#dimitri looks like a baby
girafferoyalty · 2 years
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Revisiting my ace Dimitri & Mercedes headcanon for Ace Awareness Week. Here’s one for my people 🫶🏼
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butwhatifidothis · 6 months
Do people really not see the inherent disconnect of the claim that Houses Claude is genuinely an amoral opportunist when his dream is to break down barriers to foster unity and peace? Like, is there not a fundamental incompatibility in having a desire for everyone to get along yet being a backstabber that throws people under the bus for their own benefit? From a personality/character standpoint, all that does is make Claude look like a ginormous ignorant hypocrite, and an idiot even though he's supposed to be smart. Because if his end goal is to create a diverse and harmonious community, how is he going to bring people together if he constantly betrays every side? And from a writing perspective, it makes no sense to have a character's actions and goals be completely contradictory and never address it.
Also for someone who is amoral, it sure is interesting in Balthus' Classroom QA Part 2 that Claude likes "ensure the fewest casualties" and dislikes "do anything to eradicate the enemy" when the question was "the war has been dragging for long so let's end it quickly". It's kinda like he has some principles or something.
Like, the idea of Claude being an untrustworthy backstabber who opportunistically takes advantage of everyone without ever growing close to them is just Hubert minus Lady Edelgard could be an interpretation of his character that aligns with at least his initial showing, or a surface level understanding of him. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he never fully opens up to anyone, he can in fact be fairly manipulative and callous; the crumbs are there, for sure.
But it also has to ignore how far he's willing to go to protect his people (putting himself in high danger when he is not sacrificial like, say, Dimitri is), or how he supports others having dreams for themselves (Goddess Tower), or how open he is to criticisms against what he thought (Cyril's support), or how he tries to be there for his friends (Marianne's support), or how he's open-minded enough to listen to people he initially thought needed to be his enemy (Rhea), or how violence is not just not something he considers but is something he actively rejects as a means of getting what he wants (The Alliance Leader's Ambitions, near the end), or how putting the people's lives in danger is something he is adamantly against (as you point out, Balthus' classroom question). A staggering amount of Claude's character has to be deliberately ignored in order to come to the conclusion that he's just a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants (who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence), because a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence does not describe Claude.
Even if one were to take the game's writing failure of properly presenting Claude tackling racial issues (like never addressing Petra's situation despite having supports with her) you can't really deny that Claude is, in fact, a caring person after taking everything in his character into account. For all his flaws, he never abuses the trust people have in him to the extent that they are actively put in danger, nor is it ever the case that the "doesn't truly tackle racial issues" ever translate to anything so drastic as "which means he'll actively worsen relations between two countries." And, well, yes; you still do have to take into account that his dreams are of bringing people together and disregarding past bad blood. He never stops trying to achieve this dream, and he wants it to come true so badly that he is willing to let other people that he trusts rule Fodlan to work together with him to achieve it, shown in VW and even AM. That means a lot for someone like Claude, who is otherwise pretty slow to trust other people so deeply.
That's not someone who would use Leicester's bad history with Faerghus as fuel to violently invade it. That's not someone who would use Almyra's navy to make it look to Sreng like Faerghus tried to invade it. That's not someone who wants to conquer other nations and make his own come out on top. Those things describe Hopes!Claude, which 3H!Claude is not.
It's like. You know how some 3H's fans see 3H as "Edelgard, Dimitri, and the third guy that justifies my fave"? How a lot of people in 3H's fandom don't really see Claude as his own character with his own perspective and ideals and beliefs and morals that are unique to him, and only see him as a battering ram to try and knock down one of the other two lords? And so don't really care how he's characterized in other things (like fanfiction, fanart, meta, or in this case spinoff media) because they never really cared about him as his own character? But then get really, really, really defensive when you point out the flaws in their perception of him, saying that you're the one who never understood or liked Claude, because if you did you'd "realize" that he was always [insert vague, bland description that happens to prop up the lord they actually like]?
Yeah that's basically what's going on here. Most people who prefer Claude as their fave lord do not like Hopes!Claude, some of the loudest voices in the JPN Amazon reviews were of people who hated Hopes!Claude and were literally trying to warn Claude/GD fans away from Hopes as a game because of how awful their writing is, while nearly every Hopes!Claude fan that I've seen vastly prefers Edelgard as their fave lord and are - you guessed it! - very defensive when it comes to Claude fans venting their frustrations over Claude's shit-end-of-the-stick treatment he got in Hopes.
So like, yeah. It's less that people aren't directly computing that Claude's ambitions and character don't match how he's depicted in Hopes, but that they just don't care that it doesn't since 1) it justifies their fave and 2) they never really gave a shit about Claude anyway
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cherishedboxart · 9 months
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trinaenigma · 2 years
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dimitri’s and byleth’s parenting style is….. a bit different to say the least
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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TAGGED BY the darlings @risingsh0t, @leviiackrman, @denerims, @aartyom, @queennymeria, @shellibisshe, @morvaris, @kingsroad, @chuckhansen, @jendoe, @shadowglens and @dihardys to make the girls in this cutest picrew! ty ty so much dears! <3
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @marivenah, @unholymilf, @prometheas, @leonscottskennedy, @leondaltons, @thee-morrigan, @arklay, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @belorage, @swordcoasts, @jacobseed, @themysteriouslou, @inkrys, @pearlcscent, @hoesephseed and you!
#only if you want to! 🤍🕊#oc: iovanna dayne#oc: visenaera targaryen#oc: una nathaira uller#oc: lioslaith mac ruaidhri#oc: vindamea verenim#oc: viktoriya vays#oc: adda de trastamara#oc: eirini dimitriou#a purple dress and the stars for iovanna im screaming this did so well for her ✨🥹🔮😌 AND HER YOUNGEST DAUGHTER HER AND HER BABY BABY ✨😖#the ✨🤨 likely directed @ daemy akzjxjzj and he does it on ✨purpose✨ skzjxjx ✨😌🥴#NO WONDER WHY YOUR THEN FIVE YEAR OLD SON CALLED YOU A STUPID MAN DAEMY sjzjjzjs but i love him and them both and she finds it endearing so!#GODD vizzy looking like both vanna + daemy truly she really is the amalgamation of both of her parents both in personality + in resemblance!#and her cutest little sword of the morning outfit <3 baelor didn’t have tears in his eyes at all naming her his title ✨🥹#proud older brother moment! proud older sibling moment! calla was BAWLING too btw ajzjhzhz#una giving the impression of she having never done a wrong thing in her life aozjzjjz and u know what? i believe her!#the blood ritual in the undercroft of the red keep was already there trust her <3#congrats aeggy on the goth gf akzjjzjx <3#AND I GOT TO ADD HER LITTLE GREEN ELEMENTS FROM AFTER SHE BONDS WITH THE CANNIBAL AHHH 🌿🖤🕷 my little angel!#RETURN OF THE QUEEN RETURN OF THE QUEEN with the new trailer vika has returned to the fold hehe <3 its what she deserves!#lioslaith trying to convince the party she totally knows the direction and is only in the back bc it’s customary of nobility 🌿🖤😵‍💫 sosjxjx#aksjzjch vinny in markarth realizing the jerkwad who she keeps running into all the time is the prince of the Aldmeri dominion ksjzhz#(and is rather pretty kajzjzj ✨🤡 BUT SHE’LL ADMIT TO THAT ON HER DEATHBED)#leg.tagged#leg.ocs#t: picrews#TY TY my health has been kicking me in the pants lately and this came in just in time ✨🥹 it was so cute to do! <3#SPEAKING OF RETURN OF THE QUEENS rini baby ✨😌🕷🖤 likely at the onset though of her ✨feelings✨ for mason or something aksxjhx#seeing the halo and KNOWING i had to make adda in this ✨😌😇 I’ll prob do more in this bc it was too cute (maybe dhampir queenie ademarta 🖤🥀)
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perrys-place · 1 year
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Charles Rebelivin: I don’t have daddy issues lol
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Also Charles R, sobbing to Dr. Dimitri: Then he [Captain Bailfalse] tore out all Mrs. Buzzie’s stuffing and stuffed her with sliced bread! And s-said “I guess you owe me.” Then told me to write a three hundred page paper on what that meant and I DIDN’T KNOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! *bawling*
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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he’s so protective of faerghus and i love that for him and i am very jealous of faerghus for having such a caring and loyal ruler but also i am very happy for them 😌
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snakesensei · 2 months
the next fire emblem should have more incest
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ronearoundblindly · 9 months
Feel free to ignore this… but any further (descriptive) thots on what the first time Ari calling reader Mrs Levinson would be like?!
I just can’t get the thot of tender love making out of my brain after reading the 3+1!
Please no pressure at all! Just wanted to let you know how much this Ari lives rent free in my brain 😵‍💫💙
Ari Levinson x bestfriend!Reader (now wife) from Bedrock and Blueprints series
woah. so. good lawd, i got all up in my own feels for a while and shrank my world down to just reader and this guy:
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An expansion of the the last part of this. Warning for sexy times in the most loving way. MINORS DNI. WC 1.3k
A/N: holy sh*t. don't @ me if you hate this and hate terrible puns because 🙈 idk what happened...
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Your relationship keeps evolving.
You started as distant acquaintances, sharing a friend but not much else. Soon, though, you and Ari found common ground and mutual respect. Slowly, the two of you learned more about each other and grew comfortable, playfully jabbing at each other's bad habits and blind spots.
You only ever wanted the best for one another.
It took a long time--many people would say too long--to WANT one another, and old habits die hard.
The strangest part of your wedding day is how easy it is to fall into the 'friend' pattern again. You're executing a planned day, hosting guests in your home, coordinating care of your baby. Ari's helping. He always does.
The ceremony is short and sweet, the party after a simple barbecue. It hardly feels...special.
On the other side of the lawn, Ari shows a few of your coworkers Rachel's favorite face he makes, and your daughter howls in joy, grabbing at Daddy from her perch your cubicle-mate's arms.
They're too far away to hear, but you can read Ari's body language pretty well after a decade.
What's wrong, honey? You love looking out at a crowd.
See? See all these people? They're here for you. For us. For...
Ari's eyes meet yours, his bottle of beer becoming an anchor in his outstretched hand. He beams.
You give a tiny little wave just as he gets ambushed by a few more guests cooing over Rachel. Ari is tall enough that you can see his gaze never leaves you, even when he's surrounded, even when he mutters an answer to a question, even as he pats shoulders and backs until he's out of the throng.
His radiant smile washes over you like the warm breeze on this perfect day. His feet land in time with thuds of Boyd and Dimitri battling it out on the cornhole boards, and the women flanking you twitter appreciative giggles as if putting voice to your heart's fluttering.
Ari is, well, damn fine to look at.
"Hey," he breathes heavily once making his way to you. "You wanna--" he gestures behind you to the house "--for a sec?"
"Oh, sure." You scramble to think what more could be missing from outside. Are the drinks running low? Is the grill ready for the next round of food? Does Rachel need a toy or maybe a hat?
He leads the way to open the door for you, and that's when you notice Ari's starting to sweat through the t-shirt he changed into after the ceremony. He's never been a fan of the penguin suits. As he puts it, "they rent them for a reason. Nobody wants to own one of these."
Whether for the entertainment or just to cool himself off, you assume Ari's heading for the kitchen and turn accordingly before an arm snaking around your waist hauls you backward.
"Not so fast, gorgeous," he snips in your ear, a familiar playfulness in the words warming down your spine.
"What are you doing, Ari?" you laugh, letting him man-handle you down the hall to the bedroom.
He touches you down gently beside the door and shuts it behind him quietly. Those pearly white teeth and bright blue eyes keep shining.
"Just taking a minute," he whispers, stepping closer, dragging his finger around your ear to move a bit of stray hair, "just for us."
His focus holds yours for a long time. The rough pad of his thumb traces the height of your cheekbone. A sheen of perspiration glistens on his temple. His flush glows pink even on the skin between beard hairs. Ari's tongue flicks out to wet his bottom lip.
Mixed with the muffled sound of your party outside, it's hard to tell his breathing has changed, but when your own eyes stop roaming the rest of his face, you see welling tears.
"Sorry, I don't know why..." Ari's cracking voice trails off. He sniffs and plants his hands against your hips to steady himself.
It makes your head spin.
"Sorry I took so lo--" but you don't let him get the words out.
Friends don't let friends cry over wasted time, no, because none of it was wasted. Learning about each other is necessary. Respecting one another is crucial. Laughing at the little things and the stupid things is essential. Everything happened just as it should.
You pour your approval into the kiss, tossing your arms around his neck and climbing him like the steadfast, rooted tree he's become, the centerpiece he is in the forest of your life, and Ari weathers the assault with gusto.
He sways with that changing wind of desire to lay you on the bed, shading you with his broad body and dangling hair, cocooning you both in your own little world, hot and heavy and light as a feather.
"I love you," he says as his wide palm explores up your skirt. "I love you," he says as two fingers move your panties out of the way. "I love you," he says as he discovers just how long you've been waiting for this touch.
"I love you," you repeat, undoing the fastening of his shorts. "I love you," you repeat, pushing them to the ground. "I love you," you repeat, taking his length in your hand.
"Please, Ari."
He hisses in tortured excitement. "Yeah?" In a flurry of fabrics, he's yanking your skirt around, tucking your leg up high over his waist as he climbs on the bed, too. "You want me, gorgeous?"
You like how much he leans into your new nickname; he's tried to ween himself off calling you 'kid' now that Rachel exists.
"Need you." Your words sound whiny and desperate because they are. "Need my husband."
The groan Ari lets out would wake the neighbors. Thank g-d there's a party outside...
He's so careful entering you, giving you time to stretch for him, giving him time to listen to every sated breath you both take. He pulls down the zipper at your side and peels your dress back, further exposing you. He loves how sensitive your nipples are since having a baby, but he also knows how much you hate these bras. He takes a moment to unhook you and fling that shit across the room, relishing your happy sigh of freedom.
"There's my wife," he chokes out, propped on his hands above you, surveying the bare beauty before him. His shirt is loose and wrinkled from where you've been gripping it for dear life. The shimmer of tears is back in his eyes--just for a second--until you bring him down to kiss again.
Once fully sheathed inside you, Ari sets a rhythm to mirror your whole relationship: slow and playful. He works to make you laugh, to make you fight him just a little bit because he's being silly. He flicks at your nipples and mouths at your shoulder. He only has one care in the whole world and for all time until--
Ari growls into your neck when there's a knock at the door.
"Just took the last bottle out of the fridge for Rachel, dearie. Thought you should know," Momma Joe's sweet old voice vibrates through, but you hear her footsteps fade quickly.
"'Spose that means I need to pump..." You toss your arms out in defeated frustration.
"Nah-uh," Ari shoots back, gathering you into a firm hold, pressing himself that much deeper inside you. He drapes that bubble of attention over you again, intent and adoring. "Right now? Right now you're mine, Misses Levinson."
He rolls his hips back, cock inching out of you, covered in your slippery arousal.
"And I need to pump--" he thrusts forward, the heft of him making your head loll back on the sheets "--again...and again...and again..."
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Tags: @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @royalwriteroftheuniverse @jamneuromain
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jellazticious · 10 months
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Meet this chucklefuck
His name is Pascal Short for Giuseppe Pascallis Jaleppino Edvard Stefano Dimitri Jaloro Pepperman-Spaghetti
That's right, you read the surnames correctly. He is a Pepperino fankid
ramble and more drawings under the cut if you managed to survive the first part
If I had a nickel for everytime I made fankids, I would have two. Which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice.
And brother? I'm happy about it jsrgksrb
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Pascal is a jaloro pepper and since his parents are so shit at naming him, they straight up put his pepper type as a name. but yes, they're a real thing and they're so cute. Jaloros are just yellow jalapenos
I also tried to make him simultaneously look like a pepper and a mango to complement how Pepperman looks like an apple. but also while drawing the sprite mock ups, I realized that at a certain pose he sorta looks like a pizza slice. I win either way bfsjbgksjr
He does not want to be an artist or a chef but he does have the inherited naturality of both which landed him a job as a barista. and of course, he could only work for one place which is the Noisette Cafe. It kinda gave him a little trouble getting hired cuz 1.) Peppino does not like how his son is about to work for his rival's girlfriend and 2.) Noisette is fucking terrified of Pepperman. You think she's gonna let his son who is one foot taller work for her 😭
But still, Noisette is way too kind that Peppino forgets why he has a problem with her and Pascal is way softer than both his dads surprisingly. It's ironic how Peppino and Pepperman are these barbarians of people and their kid ended up being the forestcore aestethic. He is never beating the allegations lmao, he's gonna be THAT softboy
But don't get me wrong, he can be a combination brutal and berserk when pissed off. He still has the same strength as his dads, mind you. Mostly Pepperman's brute and Peppino's street smarts
And their patience too.
People expect him to be as manly lol but like nahh he just wanna chill and be a nerd dork
And if anyone's wondering, it was obviously Pepperman who spawned him. In the human au tho? I have a perfect answer for that lmao. ahem
My Pepperman has and always been intersex lmao. That is it, that is all you need to know how Pascal can theoretically be made
Plants being plants man, they're really weird. Pepper is simultaneously mom, dad, uncle, and aunt lmao. Tho Pas calls him both mom and dad because it would be so fucking funny and he calls Peppino papi
He's very tender mostly cuz he did not inherit Pepperman's narcissism but he did inherit that kindness that Pepperman tries so hard to hide. And of course, Peppino's anxiety and impulses.
As a kid, Peppino is the brooding hen between him and Phil. He'd be the one who double checks triple checks if it's safe to let baby Pascal do his thing.
Pepperman on the other hand, he holds baby Pas like a rubber ball. Peppino tries not to get his kid killed because of how his wife holds it 😭
Oh also in a few of em, you can see little interactions with @beefy-the-stronk's Jude. They're simultaneously cousins and siblings. Also don't question it. Just imagine there's two Peppermans gbsjbgrksj
Also Gustavo is the godfather. I only had Pascal for three days but I would die for him
Anyway, if you made it this far, I thank you but alas. That is all for now bgjsbgjksr
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thebearer · 9 months
i’ve been seeing how frozen greens are good teethers for the baby bc of the vitamins in them? but i see you letting someone watch teddy and when you come back she has a frozen celery stick in her mouth
this is actually so carmen coded. like he makes homemade baby food for her, so this? would be right up his alley.
you come home one day, carmen’s holding teddy on his hip, on the phone with the produce guy, a piece of celery in her mouth.
“yeah, no, i-i need the lamb and… yeah, we can do chicken too.”
“carmen?” you cock your head to the side.
“one second,” carmen cups his hand over the phone. “yeah…yeah, thank you, dimitri.”
you grin, looking at carmen while he hangs up, readjusting the celery in teddy’s mouth. “hey, baby.” carmen mutters, leaning in for a quick kiss.
“hey.” you giggle. “what’s this? was she hungry?” you coo at teddy, taking her from carmen’s arms lightly.
“yeah, uh, no.” carmen snorted lightly. “i read that it’s good for teething if you freeze them bc it has all these nutrients.”
you grin, beaming at him. “oh, well she seems to like it.” you look down at teddy, gnawing on the frozen celery, chubby hands batting at the stick.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Alright I got a weird AU idea not sure what to call it but it involves one of our favorite things ✨pregnant dream✨ 
So Dream decides he would like to retire and become an immortal human like Hob. one problem though, he’s got no heir to the dreaming and he can’t use Daniel (for plot reasons idk) so Hob hearing “heirs” has something light up in his old peasant brain and he’s like “what if we make em the old fashion way?” Dream agrees under the condition that if the child is not fit to usher the dreaming they will keep having children until one of them is ready and willing. 
The first child is Determination of the Endless (I mean he’s Hob’s kid after all) they also give their children human names because they will spend about equal amounts of time in the waking as the dreaming (and Dante looks less suspicious on a birth name than Determination does) the next kid is Deception of the Endless (hob blames his mercenary days for that one) he’s a really sweet kid though, they name him Dimitri, (might as well stick to a theme at this point) they learn that the children have developed their own realms albeit smaller than their older Endless family members. Then something happens. Delight is born, this reassures them that a new being can take on an old endless moniker and Auntie Delirium is happy to show Delia (Delight) the ropes. They get another sweet docile baby girl and are surprised to learn she’s Destruction (it makes more sense in her toddler years) her name is Daphne. Than Hope is born. (This is ENTIRELY Hob’s Fault) Hob is a little confused as to why she is the only endless without a D at the start of her function. Then it’s time to name her. 
“I mean we could just call her Hope, it’s a human girl’s name and it would be one less name to remember.” Hob chirps cuddled up with dream and the new baby who is the spitting image of Hob.
“Hmmm” Dream rumbles. 
“I was thinking she doesn’t need to follow the tradition of a D human name.” He says shifting closer to Hob.
“Really? Do you have any suggestions?”
Dream hums in response like he hasn’t been planning this for the past nine months. 
“I was considering perhaps…Roberta?” 
Hob gasps softly. “Really, you want to name one of the little ones after me?”
“Look at her, she has your light, Hob”
Hob and Roberta become thick as thieves after that. A nearly inseparable father-daughter duo. Hob and Rob (although she prefers Robbie) 
Then the sixth baby arrives, Dante is in his twenties at this point, (they had the kids farther apart so each of them could get proper attention but still close enough for a proper sibling bond)
This baby to everyone’s shock is Dream of the Endless, at least dream of the endless jr.
“Hob!” Dream calls from his bed.
“Yes darling?” Hob immediately runs into the room, he’s at dreams beck and call (I mean he ALWAYS is but especially after a new baby is born) 
“What’s wrong? Is everything alright?”
Dream beckons for Hob to climb into bed with him and hands him the baby. He’s an absolute carbon copy of dream.
“Oh, he looks just like his father,”
“That means he’ll have the attitude of his Papa” Dream retorts.
Hob sticks his tongue out, “you love me.” 
“Now what’s this one’s function?”
Hob stares at his husband in awe, “you mean this is it? You’ve got a proper heir now? Aw, I was hoping to at least get four more hoblings out of you,”
Dream snickers, “just because I have an heir doesn’t mean I want to stop having children, Hob Gadling,”
Hob lights up, “you mean it?” 
Dream nods, “besides it’s quite odd to only have six new endless, it should be seven like the original,”
“Seven? I can do that!” 
They nickname the baby Drowsy of the Endless so no one gets confused, his human name is Dorian.
“No Dream I’m not putting Morpheus the second on a birth certificate that’ll get us flagged for sure” 
The final child, the seventh endless is…
“You’re kidding,”
“No this child is Danger of the Endless”
“You just ran out of D words tell me his real function you git,” 
“This is your son, Danger, Hob Gadling”
Hob sighs, “We just got all of Destruction’s stuff cleaned up, you’re telling me I have to parent a toddler whose natural tendency is towards danger?” Hob groans.
“Isn’t that all toddlers?” Dream smirks as Hob buries his face in his hands. 
They name him Damien and he is a proper little hellion but the perfect edition to their little family and the next generation of Endless.
I just think the giant family dynamic is fun. I’d write a fic but I’m retired from fanfic writing. Thought I’d drop this off as an another Hob and Dream have a large family au.
The Hoblings 😭😭 I'm absolutely in love with this whole au!!! I love the idea of a new generation of Endless, its so lovely.
Imagine their interactions with Dream's siblings! Ollie would be so good with the new Destruction and Danger, and Desire would have great fun with Deception. I bet Delirium would be so overjoyed to meet the new Delight. It takes a village to raise a child and it will certainly take the whole family to raise a gaggle of half human, half Endless kiddos.
Dream and Hob are wonderful parents, which is to say - they fuck up a lot and the house is always a mess, but they love their kids so fiercely. Hob and Roberta and Determination are an absolute disaster trio. Dream and little Drowsy spend most of their time silently judging the shenanigans.
I just love the idea of the new generation of Endless getting this loving, amazing childhood that Dream and his siblings never really had. Of course things aren't perfect, but there's so much love in the house. Hob is so proud of Dream and their kids, and he feels so grateful to get this second chance at a family. Watching their children grow and become the best versions of themselves is a reward he knows he doesn't deserve, but he's endlessly thankful to the universe anyway <3
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
Hello. I am a little obsessed with Dimitri (your oc). I was wondering how he would react to his darling being on a diet (I just read the french fries post, just for context)
Hmm, I think he wouldn't exactly notice it at first, maybe even not thinking too much into it until Xavier told on you.
"Mama hasn't been eating lunch." Of course, at this point, you've been kidnapped by Dimitri for quite a while so he's already encouraged his son to call you "mom" and he's proud that his toddler keeps an eye on you in his absence.
Dimitri is usually busy with work during lunch time but he makes sure that you're there with him during breakfast and dinner, always feeding you the last bite from his plate. Something about "it increases love among partners when they eat from the same plate." And you can't say no because of Xavier's cheers and hopeful gaze.
So he confronts you about it one day.
"Darling~" He calls out as his arms encircle around your waist to make sure you don't run away. "What's this I'm hearing about you skipping lunch?"
You look around to see if Xavier is around, and when you find he isn't, you start pushing on his arms, trying to break free. "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm going on a diet."
Dimitri only tightens his hold and smiles coyly at you. "Why? Are you insecure about your weight? You shouldn't be, but there are better ways to lose weight. Like cardio. Hot, long sessions of cardio with me-"
You smacked his shoulder. "Have some shame! Your son could hear us!"
"Our son-" Dimitri takes the hand you used to smack him and brings it to his lips, kissing it gently. "- is concerned as to why his mother isn't eating lunch with him. He thinks he did something wrong."
Of course, he'd pull at your heartstrings. He knows you have soft spot for Xavier.
"I just... I'll explain its got nothing to do with him." You tried arguing bit Dimitri shook his head, pulling you closer as he tucked your hair behind your ear, looking deep into your eyes.
"Why don't you tell me what this is really about, katyonak? I know you're not interested in losing a couple of pounds." Dimitri could see your resolve break, and you almost- almost told him what's really going on.
But you pushed him away. "I think Xavier is calling me."
He let you go but now he began keeping a closer eye on you, studying your habits, your moods, your reactions. And it didn't take him long to realise that you're... depressed.
That's why you haven't been eating. You spend moat of your time in bed, only coming out of your room when Xavier or Dimitri force you to, staying up late at night just staring at the ceiling, sometimes there'd be dried tear streaks on your cheeks in the morning, sometimes not.
The cause of your depression? You accepting that you'll never be able to escape Dimitri because he'll always find you. So you gave trying to run from him, gave up pushing away his affections.
And while Dimitri isn't good with mental health, he is responsible for you. He will take care of you.
So he starts joining you and Cavier during lunch, pulling you into his lap so that you run away. It makes Xavier laugh as he watches your uncomfortable expression and Dimitri's happy one, asking what he's doing.
Dimitri's eyes twinkle. "Well, sometimes mommy needs daddy's help to eat. So I'm going to feed her!"
"Like a baby?" Xavier giggles.
"Exactly! You and mama are both my babies!" Dimitri answers, pulling you closer when you struggle in his arms.
He makes sure to take you out to eat often, to change your taste palate and your mood from staying at home all day.
You of course would try to order a salad, which doesn't fly with him because Dimitri is now ordering for you.
Your eyes bulge at the amount of food on the table. "This- this is too much, Dimitri!"
He smiles as he cuts into his steak, bringing the fork upto your lips. "You better finish all of it, katyonak, or else the chef will be shot! Now, open up~" your mouth opens in shock, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide the fork in.
Dimitri knows you can't possibly eat this much food but at least you'll try eating half of it? Besides, he needs you to eat healthily. After all, you just might be eating for two soon.
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theladyofrosewater · 3 months
Does anyone else think about the first diaries poster or is it just me.
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like first of all, did we ever know who drew it? as far as I remember nothing in this same art style was ever published. It kinda looks like Sean Dillon's art but I'm not sure
I'm not going to lie if we ever got an official graphic novel I'd rather they bring back a similar style instead of the anime one she made for all the mystreet and rebirth posters.
The characters chosen has always been a thing that bothered me. Like Shad, Aphmau, Garroth all make sense and look pretty good in the composition, Alina looks good too but Dante just brought his whole ass family like I could have done without Nana and maybe Dmitri since he just looks like a mini Dante
The giant-ass Diaries font is killing me, just slap that baby in the middle it'll look fine
SPEAKING OF FAMILY where the fuck is Vylad I know this is supposed to be a season 3 poster (if I remember correctly) but the boy is just too important to leave out. Also why is Leona here like I love her she's my favorite side character but WHY???? she's just the babysitter. she's placed beneath what I think is Zane on the poster just like how Dimitri and his sister are posed with their dad so was this a hint to Leona finally being confirmed as his daughter???? were we going to get an arc about Leona learning who her dad was but it part of what was abandoned??? ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES JESSICA WHY IS SHE HERE
Also Lilith Garnet could have been completely cut and why is her hair brown I thought she was blonde
Katelyn is here but no Travis or Lucinda to accompany her this is a personal attack, she is also such a light blue stuck with the reds that my eyes immediately go to her
why does Gene look like a knock-off jeff the killer I can't take him seriously
Laurance should have Zenix beside him, he didn't get him in the divorce for nothing
Zane is just sulking in the corner, he looks like he got put in time out I love it.
Why are we still keeping the cross imagery on Garroth's armor why is it not a star or Irene's symbol, also clean shaven Garroth gives me nightmares, I know it's not canon but he needs his stubble pls
Dimitri and his sister are just adorable in the corner, 10/10
Look I dislike MCD Aaron for his wasted potential but I REALLY like the effect of Shad literally holding his body together cracking Aaron's skin, give that effect to the other shadow knights PLEASE it looks so good
yall please add onto this I want to hear your thoughts.
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femoso-seben · 4 months
Humanoid Monster
Part 1, Part 2, Next
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Graves followed Mother Maia as she got everyone fed and clothed the babies. The wit was other humans, most of them worked with the infants. Most of the older children begin to pack up and head out.
“Where are they going?” Graves asks as Gaz and Soap follow the herd of children.
“School.” Graves gives her a shocked expression before nodding and following her.
“Maia,” a woman walks in.
“Ruth,” Mother Maia nods.
“We have a new one.” Behind Ruth was a small vampire girl, she was pale and small. Mother Maia sighs and walks closer to the child.
“She’s blind and her drinking fangs were pulled out,” Graves froze and moved closer to the child, his blood boiled, who would do this? Who would hurt a young child?
“Who brought her in?”
“I don’t know she was left there,” Mother Maia sighs and she covers where her eyes should be.
“Alright leave her to me until the other vamps come back then they can figure out the story.” Ruth nods and walks out, her hooves clicking on the ground.
“You're going to let children figure it out—”
“Not all children trust humans, not all children trust other monsters,” Mother Maia interrupts picking up the shaky child. the little girl’s mouth begins to water as she smells human, but as her mouth opens her fangs clearly broken off. Vampires’ fangs don’t grow back.
“How do you feed her?” Graves asks. This was his kind, though he has no love for others not of his blood, and even if their his his level of love is low, for the monster runs on strength and power. Graves couldn’t help but pity this pathetic thing.
They walk into the kitchen and she reaches into the blood bank refrigerator and pulls out a blood bag, type O. Type O is the most palpable for vampires, it wasn’t offensive or overly tasty just nourishment. The little girl begins to babble her words foreign.
“Все в порядке, пей из этой соломинки,” Mother Maia said in Russian. Graves stiffened, this Mother knew Russian, was she originally from Russia? Maybe that’s how she knows Makarov.
“How do you know Russian?” Graves asks leaning against the door. The little vampire sucks greedily for the blood.
“Switzerland teaches other languages, it’s a point all the nurses, and orphanage workers know at least two languages for communication.” Mother Maia said before walking over to the phone and calling her counterpart.
“Abraham,” she calls, “Yes I need one of the older vampires, Dimitri to come back we have a new fledgling.” Mother Maia set the child down at the dining room table.
“Why do you wear a veil?” Graves asks. She looks over the outline of her head twisting to him.
“I’m disfigured by war, these children seem enough horror let them not see another one.”
Soap crouched down with the other werewolves, all of them trying to beat him at arm wrestling. “Ye’r gaun doon,” Soap laughs as all the young werewolves fail to beat him.
“What’s yer opinion o' Mither Maia,” all the werewolves stop and turn to him.
“Why do you care?” Liam asks, as the alpha of this pack Delta.
“Is she a guid mither ” Soap asks. Liam looks around before sighing.
“You don’t like her,” Liam said with a smirk.
��She’s a vicious killer, she kills oor kind —”
“She kills you, not us. We aren’t soldiers,” Liam growls his fangs shown. Soap glares at Liam and leans back in his seat.
“How come dae ye defend her?” Soap asks. The pack growls and storms off.
“Don’t mind them,” Soap looks up to take the ancient dragon Abraham, a legend in the monster community one of the elder dragons. “They were raised by her Liam especially, he was a runt and she spent her time raising him.
“When did she stop being the pale death?” Gaz asks from across the room, his feathers covered in glitter and glue random colorful duck feathers glued to him. Abraham stroked his beard before sighing.
“She was coming from the Americas and went through Alaska to get to Europe. Meet up with a human PMC and continue to Switzerland. With her daughter.”
“She has a daughter?” Gaz asks.
“Priscilla,” Gaz from, and his jaw set angrily. “She also had a small pack of baby werewolves with her, pack Delta. She was disfigured by a werewolf that tried to kill the pack.” Soap felt his blood run cold.
Pack Delta looked strong healthy a good squad of boys that make fine soldiers. Who would try to kill them?
“So they were her first pack?” Abraham nod.
“Then as other werewolves came in they found allegiant to different packs. Werewolves are the biggest military population most were outcasts.” Soap nods, werewolves are notorious for having strict rules for soldiers and regulations to become a soldier.
“How old is Mother Maia?” Gaz asks standing up but small harpies cling to his arms giggling as if this was all a game. Gaz picked up one of the harpies girls.
“She is rather young in human age, ask Priscilla, she knows the most about Mother Maia.”
“How come dae ye ca' her Mither Maia?” Soap grumbles like an annoyed puppy.
“It is only natural we give respect to each other. I have the name of Grandfather. She is very respectful she protects her children and so do I,” the old dragon said smoke smoldering from his mouth an obvious threat to these soldiers. He went back to his Victorian pipe smoking calmly.
“Why does everyone respect her?” Gaz asks.
“Who knows,” Soap grumbled.
“Let’s hope the others have information.”
“Alright men,” Laswell said sitting around the table.
“Mother Maia is disfigured,” Graves said.
“Priscilla is her daughter,” Gaz added.
“The Harpy?” Ghost grunts out. Gaz nods.
“One of the wolf packs was with her before they arrived in Switzerland. She moved in from North America through Alaska through Russia to Switzerland.” Soap adds in.
“Gaz will you ask Priscilla about this Mother Maia.” Graves asks.
“Alright, I have flight training later this day, Ghost what did the Gargoyles say?” Gaz asks.
“They stonewalled me.” Soap sighs and leans back in his chair.
“Why is she… so mysterious?” Laswell mumbles mostly to herself.
“Who knows.”
Gaz looked at Priscilla who was wrapped up in a blanket as the night was cold. The small harpies flapped their wings hard in the air trying to fly higher and higher. Gaz promises to give the highest flyer a daring race in the air.
“Priscilla,” Gaz walks closer keeping one eye on the little chicklings, the other on Priscilla. She was a very beautiful young woman.
“Yes?” She said her accent was the very Hispanic accent.
“How old is your mother?” Priscilla frowns and thinks about it.
“She’s only a few years older than me, I’m seventeen and she’s twenty-seven.” Gaz eyes widen.
“She’s that young?” Gaz's mouth fell open.
“We harpies age slower so the age difference really looked grande but she isn’t that much older than most of us.” Gaz nodded and then another thought came into his mind.
“Why did she become the Pale Death?”
“To protect us, we were hunted so Sue hunted them back.” The further he learns about Mother Maia the more she becomes a saint. It was so fucking creepy.
“How did you two meet?”
“I was kicked out of my nest after my wings were ripped off she picked me up and that’s it,” Priscilla said as the younger harpies began to fall out of the sky Gaz went to catch everyone before they got hurt.
“Your mother,” Gaz said as all the chicklings ran to Priscilla and hid in her blanket for warmth. “Did she ever hurt you?” Priscilla said quickly but her tone was unusually shaky not due to the cold but to nervousness.
“You're scared of her.”
“She can be intimidating and harsh but she never hurt us.”
Gaz nods. Mother Maia isn’t all that saintly.
Taglist: @kkaaaagt, @kaoyamamegami, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore
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mrsmiagreer · 2 months
I feel like milo would have sm fun with super speed
“Shhhhh” “I said hush” OMFGGGGG
Rebane territory?
who in the fuck is sweet lips ?!
Mock pity >>>>>>
AND NOW HES TEASING US “I just gotta know, oh- actually don’t tell me…lemme guess—”
“I hit ya nail on the head?” Well since we’re talking about heads—🤷🏽‍♀️
If this is a role reversal, is it possible that Milo’s taller than me??
“NO😲….oh this is too good”
First off who you callin rat motherfucker
“You picked the wrong house to fuck with sweets, oh i’m about to ruin your fuckin life…this is my lucky night bitch”
who the fuck is dimitri
“Like king like prince” ?
This bitch just call me a flop??
“Oh so now you look away” mf i’m looking away because the longer i look the drippier my panties get. This is called self preservation
“Oh i know im close…ya welcome” THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK Y-
“I’m not even touchin” yall know what i gotta say
“I know i look good, but I shouldn’t be the last thing you see”
“I’m serious. Breathe. ” I CAN’T
“Ya gonna fuckin pass out” YOU’RE RIGHT
I personally think Milo’s still ripped asf as a vampire honestly 🤷🏽‍♀️
“If PORTER finds out about this i’ll never hear the end of it” PORTER MENTION‼️
The attention snaps🧎🏽‍♀️
“You look at me, AH- now. Look at me.” I love this version of Milo’s dominance and authority😫
Wet blanket fuck boys😭😭
“Excuse me? I’ll say fuck as much as i fuckin want to. Thank you very fuckin much. Fuck you! How’s that”
“I’m not that fuckin soft” Prove it🤷🏽‍♀️😅
Did this man just say “That’s it” to QUINN FOX
Head back to your place you say🥰
“Unless of course, you uh…end up likin what you see at my not so humble abode, and decide you want to stay a little longer, like overnight if the mood strikes.”
he thinks i’m pretty yall🤭
“Look at this face. Look at this body.” i’m looking baby
Is he just like carrying around business cards or sum. How tf we get his number like that?
“you gotta earn that baby”
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