#dopamine fast
sunshinegremlin · 1 year
So I'm addicted to my phone again... And it's even worse than last time. I should try a detox from my phone again but does anyone else have any ideas on how to stop scrolling?? Anyone who experienced a phone addiction and got through it? It's honestly ruining my mental health 😅
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canarycontessa · 1 year
recent changes that have brought me so much joy
1. Routine de-cluttering
One of the biggest mistakes I've made in my semi-minimalist/decluttering "journey" is thinking that I can get rid of everything that doesn't serve all at once.
Which in itself is the product of a whole other, more foundational mistake: thinking that I can know immediately what doesn't serve me and then get rid of it.
With a few exceptions, de-cluttering does not really have to be a massive, intervention-style purge. I've had a much more gentle, yet persistent time with monthly and quarterly unburdening.
Putting things in a bag, out of sight and then revisiting once I realize I never reached for those things once. Emptying out one storage container or a corner of my closet or my bedroom to the point where there's more breathing room, a little bit of absence. And then letting myself adjust to the space, to how it feels to be lightweight and maybe even free.
2. Buying a timed safe + a safety deposit box ... for my devices
Okay here me out:
KitchenSafe makes these great timed safes that you can set for minutes, hours and even days when you want to prohibit your access to something. Generally something that feeds into your bad habits: sweets, snacks, alcohol, overspending ... whatever can fit in the box, you can lock away and free up the mental space you would have ordinarily spend
If it can fit.
I have a chunky Dell laptop, very wide. The biggest timed safe I could find did not accommodate this laptop, not to mention the other things like my smart TV remote, my smartphone, my mp3 player.
This is where the safety deposit box comes in!
My laptop, my smartphone, and my remote all fit inside the deposit box. I use the keys to lock it up. Then the keys go into the smallest timed safe I could find. And now every possible distraction has been neutralized. And y'all ...
The freedom is just incredible. Not to sound overdramatic, but I'm deadass.
Before I tried it, I knew how the basic principle would work in theory: if you try to resist a temptation, you have to commit a lot of precious mental energy to that resistance; conversely, if you just remove the temptation as any kind of viable option, you don't have to deal with the decision fatigue that comes with resistance.
I knew this in theory, but it was all that and so much more in practice. With my TV, my phone and my computer all put out of reach (typically for the 8+ hours of my workday plus the hours of 9:30 pm to 6 am to give my sleep hygiene half a chance), I've begun to embrace a much more present existence. For example:
Focusing more on my workday, improving my productivity and my colleague relations.
Writing in my notebooks again, brainstorming, writing stream-of-consciousness, etc. without running the gauntlet of trying to do it on my laptop where distractions abound
Reading my e-reader and physical books again! This has been the biggest and maybe best shift. Getting to read all the stuff in my library without trying to do it on (you guessed it) my laptop. No more competing noise near me, just me and my book.
Getting back into "single-use" devices, i.e. my e-reader and my mp3 player. I've never been diagnosed with any kind of attention deficit or adhd or anything like that, but I routinely will be using 3 to 4 devices at once for no conceivable reason. Now though, even if I choose to stay plugged in, it feels really good to be on one frequency instead of like 5.
Ordering out less. My Grubhub-ordering had become a bit of a reflex, especially in the mornings. I've gotten into morning meal prep now to give myself a better prepared option. This in addition to my phone being fully out of reach has curbed my fast food and overspending by A LOT
I'm building up the nerve to attempt a true dopamine fast, over a two day weekend up to a whole week.
3. Respecting the enclosure
I'm reading this book on writing (as I often do) and one of the first major tasks in the book is to create your "writing enclosure". Whatever you need your setting to be to produce your best work, to get down to business quickly and comfortably - build it into your enclosure.
I'm in a fluid, shared living situation, so I tend to draft my laptop all over the place. Now instead, I keep my laptop set up, along with my USB keyboard, mouse, and adjustable tray - no more cramped typing! no more stiff neck from looking down! So simple, practically a no-brainer, but its been so effective.
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freemadeinfo · 2 years
384 pages 📖
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balbul · 2 years
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ya-boi-alex · 1 year
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A war is cooking, huh?
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ebbpettier · 3 months
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(Inspired by I bought some deathwish coffee)
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bettertwin1 · 6 months
It’s time!!! :D I have finished my early Christmas gift for you and Donnie!! I might still make an animatic for you guys for Christmas Day, but it could be another drawing instead.
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I hope you enjoy it! It took me at least 3 days (42 hours in total) and I hope you don’t mind me inserting myself into the drawing :)
(also if you want the version w/o the tags, you could ask and I’ll send it to you)
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vimbry · 1 year
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disast3rtransp0rt · 3 months
Sending you rest and relaxation and general soft energy.
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Flapping my arms so hard I eventually defy gravity and fly into ur arms.
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possumnest · 1 year
if ur anything like me and Struggle With The Plague Of Phone Addiction, i have found a very good app for locking apps called screenzen and its FREE and you can 1. limit the amount of times you allow yourself to open an app every day 2. limit How Long you can have that app open and 3. make it so that you have to wait a certain amt of time before the app actually opens which all help me with not mindlessly opening an app any time im bored for more than 10 seconds, and not getting trapped in a scroll vortex!!!! ive found it rly helpful
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clown-femme · 4 months
I kind of resent when other adhd people talk about hyperfocus only because I'm jealous that I don't do that. I WISH I could zero in and stay focused on one task at a time. Can you imagine. I can't even do that with things I like.
That said I am also annoyed when people misuse the term hyperfocus to just mean 'the thing I'm into right now' but that is Beside the point
#i think my Heavy depression makes it hard for me to get the brain chemical response needed for the adhd brain employees to go 'mm yummy'#'more of this please' and make me lock into focus#i think there is a factory between my ears and there are two departments that are at odds#and one is my depression and the other is the adhd#and the depression has halted production of dopamine. it cut funding on serotonin and dopamine because of my life's conga line of misfortune#and the adhd side is like. goddamn we need some dopamine bad. we are going to try to do everything at once to get some. 87 tabs.#14 rps going on at once. three songs stuck in head. click teeth together too.#we are NOT touching a single thing that doesnt help the dopamine machine make more dopamine for us so cut all other activities. work??? well#work is hard. actually most things are hard. and they take too many steps. now i know things like our hobbies Might produce dopamine but#well its not fast enough. and also tooooo many steps. everything too many steps.#sit on couch and 87 tabs just enough steps.#this has to be the case until we can get enough dopamine from anything at all to want to linger on an activity#and then back to depression#where its like. see?? look. we dont do anything and we hate ourselves. we cant make ourselves do things that we like or dislike.#this is why we cant have dopamine or serotonin.#and then i am left on the outside unable to focus on my work or my writing or even on fun things like rp#sorry for wall of tags
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sunlightfeeling · 1 month
brb giving all my worldly possessions to momochan
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coldvampire · 5 months
anyway as soon as i pry myself off this couch im gonna share some screenshots of bg3 protags on my sideblog. just gotta like. reach the desk first.
#all i can think about is the shelves im gonna get installed here over the next little bit fdghj#yall dont understand its so hard to keep things clean and brain friendly when you just dont have anywhere to put stuff.#hellish#& then i get overwhelmed and turn into a massive bitch when i try to get it under control fdgh#instead its been like. 2 straight days of dopamine i fucking swear?? my body probably definitely wouldnt let me do this for a living#(my hip is screamingggg dfghgjj) but actually if i could & if i could work in a team then yeah. ykw i enjoy it.#organization go brrrrrrr#i dont think she was expecting me to work that fast either but ive been like a feral animal. skittering over clutter.#finding Spots for Things#okay i lied the flood was actually beneficial in one way to me specifically.#estranged father just forgot a Bunch of tool sets here & ive claimed them now fdghjk#that nail gun is MINE#she suggested i look out for an actual tool chest/bench thing (ykw the ones with wheels and stuff) for everything and i havent been that#excited for anything in months fdgh tools are expensive alright. too bad he took the table saw.#i dont talk much abt my Masc Hobbies as i call them lmao no real reason to but hoooboy i love to Build Things#give me that ikea desk ill have it done in an hour or less every time#maybe trade school is still on the horizon for me gfhj always wanted to Weld Stuff i think id be good at it#as much as i fuckin loathe yard maintenance i was a real garage sooooo bad its not even funny#shame i wasnt just inherently expected to know car stuff tm i feel like i would have loved it too#scarrier to learn on your own later in life especially with a lease vehicle but ill get there eventually#anyway yeah bg3! new mods. new ocs#have not done much with them yet but they Exist and theyre pretty
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 5 months
you guys wanna make more locked tomb animatics pspsps i have so many song suggestions
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wanna… wanna come with me to commit some or. no.
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