#division one feminine
malvpswanson · 1 year
babes wake up soccer season is starting.
Liga F, NSWL, WSL, División One Feminine, UWCL….
the anticipation is killing meeee
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punksocks · 11 months
To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession Pt.2- The Placements
*Just based on my experiences, please only take what resonates
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Ok my whole preamble can be found here. That’s all my philosophical reasoning, and my breakdown of the why of what makes people obsessed with Lilith energy. now here’s the placements.
-Natal Placements that can make others obsessed with you:
-Lilith in 1st/conjunct Asc: you’re divisive by accident. People always love you or hate you, but everyone has an opinion on you whether they actually know you or not. You embody Lilith’s dark, rebellious, and sensual femininity without even trying. You probably have a figure that turns heads as well. You come off as fiery and intimidating. Others get enamored and fixated on you. The tricky part can come with invoking such strong reactions in others, a fan can easily turn into an enemy. This can happen just as easily in reverse as well.
-Lilith in 10th/conjunct MC: You come off as controversial as you are powerful. You walk into a room and everyone feels the weight of your presence before you even say a word. Truly the embodiment of boss b*tch energy and you don’t have to try. Your presence demands respect and can easily intimidate others, even potential suitors. Even when you’re at your least confident you’re formidable, at your most confident you’re untouchable.
-Lilith in 7th: You’re a charmer by nature. You may find yourself at the center of controversial attention and scandal in relationships. It’s easy for you to persuade others into doing what you want them to. People may always want to be the one to tame you and to get you to settle down with them but you’re hard to get a hold of.
-Lilith in 4th: You grew up with adults viewing you as competition (which was like super inappropriate for them to do). You may have learned about using your looks/energy as a weapon for survival from an early age. A lot of people are fascinated with the way you handle your home life. You probably give a lot of people fantasies about settling down with you, but they get afraid/intimidated by what that could mean and how that could impact their families (the ones they already have and the ones they hope to have in the future)
-Lilith in 8th: Scorponic themes here. Lilith triggers obsession easily in this house, for both the native and others. Here deep aspects of taboo/shadow desires can be revealed by Lilith’s exposing energy. I feel like this is one of those house placements for Lilith that makes the native have a lot of scandalous experiences in their connections. This is the energy that draws people into you and compels them to do whatever they can to stay with you.
-Lilith in 12th: This points to being on a lot of people’s subconscious minds. Fulfilling a lot of fantasies with the neptunean themes of the house combined with Lilith’s ability to draw out the shadow side of people’s desires. This is also a house that keeps a lot of its energy hidden and tends to hide a lot of people’s reactions to the native, so this is a strong indicator of having secret admirers. Being the girl of their dreams but being relegated to their fantasies.
-Lilith opposition/square Asc: The tension here between the native’s ascendant and Lilith placement creates this energy that’s impactful, too hot to handle even. Many feel intimidated and exposed by your presence alone. You come off as someone that can’t control their own s*x appeal. Untamable in the truest sense, because you can’t even control the energy. When you try to downplay it, it leaks out and makes people suspicious, they assume you must be hiding something and they’re compelled to find out. When you embrace it, you become a force of nature. Like combustion sustained. Many want to compete with you and be the ones to subdue your energy. To be the ones to best you. But they can’t. Not even you can. And it can quickly drive others over the edge. (Sidenote: I feel like this is also the hardest Lilith energy to romanticize, with this placement self awareness becomes one of your most pertinent tools. If you are unaware of yourself this energy can set you in fire, make you outcast yourself or turn manipulative to others due to what you’ve gone through. If you are unaware of others, this can put you in danger because they react in the strongest of ways- instinctively they feel disgust or obsession towards you. It’s a harrowing energy to carry)
-Lilith in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius): This is just a theory of mine, but I’ve noticed that for fixed Lilith signs they often have to find balance to avoid getting obsessed with expressing or repressing their fixed Lilith energy. When others come into play, I feel as though they too get fixated. Fixated with how you present yourself when they know you, fixated on how your energy effects them, stuck on you/how they perceive you in general. This is strongest/most obsessive with Lilith in Scorpio imo.
-Lilith in water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces): I’ve come to interpret Lilith in water signs as having this emotional/subconscious effect. It’s not as explosive as other elements, but it ends up being more permeating. Still waters run deep. The type of connection that leaves you either so emotionally affected or emotionally devastated that you feel it forever. This one never leaves you.
-Lilith in fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius): Nearly the opposite as above, Lilith in fire signs is the effect of that spark- pure heat- and it rarely lasts, that’s the maddening part. If water signs impress upon your subconscious because they’re so emotionally permeating, then fire signs hit you with a huge burst of energy then you’re left chasing that high for ages. It’s the sultry woman you never see again, or the adventurer who ran off before you could tether yourself to them. It’s a burst of that heat and then it’s gone. Or you’re afraid it’ll leave you. The idea is devastating and then you’re even more hooked than you were before.
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-Synastry that can kick off obsession:
-Lilith conjunct their sun/moon/asc: The feeling of meeting someone that illuminates this hidden side of you. Freeing but terrifying. Knowing someone that holds all of this power to draw out the unseen. And how this will play out tends to depend on the maturity of both parties. For Ascendant when it’s positive, the ascendant person feel empowered by the Lilith person to act and react from a place they were too afraid to before, like they could pursue what they desire without shame through this connection. The Lilith person will feel like they have room to take up space and express parts of their expression they couldn't before, they’ll feel more seen and understood. When it’s negative, the ascendant person will resent how the Lilith person expresses themselves, the Asc person will feel envious of the Lilith person’s up front nature and/or the Lilith person will embody traits they deeply resent but are attracted to. The ascendant person can become obsessed with traits the Lilith person has that repels and attracts them. For Sun, when it’s positive the Lilith person will illuminate the Sun person’s hidden drive, the things that motivate them to express their personality in a way that we’re afraid to before, and the Lilith person will feel lighter and brighter in the sun person’s presence and may become more forgiving/less ashamed of their own shadow side. When it’s negative, the sun person will resent the Lilith person’s drive and personality and the sun person will feel the need to compete with and shame the Lilith person. The Lilith person may feel exposed and will become resentful and belittling to the sun person. The sun person can become obsessed with outdoing the Lilith person and attracting more praise/attention than they do. For moon, when it’s positive the moon person can feel like an emotional freedom with the Lilith person, even if there’s an intensity there the moon person can reveal a side of their deepest selves that only really makes sense between them and the Lilith person. The Lilith person can feel nurtured and the rare chance to feel safe while being vulnerable, they’ll feel deeply emotionally at home with moon person. When it’s negative, the moon person can grow codependent and use the Lilith person as an emotional crutch for their shadow side/insecurities, they can feel like the Lilith person expressing themselves is a personal/emotional attack on the moon person and their vulnerabilities. The Lilith person can feel trapped, emotionally appeasing the moon person. The Lilith person can become manipulative and play on this hidden side of the moon person as well. Maybe the most unhealthy out of all of these when it’s an underdeveloped connection. The moon person can become controlling and obsessive over the emotional solace they feel for the Lilith person and they can easily become possessive.
-Lilith harsh aspects (square/opposition/conjunct) to their Venus: The Venus person never imagined they would fall for the Lilith person, the Lilith person is everything they’re ashamed to be romantically attracted to (some sort of taboo like race, age, social class, etc). The Lilith person has embodied temptation for the Venus person and now the Venus person is hooked, not that they’d ever admit it. The whole connection can have this taboo/forbidden feeling to it whether it’s scandalous or not. The Venus person often has some sort of conflict with who they pictured settling down with and who the Lilith person actually is. The Venus person tends to get obsessed when they can’t find that Lilith person in any other romantic options. They still may resist settling down but they’ll keep coming back. (Pro tip: don’t let them use you- but that’s just an -opinion-)
-Lilith harsh aspects to their Mars: Very similar to above but it’s more likely that the connection is more motivated by s*xual chemistry. The mars person clicks on a level of intimacy that they are unable to with almost anyone else with the Lilith person. The Lilith person can feel deeply desired by the mars person, in turn. The mars person will feel exposed by the darker sides of what they crave intimately being brought to light in their connection to the Lilith person. The mars person may feel especially challenged by the Lilith person, in terms of dominance/power/control. No matter the actual dynamics at hand, the mars person may never feel like they have enough control over the connection and this may make them more agitated/competitive with the Lilith person. The mars person can become obsessive over the strength of the connection and feeling powerless over it.
-Lilith harsh aspects to the Moon: Similar to the Venus and Mars aspects, this would have the most emotional motivation out of all of the connections. The Moon person would have an emotional side of themselves exposed by the Lilith person. If they’re the type to never get emotionally attached then suddenly they’re in their feelings about the Lilith person. If they’re trying not to do anything long term, then they’re considering a life with the Lilith person (the inverse could occur too, with Lilith’s tendency to attract scandal). The Lilith person would find their emotions and vulnerability challenged but may express some unseen side of themselves with the moon person. Could lead to a manipulative and codependent connection if both parties are underdeveloped. The moon person may become obsessive over how much depth they had in their connection with the Lilith person, especially if they can’t get that feeling again.
-Lilith squaring/opposing the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th): The Lilith person will challenge the ways the house person lives and perceives the world/operates throughout their lives. Like how they interpret their experiences and perceive things (1st). How they consider their family and their home, and what feels like home (4th). Their attitudes and actions in relationships and partnerships (7th). How their public image is and what their reputation is, and their career and what it means to them (10th). The obsession usually comes from the “you can never go back to how things used to be” feeling that the Lilith person leaves the house person with. Could be expressed as resentment or being bewildered by this new way of seeing/experiencing things.
-Lilith conjunct their 8th house: The Lilith person can quite easily make the house person feel exposed. They can learn what digs deep at the house person and what triggers them. What darkness they’re hiding. What the house person is obsessed with. Easy aspect for a relationship/connection with a lot of power plays.
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noproofread · 5 months
The Captain's Brother (NSFW)
"Take me for one last ride, I'm out of my head tonight. The sound of the waves collide."
aaaah the deftones...
been in a tough writers block for a couple months but this deftones song brought me back to life.
Ace x afab!reader (no pronouns, feminine traits).
straw hat reader. Ace is hitching a ride with the straw hats, reader tries to avoid him. dom ace (kinda sorta), smut with feelings lol, unprotected sex (whoops), light praise.
word count: 1,434
masterlist here
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The Going Merry rocked as the waves moved under the boat. Droplets of water touched your skin as you breathed in the fresh air, watching the blue horizon. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, prompting you to turn. “Need some company?” The orange hat-wearing pirate spoke, smiling slightly as he looked at you. “Don’t mind it.” You replied, turning back to your meditative view. Luffy had introduced him as his brother Ace, although you knew him as Whitebeard’s 2nd division commander “Fire Fist” Ace. You never imagined having a casual conversation with him, but then again you never imagined you’d be sailing with a pirate from the Worst Generation.
“Not a huge talker huh?” Ace attempted to make conversation with you. Admittedly, you were introverted. Not the best thing to be when you’re a pirate but you thrived more behind the scenes instead of front line combat anyway. “Not much to say.” You shrugged. “What? You don’t like me?” He pouted, trying to make you laugh. It got a chuckle out of you. “I’m just a person with few words, Cowboy. My mom always told me I was prettier when I was quiet.” You laughed softly, your eyes glued to the sea moving below. “Well I disagree with your mom.” You could feel Ace’s eyes on you. Fighting the urge to look at him, you waited in silence to hear his reasoning. “I bet you’re pretty when you’re loud.”
You felt your face heat up, surely radiating red from his comment. You immediately found alternate meanings to his words. Loud as in talking, laughing. That’s what he means. You told yourself to rid yourself of any lewd thoughts that had catapulted themselves from the back of your subconscious. Ace laughed loudly. You impulsively smacked the back of his hat. Hitting was your way of flirting, you didn’t know what else to do. Ace fixed his hat and smiled at you. You found yourself giggling and smiling with him. Sure, you thought he was attractive. But Ace was your captain’s brother and the last thing you wanted was to make the energy on the ship awkward. “I’m right, aren’t I?” He held your gaze, you couldn’t look away this time. “About what?” You asked innocently. Ace shook his head, chuckling under his breath. “Gonna make me work for it?” My, he’s bold. But what else could you expect from such a prolific pirate? You thought.
The eye contact between you felt more intense. The thumping of your heart grew louder within your ears. You bit your lip in nervousness. Ace smirked at you, taking one step closer towards you. It was the sound of Luffy’s blaring laugh that disrupted the thick tension forming in the air. Your head snapped in the direction of the cackling. “Is my brother more important?” Ace teased. You smiled, not looking at him. “He is my captain.” You said, earning a chuckle from him. “He wouldn’t mind if you spent a couple minutes entertaining his dear brother though. I should know; I’m the brother.” He reached out and grabbed your chin, making you look at him.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought it would explode. “All I want…” His voice had gone soft as he was now standing mere centimeters from you. “Is to see if I’m right.” His eyes trailed down to your lips as he licked his own. You mustered up the courage to speak. “Right about what?” Your voice came out barely a whisper. “That you’re pretty when you're loud.” The last words spoken in a hurry as he immediately kissed you. His hands traveled towards the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. You felt his body heat radiating as his lips moved with yours. The kiss grew more passionate and your arms had found their way around his neck. “Ugh, get a room. I want to sleep.” Zoro’s voice interrupted the heated moment, making the both of you break away. Ace laughed, his hands still holding on to you. Zoro sat on the floor, leaning against the railing of the Merry as he shooed you both away. Ace took your hand and sprinted towards whatever door was closest.
As soon as that door closed behind you his lips assaulted your neck, leaving a trail of messy kisses behind. You gasped at the contact of his lips against your skin. His hands caressed your arms as you felt him lightly lick and nip at your neck. “Ace” You whispered out, making him return to your eye level. He chuckled, his breath hitting the side of your neck. It made you shiver. You gazed into his eyes, your head spinning from the spontaneous act. The rush of endorphins and adrenaline flowing through your body. You reached up and grabbed his hat, taking it off and placing it onto your head. You saw Ace redden as you adjusted the hat on your head. He bit his lip before grabbing you by the waist.
Ace pulled you close, kissing you deeply before breaking away to look into your eyes. You felt hot, the air around was thick as you both breathed heavily. He gently lifted you off the ground before hoisting you up against a wall, placing himself between your legs. The position he put you in made your arousal dampen your underwear. You moaned softly as he kissed you, one hand roaming freely under your top. With every touch of his fingertips he left behind a trail of fire on your skin. You bucked your hips, signaling to him that you wanted him. The heat of the situation made you forget every excuse you ever had to not approach him. Nothing mattered anymore, you just wanted him.
Ace met your eyes, his pupils were dilated. You didn't need to speak, he understood what your gaze meant. He let you down, allowing the both of you to undress. You felt the cool breeze hit you as you removed your undergarments. Looking up to see Ace admiring your body. He sucked air between his teeth before ravishing you once again. His body flushed against yours. You hopped up, wrapping your legs around his waist. The position alone was enough for a groan of anticipation to escape your lips.
Ace smirked before whispering into your ear. “I’m going to enjoy testing my theory.” With one of his hands he aligned himself with your entrance. Your breath hitched as you felt him lowering you down onto him, his tip almost teasing you. You closed your eyes, focusing on the agonizingly slow feeling of him entering you. You pursed your lips to hold back your moans. “Tsk. Tsk. That won't do.” Ace scolded you, thrusting into you suddenly. “Fuck!” You mewl out. “That's more like it.” He growled, pushing himself deeper into you. He slammed into you, barely allowing you to catch a breath. All you could do was let out whatever noise came out of you. He filled you deliciously. You gripped onto his back, scratching it as he continued. You felt a knot tightening in your stomach. The air filled with lewd sounds from the two of you chasing your high. All you could do was scream out his name as you felt closer to the edge. You felt him twitch inside of you as he climaxed, filling you up with his hot sticky seed. The feeling of him collapsing into you sent you over. You clenched onto him as you rode out your high.
Panting filled the room. The two of you attempted to catch your breath. He pulled out of you, letting you down. Feeling just how wobbly your legs were as soon as your feet hit the ground. Ace caught you right before you fell. You let out a laugh as you found some stability on the rocking boat. You dressed yourself, convinced that the entire crew had heard you. If not everyone then surely Zoro, who was trying to sleep a couple feet away. You turned to give Ace his hat back. He shook his head. “Give it back before I leave. I want you to wear it for now. You look better in it anyway.” He winked, causing a light blush to wash over your cheeks. As you begin to walk out of the room you feel a hand wrap around your wrist, stopping you just outside. “I was right… You're pretty when you're loud.” Ace whispered behind you as he walked past you, leaving you to process his comment. You watched him look back at you. He smiled at you.
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possiblyreallyme · 1 day
Ace's little girlfriend
warning: dirty words, getting caught (sort of?), ace can't be subtle for the life of him.
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The young second division commander was a fun time on the ship, from his stupid pranks to his kitchen raids. He was like the little brother of the crew, despite going on and on about his own younger brother all the time, bragging or just straight up annoying the men with stories.
And he was a flirt, much to the teasing of everyone else. He'd playfully flex his muscles when girls saw them working on the deck, wink across bars when the crew was in a tavern or even scoot just a little closer to the fancy pirate ladies they sometimes met.
It was funny— Of course Marco would have to tease him, of course Thatch would impersonate him at dinner, of course Izo would bat his lashes and "faint" as if Ace was some sort of hunk. And what made it funnier, was that they all knew what he really was.
Poor boy liked to pretend to be some bigshot, but they knew he was nothing more than a nervous virgin, too shy to even hold a girl's hand. It was cute when they asked about all the chicks he'd banged and watch him go bright red, flames licking at his freckled shoulders while he stutters and fumbles over his words.
One time, back on a summer island when Ace was still relatively new, Thatch thought it'd be funny to buy a red thong and place it in Ace's laundry basket to stir up his nerves. And boy, was it the talk of all of Whitebeard's fleets for months.
"Ummm..." If only this situation was as lighthearted as that time.
Ace had the eyes of every man on the ship burning holes into his skin, and he had never wished he wore a shirt more because suddenly the mostly-faded scratches down his back and shoulders felt bright red and exposed.
Marco was stunned into silence, seeing how Ace clutched the small white piece of fabric with a death grip, looking ready to burn it while he kept it in his clenched fist. He had never seen Ace grab something from someone so fast— not even when Luffy's bounty went up and Vista held the wanted poster over his head.
"Son," Whitebeard started slowly, raising an eyebrow from where he sat at his chair, keeping his voice low and suspicious. "Could you tell me why Marco found that up in the crow's nest this morning?"
Mortified, Ace turned a brighter red than the beads of his necklace, stammering over some lame excuse about how it wasn't his! He had just grabbed it out of Marco's hand because, um, it was disrespectful to stare at a lady's undergarments!
Thatch practically snorted; eyes glued to Ace's fist with a playful grin. The situation might have been odd and slightly serious, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
Marco, however, was much more smug than Ace was comfortable with, crossing his arms with a mean curl of his lips as he strode forward.
"Well, it seems our Fire-Fist here does know how to get some pussy." He didn't care how embarrassed it made the young division commander to hear him use such dirty words, especially when Ace himself was known far and wide for his colorful vocabulary.
"I-It's not like that!" Ace all but screamed, voice a little too high-pitched and whiney to convince any of them. He knew damn well it was like that, and it almost made him feel bad to deny that you two had such an amazing night a few hours before.
He wished he had the brains to think of a way out of the situation, blame it on someone that they wouldn't be surprised snuck a girl onto the ship. Part of him wished he could boast, too. Because fuck, last night was something he wouldn't be able to get out of his newly-fucked head.
The fabric was so small, especially in Ace's large hands. Much too dainty and breakable and feminine to belong to anyone on the crew. Even the nurses wouldn't wear something like this, a cute, cotton lace with frilly white edges and a flowery design.
"Ha!!" Thatch couldn't hold it back anymore, encouraging the crew to break out into fits of laughter and snickers and almost childish giggles, which only further Ace's wish to bury himself in a hole and die.
Oh god, he was such an idiot. He should have remembered to pick up your panties before someone saw them, and now he would pay the price.
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retrocesosdestacion · 11 months
ALCOHOLIC LIES. | keira walsh
keira walsh x williamson!reader
genre: minor funny fluff, surprised love.
warnings: leah being made a fool, reader leah's younger sister, without many touches, not a romance-focused fic, drunk r.
notes: finally started writing again, i really wanted to write keira and r totally in love but i didn't have a better idea, soo i just made leah and r fight + defending her girlfriend. request
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: It's okay to date your sister's friend, right? Just keep it a secret... If you can.
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“Every day I fall in love with you more and more. Except yesterday, yesterday you were pretty annoying.”
Earl E. Bird
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❝ Hey, enough of that now, [reader]. ❞ Keira said as she removed the glass of alcohol from your fingers.
Reddened cheeks, sore expressive marks from the smile printed for so long and of course, the smell of the classic beer between the lips.
❝ Just one more round, please. ❞ The sly tone came out deliberately from your mouth, while you firmly grabbed one of the english's arms.
❝ Leave the child. It's been a while since she touched a bottle of alcohol. ❞ Stanway said between chuckles, also drinking.
❝ No?! Leah will kill me if she sees that I let her drink so much. ❞ It was very clear how desperate she was. ❝ And well… You know. ❞
❝ About the fact that she's going to go crazy not just because of this? ❞ The other english asked.
❝ Exactly. ❞
❝ I already said that Leah doesn't have to interfere in my life. ❞ You grumbled at your girlfriend’s negligence.
❝ Don't say it like that... ❞ Walsh was practically defending the english defender's side.
In fact, you were a little to blame for this whole situation and Keira was right. You should have told your sister from the first day you started dating.
And that's been five months.
It could even be a record, you could never keep a secret for that long. One day or another, Leah will find out.
❝ What the fuck are you whispering my name now? ❞ A mature and feminine voice rose from the beginning of the division between the living room and the kitchen.
❝ Nothing of your interest. ❞ You shout louder than usual.
Georgia and Keira burst into giggles at your sudden cheer.
The four of you were in Stanway's apartment, which was one of the main meeting points for drinks almost every weekend.
Leah and you were the famous dynamic duo of sisters, while the blonde english has a very strong personality, you are the complete opposite.
Seriously, it was actually a shock to Stanway when you took on Keira; You had gotten a girlfriend even before your older sister.
You two were also mostly known for fighting a lot; not just on the pitch. The defender is a completely protective woman when it comes to you.
Maybe because of her protective parental instinct; the fear of being hurt or even for reasons that Leah never told you.
And currently, Leah knowing about you and Keira would probably be the worst thing in the world. First, you lied to her and second, you're dating one of her friends.
❝ Gossiping about others is bad, you know? ❞ The older english made fun of your whispering to the girls, while bringing another bowl of snacks and placing it on top of the central table.
❝ I thought you said you didn’t care about other people’s opinions? ❞ You replied back.
❝ Shut up. ❞ Despite everything, Leah sometimes had a typical stupid attitude. ❝ Didn't you say you had already stopped drinking for today? ❞
Leah looked at Keira across the table, indirectly expecting some answer. After all, she was the one in charge of taking care of you.
❝ I tried. ❞ Walsh defended herself.
❝ Can you stop being like this? ❞ Your lips gestured in a sullen tone.
❝ There are two people older than you here and neither can take a drink from you. ❞ Leah was at least right.
❝ She's not seventeen anymore, Leah. ❞ Stanway opined. ❝ And theoretically it is you who should do this. ❞
Keira turned her eyes to you, eyes that conveyed the only understandable message: begging to stop drinking in Leah's company.
Pout with the lower lips, gradually turning into a short smile. Walsh's concern and advocacy was incredibly adorable.
It's a shame you can't give her a kiss in return.
❝ Okay, do whatever you want, then. ❞ The older blonde clearly didn't want to stress about the whole situation. The responsibility is yours from now on.
❝ Sheesh, you are worse than mom. ❞ You bantered.
❝ Fuck you? ❞ Leah grumbled, snacking on a snack from the bowl.
❝ You go. ❞ You countered.
It slowly turned into an exchange of insults, Walsh and Stanway just watched.
❝ You get ridiculously boring when you drink. ❞
❝ And you don't even have to touch alcohol to know that about you. ❞ That clearly must have hurt Leah inside. Mainly because of her open-mouthed expression.
Georgia tried to put an end to this. ❝ Can you two stop— ❞
❝ Get someone to be your personal babysitter before you say anything. ❞ The English defender spoke louder.
❝ I already have it. ❞ You said without thinking twice.
A regretful silence fell in the living room. And within seconds, you realized the shit you had said; your eyes almost explained.
It was very clear the reductive fear and surprise that hit Keira, especially because her face slowly turned towards you, in disbelief at what you said.
Everything went down the drain.
Stanway was different, she giggled. Because she knew exactly what was coming. ❝ Oh, shit. ❞ She murmured between giggles.
❝ Huh? ❞ It was a pretty loud noise, to be realistic. Eyebrows raised, lips half-open, Leah gradually seemed to squint, trying to understand. ❝ How is that? ❞
It took you exactly seven seconds to formulate some justification. ❝ I meant… ❞
❝ …You. ❞ You cleared your throat before saying that.
And Leah clearly didn't buy it.
❝ Shut up, liar. ❞ Williamson slowly came back to reality. ❝ Who? ❞
❝ Who what? ❞ Don't look to Keira, don't look to Keira, don't look to Keira. Play dumb.
❝ Don't act stupid. ❞ Leah replied.
Walsh kept contact with the glass on the table, touching her index finger to the rim of the glass as she begged you not to say anything. The last thing Keira would want was to die in Stanway's messy apartment.
Leah looked at Georgia. What no one told you is that Stanway can't keep secrets in front of Williamson. ❝ Did you know that? ❞
❝ Yes…? ❞ She replied.
And the defender looked at you again. Now worse, you told everyone in your social circle except Leah.
❝ You too? ❞ Referencing Walsh.
Anyone could confirm that she was very nervous. She avoided contact at first instance, and as Keira was at your side; her free fingers played with yours, anxiously under the table.
She just nodded in agreement.
❝ Why didn't you fucking tell me? ❞ Leah grumbled in her own way.
❝ Because you would be harassing me my whole life. ❞ You answered for Keira. In the first few weeks from now on, Williamson will make fun of you a lot. ❝ And you are very threatening. ❞
❝ No, I'm not. ❞ She defends herself. You were turning Leah into a children's story villain.
You looked back at Keira. The alcohol was like a river in your body, alcohol was so effective that it made you the most shameless person in the world. And you must do this.
❝ It's Keira. ❞ You gestured your lips without any fear.
Eyes wide, eyebrows raised and so scared that she seemed to have heard the worst thing in the world; what it actually had been. ❝ What?! ❞
It had been so sudden that Walsh didn't believe it the first time. You crossed your arm around her neck, bringing her closer to you.
If Leah had the onset of a heart attack, you can be sure she would have had an attack right then and there. It wasn't like she didn't like you dating, in fact, Williamson was just afraid of the consequences.
But the fact that Walsh's name was mentioned instead of someone stupid or unknown relieved Leah.
The english defender knew her, which meant she also had knowledge of her previous relationships. And to be honest, Keira Walsh was the best person to date.
However, at the moment, this information was not very useful. Especially when your field of vision only had Leah in shock.
❝ Are you fucking my sister? ❞ Williamson desperately released the words from his lips.
❝ Fucking is a very bad word. ❞ Keira murmured back.
Again, silence remained in the middle of the table. Stanway just blatantly watched the three of you argue, you hugged Walsh with one arm and Leah seemed to think about her words.
❝ Fine. ❞ Leah said with an understandable intonation.
❝ Fine? ❞ You questioned back, after all, such an attitude from your sister was the least expected.
❝ It could be worse, for example, if it were Geo. ❞ This caused Stanway to choke on her own drink, forcing the glass onto the table.
❝ Hey! ❞
Leah stretched her arms and laid her back completely on the floor, grunting, probably tired from all this.
You looked first at Stanway, who still seemed affected by the blonde's comment, wiping her mouth; your eyes moved to Keira's face, giving her a victorious smile.
Your arm used to pull your girlfriend away, slowly moving towards Walsh's long fingers and intertwining them. ❝ You was the only one who didn't know, but now everything is great. ❞ You reported it.
❝ What? Was I the last to know? Why always me?! ❞ Leah stood up so quickly that her knees hit the bottom of the table.
❝ To be honest, I was going to tell you once, but you never have patience. ❞ Keira replied. ❝ And you would probably hit me with a chair for dating [reader]. ❞ The english bantered, but there was a little truth in her speech.
❝ No, never! I just think it's funny that you started dating before me. ❞ Leah said pointing at you. ❝ Anyway, I hope you don't do anything bad. ❞ Williamson spoke in a not-so-enthusiastic tone indirectly to you know who.
Walsh was finally able to rest her face on the side of your neck, crossing one of her arms over yours for support. ❝ You've known me for years! It feels bad to say something like that to me. ❞ She murmured.
The three of them laughed, it was the typical humor of long-time friendships that you weren't used to yet.
Leah coming to terms with your relationship was a huge relief. You placed a peck on the top of Keira's head before hugging her. ❝ We should celebrate Leah not killing us… You know. ❞ You sounded like a drunk.
❝ This is just an excuse to drink more, right? ❞ Yes, exactly. Stanway was right.
Williamson rolled her eyes before pushing the last bottle of beer onto the table. ❝ Ask your babysitter for permission. ❞
❝ Leah! ❞
❝ What? ❞ The defender said between laughs.
❝She's not my babysitter. ❞
Of course, Keira Walsh no longer needed to hide behind the playful nicknames that Leah always gives. After all, she was now your girlfriend; no more secrets.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
You Don’t Send A Man To Do A Woman’s Job
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x F! Reader
Summary: Heavily Inspired by the Fast Furious scene with Gal Gadot. While trying to figure out how to get intel on Makarov Y/N’s quick thinking & feminine ways help gain that intel much to surprise to Soap
Warnings: Sexual themes, seduction, mentions of female body parts
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Being in the military definitely had it pitfalls sometimes it could mean sitting in a remote shack for days or even not having running water. But it definitely did have its perks. This was one of them. Drinking frozen Margaritas in the Bahamas Y/N, Soap, & Gaz all stood around a high top table staring at a group of Russians. They were given a tip that some of Makarov’s men were on vacation here. Soap & Gaz were bickering over what was the best way to gain intel off of them. Ghost & Captain Price were planted on the roof of the resort god forbid things went south.
“And how do you propose we do that? We can’t exactly just plant a device wherever we wanted to.” Soap replied with attitude. Gaz rolled his eyes & before he could even respond Price came over the radio.
“Oi knock it off you two!” He shouted. “Figure a plan out and let us know.” He sounded beyond frustrated & rightfully so. Y/N kept staring at them brainstorming ways she herself could be of assistance. Then she saw a very attractive blonde woman flirt with the armed guards outside of the cabana. It clearly drew attention to her & the the Russians invited her in. She plopped herself down onto one of their laps & accepted one of their drinks. A light bulb went off in her head.
“Guys.” She said trying to gain their attention. They started to bicker again & completely ignored her. “Soap? Gaz?” She tried again to no avail. “Fuck it, I’m going in Captain. Just make sure you’re recording their conversations.” She said into her hidden ear piece & whipped off her leopard coverup to reveal a cheeky red bikini. As she started to walk away both Soap & Gaz stopped talking.
“Steamin’ Jesus.” Soap said. Ghost & Price both chucked at the expense of his reaction. Everyone knew Soap had a thing for you it was so incredibly painfully obvious to everyone except you. He couldn’t help but admire the way your bikini bottoms hugged your ass or the fact your toned legs stretched on for miles. He licked his lips at the sight.
As she walked towards the cabana she gained some unwanted attention from men scattered all over the pool, but it didn’t phase her. She was on a mission & was determined. Once she made it to the cabana she started to flirt with the armed guards. With her breasts pushed up in her bikini top & her famous smile she had gained the attention of one of the Russians.
“It’s fine Ivan, let the beautiful American woman in.” One of the men said. “Come sit.” He beckoned her to come in & sit down. She sat on the arm of his chair & he immediately grabbed a handful of her ass. Then he said made a remark to his friend in Russian about how good your ass felt. To his knowledge you had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. But after being part of the US Army’s psychological warfare division Russian was one of five language you knew.
Back at the high top, Soap was ready to fight the man who grabbed you. Gaz almost had to physically restrain him.
“Think of the mission, Soap.” He reminded him. Soap grumbled to himself & started to mope into his drink. Over the next hour she had gained some of the most important intel about weapons, imports, exports, hell the whole operation. Soon the Russians started to get up to excuse themselves for dinner.
The man she had been sitting with, whom she come to know as Andrei invited her to dinner. She accepted even though she wouldn’t be attending. A small piece of her felt bad for lying. But she quickly reminded herself these men were war criminals. They profited off of the murder of children, women, & families. Once all of them were gone she walked back over to the high top where Soap & Gaz were.
Soap took the time to take in the sight of her walking towards them. Her breasts bouncing with each step, & the way her hips swayed. He was undressing her with his eyes & imagined her without that damn red bikini. Once she reached the table she put the cover up back on covering her body.
“So how much intel did you gain?” Gaz asked.
“More then we needed.” She replied.
“I have to ask, how on the Earth did you accomplish that?” Soap asked. She turned to him & smirked.
“It’s easy MacTavish, you don’t send a man to do a woman’s job.” She replied.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 month
I kind of don't want to step into this and it's an awkward position for a trans woman to take, but I really don't think that gender should exist. At all.
Like, you get these posts about how you shouldn't think that masculinity is by definition toxic or dominating and I can see where they're coming from and that a lot of very bad arguments have been developed taking that as their premise, and i certainly don't think that to be a man/to be male is to be dominating, but also, I kind of think that like: masculinity *is* dominating? Like, masculinity and femininity are not innocent constructs, they're a sort of social caste based on the allotment of societal roles (based originally around reproduction, I think, but then it gets kind of fuzzy around the edges (i live in the fuzziness around the edges; hello)) and they are very much arranged hierarchically with masculinity in the dominant position and femininity in the subdominant one. And I mean, you can try to reform masculinity (and femininity), you can try to set them on an equal level, you can try to abandon the hierarchical assumption that's kind of baked into them and just say "yes there are different gender roles but they're equal to one another", and you might even be able to succeed.
But like...why bother? If there isn't a dominance hierarchy, then why should there be gender roles at all? Why should there be "masculinity" and "femininity" at all? Why should there remain even a vestigial impulse to say "you're a girl; girls do these things"/"you're a boy; boys do these things"? Why not just say, "here's the full list of ways that humans can be, behaviours that humans can emulate, clothes that human bodies can wear, parts that human bodies can have, activities that humans can partake in, roles that humans can play; now mix and match!"?
Like I'm obviously not blaming anyone for identifying themselves with a particular gender as a means of having a collective/staying alive/staying sane in a society that's already gendered to the gills (lord knows that's what I'm doing), but like...wouldn't it be nice if we just...didn't have to? Like, if there were no men and there were no women and there were no males and there were no females and we could all just exist as pure, liquid potentiality with no artificial (or even "natural") borders or hierarchies or divisions at all between us?
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moonchild033 · 2 months
Aswini Nakshatra 🐎❤
Nakshatra ruler: Ketu 😌😃
Symbol: Horse 🐎💕
Ever wondered why people with the same star can be so different and their lives too? Here's a short intro to aswini nakshatra observations in all the four padas (Divisions). 🤧💙
This post is for your moon sign's nakshatra. Refer the planetary details table in your vedic chart, find out which pada your aswini moon falls in. Hope u enjoy the read! 🤩❤
General Observation🤗:
Aries people are short tempered and outgoing but Aries moons born in Aswini star are more reserved and focused into their own work. They rarely share their issues even with their best friends or close people. They usually have the habit of isolating themselves when things go wrong. They can be in a relationship with someone who is authoritative or famous in their field- Like a politician's sister or a famous company owner's close friend.
🧡Pada 1🧡
Pada 1 gets vargottama as the moon falls in the same aries house in d9 chart too. Individuals born in this pada can become surgeons, work in healthcare or in scientific research. Transport business can benefit them in gaining more money. Their parents could've suffered financial losses after their birth or their mom could've got sick. They generally avoid talking too much, they're much better listeners and answers back in single sentences. Their friends could get annoyed with them because of their isolating tendencies and one word answers.
💚Pada 2💚
Pada 2 aswini moon falls in Taurus in D9 chart. They're the most different among the people born in this star. They always keep themselves presentable, try to find more ways for multiple incomes, and can be self-centered at times. They love attention and compliments for their looks or dressing style, spend money on luxury or beauty products and often treat themselves to make themselves happy always lmao (like going to spa or buying chocolates for no reason). Their mom can be controlling, they love their mother so much and often have difficulty in disobeying or doing something opposite to their saying. They can obtain wealth or support from mom's side relatives. Food products, agriculture and makeup industry related businesses can be beneficial for them. They have a very sweet or flattering way of speaking and some people are talented singers too. Few of them can experience anxiety or a confused mental state where they have difficulty in making/sticking to a decision. (Sorry that I wrote comparatively more for this Pada, I just know more about this one lol).
💙Pada 3💙
I'm feeling sad for this pada. These people can undergo so many ups and downs in their lives from childhood. As the moon falls in Gemini in d9 for this pada, the moon is an enemy to Gemini's ruler mercury and the moon falls in the 12th house from its own house cancer, these natives face many struggles and can be mentally drained or exhausted most of the time. Their mom's side relatives won't be supportive and can possibly be involved in back biting. Very few people can even lose their mom at the end of ketu mahadasha (This doesn't necessarily have to mean de*th, it can also be separation), if other planetary placements are not positively aspecting the moon ( Don't take this to ur heart, whole chart must be analyzed before saying anything, this was just an observation). It is better to avoid business and to work in companies, you sure will reach a higher position. They're warriors, they come out successful in their career after facing lots of competition.
💗Pada 4💗
Moon falls in it's own sign in Cancer in d9 chart for this pada. They are blessed with a good education, they can even study up to a PhD or more than that. Their mom can be very affectionate, family oriented, protective and an epitome of embodying feminine qualities to the core. They are often seen as cheerful or bubbly, they have an unwavering mindset, not changing their decisions often. If they want to have a side business, they can try their hands on water related businesses like aquaculture or milk supply.
Note: People born with their moon in aswini nakshatra should check for the strength of their Venus placement. Venus Mahadasha (Major planetary period) is for 20 years and they will get it during their crucial age from school to career or sometimes till marriage. Hence if it's afflicted, their peak life stage can be with ups and downs. 😌💛
One more note: Please don't feel bad if you read any negative points. I do not want to sugarcoat/hide anything, at the same time, do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. We all have ups and downs, it's just one placement, your whole chart decides your fate, this is just for knowledge. *Sending positive vibezzz only* ❤😍❤
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Feel free to comment down your thoughts/questions! 🤗
Let's Learn and Grow Together 💅💋
With Love- Yashi ❤⚡
Here's my Masterlist! 💖
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Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are all separating factors in a horoscope, but it is Rahu that makes it most difficult for a person to identify themselves with the traits of a given planet in their lives. The full awareness of it comes to them only around Rahu maturation (age 42). At the same time there is an overidentification with the Ketu planet.
So the person can easily admit to but be internally dissatisfied through their Ketu but be unaware how much they have already developed in their Rahu and be secretly more skilled there than they, or anyone else, can realize.
This can be easily summed up as many planets are ruled by 2 zodiac signs. Naturally, the state of the planet will depend on its condition in one’s chart. The condition will also become extra intense if a planet is in the same house as Rahu (even the loosest conjunction as it is the sign dispositor that matters). That can easily become contradictory, as I can prove to you with the example of my chart.
I have Rahu in Sagittarius, but I have Mercury conjunct my Rahu and Venus loosely too if you adapt the Bhava Chalita interpretation. That creates an interesting contradiction where I use my Ketu skills to channel Rahu. Since Jupiter is the Divine element in every one of us, I tend to always underestimate my gifts, spiritual, creative, intellectual. It takes other people praising me a lot to realize that I can actually handle more things in life than I think, and I have achieved and manifested so much versatility. But my default comfort zone is to just say “I study a lot”.
Below I will give you a brief list on how this will manifest for each Rahu in general.
Aries and Scorpio will make Rahu oblivious to one’s qualities of Mars and overly rely on qualities of Venus. The person will underestimate their own drive and courage and contribution and ability to set a life direction and give credit, attention or even command to others, before realizing their own leadership and active action abilities.
Taurus and Libra will make one’s Rahu unaware of their Venusian skills, thinking they achieved it all through grit of character as there is an over-reliance on Mars, but in reality they have developed more softness and wisdom of natural laws than they know. That connection to people and nature has transformed them as they learn unity instead of division.
Gemini and Virgo are said to be the best points of Rahu as influence of Jupiter on Ketu is so lucky. However, these people tend to take their skills for granted. They often receive so much they think they’re just lucky and they don’t notice till way later that they have actually practiced a lot of things and developed a lot of experience in what they have aptitude for, and thus they have reached a certain substantial worldly level of achievement purely by their own means.
Cancer and Leo Rahu share the trouble of developing their royal divine masculine or Feminine side, as their comfort zone is Saturn, the practical, neuter planet that judges everything by results only. What these natives don’t understand is that there is an inherent magic and kingly and queenly qualities inside every man and woman, that are inborn and deserve to be claimed without needing work or pain.
Sagittarius and Pisces Rahu overly rely on their intellect to problem solve life, as they were most probably praised for these abilities naturally and encouraged to develop it since childhood. What they don’t see is how much more courage it takes for them to develop faith, when no one ever told them that it’s a good idea to have it, and God and Destiny are very real forces operating within our lives. Sometimes you just have to leave something to fate and it doesn’t mean failure, and all of us are more lucky than we even know. Rahu there underestimates the luck factor in life. They also underestimate their divine creativity, that comes from the heart, not the mind.
Capricorn and Aquarius will make Rahu project a lot of their issues on parental figures, as the Sun and the Moon represent the Father and the Mother. Depending on other factors in chart, that can be blame for delay in progress or gratitude for their parents’ help, even a guilt or inferiority complex, that makes them erase their long patient hard work. What’s lacking is the acknowledgement and appreciation of one’s own skill in long term building and overcoming obstacles.
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carefulfears · 1 year
thinking tonight about how much has been written over the past 30 years about the x files' subversion of gender roles, mulder as a 90s sci-fi hero who is the more emotional and open of the two, who cries on screen regularly, who is empathetic to a fault and deeply devoted to helping the vulnerable. scully as the rational one, the science brain, the person who is taken seriously. the unique view of a relationship to the paranormal and occultism, which, from its rise in the 1940s, was originally viewed as feminine and something irrational that women were comforted by. and how all of this is true and interesting but, to me, none of it is the biggest marker of gendered experiences in their characters.
at the end of the day, their characters both respond exactly as men and women in our society do, in the ways that they respond to violence.
mulder, in his mid-20s, started at the FBI working in the violent crimes division
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where his profiling abilities, his way of being able to get into the mind of a killer, were revered
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it's also where, in his words, he first saw monsters.
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this show always deeply understood that the scariest monsters were not the vile creatures, they were violent men, and some of the most memorable villains on the show (john lee roche, luther boggs, john barnett) are resurfaced serial killers that mulder previously caught in his violent crimes days.
but mulder's background is in behavioral science, and he always wants to understand what makes someone how they are
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and his positive worldview requires him to view every act of evil as the consequence of a larger cause, as not being senseless
which is why he wants to believe that men who are killing women are only doing so out of a biological imperative to survive
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or out of a misguided attempt to SAVE them
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meanwhile, scully is affected by the brutalization of women on an emotional level.
she hangs back at the crime scene and the police station to compose herself, while the men she's working with march up to a woman's desecrated corpse
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she knows that even when mulder is right, even when the killer is acting out of a biological need for survival
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that doesn't make it any better
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because the impact on the women that he brutalized is more than physical, it's more than biological, it's more than any rational reasoning that he might have behind why he did it
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she knows that it doesn't matter
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and she doesn't need to try to understand. she doesn't need to know what the killer's reasoning is.
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she already knows why men brutalize women
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she's experienced it, she doesn't need to study it.
(you can read the second part of this post here)
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tradgays · 4 months
The Necessity of Hierarchy in Gay Relationships: Embracing Tradgay Dynamics
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Gay relationships, much like their heterosexual counterparts, require effort and dedication to thrive. However, amidst the quest for equality and modernity, an essential aspect of partnership often gets overlooked: hierarchy. Establishing a clear structure within a gay relationship can be a game-changer, promoting harmony, growth, and intimacy. One type of relationship that exemplifies the benefits of hierarchy is the tradgay dynamic.
Tradgay relationships involve a deliberate adoption of traditional gender roles, with the alpha male assuming a dominant position and the beta male adopting a submissive role. This reversal of modern norms might seem counterintuitive, but it can lead to a profoundly satisfying and balanced partnership.
In tradgay relationships, the alpha male embodies characteristics commonly associated with traditional masculinity: strength, decisiveness, and protection. He takes on a guiding role, leveraging his logical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate life's challenges. Conversely, the beta male taps into his feminine side, offering emotional support, nurturing, and caregiving. This division of labor allows each partner to shine in their respective domains.
A crucial aspect of tradgay relationships lies in the distinction distinction between masculine and feminine intelligence. While these terms are often misunderstood, they refer to different cognitive styles and aptitudes, rather than inherent gender traits.
Masculine intelligence tends to prioritize logic, analysis, and strategic thinking, whereas feminine intelligence emphasizes empathy, creativity, and interpersonal connection. In a tradgay relationship, the alpha male typically exhibits more masculine intelligence, while the beta male leans towards feminine intelligence. This dichotomy creates a rich dynamic, as each partner complements the other's strengths and weaknesses.
The importance of submission and obedience in tradgay relationships cannot be overstated. When the beta male submits to the alpha's guidance, he signals trust, respect, and a willingness to learn. This surrender allows the alpha to assume responsibility, providing direction and protection for the relationship. In turn, the beta is freed to focus on nurturing and supporting his partner, ensuring their emotional well-being.
Submission is not tantamount to weakness or subservience; rather, it's an empowered choice that acknowledges the alpha's strengths and expertise. By embracing obedience, the beta male grows as an individual, developing humility and self-awareness. He learns to quiet his ego and rely on his partner's counsel, ultimately becoming a better partner and person.
Critics might argue that this dynamic is regressive or heteronormative, but that overlooks the agency and autonomy involved in choosing a tradgay relationship
choosing a tradgay relationship. Both partners willingly enter into this dynamic, recognizing the benefits of a hierarchical structure. In fact, research suggests that couples with a clear power dynamic tend to report higher relationship satisfaction and stability.
Embracing tradgay principles can also help mitigate conflicts and resentments common in modern relationships. By establishing clear roles and expectations, couples avoid unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings. The alpha male's guidance provides a sense of security and direction, while the beta male's support fosters emotional intimacy.
Furthermore, tradgay relationships offer a refreshing respite from the performative aspect of modern dating. Without the pressure to conform to egalitarian ideals, couples can focus on building a genuine connection based on mutual respect, trust, and admiration.
In conclusion, the importance of hierarchy in gay relationships cannot be overstated. Tradgay dynamics, with their emphasis on submission and obedience, provide a framework for healthy partnerships that honor individual strengths and weaknesses. By recognizing the value of masculine and feminine intelligence, couples can cultivate deeper connections and build stronger bonds.
It's time to reclaim the beauty of hierarchal relationships and celebrate the diversity of human connection. By embracing our true selves and desires, we can forge meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment to all parties involved.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
AG: Tavros, you give confidence a 8ad name. I gave you all the chances in the world to earn it, to earn REAL confidence, and you failed.
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Pictured: Vriska giving Tavros 'a chance to earn real confidence'.
AG: You couldn't even do the one little thing I asked you to! The one thing that would have made you man up once and for all.
'Man up' is a funny idiom for a troll to use. We've occasionally seen trolls fall into human gender stereotypes, but it's quite rare, and always sticks out like a sore thumb.
There's an interesting conversation to be had about troll genders. With a reproductive cycle so different to ours, their gender framework will inevitably be different as well. Yes, there are male and female trolls - but what do male and female actually mean to a troll?
On Earth, your assigned gender carries cultural baggage which simply wouldn't exist on Alternia. Assigned gender plays no role in reproduction, nor does it influence household division of labor, since trolls don't have households.
Gender aside, do trolls have a concept of masculine and feminine? Beyond a few stray idioms, the only evidence I can find is their clothing styles. We haven't seen any male trolls rocking a skirt - not yet, at least.
tl;dr: 'Man up' is a cultural can of worms. I think that was probably unintentional, though, and I think we're supposed to interpret that line as if a human spoke it. Vriska's calling Tavros a wimp, which is business as usual.
AG: So instead you flew away and cried, and decided to sleep away your sorrow for the rest of the adventure.
Tavros already alluded to this incident during his conversation with Jade. I guessed that Vriska would be involved, but that was a bit of a no-brainer.
Vriska's trying to frame Tavros as pathetic, but it sounds like he actually put his foot down, flat-out refusing to participate in whatever she had planned. Much like the FLARP incident, this sounds like a victory for Tavros, even if she's convinced him otherwise.
AG: Do you have any idea how sick that made me? Everything a8out you makes me sick.
He rejects your advice. He rejects your advances. His lusus cared for him. He was allowed to be kind, and accepts kindness from others. He doesn't care about winning, but he never lets you win. No matter how much you torment him, he refuses to get any stronger, which means your mindset might be wrong.
'Sick' would be an understatement.
AG: Your plan to control her lusus really wasn't a 8ad idea! AG: And using your a8ility to "save her life" (lol) was a pretty good way to test how effective your powers are across sessions. [...] AG: Practicing your a8ilities is important, so when it comes down to using them for something that really matters, you know you're ready for prime time. AG: I know this first hand. AG: I got lots and lots and LOTS of practice with your little guinea pig friend. ::::D
So that's why Jade was constantly napping? That can't have been good for her brain.
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AG: The catch is it's not going to work! [...] AG: You couldn't sic the guardian on Noir even if you were inclined. Not even if I were to MAKE you inclined! :::;)
Like I said before, it's really Vriska who can control First Guardians.
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AG: 8ecause you are dealing with a pro here. I already thought of that. AG: I thought of everything! AG: The guardian is not going to attack the agents who engineered him in the first place. AG: Or who I should say were "encouraged" (lol) to engineer him.
Why the fuck would you do this?
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When Vriska prototyped Bec, she explained that the event was mandated by the Alpha Timeline, so she didn't make anything worse by causing it. I don't agree with her argument, but I do understand her logic.
This is different. Up until now, there has been no evidence that Bec can't harm Agents. Vriska had no prophecy to fulfil, and no reason to believe that this was required to preserve the timeline. Yes, now we know it's baked into the timeline, but only because Vriska wanted it.
Having Bec help with Jack was a really good idea, and removing the option to do so helps no one. Where's the benefit?
AT: wHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, AG: Tavros, at this point it should 8e o8vious. AG: I am the unseen hand 8ehind every major event in their session, and to some extent, their whole lives. AG: At least those events not happening 8y the volition of their own natural incompetence! AG: Don't you think this is how it should 8e? Shouldn't the greatest player leave her fingerprints on every step of the rise to power of her ultim8 nemesis?
I know Vriska likes to feel in control, but this is ridiculous.
Inserting yourself into Alpha loops is one thing, but nerfing Bec when you don't have to is straight-up sabotage. Couldn't she just stick to micromanaging John's outfits?
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AG: I have every angle covered already. The human session is on full Serket lockdown. Any effort you make to disrupt my plans will 8e laugha8le, just like everything you have ever done in your life. AG: The only thing left to do now is prepare to kill Jack myself, and save everyone's ungrateful asses.
Oh my god, I think I've cracked it.
Vriska thinks she's the only one with the right to kill Jack.
She describes him as her ultimate nemesis, which reeks of main character syndrome. Bec isn't important enough to kill Jack, so she eliminated him as an option. It has to be her, the most powerful Player, who's gained all the levels, because that is how these things are done.
It's not just ego, either - there's a deeper motivation at play. If Vriska doesn't beat Jack, she doesn't win - and if she doesn't win, then what was all that abuse were all those challenges for? What was the point?
In Vriska's head, Jack needs to be her nemesis. She needs to be destined to kill him - because if she is, then everything she went through was justified. She'll have secured her position as the most powerful Player of all, and she'll never have to be jealous of anyone again - least of all that wimp with his sweet little fairy lusus. They're all weak, and she's strong.
If she doesn't kill Jack, she's a loser.
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And losers may as well be dead.
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pointless-discourse · 6 months
homestuck characters as related to trans stuff
head canon
closeted repping tgirl who will likely not realize she's trans until after 16
avoids mirrors, unhappy with appearance but tries to avoid looking at it
gets dressed in the dark
once she comes out she's gonna dress like the most hideous anime girl for the first few months
like goes HAM
her fav nerd shirts paired with a weird fucking skirt but eventually it looks really good just because of how much time she spends on it now that she likes how she looks
cool cis guy that will respect the pronouns
will treat people the same regardless of transness
goes down the transfem nonbinary any pronouns route in mid 20s
unfathomably chill
divisive subject. either cool nerdy tgirl or closeted trans guy
tgirl jade puts a lot of effort into dressing for the sake of mirrors
doesn't necessarily look GOOD (ultranerd furry island social recluse) but she looks intresting
however tgirl jade doesn't voicetrain and not only is her voice kinda clocky but also very hoarse from lack of use
closeted transguy/transmasc nonbinary jade is very online and performative feminine stuff until he realizes in his late teens he's trans
does not learn what trans is until late teens, very in sheltered parts of the internet despite being very online
was out online years before he came out irl
third option: chill cis girl who, during
no hate to rose she is one of my top three characters in all of homestuck but she is very terf vibes
she spends a lot of time "debating" with trans people online (harassment) and frequents a lot of terf forums
i think that after a few years of earth c and maybe meteorstuck she grows past it and eventually to her it's not a fight she's proud to be the lead general of but a phase she's really embarassed of, much like her other silly 13 year old traits
i also really like tgirl rose, not for character basis but i think its cool and i (obviously) love trans headcanons
i am very divided between ftm and cis guy.
cis guy karkat is cool, he's very much just some guy who's comfortable in his "girly" hobbies and, while isn't really tied into his physical appearance, isn't dysphoric and is just a little insecure
however: humanstuck karkat will always be trans in my mind, just for the persecution bit, although i would also buy ethnically-middle-eastern adopted into a white american family karkat
he'd be a truscum or just kinda shitty to nonpassing trans people i think, we've seen how many alternian empire boots he licks so conforming to the status quo as a pick-me minority is not above him
again i think he would grow out of it in his later teen years/early 20s (like in the comic) but i don't ever see humanstuck karkat escaping the eternal shame that kind comes with being trans
ily weird unnerving tgirl aradia she is like so that to me. she reminds me of the boymoder NEET memes i see chronically online trans girls on reddit posting
but also i do equally enjoy weird girlboss cis girl aradia
either way she is far too etheral to be bothered with gender stuff
like you could come out to her with sixteen hard to pronounce xenos, pass so badly you unearth masculinity/feminity so prominent it burns to the touch, and she would not give a single fuck. and she would never mess up with pronouns and shit
i see her as a hardcore deep deep in the closet repper tgirl as like a core part of my interpretations and yet i can never imagine her coming out
like i just see her boymoding forever
not really? like i think it would happen eventually i just can't visualize it
hypothetically i could see her being one of those cool goth girls named lilith but it seems very removed from the original starting point
repping tgirl or amab nonbinary or just plain cis
either way still horrifically greasy and that will never change
there is no self reflection that will even vaguely incentivize sollux to maintain his hygeine
cis girl
maybe comes out as ftm in 20s? if trans, i could also see nepeta repping till death
like just a weird cis girl who is like "oh, you're trans? just like in my warrior cats rp discord server!"
again, gives more of a fuck about gender than aradia but it is close
she just cares if you will listen to her talk about her ships and art
nepeta is the type of person where it might take her a while get the new name and stuff right
but she would be your staunch defender
eh? nothing strong here, i don't really have a hc for her
but there is a lot of mtf symbolism in the comic and i do enjoy that
like a socially awkward youngshit who's not out to many people because she can't really bring herself to correct people in public but still has a really passing voice even after first coming out
bad facial dysphoria
do like her as intersex. feels right
no genders, all the genders, new genders, old primal genders, everything
both simultaneously afab and amab but not intersex?
the living embodiment of androgyny
probably has a very long list of neos/xenos but is any pronouns
you cannot misgender her. hes too cool.
transgirl transgirl transgril
literally not even a headcanon at this point vriska is a trans girl and that is that!!!!!!!!
if you disagree im kickng your ass so hard it comes out of your mouth. your days are numbered and that number is 0. (not 8 :( )
option one: cis gymbro chaser.
he sleeps with trans men to steal their t shots
in the streets he'll occasionally say the weird shit but i know he'd be crankin his hog to futa/cuntboy shit by night
option two: trans girl
never comes out because of insecurity but indulges in long hair and the occasional skirt in private and then feels really bad about it
option three: insane roided trans man
t gave him big muscles and big sex drive
option three poiont 5.
racist sexist homophobic nonbinary
like drops the most despicable shit in conversation and finsihes it off with "my pronouns are actually they/them), like one of those nazi femboys
does not gaf
cis (? idk) guy who is fine with any pronouns and crossdresses for fun
i guess not technically cis? but still identifies as a man when it comes down to it. like barely guy
cis girl who is a little infantilizing
if you're transfem she will give you makeup tips
but still a little hugboxy
"oh no you totally pass even though you're 8'100 and have a full beard! women come in all shapes and sizes!" (not shitting on the made up trans girl here, passing is fucking hard and it has no bearing on personal worth)
jane is a repping/closeted trans man and you can pry this from my cold dead hands
the mustache? the projection onto only male figures?
also i think its fun with jane's ties to the girls-only fuchsiablood club that he ends up a dude
also st4t janeroxy my beloved
gonna be honest here no strong leanings
i am a firm believer that estrogen would save her but i dont really think of dirk as anywhere on the gender spectrum
maybe just cis dirk? i could buy cis dirk
one one hand i would like the transmasc rep being not restricted to hairless twinks and i would enjoy ftm jake that way
transmasc nonbinary jake is an insane concept to me but i do find myself intrested
a little iffy on the trans headcanons (especially transmasc) because a big part of the concept of jake english is that he's a big strong man who takes on the literary role of an objectified girl character and having him be
ex twinkhon femboy now BDD gigapassoid
literally one of the most gorgeous trans women you will ever meet
creating e substitutes in her laboratory since age 12
again not even those most immersed in trans culture and the ways of clocking would be able to tell thats how good she is
her speaking patterns hail solely from those cutesy minecraft/unboxing youtubers she religiously watched as a small child
however she is fully convinced that she doesn't pass for shit so she believes that every genuine complement and people treating her like a woman is just them being nice
she'll attempt to boymode and go "stealth" in scenarios where she doesn't want to be visibly trans but it fucking backfires because everyone assumes she's ftm
trans man with literally no basis because my dirk-themed friend is also a trans man
4channer transman robotics nerd dirk my beloved
transfem ig? or cis woman
very girl adjacent
idk i dont think about the dancestors much
cis man
MAYBE trans man
i am also cool with that
cis man
MAYBE transfem nonbinary
trans man because very few cis men were tumblr "SJW"s
and he reminds me of of some chronically online trans guys i used to hang around
also hes very fuckign petite and girls and feminend and twinky dinky and im just projecting my dysphoria onto him sorrie kankri fans
cis fujo girl
when she discovered trans men she was like 'YAAAAAS MPREG'
will respect your pronouns and shit but is VERY HORNY
lowkey chaser that will also date cis people
two choices: cool goth transbian or lesbian terf
cool goth transbian is the nice one. first off, she looks a lot like some transfem transition goals ive seen online.
second, cool feminist could also be trans rights and trans people are kinda forced into being political
third, being flat as a board could also be interpreted as her just not having tits (tho she does seem like the type to DIY HRT)
TERF porrim (correct): first, a lot of "feminists" turn out to be bitchy to trans people
second, her activism for groups she's a part of and groups she likes is good, but she really infantilizes kankri, and considering that's the beforan equivalent of hemoracism, if trans people didn't fit her motto she would not hesitate to shit on them
cis girl. maybe she/they
trans girl serkets trans girl serkets
would also buy cis girl that makes you wonder if she's actually a repressed ftm because some of her actions are a littttttttle suspicious
cis man who ends up hanging out with a lot of trans women anyway due to shared intrests in hyperpop and furry stuff
again very respectful, very small chance that he's chaser-y
i honestly do not know and this isnt because i dont really care about his character, it just evades me
transcends gender
could be cis woman, fuck if i know. i'd buy that
all and neither a gender above our human comprehension
trans man that proves tboys are real men because they can be just as creepy and awful as cis men
thinks him being trans means he's immune to all types of discrimination
uses it a pity point/to get out of stuff
maybe tgirl? idk
may just be cis
possibly transmasc nonbinary
tho i lean mostly towards cis woman whos gnc and actually cool with trans peopel (be aware she will still groom them tho)
equal opportunity grooming
technically transfem anyway because her body isn't sexed so shes kinda intersex
but even if she wasnt a cherub she would still be transfem anyway
chronically online transgirl who spends most of her time in internet spaces with cis girls of her same age
warrior cats fan
humanstuck calliope hung around the warrior cats girls since elementary and never left
evil trans man
transmasc for same reasons as calliope
humanstuck caliborn avoided all female socialization because he didn't socialize and instead spent his formative years on 4chan
the nature of the /lgbt/ board probably gave him some shame about being ftm
DAD EGBERT and crocker as well, very similar people
cis man who is a staunch ally
cis ally
she's trying? can't say anything more
will occasionally and unintentionally say some out of pocket shit about trans people she knows when drunk
will mess up the pronouns a lot because very scatterbrained
cis man who lowkey fetishizes trans people
straight but fucks non-passing transmen because he doesn't see them as men
trans women are some exotic fetish
if jade came out he would repair his ways tho
not even a terf because she has beef with feminists
but again if john or jane came out she would badger them at first but her love would win out and she would change her views
personally i see him as a cis man but i think trans man bro strider is cool and also an icon
cis bisexual man who is cool with trans people
cis woman who is in a fucked up evil messy situationship with a transgirl
will trans rights
either a. elder trans woman
or b. cis woman (a little nonbinary) who is accepting
does not know the terminology
"oh so you want to live as a woman now? alright, i suppose. i had a friend like that back in college"
evil elder trans woman who has an illegal diy hrt empire
will sell out the trans community if it benefits her
i dont know it s scary
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this-is-exorsexism · 6 months
exorsexism is being bigender and being tired of people trying to shove me back into a dichotomy.
why do you want me to pick between "trans" and "cis" when i fit both descriptions? why do you want me to pick between "masculine" and "feminine", especially if you're going to make me use transitioning terminology, when I am moving towards both in a distinctly queer way. I've yet to see any argument against transmascfem / transfemmasc and transandrogynous people that isn't exorsexist, intersexist, and assumes so much about my body/life/childhood/hormones/chromosomes/and so much essentialist bs like that.
I am tired of people telling me I must be neutral, I am not neutral or even nonbinary. I am both points on the binary and I am shattering it. I am uniting the masculine and the feminine, the male and the female.
Then to have people tell me I can't label my orientation because I am both? Can't be gay because I'm also a lady, ignore my fiance and my whole teen history I guess, can't use Uranic because it's a "divisive microlabel", can't call myself "Straight" because it's internalized.... something, can't combine any existing labels because that's "nonsense". I just want to love men, and I've found one who can love both of me and all of me. I won't pretend to be Mspec for your comfort. Why can't you love me like he does?
I am tired of people telling me I have no orientation by policing me out of any and all language I try to use. Can't be aspec either, or they can't fetishize me as a bigendered trans person (and we can't have that). (sarcasm)
Exorsexism is coming out and feeling the same pressure from your queer siblings that you feel from the "outside". Exorsexism is wondering if you should just lie about who you are and who you love to your "community", because I don't know if I can stand getting shoved in the closet again. I don't care how pretty or progressive your language is while you tell me why it's bad for me to be Bigender, because we have to uphold THIS binary, THIS dichotomy, or everything will collapse and it'll all be MY fault for being greedy and not "choosing a side".
This is exorsexism and I'm sick of it.
this is exorsexism.
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mythratica · 5 days
what is the wadju principle I'm losing my mind trying to figure this out. a moral stance on food reviewing??? help
in khemite hekatic practice the original principle is the ahtet, formless and undifferentiated, all-encompassing and unrealised. it has no shape, no colour, no centre and no boundary (or it might be better to say it possesses all forms simultaneously, which is much the same).
because of this, to make use of the ahtet it must first be given definition. this is accomplished through division, the primary act of creation (one may witness such an act by watching newly cut grain be threshed into stalk and seed). while the ahtet may be divided infinitely, the first division is always into the green and red principles, wadju and desha.
desha is hot, dry, energetic, disordered, and protean. it is associated primarily with the desert and the planting season. wadju is cool, wet, stable, and still; it is associated with the river and the flooding season. wadju tames desha and turns it towards productive ends through ordering and directing its energies; this is the growing season. the khemite people also consider these to be the masculine and feminine principles. khemut is matriarchal- the purpose of men, whose natures are energetic but disorderly is to be directed by women, whose natures are logical, patient and orderly. communion of the red and green principles is the purpose of marriage. the reunification of wadju and desha, true synthesis into the black principle, is called rekati and is the sole province of the empress.
wadju is understood to be primarily cultivated in the womb, while desha is primarily cultivated in the testes, though men and women are known to contain a measure of both red and green in different balances (children are considered to be of formless ahtet-principle until they reach puberty). one may alter the balance of their principles through dedicated spiritual practice, a correct diet, and certain medicines; this is an important component of medicine as imbalanced principles are a primary source of illness. indeed, if one were dedicated enough to this practice, they could entirely alter the balance of their internal principles so that the green principle is predominant in their body where red once was, or vice-versa. one might even use such techniques to alter the physical traits of the body- such is the basis of hekatic internal alchemy, after all.
therefore, to cultivate the wadju principle is to practice internal alchemy to grow one's feminine force. it has nothing to do with the food review app. theres only so many combinations of letters and sounds okay (there are certain practitioners, most notoriously the priestesses of dust, who will tell you that since the red and green principles are divided from an infinite principle they contain equal infinities and have no innate traits; that the masculine and feminine are contained in equal quantities in both desha and wadju and either could be used to accomplish any end or alter one's self in any way. this is obvious nonsense, contrary to mahat and should be disregarded.)
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redditreceipts · 4 months
staring blankly, brain filled with white noise.
okay, let's go through this sentence by sentence.
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first of all, I'd say that this person started out very good. I mean I don't know whether I'd define patriarchy as a system of division of labour, because child-rearing under patriarchy is not so much labour (in the Marxian sense) as it is organ trade. This is also why the woman is not selling her working hours, but her body is being sold to her husband without her being an active agent in the process. Just like the sexual commodities that are demanded of a woman are not really labour, but more organ-renting. So I think that womanhood under patriarchy is not really comparable to the relationship between capitalist and worker, because the worker is selling his work and not his body, and he is (at least nominally) an active agent in that process. Also, under capitalism there is a competition between the workers that allow a capitalist to replace the worker, while under patriarchy, there is not really a competition among women in the same sense that there are several women waiting to replace one woman in case the man wants another one
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there is where things go south. So here, they say that transfemininity is socially undervalued due to their inability to be reproductive capital. From what I understood, the person meant that trans women are attacked because they can not rear children and are therefore not "valuable" in the eyes of patriarchy. While that's true, OP before correctly acknowledged that patriarchy is not just about a woman's reproductive capability. The root of patriarchy is a woman's reproductive capability, but that's not the full extent; a trans woman could make herself "useful" in a patriarchal sense in doing housework, being a nanny, being sexually available to men etc. (not to say that this is what makes a trans woman valuable, just saying that this is how things would work under patriarchy if trans women were women)
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So the problem here is that the person conflates gender non-conformity with being trans. To be a trans woman you don't have to reject masculinity. You could be the most manly man with a beard and still identify as a woman, and you could be a gay male with breast implants that is 10 years on HRT and still identify as a man. By this guy's analysis, the former should be more oppressed than the latter. He is right in that patriarchal structures react allergically to men not behaving in a masculine way, but being masculine or feminine doesn't have anything to do with being trans. Being trans is about identity.
But I kinda don't get if OP meant that trans women reject masculinity (which many don't), or if he meant that trans women reject the notion of being a man (which is meaningless). If he meant the latter, it literally wouldn't matter, because you can reject your own manhood as much as you can reject your own whiteness or your own age. Your manhood is totally unaffected by whether you reject it or not, you're still a man lmao
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no patriarchal reactionary has ever thought about a trans man that that trans man is bettering themselves by being a man. In the eyes of a patriarchal reactionary, the trans man is a woman, so there is no point in "becoming a man" if you're a woman. Also, trans men are statistically more attacked than trans women, it's just underreported because nobody gives a shit about women
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"Trans lesbians are hated because they don't make themselves commodities for the consumption of men" - this just doesn't make sense. There are many groups that don't make themselves sexual commodities for the consumption of men; like straight men for example. Why do straight men face less vitriol, while trans "lesbians" do? What is the difference between a straight man and a trans "lesbian"? Well, one claims to be a woman while the other accepts the reality of being a man. Could it therefore be that maybe the hostile reaction comes because of the ludicrous assertion that one is a woman when they are obviously a male, and not from them making themselves sexually available to men?
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So here it just goes down into absolute stupidity. What can you even say. What "TERFs" is this guy exactly talking about?
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What TERF is sexually harassing trans women? 😭Please, show me just one? And now, the fetish story on reddit about how you like being degraded by a terf doesn't count lol
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you are not a lesbian, you are a straight man
the only reason people see you as "damaged" is because they think that you're severely mentally deranged
please stop talking in Marxian terms when materialism is clearly your biggest ideological enemy
Sincerely, a bisexual radfem
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