#do things i thought were impossible. Like traveling to the US alone and go to a Bonanza Event?? She changed my life.
burymeinwillow · 11 months
#IM NOT DONE!!!#When my mom got sick and died- during that period I only watched Bonanza. It was my escapeism. It made me happy watching it-#it made me laugh during a time my life was falling apart around me. I was loosing the person most important to me -#I dont remember much from that time but I do remember how much I watched that silly western and how happy it made me#and that's what it means to me!!! that's why Bonanza is so dear to me!!! and it breaks my heart that I was scared to be more self-indulgent#with it. I was led to believe that I shouldn't like it. That I was strange for liking such an old show. My closest friend made feel weird-#about it. So Bonanza being my fav show was like... my little secret. I felt if I told people I liked it they wouldn't wanna be my friend.#Then Juni became my friend and she just changed all of that. She swooped in and just 'Hey you should be more self-indulgent!'-#and I remember thinking 'Is that okay?' She encouraged me about everything. About drawing... about Bonanza... she made it possible for me t#do things i thought were impossible. Like traveling to the US alone and go to a Bonanza Event?? She changed my life.#Made me realize it's okay to be self-indulgent. Made me realize liking niche and obscure things is NOT wierd.#as you can tell im very passionate about this#Juni came into my life during a very dark time and she changed my life and she changed me#and now im sitting here giggling and drawing this silly stupid cowboy from this silly old western#AND NOW IM REAL ANNOYING ABOUT BONANZA HEHEHE
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florencemtrash · 6 months
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Chapter Eighteen
Summary: Y/n's clairvoyance is a gift from the Mother, but it feels more like a curse. With the power to gain knowledge through touch alone, Y/n holes herself up in The Alcove and hopes her powers and parentage will remain a secret. But things will change after the Summer Solstice ball and a chance encounter with a certain Shadowsinger.
Warnings: Nothing super specific, but things get pretty dark (at least in my opinion). Mentions of torture.
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
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Azriel grabbed Rhys by the front of his jacket, hands shaking horribly despite all his efforts to stop. It had started this morning, when another disastrous attempt to talk to Andrian had left Azriel with his mind in shambles, knife pressed against his own throat. It had been going on for weeks now. Someway, somehow, Andrian would find a way to break through Azriel’s defenses and force him to relieve his worst memories. Sometimes he dreamt of his burning hands. Mostly he thought of you, and the day he’d nearly killed you. 
“Tell me you didn’t,” Azriel growled desperately. “Tell me!” 
It was too easy for him to pick out when his brother was speaking with Feyre, and something about the way Rhysand had been looking at him— like he was a fraction of a second away from splintering into a million pieces — told Azriel enough about who had been sent for. You were the only one who could calm him. The only one who could do what he and Rhys had failed to do. 
Violet eyes shone from a perfectly handsome face. A face he knew too well. A face that he wanted to punch right now. 
“I’m afraid I can’t, brother,” Rhysand responded gravely. 
Azriel slammed his fist against the wall instead, taking out a chunk of granite that spit grey dust into the air. He swore beneath his breath, pacing the hallway and trying to steady his racing heart. He’d never wanted you to see this place. He’d never even wanted you to step foot on the island above, its rolling peaks a stark contrast to the tunnels below where Azriel conducted his business. Business that stained his hands a thousand shades of red. 
“You’ve been working yourself ragged, Az, and Andrian still hasn’t said anything. Not to you. Not to me. We need to know all we can about Koschei. Vassa’s on the brink of madness. Henna’s dead. I can’t even get past Andrian’s mental wards. What the fuck are we meant to do?” 
“So you thought to go behind my back and bring Y/n into this?! She’s not something for you to use, Rhys.” 
“She’s already in this mess.” Rhys reminded him, as he often did. His eyes softened as he looked to the locked door at the end of the hall with its small, rectangular window. Bars breaking up the lamplight glowing from within. “And you know she’d agree this is the best course of action. She’ll be able to do it.” 
Azriel’s hands shook. “Give me another week and I’ll get us the information we need. Tell Feyre to turn around. Don’t bring Y/n here.” Don’t let her see this part of me.
“The boy doesn’t have another week. He doesn’t even have a day.” 
The shaking traveled throughout Azriel’s entire body. His eyes darkened and he began the process of hiding his heart away within the void that curled inside of him. That wicked beast that was always on the verge of swallowing him whole. 
Feyre winnowed you both to the outskirts of the northern territories and you went from sweating in your fur-lined leathers to shivering in the knee deep snow. The Illyrian Mountains rose behind you like predatorial rows of shark teeth and the endless sea stretched in front, slate grey and empty except for lonely ripples of sea foam. Through the frosty haze you could make out a smattering of islands, each with their own tooth-like tips capped with snow and ice. Feyre looked at you, her eyes leaning more towards blue now that she’d tapped into the Winter Court’s power to stave off the cold. 
The Warren was protected by wards that made winnowing impossible, so you let Feyre scoop you up in her powerful arms, wings growing from her back like unfurling shadows before the ground dropped away from her feet and she took off into the sky. 
You clung to her shoulders, eyes slamming shut so you wouldn’t have to look down at the churning black waters and the rocks they crashed against. If you were to fall now, you could only hope you drown before the waves ripped your body to pieces against the rocks like meat torn between a pair of canines. 
You stayed frozen and tight as a coil until the rush of wind stopped and you no longer felt your stomach creeping up into your throat. You could have dropped to your knees and kissed the ground if you weren’t sure your lips would freeze there. You did shove your hands into the gritty sand though, breathing slowly through your nose until you finally had the strength to stand. 
Feyre led you down the long stretch of beach, waves whistling in the wind — a haunting, beautiful melody, like a woman crying. 
Azriel had discovered The Warren centuries ago. After a particularly brutal brawl that had left him with a broken arm and cracked ribs, he’d taken to the skies, desperate to escape the hard packed floors and burning scent of sex mixed with alcohol that seemed to invade every corner of the Windhaven barracks. He’d been fighting over a woman, a woman that had been dragged into the rowdy common room trembling with the telltale sign of a whisky haze over her burnt umber eyes, dress ripped and muddy. 
Did it even matter that he’d brought her back untouched to that leaning house with its wooden slabs frosted over and the chimney coughing up black smoke like a diseased lung? Azriel had wondered as he flew without a destination in mind. And when he’d finally collapsed on the island, frozen ground beneath his hands and knees and spitting out blood from his cut up gums, his shadows had tugged him towards the gaping mouth of The Warren, urging him to explore a darkness that was his and his alone. It had been his escape. A safe place in the world that had so few. But when Rhysand became High Lord and he the Spymaster, Azriel hadn’t hesitated to give up The Warren in the service of the Night Court, adding it to the long list of sacrifices he made so that he might actually start to feel like he deserved his place with his family. 
You stilled in front of The Warren’s entrance, black walls glittering and damp from sea spray. Jagged, cracked bone rocks hovered overhead like axes ready to fall, jutting out of a cliffside and curling over the beach in the shape of a hunched back or an unhinged jaw. Wind whistled from within like asthma — high-pitched and keening. 
“This is where you keep all your prisoners.” You weren’t asking a question, merely stating a fact. 
Feyre had had little time for explanations back at the House. She’d focused on defending your body against the frigid cold to come, her mind split between you and Rhysand as he worried over Azriel from miles away. 
“Not all of them. Only the ones Azriel finds useful.” 
“The ones he plans to torture for information.” 
From somewhere deep within the earth you swore you heard the clanging of chains, a growl, and a desperate groan that had the hair on your neck rising. 
Feyre’s usual warmth was gone, replaced by something with more tact and less care. “This isn’t a place for the faint of heart, Y/n. And neither is Azriel. He’s tried to hide this from you, but it’s as much a part of him as anything else and if you care for him as much as I believe you do, you’re going to need to get used to this.” 
There was the faintest flicker of doubt in your heart. “Andrian… he’s just a boy… you haven’t—Az hasn’t—”
“No,” Feyre said quickly. Horrified. “Azriel found him weeks ago trying to slip back into Day Court. We brought him here because it’s the most heavily warded place in Prythian and because the world needs to be protected from him as much as he needs to be protected from the world.” She grabbed your hands. They felt cold as ice. “Y/n. I swear to you, we haven’t hurt that boy. We won’t hurt him.” 
“I know. I just… I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Already you felt sick to your stomach just for asking. Azriel was many things — dangerous, cruel to those he felt were deserving of it, maybe even murderous at times — but he was still Az… and you weren’t afraid. Not even as you let Feyre lead you into The Warren, and you were swallowed whole.  
The mouth of the cave quickly narrowed into a tunnel before turning at a severe angle and twisting like a corkscrew downward. If it weren’t for you and Feyre’s glowing bodies, you might have missed one of The Warren’s slick steps and tumbled down forever. 
You passed by two offshoots, each branching out into their own secret tunnels that whispered and echoed and smelled faintly of blood. Coppery and sour. 
One of the rooms you walked through smelled like metal and limestone. The rust-colored ground and drain in the center of the floor told you all you needed to know about its purpose and before you could stop yourself, before you could even think about whether this was truly a good idea, you found yourself pressing a hand against one of the chains hanging from the ceiling. 
If Feyre was right and this was truly a part of Azriel — something horrible that needed to come with all of the good that he was — then you wanted to know. You felt that you had some right to know, and if it was the power the Mother had granted you, then you would use it when you saw fit. 
Feyre froze when your power flooded the room without warning, feeling the energy and fury radiating off your skin without even turning to look at you. You kept the memories a safe distance away, but drank in the knowledge of every horrible hand that had hung from that ceiling like you were reading a list of names from a book. You read their crimes. You read every drop of blood that Azriel had spilled on the ground. 
“Y/n?” Feyre asked tentatively, fearfully, when you blinked and released the chain. 
She had every hope the bond would snap in place for you soon and that you’d help end Azriel’s centuries of loneliness. That you might be the one to finally show him he was deserving of kindness. But to love Azriel as he was, with all his rough edges and the pain he could inflict as much as he carried… it was not for the faint of heart.  
“I understand why Azriel wanted to hide this place from me. This part of him,” you said quietly and to no one in particular. Not even to Feyre. “But he shouldn’t have.” Your eyes turned harder than stone. “They deserved it. Each and every one of them.” 
Feyre stood, shocked into silence, and it wasn’t until you gripped her arm and nudged her into the next room that she found she was able to walk again. 
You passed by more hallways and more rooms, some disturbingly clean and empty, others with chains hanging from the ceiling or littered on the floor. But the strangest part was, you could smell Azriel within these cramped walls, and that alone made you quicken your steps. 
You chased that familiar scent, walking confidently through the dark and passing Feyre until you were spit out in a long, neat tunnel with one metal door at the end. Tendrils of shadow flickered from around the corner. 
Your heart pounded in your chest when you saw him leaning against the wall, hands folded behind his back. Rhys’s eyes flickered to you, then to his mate as she followed closely behind. Azriel stiffened, his eyes locked and heavy. Shadows tugged at his eyes and accentuated the sharpness of his cheeks. He looked like he hadn’t slept since the day he left you… which wasn’t so far from the truth. Because the whole time he’d been here, he’d been thinking of you, and the ways you might hate him for what he did and the sick corners of his soul. For—
You sailed into his arms, wrapping yourself around his torso and pressing your face into the hollow of his neck. Part of your mind chastised you, calling you silly and desperate as it reminded you it had only been ten days since you’d last seen him. But you didn’t care. It felt far longer than that. Too long. 
You needed this almost as much as he did. 
You disappeared behind his wings, cocooned safely in membranous folds and shadows that kissed your skin. Azriel himself buried his face in your hair, feeling some of his worst worries dissipate. You hadn’t run away. You hadn’t been so disgusted as to leave just yet. 
“Y/n,” he murmured your name before kissing your temple. “Gods, I missed you.” 
“I would hope so.” You murmured into the curve of his jaw, “I might be a boring bookworm but I’m better company than this place.” 
Azriel winced. “You have no idea.”
You missed the pointed look that Rhys and Feyre threw your way, but Azriel didn’t. He was tall enough to see over your head as Feyre pointed to the door at the end of the hallway, eyes glistening. They had come here for a purpose, and the sooner it was over with, the sooner they could all go home. 
Azriel’s arms tightened around you. “I didn’t want you to come here. I didn’t want… I didn’t want you to see the things I do.” 
“I know.” You traced the curve of his jaw, thumb smoothing over his cheek. “But I’m not afraid, Azriel.” 
His eyes flickered from fear to relief to love, like one of those picture books you had to flip through to see the scene play out. 
“You’re not?” 
You shook your head no. Then you kissed him on the lips and whispered the words for him and him alone. “I trust you. You’re the most terrifying thing here anyway, and you’re mine.” 
Azriel quitel liked the sound of that. 
Even here in the dungeons burrowed beneath empty frozen lands, Azriel found it within him to hope. Horrid creatures might be hidden elsewhere, creeping like slugs under the earth that he’d have to crush beneath his boot or tear treasured secrets from, but for now you were still by his side. For now you were still his and he would always be yours. 
You looped your arm through his and moved towards that door at the end of the hallway, steeling yourself for what you already knew was behind it. 
The light from the barred window flashed warm and cool then warm again. Light warped and pranced. The scent of rot hung in the air, humid and choking. You touched the door handle, feeling the magic fall away like it recognized you and opened up into a makeshift, but quaint bedroom. There were no windows here for there was nothing to see below ground, but some of Feyre’s landscape paintings hung on the wall. Faelights bloomed overhead, throwing light and heat on a child’s bed with green sheets, a table, and a bookcase overflowing with an assortment of puzzles and novels and toys. You felt your blood turn cold. They’d once belonged to Nyx before being repurposed for the little boy trembling on the floor. 
You stared at him in horror. 
The little boy who’d been so violently bright that morning in the marketplace was dull. Although he was wearing fresh clothes, his skin had turned a stone gray, black marks dotting his once silken, silver skin like a disease. He was aware of his condition, weeping on the plush rug cut in the shape of a flower as he batted at his arms, willing them to turn healthy again. 
“No no no no no no,” he sobbed. He grabbed at his pillowy hair in frustration and tugged. A cloud of fragile strands came away and he cried harder, trying to stick them back to his scalp. 
Rhysand’s face was broken and pale. He tried not to look at Andrian. He was too young. Reminded him too much of his own son. 
“You were right.” Rhysand’s voice was hollow, laced with a pain that grabbed your throat and squeezed. “Koschei did kill him. He’s been dead this whole time.”
“NO!” Andrian screamed. “HE DIDN’T! HE PROTECTED ME!” 
Fat tears rolled out of filmy eyes, dusty and brown as pond water. Rage filled him with new energy and he tried to attack your mind as he’d already done with Azriel. But there was something altogether different about your magic, something flexible that morphed and rearranged your mental walls until it felt like he was trying to attack himself. 
He gave up when your walls didn’t fall, and chose the physical route instead. You recoiled as he took a swipe, bony arms reaching out in an awkward lunge. But his legs were too weak and crumpled beneath him. He looked like a fish laid out to rot on a summer day — bloated and slick. 
“Koschei brought him back to life for his powers—”
“To use as he saw fit when the time was right.”
“But he can’t survive being separated for so long from Koschei’s power, can he?” 
Just like Vassa. Left on their own without their maker they couldn’t handle the curses that had been placed on them. They’d bend until they broke… unless they found another way… 
“The killings,” You murmured as the pieces slowly fell into place, “He killed those Librarians and the tailor and the florist…” You didn’t want to be right about this. You prayed to the Mother that you were wrong. 
But Azriel read the thoughts in your eyes and nodded. Feyre could only stand still and Rhysand couldn’t do more than speak out in that dead voice of his. 
Andrian had killed those fae, not just to send a message, but because that was the price for going against nature, for being brought back from the dead. Power demanded balance. To stay alive, Andrian had needed others to take his place. Those Librarians and the Velarians hadn’t been murdered. They’d been sacrificed. 
What Koschei had done to this boy — what he’d turned him into — made you want to crawl into a dark corner and stay there forever. 
Andrian’s sobs died out. A crack of lightning followed by unnerving silence that had Azriel’s blood freezing in his veins. Andrian wasn’t much older than he’d been when he’d first been tossed into that dark cellar. When his brothers had set his hands aflame. 
“He loves me,” he declared, as if saying it would make it true. He stayed curled up in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth on his heels. “He stayed when Henna left me. He wasn’t afraid of me like the others. He took care of me.”
But Koschei hadn’t taken care of him. He’d taught Andrian to love him. To worship him, because that’s what he craved above all else. He’d helped the boy control his powers and had allowed him to live so he could send him off to die when it was most convenient. You’d thought Henna was Koschei’s perfect soldier, but you were wrong. Andrian was. He’d been broken and molded into something that should never have existed. He’d been sent to Prythian after his sister’s death to take her place. A boy who would have no choice but to return to the lake or die trying. 
And he was dying. You could see it clear as day. Two teeth clinked onto the floor and Andrian’s hands flew up to his mouth. He whimpered, eyes locking on you like you might be able to fix this. 
You wanted to beg Rhys and Feyre to do something, to fix him, but it was a useless endeavor. They wouldn’t have brought you here if they could just reach into Andrian’s mind and end it all peacefully. Andrian was too powerful for that. But you could use another way. 
You approached him like a wild, injured animal, grimacing when he tried to run at you only for his ankle to twist and then snap. He fell to the floor in a pathetic sprawl. 
“Hey there, little feather.” 
Andrian paused at that familiar nickname, watery eyes looking up. You said it just like Henna had once upon a time. The same inflection in a differently pitched voice. His lips trembled. 
“She left me.” 
You shook your head before kneeling on the ground in front of him. He smelled of death. It clung to his linen shirt and trousers. It clung to the few strands of hair still woven into his scalp, skin so thin you could make out his skull. 
“She didn’t leave you, Andrian.” You poured your voice out over him, as soothing as you could make it, forcing the tears down. “She thought you’d died and that you’d stayed dead. She had a little ceremony for you out near the willow tree and buried your favorite toy beneath it with a handful of water lilies. Do you remember it? The little wooden doll you dressed up like a soldier with the red cap and the silver shoes?” 
He clamped his hands over his ears, shaking his head while his weak neck teetered dangerously atop his shoulders. 
“Andrian—” You pulled his hands away and in a bold, dangerous move brought them to your temple and slowly lowered your mental wards. You didn’t give him free reign, but rather guided him through snippets of memories you’d taken from Henna before her death. They all revolved around him. Before, and even after Koschei had poisoned their minds, Andrian had remained her true priority. 
The boy’s eyes flashed from anger to confusion then, finally, to despair.
“She didn’t leave you.” 
Andrian waited a few moments that had your heart seizing, then rushed into your arms, tightening them like a vice around your shoulders and burying his face in your hair. You held your breath, but tightened your grip. You weren’t his sister, but you were the closest thing he had. 
Slowly, like sand falling through an hourglass, you felt his arms weaken and fall from your shoulders. He stared at you, wide and terrified as his hand snapped off at the wrist and fell to your side in a grey heap. 
“Make it stop. Please make it stop.”
You smoothed back his hair, shoving down the tears that threatened to fall. His eyes were white now and unseeing. “It’s ok, little feather. It’s ok.” 
“I don’t—” Even his voice was crumbling apart. Raspy and broken like cracked glass. He had little time left. The fight in him gone. “I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go to that dark place. Please don’t make me go.”  
Azriel had been watching the entire time, trying not to picture the little boy with dark hair, weak wings, and bandaged hands. He went so, so still. 
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s going to be ok.” You promised. You forced your trembling lips into a smile. 
He took in a rasping breath. “Will you go with me this time, Henna? Please.” 
You gritted your teeth, brows furrowed in an effort to stay here instead of turning and sprinting back to the surface. 
“I will. That’s why I came” You brushed his hair away from his forehead, saying nothing when the wispy white strands were torn away from his scalp like silk… just like the memories of Koschei’s lake you plucked from his mind without him knowing. You swallowed the pain of what you knew was coming. “I won’t let you be alone.” 
He went quiet after that. Maybe his voice had deteriorated beyond saving, maybe he finally felt at peace. All you knew is that you needed to keep brushing his hair and holding onto his hand when he laid down and placed his head in your lap. He was like a little windup doll that had run out of string. He kept breathing until he finally stopped. 
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Author's Note:
So... this was a rather sad one, bit of a tonal shift if you ask me, but I wanted to wrap up the stuff with Henna and Andrian before we continue on to other things.
BUT, you have to appreciate when Y/n walks into what's effectively a torture chamber and goes "yeah, nope, still in love with Azriel." It's just one of those things that gets brushed under the rug but like... this guy's WHOLE JOB is inflicting pain upon people.... and you know what, it's a fantasy book, so who the hell cares. We stan Y/n being supportive of Azriel's career lol
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
Could you write Donnie crushing on the reader and he walks in while she's in the shower or like changing and he acts like it's nothing, he apologizes and leaves so she can get situated and then that's that BUT he CANNOT forgot about it and he goes home being a perv thinking of how beautiful she is and he gets horny
Donnie doesn't know when to stop
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Absolutely gross, hottest thing I ever wrote. I love pathetic men <3
Warnings: accidentally perv!Donnie, he's OBSESSED with you, masturbation (m), edging, ruined orgasm, he's so sub! it hurts, pain!kink, virgin!Donnie, unprotected sex
Fucking 3k words, looks like Maria doesn't know when to stop EITHER 😭
You had to do a school project together and he was losing his mind about it
Like yeah, you were friends and you used to hang out all the time, but only at school
Now he was going TO YOUR HOUSE
It felt so intimate just being there
It was nothing much, but he was so obsessed with you it made him act that ridiculous
He was so nervous that he just couldn't sit still at home, so he decided to head to your place, even though it was a bit earlier than you expected
He thought he could just hang out in front of your house until the time you were expecting him to come
The problem was that your mom was leaving the house and found him seating there
"Oh, you must be Donnie! Y/N is waiting for you, come in!"
He should have said no, that it was still too early, but your mom said you were waiting... so maybe you were ready? He shouldn't keep you waiting
"I'm going to work right now. She's in her room, upstairs." Your mom told him, before closing the door and leaving
So he went upstairs, obviously
You just got out of the shower, and was pacing around the room, a towel wrapped around your body, looking for a cute outfit to wait for Donnie
Your bedroom door was open, since you thought you were alone at home
Donnie was very shy, walking upstairs without making a sound, just thinking about what should he say to you, rehearsing in his mind what kind of greeting would make him sound... not terrified
He stopped immediately when he saw you
It was so wrong to just stand there and stare, but it was impossible not to
He watched as you placed your clothes on the bed, letting the towel fall at your feet
Felt like his blood abandoned his body
It couldn't be real, he must be dreaming...
But it only lasted a few seconds, until you looked towards the door and saw him
You let out a scream, completely horrified
Then you slammed the door shut
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I swear I didn't... I wasn't trying to... listen." He tried to explain, but he couldn't find the words. He was probably more embarrassed than you. "I think... I think I should go"
"Yeah, you should..." was all you could say, sitting on the floor wondering if you'd ever be brave enough to see his face again
He walked home absolutely heartbroken. He couldn't believe that he had ruined EVERYTHING. Now you thought he was a perv... you'd never talk to him again
He didn't feel anything but shame and sadness until he went to bed that night
I guess that's when the adrenaline rush wore out and he thought about it all
It didn't last more than 15 seconds, but during that time you were completely naked right before his eyes... and so close he could smell the lotion on your body
Maybe he was crazy, but the fact that you were getting ready to see him...
He imagined you applying the lotion to your skin a few minutes before he walked in... you were probably thinking about him while you did so... I mean... you knew he was coming over soon
And as if the thought of you applying the lotion to your body wasn't enough to drive him crazy... now he knew what your body looked like
He shivered as the sight of your tits crossed his mind
His hand slowly traveled to his pants zipper
God, he felt so guilty for doing this, it was so so wrong
But his cock was so so hard :(
Poor baby, was in so much pain
Leaking already!!
But the guilt was eating him alive, you were his friend...
That's why he decided to torture himself a bit, would make it all a little less wrong... if he got some punishment, you know
He started stroking his shaft and he got close so pathetically quick
And then he stopped
His heart raced. He had never edged himself before...
He waited for it to fade, before starting again. And then stopping again as he got closer
It was quite addictive... he started to let it go further each time, stroking himself fast and getting impossibly closer to release, then stopping
His cock was leaking so much that it all sounded like a wet mess, masking his ridiculous moans
He started to imagine you there, doing it, punishing him
"Gonna teach you not to spy on naked girls, you fucking perv"
And he would moan "please, Y/N, I'm so sorry..."
I mean, Donnie has an incredible imagination, it was so convincing that he even cried
All while denying his release over and over and over again
Until he couldn't hold it anymore
It was an accident </3
But his orgasm hit him out of nowhere
He cried out "no no no!" as ropes of cum shot out of his cock
He immediately stopped stroking himself and placed his hand on the base of his cock, squeezing it hard enough to hurt
He ruined his own orgasm :/
And he just laid down there looking like a pathetic mess. Tears on his face, his hand and clothes full of cum but his balls still hurt so much from not finishing it
But now he was so so overstimulated he couldn't even dream about touching himself any time soon
Eventually, he passed out from exhaustion
When he woke up the next day, he felt absolutely sick
How the hell was he supposed to see your face at school
Let's be honest, that wasn't the first time he masturbated thinking about you (number was closest to 100th tbh)
And he could always look you in the eye as if nothing happened afterwards
But it felt different now that... he had seen you for real and you knew that
Oh god... were you mad at him? You probably HATED him
He thought about calling in sick
But some force was dragging him out of that bed
He didn't understand it, but the truth was that his obsession with you grew considerably and he just needed to see you, even if you never spoke a word to him again
And part of him... enjoyed it? The idea of you punishing him like that
So yeah, he went to school that day
But he avoided you like the plague
If he saw you in a corridor, he would run in the opposite direction
Spend so much time hiding from you in the bathroom
But he couldn't hide forever
You sneaked behind him when he was looking for something on his locker
"Donnie?" You called, making him drop everything inside the locker, making a terribly loud noise, everyone looked at him
You bursted into laughter, helping him pick some things up
"Thanks." He said, completely unable to look you in the eyes.
"I think we should talk." You said calmly, after seeing how nervous he was
"Yes. Y/N, please, I can't tell you how fucking sorry I am..." he closed his eyes, cursing himself mentally for being so stupid
"It's okay, Donnie" you placed a hand securely on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. I knew you were coming over, I should have been more careful."
He held his breath as soon as your hand landed on his shoulder. It was like your touch reactivated his memories. Then he was stupid enough to look at you
You were giving him such a sweet, sincere smile
God, you were SO beautiful he felt like dropping to his knees right there
"What if you walked me home today? Then you can stay and we'll work on the project. Forget anything that happened, we need to finish it this week." You asked
"That's... that's a great idea." He nodded, even though he would rather die than go to your house anytime soon
But as soon as he saw how okay you were with everything, he calmed down a little. So your friendship wasn't ruined...
You two caught the bus and talked all the way to your neighborhood, like you always did, nothing seemed to change
Then you walked to your house and he started go get tense again
You noticed and you held his hand as you led him through the house
And it wasn't anything new, you always held his hand when he was nervous
Aww a couple of besties <3
Soon enough, he was in your bedroom, where it all happened the day before
You sat on your bed, grabbing all the books you would need, taking to yourself (cause he wasn't listening) about the ideas you had
While Donnie sat on the floor hallucinating about how that was the exact same spot you left your towel fall the day before
If it was right now, it would fall directly on his lap
Like, he didn't even dare to imagine actually touching you, but he would kill someone to have that towel
He would hump on it like a beast
Again, Donnie's imagination is so good and Donnie doesn't know when to stop
That's the source of 99% of his problems
He felt himself getting hard
"Hey, can I use your bathroom really quick?" He asked, before he started sweating in front of you
You nodded and gave him the directions
He walked in, locked the door and splashed water to his face
How the hell was he supposed to get any work done with a fucking boner on
Maybe he should just take care of it quickly in there
In your bathroom, fuck
The amount of times those walls had witnessed your naked body...
He wondered if you had ever touched yourself in there
Yeah, my boy lost his mind
Started stroking himself fast, he couldn't wait to finish and just get everything done so he could go home
But then..... he had the worst idea ever
Cause after what he discovered last night, he didn't want to finish so fast anymore
He just needed to relieve a bit of the pressure, then he would feel better
His dick would probably soften anyway, then he would do something about it back home
He stroked himself until he was on the edge of spilling... then stopped, shoving his dick inside his pants again and going back to your room
Did I mention it was the worst idea ever?
Cause he walked into the room to find you laying in bed on your belly, uniform skirt barely covering your ass
You were focused on whatever you were reading, pen in your mouth
"Come here." You called, without looking at him
He walked back to where he was sitting before, on the floor, but stopped when you said: "no, come sit on the bed, I wanna show you something"
He wanted to say 'oh no, I'm more comfortable on the floor :)' but who the fuck would buy that
He swallowed hard and sat at the very edge of the bed
He didn't want to look, but he could see your pretty little baby blue panties from that angle
And he felt like crying
"I think I have to use the bathroom again." He blurted out loud
"Donnie." You sighed, sitting down next to him. "Are you okay? You've been acting so weird today..."
He knew it wasn't a great opportunity, but it was... an opportunity. One he never had before
"No, I'm not." He admitted. "I have the biggest fucking crush in the world on you. Always had. Since we first met."
"Oh Donnie, you're so silly." You chuckled. "I know that, I asked you what's wrong with you today."
"What do you mean you know that?" His eyes widened.
"It's as obvious as that boner you're trying to cover with your hands" you shrugged
My boy was absolutely flabbergasted
He went through all shades of red the human eye can catch
"You know..." you sat a little closer to him, taking his hands in yours. "Yesterday I was so excited that you were coming over... I wanted to dress up all cute. Picked up a time we would be here alone... thought that maybe, by the end of the afternoon, I'd get you to take my clothes off. I just didn't expect you to catch me without them already... that's why I was so upset, I wanted to take things slow, you know."
He was pretty sure it was all still part of his hallucinations, there was no way you were saying that
You looked down to his pants and you could literally see his cock throbbing
And he caught the way you squeezed your tights at that
"Can I kiss you? Please..." he murmured
"Yes, Donnie." You smiled, leaning close to his lips
It was the sweetest kiss in the world
Until your hand 'accidentally' bumped into his boner :(
And he moaned against your mouth
God, that made you feral
"Donnie, baby, let me help you, you look like you're in so much pain..."
His heart raced... it was like you KNEW
Like you knew exactly what he was into
But let's be honest, he was so horny he was into absolutely everything at the moment
"You don't- you don't have to" he smiled shyly
The most beautiful smile in the world, how could you not want to??
"I'm gonna take care of you, okay?" You said as you slowly unbuttoned his jeans
When his cock jumped free before your eyes, both of you could have cried. Him, from relief. You from the most absolute desire
"Tell me what you like, baby" You began stroking him slowly
"Huh?" He got all nervous. Everyone already thought he was a freak, he didn't need you to think the same. "I-I like you..."
"Yeah?" You smiled at him. "I like you too. You're so sweet, Donnie, can I ask you something?"
He nodded, bitting him lips to prevent loud moans to escape.
"Has anyone ever sat on this pretty cock?" You asked, giving him your best doe eyes
"No..." he admitted, a little embarrassed
Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand, screaming "stop, please, stop..."
You stopped everything, putting both hands in the air and looking at him wide eyed
"I'm so sorry, Donnie... fuck, you didn't want this? You should have told me, baby, you don't ever have to..."
"No... I wanted this. I wanted this for so long... I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you..." He said. "I just... I was about to cum."
"Well..." you laughed at him. "Isn't that kind of the point?"
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby, I wanna help." You offered, seeing how his cock was rock hard and extremely unsatisfied
"It's just that... I like to... hold it sometimes, you know? Feels really good." He admitted, absolutely ashamed of himself
Those words, on that shy tone of his, sent a shiver down your entire body
"Donnie..." you basically moaned his name. "You're so perfect... I can't express how badly I want you, fuck..."
He smiled widely. You kissed that shit out of that gorgeous smile
When you realized, you were already straddling him
"Can I sit on your cock, please? I swear I won't let you cum until you beg me, okay?" You asked
He never agreed to anything that fast, my boy was in HEAVEN
You removed your panties and he helped you slowly sink on his cock
You don't remember ever being that wet before, but it still hurt a bit, because he was so big :)
He was so horny he felt like he might pass out
And then you started moving up and down, up and down
Oh sweet baby boy cried again :(
I mean... all that was happening would be enough to get him desperate, but let's not forget how last night all he got was half of the worst orgasm ever
My boy was starving
"Please, please, stop, I..." he said, and you immediately stopped everything
"Oh baby..." you brought a hand to his face, wiping his tears. "Stop torturing yourself... three times in a row? Let go for me, baby, come on... can I make you cum? Please?"
Yeah, you said you were gonna make him beg, but you were the one who did it, i know
It's just that... Donnie is just a little baby who doesn't know when to stop :(
Of course he said yes, you asked so politely
You removed his cock from you, cause letting him cum inside would be too much for the first time
Considering the state he was in, it could send him to a coma lol
You stroked him so good, prasing him the entire time
"You look so pretty right now, baby, all fucked up for me"
"Come on, I want you go let go for me, you can do it, baby, you deserve it..."
Fuck, he never came that fucking hard in his life
You kept stroking and he kept shooting him load, all over your school uniform :/
He cried out so beautifully and you swore he wasn't coming down ever, he came so muchhh <333
And he just likes the pain of you still stroking his sensitive cock after it was over
Yeah, Donnie doesn't know when to stop :(
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
😵‍💫 - measuring fantasies.
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(coriolanus snow x f. reader)
summary: at every gala, at every party, you could see a cerulean pair of eyes watching you from afar- measuring you, from head to toe. you could say you did the same.
c.w: experienced reader, flirting, creampie, unproctected sex, dom reader, coriolanus crushing on you, songfic, drunk sex, virginity loss (male)
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eyes on his, hand on a cup of posca, you could see coriolanus snow from the other side of the hall, trying his best not to look back at you, which seemed to be kind of impossible since you were in such a tight black dress.
you have imagined his hands on your body before- well, c'mon, he's quite big isn't he? of course you're gonna look. of course you're gonna fantasize about his hands on your body, going up and down on your waist. it isn't even difficult to imagine it.
with such a pretty face, seeing him across the room seemed like a joke to the way you wanted to dominate him. make him beg and plead to be inside of your cunt. just the thought of it made you smile, wine lipstick being an invitation for his lips.
"coriolanus," you called. "festus is calling you on the other room"
he arched his brow, but the sight of you in front of him was great- perfect, even.
"where is he?" he asked, finishing the cup of posca- fuck the alcohol, it was his third cup. he needed it. he knew you would be with someone else, he didn’t want to see it. he wanted you to be with him.
"i'll show you, just follow me." you said, and he obeyed you promptly, enchanted by the sight of you, by your smell. mesmerized, truly.
then, you bought him to an empty room, whatever- the gala is being held by your parents. the room was yours to use.
"well, where is he?" he asked again, brow arched. cute, he really thought you have bought him there to talk with his colleague, how innocent.
you turned abruptly to him, finished off your glass of posca the quickest you could, threw it away and thanked heavens for the fur rug on the entire floor of your room. he looked at you, a bit scared, maybe surprised, and you walked to him, closing the door behind him and letting a lipstick stain on his white button-up shirt. you could buy another one for him, fuck it. for now, you needed to show him who was in charge.
"you really thought i would bring you here all alone just for you to talk to festus? you're so cute, love." you said. the alcohol on that glass was starting to hit on your brain, you didn't want to mess things up by calling him for the wrong name.
"i- well, uh-"
"shhh," you started "you know i see you looking at me, you know i look at you. just enjoy it, ok?" you said. then again, you were quite literally pinning him against the wall, closing any chance he could have to pull away from you.
your lipstick was smeared by his lips slamming on yours, his hands on your waist, your hands on his shoulders, then his hands travelled down your body just like you imagined, and again, you smiled against his lips when you felt his hands on your thighs, grabbing them for you to wrap them around his waist.
"you're terrible," he said, kaying you on the bed, getting on top. of course you wouldn't allow it. no man is supposed to be on top of you.
"and why is it?"
"you don't know how much i've been waiting for it. for you." he said, you smiled, kissing the smeared marks of your lipstick on his lips.
"go on. keep talking." you demanded it. it wasn't a question. you needed the answer.
"i dreamed of you. do you know what it is to wake up breathless?" he asked, burying his face on the curvature of your neck, going down to your cleavage.
"uhum. what did i do to you in your dreams?"
"so many things." he said "i questionated my sanity on all of them." he kissed the skin of your boob, pulling the dress down to see your boobs completely.
so desperate. almost starving, maybe.
"yeah, i can imagine." you joked. "guess dreams come true hm?" you kissed the bridge of his nose. "let's see... you don't have a condom now, do you?"
"you're a virgin aren't you?" he frowned, and kept himself quiet. you didn't need much more than that. you smiled at his sudden quietness, the small pout on his lips was cute. "it's fine, i don't mind."
his heart seemed to beat happily at those words, he almost smiled at it if he didn’t feel so embarassed. then he saw how you were sitting so nicely on top of him- your dress and his pants were the only things keeping you both separated. and god, look at him! he's so cute. looking at you with the hope that you would let him inside. look at him, already getting hard only from the thought of your cunt on him.
and you did let him inside, too anxious to see the faces he would make.
you pulled his dick out of it's confines, and honestly, the question to why he was still a virgin was something that sounded different now. he was big. truly big. and the way his tip teased your clit because of how you grabbed him made you wet, your eyes half closed as you heard the sounds you both were making, the wet sounds of your pussy gushing at the tip of his dick were like music to you, the prettiest orchestra you could listen to was the natural sounds of you teasing his throbbing dick.
he closed his eyes, mouth agape as he let small sounds out of his lips, your scent filling his nostrils and then, when he engulfed your boob into his mouth you were too surprised, so much so that you ended up putting him inside you entirely.
you moaned a bit louder than expected, the way his dick was stretching you up so good felt terribly good- what's the name of this? balls deep? yeah, he was pretty much deep inside you.
he bit your nipple quietly, gently, sucking on it so good you thought of your nipple as a candy for him to be so eager.
so hungry, and for you! god, he was perfect. the most perfect boy you fucked until now.
you didn't care about the sounds you were making, the music outside was too loud, the talks too, and your room is soundproof. fuck it. make it a gift to him.
you ride him graciously, like you were used to it- to his size. "fuck- i didn't thought you would be so big!" you said. ah, you knew just what to say to those boys. but to him? it was different. it was true, everything you told him while riding him was true.
he was the only one you allowed to fuck you rightfully, his hands on your waist, guiding your moves up and down, back and forth all while his teeth was nibbling on your nipples and your neck.
your moans became louder, you melted and mewled at every thrust he gave upwards you, his hands grabbing you so tightly, his fingers still buried on your meat, on your ass, manhandling you. you felt like going crazy.
"you're so tight- fuck, 'should've fucked you before." he moaned, trying his very best not to cum too quick. you could notice how he was controlong himself not to. he was a virgin, after all. until twenty minutes ago he haven't had his first kiss-
and then there was you. beautiful, experienced, perfect you. collecting boys as a way to cope with the boredom. and him, right under you, who was awkward enough to think you called him to talk with someone else in a empty room. truly, how cute.
with this thought in mind, he came. feeling humiliated, he hid his face in the curvature of your neck. "sorry." he said, and you smiled.
"it's fine, baby. just keep going. i'm sure you can do it." you said, and he nodded obediently, thrusting slowly into your core. sensitive, but eager. he kept going inside you even if you knew he was still trying ti hold back from cumming again.
you smiled at him, the view was just too lovely, closed shut eyes, your mouth opened up to let out a moan. there was something truly erotic in the way he kissed your shoulder, closing his eyes while thrusting inside you.
when you came, you felt like you were in heaven, your legs crossed on his waist, your nails scratching the back of his broad shoulders, your eyes closed shut- and him, throbbing inside you, his eyes couldn't seem to leave you, and he loved how you were tightening around him, so warm and gummy.
he took his dick out of you, watching how your cum and his leaked down your legs. it was the prettiest sight he have ever seen. "sorry- i shouldn't have cummed inside."
" don't worry. i liked it." you said, kissing his temple.
you watched as he closed his eyes. he adjusted his shirt and pants, helped you in doing so again.
then again, after all of this, every party, gala, whatever occasion you both would meet up he was there, measuring you, looking you up and down and minutes later he was learning a new thing with you. still, his favorites were always in his dreams, when you would do all the shameful things he was afraid to tell you.
like when you would slap him in his dreams and call him a slut. he would always wake up too embarassed to how hard his dick would be.
but that's for another time. right now, he was too occupied eating you out.
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happy74827 · 11 months
No Ordinary Life
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[Sam Riordan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: The group had almost ran out of options on what to do with Sam, but Andre had decided there was still one more option to explore. And that option, was you. (GIF credits: @heronamedhawks)
WC: 1,179
Category: Slight Fluff, Slight Angst
We don’t know much about Sam as of right now, but I do know I would literally die for this boy. He and Emma really deserve the world, and they fr better have their happy ending (which seems impossible given the universe they live in, but one can hope). This definitely deserves a part 2, depending how well it goes, but for now enjoy the purity that is Sam.
Edit(2023): Hey I finally made the part 2, check it out here
As Sam walked down the bustling halls of Godolkin, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. All around him, kids with extraordinary powers, kids like him, were chatting, laughing, and walking to their classes. They were able to use their gifts freely and openly, and they were respected by others for it, but Sam didn't have that luxury. Honestly, he couldn’t remember a time that he did.
All he remembered was the woods, his brother, and the constant pain of being hunted.
His hand unconsciously traveled to top of his head, pulling the hoodie that Emma had lent over to him farther over his face as he tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible. It wasn't easy when the hallway was completely crowded by nosy students, but he did his best. That’s all he could really do.
Emma and Marie (as he found her name to be) were by his side, protecting him for the skewing eyes of others. For the most part it worked, except it drawn more attention to her due to that odd system that Emma had acknowledged him about. A rating, whatever that was.
It was cool to know that his brother had been ranked number one, though.
If Luke was still… No, don’t think about it, Sam.
He shook his head, ridding himself of that train of thought. There was no point in dwelling on the past, and thinking about his brother wouldn’t change anything. He was gone, and Sam was left alone.
His thoughts were interrupted by Jordan, who he was still slightly confused about. He? She? They? They seemed to have been good friends with his brother and they were friendly enough, so Sam didn’t really question the matter too much.
Plus, he kinda enjoyed the subtle sarcasm that Jordan would once in a while use. It made him feel like a kid back in school. So for that, Sam was thankful.
“Dude, this has got to be the stupidest thing we’ve ever done,” Jordan had said, turning to the guy walking besides them… Andre. Sam didn’t know what to make of him, or anyone really. He had always been so closed off from other people, that now it was almost a bit overwhelming.
But at least he had Emma, so he didn't have to worry about the social aspect too much.
Andre gave Jordan a sideways look, a small smirk on his face. He seemed pretty chill too.
“Listen, I don’t like this anymore than you do, Jordan,” Andre stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But with everything happening, and with Cate… this is our best option.”
“Yes, let’s bring the kid with a bounty over his head into the place where they’re all going to be looking for him. Great idea, Andre. Seriously, how did I not think of it first. Soooo smart of you, dude. Good job. I'm so glad we're friends, really I am.”
Jordan rolled their eyes, and Andre just looked away in annoyance. Then, to Sam’s dismay, an awkward silence fell over the group. Once again, Sam was struck by just how different his life was now. It was like he was suddenly thrown into another world, and he had no idea how to function in it. He was so far out of his comfort zone that he couldn’t even see the zone.
Sam glanced over to Emma, and saw her smiling encouragingly at him. He tried his best to return the gesture, but he felt like his face muscles were going to fall off if he forced them any longer.
After what seemed like hours, but really only a couple minutes, Andre halted in front of a random dorm room door, and turned to face the group. He sighed, his face set into a look of grim determination. Then, he knocked.
Three times, Sam counted. Three knocks.
The door opened almost immediately after, and the man who answered had to be the most handsome human being Sam had ever seen. He had short black hair, a sharp jaw, and a dazzling smile. It was actually kind of intimidating.
“Whadda’ want?” the man asked, his voice a rich baritone. Sam didn't know why, but it felt like the man was judging him. His eyes scanned over the group, lingering on Sam for just a second, before returning back to Andre.
Andre cleared his throat, a bit nervously, but he didn’t get a chance to speak as Jordan scoffed, shoving past the man and into the room. Emma followed, giving the man an apologetic look as she did. And thus, everyone followed, leaving the man alone and bewildered in the doorway.
Once everyone was settled inside, the man shut the door and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. He glared at Andre, his eyes burning holes through his head, but Sam didn’t pay any attention towards him anymore. All his eyes were on the strange girl in front of him, you.
You were sitting on the floor, legs crossed and a bored expression on your face. Your eyes were half lidded, and you seemed to be lost in your own little world. Andre had mentioned you, a little. Said that you were the person he had called earlier, that you would help them figure out what to do with Sam, and that you knew and could a lot of stuff. But he had never told them how gorgeous you were.
Your hair was down, and looked so soft that Sam just wanted to touch it, run his fingers through it, and feel the texture. You had a cute little button nose, and a round, chubby face that was just too adorable. And your eyes were so expressive, a mixture of colors that swirled and shone and sparkled in the light.
Andre had called your attention and you snapped out of it, blinking a few times before glancing up at him. It was then that you noticed the others, and you stared at them all, wide eyed and open mouthed, but that was quickly replaced with a smile.
“Hi, Andre! Wow, you must be Jordan… Marie… and Emma? Right? Oh, and you must be the kid Andre talked about, oh my gosh. It's so nice to finally meet you all. Sorry I didn’t say anything when you came in, I was just finishing up this thing for Kota. Oh, Kota! You're still here… hi. Wait, why are you all here? You weren’t supposed to be here until 2:00, and it's only-”
You looked down at the watch on your wrist, your eyes widening even more when you realized the time. You had been talking so fast that no one had been able to get a word in edgewise, but you had managed to finish what you had to say, and it was all so rushed that it was hard to keep up.
The only thing Sam could focus on was how despite all of that rambling and mumbling, you were still keeping that bright smile that never seemed to falter. A truly happy supe? He never thought it would exist. Even Emma, as sweet and pretty as she was, tended to falsify the smiles she had. Sam only saw her real one about three times. He cherished them, of course. Every single one.
You stood up, brushing yourself off and fixing your clothes, and walked over to them. Your hand was outstretched, and your smile was radiant. Sam could practically feel the happiness radiating off of you.
You looked so innocent, so sweet and pure. He could hardly believe that you were a supe, but the fact that they were all standing here said otherwise. You had power, and you knew how to use it.
Jordan and Marie seemed to have recovered from their daze, and the two shook your hand after Andre. Marie had even introduced herself, and it ended with you in giggles, telling her that you already had known her name.
Emma was next, and she had taken your hand immediately and shook it.
Then it was just him that was left.
He stood frozen, staring down at your outstretched hand. He could feel all the eyes in the room on him, and he just knew that his hood was starting to slip.
His instincts were yelling at him, screaming at him to run. To get out of there and stay far, far away from you. From everyone.
But he couldn’t.
So, instead of fleeing, he slowly, cautiously took your hand in his. It was small, warm, and fit perfectly.
You smiled again but this time it was strictly for him, because of him, and it made his heart beat just a bit faster.
He didn’t even realize it until your smile has widened, but he had pulled down his hood, letting you see his face. He didn't understand why he did, and a part of him wanted to pull the fabric right back over his face, but it was too late now.
The damage had been done.
Sam didn’t have a chance to scrape off the dried blood off his cheeks, another result of an accidental outburst, and he could feel your eyes rake over his face, taking in every single detail.
But it wasn’t judgmental, or critical.
No, there was something else in those swirling eyes of yours, and it was then that he noticed the little flecks of gold hidden in the sea of color.
Sam was a bit embarrassed, to say the least, and he tried to pull his hand away but your grip only tightened, and he didn't have the strength to resist. He felt your hand go up his arm, unraveling the hoodie that clung to him like a second skin.
The others didn’t seem to do anything as you pulled the material above his elbow.
Your eyes roamed over the scar that stretched across his forearm, and he knew what was coming before the words even left your mouth.
Sam couldn’t bring himself to look at you as you asked the dreaded question, and his eyes were glued to the floor.
It was Emma who answered, her voice barely a whisper.
Sam despised the pity in your tone. The last thing he wanted was to be pitied. He didn't need or want anyone's pity. He was fine. Everything was fine.
The silence shattered as you took a sharp breath, but Sam couldn't bring himself to look at you. Not when he knew the look of pity in your eyes.
You released his arm, the hoodie dropping to the ground, but Sam didn't even register it. He stood there, frozen, as you slowly reached out your hand towards his face.
"Before I do anything, I want to warn you so it doesn't scare you. Is that okay with you? I just... I want to make sure you're alright. But if you don't want me to touch you, I won't. I'll respect your boundaries. Just tell me, okay?"
Sam blinked, his head tilting upwards, his eyes wide with surprise. There was no pity in your eyes. No negativity or degradation. Only a gentle concern and kindness that he had only experienced in these past few days.
Your touch was tender, and he felt a warmth spread across his face. He couldn't bring himself to deny you. So he nodded, and a small smile appeared on your face. It was still a smile, but a different kind. One he had never seen from you before. And once again, that smile was meant just for him.
Suddenly, the lights in the room dimmed, capturing Sam's attention. He hadn't noticed before, but the entire room was filled with interconnected lights, forming a grid-like pattern. They began to glow, pulsating and shifting with each passing moment. The light danced across the walls, creating mesmerizing shapes.
Sam was captivated by the whole process. And then, the lights suddenly stopped, freezing in place. Sam expected them to return to their normal brightness, but they grew brighter and brighter. It was then that he noticed your hands. They were no longer touching him, but rather, they hovered above him, palms facing his face. A peculiar expression settled on your face.
Sam didn't know what it meant, but he didn't have time to wonder because, in an instant, your hands transformed into light. It wasn't like beams shooting out of your palms, but rather, golden particles that flowed around your body and traveled along the lights, intensifying their brightness. Patterns began to form and move.
Sam watched in awe as the shapes transformed into pictures and scenes. The colors melted and shifted together. Light filled the room, washing away the world around him, leaving only the vibrant colors, the images, and your face.
Your face, so close to his. The smile still adorned your lips, and your eyes shone like stars, the brightest things in the room. Sam could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Reluctantly, he admitted that the light was beautiful, just like you.
It was the most extraordinary sight he had ever witnessed. It was as if the sun had exploded, its light spreading across the room. The colors danced along the walls, forming vivid images. Sam saw a field, a house, a family. He saw his old friends. He saw him. His brother, Luke.
Sam's face crumpled, and a sob escaped his throat. Tears blurred his vision, but they were absorbed by the light, vanishing as soon as they fell. You remained a silent observer, watching over him as the colors gradually faded, and the world returned.
The room was as bright as before, but everything was the same. Sam could still see the concern and worry etched on your face. You reached up to wipe away his tears, but this time he flinched back, and the contact never happened. Your hands fell to your sides.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and your lips trembled, trying to hold back your emotions. But a tear escaped, rolling down your cheek. Andre cleared his throat, breaking the spell. Both you and Sam turned to face the others.
They were all watching, expressions of shock and confusion on their faces, except for Jordan, who wore a mask of indifference.
Andre and Emma stared at you, mouths agape, while Sam saw the tears in your eyes, the fear evident on your face.
Of what, he couldn’t tell. As of right now, there were so many things you could be scared of. With The Woods, being the thing that contains most of it all, It was hard to pinpoint one specific reason.
Then, just like before, Andre's voice cracked as he decided to interrupt Sam’s thoughts.
"What the hell was that?"
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magiccath · 10 months
5 times the Doctor loved you, and one time he actually did something about it
tenth doctor x GN!reader
Summary: as it says on the tin!
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The Doctor slammed the door behind you, the booming footsteps of the Cybermen closing in. 
“What’s the plan?” You asked, slightly breathless from running. 
The Doctor didn’t know what to say. He didn’t have a plan. He couldn’t think of a single way out of this situation. 
He had told you traveling with him was dangerous, but you always insisted on coming. The only thing he could do was promise to keep you safe. To keep you alive, no matter the cost. 
As the footsteps neared, he began to fear he couldn’t keep his promise. 
He hoped his eyes didn’t show the panic he was feeling inside. 
“Do we have a plan?”
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. A small part of him hoped it might shut everything out. 
The Cybermen neared your hideout, their metal fists banging on the wooden doors. Between the thick wood and the metal lock, the two of you had minutes at best. 
“The Cybermen are all connected through a network, correct?”
The Doctor opened his eyes, looking at you in confusion. 
“And if I can get into that network…” you scanned the room quickly, your eyes instantly settling on a computer. 
“It’ll be practically impossible,” the Doctor argued.
“They could have it under lock and key, and there would still be a way to break into it.” You smiled. “You just have to know what you’re doing.”
The Doctor watched in awe as your fingers danced across the keyboard, typing endless strings of characters that he couldn’t understand. 
“See, I already hacked into the database,” you leaned closer to the computer, absentmindedly chewing on your bottom lip. The Doctor tried not to let his eyes linger on your lips too much. 
“I just need to hack into the executive level.” You turned to look at the Doctor. 
He couldn’t think what you would need him for. You knew how computers worked, he didn’t really. 
Silently, you held out your hand. 
Confused, the Doctor took it. He wasn’t complaining. Your hands were soft and warm. He’d make any excuse to hold them. 
You laughed, the sound like music to his ears.
“No, silly.”
The Doctor blushed, but he didn’t remove his hand from yours. 
“I need the sonic,” you explained. 
Embarrassed, he slid the object into your hands. 
You handled the sonic with expertise. The Doctor didn’t think you had been listening all of those times he rambled on about the machine. 
Sure enough, you flicked to the correct settings in a matter of seconds. Using it appeared to be second nature to you. 
“Done!” You clapped your hands excitedly. Sure enough, the commotion outside the door halted, silence settling between the two of you. 
The Doctor’s eyes darted between the door and you, trying to process what had just happened. 
Once he did, he wasted no time scooping you into his arms. 
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck happily. 
The Doctor was practically buzzing with joy. He swung you gently from side to side as he hugged you, your feet dangling from the ground.
He didn’t want to let you go. 
“Brilliant!” He grinned, “You’re brilliant!” 
He pulled back slightly, planting a firm kiss on your forehead. 
In the end, you didn’t need him to save you. You could more than do that yourself. 
The Doctor was plagued with thoughts. Endless, troublesome thoughts swirled about his head. 
Almost nothing was certain. Except for one truth the Doctor held close to his heart. At the end of the day, it was just him. 
The last of the Time Lords. Floating through time and space, alone. 
Always alone. 
In his head, it was only a matter of time before you left. No one ever really stayed. Be it sickness, life, love, or fear, his companions always left him. 
He raked his hands across his face, hoping the action could silence the incessant chatter in his head. 
Truthfully, he didn’t have the strength to fight it off today. Why even bother? 
You bounded into the control room, a smile plastered across your face. You had a way of bringing light into any room. Most days, it was impossible for the Doctor to be upset in your presence. Today it was just too much for the alien to handle on his own. 
He tried to hide his hurt, plastering a sad smile on his own face. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, catching on instantly. 
“I’m fine,” he lied. 
You frowned, not falling for his lie. 
His hands clutched the console, his knuckles white from the force. Gently, you ghosted your fingers across his hand. Convinced he wasn’t going to run away, you placed your hands over his. Almost instantly they eased up, suddenly aware of the force in which he was clutching the console. 
“What’s going on up there?” you asked, your gentle hands moving to cup his face. You gave his head a light wiggle, the action causing the corners of the Doctor’s mouth to curve upwards. 
“How long are you going to stay with me?” He whispered, almost too scared to say the words aloud. 
You furrowed your brows, not out of anger, but rather confusion. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You smiled, your thumbs rubbing circles against his cheeks softly. 
The Doctor didn’t really believe you. They never wanted to leave, until they did. Perhaps you were happy at the moment, but that wasn’t going to last. 
He forced himself to pull away from your grip. The sooner he let you go, the less it was going to hurt. At least, that’s what he told himself. 
You grabbed the sleeve of his coat, tugging lightly. The Doctor closed his eyes, trying to demonstrate some level of self-restraint. You weren’t making it easy. 
Without warning, you wrapped your arms firmly around the man. Your grip was unwavering, your hands clutching at his clothes desperately. 
The Doctor was taken aback at first, unsure what to do. Eventually, he relaxed into the hug. Giving in, he allowed his arms to wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. If he had it his way, he would stay like this forever. 
“I don’t ever want to leave,” you gasped, your breath hot against his neck. You buried your face in his shoulder, attempting to get as close as possible. 
For a second, the Doctor allowed himself to think that you might feel even a fraction of the way he felt about you. 
“Yeah,” you beamed, pulling back to look at the Doctor. 
Your eyes were mesmerizing up close. Their color glistened in the TARDIS light, and he found it impossible to look away. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easy, Spaceman,” you laughed. 
“The name’s Captain Jack Harkness,” The dashing man in front of you smiled, holding out his hand confidently. 
You took it warily, exchanging your own name awkwardly. You didn’t exactly share the Captain’s confidence. His smile clearly had you flabbergasted, a scarlet flush creeping onto your cheeks.
He flashed you an overly cocky grin, his hold on your hand unwavering. 
“Stop it,” the Doctor growled from behind you. 
“I’m just saying hello,” Jack said innocently, practically batting his eyelashes.
“It’s never just hello with you,” the Doctor continued groaning. He was used to Jack’s antics, the man flirted with anything that moved. He usually had no issue with it. That was, until the flirting was directed at you. 
“I don’t mind,” you grinned, looking up at the Captain sheepishly. You seemed to get lost in his eyes. From the Doctor’s point of view, you practically had heart eyes bursting from your head. 
Jack smiled back, charming as ever. His eyes traveled across your face, taking in each and every feature. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered. 
You let out a nervous giggle, clearly taken aback by the compliment. Had the Doctor never called you that before? He was almost certain he had. You had never reacted that way when he did.
“T-thank you,” you stammered. It was clear to just about anyone that you were interested in the Captain. Between the way you looked at him and the bright red of your face, you were practically screaming it. 
It drove the Doctor crazy. He couldn’t express how badly he wanted you to look at him like that. Yet here you were, ogling over none other than Captain Jack Harkness. 
“Do you want to grab coffee?” Jack asked, his words pulling the Doctor from his thoughts. 
The Doctor had to suppress a scoff. Of course, the captain was asking you out at a time like this. The world could be crumbling and he would shag the nearest complying individual. 
The Doctor didn’t want to think about you and Jack together. In fact, he didn’t like to think about you with anyone but him. Maybe it was selfish, but a small part of him wanted you all to himself. 
He didn’t stick around to hear your answer. It would only break his heart more to hear you say yes. 
Unfortunately, the Doctor didn’t know that you never said yes to the Captain. If he had stuck around, he would have found that out. 
That was the only thing coursing through the Doctor’s mind as he pointed the gun at the woman in front of him. Pure, unbridled rage. 
His hands shook as he cocked the gun, fully preparing himself to pull the trigger. He could do it. He had every means to take the woman’s life. 
He didn’t need to move his gaze to know you were by his side. He could feel the gentle pull of your fingers on his coat. 
“Go back to the TARDIS,” he growled. 
“Doctor,” you repeated, hurt riddling your voice. 
He couldn’t bring himself to lower the gun, but at the same time, he couldn’t fire it either. 
The woman before him was an awful person. She had killed hundreds and didn't even feel a shred of remorse. Even further, he had killed your friend. He should kill her. You should want him to. But you didn't. 
“Doctor.” Your hand crept towards his. 
He shook his head. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry. But instead, he just stood there. 
“She doesn't deserve this,” you pleaded, your hand closing around his own. 
“Yes she does,” he said, shakily. He wasn’t sure if he fully believed himself. 
“If you kill her, are you any better than her?” You asked, guiding the hand holding the gun away from the woman. 
The Doctor didn’t stop you, but he didn’t agree either. His eyes remained trained on the woman at his feet. 
You eased the gun from his hand and disarmed it before throwing it across the room. 
You took his face in your hands gently, pulling his gaze towards you. 
“You are better than this,” you reminded him. 
The Doctor was fighting back tears. It was all he could do to shake his head no. 
“Yes, you are,” you reiterated, resting your forehead against his. 
The TARDIS was cold. Realistically, it was the Doctor’s fault for breaking the heater. In his defense, he didn’t intend to. 
It wasn’t an issue for the Time Lord, temperature wasn’t really an issue for him. He could wear a suit in the desert or shorts in the winter, it didn’t really matter. 
You, however, were obviously cold. 
“Are you going to fix the heating?” you asked, clutching your arms for warmth. 
It wasn’t that he wanted you to suffer. Quite the contrary. He couldn’t figure out how to fix the heater. He just didn’t want to admit it. 
“If you go up the stairs and to the left, you’ll find yourself in the TARDIS closet,” he explained. 
“I hardly think an 18th-century dress that smells of mothballs is going to fix the heating.” 
The Doctor chuckled. 
“No, but there are sweaters and other normal clothes in there.”
While you went searching for something warm, the Doctor continued his banging under the TARDIS console. It shouldn’t be this hard to figure out. 
He sat cross-legged on the floor, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He ducked his head downwards so he could read the book that lay open on the floor. 
“How to fix your spaceship at home!” wasn’t much help at the moment. He slammed the book shut and resumed his pointless banging. He was probably doing more harm than good, but he figured if he hit enough stuff the ship would fix itself. 
The TARDIS groaned in protest. 
“I think this will work,” you interrupted, walking back into the control room. 
You were rolling the sleeves of a green sweater up so you could use your hands. 
His green sweater. 
“It doesn’t smell like mothballs!” You jested. 
The Doctor turned his gaze away from you, hoping you wouldn’t notice the bright red color creeping into his cheeks. 
“It actually smells a bit like leather and sweets,” you continued, smelling the sleeve.
“That used to be mine.” 
“Yours?” You asked, almost as if you were shocked. 
“Well, it didn’t belong to this face,” he shrugged. 
“But it was yours.” 
“Yeah.” The red was taking over his face now. There was no way you hadn’t noticed. 
“You can have it back,” you said, interpreting his silence for displeasure. 
“No! I don’t wear stuff like that anymore. You can have it,” he rambled, scratching the back of his head anxiously. He wanted to say so many other things. How you looked infinitely better in it than he ever did and how happy it made him to see you in his sweater. 
“Thank you!” you grinned before bounding back down the hallway. 
The Doctor smiled to himself. He’d completely forgotten about the heating. All he could think about was how much he liked you in his clothes. 
The one time he did something about it.
You threw the doors of the TARDIS open, rushing into the open field. 
“It’s beautiful!” You laughed as you danced through the tall sapphire grass. You stopped to examine every strange and new plant littered throughout the meadow, encountering each with a new kind of enthusiasm.
The biome in front of him could be the most magnificent thing ever, and he would still be looking at you. Especially when you were this happy. 
You bounced around the meadow, picking up flowers you liked as the Doctor followed behind you. 
You rambled on about your day happily as you moved about. You were more than content to just be in the Doctor’s company without an imminent threat looming over you. 
He stopped your ramblings suddenly with an utterance of your name. 
“Yes?” You asked, wide-eyed. 
“I love you,” he whispered. He couldn’t hold it in anymore.
Wide-eyed, you blinked at him. 
“Please say something,” he said, pained.
You remained silent, still processing the Time Lord’s words. 
The Doctor began to panic. Thoughts tumbled about his head, doubt seeping into his mind. 
Then, without warning, you dropped your flowers and threw yourself into the Doctor’s arms. 
He fell over from the force, landing in the cushion of the plush foliage. 
“I’m sorry,” you laughed, a grin taking over your face. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
The Doctor brushed a stay strand of hair from your face, tucking it gently behind your ear. Color flushed into your cheeks from the simple action.
His eyes darted between your eyes and your mouth, silently asking permission to kiss him. You nodded your head lightly, inviting him to do so. 
Slowly, he brought his lips to yours. You smiled against his kiss, relishing in the warmth. 
When he pulled away, you pulled him back. Plastering a series of kisses against his mouth, you demanded his attention. 
This made the Doctor laugh, his arms snaking comfortably around your waist, truly securing you against himself. 
You drifted from his lips to his cheek, planting one final kiss there. 
“You love me!” you laughed, poking him playfully. 
“I do,” He laughed, resting his hand against your cheek.  You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes in tranquility. 
“I love you too,” you whispered against his palm, your breath warm on his hand. 
Truthfully, that was all the Doctor could have ever asked for.
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vminizzle · 2 years
pairing : college boyfriend!jungkook x f. reader
genre : smut, fluffy tones
warnings : dacryphilia, teasing, making out, light dry humping, marking, use of sex toy, overstimulation, oral (f.receiving) , fingering , multiple orgasms (2) , use of pet names, praising
words count : 1.7k
A/N : i love college boyfriend!jungkook, usually he’s more confident but this time I decided to make him a bit flustered at the beginning because why not? Anyways, it’s finally the week-end!! I hope I did well with this fic,, gonna sneak a link in it lmao. REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH enjoy! love y’all - sunny
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“make yourself at home babe.” you said kissing your boyfriend’s cheek as he entered the living room with his bag.
Tonight, you invited your boyfriend for a sleepover, watching movies all night and eating tons of snack until you knock out then cuddle to sleep: a ritual you had since you started dating.
Well, a ritual you get to do everytime your dad travels overseas for work. He didn’t really like the idea of you and your boyfriend being alone in your bedroom.
Even if it’s for "homework", he would always ask you to let your bedroom’s door open, and would occasionally come glance at what you both doing.
It’s not that he didn’t like your boyfriend. Not at all, he kinda appreciates "the biker" you’re dating but the thought of his innocent daughter doing forbidden things, such as kissing on the mouth with a boy make him anxious.
That’s why, everytime you both want to have "alone" times together, you would go to his dorm or he would sneak in through your window at night.
“I’m just gonna take a quick shower to freshen up.” you said making him nod.
Jungkook followed you to your bedroom, putting his bag on your desk chair.
You were about to close the bathroom’s door when he called you “baby wait wait wait! where can I find your laptop’s charger please? I forgot mine at the dorm.” he sighed.
“you can find it somewhere in my wardrobe.” you chuckled.
“but good luck it’s a mess.” you waved playfully as you closed the bathroom’s door.
Jungkook opened your huge wardrobe, a pair of jean and two big hoodies falling on his head.
“wasn’t kidding when she said it was a mess.” he laughed.
He put the clothes aside as he crouched down to look into the few drawers.
Opening one, he found your underwear. His ears instantly turning a deep red as he picked one of your panties up. He lifted the thin black fabric in front of his face, his cheeks burning as he imagined you wearing it.
Jungkook groaned feeling a bit guilty for invading your privacy like that. But the thought of you wearing it only for him to see made blood rush down there.
He shook his head before putting the panties back in the drawer before closing it.
He opened another one, random stuff filling the furniture such as hair bands, headbands, your hair brush, lip balm, random bracelets and earrings, and again it was a mess.
Jungkook chuckled at how messy you were. He was about to close the drawer, but something caught his eyes midway.
A purple little object stopped his movement.
He bit his bottom lip, hesitating to grab the suspicious object. He thought for a moment, debating on if he was doing something bad. He took a deep breath, curiosity eating him more and more.
“ah fuck it.” he said before grabbing the little bullet.
Jungkook stared at it for awhile, his imagination running wild as he realized what it was.
Since when do you own this?
Were you using it often?
were you using it because he can’t make you feel good? "no impossible." he furrowed his eyebrows at this one thought.
He couldn’t help but question himself.
But you must looked so pretty pleasuring yourself.
Just imagining the scene turned him on.
He was so immersed into his thoughts that he didn’t hear the bathroom door opening.
“babe.” you called out softly noticing him crouched down in front of your wardrobe.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you approached him “did you fi-” 
Jungkook turned around looking up at you a bit surprised before following your gaze.
“Oh no! That’s not what you think. Not at all. I mean yes ..but no! It’s just.. I was searching for the charger and I .. argh shit sorry baby I didn’t mean to.. y’know… I just found it accidentally.” he said panicked.
"I’m so so so sorry.” he finally stood up, guilt painted all over his face.
“it’s ok don’t worry” you reassured him, your cheeks burning as if he just found out one of your wildest secrets.
Was it? No?
You looked at his hand still holding the purple object. You stood there for a moment before he talked again “do you use it?” he asked curiously.
You looked up at him surprised by his question.
“no. not gonna lie, I forgot about it there is a long time ago now.” you laughed awkwardly.
“well..” you continued.
“I’ve bought this before we met. Like you know I’ve never dated someone before you .. and .. yea ..so I bought this ..y’know to.. yea” you gulped lowering your head.
Jungkook sighed almost in relief “I thought you bought this because I wasn’t.. good enough..” he admitted.
“Good enough?” You asked confused.
“yea I mean, good enough to satisfy you.. pleasure you..” he trailed out.
“oh no no! you’re perfect! you are more than good.. I mean .. you know” you avoided his eyes, embarrassment washing over you as you cringe at your words.
Your boyfriend smirked “am I ?” he teased.
You nodded looking away, fidgeting with your fingers.
He hummed coming closer to you “don’t be so shy my love.” he stroked your cheeks softly.
“I’m not shy” you whined rolling your eyes playfully.
“when was the last time you used this?” he gestured to the little vibrator.
“years ago? I don’t even really remember” you answered lowly.
“what about we use it again tonight darling?” he smirked pulling you closer to him, your chest flat on his.
You gasped softly his sudden confident startling you. You bit your lip before nodding, the idea of Jungkook using it on you excited you.
He smiled softly as he connected his lips with yours, kissing you softly, his hand on your hip, the other one still holding the little bullet as he made you walk backward to your bed.
You let your body fell back on the mattress as the back of your knees touched the edge of your bed, your boyfriend falling on top of you.
Your hands went to the back of his neck playing with the little black curls as he hummed into the kiss.
He hovered over you, one of his hand travelling down to your thigh lifting it up a bit as he started grinding on you.
“Jungkook” you moaned his name softly making him harden a bit more.
He let go of the vibrator putting it somewhere on the bed as his other hand caressed their way down to the elastic of your pajama short.
“Can I take this off?” You only nodded helping him to get rid of the garment.
Jungkook laid on his stomach between your legs, his plump lips dancing on the soft flesh of your thigh leaving little kisses and decorating the skin with love bites and hickeys.
You whimpered as he nibbled the flesh with his teeth making goosebumps raise on your skin. He smiled before leaving a peck on the abused and sensitive skin. 
His lips got higher as they reached the hem of your panties. The bridge of his nose brushed against your lightly-covered clit.
"f-fuck Kook” the little friction making you whine. He put his fingers under the elastic band of your panties waiting for you to give me the green light.
“go on, I’m all yours.” you whispered.
Jungkook smirked at your words “I love it when you say that you’re mine.”
He slid the fabric down your legs slowly, throwing it on the carpeted floor.
He spread your legs again, his head disappearing between them as he kissed your clit softly making you let out a breathy moan.
Jungkook started sucking on your glistening lips, his tongue pushing inside your entrance painfully slow.
He pulled away before inserting two fingers at once making you gasp. He started pumping slowly inside you, feeling your warm walls contracting around his fingers.
“fuck it feels so good.” you breathed out feeling hot already.
Jungkook reached for the bullet vibrator, "cleaning" it quickly with the sheet before turning it on, putting it gently on your bud of nerves.
You threw your head back, the added stimulation making you feel lightheaded.
He lift your shirt a bit, enough for him to leave kisses on your tummy.
“you’re doing so good for me. ” he said before pressing the vibrator a little bit more on your clit.
You nearly screamed as he hit your g-spot with his long fingers.
"d-dont stop oh my god! Jungkook! I’m so c-!”
Jungkook bit his lip at your ruined state, the way you furrowed your eyebrows, your lip trapped between your teeth, a thin layer of sweat covering your forehead.. you looked so pretty. He could cum at the sight.
You threw your head deep in the pillows as you came on his fingers, your loud moans coming out as melody to his ears.
He picked up the pace, your walls tightly convulsing around his fingers. The vibration on your throbbing clit now too much to handle as your hand went to grab his wrist.
“t-too much.” you whined a tear sliding down your cheek.
“C’mon my love, just a bit more hm?” Jungkook said softly.
“i know you can take it.” You gulped as you felt the oh-so-familiar feeling in your lower stomach.
“I’m- fuck I’m gonna-”
A wave of pleasure washed over you as you cummed on his fingers again, legs lightly trembling, hips bucking at the overstimulation.
Tears started spilling onto your cheeks, you cried out his name over and over as you felt your second orgasm coming.
Jungkook watched you in awe as you came for the second time. The tears sliding down your cheeks slowly making him twitch in his pants.
He turned off the vibrator, fingers moving slowly into you to help you ride your high.
“You did so good.. so good for me.” he whispered softly, caressing your thigh to soother you a bit. He leaned down kissing you throbbing clit gently making you hiss.
He got up to grab a warm wet towel in your bathroom to clean you up. He went to your wardrobe searching into your drawer for the red panties he saw earlier.
Jungkook smirked as he gave it to you “put these for me pretty please.”
You grabbed the thin panties chuckling. 
After a moment he cleared his voice making you look at him curiously.
”are you gonna help me with this?” he smirked looking down at his boner.
A/N : a part 2? 🤔 dad came back earlier? 👀 thanks for reading!!
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jennifer-jeong · 7 months
Hi there :)
Can I request some headcanons about Xiao and Wanderer (separated) with an old s/o? Like, they've been together for decades, but reader is a mortal and they're not, therefore they don't have many years left to live now that they're in their 80s. I would like something sweet but feel free to add some angst in it.
HI ANON TY FOR YOUR ASK! Ok so I’m literally goiNG TO CRY because I actually purposely make my own self insert immortal because this makes me so depressed but dw I will make it a fluffy happy ending. I would be unwell if I didn’t make it a happy ending LMAO
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Fluff + Slight Angst | Xiao/Wanderer x Reader Mortals
CONTENT Fluff, some angst, gender neutral reader, HAPPY ENDING WOO, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
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XIAO has been alive for longer than he can genuinely remember and most of it was spent suffering alone. He’s scarred so deeply that even until the end of time, the marks will never fade. He can’t get rid of his past but you came along and he realized he could at least start to heal from the centuries of pain. Your time together has been the best years of his life and it makes his heart ache to think that you’re about to come and go before even living for a fraction of his life. He’s watched your mortal body age but he still thinks knows that you’re the prettiest thing he’ll ever encounter. Xiao has always treated his time with you like it was limited, even when you were younger. He’s been getting desperate recently though, your body has slowed down, and you’re well into your elderly years. He’s always wanted to ask you if he and Zhongli could help you with this, return you to your younger body and help you live forever. But, he thought it would hurt you. Immortality is more of a curse than a blessing and he of all people should know that. But as your health deteriorated, he started to plan how to ask you without pressuring you. Honestly, when he finally brought it up, you giggled at him and said “I didn’t even know you could do that.” He blinked as he realized how much time had passed and how he really had been avoiding it all these years. It was just somewhat unfathomable to a 2000 year old being that all these fun years with you had already been a few decades. He explains why he felt bad suggesting it, but you quickly comforted him and thanked him for even bringing it up. You said you needed some time to think about it but you knew that you wanted more time with your beloved. It’s near impossible for most people to find their soulmate and so since you found yours, you wanted to somewhat selfishly hold onto him as long as you could. Of course he secretly felt the same though. Your time together might end soon as the traveller discovers the underlying mysteries of the world or it could end millenia later. Either way, you knew you’d be able to face it, together.
WANDERER has been through so much over the past few centuries of his life and he’s believed his emotions have been so useless to him as he isn’t even human. His suffering, pain, and desire never made sense because he always lacked a heart. He thought he’d be doomed to this forever until he met you. You breathed life into his mechanical body and into his new anemo vision heart. He felt truly alive with you, it was like he was freshly born as a real man when you came into his life. He took a while to properly warm up to you before he could express himself in a healthy way but you always had the patience for him. The problem was that he couldn’t have the same patience, not because he wasn’t a healthy partner, but because your life had a definite end. He was impatient because he couldn’t lose you and he didn’t know what else to do. He consulted Nahida/his mom about it and she suggested using his body as a template to create a body for you. One that would last forever with him. He was immediately overjoyed to hear that there was hope and he almost forgot to consider that you might not want to live forever. He probably tries to gauge if you would want to by prodding you with small questions but you see straight through him. You know something’s up, and you tell him that you know there’s enough trust between you two for either of you to speak freely. So he does. You take some time to debate it and decide to do it because even if at some point you can’t take it, you’d talk to him about it and come up with a solution (but you doubt that'll come up <3). There was a lot going on in Teyvat at the moment but just knowing that you’d have more time gave both of you peace. He was worried that afterwards you might not be the same, and that you might become emotionally hollow. But you knew that with him there, you’d never feel any less alive. Even without your physical body, you both had your souls, and it was all you’d ever need.
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
ruggie to (unknowingly) his kid: imma flirt with your mom and potentially erase your existence, sorry not sorry
*cracks knuckles* nothing but the best for my favorite hyena.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here.
The entire Yutu situation gives Leona a headache.  He sees the portal, takes a sniff, rolls his eyes, and goes looking for the only hyena he (or to be more accurate Yuu) knows.  He doesn't outright say “congratulations you're a dad” because he doesn't know if that would be too much to believe but Ruggie takes the whole "time traveler related to Yuu" idea fairly well.  I mean, Yuu’s from another world and Ruggie was pretty convinced that was impossible until .  What bothers him is Leona's saying Yutu is a beastman.  That can only really mean one thing, but Ruggie doesn't want to bug Leona for any more details because what if his first thought is wrong and all his hopes are crushed?  I mean he never said that Yutu was Yuu's kid... just that they are related. Maybe it's an ancestry thing and he can just adjust the streams a bit?
Meanwhile Yutu is thrilled to see what a great partner to his parent his dad is. It makes him feel very warm and safe, something Yutu hasn't felt in a very long time.
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Ruggie! Yutu is a bit oblivious to certain things.  He tries to socialize with people, really he does but things always just sort of come out wrong and leave him upset, lonely, and embarrassed. He doesn't have Ruggie's charisma or ability to schmooze, but he does have his laugh. Something that endears him to Yuu which is all he really cares about at the end of the day. Hyenas tend to be more solitary and stick to their clans/family units, and while he might not have his ears and tail in your world he still has his instincts.
Yuu remembers Ruggie as someone who took care of them and took a great deal of pride in that. They tell him about how Yutu shares his laugh, and how they know in their soul he would have loved Yutu to bits. Ruggie has a voice line about how he used to make flower crowns for the neighborhood kids back home, and I can see him teaching Yuu how he made them when they were preparing for Yutu so they "could make some for the kid when they get here." Yuu might not remember that's why they know how to make the little crowns Yutu loves so much, but it makes them nostalgic to watch their little dandelion prince run around their backyard in his crown.
Dandelions are his favorite flower from how often Yuu uses them to make flower crowns, and he quite likes making wishes on them.  When he was a child he used to bring them up to Yuu and insist on them making wishes too, he never told them but he was convinced that one day Yuu's memory loss and pain would go away if they just kept wishing on them. He still makes wishes on them sometimes, but he feels very silly about it now.
He likes being useful, especially to Yuu, and is surprisingly good at negotiating for someone who isn't as unflappable as his dad.  People tend to think he comes off as a bit stupid, so they're very blindsided when he knows all his figures and what to charge for his work.  He doesn't fully realize this which tends to annoy people, which he does pick up on but he's too stubborn to let that affect negotiations.  He needs that money more than whoever is dunking on him.
What does he use that money for? Well he wants Yuu to use it on bills, but you keep saying no so he spends it on fabric and yarn. If he's going to spend so much time alone he might as well be able to clothe himself. And you always praised him when he made you something new. Like I said, he wants to be useful.
As described here upon being transported to Twisted Wonderland, Ruggie! Yutu found himself transformed into a hyena beastman. His hearing is overwhelmingly sensitive, Crewel has to speak to him in whispers for the first few weeks, and still finds himself doing it sometimes. Losing Yuu clearly struck a massive blow to Yutu's sense of self, and now Crewel has to tell him about what happened to his dad.
Yutu really likes the idea that the dead in Twisted Wonderland become stars. He starts stargazing to cope with missing his parents, even picking out where in the sky he thinks you and Ruggie are watching over him. It evolves into an interest in stargazing that he keeps up when he travels back in time.
Now Ruggie. Ruggie. When Yutu meets him he's surprised at how accurate Yuu's memories of him were. He loves showing off how good he would be at taking care of Yuu while providing them the room to take care of themselves too. Ruggie has so much respect for what Yuu can do without magic it makes Yutu a bit teary eyed, he had always worried about Yuu feeling alone in Twisted Wonderland since he knows first hand mages can be very judgemental so seeing one not like that-
"Well it's just nice to see." His father can't see it but his tail his wagging underneath his hoodie. For some reason, Ruggie doesn't seem proud of himself though, he's just staring at the ground long and hard like he's thinking about something.
"Are you sure you should be thanking me?" Yutu thinks that Ruggie sounds sad, and he's instantly worried that he's said something wrong somehow but has no idea what it could be or how to explain himself if he had.
"Um- is is there a reason I shouldn't?" Please don't make him guess that's his least favorite game and he always fails-
"Well I mean I'm flirting with your parent ain't I? That could potentially erase your existence." Ruggie is so serious about it that it shocks Yutu out of his spiral.
"Oh. I don't think that will be an issue."
Listen the instant Ruggie learns he can flirt with Yuu to his hearts content without causing timeline issues he gets three times as "insufferable" (Yutu thinks it's cute) with how direct he is to Yuu. He's still more reserved than some of the other boys, he wants you to make the first move, but he's happy that he wasn't misinterpreting your relationship up to this point. Really happy.
He is significantly LESS happy with what Yutu tells him about the future. Ruggie was raised by his grandma and while he loves her to death the last thing he ever wanted for his child was to A) have to struggle like he did and B) have to struggle alone. Don't get him wrong, he trusts Yuu to have given Yutu the best childhood possible given their circumstances but those circumstances never should have existed. It's literally the one thing he has been working for all this time and vowed never to accept failure for.
Very worried about Yutu's health now that he knows he's been a Hyena beastmen all this time under that hood. He uses his new found freedom to take up Yuu's time to keep them away from Ramshackle (until Yutu is ready to tell Yuu) so Yutu can have a bit more time to relax outside of his disguise. he's very impressed by Yutu's sewing skills and takes the time to teach him how to alter his clothes to be more friendly to his tail and ears.
From the bit of reading I did on Hyenas, and some of Ruggie's voice lines, bringing back food for the cubs is very important to them so Ruggie starts being very concerned about seeing Yutu eat enough. He won't even charge for it if he thinks his kid didn't get enough to eat, Rugginald is going to find that boy a sandwich if it's the last thing he does (but not really he's not going to die on Yutu again.)
Surprisingly, Ruggie is more than fine with Yutu's lack of charisma and social awkwardness. It takes all sorts of peoples to make the world go round and Yutu clearly has a good head for figures and a strong work ethic. He knows what his weakness are and he tries to make up for them, what else could a survival minded guy like Ruggie ask for? (One of those sweaters he made Yuu, a matching one preferably he wants to take holiday pictures he's heard rich people do that.)
Ruggie is another one who has no idea how to fix the future, but he's sure Leona will be willing to make it his problem if he learns just how much more work is waiting for him in the future if he doesn't stop things now. In the meantime he tries not to think about the death that could be awaiting him in favor of working to maintain what he has now, and that's you, your not cat, and your star gazing son from the future. Ruggie's never been one to take stock in the idea that a person can be poor in wealth but rich in friends, but damn if he doesn't feel like it every time Yutu asks him to show him something new.
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spooky-pomegranate · 1 year
Use Your Words:
Captain Price x F Reader (18+) 🔥 Word Count: 3.8K
Summary: Price shows you the scars on his body and reassures you that everything will be alright.
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It was hard to see where you were going through the hazy fog of tears, but Price gently guided you into another room and helped you sit on the edge of his bed. You didn’t understand why your emotions had taken over you so quickly. But now that they had bubbled to your surface it felt impossible to dismiss them.
Price’s hand left yours and through the blurry haze, you watched as he knelt down in front of you. Without a word, he gently removed his shirt and laid it on the ground.
“Price I don’t think I can…” Your eyes fell to the floor. As badly as you had wanted him just a moment ago, you couldn’t go there now. Not when your world felt like it was crumbling beneath you. Not when your head and heart were on such different terms.
“I know,” Price's voice soothed. “I know. Just look at me, sweetheart.”
You raised your head and stared at Price. His lips curved upward and he smiled. The edges of his eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched. A warmth spread through your belly. You loved how his face changed when he looked at you like this. Like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Like nothing else mattered but you. Like time was standing still. No one had ever looked at you this way.
The tender reverence in his soft blue eyes pulled you back to earth. You sniffled again and brushed the tears from your eyes feeling slightly more grounded.
“I’m sorry, Price. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Shhh. Shhh. It’s alright. It’s okay to fall apart. I’m here… I’m here to catch you,” Price let a moment of silence pass, allowing you to regain your breath before he spoke again. His tone was soft and gentle. “I know you're scared and I know things seem impossible. But they’re not. I promise you. I’ve faced much worse odds, love. And I’m still standing here aren’t I?”
“You… you have?” Your voice wavered.
Price reached for your hand and brought it to his chest. His skin felt hot underneath your trembling fingers.
“Look.” Price moved your hand just below his left shoulder. He rubbed your thumb over an angry silver and white circular scar the size of a quarter. “You feel this?”
You nodded as you focused on the feeling of your finger gliding over the healed mark. His skin was raised by still soft. Whatever had caused the mark had been violent and cruel.
“Last year a terrorist launched a missile from a rooftop in downtown Chicago. The missile was headed for Washington D.C.” Price paused shaking his head. “Thousands would have been killed. It would have been the worst terrorist attack ever seen on American soil.”
Your jaw fell slack and your eyes left Price’s chest and met his.
“I was shot right here with an automatic rifle.” Price chuckled, “Felt like getting run over by a truck. Knocked me back on my heels and pretty sure my Sergeant thought he’d lost me. But he didn’t and I’m still standing… aren’t I love?”
You looked back at Price’s chest and splayed your palm over the healed bullet wound. You could feel his heartbeat strong and steady. Sure you had noticed his scars before but you never imagined the hell he’d walk through to earn them.
You nodded at him.
“And we stopped the impossible. Rerouted the missile and kept the entire operation under wraps.”
The thought of Price facing death made you hyper-aware of your own heartbeat. It was beating against your ribcage like a rapid drumroll. Your hand felt warm and sticky against Price’s chest.
“Nothing’s impossible, love. Even when it feels like there’s no hope I promise you there is always hope.” Price's voice was low. You wondered if he ever told his men this or if this was a mantra he privately reminded himself of. You wondered how anyone was strong enough to do what he’d done alone.
You slid your hand further down Price’s chest to a long red scar that started near the healed bullet wound and traveled across his chest to his right side.
“And here?” You murmured, sliding forward on the mattress so you were perched on its edge, your fingers gliding back and forth over the long red mark.
“Mmmm…” Price hummed, leaning into your touch. “Knife attack. Russia. We ran out of ammunition and we were cornered. Had to fight our way out hand to hand.”
You two continued like this for hours… Price kneeling before you, you running your hands over every scar on his body, and him telling you stories about how he acquired them. And with each retelling, your heart ached as you realized these were only the scars you could see. It was hard not to imagine how many more he must have that were out of your reach.
But the ache in your heart was also met with a blistering pride. If Price was able to move forward, to fight another day, to keep pushing onward after everything he’d seen and done then surely you could do the same. Surely Price could draw out from you a similar strength he drew from the men he commanded.
You leaned forward and placed a kiss on the small silver scar by Price’s shoulder, your lips lingering on the raised and discolored skin.
“Your so strong.” You said slowly pulling away from his chest.
Price hummed a deep groan that melted straight through you.
“And you make me stronger, sweetheart,” he whispered.
“I… I do?”
“You do.” Your heart lept to your throat at his tender words. “Of course, you do, love. When I left you at the warehouse you stayed in the back of my mind for every single second. I fought to get back to you because I promised you I would. I just want to be with you and I would have done anything to get to you because… I love you.”
Price closed his eyes and shook his head. He sighed before resting the palm of his hand over your cheek.
You felt a surge of emotion fill your chest, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch. His rough thumb brushed back and forth over your cheekbone, and you closed your eyes, savoring the warmth of his palm against your skin. A sense of safety and comfort washed over you.
For so long, you had felt lost and alone, but with Price, you felt like you had found your place in the world. His love was a balm to your broken heart, and you knew that you would do anything to keep it. And now you were starting to realize, that maybe Price felt the same way. Maybe this was a love different from anything you’d both felt before.
You leaned forward again and kissed the red lengthy scar that traveled across Price’s broad and muscular chest. He groaned as your lips made contact with his skin. Price pulled you closer to him, his hands roaming over your back. As your lips moved along the length of his scar, Price's hands eventually found their way to your hair, and he tangled his fingers in your locks.
You could feel the heat emanating from his body, the scent of his cologne filling your senses, mixing with the tobacco and whiskey you’d consumed. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself lost in the moment, the world outside of the room ceasing to exist. It was as if the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders as Price’s love enveloped you.
Your hands slid to Price’s waist and pulled him upright so he was standing between your thighs. You leaned in again and kissed another scar that lingered beneath a dark patch of hair that trailed from his stomach to underneath his pants.
“Fucking hell…” Price growled as your lips grazed his happy trail.
His sultry groan was electrifying. You looked up at him with a mischievous smirk on your lips. His eyes were dark with desire, and you could feel his hardness growing and pressing against your thigh.
You pulled him down by his neck and kissed him deeply. Your tongue teasing his lips before delving into his mouth. His hands were all over you, roaming your body as if he couldn't get enough. You moaned into his mouth as one of his hands found its way to your breast, his thumb rubbing over your nipple through the fabric of your shirt. You pulled away from the kiss, gasping for breath.
"I need you, Price," you whispered, your voice husky with desire.
Price didn't need any more encouragement. He lifted you up and carried you to the center of his bed, laying you down and crawling on top of you. He kissed you again, his hands roaming over your body as he gently removed your shirt and bra. His lips moved down your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin.
“You don’t know the power you have over me, love,” he whispered into the shell of your ear, sending chills down your spine.
You unconsciously arched your back pushing yourself off the mattress and into Price’s firm and tense body. Your body was on fire, and you couldn’t get enough of the heat rising inside you.
Price's mouth trailed down over your breasts, his tongue swirling around your nipple before sucking it gently into his mouth. His teeth lightly nibbled at the sensitive skin, and your hands ran up the length of his arms, fingers digging into his muscle. The scruff of his face felt like sandpaper against your overly sensitive skin, but you revealed in the sensation. The mix of pain and pleasure only made you more wet in between your thighs.
Price’s mouth released from your nipple with a squelching pop and you whined. You arched your back, trying to get another sensation from his mouth as it trailed over your stomach and to your navel. His eyes found yours, and there was a wicked gleam in them. His lips curled into a devilish smirk as he moved his hands to the button of your pants. He quickly undid the button and slowly unzipped your pants, his eyes never leaving yours. You moistened your lips nervously, your eyes glued to his deft hands.
“Please,” you whimpered, your heart rate increasing.
With one strong pull Price yanked your bottoms down past your ankles. You propped yourself up on your elbows you painfully and deliciously slowly spread your legs apart for him. By the way, Price’s pupils darkened you were sure that he could see that your arousal had soaked through the cotton of your underwear. You had no doubt the white fabric was probably translucent from the way you felt drenched with desire.
Price’s lips connected with your underwear, his tongue darting out to taste you through the soaking wet fabric.
“Anything for you,” he growled against your center before giving it a kiss. You whimpered again. His teasing winding you up like a coil tightening into a taut spring.
Price hooked his fingers in the sides of your panties and you eagerly lifted your hips off the mattress so he could slide them down your legs. Price dove back in between your thighs like a man starved and you gasped as his tongue entered you.
He groaned at the taste of you, and you could feel the vibrations through your body. You moaned loudly as his tongue pushed deeper inside of you. Your fingers twisted in his short hair, and you pulled his face deeper against you. You couldn’t control yourself. You rutted against his face. His beard rubbing against your thighs.
The feeling of his tongue delving into you was too much, and your hips bucked again and again into his face. His hands moved from your thighs to your hips, and you could feel his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass in a forceful grip.
The pleasure was quickly building in you, and you could feel your orgasm rising like a tidal wave in the ocean.
"Oh, god, Price, please," you whimpered. His tongue hit a spot inside of you, and you were sure you were about to explode.
“Please what, love? Use your words.” He demanded, giving your ass a gentle squeeze.
“Please… don’t… stop,” you breathed barely able to form the words.
The wicked smile returned to his lips and Price dove back in between your legs. But this time he focused his mouth on your clit, licking and stroking the bundle of nerves in delicious and mesmerizing circles. You felt yourself teetering on the edge and just as you were about to fall Price slid two fingers deep inside you.
You came with a loud whine. Your body thrashed against the mattress as you tried to pry yourself apart from Price. But he held onto you tightly and continued his assault between your legs, licking and sucking and pounding up into you with his large and thick fingers.
You were sure you had lost your mind. The strength of your orgasm was too intense that you could feel your vision blurring. God, no one could make you lose control like this man.
But as your orgasm finally started to subside Price pulled his fingers from inside you and slide them up your body over your thighs, across your stomach, up to your breast. A trail of your own wetness lingered behind shining on your skin as he squeezed your breast and rolled your nipple in between his fingers. You couldn’t help but release a high-pitched whimper as he played with you.
Price eventually kissed his way back up your stomach and over your collarbone until he found your lips. You could taste yourself on his lips as his tongue pushed into your mouth. You traced your hands over his toned torso, feeling every ripple of his taut muscles.
Price’s hand found your wrist and gently, but firmly, moved your hand to the waist of his pants. You smirked into the kiss as you felt his hardness strain against the fabric of his trousers. His breath was ragged as you unbuttoned his pants and slowly slid them down his legs, taking his boxers with them.
Your fingers wrapped around his girth, your thumb flicking over the sensitive tip of his reddening cock. You curled your hand around Price’s shaft and gave it a firm squeeze. He moaned into your mouth as his hands ran up the length of your body. One hand cupping your breast, and the other buried in your hair.
You guided Price’s cock to your opening. And with a small snap of his hips, you felt the tip of Price’s cock slip inside of you, and you moaned.
Price let out a deep groan of his own as your body enveloped him. Your hips rose to meet his, and he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Ever so slowly Price began to rock his hips back and forth. Rutting into you at a delicious pace.
Price plunged deeper inside of you making your cunt clench around him in a vice grip. The feeling of being so full of him was driving you insane as he began to pick up his pace. His breath was hot against your ear, and you could feel the stubble on his chin scratching against your neck with each thrust.
“Oh, god,” you moaned into his ear.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned back.
You could feel yourself losing control again. The pleasure from before was building in your core and you couldn’t help but thrust your hips up to meet his steadily increasing pace.
“I’m gonna…” you panted, your head dropping onto his shoulder.
“Not yet, love,” he said as he pulled his face away from your neck.
“But I’m--”
“Not yet,” He growled, his eyes dark with lust.
His thrusts deepened, and you could feel him hitting your G-spot. Your body quivered, and your vision started to go spotty. The pleasure was about to take over, and you couldn’t control yourself.
But then Price stopped.
“Not yet,” he repeated.
He pulled his cock from you and you let out a disappointed whine. You opened your mouth to protest, but the words caught in your throat when you saw Price’s feral gaze. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you toward the edge of the bed. He climbed off the bed and stood quickly yanking your thighs up against his shoulders before slotting himself back in between your legs. He grabbed a pillow and slide it underneath your hips so your torso was raised off the bed.
Then Price pushed into you hard and it didn’t take long for you to see stars with the new angle in which he was fucking you. After a particularly vicious snap of his hips, your eyes rolled back as you moaned loudly.
“Fuckkkkkk,” you cried.
“That’s it, love,” he said as your eyes met his again.
He pushed into you again and again, his balls slapping against your ass and you could feel yourself tightening around his cock. He looked beautiful like this. Taking you so viciously. Standing over you like a powerful god looking down upon a mere mortal. You felt so spread open and vulnerable before him like this. And fuck was it the sexiest thing you had ever seen.
The feeling of him sliding in and out of your wet pussy was maddening. It was too much and not enough all at the same time. And you knew you were about to come again. You could feel your orgasm boiling just underneath your skin.
“Price I can’t… I can’t…” you whimpered desperately.
“It’s alright love. Let go,” he said sliding his hand up your thighs and to your ankles.
With another snap of his hips, he pulled you to him, impaling you on his cock. The pleasure was blinding and your orgasm rocked you to your core. You reached above your head and dug your nails into the sheets, clawing and scratching for anything to ground you as Price continued to fuck you senselessly.
You stared up at Price and he met your eyes.
“One more sweetheart. You can give me one more right?” He asked the deep timbre of his voice making you twitch.
Your voice was lodged in your throat. All you could do was whimper and nod your head. You would give Price anything he asked for at this moment. He was making you feel so good how could you deny him?
“Good girl,” he growled before leaning down, slipping out of you, and lifting you up into his arms.
Without warning you were in the air and Price was moving you across the room. You wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your head into his neck. You kissed and sucked just below his beard leaving small marks behind until suddenly your back made contact with the cool surface of a wall. The cold plaster sent a shiver down your spine.
“God you’re so beautiful,” Price whispered in your ear before pistoning back into your pussy.
You bit your lip hard to keep from screaming as he continued his assault on your cunt. You reached up and wrapped your arms around Price’s neck, your hands scratching at his back, trying to hold on as he pounded into you.
Each thrust of his hips was harder and faster than the last. You could feel the throbbing in your clit as you started to come undone once again. Price gripped your ass tightly. He was holding you as close to him as he could manage. You could feel his breath hot on your neck as he sank his teeth into the crook of your shoulder. The pain of his teeth sent a shockwave through your body. You felt lightheaded. The pain, the pleasure, the heat, the cold… it was all so much.
You dug your nails deeper into Price’s shoulders as you tried to stave off your approaching orgasm. You didn’t want this feeling to end. You wanted to stay here like this with him forever. But the feeling of his teeth on your skin and his cock pounding away inside of you was too much.
You had never felt anything like this before. You had never been fucked like this before. Your vision went white and your whole body bowed into Price as he grabbed your ass hard and pushed into you one last time. You screamed his name.
Your orgasm felt like it was going on forever, and your body shook. You clung to Price as hard as you could. Your fingernails left crescent-shaped marks behind on his back. Your cunt clamped down around Price as you writhed in ecstasy and he growled at the sensation of you tightening around him. His moans quickly drowned out your own cries and you felt Price twitch as he came deep inside you.
You wanted to collapse to the floor, but Price held you pressed against the wall as he pulled out of you. You could feel his cum drip down your legs as he carried you back to his bed. And yet the feeling of being cradled in his strong arms was the most comfortable thing in the world.
“Stay here, love I’ll be right back,” Price said before vanishing behind a door. You stared up at the ceiling as you tried to regain your breath. Your eyes felt heavy. Your limbs were entirely too exhausted to move even a singular muscle.
But the cool feeling of a wet cloth on your thighs made you snap your neck upright. Price smiled his sweet quokka-like smile as he wiped you clean. His touch was gentle and soft.
“You did such a good job, my sweet girl.” He murmured into your thigh before giving it another kiss. His beard scratched against your supple skin.
You hummed in response and Price laughed. He must have known you were entirely too fucked to answer him. He crawled up into the bed next to you and cradle you into his chest.
“Rest now, love. You earned it,” Price said pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Will you stay with me?” You managed to ask craning your neck to look into his blue eyes.
“Of course, beautiful. I won’t go anywhere. I promise.”
It didn’t take long for you to drift off to sleep. Tucked into the safety of Price’s arms, you slept soundly for several hours. And this time, with your protector watching over you, the nightmares stayed at bay.
This is an excerpt from my much larger work on AO3. If you would like to read the whole story thus far here is the link.
If you are just here for the *spicy bits* I have more fun excerpts here on Tumblr called "Violence and Timing" , "Falling Apart" , and "Testing His Will"
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Lately you have been dreaming about boy you don’t know, his indigo eyes would look at you with wonder and sometimes with love at you. Nothing special would happen in those dreams, it’s only you and the boy doing plain things, like collecting some fruits, walking on the beach, watching the stars. But the only thing that surprise you Is when you wake up after dreaming about this boy, your cheeks are always stained with tears and you would feel empty, like something is missing. You’re sure, you never met anyone who look like this mysterious boy from the dreams, you didn’t read any novels that would have character that would be described like this person. You talked about this with your friend, but they too didn't know what to make of those dreams. They proposed that maybe you need some changes in environment. They wanted to visit Sumeru because there will be some festival going on and they asked if you wanted to join them. You thought that won’t be a bad idea, so you took some days off and travel by ship to the Nation of Dendro Archon. When you reached Sumeru City, you two realized that there is some Championship going on. So many mechanical butterflies were flying around. Some people running around the city, you two decided to stop at Tarven and maybe ask some locals what’s going on. After ordering food, you and your friend decided to eat outside, while your friend excused themselves for a moment, you waited alone by table. And then you saw him. The same boy you would see in your dreams. He wears different clothes but it was him. You don’t know why but you got urge to run to him and hug him, but why? Why would you do that to some stranger. Your friend come back, waving their hand in front your face to bring you back to the present. The boy has already gone. Two days passed, the Championship ended but the festival was still going on, so you two decided to try some attractions. No matter how much you tried you couldn’t forget about this person. You don’t have dreams about him anymore but now he haunts your thoughts in daylight. Who is he? This is first time seeing him, so why you feel like you know him? You won’t be able to enjoy your days off till you won’t know, is there something between you two. One morning you would take a walk around city and you meet him again. He was talking with golden haired person but it seems they already finished, the golden haired person wave goodbye and went another way. That was your chance, to approach him and talk to him, after taking breath you finally moved. The boy from your dreams turned towards you, his eyes widening for the second. Does that means that he know you? You stood in front him, suddenly not knowing what you should say, the boy didn't say anything too. After this awkward moment that felt like lasted hours, you finally spoke. -“Did…did we meet somewhere?” you asked. The boy only looked at you, he looked like he wasn’t sure what to say to you. You thought about apologizing and just leave, all the fervor about knowing who he is, vanished and suddenly you started feel embarrassment. But then he spoke. -“Do you know who am I?” he asked. Now you didn’t know what to say. Right now for you, he is a boy from the dreams and in this dreams he is someone you trust, someone you cherish.  It’s so weird because you felt like he is someone important but in those dreams you never could hear his name. After not receiving response from you he turned around. -“It seems you don’t know, after all it would be impossible for you to remember…” he sounded disappointed. He started to walk away, trying to leave you but you at this moment reached for his hand. You don’t understand why but you don’t want to leave him again. You started to feel your cheeks getting wet from your tears. The boy looked at you with surprise. -“I’m…I’m so confused… for some reason I don’t want you to go… I…” dreamed about you, about us being together. You wanted to say but couldn’t. Right now you can’t understand your own feelings. Who is he wHo iS hE WHO IS HE ‘He is your beloved ----------’ -“(Y/n)”
You felt warm, he hold you close to himself, one hand around your back and other on your head. His lips by your ear, he whispered. -“It’s alright… if this brings you pain, don’t try to remember me. Right now the most important thing is that you found me anyway. From now on we can start all over again, if you wish.” You moved your arms slowly to hold him close too. You feel revealed, like you found a missing piece of your heart. -“I want… to learn about you. I want to know you again… please.” You whispered. Wanderer smiled. -“If this is your wish.”
Nahida was amazed, how this is possible for you to saw your past life with Kabukimono? Every information about Wanderer past lives should be erased from memories and yet. “It seems dreams can protect some special memories.” Nahida looked down from the branch she was sitting on, from there she could see you and Wanderer, you are laughing while he is trying to hide his face with his hat. Nahida smiled, maybe your both dreams from the past life will come true in this one. ---- Whaa so sleepy... it's already past midnight...Goodnight (。-ω-)zzz
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calaisreno · 4 months
974 words / Prompt: Night / CW: Sad
After, I stayed at Baker Street as long as I could, but every morning that I woke up and found him gone plunged me into darkness. Everything reminded me. 
When I couldn’t sleep, I walked. I could never escape the memories, though. If I did sleep, they were there, waiting for me. 221B was full of memories, lacking him. At night, walking was better than lying in bed, sleepless, with the past. 
Sometimes at night I saw him. Wherever I walked, he would eventually appear, waiting in a doorway, sitting on a bench in the park. Without speaking, he would fall in step with me.
“You must be a vampire,” I told him one night. “I only see you after dark.” 
Vampires are not real, he said. 
“Are you real?” I asked. 
I could almost hear him smiling. You didn’t invent me.
Once I asked him if he would come home with me. He didn’t answer. 
I drank during the day, walked at night, and thought about going back to work. 
I slept in his bed. Even to myself, I seemed crazy. I thought about dying.
After a month of this, drinking and walking, it came to me that I had to leave. Mrs Hudson was lovely, but it was impossible for me to explain it to her, so I just left a note, promising to stop in at some point and pick up my things. 
I waited until night, took my bag and slipped out the door like a thief. As I looked back, I saw a tall figure in a Belstaff coat following me.
I’d travelled back in time to a depressing bedsit. To a life where Sherlock didn’t exist, where those few months at 221B were something I’d dreamed. 
The first day I returned to work at the hospital, a few people stopped me to offer polite condolences. I thanked them, saying the same empty things over and over. After a couple days, nobody reminded me that he was dead and I was alone. On my way home I bought more liquor. Vodka this time, since it didn’t leave much odour on the breath.. 
 Like a sleepwalker, I trudged along for weeks, not sure where I was heading. Life was just eating and sleeping, taking the bus to work and coming home, watching the telly, smiling at people, saying meaningless things. 
At night, I walked in a liminal space where he might still exist.
“This patient came in,” I told him one night. “Five years old, high fever, skin peeling right off his palms, bright red eyes.”
He glanced at me, intrigued. Diagnosis? 
“Kawasaki disease. Never saw a case before.”
What tipped you off?
“When he stuck out his tongue and I saw how swollen and red it was, I remembered reading about that and it all just clicked together.” 
Satisfying when that happens, he said, nodding.
He seemed as restless as I was, and began turning up in places I didn’t expect. There were always the all-night convenience shops, and if I had something to pick up he would follow me inside, just out of eyeshot, reminding me to get the biscuits he liked, recommending jams that I might want to try. What about these chocolate biscuits? Or maybe the ones with apricot filling. 
Sometimes he was there in the A&E, making observations and acting bored when I ignored him, as I had to. “Can’t have people thinking I’m losing my mind, talking to people who aren’t there,” I muttered.
I heard him scoff. No, we can’t have that.
But usually I only saw him when I wasn’t working. When I arrived at my sad little flat after work in the early morning, he would be leaning on the door, waiting for me. Almost every day I had a story for him, a new case to describe. He asked odd questions: Did you look at his fingertips? Did his breath smell like ammonia? Did she have freckles, not the usual kind, but darker? Did her skin look waxy? 
He’d always said, People see, but they do not observe. As I examined my patients, I tried to use his eyes to observe the things that might solve the case. And gradually I realised that I’d become the go-to doctor for bizarre diagnoses. The Sherlock Holmes of Barts Hospital.
Impressive, Dr. Watson, he said. You’ve become quite the detective. 
“You taught me,” I said. “It was from you that I learned to see everything differently. As you always say, the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance observes.” 
He smiled but said nothing. Though he loved receiving compliments, he was stingy in his praise of others. Once he’d praised something, there was no need to say it again just so my ego could bask in it. 
At other times, he was critical. You’re rotting your brain, he said one afternoon when I got out of bed and looked at my bloodshot eyes. You have talent — why are you doing this to yourself?
I didn’t point out that he had often rotted his brain with worse things. He had more or better brain cells, I suppose, and often needed to slow his mind down just to keep it from crashing out of exhaustion. 
But he was always more solicitous of my health than of his own. He scolded me now. You’re not taking care of yourself.
“I’m sorry,” I told him. “I’m really fucked up and I don’t know what to do about it. I miss you so much.”
I felt, rather than heard his chuckle. Try to remember all the things that used to annoy you. Try to remember what a prat I was.
“You weren’t,” I told him. “You were wonderful. I love you.”
The room was silent. When I looked up, he was gone.
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propertyofkylar · 2 months
princess kylar thigh worship fic?
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worshiping the princess - f!kylar x gn!pc
word count: 1827
tags: royalty au, thigh worship, cunnilingus, dubcon, bit of yandere nonsense, i cannot help but tease kylar whenever i see her it's a disease
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“Seize them.”
That was the first and last thing you had heard the princess say, and now you were jailed in her castle. You were sure you hadn’t been behind bars too long, but it was nearly impossible to tell. It didn’t help that you were entirely alone here, too. It seemed this princess didn’t frequently imprison anyone. So why you?
In your travels, you had become somewhat familiar with this kingdom. Princess Kylar was the ruler, and there were many rumors floating around about what had happened to the king and queen, most seeming very unlikely to be true. But you weren’t sure. Anything was possible. 
You were mulling this over when the princess herself approached the bars. At first, she said nothing, merely looked at you. You figured you may as well look back, and so you studied Kylar. 
She was a pretty young woman and very small. She wore a dark gown that looked old and tattered and her long hair was tied back with a bow that was equally tattered. The princess’s face was so close to yours that you could count every freckle on her nose. Her green eyes bore into yours and her long eyelashes fluttered with every blink. 
Eventually, she gave a simple nod. And then, surprisingly, she unlocked her cell. 
Before you could react, her small hand wrapped around your wrist. It was soft and clammy. Feeling bewildered, you looked at her again. Kylar huffed. 
“Would you rather be locked in there forever?” She said, starting to walk and tugging you along with her. 
“Um…no,” you said, rather lamely. To be honest, you weren’t sure what you had done to justify being locked up in the first place. But this princess seemed temperamental, so you figured you better not risk anything by speaking out of line. 
“That’s what I thought,” she muttered, and you got the feeling that despite her demeanor, this entire interaction was making her quite nervous.
You opted to stay quiet as she led you through the large castle, which was rather empty and everything seemed to be covered in a thick layer of dust. Aside from the odd servant here and there, there didn’t seem to be anyone else in here. 
Kylar took you into what you realized were her quarters. Having never been inside the bedroom of royalty before, you were taken aback by how messy and disorganized it was. You had always pictured a princess’s bedroom to be neat and clean. But Kylar had random bits of clothing tossed all over and drawers that were slightly ajar. There were also various novels scattered about, and you idly recognized some as being steamy romances. Interesting. That didn’t seem befitting of royalty. 
The princess closed her door behind the two you of you and the air became thick with awkward tension. What the hell was going on here? You were so caught up in how odd this entire castle was that you only just now realized - what the fuck were you doing in the princess’s bedroom?!
Kylar uncomfortably cleared her throat, picking at a loose thread on her sleeve. “So,” she began. “You’re probably wondering what you’re doing here instead of being locked up.”
“Well, yes,” you replied hesitantly. 
Forcing her head up, Kylar looked directly in your eyes. “I have decided you seem useful. You have a handsome face. I think there are better ways for you to serve out your sentence.”
You said nothing, letting her continue. Kylar sucked in a deep breath before saying more. 
“You will stand by my side and assist me in…whatever ways I need,” Kylar’s face flushed as she spoke, and you quickly realized what exactly she mean. 
“What?” You couldn’t help but let your shock slip out. Was this princess really suggesting you be like some…some sort of prostitute?
Kylar clenched her fists and looked away. “You don’t have to. But if you decline I will make it known that you have committed many grievous crimes and should be locked away permanently. Or maybe you would rather be executed?”
Your blood ran cold at that. Was she serious? You didn’t know much about her, but she did seem a little scary. She might really be willing to kill you…
“No,” you said quietly, clearing your throat. “No, I don’t want that.”
“Good,” Kylar replied with a smirk. “Then you should kneel.”
You immediately dropped to your knees in front of the haughty princess. She wasn’t very tall, but looking up at her still invoked fear within you. She was quite intimidating.
“Excellent. You’re a good listener,” Kylar was acting tough, but her voice was shaking a little still. She moved over to her bed and sat down on the edge. You quickly realized she wanted you to follow her and so you awkwardly crawled over. Several beats passed before she hiked up her skirt, revealing her bare thighs and a thick bush of hair. Her face turned red as she struggled to remain composed. 
“Touch me.”
Her words, while unsteady, were commanding. You weren’t sure why she was making you do this, or how the hell you ended up kneeling before a now half-naked princess. But her thighs were rather mesmerizing. They were thick and even-toned, and looked very soft. And having lived the life of a bandit, you were aware there were many worse experiences out there than being forced to pleasure a beautiful princess.
So, tentatively, you reached your hands out to grip her thighs. Kylar whimpered as soon as there was skin-on-skin contact. Your initial thoughts were correct - her skin was incredibly soft and smooth. Befitting a princess, for sure. You began to lightly stroke her thighs, as gently as possible, and noticed how immediately her skin pricked with goosebumps. 
You looked up and made direct eye contact with Kylar. She was gazing at you almost adoringly, and you felt a sudden pang in her chest. She behaved somewhat oddly. Her castle was in disarray and empty. Princess Kylar must have been a very lonely girl. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you moved your head in and began to place light kisses on her thighs. Kylar twitched and her hands gripped her bedsheets. She cleared her throat and you looked up at her again. Her face was bright red.
“Worship me…” she whispered. “Please.”
You were in no position to reject a princess. Thus, your fingers went to work tracing random patterns across the smooth expanse of her thighs, while your kisses grew more fervent and occasionally you bit down, enjoying the way Kylar squeaked and squealed with every move. Honestly, it was pretty attractive, and you felt yourself begin to grow aroused. 
Kylar’s legs parted instinctively and the unmistakable scent of arousal hit your nose. Sure enough, when you looked you noticed her cunt was practically drooling onto the bed. You stifled a smirk - her getting so turned on by just some touching was pretty funny, but her volatile attitude kept you subdued in this regard. You still were a little afraid that she might decide to execute you, after all. 
Your teeth bit down into the plush skin of her inner thigh, and Kylar moaned. “Princess,” you breathed against her, casting your eyes up. She was looking away. 
“Y-you may speak,” Kylar stammered. You smiled.
“Your skin is so soft,” you murmured against her legs, pressing kisses all over. “It’s so nice. You must take very good care of yourself.”
“Oh,” Kylar replied, clearly not expecting you to say what you had just said. “Um. I don’t know. Not really. I took a bath in rosewater earlier, I guess.”
Mm. That’s what that smell was. “Very nice,” you said quietly, moved your head closer to her core, continuing to lick and suck all the way. Her whole body squirmed when your nose bumped her clit. Then, you pressed a kiss there, too.
“Oh!” Kylar unintentionally pulled back slightly, but quickly fixed herself. “S-sorry…I mean!” She cleared her throat, clearly flustered. “You m-may continue.”
Your hands teased and scratched her thighs as you began to lick at her wet cunt. The faint smell of roses tickled your nose and mingled with her own district flavor. As soon as your tongue made contact, Kylar’s hands flew to your hair, embedding her fingers in there. “Fuck,” she said quietly.
You lapped at her drooling juices before twisting your tongue into her hole, taking one hand off her thigh to rub at her clit. Kylar’s breaths were coming out in short, stuttered bursts at this point. She was enjoying this, and truthfully, so were you.
Your tongue explored inside of Kylar, as if you were trying to drink her juices directly from the source. You curled your tongue inside of her, and Kylar’s grip on your hair tightened. When you tugged your tongue out to flick her clit, she almost yelled.
“Feels so good,” she mumbled, wiggling back and forth as if she were trying to get more friction. “Your mouth feels so good…”
Again, you weren’t going to deny a princess what she wanted. So you dove in, licking her soaking folds even more fervently, taking the time to memorize how Kylar felt; how Kylar tasted. 
As you drank her up obediently, Kylar’s hips began to wiggle more and more and her breathing grew more heavy. “Oh–I think–I’m gonna–”
You didn’t stop. You simply kept at the same pace as Kylar ground her crotch against your face and moaned loudly. Her fluids soaked the sheets beneath her and your own face felt incredibly damp and sticky. 
As you pulled away, you licked your lips subconsciously, committing her taste to memory. You unceremoniously wiped your now-soaked face on your sleeve and looked up at Kylar again. Her face was redder than you had seen her and her chest was rising and falling heavily. She took a few moments before she began to speak again. “T-that was…it, um…” she cleared her throat. “Good work. I think this will work out…”
Unsure of what to do now, you simply offered her a smile. Upon seeing your face, Kylar suddenly looked like she might faint. It was like something had just snapped inside of her. She nodded several times in succession and then grabbed your wrists, pulling you up to the bed with her. And the way she looked at you was intense, to say the least. She had a crazy, lovesick look in her eyes, that sent a chill through your body. What had you just gotten yourself into?
Kylar grinned widely at you as she pushed you down so you were laying below her on the bed. She crawled over you with that same look in her eyes. “I knew I made the right choice when I saw you. Oh, this is great,” she giggled girlishly, laying her head down on your chest. “We’re going to be together forever and ever now!”
Maybe you should’ve stayed jailed…
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heesdreamer · 2 years
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GENRE ➩ enhypen zombie apocalypse au!
SUMMARY ➩ navigating life 1 year post end of the world was already difficult as you avoided rotting corpses with hefty appetites and groups with various bad intentions. things get harder when you run into a group of survivors, 7 boys who make it impossible to run away.
WC ➩ 5k
WARNINGS ➩ everything the zombie apocalypse could bring lol, gore, mentions of death and injuries and lots of talk abt starvation and hunger this time around
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ this is a really short update but it was starting to bug me the longer it sat in my notes so i hope short is better than nothing. not proofread as always
Even small trips weren’t easy in the apocalypse. Runs to grocery stores could be the last thing you ever do and getting a few hours away could take weeks as you navigated rocky terrains and avoided uncrossable areas.
Transportation was something you’d taken for granted back then before the world had fallen apart.
You can remember tapping your foot impatiently against the subway station floor, arms crossed as you huffed and checked your watch for the umpteenth time. Maybe you were running late for school or you had just gotten off of work and wanted to get home fast so you could eat something.
Thinking about this now you felt utterly ridiculous, spoiled and sheltered from how good you truly had things.
But it wasn’t you alone who had these trivial problems and you considered that too as you walked with the group of boys, trailing behind a few feet but never left unattended considering they kept looking back to make sure you hadn’t disappeared into the woods at some point.
You wondered if you’d ever been somewhere at the same time as them. Seoul was big but it wasn’t spacious enough that this was totally an impossible thing to have happened. Maybe they’d been on the same train as you at some point, leaving school together and crowding around each other as they pulled playing cards.
It wasn’t a complete far fetched idea that you could have passed Jungwon on a crowded street when you went to get lunch or narrowly missed Heeseung as he rushed to an appointment he was late too.
You didn’t like to think about them like this, as people who all had lives and families before this all happened. You didn’t even like to think of yourself this way, chest tightening with the reminder of how much you’ve lost as this world changed.
It’d been days now since the camp had gotten overrun and you’d practically spent the last 72 hours straight doing nothing but walking. The straightest route to your destination hadn’t been safe enough to travel through, adding even more time onto the walk.
Most of it had been quiet, only hearing the boys speak in hushed whispers to each other every so often. It was hard to hold a conversation when you were all exhausted and hungry, running on autopilot and the fear filled adrenaline that built up every time the sun started to set.
Heeseung had been the quietest of everybody and he barely looked at the rest of you, his gaze sharp and focused as he continually scanned the surrounding areas. You thought back to your talk, the responsibility he held on his shoulders and you felt troubled for him now that such a major setback had occurred, now that their only home was gone.
He was closest to you as you lagged behind the group, keeping his eye on the boys ahead of him as the trudged along.
You were picking up your pace to catch up to him before you even confirmed within yourself it was a good idea, slowing back to a casual pace once you were side by side and reaching your hand out to gently tug on the sleeve of his long shirt. His eyes were shooting down to the point of contact and then back up at you with a frown.
“Hey.” You breathed out, trying to calm him down before you made your request. His eyes softened just slightly at the sound of your voice and he raised an eyebrow. “If we find somewhere safe to stop and rest for a few hours I can go try to get us something to eat.”
He watched you as you spoke and you knew he didn’t like your suggestion judging by the way his face hardened again, his jaw tensing as he scoffed and looked away from you. You figured he thought this was you finally putting your plan into action, leading them into the wilderness just to ditch them.
“I’m serious.” You had kept your hand on his sleeve still as you spoke and only now moved it, wrapping it fully around his arm so he could understand your earnest words. “They can’t go on like this much longer.”
He looked back over at you as you said that and you felt guilty at the sad expression on his face, knowing he had been thinking the same thing.
It must’ve been impossible for him to deal with the past few days, watching his family and the boys he was meant to lead barely make it through the day. The younger boys were stumbling as they walked, holding each others shoulders occasionally in an attempt to keep steady under their own crippling weight.
“Where’s safe?” He was genuinely asking but his voice broke around the word, already hoarse from not using it or having anything to drink. He sounded disbelieving that it was a possibility and he staggered slightly, knocking into your side.
Sunghoon had been lurking a few feet ahead and hearing this conversation he slowed a bit, letting you and Heeseung catch up as he leaned towards the two of you. “There’s a neighborhood or something up the ways a bit.” His tone was low so the other boys couldn’t pick it up.
You gave him a questioning look and he glared at you, eyes shooting down to your hand on Heeseung’s arm and your close proximity. “I saw it on the map.”
Heeseung nodded at his explanation and pat his back a few times in thanks, walking away from the two of you to alert the others you’d be stopping soon for a bit.
You had expected Sunghoon to follow him or at least drift back to his previous position, furthering himself away from you. It surprised you a bit when he continued to stand next to you but the look on his face didn’t, a suspicious glare as he watched you with no sign of care at your uncomfortable shifting.
“Something on your mind Sunghoon?” You were mumbling in irritation. You didn’t expect to become best friends but you hadn’t done anything to warrant him treating you like a criminal.
“Why are you still here?” He was saying it quickly like it had been on the tip of his tongue and you looked at him from the corner of your eye. “What are you planning?”
“I’m not planning anything.” You scoffed and took an offended step away from him, stopping in your slow pace. “And in case you forgot, I wasn’t given a choice in being here.”
He was stopping too and turning to look at you, sparing a glance behind him at the other boys who had continued walking. They weren’t going fast enough to leave you behind and the road was a straight shot surrounded by trees and no connected off paths so you wouldn’t lose them by stopping.
When he was facing you again he looked more angry and if you didn’t know any better you’d consider him a threat right now, a danger to you. However you’d seen the way he interacted with the group, with the dead even, and he wasn’t any issue. He was more gentle than he appeared regardless if he disliked you and was frustrated.
“Don’t bullshit me. You could’ve left if you wanted to, don’t be stupid.” He was shaking his head and you gave him a confused look so he explained further. “You didn’t even try to get away from them, no tears no questions. I can tell you’re smart and good at this world so I know you can tell the difference between a good person and a bad one.”
“Then what’s your problem with me?” You spat at him and cut him off, not wanting him to say more.
You could tell he was the most observant of the group but you didn’t like what he was implying. Your stomach turned at the thought of him seeing how much you didn’t necessarily want to be alone again, despite knowing it was the best option in the long run.
If you were alone you wouldn’t need to worry about things like this. You wouldn’t have to think about feeding them before you fed yourself because there would be no ache in your heart at the thought of them going hungry.
“My problem?” He was sneering but his voice was desperate like he wanted you to understand his point. “My problem is how excited Riki is to have a friend to talk to. My problem is that Sunoo basically thinks he owes you his life for getting you into this situation in the first place and my problem is that you aren’t going to stay.”
You both fell silent after that and he looked away from you, visibly upset and frustrated at the idea of you disappearing before you got to the place you’d showed them.
He flinched when he looked at you and saw your lips opening and closing, parting as you tried to think of something you could tell him that wouldn’t give him false hope but you also didn’t want to lie to him. Despite his wincing he waited patiently to hear what you had to say.
“Tell Heeseung I’ll catch up with you guys.” You muttered back and he watched in bewilderment as you turned and disappeared into the woods.
It took you an hour to stop replaying the conversation in your mind and you were glad considering you hadn’t managed to catch anything since leaving the boys on the road.
Part of you was laughing at the fact that, here you were. In the woods with full freedom and capability to disappear and never come back and yet you were sat crouching behind a log as you attempted to get them all something to eat. You quieted the voice with the reminder you could leave whenever you wanted and you would, you just didn’t want to leave them hungry and lost.
That’s all this was, you kept telling yourself over and over as you continued to track whatever animal was leaving small footprints in the dry dirt.
This was simply you being a decent person, not letting the apocalypse shred you of your morals and humanity. It wasn’t because you were starting to grow used to the boys, starting to care about them and their safety as individuals and a whole.
You’d finally caught sight of the animal as you slowed to a stop, a hefty raccoon shifting over some sticks and rocks just off in the distance. It hadn’t noticed you yet and you were glad for this considering you only had a knife to work with.
Before you could make any attempt at approaching in, steadily planning out the right angle to pounce forward, it was falling on its side and hitting the floor with a cry and a thud.
Your eyes widened in surprise, rushing forward to see what had happened to it. It’s face was bloody and you quickly realized it had been shot in the head by something, more accurately someone. You knew who it was before you turned around to check.
“You’re a good shot.” You sighed as you spoke and glanced over your shoulder to see Jungwon stepping out from behind the tree.
He was definitely the most skilled when it came to weapons, especially in accuracy and you’d quickly noted a few days ago that he was the only boy to have a silencer on his gun of choice. You knew it was him considering the fact there’d been little noise as he killed the animal.
“Took archery in highschool.” He shrugged like it was a casual skill to have as he approached you and the raccoon. “Guess I don’t have to tell you about that though do I?”
For a second you weren’t sure what he was referring to before you realized he was alluding to the fact you also shot with a bow typically, looking up at him with widened eyes which caused him to give you a half smile as he shrugged again.
“Can tell by the way you carry yourself I guess. Plus you’re a hunter, can’t imagine your weapon of choice is a knife.” He was explaining and he crouched down next to you, examining the animal for any bites or signs of disease.
“If you see any bow shops around here feel free to let me know.” You were mumbling back and he chuckled a small laugh. “They send you out here to follow me?”
He was shaking his head and you were slightly surprised at this considering you assumed he had been tasked with making sure you didn’t run away, potentially bringing you back if you made any attempt to. You were reminded of what Sunghoon had said about being able to leave whenever you wanted.
“I was looking for food just incase.” He didn’t finish his sentence but it was obvious what he was implying. Incase you didn’t return and they still needed to eat something.
Jungwon offered you a hand so he could pull you up off the ground where you were still crouching, you eyed him hesitantly but took it with an appreciative nod and stood slowly after you grabbed the animal by it’s tail in your free hand.
You followed behind him in silence as you made your way back to the road, back to where the boys had set up camp for the night. You tried not to think about what this meant and how you coming back willingly was going to come across to them. They were going to find out what you’d been trying to deny since running into them and your stomach was turning.
By the time you got there, the sun had nearly finished setting and it was almost too dark to see in front of you.
The fire the boys were sat around made you nervous considering how exposed you were and how near the woods lingered, the light and crackle of the flames potentially drawing the undead out of the woods and giving you all a replay of what had happened earlier this week. Four sets of eyes turned towards you when you and Jungwon popped out from the woods.
Heeseung was standing up and coming over to the two of you, patting Jungwon affectionately when he spotted the animal you’d handed to him at some point during your walk back.
“You okay?” Then he was turning to you and your face flushed as he grabbed you, his hands holding onto both your arms directly underneath your shoulders as he scanned your face for any sign of distress.
You were nodding awkwardly but your hands were instinctively coming up to cup around his elbows, leaving you both holding each other at an awkward distance. The other boys must have thought you were crazy as you touched their friend and leader but a large part of you felt connected to him after the auto shop, him having saved your life so directly.
When you both made your way over to the fire, Heeseung was clearing his throat and catching the attention of the older boys and Jungwon, who began to shake Riki and Sunoo awake at the signal for directions.
“We’re going to clear the house on the corner.” Heeseung was speaking in a low voice and you took the opportunity to observe where you were sitting.
The neighborhood, if you could call it that, was only a few run down houses neatly tucked away outside the main road. You imagined it had homed one or two families of rednecks in its prime, roofs titled and covered in roots and leaves. The boys had set up the fire in the middle of the three buildings, seemingly waiting for you all to be here before they entered.
“Shouldn’t we clear them all? Eliminate any potential surprises?” You were shocking yourself and the others as you voiced your suggestion casually.
Heeseung was looking at you with a bewildered look for a few seconds before glancing back towards the houses and nodding in agreement, realizing your idea was better than his.
It wasn’t the most grueling task and you’d cleared areas must bigger than this with much more active dead, yet you still had a sick feeling in your stomach as Heeseung leaned his shoulder against the first door and prepared to ram into. It only took one corpse to end everything and you tried not to think about this as he was pulling back and slamming forward against the decaying wood.
He was stumbling forward into the house and again, you could smell them before you saw or heard them. There was three inside and it looked to be a family, one significantly smaller than the other as it attempted to get closer to Heeseung and take a bit out of him. Jake was moving forward in a rush and taking out the biggest one, axe swinging over his shoulder and landing directly between its eyes with a loud crack.
The second was on its knees before you even processed it and you knew it must’ve been Jungwon from the doorway judging by the way it simply crumbled onto the floor without any fight or noise.
Riki was inside the house and tasked on the third walker, the smallest one that was clearly just barely older than him if at all. She had a large blood stain on the front of his pajama sweater and you tried not to wonder what had happened here that left them all like this, what measures were mistakenly taken to try and prevent them from turning. You didn’t like to think about the walkers being people similarly to the way you didn’t like to think about survivors in the old world, easier to make the separation and get it over with.
You could immediately tell Riki was struggling with doing this judging by the way he was frozen in the middle of the room, watching the corpse approach him.
He was facing away from you so you couldn’t see his expression but you didn’t need to anyways, knowing from his stiff back and hands fidgeting around his crowbar that he was hesitating and hesitating was one of the deadliest things you could possibly do. He had told you before that he didn’t kill as much as the other boys, being kept away from it all the best they could manage up until more recently when they started to take him out to practice in small intervals.
You were moving before you thought about it, circling in front of him and taking out the small corpse as cleanly as you could. You cupped your back of her head as she dropped, motionless now, and you tried to help lower her body onto the floor so the impact wasn’t as upsetting.
“I could’ve done it.” Riki’s voice was sounding behind you and you turned your head to look at him, standing back to your full height and giving him a confused glance once you noticed how agitated his expression was.
Before you could ask him what was wrong, if you’d done something or if maybe he was just upset you’d stepped in on his kill, he was turning on his heel and leaving the small house. You were fearful for a second watching him leave and then you remembered Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jay were just a few feet away at the other house over.
You almost followed him out the door in confusion, wanting to understand what exactly had made him look at you like that just to storm off but you were stopped by Heeseung stepping in front of you, bringing a hand up to your chest to stop your advances completely as he looked down at you with an apologetic glance.
“What happened?” You whispered to him, eyes wide slightly with confusion. The look the youngest boy had given you was deadly and the energy in the house had shifted drastically now. “What did I do wrong?”
“He’s just sensitive about that stuff.” Heeseung mumbled back, keeping his voice low in case the boy was still able to hear just off in the distance. The other boys in the house with you weren’t saying anything and eventually filed out once they realized your conversation was taking a private turn.
“Because I took his kill?” Your voice was cracking with disbelief, not able to understand what he was attempting to get across to you. Riki didn’t seem like the type to have an ego so large it would be damaged by you stepping in for an assisted kill. “It was about to grab him.”
Heeseung was sighing softly like you were poking a bear, glancing over his shoulder out the open door for a second before taking another step closer to you. You didn’t lose your confused expression, eyebrows furrowing further when he was bringing a hand up to gently touch your cheek before pushing a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.
He was clearly trying to soothe you and help you calm down but if anything it upset you further, solidifying it in your mind that you had done something wrong.
“You’ll have to talk to him about it. It’s not my place.” He was eventually continuing on when he realized what he was doing wasn’t working in taking your mind off of it.
You nodded softly and made a mental note to bring it up after things calmed down and you were certain things were safe for the night, vaguely hearing a sharp whistle outside that you’d learned to understand meant things were clear for now. The other boys must’ve cleared the other two houses while you were talking to Heeseung and now you were able to eat and get some rest finally before talking to Riki.
The food wasn’t a lot but it was enough to help everybody feel a bit better, passing each other small portions around the fire before retiring into one of the houses to rest.
You all decided to sleep together on the living room floor to minimize the risk that being spread out would being, somebody always staying awake in different shifts to keep watch outside on the porch. You laid in silence while you waited for your turn, knowing you wouldn’t be able to sleep in such a foreign place.
When it was the youngest turn to take watch, you sat and tracked his shadow as he left the dark room and slipped out the front door, mumbling a small greeting to Sunghoon who was finally coming in and joining the rest of the boys who were already asleep. You got up as slowly as you could and gently stepped over the bodies on the floor so you didn’t wake them up from their much needed rest, following Riki outside.
He whipped his head over when the door creaked up and sighed when he saw it was only you slowly closing it behind you. You glanced at him awkwardly and tried to decide wether to stand weirdly or to take the seat next to him on the small outside porch couch and risk upsetting him further.
“Just sit down.” He was mumbling once he noticed your dilemma and you hesitantly took the offer, sitting as far away from him as you could.
The two of you sat in silence for a while, listening to the sounds of the night and the woods while you ignored each other. You weren’t sure if you should speak first but he clearly knew why you followed him out here in the first place so you bit the bullet and started to talk before his shift ended.
“I have a brother around your age.” He picked his head up when you started to speak but you avoided looking at him for now. “You actually remind me of him sometimes, just the way you joke around. You’re a bit braver than him though but I’m sure he would’ve grown out of that eventually, you know? I didn’t mind it though… it came easy to me to take care of him.”
Riki wasn’t saying anything just yet but you could hear his breathing increase and you didn’t feel him looking at you anymore and he slowly understood what point you were trying to get across by opening up to him about this. You wanted him to understand why you did what you had for him and why it was second nature for you to step in like that once you thought he was in danger.
“I never though he was childish or a coward for needing my help sometimes, that’s what big sisters are for.” You took a pause so you could breathe, playing with your hands nervously. “It took him a long time to want to ever ask for it though… just too long I guess.”
You didn’t need to finish or directly say out loud what had happened to your brother, he picked it up as soon as you started talking about him.
He was scooting closer to you on the bench and you felt him grab your hand that was in your lap, stopping you from picking at your skin anxiously. You turned your head to look at him with a sad smile, biting your lip to try and stop from crying when you noticed how equally teary his expression was.
“You could’ve killed that walker.” You stated firmly and he nodded along with you, now fully understanding why you had. “Maybe I just didn’t want you to have to.”
Riki was still nodding and you felt slightly guilty now as you watched tears run down his face, avoiding looking at you again out of embarrassment. You wanted to tell him that it was okay if he wanted to cry, it was okay to still feel things in this world that weren’t fear and hunger but you weren’t sure that was even true so you didn’t dare voice it.
You stayed with him for the rest of his shift and when he eventually started to yawn and lose focus on your surroundings, you reassured him it was okay to go to bed and that you weren’t tired.
He hesitantly was leaving you out there and you although you were glad things were patched up between the two of you for the most part, you also felt a wave of relief over having a moment alone. It wasn’t lost on you that you were being trusted as part of the watch shift cycles, despite the fact you could easily disappear in the night and leave them with no warning if something stumbled upon the sleeping boys.
It was getting harder to deny what you were feeling more and more every passing hour the eight of you survived together.
It had bothered you when Riki was upset with you, deeply bothered you to the point of your skin crawling in nerves that you had done something wrong. You were distraught watching them all face hunger earlier this week and you felt deep sadness when they lost their camp and their home.
You especially didn’t want to consider what it meant that you liked listening to their stories around the fire. You thought Sunghoon was funny even when he didn’t seem like he realized he was telling a joke and it made your heart warm when Sunoo and Jungwon covered the sleeping older boys with blankets.
Heeseung was the worst of all, the most confusing part to all of this. You’d been most fearful of him at the beginning but the more you thought about him and his resolve, his brave heart taking leadership and treating the boys like they were more important than his own safety and survival, the more you liked being in his company.
He made you feel seen and human whenever he turned to ask for your opinion on something and he was surprisingly gentle whenever he spoke to you in hushed whispers or helped you over bits of debris in your pathway.
You liked these boys and you liked their hearts and love for each other that this world was slowly running out of.
Yet you couldn’t stop hearing the screams of your family and others you’d encountered, people you knew for months all the way to people you’d simply passed by on one of your runs. People didn’t last long in this world and it was a miracle that all seven of these boys were still together, still without major injury or setbacks.
Maybe that was the secret trick to it all, maybe their care and love for each other above all else was helping them survive and manage without facing the reality of your loved ones being tore away from you and ripped apart limb by limb.
It still made your stomach hurt to think about any of it though, it was never apart of your plan to care about somebody again after everything you’d lost and you were only feeling more and more certain in your decision to leave as fast as you could.
No matter what it takes.
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planetwaynez · 2 years
Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Notes: I was in a mood and TS was playing so I just wrote what I was feeling. Hope you all enjoy it!
WARNINGS: This is inspired in the song Mastermind by Taylor Swift. Talking of loneliness, heated kisses, implied smut, Canon violence I guess.
Jason was always a mastermind and when he first saw you he knew he needed to have you. He just didn't knew you were just like him.
No one wanted to play with Jason when he was a little kid. And he got used to it until he entered the world of wealth and super heroes; He wanted to be loved, seen and wanted to be special. So Jason started skimming his way through life.
And then, he died. He suffered and came back from the dead and had to be good at skimming himself through the world. He was alone again, and this time he wasn’t aiming at being loved and special, he was aiming at being feared and respected. 
It worked. Jason became a mastermind at making people feel the way he wanted them to feel. 
Until he moved to one of his safe houses, a little apartment next to the crime alley, to lay low for a while but he wasn’t planning on skimming his way into your heart. It was only natural that he fell for you. 
You were his nice, cute and smiley neighbor. The one that always said good morning and walked the stairs because you were scared that the old, cheap elevator would stop working with you inside, again. 
The one that always seemed to be doing something. Working, reading, helping others. He couldn't help it. He had to have you, all to himself.
So he got close to you. Talked to you every morning, until you were doing volunteer work together in the shelter next to your building. Next thing he knew, you were everywhere. You were going out together on the weekends, going to the gym together and having dinner at your place every wednesday. 
But Jason didn’t realize that you were the one skimming your way into his heart and under his skin. Since the moment you first saw him, you laid the groundwork so he would approach you, and like clockwork you waited and waited, until he was under your spell. 
You always thought he was beautiful, you also knew he would be beautiful inside. You just needed to have him.
Just like Jason you have been skimming like a criminal since you were a little kid. No one wanted to play with you when you were a kid, you were always alone. You saw in his eyes that he was, somehow, just like you. 
So you smiled, said good morning to him everyday and always took the stairs, even though the elevator was faster and you hated stairs (and elevators). You made sure to always be around him, helping others in the same room as him, so he could see that you were open to talk to him whenever. 
You watched, amused, him fall in your trap. You could see in his eyes that he thought he was the one trapping you. Perhaps he was, with all his charm and witty remarks, trapping you too, putting you under his spell.
The fact was: you were both masterminds, waiting for each other, like if there was an invisible string tying  you two together. Forever. 
You smile, watching Jason on the bar, getting your favorite cocktail. The music is loud and this is probably the first time you came to a nightclub willingly, and you only did it because Jason never went to one, not to have fun, at least. So since you decided to travel together  to Greece to celebrate your two year anniversary, you suggested going to a nightclub and just enjoying yourselves. 
He puts your drink in front of you, and Jason is also smiling; After all he was in Santorini with his love, celebrating something that always seemed impossible for him. But now he sees it wasn’t impossible, he just needed to find you. 
“Enjoying the night, love?” He asks. Jason’s eyes are shining and he can’t stop looking at your face, mapping all of your reactions.
“Yes!” You say loudly, leaning in his direction, always seeking his touch and warmth. “I think Santorini might be my second favorite place on Earth!” 
You can’t stop yourself, not with him, always running your smart mouth and saying everything that comes to the front of your mind. 
“Why second? Where is the first?” Jason asks, sensing a flirty answer coming from you. He wasn’t wrong. 
“The first…” You say, getting up and sitting on his lap, his hands instinctively went to hold your waist, to bring you closer to him. “...is in our bed, with you”
You giggle, hiding your face on the crock of his neck, alcohol already hitting your system. Jason smiles, laughing at your antics, holding you tighter. 
“I have to agree with you, love” 
“In everything I said?” 
“No, my second favorite place on Earth is definitely the Cliffs of Moher ” you crunch your nose, but understand him, the Cliffs of Moher are also beautiful and you think it suits him and his beauty. You think that the green and blue of  Moher suits his eyes. 
You feel that warmth on your chest and you kiss him. His lips are soft and he tests like alcohol and strawberries, you lean in opening your lips and letting him in as always. Jason holds your waist with one hand and the other caresses your cheek, he can feel his heart beating fast, reminding him that he's alive and that he is happy. With you.
He breaks the kiss just to kiss your cheeks and your forehead, to look into your eyes and he understands. Understands everything, since the first look you shared to this one right now. It was all destined to happen. 
You were meant to be his and he was meant to be yours. 
The music is loud, alcohol is everywhere and it’s a hot summer night in Santorini however you only have eyes for each other. Your eyes on his and his on your eyes. Nothing was accidental. It was all by design, but neither of you could pinpoint if it was your design, if it was his design or if it was by fate's design. But here you are.
Both of you. Alive, smiling, with glitter on your cheeks and a light on your eyes. You are masterminds. 
You belong to each other. 
“I want to go back to the hotel” He says, gripping your tight. He wants to have you closer, there is only a amount of time Jason can have you on his lap clothed. 
“Me too” you say, kissing his jaw, feeling it flex under your touch. “Take us back to the hotel, Jace”
You went back to the hotel, and in the luxurious hotel room you felt each other everywhere. Like always, being intimate together  felt like coming home. 
“I love you” He says, playing with your hair. 
“I love you, always and forever” 
Both of you smile, wide, big and soft; Neither of you feel alone anymore, now if feels like home all the time. 
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animeyanderelover · 5 days
Sfw and nsfw hcs for the Arcobaleno (khr) all sharing an SO, please!
Just to be completely sure that no one misunderstands, we’re talking about the Arcobaleno in the context that all of them still have their normal bodies! I also included Lal Mirch instead of Luce just like you requested in another ask.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, toxic relationship, obsession, stalking, manipulation, blackmailing, overprotective behavior, stalking, guilt-tripping, isolation, abduction, threats, death, polyamory, Nsfw, sensory depravation, ropes, handcuffs, threesome, edging, blowjob, corruption kink, overstimulation, tentacles, voyeurism, size kink, afab reader for the Nsfw part
Sharing an s/o
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Under normal circumstances it is highly unlikely that all seven of those people would be able to share one darling yet the one thing that is going to play the one deciding factor is that all of them are holders of the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. It is this fact that single-handedly holds this entire team together yet even within this largely very reluctant and begrudging agreement there is always conflict, distrust and betrayal involved. There are Arcobaleno who get along better with another Arcobaleno and who actually team up together when sharing you as well as protecting you from another Arcobaleno who is distrusted amongst others. Then there are Arcobaleno who actively scheme how to get their hands on you all by themselves, who might even be ready to ignore the overall duties they have only to never succeed due to the effort and strength of the other Arcobaleno. Peace is fragile and chaos ensues more than often and despite best efforts sometimes you get dragged into those fights. It is no one's intention to harm you though if you were to be hurt during the conflict whoever was responsible fotr the escalation will be shunned and forbidden from getting close to you for a long time.
Seven of the strongest people are protecting you and loving you so it isn't an understatement that you are possibly one of the best protected people in the world. You have the strongest Martial Artist, the strongest Hitman, a brilliant scientist, two combat experts, an illusionist and a man known as the "Immortal Stuntman". Only a suicidal fool or delusional maniac would attempt to harm you or use you as a hostage as even if only one of them were obsessed with you this would be a task considered highly difficult or nearly impossible. Still, some measurements have to be taken so you are moved to another house in a more secluded area. A decision not easy for you, especially since you are most likely not alright with the thought of having to be the lover to seven of the strongest people on earth. By choosing the place you would call home from now on the Arcobaleno have also ensured that the place is well protected and have installed multiple other safety measurements. Verde has installed cameras, Colonnello and Lal Mirch have set up traps and the entire interior is filled with secret passages and weapons in case an intruder gets into the house.
You are familiarised enough with the hidden doors and the passages that you will be able to hide safely if there should ever be an occasion where someone even manages to bypass the traps as well as the security system yet you are never told enough so that you are enabled to make plans to escape this place. Normally the Arcobaleno try to see it through that at least one of them always stays with you as technology and secret passages can only do so much to protect you. It is no denial that there are one or two members who the rest wouldn't like you to be left alone with for an extended perios of time as a trustworthy and reliable Arcobaleno would then have to stay with you as well, so little trust is given to those specific people. It isn't common for all seven to gather together as they are people who travel all over the world and still have missions and assassinations to fulfill meaning that there is quite an influx as well as efflux of them. Some of them only stay for a few days, others manage to spend weeks with you before they have to leave again. It is due to the increased risk that would appear the moment you were to leave your home that keeps you locked up like a princess in a fairytale.
Now that we have established some of the basics let's talk more in depth about each singular member as well as their role in this arrangement as well as how well they would get along with other Arcobaleno and if they would even go as far as teaming up with other members:
🐍​Fon enjoys the trust of most of the other Arcobaleno and is essentially working as the peacemaker more than once, especially when tension and conflict arises as he always remains calm and composed with an admirable patience that doesn't waver even when other members snap at him. He's the one who explains the situation that you are in when you are initially brought to your new house and he is due to his serene composure the one Arcobaleno you find yourself seeking out the most when you're scared or when something is bothering you as he always lends you his ear whilst offering to prepare you some tea to soothe your anxiety. He's observant, in tune with your emotions which is why he often senses that something is bothering you long before you even consider talking about it. Fon is a very lucid person who gives you more lenience than some other Arcobaleno do yet he is not actively coddling you, fair in his judgement even if it involves punishing you for a mistake you did or a rule you broke. The martiat artist is arguably the one person you trust most, a fact which elicits jealousy and competitiveness from other Arcobaleno when they take notice of it.
🐍​Traits that make him up boil down to his protective nature, lucid mind as well as a subtle streak of manipulation that he uses. Despite his abilities and his strength Fon is tame if compared to some of the other Arcobaleno yet he is one of the people who arguably influence you the most. He's good in gaining your trust which is why he arguably manipulates you the most in the least suspecting ways as he guides you through your new life and coaxes you to be more understandable and less hostile about everything. Something that Reborn points out to him when both of them are alone one time, a sly grin o the Hitman's face as he states that Fon truly is a sneaky snake for being the one slowly pushing you to accept your new life the most and even talking you into feeling a sense of peace even though your situation is so far from what should be normal. Fon only gives him a serene smile, merely remarking that he finds Reborn's perspective interesting as he never confirms nor denies if Reborn is actually correct with his assumption or not. Overall Fon is in a unique position as he works decent together with everyone, even dysfunctional members, yet never teams up closely with anyone.
🐍​Patience is a virtue that will be rewarded. Fon plays by those rules which is why he is rewarded as you not only willingly approach him but also by being the first Arcobaleno that gets to be that intimate with you. He wins the little competition going on amongst the group and even though he pretends to be humble deep down he is secretly proud that he's your first. You don't regret that decision you made even after you have pretty much made experience with all other Arcobaleno. Fon is kind, soothing, understanding and he guided you through the entire process as you were nervous and due to that slightly tense during your first time with him. He always guides you through it even after you have gotten a taste of everyone and it is this reassurance and patience that always draws you back. He makes you feel loved and adored in a way that has butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, knows how to soothe any insecurities you may have about your own body and lets you feel just how much he desires you. You're low-key obsessed with the dragon tattoo on his left arm and he always lets you trace your fingers over it, enjoying the way your fingers brush over the ink.
🐍He uses incense, body oils and is extremely gifted with his hands. He knows where to touch you, knows how to relax your muscles up by kneeding and massaging your flesh or easing his long digits into you before starting to pump in and out of you, coaxing your walls to loosen up for later. He could give you a massage without it getting sexual but the problem is that his hands feel way too good to the point where your pussy is always soaking wet at one point and obviously he always notices the way your body reacts to his hands squeezing your flesh. Even despite knowing your answer most of the time already he still asks you for your consens before he proceeds, letting you cum once around his fingers before he removes his own clothes and climbs on top of you, his body pressing against your back as he presses kisses against your skin all whilst grabbing your hip and guiding it slowly up until you can feel the tip of his erection pressing right against your hole. Fon seems to like creating relaxing environments, another example being how he likes easing you onto his cock during a hot bath all whilst praising you and pressing kisses against your chest and collarbone.
🐍​Sometimes though it feels like there is another side hiding beneath that gentle exterior as you remember vividly how he reacted the first time you actually undid his braid and tugged at his longer hair, recall the abrupt hiss he let out before he shoved his hips with an unknown force against your own which caused your body to slam almost painfully against the edge of the bathtub. There was a short glimmer of something wild in his eyes before it quickly disappeared and he apologised to you. It is Reborn who whispers to you that there is a feral dragon hiding underneath that tame facade, one who is merely holding back to not break his precious lotus. You don't fully believe Reborn though which the mischievous man takes as a challenge. One time. One time Reborn manages to not only break Fon's polite and patient exterior but also joins him and you still don't know what exactly the Hitman said or did to get Fon so worked up. You only know that you are about to take a shower before both men walk in with a darkened gleam in their eyes. When you turn to Fon with questioning eyes he merely tells you that nothing is wrong all whilst his hands quickly free you from your layers of clothing.
🐍​There are two greedy pairs of hands touching you, lips traveling all over your skin, tongues and fingers exploring your sensitive walls and coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of you. There's Fon shoving your back against the large mirror in the bathroom, your legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusts into you with a speed and force that was previously unknown to you all whilst murmuring against your lips that you have no idea how breathtaking you look right now. There's him showing Reborn how to tie you up all prettily like a present waiting to be unwrapped, a skill you never knew he possessed before. There's the memory of sitting in Fon's lap, his long cock splitting you open and his lips travelling over your neck and back, his hands massaging your breasts whilst you are sucking off Reborn, two of your holes occupied at the same time with Fon occasionally reprimanding Reborn to go slower when noticing that you're struggling only for the Hitman to retort that both know that he's secretly enjoying it. Unsurprisingly you struggle to walk the next day. There's a subtle tension between them after, occasional glances they share which makes you wonder if you'll soon be ruined again.
🔫​Reborn may be on a more mischievous side yet next to Fon he is also someone who most Arcobaleno trusts when it comes to your safety and protection. After all he’s the world’s strongest Hitman and his confident and charismatic personality manages to keep the little semblance of harmony within the group mostly together as well. In many aspects Reborn is actually like Fon yet he’s much more playful and sly about the way he presents himself. Still, no one can deny that there is an aura of intimidation he allows to slip out, especially if some other members of the group start acting out of hand and every Arcobaleno has had at least one moment where they were slightly scared of him. The Hitman is mindful to not let you be too frightened of him though even if he's naturally just on a more intimidating spectrum. It isn't the only reason why many Arcobaleno are careful around him though, it is also because Reborn is notoriously mischievous and comedically sadistic, Skull is by far his favorite victim to bully and torment. Reborn is aware of his feelings and he is honest about them to you and he loves pushing others buttons as well so that you get a glimpse of their darker feelings for you as well.
🔫​Perhaps it is the honesty that you appreciate about him. Reborn is not one to sugarcoat anything, his words precise and straight to the point. He doesn't lie to you and in return you learn to be honest around him. Even if you do lie, Reborn can expertly deduce from your body language that you're not telling him the truth. Despite the natural aura of intimidation there is an air of composure and professionalism surrounding him that draws you to him, especially once you ask him what being a Hitman is like. You don't expect him to actually tell you some stories where he may not go into too much details but still tells you truthfully about assassinations he did and people he killed and despite the horror of those stories the way he speaks about those experiences fascinates you. In line with his impish nature he loves scaring you, often appearing behind you without you noticing him until you turn around and get a small heart attack to which he flicks your forehead amused. All of his confidence aside Reborn actually teaches you how to use a gun, justifying the decision to the other Arcobaleno by explaining that they should always prepare for a what-if-scenario, no matter how small it is.
🔫​Reborn and Fon have always been the two Arcobaleno that enjoyed the highest chances of spending time with you due to their capabilities so Reborn has always tried goading Fon into a little bet to see who you would trust first with satiating your sexual needs. Fon never complied with his teasing challenges though, deeming them to be childish. Nevertheless though, Reborn still notices that under all that humble appearance Fon is secretly feeling victorious that you ultimately choose him at first if the subtle glances he gives the Hitman the day after are anything to go by. Colonnello is someone Reborn has always considered his rival and by extension someone he considers his equal yet ever since the mutual obsession for you has been born the Hitman has learned to respect the martial artist a lot more as well. Yet Fon is one of those Arcobaleno that only expose their gentle and kind side to you without ever revealing the savage desire simmering beneath, something that Reborn intends to change. He knows after all that Fon is restraining his need for you and it is when you deny his words that the Hitman truly starts prodding and goading him until Fon snaps and gives in to his wants.
🔫​Reborn is more open about his own desires for you though he's not drooling pathetically like Skull over you. No, instead he's slick, he's charming, he's a tease. He wants you to approach him and beg for him, especially after he knows that Fon got to know you on first base. He whispers in a low and husky voice suggestive things into your ears as he suddenly presses up from behind you, large hands grabbing your hips and pushing your rear even tighter against his bulge, warm lips pressing against the shell of your ear before he suddenly lets go and leaves you standing there as a confused and flustered mess. He has a dirty mouth yet his words are smooth and his voice is melodic as he whispers his little fantasies into your ear, pushing you and testing your limits. Despite his slightly bolder approach he still remains patient though he will admit that he has jerked off to the image of you once or twice when he indulged a bit too much in teasing you, your scent still clinging subtly to his clothes as he strokes his thick and aching length. He isn't even ashamed to hint to you that he may or may not have touched himself whilst thinking about you.
🔫​Your first time with Reborn is wildly different than your first time with Fon. Reborn is a sadist yet he is weirdly gentle throughout it all as he bullies you. Dirty nicknames and dirty talking is absolutely involved though you can't be completely mad when he talks to you in his smooth and deep voice, the arousal still adding a tinge of humiliation that you actually enjoy being called such names and the expression you give him when he asks you if you actually get off of it is priceless and something Reborn greatly treasures. He likes involving pretty lingerie, handcuffs and blindfolds whenever he has you all for himself and he is bold enough to see it through that you're loud enough for other Arcobaleno in the house to hear you to let them know how much pleasure he brings you. He is a dom, has a thing if you call him "sir" in the bedroom and discovers that letting you wear his hat whilst you bounce on his dick is a dangerous sight that he plans to indulge more in. I imagine him as someone who is over 5'11 so if his darling should be notably smaller than him prepare for him to develop a major size kink since he knows that he's well endowed down there.
🔫​If there is one person though Reborn finds himself often teaming up with it is Colonnello. They've been rivals for a long time now and compete frequently over you all in a still amicable but competitive way. That rivalry reaches new heights once Colonnello has gotten his own taste of you as well which expands their competition to the bedroom. Both actually ask you who you think did better for the first time, Colonnello much blunter than Reborn yet when you are unable to answer you quickly find your nude body pressed between both of those fine men as you're tugged back and forth as both want a taste of you. From that moment on it is a competition of who can make you cum first, who can make you cum faster, who can draw the most orgasms out of you and the list goes on and on. Colonnello accidentally rips the lingerie you wear apart, only grunting out an apology as he squeezes your ass and devours your lips. Reborn can't fully blame him though as he's sure that if he would have any less self-control he might have done the same. It's going to get loud as you aren't allowed to keep quiet nor does Colonnelo make any efforts to hide his grunts and groans. Reborn is the only one who stays quiet.
🔬​If there is one Arcobaleno everyone collectively doesn't trust, it is Verde. Verde is a man who is only fueled by his own interests and fascination to the point where he is even willing to ignore his duties as an Arcobaleno and break the agreement. This is why he is never allowed to be left alone with you as there is always going to be another person staying with you when it is his shift to watch over you. The scientist is as you probably expect nothing short of displeased by this, chides the other Arcobaleno for this immature and distrusting behavior but it isn't like he doesn't know that if he could, he absolutely would keep you all for himself. His entire obsession started far more begrudgingly though as he has always only ever cared for his research which is why he initially didn't appreciate just how much of a distraction you were to him. After all he has dedicated his entire life to science so to figure out that his focus is getting split between his research and his newfound obsession with you initially made him dislike you a lot to the point where he briefly considered getting rid of you to regain his self-control. He doesn't believe in curses yet to him you are a curse for making him so obsessed.
🔬​You can't necessarily say that you feel comfortable around Verde either. He disturbs you, creeps you out in some moments and all of that is mainly because he approaches his obsession with you like any true scientist would do with something unknown. He observes you, he actually creates a file solely for you and he notes down everything he finds out about you all in hopes of figuring out what it is that fascinates him so much about you. To the great agony of most other Arcobaleno he is the closest thing to a doctor that they have, a fact that Verde attempts to use to his advantage as he claims openly that he would rather not have some amateur doctor examining you when he not only knows so much more and would notice any symptoms so much faster but also because he would find a cure infinitely better for any illness you might catch. Often he approaches you in order to brag to you about his inventions only to get offended and end up schooling you about it when he realises that you aren't able to follow and it isn't uncommon either for him to rant about the incompetence of other Arcobaleno to you, especially if he doesn't agree with their decisions which often ignore his own suggestions for good reasons.
🔬​Frankly spoken, he is disgusted by the behavior some of the Arcobaleno show when it involves sex and it almost makes him glad at times that he spends so much time in his laboratory that is included in the house you are kept in with walls that shield him from any noises when one or two other members currently have their fun with you. There is one time he vividly remembers where he was with Fon and Reborn currently in the house, spending time in the laboratory for some research only to leave his room to hear loud moans, grunts and creaks coming from the bathroom which promptly led him to retreat back into his safe space, his hunger completely gone. He's only mildly disappointed that it is Fon who got tempted by Reborn as he has always liked to give the Martial Artist slightly more credit for discriminating against him less than other members of the group. It wouldn't have been a surprise if it would have been Colonnello with Reborn as those two often tagteam though in hindsight he is somewhat glad that it wasn't the combat expert as Verde has already once gotten the displeasure of hearing just how vocal the blonde man is when buried inside of you.
🔬​Before any of the other Arcobaleno knock you up he prescribes you birth control pills, unwilling to risk being the one who would have to help deliver a screaming baby which would only add more chaos and give him an even bigger headache. His ire about the unbelievable behavior in regards to sex is something he expresses with greatest displeasure though, especially to people like Reborn and especially Colonnello who he accusses of sounding like a goddamn animal in heat. Once again it is Reborn who likes to push Verde off of his high horse by telling him that he is probably going to be one of the freakiest of them all once he gives in to his own desires as well. Oh, how you wish that Reborn would have been wrong with this assumption yet you indeed discover one day that the Hitman was right once again as you find yourself strapped to the hospital bed in his laboratory, completely naked all whilst Verde shuffles around in the shelves whilst admitting to you with a twinge of annoyance that he has had enough of you getting fucked senseless by the other Arcobaleno before he pulls out a blindfold, a gag and a vibrator. He hates to admit it though, now he's gotten curious as well.
🔬​This truly feels like some sort of roleplay where he is the mad scientist and you are the unfortunate test subject and you dread to ask him if he thinks about this current situation as exactly that. Indeed Verde treats his first time with you like a study though and as the dedicated scientist that he is he truly wrings out everything he can until you feel like jelly. He observes every twitch of your body, every increase of your heartbeat, every hitch of your breath as he prods around your body before he slowly pushes his gloved fingers inside of you, the rubber material leaving an uncomfortable burn that has you squirming around, your whimpers muffled by the gag he has forced you to wear as he wouldn't want you to be a screaming and moaning mess as it would only distract him from his research. The relief when he finally pulls his fingers out of you is only short-lived though before he pushes the vibrator inside of you, testing out the different levels to see to which one your body has the strongest reaction. It is when you have your first orgasm that there is a spark of enthralment as he observes how your body unwinds and you lose control over yourself for a brief moment.
🔬​As a dedicated scientist Verde is quite finicky about hygience cleanliness and perhaps that is why he initially is somewhat hesitant to touch you without gloves and get very close to you whilst risking to get himself stained in bodily fluids. Yet his attention has been already captured the first time he witnessed you having an orgasm. One thing about Verde is that he refuses to jerk off when he has a boner even if his own sex drive is lower in comparison to other Arcobaleno. He won't reduce himself to a desperate and horny mess which means that he guides you to his laboratory as soon as he has a persistent problem he is unable to get under control. Sometimes you find yourself sitting on his lap, cockwarming him with only parts of his your clothes and his clothes discarded whilst he's getting some last work done before he finally focuses on you, finally ending the uncomfortable ache you've been feeling, other times you find yourself strapped to the hospital bed once more whilst he has you cumming around different vibrators or around his cock. If there is one thing you can give him though is that he always medically ensures that you're fine after he's done with you. He's no goddamn after all.
🩵​Colonello is the first one amongst the Arcobaleno who actually exhibits some delusional tendencies though to people like Verde and Reborn it is obvious that he is just searching for some justification to avert the guilt he occasionally feels for influencing your life in such severe ways. His delusions are tied together with his protective tendencies with which he ends up explaining his own actions to you. He had to do what he had to do. You wouldn't know that as you were a few months ago nothing more than a normal citizen but if they wouldn't have isolated you and erased all traces of you enemies would have come for you as well as all the people that you cherish and love. He's sensitive about this topic and if you push him too much he might end up snapping, otherwise Colonnello is someone you find yourself getting along with. Sure, he tends to be on a louder side which may startle you considering that you spend much time around quiet people like Fon or Reborn but his energy is quite refreshing, especially since he advertises for more freedom for you. Whenever he returns to your new accomadation he always brings you a souvenir from the place from which he came.
🩵​Colonnello finds himself often working closely together with Reborn as well as Lal Mirch which actually makes him the Arcobaleno who has the most allies amongst the group. Technically Skull can be added to that list as well though Reborn and him just end up bullying the poor guy and using him as some sort of errand boy who they constantly boss around. He doesn't have per se any issues with any of the Arcobaleno though Verde and him have some bad blood running between them which has led the combat expert to provoke and trigger the scientist on more than just one occasion. You always assumed that Reborn was the most straightforward person in the group yet he is subtle in comparison to Colonnello who has an equally sharp tongue but expresses things in a much blunter fashion than his rival. When both of them are together they always seem to have some little competition going on between them for who can flatter or embarrass you faster or who you consider more handsome. The Blue Pacifier holder is passionate about his feelings for you, hardly manages to keep his hands to himself and when he's around he always likes to have some physical contact with you.
🩵​As already established, Colonnello is very straightforward, very touchy and very passionate and those three words describe him best in every aspect of the relationship. Similar to Reborn he really doesn't hide his fantasies though he doesn't coat his words in the same charm as the hitman. He really is just that blunt though maybe it is this almost brutal honesty about his dirty thoughts that entices you. He's eager which causes him to be almost too aggressive at times, especially during your first time together with him. Things escalate quickly the moment you don't stop him during the first passionate kiss and before too long clothes go flying as he shoves you against whatever surface your body hits first as he really couldn't care less if you two do it in the bedroom or somewhere else. It's not without risk to fuck somewhere else in the house if another Arcobaleno should also be in the house but Colonnello's true shamelessness truly is exposed when he asks you in a raspy voice if it really matters if they see the two of you or not. Fuck, he wants them to see you, to see how good he makes you feel. If he fucks you, others will know because Colonnello is not exactly quiet.
🩵​It is this boldness which has led Verde to actively despise him as he has been made a victim one time by walking in on Colonnello fucking you roughly against the refrigerator and it is this uptight reaction of the scientist and his active condescending complaints to the combat expert that has led the holder of the Blue Pacifier to actively torment the green-haired man when both of them happen to be stationed together. He'll see it through that Verde will exactly know what he's doing to you and even if the scientist locks himself up he will always hear the two of you going at it. It gets especially disgusting for Verde if the two of you fuck somewhere else in the house since Colonnello loves making an absolute mess. That doesn't only include broken objects but also stains left behind by bodily fluids. More than just once he has accidentally ripped clothes of yours apart in a short outburst of impatience as he is desperate to get his hands roaming all over your skin. He usually apologises sincerely after he is finished with you and is calmer again, promises you to buy some new clothes though you wonder if they'll suffer the same fate eventually when his lust gets the better of him again.
🩵​As mentioned in Reborn's part, it is not uncommon for both of those men to team up together when it comes to doing dirty deeds and they are truly a killer combo together. Once he witnesses how Reborn has you calling him "sir" he starts developing his own kink of having you referring to him with a name and unsurprisingly considering his name he wants you to refer to him as "colonel". He curses himself for not having figured it out sooner that he fucking loves hearing you calling him that as it fills him with a thrilled kick that he has never experienced prior to taking an example from Reborn. Since both of those guys are dominant they occasionally end up fighting who gets to fuck you first in which position and in which hole though you will end up in either case in different positions, handed around as if you are a mere doll for them to use however they please. Things sometimes get even more crowded when Both Colonnello and Reborn decide to only bully Skull further by inviting him over yet not allowing him to participate nor even touch you, forcing the poor guy to watch as you bounce on their knees or are fucked from behind.
🩵​Lal Mirch is another Arcobaleno that Colonnello teams up with when having sex with you though in this case it isn't based on rivalry and instead on mutual love for each other. It is a break that you sometimes just embrace as you know that he is going to be less commanding and extreme with Lal Mirch around who treats you with more care even though you know that she is always a tad bit awkward and nervous when she is making love to you and that embarrassment is amplified when Colonnello is around. It actually takes Colonnello a bit to convince Lal Mirch into a threesome as the concept of it is something that she never thought she would be confronted with before you suddenly crossed all of their lives. It's certainly new for you to spend time with two Arcobaleno who aren't into the same stuff as Lal Mirch will actively bark at Colonnello to be more careful if she deems him to be too rough whilst she provides you with a gentler time even despite Colonnello teasing her for being so flustered around you and him even though she has the two people who she cherishes most right in front of her. Lal Mirch influences him though as he is less rough when she is with him.
🐍​Viper is someone other Arcobaleno tend to keep a closer eye on as well even though they still obey by the rules and follow the duties given to them ever since they became the holder of a Pacifier. If it wouldn't be for that sense of duty it is unlikely that Viper would agree to this entire arrangement and even until this day they are still one of the few members who still struggles at times to accept this reality. Under normal circumstances they are a very materialistic person who only works for money which is why Viper is a very possessive individual and it is this greed that can make them a very volatile Arcobaleno to deal with, especially when they see another member spending time with you. It is not unlikely that they have actually assaulted a few members before with their illusions when their possessive nature was triggered or have even attempted to play those mind games on you as you are much more receptive and vulnerable to fall victim to their abilities. It is for that reason that Viper is another member who is never allowed to be alone in the house with you, putting them in the same category as Verde and unsurprisingly they hate this.
🐍​Your relationship with Viper is something even you don't know how to describe. Fact is that their abilities to let you see things that aren't real freaks you out though they are at least less disturbing than Verde is. Still, you are scared of Viper and this is something that the Arcobaleno notices and almost seems to take advantage of at times. They're one of the quietest members though to the point where you actually don't even know what their voice sounds like for a good while before they finally talk to you. Similar to Reborn their silent nature allows them to sneak up on you without you even noticing until you turn around though Viper is far more creepy about it than Reborn who wants to startle you. They tend to follow you around as you walk through the house all without you even knowing about it until you eventually spot them or until you bump into another Arcobaleno who discovers them and scolds them for their excessive stalking and only then do you realise that they've been following you the entire time. It is unlikely that they're ever going to stop though, after all you are also their possession so they have a right to know what you're doing.
🐍​I don't recall that Viper's biological sex was ever revealed and from what I could gather online even the fanbase is sort of torn over that aspect so I'll try to work this out as good as I can. They're quiet about their own opinions of sex. They neither join when Reborn and Colonnello start dirty talking randomly when all Arcobaleno are gathered with Fon sometimes subtly throwing in a comment or two as well but they aren't snapping at them and chiding them for their disgusting behavior and immaturity either like Verde who always looks like he is considering to castrate all of them so that they can never get it up again. The next day after someone has ravished you they mostly stay quiet which actually causes you to throw them some subtle glances, wondering if Viper just doesn't want to talk about it. This is ironically how you get Viper to ask you if you want to talk about it as soon as they realise that you give them those slightly wondering eyes, an offer you always bashfully reject as you'd rather not indulge in what happened the previous day. An answer to which they merely let out a hum that almost sounds disappointed, or perhaps you're just imagining that.
🐍​Admittedly, sex is not something that has ever been on Viper's mind before as their only focus has been on money yet Verde and them share one thing together which is that they actually start to get interested in it due to the active sex life that comes with so many people sharing you and especially with people as vocal and blunt as Colonnello. Viper just starts getting curious yet is too proud to actually ask you what your experiences with others have been so far, always secretly hoping that you yourself will talk about it as if you had the same dirty and honest mouth like some other Arcobaleno. Colonnello and Reborn on the other hand tell them what they secretly want to know without Viper even having to ask and it is Reborn who always nudges his friend and throws a mischievous glance in the illusionist's direction. Eventually Viper tries to vividly imagine what those two have told them about you, even attempt to create an illusion about you writhing and moaning and it is to those illusions of theirs that they start touching themself to. It's clumsy, awkward and slightly embarrassing as they don't really know what they're doing yet they still manage to eventually orgasm.
🐍​Maybe it is because you mistook Viper's quiet and more mysterious appearance as a sign that they're modest yet perhaps you should have considered that their abilities to use illusions would obviously give them some creative ideas. From all the sex you have had with all the different Arcobaleno Viper has always stood out due to the sheer uniqueness their abilities provide them with though you still have to figure out whether it is a good kind of weird or a bad kind of weird. There are two illusions that Viper favors and one of them remains you of every generic hentai that you have ever heard of as it involves, yes you guessed it right, tentacles. Slimy, rubbery with suction cups who wrap themselves around your body and brush against your pussy. You never expected an illusion to feel so real, a mixture of disgust and heat pooling in your belly as you feel those long and wriggly limbs slithering their way inside of you, brushing against your sensitive walls and nerves all whilst you can only whimper, unsure whether you want to beg Viper to stop or to let your disturbing curiosity take reign. It is this inner conflict that Viper seems to get off to, their fingers busily working on themselves.
🐍​Another illusion they often like to use, and one that is less disturbing than the tentacle one, is the one where they create clones of themselves. At this point in time you are not exactly unfamiliar with having two people at once devouring you yet three or four is something that you still have to experience even if all of those people except one are nothing more than an illusion, though their tongues and fingers feel very real if your orgasms are anything to go by. Viper likes to play a game with you sometimes though whilst you can already feel the next high chasing you, forcing you to focus on them as they ask of you to guess which Viper is not an illusion and if you don't guess right you will be denied an orgasm, causing you to let out a frustrated whine after the second or third time that you have guessed wrong. Talking about noises, Viper is unbelievably quiet even whilst touching themselves or allowing you to use your tongue or hands to pleasure them. Quickened breaths is more than often all that you are able to get out of them, maybe a broken moan once or twice but otherwise it is suffocatingly silent which actually makes you embarrassed when you make loud noises in their company.
💀​Verde and Viper are Arcobaleno that no one trusts yet at the very least they are still respected for their abilities and their character. If there is one member that is somewhat looked down upon by all others it would be Skull as he is almost the official human punching bag, especially for people like Colonnello and Reborn who constantly bully him and treat him like an errand boy and despite Skull's protests he still ends up doing what they're asking of him which really only drags his reputation even further down. He likes to show off yet runs away when he is confronted with someone stronger than him or someone he fears and it is this attribute of his character that has led everyone else to partially look down on him since his cowardice is a trait they don't need for protecting you. Obviously Skull would never abandon you if there should ever be an escalation as he is essentially a human shield who can tank a lot of damage but his undesirable traits have still resulted in other Arcobaleno not wanting him to get the privilege to watch after you all by himself, especially Reborn and Colonnello often state that he is far too pathetic to be left alone with you. They wouldn't want him to set a bad example.
💀​Even you can't help but pity Skull whenever you see how Colonnello and Reborn treat him yet it becomes obvious to you that their claims that he is desperate and pathetic are yet again the unfiltered truth. Indeed he is all of that, begging for any ounce of affection and attention from you as if he was a starved dog. Deep down he knows just how pitiful and pathetic he looks in comparison to others which is why he frequently attempts to show off and impress you. He performs his stunts for you, he cooks for you and he does everything you ask of him as if he were your personal slave, a thought that is perhaps something he really wishes he could be. He knows he can never be as charming as Reborn, as bold as Colonnello or as serene as Fon but in any attempt to still be something to you he offers his heart and body on a silver plate, even begging on his knees for you. You notice that his brashness and confidence are fleeting qualities that only appear when you actually give him admiration and love and disappear only to be replaced by desperation once more the moment another Arcobaleno snatches it all away from him and he is brushed off once more.
💀​He will never forget that day where Colonnello and Reborn both demanded from him to visit your room later. He'll never forget how he walked in to you in sexy lingerie, handcuffed to the bed with both other men already touching and admiring your body. He'll never forget how he was forced to sit down on a chair, forced to watch as they took you in front of his own eyes all whilst he could do nothing but sit there. He remembers how painfully hard he was at one point, a clear bulge in his leather jeans and how he was just itching to at least touch himself only to be barked at by Colonnello that he wasn't allowed to do so. He shouldn't have gotten off to the sight of watching the person he was desperately obsessed with being reduced to a sweaty mess by the two people he was scared of yet judging by the way his cock was aching inside his pants, the precum already oozing out of his tip he really was just that pathetic of a man. He doesn't remember how long he sat there, his breath accelerated, his cock painfully stiff and his heart racing in his chest as your moans were ringing in his head. He only remembers that at one point he came in his pants without even having touched himself.
💀​He's paranoid about having one of his torturers walk in on him having sex with you from that day on, especially since it actually sometimes happens and he is always pushed aside as either Reborn or Colonnello merely reprimand him for doing it wrong, for not pleasing you right before showing him how it is done. There is always one point that you have to strongly agree with though and that is the fact that Skull seems to be utterly deprived of touches and affection whenever he manages to convince you to let him please you and you suspect that Reborn's and Colonnello's actions have only further edged him on. The first time he actually has you naked with him he is so ecstatic that he actually cums in his pants like an overexcited and immature teenager. He's extremely sensitive, highly reactive to any of your touches with especially his nipples, his necks and his pierced ear being places where your lips easily make him blush and squirmish. As bratty as he tends to be all in an act to make himself look manlier Skull is low-key a masochist who actually gets off of you degrading him and using a slightly more condescending tone whilst riding him all whilst he can only moan and let his eyes roll back.
💀​Whether it is due to his sheer depravation or due to his lack of experience, Skull is quite messy in the bedroom, his overzealous behavior either something that amuses you or that you low-key pity. He loves covering you in marks of his purple lipstick since it makes him feel like you belong to him and only him in that moment, his kisses a clumsy and desperate clash of lips, teeth and tongues. He often goes down on you, his tongue exploring your warm walls and you're not surprised when you discover that he has a tongue piercing as well, one that he hopes will make you feel even better when he eventually learns what he has to do in order to make you gush around his pink muscle. The first few times with Skull are arguably the most awkward yet adorable experiences that you had with any Arcobaleno. He's trying his best to figure out what he needs to do in order to please you, he accidentally has premature ejaculations whilst eating you out and the desperation is just oozing out of him. It gives you a feeling of control and dominance that you have never had with anyone else. You enjoy this feeling, use it against him and it sets the dynamic between the two of you forever.
💀​If he can please you by being the pathetic, somewhat bratty yet ultimately submissive man then Skull will do so and as shameful as it is for him the first time it happens, eventually he learns to love having you dominate him. He loves when you bounce on his dick, pinch his nipples or grab a handful of his purple hair roughly whilst cooing at him condescendingly, calling him a "good boy" or "your slutty man". Fuck, he should have just given in to his depravation sooner if he would have known that being treated like a slut by you feels that wonderful and he lets you and the whole house know that by being embarrassingly loud, moaning, cussing and whining with every breath that he takes all whilst he thrusts his hips upwards to welcome your warmth sinking back onto his sensitive shaft. He always comes first, still far more sensitive than you and always begs for permission to splash his cum on your body, to see his jizz dripping down your stomach and to feel like he belongs to you in that moment. He loves staining your body in his release and he loves it equally as much when his face is covered in your own, your pussy juice so delicious that he almost gets drunk off of it.
🔹​Lal Mirch is rougher around the edges, almost acting tsunderish when around you. She is someone who is very embarrassed about her romantic feelings for her darling and she hides those feelings by lashing out on you even if a small part of her knows that it is unjustified. With you that feeling of embarrassment is only enhanced because she is actually on the more lucid side and she knows just how depraved her feelings ultimately are as well as how depraved every other Arcobaleno's love for you is. Some simply accept that and don't care, others are delusional about it which leaves Lal Mirch quite alone in her struggles. She knows none of that is your fault as you are ultimately the victim here but a small part of her can't help but remain mad at you for a while. Perhaps that is why she is unnecessarily harsh around you, always points out when you do something wrong or tells you that you fail the high expectations that she had for you. Her words are quite hurtful to you, all the more after you were freshly abducted and are already more skittish and vulnerable than you would be normally. There is a spark of guilt when she notices the hurt in your eyes but she always stuffs it back down.
🔹​Give it time, give her time. Lal Mirch needs to embrace her emotions properly before she eventually starts coming around. Sure, she is still prone to unleash her hurtful tongue and spit out some mean words but she starts holding back and actually attempts to apologise which is huge. Colonnello is a major key factor as he helps her opening up, her outbursts of embarrassment when he is around not detering him in the slightest which makes him a quite good person to assist her as well as you to get closer to each other. Surrounded by more than just one Arcobaleno she doesn't trust, Lal Mirch is despite her harsher exterior very protective and even if she says some things she doesn't mean there are a lot of other members who trust her. She's not afraid to stand up for you and tell people like Verde or Viper off when she is around and notices how they creep you out. It obviously doesn't earn her sympathy from those same Arcobaleno but it is something the rest of the group knows to appreciate. If anyone should make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy she clarifies that she wants you to seek her out whenever she is present because she will protect you.
🔹​Sometimes she really wishes that she could sew that dirty mouth of Colonnello up, especially once he walks up to her and proudly announces that he just got to know you on first base. The guy is already shameless enough as it is but especially around his rival or around Lal Mirch does he amplify that bold mouth of his. The redder Lal Mirch grows, the more filth flows from his lips until she's had enough and her fist makes acquaintance with his head. It takes her a long few moments to regain some semblance of composure, her hand still clenched into a fist and her whole face ablaze before she starts angrily ranting at him about how he should learn some manners and that it is inappropriate to talk about his experience like this. She's all too aware that he did it on purpose though to get such a bashful reaction out of her. It's not like she's unfamiliar with what other Arcobaleno have been doing with you but it is very different hearing it from the guy she also has a crush on. She's unable to go back to her old self after that discussion though, her mind sometimes replaying the words of Colonnello as she glances at you before a very inappropriate image flashes before her inner eyes.
🔹​Since darling is biologically female, Lal Mirch actually has a rare privilege of having seen you naked before, especially when you needed help dressing up or undressing. Whilst Fon may have been able to claim you first it is Lal Mirch who saw you naked even before him simply because you felt comfortable enough to ask her. She has never considered before that she technically had you all for her own eyes before but now she actually feels her cheeks heating up whilst thinking back about all the times she assisted you with clothes or even spent time in the little sauna or in the bathtub together with you when she needed to rant about the other Arcobaleno to you. Her eyes start lingering on your bust, your stomach, your rear and your thighs the next time both of you are completely nude and she almost, only almost, gets a nosebleed then and there yet luckily she is a stronger person than someone like Skull would be. The moment you mention it to her about it though she instantly denies it, hiding her face from you so that her blush won't give her away. God, this is so fucking embarrassing! Why is it that she has no control over herself when she is around you??
🔹​She shouldn't be flustered, she has seen you naked before yet the first time she finally has you to herself she can't help the way her heart pounds wildly in her chest. It has taken her a good amount of vulnerability to admit to you that she desires you in a more carnal way and she actually places high expectations on herself for your first time with her. After all you have had more than enough experience with a couple of other Arcobaleno at this point and even though she has always deemed herself about silly competitions of who fucks you best right now she actually feels a bit of that pressure getting the better of her. She wants to make this special. She wants to make you feel good. Your first time with her consists of her being the major giver throughout the entire time, figuring out where to touch you and what to do in order to have you writhing beneath her. She hates to admit it but Colonnello's retelling of his first time with you is actually useful as she recalls certain things he told her which help her to coax the orgasms out of your body. When it's your turn to be between her legs she does her best to not be too loud, her thighs clamping around your head as she does her best to muffle her moans.
🔹​She is shocked but not really surprised on second thought that Colonnello proposes a threesome soon after he found out that she's fucked you as well. She already knows that Reborn and him often compete over you sexually which is why she initially hesitates as she doesn't want to be dragged into that stupid competiton only for him to tell her that it's going to be very different between him and her. Colonnello is a man who is quite persistent when he wants something and eventually he convinces her. Now, Lal Mirch has been doing things with you in quite a tame and vanilla way which is why it is quite a different experience for her to share you with Colonnello who is into ropes, sensory deprivation, spanking and much more. A part of her feels slightly uncomfortable, another part of her feels aroused when she sees how Colonnello does things with you. Sometimes he gets too passionate though and accidentally hurts you which always leads to Lal Mirch snapping at him and warning him to be more careful or else she will punish him. She always regrets those words the moment she spots that suggestive grin on Colonnello's face, more than eager to challenge her.
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