#doing simple stuff like this is so relaxing i gotta do more
Type: awake (similar to meditation;begginer friendly)
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Hiii so one of my friends in a server asked for tips on awake shifting which inspired this post. I'm gonna give up guys some tips for beforehand to really get u in a good state to shift via this meathod bc if u jump right in and aren't usually the meditation type it might be more difficult but imma explain all the meditation stuff like a for dummies book and make it easy for yall (yay!).
Pre-attempt: So firstly to make it easier for you to start the meathod you can do some breathing techniques, you can look up some on YouTube if you'd like but I'll also recommend one of my favs. So this breathing technique is simple actually all you gotta do is breathe into your chest and let the oxygen flow to your head (hold ur breathe and focus on feeling the oxygen move to your head). Do this for a while till you like feel serene/at peace/relaxed or till you forget what you were doing bc u were to focused on breathing whichever comes first shouldn't take to long dw you'll be suprised.
Secondly you can use a hand mudra imma put a chart down below i made btw. The purpose of this is bc for the meathod your gonna want to hone in and hand mudras are kinda like the difference between using a marker and a fine point pen. if your gut is wanting to do something specific with your hands on its own listen to it, if not use one of these or whatever u come up with as long as you stay away from ones that are kinda rounded, and ones with ur hands separated. I've found that when I try and reality shift a sharper mudra with both hands will really sharpen your energy/intent.
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So if your using a mudra (Not nessasary) have it picked out beforehand to use.
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The Focus method (How I Usually Shift)
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So your gonna get in a comfortable or safe space where you can be fully relaxed and just focus on shifting. This method can be done laying down, sitting, standing whatever.
Imma give you guys 2 versions use whichever works for you.
Version 1: Pick out your dr first, now you have your intention set for what your doing with this method. Now your gonna focus, not about anything in particular simply focusing. When you start to feel like pulses/brainwave type sensations you'll know you've achieved the type of focus needed. Keep maintaining your focus at some point you'll probably notice your surrounding/the world around you fading/changing, it's working don't shift your focus to that tho keep maintaining the focus until you feel yourself coming back to your body. Your dr body on your own.
Version 2: alright version 2 has slightly different begining steps. After you've picked out you dr your going to imagine it/things about it until you can lock in on its essence. This can come from the most stupid random small things, you might feel like it needs to be something that encapsulates the whole dr but nah just keep thinking about your dr until you hit that one thing that bridges you to it in that moment.this is a feeling you'll be able to tell what I mean because the thing will bring you the essence of your dr. Now once you've locked onto the essence you can start your shifting attempt. (You don't need to continuously feel that essence thing btw you just need to have locked onto the energy for your shift bc the next part will bring you there). From here you'll focus, (again not on particulars) simply focusing on focusing. Keep focusing until your world, cr, any world; it fades away. Don't divert your focus when you feel your surroundings shifting and changing, keep maintaining your focus until you drift back to being present in your body once more. Your dr body; when you emerge.
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Merry shifting~
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The game :P
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yellowvixen · 2 years
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didn't know what to draw so generated some random palettes and practiced one layer sketching! had a lot of fun drawing like this ngl
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duckymcdoorknob · 7 days
How your first sleepover with Genshin Men went
Fair warning, this is pure crack. No over-exaggerated fluff or cute stuff, just as real as sleeping beside another person can get!
Leave characters and ideas in the comments for part two !
Feat. Kaeya, Kaveh, Itto, Kazuha, and Diluc.
(Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five)
Taglist: @ticklish-n-stuff @elysianavenue @chrimsss @switch-writer @giggly-squiggily
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You stared at your boyfriend lovingly as he cleaned up from the simple dinner date you had just shared. How lucky you were to have ended up with such a wonderful man like him… Lost in your own thoughts, you fail to miss the sudden pattering against the rooftop of his home.
He sighs and listens intently to the area outside before coming to a conclusion: it was way too heavily raining for you to go out there. When you blinked back to reality, you saw your lover knelt in front of you, wiping his hands with a towel.
“(Y/N), love, it’s really coming down out there… would you be okay to stay a little longer so it can calm down?”
“Hmm- what? What?-“ his words took a bit to process “I suppose…”
The rain failed to calm down, it only seemed to roar more severely. You sighed longingly as you looked out the window. You heard a gentle chuckle and felt a hand on your shoulder. “Follow me, let’s start getting ready for bed.”
You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean, follow you?”
“You’re my partner,” he answered. “There’s no way I’d ever let you sleep anywhere else than my bed.
You sighed and obeyed, completing as much of your nightly routine that you can (all while wearing pajamas that definitely aren’t yours). You settled into bed next to him, immediately being wrapped in his arms.
You settled with a smile, closing your eyes and cuddling close…
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Kaeya: The Revolving Door
After a few short minutes of relaxation, you felt your boyfriend squirm beneath you. Within an instant, Kaeya had muttered something and gently slipped out of bed, carefully placing you on the fluffy mattress.
“What’s wrong, honey?” You asked, still fully alert.
“Bathroom light,” He answered as he stepped back toward the bed.
He settled back down, then after a little maneuvering, it was like he never left.
You both closed your eyes once more, attempting to rest.
Fifteen minutes later, you were about to fall completely asleep. That is, until you felt yourself being moved again.
Your lover ever so carefully moved you off of him, retreating to the restroom once more. You groaned and opened your eyes. “Kaeya?”
“I fr-go- bru-h- eef-“ the distorted response was undoubtedly from a toothbrush in his mouth.. you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at him as you waited for him to return.
And as he had done previously, Kaeya returned to bed and settled down with a content sigh.
Perfect, now the two of you can-
“Wait,” your boyfriend groaned. “Light.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile. “Go.”
Finally, the light was off, and Kaeya was in bed. You curled up against his chest and sighed with a smile. “Goodnight, love, ” you hummed as you closed your eyes.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he replied, kissing your forehead.
After two minutes, you felt Kaeya squirming again. Though, he didn’t move a muscle, despite the uncontrollable squirming.
“…Darling?” he asked softly.
Barbatos give you strength…
“Yes, my love?”
“I gotta pee.”
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Kaveh: The Acrobat
The room was silent, albeit the gentle hum of a ceiling fan. You felt your consciousness leaving you slowly, and you were close to falling asleep…
Until you were accidentally smacked across the forehead by his hand.
While you were upset from being woken up, you couldn’t help but chuckle as you picked up his wrist to move it from your forehead. You planted a gentle kiss on the back of his hand and placed it down on your cheek.
You could’ve sworn you saw Kaveh’s lips curl upward at the gentle kiss, but it was short lived as he suddenly flipped over onto his other side.
You smacked face-down onto the mattress, barely registering what had happened. You groaned and slowly picked yourself up, rubbing your sore nose. When your eyes landed on the unmoving body of your boyfriend, you rolled your eyes and turned away from him.
You figured there was no sense in attempting to cuddle with him when he was moving so much. You closed your eyes and attempted to fall back asleep. After about five minutes, your eyes got very heavy, and you were near falling asleep.
However, sudden rustling from the other side of the bed made you alert. Before you could register what had happened, you were being pulled back into Kaveh’s arms.
You squeaked but ultimately relaxed, turning around to kiss him on his lips. You both smiled and you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
Finally the two of you were almost both asleep. You could barely keep your eyes open, and were seconds away from falling a totally asleep.
And then, it happened.
And boy did it happen suddenly.
Within seconds, you landed smack-dab on the hardwood floor, having been accidentally kicked in the back.
“AGH- KAVEH!” You yelped, rubbing your sore bottom.
Your boyfriend awoke with a start, looking around frantically. “Honey?! Where are you, what’s the matter?”
You groaned and clawed your way back on the bed, “Nothing… Nothing is the matter,” you replied curtly.
“A-Are you sure? Why were you on the f-“
“I am ten seconds away from taping your limbs to this bed, that’s why,” you spat. You sighed and fell forward onto his chest, wrapping your arms around him. “If you kick me off the bed again, I’m sleeping on the couch, capische?”
Kaveh only nodded fearfully as he kissed the top of your head.
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Itto: The Loose Cannon
You sure did love your darling boyfriend. Life with him was never dull, and nights were… well, interesting to stay the least. He would always get so much more energized during the night, simply bouncing off of the walls.
Well, tonight marked your first sleepover, so he opted for eating spicy ramen with you and watching movies. Halfway through the film, your boyfriend excused himself to the restroom, proudly announcing that he had a battle to fight.
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at the stupid codeword.
By the time he returned, the movie was done, and you were drifting off on the couch. Your eyes flutter open as you smile at him. “Everything come out okay?” You teased.
Itto merely laughed, scooping you up. “Yeah, yeah. It’s beddy time now. Now, come on! Let this big strong oni keep you company!”
You allowed Itto to carry you to his bed, wrapping your arms around him. And that is how you ended up where you are now… caged in his giant arms as he squirms uncomfortably behind you.
“Itto…?” you asked softly. “Is everything-“
“Yeah! Yeah I’m great… just uh…” he trailed off. “Nope! I’m good!”
You sigh, back settling down against his chest, you felt him squirming still, frowning gently. Well, you had to trust your boyfriend. If he said he was okay, you had to believe that-
Your chain of thoughts was interrupted by an almost cartoony-sounding toot echoing in the room. Your eyes snap open, and you push away from your boyfriend, looking at him with disbelief. “Did you-“
You begin to giggle. “Oh gods- okay-“ You chuckled despite the smell now filling your nose. Once it subsided, you returned to his arms with a sigh. “Feeling better now?”
Itto nodded against your head, planting a gentle kiss too. He returned to lying comfortably, his own eyes closing along with yours. The two of you are almost asleep when you hear the noise again…
“Itto!” you whined, scooting away from him. “Not again!”
“I’m sorry! It was that ramen, I swear!” The oni whined.
“Well try harder!”
“I can’t help it!”
You groaned loudly and rolled your eyes before returning to cuddle him again. You sighed, damn near falling asleep.
And yet again, that pungent smell filled your nostrils…
“Oh my gods- ITTO!” You yelped, turning away and pinching your nose. “Stoppit!”
Before he could reply, he stood up quickly from the bed, retreating to the bathroom with a hasty shut of the door.
It’s been twenty minutes… no signs of organic life from the bathroom.
You sigh and roll over.
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Kazuha: The Apologist
Kazuha led you to his bedroom by your hand, gesturing for you to get comfortable. You obliged immediately, snuggling into the soft sheets. When you looked back at him, he looked sheepish. “Are you okay, dove? I can sleep on the couch if it’s too awkward-“
“No, no! I apologize… I didn’t intend to make you think something was wrong, I’m just-“ he sighed, looking away. “Do you think… would you be willing to hold onto me as I typically do you?”
You smiled at him softly, holding your arms out. Your lover smiled back at you and instantly settled down in your arms. He sighed in satisfaction as he felt your arms cage around him. As his body relaxed—and boy did it do so fast—a soft ‘oof’ left you. Kazuha immediately lifted his head. “I’m sorry, love. Did I startle you?”
You chuckled again. “No, Kaz’. Just wasn’t expecting it.” You gently rubbed soothing circles on his back, and you felt all of his worries melt away.
Things were going well. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful. You felt yourself growing tired, but you were soon interrupted by Kazuha reaching up to itch his nose. “M’sorry,” he murmured.
“No need to apologize, my dear…” you gently kissed the top of his head.
More peaceful minutes passed until his leg randomly spasmed, causing you to startle again. “I-I’m sor-“
“Kazuha, honey,” you soothed, “it’s okay. You don’t need to keep apologizing for things you can’t control.”
“Okay, I’m so-“
You gently poked his side to state your point. He startled with a small squeak. Afterward, you gently ran your fingers through his hair, removing it from the ponytail and untangling it. He hummed in satisfaction, relaxing into your arms once more and closing his eyes.
It was a wonderful experience. Your lover finally passed out in your arms and slept for a good hour. As you eventually felt yourself growing more tired, you were startled awake when Kazuha shook violently in your arms with a gasp. He woke up panting, throwing his arms around your neck.
You sat up immediately, coddling him. Your hand returned to his back as you whispered in his ear. “It’s okay, love… I’m right here… I’m here…”
He trembled in your arms, holding you impossibly closer. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he repeated, his voice shaking.
“Hey, hey… sweetheart it’s nothing to apologize about. I’ve got you,” you gently hummed, kissing the top of his head. “I’m right here.”
“These nightmares still plague me… I’m so sorry (Y/N)… I must’ve frightened you.”
“I’m okay, love,” you reassured him.
Kazuha hesitantly settled back in your arms, feeling utterly blissful from the gentle rubbing on his back. He slumped down against you once more, sighing gently as his breaths gently puffed against your neck.
After a while, you both were absolutely exhausted. Kazuha was the one who was still awake as you finally drifted off to sleep. He lay peacefully, listening to your heartbeat slow and slow.
As he was about to fall asleep… his tummy growled loudly, waking you immediately.
“I’m sorry…”
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Diluc: The Furnace
You smiled as you felt Diluc’s strong arms cage around you. His hand immediately found refuge in your hair, gently scratching your scalp and sending chills down your spine.
He continued his actions for a while, and you seemed to in a blissful daze. Little hums of satisfaction left you as well as tiny gasps every so often. Your lover merely grinned, taking solace in knowing he was making you feel relaxed.
You were close to falling asleep when you suddenly felt extremely warm. You start gently panting as you swallow a few times.
“Love? Are you alright?” He asked you in a concerned voice, sitting up.
“Yes, of course,” you hummed in response. You reach over him onto the night stand, grabbing the water he always kept there and positively chugging it. “I think I was just a bit thirsty.”
Diluc chuckled as you lay back down. His hand found itself rubbing gentle circles on your back, the warmth traveling from your shoulders down to your hips. It was soothing, and his hand was wonderfully warm.
After a while, he got the idea to press his hand against your bare skin, having snaked it under the large shirt he had given you.
You shivered from the sudden change in temperature, but Diluc continued anyways. He looked down on you lovingly as he saw you relaxing in his hold.
Your lover let his head fall back against the pillow, and he gently closed his eyes. He was near falling asleep when he felt you peel yourself away to grab more of the water.
You sigh between gulps of water, almost like a toddler drinking some after being outside all day. You put the cup down with a sigh before slumping back on him. “Archons, I must just be dehydrated. Nothing more,” you quickly reassured him.
You settled back into his arms, exhaling as you felt heat engulf your body again. You narrow your eyes in confusion and annoyance.
What could be wrong?
You were watered, fed, and calm. What could possibly be-
As Diluc’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly closer, it dawned on you: Diluc ran warm.
You tried to ignore it, but the temperature continued to overwhelm you. You gently pushed away from your lover, hoping to get a second of relief from the blistering heat.
Your boyfriend opened his eyes and frowned, noticing your movements. “Darling?” His voice was laced with concerned as his palm traveled up and down your torso. “You’re drenched in sweat, is everything okay?”
You closed your eyes and exhaled. “Just peachy.”
“Are you sure?”
You sighed. “You’re very warm.”
He chuckled, allowing you to crawl out of his arms. When you settled down to his right, his left came out to interlock your pinkies.
Despite just being denied the gift of cuddling you in his arms, Diluc still insisted for you two to be touching…
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
Hello! I know today is Father's Day and I don't see much father's day stuff so I was wondering if you could write different scenarios for each of the Lin Kuei trio that are surprised by the reader and their kids for father's day?
Happy Father’s Day
Yip notes: No fatherless behavior here
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
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Bi-Han was not big on Father’s Day. That day had been nonexistent for years and it truly ceased to exist once he let his father die. Even when he married you and you had his first child he could not care about Father’s Day. It’s just another day for him.
But he is a father now. You want to celebrate that because he was a good father to his son. He may be the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei but he still makes time to spend with him. He puts in a lot of effort to teach his son how to defend himself and encourages him to help you whenever you need it. Basically, he’s trying to teach him to be a man at five years old. It’s good to teach them responsibility early on.
There is one thing that Bi-Han wishes his son could be and that’s to be a cyromancer just like him. He hasn’t show any signs that he has this ability or any other powers. His son is an excellent fighter but he could do so much more if he had his father’s abilities. He can’t force the ability to perform cyromancy on his son, that’s obvious. He also won’t punish him for not having it.
But the universe is always surprising people. And there is a special surprise waiting for Bi-Han this Father’s Day that you have discovered.
While finishing up breakfast and giving your son his food you noticed him looking at his juice with a grumpy face. He looked at it like it insulted him. You checked to see if something was wrong with it but the only issue you could detect was that it was warm. No one likes warm grape juice. That’s when your son decided to place his hand over the top of the cup and you began to see cold mist emanating from his hands. Some of the juice began to freeze, even making a squeaking sound while forming. A couple of purple ice cubes floated to the top of the juice and your son continued eating breakfast like that was normal.
“Wha—When did you learn to do that?” You asked him. He shrugged like kids do when they can’t understand the impact that just had on a situation.
This was incredible. He’s a cyromancer just like his father! Oh you can’t wait to tell Bi-Han when he comes back. You gotta plan something to really surprise him.
By the end of the day all Bi-Han wanted to do was have a good meal and relax. There was something wrong with some of his clansmen, they were acting crazier than his son when he didn’t get fruit snacks. He’s happy to come back to a sane wife and a tranquil son. But that smile on your face does not yell sane. It yells ‘You have something planned and that could mean murder’. You ran up to him and hugged him so tightly that he wondered where you gained this strength. After placing a dozen kisses all over his face you ushered him to sit down and eat.
“What did you do? Have you murdered someone? Are you trying to murder me now?” He has always heard about wives killing their husbands in creative ways but never would he imagine he would be a victim.
“No! It’s just a special day.” You reassured him that you wouldn’t kill him.
Me personally-
Bi-Han still looked at you with the tiniest bit of concern, but he did notice that you made him his favorite dish. He was incredibly hungry after the day so he really wanted to eat. As he satisfied his hunger your son came in with the teacups so you could serve his father some tea. Tea that was hella hot. Like hell kind of hot. Woman! What are you doing?!
The amount of stream coming from the warm liquid as you poured it into the cup indicated how hot it was. Bi-Han stared at it wide-eyed before staring up at you. But you acted clueless and like it was a simple mistake.
“Oops, looks like it’s too hot,” You looked down at your son, “Sweetie, would you mind helping mama cool down daddy’s tea?”
Your son was shaking his head frantically with so much excitement in his eyes. You picked him up and brought him closer to the cup but not too close that he would actually touch it. He placed both of his hands out. Soon, Bi-Han started to hear the sound of ice cracking and forming in a matter of seconds. The steam from the hot tea began to dwindle until it was a faint vapor. When Bi-Han looked closer he found that there were a few pieces of ice that seemed to be made from the tea. His eyes were now wide with surprise.
A faint smile appeared on your husband’s lips as he looked at you and your son. He got up from his chair and began hugging you both. He congratulated his son for gaining his abilities and having some control over them. Better to find out this way than when he has a tantrum. Then Bi-Han looked at you. There was so much love and adoration in his dark eyes. You were the woman to give him a wonderful son who he feels pride in. A son who everyone will believe is his. He could not thank you enough for giving him such a wonderful gift that he will hold onto until his death. He will forever be grateful that you gave him the family he desired.
He could thank you on Mother’s Day though.
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Kuai Liang
You always informed your twins to respect their father. Kuai Liang was a hard-working man who built his clan from the ground up just so he could protect Earthrealm and more importantly his family. Even with all that responsibility weighing down on Kuai Liang he still made an effort to be with his children. He didn’t mind having his daughter and son by his side as he trained the initiates. They did help him calm himself down when the initiates were an absolute trainwreck. If his daughter wasn’t there patting his arm and telling him that he was doing his best he would have bursted out into flames a long time ago. She’s pretty smart for a five-year-old. And his son is pretty fiery. He’s yelling at those initiates like he was a drill sergeant.
Recently, the twins have been with you more often. That’s fine, he doesn’t think they are picking favorites, but he does miss their company. But they should get more time with mama. It’s important that you both get equal time with them.
Little does your husband know that you have been planning something for him. He didn’t even know Father’s Day was approaching. It will hit him in the morning.
The twins came sneaking into the bedroom in the early morning. They don’t understand time, they only understand that the sun is up so it’s go time. They got onto the bed and began lightly jumping as they told their dad to wake up. Kuai Liang groaned as he slowly began to wake up to the sound of his children giggling. They shook him away and finally, he sat up.
“What is the matter?” He asked in a sleepy voice.
“We have decided that we should begin training now.” Your son spoke for himself and his sister.
Kuai Liang fully woke up at that moment. He has been waiting for the chance to teach them how to control their fire abilities. They were early bloomers so he has been dying to do this for a long time. I was you who held back on allowing them to train even though they begged. You decided to allow it for his Father’s Day gift. You were still lying down when he turned to you for approval. That’s when you gave him a thumbs up and he was out of bed. You’ve never seen him tie his hair up into a bun so quickly.
Throughout the whole day, you saw your husband and children running around the place as he helped train them. They were focusing hard on getting their abilities to work just so they could impress their father. Your daughter was the first to get the fire started, literally. Her hand would produce this thick, black smoke before catching on fire. Her fire was like ethanol fire with the bottom having a hint of blue before transitioning into orange. It stayed steady and Kuai Liang was impressed by his daughter's commitment.
His son…well he is fiery. He so badly wanted to impress his dad that he put so much energy into it that both his hands ignited. He was so excited and he placed his hands together to see how large the fire could get. He didn’t expect to make a tiny fire whirl. The fire grew skinny but longer and burned brighter as it twirled in his hands. Kuai Liang was not ready for that at all and was worried for a second before his son closed his hands. The whirl disappeared and his son turned towards him with a large smile on his face.
“Daddy, did you see that?!” He yelled with enthusiasm.
“How could I miss it?” Kuai Liang responded.
After that fire hazard of a training session, they actually trained with the other initiates. They listened well to their father’s instructions, better than the other initiates even with some being adults. They weren’t perfect but Kuai Liang was still happy to see them making an effort especially when they helped each other out. Hopefully, that sibling love stays forever.
Half of the day was done and Kuai Liang was more than happy with the results of the day. Once he got back to you it only got better. You served him his favorite dish and you all sat down to eat dinner together. He told you all about the kids’ achievements. It warmed your heart to see his constant smile as he listened to his son or daughter explain how they felt at that moment. And then your son created another fire whirl to show you at the dinner table.
“Hey! No creating fire at the dinner table! You can only do that if we are under attack.” You scolded your son.
The end of the day came and you both put the twins to bed for the night. They were incredibly drained from the day. They have small bodies you can’t blame them. You and Kuai Liang made your way back to the bedroom and started preparing for bed. Throughout the whole time you were getting ready he would occasionally add in something else that happened in the day or something that was on his mind. It didn’t matter if it was minimal or something theoretical he wanted to talk more about the day. You started to wonder if you would get any sleep that night. But he eventually shut his mouth since he needed rest for the next day.
You both lay in bed, his forehead pressed up against yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. The only sound left was light breathing. Both your eyes were closed and you both slowly slipped into slumber. He heard you say one more thing to him.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You whispered.
“Thank you.”
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Father’s Day has been special to Tomas since you first told him you were pregnant on Father’s Day. Seeing that little onesie made his heart explode and filled his mind with the many possibilities that came with being a father. Even when your son was a baby you still made sure to make Father’s Day eventful to show how well he was doing as a father. He truly was wonderful both before and after your son was born.
Now your son is five and he understands the concept of holidays which makes it easier to plan something for Tomas. You and your son are a team with the goal of making Tomas happy for the whole day. Your son was actually the one to suggest getting his father a new karambit. It sounded like a great idea but you had to make sure to get the right one for him. Not one that was cheap or the incorrect style like a folding one. You know how much he loves his usual karambit so getting one that will make him put that one down even for a second would be a challenge. But there has been no challenge that you haven’t overcome yet. You will overcome this one as well.
You suggested to your son to ask his father to take him on a hunt. Tomas always mentioned how he wanted to teach his son to hunt both as a way to defend himself and give him a chance at survival. Your son was getting interested in finding a weapon that would fit him best. A bow and arrow was what caught his eye. So you can kill two birds with one stone by allowing Tomas to teach his son to hunt and allowing your son to figure out a bow and arrow.
A plan was made. Now to wait for Father’s Day to come.
The moment Tomas opened his eyes to the morning light his son was standing above him and asked him to take him hunting. It confused your husband because this was out of nowhere. But children decide things at random and go with it. So is it really all that strange?
Tomas debated for a bit, unsure if it was safe to do so. But he began hunting when he was six so what difference does it make? It’s one year early. If any danger were to occur, Tomas would defend his son to the very last breath. He looked towards you for approval and you said today would be a good day to do so. It was sunny and your son was clearly excited to go outside. Your husband smiled at you before giving you a kiss and getting ready for the day.
In less than an hour they were out of the house. Tomas had his karambit and a hunting knife while your son had a bow and arrow. That gave you time to prepare everything and hopefully that karambit you told Johnny to order for you will arrive in time.
Tomas was loving the conversations he was having with his son. He would randomly tell him facts about things in the woods that he learned from books you had around. He never knew there was a difference between an oyster mushroom and a maitake mushroom until it was pointed out to him. He decided to collect some for you to use later.
A few miles in, that’s when they spotted a pheasant in the distance. It was clearly a male since it was larger and more colorful. Tomas instructed his son to duck down behind a bush and keep an eye on the bird. They couldn’t miss it since its blue head popped out amongst the green foliage. Tomas helped his son to place the arrow correctly and told him to be very careful when pulling it back. Your son was very focused and his breathing was intense as he stared down the bird. Seconds passed, possibly minutes. The only sound that was heard other than the breathing was the wind. Finally, he let the arrow go and it flew in the air. It struck the pheasant and it fell limp on the ground. At that moment Tomas could not be any prouder.
He congratulated his son on his first hunt. Not only was it his first but it was a success. They were able to gather vegetables and meat to take home. When he looked down at his son from time to time he saw his younger self in him. A strong boy who was on his way to becoming a great hunter. He’ll be able to protect himself and hopefully protect you from any harm.
Once the sun began to set that’s when they made their way back home. Your son held onto his father’s hand the whole way even when they walked into the house. The pleasant smell of food hit Tomas’ nose and he recognized that you made his favorite dish for him. You absolute sweetheart, he’s so happy he married you.
He was ready to tell you all about the successful day they had once he sat down but when he did that’s when you placed a gift box in front of him. It didn’t look like anything extravagant but there was a soft smile on your face and an excited one on your son’s.
“Open it.” You gestured for him to do so.
Tomas was careful with taking the top off the box. The light reflected off the item and soon he realized what it was. A new karambit. It wasn’t just any ordinary karambit though. He took it and the handle felt perfect in his hands, like it was shaped for him. The blade was a nice, shiny black color with the sharp part of it being silver. Then something caught his eye. There was something carved in the blade. They were initials. They were his, yours, and your son’s initials.
Tears began to prick his eyes without him realizing it. The karambit just looked so beautiful and the day he had was so wonderful. He felt you and your son’s arms wrap around him before you gave him a kiss.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You said with love.
“Thank you…thank you both.” His voice quivered a little as he hugged you both back.
Yap notes: I would love to go to another baseball game with my dad. Or bet on horses. I love going to the racing tracks with him. Adiós!
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ericshoney · 2 months
Skipping School ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your friends pressure you into skipping school with them for your brothers to be at the mall at the same time, catching you out.
Warnings: swearing, peer pressure, teasing, nicknames, slight angst, fluff
"Oh come on you little goody too shoes, skip once."
You were sat with your friends at school. They were talking about going to the mall. Not at the weekend, now. Whilst you were suppose to be at school.
"What if something happens?" You asked.
"Nothing will happen, your being dumb."
You knew Nick, Matt and Chris were home in Boston for a bit and had promised you they'd take you out for dinner tonight and a late night drive as it was Friday.
With a bit more peer pressure, you caved. You had a free period last anyways so it couldn't hurt, right? And it wasn't like you'd see your brothers....right?
So you along with three of your friends, left school, heading to the mall. You kept looking back, waiting for the moment of a teacher to shout at you, but it never happened.
"Stop worrying so much."
You sighed as the four of you made it to the mall. You first went and got some food, eating and joking. You slowly started to relax, it was all going well.
"Let's go in there!"
You followed your friends into the chosen store, looking at some stuff. You weren't going to buy anything because you know you'd get questioned. You just followed your friends around, giving them your opinion if they asked.
Again, it was going well. You felt at ease as you walked around the mall. You thought it wasn't going to go wrong. Until you saw them.
Nick, Matt and Chris.
Your brothers were walking right towards you, laughing and joking as they carried many bags.
"Shit." You cursed, ducking behind your friends as you kept walking.
But your brothers were sharp. They could spot their little sister from a mile away. You kept your head down as you walked, until you bumped into someone.
"Hey kid." Nick called.
"Oh h-hey Nick." You called.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Oh umm, shopping?" You replied.
"Your supposed to be at school." He said.
"Right." You whispered.
You looked up for your friends who had long gone, making your eyes well up with tears. How could they just leave you?
"No, no don't cry, sweetheart." Matt said, rubbing your shoulder.
"They left me. It was their fucking idea and they left me!" You shouted.
"Shh kid." Chris cooed as he pulled you into a hug.
"Let's go sit somewhere and you can explain yourself. Depending on what you say, we'll see if we tell mum and dad." Nick suggested.
You nodded as you walked with Chris' arm around your shoulder, to a little coffee shop. Nick ordered you all drinks before sitting down at the back.
"Alright kid, spill." Nick said as you all sat down.
You then explained everything. How it was your friend's idea to come here and skip. The peer pressure and teasing. As you told them everything, your brothers didn't look happy which worried you.
"I skipped a free period." You added.
"Well. Let's start simple, sweetheart." Chris said.
"Your friends are assholes." Nick said.
"Yeah." You agreed.
"We're not that mad, petal. Slightly disappointed that you still went along with it, but we understand peer pressure." Matt said.
"I'm sorry." You apologised, playing with the straw in your drink.
"We won't tell mum and dad." Nick replied.
"And we'll still take you out tonight." Matt added.
"But you gotta find some better friends." Chris said.
"There's a girl and guy in my science class, they are pretty cool." You responded.
"Then hang out with them!" Nick exclaimed.
You nodded and were glad your brothers weren't angry and knew you'd make some new friends on Monday.
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @sturniolo-fann @riowritesitall
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cranberrv · 7 months
fic with dally teaching the reader how to drive?
never let me go
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which you and dallas go for a drive
( not proofread , swearing, lowercase intended )
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when you were with dallas, you felt free. he was so reckless, so hardcore, and completely bananas. you loved to tag along on his stupid adventures, and now, your new outing is to check on ponyboy and johnny at the church that they’re hiding out in.
“you know how to drive, doll?” he asks you after picking you up, tossing you the keys. “buck won’t let me drive this beauty, but he trusts you.”
you laugh. “well he’s stupid to trust me, because i can’t drive.”
“you’re kiddin’,” he can’t hold his dumb smirk back. the endearing smirk that he gives you whenever he’s about to do something you won’t like. “c’mon, try it then, sweetie.”
“no way, dal,” you shake your head, but he’s already taken your spot in the passengers seat. “i’ll kill you, i’ll crash the car or something, i dunno-“
“i trust ya, stop freakin’ out,” he interuppts, dismissive of your worries. “i’ll teach ya how to work everythin’.”
you debate, but nod and sit in the drivers seat. gosh, it really was more intimidating up there.
“it’s pretty simple, hun,” he starts out. “pedal to your left is your clutch, it’ll make the car drive, pedal in your middle is your break, and pedal to your right is gas. you’d be stupid to not figure it out.” he looks back at you after showing you the pedals, and see’s your expression. “no, no, no, don’t give me that look. you’ll be fine. i’ll hold the wheel for ya.”
he directs you further, and eventually, you get the car going. his left hand is on yours, holding the wheel from the passengers side, helping you keep the car steady.
dallas puts in an elvis cd, and the music echoes throughout tulsa. “finally don’t gotta listen to your shit music,” he teases.
you smile and roll your eyes. “oh shut it, dal, i know you secretly like lesley gore.”
“‘sunshine and lollipops’ is the worst song i’ve ever heard. i’d rather you crash the car than to listen to that fuckin’ mess.”
“you’re mean,” you tease back, and he laughs.
“alright, that’s it, i’m lettin’ go of the wheel. i’m letting you kill us.”
“no, no, no,” you insist. “don’t let go.”
“my arm is cramping, doll,”
“don’t care. never let me go.”
he smiles, and holds your hand a little tighter. the summer breeze is coating the entire convertible in its warmth, your hair is waving in the wind, and dallas is just watching you drive, the focus in your eyes unmatched.
you reach a red light, and finally get a short break to relax. you turn to dallas. “i dunno how you drive everywhere, dal, this is stressful.”
“baby, you’re doin’ just fine.” he assures. “haven’t even run over anything yet, that’s somethin’, huh?”
“i don’t wanna kill us, dal.”
he laughs at that. “i’d hope so.” he takes a drag of his cigarette, then looks around at everything. you’re out of tulsa, out of the city. “i ain’t never been to the country before.”
“really? it’s nice, huh? all the trees and fields and stuff.”
“it looks fuckin’ boring. nothin’ to do around here, does everyone just play checkers or somethin’?”
“you’re such a downer,” you joke. you look up, and realize the light has just turned green. “oh- dal, which one is the clutch, again?”
“you’re a dumbass.” is all he says.
“dal!” you insist, and he puts his hand up in fake surrender. “i mean it, i’m keeping these cars waiting.”
“it’s your far left, doll.” he finally tells you, and you thank him, and then start driving.
you continue driving to meet the boys, and the country scenery is engulfing the both of you. fields on farmland, apple orchards, small, sweet towns, everything was so wholesome and welcoming.
you feel free, like the world is just yours and dally’s. you were born to live this moment, to drive through the countryside in your red convertible, the sun hitting your faces so perfectly that it feels like a coming-of-age movie. you feel golden.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
it's very bad no good cupcake baking time for the hotel crew (save them) (charlie did you think this throu-) (NO)
Charlie: “I have! The most brilliant plan for a group bonding activity!”
Angel Dust: “Oooh~ Bondin’ or bond-”
Vaggie: “You live here for free.”
Angel Dust: “Buy my silence, Vaggity Fair, cause’ it sure ain’t free.”
Vaggie: (groans) (slips him a twenty) “Go on babe, what’s the mission statement?”
Charlie: “We should all bake CUPCAKES together!!”
Hotel Crew: "......"
Husk: “…Why.”
Charlie: “Beeeecaaaause it’d be so SWEET!”
Vaggie: “And you also live here for free.”
Husk: “Not of my own free will I don’t.”
Charlie: “Aw c’mon Husk, please? Baking is probably KINDA like drink mixing, right?”
Husk: “It’s not.”
Vaggie: (SIGHS) (slips him a twenty)
Husk: “I’ve got cooking sherry around here somewhere, I think.”
Alastor: “How thrilling! Extreme heat sources, flammable liquids, and so many little bottles and vials that couldn’t possibly get mix up with anything in the pest control cabinet!”
Niffty: “Hee hee hee…. Rat poison~”
Vaggie: “Twenty bucks and you LOCK that cabinet, okay?”
Niffty: “Thirty and a new knife set!”
Vaggie: (has given up) “Fine.”
Niffty: “OKAY!”
Charlie: “We need to go shopping anyway. We��ll need flour and sugar and uhhhh flavory things of some kind probably and um, those little paper thingies- the cup cake… skirts?”
Alastor: “Glad to see how prepared our intrepid leader is for this marvelous expedition!”
Charlie: “Cup cake… dollies…?”
Vaggie: “I’ll handle it. You remember how to pre-heat the oven?”
Charlie: “NOT with actual fire!”
Alastor: “Aww.”
Angel Dust: (handing back the twenty) “I want a new pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs. Mine broke~”
Vaggie: “I don’t want to know.”
Husk: (handing his twenty back too) “Beer.”
Vaggie: “Beer? You run the hotel BAR.”
Husk: “What, you think I nip stuff under the table at work?”
Alastor: “Oh there isn’t much thought needed when it comes to you, I’m afraid.”
Husk: “You think I LIKE that I do that? That’s the stupid hotel’s shit, can’t relax sneaking shots that aren’t mine, racking up a tab like that. This beer is gonna be only for me.”
Charlie: “Husk…”
Vaggie: “Great whatever, guilt free beer for the alcoholic.”
Alastor: “How touching. And I require-”
Vaggie: “What YOU need is a-”
Charlie: “Happy place!”
Vaggie: “-which I’m not picking up for you. I’ll get more cleaning supplies too while I’m at it.”
Charlie: “More? Vaggie, have some faith! We’re all adults here! It’s not gonna be THAT messy. We just need to measure things, maybe chop some stuff up first-”
Niffty: “KNIVES.”
Charlie: “-put all in a- blender-? A blender would work for mixing, right? Then pour the batter in the things and into the oven! Which I WILL remember to preheat this time. Without fire.”
Vaggie: “Good point.”
Charlie: “See!”
Vaggie: “We should stock up on first aid stuff too.”
Charlie: (pouting) “We’ll talk about it on the way.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, thanks for wanting to help carry groceries, but I really think we need to divide and conquer here.”
Charlie: “Huh?”
Vaggie: “Husk is already halfway to the wine cellar.”
Charlie: “He wh- Husk wait! You can’t help make friendship cupcakes if you’re blackout drunk!”
Angel Dust: “Toots that’s the whole idea.”
Vaggie: “Fifty bucks if he’s still conscious when I get back. I’ll need him in the kitchen later if we’re gonna get through this alive.”
Angel Dust: “Spend it on getting’ him a really NICE beer and you’ve gotta deal.”
Vaggie: (eye twitch) “Why is all my money turning into drugs and sex toys?”
Niffty: “And KNIVES!”
Vaggie: “The one silver lining…”
Alastor: “You know, if you won’t extend simple shopping list courtesies to me, then I suppose I shall have to go shopping myself as well.”
Vaggie: “Keep your shopping on the other side of town from me or I’m coming home with a flat screen tv.”
Alastor: (annoyed channel switch sound) “….Noted!”
Hotel Crew: “………….”
Oven: (DING)
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “….cupcakes are done.”
Charlie: “Oh yay. Whoo. Hoo.”
Hotel Crew: “…….”
Vaggie: “If no one takes them out they’re gonna burn.”
Angel Dust: “Let ‘em.”
Husk: “Little fuckers deserve to fry.”
Charlie: (exhausted) “No one deserves to burn for all eternity.”
Niffty: “Yeah! I wanna RIP THEM APART and STAB THE CRUMBS.”
Alastor: “Well that’s two votes for burning and two for rescuing, to a certain extent. I myself would like to try out these DARLING cupcake toppers that I found while out doing my shopping completely alone.”
Vaggie: “Oh my girlfriend’s dad shut up. You won’t die just because no one was listening to you for ten minutes.”
Alastor: “In any case, that makes three for rescue and two for burn, with you as the undecided vote, Vaggie. Choose wisely~!”
Vaggie: (sighing) “Someone hand me the oven mitts.”
Husk: “They’re in the fucking blender.”
Angel Dust: “What’s left of ‘em.”
Vaggie: “Fine. Someone move the pile of dirty dishes off Charlie so SHE can be our oven mitts.”
Charlie: “It’s so peaceful under here…”
Vaggie: “The friendship cupcakes are dying, babe.”
Charlie: “UggghHHHHHH ‘kay. Coming.”
Angel Dust “That’s what she sa-”
Vaggie: “KNIVES.”
Angel Dust “-cough cough cough! I didn’t say nothin’, I got a piece of walnut shell stuck in my throat!”
Alastor: “Usual night for you then, hmm?”
Husk: “Who the fuck put in walnuts?”
Vaggie: “Who cares. If they shelled them then it’s at least better than the coconut thing.”
Charlie: “Did we add anything that wasn’t nut related?”
Vaggie: “Uhhh.”
Angel Dust “Nope!”
Husk: “Is that the only thing you were keeping track of.”
Angel Dust “Hey I know my strengths and I’m stickn’ to ‘em!”
Charlie: “Speaking of strength and sticking… um…”
Hotel Crew: “……….”
Charlie: “They’re bubbling.”
Vaggie: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “Or, breathing?”
Vaggie: “Yeah…”
Charlie: “Is that normal? It feels kinda… not normal.”
Vaggie: “It’s. Impressive.”
Niftty: “They’re ALIVE!” (knife) “For now.”
Charlie: “Well I guess we shouldn’t REALLY judge them until we’ve actually seen what they taste like-”
Angel Dust “Not it!”
Husk: “Fuck no.”
Alastor: “I’m terribly afraid that I am on a diet.”
Vaggie: “You eat rotting deer carcasses.”
Alastor: “And THEY aren’t still moving when I chow in, ha ha!”
Charlie: “Okay well, I guess I’ll just…”
Vaggie: “Wait. You’re probably immune to half the stuff that’d kill us.”
Charlie: “Right, so I should-”
Vaggie: “You’re not a good example of what happens when a non-demon princess person eats these, sweetie. If wanna test for uh, quality control, it shouldn’t be with you.”
Hotel Crew: “…..”
Vaggie: “….hand me a cupcake.”
Husk: (edges out of the splash zone)
Charlie: “You don’t have to do this.”
Angel Dust: “But you totally should! After I get my phone out though, hold on a sec-”
Vaggie: “I’m standing right in front of Radio Head over here so don’t even THINK about recording this.”
Alastor: “Aww my dear little angel-”
Charlie: “Alastor.” (calm smile) (horns out) “Her name is Vaggie.”
Alastor: “-Vaggie, yes, I would almost be willing to make an exception to my own morals for you.” (grins at angel dust) “Almost.”
Angel Dust: (lowering his phone) “I was jus’ takin’ a selfie. You know. Since I’m covered in sticky white shit anyway.”
Husk: “This fucking sucks.” (shakes his paws)
Vaggie: “No. THIS does.”
Vaggie: (bites cupcake)
Hotel Crew: “……………..”
Vaggie: “….hm.”
Hotel Crew: (STEPS BACK)
Vaggie: “It’s… well it’s kinda…”
Charlie: (cringing) “Break up worthy??”
Niffty: “PAINFUL?”
Vaggie: “It’s.. Fruity..?”
Hotel Crew: (stares at still moving cupcakes)
Angel Dust: “No. Fuckin’. Way.”
Husk: “Since the fuck WHEN did they have fruit in them?”
Angel Dust: “They didn’t! I swear I checked!”
Charlie: “Are they, um, edible?”
Vaggie: “Well I wouldn’t sign them up for a baking competition but I’m not dying either, so.”
Charlie: (excited) “So we did it? We all made actual cupcakes together?”
Vaggie: (smiling) “We did it. Mission cupcake completed.”
Charlie: “HAHA YUS!” (fist pump) “FRIENDSHIP POWERRRRRRR!!!!”
Alastor: “Now now now, no cupcake is fully complete without a lovely floral topper!”
Angel Dust: “Ain’t THAT the truth~”
Alastor: “Which I bought. Alone. Without any second opinion to rely on.”
Vaggie: (rolls eye)
Charlie: “And they’re so cute! Thank you Alastor- you picked wonderfully. Everyone, get decorating!”
Niffty: (drooping) “No stabbing?”
Vaggie: “You can poke ‘em each with a knife to check that they’re done.”
Niffty: “HEHEHEH.”
Vaggie: “Poke them with the knife ONCE Niffty- hey- NO- don’t leave it inside-”
Angel Dust: “That’s what-”
Husk: “Will be on your gravestone if she fucking hears you.”
Charlie: “Awww~ Now they’re adorable AND delicious!”
Husk: “Don’t.”
Angel Dust: “I didn’t say nothin’!”
Vaggie: “I actually kinda wish you’d go back to sex jokes instead of whatever you’re doing to that cupcake”
Angel Dust: “There’s more than one kind of oral performance in the world~”
Vaggie: “Say that and then look at what Niffty’s doing to her cupcake.”
Husk: “Unholy fucking shit!!”
Charlie: “Okay well, we clearly each have our own… unique ways of enjoying these cupcakes. Some more uh, graphic and concerning than others-”
Angel Dust: “Why the fuck are the insides RED like that?! Who put in red dye???”
Charlie: “-but the point is we all came together to make these sweets! Which. Taste like strawberries?”
Vaggie: “I didn’t buy strawberries.”
Charlie: “A-at least it and the redness go with the rose themed toppers!”
Angel Dust: “Yeah, I mean, is it weird that out of this whole maybe-living cupcake thing, the professional spun sugar parts are the ones with the funkiest taste to ‘em?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “Alastor. Where the fuck did you buy the rose themed cupcake toppers.”
Alastor: “Hmm? Does my private, SOLITARY shopping FINALLY interest you?”
Vaggie: “Where you literally on the other side of Pentagram City from me.”
Alastor: “I do believe that is what you requested, and I, being a proper gentleman even to someone who might be considered a less than proper lady, was only too happy to oblige!”
Charlie: “Vaggie are you okay? You’re looking kinda pale.”
Vaggie: “I’m.”
Vaggie: “Alastor did you get these rose themed toppers-"
Vaggie: "-in Cannibal Town?”
Angel Dust: “WHAT THE FUCK!?”
Alastor: “I did.”
Angel Dust: “FUCK!!!”
Husk: (hairball noise)
Charlie: “Oh no.”
Alastor: “Dear Rosie gave me quite the discount. Wasn’t that sweet of her?”
Charlie: “Oh. Nooooooooo-”
Alastor: “I think it utterly darling of her~”
Niffty: “Alastor, hey hey!”
Alastor: “Yes, murder of my eye?”
Niffty: “I stabbed my cupcake topper heheheh WHO did I just stab????”
Charlie: “NOOOOOO-”
Alastor: “I believe it was an unsatisfactory husband by the name of Bill.”
Niffty: (grinning) “A BAD boy?”
Alastor: “Not bad enough to escape Rosie’s Emporium intact but yes, in a manner of speaking.”
Niffty: “Oooh.”
Niffty: (snatches up another cupcake and hugs it) “For my collection.”
Alastor: “Not to your tastes, Angel Dust? And here I though you enjoyed have strange men in your mouth.”
Alastor: “I suppose his business card might still be in the hand Rose tore off him-”
Charlie: “AAAAAGH!”
Vaggie: “Hostia. You really can’t not be the center of attention for five minutes can you.”
Alastor: “I can, truly I can and very happily! It seems however that YOU cannot withstand the consequences of your own, short-sighted actions.”
Charlie: “Um guys-”
Vaggie: “Oh yeah? You’re not the only monster here, dumbass.”
Charlie: “We’re getting a little off topic-”
Alastor: "But as I am the only one not mired in glorious self-pity, certainly I am the most impressive specimen here.”
Charlie: “Okay this is going a bit-”
Vaggie: “Impressive HA! Fuck your empty grin and your stupid suits. You’re not even the one with the highest body count.”
Angel Dust: “Are we talkin’ sex stuff orrr-?”
Vaggie: (takes topper off her cupcake and pops it in her mouth)
Hotel Crew: “………”
Vaggie: “What?”
Charlie: “Vaggie, um. Person.” (points) “Person food.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, you know how murder crazy exorcist are. You really never thought we didn’t lick a little blood off our weapons now and then, to feel extra badass about slaughtering people sometimes?”
Charlie: (dazed) “I’m thinking about it now.” (covers cheeks)
Niffty: “BLOOD!”
Angel Dust: “Oh ew. Oh you're getting off on that- Oh that’s just-”
Charlie: “Part of her past, a thing EVERYONE has.”
Angel Dust: “BLEH.”
Husk: “Also step one to seeing her shitfaced.”
Charlie: “Ha haaa…” (claps hands) “Okay everyone- that’s a wrap on today’s bonding activities! I uh, I think we can save the clean up until we’ve all recovered from the actual cupcakes a bit, right Vaggie?”
Vaggie: (shrug) “Whatever.”
Husk: “About damn time.” (sighs) (walks out) “I’ll get the fucking vodka.”
Niffty: "HEE HEE." (carrying cupcake over her head) "TO THE COLLECTION!"
Angel Dust: “Hold up baby! I wanna get shitfaced too after this!”
Charlie: “Well I think it’s all very interesting! Angel stuff is interesting, isn’t it Alastor?”
Alastor: “Yes. Quite.”
Vaggie: “Uh-huh.” (slumps and drops cupcake) “Bill tastes boring as hell, by the way, maybe let Rosie know before she sells anymore of these.”
Charlie: “Oh? Maybe THAT’S why she gave such a steep discount?”
Alastor: “Perhaps.”
Charlie: “Awww cheer up Alastor. You can bring her some of our cupcakes as a thank you, now that we uh, we’ve um, had our fill of them already.”
Alastor: “Hmph.”
Vaggie: “Think I’ll head up now.”
Alastor: “While grabbing a drink along way, hmm?”
Vaggie: “Yeah. Why not.”
Charlie: “Vaggie-” (catches her hand) (squeezes) “-grab one for me, too? I’ll be right behind you.”
Vaggie: “…wine from the cellar then, huh?”
Charlie: “I’m having whatever you’re having.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, you hate the shit I drink.” (small smile) “I’ll get us something from the cellar. Meet you up there.”
Charlie: “In a heartbeat.”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “Alastor.”
Alastor: “Oh don’t scold me for her baggage, dear, I don’t make her carry it.”
Charlie: “I’m not scolding. I just- I get that you have this whole-” (air quotes) “-annoying big brother who hates being ignored thing going on with Vaggie, and while it IS kinda sweet-”
Alastor: (microphone feedback) “Excuse me?”
Charlie: “Could you turn it down a tiny bit when it comes the exorcist stuff?”
Alastor: “I do not-”
Charlie: “I know I know you don’t mean to make her all droopy like this, it’s boring for you, totally a killjoy-”
Alastor: “There is NOTHING enjoyable about that woman!”
Charlie: “-So maaaaaaybe back off a little when things get too serious?”
Alastor: “NO!”
Charlie: “Think about it okay?” (pats his shoulder) “Anyway, thanks for sticking around for the friendship cupcakes, see you at the next hotel bonding session, Dadastor!”
Alastor: “At the next-”
Alastor: “………”
Alastor: (hissing) “DADastor!?”
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madangel19 · 3 months
Idea: the ghouls all collectively deciding that Copia is too stressed and has been overworking himself, so they clear his schedule behind his back and force him to relax and take time for himself. Maybe with a cuddle pile at the end. :)
This is a perfect idea! Copia deserves some time off with his beloved ghouls and they will pamper the fuck out of him! He just needs a lot of convincing
Content: Weed use and some slightly spicy stuff in the end, but nothing too explicit :3 Also, some spoilers for Rite Here Rite Now
Word Count: 1856 (it turned out a lot longer than it should lol)
“Hey, Papa. Wake up. I need to show you something,” Mountain said, walking into Copia’s bedroom early one morning. 
Copia was barely awake, groaning as the ghoul opened the curtains, letting in the morning light. It was way too early.
“It’s so early, Mountain. Also, it’s Frater now. No need to call me…Papa. Let me sleep…,” he groaned, burying his face in the pillows. He didn’t want to be up. He had so much to do with his new role as head of the clergy and he wasn’t ready to face the day yet.
“You’re still Papa to us. Please, it’s important,” Mountain said, standing at the side of his bed and looming over him. Copia opened one eye, looking up at his ghoul before letting out a tired sigh.
“Just…un momento. Five minutes please,” he said, holding up four fingers. 
“Okay, Papa. I’ll wake you up soon,” Mountain said, stepping away from the bed with a knowing smile on his lips. Copia didn’t question it as he went back to sleep. 
Whatever the ghoul had planned could wait until later. He was going to have a long morning of paperwork once he had breakfast. No, he could just skip breakfast and get the work done early so he could make time for the many meetings in his schedule. 
Copia drifted in and out of consciousness until he was certain he had slept more than five minutes. He was getting a suspicious amount of sleep, but he was just so comfy and relaxed and he didn’t want to move. Too relaxed and comfortable…
“Cazzo! Mountain! How long has it been?” He exclaimed, opening his eyes and sitting upright in bed. 
The ghoul sat near the bed, scrolling away on his phone when Copia woke up. He simply smiled back at him, not looking concerned in the slightest.
“It’s been two hours, Papa. You needed the rest. Now, you get dressed in something comfortable and you can come with me,” the earth ghoul said, gesturing to his sweats that were laid out neatly next to him. 
Copia felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest with how fast it was beating. He had too many things to do and his ghoul let him sleep in of all days? This was outrageous.
“What’s the meaning of this, Mountain? Why haven't any clergy members come in asking for me?” He questioned, still not moving from the bed.
“Because you need a day off, Papa,” a voice said from next to him. 
Copia turned his head and let out an unmanly scream when he saw Swiss sitting next to him on the bed, grinning like an idiot. 
“Santa merda! When did you get here, Swiss?” He cried out, his hand going to his chest. The multi ghoul always had a habit of scaring him like that.
“I’ve been here this whole time, Papa. Gotta make sure you get some good sleep,” Swiss chimed, holding up two fingers. His eyes glowed a dark purple and Copia felt his comforting quintessence fill his mind.
He shook his head, his thoughts going to all the work he had to do now. His ghouls usually never were like this. What was going on?
“I gotta get to work,” he grumbled, getting up from the bed.
“No you’re not. We cleared your whole schedule for the day, Papa. You’re going to relax with all of us,” Swiss crowed.
Copia froze, looking from Swiss and then to Mountain who gave him a simple nod. This couldn’t be. He didn’t have time for a day off now. There was much to be done and so little time to do it. Was the rest of the ministry notified? That was all he really needed to know before accepting such an outrageous offer from his ghouls.
“Does…the rest of the clergy know that I will be taking the day off?” He asked.
“Of course! It took a lot of talking and some help from us quint users, but we managed to clear your schedule. Mountain also took care of your rats while you were asleep,” Swiss said.
Copia raised a brow at the mention of the quintessence being used on the clergy, but if they agreed to it, then it couldn’t be that bad. He sighed, looking over at his comfortable sweats. It had felt like an eternity since he last relaxed in those clothes. 
“I…guess…I will allow this once. What do you ghouls have planned?” He asked.
“Just get dressed and come with us, Papa,” Mountain said, his smile beaming.
Once Copia was dressed, his ghouls led him out of his room, through the church, and to the bath house. Copia had nearly forgotten the last time he went to the bathhouse. Most of the time, it was used by the siblings and the ghouls. 
Upon opening the bathhouse doors, excited voices filled the air when he saw his ghouls running to and fro with blankets and a huge assortment of sweet-smelling soaps and bath salts. The main bath was already ready, lavender steam rising into the air. 
The ghouls all froze when Copia stepped in, staring at him with wide eyes before they all smiled. Aurora was the first one to rush forward, giggling while holding a flower crown made from honeysuckle and lilies.
“You finally made it. Mountain said you slept in, but that gave us plenty of time to get everything ready. I made this for you, Papa,” the ghoulette chimed, standing on her tiptoes to place the flower crown on Copia’s head. He smiled and bowed his head for her, letting her place the sweet smelling crown on him.
“Thank you, mia cara. I appreciate it,” he said, turning his attention to the others who now surrounded him. Aurora chittered and rushed over to Swiss’s side who nodded at her before tousling her hair. 
“How long have you guys been planning this?” Copia questioned.
“I think it’s been over two weeks now. It was kinda hard with you being in charge and all, but we’ve seen how much you’ve been working and we wanted you to have a nice day off,” Cirrus explained, gesturing to the giant pool of water behind her. 
“So, you want me to bathe all day?” Copia chuckled. 
“Of course not, Papa. We have more planned for you once you’re done here,” Cumulus giggled.
“And are you going to tell me what you have planned?”
The ghouls chittered amongst themselves briefly before shaking their heads. Copia sighed, turning his attention to the bath. It looked incredibly inviting. It had felt like years since he took a relaxing bath like this. 
An idea soon came to him and he turned back to his ghouls who all stood at attention, eager to do whatever he pleased.
“Care to join your Papa?” He asked, taking his red hoodie off. 
“Of course! How else are we going to wash you, massage you, and take care of you?” Cirrus crowed as the rest of the pack began stripping off. 
Copia couldn’t help but stare at his magnificent ghouls, his cheeks growing warm. He grunted and tried to focus on undressing himself and once he had stripped, he stepped into the wonderfully warm bath. 
“Oh, that’s nice,” he murmured, easing into the bath and sitting down. His ghouls soon joined them. Rain was the first to get into the bath, the water ghoul completely submerging himself in a deeper part of the bath before swimming over to cuddle into his right side. 
“I picked out the best soaps just for you,” the water ghoul purred.
“And you made an excellent choice,” Copia cooed, brushing a thumb along the ghoul’s neck and lightly touching his gills. The water ghoul shivered under his touch and wrapped his cool arms around his middle. 
“And I picked out the bath salts, Papa,” Aurora chimed, sitting by his left and clinging to his arm. Copia turned his attention to the ghoulette who looked absolutely adorable holding his arm to her chest. 
“I have some snacks here for you. I’m sorry you missed out on breakfast, but we’ll be fixing something real good for you soon,” Cumulus cooed, bringing over a plate of pastries and fruits to him. Copia’s stomach grumbled at the sight of such a delicious treat.
“And I made sure the water was hot enough for all of us,” Dewdrop said, sitting by the edge of the pool and dipping his glowing hands into the water and making more steam. Copia sighed in content, relaxing into the bath more and thinking of how nice the fire ghoul’s hands would feel on his back. 
“You wanna get high now or later, Papa?” Swiss asked, wading over to sit next to Cumulus. Phantom was by his side, already taking a long drag off of a joint and looking like he was already on another planet. Copia sniffed the air and caught a whiff of the weed mixed in with the sweet smelling soaps. 
“Now,” he said.
Phantom nodded and lit the joint before handing it over to him.
“Grazie,” he said before taking a long drag of the joint. Copia’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head when the drug quickly took a hold of him. He hadn’t felt this good in such a long time. He leaned his head back and breathed out the smoke through his nose, watching it float around him before disappearing into the steam. 
“How do you feel, Papa? Good right?” Phantom asked.
“Amazing. Thank you all for…letting me have a day off,” he sighed, looking at each of his ghouls with a drunken smile. He was incredibly lucky to have such loyal ghouls there for him. 
“You know, since you’re in charge, you can take days off whenever you want and the ministry will listen. Just remember that, Papa. No one is gonna be mad at you,” Aurora said, pecking him on the cheek. She was right, but it was going to take a while to adjust to his new role. 
“And if anyone gives you shit, then we can eat them. Just give us the command,” Swiss purred, plucking a purple grape from Cumulus’s plate of snacks and squishing it between his claws before popping it into his mouth. 
“You’re absolutely right. I’m the big man now,” Copia said, spotting an apple slice and taking it.
“You sure are,” Rain crowed, his gaze going from the apple slice and then down. Copia noticed where he was looking and smirked as he took a bit of the apple. Knowing his ghouls, they wouldn’t be leaving him alone all day and night. He looked forward to all the attention they would be giving him. 
“Is there anything else you need, Papa?” Aurora asked, wrapping her tail around his soft thigh, a playful smile on her pretty lips as she leaned in and nuzzled his chest. Rain did the same, purring loudly. Copia swallowed the rest of his apple, suddenly aware of how close his ghouls were to him.
“Ehh, I can think of a few things,” he said with a nervous chuckle.
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graveyard-stray · 8 months
Tommy Shelby - NSFW alphabet
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(This whole thing is for Tommy in a serious relationship with Fem!reader. I’m sure Tommy with just a hookup would be very different!)
Word count: 1351
A/N: You asked and you shall receive! You guys have gone crazy for my Tommy stuff and I really appreciate it! Thank you for all the support!
Reminder my inbox is open so if you have any requests for Tommy or for other characters- let me know! (A link to who I write for can be found in my master list)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Tommy is gonna lay down, pull you into his side, and lay there with you while he smokes. He wants to hold you of course but he also gotta feed his horrible habit. You guys might chat a bit but really he just wants to feel you against him (because he loves you) and relax.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is a bit self conscious about his own body because it’s gone through so much, he would never admit it but he really hates seeing his scars that are all over- they just remind him of the war.
For you, he’s a big tits guy. Big or small he doesn’t care he just loves your boobs. He will kiss them, suck them, bite them, grab them, he doesn’t care.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to cum inside, there is something so intimate to him about getting to fill you up and it really turns him on, know that your all his.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When he’s not with you he literally can’t cum. He has tried to jerk off when your not around but it just isn’t the same without you. He would never admit it though because it makes him seem soft.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced, he’s been with a handful of prostitutes and he has had other girlfriends before- plus he is a pretty sexual person so he’s definitely pretty skilled.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He likes being able to see your face when you cum and he’s a simple guy. Although he also likes doggy cause he can grab your hair or your hips real easily.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a very serious man. Especially in bed, like sure he can be soft and intimate but definitely not goofy. his mind is focused on pleasing you (and himself) no time for jokes. Plus does he even know how to joke? Not really.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s pretty groomed. He keeps most of his body clean shaven as he doesn’t like being super hairy. But the parts he doesn’t shave (like his pubes) he keeps groomed short and neatly. He’s gotta stay classy especially for you <3
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It depends, if he is in a bad mood it’s gonna be less intimate and more rough and intense. And if it’s a special day or he’s in a particularly good mood it will be intimate, he will praise you and tell you how he loves you while he finishes.
On the regular though it can be pretty average intimacy wise, a bit rough with some praise here and there.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He used to get off an average amount but ever since meeting you he literally can’t. He’s gotten so used to your hands or your mouth or your pussy he literally can’t get off without you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink for sure.
Definitely hair pulling, and marking. He loves to see the marks he leaves on you specifically in places no one else sees- the sight is only for him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He is a pretty classy dude a lot of the time (or atleast he tries to be) so a lot of the time it’s just in your home in private. But a few times he will fuck you in the private room at the garrison, when it’s just you and him before or after a meeting.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He loves seeing you all dolled up to go to events with him. Something about you looking so beautiful and being his arm candy is so domestic and it really gets him going- expect to have a bit of a late night after those formal events.
He also just has a pretty high natural sex drive so really just seeing you makes him wanna fuck.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not be submissive, he just honestly can’t be. And I can’t see him wanting to do any butt stuff.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is a big fan of receiving. He loves feeling you gag around his cock and he will rest his hands in your hair and push you down further. Something about feeling your throat tighten around him drives him WILD.
He also likes giving though, he thinks you taste delicious and will eat you out like he’s a man who hasn’t eaten in years.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He definitely prefers it fast and rough, but when he is feeling quite lovey and emotional it will be more slow and intimate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He is a fan of a quickie. When he has to go to some meeting or deal with business but just can’t resist you, he will quickly take you on the couch and then leave as fast as he can (of course after you also cum. He has class)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment a bit but if it doesn’t SOUND enjoyable to him then he won’t be open to try it. He isn’t too risky except maybe trying out being mean to you in bed when he is in an angry mood.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has decent stamina and can go about 3-4 rounds depending on what you are doing, but of course that smoking has caught up to him so eventually he will get tired and need to catch his breathe. When he is actually fucking you he lasts pretty long and is able to please you and make sure you finish, usually before he does.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys, sees no reason to. You only need him and he only needs you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves when you tease him, with your short dresses and see through panties underneath, or when you grab his thigh, right by his crotch, under the dinner table.
He also likes to tease you here and there, especially if your being a brat.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He will let out some softer groans and moans during it, when he cums he will get a bit louder with more groans and either some praise or degradation (depending on the mood)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It takes him a bit but eventually he gets comfortable enough to let you be on top a bit, letting you ride him and maybe be a bit more commanding. It’s not his favorite thing but he does think it’s hot when your being bossy.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s got a pretty good dick honestly. Not giant but good. About a 6 or 7 inch (hard) which is a bit above average.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s got a pretty high sex drive but he also is fine if he’s horny and not having any sex, he’s mature and doesn’t need sex but he wants it pretty often.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t sleep a lot as is so I can’t imagine he would quickly fall asleep after sex. He would probably lay awake for a while just holding you or watching you as you slept.
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koshkamartell · 10 months
No One But Me
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chapter warnings: possessive!Joel, manipulative!Joel, gaslighting, degrading language, piv sex, oral sex.
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The group had radioed that they estimated they would be arriving back within two days. The day before their estimated return, you and Ellie had gathered in your kitchen to bake a welcome home cake for Joel. You were patient and encouraging as you taught Ellie the method of baking a simple honey cake, standing next to her and instructing her on creaming the butter and sugar, beating the eggs, and how to properly fold the flour.
Ellie proved to be a good student; she listened to you carefully and took her time measuring each ingredient and completing each step slowly. She was eager to learn and filled with fascination for the art of baking. When she insisted on staying in the kitchen to watch the cake rise in the oven, you laughed.
The smell of sugar and caramelised honey filled your cottage. At the end of the afternoon, together you had created a round golden brown honey cake topped with a thin layer of icing. With painstaking dedication Ellie had selected some pretty little flowers from your garden and arranged them in a circle ontop of the icing.  You both stood side by side in your small kitchen and admired the finished product.
"Thanks," Ellie said. "For teaching me this stuff."
"You're welcome. I'm sure he will love it. And now you know how to bake, you can do it yourself."
Ellie scoffed. "Nuh-huh, that's your department."
"I thought you liked baking," you elbowed her playfully.
"I do," Ellie confessed. "But I like the eating part more."
You shook your head and laughed. She grinned and tilted her head to rest on your shoulder in a rare gesture of affection.
"But really, thanks alot," she sighed. "I need to learn this stuff for when I move out."
You frowned and pulled away from her to search her face for any sign of jest. There was none but a contented little grin on her young face.
"What do you mean, move out?"
"I gotta be an adult and grow up sometime, right?" Ellie said with a little shrug. "Me and some of my friends wanna get our own place, and I'm not at home that much anymore anyway."
"Oh, Ellie," you breathed out quietly, your eyebrows pinched in worry. "Are you sure? Joel's going to be so sad without you."
You carefully reached out and swiped a finger over the dusting of flour that had gotten on her cheek during your baking session. She smirked and tilted her head to the side.
"He'll be fine. He has you now."
Your mouth dropped open in shock but you quickly composed yourself. "W-what? What do you mean, 'has has me'?"
Ellie rolled her eyes. "As if I didn't know you two were making out on the couch whenever I snuck out of the house."
You clamped your mouth shut in a tight line, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Ellie cackled and threw her arm around your neck affectionately.
"Relax! I'm happy for you guys. Maybe Joel won't be such a grumpy asshole if you guys have a little privacy."
"Uhm," you stammered, "I, uh, we are just friends right now. I don't know what....I'm not sure what Joel wants. Please don't say anything to anyone about that....idea...right now. Okay?"
You loved Joel and wanted to be with him, but Ellie was always a point of concern. You and Joel had never wanted to involve her in your relationship, didn't want to burden her in any way lest she get hurt. You had been so careful to keep those clandestine night meetings secret but it wasn't realistic to assume Ellie could be too naive to know what was going on, atleast not for so long.
But what would Joel think? Would he be more receptive to being in a real relationship with you now? Even though he had fucked you and told you he was coming back for you, everything was still so undefined. You also had no idea what Joel was comfortable with Ellie knowing. It was safer and easier to let Joel deal with it.
"Yes, sir," Ellie saluted you teasingly. When you didn't laugh and instead shot her a warning glare, she held up her hands in surrender. "Alright, okay, jeez. I won't say a word."
"Thank you."
"On one condition," Ellie grinned mischievously.  "You don't do that gross shit when I'm around, like, atleast wait til I'm out of the house, 'kay?"
You groaned and threw a hand towel at her. "I got it, Ellie. Now be quiet and help me clean up this mess."
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The next day you were working with Oscar in the library when word spread that the men were close to Jackson. A small herd of children had burst into the library cheering and dancing around as they announced the news.
You and Oscar had laughed at their fanfare and watched the boisterous children with amusement. When they ran out of the library and back out into the street your laughter died down, leaving a long silence between you. It was neither uncommon nor uncomfortable. However, today Oscar broke the silence with a question that shocked you.
"Is there someone special to you on the patrol team?" He asked softly.
Your head snapped up from the books you had on the counter infront of you. Oscar was leaning with an elbow propped against the counter beside you, his head cocked to the side slightly, his hooded brown eyes searching over your face. His brows were creased ever so slightly into a frown and the tip of his tongue swiped over his bottom lip. You knew that this was the expression Oscar assumed whenever he was concentrating on something, usually when someone else was speaking. He wasn't scrutinising or teasing you; there was no sign of taunting, just an inquisitive softness in his features and voice. And even though the question could be considered ambiguous, even though it could only be a reference to friendship, you were unsure how to perceive it.
Embarrassed, you realised he had seen your reaction to the news, that the relief and joy you felt must have been evident on your face. You cleared your throat and shook your head.
"Oh," you mumble awkwardly, looking back down at the books. "Not really. I'm just, you know...happy that they are coming back safe. It's good for the community."
Oscar observed you quietly for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, it is good." He conceded.
"So, how's the stables going?" You asked him, hoping it wasn't obvious that you were wanting to change the subject.
"It's okay," he sighed. "Pretty busy restocking the feed, grooming the horses, cleaning the stables. Try not get kicked by Roscoe."
You smiled at his joke. You knew Roscoe was one of the more temperamental horses in the stables and could be unpredictable in mood. Over the past few weeks Oscar had regaled you with anecdotes about Roscoe that made you cackle with laughter - such as the time Roscoe had unknowingly escaped from the paddock and Oscar had found him eating carrots in the vegetable garden. You still giggle to yourself  whenever you eat carrots, remembering the tale.
You relished the way Oscar told stories, how he was able to recreate the entertaining scenarios he had witnessed through his use of words and comical gestures. You found his voice soothing and calming, and sometimes you felt as though you could fall asleep listening to him speak.
"How's your ankle doing?"
"All better, back to normal." Oscar pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. "When the guys return from this mission I'll be going back on duty."
"Oh," you whispered. "I almost forgot you were a patrolman."
Oscar chuckled. "Yeah, it's a been a while since I was on shift. But these guys who went out there - they are heroes. They'll need a break after what they went through."
When silence fell upon you both once again, you found your gaze wandering back to Oscar. His attention was focused on a scrap of paper - a list of supplies he was writing. You secretly studied his profile - the prominence of his nose, the thickness of his unruly hair, the structure of his face that was somehow a perfect balance of masculinity and elegance. You knew Oscar was beautiful but in that very moment you were able to really look at him and appreciate just how alluring he was. You wondered what Oscar looked like without his facial hair - you liked it on him but you guessed he was probably even more attractive without it.
He was older than you and had no partner, no family.
Why is he still single?
"Oscar." You murmured. You found the delicate, almost sensual lilt of your own voice surprising,
"Hmm?" Oscar looked up to meet your gaze. His eyebrows were raised slightly, curious.
"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
Oscar's eyes momentarily widened in surprise at the question. He then gave you a small smile, one that did not reach his eyes. It was one born of fortitude, a pretense that was hiding something sad buried deep within the vessel of his ribcage where his heart sat. You knew that kind of smile all too well.
"I guess it is difficult to find someone you connect with on an intimate kind of level," he admits quietly. "I'm not sure if I would be so lucky to have that in my lifetime, after the outbreak."
You opened your mouth to speak but found no words to formulate a response. You could never imagine the heartbreak of losing a spouse, but you were sure that it was a similar kind of pain to the one of losing your mother and father. Your parents - the mere thought of them squeezed your heart so tightly that it felt like it would burst. You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat.
"Oh," was all you could manage lamely.
Another short silence before Oscar spoke.
"And you?" He questioned gently.
You couldn't meet his eyes. The moment was too intense, too intimate. You couldn't speak the truth even if you wanted to. How could you articulate just how lonely your heart had been for so many years, how you fell for a man so much older than you, someone who wanted to dominate your life without giving you what you needed and yearned for the most? You couldn't even admit it to your closest girlfriends. Admitting the reality of your private life to Oscar seemed absurd, impossible.
"Me too, I guess," was all you could mumble in reply.
"I figured you'd have plenty of people around here to choose from," Oscar murmured.
"Why would you figure that?" You laughed half heartedly, both bemused and feeling awkward.
"Come on," Oscar chides you lightheartedly.  "You're beautiful - gorgeous, even. And you're well read, you're kind, you actually care about everyone else around you. You're a dream."
You know you're blushing wildly at his words. No one has ever complimented you or praised you so openly or directly before, not even Joel. You could feel a glowing kind of warmth flow and course throughout your tummy all the way up to your chest.
You were quiet as your brain processed his accolades, but Oscar must have mistake your silence for discomfort, and it was then his turn to be bashful.
"Shit. I'm sorry," Oscar babbled. "I hope that wasn't too much, like I hope I didn't make make you feel uncomfortable. I was just, you know, just--"
"It's okay," you whisper, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. You found his self consciousness endearing. In an uncharacteristic and bold move, you touched his forearm and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "It's fine Oscar, really. Thank you."
The rest of the afternoon passed by uneventfully with you and Oscar focusing on the tasks you needed to complete. The words of his praise echoed in your head throughout your shift. That swirl of elation continued to swim inside your belly and distract you from finishing your work quicker. Why did his compliments have such an effect on you? You couldn't really understand why, but all you knew was that it felt good.
After locking up the library and venturing home, Oscar couldn't stop thinking about you and what he said about you being a dream. He sounded like a loser. He felt like a loser. Like a kid with a school yard crush.
And that was the problem. Over the past few weeks of working with you and getting to know you better, he had developed something of a crush on you. Well, to be honest, he had felt something for you since the first day he met you, when he first saw your smile and heard your voice. It was something tiny and fragile flickering like a candle flame. And over time it had developed and strengthened into something more solid.
Oscar had tried to extinguish it quickly though. He told himself there wasn't even a remote chance that you could ever feel the same and so there was no use daydreaming about it. No use in imagining you wrapped in his arms on a cold rainy day, or snuggled up in bed next to him as you both read books.
Even if you would never be his, Oscar wanted you to be happy. He knew you hid something underneath that cute smile of yours, something dark and sorrowful that you couldn't let escape. He recognised it but never pushed to know more. Managing his own trauma throughout the years had taught him to always treat others with respect and compassion, and to grant others patience and privacy. If you were ever ready to talk about your feelings, he would be there for you.
You had ignited a desire inside him to nurture and protect you. And so it was with great satisfaction that Oscar had noticed subtle changes in you since you first started working together. He noticed the light shone on your face more often, how the laughter he provoked from you actually reached your eyes. Your appetite slowly increased and you were actually eating more and with more gusto. It was as if you had been denying yourself comfort and gratification for so long, and now you were finally allowing yourself some kind of joy. And it was being reflected in the way you giggled unabashedly, how you threw sarcastic quips at him, how you initiated conversation so easily now, as if you two had known each other for years.
When you touched his arm, had established that first point of physical contact, Oscar felt like he was floating. He had wanted to brush the strands of hair from your face and kiss your soft lips. He wanted to gather you in his arms and-
No. No. He shouldn't be thinking about it. He couldn't think about it.
Oscar knew it was best that he resign himself to just being a good friend and a good work colleague. Because you deserved to be cared for and respected and loved. And fuck, whoever you ended up falling in love with would be the luckiest bastard in this world, even if you would never believe so.
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It was just after nightfall when the patrol team came trotting through the huge gates of Jackson on their horses. They had been gone for almost four and a half weeks. A month of tracking, stalking and hunting the band of raiders that had been spotted near Jackson. The mission had culminated in several skirmishes between the groups until eventually the raiders were all wounded and killed. All of the patrolmen returned to Jackson safely with only a few injuries between them. The worst of the injuries was endured by Tommy, who had been struck with a bullet in his upper left arm. The group had tended to the wound as best as they could, creating makeshift bandages and changing the dressing every few days.
You had just finished eating dinner with Kate, Rhi and Jess when you heard faint cheers and whistles float through the mess hall doors. A crowd of townsfolk had congregated around the guarded gates of Jackson to welcome the band of fatigued heroes back home.
Not one to miss out of any kind of excitement, Rhi proposed you all go and see the event unfold. Jess and Kate were quick to agree to the idea, but truthfully you didn't share their enthusiasm. An inexplicable feeling of overwhelm and nervousness had suddenly overtaken you.
Yes, you missed Joel and wanted him back. But now that time had come, the thought of seeing Joel after this long made you jittery and on edge. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You let your friends pull you away from the dining table, through the mess hall doors and out into the cool night. Their exuberant voices trilled around you as you all sashayed through the streets towards the Jackson gates. You wrapped your arms around your waist as you walked, regretting the decision not to wear a jacket this evening. The chilly bite of the breeze signified the impending arrival of snowfall, and along with it the association of Christmas, warm fires and hot chocolate.
The atmosphere surrounding the large throng of townspeople was buzzing with energy. Rhi, Jess and Kate were soaking it all in and chatting with eager animation while you surveyed everyone around you. You all agreed to stay a short distance from the edge of the crowd as you were able to see what was happening without being too entrenched in the chaos of the event.
"There, they are there!" Jess squealed. She pointed to the middle of the crowd where a semi circle had been formed around the group of patrolmen.
Standing on your tiptoes you were able to see glimpses of emotional scenes of the return; Tommy and Maria in a tight embrace, Troy's wife and children clutching onto his shirt as he hugged them all, the town doctor examining an injury to one of the men's temple.
But were was Joel?
Your eyes darted around the area in search of him.
Where are you, Joel?
You were started to panic, different possibilities running through your mind in a distressed blur.
What if he had an accident? Was he wounded? Did he get left behind? What if an infected got him?
And then your eyes finally landed on him, his head of dishevelled salt and pepper hair identifying him from the rest of the men. You couldn't see his face clearly but it was him.
He was standing by his horse. Ellie was hugging him with her face pressed into his middle. His arms were around her. Thank God, it was him.
You exhaled a silent breath of relief.
He was home and safe.
The next day was torturous. You were thankful that you had a teaching shift at the school, otherwise you would've probably spent your whole day pacing your home or cleaning obsessively, doing anything to occupy your mind as you waited.
You had finished up teaching your class and returned straight home to clean. Once your cottage had been sufficiently tidied, swept and scrubbed, you showered and washed your hair with a sweet green apple scented shampoo, a luxury item sold at one of the boutiques in town that you allowed yourself to indulge in.
You hadn't even realised that you had not eaten lunch. You ended up forgoing dinner at the mess hall aswell, staying home instead to absentmindedly chew an apple and drink a cup of tea.
You sat on the couch with a book that night, unable to properly focus on the words infront of you and rereading the same lines, when the knock came. You jolted up from the couch and sprang to the front door. When you opened it the light of your living room lamp projected a strip of illumination onto the dark of your porch.
It was him.
Joel was standing at your door, leaning forward with a forearm up against your doorframe. The thumb of his other hand was hooked through the belt loop of his jeans. His stance exuded a thrilling mix of self assurance and bold masculinity that made you feel slightly dazed. His proximity, coupled with his height and posture, felt so imposing; however it was mostly because of his eyes that you felt so caught off guard.
Those large dark brown eyes, like puppy dog eyes, staring down at you intently, something akin to worry reflected in his orbs. Although you had expected his visit eventually, you were unprepared for just how delicious Joel looked.
Appearing as handsome as ever, infront of you once again after so many weeks apart, a fantasy materialised into reality. He looked well rested after having finally slept in a comfortable bed. He was freshly showered and wearing a clean pair of jeans and a green flannel shirt. His hair was combed and slicked back in that way you found so fucking sexy.
"Hi, baby," he murmured, the timber of his Texan drawl causing your inner thighs to clench together.
You realised you had been holding your breath.
"Hi, Joel," you whispered back with a breathy exhale. Your heart was galloping in your chest. You were so intimidated by his towering figure that you were frozen in place, your eyes mesmerised by him.
"Gonna let me in, sugar?" Joel smirked.
You nodded wordlessly and stepped to the side so he could enter into your cottage. You quickly closed the door and fumbled to lock it, the anxiety coursing throughout your body making you feel clumsy and foolish. You followed him into your living room and clasped your hands behind your back to hide their slight shaking.
Joel stood in the middle of your living room and watched you stop just a few feet away from him. He scanned over your body brazenly, drinking in the sight of you in your oversized sweater and short pyjama bottoms, his fists curling and uncurling as they hung a the sides of his body.
"W-welcome home," you managed to say, your voice breathless.
Joel acknowledged your greeting with a curt nod. His eyes flickered from your bare legs up to your face. It was as if you were on display for him, like a dish being served to a starving man, and if you had to be honest to yourself, it made you feel both uneasy and aroused.
"Did-did you see what Ellie and I made for you?" You asked hopefully, desperate to fill the silence that stifled the room. "The cake?"
"I did."
You waited for him to say something more but he didn't. He was still gazing at you with his eyebrows knitted together and his jaw ticking, as if he were deep in contemplation. His eyes betrayed none of what he was thinking.
The air in the room was thick and you felt more and more self conscious as the silence dragged on. After what seemed like forever, you were about to open your mouth and speak when Joel cut you off.
"Told you I'd come back for ya," he stated matter of factly.
"Yes, you did," you agreed in a small whisper.
"Ellie knows about us," Joel stated abruptly. "Said she wants us to be together."
"Oh," you said quietly. And then, a little more louder, "and what did you say back?'
"I told her when the timin's right, we are gonna be a family." Joel answered you, his expression and tone serious and calm.
Your brain took a second to register his words, the significance of what he said not quite sinking in. Your mouth fell open, speechless.
Did Joel really just say you'd all be a family? Was he actually admitting that he wanted you? When you had confessed wanting a relationship with Joel on the night of the town dance, he had rejected you, hadn't he? Your mind had replayed Joel's cruel words so many times since then. Surely you weren't mistaken ?
All you could do was shake your head in confusion. Joel's eyes narrowed at you, a glint of darkness briefly flashing in his brown eyes.
"What you shakin' your head for, little girl?" Joel murmured, his voice calm but punctuated with a hint of irritated displeasure.
"Going to be a family, Joel? But, it's just, you said..."
The pain in your voice was evident as tears of shame welled along the rim of your eyes. You took a deep breath and exhaled, gathering the courage to repeat the hurtful words he had spoken to you.
"You said we weren't anything more than...just sex." You mumbled pathetically. "I thought you didn't want me."
"Now darlin', that ain't what I said," Joel corrected you firmly but not unkindly, as if you were a child he was trying to teach something to. "You're mine. Told you so many times. What makes you think I'd ever let you go, let someone else have ya?"
You stared at him in puzzlement. "But Joel, you said you didn't want me--"
He held up his hand to signal you to stop talking. "You misunderstood me. Didn't say nothin' about not wantin' you. You didn't let me finish."
"Oh," you mumble meekly. You brushed away your spilled tears with a flick of your fingertips. You felt ridiculous.
"I want you, babydoll." Joel continued resolutely. "Want all of you."
The admission that you had been yearning for for so long made your stomach flip. It felt so good to hear him say those words, to know he wanted you, to feel wanted. You bit back a smile of relieved elation and willed yourself not to interrupt him again, forcing yourself to stay silent to wait for him to finish explaining.
"But I don't like everybody in town knowin' my business. Just cause I live here don't mean I trust anyone. I didn't survive this far in this godforsaken world because I trust people."
Okay, you could understand his point. Joel had alot more life experience than you, and certainly more experience with surviving the horrors of the apocalypse in the wild. It made sense that he didn't readily trust other people, that he wouldn't want to share his personal life with anyone.
"You understand what I'm sayin'?" Joel asked sternly, narrowing his eyes at you.
You nodded quickly in confirmation. "Yes, Joel."
"Good. I've come to learn that some folk don't like seein' others happy."
You had never seen Joel speak this earnestly before, his voice quiet and soft. His beautiful brown eyes were focused on yours almost hypnotically. It was completely beguiling.
"They see somethin' they don't have and so they wanna spoil it. Seen people do bad things to destroy another's happiness."
"That's horrible," you utter.
"Mmhm," Joel nods in agreement. "And I don't want that to happen to you and me. Don't want noone tryin' to interfere with what we got, and the less people know our business, the better."
You agree. Ofcourse you wanted to be happy with Joel. Ofcourse you didn't want someone else to ruin the special relationship you two had.
Joel approached you with deliberate steps, his boots heavy on the creaky wooden floor of your living room, his eyes still glued to yours. Your skin was prickling with goosebumps in anticipation of being close to him after so long, to finally feel his touch that you had been craving for the last month. You bit your bottom lip and watched him cross the space towards you, the dim lamp light casting dancing shadows along his face that somehow just accentuated his handsome features.
"You wanna be with me then you gotta listen to what I say," he continued. "I wanna protect you, and not just from infected and raiders. Gotta keep you safe from people with bad intentions, too. But you gotta be a good girl."
His words, spoken in that smooth Texan drawl, made your pussy tingle. Joel stood close to you now, so close you could smell his usual sandalwood scent mixed with soap on his skin. You stared at him with doe eyes, completely entranced by him. He took your chin inbetween his thumb and forefinger and leaned down to press a tender kiss onto your lips. Your knees felt weak and your body instantly melted against his chest.
He pulled back just enough so that his lips hovered over yours. "There's gotta be rules, baby. My rules. You wanna be my good girl?"
You nodded eagerly. "Yes, daddy, I do."
Joel snaked his arm around your waist and splayed his hand over your back to press you firmly against his torso. He leaned back in to kiss you once more. Your arms stretched up to wrap around his neck as you let his tongue lick over your bottom lip and slip into your mouth to meet your own tongue.
Joel's large palm cupped your cheek and his breath intermingled with yours. Your tongues rolled together with increasingly passionate strokes. You were quickly becoming consumed by his familiar smell and taste, as if his presence had awakened a primal need in you that had been starved for far too long. Joel must have felt the same because you could feel his hard cock straining under his jeans and press into your belly. 
Joel eventually broke away from the kiss to growl breathlessly, "fuck, I missed your sweet lips, babygirl."
You exhaled a small noise of satisfaction, something between a giggle and a hum. Joel's hand shifted down you back and groped your ass. His thumb stroked your jaw and he nuzzled his nose against the corner of your mouth. 
"Me too, Joel," you said softly.
Joel's lips shifted down to press gentle kisses along your jawline, slowly trailing down to your neck. His moustache tickled lightly against your skin and made you giggle. You ran your fingers through the crown of his curls and hummed with contented pleasure.
"I missed this," you sighed. "I missed you, Joel."
Joel licked at your pulse point before softly biting the skin there, eliciting a moan from you.
"Me too, sugar," he whispered into the crook of your neck. "All I thought about when I was away."
"Really?" You whispered back breathlessly.
"Bet your sweet little ass," Joel rasped.
His hand on your ass squeezed and massaged your flesh hungrily. He wedged his thigh inbetween your legs as he sucked on the sensitive skin of your neck, and the friction of material against your clit was making you wet with arousal. You moaned and tilted your head to the side, your body becoming pliant and relaxed as the pleasurable sensations overtook you.
Joel's mouth detached from your neck to growl into the shell of your ear. "Couldn't stop thinkin' about that sweet little cunt and how wet she gets for me, how good she looks wrapped around my cock."
His words inflame a feral desire for him to be inside you, making your pussy clench around nothing and your hips rock against his instinctively. His hand moves down from your face and gropes your breast through your sweatshirt.
"Joel," you moan and tug lightly at his hair. "Want it so bad."
"Yeah?" Joel murmurs in your ear, the timbre of his deep voice causing shivers to run up and down your back. "You want my cock, babydoll? Want me to fuck you?"
"Mm-hmm," you hum.
Joel straightens up to look at your face. He smacks your ass hard suddenly, the sting of his palm landing with a loud crack. The impact forces a squeal from your lips and makes you squirm.
"Ow, fuck, Joel!" you whine.
"You know to use your words when you're speakin' with me," he warns sternly. "You gotta tell me what you want, darlin', and I'll give it to ya."
You whimper and nod. "Yes sir."
"Now," he says, more gently, his breath fanning against your face. "What do you want?"
"Want you to fuck me." You purr, smoothing your hands over his flannel shirt, desperate to feel the bare skin of his broad chest. "Please, daddy."
Joel hums in approval and licks at the corner of your mouth. "Take off your shorts and get on the couch. Now."
He releases his hold on your breast and your ass and you pout at the loss of contact. He tips his head toward the couch to signal for you to move. You obey, feeling stupefied by Joel's touch already as you totter the few paces to the couch. You hook your fingers on the band of your sleep shorts and look at him coyly as you slowly push them down your thighs. Joel stands in the centre of the living room and watches you with a wolfish stare. The cast of his shadow on the wall behind him is huge and tall.
"Show me that pretty pussy, show me how fuckin' wet she is for me already," he drawls. One of his hands move to loosely hold his hard cock through the crotch of his jeans.
Your eyes lock on Joel's as you let your sleep shorts fall to the ground, revealing your nakedness underneath, leaving you just in your sweater. You sit down on the couch so that you ass is on the edge of the seat and then spread your legs wide. You tug up the bottom of your sweater so that your pussy is exposed. Joel's eyes travel down to the middle of your parted thighs and lets out a low groan.
"Fuck," he growls. "Open her up, baby, I wanna see everything."
You bring your hands to your pussy and spread your lips, the tips of your fingers catching some of your slick. Your lower half is completely exposed and on display for Joel. He watches you intently, his eyes hooded and dark with lust, his large hand flexing to grip the thick outline of his dick.
"That's it, darlin'," Joel murmurs, "can see how desperate you are for this fuckin' cock. She's soakin' wet already."
Joel steps towards you and crouches down to kneel before you on the hardwood floor, his knees cracking under his weight. He positions himself inbetween your legs and brings his hands to rest on your inner thighs, holding them open so that his face is in line with your bare pussy. Joel's tongue swipes over his plush bottom lip.
"Gotta taste this sweet little pussy first, babydoll."
Joel leans in and places a wet open kiss onto your clit, his tongue warm against your sensitive flesh. A shiver of pleasure trembles through your body and you moan. He repeats the action several times before licking a thick stripe over your clit with the flat of his tongue. Your hands come up to clutch at the curls on his head and your hips rock forward ever so slightly in pursuit of more. Joel laps at the small bundle of nerves languidly as his thick fingers dig into the meat of your inner thighs.
It feels like fucking heaven.
You can feel Joel prodding at your entrance before sliding two of his thick fingers inside you. The mixture of his saliva and your slick make his digits glide smoothly into your pussy. He expertly curls then against your g spot while he eats you, instantly heightening your pleasure. He looks up to watch your reaction; your hands tighten their grasp on his head and you moan wantonly, your toes curling. It doesn't take long for the pressure to reach close to its peak in your lower belly.
Your upper body slumps back into the couch and you tilt your head back to let out long, soft moans of ecstasy. Joel continues licking and sucking your clit leisurely; each movement performed with unhurried yet purposeful strokes that slowly build and twist a coil of intense pleasure inside your loins. He continues this for several minutes, gravelly moans rumbling in his throat that you know are an expression of his own pleasure, his own enjoyment. You love Joel fucking you, love how his thick cock pounds into you, but you really fucking love how he eats your pussy. And it's clear that Joel loves it, too.
"Gonna cum," you pant out between moans. "Daddy, I'm going to cum."
Joel doesn't stop. His mouth maintains the same tempo and pressure as he licks and sucks your clit, all the while stimulating your g spot with his fingers. He has come to know your body so well, knows what makes you squeal or scream or have you begging for more, knows just how long it will take for a certain action to bring you to orgasm, exactly how tender or hard you need him fucking you from the depths of your moans and keening.
Your body soon tenses and your orgasm reaches a crescendo. When you cum, you throw your head back and let out a long, shuddering moan, your thighs quivering by Joel's ears. He helps you ride out the high by gradually slowing his movements, allowing the sensation to draw out without overstimulation.
It is only once your body relaxes and your orgasm dissipates that Joel stops. Your eyes flutter open and you look down at him. Joel sits back on his haunches and pants. You see that his lips and moustache are glistening with your juice. 
"Oh my god, that was amazing," you say with a blissful smile.
Joel stands up from his kneeling position, his knees cracking once again. His gaze is fixated on you as he unbuckles his best and unzips his jeans. You stay half slumped on the couch, reveling in post orgasm exhilaration, the energy sapped from your body.
"What do you say?" Joel asks. His commanding tone is rough and deep with passion.
"Thank you, daddy," you reply breathlessly.
"That's right, babygirl. Now it's time for me to tear that little pussy up." Joel pushes his jeans and underwear down to his meaty thighs. His erection springs out, the head of his cock already wet with precum. "Get up and turn around."
You weakly sit up and turn over to kneel on the couch, somehow managing to obey him despite the sound of blood pounding in your ears and fatigue setting into your body. You shuffle to spread your legs and Joel's hands grab onto your hips to roughly jerk them back so that you are bent forward and your ass sticks out. Once he is satisfied with the position he's manipulated you into, his hands grip your ass cheeks firmly.
"Look at that," he whispers to himself. He pulls them apart, digging his thumbs into the crease of your upper thighs, both your pussy and asshole now lewdly exposed. "Such a dirty little whore, just dyin' to get ruined."
Joel releases one of your ass cheeks to guide the tip of his cock to your wet entrance. He doesn't waste anymore time, quickly sinking it into your hole and thrusting into you smoothly. The stretch has you gasping and moaning loudly, the knock of his hips propelling you forward into the couch. Joel groans as his dick slides deep inside your tight cunt.
"Fuck, that's it," he pants.
He pulls his hips back almost all the way before slamming back into you. You cry out shrilly, the sensation of fullness overwhelming you entirely. Joel does it again and again, holding tightly to your hips while he pounds his cock in and out of you. You're pinned immobile against the couch, trapped by the weight of his strong frame snapping into your body.
"Take it just like that, little bitch." Joel snarls. His fingers dig painfully into your hips.
"F-f-fuuuuck, Joel," you cry loudly.
He increases his pace and begins to fuck you with savage fervour. Your cries and moans intermingle with the filthy sounds of your skin colliding and his heavy balls slapping against your pussy. Joel pants from the exertion, the veins in his neck straining. He stares down at his cock disappearing in and out of your tight heat.
"Who do you belong to, babygirl?" Joel barks out. "Who fuckin' owns this pussy?"
"You, daddy!" You squeal, your fingers curling tightly over the sofa cushion. "Only you."
"That's right," Joel groans, "no one but me."
You feel his cock throbbing just before he cums. He swiftly pulls out and jerks himself as thick ropes of cum shoot over your ass. He grunts and moans as he fists his dick and empties his balls, marking your skin like a territorial animal. You heave deep breathes inbetween small whines, your thighs quaking.
When Joel's finished he yanks your head back by your hair and engulfs your mouth with his, kissing you passionately. He is greedy as he swirls his tongue around yours, as if he's still hungry, still needs to ravage you and swallow you.
In this moment, this sweetly intoxicating instance of physical and emotional intimacy, you feel utterly euphoric. The tangle of disquiet inside your brain had become static once Joel's hands were on your skin, instantly pacifying you and moulding you into something completely docile, like a doll. It was an all consuming state of rapture.
He breaks the kiss and you stare into one another's eyes. He smirks, then you feel his calloused hand rubbing over your ass, smearing his cum over your skin possessively.
"Welcome home," you whisper.
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taglist - @sofiparallel @harriedandharassed @kewwrites @romanarose @fan-fiction-floozy @anoverwhelmingdin @unknownsuser101
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nieceeee · 1 year
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PLOT: Its Reiner's birthday and what better way to help him celebrate than by a sweet little treat he is sure to obsess over...
W/C: 3.2K A/N: Requested by @wifeofallfictionalmen "I was wondering if you could doooo Reiner reacting to the reader wearing a crotchless lingerie for him on his birthday night", NSFW obviously lol, pet names and some sweet and freaky stuff.
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Reiner took a moment and looked himself over once more, smoothing the wrinkles from the front of his white button down. He double checked the folds in his sleeves and the creases of his dress pants before releasing a soft sigh. This should be a happy day for him. He made it another year but for some reason, his emotions weren’t on his side. “Okay Mr. Braun.” He drawls out, that familiar twang making his words linger. “You gotta get yourself together.” After another deep breath and a final check, he picks up his leather jacket and heads to the door. 
Reiner looked down at his phone, checking the messages that you had sent him to where he was supposed to be tonight. He inputted the address into his GPS before getting in the car and starting the engine. “I'm serious Rei, don’t you dare be late.” You fussed at him that morning. He smiled to himself slightly, a rare sight. You always seemed to do that for him. From that one fated moment he saw you in the coffee shop. He walked into his favorite shop like he always does, ordered his regular and made his way to his “assigned” seat. Only this time when he went to sit down, his table wasn’t empty. Reiner was a simple man. He kept to himself and followed his routines. Nothing to cause him extra stress or frustrate him too much. He wasn't one to make a lot of friends and didn't care to meet new people. So he can't say he was exactly pleased to see you sitting in his chair. Nonetheless, he was raised a gentleman so he wouldn't make you move. You hadn’t noticed him standing there, your music turned up in your headphones as you worked. 
Reiner took the time to look at your features. He found himself getting lost at your beauty. The way your hair frames your face, your supple skin, each intricate detail. Reiner was so lost in you that he hadn’t noticed you staring back up at him. “Huh?” He let out, snapping back to reality. A small smile tugged at your lips. “I said you’re more than welcome to join me.” You repeated a little louder. He blinked a few times, taken aback at the sweetness of your voice. “Oh.” He said nervously. He wasn't used to this and for some reason, your eyes on him were making a ball of energy form in his stomach. You waited patiently for his response, the small smile still on your face. Eventually Reiner sucked in a breath and pulled out the chair next to you. The waiter approached the table with his drink, eyes widening slightly at the sight of another person with him but he kept his comments to himself.
You both sat together in comfortable silence, sipping you coffee and working. After a few minutes you started to pack up. Reiner can’t believe it but he was completely relaxed around you and that was big for him so the thought of you leaving tugged at his heart strings a bit. “Well, it was nice sitting with you Reiner.” You say. His eyes widened. “Wait, you know my name.” He asked, confused. “Of course I do. You sit here everyday.” You say sweetly. “I- …” he didn't really know what to think. “So you knew who I was and yet, you came and sat at my table anyway? Why?” He questioned. . “I mean,” you started leaning closer to him. “How else would I get to spend time with you if I didn't?” You smiled. He felt a blush creep across his face. “See you tomorrow Rei.” You threw your bag over your shoulder and gave him a wink before heading out the door. And tomorrow, you were there again. And the following days after that. It became a new part of his routine. Quiet days at the coffee shop with you
The next day Reiner found himself in a lighter mood than normal. He took extra time looking over himself and a little bit longer picking the right outfit to wear. He settled for his dark blue wrangler jeans with a nice striped button down that he cuffed at the sleeves. Reiner walked into the coffee shop and made his order then shuffled his way to his table. His spirits dropped slightly when he didn't see your familiar hair sitting at the table. He shifted his eyes slightly but you were nowhere to be found. With a small sigh, he walked over to the table and sat down. Today seemed hard for him to focus without you around. You were just running behind that morning, having left your laptop on your desk. Reiner was already there when you arrived. The waitress was getting ready to walk over with his drink but you stopped her. “Don’t worry I got it.” You whispered. You take the cup and make your way to the table, sneaking up behind him. “One special drink for the sexy brooding blonde with gold eyes.” You say leaning over his shoulder. His eyes widened slightly as the scare but he recognized your voice in his ear. 
“You made it.” His deep voice said as a bright smile spread across his face. You gasped slightly, Reiner has never shown any change of emotions other than his normal neutral face with lightly furrowed brows. Seeing the way his pearly whites shine against his smooth skin, golden eyes sparkling send a very needy throb down to your center. Reiner was fucking beautiful. You couldn’t help but return the same gesture as you plopped down into the seat next to him, scooting yourself a little closer to his. He didn't mind it at all much to the surprise of the other coffee goers in the shop. They had noticed the way his attitude and emotions had shifted since you came in and they didn't hesitate to send glances your way each time you both interacted with one another. 
“So rei rei you ready to get to work?” You ask, pulling your things out of your bag. “Yeah. Yeah I am.” He smiles. 
Reiner smiled to himself again as he thought about that flashback. He turned into the parking lot of the huge building. His brows pulled together in confusion. From the outside, the building looked closed. No lights were shining from the windows and no music played that he could hear. He was getting ready to turn around when a ping chimed on his phone. He pulled up the message you sent. 
You’re in the right place. Keep walking forward.
He smirked and tucked the phone back into his pocket before taking a deep breath and walking towards the door. It opened easily as he stepped into the darkness. “Y/n?” He called out. “Are you here sugar?” He looked around in the darkness. A small light came on down the hallway. Reiner shook his head, you were always one for the dramatics. He walked towards the opening as the light glowed brighter. “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY REINER!” A group of people called out. Reiner looked around the room in shock, eyes widening. There were people from the coffee shop including a few old friends and some family. It was a small group of people but nonetheless it meant a lot to him. And there in the middle of the crowd, was you. Wearing a silk cocktail dress that draped low around your back and tied around your neck. The dress hugged you in all the right places and Reiners thoughts went completely feral. You walked closer to him pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, spreading your hands against his chest. “Calm down big boy, there are people around.” You teased, giving him a knowing look. He cleared his throat slightly, redness washing over his features. You smile up at him, wrapping your hand in his and pulling him deeper into the party 
Reiner was an addict and you were his drug. It was barely 30 minutes into the party and he was itching to get inside of you. It didn't help that you had been dancing on him earlier. The thin fabric of your dress rubbing against his dress pants. He could feel the curve of your ass on his groin and it was literally giving him a hard time. He found himself touching you every way he could. Rubbing circles into your hips, pulling you back into his chest, anything he could do to get your skin on his but nothing was enough. “Rei, baby you are insatiable right now.” You giggle as he discreetly presses his lips into the side of your neck. Reiner whimpered softly onto your flesh. “When is the party over?” He fussed. “Don’t be a brute. People came here to see you.” You smack his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and pouted slightly. You shook your head as he pulled you towards a back corner as the party went on. No one paid attention to you two disappearing into the darkness. “I just want a little taste. Please” he begged. “Rei…” “Come on Sugar, it's my birthday. You don't wanna make the birthday boy upset.” He said softly, the deep twang in his voice causing a drumming to stir between your thighs. “Fine.” You smirked at him. “But you can only use your hand.” You said softly. His eyes lit up at he slips his hands underneath the skirt of your dress, dragging his thick fingers up your legs and towards your pussy. He just wanted to slip your panties to the side and dip his fingers in.
What he doesn’t expect is to reach between your legs and feel your slickness against his fingers. His eyes widen and you give him a huge grin. “S-sugar…” he stammers. “Whatsthis?” He says. “Your other birthday gift.” You say sweetly. “Ya not wearing anything under there?” He asks, accent getting heavy. “Well technically yes I am.” You shrug innocently. “Show me.” He said, his voice dropping low. “Rei, baby you have to wait until we get home.” You say breathless. He presses closer to you, his gaze heavy as he repeats himself. “Show. Me.” You roll your eyes before carefully checking your surroundings. No one seemed to be bothered that you two weren’t anywhere to be found. You took the time to grab Reiner by the hand and lead him into the private bathroom at the end of the hall. You locked the door behind you and prepared to turn to your birthday boy but his lips were on yours before you could say anything.
Reiner presses hard against you, his mouth battling with yours. Your plump lips soft as he drags his tongue across them. A low groan releases from your body as you grant him further access. Your tongues collide in a fit of passion. Reiner wraps his arms underneath your thighs and lifts you up, pressing your back against the door. Reiner removed his mouth from yours and trails his lips down your neck, sucking on that sensitive spot you love so much. “Reiner.” You moan out, your voice bouncing off the plaster in the walls. “Fuck Sugar, you sound so good.” Reiner says as he continues to tease you. He can’t help it. He loves the way your skin tastes on his tongue. Reiner kisses lower into the cut of your dress as his grip on your ass tightens. He knows that he is being reckless but he couldn’t help it. Not with the way you were dripping. You knew what wearing these panties would do to him. “Rei, baby.” you moan out and the sound of your voice sent a chill down his spine. His thick fingers fumbled with the zipper on your dress as he worked it off of you. There would be no way to explain your dress being ripped to shreds to the people outside the bathroom door. 
Your dress falls, pooling at your feet and Reiner freezes. You standing in front of him in the sexiest 2 piece cream lingerie he has ever seen. He looks down at the thin straps of lace wrapping around your hips and the slit between the fabric revealing your juicy pussy and his mouth starts to water. “Jesus Sugar…” he breathes out, dropping to his knees in front of you. “You gone give me a heart attack on my birthday.” Reiner crawls closer to you, his big hands gripping you as he brings his nose to your center, taking in a deep breath. You shiver at his reaction. Rei has always been as affectionate as he could be with you, giving you gentle squeezes here and there or small pecks. But seeing this side of him was your favorite thing. Watching those golden eyes darken and gloss over as he obsessed over you. The way he went feral feigning for a taste of you. 
Reiner absolutely loved your body. He gripped your hips tighter as he pressed his face deeper between your legs, nudging your thighs apart so he could slip in and catch the juices dripping from your lips. Reiner slips his tongue in between your folds, and releases a heavy groan. “Damn it sugar. You taste so fucking sweet.” He calls out swallowing your juices. You run your fingers through his thick hair gripping tightly as he suckles on the head of your clit. Reiner drags his tongue from your opening to your clit, the wet sounds of your arousal getting louder as he sloppily takes more of you into his mouth. “Fuck Rei baby.” You whimper, your toes curling in your shoes. Reiner feasted on you without end, taking his time to worship your pussy. You feel your body reaching its peak as you grip him tighter. Over and over his name falls from your lips. Reiner refuses to let up. He sucks your clit without mercy, using the tip of his tongue to tease against the hood. 
“Oh God Rei please.” You cry out to him. “Shh princess.” He comes up for air. “You don't want anyone to hear you, do you? I wouldn't want you to interrupt the party.” He teases you. You shudder underneath his command. Reiner loved the way he could make you fall apart just at the sound of his voice. He rose up, towering over you. “Now Sugar, you gonna be a good girl and take daddy’ dick, yeah?” He states. You nod breathlessly. He smirks before turning you to face the mirror. “Hands on the counter, eyes forward.” He directs you. You follow his instructions quickly, eager to feel him stretching you apart. “So impatient.” He chuckles. Reiner grips his length, stroking twice before lining it up with your center. You were already dripping down your legs, the opening in the panties exposing you to the cool air. 
“Ready for me sugar?” He pants, tip throbbing with anxiousness. You nod, body thrumming with anticipation. Reiner took a steadying breath before inching forward, pressing his tip into your walls. You tense slowly at the delicious stretch. It took everything in his power to keep his knees from buckling. Years later and he still wasn't used to the tightness of your walls as he sheathed himself deeper into you. “Damn it sugar.” Reiner whispered in your ear as he fucked you without mercy. You let out a low, whimpering groan as he pushed deeper into your walls. Reiner leaned forward, pressing his chest against your back until he was level with your ear. “Shhh sugar,” he breathes in your ear. “You don't want anyone to hear the nasty thing you're doing in the bathroom, right? They don't gotta know how I'm fucking you right now, now do they?” He feels you shudder in his grasp. Reiner was obsessed with the way he knew your body. It always sent him into a state of euphoria to see how you broke down under his command. He removed a few inches from your wetness slowly before slipping back inside of you. Your eyes roll backwards at the intensity of it. Fucking him hard was one thing, but when he switched it up. Slipping his thickness inside you slowly, your walls contracting around each inch, he was punishing you. Your legs start to vibrate underneath you. “Rein baby please, you’re torturing me -- I need it.” you whimper. 
Reiner loved hearing you begging. “IF…I speed up, will you be good and stay quiet sugar?” You nod frantically, anything to get him to make you reach your climax. Reiner smirks and then rams himself deep into your opening. Your body jolts, knees buckling upon impact but he holds you up by your waist. He repeats the same action again and your hands turn white from the way you gripped the sink. Reiner slams into you repeatedly, your pussy clenching around him each time he pulls out. The sound of your arousal ricochets in Reiner’s ears as he pumps into you steadily. He looks down at your conjoined bodies and a whimper releases from his throat. You push back against him, arching your back as you slip him deeper into your body. He grips your hips in warning and fucks you. And yes, he fucks you. Death grip on your hips, Reiner forces your back flat onto the counter and ruts into you fast and hard, not caring how he was torturing you. You bite down on your lip, the taste of copper fills your mouth as the blood rushes, flooding your senses. Reiner’s strength waivers as he continues to fuck himself dumb, grinding deep in your walls. You are both reaching you breaking point. “Come with me Rei baby.” you beg him, legs trembling underneath you. 
“Fuckfuckfuck.” he cries out as his cum spurts out in ropes, coating you inside and out. You feel a rush of liquid drip down your legs as you collapse onto the counter. Both of you take a moment and breath, trying to come down from your high. Realization splashes over you. “Shit…SHIT.” you push yourself off from the counter and fumble with your clothes. Reiner tilts his head slightly, giving you a confused look. “The party Rei!” you fuss, grabbing some rags and wetting them to clean yourself up. Reiner walks to you, pressing his hands on your sides and halting your movements. He takes the rags from your hands then drops to his knees, he drags the fabric over your skin wiping you down slowly. Your heat races at the sight of him on his knees for you. You take a moment with one another before you get dressed.
Reiner checks the hallway to make sure it's clear and you slip out of the bathroom. The party is still going on, friends dancing and everyone seems to be okay. You both walk hand in hand back out to the room of people. “Well…” Annie says as you walk up to join them. “Someone looks freshly fucked.” Your eyes widen and lips part slightly. Your friends are quiet for a moment before laughter erupts around you. You roll your eyes playfully and shake your head. “Damn Rei, couldn’t wait until you got home huh?” Eren laughs, clapping him on the back. His face is beet red as she shrugs his shoulders, a small smile playing on his lips. “Alright you too. Now you’ve had your fun. Let’s enjoy the rest of the party.” Annie raises her glass in the air. You all cheers and you look over to your boyfriend. His face was soft and content and you couldn’t be happier. You stretch up and press a small kiss on the underside of his jaw. “Happy Birthday Rei baby.”
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shieldofiron · 1 year
Shovel Talk (Bury Me)
So many people give Billy the shovel talk, it starts to become kind of a game.
Robin is first, deadly serious but very inventive when it comes to her imagined punishments. Henderson’s is by far the most inventive, spanning centuries of his life with pain and suffering that he’s not entirely sure the little guy could mete out. Nancy’s is to the point, simple. Just a reminder that she has guns, like she hasn’t shot at him already. But when he reminds her with a laugh she goes a little pale and apologizes. Jonathan’s is kind of half assed, and he’s the only one who seems to think Harrington isn’t some porcelain doll ready to shatter at any moment. Hoppers is sort of garbled, it’s clear that he doesn’t have a great footing with these things, with emotions and stuff.
Erica and Lucas deliver theirs at the same time, and it’s possibly the only one he’s really scared of, because that little chick is a firecracker. And as Lucas said, he hasn’t missed Billy once, unlike Nancy. Gotta respect that. Max’s is quick, a barely there mention that he better not hurt Steve, but it hurts worse than the others.
And he gets it. They’ve only been together a few weeks, but soon Steve is gonna wake up and realize that if he likes guys he could like better ones. Healthier ones, who are nicer. Calmer. Steve needs someone like Steve, someone warm and loving, who knows how to treat him right. Billy just happened to be around when Steve figured it all out. Billy just happened to be lucky enough to look like he looks.
It’s the only way this thing between them makes any goddamn sense.
The thing is, he also doesn’t see a future where he can really affect Steve like people think. Sure, Steve is affectionate and stuff. He’s happy when Billy does his best, when Billy opens doors for him and calls him to hear about his day. But surely Steve is just like that with everyone he’s dating.
So Billy just shrugs. Tries to let it roll off his back and remember that he knows what this is. That he knows what he is to Steve. Just a very good looking first experiment with guys. All he can do is keep things light. Keep things relaxed and casual. Open Steve’s doors and enjoy the feeling of being held by him, without expecting more.
He doesn’t push his feelings on Steve. He doesn’t say that when he sees how far people will go for Steve it makes him want to grab a shovel and dig and dig until he knocks on the ceiling of the upside down, until his arms feel like rubber.
He doesn’t get too mushy with Steve, or call when he’s had three shovel talks in a day and it hurts so much. When he wishes his boyfriend could just be there for him.
Because he knows what he is.
“Not hurting Steve” is the slowest death ever, like being buried alive. And then Steve will smile, and reach across the seat and take Billy’s hand… and Billy always decides he can die for one more day if it means being close to Steve.
El takes Billy’s hand when she sees him, and he almost expects another shovel talk. But instead she squeezes his hand.
“He’s hurting you,” she says softly.
“N-no,” Billy can feel his chin tremble.
“Yes, he is.”
She closes her eyes and the emotions wash over Billy like a hurricane. The isolation he’s still feeling. The way he’s terrified to spend time with Steve, the way he’s terrified to be himself.
He pulls his hand away, “Too much, Jane. Too much.”
She nods, “Okay. I’ll stop.”
And then they set down and watch Saturday morning cartoons, and she pretends not to notice that he’s crying.
So imagine his surprise when later that day Steve throws open the door to his car while he’s idling at the arcade waiting for Max. Steve is still in his family video vest, looking a little out of breath.
“Tell me what I did wrong,” Steve gasps.
“Uh, hello to you too,” Billy presses his sunglasses up his nose.
“What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing? What are you talking about?”
“I got a call from El,” Steve frowns, his bangs flopping down his brow, “Like five minutes ago telling me I could find you here to fix this.”
Billy groans, “Sorry. You didn’t do anything. She’s just worrying-“
“Worrying about what?”
“Nothing,” Billy shrugs, “Its fine.”
“What’s fine?”
“Listen, man,” Steve sucks in a breath. “When a teenage telepath calls telling you to fix stuff with your boyfriend, you listen. What’s wrong?”
Billy snatches his sunglasses off and rubs his eyes, “Look she’s just… I’ve… fuck.”
“Baby,” Steve glances around furtively and must decide that it’s worth it to take Billy’s hand.
“I’ve just… your friends really care about you,” He spits out at last.
“And maybe they’re right. Maybe we’re just dragging this out, and we should just… cut our losses,” Billy shakes his head. Because that’s exactly what he doesn’t want. But he would do it, for Steve. He would do just about anything. He’s the only person who can hurt Billy in quite this way. Steve hurts him, that’s how much Billy is in love with him.
“Stop, wait. I don’t understand.”
“They don’t want me to hurt you. Which is just… like the funniest fucking thing,” Billy looks at Steve square in his eyes, even though it fucking hurts, “They don’t know how impossible that is. Like… you don’t even care enough about me to be hurt.”
Steve looks struck, “What the fuck? What?”
Billy shrugs, snorting a little to try to calm the prickling in his eyes, and the tightening in his throat.
“Why would you say that to me? Say that I don’t care… that’s not true, Billy.”
“It’s fine,” Billy shakes his head no, and hates himself. “I know what this is. They just don’t get it.”
“And what is this?”
“An experiment,” Billy shrugs, staring hard at the arcade sign and cursing Max for being late again.
“I’m an experiment to you?”
Billy feels the anger trigger hot in his chest, “No. I’m the experiment. And when you’re done with me, and you find someone who is actually worth all this trouble from your friends, it’ll be over. You know. Someone you could love back.”
Steve is quiet, and when Billy looks over, his eyes are wide.
At just that moment, when all Steve has to do is pull the trigger and leave Billy like he’s supposed to, Max raps on the window.
Steve squeezes Billy’s hand, not moving. “Meet me when I get done with work at nine? Right here, meet me right here.”
“Okay,” Billy says, though he’s not sure why Steve can’t just do it right now.
“Okay,” Steve’s brow furrows, “I’ll be waiting for you.”
Like Billy wouldn’t be counting the minutes.
And then Harrington let’s go, and flashes Billy a strange look before swapping with Max.
“What’s wrong with you?” She frowns at him.
“Oh, you know,” Billy sniffs, “Same old everything.”
“What did Steve want?”
Billy sniffs again, “I’m trying to get him to break up with me.”
“Why the hell would you want to do that?” Max curls her lip up at him.
“I don’t,” Bill reverses and peels out of the lot.
Max just stares at him, which he pretends not to notice as he starts the well worn route back to Susan’s trailer.
“Did he do something?” Max startles him with the vehemence in her voice.
“Nothing but be too good for me, right? I mean that’s what you’ve been saying,” Billy grips the wheel.
“What I’ve been saying?”
And Billy’s just so tired. He’s so tired, and he wants to go to the woods and dig until all he can think about is sweat and dirt. And then he wants to lay down and sleep for a hundred years.
But instead he drowns out whatever Max says next with the music, and when they get home, he ignores Susan’s prodding about lunch and seals himself in his room.
He tries to be late to see Steve, but, embarrassingly, he ends up being early, waiting outside the arcade and video store like some kind of creep.
Finally, Steve exits, waving goodbye to Robin who shoots a warning look over to Billy in Susan’s idling sedan.
“I’ll be out of your hair soon, Buckley.” He whispers, just as Steve gets in next to him.
“Hi,” Billy whispers.
“So… you love me.”
It’s like a punch to the gut. Billy’s stomach plummets through the mantle of the earth and down to the lava below.
“Fuck you,” He gasps.
“Am I wrong? You said you thought I would leave you for someone I could love back,” Steve doesn’t seem disturbed by Billy’s outburst in the slightest.
“This is by far the worst fucking way to break up with someone-“
“Well good, because I’m not breaking up with you.”
This knocks his stomach around more, though his heart, stupid thing that it was, started rising with dumb hope.
“Robin told me that you guys had a… conversation,” Steve nods, “And apparently she head from Nancy that… well. I had to do some detective work. But the point is, I’m guessing they kinda freaked you out?”
Billy frowned.
“And… I mean I can’t be totally mad at them, Billy. Because I told Robin how in love with you I was before we even dated,” Steve bit his lower lip, “I thought it would be too early to say. But since you said it first… it doesn’t feel so bad.”
“I didn’t,” Billy protests.
“You kinda did, though,” Steve takes Billy’s hand, “You love me.”
Billy tries to take a deep breath through his seized lungs. Like he had a choice. Like he hasn’t been lost for the guy from the moment he saw him across the parking lot, across a crowded party, across a court. It’s a dream now that they’re here, next to each other.
“I’m sorry that they scared you,” Steve brushes the scars on Billy’s palm, like he’s reading the lines for a moment, and then knits their fingers together. “They just know how hurt I can get when I loved someone… who didn’t love me back. No one can really hurt me, not like you can.”
Billy swallows.
“But…” Steve has the softest eyes in the universe, dark and depthless as the sea at night, “You wouldn’t. Right?”
It’s kind of a shovel talk. Billy doesn’t care. Only Steve can bury him this deep.
“No,” Billy gasps, “I wouldn’t. I mean I would try… never to do that.”
Steve leans in, face pink in the light of the arcade sign, “Will you say it? For me?”
“I love you,” Billy gasps.
“I love you too,” Steve smiles, “I love you so much, Billy.”
That night in bed, his spine still tingling, Steve throws him for a loop again.
“Will’s shovel talk was the scariest,” Steve sighs, “Don’t you agree?I mean El is scary and so is Max, don’t get me wrong-“
“Yeah, Will,” Steve shivers, “He told me he’s been to the upside down so he’s not afraid of prison.”
Billy shakes his head a little, “Will didn’t give me one.”
“Oh. What about Mike? His was pretty good. Not that scary but I thought it was really cute,” Steve leans up on his elbows.
“Yeah. He said there’s only so many cool guys in town and I was not one of them,” Steve smirked, “I think he has a little crush on you.”
“First of all, ew,” Billy wrinkled his nose, “Mike didn’t give me one either.”
In the end they make a game of it. They each had a few different, but in the end it evened out.
Jonathan was way less lax when he spoke to Steve, it turned out. Max had threatened to go nuclear.
Billy had people who cared for him. That part wasn't a game, but it was very nice. And he had Steve, so he didn't need to bury himself, after all.
Also on AO3.
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guppyfish77 · 9 months
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Another year Another summary of Art! An Entire Year of Submas lets gooooooooooo!!!! This year I feel like I really pushed myself when it comes to illustrations and I feel like I've learned a lot! But at the same time I feel a little tired, next year I think I wanna relax and experiment a bit more, I gotta learn to loosen up! Might get more art out if I do :p
I also feel the Submas grip ever so lightly relaxing (unless they decide to do Unova remakes haha XD), so I might introduce some of my numerous ocs in 2024! I'll probably start with the conductor oc ;]
Thank you for all your support! (you are all very nice! ToT), I still have a good amount of submas stuff planned in the works so look forward to that (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
If you are interested, I also have some commentary and behind the scenes for some of my submas illustrations! I wanna talk about it and now seems like a good time to do so now that the year is over! (Beware! its going to be long!)
All titles are linked to the original post
Lunch Break
hoho! This one is the sort of AU thing in which the only thing that changes is that I give Emmet a Victini friend (not a part of his team, I dubbed them the "victory duo" because Emmet likes winning and Victini is the Victory Pokemon), I planned out a few wordless comics regarding the idea, they were all very lighthearted slice of life kind of stuff, usually Victini causing some mischief and the brothers having to deal with it
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and here's the thumbnails for this piece! I played around with various angles but decided to keep it simple and choose a straight on angle. It was originally a snack break and Emmet sharing a granola bar with Victini, but as I was planning it, submas unexpectedly showed up in the Pokemon Anime where they were serving ekiben, after learning about it it quickly turned into a lunch break! (how fun when new information lines up with an art piece you are working on hoho! ^ ^) After studying what foods Ekiben usually have in them (there was quite a variety!) I took what I learned and try to make the food look like the gear station logo :D
In the background there are children drawings because in the battle subway one of the trainer classes you can face off against are preschoolers, and I thought at least one of them would share their drawings with the subway bosses (and of course why wouldn't they hang it up?), there is also a trophy in which you can get in the players room if you beat the subway bosses on the super trains (one day, battling competitively is not my forte), I did my best to make Emmet's office feel lived in by adding a little bit of clutter (like adding a note) but overall very organized
(hey hey that joltik mug looks familiar in the corner there, its the same one Rei is holding in the christmas drawing)
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Bonus Emmet and Victini Drawings
aw come on dude, not on the trains!
ah this one, it gave me quite a bit of frustration! This piece I used to challenge myself on perspective, and challenge me it did! The version you see now is I believe the 6th iteration of this drawing! The reason for restarting so many times is because I originally wanted it to be in 3 point perspective, but I couldn't get it to look right so its now in 2 point... Haha Some valuable lessons learned there!
This illustration was inspired by the history of New York Subway Trains and Graffiti! I read about it when I got to visit the New York Transit Museum and found it super interesting!! Then I went I gotta do something with this! Since Unova is based in New York after all!
I got so many subway surfer comments, they don’t know I forgot subway surfers existed while making this and that I am a huge nerd lmao
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I had a lot of fun designing the graffiti on the train (yes it says among us) stylizing the fictional letters was so fun! I studied some graffiti to see how they do it, I could've pushed the graffiti style more but then it would be illegible! I also mixed in elements of Grafaiai graffiti, and trainer that is running away is the artist trainer class in SCVL because they are graffiti artists! And the train that got graffitied is the Wifi Train, due to BW (and the DS) servers being shut down, I doubt that train gets used much anymore, which makes it a perfect target!
hohoho! This was a fun one! I'm not sure how many of you guys read my tags, but in there I did state that this piece was based off the fact that model trains are powered by electrifying the rail it runs on (very low watts mind you) and the fact that Joltik eats electricity, but thats not the only inspiration, it was also inspired by those videos of cats laying on the layout and derailing the train!
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Theres quite a variety of thumbnails for this idea (including a comic!), and the idea was there in 2022, but this year I decided to fully commit to it! I started rendering the top right one and almost finished it, but it felt really boring to me, so I switched it up and made some thumbnails in a new perspective and viola! thats what ended up being finished!
The train that is being derailed are Sanriku Railway Type 36s, based off a model train I have in my collection! (While sharing this fact on the original post Haiku Bot detected it as a Haiku?! and this art went out of my target audience, that certainly was a day (⊙□⊙;))
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Also I straight up put a picture of Thomas the Tank Engine in the background, I'm not sure if people noticed cuz its quite blurry, the fact that nobody said anything means I probably would’ve gotten away with it before sharing this fact, so hehe :3c
Unexplained Melancholy
eyy! this one! It started out wholly different
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It was originally me dropping Warden Ingo in various natural landscapes around Hisui as I didn't feel like drawing anymore linear perspective (ah, but heres the thing, all environments require a little bit of perspective lol), and it was just going to be Warden Ingo hanging out in a lush forest, specifically by the train rock that was shown in his concept art! but after sitting on it, I realized I could do something more with it! by making it a snowy environment I could make callbacks to Emmet's coat being white! hence the "SNOWY!!!" being scribbled there, that was added like weeks afterwards, Then I realized I could push it even more by making the whole environment about Emmet's colors! So the new thumbnail is in color because thats whats its about!
The moon smile thing was stumbled on by complete accident, while working on it it felt empty there and I added Emmet's smile to fill the space before going "moon!!!"
The piece is also a sort of a parallel to last years piece “I am Emmet, I wish for Ingo and I to be a two-car train once more” composition wise, sort of, I tried to at least 👍
Black Tower and Whitetree Hollow
Ah! I was quite proud of this one! Black City and White Forest are some of my favorite places in Unova mainly because the parallels are so very cool!
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As the thumbnails suggest it was all going to be in complete black and white, as I was working on it though I could not help but add some values in there so yup! I quite like both compositions but the perspective won me out, plus that one focuses more on the characters than the other one (as much as I love backgrounds, it really is supposed to be about Emmet and Ingo U_U)
Being places of duality and having a battle challenge in there, it really fit them!
Emmet drops the hottest single of all time 🔥🔥🔥
Not really much to say about this one since it was very much done on a whim, but
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its not the first time I drew Emmet with his hat backwards, I did this little doodle around the same time I did the train graffiti piece, been wanting to do something with this silly idea, and when I heard that audio, I went :o
Following Some Rumors of a Time Machine
the finale! I decided to choose Area Zero because its a very cool place! I am inspired by cool places! and I decided to give it my all for this one!
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The thumbnail I made was more for jotting down the idea, and the landscape was going to be more eyelevel? Later I decided to make it so you were looking down into the crater and you get to see the fog blocking the crystal caverns, to show that Emmet was going deeper into Area Zero and the Deepest part is his destination (the time machine, not the underdepths, I didn't know about that yet haha!) I was always going to make Emmet encounter a Slither Wing, with it being based off Volcarona, a gen 5 pokemon :]
Anyways, That's all I have to say! I hope you found it interesting! (and enjoyed my varying quality in sketches and thumbnails XD) Thanks for listening! see you in 2024! ✌
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reine-du-sourire · 14 days
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It's not that Cheslock is a bad teacher, it's just that he doesn't always seem to understand that it isn't everyone who-
"Nope, that's an F. Give me an E. E for Eddie."
E for exasperating, Edward thinks. Elizabeth's birthday is coming up, and Edward's idea of learning to play a song for her came two days before the start of break. Not his best timing. "Cheslock, it isn't everyone who has perfect pitch! I don't know which one E is!"
With a surprising amount of patience, Cheslock places a finger on the ivory key next to the one Edward had tried, pressing down on it several times. "It ain't perfect pitch, Midford, it's just knowing the stuff. E E E E E. Now you try."
"E," Edward repeats, copying the motion. He's very glad that the music room is empty; there's no shame in imperfection during practice, of course, but... still.
Cheslock grins, bending over the edge of the grand piano again to point to another key. "Good. See, middle C is over there, and then all ya gotta do is count up, right?"
"So long as I can remember where middle C is," Edward grumbles.
"It's right over there."
"Well, I know that now-!"
At Edward's request, Cheslock plays the whole song through.
He plays it flawlessly and far too fast. 
"I really wish I'd thought of this earlier," Edward sighs, gazing hopelessly at the ivories. The cheerful melody is still ringing in his ears. "I can't learn this whole song in two days."
"It's easy," Cheslock shrugs. "Ain't a hard song, really. I just did it quick. And you can practice when ya get home. I'll write down the notation-"
"I can't read sheet music!"
"-with the letters, so ya can read it. I can even make a lil' sketch of the keys so ya know where middle C is. Won't be as good as Violet's drawing, but it should help."
"Maybe I won't need it," Edward says stoutly, "if I practice enough. Show me again. And stop showing off."
Cheslock wrinkles his nose, but sits down on the bench beside Edward. "Bossy. I'm doin' ya a favor."
"Yes, and you're showing off. I already know you're good. Now would you please help me with the simple version you showed me earlier?"
"Yeah, yeah." In one swift move, Cheslock hops off the bench and places himself just behind Edward, chin upon his shoulder and hands coming to rest atop Edward's. "Let's try this way."
"R-right." Edward tries to keep his voice steady. "Yes. Of course."
"Relax, Ed, I don't bite. Mostly. ...relax, I said. Ready?"
"I said yes. Just start."
"D D E D G F-sharp," Cheslock sings, guiding Edward's fingers slowly across the keys. His breath is warm on Edward's neck; maybe that's why Edward's face feels like it's going to burst into flame. No doubt. "D D E D A G..."
More like D E A D. Edward is convinced he's going to hear this version of the song in his head for the duration of the entire break.
The prospect fails to bring him a great deal of hope.
Cheslock brings their hands to a triumphant finish. "Nice job, Ed. Let's try again."
"I- I need a minute."
"Sure." Cheslock doesn't budge from Edward's back. This does not help Edward's concentration any. "Might wanna take a couple of deep breaths, while you're at it. You're all tensed up."
"Tell me something else I'm don't know," Edward mumbles.
Edward can feel Cheslock grinning as, without missing a beat, a black-nailed hand reaches out to point once more.
"That one is middle C."
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bleedingcoffee42 · 6 days
Shit I've rambled on Discord when asked a simple question( Who do you think would be good at talking dirty in bed?) one I did not answer but instead wrote these.
BoB boys in the sheets, under the cut.
Nixon I think is the smooth one. Be the guy who is upfront about trying something he learned on a trip to Tibet, in a stairwell at Yale, in the barn at boarding school, or from that dumb slut behind the gay bar on Rt. 35 South of that sketchy Circle Motor Lodge. He'll describe whatever kinky shit he wants to try like one of those ads for Scotch were it's about Oakey infusion from century old barrels, the grains harvested by virgins and strength of alcohol like the stalwart heroes of old Scotland who created so many colloquialism about scrotums; when men were men and Vat69 wasn't bottle shelf liquor. You'll get played like he plays his Mozart, fingers dancing over the keys and body loose, rhythm flowing through his entire being. Also big into praise kink. The guy who can talk you into doing things and make you enjoy it even if you never want to do again
Speirs is both ends of the spectrum from "My fair lady 😘" to "When you speak to an officer, you say Sir!".   Never know what you'll get and he can flip the switch at a moment's notice.    Adrenaline Rush Sparky is 'bend you over the desk and say whatever the hell he wants' and then there is 'uwu you are my greatest treasure' Ron who will babble like you're the goddess he  worships and do so the entire damned night.     He balances hot and authoritative with weird stories about lovers in the tempest of hell.  Never know what you'll get.   Competitive though, so he tries to outdo himself.   Good luck getting on top of him.    And the bitch has stamina.
Lipton!!!!    Boss in bed, but delivers.   Gets away with everything he says, because he knows what buttons to push.   Likes to hear 'Yes, sir' too much, but you gotta scream something or you'll never see the light of day.    Nobody believes he's like this except Speirs, who considers Carwood Lipton to be a closely guarded secret.  Will say shit under his breath that makes you do a double take and then walk off leaving you wanting.  Oh it was you First Sergeant.
I think Winters would come out with some unhinged shit to say.  The kind of thing that makes you stop mid-fuck and tap out because it’s just a mood killer and dries everything up like the Sahara.   Possibly farming metaphors.   More probably the kind of moody things that make DeEtta want to choke him. He can pull it off though, but it is influenced by his work stress situation at the time. Make him take a bath and relax first, it will go better. From the field and pissed about upper management he rides frustration instead of fornication. Nixon likes to argue and twist one off so he doesn't mind plowing those fields or cultipacking those furrows.
Welsh would say the same stuff but get away with it.  NO farming metaphors, but every sarcastic thing he said in Carentan.   Especially ‘Flash’ ‘Thundaaaaaah’.  He laughs while he says it though, laughs around whatever he’s doing with his mouth that will earn him a visit to the confessional. (At least according to Kitty)
Guarnere would definitely say some nasty nasty stuff but be doing something so beyond what you ever imagined letting some guy do to you anyway, and it's beyond fine.   The reason for wet dreams for at least the next twenty years.  
Toye.    Yeah.    See him as the quiet type until he gets in the foxhole and gets fired up.      Something something 'dug coal together when we were 19'.  A boxer, he knows where to land every hit and has you against the ropes the entire time.   Sings off key while he’s cleaning up after but you do not feel like the sticky floor of some dive bar more like a private performance from Sinatra.  Even if it is off key.
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ratatatastic · 3 months
there is nothing more delightful than hearing forsy talk about fishing absolutely nothing more delightful than that so behold. forsy talking about fishing.
"More than just hockey, you're also a big fisherman. Why fishing?" "I don't know, it's something that I did growing up with my grandpa, my dad and my two brothers. It's a good way to relax and get your mind off hockey—Everything really in life. You're focusing on fishing and that's it." "So, when are you buying your boat here in South Florida?" "Well...we'll see. It's mostly a summer thing but I wouldn't mind a boat. I'm pretty simple like that! It's hockey, fishing and family-life. Yeah, that is pretty much it for me." "You're a simple man!" "Yep!" "It's good! It's probably why you're a good player 'cuz you got your focuses. You're locked in!" "Yeah, yeah."
WSFL Inside South Florida | 4.11.24 (x)
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"When you disconnect—When you step away from the rink, what are some of the things you like to do over the course of the summer?" "I'm a big fishing guy, so that's pretty much all I do when I'm working out back home." "Where do you go to fish? Where are the big spots in Sweden?" "Can't tell you the best spots. Just around—We actually—Me and my fiancée just bought a house back home. We haven't seen it yet so it's gonna be fun to see the house by the lake...I'm gonna fish that way." "It is furnished? Or are you walking into an empty house?" "No, it's gonna be empty!" "Oh, that's a summer project!" "Yeah, so we got a lot of things to do." "What do you go for? What's the most exciting thing you've pulled in?" "I enjoy pike fishing. I love big pikes. That's probably my favourite." "Is that part of the off-season workout? I mean, the upperbody gets a good workout fishing." "Oh, yeah. I think it's a lot of mental, too! Like, a mental game. So, you know, you gotta stay patient. It's a lot of fun."
Territory Talk | 6.15.22 (x)
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"First question, I gotta ask you. What's something recently—off the ice, outside of hockey—that's brought you joy?" "Ooh! When I'm home during summer usually I fish a lot. So, that's something I really enjoy. I've been doing a lot this summer...Yeah, fishing, I would say." "Fishing. That's something you do with friends, with family, by yourself?" "Yeah. Actually both. I fish with my brothers and my dad, and a lot of buddies." "That sounds great! That sounds like a nice way to unwind!" "It is!" "—And the total opposite sort-of mentality of hockey which is so 'go-go-go-go!' physical in-your-face." "Yeah, it's still very competitive. Fishing it's—but it's fun!" "When you're dealing with a professional athlete I can't imagine theres anything that's not at least a little competitive." "Exactly!"
Miami Mic'd Up | 10.12.23 (x)
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"We're seeing you're a big outdoorsman... ya like fishing?" "Yeah. I love—I'm a big fisherman." "Yeah? Do you have any—Have you been on a big fishing trip? Or you've just been fishing in Sweden? Down there in Florida? Where you at and what do you like to fish?" "In Florida it's mostly deep sea fishing. I'm more a lake guy. I mean, I'm starting to get into it more here in Florida. Ekblad is fishing a lot, so, he took me out a couple times. It's pretty cool to get a big Tuna and stuff like that...but I'm more of a lake guy, I would say." "Does Ekky make you pull in the big fish? 'Cuz he already said how big and strong you are, 'throwing a 250'... He's like—he gives it over to you or what?" "Yeah, but he's got the whole electric stuff so he's—" "Oh, he's cheating! With the big rod riggers!" "Yeah! He rigs—" "He got into that a few years ago when I was down there with him. He's still into it, he's still on that deep sea stuff. I can never do it, it made me sick." "Yeah. Yeah, he is."
NHL Network | 3.14.24 (x)
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man who absolutely wanted to be asked to reel in a big one by his partner but absolutely did not get the privilege because ekkys gone electric mourn for him hes want to be a big strongman and useful but now he cant because of technology.
but also the lakeguy vs seaguy fishing fued we got here is utterly delightful im not surprised if ekky took him out fishing just to try and convince him that its better can you imagine the amount of squabbles theyve got in over fishing. but also ekky took him out fishing. several times. like that happened. okay im gonna normal about that 👍
also not them damsel in distressing ekky like ohhhhh does he make you do the heavy stuff he talks soooooo much about how big and strong you are does he put you to work *bats eyelashes*
forsy, who really desperately wants to be put to work: no no he doesnt 😔😔
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and here are just the multitude of photos of forsy fishing (redfin perches and northern pikes) over the years and posting it to ig and the captions are all filled with the weight and length of the fish like oh hes a real fishin boi give me those numbers (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
#gustav forsling#aaron ekblad#florida panthers#2122#2324#like all forsy things somehow ekky is here too#hi ekky#just a man talking about fishing pike aint nothing more joyous than that#but also them asking forsy if he reels in fish for ekky. and forsy seems a little disappointed to shake his head and say no.#re:cats in downtown lugging a tincan over their head and forsy just goes “i got it” and takes cupholding duties from swaggy like a strongma#anyways do you ever think about the mundanity of fishing. the long hours spent between each catch just watching the water ripple.#the quiet comfort of the person beside you. the easy going dialogue between you that lulls into silence.#before the line starts twitching and you both stand up and rush over to the rod and the side of the boat in pure excitement.#maybe the game is a little too big a little too strong and you have to place your hands on the rod too. plant your feet behind your mate.#get a good few pulls in while grunts fill the air because this fish is a bit of a fighter. your chest is basically plastered to his back.#anyways#i think forsy should take ekky lakefishing in sweden or something#the romanticism of early morning fishing on a tiny boat in a lake. just two guys sitting very close together.#also forsy in the fourth pic with the pike haunts my every waking moment. thighs.#like in the sixth one i was like ooooohhh what a cute little man in his little fishing outfit ooooo#and then i get hit with skies out thighs out babe none of this is behind a paywall we get feet for FREE freak summer pic#forsy in green is good 👍 hi little elf man 👍#he holds these fish like an animal crossing character#that being said he would be besties with rory and rolf#also forsy talking about fishing with ekky is at 9:29#oh god post tag regret please dont read the tags jesus aughghfhfbf
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