#don't get why netflix is such shit at characters falling in love
bardicious · 10 months
Okay, while I most definitely find every way the Witcher series portrays characters falling in love nonesensical (see Yeralt and Radskier), I actually love both of these ships a lot? 🤷‍♀️ Brain confused but I guess I love it.
So now I'm thinking about Radskier lots...
First and foremost, he's KING Radovid now. Slipped my mind. He's currently trapped in a horrible position in which, honestly, he's not safe or his life is threatened at any moment.
He lost his brother, and while, yes, his brother was the worst, I think he still loved him. And while he didn't care all that much for his brother's wife, seeing her beheaded (and knowing its from machinations within the castle) is brutal.
I get the impression that Radovid isn't comfortable with death and violence. He's a bit of a coward, that would probably learn to overcome his fears for Jaskier.
Jaskier is the first person Radovid has ever loved. The first person who's seen through Radovid's mask of drunk useless younger brother, who makes a fool out of himself, who will never be taken seriously despite his older brother's constant attempts to give him something of value to do.
Radovid has always been capable but he lacked the interest, except for Jaskier and his music. Something in Jaskier's music drew Radovid to him. (But from the druids crying - we can see that Jaskier's music brings that out in people)
Presuming Radovid hasn't ever seen Jaskier in person until they met this season, Radovid found Jaskier's lyrics to be the astounding part of him. Jaskier who talks so honestly about love and aching. About Geralt's adventures, in a way where everyone marvels and wants to see them or be there or can easily imagine them. Jaskier sings of heroes, and lovers. Honest men and women, while also being silly in some songs. Studying Jaskier's music, he can study Jaskier.
Jaskier, being able to see threw Geralt's mask, Yennefer's mask (once he didn't see her as a love rival anymore), through Ciri's troubles, and the hearts of people long dead. He can see through Radovid too, and whatever he sees in Radovid is something so strong, it combats his love for Geralt. What does he see in Radovid?
Radovid becomes King Radovid the Stern, a far cry from what we see of him in Season 3. How far does Radovid change? Will we see him become more vengeful and hateful to mages like he does in the games? He would have ample reason too, of course, his two confidants being who they are. Jaskier being the figure of peace he is to people, and how he sees life as well, how will they meet each other next time?
Radovid hearing news of Jaskier and Geralt's adventures and using his resources to help Jaskier specifically. Because Geralt, Yen, and Ciri are Jaskier's family so they get special treatment. So that Jaskier's enemies are Radovid's own.
Radovid under the thumb of Dijkstra and Phillipa, but hopefully not for long. Radovid is intelligent, but a coward, maybe we will get to see him overcome his fears in Season 4.
Anyway, I'm obsessed with them now. ❤️
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Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Genuniely can't tell if it's bait or not, but I'm going to treat this ask seriously anyway.
Here, have some examples of beautiful and poetic expressions of love in BL media!
I'm going to start with my favourite murder husbands, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu from Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers!
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This happens in episode nine, less than one third into the story- it's that early, they've known each other for like a week and are already able to tell they're meant to be. They've made their decision to be together, and over the course of the story:
They defend each other multiple times and fight side by side in multiple episodes, sometimes protecting their adopted kid/mentee Chengling as well
Zhou Zishu is willing to go against the whole martial arts society for his boyfriend. With zero hesistation, might I add.
They both know the other has done horrible things (lots of murder on both sides here) and that's not only okay, it's a big part of why they're soulmates and get each other so well!
Zhou Zishu is slowly dying (poisoned nails in his chest, long story) and Wen Kexing can and will risk his life to save him. Don't worry, they get a happy ending both in the show and the novel even if the show's last episode is behind a paywall and Netflix didn't even include it for some reason?
But enough about them, let's move on to the immortal fantasy genre boyfriends Hua Cheng and Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing!
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Please note how Hua Cheng is ready to accept Xie Lian in whatever state he's currently in- as a god, a fallen outcast, even grieving and angry and at his absolute lowest. He's stood by Xie Lian in his worst moments, even if at the time Xie Lian had no idea it was him.
Hua Cheng has loved Xie Lian for 800 years, ever since he was a boy Xie Lian saved from falling to his death during a procession.
Xie Lian became a god, then fell due to horrible circumstances, almost committed a war crime against another nation that destroyed his country, spend 800 years wandering the mortal realm as a poor cultivator with his powers greatly reduced, and eventually ascended to become a god again. Throughout it all, Hua Cheng loved him and did his best to help him and then find him.
They're both adorable and the definition of a power couple once they're reunited- no spoilers, but they eventually fight an incredibly powerful god side by side and win & the last scene in the story is them reuniting for good since there's no more obstacles to their immortal love.
Let's move on to my favourite Japanese BL, Our Dining Table (also available as a series that came out semi-recently, but the examples below are from the manga.)
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Yutaka is a lonely salesman who meets Minoru, a restaurant worker and his much younger brother Tane grieving the death of their mother.
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Yutaka and Minoru hit it off by bonding through food they cook and share. The series is incredibly heartwarming, and as seen above Yutaka becomes a much happier person thanks to both his new relationship and big brother-like bond with little Tane.
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As a little bonus, the whole found family together!
This post can't be complete without Golden Stage (or Golden Terrace, as the English official translation calls it).
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Fu Shen and Yan Xiaohan aren't even in love at this point! This is at the beginning of the story, when their marriage has just been arranged by the emperor and they're still bitter rivals.
Yan Xiaohan is already protective of his future husband- later on, he also builds him a mansion meant to accommodate his disability (nerve damage in both legs, which requires a wheelchair and/or crutches). They're both incredibly powerful military generals, and the emperor was an idiot thinking an arranged marriage would humiliate them.
Of course they fall in love, of course they're a power couple, of course they send each other letters through trained geese when they're separated during the war, of course they run to each other as fast as they can across a wide cold river when they're finally reunited! Of course they're important to me!
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....Aaand how about some Wangxian to wrap up this post? They need no introduction, an absolutely wonderful and complex relationship in a complex fantasy/intrigue story available in several forms - the books, the animated series (as seen above), the live action series, the audio drama, there's so much!
Some of their most beautiful moments:
Lan Wangji writing a song for Wei Wuxian and naming it Wangxian. Years after it's composed, Wei Wuxian plays it and LWJ is able to recognise him even in a different body.
LWJ begs WWX to come with him to Cloud Recesses, to safety, after WWX makes himself an enemy of the whole cultivation world for protecting innocent people.
They confront the final villain together, and work together to expose his crimes. This is also when their final love confession happens, and it's hilarious- in front of everyone's salad, WWX declares he also wanted to sleep with LWJ.
Despite censorship, the animated series was still able to allude to their wedding, showing them in red wedding robes (unfortunately can't find a gif rn)
Respectfully, if you genuinely think BL doesn't have beautiful love confessions and displays of romance, you need to find better BL.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I have a rant regarding Usopp in the live action, one thing I noticed (and infuriated me) is the many many new fans that inmediatly "clocked" Usopp as the Straight Character™ and are therefore like "well I don't care about straight characters, so im going to ignore him, teehee" and AHHHH FIRST OF ALL IF YOU KNEW THE BISEXUAL VIBES THIS MAN EXUDES, and I don't even want to blame the Kaya kiss because it was cute and they're lovely together 😭 (tho I also see the pattern of which Character the Fandom decides are Straight™ and therefore ignored...)
But I also feel like maybe the Live Action didnt really give Usopp enough moments to shine, here's hoping for more (San)Usopp moments in the second season, they really underuse him in the first one
Okay, first of all, if you think Usopp is straight you're definitely reading his character wrong because look at him. Just look at him.
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Yeah, no. This guy doesn't care about gender in the slightest.
And people assuming a guy is straight because he,,, Has a girlfriend,,, Wow,,, A bisexual man who kisses a woman,,, Who would've thought that bisexual people could fall in love with anyone,,, As if that wasn't the literal fucking definition of bisexual. And you could also headcanon him as gay or any other sexuality! Why does he have to be the straight character for having a girlfriend in canon? You can do whatever the fuck you want with it. Fuck canon. People make my blood boil. Also, the whole "I don't care about straight characters" thing is something SO common and it makes me so angry because-- First of all, who said he's straight? He's a fictional character, do whatever the fuck you want with him. And second, it's alright to like specifically queer characters because they give you comfort and representation, but instantly ignoring a character just because they are not queer? Uh. Like, I understand, but it gives me the ick. It's just weird. Off-putting. Because there's a thin line between focusing on the characters you think are queer for comfort and reducing them only to their sexuality and ignoring everything that matters in the show. But you know? I don't think that's exactly the issue here and we both know what it is. Like. Between you and me, anon, we both know.
I am white by the way and I'm not used to analyzing black characters in terms of how the fandom views them and stuff, but isn't it quite curious how Usopp is always the ignored character from the East Blue Crew, and he's often used as a comedy relief in OPLA? "He has a girlfriend and he's straight so we don't care abou-" Sanji has flirted with Nami. Visibly. In front of your fucking screen. And you don't say that about him. Or any other character, really. That's just an excuse and we know and everyone knows and you don't have to analyze shit to know this because it's obvious. And if somebody comes at me saying "oh! But it's just because his personality is softer and he's a coward and most people hate that in shonens so he's a boring character" I am going to fucking combust because everyone knows that if Usopp were white EVERYBODY would be calling him a baby boy and a soft boy and a cutie pie and he'd be one of the favorites (cofcof Koby cofcof) (<- I love him too btw but you know what I mean).
That being said, OPLA doesn't even give Usopp enough screen time to be a character because his personality there is used to crack a few jokes and have THE romance in the show. That's it. He's the comedy relief character and the one who gets the girl because Netflix would cancel the show first before not doing any romance. God forbid people read between the lines, oh my God (<- I love Usokaya and everyone knows btw I am not complaining I cried when they kissed. I'm just saying that that's quite literally all he does. But Usokaya my beloved).
His OWN arc in OPLA is stolen by the screentime used for the Marines and Luffy is the one doing the work. They don't let Usopp follow through with what he actually does in the manga and it's very frustrating not being able to see him shine IN HIS OWN ARC. They barely give him any important scenes in comparison to the other characters. It's incredibly infuriating. See? I am now infuriated.
And now a lot of people watching OPLA have said they prefer OPLA Usopp rather than Manga!Anime!Usopp or that the live-action has made them like him better. I don't know what bothers me the most, really. People literally don't care about the characters, they just want them if they're hot. Which, by the way, it's insulting because if you don't find Manga!Anime!Usopp hot ?????? Please, go to the ophthalmologist because I think you need glasses.
I really hope we get more Usopp moments (hehe and Sanuso moments. My beloveds. They got their four cute short scenes in OPLA and I was the happiest person alive) next season because otherwise, I am going to fucking lose it.
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A Sweet Surprise
An Alphonse x Reader (FBAB)
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Art by Jackie Elenor Character by YuuriVoice
!!!Content warning: Menstrual cycles!!!
Author's note: I'm not feeling good so this is how I deal with being stabbed lol (yes,, I'm okay/gen)
Alphonse looked out into the world around him.
There was an old coulpe on their porch, drinking their morning tea. The old man waved at the young man, and bellowed a "G'morning!". They were pretty much one of the few people who didn't hate Al for the way he presented himself.
A stray black cat swayed across his path, tail perked up and ears alert. The pastel colored man knelt down and clicked his tongue, calling the stray to come to him. "C'mere, You lil shit." He never gave the cat a name. He didn't see any reason to. The cat is old and probably wouldn't respond anyways.
The cat purred as his hand groomed it's fur, warm considering the chilly, fall weather.
"You've been doing good? Not in any trouble," He asked the feline like it were a neighbor.
It meowed and purred more, and he just smiled. "Good. Now get outta here. Go catch a rat or somethin'," he said as he patted it's head, and shooed it away.
Al looked up to see a familiar house a few doors down. Your house. He thought to himself. "Huh.. Boo's been radio silent for a few days.."
Now that wasn't not normal. You forget to get back to him sometimes, and that'd be okay. What concerned Al was you not being active on any social media. Discord, insta, nothing.
"Eh, popping in wouldn't hurt."
Al walked up the stairs, and he saw your mail from yesterday still on your doorstep. "Huh.. weird.." He picked up the envelopes and rang the doorbell.
"Boooooooo! Mail delivery from a very handsome mailmannnn," Alphonse playfully announced.
He heard footsteps, and finally, after a few moments, the door opened.
"Heyyy, Sugarplum!! Ya neglectin ya mail now or what?"
"Hey, babe.." you yawned. You looked pale and tired.
Al walked in and looked at you, confused. "You feeling alright, Sweetie? You don't look well." He placed his hand on your forehead and cheek, seeing if you were raising a fever.
"Yeah.. I uh.. started my period last night. I've been sleeping on the couch since then. Sorry," you explained to your tall, pink haired boyfriend.
You and Al have been together for awhile now. He knows how bad your period can get. Hell, he's had dates before you. He knows having a uterus can suck, especially if it basically self destructs ever month.
Al shut the door, shed his baby blue jacket and hung it on the coat hanger. "Awh, I'm sorry, Boo. Why didn't you tell me earlier? You know I love couch snuggles," Al questioned, now holding your face with both of his hands.
You looked up at him, your eyes droopy from your recently interrupted nap. "Again. Been sleeping all day."
"Ah. Well, I'm here now, and Doctah Alphonse is in."
"Al, I'm shedding the lining of my uterus. Not coming down with a cold," You teased. "All I need is rest and more snacks."
The blue eyed himbo lit up. "I could get you snacks!! And we could get out the air mattress and sleep there in the living room! Oh oh oh! And we can watch all our favs on Netflix!"
"We can, but I'm not gonna promise I'm gonna stay up the whole time."
"That ain't a problem, Boo. You just sit back, relax and letcha boy take care of you." Al kissed your cheek and hugged you gently. "You make a list of things you need, text it to me and I'll get them for you, alright? I won't be long, okay?"
You nodded, nuzzled in your boyfriend's arms. "Can we stay like this for a few more minutes?" Al chuckled, kissing your head. "Yes, we can."
You both sway gently in the hallway in blissful silence for a few minutes, before Al left to go to the store to get you supplies.
The night followed with cuddles, snacks, binge watching movies and shows, and peaceful naps.
But before you could slip to sleep more, you felt your boyfriend kiss your forehead and rub your hair, whispering,
"Sleep tight, Baby. Let's hope you'll feel better in the morning."
The End
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡ Elder blood Jaskier headcanon ♡
(Edited post)
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I actually had this headcanon for a while now, probably started tossing ideas around in my head a few days after I watched Blood Origin. Here is a special thank you to @melinoiaagesander for reminding me about it and inspiring me to do something about it as well. Seeing as I tend to be a very lazy person (executive dysfunction go brrr), I will not be writing a fanfiction unless the mood strikes and if that happens, I shall gladly fall victim to hyperfixation and shit out a 50 000 word masterpiece with very bad grammar. And no, if I do write it, I will not fix the grammar mistakes unless rereading it brings forth the fattest, most scrumptiously painful dose of cringe in my life.
So OK, here we go....
I think it is common knowledge (despite the few times I've seen posts from confused Witcher fans right after the mini series aired), that Ithlinne's prophecy was about Ciri, the Lion Cub of Cintra and the descendent of Elie & Fjall. However, thanks to a brief lapse in judgement on the production team's part, either because of the way it was shot and edited or the because of the way it was written, when Seanchaí recited the prophecy:
"The Lark's seed shall carry forth the first note of a song that ends all time, and one of her blood shall sing the last"
It came across as delightfully misleading to many of us, even if most of us quickly understood to whom Seanchaí was actually referring to. Still, my bleeding Jaskier stan heart has never felt more glee at the prospect of getting another little Netflix "oopsie" to play with! (The other one being that they forgot to age Jaskier in season 1 and then decided to not even bother for season 2)
Which is why I took my ritalin, rubbed my clammy, cold little fingers together like a cartoon villain and dug deep into the lore, to find a way to spin an intricate web of realistic and clever facts that would serve as my personal foundation for this exciting headcanon! Jaskier is another descendent of the Lark and her Witcher, he has elder blood coursing through his veins and is distantly related to Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon!
(If Netflix weren't a bunch of pussies and if a disgusting majority of the Witcher fandom weren't a bunch of gatekeeping, racist and homophobic Plot-Guardians, this could have been the coolest curveball ever! The adorable, frilly and fragile bumbling human of a bard, going from side-character to focal point.)
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Let's lay down the groundwork:
(I AM SO GIDDY AAAAAHHH, somebody catch me, I think I'm gonna faint!!)
- While Witchers as we know them are sterile, Fjall is clearly not. Because his mutation process wasn't designed by a group of mages who spent a long time on optimizing the serum to better serve it's purpose. Fjall was an experimental prototype, created from desperation and a few rush-job elixirs, so his precious elf balls weren't tampered with.
- Elie and Fjall made love after Fjall's transformation, bringing the first child of elder blood into existence. Which happened ca 1200 years before the canon era that the main Witcher series is set in, meaning that Ciri has a shit ton of ancestors that predate her entire canonical family tree, all going unaccounted for.
- Jaskier, as we can obviously see, has visually not aged a single day since meeting Geralt in Posada at age 18-19 (don't quote me on this, finding a reliable info source is a nightmare). He traveled with Geralt on and off for approximately 20ish years, making him at least 40 in the Rare Species episode and at least a little bit over 40 in the Family episode of season 2. That alone has inspired hundreds if not thousands of headcanons about Jaskier not being entirely human, one of which is: Jaskier is part elf.
- And OH BOY, isn't that neat?!?!?! I mean, we see a talented young bard, whom everyone assumes to be human, whom Blood Origin's ending accidentally implied to be a descendent of another bard, an elven bard who lived 1200 years ago and had a child with an elven Witcher. That should be enough metaphorical fapping material for my brain, shouldn't it?
Not so fast....
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What if instead of imagining that some long fossil type beat long dead ancestor, lost to history, somehow ended up siring a child into a family of Keracki Nobles (Lettenhove doesn't seem to appear on any map of the continent I could find, but several sources claim that it is a small Viscouncy located in Kerack).....I could instead put in some effort and figure out how to make things more interesting, how to make Jaskier's elder blood ancestor actually traceable and as an awesome bonus, make Jaskier's and Ciri's relation a little closer. Not by a lot, obviously, it wouldn't make sense, but just enough for a new dynamic for fanfiction writers to explore. Personally, the idea of it has the potential to heal my poor broken heart, I adore Jaskier so much, but the way the main 3 characters of the series have treated him until Yennefer finally grew a braincell makes me sad.
Geralt's shitty apology aside, Lambert's cranky "No" aside (yk what I'm talking about), Yarpen Zigrin's unfriendliness aside, I DID NOT enjoy the scenes in which Ciri interacted with Jaskier. This headcanon though? Oh man, if I only had enough juice in me to write something for AO3, spin some epic ass Jaskier-centric tale, sprinkle in some geraskier/yennskier/lambskier and tag it with fix-it? I would!
Back to business, this is Ciri's family tree, it has the royal family of Cintra, girlboss Calanthe is there, Ciri's mom Pavetta is there, her sick son of a bitch father too. As you can see, besides the unknown descendents of Elie and Fjall, elder blood has deep roots and it can all be traced back to these folks: Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal & Cregennan of Lod, as well as Cerro of Redania & King Vridank of Redania....however those two are of no importance to this post.
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Instead of trying to squeeze Jaskier into the equation by picking some rando as far back in time as possible, I stumbled across a treasure when trying to go from the bottom up. That treasure being another direct descendent of Lara Dorren as well as Elie and Fjall, his name was Crispin!
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See him there? He happens to be Queen Calanthe's grandmother's twin brother! Although his name box is blue and not red, unlike King Goidemar of Temeria, the line that leads us to him is dark red, which means he is of elder blood and bears the activator gene as well, just like his sister. Now, if one needs a sex partner with the green latent gene in order to awaken the dormant powers in this blood line (which although watered down, still is incestuous), then I am not sure how Jaskier could inherit the same powers as Ciri. I myself prefer to headcanon that since Lettenhove is in Kerack, the small Viscouncy is located near the borders of Brokilon and therefore the Pankratz family could easily have a few drops of mixed blood with one of the Brokilon nymphs.
I am not much of a biologist (despite getting good grades in it back in high school), but it does make sense to me that being at least a little bit mixed with nymph DNA could theoretically aid in strengthening Jaskier's elder blood & activator genes. Sort of like how dog breeders play God to make a better specimen for many different purposes. In Jaskier's ancestry case, I like to think that one of his forefathers got seduced by a Rusalka, found out that she used him to get pregnant and then stole the child from her and raised the kid alone, in doing so, introducing nymph DNA into the Pankratz lineage.
Back to Crispin
Crispin aep Amavet, turned out to have a rather convenient backstory!
Apparently, his mother, Anna Kameny, was married to Count Roger Kameny and less than a year before her twins were born, she had an affair with Prince Amavet of Temeria (Queen Calanthe's great grandfather and Ciri's 4x great grandfather).
So with Crispin and his twin sister Muriel the Delightful, both being children of Prince Amavet, making them illegitimate to Count Roger Kameny, their mother Anna had to fight in court three times so that her kids could inherit Roger's estate. Muriel was content with that, she didn't care that her real father was a Prince and didn't push to be recognized as Amavet's daughter. Kameny wealth and her beauty combined, she didn't have trouble finding a husband and leading a happy life.
Crispin on the other hand, knowing that he is of royal blood, proud of his elven heritage, wanted that relation validated. So he started wearing the Kameny coat of arms, which he had custom made to hint at who his real father is by adding burgundy to the Temerian lilies. This caused a MAJOR scandal, turns out his little stunt was illegal and he got his ass arrested. He payed a fine and swore to never repeat that mistake, but what did he do instead????
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Yeah, he fucking did it again, enraging enemies and his own mother as well, who fought so hard for his "legality" for the Count title. After that, Crispin, as a massive "Fuck you" to everyone, joined a gang of mercenaries and referred to himself as Crispin aep Amavet. Time went by, battles were fought and eventually he just disappeared off of the face of the earth. People assumed that he died and they were glad about it...ain't that convenient?
For the sake of this headcanon, I think Crispin could have easily just gone into hiding, wandering the continent under a fake name and impregnating some Pankratz de Lettenhove lady in the process. Could have just been a one night stand and nobody would know, nobody would know that Jaskier is related to the Cintran crown, to Ciri herself, to Lara Dorren and finally to another bard, so much like himself, Ellie the Lark.
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I fucking LOVE this headcanon to bits and pieces! There is so much here that one can play with! Like Jaskier's meeting with Seanchaí somehow triggering the dormant powers within him and what those powers would look like, I don't think the first sign of it would be a deadly scream. I like to think that his newly awakened chaos would somehow tie into his singing, there is so much potential here, so many ideas to explore!
In canon, Ciri is destined to destroy humanity and return the elves back to power, but Jaskier has already beat her to it a little, kick-starting the process by smuggling elves to Xin'trea.
Sorry for editing this post 5 times, I was still working on it while waiting for AVATAR to start at the Cinema and accidentally published it in panic when the lights went out. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope that this post can be of use to you if you decide to write a fanfic about/inspired by it! :3
(Please tag me if you do, I would love to read it! May your writing process be smooth, may your updates be frequent and may AO3 maintenance not impact your creativity!)
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some-movies-ive-seen · 3 months
Avatar The Last AirBender (the Netflix | Nickelodeon series)
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Episode 1: 3/10
Episode 2: 4/10 (Kyoshi brought it up)
I don't really want to even watch further. Let's start off with the good.
I love the music and sounds. Brilliant.
Some actors are very good and their act is believable to the point it makes me forget I'm watching a TV show.
Honestly most of the time there's CG I don't even notice it.
the makeup, the sets, the costumes, wow. wowowoww. wowweeee. I love it.
The bad:
Very very very few actors know what they're doing.
It's a known problem that child actors are just terrible - not because children can't be great actors (c.f., Heidi, literally everyone in Matilda (ily Danny Davito)), but sometimes the show has a director that cannot for the life of them work with children (e.g., Stranger Things, and this ATLA series). Aang, for example, delivers a performance which is painful to watch. I'm not hating on the child, again, the direction is just completely missing. There's a scene where they have Katara just light-jog to Aang, then pivot slightly to Sokka. For what. It's so stiff and awkward and her expression is completely void of life (this happens a lot, her eyes are frozen, and only the rest of her face conveys expression). There are times when the laughter is obviously forced. There are times when dialogue delivered by the children are far too 'complex' for what a child would say. It's just so, it's not good. It feels like a show for kids. But I'm reminded that in the opening scenes a person was burned alive, so unless the kids these days are fine with that (deity knows I wasn't as a kid), I don’t know.
Most of the time it just doesn't seem believable. It feels like some friends and family got together and just shot some scenes on their iPhone to try and replicate the animated series. There are actions taken by characters which make no god damn sense. There are scenes where their facial expressions aren't human, because they're trying to mimic the animated characters (especially Sokka). I also get the vibe that they didn't rehearse lines, like at all. Aang messed up pronunciation TWICE in the first episode* (I'm pretty sure it was both in the first episode, he just mumbled over his words and they didn't think to re-shoot it or fuckin, I don’t know, do a little dub? like?).
There's no real explanation for bending??? Which ig wouldn't be necessary if you've watched the animated series. But like why can't the fire people just spew out a constant stream of fire, why must it be fireballs. Why does the earth bender boy need soooooo long to charge up his move? Why was Aang flying around the first time we saw him, but then he was free-falling reaching desperately for his stick later on (where did the stick even come from???)?
They resort to dark / dimly-lit scenes a little too frequently to make the CG easier / less noticeable. but it has the unintended effect of 'I can't see shit, babes'.
I think I'll watch more. I don’t know man it just feels like Netflix is hiring bottom of the fucking skill-barrel. Like I'm glad there's so many new people in the acting space, instead of recycling Marilyn Streep and, that guy, like they used to for the last few decades. But it comes at the cost of 'what the fuck are these people doing, do they want to be here?'. It's very Disney-girl-turns-pop-princess-because-daddy-knows-people. does that make sense.
I don’t know. Kyoshi just. compared to the others around her? Night and day. Night and fucking day, babes. Not even funny; her composure, her delivery, the tiny details, she just nails it for the most part. And then she's standing next to Aang who's just like omg when does this take end so I can go eat my fairy floss teehee.
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
the thing is i'm hyperaware of the fact that i'm Weird About Andrew Dabb but it comes from a place of me realizing back in fall 2021 that i wanted to identify why exactly i didn't like him and deciding to do a close watch of his spn eps. and when i realized i was enjoying parts of it, i decided to see what i could turn up any of his non-spn work. (this is something i've always tended to do with creatives: tracking down older stuff for a more holistic view of their work.)
i was so stuck on how much i hated some parts of his writing (s7 dabb-loflin is horrendous) and couldn't get past that... then i found out independently that he was showrunning the upcoming netflix resi show (a franchise i both love and have complicated feelings about) which filled me with dread that the guy who co-wrote 07x22 would helm a show with a predominantly black cast -- especially with the ultimate villain, albert wesker, played by a black man (RIP lance reddick, you are dearly missed). i wanted to be optimistic but i was ready to be infuriated and was so nervous that i'd hate something i'd been looking forward to as some camp horror tv.
but then. oh. OH. it was everything i ever wanted from resi and never thought i could have. i could not conceive of a resi like this. a resi where women and poc are treated with empathy and as nuanced characters with interiority. where they are the central characters. the video games have their own issues but the movies are truly egregious when it comes to black characters. so to have a predominantly black cast (and a black female protag, no less!) and have them treated respectfully was amazing. this was a show that had heart and a somewhat diverse writer's room and bts crew (not saying it was perfect) and you could see that difference in how characters were treated and how the plot and direction was handled. (i think having female directors and producers in particular helped a lot.)
for those who have not seen the anderson/jovovich movies: there is always a token black character and they will always die by the halfway mark bc they make stupid decisions. it's non-stop tits and ass shots of jovovich (which feels super weird when the director is her husband). alice (jovovich) is an Action Girl who is frequently subjected to sexualized violence but unfortunately, i love the camp horror of it. it's complicated. the video games have their own issues with the portrayal of women and ada wong being DLC feels really shitty when she's so pivotal. women are largely either helpless or Strong Sexy Action Women.
like i really cannot express just how much 8 episodes of tv so wholly changed my opinion of a writer/showrunner bc it showed such growth. a showrunner is only one piece of the puzzle of a tv show but they are the ones guiding it and the ones who have substantial influence in the hiring and development/direction of the story.
it's like. i don't forgive dabb for 07x22 and the shit he wrote with loflin (or solo, tho he improved a lot without loflin), but to see how resi turned out and to read/watch interviews with him and the bts crew is like. oh, okay. i think this person gets it now. i don't think i can forgive and forget bc s7 makes my blood boil, but i can accept that growth has happened here and that's what we should want from people.
also i'm gonna say that when i look at how i am Weird About Dabb and take a step back, i can see that i'm about as weird about him as some folks are about other writers and actors from spn (and willing to acknowledge his faults). i just chose a weird writer to be Weird about.
sorry but i just have a lot of feelings about resi.
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desolateice · 7 months
personal headcanon of mine with Johnny Lawrence(especially after reading your fic). I kinda see him as Demisexual Bi. Honestly with the movie and the cobra kai I think Johnny has sex because that was what he was taught from Kreese what being a man is suppose to be like and he never really let go of that habit. The only people he's ever been really sexually attracted to is Allie and Daniel. Because he has a deep emotional bonds with them. Even if they're not all 100% postive. Probably why the whole thing with Allie and Daniel in the karate kid so confusing. Would love to know what you think of my headcanon. But that's kinda how I see the whole mess.
Tumblr is not letting me answer this so I'm just testing something. I'll put it under the read more if it works.
I get that. I mean we don't really see Johnny moving on in the first film. There's no one on his arm except cobras and his focus seems to be Daniel. Arguably the only reason he kisses Ali is because he sees Daniel. So at that point I'd argue he kinda gave up on the trying to get her back as a girlfriend, and definitely lost any chance when he did that. Who knows what his life was like after the all-valley. Because, arguably, Cobra Kai is extended fanfiction. And there's all sorts of different scripts where Johnny was supposed to appear in the third movie, and maybe our views of who he was and everything would've changed. I mean in one version, I'm pretty sure he and Daniel became like friends much to Dutch's like fury, if I remember that old scripts summary correctly. And while I feel like I remember someone saying that they had girls around them, I don't remember anyone saying "Johnny dates __" in this script. (To be fair most of the conversation around it wasn't focused on that point.)
But when we see him in Cobra Kai and what he sort of talks about the only past love he's hung up on is Ali. He says he partied but I don't remember if he slept around or with how he sort of bolsters himself up whether that's truly believable. He got with Shannon when they both seemed to be a mess and he just became more of one after his mother died and I kinda doubt there was anyone he actually dated afterwards. In a serious way anyway.
He likes Carmen, the show tries to make that very clear, but sometimes I think they'd be better off as friends. Mostly because while I like Carmen I feel like she often gets sort of stuck in a "Johnny's girlfriend role". Which is a bummer in my opinion because I was honestly so excited when they hadn't put a label on it. Like how often does that happen? And I think she's a great influence on him because he listens and seems to respect her. But I don't like that she's like a reward to him and the creators (and who knows if it was pressure from Netflix and how they rushed that last season) wanted to tie up loose ends by what was convenient.
Sure a person can fall in love with their neighbor. Sure a person can fall in love with a single parent of their student. But it's just…too easy. Especially for a character whose last long term relationship exploded so badly and the only other person he's canonically loved is his high school sweetheart.
Which sometimes I wonder is just an extension of missing that before everything went to shit moment. Like how much of his "I only ever loved Ali" is "Damn high school was the only time I felt good about myself"?
And there's something about that though that throws me a little and that's the cobras. If the time he felt best about himself was high school, then what happened? Sure friends drift away, it happens, but I would like more clarification from the show whether or not that's actually happened. Because they kinda introduce their reunion at Tommy's side as the first time they've seen each other in a long time which is heart breaking. And I also call bull on it. Because, sure they were kids when Kreese tried to kill Johnny, but I can't believe the cobras wouldn't just drop by or check in on Johnny whenever they could. That they wouldn't have a relationship with Robby or try and steer him back onto dry land.
I think at the very least Johnny is so traumatized and depressed that he hasn't had romantic love, not really since Ali. And with Daniel I think Daniel is in a special place because he's like the one person from Johnny's past when things were good, or almost good before things went to shit, but also knows.
They both stubbornly (or at least the writers chose this) not to talk about all their past issues. Johnny and Kreese, Johnny vs Silver, Daniel and Silver. And I think to an extent, when they both calm down get each other. Understand. They've both lost important people. They both are grieving. They both had rough times. But Daniel had people to lean on and a good support system, whereas Johnny's seems to have cracked out from under him or he pushed his away.
Until he falls into Mr. Miyagi's footsteps. Until Miguel gets some life to spark again. And then because there's people listening to him and talking to him he's opening up and maybe realizing the shit he's gone through wasn't right. Because part of me thinks that Johnny's never like realized all of that was fucked up. Like on some level he knows but he probably also hasn't talked about a lot of it until he's had students and watches it all backfire that he realizes well shit, this isn't right. And I think those students of his are such a key development point for him.
And such a great starting point. Because who knows maybe Johnny doesn't know what bi means. Maybe he doesn't know it's an option because he's not online and he doesn't meet people really. His job after all was work alone in peoples houses, go home alone, go to the local convenience store for his beer and that's like it. He's super solitary. I doubt he even watches the news. He probably watches old movie channels or just those same vhs's over and over again and he's like a hermit almost whose unaware that life has passed him by and out of touch with all the fads because that requires effort and human interaction which he has like no energy for.
But those kids of his bring life to him. Bring people and language and new things into his world. For a cliche, color to his grayscale. So maybe he realizes all his action flicks and love for specific action heros and their abs for days might not be just a normal appreciation of the male physique but that if he stops to think about it attractions and one of those labels might fit. But I also kinda like the idea that he knows. And that it's just not anyone's business, or it hasn't come up. Or maybe he's just so used to an era where people didn't talk about it or didn't feel safe so it's a shock if he does bring it up because no one thought he was that self aware. Because he did party, he did dance, he modeled (arguably) once upon a time which if you're close enough to the arts I feel like back then you'd be somewhat aware.
I mean he may have tried it. Right time, right place. But it's not, love. Romantic love and what not. And his self worth seems to have not come back for decades until cobra kai again. So while I don't doubt he's got platonic and familial love all frayed like a worn blanket he's lugged around for decades, I don't think he had any good role models for love. I don't think he knows how to express it well. I think what he had with Shannon was a mess. But I don't doubt that he cares for Robby. That he loves Robby even if he's a sucky parent. I think he doesn't know how to be a parent. And Miguel gets to play safe test child because that's not Johnny's kid, it's his student and he's got a real parent to guide him through life and course correct and do all the hard stuff.
But I don't think he viewed Sid and Laura's relationship as like something to go for. I mean when Shannon tells him that Silver's been creeping around with his money in Robby's life, I think that's a case of something both Johnny and her had agreed on, which was that a relationship with a rich person was probably manipulative and required more hoops and clauses then they expected. And it's said in an offhand way but also in a way like they both know. And I kinda wonder if that was their starting point, their common ground. Both kids from messed up houses where the balance was off because their step parents was a rich asshole.
Daniel meanwhile has an outpouring of love role models to draw upon. His parents. Mr. Miyagi. I'm sure his extended family. And his own life. So he knows what love is. While I think Johnny doesn't have the best idea. So I think Johnny finds Daniel to be this interesting person who clearly knows what love is, who knows him, who knows arguably what happened to him, though I'm not sure if they ever actually talk about it, or just hint about it. Because we, the audience know Daniel saw Johnny choked, but we don't know if Johnny knows Daniel saw or if he just assumes Mr. Miyagi told him or if he assumes Daniel is talking about something else whenever he talks about Kreese.
And I think they both have all this history they didn't get a chance to talk about, partially because of that abrupt jump in the films. Opens on after the all valley and Johnny nearly dying and then huge mood change to Mr. Miyagi's after prom. But I like to think Johnny on a level respects Daniel but is still trying to figure it out. They both are. Daniel who has never seemed to have male friends in his life, and Johnny whose never really had an lot of love and who really has maybe had 3 partners canonically max. Ali, Shannon, and Carmen. And yet he spends more time thinking about Daniel then actually able to get together with Carmen. (To the point I will continue to cry foul on how on earth the baby happened but that's a different point and I blame Netflix rushing things on that)
So yeah I think Johnny probably says he's more of a sexual person then he actually is due to what he perceives he's supposed to be and a large part of that is probably Kreese. I think maybe he has had other partners but it's definitely not been long term and who knows if it's actually what he wanted or if he just felt like it was what he was supposed to do and I do think at the very least he's attracted to guys. And what he's actually attracted to I don't know what I officially would categorize him as, bi because of Ali, or gay and stuck in a closet because he didn't think he could be gay or if he refuses to do any self discovery because he dated Ali.
I don't doubt he loved Ali, but whether or not he felt pressured to have a relationship with her and her being the only woman he's ever really loved, well, like before I don't know if that's him truly loving her romantically and sexually or if it's missing his youth and rose tinted glasses. And I don't think he's been in love much and that he's still figuring it out. But I do think he is attracted to guys and is still figuring that out too. Which is fine because it can all be fluid and it can all change, and he just might not know or realize that or who knows he might. He might be like hmm as a teen I liked Ali so I was straight and now I kinda like Daniel so maybe I'm gay, or maybe I'm bi. Or he could be just like shoving it down into a box in his head and not dealing with it. All of which are fun to explore in fics. So I feel like it depends and yes. This is a long way to go about saying essentially yeah.🤣
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mixelation · 2 years
Not sure if that post is about hp but it does feel like it lol. I understand people wanting to offer alternatives and I myself have a complicated relationship with it, but I wouldn't expect people to necessarily fall in love with alternatives I give them the same way they fell in love with hp.
post in question
HP definitely get this a lot. GoT got this a lot too while it was airing. I've seen it to a lesser extent with same smaller fandoms-- Twilight, for example. All of these series have their problems, in terms of quality, writers/showrunners doing weird shit, and things that make you go hmm within the narrative. But they didn't get massively popular by accident, and whatever drew you in probably isn't something as shallow as "I like magic schools" or "I like vampire romances." So when people are like, "oh, but you can just read THIS instead," as opposed to just "here's some vampire romance novels you could also try," then it's sort of like.... no, not every vampire book is interchangeable? Why are you acting like it is, and like whatever people are getting out of X should automatically also exist in Y?
Also, while we're here, "you're a bad person if you engage with this fandom, and you should only engage with morally-approved media" is actually one of the worst takes this website has churned out. Let's take GoT as an example that's less likely to get me hatemail (although one of my favorite games is looking up the URLs of people who post about how even looking at a HP fic means you are directly donating to bigoted causes and then seeing how long I have to scroll before OP talks about a Disney-owned fandom). GoT has some excellent, complicated female characters. It also has a lot of hypersexualized nudity and gratuitous sexual assault. On lists of "alternative" shows, I would frequently see Netflix's The Witcher. If you haven't seen The Witcher, here's what happens in episode one: the MC meets a complicated female character who wants to kill her rapist. The MC refuses to "pick a side" between her and her rapist. He sleeps with her. Then the woman is killed by the MC. If you were trying to point someone at a high fantasy TV show with dark themes that "treats its women right", why the fuck did you pick The Witcher? Is it because you don't know how to analyze media and just look for a laundry list of Bad Things, like actual on-screen sexual assault? Do you not understand why people were mad about all the sexual assault on a thematic level? Like, okay! You found some obvious bad stuff in GoT, good job! Every other piece of media will have its own Bad Stuff, and it's up to individuals to decide what crosses their own personal lines (which YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE) when picking what content they consume.
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desudog · 7 months
people who break up happy canon m/f couples can't even do a poly ship instead. you can add a bit of a swagful gay ring to it without making the shawties go divorce mode *crickets chirping* *audience is silent* *walks off stage and comes back dressed as dracula* vas that guy bothering you
I mean yeah but I also don't enjoy the fandom attitude of like, it needing to be gay to be valid. Like as a bisexual person it stinks of "I love bi people because they're half gay" type shit like maybe it's already queer. Maybe it doesn't have to be gay. At all. And even if you do make it poly they'll just ignore the woman except for when they need to write someone in to mother the guys. It'd just misogyny and I don't think adding more men fixes it. Especially because a lot of the time it's super forced anyways. I don't want to add some guy to these 2 people who love eachother lots just so there's more boys. She's enough. It's enough when it's 2 men. Why is it not enough to fandom for there to be a woman? Because 2 gay people is enough but 2 people aren't enough if they're not gay? Why does the added guy only ever love the other man?
Like I'm a poly fag, I love seeing poly relationships in fandom, but more than any of that I hate seeing misogyny in fandom. And unfortunately most poly relationships in fandom is founded on that mindset, that it has to have more men, more gayness to be valid, which will always in turn backseat the woman. It just makes a m/f couple into an m/m couple with that one chick the writer hates. It's always like this. If you make it poly to make it gay you've already lost. Especially considering how often this happens to m/f couples where 1 is a character of color, or disabled. I think m/f ships are fine as they are. Sue me. I enjoy m/f ships. I don't think they need to be fixed. I don't see them as lesser than the other ships I enjoy. I don't watch Raiden's almost last thoughts be about rosemary and go "yeah but he should really think more about men too" I didn't watch Netflix's castlevania adaptation and feel like something was missing when Sypha revealed she was pregnant. I don't wish Cahara found a 3rd because his darkness-conquering love for Celeste wasn't enough. I don't roll my eyes at Leo's feelings for Camilla because the sidenotes dont also say he feels the same about Xander. I think to myself "what a beautiful love story" and if I want to add more to it because I love both characters that's on me, but adding to it because the straightness (WHICH ALWAYS FALLS ON THE WOMAN) is not enough is not ever what I'm doing. I understand being gay and wanting to see yourself in characters but there's a pretty big line in that and straight up misogyny. It cannot be ignored. And then she gets sidelined as a problem solving baby maker. I see it all the time. Adding more men won't fix the misogyny it will just make it worse.
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menlove · 2 years
a lot of things abt Old Fandom were not good. but I gotta say I deeply miss
lack of expectations with shipping. terms like crack pairing existed. shipping didn't exist as an argument as to what was going to be canon but just two characters you thought would be cute/hot/funny together. there was no screaming of queerbaiting when you made literally all of that up in your head only it was actually Acknowledged that it was made up in your head instead of insisting disney/netflix/whatever definitely totally meant for them to be in love and if it doesn't happen you're gonna have a breakdown
the idea that you could simply not like a show/character/ship without a moral reason. you could literally just say you liked or didn't like something. instead of now where it's like, if you don't like x popular show/ship/character you have to make up some bullshit about how it's SUPER PROBLEMATIC AND EVIL or alternatively embarrassing and cringe when you could literally just say you don't like it. conversely, you could like a show/character/ship without hailing it as the most progressive flawless thing ever and then get let down and hurt when inevitably smth goes the way you didn't want it to
unless it's smth truly and genuinely harmful, literally just not interacting with ships/shows/characters you don't like instead of blocking everyone and making callout posts and telling people to kill themselves.
community in general...... it still exists but it's a lot more isolated than it used to be, in part bc of all the above stuff. if you're too petrified to like or say anything that falls outside of The Echo Chamber, how are you supposed to actually make friends? if you think every single person you're talking to is gonna screencap your shit and make a callout post and block you, how are you supposed to trust people enough to goof off with them and make silly headcanons?
and as with above I think that's part of why creators esp on tumblr crave notes/kudos/etc so badly bc it used to be like. you were making this for you and your little community of friends and it didn't matter if it didn't blow up bc it was entirely self indulgent. but without those lil communities, notes/kudos become the pinnacle of interaction and you feel very lonely without enough of them
like obviously there was a lot wrong that does Not need to make a comeback (racism, misogyny, and casual acceptance of c///p being super common. but not everyone was like that and there's ways to learn from past fandom without making those same mistakes) but the rest of it........ God I miss just being able to hang out on the internet instead of having to reword every post 60000 times lest it be misinterpreted to call me a million evil names and blacklist me.
Aren't You All Tired?
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moonlightsdream · 1 year
Seriously what happened to kdramas we used to get a variety of genres but still had room to tell great love stories, it used to be pretty balanced maybe 60/40 in favor of dramas with romance now it has flipped, from the upcoming dramas of the year less than a third is focused on romance. I enjoy non romantic dramas, shows like stranger six flying dragons signal etc are some of the best things I've ever seen. But this feels like the korean drama industry getting swallowed up by westernization and trying to become american television (which is in shambles rn with everything getting cancelled and deleted from platforms) and I don't get it, if only those shows were actually good, sure some of them are fantastic as usual but most of them are the most derivative basic crime stories and what's with the seasons??? And they've started shortening shows, 16 was the perfect length and 20 if sometimes needed, now you can't find a 20 ep drama and we've started getting so many 12 and 8 episode shows.... Lol everywhere I turn it's a mess, american shows are all now 8 episodes never getting to develop characters or plots before getting the axe and writers are about to strike,chinese dramas have always been a complete jumble due to the political landscape which translates into crazy censorship and requirements and rules that change on a dime you're lucky if you get a drama that has a story that hasn't been cut to hell and you can actually understand what's happening, other standards like good directing and writing are just a very rare bonus and now Korean dramas in the last couple of year have turned into this. Is this a reflection of the real world which has been descending more and more into an absolute pile of shit. This industry like all of them has always been driven by greed but we always had a bit of balance with creativity and respect for audiences but now it feels like that's entirely gone and what is supposed to be our solace is an uncertain world is just turning into a mirror of it.
hello!! sorry for the late reply.. i wanted to orgnaize my thoughts first…
i really feel you anon in general, last year i haven't watched that mnay dramas and yet there were only few ones that i fully enjoyed from '22dramas, there were quite numbers of drama i enjoyed which weren't produced in '22! maybe what happened is they started making dramas with international viewers in mind! with how big korean contents have become in the last few years this was bound to happen.. all the upcoming sequels? or this weird trend of spilting dramas into parts? why not film the whole dramas and air it all at once, with so many being produced and aired between the two parts one could forgot what happened in the first part://…. and we even got some dramas that were episodic in their natura, like the case of the week law dramas :///..
long gone the many romance dramas days, esp the pure rom-com as they have to insert serial killers in 95% of them, and we rarely get melodramas… they don't produce many of them anymore and if we got ones they tend to be average mostly which is sad…. like they fall flat either because of the weak writing or lack of chemistry between the leads, i doubt they do a chemistry test between the cast to see if they have any or not :/// .. though i have to mention and say romance in a non-romance drama really hits different and could be as good and compelling as that in the romance drama!!
i might be in the minority here but i don't mind the short length format, some stories can't be stretched into 16eps, i find 12eps a very reasonble length, yet some stories could be told in less number of episodes… take last year netflix dramas they were mostly 10 or less and yet still some of them could've been told in much lesser episodes.. so the biggest issue is the weak writing followed by the directing……
if we are lucky we will get few good romance dramas this year, the bar is very low though.. in the meantime old asian dramas and movies are good alternative..
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scattered-winter · 2 years
It has been a great pleasure to watch you go insane over Train to Busan - love that movie and now I think I have to rewatch it once more haha. Fully agree with all your points about how it portrays helping people and humanity etc. What other zombie movies/TV can you recommend that scratch the same Train to Busan itch?
bro......I don't think there is anything quite like that movie. I am a huuuge fan of the zombie apocalypse genre which is why Train to Busan is making me go INSANE because I've NEVER seen zombie media go that route of "humanity is intrinsically good and while some will only care about themselves, in the event of a crisis, most of humanity will unite and work together to save as many people as possible." literally all the other zombie movies/shows I've seen have gone with people pushing and shoving to survive, no matter who gets knocked down and trampled; and throw in the fact that Train to Busan ends with a pyrrhic victory (my favorite kind) and The Narrative hangs over each and every character from start to finish? how literally every character is a foil of another? how some rise to the occasion and others fall?? how some kill everyone nearby for the sake of their own survival but others save as many as they can and, while they may not have survived, the people they saved did???? I can't think of any zombie media that instills that level of insanity in me. it's truly a one-of-a-kind treasure that I'm going to rewatch again and again for years to come.
that said, there are some zombie movies/shows that I enjoyed even if they don't scratch that same itch! it's been a while since I've watched anything so I can't remember very many, but I'll drop some recs here
the maze runner trilogy (books OR movies)
this one is the closest of these to making me as insane as TtB. it isn't exactly zombies, technically, but it's pretty fucking close. there's a lot of morally gray characters, and one of those ethical arguments that could be discussed and fought over until the cows come home. there's some good narrative foils that make me apeshit, and it's also HEARTBREAKING if that's ur cup of tea
zombieland (1&2)
it requires absolutely 0 braincells to watch and enjoy, which is very nice when my brain is fried. they're both stupid as all hell but they're also really fucking hilarious
z nation
its a netflix series that I watched a bit of a few years ago! I can't really remember a lot but there were some really interesting characters and dynamics, and it was pretty fun to watch! in later episodes the characters have to fight like. radioactive zombies and shit like that which puts a fun spin on it!!! keeps you on your toes! it's also fairly humorous, but it's not a comedy like zombieland.
really the only zombie media I've ever watched and outright hated is army of the dead. but that was a zack snyder film so I'm not really surprised that I hated it so much lmfao
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drizzileiscool · 1 month
keroro movie 1 review
it's a sgt frog movie, as advertised
short, spoiler free review: just another power of friendship type movie. i do not like the whole power of friendship trope
spoiler filled review:
subtitles and other stuff
i get that this isn't a fansub like the rest of the anime, but the subtitles give off netflix vibes. that's a bad thing. i would at least like to be able to read anything
mois's name was changed to moa, lavie is now rabi.
keroro and fuyuki go buy a gundam model together, suddenly they find a weird shrine and it has a portal in it. keroro tries to make an offering of 100 yen but it falls through the portal so they go through and accidentally break some crystal that guards an ancient super weapon. for some reason everyone has x's on their faces and can do telepathy now. at first the telepathy is cool and everyone is doing it. there's even a koyunatsu scene where natsumi does the telepathy thing with koyuki and asks what she likes and koyuki responds with "natsumi". it's followed up with a natsugiro scene with the exact same thing and I don't like that because natsugiro makes me uncomfortable.
the next day the telepathy only starts working on negative thoughts so everyone is much less happy and more depressed. a new keronian called mirara comes in and explains the situation. the super weapon, now known as kilulu, will destroy earth because everyone's telepathy stuff gives off negative energy because they're depressed. mirara is all like "you're all doomed and also you can't save the world because humans and keronians can't live together because keronians are aliens so you can't get along" to which fuyuki responds with "actually me and sarge are besties so yes we can".
uhhh. more stuff happens that I can't be bothered to write, mirara tells them that she knows how to deal with kilulu, fuyuki and keroro's x's are gone and replaced with o's, mirara turns into a key, and a really long scene where they try to get mirara (now a key) into this large space ship thing to stop kilulu. saburo is here and has an important role for once instead of being a joke character that natsumi is in love with. natsumi uses her ultimate warrior super hero weapon outfit thing we saw several episodes ago in season 1 and then never again so it's cool that they brought it back.
another natsugiro scene that I hate happens but that's over quickly and we cut to fuyuki and keroro in the ship trying to get key mirara to the thing. we get a scene where they're all friendship and stuff and fuyuki's like "we're gonna buy gundam models. Together." they get the key into the thing and everything is done woohoo movie's over yippee the end. but their house is completely destroyed from everything so keroro's still in trouble. the end for real this time
art stuff
it's nearly identical to the original, but now in 1080p. that's cool I guess but it doesn't really.. fit.. if that makes sense. I mean I'll probably have to get used to it by the time the new keroro anime comes out but I don't wannaaaa.
final thoughts:
as stated before, I do not like the power of friendship trope. i get that it's a movie aimed at children and they can't have scenes that are too emotional but pokemon has ash fucking die in the first movie. and then he died again in another movie I think. why can't this movie kill off someone and bring them back. kill off dororo so the platoon realizes "oh shit, dororo exists. we kinda need him" and bring him back for a scene where everyone is crying over his death only to realize his death was faked. or something like that
this movie is exactly what you'd expect from a sgt frog movie.
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fortycumber · 11 months
so I somehow talked myself into watching a turkish drama, son yaz or the last summer to be exact (definitely not because I've been crushing on the main actor for quite some time now 😂), and let me tell you I have this weird love-hate relationship with turkish dramas due to the fact that where I come from, it's almost mandatory to find a random one broadcasted on every single TV channel ever, it's honestly annoying. Most of the dramas shown here are beyond mediocre, so I was kinda skeptical to start this one even because of the actor, but I did end up watching some of it nonetheless so yeah. I do love what I've seen so far, even though the show obviously has its own problems, from editing, to camera angles, to the TOO many inconsistencies in the plot, unlikable two dimensional characters and all that jazz. What saves it is the ABSOLUTE STELLAR performance by the main actor (😍) and I'm not saying this because I am so in love with him haha, but because this guy is literally ACTING THE SHIT OUT of this role OK? He's a poor little meow meow, a fucking wreck of a man, crying and having fits of anger all over the place, breaking shit, being irrational, making even more irrational decisions and suffering the consequences of them, yet beside all of that he's such a softie and an overall sunshine like I would give the world to him if I could OK? The chemistry between him and the main actress is also PALPABLE I love them together. Her character, despite being surprisingly clever and brave and somewhat of a breathe of fresh air compared to other female characters in turkish dramas (from what I've seen so far, don't know what happens to her after ep 10), falls flat and turns into the standard damsel in distress who's our main guy's ultimate rock, a shoulder to cry on and develops into his greatest weakness as well aka your usual cliche female protagonist that can be found in any drama regardless of the country. I don't feel obliged to write about the rest of the characters, the actors are great, I just don't feel any attachment to their characters whatsoever, especially those supporting ones like the aunt, the cousin, the annoying NPC boyfriend turned ex boyfriend, the cartoonish villain (?) Soner who seems to have a little crush our main guy, like the way he talks to him is diabolical sometimes, you can feel it despite the horrid Google translate subtitles. Like babe, time and place OK? He's hot I know, but still, chill. And don't even get me started on the mother! OH! Miss Gurl you KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING YOURSELF INTO, AND YOU ALSO, BEING INTO A SIMILAR FIELD AS YOUR HUSBAND, SHOULD OUT OF ALL PEOPLE KNOW THAT HE'S GONNA MEET SOME UNSAVORY PEOPLE AND END UP IN SOME DANGEROUS SITUATIONS, why tf are you making a great deal out of it? I understand prosecutor daddy is a bit too involved into his job and often neglects his family, but still help the poor guy a little, have some understanding, he's under so much pressure and for God's sake don't pit his children against him, not when he's genuinely a decent human being and a good father (well as good as he can be, this guy isn't a saint at all let's be clear on that).
With all that being said I think I will continue watching this regardless, hopefully I can brave through the terrible subtitles, I swear it most of the meaning behind the dialogues is lost (like they mention poems, they sometimes say some deep and poignant things that, due to the bad subtitles are conveyed in a completely different way instead of what their meaning was intended to be by the writer), I'm sure the people subbing this did their best, no hate to them. I hope some major platform like netflix picks it up and I'll be able to watch it and actually understand everything.
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iitslaurenn · 1 year
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Okay but the way Brennan said "Oscar you call odds or evens?" Was SO WKXIWKOCKQ9X ???? I LOVED IT DON'T ASK ME WHY
105 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Not Hee Do and Yi Jin saying the most romantic stuff to each other while her boyfriend is in the bathroom lmao I love them
Like "my heart skipped a beat when I saw your back" and "I only heard your voice" that shit breathtaking bro
262 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
I feel like Euphoria s2 is just "Let's make beautiful shots and write some plot around them" and if that's what they wanted then good for them but I just want something relevant to happen in that hour long episode.
Like Kat, for example. Nothing has really happened with her character. She's spent 4 episodes saying or showing she doesn't want to date Ethan anymore but literally nothing happened with that plotline yet. Nothing happened with her in general. Like, we got that scene about her stressing out about no loving herself and then, nothing. And I'm sure they'll get to it at some point but the pacing this season is weird af.
In season 1 it felt like they wrote a good plot and then shot the scenes in a beautiful way, but this season it's the opposite. And I love artistic shots, but if you make me fall in love with these characters and then just decide that the important part about Euphoria is not them but how beautiful you can make the show look... yeah, I won't like that.
I don't know, I just hope the next episodes are more plot centered (even though I doubt it).
289 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Murph not realizing the man at the dog show thought he was Barry 9 until he said his number was backwards hurt me.
293 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
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Trent is THE himbo, I love him so much
561 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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