#dorcas gets barty and evan while regulus gets pandora btw
lienspien · 5 months
Stupid thing but like imagine Dorcas and Regulus arguing over something and Barty just turns to the camera like:
"oh no, mom and dad are fighting"
Evan then looks at the camera too: "soon we'll know how it feels to be a child of divorced parents.. I'm going with mommy cas"
Pandora: "No, I'm going with mommy cas, you both can stay with Father Regulus"
Barty: "I don't wanna go with Father Regulus, he's abusive" He makes like a fake tear
Regulus hears, glares at them and just be like: "better I pay attention to you than your real dad who doesnt"
All hell then breaks loose
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katakosmos · 2 months
i love your evan SO MUCH. in my mind he’s become his own fun little destructive entity and i need him. badly. i do fear he may be a gym bro…which brings me to my question. what are the gang doing at the olympics (basically, which of them is stephen and which of them is the muffin man. and why.) LOVE!
thank you 🥰 i love my evan too 🥰 probably cause i know he could destroy me 🥰
(yes he'd be a gym bro)
btw. there are too many sports in the olympics for me to even remotely know what they consist of, so i won't get into things that are too strange (and so i don't know if i'll be able to give all the characters a sport 😭)
james for me is a world pole vault champion. i think the reason he loves quidditch is because he loves flying, not kicking a ball into three circles. so no football for him. in a fic that i started writing (but, obviously, never finished) lily and james met on an athletics field cause lily practiced hammer throw. in a domestic context, james would reach high shelves while lily assembles furniture and lifts the sofa when james loses something underneath it. they go to the olympics together and kiss from the stands.
(honorable mention to that french guy who knocked over the pole with his dick. james coded.)
sirius fencing makes sense, and he's so good at it that you can't take your eyes off him. sirius' fencing is a declaration of love, it hypnotizes you, it moves you. it's not an equal fight: there's no chance, he has to win because he brings fencing to a poetic and emotional level. he plays a whole different sport
...but i think he'd hate sweating under his mask and getting his hair greasy. LMAO.
peter fits in rugby but personally i think he would slay in a gymnastics competition: he does perfect floor routines. before a competition he needs silence and concentration, so he side-eyes anyone who speaks to him. he's so scary that everyone's afraid of him.
dorcas practices martial arts, and i can see her doing kung fu, which is very choreographic and acrobatic. but unfortunately, kung fu is not in the olympics and therefore... she would probably do gymnastics too. but mhmmmmm, it's not really her vibe.
mary runs. no questions and no explanations. and she wins the gold medal with thick eyelashes and a 5cm long set of nails. she can also run on heels. this woman is not to be underestimated.
barty is a shooter. and he absolutely loves to terrify people by saying he has a gun. he's precise, he has a lot of fun and he thinks his professional glasses are very, very cool. buttt, when he doesn't have a clear advantage he gets angry and starts losing, so he never won a medal. he's famous for his little smirk every time he hits the bullseye, and people think he's very hot.
marlene would either do the best known sport in the world (football) or the most unknown one (underwater hockey). so let's put them together: water polo. if i'm honest though marlene doesn't have a personality in my head so i don't know 😭
pandora maybe diving? she's very good at it but she always comes second behind the chinese athlete, and this makes her furious. she smiles at her friendly when in reality she wants to drown her.
now remus, regulus and evan... but i think regulus would compete in figure ice skating (he is very graceful but also sharp and fast), and evan would be a hockey player (for obvious reasons), but these are winter olympics' sports.
remus on the other hand, i have no idea what sport he could do. i'd love to see him play tennis, but it's too tiring. he wants something messy, fast and where he doesn't have to move too much. if there was a sport like this he'd be world champion, but he's probably still looking for it. for now he has to settle for long jump (james forced him to try but he hates it).
now... i have a personal beef with tiktok because of that american guy like tell me if you hate me ok. but stephen is 100000% xenophilius like: he sleeps for all the competition, completely unaware of what anxiety is, then he wakes up to do just one thing and does it perfectly. this is xeno right here.
but i have no idea which of them could be the muffin man.
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pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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ros3kill3r · 3 months
Slytherin Skittles (+ James and Peter) when Kidnapped
James Potter:
Is screaming for help and to be let go. Is literally panicking like he's abt to die (valid).
Starts beat-boxing from the stress of it all.
Thinks about Reg and how he's doing right now bc the kidnapper told him that he isn't the only person kidnapped that he knows.
Starts rapping and the kidnapper(s) are crying to themselves bc they're stuck with this thing.
Is always wailing and sobbing and not shutting his mouth to the point where the kidnapper decides to let him go bc it's getting annoying.
Peter Pettigrew:
He's the one doing the kidnapping.
He would probably be sobbing quietly, and when told to shut up he would get all angry like, "MAN THE LEAST YOU COULD'VE DONE WAS GIVE ME A SNACK??"
He would end up eating the kidnapper. That's literally the only way he gets out. (no, it's not bc he's overweight, it's bc he actually would.)
James and Sirius are terrified of him, and Remus is concerned when they find out.
Dorcas Meadows:
Is just fucking scary. She’ll just sit there and stare at you with the evilest most darkest most degrading glare in the world.
It feels like your mother is disappointed in you or some shit.
Would sing creepy songs from movies/shows just so the kidnappers would shit their pants.
Eventually there’s silence and they enter the room to see what’s up, and all they get is a stab in the eye from her nails, a rope wrapped around their throat, broken (sharp) chair legs shoved into their legs and arms, and tape slapped against their mouths so they die quietly.
When she stumbles across her friends and shares with them how she escaped, they all cheer her on. (James is crying).
Regulus Black:
He would state the weirdest and most darkest facts known to human kind, and it unsettles the kidnapper.
Would start laughing like a maniac at random moments of his time spent there. This is all his amazing acting, btw.
Demands to know how his friends are and how James is. He uses his tactics to find out their plan and how to get out.
Will start screaming until his voice cracks and breaks off.
The kidnappers can’t take it anymore so they let him go. He kills them with a flick of his wrist.
Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr:
These two mfs would be kidnapped together.
They would roast the absolute shit out of the kidnapper, it would be so bad to the point where they had to leave the room to sob.
Regulus would be proud.
“Bruh..what are those shoes bruh 💀” “man, I ain’t got no clue don’t ask me. They don’t even look like shoes they look like sum Victorian era lookin ass slice of bread 💀” “1, 2, buckle my shoe type shi 🤣”
They’re low key kind of funny and the kidnapper sometimes has to stifle their laughter.
The only way they get out is bc they bully the kidnapper so much to the point where they start hysterically having a mental breakdown and give them a knife so they cut their ropes and leave. (They murder him while making sadistic jokes).
Pandora Rosier:
She would never get kidnapped. No one would dare try it, because they wouldn’t be able to.
Let’s say if she was somehow able to be kidnapped, she would most definitely start humming to herself and dancing in her chair.
The kidnappers would have no problem with this, thinking their plans are going smoothly, until her eyes glaze over and begin to widen, and her body begins to tremble.
She starts to explain their cause of death, when they die, how they die, if they get murdered, how, when, by who? She states their full names, their families full names, their appearance, their family history, etc.
She starts laughing at the end of it like it’s some joke and the kidnappers silently let her go. (She forces them to bow to her, just for shits and giggles.)
When Evan hears this, he kisses her forehead and says, “See, these visions aren’t all that bad, are they?”
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dear-evanrosier · 3 years
👀 / a ship or a character- I’ll give you a headcanon
uhhh, marlene mckinnon? and evan rosier!!
if it's cool to ask for two
yesss ty ty!! do you mind if i add my sexuality and pronouns hcs? well I'm doing it anyway
-lesbian, she/they
-loved to sketch, had all her favorite drawings hung up on her walls
-knew james and Peter since they were kids [grew up together]. They used to sneak into muggle stores and take candy while the other 2 distracted the shopkeep, and would randomly come home with bags of candy that none of their parents knew where it came from
-the only lights she uses are fairy lights or Christmas light. Will literally hiss like a vampire if you turn on their normal bedroom lights
-wears rings and earrings constantly, but the really big chunky ones like phoebe wears in Friends. Shes got a very eccentric style similar to Phoebe's and has no problem with it
-part of the Frog Choir at Hogwarts her last 2 years
-they have a cat named Cup
-she had too many stuffed animals on her bed to count. 90% of it was taken up by them and she had to move them off her bed every night to go to sleep
-dorcas fed this obsession
-dyed the tips of their hair bubblegum pink
-was shockingly good at astronomy even tho she hated it
Evan: (tw for mentions of death btw)
-had huge crushes on Regulus and Barty when they started Hogwarts
-made plans with pandora to open a library + coffee shop after they graduated
-was absolutely terrible at quidditch. could not play to save their life.
-he pretended he just wasnt allowed to play instead of admitting that 3 seconds on a broom was more dangerous to them then a flobberworm
-really really really liked skating. no I dont know why but she def did
-acted like he hated studying but actually really enjoyed it
-used study sessions with Regulus to get him to stop studying or relax, which worked about 60% of the time
-absolutely covered in freckles, as much as (if not more) than Regulus was
-really enjoyed potions class to a worrying degree
-naturally black hair but bleached it maybe a month before he died
-almost killed moody before she was killed first
(Not a evan hc but extends from them)
-Regulus tried to save them, despite it being shockingly obvious she was already dead, and was almost arrested and unmasked before barty apparated them away, leaving Evan's body behind (😭)
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