stabbyapologist · 2 years
Every time I see a hippogriff, my husband says "Why do you like them so much?" And I wanna turn into Hagrid and be like "What is there not to love?" I've only ever wanted to own one since I've been 12!
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I also wanna ride a Thestral, which I'll be able to because they're beautiful too!
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twistyprefect · 2 years
MMM: ( R ) Care of Magical Creatures
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"I think I have Care of Magical Creatures." They said, showing the timetable with the abbreviation to the table. Malleus nodded and Riddle smiled slightly, showing his timetable as well.
"Me too." He said. They smiled and gave him a smile back before turning back to their breakfast. They tried to remember if their other friends were taking CoMC again but couldn't remember. The other Ravenclaws kept eating and chatting, preparing for the upcoming class. They glanced at Leona, who had mentioned his Ancient Runes class which earned some surprised looks. Leona rolled his eyes before explaining he enjoyed runes and was quite good at them. The prefect smiled at their newfound friends, hopeful for their future in the house of the eagles.
The duo headed down to the forest edge, where Professor Serephim was waiting for them. She smiled and introduced herself, telling the students to sit in groups and wait for the rest of their class. The prefect smiled as they say with their fellow Ravenclaw, watching as another Ravenclaw joined them, a tall girl with a pretty face and a kind smile.
"Alice." Riddle said, the girl sitting down down next to him and smiling politely at the prefect.
"Rosehearts, good to see you survived the summer with Ace." She teased, causing the other Ravenclaw prefect to snort in laughter a bit. Riddle glanced at them and then back to Alice.
"It...sucked." He mumbled before straightening his back, his eyes glancing at three new students nearing the slightly large group. All three were wearing the trademark green and silver uniform of Slytherin. One was freakily tall, with teal hair and a single black streak through it. He looked weirdly similar to one of the older Gryffindors, one that Ace and Deuce had pointed out to the prefect on the train. The second student was a bit shorter, but still seemed kind of tall, his long black hair half braided and pulled back behind his head, his sharp eyes calculating. The student in between them was grinning and looking around excitedly, their two-toned ponytail bobbing as they waved to the professor. They definitely didn't fit in with the other two Slytherins, but it didn't seem to matter to them, or to the students the prefect was sitting with.
"Room for three more?" The middle student asked, grinning. Riddle and Alice both nodded and smiled back, Alice immediately launching into an inquisition about their summer. The two students chatted eagerly, Riddle eventually joining in. The odd Slytherin didn't seem too pleased about his participation, but Riddle either didn't notice or didn't care. The prefect glancing around at the new students they hadn't met yet, unable to catch anyone's names yet. The professor clapped to call everyone to attention, splitting everyone into groups to meet some of the creatures they'd be working with that semester. Everyone eagerly gathered into groups, cooing over and petting the animals.
"So, now that you've all met the creatures, I have a surprise for you all! I am giving you a month long project. It will be with a partner, and you will be writing a report on your chosen creature! Multiple groups can do the same creature, but you will still be in pairs." She explained, lining the creatures up. The prefect smiled and looked over all the creatures, trying to decide which to pick.
"I think I'm gonna work with the Diriclaw!" The odd Slytherin (who had eventually introduced themself as December Rubio) said. The tall Slytherin, Jade, nodded in agreement, looking at the bird-like creature again. Jamil, the other Slytherin, expressed his interest in the Knarl, a small hedgehog-like creature. Riddle agreed with him. Alice mentioned wanting to work with the Glow Bug. The prefect considered their options for a moment before deciding on their creature and partner, heading to...
[what creature and which student do you want to work with?]
...the Diriclaw with Jade.
...the Knarl with Jamil.
...the Knarl with Riddle.
[shoutout to @mentallyunstablenoodle for letting me slap Alice in here as a cameo uwu]
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nioumin-draw · 1 year
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1. What's your MC's name, house, and blood status?
Fergus "Fergie" McCuming , Hufflepuff, half-blood
2. Were they a hatstall or easily sorted?
He got easily sorted into Hufflepuff
3. Where is your MC from? (England, Scotland, Ireland, France, etcThe more specifics, the better!)
Fergus came from Scotland , precisely on the island of Bute .
4. Favorite classes at Hogwarts? Do they excel in these subjects?
Flying class ( he is the best student in this subject) , care of magical creatures, Herbology ,Defense against dark art .
5. Least favorite classes? Are they bad in these areas of magic or do they just not like the subject?
History of magic ( he take a nap during this class ) , Astronomy and divination ( he don’t understand those subjects XD ).
6. Favorite and least favorite professor
Favorite : Kogawa , Garlick , Hecat , Sharp
Least : Binns , Nigellus Black
7. Name their go-to purchase at Honeydukes.
Jelly-slug,Pumpkin fizz, pumpkin pasty , Chocolate Cauldron , chocolate frogs
8. Quidditch role and/or favorite broom.
Fergus is a great Beater and Keeper his favorite broom is a Ember Dash
9. What's their favorite spot in or around the castle?
The quidditch pitch , the Hufflepuff common room , Clock tower and Kitchen.
10. Describe their wand.
Elder, unicorn hair ,flexible , 11 inchs
Handle : Arrow-Brown
11. Describe their perfect Room of Requirement.
A place where he can chill out , make plant grow and play game with his friends ( he ask Cheek to play to cards with him sometime)
12. What's their patronus? What memory do they call upon to cast it?
Basset Hound , the memories they call upon to cast it are when he having good time with his cousin Orson and when he saw his first quidditch match.
13. Favorite spell/potion/beast?
His favorite spell is Despulso and his favorite beasts are Puffskein and Diriclaw
14. What is their favorite book, magical or muggle-written?
Fergus is not really a book guy but he is interested by magical creatures books or reading books about broomstick or the Prophet.
15. What are their feelings/experience with muggles? Do they enjoy muggle entertainment? If so, what?
He found muggle pretty funny and curious , he wondering what are they imagined about magic.
16. What would their Boggart turn into? How would they defeat it?
A Werewolf , he defeat it with putting big ribbon 🎀 or other ridiculous accessories on it ( like his mother’s dogs )
17. Tell me about your MC's family. Do they have parents? Siblings? Cousins? What's their relationship with them like?
He live with his parents , his maternal grandparents and his mother’s dogs ( Bearded collie and Scottish-terriers) he get along with his parents but is not agree with his mother on the clothes or accessories taste , Orson Drawn is his favorite maternal cousin during their childhood they spend many summer together and write letters to rach others regularly.
18. On an average day, what can be found in your character's pockets?
Chocolates , Wiggenweld potions , his wands , some money and some cards
19. Has your character ever been attacked by a magical beast/animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
He already been attack by pixies when he was a kids and he gotten hurt when he save his cousin Orson from a bunch of Dugbogs , he spent 3 week in the hospital wing.
20. Is your character's current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? (Also, what is that status? Well off and respected like the Malfoys, or perhaps less fortunate and looked down upon like the Weasleys?)
Fergus family are very weathly wizards,less respected as Orson Drawn family but still very popular among wizards.
21. In what situation was your character the most afraid they've ever been?
When he been confronted to a dragon in the magyar hall and when his cousins almost died
22. In what situation was your character the most calm they've ever been?
When they sleep so it’s in history of magic class he is the most calm lol
23. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?
His broomstick toy.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
About family he absolutely trust them same for his cousin friends like Mimouna Carfield, Amit Thakkar , Ilaria Wingrave @chirithy564 , Natsai Onai and Poppy sweeting ( friends of his family are my friends).
About people like Sebastian Sallow…it’s hard for him to know if he can really trust him…
25. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? (or magic, both are valid)
It depend he resort fast from a physical confrontation but magical it take more time ( 5 weeks)
26. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
He is ready to improve himself for become a better guy if it’s necessary.
27. How does your character behave around people they like?
As a funny , pleasant, kind , rowdy, attentive guy. The type of guy we like hanging time with .
28. How does your character behave around people they dislike
He act more distant and don’t pay attention to them but if they touch him on a sensive point ( like his family or something /someone he care about) he is ready to hit back . So Everett Clopton and Medea Pharmak are on his black list .
29. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
He will remove a problem if it that bother him or the others
30. What does your MC see in the Mirror of Erised?
Himself as quidditch champion ( as he always dreamed) with his family cheering him up
31. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Fergus know we have to work hard for having what we want and it great to feel a certain satisfaction when you finally got it.
32. What would they smell in the Amortentia potion?
Chocolate, Broomstick wood and fresh air .
33. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
For him it’s easy as eating chocolate cauldron :)
34. Which of the Deathly Hallows would they most like to own?
Invisible coat
35. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
He don’t really think about it, there too many thing to do before dying .
36. What are their feelings on the Dark Arts?
He is absolutely don’t trust it and swear to himself to never use it ( specially after saw Sebastian sallow and Medea Pharmak use it on Orson and Mimouna)
37. Silly bonus question #1: Who does your MC fancy?
At first peoples ( including a jealous Orson and Imelda Rey ) thought Fergus and Samantha Dales fancy on each other but it was just a misunderstood .
Fergus is pretty close of his friend /rival Imelda ( who secretly like him very much )
38. Silly bonus question #2: Did you create your MC when Hogwarts Legacy came out, or did you always have them in your mind?
He litterly pop in my head , i creat him after Orson …i wanted creat him a cousin
Meme belong to @sweetnsourdoh
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neppily · 2 years
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My Diriclaw, Poco, and me in Hogwarts Mystery!
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alwaysinlastplace · 5 years
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twistyprefect · 2 years
MMM: (S) Care of Magical Creatures
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"I think I have Care of Magical Creatures." They said, showing the timetable with the abbreviation to the table. December grined widely and fist pumoed happily, narrowly missing Cater's cheek.
"Me too! I love animals so much!" They said, cheering a bit. The prefect smiled and gave them a thumbs up before turning back to their breakfast. Jade and Jmail mentioned that they were also taking CoMC, making the prefect smile wider. The other Slytherins kept eating and chatting, preparing for the upcoming class. They glanced at Vil, who had mentioned his Ancient Runes class which earned some teasing from Lilia for being 'a nerd'. Vil rolled his eyes before ignoring him. The prefect smiled at their newfound friends, hopeful for their future in the house of the vipers.
The group headed down to the forest edge, where Professor Serephim was waiting for them. She smiled and introduced herself, telling the students to sit in groups and wait for the rest of their class. The prefect smiled as they say with their fellow Slytherins, joined shortly by their housemates' other friends as some Ravenclaws reached the groups.
"Rubio." A Ravenclaw prefect said, sitting down next to December who glared at him before schooling their expression into a bright smile.
"Rosehearts, good to see you survived the summer with Ace." They teased, causing the Slytherin prefect to snort in laughter a bit. The Ravenclaw glanced at them and then back to December.
"It...sucked." He mumbled before straightening his back, his eyes glancing at a new student nearing the slightly large group. She was fairly tall, with long hair and a pretty face, her eyes scanning over the group. She sat down between December and Jade, smilling at the rest of the group.
"Room for one more?" The student asked. December nodded and grinned back, immediately launching into an inquisition about her summer. The two students chatted eagerly, other members of the group eventually joining in. The prefect glancing around at the new students they hadn't met yet, unable to catch anyone's names yet. The professor clapped to call everyone to attention, splitting everyone into groups to meet some of the creatures they'd be working with that semester. Everyone eagerly gathered into groups, cooing over and petting the animals.
"So, now that you've all met the creatures, I have a surprise for you all! I am giving you a month long project. It will be with a partner, and you will be writing a report on your chosen creature! Multiple groups can do the same creature, but you will still be in pairs." She explained, lining the creatures up. The prefect smiled and looked over all the creatures, trying to decide which to pick.
"I think I'm gonna work with the Diriclaw!" December said. Jade nodded in agreement, looking at the bird-like creature again. Jamil expressed his interest in the Knarl, a small hedgehog-like creature. Riddle agreed with him, smacking December's head with parchment when the brunette teased him. Alice mentioned wanting to work with the Glow Bug. The prefect considered their options for a moment before deciding on their creature and partner, heading to...
[what creature and which student do you want to work with?]
...the Diriclaw with Jade.
...the Knarl with Jamil.
...the Knarl with Riddle.
[shoutout to @mentallyunstablenoodle for letting me slap Alice in here as a cameo uwu]
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twistyprefect · 2 years
MMM: (G) Care of Magical Creatures
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"I think I have Care of Magical Creatures." They said, showing the timetable with the abbreviation to the table. Ace and Deuce grinned, with Jack nodding happily.
"Us too! Cool." Deuce said, grinning and giving the prefect a thumbs up. They smiled and gave him a thumbs up back before turning back to their breakfast. The other Gryffindors kept eating and chatting, preparing for the upcoming class. Jack seemed the most excited for it, though it was a bit hard to tell. They glanced at Epel, who had mentioned his Divination class which earned some teasing from Ace. The prefect smiled at their newfound friends, hopeful for their future in the house of the lions.
The group headed down to the forest edge, where Professor Serephim was waiting for them. She smiled and introduced herself, telling the students to sit in groups and wait for the rest of their class. The prefect smiled as they say with their fellow Gryffindors, joined shortly by Sebek as some Hufflepuffs reached the groups. Another Hufflepuff joined the group, grinning predatorily at the younger students.
"Ruggie! Didn't see you all summer!" Ace said, tossing an extra quill at the newcomer. The Hufflepuff, Ruggie, rolles his eyes and snatched up the quill.
"None of your business." He said, grinning at the ginger. Before Ace could retort, another student plopped down nearby. Ace paled and scooted away from the shorter student with bright red hair, who was glaring at the Gryffindor.
"You better be behaving. I won't hesitate to take off points." the Ravenclaw said. Ace groaned and rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out.
"Calm down Rosehearts, we're just having fun. That's not against the rules, as much as you wish it was." He retorted, causing the Gryffindor prefect to snort in laughter a bit. The Ravenclaw glanced at them and then back to Ace.
"Whatever." He mummbled before straightening his back, his eyes glancing at three new students nearing the slightly large group. All three were wearing the trademark green and silver uniform of Slytherin. One was freakily tall, with teal hair and a single black streak through it. He looked weirdly similar to Floyd, reminding the prefect that Floyd had mentioned a twin. The second student was a bit shorter, but still seemed kind of tall, his long black hair half braided and pulled back behind his head, his sharp eyes calculating. The student in between them was grinning and looking around excitedly, their two-toned ponytail bobbing as they waved to the professor. They definitely didn't fit in with the other two Slytherins, but it didn't seem to matter to them, or to the students the prefect was sitting with. Jack and Ruggie seemed to be more alert, glancing at the trio of vipers as they approached.
"Room for three more?" The middle student asked, grinning. Ace nodded and grinned back, immediately launching into an inquisition about their summer. The two students chatted eagerly, other members of the group eventually joining in. The prefect glancing around at the new students they hadn't met yet, unable to catch anyone's names yet. The professor clapped to call everyone to attention, splitting everyone into groups to meet some of the creatures they'd be working with that semester. Everyone eagerly gathered into groups, cooing over and petting the animals.
"So, now that you've all met the creatures, I have a surprise for you all! I am giving you a month long project. It will be with a partner, and you will be writing a report on your chosen creature! Multiple groups can do the same creature, but you will still be in pairs." She explained, lining the creatures up. The prefect smiled and looked over all the creatures, trying to decide which to pick.
"I think I'm gonna work with the Diriclaw!" The odd Slytherin (who had eventually introduced themself as December Rubio) said. The tall Slytherin, Jade, nodded in agreement, looking at the bird-like creature again. Jamil, the other Slytherin, expressed his interest in the Knarl, a small hedgehog-like creature. Riddle agreed with him, smacking Ace's head with parchment when the ginger teased him. Ace and Deuce both wanted to work with the Fire Crab, while Jack and Ruggie seemed to be vying for the Hippogriff. Sebek seemed interested in the Glow Bug. The prefect was surprised to see so few students looking at the Bowtrickle, only one small Hufflepuff student with wild blue hair seemed to be interested in it. The prefect considered their options for a moment before deciding on their creature and partner, heading to...
[what creature and which student do you want to work with?]
...the Diriclaw with Jade.
...the Knarl with Jamil.
...the Knarl with Riddle.
...the Fire Crab with Ace.
...the Fire Crab with Deuce.
...the Hippogriff with Jack.
...the Hippogriff with Ruggie.
...the Glow Bug with Sebek.
...the Bowtrickle with the Hufflepuff.
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alwaysinlastplace · 5 years
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wahoo! New Avatar to go with my new user name!!!(Before you ask no i didn't draw it, all i did was take the Hogwarts Mystery logo for the Diriclaw and edit it till it looked like this)
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