#discorse mention
localsharkcryptid · 10 months
Just a bit of a disclaimer post I guess? Also using this to get out some feelings and to thoroughly set a boundary.
So I am remaining within the DSMP fandom as a whole, the DSMP's storyline to me is a comfort thing, I love the silly block men and my many aus. I'm mentioning this cause I am officially disregarding all CC related dramas or anything to do with the technical actors & writers of the DSMP.
This is mainly due to a mass amount of misinformation and various other things, I don't want to deal with, it causes wayyy to much conflict that consequently involves what I consider a comfort thing and additionally I'm going to be getting wayyy more liberal with what I post involving the characters (mainly in the shipping department) and I want it very clear that this is a blog that is CHARACTER based content.
Now to discuss something very important that ties in with this choice of mine to disregard drama, I additionally don't care who interacts with me and my content in terms of which CCs they like or don't like, what I do give a shit about are people in this fanbase who are assholes and go out of their way to treat certain people like shit cause they like Dream or whoever. I do not want anyone who thinks death-threating or doxing or anything of the sort is okay justified behavior as long as it's one group of people, near me or my content. My blog is a safe neutral ground for enjoyers of the CHARACTERS, your CC preference means nothing to me but how you treat others cause of their CC preference does matter - so in short, if you think attacking people based on which CCs they like is justified and okay, kindly, get the fuck out, the door is over there. I don't care what aforementioned CC has or has not done as long as they are not actively using their platforms to push shitty agendas and to hurt people, I can care less who you choose to watch - I care more about the ability to be a decent fucking human and to just leave people alone, harassment of any kind is not justified no matter the target.
I'm sorry if any of this is jumbled but I just need to put this out there.
Summary: I kindly ask that people who think harassment in any form towards people for the CCs they like is okay to please leave my blog and not interact with my content. Aside from this, almost anyone is free to interact with me - this is a safe space for DSMP Character enjoyers. Additionally please do not bring CC drama to my blog, I only make content on the DSMP Characters and do not wish to discuss drama due to various personal reasons. My CC opinions are my own private information and are not connected to my works involving their characters from the DSMP.
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sinnerista · 1 year
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Nobody asked but here it is anyway
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darth-emerald · 7 months
My thoughts on the Wilbur Soot allegations
I support Shubble 100%, though we shouldn't just attack Wilbur until we know that he was the abuser for sure. I just hope that if this is true and the allegations are found correct, that Wilbur is getting the help he needs, though it doesn't justify his supposed actions. This doesn't, however justify the harassment, doxing, and death threats. Even if he is an abuser, he is still a human being and no one deserves that.
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vulto-cor-de-rosa · 1 year
I find it very telling of dream's priorities the fact that Skeppy, Tommy and Phil all donated all of the royalties from the collaboration merch drop to The Sarcoma Foundation of America and Dream didn't.
If you look at the emails that they send announcing the merch drop, you'll see that in all of them, except in Dream's, it says that "[name of content creator] has graciously agreed to donate all royalties from this collaboration drop to The Sarcoma Foundation of America."
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In Dream's it doesn't say anything
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You can check this one out yourself in the emails that Technoblade.com send
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selfshipconfessionz · 4 months
hey guys… this is a proship friendly blog. maybe dont come into my asks talking about how porshippers are groomers, not only does that go against my rules but i think youre on the wrong side of tumblr to be spouting that shit lmao
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lillysbitchfest · 6 months
daemon is canonically a pedophile, deal with it
Pedophilia is a psychological disorder where in a person is exclusively, or near exclusively, attracted to prepubescent children. This word has an actual psychological definition that is important. People who are pedophiles need mental help and treatment. And no they are not all child molesters and not all child molesters are pedophiles. The psychological community has been very clear on this and it's deeply unhelpful and even dangerous to misuse this word. It also makes one sound like Homophobic as the word has been weaponized against the Queer community so much lately. Now: Is Daemon a pedophile? No. Daemon does not fit the diagnostic criteria for this disorder. In the show he has sex with Mysaria, an adult, Laena, an adult by Westeros law at 16 and legally of age in most of the world (Since we only know she was at least 16 when they got together but it could have been later), certainly not prepubescent, and Rhaenyra when she was an adult, their first sexual encounter by any stretch she was 18-19. In the book their are rumors of sexual acts when Rhaenyra was a young teenager 14-15, however at that time she was culturally considered of age to marry thus not prepubescent, so even if those rumors were true (One can believe Eustace's take but Mushroom's is- Mushroom's) this would not be evidence of Daemon being a pedophile.
Who is the prepubescent child Daemon was show to have sex with or even express sexual desire for?
Produce receipts or get off my blog Fascist.
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tea-cat-arts · 13 days
I can't force you guys to like Madam Yu but my god do I want to be able to block these posts before having to see them
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Just wanted to say I hope the girls in that video got paid SO much money to be decorations in a pedophile’s music video
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waxxencapri · 1 year
Celebs and influencers talking about the Doja cat situation is starting to grind my gears cause they keep missing the ‘dating a racist abuser’ part along with dismissing the concept of fan culture as childish, idiotic and immoral when it’s not and is also the only thing keeping them afloat that most personalities (including Doja) try to breed on purpose. It all gives very “covering my own bigotry and making sure my fans don’t bring up any problems with my behavior to the general public” vibes. It’s got some majorly entitled energy to it too.
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alliumdykes · 10 months
A harry potter fan said i was lying about dream being a groomer….
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jitteryjive · 1 year
concept: if a person makes an au to ship abusers with their victims in a non-abusive way, it should be considered nearly as weird if not the same amount of creepy when someone makes an au to ship a lesbian with a man, gay man with a woman, an adult aged down or child aged up together, and family members ‘without incest’
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arc-angel-o · 2 years
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Currently, my favorite dynamic is just ambiguous messes. My main favorites rn are Grahamscott and Rabbit & Toad from Rabbit.
I've written a couple RabbitToad fics the past couple days, that I haven't posted yet. Their relationship in canon is described as "that little rivalry" by their boss, to which Rabbit replies, "aversion is not rivalry". That was before we even met Toad, and I knew I was going love their dynamic right away.
Rabbit's also canonically asexual, and my personal hc is that Toad is too, and that they're both also somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. And Toad, while we don't know too much about him yet, I do get the sense that he's someone who likes to be very sure of his place, and he likes knowing more than other people do. So I think that idea of him questioning, specifically questioning if he's aromantic, could be a really intriguing conflict for him. And possibly contributing to why he gets so frustrated with Rabbit.
I think not just romantically wise, just in general, Rabbit is very confusing to Toad. Toad doesn't understand why Rabbit has such an immovable moral code, how he can so naive and hypocritical and whatever else Toad calls him.
More on Rabbit's side of things - at first, Rabbit seems to not want to fight with Toad at all, it's just something that keeps happening. But Toad does something really shitty to Rabbit in the most recent episode, so after this hiatus ends, I'll be really excited to see Rabbit's reaction to that. Will he stick to his morals, and not try get revenge, won't stoop to Toad's level, or will Toad make him see red?
I can't wait to see where it goes. They're so much fun to write.
Sorry this took a little long, I just can't shut up about Rabbit.
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shadowhoodie13 · 2 years
Call me performative if you want but as a bi gender question person I don’t think it’s that hard to not buy from companies or ppl who hurt the lgbt community. This goes especially if you are a part of the lgbt community, I see too many lgbt+ ppl actively taking part in things that harm them and the community.
Ive had chic-fil-a once my entire life and that was cause it was the only place open in the airport and I needed to eat something before getting on a 3hr plane ride that took off in 30 min. They’ve been caught twice sending money to countries who genocide their lgbt ppl specifically for the reason of killing the gays! And that’s after they got caught the first time and swore they would stop!!
And the Harry Potter game, it doesn’t matter if queen terf herself has a shit ton of money to begin with youre adding your own to it. And idk I feel like it’s disrespectful to yourself when you say you’re an ally but then get it. And that’s not even talking about the amount of antisemitism shit that’s it in.
Especially in the wake of all these anti drag/trans/gay bills going on in the Sates, and even some in the UK from what little international news we get here. You guys need to pick a side at this point, your and your communities own well being or shitty food and an antisemitism game that funds anti trans bills in the UK. Cause once they’re done with the trans community they’re coming for the cis gays.
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piosplayhouse · 4 months
can i be so real for a sec. is this a safe space. I HAAAAATE THE CURRENT ROUND OF TWIT DISCORSE not only bc they tell lies about you But also because THEYRE mad bc they think dianxia being unwashed and stanky gets in the way of his sacred fuckability or whatever. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US WHO WANT HIM STINK AND CARNALLY!!!!!! WHOOOS THINKING OF THE POOR POOR SCENT KINKERS IN THIS DAY AND AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! if dianxia smells clean THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HUFF HIS B.O LIKE IM DOING POPPERS. tch. they dont even appreciate him right. love god AND his unwashed pits >:/
It's very strange to me that the smell thing wasnt even the point of my post, it was literally just a list of things that happen during teen boy puberty but everyone's focusing on that.. well anyway I support you anon, it's funny because male musk/armpits is like. a very very common and well-documented kink in the gay community and has been for probably as long as gay people have existed, like it cannot be understated how much gay erotica at least offhandedly mentions how sexy a man's smell is after working out and whatnot. Honestly I don't personally get it but I respect it and give my regards to all the scent kinkers out there
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glisten-inthedark · 10 months
Discorse incoming
You've been warned.
I guess I'm trying to understand why Narcissa is constantly portrayed as somehow better or more loving than Lucius.
Did Narcissa lie to Voldemort? Yes. Her love for her child allowed her to tell a bold face lie in the name of a genocidal maniac who was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way.
But how did we jump from that to her being somehow morally superior to Lucius? Need I remind you that she actively partook in the same ideals of her husband, that as far as we know she never tried to change their worldviews because she most likely agreed with them.
I'm only mentioning because over and over I see this bias towards Lucius in discourse and in fiction and I'm trying to understand it. I hope it doesn't come off as mean, but Narcissa is as responsible for the situation as her husband.
There is no competition as to who loves Draco more or more truthfully. Because the truth is that love doesn't have be this hygienic version of love some people believe it is.
Lucius loved his son just as much as she did. He was willing to enter enemy battlefield to look for him and to get him to safety, he loved him so much even Voldemort could see it. So why is it that we just take into account a mother's love when a father's is just as valid?
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selfshipconfessionz · 6 months
what is this blog for?
this is where you can confess any of your thoughts that have to do with self shipping. its for you to voice your thoughts/opinions away from your main blog!
23 submissions in the queue currently!
the rules!
confessions will be submitted anonymously through asks. please make sure all asks are on anon, otherwise they will be returned to you privately and not posted. you may sign off with an emoji, or anonymous alias but do not sign with a name or url.
do not mention any tumblr user by url or name. you may vague post about others but mentions of names or urls is not allowed.
confessions containing bigotry or hate of any kind will be deleted.
nsfw confession are allowed, they will be tagged as “nsft”
all confessions must be related to self shipping in some way.
i will not be responding to any confessions. if you have questions i will respond to those asks, but any confessions will simply be posted and not replied to.
i will only post 2 posts a day so it may take a bit to get to your confessions!
this account is proship friendly, if that bothers you dont send submissions.
no confessions related to ai
be free! confess to your hearts content!
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