#don’t care didn’t ask patting the cute squirrel girl on the head
princehatterene · 10 months
fandom will meet several cute women in a new trailer and say nothing. but a man shows up once very briefly and there are already people nutting over him
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clareguilty · 3 years
Coal Fires and Snowstorms
This was a request fic that was originally for the Overwatch cowboy but I changed to Arthur Morgan for... apparent reasons Arthur Morgan/F!Reader (reader also has big enby vibes) Rating: Mature | No Warnings Word Count: ~2,200
Arthur wakes with a wheeze, bolting upright and smacking his chest with his fist as he tries to pull in enough air.
He’s shirtless, but a woven blanket had been draped over him while he was unconscious. A ray of light cuts through a grimy window. The angle is harsh enough that it’s probably late in the evening.
The last thing Arthur can remember is the dark of the night and the clamoring of the law on his heels. So he’s been out for at least a day.
His lips are dry and cracked, and his muscles groan in protest with every movement. God, his head is pounding like he was hit by a damn train.
A door creaks open, and there’s a squeak of surprise. “Oh! You’re awake!”
Arthur blinks in the harsh sunlight that’s streaming into the small cabin. Whoever is there is bundled up in furs and a jacket with a bow over their shoulder. They’ve got two armfuls of game practically swallowing them.
“Who are you? Where am I?” He means for it to sound rough and demanding, but it’s more croaky and pathetic when the words pass his lips.
“I’m not really anybody, and this is my cabin up in Cumberland. The law chased you a long ways from Annesburg didn’t they? You must have done something real bad.” The hunter dumps all the game onto the table and rushes to the bedroll where Arthur lays. “You aren’t hurt too bad or nothing, but you’ve got a real nasty cough. I’ve got tea and herbs that should help. I bandaged up all the bleeding bits as best I could”
Arthur is bewildered. He knows there had been a fire in Annesburg -- the coal had gone up in a pyre in seconds. Somehow, he had gotten separated from Dutch and the others. The smoke had taken him like crows to a carcass, and he was lucky to make it across the ridge with the way his eyes and lungs were burning.
The last thing he remembered was the pinkertons still on his heels and the darkness of the trees as he tried to hide in the brush. He must have made it to cover before the smoke and the soot finally got him.
He flinches as the hunter sticks an open flask under his nose. “Tea. It’s bitter but you’ll need it.”
Arthur sniffs the mouth of the flask, but it sure does just smell like weeds and water. He takes a sip and wrinkles his nose. But the flavor is a small price to pay for the way the liquid soothes the burning in his mouth and throat.
“Thank you,” he says. “You could have left me in those woods to rot. I appreciate you dragging my sorry ass back here.”
You grin and pat the bandage on his arm. “It weren’t much trouble, but you sure are one large fella.” Arthur thinks you must be a young boy -- it’s hard to tell. Your hair is short under your cap but your voice isn’t all that low.
You turn to the game on the table and grab a knife from your belt. “I hunted enough for the both of us the next few days. It’s gonna be a while before you’ve got your strength back, and a snowstorm is rolling in off the Grizzlies anyways.”
Arthur frowns. “Bit early for snow, isn’t it?”
You shrug. “Winter never listens to me. At least the game was out. Everyone is trying to feed as much as they can before it gets too cold to hunt. That includes us.”
Arthur grunts and struggles to his feet. “I can help with those,” he offers.
You watch him with narrowed eyes, obviously skeptical of Arthur’s strength. “Take the small ones,” you offer up the rabbits and squirrels.
Arthur usually doesn’t have a problem skinning game, but the smoke must have gotten to him more than he thought because he finds himself having to take a rest after just a few minutes. He finishes off the flask of tea and sorts through his pack and weapons.
“My horse…” he asks after a while.
“She’s fine,” you say. “I found her not far from where you were unconscious and she helped me get you back here. She’s out back with my Old Girl.”
“Thank you,” Arthur sounds genuinely touched. “She really means a lot to me.”
You shoot him another smile. “You’re nothing but a big softie, ain’t ya? What could you have done to have the law chasing you all the way across the damn country?”
Arthur rubs the back of his neck, flushing in embarrassment. “My folks might have blown up Annesburg? I don’t actually know how much of it is left…”
“Ha!” you bark. “You’re with them van der Linde folks?”
Arthur’s silence is answer enough.
“I won’t judge,” you shrug. “You’re safe as long as you want to rest here.”
And rest Arthur does. He’s confined to the bedroll, rolled out on a warm pile of furs near the stove. You’re good company, witty and friendly and far too nosy for your own good. Arthur learns that you’ve has been living in these parts for a few years now, trapping and hunting and crafting to sell in town every few weeks. It’s more of a living than Arthur could ever ask for. Arthur thinks he might be sweet on you.
It’s another day before he’s got the strength to walk. He makes it outside to his horse, glad to see that she’s well taken care of. You had said you were going off to bathe in a nearby stream, and Arthur follows the sound of the water.
He’s not expecting what he finds. The water is shallow but fast moving, and he sees a familiar jacket hung on a branch by the bank.
You’re turned away, rinsing in the ice cold water, and Arthur can see the gooseflesh on your skin.
But when you turn slightly, it’s the swell of breasts and the curve of hips that catches Arthur’s attention. He averts his eyes quickly, darting back towards the cabin with his cheeks stained pink.
Now that he thinks about it, you had never said that you were a man. Arthur had simply figured it was most likely. The soft voice and gentle features make more sense now.
“You had better wash up if you want to,” you say when you return to the cabin. “The snow is coming in tonight. I can smell it. I stocked up on herbs for your cough and we’ve got plenty of provisions. I’m gonna split some more wood to bring inside.”
Arthur can’t help but find it attractive that you’re so knowledgeable and well prepared. He makes his way to the stream on his own and washes up in the frigid water, pushing through another coughing fit when the cold makes his muscles seize.
It’s already getting colder when he gets back inside. His weak breath fogs even inside the cabin and the little stove can’t do nearly enough to warm the small space.
“You’re going to freeze,” he tells you. He’s big enough to handle the cold -- spent a damn month up in the grizzlies without much of a problem -- but you surely won’t last the snowstorm.
“I’ve made it before,” you say with a huff and a glare. “I’ve got plenty of furs to keep me warm.”
“Put your bedroll beside mine,” Arthur insists. “We can share the blankets.”
The snow begins to fall, sticking to the ground in wet clumps, and you brace yourselves for the days to come. You’re practically strangers -- save for the fact that you had dragged Arthur out of the woods and saved his life. Now you have no choice but to rely on each other until the snow melts.
Arthur wakes in the night to your violent shivering under the blankets. He pulls you so that you’re pressed against his chest, tucking both of you under the quilts closer together. “I thought you said you’d made it through this before?”
You huff, teeth chattering. “I survived. I never said I kept warm.”
“Stay close to me. It’s my turn to keep you alive.” He drifts back to sleep to the howl of the winter winds.
The next morning he’s greeted by a bowl of piping stew that makes his sinuses burn. “I had some jarred peppers I keep for weather just like this. You’re in no condition for liquor so this is the best you’re gonna get.”
Arthur accepts the stew graciously. He’s not ready for the way you stand on your tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek when he offers to wash both of the bowls.
You pass the time snowed in with several rounds of cards. Arthur tells stories about him and the gang until his throat aches and he starts coughing again, and so the you regale Arthur with your life’s tale and a few stories you picked up over the years. You’re curled up next to each other in front of the stove, and you have no shame about burrowing against Arthur in a quest for body heat. He lets you steal as much as you want.
“I thought you were a boy when I first woke up,” Arthur says.
You shrug. “Most people do. I find it makes things easier a lot of the time. How’d you figure me out?” You don’t seem to feel too strongly one way or another about how Arthur and others see you.
Arthur hides his embarrassment behind a cough. “I, uh, caught you washing up in the stream.”
“Oh,” you laugh, “that’s pretty solid proof, ain’t it.” You’re smiling, not shy at all. “You’re not mad at me for lying, are you?”
“You never lied,” Arthur says. “I just came to my own conclusions. Doesn’t matter much to me anyways, whether you’re a man or a woman.”
You frown at that. “Doesn’t matter?”
“Nah,” Arthur ruffles your short hair. “You’re cute either way.”
It’s the right thing to say. The frown disappears and you settle back against him, humming contentedly.
He wakes in the night to the feeling of your breath on his neck. You shift and your lips brush against his skin. He can’t help the way his whole body tenses at the sensation. His arm is draped around your waist, holding you close because he knows you’ll freeze if he doesn’t.
He pulls you in closer. Every inch where your skin touches his feels oversensitive and hot. You’re still asleep -- he can tell from how slow you breath against his skin, but you reach an arm around his neck and burrow against him.
His heart begins to race. He’s flushed and half asleep and you fit against him so well in this tiny cabin that you’ve made your home. One of his hands slides down your back. You moan as his palm passes over the small of your back and the curve of your ass. His hand comes to the back of your thigh, but you shift again and rock your hips against him.
He gasps, then has to fight back a cough. He doesn’t want to wake you, but your quest for warmth has you plastered against him in a very compromising position. It’s starting to make his long johns downright painful, and he thinks he’ll combust in shame.
You rock against him once more, mumbling sleepily into his skin.
“Darlin’” he croaks. But the sound doesn’t wake you. He tries to wriggle an arm between you so he can push you off, but instead he winds up with a handful of your breast, and the most gorgeous sound he’s ever heard escapes your lips.
He freezes. He’s painfully hard now, and you’re still gently rocking against him in your sleep, perhaps even more so now that he’s got a hand on your chest.
“Arthur, please,” you whine.
He’s pretty sure you’re awake by now, so he readjusts his hand and rubs his thumb over the peak of your nipple. You let out another breathy moan against his skin. This time when he runs a hand over your ass he lets himself take a moment to appreciate how it feels under his palm, they way his fingers sink into the soft skin beneath your winter sleep clothes. He once again places his hand on the back of your thigh and pulls you so that your hips are lined up with his, straddling him under the blankets.
You whine against him once more and grind your hips downward. The friction does way more for him than he imagines it must for you, and his vision whites out momentarily at the heat and weight of you against him.
He loses himself in the motion of your hips for several long moments, but then your whines grow frustrated and unsatisfied and he knows exactly what your after.
Gripping both of your hips tightly, he flips you both so that you’re laying back on the bedroll and he’s kneeling over you.
Your eyes fly open.
“You were asleep?” he looks absolutely bewildered.
“I thought so? I was having the best dream.” Your eyes look past him as you remember.
“I don’t think you were dreaming, sweetheart,” he chuckles. He leans in to place an open mouthed kiss against your neck. You gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder.
“Then I think you had better keep going, cowboy.”
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taones · 4 years
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬 // 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
Pairing: kyoutani x gender neutral!reader
Notes: Welcome to another multi part series! I hope you guys like it mwah
Warnings - Kyoutani gets mad but not at the reader, nothing much, very main character in a ya novel but it’s cute
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“C’mon mad dog it’s not-”
Kyoutani growled, cutting his captain off. He needed to leave and he needed to leave right now. If not, he would end up bouncing the volleyball in his hands off said captain's head. The gym floor squeaked under his heels as he turned and stormed out, ignoring the calls from his team mates.
The grounds of the school were eerily quiet, most people were home or at their own sports clubs so nobody was there to bother Kyoutani as he sped across the courtyard. Did he know where he was going? No. But he knew he had to get away from the concrete walls decorated with posters with messages so positive it made him want to gouge his eyeballs out. 
The gardens. They were calm and nobody had used them in years so he may as well go there just to find some quiet to rage in his own time. Stupid volleyball. Stupid Oikawa. You had to love the mouthy captain but sometimes he got on the wrong side of Kyoutani’s mood and it became too much. Anyone could do it but his captain had a particular talent for grating on his nerves.
The leaves of the rose bushes surrounding the school gardens came into his line of sight and he felt himself relax at the sight. It was amazon what nature could do. If he wasn’t lying, he preferred nature. There was something about the leaves and the dirt that was so unassuming and calming to him. Not to mention the presence of animals. While his favourite was dogs, the sound of birds above him or squirrels shuffling round the trees was delightfully mundane and something even he could appreciate.
The entrance to the gardens was a rusted old gate, around mid-stomach on him. It had obviously been a rather gaudy yellow and he couldn’t say he was mad about the fact it had faded to a more muted, pastel variant of the colour. The blonde couldn’t see much past the sharp turn on bushes but he heard nothing so chose to open the gate anyway. It didn’t creak, almost like it had been recently oiled. 
There was no sound as he walked into the garden apart fro the running water from the pond in the corner. He was shocked at the way it looked however. Flower beds were newly planted, roses growing out of the hedge-fence looked a lot healthier than they did on the outside. There was even growing vegetables on some of the patches and bags of soil leant up against the tree in the corner. The garden had been off limits to everyone since the teacher running the club had retired, nobody had shown any interest in it so it was left bare.
A shuffle caught the blondes attention. He turned, staring towards the tree just in time to catch a glimpse of h/c hair disappearing behind the trunk. 
“Hello?” he grunted, guards now returned. 
You peaked out from behind the tree, eyes widened in slight fear. He recoiled at the sight of you. He knew it was after hours but your uniform was caked in soil and you had too-large gardeners gloves on your hands.
(Pov switch)
You stared, wide eyed, at the boy in front of you. He was wearing the volleyball uniform but you didn’t know anything about the team. The sports teams of the school were uninteresting to you, as were most of the students. This meant you had never quite cared enough to learn the names of who were considered the school's best assets. 
This boy though, he was interesting. You were the only person allowed in the schools garden. You were also one of the only people that knew about it but that was irrelevant. Why was he here? Taking in his strained posture and heavy breathing, you extended an arm of sorts.
“Are you okay?” you asked gently, coming out from behind the tree.
After he saw all of you, he relaxed a little. His eyes were still squinted in caution. You sighed, if he was gonna stay there then you may as well go back to your gardening. The moment you planted yourself next to the flower bed he visibly relaxed.
“Yeah i’m fine” he grunted, “got mad”
You hummed, patting the space next to you on the ground. Obviously, he probably wouldn’t take it but it was worth a try to be accomodating. The blonde boy hadn’t exactly stomped all over the plants so you assumed he had to have some sort of respect for the growth around you.
To your surprise, he sat down. Not next to you but around a metre away, on the corner of the flower bed. You saw him run his fingers across the top of the daisies on the grass and close his eyes.
Pausing, you stared at the boy who was breathing in deep breaths of the air around him as if he’d been starved of it. The air was different here, not as stuffy as the rest of the school. It seemed like the first time he had been truly calm in a while. Knuckles that were covered in scars danced gently across the grass and petals of the porcelain flowers. The creases that were in his eyebrows smoothed out and you could see the boy’s face, free of the stress. You knew the girls in your school were crazy about the captain of the volleyball team but you think this boy was just as gorgeous.
“So,” you began, “I’m y/n”
He grunted, shifted out of his daydream.
“Kyoutani Kentarou” 
You smiled. Despite answering you, he had yet to open his eyes and was still gently stroking the daisies.
“You seem to like the daisies” you muse, determined to get more than a word out of him.
“They’re nice” he said, “they’re kind of a weed, grow where they're not wanted. But people like them anyway, unlike dandelions.”
Your smile dropped into a look of sympathy.
“Personally, i think dandelions are beautiful” you replied, “it’s why i don’t pull them up”
You gestured around the garden, which was really more of a field. There were dandelions everywhere, accentuating the bright colours of the garden.
“Even if some people don’t like them, I do.  They grow through concrete and shit you know? I admire that”
He grunted again but cracked open an eye again to look at you while you were talking. This was progress.
“I would offer to let you help” you say, standing up.
“However, i think your practice just finished and i’d prefer to keep this place to myself… and you i guess”
He looked up at you, muttering a small apology.
“Hey it’s fine, you’re not so bad Kentarou. I wouldn’t mind you helping me out”
He smirked a bit at that, eyes following your figure as you disappear round the rose bush. A trail of soil followed you, falling off your clothes as you walked. 
It seems he would have to come back.
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Taglist - @prettysetterbaby @kingdoms--night--star @red-riot-rat
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 4 years
Camping Trip - Chp 2 (Frankie “Catfish” Morales x f!reader)
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Summary: The boys take a couple retreat weekend and Frankie doesn’t want to be the only one going alone. So he invites you his best friend since high school to come along. Will the trip finally push you two who have had crushes on each other for years together? Warnings: mutual pining, language Rating: General. Will change in future chapters. AO3 Link Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Masterlist Join my taglist via here! ____________________________________________________________ You awake in the morning to sunlight peaking through the window and warmth encompassing you. You groan and try to move but are trapped. Confused you look down and see Frankie’s arm wrapped around your waist. You tilt your head slightly to look back and that’s when you finally feel the warm air of his breath on your neck and see him pressed up against your backside.  Your eyes widen and you feel your face go red from how flustered you are. Frankie is cuddling you! Somehow unintentionally in his sleep he seeked you out and is now holding you in his firm grip. You chuckle lightly at the thought, a smile creeping up on your face. You hear a light groan from behind you and hear Frankie awake. You rotate under his grip to face him and poke him on the nose. “Get lonely last night?” You tease. “Huh?” He starts but then notices he is holding you. “Oh… shit. Um I’m sorry!” He says quickly removing his arm from around your waist. You chuckle, placing a hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. It happens. I didn’t mind the extra warmth either.” Frankie sighed and could feel his face is red from how flustered he was, glad you didn’t notice as you had already climbed out of bed. He decided to leave the conversation be as to not dig an even bigger hole. **** Once you both got showered and dressed you made your way down to the living room to meet the rest of the gang. “Mornin’ guys! Sleep well?” Benny asks, discreetly winking at Frankie. “Mornin’. I slept well, thanks.” You reply back, avoiding Frankie’s gaze and not giving any details of how you two awoke this morning. “Shannon’s making some french toast in the kitchen if you guys want some. Fill up cause today’s gonna be a long one. We plan to go hiking if you want to join.” Will says “Sure I’m in. You know I always love a good hike.” Frankie responds and then turns to you. “You down to go?” “Yeah! Sounds like fun.” You smile back. Frankie nods in response and heads into the kitchen to grab some grub before the hike. You followed suit. Once everyone had eaten their fill for breakfast and packed their bags up for the hike you all made your way out to the woods behind the cabin. You all made your way up the path which thankfully for the most part was pretty smooth. It’s been a while since you’ve been hiking so you were hoping it’d be an easy hike and you could keep up with everyone. The boys kept the lead always way ahead of you girls but you didn't mind keeping back and getting to know them. Stopping often to admire the nature around you like squirrels or some pretty flowers. When you had stopped at one point to drop some of your trail mix to a squirrel you didn’t notice Frankie had stopped to watch you as well, a smile growing on his face at the cute interaction. As you made your journey further up the past it started to get more steep and rocky. The boys made it up with ease and helped their girls as needed. You were falling behind and were trying to make it up a steep rock but struggling. Frankie took notice and hopped back down to you. “Need help?” He asked. You look at him a little embarrassed and nod. He grabs your around your waist with one arm and the other goes down to tuck behind your knees, lifting you up bridal style and lifting you up over the incline. Once he knows your feet touch the ground and you have your balance he lets go and jumps back up on the rock himself. “I’ll slow down and stay behind with you for a bit. Help you if needed and chat some. Sorry I’ve kind of left you in the dust with the other girls.” He says. “It’s okay. You’re more accustomed to this stuff.” You smile. “Plus I don’t mind hanging with the girls. They’re nice. But yea… if the path continues to be this rough I may need you.” You blush and look down. He keeps back with you for the rest of the hike up the mountain, helping you up any rocks or steep inclines when needed. Once you all arrived at the top you all were taken back by the beauty before you. Rolling mountains stretched before you for miles, a bright blue and sunny sky to top it off. It was a beautiful sight. You all admire the view and took as many pictures as you wanted for a while. The girls all wanting to take cute couple pictures with their man. Being the best photographer out of the group you opted in to taking them all for you. “Hey.” Frankie nudged your elbow once you finished the last one and were taking some of just the scenery for yourself. “Go over there and turn around.” You went over to where he said and stood facing him with a confused look on your face. “Come on now at least smile for me.” He said, pulling his phone out. “Frankie… come on…” You sigh. He put a hand on his hip and cocked his head at you, pouting at you teasingly. You sighed again and gave into his pout, finally smiling and striking a simple pose. You made him switch off with you so you can do the same for him in return. Taking some pics of just him with the scenery on your phone. He beckoned you back over to home and once next to him he wrapped his hand around your waist to pull your close. He pulls his phone up and takes a few selfies with you both. Some normal and a few silly ones as usual for you two. “Do you guys want me to take one of you guys?” Santiago’s girl asks. “O-oh umm…” You look at Frankie who shrugs. “Sure. Thank you.” She takes Frankies phone as he hands it over, getting you both to pose again and takes a few pics. “You guys are so cute together!” She chuckles, handing Frankie his phone back and heading back over to the group who had found a good clearing and start to set up for lunch which you all had packed. “Uh th-thanks…” You reply and blush. You nudge Frankie who seems to be lost in thought and point over to the group already make themselves comfy and digging out their food. He seems to come back to reality and smiles following you back to the group. Once you find a comfy boulder to sit on his pulls his backpack off his shoulders to sit in front of him now. He digs down into it and pulls out the two sandwiches he prepared for you guys this morning. Handing one to you and taking the other for himself. “I packed water and chips too if you want any of that.” He says. You nod in response and thank him, taking a bit of the sandwich. You all take your time eating, resting up and admiring the view before packing up and making your way back down the path. The trek down the path was just as rough on the way up. Having to hop down the big boulders, careful to not slip and injure yourself. You were doing good for the most part until right as you were to hop down a rock at the very tail end of the rough terrain part of the trail. You lost your balance and fell on your butt, scraping your leg and arm on the way down. “Shit!” Frankie runs over to you. “Are you okay?” He grabs your arm and examines the scrap, then moves to look at the scrap on your leg. It wasn’t too bad but did take some skin and was bleeding some. “I’m okay. Just lost my balance a little is all.” You reply. “Injuries aren’t too bad. I’ll disinfect them and clean them up for you when we get back. You’re bleeding a bit too.” He says as he drops his bag and digs into it to pull out some bandage wraps which he wraps around your wounds to stop the bleeding. He then stands and reaches he hand out to you. “Can you stand?” You nod and take his hand. “Thank you.” You say, feeling embarrassed. “Of course. Sorry I didn’t catch you.” He says. You chuckle. “It’s fine Fish… no one knew I was going to fall. Not even myself.” You smile at him. It doesn’t take you long to get back to the cabin and once back in Frankie pulls you into your shared room and then the ensuite bathroom. “Sit on the edge of the sink for me.” He says. You do as your told and he starts to wipe at your scraps with a cool damp rag, then applies some disinfectant. It stings and makes you whine a bit. “I know I know. It stings I’m sorry but don’t want anything to get infected.” He says. You nod knowingly and let him continue. Once he has both scraps disinfected he rewraps them. “Should heal up rather quickly. They’re minor injuries but still want to be careful with em.” He says patting your thigh. “Let’s go meet the others and help out for dinner.” You nod and follow him into the kitchen. Dinner got put together and ate up rather quickly. Afterwards the group decided since it was a fairly nice evening why not put the hot tub to use. All you girls took it over first as the boys were busy sharing old war stories. You made yourself cozy in the big hot tub chatting with the girls and sipping cocktails you had made. You didn’t know them very well at the beginning of the trip but had gotten to know them fairly well now and really enjoyed their company. You were deep in sharing gossip when you didn’t even notice the boys had changed and came out to join you. “Any room for us ladies?” Santiago asked, as he swung his legs over the side to sit behind his girl. “It’ll be a tight fit but I think we can make do.” Benny’s girl said scooting over a bit for someone to join in. Most of the boys sat behind their ladies on the edge, only Will sitting down into the actual water with you girls. You wondered where Frankie had gotten to when you saw him finally come out from the house. You’d seen Frankie shirtless before but you’ll never get over the sight of him. Sure he might not be the most built out of the group of guys, having a bit softer dad bod look with scars from his army days that littered his body but, you loved it. “Okay I’m here. Couldn’t find my damn trunks.” He said as he swung his legs into the hot tub, sitting on the edge directly behind you. You feel a slight blush come up your neck. You’ve been close to Frankie before but never encased like this. His legs on either side of you. You quickly shake it off and focus back on the conversation the group is having. Taking a sip of your cocktail that was made for you you chime into the conversation that was being had currently. Bad dating stories. You start to share some of the bad ones you had not noticing Frankie rolling his eyes and nodding behind you. He had hated just about every guy you dated. Not just because they weren’t him but because they weren’t good enough for you he felt. Never treated you as you should be treated. You sipped on your drink again listening in now to Santiago share a story, you go to place your drink back when Frankie grabs it from you, taking a sip from it himself. “If we’re sharing dating stories I’m going to need to be a lot less sober for this.” He smirks. The conversation is all in good hearted fun, continuing on and you’re laughing at a story Will just told when you feel Frankie place his chin on your head and drape his arms over your shoulders and around your chest. You look up at him as best as you can, smiling slightly. You place your hands over his where they interlock across your chest, holding him there. Focusing back on the conversation you miss the looks the girls give you both at your current position. The night goes on for a bit longer until you all start to get sleepy and the alcohol already hitting it’s limit. You all fairly buzzed by now, some definitely drunk. You all call it a night and head off into your designated quarters. You’re back in your room and starting to head to the bathroom to change when Frankie’s voice grabs your attention. “You look… really good in that um... swimsuit.” He said. You turned around to face him, a blush creeping up your neck again. “Thank you Fish.” You smile and look him up and down. “You look really good too. I know you’ll deny it but you do” You advert your eyes down away from his gaze. He steps closer to you, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. “You look good… all the time actually. I just never have the balls to tell you.” You hook your arms around his neck and smile. “Thank you. I hope you know I think the same of you. You’re very handsome Fish.” He smiles and leans in closer to you, tilting his head, his lips just barely an inch from yours. You move in to brush your lips against his, going to finalize the kiss. You’re just about to when you hear a knock on the door that startles you both. You both jump away, you running off to the bathroom. “Fish! You left your phone out here.” You hear Santiago say through the door. You hear Fish open the door and take his phone back. You’re leaning against the bathroom door, breathing heavy. Did you and Frankie almost kiss?! Your head races a million miles a minute while you change and get ready for bed. When you finally emerge from the bathroom to say something to Frankie about what had just happened before Santiago interrupted you see he is already passed out on the bed. You sigh and crawl into bed, pulling the covers over you both. You’ll question him on it in the morning.
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Clementine: Chapter 2
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You cursed yourself as a ridiculous love ballad blared from Poe’s overpriced stereo system. All you had wanted was a night of relaxation. The marble tub in the master ensuite was already filled with hot water and a bath bomb that was so overpriced it was practically criminal. Next to the tub, a chilled glass of white wine patiently waited along the latest novel you were gobbling up.
You had stupidly decided that some calming music was the final piece to your self-care puzzle. Except, you had never used something as high-tech as what Poe’s place offered. One wrong button later, and you were ninety-percent sure that only twenty-percent of your ear drum would be functional after this fiasco.
To make matters worse, there was angry knocking at the front door. The aggressive sound was so furious that it somehow cut through the music, causing you to flush in embarrassment as you ran to get the door. You were so frazzled from breaking the sound system and subsequently upsetting your neighbor that you even forgot to grab a robe on your way out.
The door flung open to reveal a man so large and imposing, you lost your breath.
He was in nothing except a single pair of boxers and fuzzy slippers. Despite his distinctly disheveled (and frankly, sloppy) look, he was handsome. Handsome, built like a refrigerator, and angry. Ogling your neighbor would do no good if he murdered you.
Except, one moment he looked furious and the next, perplexed. Normally, you’d bristle if any man so obviously gave you a once over, but the way his mouth comically hung open made you less offended.
“Clementine,” was all he uttered.
The two of you stared at each other in silence, when the start of yet another pop song interrupted the moment. You startled to attention and rushed to explain, “I am so sorry about the disturbance. I can’t figure out how to work Poe’s stupid stereo and now the thing won’t shut off!”
The stranger peered around your shoulder and a hardened gaze returned to his face. He gritted out, “And where’s Poe to help you out?”
Your brow furrowed, and you could have sworn that he almost looked bitter at the statement. Deciding not to get into it with a stranger, you politely replied, “He’s flying right now. I’m just housesitting while he’s gone.”
The man softened ever so slightly at the response and straightened up. “I think we have the same system. I could help you turn it off.”
“Oh thank goodness,” you breathed in relief, quickly stepping aside to let him in. The stranger seemed to know his way around the gigantic apartment, and you assumed that his layout was either the same or he’d been here before.
Awkwardly shuffling behind him, you timidly supplied your name in an attempt to start a conversation. He merely grunted out, “Kylo.” He didn’t even spare you a glance as he busied himself with tapping at a seriously sci-fi looking box.
After a few minutes of strained silence, the music finally cut out. The sudden quietness was so strong your ears nearly rang from the lack of sound. “Uhm, thank you! Can I make you a mug of tea or something?” you ventured, politeness outweighing the sheer awkwardness as you realized you were two half-naked strangers staring at each other.
He shuffled a bit before giving a terse nod.
Jeez, nobody’s forcing him to hang out with me, you thought in response to his frosty reaction.
Speaking of frosty, you noticed his eyes zeroing in on your rather pointed chest, causing you to turn pink at the neck. Thankfully, you had left a sweatshirt thrown over the couch. Snatching up the thick fleece garment, you tugged it over your head and led Kylo to the kitchen.
Kylo followed with heavy steps, and made himself right at home as he settled on a stool pulled up against a bar area facing the kitchen. Two mugs were pulled from a cabinet and quickly filled with steaming hot water. The liquid reminded you of the bath now gone to waste, but one look at the handsome man gazing at you made it all worth it.
A mug of chamomile was slid across the marble top and into Kylo’s hands before you joined him on the stool to his left.
“Sorry again about the music,” you muttered.
Kylo ran a hand through his hair, dark locks falling like Fall leaves. “It’s fine. It was an accident. So...you’re a house-sitter?”
You laughed, “Unofficially. I just moved to town, and I don’t have a place yet. Poe’s an old friend from college, and he just started some sort of travel show that’s gonna keep him busy for at least four months. I get to stay for free, and he doesn’t have to worry about his house going to shit.”
Kylo nodded, not surprised that the dashing pilot somehow landed himself a deal to host a travel show. He also came from money and had already made a name for himself jet-setting around the globe piloting his own private jet.
You gave him a cute little head tilt and asked, “And what about you? What’s your story?”
For the first time since he left the First Order, Kylo felt embarrassed. Deciding to fall back on vagueness he replied, “Ah, early retirement.” Women liked mysterious men, right?
He was surprised as you let out a low whistle. “Retiring in a place like this? You must’ve had one hell of a job to retire from.” You blew the steam away from your mug and took a long sip.
Kylo frowned and folded his arms across the tabletop. “And what about you? It’s a Wednesday and you’re blaring Taylor Swift near midnight.” You knew that he wasn’t being defensive, despite a slight accusatory tinge to his voice.
You turned to face Kylo, propping your head up on an elbow. There was something gravitational in your exchange, and your bodies had slowly inched closer and closer as you talked. By now, your knees were lightly touching, and you found yourself feeling electricity at the subtle touch.
He laughed as you playfully jabbed a finger in his chest. “I’ll have you know that I do, in fact, have a job! Have you ever heard of Hanna Hut?”
Something about you riled Kylo up, and he felt more alive than he had in the past month. Some teenaged boy part of his brain refused to admit that he had no idea what Hanna Hut was, hoping to impress the pretty girl sitting next to him. Instead, he rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Of course I have. And what’s it to you?”
His resolve slowly dissolved as a silent minute ticked by. He groaned as you finally broke the silence with a loud laugh. “A grouch who can see into the future. Amazing!” Kylo furrowed his brow, and bit back, “What are you talking about?”
“Hanna Hut doesn’t exist. At least not yet.”
Kylo furrowed his brow and pinked in embarrassment at being caught. You patted his thigh, ignoring how muscled it felt underneath your touch. His bare skin was warm and deliciously corded and taut. He stuttered out a non-reply, only earning a louder guffaw from you.
“Don’t worry. It will exist. Hopefully very soon! I’m opening my very own coffeeshop-slash-bookstore combo right here in town!” You couldn’t help but gush in excitement at your very new business venture.
It had taken years of careful planning and budgeting. Years of forgoing mimosas with the girls and squirreling away every dime. Literally. Years of accepting overtime, and years of enduring doubt from friends and family alike.
No more though. You had finally gathered together enough money to launch your dream business. The moment your bank account looked healthy enough, you threw up digits and peaced out of your tiny good-for-nothing town.
Finally, after years of grit and sweat, things seemed to be looking up. With free lodging for the next few months, you didn’t even have to stress about finding an apartment. Your deal with Poe worked out perfectly so that you could spend all of your time and energy looking for the perfect space to launch Hanna Hut.
Your excitement was infectious, as Kylo couldn’t help but flash a wide smile matching the one on your face. “And where can I visit this newfound ‘coffee-slash-bookstore’ venture of yours?” he asked, genuinely curious and interested in the concept.
“Well...I’m still looking for the perfect storefront. I think I might have found it, though! In fact, I’m meeting with the landlord tomorrow afternoon.” You quickly pulled out your cellphone to show him the airy space located in Greenwich Village. It was beautiful, but pricey. Still, you convinced yourself that the price tag would be worth it.
Kylo quietly listened as you continued to babble and swipe through photos.
“It’s a little expensive, but I think it’ll be worth it! The landlord said that if I signed a ten year lease, he’d cut me a deal on rent. I think that should help, especially since there are so many fees and he needs three months rent up front...”
The more you prattled, the more agitated Kylo became. A ten year lease? As cute as you were, cuteness didn’t necessarily equate to business acumen. He found your naiveté equal parts adorable and concerning. Although you were a stranger, he didn’t want to watch yet another out of towner get swindled and eaten up by the city.
He cleared his throat, and interrupted, “Ah, if you want, I could come with you to negotiate tomorrow. I hope I’m not overstepping, but I am a lawyer...”
You perked up and replied, “That would be amazing! But I don’t know if I could pay you. Judging by the fact that you live here, I don’t think I could afford your rates...”
“Ah, well I am retired so it’s not like I’ve got much going on for me. How about you buy me a coffee and we’ll call it even?”
He flinched in surprise when you practically leapt out of your seat. Clasping his hands in your own, you gushed, “Deal! Thank you so much, Kylo!” Kylo looked down at where your hands joined, marveling at how much smaller you were compared to him. Mustering up as much courage possible, he nodded and flashed you a smile.
Just like that, Kylo found himself looking forward to something for the first time in years.
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yangyeet · 4 years
Is This Heaven (pt. 1)
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Pairing: Jaemin x Reader (ft. friends!Jisung & Donghyuck)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Status: Finished. Preview Here; Part 2 Here; Part 3 Here!
Prompt: In a world where people have their soulmate's name on their body somewhere, you find yourself caught in a dilemma that would result in a whirlwind of events. Are you ready to face this challenge in a world known to be cruel? Will you find your heaven in a place where people refuse to follow their hearts? Or will you fall as a victim to the legend?
Word Count: 3K
You didn’t really know the reason why, but the predicament seemed to be boiling at the back of your head more than ever before. No one had answers for you and every time you would try to ask questions, someone would always be there to brush you off. 
It was always, “you’re too young to know,” or, “don’t ask questions and just do what the universe says.” The same repetitive mantras were circling around your head like the pestering birds that would spin around a cartoon character’s head.
Rolling off your bed, you got up once again and walked up to the mirror in your room. Almost as if in a trance, you raised your arms up to inspect them. There was nothing. Not a single mark or tattoo. 
Lifting your leg up as far as your flexibility allowed you to, which you admittedly needed to work on, you checked for any signs there. Nothing. Was there a spot that you or your parents had missed over the years? Apparently not.
You had always hoped that it was a mistake. Maybe the heavens had something different in store for you. Perhaps you’d be one of the YA novel heroines who would break the odds and be the rare individual who’d be special. At least that’s what you’d say to console yourself. 
Disappointment was the only real emotion that was keeping you company right now, like a deviant who covered you with a warm blanket and attempted to coax you by telling you how different you were from everyone else.
You had always imagined what it would be like having a soulmate assigned to you. Girls around your age would always brag about who their soulmate was. They’d proceed to pull out their sparkly, diamond rings and boast about how lucky they were. But that would lead you to always wonder: what if you got paired off with some stuck-up, nosy asshole? You wouldn’t put it past the universe to pull a trick like that if it had been given a chance. 
In fact, the scenario was pressing down on your mind so much that you couldn’t take it anymore. Unable to contain your agitation, you plopped back down to your bed and dialed your best friend, Jisung Park. You appreciated Jisung’s presence and hoped that he would be able to provide you some comfort. 
Although you could tell that he also had his own worries and thoughts swarming around his mind, you often felt relieved that he was willing to listen to you and console you every single time. This wasn’t the first time you’d contact him for this issue either.
In the rules for soulmates, there was no exact command about sharing your status with a friend, or your own immediate family for that matter. Therefore, it made sense that Jisung had known about your situation ever since you had met. You’d trust the boy with your own life if you had to. 
After the first ring had passed, Jisung picked up the phone. “I was in the middle of Tiger King?! What do you want?” Although he was acting annoyed by your call, you could tell that he was just joking around. 
“Finally got to that movie?” He hummed. “Um, well, it’s about my situation.”
“Oh…”  His voice softened down several tones and you could hear him shift on his sofa. The only thing that was heard on the line for a bit was soft breathing and the sound of the door slamming. “Stay on the line with me. I’m coming over with some popcorn I made.”
“You? Make popcorn?” You tried to joke, although your heart really didn’t feel as into it. 
He whined on the call. “Listen, I only burned the kitchen down once! Once, alright?” 
Jisung’s house was down the street from yours so you immediately kicked the sheets down and tumbled off the bed, nearly falling down in the process as you stumbled to your front door. The bell rang several times when you opened the door and you frowned, seeing Jisung smirking at you. 
“I hate you,” you said before eyeing the popcorn bowl in his hand. “Plain?” 
“Love you. And cheddar,” he answered before handing you the snack. 
“Upstairs?” You nodded as you guys headed up to your room. Jisung made himself comfortable, jumping onto your bed and wrapping himself in the blankets like a caterpillar. “What’s up?” He asked as you snatched your pillows from under him and laid down. 
“Well...I’m just scared. It’s...scary. Just thinking that maybe I’ll be lonely forever. You know what the legends say about people without tattoos who confessed to someone they liked,” you shuddered, imagining the horrors you’d heard. Jisung nodded. 
“So don’t fall in love.” 
You deadpanned. “You’re saying that like it’s the easiest thing in the world. What if I do? What’s it like, falling in love?
Jisung’s eyes sparkled at your question so much that he broke out of his cocoon and soared to the bowl of popcorn in your arms.  “(Y/n), it was the coolest thing ever! I didn’t expect myself to get paired with anyone good, but I was little so I really didn’t care as long as I could eat whatever. We do have our ups and downs though so it’s not always the best. But we manage.” His closed his eyes and put his hands over his heart in a melodramatic way and you couldn’t help but to chuckle in amusement. 
“Cute.” Before he could move away, you pinched his cheeks. He puffed them out and then stuck his tongue out playfully, moving back to his little blanket. “You know, you look like a squirrel when you do that.”
“Do I really? Jaemin says the same thing.”
“My best friend.”
“I was unaware of this...Jae dude. I thought I was your best friend,” you scoffed, slightly looking off to the side. 
“Drama queen. You are, sometimes.”
Taking the nearest pillow, you threw it at him and held your arms to shield your head at the retaliation that was surely to come. When you didn’t feel the impact of a pillow, you slowly lowered your hands, peeking to see if he was playing a trick on you. Instead, you were met with a camera flash. 
“You look perfect,” he snorted before showing you the picture. If you could determine anything by looking at the picture, it was far from perfect. Your hair was ruffled messily from lying in bed, eyes squeezed shut, arms hovering over your hand, and- ooh was that an old pizza stain on your shirt? You peered down to see that yes, it was a stain. That wasn’t very flattering. You groaned and tried to rub off the mess, before turning back to the boy on your bed. 
“Um, I hope you aren’t sending that to someone.”
“Maybe...it’s fine, he doesn’t know you and your face is covered!” He hit send before you could refute and childishly stuck his tongue out at you. 
“I called you over to make me feel better,” you groaned. Now, whoever he sent that to would forever know you as the girl with the pizza stain on your shirt. That wasn’t a very appealing title to be known for. Honestly, you would’ve preferred something like The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It sounds majestic and more stylish than whatever gig you had going.
There wasn’t much time to overthink, however, as his phone vibrated only seconds after he sent the picture. You looked at him. “I wanna see.”
Feeling guilty for his early actions, he scooted over to move beside you and opened up the snap, seeing a black screen in response. The captions below had you choking on air. “Who’s that girl with the pizza stain on her shirt?”
You glared at Jisung who raised his arms defensively. “Hey, not my fault! Gotta keep the streak going, you know.” He snatched his phone above your head and typed a response before sending it. It didn’t take long for the other mystery boy to reply. 
This time, the phone was within your sight and you looked at his snap. The boy had sent a side picture of his face, just enough so that you could see his pink, cotton-candy dyed hair and his dark eyes. He had written one line under his picture. “Don’t worry, I’m not going for her. I’m just tryna know who took my baby away from me.” Following his message, you could see variations of heart emojis spammed throughout the snap, which made you wonder how fast the boy has his response ready.
“His baby?” You scoffed. “Excuse me, I knew you first.” Possessively reaching over, you fluffed his hair and pulled him into a quick hug. 
“I’m don’t belong to any of you. And he chose to call me baby before you,” he defended himself and then began to smirk. “Also, wanna mess around with him?” Nodding, you took his phone from him.
You turned the camera around to focus on yourself and decided to send a picture of yourself in the same manner that he had. Positioning the camera to capture the side of your face, you ruffled a couple of strands of your hair as fake side bangs. To add an extra twist, you put the index finger of your other hand on your lips. Jisung just watched with humor at your actions. 
Taking the picture, you showed it to him. “Good?” 
He smiled. “Oh my god! My little child, all grown up! Damn~” 
You playfully shoved his shoulders and then focused your attention back on the image. Deciding on a caption was difficult in general, but you came up with one pretty quickly. “This is Pizza Stain Girl. Can I see your face?” You nearly patted yourself on the back for the bold approach and hit send. You didn’t really know why you were playing around with this strange boy, but he seemed interesting enough. At the very least, he was distracting you from your predicament. You’d take this any day over being stressed. 
As expected, the mysterious boy sent you another snap almost immediately. Jisung craned his neck over your shoulders to look at the response. Unfortunately for you, you opened the notification only to see the boy sending a picture of the bottom half of his face with his mouth in a grin. “I’ll send it only if I see you first.” You read the caption aloud before slamming the phone on your soft blankets. Owner of said phone nearly slammed into your hand, grabbing for his phone. He cradled it as if it were the baby from the lion king. 
“No! My phone!”
You were covering your face with your hands. You had only seen two pictures of this boy, not even decent pictures, and you were nearly whipped for him. Even with your eyes closed, you could imagine his soft pink hair bouncing with each step he would take, his smile bright enough to blind the sun. His skin looked slightly tanned from the angle of the photo he had taken. And his lips - oh god, his lips. They were slightly glossy and a darker shade of pink in comparison to his hair, as if he had applied chapstick right before taking the image. You could almost imagine how his lips would feel. Almost.
Jisung snapped his fingers in front of your face and you looked at him. “Stop daydreaming, beauty queen. You gonna reply to him?” 
He handed you his phone again and you took a selfie. Or rather, you took several selfies and chose the one that you find to be the best. It was a process of trial and error that had your best friend rolling his eyes back and sighing heavily. “It’s just a picture!”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “iTs jUsT a PiCtuRe,” you mocked him. He huffed a quiet drama queen under his breath before laying back and watching you contemplate what to say. “Ok, I’ll just say hi and hope for the best.” Taking a deep breath of courage, you sent the message and shoved the phone back to Jisung. “I can’t watch.”
He laughed. “It’s not that deep. Oh look: a reply. It’s his face. Here, look at it.”
Slowly, you dared yourself to look at the screen and felt blood rush to your face. Oh dear god, he was so handsome. You could now clearly see him in the image before you. He looked like he was sculpted by god himself, created for the heavens itself. The caption below convinced you even more. “You’re gorgeous, baby.” The nickname had your heart fluttering, even though you probably should’ve been repulsed by a stranger flirting with you. It seemed so natural though. 
“Jisung Park. Who is he? I need to know for a friend.” 
He backed away from you, looking slightly disgusted. “Ew, first of all, he’s my friend. Second, you don’t wanna get involved with him. Trust me.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” 
He glanced down at your arm before shaking his head. “I just want you to stay safe and not do something stupid. Also, he’s Jaemin. Na Jaemin.”
 Before he could even finish saying the boy - Jaemin’s - name, you fished out your phone from the depths of your pocket and pulled out snapchat. “Share.” 
He sighed again, turning his phone off. “No, this is dangerous. You’re falling for him.” 
You shook your head. “Falling? In love? You know I can’t do that. I’m just admiring him from a healthy distance.” 
“Listen, find him if you want. I’m not going to be responsible.” 
You huffed and sat back on your bed, grabbing the discarded bowl of popcorn and sitting back. Although you’d give up when it came to Jisung, knowing how stubborn he was, you had other sources. 
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You sent Jisung off the next day after an abrupt sleepover. Things weren’t as awkward after the last interaction thanks to you dropping the subject, but you weren’t done with it. You knew some of Jisung’s friends back from when you were in school and you knew that they might be willing to provide you a little more info, especially considering they didn’t know your little situation. 
Putting on your coziest outfit, you did a once-over in front of the mirror, checking to see if any marks had appeared in the night and then frowned at the obvious let-down. Putting your hair into a quick bun, you ran down to put on some sneakers and raced out of the house to the person who you knew could help you best: Haechan.
Haechan’s real name was Lee Donghyuck but he preferred to go by what he referred to as his “super dope, completely original street name.” He was always the life of the party and a social butterfly who knew just about everybody. However, he was pretty observant and you knew you had to be cool with your little game around him. He was great at keeping secrets, so you knew you had chosen the right person when you showed up to his door, noticing him leaning comfortably against the frame with a lazy smile.
“What’s bothering you, darling?” He asked sweetly, the words flowing out of his mouth like honey. 
You felt warm at his concern and walked into his apartment. “Well, there’s something I want to ask,” you started. 
“Hm. I’m listening.” 
You plopped down onto his couch and took one of the sugar cubes in the bowl on the table next to you.
“I’m trying to find someone. Socials, status, anything,” you confessed. 
He raised his eyebrows. “You? Want dirt on someone?”
“Not exactly dirt,” you responded. “More like...I want to know about this person.”
“Oh, okay. What’s his name?”
His mouth nearly dropped at your response. “Darling, why-I mean, what do you want to know?”
He seemed to show a similar reaction to when you had asked Jisung, which set off a red flag in your mind, but you ignored it thinking that it was nothing.
“Like I said, any kind of info you have. Lay it on me,” you responded. 
“Well, his name is Na Jaemin. Korean. Born on August 13, 2000. His instagram...here, give me your phone and I’ll give his snapchat and number to you too,” he swiftly recited, as if the whole statement was scripted and burned into his memory. 
You handed him your phone and poked his shoulder. “Damn, you know his whole autobiography. You know him?” 
“No-” He denied quickly, shoving your phone back to you. “If that’s all you want…”
“Wait, you know where he’s from?” 
He stuttered and you lowered your eyes. Haechan definitely knew something he wasn’t telling you. It was odd that he was showing you such a weakness so soon and you could feel the strange feeling engulf the room. You never felt this vibe around him. The air turned cold and the boy suddenly started to scare you. 
“No. Now, I gave you what I know. I have a client coming over soon.” His voice was firm. The message he wanted to convey echoed clearly in the room. I’m done. Go away. 
But clearly, you came too far to stop. In fact, why would he not tell you more if he gave you everything else?
“Donghyuck,” you used his real name, “What are you hiding?” 
His aura was intimidating, but you wouldn’t back down. He looked like he was about to say something else, but you both jumped when you heard a loud noise outside,
A shiver ran down your spine as you heard the apartment door behind you guys unlock. 
“Shit, hit me up with some gauze man.”
Turning around, you nearly passed out. There, right in front of you, was the man who you had been inquiring about, in the flesh. His pink hair was just as you imagined. Fluffy, soft, and looking as if it had been pulled on a lot. His nose was scrunched and his teeth bit down on his lower lips. You took a deep breath and looked further down to see his arms wrapped around his waist as he hobbled over to the couch you were sitting in. 
Haechan looked just as shocked at his appearance and looked back and forth between you guys. “Ugh-let me get it.” He ran to the bathroom, mumbling curses and insults at the timing of the boy. 
You didn’t care much about your mumbling friend. The injured boy sat down beside you, slightly wincing in pain before shining you one of his award winning smiles.
“Baby, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jaemin.”
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jonathan - Danny
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3. This is an old work, the writing has improved ever since.
Jonathan Joestar was devastated. His beloved dog and best friend Danny had disappeared for three days now.
When Jonathan went to walk him, Danny got excited over a little squirrel and chased it. But when the teenager ran after his dog, he couldn't find him anywhere. He tried to call his name and searched for hours, but in vain.
The Joestars had put flyers, sent search teams, had the authorities back and Georges Joestar even offered a princely sum to whoever would find the beloved animal. But to no avail.
The young boy was laying down in the grass next to the stream, the place where he would usually hang out with Danny.
"Danny... If you were here, you would comfort me right now..." he trailed off sadly.
The sun was shining and the clouds were dancing in the blue sky, but Jonathan was blind to all of this beauty as his whole world turned grey. He felt lost without his best friend. He didn't realize the importance of his dog until he lost him.
The sun went down, and it was time for the dark haired male to come back home. As the night came and Jonathan went to bed, he pondered restlessly.
Where was Danny? Was he okay? Was he cold? Or hungry? Did someone find him? Was he in good hands? Was he far? Was he even alive?
Tears prickled in Jonathan's eyes, but he tried to hold them back. He had to be strong and not lose hope just yet. He was determined and will find his dog.
He finally fell into a dreamless slumber as another day without Danny was soon to begin.
The next day, Jonathan woke up and started his routine as usual. He felt empty, but still braved himself to live on his day, animated by the thought of maybe finding Danny today.
Later on in the afternoon, the teenager was coming home from school and, hopeful as he was, decided to walk around and search a bit more before returning home.
He walked to a place a little bit on the further side of his usual track, deciding it wouldn't hurt to check there even if it was unlikely that Danny could be there. He was desperate at this point, so he might as well try any place.
He found himself in a little clearing with a pond next to a small forest, if you could call it a forest, and heard the sound of a girl giggling. The boy got curious and followed the sweet sound.
"Hey! Not so fast little guy! Aww look at you, you're all dirty now!"
Jonathan became even more curious at the happy noises and came up to find a H/C haired girl, seemingly around his age, crouching in front of something.
He didn't say anything as the girl didn't notice him approaching from behind her. He stood still and stared at her from afar.
She then proceeded to cup some water from the pond and wash up the little creature in front of her.
"Here you go, I can't take you back to your owner looking all dirty, now can I?" She spoke softly to the animal, while cleaning it's paws.
The dog barked as if to agree and she chuckled.
"You are very smart..." she looked at the little engraved charm attached to the dog's collar. "...Danny Joestar."
The dog let out a happy 'bork!', recognizing his own name and licked the girl's face.
"Hahaha stop it, it tickles!" she patted the dog's head but was interrupted by a voice.
"Umm, excuse me, miss!" Jonathan called out to her and the girl flinched and abruptly whipped her head around.
"Y-yes...?" She hesitantly said, clearly intimidated by the tall Jonathan. She had put her arms protectively around the animal which the teenager noticed.
Before he could say anything else, the dog sprinted towards Jonathan, barking loudly and tail wagging.
"Danny!!! Oh my god Danny it's you!!" Jonathan kneeled and engulfed his beloved dog in his arms, laughing happily and running his hands up and down his fur while Danny peppered Jonathan with doggo kisses.
"I missed you so much!! I was so scared!"
The girl stood up, watching the scene with wide eyes. That boy was this dog's owner? What a fortunate coincidence! She wanted to ask his name to be sure it was indeed him, but the tall male beat her to it.
"Miss! Thank you so much for finding my dog! He was missing for days!" He stood up and walked towards her. "Ah! I didn't even introduce myself, my name is Jonathan Joestar. Nice to meet you!"
"Aah! Joestar? So you are indeed his owner! It's nice to meet you too, Jonathan." She smiled at the charming male, relieved.
"You can call me Jojo! And may I know the name of my savior?"
The girl blushed at how he adressed her. She shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she replied.
"Y/N L/N. It was nothing really, I just found Danny all alone this morning and took care of him until I could go find you..."
Jonathan smiled softly at her, and her heart melted at the sight. He was so handsome, and his eyes were such a deep blue, how did she not realize it sooner?
"I was so worried... I don't know what I would do without Danny in my life. But you brought him back to me safe and sound. You must be the angel I prayed for every night."
Jonathan looked at the H/C girl with such tender eyes, she swore she could feel her heart burst inside her chest.
"I-I... Jojo... Don't say things like that..." she blushed ear to ear, hiding her face in her hands, not knowing how to cope with this newfound love she just fell in.
The ebony haired male chuckled at how cute the girl acted and felt bad on his part.
"Haha, pardon me, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
Danny suddenly jumped on her to grab her attention and panted happily.
"Aah, I'm going to miss you too Danny, but you're lucky to live with such a nice gentleman as Jojo!" She patted Danny's head and Jonathan flushed at the indirect compliment.
"Ah yes! Y/N, please let me invite you over for dinner!"
The young girl straightened up and looked back at the boy's ocean blue eyes, surprised. "Huh?"
"I would like to thank you for finding my dog. It's the least I can do. I want to show my father the face of the one who did me the most important of favors."Jonathan looked at her expectantly and she hesitated.
"I... I can't accept. This is too much, I didn't do it for a reward I-"
The male cut her off by grabbing both her hands in his. She gasped at the sudden act. His hands were so warm and comforting against her soft tiny ones.
"Please Y/N, honor me with your presence tonight. I will send a coach to your house, what do you say? 7pm, Is that good?" his voice was soft and convincing.
She was overwhelmed and flustered by the offer but eventually agreed as she couldn't fight this determined boy. He loudly cheered when the young lady nodded.
"Yes!! Father will be so happy! Let's go Danny! See you tonight Y/N!" The boy ran off with his best friend while waving happily at her.
She shyly waved back as her heart didn't stop pounding inside her ribcage. She brought her hands up to her chest in an attempt to calm it down.
She fell in love with the Joestar heir and now she was going to meet his father. 'What should I do?' She thought to herself, lovestruck.
On the other hand, Jonathan was extatic. Not only did he find his beloved furry best friend in good health, but he also met a beautiful and nice lady who he couldn't wait to court, if she was fine with it of course.
"Y/N L/N, truly an angel! I look forward to seeing your shining eyes again!" He told himself dreamily.
The boy ran off back to his mansion, already preparing his storytelling to his father.
Jonathan: Aah a girlfriend! Can't wait not to show her to Dio lol
Guys, you don't even know the pain of losing an animal until you have one. Legit don't have a dog, but if I lost my cat, my mind would shatter. I hope none of you will have to deal with what Jonathan had to go through in this one shot.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Trust – Part 10
Summary: You trust Dean with your life, he doesn’t even trust you with his car. All choices in life have consequences - Deans have much worse...
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Crowley, Castiel
Warnings: angst, comforting, fluff, a hint of making out, language and a flirty Dean, implied characters death
Set in Season 9 and 12. Jo and Ellen never died in Season 5.
Trust Masterlist
 Two days of non-stop research later you didn’t find anything. There were no hex bags in Jo’s room, no cursed objects or shady persons she met up with.
“Anything?” Groaning you get up to stretch your sore body, not missing the way Dean ogles your ass or the silent growl leaving his lips. “Dude, stop staring at my cute ass!”
“It’s mine. You gave it to me.” Pointing at the contract Dean always seems to carry in his pocket the hunter smirks. “I only want to make sure your ass is safe, Sweetheart. It would be a great loss to me.”
“Dean Winchester, can you not be a perv for a split-second?” Starting to laugh you sit onto the table slapping your palms onto the wood. “I mean – we try to find out if the chick drugging you to use your sexy body was influenced by the evil and you only can think about my ass.”
“As I said – it’s a nice ass, Sweetheart.” Playfulness in his tone Dean licks his lips as you crawl onto his lap. Legs placed on each side of his thighs you lean closer to bury your face into Dean’s neck. “Y/N?”
“Shh…let me think about a possibility to find out if I need to roast Jo’s ass or not. Let me focus.” Nibbling at Dean’s neck you sigh against his skin. Dean doesn’t know Castiel was able to suppress all the fake memories the demons planted into your mind.
“How do you feel?” Dean tries once again but you ignore his words, only snuggle closer into his warm chest. “Y/N…?”
“Let me…uh…” Gulping Dean tries to ignore his body reacts to your closeness. “I want to end this part of my life once for all. Therefore I need to handle the whole Jo situation too.” Dean’s hands wander to your ass, squeezing it tightly.
“I really like your ass…” Chuckling Dean let you bite his neck to leave a mark. “Like the rest too…”
“Maybe I like your ass too, even knowing you can be an ass sometimes. Now let me think…” Resting your head against Dean’s shoulder you close your eyes to recall the days before you got captured by the demons.
“Sammy is checking on Jo with Castiel, trying to find out if we can help her with the torn soul we put back into her body.” Dean waits for your reaction, but you can’t feel compassion for Jo.
“I tried to remember when Jo started being mean to me but honestly she was a bitch from the moment we met. I assume she didn’t like you dragged me around.” Dean squeezes your butt with one hand as the other fumbles his phone out of his pocket.
“Maybe she was jealous, knowing I have a thing for your cute ass and more…” Dean husks as you take his phone to look at the pictures he saved.
“You goddamn pervert took pictures while I was sleeping?” Scrolling through the pictures you gasp now and then. Dean even took a picture as you were stroking a dog or when you tried to fry a pancake and failed.
“I liked taking pictures of you. It was my way to have a piece of you. Helped me through the years you were missing, Y/N.” Dean licks his lips as you grab the hem of his shirt, forcing him to meet your eyes.
“Did you take one when I was naked too?” Searching Dean’s face, you chuckle as his cheeks heat up.
“I swear I would never cross that line without your consent. I’m a perv, not a goddamn bastard.” Muttering under his breath he tilts his head to stare at your breasts. “I have to admit I’d like to have one or two of your cute ass and more.”
“Careful now, Winchester…” Poking a finger into Dean’s chest you narrow your eyes. “I’ll let you take one of my cute ass if I get one of yours in return.” Bringing your flirting to a whole new level you lick your lips.
“Damn, get out of your clothes and we can…” Dean curses as Sam and Castiel enter the library right when you were ready to let him have a glimpse at your cleavage.
“Y/N…uh…” Scratching his chin Sam looks at you straddling his brother's lap as Dean looks at your breasts. “Did we interrupt anything?”
“Nah, Dean just showed me his collection of pictures of his favorite girl.” Giggling you tug the phone back into Dean’s pocket.
“Did he show you the one of her in the car wash too? He ran after his car. It was sad to watch, to say the least.” Bursting into laughter you press your face into Dean’s chest.
“He thought…oh…that’s good…”
“Dude, don’t tell her.” Giving his brother a bitch face Dean points a finger at Sam. “I want her to believe I’m tough and you just ruined my chances…”
“Cas, anything new?” Changing the topic, you glance at your friend, but he shakes his head, shrugging.
“Cas and I found a whole lot of nothing. Jo didn’t meet strange people or bought anything suspicious, but we already knew that. So far I can only tell she refuses to help us. Her soul got tormented…”
“I don’t know if there’s a way to help her at all. Even if Jo was influenced by an object, cursed or anything her soul will never be the same and we won’t let Castiel take her pain away as he did with me.” Dean exclaims.
Castiel silently nods, knowing none of you would ever ask him to do so.
“Maybe I can help to find out what happened to that lovely blonde chick.” Crowley snickers popping up next to you and Dean, still kinda tangled in each other. “I see Dean takes every opportunity to make use of the contract.” A smirk on his lips the king of hell pats Dean’s shoulder. “Good job, Dean. Don’t let her slip through your fingers once again.”
“What do you mean by helping us to find out what happened to Jo?” Sam still doesn’t trust Crowley, so he cocks a brow, searching the demons face.
“I will make a deal with one of you and reveal…” Crowley will never end that line as Dean just threw his shoe at him.
“No one will make a deal with you. Especially not Y/N! Her ass is mine.” Panting heavily Dean glares at Crowley, ready to attack him.
“Good god, Squirrel. I didn’t mean you shall sell your soul. I only want to make a special deal about not killing me.” Shrugging the king of hell places a contract onto the library table, smirking as Castiel eyes it suspiciously.
“I do not trust your contracts.” Dean curses, watching his brother pick the contract up.
“So, one of us signs this and agrees to not kill you and then you’ll help us with our problem? That’s low, even for you.” Sam is crumbling the contract, tossing it into Crowley’s face.
“Fine…” Sighing Crowley glances at the contract one last time. “I only wanted to get paid for my hard work. I’ll do it for free then - again if I may add.” Snapping his fingers, the king of hell disappears, leaving you and your friends stunned behind.
“I do not trust that little bastard one bit,” Dean mutters as you slap his shoulder.
“Says the man playing best buddy with the king of hell not that long ago.” Pursing your lips you poke one finger into Dean’s cheek but he won’t budge, only look up at you.
“I was a demon…”
“I was a demon too and didn’t play footsie with the king of hell, Winchester. You like that little bastard and we all know it.” Smirking you fist Dean’s hair, forcing him to meet your eyes once again. “Admit it and you can take those pictures.”
“Son of a bitch, I’ll admit anything if you let me…” Groaning Dean watches Crowley reappear, a frown on his face.
“Sorry, but nothing supernatural was influencing Jo Harvelle as far as I was able to find out. Mother checked on her too and found nothing. I think it has something to do with her crazy mind or something. We see us soon. Boys. Lady.” Snapping his fingers Crowley disappears to leave all of you alone with your thoughts.
“I must admit…I’m disappointed.” Whispering the words, you look at Dean, knowing it hits him even harder. “I had hoped something, or someone was influencing Jo back then.” Wrapping your arms around Dean’s neck you let him hold you for a minute, knowing he needs to process his friend was the one abusing him.
“What now? Shall we…” Sam trails off, glancing at Castiel. “I mean, Jo is dangerous. She tried to attack Ellen and a nurse once again. Is there a way to make sure she can never harm anyone?”
Watching Jo in the padded cell you hold Dean’s hand in a tight grip. He can see Jo staring at him, a blank expression on her face. It seems like she’s in peace and you want to leave but then she jumps up to yell at you.
“This isn’t over! He’s still mine. One day I’ll get out of here, Y/N and no demon, angel or hunter will able to save you from me!” Jo curses as you slide your fingers through Dean’s hair before you kiss his lips softly.
“You know…” Panting against Dean’s lips you smirk. “I had the feeling someone unimportant just said stupid stuff. Let’s go back home and take these naughty pictures of your cute ass…” Dragging Dean away from the cell you smile to yourself as Jo keeps on screaming your name.
“I can take these pictures…” Dean husks.
“First I want to see your naked ass, Winchester. We can negotiate about you taking pictures of mine later…”
“I got a nice ass, trust me, Sweetheart…” Chuckling Dean stops in his tracks as you turn around to cradle his face.
“I trust you, Dean…”
“I trust you too, Baby Girl…”
“Trust me, no one wants to see the two of you flirting with each other…” Sam groans and Dean starts laughing, just like you.
Even Castiel can’t stop the smirk on his lips as Crowley snickers silently walking unseen toward Jo’s cell to make sure she can never hurt you again…
“I trust you too, Y/N so I will do what none of you was able to do…for you…”
Trust Tags
@greenarrowhead​​​, @justanotherwinchester​​, @marvelouslysherlockedhunter​​
SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom​, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @spnhollis, @void-imaginations​, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n​, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice, @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83 @officialmarvelwhore, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor​, @hollymac79, @straycuties9, @kayla-2000, @ilovefanfic86, @gracefultrenchcoat494​, @babygirls-fav, @sadn0va, @spnwoman, @amiquette, @linki-locks11​, @geekofmanyforms, @eggingamazinglove, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a​, @kteelou​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @kricketc28​, @heartislubbingdubbing​, @atomicfandombomb​, @defenderrosetyler​, @shortwinchester​, @maybesomedaygayyyy​, @tmiships4life​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @exo-nova​, @the-chocolate-moose​, @laxe-from-outer-space​, @sabascio​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​, @the-broken-angel-13​, @bunnybaby89​, @pandabiiissh​, @maddiedott​, @theoneandonlymelol @mblaqgi​, @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763​, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
@spnfamily-j2​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @deans-baby-momma​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​, @20gayneen​, @janicho88​, @thefaithfulwriter​, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @akshi8278​, @hhiggs​, @midnightsilver16830​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @ria132love​, @caligraphee​, @the-witch-in-silence​, @multisuperfandom​, @deansgirl-1968​, @justanotherwinchester​, @jadesupernatural​, @squirrelnotsam​, @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​, @roonyxx​, @jason-todd-squad​, @thevelvetseries​, @spnsuper17​, @adoptdontshoppets​, @woodworthti666​, @frederikkeborup​, @psychicforest​, @luciathewinchestergirl​, @michellemxndes​, @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ 
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You’re Mine, Pt. 2
Jensen x Reader x Danneel
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Warnings: Porn with Barely-There Plot, slight Dom!Jensen, 18+ ONLY (Please adhere to this kiddies), hallway smut, threesome smut, female oral giving and receiving, mild language, poly relationship
A/N: PART ONE stemmed from a dream I had and with encouragement from friends turned it into a fic. First time I ever attempted something like this, so please be gentle with me. The second part was written as a request to continue the story.
Beta’d by @closetspngirl - she’s a damn rock star <3
Summary: Your arrangement with Jensen and Danneel had been feeling different and left you wondering if maybe some of the rules are being broken. Afraid you may lose them both to unexpected feelings, they quickly turn the tables on you after spending the night with both of them
WC: 11.6K
I tagged anyone who asked and left a comment on part 1. If you didn’t want to be tagged, my apologies. 
Tags for this fic only: @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @adoptdontshoppets @billionsofpeoplebutyoupickedme @pandaxo79 @deans-baby-momma @daskleinevolk @muchamusedaboutnothing @sandlee44 @sorenmarie87 @keymology @his-paradox @winchesterxfamilybusiness @karikatz12481 @81mysteriouslyme @lessons-of-red @destielhoneybee @tftumblin @stoneyggirl @innerpaperexpertcloud @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @squirrel-moose-winchester @fictionalabyss @deanwinchesterswitch @jbbarnesgirl @the-is13 @ladywinchester1967 @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare
Jensen was always gone by the time the sun came up. He had a hard, steadfast rule that he would be home in the morning before the kids woke up; he never wanted to miss breakfast with them when he was in Austin. Danneel, just never stayed over, period. So waking up alone was nothing new; it was part of the routine and after the glaring differences from the night before, it was nice to have something familiar.
You rolled over towards the bedside table and saw the tumbler of whiskey from the night before. An involuntary flash of heat flared between your thighs at the memory of how Jensen used the ice cube laced with whiskey. Shaking it off quickly, you swung your legs out of bed and made your way into the living room to find your phone. When you did, you noticed one missed text.
From Danneel:
>>Mornin’ sunshine. Be ready in an hour. Got some plans for us today if you’re not busy.
Smiling, you returned it immediately.
<<Never too busy for you, gorgeous. See ya soon.
Leaving the phone on the counter, you went back towards your to the bathroom to shower.
The water was deliciously warm and helped to remove the remnants of Jensen’s scent from your skin. Yet, as the shower cascaded through your hair and down your back you couldn’t help but question, did you want to wash it away? There was something in the way he looked at you last night that lingered in your thoughts. The fear that he was developing feelings crossed your mind more than once or twice, but that wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t part of the deal.
If there were feelings, the kind that could change lives, the person needed to speak up and be forthcoming. This way the arrangement could end with no further contact. That, along with mandatory pancakes with the kids, were Jensen’s only rules. For him to be the one to break it now…
You again shook off the thoughts and continued to lather your skin with the body wash Danneel had asked you to try. It was her favorite scent, and you did like to do things that pleased her, too. She was the one you’d be spending your afternoon with, not Jensen. Somehow you needed to get him off your mind, and concentrating on the things that made her happy was what you wanted to do.
Another ten minutes under the warm waterfall and you finished up, exiting the shower and drying off. Just as you were carefully choosing a top to match your favorite skirt, you heard a knock at the front door, and then a moment later, someone walk through.
“Hello?” Danneel’s voice called out. “Are you home?”
“In here, getting dressed. Be out in a minute,” you called out.
The sound of her footsteps coming down the hall prompted you to move faster into the clothes you picked out for the day. She caught you just in your bra and panties, her eyes narrowing on you as her smirk widened.
“Late start to the day?” she asked, sauntering into the room as her eyes lingered along the curves of your body. “Cute set. You should get more like those.”
“I’ll be ready in just a minute,” you said, ignoring her and continuing to dress. “Where are we going today?”
“Lunch… shopping.”
“For anything in particular?”
“Yes, actually,” she said and hovered near your open closet, before stepping in and moving hangers looking through your shirts. “I want you to come with Jensen and I to this party tonight.”
“Two nights in a row, huh? You guys have been busy.”
“Well, it was supposed to be next week, but things got moved around and apparently someone forgot to tell Jensen. Remember that call he got last night? Let’s just say our man was less than pleased,” she said and shrugged, then handed you a cream colored, button-up blouse with delicate lace sleeves that matched your skirt perfectly. “Did you have other plans? I mean, if you do, it’s fine. He’s already crabby about having to go, but he’ll get over it. I just thought it would be much more fun with you there.”
“That wouldn’t turn heads at all…” you said sarcastically as you took it from her and proceeded to put it on. “I’m sure lots of talk would start if both of us walked in on his arm. House parties are one thing, Dee, but--”
“Well, it IS at someone’s house. But, also, I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks,” she laughed and brushed her long red hair back over her shoulder. “My kids think I’m a good mother, my husband thinks I’m a good wife, and my friends, they know I’m a good, loyal friend. Those are the only people’s opinions I care about.”
“Oh? No one else’s opinion counts?” you asked, almost pouty. “And where do I fall on that list?” Your tone challenging her now, taking her by surprise as it was not something she was used to hearing from you.
Danneel left the closet and stood squarely in front of you, her light brown eyes set firmly upon yours. The corner of her mouth tugged into a smirk again as her gaze fell lustfully across your body. She leaned in and left a soft kiss to your mouth before pulling back and adjusting the collar of your blouse and unbuttoning the top two buttons.
“You’re in a category all by yourself,” she said, and delicately licked the taste of you from her lips. “Now, finish getting dressed, please, we have some shopping to do.”
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“So tell me about the party,” you asked, as Danneel directed her car down the freeway towards the department stores. “Anything special I should be looking for?”
“That means you’ll go?”
“Yes, of course. You asked me to, so I’ll go.”
“I really do like it when you agree with me so easily,” she purred and lightly patted your knee, letting her fingers linger on your skin.
“You know I aim to please, Dee.”
She glanced at you with satisfaction from the corner of her eye as she continued to drive down the road. “I know, that’s why you’re my favorite friend.” Danneel gave your knee a squeeze and let her hand linger for another moment before returning it to the steering wheel.
You smiled demurely and cleared your throat. “The party?”
“Oh, yes. Well… it's for Jensen’s label. I forget exactly who’s house it's at, but they’ve been building up to this for a while. Cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, live music--I think it should be a good time.”
“Dee, I’m happy you want me along, I really am, but it seems like something you and Jensen should attend. Why the third wheel?”
“You’re hardly the third wheel, Y/N. Come on, we’ve had this talk, haven’t we?”
“Yes, I suppose… but--”
“But, what? Hm? You’re his, I’m yours, and he’s ours. What about that says third wheel?”
“Yes, I get that’s what we all are to each other in a certain context, but this is a party for work; something that’s important for his career. I’m not usually apart of those events.”
“Maybe it’s time you should be apart of those events,” she said, not taking her eyes from the road.
“Oh sure,” you scoffed. “I can read the headlines now, ‘Jensen Ackles... TV Star, Rock Star… Philandering husband...’ Yeah, that would go over so well.”
Danneel glanced over and lowered her head so she could look at you over the brim of her sunglasses. “Jensen’s not cheating on me, Y/N… not when I’m sleeping with you, too. You make it seem like you’re our dirty little secret. ”
“Aren’t I?” you asked. “I don’t mind. If that’s what it is, I’m okay with that. I’m happy just being the woman who shares your bed. This feels, different.”
A lot of things had been feeling different and the invitation to the party was just another to add to the list. But the way that Danneel looked at you then, made you wonder what exactly she did consider you.
Danneel’s entire body got tense, and she sat up straight behind the steering wheel. “That’s--no, that’s not what you are, Y/N. You’re so much more than that.” She glanced at you quickly then back to the road. But in that one look, something felt off.
A moment of panic raced down your spine and you suddenly didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Ok, leaving that alone for now…” you chuckled nervously, the unprompted feeling of insecurity making it hard to breathe. You cracked the window and exhaled slowly as the cool breeze touched your face. “So, what exactly are we looking to wear to this party?”
The change in conversation made Dee smiled and even relax a little. “Something striking, but not overbearing.”
“Well, you just point me in the right direction, you know I am over my head with this kind of shopping.”
Dee’s hand found its way to your knee again, and then slowly traveled up your thigh. “No worries, I got you,” she said and gave your leg a gentle squeeze.
A short time later, you and Danneel had reached downtown, parked, and began making your way through the shops. In the third one, she found you each the perfect dress to wear for the party. For you, a cute, short little black dress with a plunging V-Neck, along with shoes and accessories. Satisfied with your purchases, you left the store and headed towards the car, but she grabbed your hand and pulled you in the opposite direction.
“Come on, we have one more stop,” she smiled, showing off her dimples and flashing you a subtle wink.
Danneel turned into PetticoatFair and you quickly realized what she was now looking for.
“No way we can have you in that gorgeous dress without there being something special underneath, now can we? I doubt the husband would be very happy if we didn’t.”
“Oh? Only for me? What about you?” you asked, knowing it would earn you one of her long stares and raised brow, and that’s exactly what you got.
“Don’t you worry about me, honey. I got that covered. Now, let’s see what we can find you.”
She continued to hold your hand as you browsed through the store, only letting it go when she wanted to examine one of the delicate lacey garments closer. After several more minutes of browsing, she took you gently by the wrist and pulled you towards the dressing rooms. After taking a quick look to see if anyone was paying attention, she opened the dressing room door and followed you in.
It had been a little while since you and Dee had much time together, and being this close to her now, in this small of a space, you could feel your body respond to the slightest touch. She hung the hangers on the wrought iron hook and put her clutch down on the cushioned loveseat, then walked around to stand behind you. She rested her chin on your shoulder and turned you to face the mirror.
“Now,” she breathed, her lips coming in close proximity to your ear. “Let’s get you undressed.”
Danneel ran her hands down to the hem of your shirt and unbuttoned it until she was able to slip it off your arms and toss it on the bench. You unfastened your skirt and let it fall to the floor. She took the initiative and unhooked your bra, letting the straps fall from your arms and guiding it off, purposely brushing the side of your breasts with her hands.
“Try that one first,” she purred and motioned towards the black lace see-through bodysuit that left very little to the imagination. “I think he would love that.”
Once the lingerie was on, she stepped back to examine you in it. You couldn’t read her expression, but you didn’t think she was satisfied with her choice.
“Hmm… try the other. I think I like that better, especially with the dress you’re wearing tonight.”
You did as she asked, and felt her eyes drinking you in, examining each one of your movements with a watchful eye; not that you minded. In fact, the longer she let her engaging honey brown eyes linger, the more you wanted to break ranks and take her right there in the dressing room. Instead, you tried to pretend her lustful gaze didn’t affect you, though you both knew it did.
The second one fit like a glove. It was black and pink lace bra, underwear and garter set that barely covered only the most sensitive areas of your body. You loved how it felt on you and felt a flash of warm, silky heat between your legs and the thought of Jensen peeling it off you, and if you were lucky enough, Dee would join you this time.
Danneel nodded with wide, excited eyes.
“Yesss,” she hissed with satisfaction, and subtly licked her bottom lip before once again standing behind you, as you admired the set in the mirror.
“Is this the winner?” you asked softly, rolling your head back slightly in order to look at her.
Danneel turned you to face her, letting her fingers trace the lacy bodice of the bra across the swell of your breasts. “Hands down, this is our winner.”
Normally, Dee was the instigator in your arrangement with her, much like the one you had with Jensen. Yet there in the dressing room, you felt overcome with the need to touch her. Tilting your head slightly forward, you hesitantly ghosted your lips near hers and waited for her permission to kiss her.
Danneel smiled slyly and raised her brows in surprise. “Well now, someone is feeling frisky,” she whispered, and delicately let her fingertips run down your stomach to the hem of the panties. “I like it.”
She pressed her lips to yours then, and it immediately ignited a need for more of her, but once again, you resisted and let her take control. Her kiss was tempered and chased, far from what you wanted it to be, but still sweet and welcoming. However, much like with Jensen the night before, this was part of Dee’s game. You felt like a pawn for each of them to play with, and there were times you questioned how long you could let it go on for. Other times, you just relished in the game. This was definitely the latter. Despite that, you felt something for both her and Jensen; strong intense feelings that left you unsettled. A notion that scared you for many reasons, mostly because you didn't want to lose either of them.
Danneel pulled her lips away, running her tongue across the bottom as she always did after kissing you. She didn’t say anything, instead turned your body around to examine the back of the lingerie, while running her fingertips with a feather-soft touch along the exposed skin of your ass.
“Oh yes, this will do nicely,” she purred again, before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “I’m going to leave you to change now.” She rested her hand against the small of your back as she leaned over to pick up her clutch from the seat. “I’ll wait for you out there. Don’t be long, okay?”
“Okay,” you said softly.
Watching her turn to leave from the mirror, she paused before opening the door. “You know… on second thought, before you change, we should show Jensen… what do you think?”
You could see the lust for the game rising in her eyes, and felt a rush of adrenaline. If you were being honest with yourself, you were just as addicted to it as they were.
“Hold on,” she continued and opened her clutch, pulling out her phone and opening the camera app. Once she got it situated, she stood behind you, wrapping her right arm snuggly around your waist and again resting her chin on your shoulder as she held the camera above your heads.
You didn’t exactly smile, but let the corner of your mouth tug up into a subtle, knowing smirk. Danneel took a few different shots, in one she was smiling big and winking in the other one. When she was satisfied with the assortment of photos, she went to leave again.
“I’ll be waiting,” she said with a wink and quietly left the room.
Exhaling deeply,  you sat on the sofa and let your head roll back against the mirror. You tried to push the thoughts of both her and Jensen from your mind so you could get up and dressed and move on with the day. It was hard, but you were able to get yourself moving so as not to leave her waiting. Just as you finished dressing, you felt your phone vibrating from the pocket of your skirt. You pulled it out and went to the message notifications.
Three missed texts.
From Danneel to you and Jensen:
>>Shopping for the party with this one. Maybe I’ll bring ya home something pretty. [Attached with the picture she just took]
From Jensen, reply to all:
>>Without me? Cruel woman. You better bring me home… something...
From Jensen to you:
>>You better be wearing that the next time I see you.
The flutter in your stomach made you sit back down on the bench. You started typing back a quick response but hesitated; unsure of whether you should engage with him while you were with Danneel. This was her day, after all. Thinking about Jensen, though, and the way he looked at you the night before as you were straddled on his lap…. The way he said I’m yours...
<<As long as you promise to be the one who takes it off.
You hit send and quickly tucked the phone away, not thinking he would reply again. Just as you were about to leave the dressing room and catch up with Danneel, you felt it buzz again.
>>Who else would be allowed to? You’re mine, remember?
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Lunch with Danneel was casual and easy-going. She brought you to her favorite restaurant where you dined on flavorful salads and wine while discussing the plans for the evening. She insisted that you arrive with them, instead of alone as you usually did when heading out with them anywhere. It felt odd to arrive on Jensen’s arm, right alongside of his wife, but if Danneel said it was what she wanted, you most certainly would oblige her.
She dropped you home around two and said they would be back around by seven to pick you up for the party. Before you got out of the car, she grabbed your hand to stop you.
“I had fun today, and I’m really looking forward to tonight. I think it’s going to be a really good time.”
“You think? Even with one member of our trio unhappy about having to go?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think he’ll be glad he went,” she raised her brow seductively and laughed softly before leaning in to kiss you sweetly. “See you at seven.”
“See you at seven.” You let your gaze linger a moment longer then turned to grab the bags from the backseat before exiting the car and heading up to the apartment.
At five past seven, there was a familiar, heavy knock against the front door. Smoothing out your little black dress, you opened it to see Jensen standing there. He was dressed in a pair of dark khaki pants, with a cream-colored linen blazer and a white button-down shirt, opened just enough to show a hint of his chest.
He went to speak when you opened the door, but when he saw you, he stopped. Jensen licked his bottom lip, and you could have sworn you saw a flash of nerves cross his brow.
“Hey,” he said, finally, and stepped inside. “Ready?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my purse.”
In the time it took to turn around and grab your clutch from the counter, he closed the door and was right in front of you, grabbing your waist and walking you back towards the counter. His bottom lip hovered open slightly, unsure of its intentions but his eyes were already dark and lustful.
“Hi,” he growled, his eyes lingering down the curves of your neck to the deep, plunging lines of your dress.
“You said that already,” you teased, surprised that you could speak at all with the way his mouth appeared ready to devour you.
His fingers dug into your hip as his eyes narrowed. “You’re lucky we gotta go.”
“Am I?” You didn’t want him to let go. His hands felt good on you; they always did. “Is Danneel in the car?”
“Yes,” he mumbled and visibly struggled to show restraint before letting go of your hips. “Come on, let’s go get this night over with.” He took your hand and led you towards the door and out to the waiting car.
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The party was well underway by the time you arrived at the Millburn Estate. For all of the concern about arriving on Jensen’s arm beside Danneel, not one person even noticed or looked in your direction. The number of familiar faces was overwhelming, and you were beginning to understand why they weren’t concerned about your presence.
The three of you made your way through the different groups, saying hello with a smile or nod, with Jensen leading the way and eventually ending up at the bar. He ordered you a whiskey sour, and Danneel a glass of red wine, then getting himself a well-aged bourbon. A seemingly never-ending stream of partygoers made their way over, fawning over both Mr. and Mrs. Ackles as you watched and smiled politely from just off to the side and behind them.
A short time later, you noticed Danneel’s eyes scanning the room. As she came upon a small gathering of women, her expression changed. She was noticeably shaken, and you were growing concerned until she leaned up to Jensen’s ear and whispered something. He just nodded and she excused herself before wandering across the room to greet them.
You watched as she infiltrated herself into their tight circle, and they welcomed her with hugs and air kisses to each cheek. Not wanting to stare, you tried to make yourself take in the entire room, but your eyes kept wandering back to her. One of them, a petite raven-haired woman in a tight red dress kept leaning into her and whispering in Danneel’s ear. She would throw her head back, and laugh, then would touch her arm… intimately. At one point, the woman rested her hand on the small of Danneel’s back, and even from your current distance, you could see the way this woman was looking at her.
“Jealous?” Jensen asked quietly, as he held out a second drink for you to take.
“Hm? What? No--”
He chuckled and ticked his head to the side before taking a sip of the brown liquor he had in hand. “If you say so.”
“What would I have to be jealous of?” you asked, but realizing that the hint of ache in the deepest part of your stomach was, in fact, a touch of jealousy. You hated the feeling and took a long drink from the glass Jensen just gave you.
“You know who that is, don’t you?” Jensen motioned towards the woman holding all of Danneel’s attention.
You did your best to keep your emotions in check; not to let them bleed into your expression or tone. “No, who is she?”
“One of Dee’s old friends,” he said, then caught your gaze and chuckled again when he saw the surprise in there. “You didn’t know?”
“That she has old friends? I mean--”
“No, you’re not catching my meaning.” Jensen gently took you by the elbow and led you off towards a quiet corner. When he was sure it was just the two of you, he continued. “That woman, Astrid… she was one of Dee’s girlfriends when I first met her.”
“Oh,” you said, unsure of what it was you were feeling now. “I didn’t know…”
“I’m surprised she never told you. I just assumed…”
You shook your head. “No, we never really talked about anyone from before. I guess I just assumed once you two were married, that was it. I didn’t know she had a girlfriend before.” You finished the last of the whiskey sour and placed the glass down on the small table in the corner.
Jensen watched you carefully, trying to decipher what you may be thinking. “For a while it was, but then… she needed more. Who am I to deny her that?”
“You’re a good husband to give her that,” you said, smiling softly and casting your eyes to the floor. The guilt you used to feel was long gone, and knowing how much of your part in their lives was Danneel’s doing, it helped it to stay gone.
A thought occurred to you that made you feel jealous before you even had an answer. “Has she had many girlfriends, besides Astrid?”
“No. Not at all. I don’t want you to have the impression that she’s got a harem of women waiting in the wings. It’s not like that. When Dee connects with you, it’s very real. And trust me, she’s connected with you. But also…” he said and motioned his head back towards where they were.
You nodded once in understanding, then had another thought that brought the dreaded jealousy back around again. You didn’t like it at all and realized your earlier concerns were right, that maybe it wasn’t so much Jensen who had caught feelings, but you… for BOTH of them.
“But, what about you? Did you … do you have others, too? I mean, if she could… could you?”
He shook his head. “No,” he replied softly. “I would watch them with her from time to time, but I never really had the interest to get involved or in having another woman.” Jensen brought the glass to his lips and took a long sip of bourbon. He licked the remnants of it from his bottom lip while his eyes held onto your gaze. “At least not until I found you on the couch with my wife.”
The blazing intensity he held on you made you feel captive, unable to move from your place in the shadowed corner. Jensen placed his glass on a nearby table and took a few steps closer to you, his eyes never wavering.
You both loved and loathed the way he looked at you sometimes. It made your spine tingle and your knees weak, but it also made your heart soft and your mind work overtime trying to fully decipher its meaning.
“You never… not even in Vancouver? Why not?” you asked hesitantly, stumbling over the words.
“Why would I? I don’t need to have a woman in my bed to feel good about myself or my life. I have a fucking great life. Danneel and I, we love each other and we have a great family. But, I’m also not dumb. I get that she needs to be able to explore that side of her sexuality, and I wouldn’t be honoring her if I didn’t let her have that.”
Jensen was so close to you, his scent just as intoxicating as the whiskey and for a moment, you thought he was leaning in to kiss you. While you’d never turn him away, a display of affection so publicly, and with a woman, not his wife, would be sure to turn some heads. Instead, he leaned his shoulder against the wall beside you, and so his back was to the room. His fingers tentatively touched your hip and wandered slowly across your body and up towards your chest.
He cleared his throat gently, and when he spoke again, he was softer, and seemingly more vulnerable than he had ever been with clothes still on. “I never had any desire to touch anyone but my wife, until I met you.”
Either not caring about, or forgetting his surroundings completely, Jensen continued to let his fingers explore your skin as they followed the contours of your breasts up to your collarbone. They dragged gingerly along your neck, leaving little trails of goosebumps as they wrapped around the back of your head. He pulled you into him and pressed his lips to your ear.
“Danneel can get what she needs from you, or Astrid, or whatever woman she wants. That’s up to her, though I know for a fact that she wants to be with only you. I can’t blame her really. I know I have what I need right here,” he rasped with a low growl.
His teeth lightly grazed along your earlobe before you felt the silky tip of his tongue brush against it. An immediate and deep ache thrived between your legs as his hand slowly fell from your neck and back down your chest. Jensen knew you well enough to know how much he was affecting you. If not for the loud burst of laughter where Danneel had been talking with her friends, you would have forgotten about the surroundings yourself and reached out to pull him into you.
“I forgot to check… did you do what I asked you to?” His eyes dipped down to your chest, and you could actually feel his gaze taking off your clothes, then quickly understood his question.
Giving him your sweetest smile and batted your eyes demurely. “Yes, Jensen. Don’t I always do what you ask me to?”
He nodded, satisfied with your answer, then pushed off the wall and went to retrieve his glass from the table. Tossing back the remainder of the bourbon, he put the glass back down, grabbed your hand and pulled you down one of the deserted hallways of the massively large house. He rounded one corner, then two; left, then right, and then right again. Between the maze of hallways and the whiskey sours you had earlier, your head was spinning and you couldn’t control your laughter as he quickly led you further into the structure, making sure you were far out of sight.
With the noise of the party fading far behind you, and when Jensen was satisfied you were far enough out of ear-shot, he pushed you against the wall and pressed his body flush to you. His mouth covered yours before you could take a breath, his tongue pushing your lips open, his knee doing the same to your thighs. His one hand that had been holding yours had it pinned to the wall, while his free hand pulled up your dress, revealing lingerie he had seen in the picture.
“Good girl,” he growled lowly before pulling back and admiring how the lace hugged your hips and how little flesh the thong actually covered.
Jensen buried his face in your neck as his hand continued to explore the lines of the lingerie up to your panties. Your pussy began to ache at the thought of him touching you, causing your body to involuntary arch up into him. You could feel the bulge of his erection through the khakis he was wearing and had to hold yourself back from trying to take them off him. His mouth claimed your neck with his teeth and tongue, as his fingers pushed aside the small strip of material and plunged to the depths of your folds. You inhaled sharply and felt your stomach drop at his touch. His fingers slipped up into you, as his thumb played with your clit you rocked back and forth on his hand. You felt your eyes flutter closed and your head swimming in how badly you wanted him inside you.
You lowered your lips to his ear, and with your hand that wasn't pinned to the wall, grabbed the back of his neck. Finding the confidence and courage in the last encounter you had with him the night before, you pulled him up so his gaze was even with yours.
“Fuck me, now. Pleeease, Jensen…” you mewed, nearly begging him, “I need to feel you…”
The neediness in your tone was the only encouragement he needed. Slipping his hand from you, he used it to quickly remove his pants, letting them fall down just enough for his cock to spring free of its constraints. He pulled you off the wall and flipped you around, before grabbing your hips and positioning himself to slide up into you.
There was no hesitation on his part, he thrust up into you with purpose and a deep groan of pleasure. You wanted to cry out but knew you couldn’t, and the more Jensen moved his hips, filling you with each hard, sharp pass, you needed to make noise. As if sensing your imminent vocal eruption, one of his hands released your hip and came up to gently over your mouth. He pulled you back to him and again pressed his lips to your ear.
“Shhhh… not a fucking sound,” he growled, then moved his hand away from your mouth and back to your hip.
He bounced you off his cock relentlessly, until you were nearly dizzy with an impending orgasm. He was getting erratic in his movements, and his breaths were coming in short, soft grunts.
“Fuck,” he whispered roughly. “You feel so fucking good....”
His voice alone was enough to make you cum. Just as you did, he did too, and as you both reached your completion together, his body relaxed into yours. He pulled out of you, and quickly fixed his pants in case someone happened to walk around the corner while you took a moment to straighten out your dress.
Just as quickly as it started, it was over. Yet never once did he leave you feeling anything but completely content.
“That was unexpected,” he breathed, a hint of a smile living on his lips.
“I’m sorry, I know its not part of the deal…”
“That deal,” Jensen snorted with a laugh and shook his head. “That deal was made a long time ago. I’m really starting to think that some adjustments need to be made.”
Your heart stopped. “What kind of adjustments?”
“We’ll talk about it later, okay? For now, we should get back before someone realizes we’re gone.”
“What about Dee?” you asked, unsure of how she’d feel about what just happened in the poorly lit hallway.
“What about her?” Jensen took your chin between his fingers and turned your gaze up to meet his. “She’s busy with Astrid, you’re here with me.”
Realization dawned on you as he continued to watch you curiously as your expression changed. “That’s why she insisted I come tonight. She knew Astrid would be here and wanted the chance to spend time with her if she could. This way, you wouldn’t be left all alone. It’s why she wanted to pick out something special for you.”
Jensen shrugged and smirked, a combination of things he did that made you weak for him. “We make sure the other has what they need to be the happiest, best version of themselves. So, I give her the freedom to be with other women… you, currently. She gives me the only thing I ever really asked her for.”
“And what’s that?” you asked, fighting the urge to reach out and caress his face. Affectionate gestures like that were still far and few between, though you found yourself desiring them more often.
His expression grew serious, and for a moment you felt a little nervous about what he was going to say. He closed the gap between you, and let his eyes wander over your body as his tongue ran slowly out along his bottom lip. He was doing it again, holding you hostage with a simple pair of emerald eyes. He wrapped a snug arm around your waist and jerked you in that last inch closer.
“You, Y/N. She gave me you.”
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Danneel didn’t rejoin you and Jensen until much later in the evening. She was wearing a smile, but it wasn’t genuine, nor in any way happy. It was forced, but for whose benefit you weren’t sure. You just knew that whatever happened in the time she was separated from the two of you, something had changed.
“Can we please leave now?” Jensen asked, checking his watch and scanning the room of guests with an air of annoyance.
“Yes, in a minute,” Danneel said, as she took his hand and held it tightly. “Steve was looking for you, I believe he’s in the billiard room. Why don’t you go see what he wants? Y/N and I will wait right here for you, then we’ll go home.”
He nodded and sighed. Jensen brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, before leaning it to leave a lingering kiss on her cheek. Despite having your own intimacy with both of them, you also loved seeing them together. The way they loved each other was something special, and despite all the changes that seemed to be coming, that was one thing you would always be able to hold onto; having been lucky enough to witness a very unique kind of bond between two people who loved each other.
Once Jensen was out of earshot, Danneel hooked her arm through yours and started walking you towards the bar.
“So, I am going to assume Jensen filled you in…” she trailed off as she let go of your arm to flag down the bartender. She ordered two double shots of whiskey and then turned her attention back to you. “I should have told you about her.”
“You’re referring to Astrid?” you asked quietly.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew she would be here, but--”
“It’s why you wanted me to come. It's fine, Dee. I get it.” You were trying once again to keep your cool, but you just desperately wanted to get out of that house and get some air.
The bartender placed the two shots in front of you and before Danneel could even say thank you, you tossed back the shot.
“What do you get, exactly? Because by the way you just slammed back that shot, I am guessing there’s a misunderstanding here.”
“No, no misunderstanding,” you said, the two whiskey sours and double shot starting to make you feel brave and ready to express your feelings more freely. “You brought me here to distract Jensen while you went off with her. It's fine. We had our fun.”
“I figured,” she chuckled and threw back her own shot. “But, as much as I wish that were true, it’s not. I wanted you here for me.”
The look of disbelief on your face was enough to prompt her to continue.
“Because knowing I would see Astrid here made me nervous. I haven’t seen her since we broke up years ago. I knew she would be here with her fiance, and I just… I got nervous. Having Jensen here is one thing, but you… I needed you here.”
“Why me?” you were able to ask, though the crack in your voice didn’t allow for much volume.
“You’re the only other woman I’ve cared for as much as I cared for her. I needed the reminder of how special our relationship was just in case I felt myself getting caught up in her again… she has a way of--”
“Making you crazy?”
Danneel laughed nervously. “Yes. That’s it exactly. But not in a good way. Not in the way that you do.” The way her eyes held yours in the dimly lit area of the bar was making you feel as if everyone else was watching, too. They weren’t. In fact, no one noticed that she was giving you her attention at all. Danneel turned to face you and delicately laced her fingers through yours.
“Come home with us tonight, would you?”
It had been a while since you had been with both of them, and after your dalliance in the hallway with Jensen, you assumed that would be it for the night.
“Ready to go, kids?” Jensen asked, sidling up alongside Danneel. He immediately noticed the way the two of you were looking at the other before his wife finally broke away and looked up at him.
“I am. Y/N? Are you coming with us? Or are we dropping you home?”
You looked up at Jensen, who nodded slightly. His expression was asking you to say yes, as was Danneel’s. How could you ever say no to either of them?
“Yes, of course,” you breathed and felt a small smile tug at the corner of your mouth. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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The Ackles’ house was quiet and many of the interior lights were already off for the night. A note on the counter from the nanny told them the kids were happily sleeping, and she would be there to get them up in the morning.
“I think I’m just going to go up and take a peek. Make sure they’re alright,” Danneel said, as she slipped off her heels and sighed with relief as the bottom of her feet touched the coolness of the tiles in the kitchen.
“I’ll go. You stay and get comfortable,” Jensen said and kissed the top of her head before turning his attention to you. “I think the two of you have some things to talk about. Don’t you?”
Dee smiled and nodded. “We do. Thank you, babe.”
Jensen passed a pensive glance your way, and there you again saw the rack of nerves that seemed to be hiding somewhere in his smile. He reluctantly turned and headed towards the stairs, pausing briefly to look back, before disappearing beyond the wall.
“Wanna sit?” she asked and headed towards the couch in the living room off the kitchen, but quickly veered back towards the bar. “Drink, first?”
“Sure,” you said and fell onto the couch, before slipping off your own heels. “So, what is it that Jensen thinks we need to talk about? If this is about Astrid, I--”
“It’s not. Well, not entirely,” she replied as she moved around the bar fixing you a drink. “It is about you and I, though. You and Jensen, as well.”
‘Here it comes,’ you thought, as she made her way over, handing you a glass of whiskey.
Danneel sat on the cushion beside you, tucking her feet under her and twisting herself to face you, leaning her elbow on the back of the couch, and resting her head in her hand. She didn’t say anything at first, only raised her glass to yours, to which you tapped it lightly. As you both delicately sipped from your glasses, you could feel her eyes on you, and you wondered what it was she was thinking. Normally you could tell, but between your own insecurities and the whirlwind that had been the last two days, you didn’t know what to expect from her or her husband.
“Danneel… if there’s something you wanna say--”
“There is, I just don’t know how,” she started, then laughed nervously before polishing off her drink. She suddenly took your glass out of your hand and leaned forward, leaving both glasses on the coffee table. When she came back towards you, her eyes were fixed on your lips. Without saying anything else at all, she kissed you.
Danneel’s hands were lightly cupping your face, her delicate touch sending a cool ripple of goosebumps down your arms. She kissed you deeply, the way you had wanted her to kiss you in that dressing room earlier. Deciding not to wonder what she wanted to talk about, you reached out for her waist and pulled her closer. Her tongue parted your lips, the taste of the whiskey strong as she slowly mingled with yours. Kissing you with intent, she moved her hands down your neck, and chest, then roughly over your breasts.
A moment later, she made herself break away. Danneel had finally worked up the courage to say what she wanted to say, and though you couldn’t help but worry what it would be, you were anxious to finally hear it.
“When I found out that Astrid would be there tonight, I had a mild panic attack. I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to see her without any old feelings bubbling to the surface. But having you there, somehow, it just made it so much easier, even if you weren’t by my side the whole night. Just knowing you were there… it helped. I didn’t feel anything for her at all.”
“I’m glad I could do that for you,” you said, and lightly ran your fingers up her arm to her neck. Using your nails, you lightly caressed the lines of her neck, up to her ear.
“You do a lot for me, Y/N.” Danneel kissed you again, but only until she heard Jensen come into the kitchen. She sat back on the couch and smiled at him as he approached. “How are the kids?”
“Snug as bugs in rugs,” he chuckled. “Though, little miss woke up and asking for you. How’s things here?”
“Oh, not quite as snuggly yet, but we’re working on it,” she said and gave you a sly, side-eyed glance. “Let me go tuck the princess back in. Maybe the two of you can move this party upstairs before I get back and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay,” you smiled as she stood from the couch, lovingly touching Jensen’s chest as she breezed passed him going towards the stairs.
“Shall we?” he asked and held out a hand to help you up from the couch.
Without saying anything, you took it and stood up. Jensen immediately pulled you into him and took your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look up at him. His brow was slightly furrowed, his eyes darker and more intense than usual.
“You and Dee talk?”
You nodded and tried to hold his gaze but the scrutiny in which was he was watching you, made you squirm and it didn’t go unnoticed. Jensen was clearly pleased at how he was affecting you.
“Good,” he rasped, his tongue pressing against the inside of his teeth in a sly grin. “Now, no more worries about what you are to her then, right?”
“She told you that?” you asked in a breathy whisper.
“She tells me everything. Just like I tell her everything.”
Jensen nodded and released your chin, and his fingers slowly ran down the length of your neck toward your chest. He lightly ghosted the parts of your breasts that were revealed by the plunging V-neck of your dress.
“Her and I keeping secrets would be the downfall of our marriage. So, we agreed right from the start that if this was going to work, we needed complete honesty.”
You swallowed thickly and flashed back to the night before. “You told her about last night?”
He nodded again. “I did.” Jensen tilted his head, maintaining the intensity in how he was looking at you. “But we can talk more about that later.”
“Is there more to discuss?” you asked nervously, almost afraid of his answer.
“There’s a lot to discuss,” he said, then closed the last step of distance that sat between you. “But right now, I want you to get upstairs. Just because I made you cum already tonight, doesn’t mean that I am done with you. Understand?”
Your body, as if on cue, flashed hot in response to what he said and how he said it. Not even Danneel could turn you on the way Jensen could, and she was pretty damn good at it.
“Yes, Jensen,” you replied demurely. Once, early on in the arrangement, you had called him sir, and he immediately shook his head and told you not too. He liked the authority he had over you, but he also liked the way his name sounded coming from your mouth.
He seemed satisfied with your response and sealed it with a soft kiss that lingered just a moment too long. When you pulled back from him, the intensity in his eyes was gone, replaced by something new you hadn’t seen in his expression before. Trying not to read too much into it, you let him take your hand and lead you upstairs.
 Entering their bedroom, you could see that one of them had already set up the space for a night of endless possibilities. The black silk ties were on the nightstand, along with a bottle of whiskey and three glass tumblers. Several candles were lit throughout the room and an assortment of oils and toys were on the nightstand on the far side of the bed.
Jensen closed the door, and removed his jacket, haphazardly throwing it over the back of a chair. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he approached you, and let it hang open, but didn’t take it off.
“Turn around,” he commanded. When you obeyed, he unzipped your dress and pushed it off your shoulders. Once it fell to the floor you stepped out of it and went to bend down to pick it up, but his hands found your hips and he yanked you backward; the feeling of his erection pushing into the soft flesh of your ass, making you roll your head back against his chest.
His hands ran roughly around your waist, as his mouth clamped down on the crook of your neck. Jensen grazed his teeth along your skin, causing a soft moan to pass through your lips.
“She loves when you do that,” Danneel purred upon entering the room.
You heard the door close softly, but her presence didn’t stop Jensen from lavishing your neck with long, biting kisses up towards your ear.
“Is she right? You like when I do that?” he asked in a low growl, bringing his hand to your breast and squeezing tightly.
His teeth nipped at your ear, just as Danneel came to stand in front of you. She watched as her husband continued to lick and suck on your neck, a smile of immense satisfaction living on her lips. You watched as she slipped out of her dress to reveal the lingerie she had picked for herself, the sight of which only made that growing need feel desperate and maddening.
Danneel ran the tips of her fingers along Jensen’s arm that was holding you against him, and he lifted his head from your neck for a moment. He was still close enough to you, that you could feel him smile as she watched him touch you. Her free hand touched your stomach and slowly ran down to reach the hem of your panties, then easily slipped her finger passed them, brushing against the hood of your sex with a delicate touch.
You gasped sharply, making Jensen grip you tighter, and his cock twitch against your again. Danneel gave him a knowing smirk and then silently pleaded with him. He knew what she wanted and growled lowly from his chest before he forced himself to let you go.
“Thank you, baby,” Danneel purred and leaned past you to kiss Jensen. You watched their lips and tongues mingle in a brief but passionate kiss before she moved back from him and took your hand, leading you towards the bed.
She climbed on, sitting up on her knees near the edge, making her eye level to you. Danneel kissed you just as she had kissed Jensen, brief but passionate. She wasn’t one for kissing much, so when she did bring her lips to yours, it was something special.
“Lay down,” you whispered and felt your heart race as she obeyed your request.
Giving a quick glance over your shoulder, you noticed Jensen hadn’t moved. He was in the same place, his arms crossed over his chest and watching you and Danneel. He nodded slightly, giving you the approval you needed, and wanted, in order to given Danneel what she was desperate for.
You brought your attention back to her, her long red locks sprayed across the pillows and her honey brown eyes beckoning you to touch her. Sitting on your knees in front of her, you gently parted her legs so you could position yourself between them. You bent down and kissed the inside of her thigh as your hands ran up along her stomach towards her breasts. You moved up her body, kissing your way towards her chest, then her to her neck. Sitting up again, you slowly pulled down her red laced panties and before tossing them to the side you gave one last look to Jensen. His eyes were dark and his expression wavering from the unaffected observer to lustful lover, which made you smile.
Turning back to Danneel, you leaned into her and ran your tongue along the outside of her folds. She was warm and wet and ready for the tongue lashing you were desperate to give her. The moment your tongue touched her skin, she released a breathy moan and arched her back. You traced the lines of her pussy with your tongue, before plunging into them and teasing her clit with your teeth. She tasted sweet and exotic, unlike any woman you have ever been with before, and when her hands found their way into your hair, you let her push your face into her as much as she possibly could.
The longer you let your mouth explore her sex, the more you could feel Jensen hovering behind you, impatient to get what it was he wanted. Your fingers found her entrance, as you thrust up into her, she squealed with pleasure.
“Fuuucckk, baby, yesss… right there,” she mewed as her body began to writhe against you and her hands found a tighter grip on your head.
You felt the bed shift as Jensen climbed on. He must have shed the rest of his clothes because you could feel the silky flesh of his dick that was wet with precum brush against the back of your leg. As you continued to bring Danneel to her first orgasm of the night, Jensen grabbed your hips and positioned himself between your legs from behind.
“Mmmm yes, fuck her good… I want her to cum while she’s sucking my clit,” she purred, biting down on her lip and watching as you worked her over. You looked up and saw her eyes shining with excitement as she turned her attention to Jensen.
His hands ran roughly up your back, then down over your ass where he squeezed the soft swells of flesh. Jensen’s hand dipped down between your thighs and ran two fingers through your folds that were seething in anticipation of feeling him there. He pressed his dick up between your cheeks as he leaned over your back and quickly pulled you up from between his wife’s legs. His hand, not currently dragging through your pussy, went to your neck, gripping you tightly but not cutting off any air.
“You like how she tastes?” he asked lowly, running his tongue along the outer part of your ear.
“God yes,” you breathed, and while you loved how it felt when he held you like he was, you wanted to get back to Danneel.
It was both intoxicating and maddening how much you wanted both of them at the same time.
“Good. You can have her again in a minute.”
Jensen released you and motioned to Danneel to move. He began to remove your lingerie slowly, using his teeth and his tongue along your shoulders, marking you as he went. Your eyes never left Danneel’s, and she seemed just as anxious to get back to it as you were. Once your bra was gone, Jensen flipped you onto your back and roughly ripped the panties and garters off, his expression bruting and determined. He grabbed your hips again, positioned himself between your thighs, and palmed his cock as he stared down at you.
“Ride her face,” he growled, just before his dick found your entrance and easily slid up into you.
“Fuck!” you cried out, your mouth hanging slightly agape, your head rolling back at the sensation of how quickly and deeply he filled you.
Danneel positioned herself over your face, and you grabbed her hips, pulling her down on top of you and burying your mouth in her pussy. Closing your eyes, you worked on Danneel, as Jensen fucked you relentlessly and with speed and force you didn’t realize he had. It was making your head spin, but the way they both made you feel was worth the overstimulation your body was experiencing.
Her soft moans, his grunts, and curses added to the physical acts taking place, you knew that despite having climaxed once already that night, another wouldn’t be far behind. You felt Jensen’s thumb on your clit as he hit your hilt time after time, making your orgasm closer and closer to the surface.
You licked and sucked on Danneel as her body rocked over you, the taste of her and the feeling of her small frame against your face made you crazy. Your cries were muffled, but Jensen relished in every little bit of noise that escaped your mouth, as did Danneel.
“God damn! She’s so close, I can feel it… make her cum baby… I love when she comes,” she whined needily and wrapped her hands on top of yours that were still snaked around and digging into her thighs.
Finding a good steady pace, Jensen rocked his hips into you, with each pass in and out, you could feel your walls begin to flutter. When your organism finally it, you released a muffled scream into the apex of her thighs, sucking hard on her clit, making her cum along with you.
The sight of both you and Danneel coming to climax together was too much for Jensen to bare. “Fuck!” he cried sharply, his movements into you now erratic and reckless. His body hunched over you as you drank in Danneel’s release and he buried his head between your breasts. When she couldn’t take anymore, she moved off you and laid beside you on the bed as Jensen continued to fuck you.
“Yes, baby, cum for her… fuck her deep and let me see you cum inside her,” Danneel purred again, her ghost of a touching hovering on your breasts as his mouth covered one of your nipples, biting and sucking until he finally came.
You could feel him spill his release inside of you, and it wasn’t until much later did you even think what that could mean. Especially since it wasn’t the first or even second time in the last twenty-four hours that he had cum inside you without protection.
After, his body went soft, and he just laid on top of you for a moment, catching his breath and reveling in the feeling of the afterglow. He picked up his head and kissed you gently, before pulling back and then leaning over to kiss his wife.
Jensen climbed off you and laid down on one side, as Danneel laid down on the other.
“We didn’t even get to use the toys I left out,” she giggled as her fingers swirled little circles on your stomach.
“It's still early, Dee. Plenty of time for those,” Jensen replied and sat up on the bed.
“Early? It's nearly two in the morning,” you chuckled. “I should be getting dressed and home soon.”
“What? No! You can’t just leave,” Danneel said, clearly upset. “You have to stay--I want you to stay.”
You followed suit and sat up between them. “That’s not the deal though when we’re here, I am gone before--”
“Like I said last night, and again today, that deal needs to be revisited.” Jensen’s expression was set and very serious.
“You need to tell her, Jensen,” Danneel said, as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I’m going to go downstairs and get some snacks. Please tell her, I don’t want to wait another second.”
“Tell me what?” you asked, suddenly nervous about the looks they were exchanging.
“Don’t you want to be here? I think this should come from both of us.”
Danneel shook her head. “No, she knows how I feel about her,” she paused and passed you a sweet, sultry smile, “at least I hope she does. But she needs to hear it from you.” She looked away from Jensen and directly at you, the lust and want gone from her eyes and replaced with something different. “Y/N, please, please just listen to him. Hear him out, okay? And know that I am completely on board with this. All of it.”
She flashed a half smile and grabbed her silk, floral print robe from the back of the chair where Jensen had tossed his jacket. Danneel slipped it on and tied it snuggly around her waist. She hesitated before leaving and then came back around to the bed and sat on the edge, taking your hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.
“I think that maybe it should come from me at first, so you know how much we both mean this. Y/N, Jensen came home this morning from your house and he was… different.”
“Different how?” you asked, silently relieved that you weren’t just imagining things.
Danneel looked to Jensen for a moment, which made you do the same. His expression kept changing, and you couldn’t read him at all. Dee, however, was completely apparently with what she was feeling. She smiled brightly, a mist of emotion crossing her eyes.
“He was quiet and moody. I thought he was still mad about the change in party dates. But when I pressed him on it, he finally came clean and said that things needed to end between the three of us.”
Your heart started pounding, unsure of where this could be going. If he wanted to end it that morning, why had he been with you two more times that day? She read the concern that shone on your face and immediately squeezed your hand tighter.
“I asked him why,” she continued, “and he said it was because he realized last night that he was falling in love with you.”
You felt the lump that had been living in your chest, jump up into your throat as you turned and looked at him, surprised by the admission. Jensen’s eyes were cast down and watching his own fingers as they toyed with the ends of your hair.
“Y/N, I know this whole thing is unusual. When people get married, they think they found the one and only love of their lives, but we all know that’s just not true. Not for everyone, anyway. The thing is, I realized a while ago that I loved you, but I was scared to speak up because I didn’t want things to end. Once Jensen told me how he felt…” she trailed off and as she shrugged her shoulder, the robe slipped off, revealing her bare skin. She fixed it absently before continuing. “Just hear him out, okay?”
Your ability to speak was hampered by the revelation that Danneel just dropped in your lap. Feelings, she was talking about both of them having feelings for you… Without saying another word, she quietly got up off the bed and left the room, leaving you and Jensen alone.
You were suddenly nervous being alone with him and had a hard time meeting his gaze. He got up from the bed, solely to lift the covers to let you slide beneath them, only to join you a moment later. He wrapped an arm around your waist and hovered over you, gently laying you back on the pillow and leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Feelings?” you asked cautiously. But when he exhaled, and his breath was shaky and nervous, part of you relaxed.
“Yeah,” he rasped, then brushed a lock of hair from your face. “Big ones. Unexpected ones. Ones I fought like hell to avoid.”
“All the nights we’ve had together… we never… I mean, it’s a game, it’s a fantasy--”
“No, Y/N. It’s not. It may have started that way, but this is all very real to me. Dee, too. We talked about it all this morning, and while we don’t know how you feel about us. I can tell you that we feel a lot for you. We asked you to come back tonight because we want you to stay.”
“Stay the night?”
Jensen shook his head. “Stay, forever.”
That lump grew double in size and you found yourself unable to swallow, speak or even comprehend what he was asking.
“But, the kids… your marriage. Hell, your career! Jensen, you can’t, people will talk and--”
“I couldn’t care less what people say. And you already know Dee doesn’t give a shit. I like coming home and knowing I’m going to see her and the kids, but I also like knowing I get to see you, too. Danneel is my partner, mother of my children. She’s also my best friend, my wife… that will never change.”
“Then what could you possibly want with me?” you asked as you tried to stifle the sting of tears that formed in your eyes.
Jensen sat up on one elbow, and you rolled over to face him as his fingers traced your bare shoulder. “It’s not about what I want you for, it’s what I need. I told you earlier, Danneel gave me what I needed. She gave me you. I want you. I thought my life was complete, that I had everything I could ever want,” Jensen sighed and chuckled nervously. “I was wrong. I just didn’t realize it until I came home and found my wife on the couch with you. Then this started, and I got to know you...”
You met his eyes and saw such genuine love there, you were overwhelmed by everything the night had brought and you felt such a rush of love for him; for both of them. Without warning, you sat up and pushed him over so he was sitting up against the headboard, much like he was the night before. You straddle his lap and leaned in to kiss him. Jensen wrapped his arms around your waist, his mouth opened and he kissed you hard.
He growled lowly when you tried to pull away, but he relented and let you lean back.
“Is that a yes?” he asked.
“What about the kids? How would this work? Do I have my own room? Do we all sleep together? How…” you shrugged and trailed off, but then smiled down at him, overcome with the notion that you could really allow yourself to feel love for them, openly, without fear of losing them.
“The kids know you and love when you’re here and we can figure out a way to talk to them about it all. Delicately, but we’ll find a way. We’ll work it all out. All I know is that Danneel loves you, I am very much in love with you, and even though I can’t marry you, I still want you to be mine. We can have a great life together, all of us. And maybe even one day, think about adding to it.” Jensen’s hand touched the middle of your stomach lovingly, before leaning forward and kissing you there. When he sat up and saw the look of surprise on your face, he chuckled softly.
“Danneel is on board with that?” you asked, stunned that she would agree to see her husband have a baby with another woman.
“It was her idea. She knows I want more kids, but she doesn’t want to go through pregnancy again. We’ve talked about adoption, but after you came along, I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility.”
You gently caressed the side of his face and bent down to kiss him again. “Don’t stop thinking about it,” you replied softly, trying to calm your nerves. “I love you, Jensen. I love you and I love her, and I want this. All of this.”
“Seriously?” he asked, nearly breathless. “You mean that?”
“With all my heart.”
Jensen kissed you again, tangling his hands in your hair and mouth pressing down on yours with fervor. You felt him growing hard again and though you didn’t know if your body could go another round with them, you certainly wanted too.
From behind you, the bedroom door opened and you heard Danneel come back in. She placed a big bowl of strawberries on the side of the bed, then slipped off her robe and crawled under the covers beside you and Jensen.
“I’m guessing by the looks of things, you’re okay with the new arrangement?” she asked, a wide grin dawning across her face as she ran her fingertips up your thigh.
You leaned over, and cupped her one cheek, directing her lips to yours. Briefly kissing her just as passionately as you just did Jensen, you pulled back and nodded.
“I am more than okay with this new arrangement. I’ve been in love with you both for a while. I was just so afraid to lose you both…”
“Impossible. You’re stuck with us now,” she teased and pulled you playfully from Jensen’s lap, so you fell straight into her. “Now that the dramatic business is settled. I have a few ideas for the array of stuff over there,” she motioned towards the nightstand of binds, toys, and strawberries and raised one, perfectly manicured brow seductively, glancing between you and Jensen. “Who’s game?”
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hyucksoftie · 5 years
soft | changbin
genre: fluff, bad boy au if u squint
words: 700+
requested: yes
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desc: on the outside seo changbin is cold and bad, but in reality he's really just a soft boy
a/n: im sorry this is so short, i was rlly busy today but i wanted to post :(
For as long as you remember, you were always told to keep away from Changbin. Everyone warned you at age 7, and even now. But you always shook your head, telling them that their words were lies. Changbin was nice.
Sure, he would pull on girls' hair and take their Oreos, but it was different with you. He took your Kool-Aid and started sipping on it, but once he saw the tears starting to build up in your eyes he felt the need to give it back.
"Y/N don't cry! I'm sorry! Here, take it." You sniffled and hesitantly took back your Kool-Aid. "I'm really sorry." Changbin, being a little kid too, started to cry at your crying. Soon, you were both crying over a bottle of Kool-Aid. The adults just watched, confused and slightly amused. Changbin would only cry if he was wronged, not if he wronged someone else.
That's how his softness for you blossomed. Even as a tiny boy, he had this feeling that he had to treat you nicely.
He took other kids' snacks and gave them to you, smiling at you with his 3 missing teeth. You'd point to his victim, in tears, but he would just shrug. He only gave it back when you told him you didn't want it.
His ways transitioned into middle school, and then high school. But Changbin was still Changbin. Nice to you, cold to others.
"Y/N, it's cold. Why don't you have a jacket? Have mine." He starts taking off his jacket but you stop him. "I'm fine, really." He gives you a small frown but trusts your words. "Where are we going anyway?" Changbin gives you a cute grin. ”You don't remember?"
You shake your head.
"We’re volunteering at the kindergarten.” You let out an ”oh” of realization. Then you chuckle to yourself. This was the Seo Changbin that freshman cowered under. The same guy who was deemed a ’bad boy’ was going to help take care of 5-year-olds.
When you got there, the teacher glanced twice at Changbin with a surprised look on her face. He looked intimidating but you knew he was going to be great with the little kids.
”Okay class, meet our volunteers: Y/N and Changbin. Everyone say hi.” They all say hi, big toothy grins on their faces.
There wasn’t much to do, the teacher just asked you both to help them with coloring or counting. By the time lunch time rolls around, everyone is already best friends with Changbin. They all love him and love clinging onto his arms.
"Changbin, can you pretty please open my juice?" A little girl asks, extending her hands and handing him her juice bottle. He does what's asked of him but when she takes back the bottle, she drops it.
A few whimpers later, she's crying loudly, tears rolling down her chubby cheeks. "No no don't cry! It's okay, we can get you another one." Changbin comforts her as you clean up the mess, smiling to yourself.
"Here, take this." He hands her a new juice bottle, smiling when she gladly takes it. "Thank you!" The little girl grabs his face and pecks his cheek. You can see Changbin soften up even more.
When you two had to leave, the class started whining. They crowded you both, clinging onto your legs and begging you not to go. "We'll see you again, don't worry." You pat a boy's head. "Please come back soon!"
The walk back home was peaceful. You held onto Changbin's arm and smiled. "The little girl who spilled her juice reminded me of us when we were 7. Do you remember that?"
Changbin laughs, nodding. "You were going to cry so I gave your kool-aid back, then we were both crying."
You both laugh at the memory. "I like you when you're nice, why aren't you like that all the time? You're always making people think you're someone you're not." He shrugs. "If you're cold, people don't take advantage of you. It also drives away the annoying people."
"But you're friends with Jisung." In the back of your head you can hear the squirrel looking boy yelling at you. "At least you're nice to me." You squeeze his arm and smile up at him. "It's only charity work, I secretly hate you."
You slap him playfully. Changbin chuckles and you're smiling once more. You loved seeing his soft side.
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urdbell18 · 5 years
A Seed Hidden in the Heart Chapter 19: The One With the Dog
Wow I'm shocked that I was able to finish this chapter but I did! Yay me! But speaking up as you guys know two of the busiest retail holidays are coming up, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It means that I'm not going to have as much time as before to write my chapters so if my updates are a little slow that's why and I apologize. I just wanted to give you guys fair warning and thanks for understanding. Enjoy!
In the summer months Zelda took a job at the local college. The position was temporary, ending just before regular school started once again but it gave her something to do and a little more money over the summer than the packet that she got when school ended. When she collected her last paycheck Mr. Hawthorne said in so many words that she was getting a little bonus because of the several high scores that her students received. It turned out making her students taking that college level test paid off for her in the end. Mr. Hawthorne took all the credit of course. Zelda couldn’t bring herself to care anymore. Her work schedule was Monday and Friday mornings and Monday and Wednesday afternoon so the earliest she’s ever had to go in was nine and the latest she’d be there was almost 5. It worked well enough for her.
The time that she was at the school Vida was with Mary. Together she and Mary came up with activities that they could do with Vida over the summer. The aquarium and the zoo were on the list because they were things that Vida did and loved and wanted to do again but there were others like some crafts, swimming, and a small local theme park, Vida was excited about that one the most. Bust most of the time Mary kept it simple, spending time at home reading or going to the park. They spent a lot of time at the park. Sometimes Zelda would join them for lunch, usually on Mondays or Fridays but she could pull it off on Wednesdays if she wanted to. Wednesdays were usually the days that Mary and Vida went to Zelda, they would have lunch in the cafe before Zelda had to go to her next class.
It was during one park outing where Vida and Mary met him.
It was early June. The weather was nice but not stifling like July and August would be. Everything was still vibrant with color, the grass, the trees, and the flowers, all brightly colorful swaying in the gentle summer breeze. With it still being nice Mary and Vida took a walk.
There was a jogging path right next to the park and when it was nice like it was that day they walked the path. Vida liked looking at the flowers and Mary just like the soft exercise and time with Vida. Vida was curious about everything, Mary told her what she could like what a certain flower or tree was called and Mary loved how Vida would stop and watch the movements of the current bug or small creature, mostly squirrels, that caught her attention. On that day they were halfway through the walking path when a rustling of leaves from a nearby shrub caught their attention. Out of fear Vida moved behind Mary as the rustling grew louder until a dog appeared out  into the open.
The dog was between medium and small. It was long like a dachshund or a corgi but just slightly taller than either of those breeds. The dog had all the markings of the hound breed, short fur with a white belly, muzzle, and paws and brown and black patches all along its body but Mary couldn’t tell if it was a beagle or a basset hound. The dogs muzzle was too short for either of those breeds but its ears were very beagle-ish. The dog saw them and its tail starts wagging, causing his whole body to wiggle, mouth open to let its tongue roll out to one side.
“It’s a puppy!” Before Mary could stop her Vida was running to the dog. Though it seemed friendly Mary knew that could change in a snap but this dog stayed friendly. It ran in circles around Vida before standing on its hind legs licking anywhere he can reach. Vida giggled even as the dog knocked her to the ground. Mary approached the dog with caution, the dog looked at her and sniffed her legs when she was close enough. He craned his neck hoping for some head pats. “Can we keep him Mamma!?”
“We don’t know where he came from.” Taking advantage of the dog butting his head against her hand Mary felt the dog's neck hoping to feel for a collar. She didn’t find one, which didn’t really mean anything but it just meant that it would be harder to get the dog to follow them. Mary took the belt from her jeans and the ribbon from Vida’s dress to fashion a leash and make shift collar. The dog allowed Mary to wrap the belt around its middle, the belt was too thick to hold in place around the dogs short neck. After securing the ribbon to the collar Mary took two tentative steps to see if the dog would follow. He just stood there, wagging his tail like nothing was wrong. “Come here boy.” Mary tried to coax the dog but he didn’t budge. After a few minutes Vida took the slices of watermelon she was saving to lure the dog. It worked, the dogs nose twitched as it tried to keep up with the scent of the watermelon that was in Vida’s hands. Sometimes when the dog was close Vida would let the dog take a bite before moving more away. When she was down to her last slice they made it back to the main opening of the park. What was going on in the large side field gave Mary a good feeling on where the dog came from.
In a field that was sometimes used for soccer was currently holding what looked like a little fair. It was an adoption fair for a local animal shelter. There were dogs of various kinds and sizes in pens and a board with pictures of other animals, like cats and rabbits, that couldn’t be at the event but were also available for adoption. Naturally people flocked the fair, surrounding the pens to awe over the dogs. In the sea of people Mary located a volunteer for the shelter due to the light blue shirts they wore with the shelter name on one side and volunteer on the other. Mary approached a girl who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties with long black hair that she tied back in a ponytail.
“Excuse me.”
“Yes?” The girl turned around and before Mary could ask her next question the girls green eyes lit up at the sight of the dog that was still trying to get the last few bites of watermelon from Vida. “Vinegar Tom! You found him! Thank you so much. He got loose when we were setting up. Bad boy.” Taking a slip leash the volunteer slipped it over the dog’s neck so that Mary could detach the belt.
“Vinegar Tom? That’s an interesting name.”
“Yeah. Sometimes we rename the animals when they come in. I’m a history major and I reviewed the play for a paper I was doing at the time. Vinegar Tom came in on my first day almost a year ago and I don’t know something just felt right about the name.” There was an empty pen not that far away so the volunteer placed Vinegar Tom inside, scratching his head in comfort. “Thank you again for bringing him back. We have a new volunteer who’s never done an adoption fair before and he kind of lost control over a few of the dogs and he slipped away. Actually, now that I think about it Vinegar Tom has never done that before.”
“Yeah. Tom’s really sweet but he’s usually not so energetic like this. I always think that he would fit in so well with a single person or a small family but whenever he’s considered for adoption he just… stands there or lays there not doing anything. It’s why he keeps getting turned down every time. It’s kind of depressing.” Vinegar Tom was pressed against the wire of the pen licking Vida’s fingers.
“We best be going. Vida.” Vida turned to her, she looked reluctant to move away from her new friend.
“Bye Vinegar Tom.” That’s when Vinegar Tom started to whine. He sat down on his hind legs and looked at both Mary and Vida with his big brown eyes. Vida in turn looked at Mary, jutting her lip out in a quivering pout. Between the pathetic whines of the dog and the look that Vida fixed her Mary could feel her resolve slowly dissolving away.
“What do we do to adopt?” The soft look that the volunteer gave Mary was matched with the squeal that came from Vida and the happy barks of Vinegar Tom. As Mary filled out the form Vida and Vinegar Tom played, mostly Tom rolling on his stomach while Vida gave him belly rubs. Though Mary loved to make Vida happy and Vinegar Tom was cute a cold feeling tickled in the back of her mind.
Zelda was going to kill her.
Zelda arrived home a little after five. She had a staff meeting where all seasonal staff members were given some general info about the short semester. This wasn’t anything new to Zelda but it was necessary. In the end she couldn’t really complain because she got out the same time Hilda got off work that day so she swung by to pick her sister and niece, Sabrina saw some movie with her friends, before heading home. Everything seemed normal, Zelda had just enough time to place her keys on the table before Vida ran into her.
“Mommy! Mommy! Guess what!?” Zelda smiled at her daughter’s enthusiasm. Vida took so much joy out of anything that it truly was a guess on what made her so happy this time.
“What Vida?”
“We got a puppy!”
“You what?” Zelda might not have wanted it to come out so harshly, but out of everything that she expected that wasn’t one of them. As if on cue a dog came bounding into the entrance hall. He lost his footing on the hardwood floors, slipping and half flopping onto the floor, but it didn’t stop him. He came to a full stop in front of Zelda, sitting almost at her feet and wagging his tail so hard his whole body was wiggling. Though Zelda looked at the dog dumbfounded Hilda and Sabrina awed and surrounded the creature to shower him with affection. “Vida where’s you Mamma.” Vida pointed in the general direction of the kitchen before returning her attention back to the dog. Zelda stormed off not giving the scene before her a second glance, Mary had some serious explaining to do. “You got a dog!?” Mary’s shoulders hunched over and she turned around to face Zelda, whipping her lips from of excess tea. Apparently Zelda surprised her mid sip. Mary placed her cup in the sink before placing them on the counter.
“Don’t be mad.”
“I have every right to be mad. You got a dog without consulting me first.”
“You weren’t there. Vida fixed me with this look.” Mary mimicked the look before continuing. “How was I supposed to say no to that?”
“You’re going to have to because the last thing that I want is for this house to become a glorified petting zoo.”
“It’s not. I doubt something like this is going to happen again. It might sound cliche but I think Vinegar Tom chose us.”
“The dogs name is Vinegar Tom?”
“One of the volunteers is a history major. Anyway, the one day that the dog went against his usual behavior is the day that Vida and I were in the park. The volunteer even said that he showed no interest in anyone except Vida. So here we are.” Zelda sighed through her nose. She really didn’t want the dog but Vida was attached she couldn’t say no now.
“He’s your responsibility.” With that Zelda turned on her heel out of the kitchen. Hilda, Sabrina, and Vida were still in the entryway with the dog. They were throwing some kind of soft toy for the dog to fetch. Zelda just rolled her eyes and went up the stairs to her room. She refused to have any part of this.
It has been about a week since Vinegar Tom joined his new family and he could safely say that he’s never been happier. He yawned and stretched before stepping out of his basket. His madam got him his basket along with his toys when he first came and he genuinely loved them. He always made sure that he kept his ball next to his basket and his lamb close to him. He went to his water bowl for a small drink and then rang the small bell that was attached to the door. He didn’t need to go out, he just liked ringing the bell. Satisfied, he left the kitchen to the stairs. There was a lot of them and he climbed them as best as he could. He wasn’t used to stairs but anything to be close to his people. Still learning his way around he used the scent of his people to find their location. When he reached the door he gently pushed it open with his nose. In one bed there was his madam and mistress, he tried to climb up but it was too high. In another bed was his little miss, he went over to her and started to nudge her with his nose. His little miss moved and murmured before she sat up, rubbing one eye.
“Tom!” Taking that as an invitation he climbed into his little miss’ bed. Well, tried, he wasn’t very good at climbing. Little miss got out and helped him, she struggled a little under his weight but it was enough to get him on. Once he was in little miss joined him, laying down. Vinegar Tom did the same, laying his head near the pillow and a stuffed octopus. He gave a contented sigh and fell asleep.
Though most of the family was smitten with Vinegar Tom there was one family member he hadn’t won over.
Zelda wanted nothing to do with the dog. She didn’t feed him and refused to walk him or acknowledge his presence. The only thing that she has ever done for the dog was let him out when he was ringing the bell and it was only that one time. All other duties and needs were regulated to Mary. She was the one who agreed to getting the dog she was going to do the brunt of the work. Though she must say she was impressed with the amount of responsibility that Vida showed. She helped Mary feed, walk, and bathe the dog and even learned some commands to help train him. Despite her disinterest Zelda recognized that Vinegar Tom was a good dog. He was fully house trained so they never woke up to any accidents in the house, Hilda even trained him to ring the bell that she tied on the door in the kitchen to be let out. Didn’t chew anything but his own toys, he liked rolling around his ball and squeaking his lamb toy. He listened to what they told him not that he misbehaved often. His only crime in Zelda’s eyes was that he kept trying to climb onto the sofa when she was on it. She didn’t know why he looked at her for attention but she was consistent and kept kicking him off. Keeping herself at arms length worked until one fateful day.
Everyone in her family was busy. Hilda had to work, Sabrina had plans with her friends, and Mary and Vida had a scheduled activity that they would enjoy but Zelda necessarily wouldn’t. Hence why they scheduled it when Zelda had to work. This was of course before they got the dog.
Vinegar Tom had been with them only a couple of days. It was why they, mainly Mary and Hilda, didn’t feel comfortable in leaving him on his own for so long. And with his veterinary check up not for another week they couldn’t enroll him in doggy daycare. There was only one viable option that was available and it was that he went with Zelda.
“Absolutely not!” Zelda abruptly got up from her chair and looked between Mary and Hilda. Apparently, Mary felt like she couldn’t ask Zelda on her own and called for reinforcements. Zelda couldn’t really blame her, she and Mary weren’t fighting but Zelda was adamant in proving her point. Mary wanted the dog she was going to take care of it.
“Zelda it’s just for one day.” Her sister pleaded in that soft tone of her, the one that she uses to try to calm her down with. It worked about 70% of the time. Zelda ranged in her anger a little but she wasn’t backing down.
“Come on Zelda what’s the harm?”
“For one it’s against the rules. Animals aren’t allowed unless they are a service animal and I’m not about to commit a criminal offense just because there is no one to watch the dog that I didn’t even want. And before you even ask no I am not going to cancel my class.”
“Zelda it’s just one time. Do this for me and not only would I not ask this of you again but next date night is on me. Please? I would do it myself but the plans that I made with Vida can’t be changed.” Zelda turned her glare onto her girlfriend. Mary was being extremely unfair at that moment. Her expression was soft and her tone was pleading. It was a rare combination and it made Zelda cave in every time. And Vida was thrown in, it was dirty move and sadly, it worked.
“Fine.” Mary smirked and got up to give her a kiss on the check. It was supposed to be on the lips but Zelda turned her head to the side. Mary has not earned that privilege back yet.
And thus here she was now, driving to work with Vinegar Tom in the back seat. Though Zelda couldn’t stop thinking about everything that could go wrong, she could get fired, claw marks in her seats, dog hair EVERYWHERE, the mutt was having the time of his life. After dropping of Hilda at work he got up on his hind legs to look out the window. His breath fogged up the windows, his muzzle was that close to the glass, and his tail was wagging up a storm. There was even drool on the glass when Zelda went to let him out. Sneaking the dog into the building wasn’t that hard, the office that she used was on the first floor and the other teacher that she shared it with taught not only on days that she didn’t work but evenings as well. She had the whole space to herself but to make sure that Vinegar Tom didn’t get into anything he shouldn’t she brought a portable crate to create a temporary pen. Vinegar Tom circled his enclosure but he seemed content with the small water bowl and pillow that Zelda gave him. He was happiest with his lamb, he wiggled in eagerness when Zelda pulled it from the bag that Mary set up for her. He squeaked it a little before settling down near the pillow. The last thing that Zelda set up in Vinegar Tom’s pen was a pee pad, Mary walked him before she left but it was better safe than sorry. By the time that Zelda finished setting everything up it was time for her to head to her lecture. Before leaving she took one last look at the dog. He looked up at her with his big brown eyes and his goofy expression that had everyone in her family in love with but gave Zelda a slight jagged feeling in her stomach.
“Don’t get me fired.” With that Zelda left and acted like nothing was wrong.
When his mistress returned to her office Vinegar Tom was sleeping peacefully. He woke up when she closed the door behind her. He yawned and stretched before watching his mistress. She set down something before coming over to him. His tail started to wag, he was hoping for some treats or a belly rub for being such a good dog. He was slightly disappointed when all she did was take away the barrier that kept him in one corner of the room. It wasn’t quite what he wanted but he was free! It was something. He explored the best way he knew, by smell. He let his nose guide him but after a while of not finding anything he turned back to his mistress. She was sitting behind something big and wooden. She was looking at something but he couldn’t tell what. Her head was bowed, was she sad? Tom couldn’t let that happen. His lamb made him happy so maybe it would make his mistress happy.
Picking up his lamb he brought it over to his mistress. She didn’t appear to notice him so he got up on his hind legs, using the side of the desk for support. When she still hadn’t noticed him he squeaked his lamb. That got her attention.
“What?” He squeaked his lamb again and wagged his tail. He wanted her to know that it was okay to take it. She just looked at him funny. “What?” This time she turned slightly in her chair giving him a space to place the lamb. He dropped it in her lap. However, instead of being happy she looked even more funny and threw his lamb to some corner. Oh! She was playing with him! She must love fetch too! As fast as his legs could go he went to get his lamb and then brought it back, squeaking it twice so she knew that he got it. She threw it two more times, when he came back the third time she ignored him completely. Oh, she was done playing. That’s okay, he was a bit tired so he’ll take a little rest. He dropped his lamb on the floor and then rested his head next to it. He gave a soft sigh in contentment.
By the time that Zelda was done  she still had half an hour before Hilda got off work, great. Gathering everything that belonged to the dog she clipped his leash onto his harness and out they went. The dog still showed the same enthusiasm as before though Zelda wished he didn’t, she just cleaned her windows of his drool and there he was fogging and slobbering them up again. With twenty minutes still on her hands Zelda had to figure out what to do about the dog. It was pointless to drive all the way home when she would have to drive right back into town to pick up her sister, it wasted both time and gas, both of which she loathed. She decided to take the dog to the park. She didn’t know how tired Mary was going to be and she had the time so why not suck it up and walk the dog once.
The dog seemed happy about it. His tail wouldn’t stop wagging and he sniffed every tree that he got close to. He wasn’t that much different than Vida in that regard. Now that she thought about it he and Vida were a lot alike. They knew how to listen, could entertain themselves, didn’t get into much trouble, and were very loving and sweet with people they liked and a bit closed off with people they necessarily didn’t like. Maybe that’s why Vida fell head over heels with the dog because Zelda would have known if Vida wanted a pet. Yes, she wasn’t exactly forthcoming with Telling Zelda what she wanted but there were signs that as her mother she was able to pick up. There was nothing. Getting the dog was a completely last minute, spontaneous thing. Maybe that’s why Zelda was fighting so hard. She didn’t like spontaneous change. Yet that explained her relationship with Mary perfectly. She didn’t plan on falling in love with Mary, or moving their relationship so fast that they were living together in such a short time. There was no rational reason other than it just felt right. It’s what Mary felt when she agreed to get the dog, so maybe Zelda could work on changing her attitude towards the dog.
She knew just where to start. Since Vinegar Tom behaved himself so well at her work she decided to get him a special treat. There was a small dog boutique not far from where Hilda worked so Zelda took him inside to let him pick out a treat. She held her breath because there was a possibility that the dog could stick his head in a container and either destroy it or eat everything and take every last dime that she had. But as he sniffed through the selection of treats he didn’t seem interested in any of them until he found one he liked. He pawed at it and then turned to her with that same goofy expression and wagging tail. Zelda paid for it and tucked the trat in her purse, he could have it later after his dinner.
Home was very peaceful. Well, more normal than peaceful, and for that Zelda was grateful. As chaotic and as crowded as their household could be it was theirs and Zelda loved it. Vida wouldn’t stop talking about what she did that afternoon with Mary and they all sat around the table for dinner. That night it was Mary’s turns to wash the dishes, they tried to rotate who did what kind of cleaning. Zelda stuck around, she was finishing the last little bit of wine and it was the first time she could talk to Mary alone. Vinegar Tom was circling her, he barked softly and wiggled as he looked up at her. Zelda instantly knew what he wanted.
“Okay fine.” Zelda tossed him his treat. It was some kind of bone thing that smelled vaguely like barbeque. It was what he wanted and was safe for him so Zelda didn’t give it much thought. Vinegar Tom happily took his treat over to his basket and started to chomp away. Finishing up the last of her wine Zelda placed her glass with the rest of the dishes that haven’t been washed yet which was when she noticed Mary looking at her with a smirk and a gleam in her eye. “Not a word.”
“Well your attitude has certainly changed.” Zelda just huffed and walked out. Mary shook her head and went back to the dishes. Zelda would never say out loud if someone was right, she would stay silent and if she could walk out of the room. Mary smirked and looked at Vinegar Tom, he was halfway through his treat. “She’s warming up to you big guy.” He woofed lightly and went back to his treat.
Later that night Vinegar Tom padded into the living room where Hilda sat in an armchair knitting, and Mary and Zelda sitting on the couch reading. He went over to the couch and climbed up on it. Every other time he did that Zelda instantly kicked him off but instead she, without looking away from her book, took one hand and gave him a few head pats. Mary saw this out of the corner of her eye and smirked. It looked like Vinegar Tom was staying for good.
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tyrustrash · 5 years
Is there anything you want to tell me?
The night sky is full with stars lighting the ground below. Fireflies make their trips across all the yards, showcasing the illumination their lights make. Crickets chirp melodies, even making sure to be in tune with all the other wild noises. Everything about this night demonstrates the natural beauty the world has and how when working together, something beautiful can be created. Cyrus went to the side of his house and grabs a few pieces of chopped wood. He nearly scrapes himself due to not wearing gloves, and might've given himself a splinter. He knew he should've worn some sort of protection, not just because of handling wood but also from the chill atmosphere of the night. The breeze was the reason for the fire that Cyrus had started. Cyrus was enjoyed the calm night experience to attempt to relax. The fresh scent of the night world and all the noises helped him clear his mind. However, he could do without the cold weather and the sometimes harsh breezes. Cyrus chucked a few pieces into the fire. He sits back down on his bench, placing the remaining wood chucks to his side. He looks at his hands and notices a few small scrapes with a little blood. He wipes it off on his pants and puts his hands in his jacket pockets. His parents were right about hand protection, but the only pair of gloves he owns are from TJ, and didn't want to be reminded of him. After everything that the two of them went through, TJ just had to throw it all away for a girl he barely knew. A girl he had met one day and decided it was worth leaving a six month friendship. If costume day wasn't enough, TJ brought her to their special spot. He didn't know what to think, or what to do about it. He tried avoiding him, but he kept finding them together, seemingly enjoying themselves. Eventually he assumed they were dating, of course, why wouldn't they be. TJ is the cutest boy in the school, no wait, in the entire universe. Kira is kinda cute in a way, if he was into girls. Two cutes make a couple. Even though TJ had told him they weren't a thing, seeing them swing said otherwise. What hurts the most was the swings were Cyrus's place. He shared it with TJ because he felt something between them. It was where they could go to be themselves, without fear or embarrassment. And TJ ruined everything when he brought Kira there. A soft rustle on the grass startled Cyrus. He jumps to the other side of the bench and covers his eyes. He opens his fingers so that he could see. Through the small opening he gave himself, he sees a squirrel nibbling on an acorn. Cyrus sighs and returns to his usual side. He leans over the side to pet the animal, but the squirrel scurried off. While he was too preoccupied with the squirrel, Cyrus couldn't hear the other noise coming from behind him. Next thing he knew a familiar boy took the seat next to him. Cyrus wasn't sure about what to say. He has the blankest stare and stared TJ in the eyes. The basketball boy looks like he had been crying, which Cyrus couldn't handle and looked at the ground. "What do you want? Why are you even here?" TJ adjusts himself. He brings his legs together, hands in his lap. Unlike Cyrus, TJ couldn’t look away. He was so fixated on Cyrus that it physically hurts him to think about the pain he caused his friend. He feels like he deserves the pain, to justify what he made Cyrus feel. TJ moves his eyes along Cyrus’s body, noticing the position he’s in. He looks scared, upset, but mostly hurt. He gets a glance at the boy’s hands. He lets out a worried gasp as he could see some blood. Although it wasn’t much, he couldn’t help but to think of the worst. “Where are your gloves?” TJ asks in a calm tone. His voice cracked and it made Cyrus twitch from hearing him upset. “Do you need me to get you some?” “You already did.” Cyrus quietly replies. He puts his hands back in his pockets. “That’s why I’m not wearing any.” TJ sighs. He returns his glance to Cyrus’s face, taking notice of the shifting emotions. “I’m sorry.” “What else is new. You keep saying that but you keep ditching me for Kira.” “I wasn’t ditching you. I’ll be by myself and she’ll just show up.” “Then why don’t you tell her to leave?” Cyrus manages to say, this time looking at TJ. This time he’s the one crying. TJ wipes his own face. “How many times do I have to apologize?” “3000 times.” “I’m sorry 3000.” Cyrus barely lets out a chuckle. One that TJ couldn’t pick up. It didn’t matter how cute that reference was, it wasn’t enough. “You didn’t answer my question. If you really don’t want to keep having her around, why don’t you tell her? Why do you just accept her barging into your life?” The tears started coming out. There wasn’t any use holding them in any longer. TJ tried staying strong like he said he would, but it was now to a point where it is now or never. He never thought it would be like this he imagined telling him at their spot, on a sunny day, preferably eating ice cream. It was supposed to be smooth, if Cyrus was accepting. But why wouldn’t he? He was alright with the gun, so he should be fine with knowing his secret. Well, part of his secret. The other part was what he was scared to say. TJ took in a deep breath and exhaled. The cold air caused him to see his breath. It dissolved in the air seconds later. Before he said anything, he looked right into Cyrus’s eyes. After seeing the the disappointment, TJ turned and and started beating his head while sobbing. “I can’t! I’m so stupid! If I say it you’ll never want to be my friend again!” Without thinking, Cyrus grabs TJ’s hands, preventing him from severely hurting himself. “TJ, calm down. It can’t be that bad, right? Not as bad as the gun.” “Worse.” Cyrus’s mouth dropped open. Now his mind couldn’t slow down. What could possibly be worse than being placed with a wild kid with a gun? Did TJ do something that was even more illegal? He attempted to let go of TJ’s hands, but didn’t. He somehow felt comfort this way. TJ didn’t bother looking at Cyrus as he explained. “Kira is blackmailing me.” Along with shaking his head in disbelief, Cyrus pats TJ’s hands. “What? How? What could she possibly have against you? You’re the honest and sweetest person I know.” Silent tears trail down TJ’s face, watering the grass beneath them. His lips quivered. “I’m gay.” Cyrus silently gasps, not wanting to believe him. He didn’t know of this was a joke and was secretly planning to make him feel worse. He didn’t have time to intervene because TJ continued talking. “Cyrus, I haven’t been my full self around you. It’s been so hard to spend time with you knowing I was keeping the biggest part of who I am a secret. Each day it kills me. And what kills me even more is that I care about you, a lot. I have feelings for you, Cyrus Goodman. Feelings that boys shouldn’t have for one another. I tried to deny it, hold it back, but I can’t change what’s going on. Kira found out and threatened to put me to the school if I didn’t hang with her. I wish I was strong enough to be myself, but I’m just weak. I was scared that if you knew, you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore. I can’t believe that I’m about to say this, but I need to be completely honest. I love you.” TJ couldn’t stop crying. His face is completely soaking wet from the tears. Cyrus pulls out a handkerchief and offers it to him. “Thanks for telling me.” “Is there anything you want to tell me?” Cyrus froze in place. Not because of the weather, but out of concern if he knew. Why else would he ask? “Like what?” “Like how do you feel? Weird? Grossed out? Angry?” None of those, to be exact. Cyrus couldn’t ever be angry at TJ. Sure, he’s been upset these past few weeks because of Kira, but now that he knows the truth, he couldn’t feel anything other than hope. “TJ, all I have to say is that you’re not alone.” TJ looks at Cyrus, confused. Cyrus reaches his hand out and stopped at the halfway point of the bench. TJ caught on and moves his and ends up on top of his. They maneuver a bit until they’re in the hand holding position. Cyrus scoots over, TJ did the same. Cyrus leans over and rests on TJ’s rights side with his head on his shoulder. The warmth from TJ is all that Cyrus needs in this cold world.
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distractedhistotech · 5 years
Before MSA + 1: Hamster
Arthur had been eating his breakfast when Uncle Lance looked over his newspaper at Arthur and said, “I think it’s time for you to get a pet.”
Arthur stopped eating and blinked at Lance in surprise.  “What?”  He’d never asked for a pet.  Arthur didn’t even think he’d expressed any interest in a pet.  Did he even give off the impression of that he’d be able to take care of a pet?  “Why?”
“You like your friend’s dog,” answered Uncle Lance.  “And having a pet will help you become more responsible.”
Personally, Arthur thought he was already more responsible than normal for his age.  He wasn’t sure how he compared to an adult. “I’m not sure I’m ready for a dog.”
“Yeah, not a good idea,” agreed Lance.
Arthur blinked. “So…”  If Uncle Lance agreed Arthur wasn’t ready for a dog, then he probably wouldn’t consider a cat either.  “So what then?”
“Maybe a bird or a hamster.”
Arthur blinked. “I don’t really get why people keep rodents as pets.  Chickens are pretty useful, but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.”
Oh, did Uncle Lance’s face just twitched?  It was hard to tell because of all the hair, but it sure looked like Arthur had said something that affected Lance.  “We’re going to the animal shelter after school.”
Arthur felt weirdly conflicted.
 “And then he said we’d be going to the animal shelter after school,” finished Arthur. “I’m…kind of confused.  I kind of thought pets were something kids ask for, but Uncle Lance is kind of forcing this on me.”
“Why wouldn’t you want a cute, fluffy pet?” asked Sydney.  “I ask Mom and Dad for a pet every year, but they always say that they don’t want to destroy the house.”  She paused.  “I don’t think it would be that bad…”
“I’d kind of like a pet too,” agreed Lewis.  “But, well, it sounds like most animals would be pretty stressed out by living in a haunted house, and I don’t want to do that to ‘em.”
“Plus you don’t have enough room for an alpaca,” added Sydney.
Arthur blinked. “A what?”
Lewis perked up. “Oh, do you know what a llama is?” Arthur nodded.  “An alpaca is a friendly, fluffier llama.  My parents took Sydney and me to a farm when we were little kids, and it was so much fun!”
Sydney snickered. “We had to drag him away.  He wanted to stay with the alpacas.”
“Well, I doubt Uncle Lance will be getting me an alpaca,” said Arthur.
Lewis nodded. “Yeah, you have to get them in pairs because they can die from loneliness.”
…Arthur made a note to ask if that was something that he would need to worry about with whatever he ended up with.
“So can we come with you and look at the puppies?” asked Sydney.
Arthur thought for a minute.  “Maybe. You’d have to ask your parents and Uncle Lance.”
Several hours later:
“I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t as long as Mr. Kingsmen says it’s all right,” said Frigg.
Sydney Sr. nodded. “Ditto.”
Arthur stared. “Why are you wearing a skirt?” asked Arthur.
“Hey, if girls can wear pants whenever they want, then I can wear a dress whenever I want,” answered Sydney Sr.
Arthur didn’t know how to reply to that so he just accepted the sympathetic shoulder pats from Lewis and Sydney Jr.
Sydney Sr’s choice in clothing got a surprised double take from Uncle Lance but no comments. He turned to Arthur.  “Ready to go?”
“Yeah, could Lewis and Sydney come with us?”
Lance raised an eyebrow but shrugged.  “I guess. Not much is gonna be going on though.”
“That’s okay,” said Lewis.
“I wanna see the kitties!” added Sydney.
“Not cats this time,” said Lance.  “The biggest thing he’s getting is a guinea pig.”
“…Those are cute too,” Sydney decided.
And they all piled into Lance’s truck and started off.  It was a bit of a tight fit, but the kids (and Lance but no one was going to say that out loud) were small enough to make that work.
They did not end up at a pet store.  This was simply because Lance didn’t want any of the larger animals deciding they wanted to go home with Arthur…or Arthur deciding he wanted a larger animal.  The latter didn’t seem likely, but Lance didn’t think he’d be able to say no.
Instead, they wound up at a normal looking house.  The kids were visibly confused.  “It’s a private rescue,” explained Lance.  One that specialized in rodents in particular.  If Arthur didn’t see anything he liked, Lance had the address of a bird rescue to try next.
“Do we just go in?” asked Sydney.
“They’re expecting us, but knock first.”
Perhaps not surprisingly, Sydney was the one who ran up to the door and knocked at it.  It was opened by a plump, late-middle aged woman. “Yes?”
“Hi!  I’m Sydney!  My friend Arthur’s here to get a new fluffy friend!”
By that time the guys had caught up to her.  The woman smiled.  “Oh, then you must be Mr. Kingsman.”
Lance nodded. “Yup.  This is Arthur.”  Arthur waved. “And his other friend, Lewis.”
Lewis smiled.  “Hello, Miss.”
She smiled back. “Hello to you too.”  She moved aside so they could enter the house.
The first thing they noticed was a pen full of sawdust and guinea pigs.  There were also tubes for hamsters to run through.  Sydney let out a squeal and ran over to the guinea pigs, startling a few of them.  “Piggies!” Lewis and Arthur followed more calmly.
“They are adorable,” agreed the woman.  “But they’re extremely social so you’d have to adopt at least two.”
Lewis grinned. “Like alpacas.”
“I probably should start with only one pet,” commented Arthur.  So no guinea pigs then.  “So, I guess we look around a bit…”
There were some rabbits, some gerbils, a couple of chinchillas, several hamsters, a squirrel, and a sugar glider.
“Where’d the squirrel came from?” asked Sydney.
“Oh, an older man rescued her as a baby and raised her.  He died not too long ago, and she doesn’t know how to take care of herself in the wild,” she explained.
“…Can I feed her acorns?”
“She prefers pinecones.”
Arthur just stared at all the animals that had were in enclosures or wandering around.  So…how was he supposed to do this?  Did he just choose one?  He experimentally poked a gerbil that was chewing on a pellet.
The gerbil didn’t react.  Arthur had to admit it was kind of boring.  He should probably stick to a pet that he had some interest in.
…Arthur had no idea how to do this.  He thought about the interactions between Vivi and Ben.  He should look for something like that?  But these were hamsters.  Could they even form the same type of bond with a human as a dog?
Arthur felt something hit his foot.  He looked down and saw a hamster ball containing a tiny hamster.  He picked up the ball.  “Is this a baby?”
She shook her head. “It’s a dwarf hamster.  They’re smaller than the other breeds.”
Lewis snickered and playfully elbowed Sydney.  “That sounds familiar.”  Sydney’s response was to jump on him.  The woman ignored the rough housing in favor of showing Arthur how to open the hamster ball.
Arthur studied the hamster as it scurried around his cupped hands.  He quickly put it on the table, where it scurried about.  When he put his hand on the table, the little hamster started scurrying back and forth over it.
“Aw…she likes you,” said the woman.
Arthur blinked. “Really?”  He pet the top of the hamster’s head.  She nuzzled into his hand.  “I think…you’re right.”
And that was how Arthur found himself with a hamster in a cage with several pet supplies.
“Cute…” cooed Lewis.
“What ‘cha gonna call her?” asked Sydney.
“Um…”  Arthur watched the tiny hamster running on her wheel. It was a pretty small cage.  He should use his saved up allowance to get her a hamster ball and some tubing.  “My family seems to have a habit of using Arthurian names…”  He wasn’t sure he wanted to name his pet after one of the people he’d left behind.  “I’m not sure I want to use that sort of name.”
“What about Shakespeare?” asked Sydney.
“I don’t know any girl names from that except for Juliet,” said Arthur.  Not the best option.
“What about Puck?” suggested Lewis.
“What does hockey have to do with it?” asked Arthur.
“No, it’s a character from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’,” explained Lewis.
“But she’s the size of a hockey puck,” added Sydney.  “So she is sort of like one.”
“Definitely shouldn’t try using her like one though,” said Lewis.
Sydney winced. “Yeah, that would be awful.”
Arthur shuddered at the mental image.  “No, no, no pucks.”
“Maybe Cadence?” suggested Sydney.  “I have no idea if that’s Camelot or Shakespeare or what, but it sounds fancy.”
“Fancy counts I guess,” said Arthur.  “Sure, let’s go with that.”  He stuck a few fingers into the cage.  “What do you think?”  Cadence the hamster sniffed at his fingers for a moment before going back to running on her wheel.  “Cadence it is.”
They watched Cadence for a few more moments.
“So, how are we going to introduce Cadence to Vivi and Ben?” asked Sydney.
“…Do dogs eat rodents or is that just cats?” asked Arthur.
“They have sharp teeth,” admitted Lewis.  “So I guess they might.”
“Ben’s pretty tame though,” said Sydney.  “Have you ever seen him act threatening at all?  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him bare his teeth or growl.”
Ben was pretty well behaved.  Maybe it would be okay to introduce him and Vivi to a small dwarf hamster.
 Vivi and Ben stared at the small hamster currently running around the dojo in a hamster ball. “She’s adorable,” said Vivi.
“Yeah, it kind of makes me want one,” agreed Lewis.  “I think my parents would want to wait until Belle’s a bit older though.”
“I’m not sure I’ll ever be responsible enough to take care of another living being,” said Sydney.
“Does that include children?” asked Arthur.
Sydney paused. “That is a good question.”  Her eyes averted, and she giggled.  “Heh, Ben.”
Ben was batting at Cadence’s hamster ball.  “Is that okay?” asked Arthur.
“Um…probably. Ben sometimes chases squirrels, but this doesn’t look like that,” said Vivi.  Ben decided to lay down with the ball and Cadence between his front paws. “See?  He’s making himself smaller so he looks less intimidating to Cadence.”
“Does Ben have any animal friends?” asked Lewis.
Vivi frowned. “Actually, for some reason he seems to scare most other dogs.  No idea why.”
Ben winced because he knew why other dogs didn’t like him.  Along with most animals.  Including Cadence, who seemed rather nervous about her current position.  He wasn’t exactly sure how to calm her down though. Hamsters were…simple.
“I think he’s scaring her,” said Arthur.  He immediately walked over, picked up the ball, and took a few steps away from Ben. “Hold on a sec.”  He opened the ball and let Cadence tumble into his jacket pocket.  She poked her head and front paws out.
“That’s so cute!” gushed Vivi even as she moved to comfort Ben.  “How’d you teach her to do that?”
“I felt kind of guilty I couldn’t spend as much time with her, and I thought if holding her was good enough…” Arthur trailed off.  “I’m not sure how to keep her from making a mess.”
“Hamster diapers!” proclaimed Sydney.
“I’m not sure that’s a thing,” said Lewis.
Arthur’s head was bowed in thought.  “But maybe I could make something like that…”
“How would that work?” asked Lewis.
“Well, it would need an impermeable outer layer and some sort of absorbent layer.  But Cadence wouldn’t wear it unless it was comfortable so it would need some cloth.  Or maybe I could make it like a pocket liner…” muttered Arthur.
“Wow, you’re serious about that,” said Vivi.
Arthur blinked. “Er…Should I not be?”
“I like the idea,” said Lewis.  “You can bring your cute pets with you everywhere without getting your shirts dirty.”
Sydney nodded. “There’s diapers for birds!” Everyone gave her an odd look. “What?  I saw it on TV once.”
“It wasn’t a cartoon.”
“Ah.  Nevermind then.”
Arthur, Vivi, and Mystery felt like they were missing something.
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wildler · 5 years
The View
“But I need somewhere to stay,” she pleaded. “It’ll be one night. I’ll set off in the morning.”
I didn’t answer her, choosing instead to glare at the fist sized hole something had put through the window of carriage three while I was out.
“It’s freezing, I’m not going to find somewhere warm before sundown.” Her voice trailed behind as I opened the sliding door and inspected the damage from inside.
Glass littered the crimson carpet, I brushed at the shards with the toe of my boot. Pushing the larger pieces aside while the smaller ones ground into the plush red.
“Where are you headed?” I asked. It was actually the first thing I’d said to her since she’d shown up and scared away the squirrel I was hunting.
She jerked her thumb out to the view behind us, and my eyes travelled down to the cold silhouette of the city.
“You’re kidding right?”
She chuckled blackly. “Like you care.”
I dragged my gaze from the darkening outline and shrugged. “Your choice how you die, I suppose.”
She gave me a face and plonked herself into an aisle seat unoccupied by scavenged goods. Bones followed and sat by her side, melting snow clung to his dark fur and his panted breaths steamed in the frozen evening air. She scratched his ears with a smile.
“Cute dog.”
I grunted in response and found a garbage bag to patch the hole. Once it was sealed, I turned on the gas heater in the corner. Bones’ wet paw-prints dried into the carpet.
As the last of the daylight faded, chaos began in the valley below. Detonations flashed in the distance, illuminating buildings briefly in fiery light. Automatic gunfire crackled on the wind.
I settled into my usual spot with a blanket. The gold pattern on the upholstery had all but worn away with each night I’d slept there, not to mention the commuters it had accommodated in its previous life. I whistled to Bones but the furry traitor stayed where he was.
The girl grinned. “I think he likes me.”
“You’re probably the first person he’s seen in months that isn’t me.”
She patted his head and he licked her hand. “Not many visitors then?”
“A bit too remote for most.”
“Hell of a view though.”
I pulled the blanket to my chin and watched the blazing city. “It gets more broken each day.”
Her mouth set in a line as she followed my gaze and nodded.
“You know, you don’t have to leave tomorrow,” I said. “Stay as long as you need.”
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Taehyung Imagine [4]
[requested by my bby anon!
“Sleepy Anon here! I was wondering if I could drop a request... So I was thinking Reader x Taehyung. So the reader is a shy girl that has little friends. Taehyung being bubbly AF and curious toys to get her trust Genre: Fluffy and angst.”
hi bb ofc you can drop a request this was so cute ily]
type : normal !
genre : fluff + slight angst !
AU : school !
word count : 1966 !
summary : You’re a little on the shy side, a quiet kid in a large school. The cute popular boy, Kim Taehyung, takes an interest in you, but you don’t have any interest in him.
You slowly sat down at your normal lunch table, only a bottle of water in your hands, pulling your phone out of the pocket of your oversized hoodie to scroll through social media. It was another minute or so before your best friend, Mina, sat next to you, her lunch in front of her.
“(Y/N),” She called your name in a whine, “You really need to eat more! Here, aahh,” She held some rice out to you with her chopsticks. You smiled sheepishly, gently pushing the food away, “I don’t like the school’s food, so I only eat at home. It’s okay, though, I still eat healthily.”
She puffed her cheeks in response, “Whatever. Eat well, okay?”
“Okay,” You chuckled softly, “I’ll eat well for you.”
She hummed in response, proceeding to stuff her face with rice. You sighed, taking a sip of your cold water and letting your bored eyes wander the room. Your scrutiny ended up on the bubbly Kim Taehyung. He was a happy fellow, though very popular with everyone -- mostly girls -- with his dashing looks and cutely charming personality. But what shocked you was that he was already looking at you, your eyes locking onto his. He gave you a perfect box smile and a small, friendly wave, to which you simply looked down, shuffling your feet under the table and fiddling with the strings of your hoodie. Why was he looking at you, of all people?
“Oh, (Y/N), is Taehyung looking at you?” Mina turned to you in shock, rice stuffed in her cheeks, making her look like a squirrel. You huffed in response, swiping through various KPop idols’ Instagram stories, “No, of course not. He’s probably looking at you, you’re the pretty one. I don’t even talk in class!”
She shrugged, “Your shyness makes you cute and mysterious, maybe he finds you interesting.”
You simply rolled your eyes, ignoring the loud laughter and yelling coming from Taehyung’s table.
Your science teacher had just announced a partner project, and you were dreading it. Science was the only class you didn’t have with Mina, so who were you going to work with? You were about to get up to ask if you could work by yourself, when a hand suddenly slammed on your desk. Your eyes traveled up the sleeved arm before making eye contact with the one and only, Kim Taehyung.
“Do you want to work together, (Y/N)?” He asked, flashing you a toothy smile.
“No,” You responded simply, packing up your textbook. He pouted, “But you don’t have anyone to work with? Please!”
Your eyes finally moved to lock onto his, “Do you even know this unit well? You have a line of girls that would love to-”
“I studied this unit more than any other,” He cut you off quickly, his tone frantic and pleading, “I won’t make you do all the work. Pretty please?”
You took a second to think it over. He was right, you didn’t have anyone else to work with. And although he wasn’t the brightest, he had been praised lately for his grades in this specific unit. You inhaled deeply,, “Okay, you can be my partner.. but please promise to work.”
His grin grew as he nodded enthusiastically, “I promise! Thank you, (Y/N)!”
Giving him a small smile, you nodded, “The bell is going to ring in a couple minutes, so we can work on this at.. ?”
“Your house,” He complied and finished your sentence, nodding.
“Great,” You mumbled, packing the rest of your things.
“So, when should I be at your house?”
You jumped and squeaked, dropping the books you were previously lugging in your locker and turning huff at Taehyung, who had a sheepish grin on his face. “Sorry,” He said, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
As you bent to grab your books, he swooped down and grabbed them for you, handing them to you gingerly. Accepting them, you put them in your locker and turned to face him again, “I’m easily startled.. but it’s okay. Um, you can swing by at five?”
“Sounds good!” He chirped, “See you then, (Y/N)!” With that, he happily walked away to join his friends.
You exhaled deeply as you closed your locker and lugged your, now almost empty, schoolbag over your shoulder. When suddenly, Mina ran up to you, violently smacking your shoulder, “Was that him!? Did Taehyung just talk to you!?”
“Yes,” You hissed, taking a step back, “He forced me to let him be my partner in Science.”
“Aw,” She cooed, “He didn’t force you, you willingly accepted him, didn’t you?”
“No,” You grumbled, “He talked me into it. Not like I had much of a choice. I wanna go home.”
Patting your shoulder, the taller girl chuckled softly at you, “Okay, Muffin. Let’s go home, then.”
“Don’t call me ‘Muffin’!”
Five o’clock came around, and you were anxious. Not that you cared specifically about what Taehyung thought of your house, but an impression was an impression nonetheless. Not to mention that your parents weren’t even home and the house looked almost empty. You’ve had friends say it had a lonely, vacant feeling to it. You didn’t really mind practically living alone. Your parents both worked for a large company that was all around the world, so they were often on business trips. Too often, maybe. But to you, it was home. You were used to your life and didn’t mind it. Were you lonely? No, of course not. You had Mina, and that’s all you needed.
Too soon, it seemed, a gentle knock sounded out the door. You took a deep breath, smoothing down your hoodie, before opening the door. There stood the infamous Kim Taehyung, a bag of supplies in his right hand; he was still in his jeans and hoodie from school.
“Hi,” He said simply, that stupid adorable box grin on his face.
“Hi,” You responded with a small, soft voice, stepping aside. He happily let himself in and you closed the door behind him, then leading him to your room.
“Where are your parents?” He asked innocently, “Are they on a date?”
You chuckled as you sat on your bed, shaking your head, “No, they’re on a business trip. They’re almost never home. They come home for a week every three months.”
“Oh,” His tone saddened a bit as he set the bag down, peering at you, “I’m sorry.”
You waved him off, “Nothing to be sorry for. I don’t mind being alone.”
“You don’t?” He asked curiously. You shook your head, “Not at all. I have my best friend, and that’s all I really need, you know?”
Taehyung gaped; He had been curious about you for months. You were pretty, and undeniably cute, but so quiet. He didn’t know anything about you, and he wanted to get to know you. He made it his mission.
He didn’t know that your personality would be so endearing.
“You’re not as quiet as you usually are,” He started slowly, not wanting to offend you. He was shocked when you chuckled at his statement.
“At school, I’m scared of everyone and everything. I’m not comfortable. In my own home, I’m much more comfortable, especially because there’s obviously less people.”
The older boy nodded, “Ah, I see. So you mostly spend your time alone, it’s how you grew up; how you were raised. Because you were so used to being alone, you started being uncomfortable around people. That’s why you’re quiet and shy. Because you’re just not used to other people. Right?”
Now was your turn to gape; he had payed enough attention to figure you out in minutes! Was this really the bubbly, popular Taehyung?
And God, why were you so attracted to him at that moment?
You slowly nodded, swallowing thickly, “Y- Yeah.”
He chuckled, sitting next to you, “Didn’t expect me to be smart, did you?”
You only looked down, not wanting to admit it. Taehyung only chuckled, “It’s okay. I know. I make it that way. I want people to think that I’m stupid. I like to see the looks on their faces when I blurt out something smart.”
You couldn’t help but look at him and chuckle, nodding. He was so weird.
A good kind of weird. 
“So, the project?”
You and Taehyung got an A+ on the project, perfectly supporting your 4.0 GPA. After that, the two of you slowly grew closer. Mostly Taehyung forcing you to hang out with him and Mina setting you both up. Alas, their attempts worked, and by the end of the school year -- your last year in high school -- the two of you were the best of friends.
Of course, you had hidden feelings for each other. Best friends nonetheless.
However, you’d just gotten accepted into a college.
A college in America.
You puffed your cheeks as you waited for Taehyung to arrive. You had to tell him sometime.. your graduation was in two weeks. It didn’t take long for his signature knock to ring out as he opened the door, letting himself in.
“Hello, Muffin,” He sang, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. You whined as he let you go, “Stop calling me that!”
He only giggled in response, making you roll your eyes playfully and shake your head. “Listen,” You said, “I have something I have to tell you.”
“I’m all ears,” Came his reply as he looked at you seriously.
“I got accepted into a college.”
“Really? That’s so-”
“-In America.”
His expression turned heartbroken as he gazed at you, “What?”
You sighed, hugging him again. You didn’t want to be apart from him.
This was the one time where you weren’t okay with being alone.
Tae’s smile lit up your computer as the two of you giggled together. It was your winter break, your first year of college was halfway done with.
“I have another package coming your way,” He winked cheekily at you. You pouted, “But I just got one last week.. You give me too much! Stop spending your money on me!”
“No,” He said simply, grinning, “I think you’ll really like this one.”
And so, three days later, there was a knock at your dorm room door. You rushed to answer it, eagerly awaiting the package. But what you were met with was not a package, but a pair of shoes. Your eyes traveled up to see the face of your best friend and crush, Taehyung.
You squealed, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, chuckling softly at you as he waddled in the dorm, shutting the door behind him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked excitedly as you let him go, smiling brightly.
“I came to see you,” He said simply, “And I want to tell you something. Here.”
He handed you an envelope, which you took gingerly whilst looking at him curiously. The older mentioned for you to open it, so you did.
Inside was a photograph of you when the two of you went to a bridge together on your birthday, your smiling and laughing happily as the wind whips your hair. On the photo was a note and a quote.
“Seven billion smiles, and yours is my favourite.
I love you, more than a friend should.
- Taehyungie”
You covered your mouth with your hand as you processed the information, glancing up at Taehyung, who smiled nervously at you. Unable to say anything, you jumped up and hugged him tightly, wrapping your arms around his neck. He held you snugly in his arms, giggling, “Does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You said enthusiastically, making him hug you tighter.
You were happy Kim Taehyung forced himself into your life, because with him, you couldn’t be happier.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Imagine...Trick or Treating With Sam & Your Son
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Request: Hi! Not sure if you may have gotten this type of request before but maybe a Daddy Sam taking the reader and their little son or daughter trick or treating for the first time? :)
Pairing: Sam x reader
“Okay, cute kid check, cute mom check, apple juice and animal crackers in your bag check,” said Sam, setting your son down on the sidewalk, his dinosaur hood flying off his head when the wind caught it. “Woah, Luke buddy, where'd you come from?”
“Daddy, I'm not a real dinosaur,” he said, reaching for Sam to get up on his shoulders.
“Momma in charge of candy collection tonight? We’re at full capacity over here looks like,” said Sam, Luke laughing when he got to tower over everyone else on the street.
“Uh uh,” said Luke, reaching for his bucket as his other hand smacked Sam in the forehead. “Mommy’ll eat it.”
“That's my boy,” said Sam. “More for us, right?”
“No. Only the cool people get to share it,” said Luke, Sam grumbling when you smirked at him.
“Well if you aren't sharing with us who’s getting it? You got a girl on the side we don't know about young man?” said Sam, his interrogation of your toddler tugging a smile onto your face. “Spill the beans dude.”
“Uncle De said I couldn't tell,” said Luke. “It's our secret.”
“Remind me to cut a deal with our niece next year,” said Sam, Luke patting his head.
“Sara gets my skittles for her suckers,” said Luke. “Uncle De said I made out.”
“How much is he getting of your stuff?” you asked.
“25%,” said Luke, Sam rolling his eyes as he bypassed the houses and headed towards the other end of the street where Dean was just leaving his house.
“Hey! You conning my kid?” you heard Sam shout halfway down the street, Dean walking around with your four year old niece on his shoulders.
“He wanted suckers! I got to look out for my girl,” said Dean, heading up the street to meet up with you.
“He didn't want to be a sucker,” you teased, waving at them. “Hi Sara.”
“Hi Aunt Y/N. I'm a dinosaur like Luke,” she said, Sam stepping closer to Dean so the cousins could hug.
“Hey, Luke buddy, at least were taller than Dean,” said Sam, giving his brother a shit eating grin.
“Uncle De’s short,” teased Luke, Dean setting Sara down and scooping him off of Sam. “Uh oh.”
“Keep talking big guy,” said Dean, setting him down. “Alright, you two go run up to the house and get your candy. Sara will show you how it's done.”
“My neck is killing me,” said Sam. “Another one of your dad tips?”
“We can't all be as strong as our big brothers,” said Dean, throwing him a smirk. “How's Luke doing? Nothing terrified him yet?”
“We just got here,” you said, Dean nodding his head. “He's going to be stuck to Sara like glue.”
“They're already attached at the hip,” said Sam, tensing up when Luke hopped off the people's front porch instead of walking down. “Careful, Luke.”
“I got candy!” said Luke showing you and Sam.
“Twix bar, Mommy's favorite,” said Sam. “Better hide that from her.”
“Do you want to come?” asked Luke, grabbing Sam's hand. “Mommy brought your antlers.”
“Sure buddy,” said Sam, letting you pull the fake moose antlers from you bag and put them in his hair. “Do I look like a moose?”
“Yup. Let's go,” said Luke, pulling Sam with him and Sara to go up to the next house.
“I can't believe you got him to wear that,” said Dean, catching the smirk on your face. “Don't you dare.”
“Sara, want to see your dad in his squirrel ears?” you asked.
“Oh Chuck yes,” said Sam, laughing as Dean grumpily let you put the ears on.
“Well you look adorable Squirrel,” you said, Dean giving you the stink eye.
“I will plot revenge on you,” said Dean. “I've been to hell.”
“We've all been to hell. No need to brag about it,” you teased. “Besides, it was the kiddos idea. Wanted to see their daddy's dress up by their nicknames.”
“Take plenty of pictures tonight. Sam’ll want to see how ridiculous he looks. Happy too,” said Dean.
“Moose has been looking forward to this more than Luke I think. The normal stuff just...you know,” you said.
“Yup. I do,” said Dean as the trio came back. “Sam, where's Y/N’s costume?”
“She's Bambi,” said Sam, pulling out your ears and putting them on your head. “Remember Crowley used to call her that.”
“Who's Crowley?” asked Luke, your head shaking.
“No one buddy. Next house sound good?” said Sam, ushering them forward up the next drive. “How long before we slip up you think? Tell them the truth?”
“We got a while still. Go on Moose. Your little dinosaur buddy is waiting for you,” you said, Luke standing in the driveway, holding out his hand for Sam.
“Daddy, don't tell mommy but you can have some of my candy,” said Luke.
“It'll be our little secret buddy.”
@charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen @missmotherhen @smacklesandstretch67 @tumblinwith-me @samisimportant
@awkwardcupcake95 @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione @jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @atc74 @nanie5 @captainemwinchester @idalinette @quiddy-writes @pureawesomeness001 @poukothenerd @mickey-m399 @mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @flufy07 @alilianamendez @batmanprincesskitten @uniquewerewolfsuit @whit85-blog
@zeusmyster @maddieburcham1 @moonstar86 @arryn-nyxx @spn-ficfanatic @kickasscas67 @mrsbatesmotel53 @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @untitled39887 @emilymorgan1994 @blushingdean @its-not-a-tulpa @pillow223 @jaelami @roxyspearing @extreme-supernatural-lover
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