#don't come for me im audhd i can say that!!
moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
This week on "2am thoughts that would not do well on twitter":
I thought about how alot of people headcanon Miles as neurodivergent and my mind immediately went to the infamous Girl Meets World autism episode where they fucking investigate this kid for the whole episode to find out whether he has autism and I'm now in tears lauginh
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gemwolfz · 11 months
since i am not sure if or when i will ever get back to that coming out day posting i will instead post full platoon headcanons here 🔥🔥🔥 under a cut because i intend to maintag and some people may not give a shit. also i expect to ramble. appending a big "to me, anyway" to all these because if i said that fifty times in the post it would be repetitive
keroro's gender is most accurately described as multiflux! he identifies with multiple genders at the same time- male, female, keronian genders you wouldn't get, exclusive genders only keroro understands- at different intensities at different moments. he mainly uses he/him, because, like, he's employed, but he appreciates being referred to in less masculine ways every now and then. because he's kind of a pretty girl ngl. he's also pansexual (i don't personally make a distinction between bi and pan, and usually default to the term bisexual, but idk keroro seems like someone who would label himself as pan dont ask me why) with a preference towards men. hey i can add nonqueer headcanons here too cant i. his ass has so much ADHD. also i posted yesterday that his behavior closely fits the description of narcissistic personality disorder HOWEVER thats a condition i dont know much about so im hesitant to decisively headcanon it for him yknow
tamama is bisexual (personally i have not witnessed proof of tamama caring about girls but the wiki is so confident about it that. well bi erasure would be bi erasure. we aint about that here 🫡) and also transgender 🔥 he's in the keronian version of the Awkward Transmasc Phase where if you're not read as a woman youre usually read as a middle schooler, and used to be more self-conscious about it, but since he's transitioned socially- he's tamama-kun within the platoon, and most pekoponians are completely unaware he was ever seen as a girl to begin with- he's quite happy with where he is now! anyway you know how i mentioned in one doodle post that i hc that fully metamorphosed female keronians are larger than males? well, being a bit of a brawler, tamama isn't really opposed to that concept, so although at his age Frog HRT would most likely trigger metamorphosis, he'd prefer to wait and metamorphose naturally before Starting Tesfrogsterone. best of both worlds! this trans frog is gnc and theres nothing you can do about it 🔥🔥🔥
giroro is bisexual. that's all he would have answered with in the coming out day posts because if youre cisgender whats the point in mentioning your gender right? anyone can tell he's a guy. look at that sharp, angry-looking brow, that big, gnarly scar, those monstrous fangs. those could only be appreciated on a man. and that's good, right? a soldier should be tough and intimidating. he's perfect. he should be proud. he says he is. so why is he so tired...? he shakes his head, and goes back to cleaning his arsenal. he's just frustrated that the invasion isn't going anywhere, that's all. really. Sorry i think i got possessed where was i. um i think giroro can also have little a autism as a treat
kululu is aroace, with no particular interest in seeking either of those types of relationships, romance averse but neutral towards sex. and he's apagender: he doesn't particularly care what gender people see him as. he does have his quirks- he enjoys presenting himself as girly every now and then, and is quite amused by being referred to as an "it" on occasion- but he considers these things more of a hobby or performance art than parts of his gender. just a bit of seasoning, some excitement. never let them know your next move. anyway hes also audhd (adhd autism combo pack). his headphones are noise cancelling, without them he will hear all his computers and the lights and the air conditioning and he will become the joker. i've also considered giving him Unique Alien Chronic Pain- i've got this kind of jokey headcanon where he secretes capsaicin due to his diet, sort of like a poison dart frog, and i thought an interesting consequence of that would be if that caused a constant burning feeling on his skin- but like idk if that would be a good idea? chronic pain is also not something i know much about
dororo is male, for all intents and purposes, but he doesn't care much about the label. he doesn't really believe in the gender binary these days, which is something he learned from living with koyuki; binary gender doesn't really exist in nature. he doesn't label his orientation, either, but for different reasons: being a professional assassin with a strict regiment doesn't really give a person much opportunity to explore in that area. he was never really in the dating scene, and doesn't expect to be thrown into it any time soon. if your relationship with the most loyal and taskfocused soldier you know is holding strong after you choose to defect from your planet and protect the one he's trying to invade, it's hard to imagine anything that could possibly break it down, you know?
i feel like this should have some kind of conclusion or something instead of just ending but idk lol. you get bonus headcanon which is that fuyuki is transmasc swag to me. aaand post
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richie-shitlips · 9 months
and now you are legally required to give my your thoughts on RICKY POTTS
(Also have u ever thought about how similar Ricky rtc and Richie npmd are?)
i actually have!! me and my friend did a cover of space age bachelor man as richie and ruth, but it's a really shitty recording, so maybe we'll post a higher quality one at some point :)
my thoughts on ricky mostly come from my friend logan, who is the ricky of the group. but uhh. that kid is so trans you can tell if they're transmasc or transfem. they just are.
some headcanons:
personally i'm a savannah potts she/they/it truther. it's my special girl. genderqueer
she draws comics about the bachelor man
lemon demon, david bowie, and they might be giants enjoyer
in fact, here's their playlist:
its favorite musicals are love in hate nation, the lightning thief, and cats. runner up is spies are forever. #1 kitty minx (from lihn) fan.
knows ASL and LSQ, gets mad at noel and ocean when they don't know what she's saying (noel is learning french and can't process more languages, ocean wasn't immediately good at signing so she quit after two weeks)
is pansexual and has had a crush on every member of the choir at some point
it's obsessed with the mad scientist type character, always. (example: barb from saf, ya-ya from lihn, that's all i can think of rn)
their favourite shirt:
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some stuff not specifically about ricky but i have the opportunity to share them so i will:
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these are some clips from mine and logans chatfic that we published two chapters of and forgot about. rat king is ezra, communal mom is constance, and pencil is penny. i think the rest is easy to figure out.
characters as albums i like:
ocean - the family jewels by marina
noel - from under the cork tree by fall out boy
mischa - mania by fall out boy
ricky - hesitant alien by gerard way or save rock and roll by fall out boy
penny - speak now (taylor's version) by taylor swift
constance - paramore
ezra - folie à deux by fall out boy
and the theme songs i have for them in my brain!
ocean - matilda by harry styles
noel - i/me/myself by will wood
mischa - the mighty fall by fall out boy
ricky - save rock and roll by fall out boy
penny - bill watterson by lemon demon
jane - wonderland by taylor swift
constance - tell me its okay by paramore
ezra - basket case by green day
tammy - mad at god by sarah saint james
well, if you're still reading this, thanks! this was a lot more than what you asked for, but i enjoy rambling about this musical so im gonna ramble. :)
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autismvampyre · 9 months
ok so audhd rant/asking for advice
we had a psychologicist come to the class to explain autism and adhd today. the reason why is bc i have faced a lot of discrimination, ableism and bullying from my peers bc of my disorders. my teachers felt we should all learn what the words mean and why they should never be used as insults, and how that can affect someone, which is a nice sentiment.
the person they picked was recommended by my mother, which should've been my first warning sign, bc try as she might my mother does not understand the autistic community. she trusts the professionals which is good bc im not a doctor and they're qualified, i get it; but also i dont fucking trust professionals to understand me because not once did my doctors help me understand when i was diagnosed. i asked to meet her before she came to the school, but my mom insisted she was great so i held back and tried to be hopeful, because even if a lot of my experience with professionals has been negative doesn't mean they're all bad and ignorant
anyways, she was exactly like every other psychologist ever and explained everything in the most basic way ive even seen. she literally sounded like the people who explained my diagnoses to me when i got them at age 11 and those mf's were literally useless. it took me years to actually understand what my disorder meant and i only figured it out by talking to other people with autism and adhd instead of reading shit by professionals and autism moms. the way we are portrayed by psychiatrists is not my experience at all and they often use outdated language and speak in very broad terms and don't bring up any of the things that i find important. i know not everyone with adhd and autism is the same but i genuinely cannot relate to the way they talk about us at all. like, this psychiatrist didn't even mention executive dysfunction and kept talking about how it "isn't an excuse" and fucking everyone agreed.
i feel like almost an anti-vaxxer, claiming i know better than doctors, so i genuinely do try to understand and accept doctors but i just cant fucking stand it. am i wrong for thinking she's wrong? like she has a degree, but she also doesn't seem to understand me and idk if im just a weird outlier even in my neurodivergence or if im right and she doesn't truly understand. like im not a doctor, im just a person who has these disorders but i genuinely feel misrepresented and like all these explanations are for other people to understand that they have to put up with me. i feel infantilised and really fucking bummed. like, i knew she wasn't gonna be perfect bc she isn't actually in the community but the level of generalization and misinformation was so disappointing
i feel fucking crazy. cause who am i to disagree with her when she's the professional, yk?? im no one. they won't listen to me. my classmates can't empathize with me like they do each other, and so many of them think they get it bc they're white teenage boys with adhd that are low support(and im happy for them that they feel good about it!! genuinely! and not saying they aren't valid, but in my experience many of them tend to unknowingly invalidate other people with the disorder who are different than them/have higher support needs) and can't seem to understand that other people have different experiences and struggles with the same disorder. i also live in a very conservative city, and even if the school is more liberal, we are still very high in MUF(the moderate party's youth) and you can tell because everyone i know is either apolitical or conservative, except me and the three leftists. it's a hostile environment, and i feel like im rambling but whatever. i needed to get it off my chest
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shiraishi--kanade · 4 months
(in reply to the aphantasia answer (it wouldnt fit in a comment and i do have one or two follow-ups if you dont mind)) (edit post-writing: this is such a long ask LMAO no pressure to answer all of it)
oh this is so interesting…. im a very visual person (to an unfortunate extent) so i think we’re opposites in regards to reading interests- i adore extensive metaphors and elaborate descriptions of actions/worldbuilding. it makes a lot of sense that to-the-point stuff works better for you though- also your explanations on the ‘mathematical’ approach were excellently written, thank you :)
since you said you mostly rely on aural senses when it comes to thought processes, do you think youre more of an auditory learner then? or is it just the case where it’s useful mostly for reading?
also,, because you have to rely so much on figuring out meaning and the ‘why’ and the purpose of descriptions, do you think you have a better or worse understanding of body language and what to look for as opposed to the ‘average’ person / how it would’ve been given you didnt have aphantasia? im mostly asking in the context of interpersonal interaction
also also please dont worry about rambling on for however long youd like (or even expressing/explaining things outside of the given question) unless it’s something you’re uncomfortable doing — learning about people like this is something i take a lot of genuine enjoyment from, so in a way this is a bit of a selfish act akdhajs
Interesting questions! Let's see what I can tell haha
1. I'm actually a little conflicted about the "learner styles" since, as far as I'm aware, it has been debunked as a myth a while ago. Now I'm not a psychologist, I just study it on a higher education level (as a part of my major), but regardless I don't think it works that way? I think we're confusing the ability to recall information (memory) and the actual process of understanding and applying information, because of how much our educational systems, as well as understanding of "education" in general, has been built on reproduction of the the information instead of applying or analysing it. While the ability to recall, I think, might vary by person to person basis, the actual process of learning seems to be more or less uniform. In the latter sense I am like a majority of people, and am best learning through application of skill. But if we're talking about which type of memory (= therefore remembering information) works best for me, then yeah, probably auditory with tactile as a close second. With that said I never found it particularly helpful with studying, only that in my observation if the information is solely presented in visual way (e.g graphs and stuff) then it often will go over my head completely. I think aphantasia is definitely more hindering than anything when it comes to learning, I haven't noticed any particular benefits? But eh, might be different for different people!
2. In interpersonal interaction? Absolutely worse, but I don't think it's because aphantasia necessarily as much as due to the fact that I have ✨autism✨ (which I think might likely be misdiagnosed adhd or audhd neurotype. And I'm also not diagnosed officially. I was 6 when my mom was told I "probably" had Asperger's and that's it pretty much. But hey I'll take it as a credible evidence). Although the two might be linked.
Back to the point, I just really suck at being a person in general because of it. I have no idea what it's like to not be neurodivergent so I can't say with confidence if I would be better or worse off with interpreting body language/facial expressions if I only had aphantasia, unfortunately.
Those are a very non-answer answers. Sorry. (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
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avistheavian · 4 months
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(Click on card to be brought to my art fight!)
hello! This is my introductory post!
My name is Avis! I also go by Avi, Doggo or 'The Moss Entity' (long story)
I am genderfaun, and typically male or masc leaning.
I go by He/They/Moss pronouns, thanks! Try to stick with he/moss is possible!
I am a furry and alterhuman!
IMPORTANT: I often present myself as a lil doggo or dutch angel dragon covered in moss.
I have both autism and ADHD (AuDHD) so if I say something rude/blunt and it hurts or bothers you, lmk ill apologize I never mean to hurt peoples feelings :(
Current hyperfixations!? Im so glad you asked!! I will post about these things often!
• SCP Foundation
• Hazbin Hotel
you can find oc profiles and fursona art on my toyhouse!
Here are some other important links!
Yep! Any questions? Ask the Moss Entity
Off to go do something fun~
Specific tags? So glad you asked!
#the daily dutchie-- Lil fun posts about what happened that day
#Mr Foal >:3--My OC Dr Bennet Foal
#furtastic art-- my furry art
#*goblin noises*--Goblincore stuff
More coming soon?
• Youre a zoophile, pedophile, or anything icky like that.
•youve been asked to distance yourself from me.
•NSFW anything
• you support icky things (zoophilia paedophilia etc.)
• youre a negative nancy/all you do is hate
•art theif. Go away, my art isn't for tracing!
Violation will result in a block.
Quick links to the tags below
Keep reading to hear my thoughts on the Dr Bright situation.
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Sexually harassing or assaulting IS BAD, and as a victim of sexual assault I 100% empathize with the victims of Admin Bright.
I dont fuvking know anymore leave me alone I want to use a rewrite but like I hate Shaw personally and every rewrite is some sort of something I don't feel comfortable using
So please leave me alone I feel like a terrible person about it but I don't wanna go through everything I've rebooted about bright bc he used to be my main comfort character
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idleiji · 10 months
♪ ࣪ ׂ IDLEIJI ៵ ࣪
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I'm sort of new to Tumblr—? I'm still figuring out how it works lol
(Im unsure what to do on this so I'm mostly following what other people are doing...😭 Do people still make these? Oh well idrc since i like cute stuff)
Definitely overdid this but I just couldn't help it
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♪About me
I'm Eijin! You can call me eiji or ei instead, any nickname is accepted!
I'm 21 (still can't believe it) and I use he/him pronouns, I'm a trans bisexual man (with male preference) if you're curious. I'm neurodivergent(audhd) and English isn't my first language, so I may say something wrong without realizing so please tell me :)
Also if I ever make you feel uncomfy or weird then I'm very sorry, I can't control it but I'll try to better myself 🙏🙏 ik I'm a bit weird at times but
I'm been learning English for a year now though but I'm not that fluent!
I mostly draw and play in my free time and right now this blog mainly focuses on degrees of lewdity (though may still include content of other things)
I'll give weird compliments like saying your art/writing is so miao miao and saying what ur art/writing taste like... But no exceptions, unless you say so, and I might overuse the :) emote
More info below
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♪Contents you'll see
I'll mostly draw shitposts and nsfw content since the game I'm focusing on is a porn game after all but I'll also draw some sfw fluff! I'm also considering gore
I draw certain fetishes that some people may not want to see including : BDSM, size gap, forced feminization, bondage, futanari, pegging, knife play, toxic relationships, dubcon + more but those are the most common one to expect so beware of it!
Dni if you fit the basic dni criteria, if you have any incest stuff, a pedophile and (yes it includes shotacons and lolicons. Don't try to justify it. fictional or not, no. Please get professional help in the nicest way possible) minor, zoophiles or anti, other than that just be a normal person here.
(we fuck with hybrids and monsters and that's all. No real animals will be harmed)
Ofc I don't support actual rape, yanderes and other abnormal things here. The things I depict is fictional and are for entertainment purposes only and should not be supported! If you do I'll personally attack you as a victim myself lmao
Since I'll be posting dol related contents and mostly nsfw-y contents, I'll be blocking Minors and Ageless blogs! I'm very sorry but you guys are not legal yet, or you are but better safe than sorry
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I don't really check who interacts with my posts much other than followings so I don't block alot but Ik very well you kids are gonna interact and I can't control your actions anyways so idrc if you like seeing these stuff, it's your choice but please for the love of God, just don't follow me or interact. I don't want kids in my blog.
Make sure you're atleast 18 and you can handle dark content. If you aren't, block me or I'll block you, no complaning. If I found out about it I will block you and I won't unblock. Come back when you're legal. The legal age of consent in my country is 16 but to avoid any problems with it I set it the same as Americans, so 18 above.
if your country's "legal" age is lower or the same as mine and you are technically "legal" I'll still block you, no questions ask!
BTW if you have incest stuff in your blog and I interacted with you first don't mind me I interacted first so it's my problem. It'd be great if you have any tws though, not like you need to but I'd appreciate it. If you are the other dnis criteria however, if I find out I'll immediately block, or you tell me, either way it's a block. It's definitely because I REALLY liked your writing or art which is not as often so other than that reasons, it'd be a mistake then
I'm more fine with stepcest though I'm not keen on that stuff but if I interacted then don't mind me, I probably had the same reason as the others, dd/lg I don't mind as long as it's not THAT explicit
Ik I'm weird and odly specific about those stuff but I have the 'tism and lots of conflicting feelings 🙏
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♪About my ocs
♪ My main oc is called melodi/mel! I use him alot to represent myself on my behalf but why is it that we haven't seen him you ask? It's because he's a music note... Always have been... It's kinda embarrassing but I was too lazy to make a character for him so I used a music note since I liked music alot... (Hence why I have alot of music notes in my blog) but I'll make him a character design soon!
One thing to know about him is that he's a tsundere(yandere), don't ask me why but I think it's cute that way... He's just a little introvert who makes music and rots in his bedroom all day and never comes out of his dungeon
He likes pizza.
♪ My DoL PC, Shiki, also known as Kiki. He's one of my main saves (along with one other) and he's a defiant magician who wants nothing more than to leave this fucked up town
Though he's technically a full time magician, his main income is modeling + searching antiques coz the pay of a magician sucks ass lol... (the most he'd get is 20 weekly might get an extra 100 because of his looks... Keyword: might) though he doesn't care since he took that job just for the orphans. He wants to magic himself gone but he only knows children magic, he swears he will do it one day
He mostly does magic shows for children. He has weekly shows to raise hope and most of the magic shows are about Bailey and doing very very mean things to him so it also raises rebelliousness lol
He pretty much hates everyone (he hates all the School LIs, he's softer for Robin but tbh Kiki thinks Robin is kind of a burden sometimes, he uses Avery for money and doesn't give a shit about everyone else) I think he only likes Yami because they're the same and Yami... Helps him out
Kinda an opposite of Bailey! (not really... He's still really mean like Bailey though not towards the orphans and despite acting tough he's a coward)
♪ Another DoL PC is Yami. She could be seen as an older sister figure to Kiki and fucks with remy, alot, and she's just a normal model! (lie)
She models but she does that to cover up the fact that's she's Corrupted :) probably the one who reccomend Kiki to model
She's definitely a green tea bitch/white lotus!! She acts all sweet and innocent but then gets all bitchy
Used to be an orphan at bailey's orphanage and is staying in town to help the other orphans + Kiki. Doesn't give a single shit if she's committing a crime because she hates the town, she likes Kiki since they have the same mindset and helps him with his magic shows as an assistant
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I may be a bit busy and may not update as much due to personal reasons but I'll try my best to provide as much content as I can! I'll post when I can and I've been meaning to make a dol blog for a long time but couldn't...
Please don't be discouraged to ask! My askbox(?) is always free and I'll try my best to answer your questions (and I like interactions)
Sorry for the accidental rant abt my oc's can't help it they're my current hyperfixation along with dol (also sorry if my behavior makes you feel uncomfortable!! Blame it on the 'tism /j)
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Oc Kiki 1 2 3 4
Oc Yami 1
Oc Mel 1
Robin the orphan
Whitney the bully
Sydney the faithful or fallen
Kylar the loner
Avery the businessperson
Alex the farmhand
I swear I'll do an actual character sheet
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
whats a syylä in english...but I finally ripped the like seed of it from my thumb. it always comes back because i cannot leave the skin there alone and have the scratch at it constantly mmyeah. im pretty sure im like really tired, but my eyes dont hurt even a bit and my fingers can type pretty fast, so theres no insentive for me to actually go to sleep yet. also I lied about the gross smut thing. i just thought it was a kind of funny thing to say. i mean i was going to read some that i could find but then I got distracted. recently ive been suspecting that i may have that AuDHD swag. but I don't know how neurotyoicals really act so I don't have like a reference point. and also I'm alright at focusing on things like schoolwork so whenever ive answered an adhd questionnaire ive always gotten low points. also I have a pretty good long term memory. that includes photgraphic memory. anyways
im real tired actually, like in the sense where im clearly getting distracted more easily than normal, and it feels like my brain is kind of foggy, so ill lay down with my cat and see if i fall asleep
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I am so fucking miserable there is so much pressure and everyone wants my free time but nobody wants to understand me.
very hopeless and angry tired feeling, very very sad
I got told about how much time im wasting by moping, how much he just wishes he had my free time and im so lucky. he didn't say that literally but holy fuck now he keeps playing my cards that he tells ME to stop playing (self deprecation and making my problems worse by being angry and not breathing)
so angry honestly
I feel so empty
ive wasted so much time. im 25 now. im gonna be 30. ive wasted so much free time. the internet is a scam. all the social medias are a scam. life is a scam. everything in the world is a scam. love is a scam. even death is a scam. and it all keeps going because love and hatred keep pulsing in the extremes of matter, living and non living.
im just really angry and didn't eat protein yet and im just so sad and very sad and upset and I feel like an entitled Karen and I think I overlooked some pretty telling symptoms of ocd
im so lonely. im so so extremely lonely. I weep for the little child that wanted to have fun with friends and eat delicious food and be peaceful every day. I have positively failed her.
I mean I guess not completely. I follow my heart if it matters too much. shed still be disappointed tho. 25 and still no car? :"( nothing?
not much food these days either. everyone getting broke. I cant imagine other places too rn. it's all so heartbreaking. everywhere I turn, it's just sadness and decay and corruption. and then every now and then there's snuggles and plants and food. but that's about it. its just living with the guilt that so many live a much more horrid and difficult life and have suffered unspeakable deaths. and im here moping. what even caused this? he said something that hurt my fragile pathetic ego again? I don't even remember. I feel so lonely because communicating with people requires more effort than Im comfortable with, but that's the only way anyone will come close to understanding me. im just so constantly tired. for the past entire life honestly. been babysitting since 3 years old. im literally the only girl. the oldest as well. I was homeschooled.
my mental health is probably suffering these days because im in that weird rut where I still need to sign up for an associates degree, but I also need to make a logo, but I need to watch one piece since he slept in too much to drop me off at my place this morning. idk its a big huge fucking mess, and if its true that ive been living with Audhd the whole time, then it doesnt even comfort me anymore because my youth was wasted on ignorance. I will never be 14 again. if only she knew. she could've said something.
so yeah long story short, not having a consistent something to do, whether that is a job, hobby, entrepreneuring or literally just self care schedule, is detrimental to mental health because it's taking exercise away from the brain muscles.
what I mean is that its good to stretch the body, and I usually feel quite refreshed after some cardio or weight training. and the same applies to the brain.
something im trying to grasp more is the "growth mindset" because the opposite of that is a "fixed mindset"
Growth Mindset: People can learn things regardless of age.
Fixed Mindset: There's only so much people can learn, and once habits are fully developed, people cannot change.
so I kept telling myself how hopeless it is, oh I wasted so much time, and time is money. my life is basically useless, my youth is depleted and now I need to die. but no that is not the case here, unfortunately.
unfortunately there is hope, not really for the world, but for my particular situation at least.
physically I am very privileged. I have white-yellow skin and have both parents making income. I have a bf that cares about me (we just both have problems lmao) and I have two places that I live at: my parents and my bfs. its convenient but at the same time its a fucking nightmare I need to reside at only one place and have my room n shit.
but yeah mentally I was isolated and yelled at for most of my life and I never got to play video games because I was a pushover and I also daydreamed too much so I got my homework done a lot slower than my siblings.
mix that with some undiagnosed adhd, autism, and even possibly ocd, and you get infinite sadness.
idk the "infinite sadness" is a phrase that comes into my head randomly lmao
hey I had this sad dream last night where I was walking with someone and they pointed to my bf sitting in some spot and they said "men like him who love people like you are going to live a sad life" and I just felt really bad because he has to deal with my tantrums (red40 is so bad holy shit, it was a lot worse than I thought)
anyway, the least I can say is that its never actually too late. you can be old af and having every kind of cancer ever, but if you find something you like, its never too late to enjoy it. do whatever the fuck you want man. don't listen to those random rules your head makes up that don't make any sense. make your own sense. and then make dollars.. $$$$$$$$$$$
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bleep-bloop-boo · 1 month
hi honey...sorry to bother you...but i saw that some other ppl are asking for advice so i hope you don't mind me dropping this here...(feel free to ignore if u don't want to respond)
but uh i feel like i have audhd, or at least some flavor of executive dysfunction, but my parents don't really seem to understand that. like even the noise of someone chewing makes me angry, or that i have to do this a certain way, or that my brain and my body just doesn't work like my parents' do. i know fidget and stim a lot, and i am reaaally bad at procrastination. er not procrastinating. even simple tasks like getting ready for bed or showering (there's so many steps why are there so many things) or even other things that would literally take 5 minutes. like making a mountain out of a molehill or however it goes. i just relate to a lot a lot of the symptoms and experiences that other audhders have, but i don't know for sure if i have audhd.
idk i just don't know how to tell my parents that i think I have audhd and that i want to get it tested or smth i don't rly know what the process is...
anyway sorry for long ask T.T
hi!! okay, first of all, hfjkddifuhghjdkd thank you for asking me <33 (sorry i responded so late, i havent been online a lot 😭) and you're never a bother and i love the long ask <33
and i totally get where you're coming from! of course this wont work for every parent butttt, you can try this 1. don't mention any specific names, words like disability or autism or even adhd make parents nervous and dont mention internet research yet 2. slowly start describing different symptoms to them just like, work it into the conversation and pretend its relatable like for executive dysfunction "ugghhhh, i wish i could stop being lazy" "i also wish you'd stop being lazy" "its just harddd, like i want to get up but i cant. you know the feeling? like i know i have so much work to do and a lot i need to get done and i really want to start it but like my brain isn't letting me...." *wait a sec* "OH! like you know how when you want to do something dangerous? like when trying to bite your finger off like a carrot cuz you read it in a childrens book and wanted to try it but you couldn't because your brain stops you from hurting yourself? (or use the example of touching something hot) THATS THE FEELING IM TALKING ABOUT!" 3. then after you introduce a lot of the symptoms as 'quirks' you have to the point where they start calling you out on it and recognizing that you are struggling you can move on 4. start talking off-handedly about adhd/autism just casually "oh! you know how i always forget things no matter how much i try to remember them and then end up feeling really guilty i forget?? my friend with adhd does the same thing! dude, literally none of my other friends understood what i meant when i was talking about how frustrating it is to forget everything and like yk like how you start to distrust yourselff, its so cool MAKEUPANAMEFORADHDFRIEND gets itt" from this, you can gauge how supportive your parents are of the idea and start warming them up to it 5. now, some parents might start to search up adhd or autism and begin to realize that the traits you showed in step 2 are actually symptoms if nottt, start showing em videos of people describing adhd/autism and say your friends sent it to you (my friends actually do this. all the time- )
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7_9VWxnRns8 this persons videos are some of my favorties <33 and show them saying smth like "omg, look, this person is just like meee" 6. after a while of showing them videos like that, start mentioning things like "lolol, my friends keep teasing me saying i have autism/adhd" mention this a couple times when youre using your phone so it seems like they're just texting you about it (i would mention adhd sometimes and autism others like "yk how NAME says i have adhd? well theyre fighting with NAME2 cuz NAME2 thinks i have autism lolol")
7. if they still dont connect the dots, then mention it to them casually and worst comes to worst, blame it on your friends "huh, yk whats funny? all these videos my friends said me are like surprisingly relatable... maybe im adhd lolol" or "broski, my friends are so certain that i have autism, they keep bugging me to get a diagnosis to prove theyre right! can we get one just so they stop??" of course, the best way would be to talk to them and be vulnerable and just be straight about how hard it is for you (and crying will prolly help lol) and ask them if you can please get a diagnosis because you just want to know if theres something to help you if thats not possible, try my list (tho it does take a while... like quite a few months) and let me know how it goes!! and the most important part, remember that you are doing a great job :)) autism and adhd and nuerodivergency can be so hard to deal with and the fact you're trying to get help is good <33 your struggles are so valid, and its not your fault in the slightest. i am so, so, so proud of you for everything you did :)) remember than hon GOOD LUCK BESTIEEE <33333
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sidisaspecto · 3 months
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Please give a like to let me know you've taken a gander at my rules.
Updated 07/18/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
Also run @stellevatum & @obscurushydrae
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
This incarnation Kar is for ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED ONLY. This blog is Private and part of a closed RP group. I will only write with people who have been accepted. If you want to join in, visit @stargazertribe. I will be softblocking followers who have not submitted to the group after a week or so.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18, or if you've not been approved.
If you want other Sci-Fi stuff, go follow @stellevatum. For Paranormal/Supernatural stuff @obscurushydrae
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor and self harm.
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. In this universe, respawn is canon.
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Much of her bio not public knowledge, your character would not know it unless explicitly told by her, or we have discussed it OOCLY.
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
I don't entirely expect to ship Kar in this verse but willing to discuss the possibility. leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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monterraverde · 6 months
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PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:⠀Discord, Tumblr inbox and Tumblr IM
NAME OF MUSE:⠀Rika Navarro, Pokemon Scarlet
BEST EXPERIENCE:⠀Literally everything I've been doing for the last year is some of the most fun and fulfilling RP experiences I've ever had.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Really I think my only dealbreaker is people not respecting my personal canon. The way I play Rika is how I'm most comfortable, and all her lore is carefully written and thought out. Most of it is in her Public/Private info for the sake of convenience so you don't have to dive into my headcanon tag and its linked right on my pinned post! Most people have thankfully been kind about this, so I hope it stays that way <3
MUSE PREFERENCES:⠀Plucky spitfire protagonist types apparently, looking back at my history
PLOTS OR MEMES:⠀Best plots come from random interactions, I've found. Memes are the best way to get to get into a situation and let a plot spawn out of it. The more small interactions they have, the better the bigger plot will eventually be.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:⠀I run on "whatever fits the scenario." I've had multi-page Multi-paragraph replies, and I've had quick maybe 1-2 paragraph replies. Never feel like you have to match my length, and never feel like you need to fill your post with random fluff just to meet a specific word count. Whatever the situation calls for- Write it.
BEST TIME TO WRITE:⠀I can't really say because sometimes the muse will hit me at the most random time and I'll just hyperfocus until its like 10pm.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):⠀A bit. I've bestowed upon her the highest honor I can- Giving her my exact brand of AuDHD.
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saturnniidae · 1 year
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About me!!
Hii I'm Deya, I like animation and horror. Black & ethnic jew. Audhd. Weird dyke and evil teenager, I suppose. The httyd special interest indeed goes crazy. Got dragged into the Rotbtd/Hijack trenches and will not be leaving anytime soon. Also a deep set pokeani obsession. Don't be surprised by Ash Ketchum being here, he doesn't pay rent but that's okay since he's autistic son #2
Mostly the ramblings of a madman here but I have been known to, on occasion, say intelligent things I swear. Sometimes writing and once in a blue moon, art. Send me an ask about one of my AUs and my heart is yours.
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My talk tag is #moth.txt and httyd posts are under #deyas dragons
I talk in the tags so so much. Tag yapper ultimate
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I find 'pro/anti' terms generally reductive but that being said, if you are a self proclaimed 'proshipper' kindly fuck off and leave me alone man
Extra stuff
☆ sleeper interests (at risk to reapear and wreak havoc spontaneously): Wakfu, nitw, mcsm, toh, lwa, BNA, ROTBTD, genloss, tales of arcadia, atla/tlok, kipo & the age of wonderbeasts, infinity train, nge, ianowt, bee & puppycat, vld, little nightmares, tdp, miraculous ladybug, gravity falls, hilda, the xmen movies, breaking bad/better call saul.. more probably.
☆ if you're an adult and want to be mutuals or follow me that's fine, just keep in mind i am not
☆ I enjoy talking to people, but also have really bad social anxiety and stare at notifications like a deer in headlights because I'm not sure how to respond. (Better at talking in tags/comments than dms tbh) also! I'm fine being tagged in things even if I don't respond, I think tag games are fun!
☆ I've been told I can come off as abrasive sometimes; I promise I don't bite (unless we're already friends. Im looking at you Lynn & Hugo), I'm just autistic 🦈🦈
☆ I lovee worldbuilding, and overthinking implications and what-ifs when it comes to my favorite stories!!
☆ I swear, a lot (just thought I'd say bc ik some people don't like that 😭) and also make/reblog a lot of suggestive jokes. I may also reblog nonsexual nudity (in art) but likely won't be tagged bc. It's just bodies yknow 👍
☆ I'm disabled/chronically and talk about that occasionally
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muttfangs · 2 years
lol that transmasc feel when you talk to your supervisor about still getting used to passing as cis 99% of the time and trying to figure out tones that feel less triggering for people who are reactive to loud, masc voices due to my excitement from AuDHD being interpreted as anger due to volume and he says "I can understand how you feel, although I've never had that problem myself. I still get mistaken for a woman over the phone every day" passing as a cis man is one hell of a drug lol it's a double edged sword especially with my AuDHD bc I already have compulsive behavior issues with talking over people by accident / being loud, and having a low-toned voice allows me way more authority subconsciously to yell over people when I get excited and nobody stops me bc as a society we are hard-wired to let cis men talk over us (and this sucks bad and I hate it) a lot of animosity has been stirred up in my work environment between me and a couple coworkers bc they assumed I was cis and neurotypical. I am neither, and they read my gender presentation and AuDHD behaviors as "arrogant cis man condescends and talks over everybody" and uh. yeah. bad feels lol it makes me mad tho on a level bc like... I **HAVE** mentioned in staff meetings before like "hey I know I can come off as rude / aloof sometimes but please do not feel intimidated to approach me or tell me something's up" like... several times. I didn't want to reveal that I had autism / ADHD unless I had to bc I ***DETEST*** being treated like a child. ppl equate autism with like, being developmentally challenged oftentimes (in my experience). I'd rather be hated than be babied and treated like I'm incapable by people almost a decade younger than me, frankly lmaooooooo also. not for nothin but the coworkers who hate me also have a *HUGE* problem with effective communication. not trying to shift the blame here but that is definitely part of it. I've heard them!!!! talk shit!! out loud!!! to eachother!!! about other coworkers not handling cases the way they shouldve been handled and then they ***NEVER*** mention it in bin chat, or to the coworker lmao like!!!!! fuck off. I hate passive aggressive bullshit, it literally gets us nowhere just TELL PEOPLE. there's a way to tell people things directly without being an asshole, and I'm sick of younger ppl thinking that direct communication = anger or whatever. that's where a lot of their hatred for the way I operate comes from as well; I am a VERY direct person and it's interpreted as mean / rude like all the time holy shit I need to get "NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN IM AUTISTIC" tattooed across my fuckin forehead, apparently smfh
also unrelated; I can't tell if people aren't "into me" on dating apps or not?? is it because I'm an acquired taste visually and my personality is off-putting, or is it bc I'm so hot and cool and smart that they're intimidated to talk to me /hj this is why i really want to get off apps and talk to people irl!!!!!!! I can't "sense" a vibe thru text / pictures alone but I don't... know... where to meet cool local ppl to befriend and date :,) sorry I have a fat ass and an award winning personality, sheesh /s
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italiansteebie · 2 years
Could you do ND headcanons for the kids?
disclaimer i am coming off a meltdown and still kinda of dizzy from the hyperventilating but it's cathartic to write so im gonna try my best
Mike- For Mike, I don't see many nd tendencies bedsides like,,, teen angst and the usual ptsd that comes w the show. he def has trauma he needs to work through tho.
Will- For will, i can see autism, maybe a sensory prosessing disorder (would explain his hair - he could stim w it) i can also see him being somewhat of an art savant
Lucas- For lucas i can honestly see the canon typical ptsd but also perhaps some agoraphobia. the reason for this thought is because he constantly chastises erica and his friends when they say something inappropriate or rude, and it scares him but he doesn't know how to express that. i can also see maybe a lil autism, bc he and steve are very alike and it wouldn't surprise me if they have that in common too
Dustin - Audhd, most definitely. he hyperfixates, and he has an extreme need to collect knowledge on anything and everything. i also think we've seen him stim, (the put in st2 and he does lil excited jumps in st4) i think his adhd manifests outwardly, so his body is always moving rather than manifesting in the way where his brain is constantly moving. i hope that makes sense. for some reason i also picture him having p distinct food aversions and sensory issues when it comes to that
Eleven - So with Eleven, im going off the grid a little bit here. For her, i hc something called feral child syndrome, and this is being reversed slowly with her, being socialized, for lack of better words. she didn't know how to interact with her environment and didn't understand why the general public acted the way they do. We can see the remnants of this in st4 when we see her interacting with public school students for the first time in her life. she doesn't quite get social queues, but that's because (imo) she has never had to before. with the party, they explained themselves somewhat. when dealing w angela, her brain doesn't quite compute.
Max - for max, I def hc autism. she's wearing a pretty heavy mask, and we kind of see it slip in st4, she wears looser clothing and keeps her hair in braids most of the time. imo this is bc of sensory issues. she, like lucas and steve, don't really know how to act, so they mask heavy. we kind of see both max and lucas learn that their tendencies are... not the norm, and apply the mask. for steve, we see the mask come off.
Erica - this baby is autistic. it runs in the family! erica doesn't mask a whole lot, but when people see through the small one she has, she combats it with anger and aggression, because she's scared. she's seen how people treat lucas, and she's trying to hide those traits now so she doesn't go tbrough the same thing. she also like my little pony. classic autistic move.
Suzie - for suzie, i can see genius iq. this is a type of nd, and i think it fits her perfectly. if not that, then a savant autistic, unlike wills, hers manifests in academic skills. the only reason i don't say autism right off the bat is because i haven't seen enough of her, and from what we have seen doesn't scream autism to me. I see a genius with a lot of religious guilt.
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