#do you think his feet stuck out of the throw blanket.
rotisseries · 2 years
anybody else ever remember that the property listing for the byer's lenora house says it's a 4 bedroom place which means that there's no guest room when mike comes to stay for spring break? bc I giggle about it every time
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little-annie · 2 months
How they got stuck sharing the only remaining bed in the Hopper-Byers family home when they came to visit, they'll never know. (It involved some meddling on both Robin's and Dustin's behalf….. and Joyce and Hopper and Jonathan and El and Will, and literally everyone else who thinks they just need to figure their shit out and get together already.)
But they did.
And Christ if they weren't pissy about it.
They were roommates for God's sake, they saw enough of each other as is. But noooo, they had to get stuck bunking with each other for the weekend too.
They'd began bickering almost immediately when they'd entered the room and saw the state of their situation.
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
“No, no. Fuck you Harrington. I'm older-’
“By like a year -”
“I'm older and my poor boy bones are brittle. I get the bed.”
“Poor boy bones.” Steve huffs to himself, taking one quick glance at Eddie and beginning to strip, hoping that if he gets into bed first they won't have to continue this argument.
Eddie catches on almost immediately, undoing his stupid handcuff belt buckle with little struggle and kicking himself out of his jeans so fast he nearly eats the edge of the dresser to his right. “You're young.” Eddie states while trying to catch his breath, “The floor will do you just fine.”
They're both down to their underwear in a matter of seconds. Belts clanking, denim dropping and fabric flying. Eddie in his boxers, Steve in his white briefs that he's sure he hears Eddie snicker at even in his apparent displeasure.
Soon enough they're both trying to climb into bed, pushing and shoving, throwing elbows when the other one kicks out a bony knee. Both scrambling to get under the covers and claim their right to the bed.
Pulling the lone pillow swiftly beneath his head, Eddie grumbles. “What are you doing?”
“Getting into bed.”
“It's a twin Harrington.”
“Yeah and my hips hurt.” Steve answers, driving an elbow with regrettable strength into Eddie's ribs as he continues to try to gain some purchase on the narrow bed. “I'm not sleeping on the floor.” He wiggles around some more, at the moment hoping Eddie might just fall off onto the floor. “Shove over.”
Maybe they can manage to share.
“It's a twin!” Squawks Eddie while bracing himself against the nightstand, pushing Steve back with cold feet to his shins.
“And give me some of the blankets.”
“There's only one pillow!”
“So share.”
Both huffing, wriggling around, pushing and shoving, pulling at the single blanket and the only pillow, they try to get comfy on their backs. Which won't happen because they can't fucking fit that way. The goddamn bed is too narrow and Eddie's bony ass everything is digging into Steve's side as he hangs with half of his ass off of the bed.
“Lay on your side.” Eddie grumbles with a shove.
“What? Why?”
“Because we don't fit like this, Princess. Roll onto your side.”
Ignoring how that nickname makes his cheeks flare in the moonlit room, Steve starts to roll over, leaning to his left and moving to put Eddie at his back. Maybe that way he'll actually get some peace and qui-
“Not like that!” Eddie all but screeches, shoving at Steve's back so hard he nearly falls off, "You want my dick pressed to your ass all night?”
Truthfully that doesn't sound as awful as Eddie's making it out to be. The prick. Steve thinks he has a rather nice ass and Eddie would only be so lucky.
“Well you want your dick pressed against my dick all night? That's the only other option, Munson.”
Eddie clenches his jaw, sighs dramatically and mutters something to himself that Steve's not quite able to catch, before he actually speaks, “Fine. Fine! Just roll over so you're facing me, but just keep your hips back.”
‘Keep your hips back,’ as if Steve would just roll over dick first and press himself right up against Eddie.
Steve tries and fails to muffle his irritated groan as he rolls over to where he's facing Eddie on the same flat pillow.
God they're close.
Noses nearly touching.
In his moment of bitterness and just pure irritation at the situation, Steve had forgotten how pretty Eddie was.
His eyes are so dark in the moonlight.
The rest of him blanketed in a hazy midnight blue, his freckles akin to a star speckled sky.
Steve could never get tired of this view.
“Better?” Steve whispers, trying and failing to ignore the flutter of butterflies in his stomach.
Eddie's eyes search his for what feels like aeons before he answers. “Fuck you.” There's no real heat to his words, tone more so matching Steve's as he smiles with a lopsided smirk.
Steve rolls his eyes, teasing, if only to see Eddie sputter, “Mmmm, I'll take a rain check on that.” He delights in Eddie's choked off gasp before he continues, “But I will warn you, I'm a cuddler.”
“Course you are.” Eddie grumbles, crossing his arms in front of his chest and closing his eyes with a flutter of his long dark lashes.
After a moment of quiet Steve takes a chance and presses his foot to Eddie's, soft beneath his sole, and so fucking cold.
Eddie doesn't pull away.
“G’ night.” He whispers instead, pressing his foot just a touch closer, the breath of his words falling against Steve's lips.
“Good night.”
The next morning they wake in a tangled mess.
It's hot and sweaty and they're physically stuck together at all points where naked skin meets.
Which is pretty much everywhere.
Eddie's one hand is in Steve's hair as if throughout the night he felt the need to play with it, and his other is so tightly grasped to Steve's bare waist it almost hurts.
His nose is otherwise buried in Steve's neck where he can hear Eddie's faint snores and is sure there's the wetness of drool lying along his clavicle.
It's all a little disgusting.
But also kind of wonderful.
His one arm is numb where it lies beneath Eddie's head.
Steve shuffles enough to separate at least some of their sweat damp skin, noticing in the same instant how where Eddie's plastered against his hip, he's also obviously hard.
So much so that when Steve looks down there's a damp spot in his underwear.
Maybe he'll take that rain check sooner rather than later.
Eddie groans in his sleep, hot air breathed against Steve's neck as he rolls his hips and this time lets a soft moan escape.
Yep, definitely taking that rain check now.
Maybe they'll figure their shit out sooner than everyone had anticipated.
“Get off of me, I wanna suck your-”
😉 The End
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peachesofteal · 2 months
how’s clover going to manage that conversation next time she goes into his office..
or will she even go again?
also i think dr riley is so interesting as a character already.. i need to take a little look in your brain for a bit bc whatever’s cooking up there is good shit
psych au - 18+ - tw for mental health, ptsd, extreme suicidal ideation, Clover is a mess. Dr Riley crosses a line. Part One / Part Two / Part Three
You're kind of stuck to the floor, surrounded by beige walls, and beige carpet, the waiting room's obnoxious brown beige clock ticking on the wall.
All of it feels very loud.
You took the train again today, and stepped closer to the yellow line. You stepped over it, even, too aware of the man to your left's gaze, his beady, nervous unblinking eyes, calculating what exactly were you trying to do.
Yeah, kid. What exactly are you trying to do?
It crosses your mind again, for more than a split second this time. Throwing yourself onto the tracks. Closing your eyes. Letting your head go quiet, finally. No one talks about how easy it is. How they just come and scrape you up, load what’s left into a black bag, and clean up the scene. One second, one decision, and you’d be gone, eyes closed, mind empty.
No one would blame you. Another service member with PTSD. What a surprise.
"And did you hear what happened? I wouldn't be able to live with myself after that, either."
It's bad now. It's gotten worse. Therapy was supposed to help but you're not made for civilian life. You're not supposed to be here, and you've tried saying it over and over until you're blue in the face, but Dr. Riley doesn't budge. He asks you trust him, but you don’t know how. You can't think here. Can't sleep here. You close your eyes and feel fire, hear screams. The best you can do is go to the gym for hours and try to work yourself into exhaustion.
You sit in the chair with your feet flat on the floor, and try to breathe.
The shame, the stupidity of the other night is pressing against you, boxing you into a corner, burning you alive from the inside out. You’ve tried to blot it clean, black it out, but the single second of his lips on your lingers like an infection in your blood.
You didn't want him. You don't. He just... understands you. Makes you feel seen. It's his job. You're getting it mixed up.
You do want him. You do so badly it’s heavy, sticky in the air like summer heat.
Each time the second hand ticks, your skin itches. It burns. Something prickles. You're not trying to breathe, you're holding your breath.
You can't do this.
You're up and beelining for the door before you can talk yourself out of it. You can't do this.
"Clover." A firm voice calls from across the lobby, and you freeze. Stomach knotted in dread, you find him holding the office’s hallway door open. "My office."
It's first time you've heard him issue a command, and you can't help your response.
You snap to.
He settles in the chair across from the couch, laptop balanced on his thighs. He’s wearing dark khakis of some kind, and they stretch over his quads, long sleeve navy blue shirt tight across his chest. It’s… distracting.
You look away. Pointedly.
"You will never put yourself in danger like that again." He grits, and you slowly blink. "You wandered off from a bar, in the middle of the night, nearly too plastered to stand. I asked you to stay put, and you-"
“Disobeyed a direct order?” You volunteer cheekily, his eyes narrowing.
“This isn’t a fuckin’ joke.” The curse straightens your spine into a steel rod.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… do any of that.” Your head hangs in shame, tears fighting their way through your control, your efforts to smother them, tamp down your emotions.
“I know,” his voice is soft, a blanket, a balm, and you close your eyes. “You’re going through something very difficult Clover. I don’t fault you for anything you’ve done.” The forgiveness doesn’t settle like you want it to, acrid in your throat, bile churning in your stomach as you try to digest it. Why? What did you want in its place?
Something else.
Even now, with him across from you, your heart trills like a hummingbird’s. It’s confusing, it hurts. You think of the yellow line, the one meant to forbid you from stepping to closer to the tracks.
The couch dips on your left, weight compressing the cushion, a large, heavy thigh just an inch from yours.“Can you tell me what you’re thinking about?”
Can you?
“I want to go home.” You whisper it away, trying to lessen the strain on your heart. “I don’t… I’m sorry, I should have cancelled. I’m not feeling very good.” Fingertips graze your shoulder. You rocket to your feet.
He stands and latches onto your wrist before you can step away. “Sit down.”
“It’s not a request. Sit. Down.” He’s turned towards you now, crack in the cushions between your bodies, but he still holds your wrist. “I want to help you.” He says softly, holding your gaze without wilting. “But you have to let me, I can’t do it unless you meet me halfway.”
“I’m trying.”
“Are you? How long have you been drinking like that?” Shit. You turn your face away from him, blinking at an empty spot on the wall.
A palm presses to the back of your neck, his signature heat bleeding through cell and bone, shooting straight to your heart. The sliver of a wolf, a predator, gleams in his eyes again, for the first time since your first session, but this time it’s tempered with silk, easy calm, vibrating from him to you.
You stare at him. Dissect the scars, the fault lines, the weathered tissue, torn open and healed anew.
Healed. A novel concept. A foreign idea, so far away you don’t know what it looks like.
The hand at your neck slips away with a sigh. “Clover, listen. Normally in this situation… we’d assign you a new provider. We’ve crossed a serious professional boundary, and the appropriate thing would be for me to remove myself from your care team.”
“Wait… no. I mean, you didn’t do anything. It w-was me, it was my fault.”
“It’s not your fault. I’m your doctor, I’m the one in a position of power here. What happened-“
“I’m sorry.” Your vision goes blurry with tears. “I’m sorry, I was just d-drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing,” you’re gasping, lungs soaked with salt, despair, panic rife and cleaving through your chest, “I didn’t mean to, I messed up, I didn’t- I didn’t mean- captain, I-“ the height of your hysteria is turning dark, dredging up the things you tried to buried, the images you’ve tucked inside a black box and dropped to the bottom of an ocean. Suddenly, you can’t breathe. He’s talking to you, you can hear it, but the words don’t make sense, the scrape of your breathing too loud.
“You’re in my office Clover. You’re with me.” You shake your head, but it does nothing to calm you. “Try to breathe.”
“Okay. Try to ground yourself. Tell me your name.” You spit it out, first and last, but it doesn’t help. Everything feels like too much. His fists clench, flexing open and shut, cords of muscle flexing before he grits something sharp under his breath and reaches.
He hooks you into his body, guiding you forward by the back of your head until your nose is in his neck and all you can feel, all you can see, or smell is him. It takes its toll, slowing your heart rate, breaths settling into a shaky pace in time with his, and you register the thumb stroking small circles against your neck, his nose in your hair.
“Just breathe.”
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piss-pumpkin · 2 months
🌲 see you next summer <3 🍂
(Older)dipper pines x reader, douce amere chapter 25 ~3.5k words Masterlist prev
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Fuck. Fuck fuck fucking fuck. The last day. You half didn’t want to wake up. The bed in your aunts house left you with the same feeling of a hotel mattress, despite the fact that it was decorated with all items yours. You probably should have slept at the twins place. 
Summers been good. You should think about that Instead of the fact that you’d be leaving today. You did all you set out to, really. You’d had an adventure, you’d gotten your romance, there were world shattering stakes at play. And the ending was sweet. You’d said your happy birthdays your goodbyes were next. Shit, you still had to pack up. How could you have forgotten that? 
You sat up, and scanned the room. There was a lot of you in it. Your laptop was sitting with its bunched up cords on the side table, and your clothes hung out of the dresser and a few lied on the floor. Sighing, you kicked your feet off the bed. One last morning. Your fingers were locked clenched around the bedsheets. You had to let go to brush your teeth. 
Toothbrush was the first to get packed up. You slipped it into a plastic bag with the bristles still wet. Ugh. The bag felt heavier in your hand than it should have as you threw it in your suitcase, tucked under your shirts. 
Sighing, you knelt knees on hardwood floor beside the pile of laundry you hadn’t yet washed, and began to fold. Each article past you by as you fit it into the case. Your hands wanted to linger on each shirt or or shorts you’d worn on the good days. Like the pyjama shirt you had on when Dipper confessed, or the ones that knew the sheets of his bed better then they might your home blankets. Or the bathing suit you’d worn plenty to swim together. And despite yourself, you had to linger on the shirt you’d worn for days without realize, stuck on the kitchen floor while Dipper was left to figure out how to save you all. You weren’t sure you’d worn it since.
The bandage on your head from that week was almost ready to come off. And the side effects were better. You could have a clear head before school started if you were lucky. As much as the idea was nice, it was weird. Going back to school. People there don’t know your story. And they wouldn’t understand unless they saw it for themselves. Everyone else you knew missed whole chapters of your mythology, and there was no easy way to change that. Maybe that’s why you and your Gravity falls friends were like family sometimes. Because it they could understand. 
You scanned the room for what was left to pack. Your backpack in the corner was for easy access stuff: snacks, charger, laptop, anything you might want for the ride home. Heaving a sigh, you started to pile it in.
As your fingers brushed the inside fabric, you caught on papers. Oh. When you saw the names across their folded fronts, you knew. Your death notes, your letters. You blinked. What were you gonna do with those? They felt too raw to throw or give away. Maybe you’d keep them as a memento. 
The room was lacking character by the time you were done, and the person you became in the summer was locked up in your bags. God, it sucked. 
The bus stop. The bus stop sucked. Being at the cusp of a drivers license meant you’d nearly escaped them. The ground was crisp as you walked with Susan, the grass already drying and yellowing with the heat and creeping autumn. You sighed. A few months ago, the bus stop was the first place you saw your best friends. Back then it was one of the first busses in, now you were going to wait for one of the last out. 
Every time you’d managed to say goodbye, it felt like it could be the last. Like you’d go home, and suddenly Gravity Falls and all its mysteries could be a fever dream, and you’d never find your way back. So far, you always had. But how could you be sure this time wouldn’t be the one where the illusion shattered?
You could do this. If you could survive this summer, you could survive its end. 
Between everything, it almost seemed like it never would end. In the best ways and the worst, kisses that could last a lifetime, and weeks that stretched into purgatory as you waited for death that wasn’t coming.  
The bus stop came into view, and the Pines family and friends were already there. No busses, though, so you had time. Your hand was shaking on the suitcase handle as you rolled it along. They were saying goodbye.
Aunt Susan, affectionately known as lazy Susan, put a hand on your shoulder to stop you. “Should we say goodbye now before you go off with your friends?” She asked with her halfway southern drawl. 
You pursed your lips, and nodded. She smiled, and wrapped you in a hug. “You’re a joy to live with, and a pain in the ass to try and take care of,” she said, brushing a few hairs out of the way of your head bandaid. “Thanks for helping out at the diner, and for keeping things… lively.”
You smiled as her big arms held you close. “Yeah… thanks for letting me stay with you,” you said. 
She laughed, letting you go after a few moments. “Please,” she snickered. “You’ll hafta thank that boy of yours for living there, too.”
You smiled at the grass, “yeah, I will.”
She nodded, and the two of you started to walk again. Until the Pines saw you and you started to speed walk, leaving your Aunt behind, and eventually when you got close, devolving into a jog and you ran for your friends. You rushed up, practically jumping at Dipper and Mabel, your suitcase falling behind you.
You launched into Dippers arms, and when you landed, almost knocking the air out from your lungs. Shit man, you had to say goodbye today. You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his sweater. “Dude,” you said, muffled by his chest. “Dude, oh my god.”
He squeezed you back almost enough to suffocate you, too. “I know, man,” he said, resting his head in your hair. The unspoken agreement was that no amount of time could ever be enough, probably. And even though the summer was great, a part of you regretted every moment you hadn’t spent clinging to him like a life raft. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” you said, maneuvering your face sideways to better speak.
He sighed, leaning his head on yours, “yeah.” 
Then you remembered there was also a bunch of other people around. Pulling only slightly away from Dipper, you pulled Mabel in, too, the trio you were. Her hand slapped your back as she wrapped an arm around you, and one around her brother. “I’ll keep you updated on literally everything embarrassing he does,” she said.
Dipper didn’t even complain. You snickered, “okay, well he better keep me up on all your shit, too, just so you know.”
”As usual,” he nodded. 
Mabel groaned, “Ugh, snitch. Hey, who’s gonna tattle on you, then Y/n, this street has to go three ways.”
”I’ll self snitch, I’ll eat that bullet.”
The three of you pulled back, and you looked at them both. You’d see pictures, but the next time you saw them in person, they’d probably look different. A year can change a lot, as short as it was in the long run. Nobody was ever quite the same coming back to Gravity falls after school ended. The best hope was that the people you changed into were just as close as the people you were before. 
You sighed. There were other goodbyes too. You looked at the Grunkles. You weren’t sure who taught Stan what dapping up was, but whatever. He wanted too. You dapped him up as he smiled sadly. And Ford tried and failed to do the same. 
“Thanks for, like, basically letting me live at your house,” you said, only somewhat awkwardly. 
Ford patted you on the shoulder, “it’s really nothing, Y/n, your basically family.”
”Yeah, what’s another mouth to feed, and a dent in my car,” Stan tried to complain, but he was still smiling, and occasionally glancing between you and the twins. 
Wendy and Dipper swapped hats, she plucked his off his head and wore it backwards with a little smirk. 
You saw Pacifica next. She was a little late, just approaching now. She seemed… fine. Better than the other day. You couldn’t help but to grin at her, and wrap her in a hug. And shake her side to side. 
“My number one bitch,” you laughed. 
She snickered, “I better be.” When you let go, she was still smiling at you, with a slight purse of the lips to hide the fact that she’ll miss you. “I’ll send you like, cool stuff… you know how it is.”
Daddys money was how it was. Even after supposedly becoming poor. But poor to a rich girl was still enough to shop a lot, and send you gifts when she saw something you’d like. “Thanks man,” you laughed. She really was nothing like her parents. 
“And tell you like, all the gossip I hear,” she added. “So when you come back, your caught up.”
You smiled, “you better.” Snickering, you shook your head, “I’ll dutifully do the same.” 
Mabel said her goodbyes to Candy and Grenda. Dipper said goodbye to Soos. Man, this sucked. A bus was starting to creep over the horizon, and you weren’t sure if it was yours or the twins. You weren’t sure which would be worse, actually, you leaving first or them. 
It seemed like most of it was all said. Sighing, you went back beside Dipper, and leaned heavy on his side. Without a moments hesitation he wrapped an arm around you and tried to pull you in closer. 
He sighed as the bus moved in. It was still too far to see the number, though. “Man, this sucks,” he complained. “I’ll see you next summer, I guess,” he said wistfully.
Well, that was like a stab in the chest. But that gave you an idea. See you next summer. The papers you wrote on your deathbed weighed heavy in your bag, and you had a good idea of what to do with… at least one of them.
“I have something for you, actually,” you said, slinging your bag off your shoulder and rifling through. Your hands landed on the golden letters, until you saw the one with his name on it.
You pulled it out, and passed it around your hands a moment. Too late to back out now, even if its contents were embarrassing. “Here,” you said, holding it out to him. 
His fingers brushed your as he grabbed it, and started to unfold it.
You cut him off, swatting your hand over his. “No, do that when I’m out of sight it’s too cringe,” you laughed, shaking your head. “And like, maybe don’t message me about it. But…” you pursed your lips, looking at the grass, leaning your cheek onto your shoulder. “I wrote it the day before my exorcism. Read it or don’t, but don’t tell me about it,” you laughed 
His eyes widened a moment, and he nodded, slipping it into his bag. “Uh, thank you,” he said quietly, with emotions unreadable. 
The bus was pulling up, and you sucked a breath in through your teeth. It was yours. You’d be the first to arrive, and the first to leave. 
You met Dippers eyes, and he sighed. The bus door was opening. And somebody must have gestured at the bus driver to give you a moment, because it didn’t pull away. 
Dipper sighed. “Well,” he said, glancing at the bus. “Guess I’ll see you later,” he smiled, “I love you,” and gently kissed your forehead where you bandage was, light enough as not to hurt you, hard enough to leave an impression. 
A crooked grin here on your lips, and you fought the urge to cover your face, which was probably blushing. “Cringe. Love you too, Dip,” you said, fighting to maintain eye contact. You gave him one last kiss, and grabbed your suitcase. 
You sighed at the busses stairs, and looked back. “Bye guys,” you waved, looking over your friends once more. 
They smiled. Pacifica waved, “Let me know when you get home.”
”Oh, us too,” Mabel said, elbowing her brother.
Dipper nodded, slightly blush on his cheeks, “bye Y/n.”
And then you were on a bus, going the opposite direction of Gravity falls, and on the first stretch of a journey far away from your friends. Into the… somewhat known, you supposed. 
Dipper sat with his legs crossed on the bus. Mabel was already asleep beside him. He wanted to chide her, but it was already dark outside, the only light was the dim and blueish bus LEDs. He checked his phone. Almost midnight. They’d probably get home around one. 
He tried to look out the window, but it was hard not to see his own reflection.
He pursed his lips. Your words were echoing around in his brain. Read it or don’t. But don’t tell me about it. He snickered to himself. But the paper felt heavy in his bag. 
Sighing, he pulled it out. Just his name was written across the front, and the thought that you wrote it thinking it would be the last he read of you… he pursed his lips, and unfolded the paper.
Dear Dipshit
He smiled. 
I’m sorry. We just got done talking about what we’re gonna do with me and Bill and whatever as I’m writing this. You didn’t seem too happy about the idea. This all sucks, I know. I guess I’m a little glad that you care enough to argue for me though, that you weren’t so mad at me for… this whole thing that you’d be fine with the risk. Sorry I worry you so much. 
Dipper winced reading over the words. Of course he cares, he wanted to say. A part of him did begin to understand why you wouldn’t want him to message you about this though. The thought of you writing this, alone and thinking you were going to die…
Honestly, sorry about all of this. It was my mistake that landed us here, there’s a thousand things I could’ve done differently. Like, I could have told you about the statue, that would have been so easy. I could have told you about what he was saying in my head, I guess I thought it was my own thoughts. That seems so silly now, he was saying some weird shit. I could have told you “hey I shook hands with a rock” and even that would have been something. I guess that’s all over with now though, no use dwelling on it. Even if it’s hard to help myself. 
So sorry. Yeah. I should write about better stuff. 
Dipper fought the urge to text you and tell you it wasn’t your fault, reminding himself that he promised not too. But his chest tightening thinking of your guilt. Deep breaths. He told you. He told you after that it was a burden they all had to bare. 
This summer has been one of the best regardless of all this, I won’t lie. Like, deadass. We did a lot of cool stuff. Hanging out, monster hunting, scheming. I really liked the Fourth of July. Bet you can remember why lol. I feel sorta cringe writing that. Whatever, I’ll live. Or… heh. Jokes. 
Ugh, that was bad. He shook his head as he smiled. You were totally right though, that was a good night. He chose to think about that rather than your horrible dark jokes. 
Honestly, you’ve been great. Like, as long as I’ve known you. It’s weird, we’ve been friends since we were thirteen. I’m surprised our friendship survived the school years. I’m glad it did. 
He nodded along reading it, as if you were there next to him. 
I forget what made me like you. Well, no, bad phrasing. I know why I like you, but I forget what exactly did it, you know? Like, I wonder what the moment was for little fourteen year old me that made me go “yeah, this guy… this is the guy.” Honestly, I wish I did. 
I wonder what the moment was for you, too. Like what the fuck game did I have when we were thirteen that got you down bad for like, the next several years. Well I shouldn’t flatter myself too much, I guess, I don’t know if it was just a summer thing. I know we both dated other people during school. But still though, several summers. 
Dipper covered his mouth with his hand. Who he was hiding from, he wasn’t sure. Unfortunately, the memory was clear in his head. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, not even close, but he definitely had a crush on you after maybe five hangouts, however quick that was. It was after the two of you worked with Soos to catch Bigfoot. 
Oh god that totally reminds me: dating other people. When I dated that bitch I refuse to name, like, several times I basically just wished it was you. Like, he sucked so much, you know I’m not gonna get into it, and so much towards the end I thought about you. Like, how much nicer you are to me. Wow that felt super weird to admit. True though. 
Oh my god. Dipper wanted to hide in his hand. He could relate too much. Dating somebody else to try and get over you, he definitely screwed up, and so much just wished he could be done with his feelings, or just be with you instead. He tried to avoid thinking about that year, it was embarrassment and shame enough for his whole life. 
Dipper, I hate that as i write this, we haven’t even been dating that long. Like I know it feels like forever, to me at least, just cuz we’ve been friends so long, but we only got together like, this month. Isn’t that crazy? It feels crazy to me. 
There’s a lot I imagined we’d do together. Like, we’ve never spent a Valentine’s Day together, that feels like a thing most couples do, right? I don’t even like that holiday much, and I’m still lamenting that. Have I even seen you in winter? The only time we hung out not in the summer was that one spring break. Winter would be fun, I think. 
I love you, man. Like, for realsies. Sorry about everything. I’m glad you still like me, but I guess that means you’d be sadder if this doesn’t work out. Pros and cons to everything.
It’s been good. You’re one of my best friends in the world, and I wish there was more time. You’re sweet. Don’t forget me. 
Dipper smiled. His vision was a little blurry, and he stared at the ceiling with his pupils to try and stop himself from crying. You really thought that was going to be your goodbye, didn’t you. Well, it was a good one. 
Fuck. He glanced at Mabel, then back out the window. His face was a little red. His eyes drifted over the paper again as he skimmed through it once more. You wished that you’d had more time. And didn’t want him to forget.
As the lights of Piedmont drew closer, he thought; You’d have plenty time together. It had been a good summer, believe it or not. Just like the first one had been, despite the apocalypse. The world nearly ending seemed rather normal for an eventful summer. And how could he ever forget you? The idea seemed laughable. 
He tapped Mabel on the arm to rouse her, and she started to wipe her eyes as they got closer to home. Plenty of time. Whether it be next summer, or maybe spring break if he was lucky, you’d have plenty of time. He looked over your letter. Wendy’s hat was heavy on his head. Next year, he’d go back and trade again. He’d see his grunkles for the holidays. He would watch Soos’ terrible YouTube channel. He had the number for everyone else he cared about. 
Next summer, he’d have plenty more time. They got off the bus, hauling their bags behind them. His home always felt foreign after summer. There was a light on in the kitchen he could see. One of their parents must have been waiting for them to get home safe. 
He sighed, and they started for the door, Mabel following groggily behind. Next summer, plenty of time. Maybe sooner. Hopefully sooner. How would he survive this school year? Dipper shook his head on the doorstep. He was already counting the days until classes ended, and he could go back. Because right now, Gravity falls felt more like home than the suburbs. 
Next summer, he’d have plenty of time. 
★彡๑ end ๑★彡
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Chat. Im free. Finally. HUGE THANKS TO ANYONE WHO EVER COMMENTED!!! You guys were sometimes the only reason I actually started to write. Huge motivator. I’m done with this summer, main story over now. It was a long summer. But I’m a sucker I’ll probs write an epilogue or two.
Anyway, I started this fic with like 1/4 of a plan and a dream and somehow it ended at a cohesive story an even 25 chapters.
Also I’m goofy im arospec, I Bounce back and forth between loving the idea of romance, and being completely repulsed by it, which makes it hard to write a y/n romance sometimes. I tried to power thru it, but I feel like it shows in how little they actually kiss or say “I love you” 😭 I just can’t stand that stuff sometimes. Hope it wasn’t too obvious.
Thanks so much for reading!
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque @phobo-ss
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This is just a thought what about sick reader and Eddie takes care of her and acts like it's the end of the world they're sick because now he can't kiss her
Oh, he would be so upset he couldn't kiss you because you're sick. He'd try to sneak one in quickly as much as possible (Request are currently open)
Eddie munson x reader
Warnings: none, fluff sick reader.
A/n: Not proofread.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒊𝒕.
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Your head was throbbing. Your nose burned from the number of times you had to constantly wipe it. You couldn't smell anything. Your skin felt raw. You could barely taste anything. Off and on, you'd feel icky like you had to throw up.
You felt okayish yesterday morning, but by that evening, that's when you really felt it. You were sick. Obviously. Not only were you sick, but you were sick and staying at your boyfriends home for the weekend. All the plans he made for you two are canceled. You hated being sick. You turned into the biggest baby when you unwell.
Eddie had been waiting on your hand and foot all night, and now, all day. He kept telling you he didn't mind it. But you still felt bad. Not only that, but you just really wanted him to cuddle you until you got better. He couldn't. You wouldn't allow him to. Instead, you made him sleep in the living room with Wayne. You didn't want to get him sick, too, so you wouldn't let him get too close.
You could hear Eddie's feet stomping on the floor getting closer. His voice yelled out to his Uncle Wayne about something. He had his metal music playing quietly out in the living room as he cooked you some lunch. You barely could smell anything. Your stomach growled. Food just right now didn't seem appealing. You knew eddie was going to make you eat a little something anyway to help you keep some strength in your body.
"Nurse Eddie reporting for duty!" He sang, kicking open the bedroom door a little hard."Oops."
You had your face covered with the blanket, trying your hardest not to spread your germs to everyone.
Eddie looked at you with a smirk. "Do I smell or something?" He joked.
You shook your head. "Nooooo."
"Then don't hide that pretty face from me." He smiled down at you, trying to hold in a laugh. You really were so cute when you're sick, he thought. "Got your soup."
He had a tray full of soup, toast, juice, and lots of tissues. You carefully sat up in bed. Your body felt weak, and your head was getting foggy. Your eyes were bloodshot and droopy.
"Thank you." Your voice croaked.
He sat the tray down over next to you on the bed. "it's no problem, beautiful."
You grimaced but didn't argue.
Eddie picked up the thermometer, and you instantly opened your mouth as he stuck it under your tongue. You waited a couple of seconds before hearing that beep.
"Hmm, still have a low fever." He gave a weak smile going in for a kiss.
"No, eddie!" Your raspy voice protests, and you pull away fast.
He frowns. "Awe, come on, it's just one little kiss. I'm dying over here."
"How do you think I feel?" Your voice kept going in and out the longer you talked.
"All I want is for you to cuddle me, but I don't want you getting sick too." You had a sad pout on your face as you crossed your arms.
"Sweetheart, I can still always do that, but you banished me to the unknown out there with Wayne. He spoke softly, setting the thermometer to the side.
"I didn't banish you." You frowned. "I don't want you to feel like I do."
His face softened, and his heart melted. If you would give in, he'd pull you into the tightest hug possible. He was so worried about you. Yes, it was only a little virus you had. That still would not be enough to keep him from worrying about you. Seeing you in bed looking so defeated broke him.
Eddie moved the tray closer in between you both, making it easier for him to reach everything. He picked up the spoon sitting in the bowl full of tomato soup. Your favorite comfort food. He stirred the spoon around before scooping up some of the soup. He brought it close to his mouth, lightly blowing on it to cool it off for you.
"Come on, pretty girl, open up." He continued speaking in a soft tone. He knew his voice was also soothing to you somehow.
You opened up, allowing him to spoon feed you. You didn't mind this. You were actually loving how he was taking care of you. The tomato soup was creamy and warm. It soothed your sore irritated throat as you swallow it down.
Eddie continued spoon feeding you your soup. Each time he stirred the spoon around and blew on it, cool it down for you. You watched his movements and how careful he was being with you. He kept his distance some what. You knew he was going to get sick, too. Even after all the trouble and fussing you did in order to prevent that from happening. You knew deep down it would.
"Kiss?" Eddie held the spoon over the bowl looking at you. His eyes pleading for you to say yes.
"Eddie, you can't kiss me." You whined and quickly covered your mouth to cough in the blanket.
"Just a tiny one. That's all I need. I just need to feel those soft lips on me for a split second." He pleads blowing on your soup.
"No." Your tone stern as you squint.
Now it was Eddie's turn to pout. He brought the spoon back to your lip for you to eat. "I can't believe this is happening to us."
He was being his over dramatic self again. You were used to it. You figured he would be after you kept denying him of a "simple little kiss."
Of all the years you and him have been together. Neither one of you has been this sick before. The two of you are not dealing with it well. The separation is killing you both. Even though he's only in the other room in the same trailer. The lack of physical affection is taking its toll. You wanted to cry. You were always very sensitive when you got sick.
"I can't believe it either. Who did we piss off?"
"Your mother." He mumbled under his breath.
He was just joking. Well, not really, but maybe a little bit. You heard him and shot a look before shivering.
He dropped the spoon into the half empty bowl. He looked proud at how much you ate since you wouldn't touch anything last night.
"You look so pitiful, baby. I hate seeing you like this." He took a napkin, dabbing some of the soup from your chin.
Eddie pushed the tray of food to the side and pulled the blankets up higher on your body.
"I really need a cuddle." Your eyes were getting heavy. Your throat was sore, and it hurt to talk. Your head was spinning so fast.
He gave you a weak smile. "I really need a cuddle too."
"I'm sick." You whispered, but it was a reminder of why he couldn't get in bed with you.
"I really want to kiss and cuddle that sad look off your face-" He looked over to the bowl of soup and back to you. "Make ya feel better"
"You can't right now, Eddie." Your raspy voice reminded him yet again.
He shook his head. You could see the prominent stubble on his chin. His eyes looked like he's barely slept, too. All throughout the night, Eddie snuck into his room to check on you. He'd put a cool cloth on your forehead. There were extra blankets draped over your body. He constantly checked to see if you had a fever by putting his wrist to your forehead. He was exhausted but didn't want to show it.
Eddie gazed at you for a moment. He saw how much this fever has taken out of you. If you were going to be sick, then so was he. He couldn't bear seeing you go through this alone. Yes, he knows he's not thinking rational, but he also doesn't care. He's an action and consequences, first kinda guy. Then he can think everything through after.
Without hesitation, Eddie picked up the spoon you were eating off of and stuck it straight in his mouth. "See, now I'm sick too."
"What the hell you can't do that." You tried to sit up, but your body was too weak.
"Ah, ah, lay back down, sweetheart." He pointed his finger. He picked the tray off the bed, placing it down on his nightstand.
Eddie got under the covers with you. He got right up next to you. You readjusted to lay on your side with your back pressed to his chest. His body heat instantly helping warm you up fast. You felt his hand go underneath your pajama shirt to rest on your tummy.
He gave your cheek a gently kiss. Then another one and another one. Soon, he was peppering your face with kisses all over. You started squirming around in bed, both laughing like crazy. He finally stopped, not wanting to make you lightheaded or anything.
"Jesus christ, ed-stop, I swear to God." You warned between giggles. That turned into a small coughing fit.
"There -" He patted your back while you coughed up a lung. "I feel sooo so much better." Eddie chuckled, cuddling up against your back.
"Buuut, you're gonna get sick." You whined and placed your hand on top of his as he pulled you closer.
"Then you can be my little nurse next." He gave you one last kiss to your temple.
You rolled your eyes. "Fine, I guess. Do I gotta wear that dumb nurse costume from Halloween last year?"
"Oh, you can bet your sweet ass you do." He sighed in content. "I love you baby, now get some rest."
"I love you too."
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cowboycoups · 9 months
What a perv.
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Pairing: fem!reader x Dino
Wc. 1.5k
Summary: Your clothes begin to go missing and you go to ask Chan about them - Just to find out that he's been stealing them for his own pleasure.
Warnings: smut!, porn no plot, afab reader, pet names, gendered terms, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, teasing, oral, slight fingering, mention of god (“oh my god”)
Author note: Disappeared for a bit but I'm back!! I've had a fat crush on Dino for a while but the subby Chan fic drought is REAL. I literally can't find any fics for him?! Something about Chan being needy and stuff just gets me kjdfkjs so I decided to just write it myself LOLOL
You hop out of bed with the plan of heading out for a cup of coffee and hopefully some breakfast and quickly rush to throw your clothes on to leave before breakfast hours are over. Rummaging through your closet, you look for your favorite sweatshirt.
Over the past few days, you’ve noticed that your clothes have slowly gone missing. First, a sock, which was followed by your shirt shortly, then your favorite sweatshirt, and lastly, your panties.
You didn’t pay much mind to the sudden disappearance of your clothing until your favorite sweatshirt went missing but didn’t begin looking for it until now. You found it odd but just assumed that the washing machine fairy stole them or something.
Five minutes pass and your room becomes a colorful mess of clothes that you’ve thrown around in search of your sweatshirt. Now that you were on the hunt for your missing clothing, it was the only goal you were focused on and completely forgot about why you were even looking to wear it.
After going through your entire closet, you decided that maybe you left it outside on the couch or table and scurried out of your room. You quickly run around your house still in search of your sweatshirt before you stop to grab your hair out of frustration. Where’d it go? You remember washing it, but it wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Hey! Channie! Have you seen my sweatshirt?” You shout out as you slowly walk toward Chan’s room. “Ya know, my favorite o-” You stop in your tracks. Your words are cut off out of surprise by the low grunts and soft moans coming out of his room. Steadily, you walk toward his door which was cracked open. “Chan…?”
His moans begin to get louder as you get closer to his room and you peek in. Your eyes widen and your hands are quick to cover your mouth as you look inside to find Chan holding your missing sweatshirt up to his nose in one hand and your panties wrapped around his cock, which he jerked at in his other. “So that's where they went.” you lean in closer to the door.
You watch as he falls back onto his bed while sniffing your clothing and begins to thrust his hips up and into the air lightly while moaning. “Please… Y/N… please-” he breathily begs out with his body still moving. “Oh, god, I’m gonna, oh my god-” his voice spikes up as you watch him begin to shake. His feet run up and down his sheets before laying flat and curling while he continues to jerk himself off.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His body tenses up and he freezes at your words. He springs up and throws his blanket over himself in a failed attempt to hide what he's been doing and you watch as his face immediately becomes flushed with red out of embarrassment.
“Hey- I- I can explain!” He stutters out before worriedly gritting his teeth together. “This- This isn’t what it looks like I swea-”
You rush toward him and grab him by the jaw with one hand, causing him to almost go limp in your grasp. He felt his heart begin to race further as his body was still stuck frozen. He could feel himself getting harder just from you being so close to him. “What do you think you’re doing?” You shove your thumb into his mouth.
“Nnnghhh!" He gagged as you pushed your thumb down his throat. His cock twitched in anticipation, leaking pre-cum onto the floor. He continued to gag as you played with his tongue, moving your thumb around and teasing him mercilessly. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and you smirked as he let out small moans.
The sight of Chan looking so desperate in your grasp caused you to feel yourself get wet, his eyes widening as he looked up and into yours. He couldn't believe he got caught, but he couldn't deny the pleasure that he was experiencing. His cock throbbed, begging for release. “How badly do you want me?” you removed your hand and leaned in closer for a kiss.
He gasped as your hand left him, his body craving more of you. As your lips met him in a forceful kiss, he couldn't help but moan into the kiss. “So, so bad. Please- I need you.” he cried out.
“Oh fuck.." He groaned as you got down on the floor and started sucking him off. It felt amazing, better than anything he'd ever experienced. His hands ran through your hair, pulling gently as he lost himself in the sensation.
You take him in deeper, nearing his base. "God, that feels- so-" His voice was ragged as he tried to catch his breath between pants. He couldn't believe how good it felt, how good you felt, and the way you were taking him deeper with each passing moment.
"Oh fuck- you're amazing..." He arched his back, pushing more of his length into your mouth as he lost control entirely. His hips began to thrust slowly, meeting your sucking motions with force.
You lift your head and hear a pop come from you removing the suction of your mouth from his cock. "No... don't stop… please.." He moaned, his voice muffled slightly by the pleasure. His hands gripped the sheets as he tried to steady himself, his cock still throbbing for release.
“Finish yourself.” You stared up at him.
"I... can't.." He gasped, his body tensing up as he felt the rush of his climax approaching. Heat spread throughout his veins, and he couldn't hold back any longer. You watched as his hips began to thrust into the empty air again.
"Fuck..." With a groan, Chan finally let go, his cum shooting onto his blanket. His body shuddered with the intensity of his orgasm, leaving him panting and weak-kneed.
“Good boy.” You praised with a light smile at the sight of him.
“Thank you..." He whispered, his voice hoarse from pleasure.
“What about you return the favor? You should put that pretty mouth to use.”
“Please…" he panted out, switching places with you unsteadily, and kneeling between your legs. His hands gently parted your folds, revealing your slick entrance. He looked up at you with eagerness before lowering his head to taste you.
With his tongue, he began to explore your folds, tasting every inch of you. His hands gently massaged your thighs, spreading your legs further apart to grant him better access. “Oh my god, you taste so-” he exclaimed with each hurried breath.
You moaned as he continued, causing him to take it as encouragement and push his tongue deeper inside you, finding your sensitive spot and teasing it relentlessly. His fingers found their way back to your clit, rolling it gently between his thumb and middle finger while he continued.
Hearing your moans grow louder and more intense, he knew he was doing all the right things. His movements became faster and more determined, his fingers working in perfect sync with his tongue. “You- You don’t know how bad I needed you-” He continued as he used his other hand to jerk at himself again.
As you neared your climax, he increased the pressure on your sensitive spots. Determined to make you cum, His tongue flicked against your G-spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing throughout your body.
Finally, with a loud moan, you climaxed. Your juices flooded his mouth, and he continued to lap at your entrance, savoring the taste of your cum.
As your orgasm subsided, he pulled back gently and stood up before you grabbed his cock and led him back inside.
Biting his lip, he positioned his cock at your entrance and thrust inside you. The feeling of him filling you up sent shivers down your spine as you were still sensitive. “Keep.. keep going..”
“I’ve been thinking about you all week…" he moaned, complying with your request. His hips moved in perfect rhythm with your demands, his cock sliding in and out of your wetness with each thrust.
His thrusts grew harder and faster, pushing deeper into you each time. His hands found their way onto your hips, holding you tightly to move you onto his cock faster. With a moan, he picked up the pace even more, pushing himself deeper into you, his cock stretching you to your limits.
Sweat beaded on your forehead as he continued to pound into you, his breathing ragged in your ear. You could feel the anticipation building once more in the both of you. “Just like that baby…”
“Oh no- Think I'm gonna-" he moaned out with his jaw still hanging. His hips jerked violently against yours as he came inside you, filling you up with his heated cum.
His thrusts grew weak, his orgasm subsiding as he released the last of his cum inside you. He leaned down, kissing you before laying next to you and nuzzling against you gently. “Thank you… so, so much…”
Feeling his cooling cum inside you, you continued to rub yourself with a smirk, the sensation causing you to twitch from the sensitivity as you recovered from the experience. “Whatever pervert.”
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6okuto · 9 months
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itadori x gn!reader | insecure reader (about your laugh and... what you look like from an angle below? he's lying on your chest and you won't look down at him)
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itadori’s a sweetheart without really trying.
maybe it’s just another one of his talents, you wonder—his way of making your heart skip a beat. compliments, gifts, how, with his back turned, his hand could find yours solely from the sound of your voice. it seemed to be as ingrained in him as the raw strength he held, or the recipe to his favourite late night noodles that he made every week; practiced yet somehow innate.
“you’re such a sweet talker, yuuji,” you deflected his compliment once (you had said something about not liking your laugh, and he had called it sweet instead, because there was no bad laugh, especially yours that he always wanted to hear), warmth tingling your face and ears.
“huh?” he tilted his head. “well, i guess so…wait, no? yes? it’s just the truth, though. is it sweet talking if it’s just being honest?”
you can’t help yourself from thinking back to that as he rests on top of you, favourite throw blanket covering the both of you and tucked beneath your feet so you wouldn’t get cold, and a movie you’ve both watched a dozen times plays on the television screen.
it was a comedy—one that yuuji happened to play in the background as he studied but, inevitably, distracted him from it. he told you it stuck with him, and it’s found its way back to viewership every few months when he feels like unwinding.
it was really only a matter of time before you took part too.
you’ve both got lines memorized from the words down to the pace they’re said, even the cut-offs by other characters and the noises playing in the background. you feel the rumble before you hear yuuji’s voice, smushed like his face against your chest, as he acts out the scene.
“hey, you think at some point we’ll have the whole movie memorized?” he asks, moving to look up at you with his chin resting against you.
and the thing about someone resting on your chest is that you have to look down when you speak, and the problem with that is that the angle isn’t all that flattering.
so you smile, eyes fixed on the screen yet not following a single word being said as you become aware of the angle of your head, and what you look like from a few inches away. “maybe. that’d take at least a few more dozen watches though, unless we’re talking active memorization.”
“then what about with active memorization?”
“hm…for you? i’d still say at least a dozen. movies are really long you know?”
“and you?”
“probably the same? like, if it’s just us two, that’s a lot of lines, and i don’t think megumi would be ecstatic to join. nobara, maybe.”
a character begins to yell at another as your fingers come to card through yuuji’s hair—yuuji, whose response seems to be silence until—“babe.”
“why won’t you look at me?”
you snort, fingers pausing so you can gently mess with his hair instead. “i look bad from that angle, yuu.”
and you hope, maybe, he’ll leave it there, move back to the memorization idea, pick the characters he’d act out best. it really isn’t a favourable angle for anyone, so maybe he won’t look much further into the way your lips form a tight smile, or the forced breathy laugh at whatever’s just happened on screen.
“no you don’t,” he says matter-of-factly.
“...yuuji, really—”
“i think you look nice from every angle.” yuuji rests his cheek against you again. and you let your eyes flicker down, just once, just to see him grin as soon as your gazes connect. “i like looking at you from anywhere, but especially here.”
you shoot him a look of disbelief. “that’s your favourite spot to look at me from?”
“well.” he shifts his legs and kicks the blanket a little, untucking it from beneath you. “any spot that’s super close is nice so i can really see you, and do this—”
yuuji grunts a little as he moves up to kiss your cheek, hands finding home beside your head—you can feel him grinning even before he’s moved away to look at you.
“and you say you aren’t a sweet talker,” you murmur, face warm and housing a stupidly lovesick grin.
“hey.” he pouts. “i’m telling you i’m not a sweet talker, it’s just the truth as your boyfriend.”
“sweet talker.”
“i’m sweet and a talker. not a sweet talker.”
“okay, sweetie.” you try to joke and scrunch your nose, the pet name awkward and foreign on your tongue, but yuuji only smiles again in response.
“yeah, that works too. should we start calling each other sweetie now? i think it kind of fits.” 
“yuuji—”and you’re convinced he has a talent now, because even as he exaggerates the new term with a sickeningly sweet voice, it manages to roll off his tongue as naturally as every other compliment he’s said to the point that you think maybe you wouldn’t mind him using it—“yeah, sweetie?”
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i'm gonna be so fr sweetness looks like a silly word to me rn. specfically when all capitalized...SWEETNESS... girl what is that
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satocidal · 11 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ “The Stars say Hello” — Gojo Satoru
— Word count: 2.1k
—A/n: it wasn’t meant to become long at all- idk what happened.
— Warnings: character death; established relationship; toxic way of dealing with emotions<3 (not proofread!); hurt no comfort(?)
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~5 Times Satoru Gojo’s Infinity touched you~
~4 Times you felt it~
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The fates were twisted.
Your giggle ran through the hallway, a cheeky grin he held, an annoyed smile adorned you as well.
“Satoru!” A huffed out breath, he’d kept you as is for about an hour now, “What do you want?”
Satoru Gojo was lanky, large hands, larger legs—a huge heart, and an even bigger smile he held.
“So damn impatient, fine, C’mere,” and all to your dismay, a hand grabbed rough, your body was pulled a-front along with himself.
“At least tell me what it is, you god damn-”
“-I learnt something, something new.” A face so bright, painted all so perfectly in his excitement—a smile creeped on your face all the same.
“Finally mastering our a, b, c’s are we?” Your smirk greeted his frown—“haha, you’re so funny,” casual, with his arm stuck on your shoulder.
A shove and an obvious expression.
“Go stand there, and take this,” a bunch of erasers, dull—clean, a mix—hastily shoved into your fist, “Go quicker would you?”
A roll of your eyes, “Yea yea, whatever,”
Your feet dragged along the grass, green, bright?
Did it seem so in the sun or was that afternoon all so amusing?
“Throw em’ at me,”
Your eyes bore at his figure, a brow raised, “you called me here so I could throw shit at you?”
Six eyes, they saw the ticks on your face well.
Six eyes, they saw everything.
“Can you do one job that I tell you-”
Childish banter- paused a moment too slow as you chucked the only, entirely white eraser up at him—and all to your shock, it bounced off.
Silence—then a chuckle, his.
Jaw hanging, eyes narrowed, “Wait- how did you-”
“Pretty cool huh?” The proud smirk only widened now then, “Suguru and I really are the strongest aren’t we?”
Another eraser chucked at him, this time the dirtiest, almost blackened.
“No- how did you,” confounded, you moved—all too quick, right beside him—eyes barred from him, a thin layer—never more far apart you’d stood—infinity against you.
“You can’t even touch me at your will now,” he snickered, the words would faint into the mind of his later—all too late—you can’t even touch him at will now.
No one can.
Proven correct, he stood taller—proud, insatiable, too proud.
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More twisted were the tales they crafted.
The night lay lit up by the moon alone—shining upon you, upon him.
“The stars,” you watched his smile, almost as if etched upon his face—you adored it, you adored him.
“What about them?”
His smile faltered, a moment—you noted as always—“They’re a thousand light years away,” a statement, nothing to be added.
A silence blanketed the two of you, the night was warm—Satoru’s body lay cold as ever, yours snuggled into his—lying alone on the hill, simply upon a blanket—together.
The hill that you wanted to die upon, you’d joked often.
“Like almost this far,” you looked up to find his hand outstretched —“touch it,” he snickered.
A small smile you let out, “I swear if it’s-”
“-do it,” Satoru whined, eliciting another grin from you.
“Ok ok, you big baby.”
Your hand stretched out too—to touch his, to hold him- and oh how the infinity kept him safe, kept him away.
A pout rested on your lips as Satoru giggled, “that’s how far they are,”
“You’re so annoying,” and just then, clicked off—as if on a switch, the distance between was gone—to that which tended the infinity was soon engulfed into a hug from satoru to you.
“The stars look pretty tonight,” your words fell to almost deaf ears, his eyes stuck onto all that was above, on to all that was unachievable— to most.
“You look pretty every night,” he added, a soft chuckle, yours and his.
“What do you think is prettier? The moon or…”
The stars.
Not a night went by where you wouldn’t adore the eyes, in the sky and in his eyes.
Pity lay bared, his dimmed and the world only seemed to sparkle more.
“What do you think?”
A sharp inhale, sharper exhale, cerulean eyes looked at you—“I think the stars yearn to be recognised, I think the moon is beautiful but the stars aren’t recognised well enough,”
Head tilted to the side, you stared at him—fingers moving all among themselves, his face cupped now—“I think the moon is like you in every sense,” your words were hushed, scared, maybe?
A lean in from him, you leaned in too—foreheads pressed together then, “Be my star, please? Every and all—please?”
And the next morning, maybe You’d cringe, and chuckle together—all so sappy, but in the moment that played, all so vulnerable Satoru Gojo Sat for you, you swore upon your life that you’d be his, every little star in his skies.
“I think the stars would love you Toru’ —I think they’d love saving their hellos to you someday.”
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Thin strands of a lifeline, played with, tampered by the fates all so easy.
“Nanami left,”
Your eyes shot up, the knife that chopped onions for dinner — it was Satoru’s birthday.
“Oh,” you mumbled, frown on your lips—“left for wh-”
“Left. He’s left Jujutsu, said he can’t deal with it—what an idiot,” the scoff was well heard, your heart thumped, visibly upset Satoru lay.
“Right,” you mumbled up again, “is there no way we could- we could con- convince him maybe?” Unsure you words hung, another scoff—an eye roll from satoru, your jaw clenched.
“I- I get you’re upset Toru’ but- you know, there are still many of us-”
“-shut up please.”
Not the usual, not the warm kind—it pierced, your heart lay in its own shambles.
You stared at Satoru, not even apologetic, you wanted to cry.
The words and the meaning was clear, he didn’t want to hear you talk—but to a saddened mind, little solace do facts ever offer, right?
The flame dimmed—not yours, the sauce you were preparing, let down to thicken, while you moved slow—all towards him.
“I’m sorry, I- I just…I get it,” you swallowed hard, eyes narrowing at the cruel chuckle he let out.
“That’s where you’re wrong aren’t you?” Almost a cackle, it hurt to hear him.
Not a single word that you could offer, “You don’t get it, none of you do—you’ve never had people leave you like- like I’ve seen them-”
A hefty halt—“you’ve not experienced it—You didn’t see Suguru leave, you’re- you’re too,” his words hung. You didn’t want him to complete them.
Rest of his words were a blur, you stood shaky.
The distinction was obvious, apparent—breaking.
Satoru Gojo wasn’t like you at all, not since his infinity had bloomed—you stared at him as he got up and left, you hadn’t touched him to solace him, he hadn’t seen the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
Satoru and you never fought, when you did, you made it your responsibility to take in his harsh words, he didn’t know better—it was sad, he needed outlet.
It wasn’t healthy- you loved him.
It wasn’t healthy—satoru would apologise later.
It wasn’t healthy, your sauce, your dish had burnt.
It wasn’t healthy, you hadn’t touched but you knew his infinity was around—you knew a touch would’ve proved you right, would’ve pushed you all too far.
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Braided once, the fates kept many a lives in-twined, for better or worse.
“We’re over,” a whisper- his.
“We’re over,” a mumble- yours.
Satoru Gojo cried of everyone leaving and yet, right in the hallway of the dorms he confessed to you as a student—exactly there he broke it off, this time as a teacher.
You’d not dared to question him, how could you? Gojo Satoru the ever right, if he said you were over then maybe you were.
Maybe the lost fingers of yours, maybe the empty carcass of an embrace that you yearned-maybe that was all false, pseudo.
The human brain was pertained to all that could be rigged—emotions an easy target.
So there you lay, bed empty—the bed sheet white, the duvet black—the ceilings tall and your closest a short. The bed sheets still smelled of him, you knew you’d get rid of it all.
A calm quiet settled over you, grief you’d heard, did that to people.
Holding onto that, which simply wasn’t yours.
A week since Satoru had proclaimed, so easy he’d made it seem—like second nature he’d mumbled “I love you” weeks ago, like second nature he said he was done.
And you wondered then, as the silence whistled through your ears, storm that was your emotions, if he’d ever actually cared.
That he had, Satoru Gojo always cared a lot.
That was his weakness—he supposed, you knew better.
His weakness was all that was his heart.
Too tricky, too hurt, dampening in its decisions.
His six eyes saw everything-as they had always, your tears he’d known, your misery he’d heard—to break up, solace to his heart.
As you lay alone, a thought propped in—silly thoughts, so erratic, to all that was destroyed of humanity was caused of erratic thoughts, spontaneity lay at fault.
From the first “I love you” mumbled against your hand, you were injured, Satoru was scared—a profession of his first love.
To all the many “I love you”s he let out- from in midst of lessons to practise and then when he made love to you for the first time—from then on to waking up beside him, the frequency rose and then fell.
Warm beds got cold when he couldn’t even wake up beside you, “I love you”s on call turned to ily on messages- to gn or gm and then, delivered.
To what was a silhouette of your love in the living room—the sun reflected through merrily, it was all but a shadow of you grabbing water from the kitchen as the moon shone through.
Satoru Gojo hadn’t turned on his infinity against you this time around but there was no need- before the separation the distances lay weeded out—before the separation, you already felt infinitely broken.
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Merry, the fates are I suppose- as they cut off the strands one by one, cackling at the aftermath which was all rubble.
Blood, dust and death.
An year since the break up, that didn’t matter, you loved him and him, you.
Opportunities lay bare, time, not quite so.
You thought of him, a lot, obsessively—incessantly, a maddening hunger yours—Satoru Gojo, the man people hoped for.
You yearned for him, you lived for him.
Until, you couldn’t.
“Y/n?” His voice was rough—shaky, uncontrolled, the night shone upon your dusted form in the night.
A weak whimper responded him, jaw clenched he walked into the rubble—“y/n? I-” words caught up, mouth dry, Satoru Gojo stood alone, rendered speechless.
“Toru’?” Your voice was so weak, he wanted to scold you for even bothering to speak—a choked gasp you let out as he knelt beside you—“pppplease,” you sobbed and oh how it broke his heart, “save me?”
Satoru wanted to cry—and he did, visible all to you, the moon shone on him perfectly as always
Satoru Gojo cried for of all the times he could’ve saved those who didn’t want to be saved, his tragedy lay at your feet—someone he just couldn’t.
“Shhh,” he mumbled, “shh, shh—you’ll be alright, don’t gotta be a crybaby about it yeah?”
A mindless nod you passed, well aware of his lies woven all so perfectly.
“I’m dying Toru’” you mused, warning yourself a dry chuckle—all so strange it stuck to him, Satoru had watched many deaths, yours? Not even his dreams dared so.
“Oh are you now? How can you tell?” He snapped back, another chuckle you let out—your last, together.
It was the same hill you’d spent hours in the night—another hour went by, your last—his last upon that hill too, perhaps.
“Don’t cry for me,”
“I’m not a god,”
That was true, Satoru Gojo, through all his strengths was, but a human.
Major fault? He could love—and he lost.
In that moment, his six eyes saw it all—the last of your breaths slipping away, his arms open wide for you—your quickening pace, “the moon looks pretty tonight,”
A tear rolled down his cheek, a smile you wore, your words heavy, “I’m not leaving you Toru’” your fingers moved weak—not strong enough to cup his face this time—so you stroked his hand—“I’ll be there with you,” his eyes followed yours, towards the stars.
“I’ll make sure the stars say their hellos to you,”
In the way—away from him.
You didn’t know then, Satoru Gojo and his infinity did, the both lay scarred—you didn’t know but in the last moment of your life with him, Satoru’s infinity engulfed you whole—you didn’t feel it then, but as the world broke out around you, a haven Satoru had offered you.
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All of this work is entirely original and my own please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
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325 notes · View notes
lorelaisdiary · 7 months
↱ Content warnings: vomit, mentions of alcohol and a party, smoking cigarettes, some of the characters may be ooc, Dallas is way softer, and a bunch of fluff because I love soft men who are sweet<3 ↰
↱ The Outsiders When You’re Sick (Fem! Reader) ↰
↱ Summary: You get sick and spend the day(s) with your boyfriend. ↰
↱ Characters that are present in this are Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Steve Randle, Dallas Winston, and Two-bit Matthews. ↰
↱ Author’s note: I started writing this when I got extremely sick. Never again will I go out into a public space without germ-x😭. Anyways, I’m thinking about writing a vampire au with Johnny because why not. I don’t know but I want to write more horror with the boys so:). Also, I hope y’all have had an amazing beginning of the year so far!!:)💛 ↰
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Darry Curtis:
You coughed from your place on the bed. Your nose had turned a light pink color and you were already exhausted from the sickness. You weren’t in the mood to deal with the boys so you stayed in your own home which was something that wasn’t a normal occurrence for you. You told Darry not to visit under the guise that you simply weren’t feeling well. It wasn’t a complete lie but you didn’t want him overstaying and forgetting his other responsibilities.
Darry had a habit of doing that when you were involved. It was unfortunate as he usually had things he needed to do before you got sick.
You grabbed your glass of water and took another sip of it, coughing the second it was completely down your throat.
It had all started with an itchy feeling in your throat earlier that week. You forgot you were a human as well and didn’t take any medicine before you got to this point of sickness. You rolled over and covered your head with your blanket. You finally got up once someone knocked on the door. “Coming.” You let out a cough afterwards. The door had opened quickly and you covered your mouth with a tissue you had laying on your bedside table.
Darry came in and frowned once he noticed the state you were in. “Why didn’t you let me know?” Darry began pulling you back towards the bed and laid you down.
“You shouldn’t be bothered with me. You have to work today, right?” You asked, confused and a little upset. You didn’t want him missing valuable work days for you. He had bills to pay just the same even if you’re sick.
“No, I don’t. I’m off for the day.” Darry gave you a smile without much thought put behind it. He always smiled with you.
You thought that it was because you were funny or because he thought you were cute. You had come to the realization that he only ever smiled like that with you. If it was because you were funny, he would laugh at Two-bit. If he thought that you were cute, he would’ve smiled like that with those girls who throw themselves at his feet but, he only ever looked at you that way. You found yourself trying to stay awake as Darry made you something to eat.
You let out a yawn and looked at the man who walked back through your door with food in his hand. “It’s not the best, but I think you’ll like this.” He smiled at you but this time, it was a nervous smile.
“I think I will, too. I like everything you make.” You answered back, slightly shyer about the situation than he was. Darry sat the food down in front of you before you finally looked up at him. You stared at him with slight worry as his face was flushed. “Are you okay? Your face is kinda red.” You pressed a warm hand against his forehead.
He was burning up. “Darry? Did you get sick?” You tilted your head. You sniffled slightly before you pulled him down beside you. You were grateful that Darry had set the food down onto the bedside table before you roughly grabbed him.
You forced him beside you. You threw your favorite colored blanket over Darry and tossed a leg over his waist. “You’re so sweet, Darry,” you pressed a kiss against his cheek, “but, you need to look after yourself. Now, you’re stuck with me until we both get better.” You pressed another kiss to his cheek before closing your eyes and cuddling closer to him.
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Sodapop Curtis:
You were holding all your notebooks in your hands, hoping to make it home before the cold weather takes you out again. You were sick and had been for weeks leading up to your current predicament. Your throat was dry and was feeling slightly itchy while your chest was hurting with every other cough.
You weren’t going to see Soda’s family or him until you were better which seemed to upset him but, he understood where you were coming from. You moved your textbooks around before grasping all the different books and finding a good hold on them. You knew that you would still have to do your schoolwork even if you were feeling like you were on your deathbed.
Rain began falling from the sky and you tilted your head for a moment, beginning to realize that even Mother Nature had it out for you. You let out a sigh and decided to head to the DX. It would only be for a few moments. You wouldn’t bother the boys while they worked. You jogged to the store and opened the door, sniffling a bit as you walked up to the counter. “Hey, I’m going to be sitting in here for a bit to stay out of the rain but, as soon as it stops raining, I will be going home.” You sat your books all down onto the counter.
Soda smiled at you, “Okay, baby. Me and Steve are about to get off, though. Do you want to come with us? Steve can drop you off at home.” Soda leaned forward towards you.
“Don’t you even think about it. No touching me until I’m better.” Soda jokingly poked your arm. “Seriously! I don’t want you getting sick.” You shook your head as a way of showing your disappointment.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have but still.” Soda watched you as you began coughing. Steve came out of the back, grease covering his hands and face.
“Do you need one of my tissues? I have plenty to spare.” You held up some of the tissue you had in your bag after grabbing it out.
“No. There’s a rag somewhere around here.” Steve grumbled as he began looking for the rag he mentioned before.
“Okay, Steve. Well, I baked that chocolate cake. I made sure everything was chocolate this time.” You sniffled again and looked back towards your boyfriend with a bored look plaguing your face. “And, I got you something, too.” You looked at Soda with a grin plastered on your face.
You began coughing before either man could say anything in response to your earlier statements. You grabbed the money needed from your pocket and slammed it onto the counter in front of you. Soda jumped over the counter with very little hesitation and grabbed you a bottled water. Once it was opened and you took a few sips, you felt much better. You slowly moved to sit down on the chair that was always left out in the open in the DX. “Well, Soda baby, I’ll be staying for a while so I might as well get comfortable with you.” You leaned back.
Soda happily ran towards you and picked you up before placing you on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and planted a gentle kiss onto his cheek. “I’m going to get you sick.” You let out another cough into your elbow but Soda shrugged his shoulders.
“Who cares? I’ll blame it on the weather.” And with that, he kissed you.
Yes, he did end up getting sick two days later. He did blame the weather as well.
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Ponyboy Curtis:
Your throat was the main thing bothering you in that one single moment. You were currently being babied by your boyfriend who was practically hand feeding you. He had spooned out enough honey for your throat to feel a little better and on top of that, he had cuddled with you. You both knew you were still contagious and could very well give him your virus but he refused to listen to you.
So, the two of you laid in bed with your arms wrapped around one another. It was sweet, at first. Then, he fell asleep. You found him adorable while asleep but that was before he started to lightly snore. You waved it off as him just being a man before his snores began to grow in sound. He went from soft snores to sounding like your dad within seconds. You tried to ignore it but, within seconds, you were growing irritated. You wouldn’t wake him up, no matter how bad his snores were so you simply rolled over and closed your eyes.
You began coughing and noticed how with every cough, both your chest and your stomach hurt. You assumed that you probably coughed too much and worked your muscles a little too much so you tried to hold back on the coughing. Ponyboy shifted beside you and you grabbed his hand a little, noticing how he slowed with his movements. You smiled and rolled over, only noticing that his eyes were open when you met them. “You snore like an old man.” You joked as you giggled a bit.
You felt your stuffy nose hurt a little and sighed as you stopped laughing. It hurt when you did that as well but you payed more attention to your nose rather than your stomach. “You’ve told me before.” He whispered before placing a small kiss on your forehead. Your fever had gone down tremendously since he started taking care of you.
You rarely took care of yourself. It was always about others for you. You enjoyed taking care of your friends, your siblings, your parents, anyone and everyone you could take care of you did. It was unfortunate as those were qualities that made Ponyboy fall in love with you but they also made him frustrated with you.
You knew he would be upset with you not taking care of yourself properly but you also couldn’t get out of bed without feeling like you would vomit if you did. It was a sad sight to see. With no other options, Pony decided he’d take care of you so long as you let him and you did. You allowed him to do whatever he wanted to comfort you and help you feel better. “You know, I really appreciate you doing this for me. I know my parents are a hassle and it was hard convincing them to leave me with you alone in a house but, thank you. I really really love you.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and let your head fall onto his shoulder.
Pony stayed as still as he could, not wanting to accidentally cause you to become uncomfortable and move away. He let one of his arms slowly fall around your waist and looked at you for a moment before you okayed it. You pressed yourself closer to him a just stared at him. “I really really love you, too.” There your cheesy boy was.
You knew he’d say something that would make you flush. You could always blame it on the fever but, still. You rolled over as you began coughing. The pain spread throughout your body in one big motion.
You really hated being sick.
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Johnny Cade:
You were laying on your porch with your face a light shade of red. Your nose was stuffy, your throat was stinging with dryness even after five glasses of water, and your joints were hurting badly. You felt the wind blow and felt grateful for the cold wind that hit your body. You were extremely hot and since it was beginning to get colder outside, you felt it would be okay to sit outside in the thinnest clothes that you could find within your closet.
“Hey, R/n!” Someone called out to you.
You blindly lifted your hand up and waved to let whoever it was know you were awake and alive. It wasn’t a common sight to see you of all people laying on a wooden porch in the middle of the night. You let your hand slowly come back down and reach for the glass of water beside you.
You opened your eyes once the person stepped onto the wooden steps of your porch. “Hey, baby.” You smiled as you reached for Johnny. He sat down beside you and grabbed your glass of water. He handed it to you and watched as you took a sip before taking the glass back and setting it down. “Oh, don’t sit too close to me! You’ll get sick.” You frowned as you tried to move away from Johnny.
Instead of him listening to you and actually thinking about himself, he simply moved closer to you and grabbed your head to place in his lap. You finally sigh as you let your head fall onto his thighs. You turned over and shoved your face into his stomach, feeling a bit more safe and secure than you did earlier.
Something about Johnny made you feel safe. You could never tell what though. You wrapped your arms around his waist and just laid still for a while. “You know, I’ve thought about this time and time again and I think we should adopt an animal.” You murmured out as you placed a gentle kiss on his stomach.
You suddenly began coughing violently as Johnny grabbed your glass of water for you. He let you take a few sips before setting it back down.
“I think we should, too. Havin’ a cute puppy or kitten that we could keep would be…” Johnny didn’t even finish his sentence as you batted your eyelashes up at him teasingly.
“It’s starting to sound like you want more than a puppy or a kitten.” You joked as you curled up around your lover, happily living in that moment with him. It was something you never thought you would be able to do.
“Y’know what I mean.” Johnny muttered out as he leaned down and pressed kisses to your forehead.
“You’re so precious,” you said as you sit up and sniffle. Johnny just smiled back as you sighed.
“I really hope you don’t get sick because of this.” You whispered out as you pressed a kiss to his neck as you stood up and stretched. You held a hand out to Johnny as you spoke, “I really want to go inside and sleep. Wanna come cuddle with me?” You smiled at your lover as he stood up.
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Steve Randle:
You were tired of the man sitting beside you. You were trying to get him away from you as he had to work. You didn’t want him getting sick and either staying with his parent(s) or staying with you and contaminating you again. The cycle would be endless, honestly as the two of you weren’t the smartest.
“Steve!” You gasped as he suddenly pulled you into a kiss. He found it hilarious that you had a kind of fear towards being sick. You crossed your arms as you shook your head. “Never do that again. We’re swapping germs now!” You huffed out as you pulled yourself away from the smug looking man.
“Oh, shut up. Come here.” Steve murmured as he pulled you closer to his body. You fell into his lap and groaned as you tried pushing yourself away once again.
“I don’t wanna.” You whined out as you continued playing tug-of-war with your body. It was mostly fun and kept your mind off of the sore throat you had. That was your only symptom besides a stuffy nose but that would stay for a few more days, anyway.
You and Steve both went quiet as y’all stopped moving as much. You didn’t want to speak or move much as mostly because of how comfortable you had gotten on Steve. That meant he wasn’t allowed to move as well.
You wrapped an arm around his neck and let the other fall onto his chest as you both watched the tv that was playing some random movie on it. It was a comforting feeling that you had with him. You felt a sense of peace laying there and you didn’t feel like ruining that by moving.
You felt Steve’s breath even out as you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. You let him sleep even though the point of him coming over to your house was so he could take care of you. You knew Steve worked hard though and appreciated the effort he put in to be there for you.
Even if it was kind of lazy, he still managed to make up smile and feel slightly better about being sick and stuck in your house for a few days.
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Dallas Winston:
Your cough was bad and Dally wasn’t coming nowhere near you. He was a considered a badass but wouldn’t cuddle with you while you were sick.
You puffed your cheeks out in frustration as he laid down on his bed. You were sitting on a chair in his room and by the opened window, where the party from downstairs was echoing. It was annoying to listen to but you were still grateful that you were spending time with Dallas.
“Dally, love me!” You whined out, teasingly. Dally was still laying on his bed and now he seemed to be ignoring you as well. “I swear, I’ll come over there and sit on you.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
Dally sat up and opened his arms for you. He was completely silent but that was fine with you. You got up and went to lay down on the bed beside him. You didn’t want to lay on him and get him sick. You just wanted to feel the comfort of having him around you without actually having him physically touch you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have bothered you like that.” You whispered out as you grabbed the pillow that you were supposed to use and placed it in between the two of you.
Dallas let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes for a second. “No worries, darlin’. Go to sleep.” He threw one of his arms over you and pulled you to his chest. You weren’t tired but you also didn’t want to listen to the party going on downstairs.
You let out a sigh as you begrudgingly agreed to go to sleep with your boyfriend. Unfortunately, it was easier said than done. You couldn’t actually manage to fall asleep and you were stuck feeling a little… you couldn’t find the word to describe the feeling but it made you tear up. It felt terrible.
Maybe it was just your brain clogged with being sick and having a fever. That was probably the answer to your problem. You grabbed the pillow out from between the two of you before moving to lay on your side. You wrapped your arms around the pillow and buried your face into it.
You could’ve been sad because you couldn’t party. Dally had told you when you two made it to Buck’s that you weren’t allowed to drink alcohol and that you needed to drink water. You were fine with that but he wouldn’t even let you stand in the corner of the room. You tried that and he said you looked damn sad to be standing by yourself. It didn’t matter much now that you were stuck in his arms and had no where to go.
A sudden kiss was placed on your neck as Dallas ran a hand up and down your arm. You thought he looked adorable, trying to make you happy. You let one of your hands absentmindedly move to his and felt yourself warm up with excitement.
Those feelings had started disappearing and you were far too confused to debunk them but you assumed it was that you missed the physical contact. You two hadn’t touched in damn near a week because of your lives getting in the way and now that you were together, it seemed like you still wouldn’t be able to freely touch him.
You turned back around and let the forgotten pillow stay where it was as you curled up closer to Dallas. You had plenty of medicine at your house that would supply both you and your lover if need be.
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Two-Bit Matthews:
Two-Bit handed you his beer as he looked back at the tv. You took a sip of his disgustingly cold beer and handed it back to him. “Thank you,” you croaked as you tried to hold your cough back.
You were laying on the couch on your side with your knees slightly bent, which put you in an awkward angle where Two-Bit’s head was resting on your knee. You so badly wanted to change positions so you could get more comfortable but you didn’t want to hurt the man who most definitely wasn’t sober.
“Why can’t you sit on the couch with me?” You suddenly asked as you propped yourself up on one of your elbows. Two-Bit just looked at you as if you had asked him something bizarre. “What?” You titled your head as your confusion became noticeable.
“I don’t know.” Was the only answer you received from your boyfriend. He had finished the beer and fortunately, had stood up. Maybe someone was finally looking down on you and was giving you mercy. You sat up quickly and pulled your legs under your body. You couldn’t imagine laying in the same position for longer than you already had.
You let out a sigh as your throat started itching again. You stood up and got a glass of water to help the pain for a little bit as Two-Bit yelled for you to grab him another beer. You let out a sigh as a small smile appeared on your face. You weren’t the luckiest in your love life but you felt like you really got lucky with Two-Bit.
He may have been… eccentric to you as you were middle class and were raised differently but you still enjoyed your time with him. He was completely different from the boys you were forced to be stuck with twenty-four seven. It wasn’t in the way that they didn’t act alike but it was how you felt about him. You’d never had feelings so strong for someone.
Two-Bit yelled your name again, this time sounding confused. You opened the fridge and pulled out one of his beers. “Coming!” You called back quickly as you hurried back to the living room.
When you got in there, he was sitting on the couch with a blanket on his lap. You felt excitement build as you ran over to the couch and handed him the beer. He hadn’t said it aloud but he had given you permission to cuddle with him while sick which is something he rarely ever did. You hopped onto the couch beside him and looked at him for a moment.
You wanted to give him another chance to back out before committing to cuddling. Two-Bit just held his arm out and you climbed onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. Two-Bit twisted the cap off of his beer and tossed it onto the table beside the couch as you got comfortable. You weren’t in a lot of physical pain other than your sore throat but the comfort of being held by your boyfriend made the sore throat feel like it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was.
“Oh, you’re so sweet to me!” You cooed gently as you nuzzled into him. Two-Bit patted your back gently before kissing the top of your head. You heard the tv playing in the background and just smiled as you felt a sense of calmness consume you.
You closed your eyes and hoped to fall asleep soon.
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272 notes · View notes
leonskittybunwriting · 2 months
Plot: Leon comes home from the war wounded and his dog comes with him and becomes his service dog too. 
Warnings: wounded Leon, war dog, also service dog. chubby reader. Emotional. smut (not detailed it was time skipped) 
A/N: I don't know resident evil characters, and I don't own resident evil!
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Leon limps into the house with a groan and limps over his short chubby wife and wraps his arms around her waist causing her to giggle. 
You turn around in his arms and kiss his chin gently “How's your leg baby?” You ask him gently. 
Leon sighs and puts his forehead against yours and says softly “It hurts but being able to hold you and kiss you makes me happy.” 
A small bark I heard which causes Leon and You to look over at the dog that came home with Leon from the war and that dog that became Leon's service dog. 
“Rex, come here boy.” Leon calls.
Rex is a beautiful Australian cattle dog, his a dark blue with white spots patterns with one green eye and one blue eye. 
Rex walks over to him and Leon leans down, pets him gently and says “I got to go to the bathroom, stay here and protect my woman alright?” 
Rex gives a soft huff and nod before sitting next to you. 
You give a soft giggle at Rex before becoming worried “Baby wait, do you need help?”
Leon shakes his head with a smile and says “nah I got this baby.” You smile and nod before going back to cooking, giving Rex some raw meat now and then and smiles when Rex licks his chomps. 
After she puts everything on the baking sheet she throws it into the oven and puts the timer on and she sits on her knees in front of Rex who licks at her chin which causes her to giggle and pet him. 
“You're such a good boy” You whisper and kiss Rex’s head before getting back up. 
Leon limps into the kitchen and smiles at the sight “Did you spoil him baby?”  
You blush and say softly “always.” Leon shakes his head and limps over to her and gently rubs her stomach and he whispers in her ear “Our little one is growing isn't he?” 
You blush and nod “Yes he is, just like his daddy.” Leon smiles and looks over at Rex and says “Go potty, Rex.” 
Rex gives a bark before going over to the doggy dog and goes out into the backyard. 
You and Leon watch Rex go to the bathroom and play outside for awhile before You get his dog food and water ready for him. 
Once you fill up the bowls, Leon gets the bowls and puts them on the floor by the table and calls Rex in as You set the table. 
Rex starts to eat at the same time as you and Leon do. 
After Rex ate and drank all his food and water he lay down by Leon's feet and looked up at You as you ate your food. 
Leon watches as you slowly eat your food and he asks softly “You okay baby?” 
You blink a little and nod and whisper “y-yeah i'm just so exhausted and tired.” 
Leon nods and says “Cooking a baby will do that, go lay down baby.”
You nod and get up and walk to the bedroom and crawl into the bed and cuddle one of the blankets. 
After about a few seconds Rex and Leon join her. 
Leon wraps his arms around her waist and whispers “what's wrong baby?” 
You shake your head as you start to cry and Leon coos at you and cups your face “hey hey, baby it's okay I'm here.” He whispers kissing your face and neck gently. 
You start kiss him gently and Leon kisses you back before pulling back and says “Rex go wait in the hall until we're done.” 
Rex barks and huffs before going out into the hallway. 
2 hours later
Leon huffs as he lays on top of you as he holds you close and he whispers “you feel so good baby.” 
you blush panting softly and look up at him his face was so sweaty and his hair stuck to his face “I'm glad I feel good for you baby.”
Leon chuckles and kisses your lips gently holding you close and nuzzles you and calls for Rex “come here boy.” 
Rex runs into the bedroom and lays on the bed and stares at them both. 
Leon chuckles and says “do you think he knows?” You giggle and say softly “yeah I think so, he's pretty smart.” 
Leon chuckles and says “yeah you're right.” He leans down and kisses your lips gently holding you close, gripping your naked hips and he whispers “How are you feeling?” 
You nuzzle him a little and whisper “I'm feeling better, I think I just needed you to hold me and make love to me.” 
Leon smiles and kisses her face gently and he whispers “If you need me to make love to you in the future let me know and I'll come limping.” He chuckles softly at his own joke. 
You shake your head at his joke and smile a little before whispering “I love your limps.” Leon chuckles and says “You know when I got wounded my captain said that chicks love men who can barely walk or have a limp and I told him I was married and he told me that that's even better.” 
You blush and kiss his lips gently and whisper “To me you're the same Leon that dumped coffee on me on the first day we meant.” 
Leon tears up slightly and kisses your lips gently, holding you close “thank you, baby.” 
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movedtone0mile · 1 year
camping trip
jaemin x f!reader
warnings: smut, mdni, outdoor sex (this is not hygienic, would not recommend irl kiddos), unprotected sex (again would not recommend but theyre in a relationship)
word count: 1,6K
summary: Jaemin and Y/N go on a camping trip by the lake, and Jaemin has a special plan for nightfall.
Jeno had advised Jaemin to take you on a camping trip, he had said it was more romantic than you may think at first, and Jaemin was all excited about it. Also, Jeno had given him another tip that you would love for sure, but it would have to wait until nightfall. 
The sunny weather was perfect for the weekend getaway Jaemin had planned, and he had a weekend off. If you were maybe reluctant at first, you had decided to give it a chance, so here you were, driving around, your face stuck to the GPS.
“Here! Look at the sign!” you exclaimed when you finally saw a sign indicating the lake. 
Jaemin eagerly turned in the right direction, it had been hours since you were driving among the twisting and winding roads. You were both relieved to finally get to your destination. 
Jaemin let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when the lake finally became visible. He pulled off the car and playfully slapped your thigh. « We’re here princess! »
Opening your door, you rushed to the water. Jeno had not lied about it, it was beautiful. Tall trees hid you from the rest of the world and the light reverbing on the surface of the water gave it a magical appearance. You were impatient to go swimming since the hours in the car had you suffocating for air. 
“Hey! Come help me with the bags!” Jaemin cried from the back of the car.
You helped him bring your things to the place you decided would be best to set up camp. 
“We have to set up the tent before it gets dark.” he declared, opening the manual.
Unrolling the tent, you carefully secured the corners and poles, and about 25 minutes after, the fabric finally had taken the shape of something that may welcome the both of you.
“Good job baby!” He exclaimed, proud of your teamwork. 
Jaemin threw himself inside, spreading his body all over the narrow surface. 
“Well, it’s not as spacious as you told me it was.” You said, looking down at him with narrowed eyes. 
“What do you mean? There’s plenty of space!” He patted his belly, inviting you to join him. 
Throwing your entire weight onto him, you tossed and turned, groaning. “It’s not comfortable at all, we should return it to the store!” 
Jaemin slapped the back of your thigh playfully, faking being offended. “Get up then, we have a fire to set up miss.” 
“Oh, we really are playing little adventurers!”
꧁ ♡ ꧂
Jaemin had gathered some wood and you had displayed some rocks to create a fire pit. 
“Where did you learn how to light a fire?” You asked him, watching him confidently placing paper and kindling in the centre of your preparation. 
“I’m a man full of surprises, you know.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he reached into his back pocket, picking up something. He then quickly took out a lighter to ignite the paper. 
“A lighter?!” You reached out to shove him and you busted out a laugh together. 
Soon enough, the flames began to grow and dance, and you snuggled into Jaemin’s chest as the embers started to crackle. 
“You aren’t impressed by my scout skills?” 
As the fire grew, you roasted marshmallows, snuggling close to each other under a blanket. You and Jaemin shared stories you hadn’t told each other before, as well as your plans for the future. The stars above you shone brightly in the sky and you looked at Jaemin’s features. “Thank you for bringing me here, it’s beautiful.” You murmured. 
Looking down at you, he smiled, “I’m always happy as long as I’m with you.” 
You leaned in to kiss him gently. “And it is only the beginning.” He said once you pulled away. You asked what he meant and he gestured to the lake, “Don’t you want to take a dip?” 
꧁ ♡ ꧂
You both sat down on the dock, settling on the edge, letting your feet dangle above the water’s surface. The full moon cast a soft glow on the lake, and the stars above were reflected on the surface. 
Jaemin leaned his head on your shoulder, as you sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
“Do you really want to swim?” you asked him. “It’s getting late.”
“Of course!” He stood up. “Why go to the lake if it’s not to take a dive?” 
Jaemin took off his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt. 
“Jaemin, our swimsuits are in the tent.” You said. 
“Who needs them?” He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling down his pants and briefs. 
You screamed, putting your hands in front of your eyes, faking outrage. 
Jaemin dived into the water, splashing you on the way. He emerged a bit further, shuffling his head like a dog would do. He was cute like this, you thought.
“Isn’t too cold?” You asked, raising your voice enough for him to hear. 
He shivered, “A little, at first, but it gets better when you move!” With that, he swam to you before putting his hands on your knees, his eyes looking lovingly into yours. 
“You got goosebumps, don’t tell me that it’s not cold.” You said, raising a sceptical eyebrow. 
He faked chattering his teeth, before responding, “I swear! It’s so warm, feels like a hot tub, » you scoffed. « Come onnn, baby!” 
Getting up, you raised your top above your head. Jaemin’s mouth hung open dramatically at the sight of your naked breasts. « Oh please. » you whined, unbuttoning your shorts. Then, you teasingly slid the fabric down your legs, sending shivers down the poor boy’s spine. 
Propping yourself on Jaemin’s shoulders, you let your body sink into the cold water, shrieking at the contact. « Jaemin! It’s freezing cold! »
Jaemin gripped the flesh of your hips as your face got to the same level as his. “I have an idea to warm you up, you know.” 
“Oh I have no doubt.” you mused and leaned in to kiss him.
He pushed your body impossibly close to his and let his hands roam your body. Yours were squeezing his shoulders, your nails occasionally scratching. 
The kiss was an intense one since both of you had the whole day to grow needy. Being just the two of you, recluse from the rest of the world, the set added to your excitation. 
“Open your mouth.” Jaemin always loved to say this kind of thing, which had you unable to contain your laughter, with this smug smile of his. 
You scoffed but complained anyway, you wouldn’t stop this game between the both of you. 
When you opened up your mouth, he slid his tongue inside and sucked on yours. His jerky breathing had you smiling into the kiss. You loved how riled up he could get, even at the slightest touch. And without you realizing it, he had started to grind against you. 
Reaching your hand to his crotch, you grope him. He broke the kiss to moan, his eyes were tight shut, and his voice had become raspy.  “The things you do to me, baby…”
Complacency rushed to your head, and your grin intensified. It was always so satisfying to see how you were able to drive him crazy. Pleasuring him was more than enough to please you. 
Jaemin grabbed your wrist, withdrawing it from his length before sliding it between your thighs, and even in the water he was able to feel your warmth against his own skin. The friction was not yet enough but it was enough to make of Jaemin a whimpering mess. However, after some time, he grew bored and impatient of thrusting in the water. 
“Hold onto me,” Jaemin said, already breathless, before he grabbed your thighs, as you circled them around his hips. He entered you in a swift motion, and you threw your head back, crying his name out. He chuckled and began to move. You had shut your eyes tight as a consequence of the stretch, but Jaemin softly asked you to open them. When you did, you were met with the spectacle of the sky dotted with shining stars, and you thought that the setting had never been this much in line with what you were doing: amazing.. 
Biting on his lower lip, Jaemin concentrated on his movements, thankful for the water that carried your weight. The only things he had to focus on being clinging to you and moving. 
As he sped up, waves began to create around your bodies, and the sensation of hearing your whimpers reach as far as they could, before dying far away from you was all new and exhilarating.
“Jaemin, please, please!” Not even knowing what you were begging for, you begged anyway. The pleasure was too much, the stars in the sky fading into a big white halo, as your vision blurred. 
His head dropped against your neck and you could feel his hot breaths grow into needy groans.
It was hard to understand what he was saying in between moans when he warned you he was about to cum, but his erratic thrusts were enough of a warning. 
Jaemin reached his high a few seconds before you did, but continued to move anyway, sloppy thrusts getting you exactly where you wished to be. Your mouth hung open in a silent cry, as the knot inside you snapped. 
꧁ ♡ ꧂
“I got you, baby,” Jaemin helped you up on the dock, before pulling himself up too. You were still in a daze, so he wrapped a soft towel around you, as he dried your body and hair. “Did you enjoy my surprise?” You nodded, not trusting your voice just yet, and leaned into his rubs. 
He dried himself as well, before helping you to circle your arms around his shoulders and scooped you over. Jaemin carried you as a princess back to the tent. There, you still felt a bit sleepy and couldn’t wait to cuddle with him to sleep. Hastily, he took out some clothes from your bags and came back to you with a hoodie of his. With his signature smile, he tugged the fabric past your head and you lazily put up your arms, as a way not to make things more difficult for him. 
Having slipped you into some shorts, Jaemin put on his pyjamas himself and tugged the both of you into your shared sleeping bag. 
It was not very comfortable but Jaemin’s warmth was enough for you to get comfy. He held you against his chest and listened to your breathing calming down, your peace being his own lullaby. 
In the morning, he wanted you to go explore the woods, and maybe repeat the same scenario the next evening. 
God, this camping trip would do you a world of good. 
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call-me-eds · 1 year
Steve Harrington x Reader
Snapshots of your relationship with Steve through his most used nickname.
wc: 3.6k
“Hey, Baby!” a voice blurted out at you as you tried to flag down a taxi. Your body was tired, and your mind was far too clear to ignore it. All you wanted to do was get home and go to sleep; the promise of brunch with friends the next day all too alluring.
On most nights out you were hell-bent on making friends with anyone who looked your way. Tonight, after a long and painful work week, you didn’t have the patience to entertain anyone long enough to even buy you a drink, so you definitely didn’t have the mental capacity to talk to someone you yelled at you on the side of the road.
“He’s cute,” your friend smiled, not giving you much of a choice in ignoring the guy that called out for you. She grabbed your shoulders and turned you around so you were facing him.
The long-haired man was cute, but you were sure he was just yelling out the generic pet name to see who it stuck to. His attention was already turned back toward his clearly more mild-mannered friend, who was helping to keep him on his feet.
“How can I help you?” you asked with more bite in your voice than normal, the evening of drinking and dancing sucking up your already depleted energy.
“See, I told you, Harrington, all you have to do is put yourself out there.” You finally broke your gaze from the drunk embarrassment to really look at his friend, who was red enough for the both of them. He was holding much more of the weight of his buddy than the girl on the other side of him, barely taller than you and certainly skinnier.
‘Harrington’s’ arm was flexing impressively, and you couldn’t help but think that your friend meant he was the cute one of the bunch. Although cute didn’t really describe him. He was gorgeous.
“He belong to you?” you asked, although you assumed they wouldn’t have such a firm hold on someone they had just met.
“Unfortunately,” he nodded, barely even looking at you.
“What do you mean, unfortunately? I’m getting you the girl!” Your eyes widened in amusement, suddenly in a much more agreeable mood to be flirted with.
“Shut up, man,” the stranger sighed.
“Baby, he’s been talking about you all night, I couldn’t believe he was going to leave without making a move.” You laughed harder than you would have if you were sober, along with the girl they were with.
“Eddie!” he chastised. “I’m sorry, he’s clearly very drunk and does not have boundaries.”
“Oh, please, he’s like this when he’s sober,” the girl said.
“No, it’s working,” you shook your head, shocking them both. “You should thank him.”
“See,” Eddie beamed. He did not get the chance to receive gratitude from his friend, though, before throwing up all over your shoes.
You found out later that the friend’s name was Steve. He didn’t have any siblings, his favorite color was blue, and he was even better-looking in the daylight. Now, at golden hour, while he’s laying on his side on a picnic blanket licking a drip of strawberry juice from his thumb, you can barely stand to look at him.
Steve had been your boyfriend for a total of two weeks. It was new, you were still trying to figure out how much affection to give him, so you settled for staring.
“Do I have something on my face?” he asked, teasing. His wickedly long eyelashes fluttered against his cheek as he sent you a wink, and your blush deepened. It did not take long to figure out that Steve loved to tease.
“The least you can do is get if off for me, Baby,” he grinned, lifting his arm to welcome you into his space. You gladly took the invitation and slid toward him, pressing your lips all over his cheeks, nose, and lips, making more of a mess.
“You’re beautiful,” you smiled. Steve got embarrassed when you tried to pay him compliments, even though he showered you with them. You could tell it was not just the newness of your relationship; you had seen him hype up Robin, the only friend of his you’d met so far that wasn’t on the brink of alcohol poisoning, to the point where she had enough confidence to tell a barista that actually, she was a fan of live music, and did she mention she was a friend of Dorothy?
To put it plainly, Steve was magic.
You were happy to bask in it, letting him take center stage so you could stand back and watch him be magnificent.
The nickname started as a joke; a cute reminder of how you’d been mushed into each other’s lives. Steve said he had to take the endearment for himself, otherwise Eddie would happily stick to using it instead of your name to get under his skin.
As your relationship grew you would flit between ‘honey’, ‘sweetheart', 'babe’, but Steve stuck to ‘baby’ like it was on your birth certificate. It became more than your name, it was a mantra, a bargaining chip, a threat, and a promise all rolled into two syllables. Coming from Steve, you were happy to take them all.
The day had been all too overwhelming. The expectation of getting a promotion with a savings-insulating raise. The company-wide meeting where you watched it go to a man who did half of the work you did. The champagne toast to celebrate him. The disappointment.
You tried to muster up the energy to go on your planned date with Steve, but when he walked into your apartment and greeted you hello with a bouquet of flowers and a warm hug, everything flowed out of you.
He laughed initially when it seemed like you were trying to squeeze the air out of his lungs, but your strength didn’t fade, even though you were shaking.
“I didn’t get the promotion,” you cried. He knew this already, you called him from your desk to break the news while your coworkers were in the conference room.
“I know, Baby, I’m so sorry,” he sighed, rubbing your back. You didn’t have the chance to overthink the fact that this was the first time you had been so emotionally vulnerable in front of Steve. Sure, you’d sniffled at movies and whined to him when you were hit with a bad headache, but nothing like this.
The realization hit you like the stapler you imagined throwing at your boss’ head earlier that afternoon. This was too much, he would get freaked out. You were being dramatic, and he certainly didn’t want to see you like this when you were supposed to be wearing a pretty dress with your makeup done.
“I’m sorry, I was supposed to be ready by now,” you said, gracefully wiping your nose with the back of your hand. “Let me just wash my face.”
Steve grabbed your wrist as you tried to flee to the bathroom.
“Hey, are you kidding? We’re not going anywhere except the couch,” he pulled you back to him, putting his hand on the back of your head to almost force you into his chest. “Maybe the shower if you want.”
“Are you trying to tell me I smell?” you asked through sharp inhales, conceding and melting into him.
“No, I’m trying to tell you I want to see you naked,” he joked, succeeding in his attempt to coax a smile out of you. You stepped on his foot gently and he allowed himself a laugh, deciding you needed a little bit of light-heartedness.
“I’m really disappointed,” you sighed after a few minutes of silent swaying back and forth, your thoughts and Steve’s touch battling it out to see who would win in the battle of your mood.
“It sucks,” he agreed, and it felt even better than his arms. It did suck, and you were sad, and needed the space to have that recognized. “But, Baby, you’re so much better than that guy, they’ll regret their decision in a week and offer you the job. Probably even more money, too. Then you can take me out,” he said, so sure of it that you almost believed him. His faith in you was sky high, and having Steve Harrington tell you how great you are and pressing kisses into your neck did wonders for the ego.
It felt silly to be this excited for Steve to come home after only being gone for a long weekend, but there were no payphones in the wilderness so he couldn’t exactly call you from the campsite. If you were at your place, you’d have a bit of time to prepare for his return with a phone call, but you were at Steve’s.
An increasing bug problem meant your building had to be fumigated, and you needed to get out for a few days. Steve disguised you staying at his place as a favor to him while he was gone, although you thought his two plants would be just fine without water for a few days.
It was odd to be there without him at first, but it was comfortable. He cleared a drawer for you a few weeks back, and you thought it might be nice to finally fill it while you were staying here.
Not a minute after you were done making sure any trace of you was cleaned up after, you heard his key in the lock.
“Honey, I’m home!” You didn’t have the resolve not to scamper to the door and meet him before he could even step into the kitchen. He caught you easily as you threw yourself at him and pulled you tightly against his chest.
“I missed you,” he sighed, warm breath igniting goosebumps on the skin of your neck. You nodded and attempted to breathe in his scent, despite being surrounded by it for the weekend, but were met with pine and dirt and nothing like the normal clean scent of your boy.
“Want to take a shower and I’ll order dinner?” you asked.
“What, you don’t like the rugged smell of the woods?” he asked, pulling away so you would have a clear view of his teasing, cocked eyebrow.
“No, it’s fine, just not you,” you said, smoothing down his windbreaker like you were getting creases out of a dress shirt. You sent him off with another kiss and fluttered around the kitchen, feeling like you were walking on air. Steve was intoxicating.
He came back to you after a longer shower than normal, taking the time to scrub underneath his fingernails no matter how badly he was itching to be by your side again.
“What’s this?” he asked, sliding the key that you left on the counter into his palm.
“I didn’t want to forget it on my key ring,” you explained, unboxing the chinese food that came to the door while Steve was in the shower. Your place was ready to be lived in as of yesterday, but you stayed until Steve was back.
“Hm,” Steve nodded, sitting at his counter and playing with the key in his hands. “Come here.” he extended his arm to you and you flew to it like a magnet, happy to snuggle into his side and give him all of the affection that had been building up over the last few days.
“Why don’t you hang on to it?” he said into your hairline. A shocked exhale on his neck gives him the wrong idea for just a second that you might not accept.
“Really?” you asked, pulling back just enough to look into his eyes. His affirming nod was so slight, but your stare was so intense that if Steve moved just a millimeter you could clock it.
Tears were dangerously close to giving away just how much this meant to you, even though you knew Steve could tell. Still, you had to attempt to lighten the heavy but wonderful air around you.
“Giving me a key, letting me stay here,” you listed. “Be careful, you might give a girl the wrong idea,” you joked.
“What idea? That I love you?” he asked, sucking you right back into the beautiful reality he created and allowed you to live in. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, not trusting your brain to be able to form the correct words.
Steve tightened his grip on your waist, not able to portray his feelings any other way.
“Come on, Baby, you know how much I adore you. Of course I love you,” he said softly.
Maybe the loneliness of the woods had gotten to him, or he had been bitten by some sort of lovebug out there that scientists had yet to discover. Either way, you wouldn’t fight him on it.
“I love you, too.”
The silence in the back of the cab was suffocating. Even the poor driver caught Steve’s bite when he simply asked if he had caught the Reds afternoon game. It was the last time anyone spoke until you and Steve were climbing out.
“Thank you.” It was more curt than you intended, but the man was spared from the true rage you were feeling. It increased with every passing moment, and you could have torn the door off of its hinges once Steve dropped the keys trying to unlock it.
You planned on going up to his apartment, getting the things you left there before leaving for the fateful dinner that sent you two into one of the smaller, but nastier, fights you had had, and going back to your own place.
It wasn’t anything serious that set you both off, but boy did neither one of you know how to pull a punch. It would have been easy to blame the comment he made about your makeup looking different, or that you always picked the same restaurant, but you went after his lack of planning being the reason for having no choice but to take the late reservation, and how he forgot to pick up your jacket from the dry cleaner so you were cold. It went past the point of return when he brought up your ex-boyfriend, and you sent out one last jab about his longest relationship barely lasting a year before you demanded the check and threw money to cover your dinner down on the table and waited outside for a cab. You barely got through a glass of wine, you wish you had driven.
In Steve’s apartment, now, usually filled with so much love, you were stomping around each other. You were collecting your toothbrush from the bathroom when, still in your heels, you took a small misstep over your own feet and Steve’s instincts grabbed your waist to steady you.
“Don’t touch me,” you snapped, pushing his hands off of you; he held them up like he was being arrested.
“Jesus, fine,” he muttered. You shoved the few outfits you had tried on earlier haphazardly into your bag, not taking the time to fold them. The thought of taking out the iron tomorrow curdled your blood even further.
Just like most other things tonight, Steve ruined your plan of a quiet escape (save a slam of his door) by blocking the doorway before you could leave his bedroom.
“What are you doing?” he sighed, clearly reaching the point of the argument where he just wanted to kiss and make up. He always got there before you, and instead of waiting insisted on reaching his hand out to drag you there.
“I’m going home. I don’t want to be here, and you don’t want me here,” you explained. Trying to push past him wasn’t too well thought out, but you braved the physical contact and scooted him out of your way.
“I never said I didn’t want you here,” he corrected, the smugness still in his voice that made you want to rip his vocal chords out. Your boyfriend had an incredible talent to be the nastiest girl you knew.
“Oh, my bad. Why would I have thought that when you’ve been so loving tonight?” you sneered.
And of all things, he chuckled. Your eyes nearly burst out of your head.
“Do you even know what you’re mad about? Baby, come on, this is so stupid,” he sighed. That was the last straw.
“You can’t do that!” He jumped a little at the screech in your voice. You hadn’t even expected the noise that came out of you, but the steam coming out of your ears softened the blow.
“What?” he asked, not daring to come closer to you now.
“Call me ‘baby’ and be charming to make me forgive you. It’s not fair.” The muscles twitching under his cheeks made it obvious that he was trying his damndest not to smile.
He didn’t like that you were angry, no, he just loved that you couldn’t stay mad at him. Steve thought that this is what a healthy relationship was. Annoying each other to the point of ending the night early wasn’t great, but that’s all it was: annoyance. If he couldn’t be suave enough to pull you out of it then he had no business being your boyfriend.
The words left your mouth and melted the tough exterior you were trying to maintain. Your shoulders dropped, crossed arms following. Your traitorous feet inched closer to the hunk in front of you, still in his dinner clothes.
“I’m sorry,” he pulled you into his arms once he thought you wouldn’t pull away and pressed his lips to the top of your head. “Please stay. Let me make it up to you, Baby.”
His whispered promises always had a talent of coming true.
His sweat dripping on your collarbone sizzles off in a nanosecond. You’re both slick with it, with the friction between your bodies.
“Baby,” he gasps, neck slightly twitching as he tries to stave off what you’ve been trying to pull from him. You're shaking beneath him, yourself, grounded only by his dull fingernails digging into your calf.
There’s no need to respond, you just nod your head and wrap your arms around his neck, hoping to be smothered by him. Steve obliges just slightly, insisting on holding his own weight above you and only letting your chests mush together and his stomach rub against yours at the discretion of his hips.
The whine that comes from his throat sends a shiver up your spine. He’s so strong all of the time, seeing him let go and be completely inhibitionless drives you closer to the edge.
“Almost, Steve, almost,” you warn him, although he takes it as incentive.
You were generally in charge in the bedroom, and Steve was more than happy to be bossed around, but something was different this evening. Steve shifted his grip from your leg to your wrist, almost pinning you to the mattress and tacitly communicating that he didn’t want you to flip him over and ride him like a mechanical bull.
Change was good, it certainly felt good, so you just leaned into his movements and met his hips, forcing stray hairs missed by a razor to get acquainted with his moles that were for your eyes only. Well, yours and the fertility doctor you had been going to.
Once he was confident that you would stay beneath him, he moved his hand between your bodies, and started to massage you in the way only he had been able to do.
The euphoria he brought you drowned out all noise, so you weren’t sure what Steve called you, if anything, when he came. But he did stroke your hair and call you sweet things for long enough afterward that you were fine with whatever he said.
“I think that was the one,” you whispered.
“Yeah?” he grinned. “Think I put a baby in my Baby?”
“Ew, don’t say it like that,” you laughed, pushing his chest hard enough that in his tired state, he flopped from his side onto his back. You tossed a leg over him and rested your head on his chest for a nanosecond before he had you flipped like a pretzel, expertly shoving a pillow under your hips so they were elevated like he had every day for the last month.
“Maybe if you let me cuddle you my hormones will get the point,” you frowned, missing the hours of pillowtalk you were used to by now.
“Well, we need all the help we can get. So gravity it is,” he said, lying next to you again, so close but too far.
“Is that why you wouldn’t let me be on top?” you laughed, but he refused to be embarrassed.
“I’ve done, research, Baby! It’s for real,” he ensured, and you believed him with everything you had. So much so that you stared at the ceiling for over an hour until he was satisfied that if his swimmers were going to reach your eggs, they had enough time to get there.
It wasn’t too hard of an ask, though, with him by your side the entire time chatting through every sweet thought that came into his head.
In three months time, after a blood test and some crossed fingers and toes, he would start putting those plans into action, molding them to any desire you had for the perfect combination.
In three years, when you had a sibling for your baby boy on the way, when asked what his mother’s name was, he thought it was “Baby.”
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
just another billy and stu lover sliding into the ask box, LMFAO. anyway, please could you write a little something where it’s cold/flu season and the reader has to take care of sick billy and stu? I JUST THINK THEY’D BE SO FUCKING CUTE SNUGGLED IN BED WITH A TISSUE IN ONE HAND, THERMOMETER IN THE MOUTH, AND BURYING THEMSELVES INTO THE COVERS😭😭 (why is it always the psychopaths i fall for, why..)
Anon you got me kicking my feet and giggling with this one. Hope you like it 💕
Flu season
Pairing: Poly!ghostface x reader
Warnings: Foul language, really just sick Billy and Stu
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They weren't sure who got them sick but Billy swore to kill them if he found out. The two boys lay bedridden by your orders. You swore to take care of them, it's what you did best. "You don't have to do this. You're going to catch it eventually." Billy coughed his lungs starting to burn. "Well if I do you got to promise to take care of me." You smiled at the boys as you sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm dying here!" Stu whined hiding his face in Billy's side.
"Open up." You told Billy as you held the thermometer. He raised his tounge letting you sit the stick down. His lips locked around the thermometer holding it in place. "Alright Stu pull down your pants." Stu lifted his head with worry. "What, I figured you'd want the rectal thermometer?" Billy started to laugh which ended in a coughing fit. "What did I do to deserve you?" Stu said rolling his eyes. "We may never know. Come on put this in your mouth." You held out the thermometer. "If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that- ow!"
"I'm not too sick to beat your ass." Billy mumbled after he smacked his partner. Stu grabbed the thermometer putting it under his tounge. "Alright you first." You grabbed the device from Billy's mouth reading the screen. "Yep you've still got a bad fever." Billy groaned throwing his arm over his eyes. "What about me doc?" You looked at Stu pulling the thermometer from his mouth. "Wow. Your fever has actually gone down." Stu rolled over pointing at the boy next to him. "Haha mother fucker!" Billy sighed before he grabbed Stu's shirt pulling him close to him. You watched as he pressed his lips on Stu's. "Ew!" Stu coughed as you crinkled your nose with a laugh. "You spit in my mouth!" Stu cried wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand.
Billy closed his eyes with a grin on his face. "You two are something else." You shook your head sitting the thermometers on the nightstand. "I'm going to go get some water do you need anything else?" Billy pulled the covers up over his shoulders trying to combat the chills. "Get over here fuck rag." Billy grabbed Stu pulling him underneath the covers. "Help! He's got me! I'm drowning!" Stu yelled being over dramatic as always. You got up heading towards the kitchen.
You made both the boys some ice water bringing it back to the bedroom. The room was silent save for a few breathless snores. "Guys?" You whispered getting an answer from Stu. "Shh he's asleep." He whispered as Billy's arms were locked around him. You sat the glasses down as quietly as possible. Billy's hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and you could barley see Stu from where you were standing.
"Do you have room for one more?" You asked as you crept over to Stu's side. "We always do." He lifted the blanket letting you slide in next to him. Stu let you cuddle into his chest where you could hear his ragged breath. "You're going to get sick." He mumbled letting sleep overcome him. "It's worth it." You said putting a smile on Stu's face before he finally fell asleep.
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luveline · 2 years
yess would love to see some roan content
yk roans imaginary (i mean totally real) dalmation, maybe one day reader, eddie and roan are walking around at the park or something and she see a dalmation and just wants to run up and pet the dog. i just think it’d be a cute little moment
thank you for your request! a summer afternoon for the munson family <3 eddie and roan ♥︎ fem!reader 1.3k
You have Eddie's hand in one hand, Roan's in the other. It's a rare occasion that you get to be the one in the middle. Roan usually insists on it so that she can be swung over the sidewalk curbs. You aren't sure how you've gotten to be the lucky one, but you won't look a gift horse in the face. 
"I'm gon-da climb to the top of the climbing tower–" 
"'Gon-da'," Eddie whispers in your ear, "what is she, five?" 
She is very much five. 
"How dare you," you say. 
He laughs evilly and then remembers he has to be a dad as well as an idiot. "Roan, if you get stuck at the top again I can't come and get you, I'm a scaredy-cat." 
"I'll save you, princess," you say. 
Roan pulls away from your hand. "Thank you!" she calls, sprinting across a stretch of brilliant green grass. The field surrounding the playground is thick and lush and expansive. A group of teenagers throw a Frisbee at one end, while a great golden labrador chases a tennis ball at the other. You walk past babies and the elderly, all manner of Hawkins residents out in swing to enjoy the amazing summer weather. 
"Roan! Stay close!" Eddie shouts. 
She slows to a run. You and Eddie fast walk to keep pace, interlocked fingers swinging with every step.
"It's so nice out today, sure you aren't gonna melt into a leather puddle?" you tease. 
"I reject summer," Eddie says, in all black. 
You laugh. It's the kind of laugh you can only make when it's warm and you're content, the sound rumbly and indulgent. Since meeting Eddie, pretty much ever one of your laughs sound this way when the weather's nice. He smiles at you and bumps his shoulder into yours, his eyebrows, hidden by his bangs, making a rare appearance as he squints against the sun. 
Roan thankfully stops before she gets to the playground, a mass of hot plastic on wood chips that you can smell half a mile away. She rocks back and forth on her heels, feet covered by small white sneakers. Eddie had originally dressed her in a sweet pink dress with flowers on the chest, but you'd peeped up to say she should probably wear pants if she's gonna be climbing things. He'd nodded, said, "Right! Right, what would I do without you, baby?" 
It felt nice to get to amend what she wears, and his easy acceptance of your suggestion. 
"Go on, babe!" he calls. "We're gonna stay right here on the grass and watch you!" 
Roan beams and races to the climbing tower, a plastic and rope contraption that scares the fuck out of you. It's designed to catch a child if they fall, ropes intermingling between layers and reaching a narrow point at the top. You worry she'll fall backwards, but what can you do to stop her? She wants to tackle it, you want her to be brave and have fun, and you're a little unsure if you'd even be allowed to say No, you can't go on there. 
You and Eddie lay out a blanket and sit under the summer heat. He admits defeat and peels out of his thick jacket, exposing the amazing lengths of his arms. They're almost enough to drag your gaze from his climbing daughter. 
"She's gonna be fine," he says. 
"I know." You put your hand on his thigh. "What if she isn't, though?" 
"She will be. They wouldn't build that thing if kids weren't meant to climb it. I've climbed it." 
"You've climbed it?" 
He leans back, lips taking to an open-mouthed smile. "You don't believe me?" 
"How old were you?" 
"Probably not as young as Ro, but– seven? Eight?" 
"Eddie, that's fifteen years ago. You're telling me she's climbing ten feet on a climbing frame that's fifteen years old?" You groan and close your eyes. "You better watch her. I'm gonna have a heart attack."
Eddie covers your hand with his, chuckling. "Alright, sweetheart. I'll watch her." 
You squeeze your eyes closed but take little glances when you can manage it. The higher she gets the worse you feel, anxiety churning your guts. You know she won't fall but your body doesn't. A cold sweat pricks your neck despite the sunshine beating down. 
Eddie plays with your fingers absentmindedly. 
"I think your ring finger is my favourite. And not because of what you're thinking," he says nonchalantly, "but it's cute. You have a little tiny mark, what is that?" 
"Maybe a papercut scar?" you ask. "Wait! Aren't you watching Roan?"
"I am, but I can do both. Plus, even if she falls, what'm I gonna do? The net will catch her, sweetheart, I promise." 
He places his thumb on either side of your finger and presses down to the tip. It's a strange gesture, thoughtless, and your anxiety numbs. You watch Roan climb to another layer. She looks about as nervous as you feel, taking careful steps, pulling herself up with heaving motions. 
Eddie pulls the back of your hand to his mouth and kisses it quickly. "Hey, she's almost at the top."
Roan climbs to the summit. You tilt your head toward Eddie's and wait for her to get down, only she doesn't, climbing to the other side with tense movements. Her front comes into view, and when she spots you and Eddie looking there's a huge smile on her face.
"Look, I'm at the top!" she shouts proudly. 
"You are! You're so fast, and so tall!" Eddie waves at her. 
She waves back. 
"Oh, holy shit, I'm gonna throw up," you say. "I'm gonna go get her down." 
You stand up and almost fall to your knees when Roan shouts, "Oh my god! Oh my god!" 
You don't care who's watching or listening to you, you shout, "What, baby?" 
"A damnation!" 
You get to the bottom of the tower in record time. "Are you stuck?" 
She wags her head. Her every movement makes the tower ropes shake. "Y/N, it's a damnation, look!" she says, pointing behind you. 
You reluctantly turn, heart in your throat, and are greeted by the sight of a full grown dalmatian, white with black spots. You're head rushes. 
Eddie comes to meet you with the blanket and tote bag hastily thrown over his arm. Roan flies down the tower in record time, stops to hug your leg, and then looks up at Eddie and says, "Can I hug it? Please? Please, can I go pet the dog?" 
Eddie takes her hand. "Let's go ask, baby." 
They fast walk to the dalmation before the owner can walk too far away and ask to pet the dog. The dalmation's name is Sammy, and he loves kisses and hugs. He links stripes up Roan's face until she's roaring with giggles, her arms around his skinny neck. 
"Good puppy!" she says, squealing when Sammy licks her nose.
"How's your heart?" Eddie asks. 
"Definitely feeling better." You put his hand against your chest so he can feel the slowed pulse. 
He slides it to your shoulder, throwing the other behind so he can hug you and tug you in for a forehead kiss at the same time. 
"You're pretty when you worry," he says. 
Roan giggles some more, cotton candy sweet. "Daddy, we need a Sammy, please please please!" 
A little bit of his pleased, carefree attitude dissipates. 
"Baby, where would we put him?" 
"He could sleep in my bed!" She rubs Sammy behind the ears. "Do you have a brother, mister Sammy?" 
You tip your head to his ear. "She wants a puppy? What is she, five?" 
Roan beams at you both. Mister Sammy licks a gross line of spit from her chin to her temple.
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Confessions {Qui-Gon Jinn x Reader}
approx. 1,000 words
Summary: You and Anakin blow off some steam by getting drunk together. When you return back for the night you are greeted by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi who insist you get to bed. As Qui-Gon prepares you to sleep, he hears your drunken confessions; of love and insecurities.
Warnings: F! reader, insecurities, drunkenness, (Anakin and reader are in their 20s), reader and Anakin are platonic, angst, 18+
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As you return back to the grounds from your impulsive bar hopping with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are the first people you see. Disappointment is clearly written all over their faces, since two of their best Jedis are coming home past curfew and three sheets to the wind.
"sshhhh Ani, someone could hear us," you giggle out whisper yelling as he trips over his feet like a new born giraffe.
"Sorry, which way do we go," he asked with a tilted head, not sure if he could recognize the corridors in the dark.
"This way, follow m-" you started as you turned left but were cut off by the strong chest of Master Qui-Gon who was just around the corner.
Behind Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan, who could not hold back his giddiness. He wasn't angry at your antics. He loved that you and Anakin were acting like normal young people but had to put on a poker face for Qui-Gon as he handed down punishments.
Your cheeks were flush, scarlet with embarrassment for getting caught by someone you respected so highly. You were always trying to please Qui-Gon. It was an unspoken truth that you were his favorite padawan; because of your discipline in learning the ways of the force and in the longing glances you both exchanged over the past many months.
Qui-Gon's piercing gaze fixes on Anakin, and then shifts to you, his brow furrowing as he detects something beneath the surface. He knew that bar hopping wasn't your idea. Anakin was corrupting the sweet girl beside him, and Qui-Gon was not going to stand for it.
"Anakin, Obi-Wan will escort you back to your quarters," Qui-Gon ordered, putting an end to the night's activities. "And you," he turned and lowered his gaze to your sheepish figure, "come with me."
You nod in comply and Qui-Gon gently takes you by the hands, leading you to your bedroom. Yawning the whole way there, Qui-Gon's anger fades into protectiveness, just wanting to make sure you don't hurt yourself and sleep off as much as you can of what will be a massive hangover.
He shuts the door quietly, as to not startle you with any loud sounds and sees you struggling to remove your tunic. Your arms are stuck three quarters of the way out and the twisting of your shoulders isn't making the fabric roll up your back as you hoped it would.
"hhmph! Qui, could you help me, pretty pleasssssse," you slur out to him for assistance. He doesn't want to risk any impropriety but seeing you struggle was enough to throw all of the norms out the window.
"Relax your arms," he said, reaching for the hem of the shirt to pull over your head. Free from the straight jacket tunic, you stood before him in your lilac lace bra.
He let out a shallow breath as he looked down at you, remarking to himself how soft and cuddly your skin appears to be, and the way the lace of the bra seems to be painted on your breasts, fitting perfectly to the swell of your chest.
In no time flat you have removed your bottoms and exposed you cheeky bum to him, clad in lilac panties, matching your bra.
Oblivious to the tension of the situation, since your mentor is a foot away from your practically naked form you ask, "would you tuck me in?"
He nods, and follows you to the edge of the bed. He watches you cuddle into the silky soft sheets and nuzzle up to your pillow. Qui-Gon loosely drapes the blanket around your form and shift to get up as you reach for his wrist.
"Is there something else you need of me?" he asked, thinking you would ask for another blanket or for a glass of water.
You hesitate, feeling a wave of insecurity wash over you. "Can you… stay? Just for a little while? Just to talk?"
"What is it you would like to talk about?" he inquired, knowing you already confide in him as a mentor for your Jedi training. For some reason he could sense that this would be a different kind of conversation.
"Qui-Gon?" you say barely a whisper.
"Yes?" he replies, his gaze fixed on you with unwavering attention.
"Am… am I pretty?" you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What?" Qui-Gon's brow furrows in confusion. "Of course, you are," he says, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "You are beautiful, both inside and out."
Tears fell at the corners of your eyes as Qui-Gon's words wash over you, colliding with some of the negative feelings of your own body's image in your mind. The alcohol had gotten the best of your emotions.
"Then why… why don't boys like me?" you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I mean, I try to be nice and friendly but no body seems to look at me. Like I train, and I train, and I train but I am still soft and nervous around people. I feel like this is a never ending cycle of disappointment. I'm too ugly for my own good."
You end your rant with a heavy heart and a long silent pause. You slowly lift your head from where it is on your pillow to see if Qui-Gon left. Instead, his gaze meets yours with a flicker of angry passing through his eyes.
"They are complete fools," he said passionately. "They fail to see you for your truest form. You tower over them in intellection, and float by them with elegance and grace."
"But Qui-" you sit up and raise your hand to stop him but he continues.
"No, you should never feel less than because these dumb boys don't see what I see in you."
For the first time in a long while, you allow yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, you are worthy of love.
"I'm sorry for getting so worked up. Its time to rest now," he says, settling in next to you in bed, sat up, and rubbing your back soothingly over the covers.
You welcome the feeling of his hands and of his warmth radiating over the entire bed.
"Thank you," you whisper to him as you drift of to sleep.
Of course, starlight. I want you to feel loved. I will always be here for you.
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formulapookie · 24 days
under the cut to read on Tumblr, here to read on Ao3
❗️mention of throwing up❗️ chapter 2
Les fleurs du mal ch.1 rosquez, 1.3k words
His ears are ringing, he can feel the blood running in his veins.
He’s stuck there, unable to move, forcing a trained smile on his face, holding the tears at bay.
There’s only Vale’s words playing on loop in his brain, like a broken record.
He’s torturing the little anti stress he’s got in his hands, heart rate at its peak, he thinks he’s about to throw up.
Marc sees a flash of Yamaha Blue in front of him, leaving after saying those things.
He can’t believe he really said that.
“É vero che era mio fan? Che aveva il mio poster in camera? Non so dovrei controllare”
These words cut a deep wound in Marc’s heart, he can feel it bleeding, it hurts more than any crash he ever went through.
He saw it. He saw the poster and the cap and the little bikes he collected.
He saw the framed picture of the two of them together, the signed helmet he kept in his room.
Saw it all when he came to his home, when Marc showed him his little sanctuary, like Vale called it.
“You have a sanctuary here eh?”
Marc had blushed, looking down at his feet.
“Yeah I like to collect the bikes, and I have the picture we took in-“ “In 2008 I remember”
Marc had smiled at that, and Vale had smiled back, asking Marc if he remembered each of the bike from each race.
And he did.
Vale had looked at him with stars in his eyes while he pointed at each bike telling him from which race it was.
“You really are amazing Marc”
Marc had blushed again, Vale had kissed him and led him to his bed.
They were alone in the home, Marc had asked Alex to go to a friend’s house for the day, and possibly the night, since their parents were both out for a small holiday.
Alex had pulled a disgusted look but agreed, it wasn’t like he wanted to be there when his brother and boyfriend? fuckbuddy? would’ve done what they wanted to do.
Vale had been gentle, kind, he cooked for him afterwards, Amatriciana, and it was really good.
They had sex again after dinner, forgetting about the movie playing on TV and ending up
being woken by Alex’s screech as he came back home the day after, finding them naked and hugging under the blanket on the sofa.
Vale had seen his home.
Vale had seen his room.
And now he’s saying he doubts him ever being a fan of his.
Marc leaves the conference room feeling like he could be blown away by the first wind breath, he’s trying to convince himself this is just a nightmare, he will wake up and he will be in bed with Vale, the sharp smell of his shampoo and the light touch of Vale’s fingers on his torso.
But for how much he tries to wake up he can’t.
He’s still here, in his motorhome now, tears who can’t seem to stop falling from his eyes, shivers all around his body like he’s got a fever.
He feels disoriented, he’s breathing too fast and there’s a suffocating feeling in his throat and chest. He’s trying to walk around his motor home but he’s unsteady, he’s aware he might fall on the ground at any moment.
Alex and his father had tried to get in, but he yelled at them to leave him alone, and Marc never yelled.
They had given up, after a few more useless attempts, but none of the two was calm in leaving Marc alone.
Marc runs for the bathroom, leaning over the toilet and puking his lunch and everything he ate that day too.
He pukes until he can’t feel anything anymore, but there’s still something in his chest, it feels rooted inside him.
No no no fuck no it can’t be.
Marc barely has the time to deny this possibility that he’s leaning on the toilet again, coughing unstoppably.
As he looks down with terror his fear is confirmed.
Yellow ones, what a fucking joke the fate has for him.
He remembers his biology teacher talking about it.
“Hanahaki disease is a somatic disease which attacks your lungs and throat, making it hurtful for one to even breathe at some point. It can cause death if it’s not treated. The symptoms are easy to remember, whoever is infected will start to puke petals, sometimes random colors, sometimes colors we associate with the person which is causing the Hanahaki. The disease manifests itself when an individual is living an unrequited love or believes he is living it. One can either wait and hope the feelings are reciprocated or get an operation consisting of the removal of the blossom, placed between one’s lungs. It’s a risky and complicated process, and a side effect could be the loss of the capacity of an individual to feel romantic love, and in some cases the loss of every memory tied to the person causing it”
Two yellow petals stand floating in his toilet, staring back at him before Marc flushes, looking at them go away with terror in his eyes.
No one must know. Not even his family or God forbid, Vale.
What would Vale do if he knew?
At this point he is not sure of anything. He would make fun of him with his friends most likely.
Or he would call him a liar once again, just shortening the time in which the disease could become incurable.
Lucìa, the little girl with braids, raised her hand.
“Teacher but how much time do we have before the flowers kill us?”
“Well let’s hope it never happens, but it depends on the hurt one experiences during the disease. If the patient gets hurt by the person they love it will fasten the process, and sometimes it goes further so rapidly the patient doesn’t realize he doesn’t have time anymore, and even if he wants to get the operation done it wouldn’t do anything”
He will keep this a secret.
If it’ll end up being the case he will undergo the operation.
But until then he’ll just hope. Hope for Vale to love him again.
Vale is sitting in his motor home, a cold beer in hand as Uccio tells him all about Marc’s reaction at the press con.
Uccio seems delighted by it, seems to be feasting on Marc’s pain and suffering in a way that even to Vale is concerning.
Like yeah, after how he acted Vale does find it funny to watch Marc’s helpless reaction on screen, but the type of fun Uccio has it’s sick.
“He was about to cry god what a fucking pussy” “Look Vale how he looks for you and is absolutely to cry” “Serves him right after how dangerous he’s been towards you yeah?”
Vale knows damn well Marc does have those bikes and posters at his. Because he’s seen them all when he went to Cervera.
But he still thinks what he said was the right thing to do.
Because he knows despite his words Marc will stay tied to his leash like a fucking dog and follow him everywhere and listen to his words like commands.
He knows he could call Marc right now, have Uccio leave him alone, and he could fuck Marc with all the anger and need he wants.
And he knows Marc would take it, fucking say thanks probably, and go on loving him no matter what he says.
He doesn’t, he just doesn’t feel like fucking him right now, but keeps that number at top 1 for how many times he’s called him.
He wants to see how mean he can be before Marc gives up.
Maybe he’s wrong in judging Uccio.
This is just as fucked up as him laughing because Marc was in the edge of breaking on live.
Because in the end the idol is Valentino Rossi, and the fan is Marc Marquez. And Marc Marquez is a damn loyal dog.
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