#this is the longest any art has taken me in about a year
mj-thrush-gxn · 3 months
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Lokius Fic Recs
Multi-chapter edition
And now sharing a few of my favorite multi-chapter Lokius fics! See my less than 10K season one Lokius fic recs here. Less than 10K season two fic recs to come.
Loki & Mobius Reunite Post Season 2
The Storyteller Saga by kcscribbler- Loki and Mobius find their way back to each other after the events of season 2. If worldbuilding is your jam- this is the series for you! (154,464 words)
Between Comfort and Chaos by em13x- Loki and Mobius find their way back to each other after the events of season 2. (22,007 words)
Loki & Mobius Reunite Post Season 1
On a Wing and a Prayer by Lydiagwilt- Post season 1, Mobius is imprisoned by a sinister alternate TVA and prays to Loki for help. Loki hears him and begins a daring rescue attempt. A great mix of action and character drama. (33,842 words)
Following On a Wing and a Prayer, read Variation on a Theme. Director Mobius is struggling to rebuild the authoritarian TVA, especially with a megalomaniac Kang on the loose and the multiverse seeming to unravel at the seams. President Loki is back from the Void and ready to help… but can he be trusted? A beautiful Lokius adjacent story about trust and healing with plenty of mystery and worldbuilding. And Mobius variants my beloveds!) (40,060 words and counting)
never known how it broke me down by RunnyYolk - 5+1 times Loki hugs Mobius. Following a multiversal war, Loki and Mobius find their way back to one another and work to rebuild the TVA (hugs and romantic confessions ensue). (51,152 words)
Loki Series Season One Divergent
where the edge began by RunnyYolk - Canon divergent from season 1, episode 3. Loki follows Sylvie through the time door but it doesn’t result in the Roxxcart Divorce. The depth of the TVA's lies are unraveled from the inside instead as Loki and Mobius stumble their way into a real trusting partnership...and more. (189,207 words)
Heartbreak anthem by ylc- Canon divergent slightly from season one, episode 3. What if Loki and Mobius had been sleeping together before Roxxcart? Making the Roxxcart Divorce all the angstier? (With a hopeful ending). (25,051 words)
For the longest time by Mirilya - a Lokius Hanahaki fic. If you’re looking for some whumpy, angsty, unrequited and then requited love, this is the fic for you. Starring a helplessly in love Mobius. (30,032 words)
With You Through The Storms by DewdropReader - a post Thor 1 + Human AU. Mobius finds a scared cat in the middle of a rainstorm and takes him home to keep him safe. The cat sticks around and he and Mobius become close friends. One day Mobius comes home to find his cat has transformed into a person who claims to be Loki, God of Mischief. An oh-so-soft domestic everyone needs a hug/gets a hug Lokius love story. (62,081 words and counting)
Got your world in my hand by Mirilya - Post season one (or any season tbh) Mobius and Loki are living happily at the TVA. Now, it’s time for Mobius to visit Asgard. Sweeping romantic declarations ensue! (10,465 words)
Human AUs
What Makes A Good Man by chamel - CIA AU. Mobius just wants to bring down the notorious and prolific art thief he's been studying for years. He certainly doesn't expect said thief to be so handsome, or charming, or... helpful? (98,634 words)
Fit the Profile by WaterHorseyBlues- Detective AU. Loki and Private Detective Mobius work together to unravel a mystery after Loki is unexpectedly taken hostage one night. What at first seems like unmotivated violence turns into something much bigger than either Loki or Mobius could have expected. Could the answer lie in Loki's past? Or is something far more sinister going on? (77,786 words)
falling in love at a coffeeshop by thumbbird- Coffee shop AU. Talent Acquisition Director Mobius M Mobius has been going to Odinson’s coffeeshop for years. When he finds out his favorite barista Loki has left Odinson’s, he switches shops and romance ensues! (93,239 words)
On My Reading List
And here are two fics that I haven’t read yet but come highly recommended.
i bet on losing dogs by thumbbird
A Warning From The Gods (To Stay Away) by StompedKirbs
Again, I feel like these fics represent only a sliver of the brilliance that exists in this fandom. You can find more fic recs here.
Happy reading!
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mimissubway · 1 year
Once upon a time
pairing: scaramouche x reader implied fem but gn pronouns
tw: kinda ooc scara, scara being possessive, kinda being referred to as a property but its implied
tags: prince x servant au, childhood friends to lovers au? slight kazuha x reader
word count: 2k words (this is the longest ive written so far)
author note: I love kuni so much ; hakama is the male ver of the kimono, furisode is what unmarried women wear instead of a kimono
You've been a servant to Scaramouche's family since you can hardly remember. Your mother and father were a maid and butler respectively, so it was only a matter of time that you followed in their footsteps. Since you were a little kid, you’ve always tried to help in your own ways.
Whether it be helping clean up the messes the prince would make in the garden, carrying the prince’s books back and forth from the castle library to his study room or sneaking snacks from the kitchen to the prince when he wasn’t allowed to eat them for being grounded by his mother, the queen, you’ve always been on the prince’s side. So, it wasn’t a surprise when the prince appointed you to be his personal servant.
His attitude to you has changed over the years from considering you as his best friend when the both of you were younger to calling you merely an assistant when anyone questions his red face after you compliment him. Honestly, you didn’t think much about it, you’ve always assumed that his mean insults towards you was genuinely. That’s why you became perfect at your job as his personal servant. Every single opinion made by him was memorized by you to a tee. No matter if it’s his distaste for sweet food or what saddle he preferred to use for which horse you knew everything at the back of your hand. Everything but his feelings for you.
To say you were dense was an understatement, well technically Scaramouche’s insults were not helping but it was quite obvious from his attempts of opening up about his feelings. Ultimately you took those attempts as him telling you to do some sort of task, that’s why he has your pillow in his possession not that he’s complaining.
“My lord, today you have to meet up with the prince of the Kaedehara clan on opening a new school for Isshin Art,”
You inform Scaramouche of his main task of the day. He nods as he gets dressed by the maids. You step outside mentally preparing for today’s task. The Kaedehara clan is extremely influential in Inazuma, having their support and backing will be immensely helpful to Scaramouche’s family.
Scaramouche steps out of his room, dressed in a dark purple Hakama. He looks at you and raises an eyebrow.
“What? Are you waiting for me to dress you up?”
You furrow your brows, confused at his words.
“What do you mean my lord?”
You asked him and he rolled his eyes at you.
“Are you deaf or just stupid? You’re coming with me, today.”
Okay that’s harsh, and totally not in the plan but you can’t disobey the man, so you excused yourself to run back to your room to get your pink and white colored Furisode. The maids quickly put your hair in a formal bun. When you go to the waiting room, Scaramouche took a second glance at you, feeling the heat rush through his face.
“Could you have not taken any longer?”
He insults you again trying to cover up the fact he blushed so hard at your beauty. You apologized and the both of you head off to the Kaedehara clan.
The both of you stayed quiet throughout the ride, Scaramouche had previously made it apparent that he hated small talk. It wasn’t long until the both of you arrived at the Kaedehara clan castle. The guards helped you and Scaramouche step out of carriage.
You were greeted by the prince of the Kaedehara clan, Kaedehara Kazuha. You know that Scaramouche has met him on several occasions, but this was the first time you had met him, and God was he pretty. He had medium length white hair with a red strand of hair. His hair was tied in a short ponytail, and he was dressed in a red Hakama. He smiled gently at you and Scaramouche.
"Welcome to the Kaedehara Estate,"
He shook Scaramouche's hand and held yours up for kiss. Earning him a blush from you and a glare from the prince.
"The pleasure is ours Prince Kaedehara,"
Your courtesy towards him and his laugh fills your ears.
"Please, call me Kazuha,"
You blush from the prince's flirting while Scaramouche continued to glare at him.
"Well Kazuha, shall we start discussing about our plans,"
Scaramouche emphasized on his name in a sort of mocking manner. Kazuha however didn't take it to heart.
"Don't you worry about that Prince Scaramouche for we have a lot of time for that, for now let's have some tea,"
Scaramouche perked his ears up when he heard the word tea. He loved tea, all kinds of it but especially the ones that you brew. He couldn't put his finger on it, maybe it's because it's brewed with love or perhaps because there weren't many moments where he could enjoy your brew, but he particularly liked yours.
The three of you sat at the Kotatsu. You and Scaramouche on one side and Kazuha on the other.
"This is my favorite brew, Cherry Blossom tea. It's usually not available during most seasons so when it is, I tend to drink it most of the time,"
Kazuha explains.
"Oh! That's what I brew for Lord Scaramouche,"
You share, Scaramouche suddenly feels an ick knowing that it wasn't just him that could like this tea and it had to be Kazuha who just now turned into his romantic rival.
Scaramouche nods and tries it; it doesn't taste the same.
"However, the one that name brews does not taste like this, in fact the one name brews taste even better,"
Scaramouche praises your ability to brew his favorite tea, you blushed slightly at his praise. Feeling immensely proud of yourself.
"Is that so? Then I must try it,"
"If the ingredients are here, then I can make them for you,"
You suggested, all you needed was the teabags and some milk anyways, so you didn't see it as much of a problem, however Scaramouche wanting to gatekeep it did.
"I don't think it will be that authentic here though,"
He tries to convince you otherwise, but you brushed him off. Kazuha's maids led you to the kitchen where you were off brewing your concoction. Kazuha smiled conniving at Scaramouche.
"You have quite the cute servant there,"
Kazuha commented with intent of stealing you away from him.
"Well, she is my cute servant, I'd suggest you keep your hands to yourself and drop your hopes in ever getting my servant, Kaedehara Kazuha,"
Scaramouche emphasized on you being his, Kazuha chucked at his possessiveness.
"We'll see Scaramouche,"
That statement angered the prince greatly, but he must stay calm, as this is enemy territory it wouldn't be very smart to hurt the crown prince, especially with the amount of people that could catch him off guard.
Your return was greeted by a fuming Scaramouche and a highly amusing Kazuha. Your hand held a tray with a teapot filled with your tea and three empty teacups. You placed it atop of the Kotatsu and poured each cup with both hands. You offered Kazuha the cup first which made Scaramouche glare at you. Kazuha drank the tea and felt pure bliss.
"My, this is indeed the best tea I've ever tasted, it's a shame that you can't make this every day for me, if it was the case I'll forever be grateful,"
Kazuha tries to string you along with his lowkey offer which made you peak your ears up however your loyalty lies with Scaramouche.
"Indeed, it is quite a shame for you,"
Scaramouche chuckled knowing very well where your loyalty lies to him and only him. You were not completely sure what went down between the both of them, but it was certainly not a good sign.
You tried to lighten the moment with small talk, asking Kazuha about his life on the island. Which somehow made Scaramouche even more angry, but you couldn't care too much about that. The man was always pissed off anyways plus you needed to make good relations with the Kaedehara's for the kingdom. The king and queen would not be happy to hear that the relation between the two nations became sour. Especially if they knew that this was the first time that you had join. It would make it seem like you were the cause of it. (Which technically is true)
The both of them stared at each other with a piercing sharp eye as they both drank the tea. Luckily, it wasn't long until the time came for the both of them to discuss plans, when that happen, they manage to put their feelings aside to talk business.
By the end of the day, the both of you were exhausted from all the talking and just wanted to go home. You and Scaramouche bid Kazuha farewell.
"I'll be looking forward to the next time we meet Scaramouche, and I do hope you bring name back so that I could have more of that tea,"
Kazuha says and Scaramouche side eyes him. He most certainly will not ever bring you back here until you were wedded to him but that would certainly be a long time till then. Scaramouche nodded at the fellow prince.
The ride started off quiet with the both of you trying to ease your mind from the events that happened today. Until Scaramouche broke the silence.
"Please do remind me that I should never bring you to these meetings ever again,"
He said rubbing the temple of his head. You took that a bit offensively. You already did your best to keep the peace between the both of them even being able to nab a term in your favor and this is all he had to say? You were more than mad.
"Maybe I should have said yes to his offer,"
You grumbled quietly under your breath, but Scaramouche had certainly heard it. He grabbed your chin towards him and looked you dead in the eye. His eyes showed him visibly mad at your statement.
"I dare you to repeat that,"
He was scary but you already felt so angered by him that you couldn't even care.
"Maybe I should have said yes to him!"
You said it loud and clear, it made Scaramouche shock, his loyal, good, and obeying personal servant, talking back at him? Talking back and their lord? For the first time in his life, he was scared that you actually meant it.
"No, you are mine you hear me?"
He puts his foot down, declaring his ownership of you.
"Everything from your name, your body, it's mine, and not even an archon can take that away from me, do you understand?"
You stay quiet as he continued.
"You were mine since the day I met you and you will stay mine until the day you die,"
With that he did the unexpected, and crashed his lips into yours. You did not expect that at all and through instinct pushed him away at first. Your face completely red from his sudden action.
"I-I wasn't ready,"
You manage to choke out. For the first time in a long time, Scaramouche looked you with soft eyes.
"I'm sorry,"
That statement alone made you completely stun, never in his life had he apologies to someone a rank lower than him, especially his servant. He started to feel anxious, did he really spill his feelings for you just to have it be one sided. You had to reassure him.
"Wait, I'm ready now..."
You said to him and held his shoulders pulling it closer to you, now you are initiating the kiss. Your lips were soft, the kiss was gentle. He could really feel the shape of your lips, every detail, every crease made felt like it was molding just for him.
He finally felt complete like a heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders, for the first time in his life, he felt free, floating. Unbeknownst to him, you felt the exact same.
For the both of you, it was just the start of your fairytale
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hyenahunt · 2 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 11
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: ???, Ibara
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
???: ( — What are you doing, Kaname?)
(What on Earth are you thinking...?)
(Who told you to say any of that?! You're to do exactly as we ordered you to do! That was the agreement, don't just do as you'd like!)
(When you lost your esteemed title of Special Student, who was it that saved you?)
(Was it Tatsumi Kazehaya, the man you’re standing side-by-side with right now who has such a saintly smile on his face?)
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???: (It wasn't! I did! I'm the one who helped you! No one else but me!)
(And yet here you are! Have you forgotten the debt you owe me...?!)
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Ibara: Hmm~? My, what's this, whoever could this be~?
???: ...?!
Ibara: How strange! No matter how I look at you, you appear to be the renowned top idol of Reimei Academy — Mr. HiMERU, correct?
But right now, isn't Mr. HiMERU standing on the stage and making a speech? In that case, who is this observer over here?
???: ......
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Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
My apologies if it grates on your ears! But you see, running my mouth like this is precisely how I conduct my business!
???: Who are you?
Ibara: That would be my line, but here, my card — this is who I am.
???: Ibara Saegusa, is it? You seem to be a manager affiliated with CosPro's company and institutions such as Reimei Academy and the like.
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Ibara: Indeed. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance, nameless stranger.
It's been you all along, hasn't it? You're the mysterious stranger who's been providing Mr. HiMERU with support from the shadows.
At first, I thought it was that person — the man who dwells within Reimei Academy, a monstrous existence who must not even be named.
The man whose very name is taboo within this industry...
That man has taken to residing on the school grounds, living and doing as he pleases. He's been fending for himself and doing things such as starting bonfires and grilling meat, it seems.
But it must be known that this man is no ordinary vagrant who has made the school into his home. The truth is that he's a legend of the industry — a lingering reminder of the original Super Idols.
He's a monster who built up the idol world on his own.
Well, that monster bore children left and right, and that is nothing unusual about him if that’s truly all he had to him. For the record, I, Ibara Saegusa, am one of that man's descendants as well.
But unlike me, that vagrant of Reimei Academy is a most untouchable existence.
Of course, I don't need to explain any of this to you, do I? Tojo —
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???: I discarded that name.
I had no intention of ever being involved with the likes of you.
Afterwards, I left everything behind and sought a place abroad.
Ibara: Certainly, you have. I gathered similarly from the investigations I've conducted.
You discarded both your name and your face, becoming a disciple of a certain someone and mastering the art of disguise. In that way, you've lived on wearing many different faces, taking the place of others and acting on their behalf.
???: I only bought the technique to do so off of that man.
He approached me simply because I happened to have a slight blood relation to the original Super Idol.
He more forced the technique onto me than anything, though. While it's convenient, I don't feel any debt towards him for it.
I cast everything away. My name, my heart. My connections to others.
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???: (Or I was supposed to, at least.)
(I received a letter from my father, who I hadn't heard from for the longest time.)
(Even now I haven't a clue of how he obtained my address, but I have a hunch that that man — the Priest — was involved.)
(Naturally, I immediately crumpled that letter into a ball and tossed it away without reading a word. He and I are strangers now, and it's annoying to be contacted out of the blue.)
(That's what I thought. But I found myself unsettled by my lack of knowledge of what it said, and so I read it.)
(Within, he wrote of a younger brother I had. And it just so happened that my brother was in a difficult situation, asking to be helped out.)
(Until that moment, I hadn't known I had a brother at all.)
(Without knowing anything at all, my younger sibling — Kaname Tojo — thoughtlessly became an idol.)
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???: (What an idiot. A descendent from such a sinful family, tainted to the core by taboo—)
(Who, without knowing anything at all, became an idol.)
[ ☆ ]
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lincolndjarin · 7 months
Farewell, Best Kept Secret.
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with chapters 26&27 taken care of it's time for me to finally prepare to say good bye to my first ever fic. bks has been incredibly important to me for the longest time now, i've been working for over half a year to put a story that i love into words.
i want to do something special to mark the end of this story so i've planned a full week of content (rather self indulgently) to do so. Also if you're interested, send me an ask for a wrap up Q&A I'm gonna be doing that week!! I'm hoping to save up a couple to put into one big post!! anyhow... here's my plan for the release of the final chapters of bks <3
I put a lot of this in my 2023 wrap up post but this post is just for bks week stuff. schedule under the cut.
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DEC 1 : BKS 28 : a place for us
this will be the 'last' chapter of bks!!
once again please send me any questions you might have about bks (preferably by december 1st) so can make sure to get to them!!
DEC 3 : Bound in Beskar - 500 follower celebration
should have gotten to this sooner btw that's my bad. this will be a little drabble of the scene that bks!reader reads in chapter 20!!
DEC 4 : BKS what ifs
(i had to come up with 8 days of content ik this is lame but i needed a filler LMAO) this will be just a little post of story lines i changed during my writing process.
DEC 5 : Best Kept Secret Art
i commissioned a few artists to illustrate some of my favorite scenes for this very purpose and i'm so excited to show you guys, they're absolutely phenomenal and every artist has been a delight to work with
DEC 6 : Secrets Best Kept - 1,000 follower celebration
a one off (this is what life and death is to twilight) vaguely inspired by bks but with a role reversal, Din Djarin is the new (reluctant) leader of Mandalore, surprise surprise, he doesn't get along well with his new advisor. I hope you guys are excited about brattamer!reader because I sure am.
DEC 7 : A love letter to Best Kept Secret.
gross & mushy. that's what this is going to be.
DEC 8 : BKS 29 : the best kept secret (epilogue)
the epilogue, and final main update for best kept secret
And that's all!! I'll see you all then!! until then expect an oh honey update and possibly a one off if i finish all my prep for this!!
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gayalienwilde · 5 months
My secret fairy gift to @thomtrebond one of the longest analyses I've ever written until now (so much so that I'm still working on this). Truthfully, I was afraid that The Whole Shebang podcast had already said all there was about the Oscar Wilde references in Velvet Goldmine, and it has been a while since I've read The Picture of Dorian Gray, but while writing and doing research for this (I've studied more for this analysis than I ever have for school lmao) I realised things that I hadn't thought of before so this was a surprise for me as well! Also, since this analysis is gonna be split into different parts I'll link them all once I'm done with them. I hope you enjoy your gift <3
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Part one: The importance of being Jack Fairy
When thinking about Velvet Goldmine and Oscar Wilde I'm reminded of the first episode of the miniseries "Queers" (2017), although I can't stand Mark Gatiss (Sherlock trauma) this episode is well written and just thinking about it makes me cry. There will be spoilers for the episode in this analysis, so be warned.
For the people that don't care about spoilers here's a small summary of what you need to know to understand this analysis: in the episode, titled "The Man On The Platform", the protagonist, a WWI soldier, gets asked about how gay men recognise each other, and he answers saying:"A certain liquidity of the eye." Later in the episode, he recalls a story from his teen years, while waiting for a train with his family he sees a prisoner getting taken away, he meets the gaze of the prisoner for a second and he feels seen by him and thinks "He knows me for what I am", after that he learns that the prisoner is Oscar Wilde.
In Velvet Goldmine, it's the pin that creates this connection between the characters and Oscar Wilde, Jack is able to find himself and others quite like him after finding the pin, and later we have all the young queer fans relating to Curt and Brian. The movie shows that self recognition through the other is an important aspect of queer communities, having an example of queerness to relate to or be inspired by makes it possible for people to find each other and learn about themselves.
In Jack's case, Oscar Wilde is not only a connection to queerness but also an inspiration for his art. Jack Fairy is the personification of art, specifically born from aestheticism's idea of "art for art's sake" Jack's persona is just that, beauty that exists simply to be beautiful and reveal nothing, the movie adds to this by never making Jack Fairy speak, even during the Death of Glitter concert he's either reciting a poem or singing, the little we know of Jack's inner thoughts is shown in the flashback of him as a child, adult Jack Fairy is a complete mistery to us.
What's interesting about this is that, unlike Brian, we never feel that Jack's persona is a manifactured one, even if we know nothing of him, and his looks and aesthetics are obviously thought out, he still appears much more genuine than Brian. Following Wilde's idea of art as an amoral creation that never expresses anything other than itself (in true wildean paradox fashion Wilde himself doesn't always respect this rule), it then becomes obvious why it doesn't matter if we know nothing about Jack, the way he presents himself is enough to express everything he wants other people to see, he's being truthfull to himself never trying to justify or moralise his art or himself but simply being, any possible reading or interpretation about his persona becomes then nothing more than the viewer's own thoughts or ideas projected onto him and do not necessarily reflect the truth, adding to the allure of his persona and making it a perfectly malleable art medium, free of bounds or expectations (apart from beauty, which is of course what all art, according to Wilde, should strive for).
On the other hand, Brian constantly trying to add a message to his aesthetic ended up being to his detriment since what he was saying was being fed to him through the record company to attract press, not leaving then any room for interpretation and putting strict barriers around his art, and of course to define is to limit causing his entire act and persona to never be as authentic feeling as Jack's. It's clearly artificial but not in a camp way, even if it might have started off that way, the alien and uncanny later becomes fake the same way advertisement is, planned and trying to get your attention for money, reaching the peak of uncanny valley with Tommy's way too pristine looks and character.
But even after having roasted him I have to admit that Brian's character has a much bigger connection to Wilde's work than Jack does, since Jack's story is more inspired by Divine from Genet's "Notre-Dame-des-fleurs", even having a scene from the book remade almost exactly in the movie, with Jack it makes more sense to compare him to Wilde himself since, just as Wilde became one of the major exponents of aestheticism and homosexuality in England, in the movie Jack is one of the original inspirations of the Glam Rock movement and an iconic figure in the queer community of the 60s and 70s, so of course he'd be the one to find the pin and carry the legacy of Oscar Wilde.
Tune in next whenever I post it to see me roasting Brian more in part two
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gyuyoungarchives · 3 months
💬 L'Officiel: Interview Highlights
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Park Gyuyoung rise to the challenge as our March 2024 cover star
South Korean actress Park Gyuyoung has been on a roll, soaring in a recent hits including Sweet Home and Celebrity, as well as being named global brand ambassador for Gucci. Now, we remain transfixed by her as she's set to star in season two of Squid Game.
Two and a half years ago, Park Gyuyoung landed her first television lead role in Dali & Gamjatang, a romantic comedy that saw Park playing Kim Dali, the daughter of a wealthy family who tries to rescue a collapsing art museum. From there, it hasn't taken long at all for the South Korean actress to fully find her footing as a leading lady --- last year, she starred in a Netflix hit, Celebrity, and season two of the acclaimed post-apocalyptic web series, Sweet Home.
And soon after she graced Sabato De Sarno's debut Gucci show in Milan, the house tapped on the rising star as its global brand ambassador. Things are only looking up and up for Park this year -- she's slated to star in season two of the cultural phenomenon that is Squid Game.
One series that you were recently busy with is Sweet Home, which saw season two coming out in December. Could you describe your experience working on season two, and what being in seasons one and two means to you?
"Since season one, I poured my heart into the portrayal of Yoon Jisu, and I'd been involved with her for a while, so season two truly felt like a proper send-off for her. To date, she's the one character that had the longest reign in my heart among my acting roles."
You've been acting for about eight years so far. What are the biggest physical and mental challenges that you have overcome so far?
"I realised that acting in front of cameras is a craft, which often asks you to go to battle with yourself. 'Those moments of challenging myself, to overcome my own obstacles, are when I feel the most fulfilment, I think."
From Celebrity being a hit with international Netflix audiences to notable shows like Sweet Home and Squid Game, recent projects have led to fast-growing attention on you. What is the mindset of Park Gyuyoung like recently and is it any different from before?
"My mindset is always dominated by the same principle: how can I express my character who presents in a space within this story? I believe that doing my best is our fundamental duty and responsibility."
Through this time of filming back-to-back projects, have you had any simple rituals to help you destress, and keep you balanced and contented?
I don't worry too much about things that haven't happened yet, and just try to focus on the projects in front of me. When I'm working, I focus solely on work. On my days off, I try to rejuvenate in my own way through ballet and exercise.
Over your career thus far, are there any moments in particular that you're proudest of?
"Little by little - sometimes there are moments when I look back on my growth, Im proud of myself for what I've accomplished."
You've been in diverse productions from rom-coms to thrillers and horror. Are there certain ways in which each of these genres has helped you to grow, and is there anything you' d like to challenge yourself with next?
"I don't think I'm picky or partial to certain genres. In every project, each of the characters emits their own unique energy, flaws and emotions from that specific time and space, and all of them are so different from each other. Repetitively embracing this difference with each project has helped my growth little by little, I think."
You attended the Gucci show in Milan to see Sabato De Sarno's first collection for the house. How was your fashion week experience?
"The music and lights coming together in that space were absolutely fantastic. Everything was so new, and to see Sabato's colours reflected in the new Gucci collection with my own eyes felt like a dream."
What can your fans expect from Park Gyuyoung this year?
"You can count on seeing a new side of me as a different character in a different project. Stay tuned!"
L'Officiel Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, 2024
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
Hello all!
It was brought to my attention today that ...someone... has stolen my entire fanfic and posted it to wattpad.
I’ve seen my fan-art get posted around the internet without proper credit and I don’t really care, to be honest. But it’s rare that anything of mine is ever actually STOLEN and taken credit for. Honestly can’t remember this happening since back in my Neopets days!
Of Verses and Curses is, by wordcount, the longest piece of fiction I have ever written independently, and is an extremely personal and intimate story for me. It may just look like a silly crackship fic about Rabbids, of all things, but it’s built from my own experiences and feelings about art and communication and vulnerability and trust (and even, more subtly, stuff like neurodivergence and depression!), and how all of these entwine into friendship and romance.
I did not want to make this public, as fandom drama and callout posts aren’t something I normally do or enjoy. But I think it’s my responsibility as someone who is prominent enough in this little fandom to warn others of your behavior.
@skylarrossspeedpaint​ , please take it down. I am asking politely. If the work meant something to you in any way, please respect its author.
I realize this doesn’t help my request, but I have to be honest; I am also going to block you regardless. I should have done so after you clearly made some of my friends uncomfortable, but I was willing to give you a chance... I’m sorry about not answering your asks, but getting so many of them was hell on my anxiety since I’ve already been so busy lately. If you did this as revenge for me ignoring you, then, idk what to tell you.
This goes for anyone - if you want to make friends in a fandom, you have to a) be patient, and b) respect and take interest in them as people, with struggles and lives, outside of what they create and can give you as a fellow enthusiast of something.
I’ve felt used and manipulated as a fan of something before, and I’m not going to let it get to me again or ruin the best little community I’ve found in years.
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cboffshore · 1 month
Hey there - I'm Lila!
If you're seeing this, it could mean any of the following: you're already a mutual, you like Ninjago, you really like Ninjago's infamous (ha!) sixth season Skybound, or you know me from something else entirely. Or it's none of those and you've just taken a super wrong turn. No matter what - I'm glad you're here!
Join me under the cut for a more detailed look at my account, or just venture off on your own - the choice is yours.
You can call me Lila! I've been around the Ninjago fandom since 2011 under a whole bunch of different names and accounts, with all the bizarre stories and memories to show for it. Now, though, you can find me under one of two handles: @cboffshore (here and on Twitter, where I'm not as active as I used to be) or OffshoreWriter over on AO3.
My title as Skybound Analysis PhD holder was born from a joke (initially given to me when I overanalyzed Skybound's color scheme and then Flintlocke's development in a Discord server) but grew into, well, not a joke; I take Skybound about as seriously as someone can take a toy commercial cartoon. Through all of my years in the Ninjago fandom, I've never seen a season as misunderstood and contentious as Skybound. Unfortunately, I happen to like it a lot for what it is, and I'm willing to defend it very hard (but don't get me wrong, I know it's got flaws! I'm not completely nuts!). Read this ask for a detailed overview of my position on Skybound analysis.
Outside of Ninjago overanalysis, I'm into a few other things: crocheting, the occasional piece of digital art, music (special faves include I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance), and Bionicle (but only on a casual "wow cool vibes and killer writing" basis because that timeline does NOT make sense to me.).
The best way to get into my work is just to explore all the nooks and crannies of my blog, but for those of you in a rush, here are links to some of my favorite projects:
On Sea, Sunlight, and Sky, aka OSSAS, is what I'd consider the crown jewel of my AO3 catalog: a Nya-centric series diving into her experience during the last few episodes of Skybound. Updated every December until I decide to lay her to rest (which, by the looks of it, will be the 2024 installment), this is my longest-term project that exemplifies how I approach Skybound as a season. If you only check out one corner of my work, make it OSSAS. You can find all things OSSAS under #ossas tag here on my blog (newcomers beware of spoilers!)
Yours To Keep: Rethinking Skybound Through Fashion is an older project of mine that blends fashion design and Nadakhan character analysis. As in, I drew a trio of banger outfits and then wrote essays about what all their details meant. Trust me on this, it's a cool one! (This is a holdover from when my fandom involvement was almost exclusively Ninjago character analysis-based couture fashion art... you can thank Giles Panton for that.)
Sorrow is All The Rage: An Analysis of Sexual Assault in Jay-Centric Skybound Fanfiction is a two (technically, three) part essay detailing my attempts to come to terms with the (frankly rather concerning) trend of gratuitous SA inclusion in a surprising swath of popular Skybound fanfiction. (Spoiler alert: I still think it's weird as hell and I haven't come to terms with it... but I have gotten way better at using the block button to keep it out of my line of sight.) The link in the title will take you to part one; part two is linked at the end, and part three's mini update is lurking somewhere in those tags. Please note: this essay is not an attack, or a condemnation, although it may come across that way at times. This was written largely as a vent piece about an issue that has disturbed me deeply and affected how I go about interpreting Skybound, and that definitely impacted my tone. If you'd like to reference this for any reason, or if you have any questions, please shoot me an ask or DM.
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mistmarauder · 2 months
Hey! I'm the anon that mentioned Kathakali yesterday. I'd prefer to stay on anon, and I hope that's okay. I'm just sharing a few thoughts that occured to me, since you said you're open to discussing this further.
I don't know whether what the artist did is actually part of any particular style of art or not. But I don't understand why Kathakali has something to do with culture and what the artist did had nothing to with culture? Imo, style and perception have everything to do with culture. Western stories mostly follow a show-don't-tell style? That's cultural. The fact that a pattern can be perceived as "too busy" by some and "inspiring" by others? That's cultural. The fact that there are scientifically proven cognitive biases like own-race-effect and cross-race-effect? That's a result of cultural exposure (or a lack thereof, I suppose). The fact that storytelling subgenres have evolved to focus on characters that lead physically intense lives like police or firefighters or soldiers (often in laudatory ways)? That's cultural. An art form's main technique is to lighten everything? That's cultural. The fact that all of us will have opinions of which of these above practices are okay and which are not? That's cultural too.
The culture of the place I grew up in has numerous entrenched prejudices, many of which my family members and friends and acquaintances and others believe and see nothing wrong in. I've found talking to them about these things exhausting for years and years. I've felt anger, disgust, resignation, hurt and frustration at their inability to understand why they are in the wrong. It took me until my 20s to figure out that most of my opinions are a result of the books I read, movies and shows I watched, songs I heard. All of those things were of Western-origin for the longest time. And the people I disagreed with had been exposed to different things. I've spent the past couple of years trying to immerse myself in my own culture too. I've begun to realise that there are some things about which I was wrong. There are some things where there is no right and wrong. And for the the things where I still think I'm right - I've realised that I will never convince anyone by publicly shaming them. I might be able to silence them, but I won't convince them.
In my experience there's only one solution - we keep talking and we keep listening to each other. I keep giving them disgruntled nudges and loving shoves, they do the same to me, and we DON'T STOP doing that till we find common ground.
Hey anon! I hadn’t planned to engage any further about this since I just made kind of a definitive post that also apologizes for some miscommunication that seems to have taken place at one point. But I know I talked to you yesterday!
I also think you make some really good points, and I wanted to share them. I think they stand on their own. Thank you for sending me this.
And this part: I've realised that I will never convince anyone by publicly shaming them. I might be able to silence them, but I won't convince them.
That honestly might be a lesson I’ve learned from all this. That artist felt the need to pull back, and I think that’s a sad outcome tbh and partially my own fault. Nothing was really accomplished here except possibly losing a new fanartist. I placed myself in a discussion I probably shouldn’t have placed myself in – whatever intentions I may have had. The artist felt attacked, which makes anyone defensive and less open to what you’re trying to say. And it’s a complicated situation to begin with that a lot of different people have opinions on. Including different people of color.
I’ve always felt like there was a time and place for callout posts, but I think I have a lot to learn.
Thank you for talking to me. I'll try my damnedest to keep listening. 💗
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jamiesfootball · 2 months
i literally broke out the pen and paper (made a list and checked it twice) trying to find numbers for the ask game you hadn't been sent yet!
as many or as little as you feel like answering!
4, 17, 19, 30, 35, 56, 74
Thank you thank you! Sorry for the delay, but I had to set these aside so that I could give them the proper time and focus they deserve!
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
It's got to be my original work space thing A Robot Named Future. Specifically there is A Scene in it that I first came up with back in...2014? It's loosely based off the robot interrogation scene in the Will Smith movie I, Robot. Except in my book it doesn't involve a robot, its actually about [redacted].
Then later the robot shows up.
It doesn't fill me with existential dread though- it fills me with excitement. Of all the original works I have spinning around in my brain, this one is 1 out of 2 that are the predominant ones I spin around and I've written a few scenes. One of my goals for this year is to actually sit down and outline both of these stories. I'm quite looking forward to it.
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Oooooooof. Uh. Honestly I feel I bang on about this line too much, but of the published stuff it's still:
He wondered if maybe he wasn't Sisyphus but the goddamn boulder that kept pushing everyone down the hill.
Bonus runner up because it always makes me laugh is this entire exchange:
“Hold on, now, Rocky didn’t go around tying dicks together, bruv.” “That we know of,” Moe retorted. "Yeah, I haven't seen any of the new ones," said Colin. “Creed was dope,” said Declan. “Michael B. Jordan pulled a plane in that one.” Jan scoffed. “You mean his stuntman pulled it.” “I don’t like Rocky,” Richard added, though no one had asked. “Guys, we do not have time to argue,” Sam implored. He worried the spool between his hands, turning it about like a puzzle. “We have to be on the pitch soon.” “Sam’s right. We’ve got to make a decision,” Isaac said authoritatively. “What do we think? And it has to be unanimous, it can’t just be a few of us out there with strings tied to our willies.”
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
Ooooh, there's more than a few. Different authors taught me different things.
First, I think I would be remiss if I didn't mention all the art history courses I've taken in the past. Poetry may have given me the vocabulary to describe a scene, but writing about artwork I think is where I learned how to paint an image of a scene. Where to put the highlights and shadows, what objects get brought into focus. One of my old art teachers would remind us that 'all lines are not equally important', and when I'm describing, say, a room or a setting, I try to keep that thought in mind. I don't need to describe everything, I just need to emphasize the important and leave the obvious vague (another one from an art teacher.)
I have to give a special shout out to Terry Pratchett, specifically in regards to how he brings focal depth into consideration when writing very emotionally wrought scenes. It is the instinct of most writers to push inwards when describing horrible things, to focus on the effect they have on the individual. But after being blistered by T-Prat time and time again, I saw a post that pointed out how at some of his most emotional scenes he actually pulls backwards, leaving the audience to bare witness and fill in the blanks with a purposefully distanced grief we couldn't possible understand. This definitely shaped how I approach emotional scenes; I try to be intentional and weigh where that depth of focus should land.
Not to bang on this gong forever, but I have a deep and abiding love for Kurt Vonnegut. His prose style is so interesting to me in a sort of 'you can write things however you want, actually' sort of way. He'll be halfway through showing you a deep examination on the human psyche and then he'll leap into omniscience to make a joke about how aliens would find this part of the human experience very stupid and needlessly complicated.
So it goes.
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Not sure if it counts as inspirational, but there are two quotes from completely different series that sort of twined together in live on in my head:
One is from Discworld, where the dwarves have a saying: All things strive.
The other is from the manga Saiyuki: Even a one-inch worm has a half-inch soul.
35. tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
A lot of characters are very different from me. In terms of characters, I would be Higgins. So any character who you would say is not at all like Higgins is very different from me.
Though in the spirit of answering I'll say Keeley. When I was watching Ted Lasso casually, there would just be times when I would blurt out 'I love her.' She's so wildly endearing to me.
56. five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
Hopefully at a point where I am still writing and where some of the longer things I'm working on have been finished!
74. are you a planner, pantser, or planster?
All of them. Whichever the story calls for.
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karasukarei · 5 months
For this Ask Game:
1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24!!!
no need to ask 12; I already know the answer anyway bwahahahhahahaaha
Wow, looks like a lot!
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1: Favourite drawing from this year - The mononoke movie one!
4: Favourite character you've drawn - Kusuriuri (his face details are super fun)
5: Favourite little detail in a drawing you did - Purah (without her glasses) is somewhere in here, and one of the guardians is not acting the way it should.
6: Longest a drawing has taken to finish: if you include the initial scrapped drafts and multiple rewatches to figure out a workable composition, this one (almost 4 months from start to end, though the amount of time spent working on it was closer to 2+ weeks, which is unusually long for me)
11: Artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style - NGL I usually follow the style of the source material as close as I can, so in a sense it's all the animators who have worked on the anime for the fandoms I've drawn for, but the period I spent spamming Promare fanart heavily influenced my workflow and colour choice.
19: Any collabs you've done/would want to do - there's that sketch/lineart/colour one ;-; but I have no guts to ask anyone to do it with me orz
20: What do you think you've improved on the most over the past year - Incorporating environmental colours into shading (received a lot of pointers on this from several kind people ;-;)
21: What do you want to work on the most next: Either something from Mononoke or Higgy (not gonna be for a long while though cos school starts next week ;-;)
22: What are you best at drawing/doing: Choosing colour palettes.
24: What do you like most about your art style: I guess the colour choices are pretty nice.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
I am here to yell about my interests!!!!! Mainly in fiber arts and textiles
I spin yarn on a wheel and drop spindles and I’m excited about any opportunity to demonstrate them. In college there was a German professor who saw me spinning at one point and asked me to do a demonstration for her German fairy tales class and it was so much fun
Flax is a really cool fiber but is a bitch to grow & it can only really be spun wet or with wet fingers so most spinners I know spin it outside in the summer bc that can get messy. I read a thinkpiece a while back about flax spinning having been part of the inspiration for sleeping beauty. Not only does flax look straw-like before spinning, but it can naturally be a golden color. Additionally, there’s speculation that instead of pricking her finger on the ‘spindle’ of a wheel (more than likely a quill or distaff, if we’re going with that), it may be that she pricked her finger on a thorn and contracted tetanus from the soil.
Wool is a ridiculously cool fiber bc it keeps you warm even if it’s wet! A lot of fishermen wear wool for that reason. The reason wool felts (and alpaca/llama, among other protein fibers from fur/hair) is bc the surface of the fibers have scales and when they’re in hot water they kinda bloom open like a pine cone; then if you agitate it, the scales get stuck together tight and it’s almost impossible to get it un-felted. It makes for stronger and more water resistant pieces.
Sometimes people use wool’s natural tendency to felt to their advantage. There’s a technique called thrumming where you knit a piece and as you’re knitting, you use a pencil-thin strand of roving for some of the stitches. It leaves a really fluffy interior of the garment (usually mittens) and as they’re worn over time the thrums get felted and your mittens get super cozy!!!
Alpaca and llama fibers are almost identical if you don’t know which is which. They’re both super warm (more so than wool) because the fibers are hollow and trap heat more easily than wool. Both drape beautifully too. The fibers don’t have the same level of elasticity compared to wool though, so often people will blend the two together to get the best of both worlds.
Silk is one of the coolest fibers imo bc it is an incredible insulator, and when it was first used in textiles (in China thousands of years ago iirc), the source of the fiber - silk worms - was a nation secret and kept super super under wraps. Most silk these days comes from India I think, and the vast majority of consumer silk is from mulberry silkworms (it has the longest strand length) but there’s at least three other types of silkworms that can be used. Also silk doesn’t just come in white - it can be green, yellow, copper, all sorts of colors. I actually have some Eri silk in a coppery color I need to spin up at some point!
Cotton can also naturally be different colors - often in greens, yellows, taupes and tans. And the cool thing about that is that it’s not dye, so the color never fades - in fact over time, the color deepens.
A lot of fibers from “plant sources” are also just…semi-synthetic. They’re basically rayon. Bamboo fiber, tencel, etc, are mostly just processed plant material that’s chemically extruded into rayon. Flax and cotton are not; flax fiber is taken from inside the chaff of the flax plant and combed down before spinning, and cotton naturally grows super fluffy, so you just need to remove the seeds before spinning. Much more environmentally friendly, and much safer to process.
There’s a type of fiber called Sea Silk that’s one of the rarest fibers in the world. It’s processed from the beards of a specific type of mussel in the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like gold, and is thought to be the inspiration for the myth of the Golden Fleece in Greek mythology. There’s only one or two people who know how to harvest and process the fiber, and because of climate change, the mussels that provide the fiber are dying out. Last I heard the elder woman who knows this cultural craft has chosen to be the last one to know it.
Hope u like fiber arts!!!!!!!
i know very little about fiber arts (ive always had the vague wish to maybe try it out one day but it seems very complicated) but this is really interesting!!!!!!!! all the different fibers and textiles r so wild to me. there's so MANY of them and they are all so different from one another
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queenharumiura · 9 months
Meet the mun. Basics
NAME:  Neo
PRONOUNS:  She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord > Asks > Replies on posts = Tumblr IM
— three facts
I have an excel document where I keep track of all art that I've purchased/commissioned since 2021 because that's when my huge craze for collecting art from artists I like started. I did this to really put into perspective how bad my 'nochillitis' gets. I've--- spent a lot on dA artists lol. (don't get me started on gacha games)
If anyone knows Prince of Tennis, I have all of the 'Valentine Day Kiss' songs. Wouldn't you know that they keep releasing a new one every year? I collect them!
I don't know how accurate it is because I was doing it in my car and people were walking around so I got nervous but, according to singingcarrots, My lowest singing note is a F#3 and my highest is a D6.
— experience
I believe I've been rp'ing for about 16-17 years? I think only 7 years on tumblr.
— sub-genres
Tbh I don't understand what this means. KHR has a bit of crack humor to it, which appeals to my troll heart. It's easy to do wholesome fluffy things with Haru as well as it is to do angst. IDK if that answers the question.
— plots vs memes
Mmm... so I'm fine with winging threads and seeing where things go, but plotting things out usually does retain attention for both sides. Memes are fun, even if I tend to write them as if they are standalone things. Some memes are fine to be continued- but the drabble ones usually aren't. I do always make sure to specify that somewhere, either in tags or in the response itself.
If I had to say, I have a stronger preference to plots since it's easier to cater things to your muse. Memes are something I throw onto the dash when I have the time or in the mood for it. I don't have the best relationship with the inbox, so I personally don't have a good association with memes in general.
— long or short replies
Depends on the definition. I'm honestly not very good with sentence threads, and I will often slowly veer into paragraph territory. I tried sentence threads before, but that's when I was hit with 2 word responses- which is why it's in my rules to never give me 2 word replies. It became a peeve of mine.
The shortest I can go is probably a paragraph. The longest... I think to date may have been something between 1.5-2k words? I write whatever feels right for me in the moment, and I honestly don't mind however much or little my partner wants to write.
I can however be asked to keep my replies within a certain length (ie 3 paragraphs) and i'll adhere to that. 8)
— best time to write
Any time i'm not distracted with youtube/discord I tend to be more active in the afternoon to late evening hours. As for chatting, I tend to prefer hours 10am-4pm because it feels like it's still early in the day that I can afford to be distracted with conversations. After that, I do try to stay away from discord if I can so I can focus on writing.
If I have nothing to work on, then any hour of the day i'm awake is a good time to talk.
Stole from: @whiskeysmulti
Tagging: I don't tag, but I can if you'd like me to.
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scottxlogan · 1 year
Writer’s wrap, 6, 13, 16, 20 pls!
Thanks so much for the ask! This has been really fun and such an interesting series of questions to answer, so thanks for that!
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6. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Okay, so for me this is a toss up because there are a few that really stand out (I know I’m supposed to pick one, but I just can’t so I’ll pick 3 lol)
Damaged: Not going to lie this story was my saving grace at the beginning of the pandemic because it was my way of coping with being in lockdown for a very long time. This story also is a spin on most of my other post-DOFP Scott/Logan stories where Scott is essentially so damaged in ways by life/his sense of duty/his pain/losses/life experiences/etc. that I don’t often explore most of my in fics. He’s at a dark place and Logan just is this beacon bringing him back and opening him up to finding something that in this world he never had before not even with the Logan that was a part of it before this Logan arrived (yes it sounds complicated, but if you read the fic you’ll get it I promise and it won’t disappoint). It follows the theme of second chances and finding your soulmate against impossible odds. I know it’s another long story, but it’s one that a lot of people have enjoyed and told me how it’s touched them along the way, which means a lot because it’s special to me. 
Home Again: This story is so special to me because it’s about healing and forgiveness and love and basically me trying to fix some missteps in the MCU. I’ve had a lot of fun with this one writing ghost!Tony with Bucky that I’m probably (absolutely) stalling on the ending and I do apologize for that, but this one has been so special because I took a supernatural spin and knew from the very first word just how it would end and it has been such a fun journey for me. As for the future with it, I can promise it fits into my popular ‘additional tag’ on AO3 lol.
End of the Line: (Read the answer to the next question to find out why lol, but it was a triumph of writing for me at a time when I wasn’t sure where my writing future was at lol)
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13. What’s your longest work of the year?
My longest work is End of the Line (766,117 words) This one is my longest work EVER and it started a little bit at the end of last year, but I imagine it will be the lonest fanfic I ever write and I did it for a reverse bang, which in retrospect was kind of crazy lol. The cool part about writing it is that it was the first time I wrote WinterIron and I was so inspired by the art/conversations that I had with @massivespacewren during the creative process that I wound up writing this epic story (at least in terms of length) where I posted a chapter every day for 68 days. It was a labor of love and a challenge unlike any other I’d taken on. I know the length sounds intimidating, but man was it fun to go all out and try something new. This AU story finds Tony rock bottom after he walks away from the team when an accidental misstep on a mission drives him away from being a hero. He’s caught up in his guilt/pain/grief that he leaves everything about his old life and finds himself in isolation where a chance meeting with a mysterious, handsome stranger turns his world around and brings him back to finding himself again. Along the way he seeks out redemption, love and a means of forgiving himself for the sins of the past. There’s so much I could say about that story and some behind the scenes secrets as well, but yeah that is probably my longest work in terms of fanfic of all time I think. Nothing will probably ever top that one lol. 
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Angst with a happy ending (would be my guess) lol I am a sucker for stories where the reader knows at the end no matter how bad the obstacles might be that they will be rewarded for their time invested in the story. Some have said it takes away from the suspense element in putting that out there, but for me I like to let people know that yes there’s going to be a big payoff at the end and it’ll be well worth the wait :)
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? Um, probably not one I’ve posted on AO3 as I was writing an original novel that I was kind of deeply invested in for a while. If I had to pick something I’ve posted on AO3, which is what this is about I suppose lol I would say probably Under Your Spell as it was a challenge someone gave me that I had fun with. I haven’t read it in a while, but there’s something about Logan drinking a ‘love potion’ and finding himself head over heels for Scott that was really fun to write. Another one I’ve enjoyed rereading every now and then is Date Night (which is the 2nd one shot in my Better Together series as it opened the door to Scott/Tony bonding with Bruce Banner and deepening their friendship in it. It kind of set the tone in a lot of ways for the multi-chapter fic (Better Together) that followed and honestly if people look deeper into the Better Together story you’ll probably not think of Waffle House the same again lol. Hands down that scene I’ve probably read a few times since it was super romantic and fun. And now I’m going to stop rambling now, but these were a lot of fun! Thank you so much for asking!
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mothersmalice-a · 1 year
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NAME: rubi.
PRONOUNS: she / her, feminine terms preferably. though i don't mind neutral terms, especially if we haven't really spoken before.
ZODIAC SIGN: aries sun / cancer moon / virgo rising.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken. ♡︎
i'm currently working toward applying for an art course in the next few months! which is partly why inactivity has been so bad here and elsewhere lately. i'm also hoping to base part of my portfolio on book!hdm concepts i'll share here if it happens.
my shelves are littered in vocaloid / hatsune miku merchandise from ever since i was first able to get my hands on it, n with that I'd probably say vocaloid is one of if not my longest lasting fandoms. my current favourite is probably? my 2020 birthday ver. statue of her.
i'm an absolute horror nut, especially with things like psychological / analog horror, indie horror games / short films, movies etc. chilla's art and puppet combo probably have some of my favourite titles game wise, and i'll just about go insane for anything backrooms / Mandela Catalogue related or Hereditary. i also have a horror-esque AU involving marisa and the spectres / bolvangar ( huge body horror tw on this if you are curious ) on the back burner that isn't written out yet, but i'd love to use one day n id be more than happy to rant about it if it's something you're interested in!
PLATFORMS USED: right now it's twitter, tumblr and discord ( dearest creature#1962, since i'm normally most active there ) but years ago i'd also spent time on things like amino ( god help me ).
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: if you just want to get into something then a meme always gives me something to build off of, but in general i adore getting to plot and develop a dynamic through chat first far more. sometimes i don't have time or motivation to write so just getting to headcanon / idea dump or do something like banter makes my day.
GENDER: i normally find myself writing afab and / or more feminine muses mostly because i like to connect with them and write from experience, though i occasionally end up making exceptions if i really adore the source material or there's a dynamic myself and someone close to me likes, like asriel or the doctor.
MULTI OR SINGLE MUSE: single! mostly because being able to focus on one character in particular lets me think about them to a greater extent, and it caters to how i tend to fixate on things more. i adore having a multi but marisa and bedelia in particular are muses that aren't fleeting so it's nice to carry them with me in a way.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): i don't really have any in terms of my own, to be honest? anyone i use is normally someone i adore watching. unless they've done something i'm actively aware of i don't really think about it.
FLUFF: pleaseeeee i don't care how insufferable / cold my muses are i adore softer threads.
ANGST: absolutely, make me cry n i'll probably try to make the plot more devastating in return.
SMUT: nooo thank you, especially if we're not close / comfortable. i love writing romantic dynamics but smut is not why i'm here.
Tagged by: @secondbetrayer & @toxicmalicex. ( ty ily both. ♡︎ )
Tagging: anyone who hasn't done this already!
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