#don’t lie to yourselves
redshoes-blues · 2 months
At first when I saw Echo in that armour I was like awe how cute, he’s looking just like Fives! I love a Domino twins accidental matching moment!
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And then I thought…oh god. He looks just like Fives.
WHY is Echo wearing a nearly identical outfit to the one Fives does when he dies?? Um. Someone protect my boy??? Please?! Because I stg if I have to watch Echo die wearing That outfit in Rex’s arms…
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patolemus · 1 year
Alright so I am really into the Lucerys putting Aemond in his place agenda right now (blame five stages of grief for that one it’s been consuming me) and I can’t help but think that he would constantly remind Aemond that despite being a prince, he does not behave like someone of their House.
Like, Aemond and his siblings look the part. They all ride dragons, they all have the Targaryen look. But that is the thing. They just look like Targaryens.
Because it is not to the Gods of Old Valyria they pray to. It is not black and red they wear. It is not High Valyrian the lenguaje they feel most comfortable speaking.
Alicent’s children may bear the dragon’s name, but they are more Hightower than they could ever be Targaryen, and Lucerys does not hesitate before saying so.
“You speak of my parentage, but I at least know and honor the traditions of my House. The only thing that makes you different from the common folk is your tainted dragon blood.”
It drives Aemond mad with rage — because a part of himself can’t help but think that Lucerys is right.
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livvyofthelake · 4 months
and what’s crazy to me about the situation where the actresses in pride and prejudice 2005 didn’t wear makeup, is that everyone is like. oh they’re lying. oh no one looks that pretty without a full face of makeup. oh it’s a lie they had a makeup artist credited and i don’t believe it was only for “continuity” they’re all lying!! like. are you for real so influencer pilled that you can’t believe that women can be beautiful and appealing to you without covering their faces in makeup. “but no makeup doesn’t translate as well on camera so they’re lying” actually if you know how to fucking film it right and light it right anything can look good just because YOU don’t think YOU look as good without makeup on your front facing phone camera doesn’t mean joe wright doesn’t know what he’s doing… like girl we all already knew kiera knightly was beautiful and had flawless skin is it truly so hard to believe she wasn’t caked in foundation
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ilostyou · 1 year
hotgirlwalk song of all time cmon
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randommusicalfluff · 8 months
Everyday I struggle with loving Ale❤️❤️tyler but also knowing like 90% of people hate it because of the fucking. Meme 😭😭
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alwaysbethewest · 1 year
Hot take: it’s okay to fantasize about celebrities, actually
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falklore · 2 years
“13 sleepless nights” well it sounds to me like she slept pretty good
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Me when the CisHets™ continue to engage in this Gender War™ bullshit, constantly generalizing and acting like men and women are completely different species with these hive minds, and are fucking gender stereotypes, and everything is just black and white. As if men and women aren’t full human beings who are all emotional regardless of gender, who are all complex, complicated, and full individuals who are allowed to act and be whatever they want. It feels like they’re just fucking bored at this point and are just in on this extremely long, and extremely tired, outdated joke. It feels like they’re secretly scared because they have this specific path that was predetermined for them since birth, or whatever, and if any of them run off their predetermined path, they get fucking obliterated. I don’t fucking know. I’m tired of them trying so hard to convince themselves that they’re stereotypes, and cardboard cutouts, and caricatures rather than human beings. I’m tired of them not realizing that this society is what’s brainwashing them to act as though they have to be a certain way, or else. And they act like they’ll literally die if they don’t fulfill their predetermined roles because they’re so fucking dramatic. It feels like a pathetic joke. You can be a human being. Just be a human fucking being, please I beg you.
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traitimdoithay · 1 year
how are you going to call a character that hasn’t shown attraction to any gender “canonically gay” like did the author tell you that
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hxxsxxng · 3 months
Word Count : 3.3k
Genre : SMUT
Content : step!sibling! (if you are uncomfy don’t read), begging, oral, nipple play, mentions of pandemic, unprotected sex, creampie. lmk if i missed anything!
Preview : After a pandemic took over the nation, how will you and your step brother cope with the house to yourselves.
Authors note : I hope you enjoy <3
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It was an unexpected situation being stuck at home with Heeseung during the pandemic lockdown. He was only a few years older than you, but at very different stages of life - you were still in college while he had already graduated and was just living at home to save money.
With both your parents working the afternoon shift at the hospital as essential workers, you two had the house to yourselves during the day. You figured Hee would spend most of that time holed up in his room, playing video games and chatting with his friends online like usual. And at first, that's exactly what happened. For weeks, he'd wake up late and then disappear into his room, the sounds of gameplay and his friends' voices filtering out from behind the closed door.
Meanwhile, you filled those lonely days by mindlessly scrolling on your phone or napping the hours away in your own room, emerging only to grab food. The house felt eerily quiet and empty even with Heeseung there. You were both just about existing under the same roof, going about your isolated pandemic existence in parallel lines.
Seung had always been the quiet, reserved type - never one to flaunt romantic relationships or bring many girls around. He kept things low-key, sticking to his close circle of friends whom he was intensely loyal to. Looking at him, you would assume he never had any luck with the ladies. But saying he NEVER brought a girl home would be a complete and utter lie.
Back when he was in university, every once in a blue moon, you'd hear some...noises coming from his bedroom late at night. At first, you tried to ignore it, but the sounds of rhythmic creaking and muffled gasps were unmistakable. Your face would burn realizing what was going on in the next room over.
Your bedroom happened to border his, the thin walls giving you unintentionally intimate knowledge of Heeseung’s occasional overnight guests. A soft feminine giggle would drift through, followed by his low rumbling tones, indistinct but clearly meant to be seductive. The telltale sounds of activity would start up again minutes later.
You'd lie awake, pulling your pillow tightly over your ears, trying desperately to block it all out. But it never worked - small creaks, breathy gasps, and rhythmic squeaks of the bedsprings would persistently filter through no matter what. On those nights, you couldn’t help but to slip your fingers into your panties, wondering what it would be like if it were you in the room with him instead. This would even happen on nights of complete silence. The thought of being fucked senselessly by your stepbrother was eating you alive.
But the next morning was always awkward. You'd have to look Heeseung in the eye over breakfast, knowing you'd been an unwitting aural witness to his private activities. He'd act like nothing happened, utterly shameless, while you averted your eyes burning with silent humiliation.
Those rare evenings served as reminders that Hee did indeed have a sexual side, despite his outward personas a quiet, studious homebody.
You were surprised but pleased when Hee first started initiating hangouts and inviting you into his personal space. At first, it seemed innocent enough - watching movies together in his room, playing co-op video games side-by-side, or even just sitting in comfortable silence as you both worked or read. A welcomed change from the isolation you'd both been existing in.
But as the weeks rolled on, those hangout sessions started awakening feelings in you that you never expected to have towards your stepbrother. With so much time spent together in close quarters, you began noticing things about him that you'd previously overlooked - the way his shirts hugged his toned arms, how his brow crinkled adorably when he was concentrating, the rich warmth of his laugh.
You found yourself stealing sidelong glances at him as he gamed, admiring the sharp line of his jaw and how effortlessly cool he looked with that headset on. Or zoning out while bingeing shows, becoming hyper-aware of him next to you on the bed, close enough that you could smell his subtle cologne and body wash.
At first you brushed off those wayward thoughts and traitorous flutters in your belly. This was just your loneliness and proximity talking after being cooped up together for so long. But you couldn't deny the way your skin grew warm whenever Heeseung’s hand brushed yours reaching for the popcorn. Or how your breath caught when he absently stretched and his shirt rode up, exposing a tantalizing glimpse of toned abdomen.
What started as harmless hangouts quickly began skirting a dangerous line once you registered the undeniable physical attraction simmering between you two. You noticed him sneaking appreciative looks at you as well sometimes. The shifting energy was palpable, brewing tension that went beyond just bonding as stepson and stepdaughter.
Those hangouts that once brought you connective comfort took on a new, charged meaning. You tried to bury the symbolic meaning behind Seung inviting you alone into his private bedroom sanctuary. But it became impossible to ignore when he started finding excuses to "accidentally" graze you with his knee or arm, sending tingles through you at every simple point of contact.
It became a delirious game of brutal restraint and forced obliviousness whenever you were alone with him. You overanalyzed every smile, laugh, and lingering touch, uncertain whether you were reading too much into the gestures or if he felt the same smoldering tension. The captive, heavy atmosphere only grew more stifling with each encounter until you knew something had to finally burn through and break.
The bedroom door clicks shut behind you and instantly that familiar electric tension crackles in the air. Your heart pounds as you turn to face Heeseung lounging on his bed, controller in hand as he's immersed in another video game.
"Hey, wanna join?" he asks casually, patting the space beside him. Such an innocent invitation loaded with so much more weight these days.
You nod, trying to keep your cool as you settle onto the bed, your sides brushing. The warmth of his body so close to yours is utterly disarming. His intoxicating cologne and body wash surrounds you in an arousing haze. You try to focus on the game but are hyperaware of every subtle movement, every shifted position that puts your bodies even closer.
Jungwon curses as his character dies and you chance a sidelong glance at him. The way the words slip from his mouth is so insanely sexy. The tendons in his forearms flex entrancingly as he grips the controller. Your gaze tracks up to the sharp line of his jaw, admiring his beautiful tanned skin. You tear your eyes away before he catches you staring, but not before drinking in the broad expanse of his shoulders straining against his t-shirt.
As the gameplay continues on, you can't resist sneaking admiring looks at the man beside you. The man who has been awakening such unbidden feelings and cravings in you for weeks now. The chemistry between you both has built to a fever pitch you can no longer ignore or rationalize away.
Your entire body is hyper-tuned to him, tingling at every casual point of contact - his knee brushing your thigh, the tickle of his arm hair grazing your skin as he shifts positions. You imagine how electrifying it would feel to have those muscled limbs wrapped around you instead of just these maddening, transient touches.
Hee lets out a dramatic groan of frustration at another death, running a hand through his soft brown hair. You watch hungrily as his shirt rides up to expose a tantalizing strip of toned abdomen. Does he have any idea the effect he has on you with these simple, unaware gestures? The aching need he stokes in you just by existing so close?
As if he can sense your yearning gaze, Heeseung turns his head to meet your eyes. You feel pinned under the heated intensity of his stare, rendered breathless as he deliberately lets his eyes drag over every inch of you. The atmosphere thickens further with the sudden acknowledgment that you both feel this irresistible magnetic pull.
In that searing, loaded look, you see reflected the inner turmoil you've been grappling with - the tangled guilt over these unbrotherly urges warring with the feverish desire that leaves you undone at his smallest glance. The unspoken question of what might happen if one of you finally has the courage to act on those simmering tensions that charge every breath between you.
You can't take this torture any longer. Your mouth is dry, body humming with arousal and need as you open your mouth to finally break the silence. But Heeseung cuts you off by closing the scant distance between you in one decisive movement, capturing your lips in a searing, hungry kiss you've been starving for.
He pulls your head down into a more passionate kiss. You could tell that he has been wanting this. These kisses started turning into rougher, sloppier ones. Your tongues were exploring each other's mouths. He is naturally such a great kisser. He knew what to do and when to do it. He even bit your lip a few times, which was extremely hot.
He sat on the edge of the bed and signaled for you to straddle him. Such an invitation could not go unaccepted, so you crawled onto his lap and continued kissing.
     Without even realizing it, you start grinding your hips while on his lap, creating friction that you both desperately needed. It was so subtle but so effective. It made your breaths shallow but you didn't want Hee to say anything about it. You tried so hard to contain your self but you let out a slight moan.
"Mhmm do you like that baby?, you didn't think I would notice what you are doing here?, don't worry because i'm really enjoying it to."
     WHAT? You think to yourself. "I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." he says as he slightly chuckles.
     This man KNOWS how to make you feel embarrassed, but he doesn't mind what you are doing and you surely don't either. It's as if he were saying these things to provoke you to do it more. So you did. You were desperate.
     You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. You could also feel his bulge get a lot more obvious under you.
     He gets to the point where he can't take it anymore. He grabs you and picks you up, in the same position that you were sitting on his lap in, and he turns you around and slams you onto the bed, having you laying on your back.
     His pants looked like they were getting tight from his  painfully large erection. You are so tempted to strip him of his clothes and have it your way, but, you knew that he wasn't gonna happen.
     He crawls on top of you and starts kissing you again. This time, more forceful and hungrily. He then starts kissing down your neck and your collarbones. He sucks on your sensitive skin, leaving purple hickies all over your upper chest and neck.
     Both you and him start breathing heavily. He pulls at the bottom of your t-shirt, signaling that he wanted to take it off of you. You lift your arms and he slides your shirt off.  You are left exposed with only a bra on. He goes in and starts leaving hickies on the exposed parts of your breasts.
     He goes back up to kissing your lips passionately while caressing your breasts with his big, muscular hands.
     You feel one of his hands slide down you back, you assume it's to unhook your bra. The feeling of his hand grazing on your back gives you goose bumps. He unhooks your bra and gently pulls it off of you.
     He admires your beautiful, topless body.
"I hope you know that I have wanted this for so long, ever since our parents got together" He said sincerely.
     You can't help but to blush. You are left speechless. You pull him down to give him another kiss.
     He pulls away from your lips and immediately goes down to sucking on your nipples. He swirls his tongue and it make you short of breath. "Ah~h~ you are so good at this Seungie." You hands are gripping his hair, fueling him to do more.
He stands up and towers over you, throwing his shirt off and to the side. His eyes were full of lust and determination. He ran his fingers up your thighs and stopped to hold them around the seam of your shorts. You lift up your hips, assuring him that it is okay to take them off.
He pulls of your shorts and your panties in one go. “You always look so fucking hot in these shorts when you walk around the house, but i’ve always wondered what you would look like with them off” he says in a deep, raspy voice. His bulge poking through his basketball shorts brushes against your naked pussy, making you so much more desperate.
“I have felt the exact same way about you” you return, leaning up and tugging at the waist of his shorts. “Please let me taste you” you begged.
He can’t help but to have a huge smile on his face and his shorts drop to the ground. His throbbing cock springs out, catching you by surprise. You imaged it to be big, but not like this. Heeseung could see the fear in your eyes as you knelt down to the ground.
“Don’t be scared sweetheart, I will make it fit”.
You don’t know of him saying this makes you feel reassured or more scared but you continued either way.
You grab the base of it and start off with small licks, trying to build up the courage to take more of it. He hummed a little bit when you put your mouth on it. He starts to run his fingers though your hair in the midst of it all.
Once you got confident enough to take more, you found yourself putting you mouth around it and sucking on it more. You start bobbing your head up and down. You were only taking about a third of it to tease him.
He is relieved from all of his built of tension finally being released by the feeling of your mouth around his dick, replicating the real thing.
He soon gets tired of you only sucking on the top and he grips your hair and slowly pushes your head a little bit farther each time, which didn't bother you too much because despite being scared of the size at the start, your throat seemed to mold to the size of his dick very easily.
He groans quietly because he doesn't want to admit that this good feeling has taken a toll on him. Suddenly, he pushes your head all of the way down, with the head touching the back of your throat. He repeats the motion, he is face fucking you with no shame.
The sound of you gagging on his dick and the sound of his quiet moans mixed together made you feel really good. Cute tears start rolling down your face and he looks down to you.
"You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth, and with the tears in your eyes... I almost want to take a picture and save it for later." he said admiringly
You wish he fucking did. You wish that you had met him before your parents met, so that you both could be together instead.
When he talks to you this way you can't feel any other way but than accomplished. You, making your stepbrother feel really good, was a hard concept for you to grasp, but you loved it.
He pulls out of your mouth and pushed your back onto the bed. He leans down and hovers him self over you. “Are you sure you want this” he whispered in your ear. You could feel nothing but horniness and desperation and all you could do was agree to cross the line that could never be taken back.
"Yes, please, this is exactly what I need."
He smiled at your words and starts massaging your clit with his tip slapping it on you wet folds. One he felt the time was right, he gently inserts himself inside of you.
"Fuuuck~" he said under his breath.
He starts with 1 inch, then 2, then 3 until he is almost all the way inserted in you. Giving you time to adjust to his size. He starts going in and out slowly, making sure that you are as comfortable as possible. You winced at the pain at the beginning, but slowly, the pain was turning into pleasure. You had never taken a cock this big in the past, the new feeling was exciting, but stung as well.
     He starts picking up the pace once you signaled that it was okay for him to do so. His face and chest was glistening with sweat which you found extremely hot. His deep breathing and the faces he would make as he was sliding his member in and out of you is something that you just don't forget.
“We should have been doing this a long time ago, I can’t get enough of this pussy” he groans
Your cheeks turn red at the thought that these forbidden feelings for your step sibling were not one sided.
     He starts going fully in and almost all of the way out with each stroke. He throws his head back in pleasure and his grunts and moans start to get louder. The pace is really fast and it feels like you are on a whole new world. The sound of your skin slapping together and the sound from how wet you are make the atmosphere of the room more intense. Your moans are all over the place, changing from whimpers, to gasping for air, or just screaming his name.
     He used his thumb to stimulate your clit. He was like a professional, knowing every trick in the book to make a woman cum. This in itself would make you reach your high very quickly, but you try to hold it back.
     "I had imagined your pussy to be heavenly, but this is so much better." Seung says smiling. He takes pride in making you really wet.
“It feels- So good” You choke up. A few more strokes and you could start to feel your orgasm approaching.
     "Angh, i'm almost there Hee." you say out of breath.
     "Hold it back for me, for just a little bit longer." he says. You are determined to wait until he says it's okay.
He pounds deeper into your pussy, brushing agains your most sensitive spot, making you scream out. His tip repeatedly pressing against your cervix as he bottoms out, as if his dick was perfectly made to fit inside of only you.
Your walls clenched around his dick and he became more breathless. “Let’s cum together”
“Please Seungie, i’m so close pleaseee”
Your cute begs sent him over the edge. He strokes getting slower and sloppier as he releases his seed inside of you. His dick was pulsating inside of you while you rode out your high, digging your nails into his back while trying to contain yourself.
He slowly pulls his limp dick out of you and grabs a rag to clean you up. He leans down to plant a kiss on your forehead. “You can not not anyone” he states sternly.
“Not a soul” you responded looking directly into his eyes.
He chuckles “I should invite you into my room more often”
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patolemus · 1 year
“You dare speak to me like that?”
“I dare,” Lucerys eyes hold a fierceness born out of hatred and resentment. “Because I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon, son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I am Heir to Driftmark and the Driftwood Throne, and future Lord of the Tides. You’d be best remembering that.”
“You presume a lot of those titles, nephew,” Aemond sounds condescending, even when Lucerys scoffs in disbelief.
“And who else shall inherit Driftmark when my Grandsire passes away? You?” Lucerys laughs at the mere thought of it. It is a cruel thing. “You may know how court in King’s Landing works qȳbor, but you have no idea of what it takes to rule over the Tides,” Aemond sneers at him, and Lucerys allows himself a smile made completely of teeth. “You have not been trained to take over the seas, and you have not been accepted by the Velaryon fleet either. I, on the other hand, have been trained since I was five name days to take over Driftmark one day, and the fleets have acknowledged me as their next Commander,” he says confidently, for he knows his words to be true. “No matter what you and your Green Council may want, the truth is Driftmark would be mine no matter who sits the Iron Throne, because there is simply no one else who could possibly handle it.”
Another little snippet of five stages of grief because I am a slut for Lucerys putting Aemond in his place
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sxcret-garden · 9 months
Ateez Reaction ღ When you get tired during sex [M]
ღ Ateez all members x fem-bodied!reader ღ genre: smut, some fluff, reaction ღ warnings: none
Desc.: In which you get tired while having sex with them and they take over for you - inspired by this ask.
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You’re not really as focused as usually when you’re lazily sucking him off that evening. The past few stressful days have taken a toll on you, and he realizes it too, because even though he’s enjoying himself, Hongjoong soon cups your face with his hand, bringing some distance between you and him. “You’re tired, aren’t you?” he guesses correctly, and you furrow your eyebrows in regret. You just wanted to spend some time making your boyfriend feel good, but with the way your eyelids are drooping, you don’t think you can keep it up much longer. So when he makes you lie down on the bed instead, him starting to remove your clothes while trailing kisses down your body, you’re surprised but also relieved. You let out sleepy moans at his ministrations and at the way his fingertips and lips are leaving soft touches all over, and when he starts eating you out, you hold onto his locks. Relaxing under his touch, it doesn’t take him long to make you cum, and when you pass out mere moments later, he’s right there to hold you close, making sure you’re sound asleep and that you can rest.
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“Can’t go on, baby…” you mutter those words as you collapse half onto the bed and half against Seonghwa’s chest, who immediately wraps his arms around you to hold you close. Placing a kiss on your sweaty forehead, he lets you catch your breath from the many orgasms he’s given you that night. It’s clear that he still has some stamina left while you’ve run out completely, and you don’t want to ruin the mood for him, but you can also feel your body begging you for some rest. “It’s okay, baby…” he mutters, lips brushing against the tip of your nose and then your mouth. “Let me make you feel good one more time?” he asks, and when you see him gazing at you, you find nothing but adoration and lust in his eyes. His fingertips are dancing down your body, and when you understand what he wants to do, you nod. Even just him letting his fingers run up and down your folds makes heat rush to your core, and with careful touches he doesn’t take long to have you seeing stars again. Within mere moments you find yourself whining his name with his digits inside you, as he slowly fingers you towards your last orgasm that night.
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You don’t know what’s wrong with your body today, but you sure as hell are cursing it when you suddenly lose all strength as you’re in the middle of riding your boyfriend. You were both moaning at the pleasure mere moments ago, but now a few pained noises escape you as your legs are starting to cramp and you eventually crawl off him with a regretful “sorry”. “What’s wrong?” Yunho immediately asks, watching as you somehow try to find relief by stretching out your legs. “Just a cramp…” you inform him, and he patiently waits until you signal him that you feel okay again. “Let’s continue like this then, hm?” Your boyfriend crawls on top of you slowly, pressing a kiss to your lips that eventually grows more passionate, and next thing you know he’s lying on top of you, pushing up into you. You throw your head back upon having him back inside you, and you immediately reach out to wrap your arms around his shoulders. “Is that better, baby?” he mutters in between scattering kisses all over your neck, rolling his hips against yours at a steady pace. You can only moan in response as he keeps hitting that sweet spot inside of you, and soon you find yourselves back to chasing your highs.
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You’re taking your time going down on your boyfriend and worshipping his body with touches and kisses and nips when you feel the pending headache finally setting in. And you curse yourself because of the sudden pain that’s interrupting your desperately needed alone time with him, especially because the second you stop your ministrations, his deep moans also cease. “Y/N…? Are you okay?” he calls out to you once it dawns on him that something must’ve happened, and filled with regret, you crawl back up to place an apologetic kiss on his cheek before telling him about your headache. He furrows his brows at you, immediately putting his hands onto your shoulders softly, and you can tell that your pain must be visible from his reaction. “Do you want to stop and go to sleep?” However, you shake your head - you really want to spend some more time with him, but he won’t let you overexert yourself, worried that the pain might become worse. “Then how about we turn things around…?” You nod and close your eyes, the darkness offering some relief for you, and Yeosang starts massaging your temples, before he begins scattering soft kisses all over your body, and eventually he starts touching you where you need him most as the relaxation from his touches proves as an effective remedy against the pain. 
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“What’s wrong, baby?” he asks you in the softest of voices when you’re slowing down on top of him. You had seemed full of energy when you two started getting it on that night, confidently crawling into his lap and riding him, but as exhaustion overwhelmed you, your movements inevitably lost power. He had been so into it as well, but as soon as San noticed something’s off, his mood changed completely. You avoid looking at him as you have to admit to yourself that maybe you’re too tired to keep going, but as you mumble an apology, he’s quick to cup your face with his hands, thumbs brushing against your cheeks in comforting motions and he shakes his head at you. “Don’t say sorry… should I take over, baby?” He speaks so softly too, you think your chest is about to overflow with warmth upon having him care about you like this, and when you nod he carefully switches your positions. With him on top of you now, you throw your arms around his shoulders as he goes slow. Scattering kisses all over your chest and collarbones and eventually melting against you in a deep kiss, he makes love to you like that.
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You had been sleepy to begin with when your attention started drifting away from the movie you had decided to watch with your boyfriend, and instead you two started lazily making out. You feel yourself relax under Mingi’s soft kisses and the way his hands are exploring your body through your clothes, and soon enough hands are down each other’s pants and you’re starting to get each other off. However, when your eyelids are starting to droop you realize just how tired you are, and a slightly offended Mingi calls you out on it. “Am I being that boring…?” You know he’s at least half-joking, but still you feel bad for him. So you explain that you’re just really tired from the day and as you tell yourself to pull yourself together, you say it’s just fine to keep going. However, it wouldn’t be Mingi if he let you do any kind of work in that state, so he takes your hand away from his core, and as you’re about to question his actions, he sinks down onto the ground in front of the sofa. Pulling your pants down and throwing them somewhere else, he lifts your legs up onto his shoulders, leaving a trail of kisses up your inner thigh. “Don’t worry about me,” he mutters, “let me make you feel good instead.” And then he begins lazily eating you out, and you bet it doesn’t take him long to wake up your mind as he brings you closer to your high.
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He’s fully indulging in the experience as he has you on top of him, teasing him and riling him up while barely touching him where he needs you the most. And you can’t say you’re not getting energy from the way he’s whining and begging for you, but eventually the exhaustion of the horrible day you had today catches up with you, and it brings you down earlier than you had hoped. You feel bad that you have to let your boyfriend down like this, but still you think it’s only fair to let him know that you’re too tired to keep this up and that maybe you should continue another time. But he’s not stupid, and he already sensed that something was off about you today, so he merely sits up and wraps his arms around you in response. “It’s okay, babe,” he says, a bit out of breath still. “Should we stop? Or do you want me to take care of you?” And of course there’s no way you could say no to that offer, so you ask him for the latter. Without hesitation he makes you switch positions, and while placing a few kisses in your neck, he adds, “I’ll go slow.” Making sure you get your share as well, he lets his hands roam your body until he can hear you moaning softly at his ministrations. Only then does he help you wrap your legs around his hips, pushing inside you to fuck you slow and nice.
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You’ve been going at it for a while now as you’re desperately fighting off the exhaustion in your body while clinging to his shoulders. You’re on top of him, hoping for just one more orgasm, but even with him steadying you and helping you out with his thumb pressed to your clit, you eventually just feel your legs giving out, faced with the fact that you simply don’t have the strength to go on. So when you collapse against him while hissing a curse, he’s quick to catch you, letting you rest for a few seconds. “I’ll take over,” he simply informs you, his voice quiet, and then he flips your positions with ease, helping you wrap your legs around him and then reaching for your wrists to pin you down on the bed. “That okay?” he asks, and as soon as you nod, he starts rolling his hips against yours, slowly at first. You’re still frustrated though, and as if he could sense that, he presses a soft kiss onto your lips, adding, “It’s okay. I’ll give you what you need.” It doesn’t take him long to find just the right pace that leaves you begging him for more, dragging out the process and teasing you just as much as you can take. And when he finally fucks you hard enough to have you seeing starts, you can be sure he’ll have you racing towards another high in no time.
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burnthoneydrops · 1 month
Lavender's Blue, Dilly Dilly (c.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none? but let me know if i missed any!
a/n: Ah! the first of my "if i was a girl in a book" series is here with sound of music meets colin bridgerton! there will definitely be more parts to this (at least i think there will) but i wanted to introduce the idea of the series with this part first! hope you enjoy, let me know what you think! pt 2
The Bridgerton house is terrifying. Not necessarily the contents of the building, though you can not exactly speak for that as you had not entered the house yet, but the actual building is terrifying. It is beautiful and warm and spectacular and terrifying. You take a deep breath and close your eyes before marching up the front steps, placing your two bags down on either side of you, and knocking on the door. It takes approximately two seconds for the doors to open and expose the wide foyer and many footmen seemingly standing around waiting for your arrival. What ensues is the most awkward staring contest of your life; the man who opened the door stares seemingly into your soul, the blankest of stares on his face. 
“Good morning, my name is Y/N and I am here to see Lady Violet Bridgerton,” you finally break the silence, hoping he will stop staring at you if you say something regarding your presence. 
With his arms stuck to his sides and his neck turning only when his body does, the footman marches down the hall and announces your presence in the doorway. The shuffling of many feet against wood and carpet sound soon after, and you are greeted by two little heads staring from the doorframe. You wave delicately, readjusting the bag you had yet to put down in your clenched fist before deciding to put everything down in hopes of looking more welcoming and open. 
“Ah, Miss Y/N, what a pleasure it is to have you!” An older woman in a beautiful periwinkle dress makes her way over to you. Looking down quickly at your brown frock, you push any insecurity out of your mind before sticking your hand out to shake. “Oh no, we’re a hugging household if you don’t mind,” Violet interjects your inner monologue. “Oh, not at all,” you put your arm down and let her initiate the hug, feeling both increasingly awkward and welcome at the same time. 
“Your timing is impeccable, as all my children actually happen to be in the same place at the same time,” the woman laughs. So this is Lady Bridgerton.
“Well, when one has a home this exquisite, I would be partial to staying here as much as possible,” you compliment. 
“I have a feeling we shall get along quite well Miss Y/N,” Lady Bridgerton smiles at you, and you feel like you have gained a victory, if not a very small one. “Children! Come greet our guest!” Oh. You are going to meet all the children right now. Splendid. 
A cluster of frenzied bodies makes their way out into the foyer, the two younger ones that poked their heads at you earlier leading the charge. They soon formed a line, appearing oldest to youngest– though you could not confirm– and you hold back a laugh as the two littlest ones battle it out for a spot in the lineup. 
“Gregory! Hyacinth! Stop that at once, we do not want to be confusing your new governess on her first day,” the oldest–or at least the first in line– yells while leaning over the back of the line. 
“Apologies, they are not always like this,” Lady Bridgerton comments to you, standing by your side and looking disappointedly at her children. 
“Mother, do not lie,” the second in line crosses his arms over his chest as the third suppresses a chuckle with a cough. You try not to laugh along with him, and he catches your shared moment, smiling at you while rolling his shoulders back and tucking his arms behind him. 
“Well, I believe it is time that you should all introduce yourselves,” Lady Bridgerton waves her arm down the line in demonstration. 
“I am Anthony, the oldest and the head of the household,” Anthony starts, stepping forward slightly then stepping back like a soldier. 
“Very pleased to meet you,” you nod, smiling lightly.
“I am Benedict, second oldest,” he goes to readjust his vest and you notice the charcoal marks under his nails and the paint on his thumbs. 
“An artist too I see,” you comment, and his eyebrows raise in amusement and confusion. “Your hands give you away,” you explain, nodding to the signs you gathered. His mouth forms a silent ‘ah’ before tucking his hands behind his back. 
“Colin,” the third one nods at you with a sly smile on his face, “third, one and twenty, and without need of a governess”. 
“Though some may beg to differ,” one of the girls further down the line pipes up, causing the two youngest to giggle under their breath. 
“Well, I am sure we will get to know each other well on adult terms then,” you nod, trying to keep the situation light. 
The girls keep the line going, Lady Bridgerton informing you that Daphne, the oldest daughter, was to debut this year and that while you would mainly be watching over the smallest two children, it would be much appreciated if you were to aid the girls in their more accomplished skills as well. 
“It would be a delight ma’am,” you smile, and when Lady Bridgerton announces that you will need to be shown to your room, Gregory and Hyacinth (whose names you now have committed to memory) are quick to grab a hand on either side of you and drag you up the stairs. Eagerly waiting to get to know their new companion better, you are left to wave a hasty goodbye to the rest of the family as you nearly trip over the initial stair for the children are oh so speedy.
The first night finds you unable to sleep. The space is unfamiliar and the job so incredibly daunting. Though you have faith that you can achieve what you set out to do, it does not make the prospect of having to live with eight children, one mother, and who knows how many staff any less immeasurable. When the Bridgerton family had written to the greater community that they were in search of a new governess, you had never imagined that they would select you, but you were of course more than grateful. Coming from humble beginnings yourself, the cavernous environment and the sheer amount of people in it were enough to spike your anxiety. After tossing on your side for the 100th time, you finally strike a match, lighting the candle on your bedside table and grabbing your diary from beside it. Writing letters to family and friends had become a habit of yours when you could not sleep, which you are not eager to admit happens frequently. You begin writing a letter to your mother, the words spilling out of you as the ink bleeds through the page and onto your hands. Paying no mind to anything other than writing, you are shaken out of your mental tunnel with a quick knock on your door. 
“Yes?” You call through, quickly shoving your diary under your pillow. 
The door opens hesitantly, and Colin peeks his head through the frame. “My apologies, I saw the light under the door on my way down the hall and feared someone had left it burning in their sleep”. 
“Oh,” you laugh awkwardly, “do not fret Mr. Bridgerton, it was merely me”. 
“Were you unable to sleep?” 
“Yes, but not to worry, it was merely,” you pause and realise there is rain tapping at your window, “the storm”. 
“Ah. I know a few of my younger siblings are unable to sleep during storms as well,” he nods in understanding. 
As if responding to a cue, Hyacinth runs up to the door and Colin opens it wider. Her creased forehead and pouted lips are enough for you to open your arms, sending her flying onto your bed. She ducks her head into your pillows, covering her ears further as thunder claps outside your window. You rub your hand along her back, looking between her and Colin who still stands at your door. 
“My dear, did the storm frighten you?” It feels like an obvious question, but one must cover all bases when dealing with new children. Lest you forget when, two families ago, one of the middle children was not scared of the storm, but of the fact that his older brother was chasing him down the hallway with a fish head. How they had even come across such a thing you will never know. Hyacinth nods her head and you pat the space next to you, whispering quiet shushing sounds in her ear as you hear another set of feet approaching your door. Colin looks down the hall as Gregory comes to join the party. 
“Were you scared as well darling?” You ask, scooting your legs to the farthest edge of your bed to make more room. 
“No! I wasn’t scared…I was merely coming to check on Hyacinth,” he sounds unconvinced. You nod in agreement, muttering ‘of course’ to save him his image of masculinity when another round of thunder rolls through. That masculine facade is quick to fall as Gregory runs up onto your bed, taking up the space behind Hyacinth. Colin chuckles and you send him a death glare to avoid him making fun of his siblings. 
“Now now, the storm cannot hurt us inside. We have light, and windows from which to watch the storm pass if we so choose,” you try reassuring them, but it seems to do little good as the children keep in their tucked positions. 
There is suddenly a fourth Bridgerton entering your room when Francesca makes her way in, her head down in fear and shame. You open your arms wider, allowing her a safe space in which to take refuge, and she joins the cluster of Bridgertons on your bed. “Couldn’t sleep,” she mutters before wrapping her arms around Gregory.
“You know what always makes me feel better in times like these?” You look between the three closest to you. None of them give a verbal answer, but Hyacinth raises her head from the pillows, looking at you with the saddest eyes known to man. “My mother used to sing to me when I was scared of the storms. Would you like a song?” Francesca is the first to nod, then Hyacinth. Gregory is last, first trying to keep a tough illusion but quickly dropping it when lighting flashes into view from your window. 
“Lavender’s blue dilly dilly, lavender’s green. When I am queen dilly dilly, you shall be king,” you begin. When you aren’t watching, Colin closes your bedroom door, leaning against the closest wall. “Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so? Twas my own heart dilly dilly, that told me so”. He hadn’t been expecting much when his mother informed the family of the new governess that was to join them, in fact he had rather been irritated by the idea. The youngest children always found a way to scare them off and it seemed like a waste of time and money in his opinion, but his mind is slowly being changed. Watching you interact with his siblings in such a kind a heartfelt manner, especially with it being less than 24 hours since your arrival stirs something within him. He does not quite have a name for it yet, but there is something compelling him to stay in place rather than walking the few extra steps to his room. 
Perhaps he could get used to having a new member of the household.
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which carlos suffers the consequences of liking an influencer who is younger than him. (part one / part two)
FACE CLAIM: kelsey calemine
CONTAINS: reader is 21; 8 year age gap, first argument as a couple, smut & suprise ending!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: can't believe the season is over!!
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc, and 5,356,789 others
ynusername just us missing our dude 🏎️
view all 6,863 comments
username this is so cuteee!
username i love how much she loves piñon!!
ynusername he's my son 🥹❤️ username crying and throwinf uppp
carlossainz55 coming back right now! 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️
ynusername hurry up 😚
username oh you're so hot, carlos is so lucky
charlesleclerc pinon!!!
scuderiaferrari our favorites!
liked by ynusername
before carlos had left to japan, he tried everything to get you to go with him but since you were still upset you decided to stay at his house for the time being. he was hoping that you would maybe show up on race day but you never did.
"this is so childish..." carlos sighed as sat on the couch.
"if it's so childish, why don't you back with isa?"
he groaned once again and got back up, following you around the kitchen. "you know that i want to be with you and only you! i'm sorry for making you stay there another night but i just didn't want my fam-"
“you're so unbelievable carlos, you are a grown man! why do you care what your parents think of you?”
“i don’t expect you to understand, you don't even talk to your family!” he had slammed his hand on the kitchen table, his voice was loud and it left an echo but there was a hint of hurt underneath his tone.
piǹon had barked at carlos and you remembered it got quiet in that moment, maybe you pushed the argument too far — before you could even go hug carlos he had already made his way out of the kitchen, leaving you with piǹon standing right next to you.
this had been the ending of your first argument.
it took carlos about two days before he could call you but you never picked up, instead you guys found yourselves texting for the rest of the week.
you enjoyed staying at his house with piñon, you guys would go on walks, sit outside to eat and you even found yourself sleeping right next to him — but what you didn't like was that carlos wasn't around, it was really lonely without him.
as you watched carlos doing an interview on tv, piñon jumped up to the tv and started scratching it. "i miss him too."
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc and 356,789 others
ynspam love youu ❤️
view all 2,633 comments
carlossainz55 love you the most amor ❤️
username me and who?
username can he fight??
carlossainz55 i can and will 🤺
landonorris theres kids on here!!
carlossainz55 close your eyes
username should be illegal to be the hottest couple
you had woken up to someone stroking your hair and you opened your eyes to see carlos sitting right next to you. “you're home"
he smiled and nodded before leaving a kiss on your forhead. "c'mon let's go to bed."
once the both of you got comfortable, you guys stayed looking at each other but couldn't find yourselves to speak so before you so instead his lips suddenly crash into yours.
that kiss led you to be in the position that you were in now.
"i missed you so much." his bare chest is against your back as he started to rock his hips into you slowly, a satisfied moan leaving your lips as your walls clung onto him tightly.. "i'm sorry for lying to you and leaving without saying goodbye..."
when you didnt answer him he leaned your head back and with his fingers he forces your mouth open. "c'mon say something mi reina." he then licks your bottom lip and bites it.
the position you were in had you feeling every inch of carlos's thick cock, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. "it's o-okay..."
"te quiero mucho..." he began sucking on your neck, leaving marks behind for the next day. "promise i won't ever lie to again..."
once you heard carlos say that you felt like you were getting close and he felt it too. "i love you too carlitos."
you were now seeing stars as carlos continued to blow your back out.
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liked by ynspam, ynusername, and 2,234,567 others
carlosainz55 little baecation dump
view all 5,422 comments
ynusername 🥹 que guapooo
f1wagupdates ugh you guys are so cute!!
username carlos you are so lucky
charlesleclerc why wasn't i invited
carlosainz55 you're invited, come swim here
username if you look closely you could see me jumping off the cliff (i cant swim)
ynusername i'll save you carlosainz55 you cant even swim either ynusername 😧 now that was a secret
"c'mon stop worrying about the bugs amor..." carlos said as he helped you across a puddle. "they won't kill you."
you swatted a fly and continued to hold his hand as you guys walked across the field. "if i knew we were coming to a place like this, i wouldn't have worn heels, maybe some sneakers."
he smiled as you continued struggling to walk in the grass with your heels and talking about whatever nonsense that was going on in your life, piñon was just behind you guys sniffing the flowers.
carlos had never felt so in love with someone but yet again he never dated someone like you — you were constantly getting on his nerves, you'd cook him dinner, most importantly you've supported him and showed up to almost all his races.
"well i'm not worried about kids right now..." he remembered you saying. "maybe when you become world champion, we'll open this conversation back up."
you made him think about getting married, having kids, buying building a house just for you.
"alright close your eyes, we're almost there..." carlos said as he gently put his hands around your eyes, trying not to mess up your makeup.
he finally saw the boat and the red rose arch as you guys got closer.
"you better not leave me in a ditch or something." you mumbled.
"now why would i do that?" he chuckled before finally getting to the spot and letting you see.
"for getting cranky this morning wit-" you finally had looked and saw the marry me arch and the beautiful picnic boat he had set up. "car-"
you suddenly felt your heartbeat racing in your chest and felt your face getting warm, by the time you had looked back at him he was down on one knee with a smile. "will you marry me?"
you nodded as he stood back up. "that's a yes?"
"yes carlos, it's a yes!" you quickly pecked his lips before he slid the shiny ring onto your finger.
once you guys got on the boat he saw you smiling at him. "what is it?"
“oh nothing, you just move pretty fast.” you fed him a piece of croissant and placed it down. "we’ve been dating for abou-” 
“six months and four days.” he responded rather quickly and as your smile grew, he rolled his eyes. "but y'know who is really counting?”
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.cgomes, and 3,896,789 others
ynusername six months in, forever to go! ❤️
comments are limited
username f1 drivers really do move on fast 🌚
francisca.cgomes ahh congrats my love!!
username screaminggg
charlesleclerc congratualtions guys!
landonorris i'll be the best man
ynusername wont 🤺 carlossainz55 will
username the setup is so cute!
vinniehacker must've skipped a few pages
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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uzurakis · 17 days
Hi! I like your writing about jjk men reaction to y/n reader breaking up, but would they react the same if the reason for break up is y/n falling out of love? 🥹
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featuring: gojo satoru. fushiguro megumi. nanami kento. choso kamo.
n. yall rlly like to hurt yourselves 😭 godd the amount of angst i have in my inbox. hope this one pains you enough then </3
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“we need to talk..”
GOJO SATORU. he looked up from his phone, that stupid smile dancing on his lips. “uh-oh, that sounds serious. what did i do this time? forget to take out the trash?”
trying to maintain your composure, you shook your head. you usually would lecture him about that, but not this time. it’s far more different than forgetting to take out the trash or not washing the dishes. “no, it’s not that. it’s… it’s about us.”
gojo’s smile faltered slightly, but he remained playful. “us? oh, let me guess. you’re secretly in love with my best friend, right? this is just one of those elaborate pranks. you should delete tiktok, i think it’s—“
“satoru, i’m falling out of love with you.” you took another deep breath, held in it for some amount of time to see his reaction, feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
“great, just what i needed to hear today. so funny, babe.” for a moment, he just stared at you, as if waiting for the punchline. then, when it didn’t come, he laughed nervously. “you’re kidding, right? this is a joke. you can’t be serious.”
“i’ve been feeling this way for a while now..”
his laughter faded, replaced by a look of confusion and hurt. “no, no, no. that can’t be true, baby. you’re just having a bad day or something, right? we can work through this.”
you felt a tear slip down your cheek, and you wiped it away quickly. “it’s not just a bad day, satoru. i don’t feel the same way i used to.”
he stood up, pacing the room, his hands running through his hair in frustration. “this doesn’t make any sense. we were fine. we are fine. you can’t just… fall out of love like that, right?”
“tell me i’m wrong, please..”
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. for a moment, megumi just stared at you, his eyes wide with surprise, mouth slightly opened; like he intended to say something but immediately got eaten by the weight of the situation. then, his expression hardened, and he looked down, his hands clenching into fists. “i… i don’t understand,” he said quietly, his voice devoid of emotion.
the silence that followed was suffocating. you could see the pain in his eyes, even though he was trying to hide it. “megumi, i’m so sorry. i didn’t know how this happened, i.. never wanted this to happen..”
“no..” he shook his head, still looking at the ground, “what changed? did.. did i do something wrong?”
you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you blinked them away. “i tried to make it work. i really did. but i can’t force my feelings, it’s eating me alive too, gumi..”
megumi nodded slowly, his gaze distant. “it’s my fault i didn’t realize you felt that way. just, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
guilt and regret struck a chord deep within you. the pain in his eyes, the genuine hurt in his voice, the way his shoulders slumped slightly, and it tore at you. it was clear that he blamed himself, and that realization only made your own emotions more compound.
you reached out to touch his hand, but he pulled away, the gesture making your heart ache even more. “i don’t, i didn’t know how to say it to you.. how could i? i care about you so much, megumi. but i can’t lie to you or to myself.”
“if that’s how you really feel, i guess there’s nothing i can do to change your mind.” he stood up abruptly, not sparing a glance at you, not even once. “so, we.. we just… go our separate ways now?”
“…sorry, i.. i need some time alone.”
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NANAMI KETO. nanami just stared at you for a brief while, his expression unreadable. he nodded slowly after that, his eyes becoming thoughtful. “i see,” he said in a quiet manner. “i guess we’ve both changed.”
you felt a lump form in your throat. “i never wanted this to happen, kento.. never once i even thought about this.”
he reached across the table and took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. “it’s not your fault,” he said softly despite the circumstances you’re throwing him in, “people change, feelings change. it’s a part of life.”
“but i feel like i’m letting you down. like i’m betraying everything we had. i don’t want that, kento.”
“you shouldn’t burden yourself with guilt, sweetheart. this isn’t something you can control, and it’s not fair to blame yourself for it.”
looking down at your intertwined hands, you felt some kind of sorrow and relief. “you’ve always been so understanding, kento.. i don’t deserve this.”
he squeezed your hand gently. “we shared something special, and i’ll always cherish that. but if your heart is no longer in it, then it’s better to be honest.”
“we can certainly try. it will take time, but i’d rather have you in my life in some capacity than not at all.”
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CHOSO KAMO. choso’s face fell, a look of shock and pain replacing his usual demeanor. “no, please,” he said, voice desperate, reaching out for you. “let’s talk about this, please. there has to be a way to fix things, love?”
it crushed your heart to see the agony in his eyes. “choso, it’s not something you can just fix. it’s how i feel.”
“is it something i did? how can i make things right?” he pleaded, every word cracking with emotion.
“it’s not about you. it’s just… i don’t feel the same way anymore.”
choso took a step closer. “i still love you,” he murmured, hanging his whole existence on it. “i don’t want to lose you.”
your heart ached at his words, knowing how much you were hurting him. “i know, choso. and i’m so sorry,” you said, your voice also breaking. “but i can’t change how i feel.”
“please,” he whispered, reaching out to take your hand and pulled you into a tight embrace. “don’t give up on us.”
“i just want you to be happy,” he murmured into your hair. “even if it’s not with me.”
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f1girliefics · 9 months
Not His Type, His
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: During an interview, he describes his ideal woman, which is the exact opposite of you, the woman he is dating. 
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At first, you didn't want to believe it.
As you rewatched the video, it started to sink in.
He described your exact opposite.
How does one deal with this?
How were you supposed to deal with the fact that your boyfriend just confessed that his ideal woman is nothing like you?
What were you supposed to do with that information?
Was this his way of breaking up with you?
Was this his way of saying he doesn't want you anymore?
Or were you just reading into this too much?
Your relationship with Charles wasn't a secret.
People knew, there were many photos of the two of you, most posted by yourselves.
So then what was happening?
And apparently, you weren't the only one wondering about this.
Under the video there were multiple comments. Then you got messages about different news websites reporting on the thing... great.
'F1 Driver Charles Leclerc Single Again?!'
'Trouble in Paradise! You WON'T BELIEVE what Charles Leclerc just said!'
'Charles Leclerc admits in a new interview, his girlfriend is NOT his ideal woman'
And so on.
And you weren't going to lie, it bothered you.
You ran so many scenarios through your mind.
You hoped he only spoke out of his head without a second thought. You knew how he could get after a certain race, he wouldn't think about what he was saying.
He probably didn’t even realize what he had just done.
Your phone rang but you ignored it. Later on, you checked, it was your best friend, but you wouldn’t want to talk with anyone now.
You were afraid to open the internet, you were scared to turn on the TV.
You didn’t know what to do.
Then, Charles arrived back at the hotel room. 
When your eyes locked with his, both of you stayed absolutely still and quiet.
“I am stupid.” he said and you nearly started laughing, rolling on your stomach. His exact voice… perfect.
“I didn’t mean it! I was thinking about the race, going through it in my head and then I just blurted out something. I swear!”
“I will post something on Instagram or make a statement, I will fix this.” he pulled his phone out and you just knew, as soon as he saw the panic in his eyes, you forgave him.
Why were you even worried that he would want to break up with you?
“Charles.” he looked up at your from his phone, you stood up from the bed and walked over to him. “Congrats. P5 is really good.” you said as he smiled at you.
You swore his smile could make you forget everything.
“Thank you. But I really am sorry about the-”
“It’s all good. Let them burn with curiosity a little bit more… But… Just so I know… you don’t want to break up, right?”
“What?! NO! You are perfect!”
“But I’m not your ideal type.”
“You might not be, but you are mine.” you laughed a little and he pulled you in for a kiss. 
It was time to celebrate a little, just the two of you, the rest of the world can burn and wait until you two were finished.
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