#doing the lord's work šŸ˜­
heymacy Ā· 2 years
Macy šŸ’—šŸ’— would you like to answer some questions about I&M? I hope youā€™re having a wonderful day (:
Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides ā€œMickā€ and ā€œMickeyā€, whatā€™s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , whatā€™s Ianā€™s favorite?
2. Whatā€™s the story behind Mickeyā€™s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldnā€™t be a turn on but is)
4. Whatā€™s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ?Ā 
anon xx my beloved, welcome welcome šŸ’› what an amazing list of questions!! i only hope to do them justice šŸ„°
i'm a big believer in soft and sweet pet names for mickey. baby, lover, sweetheart, etc! he pretends to hate it but he loves it ā€” it appeals to his softer side which we all know he has in spades! on the opposite end of the spectrum is ian, who loves nicknames more in a teasing manner. "tough guy" during foreplay, "sleepyface" when he won't wake up on saturday morning, "Mary Poppins" when he's on a cleaning spree. his favorite is "tough guy" though ā€” always has been, always will be!
i've always believed that mickey's knuckle tattoos were scratcher tattoos (that is to say one of his cousins bought a tattoo gun on eBay and just went to fuckin' town). i know he did it to appease his father and to further embolden the armor he wore in the first and second seasons (dirty clothes, bad personal hygeine, etc). i think in time he'll let them fade away, though there will always be remnants there of a time long passed. re: ian's tattoo ā€” he gets "mickey" tattooed over his heart in the same place mickey has his. just "mickey" ā€” HIS mickey šŸ„ŗ
i'm going to agree with my beloved jessie @metalheadmickey on this one! CRIME šŸ‘šŸ» KINK šŸ‘šŸ» for mickey, one THOUSAND percent. i mean the ambulance debacle is hard evidence of that (pun fully intended). and we love a competency kink for ian! watching mickey handle customers and clients with such ease and sweet talk his way in or out of any situation is a huuuuuuge turn on for him. and with how competent mickey is in their Chosen Field? it's a wonder they can ever keep their hands off each other
mickey didn't make an instagram until after their wedding (@/mmick), and i like to think ian (@/gallagherian) forced his hand a little bit here! come on mick, it's really fun! don't you want to see all the cute pictures i post of you? that does it for him, because how DARE ian post that picture of him slurping spaghetti at the Olive Garden without his permission! after a while he gets into it a bit but still only ever posts when ian suggests it, like on anniversaries. his captions are always the same: "fuck off šŸ–•šŸ¼"
CAT CAT CAT! i am a huuuuuuge cat dad truther. it just works! i think down the line they eventually get a dog, something medium-sized and scruffy. a little mutt from the shelter! but i literally can't see mickey without a lil calico cat thanks to my angelic cat @iansfreckles and Miss Henry from Elevator Music šŸ„¹
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pharawee Ā· 3 months
Favorite Kiss Game
Rules: create a poll with five nine of your all time favorite onscreen kisses, setting any standard for qualification you choose. Then tag more friends to join in!
I was tagged by @lurkingshan & @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle. Thank you so much! šŸ’œšŸ’œ I just had a look at my most recent gif folder because the moment someone asks me my favourites I forget everything I ever watched. These moments speak to me though or I wouldn't have wrestled photoshop for hours to turn them into gifs. šŸ™
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1. Sun & Q (7 Days Before Valentine) aka the artsy existential kiss.
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2. Ken & Seiji & Japan (Deep Night) aka the "baby's first throuple" daydream kiss that was way better than what we actually got in the end.
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3. Him & Nail (For Him) aka the "the production company is dead to me but these two ate" kiss.
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4. Thanwa & Peak (Knock Knock, Boys!) aka the "they literally kissed in a closet and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" kiss.
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5. Pete & Kenta (Pit Babe) aka the "this chaste little kiss changed my whole brain chemistry and I shall now sit here consumed with headcanons for the rest of my life" kiss.
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6. Prom & Nont (Playboyy) aka the "kiss me like I'm my missing twin" kiss.
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7. Achi & Ji (To Be Continued) aka the "fcking finally!!" kiss.
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8. Sprite & First (Twins) aka the "this show doesn't even deserve FrameRyan GIVE THEM ANOTHER SERIES YOU COWARDS" kiss.
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9. Wayu & Jao (Two Worlds) aka the "uhm didn't you just impale your leg in a death trap oh ok then good for you" kiss.
I'm tagging: @sanvees @sparklyeyedhimbo @bunnakit @zhouxiangs @bengiyo
and also (what's up with tumblr not tagging correctly?)
@visualtaehyun @leonpob @benkaaoi @markmybirds (please ignore if you've been tagged before or don't want to do this šŸ’œ)
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benevientowoes Ā· 5 months
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tails during todays tails tube
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mj-thrush-gxn Ā· 7 months
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theshippirate22 Ā· 1 year
my wife (ao3 volunteers) has just gone into labour (working to end the ddos attack) and i, but her poor husband (a desperate fanwork consumer) is left pacing the hospital waiting room (refreshing twitter hoping for updates)
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zivaninja Ā· 11 months
I am seventeen years late to the party I know, but I have just watched doomsday for the first time and I'm having a complete tenrose breakdown.
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sophfandoms53 Ā· 3 months
Hi, same ā€˜how can I make this about Strikerā€™ anon from before. I dont know how to feel about the ā€˜Satan is Strikerā€™s father theoryā€™ because on 1 hand I guess it could work??? But also it just doesnt sit that right with me, like I feel like if Striker was literally half sin heā€™d act/be more powerful than he was shown to be so far. My numerous ideas for his backstory basically change by the daily because I think about him too much but I only gave credence to the ā€˜Strikerā€™s half royaltyā€™ idea once and even then I wrote it in a way where Striker didnt know about it/had zero idea that was the case to begin with.
Not to mention that him being half-royalty would technically be a way to dismiss his (very valid) arguments about the upper class but maybe thats just me imagining the worse case scenario. For all I know it could be the most well-executed plot point ever.
If Satan isnā€™t Strikerā€™s father than once we actually see the Envy Ring weā€™re gonna get ā€˜Leviathan is Strikerā€™s fatherā€™ theories instead because theyā€™re both snake-based. If Striker IS half royalty, than I could imagine it to be some sort of goetia, maybe, but half deadly sin? Next Striker ep appearance would need to have him pull off the most insane shit ever that a imp cant do for me to consider it plausible
Iā€™m responding to this so late but omg anon yes youā€™re so right.
I feel like the only way the twist of Striker being a half blueblood could work would be if he straight up didnā€™t know about it and/or if they suddenly give him more power and strength that weā€™ve never seen from any other imp, like you mentioned. But again regardless of him knowing or not, like you also said, it completely negates his entire character and everything Strikerā€™s said up to this point about royals and how they treat those lower than them.
Which only continues to be validated to the point where Blitz is now echoing his sentiments in canon. So like ??? It wouldnā€™t make sense for the show to suddenly invalidate Strikerā€™s points after directly paralleling his words with Blitzā€™s.
Strikerā€™s entire existence is to be a dark reflection of Blitz anyway. Theyā€™re two sides of the same coin. Striker is who Blitz would be if he let himself drown in his sorrows and his grief. If he let his anger control him. If he let himself do things alone. For as much as Blitz pushes people away he cares too much about others to truly let himself be alone.
As far as we know - Striker has always been alone. Or at least we know heā€™s been alone since he lost everything. Which is honestly the big thing people are missing when they talk about the Striker is Satanā€™s son theory - the entire scene where Striker voices his grievances to Stolas about his experience with royals.
This is the scene that tells us everything. And if it was meant to foreshadow something as huge as Striker being a literal sinā€™s child then the dialogue choice and the BODY LANGUAGE of Striker during this monologue would be insanely different.
The emphasis this scene gives to his claims of having to live a hard life, losing everything, and being talked over. That is Striker talking about his experience.
His feelings. His loss. His anger.
He is SO angry. Too angry for it all to just be about being a bastard son.
Iā€™ve watched, analyzed, and thought SO MUCH about this moment right before he cuts Stolasā€™ ropes.
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The pure disgust and anger on his face. The way he shakes. His eye twitches. He grinds his teeth. He growls. Heā€™s pissed.
This is insanely personal to him. This is part of him. This is who he is. This disdain runs through his veins. Heā€™s made it part of his identity. He was so scorned that he just cannot let it go.
This is not just anger about a royal parent or a loss of status.
This is anger from a man who was failed by Hellā€™s system and has not healed from it. He has not allowed himself to heal and he refuses to.
This is Strikerā€™s way of taking back control that he once lost.
And not even mentioning the fact that Strikerā€™s canonically a WANTED MAN in TWO Rings.
Wrath (yā€™know Satanā€™s ring) AND Pride.
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Considering royalty in this universe is all about status and reputation, youā€™d think a sin wouldnā€™t want their kid just having their face plastered everywhere like that?? Cuz itā€™s embarrassing?? Just wanted to point that outšŸ˜­
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fluffs-n-stuffs Ā· 1 year
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Was recently informed that Amethio's actually 16 or so in comparison to Friede and that just made their dynamic Way Funnierā„¢ļø in hindsight
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starlit-eudemonia Ā· 9 days
whomever is writing Ryis in fanfics on ao3 and here, know that I see you.
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starmocha Ā· 8 months
One of the best parts of the Love and Deepspace fandom is that we all share one brain cell and agree that Zayne is a soft dom and that is honestly beautiful to me
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panevanbuckley Ā· 1 year
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tradingjackbs Ā· 1 year
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Attempted to do a photoshoot for the one and only cosplay I'll probably ever do and. These are the only pictures I got that matter
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homonationalist Ā· 1 year
Once the veneer of fantasy is stripped off, the setting terrestrialized, and the orcs recognized as human, then, all the classic themes of Western racist thought become immediately visible. Tolkienā€™s aesthetic judgment on Mongols and orcs simply repeats Meinersā€™ aesthetic classification of races, and the even earlier medieval hierarchy: ā€œThe figure prized in medieval romances corresponded to Greek statuary, physiognomy was important, and a ā€˜skin of dazzling whitenessā€™ exemplified true beauty. Such beauty symbolized goodness, while blackness, small stature, and an ill-proportioned body meant ugliness and evil.ā€ Similarly, twentieth-century German racists would contrast Aryans and dark ā€œape-men.ā€ Blacks themselves, of course, had traditionally been seen in racist thought as close to apes, and possibly even prone to couplings with orangutans. In keeping with the foregoing, Tolkien describes an orc as ā€œa short crook-legged creature, very broad and with long arms that hung almost to the groundā€ (TT, 62), while at the siege of Helmā€™s Deep, we are told, the orcs ā€œsprang up [the ladders] like apes in the dark forests of the Southā€ (TT, 178). The pure-blooded orcsā€™ fear of the sun also has its precedent in one German anthropologistā€™s contrast of a diurnal Aryan and a nocturnal non-Aryan race.
Charles W. Mills from ā€œThe Wretched of Middleā€Earth: An Orkish Manifestoā€ (2022)
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mj-thrush-gxn Ā· 6 months
MADE A SAMNERIC ASK BLOG!!! Iā€™m quite new to ask blogs so it may be rough at the start, but this is just for fun! i really just want an excuse to draw the twinsšŸ«”
ANYWAY! i am yet to have posted, but the asks are open so feel free to ask wtv!!
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jerejerejere Ā· 8 months
What am i supposed to do with my day now? With all these information and feelings. Did he think about that? šŸ„²
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yeonban Ā· 19 days
It's always intriguing for me to watch Tobias interact with fellow cold-hearted criminals bc if he deems them fun (*rare)? And worse, if the other party involved isn't fun (*often)? Chances are he will not intervene in whatever that criminal is about to do. When he does intervene in things, it's never out of pity or a wish to save others (<-that's Elijah). He only ever helps people bc he's deemed them amusing, bc he was already pursuing the guilty party so he might as well get the potential collateral out of the way, or bc someone he likes wants him to. There's no question of morals intervening, he doesn't care! He only gaf about certain people and what they want. If they want to save someone? He'll do it flawlessly and in a heartbeat. If they don't want to or couldn't care less about it? Don't expect him to spare the other person a glance again.
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