#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason
djungleskogs · 4 months
#OK I NEED TO STOP engaging with 911 ship wars but i have ONE MORE THING to say (probably lying)#i think it’s genuinely concerning how many people believe a ship has to have years of emotional connection before you’re allowed to ship it#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason#crackships and rarepairs exist for a reason#secondly and probably more importantly#i think it’s really weird how many people are uncomfortable with the idea of gay sex#not in general but like#people were saying they were uncomfortable and weirded out because#an actor vaguely insinuated that the fictional character he plays would enjoy having gay sex with his partner#like people were calling him a freak#I THINK THATS WEIRD AND CONCERNING#it’s giving ‘my ship doesn’t have sex they make love while holding hands’#i think it ties into the first point#relationships are allowed to be built off attraction#you don’t need years and years of bonding for your relationship to be valid#and i think the visceral reaction against bucktommy because they’re not besties who share a kid is borderline homophobic#like there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike tommy and bucktommy like tommys previous behaviour#but being sooo against a ship based on the fact that there wasn’t enough ‘build up’ and that they don’t have a deep emotional bond#weird#and i don’t think it’s fetishisation to enjoy a canon couple im sorry that’s just a fucking crazy take#like it’s insane to me that apparently enjoying a gay ship is fetishisation unless it meets certain ‘emotional bonding’ criteria#also bathena is one of the most beloved ships on the show and their ‘build up’ was one date and a church hangout#and no one claims that they’re rushed and underdeveloped and that’s why one of them should be written off the show#like i said i think there’s a lot of valid reasons to dislike the ship (even if i do enjoy it)#but some of the arguments i’ve seen are just weird and i think you guys need to look at why it makes you uncomfortable#engage with other fandoms with more diverse ships and maybe you’ll calm down a little#911 discourse#for clarity the tumblr fandom seems to be okay but 911twt is an actual hell scape
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eddiespornstache · 2 months
The entire point of 7x04 TO ME
is that Buck has no context for the feelings he’s experiencing. He knows he’s feeling jealous but he INCORRECTLY assumes the jealousy is targeted towards Tommy over Eddie because that’s what makes sense to him. He’s “allowed” to be jealous over Eddie in his own mind because that fits in with their best friend dynamic. It doesn’t cross his mind that he could be jealous over Tommy because he’s not operating from a framework where that’s a conclusion he could draw since he’s never verbalized to himself that it’s possible for him to have a crush on a dude
That’s why Buck’s conscious actions like buying the basketball and getting Eddie’s attention when he’s on the phone are about Eddie. Because Buck doesn’t know what’s going on in his brain yet and he thinks it’s about Eddie. It’s his subconscious actions like shoving Eddie (since he clearly didn’t intentionally mean to do that) that point to the fact that Eddie isn’t actually the one Buck is jealous over, he’s the one he’s jealous of.
It’s not until the scene in the loft where Buck is feeling sufficiently embarrassed by his behavior, and Tommy’s right there getting closer and closer, and the flirtation between them is getting more and more apparent, that he finally realizes that it was, in fact, always about Tommy. Part of the reason getting his attention was so exhausting was because Buck spent the bulk of the episode barking up the wrong tree because he didn’t know what he was doing!
Yes, it is stuctured a bit as a bait and switch for the audience because we spend the whole time following Buck’s pov, and he’s an unreliable narrator right up until Tommy kisses him. And I feel like I see a lot of people stuck on the bait part because it reinforces their preconceived notions when the episode itself and the way Bucktommy plays out for the rest of s7 very clearly emphasize that it was a misdirect, both for him the character and us the audience.
And this is not coming from a place of anti Buddie at all! If Buck wasn’t aware of his crush on Tommy he’s certainly not aware of any deep seated feelings towards Eddie at this point. Buddie absolutely could develop in the future. But in 7x04 the emphasis on Buck and Eddie’s relationship, even with all the jealous feelings, is very clearly laid out within the platonic bounds that, as far as Buck is currently concerned, it exists in. He was always jealous over Eddie as a friend, and he was always crushing on Tommy. That’s the takeaway that the episode wants the viewer have. Anything else, to me, is shipping goggles. If the show’s narrative ever gets to a point where it intentionally wants the viewer to understand that Buck has romantic feelings for Eddie, it will be explicit about it, it won’t make it a secret message that undercuts the main storyline of an episode.
But right now the canon pairing is Bucktommy. Right now Buck is explicitly romantically and physically very into Tommy. It’s okay to hope that changes later, but insisting on a reading of the show where that isn’t the case is intentionally not watching what the show is trying to tell you, which is odd to me because wanting to watch the show should be why we’re all here imo
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poshmygosh · 4 months
Sooo I just watched Challengers and I have so many thoughts!!! Warning: this is a long one..
Honestly, I have seen so many interesting takes on this movie (though I'll mainly be discussing one I've seen a lot that I don't agree with at all) and I figured I'd throw my two cents in there lol.
So first and foremost: Tashi is a vital character to this film, as well as Patrick and Art's relationship as we see it int he future.
I"ve seen so many posts saying that "Patrick and Art should just get together, they're the one's that are really in love" or just overall downplaying the role that Tashi has in the film, I don't know if this is just that thing that some mlm shippers do where they erase the woman in the situation so that can just ship the two men, misogynoir, or something else entirely, but this takes generally doesn't make any sense to me. Obviously Patrick and Art loved each other, even before they met Tashi. They had been best friends for years and their friendship was definitely homoerotic at the LEAST, but the idea that they would have been romantic without her is not true. They had never had any sort of romantic interaction, besides jerking off in a room together in separate beds when they were twelve, until Tashi prompted them too in the hotel. I don't think that would have happened otherwise. Beside the fact I do believe that there was some romantic yearning from both of them at times, they were not in the place to actually explore what that means. Patrick had a girlfriend, Art was clearly not in a place to confront the possibility of a sexual situation between them, and they were headed in two completely different directions in life. Tashi being there with them in that moment in the hotel, with them hanging on to her every word, every command allowed for them to feel comfortable being sexual with each other in that moment. Even if she had left that hotel room and the three of them had never interacted again, the night would have been brushed off as just something they did when they were drunk to hook up with a girl, it wouldn't have amounted to relationship, and even if it had she was still an integral part. She is the catalyst to so much of the tension between them, the sex that they might've shared in that hotel room that night if things had continued, and the sex they share on the tennis court 13 years later.
Another hot take: I do think that Tashi loved both of them at different points of the movie, though she loved tennis most of all.
I've seen some people say that the only real love that exists within the triangle is between Patrick and Art, and that Tashi only loved tennis. While I absolutely agree that tennis was the love of her life, I don't at all think that she never had love for Patrick or Art. One of the reasons why she was so bothered by Art saying that Patrick didn't love her when they were eating together at Stanford, was because she DID love him. She puts up a front, she acts like things don't bother her even when they do (is it clear that this trio need to work on their communication lol?) but she does like to show it. I think that this is also evident when her and Patrick are making out in her dorm later. I think some people think that her trying to giver him pointers on how to play better are her trying to be mean or vindictive but I also think this is a sign of how much she cares bout him. Her dad was her tennis coach, so you can imagine that she grew up in a household where oftentimes the love that was expressed was in conversations about how she played and how she could play better. And she's passionate about the sport and she has so much love for the game. For her, love and tennis are tethered in a way. The fact that she watched his games and was so eager to give him tips and pointers was evidence that she cared imo. And how that quickly turned into a fight between them is her putting up her walls, becoming defensive, most likely because she still has Art's words in the back of her head, and it bothers her.
As for Art, I feel like this could go without saying, but she married him. She married him and had a kid with him, and she didn't have to do that lol. She could've just coached him, we know that she's coached players without having a romantic relationship with them, and she did a pretty damn good job to, so she could've done the same with him. We actually get a really nice scene between them at the diner and we get a small glimpse of them beyond tennis, and you realize what it is that sees in him and why she would be interested in him romantically and not just as a coach to player.
I feel like people misconstrue her disdain and loathing that she has for them as her not loving them. She loves them and at times hates them. She tells Art in the beginning that she would do anything to be able to play again, and yet, here these two are, one who has lost his confidence and motivation for the game, and another whose laziness and carelessness prevent him from reaching his highest potential. Two people who are wasting their greatest privilege and she despises them for it.
Annnnnnd last take (I didn't expect this to be so long): Art is a snake.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Art. I love all of these characters, and in my head they all quarantined together during covid, found a therapist, learned how to communicate and work through their issues, and are now living happily ever after with Lily, but Art is a snake as are all of them. I've seen some people excuse him trying to break Patrick and Tashi up back at Stanford, for one reason or another, and I'm not really sure why. You can love a character and/or feel sympathetic for them without erasing their wrong doings. You can admit that Art was slimy and manipulative at times and still love him, I promise. None of these characters are real and canonically all of them do pretty awful things in the movie, but you can acknowledge that and love them anyway. I think that if you look at this movie as there being a "bad guy" or a "good guy" you may have missed some things. The movie is messy, and toxic, and petty, and intoxicating, and thrilling because of the characters wrongdoings not in spite of them. And I think that's part of what makes it so fun!
Anyway, this was sooo much longer than I intended it to be lol, but I had so many thoughts I needed to get them out. I don't even know if this makes any sense but it's late and I'm going to post it anyway. If anyone has their own thoughts please please share! I'm literally obsessed with this movie, so reading people's ideas and opinions about it has been really fun
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chaifootsteps · 15 days
Im a part of the HH fandom and I know vox is not well received in the critical community but I wanted to vent something I can't speak about in the fandom spaces. I like Vox (can age poorly) and can't help but feel obliged to like Valentino too. And it's not that I hate his fans or think he shouldn't be liked as a villain, I just can't help but notice how some fans get really overprotective over Valentino which is something I can't wrap my head around. I've seen people wish death upon Vox or wishing nobody made art of him but I don't get mad and I understand their anger. I get why people say they hate Vox as a character. Many vox fans agree that he sucks. But I've seen people defend Valentino and say haters don't understand that he has a tragic backstory. One of the things that soured my experience so much was seeing a person respond to an SA survivor who commented how they hate Valentino because they've been abused, with something along the lines " Do you know that your abuser possibly has gone through abuse too? Or ever went through worse than you?" I felt so appalled that I can't forget it
Knowing that I'm not allowed to only like Vox because he's supposed to be Valentino's bestie and liking Vox without Valentino is dismissive to Valentino's suffering to many fans, makes me feel like I owe to fandom and also reminds me of my bad experiences. At some point I realized that Vox is tied to a certain ship instead of being his own person.
Viv liking all the posts that condemn people for liking other vees makes me feel even more pressured.
Just wanted to add that I've seen Valentino fans who don't act that way and don't deserve to be mixed up with the obsessive and hurtful fans but I guess the bad apples bring a more lasting impression.
I'm not a vox apologist. I will even agree that he's worse. I just like evil businessman type of villains.
Jesus Christ, that's absolutely repulsive and anyone behaving that way deserves a kick in the pants. Honestly, this is one of several reasons I don't like Valentino anymore despite how much I used to love him...it didn't used to be this way, or at least not this bad. There are still normal, decent people who like him, but they're quikcly being crowded out by ghouls like these.
(Vox is definitely a fun character with a fun voice and imo, he's the least awful of the three. Velvette makes date rape potions, Valentino is Valentino, but Vox is just an evil businessman.)
Regardless, I don't think you should feel pressured to like any character you don't, and anyone who tries to goad you otherwise can spit in the air.
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Choose violence 12 and 23
Hi there!
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
Irina Denali
A lot of people resent her because of her behavior and actions throughout the movies. Which...I kinda get it:
she´s part of the reason the Denalis did not aid the Cullens in fighting off Victoria and her army in Eclipse (Tanya´s to blame for that as well imo - she´s the leader and, as such, should´ve been the voice of reason)
in BD Part 1, she still refused to believe Laurent tried to kill Bella (basically called Edward a liar) and I fully believe she´d have offed one of the wolves (probs Seth) after the wedding, had Tanya allowed it
then you got all of BD Part 2...I mean, I think we all know (always always always get your facts right first)
I think a lot of people don´t make an effort to actually understand such complex characters. It´s easier to go by what you can see rather than digging deeper and wondering about the Why:
I don´t believe Laurent and her were "meant to be", but Irina probably did. (Hence why she wouldn´t believe a word Edward said.) After centuries of searching, she´d finally found her mate. The one thing she´d always hoped and longed for. (I HC her as someone who´s dreamed of marriage since she was a little girl. Just like Rosalie.) The one thing all vampires hope and long for, I reckon.
...Only to have that ripped away from her in a matter of...days? Weeks? Months? (Not sure how long Laurent´s been with the Denalis before he returned to Forks to finish the job.) It broke her. I´d even go so far as to argue she felt a pain similar to when her mother died. Not as severe, but powerful enough to leave a gaping hole in her chest. I think Laurent´s death changed her, made her bitter, and I really wish we´d have gotten to see the Irina before Laurent. She was probs a whole different person.
Besides: Yall can´t tell me any of the Cullens would´ve reacted any differently if their mate had been slaughtered by the wolves. A vampire will always be out for blood and revenge after that.
The (not quite) immortal child
Well, what to say here? It was a misunderstanding, a big one. One that could´ve been prevented by Irina herself, if only she´d have taken the time to think before acting.
...But rational thinking can be difficult when your past comes back to haunt you. She saw the child, and got triggered. She didn´t even think about thinking, she was simply not able to. The death of her mother was a traumatic experience for her, and seeing Renesmée probs felt like living through that trauma all over again. She looked disgusted when she saw her and Bella because she has suffered the consequences of such a selfish act (turning a child) before. How could the Cullens, people she considered family, commit such a heinous crime when they knew what it cost them (the sisters)?
I think, above all else, Irina felt utterly betrayed.
With that said, Irina wasn´t a "bad" person. She´s simply been dealt very shitty cards, and while all of that is no excuse for some of the things she´s done, it makes her, for a lack of a better word, human.
23. Ship you´ve unwillingly come around to.
...Don´t hit me pls (looking at you @ynhara):
Irina Denali x reader
Look...I gotta confess something:
I´ve never been fond of Irina, probs because of the very reasons I´ve stated above. I just never really got attached to her, yknow? Sometimes, there´s people you just don´t click with, right?
...Until you start looking deeper into their story. So, basically, ever since I started writing about the Denalis, some of my views just...changed. In order to come up with these HCs and silly little posts and whatnot, I had to deal with her and her story. How else was I supposed to come up with stuff? So, the more I wrote, the more I understood (e.g.: see above). And with understanding came fondness.
If there´s one thing I´ve learned from this, it´s that you should always make an effort to get to know the person behind the mask. 🎭
Thanks for your ask! 💋
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
hi! I wanted to know your opinion, I also love helaegon, but even in books it is written about aegon's infidelities. do you think he loved Heleina romantically if he was cheating? yet before B&C they slept together
i ship helaegon, so yeah, i do think there was romantic love woven into their sibling bond. which, in and of itself, is a curious and fucked-up starting point to expand upon. was he a perfect husband? lol no. sure, fire & blood doesn't stop to spell out every relationship and interaction between these people, bc the medium just doesn't allow for it.
but we do know some things about helaena. she is hinted to have been a very popular and charismatic person - she was an involved mother to three children, was beloved by both alicent AND viserys. even rhaenyra didn't have any particular beef with her. the common people loved her so much they rioted in her name, which means she had a very active public persona, perhaps related to charities and other good works and wasn't holed up in the palace all day.
she claimed dreamfyre, so that proves she was a brave and enterprising person, not afraid to take risks and take charge of the situation, if needed. milquetoast pushovers are not really successful dragon claimers - i feel like fandom glosses over this aspect a lot and the show doesn't help. can you imagine how it must feel like to fly in that time when the only method of air transportation is a dangerous fire-breathing creature? or to have a deep telepathic bond with one?
so, in this context, aegon isn't really given any particular reason to dislike her. she has a retort at hand whenever needed, is not afraid of her husband, is involved in political decisions before B&C and aegon even listens to her. is that a whole lot of build-up? ofc not. but it's really not the "helaegon h8 each other" gotcha zinger that's become popular in the fandom. although hotd does not help in this regard.
in the show she is kind of the opposite of what she was portrayed in FB - she's shy, withdrawn, keeps to the palace grounds, is mostly ignored and content that way. these traits are not "bad" or "good", but it does change the family dynamic and imo not much is done to compensate for it. i don't get the feeling they're telling a better story with this, just a more frustrating one by not providing some kind of counterbalance.
at the end of the day, this relationship has a lot of potential for interesting exploration, but any adaptation will boil down to what specific themes the writers want to develop. and, whenever readers interpret this ship, they're also going to be viewing it through whichever lends they find more compelling. it's always going to be like this with any underdeveloped aspect of any story.
so, if you make aegon hypersexual and helaena withdrawn, that's definitely a choice that's going to inform how these characters interact with each other, but that new dynamic is different from the text and we should acknowledge that, not pretend it was like this all along.
as for whether it's a good change to make or not, i'm not inclined to say so. transforming helaena into another long-suffering wife, when she is already going to lose her mind over the trauma she is subjected to, is boring. they already explored that with alicent and, at the end of the day, helaena is not your typical westerosi lady. her dragon is bigger than aegon's, but nobody bothers to take that into consideration. she should be whacking her brother over the head if he's being annoying, not cowering in fear of him.
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harringroveera · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking 2 questions?:
1: why do people attack people who defend or enjoy Billy’s character? Or gets hate if people relate to him in any form. I get that he’s a “mean” character, but people are allowed to like him. It’s not hurting anyone at all, it’s not a crime. He’s definitely my top 3(billy, Steve, Chrissy) he’s an interesting character imo, and 100% deserved to have gotten a redemption, and not him dying, although him sacrificing himself changed his character, kinda wished they did more with him yk? He’s one of those characters that deserves to feel loved and comfort, even if he’s supposed to be the “bad” guy. We get hate just for defending him(with Niel, Lucas, and whoever else) his actions are because of Niel, and they just forget about that(some people) people forget that Niel physically and emotionally abused him, yet they(some people) thinks it’s an excuse to like his character?
2: is shipping harringrove wrong? Should people not be allowed to ship it? Me personally it’s my fav, it’s comforting, and the fluff the ship has is one of my favs too, I get why people don’t ship it, but that’s not an excuse to just hate on people if they ship something that you don’t like. People attack us for thinking they had sexual tension in some scenes, but people sexualize the scene with Eddie and Steve, when Eddie had a bottle? Like the favoritism is scary. There are scenes that we think had that, and some didn’t, there’s nothing wrong with it. We love the ship, but it’s sad to just get attacked for no reason yk?
sorry for taking some of your time with these 2 questions
Thank you for your questions I do have to warn you I will probably not be good at answering them!
1. Antis attack Billy as a character because they’re assholes. He’s a fictional character. He isn’t even real. They attack Billy’s enjoyers because they’re assholes who don’t respect other human beings (which makes sense since they can’t even respect a fictional character). They get off from being assholes. Some of them need to grow up and learn the difference between a real person and a fictional character. Fictional characters aren’t real, humans are, attacking someone who enjoys a fictional character is just horrible.
2. Shipping anything will never be wrong because fictional characters are not real. A ship might be someone’s favorite or might not be, but no one can forbid others from shipping or liking a character.
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chubs-deuce · 1 month
What do you think of time travel, my friend?
Because personally i think it's a mixed bag that comes with risk.
In the movie for Trollhunters, Rise Of Titans, I am not going to spoil it that much.
But basically the whole fandom hated the fact that the ending involved a reset back to the beginning where everything started and I am not going go into much detail, other then it look like more stuff for the series was coming but this movie is supposedly the final installment and so far, there are no news.
I believe time travel can work but at the same time, if there is no continuation or written badly, then I don't think it's worth the risk to add that kind of plot to a story.
oh yeah wholeheartedly agreed!!!
it sucks when a story just goes "jk here's a reset" at the end when using time travel stuff :/
There are honestly very few pieces of media that imo managed to make it work well so it's always disappointing when such an interesting concept is tackled and then botched, either as an easy way out or a pointless plot device that affects nothing as substantially as it should...
I'm ngl if there's one thing I can praise homestuck of all things for is how it managed to handle time travel within its plot bc I have yet to see another piece of media handle it that well!
I mean the entire concept of the comic is four kids who play a game that turns out to actually be part of the universe's natural rebirth cycle and the exploration of all that comes with that.
For example- the Big Bad Guy is an unkillable time demon and is the result of a self-causing paradox that involves him getting trapped in an artifact that is then sent back in time (it was the only way to keep him from breaking reality as a whole), which then also directly causes its own creation later.
A lot of homestuck's character interactions also happen non-linearly throughout time, since one group of characters for example had computer terminals that allowed them to chat with the other group at any chosen point in the other group's timeline, which caused some funny self-fulfilling chats where one character already knew the outcome of the chat he would have in the other character's future, then griping about it to them and directly becoming the reason it would be going that way.
There's also characters like Dave, who can hop back and forth in time at will, but this comic also actually happens to respect the paradoxical nature of running into your past and/or future self if you do that and stay in the same area, which is something he actively exploited to grind for resources quicker. One of the things he was then shown to struggle with was that sometimes he'd mess up and find a corpse of a future instance of himself, something he'd then have to keep track of and actively prevent from fulfilling.
What I like especially about this is that it's not only logical, but some of the splintered timelines that branch off as a result of him preventing his own death is acknowledged as something that continues to exist off-screen, we as the readers are just led to keep following the timeline where he survives.
Speaking of- Homestuck also played around with several alt timelines that all played a distinct role in the story's outcome, even the infinite amount of "doomed" ones that had their whole cast die for one reason or another got acknowledged due to the nature of the setting allowing for the ghosts of the dead characters to collect in a tangible space that could be physically passed through with a space ship or accessed through dreams. You had characters chatting with their dead selves from other timelines and even ones that created the universe of the characters that created the main cast-
It's getting complicated as fuck, but there was clearly so much thought put into not only tackling a terribly obtuse and complex fictional concept, but also into exploring all of the possible little butterfly effect scenarios that happen naturally as a direct consequence - and it was done ridiculously well, in ways that I still am in awe about so many years later.
Sorry for going off on a rant there, it's just a really interesting topic that I appreciate getting explored properly and I 100% undertand your gripes with media that doesn't do it justice, which is often ;w;
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sourcoded · 1 month
Hey Sour, this is the previous anon here, about my thoughts on my ship between Kenshi Takahashi and Kuai Liang.
Before I get into it, I wanted to start off by saying that this new era is god-awful and honestly could have been far better imo. With that being said I wanted to create a rewrite of the timeline (still haven't necessarily started; I'm just drafting ideas.)
And I definitely will check out that fan-fic!!!
Now that's out of the way, what made me ship them in the OG timeline was mainly because of how different they were from each other while still having major similarities as well. I loved the idea of them quickly becoming allies and out of the allies that Kenshi ended up having he trusted Kuai Liang the most. (if not mistaken he actually thought of each other as actual friends.) How can you not love them!! In addition, I just loved the idea of Kenshi being an arrogant, prideful, recluse yet charismatic individual who wanted to be the best—while on the other hand, you have Kuai Liang a compassionate, disciplined, Honest, and similarly reclusive like Kenshi. Through these characteristics, I believe their respect for each other grew as they continued to spend time with each other, and who wouldn't want to see their favorite character make out?
Moving on to my ideas for my rewrite, As far as how the blind swordsman and the cryomancer would be implemented, in my AU.
Kuai Liang would be Tundra for foremost and I always loved the idea in “MKL Snowblind” babygirl Kuai not having full control of his abilities thus in my AU he is kinda like a Rapunzel or a caged bird who had to be disciplined gruelingly in order to maintain control of his ability.
(getting his scar as a form of punishment from his father who had been training him.) Regarding, Kenshi Takahashi the swordsman will maintain his status as a Yakuza but wouldn’t denounce it so easily, so his alignment would be neutral—only caring about his own clan and desires. (Also obviously wouldn’t be Earthrealm champion, having his own reasons for being involved with the plot.)
Kenshi Takahashi’s Yakuza clan would have direct connections with the red dragons thus giving Kenshi the task of seeking out Shang Tsung (That goes horribly wrong) after being blinded by the sorcerer, Tomas and Kuai Liang spot the wounded man—they take him back to the Lin Kuei base of operations to get Kenshi treated. Once the blind swordsman felt “better” he knew to leave, not wanting to accept any more help and find to the sorcerer not for his mission but to kill the scoundrel himself, Kuai Liang on the other hand wasn't sure that the blind man should be doing a task like that alone, especially after his injuries. Kenshi Takahashi being stubborn, decided that he needed to follow up on his plans without letting his disability get in the way. (Sento would slowly and surely help Kenshi as guidance during his escape.) Kuai Liang worried about the swordsman and followed him as a means of protection, this would be Kuai Liang’s first time being away from the Lin Kuei’s fortitude but he knew that protecting the Kenshi Takahashi meant something—thus allowing Tundra and Kenshi Takahashi to involved within the story without taking away from any bigger narratives that could be implemented with my AU.
That's all I have at the moment, but I really wanted to give the both of them a slow burn of friends to lovers trope, and before they become friends the tensions rising mainly on Kenshi’s end as I headcanon him to not accept help because he likes to achieve things on his own, but of course, through the guidance of Sento and Kuai Liang—he becomes a bit more comfortable with the idea of help and support. And in regards to the cryomancer he learns to be more confident, to take charge of your path/destiny regardless what stands in the way, whether that’s fear, anxiety, or the unknown.
HEYY sorry for the wait!
okay 1.) this is JUICEYY anon omg .. and 2.) as for my own personal opinion on mk1, its BAD. like not even gonna sit here and lie, these game's are feeling more and more watered down, lack luster and like a mascot for something it once was, but that being said there are still aspects of it i find engaging, and maybe even pretty good if you pick away at it hard enough lol but this is a topic for another conversation.
but anyways i enjoy the overall tension you've built here a lot! love me a good friends to lovers but esp a good slow burn!!! Idk if you have like, anything more intricate written down but I'd love to read ur work when stuff is finalized..also I have similar hc's for kenshi as well :)!
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cosmicjoke · 10 months
Hi, I read your post about shipping and you just said everything that I have been wanting to say. Well , I admit to be an eruri shipper, But for my personal interests about these two very well written characters and the special relationship they share. It doesn't have to be romantic and thier lives don't have to revolve around each other. I won't go out my way insinuating Levi was all about Erwin and shit. That is totally disregarding his character.
I read eruri fics on ao3 everyday and I want to say most of them misinterpret both thier characters for sake of their "yaoi" fantasy. I am sick of it. I won't say don't ship who you want. I am an eruri shipper too but doing this is totally childish.
I think Levi was the one person Erwin trusted with his whole life and he was last and only person who ever understood who he was and saw him as a human. In a way Erwin's own va( Ono daisuke) saying Levi was the last holder of Erwin's remaining humanity. And Erwin being a commander who Levi trusted implicitly. Humanity needed Erwin but now that Erwin doesn't have the drive anymore he wouldn't be able to be the same commander, as you said. Levi saved him from living life of a devil, floch wanted and gave him salvation from the dream that was borne of his guilt and childish curiosity which turned him this cold but coldness was needed for his commandership.
Thier relationship is very well written even more so, in my opinion , Canon ship, I like the complexity and intricacies of thier relationship romantic or platonic. But those toxic shipper demoting thier characters to just revolve around each other and forgetting thier true motives is infuriating.
Levi's priority was and is always HUMANITY,FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Erwin was slave to his dream, Levi freed him of it and Erwin was grateful to have someone take this burden of this guilt and dream away and giving him some clarity and epiphany. Erwin knew Levi would never let humanity down, so hence letting him make his final choice.
Erwin provided Levi a way to serve humanity in survey corps, thier relationship is fascinating. But your point is valid and true to it's meaning. THANK YOU.
Hi there, and thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
I don't have any problem whatsoever with shipping Levi and Erwin, and in fact, the vast majority of fanfic I read is eruri, which is why it's so funny to me that I keep getting attacked over being "biased" against the ship, lol. I'm not at all, I'm just able to separate it from actual canon. Something I don't think should be hard to do.
Indeed, Levi and Erwin have one of the bets and most complex relationships IN canon, far more complex and, imo, meaningful than if they were simply a romantic couple, which is also why I don't understand this fanatical need by some shippers to make it into some cliched romance.
For sure, Erwin trusted Levi above everyone else, and in the end, that trust was rewarded, because Levi saw through to Erwin's heart, in a way I think even Erwin himself couldn't see. Levi trusted in Erwin for a reason too. He saw a goodness in Erwin that Erwin was blind to. So when Erwin doubted his own worth as a leader, and was beginning to question if he'd committed some horrific wrong because his personal motivation underpinned his commandership, Levi reaffirmed his belief in him and gave him a chance at redemption. Indeed, Levi gave Erwin his humanity back, when it was on the verge of being lost, and in the end, by choosing as he did to let Erwin die, he allowed Erwin to keep his humanity and to die worthy of his title.
That's way more powerful and meaningful than some silly, formulaic love story where Levi betrays everyone and everything for his love of one man, lol. I don't even know why people are into that concept, or into the concept of Levi being so rapturously enamored with Erwin, that nothing else matters to him but pleasing him or doing his bidding.
Levi chose to follow Erwin because he believed in Erwin as a leader with a far reaching vision, and as someone who could lead humanity to victory over the titans, and was pure in his intentions to fight for humanity. He saw him as admirably devoted to that duty, and believed in him for that devotion.
Anyway, thank you again for reaching out!
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pulchrasilva · 5 months
What's an anti-anti? Or an anti for that matter
Oh my friend I am so sorry to introduce you to the shitpile that is antishipping discourse
Anti is short for "antishipper", which is someone who believes certain types of ships are immoral and nobody should ship them or engage with media about them. Exactly what types of ships that includes varies (because morality will always be vague at best and you can't meaningfully categorise anything into "always good" and "always bad"), but people usually take issue with incest, ships involving one or more minors, age gaps, etc.
I consider myself a proshipper/"anti-anti" purely because I think this kind of discourse is extremely inane and potentially harmful.
Antis tend to say "problematic" ships "normalise" harmful dynamics in real life, ignoring that exploring these ideas in fiction is a safe way of engaging with darker topics and sometimes people do so to process personal trauma. Personally I've found that reading fanfiction about dark topics made me wayy more emotionally prepared to handle discussion of them in real life.
And, as I said, it's nearly impossible to draw a solid line between what should be allowed and what shouldn't be allowed. Age of consent is an arbitrary number that's chosen because legally you need a strict number if you're going to enforce the law, but a person 1 year older and 1 year younger than the age of consent aren't actually that much different. Plus the law varies from country to country, but antis tend to choose the US age of 18 because the US dominates the internet. Age-gaps between two non-minor characters get even more blurry!! And let's not forget that a ship between two men is way more likely to be flagged as pedophilia than a ship between a man and a woman. Imo if you can't make a concrete rule about it there's no point in making a rule at all.
Plus it's fiction, and not even mainstream fiction, so it's hardly gonna cause any significant shift in real life culture. These ships get criticised to hell and back in fan spaces and people get properly harassed over it, but there are plenty of professional writers portraying these things in well known media and don't get much flack for it at all - because it's way easier to tear down a fan, your equal, than a creator. It seems to me that the problem isn't really "normalising" these behaviours, because if that was the case mainstream media would be a much bigger contributor than fandom
For some reason, toxic/abusive ships are less commonly criticised despite being objectively harmful to the characters involved, and incest is the one people hate the most despite it being (imo) the one least likely to cause actual harm to the characters. Also depictions of rape and sexual abuse are usually considered off limits but you rarely get the same criticism of, say, depictions of murder. The sexual aspect of the topic seems more important than the actual harm.
AND THEN there's the fact that antis generally only argue against the ships that make them personally feel uncomfortable. Different people have different boundaries for what they consider too far, and I lose my shit every time I see antis shipping something I know other antis claim is the devil. And often the whole thing gets coopted by someone who doesn't like people shipping characters A and B because they ship B and C. ("You can't ship these unrelated characters because they're sibling-coded which makes the ship basically incest" is something I've seen a truly bonkers amount of times)
So yeah. That's the whole mess. Like I said I dont really care about whether or not antis follow me? I'm proship purely because I don't think this is a conversation that needs to be had at all. Like who cares But, go wild, romanticise the hell out of the most repulsive things!! It's nobody else's business but yours. But if I see a mutual who followed me first reblogging "any proshippers who follow me should explode and die teehee ^-^" ONE MORE TIME I might actually explode
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{DigiAdv tri.} ~ Koushiro + OUTFITS ~ My {Personal} Preferences (for Koushiro’s outfits!) + + Koushiro & Jou / {Supportive} Moments & Interactions + Koushiro & Takeru / {Supportive} Moments / Materials + Pre-Bokura no Mirai DigiFes {+Shirt!} Poster (The shirt Koushiro’s wearing was later, iirc, released as official {+Tri} merch at DigiFes, an “irl” event in Japan!) {Real-Life Japan Event} Kokuhaku’s ending theme also helped to promote the same shirt. + (Tri!)Koushiro’s Character Traits (& Mini-Analysis)
My Commentary:
Like, some of the obvious POP culture references / in-jokes some of the other ‘outfits’ had aside, most of these outfits actually looked quite reasonable (and comfy, imo!! - which is pretty much the point I think Koushiro was going for?!??) and I could easily see Koushiro wearing some/most any of these canonically at various points of Koushiro’s tri. and post-tri. teen-aged lifetime, even just purely for fun. Heck, I’ve seen fan-artists (including on the J.P.N end and even in / using specifically their Tri-esque designs / outfits) draw Koushiro in MULTIPLE outfits like this!
{I kind of think the “King” outfit SHOULD stay, though.}
Also, the kimono choice is, like, fine? Koushiro’s Japanes---?
I’m just saying OK!!! Yes!! #LETKoushiroHaveFunWithFashion
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(From my previous Koushiro compilations!)
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{Anyway, Koushiro Izumi says Gender Identity rights---}
OK but Mainly I want to know which animator/Clothing Designer (as I’ve seen exist from some Tri and etc. Staff listings) specifically was involved in this specific segment / outfit set because they were clearly having a BLAST designing Koushiro like 20+ random outfits and honestly, as a Koushiro fan who has supported Koushiro since finding this series in my childhood I CAN’T actually blame them?? (You don’t even HAVE to use / consider every single one there, even TRI!KOUSHIRO doesn’t canonically use all of these!!)
{This is more of a quick compilation; I might expand on this post in the future and re-post it.}
I could also relate everything to do with motor skills and fine motor skills involving clothing and Autism when it comes to certain Autistic head-canons I may have, including buttoning clothes, but that might be a topic for another day...
(Do you see how the shirts TAKERU AND JOU actively help pick out FOR KOUSHIRO are comfy, A more baggy plain blue pullover (Takeru) and the DigiFes tee (Jou), without buttons?) {Despite the initial goal being to look for “fashionable” clothing!}
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
{This specific post is not purely meant as shipping Please be aware and respectful when interacting!} (However, I do side ship Joushiro, so I don’t mind if for example Joushiro gets tagged as a ship) {Just please understand that is not the main intention!}
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kamiko1234 · 8 months
Heyaa!! I read your big brother arthur fic a while back and i haven't said it yet but: I LOVE YOUR WRITING! The way you write the characters is so on point like omg go off, You can really capture their personalities! (especially arthur)
So for the questions thing, Howsa bout 1, 4, 5, 10, 13 and 14? Really interested to kno about the fic! Will be waiting patiently for the next update ;)
-Trancy <3!
Thank you so much for the question, and thanks even more for the compliment ! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. Tbh I was kinda nervous that I fucked up Arthur's characterisation in the Big Bro AU.. Anyway- onto the questions :
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I was trying to capture Arthur as a character if he had grown up genuinly loved. If ya think about it, Arthur is a pretty affectionate guy ! He's almost fanatically loyal to Jeremiah and the Vatican by extention, and clearly wants to have friendships & bonds with people.
It would be cool to see how his personality developed if he got to develope all this by himself without any manipulation. That's also why he's so overprotective in the fic acctualy ! He's still the same brand of loyal and trusting as in canon, just this time it's to his friends and family and not the Vatican. He's also just as obsessive, but this time it's not with being a good exorcist/being a "knight in shinning armour" but with being a good brother and keeping those he loves safe !
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
In the original fic ? "......... I won't allow them to pay for crimes they didn't commit. Even if I have to go against the entier order to do so." From chapter 2. This line is said by Arthur after he found out about the twin's father. I like it bc this shows the diffrences between canon and big bro Arthur really well. Also establishes that Arthur is loyal to people rather than institutions in this fic. If we talk abt the rewritte- the line has yet to be written and published 😅
5: What part was hardest to write?
Nothing rly, it all came to me pretty easily. But if I had to say one thing I'd say that I struggled quite a bit with the start of chapter 7 of the OG fic. Restarted that one quite a bit.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
I don't rly have any pairing for the fic in the romantic sense, as for the reason why I wrote it with an focus on Arthur & Rin ? They are my favs and I think they make a fun pair. I do plan on AngelLight happning in the rewritte tho (once I get off my hiatus) since I just like the ship. The two are cute together and Lewin is the best ship for Arthur imo.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don't rly listen to music to get into the mood for it tbh. I mostly write in short and inconsistent burst of inspiration or inclination to write smth about it. What I DO have however is a spotify playlist with songs that give me big bro Arthur vibes, here's the link if ya want to listen to it. I also have an unlisted YouTube playlist with some songs in it from an idea I had of Arthur singing the twins lullabies ! Rly it's just songs I could see big bro Arthur singing for Rin and YUkio, will props include the idea in the rewritte !
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Nope. This fic is supposed to be harmless fun for all of us us. So, that conclused all the questions ! Again, thank you for sending an ask and I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic ^^ I'm trying to get off my hiatus and continue it since I rely enjoy the AU it's in. Ofcourse the fact still stands that if anyone (you included) has specific hdeacanons/wants to see a specific scenario in the fic you can tell me and I'll deffo try to include it it ^^
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
Gonna go the less expected route here: Julian Albert, Kamilla Hwang, and Joe West for the fictional character bingo.
Ooh I appreciate the variety!
Julian Albert:
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He just kind of Exists to me 🤷‍♀️ I also didn’t like Caitlin/Julian (hence “canon’s not real if I don’t look at it”). I found him kinda off-putting tbh. The show’s no stranger to jerk characters (Harry, Ralph), but Julian doesn’t really have the charisma to endear him to me like Harry and (to a lesser extent) Ralph do.
Also, he was only really there a) for Caitlin’s plotline (and his inclusion in all of it fell flat for me) and b) for the Alchemy red herring (which, as with Savitar pre-reveal, was a waste of time imo)
Kamilla Hwang:
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So admittedly I used to be a lot more neutral towards her, if only because I felt she and Cisco were kinda thrown together by the writing and not given a ton of development as a couple. I…still somewhat feel this way, but I also like the two of them together…and as far as Cisco ships go, Kamisco’s my favorite 💞 (Goldenvibe is second for me, and I’ve been warming up to that more lately too)
Also, since Kamilla is your favorite, I’ve become fonder of her and Kamisco through following you 🥰 Kamilla is sweet, driven, and when the show does allow them to spend time together onscreen, they seem to get each other in a very special way. It’s not my favorite ship, but I find it a sweet one regardless.
As for “the fandom’s so mean”…something I’ve noticed is how some Caitlin/Cisco shippers tend to write Kamisco (and Kamilla, by extension) as very boring/bland/not right for Cisco. Which…fine, people can have ship preferences, but I remember one fic in which a character told Cisco, “[Kamilla’s] nice, but you deserve better than nice”, and that irked me.
Like…I get that Kamisco isn’t as developed as Caitlin and Cisco’s friendship, and even I shipped Caitlin/Cisco for a time, but…it rubs me the wrong way to see a white woman prioritized over a WOC as Cisco’s love interest when canonically, he’s only ever romantically been interested in said WOC and not the white woman. I get the fondness for Caitlin/Cisco, but if you need to throw Kamilla, a WOC and Cisco’s canon love interest, under the bus to do it…I question how strong your ship really is.
(Fun fact, fics like this are part of the reason I don’t really ship Caitlin/Cisco anymore!)
Joe West:
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So…I have mixed opinions. I love him in most of the show, especially his relationships with Barry, Iris, Cisco, and Wally. Even his dynamic with Harry in s2!
I don’t, however, like him in s1 with Iris, and even with Barry, mostly pre-reveal. When he’s shooting down Barry at every turn, making him feel stupid, not even entertaining the idea of the impossible, not even stopping when he sees Barry’s given up the fight…yeah, that was sucky of him. It shouldn’t have taken Iris’s intervening for him to back off.
And with Iris…the lying, the gaslighting, the coddling…listen, I get he’s overprotective, but he is way moreso of Iris than Barry. Keeping her out of the loop for so long and not even apologizing to her?? Joe, Barry made his choice, but you also asked him to do it! You lied to Iris for months and acted like she was crazy when she mentioned seeing the Streak! You even got mad at Barry for Iris’s choice to put her name on her blog!
And that stuff with Eddie…ugh, that’s infuriating. The way Joe acts so entitled to her love life in s1, the way he denies Eddie permission to propose for ages just because he thinks he knows better than Iris who she should marry?? And the show doesn’t win any points with me for treating him as being right for that.
Oh, and also Armageddon?? When he yells at Barry and Iris for wanting to let Thawne die?? Saying they’d be destroying their family by doing so?? JOE CAN YOU BFFR?? We’re talking about EOBARD THAWNE! Killed Nora Allen, framed Henry Allen, stalked your son-in-law, killed Cisco, killed Eddie, killed your granddaughter, changed time and almost married your daughter??
I do love him in the rest of the show though, I think he’s a great fountain of wisdom and his relationships with his kids shine (hence the square with all the hearts, because when those relationships are at the forefront outside of s1, it’s like magic). It’s just those instances when I dislike him.
send me a character (or multiple) and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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risingsouls · 1 year
[Alright. As promised, I'm going to hop on my bullshit and address someone who obviously has it out for GoChi and will stan Vegebul to their dying breath. The funny part is I wasn't their only target in seems. 😬😬
But the rest will be under the cut. This is all in regards to this post.
Here are the replies:
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So let's take this piece by piece, and, for those of you who have been around a minute, you've probably seen my reasoning behind this opinion numerous times. But here goes nothing.
First, I want to hit this with a disclaimer I've said a million times: none of the relationships in DB are well written or executed. NONE. Vegebul and GoChi are the WORST offenders, too, in that order. However, imo, GoChi is more viable because the parties are actually willing to WORK for a relationship while the other one is tossed together for plot reasons and forced by breaking both characters into people they're not. But I'll get into that more later. Shitty writing is the crux of all of this at the end of the day.
Claim 1: "Vegeta and Bulma actually improved their relationship over time and have some good moments."
Improved is a strong word. The crux of this is they weren't compatible from the get go. The Buu Saga is the only place where their relationship is REMOTELY depicted realistically for them as strained and a marriage of convenience. They get along, but it's not this lovey dovey, out of character traditional or over the top love fans and Super depict. It makes sense for them. The only real improvement as far as viewing them as a couple goes is that they're more civil than they were. Otherwise, it's all contrived, forced bs, and that's especially the case in Super.
Claim 2: "Goku's and ChiChi's relationship has never been good and it never will, it has no redeeming qualities and they have nothing but arguing and abuse."
Yeah, GoChi is shitty. It's poorly handled by the writers from the beginning. But to say there are no redeeming qualities right after gassing up Vegebul? HA. HAHAHA. Besides that being a matter of opinion, there are plenty of moments in the series that show "redeeming" qualities for Goku and ChiChi, and they are shown to actually have a working relationship. They're shown to love each other. I won't get into the complexity of at least Goku's character here, but he loves his wife, and she loves him. They love their family and show it. And it's BELIEVABLE. Not some over the top bs shoved in our faces at every turn to make people like this clown not question the validity of their relationship.
Bringing up abuse is even more laughable without talking about how abusive Vegebul is. But go off I guess. I'll probably get to this more later.
Claim 3 (and maybe the funniest lol): "Who cares is Goku and ChiChi kiss/bang or not? That doesn't automatically make a couple better, their relationship is still trash."
This is a really funny defense when Vegebul literally started with them fucking and Vegeta knocking Bulma up. You're lying to yourself if you think they were put together out of romantic interest. They were made a couple for plot convenience and likely sexist beliefs about single mothers. 🤷‍♀️ So what's worse: two people who met as kids and maybe shouldn't have jumped into marriage like they did but can be seen to realistically come to form a relationship together because they have personalities that would allow for it or two people that fucked, made a baby, and were forced together because of it, when neither party should be able to stand the other in the first place by any stretch because they both have very combative personalities among other incompatibilities? This is not the ace of an argument you think it is in the context of these ships.
Claim 4 (paraphrased): GoChi has no chemistry, they have nothing in common, ChiChi just abuses Goku, etc.
Again, are you sure this is the argument you want to make to gas up Vegebul? Where do Vegeta and Bulma show they have chemistry? We never see them do anything but name call and argue (which is what you claim Goku and ChiChi do right????), and pointing to Super will get you nowhere with me. And again we bring up abuse. As I said, Vegeta and Bulma were constantly arguing and name-calling in the beginning. In the Buu Saga they were amicable at best, but they still weren't this perfect couple that everyone tries to make them out to be. I mean...Vegeta literally sold his soul without knowing he would maintain control, let alone free himself from it, and nearly killed Bulma while throwing a hissy fit about wanting to fight Goku. He was ready to give up EVERYTHING just for power and that fight, including his family. But yeah. Perfect, beautiful, loving couple.
And again, let's get into the abuse conversation. I'm not saying there isn't any in GoChi, but to say that Vegebul has no abuse is laughable. I'll get to that in the last claim.
Claim 5 (paraphrased): Vegeta and Bulma improve over time, Bulma is the reason Vegeta turned good, and their arguments are on equal footing.
Again, improve is objective because I personally don't see it. At least not in any believable capacity past the Buu Saga which is still, imo, not perfect or completely well-executed.
I can't stand the narrative of Vegeta turned good because of Bulma because it suggests he had no agency over his own change. You must be one of those people who define Vegeta's redeeming moment as his (failed) sacrifice against Majin Buu instead of the end of the Saga when he comes to terms with how he has lived his life and finally finds peace in admitting Goku is stronger than him. The idea that Vegeta settling down saved his life or made him a better person is, at best, only partially true. Saying this shit removes his agency, and reduces his character to "lol bad boy fell in love and changed!" when it's far more complex than that.
And their arguments are on equal footing in the regard that both Vegeta and Bulma have combative personalities and will, therefore, argue with each other, whereas Goku is more laid back and go with the flow so is less likely to argue with ChiChi? Again, is this supposed to be a good argument for claiming Vegebul is the better relationship? And what of the name-calling Vegeta and Bulma do? About how Vegeta was willing to let Bulma and Trunks DIE? How miserably he treated future Trunks who present Bulma still viewed and treated as her own son once she knew? How he obviously didn't really pay present Trunks much mind for the first 8 years of his life, whixh would BOTHER a loving mother that obviously wanted to keep Vegeta around FOR their son's benefit? And that's just the abuse on VEGETA'S side. Bulma is absolutely abusive, too, outside of name-calling and arguing. She manipulates Vegeta and everyone else to get her way. She yells and screams at Vegeta when he wants to train rather than do whatever the hell it is she wants at that moment, knowing full well what he is and isn't into. But she will do whatever SHE pleases regardless of his wishes, im sure.. There is only take and no give with Bulma when it comes to Vegeta. Not to mention how she constantly flirts with other men in front of him. All od this, too, is considered abuse. But since it doesn't fit your narrative, you're not going to talk about that right?
In conclusion: both of these relationships are dog shit. Both could and should be handled better if they should have even maintained these relationships at all. But to say that Vegebul is more believable than GoChi is the joke of the century in this fandom. Next, you'll tell me Vegeta is the better dad, too.
And look. Ship what you want. But let's all be honest about the ships we like/prefer.]
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oh 911 hot takes poll, i loved yours!! what price do i get when i agree with all of your hot takes? the only thing that i am mostly neutral about is henren being the best ship, but that's mostly because i enjoy it the same way i enjoy bathena and madney. they're all cute, but not ships i actively ship if that makes sense?
i think there should be more talk about bobby literally lying his way into the position of captain of the 118 and not only facing zero tangible consequences for his actions but also being allowed to keep the fucking job lmfao. y'all be hating on female characters who are career-focused for personal reasons (cough taylor cough) but when it's a white dude, it's because he's such a poor misunderstood soul boohoo <3 the double standards make me sick <3
buck filing the lawsuit had a point, he literally won the case. like, in canon, the show canonized that buck was in the right. buck's doctor had approved him to go back to firefighting so bobby had no legal ground or evidence to just forbid him to come back. an "inkling" or "feeling" is not a reason for an employer to do that? idk why people were pissed at buck for going the legal route – we have unions because of employers frequently use their power to push you out of your job and shit whenever it suits them. bobby is not buck's doctor nor therapist, so why does anyone think that he can just do that? maybe it's an american thing idk about lmao. buck obtaining millions of dollars as damages said enough, and i need people to swallow that pill.
bless, i am not alone in thinking that eddie was (and obv the buddie shippers were) clearly being kind of an ass to ana! people were at her throat for calling him "edmundo" of all things, as if he cannot speak up for himself or isn't allowed to like his first name lmao. how ana was demonized and eddie was babyfied by the fandom is my villain origin story. on that note, i also must point out that the only reason eddie did not face a trial or any other severe consequences after beating up a man is because that man just conveniently dropped the case. could have easily lost custody over chris because of that, but sure, ana was the disrespectful toxic troublemaker. double standard rgrgrgrgrg
also taylor and bucktaylor my beloved <3 the end of the relationship was so abrupt but what else is new with the wonky 911 writing. i still love her, i love that she is clearly thriving after the breakup, and i think the ship could have been developed instead of broken up tbh. their different values were interesting and challenging, finally somebody who did not appear to only play the role of "buck's girlfriend who must agree with everything". i get the breakup, but taylor was willing to change to make things work, so like, big missed chance imo. i'll keep enjoying them in my heart tho <3
omg thanks for typing all this out and validating my opinions haha! its like we share a mind!
honestly i dont have much to add to this, you summed up a lot of my thoughts so well!
in terms of the lawsuit stuff, i dont necessarily completely agree with buck filing the lawsuit, like i get why the others were mad, but i do think that bobbys reaction to it was not great, plus like buck did have a point, he wouldn't have won otherwise and also i think there was a double standard, like other characters who got injured (like when chimney got the freaking rebar through his skull!!) came back to work pretty quick with no issue, but for some reason its different for buck?
my biggest issue with the 911 fandom is how any love interest buck and eddie have are treated. like, dont get me wrong, i love buck and eddie and i do ship them, but also the way fans treat the female characters is gross. i love taylor, like shes not perfect and im not saying she did nothing wrong, but also every other character in the show has fucked up on multiple occasions yet they arent treated with the same hatred she is, i truly dont get it! i do think it was right for her and buck to break up at the point they did, but for the majority of their relationship i did really like them as a couple!
im not gonna go into any more detail here cos this post is becoming insanely long and i have so many thoughts, but like, anon, you get it. thank you!
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