#dinner parties birthday parties and weddings especially
aes-h · 5 months
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one thing about me, i will go all out for my sims' weddings
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kiyinian · 3 months
Part two
Ex-husband Simon who: Always does the month's grocery shopping with you, always coming up with lame excuses to spend more time with you. Always encourages your children to eat a lot, sometimes even more than they should, just to make sure the food runs out quickly and that you call him to help with the groceries.
Ex-husband Simon who: Never stopped wearing his wedding ring, even though you no longer wore yours. For him, you would always be his wife, no matter what, even if you refused to wear your wedding ring again.
Ex-husband Simon who: Is very attentive to the children, always picks them up from school when you can't, who takes them out every weekend, and on vacation, takes them on trips. And of course, always thinking about spending more time with you.
Ex-husband Simon who: Knows that divorce means divorce, but can't stop giving you Valentine's Day presents every year, even if you reject being his Valentine once again.
Ex-husband Simon who: Is always available when you need him, if something has broken in the house? Don't hesitate to call him. Need to buy something? Ask him and he'll sort it out. Want a shoulder to cry on? He'll be there for you.
Ex-husband Simon who: Always pays for things for you, especially when you go out with the children. He refuses to let you pay a single penny when he's around, even though he knows you have enough money to pay for whatever you want. Just as he won't stop sending you money, even if you work.
Ex-husband Simon who: Even though you live in separate houses, he always goes to the house where you and the children are living, the usual excuse being that he was passing by, so he decided to go and see the children. And you, too.
Ex-husband Simon who: Knows it's wrong to manipulate children like this, but he induces the little ones to dislike any other man you introduce to them. No matter how good your new romantic interest is, Simon can't stand the idea of you having someone else by your side. And the children think so too.
Ex-husband Simon who: Is happy when he hears that you haven't met anyone since you split up, that no other man had caught your eye. And he could only feel the relief and hope that this brought him.
Ex-husband Simon who: Tries to win you over again, always giving you presents, calling you to dinner, being the exemplary husband you needed. All the effort that was thrown away every time you denied him, he left with a heavy heart, but destined to try as many times as necessary. There was no other person who was like you, you were the only one for him.
Ex-husband Simon who: Almost felt his heart drop out of his mouth when he saw you all dressed up for your son's second birthday, you'd only prepared a small party, no big deal. But the sight of you was still breathtaking, even more so when you smiled so sweetly. He didn't take his eyes off you once that evening.
Ex-husband Simon who: Didn't hesitate to accept when you asked to spend the night with him, after the children were asleep. And you would have time alone after a long time apart.
Ex-husband Simon who: Made love to you as if it were the last time. He caressed every part of your body, made you feel butterflies in your stomach with every kiss he gave you. He pounded into you like a maniac, as if it were his last day on earth, telling you he loved you, calling you the nicknames he knew would make you weak in the knees. He made you see stars that night.
Ex-husband Simon who: Felt heartbroken when you said that everything that had happened was a mistake, and that it was a moment of weakness. It shouldn't have happened, that's what you said, but it all seemed so right to him.
Ex-husband Simon who: Didn't understand why you were distancing yourself from him after the night you shared together, that he felt he had done something wrong to you. Who didn't understand your nervousness, the way you stuttered and fidgeted next to him, he just thought he'd done something wrong and you were angry.
Ex-husband Simon who: Had no idea that you were actually nervous not because of some action of his, but because you didn't know how to break the news to him that you were pregnant, that your evening had resulted in an unplanned pregnancy. You were carrying twins.
Ex-husband Simon who: Almost fainted when you broke the news to him, he didn't know whether to cry with relief or joy. But in any case, he was sure that he would go through hell to get you back, he was going to do everything possible and impossible to make his family what it was before.
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strawb3rrystar · 1 month
totally didnt trip and run here…why would that happen.
anywho, stolas x stellas cousin!gn! reader :3 idrc if its platonic or romantic this man needs a friend/someone to care ab him and actually show it (staring at blitzø)
if platonic, then it could be that they have a marriage of convenience and stolas is off put but them but they reassure both him and octaviva that they arent like their cousins lol and from there they befriend stolas and be his rock for whenever blitzø shuts down and pushes stolas away
if romantic then it could just be a silly slow burn with stilas veru confused bc he loves blitzø but also is beginning to like his new spouse?! (then they could talk and the cousin could be like “dude we dont gotta be exclusive. esp since u still like the imp dude. if u want, take thing slow, see where u end up and how you feel.”)
and when reader shows affection stolas is taken aback bc all the people in his life aren’t really forward with their own affections?
soz if this is lengthy 😭😭 i love this sad bird sm and just want him to have someone to rely on that isnt his kid or his BF
It wasn't just a marriage of convenience.
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Pairing: Stolas x GN! Stella's cousin! Reader
Warnings: Stella slander (im sorry), very slight blitz slander (again, sorry)
Word count: 816
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Stolas wasn't too keen on remarrying, especially when he found out it would be his ex-wife's cousin. He expected to be just like the rest of your snobby family.
The first time he met you, your beak upturned in a smile that could've been fake. But there was no faking the look in your eyes. The way you were hanging off every word as he talked. That was the most genuine thing about your family. Your eyes always gave you away. Stolas learned that quickly with Stella. Even when she was trying to be nice, her eyes always revealed her true feelings.
After the wedding, Stolas realized the heels of your fancy shoes didn't echo in the hallways like Stella's did. Her footsteps always sent chills down his spine because they were always filled with fury. No matter where you were in the palace, you could always hear her coming.
The first time you threw a ball, it wasn't for a selfish reason, it was for your friend's birthday. Unlike Stella's amazing idea of a 'not divorced' party. She would glide across the ballroom with fake poise, her head turned up at everyone who was below her. But you move so effortlessly and with such elegance that you could put your cousin to shame.
It felt odd to be living with you at first. To be sleeping in the same bed. But you mostly kept to yourself during the day. Stolas finally could get some peace and quiet now that Stella's constant torment was gone. During dinner, when you were all sat at the table, you would have an actual conversation with him. Octavia seemed to like you as well, the two of you would talk about things that she liked. And you would hangout in the library at night.
You weren't trying to be a new parent for Via. Or a new spouse for Stolas. You were just simply existing in the same space. Not trying to disrupt the environment before you. Maybe that's why he was just so drawn to you. You cared about his problems, listened to him, but didn't pry. Even when your cousin was brought up, you were never angry. You were just an observer.
But now Stolas was in a dilemma. He likes Blitz, but now he also likes.. you? It sent his head into spirals, rethinking the last year of his life. It was so bad he couldn't concentrate on the words in his book. Because just a few feet away his spouse sat at their vanity, putting some eye drops in their eyes. Stolas takes a deep breath, going over every outcome in his head. Before he knew what he was doing, the words were coming out of his mouth. "Uh, hey?"
This gains your attention, and you turn to him. But not just your head, you did a full body turn towards him. Satan you were so beautiful. Stolas would compare your beauty to that of the stars. Your head tilts every so slightly, your eyes fill with affection. "Yes?"
"I'm having a bit of a problem.." Stolas admits, setting his book on the nightstand. By the time he looked back at you, you were already sitting on the bed with him. "What kind of problem?"
"I think I'm starting to love you..." He mumbles scratching the back of his neck and then smoothing down his feathers. "Why is that a problem?"
You already knew about his relationship with Blitz as he would often express his issues to you. It was a very simple question, but it made Stolas even more confused. "Because I can't like two people at once."
He shakes his head, his hands in his lap. You raise an eyebrow, then chuckle to yourself. "Stolas, we don't have to be exclusive. Especially since I know how special that Imp is to you. We can take things slow, see if we like it. If not, we can go back to how things are, I won't be upset."
His eyes widen at your words. His body felt like it was on fire. But not the 'I'm horny' kind of fire. More like 'I love you so much I think I'm going to explode' kind. "Could I.. kiss you then?"
You smile, the type of smile that made his heart melt for you. You inch over to him, taking his wing in yours. "I would love nothing more than that."
It was one of the most love filled, passionate kisses that Stolas had ever experienced. His claws grabbing at you like you'd slip away if he didn't. Your claws touch his face delicately, as if he were a glass figure that would shatter if you pressed too hard. When the two of you pull away, Stolas buries his face into your neck. And the two of you cuddle into each other for the rest of the night.
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Star's notes -> You know I love it when I get requests from you Adonis!!! <3
(Thank you, @sweetadonisbutbetter for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @samohxt2-0 @sunshines-bright @astrolovedy @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter
@little-miss-chaoss @sunr1s3-strab3rr1 | Join the taglist
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
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Pairing: Husband! Jay X Wife Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞 (Minors DNI), established/ married AU!
Warnings: unprotected sex, breeding kink (to the max), Oral (female receiving), fingering, slight lactation kink (very brief but if you’re sensitive, I advice you not to read any further), a lot of dirty talking about making babies, Jay using the term ‘wife’ to the reader, slight cockwarming. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else
Summary: Celebrating special occasions with your husband was nearly impossible with your young son around, especially when the both of you craved for something more intimate. With the help of your mother, she opt to take care of your son, leaving you and Jay to take advantage of this rare moment.
Main masterlist
Word count: 2, 469 words
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The sound of your phone closing echoed in the empty dining room, finding no trace of any new messages from your husband who had promised to come back home from work as early as he can. Today marks your wedding anniversary, preparing a banquet full of his favorite dishes to celebrate the special occasion.
You had left early from work to send your son to your mother who agreed to take care of him so that the couple could enjoy some quality time without their toddler fussing around. Don’t get it wrong, you love your son from the moon to the back but the last time you baked a birthday cake for Jay, your son took his time destroying it before the surprise party.
If it wasn’t for his chubby cheeks and buttercream frosting all over his face and body, you would have cried instead of laughing at the sight of the mess.
Your thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the front door opening, signalling that Jay was back. You shuffled hastily to greet him, beaminng at the entrance of the door as Jay took off his dress shoes.
“Welcome back.” You said, reciprocating the hug he initiated even though he was holding his briefcase and jacket on each hand.
“Hey, love. Happy anniversary.” He circles his arms around your waist, pulling you into a quick peck on the lips, smiling loopy as he holds you close to his body. You laugh, arms lock around his neck in an intimate manner.
“Happy anniversary to you too.” You grin at the way he sneaks another chaste kiss to your lips before losing his grip to stare at you.
“Sorry about coming home late,” He apologised, pushing some strains of hair that escaped your bun out of your face lovingly. “The others wouldn’t leave me alone to come home to my beautiful wife.” You chuckled while imagining Jake and Sunghoon constantly tailing him for business related affairs.
Yet, Jay doesn’t want to admit that without those two as his trusted right hand mens, he wouldn’t be able to flourish the company without his advisors beside him. You gave him a few pats in the chest before saying. “Now, now. As the boss, you have to set a good example to your employee if you want them to actually see you as the leader.”
“Oh? I thought I was the boss here? Why would I need to listen to you?” He raised his eyebrows in a playful manner.
“Because I’m your wife, and it goes without saying that I’m automatically your boss.” You poke his chest challengingly.
He gave you a mini salute. “Yes Madam, anything you say goes.” Laughter ensued in the room as you ushered him to come in, heading towards the dining table filled with an array of dishes you’ve prepared.
“I might have to heat up a few. They’ll taste better warm.” You said, distracted on washing your hand on the sink to handle the food when a pair of arms circle themselves around your waist from behind.
You immediately giggled when you felt his pair of lips pressed against the shell of your ears, hugging you from behind as you shiver from the contact. He moved to kiss you at the column of your nape when you turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You really can’t wait until the end of dinner, can you?” You taunt, staring at the way he was looking at your lips before smiling. His grip on your waist in a sensual manner as he leans close to your face to whisper— it almost gets your knee buckling at the proximity.
“I can’t help myself, can I? Not when my son is not here and I got his beautiful, sexy mommy all to myself.” He bit his lower lips, and you can’t help but let out a chuckle at his words.
“So you’re not gonna eat my food?” You ask. He shakes his head, watching you with hooded eyes.
“I'd rather eat you.”
He captures your lips without a second to spare; a content sigh emits from both of your lips as the constant aching feeling inside finally vanishes at the touch of each other’s lips. Jay’s soft lips move to devour your own, not like the ones he would usually display in your mundane life, but a sort of thirst or hunger in the way his tongue explores the roof of your mouth to suckling on your bottom lip.
“You don’t even understand the things I want to do to you.” He mumbled.
You moan and tighten your hold on his neck as he trailed down to kiss your jaw, leaving rough butterfly kisses on the sensitive skin before moving slowly to nibble on your neck. He pushes his body against yours, the edges of the marbled countertop digging at your lower back. The faint smell of his cologne alone could intoxicate you with electrifying pleasure but partnered with his dangerous lips and roaming hands on your sides, you can’t help but let him take the wheel.
“What is it you want to do to me?” You whispered, leaning back to let him leave hickeys on your neck with his love bites.
His fingers moved under your shirt and you let out a little gasp at the feeling. He chuckled at your cute reaction. “I rather let my body do the talking.”
His arms lifts you up to sit on the countertop before he adjusts himself to stand between your legs. You took this opportunity to loosen his tie while he proceeded to remove your shirt, diving in to attack the swell of your breast against your bra.
“Jongseong.” You whine, feeling his cold fingers on your back as he unclasps your bra from behind. He watches with a lustful gaze as your breast bounces out from their confinements.
“Beautiful.” He compliments, and you blush at the way he cups one pair to level it to his mouth, lips capturing the hardened nipple with a small suck. You cried out when he nibbled the area, licking and lapping at the sensitive tit while the other was occupied with his other hand, fingers delicately played with the neglected nipple to compensate for the lack of attention from his lips.
“Fuck, Jongseong.” You moaned. “Feels so good.” You close your eyes, feeling the pleasure stimulate the throbbing on your cunt as you lean back in your palms.
“If I suck hard enough, will your milk come out?” He asked while his mouth was still occupied with your nipple, his cheeky comment made you let out a shaky laugh.
“Not unless you want me pregnant again.” You said before choking on a whimper when his fingers discreetly moved under your skirt, rubbing at your clothed folds that were wet with your arousal. He pushes you down on your back, letting you rest on the marble surface before you look up to see him unbuckling his belt to relieve himself from the huge visible bulge of his hard cock against his pants.
“I think we can arrange that.” He commented.
He was roughly unbuttoning his white dress shirt, his fingers moving impatiently to rid of the fabric to display his lean body; melanin skin with toned arms and deep v-line bare for you to gaze. You swallow down the saliva coating at your throat, imaging the way his body would move against yours, the amount of brute force as he pounds into you that it was almost impossible to even imagine you not being pregnant after.
He almost chuckled at the way you squeeze your thighs together, grabbing your knees to pull them wide open for him to see the visible dark wet patch on your panties.
“Shit,” He cursed. “Are you that excited for me to fuck you? Can’t wait for my big cock to be in your pussy and fucking you dumb until my seeds make you pregnant with my babies? Yeah, you want that don’t you?”
You let out a breathy yes as he pulled your panties down until it dangled on one of your ankles before bunching your skirt. The sight of your folds wet with your own juices in full display for him like a meal had him groaning while messaging the flesh of your thighs. You bite back at the way he prompts one of your legs on the countertop, shivering at the sheer coldness that hits your core.
“Don’t worry, I'm gonna fill this tight hole with my seed and you’re gonna thank me for it like a good wife. But first—“ He leans down and you let out a loud gasp that echoes through the kitchen, feeling his tongue licking a stripe along your dripping slit. “—let me eat you out.”
You stuttered out multiple broken moans, pleads mixed together in between when starts going faster until he was burrowed deep into your cunt. With a hand gripping his hair while the other rested over your forehead, you see the concrete ceiling of the kitchen when you throw your head back when he attaches his lips around your clit.
“Please go faster.” You were sobbing at the sheer amount of pleasure as your husband eats you out without mercy, every flick of his tongue sends you over the edge until you feel the tight knot in your stomach.
“Fuck— Jongseong, I’m gonna cum.” You gasp.
As if his tongue wasn’t enough, Jay slid a finger in you before following it with another, stretching your hole and caressing your sensitive walls. You cried so loud when he slid his fingers in and out of you, accompanied with his tongue pressing on your clit in a slow agonizing motion that you came all over his mouth with your back arched and hips bucking ever so often.
His mouth welcomes your juices, cleaning the fluid off your folds as he rides you out of your orgasm.
“You’re right. The meal does taste good when it's warm.” He wipes the excess off his lips.
You tried to catch your breath, but when he handled your other leg on the countertop as well, you stared at him reaching into his pants to whip out his hard cock, pumping the length a few times with beads of precum leaking out of the head.
“You’re going to be beautiful carrying another baby for me, yeah?” He said, aligning the head with your hole. You let out a shaky breath as he descends into you between your legs, his cock filling you to the brim as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“So fucking round with my child. Breasts filled with milk for them. Showing everyone how good I’ve knocked you up with my cock. You like that don’t you? Showing them how bad you wanna carry my kids.” His mouth spouts every dirty word and you can’t help but reach out to hold onto his arms for support, his pelvic flush against yours.
You moan with every thrust of his hips, his grip on your sides were hard and tight that you were sure bruises would form the next morning. The loud wet sound of skin slapping echoed in the kitchen and this time, the both of you don’t have to worry about your son from ruining the moment and potentially scaring his life.
“Yes— God fucking yes. Put a baby in me, please.” You plead, watching as Jay’s eyes turn feral at your request. His fucking you roughly, your face twisted into the most lewd expression possible. The carnal lust was evident in the way the head of his cock japs at your g-spot over and over again, imagining it reaching close to your womb and painting it with his seeds.
“Fuck, take it. Take it like a good girl. I’m gonna fill you up with my cum and breed you like a good wife you are—“ He chokes a little, voice an octave lower as he groans loudly. “—fucking hell, you’re so tight.” He growls out while watching you squirm below him with your mouth agape. He feels you sucking him in, your walls spasms over his length that gets him throwing his head back with his eyes shut closed.
“I’m so close, fuck— I’m cumming.” You’re at the edge of losing your mind at the familiar tight feeling in your stomach, letting him rut you into oblivion even though it was starting to hurt with the way he keeps drilling into that sweet spot, making you see stars dancing along your vision. Your legs were shaking at every vicious movement of his hips, his balls slapping against your skin.
A few more slams of his hips and you came hard on his cock— ropes of his cum filled you in warm slow waves. At this point, Jay would usually fuck you through your orgasm but that would risk spilling the load and for some reason, it made the pleasure even more overwhelming at that thought of him trying to keep it in.
He didn’t show any intentions of pulling out, instead he helped you sit up on the countertop, clinging on to you with his face nozzle to the crooked of your neck. You wrap your hands around to feel his back, beads of sweat sticking to his skin under the tense muscles.
Only heavy breathing filled the silence but oddly enough, him being in you was completely relaxing. This is just you and him basking in the moment of clarity in each other’s embrace. Jay moved to stare at you, pushing back wild stray hairs out of your face.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He hummed sweetly.
You nodded your head with confidence. “Yeah. I have been thinking about it a lot and maybe adding another little one into the family is the right decision now. Are you okay with it?” You ask. He pecked you without hesitation, a big smile on his face was enough to tell you that he equally wanted this as well.
“You should call in sick for work tomorrow.” He said. You tilted your head in confusion.
You yelp in surprise when he lifts you up by the back of your thighs, making you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck for support. The movement caused you to be well aware of his cock still inside you, hard and aroused that gets your toes curling at the way his throbbing against your sensitive walls.
You feel him moving to the familiar direction of your bedroom, and you can't help but shiver when he whispers an octave lower against your ears, heart pumping in excitement.
“I don’t think you can walk properly once I’m sure you're stuffed full with my cum.”
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therealcocoshady · 18 days
Marshall having to miss Lilly’s birthday because he’s on tour
Happy birthday
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Author’s Note : Thank you for your request ❤️. I had a blast writing this ! I hope you enjoy it 🙈.
Tags : Fluff
Before leaving for his tour, Marshall had apologized to you about three hundred times. You had just gotten engaged and he had to leave you to plan the wedding on your own, while he was touring Europe for a month and a half. The two of you didn’t want to wait to get married and agreed to do it as soon as he came back. The day before he left for his tour, the two of you almost went to city hall to get married in a haste. You couldn’t wait to finally be married and officially be a family. In truth, neither of you really cared about having a lengthy ceremony, a reception or proper wedding attire. You just wanted to be married. But as you were ready to get in the car and get to city hall before closing time, you were met with doubts, especially Marshall. 
Should we do it ?  Are you sure ? He asked. 
I’m game if you are, you said with a smile. I can’t wait to be your wife. 
I can’t wait to be your husband. Won’t you regret having a proper ceremony, though ? He asked. 
I don’t care, you said. But if you’d rather wait, we can do it too… 
I don’t want to wait, he said. But maybe… Maybe we can call my daughters ? They wouldn’t want to miss it. 
Of course, you said. Maybe we could have one of them FaceTime my parents so that they don’t miss it either ? 
Great. And we should celebrate a little, maybe go to dinner ? He suggested.
Should I dress up, then ? You asked. If we’re going out after, I should at least wear a nice dress. 
I should at least put on a nice shirt, then, he agreed. 
Ok, we get dressed, book dinner, call the girls and my parents and off we go, you said. 
Should we call Paul, Denaun and Tracy ? He asked. They were here when we met, they’re our closest friends, they should be celebrating with us. 
Ok, but then perhaps Royce too ? You asked. And do they bring their significant others ? 
You stopped and stared at each other before bursting out in a fit of laughter. He kissed you lovingly. 
Who are we kidding ? He chuckled. 
Do you… Do we want an actual party ? You asked. 
I think I do, he admitted. I love you, I can’t wait for you to be my wife, but I think I’d regret not celebrating properly. You deserve actual vows, a nice place to get married, a first dance… I want us to do this the right way. And I don’t think your mom would forgive us if she wasn’t there to attend, and possibly have a little figurine of herself on top of the cake. 
You’re right, you giggled. But I don’t want to wait too long, though. Let’s do it when you get back, ok ? 
Ok, he agreed. Right after I get back, I’m marrying the shit out of you and you’re mine forever. 
I’m already yours forever, you said cheekily as you showed him your engagement ring. 
It had been a couple of months since he got on one knee at dinner and proposed with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. You should have gotten used to the rock sitting on your engagement finger by now, but you were still giddy every time you looked at it. Knowing that he took your daughter with him when he went to pick the ring also made it that much more meaningful. That very night, he also stated his intention of adopting Lily and caring for her. Ever since you’d met, he had always been incredible to her and, even though the adoption wasn’t official yet, he was very much a father figure to her. You knew leaving her for six weeks was just as hard for him as leaving you. By his own admission, he loved your little routine as a family and was going to miss it while on tour. Sadly, he was also going to miss her second birthday. Unfortunately, the tour had been planned before the two of you started dating, so there was no way he could have known. He was gutted, though, and he kept on apologizing to the both of you. 
It’s fine, you said. We’ll celebrate with you when you get back. 
It’s not the same, he shrugged. But I’d like that. 
If anything, you’ll miss the party with all the kids from daycare, so you’re pretty lucky, you giggled. I sort of want to skip it… 
Why did you plan it in the first place, then ? He mused. 
Because apparently, it shows that your kid and family are socially adjusted, you explained. And if I- if we want her to get into the right preschool… 
You’re still set on that fancy preschool, aren’t you ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
You still think that’s stupid ? You asked. 
I think preschool is preschool, he chuckled. My kids didn’t go to any fancy preschool or kindergarten. In fact, they went to all public schools and did great. But if you think it’s what’s best for Lily, sure. 
Yeah but now that you’re adopting her, you should have a say- you began. 
Doesn’t matter, he said. I’m not against it. In fact, if you want me to foot the bill, I will, happily. But, just in case she doesn’t get in : you should remember it’s preschool, not Harvard, and that her life won’t be ruined if she goes to a public preschool. I’m pretty sure they use the same crayons anyway. 
True, you giggled. I know it’s stupid, you know ? But Lily is my first and only child. I only want the best. I know you have more experience with your girls. I should probably chill… You know better.
I don’t know if I know better, he chuckled. You’re the best Mom she would ask for. Plus, you know… When I had my daughters, I wasn’t in the same position as now. I wasn’t able to be as present, physically and mentally, too. But Lily… was Lily’s going to get the best version of me. 
We’re pretty lucky to have you, you said lovingly. 
I’m pretty lucky too, he said. I’m really going to miss you. I’m not even gone and I can’t wait to be back, already.
Hopefully, we don’t burn the house down with that wild Project X party for her birthday, you joked. Are you sure you’re ok with me hosting it here ? 
You live here, now, don’t you ? He said with a smile. Besides, the house survived Nathan and the parties he threw when I was on tour and he lived here, so it should be fine with the kids from daycare. 
You were still navigating your new life as Marshall’s fiancée. Before your engagement, you didn’t live together but after he asked for your hand, you ended up moving in with him in his house. You still weren’t too used to the place. Before, you spent most of your time in your house, since all of Lily’s stuff was there. But given his celebrity status, Marshall needed his security nearby and it made more sense for you to move into his house, which was in a gated community, than for him to move into yours. You liked the place and he had made the cutest bedroom and playroom for Lily, who absolutely loved it, but you had yet to claim the place as yours. Though now that you would be left here alone for six weeks, you’d have no choice. 
On the morning he left for his tour, the goodbye was bittersweet. As a collaborator who worked for Shady Records and his biggest supporter, you were excited for him because you knew he loved performing, but as his fiancée, it was hard to let him go. He was standing by the door, bags in his hand, ready to cross the threshold. You were holding Lily, ready to say goodbye. Six weeks would be too long. He let go of his bags to hug you one last time. 
I’m going to miss you, he said. I’ll FaceTime everyday, alright ? Or at least, as much as I can. 
Sure, you said. Say bye to Dad, Lily ? 
Bye, she said in her little voice. 
Bye baby, he said softly. Take care of your Mom, alright ? And don’t become a giant while I’m gone. 
He kissed her little head and she giggled. You tried to get her to say « Bye Dad » but referring to Marshall as her father wasn’t natural for her yet. He wasn’t bothered by it, though, and said that she’d use the word in due time. 
Bye, my love, he said before kissing you tenderly. I love you. 
I love you too, you said. Have a safe flight. And say hi to everyone for me. 
Will do, he said. See you in six weeks. 
You nodded and watched him leave, tears in your eyes. As soon as she saw the car leave the property and the tears in your eyes, Lily understood that Marshall might be gone for longer than usual and started to cry. You knew it was going to be a long few weeks. However, Marshall kept true to his words. He FaceTimed you every night and even read a couple of stories to Lily, who was always happy to see him on the screen. The tour was going great and he was having fun, though he missed you a lot. As for you, you kept working and planning the wedding. At least, this kept you busy. 
Two days before Lily’s birthday, you were looking at your phone and showing her pictures and videos of Marshall on stage and she finally pronounced the magic word. 
Daddy ! She shrieked. 
That’s right my love ! You said happily. That’s Daddy. Oh he’s going to be so happy ! 
You couldn’t wait to tell Marshall Lily had finally referred to him as Daddy. Though you wished he’d been able to hear it for himself. You had two weeks left before finally seeing him and you couldn’t wait for your little family to be reunited. That’s when you decided that enough was enough and, without second-thought, you decided to book plane tickets to join him in Europe. You never thought your daughter would have a father but now she had one and your little ray of sunshine deserved to have her favorite person by her side for her second birthday. And since he couldn’t make it home, home would make it to him. You immediately started packing and called Tracy. 
What’s up beautiful ? She asked. Marshall’s on stage right now. Want me to get him to call you back when the show’s over ? 
Hey ! No need, you giggled. I thought I should give you a heads up… I’m flying to Europe with Lily. We’re packing right now. 
Seriously ?! She asked. It’s going to be great to see you girls. He’s going to be so excited when I tell him ! 
Can you not ? You asked. I thought I’d surprise him ! 
Oooh that’s a good idea, she said with excitement. Do you need me to book your flights ? 
I’m good, thanks, you said. I just wanted to let you know. We’ll be in Sweden tomorrow afternoon. 
I’ll send the details of the hotel so that you can drop off the bags, and tell security to let you in the arena, Tracy offered. And if you need me, I’m one phone call away ! 
You were incredibly thankful for Tracy. She was the first person you befriended when you started working for Shady Records and she had been instrumental in your relationship with Marshall. In fact, she was the very person who told you to go for it, and who opened your eyes to the fact that he was into you. 
As soon as your bags were packed, you got in the car with Lily, heading for the airport and ready to catch the first flight for Sweden. You couldn’t wait to see Marshall. 
It was Lily’s first long flight, going out of the country, and it turned out to be an absolute nightmare. You had only managed to book economy tickets and you had to sit through an entire flight with your daughter in your lap while she was all fussy. You tried playing with her, reading to her, letting her play with her phone (even though you were absolutely against the idea of kids playing with technology) but nothing would do. Your back hurt and you knew you’d have to face the music and deal with jet lag, all while trying to work remotely for the duration of your stay. But regardless, it was worth it : you were determined to spend Lily’s second birthday with Marshall. Before the flight, you also took care of canceling the party, making up excuses and saying that Lily was sick. When you touched down in Stockholm, you were excited, despite the lack of sleep. Lily was starting to be sleepy as well, which made her less  energic. Travelling with a toddler wasn’t too easy and, since you couldn’t pack the stroller with you, you had to carry her, as well as your bag, hers and the diaper back. So much for packing light. You only planned on being gone from home a few days but, even with the bare necessities, it was a lot. Thankfully, you got the help of a very nice taxi driver who took you to the arena. It was 2:00 and you knew that, around that time, Marshall was probably starting soundcheck. You grabbed your phone and let Tracy know you were on your way. It had been on airplane mode for hours and you just realized you had missed calls from Marshall, as well as texts asking if you were alright and if you were mad at him. As soon as you got out of the cab, you found Tracy waiting for you in front of the arena. She hugged both you and Lily and helped you with your bags. 
I made arrangements with the hotel this morning, they’ll have a crib set up in Marshall’s suite for Lily, she said. 
You’re a godsend ! She’s been fussy the whole flight, hasn’t slept one bit… I can’t wait to put her down for a nap, hopefully get some rest, you confessed. 
Someone else’s been fussy, she pointed out. He was gutted that you wouldn’t pick up the phone right before Lily’s birthday… 
I didn’t even think of that, you said earnestly. 
Don’t worry, all will be forgiven as soon as he sees both of you, she said reassuringly. 
You entered the arena and she led you backstage, where you greeted by the whole team. Paul was surprised to see you and you had to say that you had come on impulse and moved your schedule around. He was still your boss and it hadn’t really occurred to you that you should keep him informed. However, as always, he was understanding and you suspected it had something to do with Lily hugging him and cooing « Unc Paul ». Your baby had Marshall’s whole team wrapped around her finger. Seeing all these familiar faces gave her a surge of energy and she was all giddy. You were led to the side of the stage, where you could see Marshall and Denaun doing sound check. They were absorbed and didn’t see either you or Lily. However, your daughter immediately spotted her Dad and favorite Uncle and she started shrieking. 
Daddy ! She said. 
You want to go and see him, baby ? You asked. 
Yes ! Daddy !!! M’ere ! She called. 
However, with the music being so loud, no one could hear her. You put her down and she immediately started running towards Marshall, who had his back turn and had no idea Lily was coming his way. You immediately took out your phone to capture the sweet moment. At some point, Porter spotted her and smiled as he stopped everything. 
Look who’s-
DADDY !!! Your daughter shrieked. 
Marshall turned and, as soon as he spotted Lily, you could see his face light up. He put the mic down and lowered himself for Lily to run in his arms. He engulfed her in a big hug and held her tightly. 
What’s my name ? How did you call me ? He asked with the biggest smile. 
Daddy ! She repeated with pride. 
That’s right, baby ! Daddy missed you so much, he added as he kissed the top of her head. 
He looked around and finally spotted you. You stopped recording and ran to hug him as well. You held each other for a long minute, savoring each other’s presence. 
God I missed you, he said as he buried his face in your neck. 
I missed you too, you said. We missed you. 
I’m so glad you’re here, he said. I was worried when you didn’t pick up the phone last night. 
Sorry, you said. I was on the plane when you called. I wanted Lily to have her favorite person by her side for her second birthday. 
You’re amazing, he praised before kissing you. I’m so happy to see the two of you. Wait, I lost track of time… it’s today, right ? 
It is, you giggled. 
Happy birthday, baby, he told Lily before kissing her. 
I can’t believe our baby is two, you said emotionally. 
I can’t believe you flew all the way here, he replied. I’m so happy. You’re amazing. 
I wouldn’t have been able to sit through this party and celebrate when Lily doesn’t have you by her side, you said. It doesn’t feel right. Birthdays are a family thing. 
How about preschool ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. I know one of the moms at daycare is the director… 
Don’t care, you chuckled. My baby has her Daddy by her side and that’s all that matters. 
You stayed by Marshall’s side during soundcheck and attended his performance. Lily was wearing noise-reducing headphones and she was excited to see her Dad performing, jumping around and interacting with fans. It was a shame she was too young to remember it later, but she seemed to be having a blast. At some point, though, she fell asleep I your arms, absolutely exhausted by the time difference and the whole flight spent without closing her eyes. She had slept a bit during the day but it wasn’t enough. You were rocking her, holding her close to you when Marshall walked off the stage after the show. You could see him melt as he saw her asleep. 
She’s so cute, he commented. 
She was a handful, you replied. I’m glad she’s asleep. 
I can’t wait for her to wake up, though, he chuckled. We haven’t even celebrated her birthday yet ! 
We can just have cake and make her blow on a candle tomorrow, you giggled. She won’t mind that it’s a day late. She won’t remember anyway. But at least, we’re together. That’s all that matters.
I’m so happy to have my girls with me, he said lovingly. Now, how about we hand Lily to Tracy for a second and you help me shower ? 
You giggled and agreed. Tracy had always been a doting aunt figure for Lily and she had absolutely no problem watching her - not that it was too much trouble when Lily was sleeping peacefully. As soon as you were alone in his dressing room, Marshall locked the door and kissed you passionately before pining you against the wall. 
God, I missed you, he said in between kisses. 
Missed you too, you whispered. Missed this. 
He chuckled and removed his tee-shirt. After almost two hours on stage, he was a sweaty mess but you didn’t care one bit. If anything, you liked his scent and were even more attracted to him - which you could probably blame on your compatible pheromones. You playfully ran your hands on his chest, in his back, happy to finally be able to touch him. He reciprocated by helping you out of your clothes and, soon enough, you were in the shower, kissing sloppily while lathering each other in body wash. You enjoyed the warm water pouring over you, relaxing your muscles after a long trip, as well as Marshall’s hands all over your body, teasing your breasts, grabbing your butt… The two of you couldn’t get enough of each other. While you were apart, you sent a great deal of nudes and sexy texts to each other but nothing compared to the real deal. You weren’t sure if you had to blame it on your exhaustion (his from the show, yours from the trip) or simply the euphoria of being reunited, but you swore the both of you never came this quickly before. You simply laughed it off and cuddled for a while on the couch. You were taken out of your little bubble when you heard Tracy knock on the door. 
Hey lovebirds, she giggled. Time to drive to the hotel. 
You quickly got dressed and went to get Lily. You expected her to be sleeping but, instead, you found her wide awake, playing with Denaun. Obviously, the little one was too happy and didn’t care too much about rest and sleep, much to your dismay. Toddlers were a handful and, even though Lily was a rather easy child, you definitely liked it more when she had proper rest. Otherwise, she could get a bit difficult, like any other child her age. Denaun was teaching her how to answer the question : « Who’s the GOAT ? » (apparently, « Nauny » was the only acceptable answer). 
Finally, you two, Denaun grinned. Finally got it out of your system ? 
Shut up, Marshall chuckled. 
Not before the wedding, you said innocently. 
Check it out, guys… Lily, who’s the GOAT ? He asked. 
Naun- DADDY ! She giggled as soon as she saw Marshall pointing at himself. 
Fuck you, man, Denaun sighed. Took me twenty minutes to get her to say it ! 
Language, Marshall scolded as he took Lily in his arms. That’s right babygirl. Daddy’s the GOAT. 
Marshall was still beaming over the fact that he had finally earned the « Daddy » title and proudly carried Lily on his shoulder on the way to the car. Once you were at the hotel, everyone gathered in Marshall’s suite for dinner, which mainly consisted of snacks. You tried to get your daughter away from the sugary snacks and scolded Denaun for sneaking her some, but it was a lost cause. Even Marshall indulged her. 
If she has sugar this late, she won’t sleep as well, you pointed out. 
But she’s so happy, your fiancé pointed out. And it’s her birthday… 
Speaking of which, Tracy said, it’s time to blow candles, don’t you think ? 
You hugged your friend, who had taken the time to order a small cake with candles from room service as soon as she learned you were coming. Everyone sang your baby happy birthday and she was elated to have some of her people with her. When it was time to go to bed, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth while Marshall put your daughter in her PJs. You walked in on him holding her and gently rocking her as she was yawning. He was so absorbed that he didn’t see you. 
Happy birthday again, my princess, he said with a smile. I’m so happy Mommy brought you here. I missed you so much. I swear to God, and I swear to you, I’ll never be away on your birthday again. 
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hugshughes · 9 months
cardigan J. Drysdale
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Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
synopsis - when you and jamie get married you can’t help but look back on every single memory, good and bad, that led you two to this moment.
wc - 2.5k
contains - honestly mostly fluffy, some angst flashbacks but it’s a cute fic mostly, cursing, shouting, kissing, oh reader has a sister who is her maid of honor, i think that’s it (as always lmk!!)
an - i was about to post this yesterday but i fell asleep sorry lol. i’ve had this practically done for like a week but i kept thinking it wasn’t good enough. im actually really excited for this one! i might’ve not made Jamie and bad as James is but we all know Jamie would never do anything like James so. i love the folklore triangle SO SO MUCH (betty especially my favorite) so this one was so fun to write! i hope you love it!
Today was the best day of your life, your wedding day. You married your best friend since 8th grade, Jamie. You were finally Mrs. Drysdale, Jamie had been waiting for this moment since he realized he was going to marry you in his senior year of high school.
The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous, Jamie cried during your first look and then again when you came down the aisle. He looked perfect, a navy blue suit matching the color of the ribbon on your bridesmaid's bouquets. Trevor was tearing up next to his best friend as you came down the aisle, his grey suit matching with the groomsmen.
Now Trevor’s suit jacket is long gone, thrown over his chair as he dances to an old 90s song in the middle of your reception hall. He had created a dance circle and brought most of your guests, even the elderly, into it. That was also where your husband was dragged to at the moment. Now you were sitting at your dinner seat, looking through the gift your sister gave you as she sat next to you.
Your sister had been your best friend since you were born, her being 3 years older than you. Now, she held your hand as you teared up turning the page of the photo book she’d made you.
vintage tee, brand new phone. high heels on cobblestones. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
The first picture there ever was of you and Jamie, sitting next to each other on your parents’ old couch, his arm wrapped cautiously around you at your 14th birthday party, when he was still just your friend boy. He’d gotten you a new shirt. Well, it was not new, but it was a thrifted vintage shirt you’d been looking for for months.
You’d also gotten a new iPhone 7, amazing at the time. It was a phone you texted Jamie on every night before bed, when during the school year you’d have to leave it on the counter of your kitchen till the next morning. It was crazy to think that those 2 little babies were married now.
sequin smile, black lipstick. sensual politics. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
You laughed at a different picture, remembering when you were almost 16, thinking you were hot shit with your dark lipstick at homecoming. Your beautiful boyfriend of over a year with his shining smile wrapped around your side.
You guys had shocked most when at 17 they asked how long you’d been together, and you guys answered with 2+ years. You guys were so young for how long you were committed to each other.
but i knew you, dancin’ in your Levi’s. drunk under a street light, i. i knew you.
You flipped a few pages, seeing a photo of you and Jamie (taken by your sister), slow dancing in the kitchen, him just in his jeans, bare back muscles on display in the photo. Another photo, you and Jamie, holding hands and running down the sidewalk of Anaheim, both quite tipsy as Trevor filmed you two, being the DD. It all was so surreal. You’re married, to Jamie, the boy you’d loved since forever.
hand under my sweatshirt. baby, kiss it better, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
A picture of the night you and Jamie got back together. You had broken up for all of 2 and a half weeks when you were both 18. After almost 4 years of being together, it was overwhelming to think of him moving to Anaheim, so far from you.
He came to your place the night before he left, pleading with you to just try and make it work. It didn’t take much begging from him, you were always gonna be his. The way he made you feel, was like no other. His most special girl, as Jamie would put it.
The picture was a snap you’d sent to your sister, a selfie of you and Jamie both crying but laughing, with a caption “guess who’s fav couple is #backtogether!!!!” Your sister loved the photo so much, one of her favorites.
a friend to all is a friend to none. chase two girls, lose the one. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
A picture of you two when you were 16, he’d just won a game with his junior team and your moms needed a picture of you two together when he got off the ice. He’s still in all of his gear, you’re in one of his sweatshirts that had his name and number on the chest. His arm is around your waist, you’re both smiling from ear to ear with rosy cheeks. You remember that night, it was your first argument.
There were some girls, presumably player’s sisters, who were waiting around the locker room at the end of the game. Jamie was the first boy to come out of the lockers, and the girls decided to try and sink their teeth into him.
Jamie was trying to get them off of him, all he wanted was to see you. When you finally came over to the locker rooms, all you saw was Jamie with his back to you, and two girls rubbing his arms with big smiles on their faces, telling him how amazing he played.
If Jamie’s back hadn’t been turned from you, you would’ve seen his uncomfortable and upset face, and him telling them to get off of him. But you didn’t see that, what you did see broke your little 16-year-old heart.
You knew in the back of your head you probably should’ve waited to see what his reaction was but you couldn’t fight the ache in your chest when you saw it. You practically ran out to the car, texting your mom that you didn’t feel well and wanted to go home before your planned dinner with the Drysdale’s.
You got a few questions from your parents, but you just told them you felt sick. And you did, to be fair, just not in the way they assumed. Jamie texted, his parents told him how you felt sick and he was concerned. Your answers to his texts concerned him more though, you were being vague, a little mean, even. You’d avoided Jamie for almost a week before he came over when he knew you’d be home and questioned you.
His first thought was that you were really sick, but he also knew how you got when you were sick. If you were sick you always wanted Jamie however you could have him, in person, over text, on Facetime, anything. He knew it was something else. His suspicions were proven correct when he barged into your room, and you were lying on your bed texting, perfectly well.
He argued with you a little bit, just upset that you were telling him you were sick to not see him. He was almost embarrassed about it. When the truth finally came out, Jamie immediately softened, feeling bad that you thought he would give any girl other than you the time of day. When he told you what really happened, you felt so stupid. You apologized over and over. Jamie assured you he understood, but asked you to please tell him if something was ever bothering you.
but i knew you. playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends, i i knew you, heartbeat on the high line once in twenty lifetimes, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
You were Jamie’s sanctuary, his place of peace when his world was upside down. Because of how long you’d known each other, you both could be kids again while together. Your moms bet that you would get married the minute they both found out you were dating. At 14, they both knew that you two were forever. They could see the soulmate connection you two have.
You made each other feel new, while also reminding each other of the good in the past. You came to every Otters game, then when he was drafted almost every Ducks game. Your parents weren’t skeptical even for a second when you said you were going to move to Anaheim and go to school there. They knew Jamie had you, and that you were in good hands.
to kiss in cars and downtown bars, was all we needed. you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleedin’.
Jamie had been there through everything. Every panic attack, every bad day, every fight with your parents. He was always there to hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you. He never expected anything from you except for your love, and that wasn’t a hard ask.
Jamie was the most loving and lovable person in the world. He knew what to say and when to say it. He was always able to make everything better, he was everything everywhere all the time.
cause i knew you, steppin’ on the last train. marked me like a bloodstain, i. i knew you. tried to change to the ending, Peter losing Wendy, i. i knew you. leavin’ like a father, runnng like water, i. and when you are young they assume you know nothing.
During those few months when you couldn’t tell what the future of your relationship looked like you were so scared. Pretty much everything you’d done in the past year or so had been for Jamie. Finding a school near Anaheim, moving across the country to Anaheim, trying to be the most supportive girlfriend you could.
Jamie was unlike himself for those months. You were scared the NHL would have forever changed the boy you fell in love with. He was just, different. You couldn’t tell if he was just getting older or if he felt like he had to act older to be respected in the league.
The night Jamie found you broken down is the night he realized he had almost ruined the one consistently good thing he had. He has apologized for weeks after, he felt so terrible and it made you feel even worse, seeing him tearing himself up over something you were past.
but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss. i knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs. the smell of smoke would hang around this long, ‘cause i knew everything when i was young. i knew i’d curse you for the longest time. chasin’ shadows in the grocery line. i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired, and you’d be standin’ in my front porch light.
You knew no matter what happened to your relationship he would always be “the 1”. He had been your everything since you were 14 years old, there was no way you could ever get over him.
Jamie had realized his mistake of putting you on the back burner a few weeks before he was able to admit it. He had had a bad game, like really bad. He had multiple penalties, hadn’t done a great job leading the defense, or assisting the offense.
After the game, he was pissed with himself, but his best friend came over to him, patting him on the back and saying “Go home and relax. You’ve been so tense lately. Go be with your girl and chill, you definitely need it.”
It confused him, all season he’d been working harder and harder than ever before, and he assumed when all that work wasn’t helping, he had to push himself even more. He never realized that his best successes came from when he was relaxed when he had been talking to you before, when he could see you in the crowd.
You had come to as many games as you could all season. But one night, after a fight over God knows what, Jamie told you not to bother coming to his game the next night, and you hadn’t gone since.
Jamie had questioned his love for hockey at times during his rookie season. He’d even thought about what his life would look like without it. He never had to question one thing though, that you’d be there no matter what he did. He’d thought about his future, always just knowing you were gonna be there.
Jamie realized that you weren’t always gonna be there if he didn’t care for you like he should. He realized you could probably find another guy who would bend over backward to do everything you ever wanted for you. He realized he had to start doing that again, because you’d done everything for him in the past year, and never asked for anything in return.
and i knew you’d come back to me. you’d come back to me. and you’d come back to me. you’d come back.
You didn’t realize tears were running down your face until your sister wiped them away, tilting your head up to look at her. She then nodded to the side, and you followed her gaze, seeing your husband standing next to you. Your husband. His smile drops when he sees your tears.
“Hey woah baby, are you alright?”
You sniff and nod, laughing at yourself.
“Yes, just my stupid sister made me cry with her present.”
He laughed and shook his head at your sister, saying something about not making the most important girl of the night cry. Your sister stood up from her seat, going to pick up your niece who had fallen asleep at one of the tables. You turned back to Jamie after your sister had left, smiling at him with glossy eyes.
“You tired pretty?”
“A bit, but I guess I could dance with you a little more. At the end of the day, you are my husband.”
He nodded at you with amusement, letting out an “oh yeah?” and grabbing your hand to pull you from your seat, smashing his lips into yours. You held his face while he held your waist. You got a few whoops from your wedding party, calling you over to the dance floor, a Taylor Swift song had just come on, and Trevor was about to go crazy.
When you pulled away from each other, you both had the most lovesick smiles on your faces, intertwining hands and running over to the dance floor, jumping around with the people you loved most, shouting the lyrics to Cruel Summer.
Jamie was always gonna be yours, no matter what happened.
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
i’m making a taglist for this if anyone would like that! comment or send an ask if you’re interested!
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Asteroid Kiss (8267) in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion
Kiss is an asteroid in astrology. This applies to the natal chart. Search up number 8267 on Astrodienst, go to Extended chart selection and under Additional objects put 8267 in Manual entry table and Show the chart. Below your natal planets in signs, there will be Kiss in a particular sign, house and at a specific degree.
It shows your first kiss, how you kiss and kissing style, the person you will kiss for the first time.
KISS IN LIBRA 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Your kiss is balanced, harmonious, slow, sensual, romantic, sentimental. Your first kiss could happen on your wedding day, at a wedding reception, at a bakery, a coffee shop, in the daytime, during your first marriage, first long-term committed relationship, on your birthday, on an anniversary, after you sign a contract, in a restaurant, at a hotel, resort, spa, you could be on a girls trip and you meet someone who you share a kiss with, after a romantic dinner, a romantic date, in front of a fireplace, during Truth or dare (but it will be with a long-term crush of yours), during a group project or teamwork or you might be working on an activity together. Your person could be your spouse, long-term partner, a business partner, a teammate, your equal on some level. You are a fan of cheek kisses. But also shoulder, neck, collarbone, nose, French, forehead kisses. You could have a rule that you only kiss people you are in a relationship with. You could be known as a good kisser. You might prepare a romantic set, light candles, rose petals. You could have a first kiss with someone who mirrors you or someone who is the complete opposite of you. You might be looking particularly well-dressed that day. You could already act like a couple before that first kiss. You will cherish it. You can also be neutral about it or you really really like it or dislike it. You may sit on their lap. Your person might say they liked the kiss, even if they didn’t like it.
Your kiss is bold, magnetic, alluring, investigative, passionate, impulsive, instinctual, assertive, courageous, addictive, intoxicating, intimate, sexual. Your first kiss could happen in a basement, a hidden place away from others, in a really dark place with little light, at night, under stars, during long eye contact. Your person is your first intimate, sexual partner, person you merge your resources and finances with, an entrepreneur or an independent artist. You lose your virginity with your person. You could end up marrying this person and you could possibly even kiss after marriage for the first time and during love making for the first time as a married couple. You want complete devotion and loyalty from the person you end up kissing. You could have your kiss very early in life due to feeling much emotionally mature or sexually charge. There could be something taboo about the kiss or the person you share your kiss with. This person could have an addiction, substance abuse problem. You will stare deeply in your person’s eyes before or after. You could be the dominant one during the kiss OR submissive, it’s either or with this sign. You will feel transformed, renewed after, like life and reality is not the same. You could go through an inner change. Kissing could be accompanied by hand, hair, head, finger grabbing. You might kiss the person, but also hug them. You might even moan a little or be vocal about it somehow. You hold onto their body or grab their clothing. You kiss around dimmed lights.
Your kiss is liberating, unselfish, restless, childlike, jovial, hopeful, carefree, blunt, spontaneous, adventurous, hedonistic. Your first kiss could happen when you enter university/higher education or when you are at that age, while travelling (especially long-distance), at a college dorm, at a college party, at a frat party, during a concert, while you’re on vacation, when in on a student exchange, when you are in a foreign country, at a party, when you are a bit drunk to be honest, when you move abroad. Your person could be your tutor, someone you have an age difference with, someone who is from different educational, cultural, ethnical, religious background than you, someone who had a different upbringing than you, an exchange student, an international student, your schoolmate, person from a different city/region/state/country. You might smile or laugh during the kiss. One of you could even crack a joke. If you want to enter a partnership with this person, they could act a bit non-committal. Maybe you share some personal life stories right before the kiss. Or this person can end up teaching you or lecturing you on the kiss or something else. You could also talk for hours after your first kiss or debate on something. You could be looking forward to kiss this person the next time, next date etc.
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Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion
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mommieswithmuscles · 2 months
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Photographer!Abby x Scrapbooker!Reader
Free Palestine, don't support Neil
No minors and No men
CW: fluff, angst, no smut but it has a suggestive scene, insecure!reader, mention of suicidal tendencies
Based on this song:
Title: No Flash Photography
You're at the dinner table, going through photos Abby had printed out. She reprinted everything so you could have a copy to put in the ever growing scrapbook you have yet to properly bind.
Each bin she gave you had a title so you could organize better. Nature, gatherings, events, us, and polaroids. You start with the one called nature.
You trim the edges with scissors before securing them in the special photo paper with bug stickers. The dual page is a collage of your trip to a national park. It's mostly shrubbery, plants, trees, and water, but there are some animals and insects sprinkled in.
You turn the page and make another collage out of the open space, both sides decorated with a yarn trim. Gatherings weren't really your thing, but Abby liked them, and you obviously like Abby, so you go to each one. You admire how she always brings her big camera.
The next collage is your brother's wedding. Him and his partner are dressed accordingly. You wore basic attire, Abby wore a plain suit. "When are you both getting married?" He had asked after Abby's camera shot the photo.
"Eventually," Abby answered for you both. You nodded in agreement. You knew you underdressed to match the other guests, but you couldn't help but feel you're taking away from the newlyweds. Abby caught onto your dismissive behavior and took you home early.
Shaking your head to clear out the memory, you continue to dig through the bin and retrieve more pictures. A few birthday parties, a couple engagement parties, some random game nights. You secure them with glitter glue, putting more of the colorful yarn around the trims like LEDs.
Pictures of you always have to have Abby. Otherwise you want nothing to do with them and tend to throw them away. Abby's trying to help you with your insecurity, but for some reason you can't work past it. You sigh, pulling out ones you convince yourself you like. Mostly dates, but a few random ones from trips catch your attention, so you add them. The pictures are secured with affirmation stickers that Abby bought you a few months back, when you first started scrapbooking.
The bin you were most nervous for was polaroids. You know they're mostly you, and you know they make Abby happy, but... you get upset every time you look at pictures of yourself.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Abby sits next to you, done with her work for the week. She came out of her office as soon as she was able to. Her hand cups your cheek, thumb ready to swipe away the unshed tears.
"I can't do it. I fucking- I can't, Abby. It's too hard." You kick the bin.
"Why don't I help you?" She presses her lips to your forehead. "We can start with holidays. Would that work?"
"Do it yourself," you bite.
"Don't start that. I know you're upset. I know these make you upset-"
"So why do you make me look at them? I told you that you could keep them, and now-" you gesture to the bin. "We don't need to share everything, especially not these."
"I make you look at them because I'm trying to show you what I see." She's patient. Too patient. Maybe if she could ever be mad at you, or fight with you instead of talk things out, maybe it would hurt less.
The thoughts start to spiral before you can stop them. All of the self worth and self esteem you had built towards crumbling in seconds. And there's Abby, taking care of you because you can't handle something as stupid as putting pictures in a book. Maybe you were better off-
"Eyes on me baby," her voice is gentle. Her hands guide you to face her, thumbs taking away the tears trailing down your cheeks. "That's my girl," she whispers. "You're so kind, and beautiful, and I love you more than anything. I'm glad you came into my life because you're the compass to my map. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've never been more happy than when I've been with you. I married you because you're my person. You're the moon to my stars, the sun for my flowers, and every breath I take with you fills my lungs with fresh air. I know you're in a darker place. And that's ok. We can work you through it step by step." She pulls you into her lap, rubbing your back as you bury yourself in her neck. You can smell your perfume on her. "You're safe, you're loved, you're home." Abby kisses your temple.
After you calm down, Abby lets you go. "Thank you," you sniffle, getting up to grab some tissues.
"Anything for you, my love." You get back to see Abby gluing small, flat, silver tack backs on the polaroids to secure them on the page. It looks like a cork board. Some of the photos are strung on yarn, some singles floating about, and one standing out the most. It's one of you genuinely smiling, tugging Abby along as you make your way to your destination.
"Come on, it's this way!" You had said, nearly dragging Abby through the mud. She's laughing behind you, scooping you up and kissing you once you got to the surprise spot at the creek. She kept her hands under your thighs when your legs wrapped around her waist.
"This view is almost as stunning as you are," Abby said as she put you down.
"Oh hush," you pushed her away lightly. "Ass-kisser."
"No, no, you don't know," she shook her head, voice mocking. She laid with you in the short grass, dirt dry under your backs. You initiated the contact, but she kissed you first, hands traveled along your body until you were gasping for air and begging for her.
"Baby? Where'd you go just now?" Abby's fingers tickle at your jaw as she cups your face.
"Here," you point at the picture you got lost in.
"I'm going to start dinner. Today seems like it was hard for you, and you could use some time away from the pictures for now. You- or we- can start back up soon, ok?"
"Ok," you agree easily. She's right. It's better to take a break, than let something be ruined.
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doctorcanon · 6 months
I cant sleep so modern!linked universe hc time.
- Rusl buys Twilight a dna/ancestry thing for his 20th birthday.
- having been adopted into the Ordon family since the age of 15, the gift doesn't go over well at first.
-However after some deep conversations, Rusl explains that he promised Twilight birth parents that he'd do this if anything happened to them.
- Still Twilight procrastinates and after some cajoling from midna, finally does it a year later for his 21st birthday.
- at his party, a small family dinner at the Ordon home with Zelda, Illia and Midna in attendance, he lays the envelope on the table and says "before I open this, I want you all to know that what ever I find in here that you are all my family and I love you all."
- the first thing in the envelope is his genetic information, some basic stuff he already knows, some stuff he doesn't and somethings Zelda remarks he should see a doctor about. Apparently he's actually 65% Karariko as Renado predicted.
- the second thing is copies of his mother and father's Service Papers. Both served in the military; one as a murse and other as an officer. Both died of burns and smoke inhalation after rescuing several of their fellow tenants when the apartment above theirs caught fire.
- the third thing is a list of public records. His father was originally from Hateno and an only child save for a half brother who died a few years later. His mother, from kakariko, had two much younger siblings. Sheik and Link.
- while there are some records of a custody battle Shiek and Link were separated in the system after the death of their mother. There is an obituary written by Twilights mother with a picture of her and her three children. There's no further information about Link or Sheik.
- Until one last little page slips out, A wedding announcement from 10 years ago. Announcing the joyful union of Malon Lon and Link Kokiri. He's seen this before.
- in fact, Twilight sees this exact newspaper clipping framed in his old boss's office. He visits at least twice a month. He even jokes with him the it was the only proof the guy could actually smile.
- The Lon Lon Family owns their aptly named Lon Lon ranch but he reports to Malon's husband directly when it came to the horses. Especially Epona. He just saw the man last week, for crying out loud!
- He has an uncle. And he's already known the man for 5 years now. They thought it was just a funny coincidence that they had the same name.
- Illia says its fate. Zelda assures him that this can't be an accident. Midna presses his cell phone into his hands. Rusl tells him that its his decision and that they'll respect whatever that may be.
- He calls first, of course. He only works at the ranch on weekends these days anyway. It would be weird to just show up to his shift and just go "hey, do you know im your nephew?"
- he asks if Mr Kokiri would like to talk some time under the guise of needing some advice. Under all the grump and sarcasm, Kokiri really is a saint and easily says yes, asking if Twilight is okay since he sounds stressed.
- the next day, Twilight stumbles into his boss's office with all the papers in his hands.
- "if you need advice about school, you've come to the wrong place, kid."
"No...uh sir this ain't about school. Yet. But uh...do you recognize this picture?"
- he sets down the obituary with its photo of his mother, grandmother, Sheik and Link somewhere in Karariko. Kokiri studies it but otherwise seems clueless. "No, sorry, I dont."
- "Well according to these papers," Twilight sets them on the desk and spreads them out so he can see. "This is my mom. And this is you. Her brother. I think...I think you're my uncle."
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mayariviolet · 5 months
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How They Drink Alcohol (AoT Men)
ft. Jean, Eren, Connie, Reiner and Armin.
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Summary: What they drink when they go out partying or just attending social functions! Also, how they got introduced to alcohol in the first place!
a/n: General headcanons, but these characterizations are primarily for my upcoming Jean Kirstein x Reader fic! I will upload some WIP for the fic soon because I need to be held accountable to keep writing (help me, haha). Slight toxic masculinity from Eren and Jean?
Pro-Taking Shots: Connie and Eren.
Anti-Taking Shots: Reiner, Armin and Jean (he’s lying).
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When he first started drinking, it started with skimming the top of his dad’s liquor before sneaking out to a house party. He watered down some rum before buying some coke at a corner store. Since then, it has been his go-to (and beer, specifically a corona). He doesn’t like ‘jungle juice’ concoctions, no matter how much Connie shoves them down his throat. However, he once went clubbing with your friends, and Connie convinced him to try this cocktail (lime mojito). At first, he was apprehensive, but he was like, “How fucking drunk can this chick drink get me?” and took a sip. Jean got belligerent that night that he didn’t know how many he ordered because it was so good. His credit card company sent him a message asking if his card had been stolen, and he had to explain that it was not a series of suspicious purchases. He is now a massive advocate for fancy cocktails (ESPECIALLY AN ESPRESSO MARTINI), so he’ll splurge on that when he’s out drinking. I can see him getting into whisky when he’s older. A lover of vodka soda, too.
At a wedding when he was younger, his dad offered him a tequila shot (his mom found out and got mad later), and it caused him to vomit so badly that he didn’t drink again until his last year of high school. Eren is a huge beer drinker and ONLY A BEER DRINKER. (Or so he says). He is not very particular about brands, although he likes things more ‘hoppy’ to feel like a man. Eren is the kind of guy to get mad at you for not knowing how to pour beer properly and getting more foam than anything. He won’t admit it, but he had some sips of the lime mojito Jean was having. He got drunk and was over the moon. Eren tried other cocktails, but besides a Long Island iced tea, he’s not a huge fan of other cocktails. When he gets really drunk at the club (he's a lightweight but does a really good job of concealing how inebriated he is), he and Connie will coerce Jean into buying a STUPID AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL TO GET A TABLE (see Jean's suspicious credit card purchases). Think $50 Mango Ciroc and Patron!
When he went on a family cruise at the age of nine, he ordered a “Shirley Temple” (virgin), and he was “drunk.” Fast forward to a shitty date he went on; he ordered a Shirley Temple again. Connie got belligerent, and his date had to take him home. He did not hear from her again. This man is a nut. He loves cocktails so much that he bought a cocktail kit, but he barely measures, so it’s just 90% alcohol and 10% any discernable flavour profile. Connie is the kind of friend who mixes you a drink and says: "It's mostly juice! Just Try it!" but it straight up tastes like pure gasoline. He’ll happily drink anything else but prefers cocktails and mixed drinks over beer, shots, etc. Connie is the type of guy to order “Blow Job” shots as a joke but then gets way drunker than everyone. Surprisingly, he’s a huge Reisingling fan. Unsurprisingly, he and Sasha got blackout at your birthday party after downing half a bottle of Pink Whitney (they snuck away to take turns throwing up in the guest washroom).
Huge whiskey nut and wine snob. He’ll talk your ear off about various wines he’s into, and he actually knows what he’s talking about. Reiner is the kind of guy who will bring a bottle of wine to a friend's birthday dinner, and he gets it RIGHT! He’ll drink beer (not particular about the brand). He only started drinking when he was legal, so there’s no crazy story other than the one time he and Bertolt went to a daytime wine tasting, and by the time they sobered up, it was nighttime, and they were 45 minutes outside of the city. Most times, if Reiner is in a work setting, he’ll drink what other people are drinking, too (but he’ll opt for a vodka seltzer). He’s tried cocktails before, but he’s not a fan.
He hates beer. His grandfather offered him a swig when he kept looking at him, and he never drank again until he was legal. This man is a cider fan, and no one can tell me otherwise. Specifically blackberry and green apple. Armin enjoys wine (red > white) and will listen to Reiner babble on about the best ones. But his drink of choice is a bit pricey: champagne! But if he’s at a party, he’ll just settle for drinking a vodka cranberry. He mentioned to Connie that he likes “Shirley Temples” ONCE, and whenever they all go out, Connie will buy him one. Armin is too shy to decline, so he'll take a couple sips before giving it to either Eren or Jean (they will fight amongst themselves as to who gets to finish it).
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a/n: I included Armin and Reiner because I love them so much, but they're most likely not going to be in my upcoming fic! WAH. Specifically Reiner... I'm sorry, my beloved.
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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So for this hc thing...how would they spend birthdays? All 3 of buck, eddie and Chris birthday?. I have it in my head that someday on bucks birthday Chris and eddie will make him breakfast in bed and Chris will give him this giant wrapped box that's really light, and inside that is another box and so on, until eventually buck finds an envelope with adoption papers. Yes I know I'm cheesy
okay anon first im gonna need you to write that fanfic and send it to me immediately because that is absolutely adorable… NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR CHEESY BUDDIE FLUFF I EAT IT UP ALL THE TIME
as for birthday headcanon, I have to think about those because for some reason i’ve never given much thought to birthdays specifically?? ive headcanoned so many other things about them but have never given this one much thought aside from what days their birthdays are lmao
so please bear with me as these are not super in depth but just little things i could see them doing ✨
- i think that for a long time (especially after maddie left) buck didn’t like celebrating his birthday, and even to an extent now he doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it, but early on in his friendship with eddie, chris asked when buck’s birthday was and got so excited to celebrate with buck that now that buck and edsie are married, they always do a big celebration with just the three of them; chris and eddie bringing him breakfast in bed, Chris still makes a homemade card for buck, even as a teenager, and when it falls on weekdays when chris has to go to school, buck and eddie spend the day curled up in bed cuddling and talking… eddie has also grown accustomed to taking buck to dinner for his birthday— nothing to fancy, but they enjoy having a date night just the two if them for the occasion. It’s the only reason buck no longer hates his birthday.
- Eddie’s birthday is the same level of big deal for buck and christopher, only Buck ramps up the birthday breakfast to the extreme. Everything else is pretty much the same as buck’s birthday, but for eddie.
- Buck slowly warmed up to the idea of doing something with the 118 for his birthday at Bobby and Athena’s after a few years of working there, and now it is a staple event each year.
- Buck goes all out trying to throw the biggest and best birthday parties for Chris, but as Chris gets older the more he wants a more laidback party with his closest friends rather than a big celebration like when he was younger. He misses the days if a huge party, but is still more than happy to follow Chris’s wishes every year.
- Eddie collects newspaper headlines from each of chris’s birthdays. It was something abuela started with eddie and his sisters, and while he was in the army, he asked if she would start doing the same for chris. Buck never noticed until more recently, and he began doing the same.
- For Buck’s first birthday after their wedding, Eddie gifts him with a small ring on a chain- telling him it was made from the bullet from the sniper— the st christopher emblem is engraved on top of the ring, and buck wears it around his neck
- Buck insists on giving eddie a kiss for every year he’s been alive on his birthday
- eddie proposed to buck on chris’s birthday after asking what chris wanted for his birthday and he said “i want buck to be my other dad”
- chris has a scrapbook that shannon started for him with every birthday card he’s ever gotten— he kept it up after she died, and eddie didn’t find out about it until chris asked if they could buy another scrapbook for him to continue
- Eddie and Chris visit Shannon’s grave every year on Chris’s birthday, Eddie giving him some alone time to talk to her; they also visit for her birthday every year, Chris insisting on leaving her favorite flowers
thank you for the ask, anon! and again I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this one 😭😭💕💕
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My best friend got married this weekend
She’s the type of person who everyone LOVES. Like she’s just adored by everyone. Everyone wants to be her friend, everyone wants to hang out with her. She’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s cool without trying.
And at her wedding, everyone wanted to be around her. DUH. She’s the bride, and she’s awesome. She has so many friends who love and cherish her. She’s so special. Everyone is so drawn to her and wants her attention, especially at her wedding.
And it made me think about my life and my future wedding. And how I’ve never been that well liked or that magnetic. About how I don’t have that many friends to invite to a wedding. About how when I was 16 I didn’t want a birthday party, just a birthday dinner. So I invited the 12 people in my theatre class bc I really liked all of them. And the hostess sat us at a long table- much too long for our group. I sat in the middle bc I was ~the birthday girl~ and I thought people would want to sit by me and talk to me. But every seat to my left was empty. And the attention/ conversation was all concentrated at the end of the table to my right. Even the people right next to me were focused on the conversation at the end of the table and wanted to talk to those people instead of me.
And this whole wedding weekend just reminded me that I wasn’t even the one people wanted to hang out with at my own birthday party. And I feel that it will be the same situation at my wedding.
People will want to be around my friends, my sister, my husband, my parents. Not me. Never me.
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starrymako · 4 months
Any married Creek headcanons?
I have a few! :)
Craig and Tweek move out of south park as soon as they get married. I like to think they have a smaller end wedding with family and friends. (Craig's gang and maybe inviting Stan and Kenny.. because I like the headcanon where Stan is Craig's cousin and Kenny is Tweek's cousin.) They get out of town and move closer to Craig's work. I think he'd be an engineer or technician. Tweek would essentially work from home. I think he'd thrive making sweets for parties as a mini business turned popular local business!
The only people from south park Craig speaks to still are Tolkien and Jimmy. I think he'd have a falling out with Clyde just because Clyde seemed self absorbed in the PC special. (again, my own little hc.) Tweek also talks to Jimmy and Tolkien, but also keeps in contact with Bebe, Wendy, and Nicole.
To add on to their friendships; Craig would make a few friends in his new area but not hang out with them. He's actually a homebody who works and is eager to get home to his husband. Tweek on the other hand makes friends w/ their neighbors who work from home. I like to think one of the neighborhood wives gets Tweek to do yoga to help with his anxiety by himself.
At first their neighbors thought Craig was an un-loving husband because of his stoic / indifferent attitude but they quickly change those rumors when one of the neighbors witnessed Craig attempting to make out with Tweek while he was watering the garden. LOL
Craig and Tweek keep in close contact with Craig's family. Tricia visits their home every other month or so because she has a close bond with Tweek. As for Tweek's family? They get a call during the holidays but that's pretty much it.
During Valentine's Day or one of their birthdays, Craig likes to take Tweek out on dates to festivals or fancy dinners. Tweek on the other hand plans nights at home or finds a hotel outside of town for them to stargaze together.
Craig convinces Tweek to adopt 4-5 guinea pigs. At first Tweek was mortified about the care and attention they'll need, but then found comfort in caring for them all.
Craig's petnames for Tweek: Babe, baby, sweetheart, honey
Tweek's petnames for Craig: Handsome, tiger, sweetheart
Out of the two, Tweek is the stronger one from working in his parents coffee shop for so long. Sometimes Tweek can hug Craig too tightly or lifts him if he's excited. Craig is tall and broad, and can pick up Tweek but not as easily. (he's honestly lazy by heart.. lol)
If y'all want more just lmk!! I have so many hcs LOOL! Creek is my life... especially married creek hehe
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 months
3.76 Ain't nobody love
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Sophia finally came inside, and Dad congratulated her. He showered us with praise, and his unwavering belief in us resonated in every word. I tried to imagine what that moment must have felt like. Soulmates and serious commitments were important to him, but he didn't find success in that area. He never pushed me and mostly stayed out of my business unless I requested his help. But I knew all he wanted for me was success where he had failed. Sharing that special moment with us, knowing we had a solid foundation, must have been such a relief to him.
He asked about the house, and I described it as a larger version of his with four very small bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, an office, and a nice sized yard with a massive tree. The previous owners left a treehouse kit behind, and I asked if he would help me build it. Of course, he looked forward to it.
"I'd love for you guys to stay for dinner, but you know if you don't get to your mom's house soon, there will be hell to pay," he said.
He was not wrong, so we got parting hugs and I love you's and headed to snowy Newcrest. Mama was standing at the door watching television, so I didn't bother knocking since she could hear us on the porch. Sophia stayed outside, trying to convince the dogs to come out of the freezing cold and into the house.
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Mama's hair caught me off guard. It was so bright. Like, really, really bright. That's when I realized it wasn't gray anymore.
"You dyed it white?"
"It's not white! It's platinum blonde."
"Oh... I like it. Kinda badass."
She was always so adventurous with her hair. When she turned up to her birthday party with gray hair, she honestly surprised me. I thought she wouldn't be caught dead with gray hair, but I guess she was just trying it on. Clearly, that color didn't speak to her.
"Thanks, buddy! To what do I owe this pleasure? You're spoiling me with these frequent visits!"
"I proposed!"
She screamed. I never heard her make that sound before, and I'd probably never hear it again.
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Sophia had just come inside—without the dogs—in the middle of that commotion and stood off to the side, smiling, while Mama began to squeeze the life out of me.
"Oh, I'm so happy!!! My little buddy is getting married!!!"
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Just as quickly as she embraced me, she pushed me aside to see Sophia's ring. She grabbed her hand, oohing and ahhing, holding it up to the light to catch every glint and sparkle.
"You chose well," she said. "It's perfect! I can't believe this, but I totally believe it! We have so much work to do!"
And there was the Emmy I expected earlier that week. I raised my eyebrow at Sophia, signaling her to brace for impact, just like I told her.
"So, when is the wedding? Wait, where is it? Sulani is perfect this time of year! Are you doing a honeymoon? What about kids? Are you waiting or trying immediately?"
"Whoa, timeout," I said. "We literally just got engaged like two hours ago. We haven't planned anything."
"Two hours? And you're just now coming to me?"
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"Mama, chill. I proposed in San Sequoia. We went to Dad's first."
"Hmph. Well, you can leave Sophia with me. We'll have everything all done and dusted by the end of the night!"
I shook my head, and Sophia's eyes bounced between the two of us, uncertain if she should interject and afraid of what "leave Sophia with me" meant.
"Uhhh...shouldn't Luca have a say in his own wedding?" she asked warily.
"Why?" Mama asked. "Everyone knows the wedding is all about the bride. I'm sure Mr. Cute Face will be fine with whatever you want."
"But...," Sophia said hesitantly.
Mama sighed, and relented.
"Fine. He can have some say. But this wedding needs to happen as soon as possible! Especially if you're waiting to have kids. You can't wait too long!"
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Sophia smiled uncomfortably, but found a little confidence.
"How about Luca and I talk about it first, and then we'll let you know what we'd like to do?"
Mama glanced back at me with a serious look.
"I love her. You chose very well."
"I know," I said, matter-of-factly.
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She turned back to Sophia.
"You always stand up for my son. You don't understand yet how happy that makes me as a mother. We raise these little sims, and pour our whole lives into them, trying to protect them from the world and everything in it. It's very odd when they grow up because you still want to be that person in their lives, and it's hard to let go. But at the same time, deep down, you hope one day they'll find someone who will love them just as fiercely as you do. Thank you for loving my son like that."
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"He loves me like that," Sophia said.
Mama grinned at me.
"I know he does."
"Here's an idea," I said, attempting to end this Luca Love Fest. "We've been walking around San Sequoia all day. How about Sophia and I go grab dinner and celebrate? You can watch the dogs, and we'll talk about wedding stuff. We can discuss everything when we come back to pick them up. That sound okay?"
"That's perfect," Mama said.
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kwshahrazad · 7 months
Living in North America, even when you aren’t celebrating Christmas, it feels like you're celebrating Christmas.
Promptly on November 1st, the red, white and green festivities begin and their brilliant hues are inescapable. There are elves on shelves and an inflatable Frosty on roofs. And Santa! He really is always watching you as he’s plastered on every surface. He sees you when you’re sleeping because he’s on the half-eaten chocolate wrapper on your dresser. He knows when you’re awake because he’s also on your cereal box, milk carton, and morning coffee sleeve.
Around this time of year, there is a spike in cases of FOMO within first and second-generation immigrants whose holiday rosters do not include Christmas. For over fifty days, they are stuck between a rock and a jolly place because Christmas can be… tempting. The twinkling lights are alluring, the merry melodies are mesmerizing, the promise of gifts is promising, and so the fear of missing out can be all-consuming. It all starts on an ordinary November morning when suddenly, "the holiday spirit" infuses everything the light touches. Every mode and medium has a Yuletide tinge, and every sector of life has a little trimming. For two months, these FOMO-ridden individuals trapeze through jagged tinsel and paper-cut sharp wrapping paper, trying to maneuver in the aftermath of Big Hallmark’s joyous rampage.
In schools, children sing carols in winter pageants, some only mouthing the words to Silent Night or hesitantly rockin’ around a Christmas tree.
There's no argument that these activities can spark joy, and that's precisely the problem. Celebrating, the very act of it, is fun. Whether it’s Halloween, a wedding, an achievement, however minimal, or even a dog’s birthday, people find reasons to come together and celebrate. But in this case, Christmas is not theirs to celebrate. Some people have a little voice in their heads that nettles them each time they put on reindeer ears or take part in Secret Santa. Depending on the individual, it could be their conscience screaming, “What would my parents say?”
In the winter whirlwind of hope, excitement, and merriment, it’s almost impossible to not want to be a part of it all, even subconsciously. It’s difficult to deny that Christmas is fun.
Especially since celebrating non-Christian holidays in the West can be challenging.
There are no signature drinks or holiday hours. There are no lights and most definitely no statutory days off. Christmas is fun because of the sheer scale. The stakes are high with countdowns, giveaways, and so many parties.
Christmas isn’t just a day you celebrate, it’s a season. It’s a pallette and a theme. It’s a genre of music and film. It’s a category of dessert, dinner, and beverage.
That said, it’s difficult to compete with all the fanfare that happens each year in December. Parents are often compelled to go above and beyond to get their kids excited about their own celebrations. Usually with the help of old reliable Mr. Chuck E. Cheese and even older — and therefore more reliable — Mr. Wad of Cash. Worse yet, when one has to justify their need for a day off to a manager who is apparently fascinated by their religion, people can’t help but pray for patience, or better yet, a miracle.
A miracle in which there is no rock by the jolly place. What if a certain non-Christian American demographic could celebrate their holiday at the same time as everyone else? What if they could ride on the Christmas coattails of vacation days, holiday parties, and sales? What if a certain non-Christian religious holiday coincided with Christmas and millions more could wholeheartedly celebrate together with the masses? What if, for example, Eid al-Adha fell on December 24th?
Wouldn’t that be a miracle?
You've just read the introduction to my new book, Christmas Eid, available now on Kindle (E-Book) (Print coming soon).
It's Booksmart meets the holidays wrapped up in a warm, festive coming-of-age story.
Christmas Eid introduces a unique format. It's a novelplay. A book that reads like a movie!
Christmas Eid: A Novelplay (Available Now)
If you'd be interested in receiving a copy in return for a review, please message me! Also, please share this with anyone you think might be interested in reading!
K.W. Shahrazad
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theawkwardterrier · 11 months
Year by Year
Steggy Week 2k23, day 1 Prompt: headcanons and meta
Summary: They mark the day with their own particular observance.
Thanks to @steggyfanevents​​ for organizing!
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It is not something celebrated with that mild fanfare the way that birthdays and holidays are in their house, nor like their wedding anniversary either — no gifts or dinner out or being allowed to pick the details of activity or company or entertainment for the day.
But it is also not like those other milestones of their past, the ones that crop up even though so much of the war had blurred together or taken place in ways that make memorializing specific events impossible. Still, every so often one of them might realize that this was the date Steve started boot camp and therefore the one on which they saw each other for the first time; that it has been so many years or decades since that day in a SSR lab in Brooklyn; that although they are here in the midst of an ordinary winter now, the two of them once stood on a frigid Russian battlefield on this same day so long ago and saw one another for the first time in months and knew each other to be alive. It is not even like those more easily noted commemorations, Memorial Day or Veterans Day, which are memorialized for them with more solemnity than for many of their neighbors, especially as the decades wear on and war becomes a more remote thing for so many, nor even like the more personal times of remembrance: the day that Bucky fell, and the days, as time wears on, of their friends’ passings, or the day that Steve's plane went down.
Yet it also does fade for them entirely either, blurring into normalcy among the notes on the calendar about appointments with the dentist or the elementary school's spring orchestra concert, conferences in Brussels and a spate of classmates' birthday parties.
Instead, it becomes something contained and particularly theirs. Wherever they might be on the day, whether in their own living room or a rental house on vacation or the tarmac waiting for a SHIELD plane to bring them back from some world-saving venture or the middle of a national park because they somehow foolishly agreed to chaperone the latest Scouts trip or the Stork Club just before it closes for the final time, they will find a few moments and turn to each other, clasp hands and turn in slow, swaying circles. Sometimes they will have music — they keep a turntable on hand at home even as it begins to eventually feature a cassette or CD player alongside, preferring their old 45s of Etta James or Ella Fitzgerald or Harry James — and sometimes they will only have the quiet or the crickets or the wind around them. Pressed together and without speaking, they will think of the time apart and the time together, all that they have gotten to do in the years since, the life they have built and the ways that things might have been different and the parts that they wouldn't change.
"I'm glad you came back," Peggy will say softly after a while.
"I'm glad I could," Steve will say. "I'm glad that you were here for me to come back to."
And, absorbing the feeling of the two of them together, relishing it all the more for the familiarity that they have earned, they will dance as they commemorate another year of return.
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