#did wilson ever get to finish one of his meals
Flutter - Chapter One
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mafia AU. Characters may act darker than you are used to. There will be adult content in later chapters. Steve is unhappily married at the start so there is cheating but not on Reader.
18+ Only.
Steve Rogers preferred to have meetings in the comfort of his home. On his own territory where there was no question who was in charge. But Stark’s boy had been causing issues at one of Steve’s clubs and he needed to make certain it wasn’t the beginning of a power play. Tony Stark was one of the few in the city that could cause real problems for Steve if he so chose.
So this meeting was taking place on “neutral” territory. An exclusive restaurant with private rooms and respect for its patrons’ privacy. If it was owned by one of Rogers’ shell companies, well, no one needed to know that.
The glow of the candle on the table flickered as Steve finished his meal and leaned back in his chair. His eyes scanned the faces of his companions as they too finished eating. Bucky Barnes sat to his right as always. His best friend since childhood and the only person he trusted without question. They had always been there for one another and Steve saw no reason that would ever change. Sam Wilson was on Steve’s left. He was a newer addition to the family but had proven himself more than reliable.
Across from him, Tony Stark lounged with an easy grace that belied the tension in the room. He sipped at his drink as his dark eyes studied Steve. It wasn’t often they found themselves at odds and neither man liked it. Stark much preferred drinks in Steve’s office than an awkward meal followed by thinly veiled threats. Bruce Banner sat to Tony’s left. He looked more like an accountant than an enforcer but he was one of the most feared men in the city. He was ruthless when it came to protecting Stark and his family. Clint Barton filled the last chair. As usual the man appeared completely at ease. Steve was fairly certain Barton would have a smile on his face and a quip on his tongue in the middle of a slaughter.
“Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?” Tony began, his voice smooth and strong like aged whiskey. “I have no intention of going against you. I’m not interested in being king. I just want to run my business as I always have. Let me tinker with my toys, let the cash flow and keep the streets just clean enough that the cops stay out of our hair.”
Steve’s gaze lingered on Tony, assessing the truth of his words. They’d operated in this city side-by-side for years. He didn’t see why it should stop now. He trusted Stark. But Peter, Peter was another matter entirely. Steve knew very little about him beyond the fact Tony had adopted him as a teenager. And he was smart, just like Stark. The boy was getting older, nothing said he couldn’t be getting power hungry as he aged.
Steve leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table. “I like to think I can trust you, Tony. We’ve worked together for a long time. But you’re not the one causing issues. I need a guarantee that this is over. You can promise me anything you want but we both know you can’t control Peter.”
Tony pursed his lips but nodded in agreement. He could try to rein Peter in but there was no guarantee he’d be cooperative. “What do you need from me, Rogers? I don’t want a war but I’m not going to hand my empire over just because my kid stirred up trouble in one of your clubs.”
Bucky snorted a humorless laugh. “Stirred up some trouble? He put two of our men in the hospital. Nearly killed one of them.”
Steve held up a hand to cut off the rant. He rubbed a hand across his mouth and sighed. “I’m not going to pretend what he did was okay but it’s the fact that he claimed to be putting them in their place when he did it that is the real issue here. I can’t have him running around on a power trip, Tony. We both know what that sort of shit leads to.”
Tony rubbed at his forehead before raking his hand through his hair. “What can we do to get back to where we were? What would make you trust us again?”
“An engagement,” Steve said. The surprise of everyone in the room was obvious though they all tried to hide it. It was an unusual move but it would bring the Starks back under his control and might rid him of the irritation of his stepson at the same time. It would make Roman someone else’s problem.
“I’m flattered, but I’m already married,” Tony finally said.
Steve’s lips twitched. “Your daughter, my stepson Roman.” He leaned back and gave a lazy grin. “Everyone knows family is everything to the Starks. So we become family. Peter won’t want to embarrass his sister, he’ll behave and I won’t question your loyalties.”
Tony’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. “An engagement.”
“Family’s important,” Bucky said. “Imagine what ours could do together.”
Tony nodded slowly as he considered his options.
“Pepper won’t like it,” Bruce muttered.
“Pepper will like us having peace with Rogers,” Tony corrected absently as his mind calculated all the possible outcomes, weighed the pros against the cons. Morgan was young yet. He could push the marriage off until she was twenty. Maybe Roman would get himself killed in the meantime. He had a tendency to piss people off. This could work.
“Alright,” Tony murmured. “I agree.”
Steve’s lips curled up ever so slightly in the mere shadow of a smile. “Then we have an understanding.” He leaned forward slightly, the movement minor but deliberate. He held out his hand waiting for Tony to take it, to seal this agreement in the old way. Now it was all contracts and paperwork, but this family started in a time when a man’s word was law and a handshake was as good as a signature.
When Tony didn’t immediately take it, Steve arched a brow and said his name. “Tony.” There was a question in his tone, wondering if his old friend meant to keep to his word or betray it already.
Tony hesitated a moment more as his dark eyes ran over Steve. He was either questioning whether he should actually enter the arrangement or if Pepper was going to kill him for doing so. Morgan was the princess of the family. Which was why she was the perfect inducement for Peter to behave.
Finally, they clasped hands and Tony gave the ghost of a smile. “You’ve got an agreement, Rogers. Guess this makes us family.”
Bucky huffed a humorless laugh. “Make sure to point that out to your son.”
Tony’s jaw tightened. “I’ll make it clear as crystal.”
Steve leaned back and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder with more force than necessary. “Tony doesn’t need a lecture, Buck. He knows what’s at stake.”
Their business concluded, they rose to their feet in unison. Chairs scraped across the floor as they headed for the door. They exited out the back and stepped out into the quiet of the night. With one last nod goodbye they separated to their own vehicles to head to their own parts of the city.
Steve stepped into his house with a sigh. His gaze immediately found his stepson Roman where he sprawled sideways in a chair, one foot on the floor and the other leg draped over the arm carelessly. He was playing some sort of videogame and ignored Steve’s presence completely.
“Roman.” The name was not a greeting but a summons. A call for attention which Roman ignored as usual. “We need to talk. Now.”
When he still didn’t respond, Steve crossed the room and pushed the power button on the console.
Roman’s head snapped up. “What the fuck are you doing? I was playing that.”
“No shit. I guess you should have paid attention when I told you we needed to talk.” Steve smacked Roman’s foot that was hanging in the air. “Sit up when I talk to you.”
The boy did as instructed, though the resentment was obvious in every movement. Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I had a meeting with Stark tonight. We came to an agreement. You’re now engaged to his daughter. Congratulations.”
Roman shot up from the chair as if it were on fire. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not marrying that bitch. You’re out of your damn mind.”
“Watch the tone,” Steve snapped. “Don’t forget who you’re talking to.”
“And I suppose I’m just supposed to give up the club and the women, for what? A ring and a lifetime of catering to daddy’s little princess?”
“If you know what’s good for you, you will. You know Stark won’t stand for any disrespect. You won’t have to marry right away. Get it out of your system now.”
“What’s going on down here?” Sharon’s grating voice drifted down the stairs in front of her.
Steve glanced over and flicked his eyes over the ridiculous robe she was wearing, a pale blue satin number with fake feathers at the neck and cuffs.
“Mommy, Steve engaged me to Stark’s daughter.” The whine had a headache blossoming behind Steve’s eyes. For fuck’s sake. The kid was twenty-two not ten.
Her eyes snapped to her husband. “You can’t just make decisions like this for him. You’re not his father.”
Steve took a step forward. “Can’t I?”
Roman’s backbone was apparently restored with the presence of his mother. “No, you can’t. You don’t own me.”
The corner of Steve’s lips flicked up in amusement. “It’s cute, really, how you think you have a choice.” He brushed imaginary lint from his shoulder then slid his hands into his pockets. “You both live lavishly because I allow it. Your comfort is due solely to my generosity.”
Sharon swallowed and lifted her chin to stare him down. “If you think you can bully us into—”
“You both,” he said, cutting her off, “enjoy a life others can only dream of. My terms are simple. Comply or forfeit everything.”
He paused to give his words a chance to sink in. “Think it over. The clock is ticking and my patience is in short supply.”
Roman’s gaze dropped first, defeat coloring his features. Sharon followed suit, her defiance crumbling in the face of the reality Steve laid bare. Everything they had, they owed to him.
Steve’s gaze flicked between them. “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.”
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adaptacy · 1 year
Hi! Love to see someone else who's obsessed with johnny! My request is headcanon/drabble/anything that gets you going about Johnny who happens to get a crush on someone who also is from cannibalistic family from another state/town? I'd like to imagine it's a family of grandpa's old military buddy maybe or something like that? Anyways ily and hope this gives you some inspo! <3
hi anon!! ofc, i already touched on this in my last post but i am more than happy to write a drabble for it!! also the idea of there being like a network of cannibal families that are all lowkey friends is so amusing to me LMAO
this is gonna be from johnny's pov cause his thought process would be fun to write hehe
GN Reader / s/o
"This is so good Mrs. Sawyer! Thank you so much for making this whole meal," they laughed, ripping the meat from the bone as they leaned back in their chair. Mrs. Sawyer chuckled and nodded, taking a bite of her own food.
Johnny narrowed his eyes, trying to get a read on them. Trying to understand something, anything about how the hell someone so gorgeous could be so incredibly fucked up. He knew this way of life was 'bad', he'd heard it from every single one of his victims. Monster this, sick that, fucked up family here, psychopaths there. And yet this stranger, at least to Johnny, sat across from the same dinner table as him, eating the same roasted human meat as him, and was laughing so carelessly about it.
Nancy had explained that they were a grandchild of one of the old man's friends from war, who came from a family not so unlike their own. They'd been flown down here due to some legal trouble, likely concerning the fact that their family were responsible for several murders, in order to hide out. All the way from Colorado.
And they'd complained about the heat. Not the fact that there were, right at this very moment, innocent, live victims tied up in their basement- No, that was hardly a concern. But oh, the Texas heat had them talking.
They were fascinating, really, and Johnny would be more upset that he had to give up his own room for them while they stayed here, but he was far too intrigued by them to care. They swallowed the final bite of their dinner and rose, gathering their plate. Sissy handed hers off as well, and they stopped by Johnny, motioning to his empty plate.
"Want me to take that?" They asked, a grateful smile on their face. Grateful for the dinner. Grateful for this illegal, criminally insane meal. Johnny chuckled.
"That's alright. I's planning on gettin' a glass of water, anyways," he responded, standing up. The rest of the family finished off their meals as Johnny followed them into the kitchen, where they ran the plates under the faucet.
"I don't think I've ever had roasted liver. Feels like a delicacy," they laughed, humming to themselves as they washed the dishes.
"Really? We make it pretty often. It's a hard thing to miss out on," Johnny responded, grabbing a glass and waiting for them to finish.
"Shoot, right," they mumbled, stepped to the side to allow Johnny to fill his glass. He stepped forward, dangerously close to them as he filled up his glass. When he was done, he took a step back and leaned on the counter, watching them as they finished their task.
"Oh, I meant to thank you, by the way. It's really nice of your family to take me in like this. I didn't know Grandpa Wilson was so close to Mr. Sawyer," they said, glancing over at Johnny with a smile.
There was something so innocently cruel about that expression. Like they saw no wrong in what they did. Like they didn't understand the weight of it. But he knew they understood. He knew their experiences were much the same. Johnny showed his experiences in his face, in his eyes, in the way he walked.
But they walked like anyone else. Spoke like anyone else. Smiled like anyone else. They were mesmerizing, and Johnny wished he knew how they did it.
"It's no problem," he replied, sipping his drink. "Sorry if it's messy. Don't often have guests."
"That's alright. I think your knife collection is really cool," they hummed, turning off the sink as they placed the final plate in the dish drainer. "I noticed one was missing, though. Did you lose it?"
"Oh, no," he chuckled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a curved blade. "Just like to keep it on me."
"Oh, sweet. Is it your favorite?" They asked, their head tilted.
"I 'spose you could say that. Gets the job done."
"Is that your carving knife?"
"Carving knife?" He blinked.
"Y'know, for the livestock. The victims, the food, the prey-- whatever you guys call 'em," they giggled, their tone completely free of the eeriness it should've been tainted with. Johnny had nearly forgotten what they were capable of, but at the reminder, he cracked a smirk. Maybe he could impress them.
"Yeah, you could call it that. Does a whole bunch'a things, really. Carves, slices, stabs... Used it to castrate a guy once." Johnny spun the knife in his hand, and they leaned closer.
"I had a favorite, too. But it got grabbed up by the cops. It was really shiny, nice and sharp. My grandma gave it to me when I was eight. Had it ever since. It was a switchblade, and the handle was white. Always looked especially pretty dripping with blood, but it was super easy to clean," they explained, practically gushing.
"I'm sorry to hear that. How'd you get caught, anyways?" Johnny asked, tucking his knife back into his pocket.
"My daddy used a gun to kill one of our prey, they were trying to get away and we needed something ranged. I guess some drivers heard it when they were passing by, and we weren't ready for the cops. Once they found one body, they found 'em all. Couldn't eat them in time," they explained, fidgeting with their hands as they spoke. "I miss them. I've never gone this long without them. That's why I'm so thankful of your family. They remind me of my own."
Johnny frowned, feeling some long buried ache of sympathy for them, but he wasn't granted a chance to respond before Sissy came into the kitchen, requesting their presence. They dipped their head and left, following the brunette back out of the kitchen.
"What is it?" They asked, looking down at the paper bag that they'd been presented with.
"Open it up," Johnny directed, motioning with his hand towards the bag. They raised an eyebrow, but pulled open the bag anyways, and reached inside. They pulled out a black rectangular box, and their confusion only grew. Johnny found the expression adorable, and he was glad he'd decided to go for two rounds of packaging.
"You really didn't need to get me anything. You're already doing plenty enough," they chuckled awkwardly, and Johnny shrugged, crossing his arms.
"Just open it, will ya?"
"Fine, okay." With a deep breath, they pulled off the lid of the box, and an immediate grin spread over their face. They looked between the gift and Johnny, and suddenly jumped towards him, wrapping their arms around him. Johnny was completely taken aback by the hug, and he awkwardly pat their back, only relaxing his tensed muscles when he got the faintest scent of whatever shampoo they'd used. Their hair smelled like flowers, and it reminded him of the garden. It was almost comforting.
They pulled away, finally removing the white switchblade from the box. "I'll take it that you like it?" Johnny chuckled, and they nodded, even giving a short squeal of excitement.
"Are you kidding me? I love it! It's just like the one I had. You're the best, Johnny," they thanked, setting the knife back into the box and putting the cover on it. Right after, they hugged Johnny again, and he let out a quiet sigh, returning the hug much more comfortably this time.
"Say, you ever watched a Texas sunset?" Johnny asked, looking down at them as they pulled out of the hug.
"I can't say I have."
"Well, in about thirty minutes, give or take, the sun'll be goin' down. I know a real good place to sit 'n watch it. Clear your head, maybe," he spoke softly, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't blushing, but he certainly felt like he was.
"Really? Where?"
"We got a couple sunflower patches out back. Makes for a real pretty sight."
"I'd love to watch the sunset with you," they giggled, setting the box back into the bag. "Let me go put this away, I'll be right back."
"Sure thing," he replied, watching as they turned around and headed up the stairs.
Sissy poked her head in from the dining room, looking Johnny up and down. "Can I come?"
"No," he snapped, immediately frowning. Sissy pouted, but returned to whatever she was doing.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
An Oyster's Pearl
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Shortly after moving in with Joseph Wilson, Grant Wilson makes friends with a fellow pledge for a fraternity. During this time, Grant grapples with realizations about his childhood trauma, his sexuality, and his relationships with his father and siblings.
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Grant Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Rose Wilson, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, William Randolph Wintergreen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: Grant Wilson/Original Character, DickJoey
Additional Tags: University AU, No Capes AU, Angst, Deaf Joseph Wilson, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Grant Wilson has a Sexuality Crisis, Frat Boy Grant Wilson
Chapter Three: Hatching Day
Joey stayed in the apartment most of the day, except for lunch when he went out with his boyfriend. It gave me time to make dinner. Swedish meatballs on egg noodles with roasted potatoes and carrots. That was his favorite meal. Swedish meatballs were the only thing I ever cooked for him that came out right. I made it all the time when we were kids. The doorbell rang, pulling me out of my nostalgic moment, and I ran to the door, hoping it wasn't Joey getting home early from his date.
To my shock, it was Rose. She showed up with decorations practically spilling out of a shopping bag. I didn't expect her to be on time, let alone early. "Dinner smells great," Rose complimented, "Mind if I—?"
"Go ahead. I'm just finishing up in the kitchen. Did you get the candles?" I asked.
"Did I get the candles?" Rose mocked me. "Yes, I got the candles. Jesus, do you think I'm an idiot or something?"
I chuckled. That was one thing we all had in common. We're all insufferable assholes when we get together. Rose definitely had me beat, though. She put up the decorations and joined me in the kitchen to sneak a meatball or two while my back was turned. I expected it, though, so I cooked enough for her to snag a few before Joey came home. "Promise me you're not gonna try to fight Joey's boyfriend and ruin his entire birthday dinner," Rose commanded.
"Now, why would I do that?" I asked.
"Just promise me, okay?" Rose replied.
"You've got my word. Besides, I can't let all this food go to waste," I half-joked. Rose grinned.
"He's got like twenty gifts on the table," Rose exaggerated, "How much you wanna bet he's gonna cry?"
"I bet you twenty he cries before the cake even comes out," I snickered.
She smirked and nodded confidently. "Oh, you're on," Rose chuckled.
It wasn't long after that that Joey came in holding hands with the guy I fought outside of a bar two years ago. Still, I promised Rose I wouldn't ruin dinner, so I shook his hand and invited him to stay for dinner. There was a time and a place for settling scores, but Joey's birthday dinner was neither the time nor the place. Ha. Maybe living with Joey was rubbing off on me.
I made everyone's plates, and we sat down at the table. Joey loved dinner as he always did. "What'd you guys do today?" Rose asked.
"We had lunch at the park, and then went to the movies... That was terrible, actually," Joey explained. He hated going to the movies. Even before everything happened, he hated the movie theater. "The drinks were good, though."
"What movie?" I asked. I figured there wasn't much harm in indulging my brother on his birthday.
"Is that a hint of interest I detect?" Joey asked sarcastically. I chuckled and nodded. "It was a terrible action movie... I think it was a remake of something from the 80s."
"Sounds like my kind of movie," I replied. My phone buzzed.
"You know the rules," Joey reminded me. There was a rule about text messages at the dinner table. We kept it when we moved in together. If one of us got a text message during dinner, they had to read it.
I sighed and unlocked my phone. "Hope your brother has a happy birthday... Looking forward to seeing you at formal rush," I read out loud.
"The rush party guy?" Joey asked.
"Chill, it's not like that... You know it's not like that," I replied. Joey cocked his head, and I shook my head. "It's not."
"Am I missing something, or is that guy flirting with Grant?" Rose asked.
"Come on," I replied, "He's not flirting with me. I'd know if he was flirting with me. Wouldn't I?"
"I think so," Dick replied. I was shocked to see him take my side. "You're pledging?"
"I wasn't planning on it, but Tau Psi seemed like a cool frat," I replied, "So, yeah. I think so." Joey lit up. He'd been trying to get me more involved in school stuff outside of football.
Rose snuck a few potatoes off his plate while he was distracted. I didn't say anything about it because I thought it was funny. "You'll get in," Joey reassured me. I smiled and finished eating. I took my plate to the sink and washed it before getting the cake from the fridge and lighting the candles. I took one hand and flickered the lights while I held the cake with the other. Joey teared up, and Rose took my twenty out of her purse.
I let him blow out the candles and cut the cake, and Dick had a slice before leaving early. He kissed Joey on the cheek, leaving the three of us Wilsons to enjoy the rest of Joey's birthday alone. Joey opened his gifts and put them away while Rose and I cleaned up, and the three of us lay on the couch, eating cake and drinking beers. Well, not Rose. She was seventeen-ish at the time, and it seemed weird to let our teenage sister drink alcohol. We knew she smoked cigarettes and had a drink from time to time, but that wasn't any of our business. With us, she had juice and ginger ale.
"Have you guys ever noticed we don't speak to each other?" Rose questioned.
"I asked you if you wanted some orange juice to go with your ginger ale before the movie started," I replied. Joey laughed. Having a sister was weird, and she always found ways to remind us.
Her phone rang, and our smiles faded. "Don't do that," Rose whispered.
"Do what? Have an adverse reaction to a call from the enemy?" I asked before getting up to look for something harder to drink.
"Well, I've gotta take this. I live with Dad, remember?" Rose replied. I threw my hand up in the air.
"Fine with me," I replied. Joey sank down into the couch, nursing his beer. "Do you want a Tom Collins?"
"What?" Joey asked, finally looking up from his beer.
"Tom Collins. Do you want one?" I repeated. Joey nodded and finished his beer.
Rose answered the phone. "Hi, Daddy," Rose whispered as she turned her back to us. "Yeah, Joey's here... Yeah, I'll tell him... I'll tell Grant too..." She glanced over at me, and I could see she wanted reassurance that I wasn't mad at her, but I couldn't give it. I love my sister. Don't get me wrong.
I couldn't wrap my head around her loving Slade so much. I turned my back to her while I made drinks and brought them back to the table. Joey downed his drink quickly, and I finished mine right after. "Love you too, Daddy. I'll be home in an hour," Rose whispered before hanging up.
"Did he know whose birthday it was?" Joey asked.
"Screw him, Joey. If he did know, would it change anything?" I asked. I blamed Slade for what happened to Joey. He took so much from Joey and never thought to apologize for it. I hated him for that more than anything he'd ever done while I was there. Joey had a good heart, though. As mad as he was at Slade, he looked for any sign of change in Slade so he could forgive him. Rose plopped down on the couch between us, and we didn't say anything else. I playfully pushed her head to show her I wasn't mad. "Want another Caprisun for the road?" I teased.
"Screw you and your old man drinks," Rose laughed.
Joey loosened up a little and went to the kitchen to get the gin. He drank until it was time for Rose to go home. Rose leaned over the back of the couch to give us both a kiss on the cheek. I wiped my face, and Joey messed up her hair. "Drive safe, Rose," Joey smiled softly. I could tell he was drunker than he let on. He'd emptied most of the bottle and didn't stand up to walk Rose out like he usually did.
I didn't say anything about it in front of Rose, though. I walked her to the door and watched until she got to the end of the hall, just like Joey would've. Once she was out of my sight, I shut the door and looked Joey over. "You good?" I asked. I knew the answer to the question before I even asked. Joey nodded. He lied to me. "Stand up, then."
"You were so drunk you nearly jumped off a bookcase last night," Joey replied.
"Yeah, because I'm an idiot, Joey. You didn't start drinking like that until after Rose talked to Slade," I replied. Joey shrugged. "That's all you got for me?" Joey nodded.
"You don't like to talk about him. This is me not talking," Joey explained as he reached for the bottle.
"Well, I'd rather you just make me uncomfortable than do this," I stated. I knew things were tense when it came to Slade, but I didn't think it bothered him that much.
"Don't you want to be a family again?" Joey asked with tears in his eyes.
"You're my family... And I'm getting there with Rose. Isn't it enough that I care about the ones that matter the most?" I replied.
"I'm mad at him too, Grant, but I still want him to be part of our life. It doesn't feel fair—."
"He took our childhood from us, Joe. He took our peace, our happiness—. Hell, Joey, he took your hearing, for Christ's sake!" I yelled at him. Joey wiped away his tears.
"Grant, please—."
I waved my hand at him. "And look at what he did to Rose. Her mom is dead because of him—."
"All of that happened because of his job, Grant. We can't put everything on him. It wouldn't be fair," Joey justified. I wasn't ready to hear him out.
"I'm not telling you that you can't forgive him. I want you to do what's best for you. I'm just asking that you respect the fact that I hate him," I replied. Before Joey could say anything else, I took the bottle and went to my room.
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hobis-hope94 · 3 years
~ It Wasn’t His Fault, 24 ~
AN: Friday is the last one 🥺 and I can’t thank you all enough for the kind words on this series, didn’t think it’d get this much love and this series has had my longest tag list! So thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Part 23 here:
it wasn’t his fault 23 *GUN USE.
Summery: Y/N recovers from the recent events, Bucky doesn’t leave her side.
Parings: husband!Bucky x wife!Stark!reader. Sam Wilson x Stark!reader (platonic).
Characters: Y/N S. Barnes, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson & Sarah Wilson.
Warnings: mentions of food, mention of reader being in a coma, mention of the word vomit (?) and loads of floofy fluff (you’re welcome!).
(gif not mine):
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You weren’t that long in a coma after the accident, only about a week. But Bucky told you it was the worst week of his life, and you believed him because those five years without Bucky, were the worst of your life.
That whole week Bucky didn’t eat. He didn’t sleep and he never ever left your side. His hand in yours 24/7, talking mindlessly to you about anything. By the Wednesday, he’d run out of things to say to you, so he just sang to you. Just to let you know he’s still with you.
When you woke up, Bucky never felt so happy. He was whole again.
You were discharged three days after waking up due to the amazing progress you had been doing. It was great that you were able to have some downtime for a while.
Bucky didn’t let you lift a finger while you were healing, he did almost everything for you.
“Don’t be too harsh. This is what my ma used to cook me and Becs when we were sick,” Bucky said gently, one day when you were stable enough to sit at the table.
He put his mother’s signature dish in front of you, it smelt and looked delicious.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you said gently.
Bucky smiled at you.
“Now…remember I’m not much of a cook,” Bucky said as he sat down opposite you with a plate of his own.
You picked up your fork and dug in. Oh. My. God.
“Uhm? Bucky?” You said after you swallowed your first mouthful.
Bucky’s mouth was too full to reply, so he just looked up at you.
“This is amazing,” you said, Bucky smiled.
“Thanks, doll,” Bucky said after he swallowed his mouthful.
“Honestly, Buck, you can cook! You’re cooking more meals from now on,” you said taking another bite.
Bucky smiled at you.
“Your wish is my command, doll,” Bucky said gently.
You both finished eating in a happy silence.
Sam had invited you both down to Louisiana for a while, to help fix his boat up.
“You sure you’re gonna be okay with the long drive?” Bucky asked you worriedly as he helped you in the car.
“I’ll be fine, Buckaroo,” you smiled at him as he loaded your bags in the car too.
You loved road trips with Bucky, they were always such fun. He always lets you pick the music, though you have grown a liking to Bucky’s favourite type of music.
Today, you settled on the ‘40’s playlist you made especially for Bucky on your three year anniversary.
“I really wish I could have seen John get his ass kicked by you and Sam,” you said gently, tapping your finger on your thigh to the smooth jazz.
“I’m sorry doll. But you had just woken up from a coma. I wasn’t going to let you get straight back to missions,” Bucky said gently.
“I get it,” you said softly, smiling out the window. “I’m glad Sammy’s decided to take on the shield,” you added proudly.
“Me too,” Bucky said gently.
“We’re gonna be with him every step of the way,” you said gently.
Bucky smiled, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw you snuffle back a yawn.
“Go to sleep, doll. I’ll wake you when we get to the motel,” Bucky said gently.
You nodded and yawned. You made yourself as comfy as possible and slept for the rest of the trip.
After a day and a half of driving, you arrived in Louisiana. You both got out of the car and were soon greeted by Sam.
“Thanks for coming. How’re you feeling, Y/N/N?” Sam asked gently, shaking Bucky’s hand then giving you a light and gentle hug.
“I feel great,” you said honestly, “shoulder doesn’t hurt, plus, I got this big softie on my beck and call 24/7,” you added, linking your arm with Bucky’s.
“Dork,” Bucky said gently, smiling.
“This is my sister, Sarah,” Sam said as Sarah came into view, gesturing her to come over.
“You must be the legendary Y/N! Sam never shuts up about you,” Sarah said as while you went to shake her hand, she brought you in for a hug.
Sam’s cheeks turned slightly pink as you smirked in his direction.
“Does he now?” You smirked, Sam looked to the ground.
“I’m Bucky,” Bucky said, smiling sweetly.
“Sarah,” Sarah said smiling as well.
“Barnes. You’re forgetting someone,” you said, giggling, nudging Bucky.
“Sorry, doll. You’re my number one gal. I just like seeing that look on Sam’s face,” Bucky smirked, pointing at the rage coming off Sam.
“I’m sure if you run off with my sister, Y/N’ll run off with me,” Sam suggested shrugging.
You made a “hm” face, agreeing with him.
“Wouldn’t mind that actually,” you said.
“Hey, you’re right. That is fun,” Sam said, noticing the rage on Bucky’s face.
You and Sarah exchanged looks and giggled.
“I’d never leave you, Bucky. You’re too cute,” you said gently, squishing his cheeks.
“And I’m not?” Sam asked, pouting.
“You are. But in a different way,” you said gently, Sam smiled at you, as Bucky gently took your hand away from his cheek kissing your palm.
“Right! Let’s get cracking!” Sam said, clapping his hands together.
You weren’t actually allowed to do any heavy lifting or anything dangerous of boat fixing. They did let you paint new paintwork.
“You getting bored, Barnes?” You giggled as Bucky was perched on the edge of the boat, playing with one of the painting tools.
You were sat on the floor of the boat, painting a part of it. You had noticed Bucky wasn’t helping anymore.
“No. But I’m quite literally watching paint dry,” Bucky said, standing up.
You giggled as he walked over to you and knelt down to your level.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are today?” He asked innocently, brushing away some wet paint on your cheek.
“Yep. Twice this morning,” you said.
“Well. You get more beautiful as the day goes on,” Bucky said kissing the tip of your nose, making you blush and swoon haaard.
“You’re such a charmer,” you smiled.
Bucky shrugged.
“I try,” he said innocently. “Can I get you anything my queen?” He asked gently, looking at you with so much love.
“I’d love a drink please,” you said.
“You’re not supposed to drink with the meds you’re on, you know that right?” Bucky said gently.
“Yep! If there’s any lemonade, I’d happily have a glass,” you said smiling, Bucky was really taking care of you.
“Of course, doll,” Bucky said gently, kissing the top of your head as he stood up.
“Ummm. Buck?” You said, giggling.
“Hmm?” Bucky asked turning around.
“I think you sat in something,” you said, as Bucky turning to see.
“Ah dammit,” Bucky growled, you giggled. “These are my only good pair of pants too,” he grumbled as you stood up, patting yourself down.
“You’re a doofus sometimes. I have my ways, I can get it out,” you said smiling as you went over to him.
“What would I do without you?” Bucky asked as he held you close.
“You’d be utterly useless…probably constantly ruining your good clothing,” you said shrugging.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Bucky said gently, rubbing your noses together.
You giggled.
“Come on guys, get a room,” Sam said, pretending to vomit.
“You suck Wilson,” you growled playfully.
Sam smirked at you.
“You guys ready to eat?” Sam asked.
Bucky leaped down from the boat, he then helped you down, careful of your injury as you went to join your friends.
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wanderingalien142 · 3 years
Dating Advice
Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: The avengers giving your boyfriend dating advice. 
Word Count: 992
Warnings: fluff and eavesdropping... that’s it
Side Notes: This one is pretty straight forward, so enjoy!
Walking around the avengers compound you went to the lounge area to pick up your boyfriend. He had finished the day about an hour ago and waited until you were done but your meeting ran a little late. You were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who specialized in undercover work to gather intel so the avengers and other field teams knew what they were getting into on a mission. You had gone undercover with almost all of the avengers as pretend friends, lovers, or spouses. All except Banner and Stark really, as Bruce didn’t do well with improvising and Tony was way too recognizable. Otherwise you had been married to Natasha, sister of Steve, best friend to Clint, fiancé to Rhodey, cousin to Bucky, and girlfriend to Sam. You got to know the team pretty well even Banner and Stark as you liked to help them out in the lab, they enjoyed the company and someone who was actually interested in what they were doing. 
Just as you were about to round the corner you heard some of the team talking. Stopping in your tracks you waited and listened. You were definitely the cat whose curiosity was fabled to kill them.
“No, you have to be a gentleman. Pull out the chair, pay for the meal, and walk her to her door.” you heard Steve say. Dating advice? Who was the dating advice for? Who were they trying to ask out? 
“I agree, you have to show her you’re a man.” Bucky agreed. Smiling to yourself of course the two men from the 1940’s were big on chivalry, it was sweet really. 
“What? No, (y/n) won’t like that. We’re friends and we’ve worked out before. She’s tough and doesn’t like being doted on like that.” Natasha argued. So whoever the advice was for was trying to ask me out. My mouth went a little dry. You knew your boyfriend hadn't told anyone you were dating but if someone else tried to ask you out it could be a problem. He was protective and jealous, it sometimes made your job difficult. 
Then Tony started, “Well regardless you should pamper her. Buy her gifts and take her out.” he paused, probably taking a drink. “But not a giant teddy bear-” 
“Yeah, that one didn’t turn out too well for you, did it?” Clint teased. “Look, she probably won’t like getting pampered either. What matters is that you’re there for her.” the family man stated. He made a good point that’s what mattered to you the most.
“Look I appreciate all of the advice you guys are giving me but I think I’ll be alright. I know how to be a southern gentleman, but I won’t dote on her, I’ll do all I can to give her what she wants, and when have I ever not been there for anyone?” Sam said. So they were helping Sam with dating advice. Oh this was too good!
Knocking on the entryway you acted like you just got there by shuffling through your purse. “Ready to go? I’m so sorry the meeting ran as late as it did. Apparently I need to learn Sokovian too now.” Looking up at everyone you acted surprised. “Oh hey everyone! Sorry I didn’t know you were here. Did you want to stay here or are you ready to go?” You asked your boyfriend who was grinning like an idiot. 
“No, I'm ready to go see you all tomorrow!” Sam called out. Getting up he walked toward you so you could head out to the parking lot. Everyone called out their goodbyes and you waved goodbye to them all as well. 
On your way to the parking lot Sam put his arm around your waist. Looking up at him you gave him a peck on the check. He then gave you a peck on the lips and held you a little closer. 
“So you still haven’t told them,” You said, “and now they’re watching us leave wondering how long this has been going on.” You both giggled. 
“And you were eavesdropping on our conversation… again. How much did you hear?” Sam asked. 
“I heard all the advice they gave you but that was it. Being a gentleman but don’t dote on me, pamper me, and always be by my side. They had some good ideas but you’re not doing so bad.” You summarized, Sam smiled at that, happy to hear that he had been a good boyfriend even though he knew it. 
“And by now I’m sure our friends are watching and listening over the security cameras. Waiting for us to spill all the juicy details.” he said, stopping in front of a camera while you both waved. 
“If you know what we want then say it bird brain!” Bucky called through the speaker system. Laughing you handed Sam the keys and gave him another kiss just to tease everyone watching. 
“How about this weekend we all go out for drinks. We’ll answer all your questions. It’s been a long week anyway, we could all use a little break.” You replied going to the passenger side door but not getting in quite yet. 
“Saturday night I’ll send you the address. And I am not paying for drinks!” Tony exclaimed. Of course he had to choose where you were going, he could be real picky sometimes. Giving the camera a thumbs up you got in the car. Facing Sam you both smiled. 
“Honestly that went better than expected.” He said taking your hand and backing out of the parking lot. 
“The real challenge will be on Saturday. Until then I have you all to myself.” Sam grinned like an idiot. He loved it when you called him yours. “We can get some takeout, then make caramel popcorn, and binge watch Lord Of The Rings.” 
Glancing at you Sam squeezed your hand. “How did I end up with someone so perfect?”
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lillywillow · 3 years
Honey, I’m Home!
Summary: When you have a bad day at work, you come home to find a surprise waiting for you
 Word Count: 828
 Pairings: Wade Wilson X Reader
 Warnings: Mild adult suggestions, I went to the weird place in my brain so be prepared for that...
Written for @gothgirlmahi ‘s Good Housewife Challenge
You had a miserable day at work. Your co-worker took credit for all your good ideas and blamed you for their mistakes, leaving you to be yelled at and having to clean up after them. You were tired and cranky and all you really wanted to do was go home to your ever loving partner, the one and only Wade Wilson. No matter what mood you were in, Wade always knew how to make you feel better.
 When you opened the door to the home you shared with Wade, you briefly wondered if you had entered someone else’s house. The place was totally spotless and there were scented candles lit.
 “Wade? I’m home...” you called, hoping he was somewhere about the place.
 “Baby! It’s so good to see you!”
 Wade ran up to greet you wearing a pair of high heeled shoes and one of the skimpiest outfits you had ever seen.
 “What... what are you wearing?” you asked, feeling like you had maybe had some form of stroke.
 “You like?” he purred, giving you a twirl. You couldn’t say you hated the look but this was certainly... different.
 “I bought it just for you. Now come in. I made dinner...”
 “You made dinner?” This really puzzled you as Wade’s cooking skills were minimal at best.
 “Well I made it to the restaurant before they closed... Come on, sit down...”
 Wade took your hand and guided you to the table where he had laid dinner out and sat you down in a comfy chair.
 “Do you want something or did you do something bad?” you asked, not used to him being... whatever it was he was being tonight.
 “Can’t I do something nice for my honey after you’ve had a bad day at work?” he pouted.
 “I guess...?”
 “Good! Now you just relax...”
 Before you could say anymore on the subject, Wade began massaging your shoulders. It was hard to think of any arguments while his strong hands were easing all the tension away from your aching muscles.
 “Much, thank you,” you sighed, feeling the stress of the day starting to fade.
 “Good. Do you want something to drink with your meal?”
 Wade grinned and got up to get you your favourite. As he walked, you couldn’t help but admire him because, damn, he could work those heels.
 “Drink for my sweetie,” he smiled, pecking your lips. You thanked him and began eating.
 “Do you want to talk about work? It’s okay if you don’t...”
 You thought about it at first before starting your rant about the idiots you worked with. Wade listened to your every word, only pitching in to agree that they were in fact jerks. It helped you relieve some of the day’s pressure. By the time you were finishing eating, you felt a whole lot better.
 “Wade, I feel like I need to ask you something...”
 “What’s up?” he asked, sitting on your lap and draping his arms around your shoulders.
 “Why did you do everything you did for me tonight? The candles, the dinner, the cleaning up...”
 “Don’t look in any of the closets,” he briefly warned. That seemed more like him...
 “Seriously, I want to know...”
 “You remember last week when I had that really bad mission? You took my hand, helped me undress and washed me while I sat in the shower and cried... you held me in your arms, applied lotion to my skin and cuddled me as we watched TV... it made me realise how much you do for me...”
 “It wasn’t all that much...”
 “But it meant the world to me. I just wanted to the same thing for you. To be the one you came home to... it’s not a lot but it can mean so much more...”
 “I love you, Y/N...”
 “I love you too.”
 Wade smiled warmly and kissed you tenderly. You smiled into it, holding him close to your body. Wade shivered softly as your fingers pressed into his skin, panting a little as you pulled away.
 “You know, today I was reading a thing about being a good housewife... can I be yours?” he hummed.
 “You want to be my good little housewife?” you smirked, tightening your grip a little. Wade swallowed thickly.
 “Yes...” His voice was trembling with desire.
 Wade was practically melting in your hands.
 “I want... I want to please you...” He was almost whining.
 “Well come on... let’s go into the bedroom and you can help me relieve any leftover tension I might have...”
 Wade got up from your lap and headed to the bedroom with you. He was more than happy to be your good little obedient housewife for you.
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
only girl in the world.
a sam wilson x fem!reader wherein the reader cleans the apartment due to jealousy.
WARNING: NSFW (18+, minors DNI. ), praise kink, oral stimulation (f receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration (wrap it before you tap it lovelies), light choking, swearing, the setting is set somewhere in between AoU and CACW so like around the time in Ant-Man ?? also slight au ( i think )
A/N: so this is for @anchoeritic's 3k writing challenge! seeing that she’s a fellow sam wilson simp, i chose him for this fic (and we are seriously lacking in sam wilson content i hate this) and because it’s sam’s birthday we’re gonna celebrate >:)))) icb he’s an aries though. uGh
prompt/scenario: character A catching character B singing
word count: 3.7k
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Dating a superhero meant there was a lot of restrictions; cuddles and movie dates with them are fleeting moments since you never know when they would get a call about a grape-headed alien terrorizing the planet and you couldn’t flaunt them as much as you wanted to because your safety would be greatly affected if their arch nemesis finds out about your existence.
But regardless of it all, you were thankful because Sam never made you feel less of what you really are to him. A lot of your friends who know about your relationship with The Falcon were envious about how mature the both of you are, managing to balance both of your work lives and your personal ones at home; none of them really knowing how immature the both of you are behind closed doors.
Making this another reason why you loved the privacy being hidden from the public eye; you felt like you were in your own coming-of-age, rom-com movie with Sam with all the hidden rendezvous at The Washington Mall at midnight and drive around the empty streets of the city just until the crack of dawn or just stay at home and cook countless of meals, teaching each other recipes from both sides of your families
It was the relationship anyone could have ever dreamed of.
“You’re not making this any easier for me, baby girl.” Sam said, sighing inwardly as he stuffed his duffel. He was going over to New York for a few days, probably on another mission with the Avengers (or training with them) and you weren’t having any of it; wanting nothing more than to have him home and with you for a few more days一 possibly forever if that was even possible.
You groaned softly at his response, sitting on the bed with your knees hugged to your chest as you watch him ready his things for yet another mission. “Then don’t go” You simply told him, face holding the same sad expression as your lower lip was jutted out in a small pout as you looked away, not waiting to tear up once again; him leaving for missions was always the hardest.
A chuckle left his lips, setting the suitcase down on the carpeted floor of your shared room before claiming his spot next to you; the dip of the bed from his weight caused you to look at him. “You know I wouldn’t dare to leave if I had the chance to, right?” He asked, his scooting closer to you and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “But I always come back, right? Because you’re my home.”
You relaxed under his touch, stretching your legs unto the bed and wrapped your arms around his muscular frame, hugging him close to you in fear that he might disappear all of a sudden. “I know, but do you really have to go?” You murmur, hiding your face against his neck, the way your breath falls on his skin causes goosebumps to rise on his own.
“I have to, they need me, sweets.” He explains, wrapping his arms around your own frame and squeezes gently, enough to convey that he’ll be fine; that he’ll be safe and unharmed after all of the fighting he has due.
“I’ll be back in no time.” His reassurance made you sigh inwardly, knowing that you can’t convince him otherwise. Sam was always just like that, once something is set on his mind on something, he won’t stop until he gets it done. He rarely second guesses what he wants and he does, you’re the person he talks to.
You didn’t speak anymore, opting to let the warmth from his body consume you and lull you into sleep, his hand tracing small shapes into your back as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Go to sleep, baby. I love you.”
The sunlight that peeked in through the sheer fabric of the curtains was enough to wake you up, reaching over to Sam’s side, expecting to feel him there but instead you were greeted with the sound of paper crumpling from the side of your hand. Stirring awake, you sat up and grabbed the note that was folded neatly.
“I’ll be back soon, baby girl. Don’t miss me too much, I love you.” You read outloud, adoring how neat his handwriting was, hugging the paper to your chest before whispering, “I love you too” before placing the note by your bedside table, rolling out of bed to get on with your day when your phone dinged. Looking at the lit up screen, you smiled at the message from Sam.
[ from: birdman lover ]
- It hasn’t even been a day and I already miss you.
- This’ll be a long week.
- Have a great day though.
- I love you.
- Steve’s still clueless on how phones work but he’s getting there. He “greets you a hello”.
The rest of the week was your normal routine, aside from the occasional texts and calls you would get from Sam whenever he had the chance to check his phone; telling you how much he missed you and sharing stories of what’s going on inside the compound. It was like he never left, the only difference being he wasn’t physically there to give you the affection.
Saturday morning soon rolled around and you were bouncing off the walls excited that you had to wait just one more day before Sam could come back home; come back to you. You practically bounced off the walls as you did all your errands一 mainly you getting your car cleaned and your weekly Target run一 and your day was all rainbows and sunshines.
Until it wasn’t. You were scrolling through your Instagram when you saw a picture that made your blood boil immensely. It was a photo of an actress (who was extremely good looking) in the arms of The Falcon. You had to take a few moments in to fully register the fact that the woman had managed to snag a photo with him, “He’s even hotter in person.” You read the caption out loud, eyes rolling in irritation, even replying to some comments from her fanbase, making it seem like they were dating.
You rarely get jealous about anything with Sam, being so secure with your relationship with him but seeing someone who has a platform freely post him made you writhe in your seat about how you should be the one flexing him like that, not her or anyone else.
You opted to call your lover to tell him how you feel but there was this side of you that didn’t want to go through a whole discourse with him through the phone so you went with the better option, cleaning the fuck out of your apartment until your agression washes away.
Plugging your phone to the sound system, you started off with Rihanna’s Only Girl in the World before grabbing the broom from the small closet in your apartment's kitchen, starting to sweep the floor. “You’re a bad bitch, Y/N. Now go clean,” You hyped yourself up in the mirror before strutting back to the living room to sweep your emotions away.
Unbeknownst to you however was the fact that Sam was well on his way home. He got to go back home earlier than expected and he didn’t tell you, wanting to give you a surprise. Jogging up the stairs of your apartment complex, he was practically rushing to make it your door so he can finally kiss you.
Finally finding the keys to your shared apartment, he opened the door and slowly creeped in, expecting to see you seated on the couch but what he saw was something else. He was stunned beyond words to see you clad nothing but his shirt and a messy bun while holding a broom, singing your heart out.
“Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world” you sang out loud, holding onto the broom as if it was a mic while you danced, awkwardly body rolling to the beat. “Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love, like I’m the only one who knows your heart” You continued, starting to “sweep” the floor again while grooving to the beat of the song, not noticing Sam who was silently watching you.
“Like I’m the only one who’s in command” Your voice blending into the music as you rocked around the room, singing your heart out to the chorus. “Cause I’m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a ma一 Sam!”
You dropped the broom, jumping up in the air as you turned around to see your boyfriend leaning by the wall, watching you with an amused expression while holding his arms out to you. “Are you just gonna stand there or come here and give me a hug?” He questioned, raising up an eyebrow at you.
Wasting no time, you paused the song before making your way over to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as you hugged him. “How long have you been here? Why are you here already? Shouldn’t you be coming home tomorrow?” Your bombardment with questions made him chuckle, his arms going under your thighs to support your weight, walking towards the couch and settling the both of you on there.
“I wanted to surprise you, baby. We finished a little bit earlier than expected so the moment we got back to the compound I was well on my way home.” He answered, one of his hands retreating from your backside to sneak up and cup your jaw, thumb tracing it gently. His eyes were locked with yours, filled with adoration and love as he continued, “turns out you have a surprise of your own for me. What’s got you cleaning so aggressively?”
You laughed, the anger you had just moments ago melting away as you lean into his touch, “It’s nothing, Sammy. Just me being a little jealous, is all.” You explained, finding it easy to admit your feelings. Your relationship with him was just like that; centered on honesty, understanding, and love. The reason why you’re so assured with him.
“Jealous? What’s got my baby jealous?” His brows were furrowed at the answer, mind trying to remember his actions prior to this conversation to see if he had done anything wrong but came up with nothing. “Did I do something?” He questioned, sitting up a bit as the conversation got more serious.
“I just saw this picture of this you and this actress posted on her instagram and一” you paused, finding it silly now that you’ve even been this jealous about this in the first place. “一I just got jealous that she could post you on their social media so freely. Kind of made me realize that I’m still not existent in the eyes of others; I should be the one posting you like that. Kind of made me realize that I’m not the only girl in the world that wants you.” you finished, not wanting to look into his eyes anymore at the sudden sadness from being hidden.
Normally, you wouldn’t even bat an eye on it but seeing how broken you were, Sam was shattered that you had to go through that thought. “There’s no need to feel ashamed that you got jealous, Y/N.” He said, the hand that was on your jaw now going under your chin to make you look at him again. “I know I insisted that I hide you from the public eye so you can be safe from harm and I’m sorry that because of it makes you feel like this.”
He sighed softly, leaning in to press a chaste kiss against your lips. “But if you’re ready to be introduced to everyone, even to the team, then I’ll be more than glad to show you to the world.” Sam said, his lips just millimeters away from yours, “The only girl I’ll ever love.” He finished, locking his lips with yours.
You swore on the fact that Sam’s lips were made for your own, the pace slow and sensual, enough to relay that he was sticking to his words and that you didn’t need to worry about anything. His plush tiers felt soft against yours, his teeth sinking into your bottom one, nibbling against it softly before swiping his tongue against it.
“Does my angel want me to show her how much she really means to me?” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to your lips before pulling back, locking his gaze with yours, pupils blown with love and adoration clouded with a hint of lust over the thought of seeing you squirm under him.
Given the fact that you were sitting on his lap, you could feel how hard he was under you. “You feel that, darling? You do that to me.” He groans as you shift, the friction causing his dick to twitch inside his tight jeans. “Be a good girl and use your words, baby.”
“Want you, Sam.” You say, mind too aroused and clouded with perverse thoughts due to the lack of touch you had from him this week to make a concise sentence. “Want you to make me feel good, please.” You beg, brows furrowing lightly in need as you watch him study your expression, a small smile forming on his lips as he easily hoists you up, arms gripping your thighs.
“How can I resist such a good girl begging for me to make her feel good?” He questions, gracing your lips with another chaste kiss as he carries you into your shared bedroom, placing you on the bed as he hovers above you. “I’ll make you feel so good tonight, sweets.”
His lips are then on yours again, his lower half grinding on yours a few times to rile you up, making you elicit a few moans that caused him to go overdrive. He grunts, taking in the scandalous sounds you make before sitting back up, taking the shirt off from your body, throwing his head back at the sight of you clad in only your underwear. “You do know how to make me go wild, baby doll.”
You smiled at him, happy that you were able to make him go haywire at just the sight of you not even fully naked. “My clothes never seem to stay on with you around anyways.” You answer, making him chuckle lightly as he started to attack your neck with kisses, nipping at the skin quite harshly making you hiss in pleasurable pain.
“You look better naked” was all he said before taking in one of your breasts, tongue swirling around the hard nub as his hand teased the other, fingers pinching on it lightly making you take a sharp gasp. He did this for a few moments before kissing his way from the valley of your breasts all the way down to the top of your panties.
Sam looked up at you with a devilish grin upon the realization of what lingerie you were wearing, “My angel looks so good.” he praises, taking a moment to admire your already fucked out appearance with lips swollen and hickey littered skin. He was quick to take off your underwear, eyes filled with hunger at the sight of your soaking cunt.
This feeded his ego to no ends, seeing you so needy for him. “I haven’t even touched you yet you’re already so wet for me, baby girl.” he commented, hands caressing your inner thighs teasingly as he took a moment to drink in the sight of you.
The way his rough and slightly calloused hands were in juxtaposition to the smoothness of your skin granted goosebumps to run along your skin, the cold air of the room adding on to your arousal. “Sam, please. Need you.” You begged once more, attempting to close your legs for some needed friction but his sudden grip on it making you think otherwise.
“Almost there, baby. Patience.” He said, bringing two digits to very lightly graze upon your slit before bringing it up to your lips, his thumb tapping your bottom lip, “Open up, sweets. Wanna see you taste yourself first.” He ordered, wanting to see you suck on his fingers.
Wanting nothing more than his touch, you easily obliged and took his fingers in without him prying them open. Your eyes were locked with his as you sucked on it, setting a blaze inside his eyes that you haven’t seen before, that lone making your stomach twist in knots.
As soon as Sam was satisfied at how wet you made his fingers, he finally gave your throbbing pussy the attention it yearned for. Inserting the two digits inside of you with ease as he slowly started to pump it in and out of your heat while his thumb rubbed circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves.
You were a moaning mess under his touch, back arching at the slightest touch he would do to your clit. You were overwhelmed with the pleasure he was providing you. “F-fuck!” You breathlessly moan, hips bucking up as you wanted more of his touch.
Sam then leaned, tongue lapping up your sweet juices as he sucked on your aching clit, the gentle suckling was sinful to your ears. He moaned at the taste of you, its vibrations against you making you whine at the contact. He curled his fingers inside you, easily finding your sweet spot upon seeing how you writhed under his touch.
With Sam’s tongue abusing your clit to no end and his digits mercilessly pumping in and out of you, the tension was all too much to handle that the knot that was in your stomach finally broke. “Go on, baby. Come for me, why don’t you.” He said, feeling how your walls were clamping up around him. The euphoria that followed made your legs tremble as you reached your high, shamelessly moaning Sam’s name mixed with profanities as he continued to finger you through your orgasm.
“Such a good girl for me” Was his words, rising up from his position. You watched as he licked up every last drop of your cum off his fingers, rolling off the bed to rid himself off from his own clothes, your mouth practically watering at the sight of his rock hard length that sprung out from the tight confinements of his boxers.
You were gonna reach out to feel him when he stopped you, “No, baby. Tonight, it’s all about you, remember?” he said, stroking his length a few times, thumb circling around his tip that was glistening with pre-cum as he got back on the bed, positioning himself on top of you. “You ready?”
“Y-yes, Sam.” and upon hearing your answer, he eased into you. Both moaning at the longing of feeling each other intimately. No matter how many times the two of you would fuck, you still couldn’t get used to his size. He filled you up quite easily, his hips meeting yours as he filled you in deep.
Ever the gentleman, he waited for you to give the signal that you were ready and upon your nod, he started to move slowly, wanting to ease you into the pace.. Sam’s groans were music to your ear, “So fucking tight, angel.” He said, one of his hands reaching up to wrap around your neck, pressing against its sides lightly.
“F-faster, Sam. Please” You said and he complied, like your words were pressed a switch in him, he started to relentlessly slam into you, fucking you into the bed and into oblivion. His other hand was on the headboard, palm spread out to gain some support, the bed shaking violently as he continued.
“Let me hear those moans, angel. Let everyone know who you belong to.” Sam said, the hold around your neck tightening slightly, wanting to see you slowly gasp out for air as you let out those heavenly yet sinful sounds, “Who do you belong to, baby?”
“Y-You, Sam!” You answer, feeling your body writhe as another orgasm was already brewing at the pit of your stomach. “F-fuck, I-i’m yours!” You continued, eyes practically rolling to the back at the immense amount of pleasure you got from him drilling you into the mattress.
With those words that left your lips, he started to pound to you even rougher, not caring if the neighbouring apartments heard your cries of pleasure or the squeaking of the bed. You were his and it was his very intention to let everyone know that. “That’s right, doll. You belong to me.” he said, his eyes on your fucked out face. “Mine to fuck and mine to love.”
Feeling the knot in your stomach about to burst, your hands were gripping the bed sheets as you cried out in pleasure, “I’m gonna cum!” body unable to handle the amount of pleasure being handed to you as Sam continued to fuck you out, riding out your high until his own climax hit with one final slam, moaning as he filled you up with his own cum.
Pulling out slowly, Sam took the time to admire his own cum mixed with your drip down from your cunt, a feeling of satisfaction spread through his chest at the sight of you. He leaned in to kiss you once again, this time it was soft and just filled with love, hand running along your sides gently, “Such a good girl for me.” he whispered, pressing one last kiss before he stood up and walked over to the bathroom.
You attempted to follow him, but ultimately failed as your legs were shaking too much from your recent orgasm. You could hear Sam chuckle as he re-emerged from the other room, a wet washcloth in his hand as he approached you. “Let me take care of it, alright princess?” He said softly.
He then started to clean you up, making sure to whisper soft praises about how you took him so well and of how you were so good for him. The moment he was done, he mindlessly threw the cloth into the hamper, collapsing on the bed and took you in his arms, eager to cuddle you. Sam pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “I love you, Y/N. You’re the only girl I’ll ever love.”
You hummed softly, making yourself comfortable in his arms, reaching up to steal a kiss from him, “I love you too, Sammy. I’ll always love you.”
TAGLIST: @harrysweasleys @selenasprompts @weasleytwins-41 @anchoeritic @darthwheezely (hello fellow the falcon simp)
if your name is in bold, it means that i can't tag you for some weird reason. join my taglist! find the link in my main masterlist!
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Alone Together
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Summary: After an awful breakup you were expecting to spend Christmas alone. You and Steve end up spending it together.
Pairings: tattoo artist!Steve Rogers x Sam Wilson sister!reader. Abusive ex boyfriend!Brock Rumlow x reader
Warning: mentions of abusive relationship, smut, swearing, daddy kink, squirting, creampie, unprotected sex
Tagging: @titty-teetee @blackmissfrizzle @olyvoyl @liquorlaughslove @harrysthiccthighss @mariahthelioness29 @whiskey-cokenfanfic @olyvoyl @hqneyyincc @queenoftheworldisdead @iam-laiya @donutloverxo @slytherinandoutasgard @zaddychris @brattycherubwrites @love-more122
(A/N: yay I made it! Merry Christmas guys! Reblog always 💜 ✌🏾)
Okay yeah so it was stupid. You should have known better when you’d done it. Well, you did you just... well you don’t really know what you were thinking.
Red flags just look like flags when you’re wearing rose colored glasses, yeah fuck off you stole that from Bojack. So when you were with your ex and doing all this dumb just you thought would make him happy it ended up being kind of awful in the end.
When they finally came off you noticed the things you dealt with. Scared to piss him off so you started treating okay times like they were really good. All the stupid things he had you do to prove yourself.
You were paying for this one right now. Right in another parlor. Covering up that mistake with something you actually liked. Not that most people could see it because it was on your underboob. Said he wanted it to be this hidden thing all for him that no one else was allowed to see.
The first time he asked you’d laughed and said no thinking it was a joke. The second time you it happened you tried to be a little more firm. Except that just meant you couldn’t prove your love for him. That you were devoted. That he’d get a tattoo for you on his arm that he never had time to get for some reason.
It was so fucking dumb you know. The cursive Brock tattooed right under your boob. You could see it every time you took your shirt off and it really bothered you. It always had, but you were trying to convince yourself that you loved him before. Now you looked at it and saw the new of a person you wished you’d never even met.
Steve was your older brother’s best friend. He ran this super popular tattoo shop. They’d met in the military and the friendship just stuck. It’s kind of why you ended up moving to New York. You were kind of the outcast of the family, but Sam never treated you any different. You were his baby sister.
So after a few weeks you asked him if he could cover it up. Except his only available day was Christmas Eve. You didn’t go home anyway and Sam was going to meet his girlfriend’s parents this year. Not that you weren’t invited, but you just wanted this thing covered up. Maybe that would make you forget.
You winced as the needle dug into your skin. Not like it wasn’t worth the pain. “Hey, relax, okay,” he said, softly rubbing your arm. He’d been so much help since the breakup. It was funny. Brock hated him. Was always ranting about what an asshole he is. You could tell he didn’t like your brother either. You really didn’t know what but you knew it was something over their friend Bucky or whatever.
Yeah it was a whole thing. Not that you really knew the details.
Normally you’d spend the holidays with his family. Though a little uncomfortable it was nice being with him. So this was your first year in three that you were alone. Hanging with Steve was nice.
“I’m fine,” you were trying to keep a brave face.
He was almost done. Just had to finish up the shading. Honestly you’d been expecting him being that close to you to feel weird, but it was actually nice. It’d just be nice if you didn’t date another tattoo artist.
Yeah Brock also tattooed. He’d met Steve because they’d worked at the same shop once. You remember how Brock was seething when he found out that Steve had opened his own.
You wish you could go back in time and tell Leila to never go into that damn shop. To never ask you to go with her because she was nervous for her first tattoo. Somehow it ended up with Brock promising you a discount if you let him tattoo you if you gave him your number. Being a cliche you got a butterfly on your shoulder.
Somehow it didn’t bother you as much. Maybe because it didn’t look like anything resembling him.
“You sure? We can take a break,” he offered.
You shook your head. “No. I’m okay.” You chuckled with a smile.
He chuckled before clicking his tongue. “Alright. Tell me if you want me to stop.”
“How’s your mom’s trip?” You asked. His mother had decided to vacation to Hawaii with his step-dad. Which is also why he was here. Not that he couldn’t have went with Nat and Bucky to his parent’s house. Except last time he’d done that, he ended up having to sleep next to Bucky’s incredibly touchy aunt. He was better off spending it alone.
“She’s great. Talked to her this morning.” He chuckled, “apparently she’s bringing me back a Hawaiian shirt.”
“You could pull it off.” You replied trying not to laugh too much.
“You think so?” He asked.
“Yeah just keep it unbuttoned and don’t wear a shirt under.”
He stopped to laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean.”
“I dunno. Just doing a service for the girls,” you said. “Don’t act like you don’t know that you’re cute.”
He licked his lips, narrowing his eyes. “Why Miss. Wilson, you’re not flirting with me are you?”
You laughed and shook your head. “No. Just... stop. You know you’re hot.”
His jaw dropped as he grin. “Now you think I’m hot?”
You sighed dramatically. “Look, Steve. I’m just joking.”
He went back to work with this kind of goofy look on his face. You couldn’t deny it. Steve is hot. Anyone with eyes could see that. Your eyes traced along his tattooed forearms. The sleeves of his flannel pushed up to elbows. Until you were distracted by his broad shoulders.
Your mind finally started to relax. Kind of enjoying the buzzing of the gun. You kind of missed that sound you loved going to the shop with a Brock while he worked.
Your only days off were weekends and since he usually had shit to do on those days, you’d be there while he worked. Sometimes even helping out when their secretary was out.
“And, done,” he said taking a deep breath and smiling down at his work before turning off the machine. “How you feelin?’” He grabbed your hand to help you to your feet.
“Well, a little sore, but good.”
You turned to look at it. Smiling at the flowers that were there now. “It’s beautiful,” you said, looking at Steve before throwing your arms around his neck. “Thank you so much.”
“Hey,” he pulled away to rub your arms, “I got you.”
He was so close, eyes trained on your lips. So you started wondering maybe this was why Brock hated Steve. Saw how magnetic he was that he could definitely pull you in.
That couldn’t have been it, though. Brock never saw you with him alone. His dislike went much deeper than you. Today had kind of added insult to injury. Not only did you cover up that thing, but he was the one to do it. It’d be a slap in the face.
Maybe that’s why you did it. Except you’d always liked Steve’s work. You’d seen so many pieces he did or sketches he made and had wanted him to work on you for the longest. Maybe next time it would be something you didn’t need to cover up.
Your phone went off and you groaned softly pulling away. “Hey, Sam,” you greeted your brother. Of course it had to be him of all people.
Looking back over at his best friend who was cleaning up the station now. It was probably a good thing because your heart had started to thump in your chest. You didn’t need that.
You raised your shirt up so you could see it finally. “Just calling to check up on you. Steve’s lazy ass taking a break? I don’t hear buzzing in the back.”
“We just finished actually.” You laughed.
“How’d it come out?”
“Good,” you answered. “Tell Maya I said hi.”
You finished talking to Sam before finally hanging up. When you finally looked at your new tattoo, a smile grew on your face. It looked so much better than before. “Like it?” Steve asked.
“I love it,” you replied. You grabbed your bag so you could pay him.
“Um, excuse me, Miss,” he said. “Your money is no good here.”
“What? I’m not going to have you do all this work and not pay you, Stevie.”
He sighed. “Think of it as a Christmas present.”
You rolled your eyes still taking your money out. “I can’t-“
“I’m not taking it,” he pressed.
“Fine at least let me give you a tip.”
“I’m not taking that either.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes. For such a nice boy he was always so stubborn. “Fine. Then... dinner. I’ll make dinner. If we’re spending Christmas alone then it might be fun to spend it together.”
He smiled softly. “Yeah... that sounds nice.”
“Great.” You looked into his eyes again. They were like the prettiest blue ever. Especially with those little specks of green.
After a trip to the store, he escorted you back to the apartment you shared with your brother. You could have moved out, but you were kind of afraid to live alone. That’s why Sam had been a little surprised that you’d declined the invitation to go with him. It was nice to have Steve there.
You’d decorated the apartment even though you hadn’t planned to do anything. You still wanted to be a little festive. Maybe it would pull you into a better mood. It worked a little.
You quickly started on dinner. Steve helped by cutting up vegetables. He’d taken off his sweater letting his incredibly muscular tattooed arms taunt you. Okay so yeah you had a little bit of a crush on him. Like a lot of other women, you just liked to look.
“Thanks for dinner,” Steve said, taking a sip of his wine. “I don’t get home cooked meals a lot.”
“Can’t cook?” You asked with a smirk.
“Yeah I’m pretty hopeless at it.” He shrugged.
“So do you want to watch Christmas movies after this?” You asked.
He laughed. “Yeah that’d be nice.”
The night was going by kind of quick as you settled down to watch A Christmas Story. You were a little tipsy honestly, but you and Steve were sharing a fluffy blanket. Which meant he was close.
You’d carefully showered so you didn’t get your tattoo wet and changed into a sweater shirt and s pair of matching shorts. Getting all bundled up so you could curl up beside him. “You look so warm.” He chuckled as he got a little closer.
“Do you need an extra blanket?” You asked.
“No I’m okay,” he replied.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked because the thought had crossed your mind again. This time you’d finally worked up the nerve to ask.
“Why don’t you and Brock like each other?” You asked.
He sighed. “You’re not the first person I’ve had to save from him. He and Bucky used to be close and I noticed him kind of spiraling. Rumlow was pumping him full of all of these drugs and I dunno I didn’t want to lose my friend.”
Your stomach started to turn. This was the first time you’d ever heard of any of this. “Why didn’t any of you tell me?”
“I wanted to, but Sam said we needed to let you make your own mistakes. To not push you away. There were so many times that I thought about... look I just know that I’m never letting him hurt you again. Okay?”
You nodded, biting your lip. This glazed over look in your eyes. Steve noticed and pulled you closer pretty much placing you in his lap.
“Hey, it’s okay, Honey.” He rubbed your back. Trying to at least comfort you a little.
“No I’m fine,” you replied leaning into him. The soft fabric of his jeans rubbed against your bare legs. It was nice to have him comfort you like this. “You know I think the worst thing to me is that and I’m sorry if this is too much information, but he’d use Sam against me. Say that if I didn’t do what he wanted he’d tell Sam about the things we did in bed.”
Steve sighed. “You know he wouldn’t have cared.”
“I know, but it still felt embarrassing. He knew how secretive I was about it. None of my friends even know the kind of things I’m into.” You took a deep breath, trying to relax because you felt way more tense than you wanted to.
He chuckled. Trying to lighten the mood. “I get it. I used to be the same way until my last girlfriend put it all out there when we broke up.”
You laughed. “Oh yeah I remember that.”
“Yeah. She was something else.” He tossed his head back as he laughed. “One night she came to the shop, talking about how she’d let me tie her up one more time.”
“Brock used to say stuff like ‘come on, Babygirl, do what Daddy says or else I’ll tell your brother what you’re up to.’ It used to grate on my nerves.”
“God. What a fucking asshole,” he said, hoping you didn’t notice when he felt himself get suddenly hard at hearing you say that.
“Yeah, but I’m so glad this thing is covered.”
“Yeah. Glad I could help,” he said with smile. “Shit do you mind actually if I take a picture of it? For Instagram.”
You nodded. “Yeah that’s fine.”
He took his phone out of his pocket while you laid down across his lap, rolling your sweatshirt up so that it was exposed. “Perfect,” he said as he snapped the picture the flash making you close your eyes all tight, making you move your hand so you could rub your eye.
Making your entire breast become exposed. “Shit,” you said, pushing it back down as you sat back up. Your eyes connected to his again and that’s when he kissed you.
You didn’t hesitate to do it back. Your mouth moving against his ever so softly. Like the two of you were afraid to really do what you want, but also didn’t want to pull away. Until he finally started to deepen it.
You stroked his beard as he held onto you tightly. You came to straddle his lap as he cupped your ass. He started to lay you back.
Your phone interrupted you, making you jump away. You scrambled to pick it up. “Hello?”
“Hey. Just checking on you,” Sam’s voice came through.
“Oh. I’m fine, Sam.” You took looked over at Steve who closed his eyes and stood up.
“Is Steve with you?”
“Yeah he walked me home,” you said. “Actually I have to go I’m going to shower.”
“Okay. Text me before bed.”
Steve was gathering up his things to leave by the time you got off your phone. You watched him move around. He shrugged his coat on. “I’m just gonna head out.”
“Yeah...” you pursed your lips.
He licked his lips. “I, um, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me... I-“
“No. It’s okay,” you replied taking a deep breath. “I’ll walk you out.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
You watched as he walked away heading towards the elevator. You still couldn’t believe that happened. Lips tingling from the way he kissed you. Apart of you was cursing Sam from ruining your moment.
Another part of you was kind of happy that he did because as much as you hated it, Brock still had this hold over you. It wasn’t that you felt guilty. It was more like you were afraid of what would happen if he found out.
God, you wish he didn’t have this hold on you. You were starting to close the door when Steve came back. This time he didn’t stop himself as he kissed you. Or picked you up, kicking the door shut behind him. Didn’t stop himself as he carried you to your room.
He laid you down on your bed, getting on top of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist. Trying to be as close to him as possible. Fuck he felt so good on top of you.
Scratching at his muscular shoulders. He pulled your top off first. Exposing your tits. His mouth went to them as he tried to avoid your tattoo. He swirled his tongue around your nipple.
You whimpered, biting your lip as you looked down at him. He’d switched to the other one to give it the same treatment. “So fucking beautiful.” He started kissing down your body so he could take off your shorts and panties. He kissed along your thighs, still looking into your eyes as he parted them.
Before he could put his mouth on your pussy, he went back up. Kissing you again. “Is this okay?” He asked resting his forehead to yours.
You nodded, reaching out so you could start undoing the buttons of his flannel. He helped you, pressing his lips to yours again. This time he put his tongue in your mouth.
Kissing him was different than Brock. Steve’s lips seemed to mold with yours better. There was this feeling in the pit of your stomach that felt like it was about to burst, but like you wanted it to. You really shouldn’t be comparing them, but Steve was making you feel so good and you were kicking yourself from having missed out on this as you wasted your time.
He pushed his shirt off his body then undid his pants. Sliding them down his legs along with his underwear. He got back on top for you, kissing your neck. Leaving little nibbles and sucking on your skin like he knew your body already. “Daddy,” you cried out, then sat up when you realized what you said opening your mouth to apologize.
“Oh yeah, Baby. You want me to be your daddy?” He asked, going back between your legs. “Want to be a dirty girl for me only?”
You nodded suddenly feeling drunk off of his words. Never did you think in a million years that Steve would be talking to you like this. He was getting you so wet just from that. He started licking your clit first.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he feasted on you. Pussy juices making a mess on his beard. “Yes,” you gasped out as he started to finger you at the same time.
That same bursting feeling in your stomach was getting intense. You cried out for him as you felt yourself reach your peek. You grabbed his hair, grinding your pussy against his face.
You took a deep breath as you tried to sit up, but he put a hand on your stomach to hold you still. “I’m not done.” He growled. “Hold still while Daddy makes you cum, Honey.”
You nodded bracing yourself as he went back to eating you out. It didn’t take long for him to bring you to another orgasm or another one after that. When he was done he kissed you, making you taste your juices on him.
As you made out again he went back to rubbing your cunt. “I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he said. “Gonna make you cum over and over again. Gonna take care of you.”
“Oh god yes,” you whimpered.
“Fuck I don’t have any condom,” he said, as he’d started to line himself up with your entrance.
“It’s okay,” you said. “I’m on birth control.”
He licked his lips. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I want you so bad, Daddy.”
He grinned as he kissed you softly. “I want to know your safe word first, Honey. Just in case.”
He kissed your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips. He pushed into you as your tongues came into contact. Your tongues carassing against each other.
You stretched around him and you started to understand why he’d spent so much time eating you out. Fuck he was thick. You stretched around him looking into his eyes. “It’s okay,” he whispered into your lips. “I’ve got you.”
“It’s too much!” You cried.
“You can take it, Honey,” he kissed you again. “Be a good girl and take Daddy’s dick.”
He started fucking into you a little harder. You could feel yourself leaking around his dick. He’d really worked you up first even if he was still too damn thick for your pussy.
You scratched his back, biting his shoulder. He was thrusting so deep. You don’t think you’d ever been fucked this deep before. You’d definetly never been stretched open like this.
“Right there! Don’t stop!” You begged as he started fucking into your spot. “I’m fucking cumming!”
“That’s it, Honey. Cum for me.” He groaned because your pussy was so tight. Especially as you came. You were tightening around him and if he wasn’t so determined to give you a few more he would have let go inside of you.
“Oh, fuck, Daddy!” You cried. He didn’t let up. Fucking you through it.
“Nasty girl, squirting for me,” he said getting on his knees so he could watch you.
“Oh god!” You didn’t stop. Your pussy gushing around him. He bent your legs back with his hands on the back of your thighs. Watching his cock all slick anytime he’d pull out only to push back into you.
He chuckled as it happened again. Your eyes all clouded over as you came again just like that last time. More juices squirting out of you.
“Please,” you said, but didn’t know why.
“What do you want me to do, Baby?” He asked.
You couldn’t say anything back because you were to far gone. Thoughts had officially left your head. All you knew was him and the he was fucking you so damn good. Still pressing into your spot.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum,” he hissed, getting back on top of you with his bicep wrapped around your thigh so he could keep you spread open. He kissed you again this time deeper. Fucking your mouth with his tongue.
You moaned into him and thrusts became to falter as he started to pump you full of his cum. He thrusted into you deep as he gave you every bit of it. Wanting to completely fill you up with him.
He laid on top of you trying to catch his breath. You were panting underneath him. Not even wanting him to move because he was so warm. You buried your head into his neck.
It took you a minute to come down from your highs. He smiled down at you, kissing you softly. “Hi.”
“You okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
You shook your head, already closing your eyes because you were so comfortable like this. “I’m great.”
He chuckled. “That’s what I like to hear.”
You smiled lazily as he finally rolled off of you. He brought you close to him, kissing your nose again. “Stay with me.”
“There’s literally no other place I’d rather be,” he said.
You’d spent all night messing around. Taking little cat naps in between. Right now he had you on your stomach as he fucked you from behind. You never expected to spend your holiday with him, but now you couldn’t picture spending it with anyone else.
You hadn’t even thought about your ex and the meltdown he’d have if he knew about this. It was nice feeling so free. Especially as Steve’s tattooed arms wrapped around you from behind.
Hints of daylight had started to break through the slits of your curtain. He chuckled. “Merry Christmas,” he whispered into your ear as he didn’t even let up the way he was fucking into you.
“Merry Christmas, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He kissed the back of your shoulder. “Gonna spend Christmas letting me make you my girl?”
You nodded trying to peek up at him over your shoulder with a smile. “Your girl?”
“After this I’m not letting you go,” he said, kissing your cheek from behind. “We might need to make this a tradition.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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truckloadoffrogs · 3 years
SamBucky Daddy Kink
It’s after the mess at the airport, after Siberia, after Steve and him broke everyone out of the weird fucking prison in the ocean (?? what the fuck??), that they finally get to breathe in Wakanda. The King gave them guest rooms in the palace, not accepting no for an answer. He kindly gave them an apartment with three bedrooms and a spacious living room and kitchen, one bedroom for Bucky and the other for Steve when he wasn’t off in some other country glaring at politicians. Unfortunately, he gave Wilson the third bedroom.
There wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with Wilson. He was just-- He just bothered Bucky. He got under his skin. Though he seemed to get genuine pleasure out of annoying the ever living fuck out of Bucky, it never seemed to be with malicious intent. He seemed to be testing Bucky, seeing how far he could go before Bucky would snap, but not because he was cruel. It almost seemed like Wilson was doing it for Bucky’s benefit, not his, like Wilson was showing Bucky that he was fine, he was safe, he wasn’t actually going to snap and go on another murderous rampage because Wilson watched Real Housewives every single day on their couch and refused to change the channel. 
Once Bucky got over that fact, he started to notice other things. Though Wilson didn’t stop teasing Bucky even when Bucky growled at him to quit it, he did stop when Bucky started to curl in on himself, when he got a little quiet and a little scared, waiting for the next baton hit or jab of electricity. Maybe it was Wilson’s own experience with trauma, or maybe it was his inherent goodness, but Bucky appreciated it. Not that he would ever tell him that. 
Wilson also seemed to care for Bucky in ways no one else did. With Steve off in who knows where, struggling to get them pardons, Bucky was adrift in a new country and a new century with new people around him. The other (ex) Avengers seemed wary of him, addressing him in overly polite tones when Bucky ventured outside of the apartment, seeming to wait for the day he reverts back to the Winter Soldier. But Wilson was different. 
He was always there for Bucky when he needed something, but he still teased Bucky and kept him human. He reminded Bucky to eat in the same breath as telling him his flesh arm was beginning to look a little chicken adjacent, he asked Bucky if he wanted to go on a run with him in the morning and get out of the house, and when Bucky mumbled the same “no, thanks” he always did, he grinned in relief and said that he was glad he would be able to run at his own pace for once, but still asked him the next morning and the next morning and the next morning. 
Soon Wilson became Sam, without Bucky even realizing it. Sam had wriggled and shoved his way into Bucky’s life so quickly and smoothly that Bucky had no way of stopping him. Bucky began to respond to Sam’s gentle prodding and encouragements with little smiles and an eye roll, instead of just an eye roll.
One day, when Sam and Bucky were sitting on the couch watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Sam asked Bucky what he would like for dinner and reminded him that he had an appointment with Shuri in the morning. 
Without even thinking, Bucky said, “God, Wilson, you’re such a Da—”.
Many things ran through Bucky’s head as he cut himself off. Shock. Alarm. Panic. Also, what the fuck???
Sam looked away from the television and glanced over at him. “What? I didn’t hear that last part.”
Bucky coughed. “I said 'God, Wilson’.”
Sam hummed, looking speculatively at Bucky. Bucky, still in a state of panic and shock, refused to look away from the screen, hoping and praying Sam would let it go and forget about it. 
Thankfully, some merciful god heard Bucky, and Sam turned back to face the television. 
Bucky let out a relieved breath. What the fuck was that? He almost called Sam Daddy. He’d never called anyone ‘Daddy’ before, not even when he was young and pretty in Brooklyn. He wasn’t some punk, especially now that he was over 250 pounds of muscle and literal metal. If anyone would be called Daddy it would be him. 
He had to admit though, Sam was a Daddy. He takes care of Bucky, he smiles indulgently at Bucky when he stumbles out of his room at the smell of Sam’s cooking in the morning, he bought Bucky’s favorite shampoo before Bucky even knew he was close to running out. He was warm and soft and big. Bucky wanted to curl up in Sam’s lap and feel his strong thighs under him and his gentle arms around him and-- Oh god. Oh no. This wasn’t good. 
If Steve were here he would laugh and laugh and laugh at Bucky’s misfortune. God. Bucky couldn’t believe he went and got a crush on Sam of all people. And not just a crush, oh no. Bucky’s life wasn’t that simple. Bucky wanted to call Sam Daddy. 
Bucky was now hyper-aware of Sam on the couch next to him, still watching the show on the television in front of them. There was maybe three feet between them, both Bucky and Sam leaning on opposite arm rests. Sam’s thick thighs were spread, with his feet flat on the ground, and his arm was stretched out along the back of the couch, big hand almost brushing Bucky’s shoulder. He even sits like a Daddy would, Bucky thought. He looked down at how he was sitting. He was in an almost completely opposite position. One of his legs was curled up under him and the other was up, with his chin resting on his knee and his arms wrapped around it. He looked small and submissive, and Sam looked dominant, like he could grab Bucky’s hair and shove his face down to his dick and make him--
Bucky shivered and uncurled from his position, stretching out his back. Sam looked over at his movement. 
“What did you say you wanted for dinner, Bucky? You didn’t say before,” Sam asked. 
“Uh-- Whatever you want. You pick.” 
Sam looked at Bucky for a beat, before saying, “Okay, baby.”
Bucky looked sharply over at Sam, but Sam wasn’t even looking at him anymore, and gave no sign that he knew what he just said. Though Bucky’s face was calm on the outside (he hoped), inside he was shrieking !!!!! BABY???!?!?!?!
They continued to watch until the end of the episode, Bucky sitting tensely on his side of the couch, and Sam spread out like a whole meal on the other side. When the end credits finished rolling, Bucky dragged a hand through his hair, wincing when it snagged on a tangle. 
“Ow. Shit,” he muttered.
“What’s wrong?”
Bucky looked over at Sam to see him looking back worriedly. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just have to spray some detangler on my hair later.”
“Why don’t I just brush it now? You know it’s easier with another person.” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes at him. “You’ve never wanted to brush my hair before.”
“Yeah? Well first time for everything, right?” Sam asked sweetly. He spread his legs impossibly wider and pointed to the ground between his feet. “Why don’t you get your comb and sit there, and I’ll brush it while we watch a movie?”
Bucky hesitated, before getting up and walking to his room. He had no idea what Sam was playing at, but he wasn’t going to skip out on someone brushing his hair. As he walked back into the living room with his comb in hand, he saw that Sam had moved to the middle of the couch and had turned on a Star Wars movie (Bucky still had no idea which one it was, the order still confused him). 
Bucky slowly walked up to Sam, and shifted back and forth on his feet. Sam smiled encouragingly, and widened his legs again. At his encouragement, Bucky nervously sat between his feet, his back up against the couch and his legs crossed. He reached behind him to hand Sam the comb, and then put his hands back in his lap. 
Sam reached over and started the movie, and then began combing through Bucky’s hair. He started at the ends, and the comb’s bristles gently caressed Bucky’s shoulders and upper back, making him shiver. As Sam slowly made his way up Bucky’s curls, Bucky relaxed more and more, his shoulders slumping and releasing tension he didn’t even know they had. Once Sam’s combing had reached the top of Bucky’s scalp, he was so relaxed he was almost swaying in place, his eyes heavy lidded and vision blurry. 
Gently, Sam pushed Bucky’s head to the side so that his temple was resting on Sam’s knee. 
“There you go, baby.”
Bucky was so out of it he didn’t even recognize what Sam said, he just shivered and slumped more so his cheek pressed against Sam’s thigh. 
Sam hummed appreciatively, and continued combing through Bucky’s curls, even though they were silkier than they had ever been. He continued combing Bucky’s hair until Bucky was fully asleep. 
When Bucky blinked his eyes open again, the television screen was black. He was still leaning on Sam’s thigh, and one of Sam’s hands was gently playing with the ends of his hair, while the other was holding a phone up to his ear.
“Everyone’s fine here, Steve, you don’t have to worry all the time,” Sam was saying, when Bucky finally focused on his voice and not on how comfortable he was on the floor between Sam’s feet. 
Bucky was embarrassed that he fell asleep while Sam was caressing him, like he was some kind of pet, so he started to sit up, but Sam pushed his head back. He continued playing with Bucky’s hair, occasionally threading his hand in at the roots and tugging gently, making tingles spread across Bucky’s scalp and down his neck. 
After a couple minutes, Sam said his goodbyes to Steve and took his hand away from Bucky’s head. Alarmingly, Bucky felt a whine bubble up in his throat, but he stopped it before it could pass his teeth. He still twitched a little though, making Sam glance down at Bucky. 
“Do you want me to keep petting you, Bucky?”
“Yeah,” Bucky mumbled quietly. 
Sam put his hand back in his hair, but instead of petting him, he pulled hard on Bucky’s hair, hard enough that Bucky’s head snapped back. Opening his eyes, Bucky saw Sam’s upside-down face leaning over him, brown eyes glittering. 
“That wasn’t very polite, baby. Where are your manners?”
“Please what, baby?��� 
Bucky’s eyelids fluttered. Was he really going to do this?
“Please, Daddy?” Bucky whispered, “Please keep petting me?”
“There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Sam smiled softly. “Of course I’ll keep petting you.”
He gently stroked a thumb down one of Bucky’s cheekbones before tipping his head forward again. Bucky leaned his cheek against Sam’s warm, strong thigh, and closed his eyes as Sam ran gentle, possessive fingers through his hair again. 
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I’ll Make This Feel Like Home
I’ve been sitting on this WIP for a while, so I finally decided to finish and post it! It’s just pure self-induglent Sambucky domestic fluff, but my heart really needed it after watching those scenes of them together in Louisiana. 😍😍😍
Sam x Bucky (4.8K of pure fluff, rated T.) No applicable warnings other than TFATWS spoilers for anyone who hasn’t watched the series yet.
"That," Bucky says as he pushes back from the table and pats his stomach, "was the best goddamn meal I've ever had. Seriously, like ever. You really outdid yourself," he tells Sarah, who gives him a shy smile in return.
"Thank you, Bucky," Sarah beams, her smile growing even wider as she reaches out to pat his shoulder. "I like this one," she tells Sam. "He's a keeper."
"Yeah, he sure is," Sam grins. "I thought about returning him a couple of times, but he kinda grew on me," he winks while slipping his hand under the table and squeezing Bucky's knee.
That causes a very attractive blush to spread across Bucky's face, and Sam can't help thinking about all of the ways he could make that happen again.
Bucky gives Sam a private smile and says, "I guess you're stuck with me."
"I can live with that," Sam happily agrees.
"Will you be staying long?" Sarah asks Bucky as she stands up and starts collecting their empty plates. "Not that I'm kicking you out, I promise. We have plenty of room, and you're more than welcome to stay as long as you like."
Or forever, Sam thinks, but he keeps that to himself.
This thing with Bucky, these fond looks and lingering touches, that's not exactly new territory for them.
It's just been a while, and Sam's a little unsure of the protocol here when they've only spent a handful of days together after nearly a month of radio silence.
That wasn't Sam's choice, but Bucky was furious when Sam mentioned that he was going to turn in the shield. Sam hadn't even done it yet, but it still led to an ugly argument which ended with Bucky refusing to answer Sam's texts or phone calls after that. Things only got worse from there when the government gave the shield to Walker, but Sam didn't feel like he had much of a choice in the matter.
Sam's no fool, he knew the government wouldn't allow him to become the next Captain America. It had been a sweet gesture on Steve's part, but it left Sam with more questions than he had answers for.
After they returned from the blip, Sam ended up living in Wakanda with Bucky for a while since his previous apartment in D.C. was long gone. It was a hard truth to accept, but a lot had changed in five years. Sam knew he could go back to Delacroix and live with Sarah and the boys, but he wasn't quite ready for that yet.
Not that he didn't miss them dearly, but he wanted to take some time to adjust to this new normal before moving back home. It was a lot to process at the time, and Sam definitely didn't want to give Sarah any more reasons to worry about him.
Naturally, Shuri and T'Challa happily opened their hearts and home to him when Bucky explained Sam's situation. They were extremely gracious about it and assured Sam that he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted.
That only ended up being a few months, but it allowed Sarah to prepare for Sam's return, and for Sam to be in a much better mental state.
Truth be told, Sam's not quite sure he could have recovered as quickly as he did if it weren't for Bucky.
Bucky, who hadn't even hesitated to ask Shuri and T'Challa if Sam could stay in Wakanda with them.
Bucky, who had been nothing but sweet and charming to him the entire time Sam was there.
Bucky, who always held and comforted Sam when he needed it.
Bucky, who never judged or pitied Sam when he cried.
Bucky, who always dried Sam's tears with a gentle touch.
Bucky, who understood that anger was a perfectly valid emotion, given everything they'd been through.
Bucky, who was typically a man of few words, but happily talked Sam's ear off whenever Sam needed a distraction from his thoughts.
Bucky, who has been through his own share of personal horrors, but always put Sam's comfort and well-being before his own.
Bucky, who quickly became one of Sam's very best friends and completely stole his heart.
Their nights together in Wakanda were Sam's favorite because they would often lie on a blanket under the stars, just the two of them. They told each other things they never shared with anyone else, not even Steve, and Sam really enjoyed getting to know the real Bucky.
Their interactions always remained platonic, but Sam would be lying if he said he didn't want more. He often wondered if Bucky did too, but Sam ended up leaving before he had a chance to find out.
Back in the present, Bucky shakes his head in response to Sarah's question as he gives Sam a wistful smile.
"Nah, I wish. I've got some things to take care of back in Brooklyn, so I'm leaving tomorrow, actually. But," he adds hopefully, "I would love to come back for another visit sometime. If that's okay."
"Absolutely," Sarah nods. "You're always welcome here anytime, so don't be a stranger," she says as she leans down and kisses Bucky's cheek.
"Watch yourself, baby sister," Sam glares as he swats at her with a dish towel.
"Do that again Samuel, and I'm throwing out the rest of the beignets," Sarah threatens.
"Okay, truce," Sam relents as he holds up his hands in mock surrender. Sarah's beignets are his favorite, and he doesn't doubt that she would throw them away just to spite him.
"I better have another one, just in case he decides to stick his foot in his mouth again," Bucky tells Sarah as he reaches for the plate of leftovers.
"Oh, you think you're cute, huh?" Sam smirks as he snaps the dish towel in Bucky's direction this time.
"Not as cute as you, Samuel," Bucky drawls just before taking a bite of the fluffy pastry.
Sam's entire face flushes hotly as he looks up and meets Bucky's eyes.
Is he…flirting?
It's been a while since anyone has flirted with him, so Sam is a bit out of practice. Still, there's a mischievous twinkle in Bucky's eyes that Sam hasn't seen in months. The warmth suddenly spreads from his cheeks straight down to places that he doesn't want to think about with his little sister in the room.
"Well, at least we agree on something," Sam jokes as he plucks the half-eaten beignet out of Bucky's hand and pops it into his mouth. It's a weak reply, but it's all his brain could come up with after being caught off guard like that.
Bucky isn't even fazed, he just reaches for another beignet and eats it in two bites. "God, these are amazing," he moans.
It's pure torture for Sam, watching helplessly as Bucky licks the powdered sugar from his lips.
"Thank you," Sarah says as she places a sealed paper bag in front of Bucky. "These are for you to take home with you. They won't be quite as good as they are when they're fresh, but just heat them up in the oven for about five minutes and they'll be pretty close."
"Marry me," Bucky says dramatically as he reaches for both of Sarah's hands. "Make an honest man out of me, Sarah Wilson."
"You're sweet," Sarah giggles as she pulls her hands back and dusts them off, "but I don't feel like being turned into fish food."
"Empty threats," Bucky waves dismissively in Sam's direction. "He'll eventually learn to accept our love."
Sam almost chokes on his beer at Bucky's words. He knows it's all a joke and he's pretty sure (okay, somewhat sure) that Bucky isn't actually interested in his sister, but it still leaves a very unsettling feeling in his stomach.
Especially because Bucky can really lay on the charm when he wants to.
"I'm going to miss you," Sarah tells Bucky as she holds out her arms and wraps him up in a hug.
No, Sam is absolutely not jealous about that. He's just going to drink the rest of his beer and pretend like he doesn't want to pry them apart. (He is secretly thrilled that they get along so well, but he can obviously never let them know that. It would give them too much power.)
"I'll miss you too, sweetheart," Bucky says as he lifts Sarah right off of her feet and swings her around. "I promise I'll be back, though."
"I'm holding you to that," Sarah tells him while poking Bucky's chest.
"Please do," Bucky laughs as he sets her back down.
"Okay gentlemen," Sarah says as she continues stacking plates next to the sink, "any chance you guys might take care of the dishes so I can pry the boys away from their video game and tuck them in?"
"Of course," Bucky nods while reaching out and offering Sam a hand. "You wash, I'll dry?"
"Deal," Sam grins as he lets Bucky help him to his feet. Not that Sam needs it, but he loves that Bucky is so delightfully chivalrous.
"Don't let him trick you into doing all the work," Sarah warns Bucky as she pulls him into another hug. "And you better come down and say goodbye before you leave tomorrow."
"Yes ma'am," Bucky says as he gives Sarah one last squeeze. "Thanks again for dinner, and just for everything, really."
"Thanks for always keeping my brother safe," Sarah smiles at them both as she exits the kitchen.
"Your family is amazing," Bucky tells Sam once they're alone. "Cass and AJ are the sweetest kids, and I'm really going to miss this place."
"Don't miss it for too long then," Sam says as he claps a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know you have stuff to sort out in Brooklyn, but you can always come back here afterward. Maybe stay a while and make a proper vacation of it," he suggests.
"I thought we were going to take separate vacations?" Bucky teases.
"I've got Carlos and his fillet knife on speed dial, just so you know," Sam jokes as he grabs two more beers from the fridge and hands one to Bucky.
"I'm kidding," Bucky says as he accepts the bottle. Their fingers connect briefly, and Sam wishes they could live in this moment forever. No threats on their lives, no drama, just each other.
"Well I'm serious about you coming back. You up for it?" Sam asks.
"Definitely," Bucky nods before taking a sip from his beer. "Just let me tie up some loose ends in Brooklyn, then I'm all yours," he winks.
It's a common phrase, Sam realizes, but it still causes a sudden warmth to bloom in his chest.
I'm all yours.
Yeah, he could get used to that.
"Works for me," Sam says as he sets his beer down and turns his attention to the sink.
Bucky's words keep replaying in his head like a broken record: I'm all yours…I'm all yours...I'm all yours… so Sam has to occupy his hands before he does something reckless.
"Here, let me help," Bucky offers as he grabs a clean dish towel and joins Sam by the sink.
Bucky's 'help' turns out to be nothing but a distraction since he's pressed up against Sam's side, warm and solid. Sam's not really sure when Bucky started wearing cologne, but the one he's got on right now smells familiar. It's probably one of his own, Sam distantly realizes, since they both showered just before dinner.
Bucky hadn't brought much with him besides a single change of clothing, so he likely hadn't packed many toiletries.
"Are you wearing my cologne?" Sam asks out of curiosity, not that he minds in the least. Bucky usually just smells like fabric softener, which always makes Sam want to hold him close and breathe him in.
"Yeah," Bucky admits, "I hope you don't mind. I didn't bring any, so I just wanted to smell nice."
"You do," Sam says as he nudges Bucky's shoulder. What he doesn't dare mention is the fact that Bucky smells exactly like he probably would if he woke up in Sam's arms, with their combined scents mingling together. "You look nice, too," he adds in what he hopes is an appreciative tone.
Since Bucky neglected to pack anything to sleep in, he's wearing one of Sam's favorite T-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. The shirt is a bit snug, but it clings to him in all the right places.
"Thanks," Bucky blushes as Sam hands him some plates to dry.
"You're welcome," Sam says while trying his best not to think about how much better that shirt would look on his bedroom floor.
"Do you think Sarah would share her beignet recipe with me?" Bucky asks a moment later.
"Doubtful," Sam snickers. "She's definitely taking that one to the grave with her. Hell, I don't even know it," he confesses.
"Oh," Bucky frowns. "Well, maybe she can still teach me how to make 'em even if we use a different recipe," he muses. "They're so goddamn addictive."
Shaking his head, Sam says, "they'll never be the same. You need water from the bayou to make them just right."
"Bullshit," Bucky scoffs as he gives Sam a playful shove.
"Hey, don't mock the process," Sam laughs, "but I can teach you if you really want to learn."
"Cool," Bucky grins. "I did a lot of cooking when I was in the Army. I wasn't half bad at it, actually."
"I can see that about you," Sam nods. "Especially living in Brooklyn. I bet you'll turn into one of those foodie snobs in no time."
"Nah," Bucky shakes his head, "I've never been too picky when it comes to food. My ma always taught me to eat whatever was put in front of me, so I doubt I'll ever become a snob about it."
"Sounds like she raised you right, then," Sam smiles.
"Guess so," Bucky agrees as he ducks his head shyly.
They work in companionable silence for the next few minutes, with Sam washing the dishes and then handing them over for Bucky to dry. The kitchen has a nice, wide sink, but no luxuries such as a dishwasher. That's fine with Sam, though. He's glad Sarah chose to preserve the original architecture, rather than overload the house with too many modern fixtures.
"Are there any more dishes left?" Sam asks a little while later as he's rinsing off some forks.
"Nope," Bucky says as he reaches around Sam and shuts off the tap. "All done," he adds in a low voice as he anchors his hands on Sam's hips and presses himself close.
It's so unexpected that it shocks Sam into dropping the forks back into the sink.
"Shit," he curses as soapy water splashes the front of his T-shirt.
"Sorry," Bucky laughs, clearly aware of the effect he's having on Sam.
"No you're not," Sam fires back because Bucky knows exactly what he's doing.
"No, I'm really not," Bucky purrs as he tucks his face into the curve of Sam's neck.
Sam had forgotten how sexy the scrape of stubble could feel. Sweet Jesus.
"Are you nuzzling me?" Sam tries to play it cool, but his voice betrays him by cracking slightly.
"Mmmhmm," Bucky confirms as he rests his chin on Sam's shoulder. "Just let me know if this makes you uncomfortable, and I promise I'll stop."
"Okay," Sam says a bit shakily, "did you accidentally eat some catnip?" Friendly touches are pretty common between them now, but there's absolutely nothing platonic about the way Bucky's got him pressed up against the counter.
Bucky chuckles at that while slipping his hands under Sam's shirt and trailing them over the smooth skin just above Sam's waistband. "I'm fine, Sam."
"Well something's up," Sam insists, but he doesn't pull away.
"Not yet," Bucky leers as he gives Sam's hips a squeeze. "But maybe if you play your cards right."
"Buck," Sam freezes, because that is entirely possible to misinterpret, "are you flirting with me?"
"Well, if you have to ask, then I'm obviously doing it wrong," Bucky laughs again. "I was a lot smoother back in the forties, I swear."
"You're doing fine," Sam praises as he melts into Bucky's touch. "You just caught me off guard, that's all."
"I'm full of surprises, sweetheart," Bucky whispers as he grazes his lips against Sam's neck.
Sam can't help shivering at the touch, because Bucky's lips are a warm contrast to the crisp evening breeze filtering through the open windows. The sweet scent of gardenias fills the air as Sam tries to calm his racing heart.
It's just Bucky, he thinks, which would have completely unnerved him once upon a time. Now it's a familiar comfort, like his favorite sweater, or the melodic sound of his nephews' laughter. Still, he can't seem to contain the flutter in his chest because he knows they're crossing a line that they've been cautiously avoiding for years.
"I like surprises," Sam says as he turns around and grips Bucky by the front of the T-shirt. The fabric is soft, and he can feel the heat from Bucky's skin seeping through it.
"I like you," Bucky counters as he cradles Sam's jaw with one hand. With the other, he hooks his fingers into Sam's belt loops and hauls him closer.
"I like you too," Sam admits as he drops his hands down and settles them on Bucky's waist.
"Glad we're on the same page," Bucky grins as he sweeps his thumb over Sam's cheek. "Would it be terribly old-fashioned of me to ask for permission to kiss you?"
"Yes," Sam says, eyes sparkling with delight, "but I sure hope that's not gonna stop you."
"Consider this my formal request, then," Bucky winks as he tilts Sam's face up.
"Permission granted, Sergeant," Sam murmurs just before Bucky kisses him. It's a slow, sweet drag of their lips at first, then Bucky carefully changes the angle as he cups the back of Sam's neck and deepens the kiss.
Sam lets out a whimper as he reaches up to run his fingers through Bucky's hair. It's the shortest it's ever been since Sam has known him, but he loves it like this. Bucky barely looks older than he did in the forties, and he's still every bit as handsome.
"Finally," Bucky pants shakily against Sam's mouth. "God, I've been wanting to do that for so long."
"Me too, baby," Sam replies as he wraps his arms around Bucky's neck.
"Well then, I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time," Bucky suggests as he leans in for another kiss. It's every bit as sweet as the first one but slightly less gentle as he pins Sam to the counter and rocks their hips together.
"Fuck," Sam groans as he pulls back suddenly and rubs Bucky's cheek. He can hear the TV upstairs so he knows that someone is still awake. Probably Sarah, but it could easily be the boys since it's not even that late. "As much as I really want to take this further, we can't right now. Not until we're sure that everyone's asleep."
"Sweetheart," Bucky says as he slides forward and nudges their noses together. "You don't owe me any explanations. This is your house and I would never want to make anything weird for you and your family. Especially for you, Sam."
"I know," Sam nods, "and I really appreciate that. I just wish we had some privacy, that's all."
"We will," Bucky smiles while adding, "they've gotta fall asleep sometime, right?"
"Right," Sam laughs as he kisses Bucky softly. "You're amazing, you know that? Just in case I don't tell you enough."
"Wait, does that mean I'm not as annoying as you like to pretend I am?" Bucky teases.
"No," Sam grins brightly, "you're definitely still annoying."
Bucky rolls his eyes fondly as he reaches for Sam's hand and steers him into the living room. "Well you're no picnic either, baby doll," he says finally as he drops down onto the couch and pulls Sam into his arms.
"Must be why we're perfect for each other, huh?" Sam winks as he settles onto Bucky's lap and kisses him again.
"Must be," Bucky agrees as he wraps his arms around Sam's neck and kisses him back.
"So, there's something I wanted to talk to you about," Bucky tells Sam a while later when they're curled up on the couch watching TV.
"What is it?" Sam asks as he sits up and turns to face Bucky. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," Bucky replies. "But I kinda broke the lease on my apartment, so that's why I'm heading back to Brooklyn. There's not much left in it, honestly, but I have to pick up the rest of my stuff and then just turn in my keys. I could use some company though if you wanna come with me?"
"Of course, baby," Sam says as he reaches out and squeezes Bucky's knee. "Oh shit, I should probably check for a last-minute flight, though."
"No need," Bucky tells him. "I, uh, kinda hoped you'd say yes, so I already got you a ticket."
"And what if I said no?" Sam challenges.
"Oh," Bucky frowns, "then guess I'd just go alone and miss you the whole time."
"Who knew you were such a drama queen?" Sam smirks while leaning in to kiss Bucky's pout away. "I'm kidding, baby; I'd love to go with you. But wait, where are you moving to then?"
"Well," Bucky blushes, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I used to love living in New York, but it's changed a lot since I was a kid. It's too damn loud, for one," he laughs. "That, or maybe I'm just not cut out for big city life anymore."
"So, you're leaving the city," Sam says, but it's not a question. He tried to talk Bucky out of moving there in the first place, but he figured it must have been a comfort thing. It's the only place Bucky has ever lived, so it made sense that he'd end up there, at least for a little while.
"Yeah," Bucky nods. "It's just not home to me anymore. I mean, I guess it hasn't been for the last eighty years, so I think it's time to move on."
"So where did you have in mind?" Sam asks. He doesn't want to assume anything, but he suddenly feels pretty hopeful about what Bucky may be getting at.
"Here," Bucky says while brushing his lips against Sam's. "You're home to me, so I just wanna be wherever you are, baby. I already looked up some apartment listings earlier and I found a few that looked promising. I mean, if you're cool with all of this. I don't want to make you feel pressured, or make things weird, or - "
Sam cuts him off with a kiss so intense that it leaves them both completely breathless.
"Bucky," Sam pants a moment later. "Are you kidding me? You know I hated the idea of you living all alone in Brooklyn, and I hope you know that I always want you around me."
"Always?" Bucky blushes as he shifts closer and rubs his nose against Sam's.
"Always," Sam repeats as he tilts his head and kisses Bucky again. "You're not gonna need that apartment, though."
"I won't?" Bucky says while giving Sam a teasing grin. "How come?"
"Well," Sam explains as he hauls Bucky off of the couch and leads him over to the window. From there, they have a perfect view of the backyard which is bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. "I was actually thinking about building a place for us. We own this land and there's plenty of extra room," he adds while gesturing out the window. "So I was thinking we could build an extension for ourselves, sort of like a guest house. That way, we'll have our privacy, but we can still be near Sarah and the boys. What do you think?"
"I think that sounds like a goddamn amazing plan to me," Bucky says as he turns to wrap his arms around Sam and pull him close. "I haven't known your family for even a whole day yet but I already love them almost as much as I love you," he smiles before leaning in for another kiss.
"Whoa," Sam gasps. "You love me?"
"So much," Bucky nods. "I know it's probably way too soon to say it, but - "
"No, it isn't," Sam disagrees as he gently trails his fingertips over the scruff on Bucky's jaw, "not if you really mean it."
"I've honestly never meant anything more," Bucky murmurs as he steals another kiss. This one is just a quick peck, but Sam still feels it all the way down to his toes.
"Bucky, I - "
"I don't expect you to say it back," Bucky quickly interjects before Sam can even get a word in. "I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me, sweetheart. I know I'm not good with words, and okay, most of the time I'm just not good at expressing myself in general, but - "
"Bucky," Sam tries a little more firmly this time as he rubs the back of Bucky's neck. "I love you too. I've known it since Wakanda for sure, but probably even before that, honestly. You may be a pain in my ass sometimes, but you're the only one I trust with my heart," he finishes as he tugs Bucky forward and kisses him deeply.
"Holy shit," Bucky says as he pulls back and gives Sam a hopeful look. "You love me? Like really?"
"Really," Sam nods as he reaches for Bucky's hand and drags him back over to the couch. "I know it's been a while since we've talked about it," he continues once they get settled, "but I honestly don't know where I'd even be right now if it weren't for you. I was really struggling to accept how much life had changed after the blip, but you," Sam pauses as he turns toward Bucky and scoots closer, "you were my knight in shining armor. Literally," he emphasizes as he reaches for Bucky's vibranium hand and squeezes it. "Thank you, baby. That really meant a lot to me, just in case I don't say it enough."
"Sweetheart, you of all people have nothing to thank me for," Bucky says. "You deserve the world, Sam Wilson, he whispers as he takes hold of Sam's jaw and kisses him again.
"Thank you," Sam pants between kisses. "It's not a competition, but you know you deserve nice things too, right?"
Bucky smiles softly as he leans back and grips Sam by the shoulders. "Baby, I've already got everything I could ever possibly need or want right here."
The with you part goes unspoken, but Sam hears it anyway.
"I love you," Bucky continues as he gives Sam's shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "When I escaped from HYDRA, I never dreamed that I could be happy again, or that I'd fall in love and have a shot at a normal life. Not that anything about our lives is exactly normal," he laughs.
"No, definitely not," Sam agrees, "but we make it work."
"We sure do, sugar," Bucky says as he drops a kiss on Sam's shoulder.
"So how about it?" Sam asks as he reaches for Bucky's hand and laces their fingers together. "Do you think you could be happy here in Delacroix?"
"I don't care where we live," Bucky says as he slides onto Sam's lap. "Here, New York, Wakanda, fucking Mars, even. Delacroix is amazing, but honestly, I'll be happy wherever we are as long as you're there with me," he finishes as he tilts Sam's face up for a kiss.
"You know we don't have any of those fancy sushi joints here, right? Or those hipster coffee shops that you love so much," Sam teases.
"That's okay," Bucky grins as he presses a trail of kisses up Sam's neck. "I make damn good coffee actually, and I happen to know of a fantastic place to get seafood. The owners are a little grumpy, but you learn to love 'em."
"Is that so?" Sam pretends to glare as he pokes Bucky in the ribs.
"Yes it is," Bucky huffs while trying to squirm out of Sam's grasp. "And I think the one with the hot ass might have a crush on me."
"You better be talking about me," Sam smirks as he shoves Bucky backward and crawls on top of him.
"Only you, my love," Bucky says seriously as he wraps his arms around Sam's neck.
"Good answer," Sam winks as he bends down and kisses Bucky slowly. "I love you," he adds when he pulls back and rests their foreheads together.
Bucky smiles at that, sweet and soft and so ridiculously fond as he leans in and nuzzles Sam's cheek.
"I love you more."
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peppersonironi · 3 years
This Is… Exactly What It Looks Like
Part One: Rhodey
Sam silently prayed that Bucky had left his phone in their room. Or maybe he had headed out for errands?
Alas, the universe was not with Sam Wilson on that day.
As soon as Rhodey had pressed ‘call’ a ringing noise came from the other room. Specifically: a ring tone. And not just any ringtone. It was audio from a Life Alert commercial.
Sam silently cursed his outrageous sense of humor.
AKA: 5 times the Avengers found out Sam and Bucky were dating, and 1 time it was the public
It's my first Sambucy Fic! I hope you like it!
Now this fic was inspired by THIS post by @wenellyb. I thought it was hilarious, and just had to write it. Also, I adore these types of fics, so I just had to extend it out. I really hope you all enjoy it!
Quick note for some light language in this. And maybe it'll be ooc? idk. I really leaned into the more humorous sides of these characters, but I hope it remains good.
Read On Ao3
One of the best kept secrets in this modern day and age was that Sam Wilson is a little shit .
Case in point: he knew perfectly well that Bucky liked to make breakfast while Sam was out on a run for the both of them. And yet, today, he had decided to weaponize his knowledge that his boyfriend was most definitely not a morning person and go out early so that he would have enough time to make it himself.
If Sam were to tell Bucky exactly why, it would be some snarky remark about not liking his toast burned - it never was - or there wasn’t enough sugar in the coffee - there always was. But if Sam were to be honest with himself, he’d admit that he loved the look on Bucky’s face when he saw his favourite meal.
So that was how Sam found himself, at eight o’clock in the morning, chopping up a melon and waiting for his baked oatmeal to be ready. It was calm this early in the morning, peaceful.
So, of course, it was at that exact moment, just when Sam had had that thought, that a knock came at the door.
Sam sighed heavily but set down his knife, wiped his hands, and went to get the door.
“Rhodey?” Sam asked, a touch surprised to see him. Especially at his and Bucky’s apartment. And in the morning.
Rhodey nodded in greeting. “Hey, Sam. Are you busy?”
Sam frowned but gestured for Rhodey to come in. “Not really. What do you need?”
Rhodey sighed and rubbed his temples. “There’s been some chatter about arms dealers in Italy that’s been going on, and I was working on it, so they sent me to get you. You up for some Captain America-ing?”
“Sure,” Sam grinned, “When do we move out?”
“As soon as possible, if you can manage it.”
Sam glanced back at the oven, and his plans for that morning and sighed internally. But he knew this is what he had signed up for. And he loved the job, he really did. He just wished Rhodey had waited a few more hours.
Sam nodded. “Alright, let me grab my stuff. Any other stops we’re making?”
Rhodey shook his head, “I don’t think anyone else is available at the moment.” He paused to consider, pursing his lips together. “Actually, have you talked to Bucky recently? I think he would be very useful on this mission, we need all the help we can get.”
Sam shrugged as casually as he could manage. He did want to lie to Rhodey, but… the alternative was less that ideal.
Rhodey nodded. “You know what? I think I’ll give him a call, see if he’s available.”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“I don’t if that’s-”
But it was too late. Rhodey had already grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialed, and lifted it to his ear.
Sam silently prayed that Bucky had left his phone in their room. Or maybe he had headed out for errands?
Alas, the universe was not with Sam Wilson on that day.
As soon as Rhodey had pressed ‘call’ a ringing noise came from the other room. Specifically: a ring tone. And not just any ringtone. It was audio from a Life Alert commercial.
Sam silently cursed his outrageous sense of humor.
Rhodey glanced over towards the noise, and Sam followed, and died a little bit inside.
Set out on the coffee table in their living room, with the extra wide screen that Sam had gotten because “it’s easier on your old man eyes”, was Bucky’s phone. Lit up. WIth Rhodey’s name prominently displayed, announcing to all the world that the colonel was calling.
Rhodey and Sam slowly turned their gazes back to each other, staring in silence.
Neither moved.
The only sound in the room was Bucky’s phone, still playing “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
Slowly, the song faded out and the phone in the other room went dark. Rhodey lowered his own cell from his ear and pocketed it. All the while maintaining eye contact with Sam.
Neither spoke.
The house was silent.
Or at least, it was until a low groaning came from one of the hallways. For the first time in the past two minutes, Rhodey and Sam tore their gazes away from each other and directed them to the lumbering form of one Bucky Barnes, who had just woken up for the first time and was dressed in pajamas to match.
“Hey sweetheart?” Bucky asked, rubbing his eyes. “Was that my phone ringing?”
When no answer came, Bucky glanced fully into the kitchen, and realised what was going on.
“Oh. Hi, Rhodey.”
Rhodey nodded in greeting. “Hi, Bucky.”
This time the silence that followed was three times as suffocating. The three men stood in awkward positions, no one quite sure what to do or say.
Sam glanced back at the oven, begging his baked oatmeal to be ready.
Bucky eyed Rhodey and then the coffee maker, debating how impolite it would be to go over and drink from the pot.
Rhodey glanced between the two men, who apparently lived together and called each other “sweetheart” and were most definitely not what he was expecting that morning, and felt way out of his depth.
“Am I… interrupting something?” Rhodey finally asked.
Sam sighed heavily. “Only breakfast.”
He took this as his cue to go back around the island and finish chopping up the melon. As he did so, he shot a look at Bucky.
“Buck, Rhodey here needs us to go to Italy. Are you up for it?”
Bucky narrowed his eyes ever so slightly and gave a sharp yet shallow nod.
“I’m gonna need a verbal response over here,” Sam said tiredly, and Rhodey got a feeling this wasn’t the first time that the couple had had this exchange. And they were a couple, right?
Bucky narrowed his eyes even more at Rhodey before he began to slowly edge past the visitor and into the kitchen. He didn’t blink a single time.
Sam didn’t seem the least bit bothered as he kept chopping up fruit. He offered up a piece for Bucky when he came up to his side, and the former assassin plucked it from the captain’s fingers.
Bucky kept staring at Rhodey as he lifted the piece of melon to his lips, and took a slow, methodical bite.
Rhodey closed his eyes for a long moment and took a deep breath. For the first time he was thankful for Tony’s crazy phase, it had given the man much practice in patience.
Ten seconds later, when Rhodey was thoroughly sure that he had calmed himself down, he opened his eyes.
Bucky was still staring at him.
Rhodey almost swore in his moment of surprise. What was up with this guy? Did Hydra replace his eyelids along with his arm? Did he have some kind of second eyelid? Yeah, that must be it. Bucky was part crocodile.
Sam huffed out a small laugh, albeit slightly uncomfortable. “Hey, Buck?” He said, “You can blink now.”
Bucky blinked and shook his head slightly as he tore his gaze away from Rhodey and toward Sam. He visibly softened, his face completely transforming. He wasn’t quite smiling, but it was close.
If Rhodey were a weaker man, or maybe a fangirl, he would have gone: “Awwww!”
He settled for a knowing smile.
“You two been together very long?” He asked as casually as possible.
The couple pulled their eyes away from each to look back at Rhodey, and said colonel was getting the distinct impression that they might have forgotten he was there.
“A while,” Bucky said grudgingly.
Sam rolled his eyes, smiling.
Ah, there was a story there wasn’t there?
But, alas, Rhodey decided that he’d just stick to the point. “I’m happy for you both, really.”
“Thanks, Rhodey.” Sam smiled.
Just then the timer beeped over the oven, and Sam glanced back. Finally! His baked oatmeal was ready!
Sam pulled open the oven door then reached over to his right to grab an oven mitt when Bucky came right up behind him and used his metal hand to pull out the pyrex baking dish.
A wink and smirk, and the breakfast oats were placed on the top of the stove where it could cool off.
“Not that this scene of domestic bliss isn’t adorable,” Rhodey called, “But… arms dealers? Italy? Time sensitive? The bomb threat?”
Now that sure got the pair’s attention.
“There’s a bomb threat?!”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!”
Tagging: @fanficmaniatic
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insaneasgardian · 3 years
Haircut Of Love - Sambucky
Summary: Confessions are made, and lives are changed the day Sam gives Bucky a haircut.
Genre: FLUFF
Warnings: Bucky being slightly sad while thinking of Steve, Bucky thinking that his feelings for Sam are unrequited (they're not), Idiots in love.
A/N: I have actually worked on this for longer than I should've XD A big thank you to @cassiecasyl and @aixabi for being such great friends and helping me out by proofreading, and making suggestions!
He knew he should've stopped Bucky tagging along, but the moment that infamous, "I'm coming with you!" so eagerly left the super soldier's lips, Sam knew it was pointless to persuade him to stay behind.
Not that he really minded, the mission he'd been assigned with was a tough one, and it would've been lonely if Bucky hadn't been so adamant about accompanying him.
Sam stared into the fireplace and focused on the embers as he let his thoughts wander. There were some terrible people to be stuck with in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, but Bucky certainly wasn't one of them. He was an interesting character for sure, and Sam was sure he still didn't know a whole lot about him, but their relationship had developed all the way from 'a couple of guys' to 'almost best friends'.
"Hey", came the voice of the man Sam had so deeply been thinking of. He turned around with that signature smirk he reserved especially for Bucky, and watched with delight as the White Wolf turned a light pink color, and it wasn't because of the cold.
"I thought you might want to catch a shower, the water's nice and warm" the brunette said, and Sam nodded as he noticed his friend's damp hair from his own shower.
"Man, you need a haircut" Sam remarked, and much to his pleasure elicited a chuckle from Bucky.
"Do I?"
"It has gotten kind of longer..."
"Well, it's not easy to find a hairdresser in the forest"
"I could cut it for you"
The words slipped from his mouth before he could stop himself, and he didn't miss the way Bucky's widened ever so slightly. Sam internally scolded himself, feeling that he'd made things awkward somehow.
There was a slight pause in the atmosphere, but the ex Winter-Soldier eventually smiled. It was a weak smile, but genuine nonetheless.
"I'd like that," he told his friend, "would you mind?".
Sam shook his head, a bit too enthusiastically, and that made Bucky raise his eyebrows
“I can do it now if you want, so I don’t get your greasy ass hair all over me after I’ve gotten out of the shower”, Sam casually slipped in to look less ecstatic than he really was.
Bucky scoffed and crossed his arms at the statement, but his grin only grew wider.
“So… are you gonna give me something to cut your hair with?” his friend asked him, making a scissor snipping motion with his fingers.
The brunette’s lips tugged downwards into a frown and bit his lip as he often did when pondering. Sam couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to the bottom lip in between those pearly white teeth, but he forced himself to snap out of it.
After a brief moment, Bucky snapped the fingers on his vibranium arm and turned to walk towards the room he was staying in. “Wait there!”, he had instructed Sam, who had no intention of getting up from the comfortable position he was in anyway.
Promptly, Bucky had returned, clutching a pair of scissors that Sam immediately identified as a pair of Captain America themed kiddie scissors he had recently bought for his nephew, AJ. He burst out cackling.
“What’s so funny Samuel?” the White Wolf pouted, plopping next to his friend who was dying of laughter.
“You stole that from AJ didn’t you?” Sam pried, inwardly dancing at the thought that his secret crush would want something with his face on it.
“Psh, no… I permanently borrowed it, that’s all”, Bucky insisted, moving from the couch to sit on the floor in front of Sam’s legs so that the other man would be able to cut his hair with more ease.
“Mhm”, Sam hummed, already weaving a piece of Bucky’s hair between his fingers, and snipping it off, just like that. It seemed easy enough, so he kept on going, chopping bits of hair here and there, trimming the areas which really needed it, and taking care not to overdo the cut and end up making Bucky look bald in certain places. He was doing quite well considering that he was equipped with nothing but a pair of small, blunt kiddie scissors, which Sam was certain professional hairdressers did not use
A lovely period of pure silence fell in between the two men. The only sounds were the scissors delicately doing their job of cutting the brown locks, accompanied by the gentle crackle of the fireplace, creating a relaxing atmosphere.
“Steve used to cut my hair, you know… Used to do it all the time in the 40’s” Bucky said, breaking the silence. Sam froze in his movements, but only for a second. It was rare for this man, who had been through so much to talk about his past like this.
“We’d sit outside on the street in the summer, he’d be on a chair with his scissors and I’d sit down in front of him, punk gave a damn good haircut to be honest”, he continued, and Sam chuckled.
“People would give us dirty looks as they walked by, it wasn’t uncommon for people to think Steve and I were a couple, but it was frowned upon to be in a same-sex relationship back then… sometimes still is of course”, his tone was now sad, as if he wanted to admit something, but was refraining from doing so. Sam stopped what he was doing, and set down the scissors, obviously sensing the shift in the atmosphere.
“Still, Steve and I were just friends, that’s all he’d ever wanted to be anyway”, Bucky finally finished.
Sam got off the couch, and slipped down onto the floor next to the 107 year old. “And what about you? Did you ever want to be more than friends?”
Bucky ran a hand over his face, which donned a neutral expression, “It’s complicated Sam… I’d be into a girl one second and thinking about Steve the next”.
Sam gently nudged Bucky’s shoulder with his own, and gave him a small smile, “Bisexual then?”, he questioned.
The other man nodded, and looked at Sam with a grin now gracing his features, “Yea, but you know what? I forgot all about Steve…” he paused to dart his tongue out his mouth and wet his lips, “The day I met another guy I haven’t been able to stop thinking about”.
Sam’s world shattered the moment those words left Bucky’s lips. The thought that the man he had pined after for so long was yearning for another made him want to burst into tears right there. However, Sam Wilson was not the kind of man to be salty over the choices of others. So he kept on the smile he had been wearing the entire time his heart broke over and over again. Yet, he had been so absorbed in his own mind that he failed to notice the longing glances Bucky was shooting at him, the ones he had been giving Sam ever since he first met him.
“Happy you could get that sorted out for you man!” He said brightly, patting Bucky’s back and climbing back onto the couch to resume the haircut.
The ex winter soldier was dumbfounded. Had Sam not noticed how he felt? What if he had? What if he didn’t appreciate the advances?
There was stillness once more, but this time it was incredibly awkward. The two sat absorbed in the silence, no longer so focused on their own thoughts, but on every movement and action the other did.
“All done,” Sam finally said, and gestured towards the large wall mirror in the living room. Bucky looked into it, and nodded.
“You’ve done a nice job, thanks”, he mumbled.
“No problem” Sam told him, getting up from the couch. “I’m going to go take a shower now”, and with that, he rose and climbed the stairs to get to the bathroom. The footsteps faded away and when Bucky heard the bathroom lock click shut, he leaned his back against the couch with a sigh. He ran a tired hand over his face.
What had he done wrong? He’d watched all the movies, read all the books and listened to all the music Sam had suggested. He’d come to see Sam’s family as his own, he cherished Sarah, AJ and Cas with all his heart.
Hell, he’d even taken dating advice from Zemo…. Maybe that’s where he’d gone wrong.
Bucky wasn’t sure. He may have lost the charm he had back in the 40’s, but Sam had always accepted him for who he was. He never questioned Bucky’s past, or forced him to be more social and open. That’s the reason Bucky developed more than platonic feelings towards him. He was so easy to be around.
However, the white wolf figured that if Sam didn’t want anything to do with him romantically, the least he could do was to maintain the relationship status they had now. Not to mention, he had the perfect way to do that.
Mac and cheese. Sam’s favorite food.
A grin grew on his face as he scrambled to the kitchen. It was a tasty and easy thing to cook and would be done before Sam even got out of the shower. Bucky proceeded to locate all the necessary ingredients they had brought to the cabin, and got straight to work.
It wasn’t a difficult job at all. With his swift speed, and his mind set only on the task before him, he was done within minutes. He even managed to get two servings plated beautifully, and just in time too, because as he finished setting the table, Sam descended the stairs and made his way into the kitchen. A smile was drawn on his face at the smell of the meal, and all the previous tension seemed to have dissipated.
“Smells good in here!” he exclaimed, his eyes then landed on the beautifully presented plates of mac and cheese. He gasped and clapped his hands like an excited child, and Bucky couldn’t help but laugh. He thought it was adorable.
“Alright, alright, take a seat Sammy,” Bucky said, gesturing to the bar stools next to the kitchen island which the food rested on.
Both of them rushed to sit down and dig into their dinner. Bucky watched his friends expression as he took the first bite of his food.
Sam’s eyes closed in pure bliss, as his taste buds thanked him. “Buck, this is heaven in my mouth, tastes even better than what Sarah makes”.
Bucky blushed, but quickly tried to hide it with a chuckle, “Sarah’s my teacher, I owe it to her”.
Sam nodded at the statement, but commented no more on the topic. Instead, he took another bite and made eye contact with Bucky. “So… who’s this guy you’ve been crushing on?” he inquired.
Bucky was taken aback by the question, he blinked rapidly, “huh?” he mumbled, earning an eye roll from Sam.
“Listen man, I’ve never pressured you to tell me anything before, but we can’t pretend like that conversation didn’t happen” Sam said gently, setting his cutlery down, and reaching a hand over to place it on Bucky’s vibranium one.
The brunette gulped, closed his eyes, and took two deep breaths. He’d have to get it out. Or else it would slowly kill him to watch Sam find someone else. Even if his feelings were unrequited, the man had a right to know.
“It’s you” he said quietly before he could chicken out.
Sam slowly blinked, and shook his head, “Sorry, repeat that?”.
Bucky groaned and looked up from his plate which he’d been staring at the entire time. He gazed into Sam’s doe brown eyes with his own piercing blue ones, “It’s you! You’re the guy I’ve been crushing on!” he agitatedly replied.
Once more, there was that silence that seemed to be consuming the two of them so much lately. Bucky wanted to cry, to hide the humiliation. He was certain that Sam’s lack of words meant he didn’t feel the same, because Sam always had something to say.
“Forget it,” Bucky choked out, getting up from his seat, but Sam’s hand tightened its grip on his wrist, stopping him from getting away. The super soldier turned around slowly, trying not to make eye contact with Sam so that he wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes.
Then, all of a sudden, Sam rose from his seat and his lips met Bucky’s in what was a tender, loving kiss which shocked the latter, but he readily returned it. They stayed like that for a while, embracing each other as their arms snaked their way around each other's torsos. It was a moment neither of them wanted to break, but were forced to. Eventually, when they pulled apart gasping for air, they looked at each other in surprise, but merriment. Wide beams adorned both of their gorgeous faces, and their eyes glinted with excitement.
“So…” Bucky began, “you were desperate to get a piece of me, why, is it the new hair?” he said teasingly.
“The next time I give you a haircut, it’s gonna be turned into a mullet”, Sam threatened, making the other man raise his hands in surrender.
The mac and cheese was long forgotten as they clutched each other once again. Their hearts were bubbling and overflowing with love for one another, and it was not a love that was going to fizzle and die out. They fit perfectly in each other’s arms, like it’s where they belonged.
Two men, who had their own individual problems denying them a place to be truly content in the world, had finally found their refuge in each other.
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pomegranatebitch · 3 years
make it better, make it better
sambucky┃2k words┃mentioned civilian death
Summary: Sam comes home from a hard day of being Captain America, and while Bucky can’t shoulder the burden for him, he can take care of his boyfriend and show him he’s loved
((Just soft sambucky, Bucky taking care of Sam because he fucking deserves it))
“I can’t do it. I can’t fucking do it anymore!”
Sam came bursting into their shared Louisiana apartment at a full 10. He ripped the wings off his back with such force Bucky thought he might break them even though he knew they were indestructible. Sam practically threw the shield across the floor like it had burned him, crashing it into the kitchen table.
Bucky quickly rose from where he’d been half paying attention to a late night Golden Girls marathon while waiting for Sam to get home. Blanche and Rose bickered quietly in the background while Sam huffed out rapid breaths, desperately trying to yank the suit off with shaking hands.
“I can’t get this fucking thing off!” He nearly yelled into their otherwise still apartment.
Bucky approached him tentatively, hands out but unsure what to do with them. “Here, let me help—”
“I got it! Just don’t— I…” Sam snapped but the fight drained out of him as soon as it had appeared. He stumbled to the living room and sat down heavily on the couch, his face buried in his hands as he hunched over himself. The soft chatter of the TV was the only noise in the room as Bucky stood frozen, watching Sam’s back rise and fall with slow deliberate breaths.
After a minute of dead silence, Bucky circled around the couch slowly, clicking the TV off and gingerly sitting down on the opposite side of the couch, leaving plenty of room between them.
When Sam finally spoke, his voice cracked with unshed tears. “I can’t do it anymore.” Even with his super hearing, Bucky had to strain to hear him.
Bucky nodded slowly, though Sam wouldn’t have been able to see him, still hiding his face with his palms. “Can you tell me what happened?” Bucky whispered.
At that, Sam laughed. But it wasn’t his usually sunshine-filled, pure joy laugh. This was dark, sarcastic. Exhausted. “What didn’t happen?” He bit back.
It took a minute and several more deep breaths but he finally continued.
“I was in Dallas on an emergency call, supposedly some threat against a Senator’s life and I got called in. Fuck, it was half pony show and half media circus. They didn’t need me there. They just wanted Captain America standing behind some politician trying to pass some bill with some agenda, hell I don’t even know.
“Then they had a press conference and stuck me in front of a microphone. Some reporter…I don’t know who…he asked why I’d chosen to stay there in Dallas rather than help with the evacuations in Miami.”
Bucky made a small, confused noise but otherwise let Sam go on.
“Apparently, while I was being paraded around for some asshole Senator who probably didn’t need any extra protection in the first place, someone set off a pipe bomb in a café in Miami. I didn’t even know about it until that reporter asked. They caught the guy in minutes but fourteen people were injured and one girl—” he had to pause to collect himself, “one girl died in the blast.”
Sam finally took his face out of his hands and turned to look toward Bucky. Silent tears were streaming down his face but his eyes looked like he was a thousand miles away. “I saw the news after the press conference, Buck. She was 20. She was studying aerospace engineering, had an internship at NASA this next summer. She looked—” a sob wracked his hunched frame, “she looked just like Sarah did when she a kid.”
At that, all the fight left Sam’s body and Bucky caught him in his arms, waiting to see if Sam might pull away and when he only curled around Bucky further, he pulled Sam even closer to his chest. Bucky could feel where tears were soaking through the shoulder of his t-shirt as he rubbed one hand soothingly in circles across Sam’s back, the other coming up to cup the back of his head.
Bucky didn’t say anything. There was nothing he could say to Sam that Sam didn’t already know himself. Sam knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent the attack. Sometimes terrible things just happened, and there wasn’t a rhyme or reason why. People died in tragic accidents and no amount of superheroes was ever going to change that.
Even if he’d flown to Miami the second the blast went off, it would have taken him hours to get there and by then first responders would have taken all the survivors to hospitals and with the perp detained, there would have been nothing left for Sam to do but stare at the rubble.
Bucky couldn’t change the events of the day, he couldn’t make Sam not secretly feel guilty for the young woman’s death, he couldn’t shoulder that burden for his partner. But he could sit with him here in this moment and just hold him while he cried.
And so he did.
Neither of them knew how much time had passed when Sam’s sobs turned to hiccups turned to sniffles. Bucky just stayed there with Sam wrapped in his arms until Sam finally peeled himself off Bucky and rubbed at his eyes.
“I’m sorry I snapped earlier,” Sam whispered.
“Don’t be,” Bucky replied definitively.
“I actually…could use some help getting out of the suit.”
Bucky offered his partner a half smile and gently led Sam from the couch into their shared bathroom. He started running a hot bath, adding in the lavender oils he knew Sam loved best.
In silence, Bucky undid all the hidden zippers and buckles that kept the vibranium suit in place and slowly peeled it off Sam’s body, stripping him too of his underclothes until Sam stood naked and dazed on the cool tile floors.
Bucky stepped in front of him, studying Sam’s face, searching for every little emotion written across his delicate features. Bucky reached up, running a thumb across Sam’s cheekbone, wiping away a stray tear as Sam blinked his eyes closed.
With one last check of the water’s temperature, Bucky helped Sam step into the tub and get settled, Sam’s eyes drifting shut under the comforting heat of the bath.
Bucky dropped a single kiss to Sam’s hair before pulling back. “Come out when you’re ready,” he whispered, not wanting to break the calm quiet.
Sam just nodded and slipped lower under the water and Bucky took that as his signal to go.
It was almost two hours until Sam finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and looking decidedly calmer and more present than before. Seeing the crisis had passed, Bucky unashamedly took a minute to admire his boyfriend, the planes of his stomach cutting sharply downward, gesturing to more, and his dark skin practically glowing in the soft light coming from the kitchen. And god, those arms. The things Bucky wanted Sam to do to him with those arms…well his brain was short circuiting a bit at the moment but he’d be sure to lay kisses over every inch of them as soon as he had Sam in bed with him.
When he spoke, Sam’s voice was still a bit gruff from crying hours ago and wow it should not have been as sexy as it was but it was doing things for Bucky. “I know it’s like 2am… but any chance there’s some leftovers or something in the fridge? Between the emergency call this morning and all the meetings and press conferences I don’t think I ever stopped for lunch. Hell, I’d bite into a raw onion right now just to get something to eat.”
Bucky laughed at that. “Slow down, Sammy. I’m sure we can get you something better than that,” he said, gesturing at the kitchen table.
“Is that—” Sam started, eyeing the mound of food that he hadn’t noticed when he came in.
“Two steak burritos from Delmar’s and a metric shit ton of chips and guac. Still don’t know why you like that stuff, tastes like baby food if you ask me.”
“Hush up, Delmar’s in sacred,” Sam said, already digging in to the feast while Bucky watched him with a dopey grin on his face.
Sam cut him a side glance. “Staring,” he grunted out between bites as he’d already inhaled the first burrito.
“Get used to it, Wilson.”
“Fuck, how’d you get it this late, I thought they closed at 11?”
Bucky shrugged. “You left in a hurry this morning, didn’t even grab coffee. If you’re forgetting coffee, you’re definitely gonna forget to eat. Got it ordered to here while I was waiting for you to come home.”
Sam finally paused just before shoving a massive tortilla chip in his mouth. “You ordered it here? Like what, on a delivery app?”
“You know, technology’s really not as hard as you think it is to learn. I mean, they make it easy enough for an idiot to use.”
“Oh so you’re finally admitting you’re an idiot?” Sam grinned.
“Your idiot,” Bucky smirked right back.
“Damn straight.”
Bucky eyed the empty tinfoil wrappers and crumpled paper bag, Sam having finished the meal in record time. “You sure you ain’t a supersoldier?”
Sam laughed, once again bright and warm. “Man, shut the hell up.”
“Make me.”
“Mm, that can be arranged.” Sam got up from his seat and the table and sauntered over to Bucky, still wrapped in only a towel that was slipping lower and lower down his hips.
The kiss Sam pressed to Bucky’s mouth was impossibly sweet, all the biting quips falling away as Sam pulled away, lingering just a hair’s breadth away from Bucky’s lips, nearly making Bucky moan in anticipation, though he caught the sound in his throat.
“Thank you,” Sam breathed. “For everything.” His eyes had fluttered closed but his brow was smooth and free from any stress that had craved it’s way there earlier.
“I’ll always be here for you,” Bucky murmured back. “Thank you for coming home to me.”
They stayed there in that moment, neither wanting to break the soft thing cradled between them, until a yawn forced it’s way over Sam’s face.
“Alright,” Bucky laughed, scooping Sam up with his hands under his thighs, Sam immediately responding by wrapping his legs around Bucky’s waist and grabbing Bucky’s face between his hands. “Bedtime for superheroes.”
“Make me,” Sam joked, but the words were cut short by yet another yawn.
Bucky just snorted as he lugged his half-naked boyfriend back into their bedroom, depositing him on their bed and turning to rifle through their dresser until he found a soft pair of flannel pyjama pants and a light pink durag and tossed both to his partner. Bucky detatched his prosthetic arm as he’d recently started doing more at night and laid the vibranium arm on top of the dresser.
Crawling into bed, Sam let Bucky pull his back to his chest with one strong hand until Sam was snuggly positioned under Bucky’s chin, their legs tangled together under the covers.
“You got anywhere to be tomorrow?” Bucky asked, easily falling into their usual short nightly discussion.
“Uh, got a briefing at 2 with Torres, but I should really get up at 6 for a run and—”
“Take the morning off, Sam. You need to sleep.” Bucky squeezed the arm he had thrown across Sam’s chest a little tighter. “The world can wait for Sam Wilson for another couple hours.”
“But—” Sam started.
“I’ll make pancakes if you agree to sleep in.”
Well now Sam was backed into a corner. Everyone knew Bucky’s blueberry pancakes were things of legend. He’d once seen AJ and Cass wrestle each other for the last one before Bucky broke it up by agreeing to make one more.
“Fine,” Sam huffed, sure that Bucky could hear the smile creeping into his voice. “But I’m out of bed by 10 or you’ll pay for it, Barnes.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Bucky teased.
When Sam finally drifted off to sleep, it was with a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth and his heart feeling lighter than it had all month.
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 14
Chapter 14: You Can Run
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Language, fighting verbally, sadness
-Words: 3.4k
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Chapter 14: You Can Run
Words: 3.4K
When Tom was mad, it was hot. His anger sometimes made you weak at the knees but now, he was fuming. There was nothing remotely sexy about Tom abandoning Parker, his only son.
Parker had been working with Angus Wilson, a sworn enemy of the Hollands, in an attempt to hurt Tom. Parker had been taking out Tom’s men, one by one by the order of Wilson. From the beginning there had been an unspoken rivalry between Wilson’s mob and the Hollands.
Wilson always trying to weasel his way into the inner workings of the mob and cause chaos. Nobody never knew he’d take as far as killing someone innocent just to get to Tom.
Tom’s feelings were divided straight down the middle. He was seething with anger from Parker’s reveal but he had never been so fearful in his entire life. For the past fews months, everything only escalated.
Starting with a somewhat threatening note to the death of Charlotte. In the end she was just collateral damage on a one-sided war.
To the planned murders of Tom’s soldiers. People he had chosen to protect him and his family. People he was close to.
To the death of a close friend. Jazz meant a lot to Tom, her being one of his first friends after joining the mob. They came up together among the ranks. Learning the rules one by one.
To orchestrated murder attempts on you and Tom. You multiple times. Seeing you half-dead lying in his arms, changed him. Only thinking about, coming home and having to tell Parker and Rosie you didn’t make it. He wouldn’t allow himself to be put in the position, he couldn’t.
Tom was selfish the day of the helicopter accident. Vowing to follow you, to be with you, if you died and leave everyone else behind. But his mind couldn’t just allow him to forget about Parker and Rosie though. He didn’t want to leave them, but he felt as though he didn’t have a choice.
At the moment he was granted the liberty to be selfish. Being free of the guilt of choosing to leave his kids. As you slowly lost the life inside you, his mind flooded with what if’s. What if he decided to die alongside you? Leaving Parker, Rosie, his family, and even Harrison and Henry distraught. But Tom had never known happiness where you weren’t in his life. You brought light and laughter into his dark and gloomy existence. You were someone he couldn’t live without.
Tom vowed to only to protect you, Parker and Rosie from now on. Torn by all the thoughts that roamed through his head, if Parker deserved any of this. Parker’s very soul has been tainted with blood and death. Exposing him to the mob might have been a mistake, one you will have to live with.
Tom didn’t see an outcome where someone didn’t end up shattered. Broken down by betrayal or loss. Parker had already broken his heart once today and he wouldn’t let him be the reason you or Rosie had lost their lives. Tom was now looking out for himself, you and Rosie. Parker was nothing more than a traitor.
“You can’t kick him out Tom,” you yelled, trying to calm Tom down.
“The hell I can’t,” Tom shouted, greater in volume.
“He is my son and I won’t allow it,” you said, holding your ground.
“Y/N, he has been working against me this entire time. Against us.”
“He stays.”
“He killed half my men. He killed Jazz.”
“So that’s what you’re really upset about your dead mistress.”
“I never slept with her and you know that. Parker can’t stay here, I can’t even at look at him.”
“I say he can. What are you gonna do? Hurt me? Because you didn’t get your way,” you quipped. You knew Tom would never lay a hand on you.
“No, love. I could never. But know this, from this moment on he is no longer my son,” Tom explained. It was up to you to mend the bridge Parker burned.
You walked out of the office, suddenly craving a drink. Something strong and potent to drown yourself in.
In some way, you understood where Tom was coming from. The mob lessons only started about 2 months ago and you realized that Parker was no longer your sweet loving boy.
Parker, as a child, was always carefree. Never desired the mob life. Scared to hurt even the most delicate butterfly. But now, you had lost sight of who your son was. Lying, sneaking out, back stabbing, all these things were something you and Tom never instilled in Parker.
When Parker first turned down the offer to take on the mantle, you were relieved, ecstatic actually. You knew it would crush Tom’s soul but your son would get to live a rather normal life. Tom definitely wouldn’t stand for it and banish Parker the moment he turned on him but at least Parker would be happy living a life on his own. Not living in the shadows, scared of what lurks behind every dark corner. He could find love and happiness, somewhere far away from here.
Hearing about all the horrible acts Parker has committed broke your heart. That night a few months ago, corrupted him. Inviting him to be a part of a table that he was never ready to play at.
“Mom, is dad in his office?” Parker asked timidly.
“Yes, but I don’t think it’s such a good idea you go in there,” you said, trying to comfort Parker.
“He has to talk to me eventually.”
“He will, he just needs time.”
“How long?” Parker asked. Tom refusing to acknowledge killed him.
“I don’t know —“ you said, but was cut off by Tom slamming his office door shut, hard enough to shake the paintings that adorned the walls.
“Dad, I’m sorry. Everything started when Charlotte died.” Parker stammered, trying to explain himself as quickly as possible as Tom came out his office for a brief second to freshen up glass of scotch.
“Not now Parker, I just ran out of scotch,” Tom said, brushing him off. “Dad please. Talk to me. Let me explain,” Parker begged.
“Parker, you put all our lives in danger. Your mom’s, Rosie’s and mine. I think you understand I can’t trust you anymore.”
“Dad, can we just talk?”
“No.” Tom said retiring back into his office. You didn’t see him for the rest of the night, until he finally stumbled his way up the stairs to your guys bedroom.
Having drunk himself silly though the hours. Finishing every bottle found in his office bar cart. Mixing various liquors such as, whiskey, scotch, bourbon, vodka. If it was in the Holland household he drank it dry.
The next day, he repeated the same process. His men would funnel throughout his office, mainly Haz. And Tom would only leave to freshen up his drink or retrieve the meal you had cooked for him. One time when Tom came back, he found Parker waiting for him in his office.
“Parker what are you doing in here?” Tom asked, annoyed to the last person he wanted to see.
“I need to talk to you,” Parker pleaded.
“I’m busy.”
“Doing what? Ignoring me,” Parker quipped.
“No. I’M FIXING THE MESS YOU FUCKING CREATED!” Tom screamed, letting all his frustrations out.
“Yell at me. At least you’re acknowledging me. I’m here. Yell at me,” Parker encouraged.
“You’re only here because your mother insisted you be. If it were up to me you’d be long gone. Parker, I’m not ready to talk about this. Please leave,” Tom begged.
He couldn’t face Parker yet. Not until he had a plan to deal with Wilson. Parker had conveniently left out the part of Wilson being dead.
Parker’s standing with Tom only grew worse. Coming from a normal father and son dynamic, morphing into a mentor and student to now pure chaos. Parker had no clue as to where he stood with his dad.
So he came to the person who knew Tom better than he knew himself, you. Parker knocked on your cracked door, finding you laying in bed invested in a book.
“Mom?” Parker murmured with teary eyes, hiding in the shadow of the doorframe. Shielded from the light.
“Parker? Oh baby come here,” you said, as you saw your son fighting back tears. How matter how old he gets he will always be your baby.
“He hates me,” Parker whispered, crying into your shoulder.
“No, your dad loves you,” you reassured.
“No, he doesn’t. He wishes I was dead,” Parker cried.
“Did he say that?” You questioned, a little agitated with Tom.
“No, but I know. Everything that has happened is my fault.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Mom, it was Wilson who caused the helicopter crash. You almost died. How do you not hate me also?” Parker exclaimed. He knew he really screwed up and didn’t know how to fix it.
“Like this. I love you. I’m your mom and I will always love you. I know you didn’t know Wilson was using you. You made a mistake,” you told him.
“Thank you mom, I love you. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I wish dad believed that.”
“I’ll talk to him and you’ll never lose me.” You held Parker in your arms a little longer. Cherishing the moment. It didn’t matter if he old he grew, you were still able to comfort him.
You made your way downstairs to confront your husband. Parker was more of an adult than Tom at that moment. Tom pouted like his toys had been taking away.
“Tom, we need to talk,” you said, coming into the office.
“Now’s not a good time,” Tom asserted, barely acknowledging you.
“When is it ever? You need to talk to Parker.”
“You don’t understand. I can’t be in the same room with him let alone look at him. What makes you think I can talk to him?” Tom explained. “Tom, he’s your son. Please just talk to him, for me. He thinks you hate him.”
“Y/N, I don’t understand why you aren’t mad. He almost got us killed!” Tom shouted, annoyed that you didn’t feel the same way. It was you who fought for your life the most in the helicopter accident.
“Tom, you can’t blame him for that. Wilson would’ve done it with or without him,” you exclaimed.
“I thought you were fucking dead. And that entire time we sat waiting for someone to come. All I could think about was how I encouraged you to go on the business trip. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room with me but, I made you get on that helicopter,” Tom cried, finally allowing the guilt to get to him.
When you came home, he was only focused on getting your memory back. And if he needed to be everyone’s shoulder to cry on, then he would. Not allowing himself to break. “Tom, you didn’t know—“ you tried to say but were cut off.
“You asked for a separate room at the hotel and refused to eat dinner with me. I thought we could make up on the flight back. Because you’d be confined to a space with me. That’s why I switched it to a helicopter ride instead the jet. Cause the view would be pretty. Give you one last nice memory together before you divorce me.” “I would have never, Tom.”
“I thought I was the reason, I almost lost you. The kids almost lost you. I blamed myself.” Tom cried, a few tears falling. “Tommy, I’m here now. I’m okay,” you whispered.
“Yes you are, but are son is actually the reason. And I can’t look at him without knowing he almost took away the most important thing to me. I’m sorry.”
“Tom, he was just a kid, still is. He needs you to tell you love him and forgive him. If I can forgive him, for almost costing me my life, twice. Can you?”
“Yes, darling. If you need me to, I can. Can you just come here for a second first?” Tom questioned, just wanting to forget everything and have you comfort him for a second.
“Yes.” “I just want to hold you,” Tom said, grabbing a hold of you. You always felt sane in Tom’s arms. Finding solace in the darkest of places. The warm embrace last a while as Tom would shift to get a better hold of you. Nuzzling his head in the crook of you neck as you fiddling with his hair and rubbed soothing circles into his back.
You were the only person Tom could be a hundred percent vulnerable with, besides himself. He complete broke in your arms. A few tears fell down his face as he moved to press soft kisses to your forehead.
“Tom, I love you and we will get through this,” you whispered, pressing your forehead against his. “I love you too, darling. I never knew love until I met you,” Tom soothed.
Rosie tried to avoid the family drama as much as possible. She was off in her own little world. Going on supervised dates with Henry around the city of London. Tom required men to be with them at all times. Henry refused it be his dad and Tom needed Haz at the mansion twenty-four seven.
Rosie would try to ditch her security as much as possible. Running from them and tell them she was going to the bathroom when she was going to the alley to make out with Henry.
As she and Henry were coming out a movie. They asked to take the back exit, pretending they were being followed.
“Excuse me miss, but do you mind if we take the employee exit? We think we are being followed by those men over there. Do you see them?” Rosie asked the concessions lady at the theater.
“Not at all. Yes, I see them. Want me to call the police?” She responded.
“No it’s ok. We just need to get home, our car is outside.”
“We lost them. Slow pokes,” Rosie chuckled as they exited to the alley.
“No I don’t feel guilty kissing you in front of them,” Henry muttered breaking away from the kiss.
A black SUV slowly pulled up next to them. It came to screeching halt in front of them and out came two tall, muscular men dressed in all black and one young man, dressed rather dashingly.
“Rosie Holland?” Barked the handsome mystery man.
“Umm… Who’s asking?” Rosie quipped “Someone who really needs to talk to your brother.” “My brother. What did he do know?” Rosie snapped annoyingly. “Oh believe me, something heinous…. Grab her.” Both the men, snuck up behind Rosie and Henry. Knocking them out with a swift knock to the head by the butt of their guns. They stashed Rosie in the backseat and left Henry alone in the alley.
Back at the manor, Tom swallowed his pride and finally approached Parker.
“Hey, Parker. Can I talk to you?” Tom asked. He’d been shutting Parker out this entire time, what would want to make him talk to him.
“Dad, I’m really not in the mood to be yelled at right now. I have made my peace with you, hating me,” Parker explained. “I’m trying to apologize.”
“Oh, sorry. You can continue,” Parker faltered.“I was over reacting, we’ve all
done things we aren’t proud of. I was just mad when I found out you were behind the murders of my men and the helicopter crash. But I realized you couldn’t have known about the crash. You never intended to hurt you mother and I. It’s my fault you went to Wilson,” Tom began. “Actually, I was trying to hurt you,” Parker interjected.
“Well, mission accomplished. Let’s just move on from this,” Tom assured
“Done and done,” Parker said with a tight lipped smile.
“I need a cigar,” Tom said, opening his humidor, pulling out a crisp cuban ,and lightning the end. “Mom, doesn’t like it when you smoke in the house. I specifically remember her saying Tom if you smoke in the house one more god damm time, I’m going to—” Parker mimicked you but was cut off. “Hey. Don’t talk about her like that. We owe our lives to your mother. Okay? What she doesn’t know won’t kill her. Want one?” Tom offered. “Are you sure?” “Yeah, I’ve kind of always wanted to share your first cigar with you. First time smoking anything.” “Well it’s not my first,” Parker mumbled, hiding his face. “Don’t ruin the moment.” Tom blurted.
“TOOOOMMMMM!!” You called out, busting into his office.
“Y/N? Honey, what’s wrong?” “They can’t find Rosie. Or Henry. Jared lost them. He just called the house to tell me,” you hyperventilated, talking so fast Tom and Parker could barely understand you.
“Woah baby, slow down. Take a few breaths. In and out, ]” Tom whispered trying to calm you down. Rubbing you back to soothe you. “Now, tell me. What happened?”
“Rosie is missing. Jared can’t find her. She and Henry went to the movies and then they got lost for a little and now they can’t find either of them.” You explained, tears prickling at your eyes.
“What? Haz, get in here!” Tom whisper-yelled, trying not to blast out you ear drums. As he was still holding you.
“What’s up? Oh my god, what’s wrong?” Haz questioned.
“Rosie and Henry are missing. I’m sorry Haz, but I need you to take the car and go around London looking for them. Take Parker with you. I’m going to stay here with Y/N.”
“Ok,” Haz couldn’t barely manage to speak two words. His son’s life was on the line. “Tom, we have find him. I can’t lose him. He’s all I have left.”
“Haz, we will. I promise,” Tom concluded as Haz left without saying another word.
Haz and Parker immediately got in the car and went to the movie theater, the place Rosie and Henry were last seen.
“Rosie? Henry? Enough games, come out!” Haz screamed, growing more worried by the second.
“I’m going to check behind the theater.” Parker informed Haz. He walked through the emergency exit, the same one Rosie and Henry did 30 minutes ago. He opened the door to find Henry unconscious, lying on the cold concrete.
“Oh my god. Hey, hey, hey. Henry get up. Come on Henry. UNCLE HAZ!” Parker yelled. Henry was knocked out cold. Haz and Parker drove him home but Rosie was still nowhere to be found.
Tom was sitting in the living room, still comforting you. You knew Rosie’s disappearance wasn’t a good sign. Rosie missing was exactly like your kidnapping years before. Mobsters only used you as leverage to get to Tom. They never intended on letting you go, their only agenda being to kill you but Tom had other plans.
You and Tom received a video chat message from an unknown number and decided to answer it. In hopes that it would lead you to Rosie.
“Who the hell are you?” Tom spoke first, alerting the mystery man.
“Oh, how rude. Let me introduce myself. I’m Carter Wilson. As in the son of your dearly departed foe, Angus Wilson.” Carter, Angus Wilson’s son, informed Tom of his demands.
“He’s dead?… What do you want?” Tom barked, trying to dwell on the important parts.
“Someone in your family has done something unspeakable and I’m here to return the favor. Tom Holland, give up your son or face the consequences.”
“He’s not going anywhere.”
“Fine, I see you need a little convincing. Oh, Rosie,” Carter said, snapping his fingers to have one of his goons bring over a battered and bruised Rosie. She had duck taped across her face and red puffy eyes most likely from tears.
“You monster. Let her go. What do you want? Money?” Tom pleaded. The very sight of his daughter in such agony made his heart clench.
“You know what I want, more specifically who. The clock is ticking,” Carter concluded, ending the video without a word more.
“This ain’t a fucking rivalry anymore. This is a war,” Tom muttered, he sure as hell wouldn’t let his daughter’s blood be added to the lives lost.
A/n: Sorry, this is definitely a filler chapter. Even my brother said it was his least favorite chapter.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @dummiesshort @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy @quaksonhehe
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adsosfraser · 3 years
The Stone’s Toll - Chapter Nine
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Read on AO3
Jamie woke that morning, to his wife tangled around him. The singular thing driving him was between his legs. He kissed her neck and tugged at her skin with a sharp sting. Claire stirred and smiled up at him. Gathering her bottom lip between his teeth, his hands meandered down her shoulders, to the slope of her breasts, to her abdomen, and finally lifted the plump piece of flesh that he loved so much. 
 “Is this real? Are you real?” 
 “Would I do this if I was only a dream Sassenach?” He pinched the backside of her arse and grinned. She yelped in response and swatted his fingers away from the now stinging flesh. 
“You’re real.” She smiled and placed her palms on either side of his jaw. 
 “I’ll prove just how real enough I am lass.” He smirked and moved his hands away from her backside, further down to cup between her legs. 
 “Jamie. Stop.” Claire panted out. 
 “Have I hurt ye, Claire?” He immediately pulled away, hovering over her and softly brushing her sides. 
 “No, but there are some things I need to tell you… before we’re intimate.” 
 “Is this about Frank?”
 “What? No! Why on earth would you be thinking about him?” 
 “Well did ye?-” 
 “Once. But I didn’t encourage it.” Her lips tightened into a line. “This isn’t what I wanted to talk about Jamie.” 
 Before he could eek out a livid response, Claire jumped out of the bed towards the corner of the room. Pulling out a small silver box inside her leather bag, she plucked out a dome-shaped cup. She had two more tucked away in the small metal tin. Her hands then grabbed purchase of a small vial within her medicine bag. The objects flew onto the bed and she plopped down next to Jamie. 
 “This,” she pointed to the vial, “is a concoction of fennel and posies.”
 Jamie had grabbed the odd rubber cup and rolled it between his fingers. Claire swatted it out of his hands a little annoyed at her husband’s dirty fingernails; she would have to clean it again. 
 “And this,” she waved the small cup in front of his eyes, “is a diaphragm. Some call it a ‘womb veil’. These are all forms of birth control.” 
 “Birth… control?” He rolled out the syllables in his last word. 
 “Yes, preventative measures to avoid pregnancy.” 
 “Christ, ye would kill a bairn!” He immediately regretted his words as his wife recoiled and her eyes betrayed the hurt inside of her. 
 “No, because there would be none in the first place. It stops the sperm- seed from ever even getting into a woman to create the baby in the first place.” 
 “But surely God-” He spoke more softly. 
 “Would want me to use it.” Tears pricked at her eyes. “Jamie I’m not… I’m not ready.” Jamie shifted to hold his wife closer as the atmosphere changed from playful to sombre. “I couldn’t go through that again to not have my baby in my arms. I truly think it would kill me, it almost did.” 
 His heart softened at her admission and he knew he would do whatever would make her safe and happy, even if it meant a life of celibacy. But he hoped to God it would never come to that.
 “I dinna want ye to bear another child. I wouldna risk your loss Sassenach.” Jamie carefully pulled a curl away from her eye. “Not for a dozen bairns. We’ve Fergus and our nephew and nieces- weans enough. And our two beautiful lasses are wi’ God. So,” he paused to blink away the moisture in his eyes and swallow down the tightness of his throat, “if this wee diaphragm,” he rolled the word around his tongue, ”and posy is what’ll help ye I’ll gladly pick it fer you every day if that’s your wish.” 
 He picked up the diaphragm from her hands again, inspecting it more closely. “How does this wee thing work?” 
 “Well, I place it inside me so it covers my cervix, it should rest comfortably against my pubic bone.” 
 “Ye put that… inside ye?” He was completely disturbed by the thought. 
 “It’s not like there hasn’t been anything in there before, and I’d dare say it was even larger than that ‘wee thing’.” She grabbed a healthy hold of him to emphasise her point. 
 “Aye, that it is.” He looked down with pride and she rolled her eyes at him, but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. 
 “I’ll have to take the herbs one more week, to be safe. Can you wait for me?” 
 “I’d wait forever if it came to it, fer ye Sassenach, always.” 
 “Well, and we can always do other things.” She flipped Jamie to his back and her head travelled down his body to the curls nestled atop his pubic bone. “So long as you don’t, ‘spill your seed’ inside of me. Well inside my-” 
 He expressed his agreement with a loud grunt. 
 Six days later, Jamie was practically jumping in his skin with anticipation. He had gone back to the cave, much to Claire’s dismay. Instructing her to stay at Lallybroch, he wasn’t surprised when her head of curls popped into the shadows of the fire in his small sanctuary. He was very attentive, eager to make sure she kept up her steady intake of fennel and posy. They spent most of the days cuddling together and ignoring anyone else but themselves when he wasn’t out hunting for food. Most of the food was sent off to Lallybroch through Fergus. She didn’t want to admit it, but they were both avoiding their family’s disorderly presence and unanswerable questions. Fergus stopped by frequently and Claire was glad of the company while Jamie was off. Claire spoke to both Jamie and Fergus about her many childhood adventures; those stories were safe from the fresh pang of loss she had endured. But Jamie finally put his foot down on the final night when Claire got a crick in her neck and returned her back, but her wee hands gripped him hard into their bed. There would be no returning to the cave. 
 Claire wrapped a shawl around her and tiptoed to the window. The sunrise was almost over, bringing with it an unusually bright and cloudless day. She peeked down across the courtyard, and her blood turned cold. Jamie was pulling up his breeks over his sark. Without hesitation, Claire shoved Jamie into the small wooden closet of the Laird’s room and quickly pulled the laces of her skirt and bodice. Not a moment later, the door banged open to the sight of a pock-marked redcoat. His eyes scanned the room and landed on the closet. 
 “Where is he?” 
 Claire played dumb, not willing to speak to reveal that her accent would be the same as his. That would raise even more questions that she couldn’t possibly answer. The only thing she could think of at that moment was to play into the delicacy of her gender and faint into his arms. With an overdramatic flare of the back of her hand to her forehead, she slumped onto the floor. 
 Her prone position reminded her of another stiff surface. A cold metal sheet, uncaring hands, and a pressure in circles on her temples. Panic squeezed her throat and veins.
 “Captain! This woman needs assistance up here!” 
 But it was Jenny who appeared at the door, not the Captain. 
 She gathered Claire onto her lap as best as she could being so far along in her pregnancy. “Oh no! My puir cousin! Ye see she had a great fall one day. The tragedy took her speech and now she has spells such as these all the time. I’m heart sorry ye had to see that Corporal…?” Claire relaxed into the familiar arms, so different from the ones that had restrained her.
 “Lieutenant Wilson.” He puffed out his chest.
 “Weel, Lieutenant, as ye can see my cousin Mistress Malcolm has taken up residence in this room recently. Bless her soul, the accident that stole her speech took her husband as well.” 
 The redcoat placed his tricorn over his heart and bowed his head. “Terribly sorry madame. Thank you for your cooperation.” 
 “O’ course, now away wi’ ye, we must prepare yer meal.” 
 Jenny was panting and gripped Claire’s hand when the soldier whipped out of sight. Liquid seeped down her skirts and to the stone floor below. “Jenny-” 
 “We must tend to the redcoats first.” 
 “No. Jenny. You’re only eight months along. We need to see to you immediately.”  
 “The Lieutenant-” 
 “Can go hang. Ian and Mrs. Crook will see to them.” 
 Jamie slipped out undetected down to the root cellar.
 Jenny cursed, screamed and paced around her room. The midwife was impossible, refusing to sanitise properly before touching Jenny and Claire finally kicked her out. No woman like that would be touching her sister nor her future niece or nephew. Jenny slumped into the bed with Claire’s help when her labouring was over. Caitlin Maisri Murray was impossibly tiny when she met the world. No screams wrenched through her tiny lungs and Claire was immediately pressing the child to her thigh. Her forefinger and middle finger pushed into her chest and she breathed into the limp body. Finally, her chest heaved two minutes later, and her loud banshee shrieks filled the room. Her niece was a fighter. With her help, she would weather her first days, which would soon turn into thousands. 
 She had taken up massaging the baby girl to soothe her traumatised muscles from the hard birth. Claire cradled her niece’s turned head carefully in her hand and propped her stomach on her legs. Her hands began to deftly massage the exhausted baby’s back, legs, and arms, and once she was finished she gave a small peck to her wee nose. She still had a lot of growing to do to recover, but Claire was certain she would become a scraggly and loose-toothed toddler and a beautiful teenager before growing into the mature young woman she could envision her as now. Opening her bright eyes, moisture gathered at the corner of her aunt’s eyes in reaction to the brilliant colour. They were so like Jamie’s, and she knew not all babies kept their original colour, but she hoped. Would her daughters’ eyes have looked like this?
  The men had all dispersed for drinks in the Great Room downstairs and Claire brought Ian over to the side to share the great news. She signalled with her hands to keep up the pretence of her muteness but whispered quietly with nearly closed lips as well to Ian. The Captain, Claire presumed, sauntered over to her and held out a paper. Laird MacKenzie sprawled across the material in an adolescent scrawl. 
 “A letter for your Mistress. We thank you for your hospitality and wish her congratulations.” Claire nodded and tucked the paper into the pocket beneath her skirts. 
 It was dark, the middle of night, and Jamie snuck back in when the redcoats mounted their horses. He fell asleep immediately tucked into his wife. She grabbed the small grey tin from within her leather bag and pulled out the diaphragm. She adjusted it inside her until it laid comfortably and sighed. It had been days since her return, filled with distress and sickness, panic and dismay, and the events of the past few months had come crashing down upon her once again. She needed her husband. Crawling over him, he woke from his slumber. He grinned up at her and slowly came back to reality. 
 “Thanks to yer quick-thinking Sassenach, not only was my life saved but my wee niece and all in Lallybroch.” 
 “You saved my life James Fraser, on more accounts than one. I thought it might be fair for me to return the favour.” Claire smirked and rolled their bodies so she straddled him. “And not only that, I want to protect you forever Jamie. To see you safe until we’re old and grey, with an army of grand nephews and nieces, and the grandchildren Fergus will bless us with, to surround us. You can’t get rid of me ever again.” She softly kissed his forehead, along his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and slowly brushed her lips against his eager ones.
 “Och, Sassenach. Stuck with ye for life? I can think of worse.” He stared back at his wife with mischief in his eyes and adjusted his body so they were both on their sides.
 Claire rolled her eyes as she lightly slapped his arm. She leaned even closer to him, which seemed impossible with their skin flushed up together already. Her thumb trailed a line across his bottom lip and she replaced it with her own mouth. 
 “Make love to your wife.” She whispered, obstructed by his lips but he heard her like his life depended on the very cadence of her voice. Claire let go of his lips to kiss the spot behind his ear that made him squirm. “Make love to me Jamie.” 
 Their lovemaking was frantic, both seemingly clawed to possess every inch of skin.
 When they laid dazed on their backs, recovering from their post-coital bliss, Jamie lightly pressed his fingers onto the fading burns on her stomach and traced up to the two identical circles on her temples. Her hand found the healing scar on his thigh and she stroked over the raised skin. She looked at the large gash across her husband's thigh, still red with the newness of the injury. 
 “Culloden.” He gritted out. “How?” 
 Her hands guided his towards her stomach. “The stones.” Now, her temples. “Boston.” 
 She didn’t want to discuss it any further, just as he was reluctant to share the details of that dreary morning on the moor. She neglected the scar on her breast and he didn’t push any further for her to speak on it. Would he feel ashamed of her truth? Of course, he wouldn’t, but she did. It was difficult for her to think back on. Speaking on it would make it true, so she kept those memories locked tight in her brain. Maybe, with more time she could heal, and she would share everything with him completely like they once had been. 
 “Danvers State Hospital to be specific. Or as some call it- will call it the State Lunatic Hospital at Danvers. Frank put me there when I-“ 
 “Frank did this to you?” Jamie’s teeth clenched in anger and Claire could feel the heat radiating from his skin onto hers. “If he were here, I’d fight him fer ye Sassenach. I should ha’ never sent ye to him.” 
 “You couldn’t possibly have known. You were doing what you thought best, with the information we had at the time.” 
 “What is it, that left these scars on your puir heid?” 
 “They’ll fade. Soon there won’t even be a scar, I’m sure.”
 “I dinna care about how they look on ye Sassenach, I care that ye went through pain to have them, I would ha’ gladly taken it myself.” His eyes were glossy as he implored her. “Now tell me.” 
 “In the asylum, they had these new treatments, electric shock therapy. They place these two rubber circles wrapped in like socks or something attached to a headband on your temples, and send volts of electricity through your brain. Like harnessing lightning right to your head.” His grip tightened, appalled at his wife’s description. “My mind was hazy for days, I couldn’t do much but stare listlessly at walls. I saw Fergus then, on the first night following the treatment, though I’m not sure he saw me.” 
 “He yelled out fer ye, almost at the same time every week.” 
 “Oh.” It felt better to know those nights he was truly there. “I was in there for little over a month, so I only had to endure it two times- wait no three, I think. I was a lot luckier than others, who were prisoners there for years on end. I shiver to think what that would have been like, a prisoner to your own mind and unable to say no to your jailer, or even saying no but them being apathetic towards your plight.” 
 “Fer all ye speak o’ the future, it doesna seem much better than now.” 
 “It’s true, some people use their innovations for evil then, that’s why the war I was in started. Evil exists in any time, in any place.” 
 “Weel I’m glad yer here in my arms, away from those mad bastards, and I know I can be there to fight anyone who wishes ye ill.” Her thigh began rubbing between his. 
 “I am too Jamie. So much.” 
 Laird and Lady clung tight to each other in their bed, in their home knowing they would have to leave tomorrow.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
Oh that boy of mine, by my side. The silver moon and the evening tide.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: TFAWS!Sam Wilson x fem!Reader
Summary: Sam and y/n build furniture and decorate his home now that y/n has moved in.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY; oral (male receiving), face-fucking, Daddy kink, spanking, LOTS of dirty talk, basically plot at the beggining section and PORN at the end.
Word Count: 4553
Author’s Notes: This just proves that 1) Sam and Bucky are the bestest of friends, 2) Bucky has got someone on the brain, and 3) I am a whore for Daddy Sam.
Two weeks after their bedroom escapade y/n tugs nervously on the end of her cream-colored cardigan, biting her lip. She’s finally finished getting ready in Sam’s bedroom, having tried on multiple outfits for him to choose between before settling on the pale blue floral print fit and flare dress, cream cardigan, and white strappy wedges. Her curls lay tousled down her back, her face fresh with a light coating of mascara and her favorite coconut flavored Chapstick upon her lips.
Today was very important, well, at least SHE felt it was important. Sam and y/n were going out to lunch to meet Bucky, his best friend and work partner. She’d heard plenty of stories about the ‘white wolf’ as Sam teasingly referred to him, had been briefed on his vibranium arm and to not be worried if he looks like he’s constantly pissed off, it was just his RESTING face.
“You look beautiful.” Sam came up behind her as y/n put her gold hoops in her ears, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the exposed skin at her collarbone. “If Bucky wasn’t such a stickler on meeting at noon, I’d strip you down…do those things with my tongue that drive you WILD…” A moan slips from y/n’s lips, turning around in his grip to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Well maybe if I don’t embarrass myself in front of Bucky, we can do all of that when we get back.” She plants a quick kiss to his lips, moving over to the bed to grab her crossbody brown purse.
“You’re not going to EMBARRASS yourself. Bucky is cool, and he’ll love you.” Well, he was cool NOW. Ever since their mission in New York and the cookout back in Louisiana that Sam invited Bucky to things had been MUCH better. Sam moved to the dresser to grab his wallet and his keys, stepping back over to grab y/n’s hand with his free one.
“I mean it, don’t worry. Besides, I didn’t even particularly LIKE Bucky until a few months ago, you’ve got no need to feel any pressure to impress him.” He plants one more kiss to her lips, tugging her towards the front door to get into his truck.
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When they arrived at their favorite diner Bucky was already inside, sitting down at their usual booth in the back corner. He had tossed aside his leather jacket next to him, his eyes scanning over the menu as if he didn’t already know what to order.
The door to the diner chimed as they walked through, Bucky turning around with a smile when he noticed Sam. “You’re a minute LATE.” He announced, holding up his phone to show him the time. Technology was sweet now that he had it at his fingertips. Sam rolled his eyes, walking forward and embracing Bucky in a hug, patting his back as he did so.
“A minute is NOTHING, but I guess I should know better than to keep an old man waiting.” The two laughed together, letting go of the embrace before Sam motions for y/n to move next to him. “Bucky, this is my girlfriend, y/n. Y/N this is Bucky.”
Y/N watches as Bucky sticks out his hand for her to shake, the non-vibranium hand that is. She takes it in her small one, giving it a good motion up and down. “It’s nice to meet you, Sam has told me so much about you.” She chirps, finally taking in his features. His eyes were a DAZZLING blue, his smile wide, and his brows thick. He wore a grey t-shirt that looked a little too tight, showing off his muscular frame through the thin fabric. His vibranium arm, the one that Sam mentioned, was completely exposed but seemed to fit in with the rest of his appearance.
“Likewise, sometimes I have to tell Sam to shut the HELL up so we can actually get some work done.” He teased, letting go of her hand.
Bucky motions for them to sit, sliding back into his side of the booth with Sam and y/n sliding in across from him. As soon as they did a PERKY blonde waitress walked over, flashing a bright smile at all of them before settling her gaze on Bucky. It was clear she thought he was attractive, keeping her eyes on him as she pulled out her pad of paper.
“Hello, my name is MARISSA.” She gushed, tilting forward ever so slightly to expose her chest to Bucky. He paid no attention though, his eyes typing away at his phone.
“Black coffee, short stack of pancakes, side of bacon please.” He slid his menu towards her direction and she quickly jotted it down, a blush appearing on her cheeks. Bucky kept his eyes still on his phone.
“R-right, okay and uh, and what can I get ya’ll?” She finally looks at them and y/n can see a twinge of embarrassment on her face for having been ignored by the chiseled man. 
“I’ll have the breakfast burrito with an extra side of sausage and a coffee with vanilla creamer please.” Sam responds, plopping his menu on top of Bucky’s. Y/N scans the menu once more, turning her attention to the waitress. “I’ll have the Belgian waffle with strawberries please, and a glass of water.”
Marissa finishes jotting down their order, grabbing the menus and then looking once more at Bucky, a slight frown on her face, before walking away. Bucky finishes up whatever he was doing on his phone, setting it upside down on the table and moving his attention back to the pair in front of him.
“So, y/n, I heard you moved from Colorado. How are you liking it here during the summer heat?” Y/n tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, placing her hands in her lap. “It’s been great so far, it’s an interesting little town. PLUS, I have this guy by my side.” She playfully nudges Sam, eliciting a laugh from his lips.
He moves his hand to hers, gripping it under the table. “Sam says you two have a lot of fun together on your missions, do you have a uniform like him?” Bucky laughs, making his nose scrunch up on his face. “No, that’s BIRD-BRAIN’S thing.” He teases. “I’m what they call a super soldier, that makes me SO much cooler than Sam.” Another joke. Y/N seems to think this is a good sign. “But yeah, we do have a lot of fun on our missions. Some are harder than others of course, but we haven’t died so far.”
Marissa comes back with the men’s coffee and y/n’s water, eyes flickering towards Bucky again. He finally acknowledges her presence, eyes finding her nametag against her shirt. “Thank you, Marissa.” He affirmed. She walked away, giddy that Bucky said her name, as both men take a sip from their mugs.
“Well, whatever you do I’m sure it’s very important. Sam sounds lucky to have you.” She quipped. They seemed like a natural pair, their personalities seemed to mesh, ESPECIALLY their sarcasm. 
“Y/N is pretty impressive too; she’s got her PhD in sociology and teaches at Northwood.” Sam adds, a proud smile on his face. Being with her made him look BETTER and FEEL better, and he loved being able to show her and all her accomplishments off. A deep blush creeps over her cheeks at his words, squeezing his hand under the table. 
“Well that IS impressive, congratulations. Sociology seems like an interesting topic to teach. Are you a harsh professor?” Bucky questioned, raising a thick eyebrow in her direction. Y/N shakes her head, she DEFINITELY wasn’t a stickler like some of her colleagues.
“No, not harsh at all. I believe it’s important to get students PASSIONATE about what they learn in order bring awareness and CHANGE. I teach three different courses: Social Inequality, Racism and Inequality, and Toolkit for Activism and Advocacy. We have our required midterm and final, but most of the time is filled with lectures, documentaries, and discussions on the topics we cover.” Her eyes light up with passion as she talks, and it makes Sam’s heart flutter. Even Bucky seems to be enthralled listening to her.
“Well, if I were a student, I’d take one of your classes for SURE.” Their conversation is interrupted briefly by Marissa dropping off their plates, trying to get Bucky to notice her again but with no success. They start to chow down on their food, the sounds of forks and knives moving, and mugs being picked up and put down being the only sounds at their table. Eventually as their stomachs start to fill the silence ends, talking about some of Sam and Bucky’s favorite missions, what y/n’s favorite books were, and even their shared connection to the armed forces.
They finally finish devouring their brunch and Bucky sits back against his booth, arms spreading out over the back of it. Marissa finally drops off their checks, trying ONE last time to get Bucky’s attention but he’s distracted in conversation with Sam about their next meeting with Torres. Sam INSISTS on paying for y/n’s meal along with his own, and y/n decides not to protest this time. She’d get the next one.
Bucky pulls a wad of bills from his wallet, setting down enough to pay for the food and a tip before he stands up, pulling his leather jacket on over his tight grey shirt. They all thank Marissa on their way passed her to move out the door, the familiar chime going off as they step outside into the bright sunshine. Sam turns to face Bucky once more to give him a final hug.
“I’ll see you next week, noon on the DOT.” Bucky mumbles, and Sam can’t help but laugh, stepping back so that y/n can say her goodbye to him as well. Before y/n can decide whether it would be awkward to shake hands again or just nod in his direction, Bucky pulls her into his side for a hug, using his vibranium arm.
“It was great to meet you, y/n. I hope that Sam doesn’t keep you to himself forever, I’d love for us all to go out to a bar or something next time.” Bucky lets go of her side and y/n takes a step back, grabbing Sam’s hand in hers. “It was GREAT to meet you too. And sounds good, first rounds on me when we do.” She agreed.
Bucky turns with a quick wave of his hand, the couple turning in the opposite direction to head to Sam’s truck. The walk is short, and Sam moves instinctively to open y/n’s door before hopping in the driver’s side and starting it up.
“Well that wasn’t so bad was it?” He asked, his hand settling to grip her thigh as he drove. 
“No, not at all. He seems like an awesome guy. I’m sure it’s nice to work with someone you’re close with.” Her eyes turn to look up at him, head resting back on her seat. God, she’s so smitten with him and it’s only been two weeks. He checked every box, even checking boxes she didn’t even know NEEDED to be checked.
He squeezes her thigh, teasing her slightly. He cannot WAIT to get home and tear off that short little dress of hers. “Yeah it is nice, although, did you notice how HARD that waitress was trying to get his attention? I mean, usually Bucky is all sorts of flirty but today there was nothing.”
They both laughed, y/n moving her hand to turn the volume up on Sam’s Marvin Gaye CD. She had taken quite a liking to his taste in music since they started seeing each other.
“It was SUPER obvious. I wonder why he didn’t flirt back.”
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The past two weeks were a blur, Sam having gone on another mission and y/n finishing up with midterms for her summer classes. In their spare time, y/n INSISTED that Sam needed to make his place more of a HOME. 
When Sam decided to move back to Louisiana, he had managed to buy a small two-bedroom, two-bathroom house a few miles down the road from Sarah’s place. After years in the service and moving back to civilian life, Sam still struggled with really making his place feel like home. Now that y/n was spending the night more often, enjoying the quiet that his house brought over the loud family that lived above her apartment, they felt it was time to UPGRADE.
Last week had been spent picking between paint swatches and painting the different rooms in Sam’s house, stopping frequently for some HOT sex on the hardwood floor. Sam had his bedroom furniture but was still missing living room furniture, kitchen furniture, and décor to tie it all together. At least, that’s how y/n put it.
They had just finished up their shopping adventure at IKEA, Home Goods, and Target, truck bed loaded with STUFF. Probably more stuff than they needed but y/n would make sure to return what they didn’t want.
“You know I’ll have to put together that kitchen table, chairs, AND the coffee table when we get back right? And the couch from Home Goods won’t even be delivered until Sunday.” Y/N smiles, rolling down the window and sticking her hand out, feeling the hot sun and the cool breeze on her skin.
“That’s fine, you can put that all together while I decorate everything.” She was excited, Sam was totally fine with letting her have control of the colors and patterns, really EVERYTHING.
Within a few minutes they had pulled up to the front of the house, Sam opening the bed of the truck so he can start grabbing the items. Y/N grabs a few of the bags, Sam shaking his head at her. “I told you, you don’t need to carry anything in, I got this.” Her brows furrow, setting the bags in her hands down in the empty space of the living room and following Sam back out the door for another load. “I’m COMPLETELY capable of carrying some of these. Besides, I have to catch up to YOUR physicality still.”
Sam laughs, tugging her against his waist and kissing her passionately. “You don’t need to catch up, your body is already HEAVENLY as it is.” He should have used the word SINFUL instead, the things she did to him. He shakes his head to get the thought out of his mind, grabbing the box with the parts to the table and carrying it over his shoulder.
Once they finished unloading the truck Sam got to work putting together the coffee table while y/n emptied the items from the bags, sorting them on the floor for the areas they would go in. She took the different canvas pictures they had picked, holding them against the wall of the living room to decide where she wanted to hang them. Once deciding on the perfect spots, y/n grabbed the step stool, nails, and hammer and got to work. The canvas pictures they chose for the living room were an ombre style of blues that would pop well against the cream-colored wall.
After they were hung, she stood back, closing one eye and then the next to check on their levels. “What do you think?” She asked, turning to Sam for approval. He had made quick work of the coffee table, screwing in the last few spots and jiggling it to check its sturdiness. “The table’s done.” Sam stood up and eyed the paintings, nodding his head. “Those look PERFECT there. I’m going to move on to the kitchen table and chairs while you work in here.” He placed a quick kiss to her cheek before moving into the space of the kitchen, opening the box and laying out all his parts.
With the coffee table done, y/n moved all the items purchased to the far side of the room, giving her plenty of space to roll out the new navy colored rug for the area. She made sure it was flattened properly before dragging over the coffee table, carefully setting it on top. Once she’s finished, she fans the coasters they had purchased on the table before moving to look through the other décor pieces they’d chosen.
Y/N was having so much fun letting her creativity out. It wasn’t long before she was moving all over the rooms, placing a framed picture of his nephews here and another framed picture of him and y/n there. It was all coming together, throw pillows added to the bed with a few others set aside for when the couch would arrive, more picture frames with photos Sam had chosen of family and friends scattered throughout the house. New rugs, shower curtains, and towels in both bathrooms.
While Sam finished up the last chair for the dining set y/n put together a floor lamp for the living room, moving the other side lamp to the bedroom before walking around each space and making sure everything was in its proper place. There were a few items she had chosen for the space that didn’t quite work once she finished including another colorful canvas, a fake potted plant, and some extra throw pillows that she didn’t end up liking for the bedroom. Those were put away in a bag by the door waiting to be returned.
“Babe, what do you think?” She turns her head in Sam’s direction, calling for him to look at what she’s done while he busy was putting the furniture together. Sam brushes off his hands, standing up and walking from room to room inspecting her work. He had to admit, the place looked MUCH better. The best touch was all the framed photos y/n had printed and scattered throughout the house. With the changes she had made it really DID feel like a home.
Sam moved last into the living room where y/n stood, taking in the rest of the décor. “I…” He cleared his throat, hand nervously scratching at the back of his neck. He hadn’t felt this before, this PERMANANCE. The house was the first step, the roots that were grounding him here, and now everything seemed right. Even his old place that he’d been in when Steve and Natasha first visited him hadn’t made him feel like this, feel this HAPPY to be in his space.
“I love it, I can’t thank you enough for all of this.” She can tell he’s holding back tears as he speaks and she shushes him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“Hey, it’s OKAY. I’m just happy you like it. I know how hard it is to make a place feel like home.” Growing up after her dad passed NOTHING really felt like home. Colorado was the closest she came to that, but it still wasn’t the same feelings she had when she was little and her father was still alive.
Sam wrapped his arms around her waist, bending his head down to nuzzle against her neck. “Of course I like it, I love everything you do. I love…” He trails off, moving his head back up to meet her gaze.
“Baby I…I LOVE you. And I don’t want to be afraid to say it. I want you to know that and I want you to know that this is your space too.” Y/N’s cheeks hurt from how big she was smiling at his words. “I love you TOO. So much Sam.”
He clears his throat, a hand coming up to rest on her cheek. “Which is why I was hoping that maybe you would be interested in getting out of your lease a bit early to…move in with me?” He doesn’t know what the point would be of setting up the house to be a HOME without her in it. He wanted it to be their home, together.
“I-Of course I want to move in. I mean, yes, I will.” She laughs, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands move under her ass, scooping her up in his arms. He was so HAPPY, their lips dancing along each other’s as they continued to kiss, his teeth jutting out to bite down on her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her.
“How about we make sure that kitchen table is STURDY?” He asks, moving his lips to pepper kisses down her neck. He walks towards the table, y/n still in his arms, setting her ass down on the top he had just built. The table stays still under here weight, her fingers moving down to the hem of his shirt to pull it off. She trails her nails down his chest, marking the skin gently and watching as the marks faded.
“Baby, you always do so much for me, want to make you feel GOOD.” She scoots back against the table, looking at him with lustful eyes. “Strip for me please.” Sam does as he’s told, tugging down his jeans and boxers and kicking them across the floor.
“You always make me feel good.” He responds, licking his lips. He watches her as she slips out of her tiny jean shorts and panties, tugging her coral tank top over her head. She slowly unhooks her bra, tossing it aside, leaving her naked on the table, THEIR table.
“I know, but I want to thank you for how well you treat me, want to show you how much I LOVE you.” It felt good to say it, as she had been wanting to since meeting Bucky two weeks ago. His eyes rake over her body as she moves her back flat against the table, her head moving to hang off the side towards. “Want you to use me, Daddy.” She purred, her voice dripping with desire saying the nickname he LOVED in bed. “Please come fuck my face Daddy.”
Sam groans, his cock twitching and erect against his chest. She was splayed out on the table, head back and ready for him to FUCK. He moves closer to her, stroking his cock until it was inches from her face. “Open your mouth baby.” She does as she’s told opening wide as she feels his cock sliding in inch by inch. Her head is throbbing a bit from hanging upside down, but she didn’t CARE. His sliding inward stops when he hears her gag around him, moving out so just the tip rested on her lips.
“Shh, baby, relax your throat, let Daddy all the way in.” Y/N takes a deep breath, opening her mouth wider for him to push inside, enveloping him with her lips. SLOWLY, continuing to breathe, she feels him bottom out at the back of her throat, a groan of approval leaving his mouth.
He picks up a slow rhythm at first, pulling back so just the tip is in her mouth before shoving his cock all the way in the back of her throat, watching how he looked all the way down her throat. “Fuck baby, that mouth is PHENOMENAL.” Sam picks up his pace again, his balls slapping on her nose as her saliva drips out of her mouth and onto the floor.
“Put your hands on your pussy baby, want you to play with yourself while I USE you.” She moans around his cock, her hand moving down to her core, rubbing her fingers against that perfect bundle of nerves. Sam watches her, slowing his motions slightly. “Fuck yourself on your fingers baby, want you to warm yourself up for Daddy’s cock.”
Her fingers move between her lips, pushing inside the wetness. She adjusts to them before pumping them in and out, continuing to lap at Sam’s cock that is now hanging above her mouth. Sam watches for a few moments, loving the way she’s splayed out for him on their new kitchen table.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking pretty, I can hear how wet you are while you’re fucking yourself.” He moves his cock straight down her throat one last time, causing her to cough before he pulls completely out and steps back. “Get up and turn AROUND, put your ass in the air on the edge of the table.”
Y/N rolls her body over, saliva dripping down her face and neck as she did. She turns around, backing up until her ass is high in the air, feet hanging just slightly over the edge. “Yes Daddy.”
Sam moves forward, gripping her ass in his hand before giving the tanned skin a spank, y/n letting out a small whine at the pain. “Look at that pussy, so wet. Do you want my COCK inside you baby?” He teases his cock against her folds, a shiver of pleasure running down her spine.
“Fuck, yes Daddy please, want you to fill me FULL of your cock.” Sam smirks, one hand resting on her back, the other guiding his cock inside of her until he bottoms out. A groan escapes his lips, pulling his cock out of her pussy before slamming back into her again.
He continues to fuck her, a slew of cuss words and thank you leaving her slips. Sam moves one hand up her back, fingers gripping a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back and her face up off the table. “Oh my god.” She cries out, eyes rolling back into her head. He’s pushing in and pulling out of her core, tugging her head back with each thrust.
“That’s it baby, you look so PRETTY on my cock, god I love you so much.” She whines again and he pulls her hair harder with another TUG. “Fucking you stupid huh? Are you becoming stupid on my cock, can’t even speak?” He pulls her head back, lips inches from her ear. “You’re Daddy’s dumb baby, aren’t you?” That familiar feeling inside her chest is building up, her breathing ragged. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your dumb baby, please let me cum. PLEASE.”
He lets go of her hair, letting her body fall back onto the table. “Yes, baby cum for me. Show Daddy HOW much you love him.” Within seconds her orgasm is ripping through her body, walls clenching tight onto his cock and she comes undone. “Yes, thank you Daddy!” He fucks her until her body calms down from her orgasm, pulling out and spanking her ass once more.
“Get down on your knees for me baby, want to cum inside that pretty MOUTH.” Y/N moves down off of the table, getting onto her knees in front of him and opening her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue. Sam moves right above her, stroking himself until he comes, coating her mouth and tongue with his stickiness. “Fuck, you can swallow baby.” She shuts her mouth, swallowing down the salty cum before he pulls on her chin, instructing her to get up.
When she does Sam immediately wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. “You’re SO sexy. I love YOU.” He proclaims, fingers running through her hair. She curls into him, letting out a breathy laugh. “I love you too.” She looks back at the table then back up at him with a smile on her face.
“Guess the table’s sturdy enough.”
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