amazingmsme · 1 year
Making Briar’s playlist & of course it has me thinking about her. & it’s about time I give y’all the content you probably followed me for. This got away from me so putting it under a read more so I don’t clog your dash, thank me later
But yeah, Briar definitely has a tumblr account & she’s definitely a tk fic writer, but it is her most guarded secret. (Even more so than the fact she’s Spider-Goth)
The epitome of a bratty lee, while still being super shy about it. But she like never gets tickled sooo it’s not really something she like, has to worry about lol. But if she sees it happening to someone else around her she goes stiff as a board & looks away & tries to act like she’s paying attention to someone else. & if she hears The Word she perks up & you can practically see an exclamation mark pop up above her head lmao
Being the older sibling, she wasn’t on the receiving end very often & has a pretty mean ler streak. It comes with being the oldest. But she tries to act all bored & aloof if someone brings it up while she’s internally freaking out. If someone asks the dreaded question she just gives them a blank look & says something along the lines of “no” or “you’re kidding me, right?”
Her worst spots are her thighs, knees, underarms & tummy. Don’t ask me why, she just gives me those vibes, but she’s pretty sensitive everywhere
If you act like you’re gonna get her or even just threaten her with tickles she spits out the most violent sounding threats & insults, but she is all talk. Like once you get her she curls up & lets out the cutest giggles you ever did hear. No fight whatsoever. & if they point it out she insist it’s cause she doesn’t wanna hurt them. She tries to act all huffy & put out afterwards but she’s undeniably in a better mood
Her blog is p popular & she has a lot of fics on her blog, some flop but others do the fuckin’ numbers
1 time she was in the middle of a mission with Pavitr & Miguel & she was pulling a Miles typing on her phone while she was effortlessly beating up the bad guy. But of course that shit won’t fly with mr stick in his ass
He’s like “what’s so damn important that you’re not paying attention? Who are you texting?” & she just scoffs & is like “I’m not texting, I’m writing.”
“That’s even worse!” & Pavitr takes up for her like “well she’s still contributing so it’s fine. It’s nothing I haven’t done” & that makes Miguel chew both of them out while they’re rounding up the bad guys & Briar is ignoring everything he’s saying & just continues to type away at her phone
Miguel’s fed up & is all like “ok that’s it” & webs her phone out of her hand & is like “wtf is more important than a fight” but she fucking panics & makes a B-line straight for him & kicks him & snatches her phone ‘cause there’s no way in hell she’d EVER let him see what she writes
After the fight tho she gets an ear full ‘cause not only was she “not engaged in the fight” (she was, it was a super easy & lame fight) & how she “turned on her fellow team” (you fucking stole my phone, what do you expect?) & just making her feel bad & guilty
After they get back to HQ & they had some time to cool off Miguel tries to interrogate her like “for real, what the hell were you writing that you’d kick me square in the chest to prevent me from seeing? Was it porn?” She blushes sooo much ‘cause that came way outta left field & she’s like “NO?!?!”
“Come on, I won’t judge, it was porn, wasn’t it? Isn’t that all fanfiction is anyways?”
“Of course that’s what you’d think. & that’s exactly why I’d never let you see anything I write.” & Pavitr pipes up like “Could I read it?” all bright eyed & excited & she’s real hesitant like “mmmm idk if you’d like it” just cause she knows Pav has a blabbermouth & a half & she doesn’t want any of these cool superheroes knowing what kinda fics she writes lol
But Pav begs nonstop & she finally caves & swears him to secrecy. She lets him read what she was writing during the fight & he’s like “oh my gosh that was the cutest thing I’ve ever read! Why not just tell him?” & she’s like “are you fucking kidding me? He can never find out. & if you tell him I’ll kill you, got it?” & he agrees but he’s just like that smug cat meme. She should’ve never told him tho ‘cause now he nags her about when she’s gonna update an ongoing fic or post one she’s been talking about
But she was probably writing for something kinda niche & Pav is just like “I don’t know who these people are but I love it!” I just feel like he’d be the type to read fics for stuff he doesn’t even know to support his friends. Or I can say fuck that & say she was writing a supernatural fic since she’s a lil basic (in the best way) idk you decide: was she writing for supernatural, or something like ace attorney?
It still lowkey drives Miguel crazy if he lets himself dwell on it for too long. Curiosity killed the cat & at this point he doesn’t even care about what she was writing, he just wants to find out to spite her for being such a lil bitch. (She literally told him to his face that she’d sooner die than show him anything she posts)
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
Tease tidbit Tuesday
I was tagged by @cal-daisies-and-briars @tizniz 💙💙💙
again from my bucktommy and buddie platonic baby fic
Leaving a little kiss on Evan’s neck, Tommy doesn’t expect the new feeling of something little barely touching his hand that lies protectively over Evan’s swollen belly. But something definitely pokes  in the middle of his palm, creating a little bit of a ticklish sensation so he leaves Evan’s neck to see what ticklish him, but taking his hand away reveals that nothing is wrong under it. That second it clicks.
“She kicks,” Tommy exclaims, kissing Evan’s birthmark, breathing the amazing smell of new strawberry shower gel his boyfriend uses.
“Uhm, yes?” Evan turns to see his face, raising his eyebrow. “She-she kicks my insides for weeks now, I told you before.” 
Evan gets back to his popcorn, but Tommy uses his favorite chin grab to carefully move Evan’s lips to his, kissing the best lips he ever touched, till they are both breathless, putting his hand back to where it was all the movie. He pokes at the place where he felt the kick and waits. Some seconds later he feels the kick again and giggles.
“She kicks and I can feel her,” Tommy says, poking at the belly again and feeling even harder kicks now. Evan smiles bright and puts his hand near his.
“You-you can feel her?” Evan’s eyes wet and Tommy nods at him, kissing him again, trying to translate the warm from his heart to Evan’s.
“I love you,” Tommy whispers in Evan’s lips, revealing in the way the most magnificent blue eyes get bigger in shock. Evan looks at him as if he created the world and all the magic. Evan grabs his neck and tugs him the kiss so good Tommy loses his breath and moans just like when Evan devoured him in the hospital hall.
“I-I love you too. So much,” Evan smiles and Tommy believes his life always will be good as long as he can keep the sunlight that is Evan’s smile. 
That moment they both feel the kicks in their palms still on Evan’s belly and they giggle together. 
“Can’t believe she’s so big that you can feel her outside.” 
Evan stands up from the couch and rolls up his T-shirt, showing off his stomach and Tommy licks his lips when his boyfriend throws it away and then lies back in his embrace. Evan pokes at his belly, holding his hand in his, intertwining their fingers, and waits before the kicks are back. It’s almost unnoticeable but if you keep attention you can see how the baby moves while kicking. It’s fascinating. It’s beautiful.
Tagging @queerdiaz @wikiangela @diazsdimples @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @pirrusstuff @kinard-buckley @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @shortsighted-owl @devirnis @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @bewilderedbuckley @bi-buckrights @neverevan @monsterrae1 @rainbow-nerdss and anyone who wants to
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diazsdimples · 7 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Started uni yesterday and had one hell of a therapy session this morning so I decided the only way to heal my battered and bruised soul was to write some more domestic Buckley-Diaz zoo trip. Please enjoy!
Buck and Christopher walk side by side, dodging small clusters of families with screaming children, mothers dragging their little cherubs along on those weird toddler leash things, and exasperated fathers trying to make head or tails of the less-than-helpful map. As they walk, Buck begins to hum the first song that comes to mind, one that’s been stuck in his mind since they left Eddie’s house, actually. Christopher looks up at him, brows knitted in confusion as he clearly doesn’t recognise it, so Bucks starts over, singing softly under his breath. “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. No crocodiles, or rhinoceroseses, I only like hippopotamuseses!” he sings, finishing with a flourish. He’s not the words best singer, can barely carry a tune if it’s gift-wrapped and handed to him, but the lyrics are appropriate for the occasion, and they have the exact effect he’s looking for: Christopher cringing and whining about how embarrassing he is. “Buck, it’s April. Why are you singing Christmas songs?” Christopher groans, nudging Buck with a pointy elbow. Buck pokes him back, making Christopher wriggle away as he hits a ticklish spot. “I’m putting in my request early. Do you know how long it takes to grow a hippo?” “Eight months.,” Christopher replies instantly, not missing a beat. “Or around 240 days, to be exact.” Buck stares at him, a little shocked at how readily Christopher had this information, before shaking himself and continuing his teasing. “Yeah, exactly. And what’s in 8 months?” Christopher counts on his fingers, murmuring each month under his breath, until he reaches 8, at which point he deflates a small amount. “Oh. Christmas.” “Exactly, Christmas,” Buck replies with a grin, looping an arm around Christopher’s shoulders. “Want me to ask the big guy for one for you, too? Or do you think you dad won’t like that too much?” “Buck!” Christopher groans, shrugging off Buck’s arm, but Buck can see the smile pulling at the pre-teen’s lips. Christopher might like to act like he’s too old to hang out with his dad and Buck, but Buck knows that deep down, Christopher still loves his time with them, if the way Christopher quickly nudges his head against Buck’s tricep is any indication.
tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @puppyboybuckley @bucksbackwardcap @fortheloveofbuddie @spotsandsocks @aroeddiediaz @pirrusstuff @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @tizniz @steadfastsaturnsrings @wikiangela @buckbuckgoose @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars @wildlife4life @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @evanbegins @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @rainbow-nerdss @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @epicbuddieficrecs @smilingbuckley @actuallyitsellie @thekristen999
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jeeyuns · 7 months
writing patterns
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon ✨
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 8 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Buck's Coma vs. Real World Checklist
0.3k | rated G | multimedia art Turn over & look at the digital alarm clock. If the numbers can all be read, this is real. Try to breathe through a fully closed nose. If impossible, this is real.
morning glory
2.6k | rated E | buddie non-linear: the morning after the night before He wakes up slow as molasses trickling out of the pan. A line of warmth is searing down the length of him from the back of his neck to the ticklish points behind his knees. Buck can tell the sun is up too by the weak bands of light creeping their way over the bed and just inside his field of vision.
hope is a sword 
5.5k | rated T | whumptober 2023 prompt #5, debris, pinned down, "It's broken." The next call sounds through their radios and A shift is in the engine as one in the next minute, all jammed in like sardines with sweat trickling down their backs, grins and bellies sharp with hunger. There’s no other place in the world Eddie would rather be (aside from his couch with his son and Buck, but that’s a story for another time).
proof of concept: ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
part 1 of a series | 8.2k | rated E | eddie helps buck through a bad drop Buck’s just closed his utensil drawer as softly as it will let him, hardly gripping the edge of the kitchen counter with his other hand, when his phone chirps. The unexpectedly piercing ding of his message tone rends straight through the eardrums, making him gasp and lose his grasp on the edge of the granite.
slouching towards bethlehem to be born
ch 3/8 | 23.7k | rated M | eddie is haunted by memories that don't belong to him Awareness blows through his eardrums and he’s rudely yanked back into the ability to chronicle two of his senses. “Come on, Eddie! Eddie, hang on. Eddie–” the pleading, formless voice blooms out and begs him. 
3.1k | rated E | buddie feelings realization and a demonstration They find themselves, like any other easy, lazy night, on Eddie’s couch. Buck looks over from his usual sprawl, attention already drifting past the moody resolve of John Wick choosing violence over the death of his dog Daisy on the Diaz’s TV screen.
slip like freudian
4.5k | rated T | slightly cracky: eddie is taught a lesson by a witch After a rather sideways, unusual morning, Eddie finally makes it to the station parking lot. He’s somehow five minutes early, so he allots three whole minutes to lightly smacking his head against the steering wheel. 
how life goes on the way it does 
ch 12/12 | 39.6k | rated E | buddie & past lives movie au Ravi’s just finished collecting the last of the devices ready for the probie charging pool when a woman with a wild halo of curls strolls into the station’s engine bay. “Hi! Can I help you with anything?” he calls out to her. 
definitely love to set the scene with descriptions that i always hope can help you visualize...feel like you're plopped right in the middle of a scene with a character. also like to switch povs every time i switch fics. indivdually, i can't do multiple povs within one story though. i feel like i take my cues from screenwriting more than anything when i set out to put words on the page. this is making me hungry to blow dust off my fics again!
no pressure tagging: @kitkatpancakestack, @transboybuckley, @shitouttabuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @devirnis, @malewifediaz, @spagheddiediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @pirrusstuff, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @pantsaretherealheroes, @lemonzestywrites, @thewolvesof1998, @captain-hen, @rewritetheending, @athenagranted, @butchdiaz, @housewifebuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @homerforsure, @anakinfallen and anyone else who wants to! it's been an age and a half since i tagged anyone for anything. mwah! 💞
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anzynai · 3 months
Guess who’s back, back again! (I feel the need to be social)
Could I humbly request the letters
H, Y, P, E, and D for Lilia? Either General or Current! (Or both if you want to but I’m fine with anything)
Take care of yourself!!
hiii, thanks for the ask!! be as social as u want, i LOVE interacting with others (and esp with twst fans🙏) anyway, i love lilia, he’s one of my favs!
also idk if u meant to do this, but spelling out “hyped” is pretty cool!
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
when he was a general, it just.. simply didn’t happen. someone tries to tickle him, poof he’s gone. (well, maybe when he was younger it was different with maleanor and levan?)
eitherway, now, a habit as a ler would be popping up randomly. he never offers much anticipation because he just gets right into it. as a lee, i dont think he would have any notable habits. maybe? im not sure 😭
Y: You | Any personal self- or reader-insert tickle fantasy / headcanon to share with this character?
for me, no. but, let me try to come up with one. hm, I DONT REALLY KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THIS so it might be totally wrong but imagine yourself messing around with him, finding ways to surprise another ie. water guns, jumping out from behind, etc. u totally didn’t expect him to just start tickling u, so he won that battle. because, yeah, that was really surprising…
P: Partner in Crime | If they were to go after a ler and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
i actually have a few in mind! first, malleus. this would be because lilia is trying to include him and get him to be more social. this doesn’t really just INVOLVE tickling, but would be one of the instances where he would join hands (i have no idea how to word this sentence). also, malleus would undoubtedly be curious, but i imagine him being a natural lol.
the next two, pop music club members cater and kalim! kalim is open to pretty much, anything. as long as he thinks everyones having fun. same with cater! i think they would be really good lers too!
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
i think if lilia wanted to tickle someone, he’d just go for it. of course, he’d make sure they were fine with it and would stop if they weren’t. he just really enjoys the element of surprise and that also applies to tickling!
i don’t think he would express the wish to be tickled much at all. sometimes, maybe, he would get a bit like, reminiscent back at home in the briar valley, but that’s the most of it. I JUST FEEL LIKE he would keep it to himself and if he gets tickled, he gets tickled!
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
i think it would be his back! i imagine when being asked if he wanted a back massage, he would be like,,, “…ahaha no, that’s fine!” just because he cannot handle back massages at all HELPP
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anmiruzu · 1 year
31 Daydreams of Halloween Event Lineup (2023)
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(you can still request! ^^)
october first,
aquamarine hoshino ⟡ a little cold? ⟡ {-182 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 03: “you’re shivering. do you want my jacket?”)
october second,
riddle rosehearts ⟡ to skip and go trick-or-treating ⟡ {-472 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 06: “what do you mean you’ve never gone trick or treating before!?”)
october third,
cater diamond ⟡ it isn’t that bad, right? ⟡ {-134 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 12: "i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes.")
october fourth,
ace trappola ⟡ oops {-183 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 08: “well… you grabbed my hand first”)
october fifth,
lilia vanrouge ⟡ attempting to scare briar valley's halloween ambassdor ⟡ {-180 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 17: “i know you’re trying to be scary but you’re just way too cute.”)
october sixth,
jamil viper ⟡ into a haunted house with jamil {-137 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 26: “that kind of scared me.” / “don’t worry i’ll protect you.”)
october seventh,
sabito ⟡ you got some leaves there ⟡ {-116 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 01: "you have a leaf in your hair")
october eighth,
senjuro rengoku ⟡ it’s ticklish! ⟡ {-136 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 16: "stop squirming! you’re gonna mess up your face paint!")
october ninth,
ai hoshino ⟡ no! ⟡ {-210 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 02: "leave some candy for the kids!")
october tenth,
jamil viper ⟡ a bloody ghost or not? {-273 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 25: “What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”)
october eleventh,
nene yashiro ⟡ a sleepy morning ⟡ {-160 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 09: "i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's eight in the morning.")
october twelfth,
sabito ⟡ caught in the act ⟡ {-189 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 07: “it says to take one, love”)
october thirteenth,
mitsuri kanroji ⟡ too scared? ⟡ {-224 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 20: "Come on. It can't be that bad.")
october fourteenth,
genya shinazugawa ⟡ not like yours is any better ⟡ {-264 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 28: “That’s your favorite candy? you have shit taste.”)
october fifteenth,
tanjiro kamado ⟡ just a little ⟡ {-190 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 10: “Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?)
october sixteenth,
mitsuri kanroji ⟡ candy corn is good! {-208 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 29: “Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”)
october seventeenth,
azul ashengrotto ⟡ a late night scare ⟡ {-268 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 14: “Don’t scare me like that!”)
october eighteenth,
hanako (amane yugi) ⟡ another day, another apparition to deal with ⟡ {-281 words; fluff-} ⟡ (prompt 27: “Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”)
october nineteenth,
ace trappola ⟡ too early for this shit ⟡ {-217 words; fluff-} ⟡ {-cw: profanity-} ⟡ (prompt 22: “They say 3am is the witching hour. wanna test that out?”)
discontinued </3 (not enough requests)
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bluecoolr · 2 years
For Life or Until Fault
Alt Timeline 2.0 - Darrell x Odile Part 4
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Main characters are slasher ocs! Dead body mention and cannibalism
Darrell is mine ♡
Odile belongs to @solmints-messyocdiary
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It had been two weeks since Darrell set up the bell traps, and still he had no luck. He had overestimated his own intelligence, invested too much time camping out between tombstones and lying in wait for someone with intentions of stealing bodies.
Ilya had made sure to rub it in his face. "No luck?" he inquired everytime he passed by.
Darrell did his best to ignore him. Ilya just seemed like the type of person to want the worst for others, and it gave him great joy to see Darrell frustrated.
There wasn't much to distract him while he waited. He refrained from using his portable stereo. As dull as graveyard noise was, he had to keep his ears peeled.
But his thoughts often wandered back to the broken down manor house; To the night he had felt a weight on his stomach and a ticklish sensation on his ribs. He conjured up her face again, the way he had a hundred times before.
He had never felt so comforted, had never felt such a warm flutter in his heart. He'd cursed the room for being so dark. He wished he had seen more of her, more of the love drunk expression that had made her soft features glow.
She was startled when he stirred, and he was so happy that she had calmed down when he soothed her. The night she lay sleeping in his embrace was by far the calmest night he passed. It was part of what little precious memory he now had, and he had begged God to let it stick. For sanity's sake.
He'd seen only beauty like hers on a grainy television screen, borrowed by a princess. Princess Aurora; Briar Rose - stepping blithely through a clearing.
How did that song go?
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…
Each time he saw her felt like a dream, but it was all quite real. He was sure. It was a hard, bloody truth and it bit.
Where had she come from? Why did she do it? What was her name? These and a thousand more questions went through his mind, but the answers, like the girl, proved ever elusive.
He heaved an exasperated sigh and gathered his belongings.
"Come on, girl." Isabelle stood in attention. "Let's go home."
Fog had crept down from the distant hills, stretching over the cemetery like a thousand miserly fingers to count tombstones like coins. It was so thick that Darrell could barely see more than four feet ahead at all sides.
Isabelle froze. She wheeled around and stopped. Her ears pricked up and twisted forward like funny little dishes trying to catch a signal. Heart racing in excitement, Darrell listened hard. His breath rose up in puffs of vapor.
The tinkling of the bells was faint but unmistakable.
Isabelle and Darrell broke into a sprint in pursuit of the sound, like racehorses bursting out of the gate.
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Odile was so hungry.
She'd forced herself to stay in the forest, living on nuts and berries. She'd even braved bee stings to have a mouthful of honey. But It was never enough to keep her full.
Her hunger grew claws and hurt her.
There was only one thing she could do.
"I can't," she told herself, trembling at the thought. "It's not safe."
She'd watched the graveyard keeper. He was looking for her. Every hour that passed without her turning up made him incredibly sad.
She'd seriously considered revealing herself, just so she could glimpse his smile again. At night, she would take out his picture from her little box and hold it to her cheek as she lay in bed. Someday, she promised. Someday.
How, though, could that day come if she perished at the turn of the season? She had to eat.
Odile chose a newly covered grave at the very edge of the graveyard, just at the mouth of the forest. She broke the coffin with her shovel, sending splinters into the air. There was another sound - frantic tinkling - that she had never heard at a grave before.
Odile made quick work of the corpse, turning it over and over to find a place free from rot. There came the tinkling again. It seemed to come from the body itself and, panicking now, Odile clawed at the clothes to try and get rid of it.
When she heard Belle barking, her blood grew cold. They were coming.
She grabbed her shovel and drove the blade straight down, chopping a forearm clean off. She picked up her prize and took off, the cold air bruising her lungs.
Nimble bare feet bore her safely into the forest. She knew she had to go further in, but she was so hungry. Her limbs trembled and her footing grew shaky.
She clung to a low branch, which snapped as her taxed body finally gave in. Knowing how her life depended on it, Odile sank her teeth into the purple-gray flesh.
He stumbled upon her that way: On her knees, hunched over, and smeared with gore.
He said nothing as he stared, the rifle still in his hands. Odile felt the sour tang climbing up her throat - horror making her gag.
Belle came trotting up to her, licking her cheeks excitedly, but she sat as still as stone. Her eyes were locked with the graveyard keeper's, trying to read his expression.
Oh, God. Oh, God, he hates me!
He held up his hand to pacify her, the other slowly set down his rifle. "It's okay," he told her.
Odile's lip trembled.
"Shhh… it's okay," said the graveyard keeper. She had begun to sob and he scooped her into a comforting hug.
She had wanted him to see her, but not like this.
She broke down, her shoulders rattling against his as she drew convulsive gasps.
"No, no… please, don't cry. It's okay."
Odile stubbornly shook her head. It was not okay! She'd ruined everything.
She pushed him away. He landed on his bottom with a surprised oof! She ignored his pleas for her to stay, and he watched her disappear into the wilderness beyond.
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
1 + 21 for Maze? ✨
From this prompt list
1) drug them 21) use magic
Cw: non con drugging, drowsiness, affectionate whumpee, creepy/intimate whumper, disoriented whumpee, magic whump, bad after effects, fear of dying.
The flowers smelled amazing. Maze brushed the petal against his face, feeling the softness. The cold drops of dew on the plants was wonderfully fresh, contrasting with the fuzzy warmth encroaching his mind.
He lay in the petals, blinking up at Briar through the glass. They were turned away, pouring and mixing ingredients. Paying no attention to him.
He sighed at the soft feeling, like blankets, and he wrapped them around his shoulders.
A finger poking his chest brought him back to consciousness. The bright purple flowers were nowhere in sight, instead he lay on Briar’s work table. He looked to the side to see them resting their head on the side of the table. The lenses of their glasses showed his reflection, leaned up on one arm, a small lazy smile on his face.
Grey eyes studied him closely. They brushed over his shoulders with a finger, wiping away a dewdrop. He leaned into the touch. When they scooped him up with one hand, he nestled into their palm, soaking in the warmth.
He traced the tiny lines in their hand with a single finger, prompting a small flinch. They pushed him aside and rubbed their hand.
“Don’t do that!”
“Huh? You mean this?” He repeated the motion, smiling mischievously. “You aren’t ticklish are you?”
They pinched his arms delicately, just enough to keep him from freeing himself when they lifted his arms above his head. “I said stop.”
“You are! The big tough giant has a weakness!” He smiled triumphantly, receiving an eye roll.
They sat him back down on the table, where he tried to take a few weak steps, before tumbling and giving up.
“Wait! Where are you going?” He shouted when they approached the door to leave. Something was wrong. He could hear his heartbeat, getting faster.
“I need to go collect another ingredient. I’ll be back soon.”
“I- I can’t— I can’t breathe!” He wrapped his arms around his chest, drawing in huge, heaving breaths.
They smiled, that infectious bubbly smile, and stepped back over. “Oh yeah, starfoils have some nasty after effects when their pollen is inhaled. Once the dreaminess fades, all those good feelings are quickly turned bad. Security turned to paranoia, happiness to fear, affection to stress.”
He gasped already in tears with how much his chest hurt. As good as he had felt earlier, now he felt exactly as bad. It hurt. This couldn’t just be fear and paranoia.
No. This wasn’t just the flowers, it’s not just an after effect.. it was getting worse. It was killing him.
“Please! Don’t let it ki— don’t let me-” he collapsed to lay on his side, tears down his cheeks. “Please don’t let me die!”
They lightly patted the side of his face with a single finger. “It’ll wear off in an hour or so. Make sure you keep breathing!” They cheered before skipping from the room.
Maze writhed in agony on the table, hands pressing uselessly against his chest. He mouthed wordless pleas, barely even knowing what he was pleading for. With his head thrown back, he saw the blurry upside down room. The room he was dying in.
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skribblz · 2 years
Hiii!!! Would you mind drawing lee loid with ler yuri briar/franky? please hehehe thank youu!!!
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stoic characters with ticklish back of knees >>>
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thatcheesyler · 2 years
Never marry someone with a protective sibling
Editor's note: @intheheartofarainbow suggested this, please do consider liking their posts aswell!
Summary: Yuri Briar has just recently heard about Yor's new husband......he's not happy about it. Enjoy!
"Yuri-san, I'm an adult, please don't interfere with my marriage." Yor replied, she was talking with Yuri about her newfound husband as she hadn't told him yet.
"Fiiine, but can I at least meet the guy?" Yuri asked with little patience.
"O-oh, of course! Our address is ######## (I don't know their address lol) please come visit whenever you can."
"Well in that case, I'll be seeing you in 4 hours sis! Bye!"
......'f-four...HOURS!?' Yor internally panicked. She had expected him to wait at least 2 days before visiting......then again it is Yuri Briar we're talking about. Still, she had to warn Loid right away.
"F-four...hours..?" Loid nervously replied. "That's exactly what I was thinking, but I can't stop him. Do you know how we can prove to him we're happily married?" Yor explained. Fortunately, Loid did know what to do. He had bought some cheesy couple things online just in case this exact scenario were to take place.
X+-Time skip lol-+X
The doorbell rang. Yuri was greeted by his lovely sister and the so called 'twat' which happened to be Loid (unsurprisingly 😒) Anyway, Yuri had originally planned to make Loid drink enough alcohol to expose himself in front of everyone, but had ended up drinking it himself as he was still agitated about this whole subject.
"Yuri-san, Loid-san, I'm going to take a nap and let you have some bonding time, goodnight!"
The millisecond Yor had left the room, Loid found himself pinned to the sofa with an angry, drunk Yuri staring down at him.
"Did you really think I would accept this?! Why would my wonderful sister ever marry a guy like you?!" Yuri released one of his hands to poke Loid in the stomach on the last word. An uncharacteristic yelp darted out of Loid's mouth before he could stop it.
At first, Yuri was just plain confused, but slowly he managed to connect the dots and a mischievous smile was etched onto his features. "Awww, is the great Loid Forger a little ticklish~?"
"N-no, I'm not. Get off of me!" Loid struggled in the other man's grip, but Yuri wasn't letting go now, not after his excellent discovery. "I think you are~, why don't I prove it to you?" And without any further words, Yuri used one hand to move Loid's arms above his head and gently began to trace little circles on his victim's sensitive belly. This time, Loid put some effort into holding back his adorable laughter, but Yuri wasn't giving up. "I've been wondering, how many ribs does the average person have again? Oh, I know! I'll count your ribs to check." The worst part was Loid knew exactly what was going to happen, and the anticipation was killing him. Soon enough, Yuri's skinny fingers made it to Loid's ribs and had started to tip-toe up, counting each rib along the way. "One....two....thre- hey! Stop squirming, you're making me lose count!"
Meanwhile, Loid was very much dying as he was holding in his laughter for so long, but that all fell to pieces when Yuri reached his 7th rib up, Loid finally broke, "Bahahahahaha! Ohohohokahahay yohohohuhuhu wihihihin hehehehahaha!"
"*gasp* finally! But don't think I'll stop just yet, I still need much more if you're gonna be with my sister!" Suddenly, Yuri switched to scribbling all over his sides and Loid's giggles escalated. "Wahahahahahahahihihihihit, Nohohohohohohohot thehehehehehehehere bahahahahahahahaha!!"
"Hmmmm, not there? What about....HERE!" Yuri jutted his finger into his armpit and wiggled it around, but unfortunately, that reduced Loid's laughter. So Yuri proceeded to drag his finger up and down Loid's spine. This increased the giggles but not by much so, he switched to plan B. The knees. "Hey, what about your knees?"
Loid widened his eyes when his knees were mentioned and tried to scrunch his legs up the best he could, but Yuri just rolled them out again. "Ooo~, I think I've found quite the jackpot~" He teased and reached down to squeeze the top of his knee. Loid frickity frackin' screeched at the contact. "NAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHAHAHASEHEHE MOHOHOHOVE SOHOHOHOMEHEWHEHEHERE EHELSE, IHIHI'M BEHEHEGGIHIHING YOHOHUHU!!" (I'm beggin', begging you~ 😩.) As much as Yuri wanted to continue, he knew there was only so much a person could take. So, he let up off of the helpless Loid forger and went to make him a glass of water. In the time being, Loid was curled up in a ball of leftover giggles from the phantom scratches and just kinda.....laid there until he felt like moving. Yuri had gone home by the time Loid had sat up and drank the water he was given. 'Wow, what a day' he thought with a little smile. 'Call me crazy, but maybe tickling isn't that bad..'
This took so looong 😵 but I hope you enjoyed. Leave your opinion in the comments, please and thank you. Have a lovely day/night, byyyyeee!
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chances-folly · 3 years
Some Brynjolf Headcanons
Everyone loves his real laugh and teases him for it but he hates it and rarely laughs beyond a small chuckle
His sides are extremely ticklish to the point he’ll start cracking up if anyone even acts like they’re gonna poke him
Trying to tickle him before he’s comfortable with you will also get threats of your fingers being cut off
Because Riften is so sunny Brynjolf has freckles
Most of Skyrim, and especially Riften, rely on fish for alot of their diet but Brynjolf doesn’t really like any kind of fish
Like most redheads, Brynjolf is pretty pale and blushes easily
He gets wine drunk alot
Alcohol makes him blush even worse than he already does
Black-Briar Mead is his least favorite drink and he was genuinely disheartened when the guild took down Honningbrew for Maven
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 11
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter:  Chapter 11
Chapter Summary:  I’ll be sure to mark this date down.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Who would have guessed, I wrote another porn. So that, and tooth rotting fluff because I’m a soft slut.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10}
Henry really had thought of everything when he decided to 'redecorate' his home. Briar was in love with her Paw Patrol bedding and wasted no time in naming all the stuffed animals that now lined the shelf. She fawned over all of the new bedtime story books he had bought and stored in the night stand, quickly picking out her favorites, despite never having been read most of them. She squealed in delight when he turned on the fancy nightlight that projected different images onto the ceiling. He even got a couple spare changes of clothes for the girl.
While Faye loved the idea of him fumbling through the baby girl section, trying to figure out what size Briar wore, Henry confessed to ordering most everything online. He cited COVID as his reason for not going in person, but Faye had a feeling it was because he had no idea what he was doing in the girl's section. He only had two nieces, after all. He was just used to buying for boys instead. His nieces tended to have very specific wants. His brothers or his sisters-in-law told him what they wanted, and he supplied it.
That being said, he did a very good job preparing for a little girl. Faye found herself spending most of her time at his house after the first week. Henry only had a bag of dog food, a couple bowls for Kal and a dog bed at her house. He claimed it was all he needed to be comfortable, but Faye knew otherwise.
On the days they had stayed at his house, Briar almost never let him out of her sight. She loomed across the kitchen when he would try to cook. She stared at him while he read. She lurked while he played video games. Finally Henry invited her to watch him, the little girl all too happy to perch herself on his knee, happily cheering him on despite not knowing what was going on in the game. The few nights they spent back at their own home, Briar demanded to call Henry every night so he knew she was behaving for Mommy.
Henry was even thoughtful enough to clear out a drawer in his bathroom for Faye. She'd lived with a man before, and she always had to fight for her own drawer in the bathroom. She wasn't even asking much. She had a relatively small make up back considering her profession. She only wanted a place to store that, and her feminine necessities. Henry already had those in the drawer for when she needed them. All she had left to do was chuck her spare make up bag, a few hair ties and a brush into her drawer, and she was good to go.
Not to mention, the man had a trash can already in his bathroom. One that he knew existed. Even her father would regularly forget about the trash can in the bathroom growing up. Every Tuesday, he would go through the house and empty each of the smaller bins so he could take all the trash out to the side of the road for trash pick up day. Every Wednesday, her mother would ask him if he got all the trash cans. Every time he would assure that he emptied all of them. Then she would ask about the bathroom and he would stare at her blankly before finally mumbling a small 'oh'.
Finally, Faye reached a point where she couldn't hold it in anymore; her heart was about to explode if she didn't let it out. Henry had just put Briar and Kal off to bed when he found her, a crying mess on the couch. Naturally, his first instinct was to panic. Was she hurt? Did he forget something important? Was it their anniversary? Did they even have one? They've only been involved for a few months, right? Was he ignoring her? Did she feel like he was pushing her aside again? Ultimately, he took his brother's sage like advice that had been freely given at each of his other's brother's weddings.
"Faye, while I don't know exactly what I did wrong, I can see that you are upset, and I am sorry."
"For what?" She sniffled, popping her head up from her knees all to quickly.
"I don't know." Henry admitted, cautiously sitting next to her.
"Henry, I'm not upset. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time." Faye explained, only furthering Henry's confusion.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked slowly, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. He knew females could be complicated, but how could you be happy and crying at the same time? Those were two opposite emotions, weren't they?
"I'm just really happy." Faye wiped at her eyes, scooting closer to Henry to lean against him.
"That doesn't explain why you are crying..."
"Haven't you ever been so happy you cried?"
"I've been so happy it's brought a tear to my eye, yes. Never full out sobbing like something horrible just happened. I thought I forgot an anniversary or something!"
"We don't have one." Faye pointed out, as Henry wrapped his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer.
"I'm sure we do."
"We never officially agreed to be exclusive or anything."
"Have you been doing things I should be aware of?" Henry asked, raising a brow as he looked down at her.
"No. Have you?"
"Of course not. I was under the impression we've been a thing for a while now. Unlike some people."
"You never said anything! You can't just decide we're a thing without telling me!"
"Well do you want this to be a thing?"
"Well, I wouldn't mind it..."
"Then let's just retro date it. What was a significant even between us? Me meeting Briar?"
"No, we just flirted a lot back then."
"When you asked me to spend more time here?"
"That's way too recent. We've definitely been involved longer than that. What about that night on the couch? When you started dry humping me during the movie?"
"That was a fun night." Faye sighed wistfully.
"Certainly sticks out to me." Henry agreed.
"Deal. We'll figure out what day that was and that can be our anniversary."
"I need to put it in my phone. If I forget I get the feeling I won't ever hear the end of it."
"Do you even know when my birthday is?" Faye asked suddenly, twisting in his embrace to look up at him."
"That would be another good date to put in my calendar."
"What about Briar's birthday?"
"Ok, that one I know! You invited me over to help make her a cake. And then Briar led me into your room right after you'd finished showering. God, that ass..."
"Focus, Romeo!" Faye giggled, playfully swatting at his shoulder.
"Ugh, not Romeo. Choose a different story, I don't want us to end up dead over a misunderstanding."
"Uhh... I'm drawing a blank. You go first."
"You started it, you go first."
"You know, it's getting kinda late, I should go shower before I get too tired." Faye excused herself, slipping from his grip and scurrying out of his reach before he could snatch her up again.
"You, Miss Warren, are a tease." Henry pouted, flopping himself against the back of the couch.
"I am no such thing." Faye gasped, slowly peeling her shirt up over her head. She let it fall silently to the floor, annoyed when her actions went unnoticed. She was in no mood to be ignored.
This time, she reached behind herself, unhooking her bra and slinging it at him, the supportive garment landing directly on his face. It took Henry a second to realize what was going on, picking it up and straightening it out, his mind quickly connecting the dots once he realized what it was. He was on his feet in an instant, growling as he chased his laughing prey down the hall.
He snatched her up around her waist just before she could reach the door, playfully biting at the junction of her neck. "Got you, you little minx." He growled, pressing a kiss to the mark he had left.
"Well that means you get to lay claim to me." Faye giggled, reaching back to cup the back of his neck, pulling his head down for an awkwardly angled kiss.
"Bedroom." Henry muttered against her lips, blindly reaching for the knob and pushing the door open. He set Faye down, swatting at her ass as she slipped by, eagerly following and locking the door behind themselves. By the time he had yanked his shirt off, Faye had already pushed her sweats and panties down, crawling up the bed and giving him a view he never wanted to forget, her glistening peach peeking out from between her thighs, her ass swaying delightfully as she moved.
"Condom?" Faye asked, settling herself down in the middle of the bed, propped up on her elbows.
"Side table." Henry responded, nodding to the table on his side of the bed as he got to work shedding the rest of his clothing. "They better fucking be in date." He added after a second of thought.
"How long have you had them?" Faye snorted, digging through the drawer until she came up with the foil packet.
"Not a clue. They haven't been seeing much use in the last year or so."
"Fucking COVID." Henry grumbled, crawling onto the edge of the bed, his eyes slowly drinking her in.  He grabbed her by the ankle, reverently uncrossing her legs, his strong hands kneading into the arch of her foot as he laid gentle kisses along the ink decorating the top of it. "What's this called?" He asked, his fingers brushing across the design.
"Mandala." Faye explained, Henry nodding and pressing a gentle kiss to it and slowly sliding his hands up, crossing over to her other leg to trace his fingers over the owl.
"This is an owl." He stated definitively, pressing another kiss to her artwork. He then slid up more, nudging her arm out of his way to look more closely at the mermaid he had found before, letting his fingers trace over it, causing Faye to giggle and squirm. "And here is a ticklish little mermaid." He teased, kissing across her torso, just beneath her bare breasts, craning his neck and smiling proudly "Ah ha! I thought I saw something over there." He mumbled proudly, pressing a kiss to the small butterfly on that side of her ribcage, eliciting another giggle from the woman trapped below him. "A ticklish little butterfly! Any others around here?" He asked, pressing kisses back across her torso, wrapping his lips around a nipple when she shook her head.
His tongue flicked against the rapidly hardening bud, grabbing onto her arms and pinning them down when she began to squirm more beneath him.
"Now then, I know about this one." He continued, lifting her right hand to kiss at the leaves and vines wrapping around her wrist and thumb. "And you showed me this one." He pressed an almost reverent kiss to the inside of her forearm, gently moving her arms up over her head. "Now, I can think of one more..." He mumbled, sliding a hand beneath Faye's hip and flipping her over onto her stomach all too easily, managing to keep her trapped beneath him the entire time. "And that's back here." His fingers traced along the black and white depiction of a tree, winding along her spine, its branches reaching up to her shoulders.
"Any others I should know about?" He asked, sliding his hand beneath Faye's hips, trailing lower to slide his fingers through the slick heat gathering between her thighs.
"That's all." Faye moaned, grinding down into his probing fingers.
"You do have quite a few, Miss Warren." Henry finally conceded, his hand sliding back just far enough to roll her back onto her back. "But I would consider this a work of art as well." He purred, diving in to kiss and suck at her slick folds shamelessly.
"Oh shit." Faye panted, her back arching at the sudden stimulation. "Fuck, Henry. I want you now."
"Patience, Miss Warren. I'm going to need you nice and relaxed before you try and take me."
"Damnit, Henry!" Faye growled, using her legs to pull his face even closer to her core, effectively silencing him with her pussy for the time being. "I can sink the Titanic with how fucking wet I am. Now."
"So bossy." Henry tutted, using the leverage he had against her to push her knees almost to her chest, eagerly diving back in, licking, sucking and kissing like a starving man at a feast.
"Fuuuuck." Faye groaned, gripping the sheets with one hand, the other trying to grip the hair on the back of his head, only to be met with fuzz. "Damnit all!" She hissed, cupping the back of his head instead to pull him closer. Henry was all to happy to comply with her demands, even slipping two fingers inside her dripping entrance, curling them in search of the sensitive spot he knew was there, grinning triumphantly when she started squirming harder. One part of her wanted to go up into his teasing mouth. The other wanted to go down onto his wandering fingers.
Henry finally took mercy on her, latching onto her bundle of nerves and sucking hard, his tongue flicking over it as his fingers tapped out a rhythm inside of her, easily sending her toppling over the edge, leaving her a panting mess below him.
"I think you're relaxed enough now." He taunted playfully, gently moving to let her lay flat on the bed.
"I want dick." Faye panted, glaring up at him as he attempted to innocently open the condom, shooting what she assumed was meant to be a wink her way.
"What a coincidence, I just so happen to have one right here, wrapped and ready to go."
"Shut up and fuck me." Faye groaned, rolling her eyes at his antics. Of course, he would manage to still be a dork in the middle of having sex.
"Would you like to stay on your back, or do you want to try something else?"
"I don't have the energy to bounce around on your cock right now."
"Alrighty then." He half laughed, nudging her knees apart to make room for himself, caging her in below his body once again. "This might sting a bit." He advised, gripping himself by the base, sliding the head of his cock between her swollen petals. He slowly pressed inside, rocking his way in until the tip of his cock was pressed firmly against her cervix.
"Are you alright?" Henry asked, wincing when her nails dug even harder into his shoulders.
"Yeah." Faye forced out, trying to slow her breathing. "I'm actively being split in half, but yeah."
"I'm sorry." Henry murmured softly, peppering her face with kisses as he began to roll his hips. Not full on thrusting, no. He saved that for when she started to squirm beneath him, trying to get him to press against all the right spots inside her. Then and only then did he rise up onto his knees, holding her up by her hips to pound into her, her nails now scratching at the sheets.
"Fuck, right there!" Faye gasped, her back arching when he brushed against a particularly sensitive area. "Fuck, don't stop, don't stop!" Henry's head fell back at her pleading, loving how she kept begging for more, her pleas devolving until only his name, 'please' and 'more' fell from her lips.
"Come on, cum all over my cock. Let me watch you come undone." Henry encouraged, slamming into her harder until he felt her walls clenching around him, her head thrown back as she begged him to keep going. Henry didn't last long past her orgasm, finishing himself only a few thrusts later.
"We did it." Faye panted as Henry slowly withdrew, careful to tie the condom off and toss it into the bathroom trashcan.
"Did what?" Henry inquired as he crawled back into bed, letting Faye curl into his side and pulling the blanket over both of them.
"We finally had sex."
"I shall be sure to also mark this date on my calendar."
"Yes, but I'm your dork."
Taglist: @Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient
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buncha-bitches · 2 years
tk headcanons
literally the only person who will know who any of these ocs are is azira and really i should post character descriptions of them before posting these but i don’t want to so i’m not going to. enjoy <3
- somehow managed to convince the others that he wasn’t ticklish
- is the type of weirdo to be able to turn off his ticklishness if he focuses so when they tried to call his bluff it just didn’t work
- Clem was probably the one to find out first (other than Maru) and she never lets him live it down
- Maru probably told them of some secret bad/melt spot that he has because he’s a little snitch like that and it’s the little sibling law trust me i know this
- it’s not really all that hard to fluster him, and you’ll know he is cause his wings get all fluffed up. he also stutters a lot
- i am obligated to make his wings a big weak spot, they may flap around wildly though out of instinct so be prepared for that
- while his wings are big weak spots, they’re also weapons of mass destruction. his feathers are very soft
- he likes to briefly brush his wings over someone’s face/ears/neck to make them squeak and giggle a little bit all the time
- if you think you can actually outrun him then you’re wrong. he’s very fast plus he can fucking fly. he likes to draw out chases for anticipation and extra fun but he Will catch you eventually.
- he’s the older brother of the group, he’s definitely the resident tickle monster as well.
- definitely also the type to giggle along with the lee
- spreads his wings out to their full size menacingly so you know that you’re about to get it
- tickle hugs + wings. need i say more
- all around a very playful ler
- baby boy baby
- he developed a pretty bad habit of muffling and holding back his laughter, or hiding whenever he smiled. it took him a while to Undevelop it
- also just didn’t smile or laugh a whole lot after his redemption
- tickling isn’t exactly New to him as he and Aubin used to have tickle fights quite often in the training facility but. he’s gained a Lot of trauma and bad experiences with touch since then so he’s wary of it at first
- the others don’t push him though so he gets used to it over time
- he’s pretty easy to fluster but it also makes him more sassy and snarky at the same time. he’s not trying to taunt you it’s just reflex, he’s not complaining too much though
- hiccups a lot when he starts to properly laugh
- he has a bunch of freckles that light up like little embers when he feels really happy and safe and it especially happens when being tickled so it’s very easy to call him out for liking it
- he’ll threaten to burn your face off though. affectionately.
- it’s easier for him to get used to being on the giving end than the receiving end as you’d expect, and when he does he’s a bastard in disguise
- he’ll sneak attack everyone a lot, simply because he finds it funny, especially when they’re in the middle of talking and they suddenly just Shriek and flail around for a second
- he always looks really happy and proud of himself whenever he successfully makes someone laugh
- the only one that can beat Aubin in a chase as he knows all of his tricks by now and knows how to trick him back
- typically a more shy ler but can be much meaner if it’s payback for something
- doesn���t really get ler or lee moods, he’s just down for whatever
- if you decide to tickle him then he’ll just kinda let you and won’t fight back or protest too much, if he sees a prime opportunity to tickle someone else then he’ll most likely take it
- if you challenge him to a tickle fight though he will Not back down. puts up one hell of a fight
- he’s also someone that needed to kinda get used to tickling though as he didn’t really know what it was until he met the others?? he’s never really been close to another person before these dumbasses came along so he doesn’t really have experience with it.
- not very easy to fluster, but you can definitely do it if you try hard enough
- antlers legally have to be a melt spot and so they are, also his ears
- he tends to be a pretty sweet lee but sometimes he’ll taunt or tease you while you’re tickling him and it’s just uncommon enough to catch you a little off guard
- he’s the type to unintentionally tease someone, like by genuinely complimenting them or making little observations, like how one spot seems to be particularly ticklish. it definitely becomes more purposeful when he realizes how flustering it is
- he’ll do something that’ll be accidentally tickling you and if you point it out he’ll go “oh i’m sorry i didn’t mean to” all sincere and then he just keeps doing it if you don’t seem uncomfortable
- also the type to regularly check in with you to make sure you’re fully comfortable and having fun
- honestly the type of ler he is really depends on what type of mood you’re in
- absolute Menace
- if she finds out you’re ticklish then you will never live to tell the tale
- she’s the most physically affectionate out of the group so she’s bound to find out eventually, and you can just tell from the look on her face the moment she realizes
- honestly finds any reason she can to tickle the others, like she wants them to do something or to stop doing something or if they’re being a little bit too gloomy for her liking or have a bit too much energy
- or she’ll just do it cause she feels like it
- is also the teasiest motherfucker, will constantly coo at you point out how much you like it and how flustered you are or when she found a particular reaction to be very cute
- she’s also pretty damn strong, can just Lift you up
- can be Ruthless when getting revenge
- moderately easy to fluster? but also will be trying nonstop to fluster you back
- will snort sometimes when she laughs
- if she knows that you’re about to tickle her then she’s definitely the type to start giggling before you even touch her
- while also backing away going “we can talk about this okay just hang on a minute-“
- always gets revenge after and will be sure to remind you plenty of times while you’re tickling her. just to make sure you know what awaits you
- might accidentally hit you if you catch her by surprise and will be all “that’s what you get >:(“ after making sure you’re alright
- sometimes lets off little sparks of electricity while she’s laughing
- very mean and teasy ler overall
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hanadoesstuffbadly · 4 years
Gwen headcanons!!
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This got way longer and more dramatic than I originally intended...(TW: Blood, child abuse)
Guinevere (Gwen) was born to a noble family in Camelot in the exact, slim moment when the moon's full face was on the world. For this coincidence, she was born with the "curse" of lycanthropy.
Her first transformation happened a month later, and it prompted her parents to hide her away, telling anyone who asked that she was a weak, feverish little thing. Then, every month, under the full moon, she would turn, and promptly find herself muzzled and chained under the manor.
In her predominant human form, Gwen found that her parents treated her coldly.
This lasted till she was eleven. The full moon of mid-Autumn happened to be the rare "blood moon". Gwen shifted, but this time her thick fur was a shimmering red and her eyes black slits shocked with red lightning. Her mother and father, together with several trusted huntsmen, tried to muzzle her again. She lashed out, savagely biting her father on the arm and slamming her mother into a pillar when she came at her with a crossbow, but not before three arrow-bolts had lodged in her side. Injured, Gwen ripped the chains out of tbe hunters' hands and charged straight through the dungeon wall and into he night.
Gwen awoke the next morning lying in a forest clearing. Coating much of her body but especially her hands were sticky, muddied splashes of dried blood. She was naked save for the thick silver chain that hung around her throat which- try as she might- was irremovable, burning her skin where it touched. In her side their were three short arrows, piercing her skin deeply. After pulling them out, Gwen was shocked to see the wound knitting itself back together until only three pink scars remained. Once her memory returned, Gwen was horrified and swore not to hurt anyone ever again.
For the next two years, Gwen beneath in a hollow tree in that clearing, surviving off of anything she could forage or steal from the carriages of travellers. One of her most treasured items was a rich, thick crimson cloak that she took from a long procession of carriages that passed through the forest.
The village that sat on the forest's border was filled with rumours of a terrible wolf lurking in the trees, emerging every full moon to snatch one sheep from the field.
During a full moon one night, thirteen year old Gwen failed in her attempt to take a sheep. The shepherds alerted the town and hundreds chased her through the trees. Gwen ran till she found a cottage belonging to an old woman named Ulf. As Gwen fainted, Ulf stepped out and subdued the horde before taking Gwen in and looking after her.
Ulf was really a member of an order of fairies. With dark blue markings covering her skin, she understood being ostracized for something beyond your own control and so she took pity on Gwen, raising her in the role of her nan.
Gwen is the baby sister of the group. When Arthur announces his plan to propose to her, he gets over twelve seperate threats of dismemberment should he hurt her in any way. The girls especially are very very protective of her.
When not in her wolf form, movement can be quite stiff and difficult for Gwen. Nevertheless, she is absurdly strong for such a small person. She is second only to Snow in the arm-wrestle leaderboard.
After each full moon, Gwen is exhausted and can barely move for about a day. When the others discover this, they make an absolute fuss. Snow prepares a cosy room for her to go and sleep in should she be staying at White Castle at the time and Hans has an influx of her favourite foods at the ready. Arthur is by far the fussiest, asking her every eight minutes if she needs anything. Eventually Snow stations Briar outside the door with a longsword so that Gwen can get some actual rest. Gwen herself finds his attentiveness adorable- especially if it results in sleepy cuddling
Jack learned how to style very short, thick hair and now, while they're all just chilling with their favourite werewolf, he is very strict about the long Dutch braids he curls into her fur. This results in human Gwen waking up the next day with her entire head tied up in scraggly knots, causing it to puff up like a balloon for about a week. He cares about Gwen a lot and they have many heart-to-heart talks about growing up in unloving homes.
Gwen is not ticklish, but she does have an aptitude for working out where others are ticklish. She chooses not to use this power for evil, but rather for profit: If Briar helps her clean up she'll tell her about the spot behind Hans' ear that makes him crumple on the floor.
When Arthur found out about what Gwen's parents did to her, he went to his father in full prince mode and had them banished from the court of Camelot. The two- who had become very wealthy and fortunate since the blood moon- thought they had gotten off quite well, until they returned home to find their manor split in two by what must have been a freakishly enormous bolt of lightning. In the centre of the damage, three crossbow arrow-bolts and a thick silver chain, were placed neatly on the ground.
Gwen kept her word about never wanting to hurt anyone again. The next time there was a blood moon, she almost lashed out at her friends, and after coming back to her senses, she ran away, distraught and ashamed of losing control. She didn't expect them to follow her and let her know that it wasn't her fault.
After Ulf meets the F7+ the girls, she decides to adopt them all and becomes a nan to all of them. She had heard of the F7 from rumours and the talk of the other fairies, and had thought them all ridiculous clowns. Then she meets them and decides that they are all big babies that need hugs.
Ulf has a grandson of her own named Robin, he leads a band of rebels in the forest
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dovewingz · 4 years
I've probably talked about this a thousand times but Jayfeather is just really ticklish. And he has a high pitched giggle. Lionblaze and Briarlight tickle him a lot :)
AWWW OMG definitely !! lion n briar teasing him relentlessly n he might complain but he loves them 🥺
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drakainaea · 4 years
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@argxntcm​ sent   :   aranea/prom for the shipping thing if you’re still doing them?? 🤷🏼‍♂️ jumping on the bandwaggon  ||  SEND ME A SHIP
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who said “i love you” first : most certainly prompto.  he is far more likely to catch feelings (his crush list is quite lengthy) & after a long pep talk, he would muster up the courage (only if things between them appears promising & ample time has been spent together where there are no longer any mixed messages) to put a ribbon & bow on their "situationship" to a full-blown "relationship".  aranea, if he's serious may or may not laugh, but pull him into a bear hug & kiss his forehead to soothe the barbed response to convey to him that his feelings are reciprocated.  she, on the other hand is more of a "doer" rather than a "sayer".
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : prompto is the ultimate social media / technophile & would have her as his phone wallpaper (a different lock screen which is coupled with a passcode!), he is the type to choose a selfie he's taken with her where she has the utmost charming smile.  he'd quietly want them to have matching screens (to which she'd catch onto & entertain because it makes him happy).  though, she may at a later time change it to that of solely him appearing in some rather unintentional abstract & photogenic positioning (e.g. "prompto placing every iota of focus on his camera on a rather precarious / volatile animal that's likely to spring away with even the subtlest of muscle spasms") in an artsy monochrome worthy of its own aesthetic.
who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror :  both of them, actually.  prompto might scribble down a motivational quote that he likely read on some pinterest board reminding him of her, he might even doodle a smiley face (or a frown, depending on the nature of their interaction).  she, on the other hand would opt to leave him charged messages or perhaps that of an inside joke only the two of them understands. 
who buys the other cheesy gifts :  prompto is such a kind soul & he's caring, so he'd be extremely anxious about what to present her with -- he doesn't want to give her something that in his mind would "blow it" for him, so he'd careful ask her rather arbitrary questions, attempting to gain some intel on what her interests are.  & he'd also get his compadres to assist him on this matter.  for aranea: gag gifts galore!
who initiated the first kiss :  aranea was most definitely the aggressor on this one.  in her eyes, he prances around the heart of the matter (no pun intended) & she only has but so much patience for the courtship if it's overly subtle with no real progression in the sense where the other party is hesitant on taking it to the next level.  the kiss would define everything.  it's more an ultimatum, a confirmation, a declaration of "hey idiot, come get it".
who kisses the other awake in the morning :  aranea.  she's highly likely also the "big spoon" in the entire sleeping arrangement.  additionally is the type to rise earlier than mr. prompto.  here's where she'd call him names ranging from "sleeping beauty" & "briar rose" interchangeably.
who starts tickle fights :  prompto is the tickling type.  he'd be sorely disappointed to find that ms. highwind does NOT have a ticklish bone in her body & would suffer the consequences via a very unexpected jab in the ribcage with the exceptional force of ten neutron stars.  she can play ball.
who asks who if they can join the other in the shower :  he'd ask.  nervously so -- with a level of trepidation in his voice.  & aranea would tell him he needn't ever & just join if he thinks it feels "right" to do so & an added commentary that there's nothing he hadn't seen before.  this would ultimately assuage any future awkward moments.
who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch :  neither of them can simply “pop up” one one another willy-nilly (except aranea perhaps--though this is on purely coincidence).  both being mobile all of the time.  if they happen to be traveling together, she might grab him some lunch & this would unsettle him because he wants to PAY, then she'd make a deal with him to spot her the next time they see one another.
who was nervous and shy on the first date :  for the crushes he has on many different people, he sure doesn't like to act on them (it could span from vast amounts of unresolved insecurity hindering him).  luckily for him, she doesn't expect to be wined & dined in some stuffy altissian bistro, so she'd get ahead of him & choose a relaxed setting, where they can play darts & have a few drinks & shoot the breeze to get him talking & get him more comfortable.
who kills/takes out the spiders :  aranea is the one who kills the spiders.  prompto is deathly afraid of bugs (jumping on tables or comically into her arms!) & she does so with apathetic precision.
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : prompto cannot hold a lick of alcohol.  & it's also doubled as truth serum.  drunken admittance is the most viable way he'd spill the beans.
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