#any good morning I’m awake again fr
rinhaler · 1 year
If you’re a blank blog you’re getting blocked
If you don’t have an age indicator you’re getting blocked
If you say ‘part two?’ You’re getting BLOCKT
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newtkive · 8 months
pixels [ newt x reader - modern text au ]
ch. 2 - drama queen core
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summary: minho's drama finally catches up with him, but newt becomes a hero.
warnings: strong language, mutual pining, none really.
➥ m.list
[ 12:08 PM ]
y/n: gm pookies
newt: it’s the afternoon.
y/n: yeah well
ur east coast
newt: so are you y/n
minho: drama queen is awake
newt: you’re the drama queen min let’s be fr
minho: u want me to die be honest
newt: see .
tommy: hey guys :3 been waiting for you all
y/n: awwww tommy <3 gm
tommy: morning sweetums
minho: ew stop
newt: how did you sleep?
tommy: good! used my new heated pillow
newt: not you
minho: not you
tommy: wtf
minho: he means y/n
and there’s 4 other people not including newt and y/n dumbass
y/n: oh
why just me????
newt: cuz you stayed up til 6 am
y/n: ..
how do you know that
newt: i saw you were active on discord
gally: doesn’t that mean you were awake too then
newt: ok and?
minho: thats crazy newt
newt: no it isn’t
i just casually saw it
y/n: hehe
im ok i need to sleep more. sims 4 was really consuming me
why were you awake??
newt: up for work
minho: you get on discord before work?
chronically online..
newt: can you choke and pass out and hit your head please
y/n: he’s gotta check on his discord hoes before hitting the grind
newt: there are no discord hoes
unless you count thomas
and i don’t
tommy: well why not
newt: because you disgust me
tommy: love u too :3<3
minho: y’all about to kiss aren’t you
newt: never say that shit again im outside your door with a b*mb
minho: why censor it
just blow me up it’s my grandmas house anyway. u want to jump her that bad????
gally: blow that bitch up i say
y/n: HELLO???!,!!
gally: minho not grandma
she loves me cuz im so tall
minho: tall people always gotta remind you they’re tall 😒
like we get it bigfoot
gally: shut up tinkerbell
y/n: you’re somewhat tall minho
minho: any man under 6’0 is considered short
y/n: yeah but newt is 6 ft trapped in a 5’10 body so not totally true
newt: what does that even mean
minho: give me a break
i can tell you exactly what that means
she wanna hit
newt: stop
tommy: don’t get his hopes up
newt: dude
y/n: what newt said
gally: can we appreciate the only one actually over 6 ft here
minho: no.
tommy: im the same height as newt!!!!
y/n: yea but ur like 3 ft trapped in a 5’10 body tommy not the same
tommy: oh ..
minho: kind of real
newt: can someone kick gally i’m tired of seeing his fucking name on my phone
gally: then turn your phone off don’t you have old ladies to tend to at the library
newt: yeah and they all love me
y/n: so real
if i was old i’d go in there and imagine you’re my young boyfriend and cling to everything u say
tommy: true im the old ladies
y/n: LMAO
minho: write a fanfic y/n why don’t you
newt: yeah you both are old and not beating the dementia allegations
ur just mad you’re old as dirt
tommy: youth has left you newt and it has turn you bitter in your old age.
minho: thomas knows big words who knew
newt: which word in that sentence was big??
y/n: shut up minho
minho: wtf did i do
y/n: idk but i imagine you sitting there typing on your little phone and i got pissed
minho: WHAT???!.‘wKWHFO
yeah chubby little fingers hitting the wrong letters on his iphone 8
minho: im leaving
tommy: dont leave i forgive you for what you said
minho: i don’t give a damn
y’all mad y’all are all fake im the realest i’ve been prophesizing and reading scriptures 7000 years before y’all fake asses were born be so for real right now
y/n: not reading that
or sorry for what happened idk
about to drink my coffee in a wine glass
tommy: just drink wine
newt: it’s noon tommy??
tommy: ok and?
newt: explains a lot
minho: no coffee for me this new year only water and pussy juice fr fr
[ newt removed minho from the group ]
tommy: woah
y/n: woah..
newt: i can’t take it anymore
alby: How did you get that access..?
newt: don’t worry about it
in times of need i have to step in like that
y/n: hi alby!
alby: Hey y/n!
tommy: you’re such a hero newt
gally: that was deserved
who wants to play minecraft rn
y/n: me!!
alby: I’ll play, I’m off work today.
y/n: let’s go to the desert i want a camel
gally: alright but then the caves after i wanna mine
newt: if you mine with her you gotta bring extra food and storage when she dies so you can pick up the fallen items
gally: i forget you’re her designated babysitter
y/n: oh please no he isn’t
and i’ll bring my own food
newt: you always say that and then leave it in the stove oven
newt: sure ok
i’ll get on after work
[ alby added minho to the group ]
minho: when i get you.
newt: why did you add him back alby
alby: He was harassing me.
newt: be a man and take it
gally: im leaving
[ gally left the group ]
minho: im going to throw up and die
newt: im staying out of this
minho: (guy who caused it) im staying out of this
y/n: why does gally alwyas leave 😔
newt: why question a gift from the heavens
tommy: get online y/n gally is attacking my dirt house w a pickaxe :((((
minho: im coming to your work newt
newt: okay im locking the door early then
minho: i’ll smash through the glass idc
newt: i’m leaving my shift is over at 1 today.
minho: i’ll use life360 on you
newt: i deleted that app
minho: i’ll stand in the middle of the street
newt: ok let me position my car in front of you
just come to my apartment and we can play w them on pc and xbox
minho: …. fine but i hate your guts
newt: fine
newt: i’ll just rebuild it
minho: i’ll set it on fire just wait
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mj-102009 · 8 months
When the Stars Align (Bakugou x oc)
The little girl gazed up at her mother, green irises filled with wonder and love. She’d always been a perceptive child, always asking questions on how the world worked, always getting into things she shouldn’t. 
“Momma,” she said softly with her feather light tap to her shoulder. “I have a-“
The woman lifted the eight year old on her lap. “-question? Go ahead Rae.”
She beamed and curled into her arms. “Why didn’t you and Dad get married like Ashlyn’s parents?”
Her mother chuckled. “I knew you’d ask that soon,” the girl opened her mouth to speak but got cut off. “Your father and I didn’t need to get married because when we were born we were meant to be together.”
“Why?” She chirped.
“Well our families have what’s called soulmates,” She saw the confusion on her daughter's face. “That means fate made us to be a match.”
Rae’s eyes blew wide. “Do I have a soulmate?”
She smiled and kissed Rae on the forehead. “Yes, yes you do.”
It started showing when she was 13, on her birthday at 12am exactly:
She had a dream.
In the dream she saw a boy about her age, he had dark green hair and eyes, for a brief moment she thought this was the boy she was meant to love forever, but the moment she truly looked at him she knew he wasn’t.
“Stupid Deku,” it was her mouth yet not her voice. “You’ll never be good enough to be a hero like me.”
A hero? She thought. This sure as heck doesn’t sound like one.
“Cmon Kacchan you know a quirk doesn’t make you a hero.”
Kid makes a point.
(Switching to first person)
I woke in a cold sweat, Anika shaking me quickly with wide eyes. “RAE!”
“I'M UP!” 
She sighed. “Dude your quirk started in your sleep and shit started shifting in my room.”
I was wide awake running into the hall. “Mom!”
My dad opened the door with a stern look. “Someone better explain to me why our house is backwards.”
I winced and looked down. “That would be me.”
Concern filled his eyes, replacing the anger. “What happened?”
So I told him and my mother what I saw, by the end Anika was jumping up and down. “I’m so excited.”
I frowned. “For what?”
Mom and dad made eye contact. “You remember how we came from families of soulmates?”
My breath hitched. “You mean-“
She smiled and Ani squealed. “You and your soulmate are both 13 now!”
I’d given up on the whole soulmate thing for a while. I saw his memories every night, most of which were about victory in some form, or about the boy named Deku. 
I came back to it after I turned 15.
All leading up to afternoon was tame, that was until I happened to glance at my wrist.
Train at 3 today 
Tell Mom to buy pens
Call Na-
I watched in fascination as the sentence finished before me, the only thing I felt was a light press of a pen.
Dad saw my baffled gaze and followed my eyes to my forearm. “Moora come in the kitchen!”
Soon the whole family gathered around my arm.
Anika, now 17, elbowed my stomach. “That means your his age too.”
I made a curious face and seized a pen. “What if I…”
Hello :)
Mom chuckled. “Our little girl’s all grown up.”
It took him a few hours to respond but I felt it.
I picked up my pen and scribbled the answer with a small smile.
Sorry I didn’t say anything the first time
It’s okay no rush
He was silent for a moment, as was I.
I’m I frowned as my name faded from my skin.
You’re what
It won’t let me write my name 
I tried again and groaned as the entire sentence faded into the carmel tan of my skin.
Me either
Damn I pulled myself up from my window sill and sat in the nest of pillows on my bed.
Won’t allow my number either
It’s like it doesn’t want us to meet
I’m getting mixed signals from fate or some shit
I snorted and wiped down my arm, Question
Do you see my memories when you sleep?
No tf i have a little red string on my pinky telling me which way to go
I tried but it disappears if I do 
Fuck fate fr
We talked into the early hours of the morning, I learned Deku’s name was really Izuku and he was his old friend, I learned Kacchan was a stupid nickname he came up with when they were kids, I learned he wanted to be a hero when he grows up, I learned that he didn’t want a soulmate in the beginning.
Oh I wrote when he told me.
Not now tho after i got your first message I felt like it would be wrong to push you away
So I’m not an extra
Of course u r
Just not the worst one
I’ll take it
I told him about my family and my friends, I told him about my quirk and that I too wanted to be a hero, I told him about how I didn’t believe my soulmate was real until I saw the writing.
Why? He asked when I told him.
A lot of what I saw in my dreams was just yelling and explosions so I was convinced I was insane it took a while for my parents to really get me to understand but even then I was afraid you’d be someone who hates me like other people
I’ll kill anyone who hurts you
Thank you seemed like the wrong thing to say to that, any sane person would’ve called the police and gotten scared, but I laughed and rolled over with a smile. Immediately groaning when I saw the sun peaking out my window.
The sun just came up here
Do you live in, the word Japan faded and I smacked my forehead.
I live in
I’m not even gonna try and put down what school I go too
Fate sucks fr
Not that bad
How so?
I met a girl who doesn’t give a fuck that I’m an ass
I flushed from head to toe Lucky girl
I'm the lucky one
No I’m far luckier for meeting someone who doesn’t care that I’m strange
You’re not strange whoever believes that is wrong
And you’re not an ass
I woke to the ceiling with the blank stare, my face in a tired frown, bags practically tattooed under my eyes.
That got me up, I slid out of bed and reached for my pen.
How’d you sleep?
Good and you?
Meh some extras blowing up my phone all night,
I giggle and walk down stairs with the pen, Anika rolls her eyes at my cheerful state. “Sup fucknugget.”
With a frown I use my quirk and spin her chair around, the floorboards rippling around at my command. Dad came down stairs and lightly hit me on the back of my head. “Fix my floor Rae.”
I turned the wood back to its original position with a huff, Dad mumbling a thank you and pouring me a cup of coffee. “What’s on the agenda Rae?”
Shrugging, I tell him. “I’m off work, might just take a nap.”
Anika gasps. “No! You told me we’d train for my admissions test.”
My idiot sister waited until she was 21 to become a licensed hero, so now she was asking me to train her on everything before the big test.
“Sure, what time?” I truly didn’t care when we went, I just needed the training.
“After breakfast?”
“‘Kay, just be ready.”
“C’mon Bakugou!” Denki begged again.
“Really bro?” Kirishima deadpanned. “He can go with-”
He glared at him. “No, don’t side with Dunce Face.”
“Pleeeeease, my friend and I went to a pretty beach just a few minutes away, it’s super hidden so no one will film.”
Kiri rolled his eyes. “You can go Denki.”
Bakugou whirled on him but after these years Kiri had far outgrown him, now towering the blonde. “Fine,” he grumbled, turning to leave. “Hurry the fuck up.”
“I took my friend to the beach yesterday to train. It was so much fun,” Anika chirped as I drove down the road. 
I shot her a look. “Did you tell him about-”
“No Rae I didn’t,” she said exasperated. “I wouldn’t tell a secret like that.”
She smacked my arm. “I wouldn’t.”
“Rae,” She said dead serious. “I’m your older sister and I’m so proud of your accomplishments, I would never jeopardize your job.”
I laughed softly. “I know, I just worry for the day people find out I’m Atlas, hell even my soulmate doesn’t know, it won’t let me tell him.”
“Sometimes the filter really bothers me,” She told me. “I understand the pain of not being able to tell him the full story.”
I nodded solemnly, pulling into the public beach parking spot. “C’mon time to walk.”
“Only thing I hate about this beach.”
“What the hell Kami!” Kiri shouted, throwing his hands up around him. “You said you knew where we were going.”
He chuckled nervously under the glares of his friends. “Oops.”
Bakugou was practically boiling in rage and frustrating. “Thanks a lot Dunce Face, now we’re lost and our phones aren’t working.”
“What if we make a flare?” Kiri mused. “Would that work?”
He flicked his forehead. “No stupid, we’d light the whole forest on fire.”
The boys were just giving up hope, in the middle of the woods with barely enough water to last the day and one granola bar.
Bakugou’s head perked up when he saw his wrist.
Are you okay I feel like something’s wrong
He rifled for a pen and wrote down an answer.
Denki got us lost on a hike
The fuck? Are you okay???
Yeah just angry
I’m mad there’s nothing I can do
“AWEEEEEE,” Kiri squealed looking over his shoulder. “She’s so nice!”
Bakugou got ready to punch his best friend but got cut off.
“OW, YOU BITCH!” The yell came from the right of them.
Denki sighed and looked at the boys. “Told you we weren’t lost,” but stopped when he saw Bakugou’s sparking hands.
“Let’s just ask for directions and get out of here.”
Anika rubbed here arm and swore after I punched her arm. “That was uncalled for.”
“What if I’d stabbed your arm,” I told her. “You wouldn’t be complaining then.”
“Uh no, I’d definitely complain either way.”
I rolled my eyes and dropped into a fighting stance. “Round four, three-nothing.”
She groaned but raised herself into an acceptable stance. “Ready.”
We circled each other, I called upon my quirk, the sand shifted with me as I stepped, neither of us made a move  to attack. She lunged forward to grab me but I spun away with grace of a dancer, under my feet the sands balanced me.
I watched as she pulled in air and released it in a loud WHOOSH, pushing me over closer to the water.
She continued to throw gusts of wind at me, each more forceful than the last.
“You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?” I shouted over the roaring wind, a grin forming on my face.
Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Just a little,” she replied, sending another gust, this time aimed at my feet, causing me to momentarily lose balance.
Using my quirk, I swiftly transformed the sand beneath my feet into a firmer platform, allowing me to stand my ground. I then molded the sand into a series of barriers, hoping to deflect her relentless attacks.
But Anika was quick. She directed her gusts upwards, sending spirals of sand high into the night sky. I watched, a bit awed by her skill, as the sand took the form of large birds, flapping and soaring over the beach, aiming at me.
Laughing, I decided to up the ante. I pulled moisture from the surrounding air, turning it into droplets of water which quickly crystallized into sharp, gleaming icicles. With a flick of my wrist, I sent them darting around Anika, not to hurt, but to challenge.
She deftly manipulated the wind to create a vortex around her, causing my icicles to swirl harmlessly before melting away. "Is that the best you can do?" she teased.
Taking a deep breath, I focused my energy. The sand around Anika began to ripple, forming a series of walls, which quickly transformed into a box to hold her. She looked around, momentarily surprised, before a sly grin formed on her face. She summoned wind currents to lift her up, attempting to get a bird's-eye view of my creation.
I wasn’t about to make it that easy for her. As she ascended, I manipulated the atoms in the air, creating a dense fog, obscuring her vision. I could hear her groan of frustration.
Descending back to the ground, she tried to break through, I reshaped and shifted the walls constantly, making it a challenge for her. But after some time she tore through the ground blowing up the box from below.
A migraine fuzed the corners of my vision, Ani saw this and darted forward, I stubbornly fought hand to hand until one of us lost. She threw poor punches and I frowned trying to amp her up to be better than that.
Needs work… I thought to myself.
I could see as she became tired of my toying around, finally stopping the hitting, she spun around to kick me with a round house. 
“Too slow,” I whispered, catching her foot and knocking her over. “I taught you better Ani.”
She huffed angrily and tried to sit up, but exhaustion weighed down on her and she laid flat to the floor. “I give.”
I laughed and gave her my hand. “Puss.”
“That’s not fair, you're a trained hero!” She exclaimed taking it, she opened her mouth to say something else but something caught her eye. “Hey this is private property!”
My face turned confused and I turned to the tree line. “Who’s there?”
A man easily over 6ft came out of the woods with a blush. “Sorry I got a little lost.”
I grin and shift my weight onto my right leg. “Sure man, where’s the others?”
A shorter guy with sunshine yellow hair came after him. “Ani!”
My sister’s face beamed and she ran up to him. “Kami!”
I deadpanned at her. “Really?”
“Bakugou! Over here!”
“Three of you…” My voice trailed off as I saw him for the first time.
Seeing him was like breathing for the first time, it was like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time, it was like my body got plugged in and electricity was flowing through me. My eyes widened and I knew he felt it too as he stumbled out nearly tripping over a tree branch, never once taking his eyes off me.
“Rae?” Anika said with worried eyes. “You okay?”
I didn’t answer, my lips were magnetized to each other, so I nodded numbly. I stepped forward because it just felt right, at this point Ani was next to me and the red head was with him.
“You’re scaring me Rae,” She said nervously. “I don’t wanna tell dad his favorite child died.”
He faintly gasped when she said my name, his hand sparking.
“Screw it.”
Suddenly a powerful outburst of wind threw me off the beach into the water, my instincts kicked in and I solidified the air under my feet. “Anika what the fuck.”
She crosses her arms smugly and grinned. “There she is.”
The boys gaped as I stepped down from the air. “That was a bit excessive.”
“Nah, worth it.”
“You good Bakubro?” The red head asked him.
‘Bakubro?’ I mouthed to myself. That doesn’t sound ri-
“It’s Bakugou.”
I looked up at his vermillion eyes, they bore into me but I held my ground.
“I’m Rae.”
Anika gave me an unsure look. “Uhhhhhh, ya’ll good?”
“Mhm,” I nodded. “I’m great.”
“So you’re Atlas?” He asked me later.
We’d taken them out to the beach house just around the corner. “Mhm, and you’re Dynamite?”
The silence wasn’t awkward but rather comforting. 
“All these years, we've been going to goddamn meetings together,” I laughed. “Who knew?”
“If we’d talked at all this could’ve been done with this a lot sooner.”
I shook my head in amusement. “Who knew?”
On the beach was Ani and the other two, they were teaching her how to punch properly. I gave up and went to the porch.
From what I could tell he wasn’t great with feelings, I think I’ve known that since we first spoke. So I took the first step and gently took his hand.
“Is this okay?”
He took a steady breath. “Yes.”
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pyro-doll · 3 years
Can I request a angst to comfort Albedo x reader (I’m unsure if I wanna request it as KOF captain!reader) where Albedo and Sucrose are spending a lot of time and reader is fine with it on the outside but on the inside selfishly wants Albedo’s attention. When reader asks for their time so they can go out and do something, Albedo disregards them, not paying attention to them while focused on something with Sucrose and reader decides to leave and finds themselves hanging out with Diluc outside of Mondstadt walls. With Albedo, he finally takes a break and find reader not waiting for him. He goes looking for them when commotions happens and he is informed that reader was in a accident. He goes to Barbara and find reader getting treated for wounds but is also in some type of coma. Albedo is in distress seeing reader not waking up and stays with them till he can’t. This accident starts to affect his work till he gets news that reader is awake. Then apologizing ensue and heartfelt reunification. Angst to fluff comfort
What a lovely request!! Hurt to comfort is one of my favorites! I had so much fun writing this oml albedo is one of my favs. the new summer quests just made me love him more <3 I really hope it is to your liking! It also ended up being rather long I think... Hmm (Side note: hopefully I wrote the relationships in a way you were imagining!!)
"I won't take you for Granted." ~ Albedo x Gn!Reader
Summary: You find yourself missing spending time with albedo, yearning for some time alone with him, only to be pushed away. When you get into an accident, Albedo is forced to reflect upon your relationship, as he misses you more each day.
Characters: Albedo, Reader, (mentioned): Jean, Kaeya, Barbara, Diluc.
Content/Warnings: Hurt comfort/ angst to fluff, description of injuries, reader in coma (you wake up), some cuddles and kisses at the end.
Reader Pronouns: Gender neutral / They/them.
A/n: to the other anon who requested keqing: the fic is in progress and should be out soon ;) + proofread this at 1:30 am so apologies for any typos
(Content below the cut! <3)
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You wiped your brow, letting your weapon rest against the wall of your office with a sigh. Training new recruits for the Knights of Favonius was never easy, but you always loved the enthusiasm from the rookies. This particular bunch had been pushing you for harder training, but with the satisfaction of teaching also came the fatigue of combat.
You walked over to your desk, eyeing the schedule you had left lying there. Lunch, perfect timing. It always felt nice to have a good meal after hard training. "But it would be even better with Albedo." You thought. You stretched smiling to yourself. Yes, you would go see if your boyfriend was available for lunch. He was always a good listener, and you would be able to tell him about the eventful training that morning.
Pushing open the door to the office, you spotted Kaeya and the acting Grand Master chatting in the hall. Kaeya gave you a small wave. "Ah, good afternoon Y/n."
"Hello." You waved back. "Hey, while I have you here, have either of you seen Albedo? I'm off for lunch and I thought I'd stop by to see him." You shrugged. Being high ranking knights such as yourself, you reckoned there was good chance that they had seen the alchemist recently.
"Albedo? Hm.." Jean said hand resting on her hip. "I believe he is with Sucrose, in her lab. I don't understand alchemy very well but it sounds like they're working hard at something."
"Thank you, Master Jean." You nodded and walked away, headed for the stairs at the end of the corridor. Albedo was with Sucrose again. You weren't surprised, he was her Mentor after all. You shook off the twinge of what could only be jealousy, as you turned the corner, heading for the door you knew lead to the girl's lab. You gave a quick clear knock, tapping the wood a few times with you fist and taking a step back.
You heard a small scuffle from inside and soon the timid Sucrose appeared on the other side of the doorway. "O-oh! Hello Y/n." She stammered. From the looks of it she hadn't been expecting you. "Are you looking for Mr. Albedo? Let me get him for you." Without waiting for your response, she disappeared again.
You shook your head. Sucrose was always on the shy side, and you hoped you hadn't freaked her out. She wasn't wrong though you had come to her lab several times over the past week, looking for Albedo. Unfortunately, everytime he had dismissed you or apologized, saying he really must work. Then he would turn, and disappear back into Sucrose's lab. You tried to remain low key about the situation. It was common knowledge Albedo was both an incredibly gifted alchemist and not a social butterfly, but you were used to spending more time with him.
You were snapped out of your reverie as the man in question appeared in the door. "Is something the matter Y/n?" He asked, his soft voice monotone and direct.
"Oh, yeah. I was on my way to pick something up from Good Hunter. It's lunch break." You gestured over your shoulder, in the general direction of the town. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me, it's been a while since we've done something." You gave an apologetic smile, trying not to sound to pushy. You knew his work was important, to him and the knights.
Albedo shook his head, expression unchanging. "I am sorry, Y/n, but sucrose and I really must keep working. Alchemy is an ever evolving practice." He had that determined look in his eye that he always got when his work posed a new challenge to him. He made eye contact with the green haired girl, who nodded back with the same enthusiasm. These alchemists held a different level of resolve entirely.
"I understand, good luck in your work." The smile on your face felt a bit more forced than you would have liked. You decided it was time to be honest with your partner. "But seriously Albedo, it's been quite some time since we were able t-" He turned his face away from you pointedly. "... To do something..." Your voice trailed off and you sighed, watching him return to Sucrose's side as the pair worked in tandem leaving you to your thoughts. You closed the door, taking a deep breath.
You turned, trudging away from the lab. You felt a prick of a dark feeling and shook your head trying to right yourself. Surely, there was nothing to worry about. You knew both Albedo and Sucrose quite well, and we're positive that the idea Albedo could be in love with her was out of the question. Then why did you feel so... so bad? You pushed the feeling away attributing it to a mix of you hunger and weariness from the hard morning. You headed for the entrance door, meeting once more with Kaeya and Jean.
"Albedo somewhere else? He always did have a habit of sneaking off when nobody was looking." Kaeya asked you, with a small laugh. You blinked, slightly confused.
"No, he was there. Working as hard as ever." You said, shaking your head and doing your best to look unbothered.
"Y/n is something bothering you?" The acting Grand Master looked at you with tender concern. Something about your body language seemed a bit off, even if your face was as cheery as ever.
You shook your head again, more vigorously. "I mean, nothing personal of course. Those rookies gave me a run for my mora in training this morning though, I'll admit." You faked a yawn, trying to sell the tired act. "Not anything lunch won't fix, in any case." You finished with wave, and you headed out the door, eager to escape the conversation.
You ordered your usual from Sara, who was as kind as ever, and taking your food in a to-go box headed towards the city gates. You liked to enjoy your lunch outside the city walls, though usually you preferred to do it with company. Walks in nature with Albedo were always pleasant. Occasionally he'd find an interesting plant, or a butterfly with an odd pattern and get distracted as he examined it. The alchemist would tell you about the strange flora and fauna of Teyvat and seeing him so passionate about something always made your heart flutter. Albedo was not a talkative person, so the moments where he was deep in thought about a subject brought out a side of him most people often didn't see.
Kind memories of Albedo slowly looped back to him in Sucrose's lab, the way he seemed so intent on what she was saying, the way they seemed almost in sync with their thoughts. You felt bad, for wanting him to yourself, even If it was just for a mealtime. You tried to ignore it, it made you feel selfish, and possessive. You hated feeling jealous, but was it too much to ask for some Alone time with your boyfriend? You missed the way he would sit attentively and listen, and tell you all of his most recent thoughts, show you his new paintings, and let you into his life.
A choking feeling rose in your chest, unable to push the feeling away anymore you felt it wash over you in dark waves. You thought getting away from the city would do you some good. You sped up a little as you exited Mondstadt's walls, yearning for time away from the hustle and bustle.
As you cleared the gates, you met a familiar face. A tall red headed man was in conversation with one of the knights guarding the entrance gate. The man turned away ending the conversation abruptly, leaving the poor Knight looking helpless, and a bit frustrated. When you passed the guard he saluted you with a muttered "Afternoon, Captain Y/n."
The man turned, overhearing the exchange. "Y/n? I don't typically concern myself with knights but, aren't you supposed to be working?" His voice was slightly heated and you guessed whatever conversation he and the guard had finished was not a pleasant one.
"Good afternoon, Master Diluc." You plastered a smile on your face as you walked nearer to him. "I just finished actually, lunch break." You held up the box of warm food in your hands. And then added, under your breath, "I'm of half a mind to not go back today." You walked past Diluc, beginning to cross the bridge.
"Are you planning on eating away from the city?" He asked, taking a few strides to catch up to you. "Yeah, that's the plan. Just me and nature I guess." You couldn't hide the upset tone of your voice this time and the man next to you looked down in concern.
"I'll accompany you. From the sounds of it-" he cast a scathing look back at the guard who flinched under his gaze. "-there's a couple abyss mages running rampant nearby. It's not smart to head out alone."
"Mm.. I'll have a chat with him when I return then." You glanced at the guard who was now positively shaking. "Although, that's a problem for after lunch." You agreed, and the two of you set out away from the city of freedom. Diluc had always had a strong sense of justice, and you knew he would insist to escort you, in the name of caution. You also couldn't find it in yourself to explain you wanted alone time, fearing that if you mentioned anything you might breakdown entirely.
You had met diluc some years prior. You had both joined the Knights of Favonius when you were teenagers and had gotten on well. You kept in contact ever since, and if there was ever an issue you couldn't fix because of your ties to the knights, you would find diluc, and when there was a problem too big for him to handle alone, he would find you. Ever since a coincidental meeting in the middle of the night some time ago has revealed his double life as a vigilante, you had grown to be good friends.
You walked in comfortable silence, which was normal for the two of you, but as the silence hung over you, it gave space for your doubts to fester. Diluc peered at your face, noticing the way you were biting your cheek and how your eyebrows knit.
He cleared his throat, before hesitantly speaking. "Something seems to be bothering you, Y/n." His words were gentler than usual, giving away to his concern.
"No? Nothing." You said. Your voice was full of an exaggerated incredulity, as you tried and failed to act nonchalant. "What even made you think that?"
Diluc sighed giving you an 'Are you serious?' look that you pointedly avoided, turning you eyes to the worn path. "Do you really need me to answer that question?" He was exasperated, and you knew you were caught, but you stubbornly pushed through.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's not like you too worry in any case. Are you okay?" It was all a lie, but you were convinced pretending you were fine would ease the creeping feeling still sitting heavily in your chest. Diluc raised an eyebrow at you. "I think I hold a reasonable amount of concern."
You knew he had a point. Your cool facade surrounding the your troubles had slowly been cracking, as if being chipped away by a chisel of doubt. When your companion had asked you what the matter was, you had barely enough to cover your problems anymore. You crossed your arms tightly, turning to look at Diluc. Under the look he gave you, you sighed and let your arms relax, anxiously drumming your fingertips on the box of food.
"Yeah... Yeah something is bothering me." You admitted. "It's really not a big deal though, I know I shouldn't be upset." You fiddled with the box not sure where to go with the conversation. Truth be told you were hoping the subject would drop, if Diluc pressed matters you would have to admit your feelings out loud.
The man beside you hummed, apparently thinking on it. "Is there any way I can be of assistance?" He said simply. You shook your head, making your way to a large bent over tree, and perched yourself on top of it. Diluc sat next to you.
"I appreciate the offer, but really I don't think you can." You felt helpless at the moment. Could anyone help you? What would you even ask for help with, pulling Albedo away from work, getting the attention you wanted? Of course not, you would sound insane. Your hands shook slightly and you set your food on the ground near your feet, suddenly not hungry, the knot in your stomach taking up too much space.
"Would you like to... Talk? About it?" Diluc's question was gentle. You knew he wanted to help where he could. "I might not have the best advice, but I'd gladly listen to you Y/n."
You were quiet, the offer hanging tantalizingly in the air. You did want to talk about it. Letting your emotions sit twisting around in you like smoke, making you feel sick, was doing you no good in any case. You nodded slowly. "It- Well I know that it's irrational-"
Suddenly there was a loud panting and ruffling sound from the trees behind you and you snapped your head around. Eyes fixed on the scenery with intent, you and Diluc slowly stood, both immediately on guard. Then, from the brush a man stumbled out. He looked like a resident of one of the nearby towns, a basket on his back spilling out mushrooms he had been foraging for moments before. You rushed to his side, weapon drawn and help steadily at the ready.
"Excuse me sir, are you hurt?" You asked urgently.
"N-no I- Abyss mages. Two of them." He panted as you helped him to his feet. The fellow seemed unhurt but thoroughly shaken. "And hilichurls!" You did your best to calm the man as Diluc kept his eyes fixed on the trees.
"You should head back to town, Springvale is near." You soothed. The man nodded, gratefully scrambling away from the trees he had just come from.
"Diluc we need to take care of these as soon as possible." You had slipped into your work mode, voice clear and sharp and you analysed the situation at hand. "This close to the villages... It's a recipe for disaster."
Diluc nodded agreement, his claymore held ready at his side. With that the two of you were sprinting into the foliage, the safety of the city laying priority in both of your minds.
Albedo's hands turned pages in a large book, as his eyes lay fixed on the small vile of strange liquid In front of him. He picked it up briefly, swishing the contents around, before taking a quill to the pages of his journal. He and sucrose had been working with a new ingredient in the lab over the past week, and we're studying it to find out it's origins and how it was to be used, as the reactions they had so far varied wildly.
With a huff, Sucrose dropped a heavy book beside him, pointing to a highlighted passage. "Mr. Albedo I think I found a family of flora which could possibly yield similar results." Her voice was meeker than usual, catching Albedo's attention. He took his attention away from the book, observing Sucrose's weary eyes and slumped shoulders. They had been working tirelessly for days, and it was only natural she be tired.
Albedo nodded at the book. "I appreciate it sucrose. I think you have well earned some rest now." It was a bit after lunch time in any case, and he was starting to get hungry. Sucrose agreed gratefully.
"Uhm- Mr. Albedo, are you going to find Captain Y/n?" Sucrose stammered, and she swallowed hard when Albedo turned to look at her. "Well Y/n has showed up a few times a-and I think maybe you should go see them?" She finished unsurely.
Albedo's expression was unusually soft. He had been planning to see you. Giving a break for lunch was just as much to see you as it was to give Sucrose some rest time. "Yes. I was planning on finding them." He checked the clock that was hanging above the door, noting that at this time you would still be out. You liked to take your time over lunch, stopping to look at flowers or simply enjoy the outside. That was one of the things Albedo loved about you, was that you appreciated nature like he did.
He pulled on his coat which he had discarded in the stuffy lab, and opened the door striding out into the hall. Making his way down the corridor he gave a quick acknowledgement to his fellows as he passed, making his way to your usual lunch spot, stopping by good Hunter as he walked.
His pace was a bit brisker than usual, and as he strolled through the streets he became more engrossed in his thoughts of you. Perhaps he had been a bit harsh earlier, he thought. It wasn't his intention but he would make it up by giving you his full attention over lunch. He was on the tired side from an intensive few days studying, and wanted nothing more to lace his fingers in yours as you talked about your week with him. He could sit in silence and enjoy your company. A small smile pulled at his lips as he imagined it, turning onto the hard dirt path outside of Mondstadt.
He spied your lunch spot, finding it empty. He frowned, perhaps you had gone back to headquarters early. He noticed something was off as he approached the crooked log. A tin a food lay near the base of the log, apparently flipped over and discarded. Shooing a squirrel away from the tipped over contents, he recognized the ingredients as part of your usual order. He stood up quickly scanning the ground. There were small signs of a struggle, the brush behind the log was slightly flattened, several bushes bore broken twigs.
His heart skipped a beat. He shook off the feeling you might be hurt, you knew how to handle yourself in a fight. He stood uselessly eyes glued to that tipped over box of food. The meal was still warm. He remembered a time you told him you asked for hot food on days when you didn't feel your best. 'Something about it is comforting, you know? It's like getting a hug from your food almost!'
The memory of how you laughed about that stuck out in his mind. The feeling something was wrong grew stronger, as his eyes found a set of foot prints. Two sets. From the spacing he gathered they had run off into the forest, offering explanation for the trampled plants. He followed them, something urgent had definitely drawn you away from your lunch. Albedo drew his sword as he navigated his way carefully through the trees. His practiced eyes followed the path, picking up trampled flowers and more foot prints. He marched into a clearing, avoiding some felled trees. Scorch marks. The beaten trail he had been following appeared to go ahead but the alchemist stopped, caution becoming his priority.
"Y/n? Y/n are you here?" He called out. Your voice did not answer but he heard others, a group of people. He snapped his head around when he heard the faint desperate voices. They sounded serious, perhaps urgent. Albedo rushed away from the clearing and towards the voices, heading towards the nearby Springvale. The voices seemed somewhere between him and the town and as he ran, he noticed more foot prints. This time there was one set only.
He rounded a corner spotting a small group of people. Still no sign of you. He reminded himself that there was a chance you were not involved in whatever happened here as he approached the villagers.
"Excuse me, has something happened?" Albedo let his weapon go as he in joined the conversation. At the sound of his voice a woman turned nodding, her face anxious.
"A monster attack, they were staying near the town and a few of the villagers get caught." Her voice was shaky, and clearly she was in shock. "My husband was one of them."
"A couple of the city folk ran in to save them." A man added it, patting the woman on the shoulder to calm her. "Actually it was that Ragnivindr boy. And one of the Knights of Favonius's captains. Can't remember that one's name, Y/n I believe?" He shook his head, trying to recall the details. His description of you matched perfectly and Albedo tensed.
"Where are they now?" Albedo urged.
"Headed back to the city. They cleared those monsters right up but not without consequence." The man sighed, a bit sadly. "That Knight looked pretty badly injured. Had to be carried back, and quickly too." He said, and began to muse about the risk of such dangerous creatures near their town, but Albedo had already turned and began headed for Mondstadt.
The journey back to the city passed in a blur, as Albedo rushed over the bridge and passed the gates, anxious to make sure you were okay. He was unsure where to go first, and decided ultimately to ask Jean. Albedo was remaining calm on the outside but internally he was bordering Panic. He knew you had an instinct for protecting others, but he really could do without you running into battles randomly. Unfortunately, that was part of your job. Albedo steadied his thoughts as he walked into headquarters, logical thinking was typically his strong suit but there was no logic behind emotional distress like this. The only way to deal with it would be to try not to worry. Which currently, was not working for him.
Without knocking he walked into Jeans office, to find her talking to a tall well dressed man, that he recognized as Diluc. The two turned around looking for who was responsible for the sudden entrance. "Apologies for the intrusion." Albedo kept his voice calm, outwardly showing no sign of distress. "I heard Captain Y/n may have gotten into some trouble."
Jean nodded. "I was wondering if you might show up. I was just talking to Master Diluc about it." She looked at him now. "I'm not sure what happened myself, needless to say I'm surprised you took the time to come here."
Diluc sighed, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. It was true that normally, he would not be found in the Favonius headquarters, but something seemed to be off about him. "Yes, normally I would trust that Y/n would have no issue filling you in themselves, but I doubt that is going to happen this time."
Albedo and Jean looked at diluc, with looks of concern and curiousity. Diluc proceeded to fill the two in on what had happened.
There had been more hilichurls than you had expected when the two of you had found their camp. There was only one Abyss mage to be found though, so Diluc and you had jumped in preparing for a hard fight. You were managing well, despite the extra effort needed to compensate for numbers. The second abyss mage however, had used the commotion to sneak up and ambush you, but it's attempt did not go unnoticed. The mage had aimed a cryo attack at Diluc, and without time to warn him you had thrown yourself between the mage and your friend, taking the full blast of the attack.
Diluc had his eyes fixed on his feet. "Barbara is taking care of the injuries now."
"How bad are they?" Jean asked, worry lacing her voice. She felt the Knights were her responsibility, and her deep care for each of them left her with a twinge of guilt.
Diluc didn't answer at first, and Albedo began to fear the worst. If he knew you would be okay he could quell his worries but here... Something like this was out of his control and it made his heart clench.
"Not fatal." Diluc said finally, after some consideration. "I've seen people come out of worse, nothing Barbara can't handle for sure but..." He trailed off.
"Is there something else?" Albedo's question came out a bit sharper than he intended, letting some of his internal feeling slip into his tone. Diluc looked at him, slightly sadly and shook his head.
"No, that's all." He turned and walked out of the office, not paying either of the knights another glance. In truth, there was more too it. Diluc had seen firsthand how lifeless your body had fallen after getting hit. Your skin had been cold and breath faint as he carried your limp form to the cathedral. The way Barbara had gasped as she laid a hand over your chest exclaiming how distant your life force felt. The guilt he felt kept him from telling Albedo exactly what was happening. You had mentioned you had started seeing him before, and the regret Diluc was feeling about your injuries made looking at him a little too difficult.
Albedo was frozen in place as he tried to process what to do next. A dark feeling of guilt and worry was eating at his insides, keeping him stuck uselessly in place. Luckily, Jean provided him with an out.
"Go check on Y/n, Albedo." She said softly. Though you two had not publicized your relationship, the Acting Grand Master was not oblivious to the fact he had grown close to you. "Let me know how bad the situation is when you return, unfortunately I still have much work to do." She returned to her seat, leaning on her desk with a knowing look.
Albedo nodded. "I will, thank you Master Jean." He turned, leaving Jean alone with her work and worries. Shutting the door behind him he began making his way towards the cathedral. He past the large statue in the square, climbing the stairs with haste, and entering the large building.
Inside was quiet, and though the people inside went about their daily lives, praying and chatting Albedo couldn't help but feel a heaviness to the air, pressing down on his chest. He walked as quickly as he could, approaching a small arched doorway in the back of the church that lead to a small infirmary. He rushed through it, nearly running into one of the church's sisters in the process.
"Apologies, miss." He said taking a step back. The nun looked at him with a kind smile, holding her hand up in a friendly gesture.
"No worries. Is everything alright? You seem to be in a hurry." She asked, checking Albedo for scratches or cuts. "You don't seemed to be injured?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm here to see somebody who was brought here recently, a knight by the name of Y/n?"
Even the sister could hear the strain in his voice, noticing the way his brows knit in both worry and hope. The girl's face fell as he mentioned your name, looking at him with slight pity and Albedo's heart lurched. "How.. how bad of condition..." His voice faltered and he clenched his jaw.
The nun rested a hand on his shoulder momentarily. "It'll be okay, Barbara is seeing to the healing now." She gestured to a door down the hall a ways and suddenly Albedo moved by her, heading towards the door.
As he slid by her she let out a cry of protest, but he paid it no mind as he reached for the door. His thoughts were jumbled, only focusing on seeing you okay. He had finally gotten the chance to see you today and he had pushed you away, again. Regret bubbled as he pushed the door open, and took in the sight before him.
Barbara stood near the edge of the bed concentrating as she held her hands over her chest, faint blue light pulsing around her finger tips. You lay unmoving before him, bandages that were quickly wrapped around your chest to stop the bleeding where you were hit had already been dyed red. Your skin looked pale and clammy, the only sign you were still living was the deepening red of the bandages as your heart still beat, if even faintly.
Albedo stopped dead, unable to look away from your body played sprawled on the bed, vision and jacket discarded on a nearby table. Suddenly the nun was at his back again.
"Excuse me sir, we best not disturb the deaconess. She needs full concentration." She said softly. No matter how many injuries the sisters saw too it didn't make it any easier to see people suffer.
"Please, I need to see Y/n." He said as the nun gently guided him away. "I won't leave them alone this time. It's not a good idea t-" The woman hushed him trying to reassure him.
"Barbara knows what's she's doing, she'll have the injuries healed soon sir. Perhaps it would be best to take a walk and come back tomorrow." She suggested and made to return to her work, leaving Albedo alone and stranded.
Barely noticing what he was doing, he began walking, out of the cathedral and towards the Knight's headquarters once again. He knew you would be in safe hands with the sisters, but he couldn't shake the image of your beaten skin from his mind's eye. He dragged himself into the building, aptly avoiding any other knights. He didn't feel like conversation much now. He pushed open the door to his office, half of which was converted to a lab and and moved inside, standing uselessly near his desk.
His eyes moved to the ample amounts of notes that lay in a disorganized mess a top his desk. He always said he would organize them, but it never happened. You had offered to help him telling him that "It might be no fun, but it'll be better together." His hands trembled. He had never reached a state like this before. He had grown so accustomed to your presence he never noticed how much he needed it until it was nearly pulled away from him. Head feeling light, he slipped behind his desk collapsing into the chair. He needed to unwind, to bring his mind into a state where he could return to focus.
His hands opened a drawer subconsciously, reaching for a blank sheet of canvas and a stick of charcoal. It had been a while since he painted anything. He pulled the supplies onto his desk, lazily brushing away studies as he made room for it. Bright eyes scanned the room and settled on a vase of flowers. The beautiful plant within happened to be one of your favorites. Albedo began to sketch, slowly letting the image appear before him. The drawing was supposed to ease his mind but he couldn't help but think how much you would have liked it, the soft encouragement you would give him if you were there, and he slowly sketched his nerves away, left with pleasant thoughts of giving this to you when you were back. You would be better tomorrow, he assured himself, and he would go apologize for missing lunch with you. It wouldn't be much trouble to eat his lunch in the cathedral, as long as you were okay. And with a solid plan in place, his mind was at peace again. If only he knew how it was going to be shattered.
The next morning came and went like usual, and Albedo took the time to fill Jean in on the situation before returning to his work. Come lunch time he let Sucrose go, telling her to be back in an hour and a half. "Sucrose take this time to yourself. Use it how you wish, I will not get in the way of any independent work you decide to do." He said, waving away her rather over enthusiastic thanks as he left the lab, heading to the cathedral.
He took his time walking through the streets the time, appreciating the lively shops, and the way children laughed and ran around the cobbled streets. Usually, this bustling city life was of intrigue to him, observing the haggling and patterns in which people came and went, but he had other things on his mind today. You.
As he entered the cathedral he met no staff as he headed back to the infirmary this time, heading straight to the door without complication. He set his hand on the handle, before deciding it might be best to knock instead. After a short moment, the young deaconess appeared behind the door.
"Ah, Albedo!" She smiled wearily. From the looks of her ruffled skirts and tired face she had been working all night. "Sister Victoria mentioned you might visit. Come in." She stepped aside letting Albedo into the room.
Your bandages were clean, and wrapped properly now, and you had been changed into a light nightgown, your work clothes removed to be clean. You looked so peaceful, lying so still with your hands on your stomach. Too still, perhaps. Albedo approached the bed, taking a delicate hand to your cheek, brushing his fingers against your skin. It was colder than he would have expected. He moved his hand to hover over your nose and mouth, feeling the faint breath there his shoulders relaxed, but something still felt off.
"Have they woken up yet..?" He asked. Albedo was a smart person, and he knew something was wrong but he was scared to draw any conclusions.
Barabara looked sad. "No. Y/n has been unresponsive, even to my elemental magic." She shook her head. She didn't want to say it to Albedo, but she had feared you were dead before she had used her vision to check you life force.
"When will they wake-up." He said shortly.
Barbara paused, not wanting to deliver the news. "I'm not sure, for the time being Y/n is in-" she took a shaky breath. She too had grown to know you better as you had come in with small injuries often, or were with jean working, and this accident had not left her unaffected. "In comatose." She finished unable to meet Albedo's gaze.
That was no issue though, if she had tried he would have avoided eye contact himself. He wanted to tell Barbara she was wrong, that it hadn't been long enough to tell but he was a learned man and recognized the signs himself.
"Albedo I-"
Albedo shook his head. "You did your job to it's full extent, thank you." He said honestly. If it weren't for Barbara, your wounds would never have healed so quickly, or so nicely. "I would like have some time alone."
Barbara nodded knowingly, leaving Albedo to pull up a chair and sir silently beside your bed. He hand found yours and he interlaced his fingers with with yours, but did not feel the familiar squeeze you always gave him when he did this. He had convinced himself you would be okay, only for that small hope to be ripped away from him too.
Albedo was not a very sensitive person. He was logical, and a realist, but you meeting you had brought in a strange yet warm feeling into his life he had never felt before. You intrigued him, and you took the time to understand him and get to know him. Lots of people were either infatuated with his good manners and kind words, but you had taken the time to listen to them, and he was realizing that these past few weeks he had never given you that time back. He had taken you for granted, spent his time with other people, and turned you away in times where he didn't realise how much you meant to him. Now as you lay unmoving infront of him he realized how much he yearned for your company.
Had he made you feel like this? All those times he declined your invites or pushed you away to work. He couldn't help but feel he had treated those situations wrongly, you had only offered him some company. He had been working and he knew you knew that, but he began to think he had treated you to harshly. Relationships like this were new to him, and you were always so gentle and patient. He should have gone with you today, prevented the terrible outcome. His mind ran probabilities, weighing situations against each other as he imagined ways he could have stepped in to stop you, or how the fight could play out differently.
He leaned forward, holding both of your hands gently in his, as the feelings washed over him. How curious, that a single person could move his heart so strongly.
Time passed both to slowly and too quickly. Albedo stayed by your side well into the evening hours. Every once in a while he found himself drifting off to sleep head resting on your chest, desperate to feel the slight rise and fall no matter how irregular it was. When Barbara returned to the room, it was to usher Albedo out of the cathedral, as she began her nightly duties.
"Albedo, it's time for me to see Y/n again, we'll be starting our nightly rounds here soon." Barbara said in a soothing tone. "You should head home for the night, I'll take good care of the Captain."
Albedo nodded slowly, slightly groggy from the half asleep state he was just in. He stood, brushing off his jacket and giving your resting face a look of longing before quietly walking out of your room. Barbara closed the door, and he was alone with his thoughts again. The night ushered in more issues, including the work he had left unfinished that afternoon. He decided that best course of action was to get a good night's sleep and organize his thoughts in the morning, and he walked off into the night.
The next week in the Alchemy lab was dreary to say the least. Albedo's work quality dropped as well as his focus, as he plowed through experiments clumsily. Sucrose was finding herself with random breaks through the day, and had put together they were more for his own sake, than hers. Work was typically Albedo's escape. He would be able to pour himself into his studies, mindlessly observe and take note but he kept finding things that reminding him of you. Maybe it was a color that he thought you would have liked, or some ancient script you would giggle at pointing out how the letters looked like weird animals. Your absence from his life had left a large hole, that no amount of alchemy could fill. He tried painting, but every time he picked up a brush he found himself painting your favorite things, or places, or telling himself he would give you the drawings when you woke up. When you woke up. Your sleeping face was etched into his mind as if with a fine quill.
You were so devoid of life, all because of a stupid accident and he couldn't bear it. Everytime he visited the hope he would find you laying awake and upright grew dimmer, and soon he began to expect nothing more than your still body, cold and unmoving. Everytime he saw you it was accompanied by a pang of guilt, and longing for your return. Every evening when he decided he could focus on work no more he would make his way to the cathedral and sit by your side until dark, and then a sister would usher him out once more and he would leave, only to repeat it again the next day.
His life moved forward in this depressing spiral for days, until one evening as he made to leave headquarters he was stopped by none other than Jean.
"Albedo?" The dandelion knight called out to him and he stopped, preparing to head out the door. Jean walked over to him. "Before you go I have something for you."
Albedo turned around, curiosity piqued. "Sure." He said simply as the woman pulled a letter from her pocket and handed it to him. He studied the seal, recognizing the symbol of the church pressed into the wax. His heart skipped a beat, as he feared both the worst and hoped for the best.
"Barbara told me I should let you read it yourself. I have already seen the contents myself." Jean couldn't keep the smile from creeping into her voice as Albedo slid a piece of paper from the envelope, unfolding it hastily.
His eyes scanned the letter. It was short and sweet, written by one of the sisters. He barely absorbed the content as his attention was taken by one phrase over the rest.
'Y/n has woken up and will make a full recovery, we will keep you updated on their condition and let you know when they are fit to return to work.'
Albedo's heart leapt. As he reread the line a few times. 'Y/n will make a full recovery.' He handed the letter back to Jean. "Thank you. This is wonderful news indeed." A small smile played on his lips, and his soft voice lost the edge it had carried all week. He pivoted on his heel pushing open the door with an enthusiasm that Jean had not seen before, and strolled out of the building.
He felt the pressure that had been so present in his chest for days alleviate as he grew closer to the cathedral. Albedo was practically jogging with the pace he entered the church, throwing open the door and making a beeline for the infirmary. His head pounded, hazy at the good news. It all seemed to be happening so fast, was it possible that after all of that you could be okay? That you were going to be okay? He found Barbara in the infirmary hallway and she gave him a warm smile, different from the sorrowful ones she had given for what had been many visits now.
Albedo paused outside of your door, taking a deep breath, and Barbara gave him a reassuring nod. "Y/n woke up some hours ago, just please be gentle, the affects of a coma can be quite draining."
Albedo nodded pushing open the door carefully and stepped inside. You were sat, looking out the small window on the other side of your bed, but you turned hearing the door open. Your heart fluttered as the blonde figure shut the door quietly and approached your bed, his eyes not leaving yours. You smiled softly, and weakly held out your hand and he took it, relishing in the returned warmth in your fingers as you gently pulled him on to your mattress and into a hug.
Albedo buried his head against your neck, letting you hold him close. The feeling of your hands pressing into his back and on his hair was all he could ask for after weeks of feeling them limp and lifeless.
You pulled away and your hands found each others, fingers intertwined as you laughed gently. "Been a little while, huh?" You hummed.
Albedo nodded still speechless.
"I'm sorry for making you worry, Albedo." You smoothed your fingers over the skin on the back of his hands, and he softened hearing you say his name. Oh, how he had missed that. Suddenly that familiar guilt crept into his throat, tightening it as he tried to speak. He had no idea what he wanted to say, before without thinking: "No, don't apologize Y/n. I'm sorry."
Suddenly the feelings he had felt over the past weeks welled up again and he felt his chest shake as he took a deep breath. You tucked a strand of stray ash blond behind his ear, smiling all the while. "For what?"
"For taking you for granted." He choked out, as the feelings spilled their way into words. "I'm sorry I pushed you away like that. I realise now that time with you is just as precious to me as it is to you. In a way this helped me realize that." He looked into your eyes, and his honest apology made your chest tighten.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have been so pushy. I understand your work is important I just.. missed you?" You sighed, voice week from your recent ailment. "It was selfish, I shouldn't feel entitled to you like that." Finally admitting it was difficult, and you felt a weight lift from your chest yet the feeling remained still.
Albedo leaned in and kissed your forehead gently and you relaxed under one of his rare affections. "Do not feel guilty for expecting that time from me, I admit you were right. Yet with all things there is a balance, my love." He said softly as you took him into your arms once more. It was rare to see him so touchy in a place that wasn't your home, but you welcomed it pulling him into your chest.
"I supposed your right." You agreed. "As usual." You lay against the pillows that were propping you up minutes before, the alchemist laying against your chest. He hummed softly at your joking praise and his arms tightened around you.
And that's how the two of you stayed for a long while. The relief of both of your apologies settled in place of that dark feeling that had previously sat heavily in both of your hearts, as you drifted back, into a more peaceful sleep. The weight of Albedo against you felt secure keeping you anchored. You ran a hand through his hair as you enjoyed the comfortable silence for a bit.
"Barbara told me you came here every day while I was asleep." You murmured.
Albedo turned his head so he wouldn't be speaking into your shoulder. "I did." He said simply and you smiled.
"That makes me feel a lot better, I'll be honest." Your hands worked through a few knots in his hair absent mindedly. "I'm still a little freaked out about the whole thing."
"I'm glad my presence was of some reassurance Y/n." Albedo pressed a fleeting kiss to your cheek, as there was a knock from the door. Albedo stood, your hands lingering for a moment in one another's as he went to open to door. Barbara stood there holding some fresh bandages.
"Excuse the intrusion but I need to check Y/n's injuries once more. I won't be long."
Albedo nodded stepping aside and letting the girl into the room, before stepping out himself. You gave him a look of confusion, wanting him to stay a little longer."Wait Albedo-"
"Don't worry. I'll be right here waiting for you when your finished. I won't leave you again."
You sat silently, nodding slightly.
"I promise Y/n." And with his sweet words echoing in your mind, Albedo gently shut the door to your room. He would not take you for granted ever again.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 6
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GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
You are forced to wake up in a sudden by your alarm blaring. You squint your eyes, try to find your glasses or your phone to turn off that annoyance of the sounds of your alarm. You finally turned it off and put on your glasses then checked out the time. You forgot that you have to wake up earlier than you planned before Lizzie’s text yesterday. Once you see the time is 5 AM, you regretted that you stayed up late last night.
You groaned as you got out of the bed. Last night you decided to wake up at 5 AM just so you can give yourself enough time to get ready, let alone you have to try to beat the traffic to go to the office even though it’s Friday you just don’t want to take that risk, not today. Last but not least, you have to get the coffee that Lizzie specifically requested.
You try to get ready faster than usual. You picked semi casual attire for today with a low ponytail and flat shoes. You grabbed your purse, your laptop and every other thing you need for work today. You walk out then go to your mom’s room to check if your mom is awake.
“Ma, are you awake yet? I’m gonna go to work okay? I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” You half whispered hoping your mom can hear you but not loud enough to wake her up just in case she is still sleeping.
“Okay, good luck on your first day my dear.” Your mom replies in a sleepy tone.
You left for work but had to drop by at Starbucks near the office to get Lizzie’s large black coffee with half and half and two pumps of hazelnut syrup so it will still be hot when she gets it. That’s how she likes it and it’s one of a few list of coffee beverages she likes besides her precious seasonal pumpkin spice latte.
You finally arrived at the office at 6 AM sharp. The main building is already open due to some offices having early operation hours. You confidently go up to the office thinking it is already open as well or at least opened for Lizzie who is meeting you there but to your surprise the door is still locked and all the lights are still off. Puzzled with what’s going on, you pull out your phone and try to contact Lizzie to figure out where she is.
You try to call her but no answer. You wait for a few minutes in front of the office, then you try to call her again, which leads to the same result, no answer. Hoping that you will get an answer if you try to reach her in a different way, you decided to text her.
"Good morning Ms. Olsen, I'm here at the office. Are you on your way here by any chance? Thanks." You texted anxiously yet irritated. Fifteen minutes went by and still no words whatsoever from her. You decided to go back to your car and wait there.
You hate waiting yet that’s the only thing you can do now. Luckily, you parked at one of the Vernon’s office reserved spots so it will be easy for you to spot Lizzie when she comes. You sighed with annoyance every time you checked your phone and found nothing from Lizzie. You watch the parking spots around you like a hawk to spot Lizzie but shortly you are betrayed by your body, your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring, it’s Lizzie. You jolted to check the time to find it’s 8:05. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!’ You cursed in your mind and answered the call.
”Hello. Ms. Olsen. I’m coming right up.” You explain right away while you gather your stuff to get going.  “Where are you?! You are late. I have been waiting here for 5 minutes.” Lizzie asked, pretending she was upset about waiting. Making you come two hours early and letting you wait was her plan. Little did you know, Lizzie actually saw you sleeping in the car when she parked. Of course she won’t let this situation go to waste so she decided to just go up to the office to make it look like you are late. 
You finally showed up with one hand holding your purse and your laptop, the other handing Lizzie her coffee. “Good morning. I’m so sorry. Here’s your coffee. I got here at-..” before you could finish your explanation she cuts you off. “Um, my coffee is not hot, Y/n. Why is it cold? I like hot coffee in the morning. You need to get me a new one on the way there. We gotta go now or we are gonna be late. Thanks to you.” She gave the coffee back to you and walked away.
Your jaw dropped. You are so flabbergasted and irritated at the same time with what just happened as you saw her walk away with no remorse whatsoever. 
“Aren’t you coming?” What Lizzie said snap you back to reality and you proceed to follow her to leave.
Lizzie decided to sit at the front passenger side with you driving. You drive in silence, still upset that you have to go to Starbucks to get her another hot coffee. You ordered hers and your usual coffee. You got both of your orders, you put yours in the cup holder and you hand her hers. “Ice coffee huh in the morning? Grande Espresso frappuccino, light ice double blended with extra shot in a venti cup. Just because you like cold coffee in the morning, it doesn’t mean other people like it too, you know?” She commented sarcastically.  “Ms. Olsen, I got there at 6 just like you wanted me to, I tried to call and text you but no answer. That’s why your coffee got cold. It has been sitting for two hours.” You broke your silence but are still trying to keep it cool.
“Oh yeah, I slept in, didn’t hear my alarm.” Lizzie answered nonchalantly.
“Are you kidd--” You said in your mind then you took a deep breath. Hearing how she answered you, it made you connect the dots and you know what she’s up to. You know it’s normal if she really slept in but this happened on the first day you work for her, coincidence much. 
“I see.” You said it sarcastically and nodded slightly. “What? What do you see?” You got her attention. “Oh nothing. You did it on purpose didn’t you? You are trying to give me a hard time working.” You calmly confront her. “I told you I slept in. It’s up to you how you gonna take my answer.” Another nonchalant answer came out from her. You chuckle sarcastically then pull over and turn your head to look at her. She looks back at you confused.
“Look, Ms. Olsen. I don’t sugar coat things so please hear me out, I know you don’t like me because I got hired as the assistant you thought you don’t need and I don’t fancy you either. What you did this morning is completely childish and to me, you really give yourself a bad name such as a brat. I’m just here doing my job. As professional as you are and as stubborn as you are, no matter what game you are playing now, I won’t quit because I’m not a quitter. So why don’t you just let me do my job until the contract ends?” You raise one of your eyebrows and give her an intimidating smile then you start to drive again to the location.
Despite the fact that Lizzie actually got caught off guard with what you just did and with everything you said, she refused to give in. In fact it just provoked her more and started to ramble angrily “I told you I slept in! Just so you know, I have my own reason why I don't need a new assistant! You know nothing about me! So don't you dare call me a brat! Don't get too cocky. I’m not a quitter either. I’ll win.” She replied and just like that, they soon got into an argument and everything turned into one competition between you two girls who have the same level of unyielding obduracy. Nonetheless, both of you are consumed by your own ego and anger. 
You scoffed. "Oh come on! We both know you did it on purpose! I'm not stupid! 2 plus 2 is 4! Why don't you want a new assistant anyway? It's not that bad!" You raised your tone a little.
"Why the hell do I have to tell you my reason?! It's a personal thing! You work for me, don't you remember that?! Being childish is way better than being cocky like you. Just because you are the best assistant that Mitchel has, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else! So if you are as professional as you said you are, why don't you just zip it and drive?!"
The driving is now filled with tension and awkward silence. You decide to turn on the music just to calm you down. Clair De Lune by Motez Remix plays. The tune is actually catchy enough to Lizzie’s ears, she never heard this song before so she secretly checked the title on y/n’s car screen. “I don’t like this, I want to listen to something else.” She lied just to push y/n’s button yet again. “My car, my choice of music.” Lizzie rolled her eyes to what you said.
Luckily the traffic wasn’t that bad, you both arrived at the location on time. Lizzie gets out of the car and slams the door as she is still upset with you.
The photoshoot session starts. Both of you only talk when it’s needed. Not a single eye contact happens between the two of you. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch. Lunch is already catered, you prepared a plate for her, place it on the table. You sit with the photographer and crews on another table near hers.
She sits and about to eat but was stopped by something she noticed on her plate. Something that she hates, onions.
“Umm, Y/n, I can’t eat this.” She pushed the plate away. “ And why is that?” curious why she said that, you go to take a look at her plate and notice what’s the problem. “Sorry, I didn’t notice there’s onions there.” You added.
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind eating it if there’s no onion in it. Since you are my assistant, I will let you do your job just like what you asked me to do earlier.” She said it sarcastically but in a low tone and gave you a smirk, knowing she just served you back your own words from the argument earlier.
You realized what she wants you to do, it won’t look good if the photographer and the crew see you argue with you since they didn’t hear what ridiculous “assistance” Lizzie just asked you to do for her so you just do what she asked you to half heartedly.
The rest of the session continues then you both go back to the office when it’s all done. The whole ride was awkward and silent from both of you with soft music playing in the background. Tension is in the air but that doesn’t stop both of you secretly exchanging glances to each other without you both knowing.
You both arrived at the office’s parking structure  just to separate to go home and move on with your day.
Ch. 7
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zackcollins · 4 years
i do (cherish you) || nolan patrick
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Author’s Note: Surprise, bitches! I’m back with another Player/Reader fic! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve had the inspiration to write one, so I’m really happy that I’ve finally been able to write one. Sorry for being gone for so long in terms of my writing. I still have one request that I need to get to, and, to the person that sent it, I’ll start working on that soon, I promise!! I’m just trying to find the right way to go about writing it. I have all the time in the world to think about it now because my province went back into complete lockdown as of this morning. So, uh... yeah. Expect another fic within maybe a week. GIF credit to intermissionpenguins!!
Warnings: I don’t even know if this is considered warnable but: the reader uses an insulin pump. So... yeah. I’ll just tell you about that just to be safe. There’s also a few brief mentions of alcohol. So, if you need to avoid that, feel free to just skip over the mention of it because it isn’t important at all, if I’m honest.
Word Count: 1.5k+
Title: I Do (Cherish You): Mark Wills
Additional: The reader is masculine this time!! He is described as having a beard and being a hockey player on the Flyers, so I hope that’s okay with you guys!! I made the reader masculine this time because someone sent me an ask this morning and told me they appreciated that I wrote masculine imagines and asked me if I would consider writing more. So, uh. Whoever you are, this is technically for you. I hope you and everyone else enjoy!
Stretching your arms above your head, you grunted when you felt your shoulder joints pop back into place. Nolan looked over from where he was sitting, smirking around his beer bottle as he took a drink.
"Woulda figured you'd be more accustomed to sitting in the same spot for a while," Nolan said, taking the opportunity to dig at the fact that you were a fourth-line player on the team.
You flipped Nolan off before drinking the last of your beer. You rubbed some sweat and condensation off your beard before you untucked your shirt and brought your hands down to your stomach.
"Fuck off, man," you mumbled half-heartedly, more focused on punching the correct numbers into your insulin pump.
"You kn--"
Nolan started speaking but anything he wanted to say was cut off by a succession of beeps coming from your stomach. Nolan quickly polished off his beer before standing from his chair and grabbing your empty beer bottle.
"Guess that means we need to go back." Nolan motioned his head down the dock in the direction of his cottage. "The refills are inside."
You frowned, standing from your chair and tucking your shirt back into your shorts in the process.
"We don't have to. I can just run inside, put one of them in, and come right back out."
Grabbing his phone, Nolan looked at the screen. He hummed before looking back at you as he slid the phone into his back pocket.
"True. But I'm hungry and it's close enough to dinner time."
Sighing, you scratched at your beard with one of your hands before holding them both up in surrender.
"Alright, alright. We can go to have dinner. I think there's still some fish left from what we caught yesterday."
Humming in appreciation, Nolan started making his way down the dock. You rolled your eyes, smirking and shaking your head before you followed after him.
About halfway up the walkway to the cottage, you saw that Nolan had stopped and was holding his hands up defensively. You approached carefully, placing a hand on Nolan's shoulder. Nolan jumped what you could've sworn was thirty-five feet out of his skin before he glared at you.
"Careful," Nolan hissed, slightly motioning his head in the direction of the cottage's outdoor garbage bin.
When you followed the motion, you froze and felt panic blooming throughout your body. A bear was rummaging around in the garbage. A rather substantially sized bear.
"Why is Chara in our garbage," you mumbled, grabbing Nolan's hand for comfort.
Nolan made no comment on the fact that you had grabbed onto his hand but he did glare at you, cracking a small smile. 
"Now isn't the time for jokes, idiot." However, he bumped shoulders with you to show that he appreciated it. "And, to answer your question, they're probably hungry."
You swallowed around a thick lump that had formed in your throat and, against your better judgement, dropped your head against Nolan’s shoulder. Nolan sighed and placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. You swallowed around another thick lump, this one having nothing to do with the bear, as you breathed heavily out of your nose.
“That’s all well and good,” you said, pausing to swallow again, “they deserve to eat and all that. But I need more insulin if you want me to be functional.”
"Do you want me to…?" Nolan trailed off but you understood what he was trying to say.
You looked up at Nolan, furrowing your eyebrows and face twisting into a scowl.
"I'd rather you didn't," you said, plainly. "If you get mauled, what am I gonna do if I need help later?"
Nolan huffed, knocking shoulders with you again.
"I'm your best friend, (Y/N). Not your caregiver. While I would still gladly help if you asked because I care about you, you don't give yourself enough credit." 
You felt yourself short-circuit because Nolan had just said he cared about you. The rational part of your brain knew that he meant it in a friendly way. But the part of your brain that was winning this argument, the part you were listening to, was telling you that he meant it in a romantic way, the way you had wanted for what felt like an eternity.
"If your on-ice antics say anything, you know how to take care of yourself just fine."
Nolan continuing to speak drew you out of your fantasyland, forcing you to formulate an articulate sentence that didn’t involve you spilling your feelings for your best friend to said best friend.
"Defending my honour and staying alive are two very different things, sweetheart," you said.
As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you realized what you had said. Your entire face felt hot, your beard suddenly feeling itchy from the newfound heat, and you felt embarrassed beyond belief. Not wanting to look at Nolan, you dropped your head against his chest to hide from his gaze.
"Yes, true. But you've managed to stay alive this long, haven't you?"
There was a long pause, the only noise coming from the bear that was still rummaging around in the garbage. You were worried that Nolan would think that you were starting to get sleepy from lack of insulin (which was actually true if he were to ask), so you mumbled softly against his chest, hoping he would hear you.
“Yeah…” Your voice sounding somewhat defeated. “I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for caring about me.”
Nolan lifted your head up and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Relief washed over you as you smiled, feeling tears in your eyes. After carefully placing the beer bottles on the ground, Nolan wrapped you in a hug. You sighed and got comfortable in Nolan’s embrace, figuring you’d be there for a while. 
You weren’t sure how long had passed when Nolan started carding his fingers through your hair and then your beard, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before pulling you back from his embrace. You blinked owlishly at Nolan, feeling somewhat bleary from the lack of insulin. Nolan squeezed your cheeks, tapping them a couple of times. You grunted, swatting at his shoulder with a playful smile on your face.
“Just wanted to make sure you were still with me,” Nolan said. You thought you detected some uncharacteristic concern in his voice but you were too out of it to process if that was true or not.
Nolan motioned his head toward the garbage bin. Your eyes slowly drifted over there, lighting up when you saw that the bear was gone..
“Yay! Chara is gone,” you said, voice somewhat quieter than normal. 
You yawned harshly, feeling your head start to swim. Looking up at Nolan, you patted him on the cheek.
"Let’s get inside before I pass out.”
Nodding, Nolan held your hand as you walked into the cottage. He sat you onto the couch and rushed into your bedroom to grab you a refill for your insulin pump. When he returned, he handed you the refill and sat down beside you.
It took a few tries to figure out because your hands were clumsy from being so tired but you managed to place the refill into the pump without any help from Nolan. Nolan ruffled your hair, placing a soft kiss on your cheek as you punched in the correct numbers to get the rest of the insulin you needed from earlier. It took a few minutes but you started to feel better, feel more awake. You flexed your hands, pleased that they didn’t feel like gelatin anymore. You blinked a few times, getting your eyes readjusted to being at full strength.
When you looked at Nolan, he looked up at you with a nervous smile. Instead of speaking, he moved closer to you and grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers and placing your hands on his knee. You glanced down at his knee and then up at him, seeing the tentative look in his eye. You nodded because you were fairly certain you knew what he wanted. Your theory was proven right when Nolan leaned forward and connected your lips, cupping your jaw with his free hand. Smiling into the kiss, you brought your free hand up and grabbed the collar of Nolan’s shirt, tugging him in closer. Nolan grunted, mouth falling open as he continued to kiss you. You took that opportunity to experimentally slide your tongue into Nolan’s mouth. Nolan groaned, pulling back from the kiss. You swallowed thickly when you saw the beard burn your kiss had left behind. 
Nolan twisted on the couch, dropping his head against your shoulder. You slung your arm around his back, pulling him in as close as you could. Nolan hummed, bringing his arm around your shoulders.
“About what you said earlier…” Nolan looked up at you, eyes unreadable.
“Look, I…” You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that the couch would swallow you whole. “I was starting to go loopy from lack of insulin. It doesn’t mean anything. It never does when I get like that.”
Nolan looked up at you with a sideways glance, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“You and I both know that that’s bullshit. You say some of the most truthful shit on the rare chance that you get like that.”
Slouching your shoulders, you sighed.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Worth a shot, I guess.”
“There’s no need to get down on yourself or feel bad,” Nolan said, looking at you softly. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
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whumpcollector · 4 years
Safe Haven
Hey all. I come bringing gifts in the form of writing. I’ve been playing around with these characters on my head for a bit so hopefully you all enjoy!
CW: Slavery. Dehumanization (kind of)
Kai let out a small sigh as he looked down at 07. The poor thing was curled up on the floor of the closet, arms wrapped around themselves and head tucked into their chest. It looked like they were trying to hide themselves, making themselves small so they wouldn’t be noticed. 
Or maybe so they would be harder to hit.
A grimace crossed Kai’s face as he looked at the bed in the room. It was a small guest bed, a bit old but still comfortable. The covers were pristine, 07 hadn’t even lied down on top of them. They didn’t take any of the blankets into the closet either; a short draft reminded Kai how cold the nights were getting. 07 felt it too, shivering in their sleep. 
Kai was conflicted. He wanted to pull one of the blankets off of the bed and wrap 07 up in them, given them some protection from the winter chill. On the other hand, for whatever reason, 07 didn’t want Kai to know they weren’t using the bed. Why they felt the need to lie about this was something to be handled later. Right now Kai had two options. Put a blanket over 07 and risk them freaking out or let them lie there on the floor in the cold. 
Another draft and another made up Kai’s mind. He walked over to the bed and pulled off the comforter before walking back and gently placing it over 07. They didn’t wake up, thankfully, and now they had something to fend off the chill. 
Kai walked out of the room and back towards his own. 07 was probably going to be in a bad way tomorrow morning, but this was something he would need to address at some point, might as well do it now. As he laid down in bed he wondered how exactly he was going to tackle this. An answer didn’t come to him; he would have to wing it. Well, at the very least he had plenty of experience doing just that.
Kai awoke to the smell of cooking bacon and hot coffee. 07 was already awake and busy cooking breakfast. Kai got out of bed, taking a quick shower and throwing on a fresh set of clothes before walking into the living room. 07 was still busy cooking breakfast, a variety of smells coming from the kitchenette they were working in. They hadn't noticed Kai walk into the room, and he watched them for a few minutes. They were scared, close to panicking. They moved quickly and jerkily, shifting from one task to the next as if leaving something alone for more than a moment would set the house on fire.
‘Well,’ Kai thought, ‘no reason to put it off.’
“Good morning 07.” He really wanted to give them a proper name, but one thing at a time. “I see you’ve started breakfast.”
07 froze up for a split second before turning around and bowing their head. “G-good morning master Kai. Breakfast will be ready s-soon.”
Kai nodded before walking past 07 and grabbing the coffee pot to pour himself a cup. 07 went back to cooking breakfast. Kai spied pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and biscuits in various states of completion on the stove and counter. They were really going all out. 
Kai sat at the table, circling his finger around the rim of his mug and pondering how to handle this. He couldn’t and wouldn’t just ignore it. Trying to coax out a confession would just torture them for no reason. Looks like the only way out was through. 
07 brought a plate piled high with food to the table, placing it in front of Kai alongside some silverware. There was a slight tremble in their hands, small enough that it didn’t make the plate shake but enough to be noticeable. After serving Kai they knelt by his chair, eyes cast down. Another habit Kai wanted to break, but again, one thing at a time.
The food was good. Really good. Perfect in fact. 07 had outdone themselves. Kai ate in silence, savoring the food and also, maybe, possibly, putting off having to bring up last night for a few more minutes. Unfortunately the food didn’t last forever, and once the plate was clean Kai was out of excuses. 07 stood up and took the plate from the table, walking to the sink in order to start washing it. Well, now or never.
“So…” Kai began before trailing off and turning to 07.
They had frozen in place. Kai could hear their breathing go shallow.
“I uhh...I um...I checked up on you last night and...well...I was just wondering if there was...” Fuck’s sake man just get it out already. “Why were you sleeping in the closet?”
07 stood frozen for a few seconds more before clumsily putting the plate on a counter and rushing towards Kai. They fell to the ground, going prostrate and grasping Kai’s ankles.
“I-I’m so sorry master. I’m sorry. Please, please I didn’t mean to insult you. I-I jus-”
“Hey, hey.” Kai said, crouching down and trying to soothe the slave at his feet. “It's ok. I’m not mad. You’re not in trouble. I just...I just want you to be honest with me. Can you do that?”
07 nodded timidly.
“Ok, well first of all can you look at me?”
They looked upwards, tears in the corner of their eyes and lips trembling. Kai gave them a, hopefully, reassuring smile. 
“Good, good. Ok, now I just want you to be honest. Have you slept in the bed at all since you got here?”
07 hesitated before nodding once.
Kai raised an eyebrow, leaning his head in a bit closer. “Do you promise?”
They didn’t respond, casting their eyes back down. A second passed, and another, and then they slowly shook their head. 
So they’ve been sleeping in the closet on the ground for more than a month at this point. Kai cursed internally, he should have paid more attention. It's a wonder they haven’t gotten sick. 
“I see,” Kai said slowly. “That's ok. I just wish you would have told me.”
Shit, wrong thing to say. 07 tensed up, curling into themselves further and trembling. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I-I…” They trailed off and looked back up, a strange desperation in their eyes. “Please forgive me master.”
Kai nodded. “Ok. I forgive you.”
07’s eyes widened and they started backwards slightly. A combination of disbelief and hope crossed their face. “R-really?”
“Yup.” Kai nodded again. “You are forgiven. I asked you to be truthful with me and you were, so I forgive you.”
“Thank you! Thank you, I promise I won’t lie ever again, I promise!” 07 buried their face in Kai’s ankles, clinging to his legs like a lifeline.
Kai patted them on the head. He wanted to explain that they hadn’t done anything wrong, that there was nothing to forgive. But, well, one thing at a time. One thing at a time. 
If only there were less things to take care of. 
Kai took a deep breath and looked out the window. Snow had come down hard last night, and the driveway was covered in a fresh white blanket. Well, it would be good if 07 had something to do to distract them, and Kai needed them out of the house for a bit, he had a plan brewing. Besides he wasn’t exactly chomping at the bit to shovel snow, either.
“Hey, 07. The driveway is pretty covered right now. Would you mind heading out and clearing the way?”
07 nodded, standing up and heading towards the front door. 
“Hey wait,” Kai called after them, “don’t forget to put on a coat and some gloves.”
07 paused and turned back. It looked like doing so had never crossed their mind. They nodded and headed towards the closet by the front door, pulling out one of Kai’s old coats and a pair of gloves. The coat looked almost comically huge on 07, but it would keep them warm. Once they were properly dressed they looked back at Kai. He nodded in approval and they bowed their head before walking out the door. 
Kai let out a sigh and walked back into 07’s room. He looked at the closet. There were no clothes in it; no one had used the room for a while. Hell it didn’t even have a door; the thing broke off after an earthquake a few years ago. As it was, the closet wasn’t fit for anyone to sleep in. 
Well no shit, it was a fucking closet. 
Still, Kai could change that. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. Time to get to work.
07 shoveled the last bit of snow out of the driveway, taking a moment to appreciate their work. They had done a good job. The driveway was completely clear, you couldn’t even tell there had been any snow. Master would be pleased.
They hoped that Master would be pleased. 
They needed to please master. They had lied to him. They had insulted his generosity. They should have been punished, they should have been beaten or burned or cut or whipped or drowned or something. But Master didn’t do any of those things.
Master didn’t do a lot of things. 
Master didn’t yell when they were stupid. Master didn’t hurt them when they failed. Master didn’t even seem to mind their constant stuttering. Master was...different than what they had expected, what they were used to. 
They weren’t sure how they felt about that. It was all so uncertain. They had to be wary of every move, every word spoken. Who knows what would set master off. They wished that Master would just tell them, lay out the rules clearly so they would know what to do and what to avoid. That would be so much easier, so much nicer than having to walk on eggshells until they inevitably stumbled into a punishment. 
At least so far they had managed to avoid doing anything that would anger master. It was a miracle they had gotten so lucky so many times. They had thought today was it. Master had learned that they had scorned his gift to them and lied about it. By all rights they should have been punished, but they weren’t. 
It was almost frustrating.
07 shook their head, they had no right being frustrated. They should be nothing short of grateful for the mercy they had been given. It was more than they deserved, far more.
They walked back into the house, taking off Master’s coat and gloves and carefully placing them back in the closet before taking off their winter boots. Master wasn’t in the living room or the kitchen, and they didn’t hear anything from the forge in the backyard so he wasn’t working. Their pondering where he might be was cut short as Master entered the room carrying a cardboard box.
“Oh, hey 07. You finished with the driveway?”
07 nodded. “Yes Master, the driveway is clear. I hope I did a satisfactory job.”
Master strained his neck, looking out a window before waving his hand. “You did fine, don’t worry.” He turned to walk away before abruptly stopping and turning back. “Ah wait. I should have mentioned this earlier so you didn’t put away the coat but could you bring in some blades I left out in the forge? I don’t want them to get damaged from the cold.”
07 nodded and walked back towards the closet. Pulling their coat, gloves, and boots back on and making their way towards the backyard. The blades Master had left out were easy to find, and they were on the lighter side so carrying them into the garage wasn’t too difficult.
Master kept 07 busy for the rest of the day, having them do a variety of small tasks and chores until it was time to cook dinner. That was odd. Usually Master left them to their own devices, only occasionally ordering them to perform anything specific. Maybe this was supposed to be a punishment? Taking away 07’s relative freedom for the day. They didn’t know, and decided it would be best not to think about it too much as they started cooking dinner.
Kai leaned back in his chair, letting out a satisfied sigh. Dinner was good, it usually was when 07 was cooking. He should get them to teach him, god knows he couldn’t do anything more complicated than boil water without hurting himself. Or setting something on fire. Or both. 
It was usually both.
Speaking of 07, Kai was anxious about how they would take the surprise he had prepared. It might be too much; they hadn’t been too receptive of gifts in the past. Hopefully everything would go well. Hopefully.
Well there wasn’t anything to do except wait for things to play out. 07 usually went to bed an hour or so after dinner. All Kai could do was wait. He stretched his arms and stood up, grabbing his plate and bringing it to the sink. 07 was already doing the dishes, and Kai stood next to them and began to dry what they had finished cleaning. It was a routine that had developed between the two of them. It was probably one of the only times 07 wasn’t nervous around him. 
Once the dishes were done Kai and 07 moved towards the living room, or more accurately Kai moved to the living room and 07 followed him. They tended to shadow him when they weren’t doing anything, staying just on his peripheries. It kind of reminded him of his old cat Rumble. It was cute. 
Kai took a seat on the couch and 07 curled on the floor off to the side. He had tried to invite them onto the furniture but they had always resisted. Pushing the issue always got them worked up so he stopped bringing it up, at least for now. One thing at a time and all. 
There was a nature documentary on, one about ocean life. Kai couldn’t say he cared much for the ocean but David Attenbourough could make wet paint the most compelling thing on the planet. 07, on the other hand, was utterly enthralled. They tried to hide it at first, but soon enough they were leaning forward with wide eyes and an open mouth. Kai could have sworn they even let out a small “ooohhh” when a particularly impressive shot of a whale played on screen. 
By the time the documentary had ended it was well past midnight. 07 stood and turned to Kai. “M-master. May I have permission to retire for the night.”
Kai gave them a nod and they left to clean up for the night. Kai waited for a couple of minutes before walking towards their room. He found them staring at the closet in complete disbelief. 
Kai walked towards them, casually looking into the closet. He had to admit he didn’t do a bad job. A thick sheet and comforter covered the floor, providing a softer surface than just the carpet. The pillows from the bed had been moved into the closet as well. A few strings of fairy lights connected to a somewhat jury rigged switch provided some lighting, and an old curtain had been hung up to allow for some privacy. 
It wasn’t much, but it was a hell of a lot better than just an empty closet.
07 turned to face them, confusion written all over their face.
Kai threw up his hands. “Surprise.” He placed a hand on their shoulder and gave them a smile he hoped was reassuring. “If you don’t want to sleep on the bed I won’t make you. But, you shouldn’t just have to sleep on the floor so I thought I’d, well, make it a bit more liveable.”
07 just stared at him before suddenly falling to the ground prostrate. “T-thank you. Thank you Master Kai. Thank you.”
Kai knelt down, running his hand through their hair. “You are welcome 07. Let me know if the lights stop working. I’m not amazing at wiring or electrical stuff so it might break down.”
07 merely nodded before standing back up and approaching the closet. They hesitated, pausing and turning back to Kai with a worried expression. They thought it might still be a trap, or a test. 
“It's ok,” Kai said softly. “Go ahead.”
07 gave one last tentative nod and entered the closet. They slowly lowered themselves down, pulling the comforter open and slipping beneath it. They let their head hit the pillow and a look of pure bliss crossed their face. Kai smiled and pulled the curtain closed.
“Goodnight 07.”
He left the room and made his way to his own, a warm feeling of satisfaction bubbling in his chest. He didn’t always get things right when it came to 07, but today? Today he got something right. 
07 stared up at the fairy lights hanging above them. They didn’t know what to think. Not only had Master not punished them, they had been given a reward of all things! The comforter was thick and warm, and pillows were soft and the lights were beautiful. It was almost too much, they wanted to cry. They didn’t though, best to not do something that might annoy Master. 
Master. Master Kai. Master Kai had given them this gift, this wonderful gift. There had to be a catch, there had to be. Slaves weren’t just given these kinds of gifts, especially not slaves that had just lied to their master. There had to be a catch. Somehow, someway, at some point they were going to pay for this. They shuddered at the thought, memories of what they had to do in the past to pay for these kinds of gifts intruding on their mind. 
But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Master had been nothing but kind and merciful to them since he had acquired them. Maybe whatever they would have to do to pay would be mild. 
Master was still an enigma to them, one that continued to grow more and more confusing. A part of them hated it, hated the guessing and worrying and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Another part of them didn’t care. Sure Master was confusing, and unpredictable, and different, but maybe that wasn’t so bad. Maybe they could get used to it.
For the first time in a long time, 07 slept peacefully through the night.
Tags: @haro-whumps​
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Good Morning with Ateez
Summary: the title pretty much explains it all lmao
A/N: Sorry that I haven’t been writing! School has been crazy with everything going on, and I have to work as well. Hopefully, I will be able to write more in the coming weeks.
*Members after Joong are below the cut*
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ok, waking up in the morning with joongie is wild
If he wakes up first, he’s all giggly
bugging you
kissy kissy all over your face
he’s practically on top of you 
it’s not that he wants to get up or anything, he just prefers when you are awake at the same time
“Let me sleep, Joongie”
“but iM LONELY”
If you’re really tired though he’s gonna be cute with you and let you sleep all you want
he will just lay with you and stroke your hair and kiss your hands and ugh im soft
if you wake up first
he expects the same
so, if you wake him up with anything other than smooches he’s gonna whine and complain so much
“no, you have morning breath”
“so what you're saying is you hate me”
SO dramatic
if you manage to slip out of bed before he can trap you
he will jump out of bed and latch onto you
tries to steal your energy through his hugs
but overall a cute bb who likes a calm, sweet wakeup with his love
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So, our precious baby Seonghwa
ALWAYS awake before you
like how does he do it???
why does he do it???
whenever he wakes up, he’ll kinda check on you a little bit
make sure you’re in a comfortable position, give you a kiss and all that
but then he’ll slip out before you wake up??
And then you wake up and you're kinda grumpy bc why would he leave you cold and alone when you could be cuddling rn
when you find him, he’s halfway through making you breakfast
and that makes up for it
he always tries to do things for you to make your mornings easier
It’s his way of making up for all the things he can’t do for you while he’s working
When he notices that you're awake omigod the biggest smile
Will deadass abandon his cooking to come give you a squeeze
your eyebrows are all furrowed and you’re pouting and you're hair is just the worst but he’s so in love with you, you big dork
Gives you a kiss and then makes you sit down
serves you breakfast, all proud
if it’s something he doesn't normally make, he will watch you take the first bite and cross his fingers that you like it
which you always do
Mornings with him will pretty much always be domestic and sweet
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When he wakes up, his cheeks go poof
anyway you usually wake up before him on your days off
but he will wake up soon after you
it’s like he senses that you're awake and wants to join in on the party
so when he wakes up, he feels you stretching and wiggling around
Will make fun of you if you make any of those awkward stretching noises
like hush leave me alone
isn’t hard to wake up but he will 100% drag you out of bed as soon as he can
mostly because he wants food
if you don’t get up right away he’ll just make you
like the recent video where he just picks up San and moves him? Yeah exactly
will also do that weird shimmy dance he did in that video too just to show you how excited he is
like a golden retriever no lie
so excited to be with you all the time
“Baby, let’s go” “baby, let’s eat” *smoochies*
and you just kinda let him drag you all over the place because he’s cute
isn’t one for morning cuddles in bed, but will still make you sit on his lap during breakfast and stuff just to have you close
cute squish who just wants to be loved aw
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clingy baby right here
Will probably wake up before you
but he’s not totally there yet, you know?
like his eyes are open but he’s dead
kinda flounders for a second trying to find you in the bed
when he does, he’s sticking to you and not letting go
probably falls asleep again because he’s so comfy and warm
so, it’s up to you to wake up before both of you sleep through the day
he’s usually pretty happy when he wakes up
lots of sleepy smiles
nuzzling into you like crazy
even though he’s groggier than you, he will be the first to get up
probably to pee or something idk he just needs to move
eager to start the day
If you’re still in bed 5 minutes after he gets up he’s gonna judge you
“How dare you let me start our day together by MYSELF”
when you do get up, all is forgiven
the kind of person who likes to go out for breakfast rather than cook it at home
it’s not that he can’t, he just doesn’t want to lmao
always excited to dress up a little bit with you for breakfast dates
the perfect beginning to your day together imo
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obviously you’re gonna have to be the one to wake him up
waking up is San’s least favorite part of the day
will trap you in bed for the entire day if you let him
“San, I know you’re tired but we slept ‘til noon”
“Let’s make it 2:00″
literally goes through the 7 stages of grief when he wakes up
Denial: “not morning yet, bye”
Guilt: “I’m so lazy”
Bargaining: “BABY, two more hours, it’ll be great”
Depression: “they started the day without me and I’m lonely”
Upward Turn: “maybe I feel a little more awake now”
Working Through: “ok I can do this, just one more stretch”
Acceptance: “Im up”
Like finally
definitely likes morning cuddles though so if you didn't give him at least that, then he’s gonna hate you for the day
loves starting his day with you and if you don't help him wake up the way he wants
Grumpy baby all day
just snuggle him dammit
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ok so he’s not waking up I don't care
when Mingi sleeps, he’s comatose okay
until he has a genuine reason to get up, he is parked
likes to cuddle, but not gonna sacrifice sleep for it
so, if you get up and start your day, whatever he’ll stay
like he’ll ask you to stay and cuddle but he isn’t gonna have enough energy to argue with you over it lmao
you deadass need jumper cables to get him started
if he has to get up to pee or something minor, he will try to do it without you noticing so he can go back to sleep
“NO” and then he sprints back to bed
cue wrestling in bed because once he is fully awake he can’t sit still
like you’re trying to get him up and, while he’s awake now, he just wants to make your life a little harder
pulling you under the covers and everything while you're begging him to come eat with you
he will eventually give in because food
but with him, you kind of just have to let him wake up on his own
if you want to get him started that’s fine, but it prolly won’t help lmao
let him sleep, he’ll figure it out
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Wooyoungie babyyyyy
When I wake up in the morning...it’s not as sexy as you think
contrary to popular belief, Woo does not wake up sexily
he wakes up friggin adorable
when you wake up first, he just makes you cuddle him until he’w ready to get up, no arguments
but if he wakes up first, he’s wiggling all over the place
another one who just cant sit still 
will stretch and bounce and just be a nuisance until you get up too
he will definitely smack you in the face when he’s stretching and then just laugh when you glare at him
when really he should fear for his life like you did not just wake me up by SMACKING ME
but will definitely be kissing you everywhere because he always says he wants to start his day by seeing you smile
cheeseball fr
also he’s loud
in case you didn't know
but his volume is contagious and then you're both yelling and its insane
but then you're both giggling and kissing and hugging and its a good morning because
no time spent with Wooyoung is wasted
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(How could I not use this gif I mean really)
Jongho is so hard to wake up
like at least Mingi will wake up to shoo you away
but Jongho physically cannot
You could squeeze an air horn by his face and he wouldn't even flinch
basically he’s a heavy sleeper
But as you have more sleepovers, you’ll figure out a way to wake him up more effectively
whatever your method may be, he will be smiling as soon as he opens his eyes
always excited to see you
bc he’s a sweet baby
will make you hug him for a little bit and he’ll kiss your head
after a little bit he’ll sigh and be like “okay”
that’s when you know you can both get up
will follow you around and do pieces of his routine as you do yours
you're almost totally in sync its kinda creepy
but then he will offer to help you make breakfast and always lets you pick what you want to make
just soft for you in general and he’d give you the world
hell, he’s definitely strong enough
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anxious-gryffindor · 4 years
Since JK has brought up the subject of menstruation, here’s a story I wrote a couple of weeks ago, featuring TransGuy!Remus going through a bad period and SupportiveCisBoyfriend!Sirius trying to help even though he has no idea what’s happening and Remus (in true Remus fashion) keeps pushing him away:
(read below or in fanfic.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13609937/1/Shark-Week)
Shark Week
Sirius was feeling a little abandoned. It was Saturday and, with its regular visit to Hogsmead, this should have been a pretty good day for him. Instead, he's walking down the pathway to Hogwarts all alone. James and Peter totally abandoned him for their dates. I mean, if those can even be considered dates… After years and years of telling him to fuck off, Evans has finally started talking to Prongs, which, to him (and only him), is the beginning of a great love story. All it takes is a casual conversation and an invitation to come to Honeydukes and James forgets all about his best friends, his Marauders, the ones who were with him through it all. Ungrateful git. And after James was gone, it wasn't long until Wormtail was off with Maudie, the fourth-year Hufflepuff he'd taken to the ball last semester. To be fair, Wormy had invited Sirius to tag along, but Maudie's friends were the type to ignore he had a boyfriend or even that he was gay no matter how many times he said it and Sirius was just not up for that. So he's walking back tothe castle and cursing the end of friend loyalty. A voice at the back of his head wants to remind Sirius he would not have minded being left alone at all, if Remus was there. And he was supposed to be there. Except that morning the other Marauders had found a note from Moony saying he was going to take the day off to rest. Which is fair, totally, absolutely fair and Sirius wants Moony to rest, just as much as he doesn't want to be that boyfriend who demands his significant other spend all their free time with him. But it's kinda hard to remember all of those things when it's cold and he’s walking alone on an almost empty road because everyone else is out with their dates or their friends.
 When he gets to Hogwarts, Sirius debates with himself on whether going back to the dorm and disturbing Remus is a good idea. If he’s being honest, Moony’s been kind of distant for a while. Ever since they started officially dating, actually. It seems like he never wants Sirius around when something’s off anymore and Sirius is trying not to read too much into that. He ends up telling himself he’ll stop by their dorm and see if Remus wants company. If not, he’ll just get his broom and practice some. He makes his way up the stairs to find the curtains around Remus' bed still closed.
 "Hum, Moony?" He asks softly. "You awake?"
 The silence stretches for long enough that Sirius starts looking around for his broom, but then: "Yeah…" Remus' voice is small. Not a sleepy kind of small but a something's-wrong kind of small.
 "Moony?" Sirius forgets all about the broom and steps closer to his boyfriend' bed.
 "What?" That's a little snappy, which only makes Sirius worry more.
 "Uh, can I come in?"
 "... I'd rather not…" He doesn't sound very convinced.
 "Are you sure?"
 "Am I sure?"
 "Well, are you sure you really don't want me to come in and you're not just doing that thing where you're not okay but you pretend you are and you don't want me to come in and see that you really are not okay?"
 "...You're not going to leave until I let you come in, are you?"
 "Not unless I know you're okay, no," Sirius admits.
 Remus sighs and there's a moment of silence in which Sirius thinks he might just have to take a seat and make himself comfortable, but then… "Okay, come in."
 Sirius opens the curtains to find Moony curled up in a fetal position, one of his arms wrapped protectively around his stomach, the other resting near his head.
 "See? I'm okay," the werewolf says. "No blood, no injuries, I'm just trying to sleep." That might have been a convincing argument if Remus didn't look so… depressed. He'd said the whole thing in a flat tone and hadn't even moved his head up to look at Sirius. His gaze was firmly set on a spot to the right of Sirius' legs and, upon closer inspection, Sirius could see bloodshot eyes and the tracks of poorly wiped-off tears.
 "Moony… please talk to me?" Sirius feels at a loss.
 "Talking is about the last thing I wanna do right now, Padfoot." God, he sounds so tired...
 Sirius sighs. "Well, fine, but I'm not leaving." He sits down on the floor next to Remus' bed, because his boyfriend's balled-up figure is taking up all the space in bed. Sirius leans his back against the wall and looks out the window. The minutes go by in silence and he starts thinking up Quidditch plays to stop himself from fussing over Remus. And then… there's a sniff coming from his right. He turns his head to find tears running down Moony's face, his features contorted into a held-back sob. Sirius doesn't know what to do, so he carefully lays a hand on top of Moony's. Remus sucks in a breath and says:
 "This is stupid, really."
 "It's not stupid if it's hurting you."
 "I just… I need to move." He gives out a sort of hysterical out-of-breath laugh, "I need to move, that's all, that's all I gotta do and yet… It hurts, Pads, it hurts a lot and that's not fair because why did I have to have this on top of everything else, huh? But I'm stupid because all I need to do is move and get the potions in my trunk or my wand to accio the potion and I'll be fine - or, well, I probably won't be fine, but I'll be better. But I can't do that because moving hurts too much and so… And so I'm just laying here crying like a fucking idiot - a fucking weak idiot."
 "Hey, don't say that…" Sirius is trying not to show how worried he is and make things worse. "I- I can get you the potion, if you want."
"No, you don't have to do that..." Remus closes his eyes, forcing a tear to fall and make its way across his nose.
"I don't have to, I want to, because you're my boyfriend and I want to do things for you. So, tell me what potion to get." He gets up and heads for Remus' trunk at the bottom of the bed.
 "Hum, it's…" Remus licks his lips nervously, "it's, hum, in the potions box over by the foot of the trunk, the- the pink one." He sounds almost embarrassed and Sirius doesn’t get why.
 "Right," Sirius finds the pink potion (Remus’  organization apparently paying off) and takes it back to him. "Here you go."
 "I- I don't- Sirius…" oh God, Remus' eyes are closed tight and he sounds… he sounds scared. "Sirius, I'm sorry if this is too weird…"
 "Moony? What's wrong?"
 Remus opens his eyes and looks up at him incredulously. "Oh. You… Sirius."
 "Read the bottle."
 So Sirius does. For bad periods, it says, in a carefully scrawled handwriting that Sirius doesn't recognize.  It takes him a second and then - Oh. Oooh. So… it's a trans thing. Remus had told him about it when they'd first started dating, in a nerve wracking, tear-streaked conversation, and they'd never talked about it again. I mean, it wasn't that Sirius didn't want to talk about it (or that he did want to talk about it, fpr that matter), he just wanted to give Remus the space to say however much he wanted whenever he wanted and since Remus had never brought it up… It was still an awkward subject. But that didn't mean Sirius had any problem with it. He didn't, and he wanted Remus to know that, he just didn’t know how to make that clear, aside from the reassurances he’d given on that first night.
 "Okay…" He's trying to figure out what to say now.
 "Yeah, I- Sorry I hadn't realized. ‘M sorry,I should- I should be doing something, right? Taking care of you? I- I can take you to Pomfrey if you want…”
 "No, Sirius, I don't fucking want you to take me to Pomfrey," suddenly Remus sounds upset. "Just- just give me that shit and leave me alone, will you?"
 Sirius hesitates. "What… what did I do?" He hates this, this whole second-guessing, never knowing what's going on through Remus' mind, afraid he's gonna say the wrong thing… He hates being shut out like this. He gets it, he understands that he can't really understand what Remus is going through and he can't even do something to make it better like he did with the werewolf thing by becoming an animagus, so… this whole thing just sucks.
 Remus gives out a small, frustrated  while pushing himself up to take the potion from Sirius' hands. "Nothing. You didn't do anything, it’s- Sirius, I-" and now he's tearing up and Sirius doesn't understand anything that's happening. "God, I'm sorry." His hands shake violently and he can’t seem to pull the cork off the flask. "I'm so sorry, about everything; not just for snapping at you, but for not telling you sooner and for springing all of this on you out of nowhere when you didn’t sign up for it and-” He almost drops the potions jar on his lap, “and I’m just so sorry and this has just been such a crappy day, I-" The thing just keeps slipping fr his fingers over and over "Fuck, I hate my life!" He tosses it across the room and the glass shatters loudly against the wall. "Fuck, I- fuck!" He doubles over in a sob.
 "Moony. Moony, just- breathe." Sirius sits down on the mess of pillows next to Remus and rubs his back in what he hopes is a soothing motion. Remus’ entire body is shaking. After a few seconds, he wipes his face and sits up straighter, shaking Sirius’ hand off. Tears run down his face as he stares in a trance at the pink goo making its way down the wall next to James' bed and Sirius is afraid to say anything.
 "It's pink," Remus breathes out. "God, figures that shit would be pink…” Sirius looks at him puzzled and Remus actually smiles, which turns out to be the creepiest and most worrying thing he’s done all afternoon. “I mean, that can’t be natural, right? No way, I don’t know anything that would make it pink like that-” He chuckles. "I bet they did it so the twelve-year-old girls would take it. How stupid us that? How stupid have twelve-year-old girls have to be that they'll only take pain medication if it's pink? God, what am I saying?  Am I really making fun of twelve-year-old girls? I mean, was a twelve-year-old girl!”
 "No you weren't," Sirius cuts him off. "Moony, I-" he suddenly feels uncertain, like he shouldn't be saying this, like he's talking over Remus no matter how wrong what he’s saying sounds. Still, he goes on: "You were never a girl."
 "Right," Moony nods. "Yeah, right. I just- yeah, you're right, it's just- hard. Especially in weeks like this."
 "Because of your period?"
 Remus flinches slightly. He looks away as he asks: "Please don't say that word..."
 "Shit, I'm sorry. I-”
 “No, it’s- it’s stupid, because, well, that’s what it is, a- a period. It’s just- Periods are things girls have and I-” he takes a deep breath to stop the tears from re-emerging and shuts up.
 “Yeah, I get it,” Sirius nods once the silence stretches for too long. “You’re not a girl, so… it must be uncomfortable.” Uncomfortable? He repeats in his head. Are you really saying dysphoria is just uncomfortable? It’s not like when you’re wearing the wrong size shoes, Sirius! Get your feet out of your mouth! Remus is still taking very deep berths, so Sirius decides to change the subject, “So, hum, that potion looks kinda ruined, so maybe I should go talk to Pomfrey, get you another one?”
 "Yeah, I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone, Pads..."
 "Oh, shit, sorry, yeah, you-"
 "You can stop apologizing, you know? It's not your fault I have the worst fucking body."
 "Yeah, but…” Sirius deflates and the words just come tumbling out: “I'm not handling this too well, am I?" This is probably the most open he’s been with Remus since they started officially dating and it makes Sirius nervous (how did they get so far away from the couple that could talk about literally anything?).
 Remus shrugs, "I don't think there's really a good way to deal with it. And if there is, I don't think I've got it either…" Sirius is surprised and thankful for Moony’s honest reply.
 "You don't have to, you know, you're allowed to take this however you want, Remus."
 "Well, then so are you…"
 "Hmm you see, that's where we disagree, because I'm not the one going through the hard time here."
 "Well, you found out your boyfriend's got a vagina, that may be constituted as a bad time…"
 "No, it doesn't." Sirius says it very seriously. "No, it doesn't. Nothing has changed, Moony. Your- the body you were born in doesn't change who you are, or the fact that you're a boy. The boy I fell in love with."
 "You're too sweet. Way too sweet for me. And you're gay."
 "Yeah, I like boys. Boys like you. Because you are a boy. And there's no such thing as being too sweet for you. You’re sweet too and we love it each other so that’s all that matters." He suddenly feels like he’s arguing to keep Remus from breaking up with him.
 "Moony, don't. Really. I told you that I don't have a problem with you being trans, that I love you just the way you are, so can you just stop putting words in my mouth and fucking trust what I’m saying?” He realizes with a pang of guilt he’s kinda scolding Moony, who’s feeling dysphoric and in pain and definitely doesn’t deserve his boyfriend to be scolding him on top of it all. The next sentence comes out much softer: “Can you just- Please believe me?"
 "I- yeah, I'm sorry."
 "You don’t need to apologize,” he sighs. “I just- I feel like we’re going in circles,” he confesses.
 “We’re not. I hear you, I do, I just- It’s really not your fault, I’m just in a really crappy mood, I-” Remus hesitates, then sighs, “There’s- there’s this thing called PMS, it’s- it basically means-”
 "I know what it means,” Sirius reassures him, “Marlene told me about it."
 "Right. Marlene. A girl." Remus’ tone comes out completely flat.
 "I shouldn't have brought that up, should I?"
 "Hum… Yeah, maybe not…” Remus leans his head back against the headboard. “Maybe… Maybe don't make any more associations between what's going on with me this week and girls. It just- I get that it’s fair to make those associations, I just- it reminds me that it's not something that's supposed to happen to boys and that other boys don't have it and… Maybe I'm just overreacting, everything upsets me when I'm like this."
 "Well, I think you have the right to be upset."
 Remus takes a deep breath and nods. "That's a hard thing for me to accept..."
 "Makes sense,” Sirius nods, glad they’re finally talking about these things. There are a few moments of silence, then he says: “So, hum, would the potion help with that PMS thing? 'Cause we could maybe try some spells to bring it back?"
 "Ah, don't worry about it,” Remus shrugs like he wasn’t just crying over that motions a couple minutes ago. “It doesn't really help."
 "What?" Talk about mood swings, huh? Sirius immediately feels guilty for thinking that.
 "Oh, yeah, that's the best part of it,” Remus goes on, thankfully oblivious to Sirius’ thoughts. “The fucking pain potion? Doesn't even help. Doesn't do shit for me. I mean, maybe it does, I don't know, I always end up taking it anyway just in case, but it doesn't make the pain go away. Not for me. It helps all the bloody girls who Pomfrey gives it to - don’t you dare make a joke right now - but it doesn't help for me. Nope, because my body just hates me that fucking much."
 Sirius doesn’t know what to say, so he settles for voicing his thoughts: “That fucking sucks,       which makes Remus chuckle darkly. “Is it a werewolf thing?” He asks “Like, your body doesn't adapt to the potion the way it should or something?"
 "I don't know… Maybe?” Remus frowns. “Pomfrey thinks there's something wrong with… with my uterus? She guessed endometriosis, but there's no way to tell unless I go to an actual specialized healer, which I refuse to do because… well, because I went once, a couple of years ago and… I got to the waiting room and it was so pink, the whole room, just a fucking overdose of pink, and everyone there was a woman, just a whole bunch of women sitting in that incredibly pink waiting room and they all looked up at me and gave me weird looks when I came in and I- I just freaked out. Told the receptionist I'd was in the wrong room or something and then I just ran the fuck away from there. Never went back."
 "I can't blame you, it would have freaked me out too."
 "Yeah, well it was stupid. I need to see a healer. If it's really endometriosis I might end up needing surgery in a couple of years just because I'm too stubborn to get it checked out now. Because I’m too proud or whatever to get a service that’s clearly made for women."
 "Can't blame you, though, I mean, you're a guy, so… You shouldn't have to get services that are clearly made for women… And you really might need surgery? Holy shit, having a uterus sucks, huh?”
 "Ha, you don’t even know how much…” Remus huffs. “You know… you don't need to keep telling me I'm a guy every two sentences... I got it, you want me to know you see me as a guy."
 "Because you are." When Remus gives him a look Sirius chuckles. "Sorry, last time, I promise."
 "Nah, it's- it's actually nice to know. I mean, I know you said it before but… There's a part of me that was wondering if maybe you only said it because you thought it was the right thing to ."
 "No, I didn't," Sirius puts his hand on top of Remus', who turns his around so that now they're properly holding hands. "I really do see you as a guy, Remus, I never doubted it. Not even for a second."
 "Thanks…" Remus breathes out, looking away, and Sirius swears he can hear the hint of tears in his voice again. He stares for long enough that Moony turns to meet his boyfriend's worried expression. "I- don't worry about it,” he says softly, “I'm crying over pretty much anything right now." Their faces are so close they’re almost touching.
 "Okay," Sirius whispers and brings his free hand up to Remus' cheek to wipe away the tears with his thumb.
 "It's gonna pass," Remus tells him, leaning into Sirius' hand slightly. "The mood swings, the pain, it's all gonna pass in a couple of days. I just gotta wait it out." He sounds so… sadly resigned.
 "Okay. But I'm gonna wait with you, if you don't mind."
  "No," Remus lays his head down on Sirius' shoulder, "I don't mind at all."
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angeltrapz · 3 years
helo beloved mutual connor, im sorry ur goin thru it rn but i come bearing asks n a heart emoji (💗): bcuz i have had this thought floatin around for a lil bit, wld love 2 hear ur takes on an Adam/Eric/Mallick (+ Art too if u want!) road trip vacation! how long wld they go, do they get motels or camp or just sleep in th car? whats everyone's favorite road trip snack? what sorta shit do they like 2 stop for? (weird tourist traps like giant balls of yarn etc, small town main street stores, cool looking restaurants, nature sites, Actual Destinations, so on n so forth!)
fjkdsd thank u beloved mutual adam,,, <3
ohhh I love tht idea!! road trip fics/hcs are one of my weaknesses,,
but um!! I rly like the idea of th four of them going camping a few hours up north!! (we... don't rly know where. SAW is set so just. imagine a vaguely rural campground lmao. I'm used to camping in th upper peninsula of MI so) it's smth tht Art did a lot w his family when he was growing up, so he's th most familiar w it - Eric went a few times as a kid too, Mallick went Once, n Adam has never rly been camping, w his family or otherwise (he's slept on a trampoline at one of his friends' houses once tho). Art is p excited abt it tbh, it's not exactly smth he gets 2 do often so he's got this whole list planned of things he wants 2 show them!!
it's easiest 2 just take a week in late August, bc they can head back home on a Friday n have the weekend to settle n readjust b4 th coming week + they have to go back 2 work. so they head out around ten on a Monday morning 2 kind of get ahead of th traffic (or at least try to). Art drives both bc he insists and bc he knows they can switch if he needs to, which he does later w Eric. it's a good couple hours (at least 3) b4 they get 2 th campground Art wants to take them to, so clearly it is Music Time + Adam made sure 2 bring CDs! a lot of that time is just spent vibing 2 th music and singing very, very loudly (ESP on Adam + Mallick's end). Art's up front like u three are so fucking goofy (affectionate), but eventually he starts singing too lmao.
Mallick starts th Colour Game, where they try 2 find a car fr every colour of th rainbow. it's smth Eric is familiar w as well bc he used 2 play it w Daniel sometimes, and it's good until they come to purple bc how often do u see purple cars??? so Adam's just like "we're not gonna find pink either" n tht's when this fucking pink pickup truck (noticeably spray-painted, + not done well) passes them n Adam just groans n thumps his head against th window. Mallick is like, trying rly hard not to laugh by pressing a hand over his mouth + Art is biting his lip, but Eric is very openly cackling bc "u see what happens when u assume???" (he gets a very light slap 2 th shoulder but it's still very gentle)
ANYWAY. favourite snacks!! Adam can eat Way Too Many Sour Patch Kids. sour anything, actually, as long as it's candy. yes his tongue hurts and no he doesn't regret it. Eric just gets goldfish bc he tends 2 get a lil carsick + bc it's a food tht's familiar n comforting, n he doesn't rly want 2 be eating anything Too heavy (he's up front w Art, so he can sit by a window in case he needs some fresh air at any point). Mallick likes m&m's, but he switches fr cheez-its every once in a while bc he can only eat so much chocolate. Art likes those peanut-butter filled pretzel bites! he's also partial 2 animal crackers tho. they also bring a good amount of snacks/things they can b sure th four of them like, bc yeah there's a lil store abt a half hour away frm their campsite + they can go there to pick up things if they need 2, but it's easier 2 bring things they like, too. (there's also a mcdonald's in tht town n. they do go there at LEAST twice.)
th campsite they stay at has a lake + a beach, n one of Art + Adam's fave things 2 do is walk along it to see if they can find anything interesting! Mallick goes sometimes too, but mostly he stays w Eric bc Eric can't do tht fr as long as Adam + Art can (not tht he's resentful of it tho). he n Mallick chill on th beach w a blanket (it's kind of like. not necessarily sandy?) n just kinda sit against/lay on each other n read sometimes. Adam + Art come back 2 where they're set up to find them sleeping n Adam has never been more thankful he thought 2 bring his camera!!
on th second day Art + Mallick want 2 go swimming, so th four of them come back out to th beach, but Adam stays out of th water + Eric stays w him. they both know th water will be cold, even if it's late summer, n Adam rly doesn't like being in cold water ESP if it's over his head/he can't touch th bottom. fr Eric th cold can b kind of painful, so they chill n walk along th beach fr a little bit n just talk. Adam gets some good pictures n even gets some of Eric! he also does take a selfie of them, he can't help it. he gets a couple of Mallick + Art too. it's honestly such a nice thing fr them n it just feels like they can breathe easy, not having 2 worry abt looking over their shoulders constantly (tho they're all getting better abt that).
th third day they spend around th campsite to kind of unwind n relax. they might walk th beach a little bit again, but mostly they just sorta chill n walk some of th trails around the campground itself. when night falls they light a small bonfire (Mallick is still iffy around fire, understandably) n they sit around it in their folding chairs w th cupholders (Adam gets red, Eric has green, Art gets blue, + Mallick gets dark green) n make s'mores. they talk abt anything n everything until they're barely able 2 keep their eyes open, n then after making sure th fire is pretty much out they kinda just stumble into th tent n none of them r awake for very long after (they specifically got one tht cld comfortably hold th four of them).
fourth day!! they pack up n head into another little town about 45 minutes away; it's bigger than th one around th campgrounds. after they get situated in a motel room w two beds, they do some window shopping + going into lil stores that interest them! Adam def buys some niche graphic tees tht aren't going 2 make sense to anyone other than th four of them n he's delighted abt it. I like 2 think Eric gets a worry stone, specifically made out of rose quartz. Mallick too, but his is made of amethyst! he also gets a rly cool multicoloured jacket in a thrift store they duck into. Art gets a hoodie w th town's name on it n he's pretty happy w that. they get a few more lil things, just little knick-knacks while they're there, n then they have dinner in this lil diner they'd walked past earlier bc it's inexpensive + the atmosphere is very lowkey n honestly just Nice. there's not a bunch of ppl, the servers r rly kind n the lights aren't too bright, which Eric rly appreciates. it's such a tender moment bc they're squeezed into a booth, Adam + Mallick on one side n Art + Eric on th other, n they're talking n laughing n stealing bites of each other's food n it's Comfortable.
then they head back to th motel n channel surf while unpacking enough 2 get to their sleep clothes. Adam + Eric r sharing a bed n Art + Mallick r sharing th other one, tho Adam is very tempted 2 just push them together so they're all close by (th distance btwn th beds isn't tht big to begin with, but it's the principle of th thing). mostly tho, until they go to bed, they're pretty much just all stretched out Everywhere. Adam is only discouraged frm jumping across th divide btwn th beds bc Art breaks out his Lawyer Voice, despite trying rly hard not to laugh, to say Yr Going To Hurt Yrself, Don't Do That. he grumbles n whines abt it but Adam knows he's right jdhjks (th way he sees it is like. he can b silly sometimes. he's Earned It, but he also trusts Art + wasn't super serious abt tht idea). eventually tho Eric can hardly keep his eyes open n Mallick is just straight up asleep while he's still sitting up so tht's when they all go to bed after making sure every1 is comfortable. they leave a lamp on.
fifth day they pack everything up again n stop 2 walk th trails of this lil park b4 they head home! there's a lil shop near th parking lot so they spend a lil bit of time looking around in there first. they probably pick up a few lil things, souvenirs, n Adam walks around 2 get some pictures. he gets this rly cool one while they're on a bridge, th sun peeking thru the clouds a lil bit n shining down on th water. he's super excited to develop tht one (but he's excited to develop All of them, bc this is his family!!!) + he n Art discuss whether or not they're gonna need another cork board lol. eventually tho they round back to th parking lot n on th way home, they stop at another lil hole-in-th-wall kind of place, but it's just as nice as the first one they'd been to. after tht Eric switches spots w Art n he drives them home!!
they're all exhausted when they get back but they have room to crash w each other while they nap so tht's what they do. they fall asleep all tangled together, Art stretched out w Eric's head on his chest, Adam curled against Eric's back, n Mallick w his head on Art's stomach. there r arms n legs everywhere n tht is okay. they're happy. they love each other. they had a lot of fun on their trip n they're tired, but they're comfortable!! tht's what it's all abt!!! it's just such a good n relaxing experience fr them after all th shit they've been thru.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
never thought i’d see it break
okay listen.... i am sorry for this fic, mainly because i know some of y’all are going to drag me into the ground for this. but i wanted to write some angst and while it might not be super angsty in theory it definitely counts because our favorite idiots don’t end up together. like at all. so once again, sorry for any mental anguish i may cause, i promise i’ll make it up to you guys tomorrow.  
also i cried writing this so good luck
Halloween 2020
She really didn’t think that the day would hit her so hard. The days leading up to it had been uneventful, the decorations lining the halls at work not fazing her in the slightest as she went about her daily routine. But when Jo woke up on Halloween morning, it felt like the past year of her life was slapping her in the face. The cold harsh reality of her husband up and leaving her sat deep in the pit of her stomach, her mind reeling as she laid in bed. 
“Are you getting up today,” Levi looked at Jo from his position on the couch, eyeing her warily. “Because I had plans but I can cancel them.” “Get out, go away,” Jo’s monotone voice was barely above a mumble as she stared menacingly at Levi. “Let me wallow once again in the realization that my marriage has failed and I will probably die alone. Or with you. Can’t tell which of those is worse.” 
Levi blew out a short breath, gathering his things and letting Jo know he was going to hang out with Nico for the day. Once the door to the loft was closed and locked, Jo reached beneath her bed and pulled out a large black box. Pulling the lid off, her breath caught in her throat as she took in the contents of the box.
Laying on top was a ratty tshirt, one that Jo had once religiously worn as she climbed into bed every night. The faded Iowa State logo stared up at her with a menacing aura, the memories that came with it too painful for Jo to relive. She set it aside and reached for the photo album below it, the dusty jacket brandishing a name she’d wished she could forget but rang through her mind everyday. 
The Karev’s. 
She knew it was torture, opening the book up to look at photos of a day that was once happy and beautiful but now filled her eyes with tears, but she did it anyways. The shades of blue and yellow that graced the pages, the smiling faces of their friends, of him, were like a glowering unwanted sign that her life had taken a detour that she had neither wanted nor anticipated. It didn’t help that there was a Polaroid tucked into the back page, her and Alex grinning at the camera with fake blood and vampire fangs adorning their faces. 
Hastily shoving the photobook and shirt back into the box, Jo ignored the numerous photos, ticket stubs, letters, and other memorabilia from the years she’d spent with Alex and shoved the box back under the bed. Why she’d thought taking it out was a good idea she would never know, but the feeling that had been blossoming when she woke up was now taking over her entire chest in a painful display. 
How had her life been so different a year ago? Sure it wasn’t ever picture perfect, her and Alex had their differences but they’d always worked through whatever was thrown at them together. His dad, DeLuca, Paul, him getting fired, her mom… every single problem they’d faced in their seven years together had been done exactly like that, together. Whether by choice or by reluctant agreement, the two were always there for one another, but apparently ex wives with two children she kept a secret for five years was where they drew the line. Where Alex drew the line.
Knowing she wouldn’t be doing the laundry that was piling up or scrubbing the sinks that needed some TLC, Jo settled back into bed, eyes watering as she scooted to the right side of the bed and clutched the now unused pillow that lay there. It didn’t smell like him any longer, but the comfort of holding the fabric to her chest still held. 
That’s where Meredith found her hours later, tear stains across her cheeks as she slept through the afternoon. A heavy sigh left the blonde as she settled onto the edge of the bed, one hand patting Jo’s shoulder affectionately as she woke. 
“Schmitt texted, he said you were wallowing in misery so I figured that was a cry for help,” Meredith let out a chuckle at Jo’s angry expression. “Come on, you can come take the kids trick or treating with me, it’ll be a good distraction.”
“I don’t want to move,” Jo mumbled into her pillow, eyes barely moving to meet Meredith’s. “I want to lay here until I sink so far into the mattress that no one can ever find me again.” “Jo, it’s been months. And I know it’s not easy, but you’ve been so strong through all of this, I’d hate to see one day ruin everything for you,” Jo sighed at Meredith’s words, knowing her friend was right. “If you get up now I will pour wine into a tumbler for you to drink while we walk around.” “Fine,” Jo rolled out of bed, glaring at Meredith as she did so. “But I’m only getting up for the wine.”
Halloween 2023
“You know I don’t normally interact with other humans on Halloween.”
Jo stood in the doorway of her apartment, a grin on her face as she looked at the man in front of her. His grin was threatening to overtake his face as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly, one arm wrapping around her waist, “I brought beer and scary movies, will you let me in now?”  
“Okay fine, only because of the beer and not because I like you so much,” Jo rolled her eyes and opened the door fully, letting Jack into the apartment and locking the door behind him. “Please tell me you have Scream in your collection, otherwise I don’t think this is gonna work out.” 
Jack pulled out the aforementioned DVD case, eliciting a cheer from Jo as he set up the movie. She really didn’t think she’d been this happy in a long time, the feeling of happiness bubbling in her chest as she grabbed popcorn an altogether new experience. 
When she’d picked up a Safe Haven baby from Station 19 four months ago, she hadn’t expected to have an hour and a half long conversation with Jack Gibson, who’d been sitting with the little girl before she’d arrived. Their conversation flowed so easily that the two had picked it up over dinner that night and the rest was history. 
She hadn’t seen anyone since Alex left, she hadn’t wanted to waste time on something that was going to leave her heartbroken again because she just couldn’t do that. But the connection she felt with Jack was real and exciting and something Jo hadn’t realized she’d needed until she had it. It almost distracted her from the fact that today her and Alex should be celebrating four years of marriage together. Almost. 
“Are you dazing out again over there,” Jack’s voice was light and cheery, but Jo could see the concern etched on his face as soon as he took a good look at her. “Hey, what’s wrong? We can watch Poltergeist if that’s what you want.”
A heavy sigh left Jo as she realized that she’d have to tell someone else exactly why today was one of her least favorite days of the year. Of course Jack knew that she was divorced, he’d met Alex once or twice when bringing in patients but he didn’t know everything. It wasn’t something that you should burden your partner with four months into your relationship, the ways that you failed in your previous marriage. 
“I was married. Obviously. And we got married on Halloween, so that’s why I don’t like being around people today, because it still sucks,” Jo’s gaze was concentrated on her fingers as she spoke, not wanting to see the pitiful expression on Jack’s face as she relayed her tragic backstory. “And I didn’t really wanna bring it up because you… you are the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time and I don’t want to ruin that by talking about my failed marriage.”
Eyes finally flitting up to look at Jack, Jo was startled to find empathy instead of pity in his expression. She knew he’d had a rough upbringing like her, that neither of them had been handed anything they had in life, but the unexpected compassion and Jack showed her always took her by surprise. 
“You are a badass. And for the record, you’re the best thing that’s happened for me in quite awhile too,” Jack wrapped his arms around Jo and brought her into his chest, pressing a kiss into her hair. “Would it make you feel better if we played a drinking game and got ridiculously drunk?”
“You know me so well,” Jo giggled as her eyes met Jack’s, his green eyes sparkling with that same sense of compassion that he always wore so brightly when he was around her. 
The two settled in for a night filled with laughter, shots, and scary movies as Jack cracked jokes all night, making sure that the smile on her face never left.  For once Jo didn’t feel like the day consisted of her replaying all of her past mistakes. Instead, for the first time in a long time, Halloween felt like a new beginning. 
Halloween 2025
“Oh man it is too early to be awake,” Jo’s groans echoed through the empty fire station, her feet leading her towards the soft voices she heard. “Hello? Anyone here?”
“We’re in here,” a smirk played onto Jo’s face at the sound of her boyfriend's voice, not expecting to see him today. “Hey there.”
“Hey yourself, who do you have there,” Jo walked further into the room that Jack sat in, a tiny bundle settled in his arms. She peeked over his shoulder, taking in the dark curls and soft features of the baby he held. “Well aren’t you a cutie. How long have you had her?”
“Just an hour or so, she’s been perfectly calm,” Jack looked up to Jo, gladly accepting the kiss she placed on his lips. “Usually by now they’re screaming at me, but this one hasn’t wanted anything except snuggles.”
“Maybe you’ve just got the magic touch with this one,” Jo settled into the chair across from Jack, giggling at the faces he pulled as he tried to entertain the baby. “She seems content there.”
“It sucks, she’s got no family and she doesn’t even get to celebrate her first holiday,” Jack’s finger ran across the baby’s cheek, eliciting a quiet coo from the little girl. “Oh I know sweetheart, maybe if you’re lucky the nice doctors will sneak you a lollipop.”
Jo’s heart leapt at the sight before her, fingers twisting the silver chain across her neck. She’d been to the fire station to pick up babies more than she’d like to say in the past few years, but seeing the tiny infants cradled in Jack’s arms always made her heart burst. 
“How do you feel about stealing a baby,” Jack’s eyes widened as they met Jo’s, a grin taking over her face at the shocked look he wore. “Cmon, trust me on this one. It’ll just be for a little bit, plus you’re off now right?”
“Yes, but now I’m concerned about what my girlfriend has planned for this poor innocent baby.” +
“I give you about ten minutes of this before someone calls you out and we get arrested,” Jack’s eyes nervously flitted around the bustling Peds ward. “I will give you props though, she looks pretty cute.” Jo turned from the sight of children running down the hospital halls to the infant in Jack’s arms. They’d stopped at Target before coming to the hospital, grabbing a pumpkin costume to put on the newborn before they took her around the Peds ward to trick or treat. Jack and Jo both knew that they were being a little silly, but they wanted the little girl to have at least one day where she felt loved. 
“Of course she does, she’s the cutest little baby in the world. Aren’t you Hallie? Yes you are,” Jo grabbed the infant’s foot, looking up to Jack who was staring her down with an unamused expression. “What? She needed a name and I watched Parent Trap last night. Plus it’s kind of fitting, Hallie… Halloween… Oh you’re just a party pooper!”
“Jo! What’re you doing here,” Link sauntered up to Jo and Jack with a smile, sleeping baby strapped to his chest. “Woah who's baby is that? Did you hide a pregnancy from me for nine months?” 
Jo’s eyes widened as she stared her best friend down, lightly slapping his arm, “No you idiot, this is Hallie. She’s a Safe Haven baby, but we wanted to dress her up and let her have some fun before we turned her over.”
Links gaze floated from the baby still cuddled against Jack to Jo who was perfectly settled into his side. He held his hand out, a knowing smirk on his face, “Give me your phone, I’ll take a picture of you guys.”
Without hesitation, Jo handed the object over and both her and Jack wore bright smiles as Link snapped the picture. He handed the phone back, both adults leaning in to look at the photo in awe. 
“I give you about a week,” Link chuckled, both Jo and Jack too caught up in the infant with them to notice his words. “I’ll see you guys later!”
Jo absentmindedly waved her friend off, grabbing Hallie from Jack’s arms and bringing her to her own chest. The little girl blinked up at Jo before settling contentedly against her, eyes closing in a matter of seconds. 
“You know, she seems pretty content with us,” Jo looked up from the baby to her boyfriend with wide eyes, not believing the words she was hearing. “What? She does, she’s barely cried since I got her this morning and looks so comfy snuggled up with you.” 
“You are pretty cute, I’m just gonna sneak you out and take you home,” Jo squeezed the hand of the infant, looking up at Jack who was staring at her with an awed look. “What? Do I have baby spit up on me?”
“Nothing, you just look good. You’re a natural,” Jack brought Jo back into his side, pressing a kiss to her head. “I love you.” “I love you too,” Jo laughed as the baby burped loudly before settling herself back against Jo. “And I think she likes you too.”
Halloween 2030
“Bailey, I just finished my charts and I am heading out,” Jo sighed as she set her arms on the nurses station, head leaning warily against one hand. “I’m off for the rest of the day, I’m just going to check on Mr. Olsen in the ER before I duck out. Pretty sure my kids are driving their dad nuts and the addition of sugar tonight won’t help with that.”
Bailey let a laugh out, dismissing Jo for the day and letting the younger woman know she wasn’t needed the next day. A sigh left her as she climbed into the elevator with her purse in tow, Jo finally feeling a small sense of relief. 
“You are not making my job easier, you’re much more troublesome than your brother,” Jo settled one hand onto her growing baby bump, a strong kick meeting her hand as she rolled her eyes. “Typical. You’re going to have your sister's attitude aren't you?”
The elevator dinged loudly, bringing Jo away from her conversation with her unborn child and into the real world. As she stepped off the elevator, her hands dug into her purse in search of her phone. She’d finally dug it out when she ran straight into whoever was walking in front of her. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I was ju-,” the air in Jo’s lungs left suddenly, as if it had been sucked away by a vacuum as she met the eyes of the person she’d bumped into. “Oh my god. Alex.”
Alex Karev, ten years older than when she’d seen him last, was standing not even two feet in front of Jo. Her heart was hammering as she stared at her ex husband, his presence the last thing she’d expected, especially today of all days. 
“Hey Jo, good to see you,” hearing his voice almost brought tears to Jo’s eyes as she stared dumbly up at Alex. “I’m working on a case with Hayes for the week. You look good, happy… round.”
A small laugh escaped Jo then, her hand falling to her bump as she finally found her voice again, “Yeah, this one kinda popped out right away. Between that and my constant morning sickness, I couldn’t hide being pregnant for very long.”
“I’m glad, that you’re uh happy, that’s good to hear,” Jo watched Alex’s eyes flit to the wedding set on her left hand, then back up to her. 
Both Alex and Jo turned toward the excited voice sounding down the hallway, a head full of black curls flying past Alex as the little girl they belonged to wrapped her arms around Jo’s legs. A second shorter head of messy brown hair crashed into Jo’s legs, laughter escaping her as she tried to wrangle both children, “Okay you two, mom can’t breathe!”
“Sorry, they escaped as soon as I walked through the door,” Jack appeared next to Jo a second later, pressing a kiss to her cheek before turning to Alex. If he was shocked to see the man, he hid it well as he extended his hand towards him. “Hey, Jack Gibson. Alex, right?” “Yeah, nice to meet you,” Alex shook Jack’s hand with a small smile, Jo’s heart skipping a beat at the unusual sight. “You guys have some good looking kids.”
Jo laughed, her face lighting up as she looked at the two children now preoccupied with a game of tag, “I can’t take all the credit, Max is Jack’s clone and Hallie just kinda… fell into our laps. She’s got my attitude though, if that counts for anything.” “That counts for everything, you know she uses that to get whatever she wants,” Jack slung his arm around Jo’s shoulder as she leaned into him, her hand coming back to her burgeoning stomach. Jo could tell Alex was watching them, but she didn’t have the words to verbalize how odd it made her feel.
“I gotta go, but it was nice to meet you Jack,” Alex waved his hand at the other man, before turning to Jo. Their eyes met for a second and it almost felt like that day eleven years ago standing in a courtroom in the most ridiculous costumes. Jo’s throat tightened as she offered a watery smile to Alex, his own eyes glassy as they finally broke away from hers. “It was good to see you again Jo, it really is good to see you happy.”
Jo could only nod, lifting her hand in a wave to Alex, “You too Alex. Have a good stay.” Alex turned and left then, Jo’s eyes watching him until he turned a corner and was out of her view. The sight tugged at her heart strangely, her mind bringing up the image of him walking into an airport so many years ago and never turning around. She doesn’t realize there’s tears floating down her face until Jack nudges her lightly. 
“You okay?” “Yeah,” Jo swipes at the tears that have pooled on her cheeks, turning to Jack with a smile. She leans up to press a kiss to his lips, holding on a bit longer than she normally would in public before pulling and meeting his green eyes with her brown. “I’m perfectly fine, just another Halloween. You guys ready to go?” Jack pauses for a moment, holding Jo’s stare before turning back to their kids who are still running around the hallway, “Yup, we just came to pick you up before we headed to Meredith’s. Hallie! Max! Let’s move it!” The two kids followed Jack and Jo out of the hospital, a string of laughter following the family as they made their way into the chilly Seattle air. Jo’s eyes lingered on the trauma bay as they left, remembering a day so long ago it felt like another lifetime when she’d first met the man she’d been married to. A swift kick to her ribs pulled her out of her thoughts, her fingers squeezing Jack’s as they made their way through the parking lot. 
Just another Halloween….
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charliesradiodemon · 5 years
Arranged Marriage (Part 6)
Part 1  Part 5
(Ping reminders for: @ariloucii @wargraymon0709 @in-to–deep @norski28 @the-red-milk @seekerbea @aclusterfuckofeverything If you want a ping reminder, comment, reply or dm me!
I’m amazed with the amount of people who like my fic and honestly I didn’t think this would go far haha Thank you all for your support and contributions for the Charlastor community!
EDIT 3/17/2020: I have rewritten this chapter and will continue to do so with the rest!)
Part 6
Charlie woke feeling incredibly well rested. It may have been due to her emotionally taxing day yesterday, but she somehow slept through the whole night without issue. A part of her felt guilty for how well she slept, but it also made her feel silly for thinking so. 
With a sigh, she turned onto her side as she recounted her day yesterday. Through her painful day, Alastor of all people was there to comfort her in his own strange way. 
He even promised to stay until she fell asleep, just as she had asked. Charlie half expected him to brush her off, especially after his odd reaction to her near-touch. But surprisingly enough he agreed. And as a man of his word, he indeed stayed until she drifted off to sleep. Her face warmed as she also remembered how she’d held onto his hand as he sat beside her. 
It was Saturday, a free day at the hotel, and one of Charlie’s only days off. Saturday was a day for the sinners of the hotel to do as they wished- preferably inside the hotel’s walls. It was a day of self reflection to allow the sinners to pick up their own hobbies and put in their own effort toward redemption. Being in hotel at all times kept them out of trouble and focused on rehabilitation, but they were also allowed to leave and do as they please. 
As for Charlie, she’d use the day to talk to whoever stuck around the hotel and plan the coming week’s activities. At the end of the day she’d normally watch a movie or binge a series with Vaggie, but it might not be the best idea considering the recent events around them. Besides her assumed broken tradition with Vaggie, today should be no different. She’d been living with this schedule for half a year now and she planned to stick to it. 
With a determined huff and and smile, Charlie sat up in bed. But as she did so, she noticed a familiar red figure at the other end of the room and froze. It was Alastor.
“He stayed the night.” Charlie whispered to herself. She scooted off the bed and fixed her nightgown before quietly walking up to the motionless form on her couch.
Sure enough it was Alastor, sitting upright, legs and arms crossed, a small close-lipped smile and his eyes closed. Had she not seen how slowly he breathed, Charlie would have assumed he was awake and waiting. Charlie leaned over and got close. ‘I guess even Alastor needs to sleep.’ She mused in her head. She’d never seen him sleep before and she’d never seen him so still and peaceful either. He was usually bouncing with energy and enthusiasm whenever he was around her.  
“Can I help you Charlie?” Alastor asked suddenly. Alastor’s bright red eyes shot open and stared straight back at the demoness.
“HOLY-“ Charlie jumped back immediately and nearly tripped on the rug, sending her limbs flailing about as she caught herself from tumbling. 
Alastor chuckled and rested his elbow on the armrest. He plopped his head on his open palm and watched Charlie try to calm herself. “Sorry if I startled you sweetheart, but watching people sleep is quite rude you know!” He grinned widely and continued to chuckle.
After collecting herself, Charlie took a few deep breaths to calm herself. “No, I’m sorry. I woke you up and I was… being kinda weird…” she looked away and fiddled with her unkempt hair. The pout on her face made Alastor’s flutter and he nearly forgot where he was for a moment. 
That was, until he took a good look at her hair. “No worries dear. I had a good laugh out of it,” he mused. He then pointed at her hair and raised an eyebrow. “By the way that is a fine nest you have!” Charlie shot him a confused look to be met with a smug grin.
When she turned and walked to her vanity she yelped, “What? How’d it get this bad?” She sat herself down and began running her fingers through her hair to get the tangled mess under control. With her frantic tugging, she kept getting her fingers snagged on the knots. She let out an exasperated sigh, signaling her quick defeat. “I mean it’s never perfect in the morning, but it’s never been this bad before! I need to get Razzle and Dazzle!” She shot up from her stool.
But before she could head for the door, two claw-like hands rested on her shoulders. Looking up in her vanity mirror, she saw Alastor holding her in place. “No need! I can take care of it if you’d like.” he materialized a brush from nowhere and gently pushed her down to sit. Saying nothing, Charlie sat back down and continued to watch him through the mirror. 
He went straight to work once she settled. Instead of going head first with the brush, Alastor set it aside and instead used his fingers to untangle any nasty snags that could get caught in the brush. It was so strange how thoughtful and careful he was as his pointed claws occasionally brushed over her scalp. Charlie even closed her eyes as he worked, clearly enjoying the sensation. 
Once Alastor deemed it satisfactory, he took the brush he’d summoned and gently brushed through her golden locks all while humming. 
Charlie’s butlers Razzle and Dazzle would normally brush Charlie’s long and voluptuous hair, but never had it felt this good. From the soft brushes of her scalp to the gliding of a brush through her hair, Charlie didn’t notice the content smile that graced her face. 
Alastor, however had. He watched the princess’ expression soften through the mirror with amusement. Was she truly this naive? Despite being at the mercy of the Radio Demon, one of the most feared overlords in Hell, she’d put her full trust in him and relaxed into his touch, even. The moment reminded him how just last night she asked him to stay until she fell asleep. It still racked his brain how she could be so at ease with him in the room. But most of all he wondered why exactly he decided to stay by her side the whole night. Or why he volunteered to brush her hair so carefully. 
“You have quite a lot of hair you know,” Alastor joked in an attempt to get his mind off of his confusing thoughts. He’d ponder on it more later, now was just not the time. 
Charlie’s eyes shot open, and Alastor could have sworn his heart skipped a beat at the sight. Even when he attempted to get his mind off of what she did to him, she still somehow managed to get his heart off-beat. So much so Alastor was beginning to think that he was merely experiencing heart palpitations. “You must get it from your mother.” he finished, trying to keep himself calm and collected. Charlie smiled soberly and nodded.
“Yeah, I get that a lot. It’s why I don’t ever wanna cut it, because it reminds me of my mom.” she chuckled and brought her gaze down to the floor, deep in thought. 
What was her mother dong? She still hadn’t called, nor had she picked up any of Charlie’s calls in the past few days. She must have been busy with wedding preparations, but couldn’t she just spare a couple of minutes for her daughter? She’d just gotten engaged! 
With his eyes still fixed on Charlie’s face, Alastor hadn’t realized that he’d thoroughly brushed though the demoness’ hair a while ago. He was so engrossed in the softness of her locks and his heart palpitations, he’d completely lost focus. He stopped brushing, but part of him didn’t want to stop just yet. So instead he started to do something else to Charlie’s hair, which promptly caught her attention. The gentle tugging told Charlie he was probably braiding her hair. “I bet you must be excited to see your mother today.” he commented. 
“Yeah- wait,” she slammed her palms on the table, stood and whipped her head around to face Alastor. The braid that he’d started came undone in the action, but Alastor didn’t care. Not when his fiancee’s beautiful demonic form began to peek out. Alastor’s grin widened in anticipation and his fluttering heart began racing.
“WHAT?” She shrieked, yet Alastor didn’t flinch. Charlie began pacing away from the vanity, muttering wildly with a hand over her mouth. Her wide eyed gaze was fixed on the ground. Alastor couldn’t understand what she was saying but he did notice that her horns were present and her nails seemed longer than usual. He took Charlie’s seat at the vanity and sighed contentedly at the sight of her. He had to admit that she certainly was a belle, but this side of her was a unique sort of beauty that he could appreciate. 
She looked to him pleadingly. “What should I do?” she cried before returning to her frantic pacing.
With a confused yet amused expression, Alastor asked, “Are you not excited to see her?” The demoness snapped her head to look at him once more with her ruby-red eyes. 
However the visible part of her true form retracted as quickly as it appeared with just a blink. Charlie stopped her pacing and sighed. “It’s not that. I just haven’t seen her in a long time and she hasn’t returned any of my calls,” she ran a hand through her hair and shook her head with a groan. “I-I just don’t know what to say to her Al.” 
“Why not just start with a simple ‘hello’?”
Charlie groaned in frustration again. “Come on, be serious!” She turned back around to pace with her hands tangled in her hair.
“Oh I am though,” he stood to full height and walked up to her to grab her by the scruff of her nightgown and effectively stopping her from pacing endlessly again. Once she stilled in his grasp, he released her before continuing, “The reaction to a simple smile and a ‘hello’ tells you everything you need to know about a person! See where you go with it sweetheart. Not to mention your mother would be pleased to see your gorgeous smile.”
Charlie turned and shot him an unsure look. When he didn’t falter from his confidently wide grin, she shrugged. “I guess it’s better than nothing. Thanks for the advice, Al.” she crossed her arms and turned away. The unsure tone of her voice did not comfort Alastor’s inner concern one bit. 
‘Concern? For her?’ He thought. When was the last time he’d felt concerned for anyone? And when was the last time he’d felt the need to truly comfort someone?
Alastor took each of her shoulders in his hands, causing her to look up at him. “Chin up my dear, everything should be going uphill from here on, trust me.” his calm, nearly radio-less voice and his closed lipped smile somehow eased Charlie and she relaxed under his touch. 
A soft, appreciative smile melted onto her face, sending his heart into a beating frenzy.  
He quickly let her go, letting his searing touch linger on her shoulders. “Now, after your little hotel duties, we have to go meet your mother to finish the details!” Alastor said quickly before briskly exiting the room and gently shut the door.
Charlie brought her hand to her shoulder where his hand had lain and felt her heart skip a beat.
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watermelonselfship · 3 years
Okay hereee you go it's not, super sappy and it also has implied fr/eeh/oun as well as fre/eman/ce but that's because I'm a multishipper with polyamory brain 24/7.
Tw for reference to canon typical violence mentioned briefly.
Barney startled awake, sitting up on his elbows on bed. The night was hot, even the thin sheets feeling sticky with sweat, made worse by the pounding of his heart in his ears. The last thing his mind remembered was the stinging feeling of the barrel of a recently used gun to his temple, the iron grip of other uniformed hands on his shoulders, holding him still in place. The cold panic of his cover being blown contrasted against the night heat as his eyes adjusted to the dark.
He took bodily inventory- his arms didn't ache, his skull was in one piece, he was alive. And in this split second of waking and assessment, Barney was broken from his panic by the sound of gentle snoring beside him.
The tension left Barney's body in an instant and he laid back down on his back, staring at the ceiling. Just a nightmare. Not the worst one he'd had in a while, but it left his stomach doing flips. He choked back a gag, and tears pricked at his eyes. He turned over where he laid and wrapped his arms around Raymond's sleeping form for comfort. Dead tired, the man didn't stir, instead made a small noise of sleeping contentment and laid still.
Safe. They were both safe.
As Barney's eyes adjusted to the deep nights light, he scanned the room for more context to let his panic-clouded mind find solace so he could sleep again. Across from his and his lovers bed, no more than 5 feet away, slept Gordon and Alyx, peacefully in a mirrored embrace. The end table between them, Gordon and Raymond's glasses rested side by side, which would have seemed old-world normal had it not been for the crowbar and baseball bat still sitting within the respective man's reach. The weaponry's presence was welcomed and reassuring, despite either welder being in a deep sleep.
If anyone deserved a deep and restful sleep, it was Gordon, Barney thought to himself, and the thought brought with it another wave of nausea, tears spilling over and running down his cheeks. He heaved a heavy sigh and put his head down, taking in the sound of Raymond's breathing. Steady, a quiet snore on some intakes, filling the room with a comforting white noise. He was okay. They were all going to be okay, because it was finally over. Before he could get lost in the reeling realization that oh god it was finally over and all that came with it, he heard a quiet cough.
Barney froze still as stone as he looked up in the direction of the sound. Gordon sat up slightly on his own bed, bleary eyed and blinking to adjust to his newly adorned glasses. That tension Barney held in his body disapated, though the adrenaline continued to thrum vaguely in his veins despite the safety.
"You okay?" Gordon signed, slow and sleepy. Despite the tiredness, he looked concerned. Always looking out for others above himself.
Barney nodded, replying with signing in turn with unpracticed motion, not wanting to wake Raymond or Alyx by whispering. "All good, just a bad dream."
Gordon nodded with understanding, and fought a yawn. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, the offer genuine despite his exhaustion.
Barney yawned sympathetically despite Gordon's best efforts to suppress his own, and more tears ran down his face. He took the time to wipe them away before responding. "Nah, you get some more sleep, I'll tell you in the morning."
Gordon paused for a moment before nodding in return. "Okay, if you're sure. If you change your mind, you know where I'll be." The scientist removed his glasses once more after a moments hesitation, and set them back on the table mirroring Raymond's. He settled back down and turned his back to Barney carefully, not wanting to wake Alyx but not wanting to stare Barney down while he got back to sleep, even if he couldn't see past his crowbar in any detail.
Barney finally settled back down himself, feeling post panic exhaustion hitting him like a bus. Things were going to be okay, and he was too tired to start figuring out the arc of how things were about to change. He nestled down next to Raymond, holding him close, and the man let out a sleepy, contented sound again, a little smile gracing his sleeping face. Barney mirrored the smile, and let his eyes close.
When Barney woke the next morning, it was to the smell of Gordon trying to force life back into long expired coffee, and the sound of hushed debate between Alyx and Raymond about how absolutely awful it was going to taste. Barney smiled, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere for just a minute longer.
There was work to be done, rebuilding and fighting and struggle still left ahead, but in this moment, there was just good people, bad coffee, and love.
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chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The King’s Dumu Lugal Pt 15 (Hakuno, CasGil, Nero, Mash)
Previously: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Mash held Ur on the way back to their chambers.
Caster wasn’t sure what had brought about the response in Hakuno, but it was clear that their journey out of their rooms was over for now. She needed to be back in their room. There needed to be comfort and distractions, small affections and slow, meticulously given words of comfort given. The words would help boost her confidence in leaving. The affections and the distractions would help set her mind at ease.
“Would you like me to leave him in the living room?” Mash asked.
His son was barely conscious at this point, worn out from the excitement of other people and their undying attention towards him. Gudako had cooed and fed him mashed veggies. Mash had helped him hold his baby bottle while he had noticed that Hakuno was a bit out of it.
She’d barely eaten as her thoughts had stolen her away.
“Place Ur in our chambers,” Caster directed. “He can probably use the sleep.”
The woman left to do as he bid, leaving him to take Hakuno over to one of the couches.
“I’m fine, Gil.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“It was nothing.”
He didn’t believe that.
Nothing didn’t end with her biting at her lip until it bled. Nothing didn’t have her looking at her companions and friends as though any second someone would come and ruin things. He’d never seen the expression that Hakuno had made before, especially with how quickly she had grasped little Ur from his arms and pulled her flush against herself.
No, she was lying to him. There was more on her mind than the mere trifles of a young toddler and his newly returned abum.
“I’m fine,” Hakuno told him again, rubbing at his arm. “Thank you for taking Ur to enjoy breakfast this morning. He seemed to enjoy going out with his father.”
See, that wasn’t right.
The phrase should have been, ‘I enjoyed spending time together as a family’ or ‘I loved being able to spend time with you’ or even ‘I want to do that again for dinner.’
She wasn’t fine.
What he needed right now was something meaningful. He’d been with Hakuno at one time. He possessed memories of these times and he knew they had become intimate at a certain point during their time together. So, with that in mind, what did she like?
Naturally, he and his son were on top of that list.
Hakuno also enjoyed sweets, which would have been an option had he not just returned from dining with her.
There wasn’t a great deal of anything else that was coming to mind. She didn’t seek out creature comforts and splurge away on fancy things and sparkling objects. He’d never seen her wear so much as a ring before he’d dressed her up today and that wasn’t really working to his favor either. She looked tempting and depressed.
“Thank you for bringing Ur back,” Hakuno told Mash while he thought carefully about his options.
“Of course! What are friends for?”
“Mash,” Gilgamesh glanced over to the woman, his mind drifting to the bloodied garment he’d found this morning in his gates. “Watch Hakuno for me. I have to do something.”
“What is it?”
These women.
He wasn’t even going to dignify them with an answer at the moment. Hakuno needed her own personal comforts, the kind she had partaken in without even realizing it. She had her own version of pleasure, her own way to bring herself into a better mood.
He stalked back towards the dining hall.
A few servants were still lingering within the room, namely those that were more apt towards helping their master and the facility workers with their daily tasks. A few servants nodded his way, smirking towards the king whom had brought forth a son with one of the masters. It looked like Gudako was laying in on Jack again, holding a knife in her hand and motioning towards a red puddle on the floor.
Most likely, it was Cu who was stabbed, the damn fool.
He looked on, passed the master of Chaldea and more towards the depths of the hall.
The blonde perked up at his call, her green eyes all but instantly gazing his way. To go with it, her smile was flashed, looking as radiant as ever.
“Nero,” Gilgamesh addressed again. “It is good that you are still here.”
“Oh ho! Is this about Hakuno? She was so beautiful today! I did not know that you had a child with her! And did you see his cheeks?” Nero pulled her phone out, pulling up a picture of Hakuno smiling to the boy.
It must have been taken before he had returned to her side.
“I knew that my praetor would be a wonderful wife, but to think a mother as well?! Ah, Rome weeps at the loss.”
The woman nearby threw her a look.
“Yes, yes. Boudica, you’re quite intimidating.” Nero waved the woman off dismissively, not even looking her way before she flipped to another picture to show him. “Look at the faces! They’re so alike! Praetor’s baby is going to look like a blond her! I can’t wait. I’ll help her raise him as best I can.”
“…You realize that you are talking about my son.”
Nero just looked up at him, smiling.
She knew. She simply did not care.
This was not the reason he had sought the woman out.
“What are you doing right now?”
“Showing you photos of Praetor and little Emperor.”
“I meant, this morning.”
Did she not understand the concept of tact?
It was tempting to turn away and leave.
“I don’t have anything planned,” Nero began, humming softly. “Master was planning to take Boudica out today so that means I will not be in the team compositions for today. Then there’s arts teams this afternoon. It sounds like it’s going to be a day for casters to practice fighting.”
“Anyway, I am free,” Nero replied with a smile. “Was there a reason for this question, Mage King?”
“Hakuno needs a friend.”
He might as well have declared his son hers with how Nero began to bounce on her feet. Those green eyes were wide and that squeal of delight was echoing off all the walls, going straight to his precious few nerves.
The woman grasped his hands.
“You wish for me to spend time with my Praetor again!? AH! This is perfect! I will come immediately, not to worry. I know she has been rather lonely and she looked so sad at the end of breakfast. I am an instant charmer, Mage King! I, the emperor of Rome, the lady of roses, the embodiment of Roma, will resolve her woes!”
He could turn back now and lock the doors.
Hakuno didn’t have to have Nero spend time with her. There were others around that would be suitable. In fact, the only reason he’d chosen her was that damned outfit.
“What’s going on?” Tamamo no Mae approached, her eyes shifting from him to the Roman.
“It is nothing!” Nero smiled brightly. “The king merely wants my presence. He’s in need of some good company and who better than-“
“You can’t seriously be considering Saber instead of a sensible person. Even my husband had better sense-“
“Praetor loves her time with me!” Nero grabbed his arm, pulling him closer and sticking her tongue towards the fox servant, “and King Gilgamesh has made up his mind. Roman time for him, Praetor, and little Emperor.”
“Poor kid.”
“You take that ba-OH!”
He was done listening to this.
This fight was wasting time, time that was no doubt being used to binge in those thoughts that Hakuno had plagued herself with this morning during breakfast. There was simply no time to spare.
So he hoisted the fool over his shoulder, glancing to Tamamo.
“Are you training today?”
“Master had intended to have this sly fox,” she purred.
He nodded.
So be it.
“Bye bye, Caster!” Nero cooed to the woman as they walked off. “I will make sure to tell you all about this later.
Perhaps he should have wasted his clairvoyance in looking into this. Plucking Nero due to a garment that Hakuno had worn was a poor plan in hindsight, but there was little he could do now. Nero was over his shoulder, prattling on about Hakuno and Ur.
It didn’t help when he returned to his chambers with Hakuno either.
The moment he set Nero down and opened the doors, Nero was bursting through the entrance in a flurry of rose petals and red skirts.
Gilgamesh looked around her, finding Hakuno holding Ur in her arms. He was awake, but it didn’t look like he had recovered from using so much energy to appreciate his company earlier. His little arms were half in the air, grasping and releasing the bottle that Hakuno was feeding him with.
“The little Emperor,” Nero murmured, tiptoeing her way to Hakuno’s side. “Hakuno, he’s so beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“When did you have him? You should have had me come to help.”
“I have been fine taking care of him. Ur’s a good baby.”
“He may be, but babies do cry and they cry when it is convenient for them. The king is a loud one, his son would be no different.”
That was no doubt his cue to leave.
Hakuno had her friend and she seemed pleased. Since it was a day for Casters to be training, Gudako would no doubt be stealing him away or lamenting his loss at her side if he did not seek out the command room.
Bearing that in mind, Gilgamesh moved to Hakuno’s side and pressed his lips to hers lightly.
“You should spend more time with your friends, Hakuno. I have found they do not last forever, but their memories, albeit precious few, are worth making.”
“You should stay here too,” Hakuno tried.
“Gudako is training her casters today. I have no doubt that she’ll need me.”
“You want to go train when you have Praetor and little Emperor here? Really?” Nero shook her head. “Praetor, he’s senseless.”
“I am being responsible,” he corrected.
The woman rolled her eyes before noting that Ur was no longer drinking at his bottle. His eyes drifted over to her. His hands released the empty bottle.
“Hello!” Nero cooed. “Little Emperor, you are so much like your mother. You’ll become a good little ruler, won’t you? Your godfather Nero will take such good care of you.”
Nero smiled at them both for the question, nodding. “Of course! A child needs to have a legal guardian for when his parents are both away or gone. Little Emperor will have me!”
If anyone was gaining that title, it would most likely be the Chaldean master and shielder-
“Just promise me you’ll be careful with him,” Hakuno replied. “No matter what happens, just help me make sure he stays safe, Nero. You’ve always taken great care of me.”
Her voice was thick, joined with Hakuno’s eyes becoming brimmed with a fresh set of tears.
Nero pulled Ur carefully from her arms, handing the boy to him.
“My sweet Praetor… You know that I would go to the ends of the earth to keep any piece of you happy, whether it is you or your little Emperor.” Her hands wiped at Hakuno’s eyes. “Praetor… You are my favorite master in all the world. You are so beautiful that even the king of heroes had to have you, stealing you away from me. Do you remember before? I gave you my favorite dress when you left the Moon Cell. I told you to do your best to smile and feel all that is Roma.”
Hakuno smiled slightly.
“Your smile illuminates all the world. It’s so blinding that you outshine even your king.”
Hakuno was swallowed into the woman’s arms, hugged so tightly that there was no helping her at this point. It had been what she had needed though. These walls and doors were hindrances. People needed other people. Friends needed one another.
Gilgamesh glanced down to his son, watching him burp loudly before cooing and leaning back against him.
“She is busy,” Gilgamesh murmured. “How about abum?”
He endless luck was not working in his favor today.
However, with another glance to Hakuno and the mouthing of a silent ‘thank you’ his way, he had a feeling he had done what had needed to be done.
She was feeling better.
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tiliamericana · 4 years
Muay Thai: 1.04
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It was amazing just how quickly Nairi got used to waking up and finding texts from Cherry waiting for her.
Cherry seemed to be up and on at all hours of the day; she was awake in the morning well before Nairi’s eleven o’clock alarm, but also worked well into the small hours of the night and put in long hours at the day job. Nairi had managed to ascertain that it had something to do with art—Cherry had strong opinions on grades of paper (something about absorbency), colour theory (people were stupid), watercolours (they were bad), and on the one occasion she’d come upstairs had informed Nairi that her walls were driving her mad and that she’d be painting something to stop the encroaching insanity.
When she wasn’t inserting herself into Nairi’s life she was sending Nairi pictures and selfies with her other friends; grad students with brightly coloured hair, a grinning bartender showing off his flair, baking with a short woman in glasses. And now this:
C: youre closed on tues y/y?? C: which means yourf free tonight right?
Nairi sent her back a quick “yes” and set her phone down before pulling herself out of bed to face the day. Not opening the dojo meant she was able to take a little longer with her morning, but she still preferred to do her prayers before she had to think about anything else, and Cherry was prone to showing up if Nairi indicated she had free time. Which she apparently had a lot more of than she realised.
Maybe she should look for a new style to start training in. This was the first time she hadn’t been focused on a new one since she… Well, for a while.
When she came back upstairs her phone was lit up again. Maybe Cherry had ideas about lunch? It would mean she’d have a reason to go out and eat something.
C: great!! C: dn you wanna come out tonight?? dinner C: on me if i need to sweeten it ;) edies just moved back fr work and if its just me her and nick im go6na die from them being old folks who disapprove all night C: also i keep talking about you at nick and he wants to meet you lol
Nairi had initially assumed ‘Nick’ was Cherry’s father, just based on the way she talked about him. But then Cherry had mentioned her father later, just calling him ‘Dad’, so maybe he wasn’t? Either that, or she was very discreet about their being gay. Or she just went back and forth between ‘Dad’ and ‘Nick’ arbitrarily. ‘Edie’ on the other hand was a name Cherry had mentioned in passing once and then never again, so Nairi had concluded she was one of the colourful grad students. Apparently not.
She sent back a “sure”, and then after a moment, asked for a place and time.
C: yay!! thank you!! C: its this fckn italian place edie loves but theres a ok bar so not all bad C: edies fatal allergic to being on time but nickll be 7 minutes early
The next message was a sticker, a little pair of eyes rolling across her phone screen when she opened it.
C: meet at 7? C: i checked the menu has good veg C: pasta heavy but good :p
Nairi smiled a little at that and sent her another “yes”. After a moment she added a “thank you”. Cherry sent her back three hearts, and Nairi put her phone down to go and get some lunch.
She didn’t think anything of it until she showed up at the restaurant. Cherry had driven and was already parked, leaning against the side of her obnoxious little two door to wait. It was bright red and nearly vintage, and she’d obviously put a lot of care into it. Nairi had half expected vanity plates, but they were a normal registration.
Nairi waved as she approached and Cherry visibly perked up with a wide, glossy smile, waving back. Cherry had dressed up a little nicer—dark skinny jeans and a pretty sleeveless shirt with a modest v-neck. The heavy Docs were gone, traded for heeled ankle boots, and she had delicate pearl bob earrings to match her golden cross. Not a paint spatter in sight.
“Hi,” she said as Nairi drew to a halt just out of arm’s reach. “Didn’t we pick an interesting night to go out?”
“We sure did,” said Nairi, her brow furrowing as she looked past Cherry to the road between them and the restaurant. “What the hell is going on?”
The stretch of asphalt was filled with a flock of young adults, all of them shirtless, yelling along together in an incomprehensible chant as they ran up and down between two unmarked points on the road. They were arguably being directed; a young woman with a reflective coat and a manic grin, holding a megaphone in one hand and an airhorn in the other, was standing on a shopping cart in the middle. Standing next to her on the ground, was another woman in reflective orange with a clipboard.
Judging by the amount of honking and the lack of anything resembling city signage, this wasn’t an official event.
Cherry glanced down at her phone as one of the women held up the airhorn to the megaphone. Charitably she waited for Nairi’s ears to stop ringing before she spoke. “Flo did a round on the facebook pages—apparently it’s some dorm flash mob from a hall at her college.”
“Which one’s Flo? Did she have the blue hair?” asked Nairi as she lowered her hands from her head and gladly pulled her attention away from a panting eighteen-year-old who had something pink painted on his heaving chest.
“Nah that’s Mason, he’s finishing up his sociology honours. Flo has the green hair, she’s doing her psych PhD,” said Cherry, craning her neck to look around Nairi. “Nick’s here! Right on time, like I said.”
She started waving, and Nairi turned to see the tallest man she’d ever seen waving back across at them. She raised an eyebrow, the muscles in her forearms tensing, and she tried not to feel too uneasy about it.
Cherry hummed happily, picking herself up from where she was leaning on the car door and reaching in through the open window to grab a thin cardigan from the seat. “Oh, and just a heads up,” she said casually, “Nick like, really hates it when people call me Cherry, it’ll probably be better if you just use my real name in front of him.”
Nairi opened her mouth to remind her that she’d never actually gotten around to saying what the was exactly, but Cherry was already halfway across the lot towards the man. “Nick!” she called out as she approached, closing the distance and leaning up on tiptoe to wrap her arms around his shoulders.
He said something to her, pausing to hug her back before continuing over to Nairi. He drew to a halt next to her while Cherry returned to perching against her car. “You must be Nairi,” he said, voice alarmingly deep, hand outstretched. “Linden’s told me so much about you.”
Nairi took his hand and shook it once before dropping it, resisting the urge to take a step back once she’d done so. “Likewise. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Nicholas was close to seven feet tall and probably in his late fifties or very early sixties if she was any judge. His hair had landed firmly in the ‘grey’ zone just past salt-and-pepper, though he’d managed to keep rather a lot of it, close cropped in a very standard short back and sides. He had broad shoulders and a carefully ironed shirt that looked worn but cared for. He had a firm grip, muscle swelling ever so slightly in the lines of his shirt, and there was a furrow in his brow that made him look deeply concerned about something.
Though, from what she’d learned being friends with Cherry—Linden—if she were an older adult in her life she’d probably be deeply concerned as well. Or maybe it was the students.
“Do either of you know what’s going on here?” he asked after a moment, nodding at the crowd.
“Youthful hijinks keeping us from our dinner,” said Linden, grinning easily. She’d released some of the tension in her shoulders since Nicholas’s arrival, but at the same time seemed a little more on edge, like she was anticipating something. She took a deep, exaggerated breath, and pushed her hands into her jean pockets. “Do you know what that smell is?”
Nairi exchanged a faintly puzzled look with Nicholas, though his looked a little more exasperated. “Cheap beer?” she tried.
Linden sniggered. “Yeah, we called it ‘Eau de Freshie’ when I was in school,” she said, tossing her head to give the students behind them a speculative, almost mean look. They were still yelling enthusiastically, and she gestured at them. “It’s no longer funny, anyway. How many of these assholes do you reckon I have to beat up to let us get through?”
“I’m sure it doesn’t need to come to that,” said Nairi, her mouth twitching a little at the side.
Nicholas shot her a grateful look. “From the looks of things someone has already called the police, I’m sure they’ll be dispersed presently,” he said with a nod towards a pissed off looking woman standing by the crosswalk, phone jammed up against her ear.
“The cops always take fucking forever,” complained Linden, running a hand through her hair, foot tapping impatiently. “Come on Nick, you actually like, made a reservation and now we’re gonna miss it.”
“Linden I’m reasonably certain the staff can see what’s happening from where they’re standing,” said Nicholas, irritation creeping into his tone. “A little patience will not kill you, please do not start a fistfight with a teenager.”
Linden grinned at him, stretching her arms out in front of her chest. “I’m like, pretty certain the one with the airhorn is at least twenty.”
“Well, I mean,” said Nairi speculatively, eyeing the students. “All you really have to do is be flashier than them.”
One of the running students fell out of pitch with their friends, and someone complained in her peripheral. A car door slammed and there was the crunch of footsteps on gravel followed by a huff as someone else joined the spectators. Linden turned her grin back to Nairi. “Yeah? You got an idea?”
“Yeah,” said Nairi, stepping up to Linden and reaching past her into the car window.
The other items she wanted were on the front seat, and Linden’s grin only widened as Nairi pulled them out. The baseball bat was wooden and well used, with a long crack threatening to split it clean open and letter stickers in the world’s ugliest font spelling ‘LINDE’ down the length. There was a clean spot amongst the built-up grime under the ‘E’. The bottle of lighter fluid was about half full, and Nairi held the bat out in front of her to squirt the contents over it liberally, splattering the asphalt in front of them as she did so.
She reached around Linden, extending the same familiarity she’d been receiving from her for the last two weeks, and pulled the lighter out of her back pocket.
The bat lit up easily and Nairi twisted it around to hold it upright, offering it to Linden. Linden looked at her, wide eyed, and took the bat. She placed her other hand on Nairi’s shoulder and squeezed it gently. “You get me,” she said with warmth, before throwing her head back and cackling loudly, sprinting towards the crowd of students with the bat raised over her head.
Nicholas, next to her, made a faint, strangled noise. Behind her was a scoff and a loud voice. “Well. I’m guessing you must be Nairi.”
She turned and came face to face with an older woman in a rumpled men’s dress shirt and glasses who was glaring at her. She had red hair, natural as opposed to Linden’s box dye, and it was plaited out of the way to keep her tired face clear. Grey blue eyes stared down Nairi under her stern brow, and she uncrossed her arms to step forward into Nairi’s personal space. She was stocky and only a little shorter, barely having to raise her chin. “Just for reference,” she said, tone acerbic, “If I hear a single piece of news about young adult burn victims in the local urgent care facilities tomorrow? I will track you down and hold you personally responsible.”
She stepped away without waiting for an answer, glare sliding over to Nicholas. “You’re so right, Nicholas, I can see how much of a model presence she is,” she said in a way that even Nairi could read the sarcasm. “You remain a uniquely terrible judge of character.”
She strode across the street in the wake of Linden’s chaos. The students had mostly scattered with cheers and yells, and the girl with the megaphone was doubled over laughing in her shopping cart.
Nicholas was very slowly turning red, staring at Nairi with an unreadable expression. She coughed slightly and spun on one foot to follow the others across the street, trying to swallow her irritation at their judgement.
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