#don't EVEN make me start on sabo and how ace must have felt for the past ten years of his life about him
franeridan · 11 months
doodling ace and suddenly having a lil mental breakdown over him, daily occurrences and all that
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mugeesworld · 6 months
Marine Sister x MarineFord…
Small crappy short fic I wrote a while back. It’s sorta rushed so sorry. Thought I would post it though cause I love a good angst. Especially with MarineFord. When the lady that raised luffy and ace beat the shit out of Garp BEST BELIEVE I STARTED CLAPPING. You would have thought I was a white man watching Saturday night football but no. I have never wanted to beat up a character more then I want to beat akainu.
Fem reader.
Context- this story is about what if luffy and ace had a sister that was a marine. That was almost at marine ford….
It was a sunny day.... Luffy, Ace, Sabo, and I were sitting in a tree, watching the sunset. "Hey y/n! Hehe!" Luffy giggles. I turn to look at him, starring into his big eyes. "We are gonna be pirates when we grow up! You should join my crew!" he says with a big smile. I smile back before turning to face the sunset again. My smile fading just like the sun has. Knowing I would never be able to cause of my parents. How could I when my own father is a marine?.... "Luffyyy you know her dad wouldn't allow that! You idiot!" Ace says smacking Luffy on the back of his head. I laugh at their playfulness. Would this be what it would feel like to be part of their crew? I think as I watch them bicker....
But that was year's ago when we were kids. I haven’t seen either of them since then other then seeing their bounty posters... Even if I haven't seen them in forever I'm still their sister right? Could they of forgiven me for becoming a marine?
My mind races with thoughts of the past as I stand looking over this hell.... I couldn't move even if I wanted to. My only orders are to stay put and not interfere with what's happening. After all...the government knows of my past with Ace. So they have to make me watch so I'll know pirates and marines can't be friends.
I look over at garp. He's nervous... And garp doesn't get nervous. He makes people nervous. But when it comes to his grandson I can't say I blame him. Almost as if he felt me staring, he turns his head. "Y/n you know not to interfere with anything that happens correct?" he asks. I lower my head looking at the ground. "Sir yes sir..." I say trying not let him see how I'm feeling.
And just on time... Here comes Ace. Being brought by 2 guards. I can't look. I just can't.... I think, shaking my head. They climb up the steps until they reach the top. The sound of chains rattling as they force him on his knees. Just then I realize my position. I'm a marine. I can't keep my head down I'll get in trouble. I clench my jaw and ball my hands into fists before slowly raising my head. Starring hard at the soon to be battle ground in front of me.
Then I hear it... "Y/n?..." Ace ask. I feel my stomach drop. Suddenly feeling hallow. That's aces voice... But it didn't sound like the little boy I used to know. I have no choice. I must respond. Closing my eyes I take a shaky deep breath. "Ace..." I try to say boldly but my voice ends up cracking at the end. I bite my lip and shut my eyes trying not to break. My body almost shaking.
For the next minute it's quiet. Almost as if he's letting me calm down before continuing. "I haven't seen you in years...I want to see you y/n not just the back of your head." he says weakly. My heart breaks. I feel like a terrible person and an even worse sister. I would be a horrible person if I didn't give him this. It's the least I could do for him since the boys life is about to be stripped away from him.
I take a deep breath before turning towards him. Our eyes locking immediately. We stare at each other for what feels like hours but it’s merely a few seconds. Both of us understanding each other worries and pain at just a glance. Then he smiles. I feel my eyebrows furrow and my bottom lip start to quiver. "Ace..." I whine, trying not to let tears fall from my eyes. And just like that he understood. "Y/n...don't cry. You're a marine. You haven't gotten weak have you?" he says teasingly.
My chest starts to spasm as I try not to laugh but I fail. I laugh as the tear fall down my face before stopping suddenly. "There... That's my sisters smile... You really haven't changed." he says smiling. In that moment... If he asked me to save him I would have done everything in my power to do so. Even if it ment my life would be taken. But he knows that.
"I'm sorry I didn't come see you... I'm your big brother and I was so selfish as to not congratulate you for climbing the ranks as a marine. But I'm here now. Even if it's the last time we'll meet... I'm proud of you y/n. You've became an amazing woman just as I knew you would." he says looking up at me.
Tears pool from my eyes as I try to stay at attention. My teeth clenched and my body shaking. I'm still his sister after all this time. "No...you and sabo are the best big brothers I've ever had. You were always here for me in my heart. I just wish this wouldn't be how we end up remembering each other in the end...." I say wiping my face
He smiles as tears fall down his face. "I'm glad think me so highly of me and sabo. I know he would be proud of you too. But this isn't the end for you y/n. It's only my ending. You have more life to live. My only regret is that I won't get to be here with you for it. But I know you will be ok without my guidance. I mean look at you now... But you're right. I will always be here for you in your heart.” He says. The more he speaks the harder it gets to contain myself. My cries grow louder and my body continues to shake more.
“Also y/n…. Please look after luffy. You’ll be the oldest sibling after I’m gone. So you gotta take care of him….” He says with teary eyes his voice getting shaky. I nod my head. “I will. I promise.” I cry out while turning away to go back to standing at attention.
“Oh yeah and one last thing…” he says…. “I love you sis” he whispers… I squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to cry again. “I love you too ace…” I whisper…
And just like that it was time. The cameras are rolling and all the marines are lined up to fight. I stand tall at my post beside Garp. Ace said he was proud of me so I should at least try to act like a true marine. The only way I could stay calm was by tuning out everything around me.
Then suddenly a ginormous boat emerged from the water below followed by what looked to be hundreds of different pirate crews. Whitebeard… I knew he would show. I try not to smile but I can’t help but feel relieved with his presence. If anyone could save him it was whitebeard. Pirates started hopping off the ships and charging in. Followed by the marines charging back. My heart ached at the sight. The ground below turned into a battle field. People were dying left and right from both sides. It was painful to watch and I know ace must be heartbroken seeing his friends die for him.
Coming out of no where a ship started to fall from the sky. First from the underwater and now from the sky? What’s next? Then I see it…. A straw hat. It can’t be… I watch as the familiar face falls from the sky before going to talk to whitebeard. I squint my eyes trying to see.
“No no no no! He can’t be here!” I scream, my heart started to beat out of my chest. Why are you here luffy? I can’t loose both of you…“LUFFYY!! YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW!! PLEASE!!” I yell before going to take a step but Garp grabs me. “You should have just listened kid… contain her till it’s been dealt with.” He says to the guards. “I’m sorry but it’s for the best y/n..” he whispers as 2 new guards come up the stairs and put me in cuffs.
“Wha-what! No! You can’t-! Please Garp…” I say desperately trying to grab him but the guards pull me away. As they bring me down the stairs ace yells. “Don’t touch her! Leave her alone damn it!” But is silenced by a kick to the stomach.
I thrash as the guards drag me by the cuffs attached to my wrists. Trying to get away. “Just stop… do you want to be executed like your brother? Huh?” One of the guards say while throwing me into a room. I look up at them from the ground. “What did you say?!” I yell, standing up. But they close the door in my face before I can say anything.
“We will let you out after the deeds done.” The other guard says before they walk away. I bang my hands on the door. Begging to be let out. But nothing. Only the sound of fighting and yelling. I lean my forehead against the door, trying to catch my breath. Ace… Luffy… what if they both die?? They can’t die. Neither of them…
“What do I do?” I cry out, sliding down the wall to the ground…
Luffy! He sounds just like he did when we were kids. I think while smiling but it soon fades as I remember the situation I’m in. I curl into a ball on the ground. Tucking my face in my knees. I think back to what Ace told me… look after luffy…wait. “Look after luffy!” I yell. I made a promise. I can’t break a promise to my brother….
Yeah. And I can’t let my little brother get hurt. I stand up, a new found energy flowing through me. I don’t break promises…
I get as far away from the door as I can before charging at it. Busting through the door. I’m free! I’ll figure out how to get these cuffs off on my way outside. I run down the halls as quick as possible. Finding the closest guard office and their keys to unlock the cuffs “Powers are back…”
I run through the building till I reach the closest exit. Walking out to see the ground stained in blood and cover in bodies. I look around for luffy. My eyes landing on akainu. Looking beside him to see luffy. I nearly yell from joy when I see he’s ok then I see him… Ace….
“ACEEEEE!” I scream out. The sight of his lifeless body was enough to blur every bit of pride I ever had for being a marine. In that moment I didn’t care whether I lost my job or my life. The person who took away the light in luffys eyes and left a hole in aces heart was going to die or I was gonna die trying. I take off towards luffy. I was gonna get him away then kill that bastard like he killed my brother….
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whitelionspirit · 4 years
Pale Fire: Strange Habits
Pairng: Ace x Reader
Series: Modern au of the life of Ace and the reader.
Scenario: Over the last several weeks Ace has been huddling up in your room. It doesn’t help that your feelings for him have been solidified for a while now.
wc: 2.6k
warning: non just fluff and unsure feelings
a/n: It is here! The first part of this series I talked about a few weeks ago. Here a little bit about it if you missed x . This is not in order of events the story all comes together in different peeks into their lives
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After another exhausting day at work and checking up on some assignments, you were ready for bed. Your usual bed stealer was already tucked into the cozy corner near the wall. His soft snores were your only indications that he was asleep. How you had ended up in this arrangement, you weren't sure anymore. Though it didn't bother you as the man was a walking heater. So in the dead of winter, you could care less as he kept you extremely warm.
Yawning, you close your laptop and move from your desk, and head towards the bed. Running a hand through your hair, you sit down on the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, you click off the desk lamp until the room is dark.
Crawling under the covers, you sighed happily at the warm feeling surrounding you; it was comforting. Shifting onto your side, you faced the wall where Ace was soundly still asleep.
You could easily make out his figure due to the street lights coming in from outside, making the room visible. He was laying on his stomach, hugging the pillow to his chest as his bareback was exposed to you.
You had known for a while that you had feelings for him, but you were too afraid to say anything to him. Perona had been on you lately about it, especially since Ace had been spending more time sleeping in your bed than his own in the last few weeks.
Why exactly, you weren't sure, but it didn't bother you much. He did love to be around you a lot, and you learned early on that he stripped in his sleep. It was a bit embarrassing at first, but you came to expect it throughout your friendship. Tonight was one of those rare times where he had kept his boxers on.
You smiled fondly at the memories as you continue to stare at the rise and fall of his back. Your eyes shifted downwards to the ink that littered his backside. What once was a skull and crossbones was now half a tattoo and a large amount of scarring. While you knew the story behind it as it happened before you even met the man. The sight of it made you emotional for some reason; Ace didn't like talking about it very much. Not that you blamed him, it was a horrific accident that left him very badly hurt with side effects even today.
The loud snore broke through the silence, making you freeze at the noise. You snorted as Ace's breathing went back to normal as he shifted slightly towards you.
Feeling content, you finally snuggled down into the covers and closed your eyes. Sleep finally overtook you as the day's events caught up with you finally.
It was overwhelming and itchy, as if your whole body was on fire and unable to get away from it. Your mind raced as the intensity continued until something hard punctured it making it burst open. Your eyes fly open in a rush as you sit up with a start. Heart racing, you placed a hand on your heated skin to only cringe at the slick wetness that came off of you. Looking down, you noticed your body and T-shirt are soaked with your sweat. Still trying to catch your breath, you stare off into the still dark room.
You couldn't have been asleep for long, but what was that strange feeling you had never felt before. Your eyes finally adjusted again as you turn your head towards Ace. Who had somehow rolled over in his sleep and was now wrapped tightly around your body.
Well, that explains that issue. You supposed the man was still sound asleep as his arms tightened on your waist. The heat that radiated off of him was a lot. His leg was hooked over your thigh as he snored softly into your pillow.
"You are such a pain, Portgas, you know that?" You mumbled as you tried your best to settle back into the sheets ignoring the damp clothing you wore with the older man clinging to you like a monkey.
He didn't reply, but you took his snoring as a sign that he could care less. Closing your eyes again, you drift back off, not to be disturbed too.
The following morning was a noisy one but having lived in the house for almost over a year now, you grow used to it. Rolling over in your still half-asleep state, your eyes blur, not fully awake as you stare at the wall. The fuck how did you end up on the opposite side of the bed this time. Rolling back over, you noticed that your usual bed companion was nowhere to be seen.
He must have gotten up already, which was odd for him. Ace usually slept in late on Sunday, but it seems today was a rare occasion when he didn't. Grabbing for your phone, the screen lights up to show it is a little past noon.
A little later than your own wake-up time but the little extra sleep was nice. Pushing the covers off yourself and getting out of the bed heading to the bathroom. After relieving yourself, you head down the stairs and into the chaos. The excited chatter of Luffy and Perona could be heard as you enter the kitchen. They don't pay you any mind as Luffy excitedly leans over the kitchen island and watches your best friend cook away.
The sight was very comical as Perona tried to push Luffy away, who was happily drooling at the presence of the sizzling meat. Giggling, you open up the fridge and grab for the jug of orange juice; shaking the container, you close the fridge behind you.
"Oh, (name) finally up, I see," Perona said, looking over at you.
Smiling at her, you open up the cabinet next to you and grab for a cup. "Yeah, guess I needed the extra sleep." You replied, turning back to them and pouring your drink.
"Well, I'm glad you came down when you did because I could use your help with cooking. No one else is around yet, so I decided to make a big brunch for everyone." She said as she cracked a few more eggs into another pan.
"You are so awesome, Perona!" Luffy said as he sat on the counter with a smile on his face.
You smiled at the sight even though this situation was a relatively regular one in your home. It always warms your heart because growing up, your luck with long-lasting friendships wasn't the greatest. So living here with some fantastic people made you emotional at times.
"So I see Ace slept in your room again last night." You froze at your friend's words as she peeked over at you from behind Luffy.
A guiltily blush crept its way up to your face. You looked away from her and stared into the living room. "Ugh yeah, he did; it's no big deal, just used to it." You mumbled.
"I see," she said slyly, making your face burn hotter with embarrassment.
"That's pretty normal for Ace. I think he's always clung to people that make him comfortable. He did a lot of that when we were kids and later with Deuce and Marco. Though for a while, he didn't think after his last relationship, which ended pretty badly, especially after the accident." He trailed off for a moment. "With you, for some reason, he started doing it again, but I'm glad we were all worried about him." Luffy grinned at you.
You were stunned. Ace had never mentioned anything before, not that you should be surprised. Despite his easy-going and friendly persona, Ace was relatively private on some matters of his life. Which never bothered you because you knew with time if it was necessary, he would tell you eventually.
"I wasn't aware, but I'm glad he feels so comfortable with me. I feel the same about him. He makes me feel secure, I suppose, is the right word."
Luffy looked at you thoughtfully and looked away, but you caught a hint of a smile anyway.
"Speaking of Ace, where is he? He wasn't in bed when I got up."
"Oh, he went for a morning run with Sabo. Well, I guess more of a late morning run. They should be back soon, though. Better start this before I have to listen to them whine about food again." Perona rolled her eyes, making you laugh at the image.
It was a ubiquitous experience in the shared home of the three brothers with bottomless pits. It was a good thing that Ace and Sabo had such good-paying jobs that they could have tons of extra food. Grabbing an apron from the hanger, you tied it around your waist and held for a mixing bowl, and started cracking eggs.
Both You and Perona moved in sync around the kitchen while dodging Luffy's grabby hands. The time passed quickly as you both finished making the feast just as the front door opened. The loud chatter of both older men caught your attention as you platted another stack of pancakes.
Looking over at your pink-haired friend you both shared the same thought as you both stepped away from the food. Just as both Sabo and Ace came stumbling in at the sight of the food. Just like wild beasts, all three brothers are divided in for their shares. You shook your head at their antics as a tap at your shoulder had you turning around.
Holding up a plate of food, Perona smiled at you as she headed it over. A smile spread across your face at her offering; grabbing it, you happily started to eat it.
"Thank, Rona yove the beth." You yell even though she barely heard you with your face stuffed and all.
She rolled her eyes at your display but smiled anyway. A sudden presence had you looking up at an arm circled your shoulders, pulling you into someone's chest. You gasped at the action but quickly recoiled at the smell and tried to tear away, but the grip was tight.
"(Name)!!" Ace mumbled as he swallowed his food.
"Acccce!" You whined as he held you closer to his sweat-soaked chest.
"(Name)!!!" He responded back teasingly.
You pouted as he snickered and kissed your cheek affectionately, making your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
"Ok, lovebirds, take it somewhere else; we're trying to eat here," Sabo said as he gestured to the other three in the room, a grin playing at his lips.
You groaned and pushed Ace off of you as you grabbed your plate and joined the others at the table. Ace just laughed and followed you as he sat across from you. As you started eating again, Sabo spoke between mouthfuls of food and told a story.
You didn't hear half of it, but it was something about running into Zoro on their run from what you gathered. From the way Luffy was in hysterics, you knew the man had probably gotten lost again. It made you laugh at the image of him getting frustrated as he ran back and forth through the local town. Most people knew who he was as this was a constant habit, so that alone was funny enough.
After you were done eating, you helped to shove the boys out of the kitchen so you could clean.
"Go shower. You all smell!" You finally said, making them groan and protest.
You glared at them all, making the three boys shut up and stare at you before quickly saying sorry and scrambling up the stairs. The sight of them trampling over one another was entertaining and made you smile as you headed back into the kitchen.
You heaved a heavy sigh as you flopped down onto your bed; after finishing the kitchen, you had returned to your room. Knowing you would be waiting for the shower for a while, you decided to lay down. Rolling over, the three large windows greet you. They were currently blocking out the light making the room darker than it would usually be.
Lately, you weren't sure of anything between school, your job, and being an adult, in general, was enough to make you restless. Though the constant unsolved resolve in your mind was this deal with Ace. You cared for him so much, but the thought of destroying your close friendship is what stopped you from pushing further.
Turning on your stomach, you hugged the nearest pillow to your chest, which you realized had been the pillow Ace slept on. Closing your eyes, you bury your face into the soft fabric. The smell of smoke and cologne came off of it. It was all Ace, and it was soothing to have the familiar scent lulling you into euphoria. Between the warmth coming from the heater and the pillow you hugged, you dozed off pretty quickly.
The dipping of the bed alerted you from your half-asleep state as someone sat down beside you. You blinked your eye open more, making your whine softly. Rolling over, you are given the sight of Ace sitting hunched over on your bed as he pulled his blue sweatshirt off his head. Leaving him in a yellow shirt. He tossed it onto the floor, which made you roll your eyes at his carelessness.
Ace ran a hand through his still-damp hair and casually scooted himself back on the bed as he laid down next to you. He laid on the opposite side to you, so he was facing you upside down, his back to the wall this time.
"Hi," he said, smiling at you softly.
"Hello, intruder," you mumble, your face still buried in the pillow you were now hugging to your chest.
He laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you," he says with not a hint of remorse in his words.
You snorted.
"Right, because you are sorry every other time."
He shrugged his shoulders, continuing to smile at you, but this time his eyes had this gentle look in them you hadn't seen before. The look alone made you avert your gaze as your cheeks heated. You tried to not think of what that could mean exactly. The last few weeks had really been weird with him in general. The clinging, bed-sharing, soft looks, and just no boundaries at all at this point, which you were used to anyway, especially with Luffy, but this was different.
"Hey…..Ace, can I ask you something?"
You looked at him again; his brown eyes bore into yours.
"Sure, what is it?"
Closing your eyes, your grip on the pillow tightened, taking a deep breath, and you looked at him again. His lips pulled into a frown.
"It's nothing. Just wanted to know if you would take a nap with me?"
A huge grin split across his face at the gesture, and he happily sat up and grabbed you around the waist.
"Always (Name)!" He wrapped the blankets around you both and swaddled you into his chest. A giggle left you as you situated yourself in his grasp until you were comfortable. A sweet silence befalls you both as you settle into each other's warmth. After a while, you knew he was asleep from his soft snores near your ear.
You weren't sure when you would finally confine him about your feelings. For now, you were content with this strange arrangement you both had and were happy to continue it for a little while longer.
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indigopurple · 5 years
Basically a review of OP episode 503 ig
Currently rewatching post-war arc (in the dub so I don't have any screenshots for u guys sry) and theres a few things id like to point out.
During a conversation Dadan once had with Garp, they were talking about Roger. Garp said that even if they were facing powerful enemies, he would never run away because he wouldnt dare leaving his comrads behind; it wasnt an option for him. Obviously we see this in Ace. But ALSO, isnt this what he did with Katakuri? It was a little different cuz of the setting mostly, but he separated himself from his crew to fight off katakuri, and lied to them about being okay so they didn't worry (he was already getting his ass kicked by then, so he just made that stupid smile and told them not to worry (or smth like that, I can remember the exact line) (that smile was so gross and fake cuz he fucking sucks at lying). Also he said roger destroyed a buncha soldiers cuz they mouthed off his men. That's what Ace tried to do but instead he died. :(
"The pain he went through just made him hold on tighter to the ones he loved" -Garp, about Roger. "Despite his flaws and his bad reputation, his crew still trusted him completely." -also Garp, about Roger. These both sound a lot like Luffy AND Ace.
When Dogra got home and told everyone about Sabo's ship being shit down and him dying (which we all know didnt happen, thank fuck), (by the way the absolutely lost looks on Ace's and Luffy's faces with the sudden silence hurt like a bitch), Luffy started crying and said "WE SHOULDNT'A LET HIM GO, IT'S ALL OUR FAULT". Which fucking says something about him (thinking of episodes 913-915 when he goes fucking berserk, but before that he learns that Kaido probably killed Tama and he says "I should've escorted them..!" (*ugly cries*)). Ace also reacted pretty similarly-- "Sabo...why didn't we go back into town and bring him back here?! We're so stupid!" And he gets mad and asks where he could find the bastard that killed him (obviously not getting a good answer since it was a fucking celestial dragon ugh). That is what Luffy does, in present time. He results to anger first, not sadness. Not sure when he learned to do that but I'm 99 percent sure it was from Ace. Also the blaming himself thing? High chance thats ALSO from Ace. Who else would teach him that self hating behaviour?!
Dadan pins Ace down to stop him from going after the Celestial Dragon to calm him down, telling him he cant do anything, he's not big or strong enough to do anything and he'll be killed as soon as he tries anything, especially since it was the whole country -the whole WORLD- that killed Sabo. He can't do anything. And then they tied him to a tree outside to let him cool off. Oh yeah then he also told luffy to stop crying like a little girl or else he'll- (and he didn't finish the sentence). ...Ok maybe thats why luffy started being more angry than sad.
This is where things get a little more :( . Ace reads the letter Sabo sent them before he died. As he reads, he walks to the end of the forest, to a cliff overlooking the ocean. And starts fucking bawling (btw the voice actor who had Ace's childhood part did not do a very good job, no where near as in character and real as Coleen Clickenberg did with all of Luffy's crying scenes. She was spot on.) ...do you see where im going with that? He isolated himself before letting himself feel sad. It was all rage and then calm beforehand. Y-you see where im going with that. Dont make me say it.
"How's Luffy doing, is he any better?" "Well...he hasnt been eating much, but he still eats twice as much as we do". Oh look, That's what happened after Ace died too. There's a behavioral pattern that hasnt gone away. Not sure why it wouldve tho.
Luffy is mopeing, lying on the ground in a similar setting ace was at when he cried. Hes thinking about some of the things Sabo said, like how theyre gonna sail the seas together, and he clenches his hands into tight, shaking fists. After Ace shows up and hits him, and talking abt some other stuff I don't feel like relaying, Luffy tightens his grip on the straw hat and tells ace, whimpering, he wants to get stronger (and stronger, and stronger, and stronger and stronger and....) And he wants to be the strongest in the world. "And then, I'll protect everyone. I won't lose anyone I care about". He gets stronger mainly to protect the people he loves. And then he asks ace to promise he won't die. To which he hits Luffy again and tells him he should be more worried about himself dying first. And then the famous line that hurts like a bitch- "I'm NEVER going to DIE!" And then this hopeful music comes on (fucking damnit funimation, u gotta do this? Really??) Also he says he wont die as long as he has a wussy little brother to protect. ...FUCK. Ok, the fist clenching is a thing he does all the fucking time, usually when he gets mad. This was different because he wasnt mad, he was sad. He clenched his fist because thinking about it hurt. Which, huh, sounds a lot like his whole episode after waking up from his 2 week coma on the polar tang. To try and stop the mental pain of those horrendous memories, he resulted to physically pain. He hurt himself. So, He clenches his fists in times like these to fight off the mental pain and the urge to cause himself physical pain. Guys, our boy is bad at emotions, help him. ....ok this paragraph is longer than I anticipated so ill dumb down the rest of it ig. Next part, him asking ace to promise he wont die. The music, the body language, the over change in mood- this comforts him. He stopped hiding his face and silently sobbing after ace said this. OH YEAH! didn't he tell jinbe not to die when they parted ways in Totto Land? And then, hes missing still in Wano and we see Luffy is worried....but convinced Jinbe will show up. Again, this comforts him. Hes nervous cuz someone KOFF KOFF ACE broke that promise once. But jinbe is his crew mate so he trusts him, thank god.
"-But whoever did it, they must be opposed to freedom." The whole freedom thing? That runs through Luffy's blood and spirit.His brothers fought for it, his dad is the man who strives to give everyone freedom basically, and Luffy himself has seen enough of the OPPOSITE of freedom to be so, so much more than just against it. Hence why he of course was so eager to free the slaves in Sabaody, the kids in punk hazard, the toys in dressrosa, the country of Wano from Kaido's tyrany. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree huh.
I dont think Luffy would remember his promise with Shanks if it werent for his brothers putting feul to his dream. It was a stupid bet at first; he just wanted to beat Shanks, right then. But after meeting Sabo and Ace, he found the opposite of freedom and human rights. And then he wanted, REALLY wanted, to become the free-est man in the world; the pirate king.
Last one i promise ok? This one is less connected to whats going on in the episode at this point, but something I noticed (its so obvious everyone has seen this ok) was when luffy cries, his posture is always open. He doesn't curl in on himself like many people would do (I know I would, lol). He doesnt hug himself, protect himself. He's just, opened up to whoever is watching, literally. This has a little more to do with something I haven't talked about much in this post yet; his self-destruction issues. I said he tried to hurt himself when he felt mental pain, which is definitely similar. But he cries and doesnt try to protect or comfort himself, like he doesn't have that programmed into his mind. Reminder that he only wants to live because of his dream, and if he doesnt have his dream, he wants to die. (Whoa.). Ok, so no self preservation mechanism at all rlly. Hes basically ride or die. So, when things hurt so much that he cries, he has no hope left. He just kinda...dies inside. So this was mildly different after sabo died. Yes we saw him just standing there, sobbing. But the next day he's still crying, and instead he's laying on the ground. I saw that and the voice in the back of my head told me he wanted to be a part of that lifeless dirt beneath him. Then, Ace walked over. And his words made him feel the hope that I told you about earlier, and he sat up into a sitting position. And HUGGED HIS LEGS TO HIS CHEST. There's some self preservation! Some hope! Some will to exist, to live! Something we saw none of as he sat in front of his brothers corpse, shutting down. He sat there, open to his enemies, incapable of protecting himself. Practically anyone couldve killed him right then and there. I think he mightve liked that, at that moment. Like thank god he has that stupidly good luck cuz if he didn't I swear someone couldve thrown and axe or FUCKING ANYTHING AT THAT MOMENT and hed be dead becuase he never physically or mentally prepared himself. On purpose.
Our poor boy needs some fucking attention and therapists. (Insert my rant post about how jinbe is on the crew primarily for anger management and therapy, not just being a helmsman.) Ugh, smh ugly cries
Aaaaand thats about the end of the episode. Theres so many little tics and peesonality traits that you notive thru this episode, and I only noticed them cuz im rewatching this part of the show for like the third time. I don't react as much as the first time of course but some things are definitely sadder after knowing what's going on and what will happen later on.
Moral of the story (post)? I think luffy is almost equally as alike -if not, more similar to roger as ace is. Also, high key genuinely think Luffy met like NO ONE but Garp before he met Shanks and his crew. What the fuck was his first like 5 years of being alive like? (He wantd to be a pirate cuz Garp didnt want that. Rebellious baby asshole. And then shanks made things worse, in a good way for luffy. And then ace and sabo made that worse thing worse for a good reason. Luffy lives...for those influences. And that is fucking it. Why.
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Oh thanks tumblr for moving my picture to the bottom of the post u fucking idiot
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mary-is-writing · 4 years
So I was watching the movie special they did in like 2007 of the Arabasta arc (that covers mostly the third act of it), and i gotta say that everything became more sentimental that i remembered it being.
I always remembered Arabasta as the first truly epic arc of One Piece (and i still do), but not as something that almost made me tear up, and the movie managed to do that. And it was because i could see so much references to Sabo in almost every important part where Luffy appears.
First, when Luffy and Vivi have their fight in the desert, it all starts because Luffy tolds her that is naive to believe that she can stop the civil war without having anyone dying, to which she responds "What is wrong about not wanting anyone to die?"
"People die" Luffy answers. And then she punches him and they fight.
And i was like huh?? Excuse me??? That felt so off character coming from Luffy and so weird to me, because i didn't remember at all why they fought, i just recalled Luffy telling her that they'll risk their lives with her because they are nakama. But then I remembered that is in Arabasta when we get introduced to Ace, and his meeting with Luffy had to obviously bring memories to him about his childhood, and of course, about Sabo (I don't remember well, but I'm almost sure that their meeting happens before his fight with Vivi). "People die", that answer could be a reference to Sabo, because Luffy knows that just wanting to save everyone is not enough.
Then, in the final battle with Crocodile, Luffy says something between the lines of "She doesn't want anyone to die, but she's risking her life on her own!" which reminded me a lot about when Sabo gets separated from them by his parents. Sabo didn't want his brothers to be hurt, he didn't want to risk their lifes, so instead, he chosed to sacrifice himself and return to the only place he didn't want to, giving up his "life" with them. This had to stuck with Luffy one way or another, and maybe this is why he's so mad at the idea that Vivi -or any of his nakama- have to fight alone, and why always stick with them no matter what.
Also, his refusal to believe that Vivi won't come with them at the end of the arc because she's a noble, which reminded me to his brotherhood with Sabo in general, since he was also a noble kid.
And he saying that he won't let her die, no matter what, made me recall his words after Sabo's supposed death and his determination to become stronger so he can protect everything and never lose anyone again.
It's so wholesome how Luffy, just like Ace, never forgot about Sabo. Ace changed his attitude and had a tattoo in his honor, but it's the thought of how Luffy must remember him everytime he wishes to protect someone what really got me while watching Arabasta. He remembers him when he stays behind to fight Crocodile in the desert to protect his nakama, and when he goes to save Vivi from the fall, and when he fights to death with Crocodile in the royal chamber. Heck, even when he rescues Robin from there after the fight.
Because Sabo's death had such an impact on him as a kid, Luffy is who he is and who we get to know before we know who Sabo is, and after we do, everything up until that point makes so much more sense. Sure, Luffy's an idiot, but a loyal one who would sacrifice anything and everything to save the people that are dear to him, and when we meet Sabo we finally know why.
Man, I love One Piece.
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wordsdrippinginink · 8 years
If it's cool - sweet affection & marco/ace/sabo? (Or just marco/ace if you don't like mas vuv)
You know, I’ve just noticed but I can’t tell if this is a writing thing or not? But if it’s not. Oh, well? Because now it’s a writing thing. Have a read more.
in which i have no idea what’s happening and pushed 3, 11, and 13 into a prompt because i can.what was this suppose to be anyway? someone explain to me.
Marco closes his eyes, trying to ignore the burn taking over his eyes from the light of his computer screen. There was still a number of documents that he had left to search over for flaws and he felt stiff from spending hours sitting. He sighs when hands drop to his shoulders rubbing them softly.
“Tired?” Sabo asks chin setting down on the top of Marco’s head, hands still rubbing his shoulders.
“Exhausted,” Marco agrees relaxing. “Where’s Ace?”
“Hm, where is Ace?” Sabo asks instead of trying to answer him. “How much do you have left?”
Marco frowns, blinking in confusion, Sabo always knows where Ace, but answers, “Too much. And then I have to check them over for spelling.”
“Poor Marco,” Sabo mutters. “Can’t you ask one of your coworkers for help?”
“Seriously, where is Ace?”
“Aw, are you worried he’ll get up to something?” Sabo laughs. “He’s running late at work.”
Marco closes his eyes again and fights back the urge to yawn as Sabo kept rubbing his shoulders. He starts at the sudden weight that drops into his lap, feet pushing at the ground, trying to shove his chair back.
“I told you I was sitting down,” Ace pouts.
Marco blinks at him before glancing up at Sabo, who smirks, “Sorry, Ace. I must have not heard you.”
“I’m sure that’s the problem,” Sabo agrees and Marco knows that both of them are teasing him. “How was work, Ace?”
“Someone set their house on fire with a curling iron,” Ace answers. “It was horrible and then we were summoned to the college again.”
“The college?” Marco yawns.
“The college,” Ace agrees holding up a sandwich. “Eat this, Sabo says that you haven’t eaten today.”
“I have eaten.”
Sabo snorts, “What did you eat, Marco? You left the lunch you made here and I had Ace take it to work.”
Marco makes a face, trying to remember, “I have no idea. But I ate something.”
“Eat the sandwich or I will call Luffy to bring Law around and set you up with an IV again,” Ace orders.
“Bossy,” Marco mutters taking a bite. “This is my favorite,” Marco says after he swallows.
“Like we don’t know your favorite foods,” Ace and Sabo say in unison.
“Stop that.”
“I don’t know, it’s fun for us,” Sabo says leaning down to kiss Ace’s cheek. “Don’t you think?”
“Lots of fun,” Ace agrees biting into his own sandwich. “You better eat the whole thing.”
Marco makes a noise of agreement, trying to read the document over Ace’s shoulder and frowning at Sabo when he turns off the monitor.
“No more work. Food and a nap, I think.”
“Nap,” Ace agrees shoving the last of his sandwich into his mouth. “Like napping forever.”
“Thank you for the food,” Marco says swallowing his last bite and kissing Ace’s cheek. “But I have work,” He tugs Sabo down by his collar to kiss his cheek too. “And it has to be done before I go in tomorrow.” 
Sabo sighs, “Just a little break,” He begs.
“I just took one, now go. I’ll try and get some sleep tonight, okay?”
“Fine,” Ace whines kissing Marco’s cheek before forcing himself onto his feet. “But if you aren’t in bed by the time Sabo gets up for his thingy, he gets to shove you in bed.”
“It’s not a thingy,” Sabo sighs. “I’m helping Koala investigate, you know what, I’m not even going to try explaining this again, but he’s right. Bed, before I wake up or so help me, Marco.”
“Whatever you say, Sabo,” Marco grins watching Ace drag Sabo out of his home office, talking excitedly about something before sighing and turning back to his computer.
He stares at the page that he hadn’t been on when he had last looked at the file and grins, Sabo was getting trickier. He might actually be able to avoid being shoved into bed before he was done, since Sabo had somehow edited twenty pages for him.
Only fifteen more to go.
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