#do you think it would be funsies to have to just absorb that shit?
jlf23tumble · 11 months
If larries think Louis is closeted why are they surprised/offended he “acts straight” (my bros in cheezits it’s been nearly a year since he was pictured with a lady - what are you talking about), or bitch slaps “fans” who bring up gay relationship lore? And they make it about their feelings on the matter?? Does he not have his own feelings, like maybe he doesn’t want the entire world talking about how he’s gay (neon letters- gay w/ Harry Styles - who to anyone with a brain seems not straight)?!
All the times when there is actually a simple, straightforward explanation that, u kno what, would actually align with their narrative to some degree if they weren’t so obtuse, they take the L and become crybabies. Also, maybe they should just stop being cunts to him. I kno, what a concept.
It's the "maybe they should just stop being cunts to him" for me, but yeah, so much of this! Because here's the thing, he's a real-life person, and he's living his own real life, not a script, not a fic, not a built-up fantasy quilted by overly invested strangers. I feel for him, and I'm not here to say there was nothing there, clearly there was, but also? Maybe, just MAYBE there isn't anymore, and maybe, just MAYBE he's genuinely pissed to have to talk about it allllll the time as this cutesy GOTCHA by people who put in their bios that they believe in conspiracy theories around his sex life, desperate to break the fourth wall in a way that both outs him and dredges up a relationship that might not be something he wants to be dealing with at the moment. And rather than think, wow, oof, sorry, king, that's on me, instead, you have people all ass-hurt about it, acting like he's some kind of dick for (justifiably) losing it. You haven't been gaslit, you haven't been lied to, you haven't been baited, he owes you literally jack shit about something that maybe just MAYBE hits him on god knows what fronts (this is not YOU you, anon, lmao, you get it)
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quidfree · 2 years
hi, hope you’re doing good! you mentioned bnha canon so I’m curious: what’s your opinion about the *thing* that happened? do you think it’ll be permanent or it will be undone somehow? how would you like to see it unfold? thanks in advance, love reading your thoughts :)
lol i just spoke abt this w @swisseroni who follows canon better than i do so i can answer this w the usual caveats re: my lack of manga readership. read below cut bc im feeling nice re not spoiling some innocent who somehow hasn't heard yet
to begin with i should say that honestly i dont think bakugou is dead. mainly bc i don't think horikoshi has the balls. bakudeku's dynamic is p much what sets bnha apart from every other generic shonen in its genre, and without bakugou as foil i don't think izuku would be compelling enough as a protagonist. plus he's the beloved fan fave and all that.
if he survives, it will doubtless be very stupid. swiss was saying izuku will probably develop his 201829th quirk to save him. i've also seen something about nitroglycerin starting hearts or whatever.
if he dies, what a dumb way to do it!
seriously though- i really don't get the thought behind this whole thing. to my understanding we've literally Just had a whole dramatic 'bakugou dramatically sacrifices himself to save midoriya bc of his character growth and prompts midoriya's jokerification' moment when he got stabbed by shigaraki the LAST time. what's to be gained by having it repeated? nothing about the status quo is affected apart from canon getting even more grimdark. same q w bakugou dying now- what is going to be gained from? izuku getting more angsty as well? it's so narratively pointless.
i guess you could harp on about the innate tragedy of bakugou dying once he's realised his character arc or something, but 1) again, could have done that last time and 2) i don't even think he has, because surely we could get more interesting shifts in bakugou than just a willingness to recognise izuku's personal worth. i'd much rather see how bakugou's trajectory into pro-heroism is affected by his evolution.
also wow has it been a hot minute since any other character did anything meaningful in canon. todoroki honey i'm so sorry your plots have all been absorbed by not one but two of your adult relatives who treat you like shit.
anw you also asked how i would like to see it unfold! again i dont follow the manga much so grain of salt and all, but if i was writing the implausible bakugou survival i think i'd make it so it Was midoriya's godmode quirk that did it, except at the cost of midoriya over-extending his quirk in this grand act (he can wipe shigaraki out while he's at it, i'm feeling generous) so that he winds up quirkless again. i think it'd be the only way to make midoriya less exhaustingly OP so he has anywhere to go from here, and it'd also rid us of this very drawn-out shigaraki melodrama. bakugou could have some kind of serious physical set-back too, for funsies.
funniest possible take on this from swiss: bakugou dying so uraraka can get narrative relevance being deku's grief-support.
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
May I ask for some soft requests for the league ? What would they say to their S/O as they sleep in their arms ? Thank you 🥰❤️
ohooh this is cute, yes :>
What the LoV would say to their s/o as they sleep in their arms!
Honestly, Tomura wouldn’t say much at first. He’s much more intrigued by the face you make in your sleep and just watching you, content in knowing that you’re safe and asleep in his arms.
He’s also afraid of waking you, so he tries to be really quiet. But if he knows he can get away with it, he’ll absolutely run his index finger back and forth along your cheekbone lovingly.
Eventually he’ll get brazen enough to start whispering to you, firstly telling you that he’s happy to see you because he’s had a rough day, and then he goes on.
He’ll tell you about the nightmare he had the night before, wherein you had been hurt somehow - Tomura couldn’t remember details, but the tight feeling in his chest when he woke up stuck with him.
“I will keep you safe, I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll tear all of Japan apart. No, the world.”
And so he’ll tell you things he wouldn’t tell you if you were awake: what ran through his mind the minute he landed eyes on you, what kind of dates you’d go on if he weren’t a notorious villain, how he wants to see you smile more often, that he’s so happy you exist.
“You look as peaceful awake as you do when you’re asleep. That’s a good thing, right? I’m glad. I hope... I’m the reason.”
Eventually whatever leaves his mouth ends up as Tomura musing about you. It’s almost as if you aren’t even there and he’s missing you, like you were somewhere far away and he couldn’t bear not to see you.
Mr. Compress:
You could be cuddling watching TV or something, and he won’t even realize you’ve fallen asleep. It’s when he gushes about suddenly craving broiled eel like the one expertly prepared by the chef on TV, that he notices.
And he just melts. One thing Mr. loves to do is watch your facial expressions and how they change throughout the day, so he’s sky high when he gets to see your sleepy face(s) unabashedly.
He’ll compare them to expressions you make while you’re awake and will narrate how your facial muscles stretch and change as if you’re conscious enough to hear - and care.
From the faces you make, he’ll move on to just what he loves about your face in general, which eventually leads to what he enjoys about your personality.
“You’re perfect, you know that? I’m not idolizing you, you have flaws and so do I, but what I mean to say is... you’re perfect for me. But naturally, as I sit here, must I wonder - am I perfect for you?”
By the heavens he hopes so. And he’ll tell you that. He’ll tell you that no matter how much ruckus he stirs as a villain, he hopes that you’ll stay by his side and love him unconditionally. Being a villain isn’t some character flaw, he knows that.
“I think, maybe, you’re what I live for. What I fight for? Maybe both. No, maybe neither. What I mean is... hm, I can imagine different futures all I want, but I can’t imagine a single one of them without you.”
Mr. may not be adept at putting such intimate and serious thoughts into words, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop trying.
To say that Twice wouldn’t take the chance to shamelessly ogle your sleeping face, would be to lie.
And to say that Twice wouldn’t take the chance to gush about you and how strong yet gentle and caring you are, shamelessly? Yep - a lie.
He’s going to narrate in explicit detail what it looked like that time you told off some older woman harassing you over your groceries after a lack of a good night’s sleep and a particularly grueling day. He was so damned proud of you for standing up for yourself.
Twice would 100% talk about selling everything he owns and buying you the fanciest ring he could afford just because. And while on that note, he’d change the purpose of the ring from “for funsies” to “you deserve it.”
“Somewhere down the road, that ring could be... y’know, special, right? More special than it is already, because it is yours, after all. How do I say it without actually saying it?”
Thank everything in existence you’re asleep because this poor man flusters himself! He trips over his words a bit, and he says things that would be embarrassing if you were awake. Hell, they’re embarrassing and you’re asleep!
But Twice means what he says, there’s no questioning it. He’s not much of a liar to begin with, and there’s no way he can look at you and lie - even if he’s trying to surprise you in some way.
“I just hope... you’re happy. This life isn’t so easy, so, ah, I wanna do what I can to make you happy. I want to give you everything you deserve and then some. Easier said than done, but... still!”
Himiko will start off poking and prodding at your face for the sake of doing so while she has you so vulnerable. It’s just self-indulgent fun for her and she can’t help it!
She’ll tug on your cheek, poke your nose, even run her fingers across your eyelids, like she’s making a map of your face. She’ll count the whispies or runaway hairs on your forehead if you have any, or possibly your eyelashes.
Himiko isn’t exactly “sappy,” and she’s not quick to open up. But seeing you so peaceful and serene even after her facial muscle torture, is a delight for her and she has to hold back the urge to squeal.
Oddly enough, she’ll ask you questions that you can’t answer amidst your unconscious state - almost rapid-fire, too.
“What did you think of me when we met? Did you think of me as just another bloodthirsty villain, or did you see me? Could you hear my heart race when I saw you beaten and battered on that sidewalk? Do you love me?”
After that she’ll fall eerily silent, electing to instead roam her hands all over you soothingly, with no ill intent.
Himiko’s face will scrunch as she looks at you, her lips pursing and eyebrows narrowing. To say that she never stalked you would be a lie. She only wanted you safe, and seeing you so defenseless reminded her of that.
“I think you can take care of yourself plenty, my dear. Don’t misunderstand. But the thought of letting you be on your own hurts. What if someone hurts you? Well, I’d hurt them tenfold.”
He’ll know you’re nodding off before you do, seeing your sleepy state the minute he’s exposed to it. Dabi’s attention isn’t anywhere but you when you’re cuddling like this, but you won’t know that.
The tips of his fingers gently ghost over whatever limb they’re closest to, and as he searches for something to say or do, or even think, he’s blank.
His brows furrow in frustration at himself. He’s not as open and verbal about his feelings as you are, and oftentimes it frustrates the living hell out of you, but he can’t help it. He’s been trying, though, and you’ve given credit where it’s due. He appreciates that.
“You put up with my shit too much, you know it? You’re so patient with me, even when you’re ticked at me for bein’ the jackass I am. Even when I do it on purpose, you stick by me. I don’t get it. Why?”
He’s enamored with how easily you seem to look past the grimy and cruel exterior that he’s created over the years, instead looking at Dabi, not the blue flame villain of the League of Villains. Would he stick around if the tables were turned? Psh! No! So why do you stay?
By the time Dabi had you wrapped around his fingers - or was it perhaps the other way around? - he thought he had your character down pat, known like the exact number of staples holding his skin together.
But the more hell he puts you through, as a wicked way of testing your loyalty he can’t help but do, the more you seem to want to stay with him. And the less he understands you.
“I guess I’m really stuck with you, huh? Not that you’ll catch me complainin’. Besides, you’re the one who gets the short end of the stick. Put up a fight more, yeah? Don’t just put up with me. Do what you’ve been doing, and help me be less of an asshole.”
He’s honestly the most clueless and flustered when it comes to talking to you, or about you, while you’re asleep in his arms. He feels so awkward, he can’t help it.
“You always believe in me when no one else does, so, uh, that’s really... nice of you. You’d think I’m a total creep watching you sleep right now if you were awake, huh? I just wish I could believe in myself like you do.”
Do you always encourage him and look up to him? Yes. But are you Spinner’s personal cheerleader? No, not all. What you do is not just boosting his confidence, it’s building it. And he’s going to tell you he appreciates that, if a bit awkwardly, and how much that means to him.
The other members or random passersby can call him a “lizard” all they want, but alongside his protests are always your snippy comebacks and jeered disapproval. He’ll be sure to bring up at least one instance of that.
While he’s telling you he appreciates your standing up for him, he’s also going to tell you to let up a bit so that he gets used to doing it himself. You’re not coddling him or anything, he’s just afraid of relying on you too much.
“I want you to rely on me more. I’m here for you... just like you’re here for me. Does that make sense? I guess it doesn’t matter, since you’re asleep... ah, what was I saying? I just- I want to support you like you deserve, I want to watch out for you. Forever. I want you to be you and not worry about me so much.
Spinner may trip over his words here and there, but his message would be absorbed all the same, if you were awake. He almost wishes you were, but realizes he can tell you all that once you’re conscious again, right? He’ll spill his guts to you, then.
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codename-adler · 4 years
Kevin Day and his Oblivious Literature Lover, pt.IV
In times of college finals, aftg is my coping mechanism of predilection. hope it helps some :)
>> Table of Contents,TW and other parts here!
i’ll let you guess what Kevin and Juliet chose for their project
oh, yes
the letters of Hamilton, Eliza and John + Hamilton: The Musical
i will fight you on this
at first, when Juliet suggests it, Kevin stares at her so hard bc really?? a musical??
but then she lends him the 50$ leatherbound official book of the musical (you know the navy blue and beige one? you know what i’m talking about, right?) and reads it all in one evening and wow
lin-manuel miranda? genius. ron chernow? Genius. alexander hamilton? Dumb Genius.
oh yeah and Juliet? Absolutely mind-blowing genius.
as Andrew & Neil grow closer and the match agaisnt the Ravens rounds the corner, Kevin finds himself looking more and more forward to the time spent at the library with Juliet
she is just so focused on their project and so oblivious as who he really is and doesn’t really care if sometimes he is more anxious, if freaks over everything to be perfect, if he babbles on&on&on&on about any bit of history he discovered
she’s just there, smirking, stiffling her laughs and asking for more
they’ve exhanged phone numbers and she installed snapchat on his, and although he never sends her anything, she always has a short video and a funny caption that pop up from time to time; they’re that little reminder that the world goes on outside of exy and that he exists outside of exy
she introduces him to funny videos and he didn’t know absolute dumb shit could make him snort??
his favorite is the peanut butter baby
at first the Foxes give him this judgemental look when he ugly-snorts in the locker room or at Eden’s, but eventually they just get that glint in their eyes as if they were in on the jokes
sometimes, Juliet’s so focused on writing down bullet points in her notebook, peeling the skin off her lips, so unaware of Kevin’s personal hell of a life, that he just wants to spill out everything
although he’s not sure if it’s because he wants her to know him and stay, or because he wants her to reject him and therefore spare himself the trouble of getting attached...
she takes the decision for him
on a Thursday afternoon, on their planned study session, she doesn’t show up
she doesn’t answer her phone either
he even tries out a completely blacked out snap with “r u alive?” in caption
no answer
he gives her space, sending her occasional cat videos he thoroughly researches
if she watches them, she doesn’t say anything
on Monday afternoon, she doesn’t come to class
that’s when the panic Kevin’s been reigning in just... bursts
what if it’s Riko? 
what if it’s the Master?
what if it’s Ichirou?
what if, somehow, it’s the Butcher’s people?
that afternoon’s practice is hell for the Foxes, Kevin is ruthless and an asshole and very agressive
Dan waits for him outside the boys’ locker room as all the other Foxes leave (not even Andrew and Neil want to wait for him)
“Spit out your goddamn problem before I tell Coach to bench you next game”
oh, how Kevin wants to cuss her out
and then he looks  at her face, ready to vomit words, when he sees her worrying her lips
just like Juliet
it shouldn’t be enough to make him tear up, but it does
he still manages to keep as much of the truth to himself as he possibly can
“My EAL partner isn’t responding to my messages or my calls and she didn’t even come to class today and it stresses me the fuck out and what if it’s like with Neil, Dan?” he says in one breath, trying to tear out the net of his racket
Dan recomposes her face and gets that very serious look, the one she usually gets when someone touches her family
“It’s not, Kevin. That’s over. We got Neil back, we got you back, you got Jean back. The team didn’t even know who that person was. The most info we’ve gathered is what you just told me now. Yeah there are some bets but it’s mostly for funsies, nothing even remotely serious. You wanna look for her?” she soothes him.
“I don’t even know...”
“She lives on campus?” she asks.
“I don’t- I don’t know, Dan. I spent months with her and I can’t even vaguely say where she lives! How fucked up is that?” Kevin yells.
“It’s not even remotely fucked up, Kevin. You should know that. Does she have instagram? twitter? Or like, facebook?” she questions some more.
“God, I don’t know. She only sends me stupid fucking videos and I never even respond like the goddamn asshole I am...”
“Shut up. We’re all assholes at the end of the road, ‘kay? You ain’t better or worse than others. Now she sends them to you in text or somewhere else?”
“Sometimes texts... Sometimes the yellow app, the chat one. Why.”
“Oh great, that’s great. We can locate her, with snapchat, if she forgot to turn off the sharing. And if you’re comfortable with that, too. I know you’re not a creep like that. You’re creepy sometimes, don’t get me wrong. But, not a creep.”
“Gee, thanks, Dan.”
“Hey, shush. You down or what?” she says, arching an eyebrow.
“Okay,” he answers, unable to make the fear go away without knowing for sure.
And so it turns out Juliet’s location is, in fact, knowable. Dan grabs one of Kevin’s shoulders as he leaves the court, squeezing her affection into her grip; he nods emotionally in her direction, as far as emotions can translate unto his face.
he doesn’t even know what he’ll do once he finds her, his brain is solely focused on the animated map that brings him closer and closer to Juliet
the more he progresses, the more he realizes he is far from Fox Tower, on a campus area he has never even seen
he stops before a decrepit building, old and moldy-looking
Jackie Kennedy Hall
student dorms? this shabby? she can’t possibly live-
except that she can, because there isn’t another building close and the map has brought him here, and he doesn’t really know her...
so Kevin straightens his shoulders, inhales deeply, and goes inside
he could go on and on and on about everything that is just wrong with the place, from the smell to the decoration, but he makes a beeline for the front desk (he’s lucky there’s even one)
he asks for a way to contact someone, flashes his press smile at the women behind the desk, gives up his ID in exchange for the room number
Juliet Grier, 418
stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs
heavy door, right, 412, 414, 416...
what, now?
Kevin hesitantly knocks once, twice
no answer
he knocks again and decides to speak up, in case she didn’t hear
“Juliet? It’s Kevin. Day. From EAL? Can I speak with you?”
still nothing
maybe she isn’t home... no, the map says she’s here. maybe she’s sleeping...
he decides to try one last time
“We really should finish that project, you know? I think we could both use the free time...” he says without his heart into it.
without surprise, no response still
he decides to take a loose paper from his sachel and writes down some words
Greetings Hi,
My friend Dan helped me look for you, but you don’t have to worry about your privacy; it’s because of the yellow app. You should turn that off if you don’t want other people to be nosy. 
You weren’t in class today. I’ll share my notes if you want them. But, you should come to class, it’s better. For learning. 
I’ll wait a few in case you’re asleep. 
Text me or call me or whatever when you’re ready.
- Kevin D. (your partner from EAL)
quick, efficient, to the point
Kevin slips the paper under the door, and waits
he refreshes the map too many times, to see if her location changed or if somehow there was a glitch
it stays put
he ends up sitting on the hallway floor, his back sliding down the wall
he catches up on a book for another class, checks exy stats and watches many, many videos of Jeremy Knox on the court and in interview
some students pass him with a nasty look, eyeing the lack of earphones on his phone
some other students walk by him and will themselves to keep going, because holy shit it’s Kevin Day in Jackie Hall
it’s at least an hour and a half before the doorknob slowly and quietly starts to click
Kevin was absorbed deep into whatever move Knox was making before scoring
the 418 door opens
Kevin gets up in one move, all things Jeremy Knox and exy forgotten
she’s loosely holding Kevin’s paper in one hand, the other clutching a large scarf that covers up the majority of her body
from what he can see, though, she’s wearing sweats from head to toe; her hair’s tied on the top of her head, but most of the curls escaped and it looks unwashed and her curls, dry
her skin’s turned pale, dark circles under her eyes, a haggard look in them, her cheeks stained with dry tears
Juliet looks terrible
“Hi...” Kevin attempts
she finally looks up from the paper and gives him a bored look that could rival Andrew’s
with a rough voice strained from cries and many days without speaking, she asks, “My EAL partner?”
“Well, yes. In case.”
“In case of what.”
“I know who you are, Kevin.”
and isn’t that both his most ardent wish and his worse fear?
with that, she turns around and goes back to her dark room, leaving the door open behind her
is that... an invitation?
Kevin’s never been to another person’s place, apart from the Columbia house, Abby’s and Wymack’s
he reminds himself why he came in the first place and decides it would be a waste to leave now, right?
the small studio is a mess, much like its occupant
there are clothes everywhere, on the floor, on a chair, on the bed, on the desk
all the curtains are drawn, no light is on, the only source coming from Juliet’s laptop somewhere amongst her bedsheets
it’s like she made herself a nest and hasn’t moved from there for a long time
maybe even since last Monday, the last time he saw her
Kevin doesn’t understand the scene he has before his eyes
he’s never seen such apathy in someone that is not Andrew
and at this point, apathy is pretty much Andrew’s default state of being
not Juliet’s
Juliet is a soft glow, toothy grins, wild curls, countless jumpers, dumb jokes and references, color-coded notes, an organized mind, unwavering focus and determination, flowing words and warm, kind eyes...
so what is this?
then Kevin realizes he spoke aloud
and Juliet can only chuckle sadly, almost mockingly
“This? This is why I don’t have friends. This is why I don’t mix with people. This is why I’ll never amount to anything in life. This is my dirty laundry, both metaphorically and literally. This is it. That’s... That’s it. This is what I get,” she answers flatly
Kevin’s mind is spinning
he doesn’t understand
he needs to understand, though
“Explain it to me,” he says
Juliet looks at him like a brick just hit him on the head and made him speak Swedish
“Because, surely there’s a way to work with it.”
she laughs
it doesn’t reach her eyes, nor her lips or her cheeks
it’s just a desperate sound
it makes him think of Andrew again
and that gives him an idea, a gut feeling, if you will
“Can I try something out?” he asks
“Kevin... I can’t- I’m tired... It’s not a good idea... I’m tired, Kevin,” Juliet responds, pain noticeable in her voice and her movements slow
“I know, I- I know. Someone I know... He plays this game. It’s really not a game, it’s more like a communication thing. He calls it “A Truth for a Truth”.  In exchange for something I tell you, you tell me something. And in exchange for something you tell me, I’ll tell you something else. It’s made me... work through some things... before,” Kevin explains calmly
Juliet keeps on observing him from her bed, silent
“Look, can I just stay here to do homework? I have nowhere to go right now,” Kevin asks, almost blurting out “Please” before Andrew’s ghost caught it in his throat
she lies back down, burries herself in her covers, a silent “yes”
Kevin ends up falling asleep sitting on the floor, books open, head resting at the end of Juliet’s bed
he wakes up around 2 AM
he’s got multiple texts from Aaron and Nicky, one from Andrew, and one from Dan
“told everybody you spent the night at Coach’s. take care.”
he silently vows to thank her later
now he either really goes to Wymack’s to finish his night there, or... he stays exactly where he is
Juliet is still sleeping soundly
in a haze, he palms for a pillow or cushion, pulls his hoodie on and lies back down on the carpeted floor
he’s only awaken in the late morning when he brutally gets stepped on
“What the shit?? Kevin! How...???” Juliet yells
“Um, ow? No, no, don’t apologize so quickly. You just, you know, crushed my lungs and a couple of ribs, no worries, Jules!” Kevin groans
“Ju- you know what? I’m not sorry. Right now I gotta pee, so you better have a damn good explanation when I get back,” she replies and leaves her room to go to the bathroom at the end of the hall
instead of dread, Kevin feels calm about the upcoming conversation
he doesn’t prepare lies, doesn’t run away, doesn’t resort to assholery
he just stays put where he is on the floor, snuggles deeper into his hoodie, and waits for relief, for the truth
he waits for Juliet
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eldritch-and-tired · 4 years
@misskirby  Hi! Hello! Welcome to my crib! Here today we have a ramble about What If Sidious Couldn’t Quite Fuck EVERYTHING Up- thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and I hope it makes sense, kinda?
Okayokay SO Vaders Hell Suit was like,,,,, a hell suit. It was awful. Terrible. Painful. Probably not very effective as a medical device. And I know Sidious, being the awful, wrinkly, prune that he is, probably was super creepy and invasive over it, putting shit in, taking shit out, standing over whatever unfortunate surgeon was signed up for the Government-Mandated-But-Medically-Fucked surgery this time and muttering about weird surgical implants he wanted installed in his shiny new apprentice. Remember the kill switch?? I remember the kill switch. 
I cannot imagine that Every Single Doctor Sidious ever found for his build-a-apprentice project was terminally evil. And I also cannot imagine he used droids for every single step- as much fun as it is torturing Anakin, Darth Raisin also needs a semi-functional murder weapon, so he’s got to have, like, an entire medical team dedicated to keeping this single trainwreck of a man running. But also somehow in the most awful and painful way possible. And look, that is a lot of people to sieve through if you are looking for both A) medical competency and B) evil, so I imagine that there has got to be at the very least one or two people in this group quietly going whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck in a quiet out-of-the-way corner whenever Sidious pops back in like HEY GUYS I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA SERIOUSLY-
Like, come on. How many people become doctors just to torture people?
And I ALSO imagine that in the very early days of the Empire, when most Important People were probably running on stims, hopes, and prayers more than actual sleep or whatever it is that sustains politicians, Sidious must have been pretty fucking busy. Maybe busy enough for a few things to slip through the gaps. 
Maybe busy enough that a newly hired intern to his assembled team of ‘Doctors in charge of Lava Boy’ might have just completely and utterly missed the memo of Do Not Actually Fix This Man, and one fine morning will see this poor, poor intern trotting into Vader's recovery room and presenting him with a folder full of pain management options and asking him which he would like to try.
Have you ever been in serious, unending pain? The kind that never goes away, just kind of simmers and simmers at vaguely manageable levels, that chips away at your energy and your willpower to do anything but lay in a puddle and cry- that’s what Vader is probably experiencing at a very uncomfortable level right now, even drugged to the nines and in and out of surgery rooms as he is. Canon Vader probably wore that suit due to a combination of No Way Out, I Deserve This, and What Do You Mean Your Boss Isn’t Supposed To Torture You? 
But this Vader is tired, sad, and alone. His wife is dead. The temple has burned. He killed children. His legs are gone, his arms are gone, he hurts everywhere and everything sucks and he is teetering on the edge of a black hole and while Sidious is very good at playing the edge of it Vader hurts. So. Bad. 
He doesn’t want to hurt. Sidious hasn’t really had time to sink as many hooks into his brain as he wanted yet, and Vader is still semi-used to those years of ‘you’re free now Anakin’ and doesn’t think twice about sending off this Intern with orders to buy him a big fuckin bag of Space Weed or whatever so he can hurt a little less.  
And like. What is Sidious gonna do about it? By the time he realizes what happened, that his plans have been derailed, this intern is already on Vader's radar. He Knows. If this intern disappears now, Vader will look for him. He can’t get rid of him. Vader is busy horking down anti-inflammatories and appetite inducers and this intern is right there next to him reading off lists of new medications to try or absent mindedly flipping through a data pad and going ‘hey that’s weird you don’t need that surgery or that or that or that and hey wanna try this other brand of prosthetic? they work a lot better, we can schedule you in for some skin grafts, let’s call in this specialist i know i worked with him back over at-’
The rest of the medical team is. Well. Terror would be an understatement. Sidious is Not Happy, but he can’t do shit to this fucking intern as long as Vader is even somewhat aware of him because that would be tipping his cards too early and sharply, and Vader isn’t quite on board with the ‘letting my master torture me for funsies’ train yet.
So Sidious sits. And he seethes. And he moves on, eventually, to other plans to control Vader now that this one has gone so off-the-rails, and meanwhile Vader is getting healthier and healthier and his mind is getting clearer and clearer without so much chronic pain and fucking hell, and one day as he gets back from yet another battlefront, horking down another cupful of pills, he thinks to himself-
wow sidious kind of sucks
And thus begins the end of the Emperor. 
(it really is amazing how much Anakin is capable of when he isn’t hamstrung by a horrible, terrible death suit, even if he is going to be a medical disaster for the rest of his days)
And look, Vader is never gonna be a Nice Guy. He is a Sith. He kills people. He chokes his coworkers and beheads people he doesn’t like, terrifies his enemies and his allies and has so little patience for bootlickers and social climbers he once gutted a socialite right in the middle of a high-society function he was ostensibly playing bodyguard for. He is grumpy and impatient and stupidly powerful and irritatingly competent and makes few friends and a great many enemies. 
But he still beheads Sidious ten years into his new Empire and ascends to the throne as his old masters body cools on the durasteel behind him. 
And this new Empire is… well. Still terrible and facist and fond of genocide. Anakin still leads by bloody example, and despite how much he hates the throne and delegates as much of the actual politicking and paperwork and etcetera off to whomever he can find, he can and will find time to forcefully input some changes. 
There is no slavery in this new Empire. Nepotism is considered a death wish. Corruption and pointless cruelty are less easily dealt with, but the worst offenders are dragged off and made very delicious and bloody examples of- Vader is a flawed man/machine, but what he can or cannot tolerate amongst his personal command tends to trickle down and get absorbed by osmosis by anyone with a lick of sense in their head. 
So now, Vader doesn’t build any kind of paradise. It’s still a tyrannical government where aspiring young senators that get drunk on too much brandy at fancy functions can and will get thrown out of windows for vomiting on the wrong pair of boots, where people are oppressed and where rebellion stews quietly in the background, but-
Vader has always been the kind of general to be, if not liked, than respected by the men he leads. You could find worse people to head an Empire, even one so great and terrible as this. 
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #205: Shadow of the Claw!
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March, 1981
"... And the CLAW shall inherit the Earth!” isn’t even what the villain plan is, come on, cover copy person.
Yellow Claw was going to have a bunch of kids, make them fight to the death, and then the super child was going to inherit the Earth.
The actual cover is neat though. I like how all the red draws attention to the center where red is not.
Yes, I am good at talk about art.
Anyway, last time on Avengers: a woman named Shu Han who had been brought to Yellow Claw’s island to be one of Yellow Claw’s many wives (despite being a genius physicist athlete and could honestly be a superhero in her own right with those skills) sent out a distress signal which was eventually received by the Avengers. A lot of goofy stuff happened, Vision got captured like a dingus, Wasp did none things, a cyborg slime kraken was fought, and eventually Yellow Claw was like ‘whaaaat Shu Han doesn’t love me? Fine, begone!’ and told the Avengers to gtfo his island so he can start living his harem anime protagonist self-insert fic and also take over the world.
Which brings us to now.
After his dingus-like capture, Vision needs to be recharged because photons are his sweet calories and he never diets.
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In fact, weirdly, he’s hungrier than usual this time. Sixty-seven whole additional solar units more than usual hungrier.
I don’t know how much a solar unit is. Even as a ballpark. But Iron Man finds it noteworthy so I’m noting it.
Meanwhile, in the only one person sitting room, Wasp retcons some actual actions into the last issue so that her entire screentime wasn’t pointless.
Maybe I should learn to be more patient on multiple part stories.
No. No, its the comic writers who are wrong.
Anyway, while Wasp was spying on Yellow Claw, she noticed some weird equipment in the research lab, including a lot of tubes filled with odd, sparkly mist.
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Unfortunately, that’s all she managed to see before Yellow Claw told the Avengers to gtfo his island.
Which leaves them without much they can do about Yellow Claw.
Sure, they suspect he’s up to something. Hell, Iron Man would even admit that they know he’s up to something.
But being able to prove it is a different matter. And since Yellow Claw’s island is in disputed waters, moving without proving could lead to political fallout.
Captain America: “Iron Man is right. If we had proof that the Yellow Claw poses a global threat, international law would allow us to investigate. But as it is, we don’t have a single, tangible clue to--”
And then Jarvis walks in and tells them that the Yellow Claw’s top assistant, Dr. William Liu, is here to speak with them.
The timing this man has. Outstanding.
They scan the man to make sure he’s not walking in with a bunch of laser guns stuffed down his pants and then let him in.
And Dr. Liu pleads for the Avengers to help him. Cap asks why they should help or even trust one of Yellow Claw’s men.
Dr. Liu: “I could no longer live with the horrible nature of the master’s plan! That is why I secretly left the island, hoping that my absence would go unnoticed until I could reach you, and tell you of-- AAAGGHH!”
He doesn’t get to finish his warning because his crotch suddenly explodes.
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I don’t know how else to describe it.
Apparently Yellow Claw rigged his assistant to explode in case of treachery or just for funsies. A barely alive, crotch exploded apparently a cyborg all along Dr. Liu realizes that Yellow Claw must have remotely activated his destruct code.
He gives the Avengers some coordinates in Australia and begs them to stop Yellow Claw.
Dr. Liu: “... Y-you must stop... the Claw! Y-you’re the only hope for... the children...!”
And then he dies. And based on panels, it seems like his chest exploded more than his crotch. His pants are intact.
This was the proof the Avengers needed to act, so as soon as Dr. Liu’s body is carried away by ambulance, the Avengers prepare to leave.
But Jarvis finds a note on Vision’s door begging leave from the mission.
Vision: “I regret that I have not yet recuperated to the point where I may participate in Avengers’ activities. Please understand. I do not wish to be disturbed.”
What an oddly formal ‘I’m sick, don’t come in’ letter to pin to your door.
Iron Man is perplexed since he oversaw Vision’s recharge himself and the solar gas tank should be full. But Scarlet Witch says that Vision has his reasons to do things and they should just carry on without him.
So off they go in the Quinjet.
But as soon as they take off, Vision goes to take the second Quinjet.
Why, he’s not sick in his room at all!
Hours later, the Avengers arrive in Australia, of course passing over a kangaroo, or else how would we know its Australia?
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And at the coordinates poor exploded Dr. Liu gave them, they find a cave. And in the cave they find a secret base where that sparkle gas Wasp saw being loaded onto three missiles.
Y’know. I think I gave Vision too much shit last time for his stealth fail. Because the Avengers as a whole get spotted while they’re scoping out the missile cave.
Black Panther needs to give them all some refresher learning.
MEANWHILE, though. Back at Yellow Claw’s island, Vision ditches his Quinjet and intangibles into Yellow Claw’s base.
When he reaches Yellow Claw’s throne slash harem room where Yellow Claw welcomes him back and asks him how the hell he discovered he had been tampered with.
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Vision explains: 1) that he required extra power to recharge, 2) that he detected ultra-wave radiation being emitted from Dr. Liu when he blew up, 3) detected the same radiation from his own bad self. Thus he deduced that he had been altered to be an unwitting mole through which the Yellow Claw could spy on the Avengers and that the alteration was what was draining extra power.
Also why Vision ditched the Avengers and came here instead.
And it was all a very smart move up until it was a dumb one.
Yellow Claw was prepared that Vision might figure things out and show up again so the doorway had a Vision trapping trap installed in it and now Vision is trapped in the Vision trapping trap.
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After all his ‘I’ve come alone to defeat you’ bravado, Vision can now only defiantly claim “the other Avengers will turn your dreams into dust!”
You Tried, Vision. You Tried.
But Yellow Claw isn’t done having been one step ahead of things yet.
See, he let Dr. Liu escape and warn the Avengers because based on the broken into vent he knew that Wasp had been in his base and probably saw enough to suspect something was up. The coordinates Dr. Liu gave the Avengers was a trap!
A trap of three strong mooks with really dumb names.
Bludgeoner, Transformer, and Compressor.
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Guarantee these guys won’t be recurring.
Anyway. Iron Man and Jocasta repulsor and eyeeeeee beam at the three so Transformer can readily demonstrate why his name when he absorbs the energy and blasts it back at them.
And Bludgeoner and his big hammer hands bludgeon Wonder Man and Captain America.
And Compressor, why if you guessed that his big ol cheese grater hands compress the air between them to put the squeeze on anyone stuck between, ... wow. That’s a really good guess.
You’re good at comic books, friend!
Scarlet Witch uses a hex bolt to drop a stalactite on Compressor to free Beast but the fly swatter hands man crushes the rock and shoots the shrapnel back at Scarlet Witch.
And Wasp is as useless as she often is. Sigh.
Iron Man tries to swing behind Compressor and repulsor him but Compressor blasts air and sends Iron Man SKRRUURRUNCH into the cave dirt, carving up a furrow.
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Sure, this has been only two pages but this is a bad showing against three dinguses with dumb names. I mean for crying out loud, a man named Compressor just bodied a guy called Iron Man.
Back at the Claw Cave... no, wait, that’s confusing. The Avengers are fighting in a cave. The Claw Condo? Back at the Claw Condo, Yellow Claw tells Vision that hey his friends are going to die gruesome and frankly embarrassing deaths but maybe Vision could eke out a little win for himself.
Claw has long platonically admired his construction and capabilities and with Dr. Liu exploded, he does need a new second-in-command.
To sweeten the pot, he’ll even explain his villainous plot because I’m sure we’ve all been wondering about that.
Yellow Claw: “You see, my line was created to rule this planet -- though mankind has stupidly resisted that inevitability. But now, despite the chemical concoctions that prolong my existence, I grow old. My years are numbered. And that is why I selected these women, exemplary in both body and mind, to assure a form of immortality.
For each shall bear me a son, and in time those sons shall fight each other to the death! The survivor, the fittest, shall then fulfill my fate by becoming supreme ruler of the Earth!
Though I swear, he’ll not be subjected to the same obstinacy, to the blind sense of human freedom that has frustrated me for these many decades!
For within those cryogenic storage banks is genetic material gathered from the world’s most physically and mentally perfect humans! And from that matter, my heir will create a new order, a new population, all raised to obey by a single edit: unswerving reverence to my son!”
Vision: There is a flaw to your logic, Claw. You seem to forget that there are already several billion people on this planet -- people who will never serve the likes of you.
Yellow Claw: Ah, once more you underestimate me. For at this very moment, the missiles at my Australian launch base are being readied for take-off. Once in orbit around the Earth, they will dock with my private spacecraft.
Then at my command, they will release a specially formulated vapor, one which will permeat the entire planetary atmosphere, rendering everyone on the globe -- except for those here in my closed-environment sanctuary -- irrevocably sterile!
With no children being born, the Earth will be barren in the space of a few generations -- barren save for the followers of the new Yellow Claw!”
Okay, so, credit where it’s due.
That’s a VERY evil plan.
Sterilize planet, replace humanity with genetically servile slave race, make babies fight to the death for the right to rule that whole shebang.
In terms of a dick move that's a major league one.
So when Yellow Claw asks if Vision will become his new number Liu, Vision answers: “Perhaps, miscreant. Perhaps I will join you... in hell!”
Yellow Claw isn’t too bothered by the refusal and even decides to let Vision have a front row seat to his plan being fulfilled.
And I don’t mean tying him to the front of one of the missiles.
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I mean, Yellow Claw’s throne room launches from his base as a hot rod pink spaceship, sold separately.
Back at the Avengers fight, Wasp does a thing.
Honestly, its a pleasant surprise.
Her powerset of ‘be small, shoot tiny lasers’ not being much of a help, she thinks outside the box. She scoops some dirt from the cave floor and jams it into Bludgeoner’s arm joints to slow him down.
And then Wonder Man clocks him in the face. Who bludgeons the bludgeoners indeed.
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It does go to show that a ‘useless’ power like Wasp’s can actually be very useful if you write her smart. A superhero team should be more than just big punches, more than just spectacular powers. Wasp has great combo potential for playing things strategic and that should be something the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are too.
Beast realizes that Wasp had a really good idea. The Avengers outnumber these three jokers so why not gang up on them with teamwork? Besides, they’re not working together in any way so the Avengers might as well.
So Beast grabs Transformer’s shield arm to leave him open for Jocasta to OPTIC BLAST!
And Cap throws his mighty shield to know Compressor’s arms apart so Iron Man can kick him in the face.
Which is impressive since Iron Man was flat on his ass in the immediately previous panel.
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Apparently this was a gaffe caused by the pages being edited separately and the error not being caught before the book went to print.
As far as things go, not the worst error! I didn’t even notice it until it was pointed out.
Anyway, in a fit of pique from his dumb name dudes losing the fight, Yellow Claw kliks a button. The goons join hands or whatever weapon they have passing for hands and then they blow up.
Yellow Claw: “It is done. It cost the lives of three worthy operatives but at last -- the Avengers are dead!”
Ah, villains. Always ready to flip the board if they start losing.
And with the Avengers totally dead for realsies no foolin’ Yellow Claw is free to launch his missiles full of sterility vapors.
Actually, he could do that by remote so I don’t know why he had to wait for the Avengers to be explode. He could have just launched the missiles while they were busy fighting.
With the Avengers dead I guess the book will be about- can’t think of a good one for that recurring goof. So yeah, the Avengers aren’t dead.
Scarlet Witch used her powers to shield the team just in the nick of time.
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Captain America: “Thanks, Wanda. If you hadn’t cast that protective hex sphere around us just in time...!”
Scarlet Witch: “Don’t mention it, captain. I rather enjoy being alive myself!”
Although, I didn’t know she could just shield people with her powers like that. Unless she altered the probability that explosions hurt so that they didn’t. Yes, that sounds plausible.
The two flying members of the team, Iron Man and Wonder Man fly out of the cave after the missiles, still determined to save the days as heroes often do.
The missiles launch into orbit and then something really goofy happens.
I’ve been saying missiles because the comic has been saying missiles and I guess they are technically missiles. But if I asked you to imagine a supervillain launching some missiles full of a chemical weapon, would you imagine this?
When the missiles launch into orbit they link up with Yellow Claw’s hot rod pink spaceship.
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When I first saw this, I thought: is he going to launch them again from his spaceship? A bit of an unnecessary additional step.
But no. That is not what is going on here.
The man is just super committed to his iconography. The missiles join the spaceship and then bend to make it clear its supposed to resemble a claw.
That’s the kind of goofy nonsense I’m here for.
Iron Man and Wonder Man show up, to Yellow Claw’s alarm, and try to attack the hot pink spaceship but bounce off uselessly. The thing is protected by a strong force field.
Yellow Claw probably goes ‘phew’ internally and gets on with his evil plan.
With the missiles bent, as missiles are known to do??, to resemble claws, they can begin to spray the sterility gas into the atmosphere.
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Yellow Claw: “Soon, it will be over! When enough vapors are released to mingle with the entire atmosphere -- the shadow of the Claw shall cover the Earth!”
And with things looking grim, Vision decides that things are down to him. I mean he did go off alone and is now stuck inside the enemy’s spaceship. He’s in a good position to mess things up.
So stuck suspended in a trap, he increases his density and mass to his limit and beyond! One ton, two, further!
The energy bubble holding him gives way to his weight, allowing him to make contact with the deck of the ship. Adding his weight to that of the ship and throwing it out of orbit.
The ship will crash into Earth and at this point, it can’t be stopped.
Yellow Claw is fairly pissed.
He smashes the device holding Vision captive and then starts trying to kill him with his bare hands.
And he’s capable of hitting Vision when he’s intangible because he studied Vision while he was a prisoner, the first time he was a prisoner. And created circuity to his metal sleeves that lets him tangible the intangible.
And thus he tries to strangle Vision.
I’m not sure he needs to breathe. Probably why Yellow Claw is punching him instead in later panels.
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Vision points out that this fight is fairly pointless and that Yellow Claw could be using this time to escape but Yellow Claw is determined that he get something accomplished today.
And then the ship crashes into the ocean.
A short time skip later and the Avengers have parked the Quinjet on the ocean (it buoyant) and are searching for the Vision.
How did they know the Vision was here? Didn’t they think he was recuperating back at the mansion?
Apparently another gaffe but one that could be handwaved. Earlier in the issue when the three dumbnames appeared, Yellow Claw appeared on a monitor to taunt the Avengers and Vision was visible behind him. Captain America even appears to be pointing at Vision like ‘hey I know that guy from work.’
So conceivably they knew he was with Yellow Claw when his ship crashed.
Iron Man gives up on searching the ocean, not being able to find the Vision in the water but Vision just peaces in from the sky. He intangible’d out the ship just before the crash. He’s totally fine.
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Scarlet Witch: “I am glad that you are safe, my husband. And I’m glad that the danger has ended.”
Vision: “No, my love. Though it is true that the Yellow Claw is dead, that he will no longer plague us with his particular form of madness -- there are too many others like him, others who would rise to power by crushing the freedom that is every being’s birthright.
And as long as any of them remain unchallenged -- the danger will never end.”
With that, Vision sort of stares out across the ocean moodily. Because a true Avengers story ends with someone staring at something moodily.
And I dunno! Maybe it was the extended break from doing this liveblog but this two-parter wasn’t as bad as I dreaded.
Supposedly, part of the impetus of the story was to do a last hurrah story for Yellow Claw and then shove him under some furniture because his yellow peril character concept was growing increasingly awkward.
After one more story in Marvel Fanfare with Cap, Yellow Claw was shelved for nearly three decades.
And man launches sterility gas missiles into space to form a giant claw to make it so that his successor can repopulate the Earth with a new, freedom hating breed of humanity is pretty great as far as comic book nonsense goes.
Although, in retrospect, I’m realizing that this was basically the same plan the Sentinels that kidnapped Scarlet Witch had.
Sterilize the planet with Wanda’s magical uterus and then replace humanity with a genetically engineered kind that could not mutate.
Comic books are weird.
Next time: Human Torch guest stars. Everything is on fire.
Follow @essential-avengers or like or reblog or send me questions or tell me I’m doing an okay job or do nothing. There are many choices available. But I would appreciate feedback.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Everybody’s clowning for the gay, which, fair. Whereas I’m out here hoping for arch-dualist Gnostic universal framing over Valentinus’ gnostic propositions for our final arrangements with Chuck. Plugging in a new demiurge would theoretically fix both tho.
Also I realized after posting nobody would know what the fuck I was talking about, as usual when I start rambling about philosophy. 
The arch-dualist gnostic world basically says god is a dick, and his whole universe is a dick, and life sucks then you die. Valentinus proposed that god was just "misguided." -- I just don’t want them to cheap out like that. Gnosticism remains the more Nihilistic between itself and Hermeticism, which was comparatively called Optimism, even while sharing many similarities in its sources, foundations for teaching, and general content. Same material, flipped readings. Boy does that sound familiar (eg bronlies wanting and thinking they deserve a gnostic ending while everybody else hopes for hermetic, respectively). But they’re both forms of Neoplatonism. Modernly it’s kinda all called hermetic, but hermetic is almost becoming a trash can word for “lots of philosophers arguing shit”. When I address hermeticism I address in the words to Hermes Trismegistus, alchemy, and all teachings that came in his wake, not on other gnostic/neoplatonic ideas.
I draw this division because there’s some shit in early gnosticism that I just don’t concur with even with later blending. To be fair, there’s also hermetic denominations I want to keep away with a restraining order including but not limited to names you might know like the Golden Dawn or Freemasons. They’re just kinda like christians roleplaying as jews but being way more boring about it than actual rabbi discussions and 100x more pretentious and self absorbed and generally misogynistic as fuck to the point that the last time I invited a high priestess of my patron to my server, she recoiled at the joking Golden Dawn Grade ranks before she realized we were just fucking around. It’s that bad. 
The authoritarian hierarchal bullshit kinda had room to slip in once Plato got pissy and tired by the time of late writing and then as they do, some asshats picked up and ran with that, which was basically the equivalent of Angry Religious Stan Twitter Philosophy in his failed quest to give everyone a chance to be a philosopher and getting “Meh, nah, pass, I don’t like thinking.” -- and I mean, mood, Plato, mood. Doesn’t give a pass to your sexism, but I mean, I too am tired of idiots and at least you were never Aristotle. And lbr your mentor was kinda a dick to his wife.
If there were any main denomination I air near, it’s closest to Thelema, despite any issues with Crowley, and despite my distance from modern Wicca which started as a registered initiation-only chapter house before their custom Book of Shadows was re-written three times by Valentina and they threw the doors open and then The Internet Found It a few decades later. Think of it like someone who believes in Christianity venturing between different church sects before going “fuck most of y’all I’m taking my bible and going home”.
It may be worth noting for funsies that the entire construct of the MOL is very based in hermetic denominations. The learning structure we saw through Henry is similar to initiation. The bunker design is masonic, the library appears rosicrucian or similar, the Aquarian Star is actually the Unicursal Hexagram or Star of Thelema, and Albertus Magnus was like, an actual hermeticist that actually lived and breathed and wrote shit. Add in how the BMOL operate and all the weird illuminati shit people seem to think floats around hermetic lodges (lmao) and there you go.
Also to those of you who missed my early season 14 rantings about Chuck The God Of Control or whatever (I think I started posting it like 14.7, so yeesh, a year ago) --  Also a reminder that in Gnostic thought, Our God, like YHVH, Christian God, or Chuck isn't The One, not the True One, that's a thing in the Ain Soph, or the Empty Space. The universal creator is the demiurge spawned out of it. Depending on which form of doctrine is taken, the Shadow may very well be the Primitive Man, Anthropos, the collective essence of man, the Prima Materia, the One True Thing, which makes Castiel being the only being in the empty to reflect it very interesting, and implicit to having his own soul.
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nochedura · 5 years
bane “nochedura” bane timeline of events
so the thing about bane is most of the shit written with him in it is a) racist, b) ooc, c) a horrible mix of both, or d) uses him because of his status as Bat Breaker as a way to show someone else’s strength which is often times not realistic (ex. theres a new villain in town and to show how tough they are they clowned on bane). a lot of interpretations tend to forget he is brawn And brain (tbh i tend to write him as a strategist first and a fighter second) and its all just a mess.
this interpretation of bane is an attempt to right these wrongs and also streamline his canon a bit because we All Know comics are a mess and extremely inconsistent but especially with characters who don’t get their own titles. nochedura is an anti-hero and also currently on the path of redemption. obviously he’s still not nice and has done a lot of Fuck Shit but yknow. who hasnt.
with that in mind this is a very broad timeline of events that have happened to this bane in particular (with the links to the comics accompanying these events) to clarify what the heck is happening with this man and why he’s like this. im taking a lot of liberties here but fuck everybody im god. without further ado.
bane is born in pena duro. he grows up under the prison’s influence, gets a vision that he was born to rule and in order to become his ideal self he must kill his fear (which takes the form of a bat, obviously), spends 10 years in the cavidad obscura* after killing a man at 6 y/o, and comes out the biggest and the strongest. he trains his body and his mind (by reading thousands upon thousands of books) as he pursues self actualization. he learns from his ally bird that the greatest city in the world is gotham and it is ruled by batman and he decides to break out of prison and kill him to take gotham by force. he is selected for venom experimentation and is the only survivor of the drug’s intensity. the venom aids him in his efforts to get to gotham (if you read nothing else on this list read vengeance of bane #1 (+ 2) because its Good and its required bane reading material)
bane relocates to gotham after kidnapping and killing pena duro’s warden and studies batman. he’s able to figure out his secret identity within a few months and unleashes everybody from arkham city with the intent of mentally and physically breaking bruce so that he can kill him. this culminates in the final confrontation in which batman isn’t even strong enough to fight back and bane decides that killing him would be a mercy and breaks his back. (knightfall is long and incomprehensible so i’ll just link the directory page and broken bat #11)
bane rules gotham for a while and its sexy up until batman’s replacement azrael clowns on him. the fight’s pretty sexy but honestly i dont care about this that much. (he who rules the night #11)
after losing to azrael bane does some silent contemplation in black gate prison. he was taken off of venom cold turkey and suffers through crippling withdraws but he, and i quote, “bears the pain.” he realizes venom was, in fact, poisoning him and taking him further away from his Ideal Self. he finds out venom is being further distributed and after some nonsense breaks out of prison Again to track these clowns down. he has a confrontation with bruce who he tells he has no qualms with, decides he wants to find his father, and presumably goes back to santa prisca. this is also the beginning of bane coming to the conclusion that he’s an innocent man which comes up later. (vengeance of bane #2)
so this is where im Really taking liberties. this is what i’m choosing to call the switcheroo arc where i clown around and decide im in charge and im going to make this more comprehensive. bane goes to santa prisca and gets told that there are five men who could be his dad and it probably takes some time to narrow down that list (while also finding out who each of these men are) so i’m declaring that’s what he’s doing for a while. this search is ongoing and doesnt stop until, well, he finds him. he’s still a villain at this point even though he claims to be innocent.
this is also where he’s knocking out some loose ends. specifically he tracks down a reporter who interviewed him as a teen and murders him for knowing something that could paint him as sympathetic. (batman secret files #2)
it’s at this point that he joins up with the secret six. he probably does this for the purpose of networking and garnering information, but then gets sort of swept up in everything and grows extremely attached to scandal savage, who he takes in as an adopted daughter. secret six 2008 is long and has a lot going on but its a good time. (SPOILERS) at the end of it he convinces everyone in the group to go on a suicide mission with an ulterior motive of severing his attachments to them because he feels that his affection has weakened him. everything goes according to plan and he breaks out of a police van and fucks off. (/SPOILERS) (secret six 2008)
after some time away from all that he gets into a feud with ra’s al ghul who wanted bane as his heir but some bullshit happened with talia, i forget, this doesnt matter to me, what Does matter is he’s now on a crusade to fuck up all the lazarus pits for funsies. this is also the point where he realizes one of the men on his Dad List is thomas wayne. he confronts bruce about this and everyone in the batfam is, understandably, cross. but bruce is nothing without his rehabilitation shtick so he goes crime stopping with bane in the batmobile until the results of the drug test come out and thomas is not, in fact, the father. this absolutely crushes bane for reasons he doesnt understand (he’s a lonely man and it turns out he Does need a family) but batman tells bane if he proves he’s Actually innocent by, yknow, stopping crime rather than doing crime, then he’ll help him find his actual dad. he agrees, but uses... unconventional (read: horrific) methods. (gotham knights #33-36) (tw for rape)
bane continues fighting crime and trying to prove his innocence and change/redeem himself up until he actually finds his real dad who is.......... king snake! who at this point in the canon is really fucked up and somehow alive in the himalayas and is just a real mean son of a bitch. bane is conflicted because like, hey cool, a dad, but also, he kinda sucks! bane’s kinda fucked up himself because he’s been climbing up a mountain and he’s a little brain sicky so i think hes just like... trying to absorb everything and then the bat crew shows up because they do Not like the idea of bane finding his dad who is king snake who is also at a fucking lazarus pit. king snake gets pissed when they show up and starts attacking and almost shoots batman but bane, distraught, jumps in front of the bullet and takes several in the back, lamenting that he wishes thomas was his father and not king snake. king snake ends up getting killed(?) and batman dunks bane in the remainder of the lazarus pit and gets brought back to life, reborn and changed. (gotham knights #47-49)
at this point this is just. my own writing. i guess. but after bane, yknow, literally died for bruce, bruce realizes that bane truly has bettered himself and is on the path of becoming a good man. he welcomes bane into the vigilante side and, eventually, to the batfam itself. when a man breaks your back and then takes several machine gun bullets for you a few years later i figure batman’s like... alright we’re square. comics are like that.
this is also where bane realizes he was wrong to cut ties with the secret six and seeks out scandal savage and her wives and brings them back into his life as his adopted daughter (and daughters in law)
so bane’s just... clowning now. he’s still like, brutal, and when he’s fighting baddies he’s not opposed to just Wrecking their shit (see: the time he used one of mr. freeze’s goons’ freeze gun on his arm) and i think he definitely does some murders but only if it’s like. the sort of bastard who really deserves it(tm) so like. mass murderers. the joker. sex criminals. etc. he’s not always in bruce’s best graces and he’s still on THIN ICE with dick and tim and the rest but its a work in progress. he’s trying.
anyway i left out a Lot of shit because like. theres a lot. but this is ... the basics believe it or not tl;dr bane is a good man born into horrific circumstances and he did a LOT of bad shit but he’s working on redeeming himself.
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bookenders · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game: 16/17/18?
Back again to spill the tea about myself for all you lovely people.Thanks @cataclysmic-writer, @maybeillwriteit and @aurisadventure for the tags!
My answers are under the cut. 😊
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them. 
Bilbo Taggins: @brittanyisart, @quilloftheclouds, @brittanyisart, @brynwrites, @creatvrae, @elisabethrosewrites, @elizabethsyson, @ren-c-leyn, @yetmorestories, @pinespittinink, @timefire25
My Questions:
What are your thoughts on throw pillows?
Do you have any podcast recommendations? How about TV shows?
What month would you be on a calendar, and what would the picture be?
What is one book that you absolutely love, no matter what anyone else has to say about it? 
What’s your favorite kind of scented candle?
What’s your favorite urban legend?
Would you ever go on an arctic expedition?
What’s the furthest from home you’ve ever been?
What is the best snack?
How purple do you allow your prose to be/get? What’s your purple limit? Is there one?
What’s one word/line/scene/character that you want to put in a story, but you haven’t found the right place for yet?
@cataclysmic-writer‘s questions:
What do you eat or drink while writing? It varies depending on how I’m feelin’. Usually a big giant glass of water. I used to have coffee and/or tea, but it always got cold because I forgot about it. That’s actually how I used to measure my progress, by how cold the drink was.  And coffee got me too jazzed to sit still, so I stopped drinking while writing. Good for academic papers, though.
Best piece of advice you ever received? Like... ever? Okay. People are more interested in themselves/absorbed with themselves to really care what you’re doing. Very empowering for someone with real bad social anxiety (like myself heyooo).
Which book inspired you to write the most? I’ve talked about Laurie Halse Anderson’s Wintergirls before, and I’m gonna mention it again. And that I went to a signing for her new book Shout and I got to thank her and my life has been enriched a thousand-fold.
Which author do you try to emulate when you write? Oh, man, I do not do this at all. Okay, well, not at all, because I find it to be a valuable writing exercise to practice with. But I super don’t. I’ve done projects where I’ve emulated Walt Whitman, Philip Levine, Tolkien, Dostoevsky, Poe (eugh), and Anne Valente. Those were super fun. I like imitating styles and I’ve gotten pretty darn good at it. Sometimes I tell myself to put a Gaiman-like twist on a section, though, or describe something like another author if it fits the tone for funsies. But I like writing like me! 
Where did you get the idea for your current wip? I’ve already talked about Heart to Heart, so I’ll talk about “Fish Food!” This one happened when I was pondering superheroes, James Bond, tropes, evil monologues, and the like. I had the image of a hero tied up and dangling over a pit of piranhas while the villain detailed his evil plan. But the hero didn’t follow the script. And then, like every one of my short stories, it spun way out of control. I started to think of what heroes would inhabit this world that erupted from the fertile soil of my brain and suddenly I had a big complicated story that I was excited about. And it was funny, which is a change for me.
Do you have a go-to beta reader/writing buddy you bounce ideas off of? I do! One of my goodest friends is a fellow writer and she’s my spaghetti wall if I need assistance. We went through the same creative writing program one year apart and had different teachers, so we offer each other pretty different advice, and it’s great. She’s super into fae lore, too, which is ridiculously helpful for me, a nerd who is writing a light fantasy story with fae in it. We operate in different styles and genres, though, so sometimes idea-bouncing is a little tricky.
Which of your WIPs is your favorite? Of the ones I’m working on right now? Probably “Incarnate.” Partly because it’s closer to my usual writing fare, partly because it’s weird and disturbing in my favorite ways, partly because the ending is really cool and surprising in a way that hits you long after you finish it. I also like it because it’s hard for me to write. Yay, challenges!
Tea, coffee, or soda? Tea for chillin’, coffee for workin’, soda for pizza times.
If you could have any fantasy creature as a pet, which would you have? A brownie to clean my house, or a domovoi to act as a weird home security system would be neat. For non-practical purposes, I’d also say a pegasus. I can ride pretty well and it’d be so convenient to just fly everywhere on my awesome horse buddy.
Do you like creepy/scary movies? NOPE. I am a big chicken shit when it comes to spooky things. As a kid, I was terrified of E.T. That’s how bad it was. 
What genre do you have yet to write in, but want to write soon? Hm. Maybe historical fiction? I already play with it a little bit without actually going into the history part of it too deeply. Maybe I’ll give it a shot in the future.  I’ve always wanted to give magical realism a good try, though. It’s always been hard for me to write. 
@aurisadventure​‘s questions:
1. Who is your favorite oc? Why?
Right now, it’s Lithium from “Fish Food.” She’s just so fun. I also just figured out a big part of Jill’s character that I’m excited to add to H2H!
2. What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not writing?
I got into cooking a while ago, and that’s pretty fun. I do yoga sometimes. I read a bunch. I also like putting things together. Honestly, I’m a big giant nerd who likes learning in their spare time.
3. What is your least favoured genre?
Hard sci-fi is really hard for me to get into. And some contemporary stuff, but it’s not as bad as hard sci-fi.
4. Top three favorite video games? (Any console)
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS (with Awakening DLC, obvs) (except for the goddamn Mage Circle Fade part I hate it and it deserves to burn in hell)
Ori and the Blind Forest (I’m stuck on the last stupid fire volcano level and I’m so mad because it’s hard but this game is beautiful)
To The Moon (so many tears, such good story)
Honorable mention to Assassin’s Creed 2. 
(I love RPGs.)
5. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for inspiration?
Hm. I don’t really go out and seek inspiration like this. I just consume a whole lot of art in varying mediums. 
I went to a poetry slam one time. Does that count?
6. Buggy or Cart?
Horses, buggy. Oxen, cart. As much as I’d like to be Gandalf...
7. Have you finished any of your wips?
I am so goddamn close to finishing “When Your Song is Over and Done” I can taste it. I’m hoping to write that last stupid scene this week. It’s been the one WIP that’s been kicking my ass lately. How rude.
I’m a short story writer, so I finish a lot of my WIPs. It’s kinda nice. That’s also why longer projects scare me.
8. But like… can I read it?
In the meantime, you can read these!
9. What is your favorite animal? Why?
Highland Cows! Just look at them. 
Tumblr media
I’m sure I have a more interesting answer for this, but honestly, cows are all I can think of. I love cows. 
10. Name one place you want to visit more than anything.
Norway! Not sure why. Seems like a really cool place to be.
(I lied I love space and want to go to the observatories.)
11. What is your most cherished childhood memory?
Saturday mornings curled up in my grandfather’s armchair watching TV and eating Burger King before we go visit the animals at the farm.
@maybeillwriteit‘s questions:
1. Which oc would you most like to go for a drink with?
I don’t drink, but I think Treena would be an excellent conversation partner. 
2. Where do you like to write? Bed? Desk? Cafe? etc etc
I have a desk in my room. Not that I usually write at it. I’m good anywhere I can sit up straight and rest my arms.
3. Which of your ocs do you think people are most likely to make fanart for?
Eventually, I hope Mel. I love her character design. Or the superheroes and villains from “Fish Food.” They all have really distinct appearances and cool costumes/uniforms.
4. Favourite piece of writing advice you’ve received?
Probably the time my mentor also admitted he hated writing dialogue, but that sometimes you just gotta. 
5. Which place in your stories would you like to live? (i’ve read this sentence ten times and i ain’t convinced it’s grammatically correct lol)
(maybe: In which place/where in your stories would you most like to live? I dunno this one’s freaking my brain.)
Linsay would be the best place to live, I think. A very chill small town that has everything you need, very supportive soon-to-be friends, an apothecary on stand-by, and lovely weather. Its residents are fiercely protective and are very willing to look the other way where the law is concerned if it helps someone.
6. Do any authors/books influence your writing? Which ones?
Oh, tons. Jim Butcher, Laurie Halse Anderson, George Saunders, Anne Valente, Tolkien, Gaiman, Matt Bell, Aimee Bender, and a whole bunch more authors. And, if you wanna get all heartfelt about it, every single book I’ve read has influenced my writing, whether it’s learning how to do something, learning how not to do something, or finding a new technique that jives with my style.
7. Pick one song that represents your wip.
I’ve done a bunch of song stuff with H2H, so this is for “Fish Food:”
Honestly, my first instinct is “Superboy and the Invisible Girl” from Next to Normal. But it’s not quite right.
I also wanna say “Super Friends” from Holy Musical B@man. 
But in my heart, I know the true answer is “Under Pressure.” How could it not be?
8. Favourite thing about being a writer?
The feels! I love writing things and getting my own feels out, then making other people feel things. It’s so satisfying. 
9. Characters or plot, what came first?
Characters! Oh my God, always characters. And before characters, concept and theme(s). Sometimes a scene just pops into my head and I have to figure out who these people are and why they’re there.
10. Do you like writing prompts?
I do indeedy. They’re pretty helpful when I’m stuck. I only write for the ones that instantly spark an idea in my brain, though. All the ones I’m getting for my 800 followers celebration are insanely good. 
11. Part of your wip that you’re most excited to write?
Oh, man! So many!
H2H: The climax! Well, one of them. The one of the magic incidents and Mel and Gemma’s relationship, to be specific.
Fish Food: When my main two dudes meet Lithium! And figure out what’s going on with her. Or anything about Lithium’s real life. Her story is wild.
WYSiOaD: The goddamn rooftop scene that’s been kicking my ass for a month. It’s gonna be so emotional and poignant and great and I can’t wait for it to be over.
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llampacaeatingguppy · 6 years
Jasper vs. Baking
With special guest and commentator: Shawn
Note: In case you didn’t know, I am incapable of writing things with plot
It took exactly one four-word text to send Shawn bursting through the Rift family’s door like a whirlwind. “Where are you, Jasp?”
“In the kitchen.” A moment later, he was in the living room. He was wearing the frilly, hot pink apron with the words “Hot Stuff” branded on it in big, curly letters that Shawn had given him for Christmas. “What’s up?”
“What’s up? What’s up? You send me a text that says ‘I want to die’ with no explanation and you have the audacity to look confused when I break into your house?”
“Dude, it’s not breaking in. You literally have a key.”
“That is not the point here.” He stood on his toes to get into Jasper’s face. “Explain yourself.”
Jasper blinked in surprise before something clicked. “Oh, you think-- no, I’m fine. I’ve just been chopping dates and the mindless repetition was about enough to make me want to bash out my own brain. Nothing scary.”
Shawn narrowed his eyes skeptically. “You’ve been chopping… dates?”
“And you hated it enough to text me something that sounds borderline suicidal for funsies?” He brushed past Jasper to storm into the kitchen, vaguely aware of Jasper’s amused chuckle as he followed him. “I’d better find a ton of dates, or so help me I will hogtie you and drag you to my therapist.”
To be fair, there were a ton in a bowl on the kitchen table, chopped up to about the size of raisins. “I appreciate the concern, but I don’t think that’s necessary. And you couldn’t do it even if you tried.” Jasper circled around him to fuss over supplies on the counter.
Okay, that was probably true. He glanced at the notecared on the table. It had big, scrawling handwriting all over it with the label ‘Orange, Date, & Nut Cake’ at the top. “Look, far be it from my place to judge your bizarre, masochistic ways, but why exactly are you doing this to yourself? You hate baking and, last I checked, you didn't like fruitcakes.”
Jasper dropped something and went diving after it. “It’s Dad’s birthday, and this is his Grandma’s recipe that Aunt Jane told me was his favorite, and I didn’t think a pound of dates would be so much work to chop--”
“A pound of these goes into this thing?” He burst out, horrified.
“I know, right?” Jasper laughed anxiously. “And I haven’t even started anything else yet. I have literally been chopping for over an hour.” He pointed at the bowl.
“Uh, Jasper?” Shawn ventured, eyeing the cheese grater dubiously.
“That’s me.”
“Didn’t you, like, skin your finger last time you used that thing?”
“Yep. Took some of the meat off, too. Dad fainted. There’s still a scar there. That was when I was using the grating side, though. This is the zesting side.”
“Lovely,” he muttered, unconvinced, as Jasper grated the orange against it as if there wasn’t an injury involved almost every time he took it out of the cupboard.
And there it was. He got up to get the Band-Aids.
“That doesn’t look like much orange.” Jasper frowned at the mountain of dates next to the measly two tablespoon high pile of chopped orange. Or, more accurately, the ‘about two tablespoons’ high pile; Jasper seemed to have forsaken formally measuring things for the time being. “You know what? That’s not enough orange.”
Shawn’s head snapped up from his article on local lesser known cryptids in an instant. “Don’t do it, dude. Baking has formal measurements for a reason, messing with them can have consequences.”
“Dad likes orange, so it’ll be fine.” He was already dicing up more, and ended up using half of it before he was satisfied.
Jasper, flopped over the table like he was, looked like some sort of poster boy for being overdramatic. “Why does the world hate me. I just want to be done, is that too much to ask here?”
“Dude, why didn’t you check to see if you needed to re-batch more of your flour blend before you started?”
“I didn’t think that four cups would be so much, okay? Leave me alone to die.”
“You’re not gonna die. Calm down.”
“Yes I am! My will to live is getting weaker by the second. I’m going to burst into a bunch of flower petals and float off into the breeze like a wizened kung-fu master any moment.”
“No, you’re not. Now get off the table.”
“I’m not doing it, Shawn.”
“You’re not doing what?”
Jasper jabbed an accusing finger at the recipe which, by this point, looked like it had been through a war zone. Then again, so did Jasper. And the kitchen. And Shawn. Flour was all over, well, everything-- one component of the flour, anyways. Jasper had dropped the potato starch, the lid had fallen off, and, well… Shawn had almost resorted to grabbing him by the ear and physically dragging his crying ass off the floor after that incident.
“It says, ‘add nuts and dates last, rolled in some of the flour.’ I’m not doing that. Do you have any idea how much this stuff costs, Shawn? I have literally cried over making it. I’m not just going to squander it by rolling goddamn dates in it.”
Shawn shrugged. “Then don’t, I guess. But don’t come crying to me when it doesn’t work.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He dumped the mound of dates, and significantly smaller piles of oranges and nuts, into the bowl.
“Are you sure that’s all going to be able to get stirred in?”
“I really hope so.”
Miraculously, it did, although it looked as if it were made of cement when Jasper poured it into the pan, and weighed about the same, too.
“Right. Now that that monstrosity is in the oven, I should get started on the sauce,” Jasper said primly, as if he wasn’t even more covered in flour and hadn’t had Shawn pinned in a headlock on the floor for the last two minutes for stealing some of the batter.
Shawn put his hands behind his head in attempt to relax on the hard, unforgiving linoleum. “You know, it actually tasted pretty good. That thing might turn out to be decent.”
“Ha-ha, that’s funny. It’s a fruit cake, how good can it be?”
“Maybe it's a magic fruit cake that drains its creator’s life force in order to make itself delicious.”
Jasper gave him a doubtful look before turning towards the recipe. “Okay, this should be easy. I just have to put the stuff in a pot and heat it on the stove until it’s dissolved.”
Laying on the floor quickly got uncomfortable, and that meant he was back to hovering behind Jasper. “Can I taste it?”
“It’s a boiling liquid. You don’t want to taste it.”
“Uh, yeah, actually, I do. I saw how much sugar you put in that thing.”
Jasper sighed. “Fine, but get your own spoon.”
The millisecond of flavor he got before his taste buds were boiled alive and sending him running to the freezer for ice was absolute bliss. “It’s good,” he said around an ice cube. Not exactly the most understandable methods of communication, but if Jasper could understand him when he’d gotten his tongue stung by a hornet, than he could understand him now.
He chuckled, still stirring the juice/sugar/orange mixture. “Glad you think so-- oh, shit.” He froze, eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?”
“I forgot the xanthum gum,” he said flatly.
“And that’s… bad?”
“That’s the stuff that helps hold gluten free baked stuff together, so yeah, that’s pretty bad.” He laughed, horrified. “It’s gonna fall apart.”
Shawn patted his shoulder. “It’s okay, man. Your dad’ll still love you.”
“Listen, I know that you’re already ruined, and I’m sorry, but do you really have to make this worse for me than it already is? The only other birthday present I have for Dad is a pack of cheap pens, okay? I need you to be somewhat edible.”
As per the directions on the recipe, they’d poured the sauce over the cake while it was still hot in the pan. Not as per the directions, the sauce was refusing to absorb like it was supposed to.
“Maybe if we poked holes in it, like Mom does with that chocolate cake with the caramel sauce?” he suggested.
A metaphorical lightbulb seemed to turn on over Jasper's head. “Shawn, you incredible bastard, I would mcflipping make out with you for that idea if you were into guys.”
“Sorry, dude. You'll just have to settle for friends without benefits. It's not your fault though, I am pretty irresistible.” He brushed his hair out of his face and winked.
Jasper raised an eyebrow at him. “Really? Is that what you are?”
“Hey! Are you calling me ugly?”
“No, no, not ugly. But you're definitely not ‘please drag me to the nearest broom closet,’ either.”
“I'm so kinkshaming you for that later.”
“That’s a gem, coming from you.”
An hour later, it was cool enough to come out of the pan, and managed to do so without incident.
“I am never, ever making this thing again,” Jasper swore.
It didn’t crumble nearly as much as Jasper seemed to think it would. Hell, Mr. Rift seemed to love it. “Do you think you could make it again, maybe over Christmas? Grandma always had it over Christmas.”
Shawn could have swore that he saw Jasper’s eye twitch. “Yeah, sure, Dad. No problem.”
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dogtheory · 6 years
Part 4 I guess??
So at this point they’re. A little estranged but, the kindness of distance is that it lets you forget some things. To be even worse about this here’s a string of letters that I wrote between the two during the journey, dont ask me how they sent letters while she was on a boat, fucking uhhh i dont know. Magic. They’re wizards.
Cairn Greenhand,
The particulars are not necessary to discuss in great depth, but, I may have left some sensitive material out on my desk. Pack these things in my oak cabinet, third drawer down.
I would greatly appreciate having my research away from the gaze of any prying eyes.
I find your disgust towards “Prying eyes”, quite frankly, offensive. I am, however, over it immediately, because you’ve revealed to me in this little missive that you actually believe your chicken scratch is legible. Fortunately for you, I’ve spent just enough time interpreting your post-its to get the gist. (Brief aside, how did you manage to make side notes written in Mashu Dwarven sound formal? Literally no one in my village sounds like that. (ie: hyperpedantic /ˈhīpər pəˈdan(t)ik/ Definition: Combination word of hyper+pedantic that I just now made up to describe your horribly verbose bastard child of my language.) Please loosen the extra clamps on your personality matrix and throw out a figure of speech, it might not even kill you.(?))
All the volatile and/or explosion-inducing materials have been dealt with. Could have just admitted you’d forgotten to disable your weird, non-work related, borderline pyrophilic experiments. Instead, I have to read between the lines (and almost get blown up) to figure out how to pack away your shit. I am keeping the journal to read for funsies in my spare time, as a consolation for my almost death.
What’s the boat’s name?
Cairn Greenhand,
There is a difference between pedantic and precise. Stop pretending to be blind to the concept of nuance, it’s particularly unbecoming.
Do not read my journal.
I understand nuance. Example: the difference between Nightshade and Nightvein. Both have relatively similar and lovely flowers, except. Nightshade can be handled by humans, and Nightvein cannot. Here! Let’s do a dramatic thought experiment, which has no real basis in either of our personal/professional lives.
A metaphorical smart human person with whom I theoretically share a lab with, who we will call, how about, Green; would recognize that even though I handle both without gloves, I have dwarven ancestry, therefore, natural resistance to exogenous toxins absorbed through the skin. And even then. If Green hadn’t been thinking and touched Nightvein anyway, they would have told me so I could administer an antidote. Which I would have done. Because Green is a good lab partner that wouldn’t have hidden from me that they had been slowly dying for weeks because they didn’t want to admit their own idiocy. How silly would that be.
How far are you into the trip? Gimme exact lengths, mileage, in numbers, I know you’ve managed to make something that’ll calculate the distance by now.
What’s the boat’s name??
I created a device that measures distance before I left. Normally, I would have calculated the distance before leaving. But our path will be subject to change. Ice flows within the last ten years have been irregular, the navigator feels safest sticking to the warmer seas until we hit the coast, where we will then head north. More oddities in the open ocean. I cannot say I am surprised.
We are 203.2 miles out.
I do not see why this concerns you so.
Look harder then! a name so embarrassing that you can’t write it out in letters? Hell yes. So far I’ve come up with the following.
Ship Faced
Fish 4c (fish force)
The Cursed Cutlass of the North
Hell on Reels
Eat Ship and Dive
Master Baiter
Titan Uranus
Unsinkable II
On Sale.
Do not read my journal.
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the-space-case · 6 years
brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: brokenangelsandpinetrees replied to your post: ...
(2/2) does for me! And sure, if they learn something along the way, if whatever I told them makes them have an epiphany about the meaning of life (Yeah, right) that’s okay I guess? But I don’t need any of that, as long as I can make people happy I’ll feel accomplished
I feel like theres a point of over saturation of that. cartoons especially are constantly hammering in morals like their life depends on it. Instead of just straight comedy there’s a litany of morals packed in and it sort of feels like someone goes to a standup to tell jokes and then /explain them in detail./ Doing that feels condescending to me—do you think viewers will descend to amoral chaos if they’re not constantly reminded to be nice? I can assure you people who treat others like shit know what they’re doing is bad they just find it rewarding to do so and with little consequence. reminders wont make me do my essay but the knowledge that flunking out of college will ruin my life sure as hell will! AND I DONT NEED TO BE REMINDED OF THAT AT THE END OF THE DAY. children as well watching cartoons dont absorb morals; they just get stories. I played with barbies where there was massive drama and at times sacrifice to the bathtub water gods at five years old but i was still completely aware that this is not shit i would actually do for funsies. CONSEQUENCES TO TERRIBLE ACTS are what stops them, not endless annoying reminders that will inevitably be tuned out by rebellious children/preteens/bored adults. individuals aren't stupid! dont act like a single moral based episode would stop someone from murder!--this is getting long but i could write a senior thesis on how bizarre i find the whole anti thing to be haha
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jaku-the-askblog · 7 years
Aku Headcanon: Powers/Origin
((so im gunna geek out a little bit here about my personal ideas of Aku’s powers/what exactly he is and how that ties into the series, ok? Ok
Prepare for the long haul on this one guys
(Small disclaimer: this isnt a scientific/psychological thing, and im pretty sure this ain’t even close to what Genndy wanted to be canon. These are my ideas, pertaining to the askblog and a certain fic universe, based on canon, of my Aku. Lets move on)
I. So what is Aku according to Abby?
Firstly, despite whatever canonically or fanon-wise in my own series’ Jack and Aku himself (and others) call him, Aku isn’t a demon/wizard/etc. We already know, pretty much canonically, that Aku is one of a kind. Which means beings like Demongo, his minions, others, aren’t even close to what Aku is.
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^A babby Aku leaves his nest to fend for himself in the harsh and unforgiving wild
Unless you wanna go on the theory that Aku’s minions are also him but lets not right now
I refuse to accept that Aku is “pure evil” unless you want to get into moral debate and the theories on what constitutes “evil,” because perhaps in the perspective of that universe he is the Worst Evil Ever but comparatively to our own world and especially my own perspective he really...isn’t. Which isn’t to say he’s done downright vile and awful and evil things, because he really has! He’s just not “pure evil.” I firmly believe that it’s just what we’re being fed, because all that we know about Aku is really from the perspective of other characters (ie, Jack’s father being the one that created Aku and immediately assuming that he’s something to be destroyed). And Aku seems to run with this because, realistically, it’s all he’s ever known/tried.
(I have additional input on Aku’s birth and his “starting” personality, but I will save that for another time)
(“But the gods said—” you start.
“FUCK the gods,” I spit back, punching Odin in his remaining eye, “Theyre fuckin useless as shit anyway”)
HOWEVER, I think Aku is something more like a conscious controlling what’s essentially pure magic from that universe in physical form, with magic being like a manipulatable energy source according to that universe’s rules. I think that, much like in the Avatar (the animated series not the atrocious live action one) series, the way this magic/energy can be used varies from person to person, from being to being. And a being like Aku, who’s made up of the stuff, is going to inherently be more powerful and more versatile than anyone else that just uses magic but wasn’t born from it. AND his magic is more wild and free and flexible than the contained/inherited forms of it that other mortals have.
And from there it only gets more fun.
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You see, we never really hear/see Aku mention his time spent as the Black Goop, which likely infers he either couldn’t form into something that could speak/move around or he just doesn’t remember in the way a human might. Either way means he had no control over himself. Which only feeds my theory that Aku’s just a brain constantly controlling what are really just mindless drones with power to do his bidding much like his/the entity’s former shape.
I also theorize that, if he didn’t have the same kind of consciousness, the Black Goop was absorbing anyone/thing that came into contact because that was the only thing the mindless, physical manifest of magic knew to do. It can’t think to express itself! It can’t think to grow legs and walk around!
But on the other hand, if he was...some kind of mind in there, but couldn’t form into a shape, perhaps he was latching onto living things, trying to learn about them, trying to find some form of escape. I haven’t worked out which he was in the goop form as of yet, but either works really.
I do think that’s why the gods were trying to destroy the entity, because they knew that if it started wandering around the universe in a semi-tangible form, especially with the power it originally had, wild and free, then it would cause effortless and wide-spread chaos.
And somehow Jack’s father’s fire gave him/the magic the power to form a brain, buuuut it has its limitations from Aku.
Let’s take a closer look.
II. Aku’s Essence vs Aku Infection
In episodes like the Ultrabots, the final episode, and even in the comics, we see that when Aku has his essence control/power others, he retains some level of control over the individual to do his bidding. They also sometimes gain his powers, but I think that’s also under his control.
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So what’s the difference between this and the Aku Infection?
I don’t think Aku knew about Jack getting infected. And instead, Jack was the one that made himself into Aku.
This really boils down to semantics and me wanting to go completely off my rocker here, so bear with me.
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^Accurate depiction of abby now
First, though it is typical of Aku, we never see him attempt this again. If you want to include the IDW comics, he doesn’t even consider it in issue 10. Instead, he uses his time in Jack’s mind to eat his memories.
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HOWEVER within the episode itself, we see an interesting progression of things:
Jack steals jewels from the explorers without realizing it
Argues with himself (!!) about rescuing a stranded sightseer and the reward if he does so (which he demands for money) yet doesn’t seem to notice the fact he’s doing so
Begins to feel irritated and twitchy as well as itchy (likely as his skin changes)
Begins to speak/look more like Aku as time goes on
(Also, a minor, tiny detail but: no beard. Hmmmmm)
NOW let’s consider something here: normally Aku controls his essence to do as he wishes. In fact, he typically immediately controls his subjects. But Aku wasn’t in good shape when we see him first in this episode, nor is his state brought up again.
What (or shall I say who) is typically on the forefront of Jack’s mind, and he associates with darkness?
Thaaat’s right! Aku!
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^This is what happens when you jack off too often kids
So I think, at this point, however subconsciously, Aku’s essence/that magic latched onto what Jack associated with that start of darkness and became what he thought it would be.
It became his idea of Aku. And it simply ran with it, because that is the first and most powerful thing Jack thought of. After all, Jack has no experience in controlling magic, and especially not one as powerful as Aku’s. And that magic, now detached from the main consciousness, is basically just trying to find it’s way out in him, so it was mindlessly searching for the easiest way to be “expressed.”
By examining Jack-Aku’s behavior and wording more closely, I’d like to point out something. Right after Jack FINALLY realizes what’s happening, we have this exchange:
Jack: “This cannot be happening!”
“Aku:” “Oh yes it can!”
Jack: “Must…keep…control!”
“Aku:” “Yeah! Gotta get a grip.”
Jack: “Need help. The monks—!”
“Aku:” “I got to find those accursed monks!”
Now, does this actually sound like something Aku would say, or like someone who’s imitating Aku would say?
Hm. Let’s look at another example.
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It’s close, I’ll give Jack-Aku that! But it’s a little…too close. Again, like someone’s doing an impression of Aku.
It is close to things Aku has said before, but it still feels just off to me.
Jack-Aku certainly fights a little differently, but there’s still more touches of Jack than Aku in there. Sure his swings are more brutal, but then there’s stuff like this:
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That doesn’t look like an Aku pose to me. That’s a Jack one.
Now I do realize, as I said, most of this is just semantics and most of it could be explained away with “Aku was just fucking with Jack.” But I dunno, that just seems like it’s not what’s really going on, especially since we don’t see the original Aku trying to control Jack, much like how we got a hint of that in the Ultrabots and even in Mad Jack.
Interestingly, season 5 seems to support this!
You see, I think the priestess wanted to bear Aku’s children, so that’s what his magic did for her. There was probably something in her head that thought seven was a good number, so that’s what happened for her. As for why the essence didn’t overwhelm Ashi and her sisters before, I suspect that it became combined with their DNA in order to sustain them (as the priestess wished; at least until they “lived” until she was done with them) and became dormant until Aku “reactivated” it.
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And then, Ashi is initially overwhelmed by Aku’s essence, but once she takes it for her own—
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It becomes her own. She’s owning Aku’s powers, Aku’s essence, Aku’s magic for her own use. It becomes what she wants it to be.
Jack never did that because he never took it. He allowed himself to be overwhelmed by it, letting it do it’s own thing inside him, and it nearly transformed him into his own Grand Theft Me nightmare.
III. Aku’s Powers (and the actual powers of the sword)
Ok ok, so what does this all have to do with Aku’s powers? Well, like I mentioned earlier, Aku is made up of pure energy that can be made into (almost) anything he wants to do with it.
“So why doesn’t he just do _ to kill Jack?!?!?!”
That’s actually quite simple: Because Aku has no idea what he is either.
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^Aku voice: AWHUA
He has literally no frame of reference, no concept or comparison. All he’s ever really gotten is from others, who call him “evil,” “demon,” “wizard,” etc. He knows he’s more powerful than any being in the mortal world, but he doesn’t know how or why. He simply is.
(This feeds back into that linked post from the beginning about Aku being something of a narcissist, because he makes himself into whatever others think of him in order to be “accepted.” But I have more words on that idea at a later point when I can get all these thoughts about his powers out of the way, though I firmly emphasize that I’m not even close to a major in psychology so I’m not fit to diagnose him with anything, really. This is all just for funsies)
It’s how I explain his ability to pop random powers out without notice or mention of them again, ie creating a dark clone of Jack, encasing a living man in stone while also making him immortal?, telepathically manipulating objects from afar, RAISING THE FUCKING DEAD, etc etc. He knows he has tremendous powers, but does he explore their limits? Find out what all he can do? No! And why would he, if he’s already immortal and immune to everything? He only seeks out to use these powers like that when it conveniences him.
And yea, that would be his own fault. But it’s his life, and he’ll do as he pleases.
Now, let’s get to the sword.
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It’s heavily implied (if not outright stated) that the sword is made from Jack’s father’s spirit/soul. The gods insist that only the strength of such a thing, combined with the virtue of “human righteousness” can destroy Aku. This is where they say he’s a “force of ultimate evil” and all that, but I already don’t like that the gods are entrusting this “duty,” which they started but didn’t finish, onto a mortal. Mighty suspicious.
So how exactly does the sword work if Aku isn’t made of evil, but instead pure magic? Easy. The sword destroys that magic from Aku’s physical form. It’s literally cutting away his control and his power, in a harsher and far worse way than if Aku were to be using his energy on his own. And the gods basically made a soul contract with Jack’s father to give it that power without there being serious repercussions on the wielder of the weapon. Because technically destroying a magic/energy like that should totally backfire and act more like splitting an atom than a cool firey-burning effect.
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^( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So Aku and his powers are in a constant state of decay-recovery, because he’s using his own body to do all these powers and abilities, but the sword speeds up the decay process faster than Aku can recover. And yes, Aku using massive amounts of magic quickly with little or no recovery period would do a similar thing, but the sword will always take longer and threaten to do more permanent damage for that than Aku using his magic himself, because it destroys instead of frees. And since magic is energy, Aku recovers through time and reabsorption of magic from…well, anything. Typically just the energy of the universe, I suppose.
So why couldn’t/didn’t Jack’s father destroy Aku the first time?
Because he didn’t make a final strike. Instead he allowed even the smallest sliver of Aku to persist. And if you do that, then you give Aku ability to reform.
(“But what about in season five when—“ you try again.
“It was bullshit and you know it,” I say as I firmly curb-stomp that “final fight” scene.)
So why did Aku get turned into a tree and was imprisoned?
….Yeah I haven’t worked that one out yet either, I’ll give you that. I’m thinking it may have something to do with cutting away so much of Aku that his mind is locked away and stripped of its power over his body, but I haven’t worked out all the fine points yet.
Aku makes his choices to do evil things, to follow his own will (whatever his will may be) but he’s still limited by his own mind and what he believes he’s capable of, due to mainly just being too lazy/unwilling to try anything else. Yes, of course like I said outside forces only contributed to this, effectively helping him make his own box to put himself in, but it only explains why he’s like that. It doesn’t excuse him, and ultimately his choices were still his own.
PHEW well I think that’s about all for now! Hope I made sense and you enjoyed reading! I’ve been stewing on this one for a long, long while, but only recently got half a mind to coherently jot it all down and explain it, so there’s probably a few holes here and there, forgive me... :,D
Thanks necessary for:
@strawberry-smilodon, for reading my draft!! and then i kept adding more...and more... and more.....
Obv @teacupballerina, for basically doing most of the theorizing waaaaay before i even got back into this fandom and inspiring my own mind to start thinking harder about Aku and canon :3
all my friends that tolerated me geeking out about this before i wrote it all down...i love yall 😙
And thank YOU for reading!!!
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where-ls-my-mlnd · 5 years
"Bullshit." The word is spat out so harshly and so suddenly that it shocks me out of whatever foggy, despondent daze I had fallen into, and I visibly jolt, turning my head to look at him with wide, panicked eyes as I feel something inside of me go cold and numb. Oh god, what? What's bullshit? Fuck, what did I do? Why'd he say it like that? Is he mad? Is he mad at me? Oh god, please, no, I didn't-- "This isn't all your fault." Oh. Wait...what? Before I can open up my mouth to argue that statement, he continues on; going on a whole, long, strangely impassioned rant, on my behalf, no less - a rant on my behalf, almost like he's defending me, against someone who isn't even here, full of weird, age-old clichè's flipped on their heads and impossibly intricate recounts of what went down, information that he has no reason to still know after all these hours unless maybe he remembered, information that he could never know unless he was fucking there himself, or unless he's just incredibly perceptive and amazingly smart -- how else would he know the situation better than even I do? And the whole time, that cold, numb feeling never goes away, if anything, it worsens, and I'm just sitting there with my eyes laser-focused on him and my mouth parted in shock, and I know, I know for a fact I'm listening to the words, but it's like I'm not hearing them, I can't fully absorb them or take them in. I can't even really comprehend what he's saying, I'm just in fucking shock, this bizarre, confusing, debilitating shock, and it isn't until he reaches the very end of his tirade that I'm able to at least try to decipher this weird ass, baffling ass code he's speaking. "You were just trying to let her out of the rain, man. You were just trying to be a decent friend and she got it all twisted..." Ha. Let her out of the rain. What a beautiful, twisted metaphor. Jesus. Fucking J and his words. He ought to be a poet or something, if the whole drug dealing thing doesn't work out. He really ought to. You were just trying to be a decent friend, she got it all twisted. Did he just call me decent? Wait, no - he said I was trying to be decent. Okay. Well, that's still a compliment to me, fuck it. I'm gonna take it. That's high fucking praise by J's standards. Or maybe it's not. Maybe I just don't meet his standards. Maybe he's like, really nice and adoring to all his other friends, and he just doesn't act that way with me 'cause he doesn't like me. God, I hate that I'm probably right. Whatever. I don't deserve to know what it's like to have his respect, anyway. Even though I do. Jesus, I'm feeling so mopey and sorry for myself that I didn't even register that he is being nice to me. Wow. Hold on, let me try that again. J is being nice to me. J is being nice to me. J is currently showing me niceness. J is not spitting in my face or telling me I'm the second coming of Hitler. J is taking...my side. J is taking my side? J is being nice. J is being nice to me. What...the...hell? Is this real? Did hell suddenly freeze over in the brief period where he was out working and I was out like a light? Is he really...does he like me? Does he not hate me anymore? Is he really being nice and understanding and maybe even supportive? Holy. Shit. It's official, J's perfect. That weird, broody, distant, impossible to understand kid is fucking perfect. He has no flaws. He has nothing wrong with him. I'm trying to find something wrong with him now, and I just...can't. He's being kind to me, of all people. Mr "I wasted half a decade of my life shooting up just for funsies". That makes him eligible for sainthood. Ha. Patron saint J. Protector of all the heartbroken assholes who got way in over their heads, cushioning their fall from grace and stitching their broken wings back together. Good god, I owe him my life. I can't even get into what he said, though... I mean, he did say it isn't all my fault, implying that some of it is, but...somehow I can't help but feel like he's placing all the blame on Lyd. Is his perception just unfairly colored because we're like, friends...ish? Is he biased? Would he still feel this way if he knew all the ways I've fucked her over before? Would I still be the hero? Or would I be the villain? Somebody has to be the villain. No story worth reading is ever devoid of a villain. I just can't figure out if it's me, or if it's her. And what the fuck would it even matter if he was placing the blame on her, anyway? So what? What am I gonna do, defend the woman who ripped out my fucking heart and then stomped on it with her stiletto 'till it was nothing but a pool of blood? What's with this dumbass, macho anger that quietly burns somewhere deep inside of me whenever it sounds like J is blaming her? She deserves the blame. She's not some innocent fucking fawn. She's not stupid. I've known Lyd to be a lot of things, but stupid has never been included in that list. She knew what she was doing. ...But then again, so did I. I'm the one who answered her call. I'm the one who opened the door. I'm the one who sat down next to her, listened to her tales, wiped away her tears, built her back up again. I'm the one who played with her hair, I'm the one who gripped the back of her neck, I'm the one who kissed her. I'm the one who let her into my bed. I'm the one who fucked her. Nobody took my dick and forced it inside of her, for fuck's sake, I put it there. There was no phantom or ghost who pulled all the strings without me knowing. It was me. I did all of it. When it comes down to it, I did all of it. I fell again. I closed my stupid eyes again because I wanted it to work so badly. I fed into my own delusions. I willingly ignored everything I've come to know over the past ten years; all her worst, ugliest traits, all her hurtful, seemingly, hopefully uncontrollable tendencies, all the times we tried to fix what we had broke and couldn't, all the disappointment and anger and fucking agony I went through. I ignored it. She tried to tell me...she tried to remind me of the past, but I just couldn't stop dreaming about the future. It was my fault. No one else's. I was supposed to be smarter this time. It was up to me to protect myself, and I failed. I'm always failing, aren't I? "You're really nice, J..." I tell him, sounding a little awestruck even to my own ears, offering a small smile of gratitude, "You're real nice...but...it is. It is kind of my fault. It's not like I'm totally blameless. It's not like I, you know, had totally pure intentions. I mean, yeah, all I really wanted was to make her feel better, and I guess I kind of did, even if she wants nothing to do with me now. I didn't create this mess on purpose...but still. What kind of guy gets into bed with a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend? Her slimy ass cheater boyfriend, no less. I don't even know how long they had been broken up for...probably not long! She had like, just gotten done crying when I kissed her. Her fucking tears hadn't even dried. Her mascara was still all over the place. This heartbroken, crying girl comes looking to me for comfort, and I immediately make a move on her. Fuck, J, what does that make me? That's so terrible. No wonder she's ghosting me. That wasn't even what she went to my place for. She was crazy for that asshole, for reasons unknown to me...it's like, what if she still felt a little something for him? And I was just disregarding that. Being selfish. I don't know. All I'm sayin' is, you're nice, but I'm not as innocent as you think. I'm really not. You don't even know how many times we've gone through this. You don't even know how many times I've fallen for her shit. I should've figured it out by now...but I never do. I just keep falling, again and again and again. God, it's embarrassing. You need to understand that, J. I'm not innocent. Not even close.”
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