#donatello and botany
wraenata · 1 year
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@coffinpal 's rottmnt hillbilly au gave me major Oo-De-Lally vibes and I love it (Disney's Robin Hood).
Originally I wanted to do a big scene with all the brothers but ehh, I'm not ready for that yet. So here is Don or Dolly tending to his prize winning crops. (Idk anything about gardening...) So maybe Part 1??? Idk so many things I want to do...
Idk if Leo or Lefty still has medic qualities, but maybe he gave Donnie the sun shield to help protect against sunburn?
Backgrounds are harrrd so it's low effort but no references this time!
Anyway coffinpal I love your hillbilly au (well and everything you and 0ddbugs do), I love letting the boys be relaxed and silly! Thank you for sharing!
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junoinouterspace · 1 year
the favorite activity on shelldon's ref sheet is a farse, actually.
shelldon's favorite activity is going to the aquarium with donnie every last sunday of the month to take pictures of the sharks on his ipad.
shelldon loves sharks.
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luciana-morningstar · 3 months
Look at this flower
I love it!
What is it?! Is it a lily?!
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nightfall-lrl · 1 year
TODAY. Is a BIG day!!
Happy 1 year anniversary to the masterpiece of gold that is the Rise of the TMNT Movie. I present the largest art piece I have ever created, at a whopping 828 layers.
Don't be fooled thinking these are just any old purple flowers. I mean...they are. BUT. Each one of these species is actually native to the state of New York <3 Donnie is a native flora enthusiast :3
Made for the very fun Don Zine I was able to be part of <3
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stay tooned for a very long time lapse .... because this. thing. took. FOREVER.
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maxstrahanart · 1 year
Donnie and his plants.💜🪴🍇
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Mikey painted that oceanview.🧡🍊
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haanahaki · 2 years
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Botany Donnie 🪴🐢
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the-great-donatello · 2 years
Howdy my broski! You're lost in the Hidden City? Sounds like a bummer, though I love the hidden city! It's vibes are off the charts.
Yeah, the plants are very interesting. I picked up a couple books about them.
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
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He’s just a nerd generally. He also started off the series as really posh and “doesn’t believe in the supernatural” (it’s a coping mechanism). Then as the series goes on, becomes a know-it-all. Supernaturally. He gets the powers to know (almost) everything. He doesn’t really have a canon appearance, (podcast) but TMA as a whole is associated with green because of the pictures used for it.
The Magnus Archives cover is green, and per the unofficial rules of eye-themed podcasts, the fanart tends to lean towards a green color pallette. Jon Sims art frequently has him wearing green. And he's so nerdy. He researches and archives supernatural encounters. His preferred ice cream flavor is rum raisin. He went to Oxford and faked his accent. His social skills are abysmal. When someone asked if he'd seen a dog he responded with "…In general?"
Green eye powers plus he works at an archiving job not only that but the head archivist and has a degree in library science+not many friends and a loner
That man saw someone being kind to him and decided they were going to murder him
HE SEES ALL (also he needs a break. That man has so many scars and so much trauma get a that guy a fuckin nap and a raise)
Green skin, dedicated nerd/tech guy of the group for like 40 years now. I'll get Vei in here to tell you more.
literally green (turtle), big ass nerd (science, chem, botany, engineering, compsci), canonical autism icon
Bro is a massive nerd and proud of it. He actively attempts to make his 3 other brothers just as nerdy as him by scientifically altering them. He has lots of tech and admits to being able to do dewey decimal mathematics (Dewey decimal being a library categorisation system). He outright rejects things that aren't scientific 90% of the time and actively argues sciences superiority. Also he's a massive fanboy of a comic book character within the series called Jupiter Jim (his fav is atomic Lass). So yeah, green purple turtle is a massive nerd.
Literally green. Also a nerd.
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bettertwin9000 · 2 years
👾 ) # INTRO ﹕ Hamato Donatello
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↳ ❝ You Never Let Me Shine! ❞
— File Entry 🌙
ᶻz My name is Hamato Donatello (He/She/They), The world’s most brilliant scientist and biggest botany enthusiast. Generally speaking, even if I am a walking prodigy, I am here to have fun rather than be a personal Wiki How search bar. Send me questions or tell me about anything interesting, and I’m sure we shall get along just fine.
Oh, and Be aware that I am an Introject.
› 💜 . . BOUNDARIES ﹠ [ EXTRA ]
— Familia (as Leo puts it)
❤️ → @hamatored
🧡 → @mystic-mikey
💙 → @bettertwin1
If you wish to read through our boundaries (which you should.) Go ahead and click Keep Reading to do so..
→ Boundaries
■ Tcest , Prosh▪︎p and NSFW DNI
■ Do not flirt with me; I will never be interested.
■ Do not sexualize me or say weird things about my body.
■ Do not infantilize me.
■ I KNOW I HAVE AUTISM. It is NOT the most defining thing about me.
→ Art Boundaries
□ Do NOT repost our art without proper credits ANYWHERE.
□ Do not reclaim our art as your own.
→ System Boundaries
■ Do not try to use information about me that you know from my source against me.
This is likely to be updated over time. Ciao.
(Also, thank you to Leo for creating this format for me.)
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tmnt-reticent · 28 days
Donatello is the youngest of his brothers. He’s incredibly anxious and dedicates a lot of his time trying to please others in hopes that maybe they’ll want to be around him more. One way in which he attempts this is by creating gifts for his family, however they don’t tend to go over well, especially with Leo and, more often than not, Mikey. He’s convinced that they hate him and does everything in his power to remedy that. He’s closest with Raph, who’s practically raised him since mutation and is his idol. Prior to obtaining his glasses, Donnie and Raph were attached at the hip, as Donnie was terrified to be too far away from his brother, the only comfort he really had. Now that he’s gained the power of sight he’s not as attached, but he still blindly trusts him and would do anything for him.
They’ll frequently do parallel play (Donnie working on his inventions and Raph on his art) or Donnie will ramble to Raph whilst he draws. Mikey is a bit colder to him after Donnie hangs out with Raph. Donnie’s never sure why. Leo is the most antagonistic towards Donnie, frequently being disappointed in him. He hopes to make him proud one day, or to at least live up to his expectations. When it comes to Splinter, he absolutely adores him, despite the rat leaving when Donnie was three and visiting relatively sparsely since then. He has a very idealised version of him in his head, benefitted by the gifts and notes his papá leaves him. He wonders why his dad doesn’t act the way he writes, and why he leaves him materials for his inventions despite not wanting to see them. Maybe they’re not good enough for him yet. He’ll just have to try harder.
Donnie is prone to having a lot of short term hyperfixations (Wikipedia rabbit holes are one of the main reasons he’s always so sleep-deprived) but his main special interests are engineering and botany. He prefers botany but he’s not as open about it as his family already disapprove of his engineering. Raph and April are the only people who know. He spends the majority of the time inventing or reading but sometimes he’ll research different types of plants and note down the care instructions in case he ever gets the chance to care for them one day. Whenever he gets too overwhelmed, he’ll retreat under his desk with blankets and his favourite plush, Zombie. He’s fond of enclosed spaces as they make him feel safe. He’ll usually pull his desk chair as far in as possible to hide himself more but sometimes he doesn’t have the energy to do so.
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afreakingdork · 2 years
Crush Too Much - Part 19
RotTMNT Donatello x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Longing, Angst, Fluff, Embarrassment, Overbearing Siblings, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis:  So you met a customer three times at work and that made a pretty big impression on you? That’s nothing to necessarily get worked up over, but when you’re all prepared to ask for his number the next time you see him and his brother gets involved instead, you might be in for something more than you bargained for.
Mikey's Merriment
Leaned against a trunk and just tucked into a grouping of trees, Donatello stared across the road. Twilight cast odd shades of orange against the concrete exterior of the American Museum of Natural History.  He told himself he hadn’t meant to arrive so early, but there was also no denying his excitement. In less than a week’s time since the successful boardwalk outing, his text chain with you no longer felt abysmal. In fact, it seemingly rivaled a less encumbered time earlier in your friendship. His lips downturned slightly from their neutral position. He wasn’t sure if 'friendship' was the right word for it. At the time he thought it was, but now having himself in the position you had been at the time complicated the matter. It was an odd spot where the seeds of close platonics begged to be sprouted into the romantic. Though the botany metaphor was something he adored, he was unwilling to maintain that headspace.
Flicking his thumb aggressively over his device, the text chain cycled backwards until an image of your key chains appeared. It had been a running joke between the two of you to put the plushes in increasingly ‘dangerous’ situations. The amusing roleplay you had come up with had been a great icebreaker and excuse to continue texting at near any hour of the day. Smiling to himself, Donatello remembered how he’d even convinced Hypno to pose with it mid-battle. There was something to be said about the banter in a long-term hero-villain association. After several rereads of the thread, he glanced across the street again to find the museum closing up for the day. It meant there were exactly 30 minutes until the scheduled meet-up time. Losing focus, he watched as a continuous stream of people filtered by on the sidewalk.
The late October weather made his hoodie a cozy hideaway. With the nights dipping lower, it was almost time to dig out his winter wardrobe. Letting his head gently rest against the tree, he ruminated over the last year. The technical anniversary sat around a month ago, but there hadn’t been time to consider it. Tapping a finger to his phone’s case, he shifted as a thought took hold. Scrolling back through his meticulous calendar he found the date you officially considered your meeting. He then cycled back through to this year and found the fashion show was only a single day off from 365. It was oddly fortuitous to the point where he wished it were just exact. Giving a satisfied hum to himself, he brought his gaze back to the museum and immediately spotted you walking up.
Flicking his eyes to his phone found you 20 minutes early. It wasn’t as if you were late, but your punctuality was predictable. Curious, he dropped his goggles down to watch you more closely. You walked up, vigilantly scanning all the nooks and crannies of the exterior. He smiled as he presumed he was the cause. Having not located him, you seemed to give a long sigh of relief. You then hopped up to sit on a stone ledge and brought a hand up to your chest. He adjusted the zoom as your lips started to move, but you stopped as soon as he did so. Instead, he got a close up of your furrowed brow. Your lashes descended and your lips came together into an o-shape. He swallowed hard. Your body relaxed as you seemingly blew out a stream of air in a focused exhale. Your eyes then popped open and you gave a single tight nod. Lifting his goggles, Donatello wasn’t sure if that was something he should brood over. A shred of his imagination was already running wild with love-struck implications, but he shook them away. Rather than marinate on it for the next 15 minutes, he instead emerged from the park and crossed the road.
You caught sight of him as he reached the opposite sidewalk. “That’s not the direction I expected you to come from…”
“I seem to remember something…” He tried to suppress his giddy smile to make the comment more convincing. He hid what he could through an extended arm and a digit pressed to his forehead as if it could recall his memory. “’Everything is a surprise with you?’” He then removed his hand and pushed the finger against your forehead in a mock show of transferring the knowledge.
“You’ve got me there.” You reached up and gently pushed his arm away.
He might have imagined it, but it almost seemed like you lingered. “We did not exchange salutations.”
“Of course, my mistake.” Into the motion of rolling your eyes you hopped off the ledge and onto your feet. “Hello, humble protector. We meet today in the shadow of a closed museum.”
He was sent right back to the rooftop. The flighty feelings as you’d offered your hand to him were something that he chalked up to patrol adrenaline. He knew far better now, but the fact you were joking about such a time wasn’t something he knew how to handle. “Well, citizen…” He straightened his posture and put authoritative hands on his hips. “The museum before you has closed for the general public.”
“We’re not breaking in so you can keep the cover of night, right?” You broke character as anxiety flooded your voice.
“What, no.” It frustratingly brought him out of the charade as well. “Tonight’s member’s night.”
“Oh, you’re a member?”
“Of course I am!” He crossed the distance to the steps as he nursed the supposed insult to his dignity.
You gave a light jog to catch up. “Want me to ask for forgiveness? How dare I not know that!?” You hopped a few steps and turned to look at him now eye level.
“It’s an investment.” He retorted flatly. “The thinned crowd and late night hours are just bonuses.”
“I suppose that is pretty cool…” You turned to look at the building. “But how do I fit into this?”
“I’m going to assume I haven’t inflated your ego somehow and instead venture to ask if you mean ‘how does this fit into the expiatory extravaganza?’”
“Since I’m not the one with an ego stroking issue, let’s just say with your alternate phrasing works.”
He made a face. “Using such language in front of this.” He cleared a few steps in a single bound and threw his arms up at the museum. “A hall of learning!” 
“I don’t…” You let out a laugh. “Which word?”
He gestured to the building again with a pointed grimace.
“Ah.” You snapped your fingers. “I thought I could get you.”
“Not with that poor excuse of an attempt.” He looked down his nose at you and stepped up to the building where an elderly couple were granted entry. “If you follow me, I can answer your question.”
“Some kind of experiential learning?” You wondered, following.
“If I answer that it defeats the purpose.”
You snapped again.
“Is this going to be a thing tonight? I just need to know how long to keep my guard up for.”
“If I answer that it defeats the purpose.” You did a little impression of him before taking the door handle.
You opened the door as he approached, but he stopped shy of the threshold to crowd you for a moment. “Cute.” He dropped the phrase simply, eyeing you up before straightening and strolling in with his hands clasped behind his back.
The fact that it took you 37 seconds to follow meant the move had its intended effect. He considered it retribution and not flirting. When you’d resumed your place at his side, he checked in at the front desk with reserved tickets before steering you to the Halls of Gems and Minerals.
He stopped just before entering the exhibit and did an about face.
You took careful note of him and then the display above the wing before a little smile played on your lips. “I see now.”
“Yes, well…” He sneered over his shoulder.
“Doing something you hate is a pretty good marker of how sorry you are.” You side stepped him and entered to hall.
He trailed behind. “That is some people’s opinions.”
“It makes me kinda want to guess which brother suggested it.”
“Only partially?” Donnie would latch on to any conversational crumbs that could distract his mind from the rocks.
You approached the first display case on the left and looked over it thoughtfully. “Since I don’t know what the next two events are, it wouldn’t be a good guess.”
He hummed with approval, passing only a glance at the informational placard.
You both moved through three more displays cases and he couldn’t mask his disdain. Unlike the pier, there were no airs to put on. It was just cabinet after cabinet filled with different types of rocks. There was some novelty to their formation and ancient status, but beyond that they were mostly bland, roughly textured hunks. He slouched further and further into himself with the only solace being he was upholding his end of the bargain.
“Psst.” He shifted from the depths of his hoodie to find you looking up at him.
“Yes?” Maybe he’d withdrawn a little too much.
You tilted forward and threw a finger up to your lips. You then pretended to glance around the room as if there were a crowd.
He gave a curious nod.
“You got the stuff?” You whispered, leaning in closer with a hand held up to cover your mouth.
He eyed you carefully and took particular note of how your other hand was jammed into your jacket pocket. He instantly grasped what you were reaching for. “Oh, I got it.” He stuffed his hands into his hoodie.
You mouthed a countdown and at the same time you both pulled out your plushes. You giggled happily as they twisted near each other until the magnets clicked them together. “They had such a hard week apart.”
“The blender debacle was quite the stress on purple.” Donnie gave his head a sympathetic shake. 
“White was caught by a supervillain! That can’t possibly compare.” You released your keychain and Donnie brought the pair close.
“Don’t judge an individual’s struggles.” He clicked his tongue before observing the plushes once more. An idea formed so he laced his drawstring through both key rings and tied it off. The pair happily clung to each other from off his hoodie.
You stopped and bit your lip in an attempt to dampen a huge oncoming grin. “That’s too much. Can I take a pic?”
“But of course.” Donnie struck a pose and you shook your head with amusement as you unearthed your phone. As soon as you lifted the camera, however, he dropped out of the act and put on an aloof expression. 
“Say ‘I’m not having any fun!’”
“Does it need to be said when it’s a simple fact?” He brought up a palm to enforce his point and the shutter went off.
“I must say that while this idea was fine in theory, in practice it’s kinda bumming me out.” You reviewed the photo carefully.
He frowned. He should have considered that fact. It was something his brother’s had grouched to him about on multiple occasions. He adjusted his posture in preparation. “I see, I’ll strive to-”
“Nah.” You held up your phone and took a few more photos of him.
Though his was mostly unprepared, he was able to muster a few different facial expression amongst the series. “You did not let me finish.”
“Because I don’t want you to fake it.” You nodded to your phone, satisfied, and pocketed the device. “How about a game?”
“Color me intrigued.” He agreed as you lead him to the next display.
“Kinda like these cuties.” You poked the plushes. “Let’s find each other’s stone.”
He turned and looked out at the expanse of the hall. “You want me to select a rock that represents you?”
You seemed amused. “There’s also gemstones.”
“Shiny colored rocks.” He brought his gaze lethargically back to you.
“Not even a game can get you into this, hm?”  You tipped your head to one side.
He sighed and reviewed the room again. “Or rather how am I supposed to compare you to some hunk of earth? A flower would do you better justice, something with-” He froze, realizing the connotation of the words spilling out of his mouth. His throat tightened and this time the slow trip his eyes took back to you was done out of fear.
You didn’t seem upset, but instead your were colored with mild surprise in the shape of raised brows and parted lips.
“Are we going to just keep ignoring the absurdly large geodes?” Donnie’s voice was so tightly coiled it almost teetered into laughter. His limbs moved robotically as he waddled over to the closest suspended object. He wasn’t really looking at it as he was through it. Still, he felt you approach.
“Woah…” You breathed.
He didn’t dare glance at you, but instead forced his eyes to focus on the behemoth in front of him. Within the geode was a veritable galaxy of purples bespeckled with reflective stars of white. He felt his blood pressure bottom out as it reminded him of the meteor shower. That night had yet to be fully scrubbed of his transgressions.
“It says it’s a amethyst with purple quartz crystals and it’s 9 feet tall.”
He nodded dumbly.
“There’s a taller one over there, but it’s skinnier.” From the way your jacket rustled you must be pointing. Unfortunately, he was caught in a mix of unable and not wanting to look away.
You stood by him in solemn silence until an exhale was ripped from him. He wasn’t sure when he’d started to hold his breath.
“Guess I don’t need to pick then.” Your voice was warm with understanding.
“What do you mean?” His, on the other hand, sounded far away.
“This one’s you.”
He blinked.
“Funny answer or the deep one?”
He wondered if you looking at him or the geode. “Both.”
“Purple.” You stated flatly.  
Though it didn’t illicit any comedic response, it did give him enough wherewithal to close his eyes.
“But it’s also a kind of sweep you off your feet sort of piece. It has a clarity that means you can see everything, but there’s so much to see that it’d be impossible to catch every little detail in a single lifetime. It’s somehow both uplifting and grounding at the same time…”
The words and their contextual meaning seeped into his brain slowly. As they did, they translated into a rapid pre-heating of his face until his cheeks were fully aflame. When he finally snapped his head to the side to catch a glimpse of you, you were wandering off to the next display. There was no way he could follow something like that up. In desperation, Donatello scoured the space with his eyes as his feet were glued to the ground. He’d already stated his case and point on the stones. You saw something in them, or maybe him, that he certainly didn’t.
Then, as if reading his mind, you spoke. “Guess we’ll have to go to the Botanical Garden sometime.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah.” He watched as your rounded a slab of teals and greens. “I expect you to tell me which flower I am.”
He had to wrap a hand around his mouth to keep a confession from slipping out.
Leo's Levity
“An often overlooked aspect is the tightness of the laces.” Donatello wound the string around his fingers and gave it a tug.
“Mhm.” You listened above him from your perch on a bench.
He slipped a hand behind your skate and gave the laces another tug. “It helps keep your ankle straight, a folly that many first timers fail to take into consideration.” Satisfied, he tied the strings. “It’s much safer when there’s no wiggle room.”
“Huh.” Out of the corner of his eye he could see your fingers curl around the bench and squeeze.
Pausing he glanced up from where he was knelt down in front of you, tying your skates. “Rambling?” He wasn’t sure why he dropped the full sentence structure.
“No.” You lips wrinkled. “Your explanation is enlightening, I just…” You clinked your one skate against the ground. “…usually tie my own shoes?”
He blinked at you and then down to your other, yet to be tied, skate. Stiffening, the last few minutes flooded back to him. He’d been so caught up in the euphoria of exposition that the skate rental process sort of flew by. After getting a pair, you took to a bench where he continued on in his account and rounded you unconsciously. He then paired his verbal instructions to physical ones without even asking you if that was alright.
His mouth opened and closed.
He brought his gaze up to you and hoped it translated enough regret.
You giggled as you seemingly connected the dots. “You might as well finish the other one?”
Rigid, he began to twist the undone laces through the hooks. “I apologize. I’d say I don’t know what came over me, but…”
“Just another Donatello surprise.” There was a soothing quality to your voice.
He shook his head and similarly tugged on your shoestrings. “For the record, I am confident in your ability to do this yourself.”
“I wasn’t worried. It’s honestly fine.” You shifted your foot slightly to kick up his attention. “You hear that Donnie’s brain?”
He flicked his eyes up for just a moment as he finished tying off a knot. “He hears you loud and clear. It’s the application of said concepts that I can’t attest to.” He stood and slipped his own skates from where they were threaded across his shoulders.
“Sure, sure.” You clinked your feet together, testing their new outfitting. “I’m sure you can guess what my brain is thinking.” He rounded you to take his own seat on the bench and watched you gesture to his skates as he passed.
“I am beginning to think you’re just jealous you do not have a signature color.” Through a single finger he held up his still knotted purple skates.
“I will neither confirm nor deny.” You made a show of rolling your eyes and continued to admire your laces. “I’m surprised you have your own pair. Do you skate often?”
“No. In fact…” Between untying his laces, Donnie sorted through his mental files. “I don’t believe I’ve ever properly skated. Though, there have been a few makeshift "work" sessions however.”
“Some kind of ice mutant?” You wondered.
“Not specifically, no. More like forethought into environmental manipulation.” No longer putting on a show, he made quick work of suiting up.
“So you bought them just for this? I hope that’s not a waste.” You leaned forward at the thought to get a better glimpse at his skates.
“Made.” He corrected, taking to his feet.
“You made them?!” You bent forward until your chest touched your legs to better study the footwear.
“When you compare that to the price of custom skates that accommodate these feet, you’ll find I made the wiser choice.” He took a few steps forward and turned with an outstretched hand.
“I should have thought of that.” You shook your head and rose up to take his offer.
“Not at all. There’s a reason we all prefer to go barefoot.” With a little tug he pulled you to your feet.
You bounced up and down a few times, testing the thin blade you were balanced on. “Barefoot in New York…”
“There are some things better left unsaid.” He pretended to give you the queasy cold shoulder as he headed to the shoe locker. He found that you kept tether to his hand on the way. Pleased that you were behind him, he let the mushy expression as a result run over his features before tucking it away. To access the lockers, contact was lost, but he didn’t let it get to him. He focused as you both headed over to the rink.
The little inlet approached and he took to the side of it. “Ready?”
You brought prepared fists to your chest. “Rockefeller is going down!”
“The titular brothers are long dead, but I am always for dismantling wealth inequality.” He waved you to go first and watched as you carefully set out on the ice.
He hovered behind and you awkwardly waded into the rotation of skaters. Keeping close to the wall, you seemed stable enough so he slid up beside you. You passed him a glance from where you’d been focusing on your feet. “You’re so stiff.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He lifted one of his skates and in a twist of momentum, used it to turn himself around so he was gliding backwards.
“Your body.” You flapped a hand at him and it shifted your balance. You snuck the flub under a more aggressive thrust, which put you a little pace ahead of him. “You’re like a plank of wood!”
“Hm?” He looked down and found his posture impeccable. “It’s easier to balance when your core is tight and the weight is properly distributed.” He used a similar turn to right himself as the first curve approached.
“I have… so many questions…” Your sentence clipped as you focused on maneuvering the semi-circle.
“I have an adequate amount of answers.” He languidly replied, taking the same curve on a single skate.
“This is seriously the first time you’ve skated!?” You squawked as soon as the straight away resumed.
“Your sarcasm is duly noted.” He chuckled. He was quite enjoying the chance to show off. So far, Leo’s ascertain had been completely wrong too, which happened to be wonderful little bonus.
“Oh, of course.” You seemed to throw your hands up, but caught them from going higher than your shoulders. “You probably trained for years standing on the tips of bamboo poles!”
“Stereotypes are unbecoming.” He mused and outpaced you a bit.
“Did you though?” You called out after him, shuffling in an attempt to catch up.
“Not bamboo per say…” He trailed off.
“But definitely the balance training?” You huffed, finally joining his side once again.
“Do you want me to go into detail about our regimes or would you rather pay me the envious compliment that is skating on the tip of your tongue?” He slowed a bit and bent at the knees to redistribute his weight. Once he was cleared, he used the change to bend forward and brought his face close to yours awaiting a response.
A moment of shock passed over your features first and then a tepid glare. He watched as your lips started to part when a young voice screamed out.
“Watch the flow of traffic, love birds! Gross!” A pre-teen rocketed by, purposefully wedging himself in the tiny space between you and the wall. It caused an inevitable drive-by and immediately threw you off balance.
You floundered, your arms darting out wildly. In his bent position, he couldn’t correct you or himself in time. Your skates rapidly clicked against the ice in search of traction before finally sliding out from under you. Hurtling forward, you grasped frantically until your fingers found the first object they could get a hold of: the flaps of his trapper hat. With your full weight a counterbalance at his neck, Donnie’s reflexes kicked in. He dropped down under the load, shifting it to his feet. With them skating on a blade, he then pushed off and against the wall to keep from an outright collapse.
With the crisis averted, he took a moment to breath before surveying the result. He pulled back to find you nestled between his chest and the wall. You seemed alright, though you weren’t quite at the processing stage as he was. He had a hand gripping the partition on either side of you and, as you blinked off the adrenaline, the intimacy of the position seeped into his skin. Through his thick jacket, he couldn’t feel your warmth, but that didn’t keep his body from imagining it could. Regaining your bearings, you looked up at him with owlish surprise.
“Kids, right?” You spoke, your gaze dropping down just as quickly as you’d found his.
“Yeah.” He responded curtly, pivoting around to find the culprit and not in a pathetic attempt to give you some distance from his person. He found the boy already off ice and being scolded by someone. Smugly satisfied, Donnie turned back to find you hunkered into yourself. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah… My hearts just still racing…” You mumbled, your voice muffled against your jacket.
“Let’s take a break then.” He pushed off the wall.
The smooth ice meant he drifted back incrementally from one of your outstretched hands.
“Yes…?” He was thankful for the cold air on his face as it was a quick tempering solution for his overactive imagination. It almost seemed like you didn’t want him to let go of you. That had to another one of cupid’s tricks.
“W-we haven’t even done a full lap yet!” You were practically buzzing. He watched as you scooted into a turn and pushed off into the flow of skaters.
“You sure you’re alright?” It took him a single stride to catch up.
“Yes! It’s just… scary! It WAS scary, I mean!” You made shorter strides as if you were trying to run away, but it only translated to a treading water motion.
“Gliding is easier and takes less effort.” He offered quietly. Your anxious energy paired with your resistant attitude meant he wasn’t quite sure how to react.
“Would you-!” You started and stopped to give him a passing glance.
He recoiled from the strange look on your face. You then seemingly used that hitch by grabbing the wall and propelling yourself forward in one quick slingshot. He stared after your from as you then took his advice and started making longer strides. Confused and with his own nerves starting to fray, he kept his pace steady. He watched as your gritted form then proceeded to circle the rink, lapping him twice. Each time you passed, he couldn’t quite grab your expression. It took until the third pass for you to finally join his side once again.
The silence between you felt deafening amongst the idle background chatter. 
As another lap ticked by, Donnie could only nervously glance at you out of the corner of his eye. Your face was staunchly out of his view. The looming threat of his first make-up failure resonated on the horizon. As far as he could tell it didn’t seem to be a fault of his own at least. It also wasn’t something he’d stand for, however. He closed his eyes for a moment and practiced a re-centering technique. A calm wave swept over him and his leant himself over to his brain’s processor. It quickly conjured up a hundred or so possible actions. Sorting the data into categories of likely and unlikely to help, he paused when Leos’ suggestion came up. He was about to swipe the offending note to "unlikely' when April’s voice reminded him that he was supposed to be putting his trust into them. Frowning, he came back to the rink and stared you down.
“Let’s race.”
For a moment he wasn’t sure you heard him. Then slowly, you turned to look at him. He took note of your otherwise blank expression. “What?”
“A race; we’ll do a lap around the rink and the winner gets full gloating rights; a much needed release if you will.”
You were again slow to process the information, but you shifted to survey a couple who skated by. “What about them?”
“What about them?” Though his heart wasn’t in it, he put on his best smug smile. “One lap won’t harm anyone.”
“Yeah, but-”
“Probably won’t harm anyone. I suppose that will all depend on whether or not you try to take someone else out again.”
Fire immediately lit in your eyes.
A little bit of innocent chiding wasn’t usually his style in this type of scenario, but Donnie had come to find that a little violent outburst could be a great remedy for a brush with mortality.
“Fine.” You ground out. “Starting line is the entrance.”
“Let’s also put hot cocoa on the line. Loser buys.”
“Doubling down before you’ve even won?” You responded coolly.
“You think you have a chance?” Pushing onto one skate, he did a single twirl.
“Keep it up.” Your voice was still smooth, but your shoulders bunched up.
“It’s coming up.” He pointed, steeling himself. He needed to believably throw the race. Mapping out the rink and its attendants into mental blueprints, he located an older man presumably with his grandson and charted their velocity. Then accounting for his own speed, he marked off an intersection point where he could fake getting hung up by the pair. If he estimated your speed accurately, then it would just cause him to lose. It was foolproof. Parting a final glance to you before hitting the starting line. He found your ever neutral expression unnerving somehow. He tried to brush it off as the last few feet quickly disappeared.
You shot off as soon as the inlet was breeched.
For a split second, he stared dumbfounded at your suddenly Olympic form before his mental alarm bells went off. He dropped his center of gravity and took off after you. Your head start and decisive skating meant he struggled to make headway. He’d almost thought you’d been putting on airs the whole time. That was until you suddenly swung wide in order to avoid the earlier logged old man and grandson. Unequipped for the wide arc, your arms flew out and spiraled as you teetered onto one skate in the sharp momentum. He was about to cut across the rink to help, when the half-moon instead carried you through and back into a straight line.
Staring, he’d lost even more distance. He pushed his legs to their limit, but there just wasn’t enough time to make up all the rink he’d lost. Coming around the second curve, Donnie watched as you hopped right out of the rink at the finish line and took a few awkward steps on dry land. Adjusting, you then quickly spun around and pressed yourself up against the wall just before the door to watch his approach. He forgot to keep his speed when he noticed you’d dropped the indifferent veneer. He snapped back to his board-like stance when a bright smug smile burst out between your cheeks. He drew in close to the wall as he rounded the rink towards you.
“What was that?” He remarked with an accusatory finger as he drew in close. He couldn’t waste time being awestruck. Though he’d honestly lost, he still had a role to play. A shred of your usual self returned and he’d assume any character to keep it that way.
“Vengeance!” You shouted and all but threw yourself over the wall to grab his hand.
His head jerked as you caught hold of him and sharply pulled at an angle. The lack of friction underfoot meant he wasvsuddenly hurtling towards the inlet at an uncontrollable speed. With nary a moment to think, his skates hit the metal separation point and all he could do was force his weight up when they inevitably hooked. You released your hold on him and he, on the tips of his skates, made several clumsy jumps before teetering as his momentum finally slowed. He was just about to blow out a relived puff of air when he felt a finger tap to his shell. It had just enough pressure to cause him to collapse over in a heap.
Snapping up and spinning around in an instantaneous recovery, he found you gloating next to him.
“You’re right. I do feel better.”
You were close enough that he could see it in your eyes as well; you were utterly unencumbered. The feeling was infectious and his own features softened before he grasped what was happening. He only realized he’d let one of his enamoured smiles out when surprise began to steep your featurs. He felt his throat constrict as he forced his lips into a tight line. He was sure you caught the fear in his eyes. He waited for disappointment, but instead you took on what he labeled as compassionate smile.
“I believe you owe me a hot cocoa?”
“Yes. I believe I do.” He mentally blessed the reprieve you’d granted him. He was safe, at least for now.
“Were you really going to make me buy cocoa when you’re supposed to be the one making up?” You held out a hand and he took it.
“I was going to throw the race.” You gave a small tug and he stood.
“What?” You recoiled and released his hand. “That’s terrible!”
He dusted himself off. “Your legitimate victory serendipitous then. You inadvertently saved me from myself.” 
You continued to drill him about his plan as you went back to grab your shoes. He made sure to praise your dodge maneuver as you put them on. The realization that you’d beaten a ninja at something sunk in as you returned your skates. Your glowing excitement ended up warming him up more than the cocoa.
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mrsleepytello · 4 months
The number 1 future Donnie fit hater is back at it again, but because it's pride moth or whatever, I've decided to say something positive about his clothes...
... I uh- I guess it keeps away all the dirt and grime he'd be working with. It also supports everyone thinking that he'd mainly be fixing things on base instead of out fighting with his brothers... maybe there's enough people who can build tech or have enough mystics to keep a base running, that he decided to pursue botany, he did make that giant ass pumpkin in that episode that wasn't made, he could have helped with the food situation.... but if he wasn't out fighting with his brothers that much, did he have to go out into the field while out of practice and died because of that... but if not that, then what could have killed him by the time the movie started.
-Tom (still a hater but it's gay month so can't be too homophobic towards Donatello/j)
... you've been- slightly forgiven i suppose.
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getindumdums · 7 months
You’re not in the competition but you’re getting flowers anyways
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Tello, aka Donatello, Donnie, DonTron, and Othello Von Ryan, was just going to take one look. Just one. They already figured out the coordinates back to his universe. As to be expected with the four of them.
He perked his head through the portal. “Woahhh~!”
In the weird subspace of the competition. Alternate versions of him and his brothers were everywhere. Including what looked like older counterparts. It was mind boggling and it made Tell’s brain run wild.
There were however some turtles he didn’t recognize. But upon closer inspection, he found that he actually did. Maybe the others wouldn’t stand out too much here. Maybe they could all dress up. But then again, he was the best dressed out of any of them.
Yes~. He would be dressed in a fine suite, or maybe go with his more ‘bad boy’ look. Maybe something new. Though however, it looked like he’d have to wait next competition.
A little voice perked up. “Hello!” Tello, startled look down. “You’re not in the competition.” They stated it. Like they knew. They were a small, dark green turtle. One he definitely didn’t recognize.
“…Ugh no.”
“Well! You’re getting flowers anyway!” She was holding glowing flowers. Red, blue, orange and purple. Their colors.
“Oh.” Battle shell arms grabbed the flowers, Tello putting them in a vase his armor also pulled out.
“Thank you.” He was definitely intrigued. As a lover of botany he was captivated by the multi-color bioluminescence.
“By any chance do you have three more batches? 16 total? To be precise.”
Her eyes widened, but she grinned, “Uh-huh!” pulling out more flowers from nowhere. Probably hammer space.
He took those too. “Thank you.”
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shinigami-9000 · 5 months
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝
Salutations! This is Commander Hamato Donatello, of the Hamato-led Resistance. I've finally figured out how to communicate across universes. I'm certain that this genius breakthrough will greatly benefit Earth's people. You're welcome. ----------------------------------------------------
If our paths have never crossed before and you're curious, here's some basic information about me:
> Name(s): Hamato Donatello / Othello von Ryan > Pronouns: He/Him > Gender: FTM trans man > Race: Half mutant spiny softshell turtle/Half Japanese Human > Age: 39 > Favorite Color(s): Take a wild guess > Interests: Tech/Electronic music/Botany nerd ----------------------------------------------------
. Partner: @tobysage-spiritseer . Daughter:@hazy-dazy-resistance-warrior ....................[OOC BELOW].....................
general tags character tags about me (WIP)
Note: If you are interested in joining or interacting as a canon character or an OC, please ask me or one of my friends who run the other RP blogs first, since we have formed an established group and storylines. We just want to be able to keep things organised/lh
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trentsambuccus · 1 month
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Here’s a chibi Donnson while I info dump ‘bout him a bit. My apologies for it being randomly ordered.
Donnson Au name: BM13 Au
Name: Donnson Hamato (BM13 [Bio Matter 13])
From the: ‘bad future’ timeline in ROTTMNT
Son of: Donatello Hamato
Little brother of: S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.
DNA of: 40% Donnie, 10% Raph, 15% Leo, 10% Mikey, 25% (Kraang)
Soft-shelled turtle
Made when Donnie was 23, he was trying to make a weapon to defeat the kraang but got a kid instead.
Mad scientist whom dabbles in tech. Main in chemistry and sub in biology. Uses botany as a hobby.
Slightly feral
Fluent in the turtle, kraang, and English language.
Partner: Casey Jr.
Adhd, Autism, hallucinations, superiority complex, inferiority complex, OCD. Manic disorder, PTSD.
Is closest with his Uncle Leonardo. Feels distant with his father Donatello due to Donnie always being focused on his work.
His dad died when he was 11, three days before his birthday.
Got sent back in time with Casey to stop the apocalypse at age 17.
Acts indifferent, manic, feral, know it all, sarcastic, and obsessive most the time.
Flips out when he finds out about the internet.
Gets stars in his eyes for cool science equipment.
Gender: He/ Him
Japanese American turtle mutant.
Ninpo: takes shape of teal smoke, the smoke can take form of different things.
Only wears turtleneck shirts or button-up shirts with short shorts or baggy cargo pants.
Wears black, dark gray, and dark blue clothes.
Has a lab coat.
Weapons: Chemistry + tech + MARK 23 Heckler & Koch Handgun + long scythe
Edit: (I got more to add brah)
He got the scar on his face while attempting to make a kraang infection cure. He had his gear on but the reaction was delayed so once he took off his gear and banged his fist on the table it exploded. This happened at 16 years old, Leo was there, he flipped out.
Donnson’s kraang DNA slowly and slowly grew more prominent so as he got older he got slightly more feral. Heightening his emotions by a lot. His obsessive, turtle, and violent nature was affected the most. He became especially violent when people were around Casey. Is chill with his Uncle Leo, adores Casey, fucks with his papa, is scared of and obeys April, and is meh around anyone else. Donnson was only able to speak in turtle for some time. Leo was rusty but was able to generally understand and speak with Donnson.
Donnie was helping him find a cure but died before it was finished. Casey was able to make a suppressant using both Donnson's and Donnie’s notes on it. The protective and obsessive nature over Casey stuck along with turtle noises to express emotions. The kraang eye went blind after the suppressant.
Love languages: Donnson giving
Acts of service
Gift giving
Love languages: Donnson receiving
Quality time
Physical touch
There is repetition in here but there is also a lot of new stuff so check it out.
Please ask me questions so I can build this boy up more.🙏
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tmntkiseki · 2 months
Hiii can you pretty please tell me about your tmnt OC's? I absolutely love hearing about people's OC's and a little birdie told me you have some.
fjsfdfjghjgfdhg ask and you shall receive
So I wanna say I actually have quite a few TMNT OCs? But at this point, I've only got three "main" OCs that exist properly within some of the various universes I've conjured up for 2003 (the main differences between them being whether the Ninja Tribunal season as well as Turtles Forever are treated as canon or not)
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First OC is my dear Iseult Lanigera, who probably needs the least amount of introduction just because I already talk about her so much. She's a member of a dying species of aliens known as the Iorans whose homeworld, Andemon, was destroyed by Sh'Okanabo; she was lucky enough to escape thanks to the sacrifice of her older brother, and she was ultimately taken in by the leader of the Inuwashi Gunjin, Shouma, who raised her like a daughter and has given her extensive combat training (the Gunjin have been reminagined as a nomadic species of alien collectively known as the Washi, with the Inuwashi Gunjin being only one of many clans that travel the known universe.) She was originally involved in the mercenary business like her adoptive family, but after an unfortunate encounter with Torbin Zixx that led to her becoming stranded on Earth and meeting the turtles, she's instead chosen to focus on her a certain gardening project of hers that she hasn't had the time for until now.
Personality-wise, Iseult is easily described as serious, independent, selfless, intelligent, and painfully stubborn. While she tends to behave in a very guarded, almost aloof manner around strangers, close friends agree that's she's genuinely a sweet, kind, and empathetic young woman who unfortunately struggles with a lot of personal issues (namely a strong fear of abandonment and difficulty trusting others.) She loves studying botany and is quick to accumulate a vast knowledge of Earth's plant life, and she is also known to dabble in singing and songwriting. Of the four turtles, she ends up becoming closest with Donatello and later develops romantic feelings for him, although they initially encounter some hiccups in their relationship due to Iseult's personal issues and, well, * gestures at all the traumatizing crap the turtles deal with on a regular basis * Her weapon in combat is a pair of strength-enhancing gauntlets and she is the definition of a glass cannon; she hits fast and she hits hard, but is easily thrown around due to her small stature, so much of her battle style revolves around hit-and-run tactics.
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Second on the list is Imai Primavera. In the official "Starverse" lore (I'm not sure what else to call my collection of related TMNT 2003 universes), Venus and Primavera were once a pair of newly orphaned human sisters who were kidnapped by members of a Japanese cult of sorcerers known as the Order of the New Moon. The intent was to turn them into mindless demons completely subservient to the Order's will; however, something happened during the ritual and instead of becoming monstrous demons, they were turned into benevolent turtle yokai. The Ancient One rescued the two girls, but after what happened with Yoshi, Tang Shen, and Mashimi, he couldn't bring himself to raise any more children, so he chose to leave them in the care of his friend, Imai Jun; as his day job, Jun is the head priest of a shrine found deep in a forest in Japan's Gifu Prefecture, but he was a former pupil of Kon of the Ninja Tribunal and is a ninja in his own right. Venus and Primavera spent the next ten years living in near-total solitude until the day came where the shrine was destroyed, Jun was killed, and Primavera was kidnapped by the attackers. Venus subsequently traveled all the way to New York to find her; after the turtles help Venus locate her and rescue her from her captors, the two sisters ultimately end up living with them and are welcomed into Clan Hamato by Splinter.
Age-wise, Primavera is significantly younger than her sister and the other turtles (about four years, so she'd be 13 post-Season 5 if we assume the turtles are 17 by that point.) When compared to the others, she tends to be even quieter than Don and can come off as shy, although that more has to do with her lack of confidence speaking English. (She knows more than she's comfortable using in a conversation, if that makes sense.) When she does speak, though? She's known to have an exceptionally sharp tongue and delivers legendary roasts on a regular basis. It's revealed over time that a lot of Primavera's blunt mannerisms stem from insecurities over her perceived ineptitude at ninjutsu, as well as the belief that she's worthless to the team in a fight. She does start to mellow out with time and becomes a lot sweeter and affectionate with all of the turtles, a change that is especially noteworthy in the case of Michelangelo, as she was initially outright hostile towards him due to jealousy over his natural talent at martial arts. (She even takes to calling him "nii-san," which she initially only reserved for Raph.) As a wielder of the yumi, she specializes in long-range fighting and is noted to be physically the weakest of the turtles due to her smaller size and young age.
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And last but not least, we've got the newest addition to my roster of OCs, P1K4. The entire concept for this little guy is "a robot who will die if it does receive affection," which is sad because look at her! She's adorable!
Anyway, P1K4 is an advanced AI created by an extinct species of alien known as the Sagittans, who were unfortunately wiped out when their own robotic creations went rogue and turned against them. Poor P1K4 was one of the only robots who didn't turn against the Sagittans, as she was specifically created in an effort to avert the predicted singularity event by giving her a need that no other robot on her world had--a need for socialization. P1K4's oval-shaped body contains a micro-generator that activates only when she detects heat signatures from organic beings that she is in physical contact with; energy generation is further amplified when she receives positive acts of affection such as pets and cuddles. Giving her these design features was in the hope that she would develop an empathy for organic beings, which she did, but it ultimately proved too little too late for the Sagittans.
After her creator was killed during the Sagittan Singularity War, P1K4 escaped the Sagittan homeworld via a Triceraton scouting ship that came to survey the situation (good thing too, as the Triceratons proceeded to blow up the planet due to the danger the Sagittan AIs posed.) P1K4 spent the next fifty Earth years hiding among the Triceraton asteroid colonies until she ended up on Earth during the Triceraton invasion, her battery slowly draining because... Well, Triceratons are not all that cuddly and most other species show little to no empathy for robots. She fell into the sewers and spent several months wandering the tunnels until she was finally forced to stop, as she had nearly depleted what remained of her energy stores. Just as she was about to shut down for good, she was found by Donatello and Michelangelo while they were exploring the tunnels. They took her back to the lair, Donatello fixed her up, and she ultimately becomes something of a beloved pet to him the same way Klunk is to Mikey.
Knowing all this, it goes without saying that P1K4's is an incredibly affectionate and social little thing, and is noted to have an almost child-like curiosity of the world around her. Under normal circumstances, she is only able to communicate using a combination of beeps, chirps, and whistles (kinda like R2-D2), although when connected to something like Donatello's laptop, she is able to communicate her thoughts in clear, concise English. It's in these moments that she reveals herself to be a very thoughtful, concerned individual, and admits that she often wonders whether she even has a "soul" as a non-organic being.
Small note: Although P1K4 technically does not have a gender, she does prefer being referred to by feminine pronouns, as her personality was based on her creator's deceased daughter.
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