#doesnt help i was like “ok ill do blue and green to start” then later i was like. what if i added purple. kms
oh-gh0st · 1 year
DAMN im really trying out 5 palettes for this oc
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am-i-sans · 1 year
goof off dnd 4
more goofing off! spent a long time trying to figure out how to bring the party back together.
moss gave shades magic info about a dungeon! an abandoned treasure vault in a chasm. SO we need spingledorf. SO i gotta find nana.
found nana! she has my dog :( meanie. nana doesnt wanna but is like 'aight ill go so i can hit him.' we find an elf man who saw dorf so off we go into the magic circle.
i told him i found dirt! but he runs cause hes scared of nana lol. me and nana apologized so dorf would be happy. but i dont know where the chasm is! and the portal closed so we gotta walk. dorf is gonna summon a spectral stead.
i pull out my map and try to find the location. found it lets goooo! nana went outside for some kush lol. shades helps dorf and nana up. off they go! (moss got supremely angry we were riding the horse wrong lol)
found the chasm! gotta climb down! got my rope and pitons lets not fall to our deaths ok? tunnels! its moist and smells like shit. dorf finds a chest! shades says it could be a chest SO dorf decides to fuckin firebolt it. gas fills the cavern. good job. asshole. were knocked out.
we wake up 2 hours later and henry made his way down somehow. good job! nana is surrounded by swirling energy! she spun in circles to avoid them but it didnt work. dorf said it some kind of wild magic. it lasts 24 hours lol.
nana punches it but nothing happens. dorf touches it, nothing happens. were stuck with it, so further into the cave we go! we find a magic circle and parchment. the circle is designed to keep people out with nonmagical means.
its a text about medicine. theres also some powder and liquid and some beakers and some potions. nana breaks a powder vial for fun and has to make a saving throw. she also breaks a liquid one. shes wearing boots so nothing happens and thats sus.
when nana tries to speak, pink bubbles come out of her mouth! i take the rest of the vials cause dear god nana is trying to kill herself this way. i walk dorf away and give him the vials. oil of taggit and purple worm poison. stick those in my bag. lets carefully continue.
i turned vibrant blue?! i need a remove curse spell. do that later though. CYCLOPS. dorf uses comprehend languages! but dorf cant speak giant. oh no. nana starts walking away while im pantomiming at the wild magic. also shes walking slower than usual.
dorf gives the cyclops jerky. so we go through the next room. furniture pog. some vases. a drum. and still smells like shit. we also hear footsteps. i go and listen at the door. i hear footsteps moving away and stopping. i slowly open the door. theres a pit! right there!
we jump over the pit! dorf just barely misses it. but i yank him fast. were in a hallway! we hear scrabbling! i pull out my dagger and carefully walk ahead. a screech pierces the air! and it smells like sulfer!
dorf pulls out an orb of spying. a rat or something? nana squished it. but that wasnt the true enemy! sus! we also find a bright green slime! its clinging to everything in patches. NANA WANTS TO EAT IT! 8 acid damage dummy. and another 6 damage for touching it.
were stopping here cause raz needs to go eepy.
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pinksnow · 3 years
abridged timeline of the au from yours truly (pink)
- gen 1 addisons with the birth of the internet lol
- mid gens appear eventually which is what spamton is
-nboth of these gens are are susceptible to code glitches causing them to become worms
- yeah computer worms specifically are corrupted addisons lol
- spamton had an originally friend group of a gen 1 pink addison and 2 mid gens, blue and yellow
- they all got wormed except for ogpink
- spamton is a shitty horrible way of coping befriended the addisons we know because hee hee they look like my dead friends
- ogpink is like. ok. this is the worst way to go about this. spamton does not care LOL
- btw hope you don't mind ships bc we are supergluing blue and spamton together since he was closest to spamton canonly and also im just a sucker
- so ^ mostly befriended them all because our blue looked like his ogblue which he was crushing on and like. oh my god dude. mf you are really using this person as a replacement
- after a year or so idk he starts seeing blue as blue, just himself, not ogblue
- asks ogpink for dating advice LOL
- woo blue mission accomplished everyone go home
- ((gestures)) not many notable things here they're just living their best life. blue and spamton go out on dates and slow dance thats important because i use those to create agony later
- yadda yadda gaster phone call whatever i dont need to explain this
- becomes increasingly distant to them all and blue
- not a good look bro
- eventually they cant contact spamton
- spamtom and blue tried to see eachother but. spamton cant get out of all the constant meetings and photoshoots and deals to sign
- everyone is now very pissed at spamton because blue is now being emo in his room while spamtons face is everywhere yet he cant even go see him
- my mans boyfriend basically ghosted him LOL
- not only pissed but theyre all very, upset too
- yellow goes around breaking billboards and posters and anything spamton related he can get his hands on hoping itll grab spamtons attention (it wont hes got employees to take care of little things like that lol. he isnt even aware of what yellows doing)
- orange is talking to the mannequin as if it was spamton himself. man. you need therapy
- blue you already know is moping in his room listening to fucking radiohead LOL
- pink. pink. pink pink pink pink. this is where shit gets good. my man. my dude. he decides that the best way to cope with this is obviously to go around and find werewires and virovirokuns and anyone else to fight in alleyways. he takes that freezering and he goes to town. its all downhill from here folks
- spamton eventually puts out a job for a personal assistant and does EVERYTHING he can to make sure its very hidden from the general public and tries so so so hard to get blue to pick up the spot because then theyll finally be together all the time again. fucks sake he prints the ad in the newspaper that goes round to their house but blue never sees it
- despite his best efforts he hears one day they chose the absolute best candidate for the job. he hopes to god its blue
- its not its thiis fucking green bitch named Novarg
- hates this man for a solid month bc it should be blue there not him
- anyways ((gestures)) whatever more time passes
- 2000 ILOVEYOU computer worm appears. which is ogpink. he got wormed. spamton is. well he is not doing very well after that
- did i mention spamton is wormed ((smiles))
- did you guys know the second worst worm in the world is called SOBIG i think thats funny anyways thats spamton lol
- gaster behind the scenes trying so fucking hard to make sure spamton doesnt completely lose it bc thatll fuck up EVERYTHING
- worms spread by infecting ppl which can be cured easily but the worms themselves cant be cured
- i say this bc what spamton is unknowingly doing is making people think theres nothing wrong. you see the slight puppet joints appearing on his hands and mouth and you dont even register it. they see spamton suddenly rise and get his hands on every product everywhere and dont register that only a worm could spread this fast. yes im making the puppet features a wormed thing i can do whatever i want
- blue and nova notice though. blue because well of course hes staring all those spamton images and also because you know damn well those two explores eachothers bodies. lol
- nova asks spamtom about the finger joints one day and spamtons like what joints and thats when nova realizes oh he doesnt even know himself im gonna stay quiet then
- ((gestures again)) gaster cuts off spamton in 2004. why 2004. because. because. thats when the mydoom virus appeared. also known as novarg, thats right bitches ((slaps knee))
- everything is suddenly falling apart and spamton has a huge breakdown and without gaster there doing his freaky shit my mans does start glitching the hell out like a worm
- nova tries to help calm him down anyways, gets infected, due to spamtons code being unbelievably fucked up it mutates/rewrites itself when it yoinked novarg and just made him a completely new worm. which happens to be the worst one in the world. you see what i did i made the worst one derive from the code of what was the worst at the time. lol
- you know some swatchlings saw this happen and were like. oh my god hes wormed.
- nova at this point has probably already gone crazy and is just doing his own thing, ykno, destroying stuff, as a worm does
- spamton gets his ass thrown in the acid as an attempt to kill him because worms are very dangerous very big deal
- yeah im making his reason for an acid bath this instead, listen this au is already off the rocks
- he is 🤏🤏 tiepnsy now. hes still wormed but hes just like a fucked up rat now LOL
- well now news is out that spamton is dead ((like hell theyre saying he was a worm))
- its assumed nova killed him
- well see now our beloved addisons are REALLY depressed
- orange is straight up acting like the mannequin IS spamton hes in. such heavy denial dear god
- yellow is still breaking stuff
- blue is just even sadder now lol
- pink. a heem heem whimper. folds my hands. he also believes nova killed him and hea dead set on getting back at him. he goes out of his way to find them. of course he doesn't recognize nova AS nova, no one does, its just the MYDOOM worm, but its easier to say nova LOL
- this is when pink first uses snowgrave. he is at his limit. he never ever wanted to use it but now is a great time. well. well that went pretty badly
- half the fight is him getting knocked around by nova because he has to get 200tp to cast it in the first place so hes just running around
- when he DOES though, good god
- thats it hes gone you are dealing with this white eyed freak now. nova only barely escapes with their life due to being a computer worm but he got so fucked up
- pink snaps out of it after the fight is over thankfully and is like what the fuck happened
- only gets worse from here he keeps blacking out and he never remembers anything and after a few years at some point the magic in the ring just kinda. goes in him. its not even the ring anymore. why? bc i said so lol
- after years it gets to a point where its noticable, like before he just kinda went around in alleyways but now whole streets are getting freezed and you just see frozen ppl everywhere and its like damn bro!
- this dude sets the city into a fucking artificial winter it happens so much. bro its not supposed to SNOW here what is going on
- obviously a lot of snow is made when using snowgrave but also just when hes using any attack now so you can just barely make out his silhouette, which leads to those who were able to run away before being spotted only seeing a humanoid outline
- which well. ykno. they assume its a human, a lighter, bc of that
- why would they ever guess its an addison, worms haven't been a problem for years now since only firsts and mids really got wormed, and a worm wouldn't be using ice magic, and addisons alone on their own obviously cant attack
- so like ((gestures)) yeah
- pink in the snowgrave state goes and finds spamton for the thornring bc he KNOWS he has it and getting that ring would make casting so much easier, bro it cuts tp cost in half
- spamton fights for his god damn life!
- also only barely makes it out bc worm
- blue is also out looking for pink
- finds spamton
- insert the image from the you have no idea ask
- found lost boyfriend, is wormed, is also small, is also half dead, says pink tried to kill him
- thats way too many crisises to deal with at once !!
- runion stuff idk he screams when pink walks thru the door lol
- they dont all really fully believe spamton until blues out one day during a particularly bad snow attack in a part of town bc he knows pink is out and it like. i gotta get this bitch home
- THEN he sees its actually pink. jawdrop. deer in headlights
- being in a life or death situation and being determined to not die makes his soul go ah time to wake up i guess heres a cursor thats a harpoon
- yeah addisons cant use magic unless theyre put in a situation that calls for it or they r really trying. like i mean they can create pop-ups and little cursors but not like full on magical shit like a god damn harpoon
- he does not know what hes doing he just throws them around to distract pink and fucking BOOK it
- some time passes this little routine starts where blue goes and spars with pink to keep him from targeting others
- they have not all yet told pink in fear of his reaction to himself and what hes done
- pink believes the lightner theory going around and theyre all like yep uhhuh so true pink
- im getting way too tired hunched over my phone writing this im wrapping it up my bones are killing me
- idk stuff happens spamton gets his ass in the neo suit and the addisons are there and hes beating their ass bc him in the neo suit is basically what he should've been like at full potential as a worm. hes so big. get it lol
- all the worms are actually hiding down in his broken down part of the city
- being away from society for years their infection code has like. just kinda shut off
- they're just kinda freaks now
- iloveyou jumps onto blues cart like hey man need some help
- seeing dangerous computer worm thought to be dead is obviously not going ovee very well with blue
- smth happens they fall down into the broken city and while yellow orange and pink are trying their damnest to stop spamton and get him to snap out of it and listen, blue is about ready to beat iloveyous ass as is he
- gets infected by iloveyou, his emotions are so overwhelming at the moment that its enough to keep the code telling him to go around and infect at bay
- now theres just a very angry and upset blue with hearts floating around him and a heart harpoon ready to beat ass
- mans powered up
- look at the first post of this blog lol
- idk eveyrhting is fine they all reunite
- spamton has some fucking.explaining to do and relationships to fix
- whatever idk thr worms help pink train and get his magic under control and spamton can go to neo at will
- worms code is still like dead so they don't have to worry anymore. if you ask about blue i mean the instinctive drive to infect is gone they can still do it though lol
- iloveyou gets a baggy hoodie to hide himself so he can go out in the public again and tag along w/ one of the addisons
- eventually is brave enough to go out on their own
- newer gen addisons notice little hearts under their hood and pulls it down. ogpinks freaking out but theyre all like omg how are you doing that is it like a new accessory
- anyways ogpink goes outside normally now without hiding. yeah theres still people who recognize them but everyone just stares at them if they make a scene like bro this is just our local heart guy chill out
- whatever whatever happy endings spamton makes up with everyone here you go thanks for coming
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yes nova is there you dont think him and spamton didnt fuck over the desk at least once. also ogblue. lol.
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
it had been a reasonably quiet night, suspiciously quiet really when bruce looked back on it, but hindsight is 20/20. that didn’t really stop him from blaming himself.
he had repeatedly asked dick to go back home, that he wasn’t needed tonight (really it was the encapsulating fear that was gnawing at his heart, he could not afford to lose another son, he didn’t even know if he could make it after this loss)
dick had interpreted that as go home, you’re going to be deadweight on my mission. this, of course, sparked his famous temper that could only be rivaled by jason, and even then alfred was the only one who could properly tame dick when he was riled up in anger. so, the young vigilante stubbornly refused, stomping his feet onto the ground and staring right up at bruce. a determined glare that would’ve made anyone besides bruce or alfred back down immediately, but even bruce had to admit, it was going to be a lot more work having to deal with dick stubbornly refusing his orders, than it was if he let dick follow along safely, and it was a quiet night anyways.
it wasn’t a quiet night. and bruce had ended up resisting a full spray of fear toxin long enough to detain the criminals and sprint off into an alley. his eyes were squeezed shut, because everywhere he looked he saw a little ghost. bloody, mangled and bruised with a shreded black costume, reaching out to him and asking, “why.” shutting his eyes didn’t exactly stop him from hearing his sons little voice all around him, whywhywhywhyhelpmehelpmehelpmehelpmelookatmelookatmedadpleasedad
dick had blamed himself. after hastily explaining the situation to commissioner gordon he took off. swinging around the city trying to find out where bruce had went. his mind was screaming, asking how stupid he had been to let bruce take the spray for him. his whole point of being out here was to protect bruce, before he self-immolated on his pyre of self-loathing. he then managed to find bruce curled up at the end of a twisted alley.
slowly approaching, dick could hear bruce’s heavy breathing, shuddering with every heave of his lungs. he managed to get close enough to sit in front of him, and whisper, “bruce, can you hear me?”
that had been his first mistake, as bruce’s lens on the cowl blasted open and he backed up even farther away, pushing off from his leg and whispering something. dick could feel his stomach plummet as he swore he could hear bruce muttering, “jason.”
he swallowed the ball of tears climbing up to his throat. he would not cry, because he was not a child. bruce needed him, and he would always be there for him. he tried again, “bruce, i-it’s me. it’s dick, alright?
he knew better then to take off his domino but maybe it would bring bruce some comfort to see blue eyes rather then the green ones haunting his vision. he slowly ripped his domino off, approaching bruce yet again. he promised bruce he wasn’t going to hurt him, he was just sitting. just sitting. he knew better then to startle bruce when under fear toxin, that had been a lesson jason had shown him before, on the rare occasion bruce hadn’t been able to resist long enough for an antidote. it made dick’s eyes burn with unshed tears yet again, because he wasn’t jason. he couldn’t be jason, but that was okay (was it) because he was still going to get bruce out of this.
he sat in front of bruce, crossing his legs and stretching out his hands with his palms up, “see? i’m real, bruce. take my hand and you’ll see, i promise it’s just me. it’s dick, no-not jason, okay? here, take my hand and try.”
he waits a bit, but he stays still. he waits for bruce whose breathing heavily and darting his eyes around, tracking an invisible being dick couldn’t see. his vision then falls on dick, who gives a soft smile and keeps his hands out, stretching them towards bruce more, as an invitation.
it was a swift movement, as bruce pulled dick by his hands and into a tight hug. he held onto him like his life depended on it, pulling him to his chest and pressing his forehead against dick’s head. dick practically melted in his arms, wrapping around bruce in a koala like posture. he had dialled for alfred a while ago, to prep the antidote and to get the car to drive over here on auto drive (dick could drive it, alright? he knew how, jason had taught him but bruce didn’t have much trust in jason’s teachings, after dick and jason had trotted home, with scrapes and cuts all over the place because jason had been trying to teaching dick how to drift, even though neither of them had even been legally allowed to drive. bruce swore these boys would be the end of him)
they stayed like that for a while, bruce rocking back and forth with his son in his arms. driving away all the screams of a dying ghost, leaving only remnants of a whisper. it wasn’t until a while later that dick gently tapped on bruce’s arm, after catching sight of the batmobile pulling up. bruce was paranoid at first, holding dick even tighter and darting his head around, searching for an indescribable danger. dick softly whispered that everything was alright, he just wanted to take bruce to the batmobile, that was all.
bruce had become somewhat lucid, going on one of his only lucid stretches of that night to dick’s dismay but also relief as he managed to pull bruce into the batmobile and lay him down in the back, locking all the doors as he sat in the drivers seat. he knew better then to start driving when bruce would most probably start losing his lucidity and try to claw out of the batmobile. he just started the car and directed it to go home, as he climbed into the back, laying on the car floor next to bruce, just holding his hand that practically engulfed his own.
when they had arrived home, and alfred had been able to inject the antidote in intravels, did dick let himself tear up a bit, as he changed out of his robin uniform. he just wanted jason here, that’s all he wanted. he wanted him to ruffle his hair, give him warm hugs, watch movies with him, hold him tightly and tell him that everything was going to be fine because he was jason’s little brother, and no one would fucking hurt him, not as long as jason lived. dick took a deep breath though, he was fine. he had no need to cry right now, he could do that later. bruce still needed him, his father needed him. so he would suck up his fears, vulnerablities and everything else, and shove it into a little box in his heart, and spin around and go help bruce. with a firm nod that no one saw, dick did just that.
that night, dick had been curled up in bruce’s behemoth of a bed, holding onto bruce tightly, as a movie droned on in the background. bruce was absentmindedly playing his dick’s hair, taking deep breathes and reassuring himself that dick was here, he was safe. no one was going to hurt him. he was currently next to him, not blown up to bits in a warehouse in Ethiopia and the ghost clinging onto his wilting mind was just that. a ghost.
“i love you.”
with a kiss to the forehead and a sigh bruce whispered, “i love you too.”
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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BotW Four Swords AU
i started thinking about this a couple months ago, then i drew a picture for it, and now here are my thoughts for your consideration, under a read more because... long.
-Vio is a Sheikah child, Blue a normal Hylian, Green a Hylian in Gerudo Town (his parents abandoned him and the Gerudo let him stay for some reason), Red is a Hylian but also a Rito baby (mom died in childbirth, dad in a freak lightning accident and the Rito took him in) -Quick plot points: set in the same time as Link wakes up, but plot twist, Link died and Impa/Purah/Robbie split his spirit (Spirit of the Hero) into four parts and hid them within places in Hyrule -These places are Rito Village w/ the elder, Kakariko with Impa, Gerudo Town with the chieftains (eventually Riju), and the ocean near Lurelin Village. These are all the places where, 100 years later, the kids are born, and for some odd reason these parts of the Hero’s Spirit latch onto them -They get older and Zelda from her place in Hyrule Castle finds out the Spirit has found people and tried to contact them through thoughts and dreams, until they start asking their local smart townsperson about it -They hear about Link and the battle 100 years ago, and whoever has been guarding the Hero’s Spirit gives it to them and tells them to find the other parts, reunite the hero and defeat ganon -They meet along the way journeying and team up, and basically be Link but four people
Okay so plot. But here are just, really random thoughts I have about this AU
-Red being a super skilled archer, not Vio -Vio being okay with a bow, but mostly just having mastered Sheikah fighting style (NINJA VIO PLS) -Blue being taught fishing and survival skills, though he only really knows how to fight with his fists -Green + Gerudo spear fighting -Red bringing the others to Hebra Mountains and Green literally freezing his butt off because he’s used to a desert -Vio in awe of literally every Shrine they come across, also Vio having the Sheikah Slate and taking pictures of everything like a nerd -Green being an epic sand seal rider and Blue being an excellent swimmer -SIDON AND RED BEING BFFS -Other kids’ BFFs: Blue and Riju, Vio and Purah, Green and Teba (dad complexes) -Vio going to Zora’s Domain and being like “wtf why is there water everywhere im uncomfortable” -ABOUT SHADOW: he was created from the shattered fragments of the Hero’s Spirit when it got split, he lives in Vio’s shadow and Vio just kinda got used to his shadow moving around a lot without himself moving.  -Shadow helping them out by switching between their shadows and like... doing things for them through it like if he grabs one of Vio’s arrows the arrow moves with it even though he’s not really there -Also him using it against them and pranking them by putting rupees in the other’s bag - Green going back into Gerudo Town like... hi i’m back guys, these are my friends you wont let in, we have to take down the giant camel i’ve lived with for my whole childhood haha -Blue forcefully taking everyone back to Lurelin and showing them his Fishing Skills(tm) and how much everyone likes him -OMG. they beat a blight ganon and say... Mipha comes back and she’s like “hello li- you are not link.” and Green’s like “ya he died” “WHAT” “sorry” “eh ill see him in the afterlife, here take my healing magic” “awww yeah” -When Zelda congratulates them at the end, they say Shadow helped a lot and she uses her newfound sage powers to give him a body & soul instead of a half-formed shadow body and fragments of the Hero’s spirit -Red and Shadow forming a very complicated shadow-speak language and talking to each other all the time -Green’s hilarious tan lines after changing clothes from the Gerudo voe armor  -the first time they see a guardian - the thing doesn’t know who the heck to shoot, so they all just, run away -Red and Vio being natural shield surfers -Red teaching everyone how to use a bow and Green just being really bad at it for some reason -Fights over the Sheikah Slate - “vio you had it yesterday” “well im not done completing the compendium” “vio no one cares about the stupid compendium i wANT THE MAP” “YOU CANT EVEN READ IT BLUE” “WELL MAYBE IF I HAD IT I WOULD” “guys calm down shadow took it its in one of our bags” “HAHA! MY TURN” “SHADOW WHY DID YOU GIVE IT TO GREEN” -Just......... them adventuring and growing a team bond and being supportive of each other and having sibling fights and being nerds and bonding 24/7 
AND FOR THE FINALE: random parts of conversations that would totally happen if this was a thing 
-”did you know the ocean is a giant fish toilet” “BLUE WTF”  -”where are my rupees” “... did shadow give them to vio again?” “apparently” “SHADOW STOP PICKING FAVORITES” -”vio what is your shadow doing? its not following you” “oh yeah it does that sometimes. i think there’s another being in there...” “wtf” “cool” “i call him shadow. he’s good company, though he cant talk”  -”yeah about that... links dead” “oh ok, i’ll go meet him in the afterlife. take my magic defense power bye” /// “why are the ghosts here so chill? like, dang. those are some unfazed ghosts.” -”green you have ridiculous tan lines.” “fine, i wont wear this armor anymore” “red, you literally have an irregular belly tan from the rito clothes you cant speak here” “yeah tru” -”where’s vio?” “he went up the hill to talk to his best friend” “oh ok, let’s go up there so he doesnt spend four hours with purah like last time.” “shadow says you should never put two nerds in a room together.” “shadow, for once i agree with you”
Okay. That was long. But hey, i finally fleshed it out so... be proud of me
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survivorjordanpines · 7 years
Episode 5: It's time to put my game face on - Ruthie
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What a telling tribal. Gage is a whole liar. He and David both lied to me about how the vote was going. Now I definitely know not to trust them. Jaiden was mad that I voted for him, but I think we patched things up in PMs. However, I feel like this tribe swap will do me wonders. Chrissa is definitely someone who I want to align with. I hope we can get either Ari or Casey on our side so that Gage can be voted out as that seems to be in my mind, best case scenario. He's playing really well and that needs to go sooner rather than later.
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So we voted out Adam and it was messy as fuck like planned but then A SWAP Not just a swap but The three blue people are PEOPLE I LOVE AND WOULD WANT TO WORK WITH SO WE CAN EASILY JUST TAKE OUT THE GREENS IF WE WANTED. Unless of course RTP doesnt think Emma and Cole can get along. I think whaatever happens on this tribe, im going to at least survive the first vote??? We can pray we can pray
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I... like this swap? I think? I'm glad Jessica is with me and not Ari, I'm not sure if Ari would feel bitter about the vote or not. I hope Emma is okay, I miss her. I'm glad to be with Charlotte- I'm just nervous to see if anyone else would vote me out if given the chance, I LOVE Drew but I don't trust him, I was hoping not to see him until later on. For now I'm going to stick close to Charlotte and Jessica and just see what else happens. 
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Jaiden and I have definitely patched things up! I think we could be a dynamic duo that really shakes up the game! On NuSenip, I'm going to actually make an attempt to be social with the other members. This is where my game takes a turn for the best! I know Chrissa and I are already working together. She told me she has an idol from the isle of pines which I'm thankful for. I can definitely use this to my advantage. If I even catch a scent of being in danger then I could probably just ask Chrissa to use her idol on me. I've already started talking with Ari so I hope my charm can get her on my side. Jaiden said that we need to stick with Gage and LA. I, however, do not plan to ever stick with them for long. I want to definitely vote out Gage! Liars can get gone! However, I do not have the power for that kind of move yet. Plus, Jaiden seems to be on the boat where he doesn't want to vote out Gage. Hopefully, he's not just lying to me so that he can vote me out. I really do hate this.
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WHEW OKAY do we know what the fuck just happened?? i certainly don't! so honestly all i wanted to do was save casey and cole because they're cute, but apparently i accidentally started world war three up in here, so whoops! to be honest i knew i fucked up the minute i told cole that andreas was targeting him, i still am not really sure why i thot that was a good idea but there was no turning back once i said it. and of course fifteen minutes later andreas messaged me "Can I ask you a question?" and i knew i was dead. but i did what i could with it, which was ignoring the problem and going to see a movie and telling everyone i had no idea what was happening and counting on my friends to not betray me. and hey, it worked out! anyways i was gone like 3/4 of the day, jessica really covered my ass and i owe her my life and also the other two who didn't stone cold betray me. i'm looking forward to andreas coming back and murdering me for real. i decided to start a fight in the tribe chat for no particular reason except it was funny to me and i don't feel like holding myself back anymore! i'm not here to win, i'm here to have fun and make some memories on the way. so no regrets. and this new tribe i'm on??? basically a dream. i have never met 4/7 people, i'm with someone who voted with me so i don't have to worry about my dirty laundry being dropped in the fire, and jaiden is here which is gonna be so much fun. and that's about all you missed on glee! i'm gonna go forward with my newfound strategy of not giving a f*ck and see where it takes me. wish me luck.
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Fuck Karen. This bitch is literally letting a past game control her thinking. And it was ONE TIME. I didn't even tell Cole about it. I told Dom who told Leah who told Cole so like back the fuck off my dick. She needs to go because I don't think I could stand her in merge or in another tribe. God her and Regan think they are sooooooo smart but once I come into the picture? They better keep their wigs tight because I'm coming for them. Gage telling me all this information  is really interesting though. He must actually want to work with me despite lying to me this whole time. I truly think he wants to work with me, but the majority on Senip prevented him from doing so. However, now that they are gone, he can work with me freely. I told you my social game would help me make allies in the future. I do think this swap will do wonders for me so I pray that it all works out in the end.
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DREW MESSAGING ME LIKE HE'S EXCITED I'M ON HIS TRIBE. I love Drew so much, he's one of my favorite people in the community but he just scares me and I like trying to out think him but I literally CANNOT.  I just want him to go before me in this game, the days where I try to save Drew are OVER it's time to put my game face on and stop caring who I try to take out. 
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Episode with triple tribal 11/25- https://youtu.be/2kHbejXxdN8
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so we swapped and i love this tribe but then jordan gave winterbells because he loves hell and being satan huh?
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I hate winterbells
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winterbells is winterhell
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winter bells is the worst. i wish we hadn't swap yet, i feel like i was in a decent spot. i haven't really talked to many people yet so rip. thankfully i still have gage who is turning out to be my closet person? also working 24 hours in three days sucks.
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First of all, BITCH!!!! What a fuckin bitch move, taking me out right before the swap. Like I actually liked our tribe and then everyone gotta act all sketchy and vote me out. Like 4 people suddenly coming up to me to make sure the vote was Raf? Sketchy. They were probably worried I had an idol which, sadly I did not. Because those fucking trees. But forreal, everyone on that tribe is either a bitch or an idiot. Except Karen, who if I ever get out of here can have my loyalty. But Jaiden? Bitch. LA? Bitch. Rafael? Idiot. More of a drama queen but like there's only two options. Regan is either a bitch if she voted against me or an idiot if she didn't vote me cuz like it was clearly either me or Raf so you're either betraying me or just plain stupid. Karen was the only one who voted with me and like, we were both just like idgaf who it is as long as it isn't me. But as we all know....  Whatever. The annoying thing is like I had no idea until the very end, when I'm talking with a few of them and I'm saying like "well if it was me like no one would tell me, I guess that'd be a blindside" and then immediately I'm like... huh, you know it very well could be one. Not like I had any power to stop it. I just would've looked desperate. But now I'm on redemption and it's time to flex some real power. Like this is where I thrive. No more of this pussy-ass tribe challenges where I gotta rely on everyone's dumb ideas. Now it's just me, and pure determination to fuck them up. They'll all burn for this, and I'm an eternal flame 🔥 
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Hell yes... I'm throwing these challenges espICALLLYYLLYLYLY when I can be immune duh. Also lmao at my serpent tongue flipping the script on ari and andreas last tribe.... Y'all aren't as good as me.... Like it's me Cole... the beauty honey.. Also the OLD SCHOOL HOES WILL WIN OK, WE MAY HAVE  3 WINNERS ME JESSICA CASEY and well king RYAN but we got this... WE ARE BETTER....!! JORDAN LOVE ME IM PLAYING THIS GAME REALLY VILLIANIOUS OKURRRR.
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A rant why i hate the tumblr survivor community where alot of people are snowflakes who get offended and a rant why i kind of like it and a rant where these people are stupid in this game. I really dont get why they voted off Andreas it was like Ari was thinking like a bitch.... 1: THEY HAD JESSICA AND RYAN who wouldnt have probably voted them off! 2: Why say we wanted cole out i would of probably destoryed my game for cole 3: I was sleeping until 2pm 4: I never thought Ari was messy and also i wanted to not vote them off ever even though were two opposites i am not a good person while Ari is very pure and smart while im not!!!! After that they were being a little cocky you are so lucky that ryan and cole were on my tribe and not you because i would of thrown you under the bus so hard to Sarah who is like Andreas best friend and i would enjoy seeing you pre merge Ari! That was aggressive but the more i think about it now i can stay with Cole as long as i want and now i dont have to worry about voting off my friends and feel bad about it unless if people want to take the game personally but im just gonna do what ever i can to win honestly! Also ruthie and jessica are the best two people in this game ill be so MAD if they dont do well because they deserve everything. I also felt bad not aligning with Casey at first because shes one of the people in the tumblr survivor community who i love. Lily is boring and Madison is okay i would go  with sarah all the way because i hear shes iconic i love her already.
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COLE if youre reading this WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! Him trying to get the lowest score all of the time is going to bite him in the ass one of these times. Anyways the rumor currently is Sarah wants Madison out which Im fine with but lets hope its stays that way
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Have I done a confessional lately? No one knows. In case I forgot to talk about it in the last confessional, I found a hidden immunity idol at the Isle of the Pines. I used my second search to get receipts that I could provide to my tribe to make it look like I didn't find anything but turns out? I didn't need them. We tribe swapped and now I'm on a completely different tribe AND we won immunity this week. WHEW. Let's do first impressions on NuNadroj Jessica: She seems pretty cool. I know she was in an alliance with Ryan before so having her around is kind of nice because a) she can tell embarrassing stories bc they've met before, and b) that gives us a reason to put a target on her if we do lose the next challenge. Liam: I think I like Liam? He seems really cool and he's probably the person I've talked to the most since we swapped. I think I need to talk to him more to make sure that we work together when / if we lose a challenge in the future. Can't make it look like I'm scrambling when the time comes. Drew: I LOVE DREW. I was allied with Drew in a side season we played once and it was fun playing with him. We all flopped, so I'm hoping he doesn't hold that against me and we can try to work together on NuNadroj. Karen: Admittedly we ... did not get along that well on Senip. I'm not super happy that we're still on the same tribe. LA got along with Karen way better than I did but I'm hoping she'll want to stick together since we were both penises. Regan: I still don't know what to think about Regan. I think it'll be easier now that we're Jaidenless to try to work with Regan. Again, because we were both on Senip, I'm hoping she'll want to stick together to keep our numbers strong. Ruthie: RUTHIE! I also love Ruthie so this is great!! I'm hoping that potentially Drew, Ruthie, and myself ... or maybe Jessica or Liam could have an alliance?? I feel like it's too early to start throwing the idea around but I'm going to try to plant some seeds and see if we can make this happen.
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At first when I swapped with Ruthie, I was like “oh no! The only person who didn’t say that they have a right alliance with me!” And I was worried she’d go against me. She still might do that but I don’t care because she’s so nice and I want only good things for Ruthie. This tribe is cool so far, I don’t know anyone well which is a really nice twist. That hasn’t happened for me in a while and I like playing with new people! I am worried because apparently Adam got voted out for having “too many friends”. This is hilarious, adam only has one friend, her name is samrah and she is not in this game. But it is worrying because we have basically the same connections so if people were worried about Adam, they are definitely worried about me! But anyways, who cares. I am putting more thought into this than I want to. I can’t believe I took the effort to make a confessional. Gross.
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i am so glad we won! jaiden's score omg that was insane. I never thought anyone could get that good, i envy that alot. But that was amazing. Also glad to be on the same tribe as raffy! 
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