#captain gally
newtmas-supremxcy · 5 months
Soo for those of y'all that have been here a long time you might remember the newtmas hogwarts au fic I wrote. I wanted to let you guys know I will either start writting chapter 2, or start rewriting from the beginning, since I wrote it a long time ago and I have improved since then. but I haven't decided yet I'll probably post it on ao3 before the end of April so stay tuned if your interested i may post the link to the new version/second chapter !
(Btw I added some info about the fic in the tags so if you want you can check them out.)
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spearxwind · 2 years
i love sea of thieves a normal amount i keep watching funny momence compilations like my life depends on it i know twitch streamers names I wouldnt even care about I am absorbing the game/streamer lingo like a fucking sponge its so embarrassing
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torturedbymemes · 2 years
"i wonder if i drank too much grog.. ahhh, im fine!!! i don't think i'll hear the end of it from my reaper pally, though.."
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misfit sees a floating gally.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
You Know what I need?
Pirate Batfamily. Pirate batfamily who plunder other pirates and have both several smaller ones designed for outmaneuvering larger gally ships, and their big "batcave" ship.
Like, a mixture of historical piracy period of privateers and some fantasy, because honestly? It could and would fit.
Give me sea cryptid Batfamily that others tell tales of alongside ghost ships and sirens. Of a notorious ship with a blackened hull and a captain said to be made of shadow that appears in the dead of night to the laughter of sea nymphs.
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onepiecestarry · 2 months
A Different Kind of Pirate - Part 3
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Zoro x Reader
A bit of a longer one since it might take me a couple days for the next part, enjoy! :)
Part 3: Jealousy
After a couple more days of sailing, you all meet with the heart pirates. Their submarine pulling up to The Sunny so they could come aboard. Each one of them walks onto The Sunny as Nami ushers them to the kitchen where you all could meet to talk about the plan. 
You had never seen the heart pirates before, you had heard about Law and his plans but it was your first time seeing him in person. And apparently, it was Law’s as well since he kept staring at you. It got to the point where you decided to just go sit down inside since you had no idea why he was staring. Oblivious to this, everyone else settles into the dining area to discuss. Luffy and Robin are next to you, while you are awkwardly across from Law. 
“When’d you get a new crew member Luffy?” Law asks the captain. 
“Oh! y/n is just catching a ride to the next island, but we are all trying to get them to stay.” He says with a big smile and laugh. 
“You know it's dangerous having someone with that big of a bounty on board, they could mess up this whole mission.” He states firmly.
“What are you talking about?” Nami asks Law, then looks at you. You sit watching with a bit of panic. Robin grabs your hand under the table and squeezes it as everyone turns to look at you. In the corner, Zoro leans against the wall with an eyebrow raised, curious about what you’ll say.
“Well, yeah, so you know how I told you about how I go island to island helping people? A lot of that was taking down dirty marines or horrible pirates, mostly marines though. So it caused my bounty to go up by a lot. But I also started with a bounty, I can explain that another time.” You say rubbing the back of your neck shyly. You never really wanted to mention this part as it doesn’t really matter to you. 
“So what is your bounty?” Frankie asks.
“675 million.” Law states. “And if someone recognizes her at Dressrosa it could mess everything up, and someone will, I mean look at her.”
“Hey, what is that supposed to mean!” You glare at Law.
“It means you are too pretty and too recognizable,” Zoro says looking at Law. “But so is everyone in this room, we all have high bounties, so y/n’s is no exception. So this shouldn’t mean she is off the mission. It means we all must find disguises.” Zoro says giving Law a look that could kill.
“Zoro’s right, we need disguises if we are going to do this.” Nami agrees.
The rest of the afternoon was spent planning the attack, eventually, everyone got hungry so Sanji quickly made dinner for both crews. Everyone then moved outside to the fire pit, as per usual. The crews decided to celebrate coming together with food, drinks, and music. You sat on the bench swing, not too close but not too far from everyone else. You observed Nami and Robin dancing together, making you giggle. Luffy playing games with Law’s secondhand man. And Zoro, against the wall drinking as he usually does. Your eyes meet and you smile, waving him over to join you, but before you can see his reaction Law steps in front of you. 
“Hey.” He says sitting next to you. 
“Hey.” You say blankly looking at the fire. 
“I wanted to apologize for earlier, I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.” He says shyly rubbing his neck.
“It's okay Law, I get where you were coming from. You just wanna keep everyone safe.” You laugh smiling at him.
“I’m glad you get it. Uh- actually, I’ve been a fan of you for a while. You do good out there and take care of people. Not many do that and I appreciate it.” 
“Thank you Law” You smile as you look at him.
You both continue to talk and share stories, he seems nice and to like you quite a bit. You start to notice him stealing glances at you when you look away, and you start to ask yourself if he’s trying to flirt with you. Before you can think about it too hard Zoro shows up.
“Your crewmate needs you, he’s in the gally.” He says firmly giving Law another deadly look. 
“Oh shit okay, I’ll talk to you later y/n,” Law says while smiling at you and getting up to go to the gally. 
As he walks away Zoro takes his spot next to you, but closer than Law was, a lot closer. 
“What did he want?” He asks with an unknown tone in his voice.
“He just apologized for earlier and told me he’s been a fan of mine for a while.” You laugh, “I didn’t expect that from him.”
“Just don’t get too close to him, I don’t trust him.” He says.
“You don’t trust anyone.” You look at him trying to hold back a giggle. “Sometimes I even wonder if you trust me yet.”
“I’m getting there.” He says looking at the fire.
You both sit in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company. Watching everyone sing and dance and have a good time. A little while later Zoro breaks the silence.
“Were you ever going to tell us about your bounty?” He asks, no anger in his voice, simply curiosity. 
“I don’t know, maybe. It's not really important to me so I didn’t think it would be to anyone else.” You state.
“That makes sense.” He says in almost a mumble. A few seconds of silence later he asks, “What did you mean by you started with a bounty?”
“Oh, um, well it's a long story, I’m sure it would bore you.” You say with a hint of panic in your voice. Zoro hums in response.
“Well if you ever need to get anything off your chest- Robin is over there.” He says while pointing to Robin, hiding a smile. You laugh and hit his arm.
“Yeah, thanks a lot tall, dark, and broody.” You retort.
“Hey, I am not!” He says faking being offended.
“You totally are, and I’m not saying it's a bad thing. It's hot.” You say giggling.
Before he has the chance to say anything else you drag him up, his face red from the compliment, to go get another drink with you. 
Many drinks later you are passed out on Zoro’s shoulder. He picks you up princess-style and tells Nami and Robin he is going to put you to bed. Law sees him about to take you to the crow’s nest and says.
“Hey, why don’t you take her to the girl’s quarters?” He says with a mixture of worry and anger.
“Because her room is upstairs,” Zoro says already annoyed with the heart pirate’s captain.
“What? Why?” He says shocked, “Do you share a room?”
“Yeah, what about it?” Zoro asks clearly not having any of Law’s shit. 
“That’s just weird, are you guys like… together?” He asks retreating a bit.
“No.” Zoro says staring at him blankly, “Can I go now?”
“Uh yeah yeah whatever,” Law says while walking back towards the fire.
Zoro thinks about how weird that was. He then thinks about earlier when Law was sitting with you right after you waved him over, he was going to go, he wanted to go. He wanted to be the one sitting next to you, not Law. Watching you and Law talk and laugh made him upset, but he didn’t know why, you were your own person, able to make your own decisions. So to push these feelings away Zoro got another bottle of sake. This only made him wonder if you complimented Law the same way you did to him and if you would offer him breakfast or tea the way you did with him the next day. So instead of simmering, he decided to get Law away from you. He felt like he needed to protect you, but he didn’t know why. 
As you both get into the room Zoro tries to take his shoes off while holding you standing, since you kept making a fuss of him getting dirt upstairs. You woke up from this and asked Zoro where you were.
“We’re in the room princess, go back to sleep.” He says still struggling to get his shoes off. You hum and snuggle your head into his chest closing your eyes again. Finally, when Zoro managed to get his shoes off he walked over to the bed to lay you down. Once you were in bed you say, 
“Zoro you should sleep, I can- hiccup -stay up on night watch.” You say sleepily. He laughs at your state suggesting to stay up.
“No, y/n, you had too much to drink, it's time to go to bed.” He says sweetly.
“But then you won’t sleep.” You say frustrated.
“I promise I’ll go to sleep right now.” He says smiling at you.
“You are going to have back problems. Get in the bed, I’ll even put pillows in between us.” You say sternly. He laughs and sits down.
“That's not necessary, I can sleep in my hammock.”
“No.” You say as you drag him into the bed by his arm.
Once he was in the bed you held onto his arm trying your best not to drift into sleep. Zoro starts to push your hair behind your ear to see your face more clearly.
“I’m going to regret this tomorrow,” he whispers to himself, “good thing I had too much sake.” 
You both fall asleep peacefully, trusting the crew will be okay this one night without a night watch. 
The next day you wake up to no one in bed next to you, you think you must have dreamed about last night. There’s no way Zoro would smile that much anyway. You get up sitting on the edge of the bed, you suddenly notice Zoro’s messily taken-off boots by the door. You then hear the bathroom door open and your head shoots to look over. You are met with a heavenly sight. Zoro, wet hair, a towel around his waist, and water droplets all over him. You blink and rub your eyes hard thinking you’re dreaming again. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” He asks, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Uh- no no, you didn’t. I’m - uh gonna go get breakfast, I’ll see you - uh - later” You say practically running into everything on your way out the door. 
As soon as you are out the door your face gets as red as a tomato. You decide to walk downstairs and move past it, that's just what happens when you live with someone after all, right? When you get downstairs and head into the kitchen you see Law sitting at the table with Luffy eating. You join them with Sanji placing a plate in front of you.
“Are you okay y/n?” Luffy asks with his head tilted.
“Yes, I am Luffy, thank you for checking.” You laugh at the way he is sitting. Luffy is crouching on the chair stuffing his face with breakfast.
“Yeah, no prob.” Luffy says with a face full of food.
“Did you sleep well last night y/n?” Law asks looking at you.
“Yeah, I think I had too much to drink last night.” You laugh again. “How about you?”
“I was alright.” He says now disinterested in the conversation. 
As you finish your breakfast Sanji asks if you will be bringing ‘the mosshead idiot’ breakfast today. You reply yes and continue finishing your food. Once you are done you grab Zoro’s plate and head to the grove looking for him. 
Once you leave, Law asks “So are her and Zoro a thing?”
“HA, no, never in Zoro’s wildest dreams. He doesn’t deserve her.” Sanji replies. Law thinks to himself for a second. “Why, do you like her or something?” Sanji asks amused. Law hums quietly at that comment.
“Maybe something like that.” He says almost a whisper.
You find Zoro training where he always is, you place his plate down and head to leave.
“Wait-” he says quickly. You turn around and look at him with a curious look. “Uh- do you want to train with me?” He asks.
“Sure!” You smile. 
The days go by quickly while traveling with the heart pirates. You’ve trained every day with Zoro in preparation for the Dressrosa battle, even he is surprised at your raw strength. One day you even decide to have a pull-up competition, and barely lose to him (at least that's what you say). As the days go on, you notice Law observing you more, especially when you’re with Zoro. He continued his attempts at flirting and you only responded gently and kindly. But not flirting back like you do with Zoro. It's not that Law isn’t attractive, it's just that Zoro is exactly your type, and getting to know him better only makes your small crush worse. 
It was supposed to be an innocent attraction but has slowly grown into a crush. And you dread it growing each day. But you won’t stop being around him, especially now with his humor coming out. It's clear he trusts you now, and it's a long game until you both open up to each other.
You all are now 12 hours from docking at Dressrosa and are going over the plan one final time. You all decide to set up your costumes for the morning tomorrow. Law informs everyone of how most dress in the country and how it may not be comfortable, but it's necessary. You go to Robin and Nami’s room to pick something out and come out with a small bikini top, skirt, and shawl. 
“Are you sure this isn’t too revealing?” You ask no one in particular while looking in the hallway mirror. This happened to be when Law was walking by. 
“You look good to me.” He says with a smirk while walking by, “Goodnight girls”
You look back at Nami and Robin, all of you shocked at the confidence he just had. 
“He definitely likes you,” Robin says.
“100%” Nami says. You all giggle.
“So, are you interested in him?” Robin asks.
“Nah, I’ve got my eyes on someone else.” You say smiling, “But he is cute, I’ll admit.” Nami and Robin nod at your comment.
“Is it Zoro?” Nami asks with a smile and one eyebrow raised.
“How’d you know?” You ask feigning shock.
“Oh come on, you two are literally inseparable, and you constantly tease him,” Nami says, Robin nods in agreement at this comment. 
“Yeah yeah whatever.” You smile.
“I’m gonna go to bed now girls, thank you for the disguise.” You say hugging them goodnight.
“Goodnight!” They both say in unison.
You make tea one last time before Dressrosa, and bring your and Zoro’s mugs upstairs to your room. You set your clothes on the table for tomorrow and walk to the balcony handing Zoro his cup and sitting next to him, closer than you usually sit. You both sit in comfortable silence as you both usually do this time of night, looking at the stars.
“Seems like Traffy likes you.” He states simply, with no tone or inflection in his voice. But it's clear he's not happy about it.
“Eh, seems like it.” You say shrugging your shoulders.
“What? You don’t like him back?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Nah, not my type.” You say not looking away from the sky. Zoro laughs, well more of a scoff, but you’ll count it, at your reply. 
“My type is more tall, dark, and broody.” You say now looking at Zoro and giving him a sly smile as if you were a child that just got away with a prank. He laughs at your comment. 
“We should go to bed, tomorrow is a big day.” He says while standing, this time offering his hand to help you up. You accept and walk inside with him. You go change in the bathroom and come out to see Zoro about to get in his hammock.
“NO” You say angrily to him. “You are not sleeping in a hammock the night before a fight. Just sleep in the fucking bed idiot.” 
You throw a pillow at him and get into the bed facing away from him, but you can hear his laugh and his weight on the bed. 
“So bossy.” He says to himself.
“I heard that.” You say still facing away from him in the bed. 
“Yeah, yeah. Goodnight.” He says turning off the lamp. 
“Goodnight Zo.” You say.
You don’t see him but he smiles at this new nickname as he turns to fall asleep, excited to wake up next to you and hear it again tomorrow morning.
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ruewrote · 6 months
𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑖 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟.
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jj maybank, rafe cameron, pope heyward, sarah cameron
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baxter radic, marlon sousa
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benjamin (twd), glenn rhee, rick grimes, daryl dixon
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wally clark
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evan buckley
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peter parker (all), captain america
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jake seresin, bradley bradshaw, robert floyd, natasha trace
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chloe price, warren graham, rachel ambers, ryan lucan, alex chen, steph gingrich
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arthur morgan, sadie adler
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grayson dolan, ethan dolan
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lip gallagher
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minho, thomas, gally
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jacob custos, max brinly, nicholas furcillo
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josh washington, jess riley, mike munroe
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stiles stilinski
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dylan obrien, will poulter, thomas brodie sangster, archie madekwe, jeon jungkook, park jimin, josh hutcherson, rudy pankow, drew starkey, tom holland, milo manheim.
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
Fantastic beast [newt scamander]
harry potter [wolfstar][remus lupin][regulus black][james potter]
the black phone [vance hooper]
enola holmes [sherlock holmes]
the walking dead [glenn rhee]
outa [peter pan][felix]
maze runnner [newt][gally]
dune [duke leto atreides]
rise of the guardians [jack frost][bunnymund]
big hero 6 [tadashi hamada][hiro hamada]
newt scamander
@moonlit-imagines - your husband coming home to find a baby niffler hanging from your neck
@spideyharrington - one and the same
@wolfstardaughter-jj - like fathers,like daughter
@masivechaos - you remind me of him
remus lupin
@ddejavvu - grumpy remus x sunshine reader
- ___
- y/n loving when remus ramble
- sleepy cuddles with remus
regulus black
@ddejavvu - the reader intentionally mistook sirius as snape
james potter
@reysdriver - lucky charm
vance hopper
@angelofthenight - are we about to kiss?
@mirrorballshiningjustforyou - vance with a opposite reader
- vance x cheerleader reader
sherlock holmes
@marvelousmando - the game is afoot indeed
@love-strawberry - we'll be alright
@st-juliet - pulse point ♡
glenn rhee
@the-daily-multi-fandom-post - gleens lover girl
@refiwrites - tepidity
@captain-tch - trinkets
@thepiratequeenofneverland - A Poly introduction
peter pan
@heliads - dating peter pan would include
@evangeline-perry - peter pan relationship
@bad268 - peter pan fluff alphabet
@justpan - Kindness and Cruelty 
@mysadcorner - peter with a quiet!reader
@goldenxshine - dating felix and wearing glasses would include
————MAZE RUNNER—————
@toxicbubblegum212 - snow in the glade
@virginia-peters - ___
@givemearock - tmr boys if you gave them a rock
@heliads - men and tea
@witchthewriter - jealous newt with a medjack girlfriend would include
@cantstoptheimagines - rbf
@writingandimagines - gally teaching you how to defend yourself
@5sospenguinqueen - dating gally would include
@gladerscake - territorial
@witchthewriter - being gally's s/o would include
duke leto atreides
@nonpoppin - beard
@dailyreverie - you are what’s important right now
- your touch
- hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other’s shoulder
@starryeyedstories - like real people do
@catlordewrites - in the water
- a little less lonely
@lightsinthedistancee - how it feel to be free
@geo-winchester - like we used to be
@supernovafeather - new home ♡
@letstalkaboutshtufff - opposites attract
@pumpkin-stars - stalwart
@ophelialoveshandsomemen - you're handsome with snowflakes in your beard
jack frost
@imagines-dreams - ___ (cupid!reader)
@razzlerdazzler - bunnymund with a halloween spirit s/o who likes spring and easter
@daydreaming-away-reality - the sweetest thank you (mother nature!reader)
—————BIG HERO 6—————
tadashi hamada
@multi-fandom-imagine - pop rock kiss
- ___
@subtly-a-selkie - tadashi is here pt1
hiro hamada
@thequeenrains - a night to a decade
@bigherosix2 - quarantining with hiro
@maycat-19-142 - ___ (poison!reader)
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@‘ing @puppetwoman17 and @cerealboxlore bc I saw their post of the Marvel fam just having the wildest connections
In whiz comics #55 we get a (albeit fraudulent) family tree of Captain Marvel with distant relatives including but not limited to
Colonel Marvel; Who was a revolutionary in the American revolution and took men down with single punches while tanking their bullets. He’s apparently Marvels great great grandfather
Daniel Marvel; who… wasn’t the best character outside the 40’s since he helped in colonizing and exploring native land, he could fly and was invulnerable and strong too. He’s said to be his great great great uncle on his moms step-uncles cousins side
The Black sheep of the family, Black Beard Marvel; he plundered the 7 seas looking for gold
Sir Marvel; a Knight in red armor who fought dragons and orgres, using his brawn and wits
Red Beard Marvel; Great x5 second cousin of Marvel and a mighty Viking who attacked and then freed the men aboard gally ships, he was apparently some of the first few Viking to discover the Americas too
BC Marvel (no relation to Puffins au, lol); A mighty gladiator
Muscle Marvel, the first of the family line apparently; inventor of the first weapon, a stone headed club, and discovered fire and created written language
The dude expositing all this does turn out to be a fraud but then in a later issue I haven’t found yet there’s Sivana calling on his same sort of family members to help him in his schemes so who knows how wacky a comic from the 40’s was willing to get
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theinkphantom · 4 months
The Roles of Phantom Blot on Disney Great Parodies.
Made this post for showing the roles of Phantom blot and what he interpreted for these retellings of classic literary by Italian Disney artists. i found it could be a lot of fun even i could make mistakes, so i'm sorry if it's that case. Also probably for bad image quality too...
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Topolino corriere dello Zar
Retelling and based of the novel Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne. Phantom blot (Macchianerensky) role could be based of Ivan Ogareff.
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I promessi topi
Retelling and based of the Italian novel The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni. Phantom blot (Innominabile) role is based of Innominato. (called The Unnamed in english.)
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Minni e la Romantica Aventura
Retelling and based of the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. His role could be based of Cardinal Richelieu.
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Topinhood, Pipponshire e di come nacque il Sonetto Molto Svelto
Based of the legend of Robin Hood. I think his role ( as Sir Black ) could be a mix of Sheriff of Nottingham and John, King of England.
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La vera storia di Novecento
Retelling and based of the Italian theatral piece, Novecento by Alessandro Manzoni. Phantom blot role (Jelly Blackspot), is based of Jelly Roll Morton.
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Topolino e il ritorno alla Dolce Vita
Based on the classic italian movie La dolce vita, He plays the role of Robert.
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Quarta fatica - La cinghia di Nerimanto
Based on the greek mythology. In this story he plays Hades.
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Minni e la pulizia anticrimine
This story is set in the Victorian era and based of the novel Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Phantom Blot role (Professor Blackspot) is based of Professor Moriarty.
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Dracula di Bram Topker
Retelling and based of the novel of Dracula by Bram Stoker. His role is based of Vlad III.
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Star Top
Retelling and based of the TV series of Star Trek by Gene Roddenberry. He's playing the role of the fictional character Khan Noonien Singh.
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Dylan Top
Based on the italian comic strip Dylan Dog, He's playing the role of the fictional evil character Xabaras.
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Topo Maltese - Una ballata del topo salato
Based on the italian comic strip Corto Maltese, He's playing the role of the fictional character Il Monaco. (Tunica Nera)
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Topolinix e lo scambio di Galli
Based on the french comic strip Asterix, He's playing the role of Julius Caesar. (Generale Nero)
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Retelling and based of the classic italian movie of Metropolis by Fritz Lang. He's playing the role of the fictional character Rotwang.
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Il giro dei mondi in 80 giorni
Retelling and based of the french novel, Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Phantom blot role could be based of fictional character Andrew Stuart.
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19,999 leghe sotto i mari
Retelling and based of the french novel of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne. Phantom Blot role (Captain Faraboot) is the fictional character of Farragut, but more precisely of David Farragut.
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nomoreusername · 3 months
Gally Masterlist
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Requests Open
🌸 is fluff
🥀 is angst
🌷 is platonic love
🪷 is hurt/comfort
🌻 is an edit
🏵️ is none
Good Liar 🌷 🥀
When someone thinks you're Gally's girlfriend, you cover up the truth with jokes.
Dibs 🌷 🪷
When Gally asks why you never greet the Greenie's you talk about what it's like being the only girl.
The First Tears (Part 1, Part 2) 🥀 🌸
After an argument with Gally leads to a breakup, you both have to decide between vulnerability and each other, or walls and false strength.
Captain Gally (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) 🌸
As Gally and your rivalry continues he does something that changes it.
Hidden Burns 🪷
As you think you're hiding your problems fine Gally quickly proves otherwise
Alone 🥀
When you storm out after an argument, Gally figures out just how truthful your words are.
Care For You 🌸
After Gally doubts how much you really care about him, you say something in your sleep that shows the truth.
Not a Birthday Person 🌸
Despite being known for not doing birthdays, Gally still finds a way to celebrate yours.
All That Matters 🌸 🪷
Despite losing a fight for the very first time Gally makes it clear that you're all that matters.
A Bittersweet Reunion 🌸 🥀 🪷
Despite the way reuniting with Gally should be only happy, you both end up going through every kind of emotion.
The Past 🏵️
When you want to find the truth, you inject yourself with a stinger.
Out of Denial 🏵️
Seeing Gally again brings up emotions you thought you pushed past.
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tylermileslockett · 5 months
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Atalanta#8 "Aphrodites Revenge"
The marriage between Hippomenes and Atalanta proves strong and true, and Hippomenes doesn’t stifle his wife’s wild independence. On the contrary, he loves her the more for it. Many days they hunt together in the forests, and before long they have a son, Parthenopaeus. However, Hippomenes made an unforgivable mistake. He forgot to honor and sacrifice to Aphrodite for helping him win the foot race. The Olympians do not forget such things easily, and the goddess plans her revenge. One day the pair rest inside a cave dedicated to the mother goddess Cybele, where Aphrodite bewitches the two with lust, and they lay together within site of the gods. Furious at the blasphemous act, Cybele turns the lovers to lions, and put them under the harnesses of the Goddesses chariot.
Atalanta and Hippomenes son, Parthenopaeus, has his own epic life and story, as he goes on to be one of the captains in “The Seven Against Thebes” play. The third in a trilogy by “the father of Greek tragedy”, Aeschylus, the play concerns the two sons of King Oedipus of Thebes, Eteocles, who refuses to relinquish the throne, and Polynices, the other son who leads a revolt army led by seven Argive (from city-state of Argos) captains.
Cybele, a mother goddess of fertility, motherhood, and wilds, has her roots in Anatolia (Turkey), also knows as Asia Minor, in the kingdom of Phrygia. Using the title of Meter Theon, or “Mother of the gods,” the Greek equivalent would be Rhea. The goddess was born a hermaphrodite, but the other gods, fearing this duality, cut of her penis and discarded it. Later, when her mortal lover, Attis, spurns her, she drives him crazy and he amputates his penis and bleeds to death at the base of a pine tree. Thus, Cybele’s cult was run by transgender eunuch priests; the Galli. The orgiastic rites of the cult of Cybele share similarities with the cult of Dionysus. Apparently the priests and other followers, in honor of Cybeles castration, would work themselves into a frenzy, and mutilate and bleed themselves upon violets (representing Attis blood) adorned on a sacred pine tree.
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ervotica · 6 months
doing a lil celebration for 3k! nothing official, just asking for blurb requests for characters from these fandoms:
fourth wing, twilight, acotar, outer banks, call of duty, the walking dead, stranger things, the maze runner, harry potter
— preferred characters -> liam mairi, garrick tavis, paul lahote, jasper hale, eris vanserra, rhysand, rafe cameron, jj maybank, captain john price, simon “ghost” riley, johnny “soap” mactavish, könig, glenn rhee, daryl dixon, steve harrington, gally, theodore nott
— preferred genres -> WHUMP, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, smut, heavy heavy fluff
can be from my prompt lists or your own request!
tagging some mutuals for reach (please rb if you can!); @wroteclassicaly @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eve175 @rafescurtainbangz @rafescokenostril @theostrophywife @tacticalprincess @thehighladywrites @hotchfiles @jjsmarijuana @kissitbttr @lovelyghst @littlemisstrouble @callsign-rogueone @venuslore @void-my-warranty @vampieteeth @vermithorn @nocasdatsgay @mockerycrow @murdrdocs @shellxrls @targaryenvampireslayer @taintedcigs @princessmaybank @prythianpages @babygorewhore @serpentandlily @sociorafe @proactivetypaperson @morwap @cinnamoncunt @daycourtofficial @azsazz @anqeliclust @tsunami-of-tears @plainemmanem
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Hi! I'm nervous this is my first requests and you have already so many Minhoxreader so if you don't want to don't do it! but I was wondering if you could do a scenario with a more calm, mother like reader rather than the usual spice and fighting one? (Although those are really good too!) where Minho has a big crush and the others like to tease bc reader is dense. I really like how you portray everyone so thank you so much in advance! Hope you have a great day 💕
I am honoured to be your first request- don't be nervous, I will try my best to give you what you want :))
With some recent attempts, I am realising that I clearly have a character type that I write lol, so these type of asks allow me to add some variety.
Also, I am assuming that this is fem!reader because you used the word "mother" instead of "parent", though if I'm wrong let me know and I will change this to be a gender neutral reader.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem!Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. More movie based.
You were the first Glader to arrive in the Maze, and the only girl. With the help of Alby and Newt, you run the Glade. You take your job seriously and are the mother-figure of the Maze. Though, your business has led to complete oblivion on your end, especially when it comes to the Keeper of the Runners- who is desperately trying to get your attention.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, mild thirsting/simping from Minho, teenagers attempting to flirt.
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You have the entire Glade under your thumb.
It wasn't by choice, more like circumstance above anything else, but you rose to the role.
The first month in the Glade was surreal. You didn't know anything; where you were, who you were, why you were there. It was just you and a dumb dog- you'd named the dog Buddy, but the future Gladers prefer to call him Bark.
Back then, the Glade was nothing more than an empty field. You left the safety on the first day, only to chicken out when you heard growling somewhere in the depths of the walls.
Fuck that.
You jumped out of your skin the first time the Doors closed. You thought at first you were trapped inside, but you quickly learnt that the Doors are your friends. They're keeping the Grievers out.
After a couple of days of laying in the grass and playing fetch, you ventured out again. And again. And again. You spent your nights building some, admittedly not very stable, structures after it rained one night, and the trees in the Deadhead didn't make for great shelter.
You'd figured out pretty quickly that this was a strange and elaborate punishment for one person. Maybe it was a dumb hope, but you woke up everyday, for thirty days, praying someone else would join you. Sure, you felt selfish, but you didn't want to live in fear in isolation anymore.
But you would, you could have- if you had to.
You learny in that long month, that you're a strong person- level headed, calm and smart.
But still when Alby popped up in the Glade, you were thrilled that you weren't on your own anymore, even if you were stuck with a panicked teenage boy.
Then Nick. Then Newt. Then Minho. Then Zart. Wiston. Gally. Jeff. Clint.
Boy, after boy came up and the dawning feeling that you were left in a sea of testosterone wasn't a problem you'd anticipated. Not only that- you were the captain of it. Of course, doing this on your own isn't an easy task, so, you enlisted Alby as your co-leader. And Newt as your second-in-command after you lost Nick.
The first year was rough. It took you forever to sort out roles and rules and how the place should be ran, but it took more trail and error than you wanted.
But eventually, with more boys and will power and all the time in the world, the Glade became a fully functioning mini-civilisation.
All because of you. And Alby, but mainly you.
He's a nice foil to you- sometimes aggressive, physically intimidating and willing to hurt people when necessary. He's not scared to enforce the consequences of breaking the rules.
By comparison, you come across as a more of a mother figure- nurturing and collected, helping Gladers with their problems and making sure things run smoothly.
You hand picked the Keepers yourself. Some more obvious than others, but your best decision by far was making Minho Keeper of the Runners.
He's perfect for the job. In the early days, you were in charge of the Maze- you had the most experience with it, after all. But Minho far exceeded your skills- fast, smart, observant and strong. He shows promise where the other Gladers lack it.
He's also the only Keeper you let pick his men. Anyone can garden or slaughter animals if they're up for it; you just dictate what they're best at. After all, you can do it all- you had to when you were on your own.
But Minho is better than you at Running. And you can see that, so why should you or Alby say otherwise?
Obviously, you get the final call. But you very rarely question his judgement. Even arguing and shutting down Alby when he does.
Maybe that's why Minho likes you. You hold him highly and with more respect than most. Obviously, it's not exactly unheard of for Gladers to have crushes on you. Minho is no different.
Well, except he kind of is.
Normally, the crushes die as fast as they start when they realise that you're busy and emotionally unavailable. But not Minho.
He's always been attracted to you- your stability and skills. You juxtapose his reckless actions and quick thinking with your deep consideration and calming atmosphere.
He'd watched boy after boy fail to impress you, when you're so naturally impressed by him that he doesn't even need to do anything. You respect him for what he does, and the feeling is mutual.
Though, you're a bit dense.
It's probably because you're always getting hit on, or maybe you're used to Minho's naturally flirty personality, but no matter how hard he tries to hint at something more, you remain oblivious.
In fact, you are the only person that has failed to notice that he's completely smitten with you.
"Earth to Minho," Newt clicks his fingers in front of his friends face, "anybody home?" Him, Minho, and Ben sit at one of the makeshift dining tables, all in a row.
Minho swats his hand away. "Shuck off, man."
"You could always just tell her, yanno, instead of staring at her like some kinda freak."
"Yeah," Ben chuckles, "and we need some entertainment- watching you get rejected could definitely provide that."
Newt leans around Minho to punch the boy in the arm. "Shut your bloody mouth, shank."
"What? She rejects everyone."
"Yeah, but she likes Minho."
"She does?" Minho sparks up, looking at Newt and raising an eyebrow.
"Well, not like-likes, I mean she might, but I just mean that she respects ya- you guys, yanno, get along, init."
Minho pulls his lips into a thin line. "Great, thanks, Newt- real eye-opening."
"Well, I'm just sayin'. If anyone has a shot with her, it's you, mate."
"What are you shanks talking about?" Minho just about jumps out of his skin when you approach. He didn't even see you leave his sight because he was too distracted by the conversation to even realise you'd snuck up behind them.
"Oh, uh, nothing," he tries to play it off.
"We were talking about you, actually," Minho shoots Ben a stern glare, only to get a wink in response.
"Oh, yeah?" Your tone is playfully and unassuming. "I'm nothing, am I?"
"No, that's not what-"
"Have you guys even eaten yet?" You blink at the empty table in front of them, immediately distracting yourself from whatever they were saying.
"Uh, no," Newt clears his throat, "we were waiting for the queue to die down a bit. But-"
"Well, I'll get you guys something to eat," you put your hands on Minho's shoulders, making him jump as Newt and Ben exchange a knowing look. "Can't have my best Runner going hungry now, can I?"
He looks up at you like you're the stars and the world combined. Like an old stray dog admiring it's owner whose given him everything and nothing could ever compare to what he's witnessing. You're so close and warm and your goal is always to support him. And the other Gladers of course, but he desperately wants to believe that it's him above all else.
And you haven't fucking noticed.
You walk away, making your way over to Frypan's Station and ignoring his complaints as you slip behind the counter, taking your time to make the dishes yourself.
"Dude," Newt scoffs. He's never been more entertained than watching Minho watch you. It's like seeing a whole other side to his friend. "You're shucked."
With Newt's, and Ben's (but mainly Newt's) advice, Minho had decided to pick up to hintsa and flirting. Except despite being naturally quick and witty, you make him nervous and stuttery.
And you're still oblivious.
"Hey, (Y/N), you look good today."
"Oh, thanks, Minho. Someone's in a good mood today."
But he keeps trying.
"Hey, do you wanna eat together later- feels like I barely see you."
"Oh, yeah, that'd be great; I'll get Alby to join us- we can discuss your progress on the Maze."
And again.
"New Greenie up today, you reckon you'll be able to take a break from baby sitting to have a drink with me?"
"Oh, yeah, maybe. If I'm not too busy. Oh! It might be a smart idea for you to tell the Greenies about the Maze- might help them understand a bit more- good idea!"
And again.
"Yo, Newt said you got some new clothes from the Box, haven't seen you in them yet- I bet you'll look great, as always."
"Pfft, shut up, man- they'll be the same as all the rags I normally wear."
And again.
"You know, I'm so happy to have you as a Leader. You're incredible at it; Alby should think himself lucky to have you helping him make choices."
"I'm only doing my job, the same as everyone here. You don't have to praise me for that."
And- well, you get the picture.
It's been months. Literally, months since he decided to up his game, and he's about to start ripping his hair out.
So, after returning from the Maze one night, he's had enough. He doesn't even bother going to the Map Room. He immediately asks where you are and marches over to your hut.
The knocking at your door startles you. You were simply changing your shirt after an incident helping the Slicers.
"Hey, (Y/N)? You in there?"
"Minho?" You pull your shirt over your head and grab the door in a hurry, opening it. "Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be-?"
"I need to talk to you," he blurts out, stunning you slightly.
"Right, okay. Yeah, of course, come in." You step aside and he he pulls his lips into a thin line, internally attempting to psyche himself up for what he's about to do.
He slips past you and you speak. "Do you want me to shut the door, so we can talk in private?"
"Uh, yeah, please."
"Okay," you nod, shutting it behind you and turning to face him. "What's going on?"
"I don't- shuck, okay, I just- I mean-"
Concern dances across your face, stepping towards him at his flustered state. "Is everything okay? You seem stressed; you know you can tell me anything, Minho. That's what I'm here for. Has something-?"
"I like you!" He snaps, throwing his hands up.
You blink, confused. "I, uh, like you, too? I mean, you're one of our best and you're very important here."
"No!" He groans, hands flying to his hair in frustration before he calms himself. "I don't mean... I mean I like-like you, like as in I think I might even be in love with you. A-and I've been trying for so long to hint at it, but you just- either you're ignoring it or you genuinely haven't noticed- but I have to know, okay? You can reject me and things can go back to normal, but I can't go on like this."
You stand in shock.
Okay, so, you may or may not have also developed a crush on him. Your higher affections towards him haven't been because you just thought he was great at his job, but because you do have stronger feelings towards him.
You're just busy and have created these rules for yourself to not date anyone. And since Minho has never flat out said it like most boys confessed to you- you have genuinely remained oblivious.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" Minho asks, pulling you out of your trance. "Shuck, you're not saying anything. Shit. I'm sorry, let's uh, let's just forget this ever happened and-"
You step forward, catching him off-guard as he turns to face you more. "You like me?" Your voice is soft and almost gleeful as his eyes flicker to your lips.
He sighs. "Of course, I do. How could I not?"
You hover in front of him, feeling nervous for the first time since you came up in the Box. Your noses brush for a second before you have the courage to move in.
Pushing your lips against his, he kisses back immediately, his hands coming to your waist, pushing in the years of feelings he's been tormented with.
After a few seconds, you break.
"Take it you like me, too, then?"
You smile at him, giving a small smile before kissing him again.
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Back again with more Minho whilst fighting through my illness. I've got a break off of work coming up so I should be able to write some more, so expect some more requests.
Hope you enjoyed :))
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focsle · 2 years
Music on Whaleships
Because how else will you power through the boredom AND the horrors!?
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Two men aboard the Wanderer, photographed by Pardon B. Gifford in 1906 (New Bedford Whaling Museum)
Music featured quite frequently on whalers, though not necessarily in the same way as it might on a merchant vessel. The quintessential musical contribution of sailors—the sea shanty—didn’t hold as prominent a place aboard a whaler as it did on other types of ships. Some captains were particularly strict about keeping noise down while cruising to prevent gallying any nearby whales. Shanties were also less necessary for performing the work: Whaleships tended not to carry a great deal of sail, had a lot of hands aboard available to handle it, and were quite leisurely in their pace as they lolled around the globe for years at a time. This was unlike merchant ships that tended to have smaller crews, larger ships, and tighter schedules, all for which shanties were used more often to coordinate that work effort. However, music was still vital to maintaining good morale during a whalers' work that was, in turns, extremely demanding and dangerous, and extremely dull and mind-numbing. Both of which could really plague a fellow's soul if there was no relief. A panacea for a whaleship's ills, music rang out in the fo'c'sle during idle hours, was sought out during shore leaves, was copied down in remembered songs in the backs of men's journals, and any fellow who hazarded to pick up an instrument or lift his voice was a prized member of the crew.
Read on, under the readmore, since this is also quite a long one with many a photo, journal entry, recorded music, and whalers' original written songs! I really REALLY enjoyed pulling this one together.
Even though they weren't as utilized, there were still occasions when shanties burst out on deck. Greenhand William Abbe of the Atkins Adams (1858) recalled them first being used several months into the voyage. This speaks to the fact that shanties weren't a regular part of whaling work, but rather an instance of one shipmate finally venturing to include them:
“We began to sing shanties last night in hauling aft sheets or bowsing on halliards — Jack leading in 'Johnny Francois' + 'Katy, My Darling' and all hands taking up the refrain + pulling with a will. This pleased the Mate who told us that pretty well for the first time that he liked to hear us make a noise—as it showed that Jack —not Allegany [surname of a crewmate on board] — but any one of us was awake. He laughed—waved his hands— + cried out 'that’s the way sailors'.”
Johnny Francois, aka Boney
They were later "obliged to avast singing + haul away without the "Shantie" as the crew’s singing was so "ludicrous" that they were all laughing over it rather than effectively hauling. But even if shanties weren’t often used aboard the Atkins Adams to set the pace of the work, they still featured during downtime in their watches:
“Jack leading sung the watch out in Shanties 'Johnny Francois' 'Santa Anna' 'Katy, My Darling' +c. Mr. Gorland + Tripp came forward and joined us. It was very cold and wet — but our singing warmed our hearts while we were free from the spray and warm from mutual contact.”
On whaleships, shanties were more frequently employed—though still inconsistently—during more demanding tasks such as weighing anchor or working the windlass to haul up blubber.
While greenhand John Perkins’s ship, Tiger, was lying at anchor at the Hawaiian islands in 1845, he mentioned hearing another whaling crew strike up a shanty upon leaving:
“When called this morning we heard the Neptune’s crew weighing anchor to the tune of ‘Tally hi o you know.’ After breakfast our watch went ashore on liberty”
Music was also greatly sought out during whalers’ shore leave. Thomas Nickerson, cabin boy of the ill-fated Essex, 1820, wrote about a dance hall in Talcahuano that he was quite unimpressed by, but his other shipmates enjoyed tremendously.
"There we found a few young women seated around the hall on wooden stools, and playing off some Spanish airs upon their guitars to dance by. There did not seem to be either melody or music in their touch, but after such an interval of confinement our men were ready to dance to anything had it even been a corn stalk fiddle. With their guitars were an accompaniment of an old copper pan used as a tambourine. To this music did our men dance apparently with as much satisfaction as though it had been the finest music in the world.”
Music was also one of the first ways whalers and locals at various ports of call built camaraderie between each other, where potential language barriers were no object if someone had along with them a fiddle (and maybe some alcohol). Such an interaction was recorded by Albert Peck, greenhand on the Covington that stopped in Guam in the 1850s:
"Having our fiddler with us, we went from one hut to another giving them a tune at each, which would please them very much, and to show their appreciation of it they would produce a bottle of aquadiente [Aguardiente] or brandy, and treat us to a glass which would consist of a coconut shell, until it became evident that this would not do if we intended to walk to the town, as before long we should be incapable of walking anywhere. So we started for the town."
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Whaler-made fiddle c. 1835-50, inscribed with the name Daniel Weeks. (New Bedford Whaling Museum)
But liberty always came to an end. When the Tiger departed Hawaii 10 days later, Perkins noted that they were too glum to accompany their leaving with a shanty:
“We weighed anchor without a song all feeling to bad at departing from summer islands to the cold Norwest sure of hard labor, absolute suffering & danger.”
Amidst that hard labor, absolute suffering, & danger, music served an essential function of bringing in levity and acting as a pressure release valve aboard.
Clifford Ashley, who joined the bark Sunbeam in 1904 on part of her voyage for research, described the music of his dog watch:
"Two misfit concertinas every night sent up their dismal wail to a tune that never varied, often keeping time with the strokes of a couple who pounded up hard bread in a canvas bag to be mixed into a molasses mush for their watch."
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A whaler's concertina, c. 1850 (Nantucket Whaling Museum)
Any man who had a bit of a voice or could play a bit of an instrument quickly became a favorite among the crew, even if he only knew one song. Foremast hand William Stetson, of the Arab (1850s), was delighted when a new man they shipped aboard during a provision stop had some faint musical inclination.
“in the dog watches we enjoy ourselves very agreeably by stepping off a lively measure to the tune of “roads to Boston” as performed on the violin by Moody, one of those lately shipped at Lahaina. This is about the only tune he can saw off decently, but he is the first that has belonged to the bark this voyage who has made any pretensions to being a fiddler, and consequently the ‘doleful music’ of the skipper’s cracked violin is usually heard in the evening between the hours of five and seven P.M"
Moody's go-to, Road to Boston.
Even in the absence of an actual musical instrument, crews made do with whatever they could get. William Abbe writes about one such time on the Atkins Adams:
Last night while gamming with F. Willy in the forecastle I was called on deck to help make up a set for a cotillion — being honored as the lady of Curly — we were at a loss for music + were stepping to the hummed air of Johnny the Boatsteerer + the orders of the dancing master — Jack — when Shanghai rushed up from the forecastle + jumping up on the oil cask looked forward of the windlass + squatting his long legs on the cask head began a toot toot on an old tin funnel, followed by Johnny Come Lately on an old tin bread pan for a drum — We greeted our band with shouts — + to the music of our mimic french horn and kettle drum chased up + down + joining hands by partners promenaded with double quick steps round the forecastle deck making the deck ring with our laughter — + the rattling music — both music and steps getting quicker + quicker till Tarpsechorz [Terpsichore] herself would have fled agast — + home belles and beaus would have fainted at the sight —our fun was suddenly interrupted by the order to shorten sail — + our quick stepping was only rivaled by our agility aloft for we reduced sail in unusually short time.
The captain, enjoying their sense of play but finding their makeshift music particularly disagreeable, then came up on deck to give them something to better it:
“Old Man liked the fun but didn’t like the music for Old Woman — brot up on deck a new accordion + calling Charley aft consigned it to him with the injunction to use it well — Charley came forward — delighted— + mounting the spars struck up Fisher’s Hornpipe + the strums sounding through the calm evening animated us till Jack or Molly [a crewmate currently crossdressing for the role] + our barefooted stepping got the whole Ship’s Company in a roar — from the Old Woman to Cabin Boy.”
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Crew members of the Charles W. Morgan, 1906, taken by Pardon B. Gifford (New Bedford Whaling Museum)
Sometimes music was a little less favorably received. J.T. Langdon, greenhand on the St Peter, 1840s-50s, had brought his fiddle aboard to entertain himself, and at one point taught the Captain how to play it. On the homeward bound stretch--with his patience with the job and everyone on board strained to the limit--he grumbled about music-making halting getting home quickly:
"There seems to be an little disregard to sailing the vessel on the part of the Captain and the Mate. The 'Old Man' will saw away on his 'old fiddle' and the mate will tinker and the ship goes where she likes. I have sometimes almost cursed the day that I learned the Cap'n to fiddle."
Sometimes, sailing be damned, it was time for an entire musical production, as on veteran whaler John Martin's ship, the Lucy Ann, 1841. He wrote out the Program along with the nicknames of the performers.
"We finished this day with a grand concert given by the whole crew. The audience were sea gulls. The following is the programme of the concert. Programme Part 1st Song. One eyed Riley With chorus by whole crew. - By Chub. "There was a Sheppards daughter, Kept sheep on yander hill" - by Lightning Song. I hit her right on her stinking Machine - by Hominy Head Solo. On Kent Bugle by - myself Part 2nd Song. Cant you wont you stay a little longer - by Turpin "Turkish Lady - Black Leg Duette with Drum & Fife - Chub & [left blank] Part 3rd Song. My dogs eyes makes mince pies - Steward "Morgan Ratler - Spunyarn "The Meremaid in three parts by - Hardy "Trayum with chorus by crew Part 4th Song. Kelly the Pirate - King David "Tally ho - Spunyarn "Lord Lovell that went strange, countries for to see - Hardy Solo. on flute by - Young Norval Part 5th Song. Fanny Blair - Turpin "French Lady - Mizen "All the girls in our town - Steward Part 6th Song. So early in the morning, the Sailors love the bottle O. - by Mocho a color'd Gentleman "Milkmaid - Hominy Head "Two little sisters walking up the street" - Jersey Grand Chorus by the whole Crew on Bugle, Drum, Fife, Flute, Violins, Triangles, &c. & wound up by The mate telling us if we did not quit making such a damned noise he would heave a bucket of stinking water over us. Ends the same.
An excerpt of John Martin's above program:
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Often, in the backs of journals whalemen would write songs that are still known today. Rolling Down to Old Maui, Blow Ye Winds, Coast of Peru, Homeward Bound, Saucy Sailor, etc. These were learned on the job, or exchanged between crew mates. From the journal of William Buel of the Wave, 1856, the lyrics to Saucy Sailor which he learned from a fellow greenhand:
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"I am young my love and I am frolicsome Good natured kind and free And I don't care a single toss my boys What the world says of me ~~~~ Learnt from my friend Joseph F Horan"
There's something quite lovely to having a shared thread from their lives into the present. We might be separated by a gulf of over a century, but we know the lyrics to the same songs.
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Some whalers composed their own songs, too. I'll close with one written by career whaleman Joseph Dias, when he was captain of the St. George in 1853. He ended his lyrics with the note 'Read and Circulate', so I see it as my duty to do him a small kindness 170 years later by circulating it now.
Paradox Come all ye shipmates lend an ear And the truth you soon shall hear Of the Ship St. George in the zealous sea Who is raiseing hell it seems to me — The way we try to get our grease So to strike three whales and save a piece Beside two whales of india ruber The boatsteerer swore to be slack blubber — Very poor advice I freely lend Of a way I highly recommend To take a crowbar and punch a hole Drive in the iron and the pole — Hang to your line till all is blue Either kill him or he kill you We want a man upon the docket To go ahead like david Crockett -- Promoting men at our expense Takes our dollars with our pence Besides it throws our work away This thing For sure will never pay — To see the whales was once the cry They are here where e're you turn your eye They have raced for rise to sitting sun Been on a dozen and killed but one — To man that’s taught in a bowhead school Will find himself here but a fool Read and Circulate
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newtmas-supremxcy · 6 months
I just had an idea for a fic series where :
Fic one will be about Thomas fake dating Minho to make Newt jealous and see if he likes Thomas or not. However one major bump in the road- Minho actually falls for Thomas. Newtmas endgame and at the end of the fic gally is introduced as Thomas's brother and Minho starts to realise maybe he fell for the wrong sibling.
Then fic two would include : captain of the ss minally Thomas and his right hand man Newt trying to get Minho and Gally together. Their only problem ? Gally thinks Minho isn't genuinely interested in anything more than a hookup. Meanwhile Minho is more whipped than a can of whipped cream.
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redpool · 2 months
One Piece Live Action
* means poster
Episode One;
Monkey D. Garp, Gold Roger/Gol D. Roger, Monkey D. Dragon, young Dracule Mihawk, young Red Haired Shanks, young Smoker, Monkey D. Luffy, Alvida, Koby/Coby, Yasopp, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, Bonk Punch, Building Snake, Hongo, Limejuice, Red Haired Shanks, Roronoa Zoro, Mr. 7, Higuma, Makino, Nami, Two of the Funan Bros, *Bellamy, *Foxy, *Jango* *Cavendish, *Buggy, Ririka, Cabaji, Rika, Helmeppo, Ax Hand Morgan, Bogard and Buggy the Clown.
Episode 2
Mohji, Sea King that ate Shanks' arm, Mayor Boodle and Chouchou.
Episode 3
Usopp, Mornin, Kuroobi, Sham, Buchi, Kaya, Kuro/Klahadore, Merry, Arlong and Banchina.
Episode 4
Koushiro and Kuina.
Episode 5
Sanji, Patty, Zeff, Gally, Fullbody, Moodie, Dracule Mihawk, Don Krieg and Gin.
Episode 6
Chu and Motzel.
Episode 7
Belle-Mere, Nojiko, Genzo and Captain Nezumi.
Episode 8
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