#don't be afraid to ask them
genericpuff · 4 months
Hey puff! So you said Hades is a "mess who hasn't spilled over" and there are definitely some warning signs even now - Artemis' dislike, the ominous grin in the last chapter does not bode well for Alex, him treating Minthe pretty badly and dismissively, being open about his attraction to Kore while acknowledging Minthe, eating Dio to shut him up and laughing about it (No Kronos flashbacks, Hades??) Of course he did a lot of this in LO too but that was framed as a good thing and you seem more self aware than that.
My question is are he and Kore still endgame with his bad traits? Or is Kore just hiding a much darker, more selfish side who would like all this?
Hades and Kore are both very, VERY complicated people with complicated backstories that involve both the good and the bad. They're both victims of circumstance as well as their own wrongdoings (even the ones that were well-intentioned, they're both walking the road to hell wink wink), they're both holding on to some pretty dark shit and we're going to be exploring plenty of both sides along the way. I'm obviously trying not to spoil anything, but I will say that Hades and Persephone are not going to have a cut-and-dry 'fairy tale romance' like what was attempted in LO, Rekindled is attempting to be a more faithful retelling of the original Hymn to Demeter after all (or at least its original themes and messaging). They're both incredibly damaged people with a lot of tightly-sealed baggage that DESPERATELY needs to be unpacked and we all know what happens to relationships built on those types of foundations ;0 So that's all ima say on that ~
As for the irony of Hades 'eating' Dionysus, hurt people hurt people. Though I wouldn't worry about Dionysus, he just projects his consciousness into berries, he's alive and well ;) As for Hades... let's just say you shouldn't eat berries possessed by the god of madness, guy is gonna have a harsh comedown LOL
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eight-pointed-star · 3 months
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canisalbus · 7 months
I'm sure you get this a lot but because my cousin and I love that one Danny Trejo action comedy, I always have to snap my brain into the right position when I read Machete's name. Maybe I should draw them both chilling
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garykingz · 28 days
I love when we as a fandom starts to analyze the smallest of details. It’s my favorite! I loved your post on lestappen and I would love to see more lestappen moments (even the smaller moments) broken down and analyzed. Please keep sharing your thoughts and opinions! We love it! ❤️
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Me too, though !! I LOOOVE when people deep dive and affectionately nitpick on everything, instant serotonin !!
Thank you so much for saying so 🥹🩷 Getting into F1 properly nearly 4 years ago now, lestappen chose me, I fear dhkshdkdb
There are SOOO many moments between these two, we all know Austria 2022 is a special one
I'll have to get some more stuff on them and make more posts bc these two are SO weird for each other, FR, that much everyone knows 🙂‍↕️🩷
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kedreeva · 2 months
(disclaimer: I am not saying this from a place of hostility to geese)
how did 3-year old you survive feeding geese :( when I was 4 I was feeding ducks and geese (which I was about the same height as at the time) at a local pond and they chased me and tried to bite me until my parents picked me up and ran. I didn't try to scare them and I was a generally quiet child, do I just have Bad Vibes to them or something? or is it something to do with their past experiences/socialization as Pond Ducks/Geese? nowadays whenever a goose or swan so much as starts staring at me I'm like "ok time to go :)"
Without knowing more about the situation, I can't say what particular thing you did, but I can say that geese don't chase people for no reason at all. It's possible you got too close rather than letting them come to you, it's possible you were just plain too close to their nesting site, it's possible you performed a movement that (in goose) suggested your desire to start a dispute. It's possible you were feeding them from your hands and they associated your hands with food, and were simply looking for more food, or attempting to chase you away from the food.
And to be clear, I'm definitely not advocating for people letting small children feed geese, honestly no one should be feeding wild animals, mostly because it familiarizes wildlife with humans and that can be bad, but also because it opens too many opportunities for humans to do the wrong things and end up hurt or scared. As a 4yo, it wasn't your responsibility to know how to interact with geese- it was your parents' job to monitor your actions, the actions and reactions of the geese, and remove you from the situation before it became a problem (or not put you in that position in the first place). The geese are blameless for acting like geese and you are blameless by reason of being 4 years old.
I ALSO want to be clear that being SCARED of something DOES NOT equal HATING something. Hate can stem from fear, and fear can stem from hate, but they are not the same thing. There are PLENTY of people, for example, who are terrified of spiders but who will either remove them from a place with a cup and paper, or fetch someone to do so, to prevent a spider from dying for the crime of being small. You (general) can be afraid of something and still treat it with respect. You do not have to hate the things you are afraid of.
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fuwaprince · 7 months
Not sure who needs to hear this but don't ever let shitty parents shame you out of using the health and wellness resources that are available to you and that you need! Fuck parents who medically neglect their children! Don't wait until you're 26 and then try to solve all your health problems on your own. Take care of it while you're younger, if you can! The necessary care isn't something to be denied of. Do it now so that by the time you're 26 preventative issues aren't as terrible
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delta-orionis · 2 months
4. When iterators were more connected, did your iterator like to socialize on public broadcasts? Or did they tend to keep to their own group?
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Three Stars Above Clouds has no local group, and is very far from any other iterators. Despite this, their high altitude allows them to listen in on long range public broadcasts. They rarely contribute, however.
TSAC will happily discuss their research with other iterators, but views them as colleagues more than anything else. As global communications broke down and they lost contact with their distant peers, their isolation only became more apparent.
(TSAC's vibe is basically, "lonely grad student whose only form of socialization is the weekly research group meeting".)
(Also a note- the orange overseer belongs to TSAC- the orange of the overseer forms a triadic color scheme with the blue of their puppet and the green of their accents.)
(Original ask game)
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sherlock-is-ace · 11 months
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[First image description: A screenshot of Georgia Tennant's instagram post. The photo is of Peter Davison holding a sign that reads "He's not that special!" In front of a line of people. The caption of the post reads "Here I am protesting in front of the half mile queue for your husband". The post is dated April 2, 2022. Below there is a comment from Neil Gaiman that reads "He's got the patience of Job, your father."
Second image description: A close up of Neil's comment. It's got 786 likes and was posted 71 weeks ago.]
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cozystars · 1 year
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Made More!
Transcript under the CuUuuUt
Princess Daisy - Joyful gem of the Desert, Daisy took the position of Sarasaland's ruler due to her parents dedicating their time to preserving their culture found in other worlds. She does her best to keep things together. +Exuberant =Curious -Presumptuous Lover of all things sporty, Diplomatic Besties w/ Peach
---- An odd pair that found solace, family even, in their shared goal of supporting eccentric lifestyles through any means necessary. -
Waluigi-(real name unknown) +Virutuoso =Dedicated -Self-hating An infamous micro-celebrity known for his love of sports, soaps, and taking the spotlight. - Wario-(WHO THE @*%! IS MARIO?) +Efficent =Robust -Self-Centered Willing to do the odd, tough jobs no one in their right mind would take to keep his precious ride in check.
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liquidstar · 9 months
This is such a tangent btw but on the topic of guilt tripping and reblogs... I remember a few years back there were some terrible fires in Greece (and again this year, entire island villages are gone now) and at that time I had family who were caught in them. I can't describe the desperation I felt with these horrible things happening to my family and loved ones in my country. And I remember being frustrated and desperate with how no one around me in America really seemed to give a shit. I remember blogging asking people to PLEASE care please share something please reblog this link for mutual aid please think about the stories and fires etc etc etc. And the thing is I was very much in a state of grief myself, maybe not every word or action was perfectly reasonable, because I don't realistically expect everyone everywhere to care about every tragedy in the world. You can't. Emotionally it's just not possible, especially with all the stuff going on in the states rn too. Yeah it's a lot. It's not like I blog about every tragedy that ever happens either. I understand.
HOWEVER what I also remember was at this time there were a couple mutuals very clearly making vagueposts along the lines of "remember not everyone has the energy to care about everything in the world uwu" while I was posting about family who died and family who were drifting in the ocean for hours as their homes and loved ones burned. Listen. You have to understand sometimes that when a person in grief and frustration with things going on in their countries and communities impacts them very personally beg you to care... It's coming from a place of needing to see that care in the world in general. They're not holding a gun to your head Specifically saying you have to reblog the posts, if you don't have the energy just ignore it.
You don't have to go out of your way saying "um actually I can't care about the horrible stuff you and your family and your country are experiencing rn. I'm too busy focusing on my own stuff so can you be quiet or more reasonable with your grief thanks." Like. Just keep it to yourself then??? Have some fucking sympathy for other people and understand that maybe it's not always logical. The same way you don't have the emotional energy to think about every tragedy in the world, people who've been impacted by them often don't have the emotional energy to handle that alone and may seek somekinda community or solidarity. Idk. It's not about forcing shit on you sometimes it's not about you
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Whoa :O I can't believe Violet sees Amogus in Elanor 😳 /silly
(my beloveds 💕 also looking through the relationship chart is so much fun hehe)
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✦゜ANSWERED: AMOGUS????????!!!!!!!!!! If it's Violet saying that, then I 100% trust her hgjdjsh
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canisalbus · 9 months
I've followed your art for I think a handful of years now across a few accounts/platforms and while I always admired and love your art, i just wanted to say how much I ADORE your Vasco and Machete art. They bring me so much joy and I keep sending them to my girlfriend who isn't on Tumblr. I love learning more about them!! I love seeing them interact!!! I want to know more but I'm awful at coming up with Good Questions so also a big thank you to the other people prompting more art and info about them!!
That's so sweet, thank you! I'm glad to hear you like them! ;_;
Somehow it always makes me just a little bit emotional when people tell me they're showing my art to their non-tumblr friends and family.
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naamahdarling · 2 hours
Raleigh's big baby eyes were not just big because of the dimly lit bathroom (I had a low light setting turned on), he appears to have some reduced pupillary response. He's otherwise totally normal and he CAN see, so I'm not overly worried he needs attention for it right now, but it is concerning, so I will be calling the vet to see if they can work him in sometime in the next few days. I took a look at some recent pictures and it seems to have been going on for maybe a week and I just didn't really notice because there's so little light in this house.
I'm tired. Everything is vet visits and doctor's appointments and managing my symptoms and bothering clinics and the pharmacy and new things going wrong everywhere, and I still need to call my GP to make a telehealth appointment so he can refer me for ANOTHER appointment, after which I can have a THIRD appointment with the GP to discuss test results and see what fresh new hell THAT unleashes.
I really wanted to go to the local orchard's summer festival but there's so much going on that week so close together that I'm not going to feel up to it. And it'll be too hot anyway. I can't tolerate heat or sun anymore, thanks COVID.
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lexosaurus · 3 months
Hello! Very random and no worries if that's not your intention for the blog, but I love reading about your teacher experience and insights! Take this ask more so as encouragement to write more about it if you feel like it, because I'm going to start teaching soon (and yes, many people I've met have warned me about both its miracles and horrors lol) and it's really helpful to hear others' experiences :)
Thanks for the ask! Honestly I'm just a first year, so I don't have a tonnnn of advice to give. But here's a few general first year tips from one to a future another:
1 — No matter what, having a good department team is ESSENTIAL. You're going to be relying on them a lot your first year for help, advice, curriculum stuff, behavioral management stuff, etc. Talk to them, get to know them, have lunch with them, share issues/seek advice from them. You're going to encounter situations that your degree did not prepare you for (likely, in the first week lol. For me, it was Day 1) and having people around to help you judgement free is going to be crucial. I was super lucky that my department team and all the teachers from other departments that I work closely with are really amazing, easy to work with, etc.
2 — You're also going to want a good relationship with the "other" departments. The library staff, tech staff, sped department, guidance, janitors, etc. They're all lovely people, so don't be afraid to pop in to introduce yourself on the first week!
3 — Crazy things are going to happen. Like....all the time. Don't bring them home with you. As soon as you exit the doors, shake it off. All your students made it on the bus to their parents alive, so it's fine. Your job is done for the day. I've been going to the gym a lot right from school, and it's been really helpful to prevent myself from taking anything home with me so to speak.
4 — Document, document, document. Did something happen? Document it, email a copy to whoever's applicable: admin, guidance, sped, BCBA, etc. "Hello, just emailing a summary of what happened today" is not an uncommon email for me to send out. If an IEP isn't working, well at the next IEP meeting it shows they have 10 emails in the last month from you about little Timmy's hourly verbal threats and attempted physical violence to his classmates, so maybe the BCBA needs to do some data collection to adjust his BIP, or they need to give him a 1-1, or give him more resource intervention, etc.
5 — This isn't so much of advice, more like reassurance. The small moments when it clicks for a student and they get something, and then the confidence and excitement shows, it's really the best. That's probably why I've fallen so in love with working where I did. The other day, after weeks of struggling to help this student with Downs with his math, I tried a totally different approach based off a few example problems I saw in a math intervention workbook and hOLY HELL IT WORKED. It totally clicked for him, and the kid was so excited to do a problem out on the board for the class. It was amazing. Another student with an LD who I've been helping heavily school aced a quiz in one of her classes and legit ran into the room to show me. Cue me literally jumping out of my chair to high-five her, and her calling her parents to deliver the good news. Like, little things like that are really really special, and they're going to mean so much to you. And I hope you get to experience LOTS of them too!
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semi-dailykaisatou · 3 months
kai if he was in samurai yaiba or another band?
First of all DAMN I AM SO SORRY this has been in my inbox for monthsssss I got annoyed with my clothing designs initially so I just dropped this and forgot about it I got around to it finally though but then I kept forgetting I never posted it on here
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Something makes me the like the messy original sketch more though...
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I think I'd like to redraw Samurai Kaiba again...
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deoidesign · 3 months
Idk who needs to hear this but you can draw or write about my ocs
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