#do you ever cry because of minho and ben
enemymarkus · 2 years
The Glade |2|
Parings: Gally, newt, thomas, frypan, zart, winston, chuck, minho and others x FEM!reader (Platonic with a capital P) (sister/brother relationship with the boys)
Warnings: fighting, dying, death, angst, fluff, crying, getting captured by WICKED, terasa being a traitor, almost dying, swearing, minho and (name) being the sassy best friends, terasa is a jealous bitch, some swearing, reader kinda crybaby at first
summary: You were the second girl to come up in the maze. And when the maze runner boys saw your scared face they vowed to protect you, even if that means sacrificing themselves.
( you came after terasa)
|1 | 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 (maybe some more)
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I do not give permission for people to steal my work or translate it without my consent!
bold is gally and italics are others normal is (name)
I heard that there's another girl in the glade. I was furious, I'm supposed to be the only girl to be around the boys. I saw her walking around with alby newt and gally, i felt jealous because gally never comes and talks to me, he always ignores me or walks away when i'm trying to talk to him, and there he is talking to the new girl. Ugh she better not go near thomas.
I saw treasa being her usual moody self, i guess she saw me talking to the new greenie.I don't care though, i don't like terasa and every time she tries to talk to me i always ignore or walk away from because she thinks that she can get away with everything because she a girl, but she has to follow the same rules as us. THe greenie seems pretty alright, she is sarcastic but not as much as minho ( not yet anyway )
I heard from Ben that there's a new girl in the glade. I was shocked because we thought that Terasa was the only girl I would ever get but nope, we got another girl. She's nice and I really like her, unlike terasa. She was talking to me. I think that she's really cool. Terasa ignored me when she came up in the box. I told her that my name is Chuck and that I hoped to be friends but she ignored me and walked away. She made Thomas spend less time with me so I felt lonely until the new girl came up.
I was talking to Newt before something hit me really fast. “ I REMEMBERED MY NAME ”I said while smiling, newt smiled and asked what it was “ (name)” i saw that he looked at me with soft eyes but i thought nothing of it. As we were walking around I saw the other girl, Terasa. I think her name was staring at me. I'm pretty sure it was glaring but I didn't care, she needs to suck it up. As i was talking with newt he told me that they were going to have a bonfire tonight and i was really excited to see what we were going to do but what i didn’t realize was that a glaring terasa was stomping towards me.
I saw Terasa come up to us while me and The greenie were talking, she looked pissed but Thomas can deal with her. “What are you doing talking to him?!” terasa said to (name) “ leave her alone terasa”. “Thinking you own the place now because you got the boy's attention?! I will always be the number 1 girl here!” terasa said while inching closer to (name) “ THOMAS! GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOW BEFORE I THROW HER IN THE PIT” Thomas came and took a mad terasa away. I saw (names) face She had a tear coming down her cheek “ its okay greenie” i said while hugging her.
“WHAT HAPPENED?!” gally came into me and thomas hut “what do you mean gally?” i said while looking at him “ WHY IS THE GREENIE CRYING” he said yelling at me “ i was helping newt out with her.” i said “ you said that you would always be number 1” “ because i will! “ I yelled at him “ Thomas, sort out your girlfriend! Otherwise newt or alby will throw her into the pit. “ don't you think that's a bit mean gally?” my boyfriend said to gally “ if she lays a hand on the greenie, she's in the pit for 2 days no food” gally said while walking out our hut. 
this is part two to my series “ The Glade” i hope that you will like it <3 if you want to request something please copy and paste the link in my bio, or text me here in the comments or on instagram @enemymarkus​ 
or go to my back up tumblr and request there @adhd-alec​ 
I hope you have a good night/afternoon/day xx
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haminhell · 3 years
♧ `` Being Minho's Little Sister Would Include `` ♧
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[TMR] The Maze Runner
pairing; minho x sister!reader
summary; short headcanons on you being Minho's little sister.
warning; small cussing because hi I cuss a lot im sorry, short post short post short post im so sorry hhh
Coming up in the box one day and making a total beeline for the doors of the maze
Running into Minho and falling flat on your ass and crying and just being an overall mess
Him picking you up and feeling a sudden wave of needing to protect you
Being practically inseparable ever since
Having daily arguments every now and then
Taking, like, forever to make up because you're both stubborn as hell???
Newt coming in clutch at the end of the day and always finding a way to solve your stupid sibling rivalry
You being the only one to ever see him cry, which was, like, once??
He woke up late with ben once and you didnt wake him up but went to the maze by yourself because you were really mad at the two for bullying you and being sexist asf the night before
Getting lost in the maze for about, like, two hours because you lost track of what turns and stuff you were taking but eventually being found by a crying mess of a worried Minho
Him bombarding you with apologies and hugs and how he was so scared of losing you to the maze and how much of a big, sexist jerk he was being the day before
You having to calm him down for a while & cleaning his face up with a cloth and the water in your bag
Returning after an hour before the doors closed
Not mentioning what happened in the maze to keep ur big bros tough and strong pride safe
Him being so shucking clingy and protective of u for a whole week and sulking whenever you pushed him away after that maze shiz u pulled
Getting literally so pissed when you flirt with the other boys
Getting even more pissed when you especially get close asf and flirt more with newt
Getting off the bars fucking pissed off when newt and other boys flirt w/ you back
Not being able to take it and having an argument with you abt it
"Why do you care so much anyway?!"
"For klunk sakes [name], you're my sister! It's freaking disgusting seeing all these shuck faces rub up on you all the time!"
"Piss off would ya? We're just playing!"
"Choose one and just play with newt then!"
You two standing in silence for a while and you having to repeat his last sentence for a while because it didnt make sense
Him realizing he fumbled on his words and just standing there staring at nothing
Your face flushing from embarrassment and practically dying inside from his comment
Him realizing his mistake but storming out the door
You avoiding Newt for an entire week because of it and hurteding his feelings(yes. hurteding.)
Minho being a bitch to you for hurting and avoiding newtie :(
You apologizing later on to the babie boy but mad teasing the poor blondie ever since
Minho just deciding 'fuck it' and letting you n newt flirt w/ each other because its kinda cute
Him going insane when he saw you straddling newts lap in the map room one day after a run on ur break
Should I make a pt 2 but like headcanons on you teasing newt? Idk idk idk you guys im losing writing motiv and have huge writers block help i need requests lmao aaa
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peterspideyy · 4 years
written before newt came out <3
summary- what if newt turned into a full crank, and despite the fact he can’t control himself, he did the one thing he knows he will never forget for the rest of his life- hurt the people he loves.
warnings- angst, verbal abuse, major character death, blood, swearing, some fluff but not a lot, kinda death cure spoilers?
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your breath was ragged.
your legs were aching.
sweat was pouring off your face, from how fast you were running, as well as the heat from explosions you were currently dodging. your ears rang, as gunshots and blood-curdling screams surrounded you, making it nearly hard to concentrate. but, you blocked out all distractions, as you carried on running through the crumbling streets of the last city.
you had one aim- to get to newt and save him.
he had the flare.
your own boyfriend had the most dangerous virus ever known to man. and now, in your right hand, was the serum. surely, it won’t protect him forever, but it would be enough to stop him to turn into one of those...things. it would give you enough time to fully cure him of the flare. and then you would spend the rest of your lives together, and finally be happy.
as you ran, ignoring the calls of minho and gally who were behind you, you couldn’t help but think of the worse. what if when you inject the blue liquid into newt, nothing happens? what if it’s too late? what if he’s already...
no you can’t finish that sentence.
you won’t.
however, when you arrived you definitely didn’t expect to see what you saw.
thomas was lying on the floor, with a knife in his chest, blood seeping through his navy top. his eyes were glazed over, and his lips were parted as if his last words were filled with pain. but, worse of all, newt was stood above him, his hands wrapped around the knife handle, with a sicking smile spread across his face. your knees buckled, as you took in the horrifying sight in-front of you.
newt killed your own brother.
and he seemed happy about it.
“newt...” you quivered, not knowing what to say. what could you say? in that moment, you were shocked to the core.
the boy scoffed, turning his head to the side not once looking at you. he still had that deadly smile plastered on his face, with dark blood dripping down his chin. “a-always hated him. i blame him for everything that happened to me.”
his voice was deep and filled with hatred, causing a tear to slip down your face. your hands started to shake as it finally hit you.
you were too late to save the love of your life.
you shook your head, “n-no. you don’t mean that. this isn’t you, newt.”
he turned his head more, finally meeting your eyes. his once honey orbs, holding love and happiness in them, was replaced by pure black, holding distress and coldness. you took in his appearance, tears falling down freely now. there was no more of his porcelain skin left to see, instead it was replaced by veins and blood. you didn’t know who’s blood that was. either newt’s or thomas’. but, did you really want to know?
“i hated the maze. i hated the scorch. i hated everything that happened to me. everyone around me died. i hated my life. and it was all yours and tommy’s fault!” he roared, taking the knife out of thomas’ lifeless body, before spinning around.
you barely blinked, before newt ran towards you, screaming inhumanly, shoving you down to the floor. your head banged against the concrete, as all the air in your lungs were knocked out of you, insantly. your head throbbed, as you felt blood trickle down your cheek.
you had no time to move, before newt jumped on top of you, throwing the knife behind his head, before lunging it towards you. but, you gained some energy left, brining your arms up suddenly to meet his, holding the knife away from your chest. he screeched, as tears fell down your cheek at the sight of your boyfriend, trying to stab you. he was stronger than you however, you put all your strength in to keep the blade away from killing you.
abruptly, newt’s actions froze, as the push against your arms faltered. he blinked, and a look of shock washed over him, “y/n?”
“oh my god...newt.” you smiled. you weren’t late. you could still save him.
“i-i’m so sorry.” he spoke, his eyes scanning your face. there was a hint of darkness in his eyes, but you brushed it off, relief flooding through you at the sight of your boyfriend back to normal.
“it’s okay. darling, listen to me, you need the serum.”
a tear left newt’s eyes, making your heart break, as you brought up a hand to wipe it away softly. but, his hand quickly came to grab yours, as he titled his head to the side, a wicked smile replacing his frown.
“really, y/n? you would really fall for a trick that easily?”
your breath hitched, as your eyes went wide at his sudden outburst.
you were too late.
“all i needed to do was cry, and you would come running back into my arms,” he spat, eyes becoming red, “you’re pathetic. you always let your emotions get in the bloody way. no wonder you loose everyone you love.”
a sob broke through your throat, as you tried to ignore his words. this wasn’t him. this wasn’t your newt. yet, he carried on speaking harsh truths at you.
“ben, alby, chuck, winston, thomas,” he smirked, brining his head down to your ear, making you whimper, before whispering his next words. “and now, you’re going to loose me. all because little y/n cares too deeply.”
“n-no.” you wailed, trying to not let his words affect you. but, you couldn’t help your heart pang in pain at what he was saying. he smirked, using the knife still in his hands and started tracing your skin on your neck, as you shook with horror.
he suddenly screamed at your face, making you flinch as you shut your eyes, silently begging for the newt you so desperately love to come back. tears were falling freely now, landing on the grey concrete floor and mixing with the blood dripping from his clothes. you turned to the left, opening your eyes to look at your brothers’ motionless body, as you let newt’s screech zone you out.
suddenly, newt stopped screaming, as you looked back to face him, hoping to see your boyfriend. but, he was still unaware of his actions, letting the crank take over his mind and body. he stood up abruptly, walking behind you. taking this opportunity, you spun around standing up to see newt limping to minho and gally.
“newt?” minho quivered starring at his best mate, as gally stood beside him eyes wide at the sight infront of him.
“newt is no longer here.” your boyfriend replied, voice hoarse.
minho glanced to you, silently asking if you were okay which you nodded in return. however, you stopped nodding as you felt minho’s heart drop as his eyes travelled to thomas. “w-what?”
you have never heard so much heartbreak in a simple word before.
“oh my god.” gally whispered, as he too looked at his friend. your heart panged as you took in their reactions. you couldn’t describe the pure look of horror on their faces.
“oh him?” newt laughed, shrugging, “glad he was the first person to go.”
what happened next, occurred too quickly. and you wish you never saw it happen.
gally lifted his gun up, finger on the trigger and aimed it at newt’s leg. he was about to pull the trigger, as newt titled his head, tutting slightly, before he grabbed a gun from his back pocket, shooting it. the bullet hit gally in the head, as he fell to the ground, dying in seconds. you barely blinked, before newt moved his gun at minho, pulling the trigger back again. a deafening scream ripped through your body, as the bullet hit minho’s head. you wacthed as a tear slipped down minho’s face, as you saw all the life in your bestfriend be drained away instantly.
oh my god.
newt turned around, putting his gun to the side as he glared at you, “didn’t like them either.”
“n-no.” you shook your head, in disbelief. how have your most closet friends and family, gone from being by your side to dying in a day?
“guess you can add two more people to that list of people you’ve lost.”
the way newt spoke, made you want to scream. he sounded so calm. so empty. so emotionless.
“say it y/n. i know you want to.” newt mumbled, but you heard him clearly. you looked away, closing your eyes, wishing this was a terrible dream and that you’ll wake up in newt’s loving arms. “say it! say you hate me!”
“i-i don’t hate you. i hate the crank within you.”
he scoffed, “how many more bloody people do i have to kill for you to hate me, hm?”
“stop, j-just,” you walked towards him, “newt, i know the real you is in there, just fight it okay, just-“
you barely had time to finish before the boy you didn’t know anymore, shoved you away harshly, causing your arm to throb in pain.
“the person you so desperately loved is never coming back, y/n! so, stop crying and fight me! prove to me that all that training you and newt did, payed off.”
“why are we doing this?” you questioned, laughing slightly. your boyfriend was stood in front of you, chuckling slightly.
“because ,darling, if we meet any cranks or wckd guards, you can protect yourself and fight them off.” he replied, getting ready to dodge your punches.
you rolled your eyes, “i don’t need training though. i did plenty of exercise in the maze.”
you, newt and the rest of the gladers were currently getting ready to save minho from wckd. you were going to save him tonight. so, of course, newt being a protective boyfriend, he wanted to make sure you could fight and protect yourself. he wouldn’t know what he would do with himself if you got hurt.
“yes, well that was just running. this is fighting. come on, hit me.”
you laughed again, “love, i’m not going to hit you.”
“oh come on,” he smirked, “it won’t hurt one bit.”
you froze, “what did you just say?”
“i take that back!” he surrendered.
“oh it’s on.”
you went to bring your fist into his chest, before he grabbed it, turning you around and pulling you more towards his body. placing his hands on your waist, he spun you around while making a sound effect of a gun.
“what was that?” you asked, giggling at how silly he looked trying to make the right sound.
“just showing you, sweetheart, that you are now shot.” he smiled.
“is that your reaction, if i actually get shot-“
“no! of course not!” he assured, not even letting you finish.
he let go of you, walking back to the position he was in, “right darling, you need to cause a distraction before you attack, okay?”
you smiled, nodding as newt got ready for your actions. he expected you to point behind him or run towards him, but instead you calmly walked towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck before placing your lips on his. newt’s eyes went wide, before relaxing into your touch, soon becoming weak in your arms. you almost laughed, before you wrapped your leg around his, pushing newt to the ground, as you made a sound effect of a gun.
“now, you’re shot.”
“well,” he coughed, lying on the floor shocked, “you could say i didn’t expect that.”
“that’s the whole point of a distraction, love.” you cooed, threading your fingers through his curls, making him smile.
“just don’t use that distraction on anyone but me, alright? don’t want to see you snogging some wckd gaurd. or even a crank.” he spoke, making you laugh.
you weren’t laughing now.
“i-i don’t want to hurt you.” you whimpered, as you started walking more towards him, slowly.
“i know for a fact the newt i love is still in there, desperately trying to break free. and i know he can do it. just try and come back.” you spoke, trying not to let your voice waver with how much you were shaking. as you were walking towards him; talking, you carefully took out the serum which was in your back pocket, taking the lid off and getting ready to inject it into him, with the hope it will save him. you did this all behind you, scared that if the boy saw it, it will cause newt to turn even more into a crank.
you stopped as you were inches away from him. you wanted to cry as you took in his appearance in more detail.
“just come back to me, love.” you smiled softly, titling your head to the side.
he looked down not once meeting your gaze. “i’ve killed people you care about y/n. w-why aren’t you fighting me?”
“because i care for you too much to give up on you.”
he was still looking down at the floor, silently taking in your words. you took the opportunity, to lift your left hand ,which was clutching onto the serum, getting ready to inject it into his neck. but, newt quickly grabbed your wrist in mid flight, turning his head to meet your petrified orbs. your breath hitched, as his eyes now had hints of rage in them.
“ah ah, y/n. that’s not what i wanted at all.” he tutted, before snatching the serum out of your hand, throwing it to the ground, as a ‘no’ left your lips before watching the glass shatter into millions of pieces as the blue liquid seeped into random gaps on the concrete floor.
“when’s it going to get into your head, love? the newt you once bloody loved, is never coming back! so, come on, kill me!”
you shook your head, “y-you can’t ask me to do this.”
“i know you want to, so do it! kill me!” he roared, waking more towards you. you took a step back, still shaking your head.
he leaned in, moving his mouth near your ear. “i knew you wouldn’t be able to do it,” he whispered, chuckling slightly, “you still love me so much, don’t you? pathetic.”
you barely had any time to reply, before you gasped as excruciating pain soared through your body suddenly, nearly knocking you unconscious. blood started to splutter from your mouth, as you looked down to see a knife stabbed in your chest, with the love of your life’s steady hand wrapped around the handle. you nearly chocked as you realised it was the same knife newt used on your brother. looking up, and meeting newt’s orbs a tear fell down your cheek. a smile was plastered on his face, as you fell the ground. newt stood above you, looking down at your body.
“i-i love you.” you whispered with the last bit of breath you had, before the life in you washed away.
newt scoffed, taking the knife of your chest after a couple of minutes. he started to walk away, before he suddenly froze.
he furrowed his brows, looking down at his hands, to see a knife with blood dripping off it. who’s blood was that? looking around, his breath hitched at the sight of gally and minho on the floor. his two closet friends from the maze- dead. he saw thomas, his face pale. then, his heart dropped at the sight of you, blood leaking out of your chest onto the cold floor.
he rushed over, cradling your body as he sobbed uncontrollably. he killed you. he killed the only person in his life that made it worth living.
“y/n?! stop it! come back to me!” he sobbed, probably not making any sense but he didn’t care.
“i can’t live without you.” he whispered into your hair, as his heart panged with increasing guilt.
newt didn’t want to feel anymore. he didn’t want to feel the immense regret he felt. so, he stopped sobbing so violently, and let the crank take over. and never let his human self come back.
he stood up, almost like an animatronic, strolling away with no emotion visible, leaving behind his best friends and the love of his life, as the last city burned around him.
a/n- i think this is the darkest fic i’ve ever wrote, so i’m sorry about that :/ but, it is spooky season sooo ahah. thanks for ready :)
newt taglist-
@24kbucky @parkersbliss @sweetiesangster @marilovescevans @the-salty-asian
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You are the miracle I was hoping for
This is my entry for Thominho Week 2021, Day 1 “ Minho's first impression (Canon compliant) ”
Characters: Thomas x Minho
2129 words
Tags: Canon compliant, takes place in the first book, grey-aroace Minho (hinted)
Summary:   When Minho volunteered to be a Runner, he didn't expected to be so alone. Until everything changed.
Note:   I'm so excited for another Thominho Week! Hope you enjoy all the fics I have prepared!
You can also read it on AO3 and ff.net
When Minho first arrived in the Maze with the first bunch of teenage boys, with no memories, it had been a mess. Trying to figure everything out took a while and they lost few boys to what they decided to call Grievers. But he remembered being somehow attracted to what was beyond those walls. He wanted to know more.
When they started dividing the different jobs, Minho had jumped on the "Runner" one and was soon assigned as the Keeper of the Runners since he was the fastest and bravest one. He wanted to know what this "maze" was all about. If their theory was right and that they were sent there to solve what appeared to be a Maze with the few small exploration they made during the first days, then Minho wanted to be the one to find the solution.
So he ran. Everyday.
With time, they started figuring more things, like how the Maze had sections that changed every day. Or how The Grievers seemed to come out more at night. The young Asian was thrilled every time a new discovery was made.
Soon enough, it had been a year. A year of running every day, mapping out the Maze, eating at the Glade before sleeping. Starting all over the next day.
And after a year… there was no new discovery. They stagnated.
And after a year of running alone in the Maze… Minho realized how lonely his life had become. Beside the few times he had to train a new Runner, the Keeper spent most of his days alone, running his ass off in hope to find an escape to this hell.
He wasn't in the Glade long enough to become close to someone. He had been close to Newt, another runner, even if they still didn't spend much time together. But one day, Newt tried to kill himself and was no longer a Runner. And ever since, the blond stuck to Alby.
And Minho was lonelier than ever.
It was hard, really, being the Keeper of the Runner, having the biggest responsibility on his shoulders while also having to see everyone in the Glade having friends, or even partners, while he was alone.
He hated it. Hated it so much. He hated those who put them there. He hated loosing another Glader, like it was his own fault that he couldn't save them all. He hated that he had no one.
He was starting to lose hope. And he hated it even more. It was his job, his responsibility, he couldn't lose hope! So every time he set foot in the Maze, he wished for a miracle. Every time one of his Runner was about to give up, he took on the role of the optimistic one, giving words of encouragement, ignoring how hard it was to do so when he was also falling apart.
Another year passed. Same loneliness. Same old Maze who couldn't be solved. Same hatred for those who put them there.
Despite all this, he did his job every day. Despite losing their leader, Nick, to the Grievers few weeks ago, he still wished that things would change. Despite the routine making him sick of everything, he continued. He couldn't stop. Everyone counted on him.
Another Greenie came. The first one since Alby became the leader. Minho didn't think about it too much. Just another Newbie that he won't be able to get close too. But then, on his daily run in the Maze, he came across something he'd never seen before. A dead Griever.
Was this the sign he was hoping for? Were things starting to change?
He ran back to the Glade. He had to figure it out. This was big!
He never ran faster before. His lungs were burning, but he didn't stop. It's only once in the safety of the Glade that he allowed himself to crash down in exhaustion, finally allowing his body to escape the pain from his long sprint.
The Greenie, a brown-haired boy, a little younger than him, ran to him, asking if he was okay. Minho was momentarily distracted by the many moles covering the boy's face.
He was beautiful. So beautiful.
Perfect lips, curious amber eyes that looked golden in the sun, messy brown hair that made him look younger than he probably was… He was perfect. And it was so unsettling for Minho, all those feelings… He had never felt the need – the urge – to kiss someone else before, and this boy comes and steals Minho's breath away, not that he had any left after his run.
Alby's arrival got him out of his daydream. Quite annoyed that him for that, he commanded their leader to get him some water. He wanted to have the Greenie for himself, just for a while.
Of course, he couldn't help but be his sarcastic self. He was a bit afraid that Thomas, as the boy told him what is name was, would take offense in his sarcasm, like all other Gladers who couldn't stand him for that, but unlike them, Thomas, after seemingly understanding Minho's way of communicating, seemed to not mind it. It was a pleasant surprise. There was something about him that made him different from the others. Minho only wished he could spend more time with him.
And then, Ben was banished for attacking Thomas, saying that it was all Thomas's fault, which only was adding to Minho's suspicions about Thomas being different.
Trying to push back the thought that a Glader died once again, he went into the Maze the next day along with Alby to show him the dead Griever. No matter what, he still had a job to do.
He would never could have guessed that Alby would be dumb enough to poke the disgusting flesh of this monster with a stick. He would never could have guessed that he would have to smash their leader's head with a rock in order to carry him to safety.
After hours of walking in the Maze with Alby on his back, Minho knew time was running out. He didn't have to look at his watch to know that. After years in the Maze, it had become a second nature to just know when the doors would close.
The idea of leaving Alby there and saving himself made its way into his mind, but he pushed it back. If he couldn't save as many Gladers as he could, his job as the Keeper of the Runners meant nothing. He had to save Alby. He had to save everyone.
The finally saw the doors, but to his horror, they were closing. He knew he had no chance. He knew that if he just dropped Alby there, he could still run to the doors and save his life. But he couldn't. He couldn't give up!
So he continued his way to the Glade, Alby on his back. He saw Thomas. He saw the boy looking at him in horror as the doors were closing. Before he could yell him to stop, he saw the Greenie rushing into the Maze, as the doors closed behind him.
Minho wanted to scream, but no sounds came out. His throat was raw and he was breathless.
He was trapped. He was trapped in the Maze.
And Thomas, the dumb shank, was there too.
Minho couldn't understand why the boy would throw away his life like that. It was a death wish. The boy was suicidal, there was no other option.
But Thomas wanted to help, wanted to find a solution. Minho couldn't believe how dumb the boy was. Sure, he had arrived in the Glade not so long ago, but he was pretty sure Newt told him about the Maze and how dangerous it was.
Fear filled his whole body. He didn't want to die. He still had his goal to achieve. He still had to solve the Maze and save everyone!
He was the best Runner, he knew the Maze by heart. Maybe he would be able to escape the Grievers?
With that thought in mind, he left Thomas there with Alby. Alby was going to die anyway and if the Greenie was bright enough, he'll escape the monsters too.
So he ran. He was exhausted, but he couldn't stop. The Maze felt alive, as if it was watching him. The blood pumping into his hears couldn't stop the noise from the Maze. The Grievers were there.
He was terrified. Only the familiarity of running kept him going.
But then, he was hit with a strange feeling, making him stop in his track. Thomas had went into the Maze. He went into the Maze! He went to help him! And Minho just left him there. The boy knew nothing about the Maze, he was going to die without his help! And the thought of Thomas dying twisted Minho's stomach.
He didn't know exactly why, but Thomas couldn't die. Thomas was different. His act of stupid bravery back there was enough proof. No one in the Glade would have done the same. Everyone, himself included, would have just stayed in the safety of the Glade.
Thomas was important. Thomas could not die. With that in mind, Minho turned around and retraced his steps to where he hoped Thomas still was. His fear was pushed back, taken over by the pure determination of helping the Greenie. The only thing he allowed himself to be scared off was finding Thomas dead.
He wasn't dead when Minho finally saw him. But he was about to be killed by the four Grievers surrounding him. Minho was too late. Thomas was going to die. The Keeper wanted to scream, but his throat was squeezed shut.
But then, Minho saw something that changed everything.
Thomas sprinted towards one of the Grievers. The monster seemed surprised for a second before rushing at the boy, but before he could get him, Thomas stepped aside letting the Griever pass by him, not able to stop, before running again.
It wasn't the fact that Thomas shucking escaped a Griever. It was the fact Thomas didn't give up, even if all the odds were against him. That's what they needed.
And as Minho came up with a plan of his own after seeing the boy's stunt, as they ran together towards the cliff, as he took Thomas in his arms after they pushed the last Griever down the hole, trying is best to comfort the crying kid because of an unknown feeling in his guts told him to, as they came back to the Glade alive, as Minho took Thomas's defense during the Keepers meeting, as they became closer on their daily run in the Maze, as his feelings for the one he now considered his best friend grew… Minho knew he wouldn't be able to live without Thomas.
Because Thomas was the miracle he was hoping for.
Hope you liked it! See you tomorrow!
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the-jade-cross · 3 years
No Matter What - Chapter 7
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Chapter 7
Newt smiled as he leant back against the log and sipped on Gally his concoction. The new greenie, Thomas, had just remembered his name while in the midst of a wrestling match with Gally. Typical. Though Newt had to admit that he looked more like a Tommy than a Thomas. The boy looked up at the moon and frowned. It was nearing midnight soon. Fawn had turned in early shortly after the party had begun. Fawn wasn't much of a night owl and the way she yawned was so cute that Newt had to stop himself from offering to accompany her period he had a feeling that Gally and Minho knew what he had been thinking for they had been giving him knowing smirks all evening. Taking one more swig of the drink he set it down on the log and sauntered off toward the homestead. Winston and Alby had turned in a while ago so no one would tease him further “following Fawn to bed”. When he approached the hammocks, he sought Chuck and Alby leaning over Fawn's hammock and at first, he thought nothing of it until he heard the distress sound of sobs ... Fawn.
“ Alby,” Newt said urgently as he hurried over.
The two boys turned at the sound of Newt’s voice with worried expressions. Chuck sighed in relief at the sight of the boy.
“Newt,” Alby returned, “ she's having a bloody nightmare and she won't wake up. We've tried everything short of hitting her!”
Newt pushed past the two boys and looked down at Fawn. Her head was tossing back and forth, her brow crinkled in a frown and the pained moans and whimpers or enough to make Newt tear up. Newt chewed his lip. How could he wake her from her own personal hell without hurting the girl? reaching down he cradled the girl's face in his hands and held her tossing head still, smoothing her red curls back with his fingers and shushing her gently while cooing at her .
“Fawn, sweetheart. It's alright. It's just a nightmare darling. I know it hurts and it's scary, but you need to wake up OK? Can you do that for me? Yeah? Come on... wake up baby... ” he cooed.
The girl stopped moving and her heavy breathing evened out until it looked like she was sleeping soundly... then her eyes cracked open and the first sign of tears in her big orbs made Newt’s heart clench.
“Newt? Is that you?” she whispered, reaching out to grip the hands that so gently cradled her cheeks, the tears Pooling in her eyes.
Newt nodded , “yeah. It's me baby.”
Taking that as a hint, Alby and Chuck departed to their own hammocks leaving Newt and Fawn alone. Newt move should sit down in Fawn's hammock .
“ do you want to talk about it?” he whispered
Fawn nodded and reached out for Newt. Her hands finding his waist, she pulled until he was lying beside her, face to face and legs tangled together. Newt made to move out but when Fawn nuzzled her face into his shirt, he lost all resolved too. Wrapping his arms around her he buried his face in her hair.
“what was it about? Closed quote he asked.
“I saw them...” the girl whispered . “my parents... they were shot ... And... The boy... The one I drew earlier ... I saw people in white dragging him away from me... he was crying and screaming, and I wanted to scream and run to him, but I was frozen... I couldn't move... and I couldn't scream ...  I could just watch and... my heart felt empty when I woke ... Like I had lost him... and I woke to you calling me baby and... the pain all went away. ”
Newt had long since forgotten how to breathe. So, he and Fawn had known each other before the glade! They must have been close if they had been torn apart against their will ... wicked. This was there doing! Newt snapped out of his thoughts when Fawn’s arms wrapped around his waist and clutched him close.
“was it part of my dream Newt? You calling my name and ...”
Newt smiled. “calling you baby? No. That was gonna dream sweetheart.”
He planted a kiss on her temple before holding her close. “I will stay with you until you fall asleep OK?”
Fawn tilted her head up and stared at him. “and after?”
The pleading look in her eyes told Newt what she was asking but he felt that if he remained beside her all night, he wouldn't be able to help himself or he wouldn't sleep a wink. But this wasn't the time to think on that . She was sad and in pain. She needed him. Nodding Newt pulled her closer and covered them with the blanket.
“I will stay here as long as you want me to.” he whispered in her ear.
Content and satisfied Fawn smiled and closed her eyes. Drifting off to sleep period surprisingly Newt followed shortly afterwards drifting into the most dream filled sleep he had ever had period he saw fields... far fields as vast as the eye could see, covered in the greenest grass he had seen, full of trees of all colors... Reds, oranges, yellows, greens, Blues, pinks and whites. Other than the blossoms on the crops in the glade Newt had never seen a white blossoming tree and he found himself approaching it , only to see that the white petals were raining down on the grass like snow in spring . Newt felt himself involuntarily come to a stop beneath the large white tree and then he found himself staring at two children who sat beneath it unaware of his presence. They couldn't have been more than three years old, both with heads full of curly hair. The little girl was without a doubt fan. She had the same big eyes... pert little nose and kissable lips. She sat cross legged in the grass with white petals in her hair in a pale pink dress that came down to her knees revealing her bare feet. The little boy was obviously nuked. The boy had not seen a definite reflection of himself ever since he entered the glade, but the Brown eyes, quirky smirk and long limbs were definitely his . The girl was making the little boy a flower Crown out of the petals that fell around them when they both lifted their eyes and spied Newt staring at them. The boy just caught sight of the two children smiling at him when darkness overtook the dream, and the boy was snapped awake. He was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling of the homestead with Fawn lying on top of him, their legs tangled and Newt’s arms around the girl. The boy smiled and nuzzled his nose in her hair before thinking back on the dream he had encountered of him and fallen as children.
There is just one thing he had failed to notice. While the girl did have the curly hair of fan and her features, the little girl in his dream was not a redhead ... but a brunette and the little boy’s wavy hair that was so much like Newt’s ... was fire red.
Fawn crept out of the slaughterhouse cautiously. She could hear the loud screams and yells of the boys but since almost all 50 of them seemed to be talking and yelling at the same time, she couldn't tell their voices apart. She waited right where she was with Drake seated at her feet, his fur bristled in concern. Fawn knew that with her blind state, she would only get in the way of whatever was happening. Suddenly she heard something akin to a head meeting something metal and the noise lessened before the sound of voices faded away gradually. The girl heard footfalls approach her but couldn't tell who it was until the familiar sound of newt’s walking went straight past her ... with heavy footfalls . She sensed a presence in front of her and Thomas's voice caught her attention.
“Fawn. Ben has been stung... What will they do to him?” He asked, worry evident in his voice.
Fawn's heart fell. She hadn't encountered any of the boys who had been stung but she knew what happened to them if they were. They were banished into the maids overnight period there was no known cure for 'staying and it was safest for everyone else who was not stung and it was merciful to the one boy who was in pain and suffering. She turned her head to where Newt had walked past her period
“ Newt is upset isn't he?” she asked.
Thomas nodded but Fawn heard his feet shift in an anxious fashion. “that was why I was concerned... Newt doesn't seem like the type of guy to get upset over a little matter... unless it's huge.”
Fawn bit her lip and quickly departed from Thomas to find out where Newt had run off to . When she found him, her heart broke. He was in one of the private corner rooms of the homestead that was used as a bedroom for those who were sick or needed a break from the hammocks which could sometimes hurt your back if you slept in the hammock all the time. From where it sounded like his soft muffled sobs were coming from, Fawn guessed that he was seated in the corner on the floor. She felt her way to him before she slid down into a seated fashion at his side. She reached out blindly and found that he was hugging his knees to his chest and resting his chin on his knees. She tried to wipe his tears but ended up stroking his hair instead.
“ you know what I'm going to have to do tomorrow don't you? He whispered.
Fawn nodded in agreement before huddling closer as a comfort.
“ you know how I got my limp?” he asked, causing Fawn to freeze in her ministrations, “I tried to kill myself. I climbed as high as I could up the wall and jumped. Fate though chose to not kill me and Alby found me later period when I have fully recovered I had a limp that I would bear forever and Alby swore to not tell any other soul as long as I did not try to kill myself again.”
Fawn sighed. He had been carrying that weight with him all this time? No one should have to carry such a burden like that all by themselves.
“and now... Ben... a guy who did not wish death upon himself will die tomorrow in the maze and there is nothing I can do about it ... except push him towards it...”
From the way he kept breathing deeply, Fawn knew that he was trying to hold the tears back. Reaching out, she found his face and cupped his cheeks in her hands before turning his face to look at her period trusting her face maneuvers more than her hands, she kissed his eyelids and found them damp with unshed tears .
“ crying does not mean that you are not a man Newt. Crying is something only brave men do because they do not fear emotion.” she whispered.
As she bent to press a sweet kiss to his lips, she could feel him tremble and soon the tears we're pouring forth . Newt gasped and sobbed helplessly in the caring arms of Fawn. The girl wrapped her arms around the boy's shoulders and clutched him close to her period the boy gripped at her tank top that she wore and allowed the gentle soothing whispers and strokes from Fawn to calm his senses and soon the tears had ebbed away giving light to a deep emotional exhaustion and he went limp in her arms. He faintly recalled feeling the girl moved so that his head lay in her lap as she continued to stroke his hair while coming softly. Darkness overtook him and for the first time, Newt cried himself to sleep period
Meanwhile a very mournful Minho stood in the doorway of the room, on observed by the girl since her back was to him but he had been watching the whole time . Sneaking away as quietly as humanly possible in order to not alarm Fawn who had begun to doze off in the uncomfortable position on the floor, he left the homestead and hurried to the box where Alby stood silently thinking to himself.  
“ any changes?” the runner asked of his peer and leader.
Alby shook his head, “unless a miracle happens overnight, he will be entering the maze the moment you get back. I'll run with you tomorrow since all the other runners are horrified at the moment.”
Minho nodded, “what you had said to me when we first found Fawn in the box... about Fawn’s being here can be both a blessing and a curse did you mean by that?”
Alby sighed and crossed his arms, turning to Minho . “ Fawn and Newt were destined for each other period even before we knew that the two were connected in the past, the moment the two of them met I knew that Newt would not be the same guy he has been for the past few years period”
Minho nodded thoughtfully in agreement.“ I know what you mean. I never thought I would see Newt show any emotion except stoic but over the past two months he's been happy, angry, sad, brooding and heck even jealous!”
Alby smiled but it never reached his sad eyes.
Minho frowned and kicked the dirt like a nervous little kid. “and the curse part?”
“ if Newt has any plans of not giving Fawn up to another guy then he needs to grow some balls and stick a claim to her period several of the other boys have begun to look at Fawn like lovesick lads home from the war. Being only boys here for one to three years does things to a guy and when a lass as bonny as Fawn turns up all innocent and not spoken for, it is like fresh meat coming to the slaughter. Knowing Newt if another guy took the leap and made a move on Fawn, he would not hesitate from beating the guy into a pulp and we cannot have that. Her single status could be the end of us without us even seeing it coming.”
Minho raised his eyebrows in surprise, having not expected those words to leave Alby his lips but now that he thought about it that guy's reasoning made perfect sense and he could totally envision the scenario that Alby had mentioned.
“maybe you shouldn't tell him tonight. He already visited hell twice today. First when he had to wallop Ben over the head with a shovel and again when he realized what he would be helping us do in the morning.” Minho suggested calmly and gently.
Alby nodded, “perhaps you are right. it has been a strenuous afternoon on all of us and the last thing we should do is rub salt on the opened wound. But the moment that oozing stops we need to break it to him.”
Minho cringed at Alby's choice of words, “ meaning...”
Alby turned and began to walk away but stopped to Pat the runner on the back, “meaning, Minho, that after Ben is banished, you will have the great honor of telling Newt to bloody ask the girl to be his already. ”
Alby had barely gone when Minho looked to the heavens and groaned out at the moon that had  begun to rise.
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kellyashcroft · 4 years
Waiting Till Dawn
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Summary: Thomas, Minho and Alby are trapped in the maze over night and Y/N is worried they might not make it back
Prompt: “(Name)?” - “Yeah?” - “I’m gonna kiss you now.” - “Okay.”
Pairings: Thomas x Y/N
Warnings: feelings of panic, fear of loss? I think angst? I don’t know
Author’s note: this is my first ever go of writing anything except for a ghost story when I was 10 so please be kind thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! Bold writing is a thought and bold and italic writing is a flashback. Congratulations Ellie on reaching 1k followers ️@stiles-o-dylan24
Silence. The whole night, all I could hear was deafening silence in between the screeching of the grievers. Painful silence. None of us could sleep, not me, not the other sixty boys I was sent here with, each one of us too terrified to even cry.
I can’t believe he would be so stupid. Now I’d lose them both.
Things were changing, that much was clear. First Ben was stung in the middle of the day, then Alby, there was no way he’d make it back and as much as I liked him, as much as I respected him, I knew we’d be okay. We had Newt. Minho was a different story. He was our biggest hope, our best runner, the strongest of all of us and my best friend.
Gasping for breath I feel around myself only feeling metal grates and no matter how hard I try, I can’t find a way out! I can’t see. I don’t know my name. Why don’t I know my name?
Suddenly I come to a stop that makes me fall to the floor and I’m blinded by a bright light. I look up waiting for my eyes to adjust and see boys, only boys, maybe 50 or more staring down at me. I’m terrified.
“Rise and shine greenie” one of the boys says to me as he jumps into the cage I’m in. He seems to stop himself and hesitate, seeming as startled as I am that I’m the only girl here, that I’m here at all. He clasps his hands together and motions his head towards the top of the box silently telling me he’s going to help me out. Slowly I walk over to him and put my foot in his hands and another boy helps me out from the top. He has blonde hair and he smiles at me.
“Okay, show’s over, everyone get back to work” he calls to the other boys and there’s a groan of protest but they listen. Half a second later he calls again “and no one touches her!
“Hey, I’m Newt, I know this is scary, but it’s happened to all of us, do you remember anything? Your name?”
“N-no, I don’t, why am I here?”
“Hey” he reaches out to touch my arm gently, “it’s okay, it’ll come back to you, you’re safe”
The boy Newt just called out to as he walks through, what I’ve learned to be a maze with 30 feet walls, walks over “New greenie huh?”
“Yeah, thought I’d introduce you, this is, well, she doesn’t know yet, but you know what that’s like. I know I don’t need to tell you this, but tell the other runners, no one goes near her yeah?”
“Sure, I’ll let them know, nice to meet you greenie”
“Hey! Hey!”
I turn to find Minho running up to me as I try and sit slightly away from the bonfire, avoiding the wrestling ring as I try to make sense of anything that’s happened today.
“You not really in the party mood?”
I stay silent, looking up at him but not sure what to say.
“Yeah I get that” he continues, “mind if I sit?”
I can’t help but think back over all my memories of how I came to call Minho my best friend, my brother and before I know it there’s a wetness on my face and I’m crying, no noise escapes me but I can’t stop the waterfall of tears coming from out of my eyes.
And then Thomas, that boy, he comes up in the box three days ago, gets into a fight, asks more questions than any of us have answers for, never shuts up, honestly I find him kind of annoying and yet, I can’t breathe at the thought that he won’t come back alive. I denied it of course, but the second I saw his face in the box I knew I was done for. He looked up, terrified and the second his eyes locked with mine, I knew I’d follow him anywhere.
Whispers had started to break out now, boys I didn’t really know talking about how waiting up all night was a waste of time, they’d never come back and I’ve never wanted to hit someone so bad. They noticed me listening and looked sorry, but I knew there was a good chance they were right.
Hours passed, the stars had started to fade and the sun had started to rise as the doors to the maze opened.
I could feel my heart beat a mile a minute in my chest and what was probably only thirty seconds felt like forever. Almost everyone had walked away and then I saw them. All of them, Alby, Thomas and Minho and I wanted so badly to run to them but I know the rules and too many have already been broken. All I could think about was how much I didn’t know whether I wanted to hug them or hit them both more.
I could see they were exhausted, struggling towards the doors as they carried Alby, covered in blood that I hoped, somehow, wasn’t theirs. As they approached the doors, it all just came tumbling out of my mouth before I could even stop it to ask if they were okay.
“What the hell were you thinking?” I yell at Thomas as he approaches me “have you completely lost your mind? What, you think you can just throw the rules to the wind? Do you know how lucky you are to be alive? How are you even alive? And you? Minho, what, what, what the hell? Are you both crazy? I was terrified that I’d never see you again and”
“I’m gonna kiss you now”
I pause for half a second before the word tumbled out of my mouth “Okay”
Thomas’ lips crashed into mine as one of his hands found my waist and the other found the back of my neck. He pulled my body in as close to his as he could as my hands slid around his face.
I could hear hoots and hollers all around us but I didn’t care because he was here and I was here and they were alive and that’s all that mattered.
When we finally pulled apart, I noticed Alby had gone, I assume to the medjack hut and Minho was standing with Newt, both slightly shaking their heads at us but with smiles on their faces.
“Hey Y/N, you know I made it back too right?” Minho joked “I’m okay, by the way”
I shook my head at him as I moved away from Thomas and ran into Minho’s arms for a hug I didn’t know how much I needed, “never do that again, you hear me?”
“Got it. He saved my life you know, Alby’s too, and he killed one, you were right, he’s gonna get us out” Minho whispered in my ear and I couldn’t stop the shock and pride on my face at what he said, Thomas, my Thomas, only been here three days and he might save us all.
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gallymagines · 6 years
Make Me Remember - Gally x Reader Part 12
Word Count: 5.1K
Warnings: Cuteness (but like for real none)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Ben’s POV:
Waking up I wonder to myself if everything went well last night. I hope it did because I don’t know how much longer the rest of the gladers and I can put up with ticking time bomb Gally. Leaving my resting spot by the gardens I make my way over to the homestead for breakfast. I usually go wake up Gally for breakfast, although it’s not like he's a heavy sleeper. Heading into the sleeping area I hope that he’s feeling better. When I look around the room he’s not there. He’s not in his bed, he’s not even walking around. Where could he have gone? Shrugging my shoulders I leave the sleeping area and go into the kitchen to grab some food.  When I enter I see Gally sitting at our table. Please be in a good mood, please be in a good mood, please be in a good mood. I finally make it to the table to sit down and he monotonously says,
“I’ll get our plates.”
As he gets up and heads over to get breakfast I see that Y/N walked into the kitchen. I watch as she makes her way over to get food. She turns her head to give me a wave but as she does that she bumps right into Gally. You can hear people suck in their breath as they wait for Gally to explode. Please...don’t.
“Oh, sorry Gally!” Y/N apologizes
Gally looks at her intensely. Oh no...It didn’t go well. I hold my breath hoping for the yelling to be over as quick as it comes. Instead of yelling though I hear laughter,
“Don’t worry about it!” Gally cheerfully replies “Hungry?”
Y/N nods her head yes and they walk together to get their food. The whole kitchen lets out their breaths and I relax a bit. I guess things did go well! Once the realization that he wouldn’t explode at Y/N sets in, a general feeling of confusion washes over the kitchen. How could he be so carefree when just yesterday he had been yelling at anyone who barely grazed him? I know how. Gladers watch as they walk up to the cooks to get their food together smiling and talking when only a day before they couldn’t even look at each other. Eric gets up from the table the other builders sit at and approaches me. Leaning down next to me he asks,
“What’s up with Gally? Is he like, not going to kill us today?”
“Uh, I’m not sure what’s up with him, to tell you the truth,” I say
I lied. 
Maybe it wasn’t quite obvious to everyone else yet, but Gally and Y/N definitely have something. I’m not sure what it is yet, but it’s something alright. Eric leaves to go back to his table and the pair make their way over here. Gally hands me my plate before sitting down next to Y/N to eat.
“Well, I’m glad to see the two of you are best friends again.” I comment “I don’t know how much longer we would’ve survived if you guys didn’t make-up. I mean Gally probably would’ve started killing people by day seven.”
“Oh no, I missed out on sacrifices in my name?” Y/N says sarcastically “Gally we can’t be friends anymore.”
“What! No!” I exaggeratedly cry out 
“Stop it, you’re scaring him.” Gally jokes giving Y/N a little shove
They share a glance and a laugh. It’s nice to see Gally happy. After the chaos of the last couple of days, I’m happy to know he’s not going to have an explosion of anger every 5 minutes. It’s also good that now something brings him happiness other than kicking the klunk out of gladers. The three of us enjoy our breakfast together but before long it’s time to go to work. We all get up and exit the kitchen. Y/N gives us one last goodbye, well gives Gally one last goodbye, before heading to the gardens. He watches her walk away before we head to the project we’ve been working on. As we walk towards the other builders I say,
“So I see everything went according to plan last night.”
“Yeah, thanks for letting me know you shank.” He remarks
“Oh, If I had let you in on what was happening you never would’ve gone!” I exclaim
“You’re right, you’re right.” He says putting his hands up
“I’m just glad you two are best friends again,” I comment
“Why did you say best friends like that?”
“Like what?” I ask “I don’t know what you mean.”
I did know what he meant.
“Nevermind.” He replies waving it off
When we finally get to the rest of the builders they look worried about what’s in store for today. With all of them wide-eyed, Gally says,
“We’ve made some good progress but let’s get to work.”
Things are getting better in the glade. I can sense it.
Newt’s POV:
I had been working a lot more closely with Y/N in the gardens and though it had only been a couple of days I noticed a drastic shift in her demeanor. Ever since she and Gally started hanging out at meals again the light in her eyes not only came back but it grew brighter each day. It was nice, and a welcome turn around compared to what it was 6 days ago. As we worked side by side picking vegetables I noticed her eyes wander from the beds of plants in front of her towards where the homestead is. I’ve noticed that she does this all the time now, especially when it gets closer to dinner. At first, I thought it was because she was just hungry or tired but I realized the pattern quickly. Once the dinner bell calls Gally leaves the builders to pick her up from the gardens and they head to dinner together.
“Not too much longer love,” I say to her
“Huh?” She questions
“The dinner bell. I’ve noticed that you get awfully anxious for it every day.” I reply
“I don’t know what you mean.” She states with a tone that says ‘I do know but I refuse to admit it’
“Mhmm sure,” I remark
Y/N turns back to her work and putting vegetables in her basket. She picked a lot today. After working a bit longer the dinner bell rings. Y/N’s head snaps so fast toward the direction of the homestead that I thought it might fly right off. And just like clockwork, I could see a group of gladers head to the kitchen for dinner and one of them start walking toward the gardens. Y/N and I stand up and grab our baskets. I easily pick mine up but Y/N has some trouble lifting hers. I think she may have picked too many vegetables today. As I continue to watch her try to lift the basket, a voice behind us says,
“Here I got it.”
It’s Gally, of course.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that!” Y/N tries to convince him
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” He replies
I observe their interaction. She watches as he bends over to pick up the basket, her eyes following his every movement. When he stands up straight his posture is tall and his shoulders a squared back. Gally also holds the vegetable basket in such a way that it makes his arm muscles strain and flex. I can’t tell if he did it on purpose or not but I see that Y/N notices. It was a blink and you’ll miss moment, but for a quick second her eyes leave from looking at him and go towards his upper arms. Before he can notice though she looks back at him and nudges him playfully towards the homestead. Slowly, I trail behind them continuing to watch them like some sort of scientist. I’ve honestly started to fancy observing them. I’ve never seen interactions like theirs before. At least from my experience in the glade and from what I can remember. They’re...different. As we all entered the kitchen we dropped off the baskets of vegetables and I continued my “study”. I quickly grabbed a plate and sat down at a table that was near their regular one. I watched as together they grabbed their dinner for the night, Gally grabbing his first but waiting until Y/N had hers to even consider walking. They walked almost shoulder to shoulder to the table and sat on the same side. I leaned in more to make sure I could see every little detail because this was just so intriguing to me. Just then Minho approaches and asks,
“What are you doing?”
“Shhhh...” I say waving him down
Minho sits down next to me but not before replying,
“I don’t know why you’re waving me to like duck down or something. We are in an open space, filled with people. You know that right?”
“Yes, now bloody slim it,” I command
He rolls his eyes and starts to munch down on his meal as I go back to work. I see the two specimens laughing together. As Gally starts to calm down Y/N continues to laugh. She reaches out and grabs Gally’s upper arm and with that, he immediately assumes a more strong posture again. Chest forward, shoulder back, chin up. I take note of the fact that the shank is definitely trying to make himself look bigger. What I didn’t expect to take note of was the emotion in their eyes as they looked at each other. It was gentle, genuine and full of something else that I couldn’t quite place. A bit of hair falls in front of Y/N’s eyes and without hesitation as if the movement was already ingrained into his brain, Gally reaches up and pushes the strand behind her ear. Her eyes widen a bit before she quickly turns her head away. A smile graces her lips and a light pink tint appears on her cheeks. Quietly she says,
“Thank you, Captain,” 
“You’re welcome Princess,” He replies gently
Captain? Princess? What a discovery. I didn’t even think we were at the nickname level. What else is there to learn? Pulling myself out of my thoughts I go back to the two subjects of mine. Y/N is still faced away but Gally’s eyes are locked on her. There’s a light smile on his face. And then there’s that emotion in his eyes again but I think I know what it is. Adoration. The rest of the dinner goes just as any other would. Dinner is finished, plates are given to the sloppers to clean and people start heading to where they sleep. From the homestead I see Gally walk to drop Y/N off at her hut. Their hands at their sides gently brushing against each other as they walk. When they arrive at her space they turn to look at each other and I assume they say goodnight. They watch each other for a while before Y/N turns into her room and closes the door. Gally throws his hands in his pockets and rolls back and forth on his feet before making his way back over here. I decide that I watched them enough for tonight and head into the sleeping area of the homestead before Gally can see me. When I get to my bed I see Minho standing there with his arms crossed and brows furrowed. 
“What have you been doing? Lately, all I see is you constantly looking towards Y/N’s direction. Do you have a crush on her or something?” He asks
“No, no! She’s lovely and all but I only have platonic feelings for her.” I reply
“Mhmm, so why do you keep looking her way?” He questions further
I see Gally walk into the room and I reply to Minho.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
Minho’s POV:
Ever since the moment Newt explained to me why he was constantly watching Y/N, I couldn’t stop watching either. He was right when he said that if you weren’t really looking you would never really see, but that was 7 days ago. Now you didn’t have to look too hard to see the way Y/N and Gally interacted with each other. It was unlike the way they treated or acted with others in the glade. Whenever they were allowed to be together they were inseparable. They were always the first people to show up for breakfast and dinner and the last people to leave. They literally only spend time apart because Alby’s rule says they have to. That wasn’t the worst part though. Gally has become super protective of Y/N when it comes to simple interactions with other gladers. Like insanely protective and he’s practically insane, to begin with. No matter who she’s talking to, they either get a death stare from across the glade, a yelling in person or if it’s close to meal time he’ll come up to the conversation and physically put himself in between the two. If you asked me, I’d say it’s some kind of jealousy issue. I was determined to prove I was right though. Walking over to where they sit for breakfast I slide myself across from Y/N next to Ben. They all give me quizzical looks but I ignore them and go on. 
“Good morning Y/N, you’re looking beautiful today.” I compliment
“I look like this every day.” She replies
“That’s the point. You’re always beautiful, at least to me.” I say with a wink
“Did you get stung by a griever or something? You’re a bit too cheerful this morning for my liking.” She retorts, disgust in her tone
“Nope. Not stung, just absolutely floored by your beauty!” I cheerfully state
“Uh huh.” She says rolling her eyes
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Gally start to inch closer to her. I decide to go on. 
“You know what Y/N?” I ask
“What.” She deadpans
“There are just so many things to admire about you other than your immense beauty.” I start “You’re kind and sweet, and tough, and you have those beautiful eyes.”
“My eyes are a physical feature. You said other than my beauty and yet you still can’t follow through.” She quips
“I’m just so forgetful because of how much you brighten up the glade. You brighten up my life and it makes me forget what I’m saying.” I try to come back
It doesn’t really matter how I may have messed up though because I’m getting results. Gally is practically by her side at this point and glaring bullets into my head. I know I need to do just a little more. I say,
“Y/N I think we should start hanging out more often like this. You know, just you and me and nobody else.”
“Well-” Y/N starts but is cut off
“Who shucking cares what you think Minho?! Nobody! That’s who!” Gally starts to yell
Others in the kitchen look this way and as Gally continues he wraps an arm around Y/N’s shoulders.
“If you couldn’t tell she’s doesn’t like you, she’s never liked you, and she’s never going to like you so slim it and back off her!” Gally finishes yelling
I was right. Not needing anything more, I get up and remark,
“Guess that’s my cue to leave.”
“Your cue was 5 responses ago.” Y/N retorts
As I’m about to leave I try to approach Y/N to apologize but before I can get any closer Gally stands up, puts himself between me and her, and crosses his arms. With his eyebrows angrily furrowed and a look that could kill on his face, I walk away before he actually does kill me. At least I have my answer. He’s jealous as all hell. I give my plate to the sloppers and head out of the kitchen ready to run.
After dinner, I decided to stay outside and just look up at the sky for a bit longer while everyone went to bed. I got bored of it after a while though and when that happened I finally started my walk to my bed in the homestead. As I get closer though I see a figure leave and make their way towards the deadheads. When I get inside the sleeping area I see that there is only one empty bed. Gally’s. I don’t know what he’s doing but my first instinct is to get others to go and follow him with me. I wake up Newt and Alby and instruct them to wait at the homestead until I get Ben from where he sleeps by the gardens. Once the four of us are together we all head towards the deadheads to see why he’s leaving in the middle of the night.
Gally’s POV:
Leaving the homestead I can’t help but think to myself about what happened today with Minho. He wasn't just trying to be near her. No, he was flirting with her. Flirting! He can’t do that. I won’t let him. I mean all he is, is trouble. He doesn’t even know Y/N, let alone care about her.  I mean what if he’s flirting with her to make her feel good before knocking her down and telling her she’s not? What if he’s being a slinthead out to play with her feelings and hurt her? What if all he wants to do is to make her feel like klunk? I can't let that happen. I won’t let that happen. She’s my best friend, she’s my princess, and it is MY job to make sure she is safe and doesn’t get hurt. Ben is the only other glader that I trust enough to be around her. I know he’s not going to hurt her and anyway he already told me he doesn't feel that way about her so he’s not a threat. Not that like other gladers are threats it’s just like I don’t trust their intentions with her. She’s a kind and caring person and I’d destroy the whole damn glade if some shank every upset her or made her feel bad. I mean I practically started to wreck the glade when I made her feel bad. I just really care about her and I’m not going to let anyone hurt her. As I continue walking I can spot the lantern light at the center opening in the deadheads. She’s already there. When I finally get to the clearing I see her sitting in her white dress looking at the stars. The light of the moon making her face glow. I approach her and she moves her eyes from the sky to me. She pats the ground next to her and I sit down. Turning her attention back to the stars, she asks me,
“What was all of that about with Minho today?”
“Nothing. I was just keeping him in his place.” I reply factually
More like keeping it in his pants...
“Okay, it’s just that you’ve been getting a bit irritated with some of the other gladers lately. I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about anything.” She mentions
“No, I’m fine,” I say
“You’re not stressed or anything?” she pries
I am stressed. I’m stressed about these other gladers doing anything to hurt her, but I’m also stressed about the complete opposite. What if one of them makes her so happy that she leaves me. We were best friends before the glade and we are again now. I’m stressed that I could lose my best friend again, but this time I’d remember it. I don’t want that to happen...
“I am stressed,” I say nodding my head yes
“I have a solution,” she starts
“Dance with me,” I say, finishing my statement
“What?” He asks
“A couple days ago when I was getting really stressed in the gardens, I had a memory and remembered that dancing helped me not worry so much. Maybe it’ll help you too.” I state
“You didn’t tell me you remembered something.” He comments “Did you get in trouble for stopping your work?”
“It didn’t seem relevant to bring it up and no I played it off like I was confused about how to harvest carrots. You’re avoiding what I’m saying though,” I reply
I stand up and extend a hand down towards him as he rolls his eyes. Slowly he grabs my hand and gets up after me. He shifts nervously while biting his lip.
“Well, how can we dance if there’s no music?” He protests looking away from me
“Like this,” I reply
I wrap my left arm around his neck and my right arm around his back. He doesn’t move at first but gently he wraps his right arm around my waist but uses his left to grab my arm from his back. Slowly, his hand slides from my forearm to my hand as he softly intertwines his fingers with mine. We stand still under the light of the moon for a second before we start to gently sway back and forth. I can feel as Gally relaxes. He lets his shoulders fall and lets his posture become less frigid. Closing my eyes I rest my head against him. As I listen to the sound of his heartbeat with one ear and feel a shock by the other. I have a good guess of what just happened but I keep my eyes shut a bit longer. I still feel my head resting though. Maybe the device didn’t go off. I carefully open my eyes and see a barely lit room full of pipes and cleaning supplies. I guess it did. My head looks around a bit and sees many people, some I recognize and some I don’t. Over in a corner to my right are younger looking versions Newt and Minho. My head looks to the left and I see a dark-haired boy and girl dancing with each other. I don’t recognize them though. My head then moves back forward and looks up. I’d know those green eyes anywhere. Gally. Somehow it’s a surprise and not a surprise to me that we’ve danced before. There’s a pink flush on this younger Gally’s cheeks as he looks down to me and asks,
“So uh...you don’t mind dancing like...well like this with me do you?”
“Do I mind slow dancing with you? Of course not! I’d rather dance with you then one of those clowns.” I reply, my head gesturing to the corner
“Oh...oh that’s good. I like dancing with you too.” He says
Gally looks towards the corner of guys and makes eye contact with Newt. Newt gives him some kind of nod and Gally slowly turns his attention back to me.
“Uh hey...princess?” He asks softly
“Yeah, Captain Gally?” My voice says cheerfully
My eyes stay focused on him as we dance while he avoids my gaze for a bit. He lets out a breath before making some direct eye contact with me. He opens his mouth and then says,
“So you know how like we're really close and are best friends...?” 
“Yeah,” My voice says
“And you know how when people go into the maze they don’t like remember stuff...?” He continues
“Yeah...” I answer
“Well, I uh...I have to tell you something before neither of us can remember. I uh...I-” He starts
Before I can hear the rest of his words though I’m pulled out of my memory. I’m brought back to the glade and hear yelling.
Newt’s POV:
Groggily I follow Minho towards the deadheads. I have no clue why he forced me to get up in the middle of the night. What is so bloody important that he has to show us right now.
“Minho, I’m not on the council why do you need me?” Ben sleepily asks
“Because this pertains to Gally and you are his friend so you’re coming along,” Minho replies firmly
I yawn dragging my feet behind Minho and the others. As we get to the Deadheads, Minho turns to us and says,
“We have to be quiet, so no talking beyond this point.”
“It’s only Gally. Can’t you just talk to him tomorrow? I mean maybe he’s going for a walk, he doesn’t sleep well. I don’t see a need for us to follow him Minho. I think we should all just leave it alone and go back to sleep.” Ben tries to convince him
“Why are you so against it Ben? This is your friend we’re talking about.” Minho questions
“There’s...there’s no reason to be against it. I’m not against it...I just think it’s uh...wrong to unexpectedly ambush someone y’know?” Ben shakily retorts
“Well if you’re not against it, then slim it. We’re heading in.” Minho commands
Ben fidgets a bit and bites his lips looking all around but I don’t know why. Slowly and quietly we all enter the deadheads and walk further and further in. There’s a light at the center that gets brighter the closer and closer we get. Once we get close enough, the sight I see snaps me out of my sleepy haze. It’s Gally and Y/N, and they’re slow dancing together. Her eyes are closed and he seems happy. Truly happy. From behind trees we all watch them dance but before long Minho jumps out and yells,
“I told you! I knew he wouldn’t come in here for nothing!”
“What the shuck is going on?!” Gally yells
The rest of us step out and Y/N jolts up looking towards Gally.
“What’s going on?” She asks furrowing her eyebrows in confusion
Gally uses his left hand to pull her back next to him in what seems to be a protective manner. I didn’t notice it until now, but his hand isn’t just holding hers, it’s intertwined with hers. I smile a bit to myself as Gally angrily glares at Minho.
“I asked what the shuck is going on so you better start explaining!” Gally commands
The rest of us step out from behind trees and the faces on both Y/N and Gally are filled with a mix of confusion and anger. Y/N turns her attention towards Ben and exclaims,
“Ben! Why didn’t you stop them!?”
“I tried! It’s hard to say don’t go in there without actually revealing the reason why!” He explains
“Is anyone going to answer my question?!” Gally yells at us
“Well, Minho saw you walking into the deadheads in the middle of the night and decided to wake us up to see what was going on because he had some suspicions.” Alby answers “So we’re here. Now can you explain to me what is going on because I’m pretty sure my rule was breakfast, dinner, bonfires only.”
“Alby, it’s not Gally’s fault. I kept telling him to meet me in the woods. He’s my best friend and I felt that breakfast and dinner was enough time so I thought if we met here once everyone is asleep it would be okay. Please don’t punish him for breaking the rule just because I missed him too much.” Y/N explains
“Is this true Gally?” Alby asks
Gally looks towards Y/N and their eyes lock. It’s like they’re having a conversation with no words. His eyes filled with concern and hers filled with pleading as if he didn’t want to say it’s true but she was begging him too. He turns his head away and closes his eyes for a brief moment before responding.
“Yes, it’s true...” he reluctantly says
“Well then, Y/N tomorrow you will spend your morning in the slammer until the greenie arrives. Is there anything else we should do Newt?” Alby comments
“We should reverse the rule,” I say 
“Really? Why do you say that?” Alby asks
“Many gladers have come up to me to tell me that it’s better if they’re together because then their emotions are more stable. Also, they’re going to keep seeing each other outside of their restricted time no matter what. We might as well rescind it so the Slammer isn’t taken up every day because they just want to see each other.” I explain
“Well, then after your time in the Slammer tomorrow Y/N the ruling will be rescinded,” Alby says
Gally and Y/N look towards the four of us and then towards each other. Within that look, I made a new observation. The emotion in their eyes isn’t adoration. It’s love. I don’t think either of them knows it nor realizes it, but it’s love. When the gaze breaks and their attention is back on us, Minho says,
“I’m assuming we’re done here so I’m going to bed. My work is done.”
The others all shake their heads and we head back to our respected places to sleep for the night.
Waking up and heading out of the sleeping area I could see groups of gladers huddled and talking amongst each other and I had a good idea about what it was. Word spreads fast in the glade so by the time breakfast rolled around almost everyone had heard about what happened in the deadheads last night. They heard about the rule-breaking, the rule reversal and everything in between. But that wasn’t the biggest revelation of the day. For a while, everyone knew that Gally and Y/N were close but there was still some idea that maybe someone else could be with her romantically. At this point, though I think everyone in the glade has a general unsaid understanding that Gally is Y/N’s guy and Y/N’s is Gally’s...well gal. Nobody could ever separate them and I think by this point nobody will try to. They're the only two in the glade who can’t see it but they’re in love. Nobody is going to tell them that though, that’s something they’ll have to figure out themselves. I finish my musings and my breakfast early and make my way over to the box. A new greenie arrives today.
???’s POV: 
Waking up I didn’t know where I was. I was in some kind of box slowly moving upwards. It was practically dark with flashes of light that rushed by. Frightened I move towards the corner. The box starts to move upwards faster and faster. Banging on the top of it I yell,
As the box approaches a solid ceiling I collapse to the floor. It stopped. Above me, there is a red glow and a loud blaring noise. The light quickly turns green before disappearing altogether. The ceiling then opens to reveal a bright light and once my eyes focus I see people gathered around the opening above me. Two people open the grate above my head and a guy with green eyes jumps down to where I am. He says,
“Day one greenie. Rise and shine.”
A/N: Hey everyone! Finally got this done and not gonna lie I am so proud of it. Fun Fact: While I was doing my last read through Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help Falling In Love came on my Spotify and it felt like the world fell into place. Tell me what you think, I love feedback and talking about the plot. Thanks for reading! <3
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lukesreggie · 6 years
What do you think their first snow in paradise is like? (feel free to pretend Newt and Teresa are still around bc I know I do)
I hope you’re tucked in real nice and cozy!!!! this is more than four pages of notes!!!!! Lol.  Enjoy!!!!! I DID
This kind of went from first now in safe haven to skii lodge/winter cabin/Christmas AU lolllll anyways, [strums guitar] here’s snowy safe haven
When he first lays his eyes on the falling snow, Newt’s stomach swirls uncomfortably. An inexplicable dread washes over him. Thomas notices his sudden furrowed brows, taking Newt’s hand in his. “hey, you okay?” “…yeah.”
With his hand in Thomas’, Newt’s eyes would travel across the grounds, gravitating towards Sonya, who was sitting next to Harriet with the same confusion plastered on her face. Only to find, that she was already looking at him.
They both felt their chests tightening, fingers closing around their hearts like a vice. Sonya looked away. Newt…couldn’t. He didn’t know why, but when he looked at Sonya, he felt an urge to protectively wrap his arms around her and never let go.
Newt could see blurred faces. He could see white snowflakes floating, sinking, in the air through a small window. He could hear muffled voices, but no words could be distinguished.
Teresa would start a snowball fight, pelting Newt in the face and bringing him out of his daze.
She hit Thomas next while the two were trying to locate her, and soon a full on snowball fight was initiated.
Sonya and Harriet were using each other’s bodies for cover, giggling as they tried to throw their bodies in front of each other
Minho would THROW himself in front of Brenda with a dramatic “I’ll protect you!!” and she’d grab a handful of snow and shove it down the back of his shirt. 
They’d end up chasing each other across the beach that was now covered in a white blanket, throwing handfuls of snow at each other and not bothering to roll it into balls
 Chuck would make snow angels with Thomas and Teresa while Newt just stands beside them watching with a smile on his face.
Gally, Beth and Ben would help Chuck make igloos and snow forts with other kids
Minho would tease him about it and call him the safe haven Dad
Gally would shove him into a big pile of snow and walk away, but he’d be hiding a tiny smile because he secretly likes that title 
Frypan would make everyone hot chocolate
Thomas would spill his cup everywhere and Chuck would make a joke about how it looks like he klunked
Newt and Minho would l a u g h at the face Thomas made when he fell face first into the snow as he ran away from Teresa who was chasing him with a bunch of snowballs gathered in her arms
 “Looks like nothing’s changed, eh, Tommy?”
Alby would make snow people with the safe haven kids, stealing carrots from fry’s kitchen 
Fry doesn’t mind, he loves seeing how happy everyone is in this moment
Zart decorates his cactus with tinsel and one single bauble 
Zart pelts EVERYONE with snowballs, especially Gally. Zart has no fears. He is the last man standing. 
Newt wants no part in the snowball fight so he hides in one of the igloos Alby made (with Chuck’s help) until Thomas, Minho and Brenda find him and flush him out by throwing snowballs at him. Thomas and Minho let out a weird war cry.
 Thomas and Rachel sneak attack Aris, dumping heaps of snow on his head
Aris and Rachel find mistletoe
Aris reaches up to touch it and Rachel smacks his hand away – “NO touching the mistletoe. Leave it there.” “But I wanna.” She distracts him by kissing him under it instead.
Minho tricks Brenda into standing beneath the mistletoe. He tries to kiss her but she dodges it and he ends up kissing Gally.
Beth just bursts out laughing
That kiss was Gally’s Bi Awakening (because NO ONE IN TMR IS STRAIGHT DO NOT FIGHT ME ON THIS)
Gally sees the finished product of the igloo Beth was building with some kids: “that’s a…strong igloo.” “…it’s solid water that can melt from heat.”
Frypan watches them a few feet away like “hell no. i’m not dealing with you too.”
The ocean has frozen over because of the cold
Ice skating!!!
Sonya and Harriet are the best skaters, doing figure eights and other fancy moves while wearing matching mittens
Newt is SO UNCOORDINATED and Thomas tried to be a Good Boyfriend but forgets how clumsy he is and the two are falling all over the place
Thomas is crap at skating, but good enough to support Newt on the ice, who can’t be on his own because his leg doesn’t allow him. They just muddle around together closer to shore, laughing and in their own little world while Brenda laps them at speed
Brenda and Teresa hold hands and spin together
Frypan secretly teaches Newt to stake in the middle of the night. One morning at sunrise, Newt surprises Thomas.
Newt still isn’t great, but Thomas is so Proud of him and just kisses him when they’re a little further out from shore. They both fall and Thomas just sits there gazing at Newt lovingly and tearing up like wow
Jeff furiously curses the weather because he has to keep patching people up after they repeatedly get hammered by teresa’s snowballs, and because Newt and Thomas keep falling on the ice.
“How did you even get out there? Your leg–” “Just see if you can reach me without falling over, Tommy.” “Even with a gimp leg your boyfriend is better than you, Thomas!” “Minho, I will cut you with my skates.”
Brenda normalizes Newt’s leg injury on the ice and in any other activity because she knows how frustrating constant pity and concern is: “Come on, slow poke. Hustle a little!”
Zart brings his cactus on the ice and surprises everyone with how skilled he is at skating
Aris decided to eat a berry from the mistletoe plant he had found with Rachel earlier and now Jeff and Clint have to deal with that too
Jorge is Brenda’s personal cheerleader on the ice “esa es mi chica!” (’that’s my girl!” and calls her his hija (”daughter”) and mi corazón ALLLL the time [wow Jorge is the only dad i will ever accept as a Dad – AND VINCE. jfc]
After a day in the snow, everyone heads inside for the evening and cuddles up by the open fire that Gally and Alby built. They sit/sleep on whatever they have at their disposal from the times Jorge and Vince went scavenging for materials; their hammocks, rugs, maybe a few sleeping bags and worn mattresses
Frypan made hot chocolate for everyone
Thomas’ sleeping bag catches fire
Thominewt run outside and throw it in the snow. 
Newt makes Thomas sleep with him in his sleeping bag despite the very tight fit. “Newt there’s not enough room” ”Don’t be a twat about it, Tommy. Come on.” Newt gives him that same knowing innocent smile (LIKE THAT DAMN SMILE IN TDC WHEN HE WAS LIKE “lol you have no choice twat, we’re coming with you.”) while he sits in his sleeping bag in his pyjamas. Thomas slips in beside him and rests his head on Newt’s chest and they cuddle and aH
Gally spikes the hot chocolate
Newt drunkenly flirts with Thomas “guess we gotta share now, Tommy,”
Gally threw Minho’s right skate into the bonfire earlier
Minho calculated his moves carefully while trying to find it, growing annoyed at Gally and his stupid pranks
Ben saw Gally do it but didn’t say anything and just watched Minho slowly lose his mind over one missing skate
Minho started chasing Gally around with his left skate until Teresa pulled the safe haven Mom card and put them both in separate corners
Later that same evening when they went to light the bonfire, Frypan noticed something in it and tried to hide a laugh. “Min– are you still missing something?” “Gally – where is that shuckfaced Shank– I’m going to kill him.” “Minho no, wait! Someone stop him!”
Newtmas cuddling to stay warm
Snowflakes in Newt’s fluffy hair
Newt catches snowflakes on his tongue and Thomas just smiles at him
Rachel and Minho roll their eyes at everyone’s shenanigans and go get extra blankets
 Brenda and Jorge are both impartial to the cold
But Brenda tries to hide how much she is freezing
Rachel is used to the cold, but Aris isn’t. He gets cold easily.
Newt wears mittens
Thomas makes fun of him all the time, but when Chuckie (safe haven dog) accidentally bites a finger off of his glove, Newt give him his mitten and Thomas tries to hide how much he loves it but Newt stays silent and just gives him a knowing smirk
Sonya and Harriet don’t have gloves so they put their hands in each other’s pockets
Minho and Teresa hanging up mistletoe ALL OVER THE PLACE just to get everyone to kiss
Thomas and Newt give Chuckie one of Minho’s boots and tell him to hide it
Newt kisses Thomas under every single mistletoe
Newt drags Thomas under every single one, just so he can kiss Thomas repeatedly 
“Newt, come on i’m hungry” “There are only 7 more, Tommy, come on" 
Frypan is cracking up in the background. he keeps moving them so they LOOK like they’re new
Thomas is just rolling his eyes but he highkey loves it
Newt on skiis is WORSE than skates oh my GOD
Thomas on skiis is a recipe for disaster. He cannot control himself and in one go he takes out Minho, Brenda and Teresa 
Brenda and Harriet race down the slopes on their boards
Vince joins in after little persuasion from the two girls and Jorge
Jorge stands by, cheering his girls on and does not hide the impressed look on his face when he sees how skilled Vince is at snowboarding
Sonya and Minho are waiting at the bottom with hot chocolate and proud kisses
Minho totally snowboards like a pro. Someone gets whacked over the head with a ski. Someone mistakenly ends up on the DEATH LEVEL slope and four people end up wrapped around a tree
Gally sneaks off to the bunny slopes when no one is looking
Alby’s already there like “YOU TOO???”
Thomas and Newt share a ski lift
Thomas drops his hat. It smacks Gally in the face on a run down the slope 
Thomas kisses Newt and Minho from behind is all like “GET A ROOM!” Newt flips him off and doesn’t stop kissing him
Sonya and Harriet share a sled 
Being snowed in with a dwindling supply of food 
Game room in the lodge where Minho owns everyone at the dance games
Frypan finds two tennis rackets and says he’ll brave the wilderness to find rations
Christmas pyjamas
Sonya and Harriet wear matching onesies 
Brenda wears flannel. 
Sonya, Harriet, Aris and Rachel wear matching onesies with Aris’ fluffy boots
Christmas Morning - they can’t get Brenda to wake up. She sleeps like the dead. After 5 phone calls, 3 people knocking and 2 screaming her name, Gally climbs through her window from the outside ledge between their rooms. He shakes her awake. She punches him in the face.
She didn’t mean to - she’s saying that all morning. It was reflex. 
Gally’s black eye doesn’t believe her
Minho following Gally in through the window: “well consider me both scared and aroused.”
Sonya offers to add eyeshadow to the other eye to make it match. Harriet spits her drink out laughing
Gally threatens to lock them both out on the balcony
Sonya and Harriet share a look and shrug. They’re not mad about it. They go out there anyway
Newt and Thomas keep sneaking to the kitchen to steal gingerbread cookies. “NOT BEFORE DINNER!“ But Frypan sneaks Newt two of them that he made that are holding hands
Teresa helps Chuck rip his presents open and they throw the shreds of  wrapping paper at each other
Jorge takes a LOT of photos of everyone together
Jorge and Vince help Frypan prepare food – the two learn from him. 
Frypan has a soft spot for Brenda so he lets her have as many cookies as she wants, which she then splits in half and gives to Teresa
Teresa often supervises to make sure nothing chaotic goes on in the kitchen – Jorge and Vince try to tell her she doesn’t need to but she always counters with the time Gally almost cut Jorge’s finger off while subbing for Vince. Everyone vowed never to let Gally make food again after that.
Newt teases Thomas into wearing a matching christmas sweater with him: “You love ugly christmas sweaters, don’t you babe?” Thomas just grumbles. “Alright, fine, i look better than you would in it anyway.”
Later when Thomas comes down for Christmas dinner, he is wearing the sweater to match Newt’s, and Newt just melts. “So I do look better in it.” “Shut up,” Thomas tugs Newt over by his shirt collar and kisses him.
ALRIGHTTT that’s all I got so far, I may add more if I think of any! 
Huge thanks to my tmr fam for helping with this. 
Sorry it took so long (almost 3 months wow)!!! I hope you like these. 
Tagging: @glader-of-wicked @your-local-geek @newthomally @thomasnewts @comebacknow @seaselkie @demented-russian-empress-of-hell @harveylovesmike @museelo @abyssith
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
The One Where Minho Lost Everything || A Maze Runner One Shot
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Minho sat by the rock, just like he did everyday. The sun would rise and set around him but he would just sit there, starring at the monument in front of him. Until Brenda would get him, when it was time to sleep. Sometimes it would be Gally. Occasionally Frypan, but his friends hated to see him like this. They tried to make him feel better and be there for him, but the more time passed, Minho could practically feel them give up.
Around him safe haven was starting to look more and more like a village, Minho knew he should be up and helping them build this new start of their lives. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Vince and Jorge tried to get him to help, but they too quickly realized that he had no motivation left. They thought he would feel better after a couple of days but it had been weeks. Sometimes even looking at the stone monument in front of him would be too exhausting and he would fall asleep and sleep until Brenda would get him on her way back to the sleeping base, where he would sleep some more. He can’t remember the last conversation he had. He probably only gave one word answers anyway. He wondered if his voice would actually come out if he tried to talk, or if it’d just be a hoarse rasp in the back of his throat. He hadn't felt hunger since they arrived, but he made sure to catch at least one of the daily meals to not cause more worry than he already has.
He felt bad seeing their sad glances and not being able to do anything to make them happy, or for his own happiness. As cheesy as it sounded, there was a hole in his heart and he didn’t know what to do about it. He lost his best friends. Both of them. A warm tear slipped down his cheek and lingered at the corner of his mouth, making him taste the saltiness of the small droplet. His eyes lingered at the two names engraved in stone. If you looked close enough you could see how Minho’s handwriting transitioned into Fry’s halfway through his name. Minho’s whole body was shaking to the point where Fry had to finished the job for him before also engraving the other boy’s’ name next to it. He didn’t understand how he ever was supposed to get over this.
Slowly he rose to his feet, feeling a bit lightheaded. Everyday he woke with one thought in his mind, ‘I don‘t deserve to be here, not without them.‘ The things he would do, the sacrifices he would give for his two best friends to see this place. He took shaky steps towards the rock and slowly traced their names.
“I’m sorry guys.” Putting his forehead against the rock softly, he could feel how cold it was, how calm. He closed his eyes and stood there, blocking everything out. The waves crashing on the beach became mute as he thought back to the fateful day he would finally see his best friends again, before losing them for good.
In his thoughts he was running through the last city, on his way to Brenda for Newt’s serum. The pain from being tortured and having done basically no physical exercise over the six months he was a prisoner was pulsing from head to toe, but he just pushed it aside. The shoes he put on, after stealing them from on of the guards Gally took out, were at least 3 sizes to big, but he just kept on running. Gally... he still didn’t understand how it was possible he was running after him, he put a spear through his chest for gods sake! When he first saw the Glader he was sure this must be another simulation of WCKD, because there is no way he is still alive, but why would WCKD put Gally in the simulation and not someone he had a closer connection with? Like Ben? He couldn’t think about that now. The intercom came on and he thought he heard Teresa’s voice, but the airship was in sight on top of the stairs so he pushed himself up there not caring about his surroundings.
���Brenda!” The girl turned around shocked to only see two instead of four people looking back at her. “Where is the serum?” And with that they took off. Brenda was incredibly fast, even if Minho was in his best shape he was sure he wouldn’t be able to keep up with her. She was determined to get this capsule of serum to Thomas and Newt in time. Minho was following behind her, feeling the energy run out of his body. Gally and Frypan were close behind him, the gap between the boys and the girl becoming bigger and bigger. As long as she arrived in time, that’s all that mattered. There was an explosion going off close to the group of teenagers making the boys duck behind a car while Brenda just kept on running, maneuvering her body through people.
The next time they caught up with her it was next to a dead body. That body was Minho’s longest friend. No one said a thing as Minho sank to his knees, all energy left in his body leaving instantly, bursting into tears next to Newt’s frame. Fry kneeled by his head while Gally stood in shock next to a crying Brenda. Minho didn’t know how much time has passed before he heard Gally ask where Thomas had gone to.
“I don’t know, he took the gun.” Brenda started to say between sobs. “I thought he was gonna shoot himself, I tried to calm him down but no words came out, I was just so shocked. And then he just... took off.”
“We have to find him and get out of here.” Minho felt a hand on his shoulder. “Minho cmon we have to get back to the berg.” He looked up at Gally, both boys’ eyes displayed nothing but utter devastation over their mutual friend’s death. Minho knew they had to leave, but he couldn’t just leave Newt here. He took a shaky breath before putting his arms softly under the blonde’s neck and legs before carefully lifting the limb body. Every inch of his body was screaming in pain but he stood up on shaky legs and started walking back to the berg, an emotionless look on his tear stained face.
As they reached the stairs he collapsed under the weight of the body and the pain his body was radiating. Gally, who, just like the others, hasn’t said a word since they started their journey back to Vince and Jorge, stepped forward, wanting to help, but Minho just shouted “No!” with a raspy voice and pulled the body closer, pushing himself to his feet with a scream of agony and up the stairs, huffing with every step. Gally, Fry and Brenda walked behind Minho cautiously, to be able to catch the trembling boy’s body incase he would collapse again.
On top of the stairs Gally walked over to Vince and Jorge talking in hushed tones as they all host worried glances over to Minho as he carried the body into the aircraft and gently put it down, closing the eyelids while a tear slipped down his cheek. Brenda stood next to him, gently squeezing his shoulder. Soon enough the airship lifted off the ground and they started their search for the last glader. Minho zoned out, thinking about first meeting Newt in the glade, thinking about the day he found his body in the maze after he tried to kill himself by jumping off the walls of their prison. He noticec his surroundings again when Brenda and Fry where shouting that they had spotted Thomas. Minho scrambled to his feet and to the rear of the berg where he could see Teresa struggling to keep up Thomas’ injured body. Vince reached out, as the buildings around them collapsed and exploded, trying to grab the boy and heave him onto the aircraft but no luck.
“Closer!” Minho heard someone shout just before the building next to the WCKD headquarters collapsed straight into the building Thomas and Teresa were on. Minho locked eyes with Thomas just to see the floor collapse and Thomas fall. Around him everyone was screaming, but he focused purely on his face. Everything seemed to go in slow motion before he heard people scream his name. Then it went black.
A tear slipped past his closed eyes as the reality came back to him. He heard the waves crash on the beach and he felt the cold stone against his skin. They deserved to see this, they were the ones fighting for this after all. When Minho woke up they were already on the ship, on their way to safe haven. Gally told him that bringing Newt would’ve been too much of a risk for another flare outbreak here so they had to leave him behind. Minho sunk to his knees, a raspy sob escaping past his lips. I‘m sorry.
Thank you guys for reading this one! And thank you for being patient with us through out writers block. Let me know what you think of this and what you would like to read next. Requests are very welcome!
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runningthe-maze · 7 years
Jelly Part 3
Gally x Reader
Warnings: Arguing, Crying, getting ignored/ignoring (?), fighting
A/N: Here’s the third part! Only one more after this ;) Sorry it’s a little slow
masterlist   part 1   part 2  part 4
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At dinner, you couldn't seem to find Gally. He usually sat with you, Minho, Ben, and Newt. If not you, he'd surely be with the builders but he wasn't there either. You dragged Minho, Ben and Newt along in search of your favorite builder. You finally found him in the corner of the kitchen area, sitting against a log. "Hey!" You smiled, sitting next to him. "We couldn't find you. I was beginning to think that you were avoiding us." He just grunted in response, staring into his plate. "Finally, we can eat,” Newt joked as he sat down beside you. ‘What did you all do today?" He asked, stuffing a steamed carrot into his mouth. Minho rambled on about running, and you chimed in every now and then along with Ben, but Gally didn't say a word. You placed your hand on his knee, turning to him. "Are you alright?" You asked. He nodded, keeping his mouth shut but shaking your hand off of him. You sighed and continued with the conversation. After another few minutes of Gally not saying a word, you rested your head on his shoulder. He tensed, and pulled away. "Gally what's going on?" You asked. The other boys stopped talking, and watched Gally. "Nothing." Gally grunted, standing. You copied his movements and grabbed his wrist just as he began to walk away. "Wait." You sighed. He wrenched out of your grip and stormed off. "What’s wrong with Gally?" You asked the boys. They all shrugged. That's how it was for the next few days, Gally didn't speak to you. He went out of his way to avoid you and it really worried you. Had you done something wrong? You didn't know what was going on. After running, you decided to confront Minho about it, to see if he knew the cause. "Minho?" You called, walking into the map room. "Hey, shebean." He smiled at you. He cracked a joke at you but seemed genuinely taken back when you didn't laugh. You just looked up at him with sad eyes. "You okay?" He asked. You just shrugged. "What's going on?" "It's just Gally. He's been ignoring me for a few days and I don't know why. Has he said anything to you? I don't know what I did." You sat down and pouted. "He didn't say anything to me. I'm sure he's just having a rough couple of days. Probably in one of his moods again." Minho told you. "But he's been like this for a week now, and it's not like he's just a little bitter and stuff, he's completely avoiding me. I just don't know what I did to make him hate me." "He doesn't hate you." Minho sighed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "I hope not." You said.
After the two of you finished mapping, you went to your hammock in the homestead for some privacy. Minho went straight to the builders area after your little talk. He didn't like seeing his best friend upset, especially over someone like Gally. "What the hell, man?" Minho stomped up to Gally and crossed his arms over his chest. "Excuse me?" Gally glared, setting his hammer down. "What did you do to y/n?! Why are you avoiding her?" Minho asked. Gally scoffed and returned to his work. "I asked you a question, Gally. She's very upset because you’ve been avoiding her. Why are you doing this?" "Get away from me." Gally snapped. Minho's blood began to boil. There was absolutely no reason for Gally to act this way, it wasn't normal even for his usual bitter temper. A few of the nearby Builders stopped working, staying alert just in case a fight broke out. "I know you like to think that you can be a douche and get away with it. But you don't get to do that now, not when you're hurting y/n. I won't let you. She hasn't done anything wrong." Gally scoffed again, finishing his work. He got up only to shove past Minho. Minho shoved Gally back, making the boy lose his balance and almost fall. Gally clenched his fist and charged at Minho, only to be held back by two builders. "What's wrong with you, Gally?! She hasn't done anything wrong. Y/n has only ever been helpful and this is how you treat her? Why?! Please explain to me what caused this sudden change in your mood? Are you jealous or something?" Gally stayed silent, trying to free himself from the boys grips. You heard the commotion from the homestead, and you decided to follow the noise, finding your two best friends arguing. "What's going on?" You heart Alby call out. "Nothing, Alby. Gally and I were just having a discussion." Minho sighed. Gally's eyes shot daggers into the Runner. He broke free from the boy's grip, walking over to Minho silently. Everyone watched, including you, as the builder clenched his fist. He glared and raised his fist, in an attempt to punch Minho in the face. Minho was quick to dodge the punch, shoving Gally and allowing his fist to connect with Gally's jaw. 
You rushed to diffuse the situation. "Stop it!" You shouted, jumping in between the two just as Gally raised his hand again. He stopped in mid air just before his hand hit you. You didn't even flinch, knowing Gally would never hurt you. 
Gally and Minho were suddenly yanked back by other gladers. "That is enough!" Alby shouted. "I don't want to see any more fights, got it? You have one warning. Next time, it'll be the slammer for a week." Alby snapped. Gally and Minho nodded. Alby sighed angrily and walked away. Soon, the boys in the surrounding area left one by one until you were left with Gally and Minho. You looked at the both of them with sad eyes. "Why were you fighting?" You asked. Neither of them said anything. You just sighed and walked away. 
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ohwcnderful-blog · 7 years
a list of voltron AU’s i haven’t seen yet
MAZE RUNNER AU — lance arrives to the maze and is confused, only remembers his name. he meets the leader of the gladers ( paladins. ) shiro, and his second in command, keith. he also meets hunk - who runs the maze with pidge. allura comes up in the box two days later. lance — thomas shiro — alby keith — newt ( fuck my maze hoe heart. ) hunk — minho pidge — winston (?) allura — teresa ( im a huge klance shipper and newtmas shipper and i’m going to cry because i read the books and etc. newts my baby i’m so emo i’m about to cry. ) HAVANA AU lance is a hopeless romantic who watches telenovellas with his abuela. his sister allura is outgoing and tells him that if he ever is going to meet the love of his life, he’s going to have to but the remote down. lance later goes to the movies and is disappointed by the main characters choice to leave their lover and persue their happiness. he yells at the screen and leaves — he accidentally runs into keith and they fall on each other ( this literally only makes sense if you watched the music video. ) PAPER TOWNS AU shiro is missing and keith is determined to find him! kieth — Quinten Pidge — Radar lance — Ben allura — lacey hunk — angela shiro — margo STRANGER THINGS AU ( surprised i haven’t seen this. ) you all should know the plot. shiro — mike allura — eleven keith — lucas lance — dustin pidge — will hunk — max (?) IT AU ( surprised 2x ) shiro goes missing and keith knows something is up - so does the rest of this friends and they find out a clown is terrorizing derry keith — bill shiro — georgie lance — richie pidge — stan hunk — ben pidge — eddie allura — beverly lotor — mike FALSE ALARM AU only makes sense if you watched the false alarm music video by the weeknd ( also this can go for any ship - klance, shallura, shance, sheith, etc. ) PARKS AND RECS AU lance is very outgoing and loves the government, however, the people around him are not as helpful but lance is determined to make his local government a better place ( idk this is the best that i could explain it. ) lance — leslie allura — anne lotor — ron hunk — tom pidge — april keith — ben coran — chris + more parks and recs characters SHAMELESS AU shiro is a drunk and (excuse my french.) a shit father, and allura has to take care of her six siblings all by herself shiro — frank allura — fiona keith — lip pidge — ian lance — carl shay — debbie hunk — ian ROLLER SKATE AU keith gets a summer job at a roller rink, the year is 1973, and he has a crush on loverboy lance, who is a regular costumer and always dresses in shorts, cute shirts and knee high socks. DOMESTIC SPIDEYPOOL (?) i got this idea some time ago where wade is fixing a lightbulb and he fails and the lightbulb falls in peters cereal and wade freaks the fuck out and peter calms him down and they buy a lamp. just picture klance or shieth GIVE ME CREDIT IF YOU DECIDE TO DO ONE OF THESE! i don’t do this for my health. also if you have seen these then send them to me!
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smittyryker · 7 years
Temporary Bliss (Gally)
Not requested. Enjoy!
Warm tears slipped down your cheeks - It was just another night that broke down the little bits of sanity you had.
Ben stood stonily on the other side of the Watchtower. He cracked a small grin, inching his way towards you. You looked at him desperately, needing him to make you feel okay after he ripped you to shreds, but he didn’t oblige.
“You’re beautiful when you cry,” Ben whispered as he finally stood close to your shaking body, pressing his index finger to your bottom lip and tracing it along your chin. “And you do it so often,” he cooed in a tone full of menace.
More sobs came up your throat and you tried your hardest to supress them. It only made Ben smile faintly. “My Y/N, why do you cry so much?” He was well aware the pain was caused by him, and he loved every bit of it.
Anger bubbled inside you, knowing Ben was the only reason you ever laid in bed at night with hot, salty water dripping out of your eyes - the only reason your throat closed in sadness when he treated you awfully.
“If you won’t get some sleep, I will,” Ben said as he cupped your face, only to let go a few seconds later. “Have a night.”
You didn’t watch him climb down the ladder. You didn’t have to. You knew he left you to let dejection envelope you, and it didn’t bother him one bit. He enjoyed this game of his.
You hated him for it, but more-so hated yourself for the fact that you still had feelings for the miserable boy.
Silence overtook you, only the slight clicking of the Grievers in the Maze able to break it, only for a few short moments.
You flopped over and pulled your knees to your chest, shoving you face into the boniness to assure you wouldn’t wake anyone.
Despite your loud and disoriented breathing, no one heard you, like a small part of you wished they would. You dreamed that someone would save you from your toxic relationship, but help didn’t come.
Squeezing your eyes shut to astain from more tears making their way down your soggy shirt’s collar, you gasped for relief and found none.
Somehow, you eventually willed yourself to a deep and aching sleep.
The next day, you were shaken awake. Mentally preparing yourself for your soon-to-be endurance of emotional tortue, you opened your eyes, as an escape from your harrowing dreams.
But your eyes were met with a concerned-looking Glader, concern never being worn on Ben’s face.
For a split second, you figured it was him, since it was so early that it was dark out. Ben rose out of bed then. But it wasn’t Ben. Of course it wasn’t; you figured he wouldn’t bother bidding you a goodbye before entering into the Maze.
It was Gally kneeled beside you.
“What are you doing out here?” He asked sternly, but his eyes told a different story, especially once he pushed hair out of your face and noticed your puffy, bloodshot eyes.
All stringment detached from his expression in the single instance.
“You’ve been crying?” he attempted to ask, but it sounded more as a statement than a question.
“It’s Ben,” you whispered so quietly you almost couldn’t hear your voice utter the words. Nor were you the type to ever mention your torment, but once you found someone who seemed to care, even for a secon, your secret slipped. And you were relieved to have finally said something, anything. “He does this to me.”
Gally looked more furious than you had ever seen him, cracking his knuckles one by one with his hands stuck stiffly by his sides.
“I hate him,” he let out slightly above a whisper.
Little did you know, it killed Gally to see you being treated the way you were.
“Y/N, why are you with that guy?” He whispered hastily. He then repetitively shook his head as his thoughts clouded with images of you crying by yourself; or worse, Ben being by your side and playing you like a fiddle.
“You deserve someone who won’t put you through this shit. I don’t know how you can’t see that.” His voice falthered slightly when another tear dripped down to your cheek.
“I can.” You winced after you said the words. “But it isn’t easy to leave.” You were already on the verge of tears, holding your trembling body with your arms.
“Oh, Y/N,” Gally breathed, pulling you into his hard chest, but not so hard that it didn’t feel warm and inviting against your own.
You hadn’t gotten a hug like that since Ben fell out of his short-term love with you.
Still, your knees shook under his embrace. “Don’t let him have so much power over you,” Gally whispered in a raspy tone, his hands slowly roaming your back and waist. “You. Don’t. Deserve. It,” he spoke, pressing kisses in the shell of your ear in between words.
It sent Y/N to the stars in back for an unexplained reason. Maybe it was because of the new attention that she had never received so sweetly. Maybe it was because of how lonely she had been. Or maybe, it were simply because of Gally— though she didn’t know which.
You didn’t know how long Gally held you, but presumed it was a good amount.
Your bodies were warm once he pulled away from the hug.
“Come down with me,” Gally offered, more-so pleaded, holding out his hand for you to take. You obliged to him, climbing down the ladder and walking abnormally close to Gally’s side. Ben was in the Maze. Him and his harsh tedium were away for now.
You winced as you noticed Ben run out of the Maze, but like usual, he didn’t spare a glance at you as he disappeared into the Map Room. It left a dull ache in your stomach that you tried to will away.
No one was allowed in the Map Room but the Runners. It was made clear anytime you had ever went to see Ben in there.
“I hate him,” Gally muttered again, more roughly this time, after burning a hole through Ben’s eyes when he saw him. His face was flushed with pure anger.
To you, it was that, anyway.
To him, it was pure anger and envy.
Gally took off.
He took off sprinting vigorously towards the Map Room, ignoring your calls for him to come back. You knew Gally was strong, but so was Ben.
Plus, Gally could take him, but didn’t want to begin thinking about what Ben could emotionally put yourself through.
Gally might as well have had smoke coming out of his ears as a result of his vexation.
“What’s your problem?” Minho asked, and as he turned to the others, he questioned, ”Who kicked the bear?” It wasn’t very smart.
Gally was holding onto his last bits of resistance, but the line sent him over the edge. He ran to Ben in a swift motion and grabbed his shirt, throwing him across a table with countless amounts of paper.
“Shuck you!” Gally yelled at him as he threw a punch that left Ben with his jaw painfully agape.
The other Runners finally pried Gally off the miserable boy, Gally shouting obscenities. “I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you!”
“Why are you lashing out? What the shuck are you ON?” Minho asked in ill humor.
Gally’s face was red in fury as he stared down Ben. “You treat Y/N like klunk. You don’t deserve her, you shucking slinthead!“ Something watery then brimmed Gally’s eyes, tears or something else— the other’s couldn’t tell. He went for the door, turning and giving Ben one last, nasty glare. If looks could kill.
“I could treat her ten times better. And I will, whether you like it or not.”
Y/N was waiting for him nearby, a nervous break about to erupt inside her. “What happened?” She asked, scared and unsure.
Gally didn’t respond. He didn’t say anything to her until night came.
Y/N was eating by herself, shoving small bits of lettuce into her mouth. Her appetite had gone, just like her faith in happiness.
Eventually, she finished up her meal and went to hit the sack, wishing that Ben had stayed in the Medjack hut. Y/N didn’t have to have talked to Gally to know what had happened, in short. She knew Ben got ripped to shreds.
An hand reached out to grab her around the elbow. She flinched away before she recognized the beholder.
Gally didn’t speak, he only nodded his head to the left, began walking, and you followed behind. He brought you back to the Watchtower.
“Why are you taking me here?” It was a valid question; the night before with Ben was one you didn’t want to remember with a visual tool.
“I don’t have my own hut,” he shrugged and climbed up to the top. Sighing, you gave in and sat beside him once you returned.
“Sorry if I’ve been crazy,” Gally said in a steady, low voice, his gaze focused on anything but you. “I just always’ve had a thing for you.”
The words didn’t completely suprise you after the actions he displayed earlier, but it managed to leave a small part of you dumbfounded. Mostly at yourself. Gally wasn’t one for hiding his thoughts, no matter how vulgar or full of passion, so why now?
“A thing,” you repeated, a stupid grin ruining your pretend-skepticism. Gally shook his head.
“I mean it.”
“I know you do,” you replied, your shaky hand reaching for his.
Neither of you spoke as the minutes passed by silently.
“You’re beautiful all the time,” Gally whispered. You heard him perfectly clear in the stillness of the night, but looked up quizzically at him.
“Ben used to brag about the things he did to you to the others. I heard it. Made me sick, but I didn’t want to bring anything up if you were happy. And you’re not, so I did.”
Your look changed to express more reassurance, and Gally kept talking.
“I’m just saying - you’re not only beautiful when you cry.”
A sad smile spread across your face; you felt it. “Thank you,” you said in a state of temporary bliss.
You sat with Gally for another hour before falling asleep with your head on his lap. He scrutinized your peaceful features as you slept.
No bad dreams overtook you. With you in Gally’s arms and Gally in your heart, you could finally be set free.
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dontbethatshank · 7 years
Teach Me How To Listen (pt. 2)
Imagine: High School AU short-series - Newt pairing
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Friday. December 5th. Game Night.
It was nearing 7 pm and all of you and your friends were heading out to a soccer game. Teresa muttered something about her cousin playing and Gally mentioned having a good friend on the team. So here you all were - sitting in the bleachers, nachos, sandwiches, and in your case the world’s largest cup of coffee in hand. It was chilly, but not too terrible you thought. Teresa brought a handful of blankets, everyone sitting on them and curling into them. You wore the varsity jacket that the strange boy gave to you. The patch on the left arm was one belonging to the soccer team, so you knew he would be here tonight. You hoped to spot him and give it back, although you were now realizing you never brought a second jacket because you were the most intelligent person to ever go to Heights High.
“Welcome to the Glade, everyone! I’m your announcer and everyone’s favorite register at nutrition, Siggy! Tonight is a home game between our own Heights High Gladers and WCKD High Cranks. The game starts in only four minutes, so grab your snacks, curl up in your jackets, and get ready,” Siggy, or how everyone else knew him as Frypan, exclaimed. Frypan was a happy, joyous boy - he picked up a job in the cafeteria Freshman year, and he soon became one of the most popular registers during break time and nutrition, mostly because he also sold his own baked goods to students if they bought something from his cart.  You sat quietly, sipping at the coffee in between your hands, glancing to the side to see Minho’s arm curled around Teresa as she laughed and put the end of a sour straw into his mouth, laughing even louder as he slurped it up like a pasta noodle.
Shaking your head you smiled at them. Looking up above you slightly you saw Gally who was seated with a girl you had never met before. But after hearing bits of their conversation you knew that her name was Sonya and that she came to cheer on her brother who would be playing tonight. Gally seemed content on sharing his nachos with the girl as they chatted aimlessly, and you smiled at them too, happy Gally was smiling and talking nicely instead of grumbling or complaining at the usual. But quickly the game launched into action, and your eyes strained from the top of the bleachers to find the blonde haired boy on the field, trying to pinpoint him. But there were a handful of tall, lean blondes and you could barely see any other features besides hair and the baggy shirts over their torsos.
Oh well, you thought, I’ll have to try to find him after. And with that, you threw several pieces of popcorn into your mouth as you watched people cheer and groan. You were amused as you watched Teresa, half way into the game, shrieking as she stood up. “Tom! You moron! Don’t pass to defense if you're playing a forward! You just completely backtracked oh my God no, you idiot- no- just- oh my God, you just passed it to the other team,” Teresa groaned, slumping back into her seat. Minho laughed, rubbing her shoulder chuckled from amusement.
To be honest, you weren’t too into sports. You did t-ball when you were a kid and played soccer for a handful of years, but you instead fell in love with the arts and learning. So when the game came to an end and you completely were clueless on who won due to your daydreaming, you were unsurprised and mostly uncaring. But quickly you stood up, snatching the gray sweater/hoodie that Teresa had brought with her and mumbled a “gonna go find the blondie” before hurrying off down the stairs. Already the boys were gathering waterbottles and bags to go and shower and change. Your school won, unsurprisingly, and the opposing team sluggishly left the team.
The soccer team was laughing and cheering, chatting away. Some of the boys’ girlfriends came over to congratulate others ran off to celebrate with parents or friends, but a little over half stayed, cheering and talking animatedly. Once you got within a couple yards of the team, a few boys saw you and mumbled to one another, snickering and grabbing the attention of some of the others. “Did our boy reel in a catch or what?!” one boy said. He was tall, lean, thoroughly muscled, and had dark chocolate hair and warm caramel eyes. They twinkled with mischief but also kindness. “Now that’s a catch,” another boy smirked, leaning an arm on the other boy’s shoulder. He had dark, chocolate skin and stubbly black hair, a piercing white smile and light brown eyes that were streaked with a dark green it looked.
With a roll of your eyes, you stuffed your hands into the pockets of the varsity jacket you had on and walked right up to the first boy to say something about you. You looked up, pushing a small lock of hair from your face and raised an eyebrow expectantly at him. “Well?” you asked, “Do you know who’s the shank that owns this damn jacket or what?” He looked shocked and opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a familiar voice.
“Aye! Tom! What the fuck, loser?” came Teresa’s voice. “Hey! And stop hitting on my friends! Y/N’s my back-up in case this shank doesn’t keep up with me,” Teresa said, rolling her eyes as a thumb jut out to point at Minho, who in return gave a small cry of a protest. “I wasn’t hitting on your friend, it looks like she’s already been claimed,” Tom replied, a smirk coming back to his light peach lips, gesturing to the jacket. “Is that my brother’s jacket?” cam ea voice, and you noticed the blonde girl who was sitting with Gally now stood next to Tom, eyebrows raised. “Maybe? I don’t know the guy or anything,” you shrugged in response. “Tapping it and leaving them clueless. What a shank!” the second boy from earlier cried, sniggering.
“More like spilling milkshakes all over people and giving them something besides a sugar infested shirt to wear as an apology, but yea, close enough,” you replied, eyes rolling as sarcasm dripped from your lips. Sonya went to reply but another boy stepped up and looked at his teammates in confusion. “Thomas? Ben? What the hell? Sonya, what the bloody hell are you doing here?” it was him, you automatically decided. The accent, the hair, the twinkling eyes, and the scrawny and lean body structure were all identical. His eyes wondered over each face and then landed on yours, and his eyes widened, surprised.
“I’m here to cheer my brother on, dumbass. But Newt, who’s this?” Sonya asked, gesturing towards you, her face full of curiosity. “You’re Newt? Newton Issaics?” you asked after a minute, and the boy nodded slowly. With a shake of the head, you slid the varsity jacket off and handed t to him with his hoodie. “These belong to you from the incident on Wednesday. Thanks again...Newt,” you said, eyeing him up and down. You wore high waisted black skinnies and a simple, baggy grey tank top. your hands went into your pockets, bumps appearing on your arms as the cool air hit you.
By this point, most of Newt’s teammates had gotten distracted. Gally was talking to en, Teresa was joking with Thomas and introducing Minho, and Sonya was talking to another guy, laughing and shaking her head. Newt looked at you curiously, slipping his varsity jacket back around your shoulders. “You’re cold. Give it back another time,” he decided, holding the hoodie you handed him still. With a crooked smile, you thanked him before looking down and glancing at the thin watch on your wrist. “Shit, gotta go. Nice meeting you, Issaics,” you grinned before turning to leave, jogging off.
“Wait!” Newt called, jogging a few feet, still a couple yards away from you. “Who are you? I never got a name and you somehow knew my full name, that’s a bit unfair,” Newt said, smiling slightly. You backed away, looking at him and raising your arms into a shrug, grinning wildly. “Guess you’ll have to wait to find out, Issaics!” you called, then continued running off.
It was already 9pm but you were in your car driving to Newt’s house. Mr. Blackburn had given you his address, his number, and his mother’s number. You had gotten a message from his mother asking if you could come over after his game so she could meet you. You were supposed to meet him before the game, but things came up. You agreed, deciding this would be a short meeting, only an hour, to meet everyone and discuss things.
So here you were, your car parked on the side of the street in front of a nice, decent sized two-story house, lights on and the front door open with only a glass door cutting the inviting house out from the nipping cold. You walked up to the door and were greeted almost instantly after knocking a couple of times. A short, lean woman who was maybe in her mid-40s appeared and instantly welcomed you in. You had taken off Newt’s varsity jacket and held it folded in your arm. The woman grinned and welcomed you enthusiastically, guiding you to a glass kitchen table that had a thin, white lace covering over it. On the table were 4 cups of steaming cocoa in it and a plate of cookies. You could already tell you would like Mrs. Issaics.
“Come in dear! Newton is just getting home now with his sister from his game, and his father will be coming down any minute now,” the woman smiled. She had light teddy brown hair, much like Newts. It was thin and cut right below her collar bones, framing her face in a welcoming, warm kind of way. She had small, thin hands that moved nimbly and gracefully, arranging a couple of folders and small stacks of paper. She was just explaining to you how much you tutoring him meant to her and her husband when said man joined you, holding a large, calloused hand out to greet you. He too was a thin man, but he was very tall and was muscular from head to toe. He looked maybe a couple years younger than his wife but neither showed their age all that much. He wore baggy dark brown dress pants and had a simple plaid shirt tucket into his pants, glasses hanging from said shirt pocket. He sat next to his wife and took a small drink from the cup, snatching a cookie while his wife continued to talk.
You listened quietly and patiently, smiling and nodding when appropriate. Mrs. Issaics had just checked her watch when the door opened. “Mom! Dad! I’m home, I dropped Sonya off at Brenda’s,” the voice called out, a small clatter being heard as shoes were slipped off and knocked against the wall and a heavy bag thud against the floor. Walking into the dining area, he paused. You looked over your shoulder and smiled, a mischievious glint in your eyes. Newt’s own eyes widened, and his breath caught for a second as he realized just whom was going to be his tutor.
“Newton, dean! come, sit! This is Y/N, she will be your tutor for French. I was just showing her some of your last tests and the paperwork Mr. Blackburn sent us last week,” his mother smiled kindy, gesturing tot he chair next to you, the last cup of hot chocolate inviting him. You yourself had been eating a simple sugar cookie, sipping away at the warm, creamy liquid that was too inviting to resist in your mug. “You,” he mumbled quietly, narrowing his eyes as he sat down next to you as if he were analyzing you. “How nice to meet you, Newton,” you smiled, the same glint in your eyes as you put a hand up to shake his own hand. He did so slowly, before taking a sip from his own mug.
“I was thinking that tonight, once we were all introduced, Y/N here could show us her skills in French. I’ve heard your fluent! I figured no tutoring tonight, just a bit of introduction and such, is that okay with you dear?” Mrs. Issaics asked, a hand resting over your wrist as she smiled at you an then glanced at Newt. Newt shrugged and you nodded polietly. “Yes, of course. And actually, ma’am, I am fluent in 4 languages and am learning my 5th,” you responded kindly to the woman. You felt the need and desire to impress her, to gain her acceptance, and you quickly did. “Oh! How amazing!” she gasped, amazed by the statement. Newt choked on his drink, sputtering for a moment. “Fifth?!” he asked incredulously and you simply nodded, throwing him a lopsided grin as your response.
After only an hour, you were headed home. Your mugs were empty, most of the cookies had been eaten, and you had learned enough interesting facts about the Issaics family for the night. Mr. Issaics told you about his travels and how he himself knew two languages, Mrs. Issaics discussed her work and how Mr. Blackburn’s wife had suggested you per the eager recommendation of her husband, and Newt... well, he was quietly mostly. You got to know them a bit, discussed meeting times, materials needed, and the best way to approach the need for studying and learning the language.
By the end of the night, you had an ‘appointment’ with Newt tomorrow at 3 o’clock that evening. You slipped the jacket onto his lap before leaving, smiling at him, throwing a silent thank you at him before leaving through the door. As you got back into your car, after shooting a text to your mother to let her know that you were leaving now and would see her soon, you couldn’t help but grin widely. Newt intrigued you. In a way, you thought that fate was a cruel person who had a weird sense of humor. But then you decided that the world was just an unexplainable place that made you tutor the boys who spilled milkshakes on your favorite band tank tops at your favorite ice cream parlor.
You were oddly for tomorrow. And as you climbed into bed, you hummed in a soft contentedness as you curled into your sheet. I’m going to teach that boy French if it’s the last thing I do, you decided before drifting off to sleep. And you were not easily led astray from things you committ to.  
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