#dont ask im tired as of writing this
dear diary-slash-tumblr mutuals,
today i learned about the difference between em-dashes and en-dashes. although it's not today i supposed, because i'll be throwing this into the queue. it was very interesting and now i have somewhat an idea of what to do while writng.
love, me.
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nordidia · 3 months
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having a very rough night so raph doodles needed to be made
when in need, mash two interests together
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vanyafresita · 5 months
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after seeing this post by the artist afkeii on instagram, i got inspired to write a poem... and then i drew something to make it into a zine...
the way i feel about romantic love is... complicated... but i've known i'm on the aromantic spectrum for over a year now ! yippiee !
if you'd like to have a physical copy, feel free to [download the print version here] , and check [how to put it together / make a 8-page zine here]
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sheikahwarriork · 8 months
Got a prompt for you
Dimileth Post-Timeskip pre-Gronder unplanned pregnancy
(thank you so much anon, i had so much fun writing this!! hope you enjoy it too :3 <3)
wordcount: 1.2k
“… Fuck indeed”.
Byleth looked up at Mercedes, biting her lips. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!”
Mercedes sighed, visibly worried for her professor. “I think… you should at least tell him, professor. The final choice is entirely yours, of course, but he has to know”. She hesitated. “He needs to know”.
Byleth lowered her gaze. “Sadly, I think you’re right”.
The former mercenary was standing in front of the Cathedral, unable to step inside. She caressed her belly almost unconsciously. ‘You’re not a mistake. I just… I'd rather prefer you not to meet your father when he’s… like that’.
The belly didn’t respond.
Byleth was angry. Furious. She had never felt such rage, not even to Kronya the day Jeralt died. And the worst part? She didn’t even know who exactly this rage was for. Herself? Maybe. Destiny? Not exactly; destiny was Sothis, and Sothis was long gone. Him? Well, yes, of course; but not only. Biology? That one, too. Maybe especially it.
Byleth’s gaze wandered inside the Cathedral, immediately recognizing his figure, standing in front of the old Goddess statue, as he did every single fucking day since they reunited.
Okay, maybe that anger was totally for Dimitri. What did he do, since she woke up, since she found him? Kill, talk to the dead; kill, argue with Byleth; kill; and kiss her. He kissed her. He fucking kissed her. That damn bastard, who once was so afraid of his feelings he even took back his love confession, had the gall to grab her and kiss her like she was water and he was lost in a desert. He kissed her at the worst time possible because she had waited for it for so long, and that wasn’t the right time. She had kissed him back. Byleth missed her Dimitri; missed the sweet prince, missed the caring student, missed her kind friend. She shouldn’t have kissed him back. She should have scolded him, have stepped back. That… that wasn’t her Dimitri. Her lips weren’t for that… not-Dimitri. She should have gone away. She hadn’t, of course, because when Dimitri’s hungry lips captured hers, she felt… desire. Longing. Fire; a burning sensation she thought would kill her instantly. It hadn’t. She indulged in the fire, she lost herself in that fire. She was fire; she had been since the beginning.
Byleth shook her head; it was pointless to think about… that. What is done is done.
She stepped inside the Cathedral; he didn’t turn to her, his shoulders startled slightly, the only sign he noticed her presence.
Oh, the anger was back. Like a tsunami. “Oi, asshole!” Byleth shouted, unable to stop herself. “I have something important to tell you, so at least, look at me”.
Dimitri hesitated for a moment, but apparently something in Byleth’s tone caught his curiosity, since he did turn to her. He just shot her a vague questioning glare.
Byleth sighed. She thought about the advice Mercedes gave her, about what to tell him, how to tell him—
“I’m pregnant”.
It didn’t go exactly as planned.
Dimitri’s eyes widened, the hand holding Areadbhar twitched. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her for forty seconds straight.
“… Who”, he eventually said.
Byleth furrowed. “What?!”
“Who dared touch you”, Dimitri growled, his voice raising in tone.
Byleth blinked a few times. “What the hell do you mean”.
Dimitri was getting closer; he stopped a few inches from Byleth’s face.
“I’ll kill them. I’ll kill whoever dared to touch you, no, whoever dares to even look at you—”
‘Oh… oh heavens, no. He can’t be that dumb, can he?’
“What are you talking about?”
“… The baby’s father, of course”, he hissed, visibly annoyed. “Who is he”. Dimitri looked away, almost as if he was unable to hold her gaze. Almost as if he feared the answer.
‘Oh. He is that dumb’.
“Who do you think he is?” Byleth asked, almost casually. He was going to pay for his dumbness, and she deserved some fun.
Dimitri turned to her, anger in his eyes. “Don’t tease me, you! Tell me who dared touch my—”
“‘Your’ what? Am I yours now?” Byleth interrupted him, folding her arms, holding his gaze.
Dimitri gasped and fell silent. Byleth, still looking him in the eye, grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.
“This is yours. This— is ours”. ‘You dumbass’, she also thought, but decided to keep it to herself.
Dimitri’s eyes went from their joined hands to her face, looking at her in disbelief.
“Keep in mind—I’m not asking you for help or… or opinions. I don’t need them and don’t care about them. I’m just telling you because you have the right to know—”
Byleth stopped talking when Dimitri suddenly dropped to his knees, their joined hands still placed on Byleth’s belly. It took her a few seconds to notice he was sobbing. Desperately sobbing.
“I’m sorry”, Dimitri was mumbling. “I’m so sorry”.
Yes, Byleth was generally angry with him, but she didn’t hate him. Quite the opposite, in fact. That’s why she yielded and took his face in her hands, looking at him. “Why are you apologizing, Dimitri?” she asked softly.
Dimitri startled, as he did every time Byleth called him by his name. He tried to turn away, but Byleth kept holding him, looking him in the eye. “Answer me”, she demanded.
“I…” Dimitri gasped, searching for words. “Your… child… deserves a better father. A better person. All I know how to do is kill… I have to… They… are telling me this is wrong; I do not have the right—”
“Dimitri”, Byleth interrupted firmly. “A soon-to-be-human is growing inside me. A child will be born. I will be their mother, you will be their father. Now, tell me. Who is more important? The long-gone ones, or the coming ones? Who do you want to dedicate your life to? What, who does your life belong to?”
Dimitri’s eyes were shut, tears along his cheeks. “I… want… it to be yours. Both of you”. His eyes opened. “But, tell me, professor... Please, Byleth, tell me... How do I silence their desperate pleas? How do I... How do I save them? Ever since that day nine years ago... I have lived only to avenge the fallen… How could I be a fitting father for a small creature if I can’t even please those that are already here…”
“Those are not here, Dimitri”, Byleth whispered, her forehead touching his. “But I’m here, and they… they will be soon”, she added, bringing his hand back to her belly. “You just need to choose. Not necessarily now. I’ll… wait for you; I’ll always wait for you.” Her vision was blurred. Was she crying too? ‘I miss you, Dimitri. I miss you so much. Please, don’t leave me alone anymore…’
She would wait until the end of time, if needed, to have a glimpse of her Dimitri back. She knew it, and it hurt. Because she was aware she’d never stop loving him. And, sometimes, to love means to wait. And, often, waiting is painful.
Lost in her tears, she didn’t immediately notice Dimitri’s hands softly caressing her cheeks. When she did, she opened her eyes to meet Dimitri’s resolute gaze. “And I’ll always choose you, my beloved.”
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lemedstudent2021 · 1 month
Where should Jews live? Where do they belong? Where do you consider their native land to be? Honest question.
an honest question deserves an honest answer so here ya go:
Anywhere and everywhere. Jews- the followers of the Abrahamic religion Judaism- along with Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Sikhs, Vegans, and literally any human being under the sun have the right to live wherever they please (given certain criteria are met like visas and that it isnt a military station/ off limits area etc).
Yes my dear reader(s) you read that right; ones faith or lack thereof shouldnt be an obstacle in any aspect of ones life, be it medical services, education, job opportunities, so on and so forth. How novel.
That answers where they 'should' live (although I dont by any means impose anything on anyone; y'all do whatever as long as its legal and harms no one including yourself. God bless). Could is more accurate.
As for where they 'belong', this in my opinion is one of the beauties of religion: people from all walks of life can belong to a religion. Diversity lies at the heart of our existence as human beings and denying it is like denying the existence of the sun. Tolerance is a must if we are ever going to get along with each other. And this belonging isn't irrevocabley tied to geography. But I digress :)
Quick aside just so we're all on the same page: converting to a religion renders you just as valid and equal as someone born into a religion. Most if not all religions preach equality between their followers regardless of background, so i wont hear anything of 'oh theyre not real xyz' or 'they dont count' or any of that bs.
By this logic (religious demographics are, generally speaking, very diverse), there is no 'this set of people belong here, and those over there' ...and proof of that in a sense would be atheists/ agnostics; where would they 'belong'? Antarctica? Outer space? alright ill stop XD
If that were the case, most of the planet would be crammed in the Middle East lol [Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon alone are home to 34M (as of 2023), and the followers of the 3 main Abrahamic religions are an estimated 3.4B (as of 2020) globally. We wouldnt fit even if we used one of these]. Yeah nationality/ race/ ethnicity/ background influence and maybe even dictate one's religious identity, but it isn't the all or nothing we may think it to be.
Which brings us nicely to the next point, and here if you'll allow me i'd like to correct it to native land of Judaism (where it originated/ flourished/ spread whatever) as opposed to native land of Jews because as i mentioned above, a religion doesnt (or shouldnt) differentiate nor discriminate between its followers. By restricting them to one geographical location (and for some using it as an indicator of their authenticity) we do them great disservice as well as contradict the teachings themselves. A demonstration:
Im Jordanian right, (dad's maternal side are from bilad al sham; Syria) and im a born Muslim alhamdulillah. My dads Malaysian roommates from his uni days are also born Muslims (and have the best food lol, my all time favourite is lemak cili padi) and seperating us on the basis of them not being Arab or Middle Eastern is unislamic, intolerant, xenophobic, and wrong on every level. Alternatively, im just as Muslim as someone from Mecca or Medina. We're all Muslim. we are the world...
Circling back, Judaism the religion is native to the Holy land (I guess you can say it started in Egypt till it moved there but idk. Regardless), and Jews (adherants of the faith) can't in my humble opinion be fairly categorised as one monolithic unit... just like any and every other faith out there.
Another quick aside; this is merely a tumblr post that cant do the history and culture and intricacies and so much more of this matter a portion of the justice it deserves. I am but a tired medical student answering to the best of my abilities a question I was asked with my limited knowledge in theology and perspective in general, so do me a favour and keep that in mind. And to anyone reading this if you have questions or corrections or resources or anything you want to mention be my guest :)
If you're still here, I'm both grateful and amused. Here's what you probably came for, the piece de resistance if you will: 🍉israel🍉
Disclaimer: thanks for reading this far, but if you disagree in any way shape or form with any of the 30 human rights articles, you may as well stop reading and put your device through the shredder. Bigots, racists, fascists, anti vaxxers etc. dni
So far ive seen this idea, call it what you will, two times (which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened to me twice consecutively), that claims the freedom of Palestine equals a genocide of the Jews.
Er, no? No ma'am. One does not solve a genocide by comitting another genocide. What part of 'never again' are we missing here?
Before we get into politcal nominations and factions and other territories i dont plan on invading (pun intended) but might accidentally cross anyway (I forgot where i was going with this) i want to remind everyone that Judaism is not synonymous with Israel nor zionism (if u disagree with this go ahead and shred ur device too).
A refresher: Judaism is a religion, Israel is an illegal-occupying-apartheid-state, and Zionism is a movement/ ideology
So 'genocide of the Jews' is both wrong (diction) and more wrong (factually incorrect) in that the liberation of Palestine means freedom from oppression, discrimination, settler colonialism... the whole nine yards. Enough bloodshed already its been nearly 76 years.
When Netenyahu is eventually drop kicked out of office (and hopefully hung, drawn, and quartered for his plentiful warcrimes) what happens to the (illegal) citizens of Israel? Well first off, return the stolen homes and land to their rightful owners who have the keys (and documents if they werent tampered with or erased) to prove it.
As for the illegal-under-international-law settlements and new also illegal establishments; I have no idea what international laws will decree (not that I have that much faith in the judiciary system), but I assume they will be seized and evicted of the illegal tenants (how you like me now?) and given to those who have been displaced or homes ruined etc. because its theirs and theirs alone and it was unlawfully and cruelly taken away from them and not because the (remaining lol) former Israeli citizens can't or shouldn't live in palestine. they can go live somewhere where its legal. the priority is Palestinians tho.
What about the indigenous everyone else? As long as their houses aren't stolen or illegal they can should stay because its legal and its theirs and thats that. you cannot kick someone out of their home to give it to another (which was the basis of the creation of Israel.) because its ✨i l l e g a l✨
And the people who dont belong so to speak? I think this one's case by case; like I said at the very, very beginning; people have the right to live wherever as long as its legal and ok to do so regardless of faith or background, and no one should be denied their right to live in Palestine as a country like any other, but they certainly must be denied living in homes stolen and given to them because thats, say it with me now, illegal <3
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rouge-the-bat · 8 months
i am. SO fucking tired of ppl trying to make "problematic" fiction out to being the same fucking thing as shit me and other csa survivors have gone through. how do yall not realize how fucking disrespectful it is to have our trauma watered down to be equal to some shit thats literally not even real ????? THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING, ONE HAS AN ACTIVE REAL ABUSER AND REAL VICTIM, ONE IS A FAKE STORY ABOUT FAKE PEOPLE.
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averagegtenjoyer · 24 days
beanstalk anon from before, and you worded it perfectly! those are all the same things i’ve always been obsessed with from that story.
you get the rush of a cruel and terrifying giant, but they have an understandable motivation for their aggression. they’re massive, they’re intimidating, and they’re predisposed to detect and overpower tiny humans just for being smaller than them, with the added hatred of seeing them as intruders and thieves. they know exactly which buttons to push to maximize the fear expressed by their little captives, who are so used to being at the top of the food chain, and relish in the experience of doing so.
it’s a sort of untapped cruelty that just energizes me. i’m shocked it isn’t used more in g/t writing.
YOU UNDERSTAND ME! Even the giants possessions, like the harp and whatever, have it out for them. Something about a giant who is not afraid to grind a man’s bones to make their bread. And the thing about humans being intruders and thieves like YEAH! Its probably all they’ve ever experienced from humans, trying to steal their things. Why wouldn’t they see them as common pests? They’ve come into YOUR home to steal from you and disrespect your space, you know? Its only fair to turn this into an insane game of cat and mouse
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Sorry for not posting much depression is hittin me hard rn
I really wanna make the next part of the comic or some cute doodles or even just answer asks or talk to my moots and reblogg their super cool stuff but everything is so hard for me rn nd i am so very exhausted and thats so frustrating
I wanna have fun with all of you right now but i just cant >:( sanch
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standfucker · 3 months
not gonna lie yall, it feels like all I do is either work or recover from work and it's bumming me out big time
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
hey. immortal fears
on the sideblog
on ao3
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des-fangirl · 2 months
I was wondering which discworld books you have read so far? And what ones are you planning to read next?
I've read Going postal, Making money, Truth and Monstrous Regiment. Also the whole City Watch cycle because Vimes is my bbg and i need to know everything about him-
Then I've read Mort & started Grim reaper but paused it until may because im waiting for a cool edition (the one with pretty illustrations, yes!!) to come out :3
Andd that's all the books I've read so far!! I think 13 is like. A lot considering i started near the end of January? Girl what's with the rush no one's gonna take them away from you😭
My plans for now areee finish rereading Mort, then I'm not sure but i think I'll read Good omens while waiting for Grim reaper or start Moving pictures! Because i wanna end with the industrial revolution cycle >:] (well, almost, since i have 1 Moist book left). I actually tried reading it already but the beginning looked weird to mee i didn't understand much(( i think i just wasn't ready at the time, it actually happens with lots of my favourite things - i start them, think they're boring/hard/etc and leave them for some time, then come back later and fixate on them & go absolutely wild😭😭 pshahs
Also after that Luca's post i think i want to start Tiffany's cycle..i know it's kind of part of witch cycle, but i really hope you don't need to read it before reading her books😔 im not interested in witches yet aaa
Actually now that i think about it i don't have much choice? If i dont wanna read witches yet and cant continue reading Death's books, all i have left is Moving pictures or Tiffany. Yes there are wizzards and i like rincewind already but uhh the books im interested (unseen academics....) are in the veery end of the cycle😔😔 idk I'll get to rincie later wait for me my wet meow meow
ANYWAY!!! AAA thank you for an excuse to ramble about books aaa i love talking about orders of reading and my own thoughts and plans nrnwmrm<]]
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dishsaop · 3 months
does anyone have recommendations for fictional media that has like. actual lesbians in it. not like supergirl Two White Skinny Girls, One Blonde and One Brunette Kiss media, or "its implied lesbianism!!!" but just regular fucking lesbians
#i say lesbians but i guess i mean sapphic#im just like. tired of gnawing#and of men also. sorry men in my life i love you but on god if i have to pretend one more man is butch just to get#content that isnt m/m or m/f im going to turn into a horse and run into the wilderness until im saved from the glue factory by a plucky#young woman except instead of letting her have her formative summer where she trains me and bonds w me and wins a competition w me#im going to commit horse suicide in front of her & change her life forever. just because im so tired of bland CW-marketable women kissing &#digging for scraps in a refuse bin while brushing aside 7002993829292929939292929399394 gay and het romances#m text#i will also take nonfictional lesbians if its like a story#not to be whiny on main but one of the hardest hurdles i had to jump wasnt realizing i was a lesbian. i came out to myself and to friends a#lesbian multiple times. but i would always walk it back when a friend would express doubt or a male friend would ask me out#bc i dont and especially then didnt know very many lesbians in person. and so i had to turn to examples#and all i fucking had were fictional women who liked men. or fictional lesbians who were so cleaned and sanitized and prettified#(you all know what i mean right. the 2 skinny white girls one blonde one brunette. im not crazy right)#and i would be like. i dont feel things when i look at these fictional lesbians so i guess i belong back here#(this is also bc my gender ended up being fuckier than i realized but shhhhh)#I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THESE TAGS but theyre too long and im lost.#anyway the point is if people werent so fucking weird abt fictional or onscreen lesbians maybe thered be a lot more people comfortable bein#out as lesbian#like sorry but this awful ouroboros of 'all lesbians onscreen have to be cute and sanitized' meaning that people write and believe wlw has#to be cute and pure and sanitized (OR a 'badge of honor' bc good for u u doodled two women together or had it as a background in ur fic)#meaning that therefore all portrayals of lesbianism continue to be like this. is just#and im also gonna be honest theres probably a lot of good sapphic media im just in the wrong circles to have stumbled into lol. so#yknow. personal viewer bias here#but i still like swing wildly between overly brandishing my dykeness as a badge to feel like im proving im lesbian#and like. backing up under a blanket bc i dont wanna be weird or annoying or freak people out#but if people just Saw Normal Ass Lesbians. aough.#im going to watch revolutionary girl utena one of these days even if i struggled w the writing style the first few episodes#I JUST WANNA SEE AN OLD BUTCH ONSCREEN GET SOME PUSSY.#like it also doesnt help im mostly femme4butch so seeing 2 femmes on screen is like. okay cool so what. but only femmes are 'marketable'
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arkiwii · 8 months
Congrats for Silence! I weird idea came into my mind, I haven’t finished Lone Trail so it’s a crack idea, Ifrit shaving/cutting/burning Kristen’s tail fur. Kristen for once actually passed out so Ifrit just removes her fur from her tail because why not. It was so random that I had to share it with people
thank!! i love my owl so much i grab her with sheer force
that's a fun idea! i don't think it would be canon because I'm not sure Ifrit even knows Kristen, or who she is, and even less that she's the one who made her what she is (Ifrit is still, really oblivious about the fact she was an experiment, she seems to have a hard time connecting the dots, and even more that it's Rhine Lab who did it to her, and not just Haydn) and adding to this Ifrit would NOT intentionally hurt someone for fun, even if its just a prank. like in Lone Trail, she even saved the two DOD agents she fought, that's how of a good daughter she is
but i think she dog should be mistreated. i think we should push her in water. she should get soppy and stink like smelly wet dog
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Hiiii I just found your account and I'm not sure if you are still taking prompts or not but perhaps a little Peter one if you are?
Stephen and Tony as his daddies with their respective jobs (doctor and ceo.) so essentially Peter is being a bit of a naughty little and gets into something that only caregivers should really ever have maybe medication or alcohol, so his daddies of course start panicking and yelling at Peter about how dangerous it is.. idk maybe some angst too thanks
Stupid Daddies. Stupid!
Peter isn’t a baby! He can be good. He can sit quietly in the office while his Daddy is in a video call. Besides, he loves sitting under the desk and drawing, pretending he is in a secret cave. Then the people on the video call wouldn’t even see him. He’d be quiet as a mouse.
But, no. Daddy had told Peter to go play in his room and then they would have lunch together after. It was nice of Daddy to leave apple slices on the kitchen counter, in case Peter got hungry, but that’s not what he wants. He wants to be in the office, with Daddy. Now Daddy is sat in the office, alone, and the door is closed.
Peter huffs. Grown ups and their stupid things. Or… maybe if Peter can show he can do grown up things, then he will get to be a grown up too. And grown ups sit in offices!
The Little gets up from his sulking spot under the kitchen island. In the living room, there is a big glass cabinet. There are loads of glass bottles with different colours and shapes. Some have been opened, while others are still full. Peter calls it «grown up juice», because that is what Dada called it once, and then laughed. Peter asked for a taste, and Dada had said no, very sternly.
Peter is not supposed to know where the key to the cabinet is, but he does. It is on top of it, so all Peter needs is his stool from the kitchen. The Little brings it over, huffing a little as he sets it down. He finds the key and after a little struggle, he gets the door open.
If only Peter hadn’t been so caught up with the cabinet and the fancy bottles, maybe he would have registered the sound of the office door opening.
The poor Little almost falls down from his stool when he suddenly startles.
“Peter Benjamin! What do you think you are doing?”
part 2?
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saeshiraw · 10 months
tired girl hours i’m just ranting bcos i don’t have enough time to cry
#tw rant#studying med is no joke. ik it was gonna be a commitment n that it wasnt gonna be easy n i thought i was prepared but im not#its my passion. i love what im studying and ive dedicated myself to this path but i just. its so hard n i just want to cry. everyday feels#so tiring. morning to night classes. when i get home i have to read 4 chapters MINIMUM n the books are so thick + exams almost everyday#i feel worse knowing there’s this 1 girl in my friend group that cant decide whether she likes me or not. one moment shes complimenting me#n asking where i get my outfits or my nails done or my earrings or whatever then praising me that i probably study the least out of everyone#yet still reach high student rankings but its not that im lazy im just so exhausted n its hard to have motivation... lowkey envy how my#friends study minimum 4 hours a day. we’re all tired n sleep deprived. even taking 30mins to eat makes me feel guilty. cant even watch 1 ep#of an anime bcos ill be thinking about the amount of work to do. and i have sm plans. i wanna be more active and have a healthier lifestyle#but i cant find it in me to wake up every 5am to go to the gym when i just wanna get as much sleep when im lucky to finish my studies today#i also dont see my bestest friends everyday anymore. some of us move to diff unis or some in diff majors. i just miss them so bad it hurts#and i miss the girl i used to be when i still had time and energy to indulge in my hobbies. i miss playing genshin and writing fics#just when i got back to writing and enjoyed it LOVED IT i had to go back to uni. i feel terribly lonely even when im always with people#im afraid ill completely lose grasp of the little things that make me happy bcos the weight of my responsibilities are heavier#im afraid ill be too focused on success again like i was when i was 17 and forget that its okay to relax too but idk#and i wanna meet more people make more friends have new experiences. i wanna feel alive again. and theres sm i wanna talk to or get to know#but im so afraid of people hurting me or disappointing me or people getting to know me only for the friendships to fail or we’ll dislike eac#h other. i wanna date and fall in love again and experience the romance my peers have. i wanna have someone to call my own person but the fe#ar of having someone only to lose them someday scares the hell outta me. im not ready for another heartbreak so i isolate myself and watch#people from afar. uni gives me sm freedom to do everything else and form my own identity but i dont wanna be Perceived. I wanna be heard and#seen n connect with people. but w my curreny state idt i can handle being vulnerable with others. it feels so lonely that the things i want#are out of my rrach but idt i can manage my time to meet new people and make new memories. i console myself by shopping a lot and going to#spas to relax yet i still find it hard to sleep. im afraid im wasting my time. im not as brave as i used to be. im not as efficient as i was#i get older and more tired and while i never questioned if studying med was the path i want i do question what will happen next#“is this all im ever going to be?” im good at what i do but day by day i lose sight of tje girl who knew how to laugh n smile. ik what makes#me happy but i rarely smile genuinely anymore. im so tired and want to sleep for a long time but i dont wanna fail. i dont wanna be NOT good#but it makes me cry when i know i can do many great things but i dont feel loved. people compliment me but dont approach me bcos they say im#intimidating or that im too quiet in class. i wish i could tell them i wanna join their parties too or i wanna meet their friends n hangout#but what if it doesnt work out? what if i wasted my time getting to know someone id eventually regret? what if im the disappointing one?#the days are getting shorter but it always feels like a long day. im ashamed to admit i want someone to hold me yet refuse to have anyone
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poisonouspastels · 7 months
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#i figured this would be better suited for a separate post continuing from here#I've had people get angry at me for giving Steve a proper strongman build - thus making him fat and muscular in the process#ive gotten people mad at me for making him his direct colorpicked skin tone. got told I made him ''the wrong color'' for it#got called slurs#got told i need to just ''take a joke'' when im getting right fully angry at people telling me im wrong for making his AU design that way#been quite literally told our art looks ''ugly as hell'' when people ran out of bigoted arguments#its all just getting really hard and really tiring to keep doing what i love when everyone is vocal about hating it#and very few people are vocal about liking it#i do art for me dont get me wrong. and people have been supportive.#but i cant help but wonder if anyone would have even cared about the mega ref at all if it hadn't been surrounded by people full of hate#its just hard to stay motivated and put my all into something that's gotten so much backlash for stupid reasons you know#i've been putting so much love into my work surrounding this AU lately. my writing and my art. for over the past year now#i try not to ask anything in return other than for people to just pay attention to it at all. give it a reblog#but the one time we have something out of it become popular its because people are stupid and bigoted#i dont care about numbers this isnt about that. i just care about returning the passion i put into the world.#if anyone wants to send anything my way feel free. i could use it#sorry for venting
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