#dimitri just has different ways of showing that
themisteriousentity · 8 months
"Golden Deer is boring though it's lackluster, the characters aren't as strong as the other paths there's less conflict-"
You fool. You absolute buffon. Golden Deer is perfectly designed. Not only does it feed into the whole "alliance" theme well by having the characters still work together despite their differences and feelings well before hitting those A supports, but it's ALSO the only route that actually puts the focus on YOU the player. Or, rather, Byleth themself
Black Eagle is about whether or not you can agree to Edelgard's ideals of acceptable sacrifice and perspective that there's only 1 way to do things. The branching happens when you decide whether or not you agree, but ultimately it just explores opposing or agreeing with Edelgard. Anything more than that is really just incidental to that main concept, whether it's Crimson Flower or Silver Snow, the entire time you're focused either on helping Edelgard achieve her goals or you're focused on showing her how wrong she is alongside the Black Eagles who think it's their duty to correct Edelgard's wrongs (and I have a whole separate thing in regards to how the cast acts in Crimson Flower verses Silver Snow). It works really well for characters designed around an empire, a domineering form of government where (usually) a singular ruler determines the course and focus
Blue Lions is focused entirely on working on past issues and learning to bring yourself into the present, but it's done almost entirely through the cast more than the player. The Blue Lions themselves all have their own traumas and deep-seated past issues that hinder or help progress. While both Blue Lions and Black Eagles have a lot in common when it comes to traumatized characters and ideology, the ideology is front and center, while in Boue Lions, their interpersonal conflicts are front and center. This shows especially in the final (non romance) scene, where Dimitri decides that his personal attachment to Edelgard and past memories still matter, and he reaches out a hand, despite her immediately trying to kill him. It's fitting for a route designed around a kingdom, which is usually built entirely on interpersonal dealings between the ruling class
Golden Deer, however, is designed very differently. Unlike the other 3 routes, the player, or more specifically Byleth, is put as the driving force instead of the Lord. And this is actually what makes Golden Deer such a good route and one with the best ending of all of them. Claude has ideals, but he isn't a person who wants to force others to follow his path like Edelgard. Claude has lived a life of strife where his past motivates him, but it doesn't chain him the same way it does Dimitri. Instead, he works on understanding everyone around him and working together towards agreed upon goals, while taking on stuff that isn't agreed upon onto himself. But more than that, while all the Lord's value your opinion, Claude is the only one who actually takes what Byleth wants (rather than just what they think about specific matters) into consideration for his plans. Repeatedly you tell Seteth in Silver Snow that you don't want to kill Edelgard, but he pushes that you have no choice. Pretty much the entire first half of Azure Moon is Dimitri ignoring you. And in Crimson Flower, you've all but completely submitted to Edelgard's will with a couple of exceptions (which actually proves my point because it's specifically in regards to the Golden Deer because you can fight the entirety of Crimson Flower while sparing all of them except for Judith). But in Verdant Wind, Claude doesn't hide that he has a problem with the church and wants Rhea gone. In Golden Wildfire, without Byleth, he's more than happy to just get rid of her without a second thought. But when Byleth is the protagonist, he goes out of his way to accommodate your wants into his plans and goals. When you express as the player that you want to reason with Edelgard and ponder if you can't walk the same path, Claude agrees with you and says he'll make it happen if he can, with the other Golden Deer mostly agreeing. When that,can't happen you both lament the fact that Edelgard gave you no choice together. He makes finding Rhea a priority, mostly because as curious as he is in general, he wants to help you find out answers only Rhea can give you. And all of the Golden Deer do this to some extent, with each other but also with you as the player. I think Hilda and Marianne's A supports with Byleth show this best personally, but that's a personal opinion. And it just works so well for a route designed around the idea of an alliance, people coming together and agreeing to work towards a goal bigger than themselves
And that's not to say the other routes aren't as good as Golden Deer, they're all equally well written, but it just makes me sad when I see people giving the Golden Deer route grief just because the characters aren't the same when it does its theme so beautifully
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gloomwitchwrites · 6 months
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Captain John Price x Female Reader Dark Romance
Chapter Specific Warnings: canon-typical swearing, female masturbation, vaginal fingering, oral sex (female receiving), non-penetrative sex, erotic audio, consent / seeking consent, interrogation
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: Part Three of Dangerous Pursuit (for @glitterypirateduck)
Price gets that audio of you begging for him. Nikola breaks.
Chapter Two
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // dangerous pursuit masterlist
It’s the hesitation before the touch.
The moment before skin meets skin.
It is the collective breath of anticipation before everything snaps, falls apart, or is pieced back together.
That is what simmers under your skin. Anticipation.
Anticipation of the words to fall from Price’s mouth. Anticipation of what it will feel like if he touches you. Anticipation of how your heart will burn, your stomach will flip, and your brain will melt like ice cream in the summer.
This situation may be shit, and your options limited, but fuck—Price is a handsome man. The words he’s about to utter will be fake. Forced. Yet you still long to hear him say them. You’re still curious as to how your mind and body will receive them.
It does not matter that this interaction is happening because Nikola is a piece of shit or that Price promised him that audio. In the moment, when Price told Nikola he’d return with a recording of you begging for Price’s cock, you were furious. Angry. You slapped the man. Cracked him across the face so hard the left side of his cheek bloomed bright pink.
Now, you’re transfixed, observing Price as he fiddles with the tape recorder. His large hands seem too large cradling the ancient device. It’s cheap and gray. Clearly from a decade when you were a child. But it’s useful, something that cannot be easily faked once it starts recording.
Captain Price is serious about this. He wants Nikola to believe him. What is Dimitri up to? Who does he run with that a member of the British Special Forces is asking you to fake sex with him?
Fake. Fake.
A part of you keeps bringing up the idea of the two of you not faking anything. That, if you’re going to do it, you better go all the way. Put on a show. Make it fucking count. But the very idea is absurd, and you nearly laugh out loud.
It’s true, you were mad. Furious with everyone involved and everything about this entire goddamn situation. You were ready to rage. The fangs were out, venom dripping, and in some capacity, they still are. At the slightest hint of danger, you will bite. You will sink your teeth in with the intention of escaping. You’re good at that. Survival.
But right now, you’re not sure if you’re ready to bolt. Safe isn’t the exact word, more like a reluctant trust sits heavy in your chest. There is no one for you to run to. The only person you have in your corner right now is Captain Price.
He stands opposite you, just an arms-length apart, the tape recorder in his hands. Around you is a wide-open space. It is barn-like in appearance with high wooden ceilings and walls. You and Price are on concrete in a kitchen area with a communal table. Next to that are two worn sofas and a coffee table that has seen better days. Beyond that is the metal door that leads into the underground portion. The place you and Price recently emerged from.
The concrete drops off into straw-covered dirt where several vehicles are parked. There is a classic military Humvee, a dusty compact car, and a beat-up farm truck. Along the far wall are several sets of large, metal storage cabinets. One sits open, revealing a variety of different sized guns. In that same area are two large boards hanging on the wall. Pinned to them is a World Map and one of North America. There are also a few smaller photos attached to the maps themselves with lines and string indicating certain directions. None of it means anything to you, and while you’re curious, you’re not stupid enough to stick your nose into their business.
As Price continues to fiddle with the tape recorder, the gnawing, anxious dread returns. It’s the same one that wrapped itself around you when you first woke up here, when Price tended to the small cuts and bruises on your body, when he said such soft things to comfort you.
Some of that anxiousness removes the resolve you’ve built, pushing it aside to make room for its ugly insistence.
You’re a survivor. That’s it.
“Right,” says Price as he turns the tape recorder right side up. He hits the red button. “This is Captain John Price. Testing.” He presses the red button again and then rewinds the tape, hitting the play button.
The recorder replays his gruff, British voice and Price nods in approval. It’s a bit staticky and not the best quality, but it’s clear enough. Nikola might believe it if you and Price are good enough actors.
Price clutches the recorder in his fist. “You ready for this?”
Are you? No. But you agreed, and you don’t like going back on your promises.
When you don’t answer right away, Price takes a step closer. “You can back out—”
“It’s fine,” you say sharply, immediately regretting your tone.
“Okay.” Price messes with the tape recorder, deleting the audio of him testing it. Once done, he hits the red button and then gently places it on the table beside you.
Silence follows and you have no idea what you’re supposed to do. How do you improvise sex? Should you just go for it? Start making noises? There is no script, and Price didn’t go over what he expects from you. Do you touch him? Do you keep your hands off?
Confusion and frustration flood in, and you completely forget all the anticipation that held your body hostage. This whole thing is Price’s idea. He told Nikola he fucked you. He put his hand on your pussy and collected your wetness on his fingers. He held those sticky digits in front of Nikola’s face and then licked them clean afterward.
This is Price’s doing. If he wants you to act, he needs to tell you how it has to go. He needs to lead. Because right now, he’s just starting at you like he’s expecting you to perform first.
Fuck that. And fuck him.
With a sultry movement, you wrap you fingers around the tape recorder and bring it up to your lips. Price’s eyebrows rise in surprise and then furrow with concern.
In the flattest, most monotone voice you can muster, you stare Price down and give him what he wants. “Oh, John. Please. I need your cock.”
“Fucking hell. Give me that.” Price yanks the recorder out of your hand and turns it off. He presses a few more buttons, deleting the audio. He glances up and glowers.
“What?” you ask, all feigned innocence.
“You’re not helping,” he mutters.
“This is your idea, and you didn’t tell me what to do. Nikola won’t believe any of this if we just,” you gesture vaguely, “improvise.”
Price gently sets the recorder down on the table. “He seemed pretty upset when I sucked you off my fingers.”
You freeze, trying desperately to not let the shock of his words filter out into your physical features. Is that…a smirk? Does Captain Price find all this amusing? Or did he enjoy licking your juices off his fingers?
She’s fucking delicious.
That’s what Captain Price said to Nikola after he was done. He wasn’t slow about it either. Price took each finger into his mouth, one by one, and savored it all before those words dripped from his lips.
Your cheeks flame, and you cross your arms over your chest defensively. “Why should I continue to help you?”
You’re pushing again, throwing up your walls. It’s habit. It’s survival. It’s what you fall back on every goddamn time. The very act is instinctual, and you hate that it is, because you don’t want to fight with Price.
Watching him now, you’re enticed by him. He’s dressed down in his uniform. Gone is the utility belt and bulletproof vest. He’s down to his basics, and Price looks fucking good. The space between your thighs heat, and you absently flex your hips where you stand, adjusting yourself without actually doing so.
“Because I can get Nikola off your back,” answers Price. “I can make Dimitri disappear. You won’t ever have to deal with them again.”
“Dimitri pays me a lot of money while I work his room. And why should I care about what you think is best for me?”
“I’ll be doing you a favor.” Price gestures at you, open palmed. “But you need to do me a favor in return.”
You laugh. “Quid pro quo. Got it.”
“If that’s how you want to see it,” replies Price, clearly growing annoyed with this back and forth. “We’ve been over this. You said you were fine with it.”
It’s true. You did say that. But you also said that you were allowed to back out at any time and for any reason. Price agreed to that condition.
“I don’t think it’s worth the effort,” you murmur, glancing away from Price’s intense stare.
“I’m not doing all this for shits and giggles, love.” Price moves into your space and you’re forced to look up at him. “Dimitri Radovic works for a dangerous man. And I’m after that man.”
You shrug, putting up a front. “There are plenty of dangerous men in the world. How is this different?”
Price takes a deep, calming breath. You’re agitating him, working him up, and you like it.  “You think I handle petty criminals?”
No. Captain Price is British Special Forces, which means he handles people you’d never actually want to meet in real life.
“I’m aware that you’re likely not after the local drug dealer.”
Price snorts and then he runs his hand through his brown hair. This one action makes it a bit messy, like he just rolled out of bed. For a moment, you picture that very image of Price waking up in the morning beside you. Your heart flutters.
“Are you willing to do this?” he asks. When you open your mouth to answer, Price cuts in before you can get a word out. “And actually try.”
“Fine,” you acquiesce. “I will try. But only if we discuss what it is we’re doing.”
It doesn’t matter how embarrassing this conversation might be, the two of you need to hash it out, to lay out exactly what needs to be said and by who.
“Good,” nods Price. He takes another deep breath, and then suddenly looks nervous, like he isn’t sure where the two of you should start.
You tug on the hem of your cocktail dress. “How do you want me?” you ask.
“Excuse me?” Price’s head snaps up, his eyes a bit wide.
“Is this where you want to do it?” You gesture at the room and the table you stand next to. Price flushes. He clears his throat, almost chokes. “What do you think I mean?” you say with a slow sultriness.
Do you have an effect on him? Did he truly enjoy the taste of you? Is he picturing that in his own mind? Because you’re thinking about it. You want to know what thoughts swirl around in his head.
“This is fine.” Price fiddles with the recorder. You note his slight nervousness and the light twitching of his fingers.
You nod. “Okay. How should we go about this?”
You’ve certainly faked many an orgasm, but it has always happened during sex. This is entirely staged. Made up. You’re not an actress, and everything about this feels awkward.
“We do what comes natural,” answers Price, as if that somehow answers your question.
You don’t like that answer. It leaves too much open for interpretation. But you don’t know what the two of you should do short of doing the act itself.
“Fine,” you agree. “But you’re taking the lead on this.”
He glances up at you. Price’s grin is infectious. “You like to be led in the bedroom?”
You immediately punch him in the chest and then promptly shake your hand. “Fuck. You’re solid.”
His grin widens before he glances down at the tape recorder in his hand. That lovely smile of his starts to fall away, disappearing like melting snow. He taps it against his open palm once…twice…and then gently places it next to you on the table.
“Follow my lead,” he murmurs, his features almost solemn as he presses the button to begin recording.
The right light is on, bright and bold. There is a brief pause of silence, and then Price steps into your space, one hand resting on your hip while the other rests against the top of the table. He leans in, trapping you against the edge of the wood. Instinct has you reaching out, placing one hand against his firm chest to keep some semblance of distance.
Price’s eye contact is intense. Unbreakable.
You immediately think of his hand between your legs, touching your clit, fingering your wetness, and how after he collected you on his fingers, Price wouldn’t look away from your face until he was in the interrogation room.
“You want more than my fingers, don’t you?” Price leans in a bit more until he’s almost standing between your legs.
You’re so surprised by his words that your mind completely spaces. Every word and phrase utterly exits your head like leaves in the wind. All you do is nod, as if the tape recorder could pick it up.
“No,” he murmurs, his pelvis resting against your own. “I need to hear you say the words.”
This is your chance. This is your turn. Ball is in your court.
“I need you. John. Please. I—” Your voice cuts out when Price’s hand on your hip squeezes, draws you closer.
“Yes, love? Use your words.” His voice is a purr. A soft caress.
“I need your cock. Please. I need you inside me.”
“That’s my good girl.”
Price abruptly pulls away and picks up the tape recorder. His leaving is a shock. A blow. You nearly stumble forward from his sudden absence.
Price shuts off the recording, rewinds it, and then hits the button to play it back. As it goes on, it is incredibly clear to you how staged it sounds. There is nothing remotely believable about it. Price’s mouth forms into a frown which only deepens by the second.
“Nikola won’t believe that,” you murmur, saying the thing you’re both thinking.
Price shuts off the recording. “Why not?”
“Would you believe that?” you question, head tipping to the side.
Price sighs loudly. “No. I wouldn’t. It sounds like two people talking.”
It does sound like two people talking. There isn’t anything breathy or sexy or erotic about the recording. It’s supposed to sound like the two of you are having sex, that his cock is buried inside you, and you should be begging him for more.
“It’s what we have,” shrugs Price. “It’ll have to do.”
“Wait.” You can’t believe you’re about to throw around this idea, but fuck it, you’ll take the risk. “It doesn’t sound believable because you only hear our voices. There isn’t any realism to it.”
Price crosses his arms. “What do you suggest?”
While you don’t want to be helpful, getting Nikola off your back sounds good, and you could give a shit about what happens to Dimitri. Someone will eventually take that VIP room, and the money will return.
“I could—Fuck,” you mutter, running a hand over your face. “I could touch myself. Have the recorder close. Let it pick up the sounds…” You wave your hand in the air absently, trying to get your point across without having to actually say the words out loud.
“Pick up the wet sounds you’ll make as you pleasure yourself,” finishes Price.
“Yes,” you say slowly, holding out the s a bit like a rattling snake.
Price takes a step forward. It is slow. Deliberate. There is something primal about the way his hips lightly sway with the movement. “And where do I fit into this?”
You swallow back the little moan that wants to escape your throat. “You need to be close enough that the microphone will pick you up.”
Price smirks. “I’ll need to be almost on top of you to make it sound believable. You want me that close to you while your hand is between your legs?”
“Depends,” you reply, squaring your shoulders. “Are you going to be a gentleman about it? Or a creep?”
Price drops his arms and then picks up the recorder, erasing everything that just occurred. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be, love.”
I’ll be whatever you want me to be, love.
“Then that’s what we’ll do, Captain.” Your voice is breathy, almost needy, and you hope he doesn’t hear it. “You stand close to me.”
“Are you sure about this?” he asks, and you hear the genuine concern in his voice as he takes another step toward you.
You swallow, trying to steady your racing nerves. “I’m sure.”
Price sets up the tape recorder and then presses the red button. He nods, indicating that you should go ahead.
A brief flare of embarrassment pauses your hand. You’re the one who proposed this and now you’re scared? Turning tail? No. You need to see this through.
Slowly, you part your legs enough for your hand to slide between. The heels you wore to work are long gone, and you go up on your toes, the curve of your ass resting against the edge of the table as you make room for your hand.
Your fingers find your underwear, push the delicate fabric aside, and you’re already so wet that you inhale sharply when your fingers slide through it. You start to swirl one finger around your clit. Each is a delicate little stroke that teases and draws forth bits of pleasure.
The need to look at Price is strong, almost overwhelmingly so, but you keep your gaze fixated at a flat point of concrete. It is safety, a way to bring yourself back to reality.
But all of that is shattered. All of it is destroyed. Yanked right out from under you.
Price moves into position, standing directly in front of you. One of his hands reaches out to your bare thigh, his fingers dancing across your skin in an upward movement toward the hem of your black cocktail dress.
“Fuck. You’re gorgeous, darling,” croons Price. “Look so good like this.”
The praise goes straight to your core. Clenching around nothing, your thighs shake, and you hear Price’s soft inhalation as his other hand rests on the opposite thigh. His hands are warm and rough. You want them everywhere.
Price lightly squeezes your thigh as the same moment you begin working your clit a little faster.
“Putting on a show for me?” Price’s head drops, his forehead pressing against your temple. He leans in a bit, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek. “All for me.”
A whimper leaves your lips. Hangs in the air. Price catches it, responds to it by sliding his hands to the back of your thighs to lift you off the ground and onto the table. The black cocktail dress immediately reacts, sliding to your hips, revealing the sight between your legs easily.
For a brief moment, you almost clamp them shut, but Price is swift, peppering you with praise that makes them fall wide.
“That’s better. Isn’t it?” he murmurs, nuzzling the side of your face as the peak of your orgasm starts to ascend.
It’s about to crest, to tip over the edge, and fall into oblivion. You’re wet, and that is very clear by what you’re hearing. But you also hear Price’s breathy, almost heavy inhalations and exhalations. His hands squeeze and massage your skin, fingers itching to touch you. And his lips, which are surprisingly soft, keep brushing against your cheekbone.
All of it is too much, and you come undone, hips jerking as the orgasm rolls through your body. It is not faked. It is not staged. But it is soft, and gentle. Nothing earth-shattering about it. Just pure, simple pleasure.
“John,” you breathe, turning your head a bit to meet him. “I—I need your cock. Please.” It’s easy to say the words. It’s easy for them to fall from your lips for him.
Price releases one thigh and wraps his hand around your throat. He squeezes lightly, and turns your face so that you can look into his eyes.
“It’s my turn, love. Spread those fucking legs for me.”
You’re so obedient. Perfect. Falling wide and then wider.
Price is gentle as he releases your throat and then grabs your wrist, guiding your hand away from your pussy, only to replace it with his own. The moment his fingers brush against you, you moan, hips rolling into his touch.
His lips are parted, and through half-closed eyes, you watch his gaze move from your face to the space between your legs. Price can see everything. You know this, and that only makes you that much more eager for his touch.
Those fingers of his trail upward, touching every spot, only to withdraw. The retreat is heartbreaking, but short-lived. Price brings those fingers to his mouth to savor your flavor. He tastes each digit that is coated in your juices, and the very sight of him enjoying you again sends your body into a shiver.
“So sweet,” he says softly, before returning his fingers to your sex.
This time, Price slides one, thick finger into your pussy. You clench around him, moan, head falling back to expose your throat. Price groans, runs his sticky lips over your neck as he sets a pace with his finger. With it, he presses his thumb to your clit, pressing and swirling.
“Fuck you’re tight,” groans Price. Your pussy responds by sucking on his finger, drawing him in as his thumb hits just the spot on your clit to cause your hips to buck into his touch. “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
With one hand pressing into the top of the table, you reach out with the other, grabbing Price’s wrist as he finds a pace that has you a whimpering, moaning mess. Your hair is everywhere. Your dress, which is damaged and beyond saving, is shoved up around your hips. Price’s arm moves with the pump of his fingers.
He is not unmoved. The hand on your thigh is fierce, digging into your flesh, and he keeps brushing his mouth against his skin like he longs to kiss you but retreats every time. The pleasure building in the base of your spine bursts, thrusts forward, explodes outward.
You cry out, clenching hard around Price’s finger. Price’s answer is a groan.
There isn’t any time for you to come down from it before Price is withdrawing his hand, pressing on your stomach to push you flat onto the table.
“I’m gonna taste you now, love. Yeah?” Price’s timbre is its own begging. You hear it in the slight break between syllables. He wants you.
You nod, clawing at him, at the table, at anything you can hold on to.
“Please,” you beg. “I need you, John.”
“Fuck,” he murmurs, and then Price’s mouth is on you, sucking your clit into his mouth.
It’s a sharp ache, a dangerous glow of need that bursts behind your eyes. You nearly jump off the table from it. Price releases your clit only to swirl the tip of his tongue around your clit in quick flicks.
Price is enthusiastic, eating you without care for himself. He chases and chases until you’re done, crying.
“Fuck. Please. John. John!” Your thighs tighten around his head and Price smiles against your pussy.
“Be a good girl and come for me.” Price lightly flicks his tongue against your clit, and that’s it. You’re done. “I want to hear you.”
Your entire body shakes, lifting off the table, curling forward, clawing at Price’s arms. When he releases your clit, Price’s arms go around you, dragging you to the very edge of the table.
Not caring that you’re now a fucking mess, you reach for Price, palming him through his pants. His hips reflexively roll against you, and he groans, his fingers digging into your skin as you continue to stroke him.
Your fingers curl around the belt, and pull him close. “I want your cock. I want you inside me.”
Every word is true. Fuck the audio. Fuck the interrogation. You want Price to fucking use you until you’re both empty.
Price’s hand closes over your own, and gently guides your hand away. At first, you’re confused, believing he’s rejecting you after all that. But then his hand is back on the belt, undoing the buckle, sliding it out with one hand, tossing it aside.
“Come here. Edge of the table. Sit up.” You follow the command, sliding forward. “Arm around my neck.” Complying, you slide your arms around the back of his neck, locking them there.
Price is staring you down, keeping you focused on his face. You’re entranced, enamored, desire pumping through your veins like a wildfire. You hear a zipper sliding along its track, the shuffle of clothes, and then Price’s hands are angling your hips.
This is it. This is the moment Price sinks inside you.
“What do you need?” asks Price, voice lusty yet serious.
“I need you inside me,” you answer, the words from your lips a pleading enticement to slip inside.
Price’s eyelids flutter and then he rests his forehead against yours. You feel it then, his cock, rock hard and thick, sliding through your wetness. He rocks his hips, moving slowly, the head of his cock rubbing your clit with each light thrust.
There is no penetration. And you almost hate it, but then Price is rubbing against you, sliding up and down your sex, rubbing against your clit with each movement, and suddenly you don’t care anymore. If this is what Price is going to give you, you’ll take it.
It’s a back and forth. A wet rocking as your bodies slide against one another.
You’re already strung out on the previous three orgasms, and the fourth is on you like an animal biting at your ankles. It is sharp and fast and bold. So loud that all you can do is hang on to Price as his hips stutter against you.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I’m gonna come inside you, yeah? Be a good girl and keep it all in once I’m done.”
You nod, eager for it. Price’s head falls against the side of your face, and his lips press against your ear. He speaks so softly you almost don’t hear him.
“Keep your hips still.”
There is a brief pause, and then warmth explodes onto the inside of your thigh where leg meets pelvis. It’s just you and Price, and your combined breathing. The silence stretches, and then Price hits the button on the tape recorder to shut off the microphone.
He steps back and your arms fall away from around his neck. Price is stuffing himself back into his pants, as his head sweeps back and forth like he’s looking for something. You’re frozen, a little frazzled with Price’s cum slowly sliding down the inner crease of your leg.
Price heads for one of the sofas, snagging a worn blanket. He brings it back to you, draping it over your shoulders before grabbing your hips and helping you to the ground. Your legs are wobbly and nearly slip out from under you.
“You can clean up in a minute,” he says reassuringly, his warm palm resting softly against your cheek. Then, Price moves his hand to your back, grabbing the tape recorder and ushering you toward the door.
All you can do is follow, still in disbelief that everything fell completely out of control, tumbling toward…what? This. Whatever the fuck it is.
When the two of you reach the interrogation room, Price points to a spot near the wall. “Stay there.”
You deliberately stand elsewhere as he rewinds the tape, pushing into the room, the door slamming shut behind him. Nikola and Price stare each other down. It is then that you notice that Price’s lips are still glossy with your wetness.
Price hits the play button and you blanch. The audio is loud. Blaring. There is no mistaking what is happening on that tape.
“Is this not enough for you, Nikola?” asks Price, face stony.
Nikola snarls and Price retreats, heading for the door. He throws it open and grabs your arm, hauling you along with him. Nikola’s snarl drops when you enter, a realization forming on his features. He didn’t believe Price that you had slept with him, and now there is no doubt.
Without saying anything, Price reaches under the blanket and between your legs, his fingers swiping up of his cum that still remain on your inner thigh. Price presents those fingers to Nikola.
“I came inside that tight cunt. And let me tell you, Nikola. It was fucking good.”
Nikola’s face flames, and your own heats in answer, not because of the words but because just minutes ago, Price was sliding his cock over your soaked pussy.
Price guides you back to the door, releases your arm to open it, and then promptly smacks your ass. The spank is quick and sharp, and it juts you forward through the door. There is no time for you to spin around and snap at him because Price has slammed the interrogation door shut again.
“Is this better proof for you?”
When Nikola shows his teeth, Price shakes his head. He glances between the cum dripping from his fingers and Nikola’s face. Back. Forth. Back again.
“No answer? Fine,” shrugs Price. He pulls his hand back like he’s about to smack Nikola. But he doesn’t. Price doesn’t make contact at all. He whips his hand toward him, not with an intention to strike Nikola but to launch the cum at him. It hits Nikola’s face.
There is a brief moment of silence and then Nikola shrieks. Rages. He’s a feral animal as he tries to throw himself at Price.
Price doesn’t even acknowledge the outburst. He leaves the interrogation room, securing the door behind him. You’re frozen. Legs shaking. You’re fuming but you’re also impressed with how calm Price is.
He glances at you and frowns. “We need to clean you up.”
“I’m fine,” you stammer, turning your gaze on Nikola through the glass.
“You’ve been through a lot. You deserve a shower. Clean clothes. Food.”
“Why are you being nice to me?”
Price blinks. Shifts on his feet. “I’ll take you back to that room you woke up in. There is a bathroom connected to it. Clean up and I’ll grab some clothes for you to change into you. Take your time and then come up. Get you a hot meal.”
He takes a few steps back toward the door to the main hall. “Come on.”
You want to fight. To argue. To bite back. And just as you think it, you also remember his hands on your body and the way he begged. That didn’t sound like acting. It couldn’t have been because Price touched you with his fingers, with his mouth, and with his tongue.
Reluctantly, you follow Price into the room you previously woke up in.
“Shower is through there.” He points at a secondary door. “It’ll have everything you need.”
It feels like a dismissal, but you see his gaze and how it lingers on you. There is no denying that there is something greater at work here, some battle that’s happening that neither of you can see but both of you can feel.
Price dismisses himself with a nod, closing the door behind him.
The blanket is easy. It’s the dress that’s a torn mess. It falls apart in pieces, and nothing is better than when the fabric is gone and the hot water of the shower rains over your skin. The steam invades your lungs, and while you clean yourself of Price’s touch, you wish that you didn’t have to.
You’d like his scent to linger on you a bit longer.
Staying under the falling water for far too long, you finally decide to emerge, only to find clothes on your bed. It’s nothing fancy. Just slim sweatpants, a tank top, a zip-up sweatshirt, and tennis shoes that might run a little big but will have to do the job.
Every nerve ending is buzzing, coiled with anticipation as if the two of you are about to come together again. But that won’t happen. That was it, and you’ll have to accept it.
Running your hands over your face, you reluctantly leave, heading back upstairs. You expect to find Price alone, but you come to a halt when you notice Gaz, Soap, and Ghost all standing around him. They must have just arrived because there are still droplets of water on the three of them like they’ve been out in the rain too long.
The door slams behind you and they all cease talking, turning in your direction. You notice the flex of Price’s hand and his sudden attention, his entire body turning in your direction. But he doesn’t speak first. It’s Soap.
“Our guest downstairs is ready to talk.” He turns toward Price. “Not sure what you did, but I thought he’d never break.”
Price briefly glances at him before returning to stare at you.
You know exactly what he did.
What the both of you did.
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @36namey @pearljamislife @wrathofcats @keiva1000 @tapioca-marzipan @pertinentpostmortem @enfppixie @bbyfimmie @kittytiddywinks @berarenado @daemondoll @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm
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kynimdraws · 2 months
Tumblr media
Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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fantasyinvader · 24 days
Adding on to Azure Moon's “humans can do horrible things while still trying to claim they're the good guys and/or the victims,” the parley has a deeper meaning.
Edelgard has a bit of a habit of... not giving a shit about those she's sacrificing. There was no hint about her past relationship with Monica in the base game, she put a hit on her classmates right at the start of the year, she says she'll do the same as Lonato, tries to claim Duscur had nothing to do with her while in the Japanese says she doesn't care about it instead, you get the idea.
In the parley scene, Edelgard tries to claim that her sacrificing people is necessary because otherwise the state of the world will claim more victims. She's trying to use the “I killed millions to save billions” argument. But the parley reveals more to it than that. Edelgard claims she's doing this for the weak and silent, with her belief that by forcing people to rely on themselves people will become strong. Dimitri, on the other hand, points out that some people need to rely on others in order to survive, using himself as an example. His argument is that by forcing people to rely on only themselves, there are people who are going to die as they won't be able to survive in Edelgard's ideal world. Her world will claim it's own victims as it's a world for those who don't need others, which Edelgard defines as the strong. And it's those she says are strong that are the only ones who will get a voice in Edelgard's system. Edelgard's response is that the weak are to blame for that.
Edelgard claims she's doing this to prevent future victims, but is currently creating and will continue to create more victims herself. She says she does this for the weak and the silent, but the weak won't have a voice in her system. Moreover, Edelgard blames the weak if they fail to become strong rather than acknowledge her system failed them. And that's not even touching how Edelgard removes anyone from power, making them weak and silent, for opposing her.
And all of this so Edelgard can push her ideals onto everyone, an act Dimitri sees as selfish. And it's those same ideals Dimitri (as well as Cipher) say are embodied Edelgard's Hegemon Husk form. Edelgard has possibly sent Dorothea and Petra, her last two remaining Black Eagles if not recruited, to fight alongside Hubert while she turns herself into a monster. She throws away her humanity in pursuit of power. Edelgard served those ideals, and that's how she turned up.
There's also the fact those ideals were informed by the history her father, a puppet of Thales, told her. AM has scenes talking about the little girl Dimitri once knew, before Thales got his hands on her. The Hegemon Husk can therefore be seen not just as emblematic of Edelgard's ideals and her service to them, but also the influence Thales has had on her.
At the end of Azure Moon, Edelgard and her ideals are defeated and Dimitri offers Edelgard his support. She responds trying to kill him. Dimitri then goes on to allow the weak and the silent to speak up for themselves in politics, but even in their end cards there's a difference between the two. Edelgard stands above everyone else in hers, trampling over their flags with weapon at the ready. Dimitri lowers himself, sitting on a stump interacting with children while his relic is sheathed while soldiers are handing out food. Edelgard remains a hegemon and the Flame Emperor as her ideals are served in the end titles, Dimitri is given the messianic title of Savior King by the people he served. Edelgard's path leads to hadou despite her saying she'll quit that in her Japanese S support, Dimitri's the benevolent oudou.
The only way to stop the suffering of the people is to stop Edelgard, Azure Moon shows it's for the good of the people. The parley is the moment where players are supposed to understand this, realizing that she is full of shit. Just because Dimitri lets her explain herself and why she thinks she's right doesn't make the story grey, it in effect was her being given a piece of rope and ended up hanging herself in the process.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Epilogue
I want to thank everyone for the lovely support. I saw a couple questions about the other characters in the comment section of the last one and wanted to clear up a couple of things. Crystal=Argyle (he picked the name because he thought it sounded cool), Onyx=Dimitri (like @n0-1-important guessed in part 11). Diamond and his family were all OCs more on them here. Michelle (the whiny chick in the art class) is the only other OC. I tried as much as possible to include characters from the show when I could.
And to answer @ goodolefashionedloverboi‘s question: Jonathan and Nancy are in couple’s therapy and are doing better.
And then one final thing to explain (the curses of doing a WIP and posting it one at a time not every thread I put down got picked up again, oops!) is the garnet rings. I love gem stones and geology. It fascinates me so much so that I took it as an elective in high school. When I was researching a fic (don’t remember which one now) I was looking at Eddie’s rings. And a lot of people were making replicas with hard stones like hematite, onyx, or something that didn’t have cuts or facets. But Eddie’s ring sparkles. It’s clearly a gemstone. So I went looking up grey or black gemstones. I found a couple it could be but they weren’t discovered until the 90s (and while the ACTUAL stone the prop maker used could be that, I COULDN’T call it that). And then I found a grey garnet. It was a perfect match. It sparkles the way his does, the different shades it gets from the show, spot on. Hence the garnet.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17
Two years later:
Variety Interview with Corroded Coffin
Max Mayfield: Hello, can you guys introduce yourselves for the people that have been hiding under a rock for the last two years?
They all laugh.
Jeff: I’m Jeff Lawrence, I’m rhythm guitar.
Gareth: I’m Gareth Hughes, I’m on drums.
Brian: I’m Brian Martin, I’m the bass guitarist.
Eddie: And I’m Eddie Munson, frontman, lead guitar, lead vocalist, and songwriter.
MM: That’s a lot of titles for one person.
JL: That’s because he’s the most dramatic out of all of us. He has to have allll the titles. Can’t share with the rest of us.
EM: Hey!
They all laugh again.
BM: Hey, you know it’s true.
EM: Yeah...but you’re giving away all my secrets right off the bat. Can’t you save some for later in the interview.
The other three look at each other.
JL, BM, GH: No.
Eddie throws his arms in the air.
EM: I’m telling Steve!
The other three look mock frightened for all of three seconds before they start laughing at him.
JL: You know Steve would agree with us.
Eddie pouts
MM: Can you tell us who Steve is?
Eddie fiddles with the singular ring on his right hand, looking down, bashfully. It one that I haven’t seen. Everyone is familiar with the the three chunky rings on his left hand. But this one is on his ring finger. The grey stone flashes as he plays with it.  
EM: He’s the love of my life and my muse.
JL: He’s an art teacher back home.
BM: He’s our Eddie wrangler.
GH: He’s our band mascot.
I laugh.
MM: He sounds pretty special. How did you guys meet?
JL: We all went to high school together, actually.
MM: Oh, so were you high school sweethearts, then?
Eddie laughs.
GH: Yeah, no. He laughs.
BM: Let’s just say they started off on the wrong foot.
JL: The wrong everything, let’s be honest.
EM: Not my proudest moment. I was doing a favor for a family friend being a live model for an art class about five years later and assumed the worst about him.
MM: You mean there are actual art of you naked out there?
Eddie blushes.
EM: Several pieces in fact. But my favorite is Stevie’s. It’s still hanging up in our house in my studio.
GH: I’ve seen it. It’s not gross or anything.
JL: It won best in show at the art gala it was featured in.
BM: I think he’s totally wasted as an art teacher. He could be making more than we do selling his art work. But he loves working with kids.
MM: Sounds like the perfect guy.
EM: scoffs I love Steve, but he can be the most basic bitch. And he tends to be overprotective too.
GH: But we are here to talk about the new album.
MM: Fair enough. So tell me about working on Silent Killer. This is your second album, is that correct?
JL: Yeah, our self titled debut album just went double platinum. We knew going in it was going to be a tough act to follow.
GH: When we went platinum the first time, our manager Murray Bauman sent black flowers to all the record labels that passed on us.
EM: It was very suitably bitchy. It’s why he’s our manager.
MM: Certainly sounds like it. Do you guys deviate from your first album’s style in this one?
They look at each other and Eddie shrugs
EM: I mean, not really. It’s a more somber album to be sure. There was a song that we wanted to include on Corroded Coffin but decided it didn’t fit with the overall theme of the album that made its way on this one.
MM: Which song is that?
BM: Thorns and Thistles. It’s the song that got us our agent in the first place.
JL: Yeah. Murray was mad when the record label didn’t want to use it this time round. He fought tooth and nail to get on the album.
EM: Have you heard it yet?
I nod.
MM: Yeah. It’s beautifully heartbreaking. You say your label didn’t want to use it?
BM: They thought it was too sad.
JL: So to prove them wrong we sent it out as our first single, before we even started really working on the album.
MM: It had already gone gold before you announced the new record. That must have really got stuck in their craw.
EM: We’ve been laughing all the way to the bank.
MM: You guys won a Grammy for Song of the Year for The Jester and the King and Best New Artist. How was that for you?
BM: God I don’t know which of us bawled more on that stage. But it was everything we hoped for.
JL: Winning Song of the Year was a life changer. But no one thought we were going to win Best New Artist.
MM: No?
Eddie shakes his head.
EM: It rarely goes to a rock artist, especially a metal one. Everyone thought it would go to the kid...what’s his name...? He snaps his fingers.
JL: JJ Jenner.
EM: That’s the one. Fifteen year old kid with the pipes of an angel. Everyone, including us thought it would be him.
MM: Oh, I remember now, they put the kid’s reaction to losing on the jumbotron or whatever they call their big screen.
GH: I almost felt sorry for him.
Eddie grins.
EM: Almost.
MM: When you do red carpet events, Eddie, you bring your two lesbian friends with you, while the rest of the band brings their partners. Is there a reason you don’t bring yours? Especially since I learned your partner’s name is Steve.
All the members of the band shift uncomfortably in their seats, stealing glances at each as they silently decide who is going to answer the question.
MM: Oh. I feel like I stepped on a sensitive topic. I didn’t mean to.
Gareth clears his throat.
GH: Steve’s privacy is very important to us. There are times he would like to go to these things with Eddie...
JL: But he still gets attacks and can’t. He looks down at his hands. So he goes with the girls dress shopping and helps pick out their outfits for the night.
Eddie looks like he’s going to tear up.
EM: We’re working on it. He knew going to our relationship that this might become an issue but I always do what I can to make it up to him the moment I get home.
They all look somber, so I decide to change the direction of the interview.
MM: What’s next for the Corroded Coffin boys?
They brighten up almost immediately.
BM: Touring. We’ve got an American tour this spring and then a European tour this summer.
MM: Is there a reason you decided to wait on the European tour until summer?
Eddie blushes and the rest of the band nudge him playfully.
EM: It’s so Steve can come with us. He can’t leave during the school year, but he likes touring with us when it’s out for summer break.
MM: Ah ha.
The conversation turns to non-band related things again and I watch how close they are. It’s great to see a band that are still friends after years of playing together. Even though they’ve only been big for two years, they have been playing for twelve.
Let’s hope that they stay that way for the next twenty.
-Max Mayfield
The Final Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428 @thedragonsaunt @ceaselessly-watching @imfinereallyy @messrs-weasley @sharingisntkaren @nohomoyesbi
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geasthewritingrat · 2 years
Proposing at the same time
Pairings; Ferdinand x reader, Hubert x reader, Claude x reader, Dimitri x reader, Yuri x reader (separate) Gender Neutral! Possibly OOC but I’ve just worked 6 days consecutively I’m tired (I also didn’t mean for Ferdie and Hubie’s to be so much longer than everyone else’s I promise)
Ferdie; -He spent so much time in multiple different towns, trying to find the best ring for you, and if he wasn’t so swamped with work he’d have made the ring himself, but he eventually settled on a gorgeous, elegant yet extravagant, jewelled band that suits you and your stunning beauty perfectly -The whole night was perfectly planned, from the time he calls for you, to the sweet speech he’d prepared (and rehearsed) over the course of many early mornings (Hubie caught him reading it in front of the mirror once and poor Ferdie’s never seen such pure amusement on anyone’s face) -It’s already all set up by the time you both reach the secluded meadow, blanket laid neatly in a patch of grass surrounded by flowers, yet not squishing too many, candles carefully placed so they don’t fall and burn everything to the ground, fireflies dancing in the moonlight, your favourite foods, lovingly handmade by Ferdinand himself, beautifully covered so none other than you two could enjoy it -A perfect night for the most perfect person in his eyes -Yet he completely forgets that he was meant to propose. Literally just, forgets. He’s so enthralled by your beauty and enraptured by your melodic voice that he forgets about the box in his pocket, forgets about the speech he made, forgets that he’s meant to ask you to share the rest of your lives together because in that moment it truly seemed as if you were the only people to exist -It’s only when you, having known his plan all along (he’s not subtle nor sly enough to hide it), pull out a box containing the ring you spent weeks choosing, showing it to him with a sheepish smile, that he remembers what he came there to do and scrambles to pull out the ring he chose for you -Very romantic, 10/10 -He later tells Dorothea everything that happened, dramatically lamenting the fact he never got to say his long, very sweet speech he had prepared, and she brings the whole ordeal up during her speech at the wedding
Hubie; -Oh Hubie, oh sweet, caring mother hen Hubie -As well-informed and sly as he is, he’s near-hopeless when it comes to romance, so when he found out you were taking trips to various jewellers searching for rings he genuinely thought you were just browsing for yourself, even if its not usually your type of thing (or, maybe you were looking at rings for him, to coax him out of his glove-wearing obsession) -With how much time he spent also at the same jewellers that you visited (he thought you were better with accessories than him so he followed your lead in secret) you’d think he would wisen up and figure it out but no, it takes the jeweller themself mentioning you for him to realise you were looking for engagement rings and not everyday rings -He found a ring that he thought would be perfect for you and the jeweller mentioned that you’d been eyeing that one and that’s what finally made him clock on to what all your trips had truly been for -Not wanting to be taken by surprise with no way to smoothly recover and act like he has everything perfectly planned all the time, he carries the ring with him everywhere he goes, even if you’re not nearby or maybe even in a whole other city doing work stuff -After a talk with Edelgard, he decides to plan something special to show that he does, in fact, absolutely adore you and everything you do, but he does still keep the ring with him in a special pocket that he refuses to use for anything else -It happens at a time that neither of you had prepared (the dinner he had planned was set for a week later, and you were gonna do it later the next night), you two were just sitting by the waterfront one warm afternoon, gazing out at the glittering lake before you, when you felt peaceful and relaxed enough to ask him to close his eyes as you stood to kneel behind him, ring box in hand -He’s smart (sometimes) and knows exactly what you’re doing, so he takes the ring box out of his pocket and displays it proudly as he turns around once you tell him you’re ready
Claude; -Fecker knew the whole damn time -Somehow knew from the moment you thought to yourself “huh, I think I wanna marry Claude” -He mentions to Hilda one day that he’s 99% sure you’re out shopping for engagement rings at that exact moment, and then says “hey you know what would be really funny” and decides that he, too, would be proposing after you spent so much time & effort planning everything with your second closest confidant (whoever that may be) -So when you finally muster up the courage to take him to a gorgeous beach one evening after a satisfying dinner, he’s got this unusual, unreadable grin on his face, hands behind his back as he fiddles with the little velvet box containing the ring he oh so lovingly chose for you, only to trip and fall, grabbing you by the arm and bringing you down with him -Now, two identical ring boxes lay on the sand in front of you, and Claude’s sheepish “surprise?” almost makes up for the mouthful of sand you’re now having to spit out -He’s laughing and you’re eating sand
Dima; –Absolutely clueless -You two proposing at the same time really is just pure chance -He didn’t even know you were planning on proposing in the first place! Okay maybe he had a slight hunch but he didn’t want to ask in case he was wrong and it was just wishful thinking on his part -Dimitri (lovely Dima, gorgeous man, amazing) asks the Blue Lions for help with choosing the right ring and planning the perfect date, some help more begrudgingly than others (looking at you Felix Hugo Fraldarius), but in the end he has a solid plan and a pretty damn gorgeous ring, all he needs now is self confidence and you -A while before the actual event, he tells you that he’s taking you to see some of Faerghus’ most beautiful snowy areas, promising countless tales from his childhood, and you decide that that’s the perfect time to propose, because it sounds phenomenal and you had no idea Dimitri was planning on proposing then too -When you two reach the absolutely stunning and truly wondrous area, you pull out your ring box and get on one knee, only to see Dimitri blink a few times before doing the exact same thing, blushing hard and smiling wide
Yuri; -He found out your plan by accidentally going to the same jeweller as you at the same time as you, seeing you carefully inspecting the engagement rings as he got through the door, but because he’s Yuri mf Leclerc you didn’t see him as he stood in the shadows and observed your choice -It made him feel all warm & fuzzy inside so he searches high and low for The Best Ring Ever to give to you -From that point onwards, he’s taking the ring with him whenever you ask him to join you on an outing, no matter how big or small that outing may be, but to his surprise you don’t propose on any of those trips -One day, he’s been working non stop for hours, so you waltz into his office and all-but drag him to the dining table, lecturing him about how he needs to eat properly even if his work is very important, and since he just thought it was a normal dinner he didn’t take the ring with him -To his shock, you end up spontaneously proposing after you both finish eating, confessing that you were planning to propose on each of those little trips you took him on, only for it to not feel right or for nerves to get the better of you, so you decided to do it in a place you both feel comfortable and at ease -He accepts, obviously, but then takes you back to his office to show you that he bought you a ring too, slipping it straight onto your finger
- Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! As always I have been Geas and you have been awesome, never forget that. I hope that you are giving yourself a break and treating yourself fairly, because while things may seem like they’re spinning out of control sometimes, you are stronger and better than you know. -
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fireemblems24 · 6 months
Azure Gleam 15 (Final)
As long as this has gone on for, I'm actually bummed to finish this one.
Those special chapters were so weird. It's kind of funny how the plot is like, just ignoring all of that and going back to regular programming. It's like in an old kid's show when they got a dog and then the next episode - no dog anymore. Like there's kinda no point to it.
Ok, so Thales talking to yeeted Edelgard. I will never not get over how funny it is that's the path the writers decided.
Yep, we're really just jumping back into the regular plot. That is so funny. The writing in this game is a clusterfuck at times.
Ok, so we're going to the monastery to save Rhea. MUCH better than saving Bernie's dad.
TWSITD causing chaos again. I feel this route targeted them more than the other two. Like they barely existed in GW.
Everyone's worried about Rhea.
Dimitri wants to wreck TWSITD and the Empire. Let's fucking go!
No side quests again! Guys, I'm sooooo close to beating this game I can taste it. Both SB and AG have very short final chapters.
Only Claude is annoying, which tracks how this game's gone so . . .
So I've gotten all the supports for: Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid, and Rodrigue. Mercedes I'm only missing Jeritza. I didn't use Annette or Ashe, so they're missing a few, but I feel I did pretty good. Hopefully I can get Mercie and Jeritza this chapter.
Ugh, so I missed the opportunity to deepen my bond with Byleth :( Maybe next time.
So in another route, Ashe had no idea what he believed in anymore. In this one, he's confident about his sense of justice.
In another route, Yuri didn't tell me his history with Varley, in this one he trusted me with it.
Ingrid is a queen. She said it's the people who suffer in war, our leaders should reach diplomatic resolutions. Too bad only Dimitri believes in those :(
Aww, Byleth refused to kill Shez during their fight because he could tell she wasn't herself. I soooo wish I'd gotten their supports.
Ok, so I ran into Raphael again and agreed that I didn't like how we were fighting (which, imo, isn't true, but I wanted to see the difference). Shez thinks Edelgard is too cruel, Claude is too haphazard, and Dimitri is too cautious. She pretty much nailed it.
No Arval in the tent :(
Linhardt just said Caspar revels in bloodshed. That's fucked up.
My heart just broke and warmed at the same time. A Kingdom general asked a Duscur general how the people from Duscur pray. He wanted to learn because he lost a lot of good soldiers from Duscur in the last battle and wanted to pray for them in the way their religion would. It's details like this that make Hopes worth it.
Haha, Dedue was fairly chill considering I attacked allies and posed a possible threat to Dimitri. He brought it up, but didn't harp on it.
Man, I'm glad I got this unlocked in time.
Byleth gave Jeralt flowers. First time in Byleth's life lol.
He's trying to communicate his feelings, thankfulness to Jeralt for being his captain and father.
Aw, it's a throwback to Byleth giving out flowers at the Academy.
Lamo, Jeralt just said Byleth may have been a student or led seminars, but isn't qualified to be a teacher.
Jeralt's like, I knew you cared, kid. But I still appreciate it.
Byleth picked the flowers out himself. It's the same kind his mother liked :(((
Jeralt used to give these flowers to Sitri.
Byleth is being so sentimental and sweet. I can just imagine a voiced Byleth saying lines like that in Houses' supports and buying more into the character.
I swear, this game made me really get Byleth more and "buy into" the character. Also, I'm going to cry so hard when Jeralt dies. I still don't really care for Jeralt, but I'm going to just feel so sad for Byleth.
For anyone wondering, I purposefully saved this one and Felix A. I've had them unlocked for a while.
Dedue is worried because Dimitri keeps sleeping at his desk. He's grateful or else he'd get sore.
Of course, he had bad dreams about the past.
Ohhhh! Not the tragedy, but arriving home after. Cool to learn some tidbits about that part too.
A child cursed Dimitri after the funeral because his dad died in Duscur and was furious with Dimitri for not killing Dedue, but hanging out with him instead.
Dimitri just ignored him.
Then Dimitri talks about his duty to those who died, and asks Dedue what he would do if Dimitri begged for vengeance while he was dying. OFC, Dedue says he'd do it even if he died.
Then Dimitri asks the opposite, what would Dedue do if Dimitri begged him to live for his own happiness? Dedue said he couldn't.
"I cannot know happiness without you by my side." :(((((((
He'd seek revenge, for his own sake, not Dimitri's.
Dimitri's like, nothing I'd say would change your mind?
Dedue just flips the subject, asking if Dimitri can't just live for himself, and ofc Dimitri says no, he can't.
But imagines another life traveling around as a merc with Dedue or living as a farmer. Dedue's like, why not go?
Dimitri says obviously I can't do that.
So Dedue's like get some sleep.
It worries Dedue every time he sees Dimitri asleep like that at his desk bc he's worried Dimitri died. But Dimitri's like, not why you're here. It won't happen.
Dimitri's like, if I died, that wouldn't go well, so I'll listen.
They're married, your honor.
Starts with Dimitri apologizing and promising revenge, killing all of TWSITD no matter the cost.
Felix walks in, Dimitri almost calls him Glenn, but corrects, and apologizes again except to Felix for seeing that.
Felix is like "I've seen all there is of you to see." So, uh, what does that mean?
Dimitri explains that he suffers from a "waking dream," saying he sees the dead like they're real.
Then talks about the violent revenge the dead scream at him.
Felix asks when this all started. Dimitri says 6 years, but the voices started 4 years ago during his first battle? Not sure those numbers line up with lore and age, but I don't know how old they are this time. Anyways, started with Duscur, got worse when Rufus tried to have Dimitri killed by sending him to battle.
The man he killed that freaked Felix out was someone from Duscur, and the voices cheered when he killed the guy.
Felix is like, do you really think Glenn and Lambert would torture you like that? Telling Dimitri he's the one doing it, not them.
Dimitri's like, even if that's true, I can't forgive myself.
Felix talks about how if Dimitri loses his path, he's taking everyone down with him (so Houses, sans AM) and says "keep the whole removing their heads thing in check yeah?"
Felix says it'll be their secret.
"are you offering to let me unburden my heart to you when the time calls for it?" - Dimitri to Felix. Guys, I'm dying a little.
Dimitri credits Felix with the reason he hasn't descended into madness, and asks Felix to continue being his right-hand man.
Hahahah, OMG, Felix picked Dimitri up and is physically carrying him to bed. Dimitri is nearly laughing because he's so much taller than Felix his feet are dragging the floor.
Felix calls him a "sack of muscle" lol
Dimitri carried Felix like this when Felix twisted his ankle. And now is calling this a workout. Dimitri's still massively entertained.
They are also married.
Man, so Dedue got Dimitri to fucking sleep, and Felix got him to laugh.
Ok, this game is really Dimilix, the game. I swear a shipper on deck wrote this. It may also be why Felix was one of the few Blue Lions to survive SB. Writers' bias.
My shipping heart is so happy with both supports.
This is their final support.
They're fishing together. She's trying to reel in a big fish, but it's not working. Ashe gives her tips. And she got it!
Though, it seems like it was a bit of a struggle.
Flayn swore she'd not let go no matter what. Ashe says sometimes it's best to not let go, and suddenly understands Seteth. But still compliments her on her determination.
Flayn thinks her mother would be proud of her for catching this, which is part of the reason Flayn loves fishing.
She flirts with Ashe a bit too lol.
And now she's drooling over the fish.
Ashe says Flayn enjoys him of his sister and really had fun.
But then panics thinking of Flayn in the kitchen lol.
Constance compliments Annette's performance in battle.
Constance is a legendary alumni at the school in Faerghus.
Stories include turning bossy noble kids into horses. And she started using it everywhere.
She argued magical theory with teachers and won.
These make me love Constance, not going to lie.
Annette is nervous being around someone so famous. Constance calls Annette one of the most talented women in the Kingdom.
Constance loves a book Annette work, but it's mostly a cook book, so Annette doesn't make much of it.
Annette wrote a magical cookbook, and Constance is all about it.
Annette tries to give Mercedes credit because she's the cook.
They both want to get to know each other better.
This was really them geeking out over each other, magic, and Mercedes' cooking.
It came down to the lack fucking minute, but I got it. Thank you, Shez, for cooking the perfect dinner.
Jeritza finds and old letter from Mercedes' mother. Or, rather, she wrote Jeritza a letter after Mercie told her that they found him.
They both want to live with him after the war, but he says no.
He can't face her because of his past actions. Doesn't seem Mercie holds it against him. And says neither will her mother.
Then Jeritza talks about the Death Knight persona.
Mercie's like, naw, because you're fine right now.
Jeritza still doesn't give in though. He insists he must pay for his crimes, which he thinks he never can. He wants to get judged by the law, which, honestly, respect.
Mercie decides to support his decisions, even though it makes her sad, and that they'll be waiting for him. No matter how long. Even if they're both old ladies.
I really loved that support. Seeing Mercie support Jeritza's decision, seeing Jeritza take responsibility for his actions. All around good support.
Glad I got this one. I think Seteth/Shez A is the only other support still within reach.
Constance wants Annette's help conducting an experiment outside. Annette knows how Constance's mood changes when she goes outside. Annette's happy to help.
Obviously now Constance is being down on herself.
Annette volunteered before learning the experiment. Thankfully it's just to try and get all the cats from the area.
It fails :( I want a spell like that.
Constance is obviously moping, Annette gives her a pep talk, but it probably useless bc they're outside.
It attracted bugs, and Constance says the cockroach is a better sorceresses than her lamo. Then they attract angry birds lol.
Once back inside, Constance realizes her spell does sort of work, but they just didn't know how to get cats.
Aww, I really liked that support chain.
How can anyone not tell something is wrong with Edelgard?
It's so weird how they just ignore the special chapters.
Thales is making her fight.
Sylvain said he'll skip the class reunion if this is what they're like.
Ingrid is roaring to go after Thales.
No sign of Claude. Dimitri's trusting him, but I don't know about that. I wonder if he betrays you here too. Though Dimitri makes a good point that if Faerghus falls, Claude's ass is next.
On, cool image! Dimitri giving a speech. It's like a moment in Lord of the Rings before Aragorn and co march on Mordor.
I like this! Dimitri's talking about severing the past and moving on into tomorrow. Good to hear him talking like that.
I only got 40 points too. Guess Claude was the odd one out, getting more points for his battle than the other two.
Kyrona made an appearance.
Felt good to kill Varley for once.
Getting ready to face Thales now. Dimitri about to get his revenge against TWSITD. Feels good.
Shez is reassuring Dimitri that he's not alone. That his friends are here to help. :)
I think I just killed Kyrona for good this time.
Time to kick Thales' ass. Much better than killing Rhea. Again.
We also got to defeat Edelgard. Having a hard time feeling bad about that.
This battle is pure chaos. But in a fun way.
Oh, did I beat Thales? I'm at a cut scene. Shez stopped Edelgard; and Dimitri's marching to kick Thales' ass.
Haha, he just ignored Thales magic like it was nothing. What a fucking badass.
He's not even saying anything, just breathing, and the voice acting is still on point.
Edelgard remembered Dimitri? So he didn't kill her. And outside Rhea, Claude and the Blue Lions are waiting. And sun is about to come up.
This felt WAY more complete than the other two. I was expecting MUCH worse. Maybe if I played the other two first I'd be more surprised, but they set the bar stupid low.
We defeated the Empire, defeated TWSITD - I don't know what would even be left?
I love how hard the narration tries to make it sound like the Empire has a fart's chance in the wind anymore. It's just clean up now.
MVP time. It'll eventually turn into the Dimitri show like SB did Hubert and GW did Lorenz. I suspect it'll take longer though bc I wanted to use the other Blue Lions a lot.
Actually, I lie, it happened like the second I got Dimitri and not just Shez. I think I may just be a stan lol. He's also just so damn strong he killed so much easier and faster than anyone else.
You can tell the chapter Dimitri was missing for since Felix and Ingrid kept trading MVP. Then back to Dimitri.
Hey! Rodrigue got one!
I'm excited for Dimitri's letter. Still wish we got paired endings here though.
Dimitri feels reassured with Shez by his side. He's also the only one who asked Shez to stay in the Kingdom. It's nothing spectacular, but it was sweet.
I'm also a bit sad to see this one end. No more Fodlan unless I replay, but I guess there's still supports I didn't unlock.
Guys, I can't believe I finished. Now I'm finally "free" to play whatever games I want.
Def want to replay Engage and Houses, and some non-FE stuff too. Should I get the Engage DLC?
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Can we get a headcanon of all the babies getting the cross necklace like mom and Andrei have?
omg how cute is this!! 🥹 kinda long, so under the read more!
so none of the kids’ crosses actually come from greece like yours since trekking across the ocean to find v specific cross is a non starter
but andrei floats the idea of getting crosses made up by a russian jeweler that he’s used before
he talks about it with geno and his mom and as a surprise, geno gets the cross made as his gift when he baptizes evie
geno cries when you ask him to be her godfather and you cry when he shows you and andrei the cross
each kid’s cross is just slightly different but they all have the same general shape
geno adds diamonds to evie’s cross since that’s the april birthstone
pyotr is alina’s godfather and he works with geno to have her cross made up - he chooses to have her cross studded with little topaz stones to match her eyes
kira and dimitri are baptized by your cousins, but still uncle geno and uncle pyotr are invested now and work together to design their crosses
at this point you and andrei have been completely shut out of the process, much to your annoyance even though it’s sweet of your brother in law and your husband’s best friend
truthfully it’s kind of fun to see the crosses when they’re done - the surprise is always exciting and the explanation for why the cross was designed the way it was always makes you cry at the thoughtfulness the two men put into the job
it’s also definitely the raging baby hormones that are still taking over your body when each kid is baptized
kira’s cross has alternating tiny alexandrite stones and seed pearls for her dual june birthstones
dimitri’s cross is an exact copy of andrei’s, size and all and you’re worried that he’ll clock himself in the face with the cross, but the men tell you that he’ll grow into it
it’s very cute to see your tiny baby wearing the giant cross and you make plenty of rapper jokes
and for surprise baby #5 (details forthcoming), it’s a happy coincidence that geno is vacationing in greece right after baby is born - so he searches jewelry stores on the islands and comes home with a matching cross, in yellow gold, not white gold, but still the same style as yours and andrei’s
you cry and geno teases that he’s clearly the best godfather of all time
for the last kid (and yes andrei this is the last kid i swear to god i am not having a sixth kid are you out of your mind??) geno and pyotr share godfather duties
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meltypancake · 9 months
hellooo !!
i’m curious how eliane gets along with the rest of the blue lions ? or just any other significant relationships she has with any students at the monastery haha :0
hallo!!! thank you for the ask, it activated so many braincells c:
i'll cover her relationship with the blue lions in the early academy days for now ♪(´▽`) ranked by friendship level, here we go!!
people she's close to ↓
annette 😊💖💖 precious pal
A+ study buddy and the true reason why eliane hasn't missed the majority of morning classes
she has caught herself removing the pebbles off a road, thinking annette would and could trip on them (´。_。`)
there are too many pebbles in this world. she'll just have to settle with catching her friend every time she stumbles
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ashe 🥹😊💖 fun to tease
eliane felt an instant kinship with ashe! fellow commoners with a shared interest in herbology make for a great team (^^ゞ
much to his chagrin, she's also way into the spookies. tales of ghosts haunting the monastery really get her going and he would like none of that, thank you very much
she makes him a potpourri pouch filled with ghost-repelling herbs. he ties it to his evil-repelling amulet.
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mercedes😊💖💖 provider of snacks and comfort
being around mercedes makes her feel so cared for, she's the older sister she's always dreamed of (´▽`)
they are both waaay too easy-going for their own good though... empires will rise and fall while they munch on homemade sweets
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on friendly terms ↓
ingrid 😋🥔 bonding bites
these two have the most riveting discussions about which tavern offers the juiciest cut of meat. they find time to record a whole tier list of dining hall dishes in a shared journal
ingrid is her best, most faithful taste tester! food truly is the cornerstone of society
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dedue 😯🙂 a greenhouse regular she's curious about
she always assumed he was some kind of plant magician. apparently magic isn't his forte, so what the heck is up with that green thumb?
he makes sure to teach her the basics of gardening (before she can ruin the flower bed). the first time her seeds actually end up sprouting, she runs all over the monastery looking to show him
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(adding him in the list for completion's sake) dimitri 🙂 nice, but a little uptight
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rather distant ↓
felix 🙂 amicable (entirely one-sided)
he's so blunt unlike the whole lot of flowery nobles, there's no second-guessing the meaning of his words which eliane likes. she's pretty fond of him! he finds her rather annoying though (o゚v゚)ノ
eliane will seek out felix for a spar, get obliterated until he's fed up entertaining small fry and he shuffles off as she lays defeated (though not disheartened). rinse and repeat
any verbal abuse goes in through one ear and out the other with her. what a gremlin
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sylvain 😐🤨😑 ?????
eliane has incredibly mixed feelings about sylvain which get progressively worse the more she gets to know him
he ping pongs between being genuinely helpful and sensible while also making girls cry on a daily basis... and it would make her life a lot easier if he could just choose one and stick with it !!!
any attempts to flirt with her get shut down. on a different note, she's a little miffed he never trains or studies yet still gets better grades than her
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at the end of the academy phase she's become more or less close to everyone in the blue lions, except maybe felix. he's not the type to be all buddy-buddy anyway (‾◡◝)
thank you for reaching the end!!! c:
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damnilovefaerghus · 1 year
The Tragedy of Felix and Rodrigue
tl;dr: The tragedy is that Felix and Rodrigue are Fodlan's equivalent of "angry teenage atheist + nice religious dad", and also the Exact Same Person, because they both:
Devote themselves to some life goal following the trauma of losing someone close to them
Push away other people they care about with their attempts to make sense of loss
Fail in some way to show affection or communicate their true feelings
Care specifically about Dimitri like a lot
See: Felix coping with Glenn's death by copying his personality, devoting himself to crusading against anyone else finding meaning in death, and pushing away family and friends, or Rodrigue coping with losing his son and best friend by looking for meaning in Glenn's actions and Lambert's legacy, devoting himself to supporting Dimitri, and pushing away his remaining son in the process.
Felix and Rodrigue even approach life very similarly; both of them are tied up in the past and trying to avoid grief aagain. Felix's edginess is an effort to stop others from caring about his own death as well as to push other people away from their deaths, while Rodrigue is more than willing to die himself if it would protect those he cares for. It's even present in both of their endings; Rodrigue (at least in original 3 Houses) seemingly dies in every route to keep his promise to his king's memory, while Felix will inevitably throw his life away in meaningless killing if he loses Dimitri.
So the most tragic thing about their family relationship is that they're not actually arguing over what they think they're arguing over. Both Felix and Rodrigue are extremely loyal and devoted people who've made it their goals in life to protect others. The problem is that they're doing it in ways that feel like direct attacks on each other (and that Felix has dedicated himself to being an edgy asshole for the entirety of the game). If Felix had to admit that Rodrigue was not the embodiment of Faerghus's chivalry, just a man who said something stupid while grieving his son, Felix would lose the meaning he finds in protecting other people from dying like Glenn. And similarly, Rodrigue can't accept Felix's point about it being foolish to throw one's life away for a belief, because that would be tantamount to admitting that Glenn and Lambert died for no reason.
So what's the difference between Houses and Hopes (where they actually do manage to talk)? I'm just speculating, but in the original 3 Houses, Felix either ends up in a separate House, turns against his family, or in Azure Moon spends five years searching for Dimitri while Rodrigue is holding the last bastion of Faerghus's defense against Cornelia and the Empire. The focus is on the war, not their family relationship, and they've both moved too far to talk through everything in the limited time they have (though Rodrigue does try, according to a Yuri dialogue). In contrast, Azure Gleam puts the Tragedy of Duscur front and center, dragging Felix and Rodrigue's conflict back out and forcing them to reckon with it. It also helps that after becoming Duke, Felix has to start to consider things with more responsibility in mind, while Rodrigue upon giving up his title seems to have mellowed out a little. It doesn't change either of them as characters, but it starts to bridge the gap between their outlooks on life, and makes their mutual apology much more possible.
Anyway, the conclusion is that Fraldarifam is fascinating, and I am rotating them both on a little ballet dancer table where they (every so often) come together in the center to agree on something before spinning off again
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 5 months
So, here's my opinion on Fire Emblem: Three Houses thus far...
Verdant Wind was a nice, pretty chill route. I liked the idea of them being the underdogs taking on the more competitive classes in the Academy Phase, and then later finishing off the true villains in the Timeskip. I will mention that I S-Ranked Claude because he's the only house leader that I cared about at the time. The only weak point for me was Claude's S-Rank itself, being that he and Byleth do love each other, but Claude has to leave Fódlan, leaving her to wait for him so they can be reunited.
Azure Moon, on the other hand, was kind of a chore to get through, since nearly everyone seems depressed. I know the story itself explains and shows why, but it had me trudging through, sometimes even procrastinating on finishing the route (also because I started it back in 2020 but then got Animal Crossing and was obsessed with building my island). Two major drawbacks of Azure Moon were 1) Dimitri being basically outta commission for monastery activities until after Gronder Field, and 2) Dedue's disappearance, both of which had me grinding for support points with meal sharing—especially with Dedue, because I wanted him to marry Mercedes. The only redeeming factors about Azure Moon are 1) Dimitri realizing the error of his ways after Gronder Field, and 2) Mercedes and Annette being rays of sunshine. I did S-Rank Dimitri, and one point I'll give it over Claude's S-Rank is that Byleth does become his queen almost instantly.
I'm currently teaching the Black Eagles...and I'm gonna say that I like them more than the Golden Deer (I played all three routes in Three Hopes, and Scarlet Blaze actually won me over more than Golden Wildfire). Their class intro was hilarious (Linhardt sleeping, Petra's language quirks, Edelgard embarrassed by her class, etc.), and their supports are so good; Ferdinand's personality feels overly theatrical and it shows in his supports, for example.
I had originally planned to do Silver Snow first and split the save file to go to Crimson Flower later. I've heard people say that it's best to do Crimson Flower last. However, after unlocking Edelgard's first C-support and hearing her cry in her sleep, I've decided I can't go through with betraying her. I know that when I get there, I'll lose access to certain units—Flayn will say good-bye, but come the timeskip I'll be sparing her and Seteth. I'll also have Claude and Hilda spared so they can be happy together and live for a brighter future. Hopefully it's okay that I never play Silver Snow—the thought of betraying and killing Edelgard after merely listening to her crying for her father in her nightmare-induced sleep is just sickening. Plus, you teach her class to get invested in her and her friends; I am not going to turn her class against her (in Azure Moon, I recruited them mainly because I didn't want Bernadetta to be burned to death). Add to that that I see Byleth as being more of a mother figure who's willing to listen to her students' problems as if they were her own children, and it makes Silver Snow seem like a mother disowning her own daughter whom she nurtured and listened to her issues (the same could be said about Crimson Flower with regards to Rhea, but it's wildly different, and comes off more as a sort of 'divine judgment' from Byleth towards Rhea)
As far as S-Ranks go, I'm planning to either remain single or become Linhardt's wife, since Edelgard belongs with Hubert IMHO.
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cherrypikkins · 3 months
I love all of the short character interactions you've been writing for Kitt and the rest of the FE3H cast! I'd particularly love to see a continuation of Felix's encounter and how it affects his view of Kitt. Like if Felix started calling Dimitri "boar" after seeing how violent he was during the Western Rebellion, what does Felix start calling Kitt after they transformed into a Demonic Beast and attacked him? "Beast"? "Monster"? " Does he start treating them differently?
FE3H OC Short Fics - Kitt Burgess (Part 5)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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glad you're enjoying the short fics! hope this newest bit is to your liking! :3
(cw: blood, injury, mentions of death and body horror)
Felix (Part II)
Felix lowered his sword as the monstrous carapace crumbled to ash. The moment Kitt was human again, he seized them by the collar. They were weak on their feet, and in no state to resist.
Kitt had yet to stop laughing, even as blood ran from their lip.
"I'm not here for your entertainment, you maniacal Beast," Felix snarled. "Stop laughing."
His blood flared with residual adrenaline, as did his temper.
Kitt's laugh waned to a smirk. "Swordsman."
"Don't call me that!"
"Yes, I suppose would be childish to continue with the name-calling," Kitt shrugged, wearing a lop-sided grin. "Either way, I hope you now understand why I hate going all-out during training. My strength isn't meant for the faint of heart."
They daintily pried away Felix's grip, causing him to bristle.
"As if a freak like you has any business mingling with the rest of us," Felix retorted, fingers tense upon his blade. "You're a danger to everyone here, myself included. Although…" He paused, relenting ever so slightly. "…I suppose you must realize that already."
He squeezed a palm against the back of his neck, wearing an uneasy frown. "…So what made you decide to show me your true colors, after hiding it for so long?"
"Easy. Your strength, and your skill," Kitt stated. "Others might find me overwhelming. But I had a feeling that you of all people could handle it."
He let out a scoff. "Did you now?"
"Mmhm," they trilled with approval. "You surpassed every single one of my expectations! And I have to say, you were truly a sight to behold in battle."
"Am I supposed to be flattered?" snapped Felix. His lip formed the faintest of sneers. "How absurd. You sound as if you're actually grateful to be defeated by me."
Kitt mused quietly. "I guess I am. Because now I know I can rely on you to stop me if things get out of hand."
He scowled, irritated yet strangely concerned. "Is that so? Then I trust you won't complain if I strike you down without mercy, the moment your transformation puts others at risk."
"I won't. Because that's exactly what I expect you to do, Felix," Kitt said frankly, amber eyes intense. "I'd rather be cut down than hurt a friend by accident, you included. I just can't do it myself. …You understand, don't you?"
Felix knew exactly what Kitt was asking of him, and their request left him unnerved. He suddenly felt an alien weight on his sword arm that wasn't there before, as though he might actually falter should that day ever come.
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royalrambler · 8 months
Writing Commissions!! Now Open!!
hihello royal here !!! uhm life happens tbh and i just lost my current source of income, sooo
i’m opening writing commissions !! just dm me here or on discord (moriensstellarum) to start !!
my rates: (cashapp only)
semi cheap since i really do need commissions right now! my cashapp info will be given once the planning process is over!!
$5 usd: every 1k words
+$5 usd: fandoms i am not in or completely original
+$2 usd: for oc, self insert, or x reader works (mc from twisted wonderland doesn’t count!!)
current fandoms:
fire emblem three houses
genshin impact
my hero academia
identity v
bungo stray dogs
demon slayer
good omens
star wars (all movies and shows)
legend of zelda (breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom)
twisted wonderland
project sekai
voltron: legendary defender
danganronpa (in progress)
jujutsu kaisen (in progress)
kingdom hearts (in progress it’s a lot of games)
Persona 5
please be through in explaining what you’d like (i.e. pairings, au if any kind, plot, etc) and allow for 5-8 days from the end of planning for writing to be completed
will do:
action/violence(to a point)
mild gore or body horror
legal non toxic pairings of any kind(including poly)
if it’s not listed i probably won’t write it. you can still ask since i think i missed a couple of things, but this is your warning you might get denied. i also only write ragbro’s as platonic/familial.
writing sample:
this piece is reposted from my flufftober writing !!
This was a scene that Byleth could go on without repeating over and over again, but alas, the flow of time is a fickle thing, and the loss is necessary. Countless times, they had tried other ways to snap Dimitri back into reality, only to fail in the end. This was the only way to succeed.
The rain was warm, unusual for this area, but it made it seem like the heavens were weeping for the loss of such a great man and knight. Perhaps they were. Byleth certainly had the first few times they lived through it. But now their grief has been replaced by a determination to end this cycle. To have this be the last time they watch as Rodrigue sacrifices himself in order to save Dimitri. Let this be the final version of this particular encounter.
The sky grew darker as Byleth waited, the rain soaking them to the bone. They would continue to wait as long as needed… He would come. And soon, just as many times before, the soon-to-be king rounded the corner, and they stepped out of the shadows into his path.
“What do you want?”
His voice was harsh, almost intentionally so, as if Byleth’s mere presence was an annoyance. The first times they heard it, they flinched and held their tongue to placate the prince. The times after they had responded with anger or indifference. They all worked out in the end, but none were right. But now…
“I know where you’re going. You don't have to do this, Dimitri.” Their voice remained calm, even as anger flashed across his face.
“This isn’t your concern!” Dimitri spat out. “Get out of my way. Now.”
Byleth simply glared as he menacingly stepped closer. If one thing remained true, it was that Dimitri would never harm them. He could act like it was all he wanted, but they knew the truth.
“Going to Enbarr will not fix anything! Do you really think it will appease the dead? Or will it simply add Edelgard’s corpse to those that haunt you?"
“Do not speak of that vile woman as if she is a friend! It is their voices that demand her head! Only then will they finally get to rest peacefully. Don’t speak of matters you could never understand."
Dimitri took a moment, seemingly to compose himself. His anger had faded slightly, making way for something else. Something different. Grief? Was he perhaps finally letting himself grieve for his losses after all these years? Or was it simply resignation?
“Death…” He continued, his voice becoming thick with emotion. “Death is the end. No matter how much lingering regret a person has, after death, they are powerless. They cannot even wish for revenge, much less seek it out. Hatred. Regret. Those burdens fall on the shoulders of those who are left behind. They fall to me. I must continue down this path! And it is far too late to stop... You know this much already."
Byleth’s gaze softened as they watched his anger bleed into resignation and acceptance of his self-imposed fate.
“But you don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got me and so many others! You don’t have to throw your life away in the pursuit of revenge! Surely there is-“
“There is no other way! That is merely the logic of the living. It's meaningless. Those who died with lingering regret... They will not loose their hold on me so easily.
“But you seem to have all the answers... So tell me, professor. Please, tell me... How do I silence their desperate pleas? How do I... How do I save them? Ever since that day nine years ago... I have lived only to avenge the fallen. It is the only thing that keeps me alive... My only reason to keep moving forward...”
Byleth let out a soft huff of laughter, mainly out of nervousness. “I haven’t been your professor in a long time, Mitya... I was hardly qualified to be that in the first place, but even I know to not deny the Archbishop. But you’ve suffered enough. You must forgive yourself; move towards accepting the past and embracing the future.”
“But then who…or what…should should I live for?”
“Live for what you believe in. Live for yourself, and if you can’t do that, then make me the reason to keep on living.”
“What I believe in..." Dimitri shook his head slightly and turned his face up towards the sky. “Rodrigue said the same thing. But is it possible? I am a murderous monster. My hands are stained red. Could one such as I truly hope for such a life? As the sole survivor of that day, do I... Do I have the right to live for myself?”
Byleth placed a gentle hand on Dimitri’s cheek and turned his face back towards them. “No one’s hands are ever truly clean in this world. Asking that would be the same as asking me if I deserved the life I live. Each day you continue to live serves as proof that you deserve to live and live for yourself. And if you ever forget that, you will always have me to remind you.”
“I’ve got you…” Dimitri whispered as the professor pulled him into a gentle embrace. As he returned it, Byleth began to softly hum an ancient and gentle song. “You’re… You’re so warm… Have you always been?”
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randomnameless · 8 months
Do you think that Edelgard setting Bernadetta on fire in Three Houses was an oversight from the developers/a bug? I highly doubt the game would have made it out the door without Koei/IS noticing it at some point if that was unintentional, but at the same time, it's extremely weird that no one in the story comments on or acknowledges Bernadetta dying in one of the worst ways a human being can possibly die as a direct result of Edelgard sacrificing her if it was intentional on the devs' part.
This series might have forgotten its roots in several opuses, but from Sigurd to Ephidel to Flora, to Rinea and finally to Bernie, we often had fire jokes.
Given how the gameplay was radically different from the others FE and the omnipresence of the monastery, I'd say putting a fire joke was one of the few threads IS made compulsory else FE16 wouldn't be a fire emblem game!
More seriously,
Bernie has way too many lines about being set on fire for this "bug" to be only, well, a bug.
The whole city's burning! Oh, this isn't good! I'm flammable, you know!
Bernie's all "Berned" out now. I guess if they're no good, we'll just have to "Bern" 'em all, eh? Heh-heh!
To which Seteth replies with :
Let's...leave the topic of burning aside for now, shall we? Show me what you've done.
There was also this line :
Maintenant je brûle d'envie de mieux le connaître !
But it's on the french localisation team.
So even if Bernie only has two lines about herself burning alive...
I'd say it's the kind of easter egg that is also found in the game with various other eggs, like enemy!Felix using the Sword of Zoltan in CF because he and Dimitri (who isn't boar!mitri!) are closer than they are in VW - when the player receives said sword if Felix and Dimitri reach a B Support.
And Anon, no one comments on whatever Supreme Leader did or or does, remember Flamey? Emile? Solon? Baldo'n'Waldi being fielded with the Imperial Army? No one asks what kind of zumba Rhea did during those 5 years to be in a near death state?
Not acknowledging Bernie's blazing performance is typical for those games, and I wouldn't except more of them - else it'd mean they could accept that Supreme Leader is a ruhtless but dedicated leader who, as she said, is willing to sacrifice her people to reach her goals, and if they accept this, no one will buy Hresvelg Grey anymore.
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sugar-crushed · 2 months
Tumblr media
This is Robin, Aussie and Dimitri!
Info on Robin: He's a gay, cis male who is, although he doesn't look like it, a dragon humanoid. ( He figured out a way to hide his tail, horns and wings) He runs two YouTube channels and works at Spencer's which honestly he just does it because he finds it funny. He enjoys reading, video games, collecting video came consoles, drawing and cartoons ( and between you and me, he knows just a bit of magic)
Info on Aussie: Aussie is a Cis gender,gay and ace sexual- demonic ram humanoid. He's it popular like Robin is but instead for his rock music, and his tragic and disgusting backstory. Aussie enjoys, rock music, horror movies, guitars, punk rock cafes and random stuffed animals.
Info on Dimitri: Dimitri, just like the other 2 is also a gay, cis male, bear humanoid. Dimitri is actually a 4 star chef, its just when he's not in the restaurants he wears what he's most comfortable in, which in his cage is just a hoodie and sweat pants lol. He enjoys cooking, sleeping when can ( sadly he has insomnia so he struggles), careing for Robin and Aussie, going on long walks in the rain, and playing board games,
Extra info: Robin,Aussie and Dimitri are in a polyam relationship, Robin and Dimitri knew eachother growing up, and started dating in high school. Once they were out- Aussie just kinda showed up in their life's, they don't remember when or how the met him but they know they love him very much and that they are trying to support him with over coming extremely horrifying traumas. They're all so very different but they make it work with eachother.
To learn more- please rp! Ask questions, whatever!
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themarginalthinker · 7 months
Saint 'Dimitri'
(also known as DMT. Paul and Michael get high, and go down a list of all the things they can put in their bodies because vampire bodies are only addicted to one thing in the long run. tw: Discussions of drug use, references to drugs. I wrote this very quickly bc the idea bit me.)
"Yeah." Michael flicks a finger towards the bong Paul was filling. "Obviously. Uh...coke?"
Paul raises a brow. "Jumping pretty far, there."
"So sue me, my mom was an ex-Hippy and I'm a good suburban boy. I don't know a lot of drugs. Have you done it?"
"Yup. Got some left too, if you wanna try."
"Eugh. No. You see those people on TV?"
Paul shakes his head. "Worst case scenarios filmed for the ratings, and like, you have to be using for years, dude, before you ever start looking like that. Which, even if you stuff a pound of the shit up there every night for the rest of your life, you won't, because you ain't human."
Michael still hakes his head. "I don't think I'd like the feeling anyway."
Paul grins. "Yeah, you're spooksy enough as it is."
"I'm cautious, which has kept my ass out of the fire more than I can say about the rest of you idiots," Michael shoots back.
"...Technically it wasn't fire, it was buckshot-"
"-and the pair of you still have it embedded in your asses. Next. Uh...morphine?"
"David likes it, but I also think the guy could ask Dwayne to conk him over the head with a metal pipe and it would work just as well."
Michael cocks his head.
"Sleep aid for the supernatural, Mikey."
"Oh. Yeah. I guess he is kinda fitful, huh."
"He's got his reasons- oh for fuck's sake, light!"
Paul snarls lowly and bangs the end of the little zippo on his knee, face screwed up in almost childish frustration. Michael snorts but spares him the continued pain. He reaches into his own pocket and pulls out the one he's been carrying for a while.
Paul takes it gratefully, and doesn't say anything about how Michael doesn't carry any smokes (or doesn't have Marko's knack for setting things on fire randomly), and how it's a much older model, well-cared for and refillable. Made to last from a past era. Not his.
If he had, Michael may have just thrown it at him instead.
But he doesn't say anything, and Paul doesn't either, and the two laps into comfortable silence as the bowl is passed back and forth.
Michael hums, fingers toying with the frayed edges of a hole in the knee of his jeans. "Um...okay, uh. Oxycodone?"
Paul, leaning back against the pillows, blinks owlishly at him, clearly trying to connect some dots. "...I got some random pills from that one car we pulled-"
"No, no, like. Have you ever taken it?" Michael corrects, getting back to the subject they'd been talking about.
"Oh! Uh, nah, gave me hives."
"Well. Okay, I wasn't asking if you liked it, just that you tried it, dude. So that's a yes."
"Like, I think I get it, pain relief," Paul says, leaning even further back, to look up at the hanging tapestries and the garlands of shiny knickknacks and rackam strewn above him. "But it's like. Different. Than this."
He shakes the bowl a little. Michael reaches out a hand to stop him before he spilled something. "Feels...I don't know. Flatter. It's not up here."
Paul motions to his head, and the buzz he no doubt has going. Michael is feeling it too. He makes a small noise of acknowledgement, and leaves it.
In an instant, barely as the letters of the acronym had time to leave his mouth, Paul was up. His eyes wide enough even in his relaxed state to see the whites all around them, mouth set in a grimace enough he was almost showing his teeth.
"No. Fuck no, Mike. That shit is- damn, like, I don't wanna have to feel all the shit in reality, but like. I still wanna be in reality, you know?"
Michael shrugs a shoulder, and when the action makes his head feel like it won't stop tilting that way, he follows it and lets himself rest back against the pillow nest they'd made of the bedding.
"It's not that bad," he says, and Paul just shakes his head slowly.
And then stops. A look of consternation passing over his features.
He squints at Michael.
"...Did you-?"
"Oh my God, Mike!"
He's suddenly sitting even further up, crawling forward. (Michael having to take the bong from him and finally set it aside so they didn't dump hot ash on the bed sheets or spill water over everything.) Paul gets into his space, face half a smile, half pure disbelief.
"You said you'd never done anything stronger than shots and dope!"
Michael, to his credit, does imagine he looks at least a little sheepish.
"I just didn't remember it when I said that. It was a while ago. I also don't really remember much of it, just that. Things got weird, some...guy one of the people hosting the party knew brought this stuff in a thermos, but I was also tired as shit, so I think I just thought most of it was dreams."
Paul laughs, "Pretty spacey dreams, dude."
"Yeah, no kidding, it was like. Dreams in dreams...I think I thought the couch cushions were cracks in an endless pit and I was gonna fall in or something...you've never had it though?"
The laughter turns a little darker as Paul pulls back a bit, giving Michael some air. He flops against him though, head sinking down to rest on his belly.
"Not on your life. Big damn predator, out of my gourd on the spirit molecule runnin' around the woods at night? With the sensory stuff that we can feel without drugs? Can you fuckin' imagine..."
Michael supposes he could. Granted, the images in his mind were mostly funny, and in the bond, the boundaries of which were deteriorating with every passing moment, he passed those on to Paul. It got him a chuckle, and the sound played like low timpani in his head.
The conversation lapsed on.
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