#don't touch me i'm emo
fjorests-of-wildemount · 11 months
RE: new episode CR thumbnail, consider this.....
I bet Will and Orym used to stand like that--Will at his back, Orym's hands over his on Orym's chest--all the time.
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puddingcatbeans · 9 months
i stayed up until 6am to read all 900+ pages of the martian last night and i'm watching the film adaptation now and once again, i'll reiterate that space scares the heck out of me, but it's about one small step for mankind and the inherent good in all of mankind to come together to help each other. because no one should be left behind. it's about how humans suck sometimes (like literally we are littering on other planets now too) but we try so hard all the damn time and isn't that something. it's about how we're all alone out here as far as we know but we got each other.
and also it's about growing potatoes on mars.
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Ok so i’ve been really into Fearless recently and I can’t help think this was definitely Neteyam/Atan’s song when they were young omg my heart 🥲
I can see so clearly her singing it to him in their clearing, looking at him and once again confessing her feelings in the only way she knew how, and him watching her with wide eyes and trembling heart, realising little by little how in love with her he really is.
And I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless And I don't know why, but with you I'd dance in a storm In my best dress, fearless
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littlehenrikehd · 2 years
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man I’m not strong enough for this shit
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I don't use Facebook for anything except keeping in contact with our ferret breeder, who I've been talking to again to get (hopefully) another couple kits this summer. I also don't keep in contact with anyone I went to high school with--people who make up the majority of my FB friendlist.
So, in opening FB for the first time in years, I was extremely amused to find that a solid 1/4 of the people I liked enough to friend them on FB have come out as some flavor of trans. Some I suspected, some were a complete surprise. But they all look so happy now, and I'm so happy for them. <3
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starrystevie · 2 years
is it entirely self serving if i say that i headcanon eddie munson as a southern boy? like obvi he lives in indiana with wayne now but i just picture him as a kid in like tennessee or georgia at the foot of the appalachian mountains, running through fields and making up wild stories in his head as he did. staying out late to catch lightning bugs and crawdads but then always letting them go. splashing through creeks and picking wildberries in the summer to make jam with his mom. always with sun kissed shoulders and freckles across his nose. staring at the huge clumps of snow the first time it snowed in hawkins since he moved. has a whisper of an accent that comes out when he gets too high, a slow drawl that blurs together.
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redloftwingfeathers · 8 months
Replaying age of calamity because you made me think about it a few days ago. And like, when it initially came out I didn't like how it deviated from botw's pre-calamity story but now I'm thinking about how it tells you there was no other way for botw to end but tragedy. That in their circumstances there was never going to be anything they could do that would save Link and the champions and Hyrule from those 100 years - because Link and Zelda were always going to falter under that pressure. Like stopping the calamity in AOC is only possible when the circumstances are completely different!!! It's making me even sadder about botw!!
AoC is the fucked up slice of life ep of botw and you'll never take that away from me. It's their only Good ending despite everyone having to go back to their respective timelines and make it non-canonical. Is it extremely dark in making you realize how doomed they are in the normal botw sequence where everyone is practically dead? Yes. Is it a visual representation of everyone's sorrow and guilt and regrets that they learn through being saved and given second chances? ABsolutely. Is there ancestral/familial bonding between the tragedies while putting all their strengths together to conquer said darkness? a thoOUSAND TIMES YES, AND I EAT THAT SHIT UP LIKE POPCORN. Also we get more Champions time and motherfucker do I CRY because it is so cathartic for me to see the (now canonically called) Sages to work side by side with their idols/ancestors to redefine what it means to be a hero for BOTH parties
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arcanaaa · 9 months
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What if Cana left the island before Acnologia came to destroy it because of the bullshit Makarov pulled? I imagine Cana hearing this, what if something inside her snapped and she just. completely shut down. became so defeated. She gave twelve years of her life to try to become S-Class and this was her one chance to do it right, to prove she could do this on her own merit, and yet after all the bullshit with Grimoire Heart and Hade's, suddenly the trail is canceled? What?
What if she just very quietly, very casually, so as not to raise suspicion, took her healing bath with Lucy, knowing it would be the last time she'd see her. Got dressed and, oh, haha hey there wouldn't happen to be any drinks back on the boat would there? Aw well, I'm gonna head over, anyone wants anything? No? Don't mind me~
--and that's when she decides she'll go.
It's horrible. Terrible. But she's in a state of mind that's equivalent to heading toward the gallows. It doesn't matter anymore-- nothing matters anymore, so what's one sin to add atop her other failures?
She'd find the small boat and head towards their ship, her mind already in that heavy fog of depression that would take a shovel to dig out of, a hand outstretched to pull her from that pit-- but she's already forming plans about what she'll say to the rest of the guild when she arrives back at Magnolia when she hears that terrible roar.
And she sees the wings of the Black Dragon and she knows that Death has come to take her family away and she panics she's terrified but she attempts to row back to them, to try and help them, to use Fairy Glitter-- maybe that could stop it, maybe it could save them--
She's not able to make it to the shore in time before the dragon roars, sending a destructive, cataclysmic blast and destroying the very island that she abandoned them at. Cana is only able to survive because she was far enough away from the island that the shock wave would have blown her away from Tenrou but it wouldn't be enough to kill her. She wishes that it did though.
Cana eventually being found and rescued by the Magic Council and then interrogated by the Magic Council, before being released where she heads to back to Magnolia, back to the guild to deliver the news. And all the while, the guilt and weight of her sin embolden her with a new purpose: she can't let the cowardly choice she made go without atonement. She was punished for her disgrace by watching her family die, the least she could do was stay and take responsibility and care for the ones that were left behind.
Cana returns and delivers the news. And then when a vote is cast, Cana is elected as the Fourth Guild Master. She works hard to maintain Fairy Tail's reputation, focusing on helping the townsfolk in Magnolia, focusing on improving their community relations while working on eliminating any Dark Guilds and Zeref Cultists that encroach upon their territory but their reputation is not the same as the Golden Years. It is almost reserved, withdrawn-- an animal that has suffered and is grieving needs time to heal and lick their wounds wouldn't be out and about making waves. And while yes, Fairy Tail doesn't make waves, that doesn't mean they're completely docile.
Cana has led their guild to a few victories in the GMG. But they're not of the same caliber, and it is only by the skin of their teeth that they're able to stay afloat. It's a struggle for Cana to keep going. But she can't stop.
But she knows that soon, they'll return.
It's rare that her gift of Sight grants her the boon of seeing the future, but she does see-- it's a glimpse, a fleeting mirage, but her visions have never been wrong. And that is what gives her hope, and that hope is rewarded when 7 years pass and Blue Pegasus greets them with news about Tenrou's disappearance. That is the sign she was looking for and sends out a team to go with BP to search for them. Meanwhile, she prepares herself, all the while dealing with upstart little shits trying to move in on her territory (Twilight Orge) and if there's one thing she won't stand is anyone disrespecting her guild.
And then one day they make a ruckus, looking to pick a fight and claim that she owes them a debt and the rage she feels is hot and deep because the only debt she owes has already been paid with her blood and sweat, and tears and her body--
They're a nuisance that's dealt with in a manner befitting that of one familiar of a dragon slayer's reaction but its recognized.
When they cheer "We're home!" Cana has to fight back the tears. She allows the rest of the guild the chance to greet them, to express their relief and joy before she makes her appearance. The shock of seeing Cana alive when they thought she had died from the Black Dragon's attack is met with equal relief, but Cana cannot take comfort in it-- she doesn't deserve it. They see her and how much she's changed, how well becoming a Master suits her.
She's older, wiser, and a hell of a lot stronger than before, but the years have also burdened her with the weight of responsibility. No one would recognize the same woman from 7 years ago as the same Cana Alberona, but she stands before them with a tired, weary smile, but it is no less filled with joy, heartache, and relief. The price of leadership is a sacrifice of personal autonomy: it means you no longer belong to yourself, but to your peers, your guild, your family -- and Cana has carried this for so long, it is a wonder how she held on. A Guild Master is a leader and shoulders all of the guild's victories and failures and if there's one thing Cana does to make things right, it's own up to her responsibility.
One of her responsibilities is to tell the truth: so, naturally, she did. She confessed what happened that day 7 years ago: she tells them her plan, her thoughts, tells them her whole reason for why she chose to leave the guild, the real reason why...and her secret that she had kept hidden for 12 years. In one fellow swoop, she reveals she is Gildart's daughter, delivering another shock to all but one person. She wouldn't expect absolution. She doesn't deserve it.
But her family is far better than her. She receives understanding. Kindness. Compassion. Acceptance. Forgiveness. From everyone-- because she tried to go back to help fight a futile battle, but more, she took care of the ones left behind. The thanks given to her, by everyone and most especially by Makarov, is humbling and overwhelming.
--even more so is the acceptance and love given by a father to their daughter--
She embraces and accepts the love denied her: a father's love long overdue, she weeps while the guild celebrates.
Today is a day to reacquaint with new faces and old, to learn and accept changes that are faced from the passage of time. But it is also a chance to plan for the future. Cana stood against the threat of irrelevancy that Fairy Tail faced, alone as Guild Master.
Now with everyone reunited, she can finally lay down the sword and rest.
The rest would be up to them now.
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Very strange outfit that is sort of like.. a mix of my current style (pattern mixing, pom poms, fun sandals) combined with how I dressed when I was like 10 years old. The stereotypical skelanimals hoodie vest and the skull t-shirt lol.. 
#self#kit the cat you will always be famous#all that like 2004 - 2008 emo & scene fashion is kind of like goth fashion in that I largely am not into it really but ALSO I can respect#elements of the aesthetic. Especially pattern mixing. plaid with stripes?? with checker print also?? Very cool. Less with scene stuff since#the patterns were all like#animal prints which was worse hghjbjh.. cheeta print with zebra print with checkers is a little weirder. I think I just don't like animal#prints though. Striped parts of hair are cool though still actually to me unironically like. If it wasn't so associated with sceney stuff#still I would maybe have some stripes lol#Googling skelanimals now most of it is unappealing to me but there are a few things that are cool. there's a jacket that has stripes and#heart print mixed together. Do I just really like pattern mixing?? ghbjhbhj.. that seems like the qualification.#T-shirt? no . boring. I hate it. Will never wear it. Same exact t-shirt in the same exact style except part of it is floral and the other pa#rt is striped and it also has like lace lining or something so it's more detailed looking? wow . perfect. I love it.#Silly skull animal hoodie in plain black? boring. no. never. Same hoodie but now each sleeve is a diferent pattern? Wow.. truly amazing#I can be won over by anything that's gaudy/busy/over complicated. That quote about like ''once you think your outfit is perfect remove one#more accesory'' or whatever about minimalism and not overcomplicating a look except the opposte. Once you think your outfit is perfect add 8#more items. also they all should be different patterns. hghjbhj#ANYWAY.. I do like some of the concepts of some of the older fashion. Like t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt and they're both different#patterns. and then a skirt that's a different pattern. and some tights or socks that are also assymetrical or some like complimentary#other pattern. Stripes + plaid especially. Famous combination. And the having like 667495789789 little plastic bracelets. No idea what was#up with that since I'm too socially out of touch especially when I was in school (I remember hearing that like some colors#of bracelet mean different things or something) but it was an interesting aesthetic. And the wrist bands#The t-shirt is from walmart from when I think I wasnt even in middle school yet still late elementary school and I remember thinking it was#the coolest thing ever because usually you had to go to hot topic or something to get clothes with skulls on them. And it's so so weird look#ing like. the colors?? are ugly and shouldnt work but actually I still kind of like the aesthetic. green with pink and weird mustardy yellow#and gray??? Maybe I only like it because it has different patterns (skulls + checkers + dots + hearts)#Anyway it's a really funny t-shirt to me. One of those weird items that is captivating for some reason#And the hoodie I actually owned a long time ago too. but I think I got it later. I had one other skelanimals thing which was a jacket and it#was like 5 sizes too big for me which I loved. And I remember being really obsessed with the font they used on their tags and trying to#replicate writing that way. not the newer gothy one. but the old logo font like.. it looks like Curlz MT or something lol
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mementoasts · 1 year
oouughgh i'm suffering so many ideas can't draw anything oouguugughhgh
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anakinh · 1 year
random tlovm thoughts
my most controversial critical role opinion is that my least favourite members of vox machina are, at different points, vax and scanlan.
Well, I’m assuming that not all of it is the most controversial. Scanlan was a main reason why I couldn’t get into CR1 at first (there’s the reason why I started with 2 and it’s because the first thing you see in CR1 is Scanlan and Grog shouting about brothels and whores.) But Scanlan was supposed to be Like That(TM) and his character arc made him so tolerable that he became one of my favourites. TLOVM is currently doing a great job adapting said character arc and they managed to make him still gross and far too horny without all the other disgusting content, so A+. He was still my least favourite in S1 of TLOVM but that’s what I expected, and he moved up the ranks in S2 as his character arc boots up, which is also what I expected (the Kaylie scene was great). I personally thought that making him get the final blow on Umbrasyl a bit much - being a bard I thought he would, like, rally the troops or do a big heal or something, but I guess it’s understandable as they had to make him use Mythcarver (poor Scanlan, that sword hardly fits him.)
Vax was the other way around - as I grew to like Scanlan more, I grew to like him less. It’s not very personal, it’s just this man’s level of angst and melodrama grew beyond what I enjoyed. Same in TLOVM - he was great in S1, started getting more eye rolls in S2. Still much more tolerable than in the stream, mostly because I didn’t have to listen to his 20 minute monologues on how sad he is and his reckless charging off became more like encouraging speeches now that he’s born again??? That wasn’t in the stream, idk how I feel about that. It was in the last episode. I can’t really comment. Also he’s prettier which makes it easier for me to enjoy the dramatic wing scenes, making the eyerolls much more affectionate (although ofc in the stream said scenes were also less dramatic so they’re actually about even?).
Interestingly enough, my favourite VM member in stream was always Vex but in TLOVM S1 it was Keyleth. In S2 it went back to Vex, which I guess makes sense as she got a lot more screentime in 2.
#me.txt#not expecting anyone to read this but i like writing down my thoughts#i read far too much twilight as a child and now my ability to like sad emo boys is capped at what i like to call the 'edward cullen line'#to be fair my ability to like sad emo boys is low in general#in da2 anders was like 'we can't be together... i'm too dangerous for you.. :(' and i was like k bye#and i LIKED da2 anders#wasn't gonna touch the romance tho because not a fan of angsty dramatic romances either#i genuinely do like writing out my thoughts like this. it helps me... ponder? synthesize? understand?#but a lot are more controversial and i don't want to publish so they languish in my drafts#/#//#///#////#just to be safe#(safer?)#uh#tlovm spoilers#please tell me if i need to add some anti tags. i am trying to keep it out of all relevant tags but tumblr search might still pick it up#speaking of angsty dramatic romances i keep thinking about how kiki/vax is the kind of high-octane tragic romances#that the bards would sing of and theatres would preform for ages to come#...shame i don't like those#i think I shall continue to write things like this. it improves my ability to explain things and put thoughts into words and fuck i need it#maybe I should try for proper grammar too#lmao#oh! I looked up Mythcarver to see how bad it was and Matt changed it! Before it used to affect Cutting Words which made it all but useless#Lore Bards don't need swords. Sword Bards don't have Cutting Words#now it's more general so it's actually a good weapon for Sword Bards! yay
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wickedhawtwexler · 1 year
you first is giving me brand new eyes vibes and i love it 😭
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kouros-herc · 2 years
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Task - The Wedding Planner
Herc’s Honeymoon
I really struggled to picture much of Hercules’ wedding - ultimately because I think he’s the kind of person who will be all about giving his partner the wedding of their dreams. He was never someone who had very strong ideas himself, and while he’ll have lots of ideas and input, he would very much be working to their vision and whatever makes them happiest. 
One thing that would be top of his list, however, is the honeymoon. Naturally they’d go to Greece. Partly because his aunt owns a couple of gorgeous apartments and he’d be able to get an insane discount on them, but also because of his family. Odds are the majority of his Greek family wouldn’t be able to make the trip to the actual wedding (assuming that was held in Swynlake), so this would be an opportunity for everyone to celebrate (and even potentially meet for the first time irl!) his new spouse. 
Herc would also just love to share this part of his life with his partner. Share the wonderful experiences, landscapes and flavours that he grew up adoring so much. And being able to spend a few weeks together away from normal life is exactly what is needed. Herc would totally be that man too, who started every day for his new spouse with making fresh orange juice, amazing coffee, and getting fruit and pastries to start every day with. To spend day trips seeing the places that are so important to him and so beautiful, before evenings at all the best little restaurants before retreating to watch sunsets from the balcony, and just enjoy the bliss of being together. 
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artekai · 2 years
Artekai and transmasc Beta? 👉👈
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jinhyun · 2 years
was listening to better man by taylor swift and immediately thought of watercolors hyunjin
like half the lyrics fits him perfectly
I know i'm probably better off all alone
Than needing a man who could change his mind
At any given minute
And it was always on your terms
I waited on every careless word
Hoping they might turn sweet again
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sugojosgf · 1 month
jealous nanami
highly suggestive + masochism + jealousy
🍓 i might write a second part if you guys want, let me know tho :3
nanami and you have been going out for a few months, and you don't think you've ever been as happy as you are right now. nanami is everything you can ask for, he buys you anything you look at, kisses you like his life depends on it and loves you like you are his religion.
but he also gets so jealous very easily,,,
it's not that he doesn't trust you, not that he thinks you are the kind to stray, he just hates how people look at you, like you are theirs...
it was an office event, and of course nanami invited you as his plus one. making sure he got you the prettiest red dress ever, the way it hugged your body, had him so fucking hard. it was quite modest, the only skin revealed was your legs,,, but anything on you, or nothing on you (doesn't really matter) was enough to make him rock hard in his tailored pants.
"oooh- is this nanami's pretty girlfriend?" a man sauntered up to the both of you, dressed in an expensive white suit to match his hair.
you recognised him, how could you not? this was the very same coworker that nanami would complain to you about during dinner.
"gojo," his voice comes out a little strained, "yes, this is my girlfriend, you might recognise her of course, she interned in our company a while ago,,," kento answers, hand on your waist pulling you closer.
"awww, isn't she absolutely gorgeous, can't believe nanami got his hands on you before me." he giggles, eyes glimmering with a mischievous glint.
"i'm lucky she decided to go out with me,," nanami forces a smile, his grip on your waist becoming tighter.
you gasp and giggle, "nooo,, im the lucky one, kento is so kind to me," you say looking fondly at him.
you continue, "oh and thank you so much gojo! you look really good too,,," you return the compliment.
suddenly someone calls out to nanami, a fellow coworker and he gets whisked away leaving you all alone with gojo. he smiles like a cheshire cat, the gears in his brain working harder. he looks at nanami from where he is, making steady eye contact as he begins to talk to you.
he tells you about how nanami was actually his junior in high school and how he was really into the emo subculture then, recounting stories of young nanami that made you laugh until there were tears in your eyes. he fishes his phone out to show you a picture, teen nanami brooding and scrawny, hair swept to the side.
of course to you, you were just talking to gojo about your shared love for nanami. but to him, the one way out of earshot to understand the context of your giggling, the green fire of jealousy made its way to his heart.
he slowly makes his way over to you, pulling you away from gojo and hands travelling to your hip. you were still laughing, too far gone to notice the expression on his face.
"what's got you so giggly? hm?" he asks, fingers pinching your thigh. it's not really painful , almost like an ant biting. but you are the kind to bruise easily, red blooming the minute his fingers pull apart.
you are immediately pulled out of your laughing fit, eyes blown wide looking up to nanami. it's almost like he had conditioned you, a little touch to your pretty thighs and you were ready to cum in your little thong.
"o-oh! gojo was just showing me pictures..." you mumble, embarrassed by the heated stare nanami was giving you. you felt so small under his gaze. your tongue comes out to wet your lips, to ease the way your throat has dried up.
gojo stands still in front of the both of you, smirking as he sees the tension build. he knew very well what he was doing. rolling his eyes and happy that once again he managed to piss nanami off, he walks away to the bar.
"i think it's high time we go home,, you look needy." nanami rasps out, the hand on your thigh travelling upto your ass and staying there. you nod, words unable to string themselves together.
nanami sighs, eyes darkening and his smile dropping as he guides you towards the exit.
"when we are home, i'm going to teach you to use your words."
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