#doing this on mobile....rip
skystamp · 2 years
Was tagged by @metal-dads 💗 thank you & sorry for being late! 
3 ships:
For ST that'd be the ever charming Spicy Six…outside of ST 🤔🤔 griddlehark (TLT), TianShan (19 Days), and ???
First ship ever:
Showing my hand here, but that'd be some kind of sailor moon FF ship - especially Usagi and Seiya
& I was about to say Merthur for TV shows, but V reminded me that I shipped Xena and Calisto whoops. I was an oddly savage child
Last song:
Triosphere - Storyteller (💗💗💗💗)
But I also had the Chucky OST playing earlier (Bellsaint rocking that Losing My Religion cover) 
Last movie:
See How They Run
Currently reading:
The Final Revival of Opal & Nev
Currently watching:
Lots of ARTE programs at the moment as I just finished WWDITS
Currently consuming:
Tea (orange-pistachio-rooibos 🍵)
Currently craving:
Annual leave and vacation ….I want to write and leave more rambly comments and explore places! 
If it's food ….that tea, clearly
I'm much too shy still to tag people but I'd be stoked if people do this and ping me so I can read them please 💗💗  like, I'll be seriously excited to see them
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skarmoree · 6 months
I won’t be who he is (I will be who he is)
testing smth bc I think tumblr nuked my initial post of this so if you saw it twice no you didn’t
pls listen to drivers seat by madds buckley and experience batboys brainrot. gif vers:
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buggyandthebartoclub · 2 months
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Look at these!!!!!!!! Thank you again for letting me commission you for these beautiful pieces!! @badly-drawn-doflamingo 😭💕
When youve been too busy to enjoy fandom fun sometimes you have to treat yourself ✨
((Extra note for clarity: these art pieces are by @badly-drawn-doflamingo ! Not me! 💕))
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galedekarios · 2 months
the plagiarist posting an "apology" to creators, including myself, who he has ripped for months on end despite us asking him not to while he still has us all blocked is... a choice
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iguessigotta · 2 years
idk this might be kinda niche but imagine getting stoned with Loki and Bucky
tw: weed use, somnophillia mention, 18+
They're lounging on the couch, you sprawled across their laps
At this point you're high out of your mind - the two of them needed a strain so powerful you weren't allowed to take a hit directly from the bowl. They were worried you'd smoke too much and potentially hurt yourself
And maybe they also wanted an excuse to keep kissing you
The first time they did this, Loki had quietly instructed you to inhale as Bucky breathed smoke into your mouth
The two took turns, kissing you and breathing into your lungs
After what feels like a short while, you are in the stratosphere
Their worries about you smoking too much seem to have been overridden by their shared urge to spoil you. Tragic
You start to feel yourself dozing slightly as they lean into each other, kissing as their hands softly roam your body
You try to stay awake, but this is so nice. So comfortable. So safe. (Not to mention what the thought of them fucking you in your sleep does to you)
On second thought, maybe a nap does sound good....
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shanzehpoo · 1 year
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estarion · 3 months
What woul Astarion be like as a parental figure?
once he got past the "being the worst" bit, you mean? lmao. given his love of freedom, can't see him being a hard ass about letting them have their own fun and make mistakes, but he also cannot deal with disrespect so he'd be rather strict to degrees too. he'd want his kids to be intelligent and would see his own as better than other people's. he would spoil them, possibly to the point of them becoming little jerks if his spouse doesn't step in. if he had a boring kid he would cry.
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iwritesickfic · 7 months
An Unmissable Night
New fic! warnings for emeto
Seamus can already hear tomorrow’s blind items - “infamously awful popstar is noticeably absent from his all-too-forgiving boyfriend’s birthday soiree. is their relationship on the rocks? again?!”
He knows why Theo’s not here, and he knows it’s not because their relationship is on the rocks. Theo’s been sick as a dog for the past two days, and there was no way in hell Seamus was going to wake him up to get to his birthday party.
So Seamus is here alone. Not really, all his friends will be here soon, but he still feels like he’s here alone. If so many people hadn’t already been invited he would’ve just cancelled, but it’s way too late for that. He’d so much rather be at home with Theo, puking or otherwise. Pretty much anywhere he is, he'd almost always rather be with Theo.
They’re at a small but incredibly extravagant spot downtown, with maroon velvet curtains and low lights and a mahogany bar. The crowd has only just begun to arrive, and though he said no gifts, a pile of them are accumulating by the entryway.
As he’s grabbing another drink, he hears more than the average chatter from the door. He turns to see Theo, looking incredible in one of Seamus’s cream fisherman sweaters. It’s cuffed at the sleeves so it doesn’t fall over his hands. He’s talking with the bouncer (and a few of the other guests) as he’s taking off his coat, and Seamus almost thinks he’s made a miraculous recovery.
He knows better than to assume Theo showing up means that, though. Then Theo catches sight of him, beaming. Seamus smiles back, and then Theo’s making his way over to him.
“Happy birthday!” he says, and kisses Seamus’s cheek. He clasps his hands loosely behind Seamus’s back, so his arms are around his waist before kissing him again, this time on the lips. Seamus leans back against the bar top, letting himself enjoy this for a moment before making himself acknowledge how feverish Theo feels against him. He lays his palm on his cheek, and sure enough, he’s burning. Still, he’s so happy to see him he can’t quite wipe the smile off his face.
“Feeling better?” he asks, still half hopeful, and Theo snorts.
“No, absolutely not. But I’m fine. Tylenol, Pepto, whatever. You look so goddamn beautiful.” He’s smiling like he’s being completely sincere. Seamus sighs, cupping his hot cheeks.
“Thank you Teddy, but there’s a reason I didn’t wake you up. You should be in bed. Seriously.” He tries to keep his tone admonishing, but it's hard when Theo is between his legs and has him pinned to a bar. And is calling him ‘so goddamn beautiful.’
He tightens his arms around Seamus’s waist, grinning like a devil.
“And miss your birthday?” He asks, and it’s clear he’s putting every ounce of seduction he can into that one sentence.
“Yes. And miss my birthday. You’re…” He tucks some of Theo’s hair behind his ear. “You’re really burning up.”
Theo tucks his face against Seamus’s neck as Seamus wraps his arms around him. They stay that way for a while, and eventually Seamus finds they’re ever so slightly rocking from side to side.
“I don’t think the tylenol is working,” Seamus finally says as they pull apart. His voice is still low. Theo sighs, closing his eyes.
“That would make sense. I threw up like…almost immediately after.”
“Oh, baby…” Seamus is back to stroking his hair. Theo relaxes into his touch for a moment before straightening back up.
“Look, I’m fine. I’m not missing this.”
“Yeah, because it's gonna be such an unmissable night,” he says, even though he knows that's not what Theo means. “I don’t care what people are gonna say,” he finally whispers and Theo’s brow furrows.
“If you’re not here.”
Theo’s brows shoot up.
“Oh. I didn’t even think about that.” He pauses, he looks around the room.
“Then… Why do you wanna stay so bad?” This all makes even less sense knowing that the idea has just occurred to Theo. His face softens, almost hurt.
“Because it’s your birthday,” he says, voice quiet. Seamus's chest immediately aches. Part of him feels terrible for assuming it was Theo’s desire for good PR that drove him here, another is guilty for his stupid birthday being the reason Theo’s not in bed where he should be. Instead he's here, burning up a fever, swaying in Seamus's arms. “You don't want me here?” Theo asks, and Seamus cups his cheek.
“Oh my god, of course! Jesus Christ, of course I want you here, Theo. You're just-” he cuts himself off, tucking a bit of hair behind Theo’s ear. The fever heat pouring off him is astonishing. “You're so sick, baby.”
Theo lets out a shuddering sigh and, again, turns his face into Seamus’s touch.
“Don't make me leave, Shay. I wanna stay,” he murmurs, his big brown eyes pleading in the way Seamus can never resist. The hint of a smile has returned, like he knows how irresistible he's being. It doesn't help that Seamus’s thumbs have found their way under his sweater, to the hollows of his hips. Seamus sighs and looks up at the ceiling, as if the strength he needs to send him away is up there somewhere.
Before he can reply, a voice cuts in.
“Sorry to interrupt the love birds but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!” It's Elise, one of the assistant engineers from the studio, and Seamus (very reluctantly) breaks away from Theo to return her hug. As they start to talk, Theo catches Seamus’s eye, raising his eyebrows. After a moment, Seamus nods back, and Theo smiles before going off to talk to another of their mutual friends.
Over the next half hour the crowd grows, and Seamus makes his rounds. It feels like an eternity before he finally spots Theo on one of the maroon velvet tufted couches, laughing with a group of a few other people. When he spots Seamus he beams.
“Hey!” he says, resting his hand on Seamus's thigh as he sits down beside him. Seamus's stomach tightens as he feels the fever heat from Theo’s palm. Seamus kisses his cheek.
“Hey, love.”
As the conversation picks back up, he's almost able to forget what's going on, just able to enjoy the company. God, his boyfriend is so funny. God, he's so charming.
Then Theo’s fingers stiffen where they rest on Seamus's leg, and all of that ease disappears. He turns to him, looking very pale, and all of Seamus’s attention snaps to his face.
“I'm gonna go get a drink,” he says, and Seamus can hear the breathless nausea in his voice. “Do you want anything?”
“No, no, I'm ok. Are you -” He takes Theo’s hand as he stands up, shaking his head.
“Be right back,” he says, and disappears back through the crowd before Seamus has a chance to ask him anything else.
Seamus tries to fall back into the flow of conversation, but he can't quite relax.
“Where's Theo? It's been like, 20 minutes or something,” one of his friends finally remarks, and someone else shrugs.
“Bar’s probably super backed up.”
“20 minutes backed up?”
“Know what? I'm gonna go grab something, I'll find him,” Seamus says, standing up and making a beeline for the bar. It's moderately busy, but Theo is nowhere to be seen. Seamus starts to make his way to the bathroom, and when he tries the handle, he finds it's locked. He knocks.
“Sorry, I'm - Someone's in here,” he hears Theo’s voice say, muffled through the door.
“It's me,” Seamus says, and it takes a few moments for the lock to click. He slips inside quickly, only to see Theo bent over the sink, his sweater rolled up to his elbows, flushed and trembling.
“Hey,” he murmurs waveringly.
“Hey, love,” Seamus says. He doesn't need to ask what happened, he already knows. And Theo knows he knows. So instead, he starts to comb his fingers through Theo’s hair, removing the hair tie that's already begun to fall out. He takes his time gathering his hair into as neat a bun as he can while Theo breathes slowly and deliberately. He rests his palm on Theo’s back when he's done. His fever is raging, his whole body shaking.
“So…” Theo swallows thickly, finally pushing himself upright. “So should I go out first, or you? Or at the same time?”
“Same time I think,” Seamus says, and Theo raises his eyebrows.
“Why not? Oh god forbid someone think you gave me head on my birthday.”
Theo laughs, sniffling.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“You ready?”
Theo nods, even though his expression says that he's the opposite of ready. They leave together, back out into the party, and Seamus wraps his arm around Theo’s waist, pressing a kiss to his sweaty temple.
“You wanna go sit back down? Or you wanna come with me to the bar?”
“With you.”
They make their way through the crowd, and the bartender is immediately in front of them as soon as they approach, despite the bar being completely crowded.
“Hey, um, do you have anything with, like, ginger in it?” he asks, and the bartender blinks.
“A Moscow mule?” She asks, verging on condescension.
“No, no I mean… Ginger beer? Or grated ginger or something? No alcohol.”
“Well I can make you a virgin Moscow if you want?” She asks, and Seamus nods.
“Perfect. Two of those.”
She goes back down to the other end of the bar to make the drinks, and Seamus turns to Theo. He just stands beside him, breath shaky and intentionally slow.
“I can't wait to give you your present when we get home,” he says, his voice still wobbly. He's forcing himself to smile, and Seamus smiles back.
“I don't know if you're in any state to give me what I really want,” he whispers back and Theo laughs softly, a genuine smile growing now, and presses himself closer. He bites his lip and leans in.
“I thought you like when I gag on it,” he whispers, and it's so filthy and unexpected that Seamus bursts out laughing at full volume, turning a few heads. He quickly tries to compose himself.
“You are fucking disgusting,” he whispers back, his cheeks aching from how hard he's smiling.
“You can't set me up,” he says, and leans in closer, pressing a soft, open mouthed kiss to Seamus’s throat.
The bartender sets down the two copper mugs in front of them wordlessly before walking away and Seamus feels his face flush as he picks them up.
“Thanks,” he calls to her, and Theo laughs again against his skin. Before he can return to their rapidly escalating banter the lights dim, and he hears Happy Birthday begin in about 7 different keys.
Then Theo is singing too, and the crowd parts as someone wheels forth a gigantic birthday cake with about a thousand candles.
He doesn't have to fake his smile as the song finishes. As he blows out the candles the room cheers, and the lights come back up.
He's relieved the only real event of the night is over, because now he's free to leave whenever he wants. And judging by Theo’s fever that's going to be sooner than later.
A server is cutting and passing out cake, and Seamus rubs Theo's back gently. He's holding his mug with both hands, taking tiny sips, his chin quivering.
Seamus gives him a look, and Theo seems to understand because he nods back, his mouth in a tight line.
“I'm gonna go start saying bye, maybe you can go get some air?” He asks, and Theo nods again, eyes closing as he swallows thickly. He gives him a peck on the cheek before making his way back through the crowd.
It's about 15 minutes before he finally makes it back to the front door where Theo is. He's in his coat, leaning against the wall with his eyes screwed shut, cheeks flushed red. It only takes Seamus's thumb brushing his jaw for him to open his eyes.
“Ready?” Seamus asks, and Theo nods, eyes half lidded. Seamus takes his sweaty palm and they walk outside only to be met by the flash of about a dozen cameras and shouted questions.
He hears Theo take in a sharp breath, and he squeezes his hand.
Just before they make it to the car Theo stops short. Seamus is just turning back to see what's the matter when Theo doubles over and vomits into the gutter. The sound of the camera shutters doubles, and Seamus feels awful about it but he practically drags Theo into the car despite him clearly not being finished. The last thing Theo needs are tabloids writing about how he left a bar “hammered” when his sobriety is already a constant topic of speculation.
When they’re safely inside, the driver is prepared with a bag. Seamus just rests his hand between Theo’s shoulder blades not saying a word. The car pulls away, and the flashes of cameras and muffled questions slowly fade as Theo heaves.
When he's finally done they’re on the Manhattan Bridge, and he leans back, still shaking.
“I'm so sorry,” he breathes, and Seamus frowns.
“No, no, no. Stop it. Nothing to be sorry for,” he says as Theo wipes his mouth.
“You're too nice. I'm such a fucking idiot for coming out tonight, I feel like I'm gonna die,” he whimpers, and Seamus kisses his fiery temple.
Theo's arms are wrapped around his stomach, his shoulders tense.
“I'm not going to not be nice. But, yeah,” he teases gently. Theo's head leans down to rest on his shoulder.
“You're supposed to argue and say I'm not an idiot,” he murmurs back. The car goes over a bump and he moans.
“Well I'm not going to lie either,” he says, before pressing another kiss to Theo’s damp hairline.
“I'm gonna make it up to you. With your present,” he mumbles.
“That's alright, it can wait.”
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TW eye contact and swearing
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Was watching a Terrible French series for my sister when I came across this banger scene and it just screamed THEM
Transcript under the cut !!
Clive : I'm not going to kill you for what you did to me or because you are and always will be a terrible prime minister. No, you are going to die because of Léonie Renond.
Bill Hawks : ... Who ? (Disappointed voter maybe ?)
Clive, listing the names of some of the explosion's victims : Léonie Renond. Renaud Mastri. Louise Berne.
Bill Hawks, off screen : Wait, hold on- I don't understand-
Clive, leaning in : OF COURSE you don't understand, you don't give a FLYING FUCK about any of this you son of a bitch !!!
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meirimerens · 1 year
herb brides on the mind again. am a profound herb brides Truther/Believer/Apologist not in the sense that i will excuse their mistreatment (mostly outside of the narrative, such as with their models etc because some of the in-narrative mistreatment i can recognize as something that we're actually supposed to interact with) and make mental gymnastics to justify said mistreatment as some deep 4D chess #conversation the male lead writer is trying to have with us But in the sense that i so profoundly believe in their potential in their power in the fact that they Could Be So Good Were They Handled Better (as with most female characters ever....) that i will fight like a hound to extract them out of the nasty paws of the mistreating metanarrative to cherish them and conceptualize them in ways i think they could thrive. basaghan get behind me‼️
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sysig · 22 days
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What if baby VUX (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Honestly mostly speculating around VUX baby clothes#And casual clothes generally but especially comfy clothes!#I could've sworn I saw a set at one point of baby ZEX but I haven't been able to find it again ah#Reverse-engineering design from the military uniforms - I mean it's only assumed that they have tunics as only their upper bodies are shown#But definitely nothing that would impede their arm mobility! I imagine a lot of loose and flowy clothing generally ♪#Babies all tend to be in something soft and loose to allow them to move without catching ♫ Little infant gowns ah <3#Would a VUX baby enjoy being swaddled? I think so - like the full-body pressure of water!#I do wonder about VUX culture insofar as gendered clothing as well - jewelry is across the board so that seems more like a class thing#Lots of little ones here with tiny tendril or tail accessories hehe <3#On their stubby little tendrils! I already draw tails on even adults as being rather short but look at the tiny head tendrils ahhh <3 <3#I do enjoy the little headcanon of tendril length being an age signifier - or of having them ripped off frequently pft#But for babies and children they're have short tendrils they wave around all jerkily and inelegant#Like how human babies practice gross and fine motor skills hehe <3 Cute!!#Until eventually you get smooth tendril expressions - longer tendrils requiring the extra care in movement to express properly ah#The mark of adulthood and all that hehe ♪ It's cute! I like it very much!!#I do wonder if VUX would have baby fat :0 Or just generally be rounder and smaller and less realized in movement haha#Gave me some ideas for how arms might look depending on if the VUX were reaching or recoiling as well hmm#Interesting anatomy fun ♪#Cute little ones <3 Still some ideas to do with little ZEX as well! Since these were more general haha
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danrifics · 2 months
Do you like your job, what do you do? 👀
i have a love hate relationship with my job 😂 i do the social media for a tiktok business that makes freeze dried candy but basically im alone in an office 90% of the time filming and editing and alone in the office the other 10% doing nothing 😭
it’s a fun job most of the time it’s just i work for someone who doesn’t know anything about content creation so it’s so annoying to do what i want
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coarsely · 4 months
A moment of silence for all the OCs with faces and clothing sense too specific to be found in visual media for a visual signifier.
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arachnoheaux · 2 months
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Boosts his titties at passerbys
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vanillaboyfriend · 2 months
if they did a yard cypher i would
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dnpbeats · 7 months
yearning to change my url but also i’m SO attached to goldenhowell 😩 like goldenhowell IS me
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