#do you have any idea how crazy that is?
st4rstudent · 20 days
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i'll bring these out to the public actually
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crowliphale · 2 months
the sleepyhead is finally put to rest
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puhpandas · 1 month
I love ggy so much how did they accidentally make the most intriguing hypothetical gay romance ever
#also the book is just so fucking good#and tony becker is literally the best fnaf book protaganist ever once you understand his character#and how crazy the book writes him#like oh my god hes so tunnel visioned doomed by the narritave#any scenario where tony survives the attack is the best idea ever like fr#its just so fun and awesome to make stuff up with that very loose premise#like u can do anything#and the characters are likeable too because they have FLAWS#tony isnt a bad person hes just in a bad place and is an asshole without realizing#and also twelve#like how am i not supposed to become obsessed with beckory when tony spent the whole book#accidentally obsessing over gregorys evil side and then being so tunnel visioned by his own emotional baggage that it kills him#exactly how his father warned him#and his father is the reason hes even so deep into solving mysteries like#and u can put that onto gregory if tony ever survived the attack#like he wouldnt want to believe it the same way he didndt want to believe his dad did it and repeat history#by delving deep into ggy#like damn every relationship ever with gregory is so fucking interesting#ggy never stop being awesome#pandas.txt#obviously beckory isnt the only reason i like ggy but damn its a big reason#tony and Gregory are both so flawed and have so much going on in their head theyd be fucking crazy together#also expanding on the tony stuff i said earlier gregorys side has so much potential too like#even if tony died if gregory ever remembered hed mourn tony and have to deal with that#even if they werent even that close at the time and Gregory doesnt even like. actually have any memories of being friends with him#and if tony survived its like gregorys remembering this faceless nameless boy as the only connection to his past#like what if they both searched for eachother after surviving what then
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satorugojoswiife · 3 months
What do you think about gojo ships
I feel like I'm pretty indifferent to most of them. This is super cringe of me, but whenever I fall super in love with a character I don't often like shipping them romantically with anyone. 💀 (im delusional I know)
It doesn't help that for some reason the jjk fandom (especially twt) is weirdly aggressive about ships. I know it isn't all the shippers and it's mostly just the loud minority, but seeing so much of the discourse has kinda put me off and I don't really engage much with the ships in the fandom except for rarepairs and selfships bc alot of the time those communities are more wholesome and cozy (if that makes sense LOL)
#satofie best ship#andnajdjskdjksnfksndjdj im sorry im cringe 😔😔#anyways i honestly have no idea#its not even about not liking seeing him with others bc i enjoy seeing other ppls gojo × oc/selfships#i just for some reason dont really vibe with any of the existing gojo ships in the series#weirdly enough if i had to choose one i feel like sukugo is the most interesting one LOL they are so funny with eachother#i feel like in a different life they really couldve hit it off#i feel bad for gojohime shippers sometimes#like i personally dont like the ship but oh my god ppl on twitter are so mean about that ship i dont even know why ???#is it bc alot of them prefer him shipped with a guy ?? or they dont like seeing another woman that isnt them with him?? i dont know#but i see so much hate for it and it makes me sad bc like just move on or mute the account so u dont have to see it if you really hate it#the amount of times ive seen some big jjk account qrt a fanart dissing the ship while also getting more likes than the artists post is craz#why do ppl fight over fake people kissing.......#i remember this one account specifically that was obsessed with gojo but they were so snobby about it and like gatekeeping other fans#and they really hated gjhm and for some reason felt the need to make it into a problematic ship instead of just saying#i dont like this and moving on#but they made this whole thing abt how toxic they actually are bc utahime hates gojo#only to (in the same thread) gush over their fave ship which was nanago#and i felt crazy bc its......literally the same dynamic what#like am i missing something ?????#anyways this got a bit wild but pls be nice to eachother and respect eachothers ships#you dont have to justify why u dislike a ship you can just not like it#no need to turn it problematic
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Pyromaniac Kaeya instead of Pyrophobic Kaeya HC for everyone's consideration:
- Young Kaeya who saw fire and just went "light pretty". His birth father scrambling every time to keep Kaeya from touching open flames
- soon found out how to make fire on his own and now his father is scrambling to stop him from doing so
- hates rain coz no fire! >:( Oh, and his father left him in the rain, right. But mostly coz of no fire!! >:(((((
- ...his father actually waited for a storm to make sure no fire occurred when he left Kaeya
- Crepus approaches a shivering child in the storm, and the child just reaches for him. Turns out Kaeya thought his hair was fire and wanted to touch
- When Kaeya woke up in a warm bed and saw the color red, he thought he died and went to Celestia somehow, turns out it was just a young Diluc staring at him too closely oops
- Kaeya is so envious! He really wants red hair too! (to look more like a Ragnvindr, he swears!)
- When waking up early, he goes to Adelinde to watch her cook food on preeetttyyy fffiiirrreeee
- Started a vineyard fire once. Good thing the staff saw on time before it could do any damage. He wasn't scolded too heavily, but he felt really bad after scaring everyone, and tbh that is the only reason Dawn Winery stands to this day (with several close calls)
- Kaeya, after Diluc got his pyro vision,  enjoyed the fire when they were fighting side by side
- He'd stick really close to Diluc while fighting to the point that Diluc actually subconsciously learned to make his fire avoid Kaeya
- Diluc had to purposely will his fire to aim at Kaeya in their fight :(((
- Diluc is horrified because he sees Kaeya stare straight at the fire unflinchingly :(((
- Kaeya gets his vision, and he finally realizes it was actually raining because suddenly it feels very very cold. Damn he really hates the rain
- he actually wished it were a pyro vision instead and thought that being given a cryo vision was just punishment and added suffering
- for the short time Kaeya stayed in the Dawn Winery while Diluc was away, he actually sat dangerously close to the fireplace. It worried Adelinde and Elzer who kept a careful eye on him
- in his own room in the KOF dormitories, he'd hold onto Diluc's vision to keep himself warm- the underlying power of pyro making him feel safe and happy
- when Diluc's vision started flickering, Kaeya went on a panic. He's scared the fire would be gone forever. Thankfully it ended up ok after a couple of hours, but he hid Diluc's vision on him for a while instead of leaving it in his room
- He was a bit bitter to be parted with said vision when Diluc returned. He decided to be a bit more extra annoying with how he gave the vision back to Diluc out of spite (thru an ugly vase)
- he unfortunately got so used to keeping Diluc's vision near him in his sleep that he ended up having a hard time sleeping for a while in its absence
- No one in the knights realized he's a pyromaniac. They figured he's ok with going near open flames because Diluc had a pyro vision and that since he's a cryo user, he can easily smother the flames when he fights pyro enemies
-Sometimes, he'd start fires himself and throw it onto enemies. The knights just thought "oh hey! A self-made melt reaction! Sir Kaeya is so cool-"
- Jean only realized after giving Kaeya babysitting duty to Klee for the first time. They came back with several reformed landscapes, a large basket of dead fish, and faint sounds of people screaming. Kaeya looked absolutely deranged, grinning ear to ear, with sparkles in his eyes, while carrying Klee, who was equally ecstatic
- "Oh no, what have I done." said Jean in horror after realizing the effects of making Kaeya babysit Klee
- kaeya argued with Jean over him spending time with Klee ( Kaeya somewhat won the argument? But he was told that no major damage should happen under his watch or else no Klee time. Good thing he had a cryo vision then)
- He made Klee her handbook as a guide for when and where they could do explosions. Time to teach his little pyromaniac partner the art of cunning.
- Rosaria figured out he likes fire and passes him the lighter to light up her cigarettes. She ended up gifting him a lighter soon after
- Kaeya has some business late at night sometimes, and that gives him the opportunity to watch the darknight hero in action, which means more fire!
- Diluc realizes that Kaeya watches him sometimes and since he knows Kaeya likes to see fire (to a worrying extent, and that really says something when a pyro user thinks so) he lets the other follow him around for a while
- Kaeya also gravitates towards the other pyro users in town. He enjoys watching Amber do target practice, he likes training Bennett, and again with spending time with Klee
this post is inspired by this reblog tag because I immediately started typing when I saw it like a deranged person myself
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djungleskogs · 1 month
#OK I NEED TO STOP engaging with 911 ship wars but i have ONE MORE THING to say (probably lying)#i think it’s genuinely concerning how many people believe a ship has to have years of emotional connection before you’re allowed to ship it#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason#crackships and rarepairs exist for a reason#secondly and probably more importantly#i think it’s really weird how many people are uncomfortable with the idea of gay sex#not in general but like#people were saying they were uncomfortable and weirded out because#an actor vaguely insinuated that the fictional character he plays would enjoy having gay sex with his partner#like people were calling him a freak#I THINK THATS WEIRD AND CONCERNING#it’s giving ‘my ship doesn’t have sex they make love while holding hands’#i think it ties into the first point#relationships are allowed to be built off attraction#you don’t need years and years of bonding for your relationship to be valid#and i think the visceral reaction against bucktommy because they’re not besties who share a kid is borderline homophobic#like there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike tommy and bucktommy like tommys previous behaviour#but being sooo against a ship based on the fact that there wasn’t enough ‘build up’ and that they don’t have a deep emotional bond#weird#and i don’t think it’s fetishisation to enjoy a canon couple im sorry that’s just a fucking crazy take#like it’s insane to me that apparently enjoying a gay ship is fetishisation unless it meets certain ‘emotional bonding’ criteria#also bathena is one of the most beloved ships on the show and their ‘build up’ was one date and a church hangout#and no one claims that they’re rushed and underdeveloped and that’s why one of them should be written off the show#like i said i think there’s a lot of valid reasons to dislike the ship (even if i do enjoy it)#but some of the arguments i’ve seen are just weird and i think you guys need to look at why it makes you uncomfortable#engage with other fandoms with more diverse ships and maybe you’ll calm down a little#911 discourse#for clarity the tumblr fandom seems to be okay but 911twt is an actual hell scape
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gorespawn · 1 year
don't mean to be a little freak but since i work in a hospital now ive got a new perspective and appreciation for gore art. like oh my god you got that fat tissue just right—
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berryicet · 11 months
@wogot3 more doodles. Because why not
They're super fun to draw
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bylertruther · 11 months
sometimes. people on here will say things where i know if i point-blank asked them "hey, do you like butches, femmes, and people that do not 'look' or 'act' queer?" they'll of course say yes duh. and i know if i asked them, "cool. do you think that an androgynous person or 'very gender nonconforming' (for lack of better phrasing) is more queer than someone that isn't?" they'll say no of course not.
but then you read the things they've said about how queer people present themselves, how they "should" present themselves once they've reached a fully realized state, and how it relates to gender and relationships and its like Hmmmmmmmmmm. i don't think you do like any of those three groups i mentioned actually if that's how you really feel on those issues lmao.
it's the same school of thought behind the perplexingly popular idea that because noah wears athleisure, he couldn't possibly be gay (before he came out, this was the common sentiment; and even now, people act like finn is more queer than noah, just because he "looks and acts" like it according to them). this idea that you have to look and act a certain way to be Actually Queer or Queer Enough, and if you don't, then that's because you've fallen victim to conforming or you just aren't as comfortable with your identity. (what? as if there's a single queer identity to begin with?)
that if you're a queer guy and you behave or look masculine, then you just haven't come out of your shell and accepted yourself or experimented enough. that if you're a queer woman and you're feminine, then the same applies, or you're not as queer as a butch woman, who does exhibit gender nonconformity, for example. and if you're butch or femme (+ other equivalents), or in a relationship with your counterpart, then you're perpetuating heteronormativity, as if that's even possible, and we all know that's so very, awfully, terribly Bad, you're a stain on the community, and you have issues you need to work out.
people don't have to look or act in a particular way to be acceptably queer enough. we don't all gravitate towards certain expressions of gender nonconformity or androgyny just because we're queer, and a failure to do that doesn't suggest that we're uncomfortable with ourselves and our identity. you can continue to be yourself as you were even after realizing you're queer. that's not impossible or a bad thing.
femmes and gay men that are masculine in any capacity are not traitors, confused, or less gay. some people are the way that they are, regardless of their sexuality. we don't all morph into the same person when we realize we're queer. that shouldn't be a difficult concept to understand? that's literally just... being a human and treating queer people as such.
those evil gay people who are in "masc/fem" relationships aren't perpetuating heteronormativity either. just because they exist outside of your realm of understanding, or have the kind of relationship that you wouldn't personally want for yourself, that doesn't mean that they aren't members of your community—which is the queer community, in case you forgot—and don't deserve respect, too.
like. it's just so demoralizing lmao. what's so hard to understand about accepting that people are all different and that just because we may belong to the same community, that doesn't mean that we are all the same and must fall in line? it's so tone-deaf, insulting, and just plain unrealistic. you may not mean it that way, but it is. that rhetoric just is.
feminine gay women exist. masculine gay men exist. sometimes they may experiment with their gender expression once realizing this, but they don't always and they don't have to to be considered queer. butch/fem relationships and other similar relationships are not imitations of heterosexuality, because they're fucking gay, and they do not adhere to traditional heterosexual roles, because, again, they're fucking gay.
your experiences and beliefs are not universal. gay people are not clones of each other. stop invalidating or speaking down on other queer people just because you can't relate to them personally. i know some people don't mean to insinuate these things, but you do. you are. constantly. and the people that fall in those categories you've deemed unacceptable and other, see it.
it's so... exhausting to face that in this space, which is supposed to be a respite from the physical world where that happens, too. and those actions, those beliefs that people share, they also bleed into the physical world and how you interact with other people in your community. it's not just little words that you write and have no meaning. it doesn't start and end with a fictional character. the things that you say matter and sometimes they're very troubling.
people who have been in those "fem/masc" relationships, or that identify with any kind of similar label, have not lived a life that's an imitation of heterosexuality, nor are they any less queer than you just because you haven't been in/participate in relationships like that.
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soupforstars · 11 months
I find it genuinely hilarious how many signs there were pointing to us being a system from ages ago... As the host whos been here the longest I'm surprised I didn't look into it sooner, like I SERIOUSLY wondered on MORE THAN TWO SEPERATE OCCASIONS as a teen whether I had DID, but brushed it off both times because I thought "oh I'm not traumatised enough" and "you have to experience blackouts and time jumps and I haven't so I can't" (spoiler alert, I definitely was incredibly traumatised and I definitley have had blackouts before but even then I didn't know that those weren't fully necessary for a diagnosis).
And this is without getting into "my" love of any media that involved characters with alter egos, "multiple personalities", etc. Like I LOVED the Jekyll and Hyde musical when I found it, my favourite Total Drama character was Mike (the one with DID but like. when people still knew it as MPD. also he wasnt the best rep lol), I loved the Markiplier and Jacksepticeye egos, for a short time I was into Sander Sides, I had full on "characters" that were "aspects of my personality" but also next to them was just. My actual sona? Completely seperate from them, which actually represented me?
I just really thought I liked media with alternate egos/personalities but methinks the call was coming from inside the house sdjshsnsjsbdjdb
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characcoon · 11 months
yeah so I moved to the biggest city in Brazil (hi São Paulo), which means everything is in here, including almost all conventions of all kinds, which means I'm going insane trying to NOT buy tickets to them.
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heartburstings · 1 year
hey, wait. i have a distressing thought here.
you know how, in you and i, jason has to comfort peter that It's All Just A Game? and directly after that, peter like, just directly says, "i know he wants to be the american dream. i know he wants a trophy bride, kids, a dog, a picket fence. i don't know how i'm supposed to fit into that."
and it's like... i doubt this insecurity came from nowhere. like, yeah, of course peter knows jason this well, of course he does--but also. do you think ivy was even the first girl jason went out with? you know???
#wynn speaks#bare: a pop opera#do you think jason dating ivy--a Friend TM in their Friend Group TM--was the last straw???#do you think jason's popularity status comes from not only being a Charismatic A+ Jock but also from having dated a couple of girls??#like this changes the whole fucking thing for me. what if jason's relationship with ivy was not his first comphet relationship.#what if for the both of them this was the relationship that shook up the script they were used to when it came to dating. guys#am i going crazy?? am i going crazy???? does this make any sense???? i have no idea this just came to me. help#also the PAIN of watching ur boyfriend be in a Fake Relationship TM that he plays out to be a Real Relationship TM over and over again#and having to be ok with it bc it's jason's way of staying in the closet no matter how homophobically. can you fucking imagine.#just girl after girl filling the role of Girlfriend and peter's here like. playing the role of Best Friend.#and he's like. literally his boyfriend. he's like yeah idk how to feel abt being the queer subtext in ur real-time autobiography jason#ok i need to stop editing the tags repeatedly but like.#the girl saying ''jason--did you lose my number?'' in you and i#and then jason doesn't call ivy back during spring break#there's a terrible implication here that jason doesn't even break up with girls#that ivy is the first time he's realized that the way he treats women as a prop to Perform Straightness is like...#harmful to an actual human person...#heeeelp...
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sovonight · 1 year
#ohhhhhhh i really do dislike the tonal shift in bg2/tob so much........ and by that i mean mostly in xan's mod 😭#i mean maybe the sense of betrayal and disappointment is immersive but it really leaves me with No idea what to do with him#in my version of radri's story. like. do i do my best even with all the parts i find ooc? do i cherry pick what i want and forget the rest?#and even after all my complaints i keep thinking back to his author. the fact that somehow this is the *intended* experience#currently feeling like the necromancer who resurrected their wife and is convinced she came back wrong but who just never truly knew her#i keep going back to 'estel'amin'. the fact that xan named charname his hope--and then quickly stopped using that name for her#once her bhaalspawn nature continued to affect her life after the conclusion of bg1#so--basically--i'm to assume that he changed his mind? she's no longer his hope; his light; and if she is it's rare#he just calls her beautiful now; something far more shallow#and the fact that in tob he vacillates between subtly criticizing her for her nature which she has no control over#(and which in radri's case she has never even willingly given in to)--#and attempting to comfort her after her nature makes bad things happen to her & around her#--but then his comfort is once again undermined by the aforementioned shallow compliments#it's coming across as 'i love your body despite what you are in spirit' and really isn't a great look at all#look maybe i'm crazy but in bg1 i got the impression that he was able to accept and move past it fairly quickly#like 'ok you're a bhaalspawn so now let's move into problem solving. obviously i have to quit my job and travel with you full time'#but in bg2 he spends most of his time lamenting about how hard it must be for her to live like this#while also pointing it out as a personal flaw of hers. as if she'd had any say in who her father was#like there are npcs literally shouting 'i hate all bhaalspawn!' and here he is--supposedly her closest supporter--#also subtly saying 'i hate bhaalspawn' right to her face#when literally as a neutral alignment and as a companion of 1-2 years-- he should actually have THE most nuanced take on her???#in bg1 he says murder is unavoidable in the life of an adventurer. then in tob he comments that charname kills everyone haphazardly--#--as though in another jab to her nature. meanwhile as a constant companion he should know better than anyone that it wasn't so simple#idk. i'm almost feeling gaslighted by the narrative in a sense#because when everyone else talks about xan in bg2/tob--including charname via the dialogue options/written internal dialogue--#they say that he's ~gray~ and calm and collected and emotionless etc#meanwhile he's literally the most emotional guy in the game. like. he's freaked out SO many times#so?? how am i supposed to take anything here genuinely?? how am i supposed to engage??? SIGH#anyway today's my first day at my new job and i have to wake up in 2 hours & im certain that i'll be too nervous to eat today#my goal for today is just to not be fired 👍 12 hours from now it will be over...
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mars-ipan · 5 months
the hinata kinning is strong tonight
#marzi speaks#once again. shoutout to izuru for calling me out on that enough times for me to realize it’s the truth#crazy thing is i keep finding out how correct it is in different ways#like i realized recently. i have no idea who i am or who i’m supposed to be#i think i know who i wanna be? but i might already be that person and not even know it#and the other night i was sitting there. and i thought ‘who the hell am i.’ and then i realized that’s such a fucking hajime ass thought#identity issues moment. teehee !!#i didn’t… think i had identity issues??? but shit i might !!!#it might be genderfluidity having a moment. it might be stress. it could be anything#anything could be responsible for the way i am. if i would be likely to do anything given the right circumstances#how can i know that any choice i make is truly my own#…i need to go to bed. it might be bedtime#do you see what i MEAN though??? goddamn. i should work on getting a therapy appt set up or smth#on a more lighthearted note the whole hajime kinnie thing is SO funny in hindsight#when i asked izuru why he thought i was a hajime kinnie he just went ‘oblivious and gay. among other things.’#and i said ‘what other things?????’ and he went ‘i’m not gonna bore myself with the details. if anyone would know it’d be me trust me’#and well. shit! a bitch was right and that still irritates me a little. how the fuck did that fucker know that much about me#it is a super funny interaction though. izuru kamukura came to my blog called me a faggot and left. slay
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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spiraling again
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
You know. Sorry for another sporadic unprompted post about that friend who has caused me so much trauma in the past year. But I remember this one time his old high school friend I met once, he's really nice I liked him a lot. Cool guy. But he lives far away so they don't meet up a lot but they text. One time he sent this friend some pictures of us that were taken at a cooking class that he'd been bothering me into going to despite that it was all the way in Boston, there was a lot of walking to get to it, etc. And I was like constantly feeling sick and run down and exhausted from having Covid recently. He texted his friends those pictures of the two of us and his friend asked "Are you and Diana dating lol" like pretty innocently but honestly curious.
And he just replied "Are you fucking high" and he showed me and told me about it. Like. Like it was uncomfortable for HIM to be asked that.
Like his response isn't SUPER INSULTING TO ME.
#and also just really fucking mean to that friend. like???? WHO TALKS LIKE THAT TO SOMEONE#his friend was like 'oh lol sorry. but itd be cute if you were' like why make him ashamed of asking a normal ass question???#the way this guy was possessive over me and entitled to my constant attention youd THINK he was my fucking boyfriend#this anecdote is actually a good example of how even if you just do smth completely normal (in this case asking a question)#but he doesn't like it he'll just turn it on you and make you feel wrong or crazy. FOR NOTHING#he doesn't reflect at all on the insulting unthinking ways he treats ppl either. why would he? he's always right#and if he's ever not right it's always someone else's fault somehow.#that's why i can't bring up any of this shit to him. his response is always 'well you couldve just told me' but no#NO ONE CAN TELL YOU ANYTHING BC YOUR ANGER AND EMOTIONS ARE EVERYONE ELSE'S RESPONSIBILITY!!!#motherfucker has no idea what the word imposing means#tales from diana#i truly loathe this little boy bitch baby#'are you fucking high' it's funny bc that makes it sound like he'd never be attracted to me#it's very likely he was. i hate to be like this but im not FUCKING UGLY AND HATED BY EVERYONE?? UNLOVABLE???#im found attractive by ppl pretty often and im not offended by it.#but hed get so weird whenever someone expressed interest in me#one time he humiliated this guy i barely knew by telling him he knew that guy asked me out for valentine's day.#the fuck???? why are you making that guy explain it to you??? it wasn't WEIRD. i just said no you FREAK#makes human beings feel ashamed of human emotions bc he doesn't have any of his own.
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