#do better!! support tumblr authors!! hype them up!!
rinhaler · 1 year
If you’re a blank blog you’re getting blocked
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If you say ‘part two?’ You’re getting BLOCKT
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-six
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: Please, I beg you. Don't focus too much on the whole Trey part(i mean he is an asshole.) But when Noah and Angel are listening to music, please please please listen too Eiley by Too Close To Touch. That is all.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond
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"How are we feeling tonight, Milwaukee?!" I yelled into the microphone.
Cheers reverberated back from the ground up to the stage as I squinted my eyes when the stage lights cast over us.
"I'm glad you're having fun because if you weren't, this would be awkward," I joked with a chuckle while adjusting the microphone stand. "But all jokes aside, I wanted to say thank you for all of your support for Hollow Souls the last few years. It's appreciated more than you all could ever know. Because of your love and support, we're able to do what we love every night."
I pointed to Chase who did his typical ten-second drum solo then to Malcolm who strummed a few notes on his bass before giving an over-exaggerated bow. And reluctantly, I pointed to Trey who came up to me and threw an arm around my shoulder, leaving a kiss on my cheek; it smelled like vodka and cigarettes.
"Thanks, baby," he winked before chugging half of his clear water bottle that I was sure wasn't water.
Glancing over to the left side of the stage, I gave a wide smile to the guys of Bad Omens as they all watched out set. They had a killer set before us, this one I actually watched, and the energy that vibrated off of them stuck to me before I came out here, finally letting the excitement of performing to fill my veins. This was the first night in a while that I moved around on stage and put on a show for the crowd.
Noah flashed me a brief smile, memories of our day on the beach a few days ago still burning hot in my mind, and I gave him a small wave.
"So we only have two songs left," I spoke back into the microphone which in turn made the crowd boo loudly. "But you guys have to admit, we put on a killer show for you all tonight. But what about Bad Omens?"
The crow cheered but not as loud as I thought they should so I grabbed the mic off of the stand before going up to the little stage that Chase had his drums set up so I could stare down at the entire crowd.
"Oh, that was some weak shit, Milwaukee," I showed them my mock disappointment by placing my hand on my hip.
Chase looked at me with a smile, knowing what I was fishing for so he beat on his drum, hyping up the crowd.
"I want to hear every single one of you scream for Bad Omens on the count of three. Ready?!"
Cheers and screams filled the large venue hall, but I was greedy; I needed to hear it louder. These guys deserved it.
"One!" I held up one finger.
Chase drummed faster; harder.
Two fingers up in the air as Chase put more force into his drumming.
Looking back over to where Bad Omens were watching with bright smiles as I hyped up the crowd for them, I held up three fingers, Chase breaking out in a full on drum solo now.
The screams were loud, deafening, and I took out my ear in so I could hear it for myself. My heart pounded in my chest as I ran down the steps from Chase's makeshift stage and ran to one end of the stage, throwing up my arms up in the air before doing the same thing on the other end of the stage. Malcolm played a few chords on his bass as I stood next to him.
"You guys might not think this now but Bad Omens are going to be huge in a few years. They'll be in our position selling out shows and Hollow Souls will open for them," I promised into the microphone.
Malcolm watched me with awe through the messy strands of auburn hair that covered his face. Tonight was the first night all tour that I interacted with the crowd this much and fuck, it felt so good. With the energy of watching Bad Omens play and the crowd singing to every one of our songs made adrenaline course through me and I couldn't stop.
Noah's words from our first night on tour came to mind: "Come alive out there. Have fun."
Trey watched me with pure distaste in his eyes as I hyped up Noah and his friends but I didn't care; I was feeling so good about myself that I even wore something different from I usually did. A short-sleeved white crop top with black high wasted shorts. It showed off most of my tattoos and when Trey tried to tell me to go change, I simply told him to fuck off before running out on stage.
As I walked over to the area by Chase's drum stage where I kept my water, I glanced to my right and noticed that all the guys of Bad Omens were giving me large smiles with Noah finishing it with a wink. I also had my phone on here and usually I never checked it during our set but there was this feeling deep in my gut that told me to check it. It shocked me to see it was from Mason, an old friend of mine.
I'm sorry it has to be through text but you needed to know. Keaton's gone.
My phone slipped from my grasp as I nearly choked on my breath, vacant eyes staring at the floor beneath my feet. I swear my heart stopped in that moment I read the text, almost not believing it. But knowing it came from Mason who was close with Keaton, it was true.
Keaton's gone? I just talked to him a few days ago, and we made plans to catch up once tour was over.
I sucked in a breath; the realization hitting me like a freight train, and I spun around to side stage just in time to see Noah staring down at the phone in his hand. His body was stilled straight, not moving an inch, but even from this distance I could see the cold expression that crossed his face. Nothing about his body language gave off what he was thinking; what he was feeling.
"Look at me, Noah." I muttered under my breath.
I needed to know what his eyes were saying.
Instead, he shoved his phone into his pocket before turning his back to me and disappearing from view, the rest of his friends following close behind.
Through my hazy vision, I glanced up to Chase who was kneeling on his makeshift stage so he could look down at me.
"What's wrong?" His voice was full of worry.
He must have seen me read the text and knew me so well to know something was drastically wrong.
"Uh," I blinked slowly, voice wavering, as the grief sank its feral fangs deep into the marrow of my bones. It's nails gouged through my heart, it bleeding to the depths of my stomach.
What was I supposed to do? Cancel the rest of the show?
No, Keaton wouldn't want that. He would want me to perform with every ounce I had left in me and that's what I was going to do. We could all grief together after.
"I'll explain after the show. Lets close it out strong," I nodded my reassurance to Chase before slowly walking over to my microphone stand.
I ignored the crowd as they chanted for an encore and pushed my way through the bodies of our crew members. Malcolm and Chase were hot on my heels, waiting for me to explain what the hell was going on. I rushed through the last two songs so I could get off stage and find Noah. I needed to know if he was alright.
Trey's fingers grasped my elbow in a tight grip to haul me to a stop. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you rush through the last two songs?"
"Fuck off!" I screamed while ripping my arm from his grasp.
Tears burned in my eyes, and I dug my palms into them to stop the tears from falling. I couldn't break down right now. I needed to find Noah.
When Trey tried to grab me again, Chase stepped in front of me and pushed him hard in his chest. "Leave her alone, man. Can't you see something's wrong?"
"This isn't your business!" Trey stepped up into Chase's chest.
Malcolm felt the immediate change in air, the tension growing its webs deep into the air around us, so he laid a soft touch on Chase's shoulder.
"He's not worth it, man."
Trey snickered. "You always have to come to Chase's rescue. Is that what true love is?"
Chase cursed before pushing past Malcom, laying his fist directly into Trey's jaw, knocking his ass to the floor. I yelped out in surprise while covering my mouth as Chase tried to get another hit in but now Malcolm was pushing him farther away from Trey.
"Calm down! You can't do that right now."
He spat at the floor where Trey sat while clutching his jaw. "He deserves it! I'm pissed I waited this long!"
Trey was fast on his feet to barrel past Malcom to tackle Chase down the ground, laying fist after fist into his face.
"Stop it!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
Malcolm cursed then grabbed Trey from the back and basically tossed him to the side. Chase scrambled to his feet, spitting blood at the ground as he tried to go after Trey.
"That's all you got, pretty boy? Need your boyfriend to come save you again?" Trey taunted with a smirk.
"Fuck off, Trey!" I screamed while stepping between him and Chase, who immediately moved me behind him to block me from Trey.
"Oh, what's this?" He raised a brow. "Noah's dick wasn't enough, now she's sucking yours too?"
Trey's body crumbled to the ground, clutching his now broken nose that had blood pooling to the floor between his fingers.
Malcom cursed under his breath while rubbing his sore knuckles.
"You're a piece of shit," I seethed from over Chase's shoulder. "Not everything is about you!"
"The hell it isn't!" Trey screamed. "You're always taking everyone else side. I'm your boyfriend, Y/N! Why are you in such a hurry to find Noah? You should be with me, not some pussy kid who think he's going to be the next big thing."
Chase advantaged to Trey once more but Malcom was quick to step in front of him.
Malcolm grabbed Chase's face so he could look at just his emerald eyes. "I know, man. But look at Y/N, look at her! She's two seconds away from breaking down and we don't know why. She needs us."
Chase's nostrils flared as he gave one last glance down to Trey before his eyes fell on me, who was still covering my mouth, mind swirling with so many differnt emotions I didn't know which one to focus on. I didn't realize but tears were streaming down my face as I continued to stare at Trey.
"I can't believe you're taking their side. After everything I gave you?" He seethed while slowly rising to his feet.
I blinked, astonished he said that. "I'm not getting into this with you right now."
He spit blood at my feet, wiping it on the back of his hand. "You're pathetic."
I thought the anger would rise as he pushed past us but the grief was so strong; it outweighed all the rest.
"Y/N," Malcolm was now lifting my chin up towards his face, worry filling the emerald lights of his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"I have to find, Noah."
My voice was so quiet, and I knew they didn't hear me so after clearing my throat, I held my shoulders straighter so I could tell them the words that I was dreading to say.
"Keaton. He's uh-.," I swallowed thickly. "Keaton's dead."
Chase's anger left his body as he ran a hand over his buzzed head while Malcolm gave a slow nod, my words still registering with him. We all were close with the guys in Too Close To Touch but they knew the special bond Keaton and I had. They also knew how much I was battling inside my mind.
"Come on," Chase's soothing voice encompassed around me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading us through the backstage area of the venue.
Malcolm showed us his phone. "Jolly said Noah's outside, he wanted to be alone."
I nodded numbly. "Maybe I'll catch him before we leave-."
Turning in Chase's arms, I saw Nick standing at the doorway that lead out to the back parking lot. His hair was a mess as if he was running his hands through his and while his eyes were red, it looked like he was holding in his own tears.
"He won't talk to any of us, not even me. He's shutting down and I don't know how to help him," Nick said with so much defeat in his voice, it made my heart wrench in pain.
"I don't know how much help I'll be if he won't even listen to you, Nick," I shrugged.
His eyes shined with the wetness of tears. "Please."
I was already loss for words and which made me unable to say the things that crawled my mind. How would I be able to translate how I'm feeling about this when truthfully, I didn't know myself?
"Okay," I let out in one breath. "Where is he?"
"When I left him, he was pacing in front of our bus," Nick said while motioning for me to follow.
Chase left a kiss on my head while Malcolm bumped his fist with mine, his way of showing affection, and I followed Nick outside where the sight broke my heart. Noah was pacing the length of the bus, running a frantic hand through his long hair. Jolly and Folio watched from afar with their hands in their pockets, not sure what to do. Noah let out a loud noise that shook the earth beneath me, the raw grief destroying him.
"Noah," I spoke softly.
Red, bloodshot eyes, stared back at me as tears stained his face. Noah's bottom lips trembled as a broken sob crawled out of his throat.
"Is Trey around? Because I don't want to deal with that bullshit right now."
"Fuck Trey," I spat, the altercation from earlier still burning low. "It's just you and me, Noah."
Both of us stood still for a long moment before the same magnetic pull that was etched in deep in our hearts made us both break out in a sprint towards each other. I fell into his embrace, nearly knocking him over, as his arms circling around me while he buried his face in my hairline. Noah completely broke down when my hands spread over his large back, needing to feel the heat of him. I cried into his shirt as my fists grasped the back of it. We stayed like that for so long, until neither of us could cry anymore, and his raw voice spoke in a hushed tone.
"He can't-." The words died on his lips as he choked on a broken sob.
Still in his embrace, I rested my chin on his chest as I looked up at him. "I just talked to him earlier this week."
Noah tensed in my arms for the briefest of moments. "Me too."
I rested my cheek to his chest again letting the beat of his heart calm my own. One had was running fingers through the long strands of my hair while the other grasped at my lower back. This pain was unknown; I'd never lost someone so close to me like this before. I didn't know the correct way to grief but knowing that Noah was going through the same thing made it a little easier.
"Kenneth said the funeral is on Friday," Noah's chest rumbled.
I looked up at him again with my arms still wrapped around him. "What do you want to do?"
Noah swallowed the large lump in his throat, doing his best to hold back his tears. "I need to go."
"Alright. I'll book us two tickets to Kentucky. I'm sure Ethan and Matt will understand if we need to cancel the next show."
"You're coming with me?" He asked, almost shocked. "What about-?"
I gently touched his cheek. "I'm not letting you deal with this on your own, Noah. Keaton was my friend too. I'm going."
With a relief sigh, he brushed his lips through my hairline, pressing the softest of kisses there and even though I forced the butterflies deep down to the pits of my stomach, I couldn't stop the small smile that pulled at my lips.
"Thank you, angel."
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Hoping out of the bathroom on one foot, I balanced while strapping on one heel before switching feet to do the same to the other. I straightened out and brushed away the stray hairs on my black dress before turning my attention to Noah, who was standing in front of the mirror in the room, staring at himself.
"I'm almost ready to go. I just need to find my jacket," I said as I rummaged through my suitcase.
He didn't say a word, just kept staring absentmindedly at his reflection and although he was already dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black button him, something was missing from his outfit; the grey tie that hung loose from his fingers.
We arrived to the hotel in Lexington earlier this morning and almost immediately, Noah shut himself in the bathroom to get ready. I checked in on him after a while when I realized the shower was running for some time and when he called back. 'I'm alright, angel' I let him be. Noah needed time to heal and mentally prepare himself for today. I didn't want to add any extra pressure that wasn't necessary. Thankfully, both Matt and Ethan were more than alright with us taking two days off to come to Keaton's funeral. We ended up having to cancel tonight's show but once news broke online of Keaton's passing; the fans understood.
After the first initial shock of finding out about Keaton, Noah shut down. He's barely said anything to me or the guys since the other night and Nick stressed to me before we left I needed to make sure Noah didn't retreat into himself.
"He hasn't had an anxiety attack in some time but I'm afraid that with the weight of everything, it might cause him to spiral."
I promised Nick with a bone-crushing hug that I'd keep an extra eye on Noah.
Noah was already so far in his head that when we walked into the hotel room to see only one bed, he merely shrugged before shutting himself in the bathroom.
"Hey," I said softly while resting a hand on his back. "What's going on in your mind?"
He tore his gaze away from the mirror and held up his tie. "I don't know how to tie a tie."
"Here," I smiled while taking it from his hands and popped the collar of his shirt so I could slide it around his neck.
We stood in silence as I worked on tying it and Noah stared straight over my head. Our breathing was the only thing heard in the room as my eyes traveled away from the tie to the tattoo's on his neck and I bit the inside of my cheek when the urge to lick it filled me.
"Yes, it hurt."
Noah's deep voice broke me out of the trance over tracing over the design of snake, apple, and hand.
"Hm?" I peered up at him, fingers finishing the knot in his tie.
"The tattoo, it hurt. You were staring at it so I figured you were about to ask me that," he said.
The brightness of his dark eyes dulled the night we found out about Keaton and part of me worried it would never return.
"Yeah," I murmured, even though that wasn't what I was thinking about. "Well, I'm done."
Noah smiled a thanks before he grabbed his jacket off the chair in the room and slid it on. Next came the rings and bracelets and if it was a different circumstance, I would marvel at how attractive his fingers were.
I stared at him for a long moment as he stood in front of me, now fully dressed.
"What?," he asked.
I bit my lip nervously, unsure how he would answer my question. "Could I brush your hair? I can fix it so it stays out of your face today. If not, it's not a big deal. I just thought maybe-."
For the first time in a few days, Noah smiled just the slightest and handed me a brush from his bag. "Promise you won't braid it?"
"I won't," I chuckled while motioning for him to sit on the edge of the bed.
He did, and I kneeled behind him to run the brush through his hair. It dried weird after his shower and kind of a mess around his face. I figured it would bother him today, so that's why I offered; not because I wanted to take care of him anyway I could.
From the mirror in front of us, I watched as Noah's eyes shut and a pure look of bliss crossed his features. The hard lines in his forehead eased and the darkness underneath his eyes lightened just from this simple action.
"You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders, Noah," I whispered as I set the brush down on the bed but remained kneeling behind him.
My hands rested on his shoulders as I stared at him through the mirror. His eyes met mine in a dull way but there was just enough spark of life that eased the grip around my heart.
"I know, angel," he nodded while grasping my hand, giving it a squeeze.
When he stood to his feet, my hands fell from him and I couldn't lie I missed the way his strong muscles felt under my fingers.
"Ready?" I asked once I had my jacket and bag on.
"No, but I don't have a choice. I have to say goodbye," Noah ran a hand over his somber face.
It truly worried me if he'd be able to make it through the day without showing some kind of emotion.
Instead of dwelling on it, I extended my hand towards him. "Come on. Let's go say goodbye to our friend then."
The warmth from his hand as his fingers intertwined with mine made my heart flutter in my chest and he reassured me he was in fact fine with a gentle squeeze.
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"I'll call you guys once the tour is over and all of us can get together for a dinner for Keaton," I smiled weakly to Kenneth.
"He'd want that," he smiled.
I wiped away a few tears before nodding. "Yea."
Mason motioned behind me. "How's he doing?"
Turning on my heels, I took in the broken sight of Noah who was sitting on a stone wall in the cemetery, pure grief on his face. The funeral wasn't easy for any of us but for Noah, it nearly brought him to his knees; if it wasn't for me.
My arm hooked through Noah's as I rested my head on his shoulder, the both of us staring down at the now filled grave. People has dispersed by now, going to the wake, but Noah wasn't ready to leave. He wanted to stay for a few minutes to say something to Keaton. But the longer we stayed in this position, I realized maybe he couldn't find the words to say.
I rested my chin on his arm while looking to the side of his face but the strands of his hair covered what I wanted to see the most so I brushed it behind his ear. "He knows, Noah."
A muscle in his jaw ticked. "It's not fair."
With a long sigh, I rested my head against his shoulder once more and looked at our friend's grave. "I know."
"Yeah, he will be. Might take some time but I'll make sure of it."
Saying goodbye to Kenneth and Mason, I walked over to Noah who slowly stood when he noticed me.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah," I nodded.
I planned on walking next to him but when he extended his hand towards me, my heart did the same stuttered it always did when around him. So with our hands intertwined, our hearts seemed to slowly be, I let him lead me towards the rental car.
"Are you hungry?" Noah asked.
"I could eat," I shrugged.
Once we reached the car, he opened the passenger door for me and helped me into the seat.
"Noah, I can get in the car by myself," I giggled when he even clicked the seatbelt over me.
We were so close and I could feel his warm breath cascade over my lips as I tilted up towards him, almost closing the distance. It was the same pull, only this time it was stronger, the energy vibrating in our veins. Noah leaned closer but when my phone rang loudly from my purse, he pulled away while clearing his throat.
"You should get that," he said before shutting the door.
Trey's name flashed across the screen and with a grumble, I ignored it and sent a quick four word text to the group chat me, Malcolm, and Chase had.
Going dark. We're okay.
Once my phone was shut off, I leaned back into the seat as Noah started the car and drove away from the cemetery. Trey had been calling almost every hour since I left early this morning and it was getting to where I nearly chucked my phone out the window. He wasn't happy I was coming here, especially with Noah, but I told him to go fuck himself; he couldn't tell me what to do.
Not anymore.
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"Shower's open," I said while walking out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and a hoodie.
Noah sat perched on the edge of the bed still wearing his clothes from the funeral, and rested his elbows on his knees. When he heard me walk into the room, he quickly wiped away tears and cleared his throat.
"Okay," he kept his gaze cast downward to the carpet of the room.
Shit, he was crying.
Then I realized, a soft tune was filling the room and felt my shoulders fall; Keaton's voice grazed my ears as Too Close To Touch played through the bluetooth speaker Noah brought.
"Noah," I said gently while sitting next to him. "Please don't hide this from me."
"Angel," he warned but any malice behind his voice was deadweight.
He was exhausted and couldn't fight, as much as he wanted too.
I brushed my fingers over his face to tilt his chin towards me and sucked in a breath when I saw how red and swollen his eyes were. Not saying another word, I brought him down to my chest while his hands immediately grasped at my sweater, holding on for dear life as if he was afraid the grief would rip apart from me and drag him deep into the dark abyss.
Noah's cries tangled with Keaton's voice as I let his tears stain my sweater, his body shaking in my embrace. I brushed the air back from his face so he didn't have to worry about it sticking to his face with the tears.
"I fucking miss him, angel. It's not fair."
I blinked away my own tears. "I know. But he's still with us in everything we do. We have pictures and messages from him to remember, we have his music."
Noah sucked in a large breath, burying his face deeper into me. "I can't believe he's fucking gone. I can't. I've lost so many people-so many. I just-. I'll miss him so fucking much."
I rested my head on top of his. "Me too."
He pulled his head away from my chest and I raised my hand to brush away his tears, one hanging on by a thread on his eyelash.
"If I'm being honest," he took a breath to steady himself. "Sitting here with you tonight has also hit me like a train."
Another pause as he exhaled the breath, body shaking with nerves or grief, I wasn't sure.
"I can't lose anyone else. I can't." Noah shook his head. "I don't-I-want-"
"Hey," I cupped his cheek, thumb brushing over the tear that hung on his eyelash. "I'm right here."
His eyes twinkled with the wetness from his tears. "I don't want to fucking lose you, angel. No matter what; I can't. I won't."
"You won't," I repeated his words back to him with my promise, tears falling from my eyes down to his lap.
After the tears were shed and Noah felt a little lighter, he went into the bathroom to change into a pair of sweats and a shirt, throwing his hair up with a claw clip. I'd made myself comfortable leaning against the headboard and Noah followed, sitting right next to me. We continued listening to Too Close To Touch, almost in a way to honor his memory. Noah's knee brushed against mine but I didn't bother to move away from him; his body heat wrapped around me like a blanket and I reveled in feeling this sense of peace in so long.
A deep yawn fell from my lips, and when I gazed at the clock, I nearly groaned. It was only four in the afternoon but with all the emotional trauma we went through today; I was ready for bed.
"Here," Noah extended his legs on the bed and patted his lap. "Lay down. You should get some rest, angel."
I hesitated. "Are you sure? We never even talked about the sleeping situation. I can go lay on the couch."
Noah rolled his eyes with a hint of a smile. "We're two grown adults, we can share the same bed. I'll even put up a wall of pillows if that makes you comfortable."
"No, you don't have to do that," I giggled. "But I definitely will take you up on that offer of laying my head in your lap."
Something dark flashed in his eyes and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. "Go for it."
Ignoring the way my core clenched with the image of me doing other things in his lap, I rested my head against his thigh and almost mewled in pleasure when his long fingers ran through my hair, nails scratching lightly across my scalp.
"Is this alright?"
I nodded. "More than alright. If you keep doing this, I'll fall asleep."
Noah hummed. "That's the plan, angel."
"How can you say this was all part of your plan? Start explaining. Crafted from hope and hospital beds, she's gone."
"No," I trembled. "Not this one."
Out of all the songs, this one was the one I did not want to hear tonight; Eiley.
"It hits differently now, huh?" Noah noted.
"Yea, it does."
With the music and Noah's soft fingers through my hair, I dozed off only to awake sometime later when I felt intense eyes staring down at me. I opened my eyes in a daze and looked up to see dark eyes watching me, tracking my every movement as my lips parted in breath. His expression was something I'd never seen before; blank, lips drawn in a straight line, and his brown eyes blown dark.
I opened my eyes wider and his face lit up with a small grin.
"Hi, angel."
"Hi," I whispered.
Noah gently put his hand on my cheek to scan my face once more, almost waiting for a reaction. I met his intense gaze with my own and felt the intensity from the pull that seemed to be connected by our hearts pull me down so deep to the abyss that was Noah Sebastian and for the first time; I didn't ignore it.
I almost expected his kiss. It's always been right there between us, waiting hungrily. What I didn't expect, however, was his hands so rough, to hold my face tenderly. I didn't expect the furrow of his brows as his eyes darted from mine to my lips, almost in a silent question.
As the earth stood still, gravity nonexistent, Noah laid his lips to mine, kissing me softly, slowly. Everything around us blurring and disappearing. My fingers grasped his wrist to keep from slipping away from how light I felt with his lips on mine, gasping into his mouth at the sensation that came roaring to life inside of me.
A match lit in a dark room, flaring with brilliant light. My lips parted with that gasp to let Noah slip his tongue past mine, and then fight for dominance until eventually, he won.
He tasted fucking heavenly and when a low growl crawled from the back of his throat; I knew Noah thought the same for me.
"Fuck," I rushed out suddenly, sitting up from his lap in a start. "Oh my god, I am so sorry."
Noah raised his tattoo hand and gently cupped my cheek, his thumb grazing over my kiss-swollen lips. "Fuck, no I'm sorry angel. I shouldn't have."
He leaned in close so he could whisper his apology into the air and all noise ceased to exist. There was this tension thick between us and suddenly, I was afraid that with what happened, things would get awkward between us. But Noah broke out in a light laughter one that eased the erratic beat of my heart. I soon followed, both of us laughing away the tension.
"Nick let me bring the Super Nintendo. Want to play a few rounds?" Noah smirked.
I scoffed playfully. "Your ass is grass and I'm going to mow it."
Noah, who was still chuckling and out of breath, stood from the bed to get the game set up. "Whatever you say, angel."
Some people might think laughing and going to playing a video game right after an intense kiss like that was not normal but for Noah and I, none of this was normal. I appreciated he could tell the tension was too thick I couldn't catch my breath, so he immediately made the atmosphere breathable again, the only way he knew how, with blushing cheeks, familiar scars, and electric hearts. 
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nihilnovisubsole · 2 years
[taps mic] is everybody here? everyone still manning their tumblr blogs after the twitter roller coaster of the past couple of months? cool
so! 2022, huh? it's not new year's eve without one of my soppy, navelgazing year-in-review posts. if you're reading this, you survived. as an acquaintance of mine put it, "i hope 2023 is the year it all pays off for you."
if i seem unusually optimistic about it, it's because this year, against the odds, things started looking up. i had no idea when i stepped out last december 31st and listened to the neighbors' firecrackers what i was in for. i didn't know that when obsidian emailed me on a january afternoon about "a quick follow-up meeting," it would be their offer call. i didn't know what kind people i'd meet there, or the lengths they'd go to to make me feel like a respected peer instead of a gatecrashing fan. i knew least of all how it would affect my state of mind: that i'd finally feel a sense of accomplishment and dignity. i look ahead and i see a viable future for myself. i've been paid to write for years, but now i can support myself with it. i think about the weight that takes off my mother. i remember staying up until 4 A.M., wondering how i'd do the only thing i ever wanted to do. it was a big, dark ocean then. it's still an ocean now, but i've got a boat, a crew, and a lantern. it's hard to overstate what that does to you.
the downside is, there are only 24 hours in a day, and your time feels very different when you're on the clock for eight of them. i knew it'd be a change, and it's gone more smoothly than i thought it would, but i just can't churn unpaid stuff out the way i did years ago. projects that would've taken a long time in college have become interminable now. you wouldn't believe how much half-finished art i have sitting around. it's not lost on me that this is just ordinary adulthood, and even i had to get around to it at some point. laugh all you want! seriously, i probably deserve it, and it's hard enough to find things to laugh about in this decade.
part of me misses that pillowy freelance lifestyle of cramming my paid work into the mornings, then doing fun projects all day. then i remember i was numbing the ache of not having a career that i now have, and the superficial sense of leisure came with a heavy price. it wasn't worth three cents a word and almost no creative input. it wasn't worth being on medi-cal and having my mother keep me afloat. it certainly wasn't worth watching my friends work themselves half to death because they weren't privileged enough to have that support network. i think we all agree that we should have a better world, that artists should be able to just make art, that contractors aren't paid enough. [except for relic, they were very generous, i loved them.] in the meantime, we have to make it through with what we have, and figure out how to look after each other as best we're able to.
i think, when people gain a measure of success in life, they want to fantasize that they did it all by themselves. that's ridiculous. i wouldn't be writing any of this without the people who hyped up my wild fanfic ideas or bought dangerous crowns. i'd never have written anniversary without the other longsummer nights authors building a vivid world for hercule and aida to live in. i'll never forget the colleagues and the industry doors they helped me through, and, you know, i'm not much now, but i hope i can pass that on. even if you only have a little power, you have to use it for good, right? otherwise, that's how you get a chandelier dropped on you.
seriously, though, read anniversary. i want to talk about it more. it's short, i swear!
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if-confessions · 1 year
My confession is that i regret posting an intro post without a demo… I’m terrified i won’t live up to the expectations and it’s taking the joy out of writing. Whenever i receive asks it give me so much anxiety my stomach starts hurting. I wish i waited an released a demo at the same time so that people who followed me are here because they actually like my writing and story… I’m not english and i’m a beginner so i’m scared i’m going to loose all support when i post it
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Oh, Anon....
I'm not going to lie to you and say it will get better as soon as you post a demo. This feeling can come back every time you post an update (have seen many authors worry about this on my feed) or even when posting a change in the game (locking a character aspect - gender, sexuality, race, etc...; re-writing a part/the whole thing; going on hiatus; answering a difficult ask; etc.... Or just come back... just because.
Creating IF is not easy to begin with, because of how the medium is constructed (whether it's choice-based or parser... so much variation to take into account sigh), where you are (usually) both the writer and the coder. But advertising your project adds another layer to it, because now you need to deal with expectations and feedback and comments and ratings and questions (a.k.a a customer service position), on top of making announcements and posting extra content (a.k.a a marketing position), and maybe even set up beta-testing rounds (a.k.a a quality control position). It's really a lot...
There are some advantages of releasing an intro post before having a demo. That's what I did with Harcourt, teasing the announcement, then posting an intro post with a release date, then posting the demo. All this spanned half a year. But I still got some lovely return from it. CRWL also didn't have a demo when I started posting about it. Building some hype about a project is a good marketing strategy!
The worse that can happen is that the demo doesn't live to your follower's expectations....
And that's fine. If some people leave, you will probably have other people coming onboard that like what you do. You will make mistakes along the way (everyone does), what is important is how you respond to them and how you grow from them. We all have to start somewhere :)
So right now, take a deep breath, maybe have a drink and a snack, maybe even a nap or a walk outside. Maybe take a little break from Tumblr or turn off the asks box for a while. And when you come back to your project, don't think about anything but what you want to do with the story. And maybe, when you have a bit ready (like a prologue or a chapter), have a beta-testing session for feedback.
Creating IF should be about having fun (even if writing/coding is frustrating), not tormenting yourself with what could happen.
If you want to get a little more experience before you go on tackling (back) your big project, may I suggest participating in a small game jam to test the waters and create something small? There are currently two unranked jams on itch that you might like: the Anti-Romance Jam and the Neo Twiny Jam (@neo-twiny-jam).
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yeluki · 3 years
i know im gonna get attacked for this but
don't you think that younger and older fanfic authors should be supported more? i mean, young fanfic writers (12-14) are mostly just trying out writing to see if they like it, and it's really easy to discourage a kid at that age to continue to write if they don't get lots of hype when they post. instead, they got a lot of hate. hate anons on tumblr are a problem especially. they post and get attacked. and how about rather than letting them get attacked/attacking them, we try to help them grow? give them some friendly advice, or some fresh new ideas! lots of younger kids nowadays are pushed to be more mature by their family and friends, which means don't let your feelings out. they can use fanfiction as a way to express themselves, and it's reassuring to know that you have followers ready to support you.
as for older fanfic creators, i still don't see why they get attacked. some of them, as i've seen, are single moms trying to find a way to cope with stress. fanfiction is something that shouldn't be restricted to people of a certain age, and should be allowed to be accessible for people of all different ages and backgrounds! some of them aren't professional authors, too, so you can't expect them to be expert writers. sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, right?
but like seriously,, it breaks my heart to see that the fanfiction readers community attacks younger and older fanfiction authors for ''bad talent" and/or other reasons.
and also, to the readers community, why are some of y'all so rude and toxic at times? and i don't mean everyone in the readers only community, but some of y'all are just cruel. you go attacking us authors when we don't post enough or aren't good enough at writing to meet your expectations. if you're so pissed off, go cry to your mom about it. and don't ever attack someone for doing something they could potentially do better than you. don't give them rude and hard to face feedback without their permission, and offer up light and friendly advice instead. im not saying y'all are terrible writers, some of you guys are excellent, but try managing a big blog with lots of asks and barely any time to spare. it's stressful as hell, man. and you have no right to ridicule us for anything like that.
anyways im done ranting lol
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alectology-archive · 3 years
I think what annoys me the most about S//arah J M//aas is h the effect she’s had on YA publishing. Like, on booktok (yes, I know. Bear with me) I saw someone recommend a fantasy book that they said had a great enemies to lovers plot, and had little world building so it was fast paced. And I’m just like :/ the POINT of fantasy is to be in a new world, and the fact that people are simply reading the genre, not for actual world building, or even good CHARACTER development, but for LOVE stories 1/
with fantasy as a backdrop makes me really, really sad. That and people saying yes, we need more explicit scenes in YA (No seriously. I saw someone [redacted] on here I think?) say that the explicit scenes in her books like “D0rian and Man0n engaging in a little kink” (direct quote) were good and healthy and need to be in YA more. Like... No. Kink is fine, but in YA? Explicit scenes in YA? It’s crazy how much YA has changed, solely because of Mrs. M//aas. 2/
And arguably the worst part is how better authors are ignored in favor of S//arah and her books. Like there are so many more queer books, of all genres including fantasy, now than there were five years ago. Goodreads literally has lists for new queer books that come out each year! And it’s the same thing with books starring POC! There are so many more now, but these new diverse books, many of them well-written, but these new books don’t get nearly the hype they deserve compared to SJM. 4/
Sorry, I think tumblr ate up the 3rd part of your ask!
I don't think there's inherently anything wrong with light worldbuilding - I believe a lot of people in fact categorise a lot of fantasy books based on how heavy (lotr) or light (the kiss of deception, daughter of smoke and bone) the worldbuilding is and it's not necessarily bad to fall under the latter category because I really enjoyed the books I mentioned - sometimes authors suck at it or just don't care for it or it's not necessary for the story they're trying to tell, and that's okay. Plus genres are very fluid and it's not entirely fair to impose a rigid system of classification meant to make browsing books easier for people onto art and expect it to conform to those expectations, and, of course, every person's perception of what is 'fantasy enough', for example, will vary. That said, I do think booktok enables a lot of bad writing to get attention that it absolutely does not deserve and I don't like where the publishing industry seems to be headed by relying on booktok for marketing. It's very irksome because I really disliked a lot of books that initially became popular on booktok before gaining more attention.
Ah 😬 [redacted] is a literal clown and I fully encourage you to stay away from them because they have a habit of putting out really bad takes and ignoring and downplaying the amount of racism and misogyny in s//jm's books. Like I can't believe we've gotten to a point where it's apparently a harmful take to express disgust about s//jm putting straight up porn in books aimed at kids as young as 12 (not to mention how violent they are, and how she passes off sexual harassment and assault as romance) and excusing it by saying tEenS ArE nOt iNnOCeNt oF cOurSe tHey KnOw wHat sEx iS - like congrats buddy, kids are not consenting to be exposed to pornographic material when they are exposed to it against their will. And if they do choose to seek out material containing explicit sex themselves it's their choice to do so and we shouldn't rob them of the choice in the first place. At the very least the explicit sex scenes need to be handled carefully and books should be carefully edited to ensure that the messages they're sending are not harmful.
Popular authors writing really mediocre books that cater to the masses unfortunately dominate the market and there's nothing that can be done about it until both, publishers and readers, step up their game and start supporting diverse voices :/
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bob-events · 3 years
Friendship Bonanza Prompt List!
International Friendship Day is right around the corner, and our AO3 collection is going out to our authors any minute! That means we are excited to announce the prompt list for the friendship bonanza - which we have hidden under the “keep reading” because it’s ridiculously long. If you’d like to make a “gift” for any of the prompters, you are welcome to, and we just ask that you either post it to the AO3 collection and tag them (but please mark it as a “gift fill”) or post it on Tumblr and tag them AND us so we can share it! Happy Friending
@nowinnablewar AO3: unseelieCollapsar Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Skip bounces ideas off Easy Company for the letter he wants to send to Faye. Prompt 2: Easy Company craft a plan to get back at Sobel without getting caught. Prompt 3: A Yank staff correspondent (Reader or OC) interviews the officers at the Eagle's Nest. Prompt 4: Three Musketeers AU with Toye, Luz, Guarnere, and Buck
@softspeirs AO3: sunlightdances Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Speirs being soft (either gif moments from the show, art of your choice, or platonically with a canon character, or paired with an OC!) Prompt 2: Nixon + "I wish I didn't care about it" - gifs showing him caring about other characters canonically or fic with platonic friendship or background romance with an OC Prompt 3: Lipton being Easy's Mom and Dad. Fanart, a fic of a missing scene, or gifs from the show! (Post-war AU feat. a background romance is also ok too) Prompt 4: Any happy, smiley moments between Easy boys. Gifs of happy moments, fanart, or a fic of a moment we didn't see on the show! DNW: Character/character slash fic, modern AU
@serasvictoria AO3: Caren80 Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Chuck and Babe are supposed be doing guard duty at Membury airfield. Chuck takes Babe to a pub instead (this genuinely happened by the way). Prompt 2: It’s Christmas and since Easy is still stuck in Bois Jacques in Belgium, Joe Liebgott decides to share a Hershey bar with Chuck and Tab as a present. Prompt 3: We all know that Luz and Perconte ended up in a barn to steal eggs, but what happened before that scene? Who even came up with the idea to begin with? Prompt 4: It’s 1946 and word reaches Bill that Joe Toye is really struggling with the loss of his leg. He decides to show up at Joe’s place unannounced with Babe and together they will do their utmost to make sure that Joe cracks a smile. Prompt 5: After hearing Joe say that he could use some brass knuckles right before D-Day, Bill finds some for him.
@josephtoye AO3: corawrites Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Joe Liebgott & Floyd Talbert, one is trying to set the other up, or some other banter-y kind of situation Prompt 2: Johnny Martin & Bull Randleman, any historical AU Prompt 3: Buck Compton & Joe Toye, do with that what you will Prompt 4: Shifty Powers & Carwood Lipton, anything wholesome DNW: Any other characters, angst is okay provided it has a happy ending, no romantic pairings please
@churchkey AO3: churchkey Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck. Canon-era. Don's not in love with Skip , he just wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Maybe the two of them talking about their plan for being "together" (as besties) after the war. Maybe some cute "I've never told anyone else this before" intimate self-revelations. Maybe Don's reaction to Winters splitting them into different platoons. Basically I just want any chapter in the epic love story of their friendship. Prompt 2: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck Post-War Fix-It. Don's the best man at Skip and Faye's wedding, wondering how this is going to change things and if anyone will over love him the way Skip loves Faye (bonus points for background Don/Joe [Toye that is]; pining, long-distance flirting, whatever) Prompt 3: Dick Winters & Harry Welsh. Post-VE Day. Dick is crestfallen after Nix leaves. Harry feels bad for him. He really does. He's also kind of like "now you know how it feels, don't ya?" Still, he hates to see his friend suffer. Just a couple of sad, lovelorn bastards being miserable together. Prompt 4: Dick Winters & Kitty Grogan/Welsh. Post-war or Modern AU (hence you decide if she takes Harry's name). Would super love these two just doing some GBF things together, shopping, getting coffee, complaining about their husbands and trading gardening tips. Maybe the convo gets a little spicy after dark. Maybe they've each got some private dilemma the other helps to solve. Or maybe they just wander around a flea market looking for good deals on Fiestaware. Prompt 5: Lewis Nixon & Harry Welsh. Post-War. ROADTRIP! (Bonus for background Winnix but it's not necessary). DNW: anything sci-fi/fantasy; OCs; xReader; Tab
@how-are-those-nuts-sarge AO3: whoahersheybars_3up3down Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Historian AU - one character worked at a museum/was a historian before the war and geeks out over a few things while deployed to their friends = any character/s. Prompt 2: Penmanship - one character has lovely handwriting, but something/s hit them HARD during the war and they write much less pretty; with one of their friends' support, however, their hand steadies and they heal (lotsa metaphors there I know 😅) = any character/s. Prompt 3: Chess - one character teaches the other to play chess = any character/s. Prompt 4: Bicycle - one character finds a tandem bicycle in Austria and convinces the other to go on a ride with them = any character/s. Prompt 5: Anything with Bill & Babe, Malarkey & Skip & Penkala, or Dick & Nix, I love their friendship dynamics so much.
@speirstookmysoul AO3: speirstookmysoul Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: mentor/mentee bonding Prompt 2: shoulder clasps Prompt 3: overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects Prompt 4: "getting mistaken as family and not correcting whoever’s mistaken”
@kmorecoffee AO3: vintagelavenderskies Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: gene and renee: diasastrous, chaotic cookie decorating! the rest of the gang can be involved too for extra chaos because who doesn't love chaos. anyways: gene and renee try to make holiday cookies but something goes awry. too much salt and not enough sugar? distracted and accidentally burn the cookies? luz plays a practical joke and switches out sugar for salt? go crazy! Prompt 2: gene and renee: stargazing!!! all the stargazing :) just two friends, vibing, talking about life and whatever comes to mind Prompt 3: can be modern au: chaos in the coffee shop! just the gang's shenanigans at the local coffee shop. mayhaps there's an ongoing bet of how long it takes luz to get banned? DNW: speirs. i mean, i guess he can be like mentioned or featured. but not too much speirs.
AO3: Muccamukk Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Renee & Augusta/Anna: Any backstory about how/if they knew each other before, their different points of view on things. AU where Renee doesn't die and what they do after the war. Would prefer racism not be the focus of the story, though it can be an element. I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. Prompt 2: Winters & Guarnere: Something with them getting to know/respect each other better set early in their relationship, especially between Day of Days and Bastogne. They have such different outlooks, but in the end very similar values, and I'd love to see that explored. Maybe they get stuck together and have to survive? Prompt 3: Randleman & Garcia: I'd love to see more of Bull mentoring the replacements, especially Garcia, and how their relationship changes as the replacements get combat experience and integrate with the company. Would love to see growing respect for each other. I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. Prompt 4: Guarnere & Martin: They have matching tattoos! They got in so much trouble with each other and were so ride or die even post war! Bill went to Martin's wedding! Pat and Frannie wrote too each other during the war. I would love them getting to know each other, or small moments of affection. Or just write about Pat and Frannie. That's fun too. Or Bill & Bull & Johnny. Or Bill & Joe Toye. Basically any configuration of this is great! Prompt 5: Powers & McClung: Basically them chilling in the woods silently understanding each other? Healing through chilling in the woods? Comparing their experiences as country boys on opposite sides of the country? Post war stuff where Shifty's so badly hurt and Earl's PTSD? I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. DNW: Focus on character death (mention of canon stuff is fine), graphic sexual violence, hopeless endings of utter sadness, character bashing, zombies, AUs that change the setting (turn left AUs fine, AUs that add magic etc fine). PoV characters having strong racist or homophoic views.
@papersergeant-pencilsoldier AO3: papersky_pencilstars Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Airborne OT5 (Liebgott, Grant, Mcclung, Ramirez, Babe) missing scenes - can be fluffy or angsty (fallout from Chuck getting shot?), dealer's choice! Prompt 2: Mortar Trio - Early days at Camp Taccoa Prompt 3: Dukeman & Perconte & Tab (bonus Trigger?) teasing the replacements Prompt 4: Renée LeMaire  & Gene Roe- (everybody lives AU) connect postwar (I would die if this was a letter fic, but it absolutely does not have to be!) DNW: webgott (platonic or romantic background)
Prompter # 11 Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Dick, Nix, and Harry being involved in some shenanigans during their downtime in Mourmelon. Prompt 2: Bill and Babe reminiscing and sharing Philly stories. Prompt 3: The friendship between Smokey and Lip because I think it deserves more hype :) DNW: Nothing NSFW
@dansssks​ AO3: danesaber Prompt 1: Dick & Nix: The time they offered to protect Kitty for ice cream and Vat 69. Prompt 2: Spina/Babe/Gene: College AU? Prompt 3: Spina & anyone: They show Spina all their booboos Prompt 4: Mortar Squad: Any au, cannon or modern Prompt 5: Harry and Moose: Go sheep shopping as a present for Winnix on their new farm.
@anthrobrat AO3: anthrobrat Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Any of the Last Patrol OT5 (Chuck, Babe, Lieb, McClung, Ramirez) owning a business together - coffeshop, bar, accounting firm? Don't care. Can either be a post-war or modern AU setting. Prompt 2: Skinny Sisk and anyone being bros during the war. Maybe him and Frank deleted scenes in Bastogne fox holes Prompt 3: Shifty & McClung shenanigans during leave. The cat story is hilarious, and I'm sure there are more, and I just love these two because they are so calm and collected but McClung is a total wild card. I would also take a modern AU of them being besties. Prompt 4: Shifty and Popeye being best friends after the war maybe? I just imagine them at each other's weddings being disasters. I would also take the two of them as friends in a modern AU Prompt 5: Any friendship prompt that gives life to the lesser known characters would be awesome imo. DNW: Speirs or Lipton as main protagonists.
Prompter # 13 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: shifty powers and floyd talbert - mermaid/fisher au Prompt 2: babe heffron x reader - ice hockey/team manager Prompt 3: dick winters x reader - college au! tutor au Prompt 4: easy company boarding school au DNW: pwp/smut
@mercurygray AO3: mercurygray Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Harry + Nixon - marriage, divorce, and everything in between. Prompt 2: Shifty + Smokey - Guess we're not in Kansas anymore - or Mississippi, or Virginia. Prompt 3: Tab + Grant - Chuck's really just here to keep Tab out of trouble. Prompt 4: Bill + Babe - First jump's the hardest - and while the jump into Holland is easy, what comes after it is not. Prompt 5: Tipper + Luz -  Tipper's pretty good at impressions, too. DNW: Liebgott and Webster (as a unit; individually they're fine.)
@lyselkatz AO3: Lysel Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Any group shenanigans/friendship fluff including Skip, Smokey, Nix, Bull. Prompt 2: "The guys are stranded on base without pass (or requisitioned to work overtime to meet an important deadline/exams, if modern AU) Prompt 3: Smokey does his best to cheer his brothers up with his peculiar brand of silly (Valentine) gifts. Extra ❤ if Skip and George offer their help. Chaos and ensemble fluff ensue. (+ playing Cupid/background ships if you like)" Prompt 4: "Lieb and Hoobs are bored so they decide to troll Web. Since it's valentine's day soon they'll play crack!cupid for fun. Prompt 5: Web is a shark nerd and Pat has a great shark smile. Infallible logic, right? (Input from the other guys /ensemble shenanigans are welcome)" DNW: Nothing I can think of, since it's a friendship fest
Prompter #16 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: found family taking care of each other (feat. liebgott being happy and content <3) domestic fluff Prompt 2: anything fluffy coffee shop AU or flower shop or tattoo parlour or bakery or anything along those lines Prompt 3: university AU but they are the professors! DNW: webgott, fantasy AUS, omegaverse, mpreg, anything mafia related, not too much angst
Prompter #17 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Era switch: take the boys and put them in the Vietnam War. WWI? The Korean War? The American Revolution? Any conflict that you're comfortable with. Prompt 2: The Pacific AU? Put the BoB men in the Pacific. How they get there or why they are there is all up to you. Maybe their parachute infantry regiment was simply assigned to the PTO instead of the ETO after training. Maybe Japan didn't surrender as quickly as they did. Anything. Prompt 3: Supernatural AUs are my favorite. Preferably I'd love to keep them based in the WWII era, but you can switch it up if you'd like to -- I'd be fine with that! Any type of supernatural is cool with me. I'm aware this might be super vague but I really don't mind whatever you go with :) Prompt 4: Role-switching scenarios: putting men from within the series in each others' positions. DNW: Romantic shipping, characters (Cobb, Sobel, any higher ranking officers above Winters like Sink), modern-day AUs, aged-down AUs (high school/middle school/college with the purpose of aging down = no); a/b/o trope; nsfw (no sexual material; show-level gore okay).
@mariamegale AO3: mariamegale Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Babe and Julian being best friends. They are snarky, excited, happy and having a good time together. Bonus if their boyfriends are Eugene and Spina, accordingly! Prompt 2: Baberoe. They're dating, but they're dating their own best friends. With romantic feelings taking the back seats, I'd love to see a healthy relationship of two people in love but doing normal platonic things because they're also each others' best friends in the whole world! Prompt 3: Roe and Spina being tired doctor friends, meeting up in between shifts or calls, being tired and exasperated and just having their sandwiches and a moment of god damn peace. Prompt 4: George Luz and Babe Heffron being best friends. They'd be a disaster, but that disaster that also knows how to step the fuck up if shit gets serious. But mostly they're a disaster. Prompt 5: Joe Liebgott and Eugene Roe. They're roommates, they're pals, Joe likes smoking weed, playing mario kart and complaining about whatever dipshit he's gone out with now, Eugene is trying to make it through med school and enjoys the soothing background chatter of Joe blabbering on about this guy's shirt, or whatever. DNW: Canon era (Ambiguous era is fine if you don't like writing/drawing modern!), Carwood Lipton, OCs, xReader stuff
@mizunoir AO3: mizunoir (but I use 49thpersona for reblogging stuff) Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Hogwarts AU! Would be lovely if it would include Babe. I leave it up to the artist if they would like to portray one specific house endeavours or all 4 houses befriending. Prompt 2: Stargazing, can be set in modern times or in the original timeline. For angsty interpretation it would be nice to read/see some Eugene and Spina bonding. Prompt 3: Stargazing (original timeline or modern times). For more crack-ish one it could include for example: Luz, Toye, Guarnere, Babe etc. But I leave it absolutely open - include whoever you want! Boys share their music taste. Bickering and reminiscing of the good times free of war ensues. Can be platonic, can be slightly shippy, AU or modern - up to the artist. Preferably including Babe with Eugene.
@thrillingdetectivetales AO3: ThrillingDetectiveTales Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Bill & Babe: Bill talks Babe through gay panic about his extremely obvious crush on one John T. Julian, convinces him to ask Julian out, and demands to officiate their wedding (not necessarily in that order) Prompt 2: Harry & Nix (with bonus Buck?): commiserating about trying to keep Dick out of trouble Prompt 3: Blanche Nixon & Ann Winters: they know each other because their idiot brothers are """"friends"""" but they both know what's up and cover for Dick and Nix at various times throughout their lives Prompt 4: Kitty Grogan & Franny Guarnere & Pat Martin: they meet because their fellas are on the line together and keep each other sane throughout the war Prompt 5: Floyd Talbert is everyone's best buddy DNW: No mpreg/pregnancy in general, no rape/non-con (dub-con like drunk!sex or sex pollen or hatesex is fine), no modern AUs, no ABO/dynamics, no kidfic.
Prompter #21 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Speirs & Shames: These stern, "unlikable" men are just not very social or nice, but they get each other. Outcast gay solidarity. Prompt 2: Kitty & Nixon/Winters: Nixon and/or Winters gets to meet Harry's special girl at last. Harry's made her sound like the romantic lead of a novel and really cool, and they are completely unprepared for the tall, awkward chess club captain. Prompt 3: Babe & Guarnere: Post-war readjusting of a friendship. Disability, marriage, kids on the way, Babe is gay. You know, the usual. DNW: xReader, OCs, hopeless angst, AUs, heavy focus on heterosexuality
@aloraundomiel AO3: ElfLadyArwen Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Dick admires Eugene’s medical skill and always shows interest in learning from him while he’s on the job. Eugene uses it to his advantage, making sure Dick takes care of himself (because shaving doesn’t count) under the guise of ‘teachable moments.’ Any battlefield setting would work. Prompt 2: Nix and Harry are joined at the hip, two class clowns who wind each other up.  When one gets them into deep trouble, the other one is always there to get them out again. Prompt 3: Dick Winters is jealous of Ronald Spiers ruthlessness/ability to detach and athletic prowess. Ronald Spiers is jealous of Dick’s empathy and ability to earn loyalty through compassion. Each man agrees to give the other lessons in order to be more well rounded leaders. DNW: Please no Blithe. Never Blithe. You can leave out Compton too.
@bandofmorons AO3: bandofmorons (pseud for sonsofmahal) Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Babe & Lieb friendship!! I don't have a ton of specifics for this, I just want them being friends and getting into shenanigans but also being supportive of each other... like they're just guys bein' dudes but they're also pretty close ya know! They take care of each other when they need to! Ideally this would be a modern AU, maybe they're college roommates or something? Prompt 2: But mostly I just want to see them goofing off but also being helpful when shit goes down or something, because that's what friends are for. Prompt 3: Some kind of traveling AU with the 5 officers (Winters, Nix, Harry, Lip and Speirs) all as friends and how going on a big trip like that can strain a friendship when something goes wrong or just from people being tired from traveling so much... maybe it's a cross-county roadtrip, maybe it's spring break in Europe, maybe they're going backpacking in New Zealand or something.. I just wanna see how all those 5 boys' different personalities interact on a big logistical venture! Prompt 4: I'm not picky about who necessarily but I want to see Webster getting close to & forming a close friendship with someone in Easy! I feel like in the show/fandom he gets a bad rap for being pretentious (which, fair) but I think it would be awesome to see him becoming good friends with someone and feeling more accepted among the company bc of it. This could be a canon-compliant thing or it could be a modern AU where the boys are all friends. Background Webgott would also be cool as long as Lieb is supportive of Web befriending more people. DNW: explicit sex
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jonsa-creatives · 4 years
guys, don't you think that maybe there's too much events going on at the same time and that's kinda making it hard for creators to have inspiration and create? like, wouldn't it be better if we all came together and got organized while doing these things so that the events would be bigger and more spaced out? idk it's just a thought, i might be wrong but i'm sensing a lot of miscommunication in the fandom lately and that's not very encouraging to those of us who create content
Hi anon!
I wavered on whether or not to answer this question at all tbh, anon. Your ask is worded politely but there’s a shadow of fandom negativity towards event organisers and we’d try to swerve away from that on this fandom blog.
I’ll take you as genuine though...
The events that I’ve seen being organised are a drabble week at the end of this month, a 2 day valentines event next month, Jonsa week sometime in march and a smut based event in june. (I’m a mod for jonsa week and nothing is set in stone yet - could possibly move).
First, my advice to anyone who feels like the amount of events is stressing them out because they want to participate would be to pick the one(s) they are most interested in and completely ignore the others - block the blogs or blacklist the event tag if you like. That way, the chance of you seeing reminder posts and feeling more stressed is reduced.
If, once you’ve decided that you’re not going to participate, you feel like that’s enough and you don’t want to do any blocking - reblogging and generally being supportive of the event organisers and the participants is still very, very much appreciated.
Regarding getting together and being ‘more organised’ - most jonsa event organisers that I know of do talk to each other and come to compromises about timings but of course anyone is completely free to organise whatever event they wish - we don’t want to get into gatekeeping territory. And besides, organising events is fun - I wouldn’t want to put anyone off hosting their own. Of course, it’s sensible to pick dates that leave a decent amount of time between events but honestly anon, that’s on the event organisers and not you or any participants. Create entries for fun and because you’re inspired, because you like the theme or because your friend is the one organising it. Please don’t feel obligated to create just because the event is happening. 
The bottom line is, neither we, nor anyone else has any kind of authority to tell people they can’t host events whenever they want to host them - you as a possible participant has to be the one to decide where you spend your energy. Much like with antis and the advice for the rest of tumblr - you have to curate your own fandom experience.
I’ve also seen newer members of the fandom kinda hyped at the fact that there are a few events to choose from.
I don’t know what else to say, anon. Sure - if I hosted an event too close to another that got little to no participation, I’d be pretty bummed about it. But that would be the risk *I* took and no one else should feel bad about it.
EDIT - come to think of it - the very first (or second, I can’t remember) events that Elle and I organised was a week on the lead up to season 7 and not long after we posted our intentions a different blog popped up doing a ‘count down to season 7′ event at the very same time. It wasn’t ideal for us that they had their idea and it wasn’t ideal for them that we had ours but if I remember rightly participation was decent for both. It happens sometimes and there isn’t any kind of jonsa adjudicator to rule one way or another lol
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amitds · 4 years
so I lurked through an old/inactive Tumblr Blog which was extremely critical of Naruto(both the character and manga) and only liked a select few characters,and funnily enough I agreed with most of their critiques about story being incoherent/inconsistent/incohesive and the supposed main bond of the story- naruto/sasuke - being poorly done,etc but they also said that team7/sannin parallels shown in the war arc were bs as the hype for sannin had not been kept consistent throughout the story in terms of feats(they were pro sakura but said her equalling sasuke and naruto was bullshit as they were too op), I know you have shown us through databooks and manga statements that she was indeed equal and she meant what she said but if we look at only manga feats and background(outside hype),can you justify her equivalence to SN duo, I mean kishimoto says in his interviews that he had planned to give her an arc but ditched it for god knows what reason...also can you explain her emotional plot relevance and do you think it's needed/positive,I mean there are many retconned things in this manga that elevate stagnant,minor and blank canvas(eg:rin) characters to plot importance(he also retconned Itachi so..) so I would like to know how sakura,a dynamic and major character effects the plot!! I know this ask was all over the place but I would really love to know your thoughts here,if you wish you could make a post on this or maybe ignore this altogether if you feel this is unneeded!!! Thank you!
“so I lurked through an old/inactive Tumblr Blog which was extremely critical of Naruto(both the character and manga) and only liked a select few characters,and funnily enough I agreed with most of their critiques about story being incoherent/inconsistent/incohesive and the supposed main bond of the story- naruto/sasuke - being poorly done,etc but they also said that team7/sannin parallels shown in the war arc were bs as the hype for sannin had not been kept consistent throughout the story in terms of feats(they were pro sakura but said her equalling sasuke and naruto was bullshit as they were too op),”
I don’t understand that sannin part. Are they saying the sannin’s hype hasn’t been consistent as in they were not portrayed as equals throughout the manga? Are they basing this strictly on feats? If so then they are mistaken and are, like so many, mixing loud Western fandumb talking points ( eg.OROCHIMARU IS THE STRONGEST SANNIN. TSUNADE CAN ONLY PUNCH AND HEAL) with the actual canon series where from what I read the sannin have always had consistent hype (outside of Itachi’s statement which can be due to him being secretly good and for the village). 
It’s always: 
It takes a sannin to beat a sannin
The power of a sannin
Each of the sannin have special powers
I’m one of the sannin (Orochimaru said this in the present Boruto timeline to hype himself)
He’s one of the sannin 
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Like what’s not clicking for these people?
Tsunade had chakra reserves comparable to a tailed beast with her seal, regeneration like Hashirama and her super strength affected incomplete susanoo and was beyond the raikage’s when he was lightened by Onoki ,according to Madara himself. Are those feats not comparable in these fans’ minds to Jiraiya’s incomplete sage mode with his odama rasengan that couldn’t break through a susanoo rib cage when naruto used it vs Madara or Orochimaru’s featless 8 branches technique? 
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The thing is, Sakura equaling them was not bullshit. First of all it is the author who makes the power scaling, not us. So this ‘rule’ wherein Sakura CANNOT equal EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto in skill and power because fans view them as too OP is ridiculous. 
They were not AS overpowered as the fandom makes them out to be. The same people who say they were so overpowered etc. are the same ones who argued that Sasuke was still under Itachi even when he got EMS vs Itachi’s MS. Lol! The same people don’t want to admit that Edo Minato is stronger or a little weaker than KCM Naruto. So you’re telling me someone above the sannin and alive Minato cannot be on par with someone </= Itachi or >/= Edo Minato, especially when the author says it? 
Do they think EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto were Hashirama leveled? No? Okay then what’s the issue with someone above the sannin, Hiruzen and Alive Minato being on their level? Why can’t someone above the sannin and alive Minato not be comparable to Edo Minato and KCM Naruto? 
It also doesn’t help their point when we remember that while EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto were struggling along with Edo Minato, Tobirama and Hiruzen vs Obito, that Sakura was healing the army and giving it chakra. So we never got to see her fight at full power with the boys after she equaled them in skill and power (her taijutsu and medical prowess). This makes the claim that she couldn’t and didn’t equal them even more unfounded. 
They talk about lack of feats for her equaling them but actually there’s lack of feats for her not. I mean we didn’t ever see her at full power after this AND when we did see her with them again they were Gods facing off against Madara and she was low on chakra. 
“I know you have shown us through databooks and manga statements that she was indeed equal and she meant what she said but if we look at only manga feats and background(outside hype),can you justify her equivalence to SN duo, I mean kishimoto says in his interviews that he had planned to give her an arc but ditched it for god knows what reason..."
Well I don’t personally feel that we need to find feats to justify something that already has been stated and shown as fact i.e. if Sakura and Kishi say she’s on par with them, the fandumb doesn’t have to power to invalidate this by their stupid explosion watching, physics calculations or vs hypotheticals BUT since I actually do like to debunk people soundly I’ll bite. 
Sakura doesn’t have feats in a particular battle per se however, even if we totally ignore the databook entries about her equaling them:
Sakura’s strength is beyond Tsunade and Ei’s which they used on incomplete susanoo. EMS Sasuke uses an incomplete susanoo. That is a direct comparison between their abilities. Even if we want to argue that Sasuke’s incomplete susanoo was above the ones Tsunade/Ei broke and fought, Sakura’s strength is beyond theirs so where does that leave us? Her strength while not at its zenith was able to break Kaguya’s horn and injure here more severely (she had a swollen eye) than God leveled Naruto’s physical strength boosted by the 5 tails power to give ‘unparalleled strength). 
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Sakura reacted to Kaguya’s chakra arms and evaded for a while, while low on chakra. Kaguya’s chakra arms were stated by God Naruto to be super fast and he warned God Sasuke about it, to which he agreed. This is Sasuke who could teleport and Naruto with Minato like speed or above, so... 
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With Sakura’s seal she was able to heal and army and give it chakra 2 times (2nd time with Tsunade) and then she had enough chakra by the time she needed to help save Sasuke. She had more chakra while low and nearly depleted than one of God Naruto’s clones. She was able to fuel Obito completely on her own even though Naruto’s clone went with them to help give chakra and Sakura, as I said, was low on chakra. 
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With the seal Sakura and Tsunade were able to access the byakugo no jutsu which, acc. to Madara and DB 4 is similar to Hashirama’s healing ability. In fact DB 4 explains in detail that Hashirama’s ability is due to his massive chakra reserves which Tsunade lacked. Therefore she needed the seal to access regeneration for a long time like him. Sakura boasted that she doesn’t use chakra from her seal 24/7 to keep her body young. This gives Sakura 2 abilties comparable to Hashirama i.e. chakra reserves and regeneration. 
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It should be noted that Hashirama himself said that KCM Naruto had almost as much chakra as he did so Sakura’s seal granting her comparable chakra reserves to Hashirama also puts her reserves in this ball park in the original series. So this is another direct comparison to one of the boys. Along with Sasuke’s susanoo and her strength, we have Sakura and KCM Naruto’s chakra reserves being compared to Hashirama’s in the databook and manga, respectively. 
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I think it’s funny that Sakura has 2 abilities/powers/characteristics that are comparable to Hashirama’s most notable ones (chakra reserves and regeneration) and which are beyond Tsunade’s versions of them, and people (not you) think it’s a gotcha question to ask what feats/powers she has that compares to EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto (even though a lot of feat comparisons are SUBJECTIVE, even mine here). 
Keep in mind that these feats are not from her actually fighting and only supplement Kishi in the databooks and the manga and Sakura stating and showing that she was equal to Naruto and Sasuke when she got her seal. 
What I usually ask people when they come with the whole ‘she never caught up to them’ BS is:
How can you prove it?
What feats do you see that proves that she wasn’t on par with them?
What statements are there to prove this? 
Then you see people bend over backwards to pass off opinions about blaze release, odama rasenshuriken and ‘punching’. It’s hilarious. 
“also can you explain her emotional plot relevance and do you think it's needed/positive,I mean there are many retconned things in this manga that elevate stagnant,minor and blank canvas(eg:rin) characters to plot importance(he also retconned Itachi so..) so I would like to know how sakura,a dynamic and major character effects the plot!! I know this ask was all over the place but I would really love to know your thoughts here,if you wish you could make a post on this or maybe ignore this altogether if you feel this is unneeded!!! Thank you!”
I don’t really feel the need to go into detail with this. Simply put IMO.
Sakura deserved better.
She deserved a unique power along with her powers surpassing Tsunade (genjutsu + slug sage mode)
Sakura, and even Kakashi, IMO should have played a more important role in Sasuke’s redemption. 
Sakura should have gotten her own arc(s) like fucking Shikamaru a side character, did. 
Sakura IMO didn’t need to be like Rin, Itachi or Minato or any side to affect the plot. I am fine with her getting more fights and helping Naruto and Kakashi more along with having more of a role in bringing Sasuke back being what gave her plot importance. I don’t need a big back story for her. Just more missions and maybe some of what Kakashi got?
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a-sweet-pea · 4 years
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I have no idea what to do with this information. I am pleased and confused that 500 people (or alternatively, 350 odd people and 150 porn bot accounts) looked at my blog full of borrowed memes and self-indulgent G/t trash and said, “Yea, I’d like to be notified when this person has a dumb thought about things.”
Y’all give me life, and make me feel better about my big secret, my eternal shame, my own personal weirdness.
Thanks in no small part to the confidence I’ve built up by having a community of like-minded weirdos, since starting this tumblr, I’ve divulged my interest in G/t to my two closest friends AND my sister (without dissolving into a fine mist out of sheer embarassment), and written loads more fic than I thought myself capable of.
Just in case anyone missed it, here’s a little Meet-the-Author if you want to get to know me better.
I feel like I should offer some kind of giveaway or something, just to celebrate, but I have no idea what. I guess y’all could just keep sending me characters to do little G/t headcanons for, that’s a lot of fun, even when I don’t know the character and have to frantically google some youtube videos of them to get an idea of what theyre like.
If any of you folks that are here for my fics ALSO have disposable incomes (a big ask in these times, I know) I take comissions, and I’m in a real G/t writing mood, so its a good time to ask lol.
Also, as long as I have your attention, for anyone who doesn’t know, what was originally referred to “Untitled: Cowboy” is not going to be continued in it’s current form, but instead has ballooned into an original romance novella that will be in the 20k range when it’s done (The cowboy formerly known as Boone is now Buck, and he is a soft cinnamon-roll man). and I intend to release it as an ebook, so if you like LORGE COWBOYS, you should cautiously get hype for that (I have no idea how long it’s gonna take me to finish it).
Don’t hesitate to pop into my asks or DMs to talk G/t or my fics/characters, your support feeds my soul.
Thanks for hanging around, and shoutouts to @dragonkween13 for being my 500th follower! If you tell me your fave G/t trope, I’ll write a little drabble, tell you my thoughts on it, make a lil scene, something like that.
I LOVE y’all. *Big Kisses*
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tiffdawg · 4 years
Hello Tiff I don’t know if you’ve answered this type of question before (if you have sorry for the repeat) but what advice would you give someone who’s starting to write their first fic ever? I’ve never written one before but I’m so inspired by authors (yourself included 🙂) that I want to try my hand at it.
Hello!! ☺️
I’m so happy that you’re going to start writing! That’s so exciting!! I’d love to share a few pieces of advice with you — I’m flattered you even thought to ask me. I only started writing fanfic this year but I’ve been writing my whole life (both creative fiction and historical research) so I hope I have something helpful to offer.
In no particular order... here are 10 random pieces of writing advice that I wholeheartedly believe in:
1. Write what you want to read! Especially if you can’t find anything like it. Chances are someone else is looking for that exact fic too.
2. Remember that everything has been done before — and then write it anyway. Sometimes it can feel like there’s no reason to write your story if others have written something close to it. But no one can write your story like you. Make it unique. Make it yours. Were there already Professor!Peña fics? Yes. Did I write mine anyway? Hell yes I did and I have no regrets about it. You might think the world doesn’t need another proposal fic or coffee shop au or whatever it is you want to write but we haven’t read yours yet. And we want too!
3. Find a fic buddy. Or two. Or three! I hardly talked to anyone on tumblr before I started writing. Now I don’t know what I would do without my little group of fic friends. It can be really daunting to post something you write. It takes a lot of courage and vulnerability. But having a couple friends to brainstorm or edit with or just find support in when you need it is seriously so helpful. And you can hype!! each!! other!! up!! It makes the writing process so much more fun and a lot less lonely.
4. Outlines are always helpful. Not just for individual oneshots and chapters but multichapter fics as well. I like to have some sense of where I’m going with my story. But! Don’t be afraid to stray from the outline — sometimes the best ideas won’t come to you until you start writing. And on that note, listen to your characters. They will talk to you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ll be in the middle of writing a scene with a certain plan in mind only to have a character be like “nope I’m going to do this instead,” and honestly you just have to run with them. That’s when they start to come alive.
5. A first draft only has to exist. It doesn’t have to be good. So just start writing! Everything I write goes through extensive editing before I’m happy with it. But you can’t edit anything until you write something. Moreover, like any skill, writing takes practice. So start writing, and then keep writing.
6. There will be days when you don’t feel like writing or you hate your story and want to delete everything. Don’t do it! Don’t listen to those little voices because that feeling will pass. I guarantee it. This is when having a fic buddy really comes in handy. It may sound silly, but I also keep an ongoing list of nice comments people leave on my stories on my phone. Whenever I’m feeling down or uninspired I reread them and instantly feel better. And usually come up with a dozen new ideas. This especially helped me in the beginning when like five people read my first stories.
7. Write down ideas as they come to you. Sometimes I’ll come up with a piece of dialogue on a walk or an idea will pop into my head at the grocery story and I always make sure to jot it down. Otherwise a brilliant idea might disappear into the void forever.
8. Remember that tumblr is... fickle. On a good day. Every little thing from the time you post to the tags you use can impact how many people see your post. I wish I had more advice on that but I still haven’t figured that out. Catch me posting new chapters at 3am like a crazy person. And there are a lot of silent readers out there who will love your writing but might not comment/like/reblog. It can be frustrating, but please, please, please never measure your value as a writer by those meaningless indicators.
9. Don’t be afraid to draw from your own life. Your feelings, emotions, experiences, thoughts — everything — are all valid and important. Sometimes tapping into that can be uncomfortable. Sometimes it can be cathartic. But that’s usually where you find the Good Stuff. The stuff that’s relatable to your readers. The stuff that will make them stop and really feel something. One of my favorite comments to date was in a chapter of TLOS. I literally paraphrased something that my therapist told me that week that struck deep. It just happened to fit perfectly into the story and someone actually commented that it was exactly what they needed to hear. More often than not, our feelings and experiences are universal. Sharing them can be a beautiful thing.
10. Play with your prose. Especially if you’re just starting to write. You’ll find your unique voice and style, but it takes some experimentation. Get creative with your tenses, perspectives, narrative styles. Never feel restricted to do things a certain way. Each story can be completely different from your last — and that’s amazing. Try new things! I’m constantly in awe of writers who’s prose reads like poetry. All the feelings and emotions and metaphors and... what not. But no matter how hard I try I just can’t write like that for more than half a paragraph. My strengths lie elsewhere. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still try.
💕 Tiff
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flooffybits · 4 years
Just a quick little note: This is the surprise I’ve been planning for 2 weeks now and hyping it up by mentioning it a few times. So I hope this isn’t too underwhelming for you😁.
I wanted to stay up and greet you at 12 but I feel like that would be to creepy✌️You don’t have to reply to this or make a response😊 I just want you to know this and maybe keep this at the inbox to read at your special day or for when you need motivation.
Hoping that I don’t creep you out with this. I decided to do an all out for your special day even though I’m just a baby mallow celebrating my cracker’s birthday!💕And after this I think I would stop talking for a while cause I’m getting a little anxious that the others are getting annoyed because I keep submitting again and again, so I’ll lay low for a little while😊
STOP! Read this first ^
Okay, good morning!
First of all, I hope your day goes amazing today, you deserve it!
My official mission that I started was that I would show you my undying appreciation for existing. Though I don’t know your name, or anything at all, from what I’ve observed with you talking to my fellow mallows.
You’re really nice, like I’ve never seen anything as cute as you interacting with us.
Like, you make cute stuff for us and I might be speaking for myself here, but I feel like I don’t do enough to pay you back🥺
You’re one of the Authors that are lined up with the best writers, in my opinion. Though this kind of stuff isn’t recognized by a lot, there are people who don’t really agree to it and I hope you can make it past the hate, if you are getting any.
This line of hobby can be really hard because you don’t want to disappoint your mallows by seeming like your slacking off. When you posted what you were doing it was honestly honorable to see you working so hard, mixing your reality with this fiction world, but you really don’t have to!
You can take all the time off that you want, I think every single one of your mallows agree to this, that you deserve it.
You do so much for us, your W.I.P is so stacked because of the demand but I hope you don’t overwork yourself, we would understand if you need a break to rest, don’t feel obligated to post for us because your a “popular writer” in our eyes.
You do so much for us and I feel like doing a massive celebration for your birthday but I’m quite not sure how to communicate with fellow mallows because of the anon things.
Honestly for my point of view, when I came to tumblr I was hesitant to keep it for long on my phone but when I saw that writers actually existed in here I decided to keep it.
My first few weeks it was a bare desert here, nothing but pictures and gifs. But then a few months a stumbled upon a story of yours. I think my first story that I read was your BP scenarios. I recently came from Wattpad and since that site if getting more complicated I was happy to see that you exist.
The next couple of weeks, I found myself waking up early to read your stuff and I could still remember the mornings that I found myself curling in bed and smiling at the warm feeling I got from reading your stuff.
It made me happy that I could ‘live’ in an imaginative world where my life would happen without any worries or anxiety burdening me.
Then a few weeks after I finished, I decided to anon and respond to what you wanted to know about different groups. A week in I branched out and decided to respond to your random posts and stuff.
During it, I found it fun to actually talk to you, even if it’s anon. Like you take me out of my world with your stories and you make it easier for me to get distracted because you interact with us a lot.
Seeing you happy about posting, updating, and responding to your mallows makes my heart swell because I’ve found yours really genuine and you do really want to make us happy.
Your anon to Author and Author to anon conversations are so soft and I think that the person leading or managing a community radiates their energy to their community and it really shows.
This community is so wholesome and one day, if we do get a chance to talk without any masks that it would be as nice as the community we have now.
I know some are shy, and I can say that I am part of that, we try our best to show our appreciation to our author.
Like, we aren’t really obligated to show you our appreciation and that you would say that reading your stories are enough but showing and telling how much we love and appreciate you is a deeper and more better way to express our appreciation than reading and liking.
I hope you aren’t thinking that you have to force yourself to update, at this point we understand that you have your own life. This blog is somewhere you can be someone that can show your imagination.
Maybe writing this tonight I keep thinking on what would happen if your blog didn’t appear on my recommended. Because my life has been heavy with my family being unreasonably strict, and the stress school has brough me.
Most of my days have been spent interacting with you and reading your stuff, so you have saved me from moping around all day.
Like you make me so happy and successfully pulling me away from the life I have now is the greatest thing that you can do, even if you don’t really do it yourself your works transmit the message well.
Seeing how you constantly ask us if it’s okay for you to change your schedule or plans is really nice of you but still it’s alright for us, as I keep saying throughout this whole letter that you do so much for us and you do what you want and we will respect you all the way!
You’re amazing, talented, and a very good writer in my opinion.
And I know for a fact that some of your mallows, active or not, have been inspired by you to start writing and follow in your footsteps.
I, for one, did start writing because of you.
You are one of the authors that I would keep close to my heart, your stories made me feel something light that I never knew I needed.
You pulled me out of a pit that I struggled in, and I would be forever greatful for that.
“The toughest Lion always leads the pride, but I realized that the fluffiest tiger could lead one too😉”
“The alpha would lead the pack but always remember that the pack would always defend the alpha”
We got you all the way❤️ (Happy birthday, Floof, the crackers for us mallows)
Have a very very Happy Birthday! From all of us mallows!💕
oh wow i was not... i wasn't expecting this at all. i didn't really know that this whole blog meant something to at least someone but i greatly appreciate all of this and all of you. when i started writing, it was nothing but a simple hobby to just pass time and do something while I'm not studying. but eventually this turned into a whole lot more with people talking to me about the randomest things and confiding in me about what troubled them. at first i wanted to write, but eventually i wanted to be someone who made an impact so i kept making these stories. but as much as you guys thank me for writing them, i want you all to know that I'm really thankful to all of you too because i wouldn't be a "writer" if it weren't for everyone who reads and reacts to my works. you're all part of how the stories come to life, so it would be nice to give credit where credit is due. i might not be able to reply to everything you've said because I'm still a wee bit groggy but i hope you know that you aren't creepy for doing this nor do you have to lay low because you've been "sending too much" but ultimately that decision is yours marshmallow. nothing about this message has been underwhelming so please don't think that.
thank you for this and for all the support you guys have been giving me. i love you 💕
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gleekto · 4 years
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Summary: College AU/Famous!Blaine and Fanboy!Kurt - Kurt POV
Kurt really doesn’t have time to figure out the dating world between being a freshman at prestigious theatre school, LAADA,  and his active but secret blogging life in the Sing!Fandom. So what if Sing! ended last year? There are still fics to read and actors to follow. Especially the uber talented heartthrob lead, Blaine Anderson. He can act. He can sing. He can even dance. He’s gay. He’s out. And he’s only 24. Kurt is willing to twiddle his thumbs and click refresh until Blaine Anderson’s next project.
He just didn’t expect the next project to be on his roommate Rachel’s new TV show.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Even Better than the Real Thing (12/13)
“You’re here.”
In the last ten minutes, Kurt has gone from being sure Blaine was going to put a bounty on his head for that fan pic, to thinking that he maybe managed not to be totally cancelled as a friend, to suddenly having to process that Blaine is at his doorstep, casual and deliberately sexy, staring at him like they both have too many clothes on. And Kurt, not having expected any guests in the late morning, is still in his pyjamas. At least they’re silk.
“Looks like it.” Blaine steps inside and closes the door.  Kurt is in full surprise mode at seeing Blaine right here, right now, so open and obvious and hot. His heart thuds. It’s such a rush that he unconsciously scrunches his eyes shut under the electricity of it. 
“Don’t look too happy to see me,” Blaine laughs, gently reaching out to touch Kurt’s upper arm.
“I am.” Kurt opens his eyes wide again. “I really am. I just was not expecting you. At all. Two days ago, I was sure you would never speak to me again after you discovered my alter ego. And then okay, we talked - like the mature adults we are -” Kurt emphasizes and Blaine chuckles, “And I was not going to have to hide in a corner should we ever meet again. But then tumblr haunted me yet again and suddenly I’m either your public fake boyfriend while you secretly have an affair with Rachel or your new younger fanboy toy and-”
“An accurate summary,” Blaine interrupts, hand still gently on his arm.
“So I mean this sincerely, but also with maybe a sprinkle of my usual sass,” Kurt huffs and closes his eyes, trying not to just melt under Blaine’s gaze like the Wicked Witch under a drop of rain, “Why are you here? And looking at me like that?”
“Well, I do care.” Blaine’s eyes are big and sincere and boring into him. Kurt backs up against the wall for support, Blaine close to his face, hand now rubbing his arm.  “About your alter ego, I mean. There is no way I would have gone after you like I did if I had known. But the problem was that  by the time I found out about LimaBlaineFan, I liked you already - the guy who goes to LAADA, and can handle Rachel Berry-”
“No small feat,” Kurt interjects. 
“No. And despite all the guys and dates and Mr. Pinks, no one has been able to keep up with my more nerdy musical theatre side-”
“Who are you calling nerdy?”
"Oh I’m calling myself nerdy,” Blaine steps further into his space making it actually pretty difficult to concentrate on the nice things he seems to be saying, though Kurt isn’t quite sure because Blaine keeps looking from his eyes to his lips to his eyes and it’s very distracting. “And I’m rationalizing all this to myself because you did stop posting and it doesn’t actually seem like you were stalking me or trying to trick me into dating you-”
“I’m not clever enough to pull that off, I’m afraid.”
“So apparently, for you, my golden rule is made to be broken.” Kurt is pretty sure he hears that correctly. “And about the fan photo - I can’t care about stuff like that. I mean, I can go to coffee with Rachel tomorrow - suddenly I’ll be a conflicted bisexual falling for my co-star.”
“You think you’re being sarcastic but actually, there is definitely a segment of tumblr that firmly believes you’re gay for pay.”
“Oh I know,” Blaine sighs, exhaling into Kurt’s breath. “I admit I don’t really understand the theory, but I know they’re out there. And they’re wrong.” Blaine’s less than subtle roaming eyes become too much so Kurt closes his own under the scrutiny. “As for why I’m looking at you like that,” Blaine is an inch from his face. “I’d rather show you.”
“God,” Kurt breathes out while Blaine’s mouth lands on his, his body pressing Kurt up against the wall of his living room. Finally kissing him. Blaine’s mouth and tongue move slowly and deliberately, making the kiss long and dirty.  
After minutes of tasting and slow drags of Blaine’s tongue on his neck and behind his ear and on his throat, Kurt looks down and shakes his head, a giggle slipping out.
“Are you ticklish?” Blaine asks, taking his earlobe between his teeth.
“No,” Kurt shivers. “I’m laughing because when I saw that picture on tumblr, I really had no idea what you were going to do to me.”
“I can show you if you’d like.” Kurt supposes he asked for that one. Blaine grabs his ass, pushing their bodies together. He’s getting hard and he knows Blaine can feel it - silk pyjamas not leaving much to the imagination. “I’d like to start by getting you out of these,” Blaine pulls at his pyjamas, puts his hands up inside the shirt, and lets his hands explore. Kurt lifts Blaine’s t-shirt slightly, tentatively mirroring him. “And you,” Blaine pauses. “Can finally see me shirtless.” His blog will forever haunt him, he’s sure. 
Kurt looks up at the ceiling, exasperated. “You don’t even feel like that guy, you know. The Blaine Anderson on my blog who I wished had a shirtless scene. You just kind of look like him.” 
When Kurt looks back down, Blaine is shirtless, having made quick work of his loose t-shirt, and the top button of his jeans is undone. He’s like a Chippendale’s dancer live in his living room. And Kurt is trying very hard not to be too overwhelmed by the show.  “You wouldn’t know,” Blaine says as he saunters towards Kurt’s bedroom. “You never saw him shirtless.”
Kurt follows, sitting down on the edge of his bed, trying to catch his breath. It’s a lot this shirtless, sexual Blaine openly wanting him and he wants it to last. Blaine walks up to him, takes his hands and places them on his chest, and starts to massage Kurt’s chest again under his shirt, before lifting it over his head. 
“I still don’t know what I’m doing, by the way.”  The confession just tumbles out and he can’t take it back. Like maybe he could just try to figure things out without routinely making himself seem so innocent.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten,” Blaine says, leaning down and kissing his neck, while running his thumbs deliberately over Kurt’s nipples. Blaine is such a playful flirt and it’s completely unnerving. “Though my little stroll through your former tumblr does give me a hint of what you might like.”
He really is never going to forgive himself for leaving his laptop open. “Just to clarify, I do not want a threesome. I just liked that author. So don’t get any ideas.”
Blaine laughs and crawls on to Kurt’s bed, pulling Kurt to lie down beside him as he takes out his phone. “Oh I have lots of ideas.” Kurt sees more screen caps. Great. Blaine shows him an ask he vaguely remembers from maybe three years ago -  
Anonymous asks:
Do you think Blaine has had sex? I mean, he’s only 21 and was from a small town and he’s gay. 
LimaBlaineFan: Yeah. He’s an adult and is a heartthrob TV star living out in LA. Lots of sex to be found, I’m sure.
“Well, you were right about that,” Blaine shrugs. “My first time was with a guy I hooked up with right before Sing! started airing. It may sound stupid but I wanted to be with someone before fame might hit  - and you never know why someone might want you.” 
“It’s not stupid,” Kurt says quickly. “Not at all.”
“Well, we didn’t do everything,” Blaine adds. “But I did give my first blowjob, so it counts.”   
Blaine is very open - with language, with emotions, with sex. It’s a little intimidating. A lot sexy. Kurt curls up to him and starts kissing his neck. “Lucky guy.”
“You’re about to be just as lucky,” Blaine says easily. “Maybe luckier. I’ve honed my skills.” Okay, Blaine plans to give him a blowjob. “And by the way, this next one is the last screen cap I have. Maybe it’s poetic justice but this one is kind of hot.” Oh god. Blaine scrolls to another old ask:
Anonymous asks: 
Hey LBF - I know you said you’re not a one night stand kind of guy but if you could have one night with Blaine, what would you do?
LimaBlaineFan: Well this isn’t going to happen so might as well give you my wildest dream - which would be everything, I guess? I have no experience so who knows what I like but pretty sure his amazing ass would have to feature.
“We can stop reading these now, right?” Blaine laughs and nods. “And we can delete them forever? Because  I’m really not talking about the same you and I really don’t feel like that horny fanboy right now.”
“Oh I hope you are at least the horny part.” Blaine turns on to his side, slipping his hand into Kurt’s pyjama pants and on to his ass. 
“Oh my god, shut up.”
“I will,” Blaine says, kneading his ass and kissing along his chest while Kurt tries to breathe. “But first, I would like to propose to you that unlike your alter ego, you will not only get one night with “Blaine”. And also unlike your alter ego, I don’t think we should do everything,” Blaine looks up at his eyes, “Yet. But I would like to suck you-” Blaine moves his hand to Kurt’s front and squeezes. Okay, he did just say that. “And whatever you want to do, I am sure my ass could definitely feature. I hope it lives up to the hype.”
They’re kissing again before Kurt can respond and Blaine is making quick work of getting him very hard, very fast. “I want to go first,” Kurt says, reluctantly pulling his body away from Blaine. “It’s too fast otherwise. I want to try.” Kurt tugs at Blaine’s jeans and hopes his meaning is clear.
“Okay,” Blaine nods, looking sexy and excited and very willing. “Okay.” Blaine gets up and quickly and pulls off his pants and briefs. He’s standing in front of Kurt, still lying on the bed, naked and bold and not shy at all. “How would you like to-” Kurt’s contemplating. “I have an idea,” Blaine says before Kurt has a chance to decide. He looks mischievious. “If you’re serious about wanting my ass involved.”
“Of course,” Kurt says and sits up, going for false confidence. He’s watched enough porn to know that this can’t be that difficult. And there is something so easy about being with Blaine. 
“If you want, which is cool either way,” Blaine starts. “You can go on you knees in front of me-”
“My knees?”
“Yeah,” Blaine looks sheepish. “I admit it’s hot to me. Should we forget it?”
Kurt drops a pillow on the floor and drops to his knees. It’s worth it just to see Blaine’s jaw drop slightly. “Go on.”
“Wow,” Blaine holds Kurt’s face. “You’re amazing.” Blaine breathes in. “Okay, so go ahead and open for me.” Blaine holds his hard cock in his hands and traces it on Kurt’s lips as he opens his mouth. Kurt concentrates on what he knows for the first few minutes, lick under the head, cover his teeth, good suction. Blaine moves in and out slowly, and Blaine’s little moans encourage him. He’s doing it. “Now grab my ass, Kurt,” Blaine says. “Don’t be shy - grab it. Use your fingers. I like it.” Blaine’s hands move to Kurt’s head, pushing him gently further, while Kurt holds firmly on to Blaine’s ass. “Stick in a finger, Kurt. I can take one without lube. Yeah, that’s it. You’re so hot. Amazing.” The image is overwhelming  - Blaine pushing into his mouth, his finger pushing into Blaine. Blaine’s movements get faster. “I don’t want to choke you,” Blaine pants. “I’m going to pull out and come on both of us. Then I’m going to suck you until you scream.” Kurt is groaning around his cock as he pulls out, and comes on Kurt’s chest and his own legs. Kurt gently pulls his finger out.
Without cleaning anything, Blaine pushes Kurt down on to the bed, pulls off his pyjama bottoms, and sinks down on him. He plays with his own come on Kurt’s chest as he encourages Kurt up and into his mouth. “Fuck my mouth, Kurt. I can take it,” He says before sinking down again. Kurt feels the build up, lets himself moan loudly in the empty apartment. “Let me hear it, Kurt.” Kurt’s sound is guttural as he comes down Blaine’s throat.  
Wow -  if that isn’t the best sex he’s ever had. Which it obviously is but wow.
“Kurt, you are fucking amazing,” Blaine pants as he sits up and catches his own breath. “So open and sexy and hot.” Maybe the newest thing about all this is those labels being given to him. By Blaine Anderson. Definitely not the guy on television.
“You’re alright,” Kurt says back. Sarcasm is safer as he cuddles into Blaine’s side, letting Blaine clean them both up as he catches his breath. He is feeling pretty good about his first performance. “Your ass is definitely better than that TV star’s.”
As they lie in bed, practicing Blaine’s upcoming scene with Kurt playing Rachel, Kurt’s phone buzzes.
Mercedes: It’s official. The first RPF is out - Kurt and Blaine.
Kurt quickly texts back: Do not send that to me. 
“Do they know your real name?” Blaine looks scandalized.
“Only my first name.” 
Mercedes: Well, you may be more interested in this one. That faux entertainment ‘zine guy, JustJay, thinks he has the scoop from the coffee shop.
Kurt: You mean the top secret news that Blaine Anderson dips biscotti while chatting with a friend? 
Blaine laughs as he reads the text over Kurt’s shoulder and then the link at JustJay. Kurt sees the melodramatic headline of Who is the pretty face having coffee with Sing!’s favorite heartthrob?  and he’s pretty sure that he is more scandalized than Blaine. Here it is Sing! fans, the photo everyone is talking about...
“Ha!” Kurt laughs out loud as he shuts the computer. “JustJay has a very skewed view of who exactly is everyone.”
“I can handle this, no problem. My publicist has probably already left me four messages.” Blaine checks his phone. “Only two - JustJay isn’t the big time yet. Only question then is whether there is something to talk about here.” Blaine looks at him sincerely, almost vulnerable.
“What do you mean? Like I don’t want to be the front cover of TMZ, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“No. I’m asking if this is happening?”
“I think it just did.” Kurt bites at Blaine’s shoulder, too nervous to answer.
“You’re really making me pull teeth now? So should it happen again, Kurt?”
“You’re asking as if the answer could be anything other than yes.”
“Never meet your idols. They might disappoint.”
Kurt stares at the ceiling and laughs, shaking his head. “Or they could be you.”
39 notes · View notes
spnfanficpond · 5 years
February 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
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There are NINE (9) stories this month with more than one nomination!! Be sure to check through all ninety (yeah, that’s 90!!!) nominations!!
Nominated by @flamencodiva 
Frat Boy (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats 
This is one of my all time favorite stories by Michelle! It was one of the first ones I read when I joined Tumblr. it is a really good read and I recommend it highly! 
A River In Egypt (series) by @crashdevlin 
Holy crap this is another amazing fic by Cassie! I mean the way she writes Sam’s inner monologue is amazing! and the rest is yet to come! 
Darken (series) by @impala-dreamer 
I love Beka’s Stories! This one is my absolute favorite! and my god was it angsty as hell and I ate it all up! 
Nominated by @becs-bunker 
The Accidental Sexter (oneshot) by @scorpiongirl1 
OK, where to start with this one?! I honestly sweated my way through reading it. It was so hot and steamy and let’s be honest, even over 40, Dean can get it anytime. This just proves it!🔥🔥 Some accidents are so worth it, that one sure was!
Nominated by @erins-culinary-service 
Call of the Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva 
This is the first mermaid! Reader fic I’ve read but I’m loving it so much! It’s a collaboration fic, but the chapters go so well together you can’t even tell. It’s also a super slow burn and I know will be 100% worth the wait.
When You Fall (series) by @flamencodiva 
This is such an amazing and dark fic. READ THE WARNINGS THOUGH!! There are a lot of things that could trigger someone, but if you do read the story it will leave you wanting more are the end of every chapter.
Fighting For A Future (series) by @flamencodiva 
*Uncontrollable screaming noises* that’s the only way I can describe how much I love this and how excited I get when I see an update about this fic!
Running With Wolves (series) by @waywardrose13 
This series rips my heart out every single chapter and I always come back for more because how could I not?  It’s an angsty A/B/O fic and I can’t wait to find out how this ends since there’s still so much left in the fic to explore.
Nominated by @fictionalabyss 
Privacy (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten 
Can I nominate this glorious piece of work for the AFA!? It gets right to the point and has you looking forwards to that climax at the end and what gets him there.
Porch Swing (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1 
omfg. The angst was almost subtle until it wasn’t.  Ripped my god damn heart out.
Unexpected (oneshot) by @tumbler-tidbits 
When I wrote Sleeping with the wrong Winchester, there was next to nothing for small dick Winchesters. You don’t know how happy I was to find this in the pond! I LOVEEEEEE small dick Winchester fics. WE NEED MORE!
Never In Fact Homeless (oneshot) by @slowdownsugar 
Perfect. It’s just perfect, that’s all that really needs to be said here. It’s short, and sweet, and utterly perfect.
You Can’t Save Them All (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87 
It’s an older fic that I had forgotten about until I stumbled on it again. Its easy to picture the scene, her playing the piano with a broken heart, and Dean just being there so she isn’t alone. still beautiful.
Meeting Mr. Smith (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten 
Alpha!Dean Smith is just so.. *happy sigh*
Back to Him (oneshot) by @focusonspn 
That ending really made this fic for me. It’s such a Dean ending. The determination to put his pain aside and and get someone back.
One Night Lover (oneshot) by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing 
As always, I’m sucked in, and I can’t look away. By the end, I’m heartbroken and trying desperately to pick up the pieces and while begging to make it better.
Till the End of Time (oneshot) by @girl-next-door-writes 
This made me so happy you don’t even know. I loved this. I love the idea of this.  I just- I love this.
The New Sheriff (series) by @iflostreturntosteverogers
I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TO START POSTING! Bad ass female main with a cowboy!Dean? Fuck yes! Get hyped, and get reading. *impatiently awaiting chapter 2*
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
We Know (oneshot) by @icequeen6666
Randomly came across this fic and, well, anyone who knows me won’t be surprised I couldn’t say no to a good dose of pure angst. I loved the pace in this oneshot. It was quick, but still managed to keep the suspense. And the ending broke my heart, as always.
Too Late, Now (oneshot) by @theholyfoxface
I don’t read many RPF’s but this one sucked me right in and there was nothing I could do about it. It was a beautiful combination of heartbreaking and heartwarming in a way I’m not sure how to describe properly. Yet, the author managed to do it absolutely perfectly.
You Scared Us (oneshot) by @theholyfoxface
Always love reading fics by fellow guppies and shining a well deserved spotlight on them through these nominations. This one I enjoyed very much. I loved the way Dean was portrayed as the more reasonable one while still being his stern self, trying to get things done his way.
You, Me & The Devil Makes Three (series) by @supersassyprobablysad
This series is very intriguing. I love the OC’s wit and the overall backstory of her and her siblings. Definitely going to keep an eye out for the next chapters to find out how this mystery will unravel.
Porch Swing (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
Well, this sure broke me into a million pieces. I’m a sucker for angst and this piece of writing certainly delivered. It’s sad but it’s gorgeous and I’m in love.
A Day at the Cabin (oneshot) by @cloverhighfivewritestoo
All the fluff. This is so sweet, after reaching the end I went back and read it a second time right away. I would also like to say that Sam being the little spoon is something I can 100% get behind. Pun intended.
Let Me Go (oneshot) by @foreverwayward
Though the ‘Always keep fighting’ part definitely got me bad, I was an absolute fool thinking that would be the hardest part. This was so beautifully written, I don’t quite know what to say. I guess the heartbreak I’m feeling after reading this is all on me, since there was a fair warning given right at the top.
Notes (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
I stumbled across this fic and I just…… wow. Apart from the signature amazing writing from this author, which I keep getting blown away by, I just really loved the idea for the plot. The way it was set up with the secret blog and the notes while the brothers acted like they had no idea. I’ll say it again: Wow.
Nominated by @kittenofdoomage 
Control and Release (series) by @thecleverdame 
I lost five hours of my life to this beauty. It’s so perfect. I can’t even find the right words to describe how perfect this is. If you love Sam, and you’re into BDSM, or even if you just like really amazing smut, you need to read this.
The Oath (series) by @thecleverdame 
This story is dark, so heed the warnings, but it is another brilliant masterpiece. Absolutely fantastic.
Call Of The Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva and @anathewierdo 
There aren’t many mermaid AUs out there, so this is a rare gem. The story that these two are weaving is intriguing, angsty, funny, and just plain awesome. I’m really enjoying reading it and can’t wait to see what happens.
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy 
I adored this oneshot for all the following reasons; the reader is a badass, Dean is spot-on, and the smut was h-h-hahmazing.
Bury It (series) by @crashdevlin 
Heed the warnings on this one, folks, it is not for the faint-hearted. It deals with some brutal themes, but it’s fucking awesome. I’m really enjoying seeing the journey from Dean’s perspective, despite how completely fucked up it is. lol
What Goes Bump In The Night (series) by @saxxxology 
If you haven’t heard of Saxxy, you are missing out, especially where it comes to her Sam A/B/Os. This series is no exception to her amazing level of work; it’s dark and twisty and just beautiful.
All Our Sins (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer 
It’s smutty, sinful, delicious - you just can’t go wrong.
Nominated by @impala-dreamer  
Cherry Red (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence 
I’m trying not to nominate you every month, but geezeus… HOLY HELL THIS IS MAGIC SMUT RIGHT HERE. ughhhh i’m a little … emotional about this.
Also, your writing is amazing in this. Like, it FELT like an old timey film and I dug that so much. Great, Great work.
‘He stares up with rapt attention, watching the curve of her body as she places herself over his knee; he’s pretty sure he’s died and gone to heaven, but he’s been to heaven before and it ain’t this fun.’
That line is magic. Mhm. Love it.
My Brother’s Keeper (oneshot) by @cleighwrites 
I don’t trust a lot of people to write Wincest with the respect and soul-level love that I believe it should be written with, as such, I don’t read a whole lot of it, except from certain people.
THIS IS PERFECT. It’s hurt/comfort Wincest, which is my absolute favorite, and then you somehow made Sam into the perfect needy sub, and it was so well written and respectful to the idea and the characters and just… it was really really well done. Bravo. Thank you.
Dutiful (oneshot) by @stusbunker 
Ya know that scene in Julie & Julia where Julie is trying to describe what eating an egg feels like for the first time and Amy Adams gets all like wide eyed and swoony and licking her lips and just…
Yeah, that was me reading this. God, that was good. Just… I can’t really explain it but I FELT it. Really Really good work.
Nominated by @sorenmarie87 
Roots (series) by @manawhaat 
I wish I could submit all three parts for a nomination because this mini series featuring JDM is so sweet and fluffy <3  Mana really knocked it out of the park.
More Than Anything (oneshot) by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
This fic in particular, I know that Carrie was gonna through a rough time and who doesn’t love a good comfort fic?  I know I do.  
The New Sheriff (series) by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
It’s no lie that I love AU’s and I was so excited when iflostreturntosteverogers said she was gonna write a Western AU.  The set up for the first part is perfect and Sara, the OC girl - I would do anything for.  
When You Fall (series) by @flamencodiva 
I had this particular fic on my list to read for such a long time, and I’m glad I finally read it. The plot is a little heavy but I highly recommend this one.   I can’t wait to see what she has in store for future parts.  
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis 
Anything and Everything (oneshot) by @rockhoochie 
I said this in my reblog of this story, but I want to say it here, too: This is freaking BEAUTIFUL! I had to look up the song quoted, and this is just so perfect for that song, and the song is perfect for this story. *throws kudos at Sarah forever*
Nominated by @supersassyprobablysad 
Gods of Twilight (series) by @thecleverdame 
It was an excellently written and refreshing take on the ABO concept and I really enjoyed it!
Protector (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss 
It’s only 3 chapters in but I already can’t wait for the next one. I’m super excited to see where this goes and imagining Dean as a biker does all kinds of things to me lol
Lemon Drop (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer 
It’s basically PWP BUT it is amazing none the less. Who knew that a Hypno Kink could be so hot?
Nominated by @fangirlxwritesx67 
More in the Mortar Than the Pestle (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield 
This is one lush, sexy story featuring Dean and the always-gorgeous Rihanna. An absolute treat!
Seasons (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield 
I don’t know how I missed this series but let me tell you, no one should miss it! I read the first chapter and wanted to wait, read the rest slowly, slowly. NOPE. I dropped everything, sat right down and read it ALL. It’s a beautiful Dean Winchester x OFC, told in an amazingly creative non-linear format, with chapters that follow the seasons of the year as well as the seasons of their relationship. It’s MJ, so of course I don’t have to tell you that her Dean is spot on, every detail is perfect, and the sex is mind blowing. Just - read it. But be aware that once you start, you may not be able to stop
Try (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock 
Look, honestly, Winchester baby fanfics are a dime a dozen. Which makes this one stand out all the more for how good it is. Lou describes it as “flufftastic smut” and it is, it really is. The sex is smoking hot, of course, but there’s so much meaning and emotion to it. I’m a Sam girl anyway, so the whole thing is just *swoons* *cries*
Nominated by @princessmisery666 
Magnetic (oneshot) by @crashdevlin 
Only a few words yet gave me all the feels. Exactly how I imagine Sam would be *swoon*
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy 
I am taking part in @beccaanne814 reblog challenge and it’s all about finding new authors and sharing each others works but I think this maybe the third fic of Chrissy’s I’ve recommended because she consistently writes stories I love and this was no exception. She gives me all the feels, laughing, crying, anger, sad. Basically I’m a huge fangirl and I don’t have to right words to express how much I love her work.
Nominated by @wingedcatninja 
Good Literature (series) by @peridottea91 
I don’t normally have the patience for a series, especially one that is still being updated. Thank goodness I signed up to beta this one because I would have missed out on some truly outstanding writing. The story is compelling, the characterization is on point, and the OC adds an intriguing layer. This could easily be a story arc on the actual show, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys classic SPN.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Shackled (series) by @itmighthavebeenintentional
Valerie has long been one of my fave fic authors and one of my dearest friends. This was such an unexpected but welcome deluge of poetry and imagery. I was on the edge of my seat and breathless every time she sent me an updated Gdoc.
Please, if you read nothing else this month, READ THIS.
Nominated by @mummybear
Rules are Rules (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
As soon as I read this fic i was hooked!! I have reread it at least four times at this point!! I freaking love it!! MJ is incredible and so is everything she writes! Since tumblr ate the stupid ask i sent her after reading, I figured I could do this at least :) Much love honey!!
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles​
The Fun Behind Conventions (oneshot) by @focusonspn​
I came across this bad boy while searching for something else and man was I excited to read this. This fic is hot as hell! Very very NSFW, but holy! There is nothing hotter than this kind of sandwich! It was so well written and the attention to detail left me… let’s just say I’ll be going back to reread this one! Amazing!!
The Accidental Sexter (oneshot) by @scorpiongirl1
This had everything I was looking for! Humor wrapped in a hot fic! Dean accidentally sending a naughty picture shouldn’t be this much of a turn on but this is - this is freakin’ awesome! Words can’t do this one justice! Please, just read this one and you’ll see exactly what I mean! Absolutely awesome story!
High School Bullshit (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss​
 I don’t know why this one struck me as much as it did. I read this one, then I lost it until I was thinking about it. I searched high and low trying to find it again so I could reread it! I really enjoyed this one because I could relate to it in some way. Never feeling like I could get the hot guy I had a crush on because of high school bullshit. I can definitely relate to this reader and it was nice to see something like this in a fic and have an outcome like it does! Awesome job!
Nominated by @thelittleredwhocould​
What Lurks Beneath the Surface (series) by @saxxxology​ 
I. Love. Soulless. Sam. So. Fucking. Much. Also there’s a line about Sam’s nose in the first chapter and I feel. Attacked. So rude.
What Goes Bump in the Night  (series) @saxxxology​ 
I love me some dark A/B /O and this series hits all the right buttons. Angst, a dark and gritty world, Alpha!Sam (*heart eyes*). It’s just ugh. So good.
About a Boy (series) by @percywinchester27​ 
I think this series is going to be in my Hall of Fame till the end of time. Ana’s plot pulled my in from the first chapter and I’m so excited to see where this series goes!
There’s Something Strange (series) by @alleiradayne​ 
I found this on AO3 by accident and immediately fell in love. The case is super interesting, the characters are well done, and over all I really enjoyed it.
Her Saviours (series) by @bamby0304​ 
Been doing a lil reread of this series and rediscovering how much I adore it.
I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) (series) by @teamfreewill-imagine​ 
I will forever recommend this fic to anyone who will listen. It’s the only RPF fic I’ll read and it’s just. SO GOOD.
Nominated by @myinconnelly1​
Tighter Harder Faster (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer​
Alright look this was just straight up dirty.  Ok, what else can I saw but that I needed a cold shower after this.The Girl I Knew 
The Girl I Knew (oneshot) by @emilyshurley​
Uh, what can I say here?  I have never been so honored to have fanfic written of my fanfics before, but emilyshurley has given me the highest medal, in the absolute cutest way imaginable.
Gods of Twilight (seires) by @thecleverdame​ 
This fic was binge worthy. I could put my phone down and I simply wanted to hurry onto the next chapter.  Seriously don’t read it if you need any time to adult.
The Private Invader (oneshot) by @negans-lucille-tblr​
This was some dirty below the belt cheating.  It was amazing, and I just was like *heart eyes* the entire way through. 
The Truth (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr​ 
While this type of fic is not normally my go to, it truly grips you and puts into the minds of the characters.  I was actually scared and ashamed of myself feeling like I had done something wrong, when it was the characters.
Nominated by @tumbler-tidbits
Everything (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock
Sweet Holy Effervescent Jesus this is the hottest thing I have read in a long time! Its raw and messy and desperate, and SO fucking delicious! Lou even managed to get some fluff in too! Do yourself a favor and binge this fic! (just make sure your alone and have spare panties)
Bottle Service (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
This is one of my longtime faves, and it never disappoints! My girl MJ captures the true intimacy between the characters and a smut  fic has never sparked such emotion in me. It’s beautiful, and passionate and there’s a sequel! It’s called Full Service and it is equally amazing!
Worthless (oneshot) by @maddiepants
This one just ugh *sobs*. Erica captures the struggle of self-harm in this fic very well. Its heartbreaking and soul shattering, but it also reminds you that you can’t trust those voices in your head, and that there is someone who cares about you. TW: thoughts of suicide and self harm.
Hard To Love (oneshot) by @maddiepants
I’m a sucker for a good song fic and Erica does this one justice! She really captures Dean’s self-hatred and really makes you want to wrap our favorite hunter in hugs. My bestie has a gift for the angst, but she gives you fluff too.
His Property (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This fic is glorious! There’s angst, fluff, and smut so hot you’ll be a melted puddle of arousal. Believe it or not Bee also managed to make me hate one of my favorite Supernatural characters! There is a definite twist in this one :)
Since You’ve Been Gone (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This series quickly captured my heart. I don’t remember what it was that captured me but the mix of fluff, angst, and smut certainly kept me around! The best part? There’s a sequel called “Now You’re Here” and in March she’s releasing Part three of the Trilogy!
Ask Me (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
This one is another favorite of mine by my girl Ash! This hits so many of my kinks there are not words to describe the hotness. In fact I’m pretty sure my reblog contained gifs and keyboard smashes lol. Read it! You’ll thank me!
With Wolves (series) by @bamby0304
This one is a classic favorite! This fic was my first foray into the A/B/O world AND series works. I was still somewhat new to the fandom and tumblr when I discovered it and I was immediately hooked! I love the way Amber has incorporated our favorite characters into this alternate universe while still maintaining their cannon personalities. It’s an emotional roller coaster, so buck up and enjoy the ride!
Spanner in the Works (series) by @bamby0304
This one has a special place in my heart! It makes me smile and squee and just overall make a fool of myself. It’s incomplete right now because Amb is on hiatus, but there are seventeen AMAZING chapters that you can read right now! I just love it, plain and simple.
Cupid Can Shove His Arrow Right Up His... (oneshot) by @bamby0304
Since it’s February, I thought it appropriate to share this yummy piece! Holy Fucking shit I LOVED THIS! The attitude, the sass, the fucking innuendos… THE FUCKING! Jesus Christ on a crumbled cracker, This one killed. Go beg Amber for MORE of this! And make sure you say PLEASE! We need to see ALL those scenarios played out… Read this one in privacy ladies and have a helper handy.
Wrecked (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
JFC if this isn’t every Jensen girls fantasy! This one just ruined me! Wall sex, hand over your mouth, soft nips and kisses *shudders* give it a read!
Our Little Secret (series) by @sis-tafics
If you’ve got a kink then Jill’s got you covered 😏 This 25 chapter serious has it all! A little angst, a dash of fluff, and whole lot of smut! Each chapter explores a different kink between Dean and the Reader from the Readers point of view while Dean tries to show her how beautiful she is. I recommend you take the time and read the series in sequence, y’all will not regret it!
Midnight Blue (oneshot) by @rockhoochie
This Fic was so fucking amazing! Precise and descriptive words paint an amazingly vivid picture that fills all your senses! You can actually see, hear, smell, and feel the things going on between the reader and Sam! I could be biased since this fic hit nearly all my kinks *fans self* but indulge in this extremely passionate sensory experience for yourself and read it!!
Bruised (oneshot) by @wayward-and-worn
This is oddly sweet and fluffy with a hen pecking Dean, and absolutely fucking hilarious at the same time 😂😂 I love it!
Not Letting Go (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
Whoo! I love a good A/B/O fic and this one is delicious! Just enough smut to please you and leave you begging for more!
The Maddening Empty (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Whew. I don’t know if it’s my praise!kink or my dom!kink but this little number right here had me wishing I waited to read until after work! This ones a panty ruiner folks!
Notes (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
JFC this piece is a dream come true! What would you do if Sam and Dean discovered your smutty fanfiction? Well this hot little number lets you know exactly what they would do!
The Mirror (oneshot) by @wheresthekillswitch
This sweet little drabble speaks volumes for those of us who have insecurities (read: all of us!). Short, sweet, and to the point! Hold your head high.
Only One Woman I Trust (oneshot) by @georgialouisea
This is just absolutely precious! You think you know what’s going on but there’s a surprise! This one will rot your teeth ❤️
Inked Up (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Ever want to know what goes on inside Dean’s head when he sees a hot girl? This fic is super hilarious and totally fluffy! I love Dean’s internal struggle to keep himself in check 😂 this one is fun!
Hunt Hard Play Harder (two parts - link is to Pt. 1) by @rockhoochie
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This is…. this is just. WOW! Holy Hell I can barely breathe. This one gives you Dom!Dean AND Sub!Dean and both are equally sensual and erotic! There’s even a surprise ending! Which had my pulse racing… Whew 🔥 My bitches y’all will love this one!
Mr. Quackers (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
They say that crack is whack, well in this case quack is whack 😂😂 This little drabble with have you laughing until you cry, it’s just that ducking funny! (See what I did there?)
Holding On (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
This is so beautiful and so painful I was teary eyed! They never really show us how the boys deal with their inner demons on the show, but Robin does a phenomenal job of painting that picture!
Clear Your Mind  (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Oh sweet smiling sinner this was miraculous! So soft, so gentle, so loving… this was Sam making love to the reader and the way he takes care of her makes it that much more passionate! Ladies and gents THIS is how you take care of your lover! Fucking love you Beka!
Thunder Rolls (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches
This was intensely passionate! The sex is hot but the love behind it really makes it great! The authors use of super descriptive descriptions of your pleasure will have you clenching your thighs!
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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mrfunnybone · 4 years
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. TAGGED BY: Stolen from @battleshell TAGGING: @ladydreemurr @wdvoided @puzzlebones @flametendingbartender, @the-judge-of-bones @witchandateashop, and @bravest
MY MUSE IS:   CANON / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [Some would say overly so.]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ somehow...yes? Apparently?]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Yes. Most players agree that Sans fight is one of the toughest in the game, and the Gaster Blasters do pack a punch.]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Underrated? Certainly not. Overrated? Hmm..]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO [Hot take, but as of now, there are no CANON facts 100% supporting the idea that Sans was tied to main story plot elements. If you took him out, the actual story wouldn’t change much, you would just go straight to Asgore’s fight. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ Sans is one of the main monsters that the MC interacts with, and acts as the Judge near the end of the game, which reveals a lot of unknown information to the MC.]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ The scene in Grillby’s seems to suggest that, at least in Snowdin, Sans is well-known and well-liked.]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ While fellow Grillby customers and a few other Snowdin residents seem to like him, he’s also seen to irritate other characters with his laziness, bad jokes, or shenanigans. Even Undyne admits that she’d fire him, but he always manages to do the bare minimum to avoid it being justified.]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  — I do! Though I also offer my own spin on San’s backstory and my own interpretation of canon hints. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.  —  Jokes in the face of nihilism and a juxtaposition to the field of science, Sans is full of contradictions in a fairly entertaining and interesting way. He appears to be incredibly intelligent, but talks and dresses like he’s any ol’ joe. He appears to have symptoms of depression but still acts fairly chummy. He is both one of the hardest fights you’ll apparently face and yet only needs one hit to be defeated. Sans apparently cares for nothing and yet also holds his brother in very high esteem. He appears difficult to get close to, yet he bonded with a stranger over bad jokes and kept a promise to her even though he never even knew her name. Sans can be defined by both what he is and what he appears to be. 
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).  —  Sans is credited with far more than he’s actually due by the fandom. He doesn’t seem to really care for you, the player, like Toriel or other monsters do. He’s not a hero, past or present, like Gerson or Undyne. He doesn’t really help avoid the player getting hurt or captured like Papyrus does. He doesn’t push the plot forward and he doesn’t take action; as a character, Sans is purely reactive, and if he were the Main Character, that would be a huge flaw. 
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?  —  I first joined the Tumblr RPC as a Frisk RP Blog, way back in the day, and that was because I stumbled across a Sans RP blog that I found very interesting. This character that I had largely not put too much thought in during the game suddenly had a very complex narrative and I loved reading his dialogue (it didn’t hurt that the mun was clearly a talented writer). Eventually, I realized I wanted to try my hand at writing him too, and so I started my own Sans RP blog.
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?  —  you guys. The fandom, the artists, the other Sans/Undertale RP blogs, the fanfiction authors— when I start getting bored or stale, you suddenly present this indie game, and by extension Sans, in a new angle that draws me back in. Thank you. 
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ Some of my old favorites in the Sans RP game, I think, did a bit better job of consistently getting his character right. Still, I hope I give him justice too.]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ Often! When I’m actively writing him, anyway.]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I am! Like I said, I think there have been others who did it better, but I wouldn’t say my portrayal is bad.]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ Most of the time! Sometimes I get writer's anxiety, and it doesn’t help that Tumblr gets me at my rawest. I have no editor, my posts normally receive just a brief proof-reading, and I’m sometimes experimenting for the first time with a particular genre/scene/style. I wouldn’t point to all of my writing here as my best or strongest work, but I can write solid stuff.]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ I wouldn’t say I’m sensitive in terms of people criticizing me, personally, but I am sensitive to other people. When something bad or unfair happens to someone, I usually feel upset for them. It can get very emotionally exhausting.] 
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?  —  I would say so! In general, I’m used to critiques for both writing and art, as I’ve taken courses that incorporated both heavily. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  —  Not necessarily! I’m always interested in hearing different takes, but if someone said, “I don’t agree,” and didn’t follow up with an explanation on their own, I wouldn’t ask for one. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  —  Kind of the same as above. I would be interested in hearing why if they offered up why, but otherwise, I’m not really going to ask because they don’t OWE ME an explanation. For example, I like a lot of books, and I don’t like a lot of books, and that’s not really a judge of their quality as much as it is my own personal taste. Number one rule as a writer, you have to learn and accept that your stuff won’t appeal to everyone. 
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  —  I get it, haha. Characters that are hyped up like Sans are easy to get annoyed by. Even if he wasn’t hyped up, though, again, it makes sense that someone wouldn’t like him. Just like a book, a character can’t appeal to everyone. 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?  —  Please do! It’s embarrassing when I catch them later, hahaha. 
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  I think so! I try to be, anyway. Sometimes I worry I’m too casual with slipping into IM’s or commenting on posts, but so far I don’t think I’ve scared anyone off, so that’s good. 
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mole-reads · 4 years
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(Boy, I forgot how much this comic's art style has changed over time!)
So, what is Sleepless Domain, huh?
As I stated before, it's the closest webcomic equivalent to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, in which it is a darker-toned magical girl story, which is already mild spoilers for Madoka Magica so I won't go in deep detail about how they differ. The point is that in Sleepless Domain there is a city which is attacked by monsters during the night and magical girls are the only response to that situation. In this city there are teenage girls who have awakened magical powers and they are the ones who are allowed to be outside at night to fight the monsters. As a result, there's a whole celebrity culture that revolves around these magical girls.
The story centers around Team Alchemical, a team of 5 mahou shoujo who are themed around the 5 elements (earth, water, air, fire and aether), who at first experience drama due to the prevalence of Tessa (the aether) as the de facto leader, and then tragedy as Tessa agrees to not go on patrol one night to give the others a chance to shine and the resuls is this scene you can see above.
Three members of the team die and one (Undine, the water) survive only because Tessa gives up her powers to save her.
And that's chapter two.
The story follows Undine as she deals with the aftermath of said tragedy. If by this point you did not guess it, this is a comic that I would describe as being very "Tumblr-y" in tone, in the way that there's a lot of pages of characters talking their feelings out, which is just expected for a webcomic dabbling in this genre, and something to keep in mind if you feel frustrated that the plot doesn't advance quick enough.
(Useful hint: the talking IS the plot)
The characters in it are great, too. Undine herself is... a touch too much of the self-loathing insecure girl protagonist type for me, but on the other hand there's Tessa who's dealing with losing her powers and the guilt of the death of 60% of her team; Kokoro/Heartful Punch who is one of the best magical girls out there and is hyped up as a Very Cool Girl even from the start and... well, if you keep up with my blog you know how it goes.
One of my very favorite characters is Rue, a dark skinned magical girl who is notable for not being associated with the organization that supports and publicizes magical girls, and thus do not take part in privileges such as better schools or healthcare; her reasons for that are presumably conspirationist, and that takes me to another great side of this comic: the lore! It has this Gunnerkrigg-y lore that's unfolding in the sidelines, complete with conspiracies about the outside world, covered up precursors and even end-of-chapter pages that add to the lore explicitly by means of a mysterious white haired author insert.
Pairing with Rue and also another favorite of mine is Zoe, a silver haired magical trans-girl, which is exactly what you probably understood, and adds to another positive point of this comic which is representation. Also, given that magical girls are awakened via some dream magic that turns them magical, that means whatever magic is behind that considers trans-girls to be girls and that is A Very Good Take, Actually. That did not mean to sound ironic, btw, I really love it. But another reason why I love blossom is her power of shooting seeds that sprout into plants that may even sprout from the monster's flesh, and together with Rue's explosive potions that makes them quite a great unexpected team-up.
And... that's Sleepless Domain so far. Go check on it, and if you liked this format of recommendation, I can do more of these. I've been reading a load of webcomics I don't talk about here. :V
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