#don’t you wish you knew what was going on in this fanart?
fullcolorfright · 1 year
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art · 5 months
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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impactedfates · 1 year
helloo, jing yuan visiting dan heng/feng’s kid in the shackling prison? like the poor kid is scared terrified even considering they didnt get the best treatment there, but the general tries comforting them so yeah a platonic hurt/comfort scenerio
(kinda inspired by this amazing fanart: https://www.tumblr.com/gin-uzumaki/729265014524002304/the-general-was-vainly-searching-for-the-shadow )
A/N: Hello!! I'm assuming the kid is the reader? I've written it this way anyways haha. I decided this would be a prequel to this dan heng fic!! I hope that's alright anon :)) JY visiting the kid after finding out they got wrongfully imprisoned in the shackling prison
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Hurt/Comfort
Format: Fic (W.C: 1589)
Warnings: Wrongful Imprisonment // Hints at torture/abuse towards reader
Extra: Kid reader, so shorter then Jing Yuan // Uncle Jing Yuan :D
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"Safe With Me" - Platonic Jing Yuan x Child! Reader
Everyday would be the same for you. The same routine, you would wake up to the sounds of Cloud Knights shaking you awake roughly, they’d reluctantly feed you before leaving you chained up. Hours later they’d come back again for lunch and again for dinner. Then you’d soon pass out for sleep. And more then once, would they come back in between to ensure you ‘learnt your lesson’. What they meant by that? You weren’t completely sure.
Every single day this would happen, and you wished with every fibre in your body that something would change. That you could leave. That the Cloud Knights, the same ones from each day, the ones that always came to merely ensure you wouldn’t die, yet with how your body was decorated in wounds and bruises, they didn’t seem to care that much anyways…you hoped that even so, they would let you go. But living for so long, having been forced to drink that rotten potion that stopped your ageing just to punish you with something you don’t even know about. You weren’t sure if the day you could finally see the sun once again would happen.
Footsteps could be heard, walking in your direction, different footsteps, not the ones from the Knights that would usually come. Unrecognisable footsteps, the door to your cell opened and a pair of gold eyes soon met your own eyes.
He slowly walked in, keeping a distance from you, yet even so you moved back instantly. Looking him up and down, although the strange man didn’t wear the usual uniform of the Cloud Knights, you had no reason to trust him, no reason at all.
What if he was here to hurt you?
What if he was here to shove the disgusting food in your mouth instead?
What if-
“Are you okay?”
You looked over to him, your eyes which have previously been shut tightly to braise for whatever he was planning opened slowly as you looked at him, still he kept his distance to not startle you.
“Are you okay?”
He repeats, a small smile on his lips before his eyes looked at the chains around your body, slightly glaring…but not at you. His eyes landed on your form, almost softening instantly. You shake your head at his question and ask one yourself.
“...W-who are you?”
“You can call me Jing Yuan…the…General of the Cloud Knights”
He did not fail to notice you flinching away from him as he spoke about his title, he raised his arms in surrender and slowly walked closer. Despite everything, despite being chained to one small area, you tried your best to move away from him, the chains clashing against each other as they stopped you from going any further.
“...I’m not going to hurt you, I promise…can you trust me?”
“H-how do I know y-you’re not lying”
“You can’t…so I’m asking you to please trust me…the Cloud Knights who did this to you have already been dealt with accordingly”
You looked away from him, slightly shaking. You didn’t want to trust him, you weren’t sure if he was telling the truth. But you knew that if you refused, if he was anything like the people who threw you in here, you’d get hurt more. So despite everything you nodded, and closed your eyes. Getting ready for whatever the white haired man had planned.
What you weren’t prepared for however, was the feeling of your arms, your body, your legs. To no longer feel strained due to the chains, the sounds of a key clicking and the sounds of metal echoing through the chamber as metal crashed into each other gently.
You opened your eyes and they widened a bit, seeing you have been freed from the chains, looking up. Jing Yuan stared back with a kind smile and keys in hand. He reached behind him and pulled something out, almost on instinct, you moved back and raised an arm to protect yourself, but nothing happened.
“It’s okay…I just want to offer you a proper hot meal…well snack maybe is the better term for this”
He speaks, gently pushing over a wooden steamer towards you before calmly moving back. Allowing you to slowly open the lid, letting the smell of xiaolongbao infiltrate your nose, your mouth watered, looking up at Jing Yuan unsure if you were even allowed to eat something like this. With a nod of his head, you quickly dug in.
The xiaolongbao was the right temperature, not hot enough to burn your mouth yet still warm. After you finished, you looked back up to Jing Yuan who stared back, his hands behind his back as he carefully watched you with gentle eyes.
“...May I come closer?”
He asked, tilting his head. You nodded slowly, still backing up to the wall and resting you back on the wall, he walked over slowly, picking up the wooden steamer and putting it away again. Before sitting next to you.
“...The Cloud Knights filled me in on what happened, but I have a feeling they didn’t tell me the full story…if you don’t mind looking into the past, will you tell me your side?”
You looked over to him and with a hesitant nod, you started telling him what happened. How when you saw your father getting banished away, you quickly ran elsewhere, how a Cloud Knight must’ve spotted you and chased you down. The next thing you knew was being forced in the chamber the two of you sat in currently and how you were chained up.
You even told him the mistreatment that occurred and the potion you were made to drink to stop yourself from ageing. You weren’t sure why you were made to drink the potion, perhaps it was because you would feel more pain with everything that happened. Whatever the case, you were in tears as you finished.
Jing Yuan instantly took note of this and was quick to gently clean away any tears. He wanted to hug you and comfort you, but he knew that with everything that you went through, you may not trust him. 
He understands.
He simply tried to comfort you in mere words, and eventually it worked. As you calmed down. Gripping onto the dirty cloth you were wearing you looked back at the man who had been the one who gave you the change you were looking for.
“...Mr General?”
“...What’s going to happen now?”
You ask, looking at him. He hummed in response and stood up, offering a hand for you to take, which you did. Slowly standing up and using his arm as support as your legs still felt wobbly.
“First, I’m taking you to get cleaned up and a proper meal. I already gave you some xiaolongbao to eat, but I think you’d enjoy something more filling”
He starts, walking out of the chamber with you and out of the prison, the sun hitting your face instantly as you stepped outside the prison. You looked up, eyes squinting as the brightsun burned your eyes and yet, it was beautiful. Jing Yuan continued.
“Then, we’ll take a trip to the alchemy commission so they can figure out how to reverse the effects of the ageing potion you took. You’ll stay with me for a bit…until you’re ready to meet your dad…your dads reincarnation I should say”
He mumbles the last part, inaudible to you. Your eyes looked towards him as you thought about his words. Clinging onto his arm a bit tighter.
“...You promise you’re not like the mean guys who took me?”
“I promise, and those mean guys will get rightfully punished for their crimes…you’re safe with me don’t worry”
He nods, smiling down at you. And he did in fact keep his promise. He stayed true to his word, you got a set of new clothes and was able to eat a full meal. All paid for by the general (discounted due to his title) and the alchemy commission, in request to Jing Yuan, managed to make an antidote to have you age normally again. To continue growing up like any other kid.
One night when he was off from work, he came to see you. He couldn’t adopt you, he knew you’d need someone who’d be home more often than he could. But even so, even if he was only temporarily your guardian, he’s so happy to see you change for the better, to see a smile on your face more often than a frown or a scared one.
“How are you, little one?”
He called softly, standing next to you as you drew him, yourself and Yanqing. His smile softened even more as he saw this.
“I’m good!”
“That’s good”
“...Uncle Jing Yuan?”
“...I think I’m ready to meet my dad now”
You spoke, looking up from the paper to him, Jing Yuan looked back and nodded, patting your head.
“Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Then get yourself packed up, and you can meet him tomorrow”
With a nod from both yourself and him, he helped you get ready to meet your father. You truly were safe with him for the time you spent with him, and now he’s entrusting that you’d be safe with your father.
With Dan Heng.
With the express.
And he hoped that as the years go on, you’ll continue to smile as you do. And if the time comes when Dan Heng needs a babysitter? You’ll always be welcome with him. You’ll always be safe with him.
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Jing Yuan :D Love him sm, he'd honestly be such a good dad, have you seen how he is with Yanqing?? Father son duo istg. I decided to make the reader see Jing Yuan as their uncle cuz I think it was cute :>>
Feel like I missed some warnings, so if you catch anything I missed please tell me!! (I'm always worried if I miss warnings RAEIOFN)
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selfishdoll · 1 year
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I wish we never fucked, and I mean that
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HIS BLOODBAG ! vamp! kashimo hajime
cw: angst if you squint, reader is seen as a bloodbag & nothing more (at first), lowkey groveling kashimo, rough sex, frustrated kashimo, degradation & praise, mutual pining, kashimo is dumb when it comes to love, reader is sick of his shit fr, chubby reader, big dick kashimo, multiple orgasms, usage of pet names (pretty, good girl, sweetheart, etc), etc.
i saw fanart of him with fangs & i just had to. also this was going to go in a completely different direction but i started listening to jasmine sullivan & produced this. @kvsh1moz kept interrupting so i forgot to add biting i’m sorry y’all 😞
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You were food and a release; nothing more and nothing less.
A savory taste attached to a warm plush body that Kamshiro Hajime sought to use however he wished. Your meeting was pure chance, the vampire coming across you while on a starving night. He still remembers what you wore: black heels, a long sleeve dress that rested at your ankles; hugging your curves so nicely so that he saw every dip, roll, and the nice shape of your ass. That was his only focus that night; your body and blood within your veins.
He doesn’t remember how he got his fill, how he got to feel you— and he doesn’t care. With your permission, with your obedience, he came again and again; seeking you out when he needed to feed or get his dick wet.
Like explained before, you were a bloodbag. You knew this all to well given Kamshiro told you little about himself and would stop you whenever you attempted to show affection. Pushing you away when you attempted to pleasure him, getting off the bed when you tried to cuddle; by the third time you got the message quickly. He was a vampire and you a lowly human, the dynamics wouldn’t work in an actual relationship.
It pained you at first. Your little heart yearning for this beast. Maybe you deluded yourself in thinking he was in love with you, given the way he treated you as if you were a goddess. Calloused hands tracing your skin, appreciating each mark, pudge, and scar that tainted it.
Perfect.. My perfect, girl.

Was what Hajime would mutter right into your ear, spearing you on his cock— bullying you open with his length.
Maybe you couldn’t blame yourself. Any hopeless romantic would fall for that. And any hopeless romantic would hope he did as well.
But, of course, he didn’t. You were a bloodbag.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Your title slowly set in as months of your little escapades passed, the spark diminishing as they went by. You would be so into it at the moment, relishing under the pleasure he was giving you, happy to feed him with your blood. Until it all came crashing down the moment his body left your own.
One night, you had enough. Kashimo had came for the third time that week, hands caressing your body, ready to sink his fangs into you. The moment you shied away from his touch, however— he released you, eyes casing your body.
Your face, features, the way your chest was pumping with heavy breaths.
“You’re upset.”
“Yeah, I am.” You mumbled, adjusting your clothing back to the way it was. You turned to fully face him, yet refusing to meet his eyes. “I’m sick of this, Kashimo. This, this game— You come and go as you please..” Your head tilted to the side, “Using me.”
The room was silent for a moment before a sigh escaped the cyan-haired man infront of you. “I told you, not to fall in love with me.”
Hot tears threatened to spill from your eyes, head snapping to glare at him. “Yeah, well— sorry us humans aren’t as easy like you vampires are!“ You hissed, stepping forward. Kashimo glanced down at you, surprise twinkling in his eyes. You were never so forward or rather, direct with him. You played and skipped around your words a lot around him. A trait he found cute at the time.
But now, he knew you were serious. From the way your hands clenched to how you stared at him dead on.
“Don’t, [Name] me! Just— just get the fuck out!” You shouted loudly, raising to push at his form. He didn’t budge an inch and yet you still tried, smashing your hands into his chest. “Out of my house, out of my life! I never want to see you again, Kashimo!” You were in sobs at this point, hot tears trailing down your cheeks.
The man left without a single word. Left you there, in your kitchen— on your knees cradling yourself as you cried.
Two weeks passed since that episode, regretting your words each night you were left without warmth. You fucked up really, falling for a man like him. For a vampire. You truly forgot your place.
He would live for years, while tomorrow wasn’t promised for you at all. You were only a temporary spot in his life, a fact you ignored like an idiot. If you could go back in time you would ignore the invitation of Kashimo, realizing he was much more trouble then you could afford.
Tonight was no different than the previous, coming home from a long shift to your empty house. It was bittersweet. You missed his smell staining the air, missed his eyes watching your every move whenever he happened to enter your house before you. How Kashimo got in without a key was beyond you.
After a hot shower you exited the bathroom into your bedroom, settling down onto your bed and slowly peeling your fluffy towel off your damp body. Reaching over, you grabbed the vaseline from your dresser; scooping some into your hand and sliding it across your body. Once perfectly lathered and moisturized you pulled a silky black nightgown on, deciding to forgo panties given you were about to go to sleep.
And that’s when you heard it, a thud. Soft enough to cast off as the wind or maybe even a branch. But familiar enough a shiver went down your spine.
You rose from your bed, creeping out of your bedroom spotting a tall shadow at the end of the hallway. You gulped a bit, searching for something, anything to use. Once your gaze rested on your broom you snatched it away from the wall, holding it infront of you as if to use as a weapon. You held the pole tightly, attempting to ignore your nerves with each step you took.
As you grew closer and closer to the end of the hallway, you felt your heartbeat quicken. Until finally, you jumped out from behind the wall, eyes landing on the intruder.
Kashimo fucking Hajime.
Your previous scared expression turned drastically, jaw locking as you tossed the broom to the ground. “You don’t, fucking listen.”
“I gave you such clear instructions, too!” You huffed loudly, walking over to your dining room table. You needed to busy yourself, you couldn’t face him. Looking at him again would only cause previously ditched emotions to arise, and you couldn’t let your resolve melt away like that. “Or are vampires suddenly deaf or something?” You would huff, aimlessly moving the mail around on the chocolate brown table.
“[Name].” Kashimo called once again, except, much closer. You turned around, back pressing against the table as the man towered over you— a breath’s away. Your eyes quickly fell to the ground, watching as he leaned; placing his hands onto the table behind you. “Look at me.”
You went silent, trying to ignore him. Something, he couldn’t bare.
For the last two weeks, Kashimo Hajime had an epiphany. For the first time in his bloodsucking life, he realized he was missing something. You.
He was too foolish to realize how much he wanted you, how his mind told himself you were simply a bloodbag.. while his body? Treated you how he wanted, like his. His to love, to care for, to be with. It was, frustrating. Kashimo had never fell in love before. It was pointless anyway, being tied to a single person — vampire or not — for his entire life.
And yet you creeped into his heart, plaguing it.
Torturing him when you declared you never wanted to see him again.
And now when you couldn’t even look him in the eye.
Your eyebrows furrowed, annoyed by his third call of your name. “What, Kashimo? What—“ Your next words were swallowed by his lips, pulling the air out of you with how deep the kiss was. Your body reacted as if muscle memory, finding his broad shoulders, pressing yourself into his form. She missed him, more than you wanted to admit.
His hands moved away from the table over to your thighs, lifting you and placing you on top of the table. The man then pulled away, staring down at you with such fire in his eyes. “I missed you. I.. I need you. I was stupid to ignore your feelings, and mine too.”
Your hands slowly fell from his shoulders, shock forming your expression. “Haji..” You whispered, feeling the way his fingers clenched against your skin.
His face fell to your neck, hand rising to cradle the back of your head. “Forgiveness is not what I ask for. I simply want you at my side.” Kashimo’s face turned, lips pressed against your ear. “As mine.. not as a meal.”
Your heart swelled at his words, hands raising to grab his face. Pulling him back, you planted your lips against him, two words entering his mouth;
I’m yours.
That was enough for Kashimo, hands latching onto your hips as he deepened the kiss. Lips locking, tongues playing against each other; desperation emitting from the makeout. Your tongue glided across his fangs, the two of you groaning as the metallic taste of your blood tainted your mouths. Just from that his hands got busy, falling to your thighs and pushing them open.
The realization you had no panties on plagued your mind the moment you left him graze your mound, eyes widening and pulling away.
Kashimo was first to speak, “Did you know I was coming tonight?” He breathed heavily, a dirty smile on his face. There he was, Kashimo Hajime, spark back and confidence intact; ready to toy with you how he always did. His fingers spread you open, thumb pushing against your little bud.
Your thighs squeezed his forearm, leaning back on your arms. “N—no..” You gasped as you felt his fingers work into your, pushing against your gummy walls. You grabbed him, eyes lifting to his face, “A—are we seriously gonna.. here?” You motioned to the table you were currently sitting on, watching as his lips curled more.
Instead of a verbal response however, he plunged the thick digits deeper inside of you, watching as your pretty, bruised lips fell open to release even prettier moans. Kashimo leaned close, keeping a steady pace inside of you as his thumb pressed against your clit. So rough yet so gentle, so fast yet so slow— working you open for something much bigger.
“Couldn’t possibly wait with you looking like this.. wearing this.” The vampire breathed, eyes casing down your body clad in the lacey nightgown. Just as your end got closer and closer, you felt his fingers slow down; words drowning out your whines.
“Besides.. this is the perfect place.”
Your eyes opened with confusion, attempting to speak once again, only to be flipped around in one swift motion. Kashimo’s fingers withdrew from you, placing a hand against your lower back and arching you over the table. With the end of your dress rolled up, your were exposed to him; pretty slit wet with slick, essence collecting at your thighs.
A grunt escaped him as he grabbed your ass, spreading your cheeks to take in the way you were exposed even more. This position was so embarrassing for you, thighs trembling under his careful eye, face buried into your hands.
The embarrassment melted away the moment you felt his hot breath fan against your messy cunt, however.
Your body turned, catching his little cyan colored buns behind your ass. Your eyes widened as you felt his lips press against your folds, a gentle kiss for a moment before his tongue slowly spread you open. The feeling quickly consumed your body, nails grating against the table as you moaned.
His hand rose, slapping against your ass as a muffled face forward, escaped him. You whined at the sting, yet still obeying; face turning to stare ahead.
Within minutes he was ravishing you, pressing his tongue against you so expertly you saw stars. Gliding across your clit, sucking, nipping, making you jump each time a fang became dangerously close. The groans that escaped Kashimo’s throat vibrated your entire body, a man starved with your pretty pussy the thing to satiate the hunger.
“Oh, oh my god…” Your back arched as his thick tongue worked its way into you, walls clenching around it. Hajime gave your ass another slap, this time sink his fingers into your flesh to spread you open even more. You pushed back into his face, whining as fucked you with his tongue.
You were lost; lips open as his name came out in a broken prayer, tears ready to dribble down your features. He snuck a hand around you as the thrusts of his tongue quickened, using two fingers to roll sloppy circles onto your sloppier clit, grinning into your pussy.
So close you were, bent over that table with nothing to do but take it. Feel it and enjoy it. Your moans became desperate, tears now released as you got closer and closer— until it snapped. Gushing onto his tongue and face, feeling your essence trickle down your thigh.
“Hajime…” You cried softly, feeling him slowly rise away from you. You hiccuped as his hand found your throat, pulling you back into his chest. Hajime’s thumb pulled at your bottom lip, pressing his clothed length against your ass.
Your eyes closed as he kissed your wet face, relishing under the affection he was giving you. As if he hadn’t ruined you just a moment ago.
“Missed you so fucking much.. missed seeing you cry like this.” Hajime grunted into your skin, pushing his hips to grind into you. The vampire grinned at the pathetic moan that escaped you, rubbing his thumb across your throat. “She missed me too..” He spoke, other hand dipping down to glide his fingers across your slick folds, watching you tremble with sensitivity.
“Kashimo.. Please..”
“Please, what? I didn’t fuck you dumb enough you can’t use your words.”
You whined at his tone, pussy clenching around nothing as they muddled your brain even further. Your bruised lips pushed together into a pout, reaching to grab his wrist. “Please.. I need you so bad, Haji. Can’t even think..”
A dark chuckle escaped him, slowly releasing your neck, allowing your hot body to rest against the cool table. You felt him slowly push his pants down, feeling his hard cock brush up against your slit. “You don’t need to think about anything,” Kashimo hissed, grabbing your ass and spread you once more.
“— except for how good I’m fucking you right now.”
The words echoed in your mind, mouth hung open in a gasp as he plunged into you in one single flick of his hips. Your hands clenched, digging marks into your palms as his hands tightly gripped your hips.
Kashimo never waited with you, it just wasn’t who he was. The moment he was inside, he was pulling his hips back again; plunging himself even deeper than the first time. You laid there, back arched as sobs and moans escaped you. He was wrecking you, fucking you as if he would die if he didn’t.
Swears leapt from your throat, whining as you felt a tight grip come upon your braids, tugging your body up off the table. You pressed on your hands, legs shaking as Kashimo slammed into you with such force the table was shaking.
“Just like that.. stay nice and arched for me, baby. Fuck..” His words dragged, eyes nearly rolling back as he watched the way his cock disappeared inside you. The man wasn’t lying when he mentioned she missed him, your pretty, pink walls clenching him as if refusing to let him go. The sight itself nearly made him come.
“Slutty pussy.. taking me so well. Mm..” The man’s hips never faltered, grip remaining in your hair as his tip slammed into your g-spot. You lurched forward, the man instantly pulling you back by your hip. “Mmh, no running; stay right here and let me fuck you.”
Your moans and sobs filled the room, squelches of your messy pussy acting as background noise he relished in. Your throat was becoming raw, vision blurry, as your mine could only focus on each thrust into you. A steady rhythm that rendered you a shaking mess.
“Haji—! Fu—fuck, ‘m so close!” The cry leapt from your throat easily, sure your neighbors easily heard it. The band was tightening and tightening, stomach clenching as you felt your end nearing.
Fuck, fuck, fuck..! You were there, right there and then— he stopped.
An exasperated cry escaped you, attempting to speak, only for the man to roughly grab you; switching you onto your back. Pushing you up on the table — caring less for it —, he was plunging back into your deeply, pushing your thighs up to your chest.
The new position ruined you, eyes rolled to the back of your head as desperate, strangled noises escaped you. You were sensitive all over, mind lost as a fog covered it. You could only feel him.
Could only think of him. Only, Kashimo Hajime.
The vampire grinned down at your body, taking in your sight with pride. Only he could do such a thing to you. Only he was allowed to see you in such a state.. His perfect girl. Only his.
“Mm.. good girl. Focus only on me.” Hajime’s words were so gentle compared to his bruising pace inside you. Your wrist was grabbed, coming to place against your plush stomach. “I’m right here pretty girl.. You feel me?” He hissed, plunging deep inside, tip ramming against your cervix.
He knew the answer even if you didn’t couldn’t reply.
Your moans became even louder, legs shaking around him as your walls began to clench again. You reached to grip his arm for stability, tightening up, “Ha—Hajime..!”
“Mm.. Relax, sweet girl.” Hajime cooed, leaning down to hover over you, your legs now rested upon his shoulders. “Relax.. I got you. Cum all over me, make me a fucking mess.” His words were enough to send you over the edge, spraying all over yourself and him, back arching off the ruined table.
“Good girl, fuck.. good fucking girl.” Hajime breathed heavily, feeling the way your pretty pussy spasmed around him. His hips didn’t falter however, fucking you through your orgasm while chasing his own. The vampire smiled at the tired whine that escaped you, pressing his lips against your own.
“I know baby, I know.” He breathed, gripping you so tightly it was sure to leave marks. His thrusts became desperate, strong yet uncoordinated, slamming his cock into you so deeply before stilling completely; spilling inside of you.
The warmth caused your eyes to roll back, legs shaking as you felt his hot body rattle above you. Your conjoined pants filled the room, along with the soft creak of the poor table.
You sniffled as his hand rose to your face, wiping away your tears. You leaned into his touch, slowly coming down from your high, staring up at the man. Hajime smiled down at you.. except, this smile had a certain amount of malice behind it.
“I was away from you for two weeks.” He started, grinning at the whine that escaped you the moment he started to circle his hips.
“Not letting you go until we break this fucking table.”
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shaybreezy-17 · 1 year
Zoro and the Aphrodisiac (Zoro x Fem!Reader)
smutty, silly lil one shot ;p
*TW: Explicit/sexual content*
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Fanart credits to: @rrrotten!
This image makes me feel things every time I look at it 🙈…
It was a dark and stormy night on the Thousand Sunny, but that didn’t stop you from heading into the kitchen for a midnight snack…
“What are you doing with that?!” You whispered, slapping Nami’s hand away from the booze barrel she was pouring something into.
“Relax! It’s just a little calming sedative for the boys to chill out tomorrow morning so I can rummage through their clothes and sell some of the ugly ones for a couple extra berries.” She had her tongue out in focus, pouring a clear substance into the barrel. “Something caught my eye in one of the boutiques in town…”
She placed the bottle down to mix what was inside the barrel, so you picked it up to inspect it, making a mental note to bother her about what she wanted later.
The label had a bunch of hearts and upon reading it a bit further, “MAXIMUM STRENGTH AROUSAL SEDATIVE?” You gasped. “Nami, this might put them to sleep but we’re gonna have to spend a couple hours running away from them first… it’s like an aphrodisiac or worse! Practically liquid viagra…”
Snatching the bottle out of your hands, she read the label carefully, scrunching her eyebrows. “Well, fuck.” She chuckled nervously, “At least they’ll knock out eventually…”
“We have to do something about this before breakfast in the morning.” You sighed, placing the lid back on the barrel. “Should we just toss it out now that everyone’s asleep?”
Nami opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a larger presence behind her.
“Throw what away? Better not be talkin’ about my sake.” It was Zoro. He walked past Nami, approaching the barrel.
“Hands off, now.” He lowered his voice, eyes on your hand over the barrel. “Why are you meddling with my stuff?”
You looked over at Nami, silently begging for help.
“It’s pretty late, huh? I’m just gonna leave you two…” Nami began to back out of the kitchen, mouthing an “I’m sorry” before closing the door behind her.
She’s so dead tomorrow, you thought.
Looking back over at Zoro, “You can’t drink this, bud.” You retorted, placing your other hand on it.
He looked visibly more annoyed. “This isn’t a barrel for everyone to drink out of, it has my sake in it so who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” He began to walk toward you, forcing you to back up into the kitchen wall. “Y/N, you just pissed me off and it’s late. You should go to bed.”
“But, I-”
“Go. To. Bed.”
You rolled your eyes, wishing he’d stop treating you like a child.
If he wanted a drink so bad, he was about to find out why he should’ve stayed outta that damn barrel the hard way.
You opted for sleeping at the Sick Bay for the night as you were sure if you saw Nami right now in the Girls’ bedroom area, you’d probably lash out on her over Zoro annoying you.
As you drifted in and out of consciousness, you felt your body being shaken by something. You opened your eyes, blinking a couple times to adjust them but all you could see was a blurry silhouette hovering over you in the dimly lit room.
“About fucking time you get up!” Zoro whispered. “I was looking all over for you.”
You sat up in confusion, rubbing your eyes. “You here to pick a fight over your stupid booze again?”
“No, idiot.” Zoro spat, “You put something in my sake! It’s making me feel… weird.”
“It wasn’t me and you’re the idiot for drinking from the barrel when I told you not to!” You slapped his shoulder.
“I don’t take orders from you last time I checked.” He scoffed.
“Yeah? Look where that got you now.” You retorted. “Get out if you don’t need anything else from me.”
He licked his lips, “You always been this feisty or am I just noticing?”
The sudden change in his behavior threw you off guard, but you knew the affect must have been kicking in worse by now.
“Oh, shut up.” You lightly shoved his chest, “That drink is messing you up, making you feel things you shouldn’t…”
He sat on the bed, leaning towards you. “The drink that you’re responsible for spiking?”
“I-I didn’t-”
He began to caress one side of your face, giving you the most intense eye contact he’s ever had, “I think it’s only fair that you’re responsible for relieving me of what I’m feeling right now…”
You were speechless. It was like Zoro left and let Sanji posses his sexy body. This was so unlike him.
You tried to dismiss the fact that the closer he got to you, the more you realized just how damn good looking he was.
“I need you, Y/N.” He whispered, thumb rubbing the corner of your mouth. His eyes followed, looking down at your lips. He licked his own intently. “Make me feel good.”
His voice made you weak in the knees. You closed your eyes in defeat, letting him finally kiss you.
You were torn between wanting him to make you his or still hating him for never taking you seriously and it caused a fire within you. You kissed him back, angry with passion.
You shoved him, making him lay down at the edge of the bed. Crawling on top of him, you kissed him again. You wanted control of him and this situation so badly… you wanted him to take you serious.
Zoro couldn’t handle his excitement as you felt him struggling to take off his pants until you felt something long and hard spring out and slap against your ass. Breaking the kiss, you positioned yourself over his pre-cum soaked penis.
“Slow and steady,” He placed a hand on your hip to support you, “I don’t wanna tear you up just yet…”
His words made your pussy throb. Looking down at his penis, you lowered yourself down, pushing him further and further inside… 
Once he was fully inside, you clenched your stomach, letting out a tiny grunt. He let out a smirk knowing he would be a lot for you to handle.
Rolling your eyes, you balanced yourself upright before you started working upwards and downwards on his cock. Zoro’s eyes closed shut and he let out a moan before stifling it by biting his hand.
This gave you a nudge of confidence as you began to quicken up your pace. Following your lead, he placed his hands on your waist, lifting you up as he began to thrust up inside you.
He threw his head back and you heard a stringy mess of the word “FuUuUcK!”
Before you knew it, he flipped you over so you were below him. “Sorry, Y/N, but I’m about to destroy you. I won’t hold back anymore.”
Without giving you a moment to even register what he had just said, he shoved himself back inside you causing you to tremble at the feeling of him completely spreading you apart, hitting all the right places.
He fucked you so hard, letting all of his past frustrations and desires toward you roll out with every thrust he made.
“Fuck! I hate you and how good you make me feel.” He growled, not letting up anytime soon.
Without even thinking, you reached up and slapped him across the face. His expression flashed with anger but quickly turned into something darker and more lustful…
“Not rough enough for ya?” He grinned, repositioning your legs over his shoulders to dig even deeper inside you, wrapping one of his hands around your throat as he spit into your mouth. “You’re taking me so fucking well, Y/N, I’m a little surprised.”
Little did he know, you began to feel an orgasm coming on. The way he was so rough with you yet made you feel so good had the knot in your stomach forming, tighter than ever, as your body begged you to let yourself cum.
Zoro hovered over you completely now, digging his face in your neck, leaving bites and kisses all over you. He pulled down your dress at the neckline, letting your breasts come out. As he sucked on your left nipple, he let his hand find your throat again. You couldn’t help but throw your head back at the overwhelming sensations he was giving you, rolling your eyes in pleasure.
“Zoro!” You screamed, “I-I’m gonna-”
Unable to finish your sentence, you felt that knot in your belly pulsating with energy that you were just dying to release. Running your fingers through Zoros hair, you gripped it as you felt yourself coming undone.
You let out a bunch of stringy moans and curse words as you came all over his cock, quivering under him as you attempted to push him out of you, but he held you and your hips down in place and kept ravaging your pussy.
You began to wimper with every additional thrust he gave you after you came. Your pussy was so sensitive now, you felt like you’d cum again any minute now.
Knowing you had no choice but to beg for him for mercy. “P-please, Zoro!” You struggled to find the words as he seemed to have fucked the shit out of the brains you once had, “I-I can’t take it anymore!”
You felt his pace get sloppier by the minute, his breathing heavier than before. You were both covered in each others sweat, but you were too dick-drunk to care or else you woulda dragged the both of you to the showers.
Zoros groans got louder as he fought back his own orgasmic sensation. His throbbing cock made your walls tighten around him even more, causing even more pleasurable agony for him. Eventually, he shoved his cock deeper inside you, making sure not to leave a single inch out. It pulsated and throbbed, followed by Zoro moaning your name loudly in your ear as he released deep inside you.
You were both utterly exhausted. Zoro let himself lay on you, no longer supporting up his body weight. You wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. You both laid in silence, only the sounds of you both trying to catch your breath could be heard.
“You look a mess.” Zoro smiled, kissing your forehead, moving a strand of hair out of your face. “A very, very sexy mess.”
“I promise you look worse.” You replied, playfully shagging up his hair. “Well, now you do. Look at that mess on your head.”
He gently flipped you back over so you were on top and he was resting on his back. He looked up at you with sleepy eyes, almost in a drunken state. “Whaddya say we both drink out of that barrel tomorrow night?”
“No way!” You slapped him on the shoulder, “You just wanna go for round two tomorrow, you horny fuck.”
His face formed into a grin as he let his hands rub your naked inner thighs as you straddled him, “More like round six, let’s keep this going ‘til sunrise and save sleeping for the morning.”
“How ambitious of you,” You chuckled, remembering he took a sedative that was clearly already kicking in, but still giving in to the urge to challenge him once more before he was out for good, “to think you’d last much longer…”
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the-bitter-ocean · 5 months
(MAJOR 2HATS/ A6SE + SASASAP TRUE END SPOILERS under the cut) ICAC au writing drabbles based on @tealgoat and @eurydice-pens awesome fanart they both did of my au In Cycles and Cessation!
{{ You wake up in Dormont.}}
{{The sun is so bright you can hardly register it as real. }}
{{Everyone is roaming around happily without a care in the world.}}
{{ You’re sitting on the bench outside the storefront.}}
{{ The papers are in your hands again. }}
{{One of the villagers approach you. They wave and smile happily. }}
“Good luck against stopping the King, Mirabelle! We know you and the saviors will prevail!”
{{ You smile and wave back. }}
{{You ignore how your hands are shaking. }}
{{You grip the papers tightly. You crumple it into a ball and toss it. }}
{{ You get up from your seat and run.}}
{{Past the change god statue. }}
{{Past all the villagers who adore you when they have no good reason to. }}
{{You don’t bother greeting any of your party members either.}}
{{You need to be alone.}}
{{You go into the forest clearing and practically collapse unto the ground.}}
{{You start to cry.}}
{{You pray and pray and pray and pray for this to be over. }}
{{You cant do this anymore! }}
{{You curl up on the ground and scream. }}
{{You don’t want to do this again! The first time you ever beat the king- finally something new happened in your short pitiful existence and it couldn’t save you!}}
{{You tug on your curls until you feel a dull pain at the sides of your head.}}
{{ The power of friendship couldn’t save you! You weren’t chosen! You weren’t special! }}
{{You wish for someone to help you escape!}}
{{You can’t bare to die again. To watch your friends get hurt again. To see everyone frozen- your home permanently cursed to stagnation! }}
{{You wish for someone to understand you!}}
{{The loops were lonely and scary. You had no one to talk to who knew what you were going through!}}
{{And the minute you thought.. t-thought that maybe you found hope it was taken from you! Why? Why why why-}}
{{You wish you could change into someone who could actually save your home!!!}}
{{ You stare at the moon shaped object in your hands. }}
{{ You look around confused as to who or what gave you this form of divine intervention- if it would even work at all to begin with.}}
{{You’re in no position to reject it or be skeptical. }}
{{ You’re helpless. }}
{{ You can only do so much on your own before everything falls apart. }}
{{ You hold the crescent close to your chest. }}
{{ You thought it would burn you but it’s surprisingly soothing. }}
{{Siffrin talked about the item that’s currently in your hands a long time ago.}}
{{You didn’t get it half the time but you listened anyway because it made him happy. }}
{{The moon will never be as bright as the sun. }}
{{It’s only capable of reflecting the light and warmth from the suns rays. }}
{{It has nothing to shine with on its own. }}
{{…It suits you.}}
{{ You slowly bring the crescent to your mouth and devour it whole. }}
{{ You. Feel. A. Tug. On. Your. Heart. And. You-}}
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ffc1cb · 7 months
new art blog
the short version:
1. i made a new art blog: @cbge;
2. @ffc1cb will stay up as an archive.
the long version:
hi everyone. this announcement is somewhat late, since the blog in question has been up for a few months now, and i’ve already started posting art on it. the reason it took me so long to “reveal” it is because i’ve been trying to figure out whether a new blog is something i actually want, or if it's just me throwing darts at a board, trying to make myself feel better somehow.
i don’t know when precisely it all started, but ever since sometime last year i’ve been going through a hard time, both emotionally and creatively. i’m not sure whether being depressed is what made art harder, or art becoming harder is what made me depressed (a bit of both, i think), but lately, drawing has been a struggle. 
i’ve found myself having less and less energy for art, and this lack of energy resulted in poorer quality of drawings, which resulted in me feeling like i’m getting worse at it, despite my efforts. i knew i could make good art, art that i’m proud of - i’ve done so countless times before, - but somehow it felt like i just couldn’t anymore, like my hands forgot how to. nothing looked right. 
i’ve been trying to experiment. i’ve learned some new things, tried this and that - it was enlightening, to say the least, and even though i kind of liked how it looked, it made me feel a sense of displacement. i was at odds with myself, my art, and how i felt about it, when previously i was always in sync. i was making art, yes, and it looked nice, but it felt like it wasn’t mine.
i suppose part of it was also the growing lack of engagement, and i don’t mean likes and reblogs - i never particularly cared about those. they are all just numbers to me; dry and impersonal. what i’m talking about is actual, human interactions: personal thoughts in tags, asks, replies, etc. a conversation. 
i don’t mean to sound “old” or anything, but i remember when talking to artists online was more commonplace. my wife tells me it’s because the internet culture has changed over the years, that people have become more reclusive, less willing to be open with their thoughts, and she's probably right, but in my slump i find it hard to believe. somehow it feels like it’s my fault for being less “engaging”, for seeming unapproachable or perhaps intimidating. maybe it’s “just a skill issue”, maybe it’s because i have stopped churning out fanart for popular fandoms, maybe it’s because i refuse to torture myself emotionally by having an art account on twitter (i can’t fucking stand the place anymore; i still post nsfw art there, but only because it’s literally one of the only places on the internet that allows you to do so. i miss when you could post female presenting tits on tumblr).
i have always, ever since i started posting art on the internet back in 2012, done it for human connection. i wanted to talk to people, and have people talk to me. i wanted to inspire people with my art, and i wanted to bring them comfort. i wanted to elicit an emotional response, and have people tell me about it. it was one of the main reasons i drew in the first place; having lost that, i’ve been struggling to stay passionate about making art.
i miss being a small artist on the internet during the 2010s. i remember when i could make a post going, “hey everyone, how are you all doing today?” and it would not seem weird to people in the slightest. it is just me? does anyone else feel that way? am i too deep in my own head? the internet feels so unwelcoming nowadays, especially to artists. we are all just content machines; people scroll by our stuff, or maybe look at it for half a second and leave a like before scrolling away. i know it’s unfair to demand people’s attention, especially now when our lives are already so overwhelmed by everything - no one has the energy to pay closer attention; i myself am not immune to mindless scrolling. but it feels bad. i wish we were all sincere and enthusiastic again.
anyway (sorry for rambling. i hope i haven’t bored you to death), you might want to say, okay, but how is making a new art blog on a “dying” social platform going to help with any of that? the truth is, i don’t know. i just felt like i needed a change. 
i’ve been running this blog since 2016 (that’s almost 8 full years!). i feel incredibly attached to it, but at the same time, i feel it weighing me down. 
there are people who followed me years ago for one specific thing, still expecting me to post about said thing (i still find it mindboggling that some people follow artists for a specific fandom only, but that is a whole other matter for a whole other post that i will never write). a third, if not half, of my following are probably dead blogs. and with my current struggle with trying to regain the joy i once felt for making art, looking back at all the art i’ve done over the years makes me feel tired. i still love it all; it’s all very dear to me. i’m proud of it; looking at it makes me mourn my younger and more passionate self.
so i’ve decided to make a new blog, where i will let myself post whatever i want, in whatever stage of donness i feel like. maybe it will help me, somehow. maybe it won’t. but if you care about my art, if you want to keep following me on my artistic journey, i welcome you to join me there. similarly, feel free not to - no hard feelings.
thank you everyone for your support over the years; it matters a lot to me. i’m not planning to delete or private this blog; it will stay up, and i will still be reachable on here. i will still answer asks, if there will be any. i’m just not planning to post any art here anymore. this is it for my dear old friend ffc1cb.
i can be found in other places:
@cbge, as mentioned earlier,
@k0nstanta, an art blog dedicated solely to my wife and i’s ocs,
@inquisimail, a dragon age ask blog that has become my dragon age sideblog in general,
and multiple other blogs, none of which are art related, but feel free to ask, if you’re curious.
thank you very much for reading all of this. i hope you have a wonderful day.
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sunflowersunite · 22 days
I've been meaning to ask this for some time now, since I've realised as we're working on a fic together that you tend to make little headcanons about the characters here and there.
So I would love to hear some about your fic "to live". I tell you it's a masterpiece and it'd be a crime if you DO have hcs or side notes and you've kept them all to yourself
ohh?? Thank you so much for asking me this, swordslinger!! I maybe kind of have a few, actually...
to anyone interested, the fic is to live, an aot villain AU where Levi never left the Underground and Hange followed a different path. Assassin Levi x torturer Hange (she's a torturer for the Military Police). This post will contain spoilers for the fic.
The first person Levi killed when he became an assassin was the pimp who left his sick mother to die without providing her with any healthcare.
when Levi pushed Hange against that wall, (this is what I'm talking about) he was genuinely impatient and wanted to intimidate her. However Hange's feelings were a little... different. Danger has always exhilarated her and I have to admit that she did think about kissing him right then and there. She knew she'd end up with a knife at her throat but oh well, all the better.
Chapter 5:
“Say you’re sorry.” A pause, during which she imagines his lips pursing into a thin line. “What does it matter if I do?” It does, for the sake of their weird, twisted friendship. Because however little kindness he's got left, he spared some for her. “Just say it, midget.” “Tsk. Dumbass shitty-glasses.” “Stuck-up clean freak.”
this was inspired by Six of Crows and it according to the note I'd initially made, it would go like this: (context, Levi is bedridden, injured and they're bickering because Hange wants to go do murder stuff)
"midget" "shitty-glasses" "clean freak" "Hange. Don't go."
4. I found a fanart that reminded me of the fic and kept it in my notes. torture buddies Levihan here!
5. When Levi adopted Mikasa after her parents died, he really had to be a parent to her. She'd wake up by nightmares and he'd have to?? calm her down?? who, Levi Ackerman??
He was better at it than he expected, though. He wanted her to throw that stupid scarf away because he claimed it provided a grip for any attackers, but she refused (because it's Eren's. Mikasa still remembers Eren as the boy who taught her kindness still exists).
6. In an earlier draft, while hazy from some attack (idk which), Hange was supposed tell Levi that she liked it when he called her by her name, because initially he only referred to her by the infamous nicknames.
Later, Levi would find himself in the same predicament (hazy from an attack) and this would happen
She comes closer and he sees her, worried and bloodstained. “Levi? Are you okay?” “I’m okay.” He wraps a tendril of her hair around his finger. Holds it like a lifeline. “Hange.” “What is it?” “Nothing. You like it when I say your name.” That fact might have been a memory or a dream, but he doesn’t bother trying to figure that out. He's tired. “Don’t fall asleep!” she urges him. “If you keep shouting like this, I can’t,” he mutters.
(well, this might make it into the fic eventually. I don't know 😅)
7. Another deleted scene which I liked very much. They've found themselves in some abandoned village and sleep side by side.
Hange inches closer to him, her hands press against his chest. He finds it rough and calloused from holding hammers and buzzsaws, not swords or scalpels. From creating, not destroying. Levi wishes for the first time that he could do something useful for the kids like the one he used to be, frail and weak and alone. Without being sure why, he snakes an arm around her waist and pulls her closer. Her breath fans over his face and he’s only millimetres away from pressing their foreheads together. It’s a tenderness he feels like they’re stealing from another kinder world. This world is cruel, though, and they know that they’ll be each other’s demise or die trying. I’ll kill you, her kind smile says. The inquisitiveness with which her eye roams his face, the way her hands press on his beating heart. I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you. A twisted lullaby. //  She studies his stormy eyes, the smooth bridge of his nose, the line of his mouth. She drinks in every little detail, tries to read his expression. He gives her nothing.
this scene. ohhh I forgot how much I liked it. I got goosebumps. 😄
7. deleted scene #3679 (context: Hange would return to the Scouts here and Levi rode his horse next to her until the camp. It happened a bit differently in the final product)
“Is this goodbye, then?” she asks. “I guess.” She looks like she wants to say something and Levi finds himself once more awaiting her next words with a knot in his stomach. “I never liked goodbyes, you know. Us Scouts never say goodbye, only good luck. So, good luck, Levi. Kick their asses.” The first rays of the morning sun dance around her hair and she looks more like a painting than a person, a painting with soot smudged on her cheeks and a stiff back and an eye the colour of soil and life. Bright and hopeful and alive, that’s what she is. That’s what she deserves to be. Hange’s horse starts to trudge towards the camp, and Levi calls out for her before he can regret it. “Hange!” She stops and looks back. Her name rolls off his tongue as if he’s said it countless times before. It’s familiar, it feels right. And if it takes never saying it again for her to live, maybe it’s okay. “Good luck.”
heyyy I liked this scene too, would you look at that.
8. Levi likes to kiss Hange's neck (I headcanon that for canon as well, but let's mention it here). He's too short to reach her cheek so he just kisses her neck fleetingly when they become canon. Also he likes to cuddle up to her and use her as a pillow.
9. Chapter 3:
The tip of his nose is cute, so mismatched for a murderer like him. That’s what piqued her interest when he pinned her against the wall that first night. Maybe when she kills him, she’ll cut off his nose and preserve it in a jar, it’s too nice to let rot.
fun fact, you have @quillsandblades to thank for that because they were the one who made me not scrap that scene and actually use it somewhere.
10. After Levihan becomes canon and assuming everything works out eventually, Levi becomes the Scouts' scary parent and Mikasa their scary sister. Assassin Levi with Connie and Sasha.
"soo what do you do in your free time?"
"I murder people"
11. Kenny ships Levihan. Granted, he did send them after eachother, but chemistry is chemistry and Kenny has eyes.
This turned out to be a compilation of deleted scenes, but it's good that I found an opportunity to share them! If anything else occurs to me I'll let you know 😉
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ solomon ; obey me
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : You ask Solomon to take you to the beach to clear your mind of sorrow
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!mc, angst, unrequited love
‧₊˚ a / n : one of the things Solomon and I have in common is that we hate the beach… coincidentally i was listening to The Neighbourhood’s “The Beach” when i saw Minx posted her event info lol so this one’s based on that song!
‧₊˚ e v e n t : thanks @solomons-poison por mentioning me in the replies, i don’t think i would’ve seen it otherwise 😵‍💫 this is for her summer event so if you write or do fanart feel free to join!
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Solomon rested his head on the palm tree’s trunk and closed his eyes. The annoying smell of the salty water filling his senses, the unstable sand under his shoes swiftly rearranging as he tried to find a comfortable position to forget where he was at. It was nighttime, so at least he couldn’t complain about the intense heat and the burning feeling of the sun on his skin. The beach brought him memories, bad memories. And this time, even though he was with you, it didn’t change. It was bittersweet now, the way your laugh reached to him from the shore and he had to remind himself he was only here at your request, to see you happy, and yet he was miserable in exchange.
“Solomon!” his eyes opened lazily at your call, you were walking towards him, long white t-shirt drenched, you legs glistening with ocean water.
A knot began to pull from his throat, how could you look so painfully beautiful? He wished he could smile as genuinely as you did, but he offered his usual fake teasing smirk in return.
“Ready to go?” his arm slightly moved towards you to offer back the sweatpants you had discarded before running towards the water.
“What?! No way!” you laughed “won’t you join me in the water?”
“No, I don’t think so” he pulled a face “I dislike the ocean”
“You do?” your widened eyes pulled at his heart’s strings, you looked so pretty when innocent surprise painted your expression “I didn’t know that, if I had known I would’ve asked you to go somewhere else”
“You wanted to come here didn’t you? Something about the beach helping you to clear your mind” he smiled again.
“Right” you didn’t smile back, instead he saw a subtle wince of pain behind your eyes.
Solomon knew why. You missed the brothers, you missed Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke… And he could tell you missed that man your heart longed for. So once again that knot in his throat made it difficult to produce sound. You were there in front of him, so close to him he could reach for you, for your chin, for your lips. He wished he could wipe that sorrowful expression off your face, he wished his presence alone would make you shine like you did with him.
Quick and sudden blinks chased away your sad feelings, replacing them with a fake smile.
“Yes, thank you for bringing me here, I find the beach to be a healing place. Should we go somewhere you like next? The sun will come out soon so I think maybe if you wanna go for breakfast there must be some places open, right?”
Your friendship came to him as warm and timid as the sunrise in the horizon behind the water. He had brought you here for comfort and even when you still felt sad, you wanted to go somewhere of his liking next?
He sighed, pretending to get ready to leave and not because of the pain he was feeling in his chest. You were a good friend, so much better than he could ever be. How could he offer a genuine friendship when everything he did he did it out of love? Lying to you was easy, he did it everyday. Saying you looked funny when you concentrated so you wouldn’t think he stared at you for other reasons, guiding your hands when doing spells to correct you instead of just because he longed for the touch of your skin. But how much of a good friend could he be if lying was an everyday occurrence?
“Didn’t you say you didn’t wanna leave? We can stay a bit more if you want, I don’t mind”
“Really?” you laughed, his eyes soaked up on your fleeting happiness as much as he could “you’re such a good friend, Solomon, we don’t have to stay just because of me”
You turned around to watch the sun rise slowly. Solomon bit his lip to refrain from sighing again, watching your silhouette against the first rays of sunshine and the beach laughing at him once again, complimenting your beauty as to shove in his face the one person he wanted more than anything and couldn’t have.
“Of course I am, I’m the best of friends. Why don’t you run for a quick dip in the water before we leave?”
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sunshinekindof · 1 year
I trust you, silly
Timothee and I have been married for several months. Of course, I knew what I was getting into when I said yes to him. Crazy schedule, long breakups, his fame, sidelong glances in my direction. And also rumors. Of course, I knew that all this would happen, and I was completely ready for anything. To be completely honest, I was prone to overthinking, but I honestly tried to control myself. Sometimes it seemed to me that Timothee was going through just as much as I did. He knows that I love him, but, as he sometimes tells me, "I'm just afraid that I'm not worthy of you." To which I usually laugh at the stupidity of this thought. He is everything I wanted and more.
Timothee was filming a new movie in another state. He called me every time he had a free minute. I was happy to hear his voice, but I wanted him to take care of himself and get some sleep. Sometimes he may forget that he needs to do things like sleep and eat. To which he always replied that he was fine and asked how my day went.
Today is my day off, Timothee won't be back any time soon, and our apartment has long needed a thorough cleaning. It seems that I have found something to do with myself.
We didn't get to talk yesterday. In the morning I sent him a message wishing good morning and a good day, to which he has not yet answered. While I was having breakfast, I decided to scroll through the Twitter feed. When I was scrolling through the news, photos of Timothee with his co-star, female co-star began to appear to me. Kristen, if I'm not mistaken. For my taste, she stood too close to him. The photo was accompanied by the caption “Problems in Paradise?”. Then there was a photo in which Kristen put her hand on my husband's shoulder. Timothee was standing with his back to the camera in the photo, so I couldn't see his face. Fans have been waiting for the release of this movie. There were a lot of fanarts that showed Timothee and Kristen together. Like together. Then I saw a short video of Kristen putting her hand on Timothy's chest and laughing. There were more photos, but I refuse to look at them. Ok, that`s enough. Enough Twitter for today. I am not a masochist.
I have no doubts about Timothee, but nevertheless I felt my blood boil involuntarily. Kristen may be the star of this movie, but Timothee is mine. I could not resist and called him, but he did not answer. Okay, enough thinking. He will call back as soon as he can. As always.
Leaving my phone on the table, I turned on the music at full volume and went to clean up. Organizing things helps you relax. After cleaning, I went to the farmers' market. Our refrigerator was empty. While I was away, my phone died. After 4 hours (oops), I finally went home and almost dropped my grocery bags. Timothee was walking towards me, holding a telephone in his hands, and traces of panic on his face.
- How ..., - I began, but he did not let me finish and wrapped his arms tightly around me. Along with packages.
- Timothee! Packages…can't hold…” I started, feeling the groceries drop from my hands onto the floor. In response, he only pulled away from me for a moment, put away his purchases, and clung to me again.
“Hey baby…don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have you here, but you weren’t supposed to be back for another month. Baby, are you okay?”
"I couldn't get through to you all day and I panicked," he muttered into my neck.
- Timothee...
I pulled back to look into his eyes and to my horror saw unshed tears there.
- Tim, what are you doing? I was just at the market and my phone died. I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry.
I pressed my lips to his. I wanted to stop the kiss, but he didn't let me do it, but only deepened it. Instinctively, I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned.
- Babe…
Why didn't you answer me?
- Did not answer? You didn't call me
- I did! Look! - he began to show me his phone
- Maybe a bad connection or something. And then my phone died. Look, - I smiled and showed him my phone
“I thought you left me,” he suddenly said and looked away from me.
- What? Timothee! Why did you think so?
- Have you seen the photo?
- You and Kristen? Yes, but...
- That's not what it looks like! Honestly! She just got too close... and I immediately said no... and that if this happens again, then I will leave the film...
- Timothee!" I interrupted.
- No, its true. So, and then I couldn’t contact you and I panicked and immediately came…
- Baby, you are so silly, - I laughed and this time I hugged myself tightly, - I told you a thousand times that I trust you.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
- You didn`t! Oh baby, I can't believe you came all this way just because I didn't answer you for a couple of hours, - I smiled and kissed his nose
- Not a couple of hours! Almost 24 hours!
-Timothee … what am I gonna do with you?
- Never let me go. And love me,” he said embarrassedly.
"Always," I replied, and kissed him again.
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firstelevens · 1 year
prompt list: taylor swift lyrics, pt. iii
part i | part ii | eras tour edition
Below are another fifty prompts drawn from Taylor Swift’s discography. They can be used as dialogue, within narration, or just as inspiration for fics/moodboards/fanart.
Reblog to use as a call for prompts (one pairing/character with one or more numbers) or just to save for inspiration.
in lonely beds
nothing but missing you
through the darkness at 1:58
on the floor, wearing your clothes
the words I held back
around the kitchen in the refrigerator light
alone in a crowded room
can we always be this close?
six months gone and I’m still reaching
loved you three summers
want you for worse or for better
before the monsters caught up to you
you need to hear me out
so quiet in the world tonight
on my guard for the rest of the world
I’ve missed you all this time
I can still feel your arms
leaving too soon
lay my armor down
the only thing we share
from the very first day
don’t say yes
all the city lights on the water
this magic I’ve been feeling
the story of us
forcing laughter, faking smiles
can’t make them stay
when it all broke down
all you’re ever going to be
a drawer of my things at your place
this is me swallowing my pride
keeping secrets just to keep you
they’ll judge it like they know about me and you
silence and patience, pining and anticipation
laughing from the passenger side
had you memorized for so long
a letter left on your doorstep
knew you were trouble
it could stay this simple
laughing like a little kid
a band of thieves
know exactly where this leads
wishing you were at my door
realized what I had
shining like fireworks
is it too soon to do this?
plaid shirt days
I should’ve known
just don’t go
rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
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cutiemochiii · 1 year
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Angel (pt. 3)
credit to the artist (wish I knew who it was) for the beautiful fanart
“I’m going to eat you…” Douma sat with his legs crossed. He held the tiny, chubby, nutrient-rich infant over his mouth, his fangs glistening. He grinned, letting go of the child and letting him free fall, catching him in his cradled arms at the last minute. The child merely squealed happily. It was very amusing to him, how small and feeble humans were. He could easily devour it in one bite, but he knew that Kotoha would not be too pleased with that. And Douma simply couldn’t let such a pretty face be sullied with tears.
“You’re such an insignificant little thing, aren’t you?” Holding the boy in one arm, he ran his clawed finger down its face. If he pushed just a little harder, the child would bleed. It was hard for Douma to be delicate. The child grabbed his finger, putting it in his mouth.
Douma’s eyes widened, cocking his head to the side as he hummed in question. “Are you trying to eat me?” Douma couldn’t remember a time in his childhood where he wasn’t worshipped, so he wasn’t quite sure how normal children grew up. He grinned.
“Maybe when you’re a little older,” Douma placed his other pointer in his own mouth, piercing it with his teeth. He dangled it right above the boy as the blood welled up into a little sphere.
“I’ll share some of Lord Muzan’s blood with you, and you can live with me forever.” He whispered, eyes brightening at his idea. But he licked the blood away before the droplet fell. He sighed.
“However, I don’t think you’d survive the transformation right now.” He looked up at the ceiling, finger against his chin in thought. “You’d probably melt.” He looked down at the boy. “Right?”
The infant babbled back, making Douma smile. Humans were so much more interesting in their truest form; tiny helpless creatures. No wealth, or strength, or pride to hide behind. No pretending to be wise, or kind, or anything they weren’t. Crying when they’re hungry. Unable to function without a protector. In a way, Douma wished all of his worshippers were infants, instead of self-entitled, prideful bastards. It would make taking care of them a lot easier.
“Um, Lord Douma?” Speak of the devil.
“Yes~?” Douma set the boy down on the floor, letting him crawl as Douma laid on his stomach, watching him intently. He propped his head up on his arms. The baby crawled towards him, reaching a chubby hand up and grasping strands of Douma’s hair. He shoved the whole fist of hair in his mouth.
Toothless, and yet still trying to eat everything. What interesting determination.
Douma’s follower bowed his head. “There are people who would like to see you now.” He spoke quietly. Douma didn’t even look his way, pulling his hair away from the baby’s mouth.
“I will not be seeing anyone today.” Douma spoke casually. The man straightened suddenly.
“But sir, these people have been patiently waiting for their opportunity to meet with you-” “I must’ve not spoken loud enough.” Douma gave him a smile that should be sweet, but felt nothing like it.
He diverted his attention back to the infant, lifting him into the air. “I’ll repeat myself, I will not be seeing anyone today!” He spoke loudly, an edge to his voice that had his follower’s hand trembling. The man bowed again.
“Of course sir, I’ll let them know right away.” As the man turned to leave, he ran into a woman. She fell from the impact, the stuff in her hands dropping to the floor. The man scoffed. It was the woman taking the lord’s attention away from his subjects. Her and her wretched child.
“Get out of the way, pet.” That’s what she was, Lord Douma’s plaything for the time. Eventually he would tire of her and then throw her back out into the forest where she belonged. Before she arrived, Lord Douma never left his subjects to their own whims. It aggravated the man. Who was she, compared to him? He was one of Lord Douma’s chosen priests, spreading his words to his followers. She was just some harlot.
“Now now,” Douma’s voice licked up the man’s spine, causing his hairs to stand on end.
“That is not how we speak to lovely young women, is it?” In a moment, Douma towered over the man, standing beside Kotoha who was picking up the fruits that had been scattered across the floor. She placed them quietly into her basket.
Douma noticed her motions. “Stop moving Kotoha.” He spoke softly, but held all the command. Kotoha stilled, and Douma’s eyes slid lazily back to the man. Douma held the child against his chest. “I thought I taught my subjects how to show proper respect.” He furrowed his brows, pouting with disappointment.
The stench of fear filled Douma’s nose, and his expression faded into his easy smile. He snapped his fingers. “I know how to fix this.” He motioned one of his hands towards the ground, where Kotoha sat frozen.
“Pick them up for her,” the man stood silently. “Now.” The man dropped to the ground, hastily grabbing the basket out of Kotoha’s hands and filling it haphazardly with the fruits that were strewn everywhere.
Kotoha watched with wide eyes as the man filled the basket with all of the fallen fruits, sitting up on his knees once he was finished. Having been with Lord Douma for over a month, she still couldn’t tell if his subjects’ blind obedience to him was out of respect for him, or fear of him. He seemed well-enough liked by them, and for as long as she’d been around him, he had been nothing but kind to her and her son.
But the situation was very tense, and even with Douma’s nonchalance, it was obvious that the man was terrified of upsetting him. “Kotoha.” There it was, that indescribable switch in his aura, when he spoke to her. She looked up at him.
“Yes, my lord?” He smiled at her. It was his most common expression. She recalled the way he had been smiling when her husband and his mother had died.
He outstretched his hand to her. “Stand up darling.” It was his nickname for her, and a part of her couldn’t tell if he used it to taunt her, to remind her of her abusive dead husband, or if it was his way of trying to make up for the loss of the man who was supposed to protect her.
She took his hand, always cool to the touch, and stood. He had her son cradled in one arm. Even with a child in his grasp, he exuded a tremendous air of power. The man bowed, head to the floor as his muffled voice rang out.
“My apologies my lord! I was not thinking, I should have treated her with the utmost respect. She is an important member of our temple-” Douma began to laugh. It was unnerving, echoing out into the silence of the room.
Kotoha touched his arm in concern. “My lord?” She asked gently.
“Why are you apologizing to me? I’m not the one you were so disgustingly rude to.” He stepped behind Kotoha, grabbing her by the arm. He lowered his face to her shoulder, voice dangerously low.
“It’s your lady you should be apologizing to.” He murmured, breath tickling Kotoha’s ear. She felt her heart pounding. The man’s eyes finally drifted to hers, wide with shock and disdain towards her. He was quiet.
“Well? Lady Kotoha is growing rather impatient.” Douma stood straight, crossing his arms. The man stared at Kotoha, slowly sinking back to the ground. “There you go~” Douma encouraged, voice barely above a whisper.
“Hashibira Kotoha, my-my lady. Please accept my apology for my deplorable behavior toward you earlier. I will not let it happen again.” His voice was strained. He had no desire to do this for Kotoha, but he did it anyways. Out of fear. Kotoha staggered a step, but Douma placed a firm hand against her back, pushing her closer to the prostrating man.
“So, what do you say darling? Do you accept his apology?” Kotoha felt his hand twitching against the small of her back. His eyes glistened menacingly, the same way they did after mutilating her husband. She knew that if she wasn’t quick with her response, something would happen to this man, something bad.
“I-I do!! I forgive him!” She blurted. She felt Douma’s hand still, his shoulders slumping as he sighed. Had he, wanted to punish the man?
He placed his hand on his hip. “Well, you heard her. Now, get out.” The man scrambled out of his way. She heard his silent thank you as he left.
It was as if nothing had happened, the way he lifted her son into the air, giggling as the boy did the same.
“Kotoha, darling, remind me of his name again?” Kotoha smiled softly, walking behind him towards the center of the room.
“Ah, yes. Little Inosuke. The little demon.” His nickname for her son made her giggle. She carefully took him out of Douma’s arms, cuddling him close to her face. He smelled sweet, faintly of a scent similar to the sweetness that poured off of Douma. The way plants smelled sweet to attract prey. It made her realize just how much time Douma spent with Inosuke.
“What are the fruits for?” Douma sat beside the basket that Kotoha had placed on the floor. Kotoha sank down and joined him, placing Inosuke on the floor beside her. Inosuke instantly grabbed a plum, putting it in his mouth and sucking on it. Douma stabbed one with his finger, looking at it curiously.
“Oh, I saw them at the market I visited. They were just so fresh, I had to bring some back for us.” She blushed. Douma glanced at her.
“For us?” He repeated. Kotoha nodded. “You’re welcome to eat them with us.”
Douma smirked. “I am actually quite full, but I am touched that you thought of me. In fact,” Douma scooped Inosuke back into his arms. It seemed he could not tire of her son.
“How about you eat, and I’ll spend time with the little demon.” Kotoha grinned. She was grateful for Douma’s kindness, as strange as the atmosphere was sometimes. Kotoha watched Douma take the plum out of Inosuke’s mouth, crushing it in his hand, and letting Inosuke eat the soft inside.
Kotoha could picture herself living beside Douma for a long, long time.
Author’s Note: INOSUKE AND DOUMA 🥹 (I love them). And ugh, gotta love protective (ish? Since he doesn’t really have feelings? Idk man I’m working with what I got here) Douma. I hope you love this continuation of my lovely little drabble series.
Here’s Part 1, and Part 2!
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Writing Sessions #3 (Cardinal Copia x g/n reader)
Summary: Copia's crush talks to him for the first time. For some reason, there's also a baby rat in his hands.
Tags: Fluff, Copia being dumb af, misunderstandings, some sexual innuendos (maybe). Copia is dumbfounded by his crush. Around 700 words.
A/N: Something short based on @tasty-ribz really cute fanart I loved it, so I had to write this ♥
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Something squirms in his palm. Tiny fingers curl around one of his own, thin whiskers tickling at his skin. A baby rat, probably a few days old at most, rests secured between his hands.
“Poor thing! I found it all alone, Cardinal. Do you think it’s going to be fine?”
Your mouth is moving. Lucifer, how much Copia wishes he could understanda single thing you are saying. It must be important, because you seem high-spirited and there’s a heavy furrow on your brows. Oh, how cute you look when you gaze at him through your lashes, hands clutched together and shoulders shaking with each word.
Copia swallows, but nothing loosens the knot in his throat. The blood rushes to his face, causing a deafening rumble in his ears. Fuck, he’s all flushed and sweating, fingers lightly trembling upon being in your presence.
You are not only a Sibling of Sin requesting his assistance, but also the most beautiful Sibling he has ever seen. You are the one his heart yearns for, the love of his life. You and he are destined together, to be perpetually lovers as the times goes by.
Well, you don’t know it yet. One day, he’ll tell you. Just…
Not now.
“I was so worried, Cardinal. Papa’s cat had almost caught it before I did it, and the poor thing was shaking so hard. Hell, I think I’m shaking too…”
A hand is unhurriedly rested on his own. Copia swallows, sensing the thick saliva get stuck in his throat. He wants to cough, but somehow manages to stop. You are right, you are slightly trembling. A few of his fingers hold the tip of your own before letting go suddenly, as if the touch had burned.
And it did. You burn on his skin, almost as much as you set his heart on fire. Copia knows your name, he has written a dozen of love letters and poems dedicated to it.
Of course, he never actually sent them. He’s not even sure if you were the one who told him your name, or if he merely heard it around the hallways. Well, maybe he secretly checked the Ministry’s records trying to find it.
“Is that okay, Cardinal? We can take turns.”
“Turns?” He whispers, mismatched eyes completely focusing on yours. Big mistake. Copia feels as if the world had stopped, had come to a violent halt to allow him to bask in the beautiful sight. He notes your long lashes, bright eyes and the way your mouth moves when you smile at him.
“Yes, we’ll have to do this all day and night long. We’ll get so tired, won’t we? It’s not an easy task, we’ll end up sore and struggling to regain our breath.”
“Oh, Sibling,” he breathes out, mouth agape. The baby rat nests on his palm, snuggling closer. It’s so endearing, so tiny. Copia would be swooning right now, if only there wasn't a better view right in front of him.
“Would you like that? You can take the lead, since you seem to know what you are doing. I’ll do anything you tell me to, Cardinal! I’ll try my best!”
Fuck. Copia’s clothes are tight, extremely suffocating in all the wrong places. He gasps, mouth open, as he struggles to find the right words. Are you asking for him? Do you need him? If he could take you right here, right now, he would. The desire he feels towards you is too strong, it renders him a useless man, a fool.
Copia wants to hold you close, to fall to his knees and worship every inch of you to Hell and back.
“Sibling,” he murmurs, instead. He’s anxious, wheezing for air. “Of course. Anything you want.”
The smile on your face makes it worth it. Without notice, your hands are on his arms, softly squeezing as you gaze at him with dazzling eyes. “Thank you so much! I knew I could count on you, Copia!”
If the world had stopped before, now it’s in flames and about to break in a thousand pieces. Copia struggles to think, brain empty and mind running at full speed. He nods once, instinctively clutching the baby rat closer to his body. He can barely overhear the last words you say to him, before disappearing into the long hallways.
“Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll meet you later in your chambers, is that okay? I'm so excited. We'll be amazing together!”
Absentmindedly, he nods. Chambers? You are going to his private room? Oh, Satan. He has to clean everything, change the bedsheets, find some candles and wine, maybe? He has to set up a nice playlist, something to get the right mood.
Copia rushes through the corridors, long cassock swaying behind him. He’s so focused in his date he almost forgets about the baby, until it lets out a loud squeak.
Wait. Why did you give him a rat?
Copia isn’t completely sure. It’s okay, he doesn’t mind it. He’s always open to rescuing these little creatures from the cold and hunger of the Ministry. Besides, he can ask you tonight, when you finally meet him for your date.
Ps: someone save this man.
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l3visthighs · 7 months
Hey lovely Alyssa ✨
I hope you're doing well!
The Leviana fanarts you post are always amazing & I wondered if you could tell us more about your OC Ilyana? I'm really curious about this cutie!
Smooches 😘
Val, hi! 💕 how’re you doing?
Thank you so much for your question about Ilyana. It makes my heart so happy when people show an interest in her.
I have a little story I’ve been working on for a while for her & Levi. It’s just never seen the light of day because I don’t have a lot of confidence in my writing/storytelling. So it’s been more of a project just for me. :’)
I’ll insert a few paragraphs of it here though just to give a little more insight about her (her background, her personality, etc) <3
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Year 843: 
That day had finally come; the day that Ilyana Hoover dreaded every single day since her adopted brother, Bertolt, had told her that he wanted to become a warrior. Today was the day she watched him inherit the Colossal Titan.  She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to. Thirteen years. Thirteen years is all she had left with him. For years she had tried to talk him out of it. But here she is now. Watching him train for his upcoming mission in Paradis with the now Armored Titan and Female Titan. She's going with them on their mission. She had already decided that long ago; she told herself no matter what the outcome was today that she would be there for him. She knows her brother. He's emotional, sometimes weak, and anxious. No matter what role they decide to give her in the mission, she would do it, she would go. If only to protect him. 
"I really don't think you should come along, Ilyana. It's going to be dangerous. We don't know what these island devils are capable of. Stay here and look after mom. She needs you." He pleads with her that evening. 
"You're really lecturing me over it being dangerous? Bert, you're scared of your own shadow most of the time" She sighs. "If I don't go with you and something happens to you, I wouldn't be able to live with that. I already made up my mind. I don't trust Reiner to protect you, either. You and I both know how hot headed and emotional he can be at times. Mom will be just fine. She's got dad here to watch over her. You know he'd never let her roam the streets alone." 
He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. She's right. He knows she is; and he knows there's no convincing her otherwise. His sister has always been stubborn. A bit hot headed herself at times. He knows she just wants the best for him. She's always been protective of him. But he can't help but wish she'd believe in him, just this one time. He knows he can handle himself. He's been through the training, he knows what to expect; what he's getting himself into. 
Ilyana always knew she was different from the others of her kind. Born a Marleyan but adopted at a young age by an Eldian family; the Hoover family. They’d found her alone on the street one evening and decided to take her in; a few years later came Bertolt. She never knew her real parents, nor what had happened to them. Every Marleyan here was disgusted by the Eldians. She had watched her family be talked down to, pushed around and spit at walking down the streets. But growing up and living in an Eldian family made her feel much differently towards them. She had read the history books, heard all of the rumors; But she refused to believe they were all as bad as the people of Marley had made them out to be. She loved the Hoovers. They had always treated her like their own. The least she could do in return for everything they'd done for her is watch after their son, her brother; blood relation or not. She would protect him with her life. 
TLDR: Ilyana Hoover is a Marleyan; she was adopted by the Hoovers at a young age. She’s extremely protective over her brother, Bertolt. She finds herself feeling super sympathetic towards all Eldians; including the ones on the island. Shes confident, not afraid to hold her own ground/speak up for herself; but can also be extremely hot headed & rash. (Which causes for some bickering with Levi later on in the story) she travels to the island with the Warriors as a spy.
(Also all artwork of them is done by the lovely @/catyypss)
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door-insurance · 9 months
Revisiting life is strange and its fandom is really bittersweet
I don’t think the fandom is completely dead, it’s not what it used to be and I accept that but it’s bittersweet
also I don’t wanna gatekeep anyone from discovering LiS late, I don’t believe in “true fans”- I’m glad we’re still getting fandom babies hehh, thankfully there is a lot of fan materials to be discovered
I just wanna be a sentimental fool about the life is strange fandom, I was there when the first episode came out I was as old as the characters and it was an event, a moment that can never be replicated- the barbenheimer for tumblr lesbians
We never had a game like this before, it felt tailor made for us and we went crazy
It was fun, you’d just log on tumblr and find new fanart of your favorite character or ship- inside jokes and shitposts were rampant, a couple of fan writers and artists came together and made a fan game- “Love is Strange” where Max gets to romance Chloe, Kate, Victoria, Amber (tell me I’m not the only who remembers shrektoria and Rachel eating a salad while laughing meme)
I made fanart and memes and they blew up but I lost that account
They’d call us sjw trash on YouTube and make fun of the game, we didn’t give a shit
But I think it was around before the storm where i started to lose interest and was burnt out, also I just didn’t like the direction they went with for the game I thought it was an unnecessary edition to the main story (Rachel didn’t need a complicated backstory, Elliot, too much conflict for 3 episodes) and I don’t think I was the only one cause this is where the fan art and fic updates started to slow down
Then I moved on to other things, other fandoms- shit happens.
Life is strange was just another part of my cringey teenage self who the hell cares I was cringe
But now I’m an adult, I have responsibilities and anxieties that I never knew I’d have to deal with- i went through a lot in the last 8 years sometimes I wish I was still that cringey ass teenager. This year was particularly bad, lost someone I loved
I stumbled upon old fan art on Pinterest and it reignited my love for the first game, I felt happy that I had something to take my mind off and goddamn revisiting the fandom years later is so bittersweet. I miss my old fandom mutuals, the blogs that used to update everyday were last active 5 years ago and most of the og fan artists had either rebranded or had left, one of them got hacked
Tumblr doesn’t make it easy for you to look up older posts, you have to rely on old blogs, Google or Pinterest (kinda made it my mission to archive what I can find)
There are new artists doing their own thing and I love that for them! Also people still write fanfics and update them, when I have the time I sketch out my fave characters and ships- it seems like there is a vocal community on tiktok but idk i don’t wanna go there
But it’s not what it was and I accept that, shit happens I’m glad I got to experience it during its peak and that I was left with good memories and content I can still enjoy
I’ve definitely seen shittier and deader fandoms
Before LiS and Steven universe there weren’t a lot of spaces that let you enjoy wlw ships, they were either upstaged by yaoi stuff or fetishized (deviantart) this game and its fan base helped me accept my identity as a lesbian, told me it’s not a fetish when two girls hold hands
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eternal-moss · 2 months
its fanservice when women, super important when its men is ur takeaway from the summer event
Help the way I got one singular like and one hate comment for that post 😭 it’s fanservice when it’s fanservice dude. I found Scara’s behaviour annoying and cliché (“hehe ur kinda cute” [please leave me alone]), as well as laying on Nilou’s lap.
(The rest of this isn’t really me responding to you but just rambling about Alice, Rhine & the Hexenzirkel because it’s midnight rn and witches yeaag)
I’m a massive Hexenzirkel fan! I’m just annoyed that still after so long we haven’t gotten a single bit of reference to what Alice looks like so I can’t draw fanart of her. Like seriously, are we going to have to wait until Snezhnaya to finally see her?? I’m happy for any kind of Alice content but I’m always sad it’s mainly crumbs.
She’s an incredible inventor, she literally made both the gramophone & telephone. I want her to be super super overpowered, her strength is already alluded to by her seeming to have comparable power to Venti (changing Mondstadt’s landscape) but I want it to be m o r e.
More about Alice bc I love her. I love writing her into fics (especially crossover ones because she CANONICALLY TRAVELS WORLDS. WHY IS THIS NEVER BROUGHT UP.) and just one-shotting the antagonists with the full force of the sun lol. I really want to learn more about the Genshin ‘elves’ too because they’re just thrown in there without much explanation. (Layla literally never mentions it, or Nahida…)
RHINE TIME!!! I love Rhinedottr & all her fucked up children (although I wish we knew more about her past). I love how her motivation genuinely seems to be joy in her creations, and it ‘just so happens’ that most of them turn out to be catastrophic in some way 😭. I hope she’s more cold and reserved, but secretly a bit insane like Alice. I also really like the two of them romantically paired together, shout out to the 7 other Rhinealice shippers out there.
I like daydreaming about them going to magic school together or some kind of study (a la Farcille. Thank you Farcille for existing to fulfill my Rhinealice fantasies), and how they’d respond to Khaenri’ah’s fallout? Are they still in contact? Does Alice know if Rhine is alive? When was Albedo given to her? HOW OLD IS ALICE BRO 😭😭
In terms of physical features, I see both of them as being greying & looking in their 50s (only partially to spite the fact that 90% of the Genshin cast appear in their early 20s or younger. Xianyun’s the closest thing we have to an older woman. Playable Madame Ping when⁉️)
The Hexenzirkel is genuinely one of my favourite parts of the Genshin lore and I really hope they do it well. I enjoyed their teaser so much, and I hope we get to see more of that, as well as Venti’s allyship with them, something that was referenced as far back as the first summer event where Venti leant (lol) Dvalin for Klee to travel, presumably because he and Alice are friendly with each other.
I’m obviously interested in the other members of the Hexenzirkel (and other witches!!!! Like Lisa and Rosalyne!!!!) but we really don’t know that much about them, aside information from Mona who I don’t have.
Alice & Rhine are basically my OCs at this point, and when their designs are inevitably very different from my imagined versions of them, I might as well make them OCs lol.
So no, my takeaway is not men=interesting women=boring. My favourite Genshin character is Kokomi and I’m extremely sad they’ve given her little to no allusion to her lore for the past 3 years 🥲
I think it’s a bit rude of you to come into my asks saying something like that on anon, but I won’t deny I found the first 3 parts of the event excruciatingly boring, as someone who is slightly interested in Sumeru, and barely interested in Fontaine. I’ve always loved Mondstadt and Liyue the most, so of course I was interested for Mondstadt lore. AND DRAGONS. I LOVE DRAGONS DUDE.PLEASE CAN SOMEONE LET KOKOMI HAVE HER DRAGON LORE I BEG.
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