder, so she leaves. 
It does ironically proves Blair point, because at the start of the episode yes people talk about Serena, but when she says she’s not pregnant, everyone’s like ok whatever, the girls on the steps are like great let’s get drinks to celebrates, Blair on the other hand get’s dethroned for the same pregnancy scare and for sleeping with two guys... the consequences are not the same for the both of them, and Serena doesn’t understands it at first and reacts to Blair’s meltdown like Blair just being Blair, when she finally gets it she goes after her and convinces her to stay and not run away, giving us one of the nicest scenes of their friendship, their bond and their love for each other.
Another interesting bit about the episode is how we see Serena trying and tyring to help Blair one way or the other, she tries so hard that she makes questionable decisions that in the long run actually have undesirable consequences, however this only happens because Blair keeps being so obnoxious about it, and if  she hadn’t been in complete denial Serena wouldn’t have talked about with Dan and Chuck, which ends up with the whole affair exposed. This is a pattern that repeats during the whole episode having Blair  pushing and pushing people to the limits of their tolerance . We see Blair going over Jenny in full Queen B mode, whichs mades Jenny snap, tired about it and ends up with her telling Nate the whole truth. Same with Chuck,  this episode she actually refers to him as a mistake she doesn’t even remember, and since she has  been very dismissive of his feelings so far, so he snaps and sends the tip to gossip girl. So we have Blair suffering the consequences of her actions, and the fact that the show does this, it’s the reason that no matter how bitchy or mean she gets, she always ends up having to deal with the results of that, which helps her grow in the long run and us love her.
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Finally, the love triangle. So Nate and Blair 2.0 end up being very short lived. Now I’m not a fan of Nate this episode, mostly his treatment of Blair. He was a shitty boyfriend, who cheated on her with her best friend, not only that but the way he reveals it to her and continues to pine after Serena long after it, not breaking up with her mainly to help his father, and they actually broke up because he didn’t love her, so he’s real a hypocrite when he says “Guess when we were talking about leaving the past behind we were talking about yours, not mine” and it’s not the same, you cheated she didn’t, and yet he drops her without a second thought, not considering how forgiving she was of him in the past. So in that sense, good riddance Nate.
On the other hand, Nate’s anger with Chuck is justified, because like I said about the Serna and Nate hook up in redgards to Blair, girlfriends come and go, but friends are forever and you expect loyalty of them, and sure Blair and Nate had already broke up, but it’s not like you expect your best friend to hook up with your ex the minute the relationship is over. So i get, I do find interesting that Nate seems more angry than hurt with Chuck, and I think he doesn’t feel as hurt because he doesn’t really love Blair, and so his anger comes from the fact that he believes Chuck sleeping with Blair was just Chuck being Chuck, and he can’t quite believe it when Chuck ends up pointing out that  Nate ignored Blair and how instead he was actually there for her, and I feel this is part of the reason Chuck’s look so hurt at the end of their fight, because not only did Nate ends their friendship but he’s very dismissive and quite can’t believe that Chuck may have cared from Blair somewhat. 
That’s the scenario Blair walks into when she goes to talk to Chuck. He’s really hurt, because he not only lost his best  friend, the one person that he had always openly cared for, and he lost him because of the relationship he had with Blair, who had been nothing but dissmisive of him for quite some time now, who at best treated him as her dirtly little secret, even when he admitted to feel something and had nice details with her, like the necklace he gave her, he put himself out there as much as his emotinal stunned self could at that time and it was all for nothing, she saw him as nothing but a mistake.It’s not that I’m taking his side per se, but Season one it’s the one I do tend to think Blair had a bigger part in how things got to that point, in many ways she was mean to him just because, he was mostly reacting to her actions, the thing about Chuck though is that whenever Blair does something bad to him, he ends up retaliating 100 times worst. 
I feel he does this to level the ground between and end ups going overboard because it’s the way he takes control back over the situation, particularly in the first two seasons, when hasn’t come to terms completely with what he feels for her, he doesn’t know how to handle it on a good day, even less so when he hurts because of her. So on this episode what he says to her is horrible, he basically slut shames her, the whole episode is a tale about that, and that’s just awful, honestly had Chuck not said that I would be totally on his corner on this one, as it is I can’t and I just sigh in frustration. He was hurt yes, but he ends up hurting Blair as badly if not more, for all her witty combacks and bitchiness she halts, not able to say anything back and she just looks so hurt, to the point that she ends up in her mother’s arm crying and wanting out, and sure it’s the combination of everything that want’s her to go away, but it’s Chuck’s words that put her over the edge because she wasn’t expecting that from him,before all of this they were partners in crime, friends in a weird way different from their friendship with Serena and Nate and also because she’s suprised it actually hurts her that much.
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Here’s the thing, my own “theory” on this, when I did the recap for 1x07 I’ve mentioned this is the moment he realizes he’s in love with ther, he may not go as far as to called it that, but he know he feels something, being probably lowkey feeling it for quite sometime, and that to him is monumental. That’s Chuck’s moment. This episode to me is Blair’s moment. When I think of the moment she realizes she is in love with him is either this, or in that week before S2. But I’m way more inclined to believe it’s this one, when he breaks her heart. Especially because she breaks up again with Nate this same episode at a point when she believed the best of their relationship is yet to come, and she doesn’t seem as bad after talikng to him as she did after talking to Chuck. I also believe this because like I mentioned earlier in the scene when she thinks about both of them, she thinks of Nate in one of their saddest moment, when basically Nate says you either let go of the fact I cheated on you, or we end this, and when she thinks of Chuck she remembers their time in the limo, it’s an interesting contrast almost as if her subconcious was telling her, forget Nate that ended up a long time ago, what happened with Chuck however was amazing, do you really want to give it up? And it’s after that scene that she goes looking for him, only to find out, he doesn’t want her anymore. I also feels it paints a  kind of interesting contradiction, Chuck realizes he loves her on such a incredibly happy moment, she realizes she loves him in a really sad moment, like oh shit! I’m in love with Chuck Bass, and it fits with the star of the story, he’s after all the one that goes after her first, and truth is, since that day he never really let’s her go.
Random bits I’ve noticed:
This was filmed in december, that scene where Serena is telling Dan that she’s not pregnant, behind them you can see a lot of poinsettias.
Blair’s wearing Jeans for a bit during this episode, that’s like sighting the yeti.
The song they used throught this episode but most notably in the scene where the blast about Blair reaches everyone is called “The Dark side of Indoor Track Meets” by Captiva, and the full song is weirdly interesting, like the last part of the song is really creepy. 
I love the song they used when Blairs is thinking about Nate and Chuck. It’s called “The air we breathe” by the figurines.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
229. Sonic the Hedgehog #161
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Eugh, I'm really not a fan of that weird… eye thing going on up there. For whatever reason Spaz did that on a couple subsequent cover pages as well, and it just looks… bizarre. Like, they have actual eyelids for a reason, man! Use 'em!
Birthday Bash! (Part Two): Birthday Boys
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
So right off the bat, we're hit with some classic Ian Flynn humor (which we'll be seeing a lot more of) as well as his acknowledgement that, yes, Croctobot is pretty ridiculous.
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Tails ends up having to drag a hysterical Sonic out of harm's way as Croctobot swipes at them, while Fiona watches the battle, impressed at Sonic's fighting skills once he's gotten his act together. Bark and Bean casually leave the scene while everyone is occupied, and Bean happily invites Fiona along to "have some fun like the old days." She hesitates and insists she can't, as she's a Freedom Fighter now, but Bean seems unconvinced and just tells her to say hi to Nic if she runs into her again. Meanwhile in the Chaos Chamber, Rouge seems pleased with Evil Sonic's new transformation into Scourge, but Locke strangely doesn't seem as into it, charging forward to attack once again. The newly-powered-up Scourge proceeds to savagely beat him into unconsciousness, which alarms Rouge greatly.
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So, yeah. Just to establish what kind of person we're dealing with here - someone who will kill an unconscious guy just doing his job for fun. Immediately makes Scourge seem like a much bigger threat than he's been in the past, don't it? Scourge uses the Master Emerald to teleport himself and Rouge to Knothole immediately, as he wants to test out his newfound strength against Sonic himself, and shows up right at the tail end of the Freedom Fighters' fight against Croctobot. He smugly introduces his new self, explaining that he's done being merely an evil twin, and Sonic isn't too happy to hear he stole the Master Emerald's power and beat up Locke for it. However, Croctobot becomes infuriated at being ignored, and grabs both of them as well as Shadow, claiming it still has some fight left in it.
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Well, that's what you get for being arrogant, Croctobot. Scourge immediately lands a cheap shot on Sonic as he's celebrating their victory, and they begin to race at top speed around the outskirts of Knothole, knocking into each other along the way like pinballs while everyone watches. Scourge ultimately wins the scuffle, knocking Sonic into the dirt, but Shadow interrupts, wanting to ask Scourge something (presumably, why he's such a jackass).
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Grave mistake indeed, Scourge. You really don't want to antagonize Shadow of all people. He and Shadow start to fight as well in a similar manner (remember, Shadow is almost as fast as Sonic), and this time it actually wears Scourge out a bit, leaving him open to being knocked down by a combined blow from both Sonic and Shadow.  The rest of the Freedom fighters, deciding they've stood by and watched long enough, all run in to help, targeting the nearby Rouge as well. Rouge doesn't like being caught up in a fight, nor did she particularly want to come here in the first place, so she immediately orders Scourge to retreat with her. She tells him to teleport them back to Angel Island as they race away with Shadow in hot pursuit, but he reminds her he needs an emerald to do that. However, a magical golden ring portal appears out of nowhere in front of them, and Rouge tells him not to question it, leading them inside the ring, which disappears just before a furious Shadow can get to it. Back outside the old base, everyone apologizes to Sonic for his birthday being ruined, but Sonic is completely unconcerned, telling Rotor that his plans for the base to act as a separate target to draw away from the innocents of Knothole worked like a charm, and that he's hardly upset about getting to fight some baddies on his birthday. As everyone cheers up due to his pep talk, Scourge and Rouge come out of the ring portal into a mysterious location…
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Well well, Dr. Finitevus! How interesting to see you again, considering you were supposed to have died during the last battle on Angel Island! I suspect there's more to you than meets the eye…
Sonic Rush (Part Two of Two)
Writer/Pencils: Tania Del Rio Colors: Ben Hunzeker
So remember how Blaze has been having these weird dreams about Sonic helping her protect the Sol Emeralds? Yeah, apparently all that's gone out the window now, because she immediately starts attacking Sonic while he's on the ground. He dodges, and they begin to fight, with Sonic wondering briefly if she's one of Eggman's minions before deciding she's too skilled a fighter for that (burn, Eggman!). He tries to carry the fight into a more open area where he can use his speed, and Blaze follows him, flaring up her flames even more. Seriously, Blaze, why are you even attacking him?! He didn't do anything to you!
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Well, serves you right for being so reactionary. Sonic stops as soon as Blaze starts to pass out from being unable to breathe, and offers her a hand, as well as a truce to at least learn each others' names. She introduces herself, and then reveals how she's been looking for him, which obviously surprises him seeing as how she was trying to burn him alive not ten seconds ago. She slyly promises to "haunt your dreams the way you have haunted mine," before immediately teleporting away (…somehow) in a flash of flame. Blaze, are you… are you coming onto him?
And… that's where that situation ends! That's all we get. This is what I was saying about not finishing adaptions - the biggest problem with Sonic Adventure 2 was that they only showed the beginning of the story and didn't bother to tell us how it all played out, something which ended up leaving a bizarre gap in the story due to how different the situations were between the games and the comics universes. This is much of the same, with the added problem that this hardly even counts as an adaption. Blaze actually doesn't even properly meet Sonic until quite a ways into the Sonic Rush game, and certainly wasn't having dreams about him helping her save the Sol Emeralds, so we have no real inkling as to how the rest of this story even goes. Because of that, you might be tempted to assume it's noncanon, but not so! Future stories in the comics assume that both Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure (where Sonic and Tails end up in Blaze's dimension) happened at some point within the larger plot, as events relating to both of them are mentioned and built upon later on. This is one of my biggest criticisms of Ian, as this isn't even the last time he pulls this - yes, I'm aware that this story wasn't written by Ian, but considering he's the head writer it's a bit negligent of him to let this slip by more than once, when he could have made a point of writing actual conclusions to these stories. Honestly, I think his reason for doing it was to bring more characters and plot threads from the games into the comics, since it means more toys to play with after all, but I find the implementation to be lazy, since it doesn't actually bother to give us an ending to any of said plot threads. At the very least, I can appreciate the want to bring the world of the comics a little more in line with that of the games, given how far they had started to stray from what was going on in the games world at the time. Luckily, Ian did eventually get a clue and stop doing this, although I suppose to a degree he had to, given how the plotlines of subsequent games just started getting bigger and more dramatic - it's hard to have a story about the world splitting into seven pieces and Sonic turning into a werehog happen offscreen.
This issue ends with a couple of character files - hey, haven't had those in a while! - on Scourge and Finitevus. The one about Scourge doesn't really tell us anything we didn't know - it simply recaps his change in appearance, turning green from the Master Emerald's energies and gaining two large scars on his chest courtesy of Locke. Interestingly, it does imply that Scourge really is a "twin" of Sonic's instead of being the direct inverse, sharing his arrogance but lacking the "moral restraint" that keeps Sonic honest. It also covers some of his abilities, such as the spin dash and super transformation, but given that he's, well, an alternate version of Sonic most of these abilities are things we already know. As for Finitevus, it gives us a bit of a clue into just how weird this guy is - suffice to say, he's not a normal echidna. For one, the patterning on his chest is noted to be the "birthmark of a Guardian in black," rather than a normal set of fur markings, yet there's no place in the genetic line for a rogue Guardian (that we know of). Furthermore, no one really knows the extent of his abilities, with them being noted only as being "some magical or science based powers." It's clear there's a lot more to him than we yet know, not to mention that he seems to have some serious plans going forward and is recruiting shady characters to the cause…
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