#don't bring them to me! I'm not comfortable with or interested in debating that with people online
ambrosiagourmet ยท 6 months
mx. glitz have you seen this. (@ atissi here) /post/744351681315291136/hadnt-seen-anyone-post-the-full-comic-about-laios
i feel like chewing on dry concrete. the toudens......
Post link: atissi.tumblr.com/post/744351681315291136/hadnt-seen-anyone-post-the-full-comic-about-laios
I haaave, and I honestly have like some very complicated feelings about this one, which is part of why I haven't talked about it here.....
In general I very much dislike the tendency for media (and culture at large, at least the culture I'm familiar with) to push reconciliation as the main, or sometimes ONLY happy ending for people estranged from their family. Which isn't exactly what this comic is doing, buuuut... it IS very in line with a sort of like "well you don't understand, your parents had complex reasons, you should forgive them, etc," especially when paired with the fact that it's noted in Falin's bio that she hopes Laios and her parents will reconcile.
With a little more space I've been more able to take this comic as something very anchored in Falin's perspective, rather than necessarily an objective declaration that the Touden Parents Were Right, Actually. Which also was a little hard, honestly, because A) I kind of like to imagine that in post-canon, Falin would be a little less likely to dismiss her own pain in favor of empathizing with others, and B) its kinda shitty to Laios to frame things this way, imo?
Or like... it's one thing for her to have a different perspective on her parents, but framing it as like a "Laios misunderstood" thing, especially in context of her explicitly wanting him to get back in contact with them... eugh. Girl, he is allowed to have his own feelings on the matter and make his own choices. Downplaying his trauma in order to empathize with your parents (who were ADULTS in this situation, while both you and your brother were kids) is not a neutral action.
ANYWAY that all being said... I do find it kind of believable that she might still be caught up in some messiness with all this. Navigating trauma and parents and estrangement is already hard enough on its own, and adding in a sibling - who has different needs and different coping mechanisms - doesn't make things any easier. I hope she can sit down with Laios at some point and actually talk things out.
Also I hope she can give herself a little more space to like. Acknowledge that some shit happened, even if she can empathize with her parents here?? Like... even if you can understand sympathetic reasons for them to have done what they did... they still did that. Her father still failed to communicate with her or Laios. Her mother still lowkey assaulted her. Reasons aren't the only things that matter, especially when it comes to a parent's treatment of their kid. The actions they took were still harmful, and I think that it's important for Falin to have space to acknowledge that. Honestly, if she's anything like me, its gonna hit her like a TRUCK someday, once she finally has the space and safety to sit down and work through things.
Above all else though, this comic definitely gets one thing EXTREMELY right in my book: Marcille is fucking ready to throw down with the Touden parents and give them the lecture of their lives, as is her friend-realizing-the-shit-her-friend's-parents-did given right. o7 Marcille, go with my blessing.
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sommerbueckers ยท 2 months
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I COULD PRACTICALLY FEEL the sweat dripping off my body as me and Noella wrote down our answer on our whiteboard. The question was, 'Who is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms?' I was a mastermind when it came to history and random facts, and after carefully reading everyone else's face, I knew they were toast.
"Okay, who's ready?" Micah asked.
"We are," Noella smiled proudly, crossing her arms and leaning back on the couch.
"Mom?" I called, glancing at her.
"Bring it on," she made 'come here' motions with her fingers and laughed along with my dad.
"Okay, everyone flip your boards. And the answer is..." Micah trailed off as he reached forward to flip the card over and read the answer, "damnit! Grover Cleveland."
Noella stood up and jumped around, throwing her hands in the air. "Let's effing go! Let's effing gooo!" she sang.
"Bro sit down," Micah groaned, covering his face with his hands.
Paige shook her head, setting the board down beside her on the couch. "Right, y'all ain't win yet."
"You're right," I nodded, "but we might as well have the way the scores are lookin'." I stood up slowly and shrugged, beginning to join Noella in whatever dance she had found herself doing now.
My mom and dad laughed from their seats on the couch, Micah looked about ready to die, and Paige held a look that I couldn't quite read. She was comfortably leaning back on the couch, her eyebrows raised as she watched Noella and I dance around in circles.
"How about we make this interesting," she suddenly suggested.
Everyone calmed at her words, urging her to go on.
"You guys are way ahead of everybody else in general points, right?"
"That's right," Noella sassed, earning a laugh from me.
"Okay. So let's make the final game all or nothing," Paige said.
Micah dapped her up, "Best fuckin' idea ever, i'm down."
"Of course you are Mickey, you're losing," our dad laughed quietly, shaking his head.
"No literally, someone is clearly a sore loser," I snorted.
"I'm not a sore loser. I just think that if we're gonna let them keep all their points, then we may as well call it a night. Nobody is gonna catch up to them in one game," he defended.
"What's the game?" Noella asked curiously, obviously debating in her head.
"And you can't pick basketball!" I chimed in.
"I was thinkin' Twister," Paige smirked.
I tensed up at the mention of Twister. It wasn't that I didn't like the game, but the thought of having to twist and bend around Paige with my brother watching us made me slightly uneasy. My body had a mind of its own when I was around Paige, and who knew what the night would bring.
"Ou, hard pass," my dad frowned, "these legs don't work like they used to I tell ya."
"Yeah kids that's too much for me, i'm getting too old for anything that isn't a board game," my mom added soon after. "But you guys should go ahead."
"You sure?" I quirked an eyebrow.
"Positive," the woman sighed and stood up with my father following suit, "just make sure y'all clean up whatever mess you make."
"We gotchu mama c," Noella reassured her, giving her a hug goodnight.
"Goodnight you four, don't stay up too late," my dad pointed at us sternly, narrowing his eyes specifically at Micah and Paige before he and my mom disappeared upstairs.
I glanced at my phone, 12:32. Tossing it onto the couch I nodded my head, "Alright, let's do it."
Micah stood up and headed to the basement to get the game while Paige, Noella, and I moved the furniture around to set it up. Noella, out of breath after hardly helping to lift the coffee table, left to the kitchen to get something to drink, leaving Paige and I alone for the first time that night.
Paige sat back down on the couch with a huff, resting her hands behind her head and staring at me. "You excited to play?" she asked me, the ghost of a smirk on her face.
"To play and kick your ass? Of course," I shrugged simply, avoiding her eyes. I couldn't let her know how flustered I was getting at the idea of me on top of her again...or her on top of me. I sat down opposite of her, fiddling with the loose threads on the couch.
"If you can even focus," she challenged.
"What makes you think I won't be able to?" I challenged right back, but she was nowhere near as bothered as I was. In fact, I doubt she was bothered at all.
I could see Noella standing in the doorway of the kitchen, she was holding onto the frame as she slid up and down it in an oddly seductive way. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips parted.
What a sick fuck.
She stifled her laughter when she reentered the living room, Micah coming in not long after with a dusty Twister box in his arms. He set it down on the floor and roughly pulled the cap off, "Me and Noella, you and Paige," he pointed.
"Why're we switching the teams?" Noella frowned.
"We're not, but i'm not playing Twister with my sister. So we'll each send someone from our team to represent us."
"Oh, he's a smart boy," Noella nodded with an impressed expression.
"We'll go first," Paige offered, quickly raising her brows at me and standing up from her seat not the couch. "Are you spinning for me?"
"Yeah," Micah said. Noella moved to sit next to him, their legs touching from how close they were. Nobody thought anything of it, nobody except for Micah whose head was practically spinning. "Y'all ready?" he asked.
With the nods of our heads, Micah flicked his fingers at the spinner and everyone watched in anticipation as the arrow went in circles around the colors. When it finally stopped, Paige had to put her right hand on a red circle. Then it was Noella's turn to spin, and following that was me putting my left hand on green.
Paige's left foot on green.
My right foot on blue.
Paige's left hand on green.
My right hand on blue.
I was facing the floor, bent over underneath Paige who was no doubt enjoying every second of this. I could see Noella out of the corner of my eye, she was shaking her head and smirking. She was the only one who knew just how painfully awkward this was for me, and I couldn't even blame her when she failed to hold back a laugh.
Micah frowned, "How does this game even work? Like how do you win?"
"Whoever falls first I guess," Noella shrugged in response. "Just take your turn."
Micah rolled his eyes but listened nonetheless. "Paige," he called out, "right foot on yellow."
"Bet," she nodded.
I waited patiently for Paige to take her turn while Micah watched Noella spin. Suddenly, I felt a slight pressure between my legs. I looked down immediately to find Paige right knee being the source, her leg angled at just the right position to reach me. I could hear her laughing from behind me, and when I turned to glare back at her, she pressed her knee in harder.
I bit my lip to stop an involuntary moan from slipping out, letting my head fall low on my shoulders.
"Left hand on green sonnie," Noella stated.
I put my left hand on green, and Paige moved her knee around on me. My foot slipped from the circle it was on, briefly closing around Paige's knee and sending a wave of pleasure through me.
"Oh," I sighed out.
Paige's own stability faltered before she allowed herself to fall on top of me. We went down with a slight Thud! and Noella threw her hands in the air again.
"Paige fell first! We win!" she shouted.
"How?! Sonnie's foot slipped!"
"Doesn't matter, she didn't fall, Paige did."
"I think I like this position," Paige mumbled quietly to me, "i'll have to remember this for later."
She pushed herself off of me and turned me over, helping me up. I glanced at her with slightly wide eyes as we moved to make ourselves comfortable on the couch, taking the spinner from Micah and Noella. We sat beside each other, but I could barely focus on what we were supposed to be doing.
"Stay up tonight," Paige whispered, pretending to scratch the side of her head when she looked at me.
"Left foot on yellow Nola," I said before lowering my voice to a whisper to respond to the blonde beside me, "for what?"
She nudged my thigh with her own, "you know what."
"Maybe I don't," I said, casually resting my arm on one of her shoulders. "and need you to tell me."
Paige turned to me, her eyes falling down to my lips before she looked back up at me. I could feel her breath warm the tip of my nose, and my tongue darted across my lips.
"Right hand on blue," Paige called out, her eyes not leaving mine.
I pressed my thighs together, turning away from her as I took the spinner. She rested her hand on my thigh, lightly tracing shapes on the soft skin. I squirmed a bit, "Right..." pull yourself together Sommer, "right hand on red."
"Spread your legs..."
"Paige, no," I whisper yell, "not right here."
"You're no fun."
MY HEAD WAS BURIED deep in my pillow as Paige pounded in and out of me. I moaned into the soft cushion, my fingers coming around the bedsheets to grab two full handfuls. I felt her gather my hair into a makeshift ponytail, yanking my head back up. She pressed a kiss to my shoulder, slightly moving aside the strap of my top.
"You're so good at being quiet," she breathed out.
I could feel my release building inside of me, my walls clenching tightly around the strap.
"Paige..." I whined.
Letting go of my hair, she fully pressed her chest against my back, the sides of our faces touching.
"You're gonna...make me...cum," I said between breaths, tilting my head as she started to kiss my neck. She picked up her pace, her grunts filled the room and she slithered her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. I moaned uncontrollably into her hand, screwing my eyes shut as I felt the pleasure become overwhelming.
Her phone buzzed from my bedside table, she ignored it.
"You wanna cum baby?" she whispered into my ear.
I nodded eagerly, not even caring how pathetic I looked. It was what Paige wanted, and I would always give her what she wanted.
"C'mon then, cum for me."
Her permission was like a key to a locked door, that door being the orgasm I had managed to hold off for the last thirty seconds.
My cum spilled out onto her strap, pouring out of me like water out of a faucet. Sweaty and completely fucked out, I let my head fall back into the pillow. Paige slowly pulled out of me, taking the strap off and setting it down onto the floor. She crawled up next to me and stroked her hand over my matted hair, "So pretty..." she mumbled.
"You can't even see me," I said, my voice muffled.
"I don't have to."
Slowly, I lifted my head to meet her eyes. She was staring at me with the most tender eyes anyone had ever given me. It was in that moment that I couldn't even believe I had questioned her feelings for me, Paige had to have feelings for me. We had sex anytime she came home from school, and it wasn't casual, not to me.
She stood up from the bed and stretched, "We should probably go back down, don't wanna fall asleep up here or nothin'," she suggested.
I nodded in agreement, "I'm gonna freshen up first."
"Yeah, you need it," she snorted, raising her eyebrows.
I grabbed the nearest pillow I could find and launched it over at her, "Fuck you," I laughed.
"I'd let you but you're all fucked out," she pouted mockingly and opened my door, "see you downstairs."
Damn...that's it?
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paleroze ยท 5 months
Blade Imagines
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Joining the stellaron hunter, you don't know what the future holds for you. You don't know what will happen, you don't know what you want and what you desire. The future is dull, and this life of yours has lost its meaning before you can even seek for the light.
Your past is nothing but a black and white, blurry and chose to be forgotten. Your family.. well, they became strangers to you when you've told them you don't know what to do with your future. They said you have a bright path ahead of you if you just work for it. But you don't, sick of just working and doing everything you can just to please their desire for your upcoming future.
You've long forgotten what is the meaning of doing all of it.
Coming across the stellaron hunters, you meet Elio and you look at him blankly as you join them for their so-called "Scripts", their Destiny and their desire to obtain the stellaron.
Somehow, when you join and meet Elio, you have no intention of learning your own destiny, Elio just mentioned that your future would be an interesting one, and quite an issue if not payed attention.
Again, does even the Destiny's slave say the same thing to you?
You've learned of the other members of their deal with Elio, but not that it concerns you. Besides, it seems you are just there to help, yes you are an official member but you don't have a deal with Elio like the rest of them. It is quite out of place, but when you begin to work with Kafka, she says there's nothing wrong with it even if you're the first to not ask something in return.
It is weird as you try to be capable of anyone, Silver wolf, Sam, Kafka, and that guy..
Blade, he's quiet, always on his own, and Kafka is the only one that is able to control him. Probably because of her ability.
Nonetheless, you still try, even if Blade always throws himself into battle before you can even act. You were once like that, too, determined to win, get the upper hand. Now you act on your own, as if you have the same healing abilities as him.
The difference is, you can die.
The first time you've witnessed Blade 'die', you were debating whether you bring his body back or just leave him in the planet. Only to see him stand back up before you can even approach his body, stained with blood, yet no wounds to see.
You've finished the enemy before Blade resurrects, and the man looks at you before the dead bodies across the land. The stellaron on your hand, sealed and waiting to be in the possession of Elio.
No words were spoken between you as you return to the station, handing the stellaron to Elio then going back to the other members, waiting for your next part.
"Dear, would you be so kind and get Blade a new set of clothes? I'm too occupied right now to help him."
You receive a text from Kafka days after, that woman must be shopping for herself right now. No time to complain.
You approach Blade who seems to be meditating, knowing he will notice your presence, you remain standing in front of him, waiting for his nonverbal response.
He opens his eyes and gazes back at you, "Kafka says we have to get you new clothing."
Blade didn't budge.
You look across the room and saw Silver wolf, "He doesn't come with her, therefore he won't come with you." She pops the bubblegum on her lips.
'That won't happen.' Your eyebrows twitch, then go back to your room, changing into a comfortable outfit before going back out.
"Get up, you're coming with me. I don't care if you don't go with Kafka when she buys you clothes." You tug his shoulders, disrupting his meditation.
Blade was quick to take out his sword and as for you, of course you would block his swing with your weapon.
Clashing with him in the middle of the room, Silver wolf barely pays attention to both of you as she continues to play, moving away if you two come close to her and she would curse from the disturbance.
Sam walked in, confused at the commotion and tried to step in and stop before the two of you broke something.
Pining him down on the floor that stopped both of you, you glare at him and point the tip of your weapon to his face, as if it would taunt him.
"Stop." You said, voice stern while you pull away.
Seriously, you're doing this for him and he would act like this? Kafka better pay you handsomely.
The two ladies in the room look at you intrigued, and Blade stood up from the floor, eventually giving in and leaving the room.
You mentally curse him.
Rolling your eyes, you wait for his return and gladly he doesn't take his time. Blade wears casual clothes, a long black coat, underneath is a brown shirt.
Sighing, you went out first and you could feel Blade following behind you. If you are some stranger, you would guess this man is a stalker with the way he dressed. What the hell is with that mask and glasses?
Also, a beanie??
Irritated, you turned to him and grabbed the hat and glasses. "You look much better without those, take that off." You put it in the bag before he could even complain.
As you shop for the clothes Kafka gave directions to, you went to try the size Blade fits him, that man has a bit of a muscle and the part on the chest mostly doesn't fit in. You're almost determined to get him a new design, if not for the saleslady to give a size that finally fits him.
Getting a lot of pairs of them, you pay with your own money, not even bothering to ask the man behind you for his own credits. You doubt Blade has some, and even if he does, you wouldn't ask anyway.
Bags in your hand, you walk around the place to look for yourself, clothes you would find interesting, food to eat while you're out.
If only life could be this way and not have any responsibilities.
Blade follows behind you, two bags on hand that have his new clothes, yet you carry the rest for yourself. He was tempted to take the ones in your hold as he has noticed that you're giving everything to him for free. Yet he could only walk behind you like some kind of bodyguard.
As he waits for you in another stall, Blade had his eyes on you only, and he was quick to notice some men looking over you. You must've noticed with the way they act noticeably, yet you kept looking around the shop.
One guy came close to where you stand, staring at you discreetly, he would follow with his gaze, and when you're out of the sight then he would trail behind.
As soon as you step out of the shop, Blade walks towards you, weirdly close instead of walking a few steps behind you. The two of you look at each other, before you shrug him off and begin to walk.
'Do you have no idea at all?' he thought to himself and yet walks next to you, he felt the group of men still following you.
He turns his head to glare at them, and puts his hand to your waist to pull you closer that causes you to almost trip to your feet from the sudden touch.
You look up at him then to where he's looking to notice the creepy men following you. From their actions alone, you couldn't help but scowl at them.
They scattered away like rats, and as soon as they were gone, Blade continued to walk, his hand still around your waist and seemed to be forgotten.
Throughout the day, the two of you stayed close, Blade didn't pull away and would even bring you close to him if you tried to.
'Perhaps this shopping day isn't so bad after all.' The two of you thought.
Blade would insist that you would be the one to get his clothes from now on, and he would accompany you. He wouldn't like to know that there are still some kinds of guys out there, and even if you are tough to take them down and take their lives, Blade would pretend you wouldn't.
As for you.. there might be some changes. Perhaps light is beginning to shine on the horizon if you try to reach for it again instead of waiting..
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revvethasmythh ยท 5 months
Have you witnessed discoursing about Orym in the past several months? Would you like to be more well-informed about the subject matter? Well, then, do I have a post for you! As a reference for myself and potentially for others:
A Comprehensive Write-Up Of Relevant Times And Contexts Where Orym Has Brought Up His Dead Family While The Group Discusses The Vanguard/Predathos--With Receipts
Disclaimer: these are all of the instances in which I was able to find independently through the Critical Role transcript search, not from rewatching everything. It is therefore possible there are some instances unaccounted for.
Episode 34. Post-resurrection after being killed by Otohan Thull, he brings up the fact that Otohan had a hand in killing his family to emphasize to Imogen how dangerous Otohan is and that she may potentially continue to be an issue for her specifically due to her apparent interest in Imogen (exalting her during the battle in the previous episode)
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2. Episode 46. An early God Talkโ„ข๏ธ, prompted by Ludinus using (presumably) Feeblemind on Professor Kadija Sumal. He holds his opinion until the very end of the conversation, after entertaining Imogen's idea that "they make some good points" and listening to the group discuss if the gods are good or bad for several minutes.
"I don't need to debate it. I lost my husband and father to these people, I'm not on board. Some of the gods are terrifying, and some of them have put their thumbs on the scales for people for centuries, even in the last few decades. Who are they, who are we to decide who lives or dies, god or mortal or otherwise? I don't think they have any good points."
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3. Episode 49. He brings them up combatively ("Well, Imogen, I wish. my family didn't have to die for their brighter tomorrow"), against Imogen's statement of, "What if it's not that bad? [...] What if what we're doing is just fighting change?" after she solely received a vision of a Utopia-like future from her mother. Imogen backs down quickly after his reproach and acknowledges that the vision was likely a part of cult brainwashing.
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4. Episode 61. Orym pulls Prism aside, after she asks the party and Elder Abbadina if Predathos would cause a world-ending event, or if it would only be bad for some (the Elder did not know anything about Predathos at all), to say, "I don't think we know anything [...] The only thing I have to go on is the track record of the guys trying to bring Predathos out. And that track record is not very good." At further prompting from Prism about if he ever thought the Vanguard's ideas were right, he says, "Prism, I don't understand the gods. I don't know anything about the titans. I don't know an eidolon from eyeliner. [...] But I'm a widower, because of the people who want to bring this about. So it's hard for me to wrangle with the other side."
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5. Episode 61, pt. 2. Orym listens to the party converse with Elder Abbadina for a little while longer before silently sneaking out "to go think about his dead father and his dead husband."
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6. Episode 77. Another God Talkโ„ข๏ธ with the whole party, prompted by FCG asking what everyone's motive was in going to the moon. For his reasoning, he says, "We don't know what's going to happen to any inch of this world if Predathos is unleashed. Yeah, this started with my husband and my father. It's so much bigger than that. If my life can secure the lives of everyone who comes after us, well spent."
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7. Episode 92. After the death of another loved one to Otohan Thull, in response to Liliana's statement that temples might hunt down Ruidusborn in the theoretical event that Ludinus' plot is foiled, "Cold comfort for my family in the ground."
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8. Episode 92, pt. 2. In response to a throwaway, thoughtless comment Ashton made that, "I hope [Liliana] is right. I really do. I hope her ends are fucking great because these means are just not forgivable." Orym has Chetney bring out Otohan's sword, jams one into the sand and declares, "This is the sword that killed my father and my husband. She is not right."
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UPDATE: 8/14/24
9. Episode 102, during the confrontation with Ludinus. Interjected during the ongoing conversation, specifically during some bantering between Chetney and Ludinus as to the last time they met (when Chetney attacked him as a werewolf). He says, "You put a hit on my family, a successful one, fuck you. Fuck you." Ludinus later apologizes for the deaths of his family, claiming Otohan was "overzealous in her methods." Both Imogen and Laudna respond immediately that he was responsible for Otohan's actions.
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10. Episode 103, during yet another God Conversation. Orym tries to redirect conversation about Ludinus and the gods, stating that they are different topics. Ashton concurs, and Imogen states that she agrees with Orym that Ludinus doesn't get to decide for everyone. Dorian then interjects, "But the gods do?" Which prompts Orym's blunt response to him specifically that, "If Ludinus had sent people to your home, and taken brother and your father and countless others, how philosophical would you be about it, Dorian?"
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So, with all of the information in front of us, what conclusions can we draw from them? When asked by others to assess if the Vanguard has valid points, Orym repeatedly abstains from having an opinion. Whether or not the Vanguard has a reason to be upset is irrelevant to him--what is relevant is the loss of life they have incurred along the way. Orym takes no stance on the gods, he repeatedly states he doesn't understand them or know anything about them or harbor much of a connection to them. As far as he is concerned, his role in this is to oppose the violence being done to the people of Exandria. Why waste your time debating the merits of a cult's ideology when you know, in the end, you will have to fight against them to end the slaughter? To protect people?
And for what it's worth, in almost every instance, Ashton has effectively taken the same side as Orym. I have not included all of these moments, but they are easily located if you wanted to search up these moments on your own. The continual focus on de-legitimizing Orym's opinion seems strongly tied to the fact that he has a personal reason to hate the Vanguard. But facts being facts, Ashton hates them just the same--and he has no love of the gods, either. He hates the Vanguard based on their actions, same as Orym. In fact, Ashton and Laudna have both expressed outright dislike for the gods, and all other Bells Hells except for FCG expressed ambivalence. This is not about the gods. Not for Orym, not for the others who remain. This is about no more bodies on the pyre of Ludinus' machinations.
P.S. if you know of any other instances this topic has come up that I have not included, please feel free to let me know! I want this post to be as comprehensive as it can be, but I am fallible and may have missed something. Don't be afraid to tell me about a scene I missed!
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iid-smile ยท 7 days
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#06 เญจเงŽ โธโธ @berryzai โ‹†
how did i COMPLETELY skip over this ask omg this is adorbs! the amount of dazai lovers ive got is crazy 3, 20 and 21 are all headcanons, but 21 has a realllyyyy short drabble ๐Ÿค— (can you tell my brain started to fart the further down you go? im not proud of it but i legit have no idea what else to add)
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#3 ๐Ÿฐ | your anniversary
he brings you to an art museum! dazai always gets interested in what you're interested in, so don't be surprised when you lose him half way through and he's on the other side of the building
treats it like a birthday and buys a cake for the two of you to share + he brings some to work the next day <3 (only for him, he doesn't share)
also buys the clothes/accessories of your dreams, and he does it every time. sometimes he just knows what you want
definitely the type to buy jewellery on an anniversary. sometimes he likes to scare you with a ring, but it's usually a bracelet or necklace.
changes his ringtone every anniversary to your favourite song at the time. he loves hearing you hum along whenever somebody calls him
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#20 ๐Ÿฆ| love language
acts of service
he learns how to do laundry for your clothes so none of the dresses get ruined. he reads every single care label and has separate hampers for separate conditions
shoos off weird guys trying to flirt with you before they even approach. he doesn't want you to close off yourself when you're already having fun, so no strangers are going to ruin that!
carries you to bed when you overwork yourself. he's half debating between letting you sleep at a desk/table with his coat draped over you, or making sure you're comfortable and won't be sore the next morning
always makes sure ingredients are stocked and goes grocery shopping for you. he does get into a bit of trouble, but he does the job
quality time
dancing. dazai loves big dresses, and is 100% convinced that he has to dance with you every time you put one on.
back and forth banter. he banters with literally every person he knows, but it's special when it's you.
physical touch
you're affectionate, so he's affectionate too.
a big hugger, and also the type to massage. he puts his hands to good use all the time, and your shoulders are within easy reach, so...
randomly touches your waist if he's just walking past, or playfully taps your forehead when you're laying around
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#21 ๐Ÿฆ | where they like to kiss you
admires the fact that you can create lovely work with your hands
he kisses them as if you're actual royalty, so he gets on one knee and everything.
he also massages them if they cramp up
it feels right
an easy spot if your hands are too busy, and isn't complicated to kiss. basically it's a good spot no matter what you're doing
he likes kissing your forehead a lot in public or if you visit him while working. it's not too showy, but not too closed off either, if you know what i mean
you've had your gaze trained on the light pencil sketches in front of you for an unimaginable about of time. perhaps dazai had been walking around you for a bit, but you really didn't notice. "i'm busy, osamu." you say without looking up, feeling his fingers graze and tug at your ear.
"i know, i just wanted to kiss you first."
just that comment manages to make you draw your eyes away from the paper you were so focused on. "but i'mโ€”"
"your other hand doesn't seem so busy to me..." he muses, his fingers sneaking up underneath your palm and seizing it in his grasp. "what's with you and avoiding my kisses? do you not like them?"
for a little while, you look conflicted, then a smile overcomes your features. "you distract me." you respond simply, a teasing lilt to your voice.
damn him for being such a good actor, as he almost had you fooled, his face looking so disheartened as he stared down at you. it only takes under a second for him to softly grin, kissing all over your knuckles. "as i should."
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event masterlist
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offical-ouroboros ยท 7 months
Someone pointed out the pure ease there is in yandere unknown and I absolutely approve of that oh my god
(Mostly rambling, what I feel a romantic relationship with it would be like at the bottom)
Between all the calm, normal interactions suggesting its stalked it's victims, or maybe can have more human looking forms to blend in
"Why so nervous tonight?" UGHHH THE GROWL AT THE ENDDDD ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค
"I lived in dungeons long forgotten." Could lead to it easily becoming very clingy and possessive over an interest
He's got me wondering if he's actually fully sentient COMMUNICATION WISE
Like how with SCP-939, it's up for debate if they KNOW what they're saying if they mimic voices, or if they just do it, but what they repeat is somewhat relevant to what's happening.
>calling out while in a search
>getting aggressive/defensive when alerted
>screaming when chasing
It seems like the Unknown is somewhat similar, specifically so far with mori lines referencing to pain or the one that tells you to just die.
When it's walking around, it engages like an actual human (kinda), asking questions and such to start a convo/lure people in closer to it
There's also this freaky kinda effect that goes on when you Dispel its hallucinations where it kinda brings your FOV in and the audio gets a bit. Adore that. Watching your character just like... Reach a hand out to its chest... Before the hallucination disappears.
You already KNOW I'm doing more than dispelling his form ๐Ÿ™
Can just imagine this thing curling up around you with its contortionist body just doing its best to mock affection it might've seen or heard before.
Arms and legs wrapped around your body, nuzzling you, making weird off-putting purring sounds and, if you're a freak like me, maybe even trying to kiss you, but it's not really... Good at it... So it just kinda presses its face to yours.
I like the idea of it taking on forms of people or things it's killed, so go on! Pick your favorite survivor! He'll kill them and steal their appearance for you!
Hearing little distorted "Love... You."s is also so freaking cute, just having him pick up various nicknames or phrases for an interest
Ofc this is mostly romantic, but could just as easily be platonic. I'm just sick of seeing monsters not get romantic love.
Do I think that he could actually love someone?
If it happens, there's 2 ways I see it going.
option a. You engage first. For whatever ungodly reason, you decide you like this thing. You like how it acts, its voice, just think he's hot.
At first it... Would most definitely reciprocate. As best it can. You get shocked, or don't react and pursue more- Doesn't matter. It doesn't actually like you back. It just wants you dead. Needs to fill that 'insatiable hunger' it has.
But... Hm. Now it feels... Mean. Why did you act like that?
Huh? You like it? You LOVE it? You don't even know it!!
... Well, maybe it can give this affection thing a try.
Next time you see it, it goes easy on you. Awkwardly watches. Waits. If you don't do anything, or just ignore it, he goes back to hunting down and tormenting other survivors. But you still linger in the trial...
If you seem scared of it now, it comforts you. Tries to.
Things go better if you're the freeze type of scared and not the fight or flight type.
Though, it's not against chasing you down, incapacitating you, and then just holding as it struggles to say things to soothe it.
It just wants you to know it's friendly! Despite... You... Bleeding to death.
Again, it feels kinda bad about how the last time it saw you went, so this time it doesn't hurt you!
if you're still lovey after the betrayal, things go great! Mostly.
Everyone else is incredibly fucked though. He's gonna mori the hell out of them. Just for you!!!
Wait. Just for you?
Huh. It... Feels good about that.
You should thank it! Right? Everyone else is gone- Now the two of you can spend time together!
You still like it right.
option b. Youuu... Are normal. You're so totally normal. You don't engage first, you play how you're supposed to, you hopefully get out with maybe a few major injuries but so do most people.
Eventually, for some reason, it's not yet crippling but still horrible loneliness catches up, and it chooses you as it's interest.
Maybe you were nice. Maybe you looked cute. Maybe it enjoyed killing you before. Maybe you were just slightly better to it than anyone else in the games it was in, and it appreciated
Well, now you're screwed.
Everyone else is getting killed. You're getting trapped in an embrace. It's probably going to let the entity kill you as the game times or, or he's going to get impatient enough with you struggling to just mori you.
In either scenario, it gets addicted. Giving it affection, struggling- It doesn't really matter. Being near you makes it happy. It likes how you feel, smell, look, everything about you- Even your imperfections. I mean, look at it. Is that an ideal human? No!
Hey, stop fighting. Stop struggling- Did you just try to bite it?
Just calm down.
Don't make it hurt you again. It didn't like how that made it feel.
So to him, you're probably divine.
Empty husks for eyes just looklooklooklooklooking at you.
Craving your attention.
Hold it. Coddle it. Pet it. Kiss it. Love it. Hate it. Hurt it. Say whatever you want. Do anything you want.
Just stay with it. Feed it's unyielding hunger.
It's not like he's letting you escape now.
Not after being alone for so long.
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jack-kellys ยท 1 month
would u change anything about the jack and crutchie dynamic? how would u portray C? i would love to see a production where hes a little less sunshine and a little more realist (which i think uksies did well) buttttt i know thats your man so gimme some thoughts
- @we-are-inevitable โœจ
how ~i~ would direct crutchie. ooough. major. hi again jac
give me some newsies issues and ill. i'll-
so i would cast him a year older than jack, or like. he turns 18 a few months before jack or smth. he just seems to understand things already that jack's whole arc brings him to at the end of the show. "I don't need folks. I got friends." takes jack two hours and a fifteen minute intermission to figure that one out. brotha.
i think making crutchie the only guy in the play who really knows what and how things are going to happen is really... just. makes him interesting. his sense of self-awareness, his personal knowledge of who he is and what he stands for- the wild thing abt him is he already. knows. crutchie stands for his friends. it's why initially he isn't for striking ("let's hit the streets while we still can") bc he knows any other action is going to get his friends hurt... but it's also why he's good with it pretty soon after- well, if they are gonna do this, he's not letting his family do it alone/without him... even if he knows what's probably going to happen to him afterward. give me a crutchie with foresight who doesn't ignore it, per se, but whose moral backbone refuses to make him a coward. (its why he and davey r like๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ to me.)
i would also let him fight. in the fight choreo. he's winning to morris delancey i do not CARE. i'm having the reason he gets caught be him shoving the jacobs out and away. because crutchie already knewwww. from the moment of "you mean like a strike?" what was goin down.
(i would also make the "romeo! finch!" not be a reaching out, but a "get the fuck out of here" wild gesture. as long as crutchie takes center, no one else is getting hauled through downtown in a police wagon.)
i also think that whenever race makes his little comments to davey crutchie is the one gesturing for him to back off, bc i think it's fun when racer and crutchie butt heads and i rly adore crutchie seeing davey and knowing his potential like. immediately. i think i'd have them be talking a lot in staging it- uksies does this already if ur looking for it, but it's so key to me.
tl;dr, crutchie is the most experienced person at the lodge, and i think it should show. and also like. u can debate me on that? that jack's more experienced or is portrayed to be since he's the leader, but... tell me why jack learns friends are equivilent to family when crutchie knew that shit at 00:00:00 in the musical. lmk. crutchie has almost prophetic knowledge in his brain ok he knows newsies the musical as well as us. i think that's fascinating.
also this is unrelated but the way matthew duckett uses the crutch as a true extension of himself is unlike any crutchie we might ever have again. go watch the boot again and just watch him. he points with it, gestures with it, sits in interesting ways, like. his comfortability with his body is smth crutchie needs to have bc he knows himself, more than the rest know themselves. im so serious.
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wavyskies ยท 3 months
A post that's very much related to a separate post that's been going around the graphic side of Tumblr. (To the person that made the original, this is not in bad taste. I'm just stating opinions of my own and opinions that others may have in common with me. I genuinely have no intent on trying to make you look necessarily bad in any way. The first half is just kind of me rephrasing the original post because I thought it had a good point, but that point got lost along the way.):
Make a pretty blog because: you enjoy making it, having one makes you happy, looking at it comforts you, etc.
If making a pretty blog doesn't feel like something that would be worth your time or would make you happy, then don't.
Just have fun and be yourself, there is no standard to meet and you having a "non-aesthetic" blog doesn't reflect on you. People are here for YOU, not your blog aesthetic.
That being said, to anyone and everyone who DOES have an "aesthetic" blog, that's cool. I hope it makes you happy.
And I hope that some people realize that making and decorating a blog, even if it's super "aesthetic," IS a way to express yourself. Art is self expression, fashion is self expression, music is self expression, even book covers can be self expression. It doesn't matter if it follows a color scheme, maybe that's just what you like and what feels right.
And using myself as an example because I'm sure I'm not the only one, I don't make my blog appearance for ANY of you. I'm sorry. It's for me, because it brings me comfort. I like having a pretty blog because it helps with my anxiety, I enjoy looking at it, and it feels more like mine. And also, there are so many blogs I have made that I find "aesthetic" that are on private. They could not be less for followers or status.
"It's just copying" (<- paraphrasing here.) No idea is original. Listen to me: no BOOK idea is entirely original. Every story has technically been done before in one way or another. Does that mean the author has no personality? Does that mean the author has no creativity or is just trying to seem cool? No. There is no such thing as an entirely original thing. But they we're expressing their talent and what they like to do. Let people have fun, let people do what they want.
This same argument can and does happen in the artist community, the writing community, and every other form of art. This is not a new argument, it's just a slightly different context. If this was applied intensely to everything, no one would participate in hobbies anymore.
I love everyone who doesn't have "aesthetic" blogs. I love everyone who does. And yes, some people with pretty blogs get followers more easily, but those followers have minds of their own. If they realise "hey, this person isn't actually all that great of an individual," then they'll unfollow them. A color scheme and some pngs don't earn love and forgiveness. It's all for enjoyment and fun.
Please do be yourself. But be yourself in whatever way works for YOU. At the end of the day, it really is just pixels. So the appearance of your things or how cool you seem DOESN'T matter. But take that again with the context of this post: the appearance of your things or how cool you seem DOESN'T matter. So do what you want.
I am very aware that this post is much less than perfect. There are definitely parts that I could've phrased differently, and things I could've added to convey the message better. But I hope you can understand what I was trying to say. Thank you for your time if you read this far, and if you have any comments or things you would like to add on to improve this, please let me know. And it's more than likely that I'm wrong about a lot of this, and this entire conversation is up to debate. If you disagree, then please discuss it publicly because I think this is an interesting debate and I would love to understand more than my biased stances allow me to right now. Again, thank you so much for your time. Have a lovely day. <3
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I never wanted this, but maybe it's not such a bad thing part 2 (Preath x Reader)
Part 1
Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 3.2k
Ash had been waiting for me when the elevator finally opened. I had fallen into her arms, not moving for a good 5 minutes as I calmed down. Christen and Tobin were already gone when I pulled myself away from Ash. I hung out with Ash and the kids for an hour or so, trying to forget about the elevator. My mind kept going back to Christen and Tobin. Despite everything that had happened so far, they had helped me through the elevator without a second thought. I had meant what I said about getting to know them before making any decisions. I was quick to dismiss them at first, but they were right, I didn't even give them a chance. From what I had seen they were amazing, people that I could actually see myself having real feelings for if I gave it a chance. It was a terrifying thought, but something I found myself wanting to do regardless.ย 
I decided the first step was to thank them so I made my way to their room, knocked and waited anxiously until Christen answered the door. "Hey Y/n, everything okay?"
"Um I just wanted to thank you guys, for distracting me in the elevator. I know we haven't had the best start and that's my fault, but I appreciate you guys helping me regardless. It's been months since I've had a panic attack and I'm really glad it didn't get that far. So thank you."
"Any time Y/n, do you want to come in? We're thinking about watching a movie."
I followed Christen into the room, standing awkwardly when I realised there was only one bed and nothing else to sit on. After a few seconds, I sat down on the floor, legs crossed. They offered for me to sit on the bed, but right now it was more comfortable to have a bit of space between us. We made small talk while they tried to find a movie. It was a bit awkward at first, but as time went on, I started to relax and actually enjoy talking with them.ย 
Tobin cleared her throat a little while later, "In the elevator, you said that you don't do well in confined spaces anymore, what happened? You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."
This was something I had hoped they wouldn't bring up. When I had said, I had hoped they wouldn't notice that I had indicated something happened. It wasn't something I really liked talking about as it brought back memories that were preferred buried. Although, I didn't feel as uncomfortable with the thought of telling them as I expected to. After a few seconds of internal debate, I decided to just answer. Might as well start the process of getting to know them now.ย 
"I was a marine. We were out on a routine mission, the guys got out to do a sweep while I stayed in the truck. We uh we were ambushed. The truck was flipped, I ended up trapped by myself for a long time until rescue came. My guys were injured, they weren't able to help. I got over the fear of being in a car pretty quickly, but the fear of being trapped never went away. My military career ended then as well."
"I'm sorry Y/n, I can't imagine how hard that must have been."
"It was, but I'm mostly okay now. I struggled a lot after that, PTSD, nightmares, drinking, but Ali and Ash really helped me get through it. I don't think I would have made it without them."
It became an almost nightly routine from then. I would sit on the floor of their room while we talked and properly got to know each other. Sometimes we would watch a movie or play a board game, most of the time we would just talk. It wasn't necessarily deep conversation, occasionally it was. Most of the time it was just getting to know each other, talking about our lives, interests, hobbies, that sort of thing.ย 
I admit it was nice, just talking to them. My feelings were starting to grow the more time I spent with them. I started getting excited at the thought of seeing them, butterflies would erupt when I saw them, heard their voice or they touched me. When they touched me, it felt like I was on fire, yet at the same time I felt calm, comfortable, more relaxed than I had in a long time. I was starting to want more, to really try being with them. The idea still scared me, though I was starting to think maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, that it was something I could work through with them.ย 
Instead of rushing into it, I decided to give it a bit more time so I could be sure, so I didn't change my mind later and break their hearts again. Though I did decide on doing something nice for them. A date of sorts without calling it a date.ย 
"Do you want to get dinner with me? Well a picnic, it's a beautiful night. I was going to go to the beach by myself, but I was hoping maybe you would join me?"
Christen smiled widely, "I would like that."
Tobin took a second, but smiled, "I would too."
I hadn't originally planned for a picnic, therefore I had nothing prepared. They were going to meet me in the lobby in half an hour. I knew that the team dinner would be getting set up so I decided to try my luck. The chef let me pack some stuff I knew they liked into containers. Then I practically ran to the store down the road to pick up some wine and fruit for dessert. I tried not to let the nerves rise too high. We got along and it was just dinner so there was nothing to worry about. That fact that dinner wasn't anything special added to the nerves. What if they thought I didn't actually care?
"So I'll be honest, a picnic wasn't actually in the plans. It just kinda came out so the food is just the team dinner and fruit."
"It doesn't matter to us Y/n, this is perfect. Is that wine?"
"Uh yeah, I hope I remembered correctly what type you like. Plastic cups for obvious reasons."
Christen sent a soft smile my way, hand resting on my arm. There was no way she couldn't tell how nervous I was, "You did, how about we sit down?"
We spent hours on the beach, watching the stars, talking and laughing a lot. Our conversations flowed easily like they did in the hotel room, but it seemed different somehow. They were a little more personal, deeper than previously. We talked more about our fears and what we might want in a relationship.ย 
I found myself with my head in Christens lap, her fingers running through my hair as I played with Tobin's fingers. The realisation hit me suddenly. There was no doubt left in my mind that I wanted to be with them. I wanted this, I wanted them. They were being so patient with me, waiting for me to make the move, to decide what I wanted. I didn't want to wait anymore.
After abruptly sitting up and facing their concerned faces, I took a deep breath and spoke before the courage went away, "I never wanted any part of this soulmate stuff. It was ridiculous to me, but the more I get to know you, the less I can deny the feelings I have for you both. I don't even think it's necessarily the soulmate thing. You two are kind, caring, patient, amazing in ways I never expected. I want to try this with you, be with you as you know girlfriends. If you might want to that is?"
They looked at each other for a second before nodding, each taking one of my hands as wide smiles stretched across their faces, "Of course we do Y/n. We want nothing more."
There was soft music playing in the background as I cleaned up my hotel room. I knew I could get the housekeeping to do it, but I find it therapeutic. Something that came from my military days and stuck. There was knock on the door, Christen waiting on the other side, "What are you up to baby?"
"Cleaning." I replied taking her hand and pulling her into me, "Now dancing."
Christen laughed as she allowed me to guide her around, spinning her around and pulling her back into me. It was like we both froze, staring into each others eyes, "Can I kiss you?"
"You don't have to ask," Christen whispered, leaning in and connecting our lips in a soft, slow kiss. Calmness washed over me, stronger than I had ever felt as I melted into her. I guess it's true what they say, kissing your soulmate is one of the most amazing feelings. It felt right, like the piece I was missing fell back into place as we connected in a way that I had never felt before.ย 
There was still a piece missing, I knew it was Tobin. I knew we might take a little longer to get here than Christen and I. She was more scared that I was just going to change my mind and decide to leave them, hurting them again. Tobin interacted with me in the same way Christen did, she cuddled with us, joked with me, talked to me. There was a barrier that she kept up though. When we cuddled, she always held Christen, she went on dates with me only when Christen was around as well.
Christen pulled away, leaning her forehead against mine, "What's wrong?"
"I don't want you to think that that kiss wasn't amazing because it was beyond amazing, but I'm thinking about Tobin. I know she's scared, she has every right to be. I'm in this Chris, I just wish I could get her to see that."
"I know. She'll get there Y/n, it might just take a bit of time. Just keep doing what you're doing and you two will be okay."
"Are you okay if I take her out tonight, just the two of us?"
"Of course. I think it'll be good for you guys."
There was a high chance that Tobin would make up an excuse as to why she couldn't make it if she knew the date would be the two of us. So I told her it was the three of us. I hated that I lied to her, but we needed to sort things out, spend time together. I was waiting in the lobby, getting more nervous as time went on. To be honest, I was a little bit scared of how Tobin would react when she found out Christen wasn't coming. Whether it be because I lied to her or because she would have to be around me alone. I hated that I felt that way about my girlfriend.ย 
I shamelessly watched Tobin walk over to me. She was only wearing simple black jeans and white short sleeved blouse, but she had recently cut her hair and looked amazing. Tobin stopped in front of me, her smile dropping when she noticed Christen was there, "Where's Chris? Isn't she supposed to be here?"
"We knew you probably wouldn't come if you knew it was just me. I'm sorry for lying to you, but I wanted this to just be me and you."
"It's fine."
"You don't have to go out with me if you don't want to. I understand."
"I want to be here Y/n."
I decided to be bold, kissing her cheek quickly. It had happened before, just not when it was only us, "You look beautiful by the way. I really like this new hair cut, it suits you."
A small, but genuine smile appeared, "You look pretty good yourself."
We walked along the street in slightly awkward silence until we reached the park. We had dinner reservations, but I had left time so we could talk before hand. I wasn't good at talking about my feelings. Though I knew we were going to get past this and actually work, then we needed to have an honest conversation about it, about us. To my surprise, Tobin let me lace our fingers together.
"Um I was hoping we could talk," Tobin's face dropped again as she tried to pull her hand away. I tightened my grip slightly, kissing the back of her hand, "Hey, it's nothing bad, I swear. I just think we need to have an honest conversation about us. I know you're scared Tobin, about me deciding that I don't want this and leaving you."
She seemed to relax slightly, "Chris told you?"
"She confirmed it. I understand why you're scared. I know it took me a while to come to terms with meeting my soulmates and figuring out what I wanted. That's in the past, without a doubt, I know what I want. I'm not going anywhere Tobin. I'm in this with you both. I want you both. I know words don't mean much, but please let me prove it to you. To be able to do that, I need you to let me in, even if it's only a little bit right now. I'm with you, I'm here to stay. If you still want me that is?"
"Don't even go there. Of course I want you Y/n. You are amazing and I know things are kind of rough between us, but I don't want you to think I don't want this. I know this is mostly my fault. I'm trying to let go of the fear, I really am, it's just harder than I expected.
"It's not your fault. I know you're trying. I don't expect that fear to go away just like that, but I want to take away the reason for that fear. Make your doubts go away."
Tobin smiled, cuddling up under my arm, "I'll stop pulling away so much, but I need you to push me a bit. I know you won't like that idea, being scared holds me back though. There have been times where I've wanted to do things, but the fear holds me back, it stops me. I don't mean force me, just a little push now and then."
I held her closer, kissing her temple, enjoying the feeling of finally getting to hold her properly. The idea of pushing her, made me uncomfortable. I understood where she was coming from though, I mean fear stopped me from taking the chance with them to begin with, "I guess that could be okay, but you have to tell me if it's too much. I don't want to push you too far."
"Deal, so you and Chris kissed huh? It's pretty great isn't it?"
I laughed loudly, of course Christen had told her, "It was. Chris is amazing. Are you okay with that? Us moving at a different speed to me and you."
"She really is. You guys go at whatever speed is right for you, we'll catch up. I um please don't go further without me though. I know Chris and I have already gone there, but with the three of us that's a big step, we shou-"
"It was never going to happen without you. Those important steps in our relationship happen together, with all of us."
"Thank you. It's weird, being out with out Chris. We've always done everything together. It is nice though, spending some time with you. I think it's what we needed to get out of the limbo we're in."
Things between us were a lot more comfortable after our talk. During dinner we connected in a way we hadn't before. Our conversations flowed easily as I let her in. I had told them somethings about my time in the marines and what happened after, but it was more superficial, a retelling rather than me actually opening up to them about the feelings involved. I knew that opening up would be an important part of progressing our relationship. I also still had nightmares, which I would rather them know before the sleep overs started. Of course Tobin was amazing, she held my hand listening as I talked before reassuring me that they would always be there when I needed them.ย 
It felt like we had already made progress. Since our conversation, Tobin actively sought my touch. Whether it was lacing our fingers together, wrapping her arms around me or resting them on my hips at the arcade or tucking herself under my arm as we walked along the beach.ย 
An hour or so later, we just stood outside their hotel room, neither of us making the move to leave. I knew it had to, but I didn't want the night to end. Even though they still made me nervous, when I was around either of them, I was relaxed, happy. It made leaving them hard.ย 
"Thank you for tonight Y/n. I had a great time."
I kissed her cheek, "Me too Tobes. I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tobin went to open the door, but quickly turned around, cupping my cheek and connecting our lips. There was something about it that made me weak at the knees. Maybe it was the passion behind it. Given our relationship so far, I was slightly surprised by it. Regardless, I reciprocated with just as much passion. I had been waiting for this moment for weeks. Ever since I let in the idea of being with them, my feelings had grown quicker than I could keep up. They were all I could think about most of the time, I wanted to be around them and if I wasn't, I just wanted to talk to them. I was comfortable, I felt safe with them which didn't happen with people often.
She pulled away slowly, smile stretching across her face, "Sorry that was out of no where, I've been thinking about doing that for a long time."
I cupped her cheek, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips, "Don't be, I've been wanting to do that for weeks."
"Things went well then?" Christens voice came from behind us. I wrapped my arm around her, kissing her cheek.
"You could say that. Thank you for being okay with us going out without you, we needed it. You were right Chris, we're going to be okay. We did miss you though."
Christen smiled, pecking both of our lips, "Of course I'm okay with you going out, we don't always have to be the three of us. We're together, but we're going to have different connections, different things we like doing. You have surfing, we have meditation, we all have hiking, and that's okay. I'm glad you had the chance to talk things out."
My fingers were laced with Tobin's as she asked a question that surprised me, "Do you want to come in? I don't think I'm ready for tonight to end yet."
"Neither am I."
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babyrdie ยท 4 months
Achilles stan are really hypocritical about Alexander now, did you see that?
No, I didn't see it.
I saw people mentioning something about Achilles and Paris, now there's this ask and I'm starting to wonder if the recent ask an anon sent me about Paris was a discreet way to test me (this one, where I explicitly say that I really don't care about Paris discourse). I honestly don't know where the hell this weekly Achilles vs Paris debate came from, so I'm really confused. It's a Tumblr debate and I just didn't see the original post? Is it an debate imported from another website? I don't know. But other than Apollo and Paris killing Achilles, I don't really see what relevant connection these characters have to each other. They also don't even have the same role or the same archetypes, which once again leaves me wondering why this comparison even exists in the first place.
But here we go: my opinion is that no one is a saint. In most of these X vs Y discussions, I'm simply going to consider both characters as not being people who would be considered good today. And it's the same case here.
Achilles killed Tenes despite being warned not to do so (he was warned by Thetis, so he certainly knew she was serious), sacked cities (including not all of them were Trojans), enslaved people (both men and women. Some were sold, others remained. Some were sexual slaves, like Briseis and Diomede), committed a murder inside a temple (Troilus), dishonored a body (Hector), practiced human sacrifice (Patroclus' funeral. And you can see from the narration that it's not a case of "ah, but human sacrifice was cultural and accepted") and stopped the winds just to demand Polyxena's sacrifice (I still wonder how the hell he stopped the wind). He isn't a saint.
Paris ignored Oenone's prophecies about the fall of Troy and abandoned her (she was his first wife. And unlike Cassandra, she wasn't cursed. He didn't listen because he didn't want to), stole Menelaus (I'm not even talking about Helen. He took Menelaus' treasure too. Honestly, at that point Paris knew he was bringing war to Troy and didn't care if he felt so comfortable that he even took the treasure), depending on the version kidnapped Helen, taken city (Sidon), killed a guy because he was jealous of him with Helen (Corythus. Who is his son, by the way) and he ignored the Trojans' requests and continued the war. He was a prince, so I guarantee you he had slaves too, and slaves are indeed mentioned in Trojan territory (e.g. Lycophron writes from the point of view of a slave watching over Cassandra). He isn't a saint.
Yeah, Achilles isn't just a cute guy in love and suffering for his boyfriend, but Paris is also not just a cute and harmless little thing. People paint Paris too much as harmless useless. So my honest opinion is that this discussion is a waste of time because neither of them is the pinnacle of morality. It's reminding me of the Achilles vs Odysseus debates, which were equally pointless because Odysseus, like Achilles and Paris, is also not an immaculate crystal. The Clytemnestra vs. Agamemnon debates were also another pointless thing because sometimes they even cited something they both did but only against one (e.g., Clytemnestra ridiculing Cassandra's status as a Trojan captive in "Agamemnon" and Agamemnon doing the same to Hesione via Teucer in "Ajax"). At this point, I think it would be interesting to read Greek mythology without trying to do morality rankings. I also already talked about this in this post.
So that's it, that's my opinion. I haven't ignored any asks I've received so far, but if I receive one more ask about fans and haters of characters and morality in Greek mythology I'll probably ignore it because I think my opinion is already pretty clear (It's even in my post about my blog). I also talked about this in the Hades Odysseus controversy.
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holly-louisexox ยท 7 months
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 13
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choicesโ€ฆ
โ€ฆBut then things changed.
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"You what?" Shevy squeals slightly.
"Shev, please don't make me repeat that sentence." Delia groans before throwing her face into her pillow.
It was now the next day and they were travelling in the busses to the next tour destination. Delia was debating whether or not to tell Shevy about Andy, but eventually she found it to be eating her up and she had to spill. Besides, it was Shevy, she wasn't about to tell anyone else.
"I'm sorry just, I can't believe you slept with him. I mean, first off, called it. But I can't believe you actually had sex with Andy. Please tell me you used protection. I love Andy to pieces but he does sleep around a lot and the last thing I want for you is you potentially catching anything from him cause he's a bit of a man whore." Shevy rambles on.
"Yes we were safe Shevy, trust me the last thing I need is a pregnancy or an STD." Delia sighs placing her head into her hands.
"Okay something else is going on here, spill." Shevy is calm as she scoots next to Delia to wrap an arm around her shoulders; it was clear she was trying her hardest to be understanding and supportive of the tech girl she had become good friends with.
"I don't know how to explain it. I know Andy is a dick and I know it was a mistake but at the same time, I don't regret it." Delia starts. "I don't understand how I feel anymore Shevy."
"You like him, you're just not admitting it to yourself. Sleeping with him has likely made the way you feel stronger." Shevy states simply.
"But I don't like him, I shouldn't like him. I haven't even known the guy that long and in that time he's been nothing but a dick to me." Delia sighs feeling a tear run down her cheek.
"Oh honey." Shevy starts "tours like this you always get close with people, even if you don't want to. That's what happens when you spend basically everyday with a group of people. Work relationships and work flings aren't uncommon."
"I can't do it though Shevy, I can't allow myself to just be another fuck to him and there's no way in hell I'd ever date that guy." Delia shakes her head slightly whilst wiping her eyes.
"Hey, don't worry about anything of that right now or you'll make yourself more upset D." Shevy smiles trying to bring comfort to her upset friend. "If that's really how you feel though then stick to your guns and don't give him anything else."
"Thanks Shevy, you're honestly the best." Delia feels herself smile through her tears.
"I know I am." Shevy smirks jokingly "although I still stand by what I said before, Andy has changed since meeting you. He definitely has the hots for you."
"Oh my god, Shevy!" Delia shrieks before pushing Shevy off of her slightly.
"Hey, I'm just saying." Shevy laughs hysterically.
Surely she can't be right...
"What the fuck happened?"
That was all Andy could think about. He didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't help it. Yes he wanted to sleep with Delia at one point this tour, he thought it would help him get over the fiery tech girl, but instead he was left with more confusion. He thought it would put out the fire he felt every time he saw her, every time he thought about her. Instead, he just felt more interest and curiosity about Delia Vincent, he felt as if he was watching the walls he built to protect himself crumbling down with no way to stop them from doing so.
He felt a strong flutter in his stomach at even the mention of her name... surely this wasn't the whole cliche of getting butterflies for someone, was it?
"Earth to Andy?" Jinxx then cuts Andy from his daydream but placing a hand on his shoulder "you okay man?"
"Okay. Yeah, I'm okay man." Andy nods before pinching the bridge of his nose to ground himself and bring himself back to reality. How long was he daydreaming for?
"Okay something is going on, I haven't seen that conflicted look of yours for a while." Jinxx states feeling worried for his friend and lead singer. "Don't tell me you finally caught an STD." Jinxx was trying to lighten the mood at this point.
"What? No, no of course not. Fuck off you dick." Andy shakes his head whilst pushing Jinxx and his hand off of his shoulder.
"Just trying to lighten the mood, jheez." Jinxx rolls his eyes before shaking his head- all of this commotion had drawn the attention of the rest of the band to their lead singer and rhythm guitarist.
"whatever Jinxx, I'm not in the mood for this." Andy sighs before standing up.ย 
Andy was in no mood to talk about any of this. Hell, he never wanted to talk about any of this. He didn't want to risk CC thinking that he was right...
"One of these days you're going to catch feelings, especially if you keep sleeping around with women you meet."
Shaking away the voice of CC, Andy finds himself climbing into his bunk and just staring at the ceiling with his hands crossed over his stomach. He wished he could just be nicer to Delia, but it was too much of a risk. He didn't date, he would not allow himself to date, he told himself this after the divorce- emptiness is safe. Andy knew that he would never make her happy, especially with how they clashed. Yes, opposites attract so they say, but Andy and Delia were far too different which would not allow things to work, even if Andy wasn't so fucked in the head.
So why was it that he could not shake the thought of this girl from his mind? All he could think about was how nice it was to kiss her and how he wanted to do it again. He wanted to hear her gentle breathing as she slept next to him again. He wanted to hold her in his arms and protect her from everyone in the world, even if that meant protecting her from himself. No matter how much he wanted to, he knew he could never allow himself to get close to her; it was too much of a risk. Plus why would she be interested in him after the way he's treated her? Still, it was always Delia who would be civil, it was Delia who would try to talk to him to lighten the mood, he was always the one who would sabotage things between them. Every time the conversation would be civil and nice between them he would snap.ย 
"Maybe she is interested?" Andy whispers to himself whilst thinking. Surely not?
There was only one way to solve this issue in Andy's mind. He had to make sure Delia was not interested and if she was, he would have to let her down to save her further heartache, he had to protect himself as well. At some point soon, he would have to try to get some alone time with her and tell her not to bother with him, that he wasn't good for her, that she did not need him. Of course he did not want to do this, he wanted her and he wanted her badly, but it wasn't right and it wasn't safe. He could never allow himself to get close to someone again as it would destroy him.ย 
Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way.
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babybatscreationsv2 ยท 1 year
Daddy, Look!
Marvel | Starker
Tony was just trying to give Peter something to keep him busy on the long train ride, but brats can't stand to be ignored.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings and tags below
For Aech <3
Warnings/tags: public sex, D/s, daddy kink, remote control vibrator, brat!Peter, femboy!Peter
The train rattled along the tracks. Open countryside rolled by bringing a peaceful sort of energy to the passengers on board. Except for Peter who couldn't quite sit still. He clasped his hands in his lap and squeezed his thighs together. He was grateful that the sound of the train covered the buzzing sound coming from his lap. Their car was open to the twenty or so other passengers who sat and relaxed or wandered around stretching their legs. A man sat across from them reading a newspaper. Across the aisle was a group of three women who chatted excitedly. No one was paying him any attention, but it sure felt like everyone was watching.
Tony's hand dropped onto his thigh. He coaxed Peter's legs apart, not much, but enough of a suggestion. His fingers teased his skin for a moment before settling in place. The man seemed otherwise enraptured with the crime novel he was reading.
Peter took a deep breath. The vibration was constant and that meant he was slowly getting used to it. He could tolerate it now. He watched out the window and couldn't help bouncing up out of his seat as a herd of black and white cows came into view.
"Tony, look! Cows!"
"Cute," Tony said. His fingers trailed up the back of his thigh and palmed his ass. The toy inside him changed settings to something pulsing and hard to ignore. Peter leaned back into Tony's hand, moaning quietly before he remembered where they were. He gasped and jumped back into his seat where he glared at the man. Tony only chuckled.
"Excellent view don't you think?"
Peter swatted his arm. "I hate you."
Tony gripped his chin, eyes narrowed. The vibration increased until Peter's eyes rolled back and his mouth hung open. "You what?"
"Please daddy," Peter gasped. "Daddy please please please-" he panted. He couldn't stop. Stuck begging and squirming, completely helpless.
The toy slowed, then stopped. "Oh, but you hate me." Tony faked a pout. He turned away to look out the window. Peter climbed into his lap and kissed his cheek.
"I'm sorry, daddy. I didn't mean it."
Tony looked at him, seeming to debate if he would forgive him or not. He gave him a quick kiss. "It's alright, baby."
Peter settled back in the seat, but the toy remained off. Only now he wanted it on. He waited patiently as the train kept rolling, but his patience didn't last forever.
"Daddy?" he whined.
"Hm?" Tony barely acknowledged.
Peter glared. He wasn't going to tolerate that at all. He picked himself up and sat on Tony's lap, squirming in an effort to make himself comfortable until Tony had to grab his hips and stop him.
"What are you reading?" Peter asked innocently.
"You wouldn't like it," Tony answered.
"Tell me about it. I'm bored."
"You should have brought something to do."
"I should do you," Peter said simply without bothering to lower his voice.
Tony was phased. "Then you should behave better."
"I was only showing you cows." Peter crossed his arms over his chest. "I'll keep 'em to myself next time."
"Don't be a brat."
Peter stood and turned to sit on the opposite bench. He didn't even look at Tony as he slid next to the other man.
"Reading something interesting?" he asked with a smile.
The man smiled back, looking up from his paper as if from a dream. Or maybe as if he were falling into one. Peter let him tell him all about a mayoral election in his town while he slowly spread his legs apart and let his skirt ride up. He wasn't even sure Tony had noticed when the man decided to join their conversation.
"That's very interesting," he said and when Peter looked at his face the toy clicked back on. He was too distracted to catch the rest. But the stranger started talking so Peter went back to nodding politely at him, hiding his disappointment when the toy stopped.
"I've heard about him. He has some big opinions on food taxes," Tony commented. Peter looked at him again, brain melting as his eyes met his face and he realized the game they were playing. The conversation faded away as he looked at Tony and the toy buzzed higher and higher as if rewarding him for forgetting anyone else existed. He didn't have any control over it when he came. Only the tiniest squeak escaped him. They both looked at him, one concerned and the other smug. The toy died down and then stopped.
"Are you alright, young man?"
"Yes, sir," Peter choked out. "Excuse me." He went back to his seat, pressing into Tony's side like a frightened puppy.
Tony carried on until the conversation died naturally. The other man went back to his newspaper.
"You get what you wanted?"
Peter considered the trouble he'd get in if he told Tony he hated him twice in one day. "Yes," he admitted instead.
Tony only chuckled and gave him a kiss.
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deusvmachina ยท 10 months
can we have more songv prompts? ๐Ÿ‘€ "It would mean a lot to me if you stayed."
"It would mean a lot to me if you stayed."
V could feel her chest tightening again. Her stomach twisted and fluttered at the same time while she sat there in the chair at So Mi's bedside. Her blue-grey eyes searched the other woman's face but her expression did not give way to her thoughts though she did note how Song's eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears. A long period of silence lapsed between them but it wasn't a matter of debate for the merc so much as it was a moment of self-reflection. Of accepting that as much as she had every damn right to feel upset and betrayed, she just couldn't bring herself to actually be angry about it. The anger just... wasn't there. Instead, an intense maelstrom of emotions tore their way through a body that was beyond exhausted. Worn out from both combat and the frequency of her relic malfunctions.
Then there was worry about what Mr Blue Eyes would ask of V in return for that panacea she so desperately needed. The unexpected call she got from him, telling her to board the shuttle alongside her half-dead companion and that he was an interested party who she could strike a bargain with... Well, it sounded too good to be true but a part of her wanted to get away from it all. To remain by the woman she'd come to call her friend. To ensure her survival, even though that left V back at square one.
Could the clinics on Luna help her at all? Was there even enough time left before she lost more of herself to the biochip rewiring her brain? Who the hell was this guy anyway? He was entirely shrouded in mystery. And then there was a feeling of dread that had seeped in her very being: what would be the aftermath of all the things she had done to free Songbird from her gilded cage? If V was certain of one thing it was that all of the sacrifices she made were worth it. No regrets there. Surely this would lead to another corporate war; Night City could be changed forever. V was brought back to the present when she heard Song speak again, more quietly this time.
With a heart-wrenching quiver to her voice. "I'm sorry, V. I... shouldn't even be asking anything else of you."
V had to swallow the lump in her throat before finally speaking up, "No, hey... it's alright. We'reโ€”we're good, okay? Talk about it all later when you've recovered." With fingers that trembled slightly, the merc reached out to touch her cheek. Cradled it within her palm while letting her thumb stroke over the EMP threading embedded in the soft skin of So Mi's face. She dared to murmur what she'd said once beforeโ€”as they were witnessing Myers give her final orders to Reed. "I'm stayin'. Not goin' anywhere." She watched So Mi practically nuzzle into her hand, seeking comfort in the touch.
"Thank you, V," was all the netrunner could manage. A tear escaped as she closed her eyes and it would trickle down her cheek until V tenderly wiped it away.
"As long as I'm still drawin' breath, I won't let anyone hurt you again, Song."
That earned a weak, halfhearted chuckle. "You promise?"
"Consider it an oath I can stand behind."
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mymistakewriting ยท 4 months
I love your headcannons for Sal and Tommy and was wondering if you had anymore. There isnt a lot of ppl interested in them and I find it so entertaining how they could mirrior Eddie and Buck.
Tbh rly i just like to imagine those few months before Bobby came where the 2 of them and hen and chimney were close and like their own little team. Spending slow days watching tv just hanging out. Hen and Sal playfully arguing over whos the hotter female lead in the latest movies, Tommy and Chimney talking about movies and sharing their opinions on the classics, Tommy and Sal inviting Hen and Chimney out for drinks, everyone just vibing together as captain after captain goes.
okay so first of all, I'm so sorry this took me so long to answer. It turned out that I didn't have nearly as much time as I would have hoped to answer stuff, but it's fine.
I have a lot of thoughts about Sal and Tommy and their friendship dynamic. I also have plenty of thoughts about the old dynamic with the 118 before Bobby showed up.
First of all, Lou's been very kind to us by telling us his thoughts about Tommy and his past and childhood - he's outright said that he was a pretty lonely kid. I think Sal was probably the first person to make Tommy feel like he had someone he could count on. And while their dynamic came with plenty of teasing that hurt Tommy's ability to feel comfortable in his own skin, I don't think most of it was meant to harm.
Second, I'm entirely sure those boys are protective over one another. Tommy getting pissed about Sal getting fired was proof enough for me, but I think it goes both ways. Sal is equally as in tune with Tommy as Tommy is with him. I also think a lot of that was Gerrard was far less likely to target one of them with his bullshit and mistreatment if they stuck together.
Which brings me to the 118 dynamic. I do think that the addition of Hen and Chimney into the friendship dynamic did wonders. It certainly helped Tommy start asking himself questions that led to him coming out when he got to the 217, to Harbor. Sal and Hen definitely debated constantly about hot actresses. Sal definitely made teasing remarks about Hen's "type" and she definitely fired back just as quickly. None of Sal's homophobic remarks were genuine once Gerrard was out of the way, he's just stupid and Hen kept him in check and I'm sure that now it's more of a test if Tommy brings someone around to meet him.
Chimney and Tommy are definitely the friends that quote movies back and forth to each other, for sure.
And honestly? I think they did dinners or they went to badge and ladder bars every time they outlasted another Captain. I think they still do meet up occasionally (maybe once every several months), to this day, to swap stories and catch up.
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moonfromearth ยท 1 year
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200 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!!
It's honestly so amazing to me that somehow I made it to 200 followers! You're all so sweet and I appreciate everyone that's taken the time to interact with my posts and I promise I have new stuff in the works that'll be released soon ๐Ÿ˜‰
So, I did this poll to see what everyone would want and it was so fun to hear from so many people thank you everyone who voted! Sim dump was the clear winner!!
Anyway, included are eight cc free young adult sims! They all have set skills and careers because I think it's fun but you can do whatever you want with them as long as you don't change skintones (bonus information about each below the cut as a "guide" because I like coming up with their characters)! I also had too much fun picking out likes and dislikes so... There are a lot ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
P.S. If in the library it shows up as having cc I swear there isn't any I don't know why my game likes to mark it as having cc even when there isn't I'm sorry for any confusion.
Feel free to tag me if you ever use them and I hope you enjoy!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Download Link [Google Drive]
[Sim info below cut!!]
Parker Daley - Friend of the World, Erratic, Creative, Vegetarian - Bubbly and eccentric Parker is the life of any party! A fashion designer who loves anything "stylish" (which is just anything she likes, pretty much). Parker is completely unpredictable which makes her an interesting companion. A city girl all the way.
Lilah Dumas - Computer Whiz, Cheerful, Geek, Lazy Lilah is a very "you only live once" kind of person. She doesn't spend too much time dwelling on just about anything, and will drop whatever doesn't bring her joy in a heartbeat. As such she was determined to make one of her hobbies into a career, and amassed a decent following for herself as a streamer.
Raj Pandey - Fabulously Wealthy, Perfectionist, Mean, Self-Assured Raj grew up always knowing he'd join the family business, and the atmosphere of wealth and status, as well as the most expensive education obtainable, has turned him into a stuck up character. He appreciates a well crafted insult. In fact, he's not averse to the occasional argument debate (as long as he wins). Despite these traits he's managed to get himself adopted into a group of friends who, though often annoy him, have become an important part of his life.
Sonny Oswald - Friend of the Animals, Socially Awkward, Animal Enthusiast, Neat Sonny is a sweetheart and I love him. Awkward and shy, he's more comfortable around farm animals and plants than he is around people. Only is closest friends get to see how kind and fun he can be. One day he'll move out to the countryside and start is own farm, but for now he's working his way through the gardening career (baby steps, right?).
Lucas Esparza - Nerd Brain, Noncommittal, Bookworm, Adventurous Lucas's two goals in life are to gain infinite amounts of knowledge for himself and leave a trail of broken hearts as he travels the world to get said knowledge. That makes it sound like he's a horrible person which is because... Well he is, but who doesn't need a villain in their game? I'm sure he has his good qualities, however, I honestly love him for being the absolute handful he is.
Keira McDaniel - Painter Extraordinaire, Gloomy, Maker, Music Lover A bit of a "tortured artist" character who enjoys spending hours painting/crafting in her studio with music playing constantly, blocking out the rest of the world. Keira is very sensitive, and feels the emotional weight of everything around her very intensely, channeling it into her art.
Joslyn Lancaster - Country Caretaker, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, Glutton Joslyn is a very meat and potatoes kind of gal. She lives for the simple things in life, working the ranch, riding horses, and a good meal. It's never occurred to her that there might be more to life, and the world, outside of the ranch, because what more could she need?
Gabrielle "Gabby" Moran - Leader of the Pack, Insider, Snob, Cat Lover Gabby is a fine and polished young woman, growing up in a life of luxury, and the champion English rider in town. She's very aware that she is the best at something, and it's boosted her confidence (*cough* ego) to astronomic levels. Quite the gossip, she loves to be out with friends, gossiping about the latest scandal, but when not there she's tending to her horse and preparing for her next competition. Despite the facade of the popular mean girl she puts up, Gabby cares very deeply about horses and her career, and takes it very seriously. She also loves spending time with the barn cats when they're around.
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scratchandplaster ยท 6 months
Shepard, what would you do if Ben got injured or died?
Ben, what would you do if Shepherd got injured or died?
[Masterlist] | Ask game
Shepard's hesitation spoke volumes.ย ย 
"I have to say, Sam, this is getting very dark for an article about rural life," he finally said and let his brows furrow in concern.
"Well, my readers want to see just that from your perspective; and since you and plenty of your - What shall I call them? Tentmates? - decide to bring their children up in this environment, people will be curious," they explained, still trying to settle down comfortably on the cot, "If I remember correctly, safety is a big part of your project's appeal."
Always staying in control, Shepard crossed his legs, earning a lone second to reflect. Whatever the young reporter was trying to get to needed to be swept aside before any rifts in his carefully veiled cover formed.
"Injury simply is a risk of physical labor, a part of life," he sighed, visibly irritated like this was a topic often debated, "Enough of us are equipped for first aid care and if that doesn't suffice, our good connections to a rural physician do."
"Would you consider hospital care?"
"What about blood transfusions?" Sam wasn't even giving him the favor of acting discreetly anymore, a fact that clearly wore Shepard out.
"Does any of your research indicate that life-sustaining measures have no place in alternative lifestyles?"
"Not at all, but-"
"Then you understand that I'd do anything to guarantee the health and safety of everyone on my property," he stated clearly, "To never endanger a soul."
Nowadays, Shepard should have added in all fairness, but chose to swallow it down. He didn't owe them a single drop of insight.
"No parent wants to think about their child leaving the world early, so forgive me if I won't. I don't enjoy drowning myself in these scenarios. I hope I'm lucky enough to go first."
"Died? W-w-what do you mean died? What kind of question is that?!"
Just a minute ago, Ben and the triplets had peacefully sculpted little shapes and animals on a picknick blanket, but now his shocked face blankly stared at Sam. They, in response, awkwardly raised their voice again:
"I mean accidents constantly happen and he's not getting younger anytime soon, so I am interested in what kind of process the deceased-"
"What would you do if-if-if your grandma got hit by a car, huh?" he yelled at their sour face in a sad attempt to act quick-witted, "Yeah, thought so!"
"Slow down, it was meant theoretically."
"You can theoretically go and fuck yourself!" A hissed insult couldn't hide the tears in his eyes.
Oh man. Sam knew exactly the kind of domino effect this would trigger as they noticed the kids' soft gasps.
"Mama, Ben said a bad word!" the first one yelled towards the flock of people near the campfire site.
"Shh, be quiet!" another sibling tried, as if to hide a terrible secret.
"You have to say a nice word now, to make it even!" the third insisted and plucked at Ben's sweater.
Ben didn't even waste a thought on that, instead turning his back to the source of his sorrow and quietly disfiguring his dough pyramid beyond recognition.
Birdie casually walked over from her station, honey-blonde braids pinned up firmly, and wordlessly hinted at Sam to follow her.
Caught with my hands in the cookie jar. Though a transgression also bore new possibilities for them: How does Mama Bear resolve conflicts and which punishments are utilized? Sam tried to ignore the tightness in their throat.
"I was just asking in general terms," they spoke first, trying to cut the tension between them.
"It's alright."
"If I expected him to react like that-"
"Hey, itโ€™s alright," Birdie assured softly, "I think we both know that our Ben is a sensitive one."
Oh. It was a nice surprise that at least one of them didn't walk on eggshells around the golden boy. Sam huffed: "You can say that again."
"It's a good lesson in compassion for my three little monsters too," Birdie looked back over to the blanket where the kids comforted a sniffling Ben; tiny sticky hands rubbed down his back and showed him a salt dough octopus with too many arms. "It's okay to cry, we are here for you," one whispered, just as Ben had taught them many times before.
A sight that made Sam cringe: "This is really embarrassing for me, sorry."
She led them to one of the tables near the campfire, wooden slabs on thick legs, resistant to every weather condition. Flour was sprinkled all over it: dinner was only in a few hours still many were already busy preparing it. On most days, Sam was lucky to have the energy to throw spaghetti into a pot.
Maybe they could find themself a Birdie back home...
"Don't worry," she waved, "we would take care of him."
"Huh?" Sam was ripped from their thoughts.
"If something happened to Shepard. That's what you asked about, right?" she stated, to which they only nodded, "and should nothing hold him here anymore, we'd buy the land and help him settle down in a new support system. Maybe with his brother."
"Speaking of which-"
Birdie shook her head, wearing a sad smile and throwing a ball of dough from one hand to the other: "You are quite nosy, as you're hopefully aware of."
"How can I not be?"
"There sure are topics you don't like to share with strangers."
Sam had to surrender, but only for today: "That's fair."
A blob of fresh bread dough was emphatically pushed towards them.
"You can apologize later, and please try to keep the kids out of it," Birdie offered caringly, "I don't want to know what other words he learned during his sabbatical."
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