#don’t make me regret this post 🙈
icouldntfindquiet · 2 years
i hope he changes up album 4 (if there is an album 4)
There will be an album 4. I can feel it!
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I can see it!
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2023 is the year he comes out of hiding. 😂
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packsvlog · 3 months
Hey there lovely! I hope your weekend is going very well 🥰
I love your blog, I was wondering if I could also have a matchmake please?
- as for appearance, I am short (about 5’1”) and on the plus size side (🙈) and I pretty much hate that about myself lol
- i live for making people happy. That’s what gives my life a purpose
- I smile a lot, not because i am that happy but i believe that it can brighten someone’s day if I greet them with a smile
- i am huge on kindness. I don’t see it as a weakness, I think the world is desperately in need of kindness so I’m trying to fill that role
- I am a team leader but big on considering the human factor in all decisions
- I’ve been struggling with depression for over 2 years but I worked very hard to get out of it 💪
- I am an introvert but I get to be the goofiest extrovert once I am comfortable around someone
- I love to crochet and make anime sketches
- i am absolutely addicted to pancakes
- and Nutella
- i hate summer and i LOVE autumn and winter and cold weather
- I have a master’s in psychology
I hope i was not too boring with all these facts, again I love your blog 🥰🥰🥰
hello, angel! you seem such a nice person, i hope your kindness always stay present and you may heal of your depression, just as me, reach if you ever need anyone to talk! 🤍 ps: sorry for only one pairing, i’ll be doing this from time to time unless i get confused on pairings — i have other works to post and the matchmakings are for fun, hope u guys understand.
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kamo choso
Despite all the negative weight of the world, you still have hope, something Choso learned when he first was introduced to you. He knew, in that moment of first seeing your smile, he would be a hopelessly mess by your side, in the positive way.
Choso may not look like it, but he shares the same ideals as you. Not for the whole world, but for those he care the most, their happiness is his goals to achieve — your name is inked with hearts on the top of his priority list.
So, Choso first catch you staring down at yourself, your body, and it’s not something he can understand. Bodies are unimpressive to him, let’s be real, his brothers weren’t the most normal looking ones and the love he had for them went beyond anything. He doesn’t understand your hate for yourself, specially being you, a gentle happy person. Choso tries to help, in his best naive way, he bluntly tells you how pretty you are everyday. He may seems stoic, is that he much prefers to compliment your soul, but you know he means it all.
Choso wasn’t used to smile much until he became your little shadow, wherever you go, he follows. And if you smile, he smiles at you. But if you leave, his face is back to a neutral one or with a scowl. He is adorable. Sometimes, though, if his mind is elsewhere, he is by your side with an angry resting face and your happy self talking with someone, is quite a scene to be presented.
You love to speak of the goods of the world to him, and he loves to listen to it. He believes in your capability to change it all for the better, it rubs to him and he catches himself being gentle to strangers, helping the ones who are in need — he always runs back to you telling what he did, like a puppy waiting for praises, and you better grant him.
Choso first learned of your depression just months after you started to date, you had to explain very detailed what it’s like for him, and it broke his heart into multiple pieces — how could someone good and pure have a burden like that? He helps, as best as he can, as far as you let him go, what Choso wants its to be your safe harbor, the lightning house in the middle of your storms and waves. If you allow him, is not something you would regret.
You both are the introverted couple, sitting by the side, in your own world and conversations. Yuuji is your extroverted adopted child, basically. He adores you, he is the one to order your food when the three of you go out, just happy to be with you guys. Adorable.
There are many coins in the prospects of having a boyfriend who just sprouted of nowhere — you can gift him anything and it will be his first time having that, or you can have him tasting your favorites, again, for the first time.
You present Choso with an immense amount of crotchets of large jumpers in pastel colors and scarfs big enough for him to hide his mouth, an habit of his you find adorable. He wears whatever you give him, so cute this broad large male with an angry face wearing a pink sweater with proud.
That’s the best way to describe Choso, he is proud of you to an extent you have barely an idea of how big it is, his love for you reach beyond this world, and yours as well. How odd it seems, one could say, that a half curse could repent and be in love with a blessing.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· Choso was introduced to pancakes and nutella by you, he does not have a sweet tooth, but he likes to eat it because it’s your favorite. Every time he senses your depression is growing stronger, he makes pancakes stuffed with nutella for you.
◛ ₊· When you told him of you psychology masters he was intrigued, and as soon as you explained he asked if he could do the same — you both are now making the preparations for his documents so he can start college soon (all payed by Gojo, of course).
◛ ₊· Choso likes to stare at you. Just stare, blank face, mouth shut. At first it scared you, until you noticed his eyes. He couldn’t mask or hide the love he held in his eyes.
◛ ₊· If you try to do the same and stare at him, he will get flustered.
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julcia404 · 3 months
Lost Scenes Thursday! Get to know your favourite authors better. Show five scenes from either abandoned fics where you regret they will never see the light of day, or five scenes from WIPs where you are impatient to see them out there. Long, short, one-liner... it's all good reading. Tag five other authors where you are curious.
(feel free to ignore it though :))
Heya, my fabulous one ♡
Alright, five scenes...let's see how many I can actually find that I'm willing to share 🤭 please keep in mind that they all still need different amounts of (heavy) editing and probably rearrangements, and that I don’t know if or when I'll ever find the courage to actually finish and post them...yadda yadda...here goes nothing 😅
Those first two are from the same WIP that originally was an idea I had for a Duskwood-fanfic (and initially inspired by songs - many of my ideas are 🤭), but I was thinking about turning it into something original...maybe...in 500 years...
Sister Sun Brother Moon / You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister - Part 1
She is the sun, the center of our little solar system. Everything revolves around her, everyone here builds their lives around her. Like planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, dust clouds...they all orbit the sun. But when she's there, nothing else can be seen anymore: everyone looks at her and she leaves them blind for other things. People hurt themselves for the sun, to be able to get a ray of her all-encompassing light and to feel a little warmth. But it’s a hazardous, harsh warmth - and her blinding and glaring light, it outshines everything else.
They're not able to grasp that though - we humans really are a dumb race. Like Icarus, they burn their wings while trying to get close to her. They feel drawn to her like a moth to the light and once they reach their goal, they realize that it isn’t as great as suspected. But it’s too late then.
She outshines everything and everyone, leaving no room for anyone else's light, and burning them alive. When the sun comes up, the planets and stars fade away and she's the only visible thing...
She has to go.
I don’t want to be a distant star anymore.
Sister Sun Brother Moon / You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister - Part 2
However, I was never one of them. I was an outsider, an outcast, someone who watched but never took part. Lilly the observer, the cute little wallflower, hiding in the shadows of others. Oh, if only they knew what worlds exist in my mind! It’s time for me to finally get involved, it's time for some chaos. I don’t want to be invisible anymore - I want to be seen. Noticed. Acknowledged. Accepted and valued even, if I'm lucky. But being seen and respected would be enough, even if it means that I have to throw their worlds into chaos.
Whether they like it or not - they will notice me. I'll make sure they do.
This one is a Duskwood-fanfic, and it’s...angsty and depressing 🙈 it’s a looong scene, so let's count it as two, alright? or maybe as a one-shot that never got finished?
The moon painted beautiful shadows on the wall as I watched you silently sleeping on my bed. My tears started falling, and my heart was breaking. Again. This is not how I imagined love. This is not what I imagined for me and the man that I have deeply fallen in love with. I know that you feel the same, but I don't have the courage to talk with you about it. How can I ever tell you how much it hurts without collapsing right in front of you? Without dragging you down with me? Every day, I pretend that everything is alright. That I am alright. That you are alright. That we are alright, goddammit! That everything is going to be fine in the end. But it's killing me every time I see you, especially when you say how much you love me and that you would do anything for me. It shatters me into pieces every single damn time you touch me. I don't know how long I can bear this anymore, but I wish you knew how much I'm willing to go with you. To just be with you. And how much it hurts me that I'm not able to do so.
I try to suck you in, to burn your picture into my soul, in a desperate attempt to not forget what we shared. What we felt. What we admitted to each other, in silent whispers and giggles. The love that we gave to each other.
So I'm sitting here in the middle of the night, not able to sleep, fearing the first light of the sun...because you'll be gone in the morning. You're always gone in the morning. And I'll still be here, alone and isolated, mourning the loss of your presence once again. Again...again and again. When will we see each other again? Will you be back tomorrow? Next week? Next month?
Will we see each other again? I'm tired of the constant grief, but it is how it is. If that’s the price I have to pay to be with you, I'll gladly go broke.
I know you feel the same, I saw it in your eyes every time we had to say goodbye. I know, that’s why you prefer to leave while I'm still asleep now. It breaks your heart just as much as it breaks mine. Will it ever end? How long will we manage to go on like this before our hearts finally break for the last time? How much will be left of us then? Will you ever be free, truly free? Free from me? Or is this our life now:
You on the run - I'm not able to run. Because my body is broken and I'm a burden for everyone to be around. Why do you love me? Why are you still here with me, why are you doing this to yourself? You could do so much better without me...I wish you would just leave me and try to find happiness somewhere else, far away from my burdening love and your twisted sense of duty that’s holding you captive. Because I'm not enough, that’s for certain.
But I don’t want you to go. If I could, I would keep you for the rest of my life in this little room. It's not a long life anyway, so maybe, just a few years from now, you'll be free. Free from me. Free from that nuisance, from my miserable existence. I feel guilty that you love me. I don’t deserve it. I can’t stop thinking that I somehow manipulated you into this whole thing, that you love a picture of me I created for the outside, for the world to see. But deep inside, I'm miserable and empty and barely holding on. My ugly and broken shards are all over the place and here, in my little room, I can’t hide them. I'm deathly afraid that you'll one day wake up and finally see the truth, the ugly and monstruous reality of my pointless life, and then you'll run - finally run away from me - I'm sure of that.
And I dread that day just as much as I want it to finally come.
Alright, let's end with something lighter...this is the beginning of a possible short story that demanded to be put into words, and started as random rambling in my most favorite discord-server 🤭💙
It was late at night when I heard a distant 'meow'. Weird, considering that I live in a building where no pets are allowed...but yet here I was, listening to these feline sounds. Where did it come from, and most importantly - how? How was that possible? I live on the fifth floor and a cat in the hallway would've been noticed by my neighbors. Especially Mr. Wilkinson, who was always on the lookout for possible rule breakers to report them to the landlord.
I groaned and decided that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep now anyway, so I got up and searched for the source of these unusual sounds in my apartment.
But when I entered the kitchen, something changed: it was quiet - absolutely quiet. I wasn’t able to hear anything, not even my own movements, and that was quite an unpleasant feeling. I'm not a person that's easy to impress, or scare, but this situation made me feel a bit…uncomfortable. The wind at my windows, the noise of the city, the creaking old walls of this house, the snores of the kind lady next door, my other neighbor's TV, the buzzing of my fridge, my breath, my heartbeat, any sign of the world - gone. As if everything stopped existing altogether. As if I was living in a thick, deafening vacuum with no way out. Ironically, I was holding my breath while I tried to find out which otherworldly thing caused this unsettling situation, when suddenly…‘meow’.
I jumped higher than humanly possible, frightened and with a high-pitched shriek. What the fuck was happening here? What did I walk into? I should have listened to my mother when she told me not to live alone…or at least not in this apartment, where the previous tenant passed away and wasn’t found for almost two weeks. Mr. Wilkinson, that nosy neighbor with no sense of privacy, felt the need to tell me everything about my predecessor on my first day in my new home, and that she definitely had a pet, against every rule, but always denied it. Well, a pet was never found, the suspected pet owner on the other hand…what a warm welcome.
‘Meooooow…’ Again! Where did that come from? I turned around, trying to locate the direction of those laments, but it was quiet again.
That's it for now 🤭 I hope you liked some of them...
thank you for the ask ♡
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moodymisty · 2 years
Hi! So I may or may not be the anon that requested the helmet kink ask not too long ago and I couldn’t get it out of my head! 🙈🤍 you’re writing is just so dang good!!
I was wondering if you had anything in the works for the best big boy, Wrecker? I feel like there just isn’t enough love out there for that big ol’ softie and he deserves to be smothered in kisses all over that hunk of a man
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Welcome back hun! I'm glad you like my stuff! And I'm so happy you liked that last thing I wrote, it makes me 'uwu'
I do not actually, I just finished up the last thing I posted for Wrecker a little bit back but I wasn't that happy with it, and I've been currently working on drafting chapters for my Tech fic I want to do.
But... I love my big boy (and incredible genius like this man can rig a bomb out of TRASH like how in the galaxy-) Wrecker so I want to give him some fluff. You give me the perfect escape ramp to do so LOL
I am so sorry to all the people sitting in my inbox while I work on their stuff and I do this one in a day the stars just aligned here while I'm stuck in a hotel for a sporting event
Relationships: Wrecker/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None really, just some overwhelming fluff and irritating Echo(poor baby)
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After he cracks the silence you glance up at Wrecker, noticing the way he only looks at you in the eyes for a second, before glancing away to the side.
You’re sitting sideways on his lap, leaned back against the arm of the co-pilot’s seat while the main seat sits empty. All the while the Marauder coasts through hyperspace, stars streaking past the viewports. Wrecker’s left hand sits against your hip and he adjusts it, and by extension you, shifting your body slighting closer to him while he speaks.
“What was Kamino like before we got back? After Order 66 and all that.”
You purse your lips for a moment, trying to find a way to describe it.
“Like normal, at first. Just more hectic.” Wrecker’s brow furrows as he looks down at you. You remember not entirely knowing what had happened, only that the war had ended; Until little pieces had begun to fall into place.
“Granted, I didn’t spend that much time there before I hitched a ride with you guys.” You feel his other hand on the small of your back, his fingers twitching.
“Why you ask?” Wrecker’s head perks, looking down at you before away with a bit of an abashed expression. It’s, incredibly obvious he’s trying to lie.
“What? I was just curious…”
All you have to do is stare at him for a moment with a slightly suspicious expression before he cracks in half.
“Ok! Ok ok geez…” He swallows harshly and clenches his teeth for a moment, trying to find the words. And when he does, they come out quieter than you had expected.
“Do ya, regret coming with us?”
You look up at him, having a decent idea what brought this on. So he’s still thinking about earlier.
A little while ago Tech had been surfing open Imperial channels for any unencrypted chatter, and had came across all of the Batch’s bounty postings; Though much to their surprise, you were included with them. They had you marked as a co-conspirator, and with that had effectively ruined any chance of you trying to live a normal life.
Needless to say, you’d taken it far better than the Batch had.
You’d been avoiding talking about it at all around Wrecker, knowing how he was probably taking it. But it seemed he’d been still thinking and stewing about it since Tech had first shown them all.
“No, I don’t.”
You attempt to lean up and give him a kiss, but given the height difference with you sitting on his lap, it’s a struggle. You wrap a hand around the back of his neck, and tug downwards.
“Come down here. I can’t reach you up there.”
He gives a wide and excited smile knowing what you’re trying to do, and eagerly dives in for a kiss. You can feel him almost groan happily as your soft lips press against his own, and your hand stays on the back of his neck. Wrecker doesn’t think there will ever be a day where he’ll get over how small and cute you are compared to him. Once you pull back, you smile at him.
“I wasn’t going to work for the Empire. So I was going to end up on a bounty board either way, honestly. I’m incapable of keeping my mouth shut.” Needless to say that makes Wrecker laugh, feeling the way your hands grab at the seams of his armor to keep him close. As if he was going to pull away anyways.
“Besides; I can’t think of a better place than being here with you.” He smiles again, you can feel it against your lips as you kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Even if it is in this smelly ship.”
Wrecker can’t exactly deny that, even if he’s long since lost the ability to smell it.
“Well, you’re stuck with us now!” The hand on your thigh moves to cradle your cheek, effectively smushing your face against his own as he kisses your cheek. It makes you laugh, even as you attempt to shush him. As much as you’re glad you managed to cheer him up, or at least divert his attention away from thinking about your bounty, his voice tends to echo in the around the compact ship.
“Hey! People are trying to sleep big guy, we can’t yell!”
It’s absolutely not the first time you’ve told him to be quiet, but Wrecker seems largely incapable of doing so. Even his whispering is loud; Much like his personality.
Though it’s not like you mind; It’s just the four others sleeping, or at least attempting to, in the back of the Marauder might not have the same opinion.
Speaking of...
It seems like it’s time for a shift change; As Echo comes into the cockpit looking at something in his hand, before going down the one step and noticing the two of you snuggling in the co-pilot’s seat. His shoulders drop and he sighs, letting out a crestfallen:
Echo always looks tired, but now he looks extremely so. Or disappointed, more like.
“What?” Wrecker stares him down. “Got a problem?” Echo thrusts out his good hand, the datapad in it pointing at the two of you.
“Yes! That’s my seat!”
“Well, we sure weren’t going to take Tech’s.”
You’re attempting not to smile at him, before awkwardly shuffling outward to try and get off of Wrecker’s lap and onto the ground. It takes a moment, before your boots finally touch the floor. Wrecker vacates the seat as well and Echo takes his claim back, flopping down datapad still in his hand.
But there really isn’t any other places in the cramped living space of the Marauder to go, so you just end up back at Wrecker’s bunk, both sitting on it limbs tangled together. Wrecker leans against the wall one leg dangling off the edge of the bunk, and you lay back against his chest. It’s moments before he’s complaining again.
“At least Kamino wasn’t this boring.”
You can feel the way he groans, head thumping against the wall before he suddenly speaks up.
“Want to play Sabacc?”
You jolt forward, about to speak; Though Tech interjects before you have the chance. He’s sitting in his bunk like he had planned to sleep, and either gave up, or an idea struck. Either way his head perks up from the project in his lap, looking over at the two of you.
“Oh, are you going to play? I would like to t-” You quickly cut him off, before anyone else gets any ideas.
“No! We are not playing Sabacc. Not after the last time.” Tech goes back to working on his current project.
“We will be back on Ord Mantell in two standard rotations. We will not have to keep ourselves occupied in hyperspace for much longer.” You can feel Wrecker’s hand against the side of your leg; Wanting to rest on your thigh but resisting the urge to. You would’ve slapped it away if he had, as you’d made him promise to keep affection to a bare minimum while on the Marauder.
“Because he’s so bored…” Wrecker sounds like he’s rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, because he has a project. When Tech actually gets bored he starts digging into the walls.” You can see Tech’s eyes glance over at you for a moment, but he can’t exactly refute your claim. Specially since you’ve seen him literally digging for wires in the walls of the old Kamino barracks before.
After a moment passes however, your hand drifts down to subtly touch his own that’s laying beside your thigh. It lingers, hidden, wrapping your fingers around his own with a soft but noticeable touch. Wrecker’s looking down at you curiously when you glance back.
“How about once we land, we get something to eat?”
Wrecker is all for that, and instantly starts thinking about food that isn’t in a pre-made ration packet. Once you turn around and give him ‘a look’ however, he realizes you might not be entirely talking about food. Then Wrecker becomes much more quiet, looking down at you with a nervous but eager smile.
You’ve been stuck in this ship for a bit, and it’s been awhile since the two of you have actually been alone. As in actually alone, without risk of someone storming in. Your hand dares to trail up to his wrist for a bit,
“Y-Yeah, sounds good to me.”
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah do you watch Yellowstone? I remember seeing your posts about Kevin Costner👀 but anyway can you do some conversations with Eddie based on if the reader was like Beth? Her and I are so similar so I’m just interested I’d how it would go😂🙈
Hiiii babes!! So yes I 10000% do watch Yellowstone and Beth is…she’s is goals for how I wish I’d stand up for myself lol so I hope you like these💖
-For those who don’t watch the show or know who Beth Dutton is, she’s someone who will do ANYTHING for her family/people she loves and is in fact terrifying if you’re on her shit list so just think of someone who’s a bitch but like extra spicy✨
*Eddie loves you even when you get joy out of ruining other people’s lives*
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“I’ll be right back.” “Baby you don’t have to do that…” “Eddie they can’t think they can talk to you like that and get away with it okay? So…I’ll be right back.” “Sweetheart all they said was I need a haircut…it’s fine.” “It’s not fine. Your hair is gorgeous and I like that it’s good for pulling on so yeah they are going to get a little piece of my mind.” “Just…don’t make anyone bleed okay?” “Eh I can’t make any promises honey…now just stay here and look pretty okay?”
“How was your day princess?” “Oh it was so good Eddie you should’ve seen this man’s face when I told him he was fired…it was priceless.” “That…does sound like a good day baby.” “Like really if I could’ve taken a picture of it I’d get it framed and send it to him as a Christmas gift.” “Who did you fire?” “That fucking asshole from marketing who kept telling me I was too abrasive and should soften up a bit.” “Ohh yeah…I remember him…what a prick.” “I know it just really chapped his ass that I was the one to fire him…felt amazing.” “I can tell it really made you happy.” “Come on let’s go celebrate…I want to get drunk.”
“Big day today sweetheart?” “Today is the day I make that asshole Derek regret ever stepping foot into my office.” “Sounds…fun.” “Oh it’s going to be so fun. What’s on your agenda for today honey?” “Uh just working at the shop…Nancy’s car is the first one I have to work on today.” “You’ll let me know if Wheeler puts the moves on you okay? Tell her I’m the only one that gets a discount for sleeping with the best mechanic at that shop.” “Will do baby.” “I think she knows better but you never know…you’re quite an eye full in your work uniform covered in grease…with your hair up so I wouldn’t blame her for wanting a piece of you.” “The grease and hair in a bun really do it for you huh?” “If I didn’t have a full schedule today I’d drop by and give you a little afternoon delight but…sadly it’ll just have to wait.” “Lucky for you..I make house calls for my favorite customers.” “That so? Well then I’ll see you later Mr. Mechanic…I have to go…love you!” “Love you too have fun torturing Derek.”
“I love you okay? But that was fucking rude so I’m going to go sleep in the guest room.” “Baby come on I’m sorry…Don’t go.” “I have to go Eddie or I’ll probably kick your ass or say some mean shit and I don’t want to do either of those things.” “I’ll gladly let you kick my ass sweetheart…just stay please.” “You really think I have a temper?” “Uh…” “what the fuck is uh? That’s not an answer asshole.” “Uhm..well yeah baby you have a bit of a temper but usually it’s not aimed towards me so it’s…fine.” “I can’t help it I’m a passionate person Eddie.” “I know you are baby and I love that about you…I can handle you when you’re in a fighting mood so it’s okay…I promise I didn’t mean it badly.” “You..can handle me?…you really think so?” “Yeah…I can handle you sweetheart.” “We’ll see about that.”
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landograndprix · 1 year
For mini you, mini me I don’t think Charles would be considered just some random guy on the street. I would assume that they’re friendly and they both (I assume) live in Monaco which is so tiny I could totally see them having a little meet cute. And maybe they just start out as friends that become more. So for their timeline I’m seeing them being low key friends for like 6 months, Charles making a move after he feels the appropriate time has passed post breakup. They date for a year before Charles proposes. Married a year before they start trying for a kid and then they have baby in their arms but like year 4ish post breakup. Which in my mind would be the timeline that y/n was think about with her and Lando. She didn’t seem like she was “I want a baby RIGHT now” it was more of a I want to have this kid with you in the near future. And I think that that’s understandable. For most people that would be the natural progression of a relationship. Like I don’t think girlie is being too crazy by saying that she feels like a baby is the next step in the relationship. They tick all the boxes that most would consider before planning(stable relationship, stable career and financials, stable home life). I could totally see where y/n is feeling like if Lando isn’t ready to have a kid with her then is he really seeeing this relationship in the long term? Or is this just something to pass the time until he finds something or someone better. And she’s going to be left all alone to start over in a decade when all of her friends/family have established their families making it that much harder on her. I don’t see Charles as having these reservations. I know he’s older than Lando but he’s always been me the vibe that he’s just more mature that Lando (or even other guys in the grid, I’m looking at you Pierre). Which would lend to the idea that he would be ready to make that kind of commitment.
And I might even be okay with Lando having some regrets about it🙈 what can I say I like the pain
I'm looking at you Pierre lmfao 😭 😭
but yes, waiting 4-5ish year before taking that big of a step in your relationship is more girlies ideal world than 10-15 years and unless they don't come to terms with some compromise, reader might just dip but I also don't want to make lando a big fat asshole lmfao he lowkey was in my previous lando series 😅
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sleepylostboy · 2 years
Hello! Your blog is a femdom's dream 💖
I was curious about the ask post you reblogged so here it goes (please feel free to ignore questions you don't feel comfortable replying to):
4. Last time i cried and why
7. Biggest turn offs
10. Biggest turn ons
17. A fact about my life
18. Phobia
20. Height
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
26. What’s one thing you regret?
29. One insecurity
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
A dream huh 🥰
4. Two nights ago. Cause of.. depression and feeling bad about myself and other things.
7. Hmm, I’d mostly say generic stuff like assholes and shallow people. When it comes to kink/femdom specifically, I’d say the extreme pain and degradation side of things, making a sub feel worthless, cbt, etc.
10. Someone who makes me feel safe and comfortable, and is patient with me. Someone who is okay with taking the lead in the relationship. Possessiveness! Always wanting their hands or mouth on me, and making me feel wanted, desired and lusted after. Someone who is as gross as me or grosser so I’m less embarrassed by my own kinky thoughts 🙈. Being adored and taken care of.
17. Hmm, idk. My life hasn’t been very interesting tbh. I love pickles lol, how about that.
18. With my social anxiety I’m scared of like.. all social situations lol
20. 5’9 / 175 cm
23. I’m nonbinary so straight/gay don’t fully feel right to me. I’m mostly into women and femme or androgynous people. Still a few masc people I’m attracted to but not as often.
26. Oh god, sooo many things. Most of them depressing, so I’ll avoid talking about it lol
29. So many things again. My body and how I look are one.
100. Hmm, it’s hard to think of anything that interesting. When I was a kid and my mom would take my siblings and I shopping for clothes, whenever my siblings were the focus I would just be standing around bored. So sometimes I would try to take off and steal some of the decorative things that some clothes have, especially in the girls section like fake gems and beads and other things. I wasn’t trying to be destructive, I just turned it into a game imagining I was collecting magical gems and stuff lol.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
I loved your recs of unusual favorite fics. It was just what I needed. You said you could keep in forever. Any chance of a part 2? 🙈
No pressure just a bored reader with vacation and a lot of time who gratefully gets inspired to read from you.
Me when I got this ask: Oh no, I have to find more?
Me today: How many fics are too many for a rec list?
(Unusual) Wolfstar Fic Recs Part 3
(see Part 1 and Part 2!)
Turn On My Charm by bethanlovescoffee
Was this fic recced to me yesterday by @second-sister? Did I get immediately lost in it and love every minutes? Absolutely. It’s celebrity Sirius and Remus comes to work for him. TW for forced coming out, but it’s a gorgeous story, and so fluffy and fun!
Pleading the Major Fifth by @krethes
This fic is hilarious and sexy. Sirius goes a bit gaga for Remus, as he absolutely should. Remus is a little shit and gives Sirius hell, as he absolutely deserves. But good things come to the patient (and the not so patient) and this fic is so fun. It’s a follow up to a short multipchapter (actually, ironically, the multipchapter is only 300 words longer than the follow up 😂), but it can absolutely be read alone.
This is the Way the World Ends by @blitheringmcgonagall
I am… not okay after reading this. It’s so, so sad, but in the most gorgeous way possible. It is grief and longing and regret and what it feels like when time is too short. The premise is that being a werewolf is really hard on a body, and… well, Remus has lived far longer than he expected to anyway. Canon complaint up through POA (I think, more or less), but with Sirius and Remus raising Harry after POA, and… It’s mostly about Sirius and Remus coming to terms with Remus dying, but it’s also about Harry… Sorry, I’m crying again. it’s so beautiful. Give it a go, but be ready to cry.
The beasts of wanting by @moonynpadfootforever (I don’t think the blog is active anymore!)
Roommates to lovers, canon compliant, but make it post-hogwarts. Lovely pining Remus, misunderstandings and miscommunications, and some wonderful motorbike rides together.
Heavy in Your Arms by @mollymarymarie
If I had to pick a favorite wolfstar fanfic writer, it might just be mollymarymarie because her gorgeous fics make me *feel* things. This fic is Slytherin Sirius and Ravenclaw Remus who still manage to find their way together. Sirius literally rescues Remus after a bad moon, and they become friends or more than friends and…. Well, you’ll have to read it to watch this gorgeous story develop.
Elegy by @impishtubist
This one might be a bit of an odd add here because it’s not strictly a Wolfstar fic, but the Wolfstar moment at the end is something that lives in my head rent free. Don’t skip to the ending though. Read the whole thing, because it’s lovely.
Alright. I think that’s enough for now. Please go give these authors some love, and let them know I sent you. 😘
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How To Write Family Fluff (and other randomness)
So @youcancallme-ray recently reached out to ask for my advice on writing fluff, specifically family fluff, and I mentioned that I've been wanting to write a proper post on this subject for a while, since this isn’t the first time I’ve been asked and sometimes it's useful to have another writer describe their perspective/process. First thing's first, always remember the #1 rule of writing - throw out all the rules and advice and write whatever you want to write. Seriously. Not everything that works for me will work for everyone. There’s no wrong way to write fluff or angst or anything. You do you.  But for me... I personally love stories with families. I just do. I love multiple generations interacting, I like big families, I like small families, broken families, powerful families, loving families, complicated families, babies, toddlers, small kids, teenage kids, parents, grandparents, fallings out, reconciliations, separations, reunions, birth scenes, deathbed scenes, and all the kitchen table scenes in between, love, love, love. All of it. Family, in all its wonderful, messy glory.  So this is all to say that I always tend to gravitate towards creative works that have a family vibe, whether natural or found family. Game of Thrones was almost unusual for me except...oh wait, everyone's related 😂 (plus they had zombies too, but that’s beyond the scope of fluff. Vlad’s not coming to any baby showers, I don’t care how many times he asks 🤣🙈) Anyway, I'm a proud daughter of House Mormont with a major House Tully streak (which is fitting, considering my two main fanfic projects right now focus on Jorah/Daenerys and Brynden/Roslin 😍). I'm a Huffleclaw or Ravenpuff, or whatever we're called 😂, from way back and you can hear it the name, give me all the fluff, fluff, FLUFF ❤ But what even is fluff, right? Romance, hurt/comfort, warm feelings? Webster's Dictionary defines fluff as "something fluffy" - I'm not making this up, I just googled it 😂 Stellar job with the wordsmithing, Merriam-Webster 😂 (it’s like that Jim Gaffigan skit where he’s like “have you ever looked up potato in the dictionary?” Noun: “potato, you know...potato”). Okay, I’m scrolling down...hmm, all right, I found this under "kids definition" (ummm, we have different dictionaries for different age groups now? who knew?): Fluff - to make or become fuller, lighter or softer. Oh yes. THIS. THERE WILL BE ACTUAL ADVICE HERE SOMEWHERE I PROMISE 😂🙈 Maybe I should make a list? Yes, a list would be good. Let's consider this Lady M's Semi-Official (And Certainly Non-Exhaustive) List of Creative Choices To Consider While Writing Family Fluff: 1. Know your characters. This goes for all writing adventures. But in fanfic, it's honestly make or break with the characters. Most readers are searching via character or relationship tags. They really don’t care about the rest of it (at least not at first). You’ve got to know the characters inside and out. And use canon/source material, of course, but what I really mean by this is you should try to stay true to your specific characterization. For instance, not everyone is going to write Jorah Mormont the same way. His character (like all characters) falls on a spectrum, one that contains a lovely array of personality traits - stubbornness, strength of will, survival instincts, romanticism, deep regret, etc. Some writers will draw on book lore, others will stick to show canon, some mix it up, all with similar but slightly different characterizations. And that’s awesome! Imo, all interpretations are VALID. Even the OOC interpretations of a character are valid, if that's what you want to do with it (it doesn’t mean all readers will be on board or that I’ll agree with it 😂🤷‍♀️, but that’s okay too). But whatever the characterization, within each one of my fics, I pay a lot of attention to consistency of character. Like, a lot. If I’m forcing an action or reaction on one character and it just doesn't feel right, I’m likely giving the action/reaction/dialogue to the wrong character. In that case, I will choose a different POV or rewrite the scene to see if having someone else say the line works better.
2. Remember kids aren't just props. This is a HUGE one, friends. Kids aren't made in a mold. They have distinct personalities and quirks of manner that show up crazy early in development, in my experience (and I believe @salzrand agrees with me - and she has the credentials to back it up 😘❤). If you're going to have kids in a story, I suggest thinking about how that kid will be like as an adult. Not their whole life story or anything (unless you get lost in your daydreaming 🤷‍♀️😂) but I try to think about what their future life might be like. Sometimes I'll just scribble for a while and maybe have the child narrate a short future scene, even a paragraph, to discover more about them before I continue with the chapter. I did this recently with Kitty Tully for my Brynlin fic, which may in fact lead to yet another fic because oops that’s what happens to me sometimes (ahem, or ALL THE TIME 😂). "Winter's Child" was my very first Jorah/Dany fic way back when, and that was narrated by Jeorgianna 🐻🌻, so yeah, I've been using this trick for a while.  Some fanfic writers don't like to lean too far into developing OCs and I totally get that (the ghost of Mary Sue will haunt fanfic realms forever 😂) but I always make an exception for the kids of my main pairings/OTPs because it's so interesting to explore how much of the father or mother (or other family members - see Daenielle/Grandpa Jeor for further details ❤) shows up (physically, personality-wise) in the child. This is also why I use the same children across fics. It gives legitimacy to their existence and leads to some exciting and fluffy cross-universe call-backs.  3. But also remember that babies can be the BEST props. This doesn’t work for older kids. But not gonna lie. Just from a scene-building perspective, if someone is holding a baby/toddler, so much can happen. The child can be picked up, handed off, tickled, lifted into the air, set down on the floor, crawling, cooing, crying, you get the idea. And that sort of action breaks up the “X" he said. "Y" she replied. really well sometimes :) 4. The magic of ordinary moments.
For me, personally, this is where I find the fluff (in all writing, not just fanfic) 😎 I like finding the joy and sparkle in everyday moments. It's slightly easier to find or create these moments in modern AUs, only because I don't have to research what it's like to go to the movies or a school play or whatever. Less easy to find family-friendly activities in the Red-Wedding/Twincest-Push-Bran-Out-A-Window/Ned-Stark-Gets-His-Head-Chopped-Off/Murder-Child-Arya-In-Action landscape of Game of Thrones.  But there are still lots of things that transcend tragedy and medieval backdrops - food, nature, weather, festivals, putting a child to bed, reading stories together - and I'll typically choose something like this for setting the scene. And it really doesn't have to be much. After that, the characters do the heavy lifting. Daenerys and Jeorgianna observing a sleeping dragonfly in the garden. Jorah giving Aemon a piggy-back ride down to the harbor. Grandpa Jeor building a boat, Daenielle helping him sweep up his workshop. (i.e. Jade Sea Bears 😂🥰) 5. Don't forget the (minor) angst. Just because I’m writing a fluffy moment between characters, doesn't mean that there's no angst or sadness in it. A dash of past sadness or future wistfulness can be delicious in a fluff-heavy scene and save the whole scene from going too schmaltzy and sappy-sentimental.   6. Don't be afraid to end on the hug. Or the smile. Or the "I love you." Depends on what the scene calls for, obviously, but fluff is not about plot, it's about feeling. It's about taking words and images and character interactions and infusing them with something extra warm and soft. And just because the characters have said "I love you" to each other before doesn't mean they can't say it again. And again. It’s not very original but it is beautiful. Real life is cruel and hard sometimes. The world is filled-to-bursting with bitter, so I say add the sweet wherever possible <3  So this is not a comprehensive list (I'm not even sure what that list would look like 😂). But hopefully this inspires some of you who aren't natural fluff-writers to be less intimidated by the idea of trying it sometime or maybe just think about your own writing process and scene-crafting.  Either way, hope this helps and happy writing! Xo
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emsylcatac · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
Thanks for the tag @2manyfandoms2count♥︎
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 20 for now, hopefully 21 soon if I can finish the fic I'm currently writing 🤞
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 76023 apparently! I'm baby writer
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Only ML, to be honest I never planned on ever writing for it but accidents happen and here we are
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Compatible (older Ladynoir + reveal) We'll be together, always. (older lovesquare + slight time travel + reveal) I would have catwalked for you if you'd asked (dumb Adrinette reveal, it was like one of my first fics fgjjhgfjhgf) A little push (prpr my beloved) Kiss shy (prpr but dumber my beloved)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to, but I sometimes answer very late oops. As to why, I don't know, I feel like if someone says something nice I gotta say thank you or I'd feel bad hahaha, especially cause people kindly took the time to comment so it's nice to let them know their comments have been appreciated!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmmm I suppose it's either Never let me go (prpr but without a resolution and bittersweet, I used to plan on continuing to show they will get together later but then I got lazy, rip the ending) or Mad though this one was more a small character study between Adrien, Gabriel and how Adrien perceives Hawkmoth.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I don't know, what's "happiest"? For real though most of my fics end happily, apart from the two mentioned above so I have no idea!
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written? The first "fic" (if we can call it that) I wrote was a purely cracky Beauty & the Beast AU but with Marinette and Bananoir. Yeah I have regrets. (not exactly a crossover per say but the closest to one I suppose)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic? I don't think so? I remember getting a comment of someone pointing out grammar mistakes and nothing else in the summary of a fic I posted at like 2am that annoyed me, but otherwise not that I can recall! 🤞
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Nope! I did write an M rated fic once but I never wrote the sex scene, only what led to it and left it for the reader to imagine haha
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! Fics ideas though, yeah probably
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, in Russian for Compatible and We were beautiful by a user called Denniso (they posted them on a Russian fanfic website with my permission and translated some comments they got to me, that was fun!)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? Not yet, but we did talk about something with @rosekasa, now when or if this will happen I don't know haha we're quite busy! But I love the idea we have so it'd be cool to carry on with it!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Lovesquare I think 🙈
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I would LOVE to finish It'd make me love them (you) more but I have no idea when I'll have the time! It's Ladrien who bound over being rejected lovers
16. What’s your writing strengths? I...don't know? 😅 I know I like to play with the environment at times and make callbacks to the discussion at hand between characters and what happens around them. I don't know if I'm good at it though but it's something I like to play with!
17. What’s your writing weaknesses? Kisses for sure
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic? I suppose it depends the purpose? If it's cause the character suddenly speaks in another language, sure as long as I get a translation somewhere! If it's random words thrown in, it depends. It has to be well done and measured, I see it a lot in ML fics with French words thrown into the English and it doesn't always work quite right if overdone or if the French isn't correct/containing innuendos the writer didn't know about. Some do it pretty well though and make it flow naturally which is nice! I suppose it really is a question of which word you want to translate and why 🤔
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for? ML
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? I really liked writing Compatible. Also, maybe What the future holds, we'll never know, because it took me a lot of time and it's my longest fic ever! It was quite a challenge too to handle what I wanting to deal with in it!
Tagging @rosekasa, @hey-its-laura-again and @ladyofthenoodle if you feel like it!
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bottomvalerius · 2 years
🍩 DONUT, 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL  and 🍧 SHAVED ICE for tha boys :^)
Thank you bb 😘😘😘
From these asks!
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Donna: ALL SWEETS LMAO chocolate, vanilla, fruits, cakes, ice cream, cookies—they just love sweet things lol they have a weakness to chocolates though, so anything like that makes them feral
Sam: mango lassi or something similar tends to win him over. He doesn’t have a MAJOR sweet tooth, but in general enjoys citrus-y and light desserts.
Damien: He LOVES a red velvet cake or devil’s food cake. Yes, it’s because he’s edgy. He also will fuck up some good flan in a HEART BEAT LOL
The rest will be undercut 💕
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Donna: Donna didn’t keep MUCH from their childhood, but they do have a barrette their aunt Dominique gave them. They don’t actually wear it but they do keep it on their nightstand; it reminds them of the brief gentle moments of their childhood and how despite everything, Dom did try to be as comforting for them as she could. They would be pretty crushed if anything happened to it, but wouldn’t know how to express that hurt.
Sam: Sam has kept nothing from his childhood; when he left his family, he literally just took the clothes on the back and left them all of his belongings and any money he had. His brother has all of his childhood clothes and trinkets, but Sam has never asked for them :x
Damien: similar to Sam, Damien, for the most part, didn’t keep anything when he “disappeared.” He was instructed not to carry anything with him when he ran away as they ran the risk of Donna being able to latch onto some part of him. HOWEVER he did sneak his childhood stuffed bat toy (which is actually meant to be Romeo, Donna’s familiar) and kept it by his side the entire time. Valerius’s ram head brooch is also extremely sentimental to him and is the only other thing he was allowed to take for practical reasons (ie only Damien would have that brooch). If he lost either of those things, he would honestly lose his mind. Those are the view things he has from his childhood and he wants to cling to that as long as he can :’)
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Donna: Donna REALLY does not like showing their violent side. It’s rare to get them worked up to the point of lashing out physically, but it has happened before (the only time they’ve struck out at someone is Sam; other times they literally just smash something or have a magical outburst). Especially post-route, they have a very real disconnect between who they THINK they are, how everyone is eventually remembering them to be, and trying to balance how people view them now. They want to maintain the “chill, nothing phases me, I’m in silent control of everything” vibes, and it really distresses them when they have outbursts :x
Sam: Peepaw is like. A deeply sad person. LMFAOOO it’s just very very rare he ever shows that side of him to anyone. Sadness = weakness = liability. He can’t let people know he has Feelings and that he has Needs and Regrets and Trauma. This is why he typically just runs away or isolated himself when he’s feeling depressed or unwell—he’s literally like a cat in that he doesn’t want to show his weakness and will scurry off to lick his wounds alone to be safe lol
Damien: I touched on this in the other post, but in general, Damien REALLY doesn’t want people to see him as anything other than a strong magician who is in control. He doesn’t like to harp on the fact that he is traumatized, that he’s holding onto a lot of pain and guilt and anger, and that he desperately needs help with all of it. He also obviously tries to hide his own anger and aggression and just straight up sadism, but he’s not. That great at it lmfao he’s kinda a combo of Sam and Donna: he doesn’t want to appear weak and he doesn’t want to appear as a threat.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 6 years
‘Why I put my teenage life on YouTube’
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Media captionVlogger Lewys Ball explains how documenting his life online has helped him
YouTube stars and fans are gathering in London for Summer in the City, the UK's largest and longest-running online video festival. We meet the people who get to call YouTube their job.
Lewys Ball is a 19-year-old YouTuber whose make-up tutorials and vlogs of his daily life as a student have earned him a following of more than 300,000.
He's been posting videos for more than five years and tells the BBC he has no regrets about documenting his teenage years online.
"I have lived my teenage years from 13-19 with every moment documented online - I know some people would hate it but I love watching back 14-year-old me.
"I was obsessed with social media from a young age - I started a YouTube channel just uploading random clips of my pets when I was 8 or 9 years old.
"Then about five years ago I broke my arm and I found Zoella and all those people and saw they were making videos weekly for a specific audience and not just uploading clips of their mum falling over or their dog barking."
He says within a week of discovering these YouTube channels he posted his first video - a vlog about his experience of primary school.
Growing up online
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Lewys's videos, which have now had a combined 16 million views, document everything from his clothes and make-up to holidays abroad.
As someone whose years as a teenage boy have been atypical to many others, he says his experience of "growing up online" was a positive experience.
"Posting videos online has helped me find who I am as a person and bring out the best in my personality.
"As a teen I had a thick skin. Between the ages of 14-16 for a lot of people hate comments would affect you, but I'm lucky that they didn't get to me at all."
He says seeing people commenting on him as a teenager was "strange" and that he was different from a lot of YouTubers who already had a distinctive identity, whereas his was changing all the time.
"For people who followed me when I was 14, I changed by the time I was 18 and people would be commenting 'what happened to the old you' - I'd grown up and everyone else had done it, except they hadn't done it online."
"People say whatever without consequence"
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I don’t even fit in the whole photo 🙈😫😂💋
A post shared by lewys (@lookingforlewys) on Jun 22, 2018 at 12:18pm PDT
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Like many YouTubers, Lewys has not been immune to trolling and hateful comments shared across his social media platforms.
"There are many people online who are supportive of what I do, but also so many who tear down not just me but other YouTubers.
"I've never heard of another YouTuber who hasn't received a hate comment or a dislike."
He says the online world can be less accepting than the real world as "people can be nice to your face but say whatever they want online".
"[Commenters] have this anonymity so if they were a stranger walking past you in the street they would never say something like that you.
"On YouTube people can say whatever they want without any consequences."
The unglamorous side of YouTube
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bday boy is 19 years yung 🤠🙈🙊🤪💋💞👀 (allow the bad quality it was my bday xD)
A post shared by lewys (@lookingforlewys) on Jun 8, 2018 at 12:45pm PDT
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Image Copyright lookingforlewys lookingforlewys
For Lewys, he says he likes to keep his videos quite loosely edited, because as a viewer he prefers "watching videos where you feel like you're having a conversation".
"I think it's necessary to show the unglamorous side because it brings you closer to the audience," he says.
"They can see themselves that you don't always have your eyelashes on and nails done - for me a lot of my audience is my age or going through the things I've gone through so for me I can be a lot closer if I open up."
He tries to paint an honest picture of his life as a university student too -which he juggles alongside treating YouTube as a "full-time job".
"I try and incorporate my uni life - a lot of YouTubers don't go to university or have already been through it, but my viewers go to university and then have no one to look to.
"I know two years ago I would have loved to have seen what the experience was like".
The beauty industry
He also says part of showing his life online is not promoting an unrealistic image and dislikes "over photo-shopping" that can be seen a lot amongst beauty influencers.
"On Instagram, a little smooth out is fine but its really disheartening to see some brands post those images when people are literally drawing on make-up.
"When I first started and saw all this flawless make-up online I didn't understand how they even achieved it, now I know it's because of posing, professional lighting and the camera.
"When you go on social media you're seeing the best lighting and angle of that look and it's important to remember that."
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