#do y’all think my writing is like…bad or not well rounded
diorsbrando · 2 years
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pairing ! ━━ aki hayakawa x fem! reader
cw ! ━━ minors/ageless blogs do not interact. reader is black + thick coded but you don’t have to imagine it that way. basically boyfriend!aki who is very soft for his princess we luv him for that <3 lots of fluff and like…introspective moments? suggestive themes. descriptions of smoking.
word count !  ━━ 3.7k
notes ! ━━ this is an expanded version of this ask & the art used came from this post. ive been wanting to write this for a while, but ive been putting it off bc i wanted to start/work on other things and wasn’t sure if this would even be any good. but the akirot has fermented and here we are <3 i love writing soft love scenarios (i’ve been a sucker for them lately) so this is what this is. i hope y’all enjoy ! REBLOGS ARE HEAVILY APPRECIATED!
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AKI HAYAKAWA WAS A. . . PERSONAL MAN. he cherished every little thing that he was blessed with very profoundly, and held them close to his heart, where they would be safe within its hardened, cold exterior. he protects these things— these emotions, these ideas, these people—with all his might, because he knew very well, maybe even better than anyone, that tomorrow was never promised.
he values the things he’s received even on a subconscious level, where he doesn’t actively realize that’s what it is: him caring to such an uncanny extent. it was like that with the first cigarettes he ever received from himeno, it was the same regarding his friendship with denji and power—
and it was ultimately the case with you. especially with you, matter of fact.
this explains why the two of you were pressed up against each other in a yearning embrace. aki had comfortably sandwiched you in between the wall and his firm body, while just a few feet away was the front door, where his devil-like subordinates waited outside.
he was very personal about you and the relationship you shared with him, the trust and the genuine connection that tethered both your hearts and souls to one another. he didn’t even want mere glances from the likes of denji and power to taint this special thing he held so tenderly in his big, calloused hands. their teasing of aki being “so whipped” for you fell on deaf ears the moment his closed your door with his foot and his fingers came in contact with your skin.
it wasn’t exactly a lie, he supposed.
the kiss was drawn out. longing, and wistful. it was slow enough for you to savor hints of every delicacy that clung to the walls of his mouth, and he did the same to you, low sounds of pleasure threatening to escape his throat. you tasted the spearing blanket of peppermint that coated the other flurry of flavors on aki’s lips and tongue, like the stale aroma of the cigarettes he smoked an hour ago, and the tangy cocktail he drank with his meal. and you loved it. 
the dark-haired male sensually swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, effectively licking off most of the lip gloss you wore. gently, he tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth, before letting the pink muscle slither in between the barrier known as your lips; you tasted the gloss that you’ve been wearing all night.
you whined into his mouth when aki tugged at your bottom lip again— a little firmer and more yearning this time—and you followed his movements, perfectly in sync with one another. you melted into his taut chest when one of the hands that held onto your waist slipped past the material of your long, fitted cardigan and found its way under your ribbed tank top. his hands felt like ice against your warm skin and caused you to shudder at his touch. his palms gently squeezed and unclenched at your fleshy sides as a way to ground you back to him.
after what felt like an eternity, the rest of the world around you completely muted, aki finally pulled away from the kiss, his forehead dipped slightly to your height and rested against yours. your breathing patterns became harmonized with each other’s after a few seconds.
this. . . moments like these were precious to aki. it was personal to him, and it was all his.
“fuck. . . . . i’ve been wanting to kiss you like that since the moment we picked you up earlier” he confessed in a breathy voice. it was almost unusual to hear your boyfriend be so forward or use expletives so casually—he was usually such a composed man— but you found his words arousing, and you bit your lip to contain the giggle that wanted to escape. perhaps it was that fruity alcoholic beverage he drank, and the four subsequent glasses he consumed afterwards that made him so. . . so—
another chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth pulled you out of your thoughts. and then another a little farther down. then a third and fourth back on your lips. you couldn’t help the loving smile that morphed onto your face, finding his affections extremely endearing.
letting your fingers ascend from his shoulders to the back of his neck, your french tipped fingers numbly scratched at the back of his head. the dull sensation on his scalp was almost relaxing, but it also made his heartbeat continuously skip several beats. if aki were a cat, he swore he would have purred. 
“hmm, aren’t you too cute?” you cooed teasingly, earning you a faux irritated roll of his eyes from him. “but don’t you have to get up early for work tomorrow? you and others should get going, it’s getting late.”
your boyfriend let his eyes flutter close, inhaled deeply, and threw his hand back to exhale, a soft groan getting caught in the mix.
“yeah, i do . . . . but i’d honestly rather not go back with those two. working with them is one thing but living with them on top of it is something else entirely. they’re complete pigs, it’s disgusting. and having them in my personal space feels like hell every day.”
you chuckled airily at his childlike complaints, while allowing your other hand to shift to cup his face. “i totally understand. it can be hard, but just take it one day at a time, okay? and be patient with them.” you put extra emphasis on the word patience because you knew how aki could get if provoked enough.
the devil hunter groaned again, letting his head hang until it fully rested on your shoulder. he still wasn’t fond of denji and power being placed under his care or being in his space, but he didn’t mind you in his. matter fact, it’s something he’d grow to crave more and more as the days went by. it was unbecoming for a man like him, but he couldn’t find it within himself to care all that much. 
“now go! denji and power are waiting for you,” your voice trailed off and morphed into a more sing-song tone, which aki didn’t find amusing. but still, he sucked it up and stood at his full height with a heavy sigh. 
“fine.” if you squinted hard enough, it almost looked like he was pouting. “gimme a kiss first.” he mumbled with a titled head, trailing his hands up and down your waist.
your chest tightened in glee when his already deep voice grew darker, just a little heavier, that you could feel it’s weight on your waist where his hands rested; you were obsessed with his voice, especially when it was unable to conceal his obvious desire for you. happily obliging to his request, the both of you leaned in for a sweet peck, the noise of your lips softly smacking and then finally separating tugging a rare smile at aki’s lips. just as you were about to pull away, aki’s ample hands immediately grabbed the back of your neck and held it in place so you couldn’t move.
“wait, one more baby” his grumbled again, his tone thicker than before. how could you deny him when he looked at you like that and asked so nicely? so, you gave what he (and you) both wanted.
“mmm just— just one more. this is the last one, i promise.”
it was, in fact, not the last one. he’d say ‘one more’ five more times (and you’d give in every single time) before you had to literally pry him off. as you ushered him towards the door, with his hand on the doorknob, he assured you in a soft voice that he’ll come to see you the following weekend, because this week was supposedly going to be very busy for him.
“i’ll see you soon, alright? stay safe. call me if you need anything.” he planted one final, gentle kiss on your forehead. it was his own personal way of saying ‘i love you’.
maybe he’ll work up the courage to actually say those three weighty words one day. a part of him wanted that day to be sooner rather than later.
“you’re the one who needs to be careful, out here killing devils and shit everyday. but anyway, i’ll see ya later, handsome.”
your subtle compliment made aki’s body stiffen for a moment, and you were able to see his ears redden in real time as he exited your apartment. 
the fond contentment that surrounded the sword-wielding hunter was snatched away from him the moment the door closed behind his heels, and the crisp, cold air embraced his figure. 
denji and power immediately flooded his ears with questions, ones he didn’t care enough to answer. they were too personal for him. as far as he was concerned, they didn’t need to know what went on in his relationship. like second nature, his face returned to its naturally stoic state, and he pulled out a second cigarette and lit it as he walked away from the two devils, who were still pestering him with obscene inquiries.  
in that instance, he once again left his beating heart in human form behind on the ninth story of the apartment complex.
one could assume this might have been why aki hayakawa was so frigid all the time. the warmth of your love, of your being in itself that set fire to the blood in his veins, was pulled away from his grasp, causing his skin to harden and freeze in solitude and indifference. it ultimately contributed to overall icy personality, which seemed to be more steely than usual. each time his thoughts pondered on your tasteful figure —even for a moment— or the memory of your honeyed voice kissed his mind’s ear, he would have to stifle of groan of longing and annoyance, because instead of being in your bed, cradling you in his strong grasp, he had to be out here instead: his suit stained with the blood of some repulsive devil creature, dealing with all these. . . people, he thought in vague disdain, and dreading the paperwork he’d have to fill out for makima. 
the week seemed to have weights on its feet, with the way it dragged on day after day, ever so slowly. it was too slow for aki and work, as well as his eccentric roommates, were driving him up the wall.
aki’s skin grew too cold, it resembled too much like solid ice, where if you came to close in its vicinity, its frost would bite you. he had been without the warmth of his heart for too long. 
this realization would soon lead the dark-haired male to sneak out of his own house in the dead of night, an unfathomable gravitational force deep within his being pulled him to the little slice of heaven in this hell he had to live in everyday: to you. 
aki understood the impulsivity and recklessness of his actions and was well aware of the risks of walking around alone at night, knowing that there could be devils lurking literally anywhere. he didn’t care though; nothing else mattered when you were involved. he also knew that he really should be in bed, resting so he can be ready for another grueling day at his job tomorrow. 
but he just couldn’t seem to drift off into a dreamless slumber that his body so desperately wanted. not when you lingered and danced in the forefront of his subconscious.
it was an ungodly hour, most likely past two a.m., and lucky for aki, you were awake to feel the buzz of your phone in your palms. your closed laptop laid idle on the desk next to your bed, feeling the crushing weight of an assignment you were dreading lifted off your shoulders as soon as you pressed the submit button. now, you were currently going through your ‘watch later’ compilation on youtube, slowly but surely making your way through the list. 
that’s when you saw the notification from your boyfriend drop down from the top of the screen. reflexively, your heartbeat quickened, and your finger twitched as you read his rather straightforward text. 
you up? if you are, come unlock the door for me 
it’s a marvel how he seemed to know that you were awake at this hour. for all he knew, you could have been fast asleep, enjoying your ride to dreamland. 
but you supposed that just proved how attuned your man was to you. it was frightening sometimes, like he knew you better than yourself. 
and it would make sense for someone to be in tune with such an important organ more than anything else because of course, it was the one that gave them life and one wouldn’t be able to effectively survive without it. 
aki’s began to drown in the sea of his own thoughts, he didn’t even realize that the door was already open, and you stood there waiting for him. your soft spoke snapped him out of the daze he was in. you couldn’t stop the faint, cheeky grin that pulled at your facial muscles the longer you stared at your lover. 
if aki leaned close enough and looked hard enough, he might be able to see the hearts in your pupils. something about him coming here in the dead of night— randomly, no less — felt so adolescent. it felt like the two of you were some starstruck lovers in high school that couldn’t stay away from the other for too long. and something about the fact made your body temperature increase. 
you noticed that aki’s hair wasn’t tied up in its usual top-knot style. it cascaded freely in dark waved across his face, acting as a shadowy curtain over his lashes. the onyx stud earring’s he always wore glimmered in the refraction of the singular light that hung over their heads in the hallway. his katana was slung lifelessly across his back on top of the black hoodie he wore. 
aki’s face was mainly expressionless as he stared back at you, and yet, he still managed to look effortlessly beautiful. 
you’d never know that thoughtful stare could prove to be too much for him sometimes. the man found himself quickly tearing his gaze from yours after a few seconds, deciding that your eggshell white painted toes and silver anklet were far more interesting. and they were, because they were so pretty looking. everything about you was so pretty. 
he opened his mouth a little to say something, but then immediately closed it again, swallowing whatever thoughts he was going to share. concern briefly flickered in your brow at the minimal action. “aki? is.... everything okay?” you asked him carefully, knowing that he wasn’t the type to wear his heart on his sleeve or open about anything so easily.
he would need to warm up first to do that. 
aki took several moments to reply, and in the silence, his feet took control of the rest of his body and took a step forward. then another, and then another, until he had your back up against the wall, just like the other night. your breath slightly hitched at the memory, your chests brushing against one another.
“. . . everything’s fine. those two just. . . can be so fucking loud sometimes, even when they’re sleeping. can’t stand it.” his voice was rough and full of complaints, but his hands were gentle, finding their way back home on the flesh of your waist, and used it as leverage to pull your hips against his. you could feel the heat of his crotch on yours/
“one of these days, i’m actually going to kill them in their sleep and dump their bodies on the street.” and there it was again, that dip in volume that made his voice sound more like a sensual rumble in this throat. you started to wonder if he was aware of it or not.
the flicker of his intensifying gaze from your eyes to your lips seemed to be the catalyst in the two of your moving your faces closer together. both of you were so close he could feel the air escaping from your mouth when you let out a chuckle. “so dramatic. so...you came all the way here, because they were snoring too loud?” your eyes were lidded now, teasing him with faux offense embedded in your tone as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
aki all but hummed, not caring enough to reply at the moment, because he now became too busy pressing a much-anticipated kiss on your lips. this time, it was saccharine. it was eager, bordering on desperate. but most of all, it was warm. aki sighed and groaned into your mouth, relishing in the warmth of being here with you, in your house, in your arms, thawing the cold barrier that surrounded his veins. 
as the kiss grew more fervent ━ one of his hands gliding up the valley of your breast to comfortably latch onto your throat, and your hand that was clasp took root in his soft hair, giving it a little tug ━ neither he, nor you, could suppress the shudder that crawled up your spines.
the need to properly breath soon became too overwhelming, and soon enough the both of you pulled away from one other, panting softly into each other’s mouth, him resting his forehead on yours. 
“yeah...” he spoke slowly, trying to remember the question before the two of you kissed; his head was still fuzzy from the sheer euphoria of it all. “they’re....too loud. anyway, let’s go to bed, baby. ‘m tired.”
with one final peck on your lips, he slipped out of your loose grasp and padded his way to your room, with you following after him. you plopped on your bed and got comfortable as you watched your boyfriend maneuver back and forth between your room and bathroom as if he lived here. it felt very...domestic and you had to bite back the grin that wanted to pull at your lips and contain your giddiness.
as you connected your phone to its charger and set it on the nightstand, aki’s taller frame climbed into bed next to you. his clothing was reduced to his boxers and t-shirt, presumably wearing it under the hoodie he arrived in. instinctively, your bodies were pulled towards each other underneath the blankets: your head against the crook of aki’s neck and one hand on his chest, while his lanky, muscled arm was draped across your back, his palms rubbing miscellaneous patterns along your sides and thigh.
“you mind if i smoke a little before we sleep?” he broke the silence that filled your bedroom, remembering to be courteous whenever he came over.
you hummed sleepily, not realizing your own exhaustion as soon as you snuggled up against your boyfriend. “mmm, g‘head, baby. just open the window when you do....don’t want the smell to linger.”
it was amusing to aki  that while gave him permission to get up satisfy his smoker habit, you still you nuzzled yourself against him, holding him close like he was your own personal teddy bear. chuckling softly, he slithered out of your grasp and out of the comfort of your bed to grab the pack of smokes and his lighter that were in his hoodie pocket. 
remembering that you kept an ashtray in one of the drawers━ just for him; his heart pounded at the thought━ he placed it on the nightstand, and like second nature, pulled a pale white cigarette from its container with his teeth. with a few flicks of his black lighter ━one, two, three ━ the orange flame he’d come to be very well acquainted with sprang out from its plastic cage and kissed the end of his cigarette. wispy, white tendrils of smoke escaped from the end of the cigarette and idly floated into the atmosphere. inhaling and exhaling, as if he were breathing regularly, aki rested his back against the headrest of the bed, and blew out the toxic fumes, letting excesses of smoke lazily dribble past his lips. 
the man’s dark, cerulean eyes drowsily shifted from the blank ceiling to your now sleeping form next to him. he took comfort in the way your body gently rose and fell, and the way your facial muscles relaxed into complete bliss, not having a care in the world. 
the veiny hand that wasn’t holding the cigarette came to gently stroke the apple of your cheeks, then shifted so he could stroke your soft lips with the pad of his thumb. even in your sleep, you sensed his touch and leaned into his rugged palm. his chest ached and stomach churned watching you do that and God you were just so cute. so pretty and so soft and all his. every time he saw you, he liked the sound of that more and more.
this moment, it was comparable to a husband and wife sharing a bed. the thought made his cheeks and neck burn, almost causing him to choke on the smoke he was inhaling. aki wished all his days could end like this. he wished every day could begin and end like this, until the end of time. 
after a few more minutes, aki snuffed out the cigarette on the ash tray next to him, got up to brush his teeth and gargle mouthwash for a second time this evening, and climbed into bed with finality. pulling your figure into his once more. his now warm hand glided up and down the canvas of your spine, and both of your legs became entangled with each other.
this particular thing, his relationship with you, was very personal to aki hayakawa, indeed. he cherished it admittedly more than his own job and he wanted to show you, as well as tell you, how much you meant to him everyday for the rest of his life.
that’s probably why he placed one last tender kiss on your forehead before letting slumber take over, and against your skin he mumbled something that had been weighing heavy on his chest and his mind for longer than he realized.
“i... i love you, princess. sweet dreams.”
aki closed his eyes before he realized your own eye that had peeled open at his thick, sleepy voice, suppressing a dreamy smile at his love confession.
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  あ tagging ! ━━  @yamaguchism @cyancherub @444yeager​ @n-agiz​ @fushisslut @aaphroditeeeee @heartsfrommars @saintblk @h34rt4u @deathskid @nekoriots @hellavile @aitsuki @bunnyyamor @dejwrites @yooniluvbot444 @loyenne @satotokii @enishis @eiflawriting @obitohno @monirei @sanjithesimp @cosmicdoechii @nobodytbh @simeonswhore @sirenh4ll . . . . want to be added my taglist for more works? click here <3
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© sailewhoremoon, 2022. do not steal, copy, plagiarize, share/repost any of the works on this blog without permission.
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algae-tm · 4 days
Charles Leclerc x famous singer! reader
Warnings : morally grey reader, toxic exes
Author’s note : There are so many x readers where the reader doesn’t do anything wrong, which I love don’t get me wrong but I wanted to write one where she’s a bit flawed. And obvs I cannot hate her cause she’s just in love and this is lossely (very loosely) based around real life events y’all so I get it! And also I love Alex 😭 I was gunna make her the villain but I literally can’t! So this is going a bit of a diff direction, in terms of ending. - Algae 🌱
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liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 678,798 others
y/bff/n : talking about boys over brunch? (tagged : yourusername)
yourusername : feels like I’m 18 again
— user3 : holdup when did y/n and Charles get together?
— user4 : she was 18 and he was 19/20…
— user5 : lmao that’s why he’s got her wrapped round his finger… poor baby hasn’t known any better
— user7 : not you guys acting like Charles groomed her be so serious! they have a 1 and a half year age gap touch grass.
— user9 : you can’t argue with people like this, they’re so chronically online!
— user4 : so how did they meet?
— user19 : google is free!
— user6 : her and Lewis did a fashion campaign when she was 16, and he sort of took her under his wing, cause I think her parents were a bit... I believe she then met Charles when she came to watch a race and watched the f2 race as well.
user1 : y/n telling you about how she’s a slut?
— y/bff/n : only ever having been with 1 man equals slut?
— user1 : going after a man with a girlfriend surely does.
lewishamilton : we love to see it
— y/bff/n : we sure do 😍
— yourusername : not you guys acting like I was dead in a ditch…
— y/bff/n : you were in man purgatory, it’s basically the same thing.
user11 : does Oscar know y/bff/n?
— user12 : No why?
— user11 : cause bros lurking in the comments
— user1 : lmao you think the skank’s gunna go for him next? (user1 has been blocked)
— user13 : @oscarpiatri trust you do not know how to handle @yourusename
— user11: poor baby she’d eat him alive
user13 : oh to be a fly on the wall for the Charles convo
user14 : trust it was hours long
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, carlossainz55 and 10,987,843 others
yourusername : boys are awful and grotesque. i had to decompress on an island to get the crazy out of my brain. it’s a good thing mics are portable. Thank you Ephraim! My concierge for finding me a keyboard so I could get you guys this song that entered my brain almost two weeks ago and refused to leave. It’s a good teaser for my album, which is out in TWO days. so without further ado hope y’all like The Weekend!! if you don’t like it I’ll cry.
lewishamilton : oh this gives context to the unhinged messages you sent me at 1 am
— yourusername : I’m an artist, it’s my creative process
— lewishamilton : well this is way more constructive than turning up in Monaco
— user5 : oop- not you clocked by Lewis Hamilton of all people
— user7 : well I’m happy that Lewis doesn’t condone the behaviour of a slag
— user8 : lmao even her friends are getting tired of her
— user9 I think y’all are forgetting that they were together for six years, it was y/n’s first relationship, he dumps her out of the blue gets a new girlfriend within months. I for one would also go a bit crazy and need to be secluded on an island! Too bad I don’t have island money lmao
lewishamilton : I’ve been listening non stop! You truly out did yourself kid 🖤
y/bff/n : thank god you are not in Canada rn
y/bff/n : i was having a heart attack!
y/bff/n : you need to tell me before you travel across the world! We cannot have a repeat of last time.
— yourusername : have I really traumatised you that badly?
——y/bff/name : yes
—— lewishamilton : yes
—— yoursiblinguser : yes
—— friend1 : yes
—— danielricciardo: yes
—— oscarpiastri : yes
——yourusername : now hang on @oscarpiatri I don’t even know you!
— — oscarpiastri : wanna change that?
——- user11 : not you going after your dad’s ex
——-user14 : about to be a messy family reunion
——-danielricciardo : check that Aussie charm 🇦🇺
user7 : okay someone please talk about the lyrics????? Right off the bat it’s unhinged?? “WHY YOU WANT ME WHEN YOUVE GOT A GIRL??!” No cause that is so true like @charles_leclerc why are you still contacting her when Alex is right there?? (Liked by yourusername)
— user8 : ‘knowing it’s selfish, knowing I’m desperate’ oh she’s DOWN BAD!!
— user7 : you get it… cause DESPERATE, you’re describing yourself as desperate?? Bad bitch down in aisle 4 I fear!
user9 : lmao no cause you’ve outdone yourself! What do you mean ‘my man is my man, is your man. Heard that’s her man too’
— user21 : no cause she really is not a serious individual 😂
— user10 : the song is a bop don’t get me wrong but am I the only one who’s thinking about Alex in all this??
— user11 : poor girl hasn’t done anything apart from like a serial monogamist…
— user12 : I mean after this release Alex just needs to count her losses and leave him (liked by alexandrasaintmleux)
— user13 : oop- not her liking… clock it! But at this point I think this is just a messy situation where everyone’s gunna lose. Especially Alex poor girl never stood a chance
user22 : I just keep him satisfied through the weekend!
— user23 : you’re like 9 to 5 I’m the weekend!!!!
— user24 : make him lose his mind every weekend!!!!
sza : please god never let me be this down bad over a man 🙏🏾
— yourusername : now I know you’re not the one talking 🤨
badgalriri : 🖤
donatella_versace : DONATELLA VERSACE 💜
user17 : release the album NOW!
user18 : I’m sorry but weren’t we just mad at her? Releasing a song doesn’t make you automatically in the right? In fact even the song paints her as a bit of a villain :( I can’t imagine poor Alex listening to it.
— user19 : right? She’s practically begging him to cheat with her
— user15 : i really don’t know how to feel about the whole situation but it’s definitely not a good feeling…
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@forevercaffeinated-lee @callsignwidow
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| Ida’s Law
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Introductory Part
Summary: The American War Effort had conceded to the enlisting and commissioning of women into the Air Force at semi-integrated status. Deemed a more reliable if not safer combat post, the going rank of officer in the Air Force was intended to secure fair treatment and combatant status for these women, as it had for their male counterparts. Like most things in war -or life, if one is a woman- such recognition must be fought for.
Warnings: disturbing content- if you made it through last one this one should be a breeze, however it picks up where we left off so expect mentions of war, wounds, illusions to past rapes, Nazis being racist fucks, possibly some internalized misogyny about it all and some hopefully very 🥹🤧 reunions
A Note Going Forward: With this part now published, I am happy to open this series up for prompts. Ideally I’d like this series to end up being exclusively prompt-inspired and will be putting out prompt lists accordingly. I think that will be a fun way to keep the interaction going, stretch my own skills and explore all the different scenarios that may intrigue y’all. You’re welcome to come up with your own prompts, too. All are welcome, none guaranteed but let’s be real -I’m obsessed with this AU so I’ll likely do it. For now I’ll be keeping all writing to POW Camp and Liberation and Post-Liberation timelines.
“Well, what do we know?” Ida Brady asked the first officer out on the other side as they began to filter through the laborious processing of the camp. She counted them down, one familiar face after another appearing through the doorway again with no worse indignity than the new identification tags hanging from their necks.
“I hate a guy named Johann, and I like a guy named Fritz, and the lieutenant guy wasn’t bad.” Maureen declared, straightening her precious cap atop muddy auburn tresses. “Who went and named their son Fritz after the last war? I mean really? Who does that to a kid? It’s like he’s making up for it now, though, awfully nice.”
“Mm, I thought so, too.” Ida hummed, “Might keep an eye on that one, work on him a bit. You think, Kendeigh?”
“Work on him yourself, Ida.” Maureen scoffed.
“Not much to work with.” Ida retorted, the first general reference to her disfigurement she’d made. “What do you know? What’s up?” she left off to inquire after Tallulah Smith who came out the other side of processing looking more than exasperated.
“Know? They don’t know squat.” she said, “Never heard of a Cherokee.”
“I’ll be.” Maureen was grinning sharply. “Wasn't enough being a woman for ya Smith, ya had to go and be a brown one.”
“You’re tellin’ me.” She griped, “They kept insisting I was a fighter pilot. That’s what all the ‘dark ones’ are, according to them. Told them I’d rewire their insides and maybe then they’d take my engineering degree seriously.”
“I’d like to see that.” Maureen murmured, drowsiness beginning to take over at the comparative calm of their new surroundings.
“Looks like we got everyone, yeah?” Ida peered over the heads of the crowing room and counted out her charges in a silent tally.
“Looks like.” Smith agreed. “Got billet assignments?”
“I do. Colonel Clark, most senior prisoner here, said the combines are strict but the rooms aren’t. Let’s try to behave until we feel our way, then we can swap, if they allow.”
“It’s going to smell like feet no matter where and who we share it with.” Smith pointed out and Ida heaved a great sigh as if that were the hardest prospect she’d yet encountered.
“Buck is out there!” Maureen suddenly cried out, grabbing at Ida’s arm, pointing out the window at the muddy yard.
“How nice. Gotta get this sorted first, eyes in, Kendeigh.”
Maureen reluctantly tore her eyes away from her dearly missed pilot. “Yes sir.”
“All right,” Ida’s voice carried as well as it ever had, commanding immediate quiet and attention, “those in the 350th, 419th, -the hundredth!- on me. Gather ‘round. That’s it, come on. Alright, well, we made it, well done. Truly, well done to all of you. Now I know you well enough to not accuse any of you of being pure idiots, just because we made it to where we wanted to go doesn’t mean any of what’s ahead is going to be easy. Be wary, don’t let your guard down, you don’t know plenty of these men and they don’t know you, I’m sure there are measures in place for spying already. Be sensible. I am certain we can rely on the kindness of those in the hundredth, but even then keep in mind, if you are cold, they are too, if you're hungry, you best believe they are hungrier, the last thing we need is a crisis of chivalry in here. Rely on them, except their help, but don’t ever take from them. Understood? And one more thing, since the human spirit is irrepressible I feel it’s warranted to make one more housekeeping note. None, and I do mean none, no inner relations at all are allowed. I don’t care how cold you are, how sweet he’s been, or how much you’ve missed him. The Red Cross aren’t sending rubbers, and don’t ever take the promise of a pull out. Do you want a one-way ticket to a death camp or a bullet to the head? Get pregnant. Simple as that. You think the Jerries think poorly of you now for being female? Try being a matron. The point is to blend in as much as possible, keep that in mind. Whatever you do, keep that in mind. Understood?”
“Yes sir!”
“Colonel?” One voice demurred, raised hand and respectful title only forerunners for an obvious objection incoming.
“Yes? Sanchez, isn’t it? You’re not one of mine, I think.”
“No, sir, 55th -fighters.”
“Yes, well, welcome. What’s your question?”
“No offense sir but- what about the guards?” Sanchez asked.
“We don’t know yet,” Brady replied with typical candor, “I believe so far we’ve seen a mix here. I’m sure our friends can give us tips on who to watch out for.”
“No sir, sorry I meant-“ Sanchez kept her teeth clenched until her thoughts seemed to form better, “-you said no relations. What about the guards? No disrespect meant colonel and I don’t know about yours, but mine -they weren’t pulling out.”
“Mm.” Maureen thought that if Ida smashed her lips together any tighter they’d turn whiter than her skin, the bent aviators she had managed to preserve this entire time did a remarkable job of masking whatever feeling was stiffening her spine to the current degree, but all the same, her spine was stiff, “no offense taken, an excellent point. I’ll inquire about any possible…remedies. Anyone else?”
A multitude of hands shot up and Ida Brady scanned them with bewilderment until she realized her lapse in specificity. “Anyone else with questions, I meant! Saints alive. No? Good, let’s claim our bunks and see about a wash.”
After the dark interior of the building, being processed for hours, the hazy late afternoon light of outside glared painfully against Ida’s bloodshot eyes as she stepped out, leading the way down the three wooden steps to the muddy yard. Monochrome, this place, brown wooden buildings and brown earth and a muddy sky and brown flight jackets one after another.
And there in the midst of it, waiting for them with ever constant patience and thinned stateliness was Gale Cleven and his lost blue eyes and an alarmingly symmetrical set of facial scars.
“Major.” Ida felt her face soften into an odd expression she realized was likely that of relief. Cleven had that way about him, it was better suited to her preferences than Egan’s blustering warm hearted concern, Colonel Harding’s gruff joviality or her John’s perpetually intense concern. Her little brother was, oddly, nowhere to be seen now and that was a comfort in this wide open, highly observed space.
“Colonel.” Gale Cleven’s eyes weren’t a lost blue anymore but a pair of stormy seas and Ida steeled herself for pity. She found smoldering rage in his face instead. Another relief.
“How was it?” he was nodding to the command hut.
“Fine.” she assured.
He was searching for something in her face and Ida was sure it was easily found skin deep along her puffy, purpled left cheek, but if she had anything to do with her expression alone, he’d be kept guessing for ages. “Good.” he decided at last but his smile was tight, “Made John wait in the combine, he’s in there pacing like a madman. They make a note of who’s attached to whom, Colonel,” he explained, “a more discreet reunion seemed in order.”
“We’d appreciate all the direction you—“ Ida had begun but was cut short by Lt. Kendeigh who broke ranks from the processed group and came out of the hut behind Ida like a bat out of hell, running up to Cleven and tackling him in a hug, rather like a dog with their long lost master.
The Major’s lanky frame staggered under her surprise attack, perhaps more from shock and ill preparedness than poor rations and a weakened constitution. Or at least Ida, hoped that was the case.
Well, there went all intentions for discretion about partiality on their part, five seconds had gone by and Maureen still hadn’t let go, her valued cap about ready to knock off her head and his too. Seeing the gig was up, Cleven even belatedly brought an arm up to hug her shoulders, his pleased face bashfully pacifying her intensity. “If it isn’t my favorite bombardier.” Cleven mumbled, his lips failing not to tug upwards in the tiniest of smiles, and he gave her a pat on the back.
“Buck!” Smith was coming in hot behind Kendeigh and knocked Ida’s shoulder in her haste to get around her and join in. “Thank Jesus you’re here.” she grunted as she squeezed him and Kendeigh both, “I mean -we’re sorry you’re here but since we’re here-“
“Glad you’re here, too, Smith.” he assured her gently, another pat on another back and Ida watched Cleven’s composure began to flake as he took stock of their roughened appearances. “It’s gonna be ok now.” he offered, and coming from someone else that statement would’ve sounded a great deal less impressive than it did coming from him. It also sounded hollow without Bucky’s typical parroting of the upbeat sentiment. “Let’s get you girls sorted.” he nodded at Ida who fell in alongside him, if only to distance and displace Kendeigh and her over familiarity just a tad.
“What’s your Kommandant like?” Ida asked by way of conversation as Gale directed them in a trudge along the brown paths towards his specified hut.
“Think I know him as well as you.” Gale admitted, “Tried to stay low, been no reason for socializing. Wouldn’t advise a trip to the camp doctor though.” He added the last part after a beat.
“Your Johnny says he’s got an experimental mind.” Gale smiled wryly but there was a grieved look behind it that made Ida’s pulse pound in alarm, “If you go in with a cold, you might come out with a radioactive arm instead.”
“Noted.” Ida muttured with a shiver, wishing to god her jacket hadn’t been taken off her a couple stops ago, the sun was waning in the dull sky and the breeze was frigid without it. “Speaking of doctors,” she decided to go for it, “is Johnny -my John- is he alright? At the gate it was such a racket, was he…standing?”
Gale paused in his step up into the combine, brows knitted in surprise and she noticed along with him that their little march had drawn quite a little audience from the fellow inmates. Females in a Stalag -what a novelty. “Yeah, John’s fine. He’s fit.” Gale still had that quizzical look on his face.
Ida swallowed hard and gave him another curt nod, one she wanted to come across as grateful but wasn’t sure it did, her battered cheek was responding less and less to her mind’s commands. “Right. This us?”
“Yeah. Figured we’d try to keep as many close as possible.” He explained, “Welcome to paradise.”
“What did y’all name this shack?” Maureen asked him as she stepped over the threshold, it was dark inside and smelled of lumber and smoke.
“We haven’t.” Gale admitted, forlorn at the realization that things like that didn’t occur to people like him. If Bucky had been here, he’d have had it named in an hour, and something awful, too. Something that would make them all laugh.
“Damn oversight, Gingerale.” Maureen teased merrily but Cleven noticed the dimming light in her eyes as she took in the cramped, uninspired utility of the place. One wooden doorway after another.
“Talked it over with Colonel Clark during your processing,” Gale said, “decided it were best if we mingle you all among the men we know. Boys from your squadrons, friendly faces. A few of you in each room.”
“I call dibs on yours.” Maureen unabashedly grinned up at Cleven but Ida saw how a heartbroken look of protectiveness skittered across his features.
“Alright.” he muttered without a fight for once.
“Mm, Smith, Sanchez, Tong, you in here.” Ida decided and having snapped her fingers she was moving on to the next stuffy room. Asking Cleven at each about their current occupants, and with the precision of memory required of a woman who had to memorize her opponents on the promotional ladder, chose their new bunk mates accordingly.
“And where’s Johnny bunked?” she asked him in a low tone as she watched the next set settle in from the doorway.
“In with me, further down the hall, Demarco, Hambone, a few others.”
Ida seemed to hesitate as she eyed up an extra bunk in the current room that the last of her girls were settling into.
“Don’t be a stick, colonel,” Maureen spoke up gently, a surprising liberty even for her, “you need friends right now. Bunk with us. Everyone’s going to be fine. Can’t be all places at all times, ya know?”
Ida didn’t reply but after a moment she admitted, “I should go see John.”
Gale and Maureen exchanged a look and then moved in unison to catch up to her as Ida Brady walked, brisk as if she were back home at Thorpe and about to pick a fight with Jack Kidd, down the long hall to one of the last rooms. “In here?” she asked Gale, pointing at the closed door -they liked to keep it so for warmth and privacy, and to acclimate the guards to it being closed when the radio was out.
“Yeah that’s us.” Cleven replied, reaching out and snagging Maureen back a step as Ida turned the handle. “Let’s give ‘em a minute.” he suggested, referring to the Bradys.
He held her jacket sleeve for a brief moment before turning it to grab her hand, he’d missed those hands. To his horror their usual calloused elegance was a swollen paw of bruises. “The hell, Maureen?” he whispered in shock, turning it over to examine it, grip strong around her wrist before she could pull away. “Who did this?”
Maureen did her best to shrug, “Some bitch stood on them.” she said simply, and surrendered the other hand for a similar heartbroken inspection.
Kendeigh was indeed not as visibly marred as Ida Brady or a few of the others, but still, Gale kept turning her crushed hands over and over, recalling with vivid agony the way he’d admired them at all manner of work before. To hurt them that way, to restrain her so meanly- “Maureen,” she’d never heard his voice dip so low, and his eyes were simmering where they cataloged her hurts, “what’d they do to you?”
“What’d they do to your face?” she shot back, perhaps more perturbed by the immaculately symmetrical scars on his once porcelain face than her own condition. Women expected the treatment they’d gotten, in some twisted way, but this on the other hand, it disturbed her.
Gale looked taken aback by her question and quickly dropped her hand to touch his right cheek as if to remind himself the scar was obvious to everyone. “Flak.” he replied a beat too late.
“Awfully precise.” she snarked.
“I asked you first.”
“I told you, a bitch stood on them.”
“I’m your superior officer.”
“Who it looks like someone had some fun with,” Maureen snapped back, “who did this?”
“What happened to you?” He hit right back but his voice quavered.
“I’m fine now. I wanna go see the boys. Come on.”
“Just- give them another minute.” Gale insisted, pulling her back away from the doorway again, “It’s a lot.” He reminded, “For a brother to see his sister like -that.”
Maureen couldn’t argue with that, besides Gale looked so sad and more fragile than she’d ever seen him, and the gentle hold he had on her jacket was as needy and scared as a child’s. “I’m glad we’re in this together.” she whispered.
“Me too.” he admitted, guilty and sad over how true that was before letting her press her lips to his.
Ida Brady didn’t know what she expected when she opened the door, not much she supposed, just a living brother with any luck. It was a decently tidy room, plates stacked on a rough hewn board at the far end, eight bunks lining the walls, stacked three tall. A table was in the middle and there sat dear old Crank and Hambone too, Murph with Benny. A card game was ongoing.
They looked so fine, quite normal, all in all.
All motion in the small room stopped upon her entrance. Cards were dropped and cigarettes forgotten in open mouthed shock.
“Holy shit -colonel?” Demarco didn’t have a dishonest bone in his body, and his disbelieving horror over her appearance came through loud and clear in his greeting. She hadn’t seen him at the gate.
The same for Hambone’s face, one that had never bothered to be discreet in pleasant circumstances, much less in shocking ones like seeing a notorious superior officer come in looking about as battered as a body could get -although his torn cheek was one to talk. Crank recovered first, in his mild, stammering sort of way, glancing at the lean figure who still stood looking out the lone window.
“Well, if it isn’t Ain’t Pretty Brady.” Crank clapped uneasily, summoning her nickname from basic just to cut the tension, it served to startle John.
He turned from the window abruptly, blank faced and unblinking as he realized the sister he had been watching for had already arrived. If their ole nan from the motherland had suddenly materialized before him he could have hardly looked more haunted or aghast, wide fringed fox eyes and that straight fold of a mouth -always so very held together, her little brother. Even after his third belly landing.
But those startled unblinking eyes...
Ida wanted to tell him to blink, that it was all alright now, that they were both alive and that it was good enough, it had to be. But she seemed to have fully lost all power over her throbbing cheek at last, she could feel her lips move in a motion she realized with supreme panic was likely a wobble of emotion. She ripped her aviators off, as if seeing her eyes might help his to come alive.
“John John?” she croaked in greeting, oblivious of the childish endearment tumbling off her lips in a room full of soldiers. If it were something their family was in the habit of doing, Ida Brady might have rushed him like Maureen did her pilot, or held out her own hand to be held, asked for a gesture from him -after what she’d gone through, surely it couldn’t have been weakness to want a clap on the shoulder, a flick to the bicep, a little “well done” for staying alive.
But she just stood there and watched him clock her shame. She could feel her swollen lip splitting in real time as the swelling and incessant trembling tore the taut skin apart, they’d passed around a single canteen in processing and it wasn’t enough, the walls of her throat felt collapsed together. Maybe she should have asked for a mirror first, maybe Cleven or Kendeigh or Smith should have told her she’d bring a whole room to a frozen standstill by her looks alone. They’d seen her at the gate -were these meager lightbulbs really so much more illuminating?
“Eye-eye.” Johnny let it out in a breathy rush as if he’d suddenly come to, and then he was in front of her, hands cradling the sides of her neck, thumbs hooked gently under her bruised jaw. A calloused pad swiped away the ticklish trickle of blood sliding the crease of her mouth.
Eye eye -his onetime baby babble for Ida, and she’d never let him forget it.
She could have wept at the useless sentimentality of it, of the gentle familiarity of familial hands, at the seething loyalty storming across his face.
“The fuck did they do?” he articulated at last, voice gravelly as shit but also reminiscent of the squeaky olden days when his castrato role suddenly no longer served one Sunday in choir.
“You’ve got legs.” she answered instead, sounding maniacal in her happiness.
He looked at her like she’d gone fully crazy as well as beat, “Yeah? Yeah I do.”
“They said, they said you didn’t.” she chuckled, a bizarre merriment trying to take hold in her relief, “During interrogation, that bespectacled cunt told me you had your legs crushed when you crashed.”
“No? No- no I jumped.” He insisted, then let go of her face to step back and gesture to two fit legs, as long and lanky as she remembered, as long and lanky as her own. “I jumped, I’m fine. They told you that?”
“Yeah.” Ida said, “Told me the longer I didn’t comply the longer you were without medical attention. I -I’ve been so…uneasy…about you.”
“I’m fine.” He repeated, hands back on her shoulders and she was grateful for it despite the bruises he was gripping, grateful for the way he kept touching her like he was going to hold her together with his own two hands, same blood, same flesh, same memories, maybe whatever she’d lost he could supply back like a blood donation. “Those sons of bitches.” he cursed them.
“Plasma for planes.” she agreed.
He kept looking at her, at her cheek and at her ragged hair and at the missing buttons, “You didn’t tell them anything did you?” he suddenly asked, wide eyed. “You know i’d rather die than have you tell.”
Ida scoffed, and gave him a grin, the best one she could manage with her cheek and split lip, “What do you take me for, Johnny?”
“A cold hearted bitch, I hope.” he returned the small smile but his voice cracked, still that hint of something long gone and juvenile.
“That’s what their Lieutenant called me.” Ida confirmed, a little proud, and sensing a renewal of his inquiries, Ida chose to take the offensive and call out for a conspicuously absent Kendeigh, “Candy! Didn’t you want to tell Johnny about your charming admirer? The Lieutenant?”
Kendeigh came round the doorway hastily, her lips puffy and cheeks oddly red. Cleven followed after and matched her, and his blush did nothing but highlight those scars of his. “Brady.” Maureen greeted, boldly hugging Ida’s very stiff brother without care —due to his red cheeks and rigid shoulders Ida concluded Cleven had given his own inner-relations talk to the men—, “Yes, I wanted to -oh hello Crank, Benny you son of gun- wanted to tell y'all about my ticket outta here -hell Hambone, how’d you manage to get uglier? -see my integrator, he found me fairly fetching. I think one of these days he’s gonna roll up in his shiny car and take me away from here and you’re all gonna wish you’d taken time to learn a little know-how about Alligators and their hibernation tactics in the winter. He was enthralled.”
There was an awkward silence hanging in the room, Crank grimaced a smile out of sheer generosity of heart and Benny Demarco still sat with his cigarette neglected on his open lip. Cleven, used to her preening brazness kept a tight lip, though a thousand questions seemed to swirl in his eyes.
“He the one who stood on your hands?” John Brady asked her without hesitancy.
Maureen whirled round then, comedy hour over and an angry flush creeping up her neck at his directness. “No.” she snapped. “Can’t some of them be alright?”
“A German’s a German.” he countered.
“There’s Fitzs and then there’s Johanns.” she disagreed nebulously and only Ida got her reference.
“And a shower is a shower,” Ida butted in before this became an experiment in an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force “which we need, badly. We’re…filthy.”
“We’ve got working sinks, trough sinks.” Cleven clarified with an apologetic look as if it were his fault the showers only ran once a week and poorly at that, and the water they had was frigid already in autumn.
“Water is water.” Ida reasoned in return, wondering when Johnny was going to finally let go of her arm.
“We’ll clear it out for ya.” Cleven said.
“And we’ll guard the entrance.” John added emphatically.
“Thanks.” Ida muttured, “Some of us could use to mend our uniforms.” she added, refusing to blanch at the subtle inventory of her jagged tears and crusted blood being made by every man in the room.
Maureen at least had her jacket intact. Her cap, too.
“Here, you can have my trousers while I stitch yours.” her John decided and was unbuckling his belt before she even registered the hand gone from her shoulder.
“What?” Ida balked, “You’re going to go ‘round in your skivvies?”
“Not as uncommon around here as you’d think, Ida.” Gale said, a small smile on his face. “I’m afraid order and decorum has gone to shit without you.”
“Well I’m here now.” she replied sternly but didn’t stop Johnny as he stripped.
“And so am I.” Kendeigh grinned and all Ida could do was to bless the saints for having let only one terror into the camp, were Bucky Egan to be here too, things would become intolerably lax. As soon as she thought it she repented it, sending up a prayer for the poor, absent bastard.
“Say Benny, you’re shorter, can I have your pants?” Maureen pleaded.
“Why mine?” Demarco protested, only offended at the height implication.
“Because Cleven’s too tall and I’ve already been in his pants.”
“Ida, order somebody to give me their pants.”
“You can have mine.” Crank offered kindly, and then stood up and bashfully began to unlayer. It left him in skivvies, a snuggly sweater and his flight jacket.
“It’s a good look, Crank,” Maureen grinned at the finished product as he handed the trousers over. “I’m seeing you in a different light.”
“Just sayin-“
“Take the pants with you to the washroom!” Brady interjected desperately as Maureen looked ready to strip right here and now. “Jesus, Kendeigh.”
“Touchy, touchy.” Maureen ribbed him, out for blood in her tired state and if she couldn’t have that of the Germans she would of her friends’.
“Alright let’s - let’s settle down.” Gale implored, a tired expression firmly etched onto his face and Ida herself considered giving up on the wash altogether and tumbling into the available bunk to court the oblivion of sleep. Were it only blood and dirt she just might, her usual tidiness be damned.
As it was -it was, there was…the filth was so much worse.
And if Ida thought on it too long she’d go mad and want to pour boiling lye on herself to wash herself clean and to kill the shame of it. She’d have to scrub the pants before she gave them to Johnny to be mended, it was bad enough for a brother to see the blood and busted seams.
“Yes, settle down for God’s sake.” she echoed Cleven, and something about her hoarse voice compelled Maureen to temper herself more than any direct order could. “A wash, come on, let’s get the girls. Oh and one more thing, Cleven-“ Ida turned to Gale and found him alert, eager to help. She was afraid she was only setting him up for failure but she had to make an effort to find those “remedies” she’d promised Sanchez. “There any lemons around?”
The incredulous look on his face suggested he thought she knew better, but he was ever polite in his reply, “No, colonel. No lemons.”
“Mm. Nutmeg?” she tried to recall each wicked trick she’d heard condemned when a girl got herself in the family way without the needed family in place.
“No, no nutmeg.”
“Nothing but potatoes and cigarettes, ma’am. Do you- why?” he asked.
“Nothing.” she assured, “Just, a hot toddy sounds good right about now. You know?”
“Uh,” he floundered, half in suspicion and half in genuine confusion, “never had one.”
“Well then,” she grinned as she passed him, “that’s something to add to our to-do list for when this is all over. Jameson, though, none of that Kentucky stuff.”
“Yes ma’am.” his tone was vacant, smiling concern brittle, “You uh, you alright, Colonel?”
Ida gave him a withering look and then Gale too, had cause to be repentant.
“Come on Kendeigh, let's get the rest.” Ida gestured as she followed Gale back into the hall, aware of Johnny’s eyes still on her, still taking stock, “They better not be in bunks without a wash. Come on, showers, everyone! Out, come on out. You can sleep afterwards. Out! Would one of you be so kind as to wake us up in time for roll call?” she inquired of the male officers straggling behind her in the hall.
“Course! Yeah, for sure.” about five offers went up.
“You wake Me up.” she clarified coming to a full stop, wary of the enthusiasm, “I’ll wake up the rest.”
“I’ll get you up.” Her John said.
He’d probably sit and watch her sleep, too, needle and torn pants in hand, like a creepy little owl but that was one of those things she figured make or break a family, you either find it endearing you have a brother who rarely blinks or you go mad. Today, after all of it, she didn’t mind having a guardian Angel. Or a watchdog. Speaking of-
“Hey,” she asked him, “you two flew out together, where’s Bucky?”
But no one had an answer for that, not even Little John.
💋Hope you enjoyed AND REMEMBER -prompts are now open.
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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small-sinclair · 1 year
do you think you could write married life headcannons with Lester and Reggie (separate)?
💚💚💚My husbands🩵🩵🩵
Lester Sinclair
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He is the best man you’ll ever love. Always hugging you, loving you, kissing you, holding you— you’ll be smothered by love.
Your ring is made from bones… lol, no, Lester would never— he actually works up enough money and buys your a simple silver ring with your and his birth stones in shape of a heart.
But if you want bone jewelry, he’ll gladly make you something.
Lester comes home every day with something new. It could be flowers, a cool rock, dinner (a fresh kill good enough to cook), bones… the list goes on.
If you don’t want to cook road kill, he’s okay with it. He’s happy with whatever you’d like :3
Kills spiders for you.
Whenever you argue, he tries not to yell. I feel like he doesn’t yell or doesn’t like to yell. He cries when someone screams at him… so, communication is his strong suit.
Leaves you sticky notes of love or just simple ones.
He’ll have you two live in a cabin he and his brothers built, and it’s a nice log cabin with a lion legs bathtub, kitchen with a dishwasher, and a staircase leading you to y’all’s room.
The first thing he does when he comes home is take a shower before loving you. Bonus if you take a shower/bath with him.
He’ll take you on his rounds if you want, and he’ll let you be a passenger prince/princess/royalty.
Breakfast in bed every Friday morning.
Thursday Nights: Date Nights. He’ll clean up nice and take you to town for dinner, a walk around the little shops, and a movie if there’s anything good. If you don’t go out, he’ll cook you a good southern meal, take you outside for a walk with Jonesy, and end the night with a movie or just go straight to the bedroom for cuddles (maybe more ;) ).
Lester also does surprise dates! He’ll call up and say, “Sweet pea, I jus’ finished ‘n be there in twenty. Dress righ’. ‘M takin’ ya out.”
He does worry that he’s not enough for you, thinking that you might leave him if he does something wrong, but you always show you love him when he feels that low.
Bonus: If you’re pregnant, he’ll be nervous. He doesn’t want to end up like his father. But then he’ll melt when you show him the pictures of the alter sound.
Reggie Morgan
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My beautiful Aussie would love you with ever fiber of his being.
I imagine he’ll take you far away from his brother. He doesn’t want his brother to try and hurt you.
Actually… he’ll make sure you never meet his family.
Your ring was his grandmother’s, and he was able to grab it from James before running away with you.
Hand holding in public to show off your ring and that you’re married to him.
He still delivers and drives, though, but he comes home, kissing your cheek, and a smile on his lips.
You two have one of the best gardens, too! He loves planting with you and taking care of the plants.
Reg loves taking you to the weekend markets and fairs. Fairytale Land is another place you two go (I think that’s the name) and this was where he proposed to you by the wishing well.
He can’t cook, but he can bake! He’ll make you muffins and cookies when you’re sad or had a bad time at work.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen at night in the dim light to the old country music on the radio.
Much like Lester, he leaves behind sticker notes with love letters or just a simple note.
If he knows you have a bad day, he’ll do his best to make you smile. Flowers, making dinner, asking your to talk… Reg will do anything to make you smile.
Breakfast in bed every Tuesday.
When arguing, he’ll storm off and be by himself for a while, but he’ll always come back with Mr. Frooty box and a sandwich for you. He’ll apologize and tell you that he didn’t mean it.
Like Lester, Thursdays are Date Nights. It’s pretty similar, too.
He’ll call you with a surprise, saying, “Heya, love. I just finished me- rounds. I saws tis amazin’ pizza stand. I reckon we try it. Dress righ’. I’ll be home in two ticks.” You can always hear his smile when he talks on the phone, too.
Yes, you two get a dog and name him Indy (it’s kinda cute because of Jonesy). It’s a German shorthair; they’re good hunting dogs.
Also kills spiders for you because it’s Australia. They got fucking spiders.
He’s still a bit shy around you and nervous, but Reg warms up to you with smiles and hand holdings. He really loves it when you cuddle close to him at night. He loves you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re the best thing to happen to him.
Bounce: If you’re pregnant, he’ll try to be the best father he could be. He never had a father going up, but he’ll make sure your kid doesn’t feel less love than he has.
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twisted-turtels · 4 months
Crossed Paths (Pt. 3)
Farleigh Start x black!fem!oc
Author’s note: Ooh things are getting a little bit heated. Also lmk if i should start putting warnings or anything. And leave me feedback as well. I like to know how other people feel about it.
1626 words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Crossed Paths
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‘im outside,’ Farleigh texts.
Jordan looks at her phone, quickly checking her outfit in the mirror before leaving. She walked down the stairs and noticed Farleigh waiting outside, leaning on the lamppost.
“Hi, stranger,” Jordan announces herself. 
“Hey, Jordy,” Farleigh says softly. 
“So where’s this bar at, or shall I say ‘pub,’” Jordan laughs to herself, “I’m hilarious.”
Farleigh looks at her in faux disgust, “Americans, tsk.”
“What, I’m funny,” Jordan responds as Farleigh stares at her, “Mmm, tough crowd, I guess.”
“Anyways, the bar is about a ten-minute walk, so we’ll be there soon, but try to keep up. I know you have short legs,” Farleigh jokes.  
“Maybe if one of your strides didn’t equal ten feet, I wouldn’t have to rush so bad,” Jordan rolls her eyes and whispers, “Big ass feet.”
Farleigh gasps, “ I heard that. You can find the bar by yourself.” He walks away dramatically.
“Wait!” Jordan throws her hand out as she tries to catch up with him, “Don’t leave me!”
Farleigh and Jordan enter ‘King’s Arm.’ 
“Farleigh! Jordan!” Venetia yells while waving her hand.
The two walk up to the siblings. “We already bought a round of drinks,” Felix explains, “Take your pick.”
“I’ve never had beer before,” Jordan says.
“You’re 19, and you’ve never drank before?” Venetia asks
“You have to be 21 to drink in America, Vee, but who’s to say I’ve never drank before?” Jordan continues, “There’s a lot y’all don’t know about me.”
Farleigh leans forward and rests his head in his hands, “Well then, tell us more about yourself.” 
The group stares at Jordan expectingly. 
“Uh,” Jordan looks around nervously, “Well, firstly, stop staring at me like that.”
The group laughs, “Sorry. You can continue,” Felix insists.
“Well. I’m 19. I was born on April 1 in Houston, Texas. I live with my mom in Houston. My favorite things to do are read, write, and play the Sims 2,” She ponders, “My home university is Rice University in Houston. Still, I’m here for an exchange program. I’ll be here for a year, so…” Jordan trails off.
“Rice is an Ivy League, isn’t it?” Farleigh asks. 
“Yeah, my SAT was 1500, I graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA, and I won numerous writing competitions,” Jordan states. The group looks at her in disbelief, “Not to brag or anything,” she clarifies.
“I think you’re the smartest one out of all of us,” Venetia says.
“Don’t say that,” Jordan laughs, her tone slightly uneasy. 
“No, really, you’re extremely intelligent. Oxford is going to be easy for you, I promise.” Farleigh reassures. 
The group continues to converse until the end of the night, gradually getting louder and more comfortable with each other.
Jordan and Farleigh walk around the town square to pass the time. “Are you going home for Christmas?” Farleigh wonders.
“Farleigh, I just got here. Tickets are way too expensive to return for Christmas. I’ll probably go back sometime in the springtime,” Jordana responds, “What about you?”
“No, I’m staying here. That brings me to ask, do you want to go to the college Christmas party in two weeks,” Farleigh asks while taking out a cigarette, “Do you smoke?”
“No, I smoke other things, though,” Jordan responds with a slight smirk.
Farleigh stares at her curiously, “Like, what?”
Jordan gives a deadpan look, “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Lucky for you, there will be much of that at the party. So is that a yesss?’ Farleigh continuously pokes Jordan.
“Oh my god, yes, I’ll be at the party,” Jordan says while laughing.
“Good, I can’t wait. Now, let’s get you home.”
Jordan and Farleigh continue walking to her apartment while joking with each other. As they strolled through the dimly lit streets, the banter between Jordan and Farleigh continued, filling the night air with laughter. 
Two weeks later
“Farleigh, I have to do math tutoring with this asshole in my class. He’s so annoying, like, why is it mandatory for exchange students to do this shit?” Jordan holds her phone between her ear and shoulder while cleaning her apartment.
Farleigh chuckles on the other line, “Who’s the unlucky guy to be graced with your presence?”
“Firstly, die. Secondly, his name is Michael or something. He thinks he’s hot shit because he can do his times table in his head. Do y’all not realize I passed my SAT with a 1500? I’m no dummy. I can’t believe-” Jordan rants until Farleigh cuts in, “Michael Gavey? Yeah, I don’t like him. I think he’s even friends with Oliver.”
“Ugh, of course, they know each other. Honestly, if I have to hear one of Oliver’s lackluster essays again, I think I would rip my eardrums out.” Jordan complains.
“Right on sista,” Farleigh exclaims 
Jordan changes the subject, “So party starts at nine, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be at your place around 9:30. You’ll have more than enough time to be ready,” Farleigh confirms. 
“Ooh, I’m so excited. My first English party. My outfit is so cute, oh my gosh. I can’t wait till y’all see it,” Jordan talks excitedly.
“You look good in anything, Jordy. I can’t wait to see it either.”
“Stop, you’re making me blush over the phone. But thanks, Farleigh, I appreciate the compliment.” Jordan says with a laugh.
“I’m just saying. So see you at 9:30,” Farleigh asks for confirmation.
“Sir, yes, sir,” Jordan says before hanging up, excitement bubbling for her first English party.
Jordan walks outside and sees Farleigh, Venetia, and Felix all smoking while waiting for her. She lightly jogs over to them.
“Hi, guys!” Jordan exclaims.
“Oh Jordan, you look so pretty,” Ventia yells, “Do a spin for us.”
Jordan grins and obliges, twirling around.
“You look beautiful, Jordy,” Farleigh says.
“Thanks, Farleigh,” Jordan blushes.
“Did you make the dress yourself,” Felix asks as the group walks towards the commons building.
“Only part of it. The dress didn’t come with the fluffy stuff on it, so I had to sew that on real quick,” Jordan explains.
“A woman of many trades, I see,” Felix jokes.
As they continue walking towards the party, they hear the music getting louder. Farleigh walks next to Jordan and leans down to whisper in her ear, “I got in contact with someone to get you what you want.”
She looks up at him sideways, “Why are you whispering? It's just weed.”
Farleigh stands straight and clears his throat, “I like to be mysterious. Adds to the thrill.”
Jordan chuckles, “Fair enough. How much do they charge?”
“Usually 40, but I got it down to 25,” Farleigh says. 
Jordan pats on his chest, “Good job,” She grabs his hand, “Let’s go inside.” They share a laugh as they enter the lively atmosphere of the party. 
The group enters the party, immediately engulfed by the pulsating beat of the music. The room is filled with students chatting, dancing, and enjoying the festive atmosphere. Venetia heads straight to the dance floor, pulling Felix along while Farleigh and Jordan make their way to the bar. 
“Are they playing Beyonce,” Jordan yells over the loud music.
“That’s what it sounds like,” Farleigh responds just as loudly.
“Is Lucas here,” Farleigh asks the bartender. “Yeah, he’s over there,” the bartender points to the corner where Lucas stands with friends.
“We’ll be back,” Farleigh yells at the bartender, “Have a round ready.” The bartender nods.
Farleigh grabs Jordan’s hand and pulls her over to Lucas. “Farleigh, what’s up,” Lucas yells.
“You know what I’m here for,” Farleigh digs in his pocket and pulls out 25£.
Lucas looks down at Farleigh’s hand and takes the cash. “Of course,” he puts something in Farleigh's hand.
Farleigh sees four pre-rolls. He nods at Lucas before he and Jordan walk back to the bar.
“Here you go,” Farleigh places two rolls in Jordan’s hand, “You even have one for later.”
“I didn’t think you were gonna pay for them. I’ll pay you back,” Jordan said, putting one of the joints to her lips. “Do you have a lighter?”
“Yeah,” Farleigh takes out his lighter and brings the lighter up to Jordan’s joint. Farleigh holds the flame steady as Jordan leans in, her eyes locked onto his. The soft glow from the lighter emphasizes the features of her face. Has she always had a mole there?
The air between them cackles with an unspoken tension.
As Jordan pulled away, a small smile on her lips, she exhaled the smoke in Farleigh’s face. Farleigh blinks, momentarily caught off guard. 
“Let’s take a shot,” she insists as she grabs a glass. 
“Uh yeah,” Farleigh grabs a glass.
 “Cheers,” They both yell out.
“Now let’s dance,” Farleigh grabs Jordan’s hand and leads her to the dance floor with Venetia and Felix. 
The group loses themselves in the rhythmic movement, the colorful lights casting a vibrant glow on their laughter-filled faces. Jordan’s moves are graceful, drawing Farleigh’s attention. Farleigh, matching her energy, moves in sync with the music. They dance close to each other, Jordan’s back on Farleigh’s chest. Jordan turns around, facing Farleigh, who puts his hands around her waist. Jordan takes another drag of her joint and pulls Farleigh’s face closer to hers, their lips almost grazing as she blows the smoke into his mouth. 
Farleigh breathes in and exhales slowly, “What are you doing to me?” he whispers.
“What do you mean,” Jordan teases with faux innocence before turning around and leaving to dance with Venetia.
Felix walks up to Farleigh, a knowing grin on his face. Farleigh looks at him and rolls his eyes, “Don’t say anything.”
“I didn’t even say any-” Felix starts.
“Shut up.”
The night unfolds with laughter, music, and the undeniable tension between Jordan and Farleigh. 
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Well here I am humbly raving about a request, a percy jackson x Children of dionysus? Thank you!
But daddy I love him!
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Percy x Dionysus!reader
Warnings: implied smut? Swearing, overprotective dad, arguing, emotions? Idk maybe y’all are allergic to them or sum
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You and Percy had just…finished a few rounds of….the forbidden tango, and were making out heatedly, you both had attempted to put your clothes on, but Percy only had this boxers and sweats on, and you were in your underwear shorts and bra, you had gotten distracted from a…side quest and decided that something else was more important. “ Fuck, Perce,” you said between wet kisses and moans. He hummed in response, moving back down to your neck, adding a fourth hickey to the collection he made. “I can’t…I can’t walk.” You said, blushing as you admitted it. “Good,” he said, softly rubbing your back as a way to hopefully comfort you. “I can keep you exactly where I want you. In my arms.” You grab his jaw softly and he looks you in the eye, panting slightly. “As cute as that is, I kinda need to walk.” You said, finally noticing your surroundings. You had accidentally grown grape vines all over his walls, a result that formed from him pleasuring you deeply. He looked over at the wall and picked one off, popping it in your mouth before grabbing another and putting it in his. “So sweet,” he said, licking his lips. “Did I do that?” He asked, smiling like a kid on Christmas. “I-”
“PERSEUS FUCKING JACKSON!” A voice boomed from outside of his cabin doors, which were slammed open by multiple, thick, grapevines. Percy flinched slightly and pulled you behind him in a protective manner, covering your bare stomach and slightly shown breasts from the outside world and whomever had just barged in an made the decision of a dimwit, peabrain, no good- it was Dionysus. Good thing he couldn’t read minds, Eh?
“Daddy!” You said, immediately clambering to get your dress that was thrown on the ground, put back on. Percy was also scrambling to put his camp hoodie on. “Y/n.” Dionysus looked at you for a split second and then back to Percy, a purple fire lighting in his eyes. “It’s- it’s not what it looks like!” You said, immediately starting to unravel the grape vines that you had made, from Percy’s rooms’ walls. “Oh really? Then tell me, exactly what it was? Because if I ask anyone in this camp, I’d say they’d know exactly what you were doing, their ears were probably stained with the noises.” He said angrily.
“She didn’t do anything wrong, don’t get mad at her for no reason-” “Oh you really think I’m mad at her? No, I’m mad at you, Peter.” Dionysus cut off Percy when he tried to speak. “You’ll be finding a worse punishment than ‘no dessert’ in your future,” your father threatened, walking out of the cabin, muttering curses. You ran out of the warm, sex and wine smelling, confined of Percy’s cabin, following your angry father, your dress wasn’t even buttoned since you had rushed to follow him. “Don’t do this!” You yelled, catching up to him. “Oh I will be doing this, he deserves it for ruining my princess," he said, not even looking at you.
“But daddy I love him!" You shouted. “I’m- I’m having his baby!” Dionysus stopped abruptly and stared at you, wide-eyed like a mad man. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. A sour grape vine sprouted from the ground, though. “No, I’m just kidding but you should’ve seen your face!” You smiled, after all, you were still a Dionysus girlie, you can’t resist making someone go crazy or panic, even if it means your own dad. Dionysus sighed and shook his head. “What am I gonna do with you…” “let me date my super awesome boyfriend?” “Thats a hard maybe. If he ever dares lay a bad finger on you-” “he would never” “-then you’ll have to deal with a dolphin instead.” “Dad!” “I’m off to bed. Keep it down. Also, no dessert for a week for you, none for a month for him.” “Love you too, dad!” “Yeah, yeah, love you."
The next morning, you and Percy woke up with your hands tied together with a thick grape vine and a long, ten foot, list of rules and conditions for being a couple.
You knew your dad loved you though, he just wanted what was best for his daughter.
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nebulousbrainsoup · 11 months
Hello! I couldn't think of anything good to request. But I figured I'd try. 😅 How about head cannon? ATEEZ takes you to their high school reunion and you run into their first love. How would each member handle you finding out about this person from their past?
감사합니다! 🫰🏿
most of the month later...
you sure can! this was so fun to write, ngl. trying to reflect their different personalities in the details... ah, i loved it. thank you so much for your request, noona! i think sannie's is the longest*, so enjoy that~
*(editing ash here: it is)
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ateez reacts: class reunion ft. their first love
fulfilled as part of my 150(ish) followers event, currently closed.
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PAIRING: ot8 x gn!reader TAGS/WARNINGS: none this time but lmk if i missed smth! GENRE: fluff, lil bit of angst (hj & san) WORD COUNT: ...~3k? really? oops masterlist | join my taglist | buy me a coffee?
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kim hongjoong ✵ wc : 407
✵ oh man. Most likely to have a messy break-up
✵ not necessarily pettiness and backstabbing messy, but emotionally charged and hard on everyone messy
✵ because hj is a passionate person—his work, his friends, his beliefs; his love life is no exception (and it was worse in high school)
✵ he does everything in his power to divert you both away from them
✵ honestly, they’ve probably barely spoken since then and neither knew the other was coming
✵ but when you two end up at the snack table at the same time while your boyfriend is in the bathroom, you entirely oblivious and them walking on eggshells, they break the ice
✵ and you’re kind of irked at how surprised you are when they’re so sweet to you
✵ with how quick hj had been all night to steer you away from them, you were expecting venom and violence and god knows what else. but they’re kind and nice to talk to and honestly seem a little wary of you if anything (should they be?)
✵ it’s not until they stop talking mid-sentence and you feel an arm slip around your waist, making you jump a little—hj doesn’t do skinship normally, much less in public—and you turn to see a mess of emotions swirling behind his eyes that everything falls into place
✵ the conversation is quick and stilted on matter what, and he keeps his hand on you somehow the whole time
✵ if they’re petty, he’s having none of it. he’ll cut them off mid-sentence, chastise them for their actions and drag you back out the front doors. it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been there, you’re heading back home for a movie night in. snacks, drinks, and cuddles are all on hj as a form of apology
✵ if they’re kind, he’ll stay and make slightly-awkward small talk for a while, with you acting as a buffer to keep the tense silences from getting too long. when they finally leave you, he’s staring after them with a slightly pained expression, and you have to tap his shoulder to bring him back to you. in this version, you’re the one to suggest movie night
✵ either way, he apologizes for the way he acted when you get home, and you’re… kind of stunned, reassuring him that you understand why he acted the way he did
✵ “i just loved them so much, once. ah, well. it can’t be that bad, really, if it led me to you.”
park seonghwa ✵ wc : 344
✵ easily the most graceful handler of this situation
✵ does not strike me as a messy break-up haver; he’d be more of an amicable parting of ways type
✵ most likely to be friends with his ex before y’all pull up to the function anyway, tbh
✵ let’s pretend that’s not the case tho, just for funsies (and an attempt at chaos)
✵ he’d know who was coming beforehand as much as he could, because if he isn’t going to actually be able to catch up with people, he doesn’t see the point in going
✵ so he knows in advance, and warns you/fills you in on all the dirty details
✵ not that there really are any—it was all pretty straight-forward. neither of them thought a high school romance was worth halting their own ambitions for
✵ hwa is definitely the type to make his rounds and then settle in with old friends to really talk and relax for the rest of it, so you run into them pretty early on
✵ if they’re petty, he indulges it for about thirty seconds with a narrowed gaze, a tense smile and stilted nods while he scopes out the quickest escape route. the moment he finds even a slightly viable option, he’s raising a hand to that person and whisking you away without a second thought, leaving his ex blinking after you both
✵ if they’re kind, you probably see them a few times throughout the night. they talk for the longest out of any of his acquaintances, and they’ll stop by your guys’ table once you settle down for the evening
✵ overall, it’s a net positive experience for both of you. you enjoy seeing hwa catching up with his old friends, and he appreciates you coming with him and talking with his friends so much
✵ he’s just smiling softly the entire drive home, holding your hand and thanking you for coming with him over and over, until you’re giggling at him about it
✵ “really, i mean it, thank you. i wouldn’t have had as much fun with anybody else by my side.”
jeong yunho ✵ wc : 316
✵ yu strikes me as the type to have wanted things to work out with his highschool sweetheart, despite knowing that it probably wouldn’t, so seeing them hurts a little bit
✵ he doesn’t really let it show, but you know him well enough to know note the slight drop in his energy when they inevitably approach the two of you
✵ he introduces you as his partner to them, but doesn’t give you context for their previous relationship
✵ (you don’t need it, he told you who they were before you came, maybe even before the reunion was even an idea if you’ve been dating long enough)
✵ he has an arm around you the whole conversation, and you can feel him pull you just a little closer when their reminiscing hits a spot that’s a little too tender
✵ bonus points if you react and lean into him, you’ll get that little smile that makes his cheeks rounder
✵ you’re honestly a little impressed with how unaffected he looks on the outside
✵ if they’re petty, he will refuse to stoop to their level. he keeps things short, sweet and polite, sweeping you away to catch up with someone else the moment he has the opportunity, keeping you from getting caught in their claws
✵ if they’re kind, he reflects that back, laughing with them and letting them embarrass him with the stories they have together. it’s kind of sweet, and they might keep in contact afterwards
✵ all-in-all, he doesn’t want to spend ridiculously long talking to them, even if they seem to be getting along well 
✵ if you ask him why, he’d flush, admitting he didn’t want you to be jealous or think he’d go back to them when he has you
✵ it confuses you, and you laugh, thanking him for the thought but reassuring him you’d never think that
✵ “good. because you’re the only one i want. you’re stuck with me.”
kang yeosang ✵ wc : 394
✵ poor boy is flustered oh my god
✵ i don’t think the break-up itself matters overmuch for him; he doesn’t dwell on it so it doesn’t affect his actions/feelings the way it does with some of the others
✵ he honestly probably didn’t even think about the fact that they’d be there
✵ it takes him a while to register that they’re even at the function though, once you’re there
✵ either one of his friends has to point it out or he literally runs into them, i truly don’t know which is more likely
✵ he definitely doesn’t go out of his way to track them down or anything, though, so they end up coming to you in some way
✵ no matter how, it results in a short-circuiting sangie and some rapid blinking as he wrangles himself back into his brain
✵ you have to introduce yourself to stall for him while you lace your fingers and pull him back from whatever cloud his soul sailed off to
✵ he’s another that doesn’t really want to spend too much time talking to someone he has a history with, especially out of respect for you (whether you mind or not)
✵ if they’re petty, he’s immediately more flustered and stumbling over his words a little. yeo doesn’t strike me as the type to date someone who’s even remotely petty, so this either means his ex had a hidden side or has gone through a major character change, and he’s just… stunned. he’s flashing you apologetic looks and reaching for your hand (if he isn’t holding it already) while he tries to efficiently but kindly break the conversation off
✵ if they’re kind, it’s honestly more of a passing greeting than anything. they’re both comfortable doing the bare minimum, saying hello and introducing their current partners to each other, asking about jobs and just… moving on the second they can. the awkwardness might be a little unbearable tbh
✵ he’s pretty neutral about the whole experience, and you guys honestly probably don’t stay for long
✵ when you get home it’s snacks, movies, and cuddles on the couch for the rest of the night
✵ he thanks you for going with him while you’re prepping snacks with a hug from behind and a kiss to the cheek
✵ “i know it was boring for you. i appreciate you so much for doing that for me, my love.”
choi san ✵ wc : 457
✵ an absolute wildcard
✵ the one constant is that he still has emotions about it, but i’m not sure he’d let you know that, partially bc he might be in denial that he still has emotions about it
✵ like hwa, checked the guest list and warns you that the ex will be there, but doesn't give you the details
✵ borderline avoidant, but not to the same extent hj is; he’s just keeping a casual eye on them and floating around
✵ if it manages to keep you both farther away from them, all the better
✵ when you inevitably run into them, his mood shifts and he’s just a little more reserved
✵ he’s definitely already been holding your hand or close to it all night, but when they’re finally in front of you, the handhold gets a little tighter or his arm snakes around your shoulder/waist/hips and he tugs you in while he introduces you
✵ bonus points if you squeeze his hand or loop an arm around him in turn; you’ll get that soft little smile out of him
✵ once the conversation actually starts, he’s drawing patterns with his fingers wherever he’s got a hold of you
✵ if they’re petty, you can feel his grip on you tighten immediately and he shoots you a worried glance. he’s immediately looking for a way out, disregarding whatever the ex is saying entirely. if he hasn’t found a viable excuse in thirty seconds, he’s making one up; waving to a friend that isn’t there, downing his drink in one go, claiming he needs to go to the bathroom and doesn’t want you to get lost; he doesn’t care how it makes him look, he’s getting you both out of there now
✵ if they’re kind, he’ll exchange pleasantries, but again, he’s not going to stick around. it’s very similar to yeo; passing greetings and the bare minimum to seem respectful. if they want to talk a little more, he might stick around for a couple extra minutes, but he’s not feeling great about rehashing whatever happened between him and them.
✵ he’s a little on edge for the rest of the night, only relaxing when you’re stepping out into the parking lot
✵ he’s quiet for the ride home, and if you ask him what’s wrong, i’m not entirely sure he can answer you
✵ he’s the biggest cuddlebug when you get home, wrapping his arms around you and only letting you go long enough to change into whatever’s comfy
✵ it’s a little more than usual, but again, he can’t quite put words to what’s wrong, so he just shakes his head and cuddles into you more
✵ “i had fun tonight, but i like it better at home. you’re cozy.” (in his pouty lil voice)
song mingi ✵ wc : 369
✵ most likely to actually still be friends with his ex, methinks
✵ i don’t think he would’ve had a messy break-up in the slightest, so his ex is probably on the nicer side, and he’s probably pretty open to seeing them
✵ he’s one of the ones that will run you through the important bits of their history before y’all go
✵ he probably spends the most time talking to his ex out of anybody, if they’re still friends
✵ if they’re not, though, he’s a little wary of them
✵ avoidant p. 3, the least of them all
✵ he’s not doing anything to actively avoid them, he would simply like to, both out of respect for you and to keep his own anxiety at bay
✵ he’s respectful at least, friendly at best when they first approach y’all, though, stumbling through introducing you a little bit
✵ if they’re petty, he’s caught so off-guard. like yeo, mingi doesn’t strike me as someone who would’ve dated someone petty in the first place, so this is either a newly revealed side or a personality shift, and he doesn’t know how to handle it, exactly. i think he freezes up for a second before flashing you an apologetic look and steering you away without another word
✵ in this case, the second he gets you alone, he’s apologizing profusely, cupping your face in his hands and making sure you’re okay
✵ if they’re kind and didn’t keep in contact, his response is pretty similar to if they did. they kind of pick up where they left off, minus the touching and kissing. you get to see his grin and hear his laugh and learn some very interesting stories to use as blackmail later on
✵ either way, it ends up being a night full of laughter and good memories, both old and new
✵ you’re both pretty wiped out by the time you get home, having likely stayed the whole night, and he’s at bare minimum holding your hand the entire way
✵ another cuddlebug, scoops you into his arms the minute you’re inside, giving you a bone-crushing hug, voice muffled in your neck/shoulder/hair
✵ “i had so much fun tonight. thank you for coming with me, baby, it means so much.”
jung wooyoung ✵ wc : 359
✵ duality. king. 
✵ this man will not hesitate to meet the energy in the room, so good luck to you
✵ strikes me as the only one to potentially have had a messy break-up and still been friends with the ex tho. like through reconnection via mutual friends years later or smth
✵ if this is the case they will spend so long talking
✵ he definitely introduces you first with an arm around your waist tho
✵ definitely knows who’s on the guest list and will warn you, but it’s just a passing “yeah btw my ex will be there”
✵ falls in the neutral “not avoiding, but not seeking out” zone if they aren’t friends 
✵ much more focused on going around to his old friends and catching up
✵ however you end up running into them, the first thing woo does is introduce you with an arm firmly around you and a big grin
✵ this man looks at you with so much adoration i–
✵ if they’re petty, his mood flips like a switch. his grin drops and he’s giving bombastic side eye over the rim of his drink, tugging you closer into his side. he’s getting at least one snarky comment off in return, and if he feels like that’s enough to put them in their place, he’s whisking you away to literally anywhere else, pointedly turning his back to them. If it’s not, you might have to drag him away by the collar before he starts biting
✵ if they’re kind, he’s more than happy to talk to them for a good chunk of the night, being sure to loop you into the conversation and hiding his blush when the ex tells embarrassing stories about him (there are Many)
✵ overall, it’s a good night out with him, and you’re both probably worn out when you get home, having stayed the longest of any of the teezers
✵ cuddlebug woo is a surprise to literally no one, and you will be promptly under the covers and like half of his body the moment you’ve done your nighttime routines
✵ “god, that was so fun. when’s yours? i wanna go with you and meet all your friends, too.”
choi jongho ✵ wc : 309
✵ easily one of the most indifferent to the fact that his ex is going to be there
✵ it’s not like there are feelings on his end bc once he’s set on something he’s all in and currently he’s all in with you, so
✵ he definitely either knows or assumes and for sure lets you know beforehand
✵ also checks in to make sure you’re okay with that and lets you know that if you aren’t, he’s more than happy to stay home and have a night in with you
✵ doesn’t bother filling you in on the nitty-gritty, just gives you their name and maybe shows you a picture so you’re prepared
✵ he’s another neutral one, not avoidant or actively seeking his ex out
✵ the inevitable run-in is meant to just be a hello in passing; you guys were either on your way out or heading to talk to someone else
✵ but he puts an arm around your waist/shoulders/hips and introduces you with a polite smile
✵ he’s not really interested in talking with them in the first place
✵ if they’re petty, he’s another one to cut them off mid-sentence and call them out for what they said, whisking you away immediately. he might not leave the function completely, but if y’all don’t, he will be glaring them down the rest of the night
✵ if they’re kind, he’ll indulge them of a few minutes, especially if you’re enjoying yourself, but he will make absolutely sure to divert your attention elsewhere before you can get any embarrassing stories out of his ex
✵ if you ask him why, he flashes you a side-eye and reminds you who his hyungs are
✵ “i love you, and i’m glad you were having fun, but i don’t need to be teased more. unless you want me to uncover all your high school stories at your reunion?”
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© June 2023 nebulousbrainsoup | all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my work.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
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excerpts from ch. 66 “phoenix, part two: too long the songs have been silent”
the boys help Gareth through the worst day of his life.
I bawled like a baby the entire time I was writing this. just need everyone to have love and support and good friends like these in their lives; consider this me trying to manifest them for you.
TW: accidental drug overdose (no lasting harm done to anyone)
“What do we do?” Jeff whispered. “Should we take him to the hospital?”
Grant shrugged. “Honestly? We should probably just get him home and let him sleep it off.”
“Is that safe?” Eddie managed to choke out.
“Dude, I read all the junk my mom got from the pharmacy. I don’t think he actually took a very big dose,” Grant informed them. “He’s probably only loopy ‘cause he’s never had anything like this before. But he should be okay.” He paused. “As long as he keeps breathing.”
“That’s not very goddamn helpful, Grant!” Jeff snapped.
“Well, what do you want me to say?” Grant shouted back. “It’s not like they can pump his stomach at this point!”
“Okay,” Eddie interrupted. “Okay. Let’s take him home and let him sleep, and we’ll all stay with him and make sure he’s all right, and if anything gets weird then we take him straight to the hospital. Okay?” He gently brushed a hand through Gareth’s hair, picking out the leaves still tangled in his curls.
Jeff and Grant both nodded. But Jeff spoke up one more time. “What are we gonna tell his mom?”
Eddie shrugged. “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Help me lift him, I’ll carry him to the car.”
“I got him.” Grant easily hefted Gareth piggyback style onto his shoulders. “Hang on tight, dude.”
“Don’ wanna go,” Gareth wept. “Like it here.”
“Too bad. We’re taking you home.” Grant wrinkled his nose. “Dude, you reek. You’re getting a shower, first thing, whether you want one or not.”
“‘M tired.”
“You’re also stinky. And your hair’s a mess,” Jeff chimed in.
“Man, fuck all y’all.” Gareth swatted at Jeff, missing him by a mile. “Hate you guys.”
Grant actually giggled. “You do not. You totally love us. We’re your best friends.”
“We love you too, nerd,” Eddie told him. “Kinda wish you’d told us how bad it was before you decided to buy drugs from Rick, though.”
~ * ~
Grant punched one of the pillows to fluff it up. “We should probably go check on him,” he suggested. “Just in case.” He didn’t make a move in the direction of the bathroom, though, and Jeff didn’t seem inclined to either. Eddie sighed again.
“I’ll do it, if you guys are too embarrassed.” He shook his head, snorting a little laugh. “Not like I have anything resembling dignity anymore. Be right back.” He could hear the shower running from outside the bathroom door, but no other noise, and Gareth didn’t answer when he knocked. “You better say something,” Eddie called through the door. “If you don’t answer me in ten seconds, I’m coming in.”
He waited. Silence.
“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He stepped into the bathroom, kicking aside the dirty clothes on the floor, and perched on top of the closed toilet lid. “You awake in there?”
Still no answer.
“Dude, say something,” Eddie demanded worriedly. “Are you okay?”
Gareth didn’t respond, but now Eddie could discern, almost but not quite masked by the running water, the sound of quiet sobbing. He scrubbed his hands over his face, trying to think what he ought to do.
“Do you need help?” he eventually offered. “Want me to wash your hair?”
Gareth croaked out something that almost passed for a laugh, and finally spoke. “No thanks.”
“I know that seems like a really fucking weird thing for me to say, but, like… sometimes I can’t do it. When I’m really depressed. Sometimes it’s too hard.” Eddie fiddled with the toilet paper roll, twirling it round and round. “And Wayne will come in and wash my hair for me, so it’s one less thing I have to do. If that makes any sense. Once Dustin even did it for me. So it’s not, like… I’m not trying to be weird. But I’ll help you if you need it. It’s okay if you need help.”
He heard another little broken sob and a few sniffles before Gareth answered. “I don’t need help, but… you, um. You could maybe stay. In here. If that’s okay.”
“Yeah, man.” Eddie started drawing a picture of Godzilla on the fogged-up mirror. “Are you hungry?”
“Too bad. I’m starving.” He was only half joking. “Think your folks would make us breakfast later?”
“Probably.” Gareth cleared his throat. “Mom might even bake you cookies or something. For bringing me home.”
“I will never turn down homemade cookies,” Eddie laughed.
~ * ~
Gareth insisted he could manage getting dressed on his own, but when ten minutes had passed and he hadn’t appeared, Eddie got antsy. He knocked on the bathroom door again, calling loudly, “I’m coming in again, dude, so cover up anything you don’t want me to see.” He found Gareth slumped on the closed toilet lid with his head resting against the wall, sound asleep. He’d managed to get his underwear on and one leg into his sweatpants, but that was it. Eddie chuckled, and called out for the guys to come give him a hand.
He steadied Gareth while Jeff helped him get his pants on, and Grant laughed “arms up!” and pulled a shirt over his head as if he was a little child. Then Eddie rummaged through the cabinets until he found a comb and some sort of moisturizing hair treatment. He scooped out a palmful and rubbed it through Gareth’s hair. It smelled like green apples.
“Whatcha doin’?” Gareth murmured, already half asleep again.
Eddie shrugged. “Chrissy always puts conditioner and shit in my hair when she washes it. Says it makes it easier to get the tangles out.” He started carefully working the comb through his friend’s curls, gently easing out a knot. “You need a haircut, my dude.”
Gareth scoffed. “You. You can’t say… nothin’ about anyone’s hair.” He rubbed his eyes. “‘M tired, Eddie.”
“I know, buddy. Lemme just finish this, and then you can go to sleep.” He combed out another little snarl. “Hey Gare?”
“Be honest.” Eddie swallowed hard. “Did you take all those pills on purpose?”
Gareth shook his head emphatically no. “I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to… y’know. Hurt myself. Really only wanted to forget.” Impatiently he swiped tears from his face. “Pretty stupid, huh?”
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh. “I mean, yeah, it wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve ever done, but I can kinda understand what you were trying for. Just— promise me you won’t ever do anything like that again, okay? Please?”
“Yeah, okay. Promise.”
“And I don’t ever wanna hear any more of that ‘the Party always comes first’ bullshit, either, okay? You’re my brother, man. I love you. Whenever you need me, I’m here for you, got that?”
Gareth wiped his eyes again. “Got it.”
“Good.” Eddie helped him to his feet. “Let’s get you to bed now, huh?” He held his friend’s arm to steady him as they made their way to his room, where Gareth crawled straight into bed and burrowed under the blankets. By unspoken agreement they all piled in with him, Grant next to him at the head, Eddie and Jeff settling in at the foot.
Gareth nestled into Grant, curling around him like he was a giant teddy bear. He tucked his feet under Jeff’s ankles and closed his eyes. “Love you guys,” he mumbled against Grant’s shirt. In seconds he was asleep.
Eddie smiled. Grant sighed. Jeff sniffled a little bit. They all sat quietly, just listening to Gareth breathing, and when Maggie poked her head into the room to check on them some time later, that was how she found them.
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latenightsimping · 2 years
And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God
Summary: The afterlife means many different things, for many different people. Religions, faiths and beliefs all wonder what happens when you pass on. For Eddie, it’s finally going home.
Pairing: Eddie Munson
Word count: 2,080
Warnings: V ANGSTY NEAR CRIED WHEN I WROTE THIS YOU’VE BEEN WARNED, angst to fluff, heavy themes of death, heavy themes of pain and sadness, has a bittersweet ending to it, mentions of bad fathers, themes of bullying, themes of depression, themes of bereavement. just a real bad time all ‘round but it’s good at the same time? idk read at your own risk okay
AN: Had a breakdown, started working on it, bon appetite. I’m fully on the camp of ‘Eddie’s still alive and the Duffer Brothers are being very fucking mean arseholes by making us wait for two years’ but I like to think what Eddie’s version of Heaven is. And I think it would be this. Because for me, it would be seeing my Dad again. Aight I’m gonna start crying again. Anyway, enjoy. Love y’all, make sure to give yourselves aftercare if you need it. Also, before I leave, the inspo for this bit of writing is Placebo’s ‘cover of Running Up that Hill because it makes me sob. 
Eddie always figured that dying would hurt. And he was right.
He could remember sharp teeth tearing into flesh, the sickening sounds of ripping and chewing barely audible over the sound of his screams. It was as if he had been dipped in hellfire; bathed in the flames and forced to stay conscious for it all.
He remembered the tenderness that fuelled Dustin’s careful movements as he was pulled into the young boy’s lap. Looking up and thinking Thank God. Thank God I’m not going to die alone. The small part of him that was still aflame felt guilt. Here he was, after seeing so many horrors, now having to watch someone die in his arms. Dustin was too young for all this. A child in a veteran’s uniform, battle scars where medals should have adorned him. He wanted to say so much to him. Tell him he was proud, and that he was so sorry for bowing out so soon, and there wouldn’t be an encore. But all he could manage to force from his lungs, choking on his own blood, were the most important things that he could think of through the haze.
“I didn't run away this time, right?”
I’m sorry that it had to end this way. But I would do it again, if it meant you were safe. Please, just tell me I did the right thing this time. Tell me that I didn’t die in vain. That Chrissy didn’t die in vain. Please tell me that I did the right thing for once in my life, please.
“You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?”
From the moment I first saw you in that Weird Al shirt, I knew I had to protect you from the worst this world had to offer. You were so scared, and I knew that feeling well. I didn’t want you bringing home bloody noses and crying yourself to sleep from the cruel words running through your mind on a loop, just like I did. But you’re going to have to do the same for others, okay? I know you can do it, Dustin. You’re so strong, and so kind. I just hope I helped you, that I did a good job protecting you.
“I think it’s my year, Henderson. I think it’s finally my year.”
For once in my life, I’m not a burnout that sells pot to make ends meet and can’t graduate. I saved people. I’m nothing like my old man, who would have turned tail the second shit went sideways. I did the right thing, for once in my fucking life. I can rest, knowing that. It’ll be okay.
“I love you, man.”
I love you. Thank you for staying with me, so I wasn’t alone in the last moments. That’s all anyone asks for, right? To not leave this world without someone watching over them? Soon, the pain’s gonna stop. After all, to die would be an awfully big adventure, wouldn’t it? I love you, man.
I love you.
The last words on his lips stained with cruor was a declaration of the warmth, care and adoration for one of his best friends. Before he was pulled into the blackness, a numbness, nothingness, seeping into his very soul that couldn’t be explained with the human language. Something that could only be experienced during the last moments of someone’s life. The smoke that rises from the candle of the soul when it’s snuffed out. The black sands of time, the last few grains meeting the bottom of the hourglass. His last words weren’t a complaint, or a curse, or a cry of anguish.
It was love.
It was love, as pure as the bright light that surrounded him, bathing him in a peaceful warmth. It was as if he had blinked, but more instant than that. It was as if he was always in this room. It took him a few seconds to recognise it.
He recognised the pale yellow walls first. He remembered his Mother singing along to Here Comes the Sun as she painted them, covering up the disgusting beige that was underneath it. Dressed in old overalls spattered with paint and a rag as a bandanna to keep her wild brown curls out of her face. Could remember being six years old, watching with curiosity from the covered up couch, and thinking she was the prettiest woman this side of the Wabash river. The way that she looked back and smiled at him, the corners of her eyes crinkling and her giggle sounding like silver bells.
She had dome everything to make this place a home, no matter how little money they had. She’d scrimped and saved for paint, and had traipsed around countless yard sales and flea markets for good furniture. Sure, the couch was a little lumpy, and the coffee table had a deep gouge running down the middle. But that didn’t matter when the home was filled with such earnest warmth and comfort. His old man had left by this time; had walked out in the middle of the night and never came home. And at so young an age, he knew he was truly relieved to see the back of him. Just him and his Mom, in this run down home that still had cracks, but was more than enough.
So what was he doing back here?
Looking down at himself, he could see he was wearing his favourite shirt, one that he had lost long ago. The faded Anthrax shirt that Wayne had bought him for Christmas, now without the tears of being flung around the Hawkins High parking lot during a brawl. Now, it was as pristine and soft as he had remembered. His most comfortable ripped jeans and sneakers, and his prized possessions of the leather jacket and battle vest fitting like a second skin. No blood, no bite wounds, no pain. He felt the best that he had ever felt. He even smelt of his favourite cologne.
The sounds of humming made his head snap towards the source; the kitchen. He knew the humming well. The melodies that had stopped the day she died, and no song had never sounded the same since. He thought he would feel fear, or confusion. But all he could feel was content. Like this was the place he was meant to be all this time, and the living world was only temporary. The confidence of that knowledge fuelled him to take the steps towards the archway, rounding the corner to be met with the figure he wanted to see so badly.
Wayne had always said that Eddie took after his Mom. And that was true. Who could deny the matching halo of curls, and the deep umber eyes? He had his father’s nose, but that was it. Everything else was purely her. And here she was. Harmonising her favourite song as she chopped up vegetables, the pale pink apron that he’d clung to so often as a child still tied around her waist. He took in her profile; the slight upturned nose and slightly parted glossy lips. His heart fluttered like a trapped bird in his ribcage, lips breaking into a grin.
She turned her head to him, a slight look of confusion on her face for only a second before it became one of joy. The same little crinkle around her eyes that he remembered so vividly as she put down the knife and opened her arms, an offering for an embrace. “Hey baby,” she whispered, voice so soft and gentle that he could cry.
It was near automatic, closing the gap between them and throwing his arms around her. He was taller than her now, no longer having to wrap his arms around her thighs. Now, he practically towered over her, and he could bury his face into the crown of her head. She still smelled the same. Like lavender and roses, a scent that had long faded from his lungs now filling them. He held her so tightly that he was surprised he didn’t crush her, but he couldn’t stop. What if she was going to go again, leave him all on his own like she did ass those years ago? But if she had any complaints, she wasn’t voicing them. Tears welled in his eyes, and he squeezed them shut to stop them from falling. “Mama, I… I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too sweetheart,” she mumbled into his chest, slightly pulling away to look up at him. Her eyes flickered over all his features, a grin spreading across her face as her hands came up to cup his jaw. He leaned into it, savouring the warmth of her palms. “God, I- look at you,” she chuckled, the pad of her thumb coming up to carefully caress the skin just under his eye. “You’ve got so big, huh? Still the same handsome face, though.”
He couldn’t stop the chuckle that bubbled from his chest, too scared to even blink in case she was going to vanish. “It’s been twelve years, Mom. And I missed you. Every single day.”
“I missed you too baby,” she whispered. “But… You’re here so much earlier than I thought. What happened?”
He shook his head, taking a few deep breaths to steady himself. She was still there. This was all real, and she wasn’t a figment of his imagination. He thought reality was the last life, but this… All his senses seemed to work so much better. He could smell the comforting scent of his Mother, could smell his favourite meal – one that he hadn’t had in thirteen years – being cooked on the stove that only she could work just right. He could feel her soft hands on his face, the sensation grounding him. Could see her beautiful features that mirrored his own, looking up at him like he hung the moon. That past life all felt like a horrible nightmare, one that he was just waking up from. One that he didn’t want to tell her about just yet.
He shook his head slowly, a shy smile flitting across his lips as he rubbed his fingers over the small of her back, enjoying the feeling of her soft cotton dress against his skin. “I’ll tell you later.” Later, he figured, could mean any time in the future. And he had the feeling that he would be here for a joyful eternity. “Is this Heaven?”
“I think so,” she nodded, her hand coming up to brush errant hairs away from his face. “And my Heaven just got better, now you’re here with me.”
His chest tightened, and he couldn’t stop the heaving sob as he hugged her again, holding her so close as if he was trying to pull her into himself. Burying his face into her neck, inhaling her perfume as if he would never smell it again for the second time around. It wasn’t sadness, though, that fuelled his cries. It was happiness. Pure, unfiltered joy, that he finally had what he always wanted. What he wished for every single night, especially when the day had been hard.
He had his Mama back.
“Ssh, none of that,” she cooed, a gentle chide as she rubbed his back soothingly. “I’m here, baby. I’m here for you, okay? I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
“Pinky swear?” he mumbled, causing the woman to softly laugh. To the two of them, a pinky swear had been stronger than any laws. It meant that the one promising would move mountains, just to make it happen. He hadn’t made a pinky swear for so long. Not ever since it didn’t feel the same, when her delicate little finger encircled his.
“Pinky swear,” she echoed, pressing a kiss to his temple.
If this was Heaven, this was the perfect final act. He had the only person that he truly wanted more than anything in this world, back in the home where he knew love without a price tag. No more bruises and broken bones, or cruel words with such abundance that he could drown in them. No more knowing cold, or hunger, or hardship. No more loss and anguish, no more mourning.
He knew it, deep in his gut. Now he was here, all that negativity would be washed away. It was all worth it, to finally be here.
It was finally worth it to be home.
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pastriibunz · 6 months
Accursed - Kai’s Perspective
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part two to final preformance!
Pairings: None
Warnings: major spoilers for TKWDLM, depressive thoughts, [possible] suicidal ideation
Summary: Kai’s Final Number, from her eyes. || Final Preformance - Part Two
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What’s happening?
Where am I?
Hello, Miss Drew.
Who are you?
The Singular Voice. Pokotho.
…I’m just gonna call you Pokey.
Many mortals do.
What’s happening? Am I dead?
Maybe you are, maybe not.
That’s not a good answer.
Alas. Woe is you.
Where am I?
Are you just gonna keep bein’ vague or are you gonna give me an answer?
Ah, but Kai, it’s the art of performance: Show, don’t tell. You know.
But you’re not showing me anything.
I’m simply awaiting the cue, little songbird.
…don’t call me that. It’s Kai. Kai Drew.
You’re a troublesome little one, aren’t you?
You’ve got spunk. I like that about you.
What do you-
Shh! The show is starting!
“Emma, I don’t think she-“
“No- No! Don’t fucking say that, Paul! She’s okay! She promised! She’s okay! I won’t let her be anything but!”
“…you’re- you’re right. She’ll be fine.”
“Is she here?!”
…is that?
It is! Oh, what fun! This is my favorite part!
What is?
“You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay!”
“You made it! We made it! We won!”
“Eugh…I feel funny…”
“It’s okay! We’ll take you somewhere where you can rest. You’ll be fine!”
“…I feel great, actually!”
That’s- that’s not- what?! What’s happening?
Like I said, my favorite part. It’s the moment where those two realize…
“Paul, Emma, don’t you get it?!”
“Huh? What do you mean…?”
“The apotheosis is upon us!”
…that they have lost EVERYTHING.
That’s- that’s not me. That’s not my voice. It sounds like me, but- but that’s not my voice.
You’d be correct, little songbird. That’s not your voice. It’s mine.
…give me back my body.
Give me back my body.
I’m not doing that.
Shouting it won’t do anything other than give me a headache.
Little songbird, quiet your chirping. You hated your life, so I took it. I gave you what you wanted.
No, you-
This is what you wanted, is it not?
This isn’t-
Well, you’re full of surprises.
That doesn’t- what I’m tryin’ t’ say- this isn’t-
What do you want, Kai?
Answer honestly. I’ll know if you’re lying.
…I want to be loved.
I love you, little songbird.
No, you don’t!
Yes I do.
You’re a liar!
So are you.
I’m not!
Really? Your entire life, you’ve lied. You say you’re okay, you pretend to be happy, you’ve lied straight to everyone’s faces.
I’m- I’m not lying! I’m- um- I’m-
Acting? Well, then, bravo, Miss Drew! You’ve given the performance of a lifetime. Speaking of performances, yours is about to start.
…what do you mean?
Your final song. Usually, I write my own numbers, but I just couldn’t pass yours up.
“Hel-lo everybody! Welcome to the final show of the tour!”
Wait, that’s-
It was perfect for my show! The raw emotion, the melodies, the…everything!
No. No. This isn’t happening.
But it is. Truly, you make a great leading lady, little starlet. It’s like the limelight was made for you.
“Before we start, I’d just like to thank everyone for coming out and seeing me! Going ‘round the country to perform was real fun! But, would I do it again? Honestly? Not really.”
Oh, I’m imagining it now! You, stepping onto the stage, friends and family in tow, ready to give the performance of a lifetime!
“I’m gonna be honest, y’all, I missed Unington. Bad. So much so that I wrote this lil’ speech on the first night of the tour! I mean, I can’t help it! 17 years I’ve lived in this town, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love my little town. I’m gonna do my livin’, breathin’, and dyin’ here. There ain’t anywhere in the world I’d rather be.”
What is…that? On its cheeks?
Tears. They’re tears.
That’s- that’s disgusting! Why is it doing that?! I want it to stop doing that. I didn’t make it do that.
That isn’t its tears.
They’re mine.
…Impossible. It- that’s not your body anymore. You shouldn’t be able to control it.
And yet, I am. Like you said earlier:
I’m full of surprises.
…don’t you dare ruin this for me, little songbird.
I’ll choose what I do.
You never had a choice.
I do now.
This is my story!
And this is my final song. 
I decide the ending.
…They- they backed up. They backed away from me. They’re afraid of me.
Poor little songbird. Now, let me finish my show. I have a grand final act in mind. You’ll love it.
…I won’t let you hurt them.
Why? They’re terrified of you.
No, they’re terrified of what you turned me into.
Tomato, tomahto. Do you really think they can tell the difference?
…I’d hope.
Well, let me be honest, little starlet: they probably can’t. They don’t know I exist, they’ve only known you for two days, and you already have shown yourself to be…strange. They can’t tell.
…But they love me.
They don’t. You’re just some eccentric kid they met in the apocalypse.
…they might not love me, but I love them. And I am willing to do whatever to keep them safe.
I hate myself.
But they saw something worth loving in me.
And now I’ll repay the favor.
I’m willing to die a hundred times over if it means they get to be okay.
What are you getting at?
I’m not gonna let you use my body as a puppet to hurt them. I’m putting an end to this little show.
Good ol’ Uncle Mac, I can always count on him having a gun.
Ending your show with a bang. 
Oh, little songbird…
It’s pitiful how you thought that would work.
I should thank you, though.
It was just what my show needed.
Now take your bow, little starlet.
The Audience wants an encore.
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amazingmsme · 11 months
Making Briar’s playlist & of course it has me thinking about her. & it’s about time I give y’all the content you probably followed me for. This got away from me so putting it under a read more so I don’t clog your dash, thank me later
But yeah, Briar definitely has a tumblr account & she’s definitely a tk fic writer, but it is her most guarded secret. (Even more so than the fact she’s Spider-Goth)
The epitome of a bratty lee, while still being super shy about it. But she like never gets tickled sooo it’s not really something she like, has to worry about lol. But if she sees it happening to someone else around her she goes stiff as a board & looks away & tries to act like she’s paying attention to someone else. & if she hears The Word she perks up & you can practically see an exclamation mark pop up above her head lmao
Being the older sibling, she wasn’t on the receiving end very often & has a pretty mean ler streak. It comes with being the oldest. But she tries to act all bored & aloof if someone brings it up while she’s internally freaking out. If someone asks the dreaded question she just gives them a blank look & says something along the lines of “no” or “you’re kidding me, right?”
Her worst spots are her thighs, knees, underarms & tummy. Don’t ask me why, she just gives me those vibes, but she’s pretty sensitive everywhere
If you act like you’re gonna get her or even just threaten her with tickles she spits out the most violent sounding threats & insults, but she is all talk. Like once you get her she curls up & lets out the cutest giggles you ever did hear. No fight whatsoever. & if they point it out she insist it’s cause she doesn’t wanna hurt them. She tries to act all huffy & put out afterwards but she’s undeniably in a better mood
Her blog is p popular & she has a lot of fics on her blog, some flop but others do the fuckin’ numbers
1 time she was in the middle of a mission with Pavitr & Miguel & she was pulling a Miles typing on her phone while she was effortlessly beating up the bad guy. But of course that shit won’t fly with mr stick in his ass
He’s like “what’s so damn important that you’re not paying attention? Who are you texting?” & she just scoffs & is like “I’m not texting, I’m writing.”
“That’s even worse!” & Pavitr takes up for her like “well she’s still contributing so it’s fine. It’s nothing I haven’t done” & that makes Miguel chew both of them out while they’re rounding up the bad guys & Briar is ignoring everything he’s saying & just continues to type away at her phone
Miguel’s fed up & is all like “ok that’s it” & webs her phone out of her hand & is like “wtf is more important than a fight” but she fucking panics & makes a B-line straight for him & kicks him & snatches her phone ‘cause there’s no way in hell she’d EVER let him see what she writes
After the fight tho she gets an ear full ‘cause not only was she “not engaged in the fight” (she was, it was a super easy & lame fight) & how she “turned on her fellow team” (you fucking stole my phone, what do you expect?) & just making her feel bad & guilty
After they get back to HQ & they had some time to cool off Miguel tries to interrogate her like “for real, what the hell were you writing that you’d kick me square in the chest to prevent me from seeing? Was it porn?” She blushes sooo much ‘cause that came way outta left field & she’s like “NO?!?!”
“Come on, I won’t judge, it was porn, wasn’t it? Isn’t that all fanfiction is anyways?”
“Of course that’s what you’d think. & that’s exactly why I’d never let you see anything I write.” & Pavitr pipes up like “Could I read it?” all bright eyed & excited & she’s real hesitant like “mmmm idk if you’d like it” just cause she knows Pav has a blabbermouth & a half & she doesn’t want any of these cool superheroes knowing what kinda fics she writes lol
But Pav begs nonstop & she finally caves & swears him to secrecy. She lets him read what she was writing during the fight & he’s like “oh my gosh that was the cutest thing I’ve ever read! Why not just tell him?” & she’s like “are you fucking kidding me? He can never find out. & if you tell him I’ll kill you, got it?” & he agrees but he’s just like that smug cat meme. She should’ve never told him tho ‘cause now he nags her about when she’s gonna update an ongoing fic or post one she’s been talking about
But she was probably writing for something kinda niche & Pav is just like “I don’t know who these people are but I love it!” I just feel like he’d be the type to read fics for stuff he doesn’t even know to support his friends. Or I can say fuck that & say she was writing a supernatural fic since she’s a lil basic (in the best way) idk you decide: was she writing for supernatural, or something like ace attorney?
It still lowkey drives Miguel crazy if he lets himself dwell on it for too long. Curiosity killed the cat & at this point he doesn’t even care about what she was writing, he just wants to find out to spite her for being such a lil bitch. (She literally told him to his face that she’d sooner die than show him anything she posts)
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Hello. I'm really sorry to bother you, but if you don't mind, I've read your story, about how the Sinclair brothers comfort us, help us cope with a bad condition. It was so wonderful! Thank you for your efforts. You did an amazing job! I really needed it...
And so, if you don't mind, I'd like us to thank our husbands properly. Show them, how much we love them and appreciate everything, they do for us. Do something nice and pleasant for them. A romantic dinner? Massage? Something, to make them a happier.
Of course. Our husbands need love too. I have a post about us giving them a paper ring but they do need something more proper. My main love language is physical touch but I have a better idea for the runner up, acts of service. I think this is a really sweet idea and I'm happy to write it. Getting requests never bother me unless it's clear people haven't read my pinned post. Sorry for the little rant but I hope you enjoy. This is gonna be pretty long because I got a bit carried away. Ok last thing I’m writing for some of the boys from stranger things. They’re listed on my pinned post I just wanted to let y’all know. 
No more junk: gn reader x poly! Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Strong language
Since you’ve been living with the boys you’ve noticed they don’t always eat the best food. They’re all very busy and with the acception of every Sunday it’s not a guarrenty that they’ll eat together, The addition of your garden has helped improve it a bit but you don’t think it’s enough. You feel like you owe them big time for well not killing you but also treating you like family and going above and beyond to make sure you’re happy. You need to give them something back. Words your friends used to say to you when you were teenagers echo in your head. “We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other.” Your friends were like family to you before you split up. You took insperation from that rhyme and planned out something for the next day. Of course you made the bread dough the day before your full plan. 
Bo and Lester wake up early. You beat them to it and woke up at six to ensure by the time they got downstairs the breakfast you make them will be ready. You put the dough in the pan and bake it while you go out to the garden and grab a few other things for cooking. A few bell peppers, some herbs and strawberries to round it out. You cut up the peppers and by the time the bread is out of the oven you get to work on the omelet’s you’re making for them. You know Vincent prefers something a bit more sweet so you have another plan for him. 
You add the pepper to the eggs and get to cooking, the smell of fresh food already filling up the house. You plate the omelets and add the berries. You already started the coffee pot and cut the bread by the time Lester enters the kitchen. Like usual he’s smiling but he’s a bit surprised at the food waiting for him. “Good morning honey.” You say giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Whats all this about darlin?” He says sitting at the table. You hand him a plate and a cup of coffee and go back to the counter. 
c“I’m just doing something for my lovely husbands. I’m tired of the three of you eating junk all the time. I wanted to do something nice for the three of you and this is what I chose to do.” You cut the bread fully and get to work on making sandwiches for Bo and Lester. His smile only grows and he starts to eat. 
“This is great Y/N. Why haven’t you cooked for us sooner?” 
“Well I’ve been as busy as the three of you. For a town with only four people and one dog living in it there’s always something that needs to be done.” You pack some more food and finish up their lunches. You pour another cup of coffee and Bo walks in. He gives you a kiss and raises a brow when he sees what’s waiting for him. 
“Whats the occasion?” He asks taking a seat. You set down the plate and coffee for him and get to work on your own breakfast. 
“I thought I would treat my lovely husbands to something special. I’m also tired of you eating so much junk. I get you’re not the richest people but you’ve got good money. You can afford some better food.” You make yourself your own cup of coffee and sit with the two of them. The rest of breakfast goes by with talk of how good the food is, Bo promising to get better food to eat and Lester talking about childhood memories. You know it’s a touchy subject for the brothers but you’re glad not all of it was bad. They had to leave eventually and you got two more kisses goodbye after you gave them their lunches. You get to work on the dishes and around nine you make Vincent’s breakfast. You spread cream cheese on the bread you made and cut up some strawberries, putting them on the bread too. You pour some coffee in a mug and hear the door to the office open. Soon Vincent is in the kitchen. 
“Hi lovely. I wanted to treat you boys today so I made you some breakfast. You set his plate and mug on the table and kiss his wax cheek. “Do you want some privacy?” You always ask this before you stay with Vincent when he has to take his mask off. You’ve seen his face a few times but you still make sure to ask. He nods. “I’ll leave you to it then.” You leave the kitchen and go back upstairs to get dressed. You spend the rest of the day cleaning up the house and spending time with Vincent in the basement. When Lester and Bo get home you insist they spend the rest of the day relaxing with you. 
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toyafreethoughts · 4 months
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...[Jaxrel] is typing... <3 ↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ ꒰Enjoy Your Matchups, @love-bird-000 / @boygun !!꒱ 🦋~*
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A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for being patient with me (^∇^)I hope you enjoy your matchup! and again, Thank you for doing a matchup exchange with me (:
For your Hazbin Hotel Matchup… You have been paired with…!
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I feel like this pair would go amazing together, and since you also said you liked him I see that there’s potential for you to be with him! Especially since he fitted your ideal type here I go!
I feel like you two would get along so, SO we’ll especially with y’all making fun of people together as well LOL you guys are always seen together no matter what, I can see you guys watching a lot of movies together or just going out in general, I feel like he also fell in love with you for your personality not even your looks at all which is surprising because your personality collides so well with his, This May be off but I also feel like he’ll always heal you after a fight if you ever got in one, he absolutely loves that you don’t take shit from other people AND you know how to stand your ground, I think your definitely adams type in people (I’m just assuming his type but I feel like he would get along so good with people like you!)
If you ever need another voice in your band he’s always happy to lend you his singing voice, he also enjoys listening to your songs, he’s always praising you and basically worshipping the ground you walk on 😭 anyways I’m definitely rating this relationship a ♾️/10, I would definitely chose him as your match over the other round-ups down here.
Round-Ups: Husker
For your Helluva Boss Matchup, You have been paired up with…
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Verosika Mayday!
I’m not sure if this comes off as surprising to you or not but I feel like this is another match that I think is best for you here’s why.
You guys are the friends to lovers thing for sure, you and her get along so well especially with your personality, you guys are always at party’s and just having fun! She’s definitely gonna compliment you about your looks not in a bad or joking way! She loves that you can stand up for yourself and not take shit from anyone at all it’s super brave of you, when you become partners with her, she’s a pretty good partner to have other then her acting bad (yk…) she also likes that your respectful and responsible she’s probably gonna look up to you to possibly try to become better, you guys are always supportive of each other no matter what so I’m happy to announce that this relationship will be pretty healthy! I feel like your dates with her would be going out to party’s or even dinners, but if you wanna stay home she wouldn’t argue either way she’ll totally have a at-home date with you and just watching movies on the couch.
Overall this relationship is something I can see that’ll continue very good for a long time even!
For your Gravity Falls Matchup, You have been paired up with…
Wendy Corduroy!
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Now, this is probably a surprising one (maybe… I’m not sure…) but even though your personalitys are somewhat not similar it still collides very well, here I go!
You guys are super chill with each other I can see y’all just hanging out and talking about anything that interests either of you or anything that had to deal with your day, she isn’t someone who’ll say anything cruel for fun at a person but maybe if she’s cranky or moody (which rarely happens..) she’ll probably not have it and with you you’ll be supporting her so much! she appreciates your support so much, She also loves your hair so much usually the shape of your hair I feel like you guys would style each others hair! She’s also in love with your angelic features if you noticed… so you may catch her staring at you sometimes, your dates are usually inside like movie nights but I feel like she’s fine with going out too, she’s always on your side whenever your kicking someone’s ass when they mess with you.
I must say, I don’t know what came across my mind while writing this but oddly I feel like she was a pretty good match for you!
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roxannekotovaruiz · 1 year
I know I’ve been gone from this blog in awhile -mostly because while I do consider myself a fan of KBR in some ways, I’m less a fan of them and more a fan of their books and that makes it hard to celebrate their books when they directly profit off of me celebrating their books- BUT I’m about to do my third reread of The Addicted series (plus probably another round of reading of AE and maybe the Bad Reputation Duet. I’m still debating Like Us because a lot of that series is. Not Good). And I just wanted to say that there will be analysis coming! Here are things I have in mind
Problematic Like Us - talking about KBR and all of the reasons I find them problematic and hard to support bc if I’m going to celebrate their books, I want all consumers to know what they’re getting into. This is a must for me. But it will take rereading the text and more research. So be patient on this one.
Character analysis of the Core Six + Garlow and also AE characters. If I reread Like Us, tack them on here too.
Ship Analysis for all of the main ships as well.
A specific “Ryke isn’t a groomer but Krista and Becca were f*cking yikes in some ways when it comes to the Raisy relationship” analysis. I’ve actually started writing this one but I want to reread the series just to make sure my facts about the ship is accurate - and this is coming from the perspective of someone who does more or less ship Raisy
Jonathan Hale Sucks and Here’s Why
An analysis of the Kotova siblings and their dynamic with each other. May also include Dimitri.
Why I think the Addicted/Calloway books work and Like Us falls so flat.
I kinda just wanna talk about the girl squad and why I find them so fun.
Would also love to break down at least some of the Cobalt Empire and some of the other second gen kiddos I actually like, but once again idk if I’m gonna reread Like Us so who knows.
Potentially Camitri theories about Roxanne and how we got here bc I love her
(would also love to do charlieroxanne content as I love them but we shall see)
This is just the short list of ideas off the top of my head that I know I want to do. Honestly, within the Jonathan Hale essay, we might talk about how both Calloway parents suck as well, but despite all of these parents being awful, only one is truly villainized by the text and the fandom - and it’s not the one who physically/mentally abused his son and had sex with (a) minor(s). There’s no love lost between Jonathan Hale and me. That’s your one warning. So yeah, I know it’s been like. A drought of content, but I’m planning on coming back swinging. I hope y’all will wanna read the silly little words that I write.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Grab Bag Doodle Dump
Some more bad doodles for y’all to gawk at.
1) “What is there to say?” I hunger for post-revolution Kliff/B2J situations. I started writing a comic script, but it was gettin’ a little sappy XP. At least too sappy for this goofy art style.
2) Superfan!AU. I wanna do something with them, but I’m not sure what. I had a comic idea about how during a fight with Tatiana, her time powers accidentally summoned the other Kliffs and they have to round them all up and send them back to their own timelines. Basically it just got into how they’re all terrible fans in their own way, but I thought the funniest joke was that DJSS really likes his Kliff, so he’s the hardest one to get back because he’s being protected. Anyway, that whole thing is scrapped for being too much work and generally just stupid XP.
3-7) Scrapped Comic: “Language”. I might come back and finish this up. I think it’s funny, but I can’t quite get Tatiana punching White to look right. The last panel is supposed to be an extra and doesn’t actually follow the fourth panel.
Neon J: Ta-dah! The improved 1010 MKIII!
White: Hey there pretty mama!
Tatiana: Firstly, do not call me, “Mama,” “Auntie,” “Babygirl,” “Chica,” or any variation therof. Do you understand?
White: ...
White: Yes, Daddy.
Neon J: 1010!!!
Neon J: What is your malfunction soldier?!
White: But, I don’t know what I did wrong...
8) Original strawberry!White concept. It was just gonna be a pink!White, but that made me think “strawberry milkshake” and that made me think “malt shop” and thus that series is now a thing. Originally it was just gonna be White and Green together, to give me a little catharsis after writing them with such a terrible relationship in Desynchronized, but I decided to expand it into the full set. I dunno, I might still do something cute with them after the key visuals are done.
9-10) Pac and R.O.B. I wanna start drawing my OG bois again. I hardly draw them at all nowadays, but I still love them very much. I’ve decided to stop drawing Pac with his weirdly thin limbs. I did that to replicate his original design, but I’m coming to terms with the fact that it just doesn’t work as well when he’s a human. It’s also been so long since I’ve drawn human!R.O.B. that I forgot the fine details of his suit. Actually, did he even wear a full bodysuit? He wore shorts, didn’t he? Regardless, I think this looks cool.
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