#do plan on putting it on amazon so i can get one and will probably share here
applesandbannas747 · 9 months
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A little peek at a side project I've been up to uwu
I wanted a fencing journal that was both obviously and subtly Fence-themed so I took it upon myself to make the merch I want in the world lmfao
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Part 18 with Luffy and Eri!Reader are sent to Amazon Lily together (If Reader does join him, my next request is going to be funny)
When Reader and Luffy finally land, they searched for some food, and found some mushrooms, only for them to both fall unconscious (Either from the mushrooms or actually getting something to eat after days of flying in the air)
Some of the Women were touching Reader’s horn (While she was asleep) since they’ve never seen anyone with a horn before, but they were shocked seeing the scars littered on her tiny body so they separated Reader from Luffy (They thought he was the one who hurt Reader since he’s a man) though she had to tell them he wasn’t (They didn’t believe her since he probably manipulated her)
Reader didn’t look at her brother when he didn’t have any clothes on because she was told by Sanji (After Franky joined) to never look there no matter what since it’s a big ‘No No’ area, especially if it’s a man or boy (She was confused about the ‘Jewels’)
The Amazon Women call Reader ‘Small One’ because of her age and tiny size
Reader and Luffy accidentally crashed in on Boa Hancock bathing and ran away from her, as she kept firing some heart shaped beam at them that did nothing (It didn’t affect them because Luffy isn’t attracted to Hancock and Reader’s very scared of how mean and intimidating she’s being *She’s not one to feel affection for others based on appearances, rather on personality*) even if Reader does gain affection for Hancock, her power would rewind herself from turning to stone
Reader was scared when Luffy had to fight to save the Women who helped them and tried to come in, only for Luffy to tell her to stay put as he doesn’t want her in danger
Though Reader does slowly start to like Hancock after she turned Marguerite and the others back from stone (As she also agreed with Luffy for them to be saved instead, as they’ll try to find their own way off the island)
Boa Hancock and her sisters find Kinship in Reader after learning about where her scars came from, as she got them from a ‘Bad Man’ (The Sisters develop fondness for Reader, especially since she’s still kind and sweet even after enduring such pain)
Hancock develops platonic feelings for Reader (Finding her adorable) as she felt weak to her knees when she saw Reader smile (Everyone felt weak seeing Reader’s sugary, closed eye smile)
However, Luffy and Reader both were horrified to find out Ace is being Executed! And rush over to Hancock to ask her to help them save their Brother Ace!
When Reader learns of Hancock’s ‘illness’ she pleads that if she can help then can Hancock help them! Only to her shock find out Hancock is actually okay! And feels relief knowing that ‘Miss Hancock’ is okay *She doesn’t realize Boa is in love with her Big Brother Luffy, as she thinks her illness is acting up whenever she sees her face get red and worriedly asks if she’s okay, which makes Boa’s face become even redder seeing Reader be so worried over her*)
I have the most ‘devious’ and ‘evil’ plan for the next request (It’s just chaotic and hilarious that’s centered around Eri!Reader and Boa Hancock) so when you reopen your request I hope you’ll like it (If you don’t want to do it it’s completely fine with me!)
Forgive me my dear, but I have other plans for Eri :3 and part 18 will be the Whitebeard War and the 2 Year Skip.
-“That bastard Kuma- I’m going to kill him when I see him! How could he do this to someone so young?!” you didn’t recognize the voice, they sounded angry, angry at the giant man who sent everyone away.
-You whimpered, your eyes opening and you found yourself surrounded by lots of unknown men, and tears quickly filled your eyes.
-The closest man, who had a tuft of yellow hair on top of his head, gently brushed some of the tears away, “Hey now Y/N- you’re safe now yoi. No tears.”
-You looked around, “Luffy- where’s Luffy?” they didn’t answer you, unable to because they didn’t know before you saw a giant man, one with a strange mustache peering at you over everyone else.
-He smiled down at you, “Don’t be scared Y/N.” your eyes went wide, shooting into a sitting position, you recognized that voice as your eyes softened, more tears welling, “Grandpa?”
-The men were quickly all panicking, seeing you in tears, not sure on what to do before someone shouted, “I wish Ace was here- he would know what to do!”
-You looked over at where the voice came from before you looked back up at Whitebeard, “Is Ace not here?”
-You felt fear when his look fell, looking upset, “No he’s not, he’s… Ace was captured, Y/N, by the marines, and they are wanting to execute him.” He didn’t sugar coat anything, something some of his sons scolded him for as you were stunned stiff.
-You then surprised everyone, wiping your tears with the back of your hands, “We need to go save him then!” your declaration quickly had laughter filling the room as Whitehead reached down, gently comforting you, “We’re already on our way.”
-Your eyes lit up brightly, “Really?” causing several heart related issues around the room before you asked what had happened, Marco, who was sitting next to you, spoke first, “We’re hoping you could tell us first.”
-So, you told them what had happened, with having fun at the amusement park, Camie getting kidnapped, Luffy punching a funny looking man in a bubble suit and you knocking his sister off the ladder to save Camie, then Kuma came and blasted everyone away.
-Whitebeard nodded softly, “That’s what we thought. You landed here on our ship in a paw print shaped crater. Seems that Kuma bastard knew that you would be safe here.” Instantly Marco and the nurses were yelling at Whitebeard, scolding him for using such language, which was rather comical to see.
-After you were cleaned up, as you weren’t heavily injured, just a little on your hands and knees, and dirty, you were brought into the galley by Izo, so you could get something to eat.
-Vesta couldn’t help but beam, giving you another cream puff, your cheeks looking like a chipmunks, as you were the center of attention, sitting on Whitebeard’s lap.
-You then spoke up, “How did Ace get captured? Ace is super strong!” hearing your praise of Ace did warm their heart, and you noticed everyone looking sad, Marco sighed, looking down at a handkerchief that was wrapped around his wrist, one that had dried blood on it.
-They told you of Thatch, and of Teach, or Blackbeard as he’s known by now, who attacked and killed Thatch for the Devil Fruit he had managed to find, and Ace went after him in revenge. The marines had been able to catch Ace when his back was turned, thanks to Blackbeard, knocking him back into their grasp.
-You were holding Marco’s hand, looking at the handkerchief, tears in your eyes, “Was Thatch nice? Was he a good big brother too?” Marco smiled gently at you, reaching up to brush a tear from your cheek, “He was- he was a goof ball, but he made good food and was a very good person.”
-You heard all you needed to know, and your horn flared to life, holding the handkerchief, and everyone froze as Thatch reformed, using his blood, much like how you did with Bellmere.
-Seeing what you were doing, Whitebeard went to stop you, as had heard from Ace that doing this would make you sick, but within only moments, Thatch was standing there, and he gasped in deeply- like he had been holding it, as his eyes shot open, clutching at his chest, shocked.
-Everyone was stunned, seeing what you had done. You smiled warmly as Thatch looked down at you and in an instant, they all now knew why the government was after you.
-You were sweating heavily, your cheeks flushed as you smiled warmly. You would have fallen off Whitebeard’s lap, had he not caught you, and instantly everyone was panicking, seeing that you had collapsed after bringing Thatch back from the dead!!
-Whitebeard and Marco were immediately shouting out orders as Whitebeard let him take you as he could get to the infirmary faster.
-Luckily it wasn’t as bad as it looked, just a nasty fever and you had fainted, and you had the best care possible as everyone was watching over you.
-Whitebeard stood on the deck of his ship, the other ships all around him as he spoke as they all were sailing towards Marineford, telling everyone around him, who all felt the same, that they were going to get Ace back, no matter what.
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theglamorousferal · 13 days
Persephone's Binding Part 12
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
"Ellie!" Danny shouted and then sped towards the source of the surprise attack. The person he tackled had the sides of her head shaved with a short mohawk the same snow white as Danny. She had four black studs in one ear and three studs on the other side that were teal, orange and pink. She was in black and white winter gear that had studs and spikes on her coat, gloves and boots.
She giggled as they roughhoused in the snow. She was about the same height and build as Danny and that prompted Jason to ask Jazz. "She's the clone sister, right?" He turned to where she had been standing to find she wasn't there. He glanced around to see her standing to the side speaking with Frostbite in quiet voices. Frostbite's face was full of concern. He handed her a bag, set his hand on her shoulder, then turned to go back to the exam room.
Jason watched as Jazz's shoulders rose and then slumped. He approached her, "Jazz?" Her shoulders hiked to her ears. "Is everything okay?" She turned around quickly and she had schooled her expression to seem casual and at ease.
"Nothing you need to worry about. Just Regent stuff. Did I hear Ellie?" She sped past him, securing the bag on her shoulder. He narrowed his eyes, but let the issue drop.
"Yeah, is she the clone sister you were telling me about?"
"Yes she is! She must be here for her shots, it's been roughly three months I think." She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted in the direction of the flying figures, "Hey, big sis wants a hug you gremlins!" She handed Jason the bag before she was tackled into the snow by two black and white blurs. Laughter broke from the pile of figures and after a few moments Jazz's hand shot out from the mass.
Jason helped her stand leading to them suddenly standing very close to each other and Jason looking up into those perfect teal eyes with flecks of luminescent gold swirling in them. Some of her hair began to float about them before twin coughs startled them both enough that they stepped away from each other.
Jason glared at Danny who put on a smile of innocence perfectly mimicked by Ellie. Jazz brushed the snow from her coat before reaching out for the bag. "So, Ellie, are you planning on staying for a little while before heading out again? Also where's Dante?"
Ellie blew the hair that had come loose from her mohawk out of her eyes before responding. "Yeah, I was planning on sticking around for at least a week since I heard about this whole 'sacrifice' thing." She seemed to bare her teeth at Jason before rolling her eyes. "As for Dante? Him and Skulker bet each other that they could break outta Walker's first a few days ago, I give them another day or two before we see them at all."
"Cool, so Ellie, this is Jason, he's the one who got sacrificed, we are still doing some research on what ritual was used so we can figure out how to break it so we can send him back to his home dimension."
Danny's innocent smile turned to a smirk. "I mean, we still gotta figure out which one he's from to be able to send him back. That could take a while. I say we make the most of it. Once Johnny's done with your bike, we'll do a little tour of my favorite places in the Realms. Probably can get that shard that's messing with your core taken care of too. I'm sure that Pandora would be willing to remove it if you agree to spar with her and introduce her to the Amazons you know once we find where you're from."
Jason's glare had changed to a smile, he turned to Jazz. "Maybe we can take a day and go to the Boardwalk?"
She had a wistful look on her face. "I wish I could, but duty calls I'm afraid. Which reminds me, we should head out soon. Ellie, are you coming with us?"
"Yeah, Frostbite cleared me this morning, I was just waiting for y'all to show up. I already put my backpack in the Speeder."
Jazz smiled. "Great, let's head out then, I have something that I need to take care of when we get back."
The other three watched as she marched herself towards the ship. They shared a look. Danny looked away first, biting his lip as he followed his sister. Jason and Ellie traded confused and alarmed faces before following.
The return trip was spent discussing places that Danny and Ellie wanted to show Jason while Jazz slowly reduced her white-knuckled grip in the wheel.
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
Before I Leave You (Pt.61)
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(Sneak Peek) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Not everything can go according to plan, sometimes, outside forces conspire to make even most of love stories...fraught.
Tags: Talk of trauma, Brief discussions of animal cruelty (not noodle), philosophical discussions, therapy talk, anxiety, non-sexual subspace, omegaspace, dom! Tae, mommy kink, trans! tae, Assassin! Jimin, referenced crime, violence, possessive behaviors,
W/c: 10.0k
A/n: ahhhhhh at the urging of a few of my followers i've made a little birthday list through amazon just like i did last year! my birthday isn't until the 15th but! i thought i might as well put it here since it's unlikely i'll have the chance to update again before my birthday. thank you guys for always loving me and supporting me even when i'm not being the most productive. I hope this next year means i get to write for you guys more and more <3 please don't feel pressured!
Previous part ~ Masterlist
Part of you wants to run away from her, not towards her as you knock on the library door. There's a soft throaty noise that you recognize as Tae's, inviting you to come in.
She clicks away on her computer, not looking up at you. You stand there in the doorway rocking on your heels for a moment. Her fingers fly across the keyboard, and her headphones are off one ear. Sometimes she gets so into her writing that her music shuts off and she forgets to turn it on. There is no hum coming from them and yet, she does not turn to you when you stand in the doorway.
“Tae?” she does not react, and your shoulders curl in, the ache of being a bother intensifying. Her clicking. You waiting. You wait until you can't any longer, the fear building-
Tae stops immediately, her wide brown eyes coquettish in how she looks at you (like she doesn’t know exactly what you want. What you need). Her eyes flick down to your knocking knees.
She opens her arms and you sit on her lap, falling into her a little with how quickly you rush to be enveloped by her touch. Needy. You are always so needy for her. With Tae, it's hard to be self-conscious about it.
Since she’s been spending so much time at home, she’s taken to wearing her flimsy little nightdresses at all hours of the day. Today's dress is white with cream-colored lace, down to her knees, rucked up by your sitting. Fuzzy slippers at the bottom and a thick robe that she’s been in all morning over top. She probably doesn't even realize that it's midday, as focused and as dedicated as she is.
You nuzzle into the collar where her robe has soaked up her scent more. And the hickeys that you left there yesterday, teasing at them with your teeth.
You know she kinda misses getting ready every day, that she misses doing her makeup and leaving for work like the rest of them. You’d promised that you’d accompany her to a coffee shop one day this week that you didn’t have therapy. Just so that she could get out of the house.
All of this takes adjustments. You’re both learning to ask for what you want and to endure what you know you need.
Therapy. The clock says that you have exactly 2 more hours until you need to leave with Jiminie but he’s not home yet. He’s not home yet and neither is Yoongi but your brain is swimming. Knots in your tummy. You don't want to go, you don't want to not go either and you don't know how to stop feeling this way.
“I don’t want to bother you, if you want to go back to writing you can- I’ll just-"
Tae catches your chin in her manicured hand, “What do you need.” It’s more of a command than a question. You sit there and Tae’s looking. Scrutinizing you, breaking you down with just a single look.
Your arms tighten around her shoulders, clinging to her when it becomes clear your neediness hasn’t escaped her notice. This thing clawing at your chest needs to be settled, to be constrained, it's something she can handle.
It comes out of you in a rush, a franticness to your scent that isn’t becoming of Tae’s softest little pup. “Can you make my brain shut off please?”
No sooner have the words slipped from your lips than Tae’s hands lace through your hair and tug hard. A taught breath bursts from you. Any other time you’d be ashamed of the noise you let out but she only purrs in contentment.
She pulls on your hair gently, making you arch your neck until you can't arch it anymore, like she's testing how far you're willing to go to obey her touch. Teasing your shoulders apart, making you not hunch without you consciously making the decision to shift your posture (one of these days, Jin and Tae really are going to posture train you, you have an unfortunate habit of hunching).
The kiss she plants in the hollow of your throat is nothing if not understanding. You're so pliant and malleable when you're overwhelmed. The breathless whine you let out is not sexual, there simply isn't room for any more wanting when the fullest breath of Tae’s dominance rushes over you like a wave.
Tae never raises her voice, never snaps. She doesn't need to to get you to do what she wants. Your eyes are glassy, looking at her when she lets you go, smiling at you as her fingers linger over your lips before she cups your jaw, fingers pressing hard into the joint until it opens. There you go pup, breathe.
“I’m going to tell you what to do, and it’s your job to do as I say pup, do you understand?”
“Yes Mommy.”
Coming Saturday October 7th at 5PM EST (Time zone adjustments below)
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hoshiko2000 · 15 days
So with production for Good Omens Season 3 officially halted, it does look like cancellation may be on the horizon. Because yeah, I really don't think Amazon would 'pause' production on a show this lucrative if there wasn't serious discussions currently going on about 'if' and 'how' it should continue. A production shuffle-up - ie. Neil Gaiman getting booted and new staff being put in charge - is certainly a possibility. But it is important to remember that this will still be a show that is written by him and very intrinsically linked to his brand. And whether fans or studios will still have an appetite for it considering this fact is something that has to be seriously considered.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that as disappointing as it would be, cancelling Good Omens season 3 may be the hard but right decision. And, frankly, if season 2 is anything to go by, we may not be missing out on too much to be honest.
But on a serious note, I do want to use this news as an opportunity to share my own thoughts on the situation, which I will do under the cut (and as is probably obvious, there are trigger warnings for references to SA).
Despite Neil Gaiman's works being a massive part of my content here on this tumblr - and yes, that is something I am very aware of- I've not posted about the sexual assault allegations up until now for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm a working adult in my 30s; tumblr is very much a place I come to chill, I'm far too old (and frankly, tired) to get involved in discourse or heated fandom debates (not that those are the correct terms to use to refer to rape allegations but you catch my drift). But the other reason is that these revelations have honestly devasted me, in a way that I'm still processing and doesn't feel like an exaggeration to describe as grief, a feeling I'm sure is echoed by many other people.
Neil Gaiman's works have been a massive part of my adult life, and while I know it sounds like a cliche, they have gotten me through some incredibly difficult times. Coming to terms with the fact that such beautiful, thoughtful, empathetic novels and series have been written by a rapist has been incredibly difficult.
What has also been incredibly difficult to come to terms with is the fact that the incredible queer representation that has drawn so many of us to his television works in recent years was, in hindsight, indisputably a grooming tactic. And yes, grooming is the right word.
The grooming of communities is not something that is often discussed but is absolutely a thing. Predators groom victims to gain access to them, and they groom the people around both the victim and themselves to make it seem unbelievable when the victim later comes forward. And this can happen parasocially too. In the case of Neil Gaiman, he groomed his fanbase by constructing a calculated image as vocal a LGBT ally, drawing in queer fans and creating a smokescreen of apparent empathy and kindness to cast doubt on the future allegations he likely knew would inevitably catch up with him.
I really want to stress - particularly for younger fans - that no one is stupid or somehow culpable for having been fooled by Gaiman, for having supported his works previously, and for continuing to support his works now. I myself have no intention to leave the fandoms I am already a part of, and I genuinely do not believe anyone is under any sort of pressure or obligation to do so. The separation of the art from the artist is a very tricky subject and not something that can ever be done entirely. And if I'm honest I'm not really sure how to navigate this myself, or what this is going to mean for me in the future.
But to get back to the subject of my blog, yes I am planning to continue reposting content related to Good Omens and Dead Boy Detectives. However the latter differs drastically in that the series was not actually written by Neil Gaiman and is effectively an author-approved spin-off of one of his works. Good Omens on the other hand I have more complicated feelings towards, and at this point I am not sure how I feel about future series being made, with or without Gaiman's involvement.
I'm sorry if this post is a rambling mess, it has taken me a lot of time to build up to being able to share my thoughts, and while there is a lot more I could say I will stop here. But on a closing note, let's just be kind to each other. This situation is awful, lets not make it any worse. Give space for the victims, give space for the fans, and give space to people to continue to enjoy fandom spaces without making assumptions about where they stand on these allegations. It is a hard time, but things will get better, and these fandom spaces will continue to be a positive place for people to exist online. Lets keep it that way.
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j-l-kepler · 4 months
BG3 - How I Make Single Saves with Multiple Tavs on PC (No Mods Required)
Hey hey BG3 buds
So one day when I was very sick and a little bit delirious, I decided to try making a multiplayer save so I could play twins in BG3. I'm a twin who loves twin narratives, and my half-conscious state demanded I bend the laws of reality to see some authentic twin content for some reason. Little did I know my clunky little influenza-fueled experiment would completely change how I play the game, because I haven't made a fresh single-Tav save since...
I've got 2 different methods (one I use more since it just works for me).
Keep in mind I have a relatively beefy PC and I also own 2 Xbox controllers I got for like $27 on Amazon (not proud of that source). So if your PC is already struggling to run this game on the lowest graphics, and/or you don't have the money for 2 controllers you might not otherwise use, this might not be very helpful!
Also keep in mind I have only used these methods to get 2 Tavs/Origins in one playthrough. They can probably get more. I just haven't tested my abilities that far yet.
I also call this the Two-Instance method. This is the method I started with months ago, and I've struggled to recreate it myself but I also haven't really tried that hard.
For this, all you need is BG3. It helps to have a secondary monitor, but it's not necessary. You might need Mod Manager, but you don't need Mods.
For clarity: I use the word "instance" to refer to the different BG3 windows you will have open.
Load your first instance of BG3 (I don't think you should close your launcher). Go to your settings and make it so it's a smaller window you can drag your mouse off of. This'll make it easy to see both of your instances at once and swap between them.
Load a second instance of BG3 (same thing, don't close that launcher right now). I believe I did this by directly loading the exe from my File Explorer or via the Mod Manager to bypass launching it via Steam. I think the way I did it was I went to Mod Manager, swapped my "profile" from my Steam to "Public" so it wouldn't try opening my Steam instance.
Go to Multiplayer on either instance and start a local closed multiplayer game. Get a multiplayer access code so only people with the code can join your game.
Enter that code in your other instance.
Go through the character creator and start the game on both instances like normal.
Once your Tavs/Durges/Origins have climbed out of their pods, save on your main instance of the game.
Once you've saved, have your second instance quit the game.
If all goes according to plan, your Tavs can now be controlled on one instance, and will follow each other like any other party member!
Fun fact, I didn't figure out the "disconnect your game" bit until I had already recruited Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart the first time I did this. I was playing the game by swapping back and forth every ten steps to keep the party together because I'm a genius.
Don't do that. Disconnect your other run as soon as your characters can be controlled. Good God. Don't be like me. It was so tedious.
You can probably use this method to get up to 4 Tavs in one playthrough if your PC can handle it.
This is the method I use the most because it's way easier. Like. WAY easier, both on my PC and on my braincells.
This method requires 2 compatible controllers for your PC. I use Xbox controllers because I'm more familiar with the configuration and I have 2 from my streaming days.
Connect both of your controllers to your PC/laptop at the same time.
Open BG3 (only 1 instance) and start a local multiplayer game.
Push A on the first controller to activate it if you didn't already (I always default to keyboard so I wait until I enter this screen to turn on the controller).
Turn on the second controller by pressing A. Accept that controller in-game, putting 2 players total in your multiplayer lobby.
Start the game. You'll now be in a split-screen where both views are visible.
Customize your characters and launch (I usually design the Tavs in a single-player ahead of time so I know what options to pick. In my case, if I take too long, it crashes my game so this is a time-saver. I think this is because of my mods).
Once your Tavs/Durges/Origins are out of their pods, SAVE your game and unplug BOTH controllers. If you only unplug one, it usually changes on of your avatars to keyboard control without going into single-player mode, so I always do both for good measure.
If all goes according to plan, you can now control both like they're companions/avatars! If you use controller, just plug your controller back in.
This method is way faster and way less convoluted, but it also requires the controllers to get it to work as far as my tests have gone.
If you have 4 controllers, you can probably get 4 Tavs in one playthrough.
It can make for interesting roleplay opportunities! Having 2 characters that don't have a defined story can be a lot of fun as a player. I like familial relationships between Tavs (my Markolac Twins are my favorite example), but it's also a fun way to get a Durge and a Tav in one run.
Building off the previous point, you can explore more stories and character relationships in one run. You can do two romances in one run, have one Tav hate a certain character and the other really like them, etc - it's a cool way to experience the companions without having to make a fresh save every time you want to explore a certain avenue.
If your Tavs are the first two party slots, you get more chances to hear them react in-world to stuff as you walk around, which is really fun and makes your characters feel more alive.
Unless you use the Party Limit Be Gone mod, that's now another slot in your party that cannot be used by a Companion, potentially limiting how many unique interactions you get. This method is compatible with the Party Limit Be Gone, so if you're okay with modding, it's a non-issue.
This is a me-problem, but I already spend like 2 hours every time I load playing dress-up with my Tav. If I have another Tav, that's another 2 hours. No wonder only 1 of my active saves has made it to Act 3.
You can't have 2 Durges in one save. Pas possible. That's an Origin character. Tavs, you can have loads of.
If you have a Durge in your party, your Tav and even Hirelings will spout off the Durge walking around lines. It is extremely funny to me.
As far as my understanding goes, 4 Avatars is your cap even if you have Party Limit Be Gone. If you need more custom characters for your roleplay, get some mods and alter some hirelings. I can't attest to how STABLE that'll make your saves, so do that at your own risk.
I hope this helps you 2-Tav peeps who just wanna walk around with their blorbos and their OCs in this cool cool game.
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shinyzango · 4 months
So, about that "A Steampunk Carol" graphic novel...
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I totally did not forget to make the post about it like I promised I am so sorry.
For those who are not familiar with it, long story short a while ago I came across a Kickstarter project for what seemed to be a steampunk adaptation of the Nutcracker story and was bummed that I missed out on it and wasn't able to support and secure a copy for myself, but a fella made me aware that it did actually get published in Italy a few years ago, and that it was sold on Amazon. And after discovering that there was literally only one copy left, I bought it on a whim to both read it and to hopefully attract more attention to it for reasons I'll discuss in just a bit.
I'm just going to say that I'm very back at writing reviews so apologies if this doesn't say anything at the end or if you didn't get the answers to your questions dkfjgn
Alright, now for the book itself.
First things first, the story. I won't go into details right now as I do not want to spoil folks in case this does get released in english to a wider public, but I can add a Spoilers section in the future where I explain in detail what happens if I get asked about it.
The story, like I said, is an adaptation of the Nutcracker And The Mouse King, but it is quite different in many elements, and spices things up quite a bit, especially after the introduction.
Sadly it feels quite rushed in its execution imo, I assume it's because they had to fit everything in a single volume. Which is a shame because there are many concepts and ideas that are very fascinating and interesting, both for the plot and for the characters themselves.
Speaking of the characters, they are quite unique and interesting.
The main kid, Caitlin, who is the Clara/Marie of the story, can be a little sassy, but she still feels grounded and has a good balance between putting down her foot and being nervous about the situation. I don't mind her character.
The Nutcracker, who is only called Schiaccia (just a shortened "Schiaccianoci" which is nutcracker in italian. I assume he's called Cracker in english if they kept that logic), feels solid. He's a loyal soldier, skilled but does show hints of insecurities. A good lad.
The mice are great as well, I'm really intrigued by the lore they cooked up for them, and the Mouse King is actually not bad, and I like what they did with his character.
There's also another supporting character, a tin soldier who goes by Sergeant Idle. He is basically a companion to the Nutcracker. He is basically a plot tool, helping with the backstory and moving the story forward, but not in a bad way. He's very enjoyable.
I would have loved to see them all explored further, but like I said it all feels rushed probably because it had to stick all in a single volume. I don't know if the authors ever considered this to become a series or if it's just a one-shot story, but I would honestly love to see this evolve into a series, if only because I love the characters and I would love to know more about the lore they cooked up for it more in detail, letting all the elements have the time to shine.
Moving on to the graphic...
I love Lorenza's art style. It looks very sketchy, with a clean roughness to it if that makes sense. And I really like all the designs of the characters.
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(Apologies for the glares, I tried my hardest to limit them as much as possible. also ngl I'm giggling a little seeing how Schiaccia looks similar to my Hans skdfkjhn)
All in all, I really like this adaptation. It's unique and enjoyable, if only a little rushed.
Like I mentioned before, this was Kickstarted a while ago to get properly published in english. It was successfully funded and as far as I know, they're currently in the process of printing copies if not even shipping them for the backers. I still don't know if the folks at Last Ember Press are planning in making it available to purchase outsite the Kickstart, but I really hope so because I do think this deserves to be available to everyone.
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
The Witch King
This is not like, a coherent review or anything.
Yesterday I was just like possessed with anxiety nonstop the whole day and everything I did seemed to make it worse and i just like spun my wheels and I got some things done but mostly felt worse and worse and more and more stressed, due partly to external circumstances but largely, i think, to nothing in particular. And finally after dinner I was sitting on the couch comfortably and realized you know what, fuck it, I am not going to "try to write" and wind up refreshing tumblr and chatting on discord all night, not while I'm already fretting and stewing like this, i'm going to be miserable and probably get in a fight or something and i don't want that. Fuck it. So I went to the tab I already had open in my browser, which I'd had open for weeks but the time was never right, and I bought the kindle version of Witch King and read it right there in my browser, the whole way through, did not click away or put it down or move or do anything else, and you know what it was fantastic.
I'd read a preview and been like hm i don't know what this is about and read a couple of amazon reviews that were like this was really confusing, some of which concluded so i didn't like it and some of which concluded so i super liked it, and like, I've been a fan of Martha Wells since she put the Element of Fire up for free chapter by chapter on her Livejournal when the rights reverted to her in like 2006 or so, so I knew what I was going to get and also knew that I would not particularly know exactly what I was going to get until I got it, and I also knew I was going to enjoy the ride, but I hadn't wanted to read it in stolen or exhausted moments lest the "this is confusing" bits prove too much.
In the end I found it not in the slightest bit confusing, it was a very straightforward interspersed flashbacks storytelling technique that i thought suited the story beautifully (not to be spoilery but we join a character in medias res with an action scene and it's him trying to figure out who has betrayed him in a complicated political scenario, and in the process of unspooling this he has to revisit the site of where the complicated political scenario was first set up, some sixty (?) years earlier, so he's retracing his own steps and it's really well done I think, introducing new bits of history right as they're relevant to the current storyline-- and just fantastically done, not at all forced, completely natural and compelling, and no the reader isn't told anything they don't need to know but you do get everthing you need to know, there's no unneccessary coyness at all).
So anyway i loved that, and I hope there's a sequel planned but it stands alone just fine if not, I'm already figuring i'll alternate my rereads and do every other chapter each time, so I can do All The Backstory first, then All The Current Timeline story, and that's such a fun way to eke out many many many rereads of a story that like all of Wells' works I will reread until I have chunks of them memorized (anyone who has read my works surely has found whole undigested bits of hers bobbing around in there because I do this so much; I found the phrase weary past bearing in something of mine the other day and was like oh that's moon when ember first shows up i stole that whole emotion wholesale out of the third raksura book yes i did).
Little side notes: Love the aroace qpr vibes with Kai and Zeide, also sort of enjoy the lowkey genderfuckery that comes with a demon who has his own gender then inhabiting bodies that had different genders. Great magic system too, and I love that we first get introduced to how Kai's pain magic works as a like totally fait accompli chunk of didactic worldbuilding and then in a later chapter we get to see the flashback of him inventing it and understand why it works the way it does, that was also so well-wrapped-up.
Anyway-- Definitely recommend this one but probably it is best if you can do it like I did, in one big binge-read. It took me probably three hours and I was trying hard not to read it too fast.
Yeah. Anyway. People assume I'm a big reader. I was, as a kid. I am not now. This is the first new book I've read since probably the spring sometime. I don't casually read things i only read them if I'm going to add them to my Pantheon of Rereads, and that goes for fic too mostly.
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How do you think Alastor will react to the realization that it is actually possible for Sinners to be redeemed if and/or when word of Pentious's ascension gets back to the Hotel? He seemed sincere in his desire to watch demons struggle and fail to better themselves when he first hired himself into the position of facility manager, but since S1 it seems more likely he's really only there to get his hooks into Charlie and doesn't actually care if the Hotel succeeds or fails as long as he gets what he wants out of the princess.
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"The world's a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment" -Alastor
Hello my pal,
Pilot Alastor does seem more motivated by his whims and wanting entertainment. (I mean, if you have to all eternity...Things get mundane...) But with Amazon picking up the show, he clearly has more motives beside being at the hotel for funsies. I'm sure, he always meant to have a lot of plot around him before Amazon but we actually get content and episodes to feed us.
Side note: I love both versions of Alastor. But I like pilot slightly more. I think his voice is more fitting for the transatlantic radio host voice (no offence of the current one at all. He doing great and probably done a better job on delivery...I mean that Fuck you was perfect.) Also, I really miss Alastor boots/hoofs click clacking around the hotel when he walked. I wish they kept that sound effect.
I think his reaction would really depend on who he contracted to and what his real hidden objective is with the hotel. Like...is he chained to Lilith and he not there for the hotel but to protect and help Charlie?
Or is he there to make sure the hotel fails to prevent an uprising, and forcing Heavens hand?
Is he placed there to get close and keep on eye on things and trick Charlie?
Is he there to make sure it succeeds so Heaven foundations begin to crumble and plants seeds of doubt amongst other things.
Overall, I think Alastor believe redemption was a loss cause. Even, if he was told my his contractor that it was possible he always doubted it. He made his point in the pilot. Paraphrase: Sinners are past redemption. Their chance was the life they lived before, the punishment of their actions is Hell. I think Alastor truly believes that. Or at least wants it to be that way. We know Alastor was a serial killer with a weird moral code and killed people who deserved it. I think Alastor would hate the idea that his victims has a chance for a place in Heaven if he hadn't double dead them already. Alastor knows how terrible people can be...hes one of them. I think the idea sinners like him having a chance to share a space with his mother in heaven puts a foul taste in his mouth.
So when its proven Redemption is possible. I think he will be quite stunned and shocked. He'll act ecstatic for show and probably his generally happy for Charlie achieving her dream. But depending the reason why he there and how he owns him, he going to be strongly conflicted.
Possible panic/nervous if he failed his objective and had to deal with the person who owns his soul, as they will be very displeased with him because of that fact. Perhaps worried, because it furthers his master's objective *CoughCough Roo CoughCough* Which is something he personally against, but doesnt have a say in the matter. Or maybe he just painfully conflicted as he knows the playing field is nearly completed on being set up and the time to betray Charlie and the others is rapidly approaching. -He grew attached to them and he faltering on the idea to betray (destroy?) them. Panics as years of planning and effort to fulfilling his masters objective that would release him from his deal once completed...only to hesitate because of some fond feelings for naive weaklings? Afraid to incur his master wrath and lost of freedom if he failed because he was swayed by his pathetic feelings. Or maybe hes excited because his part of the deal is over...but still feel conflicted as it would place the hotel and its people in a bad and dangerous position.
This is why Alastor is such a fun character. He a wild card. He can go in any direction...Hell, he can go in all directions. He can rationally plan and think one way, his feelings going screw that and head in another direction, fulfilling his obligations as overlord and hotelier in another direction, and his chained soul can just flip off all the former force them to go in the direction directed by the master holding the chain.
I believe despite Alastor disbelieving in redemption in the beginning, or maybe slightly oppose it. He is slowly warming up (but still not even room temperature) to the idea as his fondness grows to the residents of the hotel. He observes how the residence became better. How some (Angel) gone through enough in Hell that perhaps his sins he committed in his short life has been overpaid. Eternity is long and can be harsh...as some sinners may already sin once to be damned for all of eternity.
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3liza · 2 years
Where do you get your corsets? I'm planning to buy one but don't know where to look for ones that are good AND affordable
hi! corsets are one of those hobbies that has like a huge huge stacks of Official Opinions about it from various experts that you technically should read and internalize, BUT, because anatomy and use cases are so incredibly different from person to person, the actual "best corset" for you might be a "bad corset" according to the experts.
That disclaimer out of the way, the current best sources of up to date corset info are probably /r/Corsets (i hate reddit but this sub is usually chill) and Lucy's Corsetry. reading the FAQs on both sites before you buy anything is a really good idea. both places are vocally pro-trans and pro-disability and pro-fat, three populations that intersect with corsetry a lot. the FAQs about "seasoning" corsets and how to take your measurements for a good fit are both really important.
/r/corsets has a blacklist with warnings about certain brands, especially Corset Story and Orchard Corsets. if you arent serious hardcore waist training and putting serious wear and tear on your corsets I'm not sure you need to take those warnings too seriously, but those brands are known to have non-anatomical patterns and to experience structural failures like the boning breaking or poking through the corset etc, which can be dangerous for tight lacers who are putting the corset under a lot of pressure. wearing a bad pattern for long term use can also cause injury to some people, but i think these warnings apply mostly to people with standard anatomy.
if you buy a corset with a weird pattern, and the weird pattern just happens to fit your weird body better than a "good" corset, then thats just how it goes. the important thing is to pay attention to body signals and stop wearing stuff that makes you hurt, numb, tingly, or have any other bad physical feedback. short term discomfort is fine, like if you need to wear it for an event or photoshoot, but long term tightlacing in a bad fit can hurt you!
for cheapies, i have had good luck with the ShaperX brand on Amazon (the steel-boned ones, not the latex 'waist trainers': those are not corsets and are useless for waist training, despite the name). these are fast fashion, low quality corsets! but they are strong enough to lace fairly tightly. they are probably not "safe" and if/when i transitioned into serious tightlacing i probably would not stick with these. i actually like that they are worse-constructed than my more expensive and good quality corset from Timeless Trends because the shittier ones are more flexible. I haven't tried Mystic City corsets yet but they have a LOT of different models for different body shapes and probably fit really well.
my holy grail corset is the Power Corset by Crimson Rose corsetry. this corset is probably the future of corsetry, and actually bends.
the seamstress has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and makes/wears her corsets as medical assistive devices as well as fashion. this corset rocks and everyone loves theirs, but it's about $350 so not a lot of people have one yet.
for trans corsetry in particular, there are some special considerations depending on if your skeleton has certain shapes. Timeless Trends makes a model called the Libra which is for larger ribcages. you can also wear a corset upside-down if the larger hip measurements will fit your ribcage better. and like i said, Mystic City has tons of different shapes for all different torso anatomy considerations.
if you are skinny and bony like me, fitting a corset will be much harder than it is for normal people! this is because the corset will be touching your skeleton instead of a nice layer of flesh. theres no way around this, its just harder so you should be aware of it going in if youre skinny.
theres debate about this topic but you CAN semi-permanently change your waist size with corseting. if you stop wearing the corset for weeks or months you will probably go back to normal, but the lower ribs are very squishy and so is the abdominal fat. long term corseting will move your ribs a bit, and will also squeeze out some retained water from your abdominal fat, which will make your waist slightly smaller. it will also act like an external stomach stapling, you can fit less food inside you when youre corseted. some people find this helpful if they want to cut down on calorie consumption, and some people lose weight when corseting. but you dont have to if you dont want to. some people find corsets HELP their digestion issues, somepeople find the opposite.
there is debate about THIS topic as well but it is my observation and belief that the clothes we wear DO change the shape of our bodies. this is observable in how fat moves around from contact with waistbands, bra bands and straps, and how the nude form of humans has changed demonstably since the origin of photography. nude pinups of girls in the 1800s look different than modern ones. their torsos are corset-shaped. it is my supposition that corseting during HRT could help move the fat around during those body changes. there has been zero study on this so im speaking completely off the cuff, but I think it could help significantly and would love to see some case studies.
heres a gallery of before/after photos on Lucy's site. the results are extremely interesting. there are no trans women represented here but i dont see why it wouldnt work for them too. Here are some photos from the gallery (these are not photos of me):
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one thing my corset does for me is make my blood pressure more normal. this is because i have POTS, and there are tons of blood vessels in the abdomen. this is called the splanchnic vascular bed, and before i found out about this i couldnt figure out why it felt so awful to relax my stomach muscles and "let it all hang out". my abdominal and pelvic muscles are permanently clenched according to a few doctors, which is common with EDS patients, but until recently i didnt realize it had POTS involvement too. it's because im straining to hold my blood vessels together all the time. the corset does this FOR me, which is why im so focused on finding a corseting solution i can wear as much as possible. right now im struggling with the skinny issue because my corsets are poking some bony surfaces and triggering nerve pain sometimes. annoying!!
corsets are very tough garments and last forever, so the secondhand market is strong. depop, poshmark, ebay, and Corsets for Sale and Corsets ON Sale on FB are all good sources but require some shopping time investment. timeless trends has a returns section on their website with discounts, and Orchard Corsets sells their samples, damaged merchandise, and other discounted pieces on eBay (remember this is one of the "bad" brands so only buying them discounted is probably a good idea).
thats all i can think of for now!
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moonshine-nightlight · 3 months
Would you ever release signed copies of Don't Shoot the Messenger?
the short answer is: yes, i'd love to do signed copies of 'Don't Shoot the Messenger'!
the long answer is: logistics are hard lol. in order for me to hav copies to sign, i'd hav to order author copies from amazon (paying for them in advance personally), sign them, and then mail them to ppl myself. this is definitely doable, but the mechanism for selling since it wouldn't b through amazon itself and actually collecting payment/mailing info would hav to be worked out.
a vague plan that i hav in mind now would be either to just do a limited run where people can essentially pre-order paperbacks via not amazon for lik a month that they were available and then i'd know how much to get and sign etc. i dont hav a patreon so i think i would try to do it through kofi where if u pay a set amount and say its for a signed copy i would then be able to send a signed book to u, after i messaged back for your address to mail it. this would obviously only work small scale but would likely more than suffice for now.
or if i decide to add a hardcover version, i could offer signed hardcovers as a promotion for a similar limited time and via a similar process as above. i'll probably do a poll at some point to see if anyone would even want a hardcover. same for dale
when will i hav the time to look deeper into all this and put it in action? no idea. life's been extremely busy, but its definitely been on my radar and i will try to make it happen in the next coming years.
i suppose if i ever did some sort of in-person book/author event after Dale is out, i might be able to offer signed books in person, but that'd likely b hard to reach for most ppl lol
until then, only one person has a signed copy - one of my beta readers who i thanked in my acknowledgements for being so wonderfully supportive!
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liesmyth · 2 years
What is wheel of time and should I start it tomorrow?
Wheel of Time is an epic fantasy series by the late Robert Jordan. It's epic in scope, in length, and in its insanely large cast of characters. It's fascinating. The worldbuilding is insane, but also familiar (partly because it relies on widespread fantasy tropes, partly because it made many of those tropes popular for many books published later). The characters are exasperating but deeply human; I love SO many of them and appreciate so many others. It's very Of Its Time in some regards, especially re: its handling of gender roles and sexuality, but it's also surprisingly progressive and queer in intent even when the execution falters, and I really appreciate a lot that it even tried to Go There, because it was Very formative for me as a young teen. It's also one of those books where you can see the author's kinks all over the place (both narrative and otherwise) and tbh? it's a bit cringe but lots of fun. Also it’s very well written; the plot is as Epic as epic fantasy gets but it’s really the character moments that make the reader invested in the story. I just love it a lot, ngl.
Fun fact: I am now today on tumblr dot com, blogging in english, because sometimes around age 15 even though I fucking hated english class in school I just couldn’t wait for the latest books to come out in my country so I had to become fluent enough to read a 700-pages novel by myself. THAT is the grip this series had on me.
Some things I am now into because of reading WoT starting at age eleven.
codependent magical bonds with loyalty kink thrown in (if you’re familiar with TLT, think necro/cav but usually f/m. Not always though :) )
femdom. both F/f and F/m varieties
Propesized Savior trying to kill their humanity to become a figure larger than history (before realizing that's bullshit)
what if monastic(ish) order of sole women but also we had sex about it
unfortunately. a lot of weird kinks. I will elaborate on request but it’s better if I don’t right off the bat.
no, I lied. It wasn’t unfortunate. I appreciate it when authors are brave enough to let the banner of their id fly high
ruined civilizations and newer, less advanced civilizations rising from the wreckage. the collective understanding that you live in a post-apocalypse world. old scientific principles becoming magic
confronting your alternate dimension self, as a treat
dream sex
devil-may-care rogues who actually care a lot
alien morality, or cultural differences so big that they fundamentally are the same thing
people who are SO Wrong about everything but are 100% committed to their own personal moral code
whatever the fuck Mat’s luck had going on
“I know what my destiny is but I say: fuck you”
I can’t stress enough how many of my kinks (narrative; sexy in fiction only; sexy in RL) came directly from this series. Like, I know I’ve already said that but putting together this list made me think and. Oh my god.
More practical information: there are 14 books. Yes, I know. The first book is The Eye of the World - it's fun and probably not exceptional even though you can feel the hints of how grand and insane the greater worldbuilding will be, and some characters really shine (Nynaeve!). The second book is where it really gets original, the third book is where I went from "books I like" to "series OF ALL TIME". If you don’t like it by book 4 then give up. If you like book 4 as much as I did you will never ever want to give up.
There's also an Amazon Prime show, currently S1 has been released! I haven't watched it beyond the first ep, but plan to do it soon; it's a lot more f/f than the books and the back half had some pacing issues (partly due to COVID fucking with the production) but definitely very iddy from what I've heard, and I’m very excited to check it out in time for S2.
tldr PLEASE read wheel of time!
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jinxed-sinner · 5 months
Alright here's my full (possibly hot) take on redesigning Hazbin Hotel characters and making a video showcasing those redesigns while you criticize the official designs.
First and foremost, you are redesigning someone else's OCs. Hazbin Hotel is, in essence, a passion project for Viv. How she talks about it makes that incredibly clear to me. The only difference between Hazbin Hotel and, for example, the story I'm developing surrounding some of my D&D OCs is that Hazbin Hotel got picked up by a streaming service and is significantly more popular than most passsion projects get.
Personally if someone wanted to redesign my D&D OCs, I wouldn't mind it, in fact I'd probably think it was really cool that someone would want to redesign one of my OCs to be closer to their tastes in terms of what they like to draw. I would, however, be made incredibly uncomfortable if someone made a video redesigning them where they also pointed out everything they thought was wrong with the designs. I didn't design these specific D&D characters to be 1-to-1 accurate to their classes in D&D or to look professionally designed. I designed them how I wanted them to look for the story I'm telling because I don't plan to ever play them in a campaign. The main character Avlan is a paladin, and I can acknowledge that his design might not look exactly like a paladin. One of the tabaxi in the story (Ice) is a bard and the other (Spark) is a ranger, and I acknowledge that their classes might not come across well in their designs. The single tiefling I've designed for this story (Tragedy) is a cleric but might not come off as one in their design. But I specifically designed them to be easy for me to draw because I want to be able to tell this story through my art. Having someone say "oh, Avlan's armor isn't paladin enough!" or "Avlan's fur colors and patterns should be closer to a wild rabbit's because harengon shouldn't be based on domestic rabbit colors!" would fucking hurt (especially because I'm so attached to Avlan, but it would hurt just as much if similar comments were made about Ice, Spark, or Tragedy). I am so passionate about these characters and being told their designs are bad or wrong in some way would be like a stab in the heart, and it would still feel like a stab in the heart if this story ever got a massive fandom behind it. Giving Avlan more complex armor because you think it'd look cool or just want to see what it'd look like? Sure, if I could draw more complex armor I'd give him more complex armor too. Giving him more complex armor but also shitting on the armor I decide to draw him with? My motivation to draw him in his armor, potentially draw him period, would be dead for WEEKS.
Why is it suddenly okay just because someone's passion project was picked up by Amazon Prime? Why is it suddenly okay to be "fixing" someone's character designs just because the project has a much bigger budget than most artists get and is on a popular streaming service? It's not. I don't care if you're a professional character designer, or think a specific character would look better with certain traits, or just don't like the character designs.
Hazbin Hotel is still Vivienne Medrano's passion project, and redesigning her characters and making videos talking about everything you think is "wrong" with them is, honestly, disgusting. You can make videos explaining your choices in your redesigns without putting down the designs that already exist, whether you like them or not. Me thinking Lucifer looks better with his tail not restricted to his full demon form doesn't suddenly mean I don't like his official design, because I fucking love it. If you wouldn't do it to an artist whose passion project is just a webcomic here on Tumblr, don't fucking do it to an artist whose passion project got picked up for a cartoon by a big streaming service (or any company for that matter).
#hazbin hotel#vent#kinda#i just think it's a weird double standard#'yeah don't fix people's art! unless theyre working on a project that was picked up by a big company then it's fine to fix their art'#like???#why is that a mentality that exists?? they're still viv's characters#and you can still redesign them without shitting on the official designs#pretty much all of my redesign notes for hazbin hotel are 'how can i make this character easier and more fun for me to draw'#because i specialize in furry art. i don't usually draw humanoids lol#so giving vox some shark traits for example or making adam more birdlike would make them more fun for me to draw#why can't we redesign them based on that without saying 'i think it's weird that this decision was made for this character's design'#they're still viv's characters. they're still her designs. stop pointing out everything you think is wrong with them for fucks sake#we don't need to talk about hazbin's character designs. we don't need to 'fix' them#just say they aren't for you and move on. there's literally nothing inherently wrong with them#i also feel like not enough people actually do research into the historical contexts of some characters#and i think it'd be really fuckin cool to see people redesign characters more based on headcanons based on that than anything#look into how the mafia operated in new york in the early/mid 1900s for angel. look into radio hosts in the 1920s for alastor.#look into las vegas culture during husk's lifetime for husk. look into the culture surrounding tv hosts in the 1950s for vox.#LOOK INTO THE CULTURE OF THE ELIZABETHAN ERA FOR ZESTIAL.#(i just presented zestial ideas to anyone who wants them on a silver platter. you're welcome)#(also new headcanon that zestial was friends with shakespeare in life because why the fuck not)#(when the tags get wildly out of hand)
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realcube · 3 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @nichupichu
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I am blunt and sometimes way too honest. My sarcasm is easily misunderstood because I tend to have a very emotional less face.'
𓆩♡𓆪 ushijima is that way too so i don't think he'd really mind
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact he'd probably appreciate how straight-forward you are
𓆩♡𓆪 since he doesn't mess around either
𓆩♡𓆪 he's got enough silliness going on with tendou and the rest of the team so he'd defo suit someone who matches his vibe
𓆩♡𓆪 especially because a lot of other people are put-off by his bluntness and honesty , so it's a relief when you not only accept him for the way he acts, but also act in a way that's similar
𓆩♡𓆪 as for the sarcasm , he is okay at detecting it
𓆩♡𓆪 like he's not awful or oblivious but he's also not like.. analysing every infelection of your voice
𓆩♡𓆪 but the big difference with ushi is that he isn't afraid to ask if he thinks you're being sarcastic but he's not 100%
𓆩♡𓆪 so that would save you both a lot of miscommunication lol
'I need someone who is patient'
𓆩♡𓆪 ushi doesn't think of himself as patient and would never advertise himself as such but he so is , without even realising it
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would repeat himself 1000 times if he needs to, and he's not going to be bothered by it
𓆩♡𓆪 even if he doesn't know you are HOH
𓆩♡𓆪 he still wouldn't mind it at all
𓆩♡𓆪 he's also patient with you in other ways too
𓆩♡𓆪 like he'll explain his volleyball matches to you and go over specific details over and over if you don't understand
𓆩♡𓆪 (he would do the same for schoolwork but he's not very bright so there isn't much he could explain to you that you don't already know haha)
𓆩♡𓆪 equally he's very patient when you are telling him about a book you are reading/a art piece you are working on and you are trying to pull up a picture of it on your phone but the signal is so bad that you're both just staring at a loading screen for ages
'I wish for someone laid-back and easy-going who, at the same time, doesn’t shy away from experiencing new adventures.'
𓆩♡𓆪 on all level except volleyball, ushi is the definition of easy-going
𓆩♡𓆪 he is the epitome of just wanting to spend time with you no matter what y'all do
𓆩♡𓆪 and when it comes to planning your first date, he's gonna be like 'i don't mind what we do'
𓆩♡𓆪 and he genuinely doesn't say that bc he is indecisive, he says it bc he wants you to have full liberty of the activities without worrying about what he wants to do
𓆩♡𓆪 again, with ushijima, what he says is very much what he means. there's never some hidden agenda and he never tries to pretend to be anyone else when he's around you , unlike some guys might
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway , if you suggest doing something out of the ordinary, of course he is going to say yes ( so long as it's relatively safe)
𓆩♡𓆪 want to visit that random store y'all just drove by? sure.
𓆩♡𓆪 want to go ghost-hunting the middle of the night ? okay.
𓆩♡𓆪 wake up one morning and decide you want to try camping in the jungle? ushi will see if he can book tickets to the amazon!
𓆩♡𓆪 he might not be the one to initiate these fun ideas but he's defo gonna go along with them as long as he gets to do them with you
'I will try to win prices for my date at some of the stands, but I will fail miserably like I always do.'
𓆩♡𓆪 LMAOOO just imagining ushi trying to comfort you about failing at carnival game
𓆩♡𓆪 he puts his hand on your back and says, “The phoenix must burn to emerge.” and it's so ominous and philosophical sounding LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 he thinks he's helping though , and he might be
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah he doesn't mind watching you fail to get him prizes, he thinks its cute you're trying so hard actually
𓆩♡𓆪 determination in a partner is very important to him
𓆩♡𓆪 i like to think in my mind that as soon as ushijima tries his hand at a carnival game, he like.. immediately wins the grand prize with one (1) ring toss
𓆩♡𓆪 like bells and sirens are ringing, there is confetti, people are celebrating, the president apepears ???
𓆩♡𓆪 jkjk but i do think he would be concerningly lucky when it comes to things like arcade + carnival games
𓆩♡𓆪 and i hope he is because he would loveee to win to you one of the big plushies!! like the very big ones that are like almost the size of you
𓆩♡𓆪 that you have to carry around on your back
𓆩♡𓆪 like he doesn't understand why he wants to get it for you , he just does
𓆩♡𓆪 boyfriend instincts ig??
for @nichupichu: i hope you see the vision. my second choice for you was kitaaaa.
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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I'm sorry, people didn't like this season of GO??! Are they okay?? I don't have twitter anymore and i only saw good stuff here in tumblr.. sure, there is angst and we can say that the season ends with a cliffhanger, but NOT liking it??! I adored this season!! We already know that there will be something else from Neil (on amazon or written down somewhere), season 2 is always have been a bridge to what Neil and Terry talked about together.. i don't understand people, i'm kinda glad to not being on Twitter.. i hope Neil will receive only praise here on Tumblr..
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhh yeah... I've seen people say it was queerbaiting, and that Azzie is "the worst now for being an asshole and rejecting Crowley" (was one tweet I stumbled upon), not realizing that Aziraphale's unfailing ability to only see the good in people is what got him in this predicament.
I think, though, the fears are ABSOLUTELY founded, especially if you've been part of either the Supernatural OR the Sherlock Fandoms and what ended up happening in those endgames.
Here's something I was really blind to when I was deep in the Sherlock fandom before S4 came out: Mofftiss TOLD US countless times, looking back on it, that Johnlock wasn't going to happen, and we thought they were lying, which, TO BE FAIR (and I still believe they doubled down on lying during S3), is something that was hard to believe given the content and subtext of S3 and TAB. Turns out that it was true. But Gaiman has presented scenarios for A/C for their end numerous times, enough scenarios that it COULD be probable doubt in the truth of his statements that Crowley and Aziraphale end up together by the end, but he's also a liar? It's weird to me.
I dunno, I'm not going to get THAT deep into a show ever again, but for me the difference is that I believe him wholeheartedly that he and Pratchett had planned out the entire AziraCrow arc. He clearly loves and respects his old friend, and genuinely seems to want to do right by him.
AND S2 ended in a way that it REALLY feels like there is more but if it doesn't get renewed, while not a satisfying conclusion, it's still a conclusion, and one that we know Neil ISN'T happy if it ends where it did.
That's the difference for me, honestly. Sherlock S4 left us with no cliffhanger and no sense to be made after a 4 season buildup to something that felt empty. This one absolutely has the promise of more. The track record he has with his shows is hopeful to me.
I might be biased because I have loved Neil Gaiman's writing since I was 15. That, and Gaiman isn't shy about putting queer rep in his shows and stories, so... yeah. Anyway.
I think as more and more people rewatch the season and the metas start coming out, I think we will see just how monumental this season was for their relationship, and it was NEEDED because they were sort of STUCK in a limbo.
This, to me, is very similar to OFMD S1's ending. We're gonna be satisfied in GO S3, I have faith in that. But I will NEVER condemn anyone for not having that faith either, BECAUSE of the experience I had in the Sherlock fandom. "Need to see it to believe it" is fine too. :)
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