#did they get lost on the way to the exit or what the fuck happened
airenyah · 11 months
love it when series (or movies) pull an "it was night and now it's day"
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saltburnedme · 9 months
Catch Me If You Can
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My requests are open! Message/comment to be added to the tag list!
Paring: Oliver Quick x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3533
Summary: Living at Saltburn you’d had repeated nightmares about getting lost in the labyrinth. What happens when your nightmare becomes true?
Warnings: SMUT (ONLY READ IF YOU ARE 18+) unprotected sex, choking, stalking? Kind of?, being drunk/drugged, being chased/threatened with a weapon, dub con, generally fucked up smut overall, lots of mentions of blood, pray/predator vibes
You stumbled through the darkness down each twist and turn of the labyrinth, the blood rushing through your veins, that’s when you hear it. The crunch of gravel under a foot that wasn’t your own and in that moment, you knew you weren’t alone.
That’s how the nightmare always starts. You’d gotten lost in the labyrinth at Saltburn enough throughout your childhood to know never to go in there without telling someone where you were. You’d had the same repetitive nightmare for years; you’d go in and never come out. You didn’t know why this stuck with you as much as it did, but it did, nevertheless. Because of this you made it your mission to memorise every step, you knew exactly which way led to the middle, exit and every dead end, you’d walk the maze every day just to make sure that you’d never be caught out.
You’d walked it alone for years, that was until this summer. Felix had brought a friend back; you hadn’t thought much of him until he asked to walk the maze with you. It had taken a few adventures to warm up to him as he wasn’t exactly the most outgoing of men you’d ever experienced in your life, but he seemed well meaning and it was a nice change from constantly walking alone. You weren’t sure why, but for some reason he wanted to learn the labyrinth as much as you did.
You’d never accuse him of it, but it sometimes felt as if he was planning for something more. You had watched his confidence change over time as you spent your afternoons wandering with him. You told him about your nightmare in detail, he was kind and understanding, trying to reassure you that nothing like that could ever happen. Over the time in your presence, he’d gone from a quiet boy to a confident man, almost domineering you when alone but reverting into his old self as soon as you were around others. You had so many questions, you thought that he’d been holding back, and you wanted to see just how far he’d go if he really had you alone although you were certain you’d never say it or so you thought.
The summer sun beat down on the garden and the whole family had been drinking heavily consistently since noon. You’d been in and out of the lake all day, swimming for a while and then lying on the grass soaking up the sun. Members of the party came and went as they pleased until before you knew it, day turned to night. Throwing on a long white sun dress, you lay there until you were the last one left on the grass taking in the stars as you lay there giggling to yourself through a drunken haze. You’d been so taken by the events of the day that you hadn’t even realised until now that you’d missed your daily trip around the labyrinth. You knew it wasn’t a good idea, you hadn’t told anyone where you were going and although you weren’t the drunkest, you’d ever been in your life you certainly weren’t sober. This wasn’t enough to deter you though, you were determined.
Standing on shaky legs you made your way to the labyrinth with a little skip, although your nightmare was always at the forefront of your mind on any trip there right now you felt invincible. Your tipsy mind pushed any sense of danger to the background, right now all you felt was a fuzzy tingling throughout your body and an excitement for a late-night adventure. You made it to the entrance of the maze before you knew it, staring down the first path as you contemplated whether or not this was something you really should be doing. Within a split second you had decided, you were going in. You were certain, this was until something out of the corner of your vision caught your eye.
‘I wouldn’t go in there if I were you’ he says, leaning against the entrance of the maze. ‘Anything could happen in the dark’ he continues, his face lit only by the cigarette he had pressed to his lips, a wine bottle in his other hand.
‘Fuck, Oliver. What are you doing out here? I thought everyone had gone to bed?’ You asked, your heart racing in your chest. It was just Oliver; you knew you were safe with him you thought to yourself.
‘Couldn’t sleep, not knowing you were out here alone’ he says continuously smoking and seeming to be avoiding eye contact with you, staring at the ground in front of him. Something was different, you knew he was at least a little drunk too so maybe that was it, but something felt off.
‘So, you came looking for me?.. in the dark’ you reply, waiting for any kind of response but receiving none. You could feel the alcohol running through your veins, you knew that if you were sober this would have been enough to scare you and although you’d never admit it you were terrified and you thought you might even like it. ‘Well, if you don’t think I should go in there alone you could always come with me?’ You proposition, growing more giggly twirling your hair around your fingers. That drew his attention, still no eye contact but you could feel him watching you, watching the way your fingers moved together and how your dress fell against your curves as you shifted unable to stand still.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea sweetheart’ he says, taking the last few drags on his cigarette, flicking the butt off into the nearby grass. You feel a surge of confidence as you move closer to him, your body almost touching his as you lean in almost speaking in a whisper. Taking the bottle from his hand you take a large gulp, the red wine trickling down your chin staining the fabric of your white dress appearing almost like blood.
‘I think it’s a great idea’ you start, your face so close to his now that your eyelashes almost graze his cheek, pushing the bottle into his chest in a drunken attempt to give it back. You’d found him attractive for a while, he’d grown on you over the last few weeks, and you finally felt like it was happening, this was your chance. ‘I think you should come into the maze with me’ you giggle. ‘And who knows, maybe if you find me you can fuck me’ you say, that caught his attention. His blue eyes reflecting in the moonlight as his gaze meets yours, he almost looked angry.
This is not what he wanted, Oliver thought to himself, he didn’t want you, not like this anyway. He knew it was sick to think it, but he didn’t want you to give yourself to him, he wanted to take you for himself. As you flirted and giggled, he felt the heat rise in his chest, his heartbeat against his rib cage as his aggression soared. He thought of you as a pure little thing, he would have even said untouched if he hadn’t have heard stories from the others, but you seemed pure to him, nevertheless. He loved the thought of you helpless underneath him, for him to be both the villain and the saviour in your eyes. But hearing you speak like this ruined everything, you’d never spoken to him like this before, he didn’t want to hear you beg him to fuck you, he wanted you to beg him to stop. He’d come out here with a plan, he wanted to take you into the maze and rob you of any shred of virginity that you had left, but now with the way you were talking you were just a whore in his eyes. A slut that was unworthy of him. So, he stood there before you wordless, gazing down upon you in anger as his ocean blue eyes turned black, you stood looking up towards him as much as you could in your drunken state. You thought he seemed angry, but you were so drunk at this point that you wouldn’t have been able to tell either way, the alcohol from Oliver’s wine bottle hitting you way harder than you anticipated.
‘Maybe I can fuck you?’ He finally repeats back to you. ‘Maybe you’ll let me fuck you?’ He sneers as he stands straight, almost pushing you over as he moves closer, his chest pressed to yours. ‘Because that’s such a prize’ he continues, practically laughing in your face, if you thought he was flirting before you could now see, even as drunk as you were, that he was very much not happy. ‘Well then pretty thing, I think you should start running. Can’t catch you if you aren’t running now, can I?’ He says, so he does want you? You question to yourself. One moment he’s almost refusing you and the next he wants you? At this point you felt almost as much confusion as you felt fear. That was until he does it, he pushes you into the labyrinth making you stumble as he does, losing your balance ending up lying face down in the gravel as you turn back from your position on the floor to see him. With the moonlight shining from behind him he looked much taller and more menacing, the kind boy you knew was gone, replaced by only the silhouette of the body he once inhabited.
‘Go on then, run’ he almost growls out as your heart rate increases, you want to let out a scream, but nothing comes. Stumbling to your feet you immediately start running. Turning around to try and see if you could outrun him, you see him still standing at the entrance, then you hear it, the familiar sound of smashing glass. He’d broken the bottle against the statue that’s placed at each entrance of the maze, now only holding the broken neck of the bottle as he begins his pursuit towards you.
You run as fast as you can, rounding the corners of the maze in record speed. You knew the labyrinth well enough that you were certain you could get out before him, this is exactly why you’d been waking it all this time anyway. This was almost exactly like your nightmare you thought to yourself. When you first propositioned Oliver, this was not exactly what you’d imagined. You had pictured this going much differently, you’d giggle and run at an almost walking pace so not to make it too difficult to catch you. But this was wrong, he was wrong.
You didn’t know what exactly had changed within Oliver, but something was drastically off. The Oliver you knew would never have looked at you the way he did or spoken to you as he did. You were absolutely certain that your sweet predictable Oliver wouldn’t have smashed a bottle into a weapon and literally chased you down with it. While you may have practiced your escape from the maze many times, you now realise that you’d never practiced running it as you gasp for breath between each step of your quick moving feet.
Checking behind you Oliver is nowhere to be seen, your pace slowing as you think you may have lost him giving you some time to catch your breath. You stumble your way through the maze, you were sure you were about to get to the middle and make your way out but instead where the exit should be, a dead end. You were sure this couldn’t be right you weren’t lost, surely you couldn’t be. You begin to trace your steps back, finding the topiary equivalent of a crossroads. You see him but you're not sure he’s seen you, crossing in a slightly different direction heading towards the opposite side of the maze. Yet when you look another way, he appears to be walking towards you, and in another direction away from you. You swear you can almost feel him graze your shoulder as he passes you, his shoulder brushing past yours in different directions over and over again as you fall to the floor, crawling on your hands and knees as the hard gravel punctures the skin on your knees leaving behind a small trail of blood.
You knew there couldn’t be that many of him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you rub your eyes. Finally, re opening them you find yourself alone, was any of that real? Was he even in the maze at all? You question yourself, your sanity in its entirety. You can still taste the red wine on your lips, you thought it tasted off at the time but now you were sure, you were drugged or at the very least incredibly drunk.
Stumbling to your feet you use the hedge to the side of you to re gain your balance. Just like in your nightmare you hear the sound of gravel crunch behind you, turning your head you catch the glimmer of light reflecting from the broken wine bottle just as he swings for your neck, screaming and running immediately as you hear his pace quicken behind you. You’d completely lost the grip on where you were in the maze, you could be at the exit for all you knew, but in this moment you just ran straight. The hedges seemed to lengthen as you ran, this singular corridor appearing never ending as you sprint. Almost as if you were in a dream you seemed to run on one spot like you were practically on a treadmill, going nowhere fast. You could hear him behind you, you were sure of it, you tried to look but the tears falling from your eyes blurred your vision too much. Continuing to run forwards you feel as if you can see the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel, you can see the statue in the centre of the labyrinth dead ahead of you, a feeling of relief flooding your senses as you head straight.
You’ve made it, you’re almost out you think to yourself. Just as you meet the edge of the hedge facing the centre he steps out, your form slamming into his unmoving body forcing you to stop running.
‘Found you’ he says with a smirk, smiling down menacingly at you as his tongue swipes over his bottom lip. You knew you were facing the statue but as he begins to back you into a corner you feel yourself walk backwards into something hard, your body slamming into solid stone. Pressed against the statue at the centre of the maze you look around confused. Where were you? Had you been in the middle this whole time? You were certain you were facing towards it but now the statue was pressed behind you. Regardless it was of little consequence, he had found you.
‘Do I get my prize now little dove?’ He asks you without really asking, not waiting for a reply he wraps his hand around your throat, the other hand still wrapped around the broken neck of the bottle as he uses it to slice the fabric straps of your dress free from your shoulders, your dress falling to the ground. His hand tightening on your throat he leans in to kiss you as you resist, biting him in response feeling blood trickle down both of your lips, the metallic taste swirling around your mouth.
‘You think fighting back will stop me?’ He questions, your resistance only seeming to fuel his desire for you as he grinds his length into your thigh. ‘You thought wrong, dove’ he continues.
Throwing the bottle neck to the floor you hear it smash against the gravel in the distance, that’s one obstacle out of the way you think as he spins you around, pressing your chest into the statue that now stood in front of you. With one hand still around your throat you hear the jingle of his belt unclasping. The swimwear you were wearing from earlier in the day still firmly held against your body for only a few more moments as you feel his strong hands rip the fabric in two, throwing it to the side as you feel his fingers glide through your folds.
‘Fuck little dove’ You were almost embarrassingly wet, you hadn’t realised it until now due to the fear, but maybe that’s exactly why you were as you were. His words coming out as almost a whisper only meant to be heard by himself. To Oliver it’s almost as if you weren’t real, your skin was so soft, your entrance was so wet and warm that he could have been convinced that this was another dream of his and he’d wake up with his hand fisting his cock for relief. But this was real, he could hear your breathing below him quicken as he pushes his fingers into you, curling them as your hands tighten on the marble in front of you.
You moan as he lets out obscenities behind you, sliding more fingers inside of your tight hole, his eyes transfixed on the way his digits glide in and out of you so easily. Eventually removing his fingers from you, his grip around your neck tightens as he pulls your back to become flush with his chest, his free hand coming to cup just below your chin.
‘Spit’ he demands, grabbing your face slightly as he waits for you to drool into his hand. You look towards his hand as you spit into his open palm, a mixture of clear liquid and blood coming out of your mouth as he quickly covers his length in it, coating himself and you in the mixture as he thrusts up into you without warning.
Although you were outside, the slapping, squelching sounds seem to echo off of the walls of the labyrinth. You can hear him groan in pleasure behind you, enjoying the feeling of choking you as he gazes down at the view of himself sinking into you over and over again. He loved seeing you like this, his hand around your throat and your pussy covered in a mixture of blood, cum and spit as he pulled you back once again. His mouth meeting yours in a hurried kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth. Both of your breaths quickened you taste his blood from his split lip once more. As soon as the taste hits your tongue you feel yourself tighten around him, his free hand coming down to rub circles into your clit.
‘Cum for me little dove’ He demands as you moan, your head dropped back onto his shoulder. ‘Show me what a good girl you are’ He prompts as his fingers press harder into you, desperate to draw out your orgasm. ‘Fuck, that’s it sweet girl’ groaning into your ear as you ride out your climax around his cock, tightening on him as his pace picks up.
His movements becoming more erratic as he works towards his own peak, your body limp in his grip as he fucks you, exhausted from your own climax and over stimulated as he thrusts into you. Your moans must have been loud enough to be heard outside of the labyrinth you were sure, and now as you feel him throb inside of you, you were certain people must have heard him too. Without warning he spills inside of you, his cum painting your walls white as he bites down on your shoulder hard enough to draw blood as he climaxes.
Both breathing heavily he pulls your head back by your hair for one last lust filled kiss. His touch almost tender as he removes himself from you. You hear him fastening his belt as you hold onto the statue in front of you for balance, all of your clothing ripped and discarded on the floor you feel him place his jacket onto your shoulders.
‘You scared me’ you say with a slightly fearful smile, the evidence of your enjoyment in your voice as you speak out for the first time since entering the maze, your tone coming out rasp. ‘Maybe we should do it again some time’ you giggle as you move your ass back against him, eliciting no response other than the sound of his continued breathing. ‘Don’t you think so Oliver?’ You ask, hoping with all of your heart that finally after all of this your soft kind man would return to you but receiving no reply.
‘Oliver?’ You question into the darkness as you turn, your eyes searching for him despite having felt his touch on you only moments ago. But he was nowhere to be seen, the only trace of him being his jacket on your shoulders, his blood on your lips and the trickle of his cum now working its way down your thigh. ‘Oliver?’ You speak out quieter. He was gone and you knew it. Gathering your things you made your way back towards the house, was any of it real?
Message to be added to the tag list! : @lillypink @ilovesaltburn @simplymakkari @hahahafucku @rorysgirll @jubileexoxo @grandpaintersuit @anniemay67 @idontevenknow1359 @frayafriggafrey @rpgdoll @veevsterz @samosas0900 @vivalafae
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uluvjay · 11 months
I absolutelyfucking love your Max Verstappen x innocent Horner! reader fic so please m here for another
What if reader had a purity ring and after they do it he slides it off her finger and makes it a necklace for himself. Horner would be mad. But glad that it was him than anyone else
Sending positive vibes
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Max Verstappen x Horner daughter!
Warnings?; mentions to sex, cursing, kissing, probably some errors
Au masterlist!
“Darling where’s your ring?” You father asks picking up your hand to analyze the tanned finger with a pale line showcasing where the small band usually sits.
“My ring?” You question looking down the your hand as well.
“Shit, where’s my ring?” You panic trying to think about where it could have gone.
“Why would you take it off? Have you been seeing someone?” He questions you, bright eyes searching your face for answers to his questions.
“Of course not” you lie straight through your teeth, you had been seeming someone but your father didn’t need to know that it was his star driver that was fucking you silly every night.
“Then what happened to it?”
The question has you thinking back to the night before, Max had been teasing you about it stating there was no reason for you to keep the purity ring on when he’d already defiled you multiple times.
Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to catch your breath after coming down from yet another orgasm. Max had laid beside you, one of his large hands holding your left hand in it as he spun the small golden band around.
“Why do you still wear this?” He questioned quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“Well it signifies purity right? Like you were supposed to wear it till marriage and when you lost your virginity?” He continued
“Yeah so?”
“So? Schat I took your virginity a long time ago, your far from pure now” he laughed looking at you with bright eyes.
A bright blush took over your cheeks at his words but part of you was to tired to get into the full details about why you chose to still wear it and just settled with a simple “It was a gift from my father and he’d lose his mind if he saw me without it” before sleep overtook and you were out cold while cuddled into Max’s side.
However what you didn’t see or feel was max slipping the delicate band off your finger and onto his chain that rested on the nightstand next to him.
You thought back to this morning and how you over slept leaving you with little time to get dressed and be at the track in time for qualifying, the busy morning not allowing you to notice your missing ring.
“I-i’m not sure, I guess I took it off before bed?” You stated but it sounded more like a question.
Your father opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by the sight of Max’s car being brought back into the garage not having realized qualifying had ended and Max has once again securing pole position.
You watched as the Dutchman exited the car, pulling off his helmet and black balaclava revealing his messy and damp locks.
His eyes met yours and he shot you a sneaky wink before making way to your father for a small hug and congratulations.
You blushed at the closeness of his large body beside yours, watching as he undid the Velcro of his racing suit and pulled it down to hang around his waist.
However once his dark fireproof was revealed you couldn’t help but notice the outline of something underneath.
The imprint of his chain was there as it should be however you saw something attached to it but before you could connect the dots, the voice of your stepmother cut you off.
“Max did you get a charm for your chain?” Geri questioned causing all eyes to turn to the blonde man; including your fathers.
“Oh yes, beautiful isn’t it?” He smirked as he pulled the chain from underneath his top.
You felt the world stop as you saw your ring resting on the chain, the ring you had just told your father that you couldn’t place, the ring that was meant to signify purity, the ring that should not have been around Max Verstappen’s neck.
Christians eyes shot from the band hanging around the chain to your face that was now covered by shaky hands and the blank and unbothered face of his star driver.
“My office now. Both of you.” He demanded
Shutting the door behind himself Christian paced back and forth, he wasn’t sure what exactly it was that he was feeling.
Anger? Check, confusion? Check, shock? Double check.
“What the hell is going on between you two? And why in the fuck does max have your ring around a chain?” He asked, hands taking place on his hips.
“I-uh, we” you started but the man beside you cut you off.
“We’ve been seeing each other for awhile now, just a little under a year” max spoke in a soft tone.
“I’m sorry a year?” Your father exclaimed at the confession.
“Yes” you and max both answered at the same time.
“And I can assume you were the one to deflower my child?”
“No you don’t get to ‘dad’ me right now young lady, answer the question max”
“Uh yes” max blushed at Christian’s words.
“God, fuck at least it was Max and not some college guy” he spoke in relief.
“So your okay with us being together?” You asked quietly, unconsciously moving closer to Max.
“I am but no snogging or anything gross around me” he shivered at the thought.
“I promise, thank you” you smiled as you made your way to him and pulled him into a hug.
“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy darling” he replied as he placed a sweet kiss to your head.
With a sweet smile you made your way back towards max, taking a hand in his and pulling him out of the room.
But before you could fully exit your father’s voice stopped max in his tracks.
“Take care of my little girl max!”
“Always sir” he smiled at his boss before following behind your bouncing frame, a content smile on his face at the feeling of your hand in his and the sight of your pretty bow he’d gotten that sat perfectly in your hair.
Finally making it into his drivers room he pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss, the feeling of his warm lips so familiar and comforting.
His hands sank down to rest on your ass while yours slipped into his still damp hair, tugging on it when he slipped his tongue into your mouth-immediately taking dominance.
Pulling away for air his face held a smirk at the sight of your already blown out eyes and flushed face.
“I love you” he spoke running a finger over your cheek.
“I love you to” you smiled, pulling the blonde back down for another hot kiss.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
One of Dick's greatest strengths is his ability to manipulate every single person in existence.
Genuinely I think this makes him the smartest person in the room. Not only is he a brilliant detective, but the fact that he's able to outmaneuver and control virtually everyone including other geniuses and masterminds makes him the most terrifying. There's a reason why his enemies have give up using intelligence against him and simply resorting to brute force.
Now hold your horses before you bring your crowbars and let me explain.
Dick once said, "On an even playing field, I always win."
And it's true. But how do you even the field if your enemies are geniuses, detectives, or metas?
"Well, if you don't like how the table is it, turn over the table."
And that's exactly what Dick does.
Let's begin from his younger years. Dick is 19, newly out of Batman's wing and in no position to take on a skilled mercenary on by himself. But the mercenary isn't going to stop just because he says please. So.
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"You're right Slade, he's not a fool so choose a dumber kidnapping victim next time."
Ofcourse this is the least of his abilities.
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This cover is perfect because it shows how two of them are literally in a constant game of chess. And evidence of Dick's tactical expertise was never more obvious than the bombing of Bludhaven.
By all means Dick had won.
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And he's right. Dick is incredibly intelligent, and he has to be given how he maneuvered the entirety of the world to save him city. Not just the heroes and villains, but everyone - the heroes, the villains, the government, the civilians, the organized crime - everyone. He ruled the freaking world at that moment.
@haroldhighballjordan actually made a post about this that explains this scene so well
But yeah Slade knew he lost so in his petty vengeance what he basically did was set the whole fucking chessboard on fire.
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The perfection to which Dick had calculated and moved millions of people to force Slade into abandoning their game and leave him shrieking and seething in rage over his loss. Another reminder that this game only happened because Dick manipulated Rose away from her father, away from his control to a better life.
Spyral is one of my favorite comics because it shows just how good of a manipulator Dick Grayson is.
One of Dick's coldest traits is his ability to manipulate a situation to fit his needs.
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In the beginning Dick wanted to calm the meta down and take him in but the second his opponent let out the slightest hint of weakness, look how fast he flips his words. This man is brilliant.
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And his planning came to fruition as the meta wore himself out, allowing Dick to take control of the situation and the opponent with no harm to himself-a quick, two second exit. He can manipulate emotions, thoughts, and people to get what he wants like he's playing chess with a child.
But it's not just other people- he can completely change himself to become a whole new person. In the earlier chapters, Dick is learning how to shoot a gun for the agency.
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Dick's a terrible shot. Not a single bullet lands in the center of the target-there's no way he's ever going to shoot well....or atleast that's what he wants you to think-
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"Yeah, well, that's what spies do."
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"We lie."
He's a puppet master and the final boss.
part 2
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hannieehaee · 11 months
18+ / mdi
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content: newboyfriend!vernon, new relationship, friends to lovers-ish, smut, f reader, public sex (it's indoors but they have roommates so ..), fingering, oral (m and f receiving) mentions of penetrative sex, chan is traumatized, spit, too much tongue, etc.
wc: 1485
a/n: this is nasty as hell and not proofread whatsoever 🫡
you and vernon had not been dating for too long. a few weeks at most. you'd been more than friends for a while, however. well, not exactly. you'd liked each other for a few years, never doing anything about it, but pissing off everyone else around you who had to deal with the pining of their two unsuspecting friends.
it had been a few weeks ago that the dam had finally broken.
you had gone clubbing with a group of friends, vernon included. as per usual, you spent a while at a table with your friends until you grew bored, deciding to go dancing instead. it seemed like some guy had the same idea, as you soon found yourself dancing with some random guy who kept pressing himself against you. you dont remember exactly what was said after that, seeing as you were slightly tipsy, but a few moments later and you were now holding hands with a peeved off vernon as he dragged you out of the club and into an empty alley.
a heated conversation followed after that. you had never seen vernon express this much emotion, scolding you for being so careless with some guy you didnt even know. you could tell he wasnt drunk, but he was clearly at least a little buzzed, so you chalked off his behavior to the effects of the alcohol, barely having the mind to pay attention to what he was saying. that is, until he muttered the five words you'd been wanting to say to him for years.
"i'm in love with you."
what happened after that could only be described as public indecency, as the both of you let your desires take over and fucked against the alleyway wall. and that was only the beginning of what was now your relationship with your new boyfriend.
all your friends had been ecstatic at the new development of your relationship, happy that they would no longer have to lend their ears to your cries of hopelessness whenever the other would show interest in another person. but that happiness only lasted a little while. ecstatic could no longer express what your friends felt towards yours and vernon's new relationship.
annoyance? irritation? disgust? these were all the contenders for what your friends felt, yet again, at walking in on you in the middle of yet another depraved act with one another.
depravity. there was no better way to explain it. it seemed like you and vernon were always desperate for one another. since that first night at the club you just couldnt take your hands off of each other. any separation felt like a third degree burn. one look at your cleavage would have vernon dragging you away, begging you let him drag his tongue all over your tits. one look at vernon sitting on the couch, legs spread, led you do kissing at his ears, demanding he fuck your mouth.
day after day, you and vernon found new ways to touch one another, no matter where you were. just like now, as seungkwan, dokyeom and chan walked across the unlocked door of their shared house.
the scene was familiar by now. you on your knees, cock gliding up and down your throat while vernon sat on the couch, hands tangling your hair as he groaned at the tightness of your throat.
"b-baby, fuck. just like that.."
he was too lost in pleasure to pay attention to the sound of the door unlocking, but did not miss the loud screech seungkwan let out as soon as he spotted you.
"GET A ROOM!" yelled a scandalized seungkwan as you hurriedly separated your mouth from your boyfriend's dick, cleaning off the spit around your lips as quickly as possible.
dokeyom stood there, hands over his eyes while chan had his eyes glued to your disheveled form.
seungkwan sneered at you to get out, to 'have some decency', and promptly exited the room while you and vernon ran off to his own room to continue with your ministrations.
that had not been the first nor the last time that happened. the next time would present itself soon after in the form of you and vernon making breakfast together early in the morning. well, you making breakfast while vernon felt you up from behind, dragging his hands over every curve he could get to.
"n-nonnie .. you heard kwannie," you sighed, not really being able to think straight due to the feeling of your boyfriend's big hands pinching your nipples as he kissed your neck. "we ca-can't keep doing this out in the open like this .."
"but baby ... feel so fucking pretty against me .. just this once, yeah? let me have my breakfast? hmm?"
you were a weak one, because that's all it took to let your boyfriend remove your shorts as he ate you out from behind, right in the middle of the kitchen.
"baby .. taste so fucking good .."
"shit, want this every morning."
"yeah .. fuck, just like that. push it against me, baby."
"do you feel my tongue, baby? yeah? it's that good?"
his words against your pussy were making you light headed, not being able to process your surroundings as you whined at the feeling of his tongue dragging itself across your most sensitive places.
unfortunately for you, your whines had the same effect on vernon, leaving you both too distracted to hear a sleepy chan approaching the kitchen.
"FUCK!" he screamed, startled at the view of your ass on full display, with a vernon covering half of it with his head as he desperately licked at your folds.
you both quickly jumped into action, vernon standing in front of you to cover your naked half from the intruder.
"i- the kitchen?! eating ass in the kicthen?! where we eat?!", complained chan, more exasperated than ever.
"i-he wasnt eating my .." you mumbled, embarrassed at being caught once more.
'nevermind, i'll go eat at jun's. disinfect the kitchen when you're done' and with that, he left, muttering something along the lines of 'disgusting' and 'degenerates' as he walked away.
chan had been right, as that was not the last time you and vernon would be caught in a situation like that. the next (and probably not last)time, you had been having a movie night with your three roommates. you all sat on different parts of the dark living room, chan and seungkwan on the couch, while you, dokyeom and vernon were under some blankets on the floor.
inevitably, you and vernon sat under the same blanket, cuddling as you paid attention to the screen. but that, of course, didnt last long. it seemed like it was impossible for you and vernon to sit in such close proximity without putting your hands on one another. fortunately for you, you were sitting an at angle where chan and seungkwan could not see you very well from the couch, and dokyeom was sitting about foot in front of you, leaving you out of his line of sight.
it started with vernon pressing a few light pecks on your shoulder, then moving onto a few short kisses on your lips. knowing the smacking of your lips would make too much noise, you opted for subtle licking of each other's tongues as you wantonly breathed into each other's mouths.
if there was one thing vernon was good at, it was at using his tongue. the way he kissed you always made you lightheaded, as he always knew ways in which to play with your tongue that made your eyes roll back. just like now. with your eyes rolled back at the feeling of his tongue probing into your mouth, vernon gestured for you to stick out your tongue for him. he then proceeded to quietly let a glob of spit fall into your tongue, quickly using his own to force it further into your mouth. as he did this, he had snuck his hand under the blanket, probing at your panties.
he continued quietly kissing you as he rubbed you through your underwear, refusing to stick his fingers inside but providing you with enough friction to make you wanna whine into his mouth.
at some point you became too aroused to keep kissing him, instead letting your mouth fall open as you breathed against his own. vernon took this as an invitation to lick even more into your mouth, speeding up the rubbing of his fingers against you. you eventually managed to cum with a quiet moan against vernon's lips, thinking yourself successful at not getting caught. that was until your thoughts were interrupted by a whine from dokyeom.
"you guys are disgusting. i'm literally like five inches away!"
"are you fucking again?!" now was seungkwan's turn.
"god, please tell me they're not naked .." chan added.
you and vernon sat through ten minutes of scoldings and complains at your lewd actions, knowing you should probably just move out at that point.
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cobaltperun · 4 months
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Bottom Tara Carpenter x top female Reader (Smut, minors DO NOT interact)
Strap-on, fingering, Reader being kinda dom? Slight overstimulation, usual stuff really.
Much like Lost in your eyes this is basically Lost 19.5 (It also happens before the first flashback scene of Lost 20) though, as long as you ignore the few details it can be read as a stand-alone.
Lost Masterlist
Word count: 3.2k
It’s been almost two months since Bailey tried to kill your family, since you nearly bleed out due to the stab wounds and a rusty rebar going through you. You survived, and you were recovering at a fairly good pace, but it was a close call, too close for both your and Tara’s liking.
Your eyes still glanced down at the scar from the rebar when you stepped out of the shower. It came in through your lower back and went diagonally, exiting your body just beneath your chest and it was nothing short of a miracle that nothing important was damaged and that only the scar remained. Sighing, you grabbed your clothes and put them on, a comfortable shirt that was a bit loose on you now, since you still haven’t regained all your muscles, and tracksuit pants since you wanted to just relax with Tara.
The moment you joined Tara in your bedroom she threw her arms around you and pulled you into a kiss, a searing kiss, burning with passion and need, proving that while you intended to relax, she had other ideas. And damn did that get you in the mood right away, you definitely didn’t mind relaxing after making love to her. She clutched the back of your shirt and ran her fingers through your hair, tugging gently as she deepened the kiss. Her tongue slipped into your mouth, and you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her as close to you as physically possible.
"So needy," you chuckled when she pulled back for a moment, a string of saliva still connected your and Tara’s lips.
"Like you aren't?" she challenged, looking fiercely into your eyes and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the look in her eyes.
It’s been a bit too long, between your busy schedule before all of you were attacked, and then your recovery and all the other things that required your and Tara’s attention it’s easily been over two months since you last made love. "Mhm, I definitely am," you admitted as you leaned down, kissing her neck.
"Baby," she moaned when you nipped at the side of her neck and you immediately pulled back, looking at her wide-eyed. Tara blushed but kept looking at you. "Baby, please," she said again, acting as if she never stopped saying that word all the while gently caressing the back of your neck. You were lost in that soft sensation, of her fingers just gently scratching and massaging your neck, or any part of your skin she could touch at the moment.
"Say it again," you demanded, lifting her up, taking a few steps to the side and pushing her against the wall. You could feel her pressing her body against yours and wrapping her legs around you, just as desperate as you were to feel your body against hers. You looked at her face, at her lower lip stuck between her teeth as her cheeks turned dark red.
"Baby," she moaned into your ear as you unbuttoned the top buttons of her, previously your, button-up shirt and yanked it down, and since it was way too big for her it just fell from her shoulders.
"Again, Love," you needed to keep hearing her say it.
"Baby!" she cried out, maybe even a bit too loudly as you began kissing her bare shoulders and tugging the straps of her bra down, but with the shirt still on it was a bit of a hustle to do what you wanted.
“I need you,” you hissed, desperate for her consent to take it further, to strip her in every sense of that word, to make love to her and make her cum until either of you couldn’t take it anymore.
Tara cupped your cheek and pressed her thumb beneath your chin, making you lift your head up and looked you in the eyes, her eyes filled with lust and desire. “Yeah? So do something about it, fuck me hard,” she pulled you in for a brief, passionate kiss. “Harder than ever befo-oh fuck, Y/N!” she cried out, gasping as you just unzipped her jeans and slipped your hand inside her panties, your thumb already rubbing circles around her clit while your fingers spread her pussy and teased her entrance.  
Taking her jeans off would take too much time, taking any bit of her clothing would take too much time, and you didn’t want to spend one extra second without Tara coming undone in your arms. You hastily unbuttoned the shirt just enough to lift her bra up. And you lifted her up higher, so you didn’t have to lean down too much to pull her nipple between your lips. “Damn you’re wet,” you hissed, her warm, wet walls tightening around your fingers the moment you slipped them inside. The slight discomfort and awkward position of your hand didn’t matter, not when Tara was arching her back, digging her fingers into your hair and back and fucking herself on your fingers. She was soaked, so soaked you could already hear the obscene sound of her wet pussy gushing around your fingers.
Your fingers suddenly slipping inside her caught her by surprise, you were usually slower, more focused on gradually building up toward it, but she understood you were just as pent-up as her, and she loved how quickly and desperately you just went for her pussy. “All for you, Baby, Only for-“ she gasped when you began rubbing her clit, you did it hard and fast, wanting nothing more than to have her cum as soon as possible. And she knew she’d cum in minutes with how desperate she was right now. “Don’t edge me, please, just keep fucking me,” she cried out, covering her mouth to silence the lustful sounds coming from her mouth.
You pinned her hand to the side of her head. “None of that,” you rasped, smirking when you felt how tight she suddenly got. “Oh, you like that?”
Tara nodded, not trusting her voice. She wailed, her moans and cries of pleasure covering up the wet sounds of your fingers pumping into her. She nearly threw her head back against the wall, she would have, if you didn’t put your hand on the back of her head to cushion the impact. “Please, please let me cum,” she pleaded, already desperate. “Please,” she repeated, her legs trembling and even in the lustful haze you knew she couldn’t keep them wrapped around you for much longer. And you were out of hands to hold her up.
“Cum for me,” but you wanted her to cum just like this, pinned to the wall with three fingers pumping in and out of her while your thumb rapidly rubbed her clit. She bit her lip again and you pressed your thumb against it. Without thinking, without the two of you ever doing it before, Tara opened her mouth and sucked on your thumb. Her eyes, clouded by lust, met your own and she whimpered, her entire body convulsing and her mouth opened in a silent gasp.
You kept going, your fingers fucking her tight pussy, filling her up and preparing her for what was to come when you finally take her with your strap. And she couldn’t help but rock her hips against you, prolonging her orgasm until she could do nothing more but gasp for air and let the pleasure consume her entirely.
“That’s it, Love,” you whispered softly, pulling your thumb out of her mouth so you could keep her body up as she slumped against you. “I got you,” you gently kissed her neck as your own high and lust-fueled haze passed. You focused on Tara’s deep breaths, on her body still occasionally twitching in your arms and the quiet whines as you slipped your fingers out of her pussy and just gently rubbed her to help her calm down.
“Again, please,” Tara wasn’t interested in slowing down though, as she tried to incite you to keep going. “It’s not enough,” she was breathing heavily, close to gasping for air, but she needed more. She needed your fingers, tongue, your strap, she needed your skin against her own, your weight on top of her, or however you wanted to take her, as long as you kept going until all she could feel, and sense was you. “Please, Baby,” she kissed your neck, biting you slightly as she tried to push your buttons again.
“You sure you don’t need to catch your breath?” oh she loved you, but she needed you to be rough, not gentle. Not this time, not when she needed you to completely take over all her senses, to be everything she felt. She spent those horrible days waiting for you to wake up, anxious, afraid, alone. You woke up, you were fine, but she needed you to chase away the last remnants of her anxiety and fear, and you would do that by not being soft today.
“Don’t slow down, don’t stop, just keep going until I can’t even say your name,” her voice was shaky from the orgasm you just gave her, but she uttered those words with as much conviction and desire as she possibly could.
Your eyes narrowed and her heart threatened to skip a beat, there it was again, that same wild look you had on before she came. “You know how to stop me,” she swooned at that, one word would stop everything, even if she never used it before, and she knew she wouldn’t need to do it this time either, oh but she wanted that. She wanted to be fucked so hard that she would have to stop you, that you’d make her cum to the point where she’s too sensitive to cum again.
You pushed away from the wall and pulled your hand out of Tara’s panties so you could carry her to the bed and grab the strap-on along the way. For now, you just let it lay on the bed, just reminding Tara of what was coming as you laid her down on the bed as well. She looked completely disheveled, her bra skewed and lifted above her breasts, the shirt barely bunched up, wrinkled and barely being held closed over her belly by two buttons threatening to fall off, and her jeans, soaked through. “Damn, Tara,” you were tempted to leave her just like this, to just pull her jeans down enough to fuck her. You took a deep breath and unbuttoned the last two buttons, and somehow, the flushed cheeks and disheveled hair won you over to just leave her like this. You just pulled her jeans and panties down about half-way down her thighs and looked her in the eyes. She looked so utterly fucked and needy at the same time.
She was tingling with anticipation, not sure how you were going to continue this, she just knew she was fine with anything you wanted. And if that, apparently, meant she’d keep her clothes on, then so be it.
“On your hands and knees, turn toward the mirror” you ordered, and Tara felt her clit throbbing, she could definitely get used to this side of you. Dominating her, taking complete control over her, letting her feel safe because no matter how vulnerable she might be, you were there, and you were her protector. She turned around and placed a pillow in front of her, just in case. She waited, not daring to look behind or at the mirror, but she heard you preparing the strap and, as sneakily as she could, she slipped her hand between her legs and began rubbing while burying her face in the pillow, your pillow. She was so wet, ready for you to fuck her as she bit your pillow to silence her moans. It wasn’t enough, her fingers never felt as good as your own, or your strap, you knew her body completely, better even than she did, and there was also the fact that it was you taking her, fucking her, that made it feel even better.
“So impatient,” you chastised her, your hands caressing her ass and thighs, while reaching around her to keep her hand in place. “Keep doing that,” you ordered, and she felt her pussy dripping at the tone of your voice. She heard you kneeling behind her and felt you spreading her legs as much as her jeans allowed you to. She shivered, gasping as you kissed her thighs, one after another until finally reaching her pussy, but you didn’t aim to make her cum, you were just cleaning her up a bit, just tasting her and moaning against her opening. “Are you ready?” you asked, and she nodded quickly.
“Say it,” you demanded, sucking on her clit.
“Yes!” she gasped, wanting more, she needed your strap filling her up.
You didn’t reply, you just pulled her fingers away from her pussy and slowly pushed the strap in. You started slowly thrusting into her, like you always did, especially since it’s been a while since she last had anything aside from her fingers inside her, but you went deeper than she was used to. “Baby,” she sighed, opening her eyes and looking at the mirror, at the focused look on your face as you watched her face in the mirror, drunk on the pleasure she wasn’t even trying to hide. You leaned over her, pumping faster while reaching under her to grasp her breasts while your other hand moved from her thigh, underneath her shirt and across her side, just caressing her, slowly building her up again with no intention of edging her this time. And as much as she loved being edged by you, she loved this just as much. The pace getting faster, your thrusts harder, as her back arched and her lungs struggled to get oxygen.
Yet, she didn’t panic, she had complete faith in you as she only focused on reaching that high from before. Once again, she buried her face in your pillow, making it even harder to breathe, but she just couldn’t hold her body up anymore. You were pounding her from behind, your strap reaching so deep within her as you squeezed her sensitive breasts and glided your palm over her scorching hot, sweat covered body. She couldn’t keep her body up, letting you keep her up instead, and she once again began rubbing her clit, her moans and whimpers becoming less and less audible. And then, her faith in you paid off, as you lifted her upper body up and her lungs filled with air.
“Breathe, Love,” you reminded her, kissing her neck as you sped up. You hugged her tightly, buried your face in her hair and swallowed hard. Her now free hand reached behind her, touching your chin and making you look her in the eyes, and she came undone. Her entire body quivered in your arms, her hips pressing back on you, pushing the strap even deeper into her clenching pussy. “Keep going?” you still asked, as if she could answer anything but ‘yes’ to that.
“Please,” she gasped, turning back to the mirror to look at the two of you. Her face turned red when she watched the dripping strap repeatedly penetrate her.
“See how good you’re taking me?” you asked, kissing her neck and reaching down to spread her lips slightly. “I’m not going to stop, don’t worry,” you assured her.
“Fuck, Baby!” she cried out, seeing her pussy, swollen from arousal and your thrusts. She was taking you so well, her pussy gripping the strap. She finally saw exactly what you saw before, her open button-up shirt with over half the buttons torn off. Drops of her cum dripping down to her panties, you standing behind her, holding her protectively as she raced toward her third orgasm. You must have gotten tired of her shirt, because you pulled it off her along with her bra and she saw just how flushed her skin was. Her nipples still glistened from your saliva, erect and desperate for your attention, so she grabbed your hands and pulled them to her breasts, sighing in content as you got the message and rubbed her nipples between your fingers, squeezing and pinching just the way she loved it and she felt as if her entire body was tingling.
And in that moment, with her head thrown back on your shoulder, when all she could feel was you, she tried, so, so, desperately, to utter your name. “Y-“ she tried, she really did, barely getting the first letter of your name out before she whimpered, rolling her hips back to meet your every thrust. “Daddy,” she gasped eventually, the slip of the tongue paying off as you sped up. She could feel you tensing behind her, you were close, just as close as she was. “Make me cum!” she pleaded, gasping when she once again came around your strap.
You had no idea you wanted to hear Tara call you like that until she did and fuck did it excite you. “Say that again,” you tightly closed your eyes, focusing on the feel of her body against your own, on her wet pussy making your thrusts a bit more difficult, on her rapid breathing. And you felt the pressure within you releasing as you came moments after she did.
“Daddy!” her mind still didn’t catch up with the way she was calling you, too lost in pleasure to care for what she was saying, she just knew it had effect on you as kept fucking her through her orgasm, her sensitive pussy gushing around your strap. “Daddy!” she cried out again, her eyes half-closed as she watched you fucking her. Her hands slid down, and she pressed just above her pussy, feeling your thrusts deep inside her as you moved one of your hands down and rubbed her clit. She couldn’t even talk anymore, just gasping and moaning as she came for the fourth time, completely and utterly fucked. You pulled out, removed her ruined jeans and panties and buried your tongue deep inside her, prolonging her orgasm just enough to truly make her unable to breathe, even as you lay her down on the bed.
“Can’t,” she gasped, her pussy too sensitive for her to take it, too hot and fucked to the point of near overstimulation. And it was as if she pulled a switch as you slowed down, only doing enough to slowly bring her down from her high, and she smiled at that. For the first time you actually made her stop you, and she couldn’t have been happier and more satisfied. “Please,” she muttered as you came up and pecked her lips with a smile on your face. You raised an eyebrow but then she pointed toward her inhaler, just so she could get her breathing under control faster. You truly, absolutely, left her breathless.
Lost Masterlist
Taglist: @alexkolax
462 notes · View notes
vminizzle · 1 year
Sweet lips
pairing : fuckboy!jungkook x shy nerd!f.reader
genre : SMUT, FLUFF, angst
warnings : CRINGE ASF, soft dom!jk, sub!reader, shy!reader, tattooed!jk, biker!jk, flirting, possessiveness, jealousy, pet names, teasing, making out, biting, marking, praising, corruption kink, masturbation, fingering, cybersex, sexting, penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, riding (first time), missionary, college party party yea, mention of consuming alcohol, mention of smoking, tipsy!jk, mention of throwing up, mention of period cramps
words count : 13k
A/N : Hi lovely people, I hope you've been doing good. Well, I'm finally posting. I took so much time but I had to do my best to make this as good as possible. I tried my best with that, I wish It will be good. I really wanted to add more but I wanted to post asap,, I couldn't wait anymore so yup. You ain't ready :) Enjoy. REMINDER : poor English,, I wanna apologise in advance like you guys already know English is not my first language so please don't mind the mistake. Love you guys <;3 - sunny
you can part 1 HERE
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You sighed loudly as you sat on the passenger seat making Jimin looked over at you.
“What is it?” he asked making you shake your head.
“I repeat my question. What is it?”
“Nothing.” you said looking outside.
“It’s that Jungkook dude, right?” you gulped denying again.
“Oh c’mon, after seeing him you were literally lost. You weren’t focused on the movie. Usually when I’m ogling over my favorite actor you would glare at me with a disgusted face and make fun of me, but tonight, you just nodded silently and kept on sighing. What happened? Did he say something that ruined your mood? Tell me.”
Jimin said putting his hand on yours gently.
“No no no, not at all. He didn’t do anything.”
“You were with him earlier, before I came to pick you up, weren’t you?” he stared at you, already knowing the answer.
“hm, no?” you pursed your lips, still looking outside.
“Oh c’mon bro! You really thought I wouldn’t notice that big ass hickey on your neck? That man literally devoured your throat.”
“Jimin!” you gasped, finally facing him making the man huffed.
“I already told you to stay away from him.” you looked down to your lap defeated.
You were about to speak when you noticed a group of friends exiting the cinema, they were saying their goodbyes as they parted away.
You easily spotted him-
“bruh, isn’t that mister muscle?”
You heard Jimin said making you gulp.
“wait for me.” he said calmly as he open his car door.
“Jimin! Stop it!” you pulled on his wrist, pulling him back inside, the door closing in the process.
“Don’t, please.” you pleaded making him scoff.
“I was just about to tell him to stay away from my best friend.”
“I told you already... I know what I’m doing.. I will just... well-” looking back toward Jungkook, you furrowed your eyebrows as you noticed the girl from earlier.
“who’s that?” Jimin whispered.
“I don’t know.” you whispered back.
“why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know, I mean since we spying on him.” he joked.
“ha. ha. ha.” you rolled your eyes.
Jungkook was leaning back on his bike, the girl standing just before him. They were too close for your liking.
Your heart picked up the pace as she approached him, her hand raised on his shoulder. You stopped breathing when she tilted her head to the side, her lips getting way too close to his face.
You panicked as you suddenly press on the honk.
Jimin bent down abruptly to hide himself, you doing the same.
“and now why the fuck did you do that?” he whisper-yelled.
“sorry, I just, just panicked.”
“girl..” Jimin started before shaking his head slightly.
You peeked up slowly, staying careful to stay discreet as you heard the whirring of the bike.
“what is it?” Jimin asked curiously.
“they left... together.”
You just watched as he drove away, her arms wrapped around his body as she sat on the back.
You finished drying your body, putting your underwear as you stared at yourself in the foggy mirror of your bathroom.
“What an idiot?” you groaned frustrated, being mad at yourself.
“I hate him!” you exited your bathroom, stomping to your wardrobe.
“hate who?” you heard a deep voice startling you as you turn around only to notice Jungkook sitting on your bed, back leaned against the bed head.
“you look good.” he smirked.
The words making you tripped over your feet, landing on your ass.
“Jungkook?! What are you doing here?”
“your windows were opened, I took it as an invitation for me to come here.” he explained nonchalantly, pushing his black hair back, revealing his eyebrows piercing.
“I know you did it on purpose.” he licked his lips before you gave him a -what do you mean- look.
“you missed me, huh?” his eyes wandering over your half naked body as you finally stood up.
“no... I mean yes? Well, you.. you ... what are you doing here Jungkook?” you looked toward the open windows, putting your arms in front of your chest to cover you a bit.
“you forgot your glasses at home.” he pointed to the glasses he left on the bedside table.
“oh! You could have give it back to me next week. It wasn’t that important for you come here this late.” you smiled at him, feeling soft at the gesture.
“but thank you, I appreciate it.”
“wanted to see you before sleeping.” he added shrugging making your heart skipped a beat.
You stood there silent, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“come here.” he patted his thigh making you gulp.
“let me just grab my pajamas first-”
“no need, c’mere.” he extended his hand for you.
“If you’re cold, I’ll warm you up.”he said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
You walked to him slowly, his eyes not leaving you as you approach the bed.
Taking your hand in his gently, he made you sit on his lap facing him.
“how was your movie?” he started, laying his cold hand on your thigh, goosebumps raising all over your skin.
You hated the way your body reacted to his touches, reacted to him.
Wait, did you really hate it?
“The movie was...”
Oh, you didn’t even watched it, you weren’t focused at all.
How was you supposed to reply to his question when you spent the whole time thinking about him.
“well, it was good.” you cleared your voice making him nod.
You stared at him, wondering if he meant what he said earlier – he wanted to see me? You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“You’re not gonna ask me how was mine?” he raised an eyebrow making your thoughts came to a stop.
“ah yea yea... how was your movie?” you let a breathy laugh passed by your lips.
“good! I liked it. My friends were scared. It was funny. One of them almost jumped on me and had to hold my arm the whole movie.” he laughed making you smile.
You loved his laugh, he was just so cute. The way he scrunches his nose when laughing made your heart melt.
But- who was he referencing to? Was it the girl you saw him with at the cinema.
“we should definitely go watch a horror movie together. I want to see you scared and hold my hand.” he grinned making you roll your eyes.
“by the way, you looked good with my jacket tonight.” he said, one of his hand caressing your side.
You looked down, playing with your fingers nervously.
“thank you.” you whispered timidly.
“I should let you borrow my clothes more often.”
Gosh, why is he like that? You screamed internally, his words making you want to jump around happily.
Jungkook sat up, his face now closer as he did so. 
“Look at me.” he demanded.
“C’mon, what is it?”
“huh? Nothing?”
“you seem off.”
“no no I’m fine.”
“yes.” you smiled at making him hum.
“cool then.”
“are you tired?” he asked biting on his bottom lip.
“not really?” you replied hesitantly.
Jungkook’s lips were ghosting over yours, his hands sliding down your hips.
“your lips smell like.. cherry? You used it again, the same lip balm?” he asked whispering, his minty breath hitting your face.
You were about to reply when he connected his lips with yours, surprising you.
He sucked on your bottom lip making you moan into the kiss.
Parting away, he pursed his lips “taste good.” he grinned as you look away from him.
“you should use that lip balm everyday.” his thumb sliding over your lips as he speak.
“I like it.” he murmured.
“a lot.”
You were feeling hot, even if you could feel the light breeze from the windows caressing your skin, his presence was enough to make you feel weak and ready to suffocate.
You just wanted to kiss him, feel him again.
“you know, I find you so quiet tonight. If you don’t say anything, I’ll try to find a way to make you talk.” his fingers ghosted over your panties waistband.
“still silent? I’ll start thinking you don’t want me to be here.” he started kissing on your neck.
“no, no it’s not that.. I mean, I don’t know what to say y’know.” you closed your eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips against your warm skin, kissing the hickeys he painted earlier.
You shivered when he bite on the sensitive skin.
“Jungkook.” you whimpered, his hand traveling down between your legs.
“tell me princess, did you miss me?” he licked the abused skin, your hands sliding up his broad shoulders.
Jungkook laid you on your back, hovering above your body.
“did you think about me?” he pressed two of his fingers on your lightly covered core earning a moan from you.
“If you’re not replying I will have to stop. Is that what you want, angel-”
“no no please.” you whined as he rubbed on your clit painfully slowly.
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as Jungkook bite on your collarbones.
“so? Did you miss me?”
You nodded, your hands flying to his hair as you pulled on them when he started moving faster.
“Jungkook I-”
“Tell me.”
“I missed you, I missed you!” one of your hand gripping on the soft sheet under you.
“are you close baby?” he asked against your skin.
“y-yes, Jungkook.”
“do you want to cum?” you nodded throwing your head back as he went faster.
“Come, come for me baby.”
He captured your lips in a sloppy kiss as you came in your panties, hips bucking against his palm.
You breathed heavily, closing your eyes as you felt a small droplet of sweat sliding down your temple.
“I hope you will sleep well tonight.” he pinched your cheek making you open your eyes again.
After helping you get dressed with your pajamas, Jungkook stretched his arms a loud yawn escaping his mouth.
“well, I think I gotta go now.” you watched as he walk to the windows.
“shut the windows after me.”
“well, just shut your windows when you’re alone, at night or whatever. You don’t want to get robbed or kidnapped? Aren’t you afraid one day I come kidnap you when you’re sleeping?” he joked, a smirk decorating his pretty pink lips.
He turned around one last time tilting his head to the side making you raised your eyebrows curiously.
“I stole these while you were showering.”
He grabbed something from his back pocket making you open your mouth speechless as he showed you-
“my panties?! But why-”
“For me. Personal use.” he said burying it back into his pocket.
“Well, good night, i’ll get going. Don’t think too much about me, or I won’t be able to sleep tonight*” he said before disappearing.
(*well, here, people saying that sometimes when you can’t sleep it’s because someone is thinking about you.)
“you could have just exited by the front door...” you trailed out quietly.
You let your body fell back on your mattress, sighing loudly.
“what do you want from me, Jeon Jeongguk.” you whispered defeated.
[ monday – lunch time ]
“ah I love eating lunch with you.” you smiled as you sat next to Jimin at the wooden table outside the college.
“me too.” he smiled cutely.
“I’m glad your boyfriend is not the jealous type and don’t keep you away from me.” you joked before biting on your sandwich.
“I have the best boyfriend, that’s simple.” he pushed his hair back.
Jimin was gossiping and telling you about that girl he has a beef with in his science class when he suddenly stop making you confused.
“are you okay? What is it?” you put your drink down on the table, waving your hand in front of his face.
“isn’t that the girl we saw at the cinema Friday night?” he pointed behind you making you turn around curiously.
“ah... yea that’s her.” you started at the tall girl, the wind pushing her long brown hair behind, revealing more of her face, her dress showing off her long legs..
“she is so pretty.” you muttered..
“not prettier than you girl.” Jimin said before snatching your drink between your hand to sip a big gulp of it.
“argh stop lying.” you huffed throwing your head back as you felt a slap on your shoulder.
“I’m not lying bro.” he shrugged making you pout.
“thanks chim.”
“y’welcome.” he grinned.
“hm.. but quick question, what is she doing here?” your best friend spoke again.
“I’ve never seen her around.” he added making you think about it.
“yea you right... do you perhaps think she is a new student?” you suggested - not wanting it to be true.
“I don’t think so.” Jimin pursed his plump lips unsure.
“I mean, where’s her bag?” he kept munching on his sandwich.
“maybe she left it somewhere with some friends?”
“yea maybe.”
Sitting in the empty amphitheater, you jumped when someone snatched your phone away from your hands.
“hey!” Jungkook laughed.
“I finally found you.” he pinched your cheek making you sigh in relief.
“did I scared you?” he grinned making you shake your head.
“No, not at all. I was ready to kick you in the face.” you said turning to the side to face him.
“oh I see.” he sat on the table looking down at you.
“you were reading to pick up a fight with a boxer.” he teased making you gulp.
“yea, everything for my precious phone.” you replied confidently making him laugh.
“well, speaking of it. I noticed you were really focused on that screen.” he pointed out.
“what were you doing?” he asked curiously.
“nothing.. I was just... just reading.” you said too nervously for your liking.
“reading what?” he asked again, as he looked at the foreign application on your phone.
“an article!” you grabbed your phone back panicked between the hands of the man.
It was silent for a short moment before Jungkook started talking again.
“what are you doing here?” he tilted his head to the side.
“what do you mean? We have a course here.” you rested your head on your arm as you laid it on the table.
“oh darling.” Jungkook chuckled as he caressed your hair.
“I see no one told you.”
“told me what?” you furrowed your eyebrows looking up at him unsure.
“Mr Kang is not here today. He postponed his course for next week since he is sick.” he explained.
“so you’re telling me I’ve been sitting here for about an hour waiting for his course and no one told me he wasn’t here today?”
“Basically, I just did.” he pursed his lips ready to laugh but try not to as you sighed. 
“Didn’t you wonder why no one was here?”
“no, since I usually come before everyone so I can rest a bit in silence before the course start.” you huffed irritated, letting your head fall back onto the table. 
Jungkook just stared at you silently, hands still on your hair, mindlessly playing with them. 
“you hungry?” 
You lifted your head up to look at the man getting off the table.
“a bit.” 
“what do you wanna eat?”
You were about to reply when he continued talking.
“If it’s me that you wanna eat, sorry to disappoint but we will have to eat a real meal first since I’m starving cause I didn’t eat lunch earlier” he sighed, pushing his hair behind his ear.
“But you can have me for your dessert darling.” he smirked putting his hands in his pockets.
You covered your flustered face with your hands not knowing what to say at his burst. 
“argh you’re stupid.” you laughed standing up from your seat, grabbing your bag from the floor.
“stupid?” he raised his eyebrows laughing too.
“yea.” you pushed him on his shoulder playfully, passing by him before he suddenly grab on your wrist pulling you to his strong body.
You gasped when you collide against his chest, looking up at him, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
“say it again.” he bent down, face closer to yours.
You gulped, heart picking up the pace as he place his other hand on your waist. 
You shook your head slowly before letting a breathy laugh pass by your lips.
“I was joking.” you waved your hand in front of you, making him grinned knowing you were feeling awkward now.
“Well whatever. Let’s just go eat something.” you grabbed on his hand pulling him with you as you walk before him, the unusual gesture surprising him.
Oh, little did he know that you were surprised too. The simple action was considered bold for you.
“gosh I’m full.” Jungkook stretched his body, leaning back on his chair, throwing his head back. 
You were reading the book you’ve borrowed from the library last week, the attractive man sitting at the opposite seat of you was long forgotten as you focus on the ending of the book.
Jungkook stared at you, trying to get your attention as he tap his fingers on the table.
The café was pretty empty today. You were sat at the table at the back, a group of students were sat chatting and working at some tables away.
“you’re cute when you’re reading.” he stole the book between your hands surprising you.
“what?” you asked confused, glasses resting at the bridge of your nose making him smile as he shake his head slightly.
“nothing.” he pushed the glasses back up, your eyes widening a little when his thumb swipe over your cheek softly.
“there was a little something on your cheek.” 
“oh.. thanks.” you felt your cheeks heat up at the gesture.
“you’ve been reading that shit for awhile now, let’s go eat something sweet.” he suggested, closing the book as he sat more comfortably on the chair.
“what do you wanna eat?” 
“you.” he smirked, before biting on his pierced-lip.
You looked around you panicked as he say it loud enough for the whole area to hear.
“Why are you talking so loud?” you whisper-yelled embarrassed earning a cute laugh from the man.
“C’mon let’s go eat some ice cream. I know you like that.” he stood up, putting his cap back on his head.
“weren’t you full?” you arched an eyebrow teasingly as you pack up your things.
“Oh so you heard me? And you didn’t even react?” he gasped in a playful way acting offended.
“so?” you stood up facing him.
“are we gonna eat that ice cream?” you smiled cutely making him nod.
Walking next to you, Jungkook was about to pinch your cheek when his phone suddenly ring making him huff annoyed, his sweet little time with you being ruined by whatever idiot that disturbed him.
“Sorry.” he apologized looking at the screen checking the id.
“I have to take that call.”
You just nodded acknowledging his words as he picked up the phone. He furrowed his eyebrows listening to the other line, nodding silently as he stopped in his track. You stayed in place, observing him, his facial expression changed. He didn’t look nor excited nor annoyed.
“fine, see you.” you heard him speak.
“hey!” he approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“mmh, so I can’t huh, for the ice cream right now. I have to go. I promise next time, I will make it up, and we will grab ice cream together.” he said calmly hands sliding down to his sides again.
“oh… it’s ok, don’t worry.” you forced a smile feeling a bit disappointed about the sudden canceling.
“I will give you some money so you can buy one.” he started searching in his jacket’s pocket but you grab on his arm stopping him.
“no no no worries! I…changed my mind! I don’t wanna eat ice cream anymore.. I was hesitating because it was getting cold and I don’t.. well yea.” you gulped, feeling weird for lying like that, you knew you were a bad liar so you really hoped that he would believe.
“are you sure?” 
“yea yea no worries.” you nodded immediately, your slightly shaky hands playing with the strings of your hoodie. 
“cool then, see ya’!” he patted your head with a smile, before rushing away.
You watched as he exited the park, your heart beating slowly as you felt sad? It was weird… you hated that feeling - you hated feeling that way for such a thing…and especially - because of him.
“y/n?!” you heard someone call loudly from behind making you turn around.
“Jimin? what are you doing here?” you smiled.
“I can ask you the same, girl.” he put his hand on his hips.
“are you alone?” he asked looking around, searching for someone he probably know that could hang out with you.
“I can ask you the same, bro.” you imitated your best friend, putting your hands on your hips aswell.
“I was with my boyfriend. Since I was near the park I wanted to come buy ice cream. I’m hungry.” he crossed his arms over his chest sassily.
“Yea why?”
“I came to buy ice cream too!” you said smiling a bit.
“let’s eat together then.”
[ later ,, monday evening ]
“fuck it!” you yelled out loud annoyed.
You threw your body on your bed, a large pillow placed under your lower stomach as you try to find the best position to get comfortable because of the cramps.
“are you ok?” your best friend entered your bedroom with a glass of cold water.
You grabbed on your sheet tightly the pain getting unbearable as you shake your head tears in your eyes.
“I hate being on my period.” you whined rolling on your back, closing your eyes.
“yea I see that. Here take that.” Jimin handed you the fresh liquid as you sit up.
 “that was sudden.” he sighed.
“what do you mean?”
“your period. Like we were having a good time and then you got nauseous out of nowhere.”
“oh man, if only we could get a “notification” before having this shit.” 
“I think feeling nauseous was the notification.” he shrugged before dropping on your desk chair.
“yea but days earlier would have been better.” you huffed before gulping the water.
“I feel like throwing up.. right now.” you put the glass on the floor trying to get off the bed, head spinning,
“now?” Jimin jumped out the chair abruptly.
“right now.” you nodded putting your hand over your mouth.
You ran to your bathroom dropping in front of the toilet as Jimin turn on the light for you, staring with a disgusted face waiting for you to get everything out.
“Is everything alright?” he asked approaching you a little hesitantly.
Don’t get him wrong. It’s not that he didn’t want to help you but he didn’t really handle seeing someone throw up or he will throw up too. He is a really sensitive boy.
“I can’t throw up… I mean I can’t get it out.” you whined irritated.
“Should I do something to help? You want me to.. hm tap on your back? or… argh I don’t know.” he furrowed his eyebrows feeling lost.
“no no it’s ok.” you sighed, getting up slowly feeling dizzy.
“Let me help you to bed, you need to rest.”
Jimin covered you with the soft blanket, pushing your hair back from your sweaty forehead.
“be right back.” he went downstairs to search for painkillers and a bottle of water to leave on your bed side table.
Coming back to you, your best friend realized that you were already sleeping, curling into the blanket, discomfort painted all over your face even in your sleep.
“good night love.” Jimin whispered before leaving a soft peck on your temple.
[ Tuesday  ] 
You weren’t feeling too good to go to your classes today. You didn’t like missing courses but you couldn’t risk fainting or throwing up in front of everyone.
Early in the morning you noticed a little note Jimin left for you, explaining that he had to go home last night and couldn’t stay. You also noticed the painkillers and water he put on your desk making you smile a little. 
After your bath, you decided to stay in bed all day to rest.
You woke up time to time to go to the bathroom, feeling uncomfortable - always having that feeling of being stained by blood or whatever. 
It was around 3 when you decided to take a very little nap. (lie.)
You sighed pleasantly, the warm sensation on your neck making you hummed. You started feeling hot, chest raising up and down as warm air caress your cheek. 
You imagined Jungkook close to you, hands caressing your hair, making you furrowed your eyebrows not wanting to open your eyes - you didn’t want to wake up from -what you defined as a- dream.
“J-Jungkook.” you moaned softly.
“I’m glad I’m the one you’re thinking about when sleeping.” you heard a deep voice making you open your eyes only to see Jungkook sat on your bed next to you.
“what are you doing here?” you sat up abruptly, a grimace making its way on your face.
The man narrowed his eyes at you before pointing to the open windows.
“I told you to close your windows.”
“sorry, I was feeling hot earlier… so yea, I opened them.” you explained.
You pushed your hair back, rubbing your eyes a yawn escaping your mouth.
“you look dead. Did you sleep all day?” he asked as he made himself confortable on your bed, laying down on his back. 
“I tried reaching you, when I couldn’t find you in the campus and noticed your friend alone.” he continued.
“oh sorry I didn’t check my phone.” you apologized as you grabbed your phone.
“6?!” you gasped when you saw the time.
“yup m’aam it’s 6 and you spent your day in bed doing nothing while I was busy studying.” he acted tired making you scoff.
[ 9 new messages ]
[ 5 missed calls ] 
                   || 🐥 dramaboy  || 
[ 10:18 am ] dramaboy : hello, are you awake?
[ 10:56 am ] dramaboy : well, I guess you’re resting. Take care bub. 
[ 12:07 pm ] dramaboy : bro eat something when you wake up. You still sleeping?
[ 2:05 pm] dramaboy : damn girl, you better be awake now. Stay hydrated!! I’ll call you later I have a course in a few minutes xoxo
                   || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 1:07 pm ] jungkook : hi, you good? you’re not coming today? 
[ 4:37 pm ] jungkook : you’re ignoring me?
jungkook  (4) missed calls
[ 5:38 pm ]jungkook : y/n, are you ok?
jungkook  (1) missed calls
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : I’m kinda worried you’re not answering. You’re at your house? 
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : i’m coming.
“oh… wow, I’m sorry for not answering. I was so exhausted today I wanted to rest-“
“wait!” he sat up again.
“are you on your girl bloody days?”
“oh, that’s why!” he exclaimed.
“are you feeling better now?”
“did you drink some water today? If you need anything just let me know.” he spoke making you feel so confused and soft inside. And also weird because-
“I’m feeling dizzy.” you blurted out.
“Huh? Is it because of what I said? I know I’m a nice guy you k-“
“no no I meant it ! I don’t feel good!” you threw the blanket aside, falling off the bed on the carpeted floor when you tried to get off.
“oh shit!” Jungkook rushed to you helping you getting up.
“you alright? Let me help you.” he slid his arm behind your back to hold you close, walking to your bathroom.
You dropped on your knees in front of the toilet, finally releasing everything you wanted to let out since last night.
Jungkook kneeled behind you, holding your hair for you as you started crying.
“It’s ok angel.” he rubbed your back gently, looking down.
After a few minutes, you flushed the toilet before washing your face.
“please don’t look at me, I’m horrible.” you sniffed looking down when Jungkook approached you.
You heard him clicked his tongue “what the fuck you saying now?”
You felt him stand behind you, his hand rubbing your arm reassuring you.
“y’know what, just take a warm shower. You’ll relax and I’ll just go find something for you to eat since I’m sure you didn’t today.” he stared at you in the mirror as you keep looking down. 
“You have to eat something. I don’t want you to faint or whatever. Call me if you don’t feel good and I’ll come right away, ‘kay?” 
You nodded silently before feeling his lips on your skin. Leaving a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you watch as he exited the bathroom closing the door behind him.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your mind going crazy.
why are you like that Jungkook? Why are you doing this? What do you want from me? 
Going downstairs you met Jungkook in the kitchen, this one filling a glass with lemon water. 
Sitting at the kitchen counter, you rest your head on your arm laying on the table. 
“hey, you here? how you feeling?”
“much better.” you replied making him hummed.
“well, I did a little research and found out that noodles are anti- nausea, did you know?” he looked up at you with big eyes the information fascinating him a bit too much. 
You chuckled shaking your head.
“Well, so I made noodles. Let’s eat now.”
Jungkook admired you from your desk chair as you speak with Jimin on FaceTime.
🐥 : bro I’m so sorry for not coming. I’m such a bad best f-
“Oh c’mon shut up.” you laughed making Jimin laugh too.
🐥 : I’ll come visit you tomorrow, I promise.
“fine! I’ll wait for you then.”
🐥 : I’ll bring ice cream. 
“you’re good at apologizing.” you joked.
As you were saying your goodbyes to your bestfriend, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed.
“hey.” you started.
“I wanted to thank you for everything. I’m so sorry for worrying you. And I’m sorry for disturbing you too. I mean you stayed here with me and it’s so late already.” you sat on your knees facing him. 
“don’t apologize. I decided to do it.” he smiled playing with the silver ring adorning his middle finger.
“well, I’ll let you rest then. Like you said, it’s late. I don’t want to disturb-“
“oh you’re never disturbing!” you blurted out without thinking twice.
“I mean, I.. well, good night!” you cleared your voice - you just wanted to throw your body on the floor. 
Why are you always so embarrassing y/n? you yelled internally.
“Good night darling.” he got off the bed ready to leave but you grab on his wrist.
You just wanted to kiss him before he leave.
You just wanted to hug him before he leave.
You just wanted to feel him before he leave.
You just wanted to tell him that you felt touched for everything he did for you tonight.
You wanted to let him know that you always feel happy when you’re with him. 
Jungkook looked down at you, raising an eyebrow as you open your mouth, no words coming out.
y/n, what the fuck! do something! 
You were about to panicked, why the fuck did I do that?! you whined internally.
“what is it?” 
“I want to… to hm well, I wanted to know… ah! No no I wanted to give your jacket back.” You let go of his wrist abruptly. 
“Ah, well it’s ok I’ll get it another day.” he smiled as you nod.
He was about to walk out the room when he stop turning around.
“for tomorrow, let’s just cancel.”
“what?” you tilted your head to the side.
“tutoring, we will do it another time, just rest. See ya’” he waved before leaving.
“See you…” you trailed out.
[ Wednesday ]
Today, you luckily didn’t have any courses. Your cramps were still bothering you but less than yesterday.
Early in the afternoon, Jimin visited you without forgetting ice cream like he promised.
Jimin was such a great friend, you considered him like a brother. The big brother everyone dream to have. He was always there for you, supporting you with whatever you’re doing. He reprimanded you when needed to. You didn’t seem like it but you’re really silly sometimes. Jimin meant so much for you, and the same goes for him, you meant a lot to him.
You laid on your couch, scrolling on your phone mindlessly. Everything was boring today. Even outside, the sky wasn’t as blue as usual. 
A pout made its way on your dried lips, forgetting to hydrate them today. You couldn’t stop thinking him. You couldn’t stop thinking about what he did last night.
Why all of this? It was so unnecessary? well it was really kind, way too kind. He acted so like a…
“boyfriend?” you said aloud making you stare at the ceiling.
Why do I keep feeling so bubbly when I’m with him? 
“Do I have feelings for him?” you talked to yourself.
“No, no not at all!” you kept on talking, voice resonating in the empty room.
“I can’t!” you put your hands over your face trying to calm down, the thought of liking him killing you inside.
You knew you couldn’t. 
You knew what type of guy he was.
But the way he was acting with you was so, seemed so natural?
You whined kicking your feet in the air.
You felt so affected by today’s canceling. It was weird not being to deal with him today.
You’re so used to him now…
[ Thursday ]
You courses unexpectedly went pretty fast today. Your day was going good, even if you were bleeding like you’ve been stabbed in the lower stomach.
For once, Jungkook wasn’t the one searching for you but you.
You were the one looking for him.
You didn’t even realize it as you keep on walking around the campus, earphones buried in your ears, the music accompanying you everywhere as you hoped to come across the man.
You arrived home later in the afternoon, smile pretty absent on your face the whole day.
You didn’t even get to see him today. Not even from afar.
No messages. 
It was so weird - you hated it.
You kind of miss him. You tried your best to ignore every single thoughts travelling through your mind.
[ Friday ] 
You were on the phone with Jimin debating about what you were about to do tonight.
“Friday night, movie night is an option today. Because hell nah we ain’t going to watch any of the movies at the theatre, they all seem bad.” Jimin huffed annoyed making you chuckled.
“So what do you wanna do tonight? Sleepover? Movie night at home? Gaming night?” you suggested earning a sarcastic laugh from your best friend.
“I’m not in the mood to be stay-at-home tonight.” he replied making you roll your eyes.
“What about a nice dinner at this restaurant we went last month. It was good!” he exclaimed.
“you fine with it?”
“good for me.”
“Hello?!” you heard Jimin gasped.
“I see you girl.” he smiled widely, eyes travelling up and down your body.
“you look so good, I’m speechless.” he kept on complimenting you.
“Shut up.” you laughed when he took your hand to guide you to his car.
“you know I’m a taken man, right?” he joked making you roll your eyes.
“If you’re trynna seduce me it won’t work. I love my man.” he started the engin as you slap his arm playfully.
“Stop it, you look good too Park.” you flattered him smiling.
“I know.” he smirked pushing his hair back, making you purse your lips.
“Let’s go.”
“Allons-y Madame.”
“Oh the French accent ?!” you gasped amazed. 
“My boyfriend studies french, what did you except?” he smiled proudly.
“oh man, I love this restaurant.” 
“Let me guess, he take you there often?” you raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, yea but not totally, cause the dishes are so good here.” his eyes focused on the menu. 
“Good evening, I’ll be your waiter for tonight.” 
Both Jimin and you turned to the young man standing before you.
“Can I start off with something to drink?” he asked politely.
“Yes, I’ll have a red wine and for my friend..” he looked to you waiting for your choice.
“hm, for me it will be iced tea please, peach iced tea.” 
“Good, are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?”
After ordering, the waiter disappeared making you glare at Jimin.
“red wine?” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oh c’mon it’s Friday night, let’s relax a bit.”
“yea yea whatever.” you sighed.
Jimin moaned loudly as he chewed on the grilled meat making you widen your eyes.
“damn that’s so fucking delicious.” he hummed as you agree.
“so what were you saying?” you kept munching on your food.
“Ah, yea he invited me to go with him in Paris for holiday!” he said excited.
“no way! that’s so cool!” you exclaimed before sipping on your fresh drink.
“I know.” he nodded happily.
“and guess what?”
You wait for him to continue.
“About that girl in my class, I stole her pencil and throw it in the bin when she went out to the bathroom.” he said feeling proud of himself.
“aren’t you ashamed?” you bursted out laughing taken aback.
“She stole my answer and said it loudly in class. And you want me to forgive that?” he watched you in disbelief.
“And she really d- oh hell nah, he really everywhere I’m done.” Jimin grabbed his glass gulping the fourth wine he ordered annoyed.
Turning around you noticed Jungkook standing at the bar, probably waiting for a drink. He looked so good. Seeing him after so long ( two days ) made your heart beat faster.
“I will start thinking he is following us every Friday.” he stated as you turn to him again.
“We met him only twice what do you mean ‘every Friday’” you chuckled at his words.
Jimin sighed heavily before grabbing his phone checking his messages, a smile appearing on his plump lips.
“It’s him huh?” you smirked kicking his leg under the table to tease him.
“oh shut up.” He put his hand over his mouth, putting his phone in his pocket.
“Okay, now let’s get out of here. He spoiled my evening.” he stood up grabbing his jacket.
“Oh c’mon bro, he didn’t even do anything.”
“His face is enough to annoy me.” he admitted dramatically.
“We will get dessert somewhere else.” 
Jimin and you walked to the front of the restaurant to pay.
“what!? I only had four glasses!” he gasped loudly.
“why are you making me pay for six?!” 
“Sir, the waiter reported s-“
“What? I don’t care what he reported! Let me talk to your manager!” he kept on fighting making you sigh.
“Jimin let me just pay, so we can go.”
“Hell no! I won’t allow that.” he shook his head pushing your hand away as you took your credit card out of your bag.
“Let me take care of that, go outside and wait for me.” he pushed you away, handing you his car keys.
You watched as he followed the person he was arguing with, at the back of the place.
“ah gosh.” you groaned tiredly.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Good evening, pretty girl.” you hear a deep voice whispering behind you.
Jungkook walked in front of you, a smile plastered on his face.
“You’re so beautiful tonight angel.” he complimented, eyes travelling all over your body. 
You found yourself wordless. Not knowing what to say as you gulp.
“are you on a date?” 
“no! I’m not !” you finally spoked denying immediately.
“I’m with Jimin. We came to eat dinner together. We’re friends! He is taken so it’s not a date? Well, we just ate and yea.” you cried internally, cursing yourself.
You’re sure you were born to be the most embarrassing person on earth.
“I know he’s your best friend, y/n.” Jungkook laughed.
Oh, the way your name dropped from his mouth made your knees buckled slightly. And his laugh, gosh just pin me against the wall and- 
“Where is he?” 
“He really left his pretty best friend alone without worrying someone might steal her.” his hand coming up to arrange the strap of your black velvet dress.   
You wanted to fall down on your knees, melting under his feet. The man knew how to make you weak.
“He… he is coming back. He has to take care of something before we leave.” you explained playing with your necklace nervously making him nod.
Jungkook approached you, his body getting really close to yours. You stopped breathing when he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“I would had really loved to fuck you right here, right now, if you could. You look really exquise tonight princess.” he bit on your earlobe, a soft moan begging to pass by your lips.
“Jungkook I-“
“Enjoy your night pretty girl.” he laid a soft kiss on your neck, a smirk decorating his tempting lips as he moved away.
Your body was on fire. You were really about to fall if you don’t freshen up a bit.
You pushed the restroom’s door open, entering the -too elegant - place for a restroom.
You splashed water slightly on your burning cheeks, breathing in and out slowly trying to stay cool.
“he’s such an idiot.” you breathed out smiling like an idiot yourself.
“are you talking about Jungkook?” you heard a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind you tearing you up from your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” you spoke before turning around facing the girl Jimin and you saw at the cinema last week.
You stayed silent when you recognize her. 
She was prettier closer.
“I’m warning you, stay away from him.” she said before exiting the restroom leaving you speechless.
“And what the fuck is her problem?” you furrowed your eyebrows in shock.
“and where the hell were you?” you noticed a worried Jimin near the car.
“restroom, sorry.”
“I tried to call you, it’s ok.” 
“about the dessert?”
“let’s go home, I have ice cream and cookies. I bought them this morning.” you replied 
“I saw her.” you blurted out making Jimin look down at you curiously from the couch.
“the girl at the cinema.”
“at the restaurant earlier.”
“Oh, Jungkook was there too. Do you think they went together?” Jimin supposed making you pushed your plate further on the table as you laid on the carpet defeated.
“Please don’t say that.” you groaned.
“She talked to me.” you spoke again.
“What did she say?” Jimin sat down next to you on the carpet.
“She told me stay away from him…”
“She said that?”
You hummed pouting when Jimin think for a moment.
“I agree with her.”
You slapped his thigh making him shrugged.
“But why?” he asked seriously this time.
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe she’s one of his bitches.” Jimin yawned unbothered.
“I’m one of his bitches too.” you sighed.
“I’m sure you are thee bitch.” he pinched your tummy making you sigh.
“You still fucking with him huh?” he rolled his eyes knowing the answer.
“nah because I’m telling you again baby, take your distance. He’s not a good guy. I mean he’s not a guy for you. You deserve better than this, you deserve the best.” he flicked your forehead making you glare at him.
“Jimin..” you started quietly after a long silence.
“I think I appreciate him.”
“bruh, I think we all already knew that.”
“nah but I mean… a lot. More than I should.”
“damn bro… I’m sorry for you then.” 
“I’m serious Chim.” you looked into his eyes as he make the -oh - face.
“y/n…” he noticed the tears building in your eyes.
“aw no don’t cry, come here.” he took you into his embrace, patting your back.
“I’m bleeding.” you sniffed.
“It’s normal to feel like your heart bleeding when you're feeling a bit down.” he caressed your head.
“no I mean it. I’m bleeding.”
“Girl you serious.” he laughed making you laugh too.
“Don’t make me laugh bro, it’s getting worst.” you exclaimed making the man part away.
[ Tuesday ]
                || 🐥 dramaboy || 
y/n : guess what!
🐥 : ??
y/n : my period is over!!
🐥 : …
🐥 : I mean … why the need to tell me that?
y/n : sharing my happiness with my best friend is a crime now?? ☹️
🐥 : ahhh well, good for you I guess.
y/n : what are you doing?
🐥 : I’m still at college. I’m waiting for him 😩
y/n : it’s so late dude
🐥 : I know !! His French classes end up so late but I really wanted to wait for him.
y/n : aw what a sweetheart 🤭
🐥 : shut up!
[ Thursday ] 
A notification from your phone was what disturbed you from your - night personal - reading.
You groaned as you got up to grab your phone, checking which idiot disturbed you. You really thought you put it on not disturb mode.
You almost fell on your knees when you opened the message.
                     || 🐰 Jungkook ||
🐰 : you looked so fucking good today. I can’t stop thinking about you. 
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about how great you would feel on my dick.
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about the way I’d fuck u on Mr. Choi’s desk in front of everyone.
🐰 : u made me so hard.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
It was the last straw. You really did fell on your knees, hand over your mouth when you  clicked on the attachment.
fuck was the only word coming out of your mouth.
He is insane.
Oh the way your felt your inside twitch when you stare at the picture he just sent you.
The -oh so - familiar feeling between your legs making you whine.
Jungkook sent a picture of himself, pants unbuttoned, hand resting on the bulge over his black Calvin Klein boxer.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
🐰 : baby I need you so bad right now.
You threw your phone away when your phone indicated the incoming FaceTime.
“no way!” you gasped panicked.
“What do I do? Oh my gosh!” you bit on your fingers.
Taking a deep breath you clicked on the green button, heart skipping a beat when you saw his face.
He was so… attractive, it’s sick.
“hey darling.” his deep voice turning you on even more.
“hi Jungkook.” you forced a smile as you notice he was in his bed… shirtless, a smirk decorating his pretty lips.
Your eyes were glued on the screen as you stare at him silently, his smirk growing up.
“like the view baby?” he teased making you avoid his eyes.
“I… hi! how are you!?” you cleared your voice feeling embarrassed.
“I’m horny.” he admitted right away.
You were speechless.
The man was so bold, it’s insane. The way he was always so direct, always spitting everything out so easily.
What should I say?
“You were pretty today. Just wanted to let you know.” he said before you could talk. watching as you got shy.
“thanks.” you smiled seeing him shift, sitting up, back leaned back on the bedhead.
“I also wanted to let you know that you were so damn pretty that I had to walk around the campus with a big boner.” he continued, eyes getting darker.
“I suffered all day because of you.” 
“But.. I didn’t even do anything.” you protested shocked at his words.
“those pretty lips around that fucking lollipop was enough to turn me on.” he groaned also desperately.
“I thought about the way they would look around my cock.” he sighed.
“Jungkook.” his name leaving your mouth with a soft and quiet moan as your body started heating up.
Oh you were about to lose it if he kept on talking like that.
“angel.” he started again catching your attention again.
“can you do something for me?”
“anything.” You whispered with a nod.
“I m-mean what?” you tried to save a bit of your dignity.
The “anything” leaving your mouth so swiftly was enough to make his cock twitch.
“touch yourself for me.” 
You choked on your own saliva not expecting that.
“I’m not forcing you, if you’re not confortable doll.”
“no no, it’s not that but I’ve never.. y’know done it like that.” you pointed between you and the phone.
“I don’t know how I should do or.. well, I don’t know at all.” you admitted with a sigh.
Jungkook just chuckled, loving the fact that you’re so foreign with the phone sex.
He always loved to be your first times at every single new activities of yours.
“gosh you’re so…” he sucked on his bottom lip, the little rings disappear into his mouth as he do so.
“I’m more than glad to help you with that then.” he said voice laced with lust.
You were feeling so nervous when you see him move, setting his phone on his bedside table.
You watched as he got off the bed, standing just before his phone.
What is he doing?
You gasped when he started sliding his jeans down his legs, revealing his muscular thighs.
“What are you doing!?” you turned your face away giving him some kind of privacy making him laugh loudly.
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen me naked before baby.”
“I know you like it.” 
“no no it’s not that!” you looked back at the screen, your jaw ready to drop on the floor.
Here he was, standing proudly naked for your eyes.
“close that pretty mouth princess, you trynna catch flies?” he bent down, grabbing his phone back sitting on his bed again.
“your turn now kitten.” he put an arm behind his head waiting for you to do something,
“me? my turn?” you panicked, legs bouncing anxiously.
“undress yourself.”
“right now?”
Can someone save me please, I wanna throw myself away, the embarrassment is so high right now.
“yea, right now.” he waited.
Your head was about to explode with all the thoughts running through your mind at the same time. Were you really ready to try this?  Maybe. Were you willing to try it? Hell yea. But what’s blocking you right now is shyness. Undressing yourself in front of him was already a big thing you, but imagining doing it from afar is weirdly difficult for you.
Jungkook noticed your hesitation as he spoke.
“Angel, if you’re not comfortable it’s ok, don’t do it. I don’t want to pressure you or whatever.”
You shook your head denying his words.
“no don’t worry, I’m just.. just thinking where I should put my phone.” 
Stepping closer to your bed, you decide to mimic Jungkook.
You placed your phone on your bedside table, walking backward until your whole body was visible for him to see.
Your hands went down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up to your head revealing your bare chest.
Jungkook sat up, watching attentively as you strip yourself for him, only him.
Just that thought made his cock throb.
If only you knew how excited you got him. 
Looking down to your feet, your hands nervously travelled down to the waistband of your pajamas short.
Jungkook’s heart started beating faster in excitement. Oh knowing all of this was your first time and he was the one making you experience this was enough to satisfy his ego for a whole week.
It was a boost for him.
He loved corrupting you.
You took a deep breath, sliding the soft cotton material down your beautiful legs, panties falling with it at your ankles.
You were left in nothing, and Jungkook, him, was left in amazement.
He’s used of seeing you naked for him, but tonight hit differently. There is something exciting but he couldn’t really know what.
Your thighs looked so smooth, your legs enough to make him go crazy. Your body was just a masterpiece for me.
“you’re so fucking pretty kitten.” he complimented making you get your phone back, sitting on your bed awkwardly.
You thanked him, staying still not knowing what you should say, what you should do.
“and now?” you asked hesitantly.
“and now, you’re gonna show me how you touch yourself when you’re thinking about me.” he looked into your eyes through the screen, his words making you feel hot.
It was like your body was set on fire.
“w-what?” you couldn’t think straight.
How should your start? How should you do it? Should you lower your phone a bit?
Gosh why did I put myself in this situation?
“do you think about me when pleasuring yourself angel?” he asked lowly.
You bit on your tongue, this man definitely don’t have filter because how the hell can your say such a thing so straight? No shame at all. He is really a thing.
“I don’t… d-“
“you don’t?” he raised an eyebrow surprised.
“no! It’s not that, I meant that… I don’t do.. that.. hmm I don’t do that by myself.” you confessed feeling embarrassed.
“you’ve never pleasured yourself? Like you've never masturbated?” he furrowed his eyebrows not expecting this answer.
You shook your head, a tiny pout making its way on your lips without realizing it.
Jungkook‘s eyes darkened, the new piece of information exciting him even more.
“Oh my dear y/n.” he smirked.
“what an innocence girl.” he tilted his head, eyes glued on your flustered face. 
“I will help you then.” he continued.
“you still good with that?” he made sure you were down with it, not wanted you to do something you don’t want to do.
“yes, I’m still good.”
“good. let’s start then.”
“Let’s go easy. Set your phone against something, so it doesn’t move and I can see you. Both your hands would be free and it’ll be comfortable for you.”
You did as he say, resting the back of the phone against a large pillow, your body on full display for him to admire. 
“lay down.” 
You followed every steps he tell you to do.
“you good?” you nodded as you look toward the screen seeing the shirtless man shifting.
"make yourself comfortable."
He was too attractive, it was hard to not look at him but hard to keep eye contact.
“let’s start slowly angel.”
“Caress your body gently.”
Jungkook’s eyes lingered on you, paying close attention at every of your movements.
Teasing yourself, you just slid your fingertips on the soft skin of your stomach, goosebumps raising after the soft touch of yours.
Your fingers went up your front, up along your cleavage.
“Cup your breast, stay soft and flick your nipple with your thumb.” 
“Do it like I always do baby.”
Jungkook watched as your played with your hardened bud, fingers pinching on your sensitive nipple.
Soft moans passing by your lips, as you rub your thighs together.
The pleasurable sensation throughout your body when you tug on the erected bud made your head spin as you close your eyes trying to focus on everything going on.
“Take your time.” you heard him say.
“Jungkook, I need you.” you whispered.
“Oh darling, unfortunately not tonight, but I’ll try my best to help you.” he sighed as bothered as you.
“Slide your hand delicately down your body slowly.” 
You couldn’t helped but imagine his hand on your skin, the soft feeling of his fingertips dancing down your skin. Gosh you wanted him so bad.
“Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you.” he demanded.
Spreading your legs for him without a second thought, your hand went to massage your clit slowly, bottom lip caught between your teeth as your pointer and middle fingers slide up and down between your glistening lips.
The slow rhythm made you feel good as you forget everything around you.
“are you wet enough darling?” his deep voice waking you up. 
“Put a finger inside if you think it’s good, do it slowly.”
Sliding a finger in like he said, you furrowed your eyebrows at the feeling.
“Put another one.” he bit on his bottom lip waiting for you to execute his words. 
“Imagine your fingers are mine. Remember the way mine are buried deep inside you, fucking you slowly when I’m with you.”
“d-doesn’t feel the same.” you whined making him chuckle.
“Twist your wrist baby, keep going in and out.”
The way your fingers moved inside you fascinated him. He couldn’t just stay still and watch. You were just so hot for him.
“I’m going to stroke myself while imagining I’m fucking you deeply.” he breathed out making you let out a soft moan at his words.
Jungkook grabbed on his erection, the warmth of his hand enveloping around it.
“yea just like that darling.”
Jungkook groaned when you increase the speed, hand moving faster.
“you’re doing so well.” he praised breathlessly as he started moving his fist faster too, trying to catch up with your pace.
“you’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” 
You applied a heavy pressure on your bud of nerves with your palm as you felt the sparkling feeling in your lower stomach.
“tell me baby.”
“are you a good girl for me? Only for me, right?” he tightened his grip around his cock.
“Yes, only for you.” 
“I’m so close Jungkook.” you whimpered.
Jungkook’s hand stroked faster as his eyes followed your hand sliding up your breast, fingers playing with your nipple, your other hand still working on hitting on your g-spot. His thumb sliding over the head of his cock, trying to push him over the edge.
You closed your eyes as you felt your orgasm coming.
Moaning his name loudly, you came on your fingers, thighs shaking slightly, the wave of pleasure exhausting you.
Jungkook cummed after a few strokes, cursing as let his head fall back on his pillow.
“fuck look what you did.” you heard Jungkook said as you open your eyes to grab your phone.
He licked his lips before lowering his phone showing you the white ribbons covering his lower stomach making you swallow hard, cheeks warming up as you look away.
“you did so well.” he said with a soft smile.
[ later that night ] 
                 || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 11:47 pm ] jungkook : you sleeping?
[ 11:48 pm  ] y/n  : not yet
[ 11:48 pm ] y/n : you ok?
[ 11:49 pm  ] jungkook : yup. Just wanted to ask you if you’re coming to tomorrow’s party?
[ 11:49 pm ] y/n : ngl I didn’t know there is a party tomorrow.
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : you should come
[ 11:50 pm ] y/n : I’m not into parties sorry
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, it’s gonna be fun! And it’s Friday, you need to get this week’s stress off.
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : I’m busy on Fridays
[ 11:51 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, let’s change a bit. It is your besties night thingy? Or I don’t know what shit?
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : hey! Don’t say it like that! And yes it’s my special time with my best friend.
[ 11:52 pm  ] jungkook : Park will understand. C’mon come. My friend Jay said I can invite who I want, so you’re my guest.
[ 11:53 pm  ] jungkook : Tell Park to come with you. He will be your guest.
[ 11:53 pm ] jungkook : please pretty please.
[ 11:56 pm  ] y/n : I’ll think about it.
[ 11:56 pm  ] jungkook : I take that as a yes. See you tomorrow.
[ Friday ]  
After mentioning about the party with Jimin during one of your classes in the morning, you found out his boyfriend also invited him. Funny thing, both you and him didn’t want to go to the event but wanted to accept the invitations to be nice.
Later in the afternoon, you found yourself struggling in front of your wardrobe.
"What should I even wear? "
Jimin turned around on his stomach on your bed, looking up at you from his phone.
"Just go like that." he struggled playfully.
"Ah ah ah, you’re so funny." you rolled your eyes, as you tightened the knot of the white comfy robe wrapped around your body. 
"Just put whatever your want.”
“You’re not helping.” you sat on the edge of the bed defeated making Jimin get off of it.
“ok let me see what you have in there.” he hummed as he analyzed your wardrobe.
“what about that pretty skirt you got there?” he grabbed the black skirt that was hidden behind all your hoodies.
“and you put this low cut shirt, with a black jacket over it. Taadaaa.” he grinned with both hands on his hips feeling proud of himself.
[ Friday end of the afternoon ] 
“C’mon dadd-“
“bruh, I told you not to call me like that.” Jungkook grimaced as he buttoned his pants.
“where are you going?”
“I gotta go.”
“my friend throwing a party and I’m invited.” he replied annoyed, buckling his belt rapidly as he looked down at his watch checking the time.
“It’s a party, there is no exact time to get there. Why do you seem in hurry?“
“I don’t have to give you explanations. Bye, have a  good ev-“
“you seeing her, huh?”
Jungkook stopped in his track, before turning around curiously.
“y/n. You seeing that chick tonight right?” 
“none of your business.” he said after a few seconds, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him annoyed.
“gosh I don’t like parties.. I feel weird.” you muttered grumpily, as you held onto Jimin’s arm near his parked car, the cold air hitting your legs.
“me too. I feel unwelcome.” he sighed agreeing with you. 
“Same but y’know I don’t have nothing against parties.. but there are too much people.” you groaned.
“yea I get it.”
“what if we go back home? or we can just going out just the two of us?” you said making Jimin shake his head, denying the ideas.
“We already said yes to come here. My boyfriend is already waiting for me inside or I don’t know.”
“Wait! You letting me alone?” You gasped. 
“Jungkook was the one who invited you. So I guess, you staying with him.” Jimin smirked teasing you.
“Jimin! No please! He just told me to come if I want with who I want. And it’s you! Jungkook will probably be with his friends.” you grabbed on his hand panicked.
“I’m playing, of course we staying together. Like just imagine if he let me alone, girl. And you know I don’t like when you’re with that man but I fear he might steal you from me tonight.” Jimin sighed as you both started walking to the big house reluctantly.
Gulping, you walked through the ocean of sweaty people grinding against each other, half-empty red cups in their hands.
You tightened your grip on Jimin waist as you both tried to find a less crowded place.
“gosh it smells! Can’t they put some perfume or deodorant before coming there!” you heard a disgusted Jimin yelled.
You laughed, slapping his arm.
Standing in the corner of the room, Jimin texted his boyfriend, letting him know that he was there.
After a few minutes, your best friend was with his boyfriend - you decided to give them some time together as you went to sit outside alone, even if both of them insisted for you to stay with them. 
You kept on checking your phone, perhaps hoping to get a message from the one that invited you. 
Looking around, you noticed Jungkook sat with a group of friends all around a table full of alcohol and other things you didn’t even know the name of.
They were smoking, laughing together.
Not only, you disliked him smoking but the girls sitting at each sides of him being too close for your liking. Especially the way their hands were on his thighs made your blood boiled. You hated that feeling. 
You looked down at the ground, feeling a bit insecure. You didn’t even know why you were feeling like that way so suddenly. It was definitely not the best place to be. You weren’t having fun, you didn’t even know anyone here. It was such a bad idea to come here.
“fuck what am I even doing here?” you groaned standing up, before grabbing your phone to send a text to Jimin letting him know you were going back home. 
As you started walking away, you heard a voice from behind you.
"Leaving already?"
Turning around, you were met with the person you hoped to see tonight, the only reason why you came. 
"I really thought you wouldn’t come."
"Well, there is a first at everything." You looked up at him. 
The man nodded approvingly.
"Are you gonna stand there all night? Come with me." He grabbed your hand as he guided you to where he was sat.
You didn’t know what to say, what to do as you forced a smile greeting his friends - one of them offering you an adorable gummy smile.
You stood next to him awkwardly not knowing where to sit since there was no place left. No one making a move to make some place for you to sit. Before you could do anything, Jungkook grabbed your waist pulling you down to sit on his lap making you widen your eyes in utter shock.
In front of everyone? you panicked internally as you stayed still. 
"Confortable?" he asked earning a small nod from you. 
You could feel eyes on you and let’s say, you didn’t enjoy it a lot. 
"Who is she? Is she in our college?" The girl sat on your left asked, looking you up and down. 
"My friend." He replied as he took a long puff of - what seemed like - a  cigarette.
Perhaps, Is that weed? It smelt so much different from cigarettes?
Gosh, you’ve never felt more uncomfortable. 
Jungkook laid his back against the couch as he started chatting with his friends again, but something didn’t go unnoticed by him as he pulled you closer to his chest. He didn’t appreciate the way one of a boy sat on the opposite couch look at you. He didn’t like the way his eyes were going up and down your legs, or the way he stared down toward your skirt that ride up your thighs when Jungkook shifted a bit when he started feeling you pressed harder on his lap. His tattooed hand slid to rest on top of your thigh, fingers sliding just a little down to rest on the inside of your thigh catching the man’s attention. Locking eyes with Jungkook, he knew he was fucked up. 
"Gimme that pretty?" He pointed to the plate placed before you on the table.
"I didn’t know you like brownies." You smiled cutely handing him one of the little cakes. 
"Oh darling. You’re so cute." He laughed, his dark eyes, quite red, staring deep into yours. 
"That’s not brownies." He took a very tiny bite of it making you furrow your eyebrows. 
"Space cakes." He muttered against your neck, goosebumps raising after the warm air caressing your skin. 
Turning around more, you give him a confused look as a smirk made its way on his pretty lips.
"Angel, when eating one of these.. you just.. boom! You’re traveling into another galaxy."
"It tastes so good." 
"Wanna try?" He cupped your cheek softly making you shake your head hesitantly.
"Pot brownies." You heard the guy with the pretty gummy smile say as he gulped his beer. 
"Brownies made with butter that has been infused with cannabis." He explained making you raise your eyebrows at the new piece of information. 
"Oh, I didn’t know about these." You replied making him smile.
Moving forward, Jungkook’s hand went to grab one goblet full of vodka. You watched as he gulped the liquid, his tattooed hand still resting on your bare thigh. 
"Want some?" He asked tilting his head to the side as you deny again. 
"I don’t drink." You pursed your lips innocently.
"C’mon, just a bit."
"Just for tonight." He stroked your thigh gently.
"Like you said, there is a first at everything."
You hesitated for a strong minute debating on what to do.
What if something happen to you?
What if you pass out?
“You’re with me, so don’t worry too much.” he kept on persuading you.
Even though his red eyes definitely show off how high he was, you wanted to try it.
You have one life, right? You nodded giving him the green light.
Lifting the red cup to your lips, you sip a little bit of it. The strong liquid burning your throat as you gulp it down.
"Fuck." You coughed putting your hand over your mouth as Jungkook grinned. 
Jimin will definitely beat your ass when he’ll know you had your first ever drink without him. He’s been asking, more like begging- about drinking alcohol with him so many times. 
He will especially break your hand when he will found out your first drink was with Jeon Jungkook.
Sending a quick text to Jimin, you turn your phone off with a sigh.
|| y/n : I fell like I’m gonna do something stupid tonight.
Jungkook was a really touchy guy. He loved physical contact.
And when he wasn’t sober or high, his hands couldn’t help but get more daring. 
You started feeling him pulling you closer to him, his arms snaking around your front, holding you tight. 
One thing about him, he hated sharing. What his, is his. And let’s say he didn’t get over how the guy sat at your opposite was ogling at you. He hated when other men look at you the same way he looks at you when you’re together alone. 
He snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, making you feel hot, body warming up as you felt his soft lips against your skin. 
"Jungkook, what- what are you doing?" You whispered feeling timid and uneasy at the fact that you weren’t alone.   
"Nothing." he hummed lowly, the tip of your ears burning as you sensed a little wet kiss being placed on your neck. 
"I want you." He whispered into your ears after a few seconds, your body heating up even more as he stood up, hands on both of your sides. 
"Right now." He looked at you with hooded eyes. 
"you leaving?" one of his friends ask with a knowing smirk.
"yea, see ya later." he grabbed on your wrist gently walking back inside the loud and crowded house.
Walking upstairs, he walked through the corridor leading you to the - luckily empty - bedroom at the end of it.
Pushing the door open, he locked it immediately after shutting it.
"Now, I have you all to myself." he tilted his head to the side, approaching your frozen body in the middle of the low enlightened room.
He was way too attractive right now, the small amount of alcohol in your system enough to make you feel lightheaded at the combination.  You could felt that little boost of confidence when you pulled him closer to you by the collar of his shirt, lips mere centimeters away.
"I need you so bad." you whined quietly biting on your bottom lip earning a "fuck" from him. 
"You’re so sexy." He muttered with a wide smile on his face.
Closing the distance between you two, you envelope his lips in a heated kiss, sucking on his bottom lip making him smirk.
Your hands slid down his covered chest tugging on the hem of it, a silent request for him to get rid of it.
Undressing each other's impatiently, Jungkook couldn't help but to enjoy this side of you. He kind of liked this side of you, trying to make the first move.
He sat on the edge of the bed admiring your naked figure standing timidly just before him, between his spreaded legs.
"do you want me baby?" he teased leaning back on his elbows.
You nodded playing with your fingers nervously, guess the bit of alcohol you consumed wasn't enough for you to not be shy around him tho.
"words baby." he wanted you to say it again.
"Jungkook, I need you." you obeyed shamelessly right away making him lick his lips.
"Let's try something new tonight, hm?" he pursed his lips noticing you gulp not expecting that.
"what?" you asked hesitantly.
"oh my princess." he started, the words "my" affecting you a bit too much, you felt like your heart did a backflip.
"don't be nervous." he pulling you to sit on his lap, thighs at each sides of him.
He pushed your hair back behind your ear, before decreasing the space between your faces as he went to whisper into your ear.
"I want you to ride me." he bit on your earlobe, erupting goosebumps all over your body.
"ride you?" you repeated trying to process his words, you've never done that, what if you couldn't-
"don't worry too much, I'll guide you." his hands came down to rest on top of your thighs.
You felt like your body was set on fire. Your body was so reactive to him, to his words, to his touches.
Taking a deep breath, you raised your hips, Jungkook's hands on your hips helping positioning yourself above his hard cock, precum already leaking from it.
Your heart started pounding inside your rib cage as you lower down on his erection.
"ah shit." Jungkook cursed as your walls slowly swallowed his cock in, the warmth engulfing around him making him bite on his bottom lip, the plump flesh turning white.
"Jungkook." you whimpered when you feel his cock buried so deep into you, you could feel him all.
You started rolling your hips slowly, as he guided you like he told you.
Your hand flew up to hold on his broad shoulders for support, your other hand traveling up to tangled up in his hair.
He enjoyed the way you would pull on his hair when he thrust his hips up to meet yours.
You groaned when you feel his teeth nibbling on the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving pretty marks there.
He loved marking you. It's like he wanted to show everyone that you were already with someone even though it wasn't the case.
He always ignored this weird feeling of jealousy he felt when he see a man near you, interacting with you or even for looking at you a bit too long.
"you're mine." he licked on the fresh reddish spot on your skin making you shiver at the friction.
He often said that to you. Especially during the intimate session you have.
Why? He didn't even realise it.
"look at me baby." you heard him breath out, hand coming up to your chin lifting your face so he could see you.
"say that you're mine."
"I'm yours, Jungkook." you whined, when he grabbed on your thigh roughly thrusting up into your hips, your sweaty body falling on his strong one, your face resting in the crook of his neck.
"only yours." you whispered with a soft whimper into his ear, earning a low moan from him aswell.
"move faster darling." he demanded as you raised up before slamming down on his cock again, the head of it hitting directly on that spot that could make you pass out.
You felt him so deep inside you, it was unbelievable.
"it feels so good." you blabbed against his skin making him chucked.
"ah yea?" he asked making you hummed, your hand pawed on his back when you try moving faster, thighs burning from all the efforts.
You couldn't help but whimpered, the feeling of your hard sensitive nipples rubbing on his muscular chest.
Jungkook let breathy grunts pass by his lips, when he felt your nails buried into the flesh of his back, scratching the skin leaving a pleasant burning sensation.
You felt the knot in your stomach tightened when he kissed you, tongue entering your mouth, before sucking on yours.
"I can't." you cried out, as your movements slowed down, muscles aching.
"c'mon darling, keep going." he grabbed on your hips, helping you as you shake your head, a tear sliding down your cheek.
"keep going, I know you can." you were about to whine when he spoke again.
"look at me."
You furrowed your eyebrows, looking into his eyes, still red from his little puff session, you noticed his gaze softened as he take in your exhausted face.
"fuck!" he groaned before switching position, flipping you on your back as he hover above your weak body.
He stayed inside you as he started thrusting into you in a way more faster way than you.
"oh god! don't stop please don't stop!" you cried out, legs trembling slightly as you hold on his bicep.
"you did so good for a first time, baby." he said between breaths looking straight into your eyes.
“you’re always doing so good for me.” he praised, his hand coming to gripped on the headbed for support as he picked up the pace, hips slamming into yours roughly.
You moaned loudly as you felt it coming. You were so close to cum and he knew it.
“c’mon darling, cream my cock.” his lips ghosting over yours, his dirty talk making you close your eyes.
Bending down, he enveloped his lips around one of the hardened bud ripping a loud moan from you as he suck on it, your chest lifting up from the mattress.
“Gosh I’m about to-“
“Come for me princess.” he muttered against the skin of your chest.
His words were the last thing needed for you to orgasm. You closed your eyes shut tight, mouth ajar as a trail of curse words escaped from it.
You felt that adrenaline running through your veins when one of your hand gripped on the sheet, legs trembling.
Jungkook could only cursed when he felt the warm essence coating his cock, dripping down between your legs.
You looked like a mess, body covered with a thin layer of sweat, hair covering your forehead a bit, chest heaving up and down as you breath heavily, but on top of that - the pretty hickeys he painted on your skin was the last push for him to cum.
“please come inside me.” you pulled him down to you by his neck, your words making him twitch inside you.
“shit! you’re so fucking hot.” he said panting as he rest his sticky forehead on yours.
Your tightness was literally suffocating his cock as he groaned, shooting his warm cum inside you, filling you up to the brim, painting your walls with white ribbons.
Jungkook took a deep breath with closed eyes, before placing a little peck on your nose.
Pulling out of you, he watched as his cum was oozing out of you, slowly down on the sheet in awe before pushing it back inside making you whimper from how sensitive you were.
He rolled on his side with a small grin displayed on his face knowing he was the one that made you look like this - your so fucked out face satisfying him way too much.
You opened your eyes, noticing Jungkook already looking at you.
"you're so pretty."
Was he still high? you wondered, heart pounding at the compliment words that came out of his mouth.
"you're so pretty like that." his hand came to caress on your throat, fingers tracing over the fresh hickeys, his red rimmed eyes showing off how proud he looked of his "art".
Dressing yourself up back, you started feeling shy rethinking about what you just did earlier. You knew a part of your mind was still disconnected, alcohol definitely the cause of it - you really should drink water or something else to try to get rid of that boost drink out of your body, you thought.
You walked to a already dressed Jungkook on the balcony, this one holding a red cup - of you didn't even know what it contained - as you stood next him catching his attention.
You both stared at the stars decorating the dark sky, the fresh air of the balcony caressing your skin gently. You felt different, there was something that you felt like doing. Saying it or not, you're not losing anything, right? It was the opportunity for you to finally confess your feelings out. Perhaps, hoping he might feel the same about you.
You cleared your voice getting the man’s attention. 
"I have to tell you something." You gulped, feeling nervous, hands getting clampsy. 
"Tell me princess."
You took a deep breath before talking. 
"Jungkook, I like you." You finally said making him smile cutely. 
"Aw kitten, I like you too." He pinched your cheek playfully. 
"No no, I mean I like you… a lot." You started playing with your fingers getting a bit anxious. 
"Me too, I really like your company and all." He started, hands on your shoulders.
"You’re one of the friends I like the most." He giggled. 
You shaked your head making him tilted his head to the side confused. You had to say it. Right now or never, you can’t back down now. 
"Jungkook, I think…"
"I’m in love with you." You whispered looking into his eyes. 
A/N : well, that was it 🤭 I honestly wanted to add so much things, add angst to get more jealous!jungkook, but I wanted to post this second part asap and I couldn't keep making you guys wait, sorry sorry - so I decided to post it like that. I really hope I didn't disappoint because I took so much time writing this and made you guys wait for a long time. I apologise for the lack of vocabulary again ; I will try to get better in the future! I really want to thank you all for reading this, really hoping you enjoyed! have a nice day and take care of yourself! love y'all <3
TAGLIST : @starstruckfangirls @jeonblisq @rebloginfics @nibi-chibi-blog @lunaiiree @jmscaffeine @kookieees-stuff @idaterosie @nostopshit @jkslaugh97 @musicisme333. @kenqki @cbugs13 @junecat18 @jeonjungukkk @starsinsky1999 @fxirytaetae @fizzaaaabs @saintsugar @lvrjjoyyy @uzispidey @thiccthighs19 @rkivemaar @cherrygukkie @burnahtsw @gyukookswhore @olimpiiaa @elmariajinn
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angelicpoison12 · 5 months
first kiss ღ
Alastor finds out you’ve never been kissed.
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Alastor was an odd fellow. Not in a bad way-he was just.. Strange, to say the least.
— ☆ —
He was constantly cooped up in his room, listening to jazz, or doing his little radio broadcasts. I knew better to not be a little vermin towards him. I mean, Alastor had a fuckton of power, who wouldn’t be scared of him? I stayed away from Alastor. His smile kind of freaked me out. He was never mean to me, but I still had my guard up out of reflex. Whenever I interacted with him, it was short, tasteless small talk. I think we could both tell that we wanted more from each other-to have a bond at least-but fear held us back like floodwater gates.
We both wanted more.
I was sitting in the lobby, scrolling on my phone. I felt the couch dip, weight being added. I looked up, squeaking when I saw Alastor right next to me. His grin was still wide like usual, but it seemed strained? His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that frightened me. Yet his gaze also intoxicated me. It made me want more. That stupid longing ached in my chest, and I wanted nothing more than to snuggle him, feel him, to… Love him. Alastor looked at me, cocking his head to the side. “Y/N?”My eyes shot up. He must’ve been calling out to me for a while. “Oh-I’m sorry, Alastor.. I got lost in my thoughts,” I said with a nervous chuckle, my cheeks dusted with a soft blush. Alastor let out a soft, cackle-filled laugh. “Oh, no need to apologize, dear! Now, what is it that’s on your mind? You were staring a lot.” My eyes widened further, embarrassment washing over my face like a tsunami wave. Was I staring at him? Was I staring at the wall? What did he mean when he said I was ‘staring’?! God, he was so fucking confusing!
“Y/N? You’re staring again, dear.” I heard Alastor say. Fuck.
I swallowed, sighing. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Alastor.. It’s just-“ “You’re attracted to me, Y/N.” “What-?!” My voice was a soft shriek. Alastor’s grin widened scarily. I didn’t even know the fucker could smile wider than he already was able to. I squirmed under his gaze. I felt like a tiny rat under the paw of a tomcat. Alastor chuckled darkly, his irises practically glowing. “My dear, it’s quite clear.. Your eyes shimmer when you gaze at me. It’s not the usual, frightened stare I get around here, no. It’s one of curiosity. As if you’re a lost soul, wandering without a shepherd. Is that right, dear?” My head slowly turned upwards towards Alastor. My face was bright with a blush, and I was shaking. He’d gotten my emotions right. More accurate than even I could get them.
Maybe I wasn’t scared of Alastor. Maybe I was just, without a doubt, in love with him. He patted my shoulder, kindly saying, “Give it some thought, Y/N. You know where my room is if you need me.”
And just as sudden as he’d appeared, he was gone in the blink of an eye. I didn’t know what the fuck just happened, but I knew I wanted to explore it further. And I wanted my exploration to be with Alastor.
— ✩ —
I found myself at Alastor’s door not even twenty-four hours later.
What the hell was I thinking? Just a little bit ago, I was scared out of my mind to even look at him. Now I was yearning for him. It was as if a gravitational pull was curling itself around my heart, forcing me towards the darkest pits of Hell, where there was no return or exit. I was willing to take the path. I wanted to know if Alastor truly wanted to help me, or just make another searing deal to a weak victim such as myself.
Alastor seemed delighted to see me in his room. He was eating a few slabs of grayish meat. I didn’t ask about it; I kinda wanted to keep down my dinner, thank you very much. Then, after some meaningless small talk, I managed to choke out,
“Al.. Kiss me.”
I heard Alastor’s internal freak out. It sounded like a record had been scratched. He fully turned to look at me, sitting across from him at his desk. In a soft voice, he asked, “Y/N, are you sure? This isn’t some.. Mania, is it?” “No-! No, it’s not!” I choked, sighing shakily. “I’m just confused right now, okay..? I don’t know what to do about my feelings, or how to move forward with them-“
Before I could even finish, his hands had cupped my cheeks, claws oddly warm as his lips brushed against mine.
The kiss wasn’t dirty at all. It was soft and kind; nearly chaste with hints of reassurance hidden throughout his coldish lips.
When we pulled away from each other, my heart was beating rapidly, I could feel blood in my ears, and my cheeks were flushed. Alastor grinned wickedly, and holding his cane, he purred, “Not confused anymore, dear?” All I could do was nod, whimpering out, “Yeah.. I think so.”
I should’ve told Alastor how ‘unsure’ I was ages ago.
— ✩ —
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hees-mine · 4 months
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Pairing: heeseung ⚥ reader
Warnings: bullying, violence, crying, cursing, mentions of smut, filler chap, barely edited.
Genre: 18+, smut, minors dni!
WC: 1,992k
About a week had passed after you so willingly let heeseung defile and destroy your precious body.
You felt dirty, you felt used, you felt disgusted with yourself.
But though all the above was true, the feeling you felt the strongest was confusion.
You were confused with the way he treated you.
You’re aware he doesn’t know you, but not even a stranger treats someone the way he treats you.
He used your body for his own pleasure and personal gain and just left you with no ounce of remorse or care.
And you wanted to know why.
You’ve never done anything to him, so why was it so easy for him to treat you like yesterday’s garbage and walk away without so much as even an apology?
All he did was threaten you and leave you there to help yourself.
You felt like you deserved an explanation from him after he took your innocence away from you. That’s the absolute least he could do for you.
You know he told you to never look at him or call him again but right now that didn’t feel like an option for you you were going to get the answers and the closure you needed from him even if you were going against what he told you.
You’ve had a crush on him for too long not to at least know why he doesn’t like you back and why he thought it was okay to walk away from you in your most vulnerable state.
You were determined to talk to him today once you entered the school building but that changed the instant you go there.
Sharing the same class with him wasn’t easy this past week even the sight of his back intimidated but you did your best to focus on anything except him cause he took up enough of your late night thoughts already.
The one time your eyes shifted from your teacher just so happened to be at the same time that he looked up from his notepad his stare was cold as ice his jaw clenched tightly with what you would assumed to be was anger and you quickly lowered your head to focus on anything else besides his agitated face.
Your heart raced in your chest, and you couldn’t believe that just a single look from him could evoke so many emotions in you.
Whether you liked it or not, you still had a soft spot for him even after everything he did to you, and that, on top of feeling sad and hurt, was the worst mix of emotions combined.
For the rest of the day, you did your best to ignore thoughts of heeseung, and you were doing excellent, surprisingly.
You had exited the school building, and you were on your way home. You decided not to bring up last week to heeseung, at least not today. You weren’t quite ready yet, especially after the way he glared at you in class. You wanted to take your time to calm your emotions and get all your thoughts together before you had that conversation with him.
You clutched the straps of your backpack walking in the opposite directions of all the other students you took the back way instead cause it was always a few minutes faster less people were back there but you never sensed any real danger you’d been taking this route for years and so far you were incident free.
But for the first time, you did feel a sense of danger or at least fear as you were pushed against the base of a tree in the middle of the woods. You tried to scream, but your mouth was immediately covered by a large palm. “What the fuck did I say?” Heeseung was now towering over you, his jaw clenched tightly the same way it was back in the class you shared with him.
Your screams were muffled by his hand, and no one was even close in the distance to help you.
You tried to push his hand off, but he was far stronger than you, and it was no use. You quickly lost all your energy, so you gave up trying to fight him. Despite the fear rushing through your body, you just didn’t have the strength to match his and fight back.
“You think I was lying when I said next time wouldn’t be like before?” Your eyes were flashing back and forth, looking in his to see some ounce of remorse or guilt, but you found nothing but pure rage in his eyes.
You shook your head no immediately, but he kept his hand still, so you couldn’t say a word.
“Then why did I catch you staring at me again when I specifically told you not to?” He uncovered your mouth, finally giving you a chance to speak, and instead of answering his question, you tried to scream for help.
“HELP!” Your first cry for help was your last cause. You were left speechless when a harsh slap landed against your cheek, the sting causing tears to well in your eyes.
“Shut the fuck up. You asked for this.” he pinned you against the tree by your arms as your eyes shook in fear.
“Pleas-“ Even your pleas fell on deaf ears as he slammed you against the tree, knocking the wind out of you.
You whimpered from the painful impact, and not even then did he stop.
“Don’t say please now you had this coming,” he seethed and slammed you against the tree again, his fingertips painfully digging into your shoulders as he gripped you tightly.
“Hee-“ your words got caught in your throat as his hands wrapped around your neck, cutting off your air supply.
“Fucking hate when you say my name. I fucking hate you” he wrapped his hands around the entirety of your neck, squeezing until your airways were completely blocked off.
You kicked and clawed, trying your best to free yourself, but again, the struggle made you lose your strength even faster, and before you knew it, your vision was going black.
You grabbed at his arms, trying to gouge into his flesh so he would let you go, but the thick material of his blazer made it impossible for you to penetrate his skin, and now you were absolutely defenseless.
Right before you blacked, he released you, and you fell to the ground, choking and gasping for air as you trembled in fear, not daring to look up at him or yell for help.
He gathered a ball of saliva in his mouth and spat on you, neglecting your barely conscious body.
Just when you thought he would leave you alone like he did back in that classroom, he gripped your collar and yanked you up off the ground. “Let this be a reminder to keep your eyes off me,” he gritted through his teeth and threw you to the ground before he walked away, finally leaving you helpless in the woods.
You stood up on wobbly legs, your knees full of dirt and small cuts. Tears stained your cheeks as you lifelessly limped through the woods.
And after that incident, you didn’t care about anything; you didn’t care about getting closure; you didn’t care about why he did what he did to you.
You just know not to get involved with him anymore because it always ends with you feeling hurt and sad.
The next day, you did absolutely everything in your power to avoid Lee heeseung.
You didn’t dare walk in his direction and you kept your eyes glued to the ground you even skipped the one class you had with him just so you wouldn’t accidentally make eye contact with him and upset him further than you already had.
You hugged the lockers in the hallways, always making way for him to come through, scared of what he might do to you if you ever crossed him again. You even left school late just to make sure he was gone so you wouldn’t have an accidental run-in with him.
Heeseung smirked when he saw you avoiding him.
So you’ve learned your lesson, he thought.
You should have known better than to go against his words to begin with.
If you had listened, your neck wouldn’t be bruised with his handprints, and you wouldn’t be wandering around with your head down like a meek little mouse if you had just left him alone and stayed the fuck out of his business, but maybe now your stupid little pea brain can comprehend to keep your eyes to yourself.
Maybe now you can understand he wants nothing to do with you.
Every day since that day he assaulted you in the woods, you always took the long way home, and you always watched your back just in case you did something that day to offend Lee heeseung.
You know, It didn’t much matter now after all the horrid things he’s done to you.
But to this day, you are still confused by him.
His exterior would never lead you to believe that he was the kind of person he is.
The kind of person that could so easily tear someone down.
Even as you dressed your wounds when you went home the day he nearly choked you unconscious, you still couldn’t believe it was actually done by his hands.
You didn’t want to believe it was him who did it.
One of the things that drew you to him in the first place was how good of a student he was he got the top grade every time.
He was always well-mannered. He didn’t have friends, but he was exceptionally nice to his teachers.
His outfit was always prim and proper, perfectly ironed and ready for any occasion.
And even past his physical appearance and personality, there was just something mysterious about him that drew you to him.
He was quiet and well reserved which was odd cause with a face like his it seemed like he’d be the popular kid and surrounded by a bunch of people but that’s just the thing he wasn’t and you think that’s what made him attractive to you.
He was smart, nice, good looking, and he didn’t have that typical cocky jock attitude that all the good-looking guys had in your school.
Maybe that should have sent off some alarms in your head, but it didn’t.
Although you should have known something was wrong because, honestly speaking, he was too good to be true.
Thinking about it now maybe it would have been better if he had taken on that persona cause to see the person he really is was something you couldn’t have ever imagined.
You’d take the cocky jock over the handsome harasser any day.
Even as time passed, what he did to you just didn’t feel real, maybe cause you wanted him to be different, maybe cause in your mind, you thought that you and him would live happily ever after.
Alas, that wasn’t the case. The reality was that he was just another bad person walking amongst many, and your luck happened to be the worst cause. Why, out of everyone, did you have to be attracted to Lee heeseung?
If you had never liked him, none of this would have happened.
You scold yourself for even thinking that you were to blame in this situation but that’s just how messed up you were after everything that happened.
You could go down the rabbit hole all day of the endless possibilities in a world where heeseung didn’t defile your body, in a world where he didn’t harm you.
But the truth is he did, and now you have to live with the uncomfortable consequences and seeing his face every day for the rest of your school year.
All thanks to Lee Heeseung, your year-long crush, your life was destroyed.
Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Jealous-Drew McIntyre X Reader
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Request: Drew gets jealous when he sees reader talking to CM Punk backstage
Word count: 1,351
Reader's POV
Yet another Monday night Raw and I was lucky enough to be watching from the comfort of my boyfriend Drew's dressing room. We usually were separated, I was at home with our cat Chaz while he was however far away for work. Tonight's episode, however, was only an hour's drive away from our home so I was able to go to the show and hang out and watch his match. His match wasn't until later on in the night but he was busy doing press stuff for the first hour or so, so I didn't mind watching alone on the TV until he could get back. Two matches into the show, however, my stomach loudly grumbled, letting me know I was starving. And I was craving chocolate chip muffins. Which they just so happened to have in catering. I knew that Drew had requested I stay in the room, for my own safety, but I was hungry and had no idea when he would actually be back. So, I sent him a quick text letting him know where I was going before I grabbed one of his hoodies that was always way too big for me, pulled it on, and exited the room.
I walked down the cold hallway, admiring all the cool artwork on the walls, taking a turn or two before stopping to look around when I realized I'd walked into a dead end. "The fuck?" I mumbled to myself as I turned back around. Drew had walked me past catering earlier when we were going to his dressing room and I could've sworn it was down this hallway. Nevertheless, I made my way back down that hallway and turned to go the opposite way of which I had originally gone. Only to take another couple of turns that I thought were right, only for me to end up at another dead end. A different dead end that I didn't recognize. Now, I was officially lost in this maze of back hallways where everything looked the exact same. I had walked so far in that there wasn't even any artwork anymore, just plain gray walls. Not to mention, there was not a single other soul around me to point me in the right direction because they were all off doing their jobs. Patting my pockets to grab my phone and at the very least, see if I could find a map of the backstage online since Drew wouldn't be able to answer, I found them all to be empty. I let out a small grunt of frustration at the realization that I had accidentally left my phone in the dressing room. Without my phone and entirely by myself, I decided to just keep walking until I either came across another person, got back to Drew's dressing room, or found catering where I would stay put until Drew came and got me. I started walking, keeping aware of my surroundings as not only was it terrifying back here, but also just in case I saw someone. What felt like an hour later but was probably only a few minutes, I looked down the hallway to my left at a fork in the hallway and saw the back of someone walking in the opposite direction while they looked at their phone. "Hey!" I called out, beginning to jog over to them. I stopped dead in my tracks though when they turned around, revealing their identity. My jaw involuntarily clenched at the realization of who I was now talking to. A sly grin grew on his face as he took a step forward, holding out his hand as if to shake. "Hey, Y/N, right? I'm CM Punk." I nodded sharply, "I know." I eyed him warily as he took another small step forward, matching my step back as I refused his handshake. I looked around to see if there was anyone else around that I could ask for help, the sworn enemy of my boyfriend being the last person on Earth I wanted to ask for help. We were completely alone. "Um, I kind of got a bit lost back here, do you know where catering is?" I asked him, a hard edge to my voice as I avoided eye contact. "Sure thing!" He grinned, "Follow me." Reluctantly, and with no other options, I did. I made sure to walk behind him, throwing him a tight-lipped smile whenever he looked over his shoulder to make sure I was still following. Thankfully, we walked in silence the whole way there but it was a thick, tense silence.
I could hear silverware clanking together and the soft murmur of chatter as we came up to the entrance to where catering had set up. Punk stopped and turned towards me, purposefully blocking me from entering and making me choke on my sigh of relief upon arriving. With us both standing next to the wall, he lifted his good arm and rested it on the wall above my head, effectively caging me against the wall when his other hand rested on the wall by my hip. I frantically looked around for someone, anyone else at this point to come and save me, to no avail.
He leaned in close as I held my breath but before he could say whatever he was about to say, I heard a deep, accented, voice yell out from across the room. "Hey, you bastard!" I released the breath I'd been holding but my eyes widened when Drew stormed up and yanked Punk away from me by the scruff of his neck, and threw him to the floor a few feet away. Just before he turned to continue going after Punk, I saw the pure fury on Drew's face. It was cartoonish almost, with his face all red and puffy with anger I half expected steam to start coming out of his ears. Darting forward, I grabbed his arm just before he started moving, pulling him back towards me. He realized it was me before he could shrug me off and let me pull him away even though he was much stronger than me. Gently, he gripped my arm and started to walk us away when Punk started laughing at him from where he lay on the floor, calling him a coward. He stopped mid-stride and looked at me. "Save it for the ring," I whispered, not wanting him to get into any trouble. He turned, spit at Punk's feet, and then continued walking the two of us back to his dressing room. It was silent the whole way there, his unadulterated anger prominent between us as I began to feel guilty for leaving the room after he'd asked me not to. As soon as he shut the dressing room door behind us I turned to him to explain why I had left and was with Punk of all people but he lifted a finger, silently telling me to be quiet. Not wanting to anger him anymore, I stayed silent. He began to pace the room as I stood by the door nervously. "What were you doing with him? I thought I told you to stay in here. I kept calling you and you weren't answering." He finally questioned, his voice low and his Scottish accent thick in his anger. "I left to go get food from catering and got lost and I had left my phone in here by accident and he was the first person I saw and I didn't realize it was him til' he turned around and then we got there and he cornered me and I'm so sorry." I rambled, hoping it was at least coherent enough for him to understand what I was saying. He stopped pacing and just stared at me for a long moment before extending his arms out to me. I rushed into his arms and he held me tightly to his chest and stroked my hair as I continued to murmur apologies against his chest. "It's okay," he shushed me, pulling away to cup my face in his hands. "I'll kill him later, but please promise me that if I ask you not to leave this room you don't leave." I nodded profusely, "I won't, I swear." He nodded back and smiled, pulling my face in to kiss my forehead. "Good, now let's go get you a snack."
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soobibabe · 4 months
"no" strings attached
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pairings: choi yeonjun + fem reader trope: friends with benefits (smut, eventual fluff)
warnings: dom!yeonjun, penetrative/unprotected sex, oral, throat fucking, hair pulling (?), degrading, praise, rough/jealous sex, a little alcohol consumption but they’re sober for the most part, fingering, slapping (once, and it’s nothing crazy) lmk if i missed anything else.
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You knew exactly what you were doing when you found yourself taking the alcohol poured down your throat by Kim Sunwoo in the middle of a party Yeonjun invited you to. You made sure to down every last drop, maintaining eye contact with Sunwoo while you swallowed every last drop he gave you. Why? Well, simply put the man you were here for was too busy chatting it up with other girls in front of your face to pay you any attention.
Of course, don't play these games lightly. He knew this, so why bother trying you in the first place?
"Where'd you learn to do that pretty girl?" sunwoo asked, genuinely in awe at your ability to drink all of it without gagging. You turn your head to the site of the pair of eyes you felt glaring at you the entire time. Yeonjun hadn't taken his eyes off you since the second you made your way over to the group of men playing beer pong, joining the team with Heesung, Soobin, and Sunwoo himself.
"Oh you know, practice from game punishments and stuff" You tilt your head mid-sentence, looking up at the taller figure through batted eyelashes, knowing fully that it would drive Yeonjun insane had he seen you, which, he had.
"How about we got to know each other better tonig-" Sunwoo begins, but Yeonjun appears beside you lifting his right hand to rest it on Sunwoo's shoulder. He maneuvers the left one to slide around your waist.
"Sorry bro but y/n's got something else planned tonight," Yeonjun says through a smile coated in faux pity, causing Sunwoo's to fade.
You slip out of Yeonjun's hold on you, stepping closer to the boy in front of you "Ah right, I forgot about that. But I had so much fun with you wonie, how about we continue where we left off tomorrow, hm?”
You don't see it, but Yeonjun's eyes widen then fall into a daggered stare upon hearing the nickname you gave to the man in front of you.
"Tomorrow sounds perfect, lets exchange numbers" Without warning, Yeonjun grabs your wrist "Y/n it's pretty late do you think? How about I drive you back to your dorm?" before you can respond, he's already dragging delicately escorting you toward the exit of the frat house. "Hey, what are you doing? I didn't wanna leave yet," you complain, but you know this is exactly what you wanted. You wanted his blood to boil. You wanted him to come crawling to you.
He doesn't respond to you but instead continues pacing forward in the direction of his car. He reaches out to open the car door, loosening his grip on your hand to allow you to enter the vehicle.
Once youre inside, he wastes no time, buckling you into your seat immediately.
"You're so childish jun. What? I can't even catch up with friends now?" he scoffs. A chuckle erupts through his pretty lips. "That's how you catch up with all your friends?" his smile drops when he faces you. When his eyes meet yours, they go dark. Like he's a totally different person.
He shuts the door, walking around the front of the car to meet his seat. The drive home is silent. You're scared of what would happen if you provoke him any further.
You're lost in thought, wondering if what you did with Sunwoo was too much. Looking out the window, you snap out of your daze, realizing you're not being driven to your campus. You're in the street of Yeonjuns apartment.
Upon arrival, you follow Yeonjuns lead into his apartment. "What is this?' you ask, referring to the fact that you're at his place instead of your own.
"Would you rather your dorm mates hear you screaming and begging me to go easy on you through the thin walls?" he turns to meet you. "You want them to hear you get fucked by your best friend? Don't want to keep me as your little secret anymore?"
He says it all in one breath, nearing closer to you with each syllable that leaves his lips. The same lips are clashed with yours not even a second after, not giving you that second to formulate a counter.
His tongue dances with yours for what feels like an eternity. He's breaking the first rule of your 'no strings attached' agreement, no kissing. But here in this moment, you never want it to end.
Your back presses on the wall he pushes you against and he breaks the kiss to lift your thighs, he wants them wrapped around him. "This want you wanted?" he questions.
"I want you, Yeonjun." you state as the desire for him engulfs you.
"Slutty girls like you don't know what they want. You know that more than anyone don't you? Weren't you just ready to fuck that guy? What's his name? Sunoo? Sunie? doesn't matter. I'll make you forget all about him, baby"
At this point, youre desperate for Yeonjun to touch you. You know he's stalling. Know he's making you wait on purpose, so you do the next best thing. "It's Sunwoo." you correct him.
Now you've done it. He didn't think you'd have it in you. Yet here you are.
His hold on you stiffens, carrying you like you weigh nothing away from the doorway into his room. He throws you into the bed, his usual gentleness gone. "Take your top off." he requests, leaving you in just your bra and mini-skirt.
"Let's put your dirty mouth to better use, yeah?" he unbuckles his belt, peeling each layer off in one swift motion. "Suck."
You're never not intimidated by the sight of his dick. It's thick, but still long. Every time you take him, the stretch makes you feel like a virgin all over again.
You wrap your hands around his length, taking the tip into your mouth and drawing circles around it with your tongue making him groan. a breathy, low 'fuck' comes from him.
"Take it. All of it. You've been begging me to fuck you all night like a whore, so suck it like you mean it." He scolds you when he realizes you're teasing him by your own will.
"Youre just so big," you say, looking up at him with your bottom lip tucked under your teeth. "Mmm really? Dumb girl, you should've thought about that earlier." he looks down at you with a faux smile.
"This won't do," he grabs a fistful of your hair, using his other hand over yours to guide his cock to your mouth. "Open." and you obey.
He shoves himself all the way into your mouth, slowly pushing down your throat. Tears well up in your eyes when he begins to thrust, trying not to gag around him. "Taking me so well, like you were made for me. You're all mine, you know that?" you attempt to nod.
His strokes become rougher as he continues. His hand in your hair suddenly stills when he feels himself approach a high. Is he a masochist? "Get on your fours. Ass up and head down just how I like it".
"Gonna fill you up so good," he tugs your skirt off, "Remind you who you belong to. You want that?" he says before he bends down to kiss you. Youre dumbfounded by the sudden gesture. "Of course you do, my pretty slut"
You do as he demands, switching positions. His finger finds its way to your sopping hole "This wet from just sucking me off, pretty?"
He thrusts two fingers into you simultaneously at a rapid pace, already stimulating all your sweet spots. "Fuck, so good junnie." you cry out, earning a smirk from him.
He tips down to your core, licking a long strip from your clit to your entrance causing you to squirm. "Don't run from me baby, you're the one who wanted this"
"Gonna make you feel so good, nobody else can make you feel like this can they?" he asks, already knowing your answer. "Only you, j-jun, fuck" you moan, losing yourself in the pleasure.
He rips himself away from you, breaking the contact that was bringing you close to what felt like a high.
"Do you think he can satisfy you like this, y/n?" he interrogates.
"Not sure, I'm a hands-on learner. Should I find out?" you retort, eliciting exactly what you wanted from him.
You know exactly how to rile him up. He grabs your hips, placing a slap on the round of your ass, inducing a whine from you. He's sure to rub the sting, not really wanting to hurt you.
Unannounced, he slams the entirety of his cock into you. "Gonna fucking ruin you." he smiles, pulling you up by your neck to press your arched back to his chest. "Tell me how good it feels, baby" he whispers into your neck.
"S-so fucking g-good, fuck!" you whine when he softly bites down on your shoulder.
He drops you back onto the mattress, rolling you over onto your back. "So pretty when you're fucked out like this. his thrusts become ruthless, pounding into you mercilessly.
You can't help but moan his name, "You think he can make you feel this good baby? Think he can fuck you like I do?" he asks, but you both already know the answer.
You're too distracted by the waves of pleasure coursing through you to give him a coherent response.
A light slap lands on your cheek, "I asked you a question, did I not?" his fingers dip to your folds, giving stimulation to your neglected clit. "Use your big girl words, yeah?"
"No j-jun nobody else can -- fuck - make me feel the way you do." he smiles, content with your remark.
He bends to hover closer to you, showering your neck and lips with feathery kisses, one after the other.
His rhythm doesn't falter, fucking you relentlessly and drawing you near your climax. His attention drifts from your face to your lower torso, in awe at the bulge formed on your abdomen from how far he's hitting.
"Shit, do you feel me here?" he inquires, using his free hand to press against it. The stimulation from his cock being pushed impossibly closer to your sweet spot pulls you into nirvana.
"Please, Yeonjun I'm gonna-" you're interrupted by the force of your orgasm crashing through you, making a mess on the man you're wrapped so snuggly around.
"Fucking hot. God, I wish I recorded that" he practically whines at the sight of your release coating his supple skin. You'd never cum that hard before.
"That's it, keep moaning my name like that, pretty," he orders when you chant his name as he fucks you through your orgasm. "that's it, good girl"
"Cumming" He reaches in for a kiss again, stilling his hips as he empties his load in you, "Fuck"
He drops his weight onto you, careful to not let his (still hard) cock slip out as he flips your bodies over so that you're on top of him.
There's a comfortable silence between you as he embraces you tightly. You love how there's never an awkward moment when you're with him.
You raise your head to meet his eyes already admiring your face. "So beautiful" he whispers. It felt so intimate, so pure you can't help the blush that creeps up your cheeks.
"You're cute when you're jealous" you tease. His brows furrow, shifting his gaze to his hand as though it's the most interesting thing he'd ever encountered. "I'm not jealous." he mumbles flatly.
"Ah I see, then I guess it's okay if I go on that date with-" the same hand he was so absorbed in a second ago is now covering your mouth.
His eyes pierce into yours once more. "Think very conscientiously about your next few choices of words because I'm afraid the consequences this time will not be as clement as the last."
You giggle, prying his hand off you. "Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“You’re annoying” he tries to conceal his smile, but gives in and tickles you instead. You both sit up too fast, suddenly reminded of the spot in which your bodies are connected.
“Fuck,” you groan in unison, laughing at the stupidity of the situation.
He pulls out but refuses to let go of you it seems. “i want to stay like this forever. stay with you” he whispers, catching you off guard but you don’t show it.
“Me too, jun.” you return his soft, dorky smile. “i love you” you whisper back.
His eyes beam at you, taken aback yet ecstatic as a result of your unexpected honesty, “I love you too. So so much more than you know” those same sparkling eyes look at you with tears welling in them.
“Can we end this stupid agreement and make this real?” you ask timidly.
“Yes, please god yes. I’ve waited, so so long. Can i be your boyfriend, y/n?”
“Absolutely, choi yeonjun.”
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A/N: i started this when i was horny and let’s just say i wrote the other half during pnc >.< hope you enjoy this monstrosity! i love you soobination
find my masterlist here
© all rights reserved soobibabe on tumblr. do not cross-post, copy or translate etc.
[taglist] @himenaayo-blog @matcha-binz @inkigayocamman
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sadlynotthevoid · 5 months
If I had a nickel for everytime I dreamed that Lily was kidnapped and Og!Cale ran looking out for her, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
In the first one, Lily got kidnapped in the Capital and og!Cale instantly started running around, doing detective work but also really in panic. At some point he figured out who could have a hint on Lily's kidnapper, but the person in question was in the castle dungeons. So he went and straight entered in a room where Alberu was having a meeting with other nobles, not caring at all who was there, and asked him to sign a permission.
Og!Cale: *opens the door* Your Highness, sign this! *Slams form on the table*
Alberu, who wasn't expecting a random noble to crash his office: ...
The nobles: *shoked in victorian era* ...
Alberu: how did you got here?
Og!Cale: I flew through the third floor entry. It has my mom's name on it. More important, I'm in a hurry. So could you sign it already?
Alberu, confused as fuck because 'wdym by third floor entry? That's just a window': *reads the paper* permission to visit the dungeons? Why do—
Og!Cale, too worried to even keep his trash act and also practically a mind reader (not really): My sister was kidnapped and that guy may know where she could be. As I said, I'm in a hurry.
Alberu: That's terrible. *About to sign it* Is there any other way I can help?
Random noble: Excuse me?! Your Highness, this is not according to the protocol. I had to wait for months after my solicitude was sent to have this meeting. Why does he get a special treatment?!
Og!Cale, without paying an eye: Aren't you that Viscount that keeps wasting big sums on gifts for a mistress? *To Alberu* I guess he's asking money "for his territory". I bet he spent all his budget and is trying to hide it from his wife.
The noble: *pales* That— you— Your Highness, I can explain *faints*
Alberu: *sighs* I'll have someone investigate it. *Signs the form* Is there anything else I need to know?
Og!Cale, already exiting the room with the permission at hand: *tilts head* I've heard that people had been dissapearing in the Southwest region. *Narrows eyes* Huh. It's near the Gyerre territory now that I think about it.
Og!Cale: Anyways, goodbye. *Leaves*
Alberu, absentmindedly: So that's what father meant when he said redheads are "a crazy force of nature that could destroy a little country without force".
Antonio, who happened to be in the meeting: *silently having an existential crisis*
It turned out that the culprit was Og!Cale's past teacher (yes, that guy) who was working with traffickers. He wanted to see whether Og!Cale would resolve his "little game" or he would "lose" (have Lily sold before someone finds them). He also kinda hates her because "he lost his student by her fault" (no, it wasn't her fault. He's just crazy).
Og!Cale found out where Lily was being held and he, along with a pair of knights, went for her. All of them had a fun time beating the creepy bastard.
Then Og!Cale walked to their house carrying Lily on his arms.
In the second one, a monster-like creature broke into Lily's room, took her and flew away. Og!Cale was sitting on his bedroom's window and saw his little sister being taken away by a blurr of mass. He jumped out of the window to follow, of course. Then the knights saw a thing flying over their heads and the young master speedruning after it.
Og!Cale: Come back here!
Hillsman: Young master Cale?!
Og!Cale: What are you doing?! Stop that thing! It has Lily!
Knights: Ah! *Start chasing the thing too*
I don't know what happened next because I woke up.
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wordsarelife · 10 months
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pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: it was no secret that mattheo riddle annoyed the hell out of you, but you did grow concerned when you suddenly didn’t mind it anymore..
warnings: suggestive, mentions of throwing up, but it doesn’t actually happen. apart from that nothing else
notes: i’m so sorry but i lost the original request, so i had to go with the short notes i had made, so i might leave something out! but i think i have the essential part
sorry it took me so long to post but i had to proofread before i could let whatever the fuck this is (🫠) into the world!
you watched the snow fall behind the stained glass window. the library was dimly lit, making it easier for you to see.
you loved this time of year. it was so quiet. especially in hogwarts. most of the student body had gone home for the holidays and you were one of the few people that stayed.
to your luck the biggest nuisance in the world did too. “what are we looking at?” mattheo riddle asked close to your ear.
you shrieked to the side, startled by his sudden appearance.
“what?” he asked “you’re scared of me now?”
you rolled your eyes “scared isn’t the word i would use, more like deeply frustrated” you grabbed the book from the window sill and got up.
“sexually?” he asked, raising his eyebrows
“ugh” you rolled your eyes, walking around him
“hey!” mattheo tried to stand in your way but was unsuccessful “where are you going?”
“somewhere you aren’t”
mattheo followed close behind you. “come on” he said “it’s christmas time! the loveliest time of the year! can’t you knit me a sweater or something?”
you send him a spiteful look.
“a hat?”
“i’m not gonna knit you anything” you halted in your step. taking a quick look at the book in your hand before you held it in his direction. “actually, do you mind bringing this back to where i got it from?”
“do i get mittens?”
“sure” you rolled your eyes and waited until he had walked around the shelf, before you quickly sprinted to the exit.
to your luck, he made it out of the library just a second after.
since he had first noticed how much it annoyed you, mattheo had made it a habit to follow you around the castle. over the time he had become an instant trigger for your headache.
“so what about these mittens huh?”
“riddle, can’t you leave me alone?” at least he was walking not next to you
“you’re the only one in our year i know”
“christmas is for friends huh?”
“we’re not friends” you argued, crossing your arms
“we could be” mattheo shrugged. “and then you realize how great i am and give me a blowjob on christmas morning”
“oh because you’re so great i suddenly want to give you a blowjob?” you asked disgusted, while crossing your arms
“there’s no shame in admitting you want to pleasure me”
“eww” you shook your head “do you ever think about anything else but sex?”
“you’re way too hot to not think about sex or you getting on your knees and—“
“alright” you interrupted, raising your arms. but before you could try something else to get him to leave you alone, something helpful entered your field of vision.
you smiled at him, before you walked left.
“no!” mattheo argued “that’s not fair”
you walked into the girls washroom and ignored him. he held the door open.
“you know it violates my principles to go in there”
“i do” you nodded, pretty aware that he wouldn’t be caught dead in there. you weren’t even sure why. mattheo normally wasn’t the guy to follow rules, but he did have a high moral standard considering places like the girls washroom or sleeping quarters.
you smiled mischievously, suddenly thinking about testing him “come in here and i’ll give you the best blowjob of your life”
you weren’t even thinking about ever doing that.
mattheo ignored what you said, even if he did get a little white at your words “you play dirty!” he protested “but okay, you win this time!”
you smiled about the frustration on his face. he had always tried to flirt with you, but it never fazed you, so now you were the impossible challenge for him. and what better time for this than when almost to no students were in hogwarts and school was out.
mattheo found you later in the evening, while you were sitting at the slytherin table, enjoying your meal while reading your book. during the holidays no one could forbid you from doing that.
you had heard him approach from a few feet away. it was like you had developed a special radar for him over the years.
"hello, love" he sat down beside you
"don't call me that" you muttered, without looking up
"what? no flinching?"
"you're not invisible"
"okay then what was that, a few hours ago in the library?" he asked and you could practically feel him raising his eyebrows.
"the library was the last place i expected you to be" you said truthfully
"you were there"
"yes" you nodded and looked up at him "because i thought you'd never be"
mattheo sighed, sliding closer to you. you side eyed him. "come any closer and i'll scream"
“come on, y/n” mattheo said almost sounding friendly. but then there was that smug smile again. “why don’t we call a truce? considering the holiday season?”
“never” you turned the page “can you leave me alone now?”
mattheo began eating peacefully, not even caring what you had said and you just sighed, going back to ignoring him. after you had finished dinner, he followed you again as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“stop following me” you stopped, turning around to look at him
“i do have the same way, you know?” he came closer to you, leaning down and whispering in your ear “not everything i do is about you, sweetheart” you watched with big eyes how he smirked and then undid his tie with a quick gesture. he winked at you before he continued his way, leaving you standing in the hallway.
you looked after him puzzled. you had not considered that proximity — or how it had made you feel. you almost found it attractive. you couldn’t believe what you were thinking but for a short second you really were attracted to mattheo riddle. of all people.
you tried to take calming breaths, so whatever had happened right now would go away, but it was to no appeal.
of course mattheo had always looked good, even you couldn’t ignore that, but you had never once thought about him as more than a nuisance that got on your last nerve. now you were almost wishing him to be here, pushing you against the wall—
you couldn’t determine what had suddenly come over you. mattheo had done a pretty good job bothering you these past few years and you had always resisted his advances. and now, just half a year before graduation you were getting weak?
you tried shaking your head, to get rid of the thoughts in there. you quickly walked in the direction of the common room.
in your room, you went into the bathroom, taking a cold shower and after that going to bed as quick as possible. you didn’t want to grant your head the time to think about the stupid boy even more.
the next few days were torture for you. you hadn’t had a proper sleep in days, your mind always wandering back to him.
of course mattheo had picked up his usual habit again, finding you whenever you had been able to get rid of him. every word of him made you a bit weaker in the knees and almost give in. but there was that little bit of self worth that kept you from leaping over the table and kissing the smug smile off his face.
right now you were sitting at dinner, not really getting anything down while you slowly turned the pages of your magazine, while mattheo was sitting across from you, talking your ear off.
even if you could act normal with your last bit of strength, you weren’t able to fight his presence anymore. when he was able to find you, you would mostly just give in. and to your horror you had to admit that he wasn’t even as bad as you had thought. even if half the things he said were total nonsense.
you caught yourself losing track of the magazine and actually listening to him. and you didn’t even hate it. he was funny, you had to admit and he was interested in what you had to answer to his questions
“what’s your favorite color?” he asked, just after he had finished a rant about not being allowed to smoke in his dorm, but doing it anyway.
“huh?” you asked
“your favorite color” mattheo smiled and probably for the first time you noticed how beautiful it was. and it seemed genuine.
“green” you shrugged and his smile got impossibly bigger.
“i like green too” he gushed. he looked like a five year old. and to your personal horror you did not find it disgusting, but rather cute and charming. you wanted to throw up, right now, right here.
you got up from the seat abruptly. “i have to go to the bathroom” you said quickly and mattheo looked at you in confusion
“are you alright?” he asked, but you were already walking out the hall in a quick step.
you reached the bathroom and almost stumbled into the stall, falling down on the floor.
“y/n?” a voice from outside the washroom called
“not now, mattheo” you said annoyed. you leaned against the wall, while you began to cry. luckily you didn’t have to throw up. but the feeling didn’t go away.
you didn’t know what was happening to you. you were feeling like you had lost your mind.
“y/n?” mattheo called again, sounding concerned “are you alright?”
“i said not now” you screamed. he was standing in the door, looking at you scared. he looked like he didn’t know what to do. and still he did not set a foot into the room.
“are you crying?” he wondered
“no!” you screamed, while tears were running down your cheeks, very openly falsifying your statement. you quickly wiped them away.
“what’s wrong?”
“everything” you bellowed “and all of it is your fault!”
“my fault?” he asked almost offended “what the fuck are you talking about?”
“i don’t know what you did to make me feel like this, but as soon as find out you’re gonna hope you were never born” you got up walking into his direction, pointing your finger at him accusingly. he was walking backwards until you were both standing in the hall.
“whoa” he raised his hands “i didn’t do anything to you”
“you’re lying” you shook your head “i can’t eat, i can’t sleep. i think about you all the time, without wanting to and i actually listen to what you tell me and the worst thing is that i suddenly don’t hate you anymore. i hated you for the past six years and now i can’t do it anymore? what the fuck is going on mattheo? i feel like i’m losing my mind”
you almost wanted him to find a solution for your problem.
“i don’t know okay?” mattheo said “maybe you’re just in love with me” he joked then, but it smile faded quickly and he got serious. “maybe you are in love with me” he repeated softly.
you send him a spiteful look “i’d rather jump out of the window than be in love with you”
“i’d rather jump out of the window than be in love with you too” he exclaimed. then he paused, until he looked into your eyes, smiling slightly “but i just can’t help it” he whispered
your eyes softened. for the first time in a long time, you believed what he was saying.
“i can’t eat, i can’t sleep” he muttered, gently fixing a strand of your hair “i think about you all the time” he touched your cheek softly “and i actually listen to what you tell me” his fingers grazed your lips. “and i don’t ever want it to stop” his hand touched your neck and your eyes closed on instant.
then he softly kissed you. your hand went to his collar, drawing him closer. you deepened the kiss, while you breathed in his smell. he smelled of nicotine and some sort of perfume that was unfamiliar to you but it could make you recognize him anywhere.
he softly broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours. “why does it feel so intense?” you asked “i thought i had to throw up back in there” you pointed behind you.
“i’d say it gets better, but it never does” he shrugged “not even after years”
“years?” you repeated “you felt like this for years?”
“did you think i was following you around because i loved spending my time in the library?”
“i thought you followed me because you just wanted to get in my pants”
“don’t get me wrong, i do want to get into your pants” he smirked “but not only once and i also want to do so much more than just that”
you smiled at him. maybe being in love with someone wasn’t so bad after all. not when it was him.
he smiled back “let’s go back to the common room” he suggested and you nodded. he layed an arm around your shoulder, kissing you on the forehead.
“why didn’t you go in the washroom a few days ago, even though i promised you the best blowjob of your life?” you asked the question in a joking manner, but it really did interest you.
“you didn’t mean it”
“it’s not respectful” he shrugged “entering a place like that, it’s not okay, even if no one would catch me. even if it would be just the two of us” he said truthfully “but back there? i almost threw all that out of the window, because i thought something was wrong and you needed my help”
you hugged his body closer “thank you” you whispered and he kissed you on the head.
“so.. about those mittens”
you laughed. “merry christmas, matty”
“merry christmas, y/n”
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess @claradelage @novelizt @ahead-fullofdreams
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kk43mi · 1 year
good girl.┊ scaramouche
PAIRING ┊ perv!scaramouche x innocent f!reader GENRE ┊ pure smut. WC ┊ 1.8k+ WARNINGS ┊ he’s a perv , panty stealing , corruption , dub-con(?) , praise(if you squint) , not proof-read, cussing , scara just being gross!!! , lowercase intended!! SYNOPSIS ┊ coming back from your college classes and hearing your roommate making little grunts and moans, calling out your name, thinking he was in pain—but turns out, it was more than that. A/N ┊ written by kam , hope you guys enjoy ! (melody helped with the process !) first fic.
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"anything that needs to be clarified?" your professor asked as he finished writing the formula on the board, turning around to face the class in front of him as he rest his arms on the lectern. a still silence preforms in the room, as the only sounds heard can be from other students taking notes, pencil moving in motion on the wooden table. finishing up your notes, your professor had now dismissed the class, signifying that the lecture was now finally over. wanting to seek solace in your comfy dorm and avail yourself of well-deserved respite after a long day.
a groan falls from your mouth as you now exited the lecture hall, stretching out your arms while walking towards the direction of your humble abode, where you share the room with a long-known acquaintance, scaramouche. scara—for short is what you liked to call him. "ah, im hungry...ill just eat some instant ramen back at the dorms." you exclaimed. soon enough, you were now in front of your dorm, grabbing the keys from your pocket to unlock the wooden door that was in your way.
twisting and turning the knob, you entered your abode, then taking off and carelessly throwing your shoes with the other pairs of shoes that were lined up nice and neatly, too drained out from the lecture to really care about any mess you make right now. walking and passing by the other rooms, you had to pass your roomies to get to yours. which you had no problem at all doing, until you heard faint groans and grunts coming from the other side of the door. "n-ngh...uh...fuck...y/n.." falls out of scaras lips. and there you hear a thud coming from the room.
you knocked on his door "ah-? scara, are you okay? i heard a loud thud! did something happened? are you in pain?" you asked in concern, pressing an ear against the blue tinted door to make out what he would say next. "y-yeah im fine. just go away argh..." he sounded annoyed, did you perhaps bother him? you didnt mean to, all you wanted to do was figure out what had happened. you stopped your thoughts as he hear his footsteps approaching the door, seeing his shadow beneath the creak of the door, slowly and subtly retreating from the door, your gaze meets scaras purple orbs.
his irritated look gives it away and you immediately feel bad. "im sorry if i bothered you.." you muttered out quietly as he let out a scoff, walking towards the bathroom. your eyes follow his before sighing. turning to walk to your own bedroom, before the corner of your eyes spots something out of the ordinary from his room. his room was usually just filled with neutral colors like white, grey, and black, but you spotted a pink cloth on his black bedsheet. out of curiosity, you enter the room, going closer to the object before realizing what it was.
"what the..? my underwear?" you looked in confusion, why would your panties be in scaras room? observing the undergarments a bit more, you spot little wet patches on them. and a weird smell emitting from it...maybe...this could explain the reason why the quantity of your panties had reduced. so scara has been the one stealing them?! you had lost your trance of thoughts after hearing a door slam shut behind you, making you turn around, "well, well look who we have here, y/n. figured it out hm?" he said, followed by with a menacing laugh, it sent shiver done your spines, waiting for your response as he leaned against the door with his arms crossed, looking down at you with a shit eating grin.
"you perv! youve been stealing my underwear!" you gritted your teeth, absolutely disgusted with your roommate. "and? what of it. not my fault youre wearing those kinds of underwear. i really cant control it yknow?" he grinned at you as he retracted his arms and took a couple steps towards you. the sudden instinct made you grab your garments, and throw it up at his face, but the quick motherfucker he was, he caught it. "well that wasnt really nice now was it?" he said before bringing the used panties to his nose, inhaling the scent of the soft pink undies, the smell of his pre-cum and your heat mixed in together brought him to heaven. his face turning red, eyes having hearts in them now, and breathing uncontrollable.
the sight of him smelling your panties had you tensed, as your eyes lowered to see such a noticeable bulge forming down. saliva forming in your mouth, to which you had swallowed. "do you see what you do to me..? for you to find out like this is such a shame, but whatever, its nice you know i crave for you now. every single part of your body. so please, allow me to indulge in this exquisite pleasure that awaits me." he bit his lips in excitement, his hand, motioning to touch his bulge, palming and shifting it around to reduce the pain, his other hand, still holding onto the precious sacred panties up to his nose to whiff at to get off to.
"uh..erm.." your face gave a look of confusion and hesitation. sure scara was a handsome boy, you never thought he viewed you that way, but you always had the thought of what it was like to be in the act of intimacy. but still, you werent too sure about this. "oh c'mon, you didnt even let me finish, im pent up. i just need one release." he grinned as he stepped closer to you, kneeling down to your height to harshly cup your cheeks with one hand, planting his lips on yours, giving a sloppy kiss. you pressed a hand on his chest, trying to pry him away, as his other free hand grabbed your wrist to stop your resistance. your eyes were shut closed, but you can feel a smile forming out of him. soon, you gasped and your mouth was left agape, the perfect opportunity for scara to insert in his tongue, exploring your inside, tasting and savoring every nook and cranny.
little moans falling out of your mouth, this...it was all new to you, never knowing or feeling the touch of another man. let alone, this kind. your resistance has stopped, knowing your strength wasnt compared to his. he may seem small, but he sure was the strong one. scara pulled back, a string of saliva connected from his mouth to yours, both of the individual breathing heavily, trying to catch up each others breath. a sickening smile appeared on his face again. "on your knees, c'mon." he commanded. as he sat on his bed. eyeing down on you. you just stood there in silence, just trying to comprehend everything that was happening right now. first the stolen undies, he likes you, then kissed you. just what was going on.
scara let out an annoyed scoff as he ran out of patience, pulling your arm to put you down on your knees, your face landing onto his pelvis, face dangerously close to his crotch. "oh? excited too? well then ill let you indulge in what you want of course~" his voice sounded high, as he unzipped his pants, his length raised up, the tip hitting his cloth stomach. he was girthy, and veiny in the right places, his tip, a pretty pink mushroom. its like it was perfect. you stared at his cock, intimidated already. your trail of thoughts were lost as you soon felt scaras hand grab your wrist, forcing your hands to touch the base of his cock. out of shock, you tried removing your hand, but he kept it in place. "dont be shy, i know you want this too. now move." you eyed up at him, a gulp forming on your throat, as you felt gross doing this. slowly moving your hands up and down, feeling his veins and stiff cock.
"f-fuck...this feels way better than that damn panties of yours...i always imagined it as your hand stroking my cock. now i finally get the feel of it. youre so good." he threw his head back due to the pleasure, moaning at the way your hands gripped his cock so tightly. "ugh..." you let out a disgusted sigh, it felt so slimy, and the stench was already hurting your head. "ah-shit im out of patience, open your mouth." a hand was placed on your head as his other supported his balance to sit up. "what..? why.." you meekly respond back. "hurry up and just do as a i say." he gripped a handful of your hair locks and it made you wince. as you obliged and open your mouth, without warning, his cock is shoved into the small mouth of yours. you gagged, both of your hands placed on his thighs for leverage and support.
"shit, your mouth is even better..." he fucked your face thru it all, tears that were threatening to spill down to your cheeks from the pain you were trying to endure. soft little cries and whimpers come from your mouth, hoping it would signal him into slowing down a bit. "tis hwurt..plese...stuop.." you were slobbering on your words...you couldnt say anything, not when he was thrusting his hips into your mouth so harshly as he was pulling your hair along with it. "youre such a good girl...taking me so well." it was like your pleas fell on deaf ears, as he just kept thrusting. "breathe thru your nose baby." as if it would make anything better. it hurts. you were gagging like crazy. saliva coated everywhere on your mouth, even dripping down onto the floor, creating a wet mess.
his thrusts were harsh and it made your mouth sore, you dont know how long you could keep this up honestly. "f-fuck gonna cum, you gonna take it all like a good girl alrigh'?" his pace fastened, and it left your eyes crying a river now. tears trickling down to your cheek and to your chin, mixing in with the pool of saliva down on the floor. "ah-! fuck, fuck, fuck..!" with one last harsh thrust, the tip of his cock touching the deep parts of your throat as his cum gushed out, forcing you to take it all, as some of it spilled out. he rides out his high by stilling himself in your mouth, taking in your warmth, before finally pulling out. which had you coughing out, mouth all sore as you laid on the wooden floor. trying to catch up with your breath. little bits of scaras cum still lingered on the corners of your mouth. a laugh falls from his mouth as he enjoyed the sight he was viewing.
"this is just the beginning. im not done yet. now be a good little girl and get on the bed."
"but you said you just needed one release...?"
"I said im not done yet."
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
It's out rn babyyyy
Pink Pastels Pt 11
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Description: You spend some time debriefing, teaching, and putting up with parents. Pt 12:
“You did what?” Janey yelps, slapping a hand over her mouth as you recount the events of Saturday night.
“I may or may not have been eaten out by Spiderman…and called him by Mr. O’Hara’s name.” You whine, hiding your face in your hands.
“I’ve been there.” Melissa comments, “not with Spiderman though, with my ex-husband.”
Janey’s eyes were wide, and she shook her head in disbelief. “Girl, what? How? What about your boyfriend?”
You close your eyes, groaning as you remember the guilt you felt when you returned to your apartment on shaky legs, passing a still unconscious Todd before you locked yourself in your bedroom and tried to forget what happened on the roof.
“He doesn’t know, obviously, Spiderman is like his favorite hero, it’ll crush him.” You say, dragging your hands down your face.
“I feel like the cheating part will crush him more, but ya know, that’s just me.” Melissa pats your shoulder as she exits the teacher’s lounge. “Keep your chin up kid, he’s not worth the stress anyways.”
You sink down into the couch. “Ugh Janey what do I do? And oh my gosh, how am I even supposed to look Mr. O’Hara in the eye?”
You feel the couch cushions dip, and Janey wraps her arms around you. “It’ll be okay, you just need to figure out your next steps. Let’s just get through today, then worry about what you’re going to tell Todd.”
You nod and return her hug. “Okay, yeah, you’re right, I’ll just focus on teaching, and then I’ll figure the rest out.”
You walk to your classroom, smoothing down your skirt, breathing deeply through your nose as you try to calm yourself.
Todd was gone by the time you woke up on Sunday, and you had taken a relaxing bath, running your fingertips lightly over the strange marks on your thighs. You hadn’t felt any pain that night. Honestly you felt nothing but blinding pleasure, your breathing growing heavier just with the thought of the way his tongue and fingers curled inside you, the way his husky voice deepened as he lapsed into Spanish. You hadn’t felt that good since your first wet dream of Miguel—
“And Spiderman has talons, and fangs! I saw them on the news!” You catch a brief snippet of conversation as you pass an open classroom, and your mind reels, your steps stuttering keeping you by the door.
That’s what those marks are.
“I heard his fangs have venom in them that paralyze anyone he bites.” One of the boys says, excitement clear in his tone. Spiderman is a hero, the city’s hero. He defeated every villain the rose to power until there were none left. Now he spends his time protecting the average civilian, like you…
Paralyze? The thought lingers for a moment, your mind whirling, flashes of images, Spiderman biting into your thigh, your body locking, free for him to play with as he desires. Good girls take cock. Would he fuck you like that? Arrange your limbs as he wished, toy with your body, drawing orgasm after orgasm from you, while you lay pliant beneath him.
It would be so nice to not have to worry about it. To surrender to his hands, to let him fuck away every thought in your mind, leaning over you, his breath on your skin, his deep voice whispering, such a good girl, you take my cock so well, querida.
“Ms. Y/N, I lost my tooth.” Dahlia’s mouth is bleeding, and she’s holding her tooth in her hand proudly.
“Oh, oh my goodness, that’s so exciting, let’s go to the nurse and get it all cleaned up.” You smile at Dahlia, banishing all thoughts of Spiderman from your mind.
Now was not the time to be horny, you had a job to do.
Once you got Dahlia’s tooth situation sorted out, you took her back to the classroom and began to write the date on the board, and the day’s schedule.
It’s not unusual for Dahlia to be here a bit early. You know both her parents work, and you told them it would be fine for them to drop her off early and wait for school to start in your classroom.
Sure, it might mean you can spend less time in the teacher’s lounge before class starts, but you know how tough it is for working parents, and Dahlia is a good kid. She always comes in with some wild story to tell you, or she tries to get a head start on her next assigned reading.
“Ms. Y/N, can I ask you something?” Dahlia’s voice is quiet, not something you’re used to. She’s a confident girl with a quick wit, and no problem making sure she’s heard.
You set down your expo marker and kneel beside her desk. “Of course, sweetheart, you can ask me anything.”
She rubs at her eyes, already beginning to sniffle, and your heart breaks. “I just don’t understand this.” She pulls out yesterday’s math homework, and places it on her desk.
It’s crinkled, filled with scratch and eraser marks, and your heart breaks further when you see the little sad faces she’s drawn instead of answers.
“Oh, honey, that’s okay, math is hard.” You rub her back comfortingly and smooth the paper out. “Why don’t you tell me where you’re having trouble, and we’ll go over it together?”
Dahlia sniffles but nods and begins to point out where she’s getting stuck.
You go through it with her, explaining step by step, breaking it down, so she understands the process.
Soon she gets it, though she still stumbles, sevens are especially hard for her, and you can feel her getting frustrated again. After her third wrong answer, she throws her pencil down and buries her face in her in arms, the butterfly clips in her braids clacking against the desk. “I can’t do it, I’m stupid.”
“No, no, no, you’re not stupid, Dahlia, you are so, so, smart, you’re just having a hard time. It’s okay, Ms. Y/N, is bad at math too.”
She peeks up at you. “Really?”
You smile and fold your arms on her desk before resting your chin on them, so your eyes are level with hers. “Yeah, I had trouble with math the entire time I was in school. I still have trouble with it, but that’s okay because I know I’m smart in other ways, like reading, and history.”
“I like reading.” She mumbles, her small hand catching onto the sleeve of your blouse, seeking wordless comfort.
“And you’re very good at it, I always tell your mom and dad about how well you read, and how you help your classmates when they’re struggling.”
“I like helping.”
“And I think that’s one of the many things that makes you special, so don’t be mean to yourself just because math is a little tough. You’re a very smart girl, you just have to take a bit more time with math, and that’s okay.”
She wipes her nose on her sleeve and nods. “Okay, Ms. Y/N, thank you.”
You squeeze her forearm then stand. “Of course, sweetheart, I’m always here for you.”
It’s six ten, Tommy’s mom is late. You tap your foot against the linoleum, watching the door as you wait for her, stomach churning with nerves.
Todd was blowing up your phone, and you couldn't even stand to look at it, too nervous to even read, so you slide your phone into your desk drawer.
“Ms. Y/N?” A woman’s voice caught your attention, and suddenly who you assumed was Mrs. Tompson was seated before you.
“Mrs. Tompson, yes, hi, thank you so much for coming in.” You stick out your hand for her to shake, but she just looks at it then crosses her arms, leaning back in the chair.
“You said Tommy has been having some issues with the other kids?” She says, her eyes flitting across the board, uninterested.
“Well, actually…he’s been the issue. He’s disruptive, and I know he’s not trying to be bad, or disrespectful, but his actions are aggravating his fellow classmates and I don’t want him to end up driving away his friends.”
She looked at you, her lips pressed into a tight line. “So, what are you going to do about it?”
You blink. “I’m sorry?”
“You’re his teacher, can’t you just force the kids to get along?”
You take a deep breath. “Ma’am I can’t force the kids to get along, they have their own minds and opinions, all I can do is help ease the tension, but everything I’ve tried isn’t working. That’s why I wanted to talk to yo—”
“So, you’re saying this is my fault?” She snaps, sitting up in the chair.
“No, no, I wanted to talk to you so that we could work together and find a solution for Tommy, I really do think that maybe he could benefit from some testing, he’s showing a lot of signs of ADHD, which isn’t a bad thing—”
“My son is not a freak; he doesn’t need testing.” She narrowed her eyes at you, anger seeping into her voice.
“No, he’s not a freak, he’s a good kid, I just think he might need a little extra help, and—” You pull out the pamphlets and hand them to her—“if we work together, I really think he could thrive in class.”
She takes the pamphlets, flipping through them, then she threw them back onto your desk. “Obviously you can’t handle your students, and you just want them drugged up, so you don’t have to do any actual work.”
“Mrs. Tompson, I assure you that is not the case.” You hold up your hands, pacifying.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, you had done your research, started off calmly, and reiterated that Tommy was a good kid. You just wanted to get him some extra support.
She stands, rolling her eyes, her voice cold. “I’ll be going to the principal about removing Tommy from your class, he doesn’t need to be dragged down by a subpar teacher who obviously doesn’t care about her students.”
“Mrs. Tompson—” You call out to her, but she’s gone, the sound of her heels getting farther and farther away.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7, @justrandomlolidk, @chimpkinnuggies, @alicefallsintotherabbithole, @loser-alert, @wwwellacom, @ryantryan6969, @lollipopin, @blakeaha, @youcantseem3, @a-cult-leader, @verexi, @purpleskiesandroses, @they2luv1naia, @sophiaj650
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gtsdreamer2 · 7 months
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"Mmmph. Yes. That's it. Umph! I can feel it pouring into me!" You hugged the lamp tightly to yourself, hidden under your shirt and nestled between your petite breasts, bucking against the air as you laid in bed. Having the warmth of the lamp contained with nowhere else to go, your body seemed to absorb its energy quicker than your mother had. The heat was almost unbearable, but you knew that you needed to hurry. Your brother's girlfriend would be here soon to steal away this treasure that was suddenly thrusted apon you. After seeing how large your mother had grown simply from this morning at breakfast to only a few hours later, you were hoping that you could at least gain a few inches before then.
Aa your body adjusted to the heat, your arousal levels began to spike. You could feel your body expanding and becoming more sensitive. The lamp's energy being concentrated around your breasts was causing them to swell more quickly than the rest of you which elicited a coo from your plumping lips. You felt them growing bigger and bigger as they began to envelop the lamp, which was quickly running out of room under your shirt. You felt your feet sliding further down the bed and figured you must be close to the six foot tall mark by now.
"This feels so good!" You cried as you bit your blanket to try and stifle your moans and whimpers. Sweat poured off your body, but the heat only felt like a gentle, loving caress at this point. Just as you were starting to get lost in the throes of ecstacy, a knock at the door forced you back to reality. "Shit. She might wake mom."
Quickly you withdrew the lamp from its prison and put it on your nightstand. All your clothing was sopping wet from sweat and desire as you got up. Stretched beyond its limits, your pants tore at the seams, as did the sleeves of your shirt. Your midriff was exposed and glistening with sweat as your now massive and surprisingly perky tits tented your top. As you exited your room and made for the door, you were suddenly overtaken by your mother, who's stride greatly outpaced yours.
"Don't worry, sweetie, mommy's got it." As she opened the door, you were surprised that it wasn't Katy, but instead a delivery man for Doordash. "Finally. I'm famished." Your mom said, hungrily. Being in the presence of your eight foot tall mom, the poor man was immediately captivated by her overwhelming pheromones. "Come on. We're going to enjoy this in my room." Cindy beckoned the delivery driver and he shambled behind her, caught in a trance while carrying enough food to feed three people.
'Well that was weird' you thought to yourself, watching the whole scene play out until the door to your mom's room was shut. Just as you thought you might have more alone time with the lamp before Katy arrived, there was a second knock on the door. Before even waiting for an answer, your brother's girlfriend let herself in. She was immediately thrown off by the size of her boyfriend's "little" sister.
"Woah, Des, you're massive. What the fuck happened to you?? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look gorgeous, like seriously, super amazingly scrumptious, but your clothes are all torn because you're just...bigger." She was practically drooling as she took in all of your new stature. "Your tits grew. And your muscles grew. And you're like six foot two or something. I'm seriously jealous."
You were suddenly aware of the effect you were having on this woman in front of you. It seemed similar to the way the delivery guy had just reacted to your mom, although not as strong...yet. You began to form a devilish plan as a smile crept across your face. "You wanna feel these muscles? I'll give you a taste. Come to my room, it'll be fun." She only hesitated for a moment.
"I..um...your brother sent me here to get...something. A present? I forget...um..."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's in my room! Come on. I'll show you! You replied jubilantly. Grabbing her hand, you pulled her into your den, trying hard to ignore the moans that were escalating from your mother's room.
You pushed Katy gently into your room and closed the door behind her. "Wow," She said, dazed and dosed with an even higher concentration of your phenomenal pheromones. "It's smells so good in here. So sweet and feminine. Nothing like your brother's room. It's nice." She took the liberty of sitting on your bed while you closed the vent above your door, which you had no trouble reaching. When you turned around, Katy was staring at the lamp, still aglow beside your bed. "Hey, this is really pretty. It's totally my aesthetic."
"Ya! Isn't it cool! That's your present! I'm borrowing it right now though." You hopped into bed between Katy and the lamp and rested yourself against the headboard before grabbing it to give her a better look. As soon as it touched your hands, the familiar warmth began to spread through you. You couldn't help but let out an audible coo."
"What was that?" Katy asked quizzically, reaching for the lamp instinctively before you pulled it further out of her reach.
"It just feels really good...and it's turning me on.", you confessed, embarrassed about how honest you were being with what the lamp was making you feel. You spread your legs, revealing the split seam of your pants and a pair of strained and soaked pink panties beneath it. "I need you to...um...help me. You rubbed the soft wet spot between your legs enticingly and Katy began to drool subconsciously. She was easily being overwhelmed by your pheromones in this confined space.
"I...um....what?" She said absent-mindedly as saliva began to pool in her mouth.
"Here. Like this." You pressed the lamp to your chest with one hand while you grabbed the back of her head with your free one. With ease, you forced her head between your legs and she automatically stuck out her tongue and began to eagerly lick you over your panties, completely unaware of what she was doing. She was yours now.
"Mmph mmph mmph." Your brother's girlfriend made rhythmic whimpers between laps of her tongue as you grew more and more aroused, the warmth of the lamp still pouring into you. 'This is my own personal heaven.' You thought to yourself, your panties growing tighter as the seam in your pants split further and further with each pulse of energy.
"You know...umph..I know you're my brother's girlfriend and all, but...(holy shit I'm getting so big) you're so good at this. I might just have to steal you and make you mine." You let the lamp rest between your massive tits which had no trouble gripping onto it unassisted as you reached down and grabbed two fistfuls of Katy's hair to both pet her and force her harder against your sopping panties. Looking down on her, you suddenly realized that she was packing more ass into her jeans than she was when you ushered her into your lair. 'This girl is leaching size off of me!' You thought to yourself. You could feel yourself still growing, but you were also now aware that the warmth of the lamp was being fed to her through you. 'This is so hot.' You bucked your hips harder against her as your jeans and panties snapped off. Katy peeled the remnants away and continued her work, now unobstructed.
As Katy grew, she was slowly starting to shake off the pheromone fog caused by her boyfriend's gargantuan little sister.
'What the fuck am I doing?' Was her first thought as she was tongue deep in Destiny's snatch. Her second thought was 'why was she enjoying it so much?' Her third thought was 'why was the bed so small?' Quickly coming to the conclusion that her boyfriend's sister was causing this and that she wanted more, she continued to indulge her temporary lover. No longer bound by Destiny's pheromones, Katy began to get more aggressive with her movements. She gripped Destiny's hips with force and tried to maximize her skin-to skin contact by laying her arms against her larger partner's thighs.
"Fuck, who taught you to eat like that?" Desiny moaned, crying out in sudden ecstacy. Unable to hold back, she finally let go and succumbed to her first orgasm of the evening. The heat of her arousal peaking only added to the lamp's power, forcing a sudden growth spurt out of her and causing destiny to crest the ten foot mark. "Fuck!" She cried out, gripping Katy's head and adding a second climax.
"Who taught me that? What, like your brother has been my only lover?" Hearing Katy's voice snapped you out of your euphoria only briefly. How had she broken your spell? You felt her grip on your hips change as she pulled herself up to get on top of you. She was still clearly some feet shorter than you as she maneuvered herself swiftly face to face with you. Lowering her weight, she was suddenly sandwitching the lamp between your ample chests as she pressed her lips to yours. A small whimpered moan of surprise escaping your lips. "Let me show you what else I know." Sharing the lamp between you and tasting your own arousal on your tongue immediately relit the fires between your legs and ignited another session of passion.
Your first thought pulling up to your house after a long day of work was that Katy must have been late to pick up her gift if her car was still out front. Your second thought was curiosity about the extra car that belonged to the delivery driver trapped (unbeknownst to you) in your mother's clutches. As you opened up the front door to your house, you were greeted by a half naked delivery driver making a mad dash past you to his car. He sped off, not even bothering to collect the money for his deliver. As you turned back towards the inside of your house, your eight foot tall mother exited her room, covered in nothing but a bed sheet. "I wasn't done with him." She pouted.
"What's all that noise?" Your sister said groggily, squeezing her twelve foot tall frame out of her doorway. She had to crouch next to your mom as to not dent the ceiling.
"Oh fuck. Des, what happened? You were supposed to give that to Katy, not use it!"
"Oh, I gave it to her alright, she said sardonically as a ten foot tall Katy followed your sister out of the bedroom. Seeing your twelve foot tall sister, your ten foot tall girlfriend, and your eight foot tall mother was too much for you to bare. You fainted at the sight, and the gaggle of girls giggled about what to do with you next.
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