#did not watch the same movie and deleted scene that I did
agentlizardofowca · 2 days
For the fic ask game may I ask for ✄ DVD BONUS for Let's All Assume the Worst please and thank you and please 🙏
- TesIsAMess
Deleted scene for Let's all assume the worst.
Post credit scene with Lawrence, because I am in love with him.
Only cowards hide out in their rooms for more than a few hours. So, after a day of hiding out, Perry ventured back into the house. Making eye contact with anyone (except Phineas) was awkward, because they all looked at him like they knew his darkest secrets now.
Every time someone's eyes trailed to the vague remains of the bruises on his neck, Perry had a strong urge to rub at them.
The boys were in bed, Candace was playing the ducky m(o)mo-rpg in her bedroom, Linda was at after-dark-cooking-class (he still wasn't sure what that meant,) and Lawrence was chilling on the couch, watching whatever movie was playing on channel 5.
It couldn't be awkward between them, Perry would rather die than be awkward around Lawrence. So he pulled up his socks and sank into the couch beside him.
For twenty-three seconds they watched the movie in silence.
"Do you remember, when I said you could tell me everything?" Lawrence asked as he struggled himself into a less skewed position. He was halfway between lying down and leaning on his side. It was amazing because this pose did the impossible: Lawrence was perpetually chinless, but in this pose, he somehow had a double chin anyway.
Perry nodded as he recalled the exact moment Lawrence alluded to.
"And then you signed I can't tell you anything. I'm mute Lawrence, don't be rude." Lawrence grumbled in the deep voice he used to impersonate Perry, as Perry half-assed the same signs just like he'd done all those years ago.
Lawrence turned his head and looked at him with a lopsided smile. "I didn't mean it. Please don't tell me everything."
Perry chuckled a little and stuck his feet under Lawrence's back, just to bully him.
「There is so much you don't know,」 Perry signed with a smile that threatened to tell him more, even if he had no intentions of telling Lawrence about his recreational interests.
"Perry stop now, please."
「I was tied up just a few days ago.」 Not a lie, but context really made a big difference.
"Perry!" Lawrence repeated, this time more desperately.
「Nice and tight,」 Perry signed with snappy movement.
"Perry, please you're killing me."
With the heel of his socked foot, Perry pressed into Lawrence's thigh. 「I'm joking. But. We're both adults, right?」
"We are."
「So it's no big deal.」 Perry hoped this might end it.
"It kinda is when you walk around with a bruise like that."
Perry huffed, resettled so he could look at Lawrence directly, and leaned in close, almost menacingly.
「I did not pretend to be mute and deaf when you started dating again, for you to be this weird about this now.」 And Perry gestured at his neck.
On the other end of the couch, Lawrence was suddenly a little pale and a little sweaty. "You heard us?"
「Sure did Daddy.」
Lawrence groaned and sank into the couch cushions as if wanted them to swallow him as Perry barked out laughter like an elderly hyena.
They didn't hear the front door opening, so they were caught off guard when Linda's voice sounded behind them.
"Now what are you two laughing about?"
They both whipped their heads around in surprise. Perry recovered first, and he climbed up on the backrest of the couch to try and sign, but Lawrence was almost as quick, and he wrapped both hands around Perry's waist and pulled him backwards.
Perry was now unable to sign because his arms were helicoptered wildly to try and stay upright. When he failed, both men tumbled to the floor, where they lay in a giggling heap.
Near the front door, Linda sighed and mumbled "boys will be boys," in a fond voice. She let them be.
On the floor, the two men tried to stop laughing, but every time they made eye contact they started up again.
Eventually, they returned to the couch, had a drink, and fought over the remote.
Perry insisted they watch myth busters, but before the first episode ended he had fallen asleep on Lawrence's shoulder.
Things were no longer awkward.
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astercontrol · 1 year
how to communicate with autistic counterpart
"we can talk here!"
"you sure we'll be safe?"
"For a while. Here, I'll slip into something more comfortable and sparkly and sexy CMON LOOK AT ME i could not possibly be more obvious about this"
"listen. i know you, you adorable hyperfocused nerd.
I know you wouldn't have come here just for this.
I know if you COULD'VE done your mission alone, you would have, to keep me out of the danger.
I KNOW you came to me just because you need my 1337 hax0r skillz to get where you're going.
but... I also know we both have NEEDS
and we both have not satisfied them in 200-ish microcycles
(whatever prison hookups you got did not count)
(because I know they didn't scratch the itch enough for you)
i know you, program
you will do your mission BETTER if you get my specific brand of stress relief beforehand
and YOU KNOW you need it"
"...but ...how are we going to get to the I/O tower..."
engage protocol: Yori_dom-subroutines/turn-our-interface-into-ROLEPLAY-about-[insert-tron-ja-307020-current-special-interest]
...okay. imagine THIS is the domain..."
(omg i think I am actually both of these viewpoints as I watch this)
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shesnake · 2 months
have you seen the monkey man directors cut? i bought the blu ray when it was released and it contained an alternative opening/ending and deleted/extended scenes. (which def seemed the be the ones they cut to try to get it shown in India) idk if anyone has posted them online yet or anything. but i definitely wanted to hear your takes on the previously unreleased scenes
hey! my copy arrived yesterday and I just watched them. honestly not a fan of the alternate opening, it takes a lot of mystery out of the kid's identity. the closing is just the same montage edited a bit differently through the ruins of the club, I prefer the theatrical edit better.
the deleted/extended scenes were SO much more political and explicitly critical of the bjp. the vagueness of Universal/monkey paw's final cut has always frustrated me, so it's good to confirm that dev did originally intend to go even more in on hindutva fascism, islamophobia, and more voice to the hijra experiences. the death in police custody scene hurt a LOT. I also noticed there was a bit more sexual violence, which doesn't change much for me really.
sorry I just took photos of my tv as I was watching bc I got the 4k and I don't have a drive for my computer that can read it (so I can't rip it to make gifs... Sad!!) but this scene had me screeching:
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god I wish they hadn't been such cowards and just let dev put his movie out without sacrificing something so powerful.
I'll watch it with directors commentary sometime soon.
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opencommunion · 10 months
"Now that I am over eighty, I keep on feeling the fright that my son and I experienced. I fear talking about it, and when I watch TV and see what they are doing in Gaza, in Jerusalem, in Hebron, the horrible feeling occupies my heart again. My son never forgot what he witnessed in ’48, and I have never forgiven myself for not being attentive to his eyes [i.e., at that time]; yes, his eyes were watching, telling me things. He was watching the scenes, like a horror movie. Horrible scenes, horrible noises – crying with deep agony, with bitterness. But I was helpless; all I could do was hold him tight. I could not give him water, or food, or safety. He probably saw the fear in my eyes too when we heard the bombing and saw the dead bodies and blood all around. You might say he was very young, but when he grew up, we used to talk; he always reminded me of details that I had deleted from my memory. I deleted the scenes of blood, and my son reminded me that the blood was not liquid, but rather still, like a frozen red color. I deleted the feeling of starvation, thirst, of the broken-heartedness we experienced when we walked out, leaving Lydda. I needed to live and go on in my life, so I deleted the painful memories from my mind. He – my eldest son – used to remember them … Poor one, he died early, from severe diabetes. Maybe his eyes refused to see them [the Israeli military] again [after the occupation of 1967]. Maybe he wanted to run away from seeing what they are doing to us now. Maybe he did not want to see the same movie, the same wounds again." 2015 interview with Rawya, a Palestinian woman who survived the invasion of Lydda during "Operation Dani," the largest single expulsion of Palestinians in the 1948 Nakba. From Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2019)
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alphajocklover · 7 days
As a kid, I watched a film that had these big cavemen tie a nerd to a pole before he was saved by his archaeologist friends. Since then, the idea of a bunch of cavemen taking a nerd to physically turn him into one of them while forcefully dumbing him down makes me so aroused. Too bad it didn't even happen in the movie, let alone real life...
‘Neanderthals!’ has been one of Terrance’s favorite movies since he was a kid, which made most of his friends very confused. A lot of them couldn’t figure out why he liked it so much. Terrance was the founder, president, and only member of his high school's movie club, the volunteer movie reviewer for his college newspaper, and generally the biggest movie buff that most people ever got to meet, but his favorite movie, out of all of the choices, was a C-list kids movie where a bunch of teen archeologist unfreeze three real cavemen who were stuck in an iceberg, and have to deal with their shenanigans. It was nothing special, just a lame kids movie that wasn’t even bad enough to be funny. None of his fellow movie buffs could figure out why you loved it so much, but the answer was surprisingly simple: that movie was Terrence’s sexual awakening. Watching the trio of muscular, hairy cavemen tie up a 15 year old nerd (who was played by a 19 year old actor for some reason) and dance around him ritually woke something up inside of him. He seriously thought for a moment that he was going to watch the nerd be turned into a caveman, and that fleeting thought has stuck in his mind for years like an itch he couldn’t scratch. He became fascinated with the idea of caveman transformations, and had watched the movie dozens of times over the years. Terrance had seen it so much he thought he knew everything about his favorite movie at this point, that he had every scene, every fact memorized. Until he heard about the missing scenes.
Like many small movies, the fanbase for it was incredibly small, but dedicated. It had one small reddit page, with about 7 people who regularly posted on it regularly, Terrance among them. Things were usually pretty calm there, until one day a newcomer to the forum reported that they had found a copy of the movie with deleted scenes. At first Terrance thought it had to be a scam, but the anonymous fan claimed he’d send a copy of the deleted scenes in the mail, for free, and Terrance accepted. He doubted the guy was trying to hack him with a DVD or something, so even though Terrance wasn’t expecting much, he gave the stranger his address (the address of a PO box. He wouldn’t give your address to a stranger, he was horny not crazy). He was shocked when he actually got the DVD as promised, and even more surprised when He put it on. As it blared to life, he immediately recognized the opening! It really was ‘Neanderthals!’ Or at least a version of it! The sender seemed to have cut out most of the scenes that were the same, leaving only the missing scenes and the opening left. Terrance watched in awe, laughing at the bloopers and making notes on the different scenes that were left out. Then, finally, they got to the scene you had been hoping for. 
It started out mostly the same as it did in the original movie, with one of the teen archeologists, Hal the stereotypical nerd, being kidnapped by the three cavemen, who danced around a fire as he was tied to a nearby pole. But soon the scene changed, and unlike in the original, the cavemen turned their attention to their captive. One of the cavemen, the one who gets redeemed toward the end of the movie and marries one of the main character Moms (like I said this was a weird movie), went up to Hal and rubbed some colored mud on his face, making distinct ritualistic markings. Terrance felt warm excitement come over him as he watched the three cavemen chant and dance wildly, and watched as what he always wanted to happen happened. Hal’s skin tanned slightly and his hair grew longer, wilder and dirtier. Terrance watched, entranced, as his muscles grew beefy and defined, practically able to feel the warmth coming from the fire as you did. He could see the actor's eyes glaze over as his brain seemed to melt and devolve, and could practically feel the dumb guffaw he made echo in your ears as his face became more gruff and his intelligence drained. This was exactly what Terrance had always wanted, what Terrance had been dreaming of seeing for years! Terrance’s itch was finally being scratched, and it felt so good. Terrance felt so good. Terrance felt great! Terrance felt… horny! He practically tore off his clothing, struggling with the buttons for some reason, and began to pull at his cock. He felt himself laugh dumbly and began to mutter.
“Terry is so… horny… Terry wants… pussy!” Terrance said, despite having been gay mere moments before. He laughed dumbly as the remains of his clothing magically transformed, becoming a loincloth. Terry continued to jerk his now growing cock as his changes finalized. Terrance was gone, replaced with Terry, a dumb, buff caveman, and all Terry wanted to do was to find a cave girl to plow.
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**hey there! First time doing a caveman TF. Found it very hot (but also hard to find pictures for). Hope you guys liked it!**
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pencileraser1 · 7 months
things i noticed/thoughts about most recent rewatches of dps (plus laserdisk deleted scenes):
whenever theres a group scene i've started watching the characters that the story isn't focusing on to see what they do and i've been having a fun time with that. pitts and cameron specifically seem to almost always be doing something interesting in the background.
hopkins!!!! my favorite minor character who somehow got character development despite having like 2 lines!!!! the last guy to stand on the desk but he did it!!!
sometimes i do like to think about what the rest of the students thought about the dead poets society, esp in alternate timeline neil lives dps keeps meeting universe. like yeah theres this guy in their class whose one of the most credited students in the school and we think he maybe started a cult. idk though. but that group runs out into the woods every few days to do god knows what and one of them keeps talking about "dead poets honor" whatever that means and holy shit welton star student neil perry started a cult.
i watched the movie with headphones. and maybe it's because ive seen this movie Far too many times and mabe i'm listening too hard but it was Really obvious sometimes when audio was added in post production. llke in the sweaty toothed madman scene when you can hear laughing and to be fair the camera is behind their heads. but it does Not look like anyone's laughing. my favorite is at the end of the phone call to chris scene where knox is like i'm gonna seize the day!! and runs up the stairs and the poets are cheering him on and neil is sort of yelling "carpe!!!!" and i could be wrong but i'm like 75% certain that the person singing is Also rsl so now neil is just speaking two times at once somehow. anyways it didn't ruin the experience for me or anything it was maybe just a little bit funny to notice but very sorry if this did ruin anyone's viewing.
people talk a lot about how rsl and ethan hawke really made their characters what they are but i have to add dylan kussman to that list. I get the impression that older versions of the movie didn't really give as much depth to cameron and watching dylan kussmans performance is like. he Knew who his character was so fucking well and it shows!! like the deleted scene of them getting clubs assigned. like i could tell So Much about cameron from that scene
for how little she actually appeared, there is an emphasis put on the fact that neil's mom smokes pretty frequently. and i think that's interesting considering neil is one of two poets shown actively smoking. neil's mom doesn't appear for very long in the movie but during that time it definitely seems like the movie is intentionally making parallels between the two, particularly in the last argument with neil's father. neil and his mother are both sitting for almost the whole time, which contrasts with his father who is standing. they are both almost powerless in this scene. they stand up at almost the same time. anyways there's a couple different possibilities for what this could mean? that i've though of? 1. to show that neil's mother is in a similar situation to the one neil is in in regards to neil's father and 2. maybe a stretch here but the theory that neil inherited his mental illness at least partially from his mother. i'm pretty sure 1 was fully intentional on the directors part, not entirely sure about 2 though
unmanned flying desket scene: it's probably cause he and ethan wrote the scene themselves but the way rsl talks in this scene feels more like the way he talks in general than the rest of the script. like briefly neil perry is talking in rsl's voice. one of my absolute favorite scenes though the sarcastic dialogue is so good.
the light of knowledge at the first shot of the film vs. todd standing on his desk at the last shot of the film paralel
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gunsandspaceships · 5 months
Many degrees of Doctor Stark
It is widely known that 616 Tony has several doctorates. The number varies from 3 to 7, but it doesn't really matter whether he is 300 or 700% Doctor. He is one. And he doesn’t use his title 99.999% of the time.
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Ok, but what about the MCU?
It is never mentioned whether Tony has a PhD or even a master's degree. Kinda weird. Both the absence of mentions and lack of degrees, since Tony is so smart and productive.
Let’s check, maybe he actually has some.
Here we have a file from a deleted scene from The Avengers (2012):
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As we can see, the work is sloppy – there are inaccuracies in his hair color (it’s not black, it’s brown), and the fact that he speaks French was not included. Can we rely on this paper? Let’s not 100%, but we can still use things that don't contradict the movies.
The fact that he received his BS in Engineering from MIT does not contradict this, so we can mark it as valid. He started in 1984 when he was 14 years old and graduated in 1987 when he was 17.
We see no further education in the file. But we know something that this file doesn’t. We watched the movies.
Remember, in Civil War at 0:13:25, in the scene where Tony sees his parents for the last time, Maria tells Howard, “Be nice, dear, he’s been studying abroad”. Tony is 21 here, this is December 16, 1991. Looks like he is on winter break.
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But wait… Didn’t he graduate in 1987 and stop then? Well, Maria tells us he continued.
Between 17 and 21 there are 4 years. What could he have done in these 4 years? A lot, right? He is smart and productive, we know that. A master’s degree usually takes 2 years. Tony could earn it in 1. 1 or 2, we still have 2-3 years that we need to fill with some kind of studying. I doubt he just went back and got another bachelor's or master's. That said, he was working on his PhD.
We don't know where. “Abroad” is a very broad concept. Maybe he went to Europe to study at Oxford? We do not know. Perhaps he stayed at MIT and just went somewhere else for the fall semester. We do not know. But he did go somewhere for (most probably) a PhD.
The question is: did he finish it?
Well, his parents died in Dec 1991, and we know from the first Iron Man (0:04:50) that Stane was the interim president of Stark Industries from that date until 1992. Most likely, Tony became CEO before his birthday, that is, May 29, which corresponds to the stated age of 21. He had a few months between.
We don’t know where he was in his degree at that time. But we know he is smart and productive. He doesn’t need 4 years to write a dissertation.
So, there are 2 options:
1) He did not complete his doctorate and devoted himself entirely to the company;
2) He completed it in the few months he had and then took over the company.
Here’s the evidence for the second option:
“Confusing matters more, a recently deleted LinkedIn profile for Tony Stark indicated he received doctorates in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.”
Source: https://alum.mit.edu/slice/who-iron-man
Given all the information and analysis we have, as well as a little logic, we can conclude that Tony has a Ph.D. Even two. He had time to do them. Why doesn't he use his title? Well, maybe for the same reason 616 Tony doesn’t? He doesn’t usually brag. Check out this post if you have any doubts about my statement.
Here are some additional hints:
He gave lectures at scientific conferences (IM1 and IM3 - Bern 1999).
His scientific expertise was not limited to engineering and his company's affairs (all the movies, but specifically I can point you to IM3– the scene with Maya Hansen and her Extremis-enhanced plants in Bern).
“He must have graduated after 1990, because the '90 Brass rat was the first one with the skyline on the edge.” MIT alumni commentary https://alum.mit.edu/slice/who-iron-man
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Conclusion (actual): call him Doctor Stark, guys, he deserves it. Despite his modesty about his scientific achievements, Dr Stark has a couple of master's degrees and at least two PhD degrees in the MCU - in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
So... Thoughts on The Penguin trailer?
I'm trying to reign in my optimism a bit and be a little more cautious, but so far: ahahahah oh man, oh man oh man, I'm really excited for this.
God I gotta get back on my Sopranos watch, I gotta start making time for it again. I mean, it's been a terrific show so far, I'm not just watching it because of this, but out of everything we've seen so far this trailer is the biggest "we're doing The Sopranos" thing I've seen from them yet.
I love the mention of Rex Calabrese here and the recontextualization of his character, and how Oswald views him. For comparison's sake: In Batman Eternal, Rex Calabrese was brought up as a brutal ruler who ripped throats out with his teeth and terrified all the other cops and crime families into obeying him and who understood the natural order through which he was supplanted by Falcone, who was then supplanted by Penguin. But here, he talks about Rex Calabrese as a childhood hero who helped people, who was given a funeral parade as a show of love from the people. That's the kind of person Oz idolizes, the kind of life he wants and is starting to think he will never get to have.
Here's one of the big reasons why this is already the best take on Gangster Penguin there's ever been, and the thing I love the most about this trailer, and something that absolutely defined him in the movie as well: Oswald is completely delusional about what being a gangster actually means.
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Oswald here is a guy who had his heart broken in the movie because Falcone, the guy he followed and obeyed and looked up to with every breath, turned out to be a backstabbing piece of shit, with Oswald clearly kept in the dark about the nastier things Falcone got up to. He gets very offended at the suggestion he murdered Annika or that he did the Riddler's serial killer rat maze trap, and in that deleted scene where he tries to pay Selina and keep her from going underground, he clearly wants to be the guy who treats his staff allright and pays them what they need and tries to shield her from the grubby animals downstairs that he on some level finds disgusting (even though they're on his club, and he's providing them with what they want, and he's shielding the worst one of all).
And now he's sitting here talking about his old hero, a gangster from his neighborhood who reached out to people in the street and helped them, who died with his pride in hand and was beloved by his community for it. The kind of guy that Oswald emotionally talks about as someone he wants to be like, as he's getting ready to go to war and shoot and stab and blow up people in a crumbling nightmare city.
This is, in spite of everything, a guy who is very, very preoccupied with being some kind of gentleman, or at least more of a gentleman than the criminals he cavorts with, and a guy whose vision of himself doesn't match the reality of what he does, and a guy who has made a ridiculous cartoon of himself in order to try and forcing that childish idea into reality. This is a Penguin who lives and dresses and acts as an absurd child's idea of a rich and powerful man, except what that entails has changed.
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Instead of wanting to be the romantic aristocrat, instead of playing the cultured gentleman thief, this Oswald wants to be the friendly gangster. He wants to be the neighborhood king who runs soup kitchens and helps old ladies cross the street and inspires beaten-down insecure loser kids like him to strive for more, the mafioso who looks out for women and kids and isn't scared of the cops and gets funeral parades for being such a swell guy who just does a little crime ova here every now and then, eeyy, c'maan.
Oswald here has the same dream as Giorno Giovanna, from JoJo Part 5, and he saw Rex Calabrese as the distant mysterious gangster who looked out for Giorno and invisibly kept bullies from picking on him and made the neighborhood treat him decently, who showed him what real power, power to protect himself and others, looks like, and he very clearly wanted to project that kind of fantasy onto Falcone, who is an actual gangster, and thus doesn't act remotely the way Oswald thinks they ought to act.
Oswald here wants to be the Depression-era honorable mafioso, just as outdated and fictional and mismatched a character in our time as the gentleman thief aristocrat was to the 1940s, and to me that feels like the first time anyone's really made Penguin-as-Gangster be a concept worth it's weight and play into makes him so engaging a character. It's just instead of being a burglar and crimelord who reads Raffles and quotes Shakespeare, this Oswald is a Tony Soprano who prays every night to be Don Corleone once he grows up.
And he might even get his chance! Because the way things are going in Gotham, with the city destroyed and in need of rebuilding, with the entire infrastructure crumbled and the mob having lost their figureheads and supply, and Oswald holding one of the few structures not completely totaled, he has the opportunity of a lifetime here to swoop in and play the Capone/Dillinger to this Depression-flavored Gotham.
And I'm really curious as to where he's heading within the show: whether he's going to make this fantasy of his work and be the reasonable flexible-but-unbeatable crimelord and the sole player remaining in town, or whether the downfall of organized crime in Gotham and the rise of the weirdos means that our beloved waddling freak is going to have to come to terms with what he actually is, and grab his colorful suits and his new name and make some umbrella guns to embrace and ride his bizarre awfulness into the sunset.
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soyeonsbabygirl · 8 months
I’m so late but omgjfjf their new concept😭😭 quick thought— the (g)irls pretending to be all clueless (like in the I do mv) to gain readers trust only to turn on her when she’s vulnerable and unsuspecting 🥹🥹 basically manhandling her and using her in ways no human wld ever even think abt.. like from them asking reader about what kissing was to literally ganging up on her and taking turns to see who could make her cum the hardest🥹🥹 ineed them all sb aaa
I had a fic written for this but I accidentally deleted it so imma make this a Drabble/oneshot plus a mini Sooyoung cameo✌️
You met them all when you had taken a walk. You brought them into your house and ever since then they’d been living with you.
They seemed clueless and not just the usual clueless. These girls were REALLY clueless not knowing how to do a lot of stuff. You had to teach them how to use the stove and that it was hot, which Yuqi unfortunately learned by burning herself.
You taught them how to brush their teeth, buying Miyeon bubble gum toothpaste since she liked how it tasted. How to brush their hair, which Soojin did to everyone now as well as styling once she learned how to tie ribbons in them.
How to put on make up, making Minnie obsessed with putting lip gloss on you. You taught them about reading and drawing, which lead to Sooyoung making cute little doodles of you all. You found it cute watching how excited she would get when she saw you hang them up.
You even taught them how to shower which made Soyeon love taking showers with you claiming she felt closer to you. You even taught Shuhua how to drive even if after she got somewhat good at it you still insist on wearing your seatbelt. Eventually they started wondering about other stuff too.
You were all watching a romance movie when a scene where the 2 leads kissed. You could see the girls confused gazes as they stared at the tv. “I wanna do that, how do you do that?” Shuhua’s confused tone made all the girls turn to look at you.
You decided on Soojin since she was the closest to you. You held her face gently and leaned in. Her lips were softer than you thought they would be, covered in red lipstick.
You demonstrated how to kiss as the girls watched you with curiousity, the saw how you closed your eyes as you kissed Soojin making her do the same. Your hand softly caressing her cheek as you held her in place while kissing her. After you finished showing the girls how to kiss, they all tried it on you as well as each other.
Soyeon was the first one to get you. You both were taking a shower together like usual and before you knew it she placed kissses to your neck and shoulders. Her fingers teasing your nipples, her hand eventually goes to your pussy.
She turns you around to face her enjoying your reactions while she slips her fingers inside you. You let out a sound that’s a mix of a moan and a gasp from arousal and shock. She smirked as she moved her fingers in and out of your wet folds.
You were the one who taught her how to shower and now here she was fucking you in the shower. She sped up with each sound you made, she had you backed against the wall as her fingers went in and out of you. Her hand on the wall behind you providing her support.
With a loud moan you came all over fingers leaking onto the shower floor slightly. Soyeon smiled as she took her fingers out of you and cuddled you. You were hers now. Nothing would change that.
You thought that was weird but didn’t expect what would happen next. You and Yuqi were making lunch together in the kitchen. She loved helping you cook but never used the stove to afraid of burning herself like she did the first time.
You didn’t expect what would happen next. One minute you guys were cooking, you decided to let her taste a tiny bit of it. Next thing you know your legs were spread on the counter as she used a strap (where she got it you wouldn’t know…) to fuck you with.
Your legs wrapped around her waist as you moaned grabbing onto her shoulders. Her hands held you down by your waist while she smirked. She loved watching the way your face would scrunch whenever she thrusted particularly hard.
Her nails made small crescent moons on your hips from how hard she was grabbing them. She continued her thrusts giggling when you would moan louder.
It’s wasn’t long before you orgasmed all over the strap. She kissed your cheek laughing at your fucked out expression. Whilst rubbing small circles on your hips.
You thought maybe it was just those 2, but nope! It happened yet again. You were doing your routine getting ready to brush your teeth and the next thing you knew Miyeon came behind you and started kissing your cheek.
It wasn’t long before she had you against the bathroom wall moaning her name as she grinded her clit against yours. Your left knee was up to your chest as she supported your weight.
She was practically gliding with how wet the both of you were and she loved it. You were surprised again both from the fact that she was scissoring you after she didn’t know how to brush her teeth a week ago or the fact at how good she was at it.
You squirmed as your moans grew whiney your breath shortening. Miyeon was about to orgasm with you, she was determined to as she went faster. Your moans grew echoing throughout the whole bathroom.
It was unclear who came first but you both looked gorgeous while doing so. Both of your juices mixing together making Miyeon swipe between you both with her finger and fingering it all back into you with a smile.
If only that was the only “weird” thing that happened to you today. You thought it was just them, but nope! It doesn’t even stop there.
You had let Soojin fix your hair especially after Miyeon had messed it up. You were still shocked because not only did you get fucked once but 3 times? All by your girls who didn’t even know how to use a TV the other day.
Soojin noticed you were deep in thought so she yanked you by your hair, pulled your head back and kissed you. You moaned from how rough she was being but nothing could prepare you for what happened next.
She somehow got on her knees and took your shorts and panties off. She attached her lips to your clit as she sucked, as well as sticking her tongue in and out of you.
Your moans were all whiney and loud, as your hands got tangled in her hair. Your legs were forced open by her hands as she continued to suck and lick your pussy. She smiled slightly when you would say her man.
Her nails dug into your plush thighs as you squirmed from how good she was at this. She knew you were sensitive which made her suck faster flicking her tongue on your nub.
Your moans grew in sound and your breath quickened. It wasn’t long before you orgasmed painting her face in your cum. She kept going even after, she definitely care if you were whining trying to get off her. She held you perfectly in place and kept eating you as if you were her last meal she would ever have.
You thought that was it, hoping it was just them. You couldn’t handle any one else being weird (you were certain you couldn’t cum anymore..) but you were in for a treat.
You were in the car with Shuhua, not even focused on where you two were going. You were too caught up in what had already happened with the other 4 that you didn’t notice when Shuhua had stopped the car.
You only seemed to notice when she started kissing you or when her hands roamed your body while you 2 were in the backseat. Her hands played with your ass cheeks, biting , squeezing, and slapping.
Before you knew it , she was fucking you from the back. Her strap moving in and out of you while she slapped your ass, she was obsessed with how it moved. She loved when you moaned after each slap.
She giggled at the sounds you let out and how she listened to the sobs you let out. All while she ruined you, she began to thrust harder harshly grabbing handfuls of your ass. You were sure she would leave bruises from how hard she was grabbing and squeezing.
Your vision began to blur from how hard she was going making you moan even more. The windows fogged as the car shook, your orgasm hit you like a truck as you scratched up the seats.
She laughed at your disheveled state placing kisses all over your back. A final smack was laid to your ass as she pulled out cuddling you til you regained your composure.
Minnie was different. You and her were doing makeup like usual helping you relax. You could feel all the shock you had felt from the other 5 girls melting away. You giggled when Minnie’s fingers brushed across your face.
If only you knew that it would lead to Minnie fingering you to oblivion. You moans sounding like music to her ears. Her hand placed on your stomach making you take all of her fingers as she felt you get wetter and wetter.
Her fingers practically gliding in and out of you. She loved the sounds your pussy made as well and how you squirmed from how sensitive you were. Her smile darkened as she watched your facial expressions change.
She sped up as she felt you clenching on her fingers. You let out more squeals and moans, getting louder with each time she thrusted her fingers in you til your legs shook. She pulled her fingers out watching your cum shoot out of you making her chuckle.
She gave some kisses to your cheek giggled at the shimmery stains on them from when you cried all your make up off.
You were exhausted. You laid in bed looking at the ceiling. Sooyoung was laying next to you, out of all of them she hadn’t done anything to you yet. You sighed as you cuddled her inhaling her scent. You soon fell asleep but would be awoken soon.
You felt something in your sleep. You were squirming from the sensation but it didn’t feel bad…it felt…good. But you didn’t know what it was.
You woke up with a slight gasp moaning as you did so. You looked down and saw something moving under the covers, when you lifted them you saw Sooyoung with her lips attached to your pussy while her fingers moved in and out of you.
You don’t know how long she’d been doing this but now that you were awake you didn’t want her to stop. You moaned as you felt her tongue licking your nub and her fingers pumping in and out of you.
The sensation felt so foreign to you and you loved it. You let out multiple praises with your moans which seemed to encourage her as her fingers sped up,m. She alternated between sucking really hard and leaving flat tongued licks to your clit.
It wasn’t long til your eyes rolled back and gripped her hair. You vision went white moaning her name in ecstasy as you came hard, she kept going determined for something else to happen.
You whined and thrashed trying to get out of her grip but she landed a harsh slap to you flirt making you not just cry out, but cry a bit as well. She kept going til you were on your 4th orgasm.
It was almost as if she wanted a specific reaction and wouldn’t stop til she got it. The other girls had all come in to watch praising and encouraging Sooyoung which gave her even more confidence. She went faster with her fingers, sucking harder than she had.
With a loud moan you not just orgasmed but when she pulled her fingers out , you squirted into her mouth. She drank all your essence as she came up looking at you. Her face was decorated with your cum while the other girls got in the bed smiling.
You passed out the minute you orgasmed and they all cuddled you after cleaning you up. “She’s fun.” Shuhua said making the others hum in agreement. “She tastes amazing too, I can’t believe she really thought that we were this clueless.” Sooyoung watched you sleep peacefully. Yuqi gave her a kiss as she cuddled the younger girl. “Let’s keep her.” Soyeon proposed, it was no secret the girls agreed.
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vanellopes-mun · 7 months
Vanellope VS. Turbo: A Mini Analysis!
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There are a million reasons why Turbo’s reveal in Disney’s Wreck-it Ralph is such an iconic and memorable scene. A scene that I and many others have replayed ever since 2012 and its impact has never left our minds. It solidified King Candy/Turbo as one of Disney's top villains ever created, surprising and shocking viewers with a plot twist that Disney hasn’t been able to overthrow with their other movies before they abandoned villains until King Magnifico but he sucks so. He WISHES he was as charismatic as King Candy plz-
But this analysis isn’t just about King Candy/Turbo, it’s also about Vanellope Von Schweetz. She’s the most important ingredient to making this scene work and play out the way it does and ultimately why it’s so fucking cathartic. ( More so than Ralph’s fight against Cy-Bug Turbo in my opinion) After watching how it was originally story boarded, the crew behind WiR perfected this scene with a specific detail that they changed. In the early storyboard, Vanellope causes King Candy’s vehicle to crash, causing him to glitch and transform into Turbo in front of the cameras. While I love love love the extended race between Vanellope and King Candy and sort of wished it could have been longer in the actual film, I am content that they didn’t go with the direction. In the movie, King Candy is revealed after trying to beat/kill Vanellope with his horn rod/pole thingy from his kart, she grabs it and glitches due to stress/adrenaline/her emotions, her blue glitch traveling through the cane and making contact with King Candy, finally putting down the facade he had on for 15 years and revealing him as Turbo to the characters in the film and the audience. It’s such a small detail, it only happens in a second, but it’s all it took for the start of his downfall and his eventual demise. 
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And this is why it brings me catharsis every time I watch this scene. I could never put it into words before, but it’s beyond satisfying that the end of King Candy’s horrible reign starts with Vanellope and her glitch. The very same glitch that he caused trying to delete her code and remove her place from the game. The glitch that he used as an excuse to turn everyone in Sugar Rush against her. He usurped her throne and tried to ruin her life. Despite this, he still had the audacity to shout “Get off of MY track!” earlier. It brings his Roadblasters incident back up, it was his choice, trying to steal the thunder of another racing game that just got plugged in because he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone taking his place, only for Turbo Time and Roadblasters to be unplugged. All of this circling back and biting him in the ass. Vanellope was the key all along and he knew it, he feared her despite never really having a conversation with her as far as we know (Vanellope asking Turbo “What the-?! Who are you!?” leads me to believe that if they did converse in the past, it was not in his true form and he was most likely already King Candy. Plus it just goes to show how fast he hijacked Sugar Rush), but you can just tell by how desperate he was to keep her from racing, he didn’t want anyone to take his place ever again. 
So the scene continues and his famous line and breakdown goes as this: “I’m Turbo! The greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let YOU and that halitosis riddled warthog TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!” It’s just so ironic, unfair and hypocritical of him it makes my blood boil! And the way he’s raising his voice, jabbing his finger at her and Vanellope’s trying to shrink away from him as he yells at her face before he tries to murder her I just- So cruel, scary, wicked and disturbing! But Vanellope, this brave WARRIOR, is reminded of her glitch after Turbo calls her for what he believes is the last time. “End of the line, Glitch!” She takes a moment, everything slows down around her as she tries to control her glitch to escape Turbo. She glitches away, missing the wall and It ends up saving her life! I just cannot stress enough how beautiful that is! She used her disability, that everyone thought would simply doom her and the game, and embraced it when she needed it most. Her glitch, while it was suddenly given to her by circumstances she couldn’t control or prevent, she took control back. It’s her beautiful superpower and it’s empowering. After this scene, it’s the “end” of Turbo before he gets nom’d by a Cy-Bug. ( I want to note that he later says “I’m the most powerful VIRUS in the arcade”, part of me wants to believe he said that because clearly Vanellope bested him as the greatest racer ever but I doubt that was their intention lol)
They’re the embodiment of Selfishness vs. Selflessness. While Vanellope had everything taken away from her, she didn’t follow the same path as him. Turbo had everything taken from him, but it was his fault and he only ever thought about himself, never about the destruction he left behind. Hell, all she ever wanted was to be one of the racers, no matter how much they bullied her and ostracized her, she never ended up being evil like him even though it would be a perfect recipe to become a villain, this is also what makes her a mirror to Ralph.  (Remember in that one deleted scene where she said she wanted to break the racers’ legs but come on can you blame her!?!?! She was so real for saying that.) VANELLOPE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER AAAA. 
Before I ramble any further, I will forever love the choices that the writers made for the climax and it just ends up being an absolutely perfect and brilliant scene and I will continue to rewatch for the millionth time. 
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sarah-denial-cq · 4 days
What makes you enjoy slave Leia so much? Merely a strong woman in a humiliating, revealing costume, or is there anything more to it?
Slave Leia fixed me.
I don't think I have a lot to say about it that isn't obvious, since I'm kinda stupid. But it's more than just a strong woman being put in a humiliating revealing costume.
First is the in universe concept (uh, I guess, spoilers for like a forty year old movie). It's not just that Leia is captured and put in the bikini. She's captured while in the process of thinking she can be strong and capable, that she can save someone. The outfit and voice changer she used while trying to rescue Han covered up her sex and her weakness. The contrast with that is immense. And when she's caught, people *laugh*. It's a big *joke*. It's not a serious she did a good try but jabba's crack team of security were better. It's like a surprise prank that they all pulled on her. Compare the defiance from when Vader first captures her on the blockade runner in EP IV, when she is strong in the face of capture after a battle well fought, to the face she makes when jabba catches her. No defiance. Just embarrassment, disgrace, weakness, confusion, stupid girl. Sorry I'm kinda masturbating while writing this.
And then she is stripped and put in a tacky bikini with arm bands and hair bands and a collar and leash. Fine. But she is exposed in front of Luke. The one who she was trying to be all tough girl equal around in EP IV and v. He is calm, composed, powerful, which just makes her weakness and stupidity more evident. Of course she couldn't save a man. But one could save her, at the price of seeing her stripped down to a waist and pair of tits.
And that's edge edge that's what brings this into the real world. It completely destroys Leia's character for the entire series. Ask any man who's watched star wars to describe the most iconic scene for Luke and it's idk his training with Yoda or his blowing up the death star or whatever. None of them will say him shirtless and weak and vulnerable in the bacta tank. But ask the same question about Leia and you will get one answer. If it had been her character from the start it wouldn't wreck me quite so much. But it isn't, it's two movies of.building her up as a badass strong independent woman and then haha no you stupid girls who thought this universe took you seriously this is how everyone sees you. The fact that it took away and overwrote and deleted and replaced oh god everything that she did in the eyes of the male audience the film was marketed.to edge is she's literally on a chain looking up at the guy she was pretending to be an equal to just like how I have to be lower and beneath and
And on top of all of that was Carrie's discomfort real world with how revealing the costume was to her professional colleagues it's literally wear this bra and skirt with no panties in front of people you pretend edge are workplace equals wet and pose while kneeling in it for the official promotion materials bark and inspire generations of girls to think that when they attend conventions about their hobbies they should dress up like subservient edge sluts and pose in huge undifferentiated groups for photos and anyways that's part of why I like slave Leia so much thanks for the ask.
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Movie Cut Scene: The Extended Polo Scene
Alright I went from obsessively wondering about one deleted scene to obsessively wondering about another deleted scene. Namely. this time, the extended Polo scene.
To start with I do really like what we got! It was really fun and quick and horny and it worked really, really well, both in atmosphere and pacing.
I remember in an interview (forgot which one) Matthew said the polo scene was originally six minutes then with the new editing idea which is what we ended up getting, it was cut down to like two and half minutes, which means we have three and half minutes worth of a deleted scene
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I'm guessing what happened was the actual polo match -> conversation and introduction to Bea -> hooking up in the tack room, with that being said:
Alex was practically drooling over watching Henry riding on horseback playing polo (the asshole (jk I love you) even posted a photo of Henry on horseback from the match on his IG close friends stories) how did they go from wanting to make out and eat each other to having a conversation in public (as seen from the montage during the speech)
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What the hell were the two of them talking about????
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I want the scene with Pez I wanna know what they talked about and I wanna see more friendship. Oh and is this when Pez figures it out? Since in the scene where Zahra finds them Henry says Percy knows
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I also really want the scene with Bea. They're obviously close that's explicitly stated in the movie, plus Henry posted a photo of them two from that day on his IG (yes I know it's marketing but right now I'm treating them as real sue me) and I recently learned that Nick and Eliie have been friends for a couple of years by now? I really, really, want more sibling scenes. (especially as someone who relates to Henry and has a sister that I'm very close to) Also Alex and Bea like each other so I really want to know how their proper introduction and this conversation went. On top of that, Henry told Bea about Alex but Alex didn't know that until Zahra busted them and asked, did he tell her here? After all, Bea knew definitively that Henry's gay, and she pulled Nora aside during the wedding, is she wing-womaning? I WANT TO KNOW
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In the book it was just Henry and Alex so it was relatively easy to get away and sneak into the tack room. In the movie apparently, they met face-to-face in public and Alex had a whole introduction to the two closest people to Henry. However the fuck did they go from that to hooking up in the tack room without suspicion?
As awesome, hilarious (I can never hear a bagpipe the same way again) and fitting as the quick cut, it was flashes between the match and the hook up. What was the original edit of the tack room supposed to be???? What does the full hook-up footage look like???? Was it longer??? Was there dialogue??? I WANT TO KNOW
I swear if Prime doesn't release the deleted scenes I'm gonna over-analyse everything in every deleted scene and drive myself to insanity in the best way possible.
(probably not all at once because the promise of something new being released in the future is like, my one motivation to fucking live right now I have fucking problems, but like, PLEASE PROMISE YOU'LL RELEASE THEM PRIME)
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flowerbitz · 12 days
Random x-men rambling "foxverse version" bc the og trilogy movies made me think i could do the characters some justice:
I'm starting with Storm because she is absolutely the coolest and she is my fav since back then, younger me just wanted to be a cool superhero girl who could shoot out lightning and change the weather. I was absolutely obsessed when i saw that's she's even cooler in the comics, to me she will always be that girl!!
The thing is...this princess barely talks in the movie...short screen time, short lines and barely being able to show off Storm's personality and character ALSO her powers being so watered down, yikes.
Storm is so sweet and kind, they missed an opportunity to give the characters besides Logan some humanity, give them an actual personality and not just have them standing there. Halle Berry you did what you could and i love you for that but i feel bad it's not fair?!
Another character that i adore so much but was forgettable in the movies is Jean, now that i don't have a fucked up attention span i can read comics in peace but back then in middle school, i only watched the movies and only saw some things here and there on twitter/tumblr. So it's good to know that she's not a complete blockhead in the comics and animated series!!
I have a very weird feeling for Jean in the movies bc Famke did what she could, it's not her fault, it's like the writers were scared of showing how powerful she is...same thing with Storm, we know why i don't even have to mention it!!!
Someone probably already said this but, you introduce a character, her very first scene in the movie being in a political debate, she knows what's she's talking about, she's fighting for a good cause, we get that she has a high position maybe, that's she's a doctor AND a teacher...and then you throw all of that way, because the men in her life are more important?? more important than her personality, her beliefs, her character???
Then you have Scott, the leader of the X-Men and an absolute bum who doesn't do anything because the writers didn't what to do with him, besides telling Logan to backoff and say some snarky comments here and then getting killed of screen.
Also there are so many things wrong with Logan too, his writing is just a bit more bearable than the others so do with that information what you will...
Why was this man suffering much more than Scott when Jean died, and why didn't we even get Storm's actual reaction bc you know those two are best friends?? sisters?? Are we sure that the writers knew that the team was ACTUALLY found family?? And correct me if i'm wrong...why did they cut so many scenes that could have shown the relationship between all the characters??
Don't start me with Rogue bc no one gave a shit about her obviously, they scrapped everything that made her character, forgot everything about her one movie later and deleted her off the narrative ://
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hanasnx · 8 months
can you share some of thosr anakin-related-content-you-consumed on ur anakin fixation era cz im fixating on anakin aswell rn and i want to study him!! please, idk where to start 🙇🏻‍♀️
supercut of star wars I - III reddit link with instructions to receive them via google docs
i've seen both tpm and aotc supercuts but i have yet to finish the rots supercut because of it being so long. there are also deleted scenes on youtube that were not included in the supercuts linked here:
star wars episodes I and II extended edition - unused deleted scenes youtube video
revenge of the sith 4 hour supercut - unused deleted scenes youtube video
if you cannot get a hold of the supercuts for some reason, no sweat. the same channel listed in the above links has a bunch of videos on their channel of all "restored deleted scenes" that you can watch individually. of course, that is without the "siege of mandalore" that's included in the rots supercut. but that's just the bits you would see from season 7 of the clone wars spliced in, so you wouldn't be missing anything.
star wars: episode I - the phantom menace
if you cannot get a hold of the supercuts for whatever reason, start here. one of my favorite star wars movies. features young anakin, about nine years old, and how comes to live with the jedi, how he meets padme, and where he comes from.
star wars: episode II - attack of the clones
we follow older anakin, about nineteen years old, where he reunites with padme and they fall in love. the cracks of the dark side's influences are beginning to show.
star wars: clone wars
this is the mini-series released in 2003-2005 to depict anakin's journey throughout the beginning of the clone wars to prepare audiences for star wars: revenge of the sith coming out in 2005. it has since been de-canonized and replaced with the clone series that comes out in 2008. it is still worth the watch. anakin's voice actor is supremely talented and sounds a lot like hayden christensen. albeit he is dramatic, as it is a kid's show, i still very much enjoy his characterization. it's actually pretty funny too, it did get me to laugh a couple times. chapter 24-25 i believe is where anakin undergoes a sort of spiritual awakening, and the ending always makes me cry.
star wars: the clone wars movie
it was honestly boring to me, but i still watched it for much needed context on the show.
star wars: the clone wars
as i’ve said before, i don’t really care for tcw!anakin, but this was still a fun and enjoyable watch. it wasn’t completely worthless to me, i did learn some more things about anakin that applied to hayden’s rendition.
unreleased star wars: the clone wars arc - crystal crisis on utapau (full) youtube video
i didn’t finish it but from what i’ve seen so far it’s pretty funny.
anakin & obi-wan | let my people go youtube video edit
one of my favorite edits to one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies. i think about it a lot, especially during the “this was my home.” lyric. hammering in the betrayal of brothers that grew up alongside one another, and if you resonate with that song and movie it provides another layer of context. it’s deliciously painful. when anakin’s side of “you who i called brother,” cuts through and interrupts the melody, impatient to speak about his perspective using ramses’ narrative to do it, it’s acutely accurate to anakin’s character in my eyes.
clone wars: battle of the heroes - a star wars fan animation youtube video
i haven’t seen this yet but i’ve been waiting to enjoy it to its fullest. the creator worked very hard on it for a long time, so it’s worth the link.
star wars episode III: revenge of the sith novel by matthew stover
i have not read this, but i’ve seen hundreds of excerpts over the course of this hyperfixation on tumblr. it’s widely accepted even though it’s decanonized, and offers insight into anakin’s head that you can’t access with just watching the movie. i thoroughly enjoy and reblog the excerpts i come across, but since i’m not a reader i haven’t picked it up to complete it myself.
star wars: episode III - revenge of the sith
the third installment in the prequel series, and where shit goes down. twenty-three year old anakin grapples with his desires overcoming his sense of obligations, warping his own ideals to fit into selfish purposes. you see how he betrays the republic, his wife, his brother, and himself, all for power.
star wars episode III revenge of the sith (xbox) no commentary walkthrough full game [1080p60fps] youtube video
i haven’t gotten to watch this yet but i’d like to soon, i’ve seen bits and pieces and i believe there are alternate endings that prove interesting. if you like gameplay movies i think you should give it a shot, but if not, go ahead and skip this one.
star wars: episode III - revenge of the sith - making the game youtube video
it’s short and sweet. about hayden’s view of the character anakin and how he acts in combat.
star wars: tales of the jedi
s1e5 where we receive insight as to how anakin trains his padawan.
vader: complete canon comic series 1-25 in chronological order youtube video
i loved this so much. so many good moments that i ate the fuck up. we follow vader in his first year of becoming the sith lord, grappling with identity, past, and recognition. we also get insight into the very sensitive time of jedi eradication, i learned a lot. my favorite parts are when vader has to fight without a saber against clones, make his own red saber by retrieving one from a surviving jedi, and the arc that includes jocasta nu.
star wars the force unleashed- full game walkthrough gameplay no commentary youtube video
star wars the force unleashed 2 - full game walkthrough gameplay no commentary youtube video
both of these i've been meaning to watch, but i haven't been in the mood. i figured i'd link them in case you were interested in more gameplay movies.
star wars rebels
i didn't finish this, but i did watch a lot of the vader content and the scarce anakin content. i'll watch anything that mentions him tbh.
star wars jedi: fallen order - full game - no commentary youtube video
i played this game and loved it. the ending is the money shot tbh.
star wars: obi-wan kenobi
this was probably the first sw show i watched after i got back into darth vader in august 2022. reawakened a lot for me, i really enjoyed vader's part in this story. reva is also one of my favorites, and i thought her being a mirror image to anakin in this situation was clever, i thought her backstory was unique and refreshing. but what really shines for me is vader's contribution as both an extension of the emperor and a vessel for his own selfish desires. there are parts where i can see he's more machine than man. there are also some anakin parts as well! which i didn't enjoy as much, funnily enough.
rogue one: a star wars story
i haven't seen this one in years, but i do remember darth vader's appearances being both funny and badass.
star wars: episode IV - a new hope
star wars: episode V - the empire strikes back
it took me a long time to come around on this one. now it's one of my favorites. especially because we start to get the first glimpses within the original trilogy of vader's humanity, and his ability to demonstrate faint loyalty to his blood.
star wars: episode VI - return of the jedi
fave sw movie tbh since childhood. you can't get better than the ending. vader's sacrifice is everything to me.
lego star wars: the skywalker saga
i had played this game back in may 2022 when i visited my sister. she and i used to play lego games together when we were kids, and one of my first video games ever was lego star wars: the video game from 2005 which she introduced me to. it holds a special place in my heart, and i really liked playing skywalker saga even though at this point i hadn't cared about star wars in years. when i got back home i couldn't stop thinking about the saga game so i bought it myself, and then played it so obsessively i didn't do anything else. it got me back in the mood for darth vader so i watched obi-wan kenobi, and one thing leads to another now here i am with a smut blog about anakin skywalker's entire life and his every iteration. i loved the game, i think you should play it even though it's just lego versions of everything, it's still really fun.
star wars: ahsoka
you see him in this and the cinematography is breathtaking at times, but i didn't care for it. i only cared about the glimpses of anakin/vader's appearances even if they didn't contribute anything to the story for me.
anakin skywalker vs palpatine full fight scene (hd) - star wars episode IX [alternative ending] youtube video
this is a fan edit! i think about it a lot even though i haven't seen the sequels.
the life of anakin skywalker: darth vader (star wars) youtube video
i haven't finished this, but from what i've seen it's taught me things even i didn't know. i really appreciated the facts that aren't even on wookiepedia.
any books on it i've only seen the excerpts here on tumblr, i haven't read any because i'm not a big reader but i've seen some great posts that i reblog. so don't sleep on the books/comics
great ask
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cleverthylacine · 3 months
Just watched Ep 1 of Earthspark S2. And I'm furious.
Don't read this if you don't want spoilers. Or if you think the showrunners can still do no wrong, and are unprepared for the level of Incandescent Fury of which I am capable. But if you DO have spoilers for the whole season and understand my particular vibe, PLEASE read this and reblog with answers (but use the cut for the sake of my followers)...
Reasons why I'm mad:
A year goes by in which all of the stuff I was actually interested in presumably happened: dealing with GHOST, the Decepticons and Autobots cooperating, and also, Mo and Robby getting cool mech suits.
Then for no reason other than "Decepticons huh" the Decepticons apparently forgot their alliance, turned on Our Designated Good Guys (tm) and just randomly started trying to conquer and/or kill everything again. Or were they screwed over, yet again? I really hope so, not because I want them to suffer but because there needs to be a freaking reason why they turn on other Cybertronians when they are stuck on Earth. But I don't have a good feeling about it given the contemptuous attitudes displayed by Bee (as usual, because ES Bee is a fucking asshole) and Robby (disappointing, he wasn't like that before).
And we never did get to find out what the fuck was up with GHOST or why the Decepticons were all in jail (and no, "Decepticons huh" is not an acceptable reason--they have every reason to hate us.)
Breakdown is a terrible parent for no reason? BREAKDOWN?
The Chaos Terrans thing gives me the same willies that the Orcs in Tolkien (I am not a Tolkien fan) used to do. I am not comfortable with the eugenicist/ableist notion that people can be born corrupt and innately evil, especially not if it has something to do with HOW they were born.
Soooo... if you've finished the season (I know you've been posting a bit about it) is there any reason for me to continue?
Reasons I would continue:
Ravage continues to be basically the same Ravage I write, only much smaller.
RavWave (as a ship, not just platonic interaction, mostly because I would watch anything for that no matter how messed up)
Explanation that there actually is a reason why the Cons turned on everyone, and what that reason is. Did they want to put them back in jail? Did they want them to do forced labour? Did Megatron start whaling on Starscream again? I note Tara isn't around Con HQ, what does Tara know?
Quints are interesting and not just scary (the Quints in Cyberverse scared me more than many adult horror movie villains did, BUT they are also just kinda evil and mean and we have no idea why, which would not have been particularly interesting at all except for the fun of watching Hot Rod and Soundwave become the faction leaders while OP and Megatron were unable to be)
Chaos Terrans are not innately bad or do not need some mystical power of nuclear heteronormative family to make them good
The Decepticons get something out of the ending other than screwed
We find out more about Dot and Megs
Some Cons are good parents
More Tarantulas and Nightshade content
Hashtag continues to have a relationship with Starscream that affects the plot as it develops
We are actually told what happened during the year they missed
Reasons I would not continue:
Cons are just bad because cons are bad.
Ravage is Soundwave's daughter or pet or in some other way not actually a grown-ass adult Decepticon officer, making Soundwave a father who raises child soldiers or a guy who runs dogfights, which is not cute even if he is snatched af
(they don't have to be lovers though my shipping heart was pleased when their PDA in the deleted scenes embarrassed Starscream, but she has to be a Real Independent Person who could be someone's partner if not his)
Chaos Terrans are innately bad until "saved" by the Power of Love And the Nuclear Family (or just innately bad)
Emberstone continues to be Allspark Mark II so why even change the name?
Bee's incredible assholery is never called out (it's not funny when a starving person accidentally kills their starving teammate due to a mistake they made because they were starving)
Only Autobots and people who form nuclear families can be good parents
Everyone being friends with the cows goes to the PETA place
Cons get nothing but screwed
Please tell me this series hasn't gone where I was afraid it would. Or let me know that it has so I can decide if it's going to be so bad I'll be mad the whole time like I was in Ep 1.
Warning: anyone who clowns on this post to be a RavWave anti or say "The Decepticons are supposed to be pure evil, duh!" will get blocked.
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toffyrats · 9 months
i need you guys to hear me out on this.
high school musical split timeline.
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a few notes below the cut—
first a disclaimer: i have not watched hsmtmts, all of this is js based on what people have told me. did chad n taylor break up somewhere in there i don’t know.
hsm2 doesn’t seem to have much of an impact in the timeline. in the red timeline it simply doesn’t happen- everyone goes their own way (pun intended) and ryan and sharpay win the talent show. even then, ryan starts to get slightly fed up with her which shows in the 3rd movie.
the continuity issues between sharpays fabulous adventure and hsmtmts bothers me. thats why sfa is even here in the first place
graduation in the blue timeline plays out basically the same way as hsm3, except for two things. one, taylor and chad don’t go to prom together (obviously). they just end up tagging along with ryan and kelsi who went as gay man lesbian girl besties and ryan and chad share a very awkward but sweet dance or two together. two, as much as i love it, want it all isn’t included. sharpay knows ryan’s over her, she doesn’t need a musical number to make it seem like he isn’t.
zeke and sharpay’s deleted scene was so cute and very needed. i hate all the scenes we had w rocketman when we couldve had that. pretend it happens in both timelines
chad doesn’t cut his hair in the blue timeline. both in hsm3 and hsmtmts. this is more of a personal nitpicky choice but it has to be done
tell me your thoughts, also tell me if this doesn’t make sense, tell me if anything abt hsmtmts doesn’t line up, tell me everything LMAO
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