#didn't do any work so far and has the audacity to order me around?
ukiyowi · 1 year
I take back everything I said abt positivity I'm going to beat this bitches ass god damn, y'all are so lucky i try to keep my calm in group projects
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sgtgarricks · 7 months
i think john price would be sooo incredibly oblivious to your advances to the point it pisses you off.
imagine you've had a crush on your captain for a few months now, you've dug around information and find out that yes, he is single.
so you get to work.
you smile at him whenever you see him (the only other person you usually smile at is soap). you try to stay later than usual to catch him leaving just so you can have a few minutes of extra conversation with him.
you're kind of touchy (but not too much), brushing your fingers with him whenever you get the chance. whenever you get called into his office, you make sure to crack a joke or two, just to see his eyes crinkle.
you were down bad for him. like, really bad. whenever he even slightly smiles or praises you, you preen like you just won a gold medal and your face feels hot.
so, you genuinely don't understand how he seems so unfazed?? at the very least he should've felt something was up and rejected you if he wasn't into it. but nope, he's still smiling at you, ruffling your hair.
okay, you think maybe you're being too subtle. it's been three months and there isn't any response.
you begin to bring him little gifts. nothing expensive or big, trinkets that would fit in your pocket. a little keychain of a cigar, a pin of his favorite football club, packets of his favorite coffee flavor.
"oh, what's this for then?" he'd asked, glancing at the little keychain.
"nothin'. just saw it and reminded me of you!" you grin happily. he still seems confused, but accepts your gift anyway.
"thank you, that's very kind of you :)" he gifted you one or two items, even going as far to let you ride shotgun on missions. you were feeling fairly optimistic.
this goes on for another three months, you bringing him something once every two weeks. it's gotten to the point where even soap and gaz have realized what's up (simon doesn't give a fuck).
"you got favorites now? don't think we've ever received a gift from 'em gaz." soap loves to make fun of your infatuation with price. gaz doesn't start anything, but he'd gladly chime in.
after half a year, you're pissed off. because how has he not said anything yet?? you thought he was starting to catch your drift but apparently not. he was either leading you on or genuinely thinks you were just being friendly.
you're over the top now, even simon's cringing slightly at you blatantly gushing over the captain.
you were linking your arm with his if you two walked somewhere together (his forehead did the little scrunch from confusion but didn't say anything).
anytime he wanted to show you something, you'd come around and stand as close to him as possible. one time you even put your head on his shoulder to read the document.
even your jokes had gotten more flirtatious without being overtly sexual. yet still... nothing.
you were pissed. you've been throwing yourself at him every chance you got, any more you'd get written up for fraternization. the next time all of you go out for drinks at the pub, you decide it's do or die.
you put on your best dress, one that hugs your figure nicely. you even do your hair and put a bit of make up on. tonight was the night you were either going to have your heart broken or have a good time.
when you open the door to the pub, you know gaz spots you first judging by the drink he just spat. soap turns and whistles, laughing loudly (simon didn't come). you see price is missing, but you find him at the bar ordering drinks. you slink next to him.
"another one for me?" he spins at the sound of your voice, eyes going wide for a fraction of a second. he coughs and brings up another finger to the bartender.
"you look..." he begins, you inch yourself forward to hear him better and shove something in his face. "different." the smile instantly drops from your face. you pull him away from the bar easily (he let you) and drag him outside.
"why are we out here?" he questions innocently. you huff, not believing the audacity of this man in front of you.
"captain. with all due respect, i don't know how many more signs i can give you before i lose my mind. i have my tits out," you gesture at them and his eyes falls downwards before going back to your face, "and you haven't even looked once."
"i like you, you can kiss me right now or tell me to fuck off and transfer me." you cross your arms, lips turning down into a frown. he was in shock, you can almost physically see a loading bar on top of his head.
to your surprise, he cups your face and leans down to kiss you. your heart was thumping and mouth slightly agape, but the only response you could think of was, "were you really that oblivious?"
"sorry, love. i thought you were just trying to ride shotgun." he grins.
what an idiot (affectionate).
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notes: ahfudshf my stupid old man <3
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
Not Quite Hidden AU: Part 10. Word Count: 692. Readers chose: Ask if he has questions.
Mildly infuriating as it might be that the child apparently thinks Draxum is weird, he’s got some rather more pressing concerns at the moment.  He crosses his arms behind his back.  “Surely you had your own questions to ask.  You must be observant if you knew that I recognized you.  Are you not curious?”
The boy looks around the study for a long moment.  “You have lots of books, Donnie would like that.”
A non sequitur.  Perhaps the child is hiding his motives for coming.  Is it possible his father sent him?  But that ferret obviously harbors a strong dislike towards Draxum, and no logical parent would send their child alone to gather information from someone they held a grudge against.  That said, the man had seemed rather… emotional, to say the least.  Most people avoided raising their fur like that, especially in public.  It was just as rude and aggressive as yelling, for some species even more so.  Someone who reacted with such volatility in a grocery store of all places seemed rather unlikely to behave rationally at other times.
Draxum rubs his chin thoughtfully as Huginn settles onto his shoulder.  “And which one of your siblings is Donnie?”  Perhaps he can use this opportunity to gather more information on the lives of his turtles.
The child tilts his head.  “Are those green crystal lights?”
“Ah—yes.”  What does that have to do with anything?
“Why green?  Blue's a way better color.”
“What, do you want the lights blue?  I can change them.”  It's simple to reach out towards the crystals and adjust their mystic output, and while it feels rather odd to have his study bathed in blue light instead of green, something about the grin on the child’s face is rather nice to witness.
“Woah!  I didn't thought you were so good with magic!”  The boy looks around appreciatively, scanning the color differences cast over the room.  He drums his fingers on the desk, pausing as his hand brushes against a few of the papers still resting there.  Just some notes Draxum had been writing down after today’s encounter, so why would they draw his attention?  
Draxum watches with a mild sense of amusement as the boy twists his head, frowning and mouthing the words as he reads off the sheet.  “My writing seems to have drawn your interest, child.”
The boy hums.  “You spelled Dad’s name wrong.  The P goes before the L.”
Draxum snatches the paper away.  “What are you talking about, I wouldn't have—” Oh, it looks like he did write Slpinter.  Oops.
“An’ you didn't get Donnie’s or Mikey's right, either.  They're really way longer.” The child then has the audacity to grin up at him, kicking his heels against the desk.  “Didja forget their names already?”
Draxum is not going to entertain this conversational thread any longer.  He leans around the turtle and slaps his notes down on the far end of his desk.  “My notes are personal effects and I'd prefer you not go through them any longer.”
The turtle reaches for the paper, and Draxum drags it out of his reach.  That isn't enough to deter him from making another grab, and another as Draxum once more pulls away the sheet.  The boy grunts something under his breath.  
“Speak up, brat,” Draxum snaps, and if it sounds a little more like an order than a request, at least it works.
The child huffs, looks him in the eye, and says with all the derision such a small face can muster: “You're annoying.”
“Excuse me?!”
The turtle reaches for the paper again, this time managing to latch onto it.  “You're annoying, and weird, and creepy, and I wanna go home!”
“You—what, you come here just to disrespect me?  Is that what you wanted?”  A growl builds in the back of Draxum's throat, barely restrained.  “You little—”
A small tap at his shoulder, barely noticeable. Just claws drumming against his armor.
“Boss, look, the kid’s not gonna cooperate much longer,” Huginn says.  “I'll just take him back now, hopefully his dad won't even know he was gone.”
Draxum bites back a sharp retort.  Inhales.  Exhales.
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kingofangst · 9 months
Fight Club Owner! Sukuna x Wealthy! Reader teaser
Here is the teaser @rinhaler hope you find it interesting
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual desire
"Coming up in my club and business is a fucking invasion of privacy, princess. Didn't your parents teach you any form of manners?"
You scoff, turning on your heels fixing him a piercing glare. The audacity he has to call you that. "First off, do not call me princess. Secondly, you are a heinous man for allowing and orchestrating vile legal entities, like this illegal fight club to exist. Thirdly, my parents do not give a flying fuck about my existence."
Sukuna smirks, simply amused by your boldness and sharp tongue. You definitely weren't a cop or some government agent, not with those clothes. "It's called capitalism, sweetheart. Surely you're familiar with that term since you dress like a white collar person."
"I'm a financial broker and a consultant." You clarify, the front of your shoes tapping impatiently while it echoes in the cold but smelly lockeroom, waiting for your cousin to change. You can hear him grumble and huff in irritation about you meddling in his life. The oh so sultry way he said sweetheart made your insides feel repulsed. There was no way you enjoyed him calling you pet names.
"Oh so you should be aware then. You deal with shady clients from time to time so you can't be that stupid. There are far seedy businessmen than me who do worst than what I run. You might have even funded them." The patronizing tone he used boiled your blood. You had half a mind to slap that smirk off his face and the other was to punch his face. You don’t care if he’s 6'6 feet with muscles or whatever, you on thin ice with violence tonight. You aren’t scared of any man. At least that's what your mind is telling yourself as you are front of the pink-haired male.
"You must get off being so arrogant. That prideful that you had to resort to shady businesses to get through in life?" You smirk with vehemence. Satisfied that the grin was gone and replaced by a scowl, you took it further. "You must have a fucked up life that you needed to get by like a vulture and work your way up-" you were cut off when Sukuna was suddenly in front of you.
The confidence you had inside died instantly when you saw just how dark his face got and those looming red eyes staring at you like you were a dangerous insect. If looks could kill, you'd be incinerated. It was frightening and erotic the way he was towering over you, ready to pounce you like a predator.
"For someone who's a professional businesswoman, you sure got a mouth that acts like they can fucking talk to others however they want." He growls out, the tension so thick, even Hiroshi stopped moving. You couldn't tell if your cousin was scared or not, not when his eyes commanded you to look at him. "You should really be careful with who you're talking too. You think you can just come in here and think you're the shit. Get the fuck outta here with that attitude." Sukuna is keenly aware of your bossy attitude, along with your bravery. He does admire it dearly, but sometimes people like you need to be reminded of their place. He can think of many ways to put you in your place and do the nastiest and sinful things to let you know who's dominant.
"Oh I will." You utter, regaining the bravery back to look at him. "I don't plan on coming back here and neither is Hiroshi."
"No, what the fuck!? You can't just tell me not to come here and force my life around!" The irritated voice of your 18-year old cousin shouts in the lockeroom. He reappears in a black wifebeater tank top, black joggers, a white baseball cap worn backwards and black and white converses. His face, fueled with rage and hurt despite the few yet prominent bruises on his face fills you with regret. Maybe you should have kept a closer eye on him in school.
"Yes you are and I said so. Get your stuff and let's go." You order him, yet he refuses, his toned biceps crossing his chest in indignation.
"Fuck that! You’re not my mom just because you’re raising me! I am not gonna let you do what you want me to do just because it doesn't go with your "white collar" bullshit!" Hiroshi spat. Your eyes widen in shock for a split second, hurt by how he replied, and Hiroshi knew he fucked up by saying the first words he didn't mean to say. But you instantly regain composure and was about to respond coldly until a deep tone interrupted.
"What a family feud you are causing here." The feigned surprised voice of Sukuna makes you bristle, giving him a death stare. Seriously why is this man even in your presence.
"He can leave tonight. Let him recover and rest from his bruises. But," He looks to you with that same dark expression that sent shivers down your spine, and it was the good kind of shivers, "if you think you can just house arrest my top fighter and micro-manage him, he's part of this world now and can do as much as he pleases, princess. So you shouldn't stop him."
The challenge he declared to you made your competitive side ablaze. You faced him head-on with a fearsome look of your own. "Hiroshi is not coming back here and that's final. Hiroshi, let's go."
What a conceited, self-centered bitch you are. He chuckles in his thoughts. Now he was interested in you and your confidence. Just as she swipes his arm with her shoulder, her classy and expensive heels echoing the tiled floor, he eyes his top fighter who was furious at the thought of being forbidden from coming back here. Sukuna stops Hiroshi by the shoulder, making the IED teen look at him.
"Don't worry kid, you're still allowed here. Can't have my top fighter out of the game now. We'll figure something out, but for now just go home and rest up." He hears Hiroshi grunt out a low "fine" before he storms out of the lockeroom with veiled rage.
As for you...he really is intrigued by your beauty, your confidence and finesse. But that attitude of yours has to be fixed. Give it time and you'll warm up to him soon.
I am excited but nervous to write this series. I hope I did Sukuna justice with his personality here.
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feather-dancer · 4 months
just a business transaction, please!
HO BOY the rare "It didn't spawn on discord first" given how much for that fandom does. This is also going under a cut given the rating.
So apparently in very late July last year (?!) I woke up with these words still rattling in my brain as you do.
"Only men have ever had the audacity to offer..." "Then clearly you have only had the pleasure of boring people. Answer me this time instead of changing the subject: Will following your orders anyway be a problem?"
One of those stupid things you end up doing sometimes involves @writer-rider-flirty-thirties and me trying to have at least one (1) piece of writing in some form for every two person ship. This is based on spreadsheet data I made and excludes the adults purely because even just the kids takes FOREVER to collate. We've flipped a lot, I keep putting aged up monsterfucker stuff out there you know how it is. It gets the world more than just endless lovesquare it should be considered an important community service. Because of that, Bre went and picked three people and I started wrangling those original lines as a whole ass oneshot.
I've got to be in the right mood to write the thing because of the rating, otherwise took me a bit of figuring out the dynamics for the ship to work within those weird brain leftovers.
That said:
“Remember now, honeybee, we’re dressing for impressing. Every star earned for services rendered is an extra five minutes with the sofa bed rolled out later and you know I’m as good as my word.” She doesn’t need to glance at her reflection to know her cheeks are burning, not if her boss’ grin is anything to go by. Those ratings have become a potent currency to be cashed out as the holder sees fit, and well, there is an unspoken extra perk to being in the head of staff position. “I might even be persuaded to close up shop early if it’s glowing bright enough if you need any extra incentive but for now let’s just see how things go. Everything good so far?”
There's more than a few gems in here:
Partners in business Partners in life Partners in private
So whole thing has ended up like a hotel? Place of business?? Where clients can pay big money for entertainment behind closed doors and not one word of it will escape. Privacy is everything even if you want something as mundane as a clown party you'd dreamed of as a kid. Break the rules such as touching any the staff without express permission though? Get blacklisted from the establishment in all forms and fined. They do not fuck around.
One of the characters in here is Trans and also got caught up in a splicer fad rich people had going for a while until the law caught up and banned it. Finding employment when you have insect wings and weird eyes is pretty difficult so that white whale of good boss that will protect your ass is like gold dust.
This oneshot isn't one of the more innocent jobs though that wake up line was VERY clear about that and wanted to keep to the spirit of it. They're in their early/mid 20s in this so what do I care. With this fandom unlike ToA I have zero attachment to the characters in canon so I just kinda grab them, change the ages, actually give them personalities that are stuck to, put them in situations and off we gooo.
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machetegirl109 · 11 months
EAT THE RICH ‼️💯🤹🏼‍♀️
babies, y'all will not believe what happened @ work yesterday...!
so as many of you already know i work at my uncles bakery and theyre a pretty well established bakery since it has been around for 10 years so far, but when it was a small place back then they used to have partnerships with famous people from brasil (we're a brazilian bakery in the usa) and so these famous people would eat for free and post us and stuff like that.
but then!!! this journalist - lets call him joey, from brazil that used to have a partnership with the bakery (it ended two days ago. i'll explain further) started to bring these famous brazilian influencers that ate for free for 3 days, they brought like 30 people with them (and those 30 ppl also ate for free) and they didn't even post the bakery... like, the audacity? to be rich as shit and them bring your flopped crew over to eat the expensive items on the menu for free?! alright, okay. my uncle? got pissed as shit.
so, two days ago, he called my boss (uncle is owner, boss is my boss duh, and then we have a manager which is fhe lady that takes cares of me and the front house ladies) and he was like "i do not want this son of a gun eating here or bringing famous ppl here ever again! if they come here theyre gonna have to pay, they wont eat for free anymore!" he left the bakery fuming that day.
NOW THE PART WHERE ME AND MY SISTER COME IN THE STORY! now, yesterday i was looking all cute and peaceful, serving a customer and when im done, i look over to my side and this flopped influencer crew from brazil comes in and they talk to me. i dont even give the satisfaction of letting them know i know them (putting influencers in their place...) lets call this influencer girl camila - and she asks me "are the boss or the manager here?" and i said "im gonna go check in the back" so i go to the back and ill like "alright there r famous ppl here and theyre looking for yall" and my boss and my manager do not want to deal with them (famous rich ppl full of nerve) anymore and they said "we're not here!!".
so i return to front house and i tell camila "is it only something that needs to be resolved with the boss or the manager? theyre not here atm." and they said "yeah cuz we have a partnership with the joey." so, that basically means they didnt want to pay for the food hahaha. i tell them "alright just one second ill see what i can do."
i go to the back again and i tell my boss and manager "they said they have a partnership with joey when i asked them if it was an issue that could only be solved w the two of u" and they tell me "tell them that they can seat at the VIP (we have a vip private room that is paid/sometimes we let certain ppl use for free) but they have to order their food at the cash register and they'll have to pay." and so i go back front house again and i said "you can use the VIP but the orders will be taken here front house." so they take our menus and go to the VIP and then they return to the cash register to make the order. AND THEN!!! my sister is at the cash register to take their order (mind u my sister is very blunt, not rude or anything but she doesnt any any issue at all at solving things and putting people in their places.) so this man (camilas brother - lets call him flop) goes to the register to order their food. the total was almost 200 dollars and my sister tells him their total and his like.... "wdym 200?! 😅" like sir... you have a partnership with joey not with us. and so flop tells my sister "im gonna go to the VIP and see what we can do." and then my sister goes back inside to tell our boss and manager what is happening with the influencer crew blah blah. but!!! the crew leaves. flop went to VIP and they left afterwards bc they didnt want to pay.
the bakerys phone starts to ring and my manager gives it to my sister bc she knows its joey calling. my sister picks up the phone and joey starts to GO OFF like a little bitch. ill be brief when telling yall what he said but my sister basically told him that the owner (my uncle - lets call him fab) doesn't allow us to let any tabs open for people (famous ppl) anymore unless we have his word. do you know what joey says?! he says "you have my word. let them eat and ill go pay for it." and then my sister says "i need the owners word. i can try to reach out to him but i need his answer before leaving a tab open." and then joey says (or better yet, yells at her...) "what part of you it dont you understand? i said im gonna pay for it!" and then she said "okay. i can send their order to the kitchen. do you wanna pay now (we have a service of paying through the phone) or pay at the cash register front house?" and joey says "im 20 mins away from the bakery." my sister mutes the call and goes to tell my manager and boss "joey is 20 mins away." my manager and boss go to the office room and lock themselves in there bc joey is like... crazy as shit and he has a lot of audacity.
anyways. at this point joey has hanged up the phone. not even five mins later he calls again and he is like full blown fuming fire whore at my sister. he yells "CAN YOU NOT SEE THEYVE LEFT ALREADY?" and my sister said "well, i wasnt at the VIP section; so not." joey then yells "YEAH BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE EXIT AND THEYVE LEFT ALREADY." to which my sister replies "im not front house all the time to check whos coming in or leaving. i have things to solve inside so yes, i didnt see them leaving."
anyways, joey just keeps going on and on about the situation and my sister is like "okay, have a great day" and hangs up. joey starts to blow up my managers and my bosses phone, because hes so upset that these rich ppl have to pay for their fooooooddddd!?!?&?$?!?!? like babes, first of all, yall are a flop. second, yall are rich!? like... okay.
anyways, my boss tells fab that joey yelled at my sister and fab is like "wtf. i'll literally break his fucking face if he ever shows up at the bakery ever again. ill make him leave hy kicking his ass outside if i have to."
this is all we have for now tho. my uncle doesnt come on weekends so ill try to sneak into his office tmr during my break to talk to him and see whats going on. ill keep you all updated.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Dare You To (SK8 the Infinity)
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Summary: During a game of Uno Dare, Reki is challenged first not to smile and then - failing that - not to stop Langa from tickling him for a minute. When he fails the second time, the others decide a little playful punishment is in order.
A/N: YES!! I LOVE lee Reki! I love writing for him, that cute little ticklish redhead!! *ahem* Anyway, I've never heard of Dodge or Dare, and I honestly didn't feel like watching a clip of whatever show it's from to learn how it works, so I modified things just a tad, but I think I got the general idea of what you wanted in there. Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,758
“Ha! No way he’ll be able to do that,” Miya laughed, enjoying the way Reki’s face went red in response to both his challenge and the dare that had been put before him.
They were playing Uno Dare – a new take on the card game they were already familiar with – and so far, Reki wasn’t doing too great. He’d already failed to balance a single card on his head, stand on one foot until his next turn, and do ten push-ups in ten seconds. (Actually, he couldn’t even do ten, period.) And now Langa – who was seated on his right – had the audacity to play a dare card and dare him not to smile until his next turn.
“I can do it!” he insisted, pouting, shooting Miya and Langa a glare each. “It won’t be hard with you guys picking on me.”
Joe smirked at him, attempting to share a glance with Cherry, who promptly ignored him.
“Well? Take your turn,” the pink-haired skater said, gesturing to the pile.
Reki frowned, determined to win this dare so he wouldn’t have to draw another two cards. He already had more than anyone else in the circle. He glanced at his hand briefly, played a card, and stared at the discard pile. He didn’t want to see anyone’s faces. He didn’t want to accidentally slip up again. He would win this dare if it was the last thing he did.
Langa pinched his side.
���He-eey?!” Reki screeched, jolting to the side. Thankfully he was able to keep himself from smiling, but when he made eye contact with his friend it was difficult to keep a straight face. He saw the devious smirk and suddenly grew flustered. “D-Don’t…I know what you’re thinking, but don’t! That’s cheating!”
Cherry took his turn, which passed the flow of the game to Miya. But the evil little skater just sat there, smirking, watching Reki intently.
Langa reached for him again. Reki’s hand shot down to grab Langa’s wrist, the anticipation nearly forcing him to smile already, but he held firm.
“No tickling!” he cried when Langa’s other hand reached for him. Reki thought it was going for his side, but suddenly his friend shot down to his knee and squeezed, making him squeak. He broke into a wide smile in the split second before he could push Langa away and regain composure, but it was too late. With Miya watching him like a hawk, there was no hiding that he’d lost the dare.
“Told you!” Miya laughed again, taking the liberty of drawing two cards for Reki and handing them over. “Here, slime, take your punishment.”
“No way!” Reki exclaimed, looking around the circle at the two adults with them. “Langa cheated!”
“There’s nothing in the rules that says other players can’t try to mess with you,” Joe said, chuckling. “So technically, he didn’t cheat.”
Reki glared at Langa, who smiled calmly back at him, winking. The redhead demanded, “I want a do-over! Give me another dare, or let me try that one again without you cheating.”
“I didn’t cheat,” Langa replied. “I thought that had been established. Take your cards, Reki.”
Cherry sighed, but Miya quickly piped in again before any of them could get scolded. “Fine, you big baby. How about this – if you can take Langa tickling you for one minute without fighting back or saying ‘stop,’ you don’t have to draw your two cards. That’s your new dare.”
Reki’s eyes widened. “What?!”
Langa laughed. “Oh, come now. You can take a minute, can’t you?”
“Of…of course I can!” Reki swallowed, setting his cards face-down in front of him and clenching his fists in his lap. “Bring it on!”
Miya pulled out his phone and got the timer set up, then counted down from three, and the challenge was on. Langa – sneaky, sneaky Langa – immediately slipped his hands under Reki’s shirt to scribble at his bare skin, skittering over his sides and lower ribs, and Reki burst into giggles, gripping his knees so he wouldn’t fight back on instinct. Langa was not going to make him lose two challenges in a row!
“You’ve always been super ticklish, Reki,” Langa purred into his ear, making him squeal and arch his back.
“Don’t – dohohohohn’t tehehehease me! Thahahat’s cheating, too!”
“Everything is cheating to you when you’re losing.” Langa smirked, moving gradually around to his belly, which they both knew was his worst spot. “Do you really think you can handle a whole minute of your tummy being tickled?”
Reki whined, starting to bring his arms in protectively but stopping himself just in time, squirming in place as Langa finally reached his weakest spot. “Hohohohohow muhuhuhuch lohohohonger?!”
Miya smirked. “You still have forty seconds.”
“Whahahahat? No wahahahahay!” Reki cried. Langa began to circle around his belly button, and his giggles grew into frantic cackles, his whole body shaking from the effort not to protect himself. “Plehehehehease, not thehehehehere, Langa!”
“Where? Here?” Langa dipped his finger into his friend’s navel, and Reki screamed, bringing his arms in at the same time he fell back onto the floor, pushing and kicking at his blue-haired friend.
Miya stopped the timer. “Dude, you lost again! How are you so ticklish?!”
“Shut up!” Reki snapped, blushing as he sat back up. “Fine, whatever, I’ll take the stupid cards. Let’s just move on.”
“No way!” Miya declared, putting his cards down as well and nearly lunging across the circle to tackle him back onto the floor, reaching up into his underarms in a flash. “As punishment, now you have to have two people tickle you!”
“Wha—?! Nohohohohohoho, Miyahahahaha!” Reki squealed, laughing all over again. He was just beginning to muster up the energy to push the little skater away when he suddenly felt fingers digging into his open belly once more, making him shriek and start thrashing more violently. “GOD, NOHOHOHOHOHO!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!! NOT BOHOHOHOHOTH OF YOU!!”
“Tickle, tickle!” Miya taunted, grinning. He kept digging and scribbling in the redhead’s underarms while Langa got back to work scribbling over his belly and eventually digging into his navel again.
Reki bucked and thrashed and kicked, laughing up a storm but unable to get away. He was in the midst of pleading for mercy when he suddenly felt another weight on him – this one sitting on his legs, pinning them to the floor so he couldn’t kick.
“Jeez, kid, you’re gonna hurt somebody if you keep that up,” Joe’s teasing voice came from somewhere by his feet. Seconds later there were fingers scribbling over his soles.
“NONONO PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE, NOHOHOHOHOHO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Reki begged, laughter coming out in shrieky, uncontrolled bursts. He flailed his arms wildly, unable to do anything else at this point. “WHY?! I SAHAHAHAHAHAID I’D TAHAHAHAHAKE THE CARDS, YOU JEHEHEHEHEHERKS!!”
“Because it’s fun,” Langa replied, leaning down to blow a raspberry over his belly button. “Plus, if you let us tickle you a little more, we might even let you off the hook so you don’t have to draw any more cards.”
“Oh! Well then, this should be a pretty easy win for you.” Langa blew another raspberry. “It’s unbelievable how ticklish your tummy is, Reki.”
“STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP CAHAHAHAHAHALLING IT THAHAHAHAHAHAT!!” Reki’s voice was pleading now, mirthful tears springing to his eyes for how hard he was laughing, having three spots tickled at once. “AND NO RAHAHAHAHAHASPBERRIES!!”
“You’re so picky,” Miya muttered, sliding down slightly to squeeze at his upper ribs.
Reki started to push him off, finally able to muster up some strength once his underarms were left alone, but that was the exact moment that Cherry decided to join in, grabbing his arms and pulling them above his head, pinning them down, doing nothing more than making him more helpless and watching his companions draw laugh after screaming laugh from his core, now that he couldn’t move almost at all.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Reki tossed his head back and screeched loudly, hysterically, unable to hold back or protest or anything anymore. All he could do was lie there and take it and hope desperately that they’d get bored soon and leave him alone. It was true – he was incredibly ticklish, but especially on the three spots that were being assaulted right now, and Reki wasn’t sure he’d be able to take much more of this impromptu tickle torture. “G-GUYS, NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
Miya smirked. “Tickle, tickle, slime~”
Langa blew another raspberry. “You’ve got such a cute, ticklish little tummy, Reki~”
“Your laugh is pretty great, dude, not gonna lie,” Joe added, still scribbling over his feet, his touch lighter than the other two’s. “Don’t know if I’ve ever heard you this happy before.”
After another few seconds, the three of them silently agreed that they’d had their fun, and all four of them let Reki go, climbing off of him and releasing his limbs so he could curl into a ball, still giggling into the carpet.
“Aw, man!” Miya whined, drawing the redhead’s attention to him. “Look! All of his kicking ruined the game!”
It was true. There were Uno Dare cards splayed everywhere. No one could tell where one person’s cards ended and another’s began, and the draw and discard piles were intermixed as well.
“S-So you…you t-tortured me for…for nothing?” Reki gasped incredulously, pushing himself into a seated position, staring at the failure of a game before them. “What was the point, then?!”
“For fun,” Langa replied, gently nudging his shoulder with a smile. “Come on, you didn’t really hate that, did you?
Reki’s blush quickly spread all the way to his ears and neck. He hunched his shoulders and looked away. “Shut up, dude.”
“Cheer up, dude.” Langa pulled him into a hug, poking his sides sporadically to get him smiling and giggling again. “Tell you what, the next time we play you get a free pass on any dare, and you don’t have to draw any cards in place of it. I think you’ve earned that much, don’t you, Miya?”
Miya scoffed, but he was smiling. “Yeah, whatever. You get a free pass, slime.”
Reki giggled, squirming in Langa’s soft, tickly hug. “Okay, okahahahay, I’ll take it!”
The others smiled at him, Langa let him go, and they got to work gathering up the cards so they could shuffle and play again.
Miya handed him the deck. “Your turn to deal, loser.”
“What?!” Reki exclaimed.
Everyone laughed.
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
Hello! Fic request please. Okay, so TK and Carlos never got together. During the Boba date, TK let Carlos know that they should be friends and Carlos understood. So they became good friends but TK just self sabotages a lot so he loved Carlos then but didn't want to let Carlos in so he thought it better to just let him go and settle for a friendship. So one day, they decide to check out this new place for lunch. TK excuses himself for the bathroom and he hears this huge explosion and feels the impact. When he gets out, it's a fiery mess. All that is on his mind: I have to find Carlos. Even when the 126 respond to the explosion, TK refuses to leave until he has found Carlos. Carlos is found unconscious, injured and with severe smoke inhalation. 📍
holly's august extravaganza day 13: couldn't utter my love when it counted
thank you! you've given me such wonderful prompts and it's been a pleasure to write every single one of them! 💚😊
ao3 | 3k | canon divergence, explosions, major character injury, angst with a happy ending, love declarations
TK has made a lot of mistakes in his life, but undoubtedly one of the biggest was letting Carlos Reyes go. He hates the person he was back then, the one who was too blind to see that what he needed—what he wanted—was right in front of him, in a very literal sense.
“How long are you going to avoid talking about it TK?”
“What are we? Are we even a ‘we’?”
TK wants to say yes. He looks at Carlos with his soulful brown eyes and kind tilt to his mouth and he just knows that this is someone he could let in. He’s already seen some of TK’s darkest depths, and yet he’s still here, still asking, still wanting to be with him.
Then again, Carlos isn’t the only one who has been with him despite, and the last person who did that ended up growing tired of him. Carlos would promise against it if he knew what TK was thinking, but it’s an impossible promise to make, far easier said than done. He isn’t that kind of person, TK knows this—but then, neither was Alex, until he was.
He can’t risk it. Besides, he barely recognises his life anymore, and he can’t ask Carlos to hang around indefinitely until he can get his head in order again. If there’s one thing TK is certain of, it’s that Carlos is a good man, and he doesn’t deserve to have to deal with all of TK’s bullshit, however much TK may want it.
So. That’s it.
“I like you, Carlos. I want to get to know you better. But as friends. I’m not in a place for a relationship—I don’t know if this is where I belong, or even if I can be a firefighter anymore. And I just. I just think that I have to work out who I am before I can let someone else in on that, you know? So… Can we? Be friends, I mean?”
Carlos would be well within his rights to say no, after all. But instead he smiles, a little sad, but still as gentle as ever, and says, “Sure. I’d love that.”
TK realised three things pretty quickly after that moment.
One: Austin is his home.
Two: He belongs at the firehouse—but as a paramedic.
And three: He is in love with Carlos Reyes.
But his moment has come and gone. That conversation is the kind that can’t be taken back; the damage has been done, and now TK has to live with the consequences. It’s not all bad—he still has Carlos in his life, and things are… Things are good. They hang out regularly, they have an ongoing text thread, there’s no awkwardness or resentment between them. All things considered, they’re in a better place than they were back during their pseudo-dating phase.
But still, TK misses him.
It’s a strange feeling, missing someone who’s right there beside him. TK hadn’t realised how much he would lose when they became ‘just friends’ for real, but now he finds himself noticing more and more the absence of a flirty twinkle in Carlos’s eye or the suggestive lilt to his words. There’s still an air around them, a sense that, if he just pushed a little, they could easily tip over into more. Into whatever they were on their way to becoming before TK drew his line in the sand.
He won’t, though. It wouldn’t be fair—Carlos has already put up with so much from him that it’s a miracle he’s even still around at all—and TK is not willing to risk what is now the best friendship of his life. If having Carlos in his life means keeping his hands to himself and forever refusing the urge to kiss him senseless, then it’s a small price to pay.
“You’re such an ass!” TK shoves Carlos lightly as they walk down the street, rolling his eyes at the smirk sent his way. “Why can’t you just suck it up and accept that maybe you don’t know Austin as well as you think you do?”
Carlos raises a solitary eyebrow. “Because I’ve lived here my entire life?”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Besides,” he cuts in, before Carlos can come back with some other stupid, logical argument, “this place only popped up a few months back so there’s no way you’ve had enough time to make a proper judgement.”
“And you have?”
“Shut up.”
Carlos laughs and, though TK tries to glare at him, he can’t help but be drawn into it. He shakes his head and looks down to avoid Carlos’s eyes, only for his gaze to catch on their hands, swinging in sync mere centimetres apart. How he aches to close that distance and thread their fingers together; to tell Carlos everything he’s been pushing down for months—
Carlos lifts his hand to run his fingers through his hair, and the moment is broken. If he noticed TK’s lapse, then he doesn’t show it, instead turning to him with an amused smile. “Alright,” he says, “how about this? You take me wherever this is, and next time, I’ll take you to the actual best pizza place in Austin; then we’ll see who’s right.”
TK wishes he could kiss that self-satisfied smirk off his face. See how smug he is then.
“Fine,” he agrees. “Prepare to eat your words, Reyes.”
“Looking forward to it.”
God, TK hates him.
Carlos is being infuriatingly quiet as they eat, and it’s grating on TK’s every nerve. TK is well aware he’s doing it for that exact purpose, but he’s never been known for his patience—a fact which Carlos knows all too well and is rudely taking advantage of.
“So?” TK demands, folding his arms on the tabletop. “Was I right, or was I right?”
Carlos hums, pretending to consider the slice in his hand with great care. Then, he meets TK’s eyes and drops it back on the plate, re-settling in his seat with a shit-eating grin. “It was okay.”
TK’s mouth drops open. He blinks at Carlos for a good few seconds, then snaps his jaw shut with a click, shaking his head and sighing. “I hate you,” he grumbles, refusing to look Carlos in the eye.
Carlos has the audacity to actually laugh. “No, you don’t,” he says, and he doesn’t know quite how true that is. TK feels a blush start to rise on his cheeks, which cannot happen, so he clears his throat and slides out of his seat.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” he says. “Maybe you’ll have reconsidered by the time I come back.”
TK can’t stop a grin from forming the second he turns his back, his heart doing a stupid little dance in his chest. He doesn’t need a mirror to know that his face is bright red, and he’s going to have to splash a significant amount of water over him before he can even think about facing Carlos again.
He takes his time in the bathroom, stopping to stare at his reflection in the mirror for several minutes and trying to talk himself down from any more-than-friendly feelings towards Carlos.
Later, they’ll tell him that this saved his life.
But that won’t be for a long time, until after the smoke has cleared and the dead have been counted and the statements have been taken.
For now, TK steels his resolve and nods at himself, then turns to the door, a hand reaching out for the handle.
That’s when the explosion rips through the building.
He’s floating.
He’s… He doesn’t… Something’s not right. Something…
Underwater. He can’t hear anything and he’s floating and he’s underwater, except he can’t be because he was just in a restaurant with Carlos and they were talking and—and—
The world slams back into him with the force of a freight train and TK coughs as he instantly feels like his entire body is being compressed, his airways closing up. It takes a few seconds to realise his eyes are closed and several more before he can open them, only to be met with even more darkness.
He blinks—so he definitely has opened them—but he still can’t see a damn thing. Is he… He can’t be blind. He can’t.
TK’s chest tightens even further and the panic causes his limbs to twitch, to scrabble at the ground, and the movements must be enough to dislodge something because suddenly there’s light streaming into his eyes. He slams his eyelids shut instinctively, and it’s a long moment before he can crack them open again.
His surroundings come to him in bits and pieces. To his left, a pile of cracked porcelain—the sink, he realises. The floor glitters with a material TK can’t identify until he catches sight of his reflection in a shard of glass just in front of him. And on top of him, something heavy, rough—wood?
The door!
Slowly, agonisingly, he manages to shift to all fours, then to his knees, then finally staggers to his feet. He sways in place, watching the bathroom door hit the floor, and—that’s strange. It doesn’t make a sound.
He can’t hear anything, actually, aside from a faint, high-pitched ringing. The paramedic in him tells him that this is a bad thing, but he feels separate from both his brain and his body; he’s floating somewhere outside his body, this whole situation feeling like a dream, or perhaps a nightmare.
A thought drifts through his mind then. No, not a thought, a name.
He was with Carlos. He has to find Carlos.
TK stumbles forward, grabbing onto anything within reach as the battle to stay upright gets harder with each second that passes. An intense heat hits him as he makes it into what he thinks is the main seating area and the change in atmosphere is instant—thick, black smoke invades his lungs, sending him back to his knees, body heaving with coughs.
The restaurant is on fire and TK can barely keep his eyes open as he searches for any sign of Carlos. He forces his aching body further, any pain taking a back-seat as the need to find Carlos grows. He’s still not sure what’s happening or how they got in this mess, but he knows that Carlos is in danger, and TK isn’t going to let him die. Not now. Not ever, if he can help it.
He crawls through the restaurant, blind and deaf to where he’s going, but he’ll know it’s Carlos when he finds him. He knows he will. There’s nothing that could stop him from recognising Carlos.
TK doesn’t know what’s happening when he suddenly feels himself being lifted, something bulky being placed over his face. It’s a shock, the sensation of being able to breathe clean oxygen, and it goes to his head for a moment, the dizziness growing even as his vision begins to clear up.
He catches sight of 126 emblazoned on a helmet and familiar, worried eyes looking down at him, and that’s when it connects. His family are here, they’re here, but Carlos is still somewhere and TK is not leaving without him. He struggles in his father’s grasp, managing to squirm and flail enough to get his feet on the floor and for his dad’s grip on him to falter.
But the relief is momentary; no sooner is he standing than the vertigo and nausea takes over, and he crumbles.
This time, when the world goes black, it stays that way.
They tell him it was a gas explosion in the restaurant’s kitchen. They say he’s lucky to be alive, that his trip to the bathroom saved him. They say he needs plenty of rest and time to heal.
They don’t tell him anything about Carlos.
TK asks, he’s been asking since the moment he woke up in the hospital. But the team knows nothing and the doctors keep saying to focus on his own injuries rather than worrying about someone else.
Someone else, as if that’s all Carlos is. He’s the love of TK’s fucking life, but they might never get the chance to be anything more than friends; TK has seen the news. His dad had switched it off the second he caught him watching it, but he’d seen enough to know that survivors are few, and, of those, most of them weren’t as lucky as TK.
His injuries were serious, but they’ll heal. He’ll probably have scars from the shrapnel from when the explosion first went off and from the burns he acquired looking for Carlos, and he’s going to have one hell of a tinnitus case for a while, but it’s nothing. Less than nothing.
He’s alive, which, if Carlos is dead or dying, is far more than he deserves.
On his fifth day in hospital, they tell him he can go home later. He should be grateful, but it just feels like another thing that’s happened to him in a long line of things. He’s waiting for his dad to come back from picking his prescription up when there’s a knock at the door, and TK looks up to see an older Latino couple, the woman looking at him with a deep sadness in her eyes.
“I… Are you TK?” she asks haltingly.
TK frowns and nods, surprised by the relief that floods her face when he does. He doesn’t have to wonder for long, though.
“I’m Andrea. Carlos’s mother. This is his father, Gabriel.” She gestures to the man next to her, who nods at TK, his mouth pinched. TK swallows nervously, terror building in him at the thought of what Carlos’s parents could be doing here. “The doctors tell us you’ve been asking about our son,” Andrea continues. “We wanted to come and talk to you and give you the news ourselves.”
TK swears his heart stops in his chest. “Is he…”
He can’t get the words out, can’t put the idea into existence, but Andrea clearly picks up on what he’s thinking as she crosses the room, taking his hands in hers.
“He’s alive,” she says. “He… He lost a leg in the explosion and his lungs were damaged from the smoke, but the doctors have told us that the worst danger has passed. We’re just waiting for him to wake up now.” Andrea pauses, biting her lip. She looks at Gabriel, then back to TK, releasing his hands. “How do you know our son? Are you…”
“We’re friends,” TK says, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. “He’s the best friend I’ve got. Thank you for telling me.”
He leaves his number with Andrea and Gabriel, and they promise to keep him updated on Carlos’s condition.
Four days after TK goes home, he gets a phone call to say that Carlos is awake. He’s back at the hospital within the hour, racing as fast as he can (which, infuriatingly, isn’t very fast right now) to the room number they gave him.
The sight he’s greeted with just about takes his breath away.
Carlos smiles at him, and he’s covered in bandages and scrapes and he’s clearly exhausted, but he’s smiling, and TK swears he’s never looked more beautiful. He stands in the doorway for a long time, just staring at Carlos for the first time in nine days, so captivated by him that he doesn’t notice the knowing look that passes between Andrea and Gabriel.
“We’ll give you boys some time to catch up,” Gabriel says. He pats TK’s shoulder when they walk past him, and it’s enough to spur him back into action.
TK crosses the room in three quick strides, reaching for Carlos’s hand the second he’s settled in the chair. He almost sobs when he feels Carlos squeeze his hand back; it’s weak, more just a twitch of the fingers, but it feels like everything.
“Hi,” Carlos says, his voice quiet and raspy.
TK sniffs, opens his mouth to say hi back, but maybe the explosion knocked him about more than he realised, because what comes out instead is, “I love you.”
Their eyes widen at the same time, a flush rising on TK’s face as he processes what he just did. “I—I’m so sorry, Carlos, I—” He shakes his head and tries to pull his hand back, but Carlos’s grip tightens, keeping him firmly in place.
“Say it again,” he demands.
TK blinks. “What?”
“Say it again.”
He hesitates another second, but the slight uptick to Carlos’s lips gives him the confidence he needs to look Carlos in the eyes.
“I love you. I’ve loved you for the longest time and I’m so sorry that I couldn’t see it before. I was scared, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle a relationship, and I figured it would be easier to let you down than risk hurting us both when we inevitably realised it couldn’t work out.
“But I was so wrong, Carlos. Back at the restaurant, after the explosion, all I cared about was finding you and making sure that you were okay. I couldn’t stand the thought that anything might have happened to you, and I’ve been going out of my mind since it happened because I didn’t know how you were. I—I can’t lose you, Carlos.”
He takes a deep breath and blinks away the tears beginning to gather in his eyes, attempting a trembling smile to match Carlos’s own. “I love you,” he whispers. “If it’s too late, then I understand. I just. I need you in my life. I need you, Carlos. However you’ll have me.”
Carlos holds his gaze for a long time after TK has finished speaking, and it feels like he’s seeing right through him. Eventually, after so long that TK’s lost all sense of time, he slowly raises his hand, brushing his knuckles across TK’s cheek, then coming to rest on the back of his neck.
“I love you, too.”
And the light pressure from Carlos’s hand is all the invitation TK needs to close the distance between them, his heart pounding as he kisses Carlos for what feels like the first time.
Hopefully, it’s the first of many, and the first of the rest of their lives.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Illumi x black reader ch 3
Reminder that this will all be posted on ao3 @ kachansmassivetiddies as well
It was the next day when Illumi came home and all night you had to force yourself to ignore the phone calls that came throughout the night. "Y/N I brought you breakfast." you could vaguely hear the monotone voice through your sleepy state. Sitting up you wipe your eyes and look around the room before finally taking in the food in front of you. You blink slowly as you take in the large egg in front of you. It was about 2 feet tall and larger than your own head with speckled spots all around it. "Illumi what the hell is this?" Illumi blinked at you, "A boiled egg, I heard it is popular among you people." he replies, taking out a spoon and whacking the top of the egg at light speed. All at once, the egg was made up of cracks before they all fell lightly around the egg itself. 
"You people? What does that mean" you glared at him, arms folded. Illumi looked at you blankly before closing his eyes and standing up, "Isn't it obvious? Americans." You looked at him for a while, questioning the life choices that lead up to this moment. "Are you going to eat this with me?" you asked poking the large food product with a fork provided by Illumi's brother from your last meal. Illumi shook his head, "No I ate two weeks ago I'm quite full." 
At this point, you didn't have any desire to question it as you pierced your egg with your fork eating it. You were surprised at the abundance of taste it held without having any noticeable sauce or seasoning on it. "This is amazing!" you said digging in the egg savoring every bite. Illumi took out a notepad and scribbled something down. "What's that?" you ask, eyes lighting up as you finally made it to the yolk. "Notes my mother gave to me in order to make you accept this family as your own. Step 1: Take them, easy enough. Step 2: a way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Illumi looked up to you with what you could only guess to be pride.
"Did you just call me a man?" you asked blandly suddenly wanting to throw something at the skinwalker. "As far as I can see, you carry no masculine features but even if you did, my family has ways of making it work." Illumi says gesturing at the pins adorning his green vest. You internally shiver at the sight of them as you think back to the night you two met. "Why wouldn't you answer my calls?" Illumi asks, black eyes peering down at you as if they could swallow you whole. "Why did you call me while you were inside someone. Aren't I supposed to be your wife?" you questioned sarcastically licking your lips and setting the plate to the side. 
You had only finished about 1/8 of the egg but you felt as if your stomach would implode on itself. You jump as you see a pale hand planted on the bed next to you. You gaze up at Illumi as he looks down at you, seemingly to take in all your features. "Would you prefer I were inside you?" You squeal jumping up and out of the bed falling onto the floor. "Where did that come from!?" you yelled pointing an accusing finger at Illumi as he walked around the bed towards you. 
"Although I would prefer our lovemaking to be only when conceiving a child, I do not mind indulging in your fantasies." He says sliding a nail down the middle of his vest opening it up to reveal a green shirt underneath. "You stay right there slender man! Touch me and it's on sight!" you say wielding your fork as if it were a weapon. "Onsight? But I can see you just fine, are you perhaps blind?" You look at him with distaste as you stand up lazily throwing the fork in his direction. “You’re so weird.”
Illumi looked like a kicked puppy, “I don’t know what was strange, you chose to insinuate that you were jealous of me giving physical pleasure to another woman.” There was a knock on the door and a tall man with a mustache walked in. “What is it Gotoh?” Illumi asks, facing the man. Gotoh takes in your disheveled appearance and Illumi’s rare lack of that ugly ass jacket and smirks. “Look OG I don't know what you're thinking but that ain’t it.” you say rolling your eyes before walking into a closet to see what you could possibly wear. 
Illumi looks at you with an eyebrow raised, “What is an Oh Gii? Is it a term of endearment?” You look at Illumi for a while before giving him a thumbs-up, “Yeah totally.” Gotoh pushed his glasses up doing his best to contain his amusement. “Your mother and father request a meeting with you and your fiance.” Illumi nods and Gotoh takes his exit. 
You pull out an outfit that looks similar to what Illumi was wearing but instead of green it was red. “That'll work.” you mutter flinching as you feel arms wrap around your waist and you feel Illumi rest his head on your shoulder. “I am quite fond of you Oh Gee.” 
You have to close your eyes and take deep breaths in order to keep in the laughter threatening to exit your lips.
Much to Illumi’s outward displeasure yet obvious pleasure, you and him were wearing the same thing. Although his vest was tightly hugging your chest and the pants were getting ready to bust from your ass. You two walked down the corridor in silence as you took in the navy blue walls that adorned the hallways. “I mean, knowing what you people do I wasn't expecting to see any loving family photos but how do ya’ll not get depressed with all this nothingness.” Illumi gazes forward but pulls out a small parchment. “I prefer to carry family memories.” 
Illumi holds out a small photo to you. You look at it and it appears to be a child Illumi with his father in the woods. Ordinarily, this would be a sweet and endearing photo if not for the fact that Illumi was covered in blood splatter. “This was my first kill.” You quickly handed back the photo and chuckled awkwardly. “How cute a child murderer.” Illumi nodded, “Grandma thought so too.” 
You silently prayed that someone, anyone would come to get you from this nightmare.
Illumi opens the double doors and allows you to walk in first. The room was much more lively than the halls but still managed to not look out of place. The room was a deep orange with golds everywhere from the linen to very abstract paintings placed in gold frames.
Sitting on a large pillow was Illumi’s mother and if they had your way, your mother-in-law. Illumi’s father of course sat next to her, broad-chested and overall intimidating. “I bet his dick is small.” you mutter trying to ignore how fast Illumi turned his head to gaze at you.  “Illumi my son, come, come, sit!’ The woman cried, throwing her arms in the air in a welcoming manner. Illumi sat down.
You continued to stand because there was no obvious pillow for you to sit on. “Umm.” you scratched the back of your head before walking close to Illumi to sit. “No need for you to sit my dear, you will be leaving soon anyway.” you raised your eyebrow at that and couldn’t help but feel a chill go down your back. “W-What does that mean sir?” you ask. To your left, a small man in a lab coat walked from behind a door holding a clipboard. “We are ready sir.” he says not looking at you the entire time
“Y/N can you please go with him.” Illumi orders not even giving room for objection. You put your hand on your hip slapping away the hand the little man offered to you. “Like hell, I’m just going with Dr. Frankenstein over here without having any information!” Illumi sighed, having the audacity to look embarrassed. “You chose yourself a feisty one, my son.” Silva chuckled looking at you with a gleam in his eyes that made you thoroughly uncomfortable.”Illumi!” you warned, tapping your foot on the carpet. “More like obnoxious.” you could hear Kikyo mutter but you were too pressed with Illumi to care.
“It is understandable Illumi, I’m sure she would be more comfortable with her husband present during the examination.” You tapped your foot faster, getting anxious at the words 'examination.' 
After a long pause, Illumi get’s up and follows you into the next room. This room was ordinarily dull. The floor was hardwood but the walls seemed to be adorned with expensive fabrics. “Miss if you will, can you roll up your shirt so I can draw blood.” You jerk your head at Illumi who simply looked blankly at you. 
Seeing no other choice you roll up your sleeve but before the doctor could put the needle within you, you freaked out and stopped him before holding your hand out to Illumi. Illumi looked at your hand before recognition set in his eyes. He leaned forward and gave you a high-five. “My brother Killua taught me that.” You put a tight smile on your face before reaching over and grabbing the nearest object and throwing it at Illumi’s head satisfied as it hits him square in the jaw.
“No dumbass, hold my hand.” you responded. Illumi opened his mouth to say something but decided against it before taking your hand into his. Illumi’s hands were unsurprisingly cold considering how pale he was. The fingers were thin, long, and too delicate to belong to someone that takes lives for a living. You couldn’t quite help but laugh at how your skin tones concentrated so drastically, it was almost comical.
Before you knew it the blood work was done but you still didn’t let go of Illumi’s hand fearing what was to come next. “Please take off your clothes.” You Look at the doctor for a second before slowly sliding out of the chair and bolting for the door. Before you could make it you feel the neck of your vest being jerked back. “Don’t make this difficult please.” Illumi sighed. 
“Hey you're not the one being asked to strip in a strange place.” Illumi shook his head, “Would you like it if I striped you instead of the doctor?” You smacked him on the back of his head, “No with your weird-ass!” 
In the end, you kicked Illumi outside and found yourself propped up in a chair as the doctor took swabs in your cooter much to your discomfort. Illumi comes back in by the time you finally put your pants on and you follow him and the doctor back to the original room. 
“How did it go doctor?” Silva asks and as you come closer you notice a large pillow sat out for you. “I’ll have you know my findings are quite peculiar. This woman seems to be a second nen ability within her but it’s dormant. This only happens with twins when one consumes the other.” You knew this fact, your momma always joked about how you were so hungry as a child that you ate your sister. “And what else.” Kikyo said, opening a hand fan impatient. “Is the girl barren and therefore of no use to us?!” 
“Oh you won’t have to worry about Illumi’s ability to produce children, this woman is extremely fertile. In fact, I’m sure all it would take would be one time. There is also a high chance they could produce a white-haired offspring.” Your eyes widened, Kids? What the hell are they talking about, it’s been 3 days do you not get a got damn orientation? Silva held his chin in thought, “Though I do not doubt Killua’s loyalty, it’s always good to have a backup.” 
You stood up and headed out the door as fast as you could, fists clenched. “Back up my ass, I ain’t having no brat with any of you people!” You walk down the hall, having no intention in mind highly doubting that you could make it to any exit without this damned family allowing you to. “Who the hell are you?” You hear a voice down the hall coming from a small boy with white hair. ‘This must be Killua.” You thought as you continued to walk past him, “A bad bitch who doesn't need no weird-ass fish-eyed man.”
Before you take another step, you hear a loud sound coming towards you, “Get out of the way!” Killua said, pushing you against the wall. There is a loud crack then footsteps, “Hello Killua.”  You heard Illumi’s monotone voice say as he comes to be in front of you. Reaching above your head, Illumi picks out one of his pins from the wall behind you. “The hell was that Illumi!’ both you and Killua yell out, pointing an accusatory finger at the man in question.
“I see you’ve met my bride.” Illumi continues ignoring the situation. “It was good to see you again, finally tired of your ‘friend’?” Killua scoffed, “No, I’m here because dad called me.” he shrugs, putting his hands in his pockets and walking away, “Hey!” you look up at Killua who had his hand raised in a wave, “Sorry for your loss.”
Illumi crowds you back into your shared room with more force than necessary. “Hey watch it!” you snap shaking your shoulder out of his grip. “You embarrassed me in front of my mother.” He replied blandly. You roll your eyes, “Well sorry for you pretty boy, but I have bigger fish to fry.” Illumi looked around the room slowly, “I swear to god if you say-” “What fish?” You groan plopping on the bed burying your face into the sheets. 
In your own world, you ignore the feeling of the bed sink, but you do not ignore the crotched pressed into your ass. “What in the hell do you think your doing nigga?!’ you say not in the mood whatsoever. “What is a ni-” you swing your hand behind you and attempt to slap Illumi in the face only for him to grab it and press it into the sheets above you. You begin to feel uneasy, “What are you doing fish eyes!?” You attempt to lift your hips but he secured them with his own. “Considering the results, I say that now is a perfect time to start consummating.
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Help Me Forget
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Tony Stark
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The streets were busy and lively as you pushed your way through, desperate to fight the crowds and return to the safety of your home.
It had been a relatively normal day, a good day, up until you had stumbled across one little happening. 
Up until you had seen them.
As you walked briskly on the darkened pavement, you tried frantically to rid your mind of the troubling thought, but no matter how hard you tried, the images kept flooding right back.
Your eyes filled with tears as you recalled the unfortunate incident.
You had gone out on a food run for the group, it was a usual occurrence and it just so happened to be your turn. You had turned up at the restaurant to pick up your order, when you saw something that made you freeze in your tracks.
Sitting on a table not too far away, was Steve. Much to your shock, he was not alone. He was sitting across from a unfamiliar woman, looking very cosy. Too cosy. 
When you had first seen him, you thought you had imagined it. Perhaps, you had mistook a stranger for the Captain. No. You soon realised that you had seen right.
The sight had shocked you so much, that you turned around and speedily left the restaurant. The food long forgotten.
Returning back to the present moment, as you made your way back home, you had more time to process what had happened, but it only made it worse.
You and Steve had a history, to say the least. You had joined the Avengers not long before the attack on Ultron. The former solider was kind and gentle to you, two things that you had never been very familiar with, given your harsh background. You had found comfort in his warm personality, and you soon became good friends. Shortly after, friendship had blossomed into something more, and the two of you were known around the tower, as the 'power couple,' of the group. You were inseparable, and highly protective of each other. You were in love. Plain and simple.
However, your loving relationship came crashing down when you had got badly injured in an assignment. It was risky to begin with, but Fury had needed all of the team. You had been fighting off a gang of radical soldiers with Natasha, when the Hulk had a huge break out, he had lost control and the team needed Natasha to get to him, quick. Subsequently, Steve made the call for Natasha to go to Banner and go through their lullaby.
What he didn't know, was that you were left alone with a very large group of bloodthirsty lunatics.
You had given the best you could, but there had been too many for you to fight off. By the time Natasha had warned Steve that you were on your own, it was too late.
Steve and Tony arrived to see you on the floor, unconscious, with blood pouring out from gaping wounds. They had rushed you back to the jet and straight to the hospital at S.H.I.E.L.D., where you underwent intense treatment, but had also slipped into a coma.
For weeks Steve sat with you, begging you to wake up. The image of how he had found you haunted him deeply, he knew he would never be able to forget what he did. When you finally woke up, you didn't remember much about the attack, which turned out to be a blessing. 
However, you also woke up to a very broken man.
Steve was left traumatised after the event. No matter how hard you or any other of the avengers tried, he could not and would not accept that he was not responsible to what had happened to you. He blamed himself entirely. He could not live with the fact that he had caused you any sort of pain of injury. He could not bear the guilt and shame. 
As an unfortunate result, Steve had made the painful decision to distance himself from you. He had told you that he could not be with you anymore, that you deserved better than him, that you needed someone who could always protect you.
Needless to say, you had not taken it very well. At all. You thought he was being too hard on himself, to the point where it was ridiculous. He was being infuriatingly stubborn, and you told him as much, but he would not listen. He had made up his mind. He hated himself for putting you in danger, and it was too difficult for him to be around you, knowing that truth.
The two of you had been separated for a little over six months now. You thought that you had finally come to a place where you could deal with it better. It was hard and painful at times, but you had tried your best to come to a place of acceptance, knowing that he was not going to change his mind. 
However, seeing him, the man that you had loved, the man who had detached himself from you, seeing him with another woman...and looking so-so happy...it killed you. It hurt you in ways that you didn’t expect. The pain that you felt in your heart, reminded you just how much you still loved him. 
You were also angry. Very angry. 
You couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to do that to you, to simply find someone else and move on...casting you aside.
As you marched back into the tower, you had one single bitter thought in mind; ‘if he can move on so quickly, then so can I!’
The elevator doors rolled back when you reached the main floor. You took a deep breath then strolled into the allotment, very much aware of the multiple pairs of eyes upon you.
“Hey, Y/N,” greeted Clint from his seat on the sofa, but you ignored him, causing him and Natasha to exchange a concerned glance.
Piertro, who was over by the bar, noticed your empty hands and frowned. “Where is the food?”
“Didn’t get it.” Was all you replied, as you continued to stalk through the floor, passing by all your perplexed friends. 
Piertro pouted sadly. “Aw, but I’m hungry.”
Wanda rolled her eyes at her brother. “You’re always hungry.”
“What? I have a really fast metabolism.”
Bruce couldn’t help but pipe up at the scientific inconsistency. “Actaully, that has nothing to do with how your appetite works...”
You left the room as if you had never even heard them, your mind bubbling with too many things.
Noticing the hard glare that you were wearing as you walked away, Clint asked the others, “what was that all about?”
You walked up the stairs to your own floor, but didn’t go into your room. No. Instead, you stopped right outside a black, shiny door, and quickly knocked on it. The door opened and Tony stared back at you in momentary confusion, before registering that it was you.
He quickly fixed a charming smirk onto his handsome face. “Hi, sweetheart.”
You didn’t reply but gazed at him with semi-guarded emotions. He saw the pain in your eyes that you were half-halfheartedly trying to hide, and immediately sobered.
“Whats wrong, Y/N?”
You shook your head, not being able to say anything aloud just yet. “Can I come in?” You asked.
Tony answered your question by moving back and gesturing for you to enter, his concern increasing. Wordlessly, you went in and sat down on the large bed, waiting as he joined you.
You just sat there for a few moments, gathering your thoughts. Tony waited patiently, knowing that something had definitely upset you.
Finally, you managed to summon the courage to speak the words out loud.
“I saw Steve...with another woman...”
Your words were left to hang in the air, as Tony tried to process what you said. He looked at you worriedly, but was sure that you had to be mistaken.
“Are you positive it was Cap?”
“Absolutely. I saw them together at the restaurant when I went to get the food.”
Tony couldn’t quite believe it. It didn’t sound like the Cap he knew. “Maybe it wasn’t what you thought, maybe they’re just friends. Or he could have saved her from a burning building, its Cap, that’s kind of his thing. He can’t resist being the hero.”
You didn't laugh at the jesting in his voice, instead you merely looked at him tiredly. "I know what I saw, Tony. Steve is never that comfortable with someone he's just met, not like he was with her. There was familiarity between them, and not just the friendly kind."
Tony was finding it hard to comprehend how Cap, Cap of all people, could be on a date with another girl. A girl that wasn't you...it didn't make sense, and yet, there was no mistaking the striking betrayal that lay in your pretty eyes.
He reached out and rested his arm across your shoulders, drawing you into his side in an attempt to offer you some kind of comfort. He didn't know what he could say to make you feel better, if there was anything at all. The break up had been pretty rough on you, and to learn that the man who caused it had now done this...it made Tony's jaw clench. 
He would punch Cap in his shiny, patriotic face the next time he saw him.
You lay your head on Tony's chest and wrapped your arms around his waist, breathing in his pleasant aroma of aftershave and whisky. As you sat there together, with him gently rubbing your back, an idea formed in your bedraggled mind. An idea that may have seemed incredibly unwise, but one that brought you a twisted sensation of solace and satisfaction.
You lifted your head and angled it towards him, gazing at him with wide eyes. "Tony, if I ask you to do something for me, will you do it?"
He smiled softly. "Anything for you, sweetheart."
You bit your lip as you removed your hands from his waist and brought them up to his chest, clutching his shirt tightly. 
“I need you."
Tony stared back at you in bewilderment, certain that he had misheard, because you couldn't possibly have said what he thought you had. 
“Sorry, what?"
"I...need you," you repeated, judging his reaction carefully.
He was worried you had said that. Under normal circumstances, he would have been only to happy to oblige your request, however, these were not normal circumstances. You were in a highly emotional state and that changed everything.
“You’re clearly not thinking straight.”
“Maybe not,” you agreed. “But so what? I always think things through too much lately and I’m sick of it. Maybe, just one time, I want to do something not so right.
“I cant, Y/N. I can’t.”
Tony shot up from the bed and ran a hand through his hair, glancing at you with obvious temptation. 
“Why not?” You countered, standing up too and going over to him. “Because Steve wouldn't like it? Well, he doesn’t seem to care how I feel right now, so why should I care about him? You saw me, Tony, I was a wreck after he ended things. I kept hoping that he would change his mind, but he never did! Now-now he goes off and finds someone else because it suddenly suits him! Without giving me a second thought!”
Anger, betrayal and anguish laced your voice heavily, making Tony’s wall break down one-by-one. He hated seeing you upset. He wanted to be there for you. You had always been there for him.
You sighed deeply, your eyes silently pleading with him as you wrapped your hand in his.
“Please, Tony. I need to forget. Help me forget.”
No more words were uttered.
Pushing away his final thoughts of conflict, Tony promptly captured your lips in his in a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around you and backing you over to the bed.
As you lay down, he hovered over you, his eyes conveying the question he needed to be sure of. You nodded hastily in reply, giving him his answer, and he joined your lips again.
The rest of the night was spent in a whirlwind of emotions. Yielding to passions and succumbing to temptations that you knew deep down, you would come to regret. For that moment, you blocked out the rest of the world, as you focused on only you and him.
The following morning, you awoke early in Tony's embrace, and instantly felt irritation creep up at yourself for letting things go so far.
There was no taking it back now.
As quietly as you could, you detached yourself from his arms and left his room, clothed only in one of his AC/DC shirts.
Since it was so early, you assumed that no one else would be up yet, so you went down to the kitchen, intending to make yourself a cup of coffee.However, you stopped in your tracks when you saw that you weren't alone. 
Wanda was sat at the breakfast bar...with Steve.
You went to turn around and leave before they saw you, but you found that it was too late, for Wanda called, "good morning, Y/N."
You sighed in frustration but turned back, plastering on a false smile. "Morning."
Upon hearing your name, Steve swivelled around on his stool to look at you, his heart clenching at the sight of you. He couldn't believe how you managed to be so beautiful all the time. It was still so painful for him to have to keep you at a distance, but he had to do it. He couldn't risk you getting hurt again. It was in your best interests.
“Y/N," he greeted with a small smile.
Steve bit back a wince at your curtness. It felt so strange to hear you be so formal with him. He knew that something was amiss, you hadn't called him that since you first joined the team, and even then it hadn't lasted more than a couple of days.
Wanda handed you a mug of coffee but her eyes scanned your appearance curiously, until it clicked.
“Is that Tony's shirt?"
That made Steve draw his attention to it too, scrutinising it with narrowed eyes.
You glanced down at the oversized garment, hurrying for an explanation. "Yes, I borrowed it a while ago and forgot to give it back, I just threw something on to come and get a drink."
"That's one of Stark's favourite shirts," observed Steve with a deep frown. "It's strange that he doesn't mind you keeping it."
You took a sip of your coffee, trying to stop the panic from rising. "Well, he's a strange guy."
Wanda accepted that as a reasonable response and decide to change the subject, though Steve was still pondering it, he could always tell when you were lying.
"Steve was just telling me about this dinner he went to last night," explained Wanda, unaware that the topic was a sensitive one for you.
"Oh, was he?" You voiced, sarcasm lacing your tone as you sent a small glare his way.
Wanda took that as a prompt to carry on. "Yeah, he met this woman on this old war website, and found out that she was related to-"
"I'll take it from here," Steve interrupted, not knowing how you would react to the information. "I found out that she was a distant relative of Peggy. She wanted to meet me to see if I could tell her anything about her great-aunt, and I felt obliged to."
Your thoughts were screaming at you as you stared at him, not moving.
Steve mistook your silence for anger or hurt. Peggy was always a difficult subject to broach between the two of you. He had managed to move on from his first love by finding you, his true love, but you had always questioned whether he had completely let her go.
He stood up and walked towards you, his expression wary. "Y/N, I only went for the woman's sake. I didn't think it was right to leave her with unanswered questions, to leave her wondering. There wasn't anything more to it than that. I swear. My history with Peggy is just that. History.”
You didn't have time to reply or fully register what this new information meant, because Tony came strutting in, shirtless, and looking immensely pleased with himself. 
“Morning, everyone." He went over to the counter and picked up the piece of toast that Wanda had made for herself, and took a bite out of it. He took notice of the soldier and tried to contain his anger at him for hurting you, so he settled for irritating him.
Tony threw you a wink as he walked back over to go to his room again. On the way out, he said cheekily, "thanks for last night, Y/N."
Your pulse quickened as you looked at the gaping Wanda in front of you, but you were more concerned by the look of utter pain and shock on Steve's face.
He swallowed thickly, his mind filling with every negative thought. 
He whispered, willing his voice not to crack. He could feel his heart breaking that very moment.
“I can't believe you would do that..."
Steve's eyes were full of pain, the same pain that you had felt the previous night. He knew he had to leave quickly, before his emotions overcame him.
He gave you one last, broken look, then stalked out of the kitchen, leaving you to watch after him helplessly.
You had messed up. You had messed up badly.
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Tree
Okay so heads up, not really sure how much I like this one but I hope you enjoy?
Also @noirdots is the coolest person ever.
Damian's brothers tried to convince him of auditioning for the school play, and after about 43 hours and 17 minutes straight of pestering, Damian caved and auditioned.  He auditioned for the lead male role. This year, it was a play of Romeo & Juliet.
Except Damian didn't make the cut.
The woman running the play said he was too emotionless, and didn't have enough chemistry with the already casted lead female, Lila.  The woman instead gave Damian another part.
Damian was the tree for the play, and not even the lead tree role.  Just the background tree role.
Damian's brothers wouldn't stop laughing at him for two whole weeks.  Bruce tried to he reassuring but Damian could still feel the awkwardness radiating from his father.
Damian sighed and was in a mood for the rest of the week.  He wasn't expecting to land Romeo, but I mean come on, the tree?
Marinette missed the auditions and landed the role of a background tree.  Someone reprinted the audition casting call flyers and printed it out with the wrong time, about an hour too late for the lead roles.  By then, everyone already called dibs on all the good roles.
Marinette groaned and felt like crying.  Her parents were extremely supportive. Marinette just sighed.  At least she got to make a few costumes for the play. And God damn it she will make the most gorgeous tree costume if it's the last thing she does.
Marinette stayed up all night practicing her best tree poses and making the best costumes for her and the other background trees.
When the next morning came, Marinette came in confident.
The woman running the play gathers everyone and sorts them into groups the next day.  Everyone is working with their assigned groups to memorize their lines, something Damian scoffed at.
Marinette excitedly ran around finding her group, but realized there was only one other background tree.
Damian realized this too, and once more eye rolled at what a pitiful role it was.
Marinette is jumping with joy when she shows him the sketches for the tree design.  He flips through them and they discuss what they like in each costume.
Marinette and Damian begin spending more time together, spending after school at the bakery studying and, "reviewing lines."  Marinette tried to show Damian how to make some of the props for the play, and although Damian didn't enjoy making props that much, he did enjoy spending time with Marinette.  In his book, it was worth it.
When the time of the play finally came around, Marinette and Damian were assisting the other actors and actresses backstage.  Bruce and the others were in the audience willing to cheer on Damian, while Marinette's parents had a camera at the ready.
Backstage however, was a nightmare.  The cast was arguing amongst themselves, and even some yelling could be heard by the audience.
When a scene between Romeo and Juliet finally arrived, Juliet/Lila was waiting on stage, but with no sign of the actor of Romeo.  By then, everyone was panicking. The play director began screaming and ordering out for other actors to improvise in an attempt to steer the attention of the audience away from the missing Romeo.
Actors and actresses ran out on stage and began making up a random plot off of the top of their heads' to improvise while the director was trying to contact Romeo backstage.
"Ah thou Juliet, as stunning as the sun, as mysterious as the moon...we have...uh...urgent news of thee the people whom beg for you to uh...act accordinglyishfully," one actress said.
"Oh my dearest friend, do tell I the news of despair, for the heart of my own can not stand the concept of injustice.  Do pray tell me the news," Juliet said.
"Um, my lady, I am the troubled soul that must tell you that uh there is...um...a terrible... tragic incident?" Another actor said.
"Oh please do tell me, I can not reside in the dark for any longer!" Juliet cried.
The actors and actresses were clearly panicking and freaking out.  No one said a thing while everyone struggled to find an excuse. There was dead silence as the audience sat in visible confusion.  No one could find something to say.
Suddenly, Marinette and Damian ran out onto the stage.  Marinette and Damian held their hands together and yelled, "Stop!  For we, the rulers of...the land of the tree, forbid your love to Romeo!" The audience gasped.  Damian wanted to hang his head against the wall.
Marinette just panicked and looked over at Damian.  Damian nodded.
"You absolutely barbaric humans have destroyed our planet, and have polluted our ecosystem!  Your life makes us disgusted. For you have the audacity, and thy has the nerve to dare oppose us and our teachings!" Marinette yelled.
The play director was screaming backstage while cursing up a storm.  She was questioning if it was too early to retire.
"What my Queen here has stated holds the truth and the standards to which we shall act upon!  For you humans have been too...uh, ungroovy for far too long, and the we the trees have come collect your debt!" Damian yelled while awkwardly doing a tree pose.  Marinette copies his pose to assert their dominance.
"What can this possibly mean?" Lila asked.
"It means, DUCK!" Damian yelled as he ripped off one of the fake apples from his costume and chucked it at her.  Marinette froze as Damian looked panicked. Suddenly, Marinette joined in and chucked another at one of the other actors.  Then, it was war.
One girl threw an entire chair across the stage, while a little boy tried to sword fight Damian on the stage using one of the fake swords.  Another little girl tried to use one of the fake vases nearby to throw at Marinette while Marinette just continued to use the apples from the costume.
Eventually, Damian pretended to be stabbed by the little boy and fell to his knees.  He fake cried out dramatically and then fell over on the stage. Marinette pretended to weep for his passing and then dragged him off the stage.
Backstage, Marinette and Damian were cracking up.
Marinette was rolling on the floor.  "Ungroovy? Really, Dami?" She was hugging her stomach while Damian buried his head into his hands.  He sat on the floor beside her and smiled at her as she was still giggling.
Suddenly, the stage lights shut off as the director of the play told them the play would be on pause until the actor of Romeo would show up.  The kids behind stage were still giggling and reminiscing.
Marinette finally calmed down as she hugged Damian.
"You're the best, you know that?"
"Well... that's a *re-leaf* to hear." Damian wiggled his eyebrows.
Marinette giggled and hugged him tighter.
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
@caffeinetheory @noirdots
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fifteenskies15 · 5 years
Unexpected Turn
(Yandere Tokito Muichiro x Demon Reader)
Part 2 of "Twisted Kaguya Hime"
Summary: Demons seems had habit to take anything or anyone that people love... Just like how Muichiro lost you, but unlike most people, Muichiro will claim what's his even if it means facing his own ancestor and the upper moon one, Kokushibo....
Admin's Note: @brinthie and Muichiro stans, did you all ordered a Yandere Muichiro? No? Well, too bad, whether you like it or not, this is the content I'm going to feed you all, my beautiful Muichiro stans *evil laughter* in here our giant baby Muichiro has turn into a lovestruck yandere just to claim you from six eyed sexy bastard Kokushibo after he took you away, also, mind you, this part is kinda rushed so don't expect much from me
Trigger Warning: (Slightly?) Gore, blood, slight suggestive theme, possessiveness, and slightly obsessed Muichiro
Also this song here is something Mui sing to maintain his sanity (just imagine his voice when he sing this)
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"I will never let you go"
"I will never take my eyes off you"
"I won't forgive those who tried to separate us"
"I won't forgive myself for hurting you at some point"
"I will move heaven and Earth if that means I can be with you"
"Even if that means destroying the world itself..."
"I will do it to prove my worth, to show you that I'm the only one who is worthy for you"
Day and weeks pass, Muichiro became so obsessive on finding you, even his fellow pillars find his behavior rather odd, sure he did always zoning out, staring off the space and not focusing on the thing the others said, but this time he looked weird.
He always stare at the amulet you purposely left for him, he would whispered things like "I will find you", "Wait for me", and "That bastard is going to pay" which creeped the other pillars out, even for someone like Sanemi and Giyuu is genuinely scared of his sudden change.
Everyone knows that Muichiro would stay in his estate when there are no mission from Oyakata-sama, but this time, he's not in his estate, no one knows where he gone to, even the kakushi are unable to find the illustrious mist pillar.
Where has that young man gone to?
Well, it's not really hard to answer that
He's off to find his demon lover, he could care less about the people in demon slayer corps, his sole focus is to find you...
You, yes you.
The girl/man he's been looking for ever since the day Kokushibo had the audacity to separate both of you, no matter what you do and no matter where you are right now, he will find you, he will make sure that you return to his embrace.
Even if that means leave the demon slayer corps?
Yes, even that.
He will make sure he leave no stone unturned until he find you.
Even if you live in the moon like Princess Kaguya, He will rope it closer just to be with you.
With your amulet around his neck and unwavering determination to find you, he set up a journey and he will never came back until you're in his safe arms...
Muichiro wandered around aimlessly in hope to find you, people would believe that he's a wandering warrior in search of his lost love
They're not wrong but...
He's not just a warrior...
He's an insane warrior...
His hope has turned into an obsession, he manage to deceive people with his innocent smile, while in reality he just become a man with obsession finding his lover
He even cut down to those who dare block his way, and demons... Oh believe me when I said they suffered the most painful death
It's indescribably painful
The last thing those demon see is Muichiro's satisfied smile, aside from that, it looked twisted and terrifying, not to mention the hollering insane and manic laugh as he killed them, it strikes fear into people who heard it
Muichiro is fully aware that he's losing his sanity every second so he would sing a song that sounded terribly heartbreaking and morbid
"Like flowing in the pushed aside sadness, We two started rowing, wanting to go somewhere, If, in the powerlessness before secret desires, It's to erase the modest mutter"
He aimlessly wandering around while singing the song he made inside his head
"Let's finish it with a non crying heart, Corpse, become a cold prayer, Let's finish dyeing the scarlet petal, Look, the nothingness is coming flying, Flying down quietly"
He kept singing as he effortlessly cutting down the demon into bloody pieces
"I knew the fated blood decided in the previous world but I wanted to protect eternally that person's promise"
His voice was accompanied with the agonized scream of the demons, a smile spread on his lifeless, porcelain face
"The pain of leeches eating into the soft fair skin Again, whenever the flower blooms, I forget..."
He laughed as he saw red before him.
Another day and week has passed, tonight is full moon night
Ah, the nostalgia...
The moment when he always spend it with his lovely (name) and also the day he/she was taken away.
It's strange though...
The moon is red tonight...
It sure looks imposing and vibrant.
And by the Gods and Buddha, does his eyes tricked him?
That (H/L) (H/C) hair...
That (E/C) eyes...
Could that be...?
The figure looked around, trying to find the person who called her/him
She/he can't hear me...
The figure finally noticed him and there is no mistake that it was her/him...
You rub your eyes not believing who it is...But it's not your imagination...
So you run up to him
You practically jumped into his arms, Muichiro hugged you tightly as if you would disappear at any moment
"Muichiro... it's... it's really you..." You say looking up at him, cupping his cheeks gently as he leant into your touch like it's his lifeline "It's me... I'm here, (name)"
You really happy that you can see him...
But something seems off, you couldn't just put it right...
"How...how did you know I was here?"
He took both of your hands, smiling "I have wandering around, searching for you everywhere, (name) that day you left me, I feel like part of me was missing, and the thought of losing you just...killed me"
You looked at him then to your amulet he's currently wearing, smiling to yourself, you pressed your forehead against his "I feel the same too, Muichiro... But know that I had no choice but to do this, for our sake and yours..."
He closed his eyes, drinking in all the proximity he got as he put his hands on yours "I don't care if I die, I don't care about me, I don't care if I have to die for you"
When he opened his eyes that's when realization hit you like a ton of bricks, his once lively mint eyes turned empty with trance of sadness, rage, desire and most of them all... obsession.
"I can't believe you went this far just to claim my creation..."
The all too familiar voice snapped both of you as you both see Kokushibo just stood there, arms crossed, as he glared at both of you "Kokushibo-sama!"
"Upper moon one, Kokushibo..."
Muichiro said with hint of malice as he grabbed his sword "...The man who took my dear wife/husband away..."
Kokushibo scowled "Wife/Husband? Open your eyes, Tokito Muichiro... I'm sure you're fully aware that you're defying the law of this world... No demon or human can live happily together as one, and happiness? Those things are non-existent, so why bother chasing it?"
Muichiro glowered at the demon as he tightly gripped his sword "(Name), I want you to hide somewhere safe, away from him"
"But... Muichiro...I can't lose you"
"You won't lose me..."
Kokushibo just smirked "Foolish, naive, Muichiro...you know that your darling (name) is my creation, which means that she's/he's bound to me, IF you think you're able to kill me then that means you're killing her/him too"
At first Muichiro froze up at the word he said, but he won't falter as he grip his sword even more tightly "Not if I can help it..." He turn to you "Didn't I told you to hide?"
"But Muichiro, he's way too stronger than you, it'll be impossible to defeat him!"
A glimpse of annoyed and mad expression on his face somehow terrifies you
"Then you leave me no choice..."
He then knock you out, your consciousness left you, although you could feel that you're being dragged away somewhere...
"Now then upper moon one..." Muichiro menacingly unsheathed his sword "Let's settle this thing once and for all..."
Kokushibo smirked, an amused and intrigued as he did the same "Yes we shall..."
Blood everywhere...
The once dark bluish grass has been tainted with disgusting red.
Muichiro just stand in daze, cuts, bruises everywhere, and there's a big scar on his abdomen, his lifeless eyes looked at Kokushibo's crippled form as the demon slowly disintegrated into nothing
"I told you that I'll find a way to kill you" he say as he put his sword back to its sheathe, with that Muichiro left him to disappear
"So this is how is it..."
"I have been killed by my own descendant"
"All because of a comical thing called love"
"Fufufu... You're naive Muichiro..."
"I can't believe you have become an absolute madman because of love..."
"Little did you know..."
"You're just doing all my unfinished work..."
An amused chuckled rang out the silent night as the demon dispersed into nothing and only left a pouch with a flute inside it
...How long has it been since you were blacked out?
And what is this place?
Oh it's a shrine, but why are you here instead of The Fortress of Infinity?
Your thoughts was cutted off as familiar figure opened the door and walked in
It's Muichiro...
Muichiro, with his demon slayer mark, walk towards you, slightly limping, you widen your eyes as you see how bloody he was, and the big cut on his abdomen...
You rushed towards him as he slumped towards you "Muichiro! Oh my, your injury is severe, lay down, I'll stop the bleeding!" You tried to find something but your kimono is the only cloth that exists so you ripped it and pressed it against Muichiro's abdomen
"(name)... I did it..."
"Muichiro you better not talk too much, please"
"I killed him..."
A smile spread into his porcelain like face, and unlike the usual it was sickly sweet
"I killed the upper moon one..."
You widen your eyes, if Kokushibo is dead...
"Muichiro, I think you should be aware that..."
"You're not..."
"You're not dead nor gone..." He put his callused hand on your cheek "You're here and that's the only thing that matters to me"
He's right...
Kokushibo, your creator might be dead, but you're still here so that means...
You're out of his control
"Oh my, you're right! This is...oh wow..."
You're speechless
Freedom had never felt this good
"This is great news, Muichiro! I can't wait to spend time with you again! Well, I guess we better rest here before we came back to your estate"
Oh yeah, he did have one.
But it doesn't matter now.
Muichiro sat up and winced a bit and looked at you, and somehow... It scares you.
"Muichiro, but why? The corps is where you belong to..."
"And I know damn well what will they do to you, but don't you worry, my darling" he cupped your cheeks with a smile
A sickeningly sweet smile
"Muichiro, you scared me..."
"Am I?"
His warm breath tickled your lips "Muichiro what's gotten into you?!" You tried to shove him away but to no avail...
What happened to your sweet and kind Muichiro?
"Forget the estate and screw the corps" he slowly unsheathed his sword
"...And fuck those pillars"
"Muichiro, please!! Snap out of it!!" You wriggled away from him and backed away "Why are you avoiding me, love? Did I hurt you?"
No answer
But yes he did hurt you.
He hurt you by killing his old self.
"Come here, sweet (name), I'm longing for you to fall into my arms again, don't you feel the same too?"
"Muichiro, this isn't you..."
"What are you talking about, my cherry blossom? It's me, Tokito Muichiro..."
He walked towards you slowly, with a grin on his face.
"Your one and only true love..."
He pulled out his sword slowly, you gulped and tear up a bit, what is he doing and more importantly, why did he do this?
"I'm a human and I would die anytime soon... And the thought of death tearing us apart makes my blood boil"
Oh no...
No, no, no, no, no...
"Muichiro, please!! Even if we were separated by death we-"
You screamed in pain as he cut the palm of your hand "Muichiro, No!! Please! Don't do it!!"
He didn't hear you and licked the cut on your hand as he swallowed the whole of your blood, "Why..."
"Do you remember what I said that day? I would do anything for you..."
You watch in horror as you witnessed him transformed into a being he should kill
"Even if it means I rope the moon so I could be closer with you"
His mint eyes turned cat-like and there's an infinity symbol on his temple
"Even if it means destroying the world..."
All his injury are quickly healed up and he looked at you with a smile
"And even if that means I turned into a being I hate, I will do it just for you"
This Muichiro is no longer your old Muichiro...
He's gone now...
He walked towards you and kissed your cheek as you just froze in fear, he's no longer your Muichiro now...
He's a demon, a literal demon.
The demon of the mist...
"And now, together, you and I will live happily with our soon to be family"
Admin 15: Wow... That sure just took a dark turn, Yandere demon Muichiro? I'm simply speechless myself, but anyway I'm very sorry that it made no sense or that it didn't live up to your expectations, I will try harder next time
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If you don't mind going into detail, I'd love to hear why you dislike Starlight. I didn't watch her episodes besides her first appearance, so I don't have a strong opinion. She does come off as Twilight 2.0 and kinda OP from what I've seen though. I mean, she oneshot Discord in a fight. Yeah he came back 10 minutes later, but that seems extremely strong for a unicorn
Ok so here's my official Starlight hate post I guess. Long post warning ahead
ONE: I actually didn't hate her as a villain. Like, she wasn't my favorite but I didn't hate her and then- we find out the reason that she is an ACTUAL CULT LEADER (and like I know people compared her more to a communist which if you're not thinking too hard the equal sign makes it seem like that, but her actual actions parallel a cult more) and the fact that she literally tried to erase a whole ass timeline is because her friend had to move away??? Like really??? It was...very bad. Kind of a shame, because with better writers a cultist villain could have been a lot more interesting. In fact, her premiere episode on it's own was,,,fine, and if Starlight was simply defeated and never showed up again I wouldn't have a problem with her.
I'm actually gonna go on a side rant here because I really reaally REALLY hate how they made a villain like Starlight and redeemed her. The fact that her actions as a villain so closely resemble a cultist on its own wouldn't be an issue, *but then they had the audacity to act like her being sad MATTERS when she destroyed people's lives in a much more realistic, much more uncomfortable way than guy who wanted to take over world lol and fucking redeemed her* Can I just say how discomforting it is when people write redemptions like that? Watching the pony villain equivalent of somebody who's committed horrible acts of abuse and indoctrination to others get redeemed is UNCOMFORTABLE. IT'S VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. DO NOT LIKE.
TWO: She feeeels sad and that's enough for her to be labelled Deserves Sympathy And Redemption. See, this on it's own wouldn't be as big a deal if...again, she wasn't made to parallel real world bad people? Like, if Starlight was just a run of the mill dickwad in charge of the town doing run of the mill dickwad things, we'd be having an entirely different discussion. OR if she wasn't the cult LEADER, but a member of the cult who was groomed to fully believe in it, and slowly had to be unindoctrinated. But, as it stands, no.
THREE: Her power level. In the premiere, Starlight in shown to be a stronger than the average unicorn with some niche knowledge that's helpful to her. In the finale and onwards, she's...on the same power level as Twilight, an alicorn princess who's main field of study is magic itself. This is kind of an issue in power scaling that the show has had in general, but it was compounded onto Starlight in a very intense way in which she's basically always the strongest person in the room, hooray Starlight! (And despite the fact that Discord being blasted was intended by the writer to be Discord letting Starlight hurt him, you can kind of see it with him winking, that scene wasn't very obvious about it and made it look like Discord, literally the most OP character in the whole show, was suddenly less powerful than Starlight? Lmfao ok.)
FOUR: Starlight always has to be the strongest, smartest creature in the room. You remember the season six finale where Starlight was labelled leader (despite the fact that she really shouldn't have been, hot take I guess.) of everybody and also she was the only person who ever had any ideas and also all of her ideas worked basically, and she figured out the Plot Weapon of the day? That happens in the show far too often, and it's boring. Plus the fact that it too often stupidifies other characters in order to make her look better, makes me very annoyed!
FIVE: Her personality consists of, feels bad, anxiety, and being the best all the time. I'm bored just thinking about it quite frankly. It is absolutely not fun watching Pony Cult Leader remind me she was a cult leader and also how bad she feels about it! I don't care!
SIX: The show acts like she's super amazeballs at friendship, and she's not. (Also, the whole...friendship as some sort of tangible skill you can achieve and Be The Best At instead of just learning interpersonal skills? No thanks fam.) Like...Starlight should not have been a guidance counselor, one, because being The Good Friend ABSOLUTELY does not make you qualified for responsibility of the mental health of actual children, two, even if it did, she's not that amazing at being the Good Friend! She...still does a lot of shitty things. Or before that, when she got a """friendship medal""" for saving Equestria and suddenly deemed a Friendship Master? WHAT?! Those things have ZERO CORRELATION. Very bad.
SEVEN: the fact that she'll get treated better than other reformed villains (cough cough Discord) by everybody around her despite...also doing shitty things is really annoying and a huge double standard! Stop that!
-She's rich. Eat the rich.
-I'm actually not fond of her design. It's not the worst...but I don't love it...
-The fact that she's another Twilight clone not clone like with Sunset. Especially because they kept making jokes about how Starlight and Twilight are so similar haha! Like,,,god just stop it's so boring.
I uh. I think that's it. Maybe.
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Edan snarled against the gaurds. 
"I should be with them! LET ME THROUGH!"
The gaurds held firm and dragged him away as he kicked and fought. Olivier looked back to Ajax and Leda.
"Are you -"
"I won't have my children watch us slowly wither and die. Besides it's early enough that they shouldn't have been exposed. They'll have their mates, they should be fine. Castor has Pollux and Helene to keep him grounded."
Ajax gripped the back of his chair and sat down rubbing at his arms. 
"Watch over them Olis I can't - we tried, we -"
"You let them live Ajax, that's more than we got. It's okay, it'll be okay, this isn't -"
"I have one more final request."
Olivier knelt by his oldest friend gripping his shoulder as another cough wracked through him. 
"I wish for Noelle to attend us."
Olivier stilled finally noting the smile. He opened his mouth to deny him. This wasn't, did she deserve that? To slowly die like them?
Baghra flashed through his head, Elias's face changing from sheer terror to utter adoration...Azriel's prison. He stood and clasped his hands behind his back. 
"Is that an order Ri Ruirech?"
Ajax nodded his chin his palm..Olivier bowed - she didn't deserve this, she deserved worse.
"As you wish."
He wouldn't be here, his sons were far from this. Even if he was he could feel the protection spell fizzling over his skin. 
"No harm from any of my kind will befall you or our progency."
She'd given him the gift long before they'd had children. Still he was in awe it still worked that her anger and heartbreak didn't effect it. But then again she probably felt more rage than she did anguish. He was hers forced to play house and family with another. 
Olivier looked to Noelle as she was dragged her by servants. He'd noticed the few who demanded to stay on after the attack didn't like or trust her. She didn't seem to notice, her eyes wild and panicked - so she'd been told why she was here. She wrenched from the servant's grip.
"I don't much care for what you do to -"
"Oh do get on with it Noelle."
Noelle barred her teeth at Ajax and turned back to Olivier. 
"You promise me Elias will be alright? I don't want my son around —"
Olivier gripped her neck. He wasn't an abusive male. He'd seen what that did, how his mother had run to another. How her body had burned when she'd come home. How he'd stood between his father and Alister. How he'd Alister as he tried to die with her... But right now he thought he understood. The audacity for the female before him to speak as if he owed her anything beyond shelter and food? How dare she?!
"My son will be taken care of. My sons will he free of your tyranny Noelle. I —"
His grip loosened as Ajax put a hand on his wrist. 
"Do you want to watch Olivier? I've had years to think of this - do you want to see how her story ends?"
Noelle coughed from the ground, Olivier looked down at her. Did he? Did he want that on his conscious? He turned away and strode to the door. 
"No. She's taken enough for my attention. All I ask is you make it slow and painful."
Ajax gave him a smile as he looked back. 
"It would be my utmost pleasure."
Olivier blinked at Viren, he felt like his world was spinning. 
"Why - why would you do that to a child?!"
Viren's jaw tightened and he crossed his arms. 
"In my defense Olivier Astria's mutilated body had just been found. I wanted to punish you. I —"
"Does Inessa know?"
Viren looked away and shook his head. Olivier gave a slow smile and stepped toward him touching his shoulder. Perhaps it was the protection from his Baghra in his veins. Or maybe it was because the piece of him that had fought for freedom was awake again. Freedom against Noelle, against Night. He saw Devlon's brother crumpled on the ground and he swallowed the rest of that fire - not yet. Not yet. 
"Then you tell her - tell her exactly what you thought. That even a child was not innocent simply for how he was born. If my family is about to implode - so will yours."
Viren let out a cold laugh and brushed his hand off and stepped closer. This was the High Lord of Night, this was the male his father had feared. This was the family that had demanded tribute a 1,000 years ago. Did Viren know that? Did he know how his Vaettir were fed and his vineyards watered? Sure it had been outlawed by his brother - but did that matter now? 
"My family has already imploded -"
"No you lost a child, while devastating - for a lot of us its not unheard of."
"You're –"
"Barbaric? Cruel? Savages? Go ahead prove to me you've been wearing a mask for her, for your boy."
Viren didn't respond, but he didn't step back as Olivier stepped closer and continued, his voice a cold ice.
"However to loose the faith of your mate? I want you to know what that feels like. I want you to really understand that Viren - I want to see your face when Inessa runs."
Olivier brushed past him and out to where Edan and his siblings stood. Edan stopped pacing and looked to Olivier. 
"Uncle Olivier tell them there's been some mistake. There isn't a plague, let me go to my parents. We have war plans to make and —"
Olivier let that anger go back to simmering. 
"Edan we -"
Olivier gripped Edan's shoulders as he stumbled. His siblings pressed closer and Olivier could see that was only making him panic more. 
He looked to Azriel and Phoebe.
"Take the triplets home Azriel -"
"What about —"
"Castor, do as I tell you. Go."
Olivier guided Edan away, his eyes had glazed over. He set Edan down and knelt before him. 
"Edan -"
Edan shook his head and looked to Olivier his eyes wild. 
"I can't do —"
He hissed as Olivier slapped him across the cheek. Olivier stood and crossed his arms watching him. 
"You have to. They aren't dead yet but you must be prepared for when that happens."
Edan's hand fell to his lap and he stared at it.
"Will you step down when that happens Uncle Olivier -"
"No. No my job is to make sure you are fit for the powers you are given. I will be with you till you dismiss me or I die....You are ready for this Edan - I promise. I would have dragged your father out if I didn't believe you were ready."
He could focus on Elias's impending breakdown later. He could focus on everything Elias knew to be true unraveling the moment Noelle's took her last breath. Mikhail could handle him, as he'd done since they were children. Right now he needed to make sure Edan was ready, that their people had a clear direction when Ajax passed.
Edan swallowed and exhaled slowly.
"I wish for Adva to —"
Olivier stepped back giving a nod to Adva.
"I will be back in a few minutes to collect you both."
He squeezed Edan's shoulder and hesitated before he kissed Adva's cheek. His voice was soft as he looked to them. So young, older than when he and Ajax had taken their birthrights. Still, they'd been given more time to be children, to be carefree.
"You both are more than ready. You both need to feel that too - or no illyarian will die or fight for you. Edan, prove those Separatists wrong."
Edan's hands clenched and Olivier remembered how it had felt to hunt them down. To mark and impale them - to watch then slowly die. Gods he'd wanted Baghra in those nights, to revel in the grit of survival. In Dark Mother's will being enacted.
Everything was happening so fast, the plague that had been spreading through the various camps had finally made its way to the palace. Azriel had kept quiet tabs on the progress, he had made sure he kept an eye on how things were going if only so he could make sure he acted appropriately when the time came to keep Helene safe.
This was not what he had expected though, he stepped closer to Helene as she moved to get closer to her brother. His arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her back, his other arm brushing back her hair. “I’m here, come to me.” He whispered softly as he looked back towards Edan and Olivier. Edan was spiraling, he could see it clearly in his face.
He nodded to Olivier when he spoke. “We’ll get them home.” He responded.
Phoebe stepped closer, taking a hold of Pollux’s hand. She knew him well enough to know however this ended it would not go well, she knew him well to know how he was going to react when they were alone. She could feel the pain radiating down their bond, she could feel him no matter how hard he was probably trying to keep it from her.
She pressed a kiss against the side of his head. “We’ll make sure they get home, come on Pollux,” she said softly before she looked at Castor. “You to, don’t make me have to use my magic to get you to come with us. Your brother needs space.”
She dropped her satchel to the ground when she caught sight of Edan and Oliver, the chill that went through her was the pre-warning as to what she was about to face. She had been away at the other camps, she had been tending to the sick and injured when the first few cases had started appearing. The concern that spread through those that traveled with her, most there to ensure her safety, had resulted in her cutting her time away short.
A small smile crossed her lips when she felt him kiss her cheek, She nodded her thanks to Olivier before she moved to Edan’s side, her hand reaching out to lace her fingers between his own. When Olivier spoke again, when she heard those words, her eyes widened a little. Her heart sunk, the idea of losing Edan’s parents…They had more been like parents to her than her own had been, they had welcomed her into their family despite the fact she shared no blood with them.
Tears filled her eyes as she looked towards Edan, her hand reached out as she caressed his cheek and leaned her forehead against his. “We will be ready Edan, we will do this together.” She wouldn’t let him go through any of this alone, she would stay by his side and be there for as long as he needed her.
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