#dont ask me who i hate 😭😭
skitskatdacat63 · 13 days
Tysm for the tags @fernando-jpg and @rubywritten !!!!
F1 Asks:
Who is your favorite driver?
Fernando and Seb! They come as a pair. Do not seperate :)
Do you have any other favorite drivers?
Yep! But mostly retired drivers </3 I love Mark and Jense! And then for current drivers, I like Oscar, and Max a bit as well(I can't help but feel loyal to him bcs he was my first fav)
Who is your least favorite driver?
I dislike being a hater on main but....#3 and #4. Also tbh I feel neutral to dislike about most current drivers, other than my 3 guys, so!
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I'm mostly driver motivated, I think I'd follow Fernando anywhere, and probably Oscar too. I like and support teams as well but mostly just because my guy is there! It's like, I love Aston, right? They support Fernando, they're willing to do so much for him, they love him, the vibe is really good. But if he decided to blow up Aston tomorrow, I'd be like "I'm right there with you!!"
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
+ HOWEVER! I am an RBR devotee. Like it's not even that much about the drivers, I like Max a lot, but I think I'll always keep my eye on RBR as long as I'm into F1. I just love the history of the team and their vibe. My fav team of all time will always be RBR 2009-2013, just so special to me 🥹 Not that I was actually around for it but, the way they evolved from a team that was mostly there to bring fun to the paddock to one of the most successful teams of all time, as well as being a fucking energy drink company in a sport full of car companies, is just so cool and inspiring to me. And I love the red bull golden boys so much(Seb and Max beloveds!!!) And I also have an addiction to red bull....But I got into them first so I have a special connection, even if I don't root for them all the time. Them and their aesthetic makes me happy :) they are F1 to me :)
How long have you been into F1
Probably over a year and half by now? I wish I could say I've been into it longer but unfortunately I am an American shjfkgkg
What got you into F1?
I've mentioned this several times before but. I read some oneshot in my prev fandom that was an F1 AU. And I was just like, enthralled. The first time I read it, I had to keep looking up stuff, and I kept going back to it. And then I went on the author's blog, and saw they talked about DTS and how to get into F1. So I tried watching DTS and it was alright I guess. But there happened to be an actual race that same weekend, so I tuned in, and was so into it!! Ah man there's nothing like that first race tbh. I knew only one driver, Max, and I rooted so hard for him and he won 🥹 it was just fun back then not knowing enough to be stressed and having pure focus on one guy. I'm happy where I'm at now, but that first race was cool :,)
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
Yes of course >:) I think I probably looked at the ao3 page for F1 before even watching my first race actually, it's very habitual for me when joining a fandom. I draw rpf and write my own AU lore stuff, and meta and all that. And I think I check the ao3 page at least once a day 😭 its an essential part of my fandom experience
How do you view new fans?
Hmmmm sometimes I feel like an old person, even though I haven't even been here that long. I think F1 has such a learning curve and barrier to entry compared to most fandoms. Like you have to learn so much about racing and the drivers as well until you feel like you actually have a good grasp imo. So I guess it's weird for me to see new fans bcs im like, oh god was I like that back then 😭 I'm happy to see new fans ofc!! But it's also like, good luck on your learning journey 🫡
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I am not a good leader, I think we'd crash and burn if I took over a team 😭 they'd be like "Catie! What should we do???" and I'd have a nervous breakdown. Go back in time to be TP for McLaren and be like, be careful who you invite to your garage at the Miami gp LMFAO
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
Yes! My brother was into F1 before me(what a bastard for not getting me into it earlier.) Which is hilarious though because I pay for the F1TV account that he leeches off of. Like, damn who's the real F1 fan 🥱 I got my dad into it last season, and it was a very gradual process. He's a huge Fernando fan though, which is really fun, and sometimes he's much more positive abt the sport than me hahaha. He likes Fernando bcs they're both old men, and getting to see Fernando succeed last year is what pulled him into the sport. Some of my irl friends know of F1 but I don't think they watch all the races.
Are you open to talking to other fans/friends?
Of course!!!!! I am always desperate to talk to new people, feel free to hit me up always :D I will talk about anything F1, Fernando, Seb, Vettonso, etc related whenever :) I remember I got an ask a while ago last yr that's like "are you open to being friends/mutuals w strangers." It's like, um, yeah??? Its a lot of fun to be on here, I love making connections
Hmmmm ive seen a lot of people do this already so don't mind if I tag you and you've done it already aahh. But I will tag @suzuki-ecstar @sansebastinae @boisinnot @astronomical-light @thatdemonbish
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fure-dcmk · 1 month
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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josephtrohman · 1 month
what’s wrong with fobtwt? i don’t use twitter lol
putting this under a break so as to not subject everyone to this also be warned i’m a little out of it with the triple whammy sick/on cough medicine/just wrote an exam but
the main thing rn is this trend of people taking to their main to expose other users for their interpersonal issues rather than having a conversation about it directly. like idk maybe try dming someone before you post about it for ur 1k followers when it’s nobody’s business except for you and them? obviously something that is actually a concern to others is different but someone not liking you is not a cancellable offence. relatedly ppl have been leaking private tweets left right and center 😭 also less prominent rn but still of note there’s a weird trend of people being so dehumanizing/fetishistic towards patrick’s size which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, saying things like “joe is frotting with that fat man” or “i need the fat one” which is like. do you hear yourself??? he has a name?????????? he’s not just his body or any one adjective about him??? you fucking weirdo???? my feelings on the word fat are complex and i don’t agree with some takes ive seen regarding this discourse on twt but it doesn’t matter if you think that fat is a perfectly neutral descriptor or if you think it’s the worst insult someone could use, it’s just a fact that it’s kind of fucking weird to reduce someone to their body size (especially with the quote where the person referred to joe by name but patrick by his size)
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quillkiller · 9 months
cannot believe ”dating” includes having to share bits and pieces of yourself. absolutely sick and twisted
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ljuerlav · 17 days
how do you ask your roommate to leave surfaces generally in a clean and working order. not even talking about clutter but like oil and grime and shit
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Kingdom Hearts isn't that complicated
lol here's my no context tl;dr of kh. It'll be very vague, rambly, and impossible to understand which basically defeats the whole point of this but it seemed funny to me to try as like a crack post since i havent posted much in a while:
So basically, sora and riku are best friends. They care very much about each other and u mustt understand this to understand why tf anything else happens in this universe.
In the first game, sora and riku are separated by the evil forces of Darkness. Sora goes on a whole adventure to find Riku, except Riku falls to darkness on the way and betrays sora. In the end tho, they make up and reunite. Except in the fight to contain the Darkness, sora and riku end up separated again.
In the next gaem, sora is yet again looking for riku since they were separated in the first game. The Bad Guys lure sora into their Evil Lair by implying/telling sora that riku is there. Except riku isn't, sora falls for the trap, and gets "put to sleep" as a result.
The story continues on riku's end, who is now on his own quest to "wake" sora from his "sleep". Except a few of the Bad Guys are absorbing sora's power while he's asleep, so riku has to deal with them in order to wake sora up.
We're now at kh2, when sora wakes up, presumably thanks to riku. Except they're still separated, so sora goes on another adventure to find riku. They eventually reunite and defeat the leader of the Bad Guys from before, and they can go home, roll credits, in peace, yes?
No. Because the guy they just killed wasnt actually the Final Boss, and so now sora and riku train and take a pacer test that will give them a Special Ability that will help them defeat the Final Boss (if they pass). They're supposed to be taking the test together, but mysteriously, sora and riku are separated at the beginning of the test. But even separated, they manage to work together to finish it.
Except, towards the end of the test, the Final Boss reveals himself, and reveals that he's put sora under a spell, basically, and so now, sora's "asleep". (Yes, again.) Riku (and friends) get rid of the Final Boss (for now), and riku completes his test by "waking sora up". So now riku has completed and passed his test, and therefore gains that one Special Ability that will help him defeat the Final Boss. But sora had succumbed to the sleep spell, and did not pass, and therefore does not gain the Special Ability.
So in kh3, sora goes on another adventure to gain the Special Ability, while riku uses his to enter a Dark World to search for a lost party member. Yes, they're essentially Separated Again, until sora can get the Special Ability. But nothing seems to work, until riku runs into trouble in the Dark World and sora's determination to save riku grants him the Special Ability. They reunite, find the lost party member, yada yada, until the time comes to finally face the Final Boss. And sora defeats him not by using the Special Ability but, by just. Talking it out. I guess. Lol
So the Final Boss is taken care of, the world is at peace, and sora and riku can go home, roll credits, in peace, yes?
No. Because actually, before sora defeated the Final Boss, the Final Boss kinda maybe sorta killed e v e r y o n e . And so! Sora went back in time, and used the Special Ability to bring his friends back to life. And then defeated the Final Boss as not-explained earlier. And because sora misused his Special Ability that way— he dies! Dies.
So that's it? No, because surely sora isn't truly gone, he's probably just "asleep" as fucking always, and so riku goes looking for him. Wow, role reversal.
Except, sora kinda maybe sorta is dead. But where do anime disney boys go when they die? Apparently they end up in some alternate universe purgatory until their fate is decided by disney execs.
But how would riku ever even think to look for sora in some parallel universe purgatory? Thing is, he runs into someone who's from the parallel universe purgatory, or at least the world it's based in, and she leads riku to that world. Where riku continues looking for sora, presumably to wake him up for the tenth time. Who tf knows what sora's doing tbh. It's hard to tell from the trailer lmao
Lol so that was my kh tl;dr. I coulda totally summed this up in one sentence but i settled for summarizing some story beats/plot but with no context. This would probably be better in video form so i could actually use sound bytes instead of capitalizing every overused placeholder term lol
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solojihyo · 11 months
it’s always so awkward when i meet someone my age who likes kpop and they tell me they like ne//wjeans and i have to force myself to stop going on a rant about how young they are and how messed up their management is because otherwise i’m seen as an anti 🥲
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minglana · 5 months
agh fuck i need to apply to an internship😭
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quitetheketch-moved · 2 years
Update Post
Hey guys, just a shorter update on this post with full context but I still do need some help with the move. I've knocked some items off the list - HUGE thank you to everyone who helped - but if I could get a reblog and help spread this further, I'd be so grateful. It hasn't gained much attention outside my mutuals and I really need more help.
Bills have been paid, and pet meds purchased, but I still need to go to the doctor asap as I'm out of meds now, including my heart and psych meds. ($130 for the visit and 90 day supply of meds). I also need food for the next couple of weeks before the move. ($70 for a larger grocery trip)
Paypal * Venmo * Cash * wishlist with food
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
why are they blocking you bro you didn't do anything 😭😭😭
i have actually no clue man like what did i do for about a dozen blogs to block me, including mutuals and friends lol. i would love to know. but also i just wanna make it clear that i dont want anyone asking them, it would make me look like such a creep if they got anons asking them why they blocked me. not that i think any of my followers would do that, but im paranoid so im making that known just in case it does happen. if they havent said anything publicly or in any of the servers, i guess ill just have to keep guessing lmao
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unusualshrimp · 5 months
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vampyrluver · 6 months
I love my brothers so much i want to protect them all wasaaa
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autisticlee · 7 months
the idea of befriending animators and working along with them to pitch ideas or do other work while learning how the animation process works with personal hands-on learning experience by watching passionate friends work and letting me help, and even voice some characters (I've been interested in voice acting my whole life since it's a script and its easier than talking to people irl) is so appealing to me. but making friends is hard. autistic brain goes wrrrrrr. people go ew and back away. don't know how to meet creative people, befriend them, then convince them to let me work with them. most people make a art competition and think i'm trying to use them. or they reject me if they can't use ME. (because i'm a nobody without a following)
since I dont know all the reasons people reject me, ghost me, block me, ignore me, etc. all I can guess is it's because i'm autistic and it's any number of my social issues caused by it. and that really sucks that people will misjudge you, refuse to help, refuse to include you, and prevent you from going anywhere just for being autistic.......
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jrueships · 2 years
wtf fruity litttle giannis... twitter com / Giannis_An34 / status / 1550233366917783554
because i couldn't post the video, i made this instead, hope you enjoy <3
Tumblr media
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Every semester, I feel like my instant thought is always "I am dropping every class. They're all horrible." but by the end usually end up really liking it so I really just need to ignore my first impressions, but god looking at the syllabi really destroys my mental state
#yet i dont remember liking the first class i took for my one major and im not excited for it this time either 😐#even tho ive spent the most time around that prof cumulatively i still dont really think i like him all that much 😭😭😭#my department sucks because theres only 2 profs and the one sucks so bad that she has a 1 star review#and the other prof who i feel lukewarm about goes so far as to tell his students to avoid classes with her#so im really stuck between a rock and a hard place 😭😭😭#i think he just gets on my nerves too easily. and he was on the abroad trip i went on so i do feel like ive gotten closer#but like you know those people who the dynamic feels very one sided with? thats him for me. i think its just a cultural difference tho tbh#but otherwise i think my other classes will be fine :D#just feeling a bit 😧 rn bcs i have to make an introduction vid for my online class and I DONT WANNNAAAAAAAAAAA#also i miss all my profs from my prev semester :<#i think i talked about it on here but ahhhh my one linguistics prof she was so nice#but it haunts me bcs she asked if she could use one of my papers as an example paper in the future#and i was of course very honored....#BUT ALSO THE PAPER I WROTE USED F1 DRIVERS AS EXAMPLES LMAO#so im so glad that the first half of the 2023 season is now just a time capsule in that class#like literally a time capsule where you can exactly tell which era it was bcs i used Nyck as an example 🌚#well anyways wish me luck i hate starting things it's like trying to cram yourself into a new skin or something#and then when youre very pleased and comfortable with it all its then over :(#catie.rambling.txt
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narrators-journal · 11 months
Hello(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) I'm not sure if you write for the Naruto fandom but is it okay if you can make a Naruto Shippuden x F!reader
So some people knew the reader when they were genin and the reader came from this 'clan' when in reality she didn't actually come form this clan, you see she was adopted and into this clan and the reader used to be in suna the village hidden in the sand, that's how she met Gaara her childhood friend they ended duo in bad terms because she saw him kill people, and they were just children back then but then moved into the konaha the village hidden in the leafs, and met Naruto and the others, her and Sasuke were really close but Sasuke saw her as a close friend not in a romantic way just a kinda sister type of friend way, she also likes itachi she told him but that was in the past he rejected her politely and she said she knows she doesn't have feelings for her so, she doesn't have feelings for him now, the reader was supposed to protect Sasuke but no, she left, and she promise she'll never leave his side, but she did... It's interesting because itachi and his mom both know that she promised to protect Sasuke, but what now? She didn't protect the brother of the one she USED to like.
And she was best friends with rock Lee. In her clan they wear kiminos and put white makeup on so they don't actually know how she looks like they've never seen her real face before, she also used a fake name no one knew her real name expect the leader of the clan. So what if years later (when it's Naruto Shippuden) a girl named (readers name) comes and she's really beautiful but they've never seen her before also she comes from a strong powerful clan (it's not the clan she was adopted by no this clan is like another clan her REAL clan, when she dispeared she found her real clan, her adopted clan lives in konoha and are known for their beauty. Which is why the girls cover their beauty by putting on white makeup.) And the reader is very powerful, she changed a lot, but how does she know so much about (adopted clan name) so after she reveals that she was actually (fake name) how would they react, what will happen??🥹
I would like this to be a oneshot, I honestly enjoy your writing but you see I don't know if you know a lot about Naruto Shippuden so if u want to make it a headcanon can u make it about what each characters reaction is and what they think?
Sorry this was SOOO long💀😭 I just wanted to give you a background about the reader so if you do the headcanons then you'll know what to write about, not gonna lie I'm curious to what the characters think😳
Heyo! You have a very neat concept here, but I know almost nothing about Naruto. I have a vague understanding of some later parts, but of the 'big three' I watched bleach, and even then that was YEARS ago.
Regardless, characters and details just aren't something I know enough to write for, and Naruto is too big of a world for me to skim Wikipedia or have it explained. Sorry dude
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