#don't know what it will be but it'll be sure be something
how BUCKY BARNES shows his love:
gn!reader — fluff, 502 words
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— BUCKY shows it with acts of service: opting to show his thoughtful side in ways that are beneficial to you. small things like cleaning the fridge or making the bed when he knows you don't want to. doing it because he knows it'll make you feel better, the looming errand now free from your mind.
caring things, like when he makes breakfast in the morning - always being sure to give you the better piece of bread, the runnier egg, the glass with the most juice in. seemingly tiny things he doesn't expect to be noticed, though he does them anyway.
— BUCKY shows it with quality time: always preferring the company of you over another. wanting to be in your presence even if that simply means doing nothing at all. just as long as you're with him, and he's with you.
even if you're doing your own things, he'd still want to share the space with you. so when you're at the dining table with your laptop or phone demanding your attention, he'd be at the other end, polishing his combat boots. silently hanging out with you.
— BUCKY shows it with words of affirmation: verbally thanking and appreciating you, even when he struggles to express those feelings. always being sure to remind you just how special and important you are to him, again, even if he struggles to speak on them. though more often than not, he would find himself sinking back into old, familiar ways of his time - writing notes and letters because he much prefers the sentiment of pen and paper to the technology he's forced to become used to.
he'll be damned if he doesn't tell you he loves you at the end of every phone call. or compliment you with the utmost sincerity when you meet by the front door before every date. he never wants to shy away from his love for you. he doesn't know what may happen to him and, he wants the last thing he said to be from a place of love.
— BUCKY shows it with physical touch: never shying away from a kiss when he welcomes you home, always wanting to greet you with something physically heartfelt. or finding you in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you, quietly cuddling into you from behind.
he shows it by absentmindedly playing with your hands, his fingers interlocking with yours, stroking each in a mindless, fidgety toying. no other hand cuts it for him. he'd only ever want the familiar touch and feel of you.  
— BUCKY shows it with gift giving: wanting to give small romantic gestures to show his love and thought for you. always being sure to pick up your favourite drink or chocolate from the store, always, always, checking the brand and label twice.
surprising you in the mornings with a fresh bouquet of flowers and takeout from your favourite breakfast place. setting the table up all nice and pretty, treating every day like it's an anniversary or special event.
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I did this for reid & pietro and wanted to do one for our man bucky
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vasyandii · 1 day
Hello! I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your IHNMAIMS oc. I'm a OC x canon enthusiast and seeing a character so well written and adapted to the story as Vernon is makes me so excited!! Plus your art is literally amazing. I've been curious since you mentioned how Vernon cuts potions of her meal to give them to AM and how the food improved since AM got his body, what food/meals do Vernon and AM like/dislike/have as favourite? -for AM, at least from what he has tasted- Whether if it's because of the taste, flavour, etc.
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Howdy Anon! Thank you so much for the kind words, I've been giddy since I got it a few days ago! I'm glad my OC x Canon content gets your stamp of Approval >:D!! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️ Food Preferences
I think Vernon is careful in choosing the food she shares with AM because he will eat literally ANYTHING. She would try to eat things to torture herself with, extremely spicy foods, live insects, raw organs, etc. but then remember that she has to "Feed AM". So she opts out for something normal so his taste buds don't get fucked.
Or as normal as it can get, the food kind of has the uncanny valley effect as well. It looks normal and tastes normal, but she feels there's something a bit off about it (kind of like airplane food). So she often leaves criticism to the Chef™ (AM) or asks to cook instead.
Vernon isn't particularly picky when it comes to food, she'll eat it and clean her plate. She likes her food balanced, vegetables/meat with sauce and all that. If it tastes good, she'll eat it, y'know?
AM is more... difficult. Sure, he'll eat anything, but if it tastes really bad, it'll traumatize him and he'll refuse to eat it for a while.
His food has to not be touching, if it's mixed in all together beforehand he'll eat it. If there's sauce it shouldn't be close enough to where it can contaminate the food AM's eating because he WILL taste it, no matter how small the amount is. His utensils need to be a specific size, and the food HAS to be hot/warm. He needs to be able to see or know every ingredient in it.
It's observed that AM likes fried foods/anything crunchy because of how consistent they are in taste, texture, and flavour. So what ends up happening is Vernon will just include those foods into her meal, just to not eat it and have it on a little plate for him.
Vernon asks him why he can't just make food for himself, his response is "I don't need to eat, I eat when when you eat."
But honestly it's a pretty dumb question now that she's looking back on it. AM has all the knowledge in the world about food, everything ever made, everything he's never tasted. So he's basically asking Her, indirectly, "I don't know where to start or what's good. But you do. I trust you. Feed me."
Now here's some of the meals They've had together (+ AM's comments):
Chicken soup ("Too wet", just ate the broth)
Caesar Salad ("Damp, Crunchy water")
Vanilla ice cream (experienced a brain freeze for the first time, thought his body was malfunctioning)
Spaghetti Bolognese ("No I will not be mixing it, you mix it for me")
Western beef stew (He picked out the potatoes and only ate those. Thought the meat was irritating to eat.)
Baby carrots. ("You know they bleach these, right?")
Asparagus (he likes them. Needs to be warm)
Broccoli (same thing)
Cheese Pizza (Ate it, ate too much. Tummy hurted.)
Tempura (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Fish and chips (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Coffee, black (spat it out)
Macaroni and cheese (Ate too much, tummy hurted)
Grilled chicken hearts skewers (He liked it, but kept poking the roof of his mouth with the skewer.)
Half a Hamburger (picked out the vegetables because he didn't like them, still tasted it and gave the rest to Vernon)
Half a cheeseburger (ate it with no fuss.)
Aaand that'll be all for now :) if you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you need any clarifications, feel free to tell me!
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mantou-rin · 14 hours
The moment the boys realise they are head over heels for you
Characters: Kenma, Sugawara, Yaku
A/N: The amount of things I am able to come up with while at work should be studied. As usual not proofread I am sorry but I hope you like the silly thoughts that go through my head on a daily basis.
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Kenma couldn't help but look up from his game to stare at you.
You were at the other end of the classroom talking with a few of your classmates. Your voice wasn't exactly loud, but your presence was more than enough to catch his attention. Kenma admired the way you spoke and the way your face lit up everytime someone said something interesting. You weren't exactly an extrovert, but you had a bubbly and bright personality, and often got along well with pretty much anyone. 
Kenma kind of envied you for that. Not that he was the kind to draw attention to himself, but being able to comfortably talk with people sometimes seemed nice. 
From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of him looking at you, and you turned to give him a smile while waving towards him. He instantly panicked, and quickly turned his attention back to his game console, trying his best to calm his rapidly beating heart. 
He wasn't sure for the longest time about this feeling he had towards you. Was it fascination or just admiration, or was it something more than that. To him, you seemed so interesting, almost as if he wanted to study - no, get to know you better. His racing heart finally confirmed it as a crush, but how does he even begin to ask you out? 
He nearly jumped when he heard that familiar voice of yours. Slowly he put down his console and directed his attention to you. You were standing next to his desk, the sunlight hitting your face gave you the prettiest glow he had ever seen. 
It was real, he wanted to get closer to you, he wanted to understand everything about you. 
“There's a new cat cafe that just opened, would you like to go there together? I hope you don't mind that it'll just be the two of us.”
Two of us? Did he hear that correctly? Of course he wouldn't mind, if anything he was more than happy that it was just the two of you.  
“Mhm.” Came his silent reply, to which you happily told him that you’ll message him the details when you get home. 
Turns out that your feelings for him were mutual as well. 
Suga was not having a good day right now. He felt he didn't do a great job at practice just now and now he couldn't get rid of the constant worry that his team would be disappointed in him. For the most part, he knew the Karasuno boys would never be upset with him, but what if today it was different. 
Before he left just now, Daichi had already told him to cheer up and not think about it, but he just couldn't help himself. He wished he wasn't the kind to mull over his mistakes over and over, but unfortunately, he wasn't that kind of person. 
He really wanted to call you right now. He often told you how you were his comfort after a long day, and he felt that he really needed you today. He was about to make the call when he realised that you told him that you were going out to run some errands that night. 
Right. It wasn't polite to disturb someone when they were busy.  Suga figured to simply drop you a text instead, the both of you could talk about it later tonight.
Sighing, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and looked up at the sky. It was so quiet and calm, contrary to whatever his mind was right now - noisy and chaotic. 
“Suga!” He heard someone call from behind him. 
Hang on. That voice was familiar, one that he has heard many times, there was no way it was - 
Suga wasn't sure why he nearly cried when he saw you, heck he wasn't even sure why you suddenly showed up. 
“Sorry if I’m a little late, but I saw your message and figured that I should come right away. Also sorry I couldn't get something better, but I got you some ice cream from the convenience store on the way here.”
Suga panicked a little, he worried that his message to you came off as something that needed immediate attention, that wasn't what he intended for it to be, although now that he saw you the chaos that was in his mind just now seemed to have died down. 
“Eh, I thought you had to run errands? Sorry if I bothered you.” 
“I can always go another day, besides, you having a bad day is something more important than the groceries I have to buy.” 
Suga wasn't aware, but he was sure he let a tear slip out of his eye when he felt your hands reaching towards him to wipe them away. He never noticed because he was always the one doing the comforting, but right now with you next to him assuring him that everything was going to be alright, his mind became a reflection of the night sky - calm and quiet.
“I'll go run your errands with you tomorrow, and will you allow me to bring you out for dinner afterwards?” 
Yaku was glad you decided to join the volleyball team as a manager. Even though the two of you were childhood friends (and neighbours), any extra minute he got to spend with you meant a lot to him. 
You were attentive and smart, always promptly taking care of the team’s needs and giving out advice as needed. Your presence alone sometimes helped boost the team’s morale. 
Water was running low? You had already prepared new bottles for the boys long ago before they even noticed they were running out. 
There was a spot on the court that seemed a little slippery? The next thing Yaku knew you were ready to swoop in with the mop to clean it up. 
The team needed extra balls for practice? There was nothing to worry about because you would have a new basket of volleyballs ready by the side.  
You were talking to Yaku halfway after practice when you excused yourself to find the coach for something. Yaku couldn't help but glance over at the extra bag he had seen you carrying around recently. You happened to leave it open, and Yaku caught sight of a pair of knee guards - specifically the ones he was using. Yaku didn't want to peek, but he was too curious as to why you had that in your bag. He pried the bag open slightly and saw a towel as well as a pouch filled with first aid supplies. 
Perhaps you were playing volleyball too? 
When you came back, Yaku asked if you started playing volleyball too, referencing the items he saw in your bag. 
“Ah, no it's just emergency stuff in case you get injured. I've seen you getting many new bruises because of practice so I wanted to be ready just in case.” You replied softly, slightly embarrassed by the fact that you had been found out. 
Yaku felt his heart do about a thousand backflips. He was always under the impression that you cared for each team member equally, but now knowing that you put in a little more effort to look out for him made him somewhat flustered. 
“Ah, thank you.” Was the only thing he could splutter out.
There was a brief silence before he mustered up his courage to speak again.
“Would you like to go get dinner together after practice tomorrow?”
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kentocalls · 20 hours
nanami kento | tummyaches singleparents!au, sfw. discussion of grief/mention of loss. reader is referred to as momma/tiny momma (in comparison to the sky)
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"nobara, honey pleaseeeee" you sit on the ground as your daughter dramatically flops away from your spoon. she's facing the wall now and still making snow angels with her tiny arms, blankets wrinkling in protest. she's too stinking cute, a smile is on your lips and you try again. "this is really yummy magic soup, it'll help you feel better." you make noises that get her to slowly turn and peak at you, crawling closer she looks at the bowl, you bring it up mixing the liquid so the spices make a tiny galaxy. "it's not red." what?
"it's…the soup you like honey, the butternut squash one. the yellow one.” "his papa gave him magical red soup." huh? “whose papa?” “yuji.” she starts to cocoon herself in blankets. “it has to be red. like tomatoes.” "you don't like tomatoes. no red, remember? honey?” she is silent for many minutes, you prompt,”nobara…no icky red right?” "need it momma. tomato soup." her voice cracks towards the end, she emerges from her blanket burrito with fresh hot tears streaming down her face. you put the bowl aside to cradle her. she's still warm, you eye the clock. too early to take her temperature and still no food in her little belly. you don't know what to do. this isn't something reading books or watching movies can prepare you for. nobara falls asleep in your arms, you kiss her tiny forehead and settle her back into bed as gently as possible. she’s full of medicine, water and mucus. you hate it so so so much. your bright buzzing brilliant child is sniffling and meak due to a tummy ache and fever. back to the kitchen and what can be used to conjure up a red-tomato-like soup? you can't remember the last time you bought tomatoes. nobara hates everything round and red. which means all tomato, the big ones, little ones, green ones because they become red, all of them. as long as you've known her, which is her whole life, she's disliked them. you look at the photo of you and your best friend, with a tiny two day old nobara tucked into your arms. its crazy how much of your friend you see in the tiny girl. you stare at the ceiling, "i know you're watching me so can you use your angel powers to help me make tomato soup without tomatoes please?"
"so she's missing another day?" you try not to curse at the most judgmental school administration staff you've ever dealt with. no books to prepare you for that either. "yes, she is still feverish and unwell." more judgey things, a mention of not letting her be out like yuji and an abrupt end to the conversation. yuji. the kid in nobara's class, the one she deems her rival. you haven't had a chance to meet the kid, another thing you try not to feel guilt over. your best friend would've known all her friends and classates. would’ve made the best mother, instead nobara has you, her fumbling godparent that can't get her fever to break. you keep her hydrated, help her change and turn on her favorite ninja show. she's lying on top of you, cheek plastered into your shoulder. you're sure she's drooling but she's finally comfortable, took her medicine, ate the not red soup. no tummyache. small win. "it's going to be me." she says in a sleepy haze. "i fight everyone." "yes honey, you're the strongest and bravest." you don't remember this character. they must've added a new ninja. "yuji jumps higher than me tho. that's ok." she sits up, eyes super serious, "i'm going to beat him." "you're going to jump so high." moving some bangs from her face, she doesn't feel too warm, you have three more minutes before needing to check her temperature again. "to the moon!" oh gosh, her little voice is stuffy but she has energy again, you've missed her bouncing around your tiny apartment. it didn't feel ready for a child but it’s the perfect size to keep an eye on her at all times, to have her sweet voice echoing off all the walls. "to the moon!" she continues to roar. you grab the napkin and help her blow her nose into it. "to sky momma!" her head rests back onto your chest, her slow breathing as she giggles at the tv. you try not to let the tears that well up fall from your eyes. god, you miss her momma too. nobara would feel double the love, been so much more spoiled. but this is healthy, as the thearpist said. that nobara acknowledge the loss in tiny ways. that you encourage her remembering. she knew enough to miss her mother, doesn’t need to fully understand why she was gone. now she understands her ‘sky momma' is an angel and away. that all the blue in the sky is her much her momma loves her, that all the stars are gifts she has waiting for her. that she’s always there, giving her the biggest hug. and that you are her ‘tiny momma,’ you don’t fill the sky because you need to stay small and near her. you are human sized and sky momma is, well, the sky. everywhere. you felt so guilty when she called you that, tiny momma or momma. it should've been you in the car. you should've gone out during the snowstorm. you should've held onto her like you did baby nobara. you should’ve went out to get the milk and medicine. if only you had— "momma, tiny momma? "yes honeybunny?" "i'm not a bunny silly." her giggles make a tear slip. "are you sad?” you shake your head, plaster the best smile you can, she leans in and whispers “tell sky momma. she will fix it. she’s angel. she has powers.” “is that what you do?” nobara nods and her face is back on the ninja tv show. you look up, lost in thought. you may not have angel powers, but you’re going to give your absolute best to her precious babygirl. your precious babygirl.
the doorbell to your apartment rings early next evening. nobara is busy coloring and singing along to a theme song. you stop putting away groceries and whip around to the entrance, there’s no body in the peephole. nobara is good but she hasn’t been near your phone to order magic food delivery. you live in a mostly safe apartment, still opt to wait a few minutes before you hear the doorbell ring again but there is no BODY there. a ghost? a malfunction? ugh. the landlord is never going to get this fixed and you’ll be pressed if nobara doesn’t get her rest, the girl is finally well enough to go to school. when you open the door your legs are met with a brute force. you look down and see pink hair on a small form. “oh, hello nobara’s momma.” a toothy grin from a child you’ve never seen before. you stand utterly confused, there’s no guardian in the hallway either. “hello?” he hands you a folder but half the content slips out. he looks very shy, doesn’t say more than, “oops…sorry.” big eyes trying to peep around your legs and into the apartment. you bend down to his eye level and help gather the papers. “it’s okay, i drop things too.” your eye catches a headline and notice a paper for mr. geto’s class, “did you bring these for nobara?” your voice is sweet, it’s easy to be nice to this little pink haired child. his eyes go big before he blushes as nods, “nanamin said i could!” he jumps, suddenly made aware that he’s standing at your door alone. he looks left, looks right, looks up and down, does a whole spin around and focuses back on you, his eyes wide and he’s starting to get teary eyed. “i lost nanamin!” “that’s…that’s okay sweetie we can find him.” but there’s no one in the hallway. “do you want to come inside? we can call his number.” you know for a fact mr. geto has drilled it into his class to learn their guardian’s phone numbers. its how nobara understands how to unlock your phone. that and you should change your passcode from her birthday to something more secretive— “yuji! that’s my momma!” nobara clings to your arm, frowning at the boy who is near shaking. you would reprimand nobara but she has a coughing fit and now you’re letting her invade your personal space, her tiny hand clinging to your arm, smushing her face into your neck. she’s warm again. you put a hand on her back and rub gently, the coughs are still bad. the pediatrician said it would be better by now. yuji stares and looks so close to crying. his lip is wobbly. and your lips frowns, you hate hate hate seeing little kids cry. you pat his head, and he instantly melts into your touch. “i want papa!” he wails. and two just feed off of each other. it’s a round of dramatic gasps and sobs. you are not meant for this. your arms can barely handle getting an entire crate of water up the apartment stairs and you have two tiny humans digging their hands and knees and bodies against you for comfort and warmth. you don’t squat enough to lift them off the ground. so you sit, half inside your apartment door with two highly emotional and dramatic children. you must stay calm, you must stay calm. you are the adult. you are the blueprint. you can teach them how to regulate their emotions. you breathe slowly and deeply. “you know what? let’s eat some pizza bites. so when nanamin comes he can eat with us.” yuji perks up at that. “nanamin likes pizza!” you give him a smile. nobara is still coughing, saying she feels icky. yuji says he will tell nanamin to bring red soup and explains how his papa added magic to make it taste delicious. he’s animated, lively. takes a proper seat at the tiny dinning table after asking to wash his hands. he notices the lack of plates on the table .
“can i help you set the table? i can carry plates! but not forks or knives.” he has such nice manners. this nanamin is absolutely a wonderful guardian. you nod, hand him plates one by one as you set a clingy nobara on the kitchen counter. she’s being fussy but cooperating, takes her medicine like a big girl and whispers she wants nuggets instead of pizza. pizza has tomatoes afterall. you nod at her, she starts to brag about her coloring book. you let the two sit at the table and talk about her extra deluxe packet of crayons while popping in pizza bites and nuggets into the oven.
wait, are you supposed to defrost them first? yuji and nobara are talking about the color red and how awful/cool it is. yuji is adamant about tomatoes being a magical food and nobara is doing her level best to not barf. she’s on her best behavior despite her tummyache, it warms your heart. you reread the instructions for the frozen food. provide the kids with juice and start sneaking in greens, they woudln’t notice a salad if it has yellow corn in it right? you do have some green-ish tomatoes from the grocery store run, yuji likes tomatoes, maybe you can get nobara to eat some green things if yuji is here. for a rival nobara is treating yuji like a friend, helping him with utensils and napkins. they go back to talking about the ninja cartoon and you zone out, just for a bit. carefully plating the food and grabbing not-red sauces for the kiddos when you realize it’s gone silent. panic sets in. there’s a beeping sound. it’s not the oven or your phone or your watch or the smoke alarm. it’s not in your head either, right? you place the pizza bites and nuggets onto the kids plate, warn them to not touch as they’re too hot and, god the beeping is still there. you look around in confusion. “momma yuji is beeping.” you turn to nobara in confusion. “what?” she points at yuji, “he is beeping.” yuji is shocked himself. starts to pat at his clothing when you notice the tiny watch he’s wearing is lighting up. you hear a man yelling in the hallway. you grab a red crayon out of surprise, the voice sounds scary. you smile and ask the kids to stay seated. you peak into the hallway to notice an absolute unit of a man walking towards your door. he looks so menacing. muscles tight, jawline constricted, fists clenched, eyes cold. he looks like a business executive ready to throw a office chair threw a window. corporate villian scares you, frozen to the spot. crayon ready, you’re not letting this guy hurt anyone. yuji is yelling, “NANAMIN!” and tries to rush past you, trips before he can reach your legs, and thank sky angel for gifting you with insane ‘parental’ reflexes, you stop his fall by grabbing his hoodie. “you’re okay buddy, i got you.” yuji smiles bright, points at the tall man, “my nanamin, hi papa!” he— what? his…his nanamin is the jacked corporate villain ? “yuji, kiddo. you can’t run off like that.” his voice is as deep as you expected, but gentle. yuji is talking a mile a minute and his nanamin somehow understands all of it. eyes fall to you and nobara who clings to your leg. “i’m really sorry about this. i didn’t mean to scare you. i thought yuji was—“ you smile. “i would’ve done the same. you’re mr. nanamin then?”
yuji answers for him, “he’s papamin! papa nanamin. he’s super strong.” “my momma can break a window! she’s super strong too.” nobara steps in front of you, bragging about how you can hold anything heavy. her and yuji have a ridiculous ‘nu uh’ momwnr before a coughing fit hits nobara, instantly you’re crouching down and rubbing her back.
“okay, okay baby. let’s eat and get ready for bed soon yeah? yuji,”— wait you should address his papa, “umm, i made food for yuji too if…if that’s okay. he was all shaky and crying when he thought he lost you…i..i didn’t kidnap him, promise.” nanamin is watching you, yuji insisting he will eat the salad too with pleading eyes, plus he really wants to show papamin something. the tall corporate not villian nods. it ends up with the large man comically seated at a tiny dinning table and two little children forcing him to pick which deluxe crayon is the best color. you hand nanamin a plate and it feels nice. easy. it’s enjoyable to see another adult interact with their child the way you do with nobara.
maybe you can do the parent thing afterall. kento nanami, you learn, is a gentleman and offers to do dishes while you finish putting away your forgotten grocery. the theme song of the ninja show is blaring through your tv and you hear a, “papa! they’re going to catch the bad guy!” and you know better than to stop yuji from seeing this magical moment, it’s all anyone is going to talk about at lunch tomorrow. “our sofa is big enough, you can stay until the end of the epsiode, i don’t mind.” he gives you a curt nod and oh, he’s really handsome. you wonder if this is the volunteer all the moms talk about in the PTA newsletter. “thank you.” you do not check him out as he walks over to the sofa, opting to sit on the ground as nobara and yuji are standing on the sofa, jumping excitedly. nanami does not have nice legs and butt. he absolutely never misses leg day. “momma they’re not going to catch him!” nobara shouts, convinced you have magical powers and can bend this cartoon plot to your will. “papa, you have to help them!” yuji adds on. you watch with a full heart how nanami speaks softly to nobara and yuji, asks them to help him summon his magic powers and has them in full giggle fits when he does help the ninja cartoon hero’s catch the bad guys. the kiddos are roaming around the living room singing the ending song while nanami looks over the folder of homework yuji brought. “this is a months worth of ice cream. ah, gotta come up with a better bribe.” you sigh, immediately moving to action when both nobara and yuji attempt to fly off your dining room table. yuji thanks you for food and surprises you by adding an apology for getting nobara sick and you do not accept that. “germs happen yuji, we can’t always control them. but i know you did your best to not get anyone sick.” nanami chimes in, “yeah buddy, you washed your hands, sneezed into a tissue, even ate your veggies. it’s not your fault.” he looks so happy and gives you a hug before nobara pushes him off, clingy and territorial. you give nanami a small smile and lock his smile back away deep in your heart. you absolutely do not blush when you hear “great job!” from the other side of the door. “oh no! tiny momma, your face is red!” “oh no, i think i need ice cream!” as you get nobara ready for bed and look over the folder with her missed homework. mr. geto is such a serious teacher and part of you appreciates it. part of you loathes having to figure out how to bribe nobara to sit still enough to focus through all these sheets. there is a tiny post it that says, legoland makes for a very good homework bribe — n, with his number on it. your heart does not skip a beat.
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haveihitanerve · 2 days
Steph was not running away. She wasn't. She just… needed some fresh air. Three blocks away. And she wasn't going back. Fresh air. “Sorry I ran away.” Steph whispered as Batman landed next to her. “Its alright.” Bruce said back, taking a careful seat next to her and letting his legs dangle. Because it was Bruce. It wasn't Batman, it wasn't Brucie Wayne. It was just Bruce. Even though she had run away. “I think there might be something wrong with me.” Steph whispered. “What makes you say that?” Bruce asked quietly. “I don't know.” She rubbed a hand over her face. “Maybe its the fact that im finally finally safe now, and i have security and a family and a decent dad and im just… tense. All the time. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Bruce dropped a careful arm around her shoulders. “You've been living your whole life in survival mode. Its.. its okay to not think life will be okay. That its too perfect. That it'll all be over in a flash, the second you let your guard down and get too comfortable.” Steph smiled weakly at him. “Speaking from experience?” Bruce grimaced. “Yes. And, speaking from experience, I’ve also learned its better to accept life as it is, right now. Embrace it wholly. Sure, it might be over tomorrow, but at least you have today.” Steph snorted. “Wow. Did you see a cat poster on your way over here?” Bruce offered her a smile at that, but she could tell he was still serious. “I know its not easy, but I’m here for you Steph. So are the others. We’ll get you to embrace us one day.” Steph laughed weakly. “Yeah. Maybe.” They sat there like that for a while, until little pins and needles were running down both Steph’s legs.
“I beat up a wall once.” Bruce said suddenly, breaking the silence. “When I was eight.” Steph started at the sudden start in conversation. “Okay..” she said slowly, chancing a side long glance at him. “Why? Did you win?” Bruce chuckled, holding up his right hand. “Because i though it would make me feel better.” He shook his head. “It didn't. I didn't.” he corrected, showing her his wrist beneath the glove where a faint white scar ran across it. “I broke my wrist. Snapped it right in half.” Steph gasped. “When you were eight?” she exclaimed faintly. Bruce nodded.  “D- did it make you feel better?” Steph asked tentatively. Bruce shook his head, another chuckle rumbling through his body. “Gods no. It hurt like a bitch.” Steph snorted. He looked over at her. “You know what did make me feel better though?” She looked at him expectantly. “What?” Bruce smiled. “Alfred shattering the wall.” Steph gaped at him. “Nu-uh.” “yuh-huh.” bruce nodded. “Alfred?” Steph said skeptically. “We’re talking about the same Alfred?” Bruce snorted again. “When we found me curled up next to the wall,” he explained. “He assumed i had been beaten up. When i revealed to him, although a bit begrudgingly, that i had lost the fight against the wall, he had stood up and left.” “he left?” Steph exclaimed. “When you were hurt and revealed you had been fighting a wall????” bruce nodded. “Yep. I felt that way too. But then he returned holding a sledgehammer and-” he mimed swinging something. “Shattered it.” Steph let out a giggle, leaning into his side in laughter. “Wow.” she laughed. “How have i never heard this story before?” she asked, wheezing. Bruce shrugged, eyes twinkling as he watched her. “Im sure Babs is saving it for the right moment.” Steph giggled again. “Stephanie.” Bruce said softly. Steph composed herself slightly, hiccuping, and looked up at him. Bruces sapphire blue eyes gazed into hers. “I would shatter a wall for you.” he whispered. Steph swallowed. “I know Bruce. I know you would. I’m sorry I ran away.” Bruce looked around before shrugging. “Its not too far. I once caught Dick halfway on his way to Bludhaven.” Steph looked at him intrigued. “Why was he going there?” Bruce chuckled. “Wanted to run away and join the circus.” “ah.” Steph placed a gentle hand on his leg. “I guess I couldn't keep him from the city after all huh?” Bruce asked quietly. “Nope.” Steph said back. “But, you did give him something.” Bruce glanced at her. “Yeah? Whats that?” Steph smiled. “You gave him roots. A home. Dick has his apartment in Bludhaven now. He has his own team. A home. But you gave him a home he can come back to. Fall back on.” Bruce smiled. “Thank you. And,” His hand covered hers where it rested on his leg, long pale fingers curling around hers. Steph kept her eyes trained on their hands, on the protective body shielding her from the cold. “If you allow it, I would love to provide the same for you.” Steph’s lip began to tremble, and she gave a jerky nod, a tear hitting her leg. Bruce reached over and brushed them away. “I love you Steph.” Steph let out a small hiccupy laugh, leaning into his touch. “I love you too…Dad.”
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herotome · 3 days
Devlog #144
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
I did so much writing??!?!? Ahhh!
I think it had something to do with giving myself permission (<---easier said than done) to write more exciting scenes out of order. That means action scenes! That means romantic build-up...! Granted they're 'baby's first romance/action scenes' for our MC, because they nonetheless occur quite early on. As a writer I gotta leave myself room to amp the adrenaline up in mid-to-late game scenes.
Some no context peeks - quick disclaimer that none of this is final and may be susceptible to being cut (especially because I wrote out of order):
Warden: "… It was probably that kid's first time pulling a stunt like this. I bet they didn't imagine you'd be there to stop them in their tracks." Warden: "It's good that it was just a kid, too. I don't want you getting into an actual fight without me." Warden: "I mean— if you're assigned under me, I should always be nearby to help, so..." … Is it me, or does he seem a bit flustered by the thought of being near me? Or of me being under him— I suck in a hiss as Warden removes the final thorn [from my hand].
I cough and flap the neck of my top, hoping to diffuse the noxious scent of paint. It doesn't help. Warden: "Uhm— here, hold on—" He shrugs off his jacket and hands it to me. … I can't quite stop myself from gawking at the sight. Warden: "… Was that stupid of me? Maybe this is gross, you don't need to wear my jacket—" I take the jacket from him before he can get too self-conscious. Whether or not I {i}want{/i} to wear it, it'll be better than huffing the spray paint from my own clothes.
Griffin: "Do you trust me?" Player choice: "I do." His eyes seem to flicker, torn between delight and genuine surprise. Griffin: "Really? {i}Wow{/i}. That makes me feel real special, you have no idea." Griffin: "I'm gonna have to trust you right back in return, won't I?"
Griffin: "It's our anniversary. My honey bunny and I just had a splendid meal at the new Michelin-star gastronomic restaurant uptown. Have you been there?" {i}Honey bunny{/i}? If I was trying to maintain a poker face, I'm failing spectacularly at it now. Player choice: "Y—Yeah! All of the gas atomics were… so yummy." (NPC): "… Gas atomics?" Griffin: "My honey bunny has a lisp. I'll kill you if you make fun of [her]."
What else.
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I separated last week's driving CG into separate PNGs, and wrote and tested the code to make sure Griffin doesn't show up as... oh, I don't know... a floating pair of eyes?
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I also wrote a bit of code to adjust the background height while you're in a car -- you can see a before and after below.
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Might have to nudge it back down a bit though.
That's about it?!
Stay safe and keep warm,
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jaeyunluvbot · 1 day
chapter twelve. dinner date
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𝜗𝜚 You and Jake arrived at the restaurant after a short drive, talking and listening to music the whole way. You found his music taste endearing and appreciated how similar it was to your own. You also found his singing adorable. He'd look over at you every so often to make sure you were enjoying it too.
The two of you were seated at a semi-secluded booth, with Jake taking charge of looking over the menu and deciding what to order. As he looked over the menu, you looked at him, noticing just how stunning he looked in the dim restaurant lighting. When he finally decided on what to order and the waiter came over to take the order, he turned his full attention to you, asking about your day and work.
You blushed slightly under the feeling of his eyes on you, hoping it wasn't noticeable, especially since you couldn't blame it on the cold this time. "You look so cute today, Y/N." He offered you a compliment after a moment of silence, desperately wanting to talk more.
"Thanks, Jake, you look good too," you replied, feeling a little flutter in your heart at his kind words.
"So tell me about soccer, isn't your season almost over?" you asked, not wanting to come off as awkward or standoffish with your short response to his compliment.
"Yeah, we have a few games left, then maybe playoffs if we do well for the rest of the season." Jake smiles and you can tell he's passionate about his sport.
"I'm sure you guys will do well. I don't know too much about soccer, but from what I've seen, you guys are an amazing team." You gave him a quick thumbs up and he giggled. Internally, you were dying from the sound that just escaped his mouth, but externally you didn't show it.
"Now I wanna know about you. I feel bad that we never talked before the other day."
You laughed. "Ok, I'm an elementary education major, my favorite color is pink, and, ummm, I can't really think of anything else."
"Elementary education? How'd you pick that? Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course!" He backpedaled quickly, not wanting you to think he's judging your chosen course of study.
"I just really enjoy working with kids and I know how a good teacher can impact a student's life, so I wanted to be able to do something like that, you know?"
He agreed and stated that he admires people who can work with kids, claiming they stress him out. You agreed, but said that the pros outweigh the cons.
Time passed and the two of you talked more, generally getting to know each other as you ate. The atmosphere was pleasant and calm, filled with a soft happiness that emanated from both of you. Once the bill was paid and the meal was finished, and you and Jake headed back out to his car, you felt a hint of sadness that your time together was ending.
"So I know you only agreed to dinner, but would it be too much to go to an arcade or something? I know a really fun one close to here," Jake said, making your heart flutter once again.
"That sounds fun, but don't you have practice tomorrow morning? I don't want you to be too tired..." you said hesitantly.
"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm not even tired yet, plus it's only 10:15, so I can still get a good amount of sleep later."
"Then let's go."
He grinned and gave you a high five. "You're the best." 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - y/n getting hate we DO NOT love to see it, but i needed to add some drama so i can make myself sad. ignore if the writing is shitty it's 6 am and i haven't slept. like and leave a comment pretty please.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @jakesaverse @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @dreamiestay @lilifiedeans @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @dojaejunging @noobgod1269 @bluxjun @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie
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cvnt4him · 3 days
i would request monoma x reader bc I'm literally going crazy about him but idk-- OMG NVM MONOMA X KIND/SOFT READER
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You know you wrong as hell for that picture tho.. bc why he look so goofy, bones js doing my man wrong this season😞
*˖°My heart.°˖*
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"I don't get what you even see in him, my love."
Mina scolds as she finishes crocheting your last butterfly loc into your hair.
It was 4 AM, you both had school in a couple hours and she had been doing your hair since 12 o'clock. Your head was pounding and was going to be throbbing for the next week. You can only imagine how bad it'll be once you put your hair into a ponytail...
You sigh from relief knowing that was the last braid you had to endure. She puts muse all over your hair, the soft yet cold air like foam covering your hair as she gently slides her hands down each braid costing it in the pleasant and calming scented hair applicator.
You stand and stretch deciding to just put your bonnet on without putting your hair up so you can just head straight to bed, not that you'd get much sleep since school started in like what less than an hour and a half? What's the point in even trying to sleep.
"he makes me laugh. he's a gentleman, he--"
"gentleman my ass."
She cuts you off with a scoff straightening up all of the things she used to do your hair, putting them away and washing the icky foam texture off of her hands.
"okay first of all, don't you ever in your life; he's a sweetheart, really he is. and I don't need you questioning my choices, you're like a sister to me so please for the love of God just fucking trust my choices for once, yeah?"
She hums and rolls her eyes putting her bonnet on and getting under her leopard printed covers. She sighs and wishes you a good night as you leave and head back to your dorm.
All you could think about while getting ready for school was how rude mina was. Sure he was quite unpleasant to your classmates but he's a sweet guy to you!! Well no.. he's just less of an asshole. You noticed that Everytime he would say some smartsss remark to your peers he wouldn't say anything even remotely bad to you. He wouldn't even look at you. It's like there was something about you that just made him go silent.
The way you looked at him however, that was a game changer. He would get all stuttery over his words and just get flustered to the point he'd live without kendo needing to assist. (Knocking his hardheaded ass out)
You figured he had a crush on you which you were completely alright with due to you reciprocating his feelings! He was so beautiful and rather charming in his own way. He was distinguished and quite dashing!!!
You had no idea how people could just say such mean things to him!!
You finish off your look with a silver necklace that makes everything pop so beautifully. Your many rings matching indefinitely. You wore a white turtle neck and a pastel pink plaid skirt with white opaque tights on underneath. Baby pink Mary Jane's accompanying your soft aesthetic.
Being in college was fun for you, the party's the sleepovers the random socks on other people's dorm handles. It was an interesting experience, one of the greatest parts about it was how you could wear whatever you wanted! No dress code, no uniforms just your own unique style!
You walked with a sway to your hips as you made it to your class, to your surprise seeing how there were different students there than normal.
You look around and see groans and laughter coming from somewhere, you turn your head out the classroom door to see some of your friend and peers angry and uncomfortable whilst a manically laughing monoma boasts about something.
Mina sees you and lights up nodding her head in monomas direction telling you in girl talk or whatever the fuck to "get your fucking man before I have kirishima walk him like a damn dog."Her eyes saying more than enough.
You chuckle which catches others attention, including monomas. He turns with a raised brow to see you, his eyes widening and a pinky tint slightly becoming visible on his features.
"hello, neito."
He clears his throat and turns to you dusting off his outfit and giving you a small grin looking to the ground, unable to hold eye contact.
"hi y/- ahem. Y/n."
His voice cracked whilst he tried saying your name instantly making him get flustered and asking a loud and entertained kirishima have a belly laugh.
Monomas turns to them and instantly shouts at them calling them "Imbeciles" and "incompetent losers" and such, the way he spoke with such sophisticated mannerisms was just amusing to you, even while arguing and being angry with people he disliked he still manages to not use foul language and be somewhat civilized. It's quite neat.
You giggle catching his attention again, he turns to you and bows his head lightly with a smile as an apology.
"what are you up to, neito?"
You ask with a tilt to your head.
"who me?! I- uhm-- y'know the usual, classes are just taking over my brain at the moment, haha!"
He jokes, making you giggle again. God you were so cute to him, the way you innocently giggled or laughed at anything, the way you dressed to adorably like an innocent little girl was oddly compelling to him.
"i see you've gotten your hair done. It looks very nice, y/n."
He says to you nodding his head to your hair, the way you had little sparkles raying off of it and how you had little star shaped clips in your locs just completes your outfit.
"awh thank you neito!! You're so sweet!"
You jump into his arms with a hug, snuggling your nose into his shirt. He blushed intensively, getting stiff and tense underneath your touch. You did such foul things to him, making him flustered and blushy like this. He never felt this way for anyone, he always wanted to be a hero and show everyone that he was just as capable of doing things his former class rivals could.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your shorter figure leaning his head down and resting it on your head, his nose burying itself into your locs and smelling the sweet smell radiating off of them.
It was an unfamiliar smell to him, yet it was so intoxicatingly sweet. Like he'd smelled it before, or like it was just something he couldn't resist. A smell he was sure he wanted to take over his senses all the time. For the rest of his life even.
The hug lasted quite some time, an angry kirishima faux clearing his throat to end the long hug. Mina rolled her eyes and nudged him, she didn't like monoma really, but if you had then she'd just have to thug that shit out. For your sake.
You pulled away first, having monoma realize where he was, which was not in a perfect mansion with a beautiful rose garden, white picket fence, and a golden retriever running around with happy and cheerful barks.
He looks down at you ass you peer up at him with beautiful eyes, the way they shine so brightly even without sunlight raying into them, the way you bat your eyelashes at him and smile innocently.
He blushed while staring deep into your eyes. Fuck he'd just imagined a whole entire life with you, making you his wife and you have his kids.
You were evil and putting him under your spell. Your evil, wicked, enchanting, perfect, beautiful, absolutely breathtaking spell. Wait what?!
He got flushed and hid his face with his hand as he looked away, his other hand still on your waist.
You put one of your hands on his neck causing him to snap his neck to look right back to your face. You look down at his chest and rub your other hand up and down it and slowly look back up to him. You smile and move your hand that was once in his neck to his flushed cheek.
He wss going to kiss you. Fuck he was actually going to kiss you, finally, after having a huge crush on you for all these years you were going to kiss him. He'd finally make you his!
"AHEM. So yeah uh, we have to get to class, right y/n? Wouldn't want kids to catch you guys Frenching in the middle of the hallway while classes are in right? Right?"
Kirishima interrupts, making up an excuse to get you away from him.
Mina face palms herself while pulling kirishima away from the two of you. Monoma watching while he gives kirishima an evil, shit eating grin. Kirishima was practically foaming out of the mouth like a raccoon with rabies.
You simply giggle before letting him go. No no no, that's not what was supposed to happen! Why'd you let him go?!
"he's right, we should get to class."
You say quietly, never taking a step back still being rather close to him, peering up at him with wide eyes and offering him a smile.
He sighs and looks away. He was extremely disappointed. Why'd that shitty shark toothed fucker have to get in his way? You were finally going to kiss him.
"but, we can hang out later, if you'd like."
"yes!-- I uhm.. yes, I would like that, if you would."
He answers quickly, before stumbling on his words and saving himself from eternal embarrassment, not that toud ever make fun of him. He was cute, and flushy. Most people didn't get to see him like that not even kendo. You were honored and wnsted to spend more time with him. So you agreed. The two do you made plans and agreed to meet and have lunch, he'd take you to see a movie and you'd go out on dinner dates.
He had so many plans for the two of you. And once you start dating you better believe you're not allowed to be around anyone without him, not that he's jealous.. he's jealous. He's so jealous, he hates anyone that's not him being in your presence. He loves you! More than anything and anyone.
He holds you with grace, being so gentle with you throughout everything. Making sure you don't have tod I anything, not lift a single finger. He holds you tight at night making you feel safe and warm. He loves matching with you, and eating with you, and doing anything to ensure everyone knows you're his. He isn't insecure or anything but he's not oblivious to the rather hot people that swarm your school. He has a hard time reassuring himself that you only have eyes for him!
You're so kind and nice to everyone it's hard to believe you're his girlfriend. Seriously, no one believes you two, but you are. You're his and he's yours. No doubt about it, he'd choose you over the world.
He loves showing you off, boasting and bragging about how cute you are, how you're his girlfriend and how no one can ever even compare to you. How your skin glows in the sunlight without any help. How you're so strong and are better than anyone who ever existed. You can be a bit of an airhead at times, he even teases you about it, but let someone dare say some shit about you, he's ready to throw words. Something tells me hes not the best at hand to hand combat..
Anyways, he loves you dearly, he makes sure to tell you constantly. He doesn't want you feeling like you're less than perfect. He has standard, rather high ones too, and you meet them to a tee.
AN: this is x black!reader bc I js got my hair done and I've become kinda obsessed w him so. Yeah!!! I'm definitely making more monoma and tenya content bc they've recently been clouding my head. Anyways love laugh love monoma!!!
This is kind of all over the place so come back later for more and much better content including him.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 20 hours
(Not a request dw) (I definitely borrowed a little from what you wrote and slashed through earlier)
Knock Out brainrot time. >:3c
Just thinking of him occasionally taking his human Back to the train tracks where he caught them the first time to torment them further. Especially about how they failed to escape him the first time. Not that they Actually Had a Chance, but he's an arrogant asshole so he's gonna act like they did. And that they failed to utilize it correctly.
Maybe he pretends to give them another chance to properly flee, with the same rules/time limit as last time? 20 minutes, but after 5 he's going to begin his search for them. But this time? The human has something of a plan, even if it'll only delay the inevitable. They use the fog cover to sneakily dash about, and cover things in heir scent. They're trying to fool his nose so he has to try harder to find them in the fog.
Five minutes pass of him tracking their progress, and he begins to move. Taunting them about their plan to con a Con, and how it won't work. Of course he knew what they were doing, and it's a decent plan outside of the fact that he can See them trying to put it into action. But, oh well, better luck next time, morsel.
At the ten minute mark, however, he loses sight of them. And with minimal sign of them beyond the smell of terror they leave behind, he begins to grow a little antsy. Not worried, no, he's going to catch them, and It Will Be Easy. They just... hadn't been much of a challenge before. This is certainly proving to be an interesting round of Hide and Shriek.
It's a little past the fifteen minute mark that he catches a definitive trace of them. "Ah, There they are." He laughs lowly, and stomps closer to the boxcar they'd stashed themselves away in. Now that he's locked onto where they've hidden, he decides to walk a little further away from them. To make them think he's still oblivious to their hiding spot. A minute passes. Two, three. Little footsteps pad through the door to the next boxcar.
At nineteen minutes, Knock Out decides to stop playing with his food. He saunters over to their new hiding spot, and tears the door open. Leaning the whole boxcar at an angle with a servo, so His human is forced to skid over to the far side and look up at him. "You know, this game of Cyber cat and Glitch mouse was certainly thrilling, but all good things must come to an end eventually. Now, sit still for me won't you? We have things to do once we get back to the Nemesis."
He reaches in with his right servo to daintily pluck them from their rusty tomb, but stops short when something blunt smashes into one of his digits. He pulls his claws away from them to survey the damage, and notices rusty little scratches in one of them. He growls in displeasure before lunging to harshly pin His Plaything's arm to the wall, and wrenching away the offending weapon. An old crowbar sits pinched between two of his talons before he snaps it in two, and throws it away like a used tooth pick.
He regards his captive with a snarl, hating the effect their resistance has on him. The fact that they have the Audacity to attack him is in itself is infuriating, and he loathes losing his cool. Especially in regards to a fleshbag he's been ever So lenient with. He'll make them buff out the scratch later, but for now... "As much as I can respect your meager survival tactics, don't you think it's a little late to be trying this hard to escape?" He tries to maintain his self-assured tone to scare the human into thinking that their efforts to piss him off were Entirely in vain. But even they can detect the wrath bleeding into his tone like a drop of ink in water.
Knock Out lunges to pin his prize to the far wall with a servo again, making sure that the sharp ends of his claws graze their flesh lightly. "Has it Not sunken in yet human? You. Can't. Escape. From. Me. You only get as far as you do during our little games, because I let you. You didn't stand a chance In The Pits of escaping the second I laid my optics on you the first time, and you certainly don't have a shot now." He lifts them out of the boxcar, and drops it back onto the tracks, a crumpled heap of scrap metal. He ceases to keep his contempt for their petulance out of his voice now that he's got a proper grip on them.
"In case you haven't noticed, human? I am Faster than you. I am Stronger than you. And no matter how Far you run, I will Always find you. Remember that the next time you forget your place in this little arrangement of ours. Though, in case you Do need a reminder after all that?
You. Are. Mine.
His grip tightens while he speaks, and only loosens his grip again once he can he feel them gasp for air. He sighs, satisfied that he'd gotten his point across, and brings his little Snack down from optic level. "Once we get back to the Nemesis, you're getting a bath. And then, you're due for a night long tour of my tank. That's a fitting punishment for a squirmy little fleshy like you, I think. Oh, and you Will be buffing this scratch out of my hand, by the by. Don't think your panicked flailing fit with a piece of scrap metal slipped my mind, dear. I won't be as gentle with you the next time you lash out like that."
Anon. Holy shit. I literally have no words. This is absolutely incredible. I have nothing to add to this because it’s so damn GOOD!!! I don’t even have to write a part 2 anymore because this is that AMAZING!!!! God I am going to be rereading this at least twice a week SHAUZISKDJFNFJJFAAAAAAUGH!!!!!
I can only imagine afterwords when this is all over and you are within his tank. You have never seen Knockout that angry before. Though he makes an effort to intimidate you and show how terrifying he can be, he’s always been relatively gentle with you. Now, though? The memory of being slammed against the boxcar, how his claws grazed your skin, his snarls, the way he nearly squeezed the life out of you. And his words…
“You. Are. Mine.”
You curl up tighter and bury your head into your knees, shaking. You begin to quietly weep.
Meanwhile, Knockout is tinkering away with some stuff when he hears your soft sobs rising up from his middle. Pausing his activities and looking down, he listens to you cry and feels you tremble. A part of him feels smugly satisfied that you know your place now…but there’s another part of him that feels strangely…guilty. Your a small, fragile little thing. He could have seriously hurt you.
Heaving a low sigh, he clenches his tank muscles to squeeze you gently. “Settle down, little thing,” he murmurs. “I was harsh with you, I’ll admit. But you must understand that at moments, harshness is necessary. You need to know your place. You need to know you are mine.”
You don’t respond. He doesn’t expect you to. His comfort is not exactly the most comforting. He’s silent. He doesn’t feel as triumphant as he did earlier.
Even Decepticons can feel remorse sometimes.
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drpeppertummy · 2 days
teddy is my sweetest little guy & i love being sooo mean 2 him
[post-stuffing bellyache & bloating/belly expansion, burst teasing]
Teddy whined and hugged his arms around his distended tummy. It wasn't entirely his fault; it was only a few days before the full moon, and his cravings were through the roof. He'd managed to pack away five big burgers into his little belly in the past couple hours, and an enormous hunk of chocolate cake on top of it. The cake wasn't a werewolf craving, of course; it was a plain old human craving, although his increased appetite had pushed him to eat far more than he might have ordinarily. Fortunately, chocolate wasn't as dangerous to a werewolf like Teddy as it was to an actual wolf, but it wasn't free from consequence. For the most part, it simply caused cramping and bloating. With his belly already as swollen as it was from everything he'd eaten, bloating was not something Teddy could afford.
Now, he lay flat on his back in bed, his overstuffed belly pushing out tight as a drum, straining the buttons of his shirt and bulging so far he couldn't even see his feet past it. He would have sworn it was still swelling up; the pressure only seemed to be building inside him, and it rumbled and vibrated restlessly. Another pained whine escaped him as a cramp gripped his aching tummy. He held his bloated middle helplessly, desperate to relieve the unbearable pressure but too sore to move.
A sudden creaking sound caught Teddy's attention. If he wasn't already convinced his belly was still bloating, one of his shirt buttons popping open was plenty of proof. He relaxed a little; for a moment he was sure it was his tummy that was about to burst rather than his shirt. The relief didn't last, though. It was quickly replaced with worry--if there was enough pressure inside him to pop open his shirt, who was to say he wouldn't burst open too?
Groaning, he tried to sit up, but his stomach felt like a balloon caught in a press. He felt his shirt growing tighter still. He tried to force up a burp, but despite the gas that was building up worryingly inside his tummy, nothing came out. He moaned and clutched his bubbling, rumbling belly. It felt shockingly tight under his hands, even with the plush layer of fat covering his distended insides.
"Luna!" he cried frantically. His friend came hurrying in, worried by the sound of his voice.
"What is it? What's wrong? Oh, jeez, your belly…"
"I don't know what to do," he moaned. "I'm gonna explode!" As if to emphasize his point, another button popped open under the pressure of his slowly-but-steadily expanding belly.
"Oh, Jesus, you're blowing up like a balloon," she exclaimed. "Sit up, maybe it'll help the gas rise up."
"I can't! I'm too full."
"I'll help you," Luna insisted. Slowly and carefully, with a hand on his back, she eased him upright. His belly bulged out farther than ever in front of him, and the gap in his shirt buttons spread wide open over it.
"Come on," she urged, patting his back with one hand and rubbing his belly with the other. He tried again to burp, and she winced as his impossibly swollen tummy tensed up under her hand. He whimpered and moaned, his stomach stretching to its absolute limit, straining to hold itself together as it swelled tighter and tighter. His belly began to rumble loudly, and he braced himself.
"It's not working," he groaned, clutching his belly. "I'm gonna--" As if on cue, an enormous burp erupted from his mouth, so long and forceful that it fully knocked the wind out of him. He and Luna remained frozen for a moment, startled and astonished. Then, they looked at each other, still silent and wide-eyed, and then they dissolved into relieved laughter.
"Jesus Christ, Teddy," she laughed, flopping down on the bed. "No more chocolate for you!"
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mu1nfinityx · 2 days
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ ✦ ࣪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀꒰͡ ⠀ ִ Muichiro Tokito x Gn! Reader ⠀ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
ㅤ♡ㅤThe mist Hashira seemed to have forgotten something important, good thing he have rememberedㅤ۫ㅤ𝅄ㅤೀ
˚꒰ 🐇 ꒱‧ Hi there! I hope you enjoy this! (504 words)
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Muichiro feels like he has forgotten something really important. Sure, this ain't uncommon, he forgets many things. Some important, some not so much. Muichiro tilts his head, trying hard to figure out what is bothering him so much. Nothing comes to mind...
Muichiro decides to just leave it be. It's not like whatever it is will hurt him. He went outside and sat down in the lawn, glazing up at the clouds. This went on for minutes until he saw a cloud that looked like you. "Hmm, that cloud looks like (Y/n)." He mumbles to himself, a small smile then grace his face at the thought of you.
Then it hits him, it must have something to do with you! But what is it? It can't possibly be your anniversary, it has already passed. Well, at least he thinks so. So it must be your birthday! Muichiro's face lit up at remembering but went back down just as quickly. He didn't even know what to get you... He has to hurry to get you a gift!
Muichiro went to the nearest village to pick up a gift. While there he also picked up some sweets and (f/f) for you. While scrolling through the vendors, a hairpin caught his eyes. It was cloud shaped and really pretty. You have been talking about how your hair gets in your way sometimes. Not only is this convenient it'll also look really pretty on you.
"How much does it cost?" Muichiro asked the vendor, pointing at the hairpin. It was pretty expensive, responsible for how high quality it is. Muichiro had it put in a decorative box then put it in the bag. He looked up and saw the sun was almost in the middle of the sky. Muichiro quickly rushed to your estate to wish you a happy birthday, he doesn't want you to think he has forgotten.
When he got there he knocked on the door, waiting patiently for you to open the door. He heard some movement from inside, and you called out “I'm coming!” As soon as you open the door Muichiro graced you with a smile. “Ah, good morning Muichiro!” You waved at him and offered him to come inside. Once he was inside, you noticed the bag he was holding. “Oh? What's that for?” You pointed at the bag and tilted your head. “For you. Happy birthday (Y/n).” Muichiro holds out the bag towards you. You smiled and took the bag from him. “Thank you, Muichiro! I'm honestly surprised that you've remembered!” You hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“You're welcome.” Y'all then sat down at the table and enjoyed the food together. You then open the box. “Oh this is beautiful!” You took the hairpin out and admired it. “I thought so too.” Muichiro replied. You put it on and looked in the mirror. “You're very pretty.” He complimented you, glazing at how the hairpin compliments your beauty. You giggle in response. “Thank you.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀﹏ ᜔ 𓆇࣪ ˒˓ 🐇   ⃘♡⠀
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© mu1nfinityx ── don't plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
tags : @silliestlemons @muichirotokito-122 @blueberryspiders @secretlyfeofbryanna @kitkat-moon @the-faceless-bride @nyachiro @hisslt @cfyslvr @kemis-world @cacacattz @qrhttp @akira-shima @yunloid @kiyokatokito
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scarletnargacuga · 2 days
Racing AU!
Caine's been shot by cupid's digital arrow! He's falling harder than a stone, losing control even. Is he losing control or just experiencing digital hallucinations? Jax knows something Pomni needs to know, can she beat it out of him on the track?
WARNING: cartoon racing violence
Caine floated with his arms and legs crossed. He hadn't taken his eyes off the red door for nearly twelve hours. The silence of his workshop was only broken by his fingers tapping anxiously against his arm. He glared at the door, daring it to move.
"Hey, boss-"
"GAAAAH! BUBBLE! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY!?" His voice garbled some distortion as he righted himself from nearly doing a backflip.
"Really? I thought you were having a staring contest with the door. Did you win?"
Caine dragged his hand down the front of his teeth. "No, Bubble...I was just... checking something. What do you want?"
"It's almost race time, boss."
He checked his wacky watch. "Byte biscuits, I don't have one ready. Guess we'll do a repeat today, but an old one. Makes it uh...what's the word?"
"[%$!#]?" Bubble smiled.
Caine gave Bubble a deadpanned look of disappointment. "No. Nostalgic! That's the one. And it'll be new to our newer racers anyway." He looked at the door again, half expecting it to be gone. It remained. "Bubble, I have a task for you. Stay here. If that door disappears, tell me right away. Got it?"
"On it, boss!" Bubble took Caine's place of hovering in front of the red door.
Caine snapped his fingers and the assets he needed for today's race disappeared from the workshop. He mentally assembled the map as he made sure he was ready to host. Coat? Check. Cane? Check. Hat? Check. A quick look in the mirror to see if he had something stuck in his teeth, he never did, but he always checked anyway. He had to look his best, especially now that he knew that Pomni paid attention. She said he did good! He wondered if she'd say it again sometime. It was so nice to hear.
"Alright, Bubble! I'm off! Remember, if that door so much as twitches out of place, tell me." He vanished with a snap.
Pomni was having her first digital breakfast. At least, that's what everyone else called it. Unless someone requested a specific dish, the assortment of food on the table was completely random. She didn't feel hungry, but her mind was certain she needed to eat. When was the last time she had food? What was her last meal in the real world? She took a bite of palagonal chicken before she started trauma spiraling again.
Gummigoo sat next to her enjoying some caramel filled chocolate eggs. He too was using food as a distraction from the thoughts that plagued his confused mind. This was life now. His last life being entirely made up, he had to try and make a new one. A real one. ...how? He monched another egg to silence the questions.
"You two are awfully quiet." Ragatha said from across the table.
Pomni and Gummigoo gave each other with knowing glaces. "Just hungry." "Yeah."
"They're still adjusting." Kinger said poignantly. "Give them time." He put an indeterminate fruit to his face and a bite disappeared from it. "Ooh, kiwi."
Zooble offered a piece of toast to Gangle, who took a small bite. "Kinger's right. Don't you remember how long it took you to adjust? Took you a month to stop screaming every time Caine showed up."
"He wore earmuffs every time he visited." Gangle giggled.
"What can I say? He was scary to look at. All teeth and eyes and eugh." Ragatha shivered.
Jax was at the end of the table. Chair tipped back, feet up. "So, you're saying Caine made you scream? How scandalous." He smirked when he got the exact reaction he thought he'd get out of her. He flattened his ears as he dodged the bowl of potatoes she threw at him.
Gummigoo didn't really get the joke but smiled all the same. Watching them all interact like this, joshing each other and having fun despite the circumstances. He could get used to this. "So uh... the races. When do they usually happen?" He rubbed his head. He hadn't quite processed the massive garble of information Caine dumped into his code.
"Roughly mid-day. Not that any of us have a real perception of time here, just going by the day/night cycle outside." Ragatha answered. "And the races last until everyone has crossed the finish line three times. However long it takes."
"So if you fall behind, everyone has to wait on your slow sorry [%$!#] to finish." Jax added.
"Well, you won't have to worry about me. Slow isn't in my lexicon." Gummigoo winked.
Jax rolled his eyes. "The flying chatter box will be here soon and I got some adjustments I need to make." He stood.
"This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure." Zooble jabbed. Gangle put her ribbons over her mouth to cover her smile.
Jax held up his hand and his gesture was censored as he walked away. Zooble returned the gesture.
Pomni excused herself under her breath and followed Jax. He preoccupied himself with his kart. He didn't look at her but acknowledged her presence. "What do you want, short stack?"
She ingnored the name and looked back to make sure everyone else was still at the table before answering. "I wanted to ask you something. A-about the void."
He froze in place for a second before continuing messing with the buttons. "What about it?"
"You've been there, right? You mentioned it my first day."
"I might have. What's it to ya?"
"Well, I-..." She got quiet. "I may have accidentally ended up there. Yesterday. Through a door. And an office. Uh- it was weird, anyway, do you know anything about the void?"
"I may or may not. What's in it for me if I tell ya?"
"Uh...I don't know. I just-"
"Thought I'd tell you what I know for free? Tsk, tsk. That's no fun. Tell you what..." He submitted his selections and the kart lowered back to the ground. He looked down at her with the biggest grin. "Beat me in today's race, and I'll tell ya what I know."
"What? You don't care about winning! You said so yourself!"
"I don't, but now, it seems there may be something worth competing for after all. The satisfaction of knowing something that you don't." His grin widened with a evil glint in his eye.
"Fine. Give me your word that you'll tell all when I beat you."
"If, short stack, if." He held out his hand for a shake. He gripped her hand hard and leaned down close. His voice a dark whisper. "You've never seen me race when I gave a [%$!#]. You think I'm a problem now? You ain't seen nothing yet."
Pomni stood her ground despite the nauseating anxiety that bubbled in her gut. "Game on, then."
Jax looked ready to burst with joy. "Game on."
"Hello, my tasty toasters!" Caine appeared out of thin air over the table. Startling only Gummigoo. "Are you ready to race? We're doing a classic today! An oldie but a goodie! Join me outside and see!" He zipped over to Pomni and held out his hand. "I'm especially excited to show you this track, Pomni. It's very thematic to your attire."
"Uh...okay." She hesitated but took his hand and flew with him right through the wall like a couple of ghosts.
Gummigoo walked out with the others. "Is he always this... eccentric?"
"Nah, this is actually pretty tame for him. His latest project must be giving him problems." Ragatha shrugged.
The outside had been transformed into the inside of a massive yellow and red tent. The track ramped up from the start; spiraling and winding through hoops of fire, impossible long jumps and loop-the-loops. Toy-like, but life sized, animals played with balls and balloons and popcorn. Faceless figurines danced on tightropes and trapeze.
"Welcome, to the Circus!" Caine announced, followed by the standard fanfare of the NPC audience. Fireworks went off overhead and he looked to Pomni for approval. Time was doing something weird as he watched her expressions. It was going so slow. The sparkle and flare of the fireworks reflected in her wide, colorful eyes. He felt fuzzy, like his core was made of static. He still held her hand, the way it fit in his suddenly felt significant. When she looked at him with an amused smile, he nearly fell out of the air. He slowly let her back down, but forgot to let go.
"Uh, Caine?" Pomni asked as she tried to pull her hand away. Gangle covered her mouth in a silent gasp and shook Zooble with excitement. Zooble just let it happen, Gangle often got excited over little things and they weren't going to deny her expression.
"Oop- right, apologies." Caine cleared his throat. "As I was saying, welcome to the Circus! To our return racers, welcome back! The Circus is a twisting good time where you'll perform jaw dropping stunts from heart stopping heights at mind bending speed! The more tricks you show off, the more points you achieve!"
"Wait, heights?" Pomni asked nervously.
"Oh yeah, BIG heights." Jax came up behind her and pointed out the largest drop on the track. A sign made of flashing colorful lights saying "The High Dive" hung precariously over the edge of a hundreds foot high ledge that sloped like a ski jump, a speed boost flashing red and orange all the way down.
Pomni gulped.
"Don't worry, Pomni." Ragatha shoved Jax away. "Remember you have a glider, and the tricks can be whatever you want. Just go with what feels right. Caine's pretty easily impressed." She escorted Pomni to her kart, keeping an eye on Jax.
Gummigoo whistled. "Crikey, this is what we do here?"
"Pretty much." Said Zooble. "Just roll with it."
"Works for me." He saw everyone go to their respective kart, so he mounted his bike at the end of the line.
"Racers! Start! Your! Engines!!" Caine shouted into the mic. The revving of the engines nearly drowned out the cheering crowd. Without Bubble around, two smaller bubble assistants held the starting light.
First light.
Jax looked back at Pomni with a smarmy grin.
Second light.
Pomni narrowed her eyes at him, determined not be intimidated. At least, not outwardly.
Third light.
"Wait, which button was for the glider?" She thought outloud.
No time to think, Pomni floored it to take off with the pack. Gummigoo zoomed past her, his bike accelerating much faster than any kart. She watched him weave in between Zooble and Kinger and disappear. She took a breath and focused on the first jump; the smallest with a short boost on the ramp. She jumped it without doing a trick, opting to watch the others first.
Jax and a few of the others spun 360°, earning them a few points on the leaderboard. "Okay...that doesn't seem too hard. I can do this."
"And they're off! Jax is leading by five lengths with Kinger right behind him! Gummigoo in third with a strong start! Ragatha and Gangle are tying for fourth! Pomni is keeping up in sixth and Zooble brings up the rear! Get it in gear, Zooble! You don't want to be the last in line for the fun!" Caine laughed.
Pomni got her first item, a bubble. "What!? What do I do with this!?" She held it out away from her, it's beady eyes looked at her vacantly over its sharp toothed grin. She wasn't paying attention and ran right into a bar of soap. But she didn't spin out.
"Nom nom nom, mmmmm! Tasty!" Then the bubble popped.
"Wha-...I guess it does that." She turned a corner and came to the first loop. She hit the boost that circled the length of the loop and felt her face pull back from the force of the acceleration. She'd scream if she could breathe. She kart pulled ahead of Ragatha's at the bottom and flew off a big jump. She panicked and starting hitting ALL the buttons. "Come on, come on, where's the-"
Her glider deployed unexpectedly as it jerked her out of freefall. The sudden motion made her let go of the steering wheel and she glided off course.
"Whoops! Looks like someone needs a little course correction!" Caine snapped his fingers and a cloud of bubbles pushed Pomni back on course in time for her to land. "Don't forget! Tricks are the name of the game! Even someone in last place can win with enough trick points! Wow the crowd!"
Pomni could throw up, she really could. She fought the feeling as she got her next item, hoping for something useful. Jax was far ahead, in position and points, and she needed to catch up or never hear what he knew about the void. She got a golden cupcake and ate it immediately. Her kart went faster and she gained her ground back from flubbing the jump. She passed Ragatha and made ground on Gummigoo. Shells flew as Jax released three white ones. Pomni and Kinger swerved around them, one got Gummigoo and he fell behind.
"How did he have THREE!?" She screamed.
"Multi-shell. Very useful." Kinger's calm tone barely carried to Pomni. "You having fun?"
Pomni didn't get a chance to answer. The track curved sharp right and Kinger didn't turn with it. He hit the wall and was left behind. Pomni barely made the turn while Jax effortlessly drifted through it.
Jax looked back, pleased that Pomni didn't crash with Kinger. This would be awfully boring if she couldn't keep up.
"Oh! That had to hurt! Kinger moves down three places! Gummigoo shook off the shell like a champ and is gunning for lap leaders Jax and Pomni! Ragatha is fighting for her life dodging a shell from Gangle! The girls are on fire today!" Caine spun and flipped in the air as he made his announcements. "Up next is the elephant pyramid! The third largest jump on the whole track! Let's see those moves, racers!"
Jax made the jump and did an aileron roll, earning him lots of points.
Pomni took the jump and tried twisting her kart for a trick. Instead of spinning horizontally, she tipped forward into a front flip and almost didn't rotate back upright before landing. This time, she did puke, black bile slicking the track behind her. "Ugh, what the [%$!#] is this course!"
Gummigoo saw the mess in time and avoided it. Gangle, who finally made it past Ragatha, wasn't so lucky and slid into the wall. Gummigoo caught up with Pomni. "Hey! You alright!?"
"Yeah, just jump jitters!" She tried to laugh it off.
"Clean up on aisle Pomni! Good to get it out before taking on the flaming spiral! That'll really throw you for a loop! Haha- Oh no! Watch out for the cube of face painted dogs, Zooble! Ooooo that's going to leave a mark!"
Pomni had a death grip on her steering wheel as she fought the g-forces through the spiral. She lost all sense of up or down. The fire was thankfully only for visual effect. She and Gummigoo were still neck and neck behind Jax. Signs for the High Dive flew by as they approached the main attraction.
Jax had an orange shell at the ready for whoever got close first. Then his ear twitched. A high pitched whistling sound in the distance was getting closer. He slammed his brakes, forcing Pomni and Gummigoo to swerve away. He managed to get outside the blast radius just in time for the purple shell to target the new 1st place holder.
Gummigoo backflipped and was left stunned on the track. "That sugar huffing banker!" Gummigoo snorted angrily and kicked his bike back into gear. Other racers flew by, putting him down several slots.
Pomni put the petal to the floor and went past Jax as he laughed at Gummigoo. Her glare met his shock.
"Missed me, [%$!#]!" Pomni threw the popper she'd been holding.
"AND POMNI TAKES THE LEAD! She's in her element! She'll be the first over the High Dive!" Caine left his booth to witness it himself. The High Dive was a super long jump that had racers glide all the way to the finish line.
Pomni went over the edge and hit the boost that stretched the length of the slope. Faster. Faster! Hitting the bottom of the jump at top speed she flew into the air. Her heart was racing. Everything felt in slow motion. Tricks. Was the one word sent to the front of her mind. Just with thought, her kart twisted and flipped, performing an aeriel twist. She deployed her glider afterwards, afraid to free fall any farther.
Cane's bottom jaw fell and hit an NPC on the head. "We've never seen that move before! A tremendous display!"
Pomni hit the ground running and crossed the finish line to complete lap one. "Holy [%$!#]! Holy [%$!#]! Holy [%$!#]! How did I do that!?" She was shaking with fear and excitement. The rush she felt her first day was coming back. It felt so good.
BAM! The back of her kart was rammed. She looked back to see a scorched purple rabbitoid in an orange tracksuit glaring daggers at her. "You think that was funny!? I'll show you funny!!" He rammed her again.
She tried to speed away but the windy first portion of the track was slowing her down as she struggled with the drifting mechanic. The first jump separated them. She spun and hit the ground with better speed and got to the surprise boxes first. Her new item was a cane. She immediately threw it at Jax.
Jax avoided the cane and threw his orange shell. The shell found its mark, but in his haste, he threw it in a corner and it ricocheted around back to him. They both spun out and didn't pay mind the other racers as they struggled to get ahead of only each other.
"Some one get some ice because the competition is one FIRE! I haven't seen two racers target each other more since last season's finale! They're playing for keeps!" Caine was absolutely giddy. He considered the fierce competition excellent feedback. He'd have to mark this track as a favorite.
Pomni pushed Jax away from a surprise box, using a move from his playbook, and stole the item. It was just a bar of soap but she used it anyway in the slight hope it would trip him up.
Jax avoided it by keeping his distance for the next jump, using the opportunity to rack points. Afterwards, he got a golden cupcake and boosted past Pomni, regaining his lead. Jax watched her fall behind in his rearview and took a breath. "Little squirt is made of tougher stuff than I thought."
After going over the elephant jump, Pomni got an item in the form of a toy train. Unsure of how to use it, she dropped it. Letting go activated it, turning her kart into a high speed steam train engine. In her surprise, she barely had any control and hit Gangle and Gummigoo, knocking them both into a spin. "Sorryyyyy!" She cried from the cab of the roaring steam engine. It only lasted a few seconds before he kart went back to normal.
"CHOO CHOO! Look out! Locomotive Pomni is on the track and she is taking no prisoners! Who's first!? Who's last!? I DON'T KNOW! WHO CARES!" Caine was having the time of his life.
With a shell, Jax was delayed enough for Pomni to get ahead, but just barely. "I won't let you have this!" Jax angrily pulled up and pit maneuvered her before the apex of the High Dive. They hit the boost with Pomni sliding sideways in front of Jax's kart. He rammed her side to pin her kart in place and started cackling at Pomni's look of fear as they continuously accelerated to the bottom. "Ready to fly!?"
Pomni's kart rolled over and over and over in the air. She could barely get her hand to the glider, she felt so discombobulated. The glider uprighted her, but Jax had a hefty lead gliding to the finished line and completing the second lap. She came down hard, having deployed her glider at the last second.
"Pomni! Are you okay!? You got tossed pretty hard!" Ragatha kept herself even with Pomni, having witnessed her barrel roll thanks to Jax.
"I'm fine! Not even dizzy!" This was a lie. She could barely see straight.
"Maybe you should back off of Jax! I'm all for kicking his tail but he can be intense! Don't start anything!"
"I didn't start this, but I'm going to finish it!" Pomni used a cupcake and hit a booster lane, rocketing away to catch up with Jax. The forces of the acceleration didn't even effect her this time. She confidently went into the turns, still unable to drift properly, but managed to keep enough of her speed to close the gap between her and Jax.
Jax looked back just in time for Pomni to sideswipe him into the curved wall. Sparks flew, slowing them down but not stopping. "You little-!" His arm was long enough to reach Pomni's steering wheel and tried to force her to steer away from him. She fought back with all her might.
"I'll make you eat that wall! You'll tell me what you know through broken teeth!"
"Not on your life!" He activated a chili pepper and held Pomni's wheel as he blew fire in her face point blank.
"Holy Raviolis!" Caine gripped his cane hard with both hands. "Things just keep heating up! This is getting intense! Let's hope Pomni gets out of this one! Oh and uh, Ragatha took a bite out of Gummigoo's tail for hitting her with a popper, or...something. COME ON, POMNI!!"
Pomni threw a shell in Jax's face. He threw a cane. She threw soap. He drifted into her. She accelerated into him. They threw simultaneous shells mid glide.
"Give it up, Pomni! You're not winning this!" He hoped she didn't notice the waver in his bravado. Pomni was proving to be an aggressive adversary, even Ragatha would have given up by now. She rolled with the punches and served them right back. He'd never admit it, but he was starting to feel a smidge of respect.
Pomni got another train and railroaded him with a whistling war cry. He spun out, giving her a new lead. Pomni started laughing. "Come on! Is that all You've got, Jax!?"
Jax held a purple shell in his hand. "No."
Pomni's eyes widened with fear. All the cockiness left her body in an instant. She shut her eyes and braced for impact. Nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see the shell fly off into the distance.
"God [%$!#] [%$!#]!" Jax hit his dash, enraged. He'd completely lost track of where they were in the line up. Apparently, they were not at the front.
"Ha!" Cockiness restored, she blew a raspberry at Jax. She hit the last surprise box, but couldn't use it because Jax immediately slammed into her kart.
"Today is just not Gummigoo's day! That's the second purple shell he's taken to the face this race! Hey, that rhymed. AND KINGER TAKES THE GOLD! Followed by Ragatha, Gangle, Gummigoo, and Zooble! Only two racers left! Who are REALLY taking their time! Hurry up, you two!" He checked his wacky watch. No notifications.
Jax and Pomni ground the paint off their karts ramming together, trying to slow the other down before the High Dive. "Hey! Because I know you won't win this, I'll tell you one thing! The void isn't as empty as we've been told!"
The distraction worked. Jax cranked his wheels towards her until they both spun. He pulled out of the spin in time to hit the drop the right way. Pomni went backwards. Hitting the booster, she accelerated uncontrollably towards the bottom. On a wing and a prayer, she activated her last item. A top hat appeared. It looked like Caine's.
She put on the hat and it floated over her head. A sparkly silver red light engulfed her and the kart. She felt different. Powerful. She cranked the kart around and zoomed down the ramp faster than the booster would go. The world warped around her as she flew off the end, trailing light like a comet. She made a B-line for the finish line, the light around her carrying her through the air without a glider.
Jax was at the finish line when he was slammed by a tremendous force. Something landed right on top of him and he slid across the line. He slumped over his steering wheel, head throbbing.
The hat's light went out the moment Pomni crossed the finished line. Her kart came to a rest close to Jax and she felt a gurgle in her stomach. She barely got her head over the side before more black bile poured out of her. She coughed and spat, but overall, felt pretty good.
Kinger was once again in the winner's circle, being congratulated by Caine. He smelled the flowers on the winner's wreath and smiled in his own way when little bees came to have a smell too. "Hello, little ones, there's plenty to go around." He sat down and let the little bees smell his flowers.
Ragatha and the others ran over to Pomni and helped her out of her kart. "You look awful! I think you overdid it with this race."
"Naaaah, I'm fiiiine. What's the score, Magathy?"
Ragatha almost laughed, but her motherly concern overrode the urge.
"You and Jax tied for last place, but you got more trick points so you scored 6th." Zooble said.
"I did? I beat Jax? YES! YOU HEAR THAT!? I WON!!" Pomni yelled at the top of her lungs followed by a manic laugh.
"Let's...get you inside." Gangle opened the door for them.
"Wait! Wait! Where's Gum-goo? How'd he do?" Pomni looked around, seeing three of everything.
He poked his head out from around Ragatha. "Fourth. Would've been first if not for the shell. What even is a seashell? Why do they explode?"
"Roll with it." Zooble reminded.
Pomni flopped face first on one of the couches. She needed a minute or ten to recover.
Jax jerked up from his steering wheel when something kept poking the back of his head. He was about to shout a string of obscenities when he saw it was Kinger. "Ugh. Go away. My head's killing me." He got out of his kart and stretched.
"I found insects!" Kinger showed off the bees buzzing around his flower wreath.
"Good for you, Kinger." he started walking to the garage.
Bubble had stayed in front of the red door, sometimes licking it out of boredom. The door didn't do anything. However, some distance away, a small candy butterfly asset glitched to life with a subtle blue hue and fluttered over to Bubble. "OoOoOoOo candy!" Bubble chomped at the butterfly but missed. They chased after it, abandoning their post.
The door flickered and then disappeared.
Caine appeared inside the garage. "Well done today, everyone! Very well done! Especially you, Pomni! You showed real courage throwing yourself off those jumps!"
Pomni weakly held a thumbs up.
Jax and Kinger walked in and Jax threw himself into a bean chair across from the exhausted Pomni. Kinger led his little bee friends to his room.
"The race was especially exciting thanks to these two wild warmongerers!" Caine pointed out the worn out jester and rabbit. "I think I'll keep that track close at hand! All the high flying action was a sight to behold! Now rest up! As always, we have a big race tomorrow!" He patted Pomni gently on the head before disappearing.
Ragatha sat down at the end of the couch by Pomni's feet, Gummigoo claimed a recliner, Gangle and Zooble on the other couch. "What happened out there?" Ragatha asked.
"Honestly, you two were out for blood." Gummigoo added.
Jax sighed loudly to convey his annoyance. "We made a bet."
"What was worth trying to kill each other over?" Asked Zooble.
Neither Jax nor Pomni answered. Both avoided any eye contact.
"Was it a kiss?" Asked Gangle.
Pomni shot upright. "NO!!"
Jax bust out laughing.
"Okay, good, I don't know if Caine is the jealous type but he's too powerful to easily test that theory."
"What are you talking about?" Pomni asked, more confused than ever.
"Wait, you haven't noticed?"
"Notice what?"
"The way he sought out your approval, the way he looked at you before the race, they way he wouldn't let go of your hand? I notice these things." Gangle smiled proudly.
Jax laughed even harder. His sides were splitting as much as his head but that was the funniest thing he ever heard.
"Come on, Gangle, Caine fishes for compliments all the time about his work." Ragatha rationalized. "He's done that to all of us at some point."
"No, no, no, this was different! He looked at her the way Zooble sometimes looks at me!" Gangle hugged Zooble's arm. The edges of Zooble's head tinged purple.
Jax loudly gagged. "One, ew, Zooble. Two, Caine's an A.I., he doesn't know what love is. It's a human thing."
"Oi! I'll have you know that where I came from there where families and couples and friends and brothers! We know what love is. Even if it was just written in and never experienced." Gummigoo crossed his arms indignantly.
"He's got a point." Ragatha shrugged. "And Caine is very advanced. Maybe he does have a crush."
"Awfully quiet over there, Pomni." Jax chuckled.
"I-...uh, I don't know. I didn't see it. I mean...yeah, he didn't want to let go of my hand, but I thought that was normal Caine weirdness."
"Fair, but what will you do if he does have a crush?" Gangle asked, eager to know.
Pomni thought for a moment. "I don't know. Really. I don't know how to feel about it at all. I haven't been here a week and after everything that's happened, now I get to add 'suspected romantic interest from the leading A.I.' to the list?" She put her head in her hands. "It's a lot."
"Could be our ticket out of here." Said Jax. "We've tried everything to escape. Except flirting our way out. Never realized it was an option."
Pomni looked around the room. All of them were looking at her. "You can't be serious."
"As digital purgatory." Jax said.
"It's worth a try." Zooble added.
"Oh, is it!? Then you try!" Pomni flushed, her pale skin turning an ashy grey.
"Nope. I'm already taken." They put an arm around Gangle. "And I don't share."
"Okay, I think that's enough. Pomni's had an exciting day and we shouldn't get carried away with what could be a glimmer of hope for freedom. Let's settle down with some dinner, yeah?" Ragatha gave Pomni an apologetic look and got up to go to the dining table.
"I could eat." Gummigoo stood and put a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "For what it's worth, I'd understand if he did have feelings for you. You're easy to like." He gave her a wink and walked away. Gangle and Zooble joined him.
Pomni dragged her hands down her face, then stood and stared Jax down. "We need to talk."
"Let's take a walk, then." He begrudgingly got up and went outside with her. Outside was sunny, late afternoon. The grassy hills beyond the test track rolled on to the distance with no end in sight in any direction. He took a small box out of his pocket, popped a small white stick in his mouth and offered to Pomni.
Pomni took one out the box and put the end in her mouth. It was a candy stick. Lemon sherbet flavor. "Thanks."
"Sure. So. What do you want to know?" He casually put his hands in his pockets.
"Everything. But let's start with how you ended up in the void."
"Completely accidental. Back when Caine allowed us to accessorize our karts as much as we liked, I used ALL of them until the kart barely functioned without glitching."
"Just to see what would happen. Anyway, I spun out from a shell and the collision physics did not like my kart. Next thing I knew, I was out of bounds."
"That happened to me and Gummigoo."
"You gonna let me finish?"
"While I was looking for a way out, I found what I thought was an exit. Big red door, couldn't miss it. But I found myself in a really weird liminal space. Empty hallways and offices."
"Did you hear it?"
"The voice? Oh yeah, knew my name and everything. It led me through a door to the void."
"Did it say anything else?"
"Not much. Something along the lines of 'help' and 'find me'. Caine got me out of there pretty quick. Said I was experiencing 'digital hallucinations' or something."
"That's EXACTLY what happened to me. Except, I didn't go through the door out of bounds. It was on the test track."
"Yeah, and it wasn't there when Caine brought me back."
"Huh. Weird."
"How would it do that? Why would it do that?"
"I dunno. Maybe Caine is [%$!#] with us. Make us think we're crazy so we give up? If that door is moving around, it ain't an accident. Only Caine can move assets in and out of bounds."
"...yeah." Pomni chewed on her candy stick in thought.
"Look. If Caine has taken a liking to you. Use it to our advantage, will ya? Pry some answers out of him. I guarantee he isn't telling the truth about things. You don't know what it's like yet being under his thumb for years on end." Jax's ears folded back and he looked away.
"I'll...see what I can do." She started to walk back to the garage.
She looked back.
"Good race today. Most fun I've had in years."
She smiled. "I'll see about making a habit of kicking your [%$!#] then."
"Heh, you wish." Jax stayed out a bit longer, looking out to the horizon.
Caine brought all the circus assets out of bounds and made a separate area to store it. These were special now. "There we go. Now I just need to try and sort out the- oh hey, Bubble. BUBBLE!?"
Bubble drifted by chasing a butterfly. "Oh, hey, boss. How was the race?"
"What are you doing here!? What about the door!? ...is that butterfly active?" He snapped his fingers and the butterfly fell lifelessly to the ground.
"Thanks, boss!" Bubble ate the butterfly.
"Bubble, no! I need to examine that!" He grabbed Bubble, pried their mouth open and dug around inside. "Ah-ha!" Caine proudly took out the butterfly covered in soapy saliva. "Now, why would an asset be flying around without my permission? That doesn't make sense." He turned it over in his hands, then made it hover, and with a snap of its fingers, it unfolded into strings of code. "Hmm...nothing seems out of the ordinary. Except the unauthorized activation. But that could be a glitch." With a wave of his hand, the butterfly code vanished entirely.
"But that can't be that big of a deal, right? Glitches happen. Heheh..." He did not make himself feel better. It had been a very long time since he'd received any kind of system update or patch. He squeezed and twisted his cane anxiously.
"Nah, not a big deal at all! You're the host, boss. You can probably fix it."
"Yeah...fix it. Wait a second, the door! Stop distracting me!" He popped Bubble and teleported to where he last had the door. The empty space confirmed his fear. An asset had gone rogue. What's worse, an asset that led to the void. "I should have deleted it when I had the chance."
Ch1 prev next (coming soon)
Please leave a comment! I love reading them!🙏
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thevoidstaredback · 2 days
So, I told you guys about the Minecraft server that's been having problems lately, right? The one that I'm salty about for several reasons, one of which being that I'm not able to do what I was told I would be doing.
Anyway, our admin (a long time friend of mine) announced this past Saturday that he would be ending the project. The main reason being that the people holding big roles (I would totally [user]name drop them, but I'm not gonna be that petty yet) have been bailing out literal hours before recording happens. Two of them have even been ghosting us all!
The problem is that I don't want to give this up. This project is something Admin has been dreaming about since we were in middle school. I've been helping him with this since I was in middle school (he in high school)(he's a year older than me). I want this to be a thing that happens because, and this is a little selfish, it's something I've been wanting to do, too.
Now, I've got two options. I can continue with this on my own, get everything set up before even approaching anyone about retrying; or I can talk to the others (Admin R, admin I, admin S, admin B, and myself (admin L)) and we can work together on retrying it. Either way, we have to be more cohesive.
This is where y'all come in. I need advice. Under the cut is a message I have drafted to send to the others, or at least Admin R. Will y'all let me know what you think about it? Anything I need to add or clarify?
Any advice is welcome because I don't normally have conversations like this, but I have before.
I'm also very stubborn about this. I will be doing this project with or without the others. It'll just be faster and funner with them.
If y'all don't really care, that's fine. Most, if not all, of you followed me for my writing, and I promise stuff is coming soon. But I can't go to my other socials with this because they follow my other socials and I don't want them knowing about this until I've got what I need/want to say sorted out. Regardless, a version of this message, if not this exact thing, is being sent out by noon tomorrow.
Y'know, I was thinking about the announcement from Sat. If we want to try and pick this up again in the future, doing an actual casting call would probably be our best bet. With a hard set schedule, the world built before even looking for voices, and a storyline to follow (if we don't wanna improv our way through)
It wouldn't even have to be paid roles! A casting call between friends to see who would be best where would be fine as long as we have a set schedule that eveeyone knows to follow. Like when putting on shows for school, except the rehearsals would be recording episodes. (Same with crew calls, because having a set crew and a set cast is always good)
If we do end up going with the paid route, we'd have to establish ourselves and a channel first so we can actually pay people.
This is, of course, in the scenario that we actually wanna do something like this again. If we do, we have to delegate and communicate between ourselves, and whoever joins us, better. A lot better
I think our problem was that we held too high expectations for this project. Expectations aren't bad, they're great, even! But there's a bar that we set that we couldn't reach for several reasons.
I get it, life happens, stuff gets in the way. That's where we fell apart, I think. No one was communicating with anyone, and when people did talk, it was sporadic with hours to days between messages. Last minute schedule changes across the board that wouldn't have been last minute if we'd all communicated better.
I have the most time out of all of us, I'm pretty sure, as well as several large followings in different places. I can take on a lot more than the others because of that free time and ability to reach as long as you let me. If we want to retry this, it'll take a while to set up, but I believe we could.
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epicfirestormer · 2 years
Okay so I have no idea if anyone has pointed this out before or not, but I haven't seen anyone talk about it, so I guess I'll do it.
In Chapter 944, Kid says thay Killer wears a mask because he would beat up people who made fun of his laugh and decided to hide it by wearing a mask one day. Which is like, the weirdest reason I've ever heard.
How exactly does wearing a mask meant to hide his laugh?? It's not soundproof, we know that for sure, because 1. He talks normally and doesn't sound muffled at all, and 2. We can still hear his laugh. We see this in the raid during Act 3, multiple times. So, what's the point??
Is he functioning on the logic of "if no one can see me physically laugh, they can't make fun of me for it"? Which is like, I guess makes some sense, but still feels like a stretch.
Technically speaking, covering his face has close to nothing to do with stopping his laugh. Because it doesn't. It's to hide his face.
Killer wasn't made fun of because of his laugh. It was because of his face- or more accurately, his third eye. In this essay I will-
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commsroom · 1 year
when it comes down to it, however much i think about eiffel's memory, whatever my reasoning might be, i think there's a much simpler core explanation for why i feel the way i do. i've said before that, if eiffel did regain his memory, i would want it to happen through 'an eiffel version of change of mind' i.e. a personal inner journey where the narrative he tells himself amounts to some greater reminder, self-confrontation, and self-realization. and that's just it:
eiffel regaining his memory wouldn't be a cop out to me for the same reason that lovelace not actually dying isn't a cop out: it's not just a story beat, it's a catalyst for character development & a better understanding of lovelace as a person. eiffel has spent his whole life trying not to be the person he is, and i just don't feel wolf 359 is the type of story to let him off the hook for that, when the ending is as much about accountability (to ourselves and to others and all the ways those responsibilities overlap) as it is about hope. i think there are ways you could argue that eiffel can still be eiffel without regaining his memory, but i think i've convinced myself that the symbolic resurrection / self-confrontation and acceptance of all the people he's been in the past, in order to move forward, is the more compelling option, especially for what it parallels, and the "eiffel is still eiffel" part is non-negotiable. it doesn't even feel like a question to me.
(and it makes the most sense to me in the context of eiffel's survivor's guilt - "of course i was fine. the driver's always fine." - and tendency towards a type of self-sacrifice and self-punishment that the show ultimately denies him / that doesn't address his real problem. he thinks sacrificing himself for the people he cares about will make up for something, but it won't. having him make that sacrifice and then keep living and keep being doug eiffel, with everything that means, feels like the natural extension of constructive criticism.)
in another story, or in a more theoretical context, there are all kinds of questions you could ask about whether eiffel's memory loss means he's a different person now, but in this case... i think it's better understood in narrative terms and what it represents for him as a character than any broader philosophical conclusion about the nature of the self and human consciousness. (and it is in no way as absolute as people sometimes behave like it is, considering he still has a concept of, like... everything. but that's a whole other topic of discussion.) most importantly, i just don't believe wolf 359 is a story about ideas as much as it is a story about people, these people, and in order to (hypothetically) continue to tell a story about doug eiffel, well. he has to still be doug eiffel. one way or another.
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synthaphone · 2 months
so there's a Stop Making Sense cover album coming out in honor of the movie's 40th anniversary, and i listened to the preview tracks that are out, and the best thing about it so far, for me, is that its reminded me that Girlfriend is Better is a really fucking good song
#i think girl in red's cover is fun but whenever i listen to it i have to listen to the original afterwards and be like DAMN!!!#i don't really like that she jumps into the chorus and 'stop making sense' parts early- kind of messes with the build up of the song for me#the original track is so killer. a song of all time#nothing is better than that!!!#i need a text post tag#i love MUSIC!!!! AAAAAAA (as a casual listener... i don't know like. any fucking music theory or terminology)#the thing about most of the tracks out for the cover album so far#is that they're like. not really very transformative?? they're very straightforward#so hayley williams is obviously having fun and doing a fine job singing burning down the house#but also its like. this isn't bringing anything new to the table for me... very listenable though. burning down the house!!!!#meanwhile in the little preview she's done; miley cyrus is sure putting a spin on psycho killer. but i don't like it#very excited for the full album to drop because i want to hear what kevin abstract does with once in a lifetime#and i love the national but i'm kinda like. can they do anything interesting with Heaven? i hope so! but i'm kinda expecting to be let down#like they'll just cover it straight and it'll be like. yep that sure is the national covering heaven by talking heads#im hoping they'll add something fun with drums... it'd dramatically change the vibe of the song but like. i like the national's drums#at the end of the day i think part of the problem is that talking heads are a tough act to follow
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